Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


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Monufacturing Department<br />

Oirector Stander (below, righ,)<br />

concluding a Pr~para tiDn lor<br />

Bargo;nin g Seminar.<br />

Inte rnational President Borry (abo",. ,<br />

righ') tolking to the m embel'$ ahout<br />

organizing. Wi,h him on the do;:; a re<br />

(Irom left), Exe cutive AU;$tont to the<br />

'nte rnational President Mike Lv( o sl<br />

Inte rnational Secretory Moore, and<br />

<strong>International</strong> Vice Preside", Lansden.<br />

M ce l i ng'~ ,ecolJd day. A OIl ... truction<br />

nIH! Mai ntcllam:c Wnrhhop WiI:-. 1,.'011-<br />

ductl!u hy IJ1I l.'rnational Rcprc..,cJltat ivcr.;<br />

Ed I I '''vey and Gene Rufr. A Manufac ­<br />

tu ring Worl ... hop Wa 'i. concillclcd hy 111-<br />

Icrn.ll ional Rcprc:'\!l1 t:lIi vc:-. Grady Pa rk ...<br />

and Lloyd Lynch. A Telephone Work­<br />

:-.hop wa..; conducted by tntc lI\:lliGnal<br />

RcprCS el1la t lvc~ Bob M c l lJn i~ and<br />

Bonnie Crawrord. Ami a UlililY Work­<br />

:-.hop wa..; CO l1{lliCl ed by Intel national<br />

R c p re~e lH ativc :-. John Did. ...:I''\on and<br />

Jerry D IIIH.::tIl. rhe delegate ... th ell gath ­<br />

ered as a group :.Ind dii'iL'lIs'i.cd wlwl had<br />

been learned ill the wo rk'ihup ;..c..,~ i on:-. .<br />

V icc PrC"itdenl Lan~dcn ch"...:.d the<br />

11lccling by lll'lnk ing the eli 'mel sta rt<br />

ror Iheir hard work. and all lire loca l<br />

lI nion~ invol ved for Iheir irai'll work<br />

and IIH: ir 'i.Llpport. 0'<br />

Setting Goals<br />

Local 55 3 Business Manager Mdeod chairing the Women '5 COUCUJ.<br />

Twelfth District<br />

Women's Caucus<br />

WCIf'Ih Di:-trkt IntcrlHlI lolial<br />

ViCe Prl!sldl!nl Ca rl L.:m\dcn prc ~<br />

l-.idecl o V~' r hi!>. {h ~ lri {'\·:... Women· ....<br />

' Caucus. hel d thc clay berm" Ille<br />

Twelfth Di'lrk l '~ alllillal Progre..;»<br />

Meeting. The Caut:ll "i Wa" chaired<br />

hy Lo(.'at 553. Durham. orlh Carolina,<br />

B u~ in cs:-. Manager A:-.enath<br />

Mc Leod. :UICJ the theme \Va~ :-.e-ui ng<br />

goals for women IBEW lllel11 llCr\.<br />

SiSler McLeod ,pole a btl lli encOlJragillg<br />

parlit.: ip:lliun hy women<br />

i n the union and :11 future c a ll1."USC''i.<br />

Shecllcou l'aged Inore WO/ ncn I" take<br />

0 11 Icader, llI p rolc:;. and ,t1icl ~ hc<br />

hoped is'm e~ di:-,c ll s~cd :1111 1: caLlC U'i.<br />

could be luoked at as " lm11 lly I~ ­<br />

~uc~:· not 'Oi Illply "\Vol1lcn'l't i ~:-. u cs."<br />

Executi ve !\ ~..;i' tan l to the Intcrnational<br />

Prc .... ith· 1l1 Mikr 1 . 1H';l~ pr('­<br />

:-,cl1 ted a Scmlllar 011 O r-galli/iug on<br />

l ile Local Union Level. PartIcIpant ...<br />

Icarned how effective (lrganiling<br />

tr~ \I \ '\latc\ 1'\\0 effective bilrgi.li ning.<br />

M illlufacturiltg Depa rlml! llI Dir(~c ­<br />

lor Bob Slander followed wllh a<br />

sClll irmron B arg~lin i ng Prepurations.<br />

A.nd tmernatio\1il\ Rcprc .... c1\t.\I ivc\<br />

I i all Mul'tsc), a lilt Ros:-. 11 ud s(l n<br />

CCllldut:lcd it 'i.cmi llar on Contrac t<br />

Ad 111 i 111:-.1 rat l(ln .<br />

•<br />


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