Tom Veldkamp

Tom Veldkamp

Tom Veldkamp


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Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Ir. <strong>Tom</strong> (A)<br />

<strong>Veldkamp</strong><br />

October 2008<br />

Personalia:<br />

Name:<br />

Surname:<br />

Sex:<br />

Born:<br />

Nationality:<br />

Marital status:<br />

Teaching and<br />

Research themes:<br />

Positions:<br />

Address:<br />

<strong>Veldkamp</strong><br />

Antonie (nickname <strong>Tom</strong>)<br />

Male<br />

22-05-1963 Nieuwe Pekela, the Netherlands<br />

Dutch<br />

Married, two daughters<br />

Land Dynamics: Characterisation and modelling of integrated<br />

soil, landscape and land use systems.<br />

Full Professor Chair Land dynamics (35 persons)<br />

Head of Landscape Centre (220 persons) Wageningen<br />

University and Research Centre<br />

Scientific Director BSIK programme Transforum Agro en<br />

Groen<br />

GAIA building Room B114<br />

Wageningen Agricultural University<br />

Landscape Centre<br />

P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen<br />

the Netherlands<br />

Phone: 31 (0)317 481574<br />

Mobile: 31 (0)6 20074374<br />

Fax: 31 (0)317 419000<br />

email: <strong>Tom</strong>.<strong>Veldkamp</strong>@wur.nl<br />

Research:<br />

Since March 1998 officially registered as researcher at the Graduate School C.T. de<br />

Wit for production ecology and resource management PE&RC.<br />

Research fields: LAND DYNAMICS<br />

Land evaluation, Land use cover change modelling (spatially explicit<br />

modelling of land use/cover change)

Coupled Human-Ecological systems (modelling of feedbacks and system<br />

analysis)<br />

Transition towards sustainable development and Competing Claims<br />

Quaternary geology (analysing and modelling of landscape dynamics, fluvial<br />

systems)<br />

Geomorphology (modelling landscape processes, sediment geochemistry)<br />

Soil Science (soil-landscape system characterisation and impact of land use on<br />

soil dynamics)<br />

Invited speaker:<br />

Workshop LUCC science plan: Kyoto August 1995.<br />

International workshop on Fluvial Archives (FLAG) at Arcen 9-10 sept<br />

1997.<br />

International workshop on Modelling Global Chang Impacts on Tropical<br />

Landscapes and Biodiversity. Bogor, Oct. 1997<br />

The Earth’s changing land GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference on<br />

Global Change. Barcelona 14-18 March 1998<br />

Symposium: New developments in land evaluation research. ASA-SSSA<br />

annual meeting Baltimore November 1998 USA<br />

Workshop Land use change and economic approaches. Wageningen June<br />

1999<br />

Lecture “land use change modelling with CLUE” Univ of Goettingen<br />

Germany<br />

Symposium: Soil quality. ASA-SSSA annual meeting Salt Lake City.<br />

November 1999 USA<br />

Symposium: Agronomic research at the landscape level. ASA-SSSA<br />

annual meeting Salt Lake City. November 1999 USA<br />

Workshop “Human modification of the biosphere: Key drivers of<br />

land-use/cover change processes” Stockholm March 2000.<br />

Invited speaker at Uppsala University Dept geography on Land use change<br />

modelling<br />

Lecture “unravelling tectonic and climatic signatures in fluvial records.”<br />

Newcastle University UK. November 2000<br />

Visiting professor at Saskatchewan University Canada June-August 2000.<br />

Global Change open Science Conference IGBP presentation on ‘Modelling<br />

land use change: a review June 2001<br />

Lecture “Land use change scenario modelling” Centre for Environmental<br />

Systems Research, University of Kassel Germany. January 2001

Workshop “Linking drivers and pathways with patterns and rates of land<br />

change” Brussels, Belgium. 11-13 April 2002<br />

Visiting professor at University of Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. April<br />

2002.<br />

Keynote Workshop “Modelling land use change in Palu” 30/09-03/10/02<br />

Bogor Indonesia.<br />

Chapman Conference of AGU Santa Fe US (June 2003)<br />

LAND meeting Morelia (Mexico) 02-12-03<br />

Stakeholder meeting EEA Copenhagen June and October 2004<br />

Keynote VVM meeting 25-06-04<br />

Keynote speaker at International Conference on Multi-functionality of<br />

landscapes - analysis, evaluation and decision making Giessen Germany<br />

May 2005<br />

Key note speaker Soil and Water symposium Zeist. 1-2 June 2005<br />

Invited speaker at Seminar World Soil Issues and sustainable development:<br />

an agenda for action: 40 years on: ISRIC – World Soil Information March<br />

2006<br />

Keynote speaker ICG conference WICC Wageningen, modelling coupled<br />

systems.<br />

Keynote speaker Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België: Forum<br />

Duurzame Landbouw: een geïntegreerde aanpak. Mei 2006<br />

Invited speaker INPE seminar Sao Paulo, Brasil. June 2006<br />

Invited speaker at International Symposium on ecological Engineering.<br />

Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2006.<br />

Invited speaker at Macauley Institute (Scotland) January 2007<br />

Invited speaker National University of Taiwan April 2007<br />

Invited speaker Toekomst van Nederlands Landschap KNAW Amsterdam<br />

May 2007<br />

Invited speaker Third Danish Workshop on Land Systems Science October<br />

2007<br />

Invited Speaker at IGBP meeting Cape Town May 2008<br />

Keynote speaker at International conference “Studying, Modeling and<br />

Sense Making of Planet Earth” University of the Aegean, Lesbos Greece,<br />

June 2008<br />

Invited speaker at National Disaster center Taiwan, October 2008<br />

Memberships<br />

Chair of the WUR IPOP investment theme on scaling and governance

Member of the Scientific Steering committee of GLP (Global Land Project) a<br />

joint IGBP and IHDP program.<br />

Member of the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) commission and<br />

NVOA for the accreditation of Geosciences Research Masters<br />

Member board of LEB FUND foundation<br />

Member Research committee Graduate school PE&RC<br />

Member of Advisory commission on Earth Science in Spatial Development in<br />

the Netherlands (KNAW RAK)<br />

Former member of the LUCC-SSC a joined IGBP and IHDP program.<br />

Editor and Referee activities:<br />

- Member of editorial board Ecosystems (IF 2005: 3.4)<br />

- Member of editorial board Landscape Ecology (IF 2005: 2.5)<br />

- Member of editorial advisory board Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (IF<br />

2005: 1.8)<br />

- Field Editor Agronomy for Sustainable Development (FS 2005: 1.00)<br />

- Member of editorial board Netherlands Journal of Geosciences (IF 2005: 0.7)<br />

- Member of the International Board of NJAS (IF 2005: 1.0)<br />

- Member of Editorial board Journal of Land Use Science (IF expected in 2008)<br />

- Member of International Boards of Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Sciences<br />

(NJAS)<br />

- Guest Editor Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Special Issue: “Predicting<br />

land use change.” Together with E. Lambin. (Impact score 1.4) No 6 on most<br />

downloaded papers 2001<br />

- Guest editor (Journal of Environmental Management) special issue “Modelling land<br />

use change and its environmental impacts” with P.W. Verburg. Most downloaded<br />

JEM issue in 2004<br />

- Guest editor (International Journal of GIS) special issue “Modelling land use<br />

change” with P.W. Verburg. No 7 of most cited papers of IJGIS<br />

- Guest editor (Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment), Special Issue: “Future land<br />

use -Europe: scenario based studies on land use and environmental impact..”<br />

Together with P.W. Verburg and Mark Rounsevell.<br />

- Guest editor (Geoderma) special issue “Advances in landscape-scale soil research”<br />

with D.J. Pennock. (Impact score 1.3) (2006)<br />

- Guest editor (Land use Policy) with Kok, K., Verburg, P.H Special Issue: “Integrated<br />

assessment of the land system: The future of land use” (2007) (Impact score 0.77)<br />

- Guest editor (Landscape Ecology) with E. Milne, R. Aspinall. (in prep.)

- Occasional referee for: Biological Conservation, Catena, Geoderma, Soil Science,<br />

Geomorphology, Ecological Modelling, Agricultural Systems, Journal of<br />

Environmental Management, Sedimentary Geology, GIS applications, Conservation<br />

Ecology, European Journal of Soil Science, International Journal of GIS, Land Use<br />

Policy, Environmental Management, Social Ecology, Environmental Modelling &<br />

Software, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Quaternary Science<br />

Reviews, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geo-information,<br />

Water Resources Research, Urban Environment Planning, Quaternaire,<br />

Quaternary International, Pedosphere, Forest Ecology and Management, PNAS,<br />

Landscape and Urban Planning, Ecological Economics, Sedimentology.<br />

- Occasional referee for funding agencies (NWO, KNAW, VLER, VLDOC, NSF,<br />

NERC, DFG, BOKU, NASA), assessment reports of IPCC, GEO3 (UN) and project<br />

reviews (Eco-regional Fund, NOP, CIAT, Helmholz Univ, UNDP)<br />

List of publications in international refereed Journals and Books:<br />

I have (co) authored 120 peer reviewed publications (35 as first author), 10 papers are accepted or in<br />

press. My published work has been cited over 1600 times according to SCOPUS with a h-score of 23<br />

1. Schaller, M., von Blanckenburg, F., Hovius, N., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., van den berg, M.W.,<br />

Kubik, P.W., 2004. Paleo—erosion rates from cosmogenic 10Be in a 1.3 Ma terrace<br />

sequence: Response of the River Meuse to changes in climate and rock uplift.<br />

Journal of Geology 112 127-144<br />

2. Sonneveld, M.P.W., Bouma, J. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2004. A new perspective on the<br />

role of the land in agriculture. In: J.S.C. Wiskerke and J.D. Van der Ploeg (Editors),<br />

Seeds of transition: essays on novelty production, niches and regimes in agriculture.<br />

Van Gorcum, Assen. P.183-202.<br />

3. Verburg, P.H., A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> 2004. Projecting land use transitions at forest fringes in<br />

the Philippines at two spatial scales. Landscape Ecology. 19: 77-98.<br />

4. Verburg, P.H., A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, Engelsman W., Zalinge, R. van, Mensvoort, M.E.F. van<br />

Overmars, K.P., 2004. The use of models to assess the impact of land use change<br />

on ecological processes: case studies of deforestation in South –East Asia. In:<br />

Gerold, G., Fremerey, M., and Guhardja, E. Land use, nature conservation, and the<br />

stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia. Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3540006036<br />

Berlin. P. 475-494.<br />

5. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A., Kroonenberg, S.B, Heijnis, H., Van den Berg van Saparoea, R.M.,<br />

2004. The suitability of dated travertines as a record of fluvial incision: Allier (France)<br />

floodplain dynamics during the Late Quaternary. Quaternaire. 15: 159-165.<br />

6. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2004. Palaeohydrology, Understanding Global Change Edited by: K.J.<br />

Gregory and G. Benito Book Review. Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 731-734.

7. Verburg, P.H., A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> , Willemen, L., Overmars, K.P., Castella, J-C., 2004.<br />

Landscape level analysis of the sptial and temporal complexity of land use change.<br />

AGU Chapman Conference Book. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change,<br />

Geophysical Monographs 153, p. 217- 230.<br />

8. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. & Verburg, P.H., 2004. Editorial: Modelling land use change and<br />

environmental impact. Special issue of Journal of Environmental Management. 72:<br />

1-4.<br />

9. Schoorl J.M., Boix Fayos, C., Meijer, R.J. de, Graaf, E.R. van der, <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A.,<br />

2004. The 137 Cs techniques applied to steep Mediterranean slopes part I: analysing<br />

effects of lithology and slope position. Catena (1) 57: 15-34.<br />

10. Schoorl J.M., Boix Fayos, C., Meijer, R.J. de, Graaf, E.R. van der, <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A.,<br />

2004. The 137 Cs techniques applied to steep Mediterranean slopes part II: landscape<br />

evolution and model calibration. Catena 57. 57: 35-54<br />

11. Verburg, P.H., Schot, P., Dijst, M., A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> 2004. Land use change modelling:<br />

current practice and research priorities GeoJournal. 61: 309-324.<br />

12. Verburg, P.H. & <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2005. Editorial: Spatial modeling to explore land use<br />

dynamics. Special issue of International Journal of GIS. 19: 99-102.<br />

13. Claessens, L., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Schoorl, J.M. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2005. DEM<br />

resolution effects on shallow landslide hazard and soil redistribution modelling. Earth<br />

Surface Processes and Landforms 30, 461-477.<br />

14. Sonneveld, M.P.W., Everson, T.M. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2005 Dynamics of land<br />

degradation in communal grazing areas; a case study for KwaZulu-Natal, South<br />

Africa. Land Degradation and Development. 16: 287-301.<br />

15. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, 2005, PEDOGENESIS AND SOIL FORMING FACTORS , in Land Use<br />

and Land Cover, [Ed. Willy H. Verheye], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems<br />

(EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers,<br />

Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net].<br />

16. Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D.R., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Stemerdink, C., Van der<br />

Schriek, T., Westaway, R., 2005. A unique obliquity-controlled early Pleistocene river<br />

terrace record from Western Turkey. Quaternary Research. 63 (3): 339-346<br />

17. Claessens, L.F.G.; Lowe, D.J.; Hayward, B.W.; Schaap, B.F.; Schoorl, J.M.;<br />

<strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. 2006. Reconstructing high-magnitude/low-frequency landslide events<br />

based on soil redistribution modelling and a Late-Holocene sediment record from<br />

New Zealand Geomorphology 74: 29 - 49.<br />

18. Verburg, P.H.; Overmars, K.P.; Huigen, M.G.A.; Groot, W.T. de; <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. 2006.<br />

Analysis of the effects of land use change on protected areas in the Philippines.<br />

Applied Geography 26 : 153 - 173.

19. Claessens, L., Verburg, P.H., Schoorl, J.M. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2006. Contribution of<br />

topographically based lansdslide hazard modelling to the analysis of the spatial<br />

distribution and ecology of kauri (Agathis Australis) Landscape ecology 21: 63 - 76.<br />

20. Verburg, P.H., Kok, K., Pontius, R.G., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2006. Modeling Land-Use and<br />

Cover-Change. In: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. Local Processes and Global<br />

Impacts. (Eds: Lambin, E.F. and Geist H.) Springer IGBP Series. p.118 – 135.<br />

21. Reid., R.S., <strong>Tom</strong>ich, T.P., Xu, J., Geist, H., Mather, A., DeFries, R.S., Liu, J., Alves.,<br />

D., Agbola, B., Lambin, E.F., Chabbra, A., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Kok, K., van Noordwijk, M.,<br />

Palm, C., Verburg, P.H., 2006. In: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. Local<br />

Processes and Global Impacts. (Eds: Lambin, E.F. and Geist H.) Springer IGBP<br />

Series. p. 157-171.<br />

22. Lambin, E.F., <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A., et al. (LUCC Steering Committee), 2006. Conclusions,<br />

Key findings of the LUCC project. In: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. Local<br />

Processes and Global Impacts. (Eds: Lambin, E.F. and Geist H.) Springer IGBP<br />

Series. 174-176.<br />

23. Schoorl, J.M. and A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, 2006. Multi-Scale Soil-Landscape Process<br />

Modeling. Pages 417 – 435, Ed. Sabine Grunwald, In: Environmental<br />

Soil-Landscape Modeling: Geographic Information Technologies and Pedometrics.<br />

CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton. FL. 488pp.<br />

24. Verburg Peter H., Mark D.A. Rounsevell and A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, 2006. Scenario based<br />

studies of future land use in Europe, (Editorial). Agriculture Ecosystems and<br />

Environment 114: 1-6<br />

25. Verburg, P.H., Schulp, C.J.E., Witte, N., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2006. Downscaling of land<br />

use scenarios to assess the dynamcis of European landscapes. Agriculture<br />

Ecosystems and Environment. 114: 39-56.<br />

26. Heuvelink, G.B.M., Schoorl, J.M., <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A., Pennock, D. J., 2006. Space-time<br />

Kalman filtering of soil redistribution. Geoderma 133: 124-137.<br />

27. Sonneveld, M.P.W., Schoorl, J.M., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2006. Evaluating The Fate Of<br />

Phosphorus In Apparent Homogeneous Landscapes Using a High-Resolution DEM.<br />

Geoderma 133: 20-31.<br />

28. Pennock D.J., and A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> 2006. Editorial: Advances in landscape-scale soil<br />

research. Geoderma 133: 1-6<br />

29. Temme, A., Schoorl, J.M, <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., , 2006. 'An algorithm to deal with<br />

depressions in dynamic landscape evolution models' Computers & Geosciences . 32:<br />

452 – 461<br />

30. Schoorl, J.M., Claessens, L., Lopez-Ulloa, M., de Koning, G.H.J., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A.,<br />

(2006) Geomorphological analysis and scenario modelling in the Nboa – Pajan Area,

Manabi Province, Ecuador. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie , Suppl.-Vol. 145, 105 -<br />

118.<br />

31. Schoorl, J.M., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., ,Bouma, J., 2007. Deriving land quality indicators from<br />

the landscape units used in soil surveys. In: C. Hall & G. LeClerc (Eds) Making World<br />

Development Work; Scientific Alternatives to Neoclassical Economic Theory /-<br />

Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press, 2007 - ISBN 9780826337337 - p.<br />

251 - 261.<br />

32. Overmars, K.P., Verburg, P.H. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2007. Comparison and an<br />

inductive approach to specify land suitability in a spatially explicit land use model.<br />

Land Use Policy 24: 584-599.<br />

33. Claessens, L., Schoorl, J.M. and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. 2007. Modelling the location of<br />

shallow landslides and their effects on landscape dynamics in large watersheds: an<br />

application for Northern New Zealand. Geomorphology. 87: 17-27.<br />

34. <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A., Buis, E. J.R. Wijbrans, J.R., Olago ,D.O Boshoven E.H., , Marée,<br />

M.,. van den Berg van Saparoea R. M, 2007. Late Cenozoic fluvial dynamics of Tana<br />

river, Kenya, an uplift dominated record. Quaternary Science Reviews 26:<br />

2897-2912.<br />

35. Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D.R., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Stemerdink, C., Van der<br />

Schriek, T., and Schreve D., 2007. The Pliocene initiation and early Pleistocene<br />

volcanic disruption of the palaeo-Gediz fluvial system, Western Turkey. Quaternary<br />

Science Reviews 26: 2864-2882<br />

36. Kok, K., Verburg, P.H., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. 2007. Integrated assessment of the land<br />

system: The future of land use. Editorial Special Issue Land Use Policy. 24: 517-520.<br />

37. Lesschen, J.P., J.J. Stoorvogel, E.M.A. Smaling, G.B.M. Heuvelink, A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>,<br />

2007. A spatially explicit methodology to quantify soil nutrient balances and their<br />

uncertainties at the national level. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 78:111-131.<br />

38. Maddy, D., Demir, T., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Candy I., Pearson, E., 2007. Reconstructing<br />

Early Pleistocene environments in the Gediz river valley. Anatolian Archeology.<br />

Britisch institute at Ankara research reports Vol. 13: 8-11.<br />

39. Pontius Jr., Robert Gilmore Wieteke Boersma, Jean-Christophe Castella, Keith<br />

Clarke, Ton de Nijs, Charles Dietzel, Zengqiang Duan, Eric Fotsing, Noah Goldstein,<br />

Kasper Kok, Eric Koomen, Christopher D. Lippitt, William McConnell, Bryan<br />

Pijanowski, Snehal Pithadia, Alias Mohd Sood, Sean Sweeney, Tran Ngoc Trung, A.<br />

<strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, and Peter H. Verburg. 2008. Comparing the results for several<br />

models of land change. Annals of Regional Science. 42:11–37.<br />

40. Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D.R., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Stemerdink, C., Van der<br />

Schriek, T., Westaway, R., 2008. The Early Pleistocene development of the Gediz

River, Western Turkey: an uplift-driven, climate-controlled system? Quaternary<br />

International. 189 (2008) 115–128<br />

41. Buis, E., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2008. Modelling dynamic water redistribution patterns in arid<br />

catchments in the Negev Desert of Israel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.<br />

33: 107-122.<br />

42. Temme, A.J.A.M., Baartman, J.E.M., Botha, G.A., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Jongmans, A.G.,<br />

Wallinga, J., 2008. Climate controls on Late Pleistocene landscape evolution of the<br />

Drakensberg footslopes (Okhombe Valley), KwaZulu-Natal, South-Africa.<br />

Geomorphology 99: 280-295 .<br />

43. Hartemink, A.E. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A, Bai, Z., 2008. Land Cover Change and Soil Fertility<br />

Decline in Tropical Regions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 32: 195-213.<br />

44. Schulp, C.J.E., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2008. Long-term landscape – land use interactions<br />

as explaining factor for soil organic matter variability in agricultural landscapes.<br />

Geoderma. 146: 457-465.<br />

45. Giller, K.E., Leeuwis, C., Anderson, J.A., Andriesse, W., Brouwer, A., Frost, P.,<br />

Hebinck, P., Heitkönig, Ittersum, M.K., Koning N., Rubern, R., Slingerland, M., Udo,<br />

H., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., van de vijver, C., van Wijk, M.T., Windmeijer, P., 2008.<br />

Competing claims of natural resources: What is the role of Science. Ecology and<br />

Society. 13 (2). - p. 1 - 34.<br />

46. Bakker, M.M., and A. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, 2008., Modelling land change: the issue of use<br />

and cover in large scale applications. Journal of Land Use Science 3: 203 - 213.<br />

47. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Altvorst A.C. van, Eweg, R., Jacobsen, E., Kleef, A. van, Latesteijn,<br />

H. van, Mager, S., Mommaas, H., Smeets, P., Spaans, L., Trijp, H. van, 2009.<br />

Triggering transitions towards sustainable development of the Dutch agricultural<br />

sector: TransForum’s transdisciplinary approach. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 29: 87-96.<br />

48. <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., 2009. Investigating Land Dynamics: future research perspectives.<br />

Journal of Land Use Science. 4:7-15.<br />

49. Buis, E., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Boeken, B., van Breemen, N., 2009.Controls on plant<br />

functional types along a precipatation gradient in de Negev Desert of Israel. Journal<br />

of Arid Environments 73: 82 - 90.<br />

50. Verburg, P.H., van de Steeg, J., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Willemen, L., 2009. From land cover<br />

change to land function dynamics: a major challenge to improve land<br />

characterization Journal of Environmental Management 90: 1327-1335.<br />

51. Claessens, L., Verburg, P.H., Schoorl, J.M., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Geraedts, L., 2009.<br />

Modelling interactions and feedback mechanisms between land use change and<br />

landscape processes Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 129: 157 - 170.

52. Temme, A.J.A.M., <strong>Veldkamp</strong> A., 2009. Multi-process Late Quaternary landscape<br />

evolution modelling reveals lags in climate response over small spatial scales. Earth<br />

Surface Processes and Landforms (in press)<br />

53. Barreto, L., Ribeiro M.C., <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A., Eupen M. van, Kok K., Pontes E.,<br />

2009. Exploring effective conservation networks based on multi-scale planning unit<br />

analysis. A case study of the balsas sub-basin, Maranhao state Brasil. Ecological<br />

Indicators (in press).<br />

54. Claessens, L., and <strong>Veldkamp</strong>, A. 2009. Evidence of Quaternary uplift of the<br />

Auckland region of the North Island of New Zealand from marine and fluvial terraces”.<br />

Global and Planetary Change (in press)

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