Feasibility Study for the Development of a Water & Waste Innovation ...

Feasibility Study for the Development of a Water & Waste Innovation ...

Feasibility Study for the Development of a Water & Waste Innovation ...


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Aim:<br />

“Assess <strong>the</strong> demand <strong>for</strong> an <strong>Innovation</strong> Park and consider if <strong>the</strong>re are any<br />

barriers to fully realising <strong>the</strong> economic opportunities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water sector <strong>for</strong><br />

Scotland that could be addressed by a virtual and/or physical facility”.<br />

Objectives :<br />

1. Comment on possible location/hosts, funding and ownership/structure<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> facility;<br />

2. Provide a segmented map <strong>of</strong> <strong>Water</strong> R&D activity across Scotland;<br />

3. Derive a potential demand pr<strong>of</strong>ile (users and funders) <strong>for</strong> a Scottish<br />

based facility;<br />

4. Assess <strong>the</strong> gap in <strong>the</strong> provision <strong>of</strong> Scottish innovation and R&D testing<br />

facilities <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> water and waste sector; and<br />

5. Identify <strong>the</strong> opportunities and constraints such a facility might face.

• Targeted stakeholder questionnaire<br />

– Sent to all identified contacts<br />

– Follow up with key contacts<br />

• 2 stakeholder workshops<br />

– SMEs/Policy<br />

– Academia<br />

• Desk-based literature & evidence review<br />

– Key sites around world<br />

– Demand/revenue/business model

• Lots <strong>of</strong> drivers <strong>for</strong> innovation –<br />

policy, regulatory, climatic,<br />

growth, etc<br />

• Scotland is lagging behind?<br />

• Unanimous stakeholder support<br />

– Delays getting to market<br />

– Risk aversion<br />

– Skills shortages<br />

– Complex & confused picture <strong>of</strong><br />

organisations and support currently

Hub facility<br />

Distributed facilities<br />

Local authority<br />

participation<br />

Academia<br />

participation<br />

Industry participation<br />

SME participation<br />

Network <strong>of</strong> partners<br />

Demonstration and<br />

testing<br />

International<br />

accreditation<br />

EU funding<br />

State funding<br />

Private funding<br />

Seed funding <strong>for</strong><br />

users<br />

Fee structure <strong>for</strong> use<br />

Consultancy<br />

Graduate schools<br />

Specialist advice<br />

Funding expertise<br />

<strong>Water</strong> Alliance (Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

Energy Transfer Partnership (Scotland) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

<strong>Water</strong> Science Alliance (Germany) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

<strong>Water</strong> Resources Research Centre<br />

(USA)<br />

Y Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

Centre <strong>for</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Research (Australia) Y Y Y Y Y<br />

<strong>Water</strong> Research Centre (WRc) Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

UK <strong>Water</strong> Industry Research (UKWIR) Y Y Y Y<br />

Hydraulics Research (HR) Walling<strong>for</strong>d Y Y Y Y Y<br />

Centre <strong>of</strong> Expertise <strong>for</strong> <strong>Water</strong>s (CREW) Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

Edinburgh Centre <strong>for</strong> Carbon<br />

<strong>Innovation</strong><br />

Y Y Y Y<br />

Scottish Environmental Technology<br />

Y<br />

Y Y Y Y<br />

Network<br />

Y<br />

<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Innovation</strong> Park (WIP), India Y Y Y Y Y Y<br />

<strong>Water</strong>fronts, Israel Y Y Y Y Y

• Often geographically distributed - hub-and-spoke<br />

• Specific or variety <strong>of</strong> testing facilities<br />

• Grants <strong>for</strong> research or innovation prizes<br />

• Broad expertise base and networking opportunities - <strong>of</strong>ten aimed at<br />

linking academic, industrial and SMEs<br />

• Very few conduct international standards accreditation work<br />

• Funding comes from variety <strong>of</strong> different sources, but public sector<br />

frequently provides majority <strong>of</strong> funding<br />

• Some involved in linking innovation to teaching and learning<br />

• Some involved in piloting or demonstration<br />

• Some have anchor tenant(s) with cluster around

Scottish <strong>Innovation</strong> Park should:<br />

1. Incorporate best features <strong>of</strong> examples outlined<br />

2. Take account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> activities provided by existing facilities, and<br />

collaborate where appropriate<br />

3. Promote <strong>the</strong> specific issues relevant to Scotland (i.e. in line with <strong>the</strong><br />

Hydro Nation agenda).

• Current innovation is uncoordinated<br />

• Range <strong>of</strong> existing initiatives and organisations frustrates progress<br />

• Incentives and funding also disperse and uncoordinated<br />

• No clear network or path <strong>for</strong> SMEs and o<strong>the</strong>rs to follow<br />

• <strong>Innovation</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten sector focused - hard <strong>for</strong> industry, policy and academia to work toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

‣ There is a need and demand <strong>for</strong> a water and wastewater innovation facility in Scotland to<br />

address <strong>the</strong>se gaps<br />

‣ This should build on existing processes and facilities across Scotland in an incremental and<br />

adaptive way.

Potential revenue<br />

(£million/year)<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

Lower bound<br />

Upper bound<br />

0<br />

Consultation with<br />

potential users<br />

Existing R&D<br />

expenditure<br />

Estimation method<br />

Demand <strong>for</strong><br />

comparable<br />


Option 1:<br />

Option 2:<br />

Option 3:<br />

Limited expansion <strong>of</strong> existing activities<br />

Fully coordinated ‘hub and spoke’ facility building on<br />

existing assets<br />

Create a new dedicated facility

Physical attributes:<br />

1. Prototype scale demonstration to potential customers;<br />

2. Comparative per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>of</strong> products;<br />

3. Testing <strong>of</strong> equipment at prototype scale;<br />

4. Product certification;<br />

5. Clustering <strong>of</strong> expertise in single location to develop future opportunities;<br />

6. Staff training and education;<br />

‘Virtual’ networking activities:<br />

1. Access to supply chain<br />

2. Interaction with water utilities to maximise opportunities <strong>for</strong> innovation;<br />

3. Technology transfer from o<strong>the</strong>r sectors into <strong>the</strong> water industry; and<br />

4. Access to third party R&D funding.

• Coordinate and build links<br />

• CREW +<br />

• Led by enterprise organisation?<br />

• Consideration should be given to this steering group being independently<br />

chaired from within <strong>the</strong> commercial sector

• Create ‘brand’<br />

• Develop promotional material

• Build on Scottish <strong>Development</strong> International “Smart<br />

Exporter” scheme<br />

• Include water and wastewater as sector in own right

• Align supply chain with needs <strong>of</strong> industry<br />

• Network <strong>of</strong> Tier 1 water users, as SETN is already<br />


1. Advice on access to funding to support R&D<br />

activities, guidance on product<br />

verification/certification and protection <strong>of</strong><br />

intellectual property;<br />

2. Providing access to demonstration sites;<br />

3. Providing more af<strong>for</strong>dable access to laboratories;<br />

4. Engagement with <strong>the</strong> Higher Education Sector

14 recommendations, about £600k, including:<br />

•Co-ordination group being independently chaired from within<br />

<strong>the</strong> commercial sector;<br />

•Using a Scottish <strong>Water</strong> site as a demonstration site.<br />

•Existing SETN activity should be recognised and supported.<br />

•Recommending to <strong>the</strong> SFC that <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Water</strong><br />

<strong>Innovation</strong> Centre be included within <strong>the</strong>ir next call <strong>for</strong><br />


Expansion <strong>of</strong> SETN interaction

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