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An evaluation of the significance of climate forcing on time-varying growth and fecundity of<br />

rockfish in the California Current<br />

Susan Sogard, 1 John Field, 1 and Chris Harvey 2<br />

1 Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz, CA.<br />

2 Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA.<br />

Summary<br />

Climate effects on ecosystem productivity are well established for the California Current,<br />

and climate variability is reflected in bottom-up effects on fish growth and productivity. Stock<br />

assessments have increasingly begun to include these important effects in estimating abundance<br />

and production. In turn, critical metrics used in stock assessments (spawning biomass, spawning<br />

output and recruitment) vary as a function of current environmental conditions. Our working<br />

hypothesis for this study is that poor feeding conditions during warm oceanographic regimes<br />

result in trade-offs affecting bioenergetic allocation patterns by females, resulting in reduced<br />

growth and reduced fecundity. We will rigorously address this hypothesis in three ways: (1) by<br />

expanding on process studies relating environmental conditions to growth and fecundity; (2) by<br />

using these results to modify existing bioenergetics models, investigating mechanisms by which<br />

climate may drive changes in energy budgets; and (3) by incorporating findings from these<br />

efforts into existing stock assessment models of West Coast groundfish for which time-varying<br />

growth (and potentially fecundity) have been identified as key factors. These refinements should<br />

improve future assessments by increasing precision and decreasing uncertainty.<br />

Background<br />

Examples of climate effects on fish condition, growth and fecundity are evident for<br />

rockfishes (Sebastes spp.). Growth rates of yelloweye rockfish are correlated with climate<br />

indices such as upwelling, the Northern Oscillation Index (NOI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation<br />

(PDO) and sea surface temperature (Black et al. 2008). Comparable to patterns observed in<br />

salmonids, growth of yelloweye rockfish was negatively correlated with 'warm' oceanographic<br />

regimes in California but positively correlated in British Columbia. Strong El Niño conditions<br />

have been associated with reduced growth in widow and yellowtail rockfish (Woodbury 1999)<br />

and poor condition in chilipepper, yellowtail, and blue rockfish (Lenarz et al. 1995, VenTresca et<br />

al. 1995). Poor feeding conditions during warm regimes likely also result in trade-offs affecting<br />

reproductive allocation patterns by females. VenTresca et al. (1995) demonstrate a clear decline<br />

in condition of adult female blue rockfish during both the strong 1982-83 and weaker 1992-93 El<br />

Niño periods. Interannual variability in fecundity of yellowtail rockfish was evident for young<br />

females (15) for fish in California, south of the species’ main<br />

areas of concentration (Eldridge and Jarvis 1994). Populations in Washington, in contrast, did<br />

not exhibit interannual differences. Weight-specific fecundities (eggs g -1 ) of California fish were<br />

significantly lower than those of Washington fish, indicating a latitudinal effect. Washington<br />

fish generally had higher lipid reserves and fewer incidences of parasitism than California fish,<br />

suggesting an overall higher level of condition.<br />


In blue rockfish, gonadal indices for females were negatively correlated with sea surface<br />

temperatures during the fall (VenTresca et al. 1995), suggesting a possible reduction in<br />

fecundity. Yellowtail rockfish likewise had lower lipid reserves and smaller ovaries during an El<br />

Niño (Lenarz and Wyllie Echeverria 1986). Bioenergetic models derived by Harvey (2005)<br />

suggest that enduring multiple El Niño events dramatically decreases the lifetime fecundity of<br />

blue rockfish. In an analysis of the severely overfished boccacio, Tolimieri and Levin (2005)<br />

found that recruits per spawning output increased when oceanographic conditions supported<br />

enhanced production during the preceding summer and fall, suggesting a potential linkage with<br />

female foraging success and energy storage. These examples clearly indicate the potential for<br />

climate effects to impact growth and reproductive capacity in rockfishes.<br />

The intent of this proposal is to enhance rockfish stock assessments by improving the<br />

rationale, the available data (age and length, reproductive effort, and climate indices) and the<br />

implementation of time-varying growth. Evaluating environmentally induced changes in energy<br />

allocation between growth and reproduction is clearly key to better understanding the cumulative<br />

effects of climate on productivity, as any impacts of poor female condition on their fecundity, the<br />

quality of larvae they produce, or the timing of parturition will reduce their expected contribution<br />

to recruitment. Investigating the consequences of extended periods of either exceptional or<br />

unfavorable environmental conditions to assumptions regarding stock status and productivity is<br />

key to avoid over- (or under-) estimating reproductive output in assessment models and<br />

subsequent status determinations.<br />

Approach<br />

Growth analyses: Time varying growth has been shown to be an important factor in several<br />

stock assessments on the west coast, and has been incorporated into models of Pacific hake,<br />

English sole and chilipepper rockfish (Helser et al. 2008; Stewart 2008; Field 2008), all of which<br />

highlighted a need for additional work on both the modeling approach and the mechanisms<br />

behind such variability. Our analyses of interannual differences in growth will focus on<br />

chilipepper rockfish (Sebastes goodei), a mid-size, semi-pelagic rockfish found primarily in shelf<br />

and shelf-break waters off California, where they have been among the most important<br />

commercial and recreational rockfish species in both historical and contemporary fisheries. As<br />

past stock assessments had identified variable growth rates as a key source of uncertainty, the<br />

most recent assessment using the model Stock Synthesis II (SS2) estimated time-varying growth<br />

internally (Field 2008). This was done by allowing the von Bertalanffy growth coefficients (K)<br />

to vary over time. Several approaches were evaluated to find the appropriate level of parsimony<br />

between model complexity and data availability. The final model utilized freely estimated<br />

growth offset parameters, based on time period blocks that were informed by major shifts in the<br />

signal for the PDO (Figure 1). Thus, while climate was not directly incorporated into the<br />

assessment, it was critical for the rationale behind the modeling approach that was ultimately<br />

adopted. Using this approach improved the model fit to the data by nearly one hundred<br />

likelihood units at the “cost” of five parameters, with most of the improvement accounted for in<br />

fits to length frequency data (Figure 2).<br />

Although both the assessment team and the review panel found this approach to be<br />

reasonable in the near term, there was a recognized need for ageing fishery-independent otoliths<br />

from historical surveys to better inform growth curves and offsets, to model ages using<br />

conditional age-at-length compositions rather than traditional age-compositions, and to undertake<br />


a greater exploration of methods for modeling time-varying growth as influenced by<br />

environmental factors. Our project will address these needs by focusing additional ageing effort<br />

on archived chilipepper otoliths from historical fishery-independent surveys. These data are<br />

necessary to better predict growth rates of smaller individuals. This in turn will facilitate a reevaluation<br />

of the model developed in the last stock assessment by including fishery-independent<br />

age and size information, which together with the fishery-dependent age and size data will be<br />

modeled using conditional age-at-length information. Concurrently, we will evaluate the likely<br />

or potential mechanisms driving time-varying growth by simulating climate and growth<br />

interactions using an existing bioenergetics model of rockfish (Harvey 2005, Harvey et al. 2006).<br />

This model estimates rockfish energy budgets, allocating energy to somatic growth, gonadal<br />

production, and metabolic costs as a function of variables such as body size, temperature,<br />

feeding rate and prey quality. The model has been used, for example, to evaluate the influence<br />

of El Niño conditions on rockfish growth and fecundity (Harvey 2005), and can be reconfigured<br />

to evaluate factors that relate to the observed changes in growth suggested in the size-at-age data<br />

and the assessment model. This model framework thus provides a direct, mechanistic linkage<br />

between climate variability and rockfish growth, and supports improved assessment and better<br />

predictions by anticipating varying patterns of chilipepper rockfish growth and reproductive<br />

capacity under alternate climate scenarios.<br />

Fecundity analyses: We expect climate effects on reproductive capacity, fish condition and fish<br />

health to be primarily driven by large scale oceanographic parameters such as the PDO. As a<br />

consequence, rockfish responses will likely be similar among a diverse suite of species. There is<br />

substantial evidence that rockfish recruitment within California follows coherent temporal<br />

patterns despite interspecies differences in life histories (Field and Ralston 2005, Laidig et al.<br />

2007). Thus, we expect reproductive capacities of different species to be similarly affected by<br />

large scale changes in oceanographic conditions. Several studies have documented a decline in<br />

female health or growth during warm ocean periods, but how this effect translates into changes<br />

in reproductive capacity is not known.<br />

We will make use of available data acquired from a wide array of studies for a<br />

retrospective analysis of fecundity relationships during contrasting oceanographic conditions.<br />

All fecundity estimates will be examined for relationships with maternal age, length, and weight<br />

to derive appropriate adjustments accounting for maternal effects (Boehlert et al. 1982, Bobko<br />

and Berkeley 2004, Sogard et al. 2008, Dick in prep). Our analysis of fecundity will include all<br />

species of California rockfish for which sufficient data are available: EJ Dick, here at the FED,<br />

has compiled a comprehensive database of published and unpublished fecundity estimates in a<br />

broad suite of Sebastes species for a phylogenetic analysis of maternal effects. He has not<br />

examined interannual differences in fecundity previously and has agreed to collaborate with us<br />

on this effort. We also have available an extensive dataset of fecundities for yellowtail rockfish<br />

captured on Cordell Bank in the 1980s (1985-1991), much of which is published (i.e., Eldridge et<br />

al. 1991, Eldridge and Jarvis 1994). For comparison, we have recently collected large numbers<br />

of yellowtail, chilipepper, and widow rockfish from Cordell Bank over a 3 year time period<br />

(2005-2008). These two datasets will allow a detailed comparison from the same location over<br />

two contrasting time periods.<br />

In addition to deriving a time series of fecundities for evaluation of correlations with<br />

oceanographic factors, we will examine the relationship of fish health with fecundity. We expect<br />

any reduction in annual fecundities to be associated with decreased female condition. Fulton's K<br />


(somatic weight * length -3 ) provides a simple index of fish condition. Where data are available<br />

on fish length, somatic weight, and fecundity, we will be able to determine any relationships and<br />

potentially how they vary with fish size or age. For example, relative fecundity may decrease<br />

with condition in young females but not for older females that have more absolute levels of<br />

energy reserves. Such an age effect could account for Eldridge and Jarvis's (1994) finding of<br />

interannual variation in fecundity of young but not old yellowtail rockfish. If Fulton's K is<br />

correlated with fecundity (after adjusting for fish size and age), it may provide a useful indirect<br />

proxy for fecundity.<br />

Ongoing laboratory experiments at FED are examining the reproductive allocation<br />

strategies of rockfish. Experiments will test the responses of female rockfish of several species<br />

to low food availability in the fall prior to parturition. Females held with low rations will be<br />

compared to females receiving unlimited food, with metrics of fecundity, larval size and quality<br />

(lipid reserves), and timing of parturition. These experiments will provide direct tests of any<br />

shifts in allocation associated with poor foraging success and will be valuable in establishing the<br />

relationships of fish health/condition with reproductive performance. All fecundity estimates<br />

will be standardized by fish size or age to examine the interactive role of maternal effects on<br />

reproductive capacity. We expect that environmental factors will have a greater influence on<br />

reproduction in small, young females than in large, old females. If this is true, then climaterelated<br />

biases in fecundity estimates used in stock assessments would be exacerbated for heavily<br />

fished stocks that have few older fish remaining compared to lightly fished stocks that have a<br />

relatively diverse size and age structure.<br />

Furthermore, questions related to tradeoffs between growth and fecundity are inextricably<br />

linked in stock assessment models, which typically assume length-based maturity functions.<br />

Many approaches for incorporating time-varying growth in an assessment model assume that<br />

maturity is a function of length rather than age, inferring that during periods of poor growth the<br />

age at maturity is extended (although Stewart (2008) modeled both time-varying growth and<br />

time-varying maturity independently in a stock assessment model of English sole). There has<br />

been no concerted effort to test the validity of this assumption. Consequently, we will revisit the<br />

existing size, maturity and fecundity data described earlier to investigate this issue.<br />

Deliverables<br />

Reproductive capacity and growth are critical components of stock assessments, and<br />

improved understanding of how these factors vary with ocean conditions will be of great utility<br />

in incorporating environmental variability into stock assessments and management. As the<br />

significance of these factors can easily be evaluated in the existing assessment model of<br />

chilipepper rockfish, and potentially in models of widow or yellowtail rockfish currently being<br />

developed, methods to incorporate and evaluate the sensitivity of assessment models to these<br />

factors are the primary deliverables of this effort. These methods will be presented in a<br />

comprehensive report defining the application of our results to current stock assessments. In<br />

addition, we anticipate one to two manuscripts submitted to peer-reviewed journals describing<br />

empirical and modeled interactions between environmental conditions and growth, fecundity and<br />

condition, based on experimental analysis and bioenergetics modeling. We will also develop a<br />

peer-reviewed manuscript that reviews the approach and sensitivity of assessment models to time<br />

varying growth and fecundity, including an evaluation of the significance of these factors in<br />


estimating reference points. Finally, we anticipate presenting the results of these efforts at the<br />

annual FATE meetings as well as high profile national meetings (e.g., AFS, AGU, etc).<br />

Benefits<br />

This proposal capitalizes on a species with clearly recognized variation in growth over<br />

time (chilipepper), and for which a recent, relatively data-rich assessment model is available.<br />

Existing bioenergetics models can be evaluated simultaneously to explore the potential role of<br />

climate-related mechanisms behind this growth. Additionally, reproductive capacity is a critical<br />

component of stock assessment, and improved understanding of how fecundity varies with the<br />

environment will be of great utility in incorporating oceanographic factors into stock assessments<br />

and management advice. Furthermore, we intend to evaluate whether insights gained from such<br />

(relatively) data-rich species could translate into insights for more data-poor species, such as blue<br />

or bocaccio rockfish (Key et al. 2008; MacCall 2003), as both of these assessments (and<br />

associated reviews) identify time-varying growth as a factor in urgent need of additional<br />

analysis. The bocaccio stock assessment will be conducted by Field in 2009, providing an<br />

opportunity to apply results from this project in the very near term to a model that lacks adequate<br />

age composition information (Ralston and Iannelli 1998; MacCall 2003). Our results can also<br />

provide a base model from which time-varying growth and fecundity can be explored in other<br />

species. Additional insights into the consequences of variable reproductive capacity will also<br />

address another key uncertainty in stock assessments, regarding the utility of larval abundance<br />

data (primarily from the CalCOFI sampling program).<br />

Statement of work<br />

Year 1<br />

The technician will divide time between analysis of annual increment widths in archived<br />

chilipepper rockfish otoliths and analysis of fecundity in archived ovary samples of chilipepper,<br />

yellowtail, and widow rockfish. D. Pearson (here at the FED) will supervise and assist with the<br />

otolith analysis. S. Sogard will supervise and assist with the fecundity analysis. J. Field will<br />

develop appropriate environmental indices for comparison with growth and fecundity data in the<br />

chilipepper model and will explore possible benefits and impacts of inclusion of climate indices<br />

in other models (including the anticipated 2009 bocaccio model). C. Harvey will initiate<br />

bioenergetic modeling. The P.I.s will have regular meetings to discuss data analysis.<br />

Year 2<br />

The technician will continue growth and fecundity analyses, with an anticipated<br />

completion by mid-year. The full team will then collaborate in data analysis, modeling, and<br />

preparation of final reports and manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed fisheries journals.<br />

In addition, the results will be directly applied to a revised chilipepper assessment by Field, using<br />

the information obtained on time-varying growth and time-varying fecundity. Field will also<br />

have completed a bocaccio rockfish assessment model by this stage, and will explore the<br />

applicability of incorporating time-varying growth and/or fecundity into this assessment, as well<br />

as an existing assessment of blue rockfish.<br />


References<br />

Black, B. A., G. W. Boehlert, and M. M. Yoklavich. 2008. Establishing climate-growth<br />

relationships for yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) in the northeast Pacific using a<br />

dendrochronological approach. Fisheries Oceanography 17:368-379.<br />

Bobko, S. J., and S. A. Berkeley. 2004. Maturity, ovarian cycle, fecundity, and age-specific<br />

parturition of black rockfish, (Sebastes melanops). Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 102:418-429.<br />

Boehlert, G. W., W. H. Barss, and P. B. Lamberson. 1982. Fecundity of the widow rockfish,<br />

Sebastes entomelas, off the coast of Oregon. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 80:881-884.<br />

Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, M. J. Bowers, B. M. Jarvis, and J. Gold. 1991. Reproductive<br />

performance of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus. Environmental biology of fishes<br />

30:91-102.<br />

Eldridge, M. B., and B. M. Jarvis. 1994. Temporal and spatial variation in fecundity of yellowtail<br />

rockfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124(1):16-25.<br />

Field, J. C., and S. Ralston. 2005. Spatial variability in rockfish (Sebastes spp.) recruitment<br />

events in the California Current System. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic<br />

Sciences 62:2199-2210.<br />

Field, J.C. 2008. Status of the Chilipepper rockfish, Sebastes goodei, in 2007. In: Status of the<br />

Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Through 2007, Stock Assessment and Fishery<br />

Evaluation: Stock Assessments and Rebuilding Analyses Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery<br />

Management Council.<br />

Harvey, C. J. 2005. Effects of El Nino events on energy demand and egg production of rockfish<br />

(Scorpaenidae: Sebastes): A bioenergetics approach. Fishery Bulletin, 103: 71-83.<br />

Harvey, C.J., N. Tolimieri and P.S. Levin. 2006. Changes in body size, abundance, and energy<br />

allocation in rockfish assemblages of the Northeast Pacific. Ecological Applications 16:<br />

1502-1515.<br />

Helser, T.E., I.J. Stewart and O.S. Hamel. 2008. Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius<br />

productus, (a.k.a Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2008. Stock Assessment and<br />

Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments and Rebuilding Analyses Portland, OR: Pacific<br />

Fishery Management Council.<br />

Key, M., A.D. MacCall, J.C. Field, D. Aseltine-Neilson and K. Lynn. 2008. The 2007<br />

Assessment of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) in California. In: Status of the Pacific<br />

Coast Groundfish Fishery Through 2007, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation:<br />

Stock Assessments and Rebuilding Analyses Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery Management<br />

Council.<br />

Laidig, T. E., J. R. Chess, and D. F. Howard. 2007. Relationship between abundance of juvenile<br />

rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) and environmental variables documented off northern<br />

California and potential mechanisms for the covariation. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 105:39-<br />

48.<br />

Lenarz, W. H., and T. Wyllie Echeverria. 1986. Comparison of visceral fat and gonadal fat<br />

volumes of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, during a normal year and a year of El<br />

Nino conditions. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 84:743-745.<br />

Lenarz, W. H., D. A. Ventresca, W. M. Graham, F. B. Schwing, and F. Chavez. 1995.<br />

Explorations of El Nino events and associated biological population dynamics off central<br />

California. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 36:106-119.<br />


MacCall, A. 2003. Status of bocaccio off California in 2003. In: Status of the Pacific Coast<br />

Groundfish Fishery Through 2002, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Portland,<br />

OR: Pacific Fishery Management Council.<br />

Ralston, S. and J. N. Ianelli. 1998. When lengths are better than ages: The complex case of<br />

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Sogard, S. M., S. A. Berkeley, and R. Fisher. 2008. Maternal effects in rockfishes Sebastes spp.:<br />

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Stewart, I.J. 2008. Updated U.S. English sole stock assessment: Status of the resource in 2007.<br />

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Tolimieri, N., and P. S. Levin. 2005. The roles of fishing and climate in the population dynamics<br />

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VenTresca, D. A., R. H. Parrish, J. L. Houk, M. L. Gingras, S. D. Short, and N. L. Crane. 1995.<br />

El Nino effects on the somatic and reproductive condition of blue rockfish, Sebastes<br />

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Woodbury, D. 1999. Reduction of growth in otoliths of widow and yellowtail rockfish (Sebastes<br />

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4<br />

0.45<br />

Mean Winter Anomaly Pacific Decadal Oscillation<br />

3<br />

0.4<br />

2<br />

0.35<br />

1<br />

0.3<br />

0<br />

0.25<br />

-1<br />

0.2<br />

-2<br />

0.15<br />

-3<br />

-4<br />

0.1<br />

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010<br />

Estimated value for K<br />

Figure 1: Estimates of time-varying growth coefficient (K) for the most recent stock assessment<br />

of chilipepper rockfish, with mean annual winter PDO and a running three year mean of the<br />

winter PDO.<br />

Observed and predicted female chilipepper mean size at age<br />

470<br />

430<br />

Fork Length (mm)<br />

390<br />

350<br />

310<br />

270<br />

230<br />

1975 19 80 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005<br />

3 6 9 pred3 pred6 pred9<br />

Figure 2: Observed mean and predicted (with time-varying k parameter) size at age for female<br />

chilipepper rockfish from the 2008 stock assessment.<br />


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