Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


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<strong>Organizing</strong> <strong>Victories</strong><br />

"Orga ll;=i" ,~ i.\ Ih(> primary 1001<br />

u.H!d 10 strengthell OUl'UllltHl' ... {Jo.\i·<br />

firm 1,',.,11 employer.L res"lli,,/{ ill (I<br />

strOllg positioll a( tlrl! ha r~Ul llill K<br />

fable," said IllIemmional Pre~id c nt<br />

J J Rarry at a recent Progrc" M ee t­<br />

ing . Funher rei nforcing Ihe lnllh 01<br />

Ih b ~t u(cme nt were thc I.,weel viClOric<br />

.... <strong>of</strong> two igorou\ local ...-<br />

Lncal<br />

II K e \". r~ . New JCI"ey. headed<br />

by Bu~i nc ... ~ M :magcr MichaelCalabro;<br />

and Locill 1238. Wilminglon.<br />

J)r1i1wa Jl>.hpjul t~ (1 hy Btl \ in r~s Manager<br />

Paul J. Simon Ill.<br />

On Ju ll ~. tY'l2. Local I t5X "011 "<br />

1Itional L:lhor Rdallon .. Board<br />

electIon 10 rC'prc~clll l h(' C'mplu)cc .. <strong>of</strong><br />

j\mbicare. I nc., I nca t~d in Orange!. 'Jew<br />

J c r~c y. One ol lhc 1:lrgercompanic, <strong>of</strong><br />

th ... l) pe opcr;lling in nllnhcm "" C\\<br />

Jcr~c), Ambican:, Inc. emplo) .. about<br />

65 "o r~c" 111 Ihe unll Ih.1 LOlal I 15<br />

\\11\ repre"'C'J)L 111c'Ic cmplo) CC\. \\ ho<br />

tr.JII')port paticllI .... (0 docl<strong>of</strong>\· olfiee ... or<br />

ho\,pllal, lor tre~l1mC'fll or h!' ... h. \\ere<br />

conlronled \\"lIh ptK}r \\urJ... ing nmdi·<br />

tion, and lem \\ age, for hard. tiring<br />

\\orh-.<br />

\1 0'1 <strong>of</strong> Ihe probtcn" ta ced b)<br />

Amblcarc. Inc. cmplo)C'c ... \\CfC Ihe<br />

\;nne as 111O'Ie CI1LOIJlltcrcd b) other<br />

un it I.: mplllycc, hcforc thc} \\ocre orgilni/ed.<br />

An rnccn livC' 'plclll. wh'leh c l11-<br />

pl oyce~ con~ i tlc rc d un fa ir. wa, u .. ed<br />

ami put them at n"}.. when the) tried 10<br />

meet the o bj ccti \lc~ uf the ~y .. tem to<br />

earn it d Cl.:C IH w~ l gc<br />

Local 1 1 5~ rnadc c>.tcn:-,i\c pn:paralion!'!<br />

10 meet with the cmplo)'ee,. A<br />

propu .... cd contratl \\oa'" prcpnrcd and a<br />

negoti;tling cOlll mittee \\a....... cJcctcli .<br />

\Vhcn Ihe VOle .. \"e fe

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