22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks

22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks

22. Evergetis - Dumbarton Oaks


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Concerning the two short fasts, that of the Holy Apostles and that of Christmas. 24<br />

The procedure for the fast of the Holy Apostles will be laid down immediately next. After the<br />

completion of the whole canonical office of the hours and the divine liturgy as the synaxarion<br />

prescribes in detail, 25 you should be summoned to the refectory at the seventh hour in accordance<br />

with the rule laid down above, and there you should eat two dishes cooked with olive oil and drink<br />

wine of the larger measure. Also supper should be set out for you consisting of a small piece of<br />

bread and the same amount of wine, namely a larger measure, because of the heat and dryness of<br />

the season. However we will not eat fish provided by the monastery; but if some were to come as<br />

a refreshment, then we should partake of it gratefully, for it is not right to forbid this during these<br />

two lesser fasts.<br />

The fast of the Holy Nativity will be similar to that of the Holy Apostles in both food and<br />

drink, after the completion [p. 45] of course of the whole canonical office according to the<br />

synaxarion. 26 It will differ from it in these two points only—in not performing the divine liturgy<br />

each day during the period of the fast, for the day being short does not provide enough time, and<br />

in eating once. For your food should be set out for you at the ninth hour during the period of a fast,<br />

as has been said; and it will always be a fast when “God is the Lord” (Ps. 117 [118]: 27) is not sung<br />

at matins but “Alleluia.” So these rules should be kept in this way.<br />

11. Concerning the way that the feasts of Our Lord and those of the most holy Mother of God must<br />

be celebrated.<br />

All the divine feasts of Our Lord and those of our Lady and benefactress, the most holy<br />

Mother of God, should be celebrated by you differently from the rest, in the singing of psalms I<br />

mean, in the lighting of lamps, and in your own meals. The feast of her holy Metastasis, which we<br />

in fact call her Dormition, should be celebrated by you in a splendid and sumptuous manner, for it<br />

will be the feast of feasts and the festival of festivals. During this feast we order a distribution to<br />

be made at the gate of as much as we are able, and may your hand be generous. Now that we have<br />

discussed these matters sufficiently, we will, as is necessary, mention the others.<br />

12. Concerning the fact that the monastery is to be independent and under its own control.<br />

We instruct all in the name of our Lord God the Ruler of All that this holy monastery is to be<br />

independent, free of everyone’s control, and self-governing, and not subject to any rights, be they<br />

imperial or ecclesiastic or of a private person, but it should be watched over, steered, governed,<br />

and directed only by the Mother of God <strong>Evergetis</strong> who is worthy of all praise, by the prayer of our<br />

most blessed and holy father, and by the one acting as superior in it, and furthermore in accordance<br />

with the chrysobulls of the emperors now dead, 27 by which its independence and freedom<br />

from all control is most strongly confirmed for you, and through which you will have an independence<br />

undisturbed, completely steadfast, and unshaken.<br />

If anyone ever at any time and in any way wishes to gain control over this monastery or put it<br />

in subjection or place it under someone’s power, whether he be an emperor or a patriarch or some<br />

other member of the clergy or of the senate or even the superior of this monastery himself or its<br />

steward or simply one of its brothers prompted by an attack of the devil, not only will he be held<br />

responsible for the divine body and blood of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ and to the<br />

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