22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks

22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks

22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks


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as he says, “Forgive me in the Lord, brothers, for I have sinned in word, deed, and in thought,” and<br />

you should grant him forgiveness saying, “May God forgive you, father.” But you also should<br />

immediately beg this from him by adding, “Forgive us also yourself, honored father, for we have<br />

sinned in deed, word, and in thought,” then again he should pray for you and say, “May God<br />

through the prayers of our fathers forgive you all.”<br />

Then standing up and according him the required obeisance, you should go away to your cells<br />

and carry out your night office in accordance with the regulation, and then full of gratitude and<br />

spiritual joy you should turn to sleep until the one who is in charge of the clock 11 learns from it the<br />

appropriate hour and goes to the superior, and receiving from him the required blessing then<br />

shouts out with a loud voice in a rhythmic fashion, “Bless, O saints.” Then when he has struck the<br />

semantron in the customary way and distributed lights to all, he will rouse you for the celebration<br />

of the midnight office which he himself will also sing all the time as he carries out the prescribed<br />

lighting of the church, and then when he has sounded the great semantron and the bronze one also,<br />

he will call you all for the dawn worship, the preliminary part of which you must carry out as<br />

follows.<br />

For after the striking of the bronze semantron praise should be ascribed to God by the priest<br />

who has the duty for the day, and as he praises God he should at once with the censer make the<br />

sign of the venerable cross 12 in front of the holy table; and you replying “Amen,” should immediately<br />

sing a trisagion together with the nineteenth and twentieth psalms and the usual troparia and<br />

the Kyrie eleison, taking care to keep together as far as is reasonable while these are being sung.<br />

The priest himself should go round all the divine church and cense everyone, and then, standing<br />

before the holy screen, when he has once more made the sign of the venerable cross with the<br />

censer, with the censing he should offer up praise to the all-holy Trinity, speaking audibly as<br />

follows, “Glory to the holy and consubstantial and life-giving Trinity always, now and always and<br />

for ever and ever, amen.” After replying “Amen” the ecclesiarch should at once begin the six<br />

psalms, saying the words of the psalms in a low voice slowly, quietly, and carefully so that all may<br />

then be able to recite them without error or stumbling. Then after the completion of the six psalms,<br />

the whole office of matins [p. 29] should next be celebrated as the synaxarion describes. 13 That<br />

constitutes the pattern of your daily office.<br />

7. Concerning life-preserving confession.<br />

We must also speak about life-preserving confession and the discourse about the table must wait<br />

for a while. Well then, the superior must sit in a private place twice a day, and leaving aside all<br />

other work whatsoever and all the trouble of managing and directing, must take most diligent care<br />

to hear those who wish to make confession and set for each one the appropriate healing. We<br />

specify that after the reciting of the psalms at matins has begun there should be one time when he<br />

will bring healing to those who live continuously in the monastery and are not employed in any<br />

ministries; and after compline he will bring healing to those ministering inside or outside who are<br />

present. He is to be allowed, if perhaps he cannot act in person since the brotherhood is numerous,<br />

to authorize whichever priests and deacons he wishes, and even some of the more reverent brothers,<br />

to hear the thoughts of the more uneducated majority, the thoughts that trouble us day by day<br />

and hour by hour which must always be easy to absolve and not have caused more deep-seated<br />

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