U. S. Senate Minority Report: - Klimaforschung

U. S. Senate Minority Report: - Klimaforschung

U. S. Senate Minority Report: - Klimaforschung


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alarmists’. The solar effect is huge and overwhelming and there must be time delays in<br />

absorbance and build up in energy received by earth and ocean masses. But the warmer the<br />

Earth gets, the faster it radiates heat out into space. This is a self-correcting, self-healing<br />

process,” Duffy wrote. “So what are the key players in ‘Climate Change’? The major<br />

driver is the sun. Warming depends on the sun. Cooling is due to the lack of sun’s energy.<br />

Radiant energy enters the earth’s atmosphere. Air (on a dry basis) consists mainly of<br />

nitrogen 78.08% and oxygen 20.94%. Of the 0.98% remaining, 95% of that (i.e. 0.934%),<br />

or almost all is the inert gas argon. Carbon dioxide CO2 is a trace. It is less than 400ppm<br />

(parts per million) or 0.04% of all the atmosphere (on a dry basis). Surprisingly, less than a<br />

fifth of that is man-made CO2 (0.008% of the total), and that is only since the beginning of<br />

the industrial era and the rapid increase in world population,” Duffy concluded. (LINK)<br />

(LINK)<br />

Dr. G LeBlanc Smith, a retired Principal Research Scientist with Australia's<br />

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) who<br />

specializes in geosciences and sedimentology, rejected global warming fears in 2008. “I<br />

have yet to see credible proof of carbon dioxide driving climate change, yet alone manmade<br />

CO2 driving it. The atmospheric hot-spot is missing and the ice core data refute this.<br />

When will we collectively awake from this deceptive delusion?” Smith asked in an August<br />

16, 2008, essay. “I contend that those professional scientists and advisors that are<br />

knowingly complicit in climate science fraud and all that is derived from it, will continue to<br />

be exposed by the science itself,” Smith explained. “There is no atmospheric hot-spot from<br />

‘greenhouse CO2’ despite over 20 years of serious looking for it. Occam's razor would<br />

point to the sun as the driver of climate change of significance. Human generated carbon<br />

dioxide is arguably around 3% of the total carbon dioxide budget, and in the light of the<br />

above, we are effectively irrelevant to the natural climate change continuum,” he added.<br />

(LINK)<br />

Research scientist William Hunt has worked for the National Oceanic and<br />

Atmospheric Administration and served as a wildlife biologist and a geologist. Hunt<br />

produced a 2007 audio series titled “Global Warming Exposed!” and is set to release a<br />

book titled Global Warming Challenged-Science or Myth? Hunt dissented in 2007. In<br />

2007 Hunt dissented from the view that mankind is driving a climate crisis. “Scientists and<br />

activists alike have jumped on the [global warming] bandwagon. It’s become a fad, a trend,<br />

a wave of enthusiasm and the scientists are going along with the fad to get research grants<br />

and the media limelight,” Hunt wrote on January 22, 2007 in an article titled “The<br />

Nonsense of Global Warming.” “The facts, such as we can observe and calculate them, do<br />

not support the idea of man-made global warming. Natural processes completely eclipse<br />

anything that man can accomplish- a minor rainstorm expends more energy than a large<br />

nuclear explosive releases and the lowest category of hurricane expends more energy than<br />

all of the nuclear weapons ever produced in a short time,” Hunt wrote. “Most geologists<br />

and indeed, most scientists in the U.S., do not accept the idea that global warming resulting<br />

from human activities is a viable theory -because most have an appreciation for the kind of<br />

power inherent in natural systems. Conversely, most biologists do accept the idea of mancaused<br />

global warming and quote scientists in other fields, without understanding those<br />

other fields sufficiently to make a logical judgment as to whether the studies were<br />

reasonable in their methods and claims. They simply take it on faith that the scientists<br />

propounding global warming are correct in their methods and assumptions,” Hunt<br />


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