Drug Information Bulletin - Indian Pharmaceutical Association

Drug Information Bulletin - Indian Pharmaceutical Association

Drug Information Bulletin - Indian Pharmaceutical Association


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<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong><br />

(Electronic)<br />

<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Information</strong> Centre (DIC)<br />

<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Bengal Branch<br />

Tele fax: 033 24612776, E-mail: ipabengal.dic@gmail.com<br />

Web Site: http://www.ipabengal.org<br />

Contact: 09830136291<br />

5 th<br />

Year<br />

Volume: 05 Number: 10 18 th June 2011<br />

Content<br />

• Notification GSR 418(E): Prohibition to Manufacture, Sale and distribute the <strong>Drug</strong><br />

Human Placenta Extract and its formulation, 30-May-2011<br />

• CDSCO Letter F. No. 12-01/11-DC (Pt.27): Clarification regarding continued<br />

availability of Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic formulations - 03-Jun-2011<br />

• Office Order DCG (I)/Misc/2011/: Transfer of certain functions & delegation of<br />

powers to Zonal Offices of CDSCO under Rule 22 of <strong>Drug</strong>s & Cosmetics Rules, 01-<br />

Jun-2011<br />

• Implementation of bar code date extended to 1 st October 2011<br />

• Vaccinating girls will cut rates of cervical cancer<br />

• Scientists come up with new molecule that may lead to better drug for TB<br />

• House cuts FDA's budget<br />

• ASEAN members sign new action plan to fight Dengue<br />

• Forthcoming Event<br />

Notification GSR 418(E): Prohibition to Manufacture, Sale and distribute the <strong>Drug</strong><br />

Human Placenta Extract and its formulation, 30-May-2011<br />

This notification amends item No. (4) of the third paragraph of notification GSR 82(E)<br />

(120484) as under: "4 Human Placental Extract and its formulations for human use except its<br />

(i) Topical application for wound healing, and (ii) Injection for pelvic inflammatory disease<br />

subject to the condition that the manufacturers of Human Placental Extract and its<br />

formulations for human use shall maintain meticulous details and traceability of the donors of<br />

the Placenta so as to ensure that the Placenta is collected from the donors who are free from<br />

HIV, HBsAg, HCV and other viruses." For details www.cdsco.nic.in<br />

CDSCO Letter F. No. 12-01/11-DC (Pt.27): Clarification regarding continued<br />

availability of Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic formulations - 03-Jun-2011<br />

With this Letter, the Central <strong>Drug</strong>s Standard Control Organization, Office of <strong>Drug</strong>s Controller<br />

General clarified that Gatifloxacin ophthalmic formulations, like eye drops and ointments<br />

which are topical formulations and are not for systemic use, are not covered under the<br />

Gazette notification no. GSR 218(E) dated 16-Mar-201.<br />

Office Order DCG (I)/Misc/2011/: Transfer of certain functions & delegation of<br />

powers to Zonal Offices of CDSCO under Rule 22 of <strong>Drug</strong>s & Cosmetics Rules, 01-<br />

Jun-2011<br />

This office order informs that it has been decided to delegate the powers listed below to the<br />

zonal officers: 1. No Objection certificates for grant of license to manufacture drugs for the

2<br />

purpose of examination, test or analysis and provided under Rule 89 of the <strong>Drug</strong>s &<br />

Cosmetics Rules (65251). 2. No objection certificate for grant of permissions for manufacture<br />

for export only of unapproved/approved new drugs and drugs banned under sanction 26-A of<br />

the <strong>Drug</strong>s &.Cosmetics Act (91230). 3: Permit for import of small quantities of drugs for<br />

personal use under Form-12B of the <strong>Drug</strong>s & Cosmetics Rules. 4. No objection certificates for<br />

grant of permissions for import of dual use items, not for medicinal use. Following officers of<br />

the respective zone will exercise the powers within the jurisdiction with effective from 20-<br />

Jun-2011 till further order.

Implementation of bar code date extended to 1 st October 2011<br />


4<br />

Vaccinating girls will cut rates of<br />

cervical cancer<br />

The first evidence has emerged that<br />

Australia’s nationwide vaccination program<br />

for young women against HPV, the virus<br />

that triggers cervical cancer, are likely to<br />

cut the numbers who get the disease. A<br />

study in Australia, one of the first countries<br />

to introduce the vaccination, has shown a<br />

drop in high-grade cervical abnormalities -<br />

changes to the cells in the neck of the<br />

womb that can be the precursor to cancer.<br />

Source:<br />

http://pharmalive.com/news/index.cfm?arti<br />

cleID=788786&categoryid=9&newsletter=<br />

1<br />

Scientists come up with new molecule<br />

that may lead to better drug for TB<br />

Scientists at the Tuberculosis Research<br />

Centre (TRC) here have hit upon a new<br />

molecule with anti-bacterial and anti-viral<br />

properties that could potentially lead to a<br />

better drug for the treatment of TB and<br />

common HIV sub-types.<br />

The team at TRC extracted the molecule,<br />

Transitmycin, from the marine<br />

microorganism Streptomyces sp. isolated<br />

from a soil sample off the Rameswaram<br />

coral reef.<br />

The brominated and pigmented (yellow)<br />

antibiotic was found effective during in<br />

vitro tests against dormant and active<br />

forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis — the<br />

pathogen that triggers one of the leading<br />

infectious diseases worldwide. For details<br />

https://conferences.niaid.nih.gov/TBIndia/<br />

Presentations/Posters/12_Poster_Vanaja_K<br />

umar.pdf<br />

House cuts FDA's budget<br />

The Washington Post reports that on<br />

Thursday "House Republicans cut millions<br />

of dollars...from the Food and <strong>Drug</strong><br />

Administration's budget, denying the<br />

agency money to implement landmark<br />

food safety laws approved by the last<br />

Congress." The lawmakers said the cuts<br />

"were needed to lower the national deficit"<br />

and argued that "the US food supply is 99<br />

percent safe" as is. The House also<br />

reduced funding for the USDA's food safety<br />

inspection service. Additionally, they<br />

barred the FDA from "approving the sale of<br />

genetically engineered salmon." The Post<br />

states that the "White House opposed<br />

many of the cuts, saying they would force<br />

the USDA to furlough inspectors at meat<br />

and poultry processing plants and leave<br />

the FDA unable to meet the requirements<br />

of a food safety law passed in December."<br />

ASEAN members sign new action plan<br />

to fight Dengue<br />

Members of the <strong>Association</strong> of Southeast<br />

Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Wednesday as<br />

part of an event marking ASEAN Dengue<br />

Day signed a new action plan aimed at<br />

fighting dengue in the region, the Jakarta<br />

Post reports. The Jakarta Call for Action on<br />

the Control and Prevention of Dengue<br />

"calls upon stakeholders in the region to<br />

strengthen regional cooperation on dengue<br />

prevention, to combat the disease in<br />

sustainable ways, and promote intersectoral<br />

collaboration," the newspaper<br />

writes (6/15).<br />

Forthcoming Event:<br />

Annual General Meeting of<br />

IPA, Bengal Branch<br />

26 th June, 2011<br />

IPA Auditorium<br />

22 B Panchanontola Road<br />

Kolkata-700029<br />

at 5.00 pm

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