Publications of Wilfried Mullens MD, PhD - UHasselt

Publications of Wilfried Mullens MD, PhD - UHasselt

Publications of Wilfried Mullens MD, PhD - UHasselt


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<strong>Publications</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wilfried</strong> <strong>Mullens</strong> <strong>MD</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong><br />

Peer Reviewed <strong>Publications</strong>:<br />

1. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Dubois C, Gielen F, Janssens S. Diagnosis and Therapy for Massive<br />

Pulmonary Embolism. (Diagnostisch en therapeutisch beleid bij massale longembolie.<br />

Casus en overzicht van de geactualiseerde richtlijnen.) Belg Tijdsch Geneesk 2003,6.<br />

2. Pison L, De Vusser P, <strong>Mullens</strong> W. Apical Balooning in relatives. Heart 2004;90<br />

(12):e67<br />

3. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Herbots L, Vanhaecke J. Resolution <strong>of</strong> cardiac amyloidosis after<br />

autologous blood stem cell transplantation. Cover on Eur Heart J 2005;26.<br />

4. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Pison L, Vandervoort P, Eerdekens J, De Vusser P. Multiple exercise<br />

induced syncopes in a young women due to arrhytmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.<br />

Europace 2005;7:154-7.<br />

5. De Keyser J, Dujardin K, <strong>Mullens</strong> W. Quadrant pulmonary edema. Heart<br />

2005;91:540.<br />

6. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, De Keyser J, Van Dorpe A, Meuris B, Flameng W, Herregods MC, Van<br />

de Werf F. Migration <strong>of</strong> two venous stents into the right ventricle in a patient with<br />

May-Thurner syndrome. Int J Cardiol 2006;110:114-5.<br />

7. De Keyser J, Herregods MC, Dujardin K, <strong>Mullens</strong> W. The Eustachian valve in<br />

pulmonary embolism: rescue <strong>of</strong> perilious? Eur J Echocardiogr 2006;7:336-8.<br />

8. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Dubois C, De Keyser J. Coronary fistula: a rare cause <strong>of</strong> right heart<br />

failure. Heart 2005;91:1329.<br />

9. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, De Keyser J, Droogne W. Myocardial calcification: a rare cause <strong>of</strong><br />

diastolic dysfunction. Heart 2006;92:195.<br />


10. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, De Keyser J, Herregods MC. Collapse <strong>of</strong> three cardiac chambers due to a<br />

pericardial effusion. Int J Cardiol 2008;123:e62-e63.<br />

11. Dupont M, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, De Bruyne B, Vanermen H. Myotomy through heart-port<br />

access for myocardial bridging. Int J Cardiol 2007 Feb 23.<br />

12. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Dupont M, De Raedt H. Pneumopericardium after pericardiocentesis. Int J<br />

Cardiol 2007;118:e57.<br />

13. Skouri H, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Young J. Current Trends in Recipients Selection for Heart<br />

Transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2007;12:529-35.<br />

14. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Tang W, Grimm R. Utilizing Echocardiography in Cardiac<br />

Resynchronization Therapy. Am Heart J 2007;154:1011-20.<br />

15. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Tang W, Delrue L, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B<br />

Goethals M, Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Early and Late Effects <strong>of</strong> Cardiac<br />

Resynchronization Therapy upon Force-Frequency Relation and Contractility<br />

Regulating Gene Expression in Heart Failure Patients. Heart Rhythm 2008;5:52-9.<br />

16. Vanderheyden M, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Delrue L, Goethals M, De Bruyne B, Wijns W, Geelen<br />

P, Verstreken S, Wellens F, Bartunek J. Myocardial Gene Expression in Heart Failure<br />

Patients treated with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Responders versus Nonresponders.<br />

J Am Coll Card 2008;51:129-136.<br />

17. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Elevated Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: A<br />

Potential Contributor to Worsening Renal Function? J Am Coll Card 2008;51:300-<br />

306.<br />

18. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Vanderheyden M, Delrue L, Goethals M, Verstreken S, Geelen P, De<br />

Bruyne B, Wijns W, Bartunek J. Endomyocardial Upregulation <strong>of</strong> β1-Adrenoreceptor<br />

Gene Expression and Myocardial Contractile Reserve Following Cardiac<br />

Resynchronization Therapy. J Card Fail 2008;14:172-178.<br />


19. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Prognostic evaluation <strong>of</strong> Ambulatory Patients with Advanced Heart Failure. Am J<br />

Cardiol 2008;101:1297-1302.<br />

20. Chen S, Abrahams Z, Sokos G, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Hobbs R, Taylor D, Gonzalez-Stawinski<br />

G. Conivaptan: Potential Therapeutic Implications in Heart Failure. Recent Patents on<br />

Cardiovascular Drug Discov 2008;3:137-140.<br />

21. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Sodium Nitroprusside for Advanced Low-Output Heart. J Am Coll Card<br />

2008;52:200-7.<br />

22. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Taylor D, Starling R, Tang W. Prompt Reduction<br />

in Intra-Abdominal Pressure Following Large-Volume Mechanical Fluid Removal<br />

Improves Renal Insufficiency in Refractory Decompensated Heart Failure. J Card Fail<br />

2008;6:508-514.<br />

23. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Sokos G, Francis G, Starling R, Young J, Taylor D, Tang<br />

W. Gender Differences in Patients Admitted with Advanced Decompensated Heart<br />

Failure. Am J Cardiol 2008;102:454-458.<br />

24. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Grimm R, Thomas J, Tang W. Mechanical<br />

Dyssynchrony in Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure: Relation to Hemodynamic<br />

Responses to Intensive Medical Therapy. Heart Rhythm 2008;8:1105-1110.<br />

25. Tang W, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Tong W, Shresta K, Troughton R, Martin M,<br />

Kassimatis K, Agler D, Japser S, Grimm R, Starling R, Klein A. Relation <strong>of</strong><br />

Mechanical Dyssynchrony with Cardiac Structure and Performance in Chronic<br />

Systolic Heart Failure: Potential Influence towards Selection and Responses to<br />

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Europace 2008;10:1370-1374.<br />


26. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Sokos G, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Tang<br />

W. Importance <strong>of</strong> Venous Congestion for Worsening <strong>of</strong> Renal Function in Advanced<br />

Decompensated Heart Failure. J Am Coll Card 2009 53:600-607.<br />

27. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Thomas J, Tang W. Limited value <strong>of</strong> Tissue<br />

Doppler Imaging in the Estimation <strong>of</strong> Left Ventricular Filling Pressure in Advanced<br />

Decompensated Heart Failure. Circulation 2009;119:62-70.<br />

28. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Verga T, Grimm R, Starling R, B Wilk<strong>of</strong>f, Tang W. Persistent<br />

Hemodynamic Benefits <strong>of</strong> Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with Disease<br />

Progression in Advanced Heart Failure. J Am Coll Card 2009;53:589-596.<br />

29. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Grimm R, Verga T, Dresing T, Starling R, Wilk<strong>of</strong>f B, Tang W. Insights<br />

from a Cardiac Resynchronization Optimization Clinic as Part <strong>of</strong> a Heart Failure<br />

Disease Management Program. J Am Coll Card 2009;53:765-73.<br />

30. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Sokos G, Taylor D, Young J, Starling R, Tang<br />

W. Isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine in patients admitted with advanced<br />

decompensated heart failure. Am J Card 2009;103:1113-9.<br />

31. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Tang W. Cardiorenal syndrome in decompensated heart failure. Heart,<br />

2010 Feb;96:255-60.<br />

32. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Kelly L, Verga T, Wilk<strong>of</strong>f B, Tang W. Insights from<br />

internet-based remote intrathoracic impedance monitoring as part <strong>of</strong> a heart failure<br />

disease management program. Congest Heart Fail 2010; 16:159-63.<br />

33. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Tang W. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Refractory Heart<br />

Failure. Hosp Imag Radiol Eur 2010.<br />

34. Verhaert D, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Popovic Z, Curtin R, Thomas J, Tang W. Right<br />

ventricular response to intensive medical therapy in advanced decompensated heart<br />

failure. Circ Heart Fail 2010;3:340-6.<br />


35. Aghel A, Shresta K, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Tang W. Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-<br />

Associated Lipocalcin (NGAL) in Predicting Worsening Renal Function in Acute<br />

Decompensated Heart Failure. J Card Fail 2010;16:49-54.<br />

36. Tang W, Shresta K, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Troughton A, Klein A. Differential<br />

Impact <strong>of</strong> left ventricular remodeling on diagnostic and prognostic value <strong>of</strong> tissue<br />

Doppler indices in chronic systolic heart failure. J Card Fail 2011;17:128-34.<br />

37. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Tang W. Optimizing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Advanced<br />

Heart Failure. Congest Heart Fail; in press.<br />

38. Skouri H, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Tong W, Starling R, Taylor D, Tang W.<br />

Prognostic Value <strong>of</strong> Pulmonary Arterial Capacitance in Advanced Heart Failure.<br />

Preliminary accepted in J Am Coll Card.<br />

39. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Kepa J, De Vusser P, Vercammen J, Rivero-Ayerza M, Wagner P, Dens<br />

J, Vrolix M, Vandervoort P, Tang W. Improving Long-Term Outcomes with Cardiac<br />

Resynchronization Therapy: Importance <strong>of</strong> Adjunctive Heart Failure Optimization<br />

Immediately After Implantation. Am J Cardiol; in press<br />

Book Chapters:<br />

1. Abrahams Z, Skouri HN, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Yamani MH, Starling RC. Clinical-pathological<br />

correlations. Pericardial Disorders in Monograph on Advanced Heart Failure. Jessup<br />

M and Banner N, eds. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 2009.<br />

2. Abrahams Z, <strong>Mullens</strong> W. “Cardiac Transplantation” in Manual <strong>of</strong> Cardiovascular<br />

Medicine 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, PA. Lippincott Williams&Williams 2009.<br />

3. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z. “Endomyocardial Biopsy” in Manual <strong>of</strong> Cardiovascular<br />

Medicine 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, PA. Lippincott Williams&Williams 2009.<br />

4. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Starling R. “Electrical Therapies for Heart Failure” in Adult Clinical<br />

Cardiology Self-Assessment Program (ACCSAP) 2009.<br />


5. <strong>Mullens</strong> W. “Worsening renal function in decompensated heart failure” in<br />

Atherosclerosis (In press).<br />

6. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Vanderheyden M. “Device Therapy for Advanced Heart Failure:<br />

Resynchronization and Mechanical Support” in The Year in Heart Failure, 2 nd edition.<br />

Ashland, OH, Clinical Publishing (In press).<br />

7. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Starling R. “Surgical Treatment <strong>of</strong> Chronic Congestive Heart Failure” in<br />

Mann: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease, 2 nd edition.<br />

Oxford, UK, Elsevier 2011.<br />

1Abstracts presented at international meetings:<br />

1. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Herbots L, Louw V, Herregods MC, Vanhaecke J. Echocardiographic<br />

resolution <strong>of</strong> cardiac amyloidosis after high dose Melphalan and autologous blood<br />

stem cell transplantation. Oral presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Wroclaw, Poland , June 2004.<br />

2. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B Goethals M, Verstreken<br />

S, Vanderheyden M. Effects <strong>of</strong> Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy upon Force-<br />

Frequency Relation in Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation, Cardiostim – 15 th<br />

World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology Nice, France, June 2006.<br />

3. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B Goethals M, Geelen P,<br />

Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Left ventricular force frequency relationship in heart<br />

failure patients before and after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Poster presentation,<br />

Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Helsinki, Finland,<br />

June 2006.<br />

4. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, De Bruyne B, Geelen P, Goethals M, Verstreken S,<br />

Vanderheyden M. Acute recruitment <strong>of</strong> myocardial contractile reserve in heart failure<br />

patients after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Poster presentation, Heart Failure<br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Helsinki, Finland, June 2006.<br />


5. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Goethals M, Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Chronic renal<br />

insufficiency affects fractional renal extraction <strong>of</strong> Nt-proBNP but not BNP in patients<br />

with heart failure. Poster presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Helsinki, Finland, June 2006.<br />

6. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B Goethals M, Geelen P,<br />

Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Early and Late Effects <strong>of</strong> Cardiac Resynchronization<br />

Therapy upon Force-Frequency Relation in Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation,<br />

World Congres <strong>of</strong> Cardiology <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology in Barcelona,<br />

Spain, September 2006.<br />

7. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, De Bruyne B, Geelen P, Goethals M, Verstreken S,<br />

Vanderheyden M. Recruitment <strong>of</strong> myocardial contractile reserve in heart failure<br />

patients after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Poster presentation, World Congres <strong>of</strong><br />

Cardiology <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology in Barcelona, Spain, September<br />

2006.<br />

8. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, DelrueL, De Bruyne B, Geelen P, Goethals M, Verstreken S,<br />

Vanderheyden M. Endomyocardial Upregulation <strong>of</strong> β1-Adrenoreceptor Gene<br />

Expression and Myocardial Contractile Reserve following Cardiac Resynchronization<br />

Therapy. Oral presentation, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in<br />

Chicago, IL,USA, November 2006.<br />

9. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Delrue L, De Bruyne B, Geelen P, Goethals M, Verstreken S,<br />

Vanderheyden M. Early and Late Effects <strong>of</strong> Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy upon<br />

Force-Frequency Relation and Calcium Regulatory Gene Expression in Heart Failure<br />

Patients. Oral presentation, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago<br />

IL, USA, November 2006. Second prize in Samuel A. Levine Clinical Young<br />

Investigator Award competition.<br />

10. Abrahams Z, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Skouri HN, Hanna M, Taylor DO, Starling RC, Smedira<br />

NG, Gonzalez-Stawinski GV. Outcomes <strong>of</strong> Heart Transplant Patients by UNOS<br />

Status. Poster presentation, Cleveland Clinic Transplant Research Days, Cleveland,<br />

Ohio, USA, May 2007.<br />


11. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Nitroprusside in Advanced Low-Output Heart Failure. Oral presentation,<br />

Cleveland Clinic Advanced Fellows Research Competition, Heart Center Grand<br />

Round, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May 2007. Winner <strong>of</strong> First Prize.<br />

12. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri HN, Shrestha K, Starling RC, Taylor DO, Tang WH.<br />

Importance <strong>of</strong> Invasive Hemodynamics Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients. Poster<br />

presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Berlin,<br />

Germany, June 2007.<br />

13. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Bartunek J, Herbots L, Willems R, De Bruyne B Goethals M, Geelen P,<br />

Verstreken S, Vanderheyden M. Early and Late Effects <strong>of</strong> Cardiac Resynchronization<br />

Therapy upon Force-Frequency Relation and Contractility Regulating Genes in Heart<br />

Failure Patients. Poster presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Berlin, Germany, June 2007.<br />

14. Abrahams Z, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Skouri HN, Hanna M, Taylor DO, Starling RC, Smedira<br />

NG, Gonzalez-Stawinski GV. Outcomes <strong>of</strong> Patients Bridged To Heart<br />

Transplantation with Ventricular Assist Devices. Oral presentation, 13th World<br />

Congress on Heart Disease, The International Academy <strong>of</strong> Cardiology Annual<br />

Scientific Sessions 2007, Vancouver, Canada, July 2007.<br />

15. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri HN, Shrestha K, Starling RC, Taylor DO, Tang WH.<br />

Predictors <strong>of</strong> hospitalization and death in ambulatory advanced heart failure patients.<br />

Oral presentation, European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology Congress, Vienna, Austria,<br />

September 2007.<br />

16. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Skouri HN, Abrahams Z, Shrestha K, Starling RC, Taylor DO, Tang WH.<br />

Elevated filling pressures remain important predictors for mortality in patients with<br />

advanced heart failure in the contemporary era. Poster presentation, European Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cardiology Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2007.<br />


17. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Vanderheyden M, Delrue L, Goethals M, De Bruyne B, Wijns W, Geelen<br />

P, Verstreken S, Wellens F, Bartunek J. Myocardial Gene Expression in Heart Failure<br />

Patients treated with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Responders versus Nonresponders.<br />

Oral presentation, European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology Congress, Vienna,<br />

Austria, September 2007.<br />

18. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Elevated Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: Pilot<br />

Observations? Poster presentation, 11 Th annual scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> America, Washington, DC, USA, September 2007.<br />

19. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Skouri H, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Francis G, Tang<br />

W. Nitroprusside in Advanced Low-Output Heart Failure. Poster presentation, 11 Th<br />

annual scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Society <strong>of</strong> America, Washington, DC, USA,<br />

September 2007.<br />

20. Skouri H, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Taylor D, Starling R, Francis G, Tang W.<br />

Prognostic Value <strong>of</strong> Pulmonary Arterial Capacitance in Advanced Heart Failure. .<br />

Poster presentation, 11 Th annual scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Society <strong>of</strong><br />

America, Washington, DC, USA, September 2007.<br />

21. <strong>Mullens</strong> W. Case presentation. Heart Failure Summit, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,<br />

Ohio, USA, October 2007.<br />

22. Skouri H, Abrahams Z, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Taylor D, Minai O. Pulmonary vascular<br />

capacitance is a strong predictor <strong>of</strong> mortality in patients with idiopathic and<br />

scleroderma-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension. Poster presentation, CHEST<br />

2007 meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, October 2007.<br />

23. <strong>Mullens</strong> W. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Reverses the Blunted Force-<br />

Frequency Response and Molecular Portrait <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Patients. Oral<br />

presentation, Belgian Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium,<br />

February 2008, selected for Young Investigator Award competition.<br />


24. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Tong W, Skouri H, Abrahams Z, Taylor D, Starling R, Tang W. Impact <strong>of</strong><br />

impaired pulmonary arterial capacitance on the incidence <strong>of</strong> renal insufficiency in<br />

advanced heart failure. Poster presentation, American College <strong>of</strong> Cardiology 57th<br />

Annual Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, USA, March 2008.<br />

25. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Kelly L, Verga T, Abrahams Z, Tang W. Feasibility and Validation <strong>of</strong><br />

Clinical Status with Internet-Based Remote Intrathoracic Impedance Monitoring in<br />

Patients with Heart Failure. Poster presentation, American College <strong>of</strong> Cardiology 57th<br />

Annual Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, USA, March 2008.<br />

26. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Grimm R. Optimal Use <strong>of</strong> Echocardiography for Selection and<br />

Management <strong>of</strong> Patients with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Invited oral<br />

presentation, American College <strong>of</strong> Cardiology 57th Annual Scientific Session,<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, March 2008.<br />

27. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Hobbs R. Hemodynamic Assessment in Heart Failure. Invited oral<br />

presentation, American College <strong>of</strong> Cardiology 57th Annual Scientific Session,<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, March 2008.<br />

28. Kelly L, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Ching M, Verga T, Starling R, Tang W, Wilk<strong>of</strong>f B. Integrating<br />

Heart Failure Device Diagnostics in Routine Remote Device Interrogation Follow-Up:<br />

A Case Study. Oral presentation, Heart Rhythm 2008, San Francisco, California, USA,<br />

May 2008.<br />

29. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Grimm R, Thomas J, Tang W. Presence <strong>of</strong> Intra-<br />

Ventricular Mechanical Dyssynchrony is Associated with Hemodynamic Responses to<br />

Intensive Medical Therapy in Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure. Poster<br />

presentation, Heart Rhythm 2008, San Francisco, California, USA, May 2008.<br />

30. Borowski A, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Curtin R, Tang W, Thomas J. Right Ventricular 2D Strain in<br />

Subjects with Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure: A TARVA Sub-Study. Poster<br />

presentation, American Society <strong>of</strong> Echocardiography, Scientific Sessions 2008,<br />

Toronto, Canada, June 2008.<br />


31. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Sokos G, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Tang<br />

W. Importance <strong>of</strong> Venous Congestion for Worsening <strong>of</strong> Renal Function in Advanced<br />

Decompensated Heart Failure. Poster presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the<br />

European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Milan, Italy, June 2008.<br />

32. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Thomas J, Tang W. Limited value <strong>of</strong> Tissue<br />

Doppler Imaging in the Estimation <strong>of</strong> Left Ventricular Filling Pressure in Advanced<br />

Decompensated Heart Failure. Oral presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the<br />

European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Milan, Italy, June 2008.<br />

33. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Sokos G, Francis G, Starling R, Young J, Taylor D, Tang<br />

W. Gender Differences in Patients Admitted with Advanced Decompensated Heart<br />

Failure. Poster presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong><br />

Cardiology, Milan, Italy, June 2008.<br />

34. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Taylor D, Starling R, Tang W. Prompt Reduction<br />

in Intra-Abdominal Pressure Following Large-Volume Mechanical Fluid Removal<br />

Improves Renal Insufficiency in Refractory Decompensated Heart Failure. Poster<br />

presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology, Milan,<br />

Italy, June 2008.<br />

35. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Kelly L, Verga T, Abrahams Z, Tang W. Cost-effectiveness <strong>of</strong> remote<br />

monitoring <strong>of</strong> intra-thoracic impedance as part <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure disease management.<br />

Poster presentation, Heart Failure Congress <strong>of</strong> the European Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology,<br />

Milan, Italy, June 2008.<br />

36. Tang W, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Shresta K, Stanley L, Hazen M. Do Elevated ST2<br />

Levels Alter with Hemodynamic Improvement in Advanced Decompensated Heart<br />

Failure? Poster presentation, 12 Th annual scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Society <strong>of</strong><br />

America, Toronto ON, Canada, September 2008.<br />

37. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Curtin R, Grimm R, Thomas J, Tang W. Mechanical<br />

Dyssynchrony in Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure: Relation to Hemodynamic<br />


Responses to Intensive Medical Therapy. Poster presentation, 12 Th annual scientific<br />

meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Society <strong>of</strong> America, Toronto ON, Canada, September 2008.<br />

38. Sokos G, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Starling R, Taylor D, Tang W. Admission Glucose Did Not<br />

Predict Long-Term Outcomes in Patients Admitted with Advanced Decompensated<br />

Heart Failure. Poster presentation, 12 Th annual scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> America, Toronto ON, Canada, September 2008.<br />

39. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Abrahams Z, Francis G, Sokos G, Taylor D, Starling R, Young J, Tang<br />

W. Isosorbide Dinitrate and Hydralazine as Add-On Therapy in Patients Admitted<br />

with Advanced Decompensated Heart Failure. Poster presentation, 12 Th annual<br />

scientific meeting <strong>of</strong> Heart Failure Society <strong>of</strong> America, Toronto ON, Canada,<br />

September 2008.<br />

40. Tang WH, Shrestha K, <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Borowski A, Troughton RW, Klein AL.<br />

Differential impact <strong>of</strong> left ventricular remodeling on septal and lateral E/Ea ratio in<br />

predicting diastolic staging in chronic systolic heart failure. Oral presentation,<br />

American Heart Association, Annual Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, La,<br />

November 2008.<br />

41. Dupont M, De Potter T, Ector J, <strong>Mullens</strong> W. Ventricular tachycardia with alternating<br />

QRS morphologies: a cse report. Oral presentation, 5 th Annual Congress <strong>of</strong> the<br />

European Cardiac Arrhytmia Society, Paris, France, March 2009.<br />

42. <strong>Mullens</strong> W, Kepa J, De Vusser P, Vercammen J, Rivero-Ayerza M, Wagner P, Dens J,<br />

Vrolix M, Vandervoort P, Tang W. Improving Long-Term Outcomes with Cardiac<br />

Resynchronization Therapy: Importance <strong>of</strong> Adjunctive Heart Failure Optimization<br />

Immediately After Implantation. Oral presentation. Belgian Society <strong>of</strong> Cardiology,<br />

Brussels, February 2011.<br />


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