DEVOTIONAL GUIDE - Park Cities Baptist Church

DEVOTIONAL GUIDE - Park Cities Baptist Church

DEVOTIONAL GUIDE - Park Cities Baptist Church


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Sunday, December 18<br />

Monday, December 19<br />

When I think of the images of<br />

Christmas, I recall the night Christ was<br />

born in a stable in Bethlehem, a mere<br />

moment when history was forever<br />

changed. I wonder what was going on<br />

in Joseph’s mind hours before Christ<br />

was born.<br />

One of my favorite memories of<br />

Christmas occurred when I was a little<br />

kid. I was chosen to play Joseph in<br />

the Christmas Pageant at Little Folks<br />

Day School. I remember my best<br />

friend playing the donkey and a girl I<br />

was friends with played Mary. Other<br />

members of our class played angels<br />

and shepherds, and a plastic baby doll<br />

played Jesus.<br />

Reflecting back on my role as Joseph<br />

today, I see a different perspective of<br />

Joseph’s thoughts. My mind wonders<br />

what Joseph was thinking when all<br />

the events were taking place before<br />

him. Did he question over and over<br />

again if he could be used by God?<br />

Did he ask why me? Regardless of the<br />

questions Joseph had, he opened<br />

himself up to be used by the Lord for<br />

His glory.<br />

The lesson of Joseph making himself<br />

available to be used by God is a lesson<br />

I believe is relevant to many today.<br />

The Lord has deployed us across many<br />

spectrums of business, school and life.<br />

All we need to do is follow the actions<br />

of Joseph in that moment of<br />

uncertainty and be available for the<br />

Lord to use us. Unsure of what the<br />

cost would be, or the circumstances in<br />

life, Joseph, said “Here I am Lord, use<br />

me.” The words of Isaiah 6:8 prompt<br />

us to say: send me Lord.<br />

Verse: Then I heard the voice of the<br />

Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?<br />

And who will go for us?” And I said,<br />

“Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8<br />

For Discussion:<br />

• What areas in your life have you<br />

made unavailable to God for his use<br />

for his glory?<br />

• Do you have a limit to where God<br />

can “send you”?<br />

• How can you become more available<br />

to the use of God?<br />

Brandon Boyd is Associate Minister of<br />

Missions. Brandon and his wife,<br />

Kelsey, live in Dallas.<br />

My favorite Christmas memory is a<br />

family tradition. Every Christmas Eve<br />

my brothers and I would gather around<br />

the living room with our parents to<br />

read Luke 2. After reading the account<br />

of Jesus’ birth we would head upstairs<br />

to go to bed. Our tradition was to sleep<br />

in the same room; this was something<br />

that I took for granted until I moved<br />

away to college.<br />

Looking back, my favorite memories<br />

came from that room. We would sing<br />

Christmas songs along with the radio,<br />

wrestle, and, of course, never sleep.<br />

Now that I’m the old married brother,<br />

I miss these nights. I remember most<br />

clearly the anticipation of Christmas<br />

morning. This anticipation changed<br />

as we grew up. As kids we were<br />

anticipating gifts and presents. When<br />

we were older we anticipated the<br />

magnitude of the incarnation. Jesus,<br />

the Son of God, came for us…that is<br />

something worthy of anticipation.<br />

I am reminded of Zechariah’s<br />

prophecy in Luke 1:76-79, and the<br />

ultimate anticipation. As John would<br />

“go before the Lord to prepare his ways,<br />

to give knowledge of salvation to his<br />

people in the forgiveness of their<br />

sins.” I can’t imagine the anticipation<br />

John must have felt as he prepared the<br />

way for Jesus, ministering in his<br />

waiting. As we celebrate the birth of<br />

Jesus Christ today we are given a new<br />

anticipation, that of His return. Today<br />

the church stands tall in her anticipation<br />

for the second coming of Jesus.<br />

I love how these memories point us<br />

back to our Savior. Christmas is a<br />

celebration of the birth of Jesus and<br />

the extreme anticipation of His return.<br />

For Discussion:<br />

• How can we as a family celebrate<br />

Christmas this year in light of this<br />

extreme anticipation?<br />

• What family traditions are leading<br />

us back to Jesus and motivating us<br />

to carry His name well this<br />

Christmas season?<br />

Stephen Partrick is our Minister to<br />

College Students and Interim Young<br />

Adult Minister. He and his wife,<br />

Megan, are about to celebrate their<br />

second Christmas together.

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