Saint Anthony Mary Claret - Catholic Apologetics Information

Saint Anthony Mary Claret - Catholic Apologetics Information

Saint Anthony Mary Claret - Catholic Apologetics Information


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what those who oppose me lose; do not fail to tell them of it.''' 149<br />

254. "Once, when I was in prayer, I felt so great a joy that, since I was so unworthy of such a good,<br />

I began thinking how much more I deserved to be in the place I had seen as my lot in hell (the manner of<br />

which, as I have said, I shall never forget). At this thought my soul began to burn all the more and such a<br />

rapture of the spirit fell upon me that I cannot describe it. It seemed to me that I was immersed in and<br />

filled with that Majesty that I have known on other occasions. Within this Majesty I was given to<br />

understand a truth that is the fulfillment of all truths: I cannot say how, for I saw nothing. I was told--I<br />

could not see by whom--although I knew that it was Truth itself: 'It is no small thing that I am doing for<br />

you; it is a thing for which you are in my debt. All the ills of this world befall it from not clearly<br />

understanding the truths of Scripture, and not a jot of it will pass away.' It seemed to me that I had<br />

always believed this, as all the faithful do. 'Alas, daughter,' he told me, 'Few are they that truly love me,<br />

for if they did, I would reveal all my secrets to them. Do you know what truly loving me means? It<br />

means understanding that everything that displeases me is a lie. What you do not understand now, you<br />

shall see clearly, in the good it does your soul.''' 150<br />

255. "At this time I learned of the misfortunes in France and the havoc wrought by the Lutherans,<br />

as well as of the growth of this misguided sect. I was much aggrieved and, as though I could do anything<br />

or were a person of any consequence, I cried to the Lord and implored Him to remedy this great evil. It<br />

seemed to me that I would have laid down a thousand lives for the rescue of just one of the many souls<br />

that were being lost there. And seeing that I was but a puny woman, unable to serve God as I would (and<br />

all my care, then as now, has been to see to it that God, who has so many enemies and so few friends,<br />

should at least have good friends), I determined to do the little that was in my power, namely, to observe<br />

the evangelical counsels as perfectly as I could and see to it that the few nuns who live with me should<br />

do likewise, trusting in the great mercy of God, who unfailingly comes to the aid of all those who have<br />

determined to leave everything for his sake. I hoped that my sisters, since they were all that I might<br />

desire, would have virtue enough to resist the bad example of my faults and thus help me offer the Lord<br />

some solace, and that busying ourselves with prayers for the success of the preachers and scholars who<br />

defend the Church, we might do what we could to help this Lord of mine, who is so oppressed by those<br />

whom He has favored that it seems as if they wish to nail Him to the cross again and deprive Him of a<br />

place on which to rest his head."<br />

256. "O my Redeemer, my heart cannot dwell on this without becoming deeply troubled. What is it<br />

with these Christians nowadays? Must those who owe you the most be the very ones to grieve you? Must<br />

it always be those for whom you have worked the greatest wonders, those whom you have chosen as<br />

your friends, those in whose midst you have walked and to whom you have given yourself in the<br />

sacraments? Are they not content with the torments you have already endured for them?"<br />

257. "Surely, my Lord, those who abandon the world lose nothing. For if the world treated you so<br />

lawlessly, what should we expect? Are we, perhaps, better deserving of its esteem? Have we done it<br />

greater favors than you have to merit its friendship? What am I saying! How can we hope for more, since<br />

through the mercy of God we are not in that pesthole where the devil's minions already are? They have<br />

earned just punishment at his hands and have reaped eternal fire with their pleasures. There they must<br />

remain, although it breaks my heart to see the many souls that are lost. Were their evil not so immense, I<br />

could not stand to see more of them lost each day."<br />

258. "O my sisters in Christ, help me to pray to the Lord for this, because this is why we have come<br />

together in this place. This is your calling and these must be your occupations, your desires, your tears,<br />

and your prayers.'' 151<br />

Chapter XV<br />


149 Ibid., chap. 38, par. 3.<br />

150 Ibid.,chap.40,par. 1.<br />

151 Way of Perfection, chap. I, pars. 2-5.<br />


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