July - AmericanRadioHistory.Com

July - AmericanRadioHistory.Com

July - AmericanRadioHistory.Com


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$1,000.00<br />



Do not refrain from entering this or any<br />

True Story Manuscript Contest for fear that an amateur cannot compete successfully<br />

against professional writers. Professional writers have been singularly unsuccessful<br />

in capturing prizes in True Story Manuscript Contests.<br />

Also. do not let the fact that True Story has been printing special feature stories<br />

of world famous characters deter you from entering. These features are specially<br />

written and have nothing fo do with the contest.<br />

FOR the best True Story submitted during the calendar month of June,<br />

1935, TRUE STORY Magazine will award the magnificent sum of $1,000.00.<br />

In addition, every contest entry is eligible for purchase at<br />

our liberal regular rates so, even though your manuscript may fall<br />

slightly short of prize winning quality, we will gladly consider it<br />

for purchase provided we can use it.<br />

This special one month contest closes on June 28th, 1935. By all<br />

means take advantage of the opportunity it offers. There is no reason<br />

why you should not -every reason why you should. Simply look back<br />

over your life, select the episode that is most thrilling, exciting or deeply<br />

moving; no matter whether it be a story filled with shadow or sunshine,<br />

success, failure, tragedy or happiness, write it simply and honestly and send<br />

it in. Hundreds of men and women have followed this simple formula in<br />

the past to their immense financial advantage. Hundreds more will do so<br />

in the future. You owe it to yourself to be among them.<br />

The stories for which we are searching are now reposing untold in the<br />

minds and hearts of those who have lived them, one or more probably in<br />

yours- memories of supreme moments, emotional crises, unusual situations<br />

so profoundly moving that they have branded themselves upon your very soul.<br />

Begin to Write Your Story Today<br />

Tell it simply in your own words just<br />

as it happened to you or some one you<br />

know, and the judges will consider it entirely<br />

upon its qualities as a story, i.e., its<br />

power to hold the interest and its appeal<br />

to the human heart. The important thing<br />

is to speak plainly. As TRUE STORY is a<br />

magazine devoted to the portrayal of life<br />

as it is actually lived, you are justified in<br />

describing frankly and fully any situation<br />

that has happened in real life. If your story<br />

contains the human quality we seek, it<br />

will receive preference over tales of less<br />

merit, no matter how clearly, beautifully<br />

or skillfully written they may be.<br />

Judging upon this basis the person submitting<br />

the best story will be awarded the<br />

$1,000 prize.<br />

In submitting manuscripts in this contest<br />

please always disguise the nomes of the<br />

persons and places appearing in your<br />

stories. These changes in no way reduce<br />

the fundamental truth of the stories and<br />

they save the feelings of many persons who<br />

object to being mentioned in an identifiable<br />

manner.<br />

The only restriction as regards the length<br />

of stories submitted in this contest is that<br />

no story shall contain less than 2,500<br />

words. Beyond that feel no concern. Let<br />

the length take care of itself. Use as many<br />

words as are necessary to set it forth to<br />

best advantage - whether it be 3,000,<br />

10,000 or 50,000.<br />

Remember, it is the stories you send in<br />

that count -nothing else. Do not procrastinate.<br />

It would be a pity, indeed, not<br />

to take full advantage of this opportunity<br />

to cash in richly on one of your life experiences<br />

if your story is really dramatic<br />

and has merit for publication. You may<br />

submit as many manuscripts as you desire.<br />

On this page you will find the contest<br />

rules. Read them carefully -they are<br />

simple and easily<br />

understood -all based<br />

upon our past experience in conducting<br />

contests of this nature. Follow them carefully<br />

and your manuscripts will contain<br />

all necessary information and reach us in<br />

such form as to insure their receiving full<br />

consideration.<br />

With the exception of an explanatory<br />

letter which we always welcome, do not<br />

enclose photographs, or other extraneous<br />

matter of any kind except return postage.<br />

Such enclosures only complicate the work<br />

of handling manuscripts without helping<br />

or affecting decisions in any way.<br />

Another thing, watch the contest page<br />

or pages every month. For several months<br />

there may be nothing new -then suddenly<br />

-a great new announcement. It pays to<br />

watch the contest page.<br />


All stories must be written in the first person<br />

based on facts that happened either in the lives of<br />

the writers of these stories, or to people of their<br />

acquaintance, proper evidence of truth to be<br />

furnished by writers upon request.<br />

Type your manuscripts or write legibly with<br />

pen.<br />

Do not send us printed material or poetry.<br />

Do not write in pencil.<br />

Do not submit stories of less than 2,506 words.<br />

Do not send us unfinished stories.<br />

Stories must be written in English.<br />

Write on one side of paper only.<br />


otherwise manuscripts will be refused. EN-<br />



SCRIPT.<br />

Send material flat. Do not roll.<br />

Do not use thin tissue or onion skin paper.<br />

At the top of first page record the total number<br />

of words in your story. Number the pages.<br />




and sign your full name and legal address in your<br />

own handwriting at foot of the last page of your<br />

manuscript.<br />

Every possible effort will be made to return unavailablemanuscripts,<br />

if first-class postage or expressage<br />

is enclosed in same container with manuscript,<br />

but we do not hold ourselves responsible for<br />

such return and we advise contestants to retain a<br />

copy of stories submitted. Do not send to us<br />

stories which we have returned.<br />

As soon as possible after receipt of each manuscript,<br />

an acknowledgment will be mailed to<br />

sender. No change or correction can be made in<br />

manuscripts after they reach us. No correspondence<br />

can be entered into concerning manuscripts<br />

once they have been submitted or after they have<br />

been rejected.<br />

Unavailable stories will be returned as soon as<br />

rejected irrespective of closing date of contest.<br />

This contest is open to everyone everywhere in<br />

the world, except employees and former employees<br />

of Macfadden Publications, Inc., and members<br />

of their families.<br />

If a story is selected by the editors for immediate<br />

purchase, it will be paid for at our regular rate<br />

and this will in no way affect the judges in their<br />

decision. If your story is awarded a prize, a check<br />

for whatever balance is due will be mailed. The<br />

decisions of the judges on all manuscripts will be<br />

final, there being no appeal from their decision.<br />

Name of prize winner will be announced in<br />

TRUE STORY Magazine, but not in a manner to<br />

identify the writers with the stories they submit.<br />

Under no condition submit any story that has<br />

ever before been published in any form.<br />

Submit your manuscript to us direct. Due to the<br />

intimate nature of these stories, we cannot accept<br />

manuscripts submitted through intermediaries.<br />

This contest ends at the close of business, Friday,<br />

June 28, 1935.<br />

Address your manuscripts to TRUE STORY<br />


1926 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.<br />

NOTE: On behalf of the many persons who submit<br />

their life experiences in story form to TRUE<br />

STORY and allied Macfadden magazines, we have<br />

printed a manual describing the technique which,<br />

according to our experience, is best suited for us<br />

in writing true stories. It is entitled, "Facts You<br />

Should Know about TRUE STORY." Please ask<br />

for it by name when writing for it. We will be<br />

glad to mail you a copy free upon request. Failure<br />

to send for this booklet does not, however, lessen<br />

your chances of being awarded a prize in the contest<br />

series.<br />


JUNE 28, 1935<br />

Get Your Stories in on Time<br />


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