F3 Freeway Noise Assessment Supplementary Noise ... - RTA

F3 Freeway Noise Assessment Supplementary Noise ... - RTA

F3 Freeway Noise Assessment Supplementary Noise ... - RTA


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<strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong><br />

<strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> for<br />

Proposed widening of the <strong>F3</strong> freeway between Mt Colah and Cowan<br />

<strong>RTA</strong> Operations and Services<br />

Hunter Region<br />

July 2006

Document Controls<br />

Business Unit<br />

Document description<br />

Environmental Technology Branch<br />

<strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>: <strong>F3</strong> Widening<br />

Between Wahroonga and Hawkesbury River<br />

Status<br />

Date<br />

Final 26/7/2006<br />

<strong>RTA</strong>/Pub. 06.389<br />

ISBN 978-1-921474-91-0<br />

© Roads and Traffic Authority<br />

Prepared by <strong>RTA</strong> Operations – Environmental Technology Branch<br />

<strong>RTA</strong> Operations Directorate<br />

AS/NZS ISO 9001<br />

QEC 7443<br />

Standards Australia

<strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong><br />

<strong>F3</strong> Widening Between Wahroonga and Hawkesbury River<br />


The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority’s Environmental Technology Branch (Monitoring) was<br />

requested to provide an additional supplementary noise report to the noise assessment included<br />

in the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposed widening of the current<br />

carriageways of the <strong>F3</strong> <strong>Freeway</strong> between Wahroonga and Cowan as a result of the comments<br />

received from the community following public display of the REF titled “Cowan to Mt Colah –<br />

Proposed Widening of the <strong>F3</strong> <strong>Freeway</strong>” dated April 2006.<br />

Additional noise monitoring was requested for residences at the following locations:<br />

• 1/2, 7, and 8 Flanders Avenue, Mt Kuring-gai;<br />

• 3C Alicia Road, Mt Kuring-gai<br />

• 902, 904, 906 and 908 Pacific Highway, Berowra<br />

• 18 Bayview Street, Mt Kuring-gai<br />

• Mt Kuring-gai Public School (internal classroom measurements)<br />

With the exception of the school, measurements were taken by placing each noise logger 1<br />

metre away from the closest façade of their respective residence facing the road over seven<br />

whole days with the microphone height set at 1.5 metres. Two classrooms considered to be<br />

the closest to the <strong>F3</strong> <strong>Freeway</strong> were chosen and indoor measurements were recorded during<br />

the morning peak hour period with the microphone height also set at 1.5 metres placed in the<br />

centre of each classroom. This report is to be used in conjunction with the noise assessment<br />

already undertaken for the REF and provides noise measurements and conclusions only.<br />


Table 1 contains a summary of the noise levels recorded from the long-term noise loggers<br />

between Friday 9 th June and Friday 16 th June 2006 and the short-term measurements taken on<br />

19 th and 20 th June 2006. Meteorological conditions during the measurement periods were<br />

generally fine.<br />

Table 1<br />

Summary of Existing Traffic <strong>Noise</strong> Level for Nominated Residences.<br />


Site Location<br />

Day<br />

Night<br />

LAeq (15 hr)<br />

LAeq (9 hr)<br />

1/2 Flanders Avenue Mt Kuring-gai 66 63<br />

3C Alicia Road Mt Kuring-gai 60 57<br />

904 Pacific Highway Berowra 62 55<br />

18 Bayview Street Mt Kuring-gai 62 59<br />

902 Pacific Highway Berowra 62 56<br />

906 Pacific Highway Berowra 58 52<br />

908 Pacific Highway Berowra 55 49<br />

7 Flanders Avenue Mt Kuring-gai 61 58<br />

8 Flanders Avenue Mt Kuring-gai 64 62<br />

EPA Criteria 60 55<br />

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<strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong><br />

<strong>F3</strong> Widening Between Wahroonga and Hawkesbury River<br />

The traffic noise level recorded at Mount Kuring-gai Public School in both classrooms 5 & 6 was<br />

LAeq, 1hr = 39 dB(A). This currently satisfies the noise criterion of LAeq, 1hr = 45 dB(A) for existing<br />

schools affected by noise from proposed roads outlined in Department of Environment and<br />

Conservation’s (DEC) “Environmental Criteria for Road Traffic <strong>Noise</strong>” (ECRTN, May 1999),<br />

which represents the NSW State Government’s current policy on road traffic noise.<br />

As calculated from the noise assessment included in the REF, noise levels for the existing<br />

alignment in 2007 would be the same as the existing traffic noise level in 2006. Taking into<br />

consideration the traffic volume increase and the increase in percentage of heavy vehicles over<br />

10 years, an overall increase of 2 dB(A) for the daytime and 2 dB(A) increase for the night time<br />

period would be expected. Tables 2 and 3 include predicted traffic noise levels for the<br />

residential dwellings for the future existing alignment (predicted 2007 noise level if the project<br />

were not to proceed) and the proposed alignment in the design year 2017.<br />

Table 2<br />

Summary of Daytime Traffic <strong>Noise</strong> Levels for Residences in the<br />

Vicinity of the Proposal (Existing 2007 and Proposed Alignment 2017).<br />

SITE<br />


2007<br />

Existing<br />

alignment<br />

TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL Leq, 15 hour [dB(A)]<br />

DOES IT<br />

2017<br />

DOES IT<br />

EXCEED<br />

EXCEED<br />

Proposed BASE<br />


alignment NOISE<br />


GOALS<br />

ACUTE *<br />

1/2 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 66 68 Yes No Yes<br />

3C Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 60 62 Yes No No<br />

904 Pacific H/wy Berowra 62 64 Yes No No<br />

18 Bayview St Mt Kuring-gai 62 64 Yes No No<br />

902 Pacific H/wy Berowra 62 64 Yes No No<br />

906 Pacific H/wy Berowra 58 60 No N/A No<br />

908 Pacific H/wy Berowra 55 57 No N/A No<br />

7 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 61 63 Yes No No<br />

8 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 64 66 Yes No Yes<br />

* Acute noise level is traffic noise being equal to or greater than 65 dB(A) for the daytime period.<br />

Table 3<br />

Summary of Night Time Traffic <strong>Noise</strong> Levels for Residences in the<br />

Vicinity of the Proposal (Existing 2007 and Proposed Alignment 2017).<br />

SITE<br />


2007<br />

Existing<br />

alignment<br />

TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL Leq, 9 hour [dB(A)]<br />

DOES IT<br />

2017<br />

DOES IT<br />

EXCEED<br />

EXCEED<br />

Proposed BASE<br />


alignment NOISE<br />


GOALS<br />

ACUTE *<br />

1/2 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 63 65 Yes No Yes<br />

3C Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 57 59 Yes No No<br />

904 Pacific H/wy Berowra 55 57 Yes No No<br />

18 Bayview St Mt Kuring-gai 59 61 Yes No Yes<br />

902 Pacific H/wy Berowra 56 58 Yes No No<br />

906 Pacific H/wy Berowra 52 54 No N/A No<br />

908 Pacific H/wy Berowra 49 51 No N/A No<br />

7 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 57 59 Yes No No<br />

8 Flanders Ave Mt Kuring-gai 62 64 Yes No Yes<br />

* Acute noise level is traffic noise being equal to or greater than 60 dB(A) for the night time period.<br />

Based on the overall increase of 2 dB(A) expected for the design year 2107, the traffic noise<br />

level at Mount Kuring-gai Public School in both classrooms 5 & 6 would be LAeq, 1hr = 41 dB(A).<br />

This also would satisfy the noise criterion of LAeq, 1hr = 45 dB(A) as outlined in ECRTN.<br />

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<strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Noise</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong><br />

<strong>F3</strong> Widening Between Wahroonga and Hawkesbury River<br />

3.0 SUMMARY<br />

3C Alicia Road Mount Kuring-gai<br />

No mitigation measures would be required for this residence as noise levels would be within<br />

allowance goals.<br />

Flanders Avenue Mount Kuring-gai<br />

The predicted traffic noise level at 7 Flanders Avenue Mount Kuring-gai would satisfy the<br />

allowance noise goals and therefore, no mitigation measures would be required for this<br />

residence.<br />

Existing noise levels would become acute for residences 1/2, 2/2, 1/4, 2/4, 6 and 8 Flanders<br />

Avenue Mt Kuring-gai in the design year 2017 (acute noise levels defined as LAeq, 15hrs greater<br />

than or equal to 65 dBA for daytime and LAeq, 9hrs greater than or equal to 60 dBA) resulting in<br />

the consideration of mitigation measures where feasible and reasonable. The existing noise wall<br />

does not extend past these residences as the noise wall was built prior to the construction of<br />

these dwellings. If mitigation measures in the form of a noise wall were to be considered,<br />

the existing 4 metres high noise wall would need to be extended by 350 metres to cater for the<br />

affected residences at Flanders Avenue. Based on a typical pricing for a timber noise wall of<br />

$500/sq metre, the cost for this noise wall extension would be around $700,000. However if<br />

mitigation measures in the form of architectural treatments were considered, then 6 residences<br />

at $15,000 each would cost around $90,000.<br />

18 Bayview Street Mount Kuring-gai<br />

This residence does not currently experience acute noise levels but night time noise levels<br />

would become acute in the design year 2017. However, it would not be feasible or reasonable<br />

to provide further mitigation measures as the increase of 2 dB(A) would be barely perceivable<br />

and the existing noise wall is already providing noise attenuation from the <strong>F3</strong> freeway.<br />

902-908 Pacific Highway Berowra<br />

<strong>Noise</strong> levels satisfy allowance noise goals and therefore no mitigation measures are required.<br />

Mt Kuring-gai Public School<br />

Internal noise levels measured at morning peak hour in Classroom 5 and Classroom 6 are well<br />

below criteria of Leq,1hr=45 dB(A), therefore no mitigation measures required.<br />

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