educational materials - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions

educational materials - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions

educational materials - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions


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The Science<br />

Teachers’<br />

Favourite<br />

Catalogue!<br />

secondary<br />


<strong>educational</strong> <strong>materials</strong><br />

catalogue<br />

education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Quick Index<br />

Biology .............................. 1–109<br />

Preserved Materials .....................1–23<br />

Dissection Materials ..................24–28<br />

Live Materials /<br />

Supplemental Items ..................29–49<br />

Genetics & Forensic Science ......51–61<br />

Anatomy & Physiology ..............62–81<br />

Microscopes & Slides ...............82–109<br />

Product<br />

Spotlight<br />

Earth Science ................ 110–147<br />

Space Science ............... 148–154<br />

Chemistry ..................... 155–173<br />

Physical Science ........... 174–239<br />

Nature Of Heat ......................174–175<br />

Force & Motion ......................176–187<br />

Pulleys ....................................190–191<br />

Nature Of Liquid & Gas .........192–193<br />

Density and Specific Gravity .........194<br />

Nature Of Sound ...................195–196<br />

Nature Of Light & Colour .....197–203<br />

Alternative Energy ................204–207<br />

LEGO Education/Robotics .....208–217<br />

Invention Technology............218–222<br />

Electricity & Magnetism ........223–239<br />

General Science ............ 240–253<br />

Balances & Scales ...................240–245<br />

Measurement .........................246–253<br />

Multimedia ............................298–311<br />

Lab Supplies ................. 254–296<br />

Index ............................. 312–319<br />

Horizon Renewable Energy Education Lab<br />

Grades 5-12<br />

This classroom package takes a blended learning approach to teaching green technologies with<br />

applied STEM activities throughout. Some of the activities focus on recognizing that the majority<br />

of power is produced using fossil fuels and the need for sustainable energy sources, understanding<br />

climate change, using solar panels and a wind turbine to generate electricity, building a model wind<br />

or solar farm, and understanding fuel cell technology. Includes Renewable Energy Education Set<br />

(SB46790, listed p.207 ), a renewable energy monitor for making direct solar and wind measurements,<br />

and five curriculum CDs. Requires two “AA” batteries (not included). For 4-5 students.<br />

SB48958M — $462.95<br />

PowerWheel Kit<br />

Grade 4 and up.<br />

This micro hydro generator is an amazing tool for<br />

teaching lessons about energy, hydropower, and other<br />

renewable sources of energy. Hook the PowerWheel up to<br />

a faucet or a hose, then watch it take the energy from the<br />

flowing water and convert it first into mechanical energy,<br />

then into electricity. Includes the PowerWheel, an LED<br />

light strip, a bridge rectifier, all the wiring to convert the<br />

AC output to DC for powering battery-powered devices,<br />

and a user’s manual.<br />

SB49096M — $214.15<br />

Terms & Conditions ..............319<br />

Order Form ...........................320<br />

Aldon Chemical Inventory Management System<br />

Grades 7-12<br />

Allows login to your own home page. Set up a database that helps track inventory at different<br />

locations, such as buildings or even classrooms. Easily add, modify, or delete chemical inventory<br />

items, and view information about each chemical. Data is easily accessible from any computer<br />

using a web browser, helping you reach your safety goals! Access your chemical inventory<br />

during an emergency. Add your own inventory into the database. Track all of your chemicals by<br />

building, room, and cabinet location. Find MSDS, storage codes, and more. Export your inventory<br />

data to a spreadsheet and print the inventory of any location you choose. One-year site license<br />

good for up to 20 buildings in one school district.<br />

SB49022M — $216.60

99.7% formaldehyde-free<br />

NASCO-Guard ® specimens are the industry standard for high-quality, low-cost, low-odor dissection specimens. Dissection<br />

labs become a positive experience for all students when NASCO-Guard ® odorless, nontoxic specimens are used.<br />

Formaldehyde-free specimens sold by other companies use various combinations of chemicals that increase odor levels and<br />

cost; reduce shelf life; and can make the dissection experience unpleasant for you, your students, and your budget. When<br />

requesting a Material Safety Data Sheet for formaldehyde-free specimens, do not accept the term “proprietary mixture.”<br />

Demand to know the chemicals you are being exposed to.<br />

NASCO-Guard ® specimens allow students to work unhampered by the odor and messiness associated with formaldehyde,<br />

and special ventilation is not required.<br />

the<br />

Advantage<br />

Safe to use and dispose of<br />

All specimens unconditionally guaranteed<br />

Low pricing includes shipping containers<br />

• Shelf life is guaranteed indefinitely when stored in originally sealed packaging<br />

NASCO-Guard ® specimens are collected, processed, and packaged by skilled technicians. In our Wisconsin facility, we are<br />

licensed and/or governed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States and Wisconsin Departments of Agriculture,<br />

and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. We follow all guidelines for euthanasia as listed in the Report of the<br />

American Veterinary Medical Association Panel on Euthanasia:<br />

www.avma.org. Worldwide collections are also monitored by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species<br />

(CITES): international.fws.gov/cites/cites.html. NASCO-Guard ® specimens are the best and safest money can buy. In the<br />

NASCO-Guard ® process, skilled <strong>Nasco</strong> technicians remove the formaldehyde fixative in a series of water baths, and then<br />

painstakingly perfuse the specimens with propylene glycol until tissue fluids contain at least 20% to 25% propylene glycol,<br />

from 0.00% to 0.25% formaldehyde, with the remainder water. A minimum of seven chemical tests are performed during<br />

this process to assure quality. NASCO-Guard ® specimens are biodegradable and suited for burial in an approved sanitary<br />

landfill or for incineration. Ambient fluids may be safely disposed of via city sewers.<br />

Hydra<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Phylum CnidAriA<br />

Class hydrozoA<br />

Gonionemus<br />

hydra (Hydra)<br />

Mixed. Specially selected from nature’s stocks.<br />

Relaxed, expanded, and correctly preserved. Sold<br />

as a mixed unit of plain and budding. Unit of 10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

LS01276M — $9.55 unit<br />

10 or more units — $9.26 unit<br />

Physalia (Physalia)<br />

Portuguese man-of-war. A floating, complex colony.<br />

Used to demonstrate polymorphism. Sizing as<br />

available. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03529M — $11.90<br />

Gonionemus (Gonionemus)<br />

The best hydroid medusae for class study.<br />

Large specimens. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

LS01273M — $3.60 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.49 ea.<br />

SinGle inJeCtion<br />

•Arteries injected with red<br />

latex.<br />

Phylum CtenoPhorA<br />

Sea Walnut (Pleurobrachia)<br />

These comb jellies are gelatinous<br />

marine predators that have more cell<br />

types and organs than sponges. Large.<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

LS02392M — $16.10 unit<br />

Class tremAtodA<br />

Sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica)<br />

Sh. wt. 1.42 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01283M — $3.55 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

Class nemAtodA<br />

Pig roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) Sh.<br />

wt. 0.14 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01071M — $16.65 unit<br />

10 or more — $16.15 unit<br />

dog tapeworm<br />

(Taenia pisiformis)<br />

Complete worms, scolex through<br />

mature proglottids. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

LS03564M — $11.65<br />

double inJeCtion<br />

•Arteries injected with red latex.<br />

•Veins injected with blue latex.<br />

triPle inJeCtion<br />

•Arteries injected with red latex.<br />

•Veins injected with blue latex.<br />

•Hepatic portal system injected<br />

with yellow latex.<br />

Phylum PlAtyhelmintheS<br />

Class turbellArlA<br />

Planaria<br />

Planaria (Dugesia sp.)<br />

Large size. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

LS01286M — $8.35 unit<br />

10 or more — $8.10 unit<br />

Phylum PoriferA<br />

Class CAlCAreA<br />

Grantia (Scypha)<br />

Simple sponge, ½"—¾" (1.3—2 cm).<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

LS01269M — $17.00 unit<br />

10 or more — $16.49 unit<br />

Class CeStodA<br />

dog tapeworm<br />

(Dipylidium caninum)<br />

One of the most common<br />

internal parasites of dogs<br />

and cats. Species has two sets of reproductive organs.<br />

Complete with scolex. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

LS03594M — $7.45<br />

Class SCyPhozoA<br />

Jellyfish (Aurelia)<br />

Medium. 5-7.5 cm.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS03614M — $3.60 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.49 ea.<br />

100 or more — $3.42 ea.<br />

Large. 7.5-10 cm. Sh. wt. 0.37 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01272M — $4.80 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.66 ea.<br />

100 or more — $4.56 ea.<br />

Class AnthozoA<br />

Coral, northern<br />

(Astrangia sp.)<br />

Preserved, pieces with<br />

expanded polyps; typical<br />

zooantherian. Unit of 10 pcs.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

LS03458M — $11.05 unit<br />

Pig<br />

roundworm<br />

display<br />

Beautifully<br />

preserved, real<br />

specimens<br />

embedded in clear<br />

acrylic. Specimens<br />

are numbered,<br />

and the included key card indicates which is female<br />

and which is male. Measures 6-3⁄8" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB48349M — $85.65<br />

Plathyhelminthes<br />

(Flatworm) Comparison<br />

One each adult sheep liver<br />

fluke (Fasciola hepatica), and<br />

freshwater planarian (Dugesia<br />

sp.). One composite (scolex,<br />

immature and gravid proglottids)<br />

of the sheep and dog<br />

tapeworms (Moniezia expansa<br />

and Dipylidium sp.). All stained<br />

and cleared. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07220M — $63.70<br />

Coelenterate Comparison<br />

One each medusa (Gonionemus sp.),<br />

jelIyfish (Aurelia sp.), sea anemone<br />

(Metridium sp.), one representative<br />

piece of a hydroid (Obelia sp.), hard<br />

coral, and sea fan. All stained and<br />

cleared. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07219M — $38.05<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Porifera (Sponge)<br />

Comparison<br />

One representative size<br />

piece of commercial sponge<br />

(Hippospongia sp.), simple<br />

sponge (Leucosolenia sp.),<br />

finger sponge (Chalina<br />

sp.), freshwater sponge<br />

(Spongilla sp.), and one large<br />

specimen of a sycon sponge (Grantia<br />

or Rhabdodermella sp.).<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07218M — $38.05<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Phylum molluSCA<br />

Class CePhAloPodA<br />

octopus<br />

(Octopus bairdi)<br />

Small 2”—5" (5—12 cm).<br />

Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

LS01303M — $14.60 ea.<br />

10 or more — $14.16 ea.<br />


Class PeleCyPodA<br />

Clam Classroom Pack Special<br />

Order 30 Clams (10-12.5 cm, LS01083M) and 1 set of 15 Clam<br />

Dissection Guides (SB07320M) and NASCO will supply an additional<br />

set of 15 Clam Dissection Guides FREE! Save $10.75 and<br />

allow each student to have their own dissection guide. Must be<br />

ordered by catalogue number LS03718M to receive special<br />

classroom pack price. Sh. wt. 4.54 kgs.<br />

LS03718M<br />

<strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $94.55 pack<br />

30 Clams and Dissection Guides<br />

LS02416M<br />

Class PeleCyPodA<br />

marine Pelecypods<br />

Marine Quahog (Venus mercenaria)<br />

Thick-shelled marine clam.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.55 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS02416M — $3.35 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.25 ea.<br />

100 or more — $3.18 ea.<br />

Blue Saltwater Mussel (Mytilus)<br />

5—7.5 cm mussels. Unit of 10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03554M — $17.85 unit<br />

Class CePhAlPodA<br />

Class GAStroPodA<br />

land Snail (Helix)<br />

Large, extended. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS01301M — $15.80 unit<br />

freshwater Clams (Unio or Anodonta)<br />

10—12.5 cm. Sh. wt. 1.13 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01083M — $3.55 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.44; 100 or more — $3.37<br />

7.5—10 cm. Sh. wt. 0.85 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS03464M — $2.90 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.81 ; 100 or more — $2.76<br />

LS03554M<br />

ocean Sponge Set<br />

Explore the phylum Porifera<br />

with this selection of sponges.<br />

Among the simplest forms<br />

of life in the animal kingdom,<br />

sponges are colonial organisms<br />

that exhibit an impressive<br />

and beautiful array of<br />

forms. Set includes a selection<br />

of five sponges that highlight<br />

their diversity. Specimens<br />

include “finger” and “silk” forms, plus selection of “grass”<br />

and “wool” (commercial) forms, as available. Sizes range<br />

from about 1½" to 6" in length. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB39030M — $14.25<br />

large<br />

Seashell mix<br />

A bouquet from<br />

the sea! Explore the<br />

depths of ocean life<br />

with this fun and<br />

<strong>educational</strong> kit. Mix is<br />

a 1 kg (2.20-lb.) assortment<br />

of popular 2"-4"<br />

shells in a rainbow<br />

of natural colours<br />

of shapes. Limited<br />

replacement warranty (rare breakage). Photo shows only a<br />

portion of the mix. Grade 1 and up. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />

SB40944M — $26.85<br />

mollusca<br />

Comparison<br />

One mature specimen<br />

of edible snail (Helix<br />

sp.), Chiton (species as<br />

available), marine mussel<br />

(Mytilus sp.), squid (Loligo<br />

sp.), and the limpet.<br />

(Includes animal and<br />

shell). Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs.<br />

SB07225M — $39.00<br />

marine Clam dissection<br />

Examine the anatomy of the marine clam without<br />

conducting the dissection yourself. An opened marine<br />

clam specimen is encased in clear acrylic. Eleven parts<br />

are clearly labeled, including excurrent siphon, incurrent<br />

siphon, anus, posterior adductor muscle, heart, visceral<br />

mass, anterior adductor muscle, mouth, foot, mantle, and<br />

gill. Block measures 4-1⁄4" x 3-3⁄8". Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB48348M — $97.30<br />

Squid (Loligo)<br />

10 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS01302M 30—40 cm Plain 3.12 kgs./10 $7.90 $7.66<br />

LS02420M 30—40 cm Single 4.82 kgs./10 $10.15 $9.85<br />

LS02421M 20—30 cm Plain 2.55 kgs./10 $5.95 $5.77<br />

LS02422M 20—30 cm Single 1.99 kgs./10 $7.45 $7.23<br />

LS03574M 12.5—20 cm Plain 1.42 kgs./10 $3.55 $3.44<br />

2<br />

An illustrated<br />

dissection Guide<br />

to the Squid<br />

Covers the complete dissection,<br />

relationships among organisms,<br />

and functions of the structures.<br />

11 detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42377M — $9.95 ea.<br />

5 or more — $9.65 ea.<br />

10 or more — $9.45 ea.<br />

An illustrated dissection<br />

Guide to the Clam<br />

Covers the complete dissection,<br />

relationships among organisms,<br />

and functions of the structures.<br />

Seven detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42380M — $8.40 ea.<br />

5 or more — $8.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $7.98 ea.<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Coral Collection<br />

The six beautiful<br />

specimens in this<br />

set will give your<br />

students hands-on<br />

exposure to hard and<br />

soft corals. The stony<br />

coral samples include<br />

complete specimens<br />

of mushroom, rose,<br />

and brain corals<br />

and branches of<br />

brownstem and elk<br />

coral. The soft corals<br />

are represented by Atlantic sea fan. All specimens come<br />

housed in a 12" x 11" x 4" box with a labeled sample<br />

image on the lid for identification. Actual specimens may<br />

occasionally vary with availability. Sh. wt. 3.31 lbs.<br />

SB44538M — $55.65

Phylum AnnelidA<br />

Class oliGoChAetA<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris)<br />

Plain earthworms are the standard for the industry for dissection by beginning as well<br />

as advanced students. With latex-injected earthworms, students can easily trace the<br />

circulatory system identified with coloured latex.<br />

10 or More<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Price Price<br />

LS02407M 20—25 cm Plain 1.70 kgs./10 $8.05/Unit of 10 $7.81/Unit of 10<br />

LS01081M 20—25 cm Single 0.85 kgs./10 $6.85 /Ea. $6.64 /Ea.<br />

earthworm dissection<br />

Detail this annelid’s anatomy by highlighting terms including prostomium, clitellum,<br />

setae, cuticle, and nephridia. Reproduction, including seminal receptacles,<br />

and hermaphrodite, and described. 10 minutes. Middle school through college.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB46053M DVD — $71.35<br />

Class hirudineA<br />

large leech (Haemopis grandis)<br />

Large, plain injected and extended. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS02409M — $15.45 unit<br />

Class PolyChAetA<br />

Sandworm/<br />

Clam Worm (Nereis)<br />

Large, 8" (20 cm) and over.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.85 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01292M — $2.70 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.62 ea.<br />

100 or more — $2.57 ea.<br />

Worm dissection Cd-rom<br />

Study how an earthworm’s body works in a whole new way! Videos, photos,<br />

detailed diagrams, and narration capture the dissection experience without all<br />

the smell and mess. View detailed descriptions and video of the external anatomy<br />

and internal organs. Learn important terms and basic dissection techniques,<br />

including how to care for and use dissection tools safely. CD-ROM also covers<br />

size, habitat, diet, and life cycle of worms. Grade 4 and up. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48137M— $23.75<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows® XP/Vista/7, 16 MB RAM (24 MB recommended),<br />

2X CD-ROM drive (4X recommended).<br />

SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />


earthworm<br />

Classroom<br />

Pack Special<br />

Order 3 units of 10 earthworms<br />

(20-25 cm, LS02407M) and 1 set of<br />

15 Earthworm Dissection Guides<br />

(SB07316M) and NASCO will supply<br />

an additional set of 15 Earthworm<br />

Dissection Guides FREE! Allow each student<br />

to have their own dissection guide.<br />

Must be ordered by catalogue number<br />

LS03719M to receive special classroom pack price. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

LS03719M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $34.75 pack<br />

30 Earthworms and Dissection guides<br />

earthworm<br />

Classroom<br />

Pack deluxe<br />

The same great deal as (LS03719M) but includes<br />

30 9¼" x 11¼" disposable dissection trays<br />

(SB41945M).<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

LS03719(A)M — $47.25<br />

earthworm<br />

dissection Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 13.75 x 21.25 cm guide designed<br />

for grades 6-10. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07316M — $12.70 set<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

An illustrated dissection Guide<br />

to the earthworm<br />

Covers the complete dissection, relationships<br />

among organisms, and functions of the structures.<br />

Three detailed illustrations. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42379M — $8.40 ea.<br />

5 or more — $8.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $7.98 ea.<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

An illustrated dissection<br />

Guide to the Crayfish<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost dissection guide is affordable<br />

enough that each student in the classroom can have<br />

their own copy. Covers the complete dissection, relationships<br />

among organisms, and functions of the structures.<br />

Four detailed illustrations. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42381M — $8.40 ea.<br />

5 or more — $8.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $7.98 ea.<br />

Phylum ArthroPodA<br />

SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />


Crayfish Classroom Pack Special<br />

Order 30 Crayfish (10-15 cm, LS01314M) and 1 set of 15<br />

Crayfish Dissection Guides (SB07315M) and NASCO will<br />

supply an additional set of 15 Crayfish Dissection Guides<br />

FREE! Save $9.85 and allow each student to have their own dissection<br />

guide. Must be ordered by catalogue number LS03720M to receive special<br />

classroom pack price. Sh. wt. 2.27 kgs.<br />

LS03720M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $44.60 pack<br />

30 Crayfish and Dissection Guides<br />

SubPhylum CruStACeA<br />

Crayfish (Cambarus)<br />

10 or more, 100 or more,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS01314M 10—15 cm Plain 0.57 kgs./10 $1.25 $1.21 $1.19<br />

LS02428M 10—15 cm Single 0.57 kgs./10 $1.65 $1.60 $1.57<br />

LS02952M 7.5—10 cm Plain 1.13 kgs./10 $1.05 $1.02 $1.00<br />

Class CirriPediA<br />

fiddler Crab (Uca sp.)<br />

Preserved. Males exhibit one large cheliped.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

LS03467M — $2.70 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.62 ea.<br />

Class ArAChnidA<br />

Goose barnacle (Lepas)<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS02630M — $14.30 unit<br />

SubPhylum myriAPodA<br />

Class ChilPodA<br />

Class diPloPodA<br />

tarantula<br />

Sh. wt. 2.55 kgs. per 10.<br />

LS01335M — $10.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $9.85 ea.<br />

Garden Spider (Argiope)<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS02438M — $14.25 unit<br />

Centipede (Scolopendra sp.)<br />

Southern. Preserved, medium<br />

to large size. Unit of 10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03471M — $38.10 unit<br />

millipede (Spirobolus sp.)<br />

Large size. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03472M — $30.65 unit<br />

millipede, northern<br />

(Julus sp.) Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

LS03696M — $21.45 unit<br />

Scorpion<br />

Large. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

LS01336M — $4.50 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.37 ea.<br />

Crayfish dissection<br />

Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 13.8 x 21.25<br />

cm guide for grades 6—10.<br />

Set of 15. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07315M — $12.70 set<br />

4<br />

Arachnida Comparison<br />

One mature specimen each of scorpion<br />

(Centrurus sp.), garden spider (Argiope<br />

sp.), pseudoscorpion, tick (species as<br />

available), and horseshoe crab (Limulus<br />

sp).<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07223(A)M — $41.40<br />

life Cycle of Silkworm display<br />

Explore the entire life cycle of the silkworm.<br />

A specimen at each stage of development is<br />

encased in clear acrylic, along with male and<br />

female adults, a mulberry leaf, and an example<br />

of the silk they create. Each stage is numbered<br />

and referenced to an enclosed key card. 6-1⁄2"<br />

x 3". Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB48347M — $49.95<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

life Cycle of the honey bee<br />

The life of the bee is invitingly encapsulated in this hard<br />

plastic display, making it easy to get an up-close look from<br />

all angles. Features 12 representations of the honey bee:<br />

egg, larva, pupa, adult (worker), adult (drone), adult (queen),<br />

the base of the nest, worker comb, queen comb, bee pollen,<br />

honey, and wax. Honey is even free flowing within a vial!<br />

Comes packaged in a sturdy, cushioned case. Block measures<br />

6½" L x 3 1 ⁄8" H x 5 ⁄8" D. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB45598M — $52.35

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Specimen mount Sets<br />

Each specimen is encased in an indestructible,<br />

transparent acrylic block. An ideal learning aid<br />

for students. Specimen sets come in a tough,<br />

latched carrying cases.<br />

30-Piece Specimen Mount Set. Includes:<br />

spider, Chinese shrimp, silkworm, crab, cricket,<br />

cockroach, stag beetle, onion fly, long-horned<br />

beetle, antler-horned beetle, ant, wood tiger<br />

beetle, green tiger beetle, mole cricket, scorpion,<br />

shield bug, cicada, dragonfly, rhinoceros<br />

beetle, dung beetle, giant hornet wasp, paper<br />

wasp, monarch, honey bee, grasshopper, bamboo<br />

weevil, gray weevil, lady bug, great diving<br />

beetle, and chafer beetle. Sh. wt. 9.31 lbs.<br />

SB41189M — $470.05 set<br />

Set A<br />

16-Piece Specimen Mount Set. Includes:<br />

cricket, chafer beetle, monarch, dragonfly,<br />

cicada, shield bug, long-horned beetle, ant, silkworm,<br />

onion fly, giant hornet wasp, cockroach,<br />

praying mantis, grasshopper, walking stick, and<br />

spider. Sh. wt. 9.31 lbs.<br />

SB41190M — $279.10 set<br />

Set B<br />

SB48191M<br />

SB48192M<br />

SB48193M<br />

insect Specimen<br />

blocks<br />

Preserved specimens are encased in clear resin blocks with a scientific name tag to identify the insect. Each set<br />

includes 10 insects. Grades K-12.<br />

Insect Orders. Features representatives of 10 different insect orders. Includes chafer beetle, cicada, monarch butterfly,<br />

dragonfly, onion fly, cricket, honey bee, cockroach, shield bug, and praying mantis. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />

SB48191M — $118.45<br />

Insect Foes. Features insects that can be viewed as potentially harmful. Includes weevil, grasshopper, antler<br />

horned beetle, Asian longhorned beetle, onion fly, stag beetle, mole cricket, cockroach, shield bug, and chafer<br />

beetle. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />

SB48192M — $82.15<br />

Insect Friends. Features insects that can be viewed as potentially beneficial. Includes silkworm, dragonfly, dung<br />

beetle, praying mantis, honeybee, ladybug, great diving beetle, green tiger beetle, wasp, and beetle. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />

SB48193M — $91.05<br />

Assorted bug block Sets<br />

These unique specimens are enclosed in clear acrylic.<br />

Each specimen 3.1 x 4.4 cm. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

Set A. Includes: cricket, locust, yellow leaf beetle, crab.<br />

SB41153M — $13.55 set<br />

Set B. Includes: scorpion, giant ant, wasp, flower bug.<br />

SB41154M — $13.55<br />

set<br />

moth Caterpillar Comparison display<br />

Show students how diverse caterpillars can be in colour,<br />

size, and shape. Six different moth species are clearly<br />

labeled in this 6¼" x 5¼" display. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB47068M — $71.35<br />

dragonfly life Cycle<br />

This kit looks at the life cycle of the dragonfly. Specimens<br />

are preserved and encased in clear resin material.<br />

Observe from every side to see details. Includes one<br />

specimen block of eggs, two specimen blocks from the<br />

nymph stage, one specimen block containing an adult<br />

dragonfly, teacher information guide, fact sheet, student<br />

activity sheet, and answer key, all contained in a 7-3⁄4" x<br />

7-3⁄4" x 1-1⁄4" box. One specimen block is 3" x 3" x 1"; the<br />

other three are 1-1⁄8" x 1-3⁄4" x 3⁄4".<br />

SB48947M — $47.55<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

resin Casting<br />

Specimen mount Kit<br />

Includes one 4-oz. mold release, one<br />

rectangle mold, one dome mold, and<br />

32-oz. of clear casting resin.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />

9726894M — $54.70<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Grasshoppers<br />

NASCO’s Romalea are the standard in the industry. No<br />

second grade specimens are packed, and both sexes<br />

are represented in each shipment.<br />

Phylum ArthroPodA<br />

Class inSeCtA<br />

lubber Grasshopper (Romalea microptera).<br />

Large, preservative injected. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS01319M — $6.85 unit; 10 or more — $6.64 unit<br />

lubber Grasshopper (Romalea microptera).<br />

Large, tracheal system latex colour injected w/yellow latex.<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS02440M — $10.15 unit; 10 or more — $9.85 unit<br />

lubber Grasshopper (Brachystola magna).<br />

Large preservative injected. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03477M — $4.80 unit; 10 or more — $4.66 unit<br />


Grasshopper Classroom Pack Special<br />

Order 3 units of 10 Grasshoppers (LS01319M) and 1 set of 15 Grasshopper Dissection Guides (SB07317M) and NASCO<br />

will supply an additional set of 15 Grasshopper Dissection Guides FREE! Allow each student to have their own dissection<br />

guide. Must be ordered by catalogue number LS03721M to receive special classroom pack price. Sh. wt.<br />

1.36 kgs.<br />

LS03721M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $31.20 pack<br />

30 Grasshoppers and Dissection Guides<br />

hissing Cockroaches<br />

Hissing cockroaches preserved in a plastic pouch. Safe to<br />

handle and examine. Package of 10. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

LS03816M — $22.05<br />

insect metamorphosis Set<br />

Gradual, incomplete, and complete insect metamorphosis is<br />

shown in this 8" x 12" riker mount. Each of the specimens is<br />

fully labeled and mounted behind glass. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB10435M — $53.85<br />

Aquatic insects riker display<br />

This collection of 21 common specimens illustrates a variety<br />

of larval and adult stages. Specimens include the black fly,<br />

mayfly, damselfly, caddis fly, dragonfly, shore fly, and mosquito.<br />

Perfect for studies of aquatic ecosystems and insect<br />

life-cycles. 12" x 8". Sh. wt. 0.99 kgs.<br />

SB39214M — $92.80<br />

Grasshopper<br />

dissection Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 5½" x<br />

8½" guide designed for<br />

grades 6-10. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07317M — $12.70<br />

Grasshopper life Cycle Specimen mount<br />

Eight stages in the grasshopper's life cycle are represented<br />

in this clear acrylic embedment. Each stage is<br />

numbered and referenced to an enclosed key card.<br />

6½" x 3". Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />

SB42039M — $54.45<br />

6<br />

What’s an insect? Specimen mounts<br />

Discover the differences between insects and other<br />

Arthropods. Beautifully preserved, real specimens<br />

embedded in clear acrylic. Each set comes in a padded<br />

storage case with an information card. Six-specimen set<br />

includes: ant, wasp, beetle, scorpion, spider, and crab.<br />

Large specimens measure 1½” x 3”. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />

SB42036M — $71.35 ea.<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

echinoderm Comparison<br />

Mature specimens of the following:<br />

starfish (Asterias sp.), brittle star<br />

(Ophioderma sp.), sea cucumber<br />

(Thyone or Cucumaria sp.), sand<br />

dollar (Echinarachnius sp.), and sea<br />

urchin (species as available). Sh. wt.<br />

0.31 kgs.<br />

SB07226M — $41.65

Soft & eASy<br />

to diSSeCt!<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Phylum eChinodermAtA<br />

Class ASteroideA<br />

Starfish (Asterias)<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

Sh. wt. More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Per 10 Each Each Each<br />

LS03751M 20 cm+ Plain 1.99 kgs. $4.50 $4.37 $4.28<br />

LS01074M 15—20 cm Plain 1.42 kgs. $2.15 $2.09 $2.04<br />

LS02400M 15—20 cm Single 2.27 kgs. $6.70 $6.50 $6.37<br />

LS01073M 12.5—15 cm Plain 1.70 kgs. $2.10 $2.04 $2.00<br />

LS01075M 12.5—15 cm Single 1.70 kgs. $5.70 $5.53 $5.42<br />

LS01305M 7.5—12.5 cm Plain 1.42 kgs. $1.50 $1.46 $1.43<br />


SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />

Starfish Classroom Pack<br />

Special<br />

Order 30 Starfish (12.5—15 cm,<br />

LS01073M) and 1 set of 15 Starfish Dissection Guides<br />

(SB07314M) and NASCO will supply an additional set<br />

of 15 Starfish Dissection Guides FREE! Save $13.45 and<br />

allow each student to have their own dissection guide.<br />

Must be ordered by catalogue number LS03722M to<br />

receive special classroom pack price. Sh. wt. 6.80 kgs.<br />

LS03722M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $55.30 pack<br />

30 Starfish and Dissection Guides<br />

Phylum ChordAtA<br />

Class CePhAlASPidomorPhi<br />

Phylum ChordAtA<br />

SubPhylum CePhAloChordAtA<br />

Phylum ChordAtA<br />

SubPhylum uroChordAtA<br />

lampreys<br />

(Petromyzon or Entosphenus)<br />

Plain. 18" (46+ cm). Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs. each.<br />

LS02460M — $9.25 ea.;<br />

10 or more — $8.97ea.<br />

Single injected, large.<br />

18" (46+ cm). Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs. each.<br />

LS03744M — $9.85 ea.<br />

Double injected, large.<br />

18" (46+ cm). Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs. each.<br />

LS02465M — $12.50 ea.;<br />

10 or more — $12.13 ea.<br />

Plain, small. Under 18" (46 cm). Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

LS03697M — $7.75 ea.; 10 or more — $7.52 ea.<br />

Class eChinoideA<br />

Amphioxus (Amphioxus)<br />

Adults selected with gonads. Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS01342M — $12.50 unit<br />

10 or more — $12.13 unit<br />

An illustrated dissection<br />

Guide to the Starfish<br />

Covers the complete dissection, relationships<br />

among organisms, and functions<br />

of the structures. Four detailed<br />

illustrations. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42630M — $8.40 ea.<br />

5 or more — $8.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $7.98 ea.<br />

An illustrated dissection<br />

Guide to the lamprey<br />

Covers the complete dissection,<br />

relationships among organisms,<br />

and functions of the structures.<br />

Six detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />

SB42629M — $11.45 ea.<br />

5 or more —<br />

$11.11 ea.<br />

10 or more —<br />

$10.88 ea.<br />

Sea Squirt (Molgula)<br />

Required for the general introduction<br />

of chordates.<br />

Unit of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS01340M — $15.80 unit<br />

Starfish dissection dVd<br />

Discusses the feeding, life span, phylum, function of the<br />

madreporite, tube feet, ambulacral groove, and radial<br />

canals. Also identifies male and female. 9 minutes. Middle<br />

school through college. Copyright 1989. Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs.<br />

SB44716M DVD — $70.25<br />

Starfish dissection Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 5½" x 8½" guide<br />

designed for grades 6—10. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB07314M — $12.70 set<br />

Class oPhiuroideA<br />

Class holothuroideA<br />

Green Sea urchin<br />

(Strongylocentrotus sp.)<br />

Large. 2" (5 cm) average.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs. each.<br />

LS02405M — $2.40 ea.;<br />

10 or more — $2.33 ea.<br />

Purple Sea urchin<br />

(Arbacia)<br />

Large. 2" (5 cm) average.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs. each.<br />

LS01311M — $3.00 ea.;<br />

10 or more — $2.91 ea.<br />

brittle Star<br />

2"—4" (5—10 cm). Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs. each.<br />

LS01308M — $5.10 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.95 ea.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria sp.)<br />

4"—6" (10—15 cm). Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs. each.<br />

LS03479M — $4.20 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.07 ea.<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Phylum Chordata<br />

Subphylum vertebrata<br />

Class Amphibia<br />

Preserved frogs supplied by NASCO come from a collecting area that has been renewing its population over the past 28 years<br />

because of habitat improvement by man. NASCO does not supply frogs for dissection from collecting areas that might be in danger<br />

of population depletion.<br />

Grass frogs (Rana sp.)<br />

10 or more, 100 or more,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Per 10 Each Each Each<br />

LS03712M 11.25—13.8 cm Plain 1.99 kgs. $8.85 $8.58 $8.41<br />

LS03713M 11.25—13.8 cm Single 2.27 kgs. $9.65 $9.36 $9.17<br />

LS03714M 11.25—13.8 cm Double 2.27 kgs. $10.45 $10.14 $9.93<br />

LS03715M 11.25—13.8 cm Triple 2.27 kgs. $11.35 $11.01 $10.78<br />

LS02492M 10—11.25 cm Plain 2.27 kgs. $5.90 $5.72 $5.61<br />

LS02494M 10—11.25 cm Single 1.42 kgs. $7.10 $6.89 $6.75<br />

LS02496M 10—11.25 cm Double 1.70 kgs. $8.30 $8.05 $7.89<br />

LS02497M 10—11.25 cm Triple 1.99 kgs. $8.65 $8.39 $8.22<br />

LS01373M 7.5—10 cm Plain 1.42 kgs. $3.85 $3.73 $3.66<br />

LS02493M 7.5—10 cm Single 1.13 kgs. $5.10 $4.95 $4.85<br />

LS02495M 7.5—10 cm Double 1.13 kgs. $5.95 $5.77 $5.65<br />


SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />

froG ClASS<br />

PACK SPeCiAl<br />

Includes 30 frogs (4"—5",<br />

LS02492M) and 1 set of 15 Frog Dissection<br />

Guides (SB10258M). NASCO will supply an<br />

additional set of 15 Frog Dissection Guides<br />

FREE! Save $7.95 and allow each student to<br />

have their own dissection guide. Must be<br />

ordered by catalogue number LS03724M to<br />

receive special class pack price. Sh. wt. 15 lbs.<br />

LS03724M<br />

<strong>SPECTRUM</strong> PRICE $162.40 pack<br />

frog Classroom<br />

Pack deluxe<br />

The same great deal as above (LS03724M)<br />

but also includes 30 9¼” x 11¼” disposable<br />

Dissection Trays (SB41945M). Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

LS03724(A)M — $174.90<br />

frog development display<br />

Eight stages in the frog’s life cycle are<br />

represented in this clear acrylic<br />

embedment. Each stage is numbered<br />

and referenced to an enclosed key<br />

card. Stages range from the<br />

one cell stage, through various tadpole<br />

stages, and conclude with a<br />

froglet. 5-3⁄8" x 2-1⁄2".<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB48215M — $53.55<br />

frog development<br />

Includes the following<br />

stages: several eggs, three<br />

sizes of tadpoles (including<br />

2-leg tadpole and 4-leg<br />

tadpole), and a young adult<br />

frog. Species as available. Sh.<br />

wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

SB07230M — $43.45<br />

bioQuest ® frog development<br />

Study Kit<br />

Students can clearly see the<br />

adult frogs and their embryos<br />

in the viewing cavities from<br />

the blastula stage to the<br />

emergence of fully developed<br />

young frogs. Eight<br />

stages of embryo development<br />

plus adult male and<br />

female frogs can be safely<br />

and conveniently viewed<br />

and handled in a specially<br />

developed plastic<br />

display tray. Kit includes<br />

10-cavity plastic display<br />

tray, one frog embryo<br />

development chart, teacher’s<br />

guide, and reproducible student activity<br />

sheets. Sh. wt. 2.72 kgs.<br />

LS03728M — $116.65 kit<br />

frog dissection<br />

Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 5½" x 8½"<br />

guide designed for grades<br />

6—10. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB10258M — $12.70 set<br />

frog dissection mat<br />

Allows the student to follow the directions for a complete dissection without the worry<br />

of damaging books or paper. A complete frog dissection is printed directly on this 9¾"<br />

x 16" polyvinyl mat. Resistant to spills, it is easily cleaned with a sponge or paper towel.<br />

More durable than laminated paper, this mat will last for many lab sessions. Middle<br />

school and up. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB32577M — $10.40<br />

8<br />

frog Aprons<br />

There’s a frog on my apron!<br />

Protect student clothing<br />

from chemicals and other<br />

debris with these anatomically<br />

correct, heavyweight<br />

disposable aprons. Aprons<br />

encourage students to enjoy<br />

themselves while learning<br />

frog anatomy. Made of 3<br />

mil Polyethylene. Perforated<br />

roll of 100.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.18 kgs.<br />

SB32571M — $91.60<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

An illustrated dissection<br />

Guide to the frog<br />

Covers the complete dissection,<br />

relationships among organisms,<br />

and functions of the structures. 14<br />

detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42376M — $9.95 ea<br />

5 or more — $9.65 ea.<br />

10 or more — $9.45 ea.

Bullfrogs (Rana sp.)<br />

10 or more, 100 or more,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS02503M 15—17.5 cm Plain 0.65 kgs. ea. $15.50 $15.04 $14.73<br />

LS01362M 15—17.5 cm Single 0.91 kgs. ea. $17.30 $16.78 $16.44<br />

LS01363M 15—17.5 cm Double 0.65 kgs. ea. $19.35 $18.77 $18.38<br />

LS02509M 15—17.5 cm Triple 0.91 kgs. ea. $21.45 $20.81 $20.38<br />

LS02502M 12.5—15 cm Plain 0.43 kgs. ea. $12.80 $12.42 $12.16<br />

LS01365M 12.5—15 cm Single 0.48 kgs. ea. $14.90 $14.45 $14.16<br />

LS01366M 12.5—15 cm Double 0.43 kgs. ea. $16.70 $16.20 $15.87<br />

LS02508M 12.5—15 cm Triple 0.48 kgs. ea. $18.15 $17.61 $17.24<br />


SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />

Bullfrog Classroom<br />

Pack Special<br />

Order 30 bullfrogs (LS03167M) and 1<br />

set of 15 Frog Dissection Guides (SB10258M), listed<br />

on page 8 and NASCO will supply an additional set<br />

of 15 Frog Dissection Guides FREE! Save $11.45 and<br />

allow each student to have their own dissection guide.<br />

Must be ordered by catalogue number LS03824M<br />

to receive special classroom pack price. 4"—5"<br />

Bullfrog Classroom Pack. Sh. wt. 11.31 kgs.<br />

LS03824M<br />

<strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $349.85 pack<br />

30 bullfrogs and Dissection Guides<br />

An Alternative to the Grass Frog!<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Photo Manual and<br />

Dissection Guide to the Frog<br />

This book guides the student through the study of anatomical<br />

structures using clearly marked photographs and<br />

illustrations. Accompanying text offers the student both<br />

easy-to-follow dissection instructions and factual information<br />

about the section under observation. Tests at the end<br />

of each chapter can be used for self-study or for grade<br />

course evaluation. 88 pages. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB42228M — $21.40<br />

Frog Dissection CD-ROM<br />

Study how a frog’s body works in a whole new way!<br />

Videos, photos, detailed diagrams, and narration capture<br />

the dissection experience without all the smell and mess.<br />

View detailed descriptions and video of the external<br />

anatomy and internal organs. Learn important terms and<br />

basic dissection techniques, including how to care for<br />

and use dissection tools safely. CD-ROM also covers size,<br />

habitat, diet, and life cycle of frogs. Grade 4 and up. Sh. wt.<br />

0.25 lbs.<br />

SB48138M — $23.75<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows® XP/Vista/7, 16 MB<br />

RAM (24 MB recommended), 2X CD-ROM drive (4X recommended).<br />

BioQuest ® Pro-Sect Bullfrog<br />

Observe a frog without dissection. Pro-Sect system<br />

displays a partially dissected, 10—12.5 cm bullfrog to<br />

study the anatomy. Bullfrog is displayed in a transparent,<br />

safe-to-handle, liquid-filled, plastic tray that is molded and<br />

sealed. Internal organs such as the liver, heart, veins and<br />

arteries have been injected with coloured latex to identify<br />

circulatory function. Includes comprehensive study guide.<br />

Internal organs are identified on transparent overlay for<br />

study or testing purposes. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

LS03742M — $148.75<br />

Dorsal Side<br />

Mud Puppy (Necturus maculosus)<br />

NASCO maintains its own collection system for Necturus to ensure the supply of both living and preserved specimens. Our<br />

processing plant supplies the needs of most other biological supply companies as well as our own; but odorless NASCO-<br />

Guard ® Necturus are available only from NASCO. This unique amphibian is available plain or injected, and NASCO’s prices are<br />

the lowest in the industry. Double-injected Necturus have red latex injected into the arterial system, and blue latex injected<br />

into the venous system. In triple-injected Necturus, yellow latex displaces the blue latex in the portal system.<br />

10 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS02486M 25—35 cm Plain 0.34 kgs. $6.55 $6.35<br />

LS01358M 25—35 cm Single 0.34 kgs. $8.65 $8.39<br />

LS01359M 25—35 cm Double 0.34 kgs. $10.45 $10.14<br />

LS02487M 25—35 cm Triple 0.34 kgs. $11.65 $11.30<br />

LS01357M 20—25 cm Plain 0.29 kgs. $5.95 $5.77<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Ventral Side<br />

Frog Anatomical Model<br />

Finely detailed, 15½" H x 12½" W x 6" D model with<br />

anatomical structures numbered on both the dorsal and<br />

ventral sides. A total of 98 structures are numbered and<br />

referenced in keys on the two-sided base. A wonderful<br />

addition to any science or biology classroom.<br />

Sh. wt. 17 lbs.<br />

SB45817M — $158.60<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Dogfish Shark<br />

(Squalus)<br />

All dogfish specimens are embalmed<br />

through caudal artery under pressure.<br />

Double-injected dogfish have red latex injected into arterial system, and yellow latex<br />

injected into the hepatic portal system from the spiral valve to the liver. Triple-injected<br />

dogfish, in addition to the red and yellow, have blue latex injected into the systemic<br />

veins. Ideal size for dissection; sexually mature. All NASCO Squalus are degreased for<br />

easy handling.<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS03741M Adult Plain, Preg. 2.27 kgs. ea. $32.75 $31.77 ——<br />

LS02472M Adult Double, Preg. 2.27 kgs. ea. $34.55 $33.51 ——<br />

LS02473M Adult Triple, Preg. 2.27 kgs. ea. $37.50 $36.38 ——<br />

LS03585M 67.5 cm+ Plain 1.53 kgs. ea. $17.60 $17.07 $16.72<br />

LS03586M 67.5 cm+ Double 3.88 kgs. ea. $19.65 $19.06 $18.67<br />

LS03587M 67.5 cm+ Triple 4.99 kgs. ea. $24.10 $23.38 $22.90<br />

LS02467M 55—67.5 cm Plain 1.36 kgs. ea. $14.00 $13.58 $13.30<br />

LS02469M 55—67.5 cm Double 1.36 kgs. ea. $15.80 $15.33 $15.01<br />

LS02470M 55—67.5 cm Triple 1.36 kgs. ea. $19.35 $18.77 $18.38<br />

LS03575M 45—55 cm Plain 0.91 kgs. ea. $10.15 $9.85 $9.64<br />

LS03588M 45—55 cm Double 0.65 kgs. ea. $11.65 $11.30 $11.07<br />

LS01348M Shark Head Long cut 0.68 kgs. ea. $ 7.45 $ 7.23 $ 7.08<br />

Yellow Perch<br />

SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />

10<br />

Skate (Raja)<br />

Med./large, plain preserved.<br />

Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

LS03480M — $11.05 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.72 ea.<br />


Grey Perch<br />

Grey Perch Classroom Pack Special<br />

Order 30 grey perch (7"—9", LS03689M) and one set of 15 Perch Dissection<br />

Guides (SB07313M) and NASCO will supply an additional set<br />

of 15 Perch Dissection Guides FREE! Allow each student to have their own dissection<br />

guide. Must be ordered by catalogue number LS03778M to receive special<br />

classroom pack price. Sh. wt. 4.99 kgs.<br />

LS03778M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> Price $82.10 pack<br />

30 Grey Perch and Dissection Guides<br />

Fish Dissection<br />

Study how a fish’s body works with this interactive<br />

CD. Includes videos, photos, graphics, detailed diagrams,<br />

and informative narration that capture the dissection<br />

experience without the smell or mess. Students can also<br />

follow the step-by-step instructions to perform their<br />

own dissection. CD provides general information on the<br />

size, habitat, diet, and life-cycle of fish. Covers important<br />

terms and basic dissection techniques. Grade 4 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48346M CD-ROM — $23.75<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 98/ XP/7, 32 MB RAM.<br />

Class Chondrichthyes<br />

Class Actinopterygii<br />

Shark Tray<br />

Molded of heavy-gauge, high-density polyethylene<br />

for strength and rigidity. The unbreakable, lightweight<br />

tray is chemical-resistant and with a nonskid<br />

bottom. Designed to accept the dorsal muscle,<br />

with a center groove molded for the dorsal spines.<br />

Size is 15½" x 31" x 1 5 /8". The clear, plastic cover fits<br />

firmly over tray to prevent moisture loss.<br />

10 or More, 25 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

SB13624M Shark Tray 1.27 kgs. $26.90 $26.09 $25.56<br />

SB14454M Tray Cover 0.48 kgs. $13.25 $12.85 $12.59<br />

SB37546M Shark Tray & Cover 3 lbs. $40.20 $38.99 $38.19<br />

Photo Manual and<br />

Dissection Guide to the Shark<br />

This book guides the student through the study of anatomical<br />

structures using clearly marked photographs and illustrations.<br />

Accompanying text offers the student both easy-to-follow dissection<br />

instructions and factual information about the section<br />

under observation. Tests at the end of each chapter can be<br />

used for self-study or for grade course evaluation. 120 pages.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />

SB42227M — $21.40<br />

An Illustrated Dissection Guide to the Shark<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost dissection guide is affordable Enough<br />

that each student in the classroom can have their own copy. Covers<br />

the complete dissection, relationships among organisms, and functions<br />

of the structures. 14 detailed illustrations. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42383M — $11.45 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.11 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.88 ea.<br />

Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS01352M 20 cm+ Plain 1.13 kgs./10 $4.35 $4.22 $4.13<br />

LS02485M 20 cm+ Single 1.13 kgs./10 $8.35 $8.10 $7.93<br />

LS02484M 15—10 cm Plain 1.42 kgs./10 $3.20 $3.10 $3.04<br />

Grey Perch 10 or 100 or<br />

(Pomadasys macracanthus)<br />

More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS03690M 22.5—30 cm Plain 3.40 kgs./10 $5.10 $4.95 $4.85<br />

LS03689M 17.5—22.5 cm Plain 1.70 kgs./10 $3.00 $2.91 $2.85<br />

LS03691M 12.5—17.5 cm Plain 0.85 kgs./10 $2.10 $2.04 $ 2.00<br />

An Illustrated Dissection Guide<br />

to the Mexican Gray Perch<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost dissection guide is affordable<br />

enough that each student in the classroom can have their<br />

own copy. Covers the complete dissection, relationships<br />

among organisms, and functions of the structures. 14 detailed<br />

illustrations. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42375M — $11.45 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.11 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.88 ea.<br />

Student Perch<br />

Dissection Guide<br />

Well-illustrated, 13.8 x 21.3 cm guide<br />

designed for grades 6—10. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB07313M — $12.70 set<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Class Sauropsida<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

BioQuest ® Advanced Owl Pellet Kit<br />

Students will learn about predator-prey relationships through the analysis of owl pellets.<br />

This kit is highly motivational to students for regular class or independent study.<br />

Both teacher and student guides are professionally produced and include easy-to-follow<br />

directions. Illustrations identify skulls of common prey species and charts are provided<br />

for students to record the data collected. Principally, students learn about energy transfer<br />

through food chains while observing skeletal features which identify prey animals consumed.<br />

Kit includes 15 dried and fumigated owl pellets wrapped in aluminum, probes,<br />

vole chart, 15 student worksheets, and teacher’s guide. Recommended for grade 7 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.88 kgs.<br />

SB20192M — $67.80 kit<br />

Additional Owl Pellets. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB09759M — $4.50 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.37 ea.<br />

100 or more — $4.28 ea.<br />

Alligator Head<br />

Primitive reptilian for study<br />

and display. Varnished finish.<br />

Approximately 1 ft. long. Sh. wt.<br />

2.50 lbs.<br />

SB44652M — $57.10<br />

Small Owl Pellets. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB09759(SM)M — $2.80 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.72 ea.<br />

100 or more — $2.66 ea.<br />

Turtles<br />

Turtle species are either Chrysemys or<br />

Trachemys. Single-injected turtles have<br />

red latex injected into the arterial<br />

system. Double-injected turtles, in<br />

addition to the red, have blue latex<br />

injected into the ventral abdominal, hepatic<br />

portal, and renal portal vein. Triple-injected<br />

turtles, in addition to the red and blue, have<br />

yellow latex injected into the pre- and post-caudal veins.<br />

10 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS02660M 20—25 cm Plain 15.03 kgs./10 $15.20 $14.74<br />

LS02662M 20—25 cm Single 15.88 kgs./10 $17.00 $16.49<br />

LS02663M 20—25 cm Double 15.88 kgs./10 $18.45 $17.90<br />

LS02664M 20—25 cm Triple 17.86 kgs./10 $19.95 $19.35<br />

LS02657M 15—20 cm Plain 8.79 kgs./10 $12.20 $11.83<br />

LS03487M 15—20 cm Double 12.47 kgs./10 $14.00 $13.58<br />

An Illustrated Dissection Guide to the Turtle<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost dissection guide is affordable<br />

enough that each student in the classroom can have their own<br />

copy. Covers the complete dissection, relationships among<br />

organisms, and functions of the structures. 33 detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42369M — $12.00 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.64 ea.<br />

10 or more — $11.40 ea.<br />

Class Aves<br />

Chameleons<br />

(Anolis sp.)<br />

Common green lizard<br />

or American chameleon.<br />

Plain preserved. Unit of 10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

LS03485M — $29.75 unit<br />

Nonpoisonous Snake<br />

20" average (50 cm). Species as available.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.79 kgs.<br />

LS01422M — $13.40 ea.;<br />

10 or more — $13.00 ea.<br />

Class Reptilia<br />

Rattlesnake Head in Clear Box<br />

A real rattlesnake head contained in a clear box is the perfect<br />

addition for classroom displays. 6" W x 4" H. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB45507M — $38.05<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Pigeons<br />

10 or more,<br />

Cat. No. Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS02667M Plain 0.48 kgs. $14.30 $13.87<br />

LS02668M Single 0.51 kgs. $16.10 $15.62<br />

LS02019M Double 0.54 kgs. $17.85 $17.31<br />

LS02669M Triple 0.57 kgs. $19.65 $19.06<br />

Sparrows or Starlings<br />

(Passer domesticus or<br />

Sturnus vulgaris)<br />

Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

LS01426M — $3.30 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.20 ea.<br />

100 or more — $3.14 ea.<br />

An Illustrated Dissection<br />

Guide to the Pigeon<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost dissection<br />

guide is affordable enough<br />

that each student in the classroom<br />

can have their own copy. Covers the<br />

complete dissection, relationships<br />

among organisms, and functions of<br />

the structures. 12 detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42374M — $11.45 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.11 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.88 ea.<br />

Pigeon Skeleton (Columbia livia)<br />

A specimen of real animal bones, cleaned and specially<br />

treated, then articulated in a natural posture. Mounted<br />

on a finished wooden base with removable, clear acrylic<br />

cover. 6½” x 5½” x 9½”. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />

SB42250M — $71.35<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Rat Dissection Apron<br />

These anatomically-correct, lightweight, disposable aprons<br />

help protect students’ clothing from debris and other laboratory<br />

waster. A fun, practical way to learn the anatomy of<br />

the rat! Made of 3 mil polyethylene. Aprons do not protect<br />

from harsh chemicals. Box of 100. Sh. wt. 3.46 kgs.<br />

SB40225M — $71.35<br />

NASCO’s Pro-Sect Rat<br />

Includes 8"—9" partially dissected rat with arteries colourcoded<br />

in red, veins colour-coded in blue. One kidney has<br />

been dissected and hide has been removed to expose the<br />

muscles. Molded and sealed in a transparent, safe-to-handle,<br />

liquid-filled 12¾" x 9" plastic tray; a<br />

comprehensive instructional guide<br />

providing supplementary information for<br />

teacher and students; master and test<br />

overlay; and reproducible test sheet.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.99 kgs.<br />

LS03726M — $128.55<br />

An Illustrated Dissection<br />

Guide to the Rat<br />

By Allen Kurta. 34 pages, 5½" x 8½". Softcover. A<br />

comprehensive guide for the dissection of the rat<br />

including detailed illustrations. Ideal for study of the<br />

typical mammalian body plan. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB29754M — $11.50 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.16 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.93 ea.<br />

Rat Skeleton<br />

(Rattus norvegicus albue)<br />

A specimen of real animal bones,<br />

cleaned and specially treated, then<br />

articulated in a natural posture.<br />

Mounted on a finished wooden<br />

base with removable, clear acrylic<br />

cover. 10" x 3" x 4½". Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB42251M — $52.35<br />

Rat Dissection<br />

Guide<br />

Well-illustrated,<br />

8½" x 11" guide<br />

designed for junior<br />

high college anatomy<br />

courses. Set of 15.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

SB29846M — $36.30<br />

Phylum chordata subphylum veravata class mammalia<br />

Rats<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS03709M 9"+ Plain 0.57 kgs. $11.90 $11.54 $11.31<br />

LS03576M 9"+ Double 0.57 kgs. $15.20 $14.74 $14.44<br />

LS03577M 9"+ Triple 0.57 kgs. $16.70 $16.20 $15.87<br />

LS01436M 7"—9" Plain 0.48 kgs. $9.85 $9.55 $9.36<br />

LS01437M 7"—9" Single 0.48 kgs. $11.65 $11.30 $11.07<br />

LS01438M 7"—9" Double 0.48 kgs. $12.80 $12.42 $12.16<br />

LS02523M 7"—9" Triple 0.48 kgs. $15.50 $15.04 $14.73<br />

LS02823M 7"+ Double, Preg. 0.57 kgs. $17.80 $17.27 $16.91<br />

SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />


Rat Classroom Pack Special<br />

Order 30 rats (7"+ plain, LS01436M) and 1 set of 15 Rat Dissection Guides<br />

(SB29846M) and NASCO will supply an additional set of 15 Rat Dissection<br />

Guides FREE! Save $21.70 and allow each student to have their own dissection guide. Must<br />

be ordered by Catalogue Number LS03763M to receive special Classroom Pack price.<br />

Sh. wt. 15.03 kgs.<br />

LS03763M Spectrum Price $286.40<br />

30 Rats and Dissection Guides<br />

Photo<br />

Manual and<br />

Dissection<br />

Guide to<br />

the Rat<br />

This book guides<br />

the student<br />

through the<br />

study of anatomical<br />

structures<br />

using clearly<br />

marked photographs<br />

and illustrations. Accompanying text<br />

offers the student both easy-to-follow dissection<br />

instructions and factual information<br />

about the section under observation. Tests<br />

at the end of each chapter can be used for<br />

self-study or for grade course evaluation. 154<br />

pages. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB42226M — $21.40<br />

Rabbit<br />

Dissection<br />

Guide<br />

This guide can be<br />

used in anatomical<br />

study in biology,<br />

comparative<br />

anatomy, for dissection<br />

units, or in any<br />

class where rabbit<br />

specimens are<br />

used. Illustrated. 25<br />

pages.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB45097M — $10.75<br />

5 or more — $10.43 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.21 ea.<br />

Mouse<br />

Plain, preserved. Sexually<br />

mature. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

LS01433M — $3.30 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.20 ea.<br />

100 or more — $3.14 ea.<br />

Dissection & Anatomy<br />

of the Rat DVD<br />

Versatile teaching aid recommended before dissection<br />

to introduce procedures, methods, and anatomy.<br />

Sections include: external anatomy, digestive system,<br />

urogenital system, circulatory system, respiratory system,<br />

and nervous system. Ideal for use during the dissection<br />

as a complement to any lab manual. Use as a postdissection<br />

review to ensure that proper identification<br />

has been accomplished. Provides a viable alternative for<br />

those who do not dissect. Middle school through college.<br />

DVD available upon request. 31 minutes. Copyright<br />

1989. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB44710M — $121.40<br />

12<br />

Rabbits<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

More, More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS02518M Large Plain 3.18 kgs. $47.05 $45.64 $44.70<br />

LS02519M Large Single 3.18 kgs. $51.80 $50.25 $49.21<br />

LS02020M Large Double 3.18 kgs. $55.35 $53.69 $52.58<br />

LS02520M Large Triple 3.18 kgs. $57.15 $55.44 $54.29<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Fetal Pig<br />

Sagittal Section<br />

This sagittal section of an<br />

11"—12" artery-injected<br />

fetal pig is useful for students<br />

to observe internal<br />

organs and vessels before<br />

starting their dissection.<br />

The NASCO-Guard® sagittal<br />

section comes Vacu-Packed<br />

in a clear plastic bag for use<br />

as a demonstration model,<br />

or it can be removed for<br />

dissection. Teacher’s guide<br />

included. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

LS03565M — $23.75 ea.<br />

10 or more — $23.04 ea.<br />

Fetal Pigs<br />

10 or 100 or<br />

More,<br />

More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS03793M 13"—16" Triple 1.73 kgs. ea. $35.15 $34.10 $33.39<br />

LS03792M 13"—16" Double 1.73 kgs. ea. $29.75 $28.86 $28.26<br />

LS03791M 13"—16" Single 1.73 kgs. ea. $28.00 $27.16 $26.60<br />

LS03790M 13"—16" Plain 1.73 kgs. ea. $26.20 $25.41 $24.89<br />

LS03789M 10"—13" Double 1.02 kgs. ea. $23.25 $22.55 $22.09<br />

LS03788M 10"—13" Single 1.02 kgs. ea. $22.65 $21.97 $21.52<br />

LS03787M 10"—13" Plain 1.02 kgs. ea. $20.55 $19.93 $19.52<br />

LS03786M 7"—10" Double 0.68 kgs. ea. $19.65 $19.06 $18.67<br />

LS03785M 7"—10" Single 0.68 kgs. ea. $18.45 $17.90 $17.53<br />

LS03784M 7"—10" Plain 0.68 kgs. ea. $17.30 $16.78 $16.44<br />

LS03783M 4"—7" Plain 0.51 kgs. ea. $10.15 $9.85 $9.64<br />

See page 27 for large animal dissection trays.<br />

The Pro-Sect <br />

Teaching System from NASCO<br />

A Great Way to Teach Basic Mammalian Anatomy<br />

to Students Without Dissection. The Pro-Sect<br />

System displays an 11"—12", sagitally sectioned, preserved<br />

fetal pig molded and sealed in a transparent,<br />

safe-to-handle, liquid-filled, plastic tray. Includes a<br />

comprehensive instructional guide providing supplementary<br />

information for teacher and advanced<br />

students; student guide; master transparent overlay<br />

identifying 15 major internal organs, and a reproducible<br />

test sheet. Sh. wt. 2.13 kgs.<br />

LS03725M — $119.00<br />

Pig Dissection Mat<br />

Allows the student to follow the directions for a complete<br />

dissection without the worry of damaging books or paper.<br />

A complete pig dissection is printed directly on this 9¾"<br />

x 16" polyvinyl mat. Resistant to spills, it is easily cleaned<br />

with a sponge or paper towel. More durable than laminated<br />

paper, this mat will last for many lab sessions. Middle<br />

school and up. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB32578M — $10.00<br />

Pig Dissection<br />

Study how a pig’s body functions with this interactive<br />

CD. Includes videos, photos, graphics, detailed diagrams,<br />

and informative narration that capture the dissection<br />

experience without the smell or mess. Students can also<br />

follow the step-by-step instructions to perform their<br />

own dissection. CD provides general information on the<br />

size, habitat, diet, and life-cycle of pigs. Covers important<br />

terms and basic dissection techniques. Grade 4 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48345M CD-ROM — $23.75<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 98/ XP/7, 32 MB RAM.<br />

Pro-Sect Pig Poster<br />

Behold the pig in all his glory! Works great as an addition<br />

to our Pro-Sect pig or as a stand alone product. See the<br />

internal anatomy of a fetal pig. Poster measures 25" x 38".<br />

Laminated. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB45432M — $19.00<br />

Photo Manual and Dissection<br />

Guide to the<br />

Fetal Pig<br />

This book guides the student<br />

through the study of anatomical<br />

structures using clearly marked<br />

photographs and illustrations.<br />

Accompanying text offers the<br />

student both easy-to-follow dissection<br />

instructions and factual<br />

information about the section<br />

under observation. Tests at the<br />

end of each chapter can be used for self-study or for<br />

grade course evaluation. 128 pages. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB42225M — $21.40<br />

An Illustrated<br />

Dissection Guide<br />

to the Fetal Pig<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost<br />

dissection guide is affordable<br />

enough that each student in<br />

the classroom can have their<br />

own copy. Covers the complete<br />

dissection, relationships among<br />

organisms, and functions of the<br />

structures. 11 detailed illustrations.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42373M — $9.95 ea.<br />

5 or more — $9.65 ea.<br />

10 or more — $9.45 ea.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Dissection &<br />

Anatomy of the Fetal Pig DVD<br />

Versatile teaching aid recommended before dissection to<br />

introduce procedures, methods, and anatomy. Sections<br />

include: external anatomy, internal anatomy, mouth cavity,<br />

urogenital system, circulatory system, respiratory system,<br />

nervous system, and making the incision. Ideal for use<br />

during the dissection as a complement to any lab manual.<br />

Use as a post-dissection review to ensure that proper<br />

identification has been accomplished. Provides a viable<br />

alternative for those who do not dissect. Middle school<br />

through college. 26 minutes. Copyright 1989. Video available<br />

upon request. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB42265M DVD — $122.00<br />

Fetal Pig Aprons<br />

These anatomically-correct,<br />

lightweight, disposable<br />

aprons help protect<br />

students’ clothing from<br />

debris and other laboratory<br />

waste. A fun, practical<br />

way to learn the anatomy<br />

of the fetal pig! Made of 3<br />

mil polyethylene. Aprons<br />

do not protect from harsh<br />

chemicals. Box of 100.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.46 kgs.<br />

SB35157M — $83.05<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />


Cats are obtained from Humane Societies after euthanasia.<br />

Embalming is done through the carotid artery, and several spot<br />

checks are made during the latex injections to ensure top-quality<br />

specimens. Student name tags supplied with each specimen.<br />

Skinned cats…Save lab time!<br />

Skinning is done in NASCO’s lab by trained technicians. All skin is<br />

removed, except for the paws, genitalia, and head. Skinned cats have<br />

been field-tested and are in demand by anatomy teachers nationwide.<br />

Muscle definition is superior to conventionally embalmed specimens.<br />

NASCO skinned cats contain less than 0.2% residual formaldehyde.<br />

All cats are from Humane Societies.<br />

Our quality is next to none!<br />

Trusted customer service!<br />

Over 60 years of experience.<br />

See page 28 for large Animal Dissection Tray.<br />

Skinned Cat<br />

Cats (with skin)<br />

10 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS03533M 19"—23" Plain 5.44 kgs. $50.30 $48.79<br />

LS02505M 19"—23" Single 5.44 kgs. $53.55 $51.94<br />

LS02907M 19"—23" Double 7.71 kgs. $57.75 $56.02<br />

LS02506M 19"—23" Triple 5.44 kgs. $60.10 $58.30<br />

LS02671M 16"—23" Double, Preg. 4.59 kgs. $82.15 $79.69<br />

LS02672M 16"—23" Triple, Preg. 5.70 kgs. $85.70 $83.13<br />

LS01429M 14"—19" Plain 3.46 kgs. $50.30 $48.79<br />

LS01431M 14"—19" Double 4.54 kgs. $57.75 $56.02<br />

LS01432M 14"—19" Triple 4.99 kgs. $60.10 $58.30<br />

LS03363M 12"—14" Double 2.72 kgs. $49.10 $47.63<br />

NASCO Cat Anatomy and Mammalian Organ<br />

Study Set with Photographic Atlas<br />

Demonstrate the fundamentals of mammalian anatomy using this study<br />

set and atlas. Specimens of a preserved cat (double injected), sheep heart,<br />

sheep brain, cow spinal cord, cow eye, and pig kidney come packaged<br />

with A Photographic Atlas of Cat Anatomy: With Sheep Heart, Brain, Eye,<br />

Kidney Dissection (by M.J. Timmons, fourth edition, copyright 2004). The<br />

photographs which appear in the atlas depict what students actually see<br />

during dissection of the cat and the sheep/cow heart, brain, spinal cord,<br />

eye, and kidney. Carefully chosen to show actual specimens at different<br />

stages of dissection, the photographs in this atlas are arranged and listed<br />

by body system. This approach allows instructor flexibility in rearranging<br />

or omitting certain areas of dissection. This study set has been designed<br />

to reduce the amount of lab time spent on the mechanics of dissection,<br />

leaving more time for student observation and examination. Specimen<br />

storage bags included. Sh. wt. 6.15 kgs.<br />

LS03710M — $123.80 set<br />

Replacement Preserved Specimens. Sh. wt. 5.56 kgs.<br />

LS03711M — $101.10 set<br />

Cats (skinned) 10 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Injection Sh. wt. Each Each<br />

LS03534M 19"—23" Plain 3.94 kgs. $60.70 $58.88<br />

LS03535M 19"—23" Double 3.94 kgs. $65.75 $63.78<br />

LS03536M 19"—23" Triple 5.44 kgs. $68.45 $66.40<br />

LS03597M 16"—23" Double, Preg. 6.80 kgs. $89.25 $86.57<br />

LS03598M 16"—23" Triple, Preg. 6.80 kgs. $98.20 $95.25<br />

LS03557M 14"—19" Double, Injected 2.04 kgs. $63.40 $61.50<br />

LS03562M 14"—19" Triple 2.04 kgs. $66.35 $64.36<br />

14<br />

NASCO-GuARD® PReSeRVeD DOGS and other custom veterinary science specimens<br />

ARe AVAIlABle BY SPeCIAl ORDeR. CONTACT SPeCTRuM CuSTOMeR SeRVICe AT 1.800.668.0600.<br />

Photo Manual and<br />

Dissection Guide to the Cat<br />

This book guides the student through the study of anatomical<br />

structures using clearly marked photographs<br />

and illustrations. Accompanying text offers the student<br />

both easy-to-follow dissection instructions and factual<br />

information about the section under observation. Tests<br />

at the end of each chapter can be used for self-study or<br />

for grade course evaluation. 167 pages. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB42224M — $21.40<br />

An Illustrated<br />

Dissection<br />

Guide to the Cat<br />

This comprehensive, low-cost<br />

dissection guide is affordable<br />

enough that each student in<br />

the classroom can have their<br />

own copy. Covers the complete<br />

dissection, relationships among<br />

organisms, and functions of the<br />

structures. 13 detailed illustrations.<br />

24 pages. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42382M — $11.45 ea.<br />

5 or more — $11.11 ea.<br />

10 or more — $10.88 ea.<br />

Pictorial Anatomy<br />

of the Cat<br />

By Stephen Gilbert.<br />

Illustrated, 8½" x 11".<br />

A guide to the anatomy<br />

of the cat. Revised edition.<br />

128 pages. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB10317M — $26.05<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

NASCO-GuARD® Humectant Fluid<br />

Ready-to-use Humectant Fluid<br />

Designed to prevent drying of tissue while it inhibits<br />

mold and bacterial growth. Can also be used to flush<br />

the body cavity of larger specimens previously fixed<br />

in other solutions. Nontoxic and biodegradable.<br />

Includes instructions.<br />

Five 1-gal. Bottles. 1-gal. Bottle.<br />

Sh. wt. 19.50 kgs.<br />

Sh. wt. 4.20 kgs.<br />

SB17218M — $71.35 SB12631M — $14.25<br />

1-qt. Bottle.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 kgs.<br />

SB32395M —<br />

$5.40<br />

1-pt. Bottle.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs.<br />

SB32396M —<br />

$4.25<br />

Humectant Fluid<br />

Concentrate. Just<br />

add distilled water.<br />

Each gallon of concentrate<br />

makes 3<br />

gallons of humectant<br />

fluid. 1-gal. bottle.<br />

Sh. wt. 4.14 kgs.<br />

SB24182M — $23.75

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Wild Bobcat Skull<br />

A fascinating <strong>educational</strong> specimen! This authentic<br />

specimen measures approximately 10"—12".<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB45506M — $58.95<br />

Bat Skeleton<br />

This natural bone skeleton has been meticulously<br />

prepared and mounted in a natural position. All critical<br />

structures are numbered for easy identification, especially<br />

when using the enclosed key card. The specimen is<br />

mounted on an attractive wooden base that features a<br />

removable acrylic cover. Middle school through college.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

SB37213M — $59.45<br />

A Photographic Atlas of Cat Anatomy<br />

with Sheep Heart, Brain, Spinal Cord,<br />

eye, and Kidney<br />

Dissection<br />

By Michael J. Timmons. 70 pages., 8½" x 11". Fifth edition.<br />

A photo atlas providing a full-colour visual guide to<br />

cat anatomy. All anatomical structures are clearly labeled<br />

for easy identification. This revised edition includes photos<br />

depicting the dissection of the sheep heart, brain,<br />

spinal cord, eye, and kidney. Additional cat structures<br />

have been labeled and the index has been expanded to<br />

include a greater number of anatomical structures. Photo<br />

figures have been reorganized in the fourth edition so<br />

that the dissection sequence follows the same course<br />

system sequence presented in most undergraduate<br />

vertebrate anatomy and physiology courses; this gives it<br />

flexibility to accompany any lab manual. Copyright 2004.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

SB19341M — $23.25<br />

CatWorks<br />

Designed for more advanced students, this invaluable<br />

program offers the user an opportunity to perform exciting,<br />

highly accurate, electronic dissections of the common<br />

house cat. Includes QuickTime movies showing selected<br />

portions of actual dissections along with voice descriptions<br />

of the procedures being performed. Printable<br />

representations may be printed with or without labels.<br />

Includes a histology section that contains high-quality,<br />

digitized, microscopic images of important tissues and<br />

structures. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />


Windows — Windows 95/98, 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended),<br />

CD-ROM drive;<br />

Macintosh — System 7.1 or higher, 8 MB RAM (16 MB<br />

recommended), CD-ROM drive. Grade 10 through college.<br />

Copyright 1999.<br />

SB33550M CD-ROM — $103.85<br />

Disarticulated Cat<br />

Skeleton<br />

Each specimen is cleaned and<br />

completely disarticulated, except<br />

for one front foot and one hind<br />

foot. Bones are packed in a 5½"<br />

x 5½" x 4½" cardboard box for<br />

student study. Identification charts<br />

included. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB30166M — $222.85<br />

Roylco® Animal<br />

X-Rays<br />

Set of 13 real X-rays printed on<br />

clear, heavy-duty plastic. Perfect<br />

for use on light tables. Up to 8" x<br />

10". Includes idea guide. Includes<br />

Infant Kangaroo, Red Tailed Hawk,<br />

Box Turtle, Pumpkinseed Sunfish,<br />

Infant Green Iguana, European<br />

Rabbit, Western Diamondback<br />

Rattlesnake, Leaf Frog, Common<br />

Marmoset, Green Tree Python,<br />

Frontosa Cichlid, Veiled Chameleon,<br />

and Dwarf Crocodile Eggs. Grade K<br />

and up. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB39091M — $22.45<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

large Animal Dissecting Kit<br />

A complete anatomy dissecting kit in a canvas roll case<br />

with adjustable loops that will hold additional instruments.<br />

Kit features fine quality instruments and contains<br />

the following: canvas roll case with 2 pockets, 6-1⁄4"<br />

stainless steel Peans haemostat, 5-1⁄2" stainless steel<br />

Kelly haemostat, No. 3 stainless steel scalpel handle, No.<br />

10 scalpel blades (6), No. 11 scalpel blades (6), 4-1⁄2"<br />

stainless steel iris scissors, 5-1⁄2" stainless steel operating<br />

scissors, 4-1⁄2" chrome, straight, fine-point forceps, 5-1⁄2"<br />

chrome, straight, medium-point forceps, 6" chrome probe<br />

and seeker 5-1⁄4" section lifter, metal, straight dissecting<br />

needles (2); 2-1⁄2" double-prong flesh hooks, and 6" celluloid<br />

ruler. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SA01129M — $30.35 kit<br />

10 or more — $29.44 kit<br />

50 or more — $28.33 kit<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Sheep Eye<br />

Sheep Head, Half<br />

Sheep Head, Whole<br />

Sheep Organs<br />

10 or More, 100 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS03699M<br />

Sheep Head with<br />

eyes, brain and lower jaw 2.27 kgs. $18.75 $18.19 ——<br />

LS03698M Sheep Half Head with 1.93 kgs. $13.40 $13.00 ——<br />

one eye, half brain, no lower jaw<br />

LS01155M Sheep Heart 0.31 kgs. $5.70 $5.53 $5.42<br />

LS03701M Sheep Heart, double-injected, 0.34 kgs. $12.20 $ 11.83 $11.59<br />

arteries (red), veins (blue)<br />

LS01152M Sheep Brain with 0.17 kgs. $11.90 $11.54 $11.31<br />

cranial nerve roots<br />

LS03354M Sheep Half Brain with 0.11 kgs. $8.65 $8.39 $8.22<br />

cranial nerve roots<br />

LS03570M Sheep Brain with hypophysis 0.20 kgs. $14.30 $13.87 $13.59<br />

and cranial nerve roots<br />

LS03546M Sheep Brain with dura mater 0.20 kgs. $14.90 $14.45 $14.16<br />

LS01439M Sheep Eyes, unit of 10 0.31 kgs. $9.50 $9.22 $9.03<br />

LS01440M Sheep Kidney 0.11 kgs. $6.25 $6.06 $5.94<br />

LS03702M Sheep Kidney, double-injected 0.11 kgs. $10.45 $10.14 ——<br />

LS03703M Sheep Kidney, triple-injected 0.11 kgs. $12.20 $11.83 ——<br />

LS03493M Sheep Larynx with epiglottis, 0.48 kgs. $7.10 $6.89 $6.75<br />

vocal cords, and portion of<br />

trachea intact<br />

LS01627M Sheep Pluck. Heart, 1.61 kgs. $14.90 $14.45 $14.16<br />

Lungs, and Trachea<br />

LS03494M Sheep Testicle 0.48 kgs. $9.55 $9.26 $9.07<br />

LS03700M Sheep Uterus, 0.79 kgs. $35.70 $34.63 $33.92<br />

pregnant, 3"—6" embryo<br />

Sheep Brain<br />

Sheep Heart<br />

16<br />

Sheep Kidney<br />

See page 18 for<br />

Dissecting guides<br />

Mammalian eye Comparison,<br />

Class Set of 30<br />

Your students will observe,<br />

compare, dissect, and determine<br />

the subtle difference<br />

between the three most common<br />

eyes found in the biology<br />

dissection lab. Includes 30<br />

sheep, 30 cow, and 30 pig eyes,<br />

plus 30 detailed mammalian<br />

eye dissection guides.<br />

Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

LS03828M — $98.50<br />

Sheep Organ Set<br />

A popular combination of sheep organs in a convenient<br />

storage box. Includes reclosable storage bag. Consists<br />

of one each of eye, brain, kidney, and heart. Dissection<br />

guides for each are included. Sh. wt. 0.82 kgs.<br />

LS03140M — $25.00 set<br />

10 sets or more — $24.25 set<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Pro-Sect<br />

Sheep Organ Survey Mount<br />

The ideal way to teach mammalian anatomy — without<br />

dissection! In this sheep organ survey mount, the heart,<br />

kidney, brain, and eye have been dissected and sealed<br />

in a transparent, safe-to-handle, liquid-filled plastic tray.<br />

Kidney is triple-injected with arteries in red, veins in blue,<br />

and urethra in yellow; and the brain is single-injected<br />

with arteries in red. Organs are sectioned and labeled for<br />

easy identification. Set of guides included. Tray measures:<br />

13" x 9" x 2½". Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 2.69 kgs.<br />

LS03752M — $115.45<br />

Parts of the eye Apron<br />

This anatomically-correct, lightweight,<br />

disposable apron helps<br />

protect student’s clothing from<br />

debris and other laboratory<br />

waste. A fun, practical way to<br />

learn the anatomy of an eye.<br />

Made of 3 mil polyethylene.<br />

Aprons do not protect from<br />

harsh chemicals. Box of 100.<br />

Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

SB42833M — $71.35

Mammalian<br />

Anatomy<br />

Survey Set<br />

Consists of one each of<br />

the organs listed below.<br />

Dissection guides for each<br />

are included. Sh. wt. 1.59 kgs.<br />

Brain (half, sheep)<br />

Eye (cow)<br />

Heart (with aorta, sheep)<br />

Kidney (pig)<br />

Spinal cord (cow)<br />

LS03497M — $21.45 set<br />

10 sets or more — $20.81 set<br />

Mammalian Organs<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Preserved Reproductive<br />

Tract From Cow<br />

Complete reproductive tract including ovaries, oviducts,<br />

uterus, vagina, bladder, and external organ. Preserved<br />

with <strong>Nasco</strong>’s exclusive BIO-FLEX process. Extremely<br />

lifelike. Ideal for the study of the gross anatomy of the<br />

female reproductive system. Can be kept in a plastic bag<br />

and used repeatedly for long periods of time. Sh. wt. 1.99<br />

kgs.<br />

LS02798M — $85.70<br />

NASCO Dry-Preserved<br />

Swine Lungs<br />

These swine lungs are<br />

preserved, inflated<br />

to full size and<br />

dried to produce<br />

a REAL odorless<br />

specimen. Lungs are<br />

about the consistency<br />

of Styrofoam ® . It is possible to slice<br />

thin sections of the specimen to observe the alveoli and<br />

other structures under a binocular microscope. Teacher<br />

guide included. Sh. wt. 1.05 kgs.<br />

LS01956M — $42.25<br />

Dried Swine Lung Section. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

LS03686M — $4.75<br />

NASCO Solid Dry-Preserved Swine Heart<br />

An odorless, completely dry swine heart that is preserved<br />

to last as long as any model. Similar to the human heart<br />

in size and structure. The veins, arteries, and valves are<br />

easily identified, and interior muscling is clearly visible.<br />

The heart is delivered in sectioned form to facilitate study<br />

of internal structures. This is an actual organ that is permanently<br />

preserved through a special NASCO process.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

LS01955M — $30.90<br />

Vertebrate Organ<br />

Comparison Kit<br />

The ideal way to compare<br />

the anatomy of common<br />

vertebrates including<br />

a sparrow, bullfrog, rat,<br />

fish, and turtle. The activity<br />

guide will take you<br />

through a step-by-step,<br />

hands-on comparison<br />

of external and internal<br />

anatomical structure.<br />

Containers are provided<br />

for storage of extracted<br />

organs.<br />

Sh. wt. 6.06 lbs.<br />

LS03806M — $59.50<br />

Cow Organs<br />

10 or More, 100 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS01630M Calf Heart with base of 1.22 kgs. $18.45 $17.90 $17.53<br />

aorta attached<br />

LS01631M Calf Light. Heart, Lungs, and 2.27 kgs. $35.70 $34.63 $33.92<br />

Trachea. Lungs embalmed<br />

LS01628M Cow Eye 0.09 kgs. $2.40 $2.33 $2.28<br />

LS02533M Cow Spinal Cord, 0.06 kgs. $7.15 $6.94 $6.79<br />

Over 4" section<br />

LS03488M Cow Uterus. Nonpregnant 1.81 kgs. $29.75 $28.86 $28.26<br />

LS03532M Calf Testicles 1.36 kgs. $13.10 $12.71 $12.45<br />

LS03717M Beef Heart 2.78 kgs. $29.75 $28.86 ——<br />

Pig Organ Set<br />

A popular combination of pig organs in a<br />

convenient storage box. Includes reclosable<br />

storage bag. Consists of one each of heart, eye,<br />

kidney, and ovary. Dissection guides for each<br />

organ are included. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

LS03496M — $19.65 set<br />

Pig Organs<br />

10 sets or more — $19.06 set<br />

10 or More, 100 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

LS02530M Pig Heart 0.51 kgs. $8.05 $7.81 $7.65<br />

LS03569M Pig Heart in pericardium 1.16 kgs. $11.90 $11.54 $11.31<br />

LS02532M Pig Eye 0.03 kgs. $2.10 $2.04 $2.00<br />

LS03352M Pig Kidney. Plain 0.34 kgs. $6.55 $6.35 $6.22<br />

LS03353M Pig Kidney. Double injected 0.48 kgs. $9.50 $9.22 $9.03<br />

LS03489M Pig Kidney. Triple injected 0.54 kgs. $10.45 $10.14 $9.93<br />

LS03490M Pig Ovary 0.06 kgs. $4.20 $4.07 $3.99<br />

LS03491M Pig Uterus. Nonpregnant, plain 0.91 kgs. $17.00 $16.49 $16.15<br />

LS03492M Pig Uterus. Pregnant, plain 9.42 kgs. $41.60 $40.35 $39.52<br />

LS03544M Pig Stomach 1.33 kgs. $22.05 $21.39 $20.95<br />

LS03593M Pig Small Intestine, 1 ft. section 0.11 kgs. $6.25 $6.06 $5.94<br />

LS03612M Pig Larynx w/epiglottis, vocal cords, 0.48 kgs. $7.45 $7.23 $7.08<br />

and portion of trachea intact<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

The Dissection and<br />

Anatomy of the Heart<br />

This useful video serves as an important teaching<br />

aid — recommended before dissection to introduce<br />

procedures, methods, and anatomy. Ideal for use during<br />

the dissection as a complement to any lab manual or<br />

as a post-dissection review. The mammalian structures<br />

of the heart are identified by use of a pig heart. Terms<br />

identified include mediastinum, myocardium, coronary<br />

sulcus, chordae, tendineae, tricuspid valve and pectinate<br />

muscle. A teaching model is shown to emphasize structures.<br />

15 minutes. Grade 7 to adult. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB44717M DVD — $122.00<br />

The Dissection and<br />

Anatomy of the Brain<br />

This versatile teaching aid introduces procedures,<br />

methods, and anatomy. Ideal for use during the dissec-<br />

tion as a complement to any lab manual. Video shows<br />

a fully detailed dissection of a sheep brain completed.<br />

Includes dura mater, sulci, optic chiasm, pons, fornix,<br />

arbor vitae, and 12 cranial nerves. 22 minutes. Grade 7<br />

to adult. Copyright 1989. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB44715M DVD — $122.00<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

SB42255M<br />

SB42254M<br />

Preserved in <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Exclusive BIO-Flex process.<br />

SB42256M<br />

SB42257M<br />

Natural Skeletal Structures<br />

Elbow Joint. Your students will have the opportunity to see firsthand the structures<br />

associated with the front elbow joint of a cow: humerus, radius, and ulna. Articulating<br />

surfaces, synovial joint cavity, ligaments, bursae, cartilage, bones, muscle origin, muscle<br />

insertion, and tendons are easily identified. This teaching aid will allow students the<br />

opportunity to evaluate the type of movement that is possible with a common hinge<br />

joint. Storage instructions and dissection guide included. Sh. wt. 2.24 kgs.<br />

LS03566M — $38.70<br />

Longitudinal Section of Long Bone. A front leg bone of a cow has been sectioned<br />

longitudinally to allow the student to view internal structure. The periosteum, solid<br />

bone layer, spongy bone, medullary canal, yellow bone marrow, red bone marrow, and<br />

epiphyseal line are evident. The head of the long bone is included in this preparation to<br />

show the articulating surface of the hyaline cartilage. Storage instructions and dissection<br />

guide included. Sh. wt. 0.63 kgs.<br />

LS03567M — $7.75<br />

Cross Section of Long Bone. A front leg bone of a cow has been transversely sectioned<br />

to illustrate the concentric rings, haversian canal, yellow bone marrow, and periosteum<br />

membrane. Bone is sectioned ¾" thick. 10 per package. Storage instructions and dissec-<br />

tion guide included. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

LS03568M — $11.65<br />

Mammalian Heart Comparison<br />

Observe, compare, analyze, and<br />

dissect, three mammalian hearts.<br />

Kit includes a sheep, calf, and pig<br />

heart, plus comes with a fully<br />

illustrated and detailed, 10-page<br />

dissection guide and a 22" x 28",<br />

laminated and annotated wall<br />

poster. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

LS03829M — $56.85<br />

Skeletal Comparison Sets<br />

These skeletal specimens are real animal bones that have been cleaned and specially<br />

treated. Each comparison set consists of the particular bone structure from a<br />

specimen in each of the five classes of vertebrates: mammal (rabbit), bird (pigeon),<br />

reptile (turtle), amphibian (frog or toad), and fish. Bones are mounted on a wooden<br />

base with removable clear acrylic cover. Sh. wt. 1.56 lbs.<br />

SB42254M Skull — $67.55 SB42255M Spinal column — $67.55<br />

SB42256M Hind limb — $67.55 SB42257M Front limb — $67.55<br />

SAVE!<br />

Buy the Set<br />


Student Dissection Guides — Mammalian Organs<br />

Well-illustrated guides for individual student use. Especially designed<br />

for students in grades 6—10. Includes 15 guides of each of the four<br />

topics listed below: eye, heart, kidney, and brain. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB11122M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> PRICE $32.75 set<br />

Individual Topics<br />

Heart. Set of 15. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB07319M — $8.85 set<br />

Eye. Set of 15. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB07318M — $7.30 set<br />

Kidney. Set of 15. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB11119M — $7.70 set<br />

Brain. Set of 15. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB11118M — $12.50 set<br />

Brain and Heart Comparison Mounts<br />

Now it is easy to compare the sizes<br />

and shapes of the brains and hearts<br />

of five different kinds of animals.<br />

Organs are encased in clear acrylic<br />

blocks. Each block contains one organ<br />

from a fish (carp), amphibian (frog),<br />

reptile (snake), bird (pigeon), and<br />

mammal (rabbit). The clearly numbered<br />

blocks also contain a key card.<br />

6-1⁄2" x 3".<br />

Comparative Brains. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB48488M— $67.80<br />

Comparative Hearts. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB48487M — $67.80<br />

SB48488M<br />

Illustrated Dissection Guides to Mammalian<br />

Organs<br />

These comprehensive, low-cost dissection guides are affordable<br />

enough that each student in the classroom can<br />

have their own copy. Covers the complete dissection<br />

and functions of the structures.<br />

Mammalian Brain Guide. 9 pages.<br />

SB42370M — $11.50<br />

Mammalian Heart Guide. 10 pages.<br />

SB42371M — $9.60<br />

Mammalian Kidney Guide. 6 pages.<br />

SB42372M — $8.45<br />

Mammalian Eye Guide. 7 pages.<br />

SB42525M — $9.15<br />

18<br />

SB48487M<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Zoology Survey Sets<br />

Convenient sets save time and shipping costs! Preserved specimen sets are individually packaged<br />

for each student. The sets are shipped moist in vapor barrier plastic bags, not in messy fluids. This<br />

unique Vacu-Pac process eliminates over 50% of the shipping weight incurred with the use of fluid<br />

in breakable jars — an important point in this era of energy conservation, and also a savings on<br />

your total science budget. You are also spared the bothersome, time-consuming chore of sorting,<br />

packaging, and distributing various specimens. Each set includes a reclosable plastic storage bag.<br />

The Vacu-Pac process also allows an extended shelf life of several years. Small specimens are in a<br />

glass vial within the Vacu-Pac plastic.<br />

3-specimen Economy Set<br />

3-Specimen Economy Survey Set<br />

Set consists of the following:<br />

4"—6" worm (with clitellum)<br />

4"—7" fetal pig<br />

3" frog<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

LS03817M — $9.55 set<br />

6-specimen sets<br />

6 Medium Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

6"—8" Earthworm 3"—5" Starfish<br />

3"—4" Crayfish 6"—8" Perch<br />

3"—4" Clam 2½"—3" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 0.37 kgs.<br />

LS03498M — $10.15 set<br />

10 sets or more — $9.85 set<br />

50 sets or more — $9.64 set<br />

6 Large Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 5"—6" Starfish<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish 8”+ Perch<br />

4"—5" Clam 3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

LS03558M — $11.90 set<br />

10 sets or more — $11.54 set<br />

50 sets or more — $11.31 set<br />

7-specimen sets<br />

7 Medium Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

6"—8" Earthworm 3"—5" Starfish<br />

3"—4" Crayfish 6"—8" Perch<br />

3"—4" Clam 2½"—3" Grass frog<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Sh. wt. 0.43 kgs.<br />

LS01570M — $10.75 set<br />

10 sets or more — $10.43 set<br />

50 sets or more — $10.21 set<br />

7 Large Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 5"—6" Starfish<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

8”+ Perch<br />

4"—5" Clam 3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

LS03559M — $12.50 set<br />

10 sets or more — $12.13 set<br />

50 sets or more — $11.88 set<br />

8-specimen sets<br />

8 Medium Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

¼"—½" Scypha (Grantia) 3"—4" Clam<br />

6"—8" Earthworm 3"—5" Starfish<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

6"—8" Perch<br />

3"—4" Crayfish 2½"—3" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 0.43 kgs.<br />

LS03499M — $13.10 set<br />

10 sets or more — $12.71 set<br />

50 sets or more — $12.45 set<br />

8 Large Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

½"—¾" Scypha (Grantia)<br />

4"—5" Clam<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 5"—6" Starfish<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

8”+ Perch<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

LS03560M — $14.30 set<br />

10 sets or more — $13.87 set<br />

50 sets or more — $13.59 set<br />

9-specimen sets<br />

9 Medium Specimens Set 1<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

¼"—½" Scypha (Grantia)<br />

6"—8" Earthworm<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

3"—4" Crayfish<br />

3"—4" Clam<br />

3"—5" Starfish<br />

6"—8" Perch<br />

2½"—3" Grass frog<br />

4"—7" Fetal pig<br />

Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

LS03563M — $22.35 set<br />

10 sets or more — $21.68 set<br />

50 sets or more — $21.23 set<br />

9 Medium Specimens Set 2<br />

Includes all the same specimens as LS03563M<br />

above, except the fetal pig is replaced with a 7"—9"<br />

rat. Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

LS03706M — $21.75 set<br />

10 sets or more — $21.10 set<br />

50 sets or more — $20.66 set<br />

9 Large Specimens Set 1<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

½"—¾" Scypha (Grantia)<br />

8"—10" Earthworm<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

4"—5" Clam<br />

5"—6" Starfish<br />

8"+ Perch<br />

3"—4" Grass frog<br />

7"—10" Fetal pig<br />

Sh. wt. 1.27 kgs.<br />

LS03578M — $30.05 set<br />

10 sets or more — $29.15 set<br />

50 sets or more — $28.55 set<br />

9 Large Specimens Set 2<br />

Includes all the same specimens as LS03578M<br />

above, except the fetal pig is replaced with a 9" rat.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.27 kgs.<br />

LS03705M — $28.90 set<br />

10 sets or more — $28.03 set<br />

50 sets or more — $27.46 set<br />

10-specimen sets<br />

10 Medium Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

¼"—½" Scypha (Grantia) 3"—4" Crayfish<br />

Hydra (Plain)<br />

3"—5" Starfish<br />

Honeybee worker<br />

3"—4" Clam<br />

6"—8" Earthworm 6"—8" Perch<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

2½"—3" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

LS03500M — $15.45 set<br />

10 sets or more — $14.99 set<br />

50 sets or more — $14.68 set<br />

10 Large Specimens<br />

Set consists of one each of the following:<br />

½"—¾" Scypha (Grantia) 3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Budding Hydra<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

Honeybee worker<br />

5"—6" Starfish<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 4"—5" Clam<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

8”+ Perch<br />

Sh. wt. 0.74 kgs.<br />

LS03561M — $18.15 set<br />

10 sets or more — $17.61 set<br />

50 sets or more — $17.24 set<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Fetal Pig<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Honeybee, worker<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Grantia (Schypha)<br />

Earthworm<br />

Crayfish<br />

Starfish<br />

Perch<br />

Clam<br />

Grass Frog<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Vacu-Pac Zoology Set<br />

Vacu-Pac Features:<br />

• Economy — Low pricing includes<br />

NASCO-Guard ® preservation.<br />

• Convenience — Kit include handiwipes,<br />

tissues, storage bag, table<br />

cover.<br />

• Efficiency — Boxes may be stacked<br />

and labeled with students’ name and<br />

section.<br />

• Incentive — Students store their<br />

own specimens in locker, take home<br />

for dissecting or test review.<br />

Includes one each of starfish, earthworm,<br />

crayfish, grasshopper, clam,<br />

perch, and grass frog. Sh. wt. 0.54 kgs.<br />

LS02893M — $13.40 kit<br />

10 kits or more — $13.00 kit<br />

Colour-Injected Specimen Survey Set 1<br />

Set consists of one each of the following in individual plastic bags:<br />

• Large Earthworm, circulatory system injection • 8”—12” Squid, vascular injection<br />

• 3"—4" Grass frog, arterial and venous injection • 3½”—5” Crayfish, arterial injection<br />

• 7"—10" Fetal pig, arterial and venous injection • 8+” Perch, arterial injection<br />

• 5”—6” Starfish, vascular injection<br />

Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

LS03600M — $50.30 set<br />



Zoology Survey Set with Study Guides<br />

With this zoology survey set, students can see and feel real specimens in safe-to-handle<br />

NASCO-Guard ® . Specimens come individually sealed in a leak-proof plastic pouch. Study<br />

guides are included for each of the specimens. Included earthworm, crayfish, clam,<br />

grasshopper, starfish, perch, and frog. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

LS03737M — $21.40 set<br />

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy<br />

Survey Set — 9 Specimens<br />

A comprehensive set designed for comparative<br />

anatomy. Packed in a convenient storage container.<br />

Consists of one each of the following:<br />

Amphioxus<br />

Pigeon<br />

Bullfrog—Arterial injected Dogfish<br />

Lamprey<br />

Rat<br />

Turtle<br />

Necturus<br />

Sh. wt. 4.08 kgs.<br />

LS03139M — $63.40 set<br />

10 sets or more — $61.50 set;<br />

50 sets or more — $60.23 set<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s BioQuest ® 7-Specimen<br />

Survey Mount Set<br />

Seven-specimen zoological tray mount with<br />

specimens visible through the clear plastic, fluid-filled,<br />

specially molded display tray. With this mount from <strong>Nasco</strong>, students can easily study<br />

each of the seven zoological specimens without dissection. Specimens are permanently<br />

sealed for many years of extended use. Specimens include: earthworm, starfish, crayfish,<br />

grasshopper, frog, clam, and perch. Comes with illustrated teacher’s guide for observation<br />

and study relating to the external anatomy of the mount’s five invertebrates and<br />

two vertebrates. Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />

LS03729M — $101.15<br />

NASCO Animal Dissection<br />

Guides<br />

Each well-illustrated guide is 5½" x 8½"<br />

and is intended to provide step-bystep<br />

instructions for the dissection of<br />

common laboratory specimens. Each<br />

title has been classroom tested and<br />

proven to assist the student in a selfguided<br />

instruction. Each set consists of<br />

15 individual guides. Grades 6—10.<br />

Complete Set of Animal<br />

Dissection Guides. Includes<br />

15 guides for each of the seven topics listed above. Sh. wt. 1.76 kgs.<br />

SB11121M <strong>SPECTRUM</strong> PRICE $80.35 set<br />

SB07320(X)M Clam. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB07313(X)M Perch. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB07315(X)M Crayfish. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB07314(X)M Starfish. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB10258(X)M Frog. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB07317(X)M Grasshopper. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs. — $12.70<br />

SB07316(X)M Earthworm. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs. — $12.70<br />

20<br />

Ocean in a Box<br />

A fun and <strong>educational</strong><br />

exploration of oceanography<br />

and the<br />

diversity of marine<br />

life without leaving<br />

the classroom. Set of 20<br />

specimens include: algae, sea<br />

bean, finger sponge, silk or wool<br />

sponge, sea horse, hard coral, soft<br />

coral, starfish, sand dollar, barnacle shell, center-cut shell, tusk shell, moon snail shell,<br />

turritella shell, olive shell, turkey wing shell, pectin shell, clam shell, murex shell, and turban<br />

shell. Specimens are individually bagged with a descriptive card of interesting facts.<br />

The set comes in a 10" x 7" x 4" cardboard box. Specimens may vary due to availability.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB40476M — $38.05<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Buy IN BuLK<br />

AND SAVE!<br />

Shipped in easy-to-store cartons<br />

with small specimens in<br />

separate jars. Animals are those<br />

most commonly studied in<br />

secondary school biology for<br />

classification, structure system<br />

comparison, and form evolution.<br />

A year’s supply for each<br />

classroom size.<br />

5 Specimen — Medium<br />

3"—5" Starfish 6"—8" Perch<br />

3"—4" Crayfish 3+" Grass frog<br />

3"—4" Clam<br />

Sh. wt. 2.27 kgs.<br />

LS03601M Set of 50 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $82.10 set<br />

5 or more — $79.64 set<br />

7 Specimen — Medium<br />

6”—8" Earthworm 6"—8" Perch<br />

3"—5" Starfish 3+" Grass frog<br />

3"—4" Crayfish 3"—4" Clam<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Sh. wt. 2.98 kgs.<br />

LS03603M Set of 70 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $92.80 set<br />

5 or more — $90.02 set<br />

10 Specimen — Medium<br />

Hydra (Plain) 3"—4" Clam<br />

Honeybee worker 3"—5" Starfish<br />

6"—8" Earthworm 6"—8" Perch<br />

3+" Grass frog 3"—4" Crayfish<br />

¼"—½" Scypha (Grantia)<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Sh. wt. 3.26 kgs.<br />

LS03605M Set of 100 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $105.90 set<br />

5 or more — $102.72 set<br />

Bulk Assortments<br />

5 Specimen — Large<br />

5"—6" Starfish 8"+ Perch<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish 4"—5" Clam<br />

3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Sh. wt. 4.11 kgs.<br />

LS03602M Set of 50 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $95.15 set<br />

5 or more — $92.30 set<br />

7 Specimen — Large<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 4"—5" Clam<br />

5"—6" Starfish 8”+ Perch<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

Sh. wt. 6.44 kgs.<br />

LS03604M Set of 70 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $105.95 set<br />

5 or more — $102.77 set<br />

10 Specimen — Large<br />

Hydra (Budding) 4"—5" Clam<br />

8"—10" Earthworm 8”+ Perch<br />

Honeybee worker<br />

3"—4" Grass frog<br />

Grasshopper (Lubber)<br />

3½"—5" Crayfish<br />

5"—6" Starfish<br />

½"—¾" Scypha (Grantia)<br />

Sh. wt. 6.69 kgs.<br />

LS03606M Set of 100 specimens.<br />

(10 of each) — $142.80 set<br />

5 or more — $138.52 set<br />

Prices Include:<br />

1. NASCO-Guard® Preservation<br />

2. Individual Student Storage Bags<br />

3. Vacu-Pac Lightweight Shipping Containers<br />

Disecto Module<br />

System<br />

Interlocking system is<br />

designed to stack several<br />

units high, saving<br />

counter space. The base<br />

has four cleats that lock<br />

firmly to the cover below<br />

when stacked. Modules<br />

can be purchased in<br />

any quantity to build an<br />

entire system based on<br />

the required capacities of<br />

your class size. Modules<br />

are designed to stack five<br />

high with specimens and<br />

instruments intact. Each system includes one storage base for dissection tools and specimens,<br />

one seven-specimen zoology survey set, one Econopan (10" x 7") with Flex-Pad<br />

and cover, one dissection guide for each specimen, five dissection instruments, and ten<br />

dissection pins. Econopan is made of high density polyethylene. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB11665M — $33.05 ea.; 5 or more — $32.06 ea.; 15 or more — $31.40 ea.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

Animal Kingdom<br />

Survey Set<br />

This collection of 12<br />

display mounts is a<br />

wonderful resource for<br />

showing the diversity of<br />

the animal kingdom. Each<br />

mount will also be useful<br />

for studies of individual<br />

phyla and orders. The<br />

collection contains 49<br />

specimens across seven<br />

phyla. Each 6" x 5" mount<br />

houses fully-labeled specimens<br />

that have been<br />

prepared for many years of classroom service. Contains: Spongilla, Scypha, Chalina,<br />

commercial sponge, anemone, jellyfish, hard coral, soft coral, pectin, snail, Chiton,<br />

squid, leech, scaleworm, earthworm, starfish, brittlestar, sand dollar, sea cucumber,<br />

sea urchin, centipede, millipede, tick, spider, scorpion, horseshoe crab, grasshopper,<br />

cicada, beetle, butterfly, water bug, mayfly, hornet, horsefly, dragonfly, stonefly, pill<br />

bug, barnacle, shrimp, crab, seahorse, tadpole, turtle, exoskeleton, shell, scale, feather,<br />

quill, and hair. On occasion, similar specimens may be substituted due to availability.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.86 kgs.<br />

SB37287M — $318.05<br />

Invasive Species of the Great Lakes<br />

Offering an introduction to a long-standing problem, this kit will help your students<br />

understand the effect of invasive species and why we should help to prevent their<br />

spread. Once invasive species become established in a lake or stream, they become<br />

nearly impossible to eliminate. Their impact on a lake or stream is an area of great<br />

concern to environmentalist and sportsman alike. The kit contains samples of eight<br />

invasive species in safe, nonformaldehyde NASCO Guard ® . A complete teacher’s guide<br />

contains maps, activities, games, and information regarding this worldwide environmental<br />

problem. Great Lakes invasive species contained in this kit may include: Round<br />

Goby, Eurasian Milfoil, Ruffe, Smelt, Waterflea, Zebra Mussels, Purple Loosestrife, Alwife,<br />

Stickleback (three or five spine), Curley Leaf Pond Weed, Rusty Crayfish, and Sea<br />

Lamprey, depending on availability. Grade 5 through college. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

LS03762M — $59.50<br />

Animal Kingdom Collection<br />

Each collection consists of<br />

12 individual 3" x 4" plastic<br />

mounts in a large, unbreakable<br />

plastic carrying case. Labels<br />

are mounted underneath each<br />

block, so that the specimens<br />

can be identified while in<br />

the case. Remove them and<br />

you have unlabeled blocks<br />

for quiz purposes. Each block<br />

and label are marked with<br />

corresponding numbers to<br />

ensure proper replacement.<br />

Together they contain 70<br />

representative specimens in 18 different phyla. Includes Porifera, Coelenterata,<br />

Platyhelminthes-Nematoda, lesser phyla I, lesser phyla II, Annelida, Arthropoda,<br />

Insecta, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Chordata I, and Chordata II. Sh. wt. 4.54 kgs.<br />

SB10543M — $697.95<br />


Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

All preserved animal survey sets are supplied in individual screw-cap jars, but are<br />

not mounted on glass plates. Specimens in these sets are supplied in safe, nontoxic.<br />

Preserved Animal Survey Sets<br />

LS03547M<br />

LS03548M<br />

Animal Survey Set A<br />

Grantia cluster (simple sycon sponge)<br />

Hydra (with and without buds)<br />

Physalia (Portuguese man-of-war)<br />

Astrangia (Northern coral)<br />

Fasciola (sheep liver fluke)<br />

Trichinella (piece of infected muscle)<br />

Nereis (marine annelid)<br />

Amphitrite (tube worm)<br />

Perch<br />

Ascaris (pig roundworm, male and female)<br />

Ancylostoma (dog hookworm, male and female)<br />

Metridium (sea anemone)<br />

Squalus (Dogfish)<br />

Aphrodite (sea mouse)<br />

Amphioxus (lancelet)<br />

Obelia hydroid (colony)<br />

Aurelia, medusa (jellyfish)<br />

Tubipora (organ-pipe coral)<br />

Taenia (dog tapeworm)<br />

Asterias (starfish)<br />

Leech (large)<br />

Unio (Freshwater mussel)<br />

Molgula (Sea squirt)<br />

Spongilla (freshwater sponge)<br />

Gonionemus (hydroid medusa)<br />

Planaria (freshwater flatworm)<br />

Lumbricus (earthworm)<br />

Procambarus (crayfish)<br />

Chalina (finger sponge)<br />

Sh. wt. 15 lbs.<br />

LS03547M — $148.75 set<br />

Animal Survey Set B<br />

Leucosolenia sp. (sponge)<br />

Chiton (Atlantic)<br />

Venus (marine clam)<br />

Loligo (squid)<br />

Spirobolus sp. (millipede)<br />

Cockroach<br />

Harpalus (ground beetle)<br />

Freshwater bullhead<br />

Frog<br />

Pig embryo<br />

Limax (garden slug)<br />

Scolopendra sp. (centipede)<br />

Romalea (lubber grasshopper)<br />

Newt<br />

Arbacia (sea urchin)<br />

Combination Survey Set<br />

Includes all specimens in sets A and B. This combination shows the wide range of variation found throughout the animal kingdom.<br />

Sh. wt. 33 lbs.<br />

LS03549M —Spectrum Price $273.70 set<br />

Scallop (Pecten)<br />

Uca sp. (fiddler crab)<br />

Limulus (horseshoe crab)<br />

Lethocerus (giant water bug)<br />

Butterfly<br />

Hippocampus (sea horse)<br />

Anolis (chameleon)<br />

Cucumaria sp. (sea cucumber)<br />

Lepas or Balanus (barnacle)<br />

Scorpion<br />

Moth<br />

Passer domesticus (sparrow)<br />

Helix (edible snail)<br />

Sh. wt. 19 lbs.<br />

LS03548M — $148.75 set<br />

LS03550M<br />

LS03613M<br />

LS03807M<br />

Basic Animal Kingdom Survey Set<br />

This set consists of at least one representative member of the major phyla.<br />

Phylum Porifera — Grantia (simple sycon sponge)<br />

Phylum Coelenterata — Hydra<br />

Phylum Brachiopoda — Terebratella (common brachiopod)<br />

Phylum Ctenophora — Pleurobrachia (sea walnut)<br />

Phylum Platyhelminthes — Planaria (flatworm)<br />

Phylum Nematoda — Ascaris (pig roundworm, male and female)<br />

Phylum Mollusca — Unio or Anodonta, Chiton (Atlantic) (freshwater clam)<br />

Phylum Annelida — Lumbricus (earthworm), Leech (common)<br />

Phylum Arthropoda — Cambarus (crayfish), Romalea (lubber grasshopper)<br />

Phylum Echinodermata — Asterias (starfish)<br />

Phylum Chordata — Molgula (sea squirt), Perch, Rana sp. (frog),<br />

Passer domesticus (sparrow), Mouse.<br />

Sh. wt. 12 lbs.<br />

LS03550M — $91.65 set<br />

Arthropod Survey Set<br />

Class Crustacea — Procambarus (crayfish)<br />

(goose barnacle) (Lepas),<br />

Pagurus (hermit crab)<br />

Class Diplopoda — Spirobolus (millipede)<br />

Class Insecta — Romalea (lubber grasshopper),<br />

Periplaneta (cockroach),<br />

Libellula (dragonfly)<br />

Class Chilopoda — Scolopendra (centipede)<br />

Class Arachnida — Argiope (garden spider),<br />

Tarantula, Scorpion<br />

Limulus (horseshoe crab)<br />

Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

LS03613M — $70.20 set<br />

10-Phyla Survey Collection<br />

Metridium (sea anemone)<br />

Lumbricus (earthworm)<br />

Unio (freshwater clam)<br />

Procambarus (crayfish)<br />

Moniezia (sheep tapeworm)<br />

Romalea (lubber grasshopper)<br />

Grantia (simple sycon sponge)<br />

Ascaris (Pig roundworm, male and<br />

female)<br />

Asterias (starfish)<br />

Rana sp. (grass frog)<br />

Mouse<br />

Survey Guide<br />

Sh. wt. 8.50 lbs.<br />

LS03807M — $80.95 set<br />

22<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s BioQuest ® Hands-On Invertebrate Study Set<br />

By Gari Walz.<br />

This set allows students an opportunity to learn about the classification of organisms.<br />

The set includes a comprehensive teacher’s guide; 15 illustrated student guides with<br />

activity sheets, questions and answers for classroom review; an illustrated guide representing one or more<br />

animals from each of the invertebrate phyla (porifera, coelenterata, platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida,<br />

mollusca, echinodermata, and arthropoda); 13 preserved specimens in individually labeled jars that correspond<br />

to included key sheet; and 15 hand-held magnifiers. Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

LS03736M — $84.80 set<br />

Set of Replacement Specimens. Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />

LS03716M — $59.50 set<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Bioquest® Inflatable Lung Kits<br />

Biology<br />

Preserved Materials<br />

By Calvin R. Fremling, Ph.D.<br />

These dramatic demonstration kits provide an impressive, unforgettable, hands-on demonstration of how lungs work and the effects of prolonged smoking by using real swine<br />

lungs. Students are able to feel the texture and fragility of the lung, as well as learning that real lungs are not like rubber balloons in a bell jar. The smoker’s lungs have a palpable<br />

internal tumor and a physical simulated external tumor to encourage students to feel the texture of the lungs, and to remember that smoking is a known cause of lung caner. The<br />

inflatable swine lungs provided with each kit have been preserved with a Bioflex, nontoxic solution that retains the texture and elasticity of fresh lungs. Note: this product contains<br />

natural tissue (colour may vary).<br />

Healthy Lung<br />

BioQuest ® Inflatable Lungs Comparison Kit<br />

This inflatable lung comparison kit is designed to demonstrate<br />

the effects of prolonged smoking. It utilizes the BioFlex<br />

preserved lungs from the Inflatable Lung Kit (LS03765M) and<br />

the BioFlex preserved lungs from the Simulated Smoker’s<br />

Lungs Demonstration Kit (LS03767M) to demonstrate to students<br />

the differences in colour and texture of smoker’s and<br />

non-smoker’s lungs. The BioQuest ® Comparison Lungs Kit<br />

Smoker’s Lung<br />

Section of dried<br />

swine lung<br />

includes an inflation rack and tray;air pump; one pair of reusable, normal inflatable swine<br />

lungs with guide; one pair of Simulated Smoker’s Lungs with guide; one section of dried<br />

swine lung; and a 2-qt. container for storing the lungs. Grade 6 and up. Sh. wt. 7.40 kgs.<br />

LS03768M — $368.90 kit<br />

Inflatable Lung Comparison Kit (LS03768M) and Teacher Instructional DVD<br />

(SB46162M). Sh. wt. 7.94 kgs.<br />

LS03769M — $376.00 set.<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s BioQuest ® Inflatable Lungs Kit<br />

Students can see and learn how lungs, that are very comparable with their own, work<br />

by inflating and deflating them with a pump. A section of dried lung is included to<br />

show internal anatomy structures including arteries, veins, bronchioles, alveoli, and<br />

bronchi. The BioQuest ® Inflatable Lungs Kit includes an inflation rack and tray, air pump,<br />

one pair of reusable, inflatable swine lungs, one section of dried swine lung, a teacher’s<br />

guide; and a container for storing the lungs. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

LS03765M — $217.80 kit<br />






Dual Lungs Comparison Kit<br />

Now for the first time you can demonstrate<br />

both sets of lungs simultaneously<br />

for better lungs comparison with the<br />

new interconnected airway system. This<br />

system lets you compare the ventilation<br />

of both sets of lungs simultaneously,<br />

or shut off one of the upper valves to<br />

inflate only one set of lungs. Kit includes<br />

an interconnected airway system with<br />

dual trays; air pump; one pair of reusable,<br />

normal inflatable swine lungs with<br />

guide; one pair of simulated smoker’s<br />

lungs with guide; and one section of<br />

dried swine lung with a storage container.<br />

Sh. wt. 14 lbs.<br />

LS03802M — $386.75 ea.<br />

Dual Lung Rack Update Kit. Do you already own the inflatable lung comparison kit? You<br />

can convert your kit to the dual lung rack with this update kit. Includes an interconnected<br />

airway system and tray. Sh. wt. 3.25 lbs.<br />

LS03805M — $64.00<br />

Teacher Instructional CD-ROM. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB32664M — $14.25 ea.<br />

Lung Kit Add-Ons<br />

Teacher Instructional DVD. 30 minutes. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB46162M — $14.25<br />

Replacement Components<br />

Simulated Smoker’s Lungs only.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.10 kgs.<br />

LS03766M — $154.70 ea.<br />

Inflatable Swine Lungs only.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.07 kgs.<br />

LS03764M — $130.90 ea.<br />

Complete dry-preserved Swine lungs are listed on page 17.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s BioQuest ® Smoker’s Lungs Demonstration Kit<br />

Great demonstration on the effects of smoking! Includes a teacher’s guide, a pamphlet<br />

If You Smoke…Here’s What Your Doctor May See, an inflation rack and tray, air pump, a<br />

dried section of unstained lung, a pair of Simulated Smoker’s Lungs, and a container<br />

for storing the lungs. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

LS03767M — $232.05 kit<br />

SHOWS<br />


uSING<br />

REAL LuNG<br />

Inflatable Lungs Maintenance Kit<br />

Includes necessary <strong>materials</strong> plus special instructions for prolonging the life of<br />

your inflatable lungs. Kit includes: spray bottle with humectant fluid to keep lungs<br />

moist, towel to moisten and wrap around lungs, nylon thread and needles (to<br />

repair tears), glue (to repair tears), rubber bands, rubber gloves, and a 2-qt. container<br />

for storing the lungs. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

LS03738M — $42.80 kit<br />

BioQuest ® Mammalian<br />

Lung in Bell Jar<br />

By Gari Walz. Now your students can observe<br />

the respiration process with a real preserved<br />

mammalian lung! Easy-to-use bell jar demonstrator<br />

allows teacher or student to manually<br />

inflate the lung for observation. Comes with<br />

BioQuest ® study guide including background<br />

and anatomical information, activities, and<br />

complete instructions. Bell jar measures 7'' dia.<br />

x 6¼" H. Overall dimensions: 12'' x 12'' x 15" H.<br />

Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 4.99 kgs.<br />

LS03780M — $223.15 ea.<br />

Mammalian Lung.<br />

For bell jar. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

LS03772M — $47.55 ea.<br />


24<br />

Biology<br />

Dissection Materials<br />

Introductory Dissection Kits<br />

Basic Dissecting Kit<br />

Designed for elementary and junior high school<br />

students for routine dissection. Kit contains the following:<br />

single fold vinyl case with lining, 1½" chrome<br />

single blade scalpel, 4½" chrome wire dissecting<br />

scissors, 4½" chrome-plated forceps, pipette, straight<br />

dissecting needle, bent dissecting needle, and 6" ruler.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SB12623M — $10.15 kit<br />

10 or more — $9.85 kit<br />

50 or more — $9.64 kit<br />

Elementary Dissecting Kit<br />

Designed for elementary, junior, and senior high school<br />

students. Kit contains the following: single fold vinyl<br />

case with lining, 6" chrome replacement blade scalpel,<br />

4½" stainless steel dissecting scissors, 4½" chrome-plated<br />

forceps, straight dissecting needle, bent dissecting<br />

needle, pipette, and 6" ruler. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SA01127M — $7.50 kit<br />

10 or more — $7.28 kit<br />

50 or more — $7.13 kit<br />

Elementary Dissecting Kit<br />

Same as SA01127M, but kit is provided within a semitransparent<br />

hinged case with snap cover and insert for<br />

the seven instruments. Attractive and reusable.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

SB07839M — $6.45 kit<br />

10 or more — $6.26 kit<br />

50 or more — $6.13 kit<br />

Zippy Dissecting<br />

Kits<br />

Each kit contains:<br />

6" plastic ruler,<br />

chrome-plated<br />

student dissecting<br />

scalpel, glass<br />

dropper with<br />

rubber bulb,<br />

4½" student<br />

dissecting scissors, chrome-plated 4½" student forceps,<br />

straight teasing needle with plastic handle, and angular<br />

teasing needle with plastic handle. Choose kit with<br />

either a standard scalpel or a scalpel with screw-lock<br />

blade. Case dimensions: 2½" W x 7" L x 7 ⁄8" H. Sh. wt.<br />

0.17 kgs.<br />

SB39430M Screw-lock blade scalpel — $8.65<br />

SB39431M Standard scalpel — $8.40<br />

Intermediate Dissection Kits<br />

General Biology Dissecting Kit<br />

Designed for life science and biology students at<br />

junior and senior high level. Kit contains: deluxe<br />

single fold vinyl case with lining, No. 4 stainless steel<br />

surgical handle with No. 21 replaceable blade, 5½"<br />

stainless steel sharp/blunt scissors, 5" stainless steel<br />

thumb forceps, chrome mall-probe and seeker, straight<br />

dissecting needle, pipette, and 6" ruler. Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

SB12624M — $10.45 kit<br />

10 or more — $10.14 kit<br />

50 or more — $9.93 kit<br />

Biology Dissecting Kit<br />

Designed for senior high biology, advanced biology,<br />

and comparative anatomy students. Kit is provided<br />

within a high quality, opaque, hinged case with snap<br />

cover and compartments for 12 instruments. Kit contains<br />

the following: No. 4 stainless steel scalpel handle;<br />

1½" stainless steel narrow blade scalpel; 5½" stainless<br />

steel sharp/sharp scissors; 4½" stainless steel straight<br />

iris scissors; 5½" stainless steel thumb forceps; 4½"<br />

chrome curved medium-point forceps; 6" chrome<br />

probe and seeker; 6" ruler; straight dissecting needle;<br />

bent dissecting needle; dropping pipette; and six No.<br />

22 scalpel blades. Sh. wt. 0.25 kgs.<br />

SB10272M — $16.10 kit<br />

10 or more — $15.62 kit<br />

50 or more — $15.30 kit<br />

Biology Dissecting Kit<br />

Designed for biology, advanced biology, and comparative<br />

anatomy students. Kit contains: double fold<br />

vinyl case with lining; 1½" stainless steel scalpel; 1½"<br />

stainless steel narrow blade scalpel; 5½" stainless steel<br />

sharp/blunt scissors; 4½" stainless steel iris scissors;<br />

4½" chrome, straight, fine-point forceps; 4½" chrome,<br />

curved, fine-point forceps; 5" chrome, straight, bluntpoint<br />

forceps; straight dissecting needle; bent dissecting<br />

needle; 6" chrome probe and seeker; and 6" ruler.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SA04449M — $14.25 kit<br />

10 or more — $13.82 kit<br />

50 or more — $13.54 kit<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Advanced Dissection Kits<br />

university<br />

Level<br />

Anatomy<br />

Dissecting<br />

Kit<br />

A high quality,<br />

all-in-one solution<br />

for the serious<br />

student and<br />

educator. Also, an excellent choice for first-year med<br />

students or anatomy students. Attractive black vinyl,<br />

zippered case features red velvet inner lining with<br />

10 loops to keep instruments organized and in place,<br />

reducing the potential for accidents. Includes: straight<br />

teasing needle, bent teasing needle, 4½" iris scissors,<br />

4½" medium point forceps, cartilage knife, 1x2 teeth<br />

tissue forceps, 5½" surgical scissors, #3 scalpel handle,<br />

mall probe, #10 scalpel blades (pkg. of 10), 5" hemostatic<br />

forceps, and 6" ruler. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB46659M — $38.70<br />

Instructor’s<br />

Dissecting Kit<br />

Kit is designed for<br />

the personal use of<br />

the instructor for<br />

conducting demonstrations<br />

or for the<br />

preparation of specimens<br />

prior to class<br />

activities. All instruments are made of quality stainless<br />

steel. Kit contains the following: deluxe zipper case<br />

with red velvet like lining; No. 3 stainless steel surgical<br />

handle with No. 10 replaceable blade (2 extra blades<br />

included); 1½" stainless steel narrow blade scalpel;<br />

5½" stainless steel sharp/blunt operating scissors; 4½"<br />

stainless steel straight iris scissors; 5½" stainless steel<br />

thumb forceps; 4½" stainless steel fine-point forceps;<br />

stainless steel mall-probe and seeker; and stainless<br />

steel straight teasing needle. Sh. wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

SB12625M — $14.85 kit<br />

10 or more — $14.40 kit<br />

50 or more — $14.11 kit<br />

Large Animal<br />

Dissecting Kit<br />

A complete anatomy<br />

dissecting kit in a<br />

canvas roll case with<br />

adjustable loops<br />

which will hold additional<br />

instruments. Kit<br />

features fine quality<br />

instruments and contains the following: canvas roll case<br />

with 2 pockets; 6¼" stainless steel Peans haemostat;<br />

5½" stainless steel Kelly haemostat; No. 3 stainless steel<br />

scalpel handle; No. 10 scalpel blades (6); No. 11 scalpel<br />

blades (6); 4½" stainless steel iris scissors; 5½" stainless<br />

steel operating scissors; 4½" chrome, straight, fine-point<br />

forceps; 5½" chrome, straight, medium-point forceps;<br />

6" chrome probe and seeker 5¼" section lifter; metal,<br />

straight dissecting needles (2); 2½" double-prong flesh<br />

hooks; and 6" celluloid ruler. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SA01129M — $30.35 kit<br />

10 or more — $29.44 kit<br />

50 or more — $28.83 kit<br />

Safekeeper<br />

Keep your classroom clean by<br />

placing dirty scalpels, forceps,<br />

scissors, and other dissection<br />

tools in this container. Perfect for<br />

items that may contain hazardous<br />

<strong>materials</strong>. Features a clear lid.<br />

Stackable for convenient storage.<br />

Dimensions: 3¾" W x 6½"<br />

H x 3” D. 1-qt. capacity. Yellow.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB45503M — $5.15

Classroom Dissection Instrument Sets<br />

NASCO offers a set of dissection instruments for the entire<br />

classroom. No longer will you be required to select and<br />

identify the most cost-effective instruments. Bulk purchase<br />

saves money and promotes student use of quality dissection<br />

<strong>materials</strong>. Instruments come packed in handy instrument<br />

sorting tray. Designed for 30 students working in pairs.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.52 kgs.<br />

Stainless Steel Grade Set A Consists of:<br />

(15) 4½" stainless steel dissecting<br />

scissors (SA01146M)<br />

(15) No. 4 stainless steel surgeon’s<br />

handles (SB07833M)<br />

(20) No. 22 scalpel blades<br />

(SB09348M)<br />

(15) 4½" fine-point, stainless<br />

steel forceps (SB12629M)<br />

(15) straight steel teasing<br />

needles (SB10275M)<br />

(15) angular, chrome probe<br />

and seekers (SB07838M)<br />

(1) box, 2" dissecting pins (SA01463M)<br />

(1) instrument sorting tray (SB25286M)<br />

SB15428M — $138.00<br />

Grade Set B Consists of:<br />

(15) 4½" chrome dissecting scissors (SA01145M)<br />

(15) chrome safety-lok scalpels. Includes<br />

No. 22 scalpel blades (SA01177M)<br />

(15) 4½" fine-point, chrome forceps (SA01134M)<br />

(15) straight wood handle teasing needles (SB15414M)<br />

(15) bent wood handle teasing needles (SB15415M)<br />

(1) box, 2" dissecting pins (SA01463M)<br />

(1) instrument sorting tray (SB25286M)<br />

SB15429M — $132.05<br />

Instrument Sorting Tray<br />

Five compartments, 20½" x 11¼" x 2". Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB25286M — $9.50 ea.<br />

NASCO All-Purpose Instrument Tray<br />

Finally, someone has developed a tray worthy of the science<br />

classroom. This sturdy, versatile instrument tray will serve<br />

all your classroom storage needs. Works well for dissection<br />

equipment, electronic components, rock and mineral collections,<br />

and widgets of all kinds. Tray measures 20" W x 16½"<br />

H. Contents not included. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB43353M — $19.05<br />

Microdissection Scissors<br />

Iris Research Scissors<br />

Stainless steel scissors with sharp<br />

points. 4½" long. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

Straight Blades.<br />

SB06901M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

Bone Cutting Shears<br />

Stainless steel. Superior grade. For<br />

cutting small bones and for skull<br />

dissection. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

5" Box Locked<br />

SB15423M — $10.95 ea.<br />

12 or more — $10.62 ea.<br />

6" Box Locked<br />

SB07832M — $16.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $16.15 ea.<br />

Angular Iris Scissors<br />

4½" stainless steel, fine point.<br />

Superior grade.Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15404M — $3.20 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.10 ea.<br />

Scalpels<br />

Curved Blades.<br />

SB06902M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

Iris Dissection Scissors<br />

Extremely fine straight blades for delicate dissection.<br />

Serrated handle with spring band for control. Overall<br />

length is 4¾" with a<br />

½" blade. Made<br />

of high-quality<br />

stainless steel. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />

SB46568M — $19.65<br />

Surgeon’s Handle No. 3<br />

A No. 3 stainless steel surgeon’s handle for Nos. 10, 11,<br />

12, and 15 surgeon’s blades. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB06903M — $1.45 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.41 ea.<br />

Surgeon’s Handle No. 4<br />

A No. 4 stainless steel handle for Nos. 20, 21, 22, 23,<br />

and 24 surgeon’s blades. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB07833M — $1.50 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.46 ea.<br />

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.<br />

10 11 12 15 20 21 22 23 24<br />

Surgical Scalpel Blades<br />

Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs. — $1.65<br />

SB09342M No. 10 SB09347M No. 21<br />

SB09343M No. 11 SB09348(X)M No. 22<br />

SB09344M No. 12 SB09349M No. 23<br />

SB09345M No. 15 SB09350M No. 24<br />

SB09346M No. 20<br />

Box of 100. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs. — $15.45<br />

SB09351M No. 10 SB09356M No. 21<br />

SB09352M No. 11 SB09357M No. 22<br />

SB09353M No. 12 SB09358M No. 23<br />

SB09354M No. 15 SB09359M No. 24<br />

SB09355M No. 20<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Biology<br />

Dissection Materials<br />

Scissors<br />

Mayo Scissors<br />

Stainless steel, semi blunt points.<br />

Superior grade.<br />

5½" Straight. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB06899M — $1.85 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.79 ea.<br />

6¾" Straight. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB15402M — $3.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

6¾" Curved. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB15403M — $3.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

Surgical Scissors —<br />

Both Points Blunt<br />

Stainless steel scissors with<br />

blunt/blunt points. Superior grade.<br />

4½" Straight. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15418M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

5½" Straight. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB15419M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

Surgical Scissors —<br />

Both Points Sharp<br />

Stainless steel scissors with sharp/sharp points.<br />

Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

4½" Straight.<br />

SB15417M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

5½" Straight.<br />

SB10282M — $1.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.50 ea.<br />

5½" Curved.<br />

SB15405M — $3.10 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.01 ea.<br />

6½" Straight.<br />

SB15406M — $2.40 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.33 ea.<br />

Surgical Scissors —<br />

One Point Sharp/ One Point Blunt<br />

Stainless steel scissors with sharp/blunt points.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

4½" Straight.<br />

SB15420M — $1.80 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.75 ea.<br />

4½" Curved.<br />

SB15421M — $2.40 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.33 ea.<br />

5½" Straight.<br />

SB10283M — $1.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.50 ea.<br />

5½" Curved.<br />

SB15407M — $3.95 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.83 ea.<br />

6½" Straight.<br />

SB15408M — $2.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.28 ea.<br />

Dissecting Scissors<br />

4½" Stainless Steel, Straight,<br />

Fine Point. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA01146M — $1.20 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.16 ea.<br />

4½" Chrome, Straight, Fine Point.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA01145M — $1.25 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.21 ea.<br />

4½" Nickel, Fine Point, Wire Scissors.<br />

Designed for basic dissections. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB12626M — $2.70 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.62 ea.<br />


Biology<br />

Dissection Materials<br />

Forceps<br />

Scalpels<br />

Sterile Disposable Scalpels<br />

Plastic handle shaped for comfortable grip and easy<br />

manipulation of blade. Blades made of high-quality<br />

surgical steel, honed to provide extremely sharp<br />

cutting edges. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

Scalpel with No. 10 blade for fine dissection<br />

SB15239M — $19.00 per 10<br />

Scalpel with No. 11 blade for microdissection<br />

SB15240M — $19.00 per 10<br />

Scalpel with No. 21 blade for gross dissection<br />

SB15241M — $19.00 per 10<br />

Scalpel — Student Grade<br />

One-piece chrome scalpel, 1½" blade. Student quality.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB12627M — $1.50 ea.; 12 or more — $1.46 ea.<br />

Microdissection Narrow Blade Scalpel<br />

Stainless steel, one-piece scalpel, 1½" blade,<br />

satin finish. Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15424M — $1.80 ea.; 12 or more — $1.75 ea.<br />

Dissecting Forceps — Fine Points<br />

4½" fine points straight forceps with guide pin.<br />

Serrated points. Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

SB12628M — $2.90 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.81 ea.<br />

Dissecting Forceps — Fine Points<br />

4½" fine point curved forceps with guide pin.<br />

Serrated points. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

SB12629M — $2.90 ea.<br />

12 or more — $2.81 ea.<br />

Dissecting Forceps — Medium Points<br />

4½" straight forceps with guide pin. Serrated points.<br />

Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

SB15410M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Chrome-Plated<br />

SA01134M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Chrome-Plated<br />

SA01140M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Chrome-Plated<br />

SA01135M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Microdissection Forceps<br />

4½" very fine, extra-long points. Designed for dissection<br />

under the microscope. Stainless steel. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB12630M — $2.75 ea.; 12 or more — $2.67 ea.<br />

Microdissection Forceps<br />

4½" very fine curved points. Designed for dissection<br />

under the microscope. Stainless steel. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15427M — $3.10 ea.; 12 or more — $3.01 ea.<br />

Forceps<br />

4½", fine points with serrated inside tips.<br />

Chrome plated. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SA01133M — $0.95 ea.; 12 or more — $0.92 ea.<br />

Thumb Forceps<br />

Stainless steel. Popular forceps. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

5½” Long<br />

SA04467M — $1.80 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.75 ea.<br />

4½” Long<br />

S08381M — $1.50 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.46 ea.<br />

Scalpel<br />

One-piece stainless steel scalpel, 1½" blade, satin finish<br />

handle. Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SA01179M — $1.15 ea.; 12 or more — $1.12 ea.<br />

Safety-Lok Scalpel — Student Grade<br />

Chrome-plated forged steel with screw lock to hold<br />

blade firmly in place. Supplied with No. 22 blade.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SA01177M — $1.15 ea.; 12 or more — $1.12 ea.<br />

NOTE: For replacement blades, order No. 22 (SB09348M)<br />

blade listed on page 25.<br />

Snap-Off<br />

Blade Knife<br />

Blade is retractable for safety, and snaps off easily when<br />

a fresh point is desired. Plastic knife includes one blade<br />

with 13 points. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

9705448M — $1.05 ea.; 10 or more — $1.02 ea.<br />

Single Edge Blades<br />

Finest grade single edge<br />

tempered #9 blades.<br />

Pkg. of 100 Blades. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

9701153M — $7.30 pkg.<br />

10 or more pkgs. — $7.08 pkg.<br />

Dissecting Forceps — Medium Points<br />

4½" curved forceps with guide pin, serrated points.<br />

Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

SB15425M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Chrome-Plated<br />

SA01141M — $1.35 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.31 ea.<br />

Tissue Forceps<br />

Stainless steel forceps with 1 x 2 teeth. Superior grade.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

4½” Long<br />

SB15426M — $1.95 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.89 ea.<br />

5½” Long<br />

SB15411M — $1.15 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.12 ea.<br />

Plastic Forceps<br />

Give your students a precision grip to make dissection<br />

easier. Blunt tip. Yellow. 4". Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />

SB48152M — $ 0.60 ea.<br />

12 or more — $ 0.58 ea.<br />

Specimen Forceps<br />

A 12" chrome-plated forceps with straight, blunt<br />

serrated points with guide pin. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB10273M — $3.55 ea.; 12 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

Halstead Mosquito<br />

Forceps<br />

5" stainless steel, serrated box joint.<br />

Superior grade. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

Straight<br />

SB15412M — $3.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

Curved<br />

SB15413M — $3.55 ea.<br />

12 or more — $3.44 ea.<br />

Plastic Forceps<br />

Fine point plastic forceps with serrated inside tips.<br />

4½" long. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB18875M — $1.00 ea.; 12 or more — $0.97 ea.<br />

Teasing Needles<br />

Combination Needle<br />

Combines a straight and bent needle into one<br />

functional instrument. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10274M — $1.85 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.79 ea.<br />

26<br />

Plastic Handle Teasing Needle<br />

Straight. Pkg. of 12. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

S08847M — $3.55 pkg.<br />

12 or more pkgs. — $3.44 pkg.<br />

Wood Handle Teasing Needle<br />

Straight. Pkg. of 12. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15414M — $4.75 pkg.<br />

12 or more pkgs. — $4.61 pkg.<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Plastic Handle Teasing Needle<br />

Bent. Pkg. of 12. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

S08848M — $4.00 pkg.<br />

12 or more pkgs. — $3.88 pkg.<br />

Wood Handle Teasing Needle<br />

Bent. Pkg. of 12. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB15415M — $8.05 pkg.<br />

12 or more pkgs. — $7.81 pkg.

Teasing needles<br />

Metal Needle Holder<br />

Hexagon metal handle with chuck. Straight steel needle<br />

included. Overall length 5¼". Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10275M — $1.80 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.75 ea.<br />

2" Straight Steel Needle<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10276M — $0.80 ea.<br />

12 or more — $0.78 ea.<br />

Rake Retractor<br />

A 6" stainless steel rake retractor with three prongs, blunt<br />

points. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB46697M — $15.45<br />

Pipettes<br />

Live elastin, latex-free nipple, high luster selected glass.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA01161M — $4.35 doz.; 12 dozen — $4.22 doz.<br />

Biology<br />

Dissection Materials<br />

Molded Plastic<br />

Dissecting Case<br />

Molded, high-quality, opaque,<br />

hinged case with snap cover and<br />

compartments for 10<br />

instruments. Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB15400M — $4.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $4.03 ea.<br />

50 or more — $3.94 ea.<br />

Metal Needle Holder<br />

Hexagon metal handle with chuck. Includes bent<br />

needle. 5¼" length. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10277M — $1.65 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.60 ea.<br />

2" Bent Steel Needle<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10278M — $0.70 ea.<br />

12 or more — $0.68 ea.<br />

Probe and Seeker<br />

<strong>Mall</strong> probe 6" long. Solid steel, chrome-plated.<br />

Angular, semi-blunt tip. 6 mm dia. Hexagonal<br />

handle. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB07838M — $1.00 ea.<br />

12 or more — $0.97 ea.<br />

Probe and Hook<br />

Hooked knife and sharp point. Nickel-plated.<br />

Overall length 6". Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB10281M — $1.70 ea.<br />

12 or more — $1.65 ea.<br />

Medium Size<br />

2100320M — $8.70 box<br />

5 or more — $8.44 box<br />

Poly Gloves<br />

Economical, throwaway,<br />

linen-embossed gloves are<br />

ideal for laboratory work<br />

in biology and chemistry.<br />

Dispenser box of 100<br />

gloves is always available,<br />

just like “tissues.”<br />

Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

Large Size<br />

2100321M — $8.70 box<br />

5 or more — $8.44 box<br />

Econo-Blue Nitrile Glove<br />

Nitrile powder free examination gloves offer a high valued<br />

and dependable solution to those allergic to latex protein.<br />

These gloves, formulated with 100% synthetic nitrile polymer,<br />

are latex free, powder free and odor free. The unique<br />

thermal sensitive polymer compound absorbs body heat<br />

and easily conforms to user’s hands; thus exerts virtually<br />

no pressure on the hands and reduces fatigue after<br />

extended wear. Available in all sizes. Box of 100 gloves.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.79 kgs.<br />

C20030M Small<br />

C20032M Large<br />

C20031M Medium<br />

C20033M X-large<br />

Per box — $11.80<br />

10 or more boxes — $11.45 ea.<br />

20 or more boxes — $11.21 ea.<br />

Economy Dissection Trays<br />

Set of 30 9¼" x 11¼" disposable dissection trays.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB41945M — $12.50<br />

T-Pins<br />

Professional quality, steel nickel-plated, ½-lb. box.<br />

Approximately 375 pins. 2” long. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

2500120M — $18.40<br />

Dissecting Pins<br />

Steel pins with smooth sharp points and accurately<br />

formed heads. ½-lb. box. 2" long. Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs.<br />

SA01463M — $11.05 box;<br />

12 or more — $10.72 box<br />

Low-Cost<br />

Rectangular<br />

Magnifier<br />

50 mm x 100 mm (2"<br />

x 4") glass lens. An ideal<br />

student magnifier for studying<br />

insects, shells, plant parts, rocks, minerals,<br />

and other small specimens. One piece handle and<br />

frame is molded of sturdy black plastic. Offset handle permits<br />

unobstructed use. Designed for laboratory or field<br />

trips. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

SB18869M — $2.65<br />

Specimen Bags<br />

Packages of 25.<br />

10" x 18". Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB48481M — $4.85 pkg.<br />

12” x 30”. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB48482M — $8.90 pkg.<br />

Dissection Name Tags<br />

A white name tag strung with white<br />

twine. Space for student’s name and<br />

lab section. Pkg. of 25.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

SB48480M — $7.75<br />

Black Wax Dissecting Pans<br />

For general student use in dissections. Durable onepiece<br />

construction of aluminum… won’t rust, crack, or<br />

leak; lasts indefinitely.<br />

Flex-Pad products are listed on page 28<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Vinyl Dissecting Cases<br />

Grained vinyl cases with lining, snap button fastener,<br />

and outside pocket for instruments.<br />

Single-Fold. Six loops.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15398M — $2.50 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.43 ea.<br />

50 or more — $2.38 ea.<br />

18” x 11” Dissection Tray<br />

and Accessories<br />

For those<br />

large pigs: a<br />

dissection<br />

tray, pad, and<br />

cover that are<br />

just the right<br />

size!<br />

Complete Set. Includes<br />

18” x 11” dissection tray,<br />

18” x 11” pad, and 18” x<br />

11” cover listed below.<br />

Sh. wt. 4.25 lbs.<br />

SB46037M — $51.15<br />

Disecto Flex-Pad Only.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB46036M — $19.95<br />

Double-Fold. Twelve<br />

loops. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SB15399M — $2.15 ea.<br />

10 or more — $2.09 ea.<br />

50 or more — $2.04 ea.<br />

Dissection Tray Only.<br />

Made from heavy-gauge,<br />

high-density polyethylene.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB46035M — $21.40<br />

Cover Only.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

SB46034M — $11.90<br />

10 or More, 50 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

SA00328M Standard (11½ x 7½") with wax 0.65 kgs. $16.15 $15.67 $15.34<br />

SB07238M Standard Pan Only 0.23 kgs. $12.35 $11.98 $11.73<br />

SB07156M Deluxe (13 1 /8" x 9 3 /8" x 2¼") with wax 0.82 kgs. $24.00 $23.28 $22.80<br />

1 lb., 2.27 kgs., 4.54 kgs.,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Per lb. Per lb. Per lb.<br />

SA04451M 1 lb. Replacement Wax 0.51 kgs. $8.85 $8.58 $8.41<br />


Biology<br />

Dissection Materials<br />

• washable<br />

• long lasting<br />

• clean<br />

• smooth surface<br />

Disecto flex-pad advantages:<br />

• latex-free<br />

• removable<br />

• odorless<br />

• pins do not<br />

require<br />

cleaning after<br />

use<br />

SB11663M<br />

Available in three sizes & styles…<br />

Econopan—Small<br />

Pan is constructed of high-density polyethylene for years<br />

of continued use. Designed for grades 4—10 where students<br />

are involved with routine dissections using earthworms,<br />

crayfish, clams, grasshoppers, starfish, perch, and<br />

grass frogs. Outside dimensions: 10” x 7”.<br />

Disecto Module Tray System<br />

Interlocking system is designed to stack several units high<br />

to save counter space. The base has four cleats that lock<br />

firmly to the cover below. Modules can be purchased in any<br />

quantity to build an entire system based on the required<br />

capacities of your class size. Modules are designed to stack<br />

five high with specimens and instruments intact. Each system<br />

includes a storage base, one Econopan with Flex-Pad,<br />

and cover. Sh. wt. 0.85 kgs.<br />

SB11664M — $14.90 ea.<br />

10 or more — $14.45 ea.<br />

50 or more — $14.16 ea.<br />

28<br />

Disecto Flex-Pad<br />

Bulk Sheets<br />

Designed to be trimmed to fit your<br />

existing dissection pans! Many teachers<br />

are concerned that the Standard Disecto<br />

Flex-Pads will not fit their present dissection<br />

pans. The Econopan, Standard, or Deluxe<br />

Flex-Pads will fit the vast majority of pans in<br />

use. These Disecto Flex-Pad Bulk Sheets can<br />

be trimmed with a scissors or utility knife to<br />

custom fit your irregular size pans. We estimate<br />

each bulk sheet to fill four dissection<br />

pans. Bulk sheet size:<br />

17" x 24½". Sh. wt. 4.11 kgs.<br />

SB09801M — $44.30 ea.<br />

10 or more — $42.97 ea.<br />

25 or more — $42.09 ea.<br />

NASCO Disecto Flex-Pad/Pan with Cover<br />

High-Density Polyethylene Pans:<br />

• Less expensive than aluminum<br />

• Won’t rust, crack, or leak<br />

• Nonskid pads prevent movement on table<br />

• Bottom retains shape — does not become rounded with use<br />

• Not as deep — easy to perform routine dissections<br />

• Designed to be used with Disecto Flex-Pads only — not intended to be used with wax<br />

The Disecto Flex-Pad/Pan with cover is designed to allow specimens to remain in the<br />

tray between dissection periods or for an extended length of time. The clear plastic<br />

cover snaps firmly to the pan to prevent excessive moisture loss. Covers specimens up to<br />

3" high. The units are designed to stack in place or to nest for convenient storage. NASCO<br />

suggests the use of NASCO-Guard ® Humectant Fluid (see page 18) to moisten specimens<br />

between dissections.<br />

Standard Dissecting Pan—Medium<br />

For general student use in dissection. Available in both<br />

tough, high-density polyethylene and durable, one-piece<br />

aluminum construction. Neither will rust, crack, or leak.<br />

Outside dimensions: 11½” x 7½”.<br />

10 or More, 50 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

SB11663M Econopan with Disecto Flex-Pad and Cover 0.63 kgs. $10.90 $10.57 $10.36<br />

SB11667M Econopan Only (10" x 7") 0.11 kgs. $2.15 $2.09 $2.04<br />

SB14452M Econo Disecto Flex-Pad Only (fits 10" x 7" Econopan) 0.63 kgs. $5.40 $5.24 $5.13<br />

SB11670M Econo Cover Only (fits 10" x 7" Econopan) 0.11 kgs. $3.85 $3.73 $3.66<br />

SB15232M Standard Polyethylene Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad and Cover 0.85 kgs. $16.70 $16.20 $15.87<br />

SB08756M Standard Aluminum Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad and Cover 1.13 kgs. $23.55 $22.84 $22.37<br />

SB15233M Standard Polyethylene Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad 0.79 kgs. $12.65 $12.27 $12.02<br />

SB07237M Standard Aluminum Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad 1.08 kgs. $19.50 $18.92 $18.53<br />

SB15234M Standard Polyethylene Pan Only 0.25 kgs. $5.50 $5.34 $5.23<br />

SB07238M Standard Aluminum Pan Only 0.23 kgs. $12.35 $11.98 $11.73<br />

SB07239M Standard Disecto Flex-Pad Only (fits 11½" x 7½" Standard Pans) 0.68 kgs. $7.70 $7.47 $7.32<br />

SB08753M Standard Cover Only (fits 11½" x 7½" Standard Pans) 0.11 kgs. $4.15 $4.03 $3.94<br />

SB15235M Deluxe Polyethylene Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad and Cover 1.39 kgs. $22.40 $21.73 $21.28<br />

SB15236M Deluxe Polyethylene Pan with Disecto Flex-Pad 1.31 kgs. $18.05 $17.51 $17.15<br />

SB15237M Deluxe Polyethylene Pan Only 0.37 kgs. $8.45 $8.20 $8.03<br />

SB07241M Deluxe Disecto Flex-Pad Only (fits 12¾" x 9" Deluxe Pans) 0.71 kgs. $9.65 $9.36 $9.17<br />

SB08754M Deluxe Cover Only (fits 12¾" x 9" Deluxe Pans) 0.17 kgs. $4.45 $4.32 $4.23<br />

NASCO’s Large Animal Dissection Tray Designed for:<br />

• Cats • Rabbits • Mink • Other Large Animals<br />

The tray is molded of heavy-gauge, high-density<br />

polyethylene for strength and rigidity. The unbreakable, lightweight<br />

tray is chemical-resistant and features a skid-resistant<br />

bottom. The 16" x 30" tray holds a 10" x 23" DISECTO FLEX-PAD<br />

as a dissecting surface. (NO WAX — NO MESS.) The trays are<br />

easily stacked for storage. A cover is available to protect the<br />

specimen during lab practicals or between dissection periods.<br />

The clear plastic cover fits firmly over the Large Animal Tray to<br />

prevent moisture loss. Cover is designed to be used with large<br />

adult specimens. The cover nestles for convenient storage, but<br />

is not designed to stack with specimens inside. NASCO suggests<br />

the use of NASCO-Guard ® Humectant Fluid (see page 18) to<br />

moisten specimens between dissections.<br />

10 or More 25 or More<br />

Cat. No. Description Sh. wt. Each Each Each<br />

SB07288M Dissection Tray and Pad 3.43 kgs. $54.75 $53.11 $52.01<br />

SB09565M Tray Only 1.13 kgs. $32.15 $31.19 $30.54<br />

SB07840M Disecto Flex-Pad 1.50 kgs. $26.50 $25.71 $25.18<br />

SB09913M Cover Only 0.57 kgs. $12.90 $12.51 $12.26<br />

SB32649M Tray, Flex-Pad, and Cover 3.20 kgs. $67.60 $65.57 $64.22<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

NASCO<br />




Deluxe Dissecting Pan—Large<br />

Designed for fetal pigs, bullfrogs, rats, and other large<br />

specimens. Available in tough, high-density polyethylene<br />

construction. Will not rust, crack, or leak. Outside dimensions:<br />

12¾” x 9”.

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />


<strong>Nasco</strong>'s BioQuest® Enviro-Tank<br />

An environmental test simulator that is limited in its use only by the imagination of the student. Study the negative effects of habitat destruction, pollution, and<br />

improper land use before researching the positive effects of habitat restoration, pollution cleanup, and environment-friendly land use practices. Grade 4 and up.<br />


SB28755M<br />

SB29326M<br />

Enviro-Tank Insert with Pump & Filter<br />

Can be used with any 20-gal. aquarium that is 24" L x 12" W<br />

x 16" H. The Enviro-Tank Insert can also be used as a stand<br />

alone when doing the erosion study. Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

SB29326M — $200.55<br />

Enviro-Tank Basic Kit<br />

The Enviro-Tank Kit comes with supplementary study <strong>materials</strong> to introduce the<br />

student to erosion, pollution, rain forest, and stream flow studies. In addition to being<br />

used as a BioQuest® simulator, the unit can be used as a forest/stream terrarium to set<br />

the atmosphere for biological studies, or used as a self-contained environment to study<br />

ecological interactions. Kit comes with equipment to do all activities. Tank measures<br />

24" L x 12" W x 16" H. Sh. wt. 54 lbs.<br />

ENVIRO-TANK Consumables<br />

Enviro-Tank Basic Kit includes:<br />

• 20-gal. Glass Aquarium<br />

• Enviro-Tank Insert with Pump and<br />

Filter<br />

• Extra Sponge Filter<br />

• No-Jump Screen<br />

• Versa-Top Cover<br />

• Aquarium Maintenance Kit<br />

• Activity Guide<br />

• 5 lbs. Aquarium Gravel<br />

• Light Strip with Two Lamps<br />

• Chlorine Remover<br />

• Instructions<br />

SB28755M — $427.55<br />

ACTiviTy GuiDE<br />

Countertop<br />

Aquaculture System<br />

This simple, compact, and<br />

efficient design fits any classroom. The three<br />

containers are configured like an ecosystem<br />

featuring biological filtration and an area for<br />

plant growth. The system is self contained,<br />

needs no direct plumbing connections, and is<br />

economically priced. The system fits in an area<br />

of just two square feet. It requires only a few<br />

connectors screwed together by hand, making<br />

it very easy to clean or move in a matter<br />

of minutes. The 14" tall containers are recycled<br />

water carboys. They are clear, allowing for better<br />

observation of the entire system. The totally<br />

self-contained system requires only one 120V<br />

outlet for operation. The system includes all<br />

containers, pipe, connectors, filter material,<br />

air pump, and air stone. It also includes a<br />

one-plant hydroponic raft. Shipped UPS<br />

oversized directly from factory. Allow<br />

extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 14 lbs.<br />

Z40649M — $240.70<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Charcoal<br />

An activated carbon charcoal used in carnivorous plant<br />

terrariums.<br />

5-lb. Bag. Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />

SA05525M — $55.90<br />

Terrarium Soils<br />

Specially formulated soil mixtures for terrarium plantings<br />

as used in our terrarium kits.<br />

Woodland Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />

SB13518M — $7.10<br />

Bog Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

SB13519M — $6.50<br />

Desert Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

SB13520M — $6.10<br />

Sphagnum for<br />

Carnivorous Plants.<br />

4-qt. bag. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SA05284(LM)M — $5.45<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Protozoan Pond<br />

Kit for Microscope Study<br />

Remarkable dry mixture produces up<br />

to 20 different species of protozoans.<br />

Hatching starts two to five days after<br />

placing in water. Can be used as a substitute<br />

for living cultures. Always available<br />

for teacher’s use with shelf life of<br />

about two years. Instructional leaflet<br />

included. Pack of 4 units.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA00412(LM)M — $19.95 kit<br />

Protist Growth &<br />

Observation Chamber<br />

Safe, quick, and convenient way to study pond<br />

microlife. Revolutionary, patented system allows<br />

the easy observation of growing protists. Students<br />

simply place a collected water sample or any pond<br />

microorganism into one of the two chambers which are then sealed with a special<br />

breathable, clear material. The “see-through” chambers provide an ideal environment for<br />

viewing daily growth and fit under any compound or stereo microscope for “up close”<br />

inspection. Includes complete instructions. 3" L x 1" W x 5 ⁄16" H. Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

SB37377M — $10.70<br />

Introduction to<br />

Microbiology: Bacterial<br />

Growth and Staining<br />

Students sample and grow bacteria,<br />

then learn techniques for<br />

studying the bacteria they have<br />

grown. Two different staining techniques<br />

will be performed on bacterial<br />

cells to study the morphology<br />

and to determine if the collected<br />

bacteria are gram-positive, gram-negative, or both. Kit includes: 20 sterile petri dishes,<br />

two prepared nutrient agar (200 ml), 40 sterile cotton swabs, methylene blue (30 ml),<br />

crystal violet (30 ml), gram’s iodine (30 ml), safranin O (30 ml), four bottles of<br />

95% ethanol (30 ml), and package of 72 microscope slides. Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />

SB48225M — $70.25<br />

NASCO Gram Stain Kit<br />

Students learn to differentiate between gram-positive<br />

and gram-negative microorganisms using this kit.<br />

Materials included in gram stain kit: 30 ml each of<br />

Crystal Violet Solution, Gram’s Iodine Solution, Alcohol/<br />

Acetone Solution, and Safranin (counter-stain) Solution.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

SB30104M — $47.55<br />

www.enasco.com/product/SB29115M<br />

BioQuest ®<br />

Protozoa<br />

Discovery Kit<br />

By Gari Walz. Students will<br />

prepare viable protozoan<br />

cultures from dry media<br />

containing encysted protozoans.<br />

Explore the cultures<br />

and observe different forms<br />

of protozoans and various<br />

methods of locomotion.<br />

Learn to compare the biodiversity<br />

of protozoans and how they fill a niche in a larger living world. Includes: four vials<br />

of protozoa nutrient, 12 dropping pipettes, 12 concave and 12 flat slides, box of cover slips,<br />

two 8-oz. culture jars, one bottle of “slowing solution,” six petri dishes, protozoa identification<br />

illustrations, facts sheet questionnaire, Golden Guide to Pond Life book, and student teacher’s<br />

guides. Sh. wt. 1.67 kgs.<br />

SB29115M — $54.45 kit<br />

Microbe Scavenger Hunt<br />

Hunt for various kinds of microorganisms<br />

— including bacteria,<br />

fungi, and protists — in water, air,<br />

soil, and even food, employing<br />

a ready-to-use growth media.<br />

The specially formulated gel,<br />

which requires no autoclaving or<br />

special equipment, makes it easy<br />

for students to design experiments<br />

that explore the subvisible<br />

world around them, collecting<br />

and identifying a wide variety<br />

of microbes. The investigation<br />

also includes a dichotomous key<br />

to molds, bacteria, and protists,<br />

special micro-life traps for aquatic<br />

and terrestrial microhabitats, and<br />

a guide to appropriate viewing<br />

techniques. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for<br />

a class of 40 students. Grades 5-12.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.27 kgs.<br />

SB31298M — $94.65<br />

Class Refill Only. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB31299M — $52.35<br />

FREE<br />



30<br />

Protozoan Media<br />

Amoeba Medium. Place the liquid medium in a culture dish, add the percent rice<br />

seed, inoculate with Amoeba. Instructions included. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

SB07564(LM)M — $6.80 pint<br />

Euglena Medium. For the cultivation of Euglena. Consists of a bottle of liquid and<br />

the necessary ingredients for producing rich Euglena cultures. Must be inoculated<br />

with living media. Instruction sheet included. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

SB07566(LM)M — $4.85 pint<br />

Paramecium Medium. May be used for Paramecium and other ciliates. Consists of<br />

a bottle of liquid and a proportional amount of prepared media. Must be inoculated<br />

with living media. Instructions included. Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

SB07568(LM)M — $5.15 pint<br />

Methyl Cellulose<br />

Solutions for Quieting Protozoans.<br />

1.5%. Dropper Bottle.<br />

30 ml. Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

SA09608(LM)M — $3.55<br />

1.5%. Dropper Bottle.<br />

100 ml. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SA09609(LM)M — $4.30<br />

Visualizing Protists Poster<br />

A close-up view of over 30 protists! Features stunning photos of every phylum, divided<br />

into three major groups — plant-like protists, animal-like protists, and fungus-like<br />

protists. Also includes detailed illustrations depicting the intricate structure of Euglena,<br />

Volvox, Paramecium, and Saprolegnia. Dimensions: 23" W x 35" H. Grades 6—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

SB38488M Laminated — $26.15<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Drosophila Culture Supplies and Media<br />

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

1. Drosophila Culture Vials<br />

Shatterproof plastic, 1¼" x 4".<br />

Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB11136M<br />

10 or more — $1.00 ea.<br />

50 or more — $0.97 ea.<br />

100 or more — $0.95 ea.<br />

500 or more — $0.93 ea.<br />

2. Drosophila Culture Screens<br />

Plastic screens to increase surface area<br />

and keep flies off of media where young<br />

are developing. Sh. wt. 0.03 kgs.<br />

SA02409M<br />

10 or more — $0.25 ea.<br />

50 or more — $0.24 ea.<br />

100 or more — $0.24 ea.<br />

500 or more — $0.23 ea.<br />

1. 2. 3.<br />

3. Drosophila Vial Plugs<br />

Plastic foam plugs which can be autoclaved.<br />

Fits SB11136M vials or vials with<br />

diameters from ¾" to 1¼". Sh. wt. 0.03 kgs.<br />

SA02408M<br />

10 or more — $ 0.70 ea.<br />

50 or more — $0.68 ea.<br />

100 or more — $0.67 ea.<br />

500 or more — $0.65 ea.<br />

4. Drosophila Vial Caps<br />

Plastic breathing caps useful for controlling<br />

moisture and securing cultures<br />

against accidental opening. Made for use<br />

with SB11136M Drosophila Culture Vials<br />

and SA02408M Drosophila Culture Vial<br />

Plugs. Sh. wt. 0.03 kgs.<br />

SB10440M<br />

10 or more — $0.25 ea.<br />

50 or more — $0.24 ea.<br />

100 or more — $0.24 ea.<br />

500 or more — $0.23 ea.<br />

Instant Drosophila Medium<br />

Just add water to equal portions of medium; no heating or sterilization<br />

necessary. Ready to use in one minute. Instructions are included.<br />

1-Liter Bag. Makes 120 cultures.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB01223(LM)M — $13.25 bag<br />

5 or more bags — $12.85 ea.<br />

4.<br />

4-Liter Bag. Makes 600 cultures.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.50 kgs.<br />

SB01224(LM)M — $41.60<br />

Introduction to<br />

Microbiology Kit<br />

Students culture bacteria,<br />

yeast, and mold with this<br />

popular kit. In addition, they<br />

will study algae and protozoa<br />

from pond water they provide.<br />

Kit contains sterile growth<br />

containers, media, and cultures<br />

of mixed bacteria, yeast,<br />

and mixed mold. Background<br />

material and discussion questions<br />

for both qualitative and<br />

quantitative observations are<br />

included in the reproducible<br />

student work sheets. Enough<br />

material for 30 students to work individually. Includes MSDS. Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />

SB26138M — $148.70<br />

Understanding Bacteria DVD<br />

Attack of the flesh-eating bacteria sounds<br />

like a horror movie, but bacterial truly are on<br />

a rampage. They’ve become immune to your<br />

antibiotics, rendering once treatable infections<br />

deadly. And new strains have evolved,<br />

such as E. coli and the bizarre flesh-eating<br />

group A strep. Explore how bacteria are<br />

helpful, aiding in meal digestion and waterpollution<br />

control. 54 minutes. Grades 6—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB42367M DvD — $71.35<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>'s BioQuest ®<br />

FlyQuell Anesthetizer<br />

The best way to successfully anesthetize<br />

Drosophila. To be used with BioQuest ®<br />

Culture Kit SA06357M and SA06356M. Less<br />

odor than other brands. No ether odor!<br />

Includes instructions.<br />

25 ml Bottle. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB40034M — $12.05<br />

FlyQuell Anesthetizer Container.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />

SB42782M — $21.05<br />

Choice Chamber<br />

Study the habits of picky arthropods! Explore habitat preference and animal behavior<br />

using small arthropods as test subjects. Isopods or “pill bugs” are a good choice. The<br />

chamber is equipped with a tight-fitting lid to contain the critters. An escape-proof passageway<br />

connects the two chambers. Includes two lids and instructions. Good for AP<br />

Biology. (Live organisms not included). Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB48162M — $4.65<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>'s BioQuest ®<br />

Introductory Culture Kit —<br />

Flies Not Included<br />

Includes 25 culture vials, 25 vial caps, 25<br />

plugs, 25 screens, ½lb. NASCO-Mead medium<br />

(enough for 60 cultures), one anesthetizer, a<br />

camel hair brush, and instructions. Shipped<br />

by UPS. Live flies must be ordered separately.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SA06356M — $58.65<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>'s BioQuest ® Culture Kit<br />

— Flies Not Included<br />

Includes 50 culture vials, 50 vial caps, 50<br />

polyethylene plugs, 50 plastic screens, 1<br />

lb. NASCO-Mead medium (enough for 120<br />

cultures), three anesthetizers, three camel<br />

hair brushes, 100 labels, 12 sorting cards,<br />

one morgue jar, and instructions. Shipped<br />

by UPS. Live flies must be ordered separately.<br />

Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />

SA06357M — $136.60<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Micro Mania<br />

A really close-up look at bacteria, bedbugs, mold, virus<br />

cells, and the zillions of other gross little creatures that live<br />

in, on, and all around you! This collection of mind-blowing<br />

images is accompanied by detailed information about the<br />

history of different microbes, famous scientists, the characteristics<br />

of bacteria, good and bad germs, and more. 80<br />

pages. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB48282M — $11.85<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

see page 283 for LAB INCUBATORS<br />

Z09358M<br />

Z16725M<br />

SB39237M<br />

Student Bacteria<br />

Experiment Kit<br />

Conduct bacteria experiments<br />

including: clean hands vs. dirty<br />

hands, dog mouth vs. human<br />

mouth, clean mouth vs. dirty<br />

mouth, and testing common items<br />

around the school or home. Kit<br />

contains two 200 ml bottles of<br />

prepared nutrient agar, 20 gamma<br />

radiated sterile petri dishes, 10<br />

sterile swabs, and four lab instruction<br />

sheets. Kit is sufficient for individual<br />

experiments or can be used<br />

with four groups of 5—6 students.<br />

Grades 8—12. Sh. wt. 1.99 kgs.<br />

SB39237M — $48.50<br />

Culture Media 1 unit unit<br />

Cat. No. Description Equals Sh. wt. Price<br />

SA09314M Agar Powder (agar-agar) ¼ lb. 0.48 kgs. $22.75<br />

SB07603M Agar Powder (agar-agar) 1 lb. 0.91 kgs. $88.05<br />

SB07268M EMB Agar, Levine ¼ lb. 0.34 kgs. $30.35<br />

SB07088M Gelatin ¼ lb. 0.34 kgs. $19.70<br />

SB07092M Nutrient Agar ¼ lb. 0.34 kgs. $33.65<br />

SB07269M Nutrient Agar 1 lb. 0.57 kgs. $109.80<br />

SB07093M Nutrient Broth ¼ lb. 0.34 kgs. $31.85<br />

SB07285M Nutrient Broth 1 lb. 0.57 kgs. $91.35<br />

SB07270M Potato Dextrose Agar ¼ lb. 0.34 kgs. $30.65<br />

SB07271M Potato Dextrose Agar 1 lb. 0.57 kgs. $105.35<br />

SB13695M Sabouraud Dextrose Agar ¼ lb. 0.48 kgs. $24.50<br />

SB13696M Tryptic Soy Agar ¼ lb. 0.23 kgs. $23.65<br />

SB07791M Yeast Extract (culture media) ¼ lb. 0.40 kgs. $27.35<br />

Petri Dish Starter Kit with Agar<br />

All the elements beginners need to start learning<br />

how to prepare and utilize their petri dishes to grow<br />

bacteria. Includes two petri dishes with 3 g of agar,<br />

plastic tweezers, and instructions. Dishes measure<br />

2¼" in diameter. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />

SB45545M — $3.75<br />

Inoculating Loop<br />

Consists of a 3" long, 25-gauge nichrome wire with a loop at one end and the other<br />

end mounted on an 8" aluminum handle.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />

SB47542M — $1.95<br />

10 or more — $1.89<br />

Inoculation Loops<br />

Each instrument consists of a length of 63 mm wire, and the inside diameter of the 10 ul<br />

calibrated loop is 3 mm. The 24-gauge nichrome wire is on a 6" aluminum handle. Sh. wt.<br />

0.19 lbs.<br />

SB30789M — $2.90 ea.<br />

Plastic inoculation Loops, Pkg. of 50. Individually wrapped, sterile<br />

disposable plastic inoculation loops. Calibrated 1 ul on one end and<br />

10 ul on the other. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB43497M — $19.65<br />

Mushroom Farm-In-A-Box<br />

Grow your own plump, delicious mushrooms right in the classroom. Each of the farms<br />

comes complete and ready to grow. Needs no replanting — grows right in the box in a<br />

dark closet or basement. Just add water and watch them grow. Produces first crop in just<br />

30 days. Grows several crops over a three month period. Includes easy-to-follow instructions.<br />

Available October through April only. Shipped directly from Pennsylvania<br />

factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />

Classic Kit. White mushrooms.<br />

9” x 13” x 6” high.<br />

Sh. wt. 4.54 kgs.<br />

Z09358M — $15.10<br />

Algae Medium<br />

Suitable for most algae cultures.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB07321(LM)M — $8.25 per quart<br />

Algae Culture Media<br />

Culture Tubes<br />

Distilled Water 4L.<br />

SB07177(LM)M — $4.65<br />

Culture Tube, Screw Cap with Rubber Liner - KIMAx<br />

A large spot is provided for marking. Caps have a long, threaded length and considerable<br />

length below the threaded part, so that caps can be loosened for autoclaving<br />

without danger of dropping off.<br />

Overflow<br />

Capacity<br />

Colossal Kits. 9” x 13” x 12” high.<br />

Sh. wt. 6.35 kgs.<br />

Z16723M White Mushroom Kit — $25.30<br />

Z16725M Portabella Mushroom Kit — $27.65<br />

Price Per<br />

Doz.<br />

unbroken<br />

Shelf Pack<br />

Price<br />

Per Doz.<br />

Cat. No. Size mm<br />

Sh. wt.<br />

SB11033M 13 x 100 8 0.44 lbs. $19.55 6 Doz. $18.96<br />

SB11034M 16 x 100 12 0.50 lbs. $27.15 6 Doz. $26.34<br />

SB11035M 20 x 125 25 0.75 lbs. $33.05 4 Doz. $32.06<br />

Demoslide Tube Rack<br />

Holds 12 demoslides in an upright or horizontal<br />

position. Plastic construction. Measures 6½" W x<br />

5¾" H. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB44642M — $53.55<br />

Demoslide Stage Adapter<br />

Constructed to easily mount a demoslide onto<br />

a microscope and hold it stationary to facilitate<br />

thorough examination. 3" x 2½". Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB44625M — $14.65<br />

Inoculation Needles<br />

24-gauge, 3" nichrome wire with 6" aluminum handle. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB30790M — $1.85 ea.<br />

32<br />

Demoslides with Caps<br />

Make your own slide mounts of living material using these demoslides.<br />

SB44626M Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. Pack of 5. — $9.45<br />

SB44627M Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs. Pack of 30. — $24.35<br />

SB44628M Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. Pack of 120. — $99.35<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Collecting and Mounting Kit<br />

Designed as a complete instructional unit<br />

for secondary level students or beginning<br />

collectors, the kit contains all fundamental<br />

equipment needed to collect, prepare, and<br />

maintain specimens of most insect orders. Kit<br />

includes a 12" diameter collecting net, insect<br />

box, two killing jars, ethyl acetate killing fluid,<br />

forceps, spreading board, pinning block, pins,<br />

glassine envelopes, labels, fumigant, 4X folding<br />

magnifier, pen, and illustrated instruction<br />

book. Sh. wt. 1.61 kgs.<br />

SA02725M — $71.35<br />

Field Trip Collection<br />

Container and Magnifier<br />

Encourage students’ curiosity about nature and ecology<br />

with this set of 6 clear specimen containers and tray.<br />

Excellent for field trips to gather specimens; students<br />

can scoop up items in the large tray, place them in the<br />

transparent pots, and view them through the 2X<br />

magnifying lids. The six containers fit snugly into the tray<br />

to prevent spilling or tipping. Includes insect identification<br />

chart. Sh. wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

SB25131M — $17.80<br />

Bug Viewer<br />

2.5X glass lens. Rugged, clear plastic with 5 mm squares<br />

on the bottom for easy specimen measurement.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB26400M — $5.10 ea.; 5 or more — $4.95 ea.<br />

Introduction and Use of Dichotomous Keys<br />

Kit — Lab-Aids ® No. 51<br />

Scientists have classified and keyed living and non-living<br />

things for hundreds of years. Chemists have their periodic<br />

table of the elements and biologists have produced keys<br />

by putting living things into categories according to similar<br />

traits. With this kit, students work with eight illustrated<br />

“specimen” cards and two types of dichotomous keys (an<br />

indented and non-indented numerical version). This is a<br />

stimulating, challenging, fun, and very worthwhile activity.<br />

Kit is designed for 30 students working individually or in<br />

teams. Kit is reusable. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB28707M — $49.95<br />

Insect Pins<br />

These #3 steel pins<br />

are coated with a<br />

black corrosionresistant<br />

finish and<br />

have a yellow epoxy<br />

head. 37 mm long.<br />

Sizes 2, 3, and 4 are<br />

for most insects;<br />

size 5 is for heavybodied<br />

ones; and<br />

00, 0, and 1 are for<br />

small ones. Package<br />

of 100 pins. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />

S08228M Size 00 S07828M Size 3<br />

S07825M Size 0 S08230M Size 4<br />

S07826M Size 1 S07829M Size 5<br />

S08229M Size 2<br />

Each — $6.45<br />

Nonpoisonous Killing Jars<br />

Cotton-filled cartridge for killing agent is attached to<br />

liner of jar cap with holes for easily charging with ethyl<br />

acetate.<br />

8 oz. Jar. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB09387M — $5.55 ea.<br />

6 or more — $5.38 ea.<br />

Dispatching Fluid<br />

2 oz. ethyl acetate — enough for several charges for our<br />

nonpoisonous killing jar. 99% solution. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SA06336M — $6.10<br />

Insect Pinning Forceps<br />

Heavily-plated forceps, made from forged steel with<br />

a guide pin. 4½" long, rounded and serrated tips with<br />

gooseneck shanks. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB06908M — $5.55 ea.<br />

6 or more — $5.38 ea.<br />

Insect Pinning Board<br />

It’s easy to pin down your student’s progress with this<br />

economical insect pinning board. It’s made of lightweight<br />

styrofoam that is similar to versaboard and is 11" x 17" x<br />

¾" in size. It features five grooves ranging from 1 /8" to 5 /8"<br />

wide that are deep enough to fit most insect<br />

specimens. Grades 6-12. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB44316M — $12.40<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Specimen Labels, Gummed Paper<br />

White gummed labels, size 2" x 3 7 ⁄8", with printed<br />

legend providing space for specimen name, number,<br />

region, habitat, date, and collector’s name. Pkg. of 100.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA04448M — $3.55 per pkg.<br />

10 or more — $3.44 per pkg.<br />

See page 48 for more specimen<br />

mounting supplies<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />


Buy, sell, and trade your<br />

favorite insects and a few of<br />

their friends with this wonderful<br />

look into the bug<br />

kingdom that is crawling<br />

with good fun. As you play,<br />

flip over the deeds and<br />

read some amazing and<br />

fun facts. Includes: game<br />

board, deeds, and 6<br />

pawns. For 2-6 players.<br />

Grade 2 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB45777M — $29.70<br />

Set Includes<br />

20 Boxes!<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Field<br />

Identification Grid<br />

Perfect for small group field<br />

identification. This 20" L x 20"<br />

W grid is easily folded and<br />

stored. Made from sturdy PVC<br />

pipe, this nearly indestructible<br />

grid will be provide years of<br />

use. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />

SB42804M — $42.25<br />

Insect Collection Box<br />

Classroom Set<br />

Outdoor learning fun! An<br />

inexpensive way to get your<br />

whole class excited about<br />

collecting and classifying<br />

insects. Students can create<br />

a professional display of a<br />

variety of insects, keeping<br />

insects clean and protected<br />

from indiscriminate handling.<br />

Set includes 20 collection<br />

boxes, Styrofoam® insert for<br />

collection boxes, five size<br />

insect pins, five specimen<br />

labels, and insect collection<br />

instruction sheet.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />

SB45512M — $88.05<br />

Green Earth Praying Mantis Insect Kit<br />

Raise your own live Praying Mantis! Learn about the life cycle and biology<br />

while you raise your own live pets. Kit includes Super View net habitat;<br />

magnifier, pipette, and padded tweezers; instruction and activity book with information<br />

about the Praying Mantis sold year round. Live <strong>materials</strong> not included. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB42055M — $23.75<br />

Eye-Spy Magnifiying Bug<br />

Viewers<br />

Get a closer look at all sorts of<br />

small things! This nifty plastic<br />

container has a magnifying lid<br />

with air holes to keep bugs alive.<br />

Grid on bottom allows students<br />

to measure their specimen. Sh.<br />

wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />

SB48490M— $3.55 ea.<br />

10 or more — $3.44<br />

Invertebrates Teaching Poster Set<br />

Outstanding illustrations and clear descriptions make it simple for students to learn the key characteristics of worms, sponges, cnidarians,<br />

arthropods, mollusks, and echinoderms. Set contains four posters, four reproducible activity sheets, and a teacher’s guide. Posters measure<br />

17" x 22". Grades 4-9. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />

SB48155M— $11.20<br />

34<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Butterfly Families<br />

Show students the diversity of butterflies with this collection of 10 real specimens representing<br />

10 families. Specimens range from the small blues and coppers to the beautiful<br />

swallowtails and milkweed butterflies. All are presented in a 12" x 8" exhibit. Species<br />

will vary with availability. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />

SB46006M — $90.40<br />

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Challenge<br />

Help students explore vertebrate<br />

and invertebrate<br />

classifications. Focusing on<br />

terminology basics, animal<br />

classifications, and animal survival<br />

adaptations, these fun, fastpaced<br />

games use the “Round<br />

Robin — I Have, Who Has” game<br />

style. The entire class will work<br />

together to beat their best time.<br />

The game includes two decks<br />

of 30 cards each, one deck covering<br />

vertebrates and the other<br />

one invertebrates, along with<br />

instructions and an easy-tofollow<br />

answer key. Use during<br />

topic introduction, as a review<br />

game, or for evaluation. Meets<br />

the National Science Education<br />

Content Standard C. Grades 5-10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB48172M — $28.55<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Student Insect Net<br />

Designed for the student to effectively capture land bound insects and small aquatic<br />

creatures. 8" square steel hoop, 6" deep mesh capturing bag, soft 1 /32" mesh grid size, and<br />

20" high-grade knotless pine handle. Grade 7 and up. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB43411M — $8.05<br />

Professional Insect Net<br />

Designed for the professional to effectively capture land bound insects and tiny<br />

aquatic creatures. 11" square steel hoop, 11" deep mesh capturing bag, soft 1 /32"<br />

mesh grid size, and 30" extendable handle with quick twist lock. Grade 7 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB43415M — $25.20<br />

Professional Butterfly Net<br />

Designed for the professional to effectively capture butterflies, moths, and other winged<br />

insects. 12” steel hoop, 28” deep mesh capturing bag, soft 1 /32” mesh grid size, and 30”<br />

extendable handle with quick twist lock. Grade 7 and up. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB43416M — $28.55<br />

Insect Net<br />

This quality built nylon insect net features a telescoping aluminum handle that<br />

extends from 18" to 32". A simple twist of the handle locks and unlocks the handle<br />

for varying lengths. A 48" long conical net is mounted on a 14" ring. Grade 7<br />

and up. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB48566M — $12.20<br />

Student Butterfly Net<br />

Designed for the student to effectively capture butterflies, moths, and other winged<br />

insects. 12” steel hoop, 28” deep mesh capturing bag, soft 1 /32” mesh grid size, and 20” highgrade<br />

knotless pine handle. Grade 7 and up. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB43413M — $17.00<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Butterflies of North America<br />

Enter the magical world of butterflies. This user-friendly<br />

guide, lavishly illustrated with more than 160 species,<br />

provides invaluable information for those who want to<br />

identify almost any North American butterfly, create a<br />

butterfly-friendly garden, use the new breed of closerange<br />

binoculars, and protect butterfly environments.<br />

208 pages. Grade 8 and up. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB48168M — $15.45<br />

Butterflies of the World Poster<br />

Over 100 of the most colourful species are shown. To add variety, a few moths are<br />

also included. 24" x 36". Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

SB40860M — $14.65<br />

The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs<br />

Discover amazing butterflies, moths, spiders, dragonflies, and other insects!<br />

Stunning photography is combined with expert information to create an upclose-and-personal<br />

tour of the hidden lives of spiders,<br />

beetles, butterflies, moths, crickets, dragonflies, damselflies,<br />

grasshoppers, aphids, and many other backyard<br />

residents. Each creature is shown in its natural<br />

setting, and many are shown progressing through the<br />

stages of their life cycles. This is a one-of-a-kind look<br />

at some of life’s most fascinating mysteries — surprising,<br />

captivating, and perfect for nature lovers of all<br />

ages. Grade 9 and up. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB48174M — $17.80<br />

Monarch Life Cycles<br />

Monarchs are probably the most recognized of<br />

our native Lepidopteran species. Now you can<br />

put their amazing life cycle in your student’s<br />

hands with this 5" x 4" exhibit. From egg to<br />

freeze-dried larva (caterpillar), to chrysalis and<br />

adult — all stages of a complete metamorphosis<br />

are included and fully labeled. All grades.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB42011M — $29.70<br />

Monarch Life Cycle Poster<br />

Breathtaking, full-colour life cycle poster of<br />

the beautiful Monarch butterfly (Danaus<br />

plexippus). Depicts the complete life cycle<br />

beginning with the egg at Day 1 and ending<br />

with the adult butterfly at Day 30 plus<br />

six hours (shows 18 stages in all). This 22"<br />

x 17½" poster is available as a laminated<br />

version or laminated and mounted on 3 /16"<br />

foam-core board. Laminated. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB27440M — $13.10 ea.<br />

5 or more — $12.71 ea.<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s 6 ft. x 6 ft. Screen Room<br />

Turn your classroom into an outdoor learning lab! This tent pops open instantly,<br />

transforming into a screened-in classroom. Offers an excellent enclosure for a vivarium<br />

or other classroom projects. Sets up in your classroom or outside your school<br />

to provide an alternate hands-on activity. No flooring makes this tent easy to set up<br />

anywhere. Color may vary. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

SB40675M — $88.40<br />

36<br />

Butterfly Farm Square Pop-Up Cage<br />

Allow your students to watch butterflies in the class-<br />

room with these fully-enclosed terrariums. Features<br />

include one clear vinyl full side window for unob-<br />

structed viewing, large protected zip-<br />

per opening for easy access, and five<br />

fine mesh walls to keep out butterfly<br />

predators. Lightweight, collapsible<br />

design is perfect for field work,<br />

and when collapsed, fits easily into<br />

most purses or backpacks. Netting<br />

absorbs moisture to keep contents<br />

dry. Washable.<br />

16½" x 16½" x 30". Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB46624M — $17.80<br />

27" x 27" x 48". Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB46623M — $23.80<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Hagen Waterhome Aquariums<br />

Features diamond-polished edges, precision black silicone seal, pre-cleaned<br />

ultra-clear glass, water tested. For fresh or salt water.<br />

Cat. No. Capacity Price Cat. No. Price Cat. No. Price<br />

Aquarium Canopy Bulb<br />

1020M 18.9L $28.00 1028M $53.00 1036M $15.00<br />

1022M 35.9L $48.00 1030M $80.00 1036M $15.00<br />

1024M 57.4L $73.00 1032M $115.00 1038M $15.00<br />

1026M 87L $115.00 1034M $129.00 1040M $17.00<br />

Aqueon ® Mini Bow Desktop<br />

Aquarium Kit<br />

The perfect aquarium for classroom<br />

fun! This pint-sized starter kit takes<br />

up little space, so it’s ideal for any<br />

room and decor. Kit includes: Mini<br />

Bow aquarium, Mini Bow quiet<br />

floor filter and cartridge, aquarium<br />

light hood, seven-watt incandescent<br />

bulb, set-up and care guide, water<br />

conditioner, and premium fish food.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />

SB47442M — $40.80<br />

5-gal. Desktop Aquarium Kit.<br />

Measures 14-1⁄4” W x 9-3⁄4” D x 13” H. Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />

SB48311M — $95.15<br />

Replacement Filters for Aqueon ® Aquariums.<br />

Pkg. of 3.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48310M— $7.70<br />

Hagen Aquarium Starter Kits –<br />

Complete with Tank<br />

These kits contain the basic items required to set up an aquarium. The<br />

starter kits are easy to set up. Gravel sold separately. Available in 18.9L,<br />

35.9L, 57.4L or 87L sizes and include:<br />

• Aquarium<br />

• Fluorescent Canopy (57.4L and 89L sizes also include bulb)<br />

• AquaClear Filter<br />

• Digital Thermometer<br />

• Plastic Plants<br />

• Fish Net<br />

• Nutrafin Max Complete Fish Food<br />

• Nutrafin Cycle to treat new aquarium water<br />

• Basic Aquarium Guide & Video on how to set up your new Aquarium<br />

57.4L and 87L size kits also include:<br />

• Fluoresecent Canopy Bulb<br />

• Radiant Heater<br />

Cat. No. Capacity Price<br />

1000M 18.9L $119.00<br />

1002M 35.9L $259.00<br />

1004M 57.4L $279.00<br />

1006M 87L $299.00<br />

Start Right Liquid<br />

Detoxifies water by bonding toxic metals such as<br />

copper, zinc, etc. Produces a medicated slime to<br />

fight ich, fungus, and oodinium. Balances osmotic<br />

processes while it dechlorinates. An excellent preventative<br />

tonic. 2-oz. bottle treats 1,200 gallons.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB19257M —$4.00<br />

Flex-Tanks and Flex-Covers<br />

Great for creating terrariums, small aquariums, or as a “critter” cage.<br />

Solves the cracking and breakage problem of rigid plastic and glass<br />

tanks. Unique features include nestable to save storage space, flexible,<br />

shatterproof material, molded foot pegs that prevent scratching<br />

and temperature transfer, rounded corners for easy clean up,<br />

and no-drip covers. Exclusive design forces condensation to remain<br />

in the tank.<br />

Renaissance Mixo<br />

Automatic Fish Feeder<br />

An easy-to-program, automatic fish feeder for flake,<br />

pellet, and small tablet foods. Unique aeration feature<br />

helps keep food moisture-free. Features an electronic<br />

timer control, adjustable food outlet, and large food<br />

compartment. Batteries included. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB27632M — $33.30<br />

Aquaria — Isolation Chambers<br />

Fish Flake Food<br />

For all types of fish. Resealable, airtight<br />

container. 150-g package. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB16701M — $13.05<br />

Cat. No. Description Size Sh. wt. Each<br />

10 or More, Ea.<br />

SB19271M ½-gal. Flex-Tank with Cover 5 3 /8" x 7" x 3¾"<br />

SB17316M ½ -gal. Flex-Tank Only 53 /8" x 7" x 3¾"<br />

0.23 kgs.<br />

0.11 kgs. $4.65<br />

$2.80 $4.51<br />

$2.72<br />

SB18072M ½-gal. Flex-Cover Only 5 3 /8" x 7" 0.09 kgs. $1.95 $1.89<br />

SB19272M 1-gal. Flex-Tank with Flex-Cover 7" x 7" x 5" 0.34 kgs. $6.55 $6.35<br />

SB14936M 1-gal. Flex-Tank Only 7" x 7" x 5" 0.20 kgs. $4.20 $4.07<br />

SB18071M 1-gal. Flex-Cover Only 7" x 7" 0.14 kgs. $2.65 $2.57<br />

SB19273M 1½-gal. Flex-Tank with Flex-Cover 11" x 7" x 5" 0.48 kgs. $10.25 $9.94<br />

SB12198M 1½-gal. Flex-Tank Only 11" x 7" x 5" 0.29 kgs. $7.05 $6.84<br />

SB18841M 1½-gal. Flex-Cover Only 10½" x 7" 0.17 kgs. $3.35 $3.25<br />

SB13248M 1½-gal. Domed Cover with Dial Ventilator 10½" x 7" x 3¼" 0.20 kgs. $7.45 $7.23<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Nylon Fish Nets<br />

Fabric imported. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

3" Net<br />

SA01486M — $2.35 ea.; 12 or more — $1.80 ea.<br />

6" Net<br />

SA01487M — $2.80 ea.; 12 or more — $3.10 ea.<br />

Aquatic Plant Set<br />

Set of 6 replicas of aquatic plants. Provides<br />

refuge for your more timid fish and newborn<br />

fry. Completely washable. Plant styles<br />

may vary. For 10-gal. or larger tanks. Sh.<br />

wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB10298M — $28.00<br />

Under Gravel Filter<br />

Ideal for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.<br />

This virtually maintenance-free filter pulls particulate<br />

matter down through the aquarium<br />

gravel where it breaks down, creating a<br />

biological filter of beneficial bacteria that<br />

purifies the water.<br />

For 10-gal. Tank.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.54 kgs.<br />

SB07968M — $13.30<br />

Filter Carbon<br />

This super-activated carbon is the best medium for removing all harmful gases,<br />

discolorations, and odours from aquarium water. Granules are uniform in size.<br />

Essential to filtration.<br />

SA05525(X)M Per 5-lb. bag. Sh. wt. 2.83 kgs. — $55.90<br />

Eco-Check5 In 1 Test Strips<br />

The hassle-free, one dip solution to measuring<br />

nitrate, nitrite, total alkalinity, total hardness, and<br />

pH. With all of the needed chemistries precisely<br />

impregnated on the strip pads, you can get accurate<br />

results in seconds. For freshwater ponds, lakes, and<br />

aquariums. 25 strips. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB39209M — $16.65<br />

Heaters and Thermometers<br />

AmQuel ® Water<br />

Conditioner<br />

A one-step chloramine and<br />

ammonia remover. Simply add 5<br />

ml to 10 gallons of water. 16 oz.<br />

AmQuel ® treats 960 gallons of<br />

water. Sh. wt. 0.63 kgs.<br />

SB13232M — $18.15<br />

Floating Aquarium Thermometer<br />

Protect fish from unsafe temperatures. Accurate and easy to read with safety zone<br />

indicator for most tropical fish. Includes suction cup to keep thermometer stationary.<br />

Provides temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. For freshwater or saltwater use.<br />

4 1 ⁄2" L x 1 ⁄2" W. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SB28888M — $2.50<br />

Filter Floss<br />

A fine, polyester fiber recommended<br />

for use in all aquarium<br />

filters. A filtration must.<br />

4-oz. bag. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

SA05524M — $3.05<br />

Hagen Power Filters<br />

1014M Aqua Clear 20 Power Filter — $39.00<br />

1016M Aqua Clear 30 Power Filter — $49.00<br />

1018M Aqua Clear 50 Power Filter — $59.00<br />

Air Pumps and Accessories<br />

Tubing<br />

Durable air line tubing fits all standard aquarium air pumps, gang valves,<br />

and air stone diffusers.<br />

10-ft. Aquarium Air Line. 100-ft. Aquarium Air Line.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

SB07971M — $3.00 SB07972M — $19.35<br />

Air Stone Diffuser<br />

Breaks up the air into fine bubbles which allow maximum aeration of aquarium<br />

water. Highly recommended for use with any adequate pump. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SA04508M — $2.70 ea.; 12 or more — $2.62 ea.<br />

Aquarium Air Pump<br />

Powerful air pump for up to 20-gal.<br />

aquariums using any type of bottom<br />

filter, standard under gravel filter, or an<br />

outside filter. Includes instructions and<br />

one-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

1042M — $17.95<br />

Aquarium Heaters<br />

When ordering, allow 5 watts per gallon<br />

of water. Hanging type, printed circuit,<br />

precision-controlled, automatic heaterthermostat<br />

with calibrated adjusting<br />

knob, noise eliminator, neon pilot light,<br />

safety cap, and adjustable hanger.<br />

Guaranteed. Sh. wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

100 watt<br />

1012M — $19.95<br />

38<br />

Submersible Aquarium Heater<br />

Set it and forget it! 100 watt submersible<br />

heater features red temperature setting<br />

indicator, ratchet style temperature control<br />

knob that can’t be overwound, on/off indicator<br />

light, star-shaped ceramic element<br />

for better heat distribution, nichrome<br />

heating element for long life, heat and<br />

shock resistant glass tube, clip-on suction<br />

cups, and double-insulated power cord.<br />

Freshwater or saltwater use. For tanks up<br />

to 30 gallons. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB31485M — $29.30<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

White Sand<br />

Pure white silica sand for top dressing<br />

in aquariums, or may be used<br />

for seed germination. 4.54 kgs.<br />

Sh. wt. 4.99 kgs.<br />

S09940M — $4.75<br />

Aquarium Gravel<br />

Natural-Red Flint Gravel.<br />

4.54 kgs. Sh. wt. 5.02 kgs.<br />

S09944(X)M — $4.90<br />

Rainbow-Coloured<br />

Aquarium Gravel.<br />

0.91 kgs. in polyethylene bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.97 kgs.<br />

SA04549M — $6.10 per bag<br />

12 or more — $5.92 per bag<br />

NOTE: We recommend 4.54 kgs. of<br />

sand or gravel per 5 gallons.

Zilla Digital Thermometer for<br />

Terrariums<br />

Ideal for aquatic or terrestrial habitats.<br />

Mount it with the included suction cups and<br />

extend the probe to receive your<br />

temperature readings. Probe extends<br />

up to 39" from the thermometer.<br />

Measures in increments of 0.1° F or C with<br />

accuracy of ±1.5°<br />

F. Temperature<br />

range: -10° F to<br />

140° F (-23° C to<br />

60° C). Requires<br />

one LR44 battery<br />

(included). Sh. wt.<br />

0.25 lbs.<br />

SB48309M —<br />

$14.90<br />

The Laboratory<br />

Xenopus sp.<br />

Even though the Xenopus<br />

is one of the most popular<br />

non-mammalian animals<br />

used in biomedical<br />

research, their value in the<br />

lab suffers from a lack of<br />

standardization regarding<br />

their optimal care, breeding,<br />

and housing. Filling<br />

the need for such a reference,<br />

this book provides<br />

researchers, technicians,<br />

and animal caretakers<br />

with a practical, stepby-step<br />

manual that<br />

emphasizes the human care and use of captive clawed<br />

frogs in basic as well as biomedical and toxicological<br />

research. Amply illustrated with 50 color illustrations of<br />

management practices and technical procedures. 162<br />

pages. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />

SB47389M — $71.35<br />

Kritter Keeper with Lid<br />

For hamsters, gerbils, tropical fish, turtles, frogs, and<br />

snakes. Portable tank with an easy carry handle in bright<br />

designer colours. Features vented cover and flip-top<br />

feeder. Available in two sizes. Critters not included.<br />

1 gal. 8" x 5". Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

SB25229M — $9.20 ea.; 5 or more — $8.92<br />

Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Repti Sand<br />

Creates a very naturalistic<br />

and attractive environment<br />

for desert reptile species. The<br />

sand stimulates natural digging<br />

and burrowing behavior.<br />

Sand is a natural white<br />

color — no added dyes or<br />

chemicals. Also works as an<br />

excellent heat conductor and<br />

egg-laying medium for many<br />

reptiles. Long lasting and easy<br />

to clean. 5-lb. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 6.06 lbs.<br />

SB44590M —$9.85<br />

Reptile Bark<br />

Naturebark is made<br />

entirely from the natural<br />

ground bark of fir trees<br />

and is specially heat<br />

treated to help eliminate<br />

potentially harmful<br />

parasites. Excellent for<br />

high-humidity loving<br />

reptiles. Contains four<br />

dry qts. Sh. wt. 1.02 kgs.<br />

SB48854M — $8.30<br />

Turtle Brittle<br />

Developed especially for turtles. This<br />

exclusive NASCO diet is endorsed by<br />

the Department of Herpetology, Zoo<br />

Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia. 5-lb. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.49 kgs.<br />

SB13523(LM)M — $19.65<br />

NASCO Reptile Habitat<br />

Everything needed to successfully house a reptile! Habitat<br />

includes 10-gal. aquarium, safety screen cover, light strip,<br />

bulbs, Nature’s Heat Rock ® , bark log, reptile nature bark,<br />

and water dish. (Reptile not included.) Sh. wt. 10.63 lbs.<br />

SB32170M — $110.40<br />

Bark Log Replica.<br />

Sh.wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />

SB38983M — $11.65<br />

Eco Earth<br />

Eco Earth is a compressed<br />

coconut fiber<br />

substrate that is ideal<br />

for burrowing animals. It<br />

can be used to increase<br />

humidity in an enclosure,<br />

egg laying chamber, or<br />

shed box. Each Eco Earth<br />

brick makes 7-8 liters<br />

of substrate. Note: Eco<br />

Earth is, and has always<br />

been, a safe and additive<br />

free burrowing substrate<br />

for hermit crabs.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB44585M — $3.55<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

NASCO Frog Brittle — The Original Dry Food for Xenopus<br />

Adult Xenopus, Large Nuggets.<br />

SA02764(LM)M Per small bag (1 lb.). Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $12.30<br />

SA05960(LM)M Per large bag (2.27 kgs.). Sh. wt. 2.72 kgs. — $20.95<br />

SA05961(LM)M Per economy bag (22.68 kgs.). Sh. wt. 23.59 kgs. — $142.80<br />

Adult Large<br />

Juvenile medium<br />

Juvenile Xenopus, Medium Nuggets.<br />

SB29026(LM)M Per small bag (1 lb.). Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $12.30<br />

SB29025(LM)M Per large bag (2.27 kgs.). Sh. wt. 2.72 kgs. — $20.95<br />

Post-Metamorphic Xenopus Small Nuggets.<br />

SB29027(LM)M Per small bag (1 lb.). Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $12.30<br />

SB29028(LM)M Per large bag (2.27 kgs.). Sh. wt. 2.72 kgs. — $20.95<br />

For Tadpole Xenopus Powder.<br />

SA05964(LM)M Per small bag (1 lb.). Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $11.55<br />

SB09480(LM)M Per large bag (2.27 kgs.). Sh. wt. 2.40 kgs. — $25.55<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Plant Stands and Accessories<br />

Growlab II Indoor Gardens<br />

All the equipment you need for plant study in the<br />

classroom! Each mobile indoor garden is constructed<br />

with sturdy 1" square aluminum frames. Lightweight<br />

custom aluminum light fixtures on easy-to-adjust slide<br />

rods with Gro-Lux wide-spectrum lamps. Moisture grids<br />

provide water on weekends. Includes teacher’s manual:<br />

GROWLAB: A Complete Guide to Gardening in the<br />

Classroom. Shipped directly from factory. Allow extra<br />

delivery time.<br />

Full-Size Mobile Light Cart<br />

Popular mobile light cart features three fixed shelves, 1"<br />

square aluminum tube construction, four 22" x 11" plant<br />

trays per shelf (total of 12 trays), and 3" wheels. Easy to<br />

assemble. Overall dimensions: 74" H x 53" L x 23" D; 23"<br />

between shelves. Requires one light fixture per shelf (light<br />

fixtures not included). Sh. wt. 18.14 kgs.<br />

SB26462M — $273.15<br />

Light Fixtures for Full-Size Mobile Light Cart. These<br />

lights have knobs on each end for easy height adjustment.<br />

Features all white aluminum body, on/off switch, threewire<br />

grounded 48" cord, lower operating temperatures,<br />

enclosed ends, and a three-wire convenience receptacle.<br />

Two 40-watt wide spectrum lamps included.<br />

48" L x 15" W x 2" H. Sh. wt. 13.61 kgs.<br />

SB26463M — $133.00<br />

Grolux Wide Spectrum Lamp. Fits 48" fixtures on<br />

Mobile Light Cart above. Sh. wt. 0.37 kgs.<br />

SB33606M — $8.20<br />

Compact Light Cart<br />

A strong, attractive horticultural unit complete with<br />

slide adjusting light fixtures. Easy-to-assemble, 1" square<br />

aluminum construction. Features eight 22" x 11" trays on<br />

four fixed shelves, with four light fixtures containing four<br />

20-watt wide spectrum lamps. Overall dimensions: 74" H x<br />

27" L x 23" D; 16" between shelves. Comes with 3" wheels.<br />

Sh. wt. 38.56 kgs.<br />

SB26460M — $864.25<br />

20-Watt Wide Spectrum Lamp.<br />

Fits fixtures in light cart above.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB39400M — $8.30<br />

40<br />

SB26462M<br />

GreenThumb Classroom Greenhouse<br />

Protect plants with these convenient greenhouses. Large<br />

zippered openings allow easy access to all plants. Twotiered<br />

greenhouse with two sturdy wire shelves to keep<br />

potted plants off the ground yet allow plenty of room<br />

for growth. Clear vinyl cover fits snugly over metal frame.<br />

Assembles in minutes. Measures 36" W x 38" H x 19" D.<br />

Includes instructions. For indoor or outdoor use. Sh. wt.<br />

9.31 lbs.<br />

SB42273M — $59.45<br />

SB26460M<br />

Additional shipping charges apply.<br />

SB26462M<br />

Growlab II<br />

Compact Garden<br />

The ideal setup for an<br />

indoor garden! Features<br />

include sturdy 1" square<br />

aluminum frame, two<br />

removable 22" x 11"<br />

trays, 24-hour timer,<br />

lightweight custom<br />

aluminum light fixture<br />

on easy-to-adjust slide<br />

rods, wide-spectrum<br />

lamps, two moisture<br />

grids to provide water on<br />

weekends, and humidity<br />

tent. Dimensions: 40" H x<br />

53" L x 12" D. Comes with<br />

a comprehensive teacher’s manual: GROWLAB: A Complete Guide to Gardening<br />

in the Classroom. Sh. wt. 13.61 kgs.<br />

Z16826M 6M — $279.95<br />

1.Humidity Domes<br />

Heavy-duty, clear plastic humidity domes for use on 22" x 11" Perma-Nest Plant<br />

Trays. Protects delicate seedlings and retains heat and moisture. The cover is<br />

3" high. May be used on the Perma-Nest Trays sold with the Sunlighter Plant<br />

Display Stand (SB15180M, page 62), Full-Size Mobile Light Cart (SB26462M), the<br />

GROWLAB II Compact Garden (Z16826M), the GROWLAB II Mobile Indoor<br />

Garden (Z19332M), or the GROWLAB II 2-Tier Indoor Garden (Z19333M).<br />

Perma-Nest Trays sold individually. Pack of 6. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

Z16826M — $279.95<br />

2.Perma-Nest Plant Trays<br />

Seeds, bulbs, and plants grow faster in Perma-Nest trays. Can be cold sterilized. Many<br />

uses after seed starting. Root your potted plants with consistent watering, or group<br />

them for an attractive display piece. Start slips and cuttings.<br />

4" x 8" x 2 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

SB15178M — $2.30<br />

8" x 12" x 2 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SB15174M — $3.55<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

2.<br />

1.<br />

Growlab II<br />

Mobile Indoor Garden. Includes two light fixtures, eight 22"<br />

x 11" trays, four moisture grids, 24-hour timer, humidity tent, four<br />

locking casters, power strip, and teacher’s manual. Dimensions:<br />

74" H x 53" L x 23" D. Sh. wt. 34.47 kgs.<br />

Z19332M — $682.50<br />

Growlab II<br />

2-Tier Indoor Garden. Includes four light fixtures, eight<br />

22" x 11" trays, eight moisture grids, two 24-hour timers,<br />

humidity tent, four locking casters, power strip, and teacher’s<br />

manual. Dimensions: 74" H x 53" L x 23" D. Sh. wt. 48.08 kgs.<br />

Z19333M — $946.65<br />

Grolux wide spectrum lamp Fits 48" fixtures on indoor<br />

gardens above. Sh. wt. 0.37 kgs.<br />

SB33606M — $8.20<br />

13" x 15" x 3 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB15172M — $10.40<br />

22" x 11" x 2 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB15173M — $9.45

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

The Soil-Less Garden<br />

Can plants really grow without soil? Your class will be<br />

fascinated as they compare the advantages and disadvantages<br />

of both hydroponic cultivation techniques and<br />

traditional means. For a class of up to 40 students. Grades<br />

5—12. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB31284M — $56.55<br />

Easy Grow Greenhouse ®<br />

Seeds sprout faster. Root cuttings start quicker, too. The<br />

Easy Grow Greenhouse ® dome is specially designed to<br />

hold moisture and warmth inside — just like a greenhouse.<br />

Features 72 pop-out gro-cells in an 11" x 22" rugged<br />

plastic tray. Sh. wt. 0.43 kgs.<br />

SB11127M — $8.35 ea.<br />

6 or more — $8.10 ea.<br />

Potato Grow Bag<br />

Reusable 18" H x 14" dia.<br />

planter bag is made from<br />

high-quality woven polyethylene.<br />

For use on patios, decks,<br />

and balconies. Drainage holes<br />

at the bottom prevent drowning,<br />

and webbing handles<br />

make it easy to move from<br />

place to place. Features a drop<br />

down flap near the bottom<br />

to harvest early potato yields.<br />

Holds 3—5 seed potato plants<br />

and 40 quarts of soil. Easy to<br />

store when growing is complete.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB46625M — $12.90<br />

Vacuum<br />

Formed<br />

Square Pots<br />

Quality pots in a variety of sizes for all your planting<br />

needs. All pots are vacuum formed. The trays are made<br />

with the special “Press-Fill” design to allow you to fill the<br />

tray from edge to edge in seconds, cutting labor costs<br />

and increasing productivity. Promotes more efficient<br />

use of costly soil mixes. Black.<br />

2½" Square Pots.<br />

2½" L x 2½" W x 3½" D.<br />

Set of 32 Pots with Tray.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB42879M — $14.35<br />

Set of 32 Pots Without<br />

Tray. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB42876M — $9.95<br />

4 1 ⁄8" Square Pots.<br />

4 1 ⁄8" L x 4 1 ⁄8" W x 3¾" D.<br />

Set of 15 Pots with Tray.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB42878M — $12.65<br />

Jiffy®<br />

SB48315M<br />

Humidity Tents<br />

Clear vinyl, full-size tents excellent for retaining humidity and protecting your<br />

plants. One-year warranty.<br />

Small Tent. 39-1⁄2" H x 52-1⁄2" W x 12-1⁄2" D. Fits Growlab II Compact<br />

Garden (Z16826M) and Sunlighter Plant Stand Display (SB15180M.)<br />

Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />

SB48315M — $33.95<br />

Medium Tent. 69-1⁄2" H x 26-3⁄4" W x 23-5⁄8" D. Fits Compact Light Cart<br />

(SB26460M). Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />

SB48314M — $37.50<br />

Large Tent. 69-1⁄2" H x 53-5⁄16" W x 24" D. Fits Growlab II Mobile Indoor<br />

Garden (Z19332M), Growlab II 2-Tier Indoor Garden (Z19333M), and Full-Size<br />

Mobile Light Cart (SB26462M). Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />

SB48313M — $49.95<br />

SB48313M<br />

Jiffy-7 ® Peat Pellets<br />

The finest method for producing highest quality<br />

transplants. Add just a little water and it<br />

expands to its ultimate size of 1¾" in diameter<br />

by 2 1 ⁄8" in height, all neatly enclosed in the<br />

plastic net. The prepared unit may be used for<br />

direct sowing of flower, vegetable, and other<br />

seeds as well as for transplanting seedlings.<br />

Packet of 24.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SA00407M — $4.75<br />

Case of 1,000.<br />

Sh. wt. 9.07 kgs.<br />

SA07926M — $155.30<br />

Jiffy ® Peat Pots<br />

Start your plants, seeds, seedlings, or cuttings in<br />

these remarkable pots. Molded from a special mixture<br />

of 60% Canadian sphagnum peat moss and<br />

40% recycled paper pulp to which soluble fertilizers<br />

have been added. Roots grow right through the bottom<br />

and sidewalls. You plant the whole pot.<br />

2¼” Round. Case of<br />

3,000. Sh. wt. 14.26 kgs.<br />

SA08085M — $232.05<br />

3” Round. Case of 1,500.<br />

Sh. wt. 14.97 kgs.<br />

SA08086M — $224.35<br />

All-In-One<br />

Greenhouse<br />

No soil needed — just add water<br />

and the Jiffy-7 ® Pellets expand to<br />

form pot and soil all in one. Great<br />

for starting seeds or cuttings<br />

indoors. Package includes 25<br />

Jiffy-7 ® Peat Pellets (pot and soil<br />

all in one), sturdy base tray (reusable<br />

and recyclable), and a clear<br />

greenhouse dome.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.37 kgs.<br />

SB28559M — $9.25 ea.<br />

5 or more — $8.97 ea.<br />

Jiffy-Mix ® Seed Starting Soil<br />

Sixteen quarts of sterile, scientifically blended,<br />

lightly fertilized growing media perfect for Seed<br />

Growing Kit and other classroom growing projects.<br />

Fills approx. 64 three-inch pots. Sh. wt. 4.03 kgs.<br />

S08460M — $25.65<br />

4-Quart Bag.<br />

Fills approx. 16 three-inch pots. Sh. wt. 0.54 kgs.<br />

SB30115M — $7.20<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Light Intensity Meter<br />

A remarkably designed, precision<br />

instrument that measures the<br />

light intensity (0 to 5,000) in footcandles<br />

expressly for the purpose of plant care. Equipped<br />

with a 2½-ft. universal sensor probe capable of reading<br />

light at any angle or in any location. Measures both<br />

artificial and natural light. Accurate to 2%. Requires no<br />

batteries. Lifetime photovoltaic silicon cell. Comes with a<br />

complete book of light and its effects upon plant growth,<br />

plant development, and seed germination. One-year ranty. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

war-<br />

SB10465M — $28.65<br />

Pocket pH Meter<br />

Pocket sized and lightweight model. Ideal for<br />

cooling towers. Features: digital display and<br />

automatic temperature compensation. trode extends to 3 1 ⁄8". Range: 0.0 to 14.0 pH.<br />

Elec-<br />

Uses only one 9V battery (included). Weighs<br />

only 4 oz.! Comes with a hard carrying case for<br />

safe storage and transporting. Also includes<br />

calibration solution. Unit measures 6 3 ⁄16" " x 1½"<br />

x 15 ⁄16". Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB42161M — $65.40<br />

Four-in-One Solar Sensor<br />

A sturdy, easy-to-use meter that allows students to measure<br />

the intensity of sunlight in foot-candles by aiming<br />

the photocells mounted on the top of the unit towards<br />

the light source. A scale on the meter provides a readout<br />

from 0 to 10. This versatile meter may also be used to test<br />

moisture, fertility, and alkalinity content in soil. No bat-<br />

teries required. Includes a detailed insert on how to use.<br />

Grades 4—12. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB47398M — $23.15<br />

Genetics of<br />

Corn Kit<br />

For up to 32<br />

students working<br />

in groups of four. A<br />

complete genetics<br />

lab for advanced<br />

high school classes<br />

and up. Covers<br />

basic Mendelian<br />

genetics, including<br />

segregation<br />

and independent<br />

assortment of<br />

alleles, dominance,<br />

genotype and phenotype,<br />

expected<br />

ratios, monohybrid<br />

and dihybrid<br />

crosses, and chi-square. Kit includes eight segregated ears<br />

each of purple: yellow, starchy: sweet, and purple: yellow<br />

starchy: sweet; eight corn parental cross cards A; eight<br />

corn parental cross cards B; 16 transparency markers; storage<br />

box; and teacher’s manual. Sh. wt. 2.49 kgs.<br />

SB41056M — $156.50 kit<br />

Seeds for Germination<br />

Ginkgo Field Corn Italian Broad<br />

Bean Seeds<br />

Digital<br />

Thermo-Hygrometer<br />

Simultaneous monitoring of temperature<br />

and humidity. Dual scale<br />

for many applications. Alerts when<br />

temperature is at freezing. Precision<br />

data functions. Features: °C/F°<br />

switchable, dual display for temperature<br />

and humidity, maximum<br />

and minimum temperature and<br />

humidity memory, freeze alert, foldaway stand, Velcro ®<br />

included. Range: –50°/70° C and –58°/158° F; 20/99%<br />

humidity. Accuracy: ±1° C and ±1.8° F. Sampling rate: every<br />

10 seconds. Dimensions: 2 9 ⁄16" x 31 3 ⁄16" x 1 3 ⁄16". Requires<br />

one 1.5V battery (included).<br />

Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SB37481M — $43.15<br />

Soil Temperature<br />

Thermometer<br />

For testing soil temperature for planting. Dual scale<br />

range 20-180° F/0-80° C with temperature zones. 2½" x<br />

5 1 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

C09307M — $10.15<br />

42<br />

Pocket<br />

Conductivity Meter<br />

Lightweight and pocket sized! The most<br />

convenient conductivity meter you<br />

can find! Features digital display and<br />

automatic temperature compensation.<br />

Electrode extends 3 1 ⁄8". Conductivity<br />

range: 10 to 9,990 µs/cm. Uses one 9V<br />

battery (included). Weighs only 4 oz.<br />

Includes hard carrying case for safe<br />

storage and transporting. Also includes<br />

calibration solution. Unit measures<br />

6 3 ⁄16" x 1½" x 15 ⁄16". Sh. wt. 0.40 lbs.<br />

SB42194M — $70.20<br />

SunCalc® —<br />

The Sunlight<br />

Calculator<br />

Measure the amount of accumulated sunlight that falls<br />

on a specific garden location. The patented electronic<br />

process provides the ability to match a plant’s light<br />

requirements (full sun, partial sun, partial shade, or shade)<br />

with the actual sunlight conditions. Place SunCalc® in the<br />

desired location, turn it on, and read the results 12 hours<br />

later. Grade 6 and up. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />

SB48337M — $29.70<br />

NASCO E-Z Spray Bottle<br />

Effective for spraying water, pesticides,<br />

etc., around the greenhouse. Adjust-able<br />

spray pattern. Complete with pistol grip<br />

handle and pint bottle. Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs.<br />

C07664M — $2.50<br />

Terrarium Soils<br />

Specially formulated soil mixtures for terrarium plantings<br />

as used in our terrarium kits.<br />

Woodland Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.63 kgs.<br />

SB13518M — $7.10<br />

Bog Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.63 kgs.<br />

SB13519M — $6.50<br />

Charcoal<br />

An activated carbon charcoal<br />

used in carnivorous<br />

plant terrariums. 5-lb.<br />

Bag. Sh. wt. 2.58 kgs.<br />

SA05525M — $55.90<br />

Desert Soil. 4-qt. bag.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.63 kgs.<br />

SB13520M — $6.10<br />

Sphagnum for<br />

Carnivorous Plants.<br />

4-qt. bag. Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SA05284(LM)M — $5.45<br />

Natural Red Flint<br />

Gravel<br />

10-lb. bag. Sh. wt. 5.02 kgs.<br />

S09944M — $7.75<br />

Gymnosperm<br />

Ginkgo. Pkg. of 12 seeds. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB07325M — $4.50 per pkg.<br />

Corn, Field<br />

SA05736M 1-oz. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs. — $3.00<br />

SA05737M l-lb. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $7.40<br />

Italian Broad Bean Seeds.<br />

(Vicia fava). Fast-growing<br />

beans to be planted as<br />

extra food for aphid cultures<br />

(LM00376M). Pkg. of<br />

20 seeds. Sh. wt. 0.23 kgs.<br />

SB32168(LM)M —<br />

$4.45 per pkg.<br />

Bean, Lima. 1 oz.<br />

SA05721M Per pack.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.09 kgs. — $2.35<br />

SA05722M Per lb.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $11.35<br />

Bean, Navy. ¼lb. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.17 kgs.<br />

SA05718M — $2.35<br />

per pkg.<br />

Bean, Red Kidney.<br />

1 lb. pkg. Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs.<br />

SA05720M — $9.50<br />

per pkg.<br />

Marigold, Dwarf. 440 mg<br />

pkg. Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SA05727M — $3.55<br />

per pkg.<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Angiosperm (Monocot)<br />

Dicot<br />

Grass, Rye. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB07330M — $2.40<br />

per pkg<br />

Wheat. 1-oz. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SA05740M — $1.55<br />

Mustard. 3.5 g pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs.<br />

SA05729M — $3.55<br />

per pkg.<br />

Nasturtium. 3 g pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB07334M — $3.55<br />

per pkg.<br />

Pea, Green Arrow<br />

SA05730M 1 oz. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs. — $3.00<br />

SB07337M 1 lb. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs. — $9.50<br />

Radish<br />

SA05732M 3.5 g pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 kgs. — $1.55<br />

SA05733M 1 lb. pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs. — $16.65<br />

Sunflower, Grey Stripe.<br />

3.5 g pkg. Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB07340(X)M — $3.00<br />

per pkg.<br />

Tobacco, Green: Albino<br />

3:1. 500 seed pkg.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB07341M — $10.70<br />

per pkg.

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Wisconsin Fast Plants ® Kits<br />

Kits are designed for use by up to 32 students and contain<br />

everything your need to complete the activities including<br />

seed, an automatic watering system, planting units, pollination<br />

<strong>materials</strong>, plant stakes, pot labels, fertilizer, activities, and<br />

growing instructions booklet. Materials are teacher friendly.<br />

Automatic watering system provides sufficient water to<br />

last for three to four days. Many kits are reusable. Kit refills<br />

contain expendable portions and include seed, pollination<br />

<strong>materials</strong>, stakes, labels, chemicals, fertilizer, and instructions.<br />

Growth and<br />

Development Kit. Basic<br />

kit for growth and development,<br />

physiology, and<br />

tropism studies. Includes<br />

standard Brassica seed.<br />

Experiment times vary<br />

(40 to 100 days). Grades<br />

5—12. Sh. wt. 2.49 kgs.<br />

SB41046M — $91.60<br />

Kit Refill. Sh. wt. 1.99 kgs.<br />

SB41047M — $64.25 ea.<br />

The Seed Challenge:<br />

Exploring Life Cycles Kit.<br />

Students can grow plants<br />

through an entire life<br />

cycle in only 40 days while<br />

tending, observing, and<br />

measuring their plants.<br />

Learn what a plant need to<br />

properly produce healthy<br />

seeds. Grades K—5.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.49 kgs.<br />

SB41048M — $91.60<br />

Observing the Growth of<br />

Mutant Corn Seeds<br />

How does colour affect photosynthesis? Challenge your<br />

class to find out as they observe, measure, and compare<br />

the growth of normal vs. albino corn seeds. While both<br />

contain sufficient food to sprout, at some point the<br />

albino sprouts die. Since they lack chlorophyll they<br />

cannot carry out photosynthesis, leaving them without<br />

necessary nutrition once the initial food supply is depleted.<br />

The activity serves as an excellent demonstration of<br />

mutation in plants as well as the role of chlorophyll in<br />

photosynthesis. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for a class of 40<br />

students. Grades 5—12. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB31301M — $67.80<br />

Seed<br />

Germination<br />

Kit<br />

Help your students<br />

see seed germination<br />

from a new<br />

perspective. The<br />

seed germinator<br />

allows students<br />

to see the entire<br />

plant during germination, from the roots to the leaves.<br />

Includes instructions. Grades K—8. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB47399M — $7.95<br />

Plant Labels<br />

Help your students identify, study, and<br />

remember the plants they see with<br />

these useful labels. Packages of 50.<br />

Measures 4" W x 5 ⁄8" H.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB41071M — $3.40<br />

Seed Germination Paper<br />

Tan creped towel used for seed germination. 100 sheets,<br />

8" x 10". Shrink wrapped pack. Sh. wt. 1.45 kgs.<br />

SB39211M — $36.60<br />

Wisconsin Fast<br />

Plants ® Manual<br />

Complete manual containing<br />

background information,<br />

taxonomy of Brassica, growing<br />

instructions, and procedures<br />

for Wisconsin Fast Plants ®<br />

exercises and activities. Adaptable<br />

for younger students by<br />

simplifying the instructions.<br />

204 pages. Copyright 1989.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.99 kgs.<br />

SB41053M — $45.85 ea.<br />

Wisconsin Fast Plant ®<br />

Standard Seed<br />

Standard for form and performance.<br />

Produce flowers in 13 to<br />

17 days. Variable for expression<br />

of purple pigment in stems. Can<br />

be used for study of life cycles,<br />

environmental science, botany,<br />

comparative morphology, or<br />

physiology.<br />

Pkg. of 50. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB41049M — $19.00 pkg.<br />

Pkg. of 200. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB41050M — $45.20 pkg.<br />

Corn Germination<br />

Witness the beginning stages of a corn plant’s life with<br />

this 3½" W x 3½" H x ¾" D display. Five real corn seeds<br />

at different growth stages are encased in hard resin to<br />

clearly illustrate seed germination. Shipped directly from<br />

factory. Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />

SB47287M — $35.65<br />

Bean Germination<br />

Give students a visual reference with this bean germination<br />

display. Five real bean seeds have been grown and<br />

encased in a 3½" W x 3½" H x ¾" D block of clear resin.<br />

Shipped directly from factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />

SB47288M — $37.20<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Wisconsin Fast<br />

Plants ® Life Cycle<br />

Poster<br />

Colourful poster<br />

illustrates the rapid<br />

development and life<br />

cycle of Wisconsin Fast<br />

Plants ® Brassica rapa. 24"<br />

x 36 ". Sh. wt. 1.50 kgs.<br />

SB41054M — $18.45<br />

Watch Peanuts<br />

Sprout & Grow<br />

Teacher’s Kit<br />

Ever watch a peanut<br />

grow? This fun kit<br />

contains enough <strong>materials</strong><br />

for 30 individual<br />

experimenters to get<br />

started! Includes 140<br />

peanut seeds (four<br />

seeds per growing cup)<br />

and 30 each of the<br />

following: transparent growing cups (holds approx.<br />

¾ fl. oz., includes drain holes); lids with vent holes;<br />

pieces of growing medium (red yarn); and rigid, 3 1 ⁄16"<br />

dia. plastic saucers (to catch water). Comes with a detailed<br />

instruction sheet that also provides eight easy<br />

experiments to try, along with questions for students<br />

(includes answers). Kit is reusable with new seeds.<br />

Grades K—8. Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

SB36695M — $41.10<br />

Refill Kit. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB41330M — $18.45<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Plantarium Gel Garden Labs<br />

With technology developed by NASA engineers and tested in space by U.S. astronauts,<br />

these patented activity gel products enable plants to grow without water, resulting in<br />

visually stunning sub-ground observation. This simple “fool-proof” growth method in<br />

translucent gel shows the complete germination and photosynthesis processes in a<br />

striking and stylish manner. Grade 1 and up. (•1)<br />

Plantarium Garden Lab. Includes three colored translucent growth gels in three<br />

greenhouse containers, four types of seed capsules (basil, tomato, cucumber, and<br />

arugula), three mini pots, three soil peats, and small garden stick. Containers measure<br />

1-7⁄8" W x 4-1⁄4" H x 1-1⁄2" D. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48236M — $29.70<br />

Plantarium SUPER. Includes three times the gel than a single greenhouse container,<br />

four types of seeds in four capsules (pepper, parsley, thyme, and arugula), three soil<br />

peats, magnifying lens, and small garden stick. Containers measure 7" W x 5-1⁄2" H x<br />

1-1⁄2" D. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48237M — $29.70<br />

Plantarium Activity Gel Refill. Includes three sets of refills for labs listed above. Only<br />

green color gel available. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB48238M — $8.30<br />

Minerals and Plant Nutrition Lab Investigation Kit<br />

Identify the role of specific minerals in plant growth and development! Unravel many of<br />

the mysteries of plant nutrition for your class as they perform a series of controlled experiments.<br />

Students will grow plants in various mineral-deficient solutions, analyze data, and<br />

draw conclusions. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for 40 students. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />

SB47589M — $82.75<br />

Plant Food — Nutrient<br />

Deficiency in Plants<br />

Much like people, plants need food<br />

too. While plants can generate some<br />

nutrients through the process of photosynthesis,<br />

there are many nutrients<br />

that the plant must obtain from the<br />

environment. Using the <strong>materials</strong><br />

provided, you will be able to examine<br />

the effects of nutrient deficiency on<br />

plants. Specially prepared nutrient<br />

solutions (included in the kit) will allow you to deprive each plant of one of seven specific<br />

vital nutrients. Over time, students will determine the effects, if any, of the nutrient deprivation<br />

through physical observation of the plant’s growth. Contains enough material for three<br />

complete setups. Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />

C31019M — $70.25<br />

Set of 10 Crystal Clay ® Kits<br />

Watch the hidden miracle of seed birth and root growth with the super-expanding,<br />

crystal-clear soil. With the Crystal Clay® growing kit you can watch the entire process<br />

from germination to flower formation. Just add water and watch Crystal Clay® grow<br />

100 times its size in 30 minutes. Your seeds are guaranteed to sprout. If your seeds don’t<br />

sprout for any reason, the seeds can be replaced at no charge. This excellent <strong>educational</strong><br />

tool is economical enough to use in the classroom. Kit includes 10 each of growing tubes,<br />

Crystal Clay® gel, seed packets (miniature pumpkin, blue morning glory, and sunflower),<br />

paper tube stands with plant growth life-cycle, and instructions. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB42635M — $32.10<br />

Root-Vue Farm<br />

Fascinating garden laboratory where<br />

kids of all ages watch the action<br />

below the ground. Plant the seeds<br />

and follow the roots as they grow<br />

down. Have a root race and watch<br />

the carrots, radishes, and onions take<br />

form before your eyes! Complete kit<br />

includes self-watering grow unit, 8<br />

special biopower grow mix wafers, 3<br />

packs of seeds, identification labels<br />

and 16 page booklet with instructions<br />

and experiments. Grade K and<br />

up. Sh. wt. 0.88 kgs.<br />

SB22804M — $30.90<br />

44<br />

Sprout & Grow Window<br />

This transparent “nature’s window” allows gardeners of all<br />

ages to watch seeds sprout and grow right before their<br />

eyes! The large window stands upright on a tabletop or<br />

windowsill. Special potting soil nurtures seeds for optimum<br />

growth. Includes packets of bean and pea seeds, along with<br />

a step-by-step guide with instructions, suggested activi-<br />

ties, and journal pages so your class can record the plant<br />

process! Grade K and up. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB36694M — $23.75<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Radiation<br />

Effects on Plant<br />

Growth Lab<br />

Safely explore the<br />

impact of radiation on<br />

plant development.<br />

Students grow seeds<br />

that have been exposed<br />

to various levels of ionizing<br />

radiation. They then<br />

monitor the growth of<br />

the resulting seedlings<br />

and observe the effect<br />

that radiation has on<br />

seed germination, seedling development, and plant growth. Students will come to<br />

understand what radiation is, how it can cause mutations, the differences between<br />

ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and the effects of ionizing radiation and varying<br />

levels of radiation exposure on plants. Addresses National Science Education Standards<br />

A, B, and C. For 40 students. Grades 7-10. Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />

SB48361M — $83.25<br />

Refill for Radiation Effects on Plant Growth Lab. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB48362M — $45.20<br />

Giant Flower Dicot Model<br />

Your students will discover the<br />

arrangement of floral components, and<br />

the reproductive function of flowers. The<br />

petals, sepals, and stamens are detachable;<br />

students can begin the investigation with<br />

the model disassembled and “build” the flower<br />

as they learn about its parts and their functions.<br />

Floral structures are number-coded for identification<br />

in the key which accompanies the model.<br />

Overall dimensions: 17" x 14" x 10". Grade 5 through<br />

college. Sh. wt. 1.90 kgs.<br />

SB33511M — $242.75<br />

Stem Model of<br />

Dicotyledon<br />

Modeled after the sunflower, this<br />

one-year dicot stem gives anatomy in<br />

cross, radial, and tangential sections.<br />

Shows epidermis, cork layer, phloem<br />

region, cambium, xylem region, pith,<br />

and other important structures.<br />

Enlarged 45 times. Constructed of<br />

plastic and mounted on a wooden<br />

base. Includes explanatory key.<br />

Dimensions: 37 cm x 27 cm x 19 cm<br />

(14½" x 10½" x 7½").<br />

Sh. wt. 2.98 kgs.<br />

SB25206M — $59.45<br />

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Plant Cell Model<br />

Simple for elementary level students yet comprehensive enough for middle school, this<br />

colourful teaching model was designed specifically for hands-on use. Made of resilient,<br />

nontoxic EVA foam to withstand years of active investigation. Comes with a thorough, detailed<br />

teacher’s guide including five inquiry-based lab activities, reproducible worksheets,<br />

complete background information, cross-curricular extension activities, assessment ideas,<br />

and more. Topics include cell structure and function, osmosis, photosynthesis, pigments,<br />

and more. Elementary and middle school. Sh. wt. 1.56 kgs.<br />

SB31408M — $86.30<br />

Flower Model<br />

This colourful teaching model was designed specifically for hands-on use with students of<br />

all ages. Made of resilient, nontoxic EVA foam. Removable pieces stimulate problem-solving<br />

skills and develop small motor skills. The detailed teacher’s guide includes complete background<br />

information, reproducible worksheets, cross-curricular extension activities, assessment<br />

ideas, and more. Sh. wt. 1.59 kgs.<br />

1700M — $75.95<br />

Raised Relief<br />

Flower Model<br />

Shows basic structural elements<br />

of a typical flower — petal, sepal,<br />

stem, pistil, stamen, pollen grain<br />

with pollen tube reaching ovule<br />

— enlarged, dissected, and/or cut<br />

away. The 18" x 24", three-dimen-<br />

sional model is of lightweight,<br />

sturdy construction. Comes with a<br />

teacher activity binder that includes<br />

lesson plans for both class and indi-<br />

vidual study, blackline masters, and<br />

a transparency. Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

SA02745M — $160.60<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Stem Model of<br />

Monocotyledon<br />

This model of corn gives details of cellular<br />

anatomy of the generalized monocot<br />

in cross and longitudinal section. Shows<br />

important structures such as cuticular<br />

layer, epidermis, thick-walled mechanical<br />

tissue, fundamental parenchymatous<br />

tissue, and the details of closed vascular<br />

bundles. Enlarged 45 times. Made of<br />

plastic and mounted on a wooden base.<br />

Key included. Dimensions: 42 cm x 43<br />

cm x 15 cm (16½" x 17" x 6").<br />

Sh. wt. 3.15 kgs.<br />

SB25199M — $59.45<br />

Leaf Structure Model<br />

Magnified 45 times from a lima bean<br />

leaf. This model vividly shows the<br />

transverse and longitudinal sections,<br />

as well as the upper and<br />

lower surfaces of a typical leaf.<br />

The mesophyll includes palisade<br />

parenchyma and spongy parenchyma.<br />

Both surfaces are shown<br />

with stomas and guard cells. Also<br />

shown is the detail of vascular<br />

bundles, such as xylem, phloem,<br />

and the veins. Complete with key. Plastic construction.<br />

Dimensions: 45 cm x 22 cm x 16 cm (17½" x 8¾" x 6¼"). Sh. wt. 1.50 kgs.<br />

SB25207M — $55.05<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Plant Kingdom Survey Set<br />

Introduce your students to the diversity of the plant kingdom with this collection of 12<br />

display mounts. Each 6" x 5" display contains fully-labeled specimens. The entire set fits<br />

neatly into a labeled box for easy storage. The fungi, algae, lichens, and true plants are<br />

represented with 47 attractive specimens. Not only does this collection represent the<br />

vast diversity of plants, but individual mounts will be invaluable for lessons on diversity<br />

within groups of plants and their relatives. Contains: algae, lichens, fungi, liverworts,<br />

mosses, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, monocot angiosperm, dicot angiosperms,<br />

seed types, leaf venation, and parasites and epiphytes. On occasion, similar<br />

specimens may be substituted due to availability. Sh. wt. 2.81 kgs.<br />

SB37295M — $277.90<br />

Plant Kingdom Collection<br />

Consists of 12 individual 3" x 4" plastic mounts in a large, unbreakable plastic carrying<br />

case. Labels are mounted underneath each block, so that the specimens can be<br />

identified while in the case. Remove them and you have unlabeled blocks for quiz purposes.<br />

Each block and label are marked with corresponding numbers to ensure proper<br />

replacement. Contains algae, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, lichen, liverworts, mosses,<br />

Pteridiophyta, gymnosperms, angiosperms I (monocot), angiosperms II (dicot), angiosperms<br />

III (insectivorous plants), and angiosperms IV. Sh. wt. 4.99 kgs.<br />

SB10544M — $677.75<br />

Photosynthesis,<br />

Plants, and Food<br />

In the opening activity, student teams<br />

use LAB-AIDS® atom model to build<br />

carbon dioxide and water molecules,<br />

and then “react” them to form sugar<br />

and oxygen molecules. To reinforce<br />

and extend the concepts from<br />

the first activity, students then<br />

read about plants’ essential role<br />

as producers, using the process<br />

of photosynthesis to convert<br />

carbon dioxide, water, and energy<br />

contained in light into energy stored in the bonds of sugar and other food molecules.<br />

Students are also introduced to chloroplasts. For 32 students. Grades 6—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB46818M — $83.25<br />

Leaves and Seeds of Common Trees Identification Mounts<br />

This collection of 16 mounts is a nice survey of trees across the U.S. Each species is<br />

represented by both leaves and seeds. Includes: White Oak, American Beech, Eastern<br />

Redbud, Sweetgum, Boxelder, Sassafras, Flowering Dogwood, Yellow-Poplar, Black Tupelo,<br />

Sugarberry, Black Cherry, America Elm, Red Mulberry, Baldcypress, Eastern Redcedar,<br />

and Shortleaf Pine. Leaves and twigs are pressed and the fruits have been freeze-dried<br />

for presentation. Each 5" x 8" mount is labeled on the back with common and scientific<br />

names, family, leaf arrangement, leaf type, tree size, fruit type, natural habitat, and a range<br />

map for the U.S. All come in a 6" x 18" flip bin for easy filing and storage. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB37259M — $90.40<br />

Colours of Autumn Lab<br />

Using paper chromatography, students will separate and identify distinct pigments<br />

without the use of hazardous developers found in other commercially available kits.<br />

While exploring the various colours that make up autumn leaves, they’ll gain a better<br />

understanding of why photosynthesis cannot take place when certain pigments are<br />

absent. For up to 40 students. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 1.99 kgs.<br />

SB40705M — $65.20<br />

46<br />

Photosynthesis Kit<br />

Hands-on pieces help clarify the very complex concept of photosynthesis, making it<br />

easier to teach and much less difficult to learn. Printed in colorful, permanent inks on<br />

sturdy, flexible, magnetic sheeting. Largest piece is approximately 10" x 12". Grades<br />

9-12. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB48388M — $95.15<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

How Pollution Affects<br />

Plants Lab Investigation<br />

Explore the effects of air pollutants, acid rain,<br />

road salt applications, the greenhouse effect<br />

and other common chemical wastes on plants.<br />

Challenge your class with a series of controlled<br />

experiments that simulate the impact that manmade<br />

pollutants have on plant systems, seed<br />

germination, and growth. The students directly<br />

observe the physical changes that transpire in<br />

the environment as a result of man’s industrial<br />

expansion. Students will understand the different<br />

types of environmental pollution, predict<br />

and observe the effects of varying levels of pollution<br />

exposure on the growth and development of plants, and construct graphs illustrating<br />

the effects they’ve observed. For 40 students. Grades 7-10. Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />

SB46904M — $71.35<br />

Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Digital<br />

Moisture Meter<br />

Sleek design offers an instant and easyto-read<br />

digital format with results ranging<br />

from 0 to 9.9. It checks soil moisture where<br />

it counts — at root level. Monitoring a<br />

plant’s soil moisture level helps prevent<br />

over and/or under watering. Includes<br />

instructions and extensive plant list.<br />

Requires three GPA76 batteries (included).<br />

Grade 6 and up. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

C29625M — $13.00<br />

Digital PLUS<br />

Soil pH Meter<br />

This elegant meter holds within<br />

its own database plant pH preferences<br />

for over 350 fruits, flowers,<br />

vegetables, grasses, and landscape<br />

plants. All results are displayed on<br />

the digital LCD screen in an easyto-read<br />

numeric format. Measures<br />

pH from 3.5 to 9.0. Use for quick<br />

and simple pH testing, or select<br />

the advanced mode to choose the<br />

plant to test from an alphabetical<br />

list, then measure the soil pH and<br />

compare the digital reading to the<br />

preferred pH of the chosen plant.<br />

Also stores a list of the last 25 plants tested. Requires<br />

three 357 silver oxide 1.55 V batteries (included). Grade 6<br />

and up. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />

C31127M — $29.70<br />

Plants & Plant Processes Poster<br />

Clearly labeled illustrations and micrographs bring the<br />

plant kingdom to life and reinforce basic concepts for<br />

complete understanding. One-of-a-kind poster allows both<br />

teachers and students to easily study many parts of a plant<br />

as well as key plant processes including the life cycle, photosynthesis,<br />

pollination, fertilization, and tropisms. Features<br />

illustrated teacher’s guide. Grades 6—12. Measures 23" x<br />

35". Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB40795M — $26.15<br />

It’s Gardening<br />

in the Classroom!<br />

SB45597M<br />

SB45586M<br />

Plants Bulletin Board Set<br />

Familiarize students with the inner workings of plants<br />

from the cellular level up to pollination and germination<br />

through illustration and vocabulary words. Includes four<br />

charts (each 17" x 24") and a resource guide. Grades 4—8.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB46634M — $12.70<br />

EarthBox® Growing System<br />

Produce high yields of crops with this revolutionary<br />

growing system. For best results, use with potting mix,<br />

dolomite, and fertilizer. Includes EarthBox®, aeration<br />

screen, water fill tube, two fitted mulch covers, and four<br />

casters. Green. Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />

SB45585M — $50.30<br />

EarthBox® Ready To Grow Kits<br />

Get growing right away with this all-in-one EarthBox®<br />

kit. Each kit includes the four-piece growing system<br />

(EarthBox®, aeration screen, water fill tube, and two fitted<br />

mulch covers), one bag of OMRI Listed® all-natural dolomite,<br />

one 1-lb. bag of fertilizer (available in synthetic or<br />

organic formulas), one 17-lb. bag of potting mix (available<br />

in synthetic or organic formulas), and four casters.<br />

SB45586M Synthetic. Sh. wt. 27 lbs. — $76.15<br />

SB45597M Organic. Sh. wt. 38 lbs. — $76.15<br />

EarthBox®<br />

Growing Stand<br />

Effectively lifts the<br />

EarthBox® up off<br />

the floor to be more<br />

visible to students<br />

across the classroom.<br />

Features four leg casters<br />

with lockable feet<br />

for stability. Stand<br />

measures 29¼" x 13¾" x 27". Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />

SB45591M — $65.75<br />

EarthBox® Youth<br />

Garden Guide<br />

Get students interested in<br />

gardening with this youthspecific<br />

guide. Features 29<br />

practical activities focused<br />

on planting, nurturing, and<br />

harvesting 21 healthy crops;<br />

learning their nutritional<br />

value; collecting sciencebased<br />

data; and marketing and<br />

selling gardens. 104 pages. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB45594M — $47.60<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Photosynthesis & Respiration Poster<br />

Comprehensive coverage of the steps of photosynthesis<br />

and the two stages of respiration. This large reference<br />

poster features detailed illustrations to facilitate comprehension<br />

of key standards-based concepts. 23" x 35".<br />

Laminated. Grades 6—10. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB47610M — $23.75<br />


Biology<br />

Live Materials / Supplemental Items<br />

Riker Mounts for Plant<br />

and Insect Specimens<br />

Boxes are 1 1 /16" deep, made of strong cardboard covered<br />

with heavy black paper. Filled with white polyester padding<br />

treated to prevent discolouration. Supports fragile<br />

specimens and holds them against the glass fronts. Each<br />

mount comes enclosed in an individual cardboard sleeve.<br />

Back of mount has label for listing specimens contained<br />

inside. A wall-hanging ring is attached to the back, and<br />

pins hold top firmly in place.<br />

Price 12 or More,<br />

Cat. No. Size Sh. Wt. Each Each<br />

SA04442M 6½" x 8½" 0.43 kgs. $10.00 $9.70<br />

SA04443M 8" x 12" 0.59 kgs. $11.70 $11.35<br />

SA04444M 12" x 16" 1.13 kgs. $17.60 $17.07<br />

NASCO Exhibit Cases<br />

Exceptionally well-made cases for effective display of a<br />

wide variety of specimens. Glass top neatly covered with<br />

black embossed paper and lined with white. Cases measure<br />

approximately 2¼” deep outside, 1½” deep inside.<br />

Includes 3 /8” white pinning board bottoms. Size 12” x 16”.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.56 kgs.<br />

SA04447M — $33.30 ea.<br />

12 or more — $32.30 ea.<br />

1. Mount<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Nature’s Window<br />

The best way to collect and display natural material!<br />

Perfect for collecting and displaying leaves, flowers, insects,<br />

or any natural material for reports, bulletin boards, posters,<br />

or window displays. Sandwiched between two transparent<br />

plastic cover sheets is a transparent sheet that is sticky on<br />

both sides. This allows you to remove one of the cover sheets,<br />

apply nature <strong>materials</strong> to the sticky sheet, cover back up with<br />

transparent sheet, then remove the other cover sheet on the<br />

back and apply to a window for a unique two-way display.<br />

Use either permanent or washable marker to label samples.<br />

Nature’s Window can be rinsed and reused for many years of<br />

display, or remain a permanent display mount for windows or<br />

boards. This teacher-created product is limited only by your<br />

imagination. 8-1⁄2" x 11" sheet. Grades 3-8. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB44713M — $17.80<br />

2. Display<br />

3. Or window view<br />

Nature Print ® Paper<br />

Nature Print ® Paper undergoes a chemical change when<br />

exposed to sunlight. Images appear in minutes. Just<br />

select the specimens you wish to print. Arrange them<br />

on the paper and expose to sunlight for two to three<br />

minutes. Soak in water for a minute, then dry. The images<br />

you created will sharpen during drying. Pack of 30<br />

sheets. 5" x 7" sheets. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

5500210M — $10.45<br />

Botanical Ventilators<br />

Heavy-duty, corrugated paperboard. Use between<br />

blotting paper to circulate air through plant press while<br />

tissues are drying. 25 sheets, 18" x 12".<br />

Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />

SA00327M — $16.10<br />

Plant Mounting Sheets<br />

Cardboard herbarium sheets, size 11½" x 16½". Printed<br />

legend in lower right-hand corner for recording data.<br />

No rag content. 140-lb. weight paper. Pkg. of 25.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

C09647M — $18.45 per pkg.<br />

4 or more pkgs. — $17.90 per pkg.<br />

Nature Press<br />

This 7" x 9" press is ideal for field trips and hiking. Its sturdy<br />

Velcro ® straps provide even and steady pressure to quickly<br />

dry and preserve wildflowers and nature specimens.<br />

Instructions included. Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

SB22527M — $21.15<br />

Nature Blotter Refill. 25 sheets of custom-cut blotter<br />

paper. Sh. wt. 0.20 kgs.<br />

SB22528M — $10.70<br />

Absorption Paper<br />

Thick, absorbent, non-fuzzy, white blotting paper. Good<br />

quality for all drying requirements. 12" x 18". Pkg. of 100.<br />

Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />

SA04460M — $72.55<br />

48<br />

Botany Paste<br />

This long-proven formula is a superior paste for affixing<br />

pressed plants to mounting cards. 2-oz. container.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SB02043M — $11.50<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Plant Press<br />

Solid oak frames assembled with brass-plated rivets. Two<br />

84” x 1” heavy-duty cotton web straps with sliding buckles<br />

are provided. Includes 12 driers and 12 ventilators. This<br />

substantial yet lightweight press is 12” x 18”. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

SA02726M — $72.30

Tree Cookies<br />

Explore the life cycle of tree right<br />

in your classroom! Students will<br />

be able to see the variations in<br />

tree species, estimate the age of<br />

the tree, and learn about the<br />

different factors that<br />

effect tree growth.<br />

Approximately 2"—4"<br />

dia.<br />

Biology<br />

Live Materials/Supplemental Items<br />

Set #1. Includes three tree cookies (one each<br />

of oak, pine, and walnut). Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB25029M — $7.00 per set<br />

5 or more — $6.79 per set<br />

10 or more — $6.65 per set<br />

Set #2. Includes six tree cookies (one each<br />

of red oak, pine, walnut, basswood, ash,<br />

and red pine). Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB26464M — $15.80 per set<br />

National Wildlife Federation Field Guide<br />

to Trees of North America<br />

This single, portable volume features more than 700 tree<br />

species and varieties, with special emphasis on their leaves,<br />

bark, fruits, and flowers. More than 2,000 stunning images<br />

show these trees in their natural habitats. Other features<br />

include a unique identification tip for each tree; range<br />

maps showing distribution in North America; a section<br />

on how to identify a tree; a detailed glossary of tree parts<br />

and leaf, fruit, flower, and bark types; essays on ecology,<br />

conservation, and North America’s important forest types;<br />

plus a complex species and quick-flip indexes. The unique<br />

waterproof cover makes it especially valuable for use in the<br />

field. 528 pages. Grades 6—10. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB47027M — $23.75<br />

NASCO BioQuest ® Biodiversity Tree Study Kit<br />

By Gari F. Walz. Students will have the experience of working with six different varieties of<br />

tree species from a temperate climate region of North America. Information on the biodiversity<br />

of hardwood and softwood trees is provided, with directions for students to engage in<br />

hands-on inquiry exercises. Similar internal tree structures will be compared, while the variation<br />

between species will also be identified. Illustrations and directions are included in the<br />

study guides. Kit includes six assorted tree rounds (two softwood and four hardwood species),<br />

15 hand magnifiers, colored marking pins, 15 metric rulers, 15 reproducible student study<br />

guides, reproducible student activity sheets, teacher study guide, and a tree round information<br />

sheet to assist with tree identification. Sh. wt. 0.93 kgs.<br />

SB26418M — $61.30<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong>'s BioQuest ®<br />

Tree Growth Study Kit<br />

By Gari F. Walz.<br />

The BioQuest ®<br />

Tree Growth Study Kit is designed to<br />

show students the variations<br />

of different tree species.<br />

Students will learn<br />

how seasonal growth<br />

changes<br />

the appearance of<br />

layers of growth within<br />

the tree, and will find<br />

that spring wood and<br />

summer wood combine to<br />

produce annual rings. They<br />

will also learn how to estimate<br />

tree age by examining the annual<br />

rings of three different tree rounds.<br />

The kit includes three tree rounds (one each of oak, pine, and walnut), a hand magnifier,<br />

colored marking pins, a metric ruler, six reproducible student guides, one teacher<br />

guide, reproducible activity sheets, and Trees: A Golden Guide book. Grades 6-10. Sh.<br />

wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB22657M — $34.40<br />

The Tree Game<br />

You can clearly see the “tree<br />

through the forest” when your<br />

students play <strong>Nasco</strong>’s “How a<br />

Tree Grows.” Take a step-by-step<br />

tour through the basic parts of<br />

a tree, while producing sugars<br />

from carbon dioxide, water, and<br />

good old sunshine. Covers key<br />

concepts such as photosynthesis,<br />

osmosis, transpirations, evaporation,<br />

and the nitrogen cycle.<br />

Grade 4 and up. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB47103M — $43.15<br />

Land Cover Globe<br />

Raised relief globe shows<br />

cropland, natural vegetation, landforms, and<br />

water features that make up the Earth’s actual<br />

landscape. Features naturalistic<br />

colors and detailed relief shading along with<br />

political boundaries and names. The metal<br />

gyro disk mounting allows easy access to the<br />

Southern Hemisphere. Writable. 12" dia. Sh.<br />

wt. 9 lbs.<br />

SB48527M — $178.45<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

General Resources<br />

Bill Nye Biology DVD<br />

Educational video explores a<br />

wide range of general biology<br />

topics. Program explains 19th<br />

century breakthroughs and<br />

covers cell division, sex cell<br />

division, and cell differentiation.<br />

Learn about mitochondria,<br />

proteins, neurotransmitters and<br />

hormones. Witness the process<br />

of photosynthesis and observe<br />

how the discovery of the ecosystem<br />

process bridged biology with physics, chemistry, and<br />

other fields. 45 minutes. Grades 6—12. Copyright 2005. Sh.<br />

wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB40842M DVD — $77.95<br />

Animal Kingdom Mount Sets<br />

Examine creatures from a wide range of animal kingdoms with these comprehensive collections. Each beautifullypreserved<br />

specimen is embedded in a durable, clear acrylic block. Ideal for up-close and hands-on instruction.<br />

12-Piece Mount Set. Includes: paramecium, sea<br />

anemone, tapeworm, roundworm, leech, cuttlefish, scorpion,<br />

tiger barb fish, frog, tortoise, zosterops, and white<br />

mouse. Comes in a durable carrying case with magnetic<br />

closure. Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />

SB47475M — $270.45<br />

20-Piece Mount Set. Includes: leech, cuttlefish, spider,<br />

centipede, crab, swordtail fish, frog, water snake, zosterops,<br />

bat, long horned beetle, cricket, cockroach, wasp,<br />

lychee stink bug, cicada, mantis, butterfly, dragonfly, and<br />

stick insect. Comes in a tough, latched carrying case.<br />

Sh. wt. 13 lbs.<br />

SB47476M — $431.95<br />

Nature:<br />

Silence of the Bees<br />

Silence of the Bees explores one of<br />

nature’s most baffling mysteries:<br />

the disappearance of the honeybee.<br />

Beginning in the winter of<br />

2006, millions of bees vanished<br />

from their hives without a trace.<br />

The disappearing bees left billions<br />

of dollars of crops at risk<br />

and threatened our food supply.<br />

Join researchers as they scramble<br />

to discover why honeybees are<br />

dying in record numbers and to<br />

stop the epidemic in its tracks before it spreads further.<br />

Includes extra feature, Why Bees are Important, and<br />

bonus program, Parrots in the Land of Oz, which introduces<br />

the brightest cast of characters in the Australia story.<br />

From the outrageous drumming palm cockatoo in the<br />

tropical rainforests, to the shameless red female eclectus<br />

parrot of the far north who keeps a harem of males, these<br />

true Australian originals are as resourceful as they are<br />

rowdy. 118 minutes. Grade 8 and up. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB46214M DVD — $23.75<br />

Biology Inquiries<br />

This exciting supplement to<br />

biology instruction is filled<br />

with innovative and original<br />

ideas developed by the author<br />

and tested in classrooms. The<br />

unique approach — teaching<br />

biology through active inquiry<br />

rather than memorization —<br />

will help teachers to introduce<br />

standards-based labs and<br />

constructivist lessons. Meeting<br />

NSTA standards and differentiated<br />

for various learning styles,<br />

the book offers valuable tips on how to implement them.<br />

Many of the lessons also include reproducible student<br />

handouts for easy classroom use. 296 pages. Grades 7—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB42392M — $38.50<br />

All About<br />

Animals Poster<br />

Teach students various facts about animals with<br />

this informative poster. Gives a visual overview<br />

of the characteristics, functions, and structure<br />

of animals. Explains animal symmetry and provides<br />

visual examples of bilateral, radial, and no<br />

symmetry. Animal classification is also depicted,<br />

including a tree showing the relationships<br />

between the different animal groups. Laminated.<br />

23" x 35". Grades 6-10. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB48354M — $23.75<br />

50<br />

Demo A Day —<br />

Biology<br />

Enliven the concepts of<br />

biology with these demonstrations!<br />

With more than<br />

200 demonstrations, this<br />

book aims to supplement<br />

standards-based curriculum<br />

and serve as engaging launching<br />

pads for lessons by offering<br />

concrete visualization of<br />

abstract concepts. Because of<br />

the constraints imposed by<br />

organisms, some of the demos<br />

are extended and require<br />

from a day to a few weeks to unfold. However, all of the<br />

entries aim to satisfy the basic value of demonstration.<br />

That is, they fill only a brief portion of any given class<br />

period. Also, there are limitations on time and material<br />

resources that preclude the teaching of every concept<br />

with student hands-on participation. Some of the topics<br />

include: Process of Scientific Inquiry and Safety; Chemistry<br />

of Biology; Kinetics of Biology: Enzymes; Cells: Structure,<br />

Function, and Division; DNA and Biotechnology; Diversity of<br />

Life: Microorganisms; and Ecology and Environmental Issues.<br />

300 pages, spiralbound. Grades 9—12. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />

SB43858M — $52.35<br />

Classification of Living<br />

Things Lab Investigation<br />

Introduce your students to the biodiversity of the five kingdoms<br />

through the process of classification. Students view illustrations of<br />

various life forms and use a simple, dichotomous key to determine<br />

the appropriate kingdom and phylum of each. They’ll gather valuable<br />

summary information regarding what each life form “does for a living.”<br />

For 40 students. Grades 6—8. Sh. wt. 1.45 kgs.<br />

SB35351M — $95.15<br />

Specimen Mounts<br />

Bring the natural world into your classroom with<br />

this selection of beautifully-preserved specimens<br />

encased in clear acrylic. Includes these 27 mounts:<br />

chafer beetle, ladybug, mole cricket, praying mantis,<br />

paper wasp, honey bee, ant, dung beetle, rhinoceros<br />

beetle, monarch butterfly, long-horned beetle,<br />

cicada, shield bug, spider, dragonfly, cricket, cockroach,<br />

scorpion, centipede, walking stick, onion fly,<br />

Chinese shrimp, silkworm, crab, starfish, grasshopper,<br />

and stag beetle. Largest block measures 6-1⁄2"<br />

x 2-7⁄8" x 7⁄8". Specimen blocks are enclosed in a<br />

hard carry case measuring 16-1⁄2" x 13" x 2-5⁄16".<br />

Sh. wt. 9.50 lbs.<br />

SB48450M — $324.60<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Six Kingdoms Flip<br />

Chart Set<br />

A great way to introduce<br />

standards-based science<br />

concepts to students.<br />

Includes 10 double-sided,<br />

laminated charts, each 12"<br />

x 18" and spiral bound on<br />

a durable, free-standing easel. The front side features a<br />

graphic overview of the topic, while the back side serves<br />

as a “write-on/wipe-off” activity chart. Activity guide also<br />

included. Grades 5-9. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />

SB47627M — $42.80

Biology<br />

Biotechnology/Electrophoresis<br />

SB49189M<br />

SB49192M<br />

SB49191M<br />

SB49193M<br />

Supplies for Walter Electrophoresis Stations and Units<br />

For use with all Walter Electrophoresis Stations and Units listed on pages 79 and 80.<br />

Power Source. Can be used with 75V or 150V. Maximum current is 250 milliamps. Can be<br />

used with one or two cells simultaneously. Run time for gels at 75V is 40-50 minutes and<br />

20-30 minutes for 150V. 8" x 6-1⁄2" x 8".<br />

SB49189M - $178.50<br />

Glass Slides. Pack of six.<br />

SB49191M - $17.85<br />

Casting Tray. With embossing gel ruler and two rubber end caps.<br />

SB49194M 7 cm x 7 cm - $30.95<br />

SB49193M 7 cm x 14 cm - $35.15<br />

Agarose. Prepare your own Agarose gels at any concentration with the<br />

addition of TBE running buffer. Can be stored at room temperature for years. 5<br />

grams low EEO.<br />

SB49019M - $14.90<br />

DNA Stain. Stain and de-stain in 40 minutes. The highly sensitive<br />

stain will stain a gel in about 20 minutes and de-stain in<br />

20 minutes. Once the gels are stained they can be stored for<br />

months without fading. Stain up to 20 gels with 60 ml of 20X<br />

concentrate.<br />

SB49020M - $11.85<br />

SB49185M<br />

Walter Electrophoresis Stations<br />

Designed with safety and convenience in mind. The injectionmolded<br />

UV transparent chamber is made from thick acrylic,<br />

making it durable and leak-proof while the lid fits securely in place and can<br />

easily be removed. Units feature adjustable leveling feet, recessed electrical wires,<br />

and a safety stop that prevents the gel from running when the cover is not securely<br />

fitted. Each casting tray with embossed gel ruler has rubber end caps and multiple<br />

slots for easy and versatile comb placement. Grades 9-college.<br />

Dual Station. Supports up to 16 students. Each set includes two electrophoresis<br />

apparatus, one power supply, and two adjustable volume pipettors (5-50 µL). The<br />

EL-100 model (SB49195M) includes two 7 cm x 14 cm casting trays, while EL-200<br />

(SB49196M) includes four 7 cm x 7 cm casting trays.<br />

SB49185M EL-100 Dual Station - $821.10<br />

SB49187M EL-200 Dual Station - $827.05<br />

Four Station. Supports up to 32 students. Each set includes four electrophoresis<br />

apparatus, two power supplies, and four adjustable volume pipettors (5-50 µL). The<br />

EL-100 model (SB49195M) includes four 7 cm x 14 cm casting trays, while EL-200<br />

(SB49196M) includes eight 7 cm x 7 cm casting trays.<br />

SB49186M EL-100 Four Station - $1,642.20<br />

SB49188M EL-200 Four Station - $1,664.85<br />

Walter Electrophoresis Unit<br />

This electrophoresis apparatus includes an injection-molded UV transparent base and a<br />

transparent cover. Casting trays have an embossed gel ruler and rubber end caps. Allows six<br />

7 cm x 7 cm<br />

electrophoresis gel trays to run simultaneously on one apparatus, six 6-toothed combs, and<br />

six 7 cm x 7 cm casting trays. Unit measures 16" x 12-1⁄2" x 7". Grades 9-college.<br />

SB49197M - $330.85<br />

An Introduction to Electrophoresis<br />

Economical two-part exercise provides an introduction<br />

to agarose gel electrophoresis and is designed for eight<br />

groups of students in two 40-60 minute lab periods.<br />

Includes four colorful dye mixtures and DNA. In the first<br />

part of the exercise, students identify unknown dye molecules<br />

by comparing their electrophoretic migration with<br />

the migration of known dyes. In the second part, students<br />

identify dye molecules that bind to DNA and determine<br />

the mechanism. Includes complete instructions, samples 1-4, DNA, eight transfer pipets<br />

(one ml each), agarose (5 grams), and TG buffer (contents makes 3.5 liters of re-usable<br />

buffer). Grades 9-college.<br />

SB49181M - $47.55<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Demonstration Kit. Includes an electrophoresis apparatus, a power supply, an<br />

adjustable volume pipettor, and the Introduction to Electrophoresis experiment kit<br />

(see SB49181M at left for complete description).<br />

SB49184M - $533.15<br />


Biology<br />

Biotechnology/Electrophoresis<br />

Variable Volume<br />

Micropipettes<br />

Featuring autoclavable tipcones<br />

and built-in tip ejectors, these variable<br />

volume micropipettes work<br />

on a clock top digital system that<br />

is easy to calibrate and maintain.<br />

Pipettes are highly accurate and<br />

easy to disassemble for autoclaving.<br />

Each pipet includes calibration<br />

certificate, verifying that pipet was<br />

individually calibrated according to<br />

ISO 8655 standards. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

20 to 200 µl Micropipette. Volume<br />

range of 20-200 µl in increments of<br />

1.0 µl. A volume of 40 µl is accurate to<br />

+/- 1.5 µl; a volume of 200 µl is accurate<br />

to +/- 0.6 µl.<br />

SB45962M — $168.95<br />

SB45963M<br />

SB45962M<br />

SB47099M<br />

100 to 1,000 µl Micropipette.<br />

Volume range of 100-1,000 µl in<br />

increments of 10 µl. A volume of 200<br />

µl is accurate to +/- 1.2 µl; a volume<br />

of 1,000 µl is accurate to +/- 0.5 µl.<br />

SB45963M — $168.95<br />

Clear Acrylic Pipette Rack<br />

Keep your pipettes organized and easily accessible in this sleek pipette rack.<br />

Holds five pipettes. 5½" H x 11" W x 6¼" D. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

SB47099M — $41.65<br />

Fixed Volume Micropipets<br />

An affordable, fixed-volume micropipet that's accurate and reliable! Its small size makes<br />

it easy for students to handle when dispensing small volumes of DNA and enzymes.<br />

10 µl Micropipet. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB39114M — $28.55<br />

Edvotek ® Fixed Volume 40 µl MiniPipet <br />

Precise and cost-effective pipet utilizing standard disposable<br />

micropipet tips. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB46055M — $34.50<br />

United Mini Pipettes<br />

Pipettes feature a high level of accuracy. Specially<br />

designed for kits as well as individual use in schools.<br />

Can be used with either microtips or standard 200 µl<br />

tips. Fully autoclavable to 121° C. Two-stage thumb<br />

press includes blow-out. Grades 6—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />

(A) 5 µL (B) 10 µL (C) 20 µL<br />

(D) 25 µL (E) 50 µL (F) 100 µL<br />

(G) 500 µL<br />

(H) 1,000 µL<br />

SB39200M — $25.15<br />

Please indicate size by letter code. EXAMPLE:<br />

SB39200(A)M 5 µL.<br />

Variable Volume Micropipette (2-20 µl)<br />

Highly accurate micropipette dispenses liquids in 1 µl increments. Includes easy-toread<br />

digital display and a built-in tip ejector. The tipcone assembly is autoclavable and<br />

can be easily disassembled for servicing and maintenance. Features durable construction<br />

for years of classroom use. 2-20 µl. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB39111M — $118.95<br />

SB46000M<br />

SB46002M<br />

Pipette Tips<br />

Non-sterile replacement tips for micropipettes and minipipettes.<br />

Micropipette Tips (1-200 µl), Yellow.<br />

SB45999M Rack of 200. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $7.75<br />

SB46000M Bag of 1,000. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs. — $15.80<br />

Micropipette Tips (100-1,000 µl), Blue.<br />

SB46001M Rack of 100. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $8.65<br />

SB46002M Bag of 500. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. — $14.25<br />

Ultra Micropipette Tips (1-20 µl), White.<br />

SB39112M<br />

Bag of 250. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB39112M — $13.45<br />

52<br />

SB45999M<br />

SB46001M<br />

DNA Electrophoresis Labs and<br />

Simulations<br />

DNA electrophoresis is an easy, fun, exciting, and<br />

safe activity to perform in the classroom. It is a<br />

widely used technique that is carried out in DNA<br />

fingerprinting, paternity testing, genetic testing,<br />

and genetic engineering. These labs and simulations<br />

bring a wide variety of classroom activities<br />

to use in introducing electrophoresis into your<br />

lessons. Grades 5—12. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

The Mystery of the Crooked Cell. This simple<br />

lab demonstrates detection of the mutation that causes Sickle Cell Anemia. In the simulation,<br />

your students will use electrophoresis to separate dyes that represent patient<br />

samples and controls. Includes: Ready-to-Load dye samples, agarose powder, practice<br />

gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, microtipped transfer pipettes, and instructions.<br />

For up to 10 groups. 45-minute lab.<br />

SB45630M — $83.25<br />

DNA Fingerprinting. Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by<br />

comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprinting patterns are separated<br />

by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determine who may have done it!<br />

Includes: Ready-to-Load DNA samples, UltraSpec-Agarose powder, practice gel loading<br />

solution, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain® Methylene Blue and Methylene Blue<br />

Plus stain, calibrated pipet, 100 ml graduated cylinder, microtipped transfer pipettes,<br />

and instructions. 60-minute lab.<br />

SB45631M — $108.00<br />

In Search of My Father. Solve the mystery of two boys separated from their parents<br />

a decade ago. Their biological mother is identified by mitochondrial DNA and their<br />

biological father from chromosomal DNA. Includes: Ready-to-Load dye samples, aga-<br />

rose powder, practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, microtipped transfer<br />

pipettes, and instructions. For up to 10 groups. 45-minute lab.<br />

SB45636M — $89.85<br />

Why Do People Look Different? Teach your students how people’s physical traits are<br />

a reflection of their genes. In this simulation, your students will use electrophoresis to<br />

separate dyes which represent genetic traits. Includes: Ready-to-Load dye samples,<br />

agarose powder, practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, microtipped transfer<br />

pipettes, and instructions. For up to 10 groups. 45-minute lab.<br />

SB45637M — $83.25<br />

What Size Are Your Genes? Teach your students how agarose acts as a molecular sieve<br />

during electrophoresis to separate different-sized pieces of DNA quickly and simply<br />

using brightly coloured dyes. Includes: Ready-to-Load dye samples, agarose powder,<br />

practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, microtipped transfer pipettes, and<br />

instructions. For up to 10 groups. 45-minute lab.<br />

SB45638M — $86.30<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Genetics<br />

Whose DNA Was Left Behind?<br />

DNA fingerprinting is used in the identification of<br />

individuals based on DNA analysis of hair, skin, and<br />

blood. In this experiment, students use dye simulations<br />

as DNA samples and the criminal is identified<br />

from several suspects. Includes two samples from<br />

the crime scene, four samples from suspects,<br />

Ultra-Spec-Agarose, 50X electrophoresis<br />

buffer, practice gel loading solution, transfer<br />

pipettes, and a teacher’s guide with comprehensive<br />

student activities. Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs.<br />

SB26186M — $83.05<br />

DNA Extraction and Isolation Kit<br />

A low-tech hands-on solution to presenting high-tech<br />

topics. Extract DNA from strawberries and examine physical<br />

properties. Provides everything necessary (except<br />

strawberries) along with cell lysating solutions and DNA<br />

precipitating solutions. Students extract DNA by crushing<br />

the strawberry, then lysing to release cell components<br />

and finally precipitating and viewing DNA after spooling<br />

DNA on a splint. Includes instructions and background<br />

information. Designed for a class of 32 students working<br />

in eight teams of four. Contains material to conduct two<br />

extractions. Easy to perform using frozen strawberries.<br />

Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 1.25 kgs.<br />

SB40666M — $104.70<br />

DNA Replication Set<br />

Specially designed Velcroized<br />

sponge balls, called<br />

Bolecules, illustrate a strand<br />

of DNA. Use this essential<br />

visual aid to “unzip” the<br />

original strand and build a<br />

second “daughter” molecule.<br />

Supplemental lesson (included)<br />

provides historical<br />

information and a replication<br />

comprehension check. Set<br />

includes: display stand, 12<br />

red, 12 blue, 12 yellow, and<br />

12 green Bolecules, sponge<br />

balls; 12 “C” (cytosine), 12 “G”<br />

(guanine), 12 “T” (thymine),<br />

and 12 “A” (adenine) letter<br />

squares; 60 (hook) and 60<br />

(loop) Velcro ¾ in. adhesive<br />

dots. Grades 4—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs<br />

SB39386M — $83.25<br />

Genetics with Bill Nye<br />

Explore why certain traits are passed through families<br />

and species. Features DNA related discoveries and a<br />

detailed description of the role RNA plays in protein production.<br />

Students even get to visit FBI headquarters with<br />

Bill Nye to see where DNA becomes personal and how<br />

it has played an important role in many courtrooms. 45<br />

minutes. Copyright 2005. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB40846M DVD — $77.95<br />

Turning Genes “ON” and “OFF”<br />

Use a safe, commonly found microbe to investigate and<br />

predict the effect of temperature on gene regulation<br />

and expression. The expression of this particular gene is<br />

easily recognized by the production of a pigment which<br />

turns the bacteria colonies red for a striking visual demonstration<br />

of gene manipulation. Further investigations<br />

allow students to design their own experiments to identify<br />

other variables which may effect gene expression.<br />

Enough <strong>materials</strong> for a class of 40 students. Grades 5—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 kgs.<br />

SB31312M — $63.05<br />

Principals of DNA Sequencing Kit<br />

DNA sequencing is used to determine the primary<br />

structure of DNA. This experiment is a dry lab that<br />

explains DNA sequencing and analysis. Actual autoradiograms<br />

from DNA sequencing experiments<br />

are provided for identification of mutated nucleotides.<br />

Includes six autoradiograms and instructions.<br />

20—30-minute lab. Grades 8—12. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB45635M — $85.10<br />

Gene of fortune <br />

— Edvotek and Genetic Dice Game<br />

Two fun, exciting games introduce and reinforce concepts<br />

of genetics. The first game, Genetic Dice, utilizes<br />

a set of game boards, genetic dice, and game chips to<br />

teach concepts centering on Watson-Crick DNA base pair<br />

rules. The second game, Gene of Fortune is a version of<br />

Bingo that introduces the genetic code. Game covers the<br />

genetic code, single and three letter amino acid abbreviations,<br />

and the characteristics of amino acids. includes the<br />

Gene of Fortune spinner, 10 different cards, game chips,<br />

and instruction manual. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB39285M — $95.80<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

DNA Extraction Kit<br />

This authentic lab teaches students the history of the discovery<br />

of DNA and DNA structure. Understand the nature<br />

of genetic inheritance and the role of DNA and proteins<br />

in genetic expression while using biological detergents,<br />

enzymes, and ethanol to isolate DNA from plant material<br />

(not included). Includes 250 ml of 10% SDS/1.5% NaCl,<br />

pepsin, ethanol, 20 zipper bags, 15 filters, 15 plastic tubes,<br />

30 graduated pipettes, and 15 stirrers.<br />

Kit contains enough <strong>materials</strong> for 15<br />

groups. Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48261M — $48.50<br />


Biology<br />

Genetics<br />

DNA<br />

Colossal<br />

Concept<br />

Poster<br />

Help students to<br />

understand the<br />

“secret life” with this<br />

dramatic display of<br />

the structure of DNA<br />

presented in precise<br />

detail. Teacher’s<br />

guide contains additional<br />

information<br />

about genes and the<br />

components of DNA.<br />

Also offers a variety<br />

of related activities<br />

to expand students’<br />

knowledge, including<br />

creating DNA<br />

models, organizing<br />

complementary<br />

strands of DNA, and<br />

analyzing the<br />

usefulness of DNA<br />

evidence in criminal<br />

investigations.<br />

Poster measures 5½<br />

ft. tall. Grade 4 and<br />

up. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB45808M —<br />

$12.15<br />

Human Inheritance Poster<br />

Review the basics of human inheritance including chromosomes,<br />

karyotypes, pedigrees, sex-linked traits, crossing<br />

over, mutations, and genetic diseases. See at a glance<br />

how these topics are related to each other and how<br />

they can be used to identify genetic diseases. 23" x 35".<br />

Laminated. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

SB47592M — $26.15<br />

Understanding the Human Genome Lab<br />

Comprehensive, hands-on curriculum on human genetics.<br />

Your class will develop their own genotypes for various<br />

physical traits and determine the frequency of their<br />

occurrence. They’ll also study the patterns of inheritance<br />

through the construction and analysis of a human pedigree.<br />

Students will investigate common genetic disorders<br />

and the location of the corresponding genetic mutations<br />

that cause them. Finally, students explore the goals and<br />

objectives of the Human Genome Project and the ethical<br />

issues emanating from the advances in genetics. Your<br />

students will: determine their own possible genotypes<br />

for several physical traits; study the multiple allelic inheritance<br />

of blood groups through use of simulated blood<br />

samples; analyze unknown karyotypes and determine<br />

whether they represent a normal male, female, or an<br />

abnormal genotype; learn how DNA is analyzed through<br />

the use of the DNA fingerprinting techniques; and simulate<br />

the detection of human genetic disorders.<br />

For 40 students. Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 1.93 kgs.<br />

SB39065M — $118.95<br />

Genes &<br />

Family<br />

Relations<br />

Utilize the latest<br />

technology in gene<br />

identification — DNA<br />

fingerprinting — to identify and trace a genetic disorder<br />

within the family of famed Russian czar, Nicholas<br />

II. In the process, learn more about the individuality of<br />

gene expression. This completely reusable kit provides<br />

the class with “pop” beads to simulate the DNA fingerprints<br />

of various members of the Romanoff family.<br />

With this information, the students trace the hereditary<br />

patterns which resulted in traits such as hemophilia. The<br />

activity provides a fun and engaging means to study<br />

such topical concepts as the Human Genome Project,<br />

DNA structure and extraction, and the use of gel electrophoresis<br />

in actual applications. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for<br />

a class of 40 students. Grades 5—12. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB31302M — $191.60<br />

54<br />

Human<br />

Heredity<br />

Made Easy<br />

Kit<br />

Allows students<br />

to create three<br />

generations of<br />

a family with<br />

individually<br />

selected<br />

or multiple<br />

traits<br />

(three traits total).<br />

Each trait is represented<br />

by a corresponding facial<br />

feature which can be affixed to the demonstration board<br />

without glue, magnets, or fasteners. Overlay a “face” with<br />

detached earlobes with another having attached earlobes.<br />

The resultant offspring will show the dominant detached<br />

earlobe trait! Includes eight lessons total. Grades 6-9. Sh.<br />

wt. 24 lbs.<br />

SB48461M — $431.65<br />

Genetics Kit<br />

Speak Easies<br />

"Stick Ups" are<br />

colourful magnetic<br />

visual aids<br />

designed for use<br />

on white boards.<br />

Punch up your<br />

Punnett squares!<br />

This kit will visually<br />

enhance the<br />

instruction of<br />

monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. Round and wrinkled<br />

peas and green and yellow peas can be crossed in a<br />

variety of ways. Red, white and pink flowers show incomplete<br />

dominance. Includes two sets of chromosomes to<br />

animate mitosis and meiosis. The largest piece is approximately<br />

3" x 10". Sh. wt. 3.31 lbs.<br />

SB44388M — $69.65<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

3B Scientific Human<br />

Genotype Charts<br />

These anatomical charts<br />

present information<br />

about human DNA.<br />

Microanatomy of the<br />

human cell along<br />

with the molecular structure<br />

of DNA are shown<br />

in colorful and accurate<br />

detail. Grade<br />

8 and up.<br />

Laminated Chart. Printed<br />

on premium glossy,<br />

UV-resistant paper and<br />

comes with two-sided<br />

lamination and metal eyelets<br />

for hanging. Can be<br />

written on with dry-erase markers and wiped off. 20" x<br />

26". Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB47794M — $27.10<br />

Protein Synthesis<br />

Kit<br />

Use this kit to<br />

model the translation<br />

process by<br />

assembling and<br />

moving the<br />

pieces on a<br />

magnet-receptive<br />

marker board.<br />

Ribosome pieces<br />

can be moved<br />

along the mRNA strand as amino acids bond to the growing<br />

polypeptide chain. Kit includes one large tRNA to<br />

illustrate structure, five small tRNA molecules, five amino<br />

acids, a two-piece ribosome, one messenger RNA strand,<br />

and “codon” and “anticodon” labels. Largest piece measures<br />

approximately 27" L. Grades 9—12. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />

SB45909M — $83.25

Biology<br />

Genetics<br />

Storage<br />

Double Helix<br />

The Molecular Model of DNA<br />

and Its Replication Kit —<br />

Lab-Aids ® No. 71<br />

Using simple and exclusive components,<br />

students easily build their own 8-rung<br />

ladder segment of the DNA molecule<br />

based on the model proposed by Watson<br />

and Crick in 1953. The flexible model is<br />

twisted to form the double helix structure.<br />

The 12 model segments can be attached<br />

to each other to make a “giant” double<br />

helix DNA model that can also be coiled<br />

and will be more than 9 ft. long. Includes<br />

50 student worksheets and guides, and<br />

detailed teacher’s guide with full background<br />

information.Sh. wt. 0.93 kgs.<br />

SB14279M — $97.55<br />

Ladder<br />

DNA Model<br />

This demonstration model is constructed to illustrate the ladder-like arrangement of the<br />

DNA molecule. The model can be readily twisted to form the characteristic Watson and<br />

Crick double helix configuration. The sides of the ladder (deoxyribose and phosphates)<br />

are made of solid vinyl and depicted by alternating black-and-white segments. The rungs<br />

(nitrogenous bases) are constructed of painted hardwood dowels. Can be extended to<br />

40". Model can be easily stored as a coil. Instruction sheet included. Sh. wt. 0.68 kgs.<br />

SB45437M — $81.55<br />

Individual DNA and<br />

Molecular Model Kit — Lab-<br />

Aids<br />

® No. 71-513<br />

This kit lets students construct a model<br />

of an 8-rung ladder segment of the DNA<br />

molecule, and then build a molecular<br />

model of the basic components of the<br />

nucleotides of RNA and DNA. A set of<br />

instructions for constructing the models<br />

is included with each packet. All the com-<br />

ponents are reusable, and the nucleotides<br />

(when using more than one kit) can be<br />

linked together to form a DNA model. An<br />

excellent individual activity.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

SB13744M — $26.15 ea.<br />

6 or more — $25.37 ea.<br />

DNA, RNA — Protein sis Kit — Lab-Aids ® No. 72<br />

Synthe-<br />

Using individualized student worksheets<br />

and plastic, colour-coded components,<br />

students first build a DNA molecule,<br />

replicate it, and use half of the “ladder” to<br />

build mRNA (messenger RNA). Students<br />

experience how the information stored<br />

in DNA is expressed as a finished protein.<br />

Students conclude by disconnecting<br />

the protein chain from the tRNA and<br />

the tRNAs from the mRNA, showing<br />

their availability to continue the process.<br />

Complete for 24 students working in<br />

pairs. Sh. wt. 1.22 kgs.<br />

SB20188M — $203.45<br />

Let’s Talk About Genetics<br />

Situation cards that help students understand<br />

and explore genetics in a real-world setting.<br />

Topics cover mitosis, meiosis, DNA, heredity, genetic<br />

testing, stem cell research, and the ethics<br />

involved in using genetic applications for solving<br />

medical problems. Great for general class<br />

discussion, research, group activities, quizzes,<br />

and tests. Includes 40 situation cards (5-1⁄2" x<br />

8-1⁄2"), teacher’s guide/answer key, and storage<br />

box. Grades 6-12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB48318M — $34.50<br />

Student DNA Model Kit<br />

A unique model that shows the relationship between DNA molecules and the biological<br />

implications. The model provides the student with a laboratory experience using an<br />

investigative approach. The student guide leads students through a series of graphic<br />

illustrations concerning concepts related to DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; codon/<br />

anti-codon; mutations, and aids in assembling the pieces through a series of carefully<br />

designed questions. The kit consists of 96 interlocking plastic pieces, each representing a<br />

specific part of the DNA/RNA molecule. Teacher’s guide gives suggestions and answers to<br />

questions. Students work in pairs. Packaged in a sturdy storage box.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB16476M — $61.90<br />

Zome DNA Kit<br />

The Zome DNA kit is a great way for<br />

students to build a geometrically<br />

beautiful model of DNA, the molecule<br />

that makes us what we are! Explore<br />

the mysterious blueprint for all life<br />

on earth. Another great science activity,<br />

Zome DNA includes step by step<br />

instructions to model a section of DNA<br />

over 22" high. Kits can be combined to<br />

build really amazing DNA strands! Kit<br />

contains 71 precision Zome parts and<br />

colourful instructions. Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB36704M — $29.35<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Genetics<br />

DNA Activity Model<br />

Affordable, easy-to-understand replica of the “molecule<br />

of life.” At last, a realistic DNA model that fits within your<br />

budget! Your students will construct their own double<br />

helix model complete with cytosine, adenine, guanine, and<br />

thymine nucleic acid bases connecting phosphate strands<br />

and a center rod representing hydrogen bonds. Easy-toassemble,<br />

three-dimensional model is made of durable plastic<br />

components for years of classroom use. Colour-coded<br />

parts feature specially-shaped ends to ensure proper base<br />

pair alignment and can be unzipped to demonstrate DNA<br />

replication. Includes comprehensive, illustrated student and<br />

teacher guides. Comes with sturdy, metal base for easy rotation<br />

and classroom display. 19" H x 7½" D. Sh. wt. 1.95 kgs.<br />

SB37360M — $85.10<br />

Challenge your students to determine<br />

the phenotype, genotype,<br />

and frequency of easily observed<br />

human traits and identify the<br />

dominant and recessive genes for<br />

each trait. Activities include determining<br />

unique traits with tastetest<br />

paper, constructing a family<br />

pedigree, and using Punnett<br />

squares to predict ways genes<br />

combine during fertilization.<br />

Enough <strong>materials</strong> for 40 students.<br />

Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB47591M — $29.70<br />

STICK TO SCIENCE — Genetic Cards<br />

Solve the puzzle of how genes are inherited and sometimes appear or disappear in<br />

families. Using these 36 magnetic shapes representing males and females with the<br />

three possible genetic combinations (affected, carriers, or not affected), all types of<br />

inheritance (complete dominance, incomplete dominance whether autosomal or sex<br />

linked) can be investigated. The teacher’s guide has actual case studies and lesson<br />

outlines as well as reproducible student work sheets.<br />

3001M — $10.95<br />

Modern Genetics Poster<br />

A thorough, visual overview of the structure and<br />

function of chromosomes, genes, and DNA. Also<br />

provides a step-by-step procedure for DNA fingerprinting.<br />

Large reference poster features detailed<br />

illustrations to facilitate comprehension of important<br />

standards-based concepts. Measures 23" x 35".<br />

Laminated. Grades 6—10. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />

SB47614M — $23.75<br />

Human Genetics Disorders Poster<br />

Presents a detailed view of all 23 human chromosome<br />

pairs and the location of the genes which<br />

cause the most common genetic disorders discovered<br />

to date. Shows breast cancer, melanoma,<br />

deafness, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease,<br />

Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, colour blindness,<br />

and others. Also presents four karyotypes representing<br />

a healthy male, healthy female, Down Syndrome,<br />

and Turner Syndrome. Laminated. 23" x 35". Sh. wt.<br />

0.23 kgs.<br />

SB35354M Laminated — $25.60<br />

K’NEX ® DNA, Replication & Transcription Set<br />

Wonderfully flexible set allows students to build and learn using models that demonstrate<br />

phosphate groups, deoxyribose/ribose sugars, colour-coded hydrogen<br />

bonds, four codons, and colour-coded nucleotides. Builds seven different DNA and<br />

mRNA molecules. Build any one from 19 combinations at once. Pieces easily unsnap<br />

for replication and transcription activities. Includes: 521 K’NEX ® pieces and a 24-page,<br />

full-colour building instruction booklet packed in a strong, stackable, plastic storage<br />

case with movable dividers and transparent lockable lid. Grades 5—9. Sh. wt. 1.99 kgs.<br />

Curriculum CD is now included with set.<br />

SB39326M — $66.60<br />

56<br />

Genes<br />

and Probability Lab<br />

Study the patterns of inheritance<br />

and genetic probability<br />

of easily observed and tested<br />

traits. Students use game-like<br />

exercises to explore gametogenesis<br />

and fertilization; monohybrid<br />

and dihybrid crosses;<br />

laws of dominance, segregation,<br />

and recombination; independent<br />

assortment; and<br />

other fundamental principles of<br />

genetics. Materials<br />

for 40 students. Grades 7-10. Sh.<br />

wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48356M — $59.45<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Genetics<br />

SB42167M<br />

RNA/Protein Synthesis Kit<br />

Use this 24-piece kit to make single-strand models of messenger RNA carrying<br />

the genetic code (CODONS), and component parts to represent transfer<br />

RNA and an amino acid. Also can be used to demonstrate the process of<br />

protein synthesis known as TRANSLATION. Kit includes: six Uracil (U) in light<br />

blue, six Adenine (A) in blue, six guanine (G) in green, six cytosine in yellow,<br />

12 ribose in dark red, 12 phosphate in purple, four amino acid parts, and<br />

four transfer RNA parts. Grade 9 and up.<br />

SB42167M — $47.05<br />

DNA Model<br />

This preassembled, true-to-life DNA<br />

model is built to a scale of 10 cm to 1<br />

nm and accurately depicts a 16 base<br />

pair section of DNA. The phosphatedeoxyribose<br />

backbone and the four<br />

bases are represented by custom<br />

plastic moldings that show the<br />

shapes of the molecules in scale<br />

and illustrate the bonding between<br />

them. The model is supported by a<br />

central pillar which can rotate on a<br />

circular stand, and the phosphate<br />

and deoxyribose components of the<br />

backbone as well as the individual<br />

base pairs can be removed for separate<br />

examination. Model stands 24"<br />

tall. Grade 7 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB45825M — $62.50<br />

Instructional CD-ROM Only.<br />

Explains key concepts related to<br />

DNA structure. Includes step-by-step<br />

instructions for assembly of DNA<br />

models. Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48437M CD-ROM — $23.75<br />


XP or higher, PowerPoint 2003 or<br />

higher.<br />

22-Layer Advanced Mini DNA Model<br />

Shows all of the major and minor grooves. Can also be used to demonstrate replication.<br />

Features 22 base pairs comprised of: 11 each of thymine (orange), adenine<br />

(blue), guanine (green), and cytosine (yellow). Side chain: 44 each of deoxyribose<br />

(red) and phosphate (purple). Approximate dimensions: 4 5 ⁄16" x 17 5 ⁄16". Includes<br />

stand. Grades 9 and up. Sh. wt. 1.88 lbs.<br />

SB42166M — $55.90<br />

SB42166M<br />

SB45825M<br />

VirtMac Cell Biology Manipulatives<br />

• A Brilliant Unifying model for teaching all aspects of cell biology.<br />

• Easily demonstrates dynamic and complex cell processes.<br />

• Interactive, hands on learning environment<br />

• All kits include a DVD with easy to follow instructions and video lessons.<br />

VirtMac Magnetic Cell<br />

Biology Bundle<br />

Includes Kit 1, Kit 2,and Kit 3.<br />

1650M — $339.95<br />

VirtMac Magnetic Membrane/<br />

Protein Kit (Kit #1)<br />

Lessons include basic cell structure, cell size, ETC<br />

cellular respiration, Photosynthesis, Facilitated<br />

diffusion, and more. Partial assembly required.<br />

1645M — $145.95<br />

VirtMac Magnetic DNA/RNA Protein<br />

Kit (Kit #2)<br />

Lessons include DNA Replication, Mitosis, Meiosis,<br />

Protein Synthesis, Lac Operon, and more. Partial<br />

assembly required.<br />

1648M — $145.95<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

VirtMac Magnetic Protein Folding/<br />

Enzyme Structure Kit (Kit #3)<br />

Lessons include Protein Folding, Enzyme Structure,<br />

Induced-Fit model, Denatured Protein, Allosteric Sites,<br />

and more. Partial assembly required.<br />

1649M — $79.95<br />


Biology<br />

Forensic Science<br />

NEO/C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigations Lab<br />

A fascinating exploration of criminal investigation! Provide students with a scenario and<br />

crime scene from which they will gather evidence and use that evidence to conduct<br />

various tests to analyze hairs and fibers: shoeprints; blood, chromosome and DNA;<br />

stomach contents; and tool-marks. Includes everything needed to set up a variety of<br />

scenarios and crime scenes along with suggestion on how to effectively integrate the<br />

skills learned into your curriculum. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for a class of 40 students. Grades<br />

7—12. Sh. wt. 2.10 kgs.<br />

SB39225M — $111.60<br />

Forensic Chemistry of<br />

Hair Analysis<br />

Discover how forensic scientists<br />

use hair to assist in solving crimes.<br />

You will discover the differences<br />

between human and animal hair<br />

as well as differences among<br />

different types of human hair. In<br />

the second part of the activity, you<br />

will try to determine the origin of<br />

a hair sample from a crime scene<br />

in relation to hair samples from<br />

four known suspects. This activity<br />

includes a teacher’s manual, student<br />

guide, analysis copy-masters,<br />

one box of microscope slides, one<br />

package of coverslips, deer hair<br />

sample, cat hair sample, four human<br />

hair samples, 15 forceps, and 15 wax pencils.<br />

Materials needed: light microscopes. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />

SB43606M — $67.25<br />

Forensic<br />

Anthropology:<br />

Talking<br />

Bones Lab<br />

Investigation<br />

Your students will<br />

work as forensic<br />

anthropologists<br />

within a lab to help<br />

solve a “cold” case!<br />

Forensic anthropology<br />

and toxicology analysis<br />

skills are used to solve a<br />

historical fiction scenario<br />

involving the uncovering of<br />

human remains near an abandoned<br />

settlement in Nevada. Can<br />

the recovered bones be identified? Are they linked to a 120-year-old poisoning? Students<br />

perform two simulated toxicological soil assays (lead and arsenic), as well as identify the<br />

recovered bones and conduct an osteometric analysis to determine ancestry, age, gender,<br />

and stature. They then use this information to identify individuals with known traits,<br />

and possibly determine the cause of death. Provides enough <strong>materials</strong> for 40 students.<br />

Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 8.50 lbs.<br />

SB47137M — $204.65<br />

58<br />

Forensic Odontology: One Bite Out of Crime Kit<br />

One of the ways in which modern forensic science can positively identify an individual is<br />

through dental records. In this seven-experiment kit, students will make patient dental<br />

charts, cast teeth molds, examine the evidence, and more. Kit includes: student data<br />

sheets, tooth development and tooth eruption diagrams, latex gloves, magic marker,<br />

teeth bite tray, Alginate mold material, plaster Paris, tongue depressor, 12-oz. plastic cup,<br />

3½-oz. plastic measuring cups, 2-oz, plastic measuring cups, zip lock bags, 6" metric rulers,<br />

wax bite plates, assessment manual, and instructor’s manual. Ships in two boxes. Grades<br />

8—12. Sh. wt. 21 lbs.<br />

SB47538M — $369.20<br />

Forensics Using<br />

Simulated Blood<br />

Students act as lab technicians<br />

and assist investigators by examining<br />

evidence collected at a<br />

crime scene. Students first use a<br />

presumptive blood test to determine<br />

if a substance on a stained<br />

piece of cloth may be blood, and<br />

then determine the blood type of<br />

a sample collected at the scene.<br />

Students then compare their<br />

results to those samples provided<br />

from two suspects. Includes 40<br />

blood typing trays, 10 cotton swabs, cloth, four simulated blood samples (victim, two<br />

suspects, and crime scene evidence), three bottles of serum (anti-A, anti-B, and anti-<br />

Rh), one bottle of 70% ethanol, and two bottles of blood detection reagent. The kit<br />

contains enough <strong>materials</strong> for 10 groups. Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48260M — $62.50<br />

Crime Scene Investigations<br />

By Pam Walker and Elaine Wood. 8½" x 11". Softcover.<br />

Turn your students into super sleuths. Students will learn<br />

science concepts as they solve mysteries. All provide<br />

complete teacher background information and activity<br />

sheets that challenge students to observe carefully,<br />

organize and record data, think critically, and conduct<br />

tests to solve crimes.<br />

Grades 3-8. 272 pages. 60<br />

exciting lessons. Crimes<br />

range from theft and dognapping<br />

to vandalism and<br />

water pollution. Copyright<br />

1999. Sh. wt. 0.88 kgs.<br />

SB39170M — $35.65<br />

Grades 6-12. 288 pages.<br />

68 exciting lessons. Crimes<br />

range from check forgery<br />

to murder. Labs are organized<br />

into four sections.<br />

Copyright 1998.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.88 kgs.<br />

SB39171M — $35.65<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Hands-On Science: Forensics<br />

Working from crime scenarios, students will use<br />

chemical, biological, photographic, and other means to<br />

study the evidence and draw logical conclusions. Each<br />

activity serves as a complete introductory program to<br />

forensic science, a replacement unit, or an enrichment<br />

experience. All activities include teacher notes, <strong>materials</strong><br />

lists, and assessments. Sample topics from the 20<br />

activities include blood pattern analysis, glass fracture<br />

patterns, photographing a crime scene, searching<br />

through garbage, microscopic fibers, and more! 162<br />

pages. Grades 5-12. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB47128M — $28.55

Fingerprint Analysis<br />

This kit provides students with<br />

the opportunity to learn the techniques<br />

available for dusting and<br />

developing latent fingerprints from<br />

various surfaces. Students compare<br />

the prints to standards developed<br />

by the FBI and help in identifying<br />

the would-be suspect. Students<br />

will also prepare evidence for other<br />

students to analyze, and with the<br />

aid of the Modus Operandi sheets,<br />

students identify the fingerprints<br />

of the suspects. Kit contains: instruction<br />

manual, Modus Operandi<br />

sheets, ink pads, ninhydrin, acetone,<br />

tweezers, magnifying glasses, FBI<br />

fingerprints, disposable plastic gloves, slides, filter paper, jars with screw caps, student<br />

data sheets, carbon black, aluminum powder, brushes, index cards, cellophane tape,<br />

iodine crystals, aluminum foil, glue, and metal spoons. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB39439M —$125.25<br />

Forensic Chemistry of<br />

Dusting for Fingerprints<br />

Learn to identify and classify different<br />

types of fingerprints. Students will<br />

learn how to identify different types<br />

of fingerprints and distinguishing<br />

characteristics, as well as dusting<br />

for fingerprints, the oldest, and<br />

most commonly used method of<br />

fingerprint detection. This activity<br />

includes a teacher’s manual, student<br />

guide, and analysis copy-masters.<br />

Includes one bottle of fingerprinting<br />

powder, 15 fingerprinting brushes, 15<br />

hand magnifiers, ink pad, and acetate<br />

sheets. Enough material for 15<br />

groups. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />

SB43581M — $96.35<br />

Whose Fingerprints Were<br />

Left Behind? Experiment Kit<br />

During criminal acts, individuals often<br />

leave their fingerprints on a variety of<br />

objects. These prints, referred to as “latent<br />

prints,” are not visible to the naked eye<br />

and require proper dusting and lifting off<br />

objects at the crime scene. Likewise, identifying<br />

microscopic amounts of blood<br />

can be facilitated by using fluorescencebased<br />

detection. This experiment is a<br />

wonderful classroom “whodunit” activity<br />

and can serve as a preamble for DNA<br />

fingerprinting classroom experiments. Kit<br />

includes: brushes, magnifying lens, FBI fingerprint type cards, white backing cards, black<br />

dusting powder, fluorescent green and gray dye dusting powder, fingerprint lifters, and<br />

complete instructions and background information. Teacher will need to supply: alcohol,<br />

UV long wave light source (mineral light), safety goggles, and a towel or washcloth. Lab<br />

requires 50 minutes. Grades 6—12. For 10 Lab Groups. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />

SB39287M — $95.80<br />

Fingerprinting — A<br />

Forensic Puzzle<br />

Lab Investigation<br />

Your class will love<br />

applying the scientific<br />

method and their own<br />

problem-solving skills to solve a<br />

mystery! Using fingerprints lifted<br />

from a fictional crime scene, students<br />

become forensic scientists and<br />

learn the proper techniques to make,<br />

observe, analyze, and classify fingerprints<br />

according to the FBI’s actual<br />

classification system. Contains everything<br />

needed to solve the mystery,<br />

including “inkless” fingerprint cards<br />

that can easily and cleanly create<br />

fingerprints for analysis. For 40 students. Grades 7—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.59 kgs.<br />

SB35365M — $93.15<br />

NASCO Fingerprint<br />

Poster Set<br />

It’s CSI in the classroom! This set of three<br />

giant laminated posters illustrates the<br />

main fingerprint patterns — whorl,<br />

loop, and arch. Each laminated poster<br />

measures 11" W x 16½" H. Grades 5—9.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB42117M — $10.70<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Biology<br />

Forensic Science<br />

Forensic Chemistry: Chemical<br />

Detection of Fingerprints<br />

Utilize alternative methods for<br />

detecting fingerprints. Examine<br />

some possible methods of gathering<br />

evidence when dusting for fingerprints<br />

is not effective. Learn to identify<br />

fingerprint types, a method of fuming<br />

for fingerprints, and a technique of<br />

chemically developing fingerprints.<br />

The three activities include fingerprint<br />

analysis, ninhydrin development, and<br />

cyanoacrylate fuming. Kit includes<br />

one tube of super bonding glue, one<br />

bottle of ninhydrin powder, four 2.5<br />

ml bottles of 95% ethanol, 15 fuming<br />

trays, 15 sheets of black plastic,<br />

teacher’s manual, and student guide.<br />

Enough material for 15 student groups. Grades 6—12. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB43603M — $40.45<br />

Fingerprinting Supplies<br />

The perfect accessories for properly<br />

documenting fingerprints for forensic<br />

experiments.<br />

Plastic<br />

Fingerprint Ink.<br />

Considered “inkless,” this<br />

pad leaves a crisp, clear<br />

imprint, never smears,<br />

dries instantly, and<br />

leaves no ink on fingers.<br />

Specially formulated ink<br />

does not dry out if pad is<br />

left open. 1,200 imprints<br />

per pad. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB49300M — $7.75<br />

Dark Ink Fingerprint Pad. Dark ink gives<br />

a very clear, crisp imprint and leaves very little<br />

residue on fingers. Dries instantly and does not smear.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />

SB49301M — $8.95<br />

Applicant Record Cards. Package of 100 cards. Accepted by<br />

law enforcement agencies as a fingerprint record card and also used<br />

for employee applications by schools, banks, hospitals, security agencies, and<br />

more. Printed in process blue on 110-lb. index card stock. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB49304M — $33.30<br />

Fingerprint Poster<br />

Learn to identify and analyze fingerprints like a<br />

professional investigator. Includes a detailed overview<br />

of the standard patterns of fingerprints as well as how<br />

ridgeline details are used to determine and identical<br />

match. Informative text describes the science of<br />

fingerprinting as well as how fingerprints are made,<br />

“lifted,” and matched. Laminated, 23" x 35". Grades<br />

7—12. Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB39067M — $26.15<br />


Biology<br />

Forensic Science<br />

ABO-Rh Combination Blood-Typing Kit<br />

All the features of the ABO Blood-Typing Kit and the Rh Blood Typing Kit are combined in<br />

this kit with the addition of a Slide Guide ® and student worksheets. The serum does not<br />

require refrigeration and has no expiration date. No special equipment or technique is<br />

required, and the entire activity is easily completed in a single lab period, including introduction,<br />

activity, observation, and discussion. Complete for 30 students. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />

SB13739(A)M — $120.50<br />

ABO-Rh Blood Type<br />

Using Neo/Blood ® Lab<br />

Investigation<br />

Realistically simulate blood typing<br />

without the hazards of real blood.<br />

Using actual blood typing procedures,<br />

students classify four unknown<br />

samples of the simulated Neo/Blood ® .<br />

Neo/Blood ® ’s realistic agglutination<br />

accurately simulates that of real blood<br />

— without the hazards. Students will<br />

learn about Rh incompatibilities and<br />

other blood-testing techniques, such<br />

as blood smearing, blood cell counts,<br />

and more! For a class of 40 students.<br />

Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 0.85 kgs.<br />

SB37373M — $64.90<br />

Refill for Additional Classes.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB37440M — $50.60<br />

The Mystery of the<br />

Bloody Stain Using<br />

Neo/Blood ®<br />

Safely use blood stains to solve<br />

a crime using realistic, simulated<br />

blood! Challenge your class to<br />

solve a murder using a “bloody<br />

stain” left at the scene. They’ll<br />

identify whether or not the stain<br />

is actual blood. Then they’ll solve<br />

the crime by performing ABO and<br />

Rh typing of both the stain as well<br />

as samples from the victim and<br />

several suspects. The match will<br />

help them nab the perpetrator! As<br />

a result, students will learn about<br />

blood groups, blood typing, and<br />

how blood stains can be used in<br />

solving crimes. Simulated Neo/Blood ® looks and behaves like real blood, giving you and<br />

your class quick, easy, and completely safe results. Realistically simulates agglutination.<br />

Even contains simulated, microscopic blood cells — of the same size and concentration<br />

as in actual human blood. Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 0.88 kgs.<br />

SB37380M — $62.50<br />

Refill for additional classes. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB37381M — $45.20<br />

60<br />

Blood Typing<br />

ABO Blood-Typing Kit<br />

— Lab-Aids ® No. 1<br />

Students sample their own blood,<br />

determine their blood group, and<br />

a receive firsthand awareness of<br />

tissue incompatibility. Individual,<br />

colour-coded, sterile components<br />

simplify procedure and guarantee<br />

results. The innovative Slide Guide ®<br />

eliminates the need for glass slides.<br />

The blood serum is provided in<br />

spillproof, drop-controlled bottles<br />

that require no refrigeration.<br />

Complete for 30 Students.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.29 kgs.<br />

SB13734(A)M — $82.10<br />

Alcohol Prep Pads. 100 per box.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.14 kgs.<br />

SB09360M — $12.80<br />

ABO/Rh Blood Typing<br />

The most procedurally accurate simulation<br />

of the blood typing technique available.<br />

Students test and determine the ABO/Rh<br />

blood types of four different simulated blood<br />

samples. Simply combine blood samples and<br />

antisera, gently agitate the blood typing tray,<br />

and observe the results. No toothpicks, no stirring,<br />

and no waiting for results. Includes four<br />

donor samples, 40 blood typing trays, and<br />

one bottle each of simulated anti-A serum,<br />

simulated anti-B serum, and simulated anti-Rh<br />

serum. Kit contains <strong>materials</strong> for<br />

10 groups. Grades 7-12. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48262M — $47.55<br />

Genetics of Blood Types Kit<br />

In this activity, students will learn about the genetics<br />

that determine blood type and the possible inheritance<br />

patterns and how they express themselves. Students<br />

will use simulated blood to determine the blood type of<br />

four unknown samples and use their results to assist in<br />

the resolution of a fictional paternity dispute. Includes<br />

four simulated blood samples, one bottle of simulated<br />

anti-A serum, one bottle of simulated anti-B serum, and<br />

40 blood typing trays. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for 10 groups.<br />

Grades 7—12. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />

SB46574M — $44.00<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Visualizing Blood Poster<br />

Extraordinary electron micrograph images provide<br />

students with a stunning, up-close look at<br />

human blood cells. Vivid illustrations detail blood<br />

types, agglutination, and clotting. Also depicted<br />

are common blood disorders including leukemia,<br />

sickle cell, and others. Measures 23" W x 35" H.<br />

Laminated. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

SB46903M — $26.15

NewPath<br />

Learning®<br />

Multimedia<br />

Science Lessons<br />

for Interactive<br />

Whiteboard —<br />

Osmosis &<br />

Diffusion: Cell<br />

Transport<br />

Contains a comprehensive<br />

array of multimedia<br />

lessons and activities.<br />

Designed for multisensory<br />

learning, they’re<br />

the perfect resource for<br />

Interactive Whiteboards.<br />

Ideal for individual student instruction on any computer. A virtual lab investigation<br />

allows students to experiment, perform simulations, and draw conclusions. A custom<br />

tool bar allows users to draw, write, and add arrows and text blocks to customize the<br />

lessons by adding additional details to any screen. Consists of five modules (Lesson<br />

Presentation, Interactive Activities, Visual Resources, Vocabulary, and Assessment) along<br />

with a digital, inquiry-based student activity guide. Compatible with either Windows® or<br />

Macintosh®. Grades 5-10.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48539M Single User — $71.35<br />

SB48540M Site License — $118.95<br />

Exploring Cell<br />

Processes<br />

Conduct several activities<br />

designed to compare plant and<br />

animal cells, illustrating cell structure<br />

and processes to include<br />

mitochondria, cell membranes,<br />

DNA and RNA identification,<br />

osmosis, plasmolysis, and more.<br />

Identify and compare organelles<br />

in plant and animal cells, relating<br />

their structure to their specific<br />

function. In the process, the class<br />

learns how to make observations<br />

and comparisons, analyze data,<br />

relate cause and effect, and make<br />

inferences. Enough <strong>materials</strong> for a class of 40<br />

students. Grades 5—12. Sh. wt. 2.67 kgs.<br />

SB31304M — $86.30<br />

Biology<br />

Cell Processes<br />

Cell Kit<br />

Cells again? From ho-hum to vibrant with this visually exciting kit of colourful plant cell,<br />

animal cell, bacteria and viruses. Removable organelles can be passed out to students to<br />

engage them in the learning process. Includes both Plant and Animal Cells. The largest<br />

piece is 23" in diameter. Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />

SB44378M — $95.15<br />

Model Plus: The Virus<br />

A comprehensive model perfect for<br />

hands-on use. Designed to introduce<br />

students to the structure of a virus. It<br />

illustrates the major components, with<br />

removable components that make lessons<br />

both challenging and fun. Constructed of<br />

resilient, non-toxic EVA foam to withstand<br />

years of active investigation. A thorough<br />

teacher's guide includes inquiry-based lab<br />

activities, reproducible worksheets, background<br />

information, assessment ideas,<br />

and more. 19" x 13" x 3". Grades 6—10.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.42 kgs.<br />

SB39255M — $86.30<br />

Why Cells Aren’t Big<br />

Explore the limits of cell growth.<br />

Students construct and analyze<br />

simulated cell models of various<br />

sizes using a specially formulated<br />

agar to learn how cells obtain<br />

nutrients and excrete waste.<br />

They then use data, obtained by<br />

measuring the cell’s volume and<br />

calculating its surface areas, to<br />

form conclusions about the size<br />

limitations imposed by diffusion.<br />

Enough <strong>materials</strong> for a class of 40<br />

students. Grades 5—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.70 kgs.<br />

SB31305M — $72.55<br />

Class Refill Only. Sh. wt. 1.11 kgs.<br />

SB31306M — $44.65<br />

Probing Cells Card Game<br />

Get the entire class excited and involved in learning<br />

about cells! Instructions are included for six<br />

different game versions using the same question<br />

cards. Four categories and 100 questions, ranging<br />

from basic to challenging, cover the topic of cells.<br />

Categories include: Cell Structure & Function,<br />

Homeostasis & Transport Systems, Photosynthesis,<br />

and Cellular Respiration. Meets the National<br />

Science Education Content Standard C for grades<br />

5—8 and 9—12. Comes in a sturdy box.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />

SB42035M — $23.75<br />

What is an Epidemic and<br />

How Does an Infection<br />

Spread?<br />

This experiment contains solutions to<br />

demonstrate how an infection is spread<br />

in a population through contact with<br />

simulated body fluids. Students develop<br />

skills for accurately transferring solutions<br />

using pipets. All components are<br />

stable at room temperature. Experiment<br />

includes: complete instructions, back-<br />

ground information, and study questions;<br />

HCI solution; NaOH; colour indicator;<br />

test tubes and caps; and transfer pipets.<br />

Requirements are gloves and safety<br />

goggles. For 10 lab groups. Grades 6—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.43 kgs.<br />

SB37332M — $70.55<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Viruses & Bacteria Poster<br />

Teach students about the most prevalent disease-causing viruses and bacteria known<br />

to man! They will also learn how to identify these agents and how they cause harm to<br />

humans. Laminated 35" W x 23" H poster features detailed instructions and actual photographs.<br />

Laminated. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />

SB46902M — $26.15<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Functioning Torso<br />

This 3-ft. functioning torso model provides a<br />

type of “hands-on” learning experience not<br />

available with traditional models. The torso<br />

cavity houses models of five functioning<br />

body systems:<br />

The Digestive System. Develops<br />

ideas about the passage of food.<br />

By manipulating the stomach<br />

model and listening to the<br />

sounds, students make observations<br />

about stomach action,<br />

digestive juices, and what happens<br />

to undigested food.<br />

The Circulatory System.<br />

Includes a flexible heart that,<br />

when squeezed, pumps “blood” through<br />

tubes which simulate arteries and veins, allowing<br />

students to associate heart action and pulse.<br />

The Breathing System. Clearly demonstrates, through<br />

manipulation of the “diaphragm,” the movement of air in<br />

and out of the lungs.<br />

The Urinary System. Shows the passage of blood into and out of the kidneys where liquid<br />

wastes are removed and how the wastes are disposed of through the urinary tract.<br />

The Nervous System. An ingenious demonstration of sensory response (touch, taste,<br />

smell, sight, hearing) to stimuli. As appropriate stimulation is provided, response is<br />

indicated by a small light flashing on in the brain. A comprehensive, illustrated 76-page<br />

teacher’s guide provides teaching strategies and step-by-step procedures. Grades 3—9.<br />

Sh. wt. 5.44 kgs.<br />

SA09141M — $832.45<br />

American 3B Deluxe 16-Part Human Torso<br />

A first class quality, handmade torso constructed of<br />

unbreakable, durable plastic. All internal organs and torso are<br />

life-size. Promotes an understanding of each organ’s individual<br />

anatomy and positioning. Easily remove and replace:<br />

• Head (nose and mouth cavity, pharynx, and skull<br />

based exposed on one side; removable brain half<br />

with arteries; eyeball with optic nerve)<br />

• Heart (two-part) • Stomach<br />

• Liver with gallbladder • Small intestine system<br />

• Front kidney half • Front bladder half<br />

• Two lungs with breastbone and rib junctions<br />

• Large intestine system with pancreas (removable<br />

transverse colon and cecum flap)<br />

Teaching guide included. High school and college level.<br />

Sh. wt. 26.56 lbs.<br />

SB27617M — $1,100.70<br />

Torso Model<br />

The Torso Model accurately details over 100<br />

intricate body structures. The model’s outside<br />

shows superficial musculature, rib casing, and<br />

other anatomical features. The torso opens to<br />

expose the respiratory, circulatory, digestive,<br />

nervous, and urinary systems. The lungs, heart,<br />

and digestive organs (stomach, liver, intestines)<br />

are easily removable for further examination. The<br />

54-page, in-depth lesson plan includes detailed<br />

background information, identification of keyed<br />

features, and vocabulary list.<br />

Size: 28" x 12". Sh. wt. 3.63 kgs.<br />

SA02752M — $510.25<br />

Sexless Human Torso<br />

This torso is dissectible into 10<br />

parts to show anatomical details.<br />

The respiratory, circulatory,<br />

digestive, nervous, and urinary<br />

systems are illustrated. The head,<br />

lungs, heart, liver, stomach, and<br />

intestines are removable for further<br />

study. Left face shows muscle,<br />

eyeball, and teeth. Mounted on a<br />

plastic base. Full colour<br />

instruction manual included.<br />

19½" H. Sh. wt. 2.24 kgs.<br />

SB25198M — $117.80<br />

Economy Sexless Human<br />

Torso with Open Back<br />

This 17-part torso shows the major body systems in detail.<br />

The head is opened, exposing one half of the brain, and<br />

the neck is dissected to show muscular, glandular, vascular,<br />

and neural structures. The thorax and abdomen<br />

are removable, allowing easy observation of the organs.<br />

The back is opened and dissected, showing the vertebral<br />

column, spinal cord, and nerve endings. The following<br />

parts can be removed: torso, cerebrum, cerebellum, left<br />

and right lung with ribs, heart (two parts), liver, stomach<br />

(two parts), half kidney, half bladder, 7th<br />

thoracic vertebrae, intestine, colon with<br />

pancreas, removable transverse colon,<br />

and cecum cover. Includes key card. 34"<br />

H x 13" W x 9" D. Sh. wt. 25 lbs.<br />

SB48432M — $470.05<br />

62<br />

American 3B Dual Sex Human Torso With Detachable Head<br />

A life-size human torso with interchangeable male and female genital organs with<br />

3-month embryo. Separated into 24 parts. Unbreakable plastic. 34" H x 15" W x 10" D on<br />

base. Torso teaching guide included. Sh. wt. 28 lbs.<br />

SB25326M — $1,569.05<br />

Human Torso<br />

This torso presents exact likeness of the organs of the<br />

body, including the right and left lungs, heart, stomach,<br />

liver, intestines, and half of the right kidney. Organs are<br />

held in place by means of hooks, eyes, and metal pegs.<br />

The head is removable; half of the brain is removable<br />

to show a sagittal section of that organ. Heart can be<br />

removed, as well as a portion of each lung, the liver,<br />

stomach, and pancreas (including a portion of the duo-<br />

denum). The right kidney is separate, and is sectioned<br />

to show internal anatomy. The intestinal mass comes<br />

out in one piece. A total of 20 parts are removable.<br />

Constructed of plastic and mounted on a plastic base,<br />

the entire model measures 33½" H x 9<br />

7 ⁄8" W x<br />

14 9 ⁄16" ⁄ L. Sh. wt. 4.54 kgs.<br />

SB25195M — $294.25<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

WA04313M<br />

WA14533M<br />

WA145733M<br />

WA24038M<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong> Body Fat<br />

Replicas<br />

Grossly dramatic replicas of human<br />

fat, molded with the same<br />

techniques used to<br />

create<br />

food replicas, are<br />

a shocking but strongly motivating<br />

attention getter. Made of soft,<br />

pliable, vinyl plastic, the replicas<br />

have a profound memorable effect<br />

when passed around among<br />

the audience. Realistic coloring<br />

includes a simulated vascular<br />

system which is needed to support<br />

the extra adipose tissue, and<br />

adds strain to the heart. All replicas<br />

represent accurate weight<br />

and volume.<br />

1-lb. Fat Replica. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

WA14533M — $33.95<br />

5-lb. Fat Replica. Sh. wt. 2.69 kgs.<br />

WA04313M — $96.10<br />

Anatomy<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong> Body muscle Replicas<br />

Replicas that realistically portray body muscle. Designed to show the muscle configuration<br />

developed through exercise. Motivates patients to exercise regularly, since America’s<br />

number one health problem is obesity. Made of soft vinyl plastic. All replicas represent<br />

accurate weight and volume.<br />

1-lb. Muscle Replica. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs. 5-lb. Muscle Replica. Sh. wt. 2.69 kgs.<br />

WA14573M — $30.90 WA24038M — $90.15<br />

American 3B Muscular Figure (¼ Life-Size)<br />

Mini muscle model’s strength is in its value! Are there muscular models less expensive<br />

than this? Yes, but not of the superb quality of this hand-painted desktop version. All the<br />

superficial muscles of the human form are accurately reproduced and detailed in life-like<br />

colours in this desktop-size version. The chest plate is removable to reveal the internal<br />

organs, and the right side contains a female mammary gland. 22½" x 9 7 ⁄8" x 7 1 ⁄8".<br />

Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />

LY01014M — $655.70<br />

Muscles of the Human Arm Model (7 Parts)<br />

This life-size model shows in great detail the anatomical structure of the arm, complete<br />

with superficial and deeper muscles, vascular structures, nerves, and ligaments. The hand<br />

and the shoulder are also well represented. The following parts are removable: deltoid<br />

muscle, biceps muscle, triceps muscle, long palmar muscle with radial flexor muscle of<br />

wrist, brachioradial muscle with radial extensor muscle of wrist, and palmar aponeurosis.<br />

Mounted on base with stand. 29 1 ⁄8" x 7 7 ⁄8" x 4¾". Sh. wt. 4.63 lbs.<br />

LA00129M — $410.55<br />

Mini Torso (12 Part)<br />

This half life-size torso is an excellent tool in basic anatomy education.<br />

The following parts can be removed for further study:<br />

• Head (divided into 2 parts)<br />

showing a section of the brain<br />

and the upper respiratory tract<br />

• Half of the brain showing<br />

internal structures<br />

• 2 lungs<br />

• 2-part heart showing the<br />

atria, ventricles, and valves<br />

Measures 8" x 6" x 20".<br />

Sh. wt. 7.50 lbs.<br />

LA00106M — $208.20<br />

• Liver with gallbladder<br />

• Stomach<br />

• Single piece that includes<br />

small intestine, large intestine,<br />

and pancreas<br />

• Removable cover that exposes<br />

interior of caecum.<br />

Mini-Muscled Joint Set<br />

Set of four reduced-size (approx. 50% of<br />

regular models) joint models of the hip,<br />

elbow, shoulder, and knee. Card size: 8¼"<br />

x 6¼". Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB47324M — $120.80<br />

Super Skin Model<br />

A greatly enlarged (105 times!), cross-sectional view of the<br />

human skin showing three layers and a close-up view of<br />

a hair follicle, sweat gland, fatty tissue, and more. Shows<br />

front, side, and back view. Includes a key card with 46<br />

labeled parts. 13" H x 11" W x 4" D model mounted on<br />

stand. Not dissectible. Sh. wt. 1.59 kgs.<br />

SB22701M — $54.15<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Human Torso<br />

This six-part plastic torso shows<br />

the respiratory, circulatory,<br />

digestive, nervous, and urinary<br />

system, as well as musculature.<br />

The lungs, heart, liver, stomach,<br />

and intestines are easily removable<br />

for further examination.<br />

The compact, durable model is<br />

ideal for introductory biological<br />

science classes. Key included.<br />

Dimensions: 10" x 5 3 ⁄10" x 3 1 ⁄5".<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB25196M — $43.75<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Giant Hands-On<br />

Eyeball<br />

Six times larger than<br />

life, with five detachable<br />

parts, it’s plain to see why<br />

this giant, take-apart eye<br />

generates such student<br />

enthusiasm. Lucite® lens<br />

which, your students will<br />

discover, actually magnifies<br />

objects and forms inverted<br />

images. Next, they’ll<br />

find that they can see through<br />

the transparent, vitreous body. After they remove the<br />

vitreous body, they’ll discover the light-sensitive retina.<br />

Hand-numbered, the eyeball is accompanied by a twopage<br />

study guide detailing the purpose and function<br />

of its 19 principal features. Mounted on a tip-proof<br />

wooden base, the unit measures 6" x 6" x 6".<br />

Sh. wt. 1.13 kgs.<br />

SB31473M — $213.00<br />

Vision Disk<br />

Students can measure field of vision, reading field, and<br />

peripheral vision using this unique, plastic device. 18"<br />

dia. Grades 3-9. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB48463M — $48.75<br />

Human Eye<br />

Model<br />

Oversized fully<br />

assembled model<br />

with cut-away to<br />

show inner anatomy.<br />

Lens and cornea are<br />

removable. 3¾" x 2½"<br />

x 2¾" without base.<br />

Card size: 6½" x 5¼".<br />

Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB32981M — $83.25<br />

Exploring the<br />

Eye-Brain<br />

Connection Lab<br />

Learn that sight is as much<br />

about perception as it is about<br />

reality! This lab explores the<br />

function of each part of the<br />

eye and shows how they can<br />

contribute to “tricking” the<br />

brain through optical illusions.<br />

Your students will use the<br />

illusions and explanations provided<br />

to experience different<br />

types of optical illusions. Then<br />

they’ll use what they learn to<br />

create their own optical illusion.<br />

Makes learning the parts<br />

of the eye and their function<br />

interesting and fun! Materials<br />

for 40 students. Grades 7-10.<br />

Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB40791M — $61.30<br />

American 3B Giant Eye Model<br />

An eye model that is five times actual size and may be<br />

dissected into six parts. The upper half of the sclera with<br />

cornea and eye muscle attachments, both halves of choroid<br />

with iris and retina, lens and vitreous humour are<br />

removable. Comes on a base with key card. Dimensions:<br />

8½" H x 4¾" W x 4¾" D. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB27614M — $168.95<br />

American 3B Human Ear<br />

Enlarged approximately three times. Dissectible into four<br />

parts. Removable ear ossicles with dissectible cochlea.<br />

13" x 7" x 8" on base. Teacher’s guide included.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.79 kgs.<br />

SB19254M — $147.90<br />

Human Ear Model<br />

Fully assembled, full size model shows canal and inner ear<br />

mechanisms. 3¾" x 2½" x 2¾" without base. Card size: 6½"<br />

x 5¼". Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB32980M — $73.50<br />

American 3B Human<br />

Eye<br />

Enlarged approximately<br />

three times. Dissectible<br />

into six parts. 6" H x 4" W<br />

x 4" D on stand. Teacher’s<br />

guide included.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.31 kgs.<br />

SB19256M — $100.90<br />

64<br />

Ear Model<br />

Enlarged approximately four times, this plastic model<br />

dissects into four parts. The detachable petrous portion<br />

of the temporal bone reveals the middle and inner ear<br />

chambers. Also removable is the tympanic membrane with<br />

malleus and incus, and the attached stapes. The external<br />

ear is represented by the auricle and auditory canal. Comes<br />

complete with instruction manual. Mounted on a sturdy<br />

base. Dimensions: 14" x 6½" x 10". Sh. wt. 2.49 kgs.<br />

SB25213M — $61.00<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Auditory Ossicles Display<br />

Features the malleus, incus, and stapes embedded in a<br />

solid plastic display. The auditory ossicles are the three<br />

smallest bones in the human body and are located in the<br />

middle ear space. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB46710M — $55.35

Denoyer-Geppart<br />

Giant Functional Brain<br />

A twice life-size brain that displays motor<br />

and sensory functional centers in contrasting<br />

colors plus more than 120 anatomical features.<br />

Depicting the brain of a right-handed person,<br />

the intellectual functions of the prefrontal area<br />

are labeled, identifying the left side as<br />

the dominant side concerned with speech,<br />

mathematics skills, and analytical<br />

thinking; while the right side<br />

is identified with creativity,<br />

spatial perception, art and<br />

music appreciation, and intuitive<br />

thinking. Although painting<br />

highlights functional centers on both<br />

brain hemispheres, for the sake of clarity,<br />

labeling on the centers is restricted to sensory<br />

regions on the right half and motor regions on<br />

the left. More than 120 additional anatomical features, hand numbered on the brain, are<br />

identified in the accompanying instructor’s answer key. Rests upon a detachable molded<br />

display base which allows observation of the brain from all aspects. Grade 5 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 5.25 lbs.<br />

SB18825M — $566.40<br />

Large Brain Model<br />

This life-size human brain represents a righthanded<br />

person. Color coding and hand-lettered<br />

captions locate and identify motor and sensory<br />

functional centers with emphasis on the intellectual<br />

role of the left brain and the creative role of<br />

the right. Key structural features are identified and<br />

correspond to a manual for easy learning. 9" x 8" x<br />

11-13⁄16". Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />

SB48436M — $270.75<br />

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Half Brain Model<br />

Demonstrates sensory/motor functions of<br />

the brain. Normal right half brain features:<br />

frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes;<br />

cerebellum; interthalmic adhesion; corpus<br />

callosum; pons; midbrain-central peduncle;<br />

olfactory bulb; optic nerve; optic chiasm;<br />

mammillary body; and medulla oblongata.<br />

Model size: 6½" x 5" x 2½". Card Size: 6½" x<br />

5¼". Sh. wt. 0.57 kgs.<br />

SB40235M — $83.25<br />

Life-Size Brain Model<br />

This life-size vinyl plastic model is<br />

dissectible into three parts. Shows<br />

the parietal lobes, temporal and<br />

occipital lobes, brain stem, nerves,<br />

and blood vessels. Comes with<br />

molded plastic base and key.<br />

Dimensions: 7½" x 6½" x 5½".<br />

Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />

SB25201M — $51.50<br />

Life-Size Brain with<br />

Arteries<br />

This model shows a median<br />

brain section, each part being<br />

dissectible into frontal-parietal<br />

lobes, temporal-occipital lobes,<br />

cerebellum, brain stem, and<br />

hypophysis. Life-size model<br />

mounted on base. Nine parts.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

LA00239M — $273.70<br />

Clear Human Jaw<br />

with Teeth<br />

Full-size hinged clear cast jaw allows<br />

viewing of roots. Healthy side shows<br />

normal dentition and occlusion.<br />

Affected side shows multiple pathologies,<br />

including super eruption,<br />

apical alveolar abscess with caries,<br />

periodontal disease, lateral abscess,<br />

abfraction, irregular root curvature,<br />

impacted canine, erosion, fractured<br />

tooth, horizontal impact, radicular<br />

pulpitis, root canal with crown, internal resorption, attrition,<br />

external resorption of root, implants, and fractured<br />

root. Model size: 3-1⁄2" x 2-3⁄4" x 2-1⁄2". Includes 6-1⁄2" x<br />

5-1⁄4" education card. Grades 6-12. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB48717M — $142.25<br />

American 3B Classic 3-Part Skull<br />

The perfect choice for basic anatomical studies. Skull<br />

is made from a high-quality original cast and handmade<br />

of hard, unbreakable plastic. Highly accurate<br />

representation of the fissures, foramina, processes,<br />

sutures, etc. Can be disassembled into skull cap, base<br />

of skull, and mandible. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB33945M — $118.95<br />

Numbered Human Skull Model<br />

A detailed 3-part reproduction of a life-size human<br />

skull with all structural details. The skullcap is<br />

removable to show internal details. The mandible<br />

is articulated and removable. All of the joints,<br />

sutures, fissure, foramina, and processes are portrayed<br />

with utmost accuracy. Significant structures<br />

are numbered. 8 5 ⁄8" x 5½" x 6¼". Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />

LA00176M — $121.35<br />

Deluxe Brain Model<br />

This life-size brain model is dissectible into<br />

eight parts: four parts in the cerebrum, two<br />

parts in the brain stem, and two parts in<br />

the cerebellum. Shows the parietal lobes,<br />

temporal and occipital lobes, brain stem,<br />

nerves, and blood vessels. Includes key and<br />

molded plastic base. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />

SB27555M — $103.85<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Economy Human Skull<br />

This plastic, life-size human skull is designed to meet<br />

your budget and your objective for introductory<br />

anatomy studies. The 18th left mandibular molar, 22nd<br />

left mandibular canine, and 24th left central incisor<br />

are removable to show the tooth roots. Spring-mounted<br />

mandible and sectioned calvaria are detachable.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB25937M — $32.45<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Denoyer-Geppert Heart<br />

of America<br />

Enlarged, twice life-size heart shows exterior<br />

and interior views. Three easy-access flaps flip<br />

open for internal study. The chambers and<br />

valves are accurately reproduced to scale. The<br />

flexible chordae tendinae and cusps permit<br />

easy-to-see demonstrations of valve action.<br />

Includes attached sections of the trachea and<br />

esophagus. Mounted on a hardwood stand,<br />

this model measures 6" x 9" x 15". Teacher’s<br />

guide/answer key lists 45 structures that are<br />

permanently hand-coded on the model. Sh. wt.<br />

1.93 kgs.<br />

SB16051M — $484.30<br />

Giant Hands-On Heart<br />

Twice the size of an adult heart, and nearly three<br />

times that of a child, this rugged, vinyl reproduction<br />

will withstand years of hard usage by enthusiastic<br />

students. Because of its ample proportions, even fine<br />

details are plainly visible and readily investigated.<br />

Nonbreakable, it’s easy to handle and pass around<br />

the classroom. Three hinged “doors” through the heart<br />

wall swing open to let your students explore the four<br />

pumping chambers. Metal hinges are bonded into the<br />

model — no screws to become stripped or work loose<br />

with usage. Flexible plastic valves help your students<br />

visualize the one-way course blood flows through the<br />

heart. So that students may understand its intimate<br />

orientation with other thoracic organs, a segment of<br />

the windpipe (trachea) and esophagus is presented on<br />

the back side of the heart. Supported by its wooden<br />

pedestal, the heart will pivot 360° for viewing from all aspects, or lift off for pass-around<br />

investigation. A seven-page study guide explains the physiological function of each of<br />

the 39 features number coded on the model. Overall dimensions on base: 7" x 7" x 15".<br />

Sh. wt. 1.53 kgs.<br />

SB33771M — $290.10<br />

Organ Cross-Section Models<br />

Durable, soft foam models with one side labeled<br />

and the other side can be used for a quiz.<br />

Each model represents a 5" cross-section in<br />

the actual shape of the organ. Guide included.<br />

Grade 2 and up.<br />

Cross-Section Heart<br />

Model. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB42005M — $17.80<br />

Life-Size Heart Model<br />

A life-size heart that can be<br />

removed from its base and split<br />

in two parts. Good visibility of the<br />

chambers, valves, and great vessels.<br />

Key included. Sh. wt. 1.65 kgs.<br />

SB25200M — $26.90<br />

Cross-Section Brain<br />

Model. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />

SB42006M — $17.80<br />

Cross-Section Model Set.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB42007M — $34.25<br />

Circulatory System<br />

Model of the human body shows<br />

major elements of the circulatory<br />

system. Enlarged cross sections of<br />

the heart, arteries, and veins illustrate<br />

structure and function. The 18" x 24",<br />

three-dimensional model is of light-<br />

weight, sturdy construction. Teacher<br />

activity binder includes lesson plans<br />

for both class and individual study,<br />

blackline masters, and a transparency.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.27 kgs.<br />

SA02749M — $166.55<br />

Human Heart<br />

This model can be opened to allow inspection of<br />

the chambers and the valves. The texture of the<br />

heart, both inside and out, has been duplicated with<br />

remarkable realism. By squeezing the heart, students<br />

can actually feel that the ventricles are thicker than<br />

the atria. To see the valves and ventricular chambers,<br />

simply flip the cardiac skeleton forward. Students can<br />

also use the replica to identify all of the large vessels<br />

entering and leaving the heart. A teaching guide is<br />

included. Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

LF00964M — $136.85<br />

<strong>Nasco</strong> Heart Game<br />

By Linda Hitchock, RN,<br />

Coordinated by Carol Ott, RN, MSN.<br />

Designed for 2 to 6 individual players<br />

or teams, the Heart Game reviews<br />

cardiac anatomy and physiology,<br />

both diagnostic and assessment. The<br />

game helps students learn the basic<br />

principles of cardiac assessment;<br />

how to correlate diagnostic data<br />

to anatomy and physiology; trace<br />

circulation of blood; identify the anatomical<br />

components and normal regulatory mechanisms of the heart; and identify<br />

normal electrical conduction of impulses through the heart. The object of the game<br />

is to collect the most points by answering Question Cards correctly, and reach the<br />

end of the game board first. The game includes a game board (indicating normal<br />

flow of blood through heart), six tokens, one die, deck of 108 Question Cards, and an<br />

instruction and answer key booklet. Grade 9—college. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB06772M — $30.65<br />

66<br />

Heart Model<br />

Two-piece model opens in half to<br />

show inner chambers and valves<br />

of the heart as well as aortic arch,<br />

superior and inferior vena cava, and<br />

pulmonary and cardiac veins. Model<br />

mounted on stand includes informa-<br />

tion card. Model size: 3¾" x 4" x 4¼".<br />

Card size: 6½" x 5¼". Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB32595M — $76.80<br />

Heart Poster<br />

The anatomy and physiology of the human<br />

heart is colourfully and accurately depicted in<br />

this anatomical chart. A great teaching aid for<br />

lessons on the human heart and the human<br />

circulatory system. 24" x 36". Laminated. Grade 3<br />

and up. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB47801M — $21.60<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Human Respiratory System Model (7 Parts)<br />

A life-size reproduction of the complete human respiratory system. Composed of seven<br />

parts showing the larynx (dissected along the sagittal plane), lungs (dissected along the<br />

frontal plane), and a two-part heart. Mounted on base. 10¼" x 15¾" x 4¾". Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />

LA00223M — $398.65<br />

The Human Body Chart Combo Pack<br />

Convenient chart pack makes teaching about the human body easy. Topics include<br />

nervous system; skeletal system; reproductive, endocrine, and excretory systems;<br />

respiratory system; cardiovascular system; muscular system; and digestive system. Each<br />

durable chart features reproducibles, tips, and teaching information. Includes seven 17"<br />

x 22" charts. Grades 5—8. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />

SB42082M — $14.85<br />

Human Lung Model<br />

A life size, anatomically accurate<br />

model showing inner lung<br />

sections exposed for observation<br />

and study. Includes full<br />

assembly instructions and<br />

display stand. Completed model<br />

measures 12" H x 5" W x 4" D.<br />

Glue required for assembly.<br />

Grade 5 and up. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB45793M — $26.80<br />

Start Exploring<br />

Gray’s Anatomy Colouring Book<br />

More than just a coloring book — it’s a detailed<br />

companion for anyone fascinated by the intricate<br />

mechanisms inside the human body. Read<br />

an informative page on a portion of the human<br />

anatomy, then color in the beautifully handdrawn<br />

illustrations reproduced from the classic<br />

book on anatomy, Gray’s Anatomy. Contains over<br />

85 illustrations and a poster to color. 127 pages.<br />

Grade 3 and up. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />

SB48472M — $14.25<br />

Head and Neck<br />

Musculature Model<br />

Shows the muscles of the head, neck, and<br />

superior thoracic region. Superficial and deep<br />

musculature are well represented, as are the<br />

pathways of the subclavian and carotid arteries.<br />

Mounted on base. 14½" x 9" x 18". Sh. wt. 10 lbs.<br />

LA00145M — $291.55<br />

Skeleton Hand Pointer<br />

A must-have for any science teacher who wants to add a<br />

little fun to the classroom! Hand pointer with a realistic,<br />

fun, and unique skeleton hand design. 15". Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48206M — $3.75<br />

Set of 10. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />

SB48258M — $35.65<br />

For preserved inflatable mammalian lung see page 23.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Heart-Lung Model<br />

Colourful display features removable parts!<br />

Detailed cross-section of the heart and lungs<br />

provides graphic depiction of the larynx, wind<br />

pipe with bronchial tree, heart, subclavian artery<br />

and vein, vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery,<br />

esophagus, both lungs, and the diaphragm. Each<br />

part is numbered and removable. Also includes a<br />

detailed key card for easy identification of structures.<br />

Size: 12½" L x 5" W x 16½" H. Grades 7—10.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.94 kgs.<br />

SB40895M — $118.95<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

DEvELOPED By<br />



wHITEwATER’S<br />



Dissectibles Interactive Dissectible Organs CD-ROM Set<br />

These ultimate biology classroom tools contain CD-ROM activities that allow you to<br />

rotate, dissect, and zoom in and out on the organs of the human body. Examine the<br />

critical structures and functional regions that comprise each organ. Mouse-over a<br />

structure and a label appears; click a structure for a concise explanation. In each Dissectibles<br />

module you will find a simple-to-use, ultra-interactive tool. These modules<br />

present important information concisely, clearly, and memorably. Collection includes<br />

Respiratory System, Eye, Ear, Digestive System, Heart and Brain. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />

SB45952M 6 CD-ROMS — $193.70<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 98, 128 MB RAM.<br />

Cause of Death Autopsy Investigation Kit<br />

CSI in the classroom! Follow the steps a medical examiner would take as you conduct<br />

an actual forensic autopsy. A complete activity guide will take your students through the<br />

step-by-step process of a medical examiner. Three fetal pigs preserved in safe NASCO-<br />

Guard ® preservative represent victims with stab wounds, gunshot wounds, or a broken<br />

back. Use the scientific method in real-life applications as your students investigate the<br />

demise of these “three little pigs.” Kit includes three 10"-13" pigs, suture needle, nylon<br />

thread, data cards, and complete activity guide. Grades 9-college. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

LS03825M — $136.85<br />

Replacement Kit. Includes three pigs and data cards. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

LS03825(CB)M — $100.90<br />

ONLy<br />

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68<br />

Five Senses Poster Set<br />

Stunning, 3-D illustrations and detailed internal cutaways enhance<br />

these 10 laminated 17" x 22" posters. Concise text describes the<br />

processes involved in sensory reception and interpretation. Sense<br />

organs and their parts are clearly labeled. Poster topics: sight, taste,<br />

touch, smell, hearing, hearing loss, eye disorders, seeing color and<br />

light, nearsightedness and farsightedness, and overview of the five<br />

senses. Grades 7—12. Copyright 2001. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB35256M — $106.25<br />

Body Systems Challenge Game CD-ROM<br />

Includes 200 multiple-choice questions and images on the respiratory, circulatory,<br />

endocrine, digestive, skeletal/muscular, nervous, integumentary, reproductive, urinary,<br />

and lymphatic systems that help students review significant facts on your interactive<br />

whiteboard or computer. Play the categories all at once or select one at a time. Please<br />

note: some images may be startling to young children. CD-ROM includes both Mac<br />

and PC versions. Grades 5—12. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />

SB47723M CD-ROM— $19.00<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 2000 or higher, Macintosh ® OS 10X. Flash 8.0 or<br />

higher.<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602

Food Digestion<br />

Lab<br />

Investigation<br />

Explore how food is processed<br />

by the body. This<br />

lab demonstrates how<br />

complex food molecules<br />

break down into smaller<br />

molecules with the aid of<br />

digestive enzymes. Students<br />

will learn the parts<br />

of the digestive system,<br />

understand where digestion<br />

occurs for each food<br />

nutrient, use digestive<br />

enzymes to break down<br />

food nutrients into its<br />

subunits, and study the<br />

major food nutrients and their function within the human body. They will treat common<br />

foods (such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and others) with various digestive enzymes<br />

and identify their subunits. Provides enough <strong>materials</strong> for 40 students. Grades 7—10.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />

SB46907M — $68.45<br />

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

The Periodic Table<br />

in the Body Poster<br />

Discusses each of the<br />

elements on the Periodic<br />

Table in relation to how<br />

the body uses them. It<br />

helps us understand<br />

how the elements are<br />

used by bones, blood,<br />

metabolism, genetics,<br />

and disease. Also, there<br />

are five sections to this<br />

periodic table poster —<br />

one section examines<br />

why we are indeed “star<br />

stuff” and our chemical<br />

ties to the universe; others<br />

profile the chemical makeup of the human body, plant growth, DNA, and the role<br />

of the elements in brain metabolism. Full colour, laminated, 28" x 38" poster. Copyright<br />

2005. Sh. wt. 0.40 kgs.<br />

SB40073M — $33.95<br />

Dynamic Digestion<br />

Dynamic Digestion is a board game designed to show anatomical features, and the<br />

major chemical changes which occur in foods as they pass through the various areas of<br />

the human digestive system. Dynamic Digestion includes a durable game board showing<br />

the human digestive system, six Digestion Cards, 54 Action Cards, die, six tokens, and<br />

instruction booklet with word list. Designed for 3-6 players or teams. Grade 7 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB07263M — $32.10<br />

Food Nutrient Analysis Kit — Lab-Aids ® No. 6A<br />

This kit provides pure samples of nutrients studied to standardize tests. It also has an<br />

indefinite shelf life. Allows 30 students to test and identify five classes of nutrients:<br />

sugar, starch, lipid, protein, and vitamin C. Simple, safe, and quick tests are used. Complete<br />

for 30 students. Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

SB08028M — $101.10<br />

Glo Germ Kit<br />

Glo Germ stands out as the preferred<br />

training medium by virtually anyone<br />

who teaches proper handwashing techniques<br />

or food safety compliance. Nearly<br />

invisible in ordinary light, Glo Germ<br />

(fluorescent plastic particles) glows under<br />

ultraviolet light. To use the Glo Germ<br />

Oil, simply place a small amount of the<br />

oil in the palm of one hand and rub both<br />

hands together like applying hand lotion.<br />

After thoroughly washing hands, turn off<br />

the lights and place the UV lamp over the<br />

hands. The “germs” are easily detected<br />

under the UV light. The Glo Germ Powder is also used to demonstrate cross contamination<br />

and surface cleaning. Kit contains an 8-oz. bottle of oil (approx. 75-100 demos), a 4-oz.<br />

bottle of powder (approx. 150-200 demos), and a battery-operated 9” LED UV lamp (batteries<br />

included) in a handy carrying case. Sh. wt. 0.65 kgs.<br />

WA28160M — $71.35<br />

Glo Germ Powder. A simple, yet effective training medium to<br />

demonstrate cross contamination, transmission of germs, and<br />

proper surface cleaning. 4-oz. bottle (approx. 150-200 demos).<br />

Sh. wt. 0.11 kgs.<br />

WA19097M — $18.15<br />

Glo Germ Oil. Used to teach and monitor proper handwashing and general infection<br />

control. 8-oz. bottle (approx. 75-100 demos). Sh. wt. 0.34 kgs.<br />

WA19096M — $20.20<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Simulated Diabetes Testing Lab<br />

Students can now learn about a disease that affects more than 38 millions Americans<br />

in a hands on lab investigation. Study the types, causes, symptoms, and treatments<br />

for diabetes. Perform standard diagnostic tests on a fictional patient using simulated<br />

blood and urine samples. Diagnose the patient based upon the test results and their<br />

medical history then develop a plan for managing the patient’s condition. For class size<br />

up to 40. Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 1.16 kgs.<br />

SB39907M — $71.35<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Roylco® Broken<br />

Bones X-Rays<br />

Real X-rays reveal a detailed look at<br />

common breaks to a variety of human<br />

bones. Hold up to the light or<br />

use on a light table. Includes 15 X-<br />

rays of femoral shaft fracture, radius<br />

fracture, supracondylar humerus<br />

fracture, phalangel fracture, monteggia<br />

fracture, patella fracture, ulna<br />

and radius fractures, hip dislocation,<br />

compression fracture of lumbar<br />

spine, calcaneous fracture, tibia/<br />

fibula fractures, dislocated shoulder,<br />

clavicle fracture, metatarsal fracture,<br />

and skull fracture and includes<br />

informative guide. Grade K and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB43367M — $31.25<br />

Human X-Ray<br />

Print Set<br />

Look at bone growth<br />

in the hand, how a fractured<br />

leg heals, follow<br />

food along the intestine<br />

and see how teeth<br />

develop. Special techniques<br />

even show the<br />

stomach, blood vessels,<br />

and other internal organs.<br />

Includes an X-ray<br />

of a broken leg. Comes<br />

with a 12-page guide<br />

with interpretations of the X-rays. Set of<br />

23 X-ray prints on 12 sheets, each 11¾" x<br />

8¼". Grade K and up. Sh. wt. 0.91 kgs.<br />

SB31327M — $33.05<br />

70<br />

Roylco® True-to-Life<br />

Human X-Rays<br />

Hold these life-sized human<br />

X-rays up to the light or use<br />

them on a light table and see<br />

every authentic detail of a real<br />

skeletal system. Arrange the 18<br />

pieces together to reproduce<br />

the entire skeleton that is 5 ft.<br />

tall. The teacher guide includes<br />

reproducible artwork and information<br />

on radiography. Includes<br />

18 X-rays. Grade K and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB40317M — $26.15<br />

Bone and Muscle<br />

Challenge<br />

Learning about the bones and<br />

muscles in our body is interesting,<br />

challenging, and enjoyable with this<br />

involving game. This round robin<br />

“I have, who has” game style is a<br />

race against the clock. Entire classes<br />

of students will work together to<br />

achieve and beat their best time.<br />

Cards feature functions and structures<br />

along with the names of<br />

individual bones and muscles, plus<br />

health concerns. Game includes two<br />

decks of 30 cards, instructions, and<br />

answer key packed in a sturdy box.<br />

Grades 6-10. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />

SB45730M — $26.15<br />

Biology and the Human Body<br />

Curriculum Mastery ® Game Classroom Pack<br />

Introduce and review standards-based science concepts covering the biology and<br />

systems of the human body. Includes 12 laminated, double-sided game boards; comprehensive<br />

teacher planning and resource guide; 750 full-colour review cards; an interactive<br />

CD with for computer or Interactive Whiteboard use; free trial subscription to an online<br />

learning system; and a reusable storage container Grades 7—10. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />

SB47616M — $118.95<br />

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 2000 or higher, 64 MB RAM; Macintosh ® OS 9 or<br />

higher, 64 MB RAM.<br />

Human Skeleton<br />

Playing Cards<br />

Learn the name of every bone in<br />

the human body! Each card<br />

illustrates one or two bones,<br />

features vivid colour for<br />

easy recognition, lets you<br />

view the bone up close,<br />

and gives the name of the<br />

bone in English, French,<br />

and Spanish. Two cards<br />

illustrate the bone structure<br />

and two jokers serve as an<br />

index to every bone in the<br />

body. Deck of 54 cards. Grades<br />

5—9. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB45078M — $10.70<br />

Skeleton Hand Pointer<br />

A must-have for any science teacher who<br />

wants to add a little fun to the classroom!<br />

Hand pointer with a realistic, fun, and unique<br />

skeleton hand design. 15". Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />

SB48206M — $3.75<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Human Skeletal<br />

System Flash Cards<br />

Each card features realistic,<br />

idealized 360˚ views for<br />

each bone. Made from<br />

high-quality printing on<br />

durable cardstock. Cards<br />

measure 4 1 /8" x 3" and<br />

come clearly organized<br />

in a plastic storage box.<br />

Grade 10 and up.<br />

Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />

SB45482M — $35.65

FULL<br />

HUMAN<br />

SIzE<br />

Human Skeleton<br />

All of the realism of an actual skeleton has been captured<br />

in the process used to mold these durable and functional<br />

teaching aids. An ideal skeleton was selected and used in<br />

preparing the production mold for the skeleton <strong>materials</strong>,<br />

and the bones were carefully cast to preserve even the finest<br />

details. Skeleton is mounted in an upright position on<br />

a nonrusting stand with base and rollers. Each bone is cast<br />

individually in natural colour with all details of anatomy<br />

represented. Wherever possible, there is natural movement<br />

in the joints. Legs, arms, and skull are removable. Mandible<br />

hinged with springs, calvarium sectioned to permit study<br />

of the cranial vault. The skull has a full set of teeth, three<br />

which are removal for closer examination. This reproduction<br />

of a natural skeleton is made of special unbreakable plastic<br />

which does not deteriorate with age. It can be easily washed<br />

with soap and water for years of continuous use.<br />

Sh. wt. 16.96 kgs. 5’ 7” Tall.<br />

SB02011M — $387.05<br />

HEIGHT:<br />

5’ 7”<br />

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

American 3B Advanced Skeleton<br />

with Muscles<br />

Same model as SB02011M, but with paintings<br />

of muscle origins in red and muscle insertions<br />

in blue. All muscle numbers are easily identified.<br />

The muscles are accurately painted at the correct<br />

positions under the supervision of anatomists.<br />

Supplied with dustcover. Mounted in an upright<br />

position on a movable base. Supplied with key<br />

card. Sh. wt. 12.70 kgs.<br />

SB14901M — $833.30<br />

HEIGHT:<br />

5’ 6”<br />

Human Skeleton<br />

This economical, life-size articulated adult plastic<br />

skeleton is ideal for teaching the basics of anatomy<br />

when intricate textural nuances of the bone are not<br />

required. The arms and legs are removable for study.<br />

Features nerve branches, vertebral artery, and herniated<br />

lumbar disk. Skull includes movable jaw, cut<br />

calvarium, suture lines, and three removable lower<br />

teeth. Mounted on a sturdy 16" W x 3" H metal base.<br />

Complete with dust cover and skeletal system chart.<br />

Includes key card with 155 structures identified.<br />

Skeleton measures 5’ 6” tall. Sh. wt. 43 lbs.<br />

SB25209M — $356.95<br />

HEIGHT:<br />

33”<br />

Economy 33" Skeleton<br />

A 3-ft. plastic skeleton on a heavy metal stand at an incredibly<br />

low price! This economical teaching skeleton is wired<br />

for natural movement and features a removable skull with<br />

the calvaria cut. Miniature springs hold the mandible in<br />

place to demonstrate TMJ problems. Tiny screws hold arms<br />

and legs in position so you can bend the extremities in all<br />

directions. All the bones are molded individually, except<br />

in the hands and feet. Although the basic appearance and<br />

functional value of this skeleton is excellent, there may be<br />

flaws in the construction (such as rough plastic, protruding<br />

wire, chipped paint, etc.). All hardware on the skeleton is<br />

stainless steel. Sh. wt. 3.94 kgs.<br />

SB22564M — $89.55<br />

HEIGHT:<br />

5’ 6”<br />

“Fred” The Flexible Skeleton<br />

The spinal column on this skeleton model is specially designed<br />

and constructed to be flexible, allowing natural movements<br />

and pathological conditions to be demonstrated. All skull<br />

movements at the neck joints can be demonstrated. Tooth<br />

position and spacing are accurately depicted. Spinal nerve exits<br />

and vertebral arteries are also shown, along with dorso-lateral<br />

disc prolapse between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae.<br />

This human skeleton model is cast from a natural, real bone<br />

skeleton. It is handmade from durable, unbreakable plastic.<br />

Anatomical details such as fissures, foramina, and processes are<br />

accurately shown. It features a three-part skull (skullcap, skull<br />

base, and lower jaw) and removable arms and legs. Comes with<br />

roller stand and dustcover. Sh. wt. 16.78 kgs.<br />

SB27618M — $662.25<br />

Additional shipping charges apply.<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />

Skeleton Dust Cover<br />

Protect your investment with<br />

this heavy duty protective<br />

cover. Suitable for all full-size<br />

skeletons and stand versions.<br />

Black in colour with transparent<br />

window. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />

SB45480M — $33.05<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

The Thin Man: Sequential<br />

Human Anatomy Program<br />

Explore body regions layer-by-layer for<br />

in-depth understanding. The near life-size,<br />

full-colour illustration of the human body<br />

details human anatomy in a way no chart<br />

or torso can duplicate. A sequence of transparent<br />

Mylar ® overlays allows the peeling<br />

away of layer after layer of tissue, progressing<br />

ever more deeply into the body. This<br />

provides valuable insight into the threedimensional<br />

spatial relationships of principle<br />

structures, major vessels, and organ<br />

systems. Displayed on the backside is a<br />

full-figure view of the skeletal and nervous<br />

systems. Standing 63" tall, the Thin Man<br />

is mounted on a warp-proof composition<br />

board, and is supported by a tubular steel<br />

frame on a tip-proof four-legged stand.<br />

Sh. wt. 9.53 kgs.<br />

SB23900M — $522.40<br />

American 3B Functional<br />

Shoulder Joint<br />

Graphically illustrate the mechanics of the<br />

shoulder joint using this functional model,<br />

allowing better student understanding. The<br />

life-size, fully flexible joint demonstrates<br />

abduction, anteversion, retroversion, internal/external<br />

rotation, and more. Consists<br />

of shoulder blade, collar bone, portion of<br />

humerus, and joint ligaments. 6¼" x 4¾" x<br />

7¾". Includes stand. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />

SB41402M — $98.80<br />

American 3B Functional Knee<br />

Joint Model<br />

This functional model provides a graphic<br />

demonstration of the anatomy and<br />

mechanics of the knee joint, promoting<br />

better student understanding. Use this<br />

life-size, fully flexible joint to illustrate<br />

abduction, anteversion, retroversion, internal/external<br />

rotation, and more. Consists<br />

of portion of femur, tibia, and fibula, plus<br />

meniscus, patella with quadriceps tendon,<br />

and joint ligaments. Stand included. 6½" x<br />

4¾" x 13½". Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB41404M — $98.80<br />

Disarticulated Human Skeleton<br />

This reproduction of a natural human skeleton is made of special unbreakable<br />

plastic which does not deteriorate with age. Each bone is cast individually in natural<br />

colour with all details of anatomy represented. All bones, except skull (with detachable<br />

top and mandible) and one foot and one hand, are disarticulated. Easily cleaned<br />

with soap and water. Sh. wt. 8.25 kgs.<br />

SB13487M — $452.20<br />

Deluxe Spinal Cord<br />

with Nerves<br />

Six times life-size, this model replicates<br />

a segment of the upper<br />

thoracic spinal cord. Sectioned both<br />

longitudinally and in a cross section,<br />

a portion of white matter has been<br />

cut away to expose the anterior<br />

and posterior nerve roots. Colorcoding<br />

differentiates them, and a<br />

color-keyed circuitry schematic is<br />

mounted along with the model on<br />

a hardwood base. 30 numbered features<br />

are identified. Measures 12" x<br />

8" x 5". Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />

SB48292M — $370.70<br />

Dimensional Man<br />

This life-size, 6-ft. anatomical<br />

chart instantly<br />

transforms into a 3-D<br />

model in five easy steps.<br />

It provides a fascinating<br />

introduction to basic<br />

human anatomy and<br />

reveals the cardiovascular,<br />

respiratory, digestive,<br />

locomotor, and urogenitary<br />

systems of the<br />

body. Far more than just<br />

a useful reference, it’s a<br />

unique and colourful wall chart that also allows hands-on<br />

study. Study various organs closely by unlatching or turning<br />

movable parts to reveal inner structures. Includes index<br />

identifying 304 bones, muscles, organs, arteries, and veins.<br />

Assembles in minutes. Sh. wt. 1.81 kgs.<br />

SB22232M — $58.95<br />

HEIGHT:<br />

16½”<br />

16½" Desktop Skeleton<br />

An economical, 17" skeleton that is ideal for individual<br />

or classroom study. Constructed of unbreakable plastic,<br />

it features a mobile jaw on springs, removable arms and<br />

legs, a skull that is cut and removable, and a black plastic<br />

display stand. Includes key card. Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

SB22563M — $35.65<br />

72<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Human Skeleton Photo<br />

Front view of the human skeleton with major bones<br />

and joints identified. The photograph is 54" tall. Comes<br />

rolled in a protective storage tube. Grades 3—12.<br />

Sh. wt. 0.48 kgs.<br />

SB28462M — $23.90

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Modeling Kidney Function Lab<br />

Investigation<br />

Model the action of a kidney for a striking visual demonstration.<br />

Students construct a model of a kidney using<br />

a semi-permeable membrane to filter a completely safe<br />

solution which simulates blood. The simulated blood<br />

contains “cells” which cannot cross the semipermeable<br />

membrane, remaining in the kidney model. The resulting<br />

filtrate resembles urine, which students test for salt and<br />

other waste products. The simulated blood cells can also<br />

be seen and counted under a microscope just like real<br />

blood! Students will: investigate the function of a human<br />

kidney by constructing a model, understand the mechanism<br />

of urine formation in the kidney, observe osmosis<br />

as it relates to kidney filtration, and relate kidney function<br />

to homeostasis. For 40 students. Middle school and<br />

up. Sh. wt. 1.47 kgs.<br />

SB37375M — $63.40<br />

Refill for Additional Classes. Sh. wt. 0.59 kgs.<br />

SB37376M — $43.45<br />

Kidney Model<br />

Two times life size.<br />

Longitudinal section of<br />

right kidney and adrenal<br />

gland. Model highlights<br />

renal artery and vein,<br />

major and minor calyx,<br />

interlobular artery and<br />

vein, and ureter. Size: 4" x<br />

2-1⁄2" x 6-1⁄2". Model on<br />

base with key card.<br />

Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

WA21315M — $70.85<br />

Life/form ® Human<br />

Reproduction and<br />

Development Kit<br />

There’s no better way to depict the actual<br />

size and developmental stages of a fetus<br />

than with these incredibly realistic replicas!<br />

A thorough multimedia program, this<br />

kit presents an in-depth look at embryo<br />

and fetus development in humans. The<br />

accompanying text and teaching guide<br />

provide background information and study<br />

questions and include transparencies and<br />

blackline masters. The videotape titled, The<br />

Miracle of Life, along with the transparencies,<br />

tells the fascinating story of embryonic and<br />

fetal growth. The blackline masters highlight<br />

important study points for students. The<br />

dramatic Life/form ®<br />

reproductions show the<br />

stages of human development in a unique,<br />

innovative way — plastic models and replicas each student can examine and study. The kit offers a direct and complete<br />

approach to an understanding of human reproduction from fertilization to birth. <strong>Nasco</strong>’s total teaching program offers<br />

nine realistic Life/form ®<br />

reproductions, four models of the early stages of the embryo, five actual replicas of the growing<br />

fetus, PLUS…<br />

• The Miracle of Life video<br />

• Detailed text and teaching guide with 13 transparencies and 12 blackline masters<br />

Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 16 lbs.<br />

WA15715M Kit with VHS — $583.10<br />

WA25812M Kit with DVD — $583.10<br />

Urinary System Model (5 Parts)<br />

This life-size, five-part model represents the major<br />

components of the urinary system, plus the vena cava<br />

and abdominal aorta; the right kidney is dissected to<br />

show the cortex, medulla, pyramids, calyces, pelvis, and<br />

origins of the renal artery and vein. The bladder can be<br />

opened to reveal the mucosa, trigone, urethra, seminal<br />

vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, and vas deferens. Mounted<br />

on base. 9<br />

5 ⁄8" x 7" x 14 1 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 1.94 lbs.<br />

LA00229M — $210.65<br />

Digestive System<br />

Basic organs of digestion — mouth, salivary glands,<br />

esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines are<br />

shown, with enlargements of stomach lining, villi, and<br />

intestines. The 18" x 24", three-dimensional model is of<br />

lightweight, sturdy construction. Teacher activity binder<br />

includes lesson plans for both class and individual study,<br />

blackline masters, and a transparency. Sh. wt. 1.27 kgs.<br />

SA02744M — $166.55<br />

Nervous System<br />

Model of full human figure with major parts of the vous system, cross section of the brain with removable<br />

nertransparent<br />

overlay, and model of two typical nerve cells.<br />

The 18" x 24", three-dimensional model is of lightweight,<br />

sturdy construction. Teacher activity binder includes lesson<br />

plans for both class and individual study, blackline<br />

masters, and a transparency. Sh. wt. 1.47 kgs.<br />

SA02746M — $166.55<br />

www.education.spectrum-nasco.ca<br />


Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

Stages of Fertilization<br />

and the Development of the Embryo<br />

Schematic illustrations 2 times magnified show how an<br />

ovum matures, how ovulation and fertilization occur,<br />

and how the fertilized ovum develops to the point of<br />

embedding itself in the womb wall to begin growth into<br />

an embryo. The various stages are shown in larger-thanlife<br />

models of an ovary, fallopian tube, and womb. An<br />

enlarged illustration of each is printed on the base. 13 3 ⁄4"<br />

x 8 1 ⁄4" x 7 3 ⁄4". Three-year warranty.<br />

Grade 10 and up. Sh. wt. 6.50 lbs.<br />

SB45360M — $351.00<br />

Fetus Development Set<br />

Set of eight models (14 pieces) illustrates the detailed<br />

stages of pregnancy development. Includes a first-month<br />

embryo, second-month embryo, third-month embryo,<br />

fourth-month fetus in transverse lie position, fifth-month<br />

fetus in breach position, fifth-month fetus in transverse<br />

lie position, fifth-month twin fetuses, and seventh-month<br />

fetus. Each model is on a base and measures approx.<br />

4-1⁄2" x 6" x 8". Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />

SB47759M — $230.90<br />

Cell to Embryo Model<br />

This model shows the stages of development of the<br />

cell from fertilization to formation of the embryo.<br />

Enlarged cutaway views show the ovary emitting<br />

ovum into the uterus and the path of the sperm. The<br />

18" x 24", three-dimensional model is of lightweight,<br />

sturdy construction. Comes with a teacher activity<br />

binder that includes lesson plans for both class and<br />

individual study, blackline masters, and a transparency.<br />

Grades 6-12. Sh. wt. 1.45 kgs.<br />

SB07915M — $166.55<br />

Male Pelvis Model<br />

(4 Part)<br />

Composed of four parts,<br />

this life-size model<br />

presents an open view<br />

through a median sagittal<br />

section of the pelvis.<br />

Internal structures of the<br />

male urogenital system<br />

are represented in fine<br />

detail. The removable<br />

parts include<br />

a half penis divided<br />

into medial and<br />

transverse sections, and<br />

half of the male reproductive system<br />

with an open dissection of a testis showing details of the<br />

internal structure. Mounted on base. 10" x 7" x 10 3 ⁄4".<br />

Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs.<br />

LA00248M — $232.05<br />

Female Reproductive System<br />

Cross-sectional and dissectional views of the reproductive<br />

organs within the female pelvic region accurately show<br />

relative size and location. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus,<br />

and vagina demonstrate the origin of the ovum in the<br />

ovaries, and the process to fertilization and implantation<br />

in the uterus. An enlarged inset details the structure of a<br />

single ovum. Model is approximately 1 1 ⁄2 times life-size. The<br />

18" x 24", three-dimensional model is of lightweight, sturdy<br />

construction. Teacher activity binder includes lesson plans<br />

for both class and individual study, blackline masters, and a<br />

transparency. Grades 5-12. Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

SB10420M — $166.55<br />

Male Reproductive System<br />

Model illustrates the pelvic area of the human male<br />

approximately 1 1 ⁄2 times life-size. A male sex cell, or<br />

spermatozoon, in inset is enlarged over 16,000 times and<br />

sectioned for concrete visualization of its structure. Shows<br />

basic components of the male reproductive system —<br />

prostate gland, testicles, and penis — to provide a clear<br />

demonstration of the origin and discharge of sperm. 18"<br />

x 24", three-dimensional model is of lightweight, sturdy<br />

construction. Teacher activity binder includes lesson plans<br />

for both class and individual study, blackline masters, and<br />

a transparency. Grades 5-12. Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

SB10419M — $166.55<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Female Pelvis Model with<br />

8-Week Embryo (3 Parts)<br />

Life-size model composed of three parts gives an internal<br />

view through the median sagittal section of the pelvis.<br />

Shows the internal organs of the female urinary and<br />

reproductive systems with an eight-week embryo in utero.<br />

Mounted on base. 9 7 ⁄8 " x 7" x 10 5 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs.<br />

LA00252M — $291.55<br />

74<br />

Mitosis<br />

This model illustrates cell division from single cell to<br />

formation of two new cells. Identifies nucleus, centrioles,<br />

centrosome, chromatin, chromosomes, spindle, and aster.<br />

The 18" x 24", three-dimensional model is of lightweight,<br />

sturdy construction. Comes with a teacher activity binder<br />

that includes lesson plans for both class and individual<br />

study, blackline masters, and a transparency. Grades 6-12.<br />

Sh. wt. 1.36 kgs.<br />

SB01680M — $166.55<br />

Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />

Meiosis<br />

Depicts the process whereby the number of chromosomes<br />

in the reproductive cells is reduced to half the<br />

amount found in other body cells. Students can trace the<br />

steps in this change; identify chromosomes, cytoplasm,<br />

chromatin and polar bodies; and see how the fertilized<br />

egg will contain the correct number of chromosomes for<br />

human reproduction. The 18" x 24", three-dimensional<br />

model is of lightweight, sturdy construction. Comes with<br />

a teacher activity binder that includes lesson plans for<br />

both class and individual study, blackline masters, and a<br />

transparency. Grades 5-12. Sh. wt. 1.45 kgs.<br />

SB01681M — $166.55

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Biology<br />

Anatomy<br />

SmartCharts<br />

An inside look at the major<br />

body systems — detailed illustrations,<br />

labeled body parts,<br />

and concise descriptions of<br />

body functions. Set of 6 charts:<br />

circulatory system, respiratory<br />

system, nervous system, digestive<br />

system, and skeletal/muscular<br />

systems. Plastic-coated<br />

for years of use, each of the<br />

22¼" x 28½" charts includes<br />

four blackline reproducibles<br />

and task cards printed on the<br />

back for further exploration.<br />

Grades 4-12. Sh. wt. 0.51 kgs.<br />

SB43030M — $16.10<br />

New Path<br />

Human Body<br />

Science<br />

Curriculum<br />

Mastery Flip<br />

Charts<br />

These double-sided,<br />

laminated charts provide<br />

a hands-on review<br />

of standards-based<br />

Middle School curriculum<br />

skills. The front<br />

features colorful, graphic<br />

overview of the topic, and the reverse serves as a write-on/wipe-off activity chart with<br />

questions, labeling exercises, vocabulary review, and more. Flip charts feature heavy duty<br />

spiral binding for ease-of-use and rest on a sturdy easel. Includes flip charts for bones,<br />

muscles, and skin; the digestive system; nutrition; the circulatory system; the immune<br />

system; the respiratory system; the excretory system; the nervous system; the endocrine<br />

system; and the reproductive system; plus an activity guide featuring black-line copymasters<br />

of the charts along with review questions, vocabulary terms, suggested activities,<br />

and more. Grades 5-8. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />

SB46200M — $42.80<br />

The Handy Anatomy<br />

Answer Book<br />

From basic biology and the lymphatic system to human<br />

growth and development, this comprehensive reference<br />

makes the sometimes perplexing nature of anatomy understandable<br />

through an engaging question-and-answer format.<br />

In addition to the science itself, the people and history<br />

behind anatomy are discussed. More than 1,200 questions are<br />

answered. 352 pages. Hardcover. Grade 6 and up. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />

SB46796M — $26.15<br />

Standard Deviants School Anatomy Super Pack<br />

Learn about bones, muscles, and the different systems that comprise the human body<br />

with this exciting Standard Deviants video series. Programs include: Bones, Muscles, The<br />

Nervous System, Eyes and Ears, The Circulatory System, The Lymphatic and Respiratory<br />

Systems, The Digestive and Urinary Systems, and The Endocrine and Reproductive<br />

Systems. 335 minutes. Grade 9 and up. Copyright 1997, 2002. Sh. wt. 2.04 kgs.<br />

SB39556M 8 DVDs — $257.00<br />

Visualizing Anatomy<br />

and Physiology<br />

This visually-powerful textbook is<br />

illustrated for maximum pedagogical effect.<br />