Upbeat Starter - french - Pearson Education

Upbeat Starter - french - Pearson Education

Upbeat Starter - french - Pearson Education


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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

Module 1A<br />

one Lï¾åL un They had one daughter.<br />

two LíìWL deux I'll be away for almost two weeks.<br />

three LqêáWL trois They've won their last three games.<br />

four LÑlWL quatre She is married with four children.<br />

five LÑ~fîL cinq There is also a golf course five miles away.<br />

six LëfâëL six They moved house six months ago.<br />

seven LDëÉî]åL sept The women visited cities in seven states.<br />

eight LÉfíL huit It's only eight days till Christmas.<br />

nine Lå~fåL neuf He's only been in this job for nine months.<br />

ten LíÉåL dix Snow had been falling steadily for ten days.<br />

eleven LfDäÉî]åL onze She was sent to jail for eleven months.<br />

twelve LíïÉäîL douze He received a twelve-month jail sentence.<br />

thirteen L?q‰WDíáWåL treize They've only sold thirteen tickets so far.<br />

fourteen L?ÑlWDíáWåL quatorze He used to work fourteen hours a day.<br />

fifteen L?ÑfÑDíáWåL quinze They lived in a coastal village fifteen miles south of Tourane.<br />

sixteen L?ëfâDëíáWåL seize My daughter is sixteen years old.<br />

seventeen L?ëÉî]åDíáWåL dix-sept Seventeen American military officers were wounded.<br />

eighteen L?ÉfDíáWåL dix-huit At least eighteen bullets were fired.<br />

nineteen L?å~fåDíáWåL dix-neuf It was nineteen minutes past seven.<br />

twenty LDíïÉåíáL vingt He stayed in a small village twenty miles from Nairobi.<br />

twenty-one L?íïÉåíá=Dï¾åL vingt et un The visiting head of state was given a twenty-one gun salute in his honour.<br />

thirty LDq‰WíáL trente In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.<br />

forty LDÑlWíáL quarante The place was built as a casino in the forties.<br />

fifty LDÑfÑíáL cinquante Standards of living rose in the fifties.<br />

sixty LDëfâëíáL soixante The couple had been married for sixty years.<br />

seventy LDëÉî]åíáL soixante-dix We lost touch during the seventies.<br />

eighty LDÉfíáL quatre-vingts The band was incredibly successful in the eighties.<br />

ninety LDå~fåíáL quatre-vingt-dix America was far richer in the nineties.<br />

a hundred/one hundred L]=DܾåÇê]ÇI=?ï¾å=DܾåÇê]ÇL cent Gran lived to be a hundred and received a telegram from the Queen.<br />

hi LÜ~fL salut Hi! How are you?<br />

fine LÑ~fåL d'accord 'We're meeting at 8.30.' 'Okay, fine.'<br />

thanks LqôÏâëL merci 'Pass the salt, please... thanks.'<br />

you Là]I=àrI=àìWL tu Hi, Kelly. How are you?<br />

m LãL vais I'm going to set the table for dinner.<br />

is LfòL est The cheque is in the post.<br />

your Là]I=àlWL ton/ta/tes Is this your umbrella?<br />

first LщWëíL premier I won! My number was the first one out of the hat!<br />

time Lí~fãL temps Einstein changed the way we think about space and time.<br />

here LÜf]L ici Click here to exit the program.<br />

it LfíL il/elle 'Where's your office?' 'It's on the third floor.'<br />

what LïflíL qu'est-ce que What are you doing?<br />

that LaôíL ce What is that?<br />

my Lã~fL mon/ma/mes My dad's bigger than your dad!<br />

1 from 41 2009-8

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

new LåàìWL neuf(-ve) Ellie bought a new outfit for the wedding.<br />

mobile phone L?ã]rÄ~fä=DÑ]råL mobile David had lost his mobile phone.<br />

cool LâìWäL chouette I think he looks cool in those jeans.<br />

ring tone LDêfÏ=í]råL sonnerie The ring tone on her mobile is extremely annoying.<br />

everyone LDÉîêáï¾åL tout le monde If everyone is ready, I'll begin.<br />

who LÜìWL qui Who locked the door?<br />

he LfI=ÜáI=ÜáWL il 'Where's Paul?' 'He's gone to the cinema.'<br />

club Lâä¾ÄL club Our chess club really needs new members.<br />

leader LDäáWÇ]L leader Jez is the leader of the local black community.<br />

his LfòI=ÜfòL son/sa/ses I couldn't remember his name.<br />

name LåÉfãL nom Her name is Mandy Wilson.<br />

how LÜ~rL comment How do you spell your name?<br />

old L]räÇL quel âge How old do you think she is?<br />

I L~fL je I moved to this city six years ago.<br />

dont LÇ]råíL ne...pas I don't know his name.<br />

know Lå]rL sait Who knows the answer?<br />

are L]I=^WL es What are you implying?<br />

things LqfÏòL trucs I'm sure I left my things on the table!<br />

guys LÖ~fòL mecs I just passed some guys on the corner.<br />

again L]DÖÉåI=]DÖÉfåL une autre fois Can you say that again? I didn't hear.<br />

awful LDlWÑ]äL mauvais The weather was awful.<br />

nice Lå~fëL joli(-e) They've got a very nice house.<br />

meet LãáWíL faisons rendez-vous Meet me at 8.00.<br />

sister LDëfëí]L soeur Janet and Abby are sisters.<br />

hello LÜ]Dä]rI=ÜÉJL salut Hello, John! How are you?<br />

member LDãÉãÄ]L membre The majority of union members voted in favour of a strike.<br />

fill LÑfäL remplir He poured her a drink, then filled his own glass.<br />

form LÑlWãL forme He's suffering from a rare form of cancer.<br />

please LéäáWòL s´il vous plaît Could you please pass the salt?<br />

photo LDÑ]rí]rL photo I'll send Mum a photo of Sammy.<br />

her L]I=Ü]I=܉WL la Jane? I don't really know her.<br />

right Lê~fíL juste Yes, that's the right answer.<br />

too LíìWL aussi Don't forget to take your key with you too.<br />

Module 1B<br />

Monday LDã¾åÇáL lunedi It was raining on Monday.<br />

Tuesday LDíàìWòÇáL mardi Brian went into hospital on Tuesday.<br />

donderdag LDïÉåòÇáL mercredi The sale starts on Wednesday.<br />

Thursday LDq‰WòÇáL jeudi I went to Edinburgh on Thursday.<br />

Friday LDÑê~fÇáL vendredi It's Kate's birthday on Friday.<br />

Saturday LDëôí]ÇáL samedi We went for a picnic on Saturday.<br />

Sunday LDë¾åÇáL dimanche We're going to a match on Sunday.<br />

address L]DÇêÉëL adresse Please write your name and address on a postcard.<br />

evening LDáWîåfÏL soir I do most of my studying in the evening.<br />

come Lâ¾ãL viennent Let me know when they come.<br />

2 from 41 2009-8

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

register LDêÉÇwfëí]L enregistrer The tanker is registered in Rotterdam.<br />

do LÇìWL faire Have you done your homework yet?<br />

spell LëéÉäL épeler How do you spell 'juice'?<br />

postcode LDé]rëíâ]rÇL code postal She sent me her address but forgot to add the postcode.<br />

now Lå~rL à présent They now live in the city centre.<br />

home LÜ]rãL maison They have a beautiful home in California.<br />

phone number LDÑ]rå=?å¾ãÄ]L numéro de téléphone He asked me for my phone number.<br />

registration L?êÉÇwfDëíêÉfp]åL d´immatriculation She bought her husband personalised registration plates for his new car.<br />

sorry LDëflêáL excusez-moi Sorry! I didn't mean to intrude.<br />

can Lâ]åI=âôåL sais Ben can swim 100 lengths of the swimming pool.<br />

we LïáI=ïáWL nous 'Did you go into the supermarket?' 'No, we didn't.'<br />

start Lëí^WíL commencer There's so much to do, I don't know where to start.<br />

surname LDë‰WåÉfãL nom At school we were called by our surnames.<br />

youth club LDàìWq=âä¾ÄL club de jeunes My son is in the football team at the local youth club.<br />

from LÑê]ãI=ÑêflãL de How do you get from here to Colchester?<br />

Italy LDfí]äáL l'Italie Italy has won the football World Cup four times.<br />

town Lí~råL ville Stella lives in a small town in Devon.<br />

weekdays LDïáWâÇÉfòL jours de semaine Our office is only open on weekdays.<br />

weekend L?ïáWâDÉåÇI=DïáWâÉåÇL week-end Are you doing anything nice this weekend?<br />

not LåflíL ne...pas Most of the stores do not open until 10 am.<br />

bad LÄôÇL mauvais I have some bad news for you.<br />

see LëáWL voir The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.<br />

goodbye LÖrÇDÄ~fL au revoir They said their goodbyes at the station.<br />

morning LDãlWåfÏL matin It was a nice sunny morning.<br />

afternoon L?^WÑí]DåìWåL après-midi There's a meeting on Thursday afternoon.<br />

bye LÄ~fL salut Bye, bye. See you next week.'<br />

goodnight LÖrÇDå~fíL bonne nuit Goodnight, Dad. I'm off to bed.'<br />

Module 1C<br />

Argentina L?^WÇw]åDíáWå]L l'Argentine Argentina is the world's eighth largest country.<br />

Australia LflDëíêÉfäá]L l'Australie Ayers Rock is Australia's most famous natural landmark.<br />

Brazil LÄê]DòfäL le Brésil Brazil shares a border with most of the countries in South America.<br />

Canada LDâôå]Ç]L le Canada My sister emigrated to Canada.<br />

Chile LDípfäáL le Chili We caught a flight from Santiago in Chile to Easter Island.<br />

China LDíp~få]L la Chine China hosted the 2008 Olympic Games.<br />

France LÑê^WåëL la France They took their daughter to Disneyland, France.<br />

Germany LDÇw‰Wã]åáL l'Allemagne Koln Cathedral is one of the most visited places in Germany.<br />

Greece LÖêáWëL la Grèce The Parthenon in Greece is the most perfect Doric temple ever built.<br />

Italy LDfí]äáL l'Italie Italy has won the football World Cup four times.<br />

Japan LÇw]DéôåL le Japon Japan's royal family is the oldest in the world.<br />

Mexico LDãÉâëfâ]rL le Mexique We went to see the Pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza, Mexico.<br />

Poland LDé]rä]åÇL la Pologne Poland joined the European Union in 2004.<br />

Portugal LDélWíprÖ]äL le Portugal They went to Portugal for their honeymoon.<br />

Russia LDê¾p]L la Russie Russia holds the world's largest natural gas reserves.<br />

Spain LëéÉfåL l'Espagne Lots of British pensioners now live in Spain.<br />

3 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

Turkey LDí‰WâáL la Turquie Turkey is a country that is in both Europe and Asia.<br />

the UK La]=?àìW=DâÉfL le Royaume-Uni We'd had a terrible holiday, and were glad to be back in the UK.<br />

the USA La]=?àìW=Éë=DÉfL les Etats-Unis They drove from coast to coast across the USA.<br />

Italian LfDíôäá]åL italien(-ne) I love Italian food.<br />

Argentinian L?^WÇw]åDífåá]åL agentin(-e) The Argentinian glacier cracked apart in winter for the first time since 1917.<br />

Polish LDé]räfpL polonais(-e) That Polish plumber did an excellent job.<br />

Chinese L?íp~fDåáWòL chinois(e) We went out for a Chinese meal.<br />

French LÑêÉåípL français(-e) With our meal we had an excellent French wine.<br />

American L]DãÉêfâ]åL américain(-e) Her mother is American.<br />

British LDÄêfífpL britannique Her father is British.<br />

Spanish LDëéôåfpL espagnol(-e) I made a Spanish omelette yesterday.<br />

north LålWqL Nord Which way is north?<br />

south Lë~rqL Sud Which way is south?<br />

east LáWëíL Est Which way is east?<br />

west LïÉëíL Ouest A damp wind blew from the west.<br />

excuse LfâDëâàìWòL excusez Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum please?<br />

where LïÉ]L où Where are you going?<br />

centre LDëÉåí]L milieu There was an enormous oak table in the centre of the room.<br />

nationality L?åôp]Dåôä]íáL nationalité This section of the website provides information about British nationality.<br />

they LaÉfL ils/elles Bob and Sue said they wouldn't be able to come.<br />

compass LDâ¾ãé]ëL boussole They packed a map and a compass before they set off.<br />

points LélfåíëL points The children were taught the four points of the compass.<br />

parents LDéÉ]ê]åíëL parents His parents rewarded him for passing his A levels.<br />

country LDâ¾åíêáL pays If you had a choice, which country would you like to live in?<br />

Module 1D<br />

New Zealand LåàìW=DòáWä]åÇL la Nouvelle-Zéelande My son is backpacking in Europe this summer.<br />

the Republic of Ireland La]=êf?é¾Ääfâ=]î=D~f]ä]åÇL la République d'Irlande The Republic of Ireland joined the European Union in 1973.<br />

South Africa Lë~rq=DôÑêfâ]L l'Afrique du Sud England are playing South Africa at cricket.<br />

English LDfÏÖäfpL anglais Do you speak English?<br />

around L]Dê~råÇL autour Flowers grew around the base of the tree.<br />

world Lï‰WäÇL monde Tuberculosis is still common in some parts of the world.<br />

quiz LâïfòL jeu She filled in the quiz in the magazine.<br />

geography LÇwáDflÖê]ÑáI=DÇwflÖJL géographie Geography is one of my favourite subjects.<br />

many LDãÉåáL beaucoup de We had many adventures on our travels.<br />

are there LD^W=aÉ]L il y en a How many people are there living in this house?<br />

about L]DÄ~ríL environ I'll wait about another hour, and then I'm going.<br />

official L]DÑfp]äL officiel(-le) The police held an official investigation into the causes of the explosion.<br />

language LDäôÏÖïfÇwL langue How many languages do you speak?<br />

second LDëÉâ]åÇL second(-e) My great-grandfather fought in the Second World War.<br />

more LãlWL plus que Bella has more clothes than Shani.<br />

than La]åL que It was harder than I thought.<br />

important LfãDélWí]åíL important It was a very important occasion.<br />

for example LÑ]ê=fÖDò^Wãé]äL par example There are some school rules for example, you cannot run in the corridors.<br />

other LD¾a]L autre I packed the books I'm taking with me; the other books are going to a charity shop.<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

several LDëÉî]ê]äL plusieurs He's had several opportunities to win, but hasn't taken any of them.<br />

scan LëâôåL inspecter He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship.<br />

information L?fåÑ]DãÉfp]åL informations I need more information.<br />

certain LDë‰WíåL sûre I'm absolutely certain that I left the keys in the kitchen.<br />

text LíÉâëíL texte One disk can store the equivalent of 500 pages of text.<br />

need LåáWÇL avoir besoin de You don't really need a car.<br />

read LêáWÇL lire I can't read your writing.<br />

find LÑ~fåÇL trouver I can't find the car keys.<br />

places LDéäÉfëfòL lieux Which places do you want to visit?<br />

look LärâL regarder We sneaked out while Jessie's mum wasn't looking.<br />

words Lï‰WÇòL mots The words in the ransom note had been cut out of magazines.<br />

which LïfípL quel Which do you like best red or green?<br />

begin LÄfDÖfåL commencer As everybody's here, let's begin.<br />

capital LDâôéfíäL majuscule Remember, your name begins with a capital letter!<br />

letter LDäÉí]L lettre I got a long letter from Melanie today.<br />

very LDîÉêáL très I was very grateful for her help in my hour of need.<br />

big LÄfÖL grand(-e) Terry lived in a big house.<br />

city LDëfíáL ville Justin works in the city.<br />

speak LëéáWâL parler I spoke to her last Wednesday.<br />

reasons LDêáWò]åòL raisons He couldn't think of a valid reason for being late.<br />

Internet LDfåí]åÉíL internet You can find all kinds of information on the Internet.<br />

great LÖêÉfíL grand(-e) The movie was a great financial success.<br />

school LëâìWäL école His mother always used to pick him up from school.<br />

projects LDéêflÇwÉâíëL projet The success of these projects depends on the skill and care applied to them.<br />

homework LDÜ]rãï‰WâL devoirs Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.<br />

websites LDïÉÄë~fíëL sites I found some useful websites for children and parents.<br />

student LDëíàìWÇ]åíL étudiant She was a first-year student at the University of Oslo.<br />

chat rooms LDípôí=êìWãòI=êrãòL chambre de chat She's allowed to use the Internet as long as she doesn't access any chat rooms.<br />

friends LÑêÉåÇòL copains On Friday, my friends and I went to see the latest movie.<br />

conversations L?âflåî]DëÉfp]åòL conversations Lulu is always listening in to other people's conversations.<br />

English-speaking LDfÏÖäfp=?ëéáWâfÏL anglophone The English-Speaking Board promotes and assesses spoken English.<br />

Module 2A<br />

apple LDôé]äL pomme Sadie always takes an apple with her packed lunch.<br />

bag LÄôÖL sac On the market, the stallholder put the pears in a paper bag.<br />

bike LÄ~fâL vélo Let's go for a bike ride.<br />

book LÄrâL livre I've just started reading a book by Graham Greene.<br />

camera LDâôã]ê]L caméra The crime was caught on camera by police.<br />

diary LDÇ~f]êáL journal Inge kept a diary during the war years.<br />

exercise book LDÉâë]ë~fò=ÄrâL cahier d'exercises They were asked to hand in their exercise books.<br />

hat LÜôíL chapeau Maria was wearing a beautiful new hat.<br />

ID card L?~f=DÇáW=â^WÇL carte d'identité Many people oppose the government's plans for ID cards.<br />

key LâáWL clé I lost my house keys.<br />

MP3 player L?Éã=éáW=DqêáW=?éäÉf]L MP3 joueur Greta bought Ian an MP3 player for his birthday.<br />

pen LéÉåL stylo You have to fill in the form with a black ballpoint pen.<br />

5 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

sandwich LDëôåïfÇwL sandwich I bought a ham sandwich for lunch.<br />

trainer LDíêÉfå]L entraîneur She's a superb racehorse trainer and has had over 100 winners.<br />

T-shirt LDíáW=p‰WíL tee-shirt She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.<br />

watch LïflípL montre My watch has stopped.<br />

these LaáWòL les I like these more than the ones you got last week.<br />

present LDéêÉò]åíL cadeau I was searching for a present for Mark.<br />

sure LplWL sûr 'That's Sarah's cousin.' 'Are you sure?'<br />

this LafëL ceci What is this?<br />

disgusting LÇfëDÖ¾ëífÏL hideux Rubbish was piled everywhere it was disgusting.<br />

those La]ròL celles Those are beautiful flowers.<br />

banana LÄ]Då^Wå]L banane I gave a banana to each of the children.<br />

chicken LDípfâ]åL poulet The roast chicken was over-cooked.<br />

really LDêf]äáL très We saw a really good film on TV last night.<br />

silly LDëfäáL bête Stop asking silly questions.<br />

I dont know L~f=?Ç]råí=Då]rL je ne sais pas I don't know where we're going for our holidays this year.<br />

Yuk! Là¾âL berk! Yuk!' said my sister, as I bit into my peanut butter sandwich.<br />

well done L?ïÉä=DǾåL bien fait Well done,' said Mum when she read my school report.<br />

Module 2B<br />

beige LÄÉfwL beige He was wearing a beige jumper.<br />

black LÄäôâL noir(-e) Helen wore a black evening dress.<br />

blue LÄäìWL bleu(-e) The sky was blue, with not a cloud in sight.<br />

brown LÄê~råL brun(-e) The gamekeeper was wearing brown moleskin trousers.<br />

gold LÖ]räÇL d'or He bought her a gold watch.<br />

green LÖêáWåL vert(-e) Grace has beautiful green eyes.<br />

grey LÖêÉfL gris(-e) An old lady with grey hair answered the door.<br />

orange LDflê]åÇwL orange He was wearing a bright orange shirt.<br />

pink LéfÏâL rose The little girl had a pink dress on.<br />

purple LDé‰Wé]äL violet(-e) His face turned purple with rage.<br />

red LêÉÇL rouge We painted the door bright red.<br />

silver LDëfäî]L d'argent Mum has a silver teapot but never uses it!<br />

white Lï~fíL blanc(-he) The bride wore a white wedding dress.<br />

yellow LDàÉä]rL jaune The bridesmaids carried posies of yellow flowers.<br />

house LÜ~rëL maison Gran lives in a four-bedroom house.<br />

animals LDôå]ã]äòL animaux She loves animals, and has three dogs, four cats and five chickens.<br />

music LDãàìWòfâL musique I often listen to music when I'm in the car.<br />

sport LëélWíL sport My favourite sports are tennis and swimming.<br />

possessions Lé]DòÉp]åòL biens The old man didn't have many possessions.<br />

life Lä~fÑL vie Learning goes on throughout life.<br />

best LÄÉëíL meilleur He won the best actor award.<br />

dog LÇflÖL chien I could hear a dog barking.<br />

called LâlWäÇL s'appellent Our dogs are called Fudge and Stella.<br />

their LaÉ]L leurs Their drawings were very similar.<br />

also LDlWäë]rL aussi Information is also available on women's healthcare.<br />

favourite LDÑÉfî]êfíL préféré(-e) The Harry Potter ones are my favourite kind of film.<br />

6 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

band LÄôåÇL bande I grew up playing in rock bands.<br />

album LDôäÄ]ãL album The band plan to release their new album next week.<br />

guitar LÖfDí^WL guitare Nancy's taking guitar lessons.<br />

Module 2C<br />

cheese LípáWòL fromage He bought some cottage cheese.<br />

burger LDĉWÖ]L hamburger Manny ordered a double burger and fries.<br />

hot dog LDÜflí=ÇflÖL hot-dog I asked for a hot dog with mustard.<br />

packet of crisps L?éôâfí=]î=DâêfëéëL sac de chips Phil bought himself a packet of crisps.<br />

ice cream L?~fë=DâêáWãL glace Lena was eating vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.<br />

cola LDâ]rä]L cola There were some cans of cola in the fridge.<br />

mineral water LDãfå]ê]ä=?ïlWí]L eau minérale Suzi drank a glass of mineral water.<br />

orange juice LDflê]åÇw=ÇwìWëL jus d'orange Naomi only ever drinks fresh orange juice.<br />

apple juice LDôé]ä=ÇwìWëL jus de pommes Jack prefers to drink apple juice.<br />

milk LãfäâL lait We'd run out of milk so Bill popped out to the shop for more.<br />

tea LíáWL thé Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?<br />

coffee LDâflÑáL café Do you want a cup of coffee?<br />

hot chocolate L?Üflí=Dípflâä]íL chocolat chaud In the café, Millie ordered a latte and Ruth had a hot chocolate.<br />

money LDã¾åáL monnaie Don't spend all your money on the first day of your holiday!<br />

notes Lå]ríëL billets de banque He paid for his meal with a £50 note and told the waitress to keep the change.<br />

coins LâlfåòL pièces Mum has started to put her £2 coins in a jar she's saved £40 so far!<br />

pound Lé~råÇL livre The meal cost fifteen pounds.<br />

pence LéÉåëL centime I only had a few pence left.<br />

much Lã¾ípL beaucoup How much time will it take you?<br />

menu LDãÉåàìWL menu Could we have the menu, please?<br />

snacks LëåôâëL coupes-faim He's always eating snacks throughout the day.<br />

drinks LÇêfÏâëL verre Tom paid for a round of drinks.<br />

have LÜôîL avoir She has dark hair and brown eyes.<br />

here you are LDÜf]=àr=?^WL enfin Well, here you are at last!<br />

altogether L?lWäí]DÖÉa]L tout à fait I'm not altogether satisfied.<br />

packet LDéôâfíL paquet Can you get me a packet of envelopes at the shop, please?<br />

bottle LDÄflíäL bouteille Sam was drinking a bottle of beer.<br />

anything LDÉåáqfÏL tout ce que You can buy anything you want.<br />

else LÉäëL d'autre I don't know what else to do.<br />

re joking L]=DÇw]râfÏL quelle histoire He's paying you how much? You're joking, aren't you?<br />

always LDlWäïfòI=JïÉfòL toujours Always lock your bicycle to something secure.<br />

hungry LDܾÏÖêáL affamé I was cold, tired and hungry.<br />

price Léê~fëL prix People are prepared to pay high prices for designer clothes.<br />

Module 2D<br />

mother LDã¾a]L mère His mother and father are both doctors.<br />

brother LDÄê¾a]L frère I have two brothers, William and Mark.<br />

girlfriend LDÖ‰WäÑêÉåÇL copine He's never had a girlfriend.<br />

boyfriend LDÄlfÑêÉåÇL copain Have you met Jilly's new boyfriend yet?<br />

sister LDëfëí]L soeur Janet and Abby are sisters.<br />

7 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

friend LÑêÉåÇL ami Jerry, this is my friend Lucinda.<br />

necklace LDåÉâä]ëL collier She was wearing a coral necklace.<br />

really LDêf]äáL très I think 'The Usual Suspects' was a really good film.<br />

great LÖêÉfíL superbe We went to see a great movie with Tom Hanks in it.<br />

birthday LDĉWqÇÉfL anniversaire He was in Kansas to celebrate his 74th birthday.<br />

mum Lã¾ãL maman I rang Mum to say I'd be home late.<br />

dad LÇôÇL papa She lives with her mum and dad.<br />

cool LâìWäL chouette Those are really cool sunglasses you're wearing!<br />

same LëÉfãL même He sits in the same chair every night.<br />

colour LDâ¾ä]L couleur What colour dress did you buy?<br />

or L]I=lWL ou Shall we go out to the cinema or stay at home?<br />

plain LéäÉfåL uni(-e) He wore a plain blue tie and a white shirt.<br />

boring LDÄlWêfÏL ennuyeux(-se) Her husband is about the most boring person I've ever met.<br />

borrow LDÄflê]rL emprunter Can I borrow your pen for a minute?<br />

expensive LfâDëéÉåëfîL cher/chère We dined at the most expensive restaurant in town.<br />

all right L?lWä=Dê~fíL comme ci, comme ça 'What's the food like?' 'It's all right, but the place on campus is better.'<br />

pocket money LDéflâfí=?ã¾åáL argent de poche How much pocket money do you get?<br />

weeks LïáWâëL semaines It was eight weeks before the bank replied to my letter.<br />

star Lëí^WL star They don't want to make the movie unless they can get some stars to take part.<br />

see you later L?ëáW=à]=DäÉfí]L à bientôt See you later, Jackie.<br />

going LDÖ]rfÏL allais Shane was going into town to buy some new trainers.<br />

sports shop LDëélWíë=pfléL magasin de sport A new sports shop has opened in town.<br />

buy LÄ~fL acheter Where did you buy that dress?<br />

forget LÑ]DÖÉíL oublier I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.<br />

panic LDéôåfâL paniquer He started to panic when he saw the gun.<br />

listen LDäfë]åL écoutez Listen! There's a strange noise in the engine.<br />

probably LDéêflÄ]ÄäáL probablement It will probably take about a week.<br />

won't Lï]råíL ne le fais pas I won't do it, and that's final!<br />

understand L?¾åÇ]DëíôåÇL comprendre She doesn't understand English.<br />

everything LDÉîêáqfÏL tout Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust.<br />

next LåÉâëíL prochain He promised to see her the next day.<br />

worry LDï¾êáL me fais du souci I worry about my daughter.<br />

making LDãÉfâfÏL en train de faire du thé I was making the tea when the phone rang.<br />

mistakes LãfDëíÉfâëL erreurs You made several mistakes in this essay.<br />

keep LâáWéL rester We huddled around the fire to keep warm.<br />

talking LDílWâfÏL parlant I could hear Michael talking on the phone.<br />

chocolates LDípflâä]íëL chocolats Ian bought his wife a huge box of chocolates on her birthday.<br />

flowers LDÑä~r]òL fleurs Rachel bought her mum some flowers for Mother's Day.<br />

give LÖfîL donner What did Bob give you for your birthday?<br />

another L]Då¾a]L un autre Another day, another dollar,' she called out gaily.<br />

think LqfÏâL penser I think that you're being unfair.<br />

idea L~fDÇf]L idée I've had an idea. Why don't we walk into town?<br />

Module 3A<br />

bathroom LDÄ^WqêrãI=JêìWãL toilettes Can you tell me where the bathroom is?<br />

8 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

bedroom LDÄÉÇêrãI=JêìWãL chambre The hotel we stayed in had 50 bedrooms.<br />

dining room LDÇ~fåfÏ=êìWãI=êrãL salle à manger We always have breakfast in the dining room.<br />

hall LÜlWäL hall We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.<br />

kitchen LDâfíp]åL cuisine Sam went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea.<br />

living room LDäfîfÏ=êìWãI=êrãL living We've just had the living room decorated.<br />

toilet LDílfä]íL toilettes He flushed the toilet.<br />

door LÇlWL porte Could you open the door for me?<br />

downstairs L?Ç~råDëíÉ]òL descendre Rosie ran downstairs to answer the door.<br />

floor LÑälWL plancher Shani has a polished wooden floor in her living room.<br />

garage LDÖôêfÇwI=J^WwL garage I'll just go and put the car in the garage.<br />

garden LDÖ^WÇåL jardin He's outside in the garden.<br />

upstairs L?¾éDëíÉ]òL ascendre I went upstairs and had a shower.<br />

wall LïlWäL mur The estate is surrounded by high stone walls.<br />

window LDïfåÇ]rL fenêtre Do you mind if I open the window?<br />

bath LÄ^WqL bain After a week of camping, I really needed a bath.<br />

cooker LDârâ]L cuisinière We have a gas cooker and an electric oven.<br />

dishwasher LDÇfp?ïflp]L lave-vaisselle Marion stacked the dishes in the dishwasher.<br />

fridge LÑêfÇwL réfrigérateur Niall put the milk in the fridge.<br />

shower LDp~r]L douche Why does the phone always ring when I'm in the shower?<br />

sink LëfÏâL évier Dirty plates were piled high in the sink.<br />

washbasin LDïflp?ÄÉfë]åL lavabo Tom filled the washbasin with hot water.<br />

washing machine LDïflpfÏ=ã]?páWåL machine à laver The washing machine has broken down.<br />

there isn't LaÉ]ê=Dfò]åíL il n'y a pas There isn't much difference between them.<br />

double-decker L?ǾÄ]ä=DÇÉâ]L à étage He caught a double-decker bus into town.<br />

living LDäfîfÏL vivait Grandad had moved and was now living in a bungalow.<br />

bus LľëL bus There were a lot of people on the bus this morning.<br />

holiday LDÜflä]ÇáL vacances The school holidays start tomorrow.<br />

family LDÑôã]äáL famille Do you know the family next door?<br />

call LâlWäL appeler What did your brother call you when you were little?<br />

quite Lâï~fíL assez I felt quite ill today.<br />

small LëãlWäL petit A small piece of paper fell out of the book.<br />

there is LaÉ]òL il n'y a pas There is no reason for you to be afraid of me.<br />

unfortunately L¾åDÑlWíp]å]íäáL malheureusement Unfortunately, you were out when we called.<br />

with LïfaI=ïfqL avec I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend.<br />

television LDíÉä]?îfw]åI=?íÉä]Dîfw]åL téléviseur The children were sprawled in front of a widescreen television.<br />

so Lë]rL donc I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.<br />

different LDÇfÑ]ê]åíL différent Our sons are very different from each other.<br />

every LDÉîêáL chaque We really enjoyed our holiday every day was different.<br />

day LÇÉfL jour We spent three days in Paris.<br />

star Lëí^WL vedette Madonna was the star attraction.<br />

attraction L]Díêôâp]åL attraction The attraction between them was almost immediate.<br />

flat LÑäôíL appartement They have a flat in Crouch End.<br />

let LäÉíL permettre I can't come out tonight my dad won't let me.<br />

Module 3B<br />

9 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

armchair LD^WãípÉ]L fauteuil Gran sat in her favourite armchair.<br />

bed LÄÉÇL lit Simon lay in bed thinking about the meeting next day.<br />

bookcase LDÄrâJâÉfëL bibliothèque He browsed through the bookcases in the library.<br />

carpet LDâ^WéfíL tapis My bedroom carpet is green.<br />

CD player L?ëáW=DÇáW=?éäÉf]L cd joueur Charlie has a CD player in his bedroom.<br />

chair LípÉ]L chaise There were six chairs round the dining-room table.<br />

chest-of-drawers L?ípÉëí=]î=DÇêlWòL commode In the bedroom was an oak chest-of-drawers.<br />

clock LâäflâL horloge The clock on the church tower said nine o'clock.<br />

computer Lâ]ãDéàìWí]L ordinateur A message flashed up on my computer screen.<br />

cupboard LDâ¾Ä]ÇL buffet It's in the kitchen cupboard.<br />

curtains LDâ‰WíåòL rideaux The curtains in the living-room were closed.<br />

desk LÇÉëâL bureau Marie was sitting at her desk.<br />

DVD player L?ÇáW=îáW=DÇáW=?éäÉf]L dvd joueur He slipped a disc into the DVD player.<br />

lamp LäôãéL lampe There were so many lamps in the shop we didn't know which one to choose.<br />

mirror LDãfê]L miroir She was studying her reflection in the mirror.<br />

plant Léä^WåíL plante Don't forget to water the plants.<br />

shelf LpÉäÑL rayon Put it back on the top shelf.<br />

sofa LDë]rÑ]L sofa We bought a new leather sofa.<br />

table LDíÉfÄ]äL table The dining-room table could seat eight.<br />

wardrobe LDïlWÇê]rÄL vestiaire Can you hang these in the wardrobe, please?<br />

wastepaper bin L?ïÉfëíDéÉfé]=ÄfåL corbeille I bought a new wastepaper bin for the office.<br />

room LêìWãI=êrãL chambre I looked around the room.<br />

there aren't LaÉ]ê=D^WåíL il n'y a pas There aren't any cakes left!<br />

any LDÉåáL de l' Have you got any money?<br />

yet LàÉíL déjà I haven't asked him yet.<br />

some Lë]ãI=ë¾ãL une There must be some reason for her behaviour.<br />

books LÄrâëL livres He took the books back to the library.<br />

let's LäÉíëL essayons Let's at least try to be friends.<br />

look LärâL un coup d'oeil Let's have a look at the new restaurant in the park.<br />

kind Lâ~fåÇL espèce They sell all kinds of things.<br />

classroom LDâä^WëêrãI=JêìWãL classe The children are listening to their teacher in the classroom.<br />

café LDâôÑÉfL bar Peter had a snack at the café.<br />

over there L?]rî]=DaÉ]L là We just walked over there to have a look.<br />

Module 3C<br />

in LfåL dans There's some sugar in the cupboard.<br />

on LflåL sur Leave your things on the table over there.<br />

under LD¾åÇ]L sous Wendy had hidden the box under her bed.<br />

behind LÄfDÜ~fåÇL derrière I turned to speak to the person standing behind me.<br />

in front of Lfå=DÑê¾åí=]îI=flîL devant The person in front of me stepped back and stood on my foot.<br />

next to LDåÉâëí=í]I=írL à côté de There was a little girl sitting next to him.<br />

battery LDÄôí]êáL pile You have to take the top off to change the batteries.<br />

flat LÑäôíL vide The batteries are flat and need recharging.<br />

messy LDãÉëáL en désordre Your room is messy and needs tidying up.<br />

just LÇw]ëíI=Çw¾ëíL tout A good strong cup of coffee is just what I need right now.<br />

10 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

busy LDÄfòáL occupé(-e) She's busy now can you phone later?<br />

fantastic LÑôåDíôëífâL fantastique You look fantastic!<br />

game LÖÉfãL jeu Dan's never liked card games.<br />

brilliant LDÄêfäà]åíL brillant(-e) He was a brilliant scholar in his youth.<br />

poster LDé]rëí]L poster A team of volunteers were putting up posters.<br />

of course L]î=DâlWëL évidemment Well, she won, of course.<br />

dictionary LDÇfâp]å]êáL dictionnaire Else bought a German-English dictionary.<br />

magazine L?ãôÖ]DòáWåL périodique The hairdresser gave me a glossy fashion magazine to read.<br />

Module 3D<br />

detached house LÇf?íôípí=DÜ~rëL maison isolée There's only two of them but they live in a detached house with four bedrooms!<br />

semi-detached house L?ëÉãá=Çfíôípí=DÜ~rëL maison jumelée Dave and Marion live in a semi-detached house.<br />

terraced houses L?íÉê]ëí=DÜ~ròfòL maisons mitoyennes The terraced houses were due for demolition.<br />

ranch-style house L?ê^Wåíp=ëí~fä=DÜ~rëL maison style ranch My uncle has a single-story ranch-style house in California.<br />

apartment block L]Dé^Wíã]åí=ÄäflâL immeuble The apartment block is currently being renovated.<br />

wooden clapboard house L?ïrÇå=?âäôéÄlWÇ=DÜ~rëL maison en bois à clins We visited a wooden clapboard meeting house in New Hampshire.<br />

million LDãfäà]åL million Each of the books sold more than a million copies.<br />

most Lã]rëíL le plus Which of these do you think is most attractive?<br />

live LäfîL habiter They lived in Holland for ten years.<br />

average LDôî]êfÇwL moyen The age of the candidates ranged from 29 to 49, with an average age of 37.<br />

pet LéÉíL animal de compagnie Rabbits can make very good pets.<br />

swimming pool LDëïfãfÏ=éìWäL piscine They have a house in Spain with a swimming pool.<br />

apartments L]Dé^Wíã]åíëL appartements We had our pick of four apartments.<br />

at the back L]í=a]=DÄôâL derrière At the back of the house was a large garden.<br />

clothes Lâä]rÇòI=âä]ròL vêtements I enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes.<br />

tidy LDí~fÇáL bien rangé His secretary always has a tidy desk.<br />

stuff Lëí¾ÑL substance I've got some sticky stuff on my shoe.<br />

location Lä]rDâÉfp]åL emplacement His apartment is in a really good location.<br />

outside L~ríDë~fÇL dehors When we got up, it was still dark outside.<br />

use LàìWòL employer Can I use your phone?<br />

full stop L?Ñrä=DëífléL point Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.<br />

end LÉåÇL fin Costs are expected to double by the end of 2009.<br />

sentence LDëÉåí]åëL phrase His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.<br />

comma LDâflã]L virgule There were commas dotted throughout the essay, but no full stops!<br />

join LÇwlfåL s'inscrire à When did you join the Labour Party?<br />

list LäfëíL liste He looked at the list of activities planned for Saturday.<br />

question mark LDâïÉëíp]å=ã^WâL point d'interrogation A big question mark hangs over the company's future.<br />

question LDâïÉëíp]åL question Can I ask you a question?<br />

exclamation mark L?Éâëâä]DãÉfp]å=ã^WâL point d'exclamation There should be an exclamation mark, not a question mark, at the end of the sentence.<br />

Module 4A<br />

brother LDÄê¾a]L frère I have two brothers, William and Mark.<br />

sister LDëfëí]L soeur Janet and Abby are sisters.<br />

aunt L^WåíL tante I went to stay with my aunt Mary.<br />

uncle LD¾Ïâ]äL oncle I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.<br />

son Lë¾åL fils Her son Sean was born in 1983.<br />

11 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

cousin LDâ¾ò]åL cousin My cousin lives in the west of Scotland.<br />

mother LDã¾a]L mère His mother and father are both doctors.<br />

daughter LDÇlWí]L fille She's got two daughters and one son.<br />

grandfather LDÖêôåÇ?Ñ^Wa]L grand-père Patrick's grandfather took him to the fair.<br />

father LDÑ^Wa]L père Ask your father to help you.<br />

nephew LDåÉÑàìWL neveu She took her nephew sailing.<br />

stepfather LDëíÉéÑ^Wa]L beau-père The children were extremely fond of their stepfather.<br />

grandmother LDÖêôå?ã¾a]L grand-mère Her grandmother had baked a cake.<br />

wife Lï~fÑL femme Have you met my wife?<br />

niece LåáWëL nièce My niece, Helena, is at university now.<br />

stepmother LDëíÉéã¾a]L belle-mère The children get on very well with their stepmother.<br />

husband LDܾòÄ]åÇL mari Have you met my husband Roy?<br />

woman / women LDïrã]åI=DïfãfåL femme/femmes They do the same job, but the men get paid more than the women.<br />

man / men LãôåI=ãÉåL homme/hommes He's not the kind of man you'd want your daughter to marry!<br />

child Líp~fäÇL enfant The hotel is ideal for families with young children.<br />

person / people LDé‰Wë]åI=DéáWé]äL personne/gens At the bus stop, there were lots of people in the queue.<br />

trapeze Líê]DéáWòL trapèze He was swinging on the trapeze without using a safety net.<br />

artists LD^WífëíëL artistes The male trapeze artists caught the woman in mid-air.<br />

circus LDë‰Wâ]ëL cirque Many circuses don't have animals any more.<br />

business LDÄfòå]ëL affaires Students on the course learn about all aspects of business.<br />

says LëÉòL dit Jon says he has to do his homework and cant come.<br />

ve got Lî=ÖflíL a You've got some custard on the end of your nose.<br />

all LlWäL tout Jimmy ate all of it.<br />

like Lä~fâL comme Her hair is dark brown like mine.<br />

jugglers LDÇw¾Öä]òL jongleurs We watched the jugglers at the fair.<br />

acrobat LDôâê]ÄôíL acrobat One acrobat was thrown through the air and landed on another's shoulders.<br />

children LDípfäÇê]åL enfants Some of the children had brought a packed lunch.<br />

teacher LDíáWíp]L enseignant The teacher gave the children a spelling test.<br />

lessons LDäÉë]åòL cours When lessons were over, the children went to the cloakroom for their coats.<br />

caravan LDâôê]îôåL caravane The Grants live in a caravan.<br />

what about LDïflí=]Ä~ríL qu'est-ce qu'on fait avec We'll be OK in the caravan, but what about the dogs?<br />

lots LäflíëL beacoup de In the next few lessons, you'll have lots of practice learning your times tables.<br />

grandparents LDÖêôå?éÉ]ê]åíëL grands-parents Jed visited his grandparents every week.<br />

only child L?]råäá=Díp~fäÇL enfant unique Sadie is an only child.<br />

goldfish LDÖ]räÇ?ÑfpL poisson rouge Goldfish like the taste of aquatic plants.<br />

last Lä^WëíL dernier/dernière Terri just caught the last bus.<br />

full time L?Ñrä=Dí~fãL à plein temps Beryl has a full-time job as a hairdresser.<br />

Module 4B<br />

hair LÜÉ]L cheveux She put on her lipstick and brushed her hair.<br />

short LplWíL court(-e) It was a short meeting.<br />

long LäflÏL long/longue They sat round a long table.<br />

medium-length L?ãáWÇá]ã=DäÉÏqL mi-long(-ue) She had medium-length hair.<br />

straight LëíêÉfíL droit(e) Ahead of them lay a long, straight road.<br />

wavy LDïÉfîáL ondulé(e) Connor had black, wavy hair.<br />

12 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

curly LDâ‰WäáL bouclé(e) Julia has long, dark, curly hair.<br />

dark LÇ^WâL sombre The church was dark and quiet.<br />

dark brown L?Ç^Wâ=DÄê~råL brun foncé(-e) Stella has dark brown eyes.<br />

light brown L?ä~fí=DÄê~råL brun clair(-e) He was wearing a light brown jacket.<br />

fair LÑÉ]L blond(-e) The little boy had fair hair.<br />

blonde LÄäflåÇL blond(-e) Lily was wearing a blonde wig.<br />

eye L~fL oeuil He's got brown eyes and a cheerful smile.<br />

moustache Lã]Dëí^WpL moustache He's shaved off his moustache.<br />

beard LÄf]ÇL barbe Michael is growing a beard.<br />

glasses LDÖä^WëfòL lunettes She went to the opticians for some new glasses.<br />

middle-aged L?ãfÇä=DÉfÇwÇL d'âge moyen Her dad looks like a middle-aged hippy.<br />

tall LílWäL grand(-e) He was young and tall.<br />

medium-height L?ãáWÇá]ã=DÜ~fíL de taille moyenne The mugger was a medium-height man dressed in black.<br />

beautiful LDÄàìWífÑ]äL très beau/belle She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.<br />

good-looking L?ÖrÇ=DärâfÏL beau/belle He was a good-looking guy but he just didn't appeal to me.<br />

sort LëlWíL espèce What sort of shampoo do you use?<br />

has (she) got LÜ]ò=ÖflíL a-t-elle How many bridesmaids has she got?<br />

married LDãôêáÇL marié(-e) Are you married or single?<br />

hasnt LDÜôò]åíL non a pas I havent had time to each lunch yet.<br />

in your dreams Lfå=àlW=DÇêáWãòL Tu parles! Dad, can I have a car?' 'In your dreams!'<br />

what's on L?ïflíë=DflåL qu'est-ce qui joue Let's find out whats on at the cinema.<br />

films LÑfäãòL film We always try to see the latest films.<br />

Module 4C<br />

months Lã¾åqëL des mois He waited for months for a reply to his letter.<br />

October LflâDí]rÄ]L octobre We moved in last October.<br />

January LDÇwôåàì]êáI=JåàrêáL janvier I haven't heard from him since last January.<br />

March Lã^WípL mars She started work here last March.<br />

December LÇfDëÉãÄ]L décembre Last December they visited Prague.<br />

May LãÉfL mai She started work here last May.<br />

July LÇwrDä~fL juillet Laura came over to England last July.<br />

April LDÉféê]äL avril I'm going to Cuba next April.<br />

September LëÉéDíÉãÄ]L septembre I haven't heard from him since last September.<br />

February LDÑÉÄêì]êáI=DÑÉÄàrêáL février Mum died last February.<br />

June /dZu:n/ juin I finished school last June.<br />

August LDlWÖ]ëíL août I was there last August.<br />

November Lå]rDîÉãÄ]I=å]JL novembre He started work here last November.<br />

seasons LDëáWò]åòL saisons I prefer living in a country where the weather changes with the seasons.<br />

spring LëéêfÏL le printemps In the garden I could see the first flowers of spring.<br />

summer LDë¾ã]L été The long hot summer of 1976 was the hottest summer on record.<br />

autumn LDlWí]ãL automne In autumn, the trees in New England are a blazing riot of yellow, orange and crimson.<br />

winter LDïfåí]L hiver She loved Canada, but couldnt abide the freezing cold winters.<br />

Aquarius L]DâïÉ]êá]ëL Verseau<br />

Pisces LDé~fëáWòL Poisson Pisces is the Latin word for fishes.<br />

Aries LDÉ]êáWòL Bélier Aries is the first sign in the zodiac.<br />

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius' was the opening song in the sixties musical<br />

'Hair'.<br />

13 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

Taurus LDílWê]ëL Taureau The astrological symbol for Taurus is the head and horns of a bull.<br />

Gemini LDÇwÉãfå~fL Gémeaux In astrology, Gemini is considered an air sign.<br />

Cancer LDâôåë]L Cancer In the zodiac, Cancer is a water sign.<br />

Leo LDäáW]rL Lion People born between July 21 and August 22 are said to be born under the sign of Leo.<br />

Virgo LDî‰WÖ]rL Vierge Virgo is a sign of the zodiac.<br />

Libra LDäáWÄê]L Balance Libra is the seventh astrological sign of the zodiac.<br />

People born between October 23 and November 21 are said to be born under the sign<br />

Scorpio LDëâlWéá]rL Scorpion<br />

of Scorpio.<br />

Sagittarius L?ëôÇwfDíÉ]êá]ëL Sagittaire Saggitarius is the ninth astrological sign of the zodiac.<br />

People born between December 21 and January 20 are said to be born under the sign<br />

Capricorn LDâôéêfâlWåL Capricorne<br />

of Capricorn.<br />

first LщWëíL premier/première Jon came first in the race.<br />

second LDëÉâ]åÇL second(-e) His house was the second on the left.<br />

third Lq‰WÇL troisième Jessie came in third.<br />

fourth LÑlWqL quatrième The fourth of July is Independence Day in the USA.<br />

fifth LÑfÑqL cinqième Avoiding self-incrimination is why people in American plead the fifth amendment.<br />

sixth LëfâëqL sixième My brother, Julian, is in the sixth form.<br />

seventh LDëÉî]åqL septième She says she's met the man of her dreams and is in 'seventh heaven'.<br />

eighth LÉfíqL huitième Abby was the eighth person in the queue.<br />

ninth Lå~fåqL neuvième Have you seen the film 'The Ninth Gate' starring Johnny Depp?<br />

tenth LíÉåqL dixième Mario was invited to Lena's tenth birthday party.<br />

eleventh LfDäÉî]åqL onzième At the eleventh hour the union and the company agreed on the pay deal.<br />

twelfth LíïÉäÑqL douzième For our A levels we had to study Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'.<br />

thirteenth L?q‰WDíáWåqL treizième The Magna Carta was signed in the thirteenth century.<br />

fourteenth L?ÑlWDíáWåqL quatorzième My children go to the Fourteenth Street Elementary School in Bangor, Maine.<br />

fifteenth L?ÑfÑDíáWåqL quinzième It was the fifteenth telephone call I'd had that day!<br />

twentieth LDíïÉåíá]qL vingtième It was Mum and Dad's twentieth wedding anniversary.<br />

twenty-first L?íïÉåíá=DщWëíL vingt et unième We are now living in the twenty-first century.<br />

thirtieth LDq‰WíáL trentième My class is having its thirtieth reunion this weekend.<br />

thirty-first L?q‰Wíá=DщWëíL trente et unième Herbert Hoover was the thirty-first president of the USA.<br />

star signs LDëí^W=ë~fåòL signes du zodiaque My brother and I were born under different star signs.<br />

horoscopes LDÜflê]ëâ]réëL horoscopes Eva reads her horoscope every day.<br />

lucky LDä¾âáL avoir de la chance The children were lucky to survive the fire which destroyed their home.<br />

New Year's Eve L?åàìW=àf]ò=DáWîL Saint-Sylvestre My son always rings me up on New Year's Eve.<br />

difficult LDÇfÑfâ]äíL difficile There some difficult questions in the history exam.<br />

wait LïÉfíL attendre Hurry up! Everyone's waiting.<br />

moment LDã]rã]åíL moment Hang on a moment I need to get the passports!<br />

Maths LãôqëL maths Liam did very well in his maths exam.<br />

test LíÉëíL contrôle/interrogation How did you do on your English test?<br />

tomorrow Lí]Dãflê]rL demain Our class is going to London tomorrow.<br />

correct Lâ]DêÉâíL exact(-e) If my calculations are correct, we're about 10 miles from Exeter.<br />

dates LÇÉfíëL dates Could you let me know which dates are convenient for you?<br />

term Lí‰WãL période At the end of the summer term we're going to Greece on holiday.<br />

trip LíêféL voyage Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?<br />

Module 4D<br />

truth LíêìWqL vérité She'd come to find out the truth about her family.<br />

14 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

twins LíïfåòL jumeaux/jumelles Freya gave birth to twins.<br />

try Líê~fL essayer Let's have a rest and then we'll try again.<br />

guess LÖÉëL deviner I'd say he's around 50, but I'm only guessing.<br />

meaning LDãáWåfÏL sens I don't know the precise meaning of the word 'gleaned'.<br />

can't Lâ^WåíL ne sait pas Leslie can't swim.<br />

our L~r]L notre That's our house over there on the corner.<br />

Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable<br />

knowledge.<br />

science LDë~f]åëL science<br />

reporter LêfDélWí]L journaliste There's a newspaper reporter at the door.<br />

billion LDÄfäà]åL milliard The final cost could be as much as one billion dollars.<br />

no one LDå]r=ï¾åL personne ne No one likes being criticised.<br />

unless L¾åDäÉëI=]åJL à moins que...ne Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close.<br />

identical twins L~f?ÇÉåífâ]ä=DíïfåòL vrai(-es) jumeaux/jumelles When I looked at the identical twins I couldn't tell which was which!<br />

why Lï~fL pourquoi Why are you crying?<br />

answer LD^Wåë]L réponse You don't have to give them an answer now.<br />

genes LÇwáWåòL gènes Jack's good at football and so was his dad it must be in the genes!<br />

pieces LDéáWëfòL pièces There are over 100 pieces in this jigsaw puzzle.<br />

biological L?Ä~f]DäflÇwfâ]äL biologique I think that biological soap powders get the clothes cleaner.<br />

per cent Lé]=DëÉåíL percent I'm 100 per cent behind you.<br />

exactly LfÖDòôâíäáL exactement It's exactly half past five.<br />

personalities L?é‰Wë]Dåôä]íáòL personnalité Their personalities were so different you'd never believe they were sisters.<br />

fingerprints LDÑfÏÖ]éêfåíëL empreintes digitales His fingerprints were all over the murder weapon.<br />

non-identical L?åflå=~fDÇÉåífâ]äL bivitellin My brother and I are non-identical twins.<br />

actors LDôâí]òL acteurs The actors stormed off the set.<br />

appearance L]Déf]ê]åëL apparence He was always criticising his wife's appearance.<br />

golf LÖfläÑL golf He plays golf on Sundays.<br />

ways LïÉfòL façons He tried many different ways to solve the problem.<br />

food LÑìWÇL nourriture The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices.<br />

football LDÑríÄlWäL football Do you play football?<br />

teams LíáWãòL équipes Which football team do you support?<br />

singer LDëfÏ]L chanteur/chanteuse Madonna is her favourite pop singer.<br />

Module 5A<br />

actor LDôâí]L acteur She has starred with many leading actors.<br />

artist LD^WífëíL artiste At the art gallery there was an exhibition of paintings by local artists.<br />

builder LDÄfäÇ]L maçon The builder took four weeks to build the wall.<br />

chef LpÉÑL chef The meal was superb and we sent our compliments to the chef.<br />

doctor LDÇflâí]L médecin She was treated by her local doctor.<br />

electrician Lf?äÉâDíêfp]åI=?ÉäfâJL électricien The electrician has fixed the wiring.<br />

farmer LDÑ^Wã]L agriculteur The farmer sent for the vet.<br />

housewife LDÜ~rëï~fÑL femme au foyer I'm not just a housewife I have a full-time job as well!<br />

model LDãflÇäL maquette They showed us a model of the building.<br />

musician LãàìWDòfp]åL musicien(-ne) Pablo was a talented young musician.<br />

nurse Lå‰WëL infirmière The nurse is coming to give you an injection.<br />

plumber LDéä¾ã]L plombier The plumber expertly fitted the bathroom suite.<br />

police officer Lé]DäáWë=?flÑfë]L policier Two police officers caught the thief.<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

reporter LêfDélWí]L journaliste Sylvie was the magazine's best reporter.<br />

secretary LDëÉâê]í]êáL secrétaire My secretary will fax you all the details.<br />

shop assistant LDpflé=]?ëfëí]åíL vendeur/vendeuse Jenny works part-time as a shop assistant.<br />

teacher LDíáWíp]L enseignant The teacher sent him to the principal's office.<br />

waiter/waitress LDïÉfí]I=DïÉfíê]ëL serveur/serveuse The waiter dropped a tray of food on the floor.<br />

work Lï‰WâL travaille Where do you work?<br />

daytime LDÇÉfí~fãL pendant la journée I can't sleep in the daytime.<br />

hospital LDÜflëéfíäL hôpital He's in hospital recovering from an operation.<br />

tap LíôéL robinet Tap water is usually heavily treated with chemicals.<br />

broken LDÄê]râ]åL cassé(-e) The CD player's broken again.<br />

sorry LDëflêáL je suis désolé(-e) I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.<br />

funny LDѾåáL amusant(-e) Do you remember any funny stories about work?<br />

study LDëí¾ÇáL étudier I've been studying English for 6 years.<br />

Module 5B<br />

art L^WíL art Art is one of my favourite subjects.<br />

believe LÄ]DäáWîL croire You shouldn't believe everything you read.<br />

drawing LDÇêlWfÏL dessin I bought a small drawing of Canterbury Cathedral.<br />

pavement LDéÉfîã]åíL trottoir A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house.<br />

doesnt LDǾò]åíL n'a pas He doesn't look very well.<br />

inside LfåDë~fÇL dedans The prisoners were locked away inside.<br />

office LDflÑfëL bureau The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.<br />

factory LDÑôâí]êáL usine Bob worked at the car factory.<br />

street LëíêáWíL rue We moved to Centre Street when I was young.<br />

3D (three dimensional) L?qêáW=DÇáWL tridimensionnel(-le) Cubes are 3D figures.<br />

chalk LíplWâL chaux The White Cliffs of Dover are made of chalk.<br />

how long L?Ü~r=DäflÏL combien de temps How long will it take you?<br />

take LíÉfâL prendre It'll only take me five minutes to get ready.<br />

rains LêÉfåòL pleut When it rains, it pours.<br />

disappears L?Çfë]Déf]òL disparaît When I looked round he had disappeared.<br />

luckily LDä¾â]äáL heureusement Luckily the museum was not damaged by the earthquake.<br />

building site LDÄfäÇfÏ=ë~fíL chantier All the people on the building site were wearing hard hats.<br />

photographer LÑ]DíflÖê]Ñ]L photographe Jason was awarded the title of wildlife photographer of the year.<br />

want LïflåíL veux I really want a drink.<br />

bank LÄôÏâL banque We have very little money in the bank.<br />

factory worker LDÑôâí]êá=?ï‰Wâ]L ouvrier/ouvrière His father is a factory worker.<br />

farm LÑ^WãL ferme It was Paula's job to feed the chickens on the farm.<br />

restaurant LDêÉëí]êflåíL restaurant We went to a little Italian restaurant near Leicester Square.<br />

shop LpfléL magasin Her brother runs a record shop in Chester.<br />

Module 5C<br />

weird Lïf]ÇL étrange A really weird thing happened last night.<br />

faces LDÑÉfëfòL visages I'd recognise their faces anywhere.<br />

him LfãI=ÜfãL lui Are you in love with him?<br />

love Lä¾îL aimer I love you, Tracy.<br />

them La]ãI=aÉãL les Has anyone seen my keys? I can't find them anywhere.<br />

16 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

sure LplWL sûr 'That's Sarah's cousin.' 'Are you sure?'<br />

hate LÜÉfíL haïr It's the kind of movie you either love or hate.<br />

us L]ëI=ëI=¾ëL nous Please help us.<br />

hamburgers LDÜôãĉWÖ]òL hamburgers Sam ordered hamburgers and chips for his friends.<br />

terrible LDíÉê]Ä]äL horrible Their son had been injured in a terrible accident.<br />

Module 5D<br />

minimum LDãfå]ã]ãL minimum The minimum number of students we need to run the course is 15.<br />

pay LéÉfL salaire Nurses often work long hours for low pay.<br />

working days L?ï‰WâfÏ=DÇÉfòL jours ouvrés Her working days are from Monday to Friday.<br />

hard-working L?Ü^WÇ=Dï‰WâfÏL travailleur/travailleuse Mrs Foster is a hard-working teacher.<br />

honest LDflå]ëíL honnête He was a hard-working, honest man.<br />

per Lé]I=é‰WL par The park attracts 4 million visitors per year.<br />

interested LDfåíê]ëífÇL intéressé(-e) I've always been interested in music.<br />

phone LÑ]råL appeler I'll phone you this evening.<br />

manager LDãôåfÇw]L responsable She's now assistant marketing manager for the south east area.<br />

gets LÖÉíëL obtient David got a job as a plumber.<br />

hard LÜ^WÇL dur She has worked hard all her life.<br />

customers LDâ¾ëí]ã]òL clients The customers complained that their coffee was cold.<br />

breaks LÄêÉfâëL casse He broke the vase by accident.<br />

glasses LDÖä^WëfòL verres I poured the orange juice into a glass.<br />

by accident LÄ~f=DôâëfÇ]åíL par accident Henry bumped into her by accident.<br />

poor LélWL pauvre Her family were so poor they couldn't afford to buy her any new clothes.<br />

uneaten L?¾åDáWíåL pas mangé(-e) I had to throw away the uneaten food.<br />

pizzas LDéáWíë]òL pizzas We ordered two pizzas.<br />

asks L^WëâëL demande Mary asked if she could have some more soup.<br />

clearly LDâäf]äáL de toute évidence Clearly, ignoring him had been a mistake.<br />

puts LéríëL met We always put the milk in the fridge.<br />

dustbin LDǾëíÄfåL poubelle I threw the rubbish in the dustbin.<br />

tells LíÉäòL raconte Daisy told the caller her manager was in a meeting.<br />

task Lí^WëâL tâche The task of the union representative is to fight on behalf of the members.<br />

before LÄfDÑlWL avant de Say goodbye before you go.<br />

predict LéêfDÇfâíL prédire Sales were five per cent lower than predicted.<br />

might Lã~fíL pourrait I suppose if I asked him he might help me out.<br />

hear LÜf]L entendre Blanche heard a crash as the back door was flung open.<br />

friendly LDÑêÉåÇäáL accueillant(e) The sales assistant greeted him with a friendly smile.<br />

Module 6A<br />

o'clock L]DâäflâL heures We had dinner at six o'clock.<br />

past Lé^WëíL et It's ten past nine.<br />

quarter LDâïlWí]L quart My house is a quarter of a mile from the beach.<br />

half LÜ^WÑL moitié Two halves make a whole.<br />

to Lí]I=írI=íìWL vers She stood up and walked to the window.<br />

a.m. L?Éf=DÉãL le matin My son starts school at 9 a.m.<br />

p.m. L?éáW=DÉãL le soir My husband didn't arrive home until 9 p.m.<br />

tour Lír]L voyage For their holiday, my parents booked a 15-day tour of China.<br />

17 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

late LäÉfíL trop tard Sorry I'm late I overslept.<br />

minutes LDãfåfíëL quelques minutes Sue-Ellen was only minutes late, but the train had already left.<br />

stadium LDëíÉfÇá]ãL stade Work on the 2012 Olympic Stadium will begin ahead of schedule.<br />

match LãôípL match It's our last match of the season.<br />

Cup Lâ¾éL Coupe Jon managed to get tickets for the Cup Final.<br />

Final LDÑ~få]äL Finale I can't get a ticket for the Final they're all sold out.<br />

hold LÜ]räÇL tenir Could you hold my bag for me?<br />

copy LDâfléáL copie She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.<br />

captain LDâôéí]åL capitaine The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.<br />

grow up L?Öê]r=D¾éL as grandi(-e) What do you want to be when you grow up?<br />

welcome LDïÉäâ]ãL bienvenu I had the feeling I wasn't really welcome.<br />

hurry up L?ܾêá=D¾éL dépeche-toi Hurry up, we're late!<br />

amazing L]DãÉfòfÏL incroyable He's an amazing player to watch.<br />

finish LDÑfåfpL finir You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework.<br />

open LD]ré]åL ouvrir Jack opened the window.<br />

close Lâä]ròL fermer Would you mind if I closed the window?<br />

leave LäáWîL quitter My baby gets upset when I leave the room.<br />

arrive L]Dê~fîL arriver Give me a call to let me know you've arrived safely.<br />

plane LéäÉfåL avion The plane will take off in 20 minutes.<br />

breakfast LDÄêÉâÑ]ëíL petit-déjeuner We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.<br />

hotel LÜ]rDíÉäL hôtel We'll be staying at the Hotel Ibis.<br />

museum LãàìWDòá]ãL musée On Saturday we went to the Museum of Modern Art.<br />

concert LDâflåë]íL concert Daphne had never been to a classical concert before.<br />

out L~ríL en dehors de She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of shoes.<br />

depart LÇfDé^WíL départ There were ocean liners arriving at and departing from the island.<br />

return LêfDí‰WåL revenir It was forty five minutes before she returned.<br />

Module 6B<br />

brush my teeth L?Äê¾p=ã~f=DíáWqL je me brosse les dents I always brush my teeth three times a day.<br />

do my homework L?ÇìW=ã~f=DÜ]rãï‰WâL faire mes devoirs I can't go out until I've done my homework.<br />

get home LÖÉí=DÜ]rãL rentrer We didn't get home until the early hours.<br />

get up LÖÉí=D¾éL se lever We didn't get up until lunch time.<br />

go to bed L?Ö]r=í]=DÄÉÇL aller se coucher Sadie has to go to bed by 7 o'clock.<br />

go to school L?Ö]r=í]=DëâìWäL aller à l'école Grace will have to go to school when she's five.<br />

go to sleep L?Ö]r=í]=DëäáWéL aller dormir He tried counting sheep to help him go to sleep.<br />

have a shower LÜôî=]=Dp~r]L prendre une douche I have a shower every morning.<br />

have breakfast LÜôî=DÄêÉâÑ]ëíL déjeuner The went downstairs to have breakfast.<br />

have dinner LÜôî=DÇfå]L dîner We had dinner at a small restaurant near to the hotel.<br />

have lunch LÜôî=Dä¾åípL déjeuner She didn't have lunch, as she had to go to the dentist's.<br />

leave school L?äáWî=DëâìWäL quitter l'école My grandad left school when he was 15.<br />

listen to music L?äfë]å=í]=DãàìWòfâL écouter de la musique Listening to music is one of my favourite pastimes.<br />

phone a friend L?Ñ]rå=]=DÑêÉåÇL appeler un ami The contestant chose to phone a friend to help him answer the question.<br />

read in bed L?êáWÇ=få=DÄÉÇL lire au lit I read in bed every night.<br />

play computer games L?éäÉf=â]ãDéàìWí]=ÖÉfãòL jouer des jeux vidéo The children were playing computer games in their bedroom.<br />

wake up L?ïÉfâ=D¾éL se réveiller James usually wakes up early.<br />

18 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

watch TV L?ïflíp=íáW=DîáWL regarder la télé Abigail was watching TV.<br />

sharing LDpÉ]êfÏL partagent The children are sharing their sweets with each other.<br />

cultures LDâ¾äíp]òL cultures It's important to appreciate different cultures and traditions.<br />

what's it like to L?ïflíë=fí=Dä~fâ=í]L comment est-il What's it like to travel in space?<br />

teenager LDíáWåÉfÇw]L adolescent The class were watching a TV sex education series aimed at teenagers.<br />

modern LDãflÇåL moderne Such companies must change if they are to compete in the modern world.<br />

daily LDÇÉfäáL quotidien(-ne) Ellen caught one of the daily flights to Miami.<br />

routine LêìWDíáWåL routine John's departure had upset their daily routine.<br />

then LaÉåL à ce moment I wish I had known then what I know now.<br />

usually LDàìWwì]äáI=DàìWw]äáL normalement Women usually live longer than men.<br />

cereal LDëf]êá]äL céréales Every morning Jack had a bowl of breakfast cereal.<br />

eggs LÉÖòL oeufs Samantha whisked the eggs to make an omelette.<br />

bread LÄêÉÇL pain Would you like some bread with your soup?<br />

sometimes LDë¾ãí~fãòL parfois I sometimes have to work late.<br />

pancakes LDéôåâÉfâëL crêpes Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day.<br />

honey LDܾåáL miel Mum warms the honey before pouring it on the pancakes.<br />

sour cream L?ë~r]=DâêáWãL crème aigre Ken ordered fajitas with sour cream and guacamole.<br />

often LDflÑ]åL souvent She often works at the weekend.<br />

never LDåÉî]L jamais He's never been to Australia.<br />

early LD‰WäáL tôt We sat outside and had breakfast in the early morning sunshine.<br />

tired Lí~f]ÇL fatigué(-e) I'm so tired I could sleep for a week.<br />

after LD^WÑí]L après After the war many soldiers stayed in France.<br />

programme LDéê]rÖêôãL programme She always records her favourite TV programmes whether she watches them or not!<br />

hardly ever L?Ü^WÇäá=DÉî]L presque jamais We hardly ever go to the cinema these days.<br />

on his way L?flå=fò=DïÉfL en route Michael Phelps is on his way to being the greatest Olympian ever.<br />

feel LÑáWäL se sentir Do you still feel hungry?<br />

during LDÇàr]êfÏL pendant During the summer she worked as a lifeguard.<br />

Module 6C<br />

twice Líï~fëL deux fois He was questioned by police twice yesterday.<br />

habits LDÜôÄfíëL habitudes He has some very nasty habits.<br />

check LípÉâL contrôle Check the tiles carefully before you buy them.<br />

score LëâlWL score At half-time the score was one-all.<br />

once Lï¾åëL une fois I've only met her once.<br />

fast food L?Ñ^Wëí=DÑìWÇL fast-food The article claimed that certain fast foods can be good for your health.<br />

fruit LÑêìWíL fruit Try to eat plenty of fresh fruit.<br />

exercise LDÉâë]ë~fòL exercer There are plans to encourage people to exercise and stay healthy.<br />

text LíÉâëíL envoyer un SMS He promised to text her as soon as he landed.<br />

class Lâä^WëL cours My daughter goes to dance class every week.<br />

points LélfåíëL points The teacher gave me extra points for spelling every word correctly.<br />

mean LãáWåL veut dire What does 'patronising' mean?<br />

enjoy LfåDÇwlfL aimer Sandra enjoys her job in the city.<br />

yourself LàlWDëÉäÑL vous-mêmes Look at yourself in the mirror.<br />

perfect LDé‰WÑfâíL parfait His English was perfect.<br />

dear LÇf]L mon Dieu Oh dear, I've split the milk all over the floor!<br />

19 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

change LípÉfåÇwL changer Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.<br />

radio LDêÉfÇá]rL radio I sat down and turned on the radio.<br />

interesting LDfåíê]ëífÏL intéressant(-e) That's an interesting question.<br />

tidy LDí~fÇáL ranger Tidy your room!<br />

chocolate LDípflâä]íL chocolat Gran gave me a bar of chocolate.<br />

help LÜÉäéL aider If there's anything I can do to help, just give me a call.<br />

revise LêfDî~fòL réviser You need to revise hard for your exams next week.<br />

Module 6D<br />

English LDfÏÖäfpL anglais Do you speak English?<br />

Maths LãôqëL maths James is very good at Maths.<br />

Science LDë~f]åëL sciences Science is her favourite subject.<br />

Biology LÄ~fDflä]ÇwáL biologie The website was aimed at students studying A-level Biology.<br />

Chemistry LDâÉã]ëíêáL chimie There was a slight explosion in the Chemistry class!<br />

Physics LDÑfòfâëL physique The Physics teacher isn't very good.<br />

French LÑêÉåípL français How do you ask for directions in French?<br />

History LDÜfëí]êáL histoire Penny came top of her class in History.<br />

Geography LÇwáDflÖê]ÑáI=DÇwflÖJL géographie Our Geography teacher has travelled all over the world!<br />

P.E. (Physical <strong>Education</strong>) L?éáW=DáWL E.P. (éducation physique) The government is allocating more money to P.E. and school sport.<br />

I.T.(Information Technology) L?~f=DíáWL technologie de l'information Jed works in the I.T. department and is forever studying new technology.<br />

education L?ÉÇàrDâÉfp]åL éducation Her parents were concerned that she should receive the best education possible.<br />

primary school LDéê~fã]êá=?ëâìWäL école primaire My son starts at primary school next September.<br />

uniform LDàìWåfÑlWãL uniforme He was still wearing his school uniform.<br />

wear LïÉ]L porter Susanna was wearing a black silk dress.<br />

secondary school LDëÉâ]åÇ]êá=?ëâìWäL collège d'enseignement secondaire The local secondary school has a very good reputation.<br />

walks LïlWâëL marcher The thief walked away swiftly, and we lost him in the crowd.<br />

break LÄêÉfâL pause We'll have a short break for lunch, then start again at 2 o'clock.<br />

subjects LDë¾ÄÇwfâíëL matières At 13, my son had to choose which subjects to drop.<br />

canteen LâôåDíáWåL cantine Most of the children have lunch in the school canteen.<br />

packed LéôâíL à emporter Take a packed lunch with you tomorrow, as there are no shops to buy food from.<br />

hot LÜflíL chaud I made myself a hot drink.<br />

meal LãáWäL repas After the movie we went for a meal in a Chinese restaurant.<br />

quick LâïfâL rapide That was quick! I thought you'd be another hour.<br />

because LÄfDâflòI=ÄfDâ]òL parce que We didn't enjoy the day because the weather was so awful.<br />

timetable LDí~fã?íÉfÄ]äL calendrier The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.<br />

runs Lê¾åòL court Jane is training to run in the London Marathon.<br />

typical LDíféfâ]äL typique It was typical British weather wet and cold!<br />

Module 7A<br />

kilometres LDâfä]?ãáWí]I=âfDäflãfí]L kilomètres The children had to convert metres into kilometres.<br />

swim LëïfãL nager We swam in the chilly water.<br />

sing LëfÏL chanter She can sing beautifully.<br />

dance LÇ^WåëL danser Come on, let's dance.<br />

cook LârâL faire la cuisine Where did you learn to cook?<br />

paint LéÉfåíL peindre You need to paint the ceiling.<br />

draw LÇêlWL dessiner Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.<br />

20 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

juggle LDÇw¾Ö]äL jongler One guy was juggling with five balls.<br />

ride Lê~fÇL conduire She learned to ride when she was seven.<br />

send LëÉåÇL envoyer Lyn sent some pictures from the wedding.<br />

sew Lë]rL coudre I learned to sew at school.<br />

type Lí~féL taper He types with two fingers.<br />

charity LDípôê]íáL charité Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.<br />

raise money L?êÉfò=Dã¾åáL se procurer de l'argent The Fun Run raises money for Cancer Research.<br />

year Làf]L an I arrived here two years ago.<br />

The invention of the wheel is one of the most important events in the history of<br />

mankind.<br />

event LfDîÉåíL événement<br />

talent LDíôä]åíL talent He has a lot of talent, and his work is fresh and interesting.<br />

show Lp]rL spectacle I enjoyed the show immensely.<br />

musical LDãàìWòfâ]äL comédie musicale We went to see a musical version of the fairy tale 'Cinderella'.<br />

instrument LDfåëíê]ã]åíL instrument Can you name all the instruments in the orchestra?<br />

sell LëÉäL vendre If you offer him another hundred, I think he'll sell.<br />

tickets LDífâfíëL tickets We bought some tickets for the pantomime.<br />

photographs LDÑ]rí]Öê^WÑëL photos The couple received their wedding photographs.<br />

organise LDlWÖ]å~fòL organiser His PA had to organise accommodation for the visitors.<br />

artwork LD^Wíï‰WâL oeuvre d'art This illustrator has sent in his artwork for the book.<br />

dish LÇfpL plat Macaroni cheese is my favourite dish.<br />

stall LëílWäL éventaire Nancy bought some fruit and vegetables from the market stall.<br />

physical LDÑfòfâ]äL physique She was in constant physical pain.<br />

practical LDéêôâífâ]äL pratique Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics.<br />

creative LâêáDÉfífîL créatif(-ive) This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.<br />

horse LÜlWëL cheval I've never learned to ride a horse I'm afraid of them.<br />

email LDáWãÉfäL courrier électronique Tom sends Janice an email every day.<br />

button LDľíåL bouton The cuff of the jacket was decorated with small pearl buttons.<br />

Module 7B<br />

apple LDôé]äL pomme Eve had packed some sandwiches and an apple for lunch.<br />

banana LÄ]Då^Wå]L banane I didn't have time for breakfast, so I ate a banana on my way to the bus stop.<br />

biscuit LDÄfëâfíL biscuit Caroline opened a packet of chocolate biscuits.<br />

butter LDľí]L beurre Ned spread the butter on the bread.<br />

carrot LDâôê]íL carotte Rosie grated the carrots.<br />

cheese LípáWòL fromage Sally bought half a kilo of cheese.<br />

chicken LDípfâ]åL poulet The roast chicken was over-cooked.<br />

chips LípféëL pommes frites They had fish and chips for tea.<br />

egg LÉÖL oeuf Blackbirds lay their eggs in March.<br />

fish LÑfpL poisson Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.<br />

grape LÖêÉféL raisin I prefer red grapes to green.<br />

honey LDܾåáL miel Mum warms the honey before pouring it on the pancakes.<br />

meat LãáWíL viande I gave up eating meat a few months ago.<br />

onion LD¾åà]åL oignon Chop the onions finely.<br />

orange LDflê]åÇwL orange Can you manage to peel that orange on your own?<br />

pasta LDéôëí]L pâtes I eat a lot of pasta.<br />

pepper LDéÉé]L poivre There was salt and pepper on the table.<br />

21 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

potato Lé]DíÉfí]rL pomme de terre Marie stood at the sink, peeling potatoes.<br />

rice Lê~fëL riz He found a recipe for a tasty sauce which could be served with rice or pasta.<br />

salt LëlWäíL sel This might need some salt and pepper.<br />

sugar LDprÖ]L sucre Do you take sugar in your coffee?<br />

tomato Lí]Dã^Wí]rL tomate For starters, I had tomato soup.<br />

omelette LDflãä]íL omelette James ordered a cheese omelette for his lunch.<br />

fruit salad L?ÑêìWí=Dëôä]ÇL salade de fruits This home-made fruit salad is delicious!<br />

each LáWípL chaque Corinne had two apples, one in each hand.<br />

free LÑêáWL gratuit(-e) Admission is free for children under 9.<br />

washing-up L?ïflpfÏ=D¾éL la vaiselle It's your turn to do the washing-up, Sam.<br />

I'm afraid L~fã=]DÑêÉfÇL j'ai peur I'm afraid we've run out of Tiramisu.<br />

fast LÑ^WëíL rapide Why do men always like to drive a fast car?<br />

what's the matter? L?ïflíë=a]=Dãôí]L qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Why are you shouting? What's the matter? Have I done something wrong?<br />

pasta salad LDéôëí]=Dëôä]ÇL salade de pâtes Why do we have pasta salad every Thursday?<br />

nuts Lå¾íëL noix Leslie has an allergy to nuts.<br />

dont worry L?Ç]råí=Dï¾êáL ne t'en faites pas Don't worry. I'll sort everything out.<br />

Module 7C<br />

bank LÄôÏâL banque We have very little money in the bank.<br />

book shop LDÄrâ=pfléL librairie I browsed through the books in the local book shop.<br />

café LDâôÑÉfL bar We had tea and crumpets at the café.<br />

car park LDâ^W=é^WâL parking The car park was full.<br />

chemist LDâÉãfëíL pharmacie I bought some headache tablets from the chemist.<br />

computer shop Lâ]ãDéàìWí]=pfléL boutique d'informatique Eve got some software at the computer shop.<br />

music shop LDãàìWòfâ=pfléL boutique de musique Uncle Niall always buys me a record token from the same music shop.<br />

newsagent LDåàìWò?ÉfÇw]åíL marchand de journaux Shelly bought a magazine from the newsagent.<br />

park Lé^WâL parc Let's go for a walk in the park.<br />

post office LDé]rëí=?flÑfëL poste Our local post office is closing down.<br />

restaurant LDêÉëí]êflåíL restaurant We went to a little Italian restaurant near Leicester Square.<br />

sports centre LDëélWíë=?ëÉåí]L centre sportif Every Tuesday, I go swimming at the local sports centre.<br />

station LDëíÉfp]åL gare I want to get off at the next station.<br />

supermarket LDëìWé]?ã^WâfíL supermarché Most people now buy food from a cheaper supermarket to save money.<br />

opposite LDflé]òfíL en face de The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.<br />

college LDâfläfÇwL collège Her daughter is at a teacher training college.<br />

university L?àìWå]Dî‰Wë]íáL université He studied Physics at university.<br />

move LãìWîL bouger Please keep the doors closed while the train is moving.<br />

stamps LëíôãéëL timbre-poste I'll pop down to the Post Office and buy some stamps.<br />

postcards LDé]rëíâ^WÇòL carte postale My sister sent me a postcard from Barcelona.<br />

near Låf]L près de They live near London.<br />

between LÄfDíïáWåL entre The train broke down between London and Leeds.<br />

useless LDàìWëä]ëL inutile The doctor concluded that further treatment would be useless.<br />

without LïfaD~ríL sans After the storm we were without electricity for five days.<br />

map LãôéL carte According to the map, we should turn left.<br />

write Lê~fíL écrire He wrote some very famous books.<br />

answer LD^Wåë]L réponse She thought for a moment before answering.<br />

22 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

CD L?ëáW=DÇáWL CD He copied the file onto a CD.<br />

laptop LDäôéífléL ordinateur portable He works on his laptop while he's on the train.<br />

cup Lâ¾éL tasse Mathew picked up the cup and sipped his coffee.<br />

train LíêÉfåL train He commutes by train every day.<br />

car Lâ^WL voiture I've left my bag in the car.<br />

medicine LDãÉÇë]åL médecine Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.<br />

tree LíêáWL arbre As a kid, I loved to climb trees.<br />

newspaper LDåàìWë?éÉfé]L journal She had read about it in the newspapers.<br />

on the corner of Lflå=a]=DâlWå]ê=]îL au coin de There was a gang of youths on the corner of the street.<br />

bus stop LDľë=ëífléL arrêt de bus There was a long queue at the bus stop.<br />

Module 7D<br />

carbohydrates L?â^WÄ]rDÜ~fÇêÉfíëI=JÇê]íëL hydrates de carbone Carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy for the body.<br />

dairy foods LDÇÉ]êá=ÑìWÇòL produits laitier My brother is allergic to dairy foods.<br />

vegetables LDîÉÇwí]Ä]äòL légumes I try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.<br />

protein LDéê]ríáWåL protéine Diets rich in protein are often recommended for athletes.<br />

fats LÑôíëL matières grasses Some foods, including most fruits and vegetables, contain almost no fat.<br />

sugars LDprÖ]òL sucres Sugars occur naturally in food such as fruit and milk.<br />

healthy LDÜÉäqáL en bonne santé She gave birth to a healthy baby boy.<br />

lifestyle LDä~fÑëí~fäL style de vie Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.<br />

diet LDÇ~f]íL alimentation It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet.<br />

vegetarian L?îÉÇw]DíÉ]êá]åL végétarien(-ne) Our youngest daughter is a vegetarian.<br />

true LíêìWL vrai(-e) Is it true? You're really going to live in Australia?<br />

strength LëíêÉÏqL force She didn't even have the strength to stand up.<br />

problem LDéêflÄä]ãL problème The problem of race relations is always rearing its ugly head.<br />

energy LDÉå]ÇwáL énergie Helping people takes time and energy.<br />

vitamins LDîfí]ãfåòL vitamines Vitamin A is an essential nutrient.<br />

minerals LDãfå]ê]äòL minéraux Minerals are needed to build strong bones and teeth.<br />

contains Lâ]åDíÉfåòL contient Oranges contain vitamin C.<br />

properly LDéêflé]äáL comme il faut The brakes don't seem to be working properly.<br />

smoothie LDëãìWaáL smoothie Can I have a strawberry smoothie, please.<br />

strawberries LDëíêlWÄ]êáòL fraises After tea, we had strawberries and cream.<br />

yoghurt LDàflÖ]íL yaourt Liam bought some raspberry yogurt.<br />

blender LDÄäÉåÇ]L mixeur One of the wedding guests had bought them a Kenwood blender.<br />

focus LDÑ]râ]ëL se focaliser sur He felt he needed to focus more on his career.<br />

race LêÉfëL course He will be the youngest runner in the race.<br />

lunchtime LDä¾åípí~fãL heure du déjeuner Some people prefer to eat their main meal at lunchtime.<br />

Module 8A<br />

half term L?Ü^WÑ=Dí‰WãL petites vacances It was half term at school, and Mum had to take time off work.<br />

goal LÖ]räL cage Reina is playing in goal for Liverpool.<br />

visiting LDîfò]ífÏL rendre visite à Ben is visiting his sister in Australia.<br />

weather LDïÉa]L le temps What's the weather like today?<br />

what's the weather like L?ïflíë=a]=DïÉa]=ä~fâL quel temps fait-il? What's the weather like today?<br />

sunny LDë¾åáL ensoleillé It was a warm sunny day.<br />

raining LDêÉfåfÏL en train de pleuvoir It rained all week and spoiled our holiday.<br />

23 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

hot LÜflíL étouffant It's been too hot for comfort lately.<br />

foggy LDÑflÖáL brumeux They got married on a foggy day in November.<br />

cloudy LDâä~rÇáL nuageux It was a cloudy night with some light rain.<br />

windy LDïfåÇáL venteux It's too windy for a picnic.<br />

snowing LDëå]rfÏL avait neigé It had been snowing, and the children were outside building a snowman.<br />

freezing LDÑêáWòfÏL gèle It's freezing in this house. Can't you turn on the heating?<br />

cold Lâ]räÇL froid She splashed her face with cold water.<br />

warm LïlWãL chaud The house is lovely and warm.<br />

lying LDä~fJfÏL était allongé(-e) Mum was lying on the beach in her bikini.<br />

beach LÄáWípL plage The beach was covered with shells.<br />

hang on a minute L?ÜôÏ=Dflå=]=?ãfå]íL attends un peu! Hang on a minute while I get my coat!<br />

temperature LDíÉãéê]íp]L température The temperature of the water was just right for swimming.<br />

unusual L¾åDàìWwì]äI=Jw]äL spécial(-e) The durian is an unusual fruit it tastes like heaven and smells awful!<br />

Module 8B<br />

basketball LDÄ^WëâfíÄlWäL basket After school, they had basketball practice.<br />

skiing LDëâáWfÏL faire du ski We're going to go skiing in Colorado this winter.<br />

judo LDÇwìWÇ]rL judo Ivan has a black belt in judo.<br />

rugby LDê¾ÖÄáL rugby My son is in the school rugby team.<br />

cycling LDë~fâäfÏL allait en vélo The man was cycling dangerously, and caused an accident.<br />

volleyball LDîfläáÄlWäL volley The children spent most of the holiday playing beach volleyball!<br />

gymnastics LÇwfãDåôëífâëL gymnastique We watched an amazing gymnastics display by the American team.<br />

windsurfing LDïfåÇ?ë‰WÑfÏL faisait de la planche à voile Whilst on holiday, Peter went windsurfing.<br />

tennis LDíÉåfëL tennis I like playing tennis, but I'm not very good at it.<br />

karate Lâ]Dê^WíáL karaté They were offering free karate lessons at the local gym.<br />

athletics LôqDäÉífâëI=]qJL athlétisme Athletics remains one of the most popular Olympic sports.<br />

swimming LDëïfãfÏL nager Swimming is great exercise.<br />

snowboarding LDëå]r?ÄlWÇfÏL snowboarding Zoe is superb at snowboarding.<br />

motor racing LDã]rí]=?êÉfëfÏL course automobile Silverstone is the home of British motor racing.<br />

skateboarding LDëâÉfí?ÄlWÇfÏL faire du skateboard Jez was picking up lots of skateboarding tricks.<br />

karting LDâ^WífÏL go-cart Harry lives near a karting circuit, and gets lots of practice.<br />

at the moment L]í=a]=Dã]rã]åíL maintenant I'd love to help out, but I'm really busy at the moment.<br />

dream LÇêáWãL rêve My dream is to be the head of the company some day.<br />

interview LDfåí]îàìWL avoir un entretien avec We're interviewing six candidates for the job.<br />

train LíêÉfåL entraîner All staff will be trained in customer service skills.<br />

plate LéäÉfíL assiette The plates were piled high with rice.<br />

outdoors L?~ríDÇlWòL en plein air It's warm enough to eat outdoors tonight.<br />

indoors L?fåDÇlWòL rentrer Let's go indoors and have something to eat.<br />

race track LDêÉfë=íêôâL circuit They watched the cars line up on the race track.<br />

place LéäÉfëL endroit Make sure you keep the key in a safe place.<br />

Olympic Games L]?äfãéfâ=DÖÉfãòL Jeux olympiques In 2012 the Olympic Games will be held in London.<br />

medal LDãÉÇäL médaille She won a gold medal at the last Olympics.<br />

motorbike LDã]rí]Ä~fâL moto His motorbike crashed into the side of a car.<br />

Module 8C<br />

hang out with friends LÜôÏ=?~rí=ïfa=DÑêÉåÇòL traîner avec des amis I hang out with my friends at the local café.<br />

24 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

watch a DVD L?ïflíp=]=?ÇáW=îáW=DÇáWL regarder un DVD They decided to stay in and watch a DVD.<br />

have a barbecue LÜôî=]=DÄ^WÄfâàìWL faire un barbecue It was a lovely evening, so we had a barbecue in the back garden.<br />

go to the beach L?Ö]r=í]=a]=DÄáWípL aller à la plage Every day we went to the beach and laid under the palm trees.<br />

play computer games L?éäÉf=â]ãDéàìWí]=ÖÉfãòL jouer des jeux vidéo My son's forever playing computer games.<br />

surf the net L?ë‰WÑ=a]=DåÉíL surfer sur Internet You surf the net for about three hours every night? Get a life!<br />

chat to your friends online L?ípôí=í]=à]=?ÑêÉåÇò=flåDä~fåL chatter avec vos amis Do your parents allow you to chat to your friends online?<br />

swim/go swimming LëïfãI=?Ö]r=DëïfãfÏL nager/aller à nager The boy was learning to swim.<br />

shop/go shopping LpfléI=?Ö]r=DpfléfÏL faire les courses Tanya goes shopping every day.<br />

listen to music L?äfë]å=í]=DãàìWòfâL écouter de la musique Carol likes to listen to music on her iPod.<br />

play the guitar L?éäÉf=a]=ÖfDí^WL jouer le guitare Conor is learning to play the guitar.<br />

go to the cinema L?Ö]r=í]=a]=Dëfå]ã]L aller au cinéma We went to the cinema to see the latest Tom Cruise film.<br />

have a party LÜôî=]=Dé^WíáL organiser une fête Sal was having a party and invited me along.<br />

go to a club L?Ö]r=ír=]=Dâä¾ÄL aller a une boîte He went to a club and had a few drinks.<br />

go to a concert L?Ö]r=ír=]=Dâflåë]íL aller à un concert I can't remember the last time I went to a concert.<br />

jog/go jogging LÇwflÖI=?Ö]r=DÇwflÖfÏL faire du jogging He goes jogging every day in the park.<br />

prefer LéêfDщWL préférer This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.<br />

free time L?ÑêáW=Dí~fãL temps libre In his free time he helps out at the local hospice.<br />

barbecue LDÄ^WÄfâàìWL barbecue We had a barbecue on the beach.<br />

games console LDÖÉfãò=?âflåë]räL console de jeux vidéo His games console was broken.<br />

real life L?êf]ä=Dä~fÑL grandeur réelle Films are all make-believe and nothing at all like real life.<br />

why dont we LDï~f=Ç]råí=ïáL pourquoi nous n'avons pas de Why don't we have holidays four times a year?<br />

how about LDÜ~r=]Ä~ríL qu'est-ce que tu penses de How about going somewhere different for a change?<br />

Module 8D<br />

it's driving me crazy Lfíë=?Çê~fîfÏ=ãá=DâêÉfòáL ça me rend fou I can't stand this any more it's driving me crazy!<br />

teen LíáWåL adolescent(-e) My daughter's teen idol is Robbie Williams.<br />

blog LÄäflÖL blogue Tom added some photos to his blog.<br />

site Lë~fíL site The official royal site gives the Summer opening times of Buckingham Palace.<br />

interests LDfåíê]ëíëL centres d'intérêt Photography is one of his main interests.<br />

issues LDfpìWòI=DfëàìWòL problèmes Richard had several issues about the responsibilities of his new job.<br />

exams LfÖDòôãòL examens It was a relief when the exams were over.<br />

shock LpflâL choc It was a real shock to hear that the factory would have to close.<br />

news LåàìWòL nouvelles I'm not sure how he's going to react to the news.<br />

unhappy L¾åDÜôéáL malheureux(-se) If you're so unhappy, why don't you change jobs?<br />

tournament LDír]å]ã]åíL tournoi I feel I can win this tournament.<br />

rush Lê¾pL se précipiter A small girl rushed past her.<br />

clear Lâäf]L clair(-e) Her instructions were clear and concise.<br />

future LDÑàìWíp]L avenir What are your plans for the future?<br />

Module 9A<br />

were Lï]I=ï‰WL étaient We were all looking forward to seeing Debbie again.<br />

was Lï]òI=ïflòL était Kathleen was a lovely girl.<br />

seats LëáWíëL chaises The seats in the aeroplane were very uncomfortable.<br />

right Lê~fíL juste She was standing right in the middle of the room.<br />

stage LëíÉfÇwL scène This pass will let you as close to the stage as possible.<br />

under LD¾åÇ]L au-dessous de Wendy had hidden the box under her bed.<br />

25 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

guitarist LÖfDí^WêfëíL guitariste The guitarist was tuning his guitar.<br />

cheap LípáWéL bon marché He managed to get a cheap rail fare from London to Manchester<br />

yesterday morning L?àÉëí]Çá=DãlWåfÏL hier matin Elizabeth arrived home from university yesterday morning.<br />

last night L?ä^Wëí=Då~fíL hier soir Last night we went to the cinema.<br />

this morning Lafë=DãlWåfÏL ce matin Emma has to go to the dentist this morning.<br />

last month L?ä^Wëí=Dã¾åqL dernier mois Zak went to New Zealand last month.<br />

last year L?ä^Wëí=Dàf]L dernier an It was his last year at school.<br />

yesterday evening L?àÉëí]Çá=DáWîåfÏL dernier soir Jacob proposed to me yesterday evening.<br />

last Friday L?ä^Wëí=DÑê~fÇáL vendredi dernier It was the last Friday of the month.<br />

yesterday afternoon L?àÉëí]Çá=^WÑí]DåìWåL hier après-midi We had P.E. yesterday afternoon.<br />

last week L?ä^Wëí=DïáWâL la semaine dernière I bumped into Ava last week.<br />

last weekend L?ä^Wëí=ïáWâDÉåÇI=DïáWâÉåÇL week-end dernier They came home from their holiday last weekend.<br />

Module 9B<br />

out of LD~rí=]îI=flîL de The other car seemed to come out of nowhere!<br />

across L]DâêflëL à travers Kevin looked across at Helen.<br />

into LDfåí]I=DfåírL dans She threw the ball up into the air.<br />

up L¾éL à The little boy looked up at his Daddy.<br />

past Lé^WëíL et It's ten past nine.<br />

down LÇ~råL en dessous From the bridge, Anna looked down at the river below.<br />

along L]DäflÏL par We were driving along Follyfoot Road.<br />

climbed Lâä~fãÇL monter The cat climbed up into the tree.<br />

crane LâêÉfåL grue There were two cranes on the building site.<br />

reports LêfDélWíëL rapporter The crane operator reports to the site supervisor.<br />

security guards LëfDâàr]ê]íá=Ö^WÇòL vigiles The security guards patrol the perimeter of the site.<br />

didnt LDÇfÇåíL ne prête pas He didn't pay her the slightest bit of notice.<br />

notice LDå]rífëL remarquer He noticed a woman in a black dress sitting across from him.<br />

fire service LDÑ~f]=?ë‰WîfëL sapeurs pompiers My dad works for the fire service.<br />

immediately LfDãáWÇá]íäáL tout-de-suite Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.<br />

firefighter LDÑ~f]?Ñ~fí]L pompier The firefighters managed to stop the fire from spreading to the next building.<br />

realised LDêf]ä~fòÇL réalisait It was only when she left him that he realised how much he loved her.<br />

asleep L]DëäáWéL dorme Quiet! The baby's asleep.<br />

carried LDâôêáÇL emportait Jessie carried the chairs out of the room.<br />

ladder LDäôÇ]L échelle She climbed up the ladder.<br />

adventure L]ÇDîÉåíp]L aventure Her son thought that camping out was a great adventure.<br />

remember LêfDãÉãÄ]L se souvenir de Do you remember Rosa Davies?<br />

knock LåflâL frapper I knocked and knocked but nobody answered.<br />

sleepwalker LDëäáWé?ïlWâ]L somnambule Lynne is a sleepwalker and often gets out of bed in the middle of the night.<br />

journey LDÇw‰WåáL voyage It was a long journey but I managed to sleep for most of the time.<br />

ordered LDlWÇ]ÇL ordonnait The policeman ordered him to empty his pockets.<br />

hill LÜfäL colline Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea.<br />

Module 9C<br />

worried LDï¾êáÇL inquiet/inquiète You look worried. What's the matter?<br />

fed up L?ÑÉÇ=D¾éL en avoir assez She felt tired and a bit fed up.<br />

bored LÄlWÇL qui s'ennuie He was easily bored.<br />

26 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

happy LDÜôéáL heureux It's a lovely house and we've been very happy here.<br />

sad LëôÇL triste Dad looked sad and worried as he read the letter.<br />

angry LDôÏÖêáL fâché(-e) I was angry because he hadn't told me his plans.<br />

excited LfâDë~fífÇL excité(-e) Steve flies home tomorrow we're all really excited.<br />

tired Lí~f]ÇL fatigué(-e) I'm so tired I could sleep for a week.<br />

fail LÑÉfäL échouer It looks likely that the peace talks will fail.<br />

lose LäìWòL perdre I've lost my appetite.<br />

nothing LDå¾qfÏL rien Nothing ever happens in this town.<br />

piano LéáDôå]rL piano Jean accompanied her on the piano.<br />

practise LDéêôâífëL pratiquer They moved the furniture back to practise their dance routine.<br />

miles Lã~fäòL lieux That hotel is two miles from the beach.<br />

sea LëáWL mer Jay stripped his clothes off and ran into the sea.<br />

shark Lp^WâL requin Sharks were circling around our boat.<br />

attacked L]DíôâíL attaqué(-e) The hikers were attacked by a bear.<br />

shouted LDp~rífÇL criait He shouted as loud as he could.<br />

surfboard LDë‰WÑÄlWÇL planche de surf Ethan bought a second-hand surfboard.<br />

stayed up L?ëíÉfÇ=D¾éL restions debout We stayed up late to welcome in the New Year.<br />

never mind L?åÉî]=Dã~fåÇL ça ne fait rien Do what you think is right never mind what other people think.<br />

miss LãfëL manquer I'm absolutely starving I missed lunch.<br />

Module 9D<br />

inventions LfåDîÉåp]åòL inventions The turn of the century was when many inventions first saw the light of day.<br />

aeroplane LDÉ]ê]éäÉfåL avion The children are making paper aeroplanes.<br />

facts LÑôâíëL faits The facts of the case were self-evident.<br />

invented LfåDîÉåífÇL devinait Whoever invented the wheel was a genius!<br />

heavy LDÜÉîáL lourd(-e) The wardrobe is too heavy for me to move on my own.<br />

weighed LïÉfÇL pesait A nurse weighed the baby on the scales.<br />

kilos LDâáWä]ròL kilos Josh weighed about 110 kilos.<br />

landline LDäôåÇä~fåL fixe We decided to combine our landline and broadband supplier.<br />

popular LDéfléà]ä]L populaire Hilary was popular at school.<br />

village LDîfäfÇwL village William lived in a little fishing village.<br />

pay-as-you-go L?éÉf=]ò=àr=DÖ]rL prépayé(-e) Mum has a pay-as-you-go mobile.<br />

cards Lâ^WÇòL cartes Madison applied for a credit card.<br />

pay LéÉfL payer How would you like to pay?<br />

phone calls LDÑ]rå=âlWäòL coups de fil The phone bill is astronomical someone is making too many phone calls!<br />

messages LDãÉë]ÇwfòL messages There were eight message on my voicemail.<br />

alarm clock L]Dä^Wã=âäflâL réveil The alarm clock didn't go off, and I was late for work.<br />

addicted L]DÇfâífÇL dépendant(-e) 50 million Americans are thought to be addicted to nicotine.<br />

percentage Lé]DëÉåífÇwL percentage The percentage of school leavers that go to university is about five per cent.<br />

opinion L]Défåà]åL opinion The two women had very different opinions about drugs.<br />

inventors LfåDîÉåí]òL inventeurs The British female inventors and innovators awards 2008 were held in Cardiff.<br />

flight LÑä~fíL vol He immediately booked a flight to Toulouse.<br />

travelled LDíêôî]äÇL voyageait Touaregs travel across the desert on camels.<br />

metres LDãáWí]òL mètre Johnson was training for the 100 metres race.<br />

lasted LDä^WëífÇL a duré My grandparents' marriage has lasted for 40 years.<br />

27 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

seconds LDëÉâ]åÇòL secondes Within seconds the children were arguing over who played with what!<br />

passenger LDéôë]åÇw]L passager Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.<br />

carefully LDâÉ]Ñ]äáL prudemment He folded the sheets up carefully.<br />

grammar LDÖêôã]L grammaire Check your spelling and grammar.<br />

vocabulary Lî]DâôÄà]ä]êáI=î]rJL vocabulaire Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary.<br />

spelling LDëéÉäfÏL orthographe Her spelling has improved.<br />

punctuation L?é¾ÏâípìDÉfp]åL ponctuation Her stories are great, but her punctuation is terrible!<br />

supersonic L?ëìWé]DëflåfâL supersonique The Concorde was a supersonic aircraft.<br />

The company was fined for continuing to fly these airliners after safety problems were<br />

reported.<br />

airliner LDÉ]?ä~få]L avion<br />

height LÜ~fíL taille Sam's about the same height as his sister now.<br />

reached LêáWípíL s'inclinait en avant She reached over and held my hand.<br />

duration LÇàrDêÉfp]åL durée The course is of three years' duration.<br />

speed LëéáWÇL vitesse The truck was travelling at a speed of 50 kph.<br />

Module 10A<br />

bike LÄ~fâL vélo Her parents promised to buy her a bike for her birthday.<br />

boat LÄ]ríL barque If we had a boat, we could row across to the island.<br />

bus LľëL bus The bus arrived 20 minutes late.<br />

car Lâ^WL voiture I've left my bag in the car.<br />

coach Lâ]rípL omnibus They travelled by coach to the seaside.<br />

lorry LDäflêáL camion The lorry had overturned and scattered its load across the road.<br />

motorbike LDã]rí]Ä~fâL moto His motorbike crashed into the side of a car.<br />

plane LéäÉfåL avion When we landed, we disembarked from the plane.<br />

scooter LDëâìWí]L scooter Little Sammy was playing outside on her scooter.<br />

taxi LDíôâëáL taxi I took a taxi to the airport.<br />

train LíêÉfåL train Stuart missed the last train home.<br />

tram LíêôãL tram The tram journey into town only took ten minutes.<br />

underground LD¾åÇ]Öê~råÇL métro Is there an underground station at West Ealing?<br />

tube LíàìWÄL métro I need a tube ticket for when I get to central London.<br />

bought LÄlWíL achetaient I've bought some ice-cream for tea.<br />

sports car LDëélWíë=â^WL voiture de sport There's nowhere to put luggage in a sports car.<br />

plays LéäÉfòL joue Cruise plays an arrogant but expert pilot in the film 'Top Gun'.<br />

series LDëf]êáWòL sérial Coronation Street' is a long-running British TV series.<br />

rich LêfípL riche Helmsley was one of the richest women in America.<br />

had LÇI=]ÇI=Ü]ÇI=ÜôÇL avait I had a collie once his name was Ben.<br />

drove LÇê]rîL conduisait George drove a lorry on the continent for some years.<br />

tractor LDíêôâí]L tracteur Can you use your tractor to pull my car out of the mud, please?<br />

lorry driver LDäflêá=?Çê~fî]L camionneur The lorry driver avoided paying the fine by going back to France.<br />

made LãÉfÇL fait Jackson has made a CD with his brother's band.<br />

soon LëìWåL vite It will be dark soon.<br />

normal LDålWã]äL normal A normal working week is 40 hours.<br />

cost LâflëíL coûte A full day's activities will cost you £45.<br />

went LïÉåíL allaient They went to the shop and bought a new computer.<br />

accident LDôâëfÇ]åíL accident There's been an accident involving two lorries on the motorway.<br />

crashed LâêôpíL bousculait Dad crashed his car into a wall.<br />

28 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

said LëÉÇL disais I'm going to bed,' I said. 'I'm really tired.'<br />

surprised Lë]Déê~fòÇL surpris He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door.<br />

repairs LêfDéÉ]òL réparations After the accident she got a bill for £500 for repairs.<br />

sit LëfíL s'asseoir I sat on the shore and looked at the sea.<br />

pocket LDéflâfíL poche Luke came in with his hands in his pockets.<br />

on foot Lflå=DÑríL à pied I take the bus into town and then go the rest of the way on foot.<br />

Module 10B<br />

go climbing/climb L?Ö]r=Dâä~fãfÏI=âä~fãL monter Few people have climbed this mountain, as it's very dangerous.<br />

go to a museum L?Ö]r=ír=]=ãàìWDòá]ãL visiter un musée I don't want to go to a museum on this lovely sunny day!<br />

go to the beach L?Ö]r=í]=a]=DÄáWípL aller à la plage Shall we stay in the hotel or go to the beach?<br />

go mountain biking L?Ö]r=Dã~råí]å=?Ä~fâfÏL faire du VTT Joanna goes mountain biking every chance she gets.<br />

go sightseeing/sightsee L?Ö]r=Dë~fí?ëáWfÏI=Dë~fíëáWL faire du tourisme On Monday we went sightseeing in the centre of London.<br />

go skiing/ski L?Ö]r=DëâáWfÏI=ëâáWL faire du ski You can go skiing in the high mountains even at the height of summer.<br />

go windsurfing/windsurf L?Ö]r=DïfåÇ?ë‰WÑfÏI=DïfåÇë‰WÑL faire de la planche à voile Jack went windsurfing for the first time during his holiday.<br />

play beach volleyball L?éäÉf=ÄáWíp=DîfläáÄlWäL jouer du beach volley Can you really play beach volleyball at the Olympics now?<br />

sunbathe LDë¾åÄÉfaL prendre un bain de soleil Her mother was sunbathing in the back garden.<br />

school trip L?ëâìWä=DíêféL voyage scolaire My sister went on a school trip to Paris.<br />

youth hostel LDàìWq=?ÜflëíäL auberge de jeunesse Part of the castle has been made into a youth hostel.<br />

spent LëéÉåíL dépensait Paul spends all his money on beer and cigarettes.<br />

part Lé^WíL partie The front part of the car was damaged.<br />

just a minute L?Çw¾ëí=]=DãfåfíL un moment Just a minute I need to go back for my keys.<br />

no way! L?å]r=DïÉfL tu parles! I met Brad Pitt when we were on holiday!' 'No way!'<br />

welcome back L?ïÉäâ]ã=DÄôâL la bienvenue Welcome back! How was your holiday?<br />

(really) good fun L?ÖrÇ=DѾåL amusant I thought playing cowboys and Indians was good fun when I was little.<br />

top LífléL sommet The tops of the mountains were still covered with snow.<br />

campsite LDâôãéë~fíL camping The campsite is situated at the head of the valley.<br />

Module 10C<br />

coast Lâ]rëíL côte Peter comes from a small town on the west coast of Africa.<br />

forest LDÑflê]ëíL forêt Much of Scandinavia is covered in dense forest.<br />

hill LÜfäL colline Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea.<br />

island LD~fä]åÇL ile The Cayman Islands is a favourite place for offshore bank accounts.<br />

lake LäÉfâL lac Lake Michigan is one of the Great Lakes that border the USA and Canada.<br />

mountain LDã~råí]åL montagne Which is the highest mountain in Austria?<br />

ocean LD]rp]åL océan She stood on the beach, gazing at the ocean.<br />

river LDêfî]L fleuve/rivière The Mississippi River is one of the longest in the world.<br />

rock LêflâL roche To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock.<br />

sea LëáWL mer Jay stripped his clothes off and ran into the sea.<br />

tree LíêáWL arbre As a kid, I loved to climb trees.<br />

valley LDîôäáL vallée The San Fernando valley is a pleasant area of Los Angeles.<br />

waterfall LDïlWí]ÑlWäL cascade The spray from the waterfall soaked all the people on the boat.<br />

ago L]DÖ]rL il y a Her husband died 14 years ago.<br />

special LDëéÉp]äL spécial(-e) We keep a special place in the classroom just for reading.<br />

disabled LÇfëDÉfÄ]äÇL handicapé(-e) Dawn runs a support group for parents of disabled children.<br />

extract LDÉâëíêôâíL pièces I've only seen short extracts from the film.<br />

29 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

wheelchair LDïáWäípÉ]L fauteuil roulant He'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.<br />

took LírâL prenait From the station he took a bus to Roundhay.<br />

lost LäflëíL perdu(-e) 'Are you lost?' the driver asked.<br />

high LÜ~fL haut(-e) This is the highest mountain in Japan.<br />

wet LïÉíL mouillé(-e) I've washed your shirt, but it's still wet.<br />

tango dancers LDíôÏÖ]r=?Ç^Wåë]òL danseurs de tango Five pairs of tango dancers whirled around the room.<br />

rail trip LDêÉfä=íêféL voyage en train John is planning a rail trip across America.<br />

Module 10D<br />

explorers LfhDëéälWê]òL explorateur(-trice) Explorers have now reached almost every corner of the continent.<br />

skim LëâfãL parcourait Paul skimmed the report, but didn't read it in any detail.<br />

heroes LDÜf]ê]ròL héros Never meet your heroes they're sure to be a disappointment.<br />

pull LéräL tirer Mum! Davey's pulling my hair!<br />

sledges LDëäÉÇwfòL luges The sledges made slow progress over the icy landscape.<br />

ice L~fëL glace Would you like some ice in your drink?<br />

South Pole L?ë~rq=Dé]räL pôle Sud Ewan and his friends are planning an expedition to the South Pole.<br />

motor sledges LDã]rí]=?ëäÉÇwfòL motoneiges Nowadays they use motor sledges instead of the ones pulled by dogs.<br />

a few L]=DÑàìWL quelques A few of her colleagues are not keen on the idea.<br />

failed LÑÉfäÇL échouaient Talks aimed at ending the conflict failed after three days.<br />

hungry LDܾÏÖêáL affamé(-e) I was cold, tired and hungry.<br />

slowly LDëä]räáL lentement He shook his head slowly.<br />

disappointed L?Çfë]DélfåífÇL déçu(-e) Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.<br />

flag LÑäôÖL drapeau Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.<br />

found LÑ~råÇL trouvait I found the address quite easily.<br />

return journey Lêf?í‰Wå=DÇw‰WåáL voyage de retour On the return journey we were delayed by an accident on the M25.<br />

disaster LÇfDò^Wëí]L désastre One hundred and twenty people died in China's worst air disaster.<br />

enough LfDå¾ÑL assez Have you had enough food?' 'I've had plenty, thanks.'<br />

died LÇ~fÇL est mort(-e) My mum died in 2000 at the age of 89.<br />

tents LíÉåíëL tentes On this campsite they set up the tents for you before you arrive.<br />

Module 11A<br />

bad LÄôÇL mauvais(-e) I have some bad news for you.<br />

big LÄfÖL grand(-e) Charlie bought a big house and all his family came to live in it.<br />

cheap LípáWéL bon marché(-e) Cheap rail fares are a thing of the past.<br />

clean LâäáWåL nettoyé(-e) Are your hands clean?<br />

cold Lâ]räÇL froid(-e) She splashed her face with cold water.<br />

dirty LDljWíáL sale There's a stack of dirty dishes in the sink.<br />

easy LDáWòáL facile The test was easy.<br />

far LÑ^WL loin We can walk to my house from here. It isn't far.<br />

fast LÑ^WëíL rapide You can hire a fast car and drive round the racetrack.<br />

good LÖrÇL bon/bonne I'd like to stay at a good hotel, not one of those cheap places.<br />

hard LÜ^WÇL dur(-e) They only had hard wooden chairs to sit on.<br />

heavy LDÜÉîáL lourd(-e) The wardrobe was too heavy for me to move on my own.<br />

hot LÜflíL chaud(-e) One hot day in July, the children were playing in the garden.<br />

light Lä~fíL léger/légère My suitcase is very light because there's not much in it.<br />

long LäflÏL long/longue A long table stretched all the way down the middle of the room.<br />

30 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

near Låf]L proche It's a beautiful house but it's 20 miles away from the nearest town.<br />

new LåàìWL nouveau/nouvelle The city's new hospital has been built with private funding.<br />

old L]räÇL vieux/vieille I keep a pair of old shoes to do the gardening in.<br />

short LplWíL court(-e) It was just a short meeting, so I got home early.<br />

slow Lëä]rL lent(-e) The car was travelling at a very slow speed.<br />

small LëãlWäL petit(-e) He gave me a small piece of paper with his address on it.<br />

tall LílWäL grand(-e) Jackie is only four feet tall.<br />

young Là¾ÏL jeune When I was a young child I didn't know how to pronounce that word.<br />

extra LDÉâëíê]L extra Could you get an extra loaf of bread?<br />

megapixels LDãÉÖ]éfâë]äòL megapixel How many megapixels does your new camera have?<br />

size Lë~fòL taille He's a small boy, about John's size.<br />

weight LïÉfíL poids The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.<br />

Module 11B<br />

beautiful LDÄàìWífÑ]äL joli(-e) She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.<br />

boring LDÄlWêfÏL ennuyeux(-se) Her husband is about the most boring person I've ever met.<br />

dangerous LDÇÉfåÇw]ê]ëL dangereux(-se) The government brought in laws about keeping dangerous dogs.<br />

difficult LDÇfÑfâ]äíL difficile That's a difficult question to answer.<br />

exciting LfâDë~fífÏL passionnant(-e) We made an exciting discovery in the attic yesterday.<br />

expensive LfâDëéÉåëfîL cher/chère He's taking me to the most expensive restaurant in town.<br />

famous LDÑÉfã]ëL fameux(-se) Richard dreamed of becoming a famous actor.<br />

frightening LDÑê~fíåfÏL effrayant(-e) That's a frightening thought.<br />

important LfãDélWí]åíL important(-e) There's a very important meeting with the client next Monday.<br />

interesting LDfåíê]ëífÏL intéressant(-e) I had a very interesting meeting with Peter in Finance.<br />

talented LDíôä]åífÇL talenté(-e) David Tennant is a talented actor who has played the part of Hamlet.<br />

useful LDàìWëÑ]äL utile The book is full of useful information.<br />

fashion models LDÑôp]å=?ãflÇäòL mannequin Too many fashion models are unhealthily thin.<br />

horror films LDÜflê]=ÑfäãòL film d'épouvante Peter Cushing appeared in many horror films during his career.<br />

pop singers LDéflé=?ëfÏ]òL chanteurs/(-euses) pop Why are so many pop singers in the news for taking drugs?<br />

wild animals L?ï~fäÇ=Dôåfã]äòL bêtes fauves She said we were behaving like wild animals, but we were only having fun.<br />

survey LDë‰WîÉfL enquête We conducted a survey of parents in the village.<br />

simply LDëfãéäáL franchement This work is simply not good enough.<br />

gadget LDÖôÇwfíL gadget I've found a neat gadget for sharpening knives.<br />

vote Lî]ríL voter In 1918 British women got the right to vote.<br />

female LDÑáWãÉfäL féminin(-e) Female voters are likely to choose Obama over McCain.<br />

male LãÉfäL masculin(-e) The deep male voices in the choir make it sound fantastic!<br />

digital LDÇfÇwfíäL numérique When is our region due to switch to digital TV?<br />

Module 11C<br />

baseball cap LDÄÉfëÄlWä=âôéL casquette de baseball The man was wearing a baseball cap, so I couldn't see all of his face.<br />

belt LÄÉäíL ceinture He unbuckled his leather belt.<br />

boots LÄìWíëL bottes She wore knee-length boots to keep out the cold and snow.<br />

cardigan LDâ^WÇfÖ]åL cardigan You look as old as your dad in that boring cardigan!<br />

coat Lâ]ríL manteau Billy! Put your coat on, it's cold outside!<br />

dress LÇêÉëL robe Sheila wore a long red dress.<br />

hoodie LDÜrÇáL hoodie Norris banned hoodies from entering his shop.<br />

31 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

Photocopiable wordlist<br />

English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

jacket LDÇwôâfíL veste Sean often wears a suede jacket and dark grey trousers.<br />

jeans LÇwáWåòL jean Surely you aren't going to wear those scruffy jeans to the party!<br />

sandals LDëôåÇ]äòL sandales She likes to wear sandals as they keep her feet cool.<br />

shirt Lp‰WíL chemise I have to wear a shirt and tie to work.<br />

shoes LpìWòL chaussures These shoes are the most comfortable ones I've ever bought.<br />

shorts LplWíëL short The weather is warm enough to wear shorts today.<br />

skirt Lëâ‰WíL jupe She wore a white blouse and a plain black skirt.<br />

socks LëflâëL chaussettes Those socks are filthy! What have you been doing?<br />

sweater LDëïÉí]L pull I'm too hot I'll have to take this sweater off.<br />

sweatshirt LDëïÉíp‰WíL sweat-shirt Take a sweatshirt in case it gets cold later.<br />

T-shirt LDíáW=p‰WíL tee-shirt She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.<br />

tights Lí~fíëL collant I don't like wearing tights when the weather is hot.<br />

top LífléL haut That top makes you look middle-aged.<br />

trainers LDíêÉfå]òL chaussures de sport These trainers cost over eighty pounds!<br />

trousers LDíê~rò]òL pantalon His trousers were slightly too short.<br />

combat trousers LDâflãÄôí=?íê~rò]òL pantalon de treillis Those combat trousers make you look like a soldier.<br />

try (these ones) on L?íê~f=DflåL essayer ceux-ci Sarah tried on ten pairs of shoes before she found some she liked.<br />

ones Lï¾åòL ceux-ci I've forgotten my football boots.' 'Do you want to borrow these ones?'<br />

changing room LDípÉfåÇwfÏ=êìWãI=êrãL vestiaire I think I've left my trainers in the changing room.<br />

one Lï¾åL un/une Have you got a camera?' 'No.' 'You should buy one.'<br />

pair LéÉ]L pair Nancy bought two pairs of jeans and a shirt today.<br />

Module 11D<br />

clever LDâäÉî]L malin/maligne Phil is a clever man who makes a real difference to our team.<br />

after-school L?^WÑí]=DëâìWäL parascolaire Shirley gets involved in all sorts of after-school activities.<br />

laughed Lä^WÑíL riraient de My colleagues just laughed at my ideas.<br />

called him names L?âlWäÇ=fã=DåÉfãòL l'injuriait Jimmy got upset when the other kids called him names.<br />

geek LÖáWâL crack en informatique David is a typical computer geek no social life and bad breath.<br />

teased LíáWòÇL taquiné(-e) All children who wear glasses get teased at some point.<br />

scared LëâÉ]ÇL effrayé(-e) At first, he was really scared.<br />

copy LDâfléáL copier Could you copy this letter and send it out, please?<br />

upset L?¾éDëÉíL affecté(-e) Louise was very upset when the family dog died.<br />

bully LDÄräáL intimider Don't let them bully you into working on Saturdays.<br />

a bit of fun L]=?Äfí=]î=DѾåL est amusant She didn't mean to insult you it was just a bit of fun.<br />

possible LDéflë]Ä]äL possible Is it possible to get tickets for the game?<br />

complicated LDâflãéäfâÉfífÇL compliqué(-e) The USA has a complicated voting system for local elections.<br />

bullying LDÄräáJfÏL rudoyer This book is an attempt to tackle the problem of bullying in schools.<br />

judo classes LDÇwìWÇ]r=?âä^WëfòL cours de judo Ivan gives judo classes to the local kids.<br />

gym LÇwfãL salle de remise en forme I try and work out at the local gym once a week.<br />

gist LÇwfëíL coeur The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.<br />

details LDÇáWíÉfäòL détails I don't like to give my credit card details over the Internet.<br />

Module 12A<br />

classical LDâäôëfâ]äL classique My dad liked most varieties of classical music.<br />

country and western L?â¾åíêá=]å=DïÉëí]åL musique country The annual country and western awards are on in Nashville tonight.<br />

folk LÑ]râL folk Why is folk music always associated with people who have beards?<br />

32 from 41 2009-8

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French translation<br />

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English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

heavy metal L?ÜÉîá=DãÉíäL hardrock My neighbour plays heavy metal music at full volume late at night.<br />

hip-hop LDÜfé=ÜfléL hip hop There's a hip-hop club in James Street that I like.<br />

jazz LÇwôòL jazz I used to come here and listen to all the great jazz bands.<br />

Latin LDäôífåL latin Latin music has an atmosphere all of its own.<br />

pop LéfléL pop Today's pop all sounds the same to me.<br />

R & B L?^Wê=]å=DÄáWL R&B This club is a great place for really good R & B music.<br />

rap LêôéL rap When does rap become music instead of poetry?<br />

reggae LDêÉÖÉfL reggae Bob Marley is probably the best-known exponent of reggae.<br />

rock LêflâL rock Bruce Springsteen is sometimes called the king of rock.<br />

soul Lë]räL soul Isaac Hayes, one of the greats of soul music, died in August 2008.<br />

techno LDíÉâå]rL techno I don't like techno it's just too loud and boring for me.<br />

record LêfDâlWÇL enregistrer I was in the studio when they recorded that album.<br />

entered LDÉåí]ÇL participait Wood became famous after she entered and won a talent competition.<br />

songs LëflÏòL chansons It's a Wonderful World' is one of his best-known songs.<br />

included LfåDâäìWÇfÇL comprenait Dad's favourite tracks on the album included 'Black River Blues'.<br />

winner LDïfå]L vainqeur Wade was the winner of the Ladies' Championship that year.<br />

congratulations Lâ]å?Öêôíp]DäÉfp]åòL félicitations Congratulations on your recent promotion.<br />

going to LDÖ]rfÏ=í]L vais I'm going to finish this job tomorrow.<br />

celebrate LDëÉä]ÄêÉfíL célébrer It's Dad's birthday and we're going out for a meal to celebrate.<br />

tonight Lí]Då~fíL ce soir I think I'll go to bed early tonight.<br />

finalists LDÑ~få]äJfëíëL finalistes Dawson and Smith are two of the finalists in the 110 metres hurdles.<br />

produced Léê]DÇàìWëíL produisait Miller produced the band's first album.<br />

plans LéäôåòL projets Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?<br />

stay LëíÉfL rester We stayed in a lovely hotel right next to the sea.<br />

Module 12B<br />

angry LDôÏÖêáL fâché(-e) I'm angry that you didn't tell me first!<br />

angrily LDôÏÖê]äáL en colère Joey reacted angrily to the news.<br />

bad LÄôÇL grosse Sam made a bad mistake in her calculations.<br />

badly LDÄôÇäáL mal The company has been very badly managed.<br />

careful LDâÉ]Ñ]äL prudent Be careful there's broken glass on the floor!<br />

carefully LDâÉ]Ñ]äáL prudemment Carefully remove the batteries and put them to one side.<br />

careless LDâÉ]ä]ëL négligent(-e) It was careless of him to leave the door unlocked.<br />

carelessly LDâÉ]ä]ëäáL négligemment Brian carelessly threw his cigarette end on the floor.<br />

clear Lâäf]L clair George gave a very clear explanation of the problem.<br />

clearly LDâäf]äáL clairement Clearly, ignoring him had been a mistake.<br />

loud Lä~rÇL fort(-e) The book fell to the floor with a loud bang.<br />

loudly LDä~rÇäáL tout haut Ben laughed loudly.<br />

natural LDåôíp]ê]äL naturel(le) Bellamy's passion is the study of the natural world.<br />

naturally LDåôíp]ê]äáL évidemment Naturally, you'll want to discuss this with your wife.<br />

noisy LDålfòáL bruyant(-e) The kids have been really noisy today.<br />

noisily LDålfò]äáL bruyamment He blew his nose noisily.<br />

patient LDéÉfp]åíL patient(-e) You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm off the phone.<br />

patiently LDéÉfp]åíäáL avec patience He waited patiently for Katherine to speak.<br />

polite Lé]Dä~fíL poli(-e) She's always very polite.<br />

33 from 41 2009-8

<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

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English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

politely Lé]Dä~fíäáL poliment 'Can I help you?' she asked politely.<br />

quick LâïfâL rapide He's very quick to criticise his colleagues.<br />

quickly LDâïfâäáL rapidement She quickly found herself regretting the decision.<br />

quiet LDâï~f]íL silencieux(-se) We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.<br />

quietly LDâï~f]íäáL doucement Rosa shut the door quietly.<br />

early LD‰WäáL tôt Joanna's getting the early train tomorrow.<br />

good LÖrÇL bon(-ne) Did you have a good, relaxing holiday?<br />

well LïÉäL bien Did you sleep well?<br />

hard LÜ^WÇL dur Ken's finding it hard to concentrate, as he's very tired.<br />

late LäÉfíL trop tard I was an hour late for the meeting.<br />

whose LÜìWòL à qui Whose umbrella is this?<br />

idea L~fDÇf]L idée I've had an idea. Why don't we walk into town?<br />

perform Lé]DÑlWãL se produire Chenier and the band are performing at the Silver Palace tomorrow.<br />

version LDî‰Wp]åL version I bought a new version of the software this week.<br />

scene LëáWåL scène Her character first appears in Hamlet, Act 5 Scene 2.<br />

director LÇfDêÉâí]I=Ç~fJL metteur en scène My brother is a well-known director at the National Theatre.<br />

mine Lã~fåL le mien/la mienne It was Glen's idea, not mine.<br />

are rehearsing L]=êfD܉WëfÏL répètent The girls are rehearsing for their parts in the school concert.<br />

good luck L?ÖrÇ=Dä¾âL bonne chance Good luck in your exams tomorrow, Jack!<br />

rehearsal LêfD܉Wë]äL répétition The actors were in the middle of a rehearsal for 'Romeo and Juliet'.<br />

yours LàlWòL le tien/la tienne This is our room, and yours is just across the hall.<br />

hers L܉WòL le sien/la sienne He bent and touched his mouth to hers.<br />

ours L~r]òL le/la notre I'll show you to your room. Ours is next door.<br />

theirs LaÉ]òL le/la leur When our washing machine broke, our neighbours let us use theirs.<br />

Module 12C<br />

rock LêflâL terrible Sally thinks her new boyfriend really rocks!<br />

stand LëíôåÇL être debout It looks like we'll have to stand there are no seats left.<br />

video LDîfÇá]rL vidéo How much does it cost to hire videos?<br />

would you like to LïrÇ=àr=Dä~fâ=í]L voudrais-tu How would you like to go to the cinema tonight?<br />

sounds Lë~råÇòL sonne It sounds as though you had a great time!<br />

go out LÖ]r=D~ríL sortir Are you going out tonight?<br />

contest LDâflåíÉëíL lutte McCain won the bitter contest for the Republican presidential nomination.<br />

Module 12D<br />

craziest LDâêÉfòá]ëíL le plus fou/la plus folle That's the craziest idea I've ever heard!<br />

festivals LDÑÉëífî]äòL festivals Are there any festivals on while we're visiting Spain?<br />

strange LëíêÉfåÇwL étrange I was frightened by strange noises in the night.<br />

Christmas Day L?âêfëã]ë=DÇÉfL Jour de Noël I always spend Christmas Day with my family.<br />

Easter Day L?áWëí]=DÇÉfL Jour de Pâques Easter Day always falls on a Sunday.<br />

Halloween L?Üôä]rDáWåL Halloween Halloween is on the 31st of October every year.<br />

mud Lã¾ÇL boue By the end of the game, all the kids were covered in mud.<br />

put on Lérí=DflåL mettre He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.<br />

crawl LâêlWäL marcher à quatre pattes The baby crawled across the floor.<br />

finish line LDÑfåfp=ä~fåL finish Radcliffe sprinted towards the finishing line.<br />

prize Léê~fòL prix In this month's competition you could win a prize worth £3000.<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

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English headword Pronunciation French translation Example sentence<br />

rolling LDê]räfÏL roulant Rolling cigars is a very skilled task.<br />

competitors Lâ]ãDéÉífí]òL compétiteurs Chelsea will be strong competitors for the title this year.<br />

chase LípÉfëL poursuivre The dogs saw him running and chased him.<br />

catch LâôípL attraper Stephen ran away so fast that I couldn't catch him.<br />

bottom LDÄflí]ãL dessous Can you hold the bottom of the ladder for me?<br />

wins LïfåòL gagne Harry often wins at chess, because he cheats!<br />

length LäÉÏqL longueur We measured the length and width of the living room.<br />

activity LôâDífî]íáL activité John's keen on outdoor activities such as hiking or climbing.<br />

snail LëåÉfäL tourtue Traffic was moving at a snail's pace.<br />

took part in /tUk 'pA:t In/ participait I took part in the school play when I was at primary school.<br />

get dressed LÖÉí=DÇêÉëíL habille-toi Get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast.<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

French translation<br />

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<strong>Upbeat</strong> <strong>Starter</strong><br />

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