Field Theory exam II – Solutions

Field Theory exam II – Solutions

Field Theory exam II – Solutions


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(c) Assume that the inner surface of the outer sphere carries a total charge Q 1 .<br />

Compute the electric field ⃗ E(r) between the two spheres, the total charge<br />

Q 0 on the outer surface of the inner sphere, and the charge densities on<br />

the surfaces.<br />

(d) Compute the voltage U between the two spheres in terms of Q 1 , and the<br />

capacitance C = |Q 1 /U| of the capacitor formed by the concentric spheres.<br />

(e) From the electric field, compute the total energy W of the electric field<br />

between the two spheres in terms of U and C.<br />

Required knowledge<br />

• Ohm’s law: in a conductor with conductivity σ, electric field and current<br />

are related by ⃗ J = σ ⃗ E<br />

• Gauss law: given a vector field ⃗w and a volume V with surface ∂V ,<br />

∫ ∫<br />

⃗∇ · ⃗w = ⃗w · ⃗nda (35)<br />

• Coulomb’s law (in Gauss units)<br />

V<br />

∂V<br />

⃗∇ · ⃗E = 4πρ (36)<br />

• Definition of electrostatic potential ⃗ E = − ⃗ ∇Φ<br />

• Energy density of the electric field (in Gauss units)<br />

Solution<br />

u = 1<br />

8π ⃗ E 2 (37)<br />

(a) Because we assume ⃗ J = 0, it follows that ⃗ E = 0 inside the conducting material,<br />

otherwise there would be a current ⃗ J = σ ⃗ E due to Ohm’s law. From<br />

⃗E = − ⃗ ∇Φ, it follows that Φ is constant inside the conducting material.<br />

Since the tangential component of ⃗ E is continuous across surfaces (due to<br />

Faraday’s law), it is also zero near the surface outside the conductor, and<br />

therefore orthogonal to the surface.<br />

(b) First we note that since the system is spherically symmetric, all quantities<br />

can only depend on r. This implies that the electric field has only radial<br />

components E r (r), and that the surface charge densities are constant along<br />

each of the sphere’s surfaces. For any sphere V r with radius r and surface<br />

∂V r , we can combine Gauss and Coulomb’s laws to compute<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

4πr 2 E r (r) = E ⃗ · ⃗n da = ∇ ⃗ · E ⃗ d<br />

∫∂V 3 x ′ = 4π ρ d 3 x ′ (38)<br />

r V r V r<br />

= 4πQ(r) (39)<br />

where Q(r) is the total charge inside a radius r. Inside the conducting<br />

material, we have ⃗ E = 0, and, due to (36), also ρ = 0. Thus the only<br />


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