CS 241 – Week 2 Tutorial Solutions - Student.cs.uwaterloo.ca

CS 241 – Week 2 Tutorial Solutions - Student.cs.uwaterloo.ca

CS 241 – Week 2 Tutorial Solutions - Student.cs.uwaterloo.ca


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<strong>CS</strong> <strong>241</strong> – <strong>Week</strong> 2 <strong>Tutorial</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong><br />

Assembly Language Programming<br />

Spring 2013<br />

1 Problem 0 - Convert MIPS to ML<br />

1. add $3, $3, $0<br />

The format for an add instruction is:<br />

0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0000<br />

in this <strong>ca</strong>se, d = 3(00011), s = 3(00011), t = 0(00000). So the final 32-bit binary is:<br />

0000 00<br />

}<br />

00<br />

{{<br />

011<br />

}<br />

0<br />

}<br />

0000<br />

{{ }<br />

0001<br />

} {{<br />

1<br />

}<br />

000 0010 0000<br />

$s $t $d<br />

The Hexadecimal representation is: 0x00601820.<br />

2. slt $3, $20, $30<br />

The format for a slt instruction is:<br />

0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1010<br />

in this <strong>ca</strong>se, d = 3(00011), s = 20(10100), t = 30(11110). So the final 32-bit binary is:<br />

0000 00<br />

}<br />

10<br />

{{<br />

100<br />

}<br />

1<br />

}<br />

1110<br />

{{ }<br />

0001<br />

} {{<br />

1<br />

}<br />

000 0010 1010<br />

$s $t $d<br />

The Hexadecimal representation is: 0x029E182A.<br />

3. beq $0, $0, -4<br />

The format for an beq instruction is:<br />

0001 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii<br />

in this <strong>ca</strong>se, s = 0(00000), t = 0(00000), i = -4(1111 1111 1111 1100). So the final 32-bit binary is:<br />

0001 00<br />

}<br />

00<br />

{{<br />

000<br />

}<br />

0<br />

}<br />

0000<br />

{{ }<br />

1111<br />

}<br />

1111<br />

{{<br />

1111 1100<br />

}<br />

$s $t<br />

i<br />

The Hexadecimal representation is: 0x1000FFFC.<br />

2 Problem 1 - How to write a MIPS loop<br />

Sol(a) ;set up constants<br />

lis $5<br />

.word 1<br />

add $3, $0, $0<br />

slt $2, $0, $1<br />

beq $2, $0, 3<br />

;$2 = 0 => 0 !< n<br />

add $3, $1, $3<br />

;result += n<br />

sub $1, $1, $5 ;n -= 1<br />


eq $0, $0, -5<br />

jr $31<br />

Sol(b) ;$2 = i<br />

;$1 = n<br />

;$3 = result<br />

;$5 = 1<br />

;set up constants<br />

lis $5<br />

.word 1<br />

;set $3 to 0, $2 to 1<br />

add $3, $0, $0<br />

add $2, $5, $0<br />

slt $6, $1, $2 ;i n)<br />

beq $6, $5, 3 ;$6 = 1 => (n < i)<br />

add $3, $3, $2<br />

add $2, $2, $5<br />

beq $0, $0, -5<br />

;result += i<br />

;i++<br />

jr $31<br />

Sol(c) ;set up constants<br />

lis $5<br />

.word 1<br />

add $3, $0, $0<br />

add $3, $1, $3<br />

;result += n<br />

sub $1, $1, $5 ;n -= 1<br />

bne $1, $0, -3<br />

;$1 != 0, then loop<br />

jr $31<br />

3 Problem 2 - More looping<br />

We want to compute the nth fibonacci number. Assume the value of n is in $1 and that the nth fibonacci<br />

number fits in a 32-bit integer. Compute the nth fibonacci number and store it in $3, then return.<br />

;find the nth fib number<br />

;$1 = n<br />

;$2 = F_n-1<br />

;$3 = F_n<br />

;$5 = 1<br />

;high level inspiration<br />

;int fib(int n) {<br />

; int a = 1;<br />


; int b = 0;<br />

; while (n != 0) {<br />

; int temp = a + b;<br />

; a = b;<br />

; b = temp;<br />

; n = n -1<br />

; }<br />

; return b;<br />

;}<br />

lis $2<br />

.word 1 ; a = 1<br />

add $5, $2, $0 ; $5 = 1<br />

add $3, $0, $0 ; b = 0<br />

beq $1, $0, 5<br />

; n != 0, goes into loop<br />

add $4, $2, $3<br />

; temp = a + b<br />

add $2, $3, $0<br />

; a = b<br />

add $3, $4, $0<br />

; b = temp<br />

sub $1, $1, $5 ; n = n - 1<br />

beq $0, $0, -6<br />

jr $31<br />

; return to top of loop<br />

; return b<br />


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