1989 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1989 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1989 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club


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The executive Committee, consisting of club <br />

officers and Chairmen of its committees, meets at <br />

7:30 p.m. on the second Thursday after the club<br />

meeting. The November meeting will be at the<br />

home of WI6B.<br />

At the October meeting at the home of<br />

KB6NMK, The Committee heard and approved<br />

the minutes of the previous meeting and the<br />

Trea$urer's report.<br />

The Committee heard WB6IQS's plans for a<br />

work party at the repeater site on 10/22 and discussed<br />

the possibility of a 6M and/or 10M repeater<br />

or digi-peater. N6UIA reported the receipt of<br />

coordinated .9 gHz frequencies from SCRRBA.<br />

Crystals for these frequencies have been ordered<br />

by N6IZW and the work on the autopatch will<br />

continue. The frequency and deviation anomalies<br />

measured in the SANDRA 147.150 repeater were<br />

discussed. The requirement for an additional or<br />

larger building at the repeater site was discussed<br />

and will be further investigated. K6HA V was<br />

appointed Chairman of the Nominating Committee.<br />

The mulled cider and no-cal crumpets were<br />

"deelightfi.Ilt.<br />



IGNORE IT! Don't give the jammer what he or<br />

she craves - notice and attention. Carry on your<br />

QSO or sign off or move to simplex, but do NOT<br />

acknowledge the crazies. Try to hear the interfering<br />

signal on the input of the repeater and determine<br />

the direction of the soUrce. DON'T TALK<br />



At the October tests our PARC VE team gave<br />

16 test elements to 11 applicants, eight of whom<br />

passed a total of 13 elements. Congratulations to<br />

Ray Miller, N6EQB, and Mark Moskowitz,<br />

KC6COD, who up-graded to Advanced. Mark<br />

also passed the 20 wpm CW element. Roy Martin,<br />

KC6BWS, is likeWIse to be congratulated for<br />

moving up to Technician.<br />

Our test crew was: KI6JM, KE6VX, and<br />

KB6NZA reception/processing; WB6R CW<br />

exams; AA6KY, WR7W, and W6YYV examiners;<br />

and paperwork by WI6B, AA60M, and K6HA V.<br />

We were dispossessed from Joslyn Senior Center<br />

and were supposed to use City Hall, but wound up<br />

in the Red Barn in a kiddies play/lunch room.<br />

Despite a late start, we were through by 12:00<br />

thanks to a very good examining team who knew<br />

what to do and got the job done in spite of the<br />

conditions and delays. de K6HA V<br />


county are conducted by the PARC VE Team,<br />

under the auspices of SANDARC-VEC at t 1<br />

Joslyn Senior Center, (behind City Hall) l~<br />

Richmar Ave., San Marcos on the second Saturday<br />

of the month at 10:00 a.m.<br />

Examinations are also given on the 1st Saturday<br />

in El Cajon, the 3rd in Normal Heights, the 4th In<br />

Chula Vista, and by EARS on the last Saturday in<br />

Escondido at Coast S&L, 1540 E. Valley Parkway.<br />

Applicants must send a SASE, a coml'leted, signed<br />

FCC Form 610 (NO PHOTO-COPIES) and copies<br />

of license(s) and Certificate(s) of Successful<br />

Completion, if any, to SANDARC-VEC, Post<br />

Office Box 2446, La Mesa, CA 92044 10 days<br />

before the test date. Bring ORIGINAL licenses<br />

and Certificates.<br />


We are saddened to report the<br />

~assing on August 16 of W6DWE.<br />

Glaude was a long-time member of<br />

the PARCo He will be missed by<br />

~ll of us who knew him. He was 86<br />

and was a ham for about 75 years.<br />


At the October club meeting, the minutes of the<br />

previous meeting and the Trea$urer's report were<br />

read and approved. A former member, N6ELP,<br />

reported on the 1990 SW Division ARRL Convention<br />

to be held in San Diego. WB6IQS reported<br />

the repeater battery heater blankets are ready to<br />

install. A working party will be required to handle<br />

the 150 lb. batteries. A "new" used commercial 2M<br />

corner reflector antenna was purchased and is<br />

being readied for the mountain top. He also told<br />

us the status of the new repeater, and of the "up<br />

one" machine, which is now on 147.130 vice<br />

147.135, and the plans for further work at the site<br />

and on the equipment. K6HA V told of the passing<br />

of Claude Kirkpatrick, W6DWE; and said the<br />

October FCC exams would be held in San Marcos<br />

City Hall instead of Joslyn Senior Center. N6KI<br />

tolo of the plans to conduct the annual equipment<br />

auction at the November meeting.<br />

Paul Williamson, KB5MU, gave a very interesting<br />

and comprehensive slide-illustrated presentation<br />

on the state of amateur radio satellites. Paul is<br />

helping in the preparation of the new all- digital<br />

micro-satellites.<br />

The tasties were courtesy of all of the goor'<br />

people who remembered and brought them and r:ry-.<br />

Mac, NH6EW who does all of the work. 72 of us<br />

attended and had a great time.<br />

Scope - November '89 Page 2

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