St. Paul's Community Development Trust - St. Paul's Community Trust

St. Paul's Community Development Trust - St. Paul's Community Trust

St. Paul's Community Development Trust - St. Paul's Community Trust


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funds carried forward. The total funds carried forward stand<br />

at £2,495,257 of which £1,310,619 is reserved to cover<br />

depreciation and £181,000 is for other funds detailed in note<br />

8. The remaining £1,003,638 will be enough to cover at least<br />

two months running costs, any current deficits from inability<br />

to achieve full cost recovery and continued development<br />

work by the <strong>Trust</strong>.<br />

Investment Policy<br />

There are no restrictions on the powers of the <strong>Trust</strong>ees to<br />

invest the funds of the Charity. The current policy of the<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ees is to have regard to income requirements and any<br />

risks which have been identified and to retain any such funds<br />

as are required in the short term bank deposit accounts.<br />

When there are funds that are not immediately required<br />

then they will be invested in suitable high interest accounts.<br />

Reserves<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ees have some restricted funds which are reserved<br />

for specific contingencies (for example, the pension fund)<br />

or specific project not yet completed. They have some<br />

unrestricted reserves which they would aim to keep at a<br />

level to cover two months running costs for the Charity to<br />

ensure stability. The present level of funding is adequate to<br />

support the continuation of the <strong>Trust</strong> for the medium term<br />

and the <strong>Trust</strong>ees consider the financial position of the Charity<br />

to be satisfactory.<br />

Funds Held as Custodian <strong>Trust</strong>ee on Behalf of Others<br />

The Charity manages and operates a bank account where<br />

the funds held do not belong to <strong>St</strong> Paul’s <strong>Community</strong><br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>. The balance on this account as at 31st<br />

March 2009 amounted to £19,129. The fund is used solely<br />

for payroll administration on behalf of organisations in the<br />

local community.<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ees’ Responsibilities in Relation to the Financial<br />

<strong>St</strong>atements<br />

The <strong>Trust</strong>ees are required by company law to prepare<br />

Financial <strong>St</strong>atements for each financial year which give a<br />

true and fair view of the financial activities of the Charity, and<br />

of its financial position at the end of that year. In preparing<br />

those Financial <strong>St</strong>atements the <strong>Trust</strong>ees are required to:<br />

b. make judgements and estimates that are reasonable<br />

and prudent;<br />

c. state whether the policies adopted are in<br />

accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and with<br />

applicable accounting standards and statements<br />

of recommended practice, subject to any material<br />

departures disclosed and explained in the Financial<br />

<strong>St</strong>atements;<br />

d. prepare the Financial <strong>St</strong>atements on a going concern<br />

basis unless it is inappropriate to assume that the<br />

Charity will continue in operation.<br />

The <strong>Trust</strong>ees are responsible for keeping proper accounting<br />

records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any<br />

time the financial position of the Charity and enable them to<br />

ensure the Financial <strong>St</strong>atements comply with the Companies<br />

Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the<br />

assets of the Charity and hence for taking reasonable<br />

steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other<br />

irregularities.<br />

<strong>St</strong>atement as to Disclosure of Information to Auditors<br />

So far as the <strong>Trust</strong>ees are aware, there is no relevant audit<br />

information (as defined by Section 234ZA of the Companies<br />

Act 1985) of which the Charity’s auditors are unaware, and<br />

they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ees in order to make themselves aware of any relevant<br />

audit information and to establish that the Charity’s auditors<br />

are aware of that information.<br />

Auditors<br />

A resolution proposing Burman & Co to be re-appointed<br />

as auditors of the Charity will be put to the annual General<br />

Meeting.<br />

Approval<br />

This report was approved by the Board of Directors and<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ees on 8th July 2009 and signed on its behalf.<br />

Gill Coffin Shashi Bhana Dr A J Halliday<br />

<strong>Trust</strong>ee <strong>Trust</strong>ee Chief Executive<br />

a. select suitable accounting policies and apply them<br />

consistently;<br />

16 <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>

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