Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Organizing Victories - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


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ar would IInc need 10 go.<br />

According to Columbu~' rccord~ he<br />

thought the di'l:lnce from Spam (0<br />

C:llha), (ChlOa ) 10 be ,boUIJ.WO mib.<br />

The actual di ...(ancc b clo~er to 10.000<br />

lIIile ,_ So when he made landfall 10 the<br />

Carlbbean- aboul 3.000 mile, rrom<br />

Spain n hi~ firM voyage. he \va""<br />

convinced he W~ l '" at the edge <strong>of</strong> [he<br />

Onent. The 'tclth':Jllt':nt:.. he fOlll1(.il:d were<br />

10 b\: u:..eu a:.. ba..,c~ for fUlure cxpcdili<br />

on~ to Chi na anti Japan.<br />

OUI Ihe "cll lcmel1l'i Columbus left<br />

behi nd after hl~ third and fina l voyage<br />

ended III 150"" have become OIuch more<br />

th:m jU\t \!Upplng-on pOlilh. Man)<br />

rem~tln lod3) a.., LUIIl AI1"1enciJ'~ bu,i ­<br />

c..,t citie\, Ami the cxplurUlion which<br />

"'pl'ung fromth...:m rc .. uhed In European<br />

\cttlement 01 ",hal i.s lodu)' Ihe nited<br />

StuIC.., ami .mada.<br />

A Message For<br />

Organized Labor<br />

Chri\lOphcr Columbu, ,end ... a pow ­<br />

erful me:,:,age 10 J\llIe ricun~ ~ IIH.I an~l ­<br />

dian-; on the 500lh a n nivc r~a r y <strong>of</strong> h, ...<br />

ioN vo)agc tn Ihe 'Ie" World. And<br />

thai mc, ... agc £,OC\ 10 the hl.:i.ln 01 the<br />

modem labor mU\(·I1H~nt.<br />

Columbu",' '-gac}, ,un IVC, ((Kia).<br />

bCC;IU,C il ... end ... a mc~ ... age or bravery ..<br />

cour:lge ;lnd dClennjn~lllon . [}e\pitc<br />

hi ... ~hllr t omin,g!-l. h\! fat:cd Iht: unknown.<br />

and ch:mged the cOUf';e or<br />

Iw.tory. That b vcry mUl'h the legac}'<br />

un wh ich the United SlalC\aml ;lI'ladn<br />

\'.crc founded. And American and Canatl1allllJuon<br />

lender ... have been ~ p read -<br />

111& the woru th rough the labor 1lI0Vf"­<br />

mcllt ever ~i Tl cc.<br />

it<br />



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