Table of Contents - Historic Iris Preservation Society

Table of Contents - Historic Iris Preservation Society

Table of Contents - Historic Iris Preservation Society


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#1 June, 1920<br />

The Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es in the United States<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> (AIS) BULLETINS<br />


<strong>Iris</strong> Culture for the Mountain and Plains Region, D. M. Andrews 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Minnesota, W.F. Christman................................ 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es on the Pacific Coast, Mrs. Jennett Dean ................. 8<br />

Culture in Illinois, William, A. Peterson.......................... 9<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in California, Carl Purdy......................... ............... 10<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Massachusetts, Grace Sturtevant 12<br />

Adventures with American <strong>Iris</strong>es, Louise Beebee Wilder 13<br />

Various Notes on Culture ................................................. 15<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Charter Members................................ ................ 23<br />

Index ........... .................................................................... 30

#2 January, 1921<br />

Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es Past and Present<br />

The Development <strong>of</strong> the Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es in the 19th Century, Ernest H.<br />

Krelage, Haarlem, Holland....................................... 3<br />

Sir Michael Foster and his <strong>Iris</strong>es, Sir Arthur Hort, Newlands, England 15<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ricardi as a Parent, F. Denis, Balaruc, France......... 25<br />

Present Favorites and Future Prospects, Sidney B. Mitchell, Berkeley, Calif 27<br />

Notes from my Hybridization Records, Grace Sturtevant, Massachusetts 28<br />

Garden Effects, R. S. Sturtevant..................................... 30<br />

Australian Notes, G. H. Francis, Melbourne, Victoria... 33<br />

The Effect <strong>of</strong> Quarantine 37, Mrs. Jennett Dean, Moneta, Calif. 34<br />

What we Value in a Variety, R. S. Sturtevant, Massachusetts 35<br />

An Informal Symposium ................................................ 37<br />

Varieties registered in The Flower Grower, August to December 1920, inc1usive 38<br />

Life Members ................................................................. 41<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Members, Additions June 1, 1920 to Jan. 1, 1921 42, 43, 44<br />

Index to Breeders and Varieties Used for Breeding....... 45

#3 June, 1921<br />

Sir Michael Foster<br />

Sir Michael Foster, John C. Wister.................................. 3<br />

Seedlings Raised by Sir Michael Foster.......................... 4<br />

A Letter from Sir Michael Foster to Sereno Watson, 1890 5<br />

The Development <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Iris</strong>, An Interview..................... 7<br />

What Our Gardens Owe to his Work, R.S. Sturtevant .... 12<br />

Letter from W. Caparne................................................... 14<br />

Vilmorin's Orchid-flowered <strong>Iris</strong>es, S. Mottet .................. 17<br />

Visits to <strong>Iris</strong> Nurseries and Gardens, John C. Wister ...... 20<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> as Crude Drug, Helen E. Ricketts ............................. 27<br />

List <strong>of</strong> the Fertility <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties, A. J. Bliss .............. 28<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Members (additional for 1921) ............................ 30

#4 January, 1922<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Checklist (Abbreviated List)<br />

This <strong>Iris</strong> Checklist was originally prepared for inclusion in the Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Standardized Plant<br />

Names, now in preparation by the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature, and<br />

is published in advance with the consent <strong>of</strong> that Committee in order to facilitate its checking and<br />

correction. The great volume <strong>of</strong> the Official Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Standardized Plant Names in which it<br />

will be included is to appear in April, 1922, and will include accurate determinations, both<br />

scientific and "common," <strong>of</strong> all plant material in horticultural commerce in the United States.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> may obtain this volume immediately upon publication at a<br />

favorable reduction in price, through prompt correspondence with the Secretary.

#5 May, 1922<br />

Symposium<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Jury....................................................... 2<br />

Notice to Members .................................... .................... 2<br />

Foreward, John C. Wister.......................... .................... 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Chairman. C.P. Connell............................ 4<br />

Instructions to Jurors ..................................... ................ 5<br />

Introduction .................. ................................................. 6<br />

Alphabetical List <strong>of</strong> all Varieties Rated ......................... 8<br />

Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es arranged in order <strong>of</strong> merit ............... 23<br />

The Relative Value <strong>of</strong> Varieties <strong>of</strong> Similar Coloring, R.S. Sturtevant 28<br />

Intermediate <strong>Iris</strong>es arranged in order <strong>of</strong> merit................ 30<br />

Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es...................................................... 31<br />

Miscellaneous <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................................... 32<br />

Why a Symposium? R.S. Sturtevant ............................. 33

#6 October, 1922<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part I<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>. A Poem, W. H. Bliss ............................................... 3<br />

International Conference at Paris, John C. Wister.......... 4<br />

At the London and Paris Exhibitions, John C. Wister.... 5<br />

Color in the<strong>Iris</strong>Family, J, Marion Shull.......................... 11<br />

Color Standards and Nomenclature, An Explanation, R.S. Sturtevant 12<br />

The Data Card for descriptions....................................... 17<br />

Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part I ..................................... 22<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Varieties described.............................................. 38

#7 January, 1923<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part II<br />

European Visits in 1922, John C. Wister........................ 3<br />

An Appreciation <strong>of</strong> Some American Seedlings, A. J. Bliss 13<br />

On Discarding <strong>Iris</strong>es, W. J. Caparne ...................... :...... 15<br />

Bud Development in <strong>Iris</strong>, J. Marion Shull ..................... 17<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part II...................................... 20<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Varieties described............ ................................. 34<br />

List <strong>of</strong> 1923 Members to February 1st, whose names are not included in the<br />

Membership List........................................................ 35<br />

A fnrther Acknowledgement to our generous 1922 members 36<br />

Varieties Registered in the Flower Grower ................... 37<br />

Our Bulletins, their prices and contents.......................... 39

#8 October, 1923<br />

Alphabetical <strong>Iris</strong> Checklist<br />

Reprinted without change <strong>of</strong> page numbers from "Standardized Plant Names" by permission <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature, Harlan P. Kersey, Secretary, Salem,<br />


#9 October, 1923<br />

William Mohr<br />

William Mohr and his work, Sydney B. Mitchell 3<br />

Notes on Hybridization from letters <strong>of</strong> William Mohr... 8<br />

Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong>es, with lists <strong>of</strong> recommended varieties from M. Hoog, R. W.<br />

Wallace, and others<br />

Spanish <strong>Iris</strong>es and English <strong>Iris</strong>es 10<br />

Dutch <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................... .. 15<br />

The Dutch <strong>Iris</strong> in California, Orpet ........... ............. 17<br />

Odd Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong>es, R. S. Sturtevant....................... 18<br />

By-Paths Among the <strong>Iris</strong>es, Mrs. E. P. McKinney......... 22<br />

Descriptions <strong>of</strong> varieties, Part III.................................... 25<br />

List <strong>of</strong> varieties described................. ......... ................... 43

#10 January, 1924<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es for the Amateur<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Family and its Native Representatives... ........... 3<br />

Practical Points, R.S. Sturtevant.................... ................. 5<br />

Sources <strong>of</strong> Information 5; Hints to Purchasers 5<br />

Selected Varieties 6; Diseases and Enemies 12<br />

Abnormal Development........................................... 14<br />

,Use in Ornamental Plantings, L. Philbert Lavenir (a free translation) 15<br />

Varying characteristics <strong>of</strong> Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es ......... ............... 20<br />

Hybridization, R. S. Sturtevant......................... .............. 24<br />

Growing the Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, Marion Shull ......................... 30<br />

Field Culture, Mm. Bretin et Abrial ..................... .......... 32<br />

On Sowing <strong>Iris</strong> Seed, J. Marion Shull ............................. 34<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Garden.......................................................... 36<br />

Symposium <strong>of</strong> 1917-1918 Introductions, Clarence P. Connell 40<br />

The Work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>................................................ 42<br />

Cornell <strong>Iris</strong> Test Gardens, Austin W. W. Sand ............. 43<br />

N. Y. Botanical Test Garden ............ .............................. 45<br />

Tid-Bits, from various members....... .......... ................... 46<br />

Announcements ........................................... ................... 48<br />

General Index to all Bulletins...................... ................... 50

#11 May, 1924<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es, A Review............ ............. ................... 3<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Garden ................................... 9<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hybrids, W. R Dykes ................................................ 17<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Sibirica and its Relatives, W. R. Dykes (From The Garden) 22<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es. ............................... (From The Garden, 1881) 25<br />

The Introduction and Hybridization <strong>of</strong> Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es. Extracts from the<br />

artic1e by M. F. Laplace .......................................... 28<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong>es from the Commercial Growers Point <strong>of</strong> View. W. F. Engle 29<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Borer, Mrs. E. P. McKinney (From Horticulture) 31<br />

Tid-Bits 4th...................................................................... 33

#12 October, 1924<br />

Notes and Descriptions, Part IV<br />

The1924 lris Season, John C. Wister.............................. 4<br />

Hunting for Rare-bits. Ethel Anson S. Pickham............. 11<br />

1924 Observations, Frank W. Campbell ........................ 13<br />

Forcing the Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, F1'tlllk W. Campbell .......... 14<br />

A Handbook <strong>of</strong> Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es, Review by John C. Wister 15<br />

Descriptions. Part IV ...................................................... 18<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits, 1924, R.S. Sturtevant .................................... 34

#13 December, 1924<br />

In Memoriam, Frank H. Presby<br />

A Classification <strong>of</strong> Garden I rises<br />

Memories <strong>of</strong> Frank H. Presby, R. S. Sturtevant ........... 5<br />

Some <strong>Historic</strong>al Notes on Classification........................ 7<br />

A Classification <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es.................. ............... 8<br />

Lavender, self............................................................. 9<br />

Lavender bicolor (neglecta)........................................ 15<br />

Yellow, self................. .............................................. 18<br />

Yellow plicata............................................................. 19<br />

Yellow bicolor (variegata).......................................... 19<br />

Blended, self ........... ....................................... .......... 21<br />

Blended plicata .......................................................... 23<br />

Blended bicolor.......................................................... 23<br />

White, self..... ............................................................ 26<br />

White plicata.,............................................................ 27<br />

White bicolor(amoena) ....................... ...................... 28<br />

Tid-Bits........................................................................... 29

#14 January, 1925<br />

Bertrand H. Farr....... ...................................................... 3<br />

In Appreciation......................................... ..................... 7<br />

Bertrand Farr and Peonies, A. P. Saunders..................... 9<br />

Visits to Wyomissing, John C. Wister............................ 12<br />

"Farr’s Seedling <strong>Iris</strong>es", R. S. Sturtevant ....................... 16<br />

The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, History and Reports, 1920-1925 19<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer and Comparative Statement 1920-1924 32-33<br />

Constitution <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ...................... 34<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Nomenclature................ ................................... 35<br />

Official Standards <strong>of</strong> Registrations............ .................... 36<br />

Official White List.......................................................... 40<br />

Official Black List ........... .............................................. 42<br />

1924 Introductions and Registrations............................. 43<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Bibliography, E.A.S. Peckham............... 51<br />

1924 Bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Literature, Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham.. 52<br />

Impressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es Seen Abroad in June, 1924, Mrs. Silas B. Waters 59<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Calendar for California (1924) E. O. James....... 65<br />

ANNOUNCEMENTS .................................................... 66<br />

Officers, 1925 ............................................ .................... 68

#15 April, 1925<br />

Some <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the Future. Sydney B. B. Mitchell, Calif. 3<br />

True Judgment and False. B. Y. Morrison, D. C. .......... 6<br />

Why Concentrate on Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es? Sherman R. Duffy, Ill. 8<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Calendar for Texas. Mrs.J. W. Larned .............. 11<br />

The Resistance o£ Protoplasm. Dr. W. McL. Ayres, Ohio 12<br />

The New York Test Garden. E.A.S. Peckham ............... 13<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Contributors ................................................... 14<br />

Record <strong>of</strong> Plantings in Alphabetical Garden ....... 15<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Project at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Dr. George M. Reed. 22<br />

The Show Garden at New Rochelle, N. Y...................... 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits, 1924 (Part II). R. S. Sturtevant, Mass........... 26<br />

Tid-Bits 7 th ...................................................................... 31<br />

Exhibition Announcements, etc. .................................... 37<br />

Officers, 1925 ................................................................. 37<br />

What we <strong>of</strong>fer our members ................. ,........................ 38<br />

$100.00 <strong>of</strong>fered for the Best <strong>Iris</strong> by Robert Wayman .... 40

#16 July, 1925<br />

A Report on Sterility in <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Louise A. Cover, Marjorie R. Swabey, & A.B. Stout

#17 October, 1925<br />

]apanese <strong>Iris</strong>es, B. Miyazawa, Japan ............................... 3<br />

White <strong>Iris</strong>es, F. Denis, France ....................... ................. 6<br />

Some <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> Herault, W.R. Dykes, England ................ 10<br />

Tid-Bits 9 th ....................................................................... 12<br />

1925 Notes.................................................................. 13<br />

From Frank W. Campbell, Michigan ....................... 16<br />

From J.C. Wister ...................................................... 18<br />

From E.O. James, California.................................... 22<br />

From Sherman R. Duffy, Illinois ............................. 22<br />

Odd Notes from various sources.............................. 24<br />

Notes on Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es ................... ..................... 26<br />

Convenient Planting for the Nursery and Show Garden 27<br />

Black List Discussion .............................. ....................... 29<br />

On Policies ......................................... ....................... 30<br />

On <strong>Iris</strong> Troubles and Practices ................................... 36<br />

Brevities. ................................................. ....................... 37<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Mrs. Marion Cran, H.S. Jackson, Indiana ................. 39<br />

Suggestions From and To Members.................. ............. 40

#18 January, 1926<br />

Les <strong>Iris</strong> dans les Jardins, Henri Correvon. A Review and Extracts 3<br />

1925Activities. Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Directors, Annual Meeting 5<br />

Officers 1920-1926 7<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, Oct. 30, 1925............................. 9<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President .... ........ ......................... ............ 9<br />

(On page 12. lines 3 and 4, read Jan. 1. 1926, instead <strong>of</strong> Nov. 1. 1925.)<br />

1925 Exhibitions.............................................................. 12<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Trial Gardens.<br />

New York Botanical Garden, Mrs. W.H. Peckham .. 15<br />

Springfield, Mass., Charles M. Ladd............................... 17<br />

NewRochelle, Mrs. W.H. Peckham........................... 17<br />

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, George M. Reed ............. 18<br />

Display Garden Policy and Authorized Forms <strong>of</strong> Agreement 20<br />

Cincinnati Section, By-Laws and Meeting...................... 24<br />

1925 Bibliography, Mrs. W.H. Peckham ........................ 26<br />

Behavior <strong>of</strong> lris Foliage in Winter, David Petrie, Idaho.. 31<br />

1925 Introductions and Registrations (with corrections from 1924) 32<br />

Tid-Bits, 10th, Edited by Sherman R. Duffy................... 37<br />

The Right Spirit. A Letter from a Member...................... 41<br />

Symposium ............. ........................................................ 41<br />

Brevities........................................................... ............... 44<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Trials at Wisley ......................................................... 46<br />

Annual Meeting ............................................................... 47<br />

NOTICE........................................................................... 48

#19 April, 1926<br />

W. R. DYKES<br />

W. R. Dykes, M. A., L-es-L.<br />

Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Royal Horticultural <strong>Society</strong> ............ 3<br />

R.W. Wallace............. ............................................... 4<br />

A.J. Bliss .................................................................... 5<br />

P. Murrell ................................................................... 6<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Excursion. W.R. Dykes ...................................... 7<br />

A Dalmatian <strong>Iris</strong> Hunt, W.R. Dykes............................... 10<br />

The Juno <strong>Iris</strong>es. W.R. Dykes ......................................... 16<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es for the Rock Garden, W.R. Dykes ........................ 20<br />

Introductions From the Garden <strong>of</strong> Mr. Dykes ................ 23<br />

Writings <strong>of</strong> the Late W. R. Dykes on <strong>Iris</strong>es.................... 27<br />

Various Notes ..................................... ........................... 32<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, 1925......................................... 34<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Financial Conditions, Dec. 31,1925.......... 35<br />

Fertility Records ............................................................. 36<br />

Field Day Suggestions............................... ........... ........ 38<br />

Exhibition Announcements ............................................ 38

#20 July, 1926<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>of</strong> Gerard's Herball, B. Y. Morrison ................. 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Combinations, Mrs. E.A.S. Peckham....................... 9<br />

Problems in <strong>Iris</strong> Development, J. Marion Shull ............. 10<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Exhibitions, 1926, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires .................. .. 16<br />

Tid-Bits, 11th, Sherman Duffy, Ill ................................. 23

#21 October, 1926<br />

Sterility in Apogon and Pogon iris, F. B. Moore, A. B. Stout 3<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es Studied.<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es Record for Hand Pollinations.<br />

Miscellaneous Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es.<br />

Results with Japanese.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the Best Hearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, G. L. Pilkington . 20<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Flavissima, Pallas, A Resume by B. Y. Morrison, K.A. Ugrinski 25<br />

Planting an <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, George Dillistone ................... 33<br />

Tid-Bits 12th, Sherman R. Duffy ................................... 35

#22 January, 1927<br />

Exhibition Policy and :Management 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President, 1926 ................................... 18<br />

Activities during 1926 23<br />

Annual Meetings....................................................... 26<br />

Report from the Trial Garden, R. S. Sturtevant........ 28<br />

1926 Bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Literature, E. A. S. Peckham 32<br />

A Report on Sterility in 65 Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, Robert A. Greene<br />

and A. B. Stout ........................................... ........ 40<br />

1926 Introductions and Registrations (with corrections) 44<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> versicolor in Northern Ontario, Edgar Anderson 47<br />

Brevities, Dykes Memorial Fund ................................ 48<br />

Membership List. 1926 additions ......................... ..... 52<br />

Carrying Quality in <strong>Iris</strong>es, R. S. Sturtevant........... ..... 57<br />

Notice .................................................................. ........ 59<br />

Officers 1927. Annual Meeting 60

#23 April, 1927<br />

Dedicated to the Memory <strong>of</strong> Arthur Hoyt Scott<br />

Arthur Hoyt Scott ............................................... ........... 3<br />

In Memoriam, J. C. Wister ........................ .................... 4<br />

Rose Valley, R. S. Sturtevant ............................. ........... 5<br />

The Future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding, Sydney B. Mitchell 8<br />

Is Scientific Research Necessary? A. E. Walter 13<br />

From a letter to J. C. Wister. A. E. Waller 17<br />

Test Garden Reports and Needs.<br />

New York Botanical Garden. E. A. S. Peckham ....... 22<br />

Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es.......................................... ........... 23<br />

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Dr. George M. Reed....... 24<br />

Display Garden at New Rochelle ............................. 25<br />

Missouri Botanical Garden........................... ........... 26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Susiana. Frederick Bauer (Translated by B. Y. Morrison) 32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the Regelia and Oncocyclus Groups. E. Nussbaumer<br />

(Translated by B. Y. Morrison)........... ........... ........ 34<br />

Everblooming <strong>Iris</strong>es. M. Denis (Translated by S. B. Mitchell) 37<br />

Our Bulletins..................................... ................. ........... 38<br />

To Read or Not-to-read. R. S. Sturtevant ........... ........... 41<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows, 1927 ................................................. ........... 43<br />

Notice .................................................................. ........... 45<br />

Annual Meeting ................................ ........ 45<br />

Special Notice................................................................. 47

#24 July, 1927<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> --- Honors to Mr. Wister ..................................................... 3<br />

European <strong>Iris</strong> Notes - 1927, F. Cleveland Morgan 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Exhibitions - 1927. Mrs. J. Edgar Hires, Chairman 11<br />

Ashland, Va., Belvidere, Ill., Berkeley, Calif., Chestnut Hill, Mass., Columbus, Ohio,<br />

Freeport, Ill., Goodland, Ind., Harrisburg, Pa., Indianola, Ia., Lynchburg, Va., Montchanin,<br />

Del., New Rochelle, N. Y., Omaha, Neb., Oskaloosa, Ia., Redfields, Calif.,<br />

Richmond, Va., Sioux City, Ia., Washington, D. C., Yardville, N. J., York, Pa.<br />

Reglio-cyclus <strong>Iris</strong>es in Canada. W. E. Saunders .......... 27<br />

To Read or Not-to-Read ......................................... 28<br />

Tid-Bits 13 th .................................................................... 30<br />

Notice ................. ................................................. .......... 41<br />

Officers 1927 ....................................................... .......... 42

#25 October, 1927<br />

On Early Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

On Early Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es. R. S. Sturtevant .............................. 3<br />

Species <strong>of</strong> the Early Flowering Section. W. J. Caparne 6<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Hybrid Alpine <strong>Iris</strong> sold by the <strong>Iris</strong> Plant and Bulb Co.<br />

W. J. Caparne 7<br />

Old <strong>Iris</strong> Names; Duplications and Needed Search. A. H. Wright 9<br />

The Stately <strong>Iris</strong>-An Ornament to any Garden. Frances Duncan 24<br />

Tid-Bits 14 th ............................ ...................... ................. 27<br />

Notes from E. O. James, Calif................. ................. 27<br />

The Chemical Acceleration <strong>of</strong> Flowering ........ ........ 32<br />

From Mrs. Joyce, Kenya Colony............................... 33<br />

From Mrs. Minnie E. Black, Illinois .............................. 33<br />

From Joseph Oertz, Belgium........................................... 33<br />

From Miss L. Hetzer, Massachusetts 34

#26 January, 1928<br />

1927 REPORTS<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President. J. C. Wister ......... ..................... 3<br />

Charter and By-laws .. ............................... ..................... 7<br />

Officers-Regional Policy ........................... ..... ............... 15<br />

Activities during 1927 ............ .................. ..... ............... 16<br />

Annual Meeting ...................... .................. ..................... 18<br />

Science Series No.1<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Borer. Harry F. Dietz.......................... 20<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Borer. J. Marion Shull .......... ..................... 25<br />

1927 Studies Donald T. Ries ................... ..................... 28<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Questionnaire................................... .... .......... 29<br />

1927 Bibliography Mrs. W. H. Peckham ............ .......... 34<br />

Impressions and Comparisons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es in California Gardens.<br />

Dr. Wylie McL. Ayres............................................... 45<br />

1927 Introduction and Registrations..................... .......... 50<br />

Awards.. ................................. ........................................ 53<br />

Tid-Bits 15th.<br />

From Mr. George Yeld, England ...................... 54<br />

From Mr. Blauvelt, N. Y........................... ............... 56<br />

From Dr. Ringueberg, N. Y. ........................................... 57<br />

From Countess Giulio Senni, Italy .................................. 60<br />

Annual Meeting-Preliminary Notice .............. ................ 65<br />

Notice to <strong>Iris</strong> Breeders.......................................... .......... 66<br />

Information and Seed Exchange...................................... 67<br />

Notice ................... ...................................... .................... 67<br />

Officers ................................................................... ........ 69

#27 April, 1928<br />

Garden Reports<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Roll-call, J. Marion Shull ................................... 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Test Gardens, E. A. S. Peckham, Chairman... 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es at Cornell ........................................................ 10<br />

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, George M. Reed ............ 16<br />

New York Botanical Garden .................................... 20<br />

Donors to Gardens.............................. ..................... 22<br />

Some Eastern <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Sydney B. Mitchell ............ 23<br />

Science Series No.2.<br />

Breeding Experiments, Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout 31<br />

Writings <strong>of</strong> Sir Michael Foster - Bibliography, Ethel Anson S. Peckham 50<br />

Range in <strong>Iris</strong> Prices, Compiled by H. C. Skeels............. 52<br />

To-Read or Not-to-Read.......................................... 56<br />

Brevities............................... ............................ ............. 58<br />

Farr Memorial.............................. ............ ..................... 59<br />

Annual Meeting ................................. ..................... 60<br />

1928 Field Days in Vicinity <strong>of</strong> New York City.............. 61<br />

Exhibitions for 1928 ................................. .............. 62<br />

Bulletins............................... ............................ ............. 63

#28 July, 1928<br />

Symposium<br />

Why a Symposium, John C. Wister..... .......................... 5<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Jurors Voting............................ .......................... 8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Symposium.Compiled by C. P. Connell .... ............. 9<br />

Comment by Color, R. S. Sturtevant..................... ........ 30<br />

The Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, George M. Reed ............................... 40<br />

Garden Pictures, R. S. Sturtevant .................................. 51<br />

San Francisco.................................................................. 60<br />

A Timely Suggestion....................... .............................. 61<br />

Introductions and Registrations...................................... 62

#29 0ctober, 1928<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es!-And After? Ella Porter McKinney....................... 3<br />

Garden Pictures, 2.................................. R. S. Sturtevant 8<br />

1928 Exhibitions.......................................... Thura Hires 15<br />

Jaunting with the Judges.Ethel Anson S. Peckham........ 21<br />

Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part V........... R. S. Sturtevant 28<br />

Index to Varieties Described. ................ R. S. Sturtevant 39<br />

Science Series No.3.<br />

Chromosomes in <strong>Iris</strong> Species. ............A. E. Longley 43<br />

Root Growth in <strong>Iris</strong>...........................J. Marion Shull 56<br />

Tid-bits 16th. Edited by the Editor.<br />

Double Celeste......................................... ....... 60<br />

Cold Storage. John E. Hill............................... ........ 60<br />

European Notes: Countess Senni........................ 61<br />

Mrs. Lucius Hitchcock......................................... 63<br />

Joseph Aerts......................................................... 65<br />

Saskatchewan.C. F. Patterson................................... 65<br />

Idaho. David C. Petrie .............................................. 65<br />

Kansas. J. R. McLeland............................................ 66<br />

Experimental Gardens at Cornell ............................. 66

#30 January, 1929<br />

Officers, 1929 ................................................................. 2<br />

The Making <strong>of</strong> the Seal. B. Y. Morrison ....................... 4<br />

Some <strong>Iris</strong> Connotations. Mary Judson Averett .............. 6<br />

Sidelights on <strong>Iris</strong> Behavior. ................... J. Marion Shull 12<br />

Garden Pictures 3. A Wee Garden.......R. S. Sturtevant 15<br />

Fan Memorial Library. ...Richardson Wright, Chairman 18<br />

CHECK LIST-Subscription List Open........................... 22<br />

1928 REPORTS. From the President, J. C. Wister 23<br />

From Regional Vice-presidents, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith, Lowell Mass.;<br />

Mr. J. Howard Judson, Omaha, Neb. ................... 25<br />

From Test Garden Committee, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham, Chairman; New York<br />

Botanical Garden; Cornell <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens; Brooklyn Botanic Garden; Missouri<br />

Botanical Garden; Morton Arboretum; Iowa State College at Ames; University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Minnesota; University ...............<strong>of</strong> Saskatchewan 28<br />

From Display Garden Committee, Mrs. Brewster B. Hoornbeek, Chairman;<br />

New Rochelle, Larchmont, and Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Stonington, Conn.;<br />

Durham, N. H.; Amherst, Cambridge, Haverhill, and Springfield, Mass.;<br />

New Brunswick and Orange, N. J.; Belleville, III,; Goodland, Ind.;<br />

Topeka, Kansas; Lincoln, Neb.; Duluth, Minn.; Milwaukee, Wis.;<br />

Goldsboro, N. C.; Columbia, .................................S. C. 40<br />

From Committee on Exchange <strong>of</strong> Rare Species, B. Y. Morrison, Chairman 44<br />

From Committee on Lantern Slides, Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Chairman 45<br />

1928 ACTIVITIES. ...................................... Annual Meeting 47<br />

Directors Meetings; Publications; Awards; Exhibitions; Research 49<br />

Catalogues <strong>of</strong> the Year. .........................R. S. Sturtevant 57<br />

Symposium Comments John E. Hill, J. Marion Shull... 60<br />

Tid-Bits 17th. English Awards and Notes; Moraea iridioides; <strong>Iris</strong> Watti;<br />

South Australia; <strong>Iris</strong> Borer; Belgium 62<br />

In Memoriam, "Sam" Burchfield, November 14, 1928 68<br />

To-Read or Not-to-Read. <strong>Iris</strong>es by F. F. Rockwell; The Problem <strong>of</strong><br />

Species in Northern Blue Flags by Edgar Anderson; Current Articles 68<br />

Notice ................................... ..................................... 71

#31 April, 1929<br />

Officers, 1929 ....................................................... ......... 2<br />

Judging the Judges. Franklin B. Mead ....................... 3<br />

Science Series, No.4.<br />

Breeding Work at the New York Botanical Garden.<br />

Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout...................... 11<br />

1928 <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding Scholarship. Katie C. Kilpatrick and A. B. Stout 20<br />

Outline <strong>of</strong> 1929 Breeding Work.A. B. Stout ....... 29<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>. Ethel Anson S. Peckham ............................. 29<br />

Symposium Votes as an Index <strong>of</strong> Popularity. E. N. S. Ringueberg M.D. 32<br />

"No-Man's-Klatter." A Valentine to the Editor ............. 36<br />

Garden Pictures, 4. A Bordered Path.. R. S. Sturtevant 38<br />

1928 Bibliography. ..................Ethel Anson S. Peckham 41<br />

Tid-bits 18th. <strong>Iris</strong> tectorum - The <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> - Writings <strong>of</strong> W. R. Dykes-<br />

I. prismatica; Belgium - Notes from Massachusetts and Illinois - July Prospects 50<br />

To-Read or Not-to-Read. Addisonia, March, 1929; Current Articles 55<br />

Check List, Subscriptions Open ..................................... 56<br />

Notice. Annual Meeting-Test Gardens-Publications ...... 59

#32 July. 1929<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Officers, 1929 . ....... .... ........... ..... ............. .. .. 2<br />

100 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es, More or Less. George M. Reed 4<br />

The Significance <strong>of</strong> Japanese Names for <strong>Iris</strong>. Agnes L. Reed. 13<br />

Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es-Ratings. ..................Chas. E. F. Gersdorff 21<br />

Planting <strong>Iris</strong>es in the South. Willa Griffin Largent, Texas 23<br />

Science Series, No.5. Donald T. Ries, Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Borer ........................................................ 27<br />

Verbena Bud Moth .............................. ........... 39<br />

1928 Notes <strong>Iris</strong>es, Beardless and Otherwise. J. R. McLeland, Kansas 47<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong>es at Freeport. Sherman R. Duffy ..................... 53<br />

Tid-Bits 19th. Notes on Ratings; <strong>Iris</strong> reticulata; I. sindjarensis 59<br />

Check List................................ ......... ......... ... .. ........... 65<br />

Notice. Test Gardens – Registrations – Publications ... 65

#33 October, 1929<br />

Officers, 1929 . ............................................... ..... ......... 2<br />

Science Series No.5. Dr. A. B. Stout....................... 3<br />

High Spots <strong>of</strong> an Eastern Trip. Howard Weed, Oregon 17<br />

Notes on the Symposium. "Digby Legard" .................... 22<br />

1929 Exhibitions. Mrs. J. Edgar Hires............................ 23<br />

Des Moines, Iowa; Duluth, Minn.; Great Barrington, Mass.; Lynchburg, Va.;<br />

Omaha, Neb.; Providence, R. I.; St. Paul, Minn.; Boston, Mass.; Chattanooga,<br />

Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn. C. P. Connell.<br />

A Few Lovely <strong>Iris</strong>es ... ................................................... 28<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Abroad. In Rome Countess Senni....................... 34<br />

In England. Mrs. John T. Love ...................... ...... 35<br />

Display Garden at Birmingham, Ala. C. P. Connell 38<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Border in Kansas City. Mrs. Massey Holmes ... 40<br />

To-Read or Not-to-Read....................... ......................... 42<br />

Tid-Bits 20th. Errata; Exhibiting; Score Card; King Alfred's Jewel; Notes f<br />

rom Messrs, Mead, Meyer, and Schreiner; <strong>Iris</strong> at Hillcrest 43<br />

Notice. Test Gardens – Publications 53

#34 January, 1930<br />



James Boyd 1858-1929 ........... .............................. ........ 2<br />

In Appreciation. Pr<strong>of</strong>. A. P. Saunders ........................... 5<br />

Robert Sturtevant .......................... ............... 7<br />

1929 Report <strong>of</strong> the President. John C. Wister ...... ......... 9<br />

1929 Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer Richardson Wright ......... 13<br />

An Additional Thought from the Treasurer........... 15<br />

Ithaca Meeting ............. ..... ........................................ 17<br />

1929 Activities Awards ....................... ................ ......... 17<br />

The Wild Garden with emphasis on new American species. R. S. Sturtevant 19<br />

Lean Back and have a Flower Show. .................... Ethel Anson S. Peckham 31<br />

1929 Introductions................... ....................................... 36<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Nomenclature. Repr. from Bulletin 18, Jan. 1925 42<br />

1929 Registrations ...................................................... 43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Akin. R. S. Sturtevant ........................... ............... 52<br />

NOTES: <strong>Iris</strong> Expedition; English <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Annual Meeting 57<br />

1930 Annual Meeting ..................................................... 57<br />

Notice: Test Gardens - Publications ................ ............... 59

#35 Apri1, 1930<br />


Officers 1930 ......... ........................................... .. .......... 2<br />

Test Gardens, 1929. Mrs. W. H. Peckham . .................... 3<br />

Display Gardens, 1929. Mrs. Brewster Hoornbeek......... 8<br />

Confessions <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Lover. Mrs. Douglas Pattison..... 14<br />

Bibliography, 1929. Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham 21<br />

Science Series, No. 7 .................................................. 31<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> Troubles. B. O. Dodge & Marjorie E. Smith 31<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Behaviour. J. Marion Shull 40<br />

Tid-Bits 21st. Notes from Mrs. Hires; from Mrs. Clutton; <strong>Iris</strong>es in Cold<br />

Storage by J. Sass; Forcing Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong>es; Edited by the Holland<br />

Growers Association 43<br />

Notice--Test Gardens -- Publications ................ ............. 52

#36 July, 1930<br />

Officers .................................... ................................. 2<br />

Samuel W. Burchfield, 1870-1928............................ 4<br />

In Appreciation..................................................... 5<br />

E. B. Williamson, Mrs. Azro Fellows, R. V. Ashley, Thura Traux<br />

Hires, Harvey Whipple, Albert E. Green.. .......... 7<br />

Burchfield Introductions 1923-1927 ......................... 11<br />

Seraphin Mottet, his Work and Writings................... 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits in Southern California. Grace Sturtevant 15<br />

With Mr. Bliss and Dominion. Wylie McL. Ayres .. 20<br />

"<strong>Iris</strong> Fine."Sherman, L. Duffy ................................... 26<br />

Seen in Passing. ................................ Thura Truax Hires 36<br />

Symposium Notes. E. N. S. Ringueberg, M.D. 47<br />

Columbus <strong>Iris</strong> Show. E. H. Bretschneider 51<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong>-Clump Pan. E. H. Bretschneider....................... 54<br />

Flags is Flags 55<br />

Tid-Bits 24th. In Houston, Texas; In Washington, D. C.; Chicago Show;<br />

From Tokyo, Japan.................................... ............... 56

#37 October, 1930<br />


Officers .............. ....... ............................................... 2<br />

Jacob Sass and Wambliska................. ...................... 3<br />

Adventures <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Hunter R. M. Cooley .................. 4<br />

Visit to France Ge<strong>of</strong>frey L. Pilkington........................... 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits (Northen California). Grace Sturtevant.......... 21<br />

Exhibitions-1930. Boston, Bridgeport, Duluth, Freeport; Highland Park,<br />

Ill.; Redlands, San Bernandino, Springfield, Mo.; Washington, D. C. Thura<br />

Truax Hires...................................................................... 27<br />

Regional Reports: California, Texas, Colorado, Minnesota 34<br />

Roman Notes. Countess Giulio Senni ............................. 41<br />

A. Renwick Blauvelt........................................................ 45<br />

Farr Memorial Library Reservations ............................... 46<br />

From New York...................... ........................................ 46<br />

Tid-bits 25th. Fall Bloom; Handy-kinks; the Sass Seedlings; Planting;<br />

Combinations; A Leavenworth Garden; Descriptions; <strong>Iris</strong> Borer; <strong>Iris</strong> Roll-Call etc.<br />

S. H. Duffy, Editor . ................................................ 47<br />

Score Card ....................................................................... 58

#38 July, 1930<br />

Intermediates. Comments by the Brothers Sass and Sherman Duffy 3<br />

E. H. Wilson ........ ..... ......... .............................. ........... 10<br />

Mrs. J. Otis Wardwell. Eleanor P. Jones 11<br />

California <strong>Iris</strong>. Lena M. Lothrop .................... .......... 12<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong>es seen in France and England during the 1930 season. Franklin<br />

B. Mead ................ .................................... .......... 19<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits, 1930 -- In Nashville and Cincinnati. Grace Sturtevant 30<br />

Adventures <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Hunter, 2. R. M. Cooley .............. 41<br />

1930 Introductions.......... .... ..................................... 50<br />

1930 Registrations ............................... .......................... 58<br />

1930 Reports; President, Secretary, Treasurer ............... 67<br />

1930 Activities .... ..................................... 72<br />

Garden Pictures, 5. In Oklahoma. R. S. Sturtevant ........ 76<br />

Science Series No.8. The Relation between water loss, size and form in<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> flowers A. E. Waller............................... ........... 79<br />

Tid-bits 26th. Garden at La Grange, Ga. From Victoria; New Orleans;<br />

Florida. Is there an <strong>Iris</strong> Pres. Pilkington ? and other notes .. 83<br />

Notice................................... Bulletins ........... .......... 93<br />

Test Gardens .................. ............... ............... ............... 95

#39 April, 1931<br />


Arthur John Bliss, 1860-1931................... ........... .......... 3<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong>es in Canada. F. Cleveland Morgan............ 4<br />

In Toronto. Mrs. P. M. Wallace.................... ...... .......... 12<br />

In Peterboro J. H. Callander .................... ........... .......... 17<br />

In Western Ontario. W. E. Saunders ............................... 19<br />

In Manitoba L. T. Chadwick .................. ................. 23<br />

Seedlings <strong>of</strong> the High Plains. L. T. Chadwick... ............. 28<br />

In Alberta. A. M. Patterson 31<br />

In Saskatchewan. C. F. Patterson............... 35<br />

On Vancouver Island. G. Buchanan Simpson ........ 39<br />

In British Columbia. Hubert Jones ................... .... 44<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Breeders' Gardens. A. E. Waller, Ohio .................... 47<br />

Travel Notes, 1931. Ethel Anson S. Peckham ................ 52<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Test Gardens, 1930. Ethel Anson S. Peckham 61<br />

1930--Annual Report, Display Garden Committee. Olive B. Hoornbeek,<br />

Chairman 68<br />

List <strong>of</strong> 1930 Donors to Display Gardens......................... 71<br />

Regional Reports: Idaho, California, Texas ........ .......... 72<br />

Bibliography, 1930 ............................... ............... .......... 74<br />

Tid-bits 27th. From Mr. McEachran, R. Jackson Hopper, Montreal; C.<br />

Bauckham, J. W. Grow, L. W. Cousins, Kenneth MacDonald, W. Miles,<br />

W. T. Macoun, Ontario; C. Berkley and J. C. Bennett, British Columbia; P. H.<br />

Gordon, Regina; Pr<strong>of</strong>. Bunting, Quebec; G. Dillistone, Tunbridge Wells.<br />

Collected by F. Cleveland Morgan....................... .......... 86<br />

Science Series No.9. <strong>Iris</strong> Behavior - Drouth (Drought) 1930. J. Marion Shull 105<br />

Exhibitions 1931........................... ....................... .......... 108<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Fragments--A Review ............ .................... ............. 109<br />

POLICY OF AWARDS, A. I. S............... ........... .......... 109<br />

Certificates ? 112

#40 July, 1931<br />


The <strong>Iris</strong> in Japan.George M. Reed, Brooklyn Botanic Garden 3<br />

Varietal Notes. Chas. E. F. Gersdorff............................. 49<br />

Tribulations and Thoughts <strong>of</strong> a Novice. E. N. S. Ringueberg 50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Tingitana. Denis (Translated by S. M. Mitchell) ..... 60<br />

Tid.bits 28th. Discussion <strong>of</strong> Awards; The <strong>Iris</strong> Guild <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati; The Crop <strong>of</strong><br />

American Novelties 61<br />

Test Gardens................................................................... 67<br />

Notice .............................................................................. 68<br />

Publications .......................... ......................................... 69<br />

Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards ............................................................ 70

#41 October, 1931<br />


The 1931 Iridiad. Sherman B. Duffy ............. ............. 3<br />

Exhibitions Thura. Traux Hires, Chairman ... ............. 14<br />

Varietal Notes from Washington, D. C. Chas. E. F. Gersdorff 19<br />

What Price a Seedling J. Marion Shull........................ 23<br />

Tid-bits 29th. From New Mexico; Trials at Wisley; Treatment for Root Rot;<br />

Gardening Knows No Age Limit; From Belgium; "Nashville, The <strong>Iris</strong> City" 25

#42 January, 1932<br />

"Poor Judges." Ethel Anson S. Peckham ....... ............... 3<br />

Francis Xavier Schreiner - 1877-1931............ ............... 12<br />

Symposium, Perhaps' Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee...... 16<br />

On Awards J. Marion Shull .................................... ...... 21<br />

1931 Introductions....... ............................ .............. ...... 24<br />

Varieties Registered............................ ...... 35<br />

Varieties Approved ... ..................... ....... ...... 43<br />

Names unapproved or synonymous.......... 46<br />

1931 Reports. President, Secretary, Treasurer ........ ...... 49<br />

1931 Activities, Annual Meeting.............. .............. ...... 52<br />

Varietal Notes.<br />

From Italy. Countess Giulio Senni.......................... 51<br />

From California. Lena M. Lothrop ......... ....... ...... 56<br />

On Red <strong>Iris</strong>es.Wm..1. McKee, Mass. ..................... 60<br />

From Nebraska. Dr. H. H. Everett .................. ...... 61<br />

From Ohio, "<strong>Iris</strong> Gossip." E. H. Bretschneider...... 63<br />

From Illinois. Sherman L. Duffy ............. ....... ...... 66<br />

1931 Report <strong>of</strong> Test Gardens.................... .............. ...... 70<br />

1931 Bibliography .............. ..................... ..................... 76<br />

Notice -- Bulletins ....... .................................................. 86<br />

Test Gardens.............................. ............................. ...... 89

#43 April, 1932<br />


<strong>Iris</strong>. W. H. W. Bliss .... ..... ...... ............ ....... .......... 3<br />

Mr. A. J. Bliss. Eden Phillpotts . ... ... ..... ...... ... .......... 4<br />

His Contributions....................... ......................... .......... 5<br />

The Formation <strong>of</strong> the A. I. S., 1919-1920 ........... ..... 7<br />

Of Many Things.......... ......... .... ... .... .... ... . .......... 8<br />

Characteristics <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es ..... ... ....................... ......... ..... 15<br />

Theories <strong>of</strong> Crossing, Plicata, Whites, Amoenas ........... 19<br />

On Varieties.................. .......................... ...................... 24<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Raised or Introduced by A. J. Bliss, E. A. S. Peckham 32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es that Await Introduction, R. S. Sturtevant.............. 46<br />

Bliss <strong>Iris</strong>es, List.Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham ........... 47<br />

Bibliography-Bliss. Compiled by E. A. S. Peckham...... 51<br />

Tenth International Horticultural Meeting ........... ......... 52

#44 July, 1932<br />


Album <strong>of</strong> Hana-shobu by Doctor Miyoshi, Translation by George M. Reed<br />

and Bunkio Matsuki................... ......................... 3<br />

Preface ................................. 6<br />

1. Hana-shobu and Related Plants. .. ......................... 8<br />

2. History <strong>of</strong> Hana-shobu........................................... 10<br />

3. Garden Varieties ....................... ............................ 19<br />

4. Descriptions .. .................... ................................... 23<br />

Hunting for Rarebits. II. 'Ethel' Anson S. Peckham ....... 29<br />

The Louisiana species ............................................... 29<br />

Test Gardens.......... ........................................................ 38

#45 October, 1932<br />


Ratings as Reported by Accredited Judges, 1932.... 1<br />

Comments Based on Their Reports, Sherman R. Duffy. 16<br />

On Yellows.............. ............................ .................... 17<br />

On Whites............................................. ............. 21<br />

On Others... ... ..... ......... ..... ..... ................. ............. 24<br />

Judging <strong>Iris</strong>es, Thura Truax Hires ...... ...... ........ ........... 33<br />

The Oakland Spring Garden Show, E. O. Essig...... 40<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows Held in Co-operation With the A. I. S., 1932 43<br />

Comments on the System <strong>of</strong> Ratings.<br />

Ralph G. Van Name .................................................. 46<br />

R. S. Sturtevant.......................... ... ...................... 48<br />

Publications . ...... ...... ..... ............................ .. .... 50

#46 January, 1933<br />


Report <strong>of</strong> the President. John O. Wister ........... ............... 1<br />

1932 Activities.................................................................. 4<br />

Awards, Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on.............. ................ 5<br />

Why Rate? Harry Esty Dounce, N. Y.............................. 8<br />

Scoring and Rating New <strong>Iris</strong>es. E. O. Essig, Calif. .......... 16<br />

Comments. Charles E. F. Gersdorff, Washingtcm, D. C. 18<br />

Regional Ratings. Sam H. Graham, Ga............................ 20<br />

Reckless Ratings. J. H. Kirkland, Tenn. 22<br />

Protest and Suggestions. Lena M. Lothrop, Calif. 24<br />

Appraising the Current Ratings. J. Maricm Shull, Washingtcm, D. O. 26<br />

How Were They Judged? Robert Wayman, N. Y. (to be cont.) 29<br />

New England Recommends Varieties ............................. 33<br />

Intermediate and Fall Blooming <strong>Iris</strong>es. Dr. H. H. Everett, Neb. 35<br />

rebloomers<br />

At the Boston Show. Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd. A reprint 39<br />

Rose Dominion. E. A. S. Peckham................................... 41<br />

1932 Introductions............................................... ............ 45<br />

Additions to List <strong>of</strong> Breeders and Introducers... ............ 57<br />

The New Classification for Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>......................... 59<br />

1932 Registrations.................. ....................................... 60<br />

Books. From a Sunset Garden, by S. B. Mitchell; Perennial Gardens, by<br />

H. S. Ortl<strong>of</strong>f............................................................... 77<br />

Varietal Notes. Largely from England, Australia, and Italy 78<br />

Test Gardens – Publications ............................................. 87<br />

Commercial growers are advised that 1932 Ratings are not <strong>of</strong>ficial and should not be used for<br />


#47 April, 1933<br />


iris culture<br />

The Ghost <strong>Iris</strong> ............................................................ ....... 3<br />

Edward Bruce Williamson 1877-1933 ................ ..... ....... 4<br />

'Tis Better Left Unsaid, R. S. Sturtevant ............. ..... ....... 4<br />

The South-Where is it? ....................... .................... ....... 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in the Lower South. Columbia, Charleston, and Bennettsville, S. C.;<br />

Augusta, Ga.; Oneco, Fla. ....... ..... ....... 6<br />

The Distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> in Florida, H. Harold Hume 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in the Piedmont. Greensboro and Winston.-Salem, N. C.; Atlanta,<br />

Cedartown, Rome, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala... 19<br />

Growing Conditions, Mrs. John Lewis Kilgore...... 28<br />

On Tenderness in <strong>Iris</strong>, Dr. F. M. Hanes.................. 25<br />

Texas, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas................................ 26<br />

In North Texas, Mrs. Gross E. Scruggs .................. 28<br />

Oklahoma, Helen C. Roe, Tulsa; Oklahoma City ............. 80<br />

The Family Tree .... ..................................... ............. ....... 83<br />

Tennessee, <strong>Iris</strong> Desert Gold (Kirk.), C. P. Connell, Mrs. J. S. Routon 84<br />

Garden Effects. Mrs. Katherine P. Wright............. 42<br />

Test and Display Gardens, 1932................................ ....... 45<br />

50-100 Most Popular Varieties. Compiled by Sherman R. Duffy 48<br />

Ratings - 1933 Regulations................................................ 54<br />

Garden Pictures 6, Displaying 50-100 Varieties. R.S. Sturtevant, M.L.A. 55<br />

Ratings, Scores, etc................ ...................... .................... 57<br />

How Were They Judged, cont. ............. .............. ............. 59<br />

Bibliography, 1932. Compiled by Ethel Anson S. Peckham 54<br />

Varietal Notes 73<br />

Tid-bits 80th. <strong>Iris</strong> W. R. Dyke; The Lake <strong>Iris</strong> and its Differentiation from<br />

the Crested .................. ................................... ....... 75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Chromosomes. J. C. Nicholls....................... ............. 79<br />

On Flower Shows; <strong>Iris</strong> Cold Storage ........................ ....... 83<br />

The Vocational Guide. Our Officers ......................... ....... 85<br />

News and Notices. Exhibitions, Bulletins, and Items ....... 86<br />

Commercial growers are advised that 1932 Ratings are not <strong>of</strong>ficial should not be used for publicity.

#48 July 1933<br />



E. B. Williamson and his <strong>Iris</strong>es 1<br />

A Bit <strong>of</strong> Personal <strong>Iris</strong> History, B. B. Williamson 2<br />

Williamson <strong>Iris</strong>es, Ethel Anson S. Peckham 8<br />

Colour Grouping for Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es, Louisa F. Pesel 14<br />

Landscape Picture with <strong>Iris</strong>, Alfred C. Kinsey 20<br />

Here and There Among the Lowly <strong>of</strong> the Tribe, Ella Porter McKinney 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Overture, Thura Traux Hires 33<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es that Bloom in the Fall, Clint McDade 11<br />

rebloomers<br />

Intermediates, Sharon R. Duffy 42<br />

Garden Picture. 7, <strong>Iris</strong>es in Combination, R.S. Sturtevant, M.L..A. 45<br />

Vocational Guide-With the <strong>Iris</strong>taties, Richardson Wright 48<br />

The Family Tree -- Crossing Pumila Hybrids with Regelia-Cyelus Hybrids,<br />

Jacob Sass; Breeding Notes, H. P. Sass 50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Chromosomes, cont., J. C. Nicholls 56<br />

In Praise <strong>of</strong> the Judges, J. C. Nicholls, Jr. 60<br />

On Becoming a Judge <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, Dr. F. M. Hanes 62<br />

Our Scoring System, S. R. Duffy 64<br />

Comments on Ratings, Ralph G. Van Name 67<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Seedling come to Judgment 68<br />

1933 Annual Meeting, S. R. Duffy 72<br />

At Freeport, R. S. Sturtevant 74<br />

Varietal Notes 78<br />

Ask Me Another 79<br />

Tid-bits 31 79<br />

Notices ------------------ 84

#49 October, 1933<br />


" 'Tis Better Left Unsaid," R. S. Sturtevant............. 3<br />

Comments on Rating, Sherman B. Duffy................................................................. 5<br />

1933 Ratings TB, IB, MB, DB.- Classes -Judges .... 24<br />

Review, Sherman B. Duffy 32<br />

The Washington Hybrids, Grace Sturtevant 38<br />

In Southern California, E. O. Essig 40<br />

CalifornianNotes, Mrs. L. M. Lothrop .................... 43<br />

Color, E. N. S. Ringueberg....................................... 47<br />

New England Notes. Activities – Show – Varieties - Questionnaire, Mrs. Thomas<br />

Nesmith and Others ................................ ........... 51<br />

Varietal Notes, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and Others . 55<br />

The Family Tree - The Virtues <strong>of</strong> Mixed Pollen, J. Marion Shull 61<br />

Landscape Pictures, A. C. Kinsey, Ind..................... 63<br />

Garden Pictures 8. The "Show" Garden - Edgings, R. S. Sturtevant 69<br />

Garden at South Whitney, Ind. .......... ...................... 75<br />

Hemerocallis in the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden (with notes from Mrs. Nesmith's garden), R.S.S. 76<br />

Calendar for Nebraska, J. Howard Judson, Omaha........ 78<br />

Science Series 11. Stem Elongaton Studies, A. E. Waller & R. H. McCormick 81<br />

Tid-bits 32nd. Winter Foliage - -Symposia and Ratings – Scoring –<strong>Iris</strong> Minuta –<br />

Fall Blooming – Judging – Form – Culture – Megalophilia Iridis - Georgia 90<br />

To-Read or Not-to-Read. On Native Species and in general 99<br />

Notices -Errata. "Cold Storage"...................................... 102<br />

"Ask:Me Another." Genetics - Winter Protection ......... 103

#50 January, 1934<br />


"Comment and Remark," R. S. Sturtevant ..................... 1<br />

A Nonagon <strong>of</strong> Delaware Gardens, John Kane Foulke du Pont 3<br />

Five New Jersey Gardens, Alice B. Wells...................... 14<br />

The "<strong>Iris</strong> Bowl," John C. Wister..................................... 19<br />

Breeders' Gardens, M. E. Douglas.................................. 23<br />

The Wister Collection, R. S. Sturtevant ......................... 26<br />

In a Small Garden, Mary Judson Averett ....................... 28<br />

Succession, Kay Kershaw Mechling .............................. 35<br />

Success with <strong>Iris</strong>, Rachael Fox......................... ............. 41<br />

Plainfield Public Park, Harriette B. Hallway.................. 44<br />

Siberians from Sunnybrook, Ella Porter McKinney....... 47<br />

Japanese from Little Silver, Ella Porter McKinney........ 48<br />

Notes on Bulbous irises, B. Y. Morrisom ...................... 51<br />

Garden Pictures 9, "Modern" R. S. Sturtevant ............... 58<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Persica Again, Lucy C. Bailey, Tenn. - B. Y. Morrison 61<br />

Science Series 12, The Reaction <strong>of</strong> Native <strong>Iris</strong> Soils in Florida, H. Harold Hume 66<br />

Varietal Notes, M. E. Douglas (Hall, Dannenhauer, Rosenbluth, Koehler<br />

originations 71<br />

The Family Tree, Charles E. F. Gersdorff...................... 72<br />

To Read or Not to Read.................................................. 75<br />

Species Notes and Pictures, B. Y. Morrison................... 76<br />

"Ask Me Another." Cultivation ...................................... 84<br />

Tid-bits 33rd ................................. ................................. 85

#51 April, 1934<br />

Comment and Remark...................................................... 1<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es. Notes on Proportion, Form, etc., F. Wynn Hellings 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Iowa, Mrs. C. G. Whiting ................................ 14<br />

H.M., A.M., D.M., Digby Legard................................... 16<br />

Science Series No. 13, Pollen Tube Behavior in <strong>Iris</strong>, Willis Chase 17<br />

Seed Sowing, Roy W. Gottschall ........................ .......... 20<br />

Edible <strong>Iris</strong>es, R. S. Sturtevant ................................. ...... 23<br />

Virginia Notes, 1933, Mrs. W. W. Gibbs ............... ...... 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Memories, Edward Salbach .............................. ...... 27<br />

Varietal Notes, Mrs. Edgar Hires ............................ ...... 29<br />

Dutch <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> Merit................................................ ...... 32<br />

Backgrounds, R. S. Sturtevant 35<br />

Species Notes, Photographs by Lady Collet<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Korolkowi 40<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> chrysographes ..................................................<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> missouriensis .................................................. 45<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> foliosa ................. .................................................... 48<br />

The Family Tree, Whites, Sydney B. Mitchell............... 48<br />

To Read or Not to Read, New Gardens for Old 49<br />

Ask Me Another, <strong>Iris</strong> Rot, Dr. H. H. Everett 51<br />

Tid-Bits 34th<br />

Winter Injury, A. W. Mackenzie, Indiana .............. 55<br />

Commercial Practice................................................ 55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Albispiritus ............................................................ 56<br />

Notes from a New England Garden............................. 57<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> dichotoma .......................................... ................... 58<br />

From a Maryland Garden............................................. 60<br />

From Southern California............. .............................. 60<br />

The Little Widow..................................... 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Design................................................................ 65

#52 July, 1934<br />


Comment and Remark, R. S. Sturtevant......................... 1<br />

Twelve Years <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding in California, Methods and Records, Ed<br />

ward O. Essig .................................................. ......... 3<br />

Southern Natives in California, F. F. Williams, M. D.... 30<br />

Two California Species, J. N. Giridian........................... 34<br />

Adventures with the Dwarfs, Lena M. Lothrop.............. 38<br />

At Whitehill. C. G. White................... ........................... 44<br />

Chula Vista Goes <strong>Iris</strong>-minded, Com.. John. M. Monroe 53<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Garden, Sidney B. Mitchell ........................ 57<br />

Science Series No. 14:<br />

Chromosome Numbers in Native American and Introduced Species and<br />

Cultivated Varieties <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, L. F. Randolph.............. 61<br />

The Breeding <strong>of</strong> Yellow <strong>Iris</strong>es, Sydney B. Mitchell ...... 67<br />

Varietal Notes:<br />

New Varieties in Northern California, S. L. Jory ........ 72<br />

California <strong>Iris</strong>es in Massachusetts, R. S. Sturtevant.... 74<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Jaunt, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith........................... 78<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Rumors in Southern California.............................. 85<br />

The Family Tree ........................................................ 89<br />

The Vocational Guide................................................ 93<br />

To Read or Not to Read.................................................. 108<br />

Our Bulletins................................. ........... ..................... 109<br />

Tid-Bits ........ ....................................................... ......... 109

# 53 October, 1934<br />


Comment and Remark, R.S. Sturtevant............. ............ 1<br />

The Quest <strong>of</strong> The Golden Fleece, Hary H. Everett ........ 3<br />

Oregon <strong>Iris</strong>es, Carl and Louise Starker ............. ............ 11<br />

Distinctive Points in Descriptions, R. S. Sturtevant....... 21<br />

Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Part VI, R. S. Sturtevant. ...... 24<br />

Index to Varieties Described.. .......... ................ ....... 37<br />

Servant <strong>of</strong> The Rainbow, Ethel Anson S. Peckham .. 44<br />

A Regional Report-1934, J. Marion Shull...................... 53<br />

Middle Atlantic Recommends Varieties, M. E. Douglas 57<br />

Species Notes:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> kumaonensis................. ...................... ............... 70<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> dichotoma 75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> bucharica..................... ... ............. ......... ........... 78<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> ruthenica.............................................................. 79<br />

The Family Tree, C. E. F. Gersdorff ................................. 81<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es at Wisley, 1933.................. ....... ............... 83

# 54 December, 1934<br />


Report <strong>of</strong> the President, John C. Wiste r 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Vice President, H. H. Everett 2<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary, John B. Wallace, Jr. 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, Richardson Wright 6<br />

Regional Vice Presidents:<br />

M. E. Douglas ...................................................... 10<br />

J. C. Nicholl8 ..................................................... 14<br />

Mrs. Gross R.Scruggs .......................................... 16<br />

Committee Reports:<br />

Scientific Committee, Dr. A. E. Waller............... 18<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Species in California, Pr<strong>of</strong>. E. O. Essig......... 20<br />

Display Gardens:<br />

Plainfield Garden Club <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Miss Harriette Holloway 24<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, 1933, Mr.. W. L. Karcher ....... 28<br />

Registrations for 1933, C. E. Gersdorff....................... 34<br />

Introductions for 1933, C. E. Gersdorff....................... 47<br />

Exhibition Policy and Management ............................ 53<br />

1934 Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards .............................................. 68<br />

Membership List, October 1, 1934.............................. 75

#55 February, 1935<br />


Foreword, Euclid Snow .............................. 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in The Middle West .............................................. 2<br />

A Californian Sees Eastern <strong>Iris</strong>es, Donald B.Milliken... 66<br />

Science Series No. 15<br />

The In. Borer, Harry F. Dietz .............. .................. 74<br />

1934 Comments by Accredited Judges ....................... 79<br />

Species Notes:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Chrysophylla Drew Sherrard 88<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Histrioides....................... ................ ...... 89<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Tenuis Carl Starker.......................... ..... 90<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Sintenisii 92<br />

Tid-Bits: 37th.................................. ....................... 94<br />

To Read or Not to Read.................................................. 101

#56 March, 1935<br />


Report <strong>of</strong> the President, John C. Wister 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Vice President, H. H. Everett .............. 4<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary, B. Y. Morrison acting.......... 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, Richardson Wright 7<br />

Regional Vice Presidents:<br />

Mrs. Thomas Nesmith .......................................... 9<br />

M. E. Douglas....................................................... 9<br />

J. Marion Shull ..................................................... 11<br />

Euclid Snow.......................................................... 13<br />

David Petrie .......................................................... 14<br />

Carl Starker................................................................ 14<br />

William Miles....................................................... 15<br />

Mrs. James Backman.................................................. 17<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Annual Meeting, Euclid Snow .................. 18<br />

Jottings on the Lincoln Meeting, K. N. Marriage............ 21<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher ...................... 23<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Honors Miss Grace Sturtevant..... 27<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Awards, Donald Milliken .. 28<br />

Registrations for 1934, C. E. F. Gersdorff....................... 32<br />

Introductions <strong>of</strong> 1934, C. E. F. Gersdorff........................ 49<br />

Dykes Medals, 1934 ........................................................ 54<br />

1935 Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards .................................................... 54<br />

Notice <strong>of</strong> Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tenn. .................. 58<br />

Correction-Judges' ballot ...................................... .......... 59

#57 APRIL, 1935<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison ............................... .............. 1<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> Southeastern Louisiana, Percy Viosca, Jr. 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Observations and Comments from the South, Sam. Graham 57<br />

Varietal Notes, 1935, Sherman R. Duffy ................. 61<br />

Southern <strong>Iris</strong> Pictures.......................... ..................... 75<br />

Varietal Notes, 1934, M. e. Douglas 79<br />

The Birthplace <strong>of</strong> Bertrand H. Farr, Marshall A. Howe 89<br />

Experience with the Reticulata Group at London, Ontario, E. M. S. Dale 90<br />

Garden Note, Eleanor P. Jones 93<br />

Species Notes:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> hauranensis ................................... ...................... 94<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> imbricata......................................................... 94<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> setosa .............................................................. 98<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> ensata ................................................................... 100

#58 JULY, 1935<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison ......................................... 1<br />

Over-the-Garden-Wall, Wm. J. McKee.......................... 2<br />

Failure and Its Lessons, B. E. S. Spender....................... 6<br />

Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong>es, Eucild Snow...................................... 11<br />

Notes on the Origin <strong>of</strong> the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University,<br />

F. M. Hanes........................................ ......... ............... 14<br />

The Duke University <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, John C. Wister........ 17<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes <strong>of</strong> 1935, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ..................... 21<br />

Varietal Notes, 1935, J. P.Fishburn................................ 31<br />

Species Notes:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> laevigata......................................................... 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> delavayi ......................................................... 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> pabularia (The Fodder <strong>Iris</strong>)............................... 39<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> xiphioides ...................................................... 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> ensada ............................................................ 48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> pseudocorus ................................................... 48<br />

Clusius' Original Note (Translated by Miss Mildren Dean) 51<br />

Tid-Bits 38 th .................................... ...................... ..... 52

#59 OCTOBER, 1935<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison .............................................. 1<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the Gaspe Peninsula, Edgar Anderson ...... 2<br />

Effects <strong>of</strong> Light and Temperature on <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> Known Heredity,<br />

Adolph E. Waller............................................ .......... 6<br />

Some Notes on Germination, John Dolman Jr. 16<br />

Variations <strong>of</strong> the Native Oregon <strong>Iris</strong>es, Carl Starker...... 19<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Personalities, Thura Traux Hiers.............................. 22<br />

A. Plea for New Englanders to Try California <strong>Iris</strong>es, Carrie Stover Lewis 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pilgrimage, 1935, Bruce C. Maples ......................... 51<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes, 1935, Mabel Cary Tobie ............................... 58<br />

A. Word from Rome, 1935, Countess Senni .................. 63<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Observations in Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop 67<br />

Triste Thoughts on the Dispersal <strong>of</strong> a Collection, Richardson Wright 76<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Native <strong>Iris</strong> and Others............................................. 78<br />

From Connecticut ....................................... ........... 80<br />

For 1936..................................................... ...... ..... 80<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pallida Dalmatica at Home............................... 81<br />

Re: <strong>Iris</strong> Fan Letters ................................................. 82<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Performance in the Spring, 1934, Following the Very Severe<br />

Winter ...................... ....................... ..... 86<br />

Famous <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, 1935 ..................................... 87

#60 FEBRUARY, 1936<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> President, H. H. Everett....................................................................1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Vice-President, W. J. McKee............................................................3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Secretary, B. Y. Morrisoon...............................................................5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Treasurer, Richardson Wright.......................................................... 6<br />

Regional Vice- Presiden te :<br />

Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts ..................... 8<br />

J. C. Nicholls, New York .......................................... 13<br />

M. E. Douglas, New Jersey ....................................... 14<br />

J. Marion Shull, Maryland................................... 16<br />

Mrs. James R. Bachman, Georgia ............................. 21<br />

Robert Schreiner, Minnesota............... ..................... 24<br />

Mrs. Gross R. Scruggs, Texas ................................... 26<br />

Stanley C. Clarke, Idaho ........................................... 27<br />

Dr. P. A. Loomis, Colorado ...................................... 28<br />

Carl Starker, Oregon ................................................. 29<br />

The Annual Meeting............................................. ......... 31<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher ..................... 43<br />

Other Show Reports .......................................... 50<br />

1936Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards ......................................... .......... 58<br />

Record <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Awards......................... 62<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Judges ............................................................. 67<br />

Registrations for 1935 .................................................... 81<br />

An Appeal, Mrs. W. H. Peekham................................... 103

#61 MARCH, 1936<br />



Foreword, Kathleen N. Marriage................................ 1<br />

The High Rockies, H. H. Everett.................. .................. 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Observations in Region 11, Stanley C. Clarke.......... 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Idaho, J. H. Christ ................................................. 8<br />

Behavior <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Species at 6,000 Ft. Above Sea-Level, Abby L. Kernochan 11<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis at Home, Kathleen N. Marriage......... 15<br />

Taming the Chromosome, P. A. Loomis......................... 18<br />

Fewer <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties and Better Ones, D. M. Andrews.... 24<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong> in Salt Lake City, Herman F. Thorup......... 27<br />

Rocky Mountain <strong>Iris</strong> Breeders, Sherman R. Duffy ......... 38<br />

Tolerance <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es....................................... 40<br />

In Ould God's Time, Nora O'Neill................................... 41<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Exhibit ............................................................ 42<br />

International <strong>Iris</strong> Show, Boston, 1935, J. Ester ............... 43<br />

The Coming Annual Meeting, J. C. Wister ..................... 45<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From Illinois ............. .......................................... 50<br />

From North Dakota .. .......................................... 51<br />

From Illinois.............. .......................................... 52<br />

From Alabama...................... ..................................... 55<br />

From Massachusetts ....................................... 56<br />

From Indiana ...... ............................................ .......... 56<br />

From Alabama.... ............................................ .......... 57<br />

From Oregon ................................................... .......... 58<br />

From Maryland........................................................... 60

#62 JUNE, 1936<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison ................ ..... 1<br />

Color, Walter Timmerman ............................................. 3<br />

Hybrids <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Laevigata with I. Versicolor and I. Virginica,<br />

George M. Reed 10<br />

A Gladiolus Fancier Discovers the World <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, Ralph Baerman 18<br />

Some Experiences with <strong>Iris</strong> Species at London, Canada, Alexander M. Ross 26<br />

Concerning Older <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties, John C. Wister............ 29<br />

Viability <strong>of</strong> Pollen, Dr. Ford B. Rogers.......................... 35<br />

Kotaka-Yen, Horikiri, Japan, Preserved as a Famous Scene,<br />

George M. Reed 37<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es, North and South, R. S. Sturtevant........................ 40<br />

Species Notes:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> pseudacorus... ..................................................... 42<br />

Urmiensis x arenaria ................. ............................... 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> korolkowi............................................................ 45<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Korolkowi concolor............................................ 47<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> hyacinthiana........................................................ 47<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Lorleti ................................................................. 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hoogiana............................. ............................... 53<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From Texas............................................................. 54<br />

From California ....................... .............................. 59<br />

From Canada .......................................................... 59<br />

From Tennessee...................................................... 61

#63 OCTOBER, 1936<br />

A.ociate Editor: ELEANOR P. JONES<br />

The Annual Meeting, Eleanor P. Jones 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Personalities, Thura Traux Hires 18<br />

Stars <strong>of</strong> the First Magnitude, E. G. Lapham................ 28<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes <strong>of</strong> 1936, Edward Salbach ............................ 31<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pilgrimage, 1936, Bruce C. Maples ...................... 33<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes <strong>of</strong> 1936, J. Marion Shull ............................. 46<br />

The Most Popular <strong>Iris</strong>es in Region Nine, David F. Hall 56<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> for 1936 .......... 62<br />

Roman Gold Medal for New <strong>Iris</strong>, Competition Rules. 65<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From Rome . ........................................................ 66<br />

Index to Varieties Described in BULLETINS 49 to 60, L. Merton Gage 69<br />

Registrations for 1936 78<br />

1937 Annual Meeting Note ........................................ 105<br />

Ratings –1936............................. .... .......................... 106

#64 FEBRUARY, 1937<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> President, H. H. Everett 2<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Vice-President, W. J. McKee 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Secretary, B. Y. Morrison 4<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Treasurer, Richardson Wright 5<br />

Regional Reports, 1936:<br />

David F. Hall, Illinois ------------------------------------ 7<br />

Mrs. Gross R. Scruggs, Texas 10<br />

Carl Starker, Oregon 11<br />

Donald B. Milliken, California 12<br />

Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts ---------------- 13<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. W. L. Karcher-- 22<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Judges for 1936, Compiled by Willard M. Kellogg 37<br />

lridomania, Phases <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Fancy, Dr. Franklin Cook 46<br />

Chromosomania Iridis, J. Marion Shull 57<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> or <strong>Iris</strong>es-Shall We Change the Dictionary, J. Marion Shull 59<br />

The Adventures <strong>of</strong> a Novice in <strong>Iris</strong> Land, Minerva Monroe 62<br />

Names, Charles E. F. Gersdorff 69<br />

My Yellow Seedling, F. M. Hanes ------------------------- 72<br />

A Kentucky <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Henry L. Grant 75<br />

Along The <strong>Iris</strong> Coast, Julius Dornblut, Jr. 78<br />

Some 1936 North Central Ohio <strong>Iris</strong> Notes, Roy W. Gottschall 82<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From New Jersey --- 85, 90<br />

From New Hampshire------------------------------------ 87<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Beginnings in America 87<br />

From Massachusetts -------------------------------------- 89<br />

Looking Back----------------- 89<br />

From Michigan, Fall Blooming <strong>Iris</strong>es ___________ 90<br />

From Oregon, <strong>Iris</strong> Arenaria and <strong>Iris</strong> Bloudowii 92<br />

From Canada, <strong>Iris</strong> ensata, I. hyacinthiana or I. biglumis 93<br />

From New York, Biglumis, Indeed! 94<br />

Index to Varieties Described in BULLETINS 61 to 63, L. Merton Gage 96

#65 MAY, 1937<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison ---------------------------------- 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes, Sam L. Graham 3<br />

What Do I Grow in My Garden and Why, M. E. Douglas 7<br />

Cuttage Propagation <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Rhizome, Wyndham Hayward 11<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> at Swan Lake Gardens, George M. Reed- 14<br />

Hana-Shobu <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Japan, George M. Reed 16<br />

Watching Eleanor, Lucy W. Tinley 18<br />

San Franeiseo, Dykes Medalist, Thura Truax 23<br />

Notes on Dutch <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties 24<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Troubles, Mrs. Harold L. Medbery 41<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Season, 1936, Carl O. Schirmer 45<br />

1936 Reponal Report, William Miles 52<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Albicans in San Antonio, Mrs. W. G. Dumont 55<br />

From Massaehusetts, G. Percy Brown____ 56<br />

From Oklahoma, Eleanor Hill ________________ 57<br />

From California, Lena M. Lothrop ____________ 57<br />

We Are <strong>Iris</strong>arians, Howard Weed _____________ 58<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Note, Charles E. F. Gersdorff -------------------- 58<br />

Again, the Dykes Award, J. Marion Shull----------- 58<br />

From California, Edward Salbach-- 59<br />

From California, John A. Monroe -------------------- 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>, Tejas, Eddie Fannick---------------- ------------- 63<br />

(Note that “Tejas” is NOT a typographical error.)

#66 SEPTEMBER, 1937<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

1737 <strong>Iris</strong> Notes, Charles, and Agnes Whiting 3<br />

Hybridization Involving <strong>Iris</strong> versicolor, <strong>Iris</strong> laevigata and<br />

Native <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> Louisiana, Clyde Chandler and A. B. Stout 11<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits <strong>of</strong> 1937, Dr. Henry Lee Grant 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Impressions, Carl Carpenter 35<br />

1937 Comments, Virginia F. Clutton 41<br />

Garden Notes for 1937, Alexander Maxwell 48<br />

Impressions <strong>of</strong> a California <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Harold I. Johnson 51<br />

Along the <strong>Iris</strong> Coast, Julius Dornblut, Jr. 56<br />

Varietal Notes, Norfleet Webb 60<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong>es Entered for the Roman Gold Medal,<br />

The Countess Senni 62<br />

The Annual Meeting:<br />

Wilmington's 1937 Meeting, Carrie Stover Lewis 64<br />

The Exhibition, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires 73<br />

The Nashville Camera Club Competition, 1937 80<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Concerning Foliage, Robert T. Paine 85<br />

Fall-Blooming <strong>Iris</strong>, Clint McDade 86<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Awards Committee 87

#67 OCTOBER, 1937<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison, Secretary 1<br />

Leave It to the <strong>Iris</strong>, Louise Blake 3<br />

A Break in Color, David F. Hall 9<br />

Winter Hardiness, J. Marion Shull 11<br />

Pacific Coasting Among the <strong>Iris</strong>, Edward Salbach 13<br />

Variety Notes Submitted by Accredited Judges, 1937 17<br />

International Horticultural Congress 34<br />

1937 Ratings 35<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar 40<br />

Additions to List <strong>of</strong> Breeders and Introducers 40<br />

Registrations 41<br />

Varieties Approved But Not Registered 59<br />

Approvals Pending 59<br />

Varieties Under Investigation 60<br />

Synonymous Names, 1937 61<br />

Errata 64<br />

Releases 65<br />

Names Available 67<br />

Membership Lists<br />

Alphabetical List 71<br />

Geographical List 92

#68 FEBRUARY, 1938<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

Some Observations in English <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, E. O. Essig 3<br />

Thoughts on Autumn Blooming, J. Mario" Shult -------- 22<br />

The Methods Adopted for Growing <strong>Iris</strong> in the Southwest,<br />

Eddie Fanick ---------------------------------------------- 24<br />

A. I. S. Project-Color Photography, Carrie Stover Lewis, Chair 26<br />

Officers' Reports:<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President ----------------------------------- 30<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Balloting --------------------------------------- 31<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Secretary --------------------------------------- 31<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Treasurer --------------------------------------- 32<br />

Regional Reports:<br />

Mrs. Lewis, Massachusetts ------------------------------ 33<br />

Dr. Reed, New York-------------------------------------- 41<br />

Mr. Wister, Pennsylvania -------------------------------- 42<br />

Mr. Shull, Maryland -------------------------------------- 44<br />

Mrs. Bachman, Georgia---------------------------------- 47<br />

Mrs. Waters, Ohio ---------------------------------------- 49<br />

Mr. Schreiner, Minnesota-------------------------------- 50<br />

Mrs. Washington, Kentucky----------------------------- 51<br />

Mr. Hall, Illinois ------------------------------------------ 53<br />

Mrs. Scruggs, Texas -------------------------------------- 54<br />

Mr. Starker, Oregon -------------------------------------- 55<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> The Exhibition Committee, Mrs. Karcher----- 56<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From Oregon, Mrs. Krause ------------------------------ 78<br />

Soil Notes, Indiana, A. W. Mackenzie----------------- 79<br />

From Indiana, Mrs. Horton ------------------------------ 80<br />

Detroit <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Officers ----------------------------- 80<br />

Spring Fiesta, Louisiana --------------------------------- 80<br />

From New York, Virgil V. Johnson-------------------- 80<br />

From Michigan, Mrs. Englerth-------------------------- 81<br />

From Indiana, Iconoclast--------------------------------- 81<br />

From Rome, Italy, Countess Senni --------------------- 84<br />

From New Jersey, G. L. Sch<strong>of</strong>teld --------------------- 85<br />

From California, Mrs. Lothrop-------------------------- 86

#69 APRIL, 1938<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Comment from Canada, Fred H. Fairs 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Design, Tom Metcalfe 12<br />

Regional Vice President William F. Miles Honored,<br />

David F. Hall 13<br />

Portrait <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong>, Photographs by H. L. Standley 14<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Breeder's Records, Charles E. F. Gersdorff 18<br />

The Root <strong>of</strong> the Matter, Photographs by Lilliam A. Guensey 43<br />

Garden Notes from the Corn Belt, Leila Bach 48<br />

Naming an <strong>Iris</strong>, Lucy W. Tinley 54<br />

The Lament. A Hypothetical Tale, K. N. Marriage 59<br />

Pictures from California, Edward Balbach 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes from Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop- 65<br />

Varietal Notes, Charles E. F. Gersdorff 68<br />

Concerning <strong>Iris</strong> Naming, Clarence G.White 72<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Culture for Amateurs: A Review by Franklin Cook 73

#70 JULY, 1938<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

Region Nine Speaks its Mind, Fred. H. Fairs 3<br />

Taking Names for <strong>Iris</strong> Seedlings, M. E. Douglas 19<br />

From California, 1938, Edward Salbach 36<br />

Along the <strong>Iris</strong> Coast, 1938, Julius Dornblut, Jr. 45<br />

Notes from a Midwest <strong>Iris</strong> Journey, Mrs. James Sapp 51<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Comment, 1938, Sherman R. Duffy 54<br />

Comments on New <strong>Iris</strong>, Charles E. F. Gersdorff 65<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pilgrimage, 1937, Bruce C. Maples ---------------- 67<br />

Address by Dr. Roger T. Nooe, Sunrise Devotional Service<br />

Peabody Campus, Sunday, May 8, 1938 78<br />

A Winter <strong>Iris</strong> Jaunt, Mrs. W. G. Du Mont-------------- 80<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Planting Hints for Southwest Texas, Eddie Fanick 83<br />

Substance in <strong>Iris</strong>, Howard Weed 86

#71 OCTOBER, 1938<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

A. I. S. Trek and Meeting Dates and Notes, Edward Balbach 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es at the 1938 Meeting, Frederick Stuntz 4<br />

And Comments, Mrs. Mary F. Tharp 7<br />

The International <strong>Iris</strong> Contest in Rome 10<br />

Hybridizing Hints, Countess Mary Senni ___________ 11<br />

A Layman's Remarks on Chromosomes, Earl E. Evans 14<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> Unguicularis, Miss Mary B. Campbell __ 16<br />

O1Bcial Variety Notes, 1938 17<br />

1938 Ratings 32<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, for 1938, Dykes Medal 37<br />

Introductions, 1935-1938 38<br />

Introductions <strong>of</strong> 1938 45<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar 49<br />

Honor Roll 49<br />

Obsolete <strong>Iris</strong>----------------------------------------------- 49<br />

Gift Names from Your Registrar 51<br />

New Gift Names 51<br />

Additions to List <strong>of</strong> Breeders and Introducers_ 57<br />

Registrations for 1938 ----------------------------------- 58<br />

Varieties Approved in 1938, but not Registered ___ 76<br />

Approvals Pending 1938 78<br />

Varieties Under Investigation, 1938 78<br />

Varieties Unapproved in 1938 -------------------------- 78<br />

Synonymous Names, 1938 ------------------------------ 79<br />

Errata ------------------------------------------------------- 83<br />

Awards by R. H. S. June 1938-------------------------- 86

#72 JANUARY, 1939<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

1938 Observations, Mrs. Virginia F. Clutton 2<br />

Varietal Notes, 1938, Mrs. Herman B. Lewis 9<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Thrills <strong>of</strong> 1938, John Dolman Jr. 22<br />

Varietal Notes, 1938, Miss Eleanor Hill 27<br />

A Garden <strong>of</strong> Two <strong>Iris</strong> Lovers in Mass. Eleanor P. Jones 36<br />

“A Little Time with the Repeating [Reblooming}<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Around Los Angeles," Russell D. Dysart 39<br />

Symposium <strong>of</strong> Pink <strong>Iris</strong>, B. G. Lapham 48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows, 1938, Mr. Ralph B. Ricker 52<br />

Membership List 67<br />

Our Members Write 73

#73 APRIL, 1939<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

Echoes from the California Trek. Lena M. Lothrop 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes on the West Coast Marion Shull 14<br />

Along the <strong>Iris</strong> Coast-1939 Julius Dornblat, Jr. 18<br />

Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> in 1939. Junius P. Fishburn 28<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> for 1939 65<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> Royal Horticultural <strong>Society</strong>. Wisley Trial, 1939 67<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Jury, Rome, 1939 68<br />

Roman Gold Medal for New <strong>Iris</strong> 69<br />

Investigate --------------------------------------------------- 70

Supplement APRIL, 1939<br />

Program for Annual Meeting 1939 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Gardens <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Northwest 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> President, H. H. Everett 13<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Vice-President, W. J. McKee 14<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Secretary, H. B. Watkins 15<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Treasurer, J. P. Fishburn 16<br />

The Annual Meeting, 1938-- 17<br />

1939 Policy <strong>of</strong> A wards------ 19<br />

Points Relating to Judging <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, W. J. McKee<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Slide Committee, Mr8. H. E. Lewis, Chairman 26<br />

Regional Reports, 1938<br />

Mrs. Herman E. Lewis, Massachusetts 30<br />

Kenneth D. Smith, New York 34<br />

Norfleet Webb, North Carolina 37<br />

Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Ohio 39<br />

Mrs. T. A. Washington, Tennessee 39<br />

Franklin Cook, Illinois 40<br />

Frank E. Chowning, Arkansas 42<br />

Carl Starker, Oregon 44<br />

Wm. Miles, Canada 48

#74 July, 1939<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

The Problem <strong>of</strong> Species <strong>of</strong> the Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es,<br />

Herbert Parkes Riley 3<br />

Color in the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Agnes Whiting 8<br />

Border Highlights, Mrs. Charles Ward Burton 10<br />

Garden Pictures from Texas 12<br />

Varietal Comments, Ray J. Belsley ---------------------- 15<br />

Farmingdale <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, George M. Reed 20<br />

Growing and Hybridizing <strong>Iris</strong> in the Southwest by an Amateur,<br />

J. Lee Rogers -------------------------------------------- 22<br />

An Explanation, Charles B. F. Gersdorff--------------- 24<br />

A Series <strong>of</strong> Arrangements --------------------------------- 26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes, 1939, G. L. Pinkington----------------------- 31

#75 December, 1939<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

"Old Country" Gardens, Charles Bauckham 3<br />

English <strong>Iris</strong>a, Harry L. Stinson 7<br />

1939 <strong>Iris</strong> Discoveries, Frank E. Chowning 11<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the Best <strong>of</strong> Some <strong>of</strong> the Newest, E. G. Lapham 14<br />

Midwest <strong>Iris</strong> Notes, Lucy W. Tinley 17<br />

Yakima Valley <strong>Iris</strong> for 1939 Season, Alexander Maxerll 23<br />

Leaf Blight <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Caused by Bacterium Tardicrescens,<br />

Lucia McCulluch 26<br />

Varietal Note, Chas. E. F. Gersdorff 36<br />

Our Members Write 40<br />

1939 Ratings 51<br />

Judges Comments 55<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Registrar 65<br />

Introductions 1939 76

#76 January, 1940<br />

Foreword, B. Y. Morrison 1<br />

1940 <strong>Iris</strong> Pilgrimage and Annual Meeting, Franklin Cook 1<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Officers, 1939:<br />

President's Report, H. H. Everett 3<br />

Vice President's Report, W. J. McKee 4<br />

Secretary's Report, Howard R. Watkins 5<br />

Treasurer's Report, J. P. Fishburn, J'r. 7<br />

Editor's Report, B. Y. Morrison 10<br />

Regional Vice Presidents' Reports 10<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Exhibitions Committee, Mrs. Ricker 28<br />

Japanese Flower Arrangements with <strong>Iris</strong> 43<br />

So I'm in the <strong>Iris</strong> Business, Bonnie Bentley 51<br />

Junk, Howard Weed 55<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> My Experiences in <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding, L. Merton Gage 58<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Rot, John C. Wister 62<br />

The Case <strong>of</strong> Rotty <strong>Iris</strong>es, M. E. Douglas 64<br />

Color Classification, Charles U. Bear 79<br />

Concerning Tenderness, IId_rd 8GlbGtJ1&<br />

Observation and Study <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Diseases, William, F. Cahoon 82<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

From Illinois, Amanda Hahn .......................................... 85<br />

From Pennsylvania, T. L. Pillow 86<br />

From Missouri, Ella W. Callis 86<br />

From California, W. B. Cluff 88<br />

From New York, M. Frederick Stunts 90<br />

From Michigan, Bernice Marshall 92<br />

A Buyer's Complaint, Robert J. Graves 93<br />

I'm Saving Them, G. L. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield 94<br />

Correction, W. J. McKee 95

#77 APRIL, 1940<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board 1<br />

An Un<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith 3<br />

Annual Meeting, 1940, Dr. Franklin Cook 15<br />

Oncobreds, C. G. White 20<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Root Rot, Harold T. Bent 23<br />

Color Slide Competition 28<br />

Beauty Wins, A Play <strong>of</strong> One Point, W. M. Kellogg 30<br />

Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards, 1940 33<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Shall We Change the Rating System? Geddes Douglas 40<br />

About I. douglasiana and Hybrids, Fred De Forest 46<br />

About the Dykes Award, Kenneth D. Smith 47<br />

The New Cheek List, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham 50<br />

Membership Lists<br />

Alphabetical List 51<br />

Geographical List 77<br />

Pages for Notes 116, 117

#78 JULY, 1940<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board 1<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> for 1940 3<br />

Highlights <strong>of</strong> the Chicago Meeting 5<br />

Our President Travels, William J. McKee 9<br />

Poor Season in Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop 13<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Northern California, E. O. Essig 17<br />

The Pacific Northwest Reports, Walter E. Marx 19<br />

Three Midwestern Gardens, Louise Blake 27<br />

Below the Mason-Dixon Line, Kenneth D. Smith 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> In and About Philadelphia, John Dolman, Jr. 35<br />

Gardens in the Metropolitan Area, Elisabeth N. Nesmith 37<br />

A Jaunt Through New England, Ethel Anson Peckham 41<br />

Survey <strong>of</strong> the 1940 <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Ju1tius P. Fishburn 47<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Approves Symposium and Courtesy Gardens, C. D. Ellyson 58<br />

Does Beauty Always Win? "Onward" ----------- 58<br />

Questions Value <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Lena M. Lothrop 59<br />

The 1940 Awards at Rome ------------------------ 60<br />

Message from the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>------------ 62<br />

Passing Comment, J. M. Shull -------------------- 63<br />

The 1939 Check List Now Available ------------ 64<br />

Correction to Membership List ... ---------------- 64

#79 OCTOBER, 1940<br />

Editors Bulletin Board -------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

The 1939 Check List, William J. McKee----------------------------- 2<br />

Election <strong>of</strong> Directors------------ ---------------------------------------- 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1940-- ------------------------------------------------------ 4<br />

Judges' Varietal Comments--------------------------------------------- 9<br />

Swan Lake Garden, H. C. Bland--------------------------------------20<br />

Yakima Valley <strong>Iris</strong> Season, 1940, Alexander Maxwell -----------23<br />

Observations on Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>, Geddes Douglas ------------------27<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Sports and Biennial <strong>Iris</strong>, K. H. Sloan----------------------------30<br />

Three Weeks <strong>of</strong> New England <strong>Iris</strong>, H. L. Butterworth ------------36<br />

A California Viewpoint, H. I. Johnson ------------------------------39<br />

Random Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties, C. E. F. Gersdorff ---------------45<br />

Ancestry No Sure Guide to Tenderness, J. M. Shull---------------52<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> 1940 <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. R. E. Ricker ----------------------55<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> at N. Y. World's Fair, G. M. Reed--------------------73<br />

Winners in Color Slide Competition, Mrs. H. E. Lewis-----------75<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Spun Gold in the Midwest, Mrs. Douglas Pattison -- -----------75<br />

Vitamin B1 Experiment, Eleanor Hill -----------77<br />

For a Fair Appraisal <strong>of</strong> Varieties, Mrs. M. P. Scruggs- ---------77

#80 JANUARY, 1941<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Directors Award Gold Medal ------------------------------------------ 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> President for 1940, William J. McKee-------------------- 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Treasurer, Junius P. Fishburn ------------------------------ 7<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regional Vies-Presidents---------------------------------10<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> for Our Gardens, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith 32<br />

Additional 1940 Ratings--- --------------------------------------------38<br />

Resolutions on Breeding, Earl E. Evans -----------------------------39<br />

Judging and Trial Gardens, Harold T. Bent -------------------------46<br />

Native North American <strong>Iris</strong>, Marie LeB. Arbuckle ----------------49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Introductions, 1940, Mrs. W. H. Peckham ---------------------57<br />

Color Slide Competition -----------------------------------------------64<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Notes from Southern California, C. C. Taylor----- ------------65<br />

Southwest Expands Activities, Marian P. Scruggs, 66<br />

For More Critical Ratings, Grace H. Kellogg------ ------------61<br />

Sports or Increases? S. Y. Caldwell ---------------- ------------69<br />

Obituary, Mrs. Herman E. Lewis ------------------------ ------------70

#81 APRIL, 1941<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Un<strong>of</strong>ficial Symposium. 1941, Kenneth D. Smith ---------- 3<br />

Welcome to Annual Meeting, Geddes Douglas ---------- ---------14<br />

Annual Meeting Program --- ------------------------------------------15<br />

Nashville's <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, F. W. Cassebeer---------------------------17<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Committee -----------------------------------------------22<br />

Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards, 1941 ------------------------------------------------23<br />

Candidates for Award <strong>of</strong> Merit ---------------------------------------28<br />

Candidates for Dykes Medal ------------------------------------------29<br />

Awards and Ratings Explained, Jesse Wills ------------------------29<br />

Review <strong>of</strong> Intermediate <strong>Iris</strong>, Robert Schreiner ---------------------38<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Rot Notes, Harold T. Bant ----------------------------------------42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>h Thrips, L. G. Utter and F. F. Smith ----------------------------46<br />

Taking <strong>Iris</strong> Color Pictures, F. W. Cassebeer ------------------------59<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Personal Opinions Better Than Rating? C. G. White- 61<br />

Tenderness vs. Hardiness, J. Marion Shull ----------- ----------61

#82 JULY, 1941<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board--------------------------------------- ---------- 1<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Awards, 1941 ---------- 3<br />

Nashville and Other Gardens, Elizabeth N. Nesmith __ ---------- 6<br />

Impressions at the Annual Meeting, Agnes Whiting___ ---------21<br />

Good <strong>Iris</strong> in a Bad Season, Junius P. Fishburn- ---------29<br />

Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong> Survey, Harold 1. Johnson ________ ---------38<br />

Highlights <strong>of</strong> the Season, Virginia F. Clutton ---------41<br />

The 1941 Season in Retrospect, Ethel A. S. Peckham_- 46<br />

Lady Paramount Gives a Party, Lena M. Lothrop ---------52<br />

Yakima Valley <strong>Iris</strong>, 1941, Alexander Maxwell ---------54<br />

Comments from Iowa, Craig D. Ellyson ---------56<br />

Observed at Roanoke, Lucille Reamey Steedman ---------58<br />

Breeding and Propagating Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, George Arceneaux----67<br />

Our Members Write :<br />

No Awards Made at Rome, Mary Senni-------------------------71<br />

A Critique <strong>of</strong> Notes on Native American <strong>Iris</strong>,<br />

A. W. Mackenzie-------------------------------------- ---------72<br />

A Plea for <strong>Iris</strong> at Morton Arboretum, R. J. Comstock ---------75<br />

Appeal from British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Svend G. Fiedler-- ---------76<br />

We Hear from the Northwest, Alexander Maxwell _ ---------77

#83 OCTOBER, 1941<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1941 -------------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

Comments on Varieties ------------------------------------------------- 8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Seedlings in New Hampshire, Dr. B. J. Grave -----------------23<br />

Mice Feed on Rhizomes, Jesse Willis-------------------------------26<br />

Winners <strong>of</strong> Slide Contest ----------------------------------------------28<br />

New Thrills from Old <strong>Iris</strong>, Bonnie Bentley -------------------------31<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong> on Pacific Coast, Lena M. Lothrop------------------------34<br />

Rhizome Rot, Elizabeth B. Miles-------------------------------------40<br />

Plantings in New York City -------------------------------------------42<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Mr. Caparne's Hybridizing, C. W. Christie-Miller -------------44<br />

Suggests <strong>Iris</strong> as National Flower, Howard Weed---------------44<br />

More Descriptions Wanted, Mary Senni ------------------------45

#84 JANUARY, 1942<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Annual Meetings Postponed ------------------------------------------- 2<br />

New Medals Awarded -------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

Service Medal Recipients----------------------------------------------- 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President, William J. McKee -------------------------- 6<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, Junius P. Fishburn-------------------------- 8<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regional Vice-Presidents ............................... --10<br />

At Home with Pr<strong>of</strong>. Mitchell, Irma Pollock-------------------------30<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> 1941 Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker ----------------------33<br />

Notes from Midwest Breeders ----------------------------------------50<br />

Beardless in Shreveport, Geddes Douglas---------------------------55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings Re-examined, Elmer A. Claar --------------------------57<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Field Mice and <strong>Iris</strong>, E. Horne Craigie----------------------------66<br />

The Lady Comments, Mary F. Tharp ----------------------------68

#85 APRIL, 1942<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Un<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith ---------------------- 3<br />

Policy Awards, 1942 ---------------------------------------------------17<br />

Comments on Awards Policy, Jesse E. Wills -----------------------23<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> from "Down Under," T. Wood -----------------------------------26<br />

Too Many Good <strong>Iris</strong>? John Dolman, Jr. -----------------------------29<br />

Plant Breeding and Hans P. Sass, by David F. Hall----------------33<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Family Trees, Geddes Douglas-------------------------------41<br />

Inheritance Charts:<br />

PRAIRIE SUNSET-------------------------------------------------42<br />

RUTH POLLOCK--------------------------------------------------43<br />

ELSA SASS ---------------------------------------------------------44<br />

Further Progress in Oncobreds, Clare'nce G. White --------------46<br />

Pollen on One Stigma Suffices, Clifford W. Benson --------------48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Introductions, 1941, Mrs. E. A. S. Peckham -------------------50<br />

Membership List --------------------------------------------------------57

#86 JULY, 1942<br />


Listing registrations, introductions, corrections, and additional varieta1 data from autumn 1939 to<br />

January 1942.<br />

Compiled by<br />

ETHEL A. S. PECKHAM, Editor, <strong>Iris</strong> Check List 1939<br />

Assisted by<br />

CHAS. E. F. GERSDORFF, Registrar

#87 OCTOBER, 1942<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board--------------------------------------- ---------- 1<br />

A. I. S. Awards, 1942 ---------------------------------------- ---------- 3<br />

New Directors and Officers --------------------------------- ---------- 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1942 --------------------------------------------- ---------- 6<br />

Comments on Varieties -------------------------------------- ---------11<br />

My Perfect <strong>Iris</strong>, Dr. Franklin Cook------------------------- ---------32<br />

Origin <strong>of</strong> Modern White <strong>Iris</strong>, Geddes Douglas ----------- ---------40<br />

Two New York Gardens, Louise Blake ------------------- --------45<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Personalities, 1942, Thura Truax Hires__________ ---------46<br />

Origin <strong>of</strong> Cultivated Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong>, J an de Gro<strong>of</strong>f-------- ---------58<br />

The Season at Roanoke, Lucile R. Steedman ________ ---------63<br />

Wanted, Better White <strong>Iris</strong>, 'Stedman Buttrick ---------73<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

More <strong>Iris</strong> Family Trees, Geddes Douglas--------------- ---------74<br />

SNOW FLURRY ----------------------------------------- ---------75<br />

OLD PARCHMENT ------------------------------------- ---------77<br />

YELLOW JEWEL---------------------------------------- ---------78<br />

Diet for Rodents, William F. Cahoon ---------80

#88 JANUARY, 1943<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------- ----------- 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President, William J. McKee -------------- ----------- 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer., Junius P. Fishburn ------------- ----------- 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins ------------ ----------10<br />

Report, Slides Committee, Mrs. P. E. Corey------------- ----------11<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regional Vice-Presidents---------------------- ----------12<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> 1942 Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker ------- ----------34<br />

Hibernating <strong>Iris</strong>, Thura Truax Hires----------------------- ----------43<br />

Illinois Bloomings, Amanda Hahn ------------------------ ----------47<br />

Re-blooming <strong>Iris</strong>, Hinda Teague Hill ______________ ----------49<br />

Comments from England, N. Leslie Cave------------ ----------51<br />

Other Interests in <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, S. F. Hamblin----------- ----------56<br />

Evolution <strong>of</strong> Yellow Plicatas, Robert Schreiner___ ---- ----------58<br />

Variety Comments, Geddes Douglas --------------------- ----------62<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Letter to John Dolman, Jr., F. M. Danks --------------- ----------64<br />

From Missouri, J. Marion ShulL ------------------------ ----------65<br />

Charm in an <strong>Iris</strong>, E. B. CappeZZer---------------------- ----------67<br />

Stem Propagation Y Hinda Teague HilL--------------- ----------69

#89 APRIL, 1943<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Un<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith __________ ------ 3<br />

Three New Medals Awarded------------------------------------ -----11<br />

Older <strong>Iris</strong> I would Buy Again, Jesse Wills -----12<br />

Single Stigma Pollination, J. C. Nicholls---------------------- -----19<br />

A Famed Carolina Garden, P. W. Cassebeer____________ -----21<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame, 1943 ----------------------------------- ------------26<br />

Policy <strong>of</strong> Awards, 1943 m ---------------------- -------- ------------28<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Family Trees, Geddes Douglas --------------------- ----------30<br />

MING YELLOW _________ __ -------------------- ----------31<br />

RED GLEAM -------------------------------------------- ----------32<br />

CHRISTABEL --- --------------------------------------- ----------33<br />

Support <strong>of</strong> Present Rating System, C. U. Bear ______ ----------34<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar, C. E. F. Gersdorff ----------- 38<br />

Registration and Approvals for 1942 ----- __ ____39

#90 JULY, 1943<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

A. I. S. Awards, 1943 --------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

Nashville's <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Jesse E. Wills -------------------------------- 6<br />

New England <strong>Iris</strong>, William J. McKee--------------------------------12<br />

Impressions, 1943, Junius P. Fishburn-------------------------------15<br />

Survey, No. California, Mrs. G. G. Pollock-------------------------31<br />

Gossip from North Carolina, Frederic M. Hanes-------------------37<br />

Pacific Northwest Varieties, R. M. Coo1ey-------------------------40<br />

California <strong>Iris</strong> at Home, Lena Lothrop-------------------------------47<br />

In and about Chicago. Orville W. Fay -------------------------------54<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Three Regions, Harold Johnson-------------------------------57<br />

Roanoke Gardens, Lucile B. Steedman------------------------------61<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> Travel, Jesse E. Wills ----------------------------------70<br />

Utah Bloomings, Tell Muhlestein ------------------------------------76<br />

Midwest View <strong>of</strong> Coast <strong>Iris</strong>, L. A. Gaulter--------------------------79<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Seasonal Observations, C. G. White -----------------------------84<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in War Effort, K. D. Smith------------------------------------85<br />

"Grafting" <strong>Iris</strong>, P. E. Schneider -----------------------------------86<br />

Florentina Seedlings, Geddes Douglas --------------------------87<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong> Seen in 1943, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ---------------------88

#91 OCTOBBR, 1943<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, Caroline Dorman ---------- 3<br />

Rare Native <strong>Iris</strong>, Minnie Colquitt ---------11<br />

Why the Spurias? Eric E. Nies ---------13<br />

Our Choice <strong>of</strong> Siberians, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kellogg16<br />

Seen in Midwest Gardens, Agnes Whiting ---------22<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in England, N. Leslie Cave ---------33<br />

How Red Can We Get <strong>Iris</strong>' E. G. Lapham ---------37<br />

Adios: A Late Drift, Louise Blake ------------------------- ---------38<br />

Tools, Soil, Pests, Etc., David p. Hall---------------------- ---------40<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1943 ------ ----------------------------------- ------------44<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Southern California Replies, Lena Lothrop --------------47<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Highlights <strong>of</strong> 1943, Mrs. F. H. Clutton ___-- -------------48<br />

Comments on Varieties --- --------------------------------------------52

#92 FEBRUARY, 1944<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President, Jesse E. Wills ------------------------------- 3<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins ------------------------ 5<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Committee, Mrs. R. E. Ricker---------------- 6<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, E. G. Lapham ------------------------------- 7<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regional Vice-Presidents---------------------------------- 9<br />

Unusual <strong>Iris</strong> in Southern California, J. N. Giridlian ---------------30<br />

Thoughts <strong>of</strong> Amateur Hybridizer, Frederic M. Hanes -------------32<br />

The Naming <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, N. Leslie Cave ----------------------------------34<br />

Prelude to Pink, Geddes Douglas-------------------------------------38<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Whither Are We Bound? R. J. Comstock -----------------------49<br />

Late Transplanting <strong>of</strong> Seedlings, T. N. Webb ------------50<br />

A Criticism, C. Edgar Bedwell ------------51<br />

An Invitation from England, H. J. Randall ------------51<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Registrar, C. E. P. Gersdorff ------------51<br />

Election <strong>of</strong> Officers, 1944 -------------------------------- ------------74

#93 MAY, 1944<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Meet the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>---------------------------------------- 3<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Family, Geddes Douglas-------------------------------------- 7<br />

On Purchasing <strong>Iris</strong>, Jesse Wills ---------------------------------------19<br />

Points on <strong>Iris</strong> Culture, F. W. Cassebeer------------------------------32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizing, Kenneth. D. Smith -------------------------------- 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Color Combinations, Mrs. Silas B. Waters---------------------49<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong> for Our Gardens, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith -----------53<br />

Un<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Kenneth D. Smith ---------------------59<br />

Changes in Awards for 1945, Junius P. Fishburn ------------------68<br />

Dykes Medal Winners, 1927-1945 ----------------------------------70<br />

A. L S. Awards, 1938-1943 -------------------------------------------72<br />

Medal Winners, 1944 --------------------------------------------------80

#94 AUGUST, 1944<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

A. I. S. Awards, 1944 --------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Travels, 1944, Jesse E. Wills ------------------------------------- 5<br />

New England <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Stedman Buttrick ---------- ------------13<br />

More New England Gardens, Wi1liam J. McKee----- ------------21<br />

Nashville Observations, Mrs. Thomas Nesmith ____ ------------26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Notes, Sweet and Sour, Frederic M. Hanes ------- ------------32<br />

What's New in So. California, Mrs. Lena Lothrop ---- ------------36<br />

Roanoke Re-visited, John Dolman, Jr. ------------------------------41<br />

Idle Thoughts <strong>of</strong> an Idle Fellow, J. Marion Shull ___ ------------53<br />

Midwest <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Ralph M. Schroeder ------------- ------------59<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in England, 1944, N. Leslie Cave ___________ ------------65<br />

Honor to Pr<strong>of</strong>. Sidney Mitchell -------------------------- ------------68

#95 NOVEMBER, 1944<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Let's Grow Up, Robert E. Allen..-------------------------------------- 3<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>, H. M. Hill --------------------------------------------------- 8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1944 -------------------------------------------------------13<br />

The Mohr <strong>Iris</strong>, Robert Schreiner--------------------------------------15<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Lady Mohr, Sydney B. Mitchell ---------------------------------21<br />

"Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame," 1944, Kenneth D. Smith ---------------------------24<br />

Roanoke Gardens, Lucile R. Stedman -------------------------------29<br />

Chromosome Numbers, L. F. Randolph. ----------------------------37<br />

Variety Comments------------------------------------------------------46

#96 FEBRUARY, 1945<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board ----------------- -------------------------------- 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the President, Jesse B. Wills ------------------------------- 2<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting------------------------------------------- 7<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, B. G. Lapham ------------------------------ 8<br />

Recipients <strong>of</strong> Distinguished Service Medals<br />

Clarence P. Connell ------------------------------------------------10<br />

J. Marion Shull ----- ------------------------------------------------11<br />

Recipients <strong>of</strong> Hybridizing Medals<br />

Rudolph E. Kleinsorge --------------------------------- -----------12<br />

David F. Hall -------------------------------------------- -----------14<br />

Henry L. Grant ------------------------------------------ -----------11<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regional Vice Presidents--------------------- -----------18<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Committee-------------------------- -----------38<br />

Performances, Deep Southwest--------------------------- -----------42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Review, 1942 and 1944, C. E, F. Gersdorff -----------45<br />

Early Spring Care, F. W. Casebeer -----------52<br />

Why Not Move Up the Awards? David Platt ---- -----------53<br />

Observations, T. R. Manley and H. E. Harned -----------57<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Insuring More "Takes," Edward Watkins -----------------------62<br />

In Defense <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Names, Mary F. Tharp ----------------------63<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> at Christmas, Fred B. Taylor ---------------------------------63<br />

Corrections about Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>, C. E. F. Gersdorff---------------64<br />

More on Mohr <strong>Iris</strong>, C. E. F. Gersdorff---------------------------65<br />

Membership List ------------------------------------------------------66

#97 MAY, 1945<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Judges' Symposium, 1945, Kenneth D. Smith ----------------------- 3<br />

Cycle <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Borer, Charles U. Bear ---------------------------------- 9<br />

Botrytis convoluta, Dr. Louise Dosdall------------------------------11<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> in Argentina, Ruth Hawtrey ---------------------------16<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>, H. M. Hill ------------------------------ ------------21<br />

Diploid to Tetraploid, Robert Schreiner ---------------- ------------25<br />

Consider the Blues, Mary F. Tharp ---------------------------------31<br />

Embryo Seed Culture, Dr. L. F. Randolph _______ ------------33<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Experiments with Seed Germination, C. G. White -----------46<br />

News from Italy, Mrs. H. E. Montgomery ----------------46<br />

Proposed New Awards Calendar, C. G. White 47<br />

Registrations -----------------------------------------------------------48

#98 AUGUST, 1945<br />

Editor's Bulletin Board-------- ---------------------- ------- ---------- 1<br />

List <strong>of</strong> 1945 Awards------ ---------------------------------------------- 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Recollections, 1945, Jesse E. Wills..........................6<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Visits, Geddes Douglas -------------------------------------------15<br />

Breeding for Spacing and Substance, Elias Nelson ----------------23<br />

Reports on So. California, Archie MacLean and Lena Lothrop -25<br />

Growing Spurias, Eric E. Nies -------------- -------------------------33<br />

The Man Behind Elmohr ----------------------------------------------35<br />

Peregrinations <strong>of</strong> a Fancier, J. P. Fishburn --------------------------37<br />

Notes on Two Gardens, John Dolman, Jr._ 48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> at Ingersoll, Ont., F. C. Biehl-------------------------------------53<br />

A Visit to Three Oaks, J. Marion Shull------------------------------56<br />

New England Gardens, W. J. McKee -- -----------------------------59<br />

Kansas and Missouri Gardens, D. R. Kinish------------------------68<br />

Northern California Season, H. I. Johnson -- -----------------------72<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Memoranda, G1ty Rogers ----------------------------------------75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cedric Morris, N. Leslie Cave 0 -----------------------------78<br />

Visit to Rene Cayeux, Clifford W. Benson - -----------------------82<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> in England, N. Leslie Cave------------- ---------85<br />

Growing Conditions in Yakima Valley, Elias Nelson --------87<br />

Vetoes Limiting Introductions, Katharine Clifford -- ---------88<br />

Okehs Limiting Introductions, David R. Kinish ---- ---------89<br />

Size No Measure <strong>of</strong> Beauty, Eric E. Nies ------------- ---------90<br />

Two or Twenty Species? A. W. Mackenzie----------- ---------91

#99 NOVEMBBR, 1945<br />

Editor 's Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------- 1<br />

After Three Years, Dr. Franklin Cook -------------------------------- 3<br />

Officers Re-elected ------------------------------------------------------ 9<br />

Mystery <strong>of</strong> S<strong>of</strong>t Rot, Jesse E. Wills ----------------------------------10<br />

Propagation <strong>of</strong> Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, Ira S. Nelson -----------------------14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Weather Gone Awry, Ralph M. Schroeder------------------21<br />

Presby Memorial Garden, C. H. Caldwell -------------------------25<br />

Review <strong>of</strong> the Season, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker -----------------------28<br />

Lesser Known <strong>Iris</strong>, Dr. George M. Reed ----------------------------37<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Through the War in Italy, Countess Senni----------------------48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Genetics, A. H. Sturtevant and L. F. Randolph ---------------52<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, 1945 -------------------------------------------------------66<br />

Comments on Varieties ------------------------------------------------70<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Favors Test Gardens, Dr. Lews Clevenger ---------------------92

#100 JANUARY, 1946<br />

R. S. STURTEVANT, Editor<br />

GEDDES DOUGLAS, Associate Editor<br />

Foreword, R. S. Sturtevant --------------------------------------------- 1<br />

Calling All Members ---------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

The Traditional Approach .................................... ....... ------------ 5<br />

English Reminiscences, Robert W. Wallace, V. M. H ------------- 5<br />

An American Slant ....................................................... -----------14<br />

The Work <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Society</strong> .................................. , ----------------- 16<br />

President's Report 1929, John C. Wister ----------------------------17<br />

News to An English Friend From Junius Fishburn-----------------20<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Slides Committee, Miriam E. Corey, Chairman ---32<br />

1945 Reports, Jesse E. Wills, Pres -----------------------------------33<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary, Howard R. Watkins -----------------------35<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer, E. G. Lapham ------------------------------37<br />

Reports From the Regional Vice-Presidents ------------------------38<br />

1946 <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker, Chairman-----------------41<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Scientific Committee, L. F. Randolph---------------44<br />

Planning and Planting An <strong>Iris</strong> Border, Olive Murrell--------------46<br />

Cultural Notes on Species............................................. -----------52<br />

The Family Tree-<strong>Iris</strong> For West ---------------------------------------63<br />

Species......................................... ................................ -----------70<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>--Fleur De Luce, W. H. W. Bliss ---------------------------------74<br />

Questionnaire ----------------------------------------------------------75

#101 April, 1946<br />

In Memoriam. Jacob Sass<br />

Foreword<br />

1<br />

Jacob Sass-1872-1945. Thura Traux Hires 3<br />

Sherman L. Duffy 4<br />

His Work with <strong>Iris</strong>es, Thura Traux Hires 5<br />

Agnes Whiting 13<br />

Sherman L. Duffy 20<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Introductions 14<br />

MEDALS, 1945. Mrs. Louise Blake, Harvey Hobson 23<br />

Paul Cook, Mary Williamson 25<br />

E. Greig Lapham, Franklin Cook 28<br />

Amoena Breeding Experiments, Jesse Wills 31<br />

Amoenas and Near-Amoenas in the Early Years 42<br />

New England-A preview <strong>of</strong> the Annual Meeting,<br />

Mrs. Thomas Nesmith 46<br />

Forward Looking Region 6, Mrs. Silas B. Waters 50<br />

Washington State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>-Proposed Program,<br />

Alexander Maxwell --------------------------------------- 53<br />

Canada-1945, W. J. M<strong>of</strong>fat 55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>, A Hobby for Men, John B. Wallace, Jr. 58<br />

Lest We Forget------------------------------------------------ 64<br />

They Say! Mary Tharp--------------------------------------- 65<br />

APPEAL for Kodachromes --------------------------------- 66<br />

IN THE GARDEN -------- ---------------------------------- 67<br />

VARIETAL COMMENTS---------------------------------- 72<br />

Membership List. Changes from Feb. 1945-Feb. 1946 78<br />

Lea <strong>Iris</strong> des Jardins, M. P. Lavenir 88<br />

POLICY OF AWARDS-1945-1946 Eligible <strong>Iris</strong>es------ 90

#102 July, 1946<br />


Cajan Country, Geddes Douglas 3<br />

The Mary Swords Debaillon Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>,<br />

Katherine Cornay---------------------------------------- 6<br />

Abbeville's Giant <strong>Iris</strong>es, Ira S. Nelson______________ 11<br />

What is <strong>Iris</strong> fulva? Clair A. Brown 11<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the Abbeville, La., Region, Percy Viosca, Jr.- 18<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Shreveport, Minnie Colquitt 23<br />

The Influence <strong>of</strong> Sass <strong>Iris</strong>es, Family Trees, Agnes Whiting- 28<br />

Test Gardens, John C. Wister ____________________ 37<br />

New England and The Annual Meeting, Mrs. Irma PoUoc1c- 43<br />

Flower Arrangements, Mrs. Lucille Steedman and<br />

Mrs. Maslin Davis 50<br />

Seedling Comments as received before May 28th. 56<br />

Varietal Comments as received before May 28th. 64<br />

SCIENCE-General Genetics Program, Dr. L. F. Randolph,<br />

Chairman 75<br />

Also Notes on Rot, pollination, germination, response<br />

to length <strong>of</strong> day 79<br />

" As to Selling Pedigreed Seed," E. O. James 81<br />

Ask Me Another. . . The Questionnaire 83<br />

Our Members Write. About Test Gardens, Plant Buyers'<br />

Index, "Obsolete", Species Notes 86<br />

In Memoriam 92<br />

In the Garden.. -- -- 93<br />

REGISTRATIONS, 1945, Charles E.F'. Gersdorff and<br />

Minnie Colquitt 97<br />

Members Attending the 1946 Meeting 121<br />

Offer from Nashville Growers for 1948 Display 123

#103 October, 1946<br />



1946 Awards -------------------------------------------------- 3<br />

Questionnaire Summaries, L. F. Randolph ------------- 5<br />

"After the Ball Was Over," Mrs. Otto Steutzel ----------- 9<br />

From Virginia to New Hampshire, John Dolman, Jr. --- 12<br />

Family Tree. Helen McGregor-Lady Boscawan, Geddes<br />

Douglas ------------------------------------------------------ 13<br />

Region 6 Meeting, Mrs. Silas B. Waters------------------- 21<br />

Kansas and Missouri Gardens, David Kinnish, Dr. Lewis<br />

Clevenger, Dr. H. W. Schirmer 24<br />

California, Mrs. Lena Lothrop -- --------------------------- 31<br />

Mrs. Otto Steutzel -- ___ ___ ---------------------------- 42<br />

Tell M uhlenstein ------------------------------------------- 45<br />

Strange Bed-Fellows <strong>of</strong> the Check List and Classification,<br />

Robert E. Allen------------------------- -------------------- 51<br />

Mr. "Harry" J. Randall -------- -------------- --------------- 55<br />

ARRANGEMENT CONTEST, Mrs. George Steedman 59<br />

Varietal Comments ------------------------------------------- 60<br />

In the Garden, Mrs. Corey and Others--------------------- 71<br />

Species Notes, Louisiana, William Mohr, etc.------------ 74<br />

Our Members Write. "Intermediate," from Region 6<br />

Questionnaire, Numbered Seedling Publicity.<br />

Presby Memorial Garden, Pests, Fading,<br />

This and That<br />

78<br />

Seedling Comments ------------------------------------------ 93<br />

Ask Me Another. Pollenation ------------------ __ --------- 97<br />

CHECK LIST NOTICE ------ __ ------------------------- 98<br />

GROWTH QUESTIONNAIRE _____ ------------------- 100

#104 January, 1947<br />

Foreword------------------- 1<br />

1946 Symposium and Comments, Kenneth D. Smith 3<br />

1946 Ratings _-------<br />

12<br />

ANNUAL MEETING, 1947___ 15<br />

1946 Reports. -PRESIDENT, Jesse Wills 16<br />

SECRETARY, Howard Watkins 18<br />

TREASURER, E. Greig Lapham 20<br />

Regional Vice Presidents, Regions 3, 4, 7, 10, 11,<br />

14, 16 and 17 (See No. 103 for 6 and 15)_ 21<br />

SLIDES COMMITTEE, Mrs. Miriam E. Corey. 35<br />

EXHIDITIONS COMMITTEE, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker36<br />

PUBLIC PLANTINGS, Oklahoma-Montreal 42<br />

AN AMERICAN VISIT, H. J. Randall 44<br />

FALL BLOOMING IRIS: A NEW STRAIN, Geddes Douglas 66<br />

[Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>]<br />

FAMILY TREE, IRIS MIOBELLE, Geddes Douglas__ 67<br />

OUR MEMBERS WRITE, RE-IB. "Plicks [plicatas]"<br />



68<br />

IN THE GARDEN, Mrs. Virginia Clutton 78<br />


SPECIES NOTES, The Longipetala Group, I. Versicolor,<br />



To READ OR NOT TO READ___________________ 93<br />



PRIZES ARRANGEMENT CONTEST ____________ 96<br />


1946 REGISTRATIONS, Chas. E. F. Gersd<strong>of</strong>f,.<br />

Minnie Colquitt 102<br />


#105 April, 1947<br />


Henry Lee Grant, 1894-1946 Elizabeth Nesmith............. 2<br />

Grant <strong>Iris</strong> as I Grow Them, Elizabeth Nesmith ----------- 2<br />

Meet Our New Officers:<br />

Dr. . Franklin. Cook, President ------------------------- 6<br />

Dr. Robert J. Graves, Vice President----- ------------- 7<br />

Chicago Bound, Ralph Schroeder, Virginia F. Clutton 9<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong>es in England, Harry J. Randall------------ 19<br />

California Species, Lena Lothrop - 24<br />

Swing Back to the Blues, Jesse Wills ---------------------- 31<br />

Family Tree-<strong>Iris</strong> CAHOKIA, Geddes Douglas.............. 38<br />

Genetics Program. 1946 Report, 1947 Program,<br />

The Scientiftc Committee 39<br />

Wisley Memories, William Miles ................................... 49<br />

Bacterial Leaf Blight, W. H. Burkholder ------------------ 53<br />

Disease Resistance, Geddes Douglas ............................. 59<br />

The Use <strong>of</strong> DDT in the Control <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Borer, Lowry-Fraim 64<br />

"Scorch," Robert E. Allen, Eleanor Hull<br />

Mutation, H. R. Nasmith -------------------------------- 66<br />

Classification. Dwarfs, Walter Welch. IB,<br />

Chas. E. F. Gersdorff, etc. ------------------------------ 70<br />

Growth Questionnaire Report, R. 8. 8turtevant----------- 75<br />

SPECIES. I. imbricata, Paul Cook, and others --------79<br />

Color Photography, Percy I. Merry. --- ----------------81<br />

OUR MEMBERS WRITE. Guest Ethics, Plicata, This and That 83<br />

Member Group&-Local: Dallas, Texas, Southern California,<br />

Canada ___________ ---------------------------------- 90<br />

Varietal Comments _____ ---------------------------------- 94<br />

PUBLICITY, Ideas, Result&..____________ _______ 99<br />

Cayeux Introductions and Parentages, Rene Cayeux_ --- 103<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Directors' Meeting-- ............................... 106<br />

Daylily Check List------------------------------ ------------- 109<br />

Membership List, Additions to January, 1947 ------ 110<br />


#106 July, 1947<br />


Foreword--- 1<br />

Medalists—<br />

Jesse E. Wills ------ 3<br />

Kenneth D. Smith -------- 4<br />

Plicata or Feathered<br />

R. S. Sturtevant ------------------------------------------ 5<br />

Sydney B. Mitchell -- 13<br />

Robert Schreiner ----------------------------------------- 21<br />

Agnes Whiting ------------------------------------------- 26<br />

Family Tree Banded Beauty 31<br />

K. D. Smith 32<br />

Angus Wilson and others 35<br />

The Annual Meeting 1947, Sam Y. Caldwell. 38<br />

Texas and Louisiana, Geddes Douglas 45<br />

Southern California Trek, Carl Taylor- 50<br />

Southern United States <strong>Iris</strong>es, Species and Hybrids, Geo. M. Reed 52<br />

SPECIES-<br />

I. atr<strong>of</strong>usca, Tuviah Kushnir 83<br />

I. gracilipes BLUE ROSE, I. Verna 91<br />

Member Groups, Kent, England; Seattle, Wash.<br />

Regions 6, 7, 18 92<br />

Our Members Write, Ratings, Registrations, Classification- 95<br />

On Judges' and Judging, J. Marion Shull I 107<br />

Fertilizing <strong>Iris</strong>es, Guy Rogers, Texas I 109<br />

The Green Light, Mary Tharp ----------------------------- 112<br />

In the Garden, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds, Tennessee-------- 116<br />

Varietal Comments, Wm. Mohr Seedlings --------------- 118<br />

"Pineappling"................................................................. 122<br />

In Memoriam, Ruth Marsailis Dormon 123<br />

Errata ------------------------------------- ----- .................. 123<br />

ANNUAL-Midwest Hemerocallis <strong>Society</strong>--------------- 124<br />

Nashville 1948 Trials _ ------------------------------------- 124<br />

Awards 1947 ----------------------------------------------- --- 128

#107 October, 1947<br />


Foreword .................................................................. 1<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong>es in England, Gwendolyn Anley 5<br />

From the Kent Group, England------------------------------ 10<br />

Three Oaks, Three Buds and Three Points North,<br />

John Dolman, Jr., Pa 15<br />

California Comments:<br />

Harold I. Johnson, Atherton 26<br />

George Wedgewood, Brentwood 26<br />

Willard I. Pankost, Sacramento 28<br />

Mid-western Notes:<br />

In Kansas, Missouri and Ilinois, David R. Kinuh, O.S.B 31<br />

Colorado Comments, Mrs. F. E. Winegar, Denver 37<br />

Among the Earlies, Melvin G. Geiser, Kansas 46<br />

Ohio, New England, Don Waters 49<br />

Illinois and Indiana, George Zink and Geo. Buneaux_ 52<br />

. This and That from Idaho, Mary F. Tharp 54<br />

New England, Harold W. Knowlton, Mass. --- 56<br />

Varietal Comments, Mrs. P. E. Corey, Mass. 66<br />

Seedling Comments - 66<br />

Chromosome Number and Classification <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>,<br />

L. F. Randolph- 68<br />

Regional Performance Ratings, The Scientific Committee 80<br />

Fertility Records, John Dolman, Jr. _ 91<br />

Ancient Symbolism, Ralph C. Erskine, N. C. 96<br />

Species in Oklahoma, Eleanor Hill 97<br />

Embryo Seed Culture, Jeanne M. Perrigo 102<br />

Progress in Pink, Geddes Douglas 107<br />

Fami1y Tree, <strong>Iris</strong> Cherie 113<br />

Our Members Write:<br />

Intermediate Comment, <strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis, On Marking <strong>Iris</strong>,<br />

Greetings from Tasmania, Double <strong>Iris</strong>, Plug for " Plicks, "<br />

Guest Ethics -- 114<br />

Lines <strong>of</strong> Advice, Mrs. F. Lee Martin 118<br />

In the Garden -------------------------------------------------- 118<br />

Contest in Arrangements, Winners and Prizes. Announced 121

#108 January, 1948<br />


Foreword - 1<br />

Grace Sturtevant --------------------------------------------- 3<br />

Judges' Symposium, 1947, Kenneth Smith__ ------------ 23<br />

Pacific Coasting in <strong>Iris</strong> Time, Sydney B. Mitchell 30<br />

"By Their Fruits. . .", Caroline Dormon 45<br />

New Worlds to Conquer, T. C. Russell 49<br />

Regional Performance Ratings, Part II,<br />

The Scientific Committee 54<br />

Bouquets and Brickbats, N. Leslie Cave 62<br />

President's Report, Dr. Franklin Cook 66<br />

Regional Vice-Presidents' Reports ------------------------ 69-104<br />

Random Thoughts <strong>of</strong> a Beginner, W. F. Scott, Jr. 105<br />

Varietal Comments 108<br />

Species Notes: <strong>Iris</strong> Nada, Species Exchange 114-115<br />

In Memoriam: Florence Fisk White, Edgar P. Arceneaux 116<br />

Walla Walla Becomes <strong>Iris</strong> City ---------------------------- 117<br />

In the Garden: Mrs. Sidney Smith, Mrs. James Boyd 118<br />

Our Members Write: Crossing, Ratings, Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, Dykes<br />

Medalists, <strong>Iris</strong> Donations, Reticulations 119<br />

1948 Arrangement Contest --------------------------------- 122<br />

Cash for Kodachromes-------------------------------------- 124<br />

Announcement, Annual Meeting, 1948 127<br />

Registrations, 1947, Charles E. F. Gersdorff, Mrs. Walter<br />

Colquit 128<br />

Gardens Open to the Public 156

#109 April, 1948<br />

Classification--- membership List<br />

Revised Classification <strong>of</strong> the Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>,<br />

L. F. Randolph.. 3<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>ing Between the Rain-Drops, Charles E. F. Gersdorff. .. 9<br />

Season in Region 8, Robert Schreiner. . . . .. 14<br />

An Experimental Study <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Ratings, E. L. Clark. . 16<br />

Medal for Distinguished Service Given Howard R. Watkins 21<br />

Agnes Whiting Awarded AIS Medal for Hybridizing. . . . . .. 22<br />

The Sky Is the Limit, Harry R. O'Brien. .. ... 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>-Deep in the Heart <strong>of</strong> Texas, Carl O. Schirmer. 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows in 1947, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . .. 32<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Directors' Meeting............ 39.<br />

Indoor <strong>Iris</strong>es, Sam Y. Caldwell................. 45<br />

Genetics Program for 1948, L. F. Randolph.. 46<br />

"The <strong>Iris</strong>" Gets Warm Reception.............. 51<br />

Beardless and Species <strong>Iris</strong> Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Needed for White House Garden, F. Gordon Willis.. 55<br />

Arrangement Contest Prizes ..................... 58<br />

Questions and Answers ............................ 59<br />

Our Members Write """"""""""""""""'" ... 67<br />

Gardens Open to the Public...................... 74<br />

Membership List....................................... 75

#110 July, 1948<br />

1948Awards............................................... 3<br />

Annual Meeting, Sam Y.Caldwell.............. 8<br />

Nashville Notes, W.F.Scott,]r.................... 13<br />

Grand Finale, E. GreigLapham ................. 16<br />

Post-Season Meditations, Jesse Wills. . . . . . . .. 18<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Ramblings in 1948, Richard Goodman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36<br />

A Spring <strong>Iris</strong> Festival, David R. Kinish, O. S. Boo. . .. . . . .. 43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Interest Grows in Canada, Mrs. Harry Bickle. . . .. . . . .. 50<br />

A Critical Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Older <strong>Iris</strong>es, Lila McCombs. .. . . .. 53<br />

Louisiana Hayride, Sam Y. Caldwell. .. . . .. . . . ... 62<br />

Bayou Babble, Mrs. Ray J. Cornay ........... 73<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Yearbook, 1947, R. S. Sturtevant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Odyssey, Geddes Douglas................... 77<br />

The Rainbow <strong>of</strong> San Fernando, G. H. Murray 85<br />

Parade <strong>of</strong> Veterans, R. J. Comstock........... 90<br />

Varietal Notes on Red <strong>Iris</strong>es, Elias Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 91<br />

Varietal Comments, Clifford W. Benson. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... 94<br />

Try Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, Mrs. J. F. Emigholz ...... 100<br />

In Memoriam-Kate Lancaster Brewster, Ilse Clason Smith 104<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Directors' Meeting............. 105<br />

Our Members Write................................... l08<br />

Questions and Answers ............................. 1l9

#111 October, 1948<br />

Presby Memorial Garden<br />

The Presby Memorial Garden, Iohn C. Wister 3<br />

1948 Season in the Southwest, Harry Thomas 8<br />

Spartanburg to South Paris, Harold W. Knowlton. . . . . .. ... 13<br />

The Season in Region 12, Tell Muhlestein. .. . ... . . . . . .. ... 23<br />

Bulletin Arrangement Contest, Mrs. William T. Wood.. .. .. 26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Bursitis, <strong>Iris</strong> Neuritis, John Dolman, Ir.. . . . . .. . . . .. .. 35<br />

The Season in California, Sydney B. Mitchell. . . . . . . . .. .. .. 47<br />

Renewed Interest in Region 4, Dr. I. W. Palmer. . . . .. . .. 55<br />

The Regional Vice-Presidency, Dr. Franklin Cook... 56<br />

Winter-Blooming <strong>Iris</strong>, Caroline Dorman. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. 59<br />

Regional Performance and Merit Ratings, Preliminary<br />

Report for I948, L. F. Randolph .......... 62<br />

The Ro<strong>of</strong> lris, Sam Y. Caldwell................. 69<br />

Chromosome Behavior in an <strong>Iris</strong> Hybrid, Katherine<br />

Heinig and L. F. Randolph .................. 77<br />

In Memoriam, Mrs.W. E. Tobie ............... 82<br />

Two Tramps Abroad at <strong>Iris</strong> Time, Dr. Lewis Clevenger 84<br />

1948 <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 87<br />

Our Members Write.................................. 90

# 112 January, 1949<br />

Symposium---Regional News<br />

Judges' Symposium <strong>of</strong> 1948 ..................... 3<br />

News from a New Region, Nina N. Winegar 15<br />

Active Season in Region I, Harold W. Knowlton 27<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in the Northwest, Dr. Matthew C. Riddle 29<br />

Westward Ho!........................................... 39<br />

The Amazing Region 18, Carl O. Schirmer 43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Observations in Illinois, Ray J. Belsley 47<br />

Onward with Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es, Caroline Dorman. . . . . . . . .. 61<br />

Comments from Region 6, Mrs. Silas B. Waters 65<br />

Southern California Reports, Mrs. Otto Stuetsel. . . . . . . . .. 70<br />

Impressions-1948 <strong>Iris</strong> Season, Harold 1. Johnson 74<br />

Spring in South Carolina, Ruth Sara Routh. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 78<br />

1948 <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. 80<br />

In Memoriam- Marion Shrill, Ferdinand Cayeux,<br />

L. Merton Gage, J. D. Long ................ 88<br />

Regional Performance Ratings, Dr. L. F. Randolph 94<br />

Beardless and Species <strong>Iris</strong> Committee Report,<br />

Sydney B. Mitchell.............. ................ 96<br />

Busy Year in Region 11, Mrs. Sidney W. Smith 106<br />

Robins' Roost............................................ 113<br />

President's Report, Dr. Franklin Cook ..... 119<br />

Secretary's Report, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121<br />

Treasurer's Report, E. Greig Lapham...... . 124

#113 April, 1949<br />

Jewels <strong>of</strong> Spring, Melvin G. Geiser. . . .. . .. 3<br />

Control <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Borer and Leaf Spot, Dr. L. F. Randolph.. 10<br />

Canadians Hold Meeting, Mrs. Harry Bickle 17<br />

What Is the Correct Culture for Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es?<br />

]eanStevens .......................................... 19<br />

Vacation in <strong>Iris</strong> Land, Pr<strong>of</strong>. and Mrs. Frank H. Banyard.. 24<br />

A Novice Visits the Giants, Dr. Philip G. Corliss. . . . . . . . .. 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Region 14, George W. Wedgewood33<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Calendar in Central California, Mrs. A. E. Morrison. ... 42<br />

1948 Regional Performance Ratings, Dr. L. F. Randolph.. 45<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> 1948 Experimental Ratings, Dr. E. L. Clark. . .. 48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Popularity Pattern, Robert E. Allen. . . . . ... . . . . ., . .. 52<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Japonica and its Hybrids, ]. N. Giridlian.. . . . . . . . . .. 58<br />

Some Can Take It!, Caroline Dormon. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 67<br />

Debaillon Award Authorized..................... 69<br />

Make Your Ga,rden Pictures Look Sharp!, Sam Caldwell.. 71<br />

GardenVisits-RegionaIMeetings ............... 78<br />

Registration Fee Adopted .......................... 82<br />

1949ArrangementContest.......................... 84<br />

Our Members Write................................... 88<br />

Directors' Meeting ..................................... 94<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and<br />

Mrs. Walter Colquitt ............................ 95

#114 July, 1949<br />

We'll Remember Portland, W. F. Scott, Jr3<br />

A Half Century with <strong>Iris</strong>es, Sydney B. Mitchell 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> that Grow from Bulbs, Jan de Graaff22<br />

A Good Season in Texas and Oklahoma, Harry Thomas... . 31<br />

Meeting in Memphis, Geddes Douglas .... 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> New Jersey, Mrs. John W. Hunt. .. . . . . .. .. . 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> from New Zealand, Robert Schreiner43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Symposia, M. D. Naylor.................... . 46<br />

Just Thinking It Over, W. F. Scott, Jr.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 49<br />

Good Companions, Mrs. Fred Clutton.... . 51<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Virus, Eva E. Faught......................... . 53<br />

The "Average Member," Charles I. Coldsmith 55<br />

A New Race <strong>of</strong> Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es, Ira S. Nelson... . . ,. .. .. .. . 58<br />

Another Successful Show, Gladys Calhoun Chase 64<br />

Hemerocallis and Oriental Poppies in the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden,<br />

Mrs. Thomas Nesmith .......................... 67<br />

The Reticulata and Juno Sections, George L. Mac Alevy. . . . 75<br />

Questions and Answers ............................ 79<br />

Our Members Write.................................. 87<br />

Directors Meet at Portland........................ 90<br />

Coast.ta-Coast Comments ........................ 92<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> in Vitro, A.. Orville Dahl, Robert<br />

Schreiner, Gertrude S. Joachim ....... ... 99

#115 October, 1949<br />

1949 Awards and Honors, Robert E. Allen. 3<br />

New England in an Early Season, Harold W. Knowlton... 9<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Impressions-1949, Jesse E. Wills ........ 15<br />

In Region Eleven, Mrs. Sidney W. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23<br />

Show and Trek Feature Utah Season, Tell Muhlestein 27<br />

All Over Region 18, W. F. Scott, Jr .......... 31<br />

Southern California Gardens, Mrs. Otto Stuetzel 37<br />

Forty-Nine East, John Dolman, Jr............. 40<br />

A Grand Season in Region 6, Mrs. George D. Robinson 51<br />

A "Gold Country" Garden, Lloyd Austin. . . . . . . .. 60<br />

Unusual <strong>Iris</strong> Color, Roy W. Fielding ......... 63<br />

Arrangement Contest Winners ..... :........... 68<br />

Significant Variants in Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es, Ira S. Nelson 71<br />

New Dutch <strong>Iris</strong>es, Sydney B. Mitchell ....... 75<br />

Our Members Write................................... 77<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> and 1-1949, Mrs. George C. Steedman. . . . . . . ... 78<br />

In Memoriam, Dr. Harry H. Everett, Elias Nelson, Frank<br />

Albert Thole, Luke Norton................... 86<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows in 1949, Mrs. Ralph E. Ricker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Proving Ground in Detroit...... ............ 99<br />

Questions and Answers ............................. 99<br />

1949 <strong>Iris</strong> Introductions............................... 104

#116 January, 1950<br />

The Hundred Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> 1949, [Symposium]<br />

Robert E. Allen. . .. ............................. 3<br />

Cedarbrook Park <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, John C. Wister 17<br />

1950 Annual Meeting ............................... 20<br />

Coming Events Cast Their Shadows, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds. 22<br />

New Jersey and Southern New York, Charles H. Caldwell.. 31<br />

New Registration and Introduction Procedure. . . . . . .. . ... 34<br />

1949 Regional Performance Ratings, L. F. Randolph. . . .. .. 38<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Ontario Gardens, Mrs. Harry Bickle. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47<br />

Observations <strong>of</strong> an Idaho <strong>Iris</strong>arian, Mrs. Ed Conrad. .. . ... 49<br />

Robins' Roost............................................ 53<br />

Two Big "W's," Philip G. Corliss, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55<br />

Tall Beardeds in Louisiana, Mrs. W. R. Mathews 58<br />

<strong>Society</strong>'s Directors Meet in Chicago. .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Time in the Rockies, Nina N. Winegar 63<br />

In Memoriam, Hans Peter Sass, Thomas Nesmith,<br />

ThomasA. Williams ............................... 72<br />

An AIS Favorite Writes a Book, Jesse E. Wills 76

#ll7 April, 1950<br />

Foreword................................... ................ 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Color Classification (1949 Revision), Robert E. Allen.. 5<br />

Notes on Color Classification.................... 11<br />

1949 Symposium Varieties by Color......... 13<br />

Sam Caldwell Joins CBS """"""""""""""" 16<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong>es, Matthew C. Riddle. . . . . . . . .. 18<br />

A Study in Appraisal, Elmer A. Claar....... 20<br />

Charles E. F. Gersdorff Retires. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... 27<br />

The Future <strong>of</strong> Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>es, Walter Welch30<br />

Dwarf Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es, Stephen F. Hamblen. . . . . . . . . . . .. 36<br />

They're Fabulous, Philip G. Corliss. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. ... 41<br />

Species Report from British Columbia, Kenneth M. McKee 46<br />

Progress with the Louisianas, Sidney L Conger. . . . . . . . .. 53<br />

Two Cultures for Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es, Mrs. W. R. Mathews.. . 56<br />

On <strong>Iris</strong> Names, Robert E.Allen.................. 60<br />

By.Laws <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66<br />

In Memoriam, J. N. Bommerabach, Howard R. Glutzbeck ., 69<br />

Our Members Write ...,............................. 71<br />

Treasurer's Report, 1949............................ 75<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar, 1949, Charles E. F. Gersdorff and<br />

Mrs. Walter Colquitt .............. . . . . .. .. ... 77<br />

Dwarf Bearded and Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Clubs Formed Insert

#118 July, 1950<br />

Foreword................................................... 2<br />

Portrait <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong>, Eva E. Faught.............. 3<br />

Address <strong>of</strong> the Honorable H. J. Randall, Sioux City, Iowa,<br />

June 10, 1950 ......................................... 4<br />

Louise Blake's Garden, Helen D. Moseley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9<br />

In Memoriam, Vesta Saban ...................... 11<br />

Migration to Texas, Frances Hyland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

Meeting at Lafayette, Alline Rogers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

1950 <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Southern California, Mrs. Douglas<br />

Pattison, Mrs. Otto Stuetzel, Roy W. Fielding. . . . . . . . . . .. 21<br />

In Search <strong>of</strong> a Blossom, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

Consider the Virginicas, Caroline Dormon 32<br />

A Startling New "Break" in Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es,<br />

Herbert L. Dozier ................................... 34<br />

Propagation by Proliferation,- Eric Nies .. 37<br />

The Seed Dormancy Problem, George R. Beach, Jr. 39<br />

First Year Bloom, Geddes Douglas.......... 44<br />

Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, Walter Welch.. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . 47<br />

Metamorphosis <strong>of</strong> the Butterfly, Philip G. Corliss, M.D.. . . . 59<br />

New Vistas for Breeders <strong>of</strong> Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>, L. F. Randolph. .. . . . 64<br />

The Classification <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es by Color Groups and Patterns. . . . 70<br />

AIS Statement <strong>of</strong> Investments .................. 72<br />

Pre-Season Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar-Recorder 1950. . . . . . . . . 73<br />

Favorite <strong>Iris</strong> Names <strong>of</strong> 1949 .................. ... 79<br />

Our Members Write.................................. 84<br />

fn Memoriam, Myron E. Douglas ............ 94<br />

New AIS Members, January I-May 15, 1950 95

#119 October, 1950<br />

Foreword.................................................... 2<br />

1950 Annual Meeting, Guy Rogers 3<br />

Super Juice, Super Folks, .Super <strong>Iris</strong>, W. F. Scott, Jr.. 9<br />

New Strain <strong>of</strong> Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, Walter E. Buss 16<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Prone and <strong>Iris</strong> Progress, John Dolman, Jr... 25<br />

Color Classification, Charles U. Bear, Robert E. Allen. . . 36<br />

Awards... 39<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong> in South Africa, Frieda J. Bosh<strong>of</strong>f-Mostert . 43<br />

The Lay <strong>of</strong> An Ancient Mariner, A. W. MacKenzie. .. . 45<br />

Seven Garden Pictures............................... 48<br />

1947 Crosses, 1. F. Randolph, Paul Cook. . . . .. . 56<br />

Region 1 Forms Garden Committee, Mrs. Thelma G. Barton. . 60<br />

In Memoriam, Dr. Robert J. Graves . . . . . 61<br />

Minutes, Directors Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62<br />

R. E. Kleinsorge Awarded Foster Memorial Plaque. 65<br />

Regional Reports ....................................... 66<br />

Our Members Write . . . . . . . . 99<br />

Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . 106<br />

New AIS Members, May-August 1, 1950.114

#120 January, 1951<br />

Foreword.................................................... 2<br />

Don't Miss This "Never Never Land"........ 3<br />

1951 Annual Meeting.. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 5<br />

Stops for Motorists, Dorothy Adams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6<br />

Places <strong>of</strong> Interest, Marie Caillet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> in Shreveport, Mrs. Walter Colquitt 12<br />

Louisiana Native Types, Joe Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

Oncocyclus, Regelia, etc., Lawrence Neel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

Basic Work With the Mohr Hybrids, John J. OhI 24<br />

Recent Developments in Oncocyclus, Tom Craig 34<br />

Spraying Eliminates <strong>Iris</strong> Pests, Isabelle Henderson.. J.. . . . 43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Favorites, Symposium Notes, M. W. Boesel 48<br />

Notes on 1950 Awards, Harold W. Knowlton. 50<br />

Contributions <strong>of</strong> Sir Michael Foster, L. F. Randolph. .. .. . . 54<br />

Robin's Roost............................................. 65<br />

Varietal Comments, H.J. Randall.. ............ 69<br />

Attention Shutterbugs, Orville M. Baker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

Hybrid VS. Mutation, M. D. Naylor.......... 74<br />

Report from Region 13, Mrs. Albert Haase... . . . . . . . . . . . . 78<br />

Urbana Idea. Mrs. V. R. Frederick. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . 82<br />

Our Members Write................................... 86<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Circuit, Mrs. Fern Irving.. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 94<br />

Certificates <strong>of</strong> Commendation, 1950......... 99

#121 April, 1951<br />


Plenty to See, Caroline Dormon................ 5<br />

Once in a Lifetime, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9<br />

Mohr Progress in 1950, John J. Ohl .......... 20<br />

Tricks for Old and New Dogs, Geddes Douglas.. ... . 24<br />

Critique <strong>of</strong> Progress, David F. Johnson. . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . 32<br />

Way Beyond the Hills <strong>of</strong> Idaho, Mrs. Ed Conrad. . . .. .. .. . 34<br />

Who's Who ................................................ 39<br />

Membership Campaigns, W. F. Scott, Jr.44<br />

Report Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Committee, Walter Welch 47<br />

Report Scientific Committee, L. F. Randolph. . . . . .. . . . . .. . 49<br />

Uncommon <strong>Iris</strong>es for Pot Culture, Lawrence Nee! 52<br />

A Hobby Has Gone to Pot, Harold R. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Cash Receipts and Disbursements,<br />

. CarlO. Schirmer....................................... 60<br />

Hanover Exposition.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . 62<br />

In Memoriam, Irving W. Fraim................. 64<br />

Our Members Write................................... 65<br />

Questions and Answers ............................. 73<br />

1950 Symposium and Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame, Robert E. Allen. . . . . . . . 77<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Accredited Judges 1951 ................. 80<br />

Species <strong>of</strong> the Genus <strong>Iris</strong>, A. C. Herrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

#122 July, 1951<br />

Foreword.................................................... ...................... 2<br />

One Man Committee, H. O. Kelley, Mo. .. 6<br />

AIS Holds Annual Convention, Douglas, Walter, Rogers,<br />

Cook and Wills........................................ 10<br />

Super <strong>Iris</strong> for a Dollar or Less, Dr. Franklin Cook, ill.. . .. 23<br />

Gardener Extraordinary, Mrs. Paul Updegraff, Okla 21<br />

Color and Your Garden, Isabelle Bowen Henderson, N.C 31<br />

In Memoriam, Mrs. Silas B. Waters... ...... 38<br />

In Memoriam, Clara Howard Clevenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38<br />

A Visit to Lafayette, Harold W. Knowlton, Mass 39<br />

How Cheap Can a Good <strong>Iris</strong> Get? Lila McCombs, Calif 42<br />

Varietal Comments, Mrs. J. J. Licini, Nevada 47<br />

New Associate Registrar and Recorder. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... 50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Evaluation, David F. Johnson, NJ....... 51<br />

The Nutmeggers Organize, Mrs. Chas. 1. Stephenson, Conn. 54<br />

Proliferations Observed, John L. Briggs, Mich.. . . . . . . . . . .. 56<br />

Let's Find an Easier Way, Geo. R. Beach, Jr., ill 57<br />

How to Plant an <strong>Iris</strong>................................... 60<br />

A New Race <strong>of</strong> Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es, Caroline Dormon 62<br />

In Memoriam, JohnA.Bnneaux ................ 66<br />

Among the Jnnos, Laurence W. Neel, England 67<br />

List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es, E. Biesalski, Germany. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. 70<br />

Our Members Write, .............................74<br />

Registrations and Report for 1950, Robert E. Allen, W. Va. 85

#123 October, 1951<br />

Foreword .................................................. 2<br />

Awards 1951...,......................................... 3<br />

New Check List Published ....................... 7<br />

From Aldan to Walden, John Dolman, Jr8<br />

Our Common Bond, Frieda Bosh<strong>of</strong>f-Mostert 20<br />

Proliferations Followed-up, John L. Briggs. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23<br />

Mulching <strong>Iris</strong>, Geddes Douglas """""""""""'" 24<br />

Mr. Earl E. Evans, Walter Welch ............. 25<br />

Propagation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Innominata Lee W. Lenz 27<br />

Regional Reports ..................................... 30<br />

Varietal Comment. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 62<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Committee............... 88<br />

Cytology <strong>of</strong> Dwarf and Tall-Bearded Hybrids,<br />

L. F. Randolph and Katherine Heinig. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90<br />

Three Kinds <strong>of</strong> White Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, A. H. Sturtevant. . . . . .. 99<br />

Notes on the Tangerine Beard, A. H. Sturtevant... . . . . . . 101<br />

Our Members Write............................. 103

#124 January, 1952<br />

Foreword................................................... 2<br />

The Twelfth Annual Symposium ............. 3<br />

ThelOOFavorite<strong>Iris</strong>es<strong>of</strong>1951.................... 4<br />

The 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> 1951 By Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6<br />

In Memoriam-Sydney B. Mitchell............ 8<br />

Random Comments, Harry J. Randall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10<br />

Meet Me in St. Louis, W. F. Scott, Jr....... 17<br />

Our Judges Suggest, R. S. Sturtevant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20<br />

In Memoriam-Herbert L. Dozier, Sr......... 22<br />

"Clancy" Lowers the Boom, Mrs. V. R. Frederick 23<br />

Region Nine Celebrates! Jerry Donahue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28<br />

The Care and Feeding <strong>of</strong> Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, W. F. Scott, Jr... ... 31<br />

The Dykes Memorial Medal..................... 33<br />

Culture-Louisiana Native <strong>Iris</strong>es, Claude W. Davis. . . . . . .. 37<br />

Exhibition Certificate Awards_1951. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39<br />

Canadian Display Garden, Mrs. Harry Bickle, Ont.. . . . . . .. 41<br />

Garden Notes, Mrs. Harry Bickle, Ont..... 42<br />

Region 17 Meeting, Willie 1. Birge, RVP, Texas. . . . . . . . .. 44<br />

Robin's Roost............................................ 45<br />

Questions and Answers .. ......................... 50<br />

Our Members Write ................................. 53<br />

Exhibition Committee Report................... 61<br />

Exhibition Judges ..................................... 70<br />

Commercial Directory .............................. 81

#125 April, 1952<br />

Foreword ................... .............................. 1<br />

In Memoriam-Eric E. Nies ...................... , 3<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Sydney Mitchell, Tom Craig .......... 5<br />

Mohr.Mitchell lntroduc;;tions, Harold I. Johnson. . . . . . . . .. 13<br />

Sydney B. Mitchell-An Appreciation, R. S. Sturtevant. . .. 14<br />

Sydney B. Mitchell, Frances Clarke Sayers 19<br />

Medals Awarded-Nies, Nesmith, Randolph. . . . . .. . . ... .. 22<br />

Yellow Amoena or What, Jean Stevens. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27<br />

Return <strong>of</strong> the Slide Rule, Geddes Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29<br />

Hanover Exposition 1951, by Ernst Biesalski 35<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Stylosa, Mrs. T. B. Revell .................. 37<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Golden Nymph, Edith Hardin English. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 40<br />

Popularity Ballot 1952, Harold W. Knowlton.. 43<br />

Additional Fifty, 1951 Symposium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 44<br />

A Pursuit <strong>of</strong> Pineappling, Mrs. Victor Perini. . . . . . . .. 47<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong> from Seed, John Pierce........ 52<br />

Hints on Seed Planting, 1(. D. Smith. . . . .53<br />

Notes from Region 7, Mrs. Leo Reynolds. ..., 57<br />

Notes from Region 13, Mrs. Albert Haase. . . . . . . . . . .. 59<br />

Canadian Comments, Uoyd Zurbrigg. . .. . . . . . 61<br />

Minutes, Director's Meeting 1951. . . . . . . .. ...............69<br />

Questions and Answers ............................ 80<br />

Our Members Write.................................. 82<br />

Accredited Judges List, 1952.................... 88

#126 JULY, 1952<br />

Foreword...................................................... 2<br />

St. Louis Meeting, Mrs. Ralph S. Nelson.... 5<br />

Dark Horses <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>dom, Dr. Frank Galyon18<br />

Varietal Comments, Clifford Benson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28<br />

Wynnewood Okla. Gardens, Mrs. Paul Updegraff 35<br />

A Univ. <strong>of</strong> Alberta Report on <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties42<br />

Minutes Meeting <strong>of</strong> Directors...................... 44<br />

<strong>Society</strong> for Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> Organized, Mrs. Ellen Wilkerson 46<br />

Nutmeggers New Project, 'Ruth A. Stephenson 48<br />

I Prefer This Method, Lila McCombs .............................. 49<br />

RHS Trial <strong>of</strong> Spuria Hybrids....................... 51<br />

Tricks <strong>of</strong> the Trade, Geddes Douglas ........:; 52<br />

New Idea in Trophies, Byron C. Jenkins..... 55<br />

Questions and Answers ............................... 56<br />

Our Members Write..................................... 59<br />

Registrations for 1951,.. Mrs. Geo. D. Robinson, Registrar 75

#127 OCTOBER-1952<br />

Foreword.............................................. 2<br />

Dr. Cook Lost on Lake Charlevoix ........... 3<br />

AIS Awards, 1952 ..................................... 4<br />

Region 17 Meeting, Harold W. Knowlton.. 10<br />

The Indians Grew <strong>Iris</strong>es, Jesse Wills......... 13<br />

Symposium Sidelights, W. F. Scott, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14<br />

In Memoriam-John Dolman ...................... 18<br />

John Dolman-<strong>Iris</strong>arian, John C. Lyster...... 19<br />

The Role <strong>of</strong> Foliosa, Frank Chowning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21<br />

Doubleness in Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, A. A. Samuelson 25<br />

Bench Judging <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, Fern Irving............. 28<br />

The Louisianas Can Take It, Caroline Dormon... . . . . . . . .. 31<br />

Varieties Outstanding in Oregon, Bennett C. Jones 34<br />

Eastern Hoosiers Celebrate, Forrest McCord 38<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Organized, Mrs. Leo Noirot ... 39<br />

The Chicken and the Egg, Serlena Reynolds 40<br />

"The <strong>Iris</strong> and its Culture" Reviewed by R. S. Sturtevant<br />

and Frieda Bosh<strong>of</strong>f-Mostert.................. 46<br />

Louise Blake Honored by Converse College. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48<br />

Regional Reports ...................................... 49<br />

Varietal Comments ................................... 83<br />

Our Members Write................................... l03

#128 JANUARY -1953<br />

The President's Foreword, Harold W. Knowlton 2<br />

The 1953 Membership Campaign, W. F. Scott, Jr 3<br />

The Thirteenth Annual Symposium, Harold W. Knowlton.. 6<br />

Plans for 1953 Meeting.............................. 11<br />

The Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> in Japan, Tohichi Ito ... 12<br />

Fertilizers and Insecticides, Frank Cassel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27<br />

Growing the Onco and Regelia <strong>Iris</strong>es, Mrs. W. R. Frederick 30<br />

Aril <strong>Iris</strong> Club Formed.. .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. 33<br />

Recollections <strong>of</strong> a Friend, J. E. Wills ........ 35<br />

In Memoriam-Mrs. Harry Bickle, W. J. M<strong>of</strong>fat 38<br />

Region One 'Report ................................... 39<br />

The British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>.............................. 50<br />

Random. Comment, Don Waters............... 51<br />

Southern California Court <strong>of</strong> Honor.......... 54<br />

Region Nine's Annual Blowout ................. 56<br />

Region Sixteen, CIS Annual Meeting ....... 57<br />

Minutes Directors Meeting........................ 58<br />

Exhibition Report, Fern Irving .................. 67<br />

Classification Committee Report, L. F. Randolph 79<br />

Our Members Write................................... 90<br />

Robin's Roost............................................. 97<br />

Questions and Answers ............................. 102

#129 APRIL-1953<br />

Annual Meeting 1953 ............................... 2<br />

Slides Appeal..................: ........................ 5<br />

A Brief Introduction, H. E. Kettle, Ont.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

Guest lris for I955..................................... 6<br />

Canadian Kaleidoscope, Lloyd Zurbrigg 7<br />

Portrait <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong>arian, Leslie Laking....... 10<br />

The Spring Garden.................................... 13<br />

Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther 16<br />

Spuria Club Progresses............................. 20<br />

North California Report, Mrs. Ruby Hill22<br />

1952 Comments, Mrs. Walter Colquitt.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> for 1954.................................... 26<br />

Louisville Organizes, Dr. Geo. Watson.... 27<br />

Additional 50, 1952 Symposium. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . 30<br />

"Intermediate" Invitation .......................... 30<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Accredited Judges.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . 31<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar, 1952 .................. 47<br />

Handbook for Judges.. .... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. 101

#130 JULY - 1953<br />

A South African <strong>Iris</strong> Farm, Eva E. Faught2<br />

Breeding Yellow Amoenas, J. E. Wills.... 8<br />

A Review <strong>of</strong> Garden Markers, Jay C. Ackerman 15<br />

We Need Test.Gardens, John C. Wister ... 21<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Charles H. Connors ....... 24<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Propagation in Canada, W. J. M<strong>of</strong>fat26<br />

Camera and Equipment, Earl F. Beach..... 30<br />

Items from Region 19............................... 33<br />

AIS 1952 Statement....................... _........ 36<br />

AIS Medals, List <strong>of</strong>, Harold Knowlton ... . 37<br />

Awarded <strong>Iris</strong>, 1920-1952 Inclusive ......... . 39<br />

Our Members Write.. ........................... 59<br />

Handbook for Judges, Continued ............. 74

#131 OCTOBER-1953<br />

AIS Awards 1953 ..................................... 2<br />

Popularity Poll 1953 ............... ................. 7<br />

Star Shine Honored................................... 8<br />

British Awards.......................................... 8<br />

The Annual Meeting, Don Waters............ 9<br />

Photographic Contest Winners ............... .. 26<br />

In Search <strong>of</strong> the Natives, Marvin Black .. . 27<br />

Charleston Gardens, Mrs. W. C. Landolina 30<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Names, John C. Wister....................... 33<br />

Shoot Him Again, W. F. Scott.................. 35<br />

In Memoriam, Mrs. Morgan Ketchum ..... 36<br />

Questions and Answers .......................:..:. 37<br />

Membership Campaign Winners.............. 38<br />

Region_l Reports ...................................... 40<br />

Our Members Write.................................. 86

#132 JANUARY, 1954<br />

Foreword 1<br />

1954 Membership Contest. . . . .. .. 2<br />

Botanical Classification, etc., L. F. Randolph 3<br />

Major Groups Within Genus <strong>Iris</strong>, G.H.M. Lawrence 5<br />

Confusion Confounded, Geddes Douglas 11<br />

Storage <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Pollen, Lee Lenz 18<br />

Dykes Medals Made Easy, W. F. Scott 22<br />

California to New England, Marion R. Walker 32<br />

Spuria Breeding Continues, Marion R. Walker 35<br />

Varietal Comment, Ernest H. Jones 36<br />

Canadian Meeting, Lloyd Zurbrigg. 46<br />

Why Not Spread the Joy a Bit, William Miles 48<br />

New Garden Books 50<br />

Errata .............................. .......... 51<br />

How to Organize An <strong>Iris</strong> Club, Mrs. Bert Brickell. 54<br />

The Mole Nuisance, Geddes Douglas 57<br />

New Tools for Old, Geddes Douglas 58<br />

Exhibition Certificates Awarded 1953 61<br />

Exhibition Committee Report, Fern Irving Chr. 62<br />

Our Members Write 74<br />

Robins Roost 82

#133 April, 1954<br />

Seafarer (Buttrick '49) is a medium blue <strong>of</strong> fine form<br />

and finish, photo by Cassebeer Front Cover<br />

Editor's Foreword ............................................ .............. 1<br />

President's Report . ...,............... ,................................... 2<br />

Judges Symposium <strong>of</strong> New <strong>Iris</strong>es, Marion Walker . .. 5<br />

AIS Medals Awarded ..................................................... 7<br />

Southern California <strong>Society</strong> Meets................................. 14<br />

Chromosome Numbers in <strong>Iris</strong>, L. F. & Fannie R. Randolph 15<br />

1954 Convention Plans Announced ............................... 19<br />

Minutes Directors' Meeting, Reports, etc.. ..................... 22<br />

That Matter <strong>of</strong> Form, Chas.Wm.Voris .......................... 28<br />

RHS Awards ..................................... ............................ 30<br />

West Coast <strong>Iris</strong> Tour, Mrs. J, L. Melrose. . . . 32<br />

Scorch, Guy Rogers........................................................ 38<br />

Suggestions for Control <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Leafspot, A. W. Dimock 42<br />

Soil Riot, Garden Practices, G. B. Gable. . . . . . . , . . . . 46<br />

New Slides Available ..................................................... 50<br />

Season Highlights, Joseph Gatty .................................... 51<br />

Review: Half Century <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> .......................................... 52<br />

Factors Affecting Seedlings, M. D. Wallace 54<br />

Our Members Write........................................................ 62<br />

1953 Registration Report................................................ 68<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Accredited Judges 1954 ...................................... 126<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Judges 1954........................... ........... 138

#134 July 1954<br />

Convention Saga, G. Douglas........................................ 1<br />

Convention Finale, W. F. Scott, Jr. ............................... 12<br />

In Memoriam, Louise Blake........................................ 15<br />

Chromosomes Without Aspirin. W. F. Scott, Jr. . . . . . . . 16<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Munzii, Cosgrove, Lenz, Hopson......................... 23<br />

Forty Famous Forebears. Allen Harper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

In Memoriam, J. P. Fishburn, Jesse Wills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30<br />

In Memoriam, Joseph W. House, W. F. Scott, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . .33<br />

In Memoriam, John Dee Wareham, Chas. E. F. Gersdorff. .. . . ..35<br />

Roundabout, N. leslie Cave ......................................... 36<br />

Ye Olde <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Alexander and Grace Wellington. . 41<br />

German <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Pr<strong>of</strong>. E. Biesalski.................... 48<br />

Three Pink Amoenas, Lloyd Zurbrigg......................... 51<br />

Varietal Comment, Region ......................................... 54<br />

Varietal Comment, Region 14..................... ............... 65<br />

VarietaIComment,Region 15....................................... 67<br />

Our Members Write .................................................... 74

#135 October, 1954<br />

PopularityPoll-1954................................ 4<br />

Report from Region I, John A. Bartholomew. . 7<br />

Report from Region 2. Ruth V. Blenis . . .. 15<br />

Report from Region 3, Mrs. Wallace J. White, . . .. 19<br />

Report from Region 4, Mrs. F. S. Perkins. , . . . . . . 25<br />

Report from Region 5, Milton Blanton. . . . , .. . , , . . , . ,. 26<br />

Report from Region 6, Jay C. Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

Report from Region 7, Carl Carpenter. . , . .. . . . . .. .. 33<br />

Report from Region 8, Mrs. Elsie Peterson 37<br />

ReportfromRegion9.MildredHarrell..............,.,. ........... 38<br />

Report from Region 10,ClaudeW.Davis..................... ,.. 46<br />

Report from Region II, H. N. Metcalf. . . . . . . . . . , . . 49<br />

Report from Region 12, Fisher Harris........................... 51<br />

Report from Region 13. Bennett C. Jones. . . . ........... .. 61<br />

Report from Region 14, Mrs. Sydney B. Mitchell . . . .. 65<br />

Report from Region 15, Archie Maclean. . . . . .. .......... 70<br />

Report from Region 16. Mrs. Wm. E. McCann. . . . , .. .. 72<br />

Report from Region 17, Mrs. John E. Gill. . . . . . . . .. ... 76<br />

Report from Region 18. P.M. Petersen ......................... 78<br />

Report from Region 19, Mrs. Eileen Donohoe 86<br />

Report from Region 20, Everett L. Cline. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90<br />

Report from Region 2I, Mrs.B.E.Ellis........................... 91<br />

Report from Region 22, Eleanor Hill 100

#136 January, 1955<br />

Horticultural Classification <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, L. F. Randolph. 1<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Awards Committee, 1954 10<br />

The Kodachrome Blues, W. F. Scott, Jr. 15<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Scientific Committee for 1954, L. F. Randolph. 26<br />

1955 Annual Meeting 30<br />

My Work with Ornamentals, Isabella Preston 34<br />

Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther 36<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Director's Meeting 38<br />

Performance Poll in Region 21 43<br />

Rusk <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Jack Noonan 46<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Culture for East Texas, Metz Heald 47<br />

Premio Firenze Announced 49<br />

Unique <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Catherine Lombar 51<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows – 1954 53<br />

Questions and Answers 66<br />

Our Members Write 69<br />

Robins Roost 75

#137 April, 1955<br />

Forward 1<br />

President's Report 1954, Harold Knowlton .............. 2<br />

In What Dreams, Dr. Merrill Moore 4<br />

In Memoriam-R. S. Sturtevant 5<br />

Will You Join the <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>? 7<br />

Second Annual Judges Choice, Marion R. Walker 8<br />

Oriental Poppies, Charles R. Bullis......... ...................... 9<br />

Nematodes on iris, C.I.Hannon ................... .................. . 12<br />

Scorch-Nematodes, Geddes Douglas 16<br />

Intermediate Enthusiasts Organize 21<br />

Round-Robins, Edwin Rundlett................................ 24<br />

A South African Visits England, Frieda Bosh<strong>of</strong>f-Mostert 29<br />

<strong>Historic</strong>al <strong>Iris</strong> Beds, Mrs. F. P. Walther 34<br />

Letter to Will M<strong>of</strong>fat, L. A. Gilbert 41<br />

Spuria T _st' Garden, M_s. Edward Wilkerson . . . . . . . . . . .. 46<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Director's Meeting ..._.................................. 50<br />

Ohio Gardens, Mrs. V. R. Frederick. ............................. 53<br />

Award to Mrs. Walter Colquitt 55<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Invitations ... .................... ............................ 55, 56<br />

Oklahoma <strong>Iris</strong> Festival.................................................. : 58<br />

Questions and Answers ............................................... 60<br />

Our Members Write...... .............................................. 62<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Judges............................................. 70<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Accredited Judges ............................................ 73<br />

Treasurer's Report 86<br />

1954 Registration Report....................................... 88-137

#138 July, 1955<br />

FACTS AND FANCIES, PauI W. Horn ...................... 1<br />

CANADIAN CAPERS, G. Douglas ............................ 9<br />



Mrs. Herbert Shinkle. ... . 32<br />

SACRAMENTO SHOW............................................ 34<br />

IRISES TO FLORENCE, Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Scott, Jr. . . . . . . . . 36<br />


Mrs. Wilma Vallette. .. . 41<br />

DESCORCHING SCORCH, Guy Rogers... . ............ 53<br />

IRIS IN THE VALLEY OF THE SUN, Harold Odle 62<br />

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ................................ 66<br />

POSTSCRIPT............................................................. 71<br />

FRONTISPIECE - Princess Anne. This new variety is from the Canadian hybridizer Lloyd<br />

Zurbrigg. It is a medium cadmium yellow, midseason to late, fluted and ruffled. The flower has<br />

exceptional substance. A light area at the tip <strong>of</strong> the beard adds character to this fine flower.

# 139 October, 1955<br />


ElizabMh N. Nesmith, Jack C. Wister, Geddes Douglas 1<br />


L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph 7<br />

Report from Region 1, John A. Bartholomew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

Report from Region 2, Mrs. Ruth Blenis.................. .... 21<br />

Report from Region 3, Mrs. Wallace J. White ............,.. . 26<br />

Report from Region 4, Marguerite H. Perkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 27<br />

Report from Region, 5, Milton Blanton ........................ 29<br />

Report from Region6,JayAckerman.... ,........................ 30<br />

Report from Region 7, Carl Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . 32<br />

Report from Region 8, Mrs. Harold L. Berger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

Report from Region 9, Hubert A. Fischer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

Report from Region 10, Claude W. Davis..................... 37<br />

Report from Region II. Homer N. Metcalf....................... 39<br />

Report from Region 12, Fisher Harris........................... 43<br />

Report from Re9ion 13, Joseph H. Hoage .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

Report from Region 14, Frank L. Crouch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

Report from Region. 15, Archie MacLean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

Report from Region 16, Mrs. William McCann. . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

Report from Region 17,Mrs.JohnGill............................ 57<br />

Report from Region 18. P. M. Petersen.......: ................ 61<br />

Report from Region 19, Mrs. Eileen Donohoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65<br />

Report from Region 20, Everett L. Cline. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66<br />

Report from Region 21, Mrs. B. E. Ellis ....................... 69<br />

Report from Region 22, Eleanor Hill ............................ 74<br />

British Honor Randolph................................................. 76<br />

Official Awards 1955 .................................................... 78<br />

Frontispiece: Lavish Lady (Buttrick 1954). A ruffled flower <strong>of</strong> Sea lavender-violet. It is from the<br />

cross <strong>of</strong> (Snow Flurry x Ave Maria) x Cloud Castle. The large flowers are borne on 38-inch stalks.

#140 January, 1956<br />

The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker.. 1<br />

1956 National Membership Campaign. ........................ 3<br />

1956 Annual Meeting ................................................... . 7<br />

The Fifteenth Official Symposium-I 955, Marion R. Walker. . 8<br />

Horticultural Council Report......................................... 10<br />

California Preview, ,Richard Goodman . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

Hybridizing for Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>, G. Percy Brown. . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

1955 Hybridizing Notes, Philip G. Corliss . . . . . . . ... 22<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Scientific Committee for 1955, L. F. Randolph 24<br />

Poited Again! Mr. and. Mrs. W. F. Scott, Jr............. .... 31<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................. 33<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting 37<br />

Region Sixteen Report, Lloyd Zurbrigg........................ 45<br />

Oklahoma <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ................................................... 47<br />

Wheel within the Wheels............................................... 47<br />

Saint Louis Group Exhibits at Harvest Show. . . . . . . . 49<br />

Chromosome Numbers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Species, L. F. Randolph<br />

and Jyotirmay Mitra.................................................... 50<br />

Our Readers Write......................................................... 61<br />

Robin's Roost................................................................. 64<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> AIS Accredited <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, 1955 .. . . . . . . . . . . 69

#141 April, 1956<br />

The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker.. 1<br />

The Judges Choice. W.F. Scott, Jr.. 2<br />

The Fable <strong>of</strong> the Dog Collar, G. Douglas 5<br />

Whence the Blues, Edwin Rundlett 7<br />

Moles and Gophers, W. F. Scott. Jr. 13<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> Club Progress, Edwin Rundlett 18<br />

Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton 20<br />

Rutgers Display Garden. Robert B. Clark 28<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> Antibiotics in Treatment <strong>of</strong> Rhizome Rot,<br />

Edith K. C<strong>of</strong>fey 32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> N.J. Sponsors Two Test Gardens, Joseph Gatty 34<br />

Spurias in Southern California, Clarke Cosgrove 34<br />

Our Members Write 41<br />

Questions and Answers 49<br />

1955 Registration Report, Mrs. Geo. D. Robinson 51<br />

Official List <strong>of</strong> Accredited Judges. 1956 115<br />

Exhibition Judges – 1956 129<br />


Orange Banner is an Introduction <strong>of</strong> Mr. Donald G. Waters <strong>of</strong> Elmore. Ohio.

#142 July, 1956<br />

Foreword . . . . 1<br />

The President's Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2<br />

The Los Angeles Convention, Harold W. Knowlton. . . . . . . .. 3<br />

Address <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Jean Stevens . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

The Franklin Cook Memorial Cup, W. F. Scott, Jr 24<br />

A Flying Trip to Nashville, F. W. Cassebeer . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> on the Air, Geddes Douglas .................................... 32<br />

Our Round Robins. John A. Bartholomew . . : . . . . . 34<br />

Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton......................... 38<br />

The Ketchum Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Garden, Mrs. Wm. Murrah 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Culture Across Canada, Leslie Laking . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

Progress Report, Guy Rogers ........................................ 48<br />

More About Scorch, G. B. Gable .................................. 49<br />

A Baker's Dozen, W. F.Scott, Jr.................................... 51<br />

The Golden Prize <strong>of</strong> Florence, Flaminia Specht. . ........ 54<br />

Varietal Comments, Larry Gaulter ................................ 58<br />

Our Members Write....................................................... 63<br />

Radiation and <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding, C. F. Konzak & L. F. Randolph 68

#143 Oct, 1956<br />

The President's Corner 1<br />

Awards and Honors 1956........................ 2<br />

PopularityPolI.1956............................ 10<br />

Judge's Choice 1956........................... 11<br />

Our Robin Family, John A. Bartholomew. ......... 14<br />

Median Tidbits, Mrs. F. W. Warburton 17<br />

Minutes Directors' Meeting. . . . . 21<br />

Regional Reports .................................................. 24-146<br />


Swan Ballet (Muhlestein) is a beautifully ruffled pure white, with a white beard, flaring falls and<br />

excellent substance.

#144 Jan, 1957<br />

Foreword, G. Douglas 1<br />

The Forward Look, Marion R. Walker 2<br />

Clifford W. Benson, Secretary, G. Douglas 7<br />

More Medians, L. F. Randolph 10<br />

Memphis Meeting 24<br />

The Time Has Come, Mrs. Leo F. Reynolds 25<br />

1956 Membership Results, L. F. Randolph 27<br />

1957 Membership Campaign 30<br />

Robins, Peggy Burke Grey 34<br />

Robins, Edwin Rundlett 36<br />

Scientific Committee Report, Lee W. Lenz 39<br />

Two New Hybrids, Lee W. Lenz 43<br />

1956 <strong>Iris</strong> Season in England, Philip Corliss 47<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Review, Walter Welch 51<br />

In Memoriam-Dr. Geo. M. Reed, A. C. Wellington . . . . . 54<br />

Full Many a Flower, W. F. Scott, Jr.. ............ 58<br />

Region Six Speaks ""..."."",."""",...,..,., ............................... . 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> at Cedar Brook, Harriette Halloway . . . . . . 74<br />

Presby Memorial Garden, Mrs. F. P. Walther 76<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> Rhizomatous <strong>Iris</strong>, Bald, Markley and Davis. . . . . 79<br />

How to Stage an <strong>Iris</strong> Show, Diora Salley. , . , . . . . 86<br />

Hybridizing in Texas, R. E. Vache....................................... 88<br />

Varietal Notes, Veronica Quist 89<br />

Premio Firenze 91<br />

Living Memorial to Liberty, Hyde Bailey 96<br />

Our Members Write 98<br />

Frontispiece, Caledonia, Douglas 1956 is a pure white with flowers widely spaced on a tall stalk.<br />

(Seedling # II 09a, H. C. 1956)

#145 Apr, 1957<br />

Robin's Roost in Taller Trees, G. Douglas 1<br />

President's Corner, Marion R. Walker 2<br />

Cytogenetics <strong>of</strong> Median' <strong>Iris</strong>es, L. F. Randolph 3<br />

AIS Center Goes Forward, Edwin Rundlett 12<br />

Median Test Gardens, Earl R. Roberts 14<br />

Stalks Too Short?, Bonabeth Brickell 17<br />

About <strong>Table</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, Alice White 18<br />

Borer Portrait, F. G. Foster & E. A. Wood 24<br />

More Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>es, Bee Warburton 26<br />

Finis On Scorch, Guy Rogers 30<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>, My Favorite Flower, John Camenzind 31<br />

The Forgotten Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, Chas. W. Arny 33<br />

Around the Corner, Serlena Reynolds 37<br />

Flight Lines, Peggy Grey, Nona B Mott 50<br />

Personnel, AIS Round Robin Program 75<br />

Our Members Write 79<br />

Color Slide Contest 82<br />

1956 Registration Report ... 85<br />

Accredited Garden Judges 140<br />

Exhibition Judges 1957 154<br />

FRONTISPIECE: Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Snowcrest (Gage 1932) forms a colorful grouping with cerise and<br />

gold Japanese peony Mikado in J. E. Wills Garden, Nashville, Tennessee.

#146 Jul, 1957<br />

President's Corner 2<br />

The Memphis Convention 1957 3<br />

Joint Meeting Directors, Counselors, Clifford Benson 4<br />

The Annual Business Session, Marion R. Walker 4<br />

Classification Meeting, L. F. Randolph 6<br />

Panel, <strong>Iris</strong> Judging, W. F. Scott, Jr. 7<br />

Panel, Small Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, Bee Warburton 9<br />

Panel, <strong>Iris</strong> Diseases, Guy Rogers 10<br />

Panel, Scientific Hybridizing, L. F. Randolph 12<br />

The Annual Banquet, Jay Ackerman 13<br />

Memphis Impressions, Jesse E. Wills 14<br />

Symposium <strong>of</strong> Comment, J, K. and C. Smith, Carl<br />

Schirmer, Dr. Joe Parker, Roger Goodman, Hubert Fischer,<br />

Harold Knowlton, Mrs. W. J. Hinkle, Mrs. Sam Sargo,<br />

Mrs. Harry Frey 21<br />

After the Ball Is Over, Bob Carney, Jake Scharff,<br />

John and Gladys Pierce 36<br />

Louisiana Show, Marie Caillet 44<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Review, C. W. Arny 46<br />

Swamp Trip, John F. Neugebauer 46<br />

Garden Pictures, Mrs. Ed Conger 51<br />

SLI Test Gardens, C. W. Arny 52<br />

Special <strong>Iris</strong> Organizations, Ira Nelson 54<br />

Test Gardens 56<br />

Ethel Anson Peckham, Veronica Quist 58<br />

Clara Rees, Bion Tolman 61<br />

Nebraskan Monograph, Mrs. Zeh Dennis 64<br />

Rhizome Rot, M. D. Wallace 67<br />

Embryo Culture. Lloyd Paul 69<br />

Flight Lines, Grey and Mott 72<br />

Our Members Write 81

#147 Oct, 1957<br />

The President's Corner ..................... 1<br />

Awards and Honors, 1957 ................,...................... 2<br />

The Judges' Choice, 1957 ....................................... 9<br />

Popularity Poll, 1957 .......................................................... 10<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis and <strong>Iris</strong> Longipetala, B. LeRoy Davidson 13<br />

More About Test Gardens, Norian C. Henderson. . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

Notes from the Spuria <strong>Society</strong> Test Garden in Houston ... 26<br />

Bulietin Suggestions, Frank Cassel .......................... ... 27<br />

Convention Preview, Veronica M. Quist 31<br />

Elmira Area Gardens, Bee Emery ..................................... 33<br />

"Fifty Eight" Tour Gardens, William G. McGarvey ......... 34<br />

Rochester's Convention Gardens. T. E. Jacoby. ............... 37<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens <strong>of</strong> Cuba, New York................................ 39<br />

An Introduction to Median <strong>Iris</strong>, Ben Hager 40<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> Pumila in <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding, Bee Warburton 47<br />


Region One, John Bartholomew 54<br />

Region Four, Ralph E. Lewis 56<br />

Region Five, Dr. Harvey Hobson, Mrs. G. H. Rowe,<br />

Geo. B. Earhardt, Mrs. Geo. L. Hodges 59<br />

Region Eight, Nadine Yunkers, Mrs. Robert Reinhardt61<br />

Region Nine, Richard Goodman .................................. 62<br />

Region Thirteen, Joseph Hoage.................................... 63<br />

Region Seventeen, E. M. Doerfler................................ 67<br />

Region Eighteen, John Ohl, Mrs. Walter Buxton......... 69<br />

Region Twenty-Two, Mrs. Cecil McCutcheon,<br />

Mrs. Harold G. Plato. .. ............................................. 71<br />

Region Twenty-Three, Ruth Pressey............................ 73<br />

FLIGHT LINES, Peggy Burke Grey, Nona B Mott.......... 77<br />

Median Tidbits................................................................... 82<br />

Our Members Write........................................................... 85<br />

P.S., The Editor.................................................................. 89

#148 Jan, 1958<br />

The President's Corner.......................................................... 1<br />

1958 AIS Meeting ................................................................ 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Sputniks Roam, Helen McCaughey, Esmond Jones.. .... 3<br />

1958 Membership Campaign, Robt. S. Carney. . . . . . . . . 7<br />

Classification <strong>of</strong> Eupogon <strong>Iris</strong>es, Randolph & Lawrence .... 9<br />

We Need Disease Research, Homer N. Metcalf................... 17<br />

Behind the Eight Ball ........................................................... 19<br />

Alta to Alta, Edith S. Cleaves............................................... 21<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> Becoming Popular, Edwin Rundlett.......... 25<br />

Rules, Geometry, and Arithmetic, Crescent Deru................ 28<br />

Flight Lines........................................................................... 34<br />

Aril <strong>Society</strong> Yearbook.......................................................... 47<br />

Glorietta <strong>Iris</strong> Project, Ruth Pressey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

Median Test Garden Impressions, Earl Roberts................... 49<br />

Cedar Brook Celebrates, Dorothy Dennis ............................ 54<br />

Presby Season, Barbara Walther .......................................... 54<br />

Gibberellic Acid Used, David Lercari.................................. 57<br />

Minutes, Directors Meeting.................................................. 59<br />

1957 Membership Campaign................................................ 62<br />

Financial Report 1957 .......................................................... 66<br />

Test Garden Report............................................................... 69<br />

Scientific Report................................................................... 70<br />

Ohio Invitation, AI and Laura Lauck ................................... 73<br />

Long Island Invitation, Peggy Edwards ............................... 75<br />

Eastern Gateway, Dr. Irwin Conroe ..................................... 76<br />

Our Members Write.............................................................. 78<br />

In Memoriam, W.J. McKee.................................................. 79<br />

In Memoriam, Olive Murrell................................................ 80<br />

InMemoriam,ClarenceG.White.. ............................. ........... . 81<br />

PostScript.............................................................................. 82

#149 Apr, 1958<br />

The Annual Meeting ........................... 1<br />

The President's Corner 2<br />

Tribute to Genius, Molly Price 6<br />

Virus Diseases <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, R. V. Travis 12<br />

Soil Fumigation, John Harvey, Jr. 18<br />

Garden Manners, Peg DeBagh 22<br />

Notes on Variegata, Jean G. Witt 25<br />

More About Amoenas, Walter Welch 34<br />

Concerning Amoenas, Dr. William McGarvey 37<br />

Area Chairmen, Robert S. Carney 41<br />

Slides Contest Winners 42<br />

Clarence Greenleaf White, Tom Craig 46<br />

Carl Milliken, a History, Ben Hager 52<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> in Perennial Border, W. F. Scott 59<br />

Green Tall Bearded, Etc., Clarence D. Jonas 62<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Breeding Program, Alice White 65<br />

Gardens Open in Empire State 71<br />

The Annual Meeting in Syracuse 73<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> from New York State, Veronica Quist 74<br />

Our Favorite Flower, Wm. Wicker 81<br />

Tempest in Teapot, Geddes Douglas 93<br />

Flight Lines 99<br />

Our Members Write 121<br />

Post Script 125<br />

Official Garden Judges 1958 129<br />

Official Exhibition Judges 1958 142

#150 July 1958<br />

The President's Corner 1<br />

Looking Backward-A Kaleidoscope 3<br />

Convention Visits . . . .. 7<br />

Fred W. Cassebeer 16<br />

David F. Hall 19<br />

Elizabeth Noble Nesmith 23<br />

Can This Be Aphylla? 26<br />

Landscaping with <strong>Iris</strong> 31<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong>es Win "Premio Firenze" 38<br />

My Work with Lace 39<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Notes 46<br />

Fabulous Shreveport, Louisiana 51<br />

Texas <strong>Iris</strong> Season 53<br />

iris Gardens in Michigan . . . . . . . .. 59<br />

The Western Natives Open Southern California's Season. 62<br />

Whence the Apricots . . . . 65<br />

The Oh's and Ah's Beginning the 1958 Season 71<br />

Some Southern California Stars . . . . . . . 72<br />

Northern California Comments . . . . .. 73<br />

1959 Convention Chairman................................................. 75<br />

Tapped for Top Honors. ...................................................... 76<br />

The Season Moves Northward. . . . . . . . ........ ,. 77<br />

On California's North Coast. . . . . . . . . . . . 78<br />

Varietal Comment................................................................ 78<br />

The Washington Spurias . . . . . . . .. 82<br />

Spurias in Houston ........................................................... 84<br />

On Growing Spurias in Houston . . . . ................ 87<br />

Notes on Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ................................................ 88<br />

Complete List <strong>of</strong> Spurias Grown in Houston Test Gardens.90<br />

Judging the Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>......................................................... 93<br />

Progress in Breeding Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 97<br />

Dwarf Spurias...................................................................... 101<br />

Research Memberships........................................................ 104<br />

The Importance <strong>of</strong> the Abbevilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105<br />

Chromosome Number and Meiotic Behavior in<br />

Commercial Varieties <strong>of</strong> Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>............................ 108<br />

Flight Lines 116

#151 October, 1958<br />

1 The President's Corner<br />

3 October Portrait<br />

6 Garden <strong>Iris</strong>, Past and Present<br />

11 The Relation <strong>of</strong> Genetics to <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridization<br />

15 The 1958 English <strong>Iris</strong> Season<br />

21 Advances in Breeding Oncobreds<br />

24 The New Look in <strong>Iris</strong><br />

26 Oklahoma <strong>Iris</strong> Season, 1958<br />

31 Awards and Honors, 1958<br />

39 The Sixth Annual Judges' Choice, 1958<br />

40 Popularity Poll, 1958<br />

43 Exhibition Committee Report, 1958<br />

50 Varietal Comments<br />

82 We Need Hardy <strong>Iris</strong> Flight Lines<br />

92 In Memoriam<br />

93 Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Holds Annual Meeting<br />

94 Post Script

#152 January, 1959<br />

1 1959 Annual Meeting<br />

3 The President's Corner<br />

5 <strong>Iris</strong> Chromosome Numbers, Randolph and Mitra<br />

10 Let's Plan a Slide Program, AI Lauck<br />

12 Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Impressions, C. W. Arny<br />

15 Pacific Coast Native <strong>Iris</strong>es, E. K. Balls<br />

27 <strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis, D. J. Lercari<br />

29 "12,000", Don DeFussi<br />

31 Interspecies Hybrid, Jean Witt<br />

32 Mr. Sass to Mr. Hill<br />

36 Climb to the Pinnacle, W. F. Scott .<br />

41 Presby Report, Barbara Walther<br />

43 Embryo Culture in the Kitchen, Jack Goett<br />

44 Publication <strong>of</strong> Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

48 Random Comments, L. F. Randolph<br />

50 Roger's Garden, Mrs. H. McMurry<br />

51 Dallas Season<br />

54 Red <strong>Iris</strong>, J and R. Hopson<br />

55 Pink, Pinker, Pinkest, Polly Anderson<br />

56 Varietal Comments, B. C. Jones<br />

59 Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Meeting, Lee Armiger<br />

61 Judging Arilbreds, Russell Hopson<br />

63 How to Register An <strong>Iris</strong>.<br />

65 I. kamaonensis, Bee Warburton<br />

67 Minutes Directors Meeting<br />

70 Auditor's Report<br />

73 Flight Lines<br />

78 Randolph Fund<br />

79 Book Reviews<br />

80 Our Members Write<br />

83 Post Script

#153 April, 1959 (Printed in 3 sections)<br />

Part I<br />

14 They Bloom Again, Grace Wellington<br />

15 President's Corner<br />

16 Controlling Leaf Spot-Rot, A. W. Dimock<br />

20 The Major Pests <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>, John Naegele<br />

21 Growing <strong>Iris</strong>, Don Waters<br />

22 Pampering Doesn't Pay, Mary Ellen Knopf.<br />

23 Controlling <strong>Iris</strong> Pests, G. B. Gable<br />

25 Culture <strong>of</strong> Regelia Embryos, H. G. Shockey<br />

27 Save That Pollen, D. Steve Varner<br />

29 The Whitings, Geo. W. Warner<br />

35 Minutes, Directors' Meeting<br />

38 Some English <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Dr. Currier McEwen<br />

42 Deep Purple, Bill Schortman<br />

46 The Hardy Linse Oncobreds, Alexia Gerberg<br />

47 Use All <strong>of</strong> It, Kathleen Beardsley<br />

49 New Jersey Season, Mary Wais<br />

52 Visit to Florence, H. Castle Fletcher. .<br />

60 Region 6 Meetings Dallas Test Garden<br />

64 Membership Campaign, Rob't Carney<br />

66 Flight Lines<br />

70 Our Members Write<br />

81 Exhibition Rules & Supplies<br />

85 Garden Judges<br />

97 Exhibition Judges

#154 July, 1959 (Printed in 2 Sections)<br />

Part I<br />

2 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker<br />

3 AIS Holds Largest Convention<br />

4 Three Oklahoma <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, William G. McGarvey<br />

6 Reflections <strong>of</strong> a Hostess, Helen McCaughey<br />

8 A Visitor's Impression, Mollie Emms<br />

12 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Seen in Oklahoma Gardens, Robert R. Young<br />

14 Oklahoma Meeting, Bennett C. Jones<br />

16 Third Day <strong>of</strong> the National Convention, Mrs. AI Nahas<br />

18 <strong>Iris</strong> Seed Culture, Bruce B. Farrington<br />

21 Best Time for Transplanting, Jesse W. Collier<br />

24 Growing the Oncocyclus Species, Michael H. Hoog<br />

35 Selecting Show Specimens, Carl Quadros<br />

38 The Ethics <strong>of</strong> Guesting <strong>Iris</strong>es, J. H. Hoage<br />

41 Mr. May to November, JoAnne Tufts<br />

43 Sidelights on Sidekicks, N. Onimus<br />

47 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, Robert B. Milner<br />

54 Notes from Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizers Robins<br />

57 Jenny and <strong>Iris</strong> Play Return Engagement, Geddes Douglas<br />

60 Varietal Comment, Adelaide D. Peterson<br />

65 The Siberian Situation, Peggy Edwards<br />

71 Flight Lines<br />

82 A Revision <strong>of</strong> Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong>es, Katherine Heinig<br />

88 The Clarence G. White Memorial Award

#154 July, 1959 Part 2<br />


Greetings! Many flower lovers become members <strong>of</strong> specialized plant societies without being<br />

fully cognizant <strong>of</strong> the many worthwhile benefits available to them. We want members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> to be fully infonned as to our activities<br />

at all times.<br />

The aim <strong>of</strong> this comprehensive booklet is to provide all AIS members with some basic<br />

information ,about your society, how it began, how it is presently organized, and how it functions.<br />

We hope that this will make your membership more valuable to you, and encourage you to remain<br />

with us for a long time.<br />

There are many basic questions about iris that new members are particularly anxious to obtain.<br />

We hope that they will find some <strong>of</strong> the answers here, and that this booklet will lead them toward<br />

the source <strong>of</strong> more detailed information when they are ready for it.<br />

You will find as others have, that one <strong>of</strong> the greatest rewards <strong>of</strong> membership in the AIS is a<br />

closer acquaintance with a large group <strong>of</strong> friendly people who share your interest in iris. We urge<br />

you to look for other AIS members and get to know them.<br />

If there are any questions that are left unanswered by this booklet, and you feel is not a function<br />

<strong>of</strong> an AIS Officer or Committee head from whom you could get the answer directly, please don't<br />

hesitate to contact us at any time.<br />

Most cordially,<br />

CLIFFORD W. BENSON Executive-Secretary The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>

#155 October, 1959<br />

2 The President's Corner, Marion R. Walker<br />

5 Collecting <strong>Iris</strong>es Abroad, L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph<br />

13 After the Bloom Is over, Jesse Wills<br />

19 Convention Preview, Peg Grey<br />

23 <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizing in the Netherlands, Dr. Currier McEwen<br />

25 New Varieties Appear in Louisiana Show, Nolan John Sahuc<br />

27 Hybridizing for Rebloomers, Raymond G. Smith<br />

35 A Visit to Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Peg Grey<br />

36 So We Go on from Here, Bee Warburton<br />

40 Awards and Honors for 1959<br />

51 Variation via Radiation, Melba B. Hamblen<br />

55 Make Way at the Top, Ruth Pressey<br />

59 Operation Rescue, Peg Grey<br />

60 Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> in New England, W. N. and S. C. Tiffney<br />

62 Some New Talis, Accent on Arilbreds, Wiloh Wilkes<br />

64 Taholah and Sierra Skies at Home, Peg Grey<br />

66 Book Reviews<br />

68 Invitation to 1961 Convention<br />

69 Exhibition Committee Report, J. Arthur Nelson<br />

74 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting<br />

76 Scientific Committee Annual Report, Dr. Lee W. Lenz<br />

78 In Memoriam-George H. Murray, Mrs. George M. Roach, Sr.<br />

79 1959 Median <strong>Iris</strong> Awards<br />

81 In Memoriam-Joseph C. Becherer, Ada Buxton<br />

83 Flight Lines<br />

92 Reports and Comments Regionwise

#156 January, 1956<br />

2 From the President's Desk<br />

4 Dr. L. F. Randolph, Harold W. Knowlton<br />

7 Red <strong>Iris</strong>. . . Past-Present-Future, Greig Lapham<br />

9 Passion for Red, Geddes Douglas.<br />

15 Carl Salbach Retires, Roy Oliphant<br />

20 One Man's Fancy, Bert Porreca<br />

25 Dykes Medal Winner for 1959, Genevieve H. Folsom<br />

27 Reflections <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Breeder, Jesse Wills<br />

35 An Invitation to Portland<br />

36 Oregon's <strong>Iris</strong> and iris Personalities, Robert Schreiner<br />

40 <strong>Iris</strong> Performance in Region 17, J. W. Collier. . . . .<br />

44 A National Flower? Why Not the <strong>Iris</strong>? Ruth Pressey<br />

48 <strong>Iris</strong> People, <strong>Iris</strong> Places, Peg Grey. .... . .<br />

54 Random Observations on Hardiness, Chas. William Voris<br />

55 Black Hills <strong>Iris</strong>arians, Doris McElfresh<br />

59 The Ramblings <strong>of</strong> the "Mafia" Boys from Memphis, Robert S. Carney<br />

61 AIS to Revisit Birthplace, Barbara Walther<br />

64 Report to the Presby Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Barbara Walther<br />

65 Northern Illinois <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

66 The Wickersham Garden, Sandy Greeno<br />

67 What Can We Get from Arils, Barbara Serdynski<br />

68 The Spuria Project, Lee W. Lenz<br />

69 Wild <strong>Iris</strong>-Species in Czechoslovakia, Milan Blazek<br />

72 Lest We Forget, Geddes Douglas<br />

79 Differences Among Rebloomers, Raymond G. Smith. .<br />

84 A Revolution in <strong>Iris</strong> Kaempferi, George Hacklander<br />

86 Central Ohio <strong>Society</strong> Holds First Judging School, Mrs. Frederick Thaler<br />

87 Shipping <strong>Iris</strong>, Virginia P. Conklin<br />

89 1960 Membership Campaign, Robert S. Carney<br />

90 FlightLines<br />

97 Test Garden Committee Report<br />

100 Report <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Committee, October 1959<br />

101 Report <strong>of</strong> the Scientific Committee, November, 1959<br />

102 Semi-Annual Report <strong>of</strong> the AIS Robin Program, John A. Bartholomew<br />

104 1959 Membership Campaign Winners<br />

106 Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer<br />

109 Minutes Directors' Meeting, November, 1959

#157 April, 1960, Section 1<br />

5 From the President's Desk L. F. Randolph<br />

7 Growing Regelia Species <strong>Iris</strong>. Michael H. Hoog and David J. Flesh<br />

13 Portland Preview Bennett C. Jones<br />

15 Exhibiting at <strong>Iris</strong> Shows........... Irene S. Nelson<br />

19 Region 13 Highlights Two Growing Climates Joseph H. Hoage<br />

21 The Many-Sided Dr. Kleinsorge<br />

25 Basic Chromosome Research Is Practical Bee Warburton<br />

31 So You're a New Member! W. T. Bledsoe<br />

35 An Inventory <strong>of</strong> AIS Irwin A. Conroe<br />

41 Chromosomes <strong>of</strong> Arils and Arilbred <strong>Iris</strong>es L. F. Randolph and Jyotirmay Mitra<br />

61 <strong>Iris</strong> Garden in Cedar Brook Park Harriette R. Halloway<br />

63 If I Were Just Starting to Hybridize Tell Muhlestein<br />

71 Breeding for Hardiness .......Elizabeth N. Nesmith<br />

72 Show Classification and Judging Specimen Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es Ira Nelson and<br />

Charles Amy, Jr.<br />

24 Southern Oregon Gardens to Visit<br />

39 Visit Utah's Gardens in 1960 Mrs.J. R. Hamblen<br />

78 Revision <strong>of</strong> Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong>es, Part II [Review] Edgar Anderson<br />

77 Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Activities Ben R. Hager<br />

76 New Handbook for Judges and Exhibitions Hubert A. Fischer<br />

40 French <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

12 Portland's Invitation to Meeting<br />

18 Kansas City's Invitation to Hybridizers<br />

81 B.I.S. Subscription Rate<br />

24 The Bulletin Needs Photographs<br />

78 Weed Killer Was Misidentified<br />

81 Affiliation With AIS<br />

80 Our Members Write<br />

Obituaries:<br />

17 Mrs. Joan Hart<br />

70 Ruth Osborn<br />

79 Mrs. Lillian Hall Trichel<br />

82 Flight Lines<br />

87 List <strong>of</strong> Garden Judges<br />

111 List <strong>of</strong> Exhibition Judges<br />

60 Kodachrome Slides for Rent<br />

120 Contributors to This Issue<br />

128 Books Available from the AIS<br />

128 Membership Dues .....<br />

128 Back Issues <strong>of</strong> the Bulletin<br />

127 Advertising Rates<br />

Show Supplies .. Back Cover

Cover Photograph. <strong>Iris</strong> hoogiana, a regelia species (see page 29 for additional information).<br />

Photograph by Michael H. Hoog.

#158 July, 1960<br />

5 From the President's Desk.. L. F. Randolph<br />

9 The First AIS Bulletin John C. Wister<br />

13 <strong>Iris</strong>es for Beginners Serlena Reynolds<br />

15 <strong>Table</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Preview Jean Witt<br />

19 Report from Europe Lee W. Lenz<br />

22 Garden State <strong>Iris</strong>arians in the Twenties Barbara F. Walther<br />

25 <strong>Iris</strong> Colors and Pigments Peter Werckmeister<br />

34 <strong>Iris</strong>es in Bronx Park Dorothy E. Hansell.<br />

35 The 1960 Premio Firenze Awards W. F. Scott, Jr.<br />

37 Variations in Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Charles Arny Jr.<br />

41 Have Fun With <strong>Iris</strong>. . .. .. Loleta K. Powell<br />

14 Albert G. Lauck-In Memoriam<br />

18 Kansas City Solicits Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

103 Region 19 Solicits Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

43 <strong>Iris</strong>arians Invade Realm <strong>of</strong> Rosaria Peg Grey<br />

Convention Tour Gardens:<br />

Beattie .Earl T. Browder 54<br />

Cooley... ... Robert S. Carney 51<br />

DeForest Helen McCaughey 55<br />

Kleinsorge ...Melba Hamblen 56<br />

Marx ..Irwin A. Conroe 60<br />

Riddle ...Marion R. Walker 52<br />

Schreiner. Harold W. Knowlton 49<br />

Shoop...Hugo Wall 50<br />

Tompkins. Robert R. Young 58<br />

62 Medians in Convention Tour Gardens Bee Warburton and Keith Keppel<br />

64 Tribute to a Convention Committee Joseph Gatty<br />

65 <strong>Society</strong> Business Transacted in Portland<br />

69 Committee on Sections and Affiliates Hubert A. Fischer<br />

73 A 10-Point Program for the AIS L.F. Randolph<br />

75 National Test Garden Program<br />

81 HC Award Winners and Test Gardens<br />

83, 85 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meetings<br />

87 Registrar's Report, 1959 (Supplement) Mrs. Walter Colquitt<br />

103 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> Harold W. Knowlton<br />

8 Sections and Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS<br />

69 Distinguished Service Awards<br />

71 Bylaws Amendments<br />

70 Nominations to Board Membership... .<br />

31 Exhibition Judges<br />

72 Flight Lines<br />

96 A Member Writes<br />

82 Deaths<br />

Membership Dues: AIS, 104; BIS, 64

104 Books Offered by AIS<br />

104 Back Issues<br />

Cover Photograph. Dutch (in front) and Siberian irises in Cooley's display garden, Silverton,<br />

Oregon. Photograph by Everett C. Long.

#159 October, 1960<br />

5 From the President's Desk L. F. Randolph<br />

9 Awards and Honors, 1960 Hubert A. Fischer<br />

15 Judges' Choice.<br />

19 Popularity Poll<br />

17 The 1961 AIS Convention ...... Barbara F. Walther<br />

19 Foster Memorial Plaque Awarded Orville W. Fay.. Harry J. Randall<br />

19 Breeding for Performance Robert B. Milner<br />

23 Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Meets at Cornell Bee Warburton<br />

25 <strong>Iris</strong>es in a Year-Round Garden Mrs. W. Glen Sheets<br />

27 Love Those Plicatas! Larry Gaulter<br />

32 <strong>Iris</strong> Culture in the Northeast William G. McGarvey<br />

34 Summer Mulching Practiced in Arizona<br />

Winter Care <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Midwest....Robert R. Young 35<br />

SoutheastF. H. Alexander 37<br />

Southwest.. . Guy Rogers 36<br />

Gulf Coast Region Claude W. Davis 38<br />

Mountain States Bion Tolman 36<br />

39 The Kenneth D. Smiths' Garden.. Barbara F. Walther<br />

41 Are <strong>Iris</strong> Growers Gardeners? ................................. John Hamm<br />

42 Height Variation in Progenies <strong>of</strong> Dwarf Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es .. Jack Goett<br />

44 Fred DeForest Robert Schreiner<br />

46 Height, Branching, and Buds.. .... Claude]. Davis<br />

48 The Bulbous <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Utah.Mrs. Mildred R. Johnson<br />

49 Exhibition Committee Report ... .]. Arthur Nelson<br />

Varietal Comments on Portland <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Joseph Gatty 56<br />

Helen McCaughey, 57;<br />

Bee Warburton, 57<br />

Keith Keppel, 58;<br />

Lucille A. McDonald 60<br />

63 <strong>Iris</strong>es Seen from Carolina to Dakota.... Ralph and Helen Lewis<br />

68 Varietal Comments by Region 15 Members.<br />

71 The Season in Cache Valley . Mrs. H. C.Hansen<br />

73 Albert G. Lauck .. . . ... Donald G. Waters<br />

75 Activities in the Regions<br />

72 To Advertisers in Commercial Directory<br />

Sections and Affiliates.......8<br />

Deaths.. ... ................88<br />

Your Membership Gives You- 18<br />

Advertising Rates .. 48<br />

Bylaws Amendments Approved 24

How to Join a Robin ... 88<br />

Two New AIS Affiliates..26<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>....89<br />

No Dykes Medal Awarded in 1960 76<br />

Membership Dues 90<br />

Kodachrome <strong>Iris</strong> Slides. 84<br />

Books Offered by AIS 90<br />

Flight Lines 85<br />

Hints to Members 89<br />

Cover Photograph.-<strong>Iris</strong> VIOLET HILLS (DeForest), AM, 1958; Franklin Cook Memorial Cup,<br />

1960. From color plates made available by Cooley's Gardens.

#160 January, 1961<br />

5 From the President's Desk. . L. F. Randolph<br />

9 Popularity Poll As a Buying Guide Peggy Burke Grey<br />

17 A Look at the Border <strong>Iris</strong>es Keith Keppel<br />

20 <strong>Historic</strong>al <strong>Iris</strong> Conservation ... . Gerta M. Beach<br />

22 Presby Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens Barbara F. Walther<br />

25 We Need Hardy <strong>Iris</strong> . . . Jesse W. Collier<br />

29 Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Symposium, 1960 ..... Walter Welch<br />

32 First President to Address 1961 Convention<br />

33 Specimens <strong>of</strong> Russian <strong>Iris</strong>es at Cornell . G. H. M. Lawrence<br />

37 <strong>Iris</strong> Test Gardens and Hardiness L. Laking<br />

41 The Cassebeer Garden .. . Barbara F. Walther<br />

43 Simplified Plate Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Seed .. .. Bruce B. Farrington<br />

46 Educational Highlights <strong>of</strong> Boston Show JoAnne Tufts<br />

51 Diary <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Season. . Robert S. Carney<br />

53 Utahans Comment on Newer Varieties<br />

57 A Tour <strong>of</strong> Memphis Gardens. . Franklin P. Brewer<br />

61 Varieties Seen in the Northwest. ... Robert L. Jensen<br />

62 Comments on Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Varieties Wilma Hamilton<br />

66 The Genus <strong>Iris</strong>-Its Pigments and Chromosomes [Review] Bee Warburton<br />

68 Results <strong>of</strong> Membership Campaign, 1960 Robert S. Carney<br />

70 Report <strong>of</strong> Region 3 ..... L. P. Mains<br />

73 Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer......... Jay C. Ackerman<br />

80 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Omaha Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson<br />

83 Report <strong>of</strong> Robin Committee John A. Bartholomew<br />

85 Membership Campaign, 1961 Claude C. O'Brien<br />

Invitation to 1961 Meeting 15<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> for 1963 Meeting 13<br />

Results <strong>of</strong> 1960 Election 28<br />

New Board Members. 78<br />

Introducing New RVPs 76<br />

Rotterdam Floriade A wards 16<br />

Hybridizers, Attention! 50<br />

Judges Training Program 7<br />

Franklin Cook Cup Awards 24<br />

AIS Rules for Shows Amended 86<br />

HM Awards, 1960 90<br />

Hamburg Exposition, 1963 42<br />

Test Garden Program Modified 84<br />

Calling All Photographers 48<br />

To Slides Photographers 69<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS.................. 8<br />

Affiliates. . ..63, 65<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> Photo Contest 21<br />

Deaths 88

How to Join a Robin 67<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 68<br />

Flight Lines 93<br />

Hints to Members 89<br />

Advertising Rates .. . 87<br />

Books Offered by AIS 98<br />

Back Issues 98<br />

Membership Dues . . .... 98<br />

To Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. Bull. 159<br />

AIS Show Supplies .Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph.-Median iris ROMEO (Millet et Fils 1912), exhibited by Mrs. H. L. Brummett,<br />

awarded Purple Rosette for best specimen in show, among 300 exhibited at El Paso, Texas, in<br />

1960. Photograph by El Paso Times.

#161 April, 1961<br />

5 From the President's Desk................ ..L. F. Randolph<br />

9 Drama <strong>of</strong> Progress........ ..............Mrs. J. R. Hamblen<br />

13 New and Different <strong>Iris</strong> for Arrangement..Crescent Deru<br />

17 Companion Plants. .................................. Molly Price<br />

20 Welcome to Region 19! ..................... .. Joseph Gatty<br />

23 The <strong>Iris</strong> Trial at Florence ................... Harry Randall<br />

27 A New Look at Intermediates ... Earl Roberts<br />

33 Acidity (pH) <strong>of</strong> the Cell Sap <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>..William G. McGarvey<br />

41 Wider Horizons for Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> ............ Ben R. Hager<br />

43 Evolution <strong>of</strong> Horned, Spooned, and Flounced <strong>Iris</strong>Lloyd Austin<br />

55 <strong>Iris</strong> Tour <strong>of</strong> Germany ................ ...Georg Hacklander<br />

58 Achievements Must Not Lead to Complacency.Raymond G. Smith<br />

60 Weed Control Experience .Edwin Rundlett<br />

62 A Portland Side Trip . . Dorothy Dennis<br />

64 State Fair Project <strong>of</strong> ESIS . ..Irwin A. Conroe<br />

66 Our <strong>Iris</strong> Are Hardy .Ferris D. Gaskill<br />

71 Judging Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es.............................................. . Sarah Tiffney<br />

75 Our Membership Campaign..........Claude C. O'Brien<br />

16 Have Your Seedlings in Tour Gardens Been Named? . . Joseph Gatty<br />

40 An Unusual Hybrid ...............................Earl Roberts<br />

Simplified Plate Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Seed [Correction] 39<br />

Invitation to 1961 Meeting. 8<br />

AIS Membership Dues. ..112<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1963 Meeting. 19<br />

BIS Membership Dues. 83<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS . 7<br />

To Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. . p. 89, Oct. Bull.<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 79<br />

Registration Fee Increased 89<br />

Advertising Rates .. 61<br />

To Join a Robin 77<br />

Bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Literature. 105<br />

Shipping Instructions-Hamburg. 81<br />

Deaths. 89<br />

Show Dates. 85<br />

Errata 57<br />

Show Supplies ..114<br />

Exhibition Committee 22<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Formed 65<br />

Flight Lines 68<br />

Slides for Rental 73<br />

Hints to Members ..113<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> Photo Contest 77

Exhibition Judges. . 107<br />

Books Offered by AIS . 112<br />

Garden Judges 91<br />

Back Issues ..112<br />

Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris BANG (Tom Craig), AM 1960. Photograph by Everett C.<br />


#162 July, 1961<br />

5 From the Acting President's Desk Robert S. Carney<br />

9 Founders Honored at Anniversary Ceremony...<br />

11 The Annual Meeting in Newark Peggy Edwards<br />

Convention Tour Gardens:<br />

Cedar Brook. . Harry B. Kuesel 15<br />

Wais..Jane Hall 16<br />

Knocke Eleanor Westmeyer 16<br />

Kuchar... William G. McGarvey 17<br />

Smith. Howard W. Knowlton 18<br />

Wood. .Jake H. Scharff 20<br />

Cassebeer Jesse Wills 20<br />

Rutgers Shirley Spurr 22<br />

Baxter ... Claude C. O'Brien 22<br />

Johnson ... Jack Goett 23<br />

MacLean. ...Gerta M. Beach 24<br />

Presby. Irwin A. Conroe 26<br />

28 A Side-Trip to the Rundlett Garden.<br />

29 Choice <strong>Iris</strong>es Seen on Garden Tours<br />

32 Postscript on Weed Control ........ Edwin Rundlett<br />

33 Median Comments..... Molly Price, Earl Roberts<br />

35 Median <strong>Iris</strong>es in Convention GardensJoAnne Tufts<br />

36 A Transplanting Note..... ........Richard Goodman<br />

37 Collecting <strong>Iris</strong> Species in Europe ... . .. L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph<br />

41 Philadelphia-Portland-Frankfurt-Florence . ..A. Edward Murray, Jr.<br />

45 Collecting Native <strong>Iris</strong>es in Louisiana..Marvin Granger<br />

47 Red <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................Claude J. Davis<br />

52 Spurias for Friends and Fun. ..Walker Furgeson<br />

55 Conventional Seed Germination A. A. Samuelson<br />

61 A Triploid Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>. .... . ..G. W. Holleyman<br />

62 Lapham's Method in Red Breeding.. ...Harold Ha_ned<br />

64 The National Robin Program. John A. Bartholomew<br />

67 The Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. . Mrs. C. M. Redford<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ................6<br />

Attention: Show Chairmen.....73<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS.................... 7<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin. 73<br />

Membership Rates ... .. ... 8<br />

Request for Leaf Spot Specimens 73<br />

Memorial Cup Balloting 24<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 75<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1963 Meeting. 39<br />

Flight Lines ....77<br />

The RVP for Region 24 63<br />

AIS Stationery 78

Additional Judges Named 63<br />

Back Issues. .78<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es at Hamburg Exhibition. ... 66<br />

Books Offered by AIS 78<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board Meeting 69<br />

Slides for Rental...88<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> RVP-Board Meeting. 71<br />

Advertising Rates 88<br />

Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris FRIENDSHIP (Joseph Gatty 1960), highest in this year's<br />

balloting for Franklin Cook Memorial Cup. From Kodachrome by Betty (Mrs. Ira E.) Wood, New<br />

Providence, N. J.

#163 October, 1961<br />

From the President's Desk ..........L. F. Randolph 5<br />

Awards and Honors...................Robert S. Carney 9<br />

Popularity Poll...................................................... 19<br />

Judges' Choice...................................................... 21<br />

Foster Plaque Awarded J. E. Wills'.. Geddes Douglas 23<br />

Occupational Hazard "...".................. Betty Wood 26<br />

Montclair Officials Honored Dr. Wister. Barbara F. Walther 27<br />

The 1962 Annual Meeting...............Allen Harper 30<br />

Growing the Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>.............Clarke Cosgrove 31<br />

The 1961 <strong>Iris</strong> Season.............. . Robert S. Carney 35<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Seen in Region 4 Gardens..F. H. Alexander 38<br />

Comments from Canadian Members.................... 40<br />

Comments from Region 12 ......... Gene McClure 42<br />

1961 View <strong>of</strong> the Border <strong>Iris</strong>es ... Bee Warburton 43<br />

Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> Bloom in Convention GardensHarry B. Kuesel 45<br />

Simple Comments ..................... Lorenz Medrano 49<br />

Pink Siberians and Minor Frustrations..William G. McGarvey 51<br />

Amoena Parentages (charts)........ Roy Brizendine 54<br />

National Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> Survey Raymond G. Smith<br />

and Edwin Rundlett ......................................... 56<br />

Exhibition Committee Report .... .. Arthur Nelson 61<br />

Region 17 Meeting, Show, and Tour.. L. E. Flanagan 70<br />

Activities in the Regions ...................................... 73<br />

To Advertisers in CD 7<br />

McKee Medal Awarded: Mrs. Lowry 69<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Dates .. ................................ 7<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS .. ............................................. 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental............................................. 78<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ............................................. 8<br />

New CD Advertisers ............................................ 78<br />

1959 Check List . ............................................. 20<br />

A Member Writes ............................................. 79<br />

Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>es at Kingwood ................................. 22<br />

Deaths................. ............................................. 80<br />

Your Slides Committee ........................................ 34<br />

Flight Lines ........ ............................................. 82<br />

Officers <strong>of</strong> New Affiliates.................................... 53<br />

How to Join a Robin............................................. 86<br />

Awards by British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ......................... 60<br />

Membership Rates ............................................. 95<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Notes .. ............................................. 67<br />

Advertising Rates ............................................. 95<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>......................................... 96

Cover Photograph.-Tall bearded iris PRETTY CAROL (Mrs. J. R. Hamblen, Roy,<br />

Utah), in this year's list <strong>of</strong> Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winners. From color plates made available by<br />

Schreiner's Gardens.

#164 January, 1962<br />

From the President's Desk. ....... L. F. Randolph 5<br />

1962 Convention Announcement 11<br />

The 1959 <strong>Iris</strong> Check List. ... 12<br />

Honors-Review and Preview..... Melba Hamblen 13<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded Report Alice White 18<br />

Spurias in the South. ... ....... ... .Ila Nunn 21<br />

An RVP's Talk to His Region. . Hugo Wall 25..<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Garden in Cedar Brook Park.... ...Dorothy Dennis 28<br />

Beginner's Glossary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Terms and Expressions ..Thomas J. Buckley 31<br />

The 1962 AIS Convention... ..Allen Harper 35<br />

Miss Dormon Honored by Horticulturists 39<br />

Marion Walker's Spurias . . . Peg Dabagh 41<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> Bloom in Utah ..Crescent Deru 42<br />

New Recipients <strong>of</strong> the Hybridizer's Medal 45<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es We Liked ... Ralph and Helen Lewis 47<br />

Medians, A Sure Bet....... .. . ..Mildred E. Grove 53<br />

Collecting and Hybridizing Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es G. W. Holleyman 56<br />

Bacterial S<strong>of</strong>t Rot in Memphis ..Thomas P. Nash 58<br />

The New RVPs . .. ...... .... .. ..... 70<br />

Helen McCaughey Appointed Historian 73<br />

Improvements in Judging <strong>Iris</strong>es. .. . ...Larry Gaulter 74<br />

The 1962 Membership Campaign ..Claude C. O'Brien 77<br />

The Treasurer's Report Jay C. Ackerman 79<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 83<br />

Scientific Committee Report... . Lee W. Lenz 90<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> 1961 Membership Campaign.. .. ..Claude C. O'Brien 92<br />

Reviews .....William G. McGarvey, Lee W. Lenz 94<br />

Garden and Exhibition Judges 98<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Dates...... ........ 8<br />

New Membership List in April 9<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 9<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 10<br />

Deaths ..... 24, 34<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental.. . 37<br />

AIS Scientific Committee 40<br />

Flight Lines. 61<br />

Regional Reports 87<br />

Members Write.................... 97<br />

New Advertisers in CD ... 97<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin ..108<br />

Membership Rates 111<br />

Advertising Rates.. .. 111<br />

Books Available from AIS 120<br />

AIS Stationery ... ............ 120

Show Supplies. .................... Back Cover<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> . Oct. Bull.<br />

Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris BRASS ACCENTS (Robert Schreiner, Salem, Oregon),<br />

among the Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winners in 1961. From color plates made available by Schreiner's<br />


#165 April, 1962<br />

SECTION 1:<br />

From the President's Desk. .L. F. Randolph 5<br />

1962 Annual Meeting ..................................................... 10<br />

More Information on the 1962 Meeting ... Allen Harper 11<br />

On Your Way to Kansas City.................. C. R. Minnick 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Diseases and Pests ... .......................A. W. Dimock 15<br />

Grow a Few Siberians! ......................... Peggy Edwards 17<br />

A Spuria Primer....................................... Mary Redford 19<br />

Breeding for Hardiness in <strong>Iris</strong> ........... Wilma L. Vallette 23<br />

In Search <strong>of</strong> the Species........................Charlotte Gantz 27<br />

To Every Member <strong>of</strong> AIS.................Claude C. O'Brien 29<br />

A Really Red <strong>Iris</strong>? .................................. Agnes Whiting 30<br />

The Median's Tall Bearded Parents as Test Plant<br />

William G. McGarvey ............................................ 33<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1964 Convention in Chicago. .<br />

.Mrs. Wm. Hagberg ................................................ 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> subbiflora... ......................................... Lee W. Lenz 37<br />

Medians Achieve Orbit! .. ................. Mildred E. Grove 43<br />

Goals <strong>of</strong> a Specialty Hybridizer ..Roswell H. Johnson 44<br />

Spurias In Theory and Practice..............Tell Muhlestein 45<br />

Morristown's Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Garden.Barbara F. Walther 51<br />

Welcome to Region 9!......... . ........Clarence ]. Blocher 63<br />

The Registration <strong>of</strong> Selected Clones <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> SpeciesLee W. Lenz 65<br />

Region 17 Activities in 1961. ............... L. E. Flanagan 69<br />

1959 <strong>Iris</strong> Check List ............ 7<br />

Membership Rates. . ............ 75<br />

Wanted: 1939 <strong>Iris</strong> Check List. .................................. 8<br />

Advertising Rates .................................. 75<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS.................... 8<br />

A Few Pronunciations ........ 77<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS .. ............... .......................... ........ 9<br />

Members Write.................... .......................... ........ 79<br />

1963 Hamburg Exhibition. 14<br />

National Test Garden Judges. 95<br />

Errata ................................... 16<br />

Regional Test Gardens ........ 99<br />

AIS Registration Program. ...................................... 22<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows. ...................................... 101<br />

Deaths .................................. 50<br />

Books, Pamphlets, Back Issues. 104<br />

Flight Lines.......................... 53<br />

AIS Seals, Stationery........... 104<br />

1964 Exhibition in Vienna. 62<br />

How to Join a Robin. 112

Additional Judges Named.... 63<br />

Show Supplies ..................... Back Cover<br />

SECTION 2: <strong>Iris</strong> Registrations in 1961<br />

SECTION 3: Membership List<br />

Cover Photograph.-<strong>Iris</strong> MILLIONAIRE (Roy Brizendine, Topeka, Kansas), AM 1960.<br />

Photographed in Denver Botanic Garden by Everett C. Long.

#166 July, 1962<br />

From the President's Desk ........ . L. F. Randolph 5<br />

Dr. Randolph Honored by American Horticultural <strong>Society</strong>..... 7<br />

The Modern White <strong>Iris</strong> Carey E. Quinn 9<br />

Wanted: A New Color Class ..William R. Pierce 13<br />

Spurias Are Coming <strong>of</strong> Age. .Marion R. Walker 15<br />

Species I Enjoyed During the 1961 Season ]ean Witt 17<br />

On Affiliates and Sections... .. .. . Hubert A. Fischer 20<br />

Notes on the 1962 <strong>Iris</strong> Season... .. ]esse E. Wills 21<br />

1962 Blooming Season in Oklahoma ..Kenneth J. Shaver 25<br />

Comments on Arils and Arilbreds David J. Flesh 27<br />

The Season in North Texas .......... Paul W. Horn 29<br />

Median Comments From Indiana. Earl Roberts 32<br />

Comments on Some Earl Roberts Seedlings Bonnie Dunbar 33<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Memphis .Henry Mitchell 34<br />

So You've Never Been to a Convention! ..William T. Bledsoe 37<br />

First Median Show..Fran Jennings 40<br />

Convention Tour Gardens .....<br />

Beckers.Ruth Pressey 41 ...................................<br />

Minnick Peg Dabagh 56<br />

Beltz Elizabeth H. Rowe..................................44<br />

Rogers. Mrs. George P. Morgan.......................57<br />

BrizendineThomas M. Wilkes ........................... 45<br />

Price Bee Shinkle 58<br />

Fitch ..... Zerah Brummett................................. 51<br />

Shippee Betty and Ira Wood ........................... 58<br />

Harper ... Mrs. Johnson B. Hale .......................52<br />

Sell Jane E. Stanley 59<br />

McHugh..Lerton Hooker................ ..................52<br />

Taggart ..M. F. Dow ........ ..................59<br />

Miller. ... .. . Robert H. Savage ......................... 53<br />

Zerr Eugene Buckles ...................................61<br />

National Robin Program Directory..................................... 62<br />

Flight Lines .......................................................... 63<br />

Median Varietal Comments....................... Harry Kuesel 72<br />

A Recent Russian Work on the Genus <strong>Iris</strong> ..William J. Dress 79<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Joint RVPs-Directors Meeting Clitlord W. Benson 89<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Meetings <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsClitlord W. Benson 91<br />

Award <strong>of</strong> Cook Memorial Cup 6<br />

Your Awards Committee ...74<br />

Sections ...................... 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental........ 75<br />

Affiliates ...................... 8<br />

Obituaries .................... 76<br />

New Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Check List 19

Membership Rates ....... .. .84<br />

Award <strong>of</strong> McKee Medal 40<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>.... 96<br />

Convention Booklet Available 55<br />

Advertising Rates.... 104<br />

How to Join an <strong>Iris</strong> Robin 71<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris INDIGLOW, originated by William B. Schortman, Porterville,<br />

California; voted the AIS Award <strong>of</strong> Merit in 1961 and the Premio Firenze (highest award) at the<br />

International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition, Florence, Italy, this year.

#167 October, 1962<br />

From the President's Desk ...................... L. F. Randolph 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Trek in 1962 ................................. Robert S. Carney 11<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> National Test Garden Trials, 1962 .John R. Durrance 13<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report J. Arthur Nelson 15<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. 26<br />

Varietal Comments from Texas. W. M. Calhoun, Jr. 27<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................................... 33<br />

Medians in Convention Gardens. Keith Keppel 37<br />

Companion Plants in Brizendine Garden.Mildred Brizendine 38<br />

Handbook for Regional Vice Presidents. 39<br />

Florence and Fleur de Lis . George P. Watts 43<br />

Ten Days on the Trail in Search <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es. Bruce and Alberta Richardson 48<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Suburban Washington Gardens.Donald W. Mitchell 51<br />

Review <strong>of</strong> Study on <strong>Iris</strong> Borer and S<strong>of</strong>t Rot.Claude]. Davis55<br />

A South Carolina <strong>Iris</strong> Garden. Milton W. Blanton 57<br />

My List <strong>of</strong> "The Best" . Ozella Mondy 59<br />

The Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Symposium, 1962 . Walter Welch 61<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, 1962Robert S. Carney 63<br />

Popularity Poll, 1962 . .......................................................... 71<br />

Judges' Choice, 1962 . 72<br />

The Show Must Go On-Make an Arrangement! .Crescent Deru 74<br />

A Key Character for Separating Sibiricae and Californicae. Lee W. Lenz 79<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> From North Carolina to Foot <strong>of</strong> Pikes Peak. Ralph and Helen Lewis 85<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 9 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental. 82<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 10 Membership Rates 95<br />

How to Join a Robin 36 Price List <strong>of</strong> Books. 96<br />

Your Judges Training Program. 40<br />

BULLETIN Advertising Rates ..104<br />

Obituary 78<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ..Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris WHOLE CLOTH, originated by Paul H. Cook, Bluff ton,<br />

Indiana; winner <strong>of</strong> the Dykes Medal in 1962. From color plates made available by Schreiner's<br />

Gardens, Salem, Oregon.

#168 January, 1963<br />

The President's Corner .......Robert S. Carney 5<br />

The New AIS Presidential Team 9<br />

Modern Yellow <strong>Iris</strong>es Harry B. Kuesel 11<br />

1963 Convention Announcement 15<br />

Northwest Impressions .............................. Joseph Gatty 17<br />

Northeast Median Group Organizes.......Bee Warburton 22<br />

1963 Membership Campaign..........."Claude C. O'Brien 24<br />

The New Members <strong>of</strong> the Board. .... 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>-Breeding Hints from Orville Fay 26<br />

An RVP's First Year Earl T. Browder 27<br />

Knowledge and Imagination in Breeding . .Peter Werckmeister29<br />

On Storing Spuria Pollen .......... ...Walter Ferguson 32<br />

1963 Annual Meeting in Colorado ..Mary Ann Heacock 34<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Historian Helen McCaughey 36<br />

Work <strong>of</strong> the Scientific Committee ... 37<br />

The New Regional Vice Presidents 38<br />

The Garden <strong>of</strong> Steve Moldovan ..Elizabeth H. Rowe 41<br />

Hybridizing in Texas ...L. E. Flanagan, Jr. 43<br />

Mostly About Georgia Hinkle ..Lorenzo Medrano 48<br />

Bloomington Rebloomers. ..Bonnie Dunbar 51<br />

Simplifying the Judging <strong>of</strong> Aril <strong>Iris</strong>es . Ruth Pressey 55<br />

In Europe in <strong>Iris</strong>time, 1963 61<br />

Getting to Know You ..... Neva Sexton 63<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer ...... ..]ay C. Ackerman 65<br />

Two Distinguished Service Medals Awarded 68<br />

From Whence Green?........................ .. ... ..]oseph J. Ghio 69<br />

Hybridizer's Medal Awarded to West Coast Breeders 70<br />

Notes on Mitchell <strong>Iris</strong>es... ..Keith Keppel 71<br />

AIS Judges for 1963 ................ .. 75<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> 1962 Membership Campaign .Claude C. O'Brien 86<br />

Flight Lines ........................................... ..Peggy Burke Grey 91<br />

The Classification <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es for Awards.. Donald J. Boen 99<br />

Carl Salbach . ...Roy Oliphant 102<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting Clifford W. Benson 105<br />

Your Membership Committee. 6<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS .. 7<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ................... 8<br />

To Hybridizers and Judges .. 23<br />

An Invitation from the BIS 87<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Dates .. ... . 88<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 96<br />

Erratum Obituaries .......... 101<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books. 112

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 120<br />

Advertising Rates ... 120<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Supplies .... Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph. Arilbred iris STRIPED BUTTERFLY, originated by Mrs. Walter E. Noyd,<br />

Wenatchee, Washington; voted an Honorable Mention Award in 1958, and the Clarence G. White<br />

Memorial Award in 1962. Printed from color plates made available by Schreiner's Gardens, Salem,<br />


#169 April, 1963<br />

Printed in 2 Sections<br />

SECTION 1:<br />

The President's Corner Robert S. Carney 5<br />

Convention Reminder 6<br />

Artistic Evaluation.............. .Irene S. Nelson 9<br />

Getting to Know the Aril Family . David J. Flesh 11<br />

My Hobby....H. H. Harned 18<br />

Convention Preview..... 21<br />

Central California <strong>Iris</strong>es W. B. Schortman 25<br />

Cook-Lapham Award ......... 26<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> auranitica <strong>of</strong> Syria. Peter Werckmeister 29<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong>es-From the Ground Up .Clifford W. Benson 31<br />

Flower Types in Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es .. . . Shuichi Hirao 35<br />

Display Gardens <strong>of</strong> Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es 38<br />

Flight Lines ................... 39<br />

Open Doors at Regional Meetings ............................. 51<br />

Chromosome Numbers in the Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>es and the<br />

Origin <strong>of</strong> the Garden Varieties. .Lee W. Lenz 53<br />

AIS Judges (addenda to list)................................................. 69<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for the 1965 Memphis Convention................... 70<br />

Obituaries ......................................................................... 71<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Registrations in 1962...................................................... 75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizers' Seminar........................Bonnie Dunbar 77<br />

National Test Garden Evaluation . ... .. . . Austin Morgan 78<br />

Exhibition Judging <strong>of</strong> Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ....William T. Bledsoe 80<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> Display Gardens......................Mary Redford 84<br />

Florence Symposium on <strong>Iris</strong>es (program) ............................ 86<br />

Regional Reports ... ... .......................................................... 89<br />

Some <strong>Iris</strong> Show Dates...... . ...... ........................................... 119<br />

Rules and Regulations <strong>of</strong> AIS-Sponsored Shows 120<br />

"Grass Roots" Nominations for Director............. 124<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS .................7<br />

Books and Pamphlets ....128<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ................8<br />

Back Issues and Stationery128<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 136<br />

Erratum ...... ... 124<br />

Advertising Rates ... 136<br />

Membership Rates .........126<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Supplies... Back Cover<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 127<br />

Index to Advertisements .Back Cover

SECTION 2: <strong>Iris</strong> Registrations in 1962<br />

Cover Photograph. <strong>Iris</strong> lortetii, an oncocyclus species, photographed after a shower in the garden<br />

<strong>of</strong> Roy Brizendine, Topeka, Kansas, by Everett C. Long, Boulder, Colorado.

#170 July, 1963<br />

From the President's Desk. Robert S. Carney 7<br />

A New England Garden Harold S. Knowlton 9<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Landscape Connie Kendall 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>manship .. . . Thomas J. Buckley 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Trek, 1963.. .. Robert S. Carney 16<br />

Louisianas Exhibited at Lafayette .............. Nolan John Sahuc 21<br />

Awards at International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition 23<br />

Flight Lines ............................................ Peggy Burke Grey 24<br />

Impressions <strong>of</strong> the Florence Symposium .... Lee W. Lenz 27<br />

"Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Florence Symposium" 30<br />

Photoperiodism <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es.............. William G. McGarvey 31<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1965 Convention................. .. ............. . 34<br />

"Wish You Were Here!"................. Mildred R. Johnson 35<br />

How to Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>.................. Mrs. J. R. Hamblen 39<br />

They Liked These in the Tour Gardens. ... ...<br />

Mrs. Gertie May Barnes 40<br />

William and Ruth Fitzgerald, William T. Bledsoe 41<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rowe 43,<br />

Johnson B. Hale 44<br />

C. Robert Minnick 44,<br />

Roy Oliphant 46,<br />

Mrs. Jane Hall 47<br />

Report on Newer <strong>Iris</strong>es ... .. ... 49<br />

Cook Memorial Cup Awarded to Dr. Loomis...... 50<br />

Chromosome Pairing in Tetraploid Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Katherine Heinig and L. F. Randolph 51<br />

Philadelphia to Boston. A. Edward Murray, Jr. 64<br />

On the Trail <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es..... ..............................Lys Housley 67<br />

Why We Apply Winter Cover . Ferris D. Gaskill 72<br />

Light on the <strong>Iris</strong>es............................... Gilbert Anderson 75<br />

Spurias Down Under... ... ..................Gordon Loveridge 77<br />

Seedlings in Parentages (Letter). ....... ........... . 78<br />

Aril <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Great Lakes Region . Henry Danielson 79<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer . .. Jay C. Ackerman 82<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Joint RVP-Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 83<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting.. .Clifford W. Benson 84<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Public Relations Committee Peggy Burke Grey and Ruth Rees 84<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> National Robin Director. John A. Bartholomew 85<br />

Regional Membership Totals 88<br />

Reports <strong>of</strong> Regions 91<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental. . ...... 20<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 26

Membership Rates Advertising Rates. .. ....... 89<br />

How to Register An <strong>Iris</strong> 104<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, etc. Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph. The Administration Building <strong>of</strong> the Denver Botanic Gardens is the background<br />

for this view across a segment <strong>of</strong> the display beds <strong>of</strong> 699 irises. Photograph by Everett C. Long,<br />

Denver, Colorado.<br />

Uncredited photographs in this issue were taken by the Editor.

#171 October, 1963<br />

Awards by the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. 6<br />

From the President's Desk .............. Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Aril <strong>Iris</strong>es on the Back Trail From Ruth Pressey 9<br />

The Garden <strong>of</strong> Donald G. Waters Robert Schreiner, Steve Moldovan 13<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Retrospect and Prospect. Douglas E. Bailey 17<br />

Judging at Hamburg ..Hubert A. Fischer 20<br />

A Visit to Our Canadian Region Bee Warburton 23<br />

Arrangements With <strong>Iris</strong>es .Crescent Deru 27<br />

First Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Show .A. H. Hazzard 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es for the Southland .C. W. Arny, Jr. 31<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Are for Fun......Keith Keppel 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Central 4 and Southern 6 .. Lloyd Zurbrigg 38<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report, 1963 J. Arthur Nelson 41<br />

To All Hybridizers......... 55<br />

Potting <strong>Iris</strong>es for Winter Bloom. ...Mrs. O. A. Bakke 55<br />

Flight Lines ..Peggy Burke Grey 57<br />

Excerpts From Gerard's Herball 64<br />

A One-Day Trek to North Texas L. E. Flanagan, Jr. 65<br />

Drying Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es for Winter Use ...... .Mildred R. Johnson 69<br />

Thoughts on Garden Exhibits With <strong>Iris</strong>es . Lewis A. Hodgkinson73<br />

Further Remarks About Showing <strong>Iris</strong>es .... .Bee Warburton 73<br />

Handbook Committee Invites Suggestions ....... 77<br />

Presby Gardens' Educational Exhibit at Show 78<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Symposium.. 79<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Garden in Firenze, Italy ..Hubert A. Fischer 81<br />

Local <strong>Iris</strong>es and the HC Award . . Larry Gaulter 82<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, 1963 . Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 86<br />

Popularity Poll, 1963 ... 94<br />

Judges' Choice, 1963 ............ 95<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es As Seen in Eight States......... Ralph and Helen Lewis 97<br />

Obituaries: F. Cleveland Morgan 68<br />

Obituaries: David F. Johnson 105<br />

Complimenting <strong>Iris</strong>es... Robert A. Smith III 106<br />

A Few Pronunciations 111<br />

"17” Has Convention-Type Meeting Roy E.. Vache 113<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> Region 15 Thornton M. Abell 116<br />

Index to Bulletins, 1963 126<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS .... 5<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 62<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 112<br />

Membership Rates 115<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> 118<br />

Advertising Rates 125

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, etc. . Back Cover<br />

Cover Illustration. Tall bearded iris WILD GINGER, one <strong>of</strong> the newer plicatas <strong>of</strong> J. M. Gibson,<br />

Porterville, California. Printed by A. B. Morse Company from plates made available by Cooley's<br />

Gardens, Silverton, Oregon.

#172 January, 1964<br />

From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Regulations Governing AIS Registration (announcement) 8<br />

Modern <strong>Iris</strong>es Look Little. Peggy Burke Grey 9<br />

Northwest Median Meeting. Alta M. Brown 13<br />

AIS Convention in 1964 .. Edward E. Varnum, Thomas J. Buckley 15<br />

The First Remontant <strong>Iris</strong> Show. ..... 20<br />

Bartholomew Receives Service Medal.. 21<br />

Brother Charles Is Recipient <strong>of</strong> Medal 22<br />

The 1964 Membership Campaign . Claude C. O'Brien 24<br />

Paul H. Cook-Obituary. . Mary Williamson 25<br />

Eulogy Frank B. Galyon 27<br />

Herbert F. Fulkerson-Obituary 28<br />

Flight Lines Peggy Burke Grey, Keith R. Keppel 29<br />

Tribute to W. A. Payne 41<br />

The New Regional Vice Presidents 42<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Symposium, 1963 47<br />

The 1963 Season in Region 4 Donald W. Mitchell 49<br />

Sidelights on the Disease Problem. Edwin Rundlett 53<br />

Brimstone in the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden? . Thomas J. Buckley 57<br />

Your Regional Vice President 59<br />

New Observations in 1963 . Irene D. Van de Water 60<br />

Touring California Hybridizers' Gardens. . William B. Schortman 63<br />

A Judge's-Eye View <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Show. . Wilma Vallette 65<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting. Clifford W. Benson 71<br />

The 1963 Membership Campaign Claude C. O'Brien 75<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer. .. .. Jay C. Ackerman 77<br />

AIS Judges for 1964 Mrs. William H. Buxton, J. Arthur Nelson 80<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5<br />

To Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>. 6<br />

Bulletin 1 Available 13<br />

Additions to Show Report 20<br />

How to Join a Robin 32<br />

Life Memberships. 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental......................................................... 76<br />

BIS Memberships 77<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates 91<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Supplies 92<br />

AIS Membership Rates 95<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, Etc. . . 104<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> Oct., p. 118<br />

Cover Photograph. <strong>Iris</strong> BRAVADO (AM 1963), originated by David F. Hall, Wilmette, Ill. Printed<br />

from plates made available by Cooley's Gardens, Silverton, Oregon.

#173 April, 1964<br />

(Printed in 2 Parts)<br />

PART 1:<br />

From the President's Desk. Robert S. Carney 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Seen in California Gardens. . Melba Hamblen 9<br />

AIS Convention Notice ....................................................... .. 12<br />

Sam Caldwell to Speak at Convention Banquet. 13<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1966 AIS Convention 14<br />

The Kodachrome Blues Again ..W. F. Scott, Jr. 15<br />

The Hybridizer as Artist ............................... Bee Warburton 20<br />

Judges' Handbook Committee Enlarged................................ 22<br />

Hybridizing and Growing Spurias .. Walker Ferguson 23<br />

AIS Judges for 1964 (supplement) ........................................ 26<br />

Dr. Randolph's <strong>Iris</strong> Seed Pod Nurseries 27<br />

New Form for Show Reports........... ..................................... 27<br />

Flight Lines "".. .................Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 29<br />

Some <strong>Iris</strong> Shows ........... ........................................................ 39<br />

Hybridizing Hints by Opal Brown......................................... 41<br />

What's in a Name? "'."".."............................... Joseph]. Ghio 43<br />

Obituary-Douglas E. Bailey ....................... 47<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es-A Challenge .. ......................... Inez Conger 51<br />

Paul H. Cook-My Friend and Yours...... . Harold H. Harned 53<br />

The Ketchum Memorial Garden........... ... Carl Carpenter .. 57<br />

A Few Thoughts on <strong>Iris</strong> Photography.. John A. Bartholomew 59<br />

Seed Germination Findings by Senior Hi Student.Virginia Betz 63<br />

Siberian Breeding-A Wide-Open Field. .......Peggy Edwards 71<br />

Tip on Using the Nickerson Fan....................Bee Warburton 81<br />

Busy Region 18 . ..................................... C. Robert Minnick 83<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Diseases. Maynard Knopf ............................................... 85<br />

The Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. ........................................... ........... 87<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS ..................5 Bulletin Advertising Rates. 86<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 88<br />

To Hybridizers....................6 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental............ 95<br />

How to Join a Robin. 28 Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, Etc. 96<br />

Membership Rates 38 AIS Show Supplies. Back Cover<br />

PART 2: <strong>Iris</strong> Registrations in 1963.<br />

Cover Photograph. Tall bearded iris HEAVEN ON EARTH, a light sky blue self (Catherine and<br />

Kenneth Smith) HC 1962. From Kodachrome by Mrs. Smith.

#174 July, 1964<br />

Ferris D. Gaskill<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Signal Spot in Arilbred <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Kenneth K. Kidd<br />

Roy L. Oliphant<br />

From the President's Desk. . . .. Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Ramblings <strong>of</strong> a "Retired" Gardener.. ... . David R. Kinish 9<br />

Awards at the International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition 11<br />

The Hamblen Garden. . . . .. ... . .. Peg Dabagh 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Seen in the Northeast in 1964 . . . .. . Harry B. Kuesel 15<br />

Bowman's Hill to Breed's Hill A. Edward Murray, Jr. 18<br />

The AIS Convention, 1964 . . . . . . . Elizabeth H. Rowe 21<br />

Reports on Convention Tour Gardens<br />

Blocher CarlO. Schirmer 25<br />

Fay. Bee Warburton 26<br />

Fischer . Peg Dabagh 30<br />

Gaskill. . .. Frank Brewer 31<br />

Hagberg. . . . . . H. H. Henkelman 35<br />

Hooker William T. Bledsoe 37<br />

Jugle C. Robert Minnick 38<br />

Rudolph . Joseph A. Gatty 39<br />

Varnum Adelaide Peterson 41<br />

Watts Irwin A. Conroe 42<br />

AIS Represented on Ratings Commission 44<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es. . . ..... 45<br />

Taped Commentary on Fay Garden Earl Roberts 48<br />

The Bulletin Has a New Editor 51<br />

Flight Lines. . . ... Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 53<br />

Shows Versus Gardens. .. . . . . . . . . Charlotte Gantz 60<br />

The Sucker Licker <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Is Born 62<br />

To That First <strong>Iris</strong>arian Irwin A. Conroe 64<br />

A Technician's Quest <strong>of</strong> Octoploids JoAnne Tufts 65<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Legacy . .......... Thomas M. Wilkes 69<br />

Some Notes on <strong>Iris</strong> danfordiae Bee Warburton 75<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for the 1966 AIS Convention 76<br />

Soil Fertility for <strong>Iris</strong>es. . . . . . .Ferris D. Gaskill 77<br />

Possible Mode <strong>of</strong> Inheritance <strong>of</strong> the Signal Spot<br />

In Arilbred <strong>Iris</strong>es Kenneth K. Kidd 84<br />

William Mohr-A Pr<strong>of</strong>ile Roy L. Oliphant 88<br />

Unfading Beauty............ . . 90<br />

Reports From Region 15-Southern California Barbara Serdynski, et al. 94<br />

The Test Garden Program. . . . .. ... 104<br />

Richard Goodman Receives Cook Memorial Award 106<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Joint RVP-Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 108

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 110<br />

Thank You! ....Thomas E. Jacoby 112<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5<br />

Show Reports. ........ 6<br />

Deadline for Registrations 29<br />

AIS Convention Schedule 34<br />

AIS Membership Rates.................................................99<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental. 112<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 120<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, Etc. Back Cover<br />


13 Shirley Montgomery<br />

27 Steve C. Moldovan<br />

38 Everett C. Long<br />

45 Elizabeth H. Rowe<br />

47 Betty Wood<br />

52 (upper) Cooley's Gardens (lower) John A. Bartholomew<br />

58 Betty Wood<br />

61 C. A. Bahret<br />

68 (upper) Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens<br />

(lower) Clifford W. Benson<br />

79 Foster M. Allen<br />

81 Myron D. Bigger<br />

Cover Photograph-Tall bearded iris LE BEAU (Georgia Hinkle 1959) HM 1959. Printed from<br />

plates made available by Gilbert H. Wild & Son, Inc.

#175 October, 1964<br />

From the President's Desk ...................Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Wister Award.................................... ................................... 8<br />

National Test Garden Report, 1964...................................... 9<br />

Foster Memorial Plaque........................................................ 10<br />

Past Midnight Reflection <strong>of</strong> an Editor.. J. Arthur Nelson 11<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium. Barney Hobbs 15<br />

Popularity Poll, 1964 .............. ................ 16<br />

Judges' Choice, 1964 ............................................................ 17<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>.. Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 19<br />

1965 Convention C. W. Flowers ................................. 28<br />

Mister, Can You Spare a Dime? . . Nelson and H<strong>of</strong>fman 29<br />

Growing Arils in the Colder Areas <strong>of</strong> Midwest.Roy Brizendine 30<br />

Recipe for an <strong>Iris</strong> Show ..........Russell & Jennie Hopson 32<br />

Thoughts on Soil......................................... V. F. Scholz 34<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Exhibition at Hamburg..... ............ ..................... 37<br />

Life Memberships to Dr. and Mrs. Wall ...................... 38<br />

Flight Lines .......................................Peggy Burke Grey 39<br />

Foster Memorial Plaque................................................. 52<br />

A Tribute to My Friend, Greig Lapham Harold H. Hamed 53<br />

Where the <strong>Iris</strong> Gets Its Colors. .................... C. G. Joslin 54<br />

Exhibition Committee Report, 1964 . J. Arthur Nelson ..... 56<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Florentina ....................................................................... 72<br />

Region Reports ... .......................................... ......... ............ 74<br />

Varietal Reports.................................................................... 85<br />

Small Siberians................................................ Peg Edwards 109<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS.................... ............................................. 5<br />

Membership Rates ............... ............................................. 112<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS .................. ............................................. 5<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>........ ............................................. 113<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin. ............................................. 40<br />

Advertising Rates ............................................. 111<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 114<br />

Price List <strong>of</strong> Books, etc. Back Cover<br />

Cover Photograph-Tall bearded iris ALLEGIANCE (Dykes Medal Winner, 1964) printed from<br />

photograph made available by Robert Schreiner.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #176 Jan 1975<br />

From the President's Desk ..............................................................Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Two New Directors 8<br />

The Clan Will Gather at Memphis ......................................................... Henry Mitchell 10<br />

The New Regional Vice Presidents ...............................................................................12<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Awards 13<br />

Paul Cook, <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizer .Robert Schreiner 17<br />

Ackerman Awarded Service Medal 21<br />

Payne Awarded Hybridizer's Medal 22<br />

Change in Arilbred Definition, etc ............................................................ John Holden 26<br />

AIS Judges for 1965 29<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Garden for Fifty Dollars ....................................................................................41<br />

The Medians John E. Goett 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in a Sixteenth Century Garden ..... Lee W. Lenz 52<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Trek .... Robert S. Carney 55<br />

Shall We Have Another Poll Jake Scharff 57<br />

Regional Reports 59<br />

First Impressions <strong>of</strong> a Great <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ................................................ Edwin Rundlett 67<br />

Louisianas in the Ketchum Memorial Gardens .Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 69<br />

At the Foot <strong>of</strong> the Rainbow .. Floy Nelson 72<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Club Does Civic Project ................................................................... Ermah Ballard 74<br />

San Diego Civic Center <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ....................................................... James Watkins 76<br />

Greig Lapham ........................................................................................ Tell Muhlestein 77<br />

Flight Lines ...................................................................Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 79<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ......................................................... Clifford W. Benson 86<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer ........................................................................Jay C. Ackerman 89<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> National Round Robin Program John C. Bartholomew 92<br />

1964 Membership Campaign .............................................................Claude C. O'Brien 93<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Scientific Committee ............................................................Lee W. Lenz 95<br />

More Thoughts on Rebloomers .......................................................Raymond C. Smith 107<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AlA ..... 5 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> 103<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Bulletin Advertising Rates 104<br />

BIS Memberships 75 Questions and Answers 106<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin. 80 Show Dates 107<br />

Membership Rates ..... 96 <strong>Iris</strong> Show Supplies ..... 120<br />

Membership Campaign 97 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental ... October 114<br />

Cover Sketch: The front cover <strong>of</strong> the January BULLETIN is reproduced from a sketch from the<br />

pen <strong>of</strong> William Jon Krasting <strong>of</strong> Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and is entitled, "Hello, My Sleeping<br />


<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #177A April 1965<br />

From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 7<br />

Breeding <strong>Iris</strong>es Orville W. Fay 9<br />

How Can We Find the Best? Harry Randall 12<br />

Paul Howard Cook ... and Median <strong>Iris</strong>es Bee Warburton 15<br />

Elusive Hues Dr. Lorenzo A. Medrano 19<br />

If 1 Were Starting Over Several Authors 23<br />

Twin City <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Creta M. Kessenich 44<br />

In Memoriam ......................................... .......................................................................49<br />

More on Soil Fertility. Ferris D. Caskill 50<br />

Flight Lines Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 63<br />

Fantasy Ethel Johnson 77<br />

Reflections . Maynard C. Knopf 85<br />

Are You a Judge? . Mrs. Walter H. Buxton 95<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Clinic .......................................... ...... .............................................................. 99<br />

Section <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Memphis Convention .......................... 94<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Announcements ....................................94<br />

Membership Rates. 52 Show Dates ...........................................97<br />

Nat'l Round Robin Dir. 64 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 103<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 76 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental .... 104<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates 78<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the April Bulletin is that <strong>of</strong> the Schreiner Gardens' Amethyst<br />

Flame, winner <strong>of</strong> the 1963 Dykes Medal and leader in the 1964 Popularity Poll.<br />


# 177B April 1965 missing (section 2)

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1967 Convention 7<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #178A July 1965<br />

Attention Judges .......................................................................................................................... 8<br />

1965 AIS Convention Mildred B. Midjaas 9<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 10<br />

Reports on Convention Tour Gardens-<br />

Allen ...............................Myron Beard 18 Ketchum ........................................Ray Allen 32<br />

Allen .............................. Marvin Olson 19 Martin Gren Campbell 33<br />

Bauman Clarke Cosgrove 19 Miller Jimmy Williams 34<br />

Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f Irwin Conroe 21 Murrah J. Arthur Nelson 35<br />

Carney ..................... Edward Varnum 22 Schaff C. Hobert Minnick 36<br />

Coulson .. Allen Harper 24 Smith Lerton Hooker 38<br />

Crenshaw Virginia Mathews 26 Stovall Roy Brizendine 39<br />

Flowers Franklin Brewer 26 Tipton Elizabeth Bergin 41<br />

Harding .. Larry Harder 29 Tipton Carol Walters 42<br />

Harrel Joseph Riley 30 Sanders ... Arnold Schliefert 43<br />

From the President's Desk Robert S. Carney 44<br />

More About the Reticulata Group Bee Warburton 4.5<br />

Spurias Unlimited Clarke Cosgrove 47<br />

Regional Test,Garden Rules ..................................................................................................... 50<br />

National Test Garden Awards ...................................................................................................51<br />

Intermediates from Cook 10942 William Peck 52<br />

Simplified Embryo Culture Doris Foster 56<br />

Two Region 19 Service Gardens ... Paul F. H<strong>of</strong>fmeister 51<br />

Looking at Robins . Carol Ramsey 63<br />

B. Y. Morrison Research Grant Is on Its Way Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 6.5<br />

The Bulletin Artist .. William Jon Krasting 67<br />

Goals for Remontants Billy G. Skillman 68<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Emma Hobbs 71<br />

In Memoriam-Edna Weed 72<br />

Mary F. Tharp. 73<br />

Flight Lines . Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 75<br />

President's Cup 90<br />

Registrations in 1964 95<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Joint RVP-Directors Meeting. CliHord W. Benson 96<br />

Min"utes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting Clifford W. Benson 97<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Bulletin Advertising Rates 93<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 The <strong>Iris</strong> Clinic ................................................98<br />

Deadline for Registrations 49 AIS Membership Rates ..................................99<br />

Robin Directory 76 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ............................... 100<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 88 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental ...................................101<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the July BULLETIN is that <strong>of</strong> the spuria iris CHUNIASCH CHIEF,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the 1964 introductions <strong>of</strong> past-president Marion Walker. The photograph is by courtesy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Sweeney, Krist & Dimm, Oregon.<br />


<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #178B July 1965 missing<br />

(section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #179 Oct 1965<br />

From the President's Desk Hobert S. Carney 7<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, 1965 Mrs. Walter H. Buxtoll 8<br />

Judges' Choice 1965 20<br />

Popularity Poll, 1965. 22<br />

1965 National Test Garden Report Dr. H. C. Allen 23<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Awards 24<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Premiatc .1965 25<br />

Symposium, Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 25<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Hall Peg Grey 26<br />

Inhibitory Effects <strong>of</strong> his Seed Extracts Carl J. C. Corgensen 27<br />

Two <strong>of</strong> the Magic Eleven for '66 Joe Gatty :31<br />

Flight Lines Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel :37<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report, 1965 William T. B1edsoe 49<br />

Problems in Exhibition Judging William T. B1edsoe 61<br />

Answer to Criticism .. H. Castle Fletcher 64<br />

Once Upon a Halloween Dr. Anne Lee 67<br />

The MIS Meeting at Memphis 68<br />

Miniatures to the Fore ... Charlotte Gantz 70<br />

New Sweden to New England A. Edward Murray, Jr. 7 I<br />

In Memoriam-Stephen F. Hamblin 77<br />

Paul Wickersham 77<br />

Mrs. H. C. Dodson 7~'<br />

Mrs. J. A. Sapp 78<br />

The 1965 <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Review Joseph Ghio 80<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> from the Carolinas to Iowa and Ohio Ralph and Helen Lewis 87<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 AlS Membership Rates 86<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 The <strong>Iris</strong> Clinic 97<br />

Rohin Directory :38 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> 100<br />

Bulletin Advertizing Rates 85 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 101<br />

How to Join an A1S Robin 86<br />

COYER. The cover <strong>of</strong> the October BULLETI:\' is that <strong>of</strong> Neva Sexton's Dykes Medal winner for<br />

1965; photo credit to Melrose Gardens, the introducer.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #180A Jan 1966<br />

From the President's Desk ........................................................... Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Hubert Fischer-New President .................................................................................. ..... 8<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Christmas & New Year Wish ...................................Zerah Maye Brummett 9<br />

David F. Hall-An Appreciation Ferris D. Gaskill 10<br />

Popularity Poll, 1965-Corrected List 15<br />

Two New Directors-Ira Wood and E. E. Varnum ............................................ q ••••••• 18<br />

AIS Judges for 1966 20<br />

Hybridizer's Medals to Gibson, Plough 34<br />

Carney, O'Brien, Smith Awarded Service Medals 35<br />

Seven New RVP's 39<br />

A Pair <strong>of</strong> Gracious Tour Gardens ..................................... H<strong>of</strong>fmeister, Seggessemann 42<br />

An Invitation to Presby Gardens for '66 ......................................... Barbara F. Walther 44<br />

Pollination to Fertilization Time Interval ..................................... Sallie Delahoussaye 48<br />

Of Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................................................ c. A. Swearengen 51<br />

Modem Cultivars <strong>of</strong> 1. Kaempferi ............................................... Eleanor Westmeyer ,54<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es-July Royalty ...................................................................E. H. Wagner 58<br />

A Case for Robins .............................................................................Loree Woodward 62<br />

A Fall Garden Visit .......................................................................... Billy G. Skillman 63<br />

Ira S. Nelson ...................................................................................................................66<br />

In Memoriam 66<br />

Flight Lines .............................................................. Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 68<br />

Sands <strong>of</strong> Time 78<br />

New Ideas in Flower Shows ...................................................................Jo Anne Tufts 80<br />

1966 Membership Campaign ........................................................Clifford W. Benson 86<br />

Summary 1965 Membership Campaign .q •••• Clifford W. Benson 87<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer Jay W. Ackerman 90<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting Clifford W. Benson 92<br />

Montana State University Progress Report 97<br />

Surprise Surprise Dr. Frederick R. Judy 98<br />

New Publication on <strong>Iris</strong> Diseases 99<br />

Go Golden Gate in '68 Roy Oliphant 102<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS .......................................5 Announcements 100<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS .....................................5 Membership Rates 100<br />

Newark Convention ............................. 46 Bulletin Advertising Rates. 101<br />

Nat'l. Round Robin Dir. 69 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 103<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 77 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 104<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the January BULLETIN is that <strong>of</strong> A. II. Hazzard's Japanese iris,<br />

NUMAzu, chosen because <strong>of</strong> the fame it has achieved in the sister city movement.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #180B Jan 1966 missing (section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #181 April 1966<br />

From the President's Desk ... Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Welcome to Newark. .. Paul L. H<strong>of</strong>fmeister 8<br />

Review <strong>of</strong> Factors in <strong>Iris</strong> Seed Germination Kenneth K. Kidd 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Shows Are Fun in Region 15 ........................................................... August Phillips 26<br />

The People .. Cora May Pickard 28<br />

A Connecticut AnniversaryRuth Schultz 32 Easy Does It . Dr. Craig D. Ellyson 34<br />

Regional Reports:<br />

Region 1 Frederick W. Gadd 38<br />

Region 3 . Elizabeth H. Rowe 38<br />

Region 4 Rena M. Frantz 42<br />

Region 5 Mrs. C. C. Chapman 44<br />

Region 6 Anthony Willott 44<br />

Region 8 .G. F. Hanson 46<br />

Region 9 Lerton Hooker 49<br />

Region 10 . Mrs. L. L. Robinson 49<br />

Region 11 .. Mrs. C. Arvid Nelson 50<br />

Region 14 Bernice R. Roe 52<br />

Region 15 Thornton M. Abell 54<br />

Region 17 .. Joe L. Bergin 56<br />

Region 18 . Allen Harper 59<br />

Region 20 Jack Riley 60<br />

Region 21 ...................................................................................................Floyd Helt 62<br />

Region 22 John W. Humphrey 64<br />

Region 23 . Mrs. B. O. Barnes 66<br />

Region 24 .................................................................................. Mrs. Reuben Sawyer 69<br />

In Memoriam .................................................................................................................. 72<br />

Flight Lines ... Keith Keppel, Peggy Burke Gray 78<br />

A Prolific Cross 83<br />

Guests for the 1968 National Convention. 85<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Meetings and Shows 89<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Clinic ......................................... ........................................................................91<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5 Announcements 86<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS. 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 93<br />

Nat'l. Robin Directory .. 79 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> .. 94<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin (Jan.) 77<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the April BULLETIN is an arrangement by Mrs. Frances Smith <strong>of</strong> Opal<br />

Brown's WINTER OLYMPICS. (Photo by Tom L. Brown).

#182 July 1966<br />

From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Nematode Control on <strong>Iris</strong>es .. Revis Abbott 8<br />

At Home Away from Home Ben R. Hager 11<br />

A Yard Full <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es Clara F. Adams 15<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> First International Symposium<br />

on <strong>Iris</strong> .........................................................................................Katherine H. Heinig 20<br />

Flight Lines ................................................................ Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 23<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Quiz .. Mrs. Gertrude Woollen 35<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 37<br />

Compilation <strong>of</strong> Popularity Poll Winners .. Walter Lorenz 38<br />

From the Editor's Desk 42<br />

Region IV Introduces New Judges Training Program F. G. Stephenson 47<br />

The Newark Convention:<br />

The Juhasz Garden Jack Sharney 53 The Leavitt Garden ... Barbara Serdynski 55<br />

The Wood Garden . Jake Scharff 58<br />

The Bonsai Garden .. Elizabeth Rowe 60<br />

The H<strong>of</strong>fmeister Garden Dorothy Dennis 61<br />

The Knocke Garden ......................................................................... Irwin A. Conroe 63<br />

The Smith Garden ........................................................................... W. G. McGarvey 65<br />

The Presby Gardens ................................................................. Rev. Dudley Benbow 69<br />

The Presby Gardens . Flaminia Specht 71<br />

Florence Competition 7 4<br />

In Memoriam 76<br />

Announcements ....................................... ....................................................................... 81<br />

Board Minutes 82<br />

RVP-Directors Minutes 83<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Bul. Advertising Rates 8]<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Membership Rates 81<br />

Robin Directory 24 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 84<br />

How to Join an AIS Robin 74 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> 85<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Clinic 80 Commercial Directory 86<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the July BULLETIN is that <strong>of</strong> the Schreiner's Gardens<br />

STEPPING OUT, an attractive plicata which ran second in the Judges Choice Poll in<br />

1965. (Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiner's Gardens.)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #183 Oct 1966<br />

From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> AIS .................................................................................................................. 8<br />

Judges' Choice, 1966 ...................................................................................................... 25<br />

Popularity Poll, 1966 ...................................................................................................... 27<br />

National Test Garden Awards ........................................................................................ 28<br />

BIS Awards ..................................................................................................................... 28<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report, 1966 ..................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 29<br />

A Game for Fun ..................................................................................Dr. Anna M. Lee 41<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Comments for 1966 ....................................................................... R. and H. Lewis 42<br />

The AIS 1966 Convention Gardens ............................................................................... 50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> from the Ground Up ...................................................................... Arnold Peterson 53<br />

At the Species Level . Roy Davidson 55<br />

Region IV Annual Meeting ........................................................................James Aultz 57<br />

Germination Study ......................................................................... Carl J. C. Jorgensen 60<br />

Breeding for Blue <strong>Iris</strong>es .........................................................................Georgia Hinkle 67<br />

My Garden in an Omaha Suburb .. G. E. Redman 69<br />

Experimental Programs .... Walter Welch 70<br />

Plans <strong>of</strong> the AIS Scientific Committee ......................................................H. M. Parker 73<br />

Flight Lines ............................................................... Peggy Burke Grey, Keith Keppel 75<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> "Foliage" ............................................................................................. Keith Keppel 88<br />

In Memoriam ........................................... .......................................................................92<br />

From the Editor's Desk ............................ .......................................................................95<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 How to Join an AIS Robin. 99<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 Bu!. Advertising Rates. 101<br />

Robin Directory 76 Membership Rates 101<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Clinic 98 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 102<br />

Announcements 99 Commercial Directory 103<br />

COVER: The cover <strong>of</strong> the October BULLETIN is that <strong>of</strong> the 1966 DYKES MEDAL<br />

Winner, Orville W. Fay's RIPPLING WATERS. (Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiner's<br />


<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #184A Jan 1967<br />

From the President's Desk ................................................................... Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Distinguished Service Medal ............................................................................................ ...... 9<br />

Hybridizers' Medals .......................................................................................................... ...... 9<br />

Eight New RVPs ............................................................................................................... .... 11<br />

New Chairmen and Directors ........................................................................................... .... 15<br />

AIS Judges for 1967 ......................................................................................................... .... 16<br />

Denver in '67 .........................................................................................................Jack Riley 29<br />

Lay Down the Law ................................................................................William T. Bledsoe 31<br />

The Medians<br />

Pumila-Talls ... John E. Goett 34 Intermediates .. Alta M. Brown 35<br />

Borders ...................................................................................................Bennett C. Jones 37<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded ..................................................................................... Jean Witt 39<br />

Unpredictable Species ................................................................................. Charlotte Gantz 43<br />

Species Exhibits ..............................................................................................Carol Ramsey 46<br />

New Color Class in Medians . Earl R. Roberts 47<br />

Bennett Jones' Garden .. George A. Galer 49<br />

Median Color Classification Harry B. Kuesel .51<br />

Varietal Comments 57<br />

Median Miscellany .... Bee Warburton 73<br />

What Is an <strong>Iris</strong> Lover? ............................................................................Thomas J. Buckley 84<br />

In Memoriam ..........................................................................................................................90<br />

Writing Complex Pedigrees .Leonard Michel 90<br />

B. Y. Morrison Research Grant .Charlotte Sawyer 92<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Treasurer .Jay Ackerman 95<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting C.W. Benson 97<br />

Awards ........................................................ ......................................................................... 106<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Clinic 108<br />

From the Editor's Desk ............................... .........................................................................109<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .....................................................103<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS . 5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 104<br />

Attention Affiliates 33 Membership Rates 104<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es Ballot 93 How To Join AIS Robin 105<br />

Membership Campaign 102 How To Register and Introduce 105<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 103 Commercial Directory 110<br />

COVER: The cover for the January BULLETI:\' is that <strong>of</strong> four medians which have won<br />

places in American iris gardens. (Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiner's Gardens.)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #184A Jan 1967 missing (section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #185 April 1967<br />

From the President's Desk Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Complementary Gene Basis for Anthocyanin Production Alice Atchison 10<br />

Changing Times .................................................................................. A. F. Bloese 16<br />

Down-to-Earth Look at New Requirements for AIS Judges W. T. Bledsoe 20<br />

At the Species Level .......................................................................B. LeRoy Davidson 26<br />

What Makes a Remontant <strong>Iris</strong> Rebloom? . Robert Paul Hubley 31<br />

A Family Problem ................................................................................ Robert E. Jerrell 35<br />

A Hybridizer's View .............................................................................. Maynard Knopf 37<br />

About Regional Test Gardens ........................................................... Dr. J. R. Durrance 40<br />

The Evolution <strong>of</strong> One <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ........................................................... Edith S. Smith 44<br />

Flight Lines .......................................................................................Peggy Burke Grey 45<br />

The Incomparable <strong>Iris</strong> .... H. E. Trantham 50<br />

San Diego-Imperial Fall Show 54<br />

Pilgrimage to Aril Land ........................................................................... Violet Lorenz 56<br />

Walker Ferguson's Garden ....................................................................... W. J. Gunther 57<br />

America's Favorites .............................................................................. .Larry L. Harder 59<br />

First Show <strong>of</strong> the Season ......................................................................Clarke Cosgrove 61<br />

Comments on "<strong>Iris</strong> Breeding for the Near-Beginner” Gene Simon 62<br />

Happy News from Flooded Florence ....................................................Flaminia Specht 63<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Freak in the Seedling Patch .......................................................... Z. G. Benson 64<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Official Flower <strong>of</strong> Lockport ...............................................................Mary P. Engel 66<br />

~~ic ~<br />

In Memoriam ........................................... ........................................................................70<br />

Scientific U<br />

From the Editor's Desk 80<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 78<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 BULLETIN Adv. Rates. 78<br />

Announcements 74 AIS Membership Rates 79<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es Milwaukee 75 How to Join AIS Robin. 79<br />

Region meetings. 76 Shows ..........................................................79<br />

Commercial Directory 83<br />

THE COVER PICTURE <strong>of</strong> the April BULLETIN is <strong>of</strong> Chet Tompkin's ethereally<br />

beautiful RIBBON ROUND.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #186 July 1967<br />

From the President's Desk .............................................................. Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

Orville Fay-Tools <strong>of</strong> the Artist's Trade .. Bee Warburton, Lynn Markham 9<br />

Regional Test Gardens C. Robert Minnick 14<br />

April in Alabama ................................................................................................. Ira E. Wood 15<br />

Swamp Flags Come <strong>of</strong> Age .. Tressie Cook 19<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Silver Anniversary Heritage Charles W. Amy, Jr. 22<br />

Mary Swords DeBaillon Pearl M. Segura 29<br />

Mary DeBaillon as We Knew Her .................................................... W. B. MacMillan 30<br />

The Discovery and Collecting <strong>of</strong> Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es .. Dr. Caroline Dormon 32<br />

My <strong>Iris</strong> Friends .................................................................................... Mary H. Nelson 33<br />

Quest for Tetraploid Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es . Joseph K. Mertzweiller 36<br />

Flight Lines ...............................................................................................Peggy Burke Grey 42<br />

NEMIS Tours Southeast Pennsylvania .......................................................... Bee Warburton 55<br />

Northwest Spring Median <strong>Iris</strong> Meeting ........................................................ Grace Pederson 57<br />

Two New Books . 58<br />

1968: The Convention, Test and Display Garden ............................................. Roy Oliphant 60<br />

Come West <strong>Iris</strong>arians ............................................................................................... Joe Ghio 61<br />

1969 AIS Convention 63<br />

Varietal Comments MITG ..................................................................................Earl Roberts 67<br />

1967 Wichita Early Bloom ..............................................................................Carol Ramsey 68<br />

Varietal Comments . Mildred Brizendine 70<br />

Comments on Newer Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................. Alta M. Brown 71<br />

Tribute to California <strong>Iris</strong>arian ......................................................Peggy Gray, Roy Oliphant 74<br />

In Memoriam 75<br />

At the Species Level ........................................................................................Roy Davidson 80<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Nelsonii .................................................................................................... L. F. Randolph 82<br />

Negative Evidence <strong>of</strong> Introgression Affecting<br />

Stability <strong>of</strong> Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> .................................................. Randolph, Nelson, Plaisted 83<br />

Protective Fungicide Treatments ................................................................H. S. MacWithey 84<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting . Clifford W. Benson 90<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Joint RVP-Directors Meeting .Clifford W. Benson 91<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 94<br />

Colorado State University . Barbara Serdynski 95<br />

From the Editor's Desk 97<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental .......................................92<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ..........................................5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 92<br />

Nat'l. Robin Program Dir. 43 AIS Membership Rates 93<br />

Announcements ........................................ 88 How To Join AIS Robin 93<br />

Commercial Directory 99<br />

THE COVER PICTURE <strong>of</strong> the July BULLETIN is C. W. Amy's KATHERINE CORNAY, a<br />

Louisianian. HC and EC, 1961; HM 1963. Color plates courtesy <strong>of</strong> C. W. Amy.

L.<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #187 Oct 1967<br />

From the President's Desk ............................................................. Hubert A. Fischer 7<br />

A Day Amongst the "Flag-Lilies" .. Larry L. Harder 8<br />

The Denver Convention ...........................................................................Ben R. Hager 11<br />

Denver Botanic Garden-1967 ..................................................................... Ira E. Wood 12<br />

Long Garden .........................................................................................D. Steve Varner 16<br />

Denver Convention Notes ..........................................................................Viola Spotts 18<br />

Denver '67 .................... ········ ............................................................. Edith S. Smith 20<br />

Unsung Heroes ............. ............................................................................Allen Harper 22<br />

Guardian <strong>of</strong> the Gardens .................................................................. Gordon Blackwell 24<br />

Fortieth Anniversary Celebration ........................................................ Barbara \Valther 26<br />

Views from the Golden Gate Joe Ghio 29<br />

Psuedacorus <strong>Iris</strong>es ...............................................................................Albert J. Motsch 33<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> AIS, 1967 .......................................................................................................35<br />

Popularity Poll, 1967 50<br />

BlS Awards .....................................................................................................................51<br />

Florence Awards 1967 51<br />

Judges' Choice, 1967 52<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in 1967 ............................................................................... Ralph and Helen Lewis 54<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report, 1967 .............................................WiIIiam T. Bledsoe 64<br />

Anatomy <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong> Show ......................................................................... G. F. Hanson 77<br />

Birth <strong>of</strong> the Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ..............................................Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg 84<br />

At the Species Level .......................................................................B. LeRoy Davidson 86<br />

In Memoriam ...................................................................................................................88<br />

Simplified <strong>Iris</strong> Embryo Culture ..........................................................Leonard P. Stoltz 90<br />

From the Editor's Desk ....................................................................................................99<br />

Symposium, Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ........................................................ Donald I. Tufts 102<br />

Sections <strong>of</strong> AIS ....................................... 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental 105<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> AIS ..................................... 5 Bulletin Adv. Rates 106<br />

Nat'I. Robin Program Dir. .................... 83 AIS Membership Rates ............................106<br />

Announcements 104 Commercial Directory 107<br />

THE COVER PICTURE is that <strong>of</strong> the Schreiner introduction FUJI's MANTLE, top HM<br />

and JUDGES' CHOICE winner in 1967. Picture courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiner's.

I<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #188A Jan 1968<br />

From the President's Desk ............. ............... ................................... Hubert Fischer 6<br />

Clara Rees ...................................... ............... ............................. Peggy Burke Grey 9<br />

She Walks in Beauty ..................... ............... ........................ :Mrs. J. R. Hamblen 11<br />

SNOW FLURRY .......................... ............... ...................................... The Editors 14<br />

An Opus on Whites ....................... ............... ...................................C. W. Benson 16<br />

The Influence <strong>of</strong> Snow Flurry ....... ............... .....................................Les Peterson 20<br />

My White Want List ...................... ............... .................................... Larry Harder 24<br />

Good Parents ................................. ............... .................................George Warner 26<br />

That Tiny Brown Speck ................ ............... ...................................C. W. Benson 28<br />

Our Hybridizing Program .............. ............... .................................Opal L. Brown 33<br />

New Directors ................................ ............... .......................................................... 37<br />

Awards ........................................... ............... ...................................................... 8, 38<br />

AIS Judges for 1968 ...................... ............... .......................................................... 39<br />

Symposium List ............................. ............... ...........................................................50<br />

Linger Awhile ................................ ............... ......................................Joseph Ohio 54<br />

New RVPs ..................................... ............... ...........................................................59<br />

Along the <strong>Iris</strong> Trail ........................ ............... ................................ Perry L. Parrish 59<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es in Nebraska ........... ............... ..............................Les Hildenbrandt 65<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>philatelics ................................. ............... ..................................... Ralph Geyer 69<br />

Flight Lines .................................... ............... ............................ Peggy Burke Grey 76<br />

In Memoriam ................................. ............... ...........................................................86<br />

First Impressions ........................... ............... ................................... Glenn Corlew 88<br />

Advertising Rates .......................... .....102 Minutes ................................................95<br />

Affiliates ........................................ ......5 Robin Directory ......................................75<br />

Announcements ............................. ....94 Sectl'ons AIS 1 10<br />

Commercial Directory ................... ..107 ..............................................................,<br />

· Sl'd 101 SpecIes .................................................. .93<br />

ns I es ........................................<br />

Membership Rates ......................... .. 101 Statement .............................................. .97<br />

Membership Campaign ................. .. 100 Treasurer ............................................... . 98<br />

THE COVER PICTURE is that <strong>of</strong> the popular and vote-getting Gibson<br />

introduction, RADIANT ApOGEE. Picture courtesy Cooley's Gardens. THE<br />

BACK COVER PICTURE is an arrangement by Carl Starker featuring<br />

BUTTERCUP BOWER. Photograph courtesy Schreiner's.<br />


<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #188B Jan 1968 missing (section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #189A April 1968<br />

From the President's Desk ................................................................ Hubert Fischer 6<br />

From Whence These Blues ................................................................... .The Editors 9<br />

The Enduringly Popular Blues ........................................................ Bernard Schreiner 11<br />

Singing the Blues .................................................................................Arthur Watkins 14<br />

The Blues Have More Than Just Their Color .......................................... Les Peterson 18<br />

The Beautiful Blue <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................................ Oren Campbell 22<br />

Favorite Blues ....................................................................................... Elsie Zuercher 24<br />

Hybridizing .............................................................................................Larry Gaulter 28<br />

A Scientific Form <strong>of</strong> Art ......................................................................... Keith Keppel 32<br />

A Hybridizing Program .............................................................................. John Goett 36<br />

Tales Tell's Pollen Box Tells .........................................................................................37<br />

From San Joaquin Valley Hybridizers ..............................................W. B. Schortman 46<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es We'd Like to See Again ...................................................Hoyt and Edith Smith 49<br />

TB Varietal Comment-1967 Season ...................................................... Les Eberhardt 53<br />

New Varieties ......................................................................................... Myron Beard 58<br />

My Want List ...........................................................................................Larry Harder 64<br />

How I Picture the <strong>Iris</strong> ..........................................................................,.Frank Drapalik 70<br />

Happiness Is a Silver Medal ......................................................................... Bill Frass 73<br />

The Pot Culture <strong>of</strong> Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................. William Ouweneel 77<br />

Flight Lines ....................................................................... .............Peggy Burke Grey 86<br />

In Memoriam .................................................................... ............................................99<br />

Is That Our Bus? ............................................................... ............ Rachael Chappell 101<br />

Featuring <strong>Iris</strong> Pumila ........................................................ ................ Bee Warburton 102<br />

Soil Improvement Program ............................................... .................Leon B. Losey 105<br />

From the Editor's Desk ..................................................... ..........................................106<br />

Convention Schedule ........................................................ ..........................................114<br />

Advertising Directory ................................ 113 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .........................................119<br />

Advertising Rates ............................... 120 Membership Rates ...................................119<br />

Affiliates ..................................................... 5 Robin Directory ....................................85<br />

AIS Pins ............................................... 15 Sections AIS ............................................... 1<br />

Announcements ................................. 112 Species .....................................................109<br />

Commercial Directory ....................... 123 Scientific ..................................................108<br />

THE COVER PICTURE is that <strong>of</strong> Mrs. John Hope's AM winner, EVER AND<br />

EVER. Photo courtesy Cooley's Gardens. THE BACK COVER PICTURE is a Carl<br />

Starker arrangement featuring BLUE BARON. Photo courtesy Schreiner's.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #189B April 1968 missing (section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #190 July 1968<br />

From the President's Desk ..........................m_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hubert Fischer 7<br />

Just-"Golden Gate in '68" .................................................................. Larry L. Harder 8<br />

The Berkeley Convention ............................................................... Edward Jaeger 18<br />

This is Your Life u ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

Editors 21<br />

Flower Power Has a Happening ..................................... ..................Peggy Burke Grey 22<br />

California Grown and Bred ...................................... ---- ............................... Joe Gatty 34<br />

Collecting <strong>Iris</strong> Antiques and Artifacts ............................ .............................Aleta Eggle 40<br />

1970 AIS Convention in New York ............................... .....................William H. Peck 42<br />

These are the Basics ........................................................ ................... Glenn Viehmeyer 44<br />

Annual Presidential Letter .............................................. .................................................49<br />

Official 1968 Ballot Results .........m •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50<br />

Come As an <strong>Iris</strong> ..................................................................................May Belle Wright 65<br />

Williamson-White Award ..........................................uu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 66<br />

Remontants ......................................................................................... Billy G. Skillman 68<br />

Tender Loving Care Can be Lethal ................................................. Raymond G. Smith 71<br />

In Memoriam .m ................................................................................................· ............ · .. · 73<br />

Milwaukee Convention, 1969 ...................................................................... ....................77<br />

Flight Lines ........................................................................................ Peggy Burke Grey 78<br />

From the Editor's Desk ......................................................................................uu •••••••• 82<br />

Genetics for <strong>Iris</strong> Breeders .....................................................................Kenneth K. Kidd 84<br />

Minu tes ............... m ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• ••<br />

••••••••••••••••••• 100<br />

Advertising Directory ..........................105 Commercial Directory .............................. 106<br />

Advertising Rates ...................................99 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .................................................. 100<br />

Affiliates ..................................................5 Membership Rates ...................................... 99<br />

Books and Pamphlets ...........................112 Robin Directory .......................................... 79<br />

Announcements .....................................98 Sections, AIS ................................................1<br />

The FRONT COVER is <strong>of</strong> Don Waters' garden, and features CLIFFS OF DOVER,<br />

LADY ROGERS and LAVANESQUE. The BACK COVER is a floral design by Irene S.<br />

Nelson entitled SPRING SPRITE and NINEVEH. The INSIDE FRONT COVER is Opan<br />


ROYAL TOUCH (Schreiners), ULTRAPOISE (Noyd) and SWAHILI (Plough).

A f f l<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #191 October 1968<br />

From the President's Desk ..............................................................Hubert Fischer 7<br />

Saving <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................................................................... Ellen Crouch 9<br />

The Big Challenge .....................................................................Robert Schreiner 10<br />

The Quest for Red ______________________________________ The Editors 15<br />

Greig Lapham and Red <strong>Iris</strong>es .........................................................Earl Browder 18<br />

No Reddy Mix ....................................................................................Hugo Wall 19<br />

On the Way to Red .....................................................................Tell Muhlestein 21<br />

Let's Frill and Fancy the Reds .........................................................Les Peterson 23<br />

Hybridizing for Red <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................................M. L. Saddoris 24<br />

Red Robins ...................................................................................Frederick Judy 27<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards .............................................................................................30<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ...................................................Clarke Cosgrove 30<br />

Judges Choice ........................................................................................................44<br />

Popularity Poll .......................................................................................................46<br />

New <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................................................Perry Parrish 47<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Down Under ............................................................................... Betty Wood 48<br />

Garden State <strong>Iris</strong> Show .......................................................................Mary Wais 55<br />

They Bloom in the Summer ....................................................................Art Day 57<br />

A Texan Reports on Spurias ...................................................... Barbara Benson 58<br />

Resistance to Change . ....................................................................Andre Viette 59<br />

The Late Late Show ............................................................... Gordon Blackwell 62<br />

Children and <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................... F. G. Stephenson 66<br />

The 1968 Bloom Season ............................................................ Hooker Nichols 67<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>iles-Z. G. Benson, Mrs. Douglas Pattison, Dr. John C. Wister ......................70<br />

Flight Lines ............................................................................ Peggy Burke Grey 74<br />

A Garden Restoration Project .......................................................... Carol Wells 82<br />

I. Unguicularis ...............................................................................................Jean, Witt 83<br />

Payne Award ...........................................................................C. A. Swearengen 85<br />

Convention Announcements .......... ......................................................................86<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Region IV in 1968 ............ ................................................ Ralph Lewis 89<br />

In Memoriam .................................. ......................................................................94<br />

From the Editor's Desk ................... ......................................................................96<br />

British Awards ............................... ................................................................... 101<br />

Advertising Directory .....................105 Convention Dates .................................42<br />

Advertising Rates ...........................102 In~rod~ction .......................................102<br />

'l'ates 5 Ins SlIdes ........................................ 101<br />

1 ......................................................... Membership Rates ..........................100<br />

Announcements ...................................99 Registration ......................................102<br />

Books and Pamphlets ..................... 112 Sections AIS .......................................... 1<br />

Commercial Directory ....................107 Species ................................................101<br />

The FRONT COVER features Schreiner's 1968 introduction, WAR LORD. 3

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #192A Jan 1969<br />

From the President's Desk The <strong>Iris</strong> Show<br />

W. T. Bledsoe 7 Mrs. W. E. Burton<br />

78<br />

What I Like About the North Growing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Lura B. Roach 8 W. E. Ouweneel 80<br />

Planned Parenthood, <strong>Iris</strong> Style Spurias Are Easy to Grow<br />

Keith Keppel 15 Archie Owen 83<br />

Some Experiences With Reds The Best in Spurias<br />

Jesse E. Wills 17 Archie Owen 84<br />

That Elusive Red <strong>Iris</strong> Weed Control in Seedling Beds<br />

W. B. Schortman 20 H. E. Briscoe 85<br />

New Presidential Team ........................... 22 Awards at Florence ......... ............................ 86<br />

Three New Board Members ....................23 Philosophy <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Iris</strong>arian<br />

Four Distinguished Service Medals 25 Dr. W. E. Jones 86<br />

Two Hybridizers Medals ........................26 Flight Lines ...........Peggy Burke Grey 88<br />

Seven New RVPs .................................... 27 Display Gardens for Median<br />

AIS Judges for 1968 ............................... 31 <strong>Iris</strong>es ................ Bennett C. Jones 99<br />

National Test Garden Awards .................41 Brooklyn Botanic Garden<br />

Ketchum Memorial Garden Harriet Segessemann 99<br />

Jake H. Scharff 42 New York Botanical Garden<br />

The Highways Blossom Harriet Segessemann 100<br />

Bennett C. Jones 44 From the Editor's Desk .............................. 101<br />

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Median Symposium .. , .................... 102<br />

Evelyn Boon 45 Another Breakthrough<br />

Region 14 Display Garden H. H. Henkelman 105<br />

Roy Oliphant 47 Mulches on Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>of</strong> Yesteryear Einert and Box 105<br />

Gordon Blackwell 50 Pr<strong>of</strong>iles - (Mr. and Mrs. Ferris<br />

Presby Needs Your Help Gaskill, Mrs. Ethel Ricker) .... 109<br />

Gordon Blackwell 53 Teens and Twenties .................. <strong>Iris</strong> Smith 111<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Washington Arboretum Phil Williams .........................................112<br />

Jean Witt 53 At the Species Level ..................................112<br />

Median Display Garden In Memoriam .........................................114<br />

Bruce Richardson 55 Guidelines for Judges Training ..................114<br />

What Every <strong>Iris</strong> Grower Should Revision <strong>of</strong> Awards System ..................116<br />

Know (in part) .................................. 56 Arilbred Awards .........................................117<br />

Controlled Culture Program Point Scale - Collection Classes 118<br />

Clarence Protzmann 70 Book Review ..............................................118<br />

Milwaukee Convention ............................72 1969 Membership Campaign<br />

Be Our Guest - Milwaukee 1969 Dr. Hugo Wall 121<br />

Edith M. Kimber 73 Summary 1968 Membership .................122<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Motif in Art at Milwaukee Minutes ..................................................124<br />

Clarence Protzmann 74 Treasurer's Report<br />

Wichita Bound Jay C. Ackerman 127<br />

Mabel Clare Jendel 75 Statement <strong>of</strong> Publication .......................129<br />

Advertising Directory ............................130 Introductions ..............................................121<br />

Advertising Rates ...................................121 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides ...................................................119<br />

Affiliates ................................................... 5 Membership Rates .....................................120<br />

Announcements .....................................114 Registration ................................................121<br />

Books and Pamphlets .............................136 Sections AIS ..................................................1<br />

Commercial Directory ...........................130 Show Supplies ...........................................135<br />

The FRONT COVER features Tompkins' 1965 introduction CAMELOT ROSE. 3

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #192B Jan 1969 missing (section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #193A April 1969<br />

From the President's Desk ................................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 7<br />

Our Garden Cinderella .................................................................. Robert Schreiner 8<br />

Ferdinand Cayeux .....................................................................................Jean Cayeux 13<br />

Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge and Brown <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................... Robert Schreiner and editors 14<br />

The Brown Trail .........................................................................................Henry Sass 17<br />

Notes on Browns ........................................................................................ Jesse Wills 18<br />

That Brown <strong>Iris</strong> ....................................................................................Roy Brizendine 20<br />

Brown in <strong>Iris</strong>es ..........................................................................................The Editors 21<br />

President Honored .........................................................................................................25<br />

Twenty-Six Life Members ............................................................................................31<br />

Symposium Compilation .......................................................................Walter Lorenz 38<br />

Milwaukee Convention ................................................................Clarence Protzmann 46<br />

Convention Calendar ..................................................................................................... 48<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es at Wichita .............................................................................W. F. Brown 51<br />

The Grand Ball .....................................................................................William Simon 54<br />

An Alternate .................................................................................. Raymond G. Smith 58<br />

Psychodelic Movement .......................................................................Larry L. Harder 60<br />

Junior Division Plan ...................................................................................................... 62<br />

Genetics for his Breeders ...................................................................Kenneth K. Kidd 68<br />

On the Species Level ............................................................................. Roy Davidson 86<br />

Happenings Among Spurias .............................................................Eleanor McCown 89<br />

Germination <strong>of</strong> Spuria Seed ............................................................. Walker Ferguson 91<br />

Kaempferi <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Midwest ................................................. Clarence Swearengen 92<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es in the West ..................................................................... Ben R. Hager 94<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................................. 96<br />

Robin Flight Control ...................................................................................................... 97<br />

Flight Lines .................................................................................................................... 98<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium ........................................................................................109<br />

Editor's Desk .................................................................................................................110<br />

CORA BAND Wins Towndrow Trophy ..................................................................... 112<br />

Award Winners at Vienna .................. .........................................................................118<br />

Advertising Directory ......................... 110 Introductions ............................................119<br />

Advertising Rates ............................... 121 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .................................................119<br />

Affiliates .................................................5 Membership Rates ...................................119<br />

Announcements .................................. 117 Registration .............................................119<br />

Books and Supplies ............................ 128 Sections ...................................................... 1<br />

Commercial Directory ........................ 119 Show Supplies .........................................127<br />

The FRONT COVER features Schreiner's GINGERSNAP. (Photo by Schreiner).<br />

COVER THREE depicting progress in browns is from pictures from Schreiners and<br />

Frank Drapalik.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #193B April 1969 missing (Section 2)

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #194 July 1969<br />

From the President's Desk ·· .. · ................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 6<br />

Red <strong>Iris</strong>es and Cyanidin ·· ........................................... Dr. Peter Werckmeister 7<br />

Proven Method <strong>of</strong> Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................................. James Tucker 15<br />

Rainbow Trail in California ........ ..............................................Elsie Nicholson 20<br />

Mulching with Sawdu-,t · ........... · ............................................................................<br />

Price and Judkins 25<br />

Wichita <strong>Iris</strong> Club · ...........· .. ·· .. ···· ........................................... Mabel Jendel 31<br />

Leaf Spot and Other Matters · .. ·· ................................................ Reuben Smith 32<br />

AIS Awards and Milwaukee Convention .............................................................. 33<br />

1969 Membership Campaign · ...... ·· ............................................ Earl Browder 53<br />

Southern California Display Garden ...............................Anderson and Spalding 54<br />

Orville Fay ........ ·· .. · · ....· .. · ................................................. Melba Hamblen 55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Moonlight · ...... · .. ····· .. · ......................................Winifred Ross 56<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Seed Germination .. · .. · ....· ... · ............................................. .John Weiler 58<br />

My Hybridizing Experiences .... ..... ............................................ Albert Motsch 62<br />

Something New ....... · ....· .. · .. · .. ............................................ Henry Rowlan 64<br />

Let's Look at Robin Program · ........ ....................................... Mrs. W. E. Leake 65<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Japan .. · .. · .... · · . · · ..... .............................................Lee Eberhardt 65<br />

Standard Dwarfs 1969 · ..· .. · ....· .. · ..........................................Carol Ramsey 67<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> Bloom · .. ··· .. · . ..... ....... · ...........................................Lucille Kavan 69<br />

Fragrance the Ignored ......... ·· . · .. · .. ·· ......................................John Cochran 71<br />

New York Convention · ...... . ·· ......····.· ..................................... William Peck 72<br />

The Smith Garden · .. · .. · .. · .. · . .Catherine Smith 73<br />

The Knocke Garden · .. ···· .......·· .. · .............................................Betty Wood 74<br />

You th ............................................... .......... . ........................................................................... 76<br />

Kids-Getting Them Interested ............. ··· .......................................... Hal Stahly 76<br />

Thesis on Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ··· .......· .. ·· .........................................Kevin Vaughn 77<br />

The Joys <strong>of</strong> AIS · .......... ·· .. · .. · ....... ..........................................Phil Williams 78<br />

The Hybridizing Bug .. · .. ·· .. · .. · .. .. ..................................................Joe Ghio 79<br />

Flight Lines .......................................... .............................................Peggy Grey 82<br />

In Memoriam " ..................................... .................................................................90<br />

Advertising Directory ....................... 53 Introductions .........................................96<br />

Advertising Rates ............................. 95 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides ...............................................96<br />

Affiliates ............................................. 5 Membership Rates .................................96<br />

Announcements ................................ 94 Registrations ..........................................96<br />

Commercial Directory ...................... 99 Sections .................................................. 1<br />






TOLL GATE, WEDDING GOWN, WHOLE CLOTH, and the Siberian<br />


<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #195 Oct 1969<br />

From the President's Desk ...................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 6<br />

They'll Never Believe Me .......................................................................Lura B. Roach 7<br />

The Rainbow Trail in Oregon ..........................................................Elsie Mae Nicholson 17<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in 1969 ............................................................................... Ralph and Helen Lewis 21<br />

Scorch ......................................................................................................... Dr. J. G. Bald 26<br />

Landscape Planting <strong>of</strong> Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ..........................................................W. A. Payne 30<br />

Intermediate and Standard Dwarf Bearded .................................................... Alta Brown 33<br />

Ones I Liked at Milwaukee ............................................................... Eleanor Westmeyer 35<br />

Birth <strong>of</strong> a Convention ........................................................................ Mabel Clare Jendel 36<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................................................... Peggy Burke Grey 37<br />

Laboratory Culture <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Seeds ....................................................... Bruce B. Farrington 45<br />

Jubilee in NYC-1970 ..............................................................................William H. Peck 52<br />

Long Island Gardens ...................................................................................... Phyllis Gay 53<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Borer and Its Control ........................................................................ John C. Schread 57<br />

Philadelphia Welcomes You ....................................................................Edward Murray 61<br />

Robert Carney Memorial Fund .......................................................................................... 65<br />

Collie Terrell ...................................................................................................................... 66<br />

Popularity Poll-1969 .......................................................................................................... 67<br />

No Dykes Medal 1969 ....................................................................................................... 68<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Award ........................................................................................................... 68<br />

Errata Awards .................................................................................................................... 68<br />

Judges Choice-1969 ........................................................................................................... 69<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium ..................................................................................................... 72<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Medal ................................................................................................. 73<br />

The New. Look in Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................................... Gordon Blackwell 74<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Species <strong>of</strong> Rumania ....................................................................................... 77<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es (Harry Randall) ..................................................................................W. J. Gunther 77<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> First in Soonerland ............................................................................ Perry L. Parrish 78<br />

Easy Composting ...............................................................................Robert Paul Hubley 79<br />

Easy-Does-It Seed Planting ................................................................. Gordon Blackwell 80<br />

The Pitfalls <strong>of</strong> a Beginner Hybridizer .............................................................. Leah Ralls 81<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Tops ..................................................................................... ............. Lynn Markham 82<br />

Swamp Gardens in the Desert .................................................... ................. Jane Harding 85<br />

The Reinhardt Garden ................................................................ ........... Mattie Reinhardt 87<br />

The Miller Garden ..................................................................... .............. Kathryn Miller 88<br />

Walther Cup ............................................................................... ........................................90<br />

The Blodgett Garden .................................................................. .............Arthur Blodgett 91<br />

Exhibition Committee Report .................................................... ..... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 92<br />

Youth Section ............................................................................ ..................................... 105<br />

Revisiting Florence .................................................................... .............Hubert Fischer 105<br />

In Memoriam ............................................................................. ..................................... 107<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ................................................... ......................................108<br />

Advertising Directory .................................. 104 Introductions .................................... 112<br />

Advertising Rates ...................................95 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides ..................................................112<br />

Affiliates ..................................................5 Membership Rates ....................................112<br />

Announcements ...................................111 Registrations .............................................112<br />

Commercial Directory .........................115 Sections ........................................................ 1<br />

The Cover Picture is that <strong>of</strong> WINE AND ROSES (Hall '63). Both front and back<br />

cover are from color 'separations courtesy <strong>of</strong> Cooley's Gardens.<br />


No. 196 A January 1970<br />

Guest Editor: Jesse Wills Assistant Editor: Kay N. Negus<br />

Editor: J. Arthur Nelson Associate Editor: Peggy Burke Grey<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Introduction ...................................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 1<br />

Preface ............................................................................................. John C. Wister 4<br />

The Founding <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Society</strong> ...........................................John C. Wister 5<br />

Reminiscenses 1938-46 .................................................................. Jesse E. Wills 22<br />

The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ..................................................................Guy Rogers 29<br />

Reminiscenses 1953-59 ........................................................... Marion R. Walker 32<br />

Reminiscenses 1960-68 ............................................................ Hubert A. Fischer 38<br />

Organizational Structure <strong>of</strong> AIS ............................................ Clifford W. Benson 44<br />

Registration and Introduction .........................................................Kay N. Negus 49<br />

Fifty Glorious Years <strong>of</strong> Hybridizing .......................................... Robert Schreiner 51<br />

Highroad to a Far Horizon .......................................................Peggy Burke Grey 70<br />

Awards and Honors ........................................................................Carol Ramsey 83<br />

Judges and Exhibitions ....................... W. T. Bledsoe and Clarke Cosgrove 92<br />

Research and the Scientific Committee ........................................Thomas Jacoby 95<br />

AIS Bulletins and Books .......................................................... Geddes Douglas 101<br />

Of <strong>Historic</strong>al Interest .............................................................Helen McCaughey 107<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Legend ...................................................................................Dora Wall 125<br />

The cover picture is <strong>of</strong> ROY AL GOLD (Hamblen '66). The Golden<br />

Anniversary calls for a rich full yellow, and ROYAL GOLD, the highest ranking<br />

Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winner in this color class, met the requirements <strong>of</strong> the formula set<br />

up two years ago for the selection <strong>of</strong> the cover for this issue ..

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #196B Jan 1970<br />

From the President's Desk .............................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 6<br />

An Extra Dimension ........................................................................ Roger Nelson 6<br />

Tale <strong>of</strong> Three Gardens .......................................................................Molly Price 10<br />

Northeast Median Meeting ....................................................................................12<br />

New Presidential Team .........................................................................................13<br />

Judges Choice Statistics ..................................................................Norman Noe 15<br />

Dykes Medal Vote .................................................................................................16<br />

Foster Plaque to Dr. Lenz ......................................................................................17<br />

15-4-15 ................................................................................ Mrs. Walter Bunker 17<br />

AIS Judges for 1970 ..................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 18<br />

1970 Membership Campaign ......................................................... Earl Browder 30<br />

Color Classification ................................................................... J. Arthur Nelson 31<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> Season .......................................................................... Phyllis Holtz 33<br />

Old Bulletins ......................................................................................................... 36<br />

Membership Dues ................................................................................................. 39<br />

1970 Check List .................................................................................................... 40<br />

DSM to Ricker and Rundlett ................................................................................. 41<br />

In Memoriam ......................................................................................................... 41<br />

From the Editor's Desk ...........................................................................................43<br />

At the Species Level .................................................................. LeRoy Davidson 45<br />

Twenty Questions ......................................................................... Austin Morgan 46<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> Show ............................................................................................47<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Going to Pot? ................................................................... Fred E. Spahn 48<br />

Those <strong>Iris</strong> People .......................................................................Rachael Chappell 49<br />

Your AIS Membership Gives You .........................................................................51<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .................... ....................................................................53<br />

Membership Contest Awards ........... ............................................. Earl Browder 54<br />

Minutes .............................................. .............................................C. W. Benson 55<br />

Treasurer's Report ............................. ............................................ Jay Ackerman 58<br />

Advertising Directory ....................... 50 Introductions ......................................... 52<br />

Advertising Rates ............................. 55 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .............................................. 55<br />

Affiliates ............................................. 5 Membership Rates ................................ 40<br />

Announcements ................................ 52 Registrations ......................................... 52<br />

Commercial Directory ..................... 60 Sections .................................................. 1<br />

The FRONT COVER pictures are, left to right: top row, FLIGHT OF ANGELS<br />

(Terrell '68) and GOLDEN MEMORIES (Schortman '69); center row,<br />

MARQUESAN SKIES (Blocher '67) and CONNOISSEUR (Hager '66); bottom<br />

row, CAMBODIA (Babson '66) and XANADU (Edinger '68).

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #197 April 1970<br />

From the President's Desk ..................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

Affiliates ................................................................................................................... ......6<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Ballot ....................................................................................................... ..... 7<br />

Your More Music Survey ..................................................................Roger Nelson 8<br />

AIS Members Speak Their Thoughts ...................................................W. T. Bledsoe 18<br />

New RVPs and Board Member ................................................................................... 22<br />

Induction <strong>of</strong> Tetraploidy in Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................ Dr. Currier McEwen 32<br />

Dykes Medal Voting Revision ...................................................................................... 40<br />

Five Women Win Dykes Medal .................................................................................. 40<br />

AIS Youth Clubs ............................. ..................................................Jayne K. Ritchie 42<br />

For Beginners Only ........................ ......................................................G. E. Redman 43<br />

The Designer ................................... ............................................................................. 46<br />

Garden Gate at Palmers .................. ............................................................................. 52<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, Oregon ........................ ............................................................................. 53<br />

New York Convention .................... ................................................. William H. Peck 54<br />

Convention Program ....................... .......................................................................56-5 7<br />

Popularity Poll Statistics ·· ............. ....................................................... Norman Noe 58<br />

Ila Crawford ·· .. ······· .. ·· ............ .............................................. Helen McCaughey 60<br />

Schirmer Golden Wedding ............. ............................................................................. 62<br />

Let's Talk About Membership ........ .......................................................Earl Browder 62<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in October ................................. .........................................................Betty Wood 64-<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es in Florence .............. .............................................. Roberta McMullin 66<br />

Austin Memorial ............................. .............................................................................68<br />

Elvie B. Page ................................... ............................................ B. LeRoy Davidson 76<br />

A Look at the Future ······ ..............· .........................................................HaI Stahly 78<br />

AIS Show Supplies ......................... .............................................................................83<br />

AIS Books ....................................... .............................................................................84<br />

Eugene Buckles ............................... .............................................................................85<br />

Edwin Rundledt Honored ............... .............................................................................85<br />

Botrytis ............................................ ......................................................John L. Maas 86<br />

Flight Lines ..................................... ......................................Peggy Burke Grey 91<br />

From the Editor's Desk .................... ...........................................................................100<br />

In Memoriam .................................. ...........................................................................102<br />

Announcements ............................. .......................................................................... 105<br />

Franklin Cook and President's Cups ...........................................................................106<br />

Advertising Directory ........................101 Introductions ...........................................105<br />

Advertising Rates ...............................107 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides .................................................108<br />

Affiliates ................................................6 Membership Rates ................................. 107<br />

Announcements ..................................105 Registrations ............................................105<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address ............................ 106 Sections ......................................................1<br />

Commercial Directory ...................... 108<br />

The picture on the front cover is that <strong>of</strong> SHIPSHAPE (Babson '68). It is more blue<br />

than our cover picture shows, and standards are more closed. Note the broad hafts,<br />

which was our reason for selecting the picture.

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #198 July 1970<br />

From the President's Desk ......... ..... ................................................W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

The New York Convention ........ ..... .................................................... The Editors H<br />

Anatomy <strong>of</strong> a Convention .......... ..... .......................................................Betty Wood 21<br />

Annual President's Letter .. · ...... ..... · ................................................ W. T. Bledsoe 26<br />

Page <strong>of</strong> Presidents ..... ... ... . .... ..... ........................................................................... 27<br />

Epilogue ·· ........... · .. ...· . . .. · · .... ...............................................................................<br />

................... The Editors 28<br />

Pink Amoenas ....... · . ...· . . .... ..... ....................................................Phil Williams 30<br />

System Not Fair .... ...· . .. · ....· ..... ...............................................................................<br />

Bill Gunther 34.<br />

Overlooked Wonders ..... ... . .... · ... ......................................................Joseph Ghio 85<br />

New Jersey <strong>Iris</strong> Week .... ... . .... ..... .......................................................................... 37<br />

Reminescences 1970 ...... ... . .... ..... ...........................................Mabel Clare Jendel 38<br />

For Junior Members ....... ... . .... ..... .........................................................Betty Ray 41<br />

Transplanting Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ............. ....................................................Jayne Ritchie 42<br />

Region V Youth Day ............... . ..... . .......................................................................... 43<br />

Bumbling Hybridizer .. · ......... · ... . ..................................................... Lorena Reid 44<br />

Florence Awards ...................... . ..... . .......................................................................... 46<br />

Hands Across the Border ......... . · .. · ..................................................... Betty Wood 47<br />

Stepping Out · ............... .......... . ..... . ............................................... Frances Keenan 47<br />

AIS Awards .................. .......... . ..... . .......................................................................... ,19<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es · .. · .....· ........ . ... · ...................................................... C. W. Amy 54<br />

Early Wichita Bloom .. · .......... . ..... . ..........................................................Lucy Fry 58<br />

Editor's Desk ............................ . ..... . ......................................................................... 61<br />

Swiss <strong>Iris</strong> Friends .. · ................ . ..... . ..............................................Elizabeth Weber 66<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es in Idaho ............ · ..... . ................................................Wilma Vallette 69<br />

How Far South ...........· ............. . ..... . ...................................................Ellen Crouch 77<br />

Paul Cook-Practical Visionary .. · ....................................................... Bee Warburton 80<br />

Advertising Directory ...........................55 Introductions .............................................88<br />

Advertising Rates .................................89 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides ..................................................90<br />

Affiliates .................................................6 Membership Rates ....................................89<br />

Announcements ................................... 86 Minutes .....................................................86<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address .............................. 56 Registrations ............................................. 88<br />

Commercial Directory ......................... 90 Sections ......................................................1<br />

In Memoriam ....................................... 64 Youth ........................................................ 40<br />

The irises on the front cover are, from left to right, and from top to bottom:<br />

BUTTERED POPCORN (Palmer '70), KENTUCKY HILLS (Hinkle '69), ARCTIC<br />

FANTASY (Olson '70), TYCOON'S GOLD (Niswonger '68), MISS ILLINI (Varner<br />

'66) and PINK SLEIGH (Rudolph '70).

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #199 October 1970<br />

From the President's Desk ............................................................. W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es .......................................................................................................6, 20<br />

Wichi ta Convention ..................................................... ........................................ 7<br />

Wichita Gardens ...........................Jendel, Reynolds, Paulson, Torrey, Ohl,<br />

Ramsey, Wall ............................................................ .........................................8<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Publications ..........................................................................20<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ..................................... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 22<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es from Many Parts<br />

Ralph and Helen Lewis .....................................................................................38<br />

Betty Wood ...... ' ..............................................................................................40<br />

Joe Ghio ........... ............................................................................................... 41<br />

Perry Parrish .... ................................................................................................44<br />

Myrtle Cox ....... ................................................................................................46<br />

Tell Muhlestein .................................................................................................48<br />

H. M. Parker ......................................................................................................50<br />

B. Y. Morrison Research Project ..........................................................................54<br />

Rebloomers ................................ ...................................... Charles V. Applegate 55<br />

Spurias ....................................... .................................................... Ila Crawford 56<br />

Foment the <strong>Society</strong> .................... ...................................................Earl Browder 59<br />

Judges Choice 1970 ................... ..........................................................................60<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ................. ......................................................................... 62<br />

Popularity Poll ........................... ......................................................................... 62<br />

B. 1. S. Awards .......................... ..........................................................................63<br />

Your Favorite <strong>Iris</strong> ...................... ..........................................................................64<br />

Erra ta Awards ........................... ..........................................................................64<br />

Dykes Medal Vote ..................... ..........................................................................65<br />

Golden Jubilee ........................... ....................................................Maude Dival 66<br />

From the Editor's Desk .............. ~ .......................................................................76<br />

AIS <strong>Historic</strong>al Report ................ .......................................... Helen McCaughey 81<br />

Rose and Pink Amoenas ............ .......................................................Jesse Wills 82<br />

Fragrance Garden ....................... .................................................... Mary Duvall 84<br />

Lord <strong>of</strong> June ............................... ........................................................Dora Wall 85<br />

<strong>Historic</strong>al .................................... ..........................................................................86<br />

Check List .................................. ....................................................................86, 87<br />

Clara Rees .................................. ..........................................................................88<br />

Advertising Directory ...................... 87<br />

Advertising Rates ............................. 88<br />

Affiliates ......................................6, 91<br />

Announcements ............................... 87<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address .......................6, 91<br />

Commercial Directory .....................91<br />

In Memoriam ................................... 73<br />

Introductions ...............................89, 90<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides ..........................................90<br />

Membership Rates ............................89<br />

Registrations ...............................89, 90<br />

Sections ..............................................1<br />

Youth ................................................72<br />

The irises on the front cover are, from left to right, and from top to bottom:<br />

ROBIN REDBREAST (Gaskill '67), PEARL KEMP (Sheaff '69), NORTHERN<br />

AIRE (Goodrock '65), ORVILLE FAY (McEwen '70), NIGHT FROST (C.<br />

Benson '71), RARE WINE (J. Nelson, R 69).

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong> #200 Jan 1971<br />

From the President's Desk-W. T. Bledsoe .........................................................................5<br />

Anthocyanin Pattern-Dr. Peter Werckmeister ...................................................................7<br />

The Unique Plicata-Robert Schreiner .............................................................................. 13<br />

Bicolors, Plicatas-Keith Keppel ....................................................................................... 20<br />

When Is a Plicata-MayBelle Wright ................................................................................ 22<br />

Why Is a Plicata-Alice Atchison ...................................................................................... 23<br />

Plicata Inheritance-Fred and Mary Megson ..................................................................... 27<br />

Progenitor - Plicata-D. C. Nearpass ................................................................................. 31<br />

Plicata Patter-Jim Gibson ................................................................................................. 33<br />

Dwarf and Intermediate Plicatas-Bee Warburton ............................................................ 36<br />

A Heretic Looks at Plicata-Jean Witt .............................................................................. 39<br />

Wichita Convention ......................................................................................................... 51<br />

Personal Glimpses-Mabel Clare Jendel ........................................................................... 52<br />

Little Stranger-Anna Obermeyer ..................................................................................... 58<br />

AIS Judges for 1971-Dr. Hugo Wall ............................................................................... 59<br />

Bulletin Deadlines .............................................................................................................70<br />

New Jersey Rebloomer Show ...........................................................................................71<br />

Jones Meet Jones ..............................................................................................................71<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Meeting-Marie Caillet ...............................................................................72<br />

Dwarf <strong>Society</strong> Awards ......................................................................................................72<br />

New Board Member and New RVPs ................................................................................ 73<br />

Youth Program-Ann Dasch .............................................................................................. 74<br />

Beginning Flower Arrangement-Larry Harder .................................................................75<br />

Scientific Committee-Dr. Raymond Allen ....................................................................... 77<br />

Species .............................................................................................................................. 78<br />

Region 24 Fall Convention-Don Saxton ........................................................................... 80<br />

Flight Lines-Peggy Burke Grey ........................................................................................ 83<br />

Median <strong>Society</strong> Symposium ............................................................................................. 87<br />

Hybridizers Medal ............................................................................................................88<br />

Distinguished Service Medal ............................................................................................ 88<br />

In Memoriam .................................................................................................................... 89<br />

From the Editor's Desk ..................................................................................................... 90<br />

Color Classification 1971 .................................................................................................95<br />

Board Minutes .................................................................................................................. 98<br />

Treasurer's Report .......................................................................................................... 102<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .................................... .... 105

#201 April, 1971<br />

From the President's Desk .................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

To Spray Or Not To Spray ..................................................... P. P. Pirone 28<br />

Convention ................................................................. Mabel Clare Jendel 33<br />

Convention at Wichita ......................................................................... 34, 35<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es Philadelphia ........................................................................... 36<br />

Judges ......................................................................................................... 38<br />

Garden Planning ..................................................................Elmira Purdy 38<br />

Growing and Showing .............................................................Mary Wais 40<br />

Reblooming Symposium ............................................................................ 47<br />

Symposium ........................................................................ Center four pages<br />

New RVPs ...................................................................................................49<br />

The Oranges ........................................................................ Roger Nelson 51<br />

Defensive Weapon ................................................................ Bill Gunther 53<br />

Youth ..........................................................................................................54<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show in November ...............................................................................54<br />

Dig This Soil ..............................................................................Tom Ford 54<br />

Wise Up .............................................................................. Phil Williams 57<br />

Pollen Daubing Pixies ..............................................................Ann Dasch 59<br />

Bloom Dates ............................................................Mrs. Dan McNamara 60<br />

In Memoriam ..............................................................................................61<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................. Jack Romine 63<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Garden ..............................................................Alice Higgins 64<br />

Control <strong>of</strong> Rust ..................................................................... Robert Raabe 65<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es in California ..................................................Mark Rogers 66<br />

Flight Lines .................................................................................................82<br />

From Editor's Desk .....................................................................................77<br />

Advertising Directory .................86<br />

Advertising Rates ........................88<br />

Affiliates .............................6, 7, 89<br />

Announcements ..........................88<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address ...................... 90<br />

Commercial Directory ................ 90<br />

Introductions ...........................88,90<br />

Membership Dues ........................90<br />

Registrations ..........................88, 90<br />

Sections .........................................1<br />

Slides ...........................................89<br />

The front cover, left to right: Top row: HIGH LINE LA VEN-<br />

DER, McCown '68), BARCELONA (0. Brown '67). Middle row:<br />

DIPLOMACY (Keppel '66), PINK TAFFETA (Rudolph '68). Bot-<br />

tom row: WEST COAST (Knopf '68), SKYWATCH (C. Benson '64).

#202 July, 1971<br />

From the President's Desk .........................................................................W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

Oregon Wants You in '72 ...................................................................... Bennett C. Jones 6<br />

The Wichita Warm Welcome ......................................................................Harry Kuesel 7<br />

Wichita 1972 .......................................................................................................Editors 16<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> Median <strong>Iris</strong>es ...................................................................Zula Hanson 29<br />

Floral Tourists ..................................................................................... James La Master 30<br />

The Finis .......................................................................................... Mabel Clare Jendel 32<br />

The Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> and Its Future ............................................................... C. C. Hall 33<br />

Spurias ........................................................................................................Ila Crawford 38<br />

What's New in Collecting? ...........................................................................Alets Eggle 39<br />

Charming 40-Chromosome Siberians? ................................................ Currier McEwen 41<br />

Marguerite Hall <strong>Iris</strong> Test Garden .................................................................................... 42<br />

Norfolk Mini Tour ..................................................................................... Rena Kizziar 43<br />

McCown Wins Big .......................................................................................................... 44<br />

Paul Cook's Wide <strong>Iris</strong> World ..................................................................Bee Warburton 45<br />

Presidential Letter ....................................................................................W. T. Bledsoe 51<br />

Awards ............................................................................................................................. 52<br />

Theory on Improvement in Siberians .........................................William G. McGarvey 65<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................................... 73<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 74<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Chronicles ................................................................................................................. 79<br />

Youth-Views .............................................................................................Thomas Ford 80<br />

Youth Committee Recipe ............................................................................. Ann Dasch 80<br />

Minis for Mods ......................................................................................... Jerry Barnard 81<br />

Tom Thumb Junior Garden Club .................................................................................... 84<br />

Ford and Williams Evaluate .................................................................... W. T. Bledsoe 85<br />

From the Editor's Desk .................................................................................................... 86<br />

My Experiences with Plicatas ................................................................Wilma Vallette 95<br />

Advertising ..........................................101<br />

Advertising Rates ................................100<br />

Affiliates ..................................................6<br />

Announcements .....................................99<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address ..............................101<br />

Commercial Directory .........................109<br />

Introductions .........................................99<br />

Membership Dues ...............................101<br />

Registrations .........................................99<br />

Sections ...................................................1<br />

Slides ................................................... 100<br />

The front cover, left to right: Top row: MAJESTIC PRINCE<br />

(Schortman '71) and APROPOS (Babson '64). Bottom row: FLAME<br />

AND SAND (G. Carlson '68) and NINEVEH (Keppel '66).

#203 October 1971<br />

From the President's Desk ..................................................................................W. T. Bledsoe 5<br />

After One Year ...................................................................................................... Ed Pasahow 6<br />

Swan Lake Gardens .................................................................................Mrs. Wells E. Burton 8<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ..................................................................Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 9<br />

Making Memories .............................................................................................Roger Nelson 22<br />

Look <strong>of</strong> Love ................................................................................................. Hooker Nichols 27<br />

The Northeast ...................................................................................................... Ira E. Wood 32<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Pudding ........................................................................................ Joseph J. Ghio 34<br />

Median Varietal Comment ............................................................................. Bee Warburton 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es for 1971 ....................................................................................Ralph and Helen Lewis 41<br />

Spurias in Concert .........................................................................................James LaMaster 46<br />

Requiem to a Species ........................................................................................Bill Guenther 49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Midwest ....................................................................................Dave Niswonger 51<br />

Varietal Comments .............................................................................................. Roy H. Hall 54<br />

Popularity Poll ..........................................................................................................................56<br />

Judges Choice ...........................................................................................................................57<br />

Walther Cup .............................................................................................................................59<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ................................................................................................................59<br />

Cal-Sibes ..................................................................................................................Jean Witt 60<br />

Oreg~ln in 1972 ................................................................................................ Bennett Jones 63<br />

Early Maturity ....................................................................................... Dr. Currier McEwen 65<br />

Scorch ......................................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 66<br />

Dallas Memorial Gardens .......................................................Joan Courtney-Marlin Carruth 67<br />

Flight Lines ..............................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 68<br />

Youthviews ........................................................................................................ Thomas Ford 78<br />

Turnin' on with Siberians ................................................................................Carla Coleman 80<br />

The Huntsville Junior <strong>Iris</strong> Club ........................................................................ The Members 81<br />

Incidental Intelligence ......................................................................................... Betty Wood 84<br />

From the Editor's Desk ............................................................................................................ 84<br />

Hamburg Exposition ................................................................................................................ 88<br />

Advertising Rates ......................................88<br />

Affiliates ......................................................6<br />

Announcements .........................................88<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address ....................................90<br />

Commercial Directory ...............................92<br />

Display Advertising ...................................91<br />

Introductions ....................................77,88,90<br />

Membership dues .......................................90<br />

Registrations ..............................................90<br />

Sections ....................................................... 1<br />

Slides .........................................................89<br />

Xhe front cover, left to right: Top row: CREDO (Babson '66)<br />

and BLUE FASCINATION (Schortman '71). Bottom row: RETA<br />

FRY (Terrell '66) and RIPPLING ROSE (Gibson '70).

#204 January 1972<br />

From President's Desk ................................................................................ Dr. Hugo Wall 7<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Books You Will Use Again and Again ................................................................... ..... 8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es I Like ......................................................... .. ....................................Ron Mullin 9<br />

Foundation ........................................................... .. ...................................................... ... 15<br />

Florence Awards ................................................. .. ...................................................... ... 15<br />

Oregon Convention ............................................. .. ...................................................... ... 16<br />

Oregon ................................................................. .. ...................................................... ... 18<br />

Oregon in '72 ....................................................... .. ...................................................... ... 19<br />

Species ................................................................. .. ...................................................... ... 21<br />

Scorch .................................................................. .. ......................... Julius Wadekamper 21<br />

Variety Comments .............................................. .. ...................................... Don Saxton 25<br />

B.1.S. Jubilee ....................................................... .. .......................................................... 26<br />

Jones Garden ....................................................... .. ..................................Roberta Smith 27<br />

Collecting ............................................................ .. ..............................Gladys Goodrow 28<br />

Foundation Minutes ............................................ .. .......................................................... 28<br />

Plant Excitement ................................................. .. ..........................Eleanor Westmeyer 29<br />

Spurias ................................................................. .. .....................................Ray Chesnik 31<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Rust ............................................................... .. ................................... Robert Raabe 32<br />

Siberians Abroad ................................................. .. ........................Dr. Currier McEwen 33<br />

Botrytis ................................................................ .. ..............................Dr. R. S. Jackson 35<br />

Presidential Team ................................................ .. .......................................................... 41<br />

Moving Experience ............................................. .. ..............................Paul H<strong>of</strong>fmeister 43<br />

New Board Members ........................................" . .......................................................... 45<br />

Chairman <strong>of</strong> Judges ............................................. .. .......................................................... 45<br />

Distinguished Service Medals ............................. .. .......................................................... 47<br />

Hybridizers Medals ............................................. .. .......................................................... 47<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ...................................... .. .......................................................... 50<br />

Minnesota Arboretum ......................................... .. .......................................................... 51<br />

Membership ......................................................... .. .............................Glenn Corlew 52, 53<br />

Walther Cup ........................................................ .. ...........................................................54<br />

Southwestern Michigan Awards ......................... .. ...........................................................54<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................... .. ..........................Julius Wadekamper 55<br />

Scorch .................................................................. .. ...........................................................60<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile .................................................................. .. .......................................................... 61<br />

Youth Views ........................................................ .. " ........................................................63<br />

Radical Views ..................................................... .. ........................................Perry Dyer 63<br />

In Memoriam ....................................................... .. ...........................................................67<br />

B.1.S. Jubilee ....................................................... .. ...........................................................68<br />

New RVPs ........................................................... .. ...........................................................69<br />

Judges '72 ............................................................ .. ...........................................................73<br />

Minutes ................................................................ .. ...........................................................88<br />

Treasurer ............................................................. .. ...........................................................91<br />

Advertising Directory .......................................... .. ...........................................................93<br />

Editor's Desk ....................................................... .. ...........................................................93<br />

Affiliates .............................................................. .. ...........................................................95<br />

Announcements ................................................... .. ...........................................................98<br />

Commercial Directory ......................................... .. .........................................................100<br />

AIS Show Supplies ............................................. .. .........................................................104<br />

The front cover, left to right: Top row: GRAND ROMANCE (Corlew '71),<br />

PATTI PAGE (Varner '71). Bottom row, CAPTIVE CLOUD (D. Palmer '71),<br />

LILAC TREAT (Niswonger '71).

#205 April 1972<br />

From the President's Desk .....................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

Special Tour ................................................................................................................... .....8<br />

Press Releases Wanted ..................................................................................Perry Parrish 8<br />

Oregon in 'n-The Third Day ........................................................................ Bennett Jones 9<br />

Convention Schedule .........................................................................................................10<br />

Oregon, Reflections and Anticipations ......................................Joe Gatty, Keith Keppel 12<br />

Sorcerers <strong>of</strong> Salem Town ................ ..........................................................Roger Nelson 15<br />

Luminata .......................................... ................................................ Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 19<br />

Medal to Wilma Vallette ................. .................................................................................25<br />

Viruses ............................................. ......................................................... O. W. Barnett 27<br />

Region 14 Disease Survey ..............., ........................................................Robert Raabe 31<br />

Foundation Contributors .................. .................................................................................32<br />

Bloom Sequence .............................. .................................................... Carol McNamara 33<br />

Color Distribution PP ...................... .......................................................... Norman N oe 40<br />

Flower <strong>of</strong> Royalty ............................ .............................................................. Jim Morris 40<br />

Minnesota <strong>Iris</strong>ing ............................. .........................................................Glenn Hanson 41<br />

Close the Deal .................................. ..........................................................Glenn Corlew 42<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es for the Blind ........................... ................................................................. Jess Max 43<br />

The Wee Ones ................................. ................................................................. Lucy Fry 44<br />

James R. Welch, RVP ..................... ................................................................................. 46<br />

Flight Lines ...................................... .................................................Julius Wadekamper 47<br />

Youth Views .................................... ................................................................ Tom Ford 53<br />

Kevin Vaughn .................................. ................................................................................. 53<br />

Ann Dasch Says ............................... ................................................................................. 53<br />

A Game for Your Program .............. ................................................................................. 54<br />

In Memoriam ................................... ..................................................................................64<br />

Keep Your Eye on the Bull ............. .............................................................Tom Heston 65<br />

At the Species Level ........................ ..................................................... LeRoy Davidson 66<br />

Species Announcements .................. ..................................................................................68<br />

Regional Test Gardens .................... ....................................................... Robert Minnick 69<br />

From the Editor's Desk .................... ..................................................................................69<br />

Advertising Directory ......................70<br />

In Praise <strong>of</strong> Dwarfs .......................... ..........................................................Glenn Hanson 71<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 1974 Roanoke .............. ................................................................................112<br />

B.I.S. Jubilee .................................... ................................................................................112<br />

Advertising Rates ................................114<br />

Affiliates .......................................... 6, 113<br />

Announcements ...................................111<br />

Introductions ........................................ 113<br />

Membership .........................................113<br />

Registration .......................................... 113<br />

Slides .................................................... 114<br />

The front cover, left to right: Top row: CARO NOME (Bob Brown '70),<br />

CHERUB CHOIR (Corlew '68). Bottom row: CHERRY JUBILEE (V. Wood '69),<br />

FLOATING ISLAND (Siberian: McEwen).

#206 July 1972<br />

From the President's Desk ........................................................................ Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

The Unusual Becomes the Usual ........................................................................Joe Ghio 7<br />

Oregon 1972 ....................................................................................................... Editors 12<br />

Memories <strong>of</strong> the Convention ....................................................................... Ron Mullin 21<br />

Cradle <strong>of</strong> Libertee .................................................................................Heiter-Newhard 27<br />

Philadelphia-<strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> City ........................................................ Dr. Edward Murray 28<br />

New Registrar ..................................................................................................................29<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ......................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 30<br />

Life, Research and Sustaining Members .........................................................................31<br />

Perry Parrish ..................................... ..............................................................................32<br />

Wynn aline Stinson ........................... ..............................................................................32<br />

Mid-Winter Fun with <strong>Iris</strong> .................. ................................................... Gordon Gullion 33<br />

Paul Cook .......................................... .................................................... Bee Warburton 36<br />

Convention Awards .......................... ..............................................................................41<br />

AIS Awards ...................................... ..............................................................................42<br />

Rebloomers ....................................... ..............................................Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg 47<br />

From the Editor's Desk ..................... ............................................................................. 51<br />

Mrs. Claxton McCrummen ............... ............................................................................. 53<br />

In Memoriam .................. ................. ..............................................................................53<br />

Color in the Garden ........ ................. ......................................Ann Dasch-Ed Hubbard 65<br />

Youth Views ........... ....... ................. .............................. ...............................................59<br />

Scorch ..................... , ..... '" ............. '" ........................... ..............Julius Wadekamper 63<br />

Sclerotium Rolfsii ... ....... ................. .............................. .................Clarence Denman 65<br />

H. H. Henkelman .... ....... ................. .............................. .............................................. 67<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ....... ....... ................. .............................. .............................................. 67<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ......... ....... ................. .............................. ............ Dr. Currier McEwen 68<br />

Florence Exposition ........ ................. .............................. .............................................. 70<br />

Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es Abroad ............... ............................'" ..................... Esmond Jones 71<br />

B.I.S. Awards .................................... .............................. ...............................................74<br />

Flight Lines ....................................... .............................. .............................................. 75<br />

Currier McEwen ............................... .............................. ...............................................84<br />

25th Anniversary Ring ...................... .............................. .............................................. 84<br />

Advertising ....................................... .............................. ........................................ 85, 90<br />

Announcements ................................ .............................. .............................................. 91<br />

Commercial Directory ...................... .............................. .............................................. 92<br />

Advertising Rates .................................. 92<br />

Affiliates ...........................................6, 91<br />

Books ....................................... Cover 2, 3<br />

Check List ............................................. 35<br />

Introduction ........................................... 91<br />

Membership .......................................... 91<br />

Registrations .........................................91<br />

Slides .....................................................92<br />

COVER PICTURE is <strong>of</strong> BABBLING BROOK, the leader for the Dykes Medal<br />

as we go to press. CUP RACE, which, at the moment, is almost tied for<br />

the lead, will be the cover picture in January.

#207 October 1972<br />

From the President's Desk ... Dr. Hugo<br />

Wall 5<br />

Operation Transplant George Paul Watts 7<br />

Introductions Needed Kay Negus 14<br />

Good News A. F. Bloese 15<br />

Why Join a Robin Lea Dunbar 17<br />

Vigor and Remontancy Bill Skillman 19<br />

Twentieth Anniversary, Portland 21<br />

~edian. <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium ..... Torn Ford 22<br />

Show Garden, Switzerland 23<br />

Bacterial Leaf Blight . Bee Warburton 24<br />

From Whole Cloth Rosalie Beasley 25<br />

Tri-State Show 27<br />

A ~odel Show Clarence Denman 28<br />

Philadelphia 1973 Dr. Edward ~urray 29<br />

Youth Views Torn Ford 31<br />

Wichita Youth 32<br />

Brief Commercial ~essage Ann Dasch 33<br />

Hybridizers-Philadelphia Convention 34<br />

Intermediates for Conventions Charlotte Gantz 35<br />

Wild Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> USA Bill Gunther 37<br />

In memoriam 39<br />

Exhibition Report 41<br />

Exhibition Certificates 57<br />

Judges Choice 58<br />

Popularity Poll 61<br />

High Commendation ..... 63<br />

Bylaws 65<br />

~inutes .................................................... 70<br />

Robins and Flight Lines 74<br />

How Did Your Garden Grow Harold Heiter 83<br />

One Gene Doth Not Plicata ~ake Alice Atchison 84<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>, I Love You Aleta Eggle 86<br />

AIS Color Classification Robert Hubley 89<br />

Advertising Rates 92 Affiliates<br />

..... 6, 91<br />

Membership 91<br />

Commercial Directory 93<br />

Introductions 91<br />

Registration 91<br />

Slides 92<br />

The cover pictures are <strong>of</strong> ELIZABETH STUART, (B. Jones '71); HI Top,<br />

(Knocke '72); and ARBITRATOR (Ferguson '66).

#208 January 1973<br />

From President's Desk .......................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

Philadelphia Convention ........................................................................................... ...... 7<br />

Philadelphia <strong>Iris</strong> Convention .....................................................Dr. Edward Murray 9<br />

Pod from Flower to Seed ...........................................................................Betty Wood 12<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Holiday ....................................................................................... Ron Mullin 13<br />

New RVPs ................................................................................................................. .... 18<br />

Membership Campaign .................................................................... Glenn Corlew 20<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .......................................................................................... ...... 22<br />

AIS Judges for 1973 ............................................................................... Carol Ramsey 23<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> .............................................................................................. Bill Gunther 36<br />

Presidential Team ........................................................................................................... 37<br />

New Directors .................................................................................................................37<br />

Distinguished Service Medals .........................................................................................38<br />

Hybridizers Medal .......................................................................................................... 39<br />

Dr. Denman Honored ..................................................................................................... 39<br />

Youthviews .................................................................................................................... 41<br />

Youth Column ............................................................................................. Ann Dasch 41<br />

Backyards and Breakers ....................................................................... Robert Bagwell 42<br />

Hybridizing and Checklists ........................................................................... Tom Ford 43<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation ..................................................................................45<br />

Robin Section ........................................................................................Leda Christlieb 47<br />

Flight Lines .................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 48<br />

Awards ............................................................................................................................58<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Dietes ......................................................................................................Al Motsch 59<br />

Dying Blossoms-for Dyeing ...................................................................... Betty Wood 60<br />

Mid American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ............................................................... Dagmar Fondoble 61<br />

Siberian Diversity .................................................................................Bee Warburton 62<br />

Spurias-Ample Feeding .............................................................................Ila Crawford 65<br />

At the Species Level .............................................................................. Roy Davidson 66<br />

Senior Citizens ................................................................................................................69<br />

B. 1. S. Jubilee .......................................................................................Hubert Fischer '70<br />

Advertising Directory .....................................................................................................73<br />

Portland '72 .................................................................................................David Sindt 74<br />

1972 <strong>Iris</strong> Rainbow ................................................................................... Richard Sloan 76<br />

Oregon from Down Under ........................................................Gwen and Les Donnell 79<br />

Once upon a Time ................................................................................ Elmer Tiemann 81<br />

From the Editor's Desk ....................................................................................................82<br />

In Memoriam ...................................................................................................................84<br />

AIS Minutes ....................................................................................................................84<br />

Foundation Minutes ........................................................................................................ 89<br />

Financial Statement .........................................................................................................90<br />

Announcements ...............................................................................................................92<br />

Affiliates .................................................6<br />

Advertising Rates ..................................92<br />

Commercial Directory ..........................93<br />

Membership Rates .................................92<br />

Show Supplies .......................................46<br />

Slides .................................................... 93<br />

THE COVER PICTURE is <strong>of</strong> CUP RACE, the runnerup for the 1972 Dykes<br />

Medal. In fact, CUP RACE led at several times during the voting, and<br />

three days before the end <strong>of</strong> the talley, was in the lead.

#209 April 1973<br />

From the President's Desk. " .............................................................. Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

Affilia tes ........................................................................................Glenn F. Hanson 5<br />

Convention Program .................................................................................................. .......8<br />

Philadelphia's Hinterland ........................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 10<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 1974 .................................................................................... Rena Crumpler 12<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 1975 ...............................................................................Barbara Serdynski 13<br />

Chicagoland Gardens ................................................................................ Barbara Ross 14<br />

Information on Dietes ................................................................................................ .....18<br />

Corrected Nomenclature ............................................................ B. LeRoy Davidson 19<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in 1972 ............................................................................. Ralph and Helen Lewis 25<br />

Random Remarks on Color ............................................................................... Jo Jones 28<br />

Status <strong>of</strong> Pardanthopis ................................................................................Dr. Lee Lenz 29<br />

Varietal Comments from Down Under .......................................................Gilbert Cole 32<br />

Dallas Memorial Gardens .......................................................................Marlin Carruth 33<br />

Botanic Garden, New Zealand .................................................................... Betty Wood 34<br />

Talk Is Cheap .............................................................................................Perry Parrish 36<br />

Anthocyanin Pigments in TB <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................... Wynne and Henderson 37<br />

Weed Control ............................................................................................. Peter F. Rice 44<br />

<strong>Historic</strong>al Report ...............................................................................Helen McCaughey 47<br />

Mid America Median Tour ..............................................................................................48<br />

Louisianas Everywhere ............................................................................... Joseph Ghio 49<br />

Somewhat Deflated ..............................................................................William Gunther 50<br />

B. Y. Morrison Research Report ......................................................................................52<br />

Vienna Competition .........................................................................................................89<br />

Robins .................................................................................................. Leda Christlieb 103<br />

Flight Lines ................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 104<br />

In Memoriam ...................................................................................................................III<br />

Youth Views ............................................................................................. Ford, Dasch 113<br />

From the Editor's Desk ................................................................................................... 114<br />

Announcements .............................................................................................................. 115<br />

Commercial Directory ................................................................................................... 116<br />

The Cover Picture is <strong>of</strong> ERMINE ROBE, the beautiful and popular white<br />

which received an AM in 1972.

#210 July 1973<br />

From the President's Desk .................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

Affiliates .................................................................................................................... .......5<br />

Awards Structure ....................................................................................................... .......6<br />

A Different Convention in '74 ................................................................................... .......7<br />

Johnny <strong>Iris</strong>seed ...................................................................................... Jess A. Max 9<br />

Median Diary .......................................................................................... Carol Ramsey 13<br />

Philadelphia: Good and Plenty ....................................................... Dr. Edward Murray 19<br />

The Philadelphia Story ..................................................................................Hal Stahly 25<br />

Philadelphia '73 ........................................................................................... The Editors 35<br />

Notice to Introducers .................................................................................... Kay Negus 46<br />

Awards ............................................................................................................................ 47<br />

Florence Awards ............................................................................................................. 53<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ..................................................................... Dr. Hugo Wall 54<br />

Test Gardens, National and Regional .......................................................Harry Kuesel 54<br />

Test Garden Notice ......................................................................................................... 57<br />

Golden Anniversary Medal ............................................................................................. 57<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................................... 58<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Week ........................................................................................................ 59<br />

Sylvester Burke ............................................................................................................... 60<br />

Mabel C. Smith ............................................................................................................... 60<br />

Advertising Directory ..................................................................................................... 62<br />

Don't Damn It ................................................................................................Bill Simon 63<br />

New Zealand-Australia ....................................................................................................64<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium ...........................................................................................65<br />

From the Editor's Desk .....................................................................................................65<br />

Dwarf and Median <strong>Iris</strong> Trip ............................................................Julius Wadekamper 71<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Land USA ............................................................................................Perry Parrish 73<br />

Mid America Median Meeting .........................................................................................74<br />

Down Under ........................ , ......................................................Bellegamba-Newman 75<br />

AIS Foundation ................... ............................................................................................77<br />

Research Members .............. ............................................................................................78<br />

Sustaining Members ............ ............................................................................................78<br />

Youth Views ....................... ........................................................................Ford-Dasch 79<br />

Robins ................................. ..................................................................Leda Christlieb 81<br />

Flight Lines ......................... ........................................................... Julius Wadekamper 81<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Texas ..................... .................................................................... Cathy Hopper 89<br />

Announcements ................... ............................................................................................91<br />

Commercial Directory ......... ............................................................................................92<br />

The cover picture is <strong>of</strong> LIME FIZZ (Schreiners '69), which garnered the<br />

second most votes for the Award <strong>of</strong> Merit in 1972.

#211 October 1973<br />

From the President's Desk ...................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

Overview <strong>of</strong> 1974 Convention ......................................................... F. G. Stephenson 7<br />

Tour Gardens 1974 .......................................................................... E. Roy Epperson 14<br />

Bloomtime '73 ........................................................................................... Ron Mullin 17<br />

Region 17's Convention .......................................................................Dr. C. P. Denman 20<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong> in Arizona Desert ..........................................................Fred Wickenkamp 21<br />

Youthviews ................................................................................................. Thomas Ford 25<br />

Birds Pick Bargains ........................................................................................Ann Dasch 25<br />

News <strong>of</strong> Youth ................................................................................................Ann Dasch 27<br />

State <strong>of</strong> the Nation, youth ...............................................................................Ann Dasch 29<br />

Apogon Show .............................................................................................. Ila Crawford 37<br />

Flight Lines ....................................................................................... Julius Wadekamper 31<br />

Silver Anniversary Wichita ............................................................................Leota Dyer 39<br />

Test Garden Chairman ....................................................................................................... 42<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ..........................................................Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 43<br />

Exhibition Certificates .....................................................................Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 60<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ................................................................................................... ..... 61<br />

Regional Test Garden Awards ..................................................................................... ..... 61<br />

Randolph Files ............................................................................... Helen McCaughey 62<br />

Judges Choice .............................................................................................................. ..... 63<br />

HC's .............................................................................................................................. ..... 66<br />

Australian Convention ................................................................................................. ..... 67<br />

Minutes AIS Board ...................................................................................................... ..... 69<br />

Minutes RVP-Board .................................................................................................... ..... 73<br />

Minutes AIS Foundation .............................................................................................. ..... 73<br />

In Memoriam ............................................................................................................... ......74<br />

Dr. Caroline Dorman ................................................................................ Inez Conger 75<br />

It Never Hurts To Try .................................................................................... Roy H. Hall 75<br />

The Insistent <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................................................Lincoln Atkiss 77<br />

The Good and Plenty Convention .................................................... Raymond J. Blicharz 78<br />

Popularity Poll ....................................................................................................................84<br />

From the Editor's Desk .......................................................................................................87<br />

Advertising ..........................................................................................................................89<br />

Announcements ..................................................................................................................91<br />

Commercial Directory ........................................................................................................92<br />

AIS Supplies .........................................................................................................Covers 2, 3<br />

The cover picture is <strong>of</strong> TOUCHE, Melba Hamblen's popular 1969 introduc-<br />


#212 January 1974<br />

Florence, May 1973 Thornton Abell 11<br />

Annual Statement C. W. Benson 16<br />

The Silver Screen Bryce Williamson 17<br />

Officers, 1974 27<br />

New RVP's 28<br />

Hybridizers Medal 31<br />

Neva Sexton-Double Winner Editor 32<br />

Commercial Grower Experiences 33<br />

In Memoriam 37<br />

Robins Program Explained Mrs. Meredith Christlieb 39<br />

Flight Lines Julius Wadekamper 40<br />

AIS Judges for 1974 Carol Ramsey 46<br />

Registration Kay Negus 57<br />

Presby, 1973 Mrs. F. P. Walther 59<br />

AIS Annual Convention 68<br />

Come to Roanoke W. D. Kelley 69<br />

Preview: Region 4 in '74 Dr. D. C. Nearpass 70<br />

An Invitation Mrs. A. W. Rice 74<br />

Tentative Schedule-Roanoke 74<br />

A Very, Very Special Invitation-Prices 76<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Are for Learning Ann Dasch 76<br />

Congratulations, Perry Dyer Ann Dasch 78<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> Funds, Reserves and Liabilities 79<br />

Spurias: Old and New McCown 81<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Silver Aleta Eggle 84<br />

The cover picture is <strong>of</strong> PINK TAFFETA, Nate Rudolph's popular iris.<br />

From the President's Desk Dr.<br />

Nebraska-Home <strong>of</strong> Adverse Conditions Ro

#213 April 1974<br />

From the President's Desk ...................................................................Dr. Hugo Wall 5<br />

From the Guest Editors <strong>of</strong> This Issue .......................................... Ira and Betty Wood 5<br />

Dr. J. Arthur Nelson .......................................................................... Melba Hamblen 7<br />

Messages from Australia, England, and New Zealand .....................................................10<br />

Affiliates ...................................................................................................................... .....11<br />

AIS Annual Convention, Roanoke, Virginia ............................................................... .....12<br />

Errata ........................................................................................................................... .....14<br />

Optimism in Region 4 ..................................................................... F. G. Stephenson 15<br />

Convention in '74- Virginia Is for <strong>Iris</strong> Lovers ................................. Rena Crumpler 16<br />

Notice to Hybridizers ........................................................................Harry B. Kuesel 19<br />

Rebloom in the 1974 Convention Beds .............................................. Lloyd Zurbrigg 20<br />

Another Convention Garden ........................................................... F. G. Stephenson 21<br />

Holly-Rock Gardens .......................................................................... Jeanne W. Price 22<br />

Radford and Blacksburg Gardens ....................................................... Lloyd Zurbrigg 23<br />

Have You Seen a U.F.O.? .................................................................Franklin E. Carr 25<br />

How To Register an <strong>Iris</strong> Name .................................................................................... ..... 25<br />

Problems in Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Classification ............................................. Bee Warburton 26<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile: Stephana Woodside ........................................................................................ .....31<br />

Factors Influencing Germination <strong>of</strong> Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Seeds and Health<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Sprouted Seedlings .............................................................Currier McEwen 32<br />

The Australian <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention, 1974 ......................................Rita Caldwell 37<br />

Greetings from New Zealand ...............................................................Mrs. M. Snow 41<br />

Wallace Stevens .......................................................................................................... .....41<br />

AIS Australia-New Zealand Tour ...................................................... Margaret Zurbrigg 42<br />

Welcome, New Top Robin ................................................................. Leda Christlieb 43<br />

Flight Lines ...................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 45<br />

Don't Discard Me ....................................................................................Larry L. Harder 45<br />

International Symposium on <strong>Iris</strong> ....................................................................................... 47<br />

Youth Views ...................................................................................................................... 48<br />

Youth Committee Gains New Member ...................................................... Ann Dasch 49<br />

More for the Money for Young <strong>Iris</strong>arians ........................................David Mohr 51<br />

Further Experience with Tetraploid Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es Currier McEwen 52<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile: Leo Clark, AriLarean ....................................................................Ray Leech 56<br />

Pink Amnenas Yes, But ......................................................................... Dave Niswonger 58<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile: Lowell G. Harder ........................................................................ ......................... 62<br />

A Distinguished Weaver in <strong>Iris</strong>dom ........................................Clarence P. Denman 63<br />

AIS Publications ...................................................................................... ....................... 109<br />

In Memoriam ........................................................................................... ....................... 110<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ............................................ ....................... 112<br />

Requirements for Affiliation ................................................................... ....................... 118<br />

Advertisers' Directory .............................................................................. ....................... 119<br />

Errata, 1973 Awards ................................................................................ ........................119<br />

Announcements: Dues and Advertising Rates ........................................ ....................... 120<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for Michigan, 1976 .............................................................. ....................... 121<br />

1974 New Membership Campaign .......................................................... ........................122<br />

Membership Campaign Winners ............................................................. ........................123<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rental ............................................................................ Leon C. Wolford 123<br />

AIS Show Supplies ...........................................................................................................124<br />

Commercial Directory ......................................................................................................125<br />

The Cover Picture is <strong>of</strong> DUSKY DANCER (Luihn, 1967), H. M. '68; A.M. '70;<br />

the dark violet black iris with personality that won seventh position in<br />

the Popularity Poll for 1973.

#214 July 1974<br />

The Cover Picture is <strong>of</strong> ... MRS. IRA NELSON (Arny 1969) which won<br />

the Debaillon Award in 1973.<br />

Photos <strong>of</strong> Convention by Harry Kuesel.<br />

From the President's Desk .............................................................. Dr; Hugo Wall 5<br />

AIS Convention 1975 ............................................................................................. .........6<br />

Progress with Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ...............................................Charles W. Arny, Jr. 7<br />

California Comments .........................................................................Keith Keppel 12<br />

Carry Me to Old Virginny .................................................................. Joseph Ghio 21<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for 1975 Convention ..............................................Barbara Serdynski 24<br />

The Nenon Garden in Virginia ................................................... , Harry B. Kuesel 25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es I Liked at the 1974 Convention ......................................Julius Wadekamper 27<br />

Roanoke and Points West ......................................................................Perry Dyer 28<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Discussion ..........................................................................Larry L. Harder 33<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es at the National Convention ..............................Julius Wadekamper 36<br />

The Alphabet and the <strong>Iris</strong> Breeder .................................................... Ben R. Hager 38<br />

Weed Control in <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................H. C. Mohr and D. C. Milbocker 40<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ................................................................................ ....... 43<br />

Annual Presidential Letter .......................'" . ..................................Dr. Hugo Wall 45<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> AIS Foundation Meeting ............ .....................................Cliff Benson 45<br />

From the Guest Editor <strong>of</strong> this Issue .............. ................................ Perry L. Parrish 46<br />

Awards .......................................................... .......................................................... ...... 47<br />

Nathan Rudolph ............................................ ..............................Clarence Blocher 53<br />

A Median Review ......................................... .......................................... Joe Gatty 55<br />

Notice to Introducers .................................... ........................................Kay Negus 57<br />

At the Species Level ..................................... ...................................Roy Davidson 58<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded Comment ................ ...........................................Jean Witt 60<br />

A Report on the <strong>Iris</strong> Borer ............................ .......................................... Len Jugle 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Seed Pod Borer ....................................... .......................... Julius Wadekamper 62<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for Michigan 1976 .................... ....................................Lila Howland 64<br />

In Memoriam ................................................ .......................................................... .......65<br />

Robins ........................................................... ...................................Faye Edelman 68<br />

Flight Lines ...................................................: ........................ Julius Wadekamper 69<br />

Youth Views ................................................. ..........................................Tom Ford 78<br />

Youth Wins Top Honors in Tulsa ............ .............................. Robert S. Benton 79<br />

Happiness in Huntsville ............................ .......................................................... .......80<br />

Ann Salutes Young Conventioneers ......... ........................................ Ann Dasch 80<br />

Happy Faces ............................................. ...................................Robert Benton 81<br />

Advertising Directory ................................... .......................................................... .......81<br />

Reflections on Twenty-five Years in <strong>Iris</strong>dom .............................. William H. Peck 83<br />

Hot Springs Proclamation ........................................................................................ .......90<br />

Announcements ....................................................................................................... .......91<br />

Commercial Directory ............................................................................................. .......92

#215 October 1974<br />

San Diego <strong>Iris</strong> Convention 1975 ....................................................................... Penny Bunker 6<br />

Siberian Ramblings ...........................................................................................Steve Varner 10<br />

Grow Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> the Easy Way ................................................................. Adolph J. Vogt 11<br />

Lights, Camera, Action .............................................................................. Dorothy Howard 15<br />

Standard Dwarfs 1974 ............................................................................................Carol Ramsey 16<br />

I Like Plics-So What Else Is New ........................................................ Raymond J. Blicharz 17<br />

Louisianas In A California Garden ..................................................................... Mary Dunn 19<br />

Judges' Choice .........................................................................................................................21<br />

Popularity Poll ........................................................................................................................ 23<br />

Exhibition Committee Report .....................................................................Clarke Cosgrove 26<br />

Exhibition Certificates .............................................................................................................27<br />

HC's .........................................................................................................................................28<br />

Show Reports ......................................................................................................................... 31<br />

The International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition in Florence, 1974 ............................................Betty Wood 44<br />

Helpful Garden Hints ................................................................................. C. L. Waltermire 48<br />

The $10,000 Club ......................................................................................Helen McCaughey 50<br />

International <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Czechoslovakia 1974 . Bee Warburton 50<br />

Spurias in the Midwest ......................................................................Dave Niswonger 57<br />

The Booster Spirit <strong>of</strong> The High Plains <strong>of</strong> Texas .. Clarence P. Denman 60<br />

Progress with Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>es ...............................................Clarence P. Denman 60<br />

The Response <strong>of</strong> Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es to Herbicide<br />

Mulch Combinations ................................................... F. W. Dickinson & A. E. Einert 62<br />

Rebloomer is Best in Show ............................................................Robert E. Creviston, S1'. 68<br />

When I Was 31, It Was a Very Good Year ..................................................Roger R. Nelson 69<br />

From the Guest Editor <strong>of</strong> This Issue ...................................................................Ron Mullin 72<br />

The Best <strong>of</strong> Parents ..................................................................................... Clarke Cosgrove 74<br />

Birth <strong>of</strong> a Tradition? .............................................................................................Ann Dasch 76<br />

Convention Phobia '74 .......................................................................................Michelle Ritchie 77<br />

Flight Lines .............................................................................................Julius Wadekamper 79<br />

Minutes AIS Board ................................................................................................................. 86<br />

Minutes AIS Foundation Trustees .......................................................................................... 90<br />

Minutes Joint RVP/Directors ................................................................................................. 90<br />

Slide Rental ............................................................................................................................ 92<br />

Commercial Directory ............................................................................................................ 92<br />

The Cover Picture is KILT LILT, Jim Gibson's 1970 introduction which won<br />

an AM in 1973.<br />

From the President's Desk ...................: .................................................... D<br />

Affiliates <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ....................................................Gl<br />

Garden <strong>Iris</strong>es Revised ............................................................................... M

BULLETIN 215, October 1974<br />

#216 January 1975<br />

ERRATA<br />

-page 21, Judges' Choice 1974. Two irises were inadvertently omitted<br />

from the Tall Bearded list: Winner's Circle (Plough) with 127 votes,<br />

and Starring Role (Palmer) with 69 votes.<br />

-page 74, "The Best <strong>of</strong> Parents," paragraph four. The pollen parent <strong>of</strong><br />

Swan Ballet was not Great Lakes; it was Muhlestein 47-18 which is<br />

Azure Skies X 44-59: Shining Waters x Buto. This information appears<br />

in "Corrections in Earlier Registrations," page one <strong>of</strong> the booklet Regis-<br />

trations and Introductions in 1969.<br />

Cover Photograph: Tall bearded iris PINK SLEIGH (Nathan Rudolph 1970),<br />

the popular 1973 Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winner.<br />

From the President's Desk ............... Dr. Clarke Cosgrove .........................................4<br />

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too ...................... William T. Bledsoe ...........5<br />

From the Guest Editor ............. Philip Edinger ............................................. ............7<br />

Convention Program: See You in San Diego in '75 ........................ ...........................9<br />

Convention Registration Information ............................................. .........................10<br />

Central California Invitation ..............W. B. Schortman ............... .........................10<br />

Nineteen From Region 15 .................. Sanford Roberts ...................." ....................... 11<br />

Pacific Thoughts .............. Ed Pasahow .......................................... .........................14<br />

European <strong>Iris</strong> Tour ................ Bee Warburton ............................... .........................16<br />

Distinguished Service Medals ......................................................... .........................22<br />

Hybridizers' Medals ........................................................................ .........................24<br />

New Presidential Team ................................................................... .........................26<br />

New Directors ................................................................................. .........................27<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ........................................................ .........................28<br />

The Origin <strong>of</strong> the C. G. White Hybrids ..................Thomas M. Wilkes ..................32<br />

What's New in <strong>Iris</strong> Borer Control ................ Dennis M. Dunbar ..............................44<br />

Robins ......... Faye Edelman ....................... .............................................................48<br />

Flight Lines ............Fred Spahn ................. .............................................................49<br />

International News ...................................... ............................................................. 57<br />

In Memoriam ............................................... .............................................................59<br />

At the Species Level .............. Roy Davidson ...........................................................61<br />

AIS Judges for 1975 ................ Carol Ramsey ........................................................... 64<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ................................................................... 76<br />

AIS Financial Statement ........................................................................................... 83<br />

1974 Membership Campaign Winners ........................................................................84<br />

1975 Membership Campaign Announcement .............................................................85<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership, Management, and Circulation .......................................... 86<br />

Affiliates ................................................ 6 Photographers ........................................ 92<br />

Advertising Rates ................................91 Publications, Medals .............................. 96<br />

Announcements ................................... 56 Section Dues .........................................91<br />

Commercial Directory ......................... 93 Show Supplies ............................... cover 3<br />

Membership Rates ............................... 91 Slides and Rental ................................... 92

Affilia tes .......................................... 4<br />

Contributions .................................. 12<br />

Announcements .............................. 23<br />

Advertisers ..................................... 40<br />

Advertising Rates ........................... 90<br />

Membership Campaign ...................62<br />

Membership Rates ...........................90<br />

Section Dues ...................................90<br />

Commercial Directory .....................95<br />

AIS Publications .............................99<br />

AIS Rental Slides ............................ 58<br />

AIS Show Supplies ....................... 100<br />

Photographs in this issue: Rosa B.<br />

VanValkenburgh (pp. 14, 16, 24-25).<br />

Betty Wood (p. 26).<br />


bearded iris GRAND WALTZ<br />

(Schreiner 1970), an Award <strong>of</strong> Merit<br />

winner in 1973.<br />

#217 April 1975<br />

From the President's Desk .................................................. Dr. Clarke Cosgrove 7<br />

San Diego Is Excitement ................................................Walter & Penny Bunker 9<br />

It's Not Too Late for '76 ................................................................. Jill Copeland 9<br />

The Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>: Organization<br />

and Activities ...................................................................Raymond G. Smith 10<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Display Gardens ............................................ Betty Wood 13<br />

Diary from 'Down under' ..........................................Rosa B. VanValkenburgh 13<br />

Young Ideas Abroad ................................. Ann Dasch, Debbie Beasley 19<br />

The New Zealand <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention .................................... Betty Wood 21<br />

Some Shots from 'Down under' ...........................................................................24<br />

Invitation to New Zealand ...................................................... Mrs. C. J. Cotton 26<br />

Antiques, Anyone? .................................................................... Leda Christlieb 27<br />

We Need a 'Blue-Violet' Color Class .....................................Albert F. deGroat 31<br />

A Progress Report on Control <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Leaf Spot ...............................................Raabe, Hurlimann and Farnham 33<br />

Japan in June ................................................................................ Helen Carney 34<br />

More Awards for Medians ..............................................................Betty Wood 35<br />

In Memoriam ....................................................................................................... 37<br />

From the Editor's Desk ........................................................................................ 38<br />

The AIS Slide Program ............................................................D. C. N earp ass 41<br />

Robins ......................................................................................... Faye Edelman 43<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................................................Fred Spahn 44<br />

Youth Views .................................................................................... Ann Dasch 56<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for Memphis ............................................................. Helen Carney 60<br />

National Test Garden <strong>Iris</strong> ....................................................... Mrs. R. N. Miller 61

Sid DuBose: 36, 37<br />

Larry Harder: 81 (top)<br />

W. G. Sindt: 7 (top right),<br />

(top), 23 (bottom left)<br />

Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 7<br />

(top left), 8 (bottom), 12, 15<br />

(bottom), 17 (top), 19, 21, 23<br />

(top all, bottom right), 24, 26<br />

(bottom)<br />

#218 July 1975<br />

From the President's Desk ..................................................................................... 2<br />

Recollections <strong>of</strong> San Diego ................................................................................... 4<br />

It's Michigan in '76 ............................................................................Bill Simon 27<br />

Thoughts from the Editor ................................................................................. .. 28<br />

Perspective ........................................................................................................ .. 29<br />

Paul Cook-The Classic Progenitor Work ............................Frank Galyon and<br />

Bee Warburton 30<br />

Exploring a Noble Heritage ......................................................... Philip Edinger 36<br />

Making Gardens <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................... George Waters 41<br />

<strong>Historic</strong>al Highlights <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Iris</strong> ...................................................Nancy Ben ton 44<br />

Support the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation ...............................Bill Bledsoe 51<br />

Robins ...................................................................................................................56<br />

Flight Lines ...........................................................................................................57<br />

Youth-Views .........................................................................................................65<br />

Preliminary Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Insecticides for<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Borer Control ...............................................................Richard Lindquist 67<br />

Guidelines for Garden Reporting .........................................................................69<br />

Publicity Begins at Home .....................................................................................70<br />

1975 New Membership Campaign .......................................................................71<br />

In Memoriam ........................................................................................................72<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ....................................................................................74<br />

Minutes, American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trustees Meeting (1974) ............................................................................ .<br />

Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meetings (spring) ............................................. .<br />

1977 Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es Invitation ............................................................................ .<br />

Affilia tes, Affiliation ......................83<br />

Advertising Rates ............................82<br />

Announcements ...............................80<br />

Commercial Directory 93<br />


7<br />

4<br />

76<br />

8<br />

4<br />

Membership Rates ...........................82<br />

Publications, Medals .......................82<br />

Section Dues ....................................82<br />

Slides ...............................................87<br />

Adolph Vogt: 25 (bottom), 26<br />

(top)<br />

8 George Waters: 7 (bottom), 25<br />

(top, cen ter), 26 (center)<br />

Weezy Wold: 4<br />

Edith Wolford: 70<br />

Betty Wood: 15 (top), 17 (bot-<br />

tom), 81 (bottom)<br />

Cover Photograph: Standard Dwarf Bearded GINGERBREAD MAN<br />

(Bennett Jones 1969), winner <strong>of</strong> the 1974 Cook-Douglas Medal.

#219 October 1975<br />

From the President's Desk ....................................................................................2<br />

Thoughts from the Editor .....................................................................................4<br />

1975 AIS Awards .................................................................................................5<br />

International Awards, 1975 ................................................................................12<br />

In Memoriam .....................................................................................................13<br />

The AIS Foundation Is on the Way .......................................... W. T. Bledsoe 15<br />

Foster Memorial Plaque Awarded<br />

Bee Warburton ...........................................................Barbara Whitehouse 16<br />

The Editorial Staff ...........................................................................................18<br />

The Culture and Hybridizing <strong>of</strong> Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es: A Short History<br />

and Report on Current Work .............................................W. G. McGarvey 20<br />

Japanese in a Few "Easy" Lessons ...........................................Thornton Abell 28<br />

Understanding Japanese Culture ..................................................... Ben Hager 30<br />

Perspective .........................................................................................................32<br />

Paul Crook-Further Progenitor Work .. F. Galyon B. Warburton 33<br />

Vintage Year ................................................................................Larry Harder 41<br />

Robins ................................................................................................................46<br />

Flight Lines ........................................................................................................47<br />

Youth-Views ......................................................................................................55<br />

At the Species Level ..........................................................................................58<br />

Exhibition Committee Report-1975 ......................................... Rena Crumpler 65<br />

Award Winners-AIS Shows-1975 .....................................................................66<br />

Exhibition Certificates-AIS Shows-1975 ..........................................................82<br />

Changes in Exhibition Procedures ........................................... Rena Crumpler 84<br />

Region 19 Test Garden Review .........................................................................85<br />

Minutes, AIS Foundation Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees Meeting .......................................86<br />

AIS Strength Report ....................... ...................................................................86<br />

Advertising Rates ........................... 88 Membership Information ....................88<br />

Affiliates, Affiliation ...................... 89 Publications, Supplies .........................92<br />

Announcements .............................. 87 Section Dues ........................................88<br />

Commercial Directory ................... 93 Slides ...................................................90<br />

ERRATA<br />

BULLETIN 218, July 1975<br />

-page 11. I homachita is not a species but is the clone HOMACHITA,<br />

a selected form <strong>of</strong> I. nelsonii (the specific name for the Louisiana<br />

irises originally known as the "Abbeville Reds").<br />

-page 54. Under contributions to the AIS Foundation, in memory <strong>of</strong><br />

J. Arthur Nelson, it should read Mr. Henry Danielson (Illinois).<br />

Thornton Abell: 29<br />

Larry Harder: 43, 45<br />


William G. McGarvey: 24,26<br />

Cover Photograph: The strikingly blue SAPPHIRE HILLS (Schreiners<br />

1971), prominent Award <strong>of</strong> Merit recipient in 1974.

Doris Foster: 19 (top)<br />

Melba Hamblen: 18 (top)<br />

William Hawkinson: 19 (bottom)<br />

Bennett Jones: 17<br />

#220 January 1976<br />


Perseverance Pays ....................................................................................................4<br />

Medals and Awards ..................................................................................................8<br />

From the President's Desk ........................................................................................9<br />

New Appointments .................................................................................................10<br />

Popularity Poll-1975 ..............................................................................................11<br />

Judges' Choice-1975 ...............................................................................................14<br />

1975 Top Award Winners ......................................................................................17<br />

Medians for Every Garden, Betty Wood ................................................................20<br />

Convention Information .........................................................................................24<br />

A Michigan Sneak Preview, Bill Simon ................................................................25<br />

Convention Bound? Go by Chartered Bus, Fred Spahn ........................................26<br />

Weed Control among <strong>Iris</strong>es: Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Materials and<br />

Methods, Rena Crumpler ...................................................................................29<br />

Flight Lines ............................................................................................................34<br />

Our Members Write ...............................................................................................39<br />

At the Species Level ...............................................................................................41<br />

Youth-Views ......................................................................................................... .44<br />

In Memoriam ..........................................................................................................46<br />

International News ................................................................................................. 46<br />

What Every <strong>Iris</strong>arian Should Know About the<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation .....................................................................49<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ...............................................................................51<br />

More Room for the Standard Dwarf Beardeds, Bee Warburton ............................ 54<br />

AIS Awards Changes, Carol Ramsey ....................................................................55<br />

Thoughts from the Editor ....................................................................................... 56<br />

AIS Judges for 1976 ............................................................................................... 57<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ...........................................................70<br />

AIS Financial Statement ........................................................................................ 77<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ......................................................................................... 79<br />

1976 Membership Campaign ................................................................................. 80<br />

Advertisers .......................................85<br />

Advertising Rates .............................48<br />

Affiliates, Affiliation ........................81<br />

Announcements ................................47<br />

Commercial Directory ...................... 94<br />

Nathan Rudolph: 4, 18 (bottom)<br />

H. L. Stahly: 45<br />

Betty Wood: 23<br />

Cover Photograph: Opulent amoena DREAM LOVER (Esther Tams<br />

1971), one <strong>of</strong> the most popular 1974 Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winners. Photo-<br />

graph by Larry L. Harder.<br />

Membership Information ..................48<br />

Publications, Supplies .......................82<br />

Section Dues .....................................48<br />

Show Supplies ..................................83<br />

Slides ................................................ 84

#221 April 1976<br />

ERRATA<br />

From the President's Desk 2<br />

Pity the Poor Inch Worm Clarke Cosgrove 4<br />

More Sneak Previews-Michigan Style Bill Simon 5<br />

Convention Schedule 7<br />

Reflections and Anticipations James McWhirter 8<br />

1975 Hybridizers' Medals 15<br />

Distinguished Service Medals 16<br />

New Directors 18<br />

Notes from Your <strong>Historic</strong>al Committee Larry Harder 19<br />

Perspective 20<br />

1975 Beardless Award Winners 23<br />

Meet the New RVPs 27<br />

Tetrasomic Segregation At the Plicata Locus Kenneth K. Kidd .29<br />

Stripe Up the Bland Allan Ensminger. 34<br />

Look for a Treat in '76 Larry Harder 36<br />

Convention Registration 39<br />

A Russian Odyssey Hubert Fischer 40<br />

Robins 42<br />

Youth- Views 44<br />

AIS Convention Policies 45<br />

Golden Gate in 1978: A Request for Guests 46<br />

What <strong>Iris</strong> Growing Is Doing for Your Character Dr. Anne Lee. 48<br />

In Memoriam 49<br />

Thoughts from the Editor 51<br />

From Rags to Riches Janice Green 53<br />

1976 Membership Campaign 57<br />

Advertisers 93 Membership Information 56<br />

Advertising Rates 56 Publications, Supplies .63<br />

Affiliates, Affiliation .58 Section Dues 56<br />

Announcements 55 Show Supplies 62<br />

Commercial Directory 93 Slides 60<br />

BULLETIN 220, January 1976<br />

-page 2. The second "Errata" entry is incorrect. Both KOALA and WINTER PANO-<br />

RAMA were still eligible for High Commendation in 1975.<br />

-page 7. Footnote #2 should read simply SNOW FLURRY X CHERIE as the par-<br />

entage <strong>of</strong> Fay seedling 48-11.<br />

Foster Allen: 9 top right<br />

Charles Amy: 24 top<br />

Ray Chesnik: 23 bottom<br />

Allan Ensminger: 35<br />

Hubert Fischer: 41<br />

Joseph Ghio: 23 top<br />

W. J. Gunther: 18 center<br />

Larry Harder: 37, 38<br />


A. W. Hazard: 24 bottom<br />

Keith Keppel: 9 top left, bottom; 11<br />

bottom; 12<br />

R. E. Kleinsorge: 21<br />

Virginia Messick: 11 top left and right<br />

O. J. Rice: 15, 18 left<br />

A. Willott: 25<br />

Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 17<br />

Cover Photograph: Brightly bearded CARO NOME (Bob Brown 1970)<br />

a 1974 Award <strong>of</strong> Merit recipient.

#222 July 1976<br />


From the President's Desk .............................................................................. .......2<br />

The Way It Was: Michigan '76 ....................................................................... .......5<br />

Seed Planting By the Stars .............................................................................. .....36<br />

Seed Planting-An Alternative Method ...............................Marion R. Walker ....43<br />

'76 Convention Correction .............................................................................. ..... 44<br />

Hybridizing Goals for Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................. Currier McEwen ....45<br />

Thoughts from the Editor ................................................................................ .....53<br />

Status <strong>of</strong> Tetraploid Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es .........................Joseph K. Mertzweiller .... 54<br />

Review: The Genetics <strong>of</strong> FloweTing Plants ...................................Kenneth K. Kidd .... 57<br />

At the Species Level ................................................................ Roy Davidson .... 59<br />

Our Members Write ........................................................................................ ..... 64<br />

Robins ...................................................................................... Faye Edelman .... 66<br />

Youth-Views ................................................................................................... ..... 68<br />

Chasing Rainbows .................................................................... W. B. Clough ... 69<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ......................................................................... .... 72<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ............................................................................... .... 74<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................... .....78<br />

Advertising Rates .............................80<br />

Affiliates, Affiliation .......................75<br />

Announcements ...............................79<br />

Commercial Directory .....................85<br />

Philip EdingeT: 6, 8, 9 (top right,<br />

lower left), 11, 12, 15, 18 (top<br />

right), 20, 21, 23 (top both),<br />

24, 26 (top, lower left), 28, 29,<br />

30 (top), 32 (lower), 33 (top<br />

left), 40<br />

Joseph M eTtzweilleT: 55<br />

BTian O. Mulligan: 62<br />

Nathan Rudolph: 46<br />

Membership Campaign ....................81<br />

Membership, Section Dues ..............79<br />

Publications, Supplies ...................... 82<br />

Slides ................................................ 76<br />

Rosa Belle Van ValkenbuTgh: 9<br />

(top left, lower right), 16, 18<br />

(top left, lower), 23 (lower),<br />

30 (lower), 32 (top both), 33<br />

(top right), 35 (all)<br />

GeoTge W ateTS: 4, 26 (lower<br />

right), 33 (lower both)<br />

Jean Witt: 60<br />

Cover Photograph: A scene in the Filson garden, Grand Blanc, Michi-<br />

gan-one <strong>of</strong> the gardens on tour during the Lansing convention.<br />

Photograph by Tom Filson.

#223 October 1976<br />

ERRATA<br />

From the President's Desk .......................................................................................... 2<br />

1976 AIS Awards ....................................................................................................... 4<br />

Schreiners Honored by Massachusetts Horticultural <strong>Society</strong> .................................. 11<br />

Florence 1976 ...............................................................Dr. Norman H. Noe ........... 12<br />

1976 Bearded Award VVinners ................................... ........................................... 15<br />

Regional Test Garden Awards ..................................... ........................................... 18<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es: 1976 AIS Convention ............... ........................................... 18<br />

Methods for Inducing Tetraploidy in Siberian and<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................................................... Currier McEwen .... 20<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> Old Bulletins .......................................................................................... ..... 23<br />

Memphis in May-A Convention'77 Preview .. Mrs. Brenda Belus ......................... 24<br />

Cross-Country Comments .................................................................................. ..... 33<br />

Youth-Views ...................................................................................................... ......58<br />

A Prediction Made VVithout ESP ....................................................Ann Dasch .... 59<br />

In Memoriam ...................................................................................................... ..... 61<br />

Our Members VVrite ......................................................................................... ..... 61<br />

Gleanings ........................................................................................................... ......64<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ....................................................... ..... 75<br />

Exhibition Committee Report-1976 ..................................... Rena M. Crumpler .....78<br />

Youth VVinners <strong>of</strong> AIS Shows-1976 ................................................................ ..... 79<br />

Award VVinners AIS Shows-1976 .................................................................... ..... 80<br />

Exhibition Certificates-1976 .............................................................................. ......88<br />

Advertising Rates ...............................91 Commercial Directory ............................93<br />

Announcements ..................................90 Membership, Section Dues .....................90<br />

BULLETIN 222, July 1976<br />

page 71: parentage chart <strong>of</strong> TULIP FESTIVAL. At the top <strong>of</strong> the chart<br />

PINNACLE is given as CHIVALRY X DESERT SONG, while no<br />

parentage is given for seedling 57301. These elements<br />

were reversed: 57301 is from CHIVALRY X DESERT SONG;<br />

the parentage <strong>of</strong> PINNACLE was too complex to list there.<br />

Deborah AaLseth: 62<br />

Brenda BeLus: 24, 26, 29, 30<br />

Robert Brooks: 55 (lower)<br />

S. P. DuBose: cover, 15 (top),<br />

(top left)<br />

Mary Dunn: 36<br />

(top)<br />

Doris Foster: 16 (top right)<br />

Larry Harder: 4, 36 (top right)<br />


Keith KeppeL: 16 (lower left), 36<br />

(top left), 41 (all), 48 (lower),<br />

51, 52, 55 (top right)<br />

16 James Marsh: 17<br />

Virginia Messick: 55 (top left)<br />

(lower), 44, 48 Norman N oe: 13<br />

CLeo PaLmer: 16 (lower right)<br />

Ruby Short: 63<br />

Betty Wood: 15 (lower), 19<br />

Cover Photograph: COLCHESTERENSIS (R. VV. VVallace 1910), one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most striking forms <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Laevigata. Photograph by Sidney P. Du-<br />


#224 Winter 1977<br />

ERRATA<br />

From the President's Desk 4<br />

Popularity Poll-1976 6<br />

William R. Dykes 9<br />

Medals and Awards 10<br />

Another Dykes Reprint 11<br />

Judges' Choice-1976 12<br />

Overseas Awards 15<br />

Memphis-"<strong>Iris</strong> Heaven in '77"-Tennessee 17<br />

1976 Beardless Award Winners 20<br />

Meet the New RVPs 22<br />

Pennsylvania Notes Sterling U. Innerst 26<br />

Those Controversial Herbicides Jeanne W. Price 28<br />

The Photographer and the Blue <strong>Iris</strong> Ron Thoman 30<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>arians Honored 31<br />

Youth-Views 32<br />

In Memoriam 34<br />

At the Species Level 35<br />

Gleanings 39<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions 48<br />

Our Members Write 49<br />

Robins Faye Edelman 52<br />

AIS Judges for 1977 Ron Mullin 57<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> Old Bulletins 70<br />

Minutes, AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting, Fall 1976 71<br />

AIS Financial Statement 78<br />

1977 Membership Campaign 80<br />

Advertisers 92 Membership, Section Dues 56<br />

Advertising Rates 56 Publications, Supplies 82<br />

Affiliates 51 Regions, RVPs 96<br />

Announcements 55 Show Supplies 81<br />

Commercial Directory 92 Slides 53<br />

BULLETIN 223, October 1976<br />

page 10: Michael, L. should read Michel, L.<br />

Keppek, K. should read Keppel, K.<br />

page 88: Keith Keppel's 68-19L should read 68-19J, the seedling<br />

now registered as Picayune.<br />

Robert Brooks: 21 top<br />

Phyllis Cargill: 50<br />

Glenn Corlew: 20 lower right<br />


Sidney DuBose: 21 lower, cover<br />

Mary Dunn: 20 top<br />

Currier McEwen: 20 lower left<br />

Cover Photograph: The coveted Dykes Memorial Medal showing the<br />

face that bears the likeness <strong>of</strong> the medal's namesake William R.<br />

Dykes. The year 1977 marks the centenary <strong>of</strong> Dykes' birth.

#225 Spring 1977<br />

From the President's Desk .............................................................................. .......4<br />

New AIS Addresses ........................................................................................ .......5<br />

The World <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es ......................................................................................................... ........ 6<br />

Queen <strong>of</strong> Hearts .............................................................................................. .......7<br />

1976 Medals and Awards ............................................................................... .......8<br />

Perspective: The Dykes Medal ....................................................................... .....12<br />

Guest Speakers for Memphis .......................................................................... .....16<br />

International News .......................................................................................... .....16<br />

Classification-Up To Date ..................................................... Bee Warburton ....19<br />

South African Sojourn ............................................................ Hubert Fischer ....22<br />

Robins ...................................................................................... Faye Edelman .... 24<br />

Flight Lines ................................................................................... Sam Reece ....25<br />

Take Time To Smell the Flowers .. Reuben Smith,<br />

Louise Clay Smith ... 33<br />

Tissue Culture for <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizers .............................................John Weiler,<br />

Richard Emershad ....36<br />

Tips on Hybridizing Siberians ................................................... Steve Varner ....39<br />

At the Species Level ....................................................................................... .....41<br />

Rare Species at Michigan Convention .......................................Jill Copeland .... 44<br />

Our Members Write ........................................................................................ ..... 46<br />

Space City <strong>Iris</strong> Time: Huntsville '79 ............................................................... .....47<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es: Golden State In '78 .................................................................... .....48<br />

Project '77: A Preview <strong>of</strong> Golden State In '78 ................................... ..................48<br />

Youth-Views ...................................................................................... .................. 54<br />

In Memoriam ..................................................................................... ..................56<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .................................................................... ..................59<br />

Scientific Committee Report ............................................................. ..................60<br />

Fertility Information Service ...............................................David Silverberg ....63<br />

How To Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................... ..... 65<br />

Advertisers ....................................... 98 Membership, Section Dues .................. 58<br />

Advertising Rates ............................. 58 Publications, Supplies .......................... 67<br />

Affiliates .......................................... 49 Regions, RVPs .................................... 104<br />

Announcements ............................... 57 Show Supplies ...................................... 68<br />

Commercial Directory .....................99 Slides ....................................................49

#226 Summer 1977<br />

From the President's Desk ........................................................................................2<br />

Memphis-<strong>Iris</strong> Heaven in '77 .....................................................................................4<br />

Strictly for the Beginner .............................................................. Barbara Boss .. .40<br />

Apogons at Memphis ....................................................................Betty Wood ....45<br />

Growing Spurias in "Cold Country" ................................................................ .....48<br />

A Mysterious Spuria ........................................................................................ .....51<br />

The World <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es Thank You ....................................................................... ..... 52<br />

The Making <strong>of</strong> a Kilt ........................................................................................ ..... 56<br />

Robins .............................................................................................................. ..... 58<br />

Flight Lines .................................................................................... Sam Reece .... 59<br />

Youth- Views ..........................................................................Rosalie Beasley .... 65<br />

An Interesting Correlation Between Apigenin and Virus Resistance<br />

in 'Curtsy' and 'Miss Perky' ...................................................Kevin Vaughn .... 68<br />

A Reclassification <strong>of</strong> the Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ......................................Lee W. Lenz .... 70<br />

Gleanings ......................................................................................................... ......74<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ..................................................... ..... 77<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................... ..... 82<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ......................................................................... ..... 83<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request-Huntsville .......................................................................... ..... 85<br />

Tips on Packing <strong>Iris</strong>es for Shipment ................................................................ ..... 85<br />

1976 Membership Campaign Winners ............................................................ ......86<br />

Our Members Write ......................................................................................... ......88<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ............................................................................... ......88<br />

ERRATA:<br />

BULLETIN 225, Spring 1977<br />

page 52: the photographs <strong>of</strong> BIRTHDAY SONG and PINK KITTEN were inadvertently<br />

transposed: the BULLETIN apologizes to Mr. Corlew<br />

-_._-~-<br />


Mary Dunn: 26 lower Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh: 5, 6, 8<br />

Philip Edinger: 14, 15 right, 16, 19 lower left, 9, 10 top, 11, 13, 19 top,<br />

lower, 21 top, 22 lower, 25, 29 top 21 lower, 22 top, 26 top, 31 top, 35<br />

right, lower, 31 lower, 32, 34, 35 top, 39 top left<br />

lower, 37 top, 39 lower, 46 top, lower<br />

right Leland Welsh: 39 top right<br />

Mary Patricia Engel: 8 top, 15 left, 37 Edith Wolford: 29 top left<br />

lower Betty Wood: 8 lower right, 10 lower<br />

James M. Gibson: 56 right, 46 lower right<br />

Cover Photograph: perennial favorite and 1972 AM winner RASPBERRY<br />

RIPPLES (Niswonger 1969).

#227 Fall 1977<br />

From the President's Desk ...........................................................................................2<br />

1977 AIS Awards ........................................................................................................4<br />

In Memoriam: Jesse Wills, Barbara Walther, Ira Wood, Georgia<br />

Hinkle, Earl Roberts ................................................................................................9<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es: Memphis Convention .............................................................25<br />

Overseas News: Florence Awards, French Conference Schedule .. 26<br />

Missouri Interlude ...................................................................Leland M. Welsh ....27<br />

The Best <strong>of</strong> '77 ........................................................................... Paul H. Dennis ....32<br />

The Season in Texas .............................................................. Walter A. Moores .....34<br />

Golden State in '78 ............................................................. Elsiemae Nicholson .....43<br />

Robins ......................................................................................... Faye Edelman .....50<br />

Flight Lines .......................................................................................Sam Reece ... 51<br />

Spuria Update from Missouri ...................................................Dave Niswonger ... 56<br />

At the Species Level ............................................................................................ .... 57<br />

Thoughts from the Editor .................................................................................... .... 60<br />

Our Members Write ............................................................................................ . , .61<br />

Youth- Views ............................................................................Rosalie Beasley .... 65<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report ...................................................... Jill Copeland .... 67<br />

Award Winners-AIS Shows-1977 ...................................................................... ..... 68<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ........................................................................... ..... 82<br />

Exhibition Certificates-1977 .............................................................................. ..... 86<br />

Advertising Rates ...............................85 Membership, Section Dues .....................85<br />

Affiliates ............................................ 42 Publications, Supplies .............................92<br />

Announcements ................................. 84 Show Supplies .........................................89<br />

Commercial Directory ....................... 93 Slides .......................................................90<br />

ERRATA<br />

BULLETIN 226, Summer 1977<br />

The Williams Printing Company apologizes to BULLETIN readers for inadvertently failing to<br />

print the copy submitted for inside front and back covers -Officers. Directors. Chairmen <strong>of</strong><br />

Standing Committees; and Regions and RVPs.<br />


Sam Caldwe!l: 11 (top, lower left) Leland M. Welsh: 27, 28, 3D, 31<br />

Philip Edinger: 39 Bryce Williamson; 45<br />

Keith Keppel: 35 Betty Wood; 17,21<br />

Olive J. Rice: 24<br />

Cover Photograph: the distinctive 1972 Award <strong>of</strong> Merit winner BAYBERRY<br />

CANDLE (De Forest 1968).

#228 Winter 1978<br />

From the President's Desk ............................................................................. ...... 4<br />

Honors and Appointments ............................................................................ ...... 6<br />

Results <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Diretcors Election ................................................... ...... 7<br />

Judges' Choice-1977 ..................................................................................... ...... 8<br />

Popularity Poll-1977 ..................................................................................... .... 12<br />

Overseas News .............................................................................................. .... 15<br />

Western Wayfaring ................................................................Richard Sloan ... 17<br />

Rainbow Reflections ...................................................................Sam Reece ... 21<br />

Region 14 We1comes You to California .................................... <strong>Iris</strong> Nelson ... 25<br />

Convention Information: Rates, Registration, Schedule .....................................27<br />

A Special Show Experience .............................................. Leland M. Welsh ....29<br />

Louisianas Move to Minnesota .................................................Joan Cooper ....30<br />

How 'Golden Encore' Became Serene Highness ........................Betty Wood ....32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> U nguicularis ........................................................................... Jean Witt ....34<br />

Robins ......................................................................... Mary Alice Hembree ....39<br />

Flight Lines ................................................................................. Sam Reece ....41<br />

youth-Views .........................................................................Rosalie Beasley ....46<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................. .....50<br />

1977 Regional Test Garden Awards ............................................................. .....50<br />

High Commendation-1977 ............................................................................ ..... 51<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ...................................................................... ..... 55<br />

Perspective: The Presby Garden ................................................................... ..... 57<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting .................................................. ..... 57<br />

AIS Judges for 1978 ...................................................................................... ..... 66<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ................................................................................ ..... 80<br />

1978 New Membership Campaign ............................................................... ..... 81<br />

Advertising Rates .54 Publications, Supplies 83<br />

Announcements 53 Regions, RVPs 96<br />

Commercial Directory .91 Show Supplies .82<br />

Membership, Section Dues 54

#229 Spring 1978<br />

From the President's Desk .......................................................................... .............4<br />

Texas <strong>Iris</strong>arians Host AIS Board Meeting .............................Mike Young ............5<br />

1977 Top Award Winners .......................................................................... .............6<br />

In Memoriam .............................................................................................. ...........11<br />

Meet the New RVPs ................................................................................... ...........17<br />

Flight Lines .............................................................................. Sam Reece ..........21<br />

Carl Salbach: Completing the Record ........................................................ ...........28<br />

Youth-Views ..................................................................... Rosalie Beasley 32<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es-Updated ............................. Lee Eberhardt ............33<br />

Gleanings ...................................................................................... .........................36<br />

Overseas News ............................................................................. ......................... 45<br />

Guest Requests: Oklahoma, Huntsville, St. Louis ............................................46-47<br />

Our Members Write ............................................................................................... 48<br />

AIS Financial Statement ......................................................................................... 50<br />

1978 New Membership Campaign ......................................................................... 57<br />

Advertising Rates ............................103 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ......................... 56<br />

AIS Foundation .................................56 Membership, Section Dues ................. 103<br />

Affiliation, Affiliates .........................54 Publications, Supplies ........................... 58<br />

Announcements .................................56 Regions, RVPs .................................... 104<br />

Commercial Directory .......................98 Show Supplies ...................................... 56<br />

Advertisers ........................................97 Slides ..................................................... 56<br />

--<br />

BULLETIN 228, Winter 1978<br />

ERRATA<br />

page 17 (nine lines from the bottom): it should be "Evening in Paris, a deep maroon rather than<br />

SONG OF PARIS which is a 1970 introduction <strong>of</strong> Les Peterson '5.<br />

-- --- -----<br />


Ray Chesnik: 10 (lower) Keith Keppel: 6, 7 (top right)<br />

Genn Corlew: 9 (lower right) Les Peterson: 9 (top)<br />

Sid DuBose: 10 (top left and right) Earl Roberts: 8 (lower), 34 (lower left)<br />

Lee Eberhardt: 34 (top left) Stanley Street: 9 (lower left)<br />

Melba Hamblen: 7 (top left) Jean Witt: 34 (right)<br />

Cover Photo"ra,.h, Spuria ARCHIE OWEN (Hager 1973), the 1973 Eric Nies Award winner, as it<br />

grows in the Royal Botanical Garden, Ontario, Canada. Photo by Verna Laurin.

#230 Summer 1978<br />

From the President's Desk ........................................................................................ 2<br />

An Appeal for Help .................................................................................................. 4<br />

San Jose Souvenir .....................................................................................................5<br />

Those Medians in the Coleman Garden ............................................ Betty Wood 39<br />

"Prelude to Spring" ...........................................................................Lynn Bausch 40<br />

Try the Miniature Dwarfs ............................................................ Lynda S. Miller 42<br />

In Memoriam ..........................................................................................................45<br />

Robins ..................................................................................Mary Alice Hembree 51<br />

Flight Lines ......................................................................................... Sam Reece 52<br />

The Growing and Selection <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Seedlings .................................... .<br />

Tell Muhlestein 57<br />

I Was Bitten By the Bug ................................................................... Paul Dennis 61<br />

Youth-Views ............................................................................... Rosalie Beasley 62<br />

At the Species Level ...............................................................................................64<br />

Male Sterile <strong>Iris</strong> pallida Lam. in Tuscany: Review ............................................... 67<br />

Garden Writers, <strong>Iris</strong>es, and Opportunity ....................................Christine Burton 69<br />

Space City <strong>Iris</strong> Time: Huntsville '79 ......................................................................71<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ...............................................................................72<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ......................................................................................74<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ...........................................................74<br />

Winners, 1977 New Membership Campaign .........................................................85<br />

Oklahoma 80!: A Request for Guests ....................................................................85<br />

Advertising rates .............................. 83 How to register an iris ...........................82<br />

AIS Foundation ................................ 82 Membership, Section dues .. 83<br />

Announcements ................................ 82 Publications, Supplies ........................... 84<br />

Commercial Directory ...................... 88 Slides .....................................................82<br />

ERRATA<br />

BULLETIN 229, Spring 1978<br />

-pages 7 and 31. Please see Section 3 <strong>of</strong> this BULLETIN for explanation and<br />

corrections.<br />


Lynn Bausch: 41 Roger & Lynda Miller: 43 Philip Edinger: 9, 11, 13, 15<br />

(top Olive Rice: 7 (lower left)<br />

left, bottom), 17, 18,20 (top Adolph Vogt: 7 (top, lower<br />

right, bottom), 21, 22, 23, 26, right), 20 (top left)<br />

28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 45 Barbara Whitehouse: 15 (top<br />

Vi Luihn: 38 right)<br />

Cover photograph: Perennially popular tall bearded AM winner STUDY IN<br />

BLACK (Plough 1968).

#231 Fall 1978<br />

From the President's Desk ......................................................................................2<br />

1978 AIS Awards ...................................................................................................4<br />

British Awards, 1978 ...........................................................................................10<br />

An Account <strong>of</strong> the International <strong>Iris</strong> Congress, Orleans, France<br />

........................................... Francesca Thoolen 11<br />

Hybridizer's Medal to Larry Gaulter .. ; ...............................................................21<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> 1978 Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention .......................... Elsie Zuercher 23<br />

Italian Awards from the International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition, Florence 26<br />

1978, A Season <strong>of</strong> Continuous Bloom .......................................Lloyd Zurbrigg 28<br />

English Impressions <strong>of</strong> the 1978 Convention .................................Jack Venner 31<br />

Gleanings ..............................................................................................................35<br />

1977 Rebloomer Symposium ...............................................................................42<br />

Space City <strong>Iris</strong> Time-Huntsville '79 ..................................................................... 44<br />

Gifts to The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ......................................................................47<br />

In Memoriam ........................................................................................................48<br />

A Shiny Yellow Seed on 'Holden Clough' ...................................Roy Davidson 50<br />

Robins ..................................................................................................................51<br />

Flight Lines .......................................................................................Sam Reece 51<br />

Performance (?) ..................................................................................................................55<br />

Conclusions (?) An Editorial ................................................................................61<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> .........................................................................Fredrick C. Boutin 63<br />

How To Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> ................................................................65<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report-1978 .............................................Jill Copeland 66<br />

Award Winners-AIS Shows-1978 ........................................................................67<br />

Exhibition Certificates, AIS Shows-1978 ............................................................84<br />

Advertising rates ............................. 89 Membership, Section dues .. 89<br />

Affiliates .......................................... 85 Publications, Supplies ..........................91<br />

Announcements ............................... 88 Show Supplies ...................................... 90<br />

Commercial Directory ..................... 92 Slides .................................................... 88<br />

ERRATA<br />

BULLETIN 230, Summer 1978, and BULLETIN 231, Fall 1978<br />

-inside front cover. Address is incorrect for Scientific Chairman Dr.<br />

Raymond C. Allen; he now lives at 7570 E. Speedway, Lot 155, Tucson, Arizona 85710.<br />

BULLETIN covers are printed two issues at a time; this change will be made in its proper<br />

place in the Winter 1979 BULLETIN.<br />

BULLETIN 230, Summer 1978<br />

-page 6. In the National Convention <strong>Iris</strong> Show report, best seedling should read Highline<br />

Halo, not Highlight Halo.<br />


Janice Chesnik; 5 Francesca Thoolen; 13, 15, 18<br />

Keith Keppel; 27, 33 Lloyd Zurbrigg: 29<br />

Cover Photograph: Commanding neglecta LORD BALTIMORE (Nearpass<br />

1969), a 1973 Award <strong>of</strong> Merit recipient and second place winner in the Orleans,<br />

France, trials described on pages 11-20,

#232 Winter 1979<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Fall Bulletin Delay ............................................................................................ .......4<br />

From the President's Desk ................................................................................. .......4<br />

Popularity Poll- 1978 ........................................................................................ .......5<br />

Judges' Choice-1978 ......................................................................................... .......8<br />

Regional Test Garden Awards .......................................................................... .....11<br />

1979 Huntsville Convention Information ......................................................... .....12<br />

From the Public Relations Committee .. , ......................................................... .....14<br />

Performance (?) Follow-up ............................................................................... .....15<br />

Where Are We Going? .................................................... Bernice M. Miller ....15<br />

Performance In Massachusetts ............................................... Robert Sobek ....17<br />

Performance In Iowa .......................................................... Leonard Michel ....19<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Vigor ................................................................................. Aleeah Haley ....21<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ............................................................................................ .....25<br />

Remontants By Chance .............................................................Walter Moores ....26<br />

Fringe <strong>of</strong> the Crescent ................................................................ Clay Osborne ... 29<br />

Siberian Notes:<br />

A String <strong>of</strong> Pearls .................................................................C. E. Rhodes ....... 34<br />

The Siberian Show ....................................................... D. Steve Varner. .. 36<br />

A Good Basic Siberian Bed .......................................... Julius Wadekamper ....37<br />

Siberian Display Gardens ...................................................Forrest McCord .... 37<br />

Introducing Spurias ...................................................................... Joan Cooper ... 38<br />

Robins .............................................................................Mary Alice Hembree .... 42<br />

Flight Lines .....................................................................................Sam Reece .... 43<br />

In Memoriam ................................................................................................... ......48<br />

High Commendation-1978 ............................................................................... ..... 52<br />

New Membership Campaign ........................................................................... ......55<br />

Changeover: Messages from the Editors ......................................................... ..... 58<br />

Congratulations to Dr. Currier McEwen: .................................Bee Warburton .... 61<br />

........................................ William McGarvey ................................................... 63<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ........................................................... 64<br />

AIS Foundation Contributions ................................................................................74<br />

AIS Judges For 1979 ....................... ...................................................................... 76<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .................. ...................................................................... 89<br />

Advertisers ......................................107 Membership, Section Dues ................... 92<br />

Advertising Rates ............................. 92 Publications, Supplies ........................... 90<br />

AIS Foundation ................................ 93 Regions, RVPs .................................... 112<br />

Announcements ................................ 93 Show Supplies ....................................... 91<br />

Commercial Directory ....................107 Slides ..................................................... 93<br />


Janice Chesnik: cover Walter Moores: 27, lower right<br />

Mary Dunn: 8 Dave Niswonger: 27, top left<br />

Keith Keppel: 27, top right and Clay Osborne: 31, all<br />

lower left<br />

Cover Photograph: Radiant 1978 Dykes Medal winner BRIDE'S HALO<br />

(H.C. Mohr, 1973) photographed in southern California by Janice Chesnik.

#233 Spring 1979<br />

From the President's Desk 4<br />

How a Winner Grows ................................................................................................................. ...... 5<br />

Species Gallery ................................................................................................. Leroy Davidson ..... 9<br />

Maybe You Can Do It ..........................................................................................Ben R. Hager ... 13<br />

For Beginners Only ...........................................................................................Karen Glasgow ... 17<br />

New RVPs .................................................................................................................................. .... 19<br />

Photo Book Review ...........................................................................................George Waters .... 23<br />

Photo Contest ............................................................................................................................ ..... 24<br />

Hints on Membership ........................................................................................ Robert Bledsoe ... 26<br />

When Visiting a Garden ......................................................................................Maynard Harp ... 37<br />

Membership Campaign Winners ................................................................................................ .....39<br />

Gifts to A IS ............................................................................................................................... .... 41<br />

Gleanings ............................................................................................................. Philip Edinger .. .42<br />

Seed Distribution .................................................................................................Hubert Fischer .. .45<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Requests ..................................................................................................................... .... 51<br />

Approved Affiliates .................................................................................................................... .....54<br />

Notice to Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... .....57<br />

Ensatin Study .......................................................................................................Kevin Vaughn ....61<br />

Notice to Judges ......................................................................................................................... .....62<br />

New Zealand Hospitality .........................................................................................Betty Wood ....65<br />

Seeing Double .................................................................................................. Marvin Granger ....67<br />

Bloomin' Remembrances. Larry Gaulter ..........................................................................................69<br />

Rebloom in Siberians ........................................ ............................................Currier McEwen .....73<br />

Our Readers Write .........................................22 Editor's Page .40<br />

In Memoriam .. 22 Membership & Section Dues .........................46<br />

Flightlines ......................................................29 Youthviews ....................................................52<br />

Announcements .34 Library-Publications ......................................59<br />

International News .35 Advertising Rates ..........................................59<br />

Slide Sets 38<br />


Avonbank Gardens .83 Hamner's .84 Paquet <strong>Iris</strong> .87<br />

Baldwin <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ...............86 K. Heilman .. 83 Paw Paw E. Label .................. 85<br />

Louise Bellagamba .. 84 Heisz .39 C. Protzmann ..........................81<br />

Blodgett Gardens .70 C. Helsley .. 90 Riverdale .80<br />

Brown's Sunnyhill .90 Mary Herd .87 Ed Roberts .. 90<br />

Ora Burton .83 Hillview .70 Roderick .87<br />

W.H.Clough .79 Bennett Jones .88 Schreiner's .. Cover 2<br />

Contemporary .79 Evelyn Kegerise .64 Schultz .89<br />

Cooley's .... 48 Keith Keppel .85 Sellman's .36<br />

Glenn Corlew . Cover 4 .. 50 C. & G. Lankow ... 88 G. Shoop .82<br />

Cottage Gardens .58 Luibn's .72 D. Sindt .. 89<br />

D. & J. Gardens .60 Melrose .... 78 R. Solomon .89<br />

Dunderman .... 36 Walter Moores .86 F. Spahn ... 82<br />

Echo Hill .. 63 MarlynNelson .87 H.J.Spence .. 85<br />

Garden <strong>of</strong> E. Rainbow .71 Dave Niswonger .81 Bion Tolman .64<br />

Environmental Conc .41 Pacific Coast .47,49 Verigay . Cover 3<br />

Gene & Gerry's 72<br />

PHOTO AND ART CREDITS: Schreiner's-Cover; Peter Maynard-p 4; Leroy Davidson-pp 10,<br />

11; Betty Wood-pp 65, 66; Currier McEwen-p 76<br />

Cover Photograph: POST TIME (Schreiner 1971), an opulent smooth red tall bearded<br />

iris that was awarded an Honorable Mention in 1972 and the Award <strong>of</strong> Merit in 1974.<br />


#234 Summer 1979<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ......... ........................................................................................4<br />

Bloomin' Remembrances .......... Larry Gaulter ..................................................................4<br />

Huntsville, 1979 ......................... ........................................................................................5<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ................. ......................................................................................25<br />

How Can They Do It .................. ......................................................................................27<br />

Memories Wanted ........ David Cook ...............................................................................32<br />

Recruiting Members ......... Margaret Connally ................................................................33<br />

Behind the Veil ........Philip Edinger .................................................................................35<br />

New Members ......... ........................................................................................................38<br />

Tender Love and Care ....... Mike Young .........................................................................40<br />

Breeding Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es .......... Carl Jorgensen ...................................................... 41<br />

New ISA President ........ Robert Raabe ..........................................................................45<br />

Defense for Rebloomers ..........Bernice Miller .................................................................49<br />

Financial Statement .................. .......................................................................................52<br />

Australian Convention .......... John Taylor ...................................................................... 61<br />

Directors' Meeting Minutes ............. .................................................................................69<br />

PR for <strong>Iris</strong>ing ........ Sam Reece ...... .................................................................................74<br />

Youth Achievement Contest ........... Jayne Ritchie .......................................................... 76<br />

Transplanting Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ........... The World <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................ 85<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ....................................... ..... .................................................................. 2<br />

Membership Rates ................................ 37 Domestic News ...................................... 60<br />

Contribution Information ........................ 46 Editor's Notebook .................................. 64<br />

Contributions ......................................... 47 Announcements ..................................... 66<br />

AIS Library List .......................................48 Miscellany .............................................. 67<br />

Our Readers Write ............................51,77 Youthviews ............................................ 75<br />

In Memoriam ..........................................53 Flightlines .............................................. 79<br />

Gleanings ...............................................54 Advertising Rates .................................. 90<br />

International News ..................................59 Commercial Directory ............................91<br />

Advertisers<br />

George C. Bush ......................................90 Paolucci & Conningham ........................ 86<br />

C & M H Designs ....................................88 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ...................... 89<br />

Collins Markers .......................................89 Region 17 Convention ........................... 90<br />

Frederick Knocke ...................................88 Schultz-Instant Fertilizer ........................ 89<br />

Dr. & Mrs. C. McEwen ............................87 Tams <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens ................................. 78<br />

Melrose Gardens ..................... Back Cover<br />

Photo Credits<br />

A. Dasch ... p. 14 (top left & right), p. 21 (mid left & lower right)<br />

Robert B. Dasch .......... p. 5, p. 14 (mid), p. 17 (all), p. 21 (top, mid right, lower left)<br />

Rosalie Figge .......... p. 6 (bottom), p. 14 (bottom)<br />

Larry Harder ..........p. 6 (top, mid), p. 7 (all)<br />

Van Valkenburgh ... p. 26 (upper three), p. 28 (all), p. 31 (all), p. 84 (all), p. 96 (all)<br />

Cover Photograph<br />

ODYSSEY (Sanford Babson, R. 1970, introduced 1971 by Melrose Gardens), and Award<br />

<strong>of</strong> Merit winner, is a popular blue and white TB plicata garden iris. Thanks to Larry Harder<br />

for the cover photograph.

#235 October 1979<br />

The Winners! ." <strong>Iris</strong> Awards. , , , . , , , . , . , . , . , . , .. , . , .. , . , ... , . ,, . , . ,4<br />

Bloomin' Remembrances '" Larry Gaulter .,., .. ,.,., .. ,.,., .,.,., .15<br />

First Index Completed, . , . , . , . , , , , , , . , . , , , , . , . , .. , . ... , . , , . , ... , . 16<br />

Photo Contest Results '" George Waters .. , .............. , .. , . , . , .. , . , . , . , . , .. 17<br />

Late News ." BIS Awards , . , . , , , , . , . , . , . , ........... , . , . , .. , . , . , . , ..... , . , 20<br />

OK in '80 ". Burdella Rhodes , . , . , . , . , .. , . , , , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . 21<br />

Officials' Jobs, . , , , , . , . , . , . , , , .. , , , . , . , . , , , .. , . , ........., .... , . , ......... , .26<br />

Welcome New Members ",.,. ,.,.,. , . , . , . , , . , , ...................... .. , . , . , . , ........ 29<br />

Foundation Report '" John HaNey .. , .............. ,.,.,.,.".,.,., ... ,.,.,., 34<br />

Little Beardeds , . , . , , . , . , . , .. , . , . , . , ......., . , . , . , ..... , ......., . , . , ......... 35<br />

Species Gallery '" LeRoy Davidson ,.,.", .. ,., .. ,.,.,.,.,., ................................... ,.43<br />

Spade Is a "" Roger Nelson. , . , . , . , , . , .. , . , , ... , . , . , ............ , .. .... , . , . ,49<br />

Fashions in Louisianas '" Charles Arny .,., .. ,., .. ,.,., .................... . ... ......... ,.,.57<br />

World Organizations ,'.,., .. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .. ,., ....................................., ... ........,.,. 71<br />

Convention <strong>Iris</strong>es '" Perry Dyer ,.,."., .. ",.,.".,.,., ............................ . . ,., ....... ,., 72<br />

Show Supplies .'.".'.,.,.,., , . , . , . , . , . , .. , .. , . , . , ........................ . ... .... , . , . ,85<br />

Decorate with <strong>Iris</strong>es ". Aleta Eggles ,., ............... ,., .. ,., ............... . ... ..... ,., .. ,87<br />


Presidents Desk. , , . , . , . , . , . , . , .2 Announcements. , . , . , . , .... , . 64<br />

Membership Rates. , ... , , .. , . , 53 Miscellany .. , .. , . , . , .... .. , . , . , .. 65<br />

Gifts to AIS, , . , . , , ..... , . , ..... , . , .54 Gleanings. , . , . , . , ....... , ........... , .66<br />

Domestic News, . , ........... , . , ....... ,55 Youthviews. , . , .............. ...... , . , . ,76<br />

International News .. , ........ ..... , . , ,55 Flightlines, ... , ........ , . , . , . , . , . , .<br />

,78<br />

Editor's Notebook, . , . , ..... ... , . , .. 62 Library Supplies, . , . , . , ............., .89<br />


Aril <strong>Society</strong> .. , . , . , . , . , . , ,84 Paw Paw Labels .. , . , . , , , . , . , .90<br />

Commercial Directory. , ... , . , .91 Schultz Fertilizer, . , . , . , . , . , . , . , 90<br />

Grassroots , .. , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , , . 75 Waltermire ..... , , ..... 84<br />

Nichols Garden. , . , , , . , . , . , . , , 90 World <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es, . , . , . , .. , , , , . , . , 48<br />


Rice ",4 upper<br />

L. Harder ". 4 lower, 7 upper & middle. 9 middle, 10 upper, 28 lower left S,<br />

Branch ".5 left, 42 lower<br />

M. Anning ".5 right. 9 upper, 10 lower, 37, 39,42 upper<br />

Melrose '" 7 lower, 9 lower, 10 middle L, Davidson '" 45<br />

W. Morton ". 19 K. Keppel ". 49<br />

Van Vaulkenburgh ." 28 upper right C. Arny '" 57, 58, 61<br />

A. Vogt '" 96<br />


ELIZABETH STUART (B. Jones '71) is a popular pastel tall bearded award<br />

winner that garnered an HC in '70, an HM in'72 andanAM in'74, Photo by<br />

Bennett Jones,

#236 January 1980<br />

From The President's Desk ...............................................................................................................4<br />

How to Register & Introduce .............................................................................................................6<br />

Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es. Recent & Future ................................................................................................7<br />

Yarn From <strong>Iris</strong> Fibers ..........W. G. Waters & D. W. Koza ............................................................14<br />

Beginning Hybridizing ............ R. D. Koenitzer. jr. .......................................................................17<br />

Award Winners AIS Shows 1979 ...................................................................................................20<br />

Exhibition Certificates AIS Shows 1979 ........................................................................................31<br />

Oklahoma '80! .................................................................................................................................33<br />

High Commendation .......................................................................................................................41<br />

AIS Financial Statement .................................................................................................................43<br />

1980 Membership Campaign .......................................................................................................... 56<br />

Membership Report ......................................................................................................................... 57<br />

AIS Judges ...................................................................................................................................... 58<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting .......................................................................................... 79<br />

Regular Features<br />

Domestic News .............................................36 Flight Lines .................................................. 75<br />

International News ........................................38 Miscellany .................................................... 45<br />

Youth Views ..................................................53 AIS Contributions ........................................ 50<br />

Advertising Rates ..........................................54 AIS Library .................................................. 47<br />

Editor's Notebook ..........................................44<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bayview ................................................ Cover 2 Contemporary Gardens .. Hombre<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ......................................... 16 Nelson 46<br />

Carr ................................................................42 Contemporary Gardens ...........Latitude<br />

Commercial Directory ................................... 90 Nelson ...................................... ............. 51<br />

Contemporary Gardens ................................. 46 Cooper. 16<br />

Contemporary Gardens ................................. 70 Cottage Gardens ..........Social Butterfly 49<br />

Grassroots ...................................................... 73 Gibson 72<br />

Keppel ........................................................... 48 Rudolph ................................................Cover 3<br />

Keppel ........................................................... 69 Rudolph .........................................................52<br />

McGarvey ...................................................... 39 Schultz ...........................................................35<br />

Mohr . Cover 4 Schultz ..........................................................77<br />

Contemporary Gardens ... Jones .... 73<br />

Photo Credits<br />

Oscoda COHnhj News: 5 Dr. Donald Koza: in minutes & Pg. 95<br />

Frances Winfree: 37 Contributed by Hybridizers: 7, 8, 9, TO, 12<br />

Cover Photograph: 1979 Dykes Medalist MARY FRANCES, created by Larry GauIler, displays<br />

form that garnered votes. Photograph by Glenn F. Corlew.

#237 April 1980<br />

Sound Advice? ... Jimmy Burch Explains His Opinions. 5<br />

See How They Ran ...............Analysis <strong>of</strong> the 79 Dykes Voting ...............................................................................9<br />

Halo Again .....................Patterned Thoughts ....... Phil Edinger .............................................................................]2<br />

Overdoers .................... Too Much from <strong>Iris</strong>es ........Walter Moores IS<br />

Tribute to Enthusiasm ... Winning Team Ideas ... Sam Johnson. 18<br />

Best <strong>of</strong> Parents? ............ Pollen Analysis ... E.T. Browne, Jr. ................................................................................ 20<br />

Species Gallery .............Pair Fare .......... Roy Davidson ........................................................................................22<br />

Symposium Results .............. <strong>Iris</strong> Popularity in '79 ................................................................................................ 27<br />

New RVPs ... Six <strong>of</strong> Ten New Regional Leaders .................................................................................................... 38<br />

Canadian Floralies ... First in North America. 50<br />

New Members ..............July to December 1979 .....................................................................................................51<br />

1979 Winners ............. Membership Contest .......................................................................................................... 54<br />

Denver '82 ............ Guest Request .... ..................................................................................................................... 55<br />

1980 Approved Affiliates ..................List .............................................................................................................. 56<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .......................................................... 4 Domestic News 41<br />

International News .................................................... 16 Flightlines ................................................................ 43<br />

Gleanings .................................................................. 30 AIS Library ...............................................................47<br />

Youthviews ............................................................... 35 Advertising Rates ......................................................57<br />

Gifts to AIS. 37 Editor's Notebook .....................................................58<br />

Advertisers<br />

Avonbank <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens 59 Maple Tree Gardens 75<br />

Blodgett <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens 8 I McClure, W. E. 82<br />

Boswell <strong>Iris</strong> Garden 86 Melrose Gardens 69<br />

Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 77 Miller, Bernice 71<br />

Burch <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens. 64 Minnick's Garden 78<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> (Niswonger) 67 Mission Bell (Hamblen) 60<br />

Come 'N' Look (Vallette) 87 Moores, Walter 79<br />

Cooley's 48 Mount Clare (Danielson) 72<br />

Cottage Garden 66 Pacific Coast (Williamson) 49<br />

Corlew, Glenn Cover 3 Palmer, Cleo 78<br />

Cromwell. C. A. 95 Paw Paw Everlas! Label 73<br />

D. & J. Gardens 82 Peterson, Les 84<br />

Dennis, Paul 86 Riverdale <strong>Iris</strong> 68<br />

Dunn. Mary & Bob 82 Roderick <strong>Iris</strong> 76<br />

Dunderman, Mary Louise 84 Saia, Joe 8 I<br />

Echo Hill (D. Palmer) 65 Saxton, Donald 75<br />

Foster. Frank 73 Schreiner's Cover 2<br />

Gene & Gerry's Gardens 79 Schultz Co. 42,46<br />

Griffin. John E. 80 Sexton. Neva . 78<br />

Hamner's <strong>Iris</strong> 88 Shoop, George 77<br />

Hazzard, A. H. 83 Slade <strong>Iris</strong> Garden 88<br />

Henderson, Dr. Norlan 61 Smith, R. G. 63<br />

Innerst, Sterling 70 Spahn. Fred 85<br />

Jones, Bennett C. 80 Spence, Herbert 75<br />

Kegerise, Evelyn 85 Tolman. Bion 83<br />

Keppel, Keith 87 Varner, Steve 62, Cover 4<br />

LaCresta Gardens 85 Wethersfield <strong>Iris</strong> (Gadd) 74<br />

Lankow, Carol & George 76 Wirz. Alfred 8 I<br />

Luihn's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden 74<br />

Cover: Larry Harder's photograph <strong>of</strong> LEMON MIST demonstrates its elegant warmth that placed Nathan<br />

Rudolph's creation as first runner-up in the Dykes Medal balloting in both '78 and '79.<br />


#238 July 1980<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ........ .............................................................................................. 2<br />

Borers in Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es ......... Helen Tarr ........................................................................... 5<br />

Borer Survey ......... Betty Wood ...........................................................................................11<br />

Miniature Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong>es ...........David Sindt .......................................................................... 13<br />

Beardless Auction ..........Ainie Busse ................................................................................... 18<br />

OK Was More Than Okay ............. Reviewers ..................................................................... 21<br />

Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting .............. Carol Ramsey ............................................. 50<br />

Our Readers Write ...........Janice Badger ........ ..................................................................... 55<br />

Our Readers Write ...........Allen Harper ......... ..................................................................... 57<br />

Youth Show Awards ......... Jim Copeland ..... ..................................................................... 64<br />

Soil Conditioning ........... Dr. C. Williamson . ..................................................................... 70<br />

Additional Affiliates ...................... ................. ..................................................................... 83<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................4 Membership Rates ................................... 69<br />

AIS Library ...............................................49 Bulletin Deadlines ................................... 72<br />

Youthviews .............................................. 61 Domestic News ........................................ 73<br />

Editor's Notebook .....................................63 Flightlines ................................................ 75<br />

International News ...................................65 Commercial Directory ..............................90<br />

Contributions ............................................68 Advertising Rates .....................................96<br />

Photo Credits<br />

M. Anning-p. 60 upper right; W. E. Barr-22 left, 26 upper left & two lower, 28 upper left, 35<br />

right, 37 lower, 44 lower, 45 both left, 46 left, 67 right; A. Dasch-22 right, 26 upper right, 28<br />

lower left, 30 right, 33, 34, 35 left, 36, 40, 43 upper, 43 lower left, 47, 48 upper left, lower<br />

right; R. Figge-28 lower right, 30 left, 37 top, 41 both, 42 lower, 45 top right, 46 right, 48<br />

lower left, 67 left; Gilliam-62; Mrs. R. MiIler- 1 1 upper and center left; R. Roytos-44 upper<br />

pair; J. Wadekamper-39 both; G. Waters-21, 28 upper left, 42 top, 43 lower right, 45 lower,<br />

front cover; L. Welsh-28 top right, 60 left and below; B. Wood-IO three lower, 12.<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bush ..........................................................86 Powell ...................................................... 85<br />

C & M H Designs .....................................74 Redenbo ................................................... 84<br />

Conningham/Paolucci ............................. 87 Rialto (Weiler) ......................................... 88<br />

Cresent (Drake) .. 86 Schultz Fertilizer 81,85<br />

McEwen ................................................... 89 Solomon ................................................... 85<br />

Paw Paw Labels ....................................... 86 Stahly ............................................................. 84<br />

Cover: Median irises bloomed beautifully in the Maltsberger·Mullin Garden in Pawnee<br />

Oklahoma during the AlS National Convention. Photo- W. George Waters.

#239 October 1980<br />

1980 Awards ............Exciting results .......................................................................................<br />

5<br />

A Salute ............................................ ...................................................................................15<br />

Hybridizing IBs ........ Theories .........Carol Lankow 17<br />

Convention 81 . Previews ................. Orville Dickhaut ........................................................ 23<br />

Ketchem Garden .......... Past & future ........ Mrs. Robert Carney ........................................31<br />

Bloomin' Remembrances ............AIS Memoirs .. Larry Gaulter .......................................... 35<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Virginia .........Varietal critiques .......... Fred Stephenson ...................................... 4 I<br />

Wood Ash .. Science and culture .. O.M. Otte ...................................................................... 46<br />

]980 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................ ........................................................................ 55<br />

Highs and Lows ..........Growing in NJ ......... Franklin Carr ................................................. 56<br />

Varietal Comments ........... Oklahoma Hosts Report ............................................................ 58<br />

Additional Affiliates ......... .................................................................................................... 83<br />

Congratulations .......... Winners abroad. 84<br />

New Members ............ .......................................................................................................... 85<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................4 Exhibition Supplies .................................. 68<br />

Gifts to AlS ...............................................16 Domestic News 70<br />

AIS Library ...............................................22 International News .................................. 73<br />

Affiliation .................................................34 Youth Views .............................................80<br />

Directory ...................................................57 Editor's Notebook .................................... 82<br />

Photo Credits<br />

R. Bohrer-p. 29, all; J. Boushay-7, lower rt.; H. Briscoe-7, lower left; H. Danielson-<br />

9, both rt.; A. Dasch-5 mid & lower; R. Dasch-8, top 3 & low rt.; F. Gaulter-36; M.<br />

Hamblen-7 top rt. & 10 both; J. Martin-32; Melrose Gardens-9 top left; C.<br />

McEwen-8 lower left & ] 4 left; D. Niswonger-14 rt.; J. Scharff-30 all; D. Sindt-7<br />

top left; Summerville N.C. Journal-71; L. Welsh-] 5; B. Williamson-5 top; Jos.<br />

Witt-45.<br />

Advertisers<br />

AIS Pin ....................................................... 2 Advertising Rates .....................................96<br />

Schultz ................................................ 77, 78 Melrose Gardens ....................... Back Cover<br />

Commercial Director ........................... 90-96<br />

Cover: The brilliance <strong>of</strong> autumn appears in our October cover subject, the spuria iris<br />

variety IMPERIAL BRONZE. Created by Eleanor McCown and introduced in 1971. it won<br />

the Eric Nies Award in 1975. Photo by Philip Edinger.

#240 January 1981<br />

Symposium Results ................................................................................................................. 7<br />

Borer Survey Preliminary Results .. Betty Wood ................................................................ 10<br />

HC Winners .............................. ............................................................................................14<br />

After the Rainbow Fades ..........Dr. C. Williamson .............................................................. 17<br />

Vienna Competition Results ..... ........................................................................................... 18<br />

Exhibition Reports .................... ............................................................................................ 20<br />

Exhibition Certificates .............. ............................................................................................27<br />

Convention 81i .........James Morris ...................................................................................... 29<br />

Arils, the Mystique ......... Sharon McAllister ....................................................................... 36<br />

Detective Work ............... ...................................................................................................... 40<br />

New Membership Campaign ................................................................................................. 47<br />

How to Register & Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> ..................................................................................... 52<br />

Our Readers Write ..........W. E. Ouweneel ........................................................................... 53<br />

AIS Judges ...................... ...................................................................................................... 60<br />

Regular Features<br />

Annual Statement .......................................4 Library ..................................................... 45<br />

President's Desk ..........................................5 Youthviews .............................................. 50<br />

Bulletin Ad Rates .......................................6 Domestic News ........................................ 55<br />

Section Rates ............................................16 International News ........................................ 57<br />

Editor's Notebook .....................................35 Approved Affiliates ................................. 59<br />

Membership Rates ....................................35 Contributions ........................................... 71<br />

Flightlines .................................................42 Minutes .................................................... 72<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bay View ......................................... Cover 4 McGarvey ................................................ 87<br />

B.I.S .......................................................... 89 Randolph ..................................................86<br />

Campbell .................................................. 56 Robinson .................................................. 83<br />

Commercial Directory .........................90-95 Rudolph ...........................................Cover 3<br />

Corlew ......................................................51 Schultz .................................................88,89<br />

Cottage ...................................................... 48 Seminar ....................................................89<br />

Hamblen ................................................... 85 Skyline .............................................Cover 2<br />

Harper ....................................................... 70 Willott ............................................................88<br />

Keppel ........................................ 46,49,84<br />

Cover: Mystique, hybridized by Joseph Ghio, shows the style that captured the 1980 Dykes<br />

Memorial Medal. Photo by Sidney DuBose.

#241 April 1981<br />

Border Survey Report, Part II Betty Wood .......................................................................................5<br />

Denver Notice to Hybridizers ............. ............................................................................................................9<br />

Species Gallery Roy Davidson ..........................................................................................................10<br />

From Pod to Plant . Margie Robinson .................................................................................................17<br />

Colors and Color Patterns . Norian Henderson ..............................................................................................19<br />

An Evansia Hybrid Roy Davidson ....................................................................................................28<br />

Looking Back to Wear ...... ............................................................................................................................30<br />

Can You Top This . Dr. Irene Van de Water .......................................................................................32<br />

Publicize Your Local Event Robby Browne ..................................................................................................33<br />

Judging Seedlings Dr. H. C. Mohr ...................................................................................................35<br />

Matter <strong>of</strong> Judgment Peg Edwards ....................................................................................................36<br />

Obituary, Orville Fay ............................... .....................................................................................................62<br />

Show & Youth Committee Notice ..................................................................................................................64<br />

Obituary, Guy Rogers ....................................................................................................................................64<br />

Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................................................................................ 65<br />

Congratulations, Membership Contest Winners ........................................................................................... 73<br />

Convention <strong>Iris</strong> Show .................................................................................................................................. 111<br />


President's Desk ..................................................... 4 Library ................................................................. 60<br />

Bulletin Ad Rates ................................................ 16 Contributions ....................................................... 61<br />

Domestic News .. 41 Y outhviews ......................................................... 63<br />

International News .............................................. 44 Editor's Notebook ................................................ 66<br />

Flightlines ........................................................... .48 Approved Affiliates ............................................. 67<br />

Membership Rates ............................................... 53<br />


Avonbank <strong>Iris</strong> (Zurbrigg) .. 99 <strong>Iris</strong> Country (R. Nelson) ...................................... 98<br />

Benson, Cliff ....................................................... 74 Kegerise, Mrs. Richard P .................................. 100<br />

Blodgett <strong>Iris</strong> ......................................................... 89 Keppel, Keith ...................................................... 92<br />

Boswell <strong>Iris</strong> .95 Luihn's <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................... 84<br />

Brenton Point State Park .97 M.A.D. <strong>Iris</strong> (Dunn) .............................................. 99<br />

Brown's Sunnyhill ............................................... 96 Markwardt, Alfred .. 103<br />

Burch <strong>Iris</strong> ............................................................. 75 Maryott, William .Cover 3<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> (Niswonger) ......................................... 78 Melrose Gardens .................................................. 85<br />

Clough, W.H ..................................................... 103 Mission Bell (Hamblen) .104<br />

Collins, J.R ........................................................ 101 Mohr Gardens ............................................. Cover 4<br />

Contemporary ...................................................... 76 Moores, Walter .................................................. 100<br />

Cooley's Gardens .. 59 Morgan, Richard ................................................ 103<br />

Cottage Gardens .. 77 Pacific Coast ..................................................54, 55<br />

Crescent Garden ................................................ 102 Paw Paw Everlast Label ....................................102<br />

o & J Gardens (Meek) ........................................ 97 Peterson, Les ........................................................86<br />

Dunderman, Mary Louise ................................... 91 Powell, Loleta ......................................................94<br />

Echo Hill (D. Palmer) .......................................... 79 Riverdale <strong>Iris</strong> (Hanson) .90<br />

Ensminger, Allan ................................................. 80 Rawdon, Louise .................................................104<br />

For Pleasure (Danielson-Stopani) ....................... 81 Roderick <strong>Iris</strong> .. 87<br />

Gibson <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................... 82 Rowlan, Henry .....................................................92<br />

Griffin, John ........................................................ 90 Royal <strong>Iris</strong> (Johnson) .89<br />

Hamner's <strong>Iris</strong> ....................................................... 93 Schreiner's ... Cover 2<br />

Harper, Brett .. 40 Schultz Company .103,104<br />

Hawkins, Nancy Fish .............................. 56, 57, 58 Sexton, Neva ..................................................... 101<br />

HeIsey, Calvin .....................................................93 Shoop, George ..................................................... 95<br />

Hillcrest <strong>Iris</strong> (Nichols) .......................................102 Spahn, Fred .. 91<br />

Hillview Gardens .................................................40 Vagabond (F. Foster) .......................................... 96<br />

Illini <strong>Iris</strong> (Varner) ................................................88 Wedow <strong>Iris</strong> .......................................................... 94<br />

Innerst, Sterling .83 Wethersfield <strong>Iris</strong> (Gadd) .98<br />

Cover: LOUD MOUTH. hybridized by Jonnye Rich, shouts for attention as a dynamic, globular 10"<br />

arilmed <strong>of</strong> half Onco lineage and winner <strong>of</strong> the CG. White Award in 1976. Photo by<br />

Keith Keppel.

#242 July 1981<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ...................... ................................................................................2<br />

And We Met Them in St. Louis .............Reviewers ..............................................................5<br />

More Borer Thoughts ...........Reprint, Orville Fay ...............................................................28<br />

Congratulations .................... ................................................................................................30<br />

Familiar Faces Accepting Major Awards ..............................................................................31<br />

Special Awards Presented .....................................................................................................33<br />

Popular Vote Winners ...........................................................................................................35<br />

Research on Bacterial S<strong>of</strong>t Rot .. Saxton, Sharma, Gashaw ................................................. 38<br />

Obituary, Frank Crouch ........................ ................................................................................ 52<br />

Miscellany ............................................ ................................................................................ 53<br />

Obituary, Arnold Schliefert .................. ................................................................................ 56<br />

Letter from "<strong>Iris</strong> en Provence" .............Pierre Anfosso ........................................................ 57<br />

Pollen Daubers Seminar ....................... ................................................................................ 59<br />

Invitation for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................... ................................................................................ 74<br />

Contributions to AIS Foundation ......... ................................................................................ 75<br />

Beauties in a Box .........Nicholson ....... ................................................................................ 77<br />

Photo Credits ............... ........................ ................................................................................ 79<br />

Obituary, Glenn Hanson ....................... ................................................................................ 80<br />

Understanding pH ...........0. M. Otte .. ................................................................................ 81<br />

Our Readers Write .......... Georjean McLaren ...................................................................... 83<br />

Conventional Humor ...... ...................................................................................................... 84<br />

Our Readers Write ...........Cecil Wadleigh ........................................................................... 85<br />


President's Desk ..........................................4 Flightlines ......................................................61<br />

Library .................................................... .46 Youth Views .................................................. 67<br />

International News ...................................47 Editor'sNotebook ...........................................71<br />

Domestic News .........................................51 Membership Rates .........................................78<br />

Slides ........................................................60 Contributions .................................................79<br />


F. Crandall ........................ 89 Mrs. Kegerise .....................88 Seaways .............................. 87<br />

C. A. Cromwell ................ 89 Paw Paw Labels ...................... .45 D. Sindt ..........................86<br />

Ench. Rainbow ................. 88 Saxton .................................86 TowPath ..............................66<br />

Varigay .......................Cover4 Schultz Fert ................78, 88 West .....................................86<br />

Cover: The popular Award <strong>of</strong> Merit recipient BLUE LUSTER at home in Brown's Sunnyhill<br />

Garden, photo by originator, Opal Brown, 1973

#243 October 1981<br />

1981 Awards .................................................................................. . ................................5<br />

HybridizingMemories ........................................ W. B. Schortman ..............................25<br />

The Name Game .................................................D. Willott. .......... ..............................31<br />

AConventionalInvitation .......................................... AnneJohnson ..............................32<br />

Report from Colorado Springs ......................L. Shoemaker ...........H. Kuesel .............37<br />

Experiences with Bacterial S<strong>of</strong>t Rot ..................................R. Browne ..........................40<br />

St. Louis Favorites .............................................................................. ...........................45<br />

Faux Pas I Have Made .....................................1. Van de Water ....................................46<br />

Pod Appreciation .............................................M. Wilkins ...........................................47<br />

Obituary, Eugene Hunt. ................................... ..............................................................69<br />

W. B. Schortman .......................... ..............................................................77<br />

C. R. Minnick .............................. ..............................................................79<br />

Recruit AIS Members ............................................. J. Burch ........................................80<br />

Minutes, May 12 & 13 .......................................... C. Ramsey ......................................83<br />


President's Desk .................. ...................4 AISAffiliates ............................................. 55<br />

Slides ................................... .................24 International News .................................... 56<br />

Gifts to AIS ......................... .................29 Youth Views ............................................. 64<br />

Membership rates ................ .................30 Library ...................................................... 68<br />

Hybridizers' Notice ............., ............. .43 Flightlines .................................................. 70<br />

Moving ................................ ............... .44 Editor's Notebook ...................................... 78<br />

Domestic News ................... .................52 Advertising Rates ...................................... 95<br />


Arnold Art .................................. Cover 3 Schultz .................................................. 63, 77<br />

Charjoy ....................................... Cover 4 Shook ..........................................................81<br />

4-Square ..................................... Cover 2 <strong>Society</strong>, Louisianas .....................................69<br />

Micr<strong>of</strong>orm ............................................ 82 Commercial Directory ...............................89<br />


M. Anning-6, 7 lower, 9 lower 18 both 16 lower both, 18 lower left<br />

H. Danielson- 13 lower G. Corlew-9 top, 12 alL 14 top, 15 top<br />

H. Kuesel-39 S. DuBose- 7 top<br />

T. Magee- 33, 34 all, 36 all C. McEwen-14 lower left, 16 top<br />

B. Osborne- 17, 18 lower right, 44 H. Metcalf- 28<br />

S. Tyler- 54 L. Shoemaker- 35 both<br />

M.Welsh- 8 top, 11 lower, 13 both D. Willott- 8 lower, 10 both, 11 top,<br />

top, 14 lower right, 15 lower left, 15 lower right<br />

COVER: This year's Dykes Medalist BROWN LASSO. (Buckles-Niswonger), a border<br />

bearded proved that an outstanding iris <strong>of</strong> any classification can triumph. Its<br />

luscious tones and crisp form were photographed by Philip Edinger.

#244 January 1982<br />

1982 Symposium Results 7<br />

Border Patrol Jubilant Philip Edinger 10<br />

Through Different Eyes Perry Dyer 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>time in the Rockies Harlan Clark 18<br />

Rendezvous '82-Annual Convention 20<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Flowers with Multiple Parts Beyond the Normal<br />

Sequence <strong>of</strong> Threes W. L. Ackerman and Margot Williams 22<br />

HC Winners 28<br />

Exhibition Reports ...................................................................................................31<br />

Exhibition Certificates 38<br />

The Moth Trap Ruth Schulz 42<br />

Awards in Vienna .................................................................................................... 50<br />

AIS Judges 52<br />

Regular Features<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership 4 International News 47<br />

President's Desk. 5 Approved Affiliates 63<br />

AIS Sales Items 17 Minutes 64<br />

Show Supplies. 40 Youth 77<br />

Editor's Blues 43 Contributions 78<br />

Flightlines .. 44 In Memoriam. 81<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bay View Cover 4 Keppel .49,84<br />

Bellagamba . 89 Klehm (Rudolph) Cover 3, 85<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 6 McGarvey. 86<br />

Commercial Directory 90-95 Nelson, R. 89<br />

Corlew 51 Pacific Coast Hyb .. 46,87<br />

Cottage 48 Scheve 88<br />

Flanagan 89 Schultz 80,89<br />

Gartman 76 Sooner State. 9<br />

Gibson 82 Varigay ... Cover 2<br />

Hamblen 83<br />

Cover: Memories <strong>of</strong> the St. Louis convention live on, assisted by this shot <strong>of</strong> the irises at<br />

the Missouri Botanic Garden. Visible in the background is the famous Climatron.<br />

Photo by W. George Waters.

#245 April 1982<br />

Denver Rendezvous '82 ....................Tom Magee 6 Cold Climate Rebloomers ................Earl E. Hall 22<br />

Meet the New RVPs ..............................................8 Judging Reblooming<br />

Jaymie Heathcock Appointed <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................Walter A. Moores 24<br />

Publication Sales Director ..............................12 Cross-Country Comments:<br />

Burch is New Membership Secretary .................14 1981 Rebloom ........................Lloyd Zurbrigg 25<br />

Our New Treasurer: Sunbelt, U.S.A .. Myrna Pollock 28<br />

Francesca Thoolen .........................................16 The Track Record <strong>of</strong> Recent<br />

Distinguished Service Medals Dykes Medalists .......................Ron Thoman 30<br />

Awarded .........................................................17 pH Studies with Tall Bearded<br />

New Board Members ..........................................18 <strong>Iris</strong> ......................... Hurley, Einert, & Hileman 32<br />

Editorial Staff Changes .......................................19 Box Score- ......................... Elsiemae Nicholson 38<br />

Ben Hager Awarded Foster Notice to Affiliates ....................Dorothy Howard 58<br />

Memorial Plaque ............................................20 Approved Affiliates ..............................................59<br />

Regular Features<br />

Advertising Rates ..................................................4 nternational News ..............................................49<br />

Editor's Page .........................................................4 Youth Views ........................................................53<br />

President's Desk ...................................................5 Membership Contest Winners .. 55<br />

AIS Sales Items .13,68 In Memoriam .......................................................62<br />

Membership Rates ..............................................15 Elizabeth Jones ..............................................63<br />

Membership Campaign .......................................40 Frank Chowning .............................................63<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 41 Hubert Fischer ................................................64<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Requests .......................................42,43 Gifts to AIS ..........................................................66<br />

Flight Lines ..........................................................44 Domestic News ...................................................67<br />

Advertisers<br />

Albers, Donovan ....................70 Hillcrest <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens Region 12 ...............................15<br />

Avonbank (Zurbrigg) . 69 (Nichols) ............................ 84 Rialto Gardens (Weiler) .........97<br />

Benson, Cliff 70 Hillview Gardens Riverdale <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens<br />

Biodgelliris Gardens .............. 71 (Gartman) .......................... 84 (Hanson) . 96<br />

Boswell <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .71 Innerst, Sterling 85 Robinson, Margie .................. 98<br />

Brown's Sunnyhill .. 72 Kansas Rainbow Garden Roderick <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .98<br />

Burch <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens .................73 (Jeffries) ............................ 86 Rowlan, Henry C ....................99<br />

C & A <strong>Iris</strong> Garden Kegerise, Mrs. Grant 87 Saia, Joe L. ..........................103<br />

(Quadros) ..........................76 Keppel, Keith .. 88 Saxton <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ...............102<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens Koza, Dr. Donald ................. 103 Schreiner's Gardens .. Cover 2<br />

(Niswonger) .......................74 La Cresta Gardens (Anning) 87 Schultz Co .........................72,78<br />

Clough, W. H ..........................83 Long's Gardens ................90,91 Sexton, Neva .......................100<br />

Cooley's Gardens ..................57 Luihn, Walt .. 89 Shamrock <strong>Iris</strong> Garden<br />

Contemporary Gardens MAD. <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens (Dunn) 89 (Mahoney). 100<br />

(P. Dyer) ............................75 Mallory, Robert ......................86 Shoop, George .................... 101<br />

Cromwell, C. A., 11 . 77 Maryolliris Gardens .. Cover 3 Skyline Gardens 101<br />

0& J Gardens (Meek) ............. 78 Melrose Gardens .92 Spahn, Fred E .. 102<br />

Dennis, Paul H ....................... 75 Michel, Leonard ..................... 93 Summit <strong>Iris</strong> (Jorgensen) 88<br />

East Wind Garden (Bausch) 77 Mohr Gardens ............... Cover 4 Tow Path Lane Gardens<br />

Echo Hill Garden Palmer, Cleo .......................... 93 (Waite) .............................103<br />

(D. Palmer) ....................... 79 Paw Paw Everlast Label .. 103 Varigay Gardens<br />

Fuller's Gardens ............... 80,81 Pleasure <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens (Ensminger) 104<br />

Hall's Flower Garden 82 (Danielson) ................... 94,95 Varner, D. Steve .................. 105<br />

Hamner's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden. 83 Powell's Gardens ................... 96 Vander Velde, Roger ............. 79<br />

Helsley, Calvin ................. 56, 82 Region 8. 83 Commercial Directory 106-111<br />

Cover: Opal Brown's QUEEN OF HEARTS, perennial favorite and Dykes runner-up, as photographed by<br />

Glenn Corlew.

#246 July 1982<br />

The Chartreuse Ruffles Story ..................................... Nathan Rudolph. 7<br />

Elmohr Got There First! .............................................. Howard Shockey .. 10<br />

So You Want to Be a Hybridizer ................................. Joe Gatty ...........................11<br />

How They Grow, New Mexico Style ........................... Margaret Dean .................. 13<br />

Median Meanderings .................................................. Maryann Anning ................ 24<br />

Aphids .........................................................................Jean Erickson . 28<br />

Proper Fertilization is More Than a<br />

Pile <strong>of</strong> Manure .. O. M. Otte .. 30<br />

Eileen Allison is New RVP for Region 11 ............................................................... 37<br />

Roots .......................................................................... Keith Keppel 40<br />

Considering a Public Display Garden? .. Michael L. Heger ... 43<br />

Observations on <strong>Iris</strong>es in North-Central Florida .. Hervey Caton. 47<br />

Experimenting with <strong>Iris</strong>es in Florida .. Marjorie Starkey 49<br />

Unique Aspects <strong>of</strong> Judging Species <strong>Iris</strong>es ... Jean G. Witt and<br />

B. LeRoy Davidson ........... 50<br />

Is There a Horticultural Future for I. X Sibosa? .. Robert Egli ................................. 57<br />

Review: The <strong>Iris</strong> (Mathew) .. Roy Davidson ............................................................ 59<br />

Review: The <strong>Iris</strong> (Rodionenko) ................................... Bee Warburton ................. 60<br />

A Few Chirps from the Robin Lady ............................. Jeane Stayer 64<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk 4 In Memoriam ..................................... 75<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................... 38-39 David Lyon ....................................76<br />

International News .............................54 Ethel Ricker ...................................76<br />

Flight Lines ........................................65 Jake Scharff .................................. 77<br />

Domestic News .. 70 Contributions ......................................78<br />

Editor's Page .................................... 71 Advertising Rates ...............................80<br />

Youth Views .......................................72 Membership Rates .............................95<br />

Affiliates .............................................74<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bartlett, Nancy ...................................81 Maple Tree Gardens (Harder) .... 86<br />

Bush, George C ................................ 89 Markwardt, Alfred .. 89<br />

Carr, Franklin E. 73 Maryott's <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens ....................... 85<br />

Commercial Directory ...................90-95 Paw Paw Label Co ............................ 86<br />

Cordon Bleu Farms . Cover, 2, 82 Santa Rosa <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ..................... 88<br />

Eagleville Florist (Williams) .. 83 Schultz Co .........................................89<br />

Fuller's Gardens ... Cover 3 Seaways Garden (McEwen) .87<br />

Granger's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden 84 Sellman's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ........................88<br />

Lyons, D. M .... 82 Vagabond Garden (Foster) .. Cover 4<br />

Cover: International <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens in Florence, Italy. A listing <strong>of</strong> this year's<br />

winners is on Page 55. Color photo by Dr. Federico Strada, reprinted<br />

courtesy <strong>of</strong> the new AIS booklet, <strong>Iris</strong>es for Everyone.

#247 October 1982<br />

1982 AIS Awards 5<br />

Rocky Mountain High 17<br />

Denver Botanic Gardens Elvan Roderick 20<br />

Botanic Garden Post-Script Bill Maryott 22<br />

Long's Gardens Ron Mullin 24<br />

Colorado State University Plantings Dave Niswonger 27<br />

The McCarthy Garden Betty and Jimmy Burch 33<br />

The Wooten Garden Bennett Jones ·35<br />

The Varnum Garden Myrna Pollock 37<br />

Convention Popular Vote Winners 40<br />

The Mary Swords DeBaillon Award Marie Caillet 42<br />

Awards Chart Glenn Corlew 48-49<br />

Plan Now For Boston Shirley Varmette 51<br />

Proper Fertilization is More Than a<br />

Pile <strong>of</strong> Manure (cont'd) 0 M.Otte 53<br />

Gleanings Philip Edinger 59<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk 4 Minutes, Board Meeting 79<br />

AIS Sales Items 39 In Memoriam 84<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: George Shoop 64 Lerton Hooker 84<br />

International News 66 Helen McCaughey 85<br />

Domestic News 68 Henry Sass 86<br />

Youth Views 69 Gifts to AIS 86<br />

Flight Lines 72 Affiliates 87<br />

AIS Slides Rental 78 Membership Rates 94<br />

Advertisers<br />

Boehm Porcelain Cover 2 Schulz Company 71<br />

Commercial Directory 89 Sooner State I ris <strong>Society</strong> 62<br />

Eagleville Florist (Williams) 77 Windberg<br />

Neel, Laurence 58 Galleries Covers 3 and 4, 96<br />

Cover: The 1982 Dykes Medal Winner VANITY, with the Melrose Gardens fields<br />

where it originated as a background. Photo by Sid DuBose.

#248 January 1983<br />

1983 Boston Convention Information. 6-7<br />

Boston Convention, Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Preview .. .Barbara Schmieder,<br />

Marian Schmuhl, Agnes Waite ............................................................................. 9<br />

Organizing a Rhizome Sale .. .Dean Brand 13<br />

Share Your lrising .. .Dr. Candace Williamson-Murdock .. 15<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Midwest ..... Elsie Zuercher ................................................................. 16<br />

1983 Symposium .......... ......................................................................................... 22<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation .25<br />

1982 Awards for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es 27<br />

1982 Exhibitions Committee Report ... Glenn Corlew 28<br />

Exhibition Certificates - 1982 . 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Thoughts from Abroad ..... C.E.C. Bartlett ........................................................ 38<br />

The Mysterious Red Seed .....Jayne Ritchie 41<br />

Review N.Y. Botanical Garden Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Horticulture.<br />

Jean G. Witt. 44<br />

Compilation <strong>of</strong> a Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Checklist ... Charles Fritchie 45<br />

1983 New Membership Campaign 50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Travels ... Currier McEwen 54<br />

AIS Judges - 1983 ... 76<br />


President's Desk 4 Flight Lines 62<br />

Membership Rates 5 Youth Views .66<br />

AIS Sales Items 8 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors 68<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Gordon Plough .. 42 Treasurer's Report .75<br />

The Bulletin Board 47 In Memorium 81<br />

Advertising Rates 47 Ada Buxton. 81<br />

International News ............................ 52 Contributions ... 82<br />

Flashback ......................................... 57 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .. 84<br />

Robin Chirps. 61<br />


Bay View (Ghio) .. Cover 4 Keppel 49, 87<br />

Commercial Directory .90-95 Klehm (Rudolph) Cover 3, 88<br />

Corlew Cover 2 Mission Bell (Hamblen) 89<br />

Cottage. 48 Pacific Coast (Williamson) 51<br />

Gibson 85 Schultz Co. 21<br />

Hillcrest (Nichols) ... 86 Sooner State .87<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Country (Nelson) 46<br />

Cover: Guest irises with the Denver Botanic Gardens Conservatory in the background.<br />

Rendezvous '82 photo contest winner by Donald 0 Roos

#249 April 1983<br />

Gold Medal Awarded to Melba Hamblen. 5<br />

Hybridizers' Medal Awarded to Henry Danielson ........................ ..................... 6<br />

Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Jean Witt. 7<br />

New Board Members 9<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................... ................... 10<br />

An Approach to Breeding Amoena and Bicolour <strong>Iris</strong>es ............... .<br />

Barry Blyth .............................................................................. ................... 16<br />

Boston Convention Information .................................................. ..............22-23<br />

The Capitola Story ........Roy Oliphant ....................................... ................... 24<br />

Labeling the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .... ........................................................ ................... 27<br />

Recycled <strong>Iris</strong> Fibers! ..........Marian Schmuhl ............................. ................... 32<br />

Indianapolis Conventioll - Guest Request ................................... ................... 33<br />

An Alternative to Increased Dues ................................................ ................... 38<br />

Forced Sowing <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Seed .......... Koen Engelen ...................... ................... 48<br />

Northwest Performance .......... Terry Aitken ............................... ................... 55<br />

Publicity, Promotion and Parades ... Elizabeth Brown ................ ................... 60<br />


President's Desk ............................. 4 Membership Rates .............................51<br />

Gleanings .. 34 Youth Views ........................................................................... 52<br />

Robin Chirps ................................. 39 AIS Sales Items ................................. 58<br />

Flight Lines ................................... 40 Approved Affiliates 61<br />

International News ........................ 43 In Memoriam .67<br />

Denkewitz <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................... 43 Bernard Schreiner. 66<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in East Germany. 44 Emma Cook .............................. 67<br />

IGA - Munich. 45 Arthur Hazzard .......................... 68<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Elvan Roderick .46 Gifts to AIS ......................................... 69<br />

• The Bulletin Board. 50 Advertising Rates ............................. 100<br />


Cover: Japanese irises in a Japanese public garden. Photo by Seiko Takuma, from <strong>Iris</strong>es for<br />

Everyone, The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, 1982.

#250 July 1983<br />

White Lightning .................................................. Keith Keppel. 4<br />

AIS Bylaws Approved. 5<br />

Pacific Coast I rises in Gardens. B. Leroy Davidson 6<br />

George Stambach and the <strong>Society</strong> for<br />

Pacific Coast Native <strong>Iris</strong> ................................ R. C. Richards ..............11<br />

PCNs in Minnesota ............................................................ Joan Cooper. 13<br />

Garden Comments ................................................. Lewis Lawyer e1. al. 14<br />

Specific Species: <strong>Iris</strong> Tenax Jean Witt ......................17<br />

Bacterial S<strong>of</strong>t Rot <strong>of</strong> I rises ............................... Jim Browne .................. 22<br />

"American" <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................... ...................................... 23<br />

Recommended for Beginners ........................... ...................................... 24<br />

TheCream<strong>of</strong>theCrop .......................................... KennethH.Mohr ........... 33<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ................................. ...................................... 40<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps ... Harry B. Kuesel ..... 41<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk. 3 Contributions to AISF . 67<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Franklin Carr .. 58 In Memoriam. 69<br />

AIS Sales Items 60 John C. Wister .................. 70,75<br />

International News .61 Flight Lines ................................ 77<br />

Vienna I ris Competition .61 Youth Views. 84<br />

Florence Competition .64 Membership Rates .. 85<br />

Affiliates .66 Advertising Rates ... 96<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Commercial Directory .. 90-96 Schultz Co ................................................89<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> .32 Seaways (McEwen) . 88<br />

Jensen ........................................ 87 Tow Path Lane (Waite) ...................86<br />

Mueller 86 Varigay (Ensminger) ....................................................... Cover 4<br />

Paw Paw .................................................... 86 Wagontrails (Claussen) .. 89<br />

Rowlan ..................................................................................... 87 Wight. 87<br />

Photo Credits<br />

M. Anning: 14, 16,26,36,37. R. Figge: 62. L. Harder: 34. R. Hardy: 19. C. Hauksdottir: 11.<br />

P Mayer: 70. C. Summerfield: 74. R. Tweed: 42-57. J. Vickers: 59.<br />

Cover: WHITE LIGHTNING (Gatty '74). See Story on Page 4. Photo by K. Keppel.<br />

Advertising Directory .............................95<br />

Advertising Rates ................................... 96<br />

Affiliates in April ...................................96<br />

Announcements ...................................... 95<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Address ................................. 98<br />

Commercial Directory .......................... 107<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................. 96<br />

In Memoriam .......................................... 80<br />

ERRATA<br />

BULLETIN 223, October 1976<br />

page 79: the 2nd place winner in the Region 24 Huntsville show<br />

was Amy Craig rather than Sheila Saxton.<br />

Cover Photograph: the popular Siberian EGO (McGarvey 1966), win-<br />

ner <strong>of</strong> the Morgan Award in 1972.<br />

Introductions ................................... 95, 96<br />

Membership Dues ................................. 98<br />

Membership List ................................... 97<br />

Slides ..................................................... 97<br />

Registrations .......................................... 95<br />

Sections ................................................... 1<br />

Youth ..................................................... 74<br />

The color cover, left to right. First row, BLUE SHIMMER (J. Sass '41), BLUE<br />

PETTICOATS (Schreiners '65). Second row, RHAGE8 (Mead-Reidel '34), ECHO ONE<br />

(Schortman '66). Third row, TIFFANY (H. C. Sass '38), CHARMED CIRCLE (Keppel<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #251 Oct 1983<br />

1983AISAwards 4<br />

Boston Convention<br />

Impressions <strong>of</strong> the Boston Convention .......................... Jean Erickson .......................... 16<br />

Convention Awards ........................................................ ................................................. 19<br />

The Waite Garden .......................................................... Ray Blicharz ........................... 22<br />

Stanley Park ................................................................................Catherine Long Gates. 24<br />

The Warburton Garden ................................................... Betty Wood ............................ 26<br />

The Schmuhl Garden ...................................................... Jim Browne ............................ 28<br />

The Hall Garden ............................................................. Jean Quick ............................. 31<br />

The Whitehouse-Shaw Garden ........................................Hooker Nichols. 33<br />

I rises at the Case Estates ............................................... Jane I. Hall ..............................34<br />

The Schmieder Garden ..............................................................Marg and Don Saxton .. 36<br />

To the Evergreen Shore in '84 .............................................. Sigrid Asmus .......................... 37<br />

The 19831ris Season in Virginia ..........................................Fred G. Stephenson ................ 40<br />

The "With-<strong>Iris</strong>" Plants .......................................................... Loleta K. Powell ....................44<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Do Enjoy Companionship-<br />

Other ThanYours .............................................................Loretta Aaron .. 46<br />

Morelris Companions .......................................................... JoeGatty ................................. .49<br />

Arilmeds: Twenty Years <strong>of</strong> Frustration ............................... Jonnye Rich ............................50<br />

Dwarf and Intermediate Notes ............................................. Carl and<br />

LaRue Boswell .................. 54<br />

Looking at Them in the Southern Hemisphere Barry Blyth .................................................. 64<br />

Requirements for Affiliation ................................................................................................. 71<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk. 3 In Memoriam .................................................74<br />

Gleanings ................................................ 55 Edwin Rundlett ...............................................74<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Ron Mullin ......................... 60 Gifts to AIS .................................................... 75<br />

AIS Sales Items ....................................... 62 Photo Credits .................................................. 75<br />

International News .................................. 63 Howto Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ................................... 76<br />

Flight Lines .. 68 Minutes: Board Meeting ....................................77<br />

Youth Views ........................................... 72 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rentals 86<br />

Membership Rates .................................. 73 Advertising Rates ........................................... 96<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Charjoy Gardens ........................... Cover 4 Petasus .............................................................89<br />

Horticulture Magazine ............................ 88 Schultz Co ......................................................87<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Australia .......................... 87 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ............................... 71<br />

Commercial Directory .......................90-96<br />

Cover: RUFFLED BALLET, the 1983 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Keith Keppel.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #252 Jan 1984<br />

1984 Symposium 5<br />

1984 Seattle Convention Information 8<br />

Seattle Preview: Evergreen Shore the Year Before<br />

The Ste. Michelle Winery Sigrid Asmus ... 10<br />

Rhododendron Species Foundation Garden Terry Aitken 12<br />

Notes on the Various Gardens Sigrid Asmus, Paul Black, E. J. Cass, Virginia Del Judge,<br />

Lorena Reid, George Shoop,<br />

Jean Witt 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation, 1983 22<br />

Awards to Japanese I rises, 1983 24<br />

New Membership Campaign .25<br />

Scorch: Mystery Killer at Large Paul Black 32<br />

A Critique on <strong>Iris</strong> Auctions Allen Harper 34<br />

1983 Exhibitions Committee Report Glenn F. Corlew 37<br />

Exhibition Certificates, 1983 44<br />

Robin Directors 56<br />

AIS Judges, 1984 57<br />

About the Bulletins 63<br />

The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation 66<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page 4 In Memoriam 68<br />

AIS Sales Items 21 Jay Ackerman 68<br />

Flashback 26 Forrest McCord 68<br />

The Bulletin Board 47 Treasurer's Report 69<br />

Youth Views 50 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors 70<br />

International News 52 Membership Rates 79<br />

1983 Vienna Competition 54 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership 80<br />

Contributions to AISF 67<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bay View (Ghio) Cover 4 <strong>Iris</strong> Garden Tour (Varnum) 81<br />

Carr 82 Keppel 49, 85<br />

Cherry Lane (Corlew) Cover 2 Klehm (Rudolph) Cover 3, 86<br />

Commercial Directory .89-95 Mission Bell (Hamblen) 87<br />

Cottage 48 Pacific Coast (Williamson) .51<br />

Evergreen Labels 82 Robinson 88<br />

Four-Square 65 Schultz Co. 20<br />

Gibson 83 Sooner State-Seminar 24<br />

Hillcrest (Nichols) 84-85 Varigay (Ensminger) 46<br />

Cover: Pacific Northwest, where irises are grown as row crops. Partial view <strong>of</strong> fields at<br />

Schreiner's Gardens, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Keith Keppel.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #253 April 1984<br />

Seattle Convention Information ........................... ................................................. 5<br />

Novelty <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................Ben R. Hager .......................... 6<br />

Fun and Fantasy ....................................................Allan Ensminger .. 12<br />

Space Age <strong>Iris</strong>es ...................................................James A Mahoney .................18<br />

Seeing Double ......................................................Austin Morgan .......................22<br />

Unwanted Novelties ............................................. Keith Keppel ..........................24<br />

Dorothy Palmer: 1983 Hybridizers' Medal Winner ..............................................27<br />

AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, New Members ................................................................28<br />

1983 Distinguished Service Medal Winners .........................................................30<br />

The Dykes Medal ..................................................................................................34<br />

Australasian Dykes Medal .................................... John 0. Baldwin .. 35<br />

Southern California <strong>Iris</strong> Impressions .................... Dr. Edward Murray ............... 38<br />

Rules for Robin Directors and Members .............. ................................................ 66<br />

Voting for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ..........................................Bobbi Whitehouse ................. 66<br />

Golden State Reunion: Guest Request .................. ............................................... 67<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page .................................. 4 Flight Lines ...........................................56<br />

The Bulletin Board ...........................26 Approved Affiliates ...............................69<br />

AIS Sales Items ................................37 In Memoriam .........................................72<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Barry Blyth ..................50 Cora May Pickard ..................................72<br />

International News ..........................52 Gifts to AIS ...........................................73<br />

Youth Views ..................................... 54 Membership Rates ...............................112<br />

Questions and<br />

Suggestions ................................. 55<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Advertisers .. 68<br />

Cover: In keeping with this issue's Novelty <strong>Iris</strong> theme, some non-conforming tall beardeds<br />

Clockwise, starting at the top; FUNTASTIC, SNOW SPOON, PINK<br />


HOOKS, with UNFURLED FLAG in the center Photo by Melrose Gardens<br />

Photo Credits<br />

J T Aiken, 14 left; M. Anning, 16; l. Blyth, 50, 51; A Ensminger, 14 rt., 15; K.<br />

Keppel, 8 rt., 25,39,40,41,43,48; D. Koza, 9 left; J Mahoney, 19 center left; D.<br />

Meek, 9 rt.; H Rowlan, 19 bottom left; G. Schifferli, 8 left; D. Sindt, 19 rt.; l.<br />

Stayer, 29 rt., 54; G. Waters, 32 rt.; l. Welsh, 32 bot. left.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #254 July 1984<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents .................................................................... ........... 5<br />

Spurias; A Brief History ..................................................Eleanor McCown ........ 10<br />

A Baker's Dozen <strong>of</strong> the Most Popular Spurias ......................................<br />

Floyd Wickenkamp .. 13<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>es in Australia ........................................... Trevor Nottle .................... 14<br />

Spurias in the High Plains ......................................... Harry Kuesel .................... 16<br />

Spurias Do Grow Up North ....................................... Francis Brenner ................ 19<br />

Mustard Seed Fungus in Spuria <strong>Iris</strong> .......................... Ben R. Hager .................... 20<br />

Matching <strong>Iris</strong> to Microclimate ................................... Pan ayot i Callas ............... 24<br />

Show Business ........................................................... Margaret Dean .................. 33<br />

Beginner's Luck: Don't Count on It ........................... Irene OUe ......................... 36<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps (Part II) Harry Kuesel .................................. 47<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ................................. 4 How to Register and Introduce<br />

AIS Sales Items ...............................32 an <strong>Iris</strong> ..................................................... 79<br />

International News ...........................64 Contributions to AISF ........................... 80<br />

Youth Views ....................................67 In Memoriam ......................................... 82<br />

Questions and Suggestions . 68 Thornton Abell ............................. 82<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Kay Nelson ........................ 70 Earl Browder ................................ 82<br />

Advertising Rates ............................ 71 Wilma Greenlee ........................... 83<br />

Robin Directors ................................72 Herbert Parker .............................. 83<br />

Flight Lines ...................................... 73 AIS Affiliates ........................................ 84<br />

Bulletin Board ................................. 78 Membership Rates ................................. 96<br />

Advertisers<br />

B & D Lilies .....................................85 Mueller, A. Theodore ............................ 85<br />

Cordon Bleu Farms ...............Cover 2 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ........................ 86<br />

Dutch Gardens .................................87 Peterson, Les .......................................... 86<br />

Dyer, Floyd ......................................87 Quadros, Carl ......................................... 86<br />

Evergreen Plant Labels ....................85 Schultz Co ............................................. 87<br />

Helsley, Calvin ......................Cover 4 Seaways Gardens (McEwen) 88<br />

Commercial Directory ....................................................89-96<br />

Cover: Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>es growing at Cordon Bleu Farms, San Marcos,<br />

California. Photo by Janice Chesnik.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #255 Oct 1984<br />

1984 AIS Awards .................................................................................................... 4<br />

Seattle, 1984 .......................................................................................................... 20<br />

President's Cup ................................................................................................. 23<br />

Franklin Cook Cup ........................................................................................... 24<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................................................ 24<br />

Rhododendron Species<br />

Foundation Garden ................................ Perry Dyer .................................. 26<br />

Chateau Ste. Michelle ................................ Adele Lawyer ............................. 29<br />

The Hansen Garden .................................... Bill Maryott ................................ 32<br />

The Noyes Garden ...................................... AI Roderick ................................ 34<br />

The Cass Garden ......................................... Bobbie Shepard .......................... 36<br />

The Lankow Garden ................................... Gordon Green ............................. 36<br />

The Fisher Garden ...................................... Hooker Nichols .......................... 38<br />

The Ritchie Garden ..................................... Jean Erickson .............................. 39<br />

Roy Davidson's Woodland Garden Mary Duvall ............................................. 40<br />

The Dexter Garden ..................................... Joe Gatty ..................................... 44<br />

The Brooks Garden ..................................... Eric Tankesley-Clarke ................ 46<br />

The Crandall Garden .................................. Jim Morris .................................. 47<br />

Detecting and Hybridizing With Chimera<br />

and Tetraploid Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es .... Joseph K. Mertzweiller ... 51<br />

Performance <strong>of</strong> Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es in<br />

New Orleans ...............................................Charles Fritchie ..........................55<br />

The Judge, the Apprentice and the Show .............................................................. 60<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page ..................................3 Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Jeane Stayer ........................., 72<br />

AIS Sales Items ............................... 49 Youth Views ......................................., 74<br />

Bulletin Board ................................. 50 Minutes, Board Meeting .......................76<br />

Flashback ........................................ 62 In Memoriam ................................ ........88<br />

Flight Lines ..................................... 67 S. Stillman Berry .......................... ........86<br />

Membership Rates ........................... 69 Gifts to AIS .................................. ..., .. 88<br />

International News .......................... 70 Advertising Rates ......................... ........96<br />

Photo Credits ..................... ........................................................96<br />

Advertisers<br />

Commercial Directory ...............89-96 Schultz Co ..............................................85<br />

Florida <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> .......................... 73 Sloan, Richard J ........................... Cover 4<br />

4-Square .......................................... 73 Wight's <strong>Iris</strong> Delights .............................66<br />

Cover: Roy Davidson's Garden, as seen during the Seattle Convention. Photo by<br />

Merry Haveman.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #256 Jan 1985<br />

Indianapolis Convention Information .....................................................................6<br />

Indianapolis-1985 Convention Gardens . George & Helen Lyford<br />

................... 7<br />

Symposium-1985 ....................................................... ........................................... 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation, 1984 .............. ........................................... 18<br />

Exhibition Certificates Issued During 1984 ............... ........................................... 20<br />

1984 Awards for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................ ........................................... 22<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report for 1984 .................... ........................................... 23<br />

Ethics in Judging ........................................................ ........................................... 30<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Pine Tree State ........................................ Ted White ......................... 33<br />

Convention 84 Medians ............................................. Jim Morris ........................ 39<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Display Garden is Born Again ....................... Mark Dienstbach .............. 43<br />

1985 Membership Contest ......................................... ........................................... 53<br />

AIS Judges-1985 ........................................................ ........................................... 70<br />

Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting-November, 1984 ........................................76<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page .................................. 4 Flight Lines ..........................................62<br />

AIS Sales Items ..................................................... 5 Pr<strong>of</strong>iles: Robert Schreiner .. 66<br />

Slides for Rental ................................................... 13 Questions & Suggestions .. 67<br />

The Bulletin Board ...........................22 Advertising Rates ...................................67<br />

Youth Views ....................................46 Contributions to AISF ............................68<br />

International News ...........................54 In Memoriam .........................................69<br />

Russia-Rodionenko .................... 54 AIS Financial Statement ........................84<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Awards 56 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ................................. 85<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Tour ....................... 57 Membership Rates ................................. 99<br />

Seattle Impressions ..................... 61<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bay View (Ghio) ...................Cover 4 McCord ................................................... 86<br />

Commercial Directory ...............92-99 McGarvey ............................................... 86<br />

Corlew ...................................Cover 2 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ......................... 89<br />

Cottage (McWhirter) ....................... 52 Moonshine (Byers) ................................ 90<br />

Evergreen Labels ............................. 69 Redstone (Kennedy) .............................. 86<br />

4-Square <strong>Iris</strong> .................................... 87 Region 14 .............................................. 87<br />

Gibson ............................................. 88 Schultz Co ............................................. 87<br />

Helsley ....................................................." 50-51 Sooner State-Seminar ...........48<br />

Klehm (Rudolph) .. Cover 3, 91 Varigay (Ensminger) .........................................49<br />

Cover: 1984 Dykes Medal WinnerVICTORIA FALLS. Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />

Schreiner's Gardens.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #257 April 1985<br />

Indianapolis Convention Information ............................................................................. 6<br />

Bee Warburton: AIS Gold Medal Winner ....................................................................... 8<br />

Recollections ....................................................... Bee Warburton ................................. 8<br />

Distinguished Service Medal Goes to Adolph Vogt. .................................................... 13<br />

1984 Hybridizers' Medals: Luihn, Mertzweiller ........................................................... 14<br />

New AIS Directors ........................................................................................................ 16<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ...................................................................................... 17<br />

Show Time .................................................................................................................... 22<br />

America's Most Popular Tall Bearded<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................................... Stanley Coates ................................ 27<br />

Thoughts on the Popularity Poll .......................... Coulson Squires ............................. 29<br />

All This and a Dykes, Too! ................................. Charles M. Zurek ........................... 32<br />

Making That First Cross ...................................... Sharon McAllister. 34<br />

1984 Bloom Report ............................................. Margaret Dean ............................... 38<br />

Fiesta Phoenix-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request ...................... ......................................................... 48<br />

Golden State-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request ......................... ......................................................... 49<br />

Watch That Beard! .............................................. Henry Danielson ............................ 62<br />

1984 Membership Contest Results ...................... ......................................................... 63<br />

Summer Shade ..................................................... ......................................................... 70<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page ..................................... 4 In Memoriam ............................................ 56<br />

AIS Sales Items ......................................5 William Edward Levingston<br />

Advertising Rates ...................................7 Molly Price<br />

Membership Rates ...............................21 Carl Quadros<br />

International News ............................. 43 Gifts to AIS ............................................... 61<br />

1984 Vienna Competition .. 44 Youth Views ......................................................... 64<br />

Bulletin Board .................................... 47 Approved Affiliates, 1985 ........................ 66<br />

Flight Lines .........................................50<br />

List <strong>of</strong> April Advertisers ... 62-63<br />

Cover: Seattle Convention Memories. Visitors viewing the siberians and water irises in<br />

the Davidson garden. Photo by Bettie Osborne.<br />

Additional Photo Credits: Page 8, Bettie Osborne; Page 16 right, Don Koza; Page 51,<br />

Merry Haveman; Page 55, Greg Schifferli; Page 65, Long's <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #258 July 1985<br />

The <strong>Society</strong> for Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es .........................Peg Edwards ................................ 7<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es for Landscape Use .. Ainie Busse ................................................... 9<br />

"Those Blue <strong>Iris</strong>" ............................................. Calvin Helsley .......................... 11<br />

Request for Siberian Guest Plants ................... .....................................................18<br />

Siberian Notes from IIlini <strong>Iris</strong> .........................Steve Varner ...............................20<br />

How to Pollinate Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ......................Bee Warburton ............................23<br />

Update on Tetraploidy in Siberian<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................... Currier McEwen ......................... 26<br />

Hybrids Involving Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ................... Tomas Tamberg .......................... 30<br />

Frills and Furbelows ........................................ Bee Warburton ...........................34<br />

The Morgan Award .........................................Harry Kuesel ...............................37<br />

Hip! Hip! Hooray! for <strong>Historic</strong>al <strong>Iris</strong>es Carolee Clay ...........................................43<br />

Species: The Fallible Concept that<br />

Endures ....................................................... Roy Davidson ............................. 44<br />

An Emerging Pattern: Zonals .......................... Robert Schreiner ........................ 46<br />

Notes on the American Dykes Medal<br />

Winners .......................................................Robert Jensen ....................... 57<br />

Regular Features<br />

AIS Sales Items .................................. 3 Bulletin Board ...................................... 68<br />

President's Page ..................................4 Youth Views .........................................74<br />

International News .......................... 49 Flight Lines ...........................................76<br />

Wisley Trials ............................... 49 Contributions to AISF ...........................84<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Australia ..............50 In Memoriam .........................................85<br />

International Robin News 51 Eva Smith .......................................................... 85<br />

Florence Competition ..................52 Affiliates ............................................... 86<br />

The Dykes Medal ........................ 56 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ........................ 87<br />

Advertisers<br />

Membership Rates ..........................96<br />

Avonbank (Zurbrigg) ........................71 McFarlane Designs ............................... 74<br />

Bartlett, Nancy ..................................72 Melrose Gardens .......................... Cover 4<br />

Bush, George C .................................72 Paw Paw Everlast Labels. 74<br />

East Wind Garden (Bausch) 71 Schultz Co ..........................................................70<br />

Evergreen Plant Labels .... 72 Seaways Gardens (McEwen) 73<br />

Commerical Directory ... 88-96<br />

Cover: With this issue's emphasis on siberian irises, it seemed fitting to picture<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> delavayi, from the 40-chromosome subseries Chrysographes. Photo<br />

by Harry Foster, courtesy <strong>of</strong> the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> slide library.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #259 Oct 1985<br />

1985 AIS Awards ............................................ ....................................................... 4<br />

Indianapolis 1985 ............................................ ..................................................... 14<br />

McFadden Garden .......................................Roy Bohrer .................................. 15<br />

Wann Garden ..............................................Melody Wilhoit ........................... 20<br />

Norrick Garden ...........................................Jim and Vera Hummel ................ 24<br />

Clarke Garden .............................................Ainie Busse ................................. 25<br />

Wampler Garden .........................................Bernadine Avent ......................... 27<br />

Stam Garden ................................................Agnes Waite ................................ 30<br />

Winton Garden ............................................Lillian Gristwood ........................ 34<br />

Hobbs Garden .............................................Jayne Ritchie ............................... 35<br />

Zuercher-Soules Garden .............................Jim Browne ................................. 38<br />

Stall cop Garden ..........................................Audrey Machulak .......................41<br />

Favorite Guests and Cup Winners .............. ..................................................... 47<br />

Preview <strong>of</strong> Golden State Reunion ................... Bryce Williamson ....................... 54<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Club Activities .......................................... Michael Moller ........................... 62<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page ................................. 3 In Memoriam ......................................... 79<br />

Photo Credits ................................... 51 Neva Sexton ................................ 76<br />

Bulletin Board ..................................52 Jack Taylor ................................... 79<br />

Advertising Rates ............................ 66 Gifts to AIS ........................................... 79<br />

Flight Lines ...................................... 68 Minutes, AIS Board ............................... 80<br />

Youth Views .................................... 74 Membership Rates ................................. 96<br />

Advertisers<br />

AIS Sales Items ....................... Cover 4<br />

Evergreen labels .............................. 87 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ...................... 51<br />

MacFarlane Designs ........................ 87 Tours and Travel International 67<br />

Schultz Company ............................ 75 Yunker, Nadine .................................... 66<br />

Commercial Directory .... 88-96<br />

Cover: BEVERLY SillS, 1985 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Melrose<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #260 Jan 1986<br />

Special Meeting Notice ............................................................................................ 6<br />

San Jose Convention Registration Information ........................................................ 8<br />

Filoli Estate Tour ................................................................................. .................... 9<br />

Airfare Discount to San Jose ............................................................... .................. 10<br />

Golden State Reunion ...............................................<strong>Iris</strong> Irene Nelson ................. 13<br />

1986 Symposium ................................................................................. .................. 16<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation, 1985 ............................................................ 20<br />

1985 Awards to Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es .......................... .................................................. 21<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report ........................... James G. Burch ........................ 22<br />

1985 Exhibition Certificates ............................... ................................................... 28<br />

Perennials Among the <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................... Barbara Roberts ...................... 31<br />

Romancing the <strong>Iris</strong>es ...........................................Chandler Fulton ...................... 41<br />

AIS Membership ................................................. .................................................. 60<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..................................4 Contributions to AISF ............................63<br />

AIS Sales Items ..................................5 In Memoriam .........................................65<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent ........................... 33 Franz Kurzmann .....................................65<br />

International News ........................... 34 AIS Judges for 1986 ...............................66<br />

Second Tour <strong>of</strong> Japan ................. 35 AIS Financial Statement ........................72<br />

Bulletin Board ................................. 54 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .........................73<br />

Flight Lines ...................................... 55 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors .. 74<br />

Youth Views .................................... 61<br />

Advertisers<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek .................... 53 Melrose .................................................. 84<br />

Bay View (Ghio) ...................Cover 4 Mission Bell (Hamblen) .......................... 85<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ...........................52 Moonshine (Byers) ................................ 86<br />

Cottage (McWhirter) .......................48 Rowlan ................................................... 87<br />

Evergreeen Labels ........................... 15 Schultz Co ............................................. 30<br />

Joe Pye Weed (Warburton) .. 81 Sooner State-Seminar ......................................... 7<br />

Kary (Peterson) ................................80 21 st Century (Spence) Cover 2<br />

Keppel ...................................... 49, 83 Varigay (Ensminger) ......................... 44, 46<br />

Klehm (Rudolph) " Cover 3, 82 Sellman ......................................................... 51,59<br />

Commercial Directory ... 88-95<br />

Cover: In the grey days <strong>of</strong> winter, few sights are more welcome than the bulbous harbingers <strong>of</strong> the<br />

iris season. Here is <strong>Iris</strong> reticulata SPRINGTIME, as photographed by Maureen Foster in her<br />

garden in Wales.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #261 April 1986<br />

1985 Hybridizers' Medals: D, Foster, O. D, Niswonger, , , , , , , , , , , 6<br />

Hilda Crick New Board Member , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9<br />

Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Ben Hager , , , , , 10<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ………….. 1 0<br />

The Vernal <strong>Iris</strong> , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Roy Davidson , , , , , , , , , , 19<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded Update Jean Witt , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 22<br />

Notes on Florence ….. , , Gian Luigi Sani , , , , , , , , , , 29<br />

Foreign Trade …… Keith Keppel , , , , , , , , , , , , 39<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request: Sooner State '88 ………., 49<br />

1986 Membership Contest Rules ….. 50<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps "Harry Kuesel , , , , , , , , , , , , 62<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page … 4 Youth Views , ,, , , , 61 AIS Sales Items……………….5 In<br />

Memoriam, , , ,, ,74 International News ,,,,28 Advertising Rates ' , , , , 74 Flight Lines<br />

….43 Gifts to AIS , , , , , , 75 Bulletin Board …..48 Membership Rates ' , , , 115<br />

Approved Affiliates, , , , , , , , ,51<br />

List <strong>of</strong> April Advertisers , , , , , 73<br />

Cover: A truly American iris-<strong>Iris</strong> verna, photographed in habitat in the Appalachian<br />

Mountains by Leland Welsh, See Roy Davidson's article on this species,<br />

starting on Page 19,<br />


Mary Louise Dunderman, 24; Merry Haveman, 23 top right: Don Koza, 27 bottom<br />

right; Sharon McAllister, 25; Robertson's Photography, 8; Pr<strong>of</strong>. Gian Luigi Sani, 33,<br />

35; Greg Schifferli, 23 bottom left; SenchukCrandall, 16 top right; David Sindt, 23<br />

top left and bottom right; Bob Tweed, 63-71; Jean Witt, 27 top right.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #262 July 1986<br />

Arils and Arilbreds: A Brief History .........................Sharon McAllister .................................6<br />

Awards for Arilbred <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................... Sharon McAllister ..............................11<br />

Glossary <strong>of</strong> Aril Terms ............................................ ............................................................. 17<br />

Understanding Aril Characteristics and<br />

Form ..................................................................... Elm Jensen ........................................ 20<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> Arils and Arilbreds: Getting<br />

Started .................................................................. Sharon McAllister ............................. 27<br />

Culture and Disease Control <strong>of</strong><br />

Arillrises ............................................................... John Holden ....................................... 33<br />

Growing and Breeding Arilbred <strong>Iris</strong>es in<br />

California ............................................................. Ben Hager ..........................................46<br />

Arils and Arilbreds in Southern<br />

New Mexico ......................................................... Luella Danielson ................................. 50<br />

Arillrises in the Ohio River Valley ...........................Sam Norris ..........................................52<br />

Producing Tetraploid Arils .......................................Sam Norris ..........................................56<br />

Judging the English Box ...........................................Stephen Wells .....................................63<br />

Janice Badger to Head Robin Program ..................... .............................................................65<br />

Rating <strong>Iris</strong> Scents ......................................................Louise C. Smith ..................................68<br />

It's a Small <strong>Iris</strong> World ...............................................Raymond J. Blicharz ...........................74<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page .......................................... 4 In Memoriam ...........................................81<br />

AIS Sales Items ......................................... 32 William G. McGarvey. 79<br />

Flight Lines ............................................... 66 Contributions to AIS<br />

International News ................................... 72 Foundation 82<br />

Youth Views ............................................. 76 Advertising Rates. 84<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> .... 78 Membership Rates ..... 95<br />

Advertisers<br />

Allen, J. R .................................................84 <strong>Iris</strong> Pond (Mahan) ...........................................86<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> (Niswonger) ..............................86 Markham, Lynn ..............................................75<br />

Celestial (Stadler) .....................................85 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ................................86<br />

Cherry Lane (Corlew) ................... Cover 2 Roderick <strong>Iris</strong> .....................................................77<br />

Evergreen Labels ......................................77 Schultz Co .......................................................75<br />

Graphic Arts Group ....................... Cover 4 Shepard <strong>Iris</strong> .......................................................85<br />

Greenleaf Commercial Directory ...................................................................................... 87-95<br />

Technologies .............................Cover 3<br />

Photo Credits<br />

Larry Harder, p. 79; Elm Jensen, pp. 20-26; Melrose Gardens, p. 14; Rainbow Hybridizing<br />

Gardens, p. 9; Leland Welsh, p. 15. Drawings on pp. 17 and 19 are by Doris Foster.<br />

Cover: The oncocyclus species <strong>Iris</strong> samariae, as photographed by Virginia Ross. Use <strong>of</strong><br />

separation courtesy <strong>of</strong> Pacific Horticulture.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #263 Oct 1986<br />

1986 AIS Awards .....................................................................................................................6<br />

Golden State Reunion<br />

San Jose, 1986 ............................................... ...... Ronn Dunn .........................................17<br />

Melrose Gardens ........................................... ......Perry Dyer .......................................... 19<br />

Keppel-Gatty Garden .................................... ......Everette Lineberger ............................ 27<br />

Bay View Gardens ......................................... ..... Jean Morris ......................................... 30<br />

Coleman Garden ............................................ ..... Carol Lankow .....................................34<br />

Dabel Garden ................................................. .....Jess Quintana, Roy Krug ....................40<br />

Maryott Garden .............................................. ....... Terry Aitken ................................... 44<br />

Petermeier Garden .......................................... .... Sigrid Asmus, Greg Hastings. 48<br />

Williamson Garden ......................................... .... Mary Bruner .......................................50<br />

Convention Cup Winners ..............................." ... .............................................................53<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................... .... .............................................................54<br />

1987 Phoenix Convention Registration<br />

Information .................................................... " .. ............................................................. 56<br />

Fiesta Phoenix '87 ................................................. ... Carroll Elmore ....................................60<br />

Progressive Attitudes in Judging .......................... ...Brian Clough ..................................... 64<br />

Computers in <strong>Iris</strong>dom ........................................... ...Stephen Wells .................................... 67<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page ......................................... 3 International News .........................................78<br />

Slides for Rent ............................................5 1986 Awards, Florence ....................... 79<br />

Bulletin Board ...........................................70 1985 Awards, Vienna .......................... 80<br />

Advertising Rates ............................... 70 Board Minutes, April 1986 ............................80<br />

Membership Rates ................................... 72 In Memoriam ................................................86<br />

Youth Views ............................................73 Gifts to AIS ..................................................86<br />

Flight Lines ...................................." 74 Photo Credits ................................................ 96<br />

Advertisers<br />

Burrows, Nancy ........................................72 <strong>Society</strong> for Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................... 4<br />

Evergreen Labels ......................................66 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> .................................. 4<br />

Schultz Co ............................................... 77 Commercial Directory ..............................88-96<br />

Cover: SONG OF NORWAY, 1986 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Keppel.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #264 Jan 1987<br />

Fiesta Phoenix '87 - Registration Information ..........................................................................6<br />

Gardens (and Gardeners) <strong>of</strong> Fiesta Phoenix '87. Carroll Elmore .............................................9<br />

Presby Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens ................................................. Fred L. Harvey ....................14<br />

1987 Symposium ..................................................................... ..............................................18<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation, 1986 ............................. ..............................................22<br />

1986 Awards for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................. ..............................................23<br />

Embryo Culture <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ...........................................John Holden .........................24<br />

Down with Squinting ............................................................... Rosalie Yerkes Figge . 36<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report for 1986 .................................James G. Burch ....................38<br />

Exhibition Certificates, 1986 ................................................... ..............................................44<br />

Fabulous Foetidissima ............................................................. Cy Bartlett. ..........................55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> tenuis: Unique Oregon Endemic ....................................... Roy Davidson ......................64<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ......................................... 4 Membership Rates .........................................69<br />

Youth Views ............................................46 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 70<br />

International News ..................................48 In Memoriam ................................................. 71<br />

AIS Sales Items .......................................54 AIS Judges, 1987 ............................................72<br />

Flight Lines ..............................................59 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ...........................78<br />

Advertising Rates ....................................66 Treasurer's Report. ..........................................88<br />

Bulletin Board .........................................68 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .................................89<br />

Advertisers<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek ............................50 Klehm (Rudolph) .............................Cover 3, 91<br />

Bayview (Ghio) .............................Cover 4 Mission Bell (Hamblen) ...................................92<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ................................... 17 Mueller ...........................................................58<br />

Cherry Lane (Corlew) ...................Cover 2 Pleasure (Danielson) ................................... 94-95<br />

Cottage .....................................................52 Schultz Co .......................................................87<br />

Evergreen Labels .....................................95 Skyline (Wolford) ...........................................93<br />

Hillcrest (Nichols) ............................ 62-63 <strong>Society</strong> for Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................87<br />

Joe Pye Weed ..........................................67 Sooner State I ris <strong>Society</strong> ................................47<br />

Keppel ............................................. 53, 90<br />

Cover: Presby Gardens in bloom. Photo by Fred L. Harvey.<br />

Photo Credits: Hyram Ames-48, 49; Ginny Burton-23; Fred L. Harvey-14, 16, 17; Jean Witt - 66.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #265 April 1987<br />

Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Ronald Mullin ...................................................... 6<br />

1986 Hybridizer's Medal: Jonnye Rich ................................... ............................................... 7<br />

Emma Hobbs New Board Member ......................................... ............................................... 8<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................ ............................................. 10<br />

Remontancy in the <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ................................................Dr. Lloyd Zurbriggl<br />

Bill Maryott .........................16<br />

Tall Bearded Reblooming Symposium-1986 .......................... ..............................................20<br />

The Saga <strong>of</strong> Remontant SOB ..................................................Dr. John Weiler ..................21<br />

Remontant Medians Introduced Before 1980 ......................... ..............................................23<br />

Remontant Medians Introduced Since 1980 ........................... ..............................................25<br />

Reblooming: Species or Clonial Trait? ........................................... William G. McGarvey. 25<br />

Is <strong>Iris</strong> Aphylla Remontant? ...................................................... Bee Warburton ....................28<br />

Everything is Falling into Place ..............................................Allan Ensminger .................31<br />

These Are Different ................................................................. George Shoop ......................33<br />

Use All Of It ...............................................................................................Kathleen Beardsley .............34<br />

Varietal Comments ..................................................................................Bennett C. Jones .. 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> in Pennsylvania ...................................................................................Sterling Innerst .. 37<br />

Bloom Season in the Northwest ..............................................Terry Aitken ....................... 41<br />

Sooner State-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request .............................................. Barbara Thain ......................44<br />

Region 21-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request. . Allan Ensminger ..................44<br />

1987 Membership Contest Rules ............................................ Reverend Everett<br />

Lineberger ...........................49<br />

1986 Membership Contest Report ........................................... Reverend Everett<br />

Lineberger ...........................50<br />

Memphis Area <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request. Marilyn Powell ...........................................55<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Massachusetts-<br />

Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request .............................................................. Lucy Burton ........................ 83<br />

<strong>Society</strong> for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es-Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request. Diana Nicholls ......................................... 101<br />

Regions and Regional Vice Presidents ................................................................................. 112<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .......................................... 4 Youth Views .................................................. 65<br />

Flight Lines ...............................................45 Membership Rates ......................................... 66<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................53 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 67<br />

International News ...................................59 In Memoriam ................................................. 68<br />

Advertising Rates .....................................63 Slides for Rent ............................................. 102<br />

List <strong>of</strong> April Advertisers ... 71<br />

Cover: <strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis growing in the wild in Colorado. Photo by Leland Welsh. Photo Credits:<br />

Maryann Anning -43; James Burke-11, Charles Claussen -13; Allan Ensminger - 32; Margaret Gaines - 11, Emma<br />

Hobbs - 9; Ramona Howard - 13; L<strong>of</strong>ton Photography13; Jess Quintana-13; G. Schifferli -39; Agnes Waite-11;<br />

George Walters- 7; Dr John Weiler - 25; Dorothy Willott - 39; Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg - 11, 17, 18

TABLE OF CONTENTS #266 July 1987<br />

Photo Index . 4<br />

New Publications Sales Director .............................................Jim Rasmusson. 7<br />

Extended Bloom on Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................Terry Aitken 9<br />

Guest Editor .. Terry Aitken. 9<br />

Edo, Higo or Ise? .....................................................................Anna Mae Miller and<br />

Robert Bauer ....................... 10<br />

Color Patterns & Textures in Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es .... Terry Aitken. 13<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Culture. Ben Hager .......................................................................................... 15<br />

Growing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es in Kentucky .....................................Adolph Vogt ....................... 17<br />

Growing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es in an Alkaline<br />

Environment ........................................................................John W Wood ......................18<br />

Influence <strong>of</strong> Pond Culture .......................................................John W Wood ......................19<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es-Ten I Recommend ..........................................Sterling Innerst ....................20<br />

Goals in Hybridizing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ......................................Jonnye Rich .........................22<br />

Hybridizing Directions ............................................................John W Wood ......................24<br />

Tetraploidy in Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es. Dr Currier McEwen ..............................................................25<br />

Exploring the Genetic Variability in Japanese<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es. Dr. W L. Ackerman .. 29<br />

Continuing, Repeat and Re-Bloom. Dr. Currier McEwen ............34<br />

Growing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es from Seed Lorena Reid .........................36<br />

From Pollenation to Bloom in Two Years .......................................................John Coble .. 39<br />

Photo Recording Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Seedlings. Lorena Reid ........................ 41<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es-Problems and Solutions. Ben Hager ...........................42<br />

Japanese Nursery Sells <strong>Iris</strong> Plants in the Spring. Ben Hager .. 45 Companion<br />

Plants Blooming with Japanese<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................................... Anna Mae Miller 46<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Display Gardens. Claire B. Barr 47<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Conventions. John Coble. 49<br />

Arranging with Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es Mrs. Betty Black. 52<br />

Saga School <strong>of</strong> Ikebana. Saga School,<br />

Portland, OR. 53<br />

Sogetsu School <strong>of</strong> Ikebana. Sogetsu School,<br />

Portland, OR .......................54<br />

Ikebana. Sylvia Wong 55<br />

Editors' Robin .......................................................................... Ruth Schulz and<br />

Clarence Mahan ..... 62<br />

Approved Affiliates for 1987 .................................................. James A. Copeland .. 74<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ...........................................5 Youth Views .. 67<br />

Flight Lines ................................................69 Membership Rates ..................................... 7<br />

AIS Sales Items ...........................................8 Contributions to AIS Foundation. 82<br />

International News ....................................65 In Memoriam ........................................... 85<br />

Advertising Rates ......................................63 List <strong>of</strong> July Advertisers ........................... 87

TABLE OF CONTENTS #267 Oct 1987<br />

Growing Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> As a Nursery Robert, Ray and David<br />

Crop ................................................................ Schreiner .......................................4<br />

Live Mulch for <strong>Iris</strong>es ...................................... Lynda S. Miller ...........................10<br />

The Garden at the Pointe Hotel ...................... ......................................................12<br />

Thr Bruner Garden ......................................... Chandler and<br />

Elaine Fulton ..............................13<br />

The Errigo Garden .......................................... John and Evelyn White .. 15<br />

The Johnsen Garden ....................................... John and Lucy Burton .................17<br />

The Kary Garden ............................................ Sterling Innerst ............................19<br />

The Miller Garden ...........................................Barbara Schnieder ...................... 21<br />

The Mosca Garden ......................................... Shirley L. Pope ............................22<br />

The Parrish Garden ..........................................Ethel Baukus ...............................24<br />

The Schumacher Garden .................................Lavone Ney .................................27<br />

The Don & Bobbie Shepard Garden. Mel and Lynn Bausch ................................30<br />

The Solomon Garden .......................................Ruth Wilder ................................33<br />

The Spiess Garden ...........................................Leda Christlieb ............................34<br />

The Wickencamp Garden ................................Bernice Miller .............................36<br />

The Convention Cup Winners ......................... .....................................................38<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................ .....................................................39<br />

Fun-Without <strong>Iris</strong>es-at "Fiesta Phoenix '87" ............................................................. 42,43<br />

1987 AIS Awards ................................................................................................. 44<br />

Sooner State '88 ..................................................................................................... 56<br />

Inthe News ............................................................................................................. 66<br />

International Competition for I rises-Florence, Italy ............................................. 67<br />

Midwest Survival ............................................Mary Ferguson ............................ 68<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> World Revisited .................................Lynn F Markham ....................... 71<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..................................3 Gifts to AIS .......................................... 77<br />

AIS Membership Rates .....................11 Board Minutes, April 1987 .. 78<br />

Round Robin .................................... 59 Advertising Rates .................................. 84<br />

Slides for Rent .......................60 & 61 Photo Credits .......................................... 85<br />

Youth Views .................................... 74 AIS Sales Items ..................................... 86<br />

List <strong>of</strong> October Advertisers .. 75 AIS Display Screen .......................................... 87<br />

Conventions Dates ............................76<br />

Front Cover: Elvan Roderick Garden, Desloge, Missouri. Photo by G. Waters.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #268 Jan 1988<br />

Sooner State '88 Registration Information .............................. ................................................6<br />

A Good Omen ......................................................................... Perry Dyer .............................8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Specifics ........................................................................... Eric Tankesly-Clarke .. 12<br />

1988 Symposium .................................................................... ..............................................25<br />

Fiesta Phoenix-Medians '87 ....................................................Jean Morris ..........................29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es with Alpines in the Rock Garden .................................. Leo Blanchette .....................32<br />

Cannington 1987 ..................................................................... Jennifer Hewitt ....................35<br />

The 1987 Median Season in Massachusetts ........................... Lucy Burton ........................ 39<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation 1987 ............................. ............................................. 41<br />

1987 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ..................................................... .............................................. 44<br />

1958 Symposium <strong>of</strong> the Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> .......................... .............................................. 56<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report for 1987 ..................................Emma Hobbs ....................... 60<br />

State <strong>of</strong> the Art: Median Hybridizing Trends ........................................................................ 66<br />

Pink MTB-Where, oh Where? Not Here! ................................Dorothy Guild .....................71<br />

Having Fun with <strong>Table</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> ..................................................... Terry Varner ........................ 73<br />

MTB Amoena Plicatas .............................................................Lois Kennedy ...................... 89<br />

Exhibition Certificates 1987 .................................................... ............................................. 95<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Page .......................................... 4 Membership Rates ......................................... 54<br />

International News ...................................35 Convention Dates ............................................55<br />

Contributions to AIS AIS Judges 1988 ...................................................................................77<br />

Foundation ..........................................45 Treasurer's Report. ..........................................86<br />

In Memoriam ...........................................46 Round Robin ..................................................91<br />

lIa Crawford ........................................46 Minutes, Bd. <strong>of</strong> Directors ...............................97<br />

Mary Williamson ................................47 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> .................................105<br />

Bernice Roe ........................................48 Advertising Rates .........................................114<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................49 Bulletin Copy Deadlines ...............................114<br />

Youth Views ............................................ 50 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ...............................115<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iles Regions and RVPs ............................................................................................116<br />

Ken & Agnes Waite ........................... 52<br />

Advertisers in this issue ............................................................... 104<br />

Front Cover: Standard dwarf bearded irises growing in Joe Pye Weed's<br />

Garden, Bedford, Massachusetts. Photo by Jan Sacks<br />

Photo Credits:<br />

Pages 14-24-Eric Tankesley-Clarke Pages 55, 67 -Shirley Pope<br />

Pages 40, 53-Marian Schmuhl Page 70-- Ted White<br />

Page 44-Lorena Reid Pages 89-90--L. & G. Kennedy<br />

Page 54-Connie Hall Page 104-Bee Warburton<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #269 Apr 1988<br />

Distinguished Service Medal ................................................... ................................................5<br />

New Directors .......................................................................... ................................................6<br />

In Praise <strong>of</strong> White Swirl ...........................................................Currier McEwen ....................9<br />

New RVPs ................................................................................ .............................................11<br />

Additional Guests for Memphis ............................................... ..............................................15<br />

Prairie in Bloom-1990 Request for Guests ..............................Allan Ensminger ..................16<br />

Announcing the Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Book ....................................... ..............................................18<br />

What's Happening to Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es .....................................Marie Caillet ........................19<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> the Abbeville <strong>Iris</strong>es .....................................................Joe Mertzweiller ..................25<br />

Growing Louisianas in Arizona ...............................................Don Shepard .......................31<br />

Implications for Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es in North Florida. Betsy Smith ............................................32<br />

Award <strong>of</strong> Merit Revelations ....................................................Ken and Agnes Waite. 33<br />

Growing Louisianas .................................................................Mary Dunn ...........................34<br />

Growing Louisianas in the Midwest ........................................Melody Wilhoit ...................37<br />

My Goals in Hybridizing Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ...............................Henry Rowlan ......................44<br />

Growing Louisianas in Southeastern<br />

Pennsylvania ............................................................................Larry Westfall ......................46<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es in Minnesota ..................................................Joan Cooper .........................48<br />

The Louisianas-A Love Story From Maryland ........................Doris Simpson .....................52<br />

1987 Membership Contest Winners ........................................Everette Lineberger .. 55<br />

1988 Membership Contest Rules ............................................. ..............................................56<br />

There Is Hope ...........................................................................Dot Hujsak ...........................65<br />

In The Bud ...............................................................................Oliver Eldridge ....................68<br />

One Fourth Aril Medians-An Open Field ................................Walter Moores .....................69<br />

AIS Calendars, A Review ........................................................Olive Rice ..........................107<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 4 Awards Errata .................................................54<br />

Convention Dates .....................................10 Flightlines .......................................................57<br />

Membership Rates ...................................17 Advertisers ....................................................108<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................42 Commercial Directory ..................................109<br />

In Memoriam ...........................................43 Advertising Rates ..........................................119<br />

Contribution Information .........................43 Slides Rental .................................................119<br />

Gifts to AIS ..............................................50 RVPs .............................................................120<br />

Youth Views ............................................51<br />

Front Cover: MARIE CAILLET (Conger '63) growing in the garden <strong>of</strong> Marie<br />

Caillet, Little Elm, Texas. (Photo by Marie Caillet)<br />

Photo Credits: p. 7 lower left, G. Paul Bishop; p. 11 right, Harry Green; p. 14 lower right,<br />

Robert 0. Johnson; p. 20, 23, 24, 30, Mertzweiller; p. 35, 45, Ron Mullin; p. 39, 41, Melody<br />

Wilhoit; p. 66, 67, Dot Hujsak.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #270 July 1988<br />

Start Something Great in Memphis ............................ , .......... .................................... , ........ 4<br />

Tips for Small-Scale Hybridizers ............ ................... ...........Margie Robinson. 7<br />

Improving <strong>Iris</strong> Seed Germination ............ ..................., Chris Vizvarie .. 8<br />

Breaking the Rules .................................., ........... , .. , ..........Chris Vizvarie ............. ... , . 10<br />

An Amateur Gives Advice .. , .. , .. , Ron Mullin, .. , .. , .. , . 10<br />

100 Years <strong>of</strong> Hybridizing .............................. , ....... . .............Audrey Machulak ............... 12<br />

DC in 91; A Request <strong>of</strong> Guests ..................... ......... . ....................., .. ' .. , ., ...................... 18<br />

Scientific Report ..............................., .......... ........, ......................... , .. Adele lawyer. , . , 19<br />

How Much Would You Pay For <strong>Iris</strong>es .......... ......... ., ...........Chandler Fulton ......... ........ 22<br />

Breakdown <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Registrations .. , ., ...................... . .............Allen Harper .............., ...... 28<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Should Earn the Dykes .................. ............. . ........................................ H. l. Ames .30<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> in the Perennial Border ................, ........... ., ...........Peggy Estes, ................... , .. 35<br />

Stars <strong>of</strong> an Outstanding Season ................. ............. . .............Rachel Drumm .............. , .. 38<br />

Bloom Season in the Tennessee Hills ..................... . .............Phil Williams .......................40<br />

Pacificas From Seed. , ............................................. . ............................. Adele l.awyer .. , . 53<br />

Approved AIS Affiliates for 1988 ........................... . .............................. Jim Copeland .. , .59<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps ........................ . .............Harry Kuesel .......................66<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ............. ...., .............. 3 AIS Sales Items .............................. ..... ....., . 77<br />

In Memoriam ........ ... .......... .... ................ 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides ....................................... ....., .......78<br />

Gifts to AISF ........ ... .......... .... ..............26 Advertising Rates ........................... ........, .. , 78<br />

Youth Views ........ , .. .........., .. ..............29 Commercial Directory ................... , ..............79<br />

Advertisers ............ ..., ........, .. ..............34<br />

Front Cover: On the Cover is the winner <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Award, WHITE<br />

SWIRL, Photo by George Waters.<br />

Photo Credits: Loretta Aaron-page 37. All others unless otherwise designated-Ron<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #271 Oct 1988<br />

1987 AIS Awards .................................................................... ................................................6<br />

Memphis Preview ....................................................................Jim Browne ..........................18<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................................. Lynda Miller ....................... 21<br />

International Competition-Vienna ........................................... ..............................................23<br />

International Competition-Florence ........................................ ..............................................24<br />

Convention Awards ................................................................. ..............................................27<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es-1988 ...................................................... Dorothy Howard ..................28<br />

Sooner State '88<br />

Sooner State '88 .................................................................. Evelyn Jones ........................30<br />

OSU Tech Garden ..............................................................Jim Morris ..........................31<br />

Carol Warner .......................35<br />

Spence Garden ...............................................................................Marg & Don Saxon .. 38<br />

Dean Brand ..........................40<br />

David Ray Hooten .............. 42<br />

Shoemake Garden ...............................................................Ramona Howard ................. 43<br />

Deaton Garden ....................................................................Leda Christlieb ................... 44<br />

Black Garden ......................................................................Bill Rinehart ....................... 45<br />

Carol Lankow ..................... 48<br />

Shelley Garden ....................................................................Audrey Machulak ............... 50<br />

Perkins Garden ....................................................................Mary Ann Collins ............... 53<br />

Ellis Garden ..............................................................................................Agnes Waite .. 55<br />

Cole Garden ........................................................................Dick Pettijohn ..................... 57<br />

Skrapka Garden ...................................................................Betty Jamieson .................... 59<br />

Pappan Garden ....................................................................Lynda Miller .......................61<br />

Clark-Nichols Garden .........................................................Connie Hall ......................... 63<br />

Will Rogers Park Garden ....................................................Larry Harder ....................... 65<br />

Parrish Garden ....................................................................Don Delmez ........................ 68<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board Meeting ..................................................Claire Barr ......................... 81<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ....................................3 Flight Lines .............................................. 75<br />

AIS Slides ...................................................5 Membership Rates ................................... 79<br />

Contributions and Gifts ............................25 AIS sales items ......................................... 80<br />

Gift to AIS ................................................26 Commercial Directory ............................. 86<br />

Editor's page .............................................73 Bulletin Advertising Rates ....................... 96<br />

Youth Views .............................................74 Copy Deadlines ........................................ 96<br />

Advertisers This Issue ..............................74<br />

Photo Credits: Terry Aitken: 16; Paul Black: 12 lower right, 45; Marie Caillet: 7 lower right, 13<br />

center left, 37; C. A. Cromwell: 67; Mary Dunn: S center right, 13 upper right, center right, 41;<br />

Perry Dyer: 7 upper right; Sharon Eisele: 29 top, 34, 56, 64 bottom; Dennis Gates: 73 bottom; Paul<br />

Gossett 47 left, Bonnie Hadaway: 55; Ben Hager: 7 center, S upper left, 12 right center, 13 lower<br />

right; Larry Harder: 5S; Emma Hobbs: 36, 3S, 46, 50, 53, 59, 62, 65 left, Lois Kennedy: S center<br />

left; Keith Keppel: Slower right, 11 upper left, 12 upper left; Don Koza: 4S, 51,52,69 top bottom,<br />

70 bottom, 71 top, center left, 72, top; Bill Maryot!: 11 upper right, 16 upper left; Eleanor<br />

McCown: 7 lower left; Lynda Miller: 16 bottom; Ron Mullin: 11 lower left, 39, 47 right, 54, 60<br />

bottom; Dave Niswonger: S upper right, lower left, 13 lower left; Betty Osborne: 9 upper left;<br />

Melinda Robbins: 2S, 29; Schreiners: 7 upper left, 9 lower left, 11 center right; Larry Stayer: 6S,<br />

69 middle, 70 top, middle, 71 center right, bottom, 72 center, bottom, 73 top; Steve Varner: 12 top<br />

right, Ken Waite: 11 lower right, 12 center left, George Waters: 17, 27; John Weiler: 11 center left;<br />

Bryce Williamson: 9 upper right; Dorothy Williott: 60 top, 63, 64 top, 65 right; Gene Gaddie: 12<br />

lower left.<br />

COVER: TITAN'S GLORY, 1987 Dykes Medal Winner. Photo by Schreiners 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS #272 Jan 1989<br />

Memphis Convention Registration Information ...................... ................................................5<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ............................................................... ................................................9<br />

1989 Symposium ..................................................................... ..............................................10<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es winning HCs in 1988 ..................................................... ..............................................14<br />

AIS Robin Program .................................................................Janice Badger .......................17<br />

Judges Training in January ......................................................Judges' Training<br />

Committee ...........................23<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Culture on the West Coast ................................................. Bill Maryott .........................33<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Culture for Northern Climates ............................Sterling Innerst 33<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es in the South .....................................................James G. Burch ....................37<br />

Tall (Bearded) Tales from Texas .............................................Jim Coward ..........................40<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................................................. Ray John ..............................43<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Time in the Pacific Northwest ...........................................James McWhirter .................47<br />

Loomis Test Garden .................................................................Shelly Moller ......................51<br />

Growing Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Eastern<br />

Seaboard-South ........................................................................ Everette Lineberger . 56<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report. ............................................... Emma Hobbs .......................57<br />

1988 Exhibition Certificates .................................................... ..............................................63<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention ............................................Anna Mae Miller .................67<br />

RHS Wisley Trial Results ........................................................ ..............................................69<br />

Growing Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es in Albuquerque. Howard Shockey ...................................................70<br />

An Amateur Hybridizer's Experiment .....................................Leroy Penrod ...................... 74<br />

Financing the Foundation .. Richard T Pettijohn .............75<br />

Awards <strong>of</strong> the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ............................................ ............................................. 87<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................4 AIS Sales Items ........................................ 78<br />

In Memoriam ............................................16 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ............................ 79<br />

Flightlines .................................................19 Contribution Information ......................... 85<br />

AIS Judges for 1989 .................................26 Contributions to AISF ............................. 86<br />

Youth Views .............................................50 Financial Statement. ................................ 52<br />

AIS Membership Rates .............................77 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .......................... 53<br />

Commercial Directory 96-106 Minutes<br />

<strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting 88<br />


Arilian Acres (Shockey) ..................Cover 2 Median Muster ......................................... 84<br />

Bay View (Ghio) ..............................Cover 4 Mission Bell (Hamblen) .......................... 84<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ....................................49 Pleasure (Danielson) ................................ 82<br />

Cottage (McWhirter) .................................54 Robinson ......................................... Cover 3<br />

Evergreen Labels ..................................... 85 Seaways (McEwen) .. 83<br />

Hillcrest (Nichols) .....................................80 Schultz Plant Food ................................... 85<br />

Keppel .................................................55,81 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ..........................87<br />

McClure Estate .......................................... 9<br />

COVER: Cal-Sibe iris from a cross made by Jean Witt using Ripple Rock X Unknown;<br />

Jean sent the seeds to the Signa Seed Exchange. The seedling was raised by Pat Farmer <strong>of</strong><br />

Tacoma, Washington. It was photographed by George Waters in the Witt garden in Seattle.<br />

Color separations used are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Calendar for 1988.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #273 Apr 1989<br />

1988 Hybridizer's Medal. ........................................................ ................................................6<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ............................................... ................................................8<br />

The Use <strong>of</strong> Vapam in the Garden ........................................... Lewis Lawyer ......................16<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Available .......................................................... ..............................................19<br />

DC in 1991, A Request for Guests ......................................... ..............................................20<br />

A World Without Flowers ......................................................Audrey Machulak ...............21<br />

Preliminary Report on Genetics <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> ...................................................................... Bobby Bennett and<br />

Michael Arnold ....................22<br />

Down Under is Tops ............................................................... Dennis Gates ........................28<br />

Are You a Diletante ................................................................ Florence Stout .....................31<br />

A New <strong>Iris</strong> is Born .................................................................. Mark Dienstbach .................34<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Proliferations .................................................................... Lucy Fry ..............................35<br />

Death <strong>of</strong> a Glamour Queen ..................................................... Bernice Miller .....................36<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong>: A Passport to See the World .................................... Koen Engelen ......................38<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Project ........................................................................ George Gessert ................... 41<br />

Soil, Where Does it Come From and Where<br />

Does it Go ........................................................................... David L. Williams ..............47<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 4 Contribution Information .........................27<br />

In Memoriam ........................................... 26 Contributions to AIS ................................27<br />

Youth Views ............................................ 46 Commercial Directory ...................... 97-107<br />

AIS Sales Items .......................................... 5 Editor's Page .............................................95<br />

Advertizers 96<br />

Photo Credits: Bruce Phillips, 7; Larry Stayer, 11; Koen Engelen, 39, and 40 right;<br />

Lesley Blyth, 40 left.<br />

Front Cover: These irises were photographged by Marie Caillet in her garden at Little<br />

Elm, Texas for The Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, edited by Caillet and Mertzweiller. Color separations<br />

are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Calendar for 1989.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #274 July 1989<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ...................................................... ................................................4<br />

1989 Membership Contest ...................................................... Mary Kearney .......................6<br />

1988 Membership Contest Winners ....................................... ................................................7<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es-1992 Request for Guests .............................. ................................................7<br />

Siberians <strong>Iris</strong>es in Cultivation-A History ................................ Roy Davidson ........................ 9<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Review .................................................................Harry Foster & Jennifer<br />

Hewitt .................................. 12<br />

How and When to Plant Siberian I rises ................................. Anna Mae Miller ................. 18<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es in Oklahoma .....................................................Burdella Rhodes .................. 19<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es at Draycott ........................................................Carol Warner ....................... 26<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Culture in Maine .................................................Shirley Pope ........................ 28<br />

Free Arilbred Seeds .................................................................Lin Flanagan ....................... 29<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es at the Hartford Flower Show ..........................................Ruth Schulz ......................... 30<br />

Growing Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Pacific Northwest Tom & Ellen Abrego .. 32<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Culture in the Carolinas ......................................John W. Wood .................... 36<br />

Approved AIS Affiliates for 1989 ...........................................James Copeland .................. 42<br />

In Quest <strong>of</strong> Fertile Arilmedians ...............................................Sharon McAllister ............... 49<br />

Three Good and Easy American Natives .................................Jean Witt ............................. 53<br />

Growing Siberians in Missouri ................................................Louise Bellagamba .. 59<br />

A Convention Gardener's Memories <strong>of</strong> Guest<br />

Plants ........................................................................................J.D. Spence ..........................60<br />

Prairie in Bloom-A Preview ....................................................Gene Gaddie .63<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Montana .....................................................................Ronn Dunn .64<br />

What About Pollen ...................................................................Dave Niswonger ..................66<br />

Medians Have Merit ................................................................ Ron Mullin ..........................73<br />

Something You Might Want to Try ......................................... ..............................................76<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .......................................... 3 Advertisers This Issue ..............................67<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................... 5 Flight Lines ..............................................68<br />

Youth Views .............................................21 AIS Slides For Rent ..................................72<br />

Contribution Information .......................... 40 From the Editor ........................................76<br />

Contributions to AISF ............................... 40 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ............................77<br />

In Memoriam ............................................ 42 Commercial Directory ..............................78<br />

Photo Credits: Joe Watson-21, Joe Witt-55 right, 56 left, Jean Witt-54, 55 left, 56 right,<br />

57; Ron Mullin-20; Bob Rousseau-29, 30.<br />

Front Cover: Siberian irises thrive along the Maine coast in the garden <strong>of</strong> Currier and<br />

Elisabeth McEwen. w.G. Waters photo.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #275 Oct 1989<br />

1989 AWARDS ............................................ ......................................................................... 5<br />

The Late Show .............................................. Keith Keppel ................................................ 17<br />

Convention Awards ...................................... ........................................................................24<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................... Jim Browne ...................................................25<br />

Miller Garden ................................................ Betty Jamieson ..............................................26<br />

Sowell Garden ............................................... Mary Duvall ..................................................27<br />

Reinke Garden .............................................. Carol Morgan ................................................29<br />

Cherry Garden ............................................... Bill Maryott ...................................................29<br />

Koonce Garden ............................................. Betty Burch ...................................................30<br />

Church Garden .............................................. Joe and Martha Christopher .........................31<br />

Medians at Memphis ......................................Lucy Fry ........................................................33<br />

A Report From New Jersey Ben Watson ...............................................................................36<br />

Ketchum Garden ............................................Bill Rinehart ..................................................43<br />

Phill Williams . 46<br />

Dean Brand ...................................................48<br />

Browne Garden ..............................................Ramona Howard .......................................... 51<br />

Pierce Garden .................................................Dennis and Catherine Gates .. 53<br />

Irene Shockey ...............................................54<br />

Bush Garden ..................................................Jim and Ruth Burke ...................................... 57<br />

Hudson Garden ..............................................Dick Pettijohn ............................................... 59<br />

Median Muster ...............................................Eugene Tremmell ........................................ 61<br />

Median Muster Awards Lucy Burton .................................................. 65<br />

Median Muster. Ethel Baukus ................................................. 66<br />

Gardens <strong>of</strong> Prairie in Bloom Gene Gaddie ................................................. 68<br />

Early Spring Thoughts .. Tom and Ellen Abrego .................................71<br />

International Competition-Florence ............... ....................................................................... 78<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................3 <strong>Iris</strong>es Slides Needed ................................ 75<br />

Advertisers ..................................................3 In Memoriam ..................................... 76, 78<br />

AIS Sales Items ...........................................4 Gifts to AIS ................................................... 77<br />

Youth Views .............................................19 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides to Rent. ................................... 79<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .. 74 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board Meeting .......................80<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................ 74 Commercial Directory ...................................86<br />

Contribution Information ......................... 75<br />

PHOTO CREDITS: Schreiners 6, 7, 8 bottom, 9 middle and bottom, 13 middle; Ben Hager 8 top, 12 top<br />

right; Dave Niswonger 8 left middle, 12 top left and middle left; Terry Aitken 8 right middle, Bettie<br />

Osborne 9 top, 12 bottom; Ron Mullin 10 top, 41 middle & bottom, 42 bottom, 47, 73 top; Paul Black 10<br />

middle; Carl Boswell 10 bottom left, 11 bottom right; Earl Hal110 bottom right; Mary Dunn 11 top;<br />

Henry Rowlan 11 middle left; Calvin Helsley 11 middle right; Dorothy Willott 11 bottom left, 13 top left;<br />

Bob Hollingworth 13 top right; Lu Danielson 13 bottom; Ken Fisher 12 middle right; John Coble 24, 73<br />

bottom; Larry Harder 25; Bill Barr 26,28 top right, 33, 50, 52, 56; Emma Hobbs 28 top, left & bottom,<br />

32, 58, 60; Don Koza 37,38 middle & bottom, 39 top, middle, bottom left, 40 top left, middle right,<br />

bottom; Larry Stayer 38 top, 39 bottom right, 40 top right, middle left, 41 top, 42 top; Lucy Burton 63,<br />

64.<br />

FRONT COVER: A garden <strong>of</strong> tall-bearded iris seedlings is ablaze with color. Photographed by George<br />

Waters, the color separations are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> calendar for 1989.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #276 Jan 1990<br />

Airline Discounts ................................................Jeane Stayer ......................................................... 6<br />

Omaha Registration Information ........................Kay Nelson .......................................................... 7<br />

Omaha-A Rare Treat ...........................................Gene Gaddie ...................................................... 10<br />

Meeting a Friend in Florence ..............................James Rasmussen ............................................... 12<br />

Thoughts, Recollections, and<br />

Comments ...........................................................Joe Gatty ............................................................ 15<br />

A Star is Born .....................................................Anne S. Lowe .................................................... 19<br />

Siberian Progress ................................................D. Steve Varner ................................................. 20<br />

Good Impressions ...............................................Clarence Mahan ................................................. 22<br />

Two Regions Get Together .................................Bill Rinehart ....................................................... 24<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in the Soviet Union .................................. Joe Ghio ............................................................. 25<br />

Exhibitions Committee Report .. Emma Hobbs .............................................................................. 26<br />

1989 Exhibition Certificates ............................... ............................................................................ 34<br />

Beautiful Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es .....................................Rosalie Yerkes Figge ......................................... 36<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es Winning High Commendation in 1989 .................................................................................. 37<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards/Payne Award .................... ............................................................................38<br />

The Pick <strong>of</strong> the Littles .........................................Paul Black ..........................................................39<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es-Recommendations for<br />

the Garden ...........................................................Diana Nicholls ...................................................40<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es 1989 ...........................................Shirley Paquet ................................................... 41<br />

Royal Horticultural <strong>Society</strong> AwardslWisley ...... ............................................................................49<br />

1990 Symposium ................................................Ken and Agnes Waite ........................................50<br />

Making Wise Selections .. Margie Robinson ..................................................................................54<br />

Report from the Tall Bearded Robin<br />

Chairman ............................................................ Libby A. Cross ...................................................56<br />

Perspectives <strong>of</strong> a New Member ......................... Gwen Baggett .....................................................57<br />

Collecting Wild <strong>Iris</strong> in China ............................. Dr. James W. Waddick ......................................63<br />

Dr. Waddick in China ........................................ George Waters ....................................................79<br />

A Myth: Vitamin B-1 as a<br />

Transplant Aid ............................................... Adele S. Lawyer ................................................84<br />

Rare <strong>Iris</strong>es Among Those on Threatened<br />

List ..................................................................... Martha Makholm ................................................85<br />

1990 Membership Contest ................................. Lucy Fry .............................................................87<br />

First SPCNI Spring Expedition ......................... Adele S. Lawyer .................................................89<br />

An Issue: Why The Rush? ................................. Clarence Mahan .................................................94<br />

R~gular Features<br />

President's Desk .............................................. 4 In Memoriam ................................................83<br />

Membership Rates .......................................... 5 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors .........................96<br />

AIS Judges, 1990 .......................................... 43 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ............................. 101<br />

Youth Views ................................................. 55 AIS Financial Statement .............................102<br />

Contributions to AISF ...................................81 Commercial Directory ................................109<br />

Contribution Information .............................. 82 Advertising Rates ........................................119<br />

Advertisers This Issue:<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek ................................. 62 Keppel ................................................... 61,103<br />

Arilian Acres (Shockey) .....................Cover 2, Klehm ...................................................Cover 3<br />

104 John R. Knaus ............................................ 107<br />

Bay View (Ghio) .................................. Cover 4 1990 Convention ............................................ 9<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ......................................108 Region 7 ..................................................... 108<br />

Celestial Gardens (Stadler) ...........................59 Seaways & Pope Perennials ....................... 105<br />

Cottage Gardens (McWhirter) ......................60 Schultz Company ......................................... 83<br />

Hillcrest (Nichols) ..............................106, 107 Sooner State ............................................... 107<br />

Photo Credits: James Rasmussen 14: Dr. James Waddick 71, 72, 75: George Shoop 80:<br />

Adele Lawyer 90, 92, 94.<br />

FRONT COVER: Ted Kipping photographed <strong>Iris</strong> bracteata growing amid wild phlox in the<br />

Siskiyou Mountains <strong>of</strong> southern Oregon. Color separations are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the American <strong>Iris</strong><br />

<strong>Society</strong> calendar for 1990.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #277 April 1990<br />

Distinguished Service Medals Awarded ............................................................................................ 6<br />

James G. Burch, Kay Nelson ....................................................................................................... 7<br />

New Director-Dave Niswonger .......................................................................................................... 8<br />

New Membership Secretary-Marilyn Harlow .................................................................................... 9<br />

New RVPs ........................................................................................................................................ 10<br />

1992 Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ..........................................................................................................17<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Roundup '93--Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es .........................................................................................18<br />

Ruth Holleyman .................................................Sam Norris ..........................................................19<br />

The Luminata Color Pattern ...............................Stahly, Keppel, Nelson ...................................... 21<br />

Membership Notebooks .....................................Sharon McAllister ..............................................22<br />

Hybridizing at Meadowbrook Gardens . Audrey Machulak ............................................................25<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es and Ikebana ...............................................Suky Mahan ........................................................28<br />

Expanding Our <strong>Iris</strong> Horizons .............................Lavone Ney ........................................................30<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es or Hanoshobu .............................Diana Nicholls ....................................................32<br />

The Future <strong>of</strong> Arils is with the<br />

Tetraploids ..........................................................Jerry Simmons ....................................................33<br />

1989 Season Remembered .................................Ronald Mullin .....................................................34<br />

The Origins <strong>of</strong> Remontancy ...............................Clarence Mahan ..................................................39<br />

Southeast Texas Ramblings Among<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ...................................................Albert Faggard ...................................................45<br />

Hybridizing with Unusual Members <strong>of</strong><br />

Hexagonae ..........................................................Joe Mertzweiller .................................................50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Available ......................................Jerry Cathey ........................................................48<br />

Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Garden .. Mike Moller ...................................................................69<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ...............................................3 AIS slides .......................................................64<br />

Membership Rates ...........................................4 Gifts to AIS ...................................................65<br />

Contribution Information ................................4 In Memoriam .................................................66<br />

Advertising Rates ........................................115 Bulletin Board ...............................................68<br />

Youth Views ..................................................33 Commercial Directory .................................104<br />

AIS Sales Items .............................................49 Advertisers this issue .................................. 115<br />

FRONT COVER: On the cover is the Dykes Medal Winner STEPPING OUT (Schreiners<br />

'64). This iris first appeared on the Popularity Poll in 1966 in tenth place. By 1968, it was in<br />

first place. As the decade <strong>of</strong> the 90's begins, STEPPING OUT is still in the top five after<br />

spending nearly two decades in first place. This certainly qualifies it as a classic.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #278 July 1990<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ................................. ............................................................................... 5<br />

Shoulders ........................................................... Ben Hager ............................................................. 8<br />

Looking Back .................................................... Rick Ernst ........................................................... 15<br />

Try a Youth Member in a Leadership<br />

Role ................................................................ Jerry Simmons .................................................... 24<br />

Approved Affiliates 1990 .................................. Dave Niswonger ................................................. 28<br />

SOBs, Past, Present, and Future ........................ Cleo Palmer ........................................................ 35<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Rainbow in 1989 ...................................Ken Mohr ........................................................... 36<br />

Nebraska in 1989 ................................................Hooker Nichols .................................................. 40<br />

Growing Spurias in Southern Idaho ...................Robert L. Jensen ................................................ 46<br />

Let's Discuss Spurias ..........................................Floyd W. Wickenkamp ...................................... 48<br />

Getting Started With Spurias ..............................Marilyn Holloway ..............................................51<br />

Yes, But Why Black Ones? ............................... Thom Ericson ..................................................... 53<br />

Rebloom in Texas ...............................................Walter Moores ................................................... 54<br />

1989 Membership Contest Winners ...................Mary Kearney .................................................... 55<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong>es in Region 21 .........................James Ennenga ....................................................56<br />

Kansas Bloom in Early Spring ...........................James Fry ........................................................... 58<br />

Do We Really Understand the Awards? Ronald Mullin ..................................................................60<br />

California Bloom in 1990 ...................................Carol Jarratt ........................................................68<br />

Floral Design With Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es .....................Anna Mae Miller ................................................71<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ...............................................4 Advertisers this Issue ....................................87<br />

AIS Sales Items ...............................................6 Editor's Comments ........................................57<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent ...........................................7 AIS Membership Rates .................................74<br />

Youth Views ..................................................24 Contribution Information ..............................14<br />

In Memoriam ................................................. 25 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> 75<br />

Contributions to AI SF .................................. 26 Commercial Directory .................................. 76<br />

Photo Credits: Cooley's Gardens 18, 19, 20, 22, 23.<br />

ON THE COVER: BEVERLY SillS, the iris that has swept all the awards, is pictured on<br />

the cover. In this issue, Ben Hager gives credit to the many hybridizers who had a hand in<br />

producing this outstanding iris. Photo by Hager.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #279 Oct 1990<br />

AIS AWARDS 1990 ......................................... ............................................................................. 4<br />

Go National in '91 .............................................Phil Ogilvie ....................................................... 17<br />

Convention Awards ........................................... ........................................................................... 22<br />

Prairie in Bloom ................................................Ronald Mullin ................................................... 23<br />

Emerald Valley ..................................................Jean Erickson .................................................... 24<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Den .......................................................Bill Maryott ...................................................... 27<br />

Observations <strong>of</strong> Early Arrival ...........................Jane Hall ........................................................... 28<br />

Omaha: A Youth View ......................................Jerry Simmons .................................................. 29<br />

Sass Memorial Garden ......................................Clarence Mahan ................................................31<br />

Walter Moores .................................................. 33<br />

Jim Browne ....................................................... 34<br />

Varigay Gardens ................................................James McWhirter .............................................. 37<br />

Wulf's Backachers ............................................. Barbara Schmieder ........................................... 38<br />

Virginia Hodges ................................................ 39<br />

Boys' Town ........................................................ David Miller ......................................................40<br />

Bill Rinehart ..................................................... 42<br />

Bumblebee Gardens .......................................... Ethel Baukus ......................................................44<br />

Gary Sides .........................................................46<br />

Maple Tree Gardens .......................................... Mrs. Walter Machulak ......................................47<br />

Schliefert ...........................................................June Richards .....................................................52<br />

Little By Little ................................................... Roger Mazur ......................................................53<br />

Bumblebee Gardens .......................................... Vera Hummel ....................................................55<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Den ....................................................... Vera Hummel ....................................................56<br />

Little By Little ................................................... Hooker Nichols .................................................57<br />

Attention All Youth ........................................... Jerry Simmons ...................................................62<br />

An <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Review .................................. Ted White ..........................................................62<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Versicolor Development<br />

Program ............................................................. Dumas-Quesnal and Huber ...............................70<br />

Remontant <strong>Iris</strong> ................................................... Bob Maddern .....................................................72<br />

Standard Dwarfs in Massachusetts .................... Lucy Burton ......................................................75<br />

Tops These Last 20 Years ................................. Stan Coates ........................................................77<br />

Fine Performers for a Few Dollars .................... Robert L. Jensen ................................................78<br />

Fragrance Anyone ............................................. Libby Cross .......................................................80<br />

Observations on Longevity <strong>of</strong> Tall<br />

Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Seed ............................................... Leonard Stoltz ........................ .-: .....................82<br />

Follow Up on Ruth Holleyman ......................... Joe Mertzweiller ..................... ..........................84<br />

Youth Membership Contest ............................... Lucy Fry ................................. .......................... 86<br />

Signal or Color Spot .......................................... Howard Shockey .................... ..........................88<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .............................................. 3 Gifts to AIS .................................................. 92<br />

AIS Slides for Rent ....................................... 21 In Memoriam ............................................... 93<br />

Membership Rates ........................................ 51 Contribution Information ............................. 93<br />

Youth Views ..................................................60 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ..................... 96<br />

AIS Sales Items ............................................ 87 Commercial Directory ............................... 100<br />

Advertising this issue on pages 93, 94, & 95<br />

Photo Credits: Terry Aitken 6 lower left, 9 upper left, 13 lower right; Charles Arny 6 upper right;<br />

Lu Danielson 6 upper left; Mary Dunn 9 upper right; Allan Ensminger 9 lower right, middle right;<br />

Frank Foster 13 lower right; Lucy Fry 13 lower left; Gene Gaddie 13 middle right; Joe Ghio 6<br />

middle left; Ben Hager 10 middle; Bernard Hamner 9 middle left; Larry Harder 5 upper left, 26;<br />

Bob Hollingworth 11 upper right, bottom; Sterling Innerst 13 middle right; Bennett Jones 12<br />

lower left; Ardi Kary 5 lower left; Keith Keppel 10 lower right, 12 upper right; Don Koza 26, Ron<br />

Mullin 27, 45, 52; Dave Niswonger 5 lower right, 12 lower right; Melinda Robbins 5 upper right;<br />

Henry Rowlan 9 lower left; Schreiners 8, 10 top; Howard Shockey 88, 89, 90, 91, Dave<br />

Silverberg 9 middle right; Hal Stahly 11 upper left; Steve Stevens 12 upper left; Dennis<br />

Stoneburner 30, 59; Steve Varner 6 lower right; John Weiler 10 lower left; Dorothy Willott 6<br />

middle right, 13 upper left; Lloyd Zurbrigg 11 middle.<br />

ON THE COVER: The latest Dykes Medal Winner JESSE'S SONG. Photo by Bryce Williamson.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #280 Jan 1991<br />

Washington, DC, Registration Information ................................. ..................................................... 7<br />

Go National in '91 Phil Ogilvie ............................. 11<br />

Exhibition Committee Report, 1990 Lillian Gristwood .....................14<br />

AIS Awards-Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es 22<br />

Additional Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es for Atlanta .............................................. ...................................................25<br />

October Bulletin Errata ................................................................ ...................................................26<br />

Boys' Town ...................................................................................Dean Brand .. 26<br />

Median Bloom in Nebraska. Lucy Fry ...................................28<br />

The Ones That Get Away .............................................................Lynn F Markham ..................... 31<br />

1991 Membership Contest Lucy Fry ...................................35<br />

Contemporary Views-1990 Perry Dyer .................................37<br />

Edge <strong>of</strong> Frost-A Bloomin~onder F Paul Magin 68<br />

Experiences in Florence. John Weiler ...............................75<br />

Best <strong>of</strong> the Best ............................................................................ Austin Morgan ......................... 77<br />

Voice <strong>of</strong> an Amateur Marie Caillet .. 79<br />

Water Absorbing Polymers as a Soil Amendment. Eugene Loop ............................ 80<br />

Polymers as an Aid to Water Penetrations ... Adele S. Lawyer ...................................................... 84<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> X Pacifica-Ghio . Norian Henderson. 85<br />

International Hybridizing Network ............................................. Jerry Simmons 87<br />

Symposium 1991 ......................................................................... James Copeland .92<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting 111<br />

Regular Features .<br />

From the President's Desk ...............................4 Youth Views .... 67<br />

AIS Membership Rates ...................................5 Contributions to AI SF . 70<br />

Contribution Information ................................5 In Memoriam ... 72<br />

AIS Sales Items . 6 AIS Financial Statement .. 96<br />

AIS Conventions List . 36 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership .. 97<br />

AIS Slides For Rent .......................................53 AIS Judges 1991 .98<br />

Commercial Directory .......................................113<br />


Aitken's Salmon Creek 61 Keppel ... 58, 63<br />

Arilian Acres (Shockey) .. Cover 2, 55 Markham .......................................................54<br />

Avonbank (Zurbrigg) . 56 Pleasure (Danielson) .....................................59<br />

Bay View (Ghio) . Cover 4 Region 7 .. 57<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ........................................ 57 Roris .. 60<br />

Cottage (McWhirter) .................................... 62 Seaways/Pope 65<br />

Mission Bell (Hamblen) ............................... 64 Schultz ..........................................................66<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Species Group .. Cover 3 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 66<br />

ON THE COVER: Photographer Susan Schwiesow applies her talent for composing pictures in<br />

her shot <strong>of</strong> the iris gardens at Giverny, France. The gardens have been replanted according to the<br />

original design <strong>of</strong> their owner, painter Claude Monet. Color separations are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>'s calendars

TABLE OF CONTENTS #281 April 1991<br />

Hybridizer's Medal-George Shoop .............................................................. ~ ..................................5<br />

New Director-Bennett Jones .......................................................................... ...................................6<br />

New RVPs ...................................................................................................... ...................................8<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Roundup '93-Request for Guests ............................................................. .................................13<br />

1990 Membership Contest Report ............................................... Lucy Fry ................................... 14<br />

There's No Business Like Show Business ................................... C. J. Simon ............................... 17<br />

Some Show-Entering Tips ........................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 19<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark ................................................................................ ...................................................21<br />

Bring Back the Vigor .................................................................. Anne S. Lowe ........................... 22<br />

Planned Parenthood through Pollen <strong>Preservation</strong> Sharon McAlister .............................................. 26<br />

Judges' Roster Additions ............................................................. ................................................... 28<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Versicolor Development ...................... Monique Dumas-Quesnel & Tony Huber ................. 29<br />

Request for Information: AIS Robins ......................................... Howard Brookins ..................... 29<br />

Results <strong>of</strong> Directors' Election ...................................................... ................................................... 30<br />

1990 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention Report. Bud Maltman ........................... 31<br />

Contemporary Views-Medians & Louisianas . Perry Dyer ................................ 35<br />

On the Dykes Medal Vote ........................................................... Ben Hager ................................ 41<br />

Preparing a Convention Garden ..................................................Allan Ensminger ....................... 43<br />

<strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Antique Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es .......................................Wilma Little .............................. 47<br />

Club Activities to Increase Enjoyment ........................................Shirley Gresty ...........................48<br />

Versicolor X Ensata Hybrids .. Monique Dumas-Quesnel & Tony Huber ...................... 51<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es-Love and Hate ....................................................Lorene Logue ............................66<br />

The Lesson <strong>of</strong> 1990 .....................................................................David R. Rogers .....................105<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ........................................ 4 Book Review .................................................46<br />

AIS Membership Rates ................................ 15 AIS Slides ...............................................49, 50<br />

Contribution Information ............................. 15 AIS Sales Items .......................................... 101<br />

Gifts to AIS .................................................. 16 Advertisers This Issue .................................106<br />

Youth Views ................................................. 17 Commercial Directory .................................107<br />

Front Cover: Louisiana irises, billowing clouds and willows relected in a Texas pond, evoke a<br />

romantic mood captured by photographer Edith Wolford. Color separations are courtesy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>'s calendars.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #282 July 1991<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ................................................................................................................ 4<br />

Oregon '94-Request for Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................................................ 5<br />

Region 5 Comes Alive in '92 ............................................................................................................ 6<br />

Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong> Cultivars .....................................................................Lewis and Adele Lawyer. 8<br />

Intermediate <strong>Iris</strong>es: A Personal Symposium .............................. Bennett Jones ........................... 13<br />

Outstanding Intermediates .......................................................... Hooker Nichols ........................ 14<br />

Double the Fun-Hybridizing Teams ........................................... ................................................... 17<br />

Our Addiction to <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................................. Tony and Dorothy Willott .. 17<br />

Hybridizing History <strong>of</strong> the Meeks ......................................Joyce Meek ............................... 20<br />

The Millers ......................................................................... Lynda Miller ............................. 22<br />

The Dunns .......................................................................... Mary Dunn ............................... 23<br />

Judges Handbook Revisions Available ...................................... ................................................... 25<br />

Choosing Intermediates for Your Garden .................................. Dorothy Willott ........................ 26<br />

AIS Affiliates 1991 ..................................................................... Dave Niswonger ....................... 29<br />

International Competition-Florence ........................................... ................................................... 38<br />

Should Gardens Have "God Parents?" ....................................... Donna Aldridge ........................ 44<br />

Container Growing <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ......................................... David R. Rogers ....................... 46<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Scents .....................................................................................................Louise Clay Smith .. 51<br />

Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens .................................... Mike Moller ............................. 59<br />

AIS Dues Will Increase .............................................................. Marilyn Harlow ........................ 62<br />

Let's Talk Favorites .................................................................... Dale Satterwhite ....................... 63<br />

1991 Youth Achievement Awards ............................................. Catherine Long Gates ............... 65<br />

Maybe You Wanted to Know ..................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 67<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es-Omaha 1990 ............................................. ...................................................71<br />

The 1991 Season-Marvelous ...................................................... Ronald Mullin .......................... 74<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message. 3 Membership Rates ........................................ 48<br />

AIS Sales Items ..............................................7 Youth Views ................................................. 65<br />

In Memoriam ................................................39 How to Register and Introduce<br />

Contribution Information ..............................39 an <strong>Iris</strong> ........................................................ 72<br />

Contributions to AISF .. 40 Advertising Rates ......................................... 74<br />

Slides for Rent .......................................42, 43 Commercial Directory .................................. 84<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Ames .................................................... Cover 4 Rancho de la Flor de Lis .............................. 73<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens .........................................50 Schultz Company ......................................... 74<br />

Cordon Bleu ..................................................49 Dr. James Waddick ...................................... 49<br />

Paw Paw Everlast Labels ..............................48<br />

ON THE COVER: Having received praise from across the country for its quality, RARE<br />

EDITION (Gatty '80) is an IB which won the Sass Medal and was a runner-up for the Dykes<br />

Medal. Photo by Keith Keppel

TABLE OF CONTENTS #283 Oct 1991<br />

Region 5 Comes Alive-Registration Information 6<br />

1992 Convention Preview. Shirley Paquet 8<br />

Region 5 Comes Alive-The Gardens .. Yvonne W. Darnell ...........................................................10<br />

1991 AIS Awards ........................................................................James Copeland ........................12<br />

How About Red <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................................................Adele S. Lawyer. 23<br />

Meet the Lacks ................................................................................................................................24<br />

New Director-Howard Shockey ......................................................................................................24<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es 1991 26<br />

Remembrances <strong>of</strong> Washington '91 ..............................................Jim Browne ...............................27<br />

The 1991 Convention. Bill Rinehart ............................31<br />

Convention Medians. Lynda Miller .............................35<br />

The Green Box Gardens ..............................................................Audrey Machulak .. 38<br />

Rebert Garden. Lucy Burton ...........................................................................................................43<br />

Westminster City Hall .................................................................Jim Browne 45<br />

Weber Garden .. John Burton. 46<br />

Nicholls Garden ...........................................................................Judy Hollingworth ....................48<br />

Cox Garden ..................................................................................Ardi Kary . 49<br />

GlenCairn Garden. Margaret Sutton ........................52<br />

Heydon Observatory Hooker Nichols .........................53<br />

Figge Garden. Betty Burch ...............................55<br />

Lawson Garden. Marky Smith .............................57<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Pond. Barbara Schmieder. 59<br />

Draycott Garden Anna Mae Miller & Joan Verwilst . 61<br />

Growing Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es Simplified<br />

and Uncomplicated. Phil Williams ........................... 71<br />

Addendum to "The Lesson <strong>of</strong> 1990." Sharon McAllister. 73<br />

Honor Thy Members James W. Waddick ...................74<br />

1991 Season in Review Dean Brand ...............................75<br />

A Season To Remember Bryce Williamson .....................82<br />

Looking Good in the Late Season Mitch Jameson .........................91<br />

How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>. 101<br />

Regular Features<br />

From the President. 4 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting. 94<br />

Membership Rates 5 Photo Credits ...............................................100<br />

Youth Views ..... 64 Slides for Rent. ............................................102<br />

Gifts to AIS .. 65 AIS Sales Items 103<br />

Contribution Information .. 66 Commercial Directory. 104<br />

In Memoriam ............................................... 67 Advertising Rates 116<br />

Advertisers This Issue: Polly Black Cover 2; Burch 80; Sooner State 81; Richard Tasco 81;<br />

Wight's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden 80<br />

ON THE COVER: The Dykes Winner for 1991 is EVERYTHING PLUS seen on the front cover<br />

Photo by Niswonger.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #284 Jan 1992<br />

New Directors .............................................................................. ..................................................... 6<br />

Atlanta-Region 5 Comes Alive ................................................... ..................................................... 9<br />

Atlanta-The City .......................................................................... Yvonne Ward Darnell 13<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pariensis, Tadpole Shrimp, and Gambling ............................ James W. Waddick ................... 14<br />

I rises at the Detroit Zoo .............................................................. Harold Stahly ........................... 18<br />

Best <strong>of</strong> the Best #2 ....................................................................... Austin Morgan ......................... 20<br />

A Three Year Summary <strong>of</strong> HM Voting ....................................... Leonard Michel ........................ 24<br />

Test <strong>of</strong> Dykes Medal <strong>Iris</strong>es .......................................................... Bud Leufert .............................. 26<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Anniversary .................................................. ................................................... 27<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es in East Germany ................................................. Uwe Kirschstein ....................... 28<br />

Obsession ..................................................................................... Grace E. Webber ...................... 32<br />

Let's Have More Beautiful <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................. Mrs. W. A. Machulak ............... 34<br />

Feedback to Hybridizers .............................................................. Donna Aldridge ........................ 35<br />

The Serendipity Series ................................................................. Sharon McAllister .................... 36<br />

Dr. Loomis <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens ..................................................... Mike Moller ............................. 38<br />

Hybridizing Louisiana Tetraploid <strong>Iris</strong>es-Tetraploid<br />

and Interploidy Hybridizing .............................................Joseph K. Mertzweiller .. 42<br />

Symposium 1992 .........................................................................James Copeland ........................ 68<br />

AIS Awards-Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es .............................................James Copeland .. 72<br />

High Commendation-1991 James Copeland ................................................................................... 72<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ..................................................... Lillian Gristwood ..................... 73<br />

Exhibition Certificates-1991 ....................................................... .................................................. 81<br />

1992 Symposium Voting Per Cents ............................................ ...................................................83<br />

AIS Membership Report ............................................................. Marilyn Harlow. 96<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ................................ ................................................ 101<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .............................................. 4 Contribution Information ..............................96<br />

Membership Rates .......................................... 5 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ...............................97<br />

Youth Views .................................................31 AIS Financial Statement ...............................98<br />

AIS Judges 1992 ........................................... 84 AIS Slides for Rent. ......................................99<br />

In Memoriam ................................................ 93 AIS Sales Items ...........................................100<br />

Contributions to AIS .................................... 94 Commercial Directory ................................107<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Adamgrove ......................... 56 Keith Keppel .......................... 61, 65 Roris Gardens ..................53<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek 62 Knee Deep in June ................................ 66 Seaways/Pope ..................52<br />

Arilian Acres .. Cover 2, 64 Long's Garden ................................63 Schultz Co ...........................54<br />

Bay View Gardens Cover 4 Melrose Garden .. Cover 3 <strong>Society</strong> for Japanese<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ..............66 Mission Bell Garden ..............57 <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................... 54<br />

Cottage Gardens 58, 59, 60 Pleasure <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .....................55 Sooner State ............................67<br />

John H. Burton ................... 51 Region 7 ................................67 James W. Waddick .................57<br />

ON THE COVER: The rolling hills <strong>of</strong> rural Carroll County, Maryland, provided breathtaking views to those who attended<br />

the 1991 American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>'s convention in the nation's capital and environs. Piece de resistance among the many<br />

delightful gardens on tour was that <strong>of</strong> Doris and Owings Rebert near Westminster. The Rebert's palette included a spectrum<br />

in all available hues, and ranged from historical to modern irises: Painter Claude Monet would have been delighted.<br />

Color separations are courtesy <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> calendars. The photo is by George Waters.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #285 April 1992<br />

Rainbow's End-A request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ...................... ........................................................5<br />

1991 Awards-Corrected List .......................................... ........................................................6<br />

Special Awards-Carol Ramsey ........................................ ........................................................8<br />

Bernard Hamner 9<br />

Lloyd Zurbrigg ........................... ........................................................9<br />

Francesca Thoolen ...................... .....................................................11<br />

James Rasmussen ........................ .....................................................11<br />

Invitation to Visit Region 5 Gardens ............................... Everette Lineberger 13<br />

1991 Membership Contest Rules .................................... Jim Fry 14<br />

New RVPs ....................................................................... ..................................................... 15<br />

1991-An <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Review .......................................Ted White ................................... 23<br />

Judges? Where Are They? ...............................................w. W. Steinhauer 29<br />

Intermediates ................................................................... Robert L. Jensen. 30<br />

Down With Plicating Donald J. Boen 32<br />

Region Five Comes Alive in 1992 .. Yvonne Darnell 33<br />

To Win-You Must Enter. Mrs. W. A. Machulak . 34<br />

The Gentle Art <strong>of</strong> Dead-Heading Oliver Eldridge ........................... 38<br />

How About Trying Some Spurias ...................................Maxine Perkins 40<br />

Border Patrol ...................................................................Walter A. Moores . 42<br />

Remembrances <strong>of</strong> New Jersey ........................................Joe Gatty .................................... 51<br />

A New Life--A Renewed Concern . Roger Nelson . 54<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Available .................................................. Jerry Cathey. 57<br />

New Species Awards .......................................................Bob Pries 69<br />

1992 Membership Contest Rules .................................... .....................................................73<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .........................................4 AIS Sales Items. 74<br />

Youth Views ........................................... 39<strong>Iris</strong>SlidesforRent. 75<br />

Gifts to AIS ............................................ 44 Bulletin Advertising Rates ...........................108<br />

In Memoriam .......................................... 45 Advertisers This Issue ..................................109<br />

Contribution Information ....................... 50 Commercial Directory ..................................110<br />

AIS Membership Rates .......................... 72<br />

ON THE COVER: Japanese irises and waterlilies furnish a kOI pool in a large private oriental garden Photograph by<br />

George Waters.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #286 July 1992<br />

Annual Presidential Letter ......................................... ....................................................5<br />

What Is <strong>Iris</strong> Germanica? ............................................Norian Henderson ......................6<br />

A Method for Using Insecticide ............................" Harry Bishop ............................. 11<br />

Arilbred Seeds Available ....................................... .......................................................13<br />

The Symbolism <strong>of</strong> Plants ...................................... .......................................................13<br />

A New Wave <strong>of</strong> Popularity ........................................ John Coble ................................14<br />

Those Sensational MTBs ........................................... W. Terry Varner .......................17<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizers in Japan ............................................ Hiroshi Shimizu .......................20<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pariensis or <strong>Iris</strong> Missouriensis ............................. Norian Henderson ................... 23<br />

Notice from the Board ................................................ ...................................................24<br />

Just Try to Fool Mother Nature .................................. Carol Warner ........................... 25<br />

AIS Affiliates ............................................................. Dave Niswonger ...................... 27<br />

Contemporary Views-1991 ........................................ Perry Dyer ............................... 36<br />

Old Members-New Members ..................................... Audrey Machulak .................... 48<br />

Pigment Printing ......................................................... David L. Merrill ...................... 53<br />

Rower Forms and Variations in Louisiana<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................................... Marie Caillet ........................... 56<br />

Popular PCI Cultivars .................................................Lewis and Adele Lawyer. 64<br />

Systems for Numbering Seedlings .............................Sharon McAllister .................... 74<br />

What the Editor Has Heard ........................................Ronald Mullin .......................... 76<br />

Let's Design a Medal .................................................. ..................................................81<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..................................... 4 Contributions to AISF ...............................50<br />

Youth Views .......................................... 5 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent. ...................................84<br />

Conventions Scheduled ........................ 11 AIS Sales Items ........................................85<br />

AIS Membership Rates ........................12 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ..................86<br />

Bulletin Errata ......................................13 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> .............................91<br />

Display Screen for Rent ......................47 From the Editor's Desk ..............................92<br />

In Memoriam .......................................49 Commercial Directory .............................. 93<br />

Contribution Information ....................50 Bulletin Advertising Rates ..................... 107<br />

Advisers This Issue<br />

Franklin Carr ............................................... 83 Pacific Coast Hybridizers ........Cover 4<br />

Cooley's ...............................................Cover 3 Paw Paw Everlast Labels ................. 83<br />

Greater Kansas City <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ......... 81 Schultz Company ..................................... 83<br />

Dale Johnson .......................................80 Leon White ...................................... Cover 2<br />

Moonshine Gardens .............................82<br />

ON THE COVER: A distinctive native American iris is the elegantI,;s purdyii. sometimes hard to find but not yet<br />

designated an endangered species. Photograph by George Waters, color separations courtesy <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #287 Oct 1992<br />

Texas Roundup in 1993 ....................................... ..........................................................5<br />

1992 AIS Awards ................................................. ..........................................................6<br />

Safe Garden Chemical Application ......................Mark Dienstbach ............................18<br />

Watson and Yearwood Gardens ...........................Jean Morris ....................................22<br />

Ken Duke Garden .................................................David Miller ..................................27<br />

Garden <strong>of</strong> Deen Day Smith ..................................Clarence Mahan .............................29<br />

Lewis Garden .......................................................Jim Morris ......................................32<br />

Hawkins Garden ...................................................Carol Warner .................................34<br />

Jellum Garden ......................................................Beverly Dopke ...............................36<br />

Lockerly Arboretum .............................................Melody Wilhoit ..............................38<br />

Turner Garden ......................................................Jerry Wilhoit ..................................40<br />

Betty Hartzog Garden ..........................................Bobbie Shepard ............................ 41<br />

Jean and Jerry Kopp Garden ................................Larry Harder ..................................43<br />

Stewart Garden .....................................................Rosa Belle Van Valkenburgh 46<br />

Convention Awards ..............................................Ralph Bullard .................................50<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Awards-Florence, 1992 .................................. ........................................................53<br />

Stars <strong>of</strong> the '92 Bloom Season ..............................Dorothy Cantwell ..........................54<br />

Northwest '92 .......................................................Terry Aitken ..................................57<br />

Choice <strong>Iris</strong>es From Two Seasons .........................Paul Gossett ...................................58<br />

Amy Poole's <strong>Iris</strong> Research Project .......................Amy Poole .....................................59<br />

Color Photography for <strong>Iris</strong>arians ..........................George Waters ...............................64<br />

The Crocus, A Sign to Fertilize ............................Stan Cherniss .................................73<br />

Some Other Tips on Fertilizing ............................ ........................................................73<br />

Something Old, Something New-<br />

A Call to Action ...................................................Louise Clay Smith ........................ 77<br />

Reflections on the Stages <strong>of</strong><br />

Hybridizing Life ...................................................Sharon McAllister .........................79<br />

AIS Library Project ..............................................Mike Lowe ....................................85<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ............................... 4 Bulletin Advertising Rates ........................84<br />

Gifts to AIS ......................................... 74 AIS Sales Items .........................................86<br />

In Memoriam ....................................... 75 AIS Slides ..................................................87<br />

Contribution Information .................... 76 AIS Membership Rates .............................90<br />

Youth Views ........................................ 82 Commercial Directory ...............................91<br />

Advertisers This Issue ......................... 84<br />

AIS Conventions Scheduled ............... 84<br />

Photo Credits: T. Aitken 9 lower left, 10 middle; P. Black 15 mid left; C. Boswell 10 lower<br />

right; Brookins 31 middle, 45 middle & bottom, 50; B. Brown 11 upper right; M. Caillet 17 mid<br />

right & bottom; M. Dunn 8 upper left; A. Ensminger 9 upper left, 10 upper right, 17 upper left; J.<br />

Fry 15 lower left; B. Hager 8 upper right, 9 upper right, 15 upper left & mid right; Hall 8 lower<br />

right; Hollingworth 8 lower left, 11 mid right & bottom; B. Jones 9 lower left, 10 upper left; K:<br />

Keppel 15 upper right, 17 mid left; A. Miller 11 mid left; L. Miller, 21, 23, 24,25,26 middle &<br />

bottom, 27, 28, 31 top & bottom, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 42, 45 top, 46, 47, 51 top; J. Mogi114, J.<br />

Morris 26 top; D. Niswonger 11 upper left; Schreiners 16, H. Stahly 17 upper right; Stayer<br />

48,49,51 bottom; Varner 15 lower right; Wood 10 lower left.<br />

On The Cover: Pictured on the cover is DUSKY CHALLENGER, the 1992 Dykes Medal<br />

Winner. Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiners Gardens.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #288 Jan 1993<br />

Fort Worth Convention Information ......................... ................................................... ..........6<br />

Clark Garden ............................................................. Hooker Nichols 9<br />

Duncanville Garden .................................................. Keith Smith .............................. ........10<br />

Greenknoll .................................................................Gordon Green ........................... ....... 11<br />

Fort Worth Botanic Garden .......................................Rilla Hickerson , .. 12<br />

New Directors ........................................................... ................................................... ....... 13<br />

Arranger's Corner ......................................................Carolyn Hawkins ...................... ....... 24<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Display Garden Program ............ ' .. Claire Barr .................................... , 27<br />

How to Read a Catalog ..............................................Marilyn Harlow ......................... ....... 29<br />

Observations <strong>of</strong> a Beginning Hybridizer .................. J. Farron Campbell .................... ....... 34<br />

Container Grown <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................. Edward Myhro .......................... ....... 35<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ................................... Lillian Gristwood ...................... ....... 36<br />

Exhibition Certificates-1992 ..................................... Lillian Gristwood ...................... .......44<br />

AIS Awards-Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................... Kenneth Waite ........................... .......46<br />

High Commendation-1992 ....................................... Kenneth Waite ........................... .......47<br />

Further Notes About Versicolor-Ensata<br />

Hybrids ..................................................................Monique Dumas-Quesnel. 48<br />

What Do You Expect From AIS ...............................Audrey Machulak ..............................49<br />

Dr. Loomis <strong>Iris</strong> Test Garden Report .........................Mike Moller. 63<br />

XXXVI Con corso Internazionale Dell <strong>Iris</strong> ...............Margie Robinson , .. 66<br />

Bylaws Revision Election Results ............................ Jeane Stayer. ............................. ....... 68<br />

Changes in AIS Bylaws ............................................ .................................................... ....... 68<br />

Symposium 1993 .......................................................Kenneth Waite ......................... , 72<br />

Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es for Drought Conditions in<br />

Southern California ............................................... Barb Wight ........................................76<br />

Toasted Melons and Bubble Ruffles ......................... Ronald Mullin ...................................77<br />

Developing an Eye for <strong>Iris</strong>es-Writing<br />

Varietal Comments ............................................... Sharon McAllister. ........................... 78<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ........................................... 4 AIS Sales Items ....................................... 71<br />

Membership Rates ....................................... 5 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ......................, " 82<br />

AIS Judges 1993 ........................................15 AIS Financial Statement. ......................... 83<br />

Youth Views ..............................................33 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ................. 84<br />

In Memoriam .............................................61 Announcements ....................................... 92<br />

Contribution Information ..........................61 Commercial Directory .............................93<br />

Contributions to AISF ...............................62 Bulletin Advertising Rates .....................107<br />

AIS Slides for Rent ....................................70<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden ................53 MAD Gardens .................................Cover 3<br />

Arilian Acres ..............................Cover 2, 50 Median Spree '93 ......................................59<br />

Bay View Gardens ............................Cover 4 Pleasure <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens ................................57<br />

British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ....................................51 Pope's Perennials ......................................58<br />

B. J. Brown ...............................................57 Region 7 AIS ............................................58<br />

Cottage Gardens .......................................54 Roris Gardens .......................................... 60<br />

D. & J. Gardens ........................................55 Schultz Company ..................................... 51<br />

Holland Gardens .......................................61 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> .......................... 61<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Connoisseurs <strong>of</strong> Michigan .................56 Superstition Gardens ................................ 52<br />

Knee Deep in June ....................................52<br />

On The Cover: A scene from Lockerly Arboretum in Atlanta, Georgia, features Louisiana<br />

irises. Photo by Paul Gossett.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #289 April 1993<br />

AIS Convention Hershey, PA A Request for Guests .............................................................. 5<br />

Four Women Honored by AIS (Gates, Stayer, Dunderman, Dunn) ........................................ 6<br />

NewRVPs ................................................................. .............................................................. 9<br />

Contributors to Wister Medal Fund .......................... Barbara Schmieder ............................ 17<br />

1993 Membership Contest Rules ............................. ............................................................ 18<br />

1992 Membership Contest Results ........................... Clarence Mahan ................................ 19<br />

A Basic Guide to Cultural Practices ......................... J. Farron Campbell ............................ 20<br />

New Approved Awards System ............................... ............................................................ 24<br />

Twelve Things to Keep the Exhibitions Chairman from Losing Her Cool ........................... 25<br />

Merger <strong>of</strong> LISA and SIL .......................................... Joseph Mertzweiller .......................... 25<br />

Registration <strong>of</strong> Species and Inter-Species Crosses ... ............................................................ 26<br />

Corrections in List <strong>of</strong> Judges .....................................Hilda Crick ........................................ 26<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Post Mark Available ........................................... Jerry Cathey ...................................... 27<br />

A New Control Agent for Leaf Spot and Rust ..........Adele Lawyer .................................... 27<br />

Excerpts From International Robins ..........................Shirley Varmette ............................... 31<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Season Review ....................................................Robert L. Jensen ............................... 32<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>es in Trees ............................................................Keith Keppel ......................................34<br />

Those Lesser Known Awards ....................................Ronald Mullin ....................................38<br />

A Challenge for Judges .............................................Judges Training Committee ...............40<br />

Contemporary Views-1992 .......................................Perry Dyer ........................................ 41<br />

Transgenic Modifications for <strong>Iris</strong>es ..........................Raymond G. Smith ............................54<br />

Practice What You Preach .........................................Perry Dyer .........................................72<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................4 Youth Views ..................................................30<br />

In Memoriam ............................................28 AIS Slides ....................................................110<br />

Contribution Information .........................28 AIS Sales Items ............................................111<br />

Gifts to AIS ..............................................28 AIS Membership Rates ................................112<br />

AlS Conventions .......................................29 Commercial Directory .................................113<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Blodgett .................................................... 74 Markham .......................................................92<br />

Burch ........................................................ 75 Melrose ..........................................................59<br />

Burton ....................................................... 76 Messick ..........................................................93<br />

Cape .................................................... 78, 79 Mid-America ............................................93<br />

Carr ........................................................... 77 Miller's Manor ..........................................94<br />

Cooley's ................................65,66,67,68 Milwood Rorist & Nursery .................................95<br />

D & J .................................................. 82, 83 Ohio Gardens ...........................................87<br />

East Wind ................................................. 77 Pacific Coast .......................................69 98<br />

Ensata ..............................................Cover 4 Paw Paw Label Co .......................................: 85<br />

Fan ............................................................ 97 Rainbow Acres ...............................100, 101<br />

Gardener's Bookshelf ............................. 109 Rainbow's End .........................................95<br />

Hahn ...................................................61, 74 Region 7 .........................................................96<br />

Hillcrest .....................................................84 Region 14 .................................................73<br />

Illini ...........................................................76 Rialto ..................................................60, 99<br />

Innerst ........................................................63 Roberts ...................................................102<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Country ...............................................85 Schreiners ............................................. Cover 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pond ...................................................86 Schultz .........................................................102<br />

Joe Pye Weed's ......................................... 87 Seaways Garden ..........................................103<br />

Jones ......................................................... 88 Shepard .................................................104 105<br />

Kegerise .................................................... 77 Shoop .........................................................: 106<br />

Keppel .............................................Cover 3 Stahly ...........................................................107<br />

Long's ................................................. 62, 89, 90 Stanek ....................................................107<br />

McAllister ................................................. 90 Superstition ..................................................105<br />

MAD ......................................................... 91 Sutton's ........................................................108<br />

Varigay ...............................................70, 71<br />

On The Cover: A scene from Cooley's Garden in Silverton, Oregon shows tall bearded<br />

irises at peak bloom. Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Cooley's Garden.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #290 July 1993<br />

Annual Presidential Letter .......................................................................... ............................ 4<br />

AIS Poster Contest ......................................................James Rasmussen . 4<br />

California '9~Request for Beardless Guest hises ..... 5<br />

S<strong>of</strong>t Rot or Blight ......................................................Dave Niswonger 8<br />

Wister Medal Design Competition Winner .. Lynn Markham ................................. 13<br />

Arranger's Corner ......................................................Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 14<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> X Conglomerata ..................................................Norian Henderson ............................. 17<br />

AIS Affiliates-1993 ...................................................Dave Niswonger . 22<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps ..........................Harry Kuesel ..................................... 31<br />

Short Items <strong>of</strong> Interest ............................................... ........................................................... 42<br />

Seedling Patch Surprises-Arilbred Style Sharon McAllister .. 43<br />

Brown Lasso. F.c.c. ...................................................Cy Bartlett ......................................... 58<br />

Contemporary Views-Medians ..................................Perry Dyer ......................................... 59<br />

Mulching With Dust ..................................................Dave Niswonger ............................... 63<br />

Why Not?-A Garden <strong>of</strong> All-Time Tall Bearded<br />

Favorites Stan Coates ........................................64<br />

Hanashobu Display in Japan. Hiroshi Shimizu .................................67<br />

Dusky Challenger-The Tenth Number One<br />

Since 1948 Stan Coates ....................................... 78<br />

Voting the Symposium Ballot Dennis Stoneburner .. 79<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ...................................Jeanne Plank ..................................... 80<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .......................................... 3 Contributions to AISF ..............................74<br />

Youth Views ............................................... 6 In Memoriam ............................................75<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates ......................... 7 Contribution Information .........................76<br />

AIS Conventions ......................................30 AIS Membership Rates ..................................89<br />

AIS and Section Slides .............................50 Commercial Directory ...................................90<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................57<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Aril <strong>Society</strong> International ......................... 77 Paw Paw Label Company ........................78<br />

Eon Industries ........................................... 16 Powell's Gardens ......................................51<br />

Ennenga's <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .......................Cover 4 Region 23 .................................................49<br />

Just Crazy About ................................ 52-56 Schultz Company ...........................................78<br />

On The Cover: A rainbow <strong>of</strong> color is seen in Silverton, Oregon, as irises at Cooley's<br />

Gardens bloom pr<strong>of</strong>usely. Photo Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Cooley's Gardens.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #291 Oct 1993<br />

1993 AIS Awards .....................................................Bennett Jones ...................................... 4<br />

What I Liked About the Convention ........................Peter J. DeSantis ............................... 13<br />

Convention Comments from a New Yorker .............Jane I. Hall ........................................ 14<br />

The Gordon Green Garden .......................................Melody Wilhoit ................................. 15<br />

The Tom Burseen Garden ........................................Opal Wulf ......................................... 17<br />

Duncanville Garden ..................................................f91ey Probst ...................................... 17<br />

Charlie Brown's Garden ...........................................~verette Lineberger ........................... 19<br />

The Clark Garden .....................................................Orville and Lu Dickhaut ................... 20<br />

Clark's Mineral Wells Garden ..................................Gus Sindt .......................................... 22<br />

The Fort Worth Botanic Garden ...............................Sheldon Butt ......................................24<br />

Fort Worth Botanic Garden ......................................Barbara Schmieder ............................27<br />

Firenze 1993-lntemational <strong>Iris</strong> Competition ............ ............................................................30<br />

Convention Awards .................................................. ............................................................36<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................................Joe and Donna Spears ........................37<br />

Contributors to Wister Medal Fund .......................... Barbara Schmieder ............................37<br />

The American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation .................... Eric Tankesley-Clarke .......................42<br />

Miniature Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es in Massachusetts .. Lucy Burton ...........................................43<br />

A Letter to the Editor ................................................Jo Anne Glandon ............................... 44<br />

Turning Trash into Treasure ..................................... Barbara Flynn ....................................45<br />

A Letter to the Scientific Editor ............................... Samuel Norris ....................................45<br />

Presenting the Wister Medal and Its Designer ......... Lynn Markham .................................. 46<br />

Whites Brighten the Garden ..................................... Robert L. Jensen ................................51<br />

Median Spree in '93 .................................................. Barbara Schmieder ............................ 57<br />

Rainbow's End, 1994 Convention Gardens .............. Marky Smith ..................................... 60<br />

Rainbow's End-Portland Information ....................... Barbara Aitken .................................. 67<br />

Request for Fragrant TB Rhizomes .......................... David Shahak .................................... 75<br />

From the Editor ........................................................ ............................................................ 77<br />

A Topical Collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Stamps-VI ....................Harry Kuesel ..................................... 79<br />

A Letter From Cy Bartlett ......................................... ........................................................... 91<br />

Awards System Chart ................................................ ......................................................... 108<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk ..........................................3 Contribution Information ..........................69<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................12 In Memoriam ...................................... 70-75<br />

Youth Views ............................................. 39 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent ....................................76<br />

Creative Designs ....................................... 48 AIS Sales Items ........................................78<br />

AIS Display Screen .................................. 51 Commercial Directory ..............................92<br />

AIS Conventions Scheduled ..................... 67 Bulletin Advertising Rates .....................106<br />

Gifts to AIS .............................................. 68 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ...........................107<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Just Crazy About ................................. 52-56 Schultz Company .....................................77<br />

NancyHarkins ........................................... 67<br />

On The Cover: The 1993 Dykes Winner, Edith Wolford. Photo by Ben Hager.<br />

Photo Credits: Terry Aitken 10 center right, lower left, 36; Carl Boswell center right 11;<br />

Doug Goodnight 20; Larry Harder 10 upper right; Bob Hollingworth 11 upper left; Don<br />

Koza 32, 34 top and bottom; Eleanor McCown 11 lower right; Lynda Miller 10 center right;<br />

Ron Mullin 11 center left; Hooker Nichols 22,23 top; Melinda Robbins 10 lower right;<br />

Henry Rowlan 11 upper right; Schreiners 10 upper left; Larry Stayer 23 bottom, 31, 33, 34<br />

middlp 35, 38 top and middle, 41 top; Vem Wood 11 lower left; Opal Wulf 38 hntt~-

TABLE OF CONTENTS #292 Jan 1994<br />

New Directors ............................................................ ..............................................................5<br />

AISConvention--Portland .......................................... ..............................................................8<br />

1993 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Awards ........................................Bennett Jones .................................... 12<br />

Contributors to Wister Medal Fund ...........................Barbara Schmieder ........................... 12<br />

1993 <strong>Society</strong> for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es Convention Carol Warner .....................................15<br />

Facts, Not Fear ..........................................................Adele Lawyer ................................... 17<br />

The Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Convention ....................................Anna Mae Miller .............................. 19<br />

Dave Niswonger ............................... 19<br />

Donna Aldridge ................................ 22<br />

Popularity Poll--Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Convention ................. ........................................................... 25<br />

Some Notes on the Gibson Plicatas ...........................Keith Keppel ......................................26<br />

The Well Kept Secret (Spurias) .................................Sheldon Butt ..................................... 31<br />

Dividing Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................John White ........................................ 33<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Gardening in the Winter Ronald Mullin ....................................34<br />

Scorch Revisited and a New Theory Dr. Raymond Smith ...........................36<br />

Keith Keppel Wins Foster Memorial Plaque ............ ........................................................... 39<br />

At the Species Level .. Roy Davidson ................................... 40<br />

Arranger's Corner .. Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 42<br />

1994 Symposium .......................................................Bennett Jones .................................... 45<br />

A Visit with Ben Hager .............................................Lowell Baumunk .............................. 49<br />

A California Visit at Bloomtime ...............................Phil Williams .................................... 74<br />

Reports on Italian <strong>Iris</strong> Species ...................................Maretta Colasante ............................. 82<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ...................................Lillian Gristwood .............................. 89<br />

Exhibition Certificates 1993 ...................................... ........................................................... 97<br />

High Commendation Awards 1993 ...........................Bennett Jones .................................. 100<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ....................Jeanne Clay Plank .. 101<br />

AIS Poster Contest .................................................... ......................................................... 109<br />

Regular Features<br />

From the President's Desk 4 AIS Financial Statement ............................... 54<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................. 9 AIS Sales Items ............................................. 55<br />

Contribution Information ...........................9 AIS Membership Rates ................................. 56<br />

In Memoriam ............................................10 AIS Slides for Rent ....................................... 57<br />

Contributions to AIS Foundation .............13 AIS Judges 1994 ........................................... 68<br />

Youth Views .............................................16 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong> ............................ 88<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .......................52 Commercial Directory ........................... 110<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ...........................53 RVPs ...................................................... 124<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden .. Cover 3 Melrose Gardens ...................................... 58<br />

Arilian Acres ............................Cover 2, 61 Region 7 ................................................... 60<br />

Bay View Gardens ..........................Cover 4 Schultz Company ........................................... 67<br />

Lucy Burton ............................................. 60 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> ............................... 60<br />

Just Crazy About ........................64, 65, 66 Stake Ups ........................................................ 58<br />

Keith Keppel ..................................... 59, 63 Stockton <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens ..................................... 62<br />

Knee Deep in June ................................... 67<br />

On The Cover: Siberian irises perform beautifully in a Michigan garden.<br />

Photo by Hollingworth.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #293 April 1994<br />

AIS Medal Winners ................................................................................................................. 5<br />

New Regional Vice Presidents ................................................................................................ 9<br />

Judges' Roster Correction ...................................................................................................... 13<br />

Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es in '94 Convention<br />

Gardens ..................................................................... Tom Abrego ...................................... 16<br />

1994 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention .................... Ginny Burton ..................................... 19<br />

Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es--Sacramento ...................... Abe Feuerstein .................................. 20<br />

1993 Membership Contest Results ........................... Melody Wilhoit ................................. 23<br />

1994 Membership Contest ........................................ James McWhirter .............................. 24<br />

Growing Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................ Phil Williams .................................... 25<br />

Median Fix '96-Request for Guests .......................... Terry Aitken ...................................... 26<br />

Those Versatile MOBs ............................................. Dorothy and Tony Willott ................. 27<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark ............................................................. Jerry Cathey ...................................... 33<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Terminology ........................................ John Wood ........................................ 35<br />

Growing Califomicae from Seed .............................. Adele Lawyer .................................... 37<br />

Before You Apply Fertilizer ......................................Lewis Lawyer ................................... 38<br />

Photographers, Your Help Is Needed ........................ ........................................................... 42<br />

The Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ..................................................Norian Henderson ............................. 73<br />

Dr. Loomis <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens ...................................Mike Moller ...................................... 82<br />

Design Comer ............................................................Carolyn Hawkins .............................. 86<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 4 Contribution Information .............................. 31<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .......................17 In Memoriam ........................................... 32<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................18 Gifts to AIS .............................................. 32<br />

AIS Slides for Rent ...................................21 Youth Views ................................................. 34<br />

AIS Sales Items ........................................22 How to Register/Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> .......... 107<br />

AIS Conventions ......................................26 Commercial Directory ........................... 108<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

AAA Engravers ....................................... 99 Markham ....................................................... 91<br />

Blodgett ................................................... 43 McAllister ..................................................... 92<br />

Brown's Sunnyhill ................................... 44 Melrose ......................................................... 92<br />

Burch ........................................................45 Messick .....................................................93<br />

Cape .....................................................46,47 Miller's Manor ..........................................94<br />

Cooley's ................................61, 62, 63, 64 Misty Hill ........................................................95<br />

Terri Culotta ..........................................Cover 3 Waiter Moores .........................................96<br />

o & J Gardens ............................................48, 60 Ohio Gardens ..........................................93<br />

Earthheart ................................................ 49 Paw Paw Label Co .........................................90<br />

Eight Mile Grove ..................................... 44 Pacific Coast ..................................................97<br />

Ensata Gardens ......................................... 59 Rainbow's End ..........................................96<br />

Eon Industries ...........................................43 Rancho de Los Rores ..............................101<br />

Chun Fan .................................................. 53 Ed Roberts ................................................98<br />

Fort <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ........................................ 97 Margie Robinson ......................................99<br />

Illini <strong>Iris</strong>es ................................................. 50 Schreiners ........................................Cover 2<br />

Innerst .......................................................51 Schultz Co ................................................98<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Country ............................................... 50 Shepard <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ................................100<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pond ................................................... 58 George Shoop .........................................101<br />

Joe Pye Weed's .........................................52 R. G. Smith ..................................................102<br />

Bennett Jones ...................................... 53, 65 Spanish Fork ...........................................103<br />

Just Crazy About .............68, 69, 70, 71, 72, Hal Stahly ...............................................104<br />

Keith Keppel ................................... Cover 4 Stanley <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .........................................89<br />

Long's ...................................54, 55, 66, 67 Sutton's Green Thumber ................................105<br />

MAD Garden ............................................90 Varigay Gardens ......................................56, 57<br />

Zebra Gardens .......................................106<br />

On The Cover: A planting <strong>of</strong> tall bearded irises in California by Bill Maryott.<br />

Photo provided by Maryott's.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #294 July 1994<br />

Annual Presidential Letter .......................................................................................................4<br />

Michigan '97 A Requestfor Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................................................6<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Foreward ...................................................................Jim Morris ...........................................7<br />

How Median <strong>Iris</strong>es Began ........................................ Lee Eberhardt ......................................7<br />

Easiest to Grow <strong>Iris</strong>es----Standard Dwarf Bearded Lynda Miller ....................................... 11<br />

The Intermediate Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> .................................. Dave Niswonger ................................15<br />

Border Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ............................................... Lynn Markham ..................................18<br />

Survey <strong>of</strong> Recent Miniature Tall Bearded Registrations Jean Witt ......................................23<br />

***<br />

Plicata, Luminata-and Glaciata? .......................... :. Keith Keppel. ......................................27<br />

Why Hellcat. ............................................................. Terry Aitken ......................................29<br />

SLI Annual Convention ............................................ Perry Dyer .........................................30<br />

A Visit With Keith Keppel ....................................... Lowell Baumunk ...............................36<br />

SPCNI Expedition 1994 ........................................... Adele Lawyer ....................................40<br />

Marion Shull, Artist, Botanist, Artist ....................... Clarence Mahan ................................43<br />

Medians in 1993 ....................................................... Perry Dyer. ........................................45<br />

Dr. Loomis <strong>Iris</strong> Trail Gardens .................................. Mike Moller ......................................48<br />

Approved Affiliates 1994 ......................................... Dave Niswonger ................................56<br />

Design Comer ........................................................... Carolyn Hawkins ...............................64<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>is Growing June to November in Pennsylvania .. Sterling Innerst ..................................71<br />

Southern Gardening in Spring and Summer ............. Betty Burch .......................................72<br />

Collecting <strong>Iris</strong>es in Western China ...........................James W. Warrick .............................74<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 3 In Memoriam ............................................52<br />

AIS Conventions ....................................... 4 Contribution Information .........................53<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................. 5 Contributions to AISF ..............................54<br />

Youth Views ............................................ 34 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent ...................................69<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates ...................... 35 AIS Sales Items .......................................70<br />

Commercial Directory ............. .............. 93<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

W. H. Cough ....................................Cover 4 Ruby Short ................................................68<br />

Hillcrest Gardens ..................................... 67 J. & B. Wight ...........................................68<br />

Paw Paw Label Co .................................. 68<br />

On the Cover is PECCADILLO, a border bearded iris, from the Median Class. Photo<br />

courtesy <strong>of</strong> Keith Keppel.<br />

2<br />

.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #295 Oct 1994<br />

In Memory <strong>of</strong> Kay Nelson-Keppel ............................ ..............................................................5<br />

International Species Symposium ............................. ..............................................................9<br />

Gardens <strong>of</strong> 75 in '95 .................................................. ............................................................12<br />

One Way to Plant Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Seeds ....................... Paul Black .........................................19<br />

Performance Report on Container Growing .............. Edward Myhro ................................. 21<br />

Cooley's Garden ........................................................James Morris .....................................22<br />

An Afternoon Delight ................................................ Anne Lowe ........................................24<br />

Salmon Creek Garden ............................................... Ramona Howard ................................28<br />

Abbey Garden ............................................................Jean Erickson .................................... 31<br />

The Craig Garden ......................................................Barbara Schmieder ............................34<br />

Schreiners 1994 .........................................................Larry Harder ......................................36<br />

Schreiners' Garden .....................................................Audrey Machulak ............................. 40<br />

Chehalem Garden ......................................................Carol Warner .................................... 43<br />

The Plotner Garden ...................................................Dolores Denney ................................ 45<br />

D & J Garden ............................................................Phil Williams .................................... 48<br />

The Ludi Garden .......................................................Roger P. Mazur ................................. 50<br />

Photo Gallery ............................................................. ........................................................... 53<br />

1994 AIS Awards ......................................................Melody Wilhoit .................................61<br />

Convention Awards ...................................................Marky Smith ..................................... 67<br />

Median Bloom in Portland ....................................... Jean Morris ........................................ 69<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es at the Convention ........................... Clarence Mahan ................................72<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ............. Joanne King .......................................89<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 3 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>. 77<br />

Advertising Rates ...................................... 4 Design Corner ............................................... 78<br />

AIS Membership Rates ............................. 6 AIS Sales Items .............................................81<br />

Youth Views .............................................. 7 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent ........................................82<br />

International News ...................................18 Contributions to AIS .....................................83<br />

AIS Conventions .....................................35 Contribution Information ...............................85<br />

Photo Credits this Issue ...........................76 In Memoriam .................................................85<br />

Advertisers this Issue ...............................76 Commercial Directory ...................................96<br />

Regional Vice Presidents ......................112<br />

On the Cover is the 1994 Dykes Medal winner SILVERADO. Color separation was<br />

provided by the Schreiners.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #296 Jan 1995<br />

New Director - Lynda Miller ............................................... .....................................................5<br />

1995 Convention Information ............................................ .................................................... 6<br />

AIS Judges for 1995 ............................................................Hilda Crick .............................. 11<br />

Growing Spurias in Arid Climates ......................................Royd Wickenkamp .................. 20<br />

Poster Contest Won by Nancy Harkins ...............................James Rasmussen ..................... 21<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> Spurias in the Midwest .......................................Dave Niswonger ...................... 22<br />

Additional Show Information ..............................................UlIian Gristwood ..................... 23<br />

The SU Convention in Summerville ...................................Carol Warner ........................... 24<br />

Through a Lens ....................................................................Mike Lowe ............................... 25<br />

International News ..............................................................Oarence Mahan ........................ 26<br />

Policy on Obituaries ............................................................ .................................................. 35<br />

AIS Condensed Financial Statement .................................. Glenn Corlew ........................... 36<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ..................................................... ...................................................37<br />

Dr. Loomis <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens ............................................ Mike Moller .............................37<br />

About the Bulletin .............................................................. ...................................................42<br />

1995 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium .................................... Melody Wilhoit ........................43<br />

High Commendations for 1994 .......................................... Melody Wilhoit ........................60<br />

Exhibition Certificates 1994 ............................................... Lillian Gristwood .....................61<br />

Return to Our Roots ........................................................... William Griese .........................63<br />

ATTENTION HYBRIDIZERS .......................................... Keith Keppel ............................64<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ............................................ UlIian Gristwood ......................65<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting .............................Joanne King ..............................75<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Desk .......................................4 Contribution Information .......................32<br />

Slides for Rent... ......................................8 Contributions to AISF ............................33<br />

AIS Sales Items .......................................9 In Memoriam ..........................................35<br />

Membership Rates .................................10 How to Register arxI IntrocIuce an <strong>Iris</strong> .. 48<br />

AIS Conventions ...................................18 Section Conventions - 1995 ...................54<br />

Youth Views ..........................................19 Advertisers this issue ..............................84<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates ................... 32 Commercial Directory ............................85<br />

On the cover is a scene from The <strong>Iris</strong> Pond, the garden <strong>of</strong> Clarence and Suky Mahan in<br />

McLean, Virginia. Photo by Dennis B. Gates.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #297 April 1995<br />

New AIS Treasurer .......................................................... ................................................ ........ 5<br />

Distinguished ServicG Medal to Crick ........................... ................................................ ........ 6<br />

Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es-Michigan .................................. ................................................ ........ 7<br />

Convention Information .................................................. Sterling Innerst ...................... ........ 8<br />

Meet the New RVPs ........................................................ ................................................ ...... 12<br />

An Idea for Local Meetings. ""-.: .................................... Pete Rudkin ........................... ...... 16<br />

JIS Convention ................................................................ Carol Warner ......................... ...... 17<br />

Preparing <strong>Iris</strong> for Exhibition ............................................ Sheldon Butt .......................... ...... 17<br />

International News .......................................................... Clarence Mahan ..................... ...... 24<br />

1995 Membership Contest ...............................................James P. McWhirter ..............: .... 29<br />

1994 Season Review .......................................................Ted White .............................. ...... 30<br />

Composting .....................................................................Jerry Bowers .......................... ...... 42<br />

In Memoriam-Blue Sapphire ...........................................Joe Ghio ................................. ..... .45<br />

Ladybug, Ladybug, Make This Your Home ...................Sharon McAllister. ................ ..... .46<br />

Measuring Width .............................................................Jim Craig ................................ ...... 49<br />

Germination Indoors ........................................................John Coble and Bob Bauer .... ......50<br />

ATTENTION HyBRIDiZERS! .......................................Keith Keppel .......................... ......52<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Post Mark ..................................................................Jerry Cathey ........................... ......62<br />

Design Corner ..................................................................Carolyn Hawkins ................... ...... 64<br />

What Does the Membership Secretary Do? ....................Marilyn Harlow ..................... ......68<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ..................................4 Contribution Information .......................28<br />

Youth Views .............................................9 AIS Sales Items ......................................53<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .....................23 AIS Slides ..............................................54<br />

AIS Conventions ....................................26 AIS Membership Rates ..........................62<br />

Gifts to AIS ........................................... 27 Commercial Directory ...........................96<br />

In Memoriam ......................................... 28 RVPs ....................................................112<br />


Patricia Allen ......................................... 83 MAD. Garden ........................................85<br />

Blodgett Garden .................................... 74 Markham ................................................86<br />

Lucy Burton ........................................... 93 Messick ................................................. 87<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .............................. 76, 77 Mid America ......................................... 87<br />

Cooley's ............................... 56, 57, 58, 59 Miller's Manor ....................................... 88<br />

J & V Craig ........................................... 75 Mountain View .............................Cover 3<br />

Cricket Hill ............................................ 89 Northshore ............................................. 82<br />

D & J Garden ........................................ 78 Ohio Gardens ........................................ 90<br />

Eon Industries ........................................ 75 Olsen ..................................................... 89<br />

Friendship Garden ................................. 79 Paw Paw Labels .................................... 89<br />

Hahn's .................................................... 74 Rainbow's End ....................................... 89<br />

Hillcrest ................................................. 80 Roberts .................................................. 82<br />

Innerst .................................................... 55 Schreiner's .................................... Cover 2<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Pond ................................................81 Shepard ..................................................91<br />

<strong>Iris</strong>tocrat Acres ......................................81 Spanish Fork .......................................... 92<br />

Joe Pye Weed's ...................................... 90 Stahly ..................................................... 93<br />

Bennett Jones .........................................82 Sutton ..................................................... 94<br />

Evelyn Kegerise ....................................81 Varigay ............................................60, 61<br />

Keith Keppel ........................... 83, Cover 4 Zebra ...................................................... 95<br />

Long's .................................................... 84<br />

ON THE COVER: With the Flatiron Mountains as a backdrop, irises burst into a glorious<br />

array <strong>of</strong> color in Long's Garden in Boulder, Colorado. Photo by Dennis Gates.<br />


Diamond 75 th Anniversary Issue 1995 (#297A May 1995)<br />

American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

From the Desk <strong>of</strong> the President, Clair Barr 5<br />

From the Desk <strong>of</strong> the Scholarship Committee, Jean Witt 6<br />

The AIS Youth Program, Jean Morris 7<br />

History <strong>of</strong> the Last 25 Years, Larry Harder 11<br />

Benchmarks <strong>of</strong> an Era, Larry Harder 26<br />

Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong><br />

An Interview with Bob, Dave, and Ray Shreiner 31<br />

Pink Color in <strong>Iris</strong>es, Ben Hagar 35<br />

Variegated Flower Color, Allan Ensminger 42<br />

Variegated Foliage, Allan Ensminger 43<br />

Popular Plicatas, Keith Keppel 44<br />

Over the Horizon, Terry Aitken 46<br />

Future Development <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, Bill Baryott 49<br />

Median <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Lilliputs to Medians, Jim Morris 52<br />

MTBs in Review, Jean Witt 56<br />

Siberian <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow 59<br />

Spuria <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Introduction, Tom Abrego 72<br />

Spurias, Today & Tomorrow, Dave Niswonger 74<br />

Japanese <strong>Iris</strong><br />

<strong>Society</strong> for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, John Coble 79<br />

Reblooming <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Milestones <strong>of</strong> Remontancy, John Weiler 84<br />

Dwarf <strong>Iris</strong><br />

A Window to the little Ones, Erik Tankesley-Clarke 89<br />

Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong><br />

An <strong>Historic</strong>al Summary, Lewis Lawyer 93<br />

Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong>es Today, Gigi Hall 96<br />

The Future <strong>of</strong> PCNs, Joseph Ghio 103<br />

Species <strong>Iris</strong><br />

SIGNA 105<br />

<strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong><br />

<strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Larry Doucette & Anne Lowe 108

p. 2 Diamond Anniversary issue<br />

Aril <strong>Society</strong> International<br />

Yesterday & Today at Pleasure <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Mrs. Henry Danielson 112<br />

Progress in Aril and Arilbred Hybridizing, Howard Shockey 114<br />

Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong><br />

The <strong>Society</strong> for Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>, Marie Caillet 117<br />

Louisianas Today, Perry Dyer 119<br />

Milestones in Development <strong>of</strong> Louisianas, Joseph Mertzweiller 122<br />

Photo Credits<br />

Front Cover: 75th Anniversary Poster, by Nancy Harkins<br />

Inside Front Cover: SAN FRANCISCO, L. Harder; STEPPING OUT· T. Aitken; JESSE'S SONG·<br />

Schreiners<br />

Page 15: DEBBY RAIRDON, T. Aitken; NEW MOON, T. Aitken: SHIPSHAPE· Schreiners;<br />

SKYWATCH, Mike Noller; BABBLING BROOK, Schreiners.<br />

Page 16: MARY FRANCES, Larry Harder; KILT LILT, T. Aitken; PINK TAFFETA, Larry Harder;<br />

DREAM WVER, Mike Moeller; BRIDE'S HAW, Schreiners.<br />

Page 29: RUFFLED BALLET, Schreiners; VANnY, Mike Moeller; VICTORIA FALLS, T.<br />

Aitken; MYSTIQUE, T. Aitken; BEVERLY SILLS, T. Aitken.<br />

Page 30: EVERYTHING PLUS, Dave Niswonger; DUSKY CHALLENGER, Schreiners; TITAN'S<br />

GWRY, Schreiners; SONG OF NORWAY, Schreiners; EDITH WOLFORD, T. Pjtken.<br />

Page 47: SILVERADO, Schreiners; TB Seedling "A", T. Aitken; TB Seedling "B", Schreiners; TB<br />

Seedling "C, Schreiners.<br />

Page 48: BROWN LASSO, Schreiners; BE DAZZLED, T. Aitken; PANDA, T. Aitken; RARE<br />

EDITION, T. Aitken.<br />

Page 61: DOTTED LINE, T. Aitken; WHITE SWIRL, Dave Silverberg; BUTTER AND SUGAR,<br />

Dave Silverberg; Floral Arrangement, Anna Mae Miller.<br />

Pages 62 & 63: Portrait, Glenn Corlew.<br />

Page 64: Convention Guest, T. Aitken; CINNAMON STICK, Dave Niswonger; Spuria Planting, T.<br />

Aitken; Cut Flowers - Tom Abrego<br />

Page 77: TUPTIM, John Coble; LIGHT AT DAWN, John Coble; McEwen Garden on Tour, T.<br />

Aitken; Hugh F. Knight Garden, John Coble.<br />

Page 78: FRANKINCENSE, John Weiler; MOTHER EARTH, John Weiler; Rebloom IB, T.<br />

Aitken; Rebloom TB, John Weiler.<br />

Page 95: GOLD CANARY, T. Aitken; I.reichenbachii, E. Tanksley-Clark; SPARKLING EYES,<br />

Schreiners; ATROVIOLACEA, E. Tanksley-Clark.<br />

Page 96: WILD PACIFIC COAST, Lawyer; LATIN BWOD, T. Aitken; UP ALL NIGHT, T.<br />

Aitken; WS WMAS, T. Aitken; SIERRA BUTTERFLIES, Lawyer.<br />

Page 109: Copeland PXE-1, T. Aitken; I.1aevigatae a1bopurpurea, T. Aitken; I.1aevigatae alba, T.<br />

Aitken; I.virginica X Tet LA, J. Mertzweiller.<br />

Page 110: WINTER OLYMPICS, T. Aitken; ARGUS PHEASANT, T. Aitken; WABASH· T.<br />

Aitken; RAMESES, T. Aitken.<br />

Inside Back Cover: Oncocyc1us, H. Shockey; TINY TYKE, T. Aitken; Oncogeliabred, H.<br />

Shockey; OYEZ, Scott Jordan; Oncogeliabred, H. Shockey.<br />

Back Cover: Australian Hybrid, Perry Dyer; CAJUN SUNRISE, Perry Dyer; PROFESSOR IKE,<br />

Perry Dyer.

TABLE OF CONTENTS #298 July 1995<br />

Symposium Corrections .................................................Melody Wilhoit ...............................4<br />

Attention Membership Contest Participants ................... .........................................................4<br />

Annual Presidential Letter .............................................. .........................................................5<br />

Colorado '98 Request for Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ........... .........................................................6<br />

The SIGNA Species Symposium ...................................Bob Pries ........................................7<br />

Design Corner .................................................................Carolyn Hawkins .........................1 0<br />

International News .........................................................Clarence Mahan ............................13<br />

Planting and Care <strong>of</strong> Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es ...............................Ronald Mullin ...............................15<br />

Approved Affiliates 1995 ...............................................Dave Niswonger ...........................17<br />

Strategies for Hybridizing .............................................. Marty Schafer ...............................26<br />

Preview Tour in Sacramento ..........................................Joyce Ragle ...................................31<br />

Can They Grow <strong>Iris</strong>es in Montana? ...............................Jerry and Donna Bowers .............. 34<br />

The Gardens <strong>of</strong> Missoula ............................................... Ronald Mullin .............................. 35<br />

What's New in Garden Labels ........................................ Lewis Lawyer ............................... 37<br />

New Zealand <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention 1995 ................... Dorothy Wood .............................. 38<br />

From Sea to Shining Sea ................................................ Graeme Grosvenor.. ..................... 39<br />

Hybridizing for Double Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................ Marvin Granger ............................ 44<br />

The Season in Review .................................................... Ronald Mullin .............................. 46<br />

Judging Italian Style ....................................................... Marilyn Harlow ............................ 49<br />

How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong> ............................ ........................................................60<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ..................................3 AIS Sales Items ......................................62<br />

Youth Views ...........................................23 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent .................................63<br />

Contributions to AISF ...........................57 AIS Conventions ....................................68<br />

In Memoriam ........................................ 59 Advertising Rates ..................................68<br />

Contribution Information ...................... 59 Commercial Directory ...........................69<br />

Membership Rates ................................61 Advertisers This Issue ...........................84<br />

On the front cover is a scene from the Rojahn Garden during the 1995 convention in<br />

Pennsylvania. On the back cover are Miniature Tall Bearded irises in the Leader Garden in<br />

Pennsylvania.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #299 Oct 1995<br />

1995 AIS AWARDS ......................................................Bennett & Evelyn Jones .................5<br />

Seventy-five in '95 ..........................................................Ron Mullin ................................... 17<br />

Innerst Garden ................................................................Marky Smith ................................ 19<br />

The Lellder Garden .........................................................Clarence Mahan ........................... 22<br />

Innerst Garden ................................................................ Paul Gossett ................................. 24<br />

60 Years With <strong>Iris</strong> .......................................................... AnneLowe .................................... 26<br />

The Marquart Garden ...................................................... Barbara Schmieder. ...................... 28<br />

The Betty and Glenn Bowers Garden .............................. Jim Morris .................................... 30<br />

1996 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Convention ...................................... ....................................................... 32<br />

Strawser Garden .............................................................. BiIl Rinehart.. ............................... 33<br />

<strong>Society</strong> for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ............ ....................................................... 34<br />

Convention Awards ......................................................... ....................................................... 34<br />

Carl and Gloria Rojahn Garden .......................................Jean Morris ...................................35<br />

Griffie Garden ................................................................. Marjorie Jansen ............................37<br />

Corrections in Affiliate Listing ....................................... .......................................................38<br />

Medians in Pennsylvania .................................................Lynda Miller .................................39<br />

Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, 1995 ..............................................Gloria Rojahn ............................ ..41<br />

A Date With an <strong>Iris</strong> .........................................................Clarence Mahan ............................46<br />

More About Roots ...........................................................Lucy Burton ................................ .47<br />

Beardless <strong>Iris</strong> Culture ......................................................Dianna Nicholls ............................59<br />

Raising Species <strong>Iris</strong> From Seeds: ....................................Elaine P. Hurlbert.. ...................... 60<br />

A Round Robin Is ............................................................Libby Cross .................................. 67<br />

Back to Basics: A Cultural Program<br />

for Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong>es .................................................... Ruth Wilder .................................. 74<br />

Design Corner ................................................................. Carolyn Hawkins .......................... 76<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting ........................................ Jeanne Plank, Marilyn Harlow .82<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................ .4 International News ................................ 63<br />

AIS Conventions ................................... 13 In Memoriam .........................................68<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .....................13 Contributions to AIS .............................72<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent .................................14 Contribution Information ......................73<br />

AIS Membership Rates .........................15 Photo Credits .........................................75<br />

AIS Sales Items .....................................16 Commercial Directory ...........................89<br />

Youth Views ..........................................54<br />

ON THE COVER: The 1995 Dykes Medal Winner HONKY TONK BLUES is pictured on<br />

the front cover. Photo is courtesy <strong>of</strong> Schreiner's Garden.<br />

INSIDE FRONT COVER: The Evelyn Kegerise Garden. Photo by Bob Plank.<br />


TABLE OF CONTENTS #300 Jan 1996<br />

A Capitol Idea ............................................................................ .............................................6<br />

California Is Ready .....................................................................Jay Hudson ..........................8<br />

New Bulletin Editor .................................................................... .............................................9<br />

Native <strong>Iris</strong> After the Convention ................................................Adele Lawyer: ..................1 0<br />

Bennett Jones Wins Foster Memorial Plaque .............................Marky Smith ................11<br />

A Glossary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Terms ............................................................Bill Maryott .......................17<br />

Notice to Foreign Hybridizers ....................................................Keith Keppel .....................19<br />

Median Fix in '96 ........................................................................ ...........................................20<br />

Siberian Pre-Convention Tour-Schmieder Garden ....................Lynn Markham ................ 21<br />

Joe Pye Weed's Garden .......Currier McEwen ...............23<br />

Smith Garden ......................Shirley Pope ......................24<br />

M.A.S.S. Medley Information ...... .............................................Barbara Schmieder ............25<br />

Two Puzzling Groups <strong>of</strong> Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es:<br />

Biology and Proposed Common Names ................................Dr. Chandler Fulton ..........26<br />

Unity ...........................................................................................Betty Wilkerson ................36<br />

AIS Judges for 1996 ...................................................................Glenn Corlew ................... 37<br />

Keep 'Em Hying .........................................................................Libby Cross .......................44<br />

1995 JIS Awards ........................................................................ ...........................................46<br />

High Commendation for 1995 .................................................... .......................................... 47<br />

AIS Liability Insurance ..............................................................Mike Lowe ..................... ..48<br />

1996 Tall Bearded Symposium ..................................................Melody Wilhoit.. ...............49<br />

1995 SJI Convention ..................................................................Peter Weixlmann ...............54<br />

Exhibition Committee Report ....................................................Lillian Gristwood ............. 61<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership ............................................................. .......................................... 81<br />

AIS Library Contract .................................................................. ...........................................84<br />

AIS Condensed Financial Statement ..........................................Bonnie Nichols .................86<br />

AIS Membership Rates .............................................................. .......................................... 87<br />

World <strong>Iris</strong> Association ................................................................Dave Niswonger .............. 91<br />

Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors' Meeting ..................................... ...........................................93<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message ................................... 4 AIS Sales Items ..............................................82<br />

International News ...................................12 <strong>Iris</strong> Slides for Rent.. ..................................83<br />

Youth Views .............................................15 Section Conventions .................................90<br />

Contributions to AISF ............................. 74 Bulletin Advertising Rates ............................. 91<br />

Contribution Information .........................76 Commercial Directory ........................... 101<br />

In Memoriam ............................................77 RVPs .......................................................116<br />

AIS Conventions ......................................80<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

AIS Display Screen ..................................91 Keith Keppel .............................................56<br />

Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden .......Cover 3 Knee Deep in June ....................................47<br />

Arilian Acres .............................. Cover 2,89 Pope's Perennials ......................................88<br />

Nancy Bartlett ...........................................90 Rampart Productions ................................73<br />

Bay View Gardens (Ghio) ..............Cover 4 Sooner State <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> .................................45<br />

Cascade Bulb and Seed ............................20 Stockton <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens (Feuerstein) .58, 59<br />

Nancy Harkins ..........................................90 Superstition <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens .........................55<br />

ON THE COVER: This is a scene from the beautiful M.A.D. <strong>Iris</strong> Garden <strong>of</strong> Bob and Mary<br />

Dunn. It is one <strong>of</strong> the gardens that can be visited before the 1996 Convention. (Photo by<br />

Mary Dunn)

TABLE OF CONTENTS #301 April 1996<br />

Hybridizer's Medal Winners .................................................................................... , ...................... 6<br />

Colorado: Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es ........................................................................... ..................... 10<br />

JIS Convention .......................................................................................................... ..................... 11<br />

New RVPs ................................................................................................................ ..................... 12<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Show Exhibition Techniques ...................................................... Bonnie Nichols ....................19<br />

The Need for <strong>Iris</strong> Research ............................................................... Jean Witt ............................. 22<br />

A Proposal to Establish International Collections <strong>of</strong><br />

Rare Species <strong>Iris</strong>es ....................................................................... G. I. Rodionenko .................25<br />

Rating Spurias for Garden Value ...................................................... Maxine Perkins ...................27<br />

Hybridizing ....................................................................................... Hooker Nichols .................. 31<br />

How Do You Treat a Guest Speaker ................................................ Lynda Miller .......................34<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> House Mysteries ......................................................................... Ron Mullin ..........................36<br />

Miniature Dwarf Beardeds ............................................................... Ada Godfrey ........................37<br />

Robin Round Up ............................................................................... Libby Cross .........................39<br />

1995 Season in Review ..................................................................... Dean Brand .........................41<br />

Programs, Speakers, and All That.. .................................................. Ron Mullin ..........................49<br />

<strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Available .................................................................... Jerry Cathey ........................51<br />

Space Age <strong>Iris</strong>es: The Future Is Bright.. ........................................... Jim Hedgecock ....................52<br />

Is It Wise to Make <strong>Iris</strong> Crosses ......................................................... Ron Mullin ..........................53<br />

More About Roots ............................................................................ Koen Engelen ......................55<br />

1996 Membership Contest ................................................................ Lynda Miller .......................83<br />

1995 Membership Contest ................................................................ Lynda Miller ....................... 84<br />

Regular Features<br />

President's Message .........................................4 Contributions to AIS ....................................81<br />

AIS Conventions ..............................................9 Contribution Information ..............................82<br />

Design Corner ................................................44 From the Editor ............................................. 85<br />

AIS Display Screen ........................................45 AIS Sales Items ............................................ 86<br />

International News .........................................46 Section Conventions ...................................101<br />

AIS Slides to Rent.. .......................................57 Commercial Directory ................................ 108<br />

In Memoriam .................................................72 AIS Membership Rates ............................... 124<br />

Bulletin Advertising Rates .............................77 RVPs ........................................................... 124<br />

Youth Views ..................................................78<br />

Advertisers This Issue<br />

Bridge in Time ...............................................87 Lynn Markham ............................................. 60<br />

Lucy Burton ...................................................88 Virginia Messick ........................................... 96<br />

Cape <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ......................................90, 91 Mid America Gardens .................................. 98<br />

Contemporary Gardens ..................................89 Miller's Manor .............................................. 99<br />

Cooley's ........................................61, 62, 63, 64 Misty Hill Farm .......................................... 100<br />

J. & V. Craig .................................................92 Walter Moores .............................................. 65<br />

D. & J. Garden ..............................................93 Ohio Garden ............................................... 101<br />

Diamonds and Gold International ..................89 Rainbow Acres .................................... Cover 3<br />

Eartheart Gardens ..........................................94 Rainbow's End ............................................ 101<br />

Eon Industries ................................................88 Ed Roberts .................................................... 95<br />

Garden <strong>of</strong> East Wind .....................................85 SChreiner's .......................................... Cover 2<br />

Carolyn Hawkins ...........................................56 Shepard <strong>Iris</strong> Garden .................................... 102<br />

Hermit Medlar's Walk ....................................88 Spanish Fork ............................................... 103<br />

Sterling Innerst ...............................................67 Hal Stahly ..................................................... 96<br />

The <strong>Iris</strong> Pond ..................................................66 Stanley <strong>Iris</strong> Garden ....................................... 77<br />

Joe Pye Weed's .............................................. 95 Superstition Gardens .................................. 105<br />

Keith Keppel... ...................................... Cover 4 Sutton's Green Thumber ..................... 104,105<br />

KiwiPac Tours ............................................... 95 Varigay Garden ...................................... 70, 71<br />

Long's ....................................................... 58, 59 Winterberry Garden ............................... 68, 69<br />

M.A.D. Garden .............................................. 97 Zebra Gardens .................................... 106, 107<br />

ON THE COVER: A scene from Phil Williams' Rockytop Garden in Tennessee. Photo by Earnest<br />


#302 July 1996<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message<br />

Page 10 Youth Views<br />

Page 16 Flight Lines<br />

Page 71 Contributions<br />

Page 83 AIS Slides For Rent Page<br />

84 Official AIS Storefront Page 86<br />

Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers Page 88<br />

Shopping Section<br />

Page 14 Robin Roster<br />

Page 18 New Contact for AIS Insurance<br />

Page 19 Request for Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 20 AIS Library<br />

Page 22 The Rare <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>of</strong> Russia Page<br />

29 Genetic Engineeripg <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Page 32<br />

Culture Corner<br />

Page 34 International News<br />

Page 38 The New Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 40 Contemporary Views<br />

Page 68 New <strong>Iris</strong> Book Planned<br />

Page 69 Dr. Loomis Awards<br />

Page 74 Official AIS Affiliates<br />

Page 82 Request for Japanese Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 86 Convention Award Winners Page<br />

87 New Advertising Rates<br />

Front & Bock Cover Photos (by Robert Plank): Sherman-Yee garden in the foothills <strong>of</strong> Altadena, California, token during the Region<br />

15 Trek in 1994. Pictured on front cover are George and Kay Sherman-Yee, with their children Claire and Paul.

#303 Oct 1996<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message<br />

Page 10 Corrections to previous Bulletins<br />

Page 12 Youth Views<br />

Page 84 Contributions<br />

Page 86 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 94 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 96 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 97 Shopping Section<br />

Page II2 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page II Photographer's Secrets<br />

Page 16 Robin Roster<br />

Page 18 Convention Gardens<br />

Page 44 Membership Contest<br />

Page 45 Alfalfa, the Magic Elixir<br />

Page 47 Contemporary Views, Part 2<br />

Page 55 Photos <strong>of</strong> Award Winning <strong>Iris</strong>es Page<br />

63 Design Corner<br />

Page 67 International News<br />

Page 73 Streaking is in!<br />

Page 77 1996 AIS Awards<br />

Page 87 AIS Board Minutes<br />

Front Cover Photo by Michoel Moller: BEFORE THE STORM, 1996 Dykes Medol winner. Bock cover photo <strong>of</strong> Sterling 8. Borboro<br />

Innerst by Corol Worner; Innerst seedlings by Terry Aitken.

#304 Jan 1997<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message<br />

Page 14 Editor's Message<br />

Page 15 Corrections to previous Bulletins<br />

Page 16 Youth Views<br />

Page I04 Contributions<br />

Page I05 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page I06 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page I08 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page I09 Shopping Section<br />

Page 124 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 8 American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention<br />

Page !O Say Yes to Michigan!<br />

Page 13 Future Conventions<br />

Page 19 International News<br />

Page 24 International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition<br />

Page 25 Nematodes<br />

Page 28 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 31 Median Fix-Portland, Oregon<br />

Page 38 Mass Medley<br />

Page 42 Species at the Medley<br />

Page 44 SJI Convention<br />

Page 48 High Altitude <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 50 Robin Roster<br />

Page 51 Science Corner<br />

Page 58 AIS Awards-Part II: Japanese <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 67 Design Corner<br />

Page 70 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 71 Opal Brown<br />

Page 73 Approved AIS Judges<br />

Page 80 Show Winners <strong>of</strong> '96<br />

Page 92 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Fall Meeting<br />

Page !O5 Bee Warburton Medal<br />

Front (over Photo by Terry Aitken: Schafer-Socks Gorden<br />

Bock (over: Photo <strong>of</strong> Opal Brown by Francis Jones.<br />

Photo <strong>of</strong> Geniality and Winter Olympics by Terry Aitken.

#305 April 1997<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, TerryAitken<br />

Page 10 Corrections to previous Bulletins<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 17 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 92 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkim<br />

Page 101 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 102 Contributions<br />

Page 104 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 106 AIS Slides For Rent Page<br />

107 Shopping Section<br />

Page 124 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 15 Future Convention Schedule<br />

Page 24 <strong>Iris</strong>es and the Internet, Scott Aitken<br />

Page 28 New RVPs, BarbaraAitken<br />

Page 36 It's Magic - Horned <strong>Iris</strong>, Bill Maryott<br />

Page 39 Breeding for Space-Age <strong>Iris</strong>, Lloyd Zurbrigg<br />

Page 42 Plumed Delight - SA Hybridizing, George Sutton<br />

Page 45 Horned Seedlings, Sterling Innerst<br />

Page 48 Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Rebloom (part I), Donald M. Spoon, Ph.D<br />

Page 59 Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 60 Membership Contest Winners<br />

Page 66 First Aid Tips for <strong>Iris</strong>es, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 70 New AIS Directors, BarbaraAitken<br />

Page 74 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 75 Love in a Cold Climate, Marky Smith<br />

Page 84 How the <strong>Iris</strong> Saved Civilization, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 88 World <strong>Iris</strong> Association, Lech Komarnicki<br />

Page 95 Rebloomers, Sterling Innerst<br />

Page 99 AIS Judges, Revised<br />

Page 100 Memorial, Richard Pettijohn, Roger Mazur<br />

Front (over Photo: species I. pseudocorus 'Ivory', as seen in the Marble Gorden, Harvard, 1M; port <strong>of</strong> the<br />

MAS.S. Medley tour, 1996. Photo by Terry Aitken

#306 July 1997<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Youth Views, Jean Morris<br />

Page 14 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 70 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 75 Contributions to AIS Foundation<br />

Page 86 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 80 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 82 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 84 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 22 1997 Affiliates List<br />

Page 31 Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Rebloom (part 2), Donald Spoon, Ph.D<br />

Page 43 Annual President's Letter, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 44 Convention Awards<br />

Page 45 Hybridizers Medal<br />

Page 53 Distinguished Service Medal Page<br />

55 Alfalfa Again<br />

Page 57 Colchicine, Sam Norris<br />

Page 64 Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request<br />

Page 65 Advice for Beginning Hybridizers, Clarence Mahan Page<br />

69 High Commendation Awards<br />

Page 74 How to Register <strong>Iris</strong>, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 77 In Memoriam: Evelyn Jones, Lillian Gristwood, Cleo<br />

Palmer<br />

Page 83 Revised Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

F rant Cover Photo by Robert Plank: Rebert Garden. Bock cover photo by Terry Aitken: POST TIME<br />

(Schreiner '71) AM, 0 benchmark in iris breeding for" red".

#311 Oct 1997<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Youth Views, Jean Morris<br />

Page 14 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 20 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 90 Contributions to AIS<br />

Page 92 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 94 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 95 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 96 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 19 International iris Competition<br />

Page 24 1997 Convention Garden Reviews<br />

Page 40 Post Convention Reviews<br />

Page 44 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 45 Technicolor Feast, Marky Smith<br />

Page 49 Preview, 1998 Convention, Linda Dory<br />

Page 53 Message from Moscow, Sergey Loktev<br />

Page 54 In Memoriam: Joseph K. Mertzweiller<br />

Page 59 In Memoriam: Dr. D.C. Nearpass<br />

Page 61 1997 AIS Awards<br />

Page 70 Big Ideas for Little <strong>Iris</strong>es, Tom Tadfor Little<br />

Page 79 Minutes from AIS Board Meeting<br />

Front Cover Photo by Robert Plonk: THORNBIRP (M. Byers '89), 1997 Dykes Memorial Medal winner.

#308 Jan 1998<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message, TerryAitken<br />

Page 10 Youth Views,]ean Morris<br />

Page 14 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 77 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 75 Contributions to AIS Foundation<br />

Page 97 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 98 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 100 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 101 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 12 Change in <strong>Iris</strong> Registration, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 16 Future Conventions<br />

Page 17 '98 Natioinal Convention Registration<br />

Page 19 New Committee, <strong>Iris</strong> Larson<br />

Page 20 Silent Auction, Carla Lankow<br />

Page 20 Convention Boutique, Rickie Morgan<br />

Page 21 Thornbird as a Breeder, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 24 Proposed Mission Statement, Bonnie Nichols<br />

Page 25 Sand & Soap, Marie Gebert<br />

Page 27 AIS Library, Keith McNames<br />

Page 30 Exhibition Report, Mike Moller<br />

Page 32 Membership Contest, Lynda Miller<br />

Page 37 C.G. White, Tom Craig<br />

Page 42 C.G. White, Analysis, Sharon McAllister<br />

Page 53 AIS Judges. Glenn Corlew<br />

Page 64 Exhibition Report, Mike Moller<br />

Page 66 Exhibition Committee, Mike Moller<br />

Page 67 AIS Show Reports<br />

Page 80 Symposium Results<br />

Page 85 World <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Sergey Loctev<br />

Page 88 Dorothy Stahley, Anna Mae Miller<br />

Page 89 A Good Thing,]eanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 93 In Memoriam: Mary Dunn<br />

Page 95 Financial Report<br />

Front ond bock cover photos by Terry Aitken. Front RUFFLES AND LACE (Hamblen '82), HM '84. Bock:<br />

FAME (Weiler '86), Colnomio.

#309 April 1998<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 13 Youth Views, Jean Morris<br />

Page 21 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 73 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 99 Contributions to AIS<br />

Page 104 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 106 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 107 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 108 Shopping Section<br />

Page 18 Youth Fundraiser, Kevin Gormley<br />

Page 30 Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Destiny Dallas 2000<br />

Page 31 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 35 <strong>Iris</strong> Borer Control,<br />

Stanton A. Gill and Michael J Raupp<br />

Page 42 New AIS Directors<br />

Page 47 New RVPs<br />

Page 55 Climate Tolerance<br />

Page 77 Ways & Means, <strong>Iris</strong> Larson<br />

Page 80 Minutes, Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting<br />

Page 94 High Commendation Awards<br />

Page 96 In Memoriam: Evelyn Kegerise<br />

Page 97 In Memoriam: Doris Foster<br />

Page 98 In Memoriam: B.j. Brown<br />

Front cover photo by Robert Plonk: Dykes Medol winners ot Roris Gorden, Col~omio, 1996. Bock<br />

cover photo by Terry Aitken: lADY FRIEND

#310 July 1998<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, TerryAitken<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page IS International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 72 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 85 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 86 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 88 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 89 Shopping Section<br />

Page 8 Annual President's Letter, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 21 Request for Guest Bearded <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 22 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 23 Landscape <strong>Iris</strong> Revolution, Don & Ginny Spoon<br />

Page 27 Climate Tolerance, TerryAitken<br />

Page 29 The I mesopotamica Problem, Ben Hager<br />

Page 34 Hybridizing: Colors & Paterns,joe Ghio<br />

Page 36 Hybridizing: Toward Pinks, Bill Maryott<br />

Page 38 Hybridizing: Amoenas & Rims, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 40 Coals & Embers, Marky Smith<br />

Page 43 Dark Fire, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 47 <strong>Iris</strong> Lacustris, Maureen S. Martin<br />

Page 48 Ensicolor Hybrids, Oleg A. Amekhin<br />

Page 50 Honorary Awards Explained, Claire Barr & Harold Stahly<br />

Page 57 Hybridizers Medal<br />

Page 60 Gold Medal Awarded<br />

Page 61 Convention Awards<br />

Page 62 Official AIS AffIliates<br />

Page 75 Storefront Update, <strong>Iris</strong> Larson<br />

Page 77 TB <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Petition for Recognition<br />

Page 82 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 83 AIS Foundation contributions

#311 Oct 1998<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 13 International News, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 66 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 90 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 92 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 93 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 94 Shopping Section<br />

Page 19 International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition, Florence, Italy<br />

Page 20 Denver: 1998 AIS National Convention:<br />

Baumunk Garden, Scott Jordan; Chapman Garden, Kathie<br />

Kasperek; Ever's Garden, Bill Maryott & Jean Morris; Hudson<br />

Garden,Joe Griner, Long's Garden, Marky Smith; Loomis<br />

Garden, Shirley Pope; Love Garden, Gigi Hall; Miller Garden,<br />

George Sutton; Knudtson Garden, Terry Aitken; Stetson<br />

Garden,Jean & Jim Morris; Townsend Garden, Carol Warner,<br />

Union Printers Garden, Anne Lowe<br />

Page 44 Ten <strong>Iris</strong>es & an Eggplant, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 48 Allan Ensminger's Rebloomers, Don Spoon<br />

Page 57 1998 AIS Awards<br />

Page 64 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, '98 AIS Convention<br />

Page 65 Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker<br />

Page 69 <strong>Iris</strong> News on the Internet, Scott Aitken<br />

Page 71 Opal Brown, 1934-1998<br />

Page 72 Ila Nunn, 1902-1998, Marie Caillet<br />

Page 74 Tribute to Monty Byers, Ben Hager & Kitty Loberg<br />

Page 79 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting<br />

Page 88 Contributions to AIS<br />

Front cover photo by Robert Plonk: CONJURATION (Byers '89), 1998 Dykes Memoriol Medol winner.

#312 Jan 1999<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 8 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page lO Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 12 International News, George & Margaret Sutton<br />

Page 59 Directory <strong>of</strong> Display Ads<br />

Page 67 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 86 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 88 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 89 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 90 Shopping Section<br />

Page 21 1999 AIS Convention Invitation<br />

Page 23 New AIS Directors<br />

Page 31 New Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 39 Approach to Red <strong>Iris</strong>, Don Spoon<br />

Page 41 Rocky Road to Red <strong>Iris</strong>es, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 44 AIS Library Update, Keith McNames<br />

Page 46 Denver Convenion Review, Gisela Dathe<br />

Page 51 1998 AIS Show Winners Report<br />

Page 55 1998 AIS Artistic Show Report<br />

Page 59 1998 AIS Youth Show Report<br />

Page 60 1998 Display Report<br />

Page 62 1998 Exhibition Certificates<br />

Page 64 lOO Favorite <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 71 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting<br />

Page 80 Membership Contest, Lynda Miller<br />

Page 83 Memoriam: Norman]. Frisch<br />

Page 83 In Memoriam<br />

Page 84 AIS Foundation

#313 April 1999<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page I6 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 20 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page n8 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page I20 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page I2I AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 122 Shopping Section<br />

Page I4 Median Guest Request<br />

Page IS Bearded Guest Request<br />

Page 27 New Zealand <strong>Iris</strong>es, TerryAitken<br />

Page 42 <strong>Iris</strong>es in Germany, Susan Weber<br />

Page 48 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 52 Compost or Snake Oil, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 54 Show Prep for Beginners, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 58 Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Seeds, George Sutton<br />

Page 60 Seedling Selection, Rick Ernst<br />

Page 63 Companion Plants, Ray Schreiner<br />

Page 65 Fertile Intermediates, Marky Smith<br />

Page 70 The Great Clarence Mystery, Don Spoon<br />

Page 76 Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> Culture,John Coble<br />

Page 79 Siberian Hybridizing, Anna Mae Miller<br />

Page 8I '98 Spuria Convention, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 85 Handbook for Judges & Show Officials, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 99 Robins Anyone?, LibbyA. Cross<br />

Page I03 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Page I07 To Be a Bee, Don Spoon Page<br />

I09 AIS Display Screens<br />

Page no 1999 AIS Judges<br />

Page II? AIS Financial Report<br />

Front cover photo: Marky Smith. Unidentified toll bearded iris in the Chapman Garden, 1998 AIS Convention in Denver.

#314 July 1999<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page IO· Youth Views,]ean Morris<br />

Page 71 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce<br />

Filardi<br />

Page 98 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page IOO AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page IOI AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page I02 Shopping Section<br />

Page 14 Flightlines<br />

Page 16 LycopenePink TB's: Boring???, Harald Mathes<br />

Page 22 Crested <strong>Iris</strong>es, William A. Shear<br />

Page 25 Convention Reflections, Bill Shear<br />

Page 31 Growing Techniques, Rick Tasco<br />

Page 33 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 36 Memphis 2002 - Request For Beardless Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 37 1999 International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 42 <strong>Iris</strong> Stolonifera, Carla Lankow<br />

Page 43 Gardening from the Soil Up<br />

Page 45 In Memory - Frederick W. Gadd, Lynn Markham<br />

Page 53 An Adventure With Reticulatas, Alan McMurtrie<br />

Page 63 A Solution For Erwinia, Adam Fikso<br />

Page 78 Approved AIS Mfiliates for 1999<br />

Page 83 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

Page 95 In Memoriam<br />

Page 95 AIS Display Screens<br />

Page 96 American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Foundation<br />

Front cover photo: Terry Aitken. CHASING RAINBOWS (Hager '98) in the Watson Gorden, 1999 AIS Convention in Oklahoma City

#315 Oct 1999<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 2 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 3 AIS Sections<br />

Page 4 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 6 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Youth Views,]ean Morris<br />

Page 12 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce<br />

Filardi<br />

Page 90 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 92 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 93 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 94 Shopping Section<br />

Page 16 2000 Convention Invitation<br />

Page 17 Destiny Dallas 2000, Lew Begley<br />

Page 19 Flightlines, Barbara Figge<br />

Page 22 Black is Black, Sylvain Ruaud<br />

Page 26 Hybridizer & Service Awards<br />

Page 30 Oklahoma Convention Garden Reviews:<br />

Twister City,]im Morris; Contemporary Gardens <strong>of</strong> Perry<br />

Dyer,]im & Jean Morris; Beasley Garden, Peter<br />

Weixlmann; Fernandes Garden, Sara Marley; Hawley<br />

Garden, Lew Begley; Watson Garden, Herb Holk; Woodruff<br />

Garden, Kitty Loberg; Scott Garden, Carla Lankow; Parrish<br />

Garden, Tom Abrego; Rex Matthews Garden, Fran Evers;<br />

Jones Garden, Nyla Hughes; Will Rogers Park, Shirley Trio<br />

Page 64 1999 AlS Awards<br />

Page 72 1998 High Commendation Awards<br />

Page 73 Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker<br />

Page 74 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 75 Deen Day Smith and the <strong>Iris</strong>, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 76 Ben Hager, Memorial<br />

Page 85 Harry Kuesel, Memorial, Fran Evers<br />

Page 86 Ruth Simmons, Ron Mullin<br />

Page 87 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Front cover photo: Schreiner. 1999 Dykes Medal winner HELLO DARKNESS (Schreiner '92).

#316 Jan 2000<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page10 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 13 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 18 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 120 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 121 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 122 Shopping Section<br />

Page 17 International Cooperation, Milan Blazek<br />

Page 22 Destiny Dallas 2000 Convention Update<br />

Page 23 Convention Silent Auction, Maxine Perkins<br />

Page 24 Siberian Convention<br />

Page 25 HIPS Convention<br />

Page 26 Future Conventions Schedule<br />

Page 27 Meet the New RVPs<br />

Page 48 Northwest Arilbreds, Marky Smith<br />

Page 52 Hybridizers Speak: Recent Introductions, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 57 Hybridizers Speak: Introductions for 2000, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 61 Variegated Foliage,jean Witt, Ginney & Don Spoon, Rick<br />

Tasco & Roger Duncan, Brad Kasperek,john Weiler, Terry<br />

Aitken<br />

Page 77 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 79 Flight Lines, Barbara Figge<br />

Page 83 Favorite Siberian &Japanese <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 84 Postal, Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership<br />

Page 85 Approved AIS Judges, Ron Mullin<br />

Page 92 New Emeritus Judges<br />

Page 93 Exhibition Committee Report, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 94 Shows: AIS, Artistic, Youth, Displays<br />

Page !O3 Exhibition Certificates<br />

Page !OS High Commendation Awards<br />

Page !O6 Minutes <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting<br />

Page n6 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Front cover photo: Aitken. Variegated and purple based faliage <strong>of</strong> ZEBRA BLUSH (Kasperek '95).

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

#317 April 2000<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

'Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page II Editor's Message, TerryAitken<br />

Page 13 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 16 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce<br />

Filardi<br />

Page 124 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 127 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 128 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 129 Shopping Section<br />

Page IS How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 24 Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request<br />

Page 26 Hybridizer & Service Medals<br />

Page 30 Dr. Currier McEwen, Gold Medal Award, Curier McEwen<br />

Page 38 Dr. G. 1. Rodionenko, Warburton Medal<br />

Page 42 Colored Foliage,jean Witt<br />

Page 44 Striped & Streaked, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 50 Chimera, George Sutton & Mike Sutton<br />

Page 62 Peace On Earth, Allan Ensminger<br />

Page 64 Saddleback Caterpiller, William Shear<br />

Page 66 The Hybridizers Speak, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 73 <strong>Iris</strong> Move, Pau[Black<br />

Page 82 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 85 Experiences With Reemay, Ted White<br />

Page 87 Mulching <strong>Iris</strong> Down Under, Barry Blyth<br />

Page 89 <strong>Iris</strong> Borer, Verbena Bud Moths, Don & Ginny Spoon<br />

Page IOO What's the Hurry, Rick Ernst<br />

Page I02 Crosses with Intermediates, Sergey Loktev<br />

Page I04 AIS Foundation Report<br />

Page IIO 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>, 2000 Symposium Report<br />

Page II4 Flight Lines, Barbara Figge<br />

Page II6 Lemon, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page II9 Memoriam, Maynard Edwin Harp<br />

Page 120 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Page 122 AIS Display Screens Info<br />

Page 123 <strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Jerry Cathey<br />

Front cover photo: Aitken. DUSKY CHALLENGER (Schreiner '86), 1992 Dykes Medal recipient.

#318 July 2000<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 12 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 14 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 17 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 85 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 86 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 88 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 89 Shopping Section<br />

Page 10 President's letter to TBIS, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page II Annual President's Letter, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 12 Applications: Editor & Membership Chair<br />

Page 21 German View <strong>of</strong> the Decade, Rainer Zeh<br />

Page 25 Glimpse at Moraea,John Weiler<br />

Page 31 Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Convention<br />

Page 37 Diversity in Louisianas, Kevin Vaughn<br />

Page 43 The Orange Brick Road, Heather Pryor<br />

Page 48 Forget Think Big!, Bernard Pryor<br />

Page 50 John Taylor's Hybridizing,<br />

Bruce Filardi, Graeme Grosvenor, andJohn Taylor<br />

Page 53 Hybridizing Louisianas in Australia,Janet Hutchinson<br />

Page 55 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 57 Avis and the Darktops, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 63 <strong>Iris</strong> City, Greg & Nancy McCullough<br />

Page 65 Flightlines, Barbara Figge<br />

Page 68 Minutes <strong>of</strong> AIS Board Meeting<br />

Page 80 Electronic World <strong>of</strong><strong>Iris</strong>,JohnJones<br />

Page 82 Memoriam, Wilbert Gustav Sindt<br />

Page 84 AIS Foundation<br />

Front cover photo: Aitken. Ghio seedling #94-1 18H2, at Addison Garden, Texas. Back<br />

cover 8. inside back cover photo: Aitken. Marie Caillet Garden, Texas

#319 Oct 2000<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page II Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 14 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 76 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 78 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 80 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 81 Shopping Section<br />

Page 18 <strong>Historic</strong>al Chronicles Project, Anner Whitehead<br />

Page 20 2001 AIS Convention Announcement<br />

Page 22 Hip, Hips, Hooray, Ruth & Jim Burke<br />

Page 24 Pacific Coast <strong>Iris</strong>, Colin Rigby<br />

Page 28 2000 Convention Garden Reviews: Addison, Argyle<br />

Acres, Begley, Burseen, Clark, Dallas Arboretum,<br />

Farmers Branch, Little Elm, and Stanley.<br />

Page 58 AIS Medals & Awards<br />

Page 69 <strong>Iris</strong> pumila, Tony & Dorothy Willott<br />

Page 72 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 73 Dr. Loomis Awards, Russ Eacker<br />

Page 74 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Front cover photo: Stoirwoy to Heoven (Lorry Louer). Photo by Schreiner's Gordens. Winner <strong>of</strong> the Dykes Memoriol Medal.

#320 Jan 2001<br />

Regular Features<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 14 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page IS International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 126 Official AIS Storefront Page<br />

128 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 129 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page<br />

130 Shopping Section<br />

Page 12 Digital Photography, Scott Aitken<br />

Page 18 2001 AIS Convention Preview,jane Bury<br />

Page 21 2001 AIS Convention Invitation<br />

Page 22 Silent Auction<br />

Page 23 Median Odyssey Invitation<br />

Page 24 Request for guest Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 25 Future Convention Schedule<br />

Page 26 Rebloom & <strong>Iris</strong> Aphylla, Jim Craig<br />

Page 27 Experiences with Rebloom, Larry Lauer<br />

Page 28 Progenitors in Rebloom, Walter Moores<br />

Page 30 In Memoriam<br />

Page 31 Search for Constant Bloom, Don & Ginny Spoon<br />

Page 50 Experiences with Rebloom, Lloyd Zurbrigg<br />

Page 55 Meet the New RVPs<br />

Page 67 How to Register an <strong>Iris</strong>, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 68 New Introductions in 2001, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 74 AIS Judges<br />

Page 81 Exhibition Report, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 82 AIS Shows <strong>of</strong> 2000<br />

Page 92 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 96 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 101 AIS Financial Statement<br />

Page 102 Postal Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership Page 103<br />

Membership Contest, Linda Miller<br />

Page 106 Rober Schreiner, 1910 - 2000, Bennett Jones, Keith Keppel<br />

Page II2 Eleanor McCown, 19II - 2000, Bob Brooks<br />

Page II3 AIS Foundation Call For Proposals<br />

Page II4 AIS Board Meeting Minutes<br />

Front cover photo: TOTAL RECALL (Ben Hager '92). Photo by 1. Aitken.

#321 April 2001<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page II Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 14 Youth Views,]ean Morris<br />

Page 18 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 91 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 92 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 94 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 95 Shopping Section<br />

Page 23 Request for Bearded Guest iris<br />

Page 26 Request for Beardless Guest iris<br />

Page 27 20 <strong>Iris</strong> In 2000, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 30 Australia Convention<br />

Page 33 What Goes On at AIS Convention, Walter Moores<br />

Page 37 Ensata X Siberian Crosses, Sam Norris<br />

Page 42 Ensata X Siberian Crosses, Christy Hensler<br />

Page 48 AIS Gift Shop,]ohnJones<br />

Page 50 Reblooming Medians, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 57 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 62 Chicken Feathers Revisited, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 63 Problem Compost, Bonne Scott<br />

Page 67 Dial Away Rot, Debby Cole<br />

Page 74 Warburton Medal 2000, Anne Blanco White<br />

Page 76 Genetically Engineered <strong>Iris</strong>, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 77 Memoriam: Neil Bertinot, Ken Durio<br />

Page 79 Memoriam: Roy Davidson,]ean Witt<br />

Page 82 Memoriam: ChetTompkins, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 84 Memoriam: Julius Wadekamper,]oan Cooper<br />

Page 85 Memoriam: Lois Kuntz, Region 13<br />

Page 86 Orris Root, George Waters<br />

Page 87 Dues Increase Update, Anner Whitehead<br />

Page 88 In Memoriam<br />

Page 89 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Front cover photo: I. Pseudacorus at Schreiner's Garden. Photo by T. Aitken.

#322 July 2001<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Annual President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page IO Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 15 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 94 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 92 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 95 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 96 Shopping Section<br />

Page 21 Future Conventions<br />

Page 22 More on <strong>Iris</strong> Culture, Rick Ernst<br />

Page 23 HC Awards<br />

Page 24 Never Say Never, TerryAitken<br />

Page 28 Extended Bloom Season for Louisianas, Marie Caillet<br />

Page 30 My First Convention, Michelle Panek<br />

Page 31 Reblooming Louisianas, Heather Pryor<br />

Page 38 Extending Bloom Season in Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es, TerryAitken<br />

Page 40 Mathes Breeding, Lynne Markham<br />

Page 46 A Trip to Presby, Rick Tasco and Roger Duncan<br />

Page 49 My First Convention, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 51 Advertising Policy<br />

Page 52 Hybridizer and Service Medals<br />

Page 62 Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann<br />

Page 66 Convention 2001 and Counting, George Hilton,Jr.<br />

Page 71 Approved Mfiliates, 2001<br />

Page 77 Board Minutes<br />

Page 89 AIS Foundation<br />

Page 90 Memoriam: Foster Allen, Bennett Jones<br />

Page 90 Memoriam: Clifford W. Benson, Larry Harder<br />

Page 91 In Memoriam<br />

Front (over photo: Rebert Garden, photo by Robert Plank<br />

Back (over photo: Mathes Seedling R( -aph-B 1, photo by Terry Aitken

#323 Oct 2001<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 15 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 92 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 94 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 95 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 96 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 11 High Commendation Awards for 2000<br />

Page 22 AIS Awards 2001<br />

Page 31 AIS Convention 2001,York Garden Reviews<br />

Page 66 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, 2001 AIS Convention<br />

Page 68 Memphis Beckons, Elke Longsworth<br />

Page 69 Never Say Never, Revisited, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 71 Interspecies Crosses, Tony Huber<br />

Page 73 Breeding for Reblooming Siberians, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 74 S<strong>of</strong>t Rot, David Hull<br />

Page 77 Flightlines, edited by Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 84 About Immortality, Rosalie Figge<br />

Page 86 AIS Contributions & Gifts<br />

Page 88 In Memoriam<br />

Front Cover: YAQUINA BLUE (Schreiner), photo by Schreiner

#324 Jan 2002<br />

Regular Features<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 11 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 12 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 108 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 110 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 111 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 112 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 15 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 17 AIS Convention Registration Form<br />

Page 19 AIS Convention Hotel Information<br />

Page 20 Eye Shadow <strong>Iris</strong>es, Hiroshi Shimizu<br />

Page 21 Murphy's Law, Bennett Jones<br />

Page 23 Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens, Russ Eacker<br />

Page 24 2002 Memphis Convention Gardens, Elke Longworth<br />

Page 27 The Hybridizers Speak, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 40 On the Road Again, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 48 In Memoriam: Larry Harder, Cal Reuter<br />

Page 52 In Memoriam: Earl Hall, Lloyd Zurbigg<br />

Page 53 Meet the New RVPs<br />

Page 66 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 68 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>, 2002 Tall Bearded Symposium<br />

Page 71 Approved AIS Judges for 2002<br />

Page 77 Exhibition Certificates for 2001<br />

Page 79 AIS Foundation Contributions<br />

Page 80 Exhibition Committee Report, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 81 AIS Shows, Winners <strong>of</strong> 2001<br />

Page 91 Median Top Ten<br />

Page 92 Postal Statement<br />

Page 93 Membership Contest 2002, Lynda Miller<br />

Page 95 2002 Silent Auction<br />

Page 96 Board Meeting Minutes<br />

Page 106 AIS Financial Statement

#325 April 2002<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 17 International News, George & Margaret Sutton, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 106 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 110 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 20 New Director Bios<br />

Page 25 Medal Winners<br />

Page 29 HC Awards for 2001<br />

Page 30 Hybridizer's Medal Recipients, Keith MeN ames<br />

Page 31 To Vote or Not to Vote?, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 35 A New Interspecies Hybrid, Bruce Hornstein<br />

Page 39 The Santa Rosa <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Dean Linscott<br />

Page 54 How to Win Blue Ribbons, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 63 Myth and Reality: Organic Superiority, Lynda Chalker-Scott<br />

Page 67 In Memoriam<br />

Page 68 Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann<br />

Page 71 Meet New RVP Jerry Wilhoit<br />

Page 76 <strong>Iris</strong> Postmark Available,jerry Cathey<br />

Page 77 Horticultural Notes<br />

Page 79 Attention: All Robin Directors and Members, Libby Cross<br />

Page 82 Request for Guest Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, California, April, 2004<br />

Page 83 Request for Guest Beardedless <strong>Iris</strong>es, St. Louis, 2005<br />

Page 84 In Memoriam: Larry Ernst<br />

Page 85 Distinguished Service Medal Recipients, Keith McNames<br />

Page 88 In Memoriam: Lewis Lawyer, George Waters<br />

Page 89 AIS Gold Medal Recipients, Keith McNames<br />

Page 90 Medians Galore in 2004<br />

Page 91 SJI Guest <strong>Iris</strong> Request, Dover Delaware, June 2005<br />

Page 92 Comments Regarding Japanese X Siberian Hybrids, Dr. Currier<br />

McEwan<br />

Page 94 Middle European <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention, Anna & David Cadd<br />

Page 97 The Influence <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Aphylla, Lynn Markham<br />

Page 102 AIS Contributions and Gifts

#326 July 2002<br />

Regular Features<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Annual President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 15 International News<br />

Page 106 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 110 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 17 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 21 Mission Accomplished, Sara Marley<br />

Page 25 Memphis 2002, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 28 Attempts to Discover Cause <strong>of</strong> Scorch, Currier McEwen<br />

Page 42 <strong>Iris</strong> Ensata x Sibirica Hybrids, Tomas Tamberg<br />

Page 47 Presby Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Deborah Walker<br />

Page 55 2001-A Vintage Year in the Northwest, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 59 <strong>Iris</strong>es for Shade, Marty Schafer<br />

Page 67 In Memoriam<br />

Page 68 AIS Convention Liaison Update<br />

Page 69 In Memoriam: Barbara Jean Figge, Karen Bergamo<br />

Page 70 AIS Mfiliate Award Contest, Bob Keup<br />

Page 71 Corrections<br />

Page 72 Bob Plank: 2001 Distinguished Service<br />

Award, Barbara Aitken<br />

Page 76 AIS Foundation Contributions<br />

Page 78 Flight Lines, compiled by Peter Weixlmann<br />

Page 88 Approved Mfiliates 2002 List<br />

Page 95 April 2002 AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting Minutes

#327 Oct 2002<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 16 International News<br />

Page 106 Official AIS Storefront<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 110 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 17 AIS National Convention Gardens<br />

Page 17 Memphis Botanic Garden, Jim & Jean Morris<br />

Page 19 Dabney Nursery, Dorothy Stiefel<br />

Page 21 LeBlond Garden,Judy Keisling<br />

Page 23 The Longworth Garden, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 24 The Madlinger Garden,Jill Bonino<br />

Page 25 The Nave Garden, Shirley Pope<br />

Page 27 West Tennessee <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Garden, Carol Warner<br />

Page 28 The Hamilton Garden,Joanne Prass-Jones<br />

Page 30 Garden <strong>of</strong> Jean and Steven Stone,Jeanne Plank<br />

Page 35 Judges' Challenge, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 38 Favorite Convention Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 39 <strong>Iris</strong>es Among the Battlefields <strong>of</strong> America, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 42 2003 Silent Auction<br />

Page 43 AIS Awards 2002<br />

Page 58 HC Awards for 2002<br />

Page 59 Notes Regarding Hensler's Hybrids, Fulton, Whitney & McEwen<br />

Page 68 Celebrating Currier's Centennial, Chandler Fulton<br />

Page 78 Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann<br />

Page 82 Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, Carol & Russ Eacker<br />

Page 84 In Memoriam: Carryl Jean Meyer, Missoula <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

Page 85 In Memoriam: Frederick G. Stephenson, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 86 In Memoriam<br />

Page 87 FLAGA <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>,Joyce Thrift<br />

Page 88 Importing Rhizomes, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 90 What Makes Elmohr Special?, Betty Roberts<br />

Page 83 Ten <strong>Iris</strong>es and a Lily, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 100 AIS Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 108 AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder

#328 Jan 2003<br />

Regular Features<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 12 International News<br />

Page 105 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 106 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 109 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 110 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 14 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 16 Flight Lines, Peter Weixlmann<br />

Page 27 Meet the New 2003RVPs<br />

Page 34 Caparne-Welch and Morgan-Wood Medals, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 38 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong>, 2003 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium<br />

Page 43 AIS Comes to Virginia in 2003, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 51 2003 AIS National Convention Registration Information<br />

Page 56 Approved AIS Judges for 2003, Hooker & Bonnie Nichols<br />

Page 66 Flat Out and Up to Date!, Clive Russell<br />

Page 72 In Memoriam<br />

Page 73 Dark <strong>Iris</strong>es, Karen Platt<br />

Page 75 2003 Silent Auction<br />

Page 76 Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Symposium, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio<br />

Page 78 Exhibition Certificates for 2002,jason Leader<br />

Page 80 AIS Shows, Winners <strong>of</strong> 2002,jason Leader<br />

Page 90 Importing Rhiziomes: An Update, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 91 So You're Thinking <strong>of</strong> Moving, Mary E. Brown<br />

Page 92 Membership Date Change, Mary E. Brown<br />

Page 93 AIS Foundation Contributions<br />

Page 94 AIS Board Meeting Minutes<br />

Page 95 AIS Calendar

#329 April 2003<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 18 International News<br />

Page 121 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 122 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 125 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 126 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 15 Spurias From Around the World<br />

Page 22 Leaf Spot, Rick Ernst<br />

Page 25 Meet the New 2003 RVPs<br />

Page 27 Meet the New 2003 Directors<br />

Page 31 Hybridizer Medal Winners<br />

Page 43 <strong>Iris</strong> Reproduction, Don Spoon<br />

Page 54 Additional Show Awards,Jason Leader<br />

Page 55 Santa Rosa <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Experimental Garden, Dean Linscott<br />

Page 59 In Memoriam<br />

Page 62 Contemporary Views-2002, Perry Dyer<br />

Page 81 Revisions to The Handbook for Judges and Show Officials<br />

Page 82 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 87 2005 - Request for Bearded Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 88 2006 - Invitation to Beardless Hybridizers<br />

Page 89 Chirps From Mama Robin, Libby Cross<br />

Page 92 Potting <strong>Iris</strong>es, Harold Peters<br />

Page 97 To Burn or Not To Burn, Opal & Henry Wulf<br />

Page 100 Rot!, MD. Faith<br />

Page 103 Effects <strong>of</strong> Mulches on Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, E. Einert and C. O.<br />

Box<br />

Page 107 In Memoriam: Claire Barr, Rosalie Figge & Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 109 In Memoriam: Marion R. Walker, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 112 In Memoriam: Joe Hoage, Catherine Long Gates<br />

Page 114 Symptoms <strong>of</strong> Micronutrient Shortages in Plants, Cleo Palmer<br />

Page 116 Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 120 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership

#330 July 2003<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 15 International News<br />

Page 89 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 90 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 93 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 94 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 9 Annual President's Letter<br />

Page 11 Late Breaking News<br />

Page 18 Virginia 2003: We Saw the Stars, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 20 A Convention Overview, Debbie Babuscio<br />

Page 22 2006 Invitation to Beardless Hybridizers<br />

Page 24 Warburton Medal: Maria Colasante, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 25 Distinguished Service Award: Sara Marley<br />

Page 27 Distinguished Service Award: Keith McNames<br />

Page 29 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es: 2003 AIS National Convention<br />

Page 30 Lost and Found at National<br />

Page 31 Premio Firenze, 2002, TerryAitken<br />

Page 34 Hybridizing Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, Dave Niswonger<br />

Page 47 Use <strong>of</strong> Alfalfa Meal, Dr. David G. Holm<br />

Page 51 Plicatas, Luminatas, and Glaciatas, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 58 The Evolution <strong>of</strong> a Hybridizer, M.D. Faith<br />

Page 62 The 2004 National Convention, Yvette Meador<br />

Page 63 2003 Membership Contest Wmners, LyndaMiller & Nancy<br />

Pocklinton<br />

Page 65 Bloom Stalk Proliferation, Steve Pode<br />

Page 67 New Patterns, New Words, Sylvain Ruaud<br />

Page 68 2003 Spuria Convention,] Lee Miller<br />

Page 70 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 71 Exhibition Report Update,jason Leader<br />

Page 72 AIS Foundation Contributions<br />

Page 74 In Memoriam: Dean Brand, Paul Gossett<br />

Page 75 In Memoriam: Albert Dierckes<br />

Page 75 In Memoriam<br />

Page 76 Approved Affiliates for 2003<br />

Page 81 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting

#331 October 2003<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 16 International News<br />

Page 91 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 92 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 95 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 96 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 15 50th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> the Sidney B. Mitchell <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

Page 18 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 20 Blandy Garden,Judy Keisling<br />

Page 22 Kuppert Garden, George Hilton, fr.<br />

Page 24 Siberian Popularity Poll for 2002<br />

Page 25 Lord Fairfax Garden,Jeanne Plank<br />

Page 28 SJI Popularity Poll for 2003<br />

Page 29 Edgehill Garden,Jim andfean Morris<br />

Page 31 The Rose Garden, Dorothy Stieftl<br />

Page 34 The Garden <strong>of</strong> Gina and Jim Schroetter, Paul Black<br />

Page 38 Winterberry Gardens, Shirley Trio and Riley Probst<br />

Page 42 Eric Nies Medal, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 43 Premio Firenze 2003, Marlry Smith<br />

Page 54 AIS Convention 2004, Fresno, California, Betty Coyle<br />

Page 58 Evolutionary Trends Among Oncocyclus <strong>Iris</strong>es, Yuval<br />

Sapir<br />

Page 66 Clarence G. White Medal, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 67 AIS Awards 2003<br />

Page 74 High Commendation Awards for 2000<br />

Page 75 In Memoriam: Currier McEwen, Chandler Fulton<br />

Page 79 In Memoriam<br />

Page 80 In Memoriam: Marvin Granger, Marie Caillet<br />

Page 82 In Memoriam: Wellington F. Scott Jr.,Jim Morris<br />

Page 85 In Memoriam: Ruth Wilder, Everette Lineberger<br />

Page 86 AIS Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 89 Section Publications

#332 January 2004<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 12 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 14 International News<br />

Page 109 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 17 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 18 Meet the New 2004 RVPs<br />

Page 25 Classroom <strong>Iris</strong> Project Website, Valerie Mertz<br />

Page 26 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership<br />

Page 27 AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 29 AIS Has a Gift for You, Joyce Poling and Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 31 AIS Participates in Flower Shows,joyce Poling<br />

Page 34 Advantages <strong>of</strong> Being an AIS Affiliate, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 38 Musings ... on National in 2003, irises, pedigrees<br />

and other topics, Don Spoon<br />

Page 46 In Memoriam: Dr. John Randall Durrance, Mary Ann Cuthbert<br />

Page 54 Approved AIS Judges for 2004, Hoooker T Nichols<br />

Page 61 Region 14's Bountiful Boutique<br />

Page 64 California 2004 Convention Information, Betty & Bill Coyle<br />

Page 70 2004 Silent Auction<br />

Page 71 California 2004 Convention Information<br />

Page 73 2004 California Convention Registration Form<br />

Page 75 the Geek Dinner Misconception, Robin Shadlow<br />

Page 77 Report <strong>of</strong> the Scientific Committee, Dr. Chandler Fulton<br />

Page 78 2003 Exhibition Report,jason Leader<br />

Page 83 Exhibition Certificates for 2003<br />

Page 86 AIS Youth Shows Winners for 2003<br />

Page 88 Bronze Medals/Certificates<br />

Page 89 AIS Adult Artistic Shows Winners for 2003<br />

Page 92 AIS Youth Artistic Shows Winners for 2003<br />

Page 93 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 94 100 Favorite <strong>Iris</strong> 2004 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium, Gerry<br />

Snyder<br />

Page 97 Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington<br />

Page 97 In Memoriam<br />

Page 98 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 99 Minutes - Fall Board Meeting

#333 April 2004 Note there are two #333<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 12 International News<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 13 Meet the New 2004 AIS Directors<br />

Page 18 Meet the New 2004 RVPs<br />

Page 20 Invitation to Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Hybridizers<br />

Page 21 In a Qyandary, Keith Keppel<br />

Page 24 In Qyest <strong>of</strong> Red, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 27 Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens: 2003, Carol & Russ Eaker<br />

Page 29 Oh, <strong>Iris</strong>, Where Art Thou?, Robert Treadway<br />

Page 71 The Origin <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es in Russia, Nina Alexeeva<br />

Page 77 Looking Hard in Florida, Patrick O'Connor<br />

Page 84 Rhizome Rubles, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 86 Symposia on a Web Page, Gerry Snyder<br />

Page 89 AIS Display Screens, Joyce Poling<br />

Page 90 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 92 Ensata Extravaganza<br />

Page 94 <strong>Iris</strong> Species Database, Dennis Kramb<br />

Page 96 If You Try Sometimes ... ,Michele Bersillon<br />

Page 97 In Memoriam: JaNiece Mull, Bill Smoot<br />

Page 98 I Remember Bernard Hamner, Bill Rinehart<br />

Page 100 In Memoriam: Joe Griner, Cathy Button<br />

Page 101 In Memoriam: Dorothy Curtis Howard, Paul Gossett and Ron Mullin<br />

Page 102 In Memoriam: Agnes M. Waite, Lynn Markham<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam: Ginny Burton, Betty Black<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam<br />

Page 104 In Memoriam: Eugene Kalkwarf, Gary White<br />

Page 105 AIS Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 106 AIS Foundation Donations

#333 July 2004 Note there are two #333<br />

Regula Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views,jean Morris<br />

Page 13 International News<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 16 Annual President's Letter to the American <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

Page 17 Pacific Coast Natives, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 19 Qyestions from Readers<br />

Page 21 Hybridizer Medalist Bios<br />

Page 25 Meet the New AIS Membership Secretary<br />

Page 26 AIS Insurance Coverage, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 29 Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington<br />

Page 30 From Betty Coyle<br />

Page 31 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 38 2004 AIS Convention Awards, John Pesek<br />

Page 41 2003 Popularity Polls<br />

Page 65 How to Make a Red <strong>Iris</strong>, Rick Ernst<br />

Page 68 Qyick Review <strong>of</strong> 2004 Standouts, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 71 The Hybridizing <strong>of</strong> Bernhard Hamner, Bill Rinehart<br />

Page 76 Remembering Mary Tharp, Neil A. Mogensen<br />

Page 79 Hedgecock Urges <strong>Iris</strong> Enthusiasts to Plant Spuria,<br />

Glenn Guenterberg with Jim Hedgecock<br />

Page 82 The State <strong>of</strong> Spuria <strong>Iris</strong>es, Dr. James W Waddick<br />

Page 87 Award Winners at Median Convention, 2004<br />

Page 92 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 94 AIS Calendar National Conventions<br />

Page 96 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam: Minnie Colquitt, Marie Caillet<br />

Page 104 In Memoriam: Mary Brown, Rosalie Yerkes Figge<br />

Page 105 In Memoriam<br />

Page 106 AIS Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations

#335 October 2004<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views,Jean Morris<br />

Page 15 International News<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 17 Qyestions & Anthers<br />

Page 19 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 21 AIS Awards 2004<br />

Page 28 HC Awards 2004<br />

Page 29 Digital Slide Shows,JohnJones<br />

Page 29 Affiliate Awards Contest Winners, Nancy Pocklington<br />

Page 30 New Digital AIS Slide Programs, Bill Mull<br />

Page 32 Electronic World <strong>of</strong><strong>Iris</strong>es,JohnJones<br />

Page 56 Spectrum Red <strong>Iris</strong>es, Dr. Don Spoon<br />

Page 64 Sutton's <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens, Jim and Jean Morris<br />

Page 67 Superstition Garden, Riley Probst and Shirley Trio<br />

Page 70 Nicholson's Woodland Garden, Robin Shadlow<br />

Page 71 The Church Gardens, Dorothy Stiefel<br />

Page 73 The Martin Garden, Kathy Chilton<br />

Page 75 Ray's <strong>Iris</strong> Acres, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 76 The Kreps Garden, Bob andJeanne Plank<br />

Page 82 Lone Oak Garden, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 83 Going to Fresno, Catherine Council<br />

Page 86 In Memoriam<br />

Page 87 AIS Mfiliates List<br />

Page 97 AIS St. Louis Convention 2005, Nyla Hughes<br />

Page 101 Early Bird Registration for 2005 AIS Convention<br />

Page 103 2005 Silent Auction<br />

Page 104 Section Publications<br />

Page 106 AIS Contributions and Gifts<br />

Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations

#337 April 2005<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, Jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 20 International News<br />

Page 124 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 125 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 128 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 129 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 12 Request for Guest Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 13 Qyestions and Anthers<br />

Page 15 AIS Calendar: National Conventions<br />

Page 17 In Qyest <strong>of</strong> Hardy Plicatas, Paul Black<br />

Page 20 Bayer and the Borer, John Baker<br />

Page 22 Getting Serious About Space Age Genetics, Neil Mogensen<br />

Page 26 Kiwis in America, Brian Harris<br />

Page 64 Why We Attend AIS National Conventions,<br />

Gisela and Wo!fkang Dathe<br />

Page 65 William Caparne Stamps<br />

Page 66 In Memoriam: Dr. Lloyd Zurbrigg<br />

Page 70 In Memoriam<br />

Page 71 Taking Photos at the Convention, Char Holte<br />

Page 73 Convention Roommates<br />

Page 73 2005 Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Convention Notice<br />

Page 74 Intermediate Bearded Fertility Study, 2004, Marky D. Smith<br />

Page 83 Medians Galore, 2004, Char Holte<br />

Page 85 <strong>Iris</strong>es in English Gardnens,Jill Bonino<br />

Page 89 The Fogbound Effect, Sylvain Ruaud<br />

Page 92 Enzymatic Reations and Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>, Lee Walker<br />

Page 97 Welcome the Recorders, Bob Pries<br />

Page 99 Growing and Hybridizing <strong>Iris</strong>es in Slovakia, Anton Mego<br />

Page 83 Medians Galore, 2004, Char Holte<br />

Page 103 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 104 AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts<br />

Page 105 In Memoriam: Dorothy E. Guild, Laura Buelow and Bruce Filardi

#338 July 2005<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 11 Annual President's Letter<br />

Page 12 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 15 International News<br />

Page 107 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 108 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 111 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 112 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 8 AIS Special Honorary Awards, 2003<br />

Page 14 Late Breaking News<br />

Page 17 AIS Special Honorary Awards 2004<br />

Page 18 AIS Calendar: National Conventions/Fall Board Meetings<br />

Page 20 St. Louis and the "Heartbeat <strong>of</strong> America, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 22 Qyestions and Anthers<br />

Page 26 Request for Guest Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 27 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 28 The Founding <strong>of</strong> AIS: A New York Story, Anner M. Whitehead<br />

Page 44 The <strong>Iris</strong> Season in Germany, Manfred Beer<br />

Page 48 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 65 National D.A.R Conservation Award, Jim Morris<br />

Page 67 A Tale <strong>of</strong> Two Calendars, TerryAitken<br />

Page 68 Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens 2004, Carol & Russ Eacker<br />

Page 69 <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es at Shows, Joe Spears<br />

Page 71 Some Thoughts on Bloom Season, Sergey Loktev<br />

Page 73 Interspecies Hybrids: Looking Back on My Life, Akira Horinaka<br />

Page 76 What is SIGNA?, Will Plotner<br />

Page 78 The Annual Show <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> South Africa, Fred Barnicoat<br />

Page 80 2005 AIS Affiliates<br />

Page 90 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 91 2005 AIS Convention <strong>Iris</strong> Awards, Riley Probst<br />

Page 93 In Memoriam: Sanford Babson, John Wight<br />

Page 93 In Memoriam<br />

Page 94 In Memoriam: Olive Rice Waters<br />

Page 97 AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts<br />

Page 98 The Red <strong>Iris</strong> Project: An Update, Rick Ernst<br />

Page 101 The Changing Face <strong>of</strong> Genetics, Neil Mogensen<br />


#339 October 2005<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl<br />

Deaton<br />

Page 14 International News<br />

Page 16 Section Happenings,Jim Morris<br />

Page 107 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 108 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 111 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 112 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 10 CD <strong>of</strong> Newer <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 19 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 21 Flight Lines<br />

Page 25 AIS Awards 2005<br />

Page 32 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 33 HC Awards for 2005<br />

Page 60 Reigning <strong>Iris</strong> 2006, AIS Convention,John Ludi<br />

Page 64 AIS Convention 2006, Optional Tours, Larry Nunn<br />

Page 67 AIS Convention 2006, Registration Form<br />

Page 67 A Tale <strong>of</strong> Two Calendars, TerryAitken<br />

Page 69 2005 Silent Auction<br />

Page 70 Follow-up to April Article on Space Age Genetics, Neil Mogensen<br />

Page 71 Membership Survey, Bob Pries<br />

Page 73 The Missouri Botanical Garden, Kathy Chilton andJane Troutman<br />

Page 77 The Theissen Garden, Annette Milch<br />

Page 78 The Garden <strong>of</strong> Rita and Tom Gormley, Judy Keisling<br />

Page 80 The Skaggs Garden, Lynda Love<br />

Page 81 The Garden <strong>of</strong> Jim and Jean Morris, Helen Schueler<br />

Page 83 The Garden <strong>of</strong> Mae Porch, Barbara Sautner<br />

Page 84 The Southview School Garden, Jill Bonino<br />

Page 86 The Hughes Garden, Susan Boyce<br />

Page 87 Sheraton Hotel Gardens, Char Holte<br />

Page 88 The Gardens <strong>of</strong>Joe Devous and Ge<strong>of</strong>fHewett, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 90 50 Years <strong>of</strong>Hybridizing,foseph Ghio and Keith Keppel talk with George<br />

Walters<br />

Page 101 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 102 AIS Memorials, Honorials and Gifts<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam<br />

Page 104 AIS Board Business Digest

#340 Jan 2006<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 14 International News<br />

Page 17 Section Happenings, Jim Morris<br />

Page 22 AIS Calendar 2006<br />

Page 109 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 13 Region 14 Redwood <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Celebrates 50 Years<br />

Page 16 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 20 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>, Mike Lowe<br />

Page 23 CD <strong>of</strong> Newer <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 24 Reigning <strong>Iris</strong> 2006 Convention Update<br />

Page 25 Reigning <strong>Iris</strong> 2006 Registration Form<br />

Page 27 2006Silent Auction, Portland, Oregon<br />

Page 28 2006 Convention Host Gardens<br />

Page 39 A Letter From Your Editor, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 41 Another Approach to Red <strong>Iris</strong>es, Neil Mogensen<br />

Page 56 Gem <strong>of</strong> Convention in the Diamond State, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 65 2006 Siberian/Species Convention Registration Form<br />

Page 66 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership<br />

Page 67 Treasurer's Report, Compiled by Jill Bonino<br />

Page 69 Approved AIS Judges for 2006 Compiled byJudy Keisling<br />

Page 75 A Nice Letter From One <strong>of</strong> Our Members, Linda Stirling<br />

Page 76 Exhibition Committee Report for 2005, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 87 Exhibition Certificates for 2005, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 89 The Tulsa Area <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> and <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong>es, Paul Gossett<br />

Page 90 Reigning <strong>Iris</strong>: All That it Can Be (part 1), Bill Rinehart<br />

Page 93 In Memoriam<br />

Page 94 Symposium Results, Compiled by Gerry Snyder<br />

Page 98 Franciris, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 102 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 103 AIS Contributions<br />

Page 105 AlS Board Business Digest

#341 April 2006<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,Jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 13 Section Happenings, Jim Morris<br />

Page 16 International News<br />

Page 23 AIS Calendar 2006<br />

Page 109 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page<br />

114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 15 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 19 Westward Ho to Portland,John Ludi<br />

Page 19 Special Honors Awards <strong>of</strong> 2005<br />

Page 20 Request for Bearded <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 22 AIS 2006 Photo Contest<br />

Page 25 Open Letter to USDN APHIS, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 28 Meet the New RVPs<br />

Page 67 AIS <strong>Iris</strong> Conservation Policy<br />

Page 67 Preparing for Portland, A Road Less Traveled, Pat Otterness<br />

Page 71 Preparing <strong>Iris</strong>es for Exhibition at <strong>Iris</strong> Shows, Sheldon Butt<br />

Page 78 Reigning <strong>Iris</strong>: All That It Can Be (part two), Bill Rinehart<br />

Page 82 2005 Nominating Committee Seeks Recommendations<br />

Page 83 Scleranthus Annuus, Dr. Don Spoon<br />

Page 89 The <strong>Iris</strong> That Lost Its Name, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 90 In Memoriam<br />

Page 91 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Perennial Border, Bob Pries<br />

Page 93 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es, AIS Convention 2009<br />

Page 94 New Zealand <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention, Carol Warner<br />

Page 96 2009 Siberian/Species Convention 2009 Request for <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 97 Dr. Loomis Memorial Trial Gardens, 2005, Carol & Russ Eacker<br />

Page 98 In Memoriam: Thomas Blanco White<br />

Page 101 Exerpts From Response to Bruce Filardi from USDN APHIS<br />

Page 103 Qyestions & Anthers<br />

Page 106 Calling All Judges, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 108 AIS Contributions, compiled by Donna James

#342 July 2006<br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 12 International News<br />

Page 14 Section Happenings, Jim Morris<br />

Page 16 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 19 AIS Calendar 2006<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 9 Annual President's Letter,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 11 Late Breaking News<br />

Page 18 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 20 National Convention Awards, 2006,judy Nunn<br />

Page 21 AIS 2006 Photo Contest<br />

Page 23 Request for Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>: Lone Star State 2008<br />

Page 24 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es: Overland Park, Kansas 2009<br />

Page 25 2009 Siberian/Species Convention Request for <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 26 A Return to Paradise, Robert Strohman<br />

Page 28 Raining <strong>Iris</strong>: A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole, Pat Otterness<br />

Page 34 Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 36 Speculations on the Origin <strong>of</strong> the Fleur-de-Lis, Kristen Faith Laing<br />

Page 52 The Whitehall Mansion Projecct, Spencer Farley<br />

Page 68 Anthocyanic Vacuolar Inclusions and <strong>Iris</strong> Genetics, Chuck Chapman<br />

Page 71 New York Times Article on <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 72 The MEIS (Middle European <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>)Convention, 2006<br />

Page 73 Judging in Florence, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 82 Fighting Gophers, Moles, and Voles, Anna Cadd<br />

Page 84 The Nies Chronicles, Nancy Nies<br />

Page 85 Flightlines: Hybridizing <strong>Iris</strong>, Shannon Hiatt<br />

Page 92 RHS Color Chart Information<br />

Page 93 Food for Thought: A Call to Hybridizers to Breed Better Garden Plants, W. George<br />

Waters<br />

Page 96 In Memoriam: Rosalie Yerkes Figge, Clarence E. Mahan<br />

Page 100 In Memoriam: Elsiemae Nicholson,joyce Ragle<br />

Page 101 In Memoriam: Calvin Henry Reuter, Gary White, Mmjorie Jansen and Carolyn<br />

Lingenfelter<br />

Page 102 In Memoriam: Marianne Schumacher,jim Morris<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam<br />

Page 104 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 108 AIS Contributions, comPiled by DonnaJames

#343 Oct 2006<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 10 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 14 International News<br />

Page 18 AIS Calendar 2006<br />

Page 23 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 9 High Commendation Awards for 2006<br />

Page 17 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 19 AIS Library Update<br />

Page 20 Questions and Anthers<br />

Page 25 AIS Awards 2006<br />

Page 31 Vandalism at the Presby Memorial Gardens<br />

Page 32 2007 Silent Auction, Oklahoma City, OK<br />

Page 44 A Peek at Pigments, Chuck Chapman<br />

Page 65 Oklahoma Gardens Prepare for the 2007 AIS Convention, Hugh Stout<br />

Page 67 AIS 2007 Convention Entry Form<br />

Page 69 National Convention Gardens, 2006<br />

Page 82 What Fun to be Registrar,judy Nunn<br />

Page 83 CD <strong>of</strong> Pacific Coast Native <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 84 A Second Helping: More Food For Thought, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 86 And Another Helping: Further Comments on George<br />

Waters' "Food for Thought" Article, Anner Whitehead<br />

Page 88 Harvesting a Field <strong>of</strong> Dreams, Pat Otterness<br />

Page 91 Dr. Loomis Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Trial Gardens, Carol and Russ Backer<br />

Page 93 A Century <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> and More, Catherine Long Gates<br />

Page 98 May Minutes <strong>of</strong> the AIS<br />

Page 102 In Memoriam: Arthur G. Blodgett, Char Holte<br />

Page 103 In Memoriam: Lee Eugene Eberhardt,jim Morris<br />

Page 104 In Memoriam: Gene Gaddie,jim Morris<br />

Page 104 In Memoriam<br />

Page 105 In Memoriam: Jim Gristwood, Ron James<br />

Page 106 AIS Contributions, compiled by DonnaJames<br />

Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations

#344 Jan 2007<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 10 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 14 International News<br />

Page 18 AIS Calendar 2006<br />

Page 19 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 22 Milestones<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 23 Missoula, Montana <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Carolyn Addee<br />

Page 24 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 26 Winners <strong>of</strong> the 2006 Photo Contest, Kitty Loberg<br />

Page 28 Special Honors<br />

Page 29 Book Reviews<br />

Page 40 2006 Seedlings, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio<br />

Page 50 The Way Aheard: Further Discussion, George Waters<br />

Page 52 Additional Comments, Eugene Baxley<br />

Page 65 Deductible Contributions to "Qualified Organizations", Bob Plank<br />

Page 68 2007 Silent Auction<br />

Page 69 2007 National Convention Registration<br />

Page 71 Approved AIS Judges for 2007,judy Keisling<br />

Page 78 2007 AIS Symposium Results, Gerry Snyder<br />

Page 81 Treasurer's Report<br />

Page 84 2006 Show Summary,jim Giles<br />

Page 85 AIS 2005 Exhibition Report<br />

Page 89 Exhibition Certificates for 2005<br />

Page 92 AIS Youth Shows<br />

Page 93 Bronze Medals/Certrificates Awarded for Outstanding Commercial & Ed. Exhibit<br />

Page 94 AIS Artistic Shows: Adult & Youth Winners <strong>of</strong> 2006<br />

Page 97 Minutes <strong>of</strong> the AIS<br />

Page 102 In Memoriam: Dr. & Col. Herbert C. Holk, Bill Rinehart Page<br />

102 In Memoriam: Dr. Elizabeth A. Wood,jim Morris<br />

Page 105 AIS Contributions, comPiled by Donnajames<br />

Page 107 AIS Foundation Donations

#345 April 2007<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Editor's Message, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 11 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 12 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 13 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 15 International News, Anna & David Cadd<br />

Page 18 Questions & Anthers<br />

Page 22 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 99 Milestones,jim Morris<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 16 Request for Guest Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 20 An Oaklahoma Centennial Celebration, Paul Gossett<br />

Page 24 The Brummitts <strong>of</strong> Banbury, George Waters<br />

Page 27 The AIS 2007 Photo Contest<br />

Page 30 Dr. Hosack's <strong>Iris</strong>es: The Elgin Botanic Garden, 1801-1811, Anner M. Whitehead<br />

Page 40 2006 Seedlings: Part 2, Riley Probst & Shirley Trio<br />

Page 43 The Nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> Seed Germination, Vincent Christopherson<br />

Page 50 More Complicated Than You Think,jean Witt<br />

Page 74 The Presby Memorial <strong>Iris</strong> Gardens 80th Anniversary<br />

Page 78 A Project for the New Year: Adopt-a-Public-Garden,jeanne Plank<br />

Page 80 Assorted quick news items<br />

Page 81 'Swerti' or 'Swertii'?, Phil Edinger<br />

Page 82 The AIS on the Internet,john Jones<br />

Page 84 A Few Words from Milan Blazek, Czech Republic<br />

Page 84 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 85 Contemporary Views, Perry Dyer<br />

Page 94 Culture Corner, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 97 Growing <strong>Iris</strong>es in the Center <strong>of</strong> Europe, Zdenik Seidl<br />

Page 100 Further Food for Thought, Cindy Rust<br />

Page 101 Outside Looking In, Michele Bersillon<br />

Page 103 My Story, Peaches in Wine (with assistance from Heather Pryor)<br />

Page 105 AIS Nominating Committee Seeks AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Nominees<br />

Page 106 Contributions, DonnaJames

#346 July 2007<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,]eanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message,]im Morris<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 11 Annual President's Letter<br />

Page 13 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 15 Questions & Anthers, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 17 Milestones,]im Morris<br />

Page 20 Section Happenings,]im Morris<br />

Page 23 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 8 Officer Generic Email Addresses, john jones<br />

Page 12 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership<br />

Page 24 Request for Guest SPURIA <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 25 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es<br />

Page 26 Lone Star State in 2008, Nelda Moore<br />

Page 27 AIS National Convention Awards, 2007, Ron Mullin<br />

Page 28 Bulling Garden, Ken Roberts<br />

Page 29 The Hampton Garden, Harold Griffie<br />

Page 31 Mike and Tona McVicker Garden, Lynn Williams<br />

Page 65 Oklahoma State Capitol Garden, Nancy Price<br />

Page 68 The Oklahoma State University Garden Master Planting,]ill Bonino<br />

Page 72 Oklahoma State University <strong>Iris</strong> Garden,]im andjill Copeland<br />

Page 75 Petal Pushers Garden, Vince Lewonski<br />

Page 77 The Stahl Garden, Nyla Hughes<br />

Page 80 Stout Garden, Kathy Chilton<br />

Page 82 Will Rogers Garden, Stephen Blecher<br />

Page 83 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 84 Median Stars in Oklahoma City,]ean Morris<br />

Page 89 SPCNI, From SIGNA, via 'Canyon Snow', Richard Richards, Terri Hudson and Debby<br />

Cole<br />

Page 92 Hiroshi Shimizu, 2006 AIS Hybridizers' Medal Winner, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 94 International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition, Florence, Italy, 2007, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 95 Australian Dykes Medal, Sharon Drinkwater<br />

Page 96 Franciris® 2007, Chantal Sulmont<br />

Page 97 Errata, Bruce Filardi<br />

Page 98 "To Be or Not To Be" The Issue <strong>of</strong> Deadheading, Paul Black<br />

Page 100 Wanted, Self-Cleaning <strong>Iris</strong>, Bob Pries<br />

Page 101 Display Advertising Rate Reduction<br />

Page 102 Photography Challenges and Ideas in Convention Gardens,]erry Hoke<br />

Page 104 In Memoriam, General Listing<br />

Page 106 Donations to AIS, Donna James

#347 Oct 2007<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contents</strong><br />

Regular Features:<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message,jeanne Clay Plank<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 13 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 18 Milestones,jim Morris<br />

Page 22 Section Happenings, Jim Morris<br />

Page 24 Donations to the AIS<br />

Page 73 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 93 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 104 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 10 Officer Generic Email Addresses,john Jones<br />

Page 12 A Note from the AIS Library, Tracy Plotner<br />

Page 16 Errata<br />

Page 17 2008 Silent Auction<br />

Page 27 HC Awards for 2007, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 27 AIS Awards 2007<br />

Page 64 Winners <strong>of</strong> the 2007 Photo Contest, Kitty Loberg<br />

Page 66 Advertising in the Bulletin, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 68 Board Meeting Report, Susan Boyce<br />

Page 74 Prairie Gold: The MIS Recap<br />

Page 82 Reticulata <strong>Iris</strong>, Alan McMurtie<br />

Page 86 The Value <strong>of</strong> Reciprocal Crosses in Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>es, Pat Otterness<br />

Page 88 Time for a Diploid Revival, Tom Silvers<br />

Page 90 The Blessings <strong>of</strong> a Rock, Robert Pries<br />

Page 91 Siberian <strong>Iris</strong>es: a Brief History, Bob Hollingworth<br />

Page 94 Walker Ross: the <strong>Iris</strong> and the Man, Chuck Chapman<br />

Page 96 Happenings <strong>of</strong> Region 4, Ginny Spoon<br />

Page 98 A Friend Indeed, Paul W Gossett<br />

Page 99 Climate Change and <strong>Iris</strong> Gardening, Robert Pries<br />

Page 100 Mysteries <strong>of</strong> Marketing <strong>Iris</strong>es, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 105 Display Advertising Rate Reduction<br />

Page 106 A Beardless <strong>Iris</strong> Rebloom Hypothesis, Terry Aitken

Regular Features: #348 Jan 2008<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 24 Section Happenings, Jim Morris<br />

Page 28 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 92 In Memoriam<br />

Page 92 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 93 Milestones,]im Morris<br />

Page 96 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 97 Donations to AIS Active Funds<br />

Page 99 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 109 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 112 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 113 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 10 Invitation to 2008 AIS National Convention in Austin Texas, David Lewis Steed, Ph.D<br />

Page 12 Convention Overview<br />

Page 13 Austin 2008 Guest Gardens, Nelda Moore<br />

Page 15 New Listing Layout for 2008, Ashley Lewis<br />

Page 17 2008 AIS National Convention Registration Form<br />

Page 19 Geek Dinner Announcement<br />

Page 20 2008 Silent Auction<br />

Page 21 A Convention to Remember: 2008 National Japanese <strong>Iris</strong><br />

Page 22 Honorary Awards for 2008<br />

Page 23 Sidney Linnegar: Nominated for Warburton Medal, Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 27 Errata<br />

Page 30 Andrew Wheeler Awarded AIS Scholarship, Terry Aitken and Stephanie Markham<br />

Page 32 Public Exhibits Toolbox, Robert Pries<br />

Page 33 Hafts or Not, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 49 Spotlight on the Median <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 54 Fragrance in <strong>Iris</strong>es?, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 55 Irene Nelson?, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 56 "Glitter", A Future Hybridizing Direction?, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 57 Designing a Plant, The Lily-Gilding Game, Lynn Markham<br />

Page 64 How to Look up Your AIS Membership online<br />

Page 64 2007 Nominating Committee seeks recommendations for AIS Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

Page 65 AIS 2007 Exhibition Report<br />

Page 68 Exhibition Certificates for 2007<br />

Page 71 AIS Youth Shows for 2007<br />

Page 72 Bronze Medals/Certificates<br />

Page 71 AIS Artistic Shows, Adult and Youth Winners <strong>of</strong> 2007<br />

Page 76 International News<br />

Page 80 Judges' Update,]udy Keisling<br />

Page 82 Approved AIS Judges for 2008, Compiled by Judy Keisling<br />

Page 87 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>, Anne & Mike Lowe<br />

Page 89 Symposium Results<br />

Page 100 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership<br />

Page 101 Treasurer's Report for the Year Ended September 30, 2007<br />

Page 103 AIS Board Minutes Digest

Regular Features: #349 April 2008<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 10 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 11 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 13 Milestones,]im Morris<br />

Page 18 Section Happenings,]im Morris<br />

Page 21 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames<br />

Page 23 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 70 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates Page<br />

114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 10 The Rumor Factory, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 17 Errata<br />

Page 24 IRS E-Card for Affiliates, Regions and Sections,]ill Bonino<br />

Page 26 Introducing <strong>Iris</strong> Program Resources Chair, Janet Smith<br />

Page 27 Introducing AIS Treasurer Jill Bonino<br />

Page 29 AIS 2008 Photo Contest<br />

Page 31 Request For Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>: Mad About <strong>Iris</strong> 2010 Convention<br />

Page 47 Some Thoughts on Design, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 50 Reflections on the British <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Convention, Anna and David Cadd<br />

Page 55 Optimistic Scrutiny, Brock Heilman<br />

Page 60 Growing and Selecting <strong>Iris</strong> in Slovenia, Izidor Golob<br />

Page 67 A Note From the AIS Librarian, Tracy Plotner<br />

Page 71 Culture Comer, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 76 The Quest for a Yellow Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>,]ohn White<br />

Page 78 A Germination Experiment, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 82 The Case for Separating 1\vo Key Components <strong>of</strong> Judging <strong>Iris</strong>,<br />

Richard C. Richards<br />

Page 86 A Breeder's Life, Robin Shadlow<br />

Page 90 How Fungi Function, Sandra Dark<br />

Page 91 The Other Irids, Part I, Robert Pries<br />

Page 93 A Milestone <strong>of</strong> the Las Vegas <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Mary Lee Fortner<br />

Page 95 Plicata Locus Color Patterns in Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, Dr. Don Spoon

Regular Features: #350 July 2008<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Annual President's Letter, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 11 Milestones,jim Morris<br />

Page 14 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 17 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 23 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 97 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 98 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 20 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es, AIS Convention 2011<br />

Page 21 Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es: French <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

Page 22 Request for Japanese <strong>Iris</strong>es, 2011<br />

Page 24 AIS National Convention Awards 2008<br />

Page 25 2009 AIS National Convention, Debbie Hughes<br />

Page 27 Louisiana <strong>Iris</strong> Convention 2008, Tom W Dillard<br />

Page 28 AIS Insurance, Michelle Snyder<br />

Page 29 'A Convention to Remember', Sodety For Japanese <strong>Iris</strong> Convention, Teny Aitken<br />

Page 31 Thanks To the Geeks Among Us!!!, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 32 AIS Library Request for Materials, Tracy Plotner<br />

Page 54 Growing Louisianas in the Northwest, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 65 Top Fifteen Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es <strong>of</strong> 2008<br />

Page 66 International <strong>Iris</strong> Competition Winners, Florence 2008<br />

Page 68 2008 AIS National Convention Garden Reports<br />

Page 80 Introducing Tracy Plotner, Tracy Plotner<br />

Page 81 Culture Corner<br />

Page 88 Louisianas, The Evolution <strong>of</strong> a Native American Species and the<br />

<strong>Society</strong> Devoted to Them, Robert Treadway<br />

Page 92 Minutes Digest, April 2008<br />

Page 100 2009 Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium Ballot

Regular Features: #351 Oct 2008<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 11 Milestones,]im Morris<br />

Page 13 Errata<br />

Page 14 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 16 Section Happenings,]im Morris<br />

Page 32 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 97 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 106 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 110 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 113 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 114 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 18 <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota: "Beardless <strong>Iris</strong> Tyme", June 2009<br />

Page 19 2009 Silent Auction<br />

Page 20 3 Trails KC, May 2009<br />

Page 24 HC Awards for 2008<br />

Page 25 AIS Awards, 2008<br />

Page 33 Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 65 Culture Comer<br />

Page 70 The Other Irids, Part II: Fascinated with Si5yrinchiums, Edmund and Rita Heaton<br />

Page 75 2008 National Convention form Youth's View, Gabe Lockhart<br />

Page 77 Preserving Kleinsorge <strong>Iris</strong>es, Mike Unser<br />

Page 80 <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Iris</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, Paul Gossett<br />

Page 82 Winners <strong>of</strong> the 2008 AIS photo Contest, Kitty Loberg<br />

Page 84 Why Belong to AIS, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 86 Commercial <strong>Iris</strong> Production: The Way We Do It, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 89 Storybook <strong>Iris</strong>es,]ean E. Morris<br />

Page 91 Species and the <strong>Historic</strong> Garden, Laetitia Munro<br />

Page 95 Bob Pries On: The Next Generation's AIS, Bob Pries<br />

Page 97 Outstanding Hybridizers <strong>of</strong> the 20th Century: The British Faction, Anne Lowe<br />

Page 102 A Review <strong>of</strong> Dwarf Species, Lowell Baumunk

Regular Features: #352 Jan 2009<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 10 Milestones,jim Mor.ris<br />

Page 14 International News, Anna and David Cadd<br />

Page 18 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 20 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 30 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 98 Minutes Digest<br />

Page 104 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames<br />

Page 106 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 110 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 112 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 115 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 116 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 23 3 Trails KC, An Experience to Remember, Debbie Hughes<br />

Page 25 3 Trails KC Registration Form<br />

Page 27 2009 Silent Auction<br />

Page 28 How to Register and Introduce an <strong>Iris</strong>, Anne & Mike Lowe P<br />

age 25 AIS Awards, 2008<br />

Page 33 Design Comer, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 59 Climate Challenging <strong>Iris</strong>es, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 60 All In a Flower? Issues in Modem <strong>Iris</strong> Development, Kelly D. Norris<br />

Page 65 Survivors <strong>of</strong> the North Country, Kate Brewitt<br />

Page 69 A Visit to Marky Smith's Garden, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 70 Twventy-five Years on My Knees, Marky Smith<br />

Page 73 Symposium Results<br />

Page 76 Book Review: Dream Gardener: Pioneer Nurseryman Bertrand H. Farr,<br />

Clarence Mahan<br />

Page 78 AIS 2008 Exhibition Report<br />

Page 83 AIS Youth Shows for 2008<br />

Page 84 Exhibition Certificates for 2008<br />

Page 86 Bronze Medals/Certificates for Commercial & Education Exhibits<br />

Page 87 Approved AIS Judges for 2009<br />

Page 92 AIS 2011 National Convention in Victoria, BC<br />

Page 93 Firenze 2008 Report<br />

Page 105 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 107 Treasurer's Report<br />

Page 109 Statement <strong>of</strong> Ownership

Regular Features: #353 April 2009<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AIS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 9 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Kelly Norris<br />

Page 12 Milestones,jim Morris<br />

Page 16 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 18 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 20 International News, Anna and David Cadd<br />

Page 24 Donations to AIS, DonnaJames<br />

Page 25 AIS Insurance<br />

Page 26 AIS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 67 AIS Calendar<br />

Page 108 AIS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 111 AIS Storefront<br />

Page 114 AIS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 115 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 27 Bob Pries On: Unsung Heroes <strong>of</strong> the Plant World, Bob Pries<br />

Page 49 Louisianas, You're So Vein!, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 62 Design Corner, Carolyn Hawkins<br />

Page 65 AIS 2009 Photo Contest registration<br />

Page 68 Errata<br />

Page 70 Request for Bearded <strong>Iris</strong>, Victoria 2011<br />

Page 72 Contemporary View-200712008, Part 1, Perry Dyer<br />

Page 83 Experiments with Small Arilbreds, Lowell Baumunk<br />

Page 87 Introducing the new AIS Exhibitions Chairwoman,jayne Adams<br />

Page 88 2009 AIS National Convention: 3 Trails KC,judy Keisling<br />

Page 90 Sir Michael Foster Memorial Plaque, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 91 Emeritus Judge: Recognition for Outstanding Service,judy Keisling<br />

Page 93 An Editor's Lament,judy Keisling<br />

Page 95 The Age <strong>of</strong> Rebloomers is Here Today, Ken<br />

Roberts<br />

Page 97 The Average Member, Charles I. Coldsmith<br />

Page 100 Alophia Drummondii, Rodney Barton<br />

Page 103 Hands Across the Prairie: From Kalamazoo to Dubuque, Rita Gormley<br />

Page 107 A Tribute to Richard Cayeux, Clarence Mahan

Regular Features: #354 July 2009<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairpeople<br />

Page 5 AlS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Annual President's Letter, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 10 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 11 Milestones,]im Morris<br />

Page 17 Section Happenings,]im Morris<br />

Page 19 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 24 AlS Calendar<br />

Page 75 AlS Insurance<br />

Page 100 Donations to AlS, Donna James<br />

Page 102 AlS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 108 AlS Slides For Rent<br />

Page III AlS Storefront<br />

Page 114 AlS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 115 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 18 Library Update<br />

Page 20 15 Favorite Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es at the 2009 AlS National Convention<br />

Page 22 Request for Guest <strong>Iris</strong>es, Siberian <strong>Iris</strong> and SIGNA, 2012<br />

Page 23 Request for Guest Beardless <strong>Iris</strong>es, National Convention, 2012<br />

Page 25 Mad About <strong>Iris</strong>: AlS National 2010 Convention, Madison, WI<br />

Page 30 Culture Corner: Weed Control-Nutsedge and Wild Onions<br />

Page 32 Report from Down Under, Pat Toolan<br />

Page 36 Beardless <strong>Iris</strong> Tyme National Convention, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 62 2009 National Convention Garden Writeups<br />

Page 76 Contemporary Views, Part 2 <strong>of</strong> 3, Parry Dyer<br />

Page 92 2010 Tall Bearded <strong>Iris</strong> Symposium Ballot<br />

Page 103 Minutes Digest <strong>of</strong> May Board <strong>of</strong> Directors Meeting, Susan Boyce<br />


Regular Features: # 355 Oct 2009<br />

Page 3 Officers & Committee Chairmen<br />

Page 5 AlS Sections<br />

Page 6 Regions & Regional Vice Presidents<br />

Page 7 President's Message, E. Roy Epperson<br />

Page 8 Index <strong>of</strong> Advertisers<br />

Page 9 Guest Editor's Message, Terry Aitken<br />

Page 11 Milestones,jim Morris<br />

Page 16 Section Happenings,jim Morris<br />

Page 18 Youth Views, Cheryl Deaton<br />

Page 25 AlS Calendar<br />

Page 106 Donations to AlS, Donna james<br />

Page 108 AlS Foundation Donations<br />

Page 108 AlS Slides For Rent<br />

Page 111 AlS Storefront<br />

Page 114 AlS Bulletin Advertising Rates<br />

Page 115 Shopping Section<br />

Articles:<br />

Page 10 Letter to the Editor<br />

Page 20 News from the Library, Tracy Plotner<br />

Page 21 2010 AlS National Convention Registration Form<br />

Page 23 2009 AlS Photo Contest Winners, Kitty Loberg<br />

Page 26 High Commendation Awards for 2009, Ruth Barker<br />

Page 27 AlS Awards, 2009<br />

Page 65 Pardancanda: A new iris extends season,jan Sacks<br />

Page 67 <strong>Iris</strong> Clunker Program, Linda Smith<br />

Page 68 Going to Kansas City: A Median Review,jean E. Morris<br />

Page 74 In Search <strong>of</strong> the Elusive Photograph,janet Smith<br />

Page 75 The Shade Wars, R. Dennis Hager<br />

Page 77 <strong>Iris</strong> and Children, Phil Williams<br />

Page 80 To eBay or Not to eBay, David Headrick<br />

Page 81 I Just Volunteered To Be Show Chair, What Do I Do?<br />

Page 84 Test Gardens: Expectations Versus Results, Robert Pries<br />

Page 86 On Starting New <strong>Iris</strong> Clubs, Gary White<br />

Page 92 What are Pseudatas?,jill Copeland<br />

Page 95 Contemporary Views, Part 3 <strong>of</strong> 3, Perry Dyer

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