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2002 to 2005, in all remaining 14 years of recent past 65 tmc ft to 1329 tmc ft of water has<br />

gone as waste into Sea. Similarly from Godavari during the recent 10 years from 1997 to<br />

2006, huge quantities ranging from 1730 to 4830 tmc of water gone as waste into sea. This is<br />

happening when many un-developed regions in AP are clamoring for creation of additional<br />

irrigation potential.<br />

“Not to use surplus water which is a scarce resource would be a national loss”. AP<br />

being at the tail end is placed in a vulnerable position and will have to face acute shortage<br />

of water in lean years, when the available yield from the basin is less than 2060 tmc, resulting<br />

in the AP share falling below 800 tmc. To tide over the crisis in such bad years, the clearance<br />

given by the tribunal to utilize the surplus waters in our state, should be taken full advantage<br />

of and a comprehensive plan of action is to be drawn for implementation of the programme<br />

for construction of a series of balancing reservoirs to store the surplus waters available in<br />

good years for use during the critical years that follows and to take care of neglected areas<br />

in AP. The same concept was realized by AP lately and works takenup to harness Krishna<br />

water from Srisailam Project. Effective steps started to achieve this only from the year 2004<br />

under “JALAYAGNAM”.<br />

The policy adopted for 75% dependability of water (assuming that as assured water)<br />

needs more study by the experts. The estimated 2060 tmc of water from Krishna River as<br />

75% dependable; there is no guarantee that the same quantity will be available in each<br />

year. At the same time there is no guarantee that the yield from Krishna River will not<br />

exceed 2060 tmc. Suppose allocated water is made for say 50 to 60% dependability more<br />

supplies will be available for the receipants. But AP being a tail end state; in any manner<br />

corned to disadvantageous position. For the agriculturable programme the water so<br />

allocated to various projects of all the 3 states shall be available to suit to requirements as<br />

scheduled. In the event of late rains; detaining the available yield in the upper reaches<br />

though the quantum of water is within their allocation; in that lean year lower down state<br />

Andhra Pradesh is bound to suffer. So AP is bound to depend on surplus water with out<br />

minding the dependability. But as an alternative diversion of unutilized much available<br />

yield over 75% dependability from Godavari water to much exploited Krishna river is the<br />

best solution and the same concept is adopted in the much awaited JALAYAGNAM. This<br />

diversion will save double purposes (ie) avoidance of waste of Godavari water to cater the<br />

needs of command areas in Krishna Basin in lower down reaches and then Krishna assured<br />

waters now being utilized by such projects can be used in upper reaches for projects which<br />

are taken up on surplus waters will have assured waters. The “JALAYAGNAM” programme is<br />

well received by all sections of AP giving a feeling that their long cherished desire to have<br />

a minimum irrigation facility in the zones of AP which are neglected for the last 50 years.<br />

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