Навчальна дисципліна: Іноземна (англійська) - Українська ...

Навчальна дисципліна: Іноземна (англійська) - Українська ...

Навчальна дисципліна: Іноземна (англійська) - Українська ...


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Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Вища медична освіта в Україні<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Вища медична освіта в Україні”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Construction “there be”<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-al, -ic, -ful).<br />

Граматика: Construction “there be”.<br />

Текст: “Medical Education in Ukraine”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці there be;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd,<br />

ld.; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-al, -ic, -ful).;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння сonstruction<br />

“there be”.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

care ['kFq] турбота, піклування<br />

graduation from ["grxdju'eISn] закінчення<br />

scholarship ["skOlqSIp] стипендія<br />

pharmacist ['fa:mqsIst] фармацевт<br />

advanced [qd'va:nst] встигаючий<br />

pharmaceutical [famq'sju:tIkql]<br />

фармацевтичній<br />

engage [In'geIG] займатися<br />

curriculum [kq'rIkjulqm] навчальний план<br />

defend [dI'fend] захищати<br />

thesis ['qI:sIs] дисертація<br />


syllabus ['sIlqbqs] програма<br />

degree [dIg'rI:] ступінь<br />

approve [q'pruv] затверджувати<br />

candidate of science ['kxndIdIt qv 'saIqns]<br />

кандидат наук<br />

include [In'klu:d] заключати<br />

training course ['treInIN 'kO:s] курс<br />

подготовки<br />

chemist's (shop) ['kemIst 'SOp] аптека<br />

intern ['Intq:n] интерн<br />

obtain [qb'teIn] набувати<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Affirmative Form)<br />

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple<br />

There is (Singular)<br />

There are (Plural)<br />

There was (Singular)<br />

There were (Plural)<br />

There will be (Singular, Plural)

Ex. 2. Read the following examples:<br />

There is a surgical department in this hospital.<br />

В этой больнице находится хирургическое отделение.<br />

There are some departments in the regional hospital.<br />

В областной больнице несколько отделений.<br />

There was a stomatological department at our University.<br />

В нашем университете был стоматологический факультет.<br />

There were some students at the lecture yesterday.<br />

Вчера на лекции было несколько студентов.<br />

There will be a new hospital in our city.<br />

В нашем городе будет новая больница.<br />

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. There are 320 patients in this clinic. 2. There were 17 faculties at Oxford University in 1967.<br />

3. There will be many friends in my party. 4. There were several practical classes at our Institute<br />

last week. 5. There is a nurse in the therapeutic department. 6. There was an old clinic in our<br />

city. 7. There are medical, stomatological, grounding and post-graduate education departments at<br />

the Medical Institute.<br />

Ex. 4. Put the following sentences into Past and Future Simple Tenses:<br />

1. There is a medical faculty at our Academy. 2. There are many clinical chairs at the University.<br />

3. There are many qualified teachers at our Medical Institute. 4. There are several outstanding<br />

scientists at our hospital. 5. There are many medical colleges in our country. 6. There is a very<br />

interesting museum in our village. 7. In this residential district there are a lot of parks.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. В нашей больнице несколько отделений. 2. В этом университете – две библиотеки. 3. В<br />

национальном университете около 25 факультетов. 4. В читальном зале было несколько<br />

студентов. 5. В районной поликлинике будет много пациентов. 6. Вчера в этом зале было<br />

собрание.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />


leg<br />

medicine<br />

dress<br />

research<br />

box<br />

remedy<br />

day<br />

life<br />

tooth<br />

foot<br />

atrium<br />

legs<br />

medicines<br />

dresses<br />

researches<br />

boxes<br />

remedies<br />

days<br />

lives<br />

teeth<br />

feet<br />

atria<br />

Ex. 6. Form plural from the following nouns:<br />

A. Subject, remedy, heart, parent, class, disease, chair, physician, skill, scientist, faculty, service,<br />

leaf, syllabus, pass, intern, nurse;<br />

B. sanatorium, woman, child, nucleus, alveolus, vertebra.<br />


Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 your own sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the words and word-combinations:<br />

Syllab_s; appr_ve; s_ience; gradua_ion; pharma_ist; en_age; curricu_um; d_gree; tr_ining;<br />

co_rse; in_lude; int_rn; obt_in; c_emist's shop.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Task; health; reason; personnel; important; Pharmaceutical Institutes; pharmacists; last;<br />

curriculum; syllabuses; approved; course; laboratory; practice; so-called; Chemistry; Anatomy;<br />

Biology; senior; Therapy; Surgery; Obstetrics; Gynaecology; acquire; sanitary epidemiological<br />

stations; chemist's shops; diagnosis; interns; certain period; advanced specialists; engage;<br />

research; defend; thesis; candidates of science.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into your native<br />

language:<br />

1. to become; he became interested in Therapy; She became pale; This method became a new<br />

one of treating.<br />

2. disease; to treat different diseases; to fight against diseases; disease of the lungs; the<br />

symptoms of the disease; the reaction of the body to the disease; a heart disease; a dangerous<br />

disease, a prolonged disease; The disease is the natural process.<br />

3. institution; medical institution; educational institution; state institutions.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text and translate it:<br />


The main task of medicine is the care about the people's health. For that reason the<br />

training of the medical personnel is very important.<br />

Medical and Pharmaceutical Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists. Doctors'<br />

training takes six years but stomatologists' or pharmacists' training lasts five years. The<br />

curriculum and syllabuses for these Institutes are approved by the Ministry of Public Health.<br />

The main administrative unit of medical Institute or University is the faculty. As a rule<br />

the Medical University or Institute may have one or more faculties (medical, stomatological and<br />

others), headed by the dean. He/She is responsible for administrative affairs of the faculty.<br />

The training course consists of lectures, practical classes, practical work in laboratories and<br />

medical practice at different medical institutions. During the first two years the students of the<br />

Medical Institutes have so-called pre-clinical training, which includes general subjects, as<br />

Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology and others. In the senior years they study clinical<br />

subjects, as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The senior students acquire practical skills, working at many hospitals, polyclinics,<br />

sanitary epidemiological stations, and chemist's shops. They acquire such practical skills, as to<br />

examine patients, to make a diagnosis, to prescribe proper treatment, to fill in case histories. A<br />

lot of students participate in scientific societies; their dream is to become research workers in<br />

future.<br />

Having passed the state examinations, young doctors begin to work as interns during a<br />

certain period.<br />

After graduation from the Institute they work as different specialists at the medical<br />

institutions.<br />

The most advanced specialists are engaged in research. They defend theses and obtain<br />

degrees of candidates of science (medicine).<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Затверджувати; турбота, піклування; курс підготовки; тривати; включати, заключати;<br />

хімія; акушерство; хірургія; кандидат наук; інтерн; аптека.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the text with the words in the box:<br />

The main task of medicine _ the care about the people's health. Medical Institutes _ future<br />

doctors. Doctors' _ takes six years. The curriculum and _ for these Institutes are approved by the<br />

Ministry of Public Health.<br />

The training course _ lectures, practical work in laboratories and medical practice at different<br />

medical institutions. The medical students _ Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Therapy,<br />

Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The students acquire such practical skills as to _ patients, to make a diagnosis, to _ proper<br />

treatment, and to fill in _ .<br />

Having passed the state examinations, young doctors _ to work as interns during a certain<br />

period.<br />

syllabuses; prescribe; examine; training; case histories; is; senior; begin; consists of; learn; train.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists? 3.<br />

How long does the doctors' training take? 4. What does the training course consist of? 5. What<br />

kind of training do the students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study<br />

during this period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do<br />

young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research?<br />

Ex. 15. Translate into English the following sentences:<br />

1. Я – студент медицинской академии. 2. Курс подготовки длится шесть лет. 3. В течение<br />

этого времени мы должны получить знания по многим медицинским предметам, включая<br />

анатомию, физиологию, медицинскую биологию, патологическую физиологию, терапию,<br />

хирургию, гинекологию и др. 4. Работая в больницах, студенты-медики учатся<br />

осматривать больных, ставить диагноз, назначать лечение и заполнять истории болезни<br />

пациентов.<br />

Ex. 16. Complete the following answers:<br />

1. Where do you study? I study at _ .<br />

2. How long does your training take? My training _ .<br />

3. What subjects do you learn during the first two years? I learn _ .<br />

4. What subjects do the senior medical students learn? They learn _ .<br />

5. What practical skills will you acquire being the senior student? I'll acquire _ .<br />

Ex. 17. Ask and answer the similar questions each other.<br />

Ex. 18. Skim through the text "Medical Education in Ukraine" and find sentences<br />

expressing its main idea.<br />

Ex. 19. Make up a plan of the text "Medical Education in Ukraine".<br />

Ex. 20. Tell the group about medical education in Ukraine keeping the following<br />

consistency:<br />

The main task of medicine; the training of medical personnel; medical and pharmaceutical<br />

Institutes; the course of training; pre-clinical and clinical training; practical skills; research work.

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми “Medical Education in Ukraine”.<br />

Medical and Pharmaceutical Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists. Doctors'<br />

training takes six years but stomatologists' or pharmacists' training lasts five years. The training<br />

course consists of lectures, practical work in laboratories, and medical practice at different<br />

medical institutions. During the first two years the students of the Medical Institutes have general<br />

subjects, as Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology and others. In the senior years they study<br />

clinical subjects, as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The senior students acquire practical skills, working at many hospitals and polyclinics.<br />

Having passed all credit tests, young doctors begin to work as interns during a certain period.<br />

After graduation from the Institute they work as different specialists at the medical institutions.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about medical education in Ukraine<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists? 3.<br />

How long does the doctors' training take? 4. What does the training course consist of? 5. What<br />

kind of training do the students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study<br />

during this period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do<br />

young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

The main task of medicine _ the care about the people's health. Medical Institutes _ future<br />

doctors. Doctors' _ takes six years. The curriculum and _ for these Institutes are approved by the<br />

Ministry of Public Health.<br />

The training course _ lectures, practical work in laboratories and medical practice at different<br />

medical institutions. The medical students _ Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Therapy,<br />

Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The students acquire such practical skills as to _ patients, to make a diagnosis, to _ proper<br />

treatment, and to fill in _ .<br />

Having passed the state examinations, young doctors _ to work as interns during a certain period.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Вища медична освіта в Україні<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Вища медична освіта в Україні.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом construction to be, nouns<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

care ['kFq] турбота, піклування<br />

graduation from ["grxdju'eISn] закінчення<br />

scholarship ["skOlqSIp] стипендія<br />

pharmacist ['fa:mqsIst] фармацевт<br />

advanced [qd'va:nst] встигаючий<br />

pharmaceutical [famq'sju:tIkql]<br />

фармацевтичній<br />

engage [In'geIG] займатися<br />

curriculum [kq'rIkjulqm] навчальний план<br />

defend [dI'fend] захищати<br />

thesis ['qI:sIs] дисертація<br />

syllabus ['sIlqbqs] програма<br />

degree [dIg'rI:] ступінь<br />

approve [q'pruv] затверджувати<br />

candidate of science ['kxndIdIt qv 'saIqns]<br />

кандидат наук<br />

include [In'klu:d] заключати<br />

training course ['treInIN 'kO:s] курс<br />

подготовки<br />

chemist's (shop) ['kemIst 'SOp] аптека<br />

intern ['Intq:n] интерн<br />

obtain [qb'teIn] набувати<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What are the forms of the verb to be?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with the construction there be.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. There are 320 patients in this clinic. 2. There were 17 faculties at Oxford University in 1967.<br />

3. There will be many friends in my party. 4. There were several practical classes at our Institute<br />

last week. 5. There is a nurse in the therapeutic department. 6. There was an old clinic in our

city. 7. There are medical, stomatological, grounding and post-graduate education departments at<br />

the Medical Institute.<br />

Put the following sentences into Past and Future Simple Tenses:<br />

1. There is a medical faculty at our Academy. 2. There are many clinical chairs at the University.<br />

3. There are many qualified teachers at our Medical Institute. 4. There are several outstanding<br />

scientists at our hospital. 5. There are many medical colleges in our country. 6. There is a very<br />

interesting museum in our village. 7. In this residential district there are a lot of parks.<br />

Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. В нашей больнице несколько отделений. 2. В этом университете – две библиотеки. 3. В<br />

национальном университете около 25 факультетов. 4. В читальном зале было несколько<br />

студентов. 5. В районной поликлинике будет много пациентов. 6. Вчера в этом зале было<br />

собрание.<br />

Form plural from the following nouns:<br />

A. Subject, remedy, heart, parent, class, disease, chair, physician, skill, scientist, faculty, service,<br />

leaf, syllabus, pass, intern, nurse;<br />

B. sanatorium, woman, child, nucleus, alveolus, vertebra.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld (впр. 6, с. 90), Vocabulary.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-al, -ic, -ful), впр. 1-2, с. 57 (Юдіна,<br />

Потяженко)<br />


Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 your own sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the words and word-combinations:<br />

Syllab_s; appr_ve; s_ience; gradua_ion; pharma_ist; en_age; curricu_um; d_gree; tr_ining;<br />

co_rse; in_lude; int_rn; obt_in; c_emist's shop.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Task; health; reason; personnel; important; Pharmaceutical Institutes; pharmacists; last;<br />

curriculum; syllabuses; approved; course; laboratory; practice; so-called; Chemistry; Anatomy;<br />

Biology; senior; Therapy; Surgery; Obstetrics; Gynaecology; acquire; sanitary epidemiological<br />

stations; chemist's shops; diagnosis; interns; certain period; advanced specialists; engage;<br />

research; defend; thesis; candidates of science.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into your native<br />

language:<br />

1. to become; he became interested in Therapy; She became pale; This method became a new<br />

one of treating.<br />

2. disease; to treat different diseases; to fight against diseases; disease of the lungs; the<br />

symptoms of the disease; the reaction of the body to the disease; a heart disease; a dangerous<br />

disease, a prolonged disease; The disease is the natural process.<br />

3. institution; medical institution; educational institution; state institutions.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text and translate it:<br />


The main task of medicine is the care about the people's health. For that reason the<br />

training of the medical personnel is very important.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists. Doctors'<br />

training takes six years but stomatologists' or pharmacists' training lasts five years. The<br />

curriculum and syllabuses for these Institutes are approved by the Ministry of Public Health.<br />

The main administrative unit of medical Institute or University is the faculty. As a rule<br />

the Medical University or Institute may have one or more faculties (medical, stomatological and<br />

others), headed by the dean. He/She is responsible for administrative affairs of the faculty.<br />

The training course consists of lectures, practical classes, practical work in laboratories and<br />

medical practice at different medical institutions. During the first two years the students of the<br />

Medical Institutes have so-called pre-clinical training, which includes general subjects, as<br />

Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology and others. In the senior years they study clinical<br />

subjects, as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The senior students acquire practical skills, working at many hospitals, polyclinics,<br />

sanitary epidemiological stations, and chemist's shops. They acquire such practical skills, as to<br />

examine patients, to make a diagnosis, to prescribe proper treatment, to fill in case histories. A<br />

lot of students participate in scientific societies; their dream is to become research workers in<br />

future.<br />

Having passed the state examinations, young doctors begin to work as interns during a<br />

certain period.<br />

After graduation from the Institute they work as different specialists at the medical<br />

institutions.<br />

The most advanced specialists are engaged in research. They defend theses and obtain<br />

degrees of candidates of science (medicine).<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Затверджувати; турбота, піклування; курс підготовки; тривати; включати, заключати;<br />

хімія; акушерство; хірургія; кандидат наук; інтерн; аптека.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the text with the words in the box:<br />

The main task of medicine _ the care about the people's health. Medical Institutes _ future<br />

doctors. Doctors' _ takes six years. The curriculum and _ for these Institutes are approved by the<br />

Ministry of Public Health.<br />

The training course _ lectures, practical work in laboratories and medical practice at different<br />

medical institutions. The medical students _ Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Therapy,<br />

Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.<br />

The students acquire such practical skills as to _ patients, to make a diagnosis, to _ proper<br />

treatment, and to fill in _ .<br />

Having passed the state examinations, young doctors _ to work as interns during a certain<br />

period.<br />

syllabuses; prescribe; examine; training; case histories; is; senior; begin; consists of; learn; train.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists? 3.<br />

How long does the doctors' training take? 4. What does the training course consist of? 5. What<br />

kind of training do the students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study<br />

during this period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do<br />

young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research?<br />

Ex. 15. Translate into English the following sentences:<br />

1. Я – студент медицинской академии. 2. Курс подготовки длится шесть лет. 3. В течение<br />

этого времени мы должны получить знания по многим медицинским предметам, включая<br />

анатомию, физиологию, медицинскую биологию, патологическую физиологию, терапию,<br />

хирургию, гинекологию и др. 4. Работая в больницах, студенты-медики учатся<br />

осматривать больных, ставить диагноз, назначать лечение и заполнять истории болезни<br />


Ex. 16. Complete the following answers:<br />

1. Where do you study? I study at _ .<br />

2. How long does your training take? My training _ .<br />

3. What subjects do you learn during the first two years? I learn _ .<br />

4. What subjects do the senior medical students learn? They learn _ .<br />

5. What practical skills will you acquire being the senior student? I'll acquire _ .<br />

Ex. 17. Ask and answer the similar questions each other.<br />

Ex. 18. Skim through the text "Medical Education in Ukraine" and find sentences<br />

expressing its main idea.<br />

Ex. 19. Make up a plan of the text "Medical Education in Ukraine".<br />

Ex. 20. Tell the group about medical education in Ukraine keeping the following<br />

consistency:<br />

The main task of medicine; the training of medical personnel; medical and pharmaceutical<br />

Institutes; the course of training; pre-clinical and clinical training; practical skills; research work.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists? 3.<br />

How long does the doctors' training take? 4. What does the training course consist of? 5. What<br />

kind of training do the students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study<br />

during this period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do<br />

young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Complete the following answers:<br />

1. Where do you study? I study at _ .<br />

2. How long does your training take? My training _ .<br />

3. What subjects do you learn during the first two years? I learn _ .<br />

4. What subjects do the senior medical students learn? They learn _ .<br />

5. What practical skills will you acquire being the senior student? I'll acquire _ .<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання b, c, e.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповішій суфікс ar<br />

Граматика: Participle I<br />

Текст: “Body Regions”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Participle I<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання b, c,<br />

e; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів ar;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Participle I.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Participle I<br />

Form) (І.<br />

Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

cranial ['kreInjql] черепной<br />

cheek [CI:k] щока<br />

cheekbone ['CI:kbqun] вилиця<br />

eyebrow ['aIbrau] брова<br />

forehead ['fOrId] лоб<br />

temple [templ] скроня<br />

division [dI'vIZqn] поділ, розподіл<br />

girdle [gWdl] пояс<br />

pectoral ['pektqrql] грудний<br />

pelvic ['pelvIk] тазовий<br />

pelvis [pelvIs] таз<br />

refer [rI'fW] належати<br />

respective [rIs'pektIv] відповідний<br />

inferior [In'fIqrIq] нижній<br />

superficial ["sjupq'fISql] зовнішній<br />

quadrant ['kwOdrqnt] квадрант, чверть кола<br />

approach [q'prquC] підхід<br />

underlying [,Andq'laIIN] лежачий,<br />

розташований<br />

stomach ['stAmqk] шлунок<br />

spleen [splI:n] селезінка<br />

pancreas ['pxNkrIqs] підшлункова залоза<br />

gallbladder ['gO:l"blxdq] жовчний міхур<br />

gullet ['gAlIt] стравохід<br />



c + e, i, y [s] acid<br />

city<br />

c<br />

(in other cases)<br />

[k]<br />

cup<br />

cycle<br />

g + e, i, y [G] large<br />

kidney ['kIdnI] нирка<br />

urinary bladder ['jurInqrI 'blxdq] сечовий<br />

міхур<br />

intestine [In'testIn] кишечник<br />

liver ['lIvq] печінка<br />

tumor ['tjumq] неоплазма, новоутворення;<br />

пухлина<br />

limb [lim] кінцівка<br />

arm [Rm] плече (частина верхньої<br />

кінцівки); рука<br />

forearm ['fLrRm] передпліччя<br />

wrist [rIst] зап'ясток<br />

hand [hxnd] кисть<br />

shoulder ['Squldq] плечовий суглоб<br />

elbow ['elbqu] лікоть<br />

thigh [TQI] стегно (частина нижньої<br />

кінцівки)<br />

leg [leg] гомілка; нога<br />

ankle [xNkl] кісточка, щиколотка<br />

hip [hIp] стегно<br />

trunk [trANk] тулуб<br />

chest (thorax) [Cest ('TLrxks)] грудна клітина<br />

neck [nek] шия

g<br />

(in other cases)<br />

[g]<br />

but:<br />

get, give, begin [g]<br />

big<br />

green<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Connective; increase; care; medical; clinic; education; doctor; cancer; come; place; certain;<br />

medicine; go; get; give; drug; negative; dosage; gel.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Noun:<br />

-ure (denotes condition or phenomena)<br />

pressure – тиск<br />


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Procedure; acupuncture; literature; structure; temperature; suture; mixture; signature.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Enter the Past Participle (V 3 ) of the following verbs:<br />

be<br />

know<br />

begin<br />

lead<br />

bring<br />

let<br />

choose<br />

lose<br />

come<br />

make<br />

do<br />

tell<br />

find<br />

put<br />

feel<br />

read<br />

get<br />

speak<br />

give<br />

spend<br />

go<br />

take<br />

have<br />

think<br />

hold<br />

write<br />

Ex. 5. Distinguish carefully the correct pronunciation of the following regular verbs:<br />

[d] [t] [Id]<br />

called<br />

defined<br />

received<br />

organized<br />

observed<br />

developed<br />

discussed<br />

noticed<br />

produced<br />

depressed<br />

situated<br />

divided<br />

separated<br />

surrounded<br />

bounded<br />

Ex. 6. Read the following grammar material:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

In passive sentences, we are more interested in the object of the active sentence. This is<br />

because who did the thing isn’t important at the moment, or because we don’t know who did it.<br />

“New method is used by this scientists”. ” is used” is passive. Compare Active and Passive<br />

Voices in the following sentences:<br />

Voice Subject Predicate Object<br />

Active Voice The scientist uses new method.

Passive Voice New method is used by the scientist.<br />

Ex. 7. Memorize the data of following table:<br />


to be + V 3<br />

TENSE<br />



Present<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

V 3<br />

SIMPLE<br />

Past<br />

Future<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you, they<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall be<br />

will be V 3<br />

MODEL:<br />

The human body is divided into several parts. (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

The operation was performed on yesterday. (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

The disease will be cured. (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. The academic year is divided into two terms. 2. Many patients are examined by the physician<br />

every day. 3. The operation was performed on under general anesthesia. 4. The head is divided<br />

into the cranial and the facial parts. 5. Your lungs will be X-rayed. 6. The head and the trunk are<br />

connected by the neck. 7. The upper part of the trunk is called the chest. 8. The heart, lungs, and<br />

gullet are located in the chest. 9. These operations will be performed on by this surgeon. 10. The<br />

lecture in Anatomy is delivered on Monday. 11. Many experiments were carried out by our<br />

students. 12. The skeleton is composed of bones. 13. The upper limb is divided into some parts.<br />

14. The major organs are located in the trunk, such as: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver,<br />

the spleen, the large and small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder. 15. Future<br />

doctors will be trained to be world-class experts.<br />

Ex. 9. Turn the following sentences into the Past and Future Simple Tenses:<br />

1. Doctor's prescriptions are fulfilled by this patient. 2. The patient is admitted to the hospital. 3.<br />

Different medical procedures are included into physical examination. 4. This patient is directed<br />

to make blood analysis. 5. They are treated free of charge. 6. This textbook is composed for<br />

practical classes in Therapy. 7. These experiments are carried out by the members of our<br />

scientific society. 8. This hospital is equipped with new devices. 9. Some new methods of<br />

treatment are published in this journal. 10. Medical instruments are demonstrated for us. 11. This<br />

book is written by some well-known scientists.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Кров'яний тиск цього пацієнта був визначений лікарем. 2. Його здоров'я було<br />

відновлене після належного лікування. 3. Забарвлення легенів змінюється з віком. 4. Нові<br />

наукові дослідження в галузі будови тканин будуть проводитися у наступному місяці. 5.<br />

Необхідний захист мозку забеспечується лицьовими кістками. 6. Нижня частина тулуба<br />

має назву черевна порожнина. 7. Шлунок, печінка, селезінка, товстий та тонкий<br />

кишечники, нирки, жовчний міхур, сечовий міхур знаходяться у черевній порожнині. 8.<br />

V 3

Основна частина грудної клітки сформована ребрами. 9. Цей медичний інститут був<br />

заснований видатним вченим.<br />

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following phrases:<br />

New method<br />

is used …<br />

is experimented …<br />

This treatment<br />

is proposed …<br />

is suggested …<br />

This problem<br />

is investigated …<br />

is discussed …<br />

Ex. 12. Find in the text "Body Regions" the sentences with predicates in Simple Tenses,<br />

Passive Voice and translate them into your native language.<br />


Ex. 13. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 14. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing letters:<br />

T_mor; tr_nk; _nkle; superf_cial; abdom_n; el_ow; gir_le; _rist; lim_; divi_ion; refe_; pelvi_;<br />

t_orax; he_rt; l_ver; st_mach; kidn_y; l_ng; _ntestine; sple_n.<br />

Ex. 16. Read the following words:<br />

Pelvic; thigh; forearm; shoulder; girdle; approach; limb; thorax; superficial; chest; trunk; wrist;<br />

division; elbow; abdomen; stomach; intestine; knee.<br />

Ex. 17. Translate the following words into your native language:<br />

Pelvic; thorax; wrist; elbow; hip; shoulder; leg; knee; superficial; limb; forearm; girdle;<br />

quadrant; pectoral; ankle; lower; associated; clinician.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following text:<br />


The body is commonly divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs.<br />

The head is divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The facial bones form the structure<br />

of the face. The forehead, the temples, eyes, eyebrows, the cheeks, the cheekbones, nose, oral<br />

cavity and chin compose the face.<br />

The upper limb (or extremity) is divided into the arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. The arm<br />

extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist. The<br />

upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder, or pectoral girdle (the bony structure by<br />

which the limbs are attached to the body). The lower limb is divided into the thigh, leg, ankle,<br />

and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the leg extends from the knee to the<br />

ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or pelvic girdle. Note that the terms arm<br />

and leg, contrary to popular usage, refer only to a portion of the respective limb.<br />

The trunk can be divided into the thorax (chest), abdomen (region between the thorax and<br />

pelvis), and pelvis (the inferior end of the trunk, associated with the hips). The major organs are<br />

located in the trunk, such as: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and<br />

small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.<br />

The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants. They include the upper<br />

right, upper left, lower right, and lower left quadrants. The four-quadrant approach is commonly

used by clinicians to describe the location of underlying organs or of a clinical problem such as<br />

pain or a tumor.<br />

Ex. 19. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Поділ, розподіл; лицьова частина; тулуб; черевна порожнина; пояс; передпліччя; коліно;<br />

гомілка; належати; тазовий; зап'ясток; нижня кінцівка; плече; лежачий, розташований;<br />

серце; печінка; селезінка; кишечник; сечовий міхур; легені; відповідний.<br />

Ex. 20. Translate the text "Body Regions" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 21. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ is divided into several regions. 2. The upper limb is divided into the arm, _, wrist, and<br />

hand. 3. The upper limb is attached to the body by the _. 4. The lower limb is divided into the _,<br />

leg, _, and foot. 5. The lower limb is attached to the body by the _ . 6. The _ can be divided into<br />

the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. 7. The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four _. 8.<br />

The four-quadrant _ is commonly used by clinicians to describe the location of underlying _ or<br />

of a clinical problem such as pain or a tumor.<br />

Ex. 22. What is it:<br />

Arm.<br />

Forearm.<br />

Leg.<br />

Thorax.<br />

Abdomen.<br />

Pelvis.<br />

Thigh.<br />

Ex. 23. Answer the questions:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Ex. 24. Organize the information of the text in table:<br />

Upper limb:<br />

Head:<br />

Lower limb:<br />

Trunk:<br />

Ex. 25. Retell the text "Body Regions".<br />

Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following words with their translation and compose your own sentences:<br />

sternal ['stWnql] грудинний, що належить antebrachial ["xntI'breIkIql] такий, що належить<br />

до грудини<br />

до передпліччя<br />

brachial ['breIkIql] плечовий<br />

cephalic [sI'fxlIk] головний

femoral ['femqrql] стегновий<br />

axillary ['xksIlqrI] пахвинний<br />

genital ['GenItql] статевий, що належить до<br />

статевих органів<br />

pubic ['pjHbIk] лобковый<br />

acrominal [q'kroumInql] акроміальний,<br />

належащий до латеральної кінцівкі<br />

лопатки<br />

cubital ['kjHbItl] ліктьовий<br />

cervical ['sWvIkql] шийний<br />

carpal ['kRpql] кистьовий, зап'ястний<br />

manual ['mxnjuql] ручний<br />

digital ['dIGItql] пальцевий<br />

geniculate [GI'nIkjulIt] колінний<br />

crural ['krurql] що належить до гомілки<br />

tarsal ['tRsql] заплесновий<br />

pedal ['pedl] ножний, що належить до стопи<br />

Ex. 28. Say all known body regions and structures.<br />

Ex. 29. Cover the left and right sides of the figure 1-11 and write the necessary terms.<br />

Ex. 30. Add the missing words:<br />


mouth<br />

armpit<br />

neck<br />

abdomen<br />

hip<br />

shoulder<br />

thigh<br />

leg<br />

arm<br />


oral<br />

Ex. 31. Complete the following dialogue:<br />

- What regions is human body divided into?<br />

- Human body _ .<br />

- What is the upper limb divided into?<br />

- The upper limb is divided into _ .<br />

- What is the lower limb divided into?<br />

- The lower limb _.<br />

- What does the trunk consist of?<br />

- The trunk consists of _ .<br />

Ex. 32. Reproduce the similar dialogue.<br />

Ex. 33. Insert the missing words (be, see, talk, walk) and learn the following rhyme by<br />

heart:<br />

Without your tongue you cannot _,<br />

Without your feet you cannot _,<br />

Without your eyes you cannot _,<br />

Without your heart you cannot _.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The body is divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs. The head is<br />

divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The upper limb is divided into the arm, forearm,<br />

wrist, and hand. The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from<br />

the elbow to the wrist. The upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder. The lower limb is<br />

divided into the thigh, leg, ankle, and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the

leg extends from the knee to the ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or<br />

pelvic girdle. The trunk is divided into chest, abdomen and pelvis. The principal organs of the<br />

trunk are: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestine, the<br />

kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the body regions.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

cranial ['kreInjql] черепной<br />

cheek [CI:k] щока<br />

cheekbone ['CI:kbqun] вилиця<br />

eyebrow ['aIbrau] брова<br />

forehead ['fOrId] лоб<br />

temple [templ] скроня<br />

division [dI'vIZqn] поділ, розподіл<br />

girdle [gWdl] пояс<br />

pectoral ['pektqrql] грудний<br />

pelvic ['pelvIk] тазовий<br />

pelvis [pelvIs] таз<br />

refer [rI'fW] належати<br />

respective [rIs'pektIv] відповідний<br />

inferior [In'fIqrIq] нижній<br />

superficial ["sjupq'fISql] зовнішній<br />

quadrant ['kwOdrqnt] квадрант, чверть кола<br />

approach [q'prquC] підхід<br />

underlying [,Andq'laIIN] лежачий,<br />

розташований<br />

kidney ['kIdnI] нирка<br />

urinary bladder ['jurInqrI 'blxdq] сечовий<br />

міхур<br />

intestine [In'testIn] кишечник<br />

liver ['lIvq] печінка<br />

tumor ['tjumq] неоплазма, новоутворення;<br />

пухлина<br />

limb [lim] кінцівка<br />

arm [Rm] плече (частина верхньої<br />

кінцівки); рука<br />

forearm ['fLrRm] передпліччя<br />

wrist [rIst] зап'ясток<br />

hand [hxnd] кисть<br />

shoulder ['Squldq] плечовий суглоб<br />

elbow ['elbqu] лікоть<br />

thigh [TQI] стегно (частина нижньої<br />

кінцівки)<br />

leg [leg] гомілка; нога<br />

ankle [xNkl] кісточка, щиколотка<br />

hip [hIp] стегно<br />

trunk [trANk] тулуб

stomach ['stAmqk] шлунок<br />

spleen [splI:n] селезінка<br />

pancreas ['pxNkrIqs] підшлункова залоза<br />

gallbladder ['gO:l"blxdq] жовчний міхур<br />

gullet ['gAlIt] стравохід<br />

chest (thorax) [Cest ('TLrxks)] грудна клітина<br />

neck [nek] шия<br />


c + e, i, y [s] acid<br />

city<br />

c<br />

(in other cases)<br />

[k]<br />

cup<br />

cycle<br />

g + e, i, y [G] large<br />

but:<br />

g<br />

(in other cases)<br />

[g]<br />

get, give, begin [g]<br />

big<br />

green<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Connective; increase; care; medical; clinic; education; doctor; cancer; come; place; certain;<br />

medicine; go; get; give; drug; negative; dosage; gel.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Noun:<br />

-ure (denotes condition or phenomena)<br />

pressure – тиск<br />


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Procedure; acupuncture; literature; structure; temperature; suture; mixture; signature.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Enter the Past Participle (V 3 ) of the following verbs:<br />

be<br />

know<br />

begin<br />

lead<br />

bring<br />

let<br />

choose<br />

lose<br />

come<br />

make<br />

do<br />

tell<br />

find<br />

put<br />

feel<br />

read<br />

get<br />

speak<br />

give<br />

spend<br />

go<br />

take<br />

have<br />

think<br />

hold<br />

write<br />

Ex. 5. Distinguish carefully the correct pronunciation of the following regular verbs:<br />

[d] [t] [Id]<br />

called developed situated

defined<br />

received<br />

organized<br />

observed<br />

discussed<br />

noticed<br />

produced<br />

depressed<br />

divided<br />

separated<br />

surrounded<br />

bounded<br />

Ex. 6. Read the following grammar material:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

In passive sentences, we are more interested in the object of the active sentence. This is<br />

because who did the thing isn’t important at the moment, or because we don’t know who did it.<br />

“New method is used by this scientists”. ” is used” is passive. Compare Active and Passive<br />

Voices in the following sentences:<br />

Voice Subject Predicate Object<br />

Active Voice The scientist uses new method.<br />

Passive Voice New method is used by the scientist.<br />

Ex. 7. Memorize the data of following table:<br />


to be + V 3<br />

TENSE<br />



Present<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

V 3<br />

SIMPLE<br />

Past<br />

Future<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you, they<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall be<br />

will be V 3<br />

MODEL:<br />

The human body is divided into several parts. (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

The operation was performed on yesterday. (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

The disease will be cured. (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. The academic year is divided into two terms. 2. Many patients are examined by the physician<br />

every day. 3. The operation was performed on under general anesthesia. 4. The head is divided<br />

into the cranial and the facial parts. 5. Your lungs will be X-rayed. 6. The head and the trunk are<br />

connected by the neck. 7. The upper part of the trunk is called the chest. 8. The heart, lungs, and<br />

gullet are located in the chest. 9. These operations will be performed on by this surgeon. 10. The<br />

lecture in Anatomy is delivered on Monday. 11. Many experiments were carried out by our<br />

students. 12. The skeleton is composed of bones. 13. The upper limb is divided into some parts.<br />

14. The major organs are located in the trunk, such as: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver,<br />

the spleen, the large and small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder. 15. Future<br />

doctors will be trained to be world-class experts.<br />

V 3

Ex. 9. Turn the following sentences into the Past and Future Simple Tenses:<br />

1. Doctor's prescriptions are fulfilled by this patient. 2. The patient is admitted to the hospital. 3.<br />

Different medical procedures are included into physical examination. 4. This patient is directed<br />

to make blood analysis. 5. They are treated free of charge. 6. This textbook is composed for<br />

practical classes in Therapy. 7. These experiments are carried out by the members of our<br />

scientific society. 8. This hospital is equipped with new devices. 9. Some new methods of<br />

treatment are published in this journal. 10. Medical instruments are demonstrated for us. 11. This<br />

book is written by some well-known scientists.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Кров'яний тиск цього пацієнта був визначений лікарем. 2. Його здоров'я було<br />

відновлене після належного лікування. 3. Забарвлення легенів змінюється з віком. 4. Нові<br />

наукові дослідження в галузі будови тканин будуть проводитися у наступному місяці. 5.<br />

Необхідний захист мозку забеспечується лицьовими кістками. 6. Нижня частина тулуба<br />

має назву черевна порожнина. 7. Шлунок, печінка, селезінка, товстий та тонкий<br />

кишечники, нирки, жовчний міхур, сечовий міхур знаходяться у черевній порожнині. 8.<br />

Основна частина грудної клітки сформована ребрами. 9. Цей медичний інститут був<br />

заснований видатним вченим.<br />

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following phrases:<br />

New method<br />

is used …<br />

is experimented …<br />

This treatment<br />

is proposed …<br />

is suggested …<br />

This problem<br />

is investigated …<br />

is discussed …<br />

Ex. 12. Find in the text "Body Regions" the sentences with predicates in Simple Tenses,<br />

Passive Voice and translate them into your native language.<br />


Ex. 13. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 14. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing letters:<br />

T_mor; tr_nk; _nkle; superf_cial; abdom_n; el_ow; gir_le; _rist; lim_; divi_ion; refe_; pelvi_;<br />

t_orax; he_rt; l_ver; st_mach; kidn_y; l_ng; _ntestine; sple_n.<br />

Ex. 16. Read the following words:<br />

Pelvic; thigh; forearm; shoulder; girdle; approach; limb; thorax; superficial; chest; trunk; wrist;<br />

division; elbow; abdomen; stomach; intestine; knee.<br />

Ex. 17. Translate the following words into your native language:<br />

Pelvic; thorax; wrist; elbow; hip; shoulder; leg; knee; superficial; limb; forearm; girdle;<br />

quadrant; pectoral; ankle; lower; associated; clinician.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following text:<br />


The body is commonly divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs.

The head is divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The facial bones form the structure<br />

of the face. The forehead, the temples, eyes, eyebrows, the cheeks, the cheekbones, nose, oral<br />

cavity and chin compose the face.<br />

The upper limb (or extremity) is divided into the arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. The arm<br />

extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist. The<br />

upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder, or pectoral girdle (the bony structure by<br />

which the limbs are attached to the body). The lower limb is divided into the thigh, leg, ankle,<br />

and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the leg extends from the knee to the<br />

ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or pelvic girdle. Note that the terms arm<br />

and leg, contrary to popular usage, refer only to a portion of the respective limb.<br />

The trunk can be divided into the thorax (chest), abdomen (region between the thorax and<br />

pelvis), and pelvis (the inferior end of the trunk, associated with the hips). The major organs are<br />

located in the trunk, such as: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and<br />

small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.<br />

The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants. They include the upper<br />

right, upper left, lower right, and lower left quadrants. The four-quadrant approach is commonly<br />

used by clinicians to describe the location of underlying organs or of a clinical problem such as<br />

pain or a tumor.<br />

Ex. 19. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Поділ, розподіл; лицьова частина; тулуб; черевна порожнина; пояс; передпліччя; коліно;<br />

гомілка; належати; тазовий; зап'ясток; нижня кінцівка; плече; лежачий, розташований;<br />

серце; печінка; селезінка; кишечник; сечовий міхур; легені; відповідний.<br />

Ex. 20. Translate the text "Body Regions" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 21. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ is divided into several regions. 2. The upper limb is divided into the arm, _, wrist, and<br />

hand. 3. The upper limb is attached to the body by the _. 4. The lower limb is divided into the _,<br />

leg, _, and foot. 5. The lower limb is attached to the body by the _ . 6. The _ can be divided into<br />

the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. 7. The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four _. 8.<br />

The four-quadrant _ is commonly used by clinicians to describe the location of underlying _ or<br />

of a clinical problem such as pain or a tumor.<br />

Ex. 22. What is it:<br />

Arm.<br />

Forearm.<br />

Leg.<br />

Thorax.<br />

Abdomen.<br />

Pelvis.<br />

Thigh.<br />

Ex. 23. Answer the questions:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Ex. 24. Organize the information of the text in table:<br />

Upper limb:<br />


Lower limb:<br />

Trunk:<br />

Ex. 25. Retell the text "Body Regions".<br />

Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following words with their translation and compose your own sentences:<br />

sternal ['stWnql] грудинний, що належить antebrachial ["xntI'breIkIql] такий, що належить<br />

до грудини<br />

до передпліччя<br />

brachial ['breIkIql] плечовий<br />

cephalic [sI'fxlIk] головний<br />

femoral ['femqrql] стегновий<br />

cervical ['sWvIkql] шийний<br />

axillary ['xksIlqrI] пахвинний<br />

carpal ['kRpql] кистьовий, зап'ястний<br />

genital ['GenItql] статевий, що належить до manual ['mxnjuql] ручний<br />

статевих органів<br />

digital ['dIGItql] пальцевий<br />

pubic ['pjHbIk] лобковый<br />

geniculate [GI'nIkjulIt] колінний<br />

acrominal [q'kroumInql] акроміальний, crural ['krurql] що належить до гомілки<br />

належащий до латеральної кінцівкі tarsal ['tRsql] заплесновий<br />

лопатки<br />

pedal ['pedl] ножний, що належить до стопи<br />

cubital ['kjHbItl] ліктьовий<br />

Ex. 28. Say all known body regions and structures.<br />

Ex. 29. Cover the left and right sides of the figure 1-11 and write the necessary terms.<br />

Ex. 30. Add the missing words:<br />


mouth<br />

armpit<br />

neck<br />

abdomen<br />

hip<br />

shoulder<br />

thigh<br />

leg<br />

arm<br />


oral<br />

Ex. 31. Complete the following dialogue:<br />

- What regions is human body divided into?<br />

- Human body _ .<br />

- What is the upper limb divided into?<br />

- The upper limb is divided into _ .<br />

- What is the lower limb divided into?<br />

- The lower limb _.<br />

- What does the trunk consist of?<br />

- The trunk consists of _ .

Ex. 32. Reproduce the similar dialogue.<br />

Ex. 33. Insert the missing words (be, see, talk, walk) and learn the following rhyme by<br />

heart:<br />

Without your tongue you cannot _,<br />

Without your feet you cannot _,<br />

Without your eyes you cannot _,<br />

Without your heart you cannot _.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання b, c, e.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповішій суфікс ar<br />

Граматика: Participle I<br />

Текст: “Body Regions”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Participle I<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання b, c,<br />

e; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів ar;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Participle I.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Participle I<br />

Form) (І.<br />

Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

thoracic [TO:'rxsIk] грудинний<br />

abdominal [xb'dOmIn(q)l] абдомінальний,<br />

черевний<br />

trachea [trq'kIq; 'treIkIq] трахея<br />

esophagus [I'sOfqgqs] стравохід<br />

rib cage ['rIb 'keIG] грудна клітка<br />

larynx ['lxrINks] глотка, гортань<br />

mediastinum ["mI:dIqs'taInqm] середостіння<br />

respond [rIs'pOnd] реагувати<br />

lobe [lqub] доля<br />


acid ['xsId] кислота<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент, ензим<br />

release [rI'lI:s] звільняти, виділяти<br />

ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути<br />

digestion [dI'GesC(q)n] травлення, травлення<br />

їжи<br />

detect [dI'tekt] виявляти, помічати<br />

blood [blAd] кров<br />

excretory [eks'krI:tqrI] вивідний, видільний,<br />

екскреторний<br />


Letters Sounds Examples Notes<br />

s [s] son<br />

soft<br />

на початку і в кінці слова<br />

після глухих<br />

s [z] nose<br />

goes<br />

x [ks] text<br />

six<br />

x [gz] exact<br />

exam<br />

приголосних<br />

між голосними і в кінці<br />

слова після дзвінких<br />

приголосних і голосних<br />

у кінці слова и перед<br />

глухой согласной<br />

якщо перед буквою х є<br />

буква е та за буквою х<br />

йде наголошений<br />

голосний<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Suppose; must; meals; dose; prescription; mustard; several; vitamin; surgeon; pulse; virus; text;<br />

mixture; complex; examiner.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-able, -ible<br />


to break ломати – breakable ламкий<br />

to express виражати – expressible виразний<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Comfortable; honorable; treatable; favorable; valuable; considerable; movable; invulnerable;<br />

responsible; possible; susceptible.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />


Present<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

WORD<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

When<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Whom<br />

VERB<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

they, she, he, it,<br />

you<br />

VERB<br />

V 3<br />

V 3<br />

be + V 3<br />

General Questions<br />

Is the abdomen subdivided superficially into four quadrants. (Present Simple Tense, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

Was the artificial metal joint used in 1678? (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Will the operation be performed on by the surgeon? (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Special Questions<br />

How are the bones classified? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

What is the muscular contraction controlled with? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

BUT: What organs are located in the chest? (A question to the subject)<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Is the trunk divided into three large cavities? 2. Where is the heart located? 3. Is the thoracic<br />

cavity surrounded by the rib cage? 4. What organs are located in the chest? 5. What parts is the<br />

lower limb divided into?<br />

Ex. 6. Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm, and hand. 2. The bones of the skeleton are<br />

connected together by the joints or by the cartilages. 3. The skeleton is composed of bones. 4.<br />

The upper extremity is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle. 5. The lectures in<br />

Physiology are attended by all the students. 6. Your articles are often published. 7. A new<br />

hospital will be built here. 8. Different problems were discussed at the last meeting. 9. These<br />

books were taken from the library yesterday.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following questions into English:<br />

1. Де знаходяться легені? 2. В якому журналі описувались ці нові методи лікування? 3.<br />

Скільки пацієнтів було вчора оглянуто? 4. До якого поясу прикріплюється верхня<br />

кінцівка? 5. На скільки частин поділяється тіло людини?<br />


Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Cag_; tr_nk; rele_se; eso_hagus; pel_ic; he_rt; bl_od; k_dney; bla_der; lar_nx; trach_a;<br />

medi_stinum; d_tect; diges_ion; c_vity; lun_; abdom_nal; a_id; s_leen; pan_reas; thora_ic;<br />

st_mach; l_be; l_ver; urin_ry; inte_tine; in_est; resp_nd.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and sentences into your native language:<br />

1. body; the reaction of the body to the disease; forces of the body; the body of the patient; to<br />

extract a foreign body, the total body weight, human body.<br />

2. digestive; digestive system; the organs of the digestive system; The digestive system consists<br />

of the alimentary canal and accessory organs.<br />

3. blood; blood vessels; blood pressure; blood count; the circulation of the blood; the state of the<br />

blood vessels; the flow of the blood; venous blood flows through the veins; to send the blood for<br />

analysis; There are blood vessels in the connective tissue; Blood vessels supply the muscles.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contain; rib cage; connect; esophagus; lymphatic tissue; pelvic cavity; principal organs; heart;<br />

blood; kidney; bladder; small intestine; larynx; superior; trachea; mediastinum; remove; lung;<br />

abdominal; spleen; waste products; pancreas; thoracic; male; female; stomach; lobe; liver;<br />

urinary; trunk.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following words:<br />

Windpipe; membranous; container; abdominal; heart; stomach; circulation; blood; right;<br />

physical; pancreas; bladder; wall; acid; enzyme; release; entire; approximately; amount; occur;<br />

major; process; nutrient; minor; respond; reproductive; diaphragm; bronchi.<br />

Ex. 12. Read the following text:<br />

TRUNK<br />

The trunk contains three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the<br />

pelvic cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is<br />

surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular<br />

diaphragm.<br />

The trachea, or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue. The<br />

trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube<br />

that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It transports food from the pharynx to the<br />

stomach. The heart is between the lungs in the space within the mediastinum. It is a muscular<br />

organ consisting of four chambers. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. The<br />

lungs are the principal organs of respiration. Each lung is conical in shape. The right lung is<br />

larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left one has two ones.<br />

There is no physical separation between the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. The<br />

abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the stomach, intestines,<br />

liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and<br />

contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left portion of the<br />

abdomen. The stomach wall has many glands from which acid and enzymes are released into the<br />

stomach and are mixed with ingested food. The small intestine consists of three portions. The<br />

entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long. The small intestine is the site where the greatest<br />

amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large intestine are secretion<br />

and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces blood components. The<br />

liver consists of two major and two minor lobes. The spleen detects and responds to the foreign<br />

substances in the blood and acts as a blood reservoir. It is located on the left side in the extreme<br />

superior, posterior corner of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas lies along the small intestine<br />

and the stomach. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs. They remove waste products from the

lood, play a major role in controlling blood concentration, and control the red blood cell<br />

production and vitamin D metabolism. The kidneys are the major excretory organs in the body.<br />

The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular container. The size of bladder is dependent on<br />

the presence or absence of urine. The function of bladder is to store urine. Unlike most organ<br />

system, the reproductive systems are very different in male and female. But the internal<br />

reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and many of the hormones are the same in<br />

the male and female, even though their functions may be quite different.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Реагувати; тулуб; звільняти, виділяти; глотка, гортань; абдомінальний, черевний; фермент,<br />

энзим; грудинний; кислота; серце; ковтати, проковтнути; шлунок; кишечник; таз;<br />

травлення, травлення їжи; селезінка; порожнина; підшлункова залоза; трахея; грудна<br />

клітка; стравохід; виявляти, помічати, знаходити; печінка; легені; середостіння; нирка.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the text "Trunk" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What cavities are located in the trunk? 2. What principal organs are located in the thoracic<br />

cavity? 3. What is trachea? 4. Where is esophagus located? 5. What is the heart responsible for?<br />

6. What are the lungs? 7. What is the difference between the right and the left lungs? 8. What<br />

organs of the abdominal cavity do you know? 9. What is the enlarged segment of the digestive<br />

tract? 10. What is the function of the stomach? 11. What is the small intestine? 12. What is the<br />

function of the liver? 13. What organs are located in the pelvic cavity?<br />

Ex. 16. Name the inner organs and complete the following table:<br />

Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity<br />

lungs<br />

stomach<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

The trunk _ three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the _<br />

cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, _ , _ and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the _ cavity by the muscular diaphragm.<br />

The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the _, intestines,<br />

liver, _ , pancreas, and kidneys. The stomach is an enlarged segment of the _ tract. The small _ is<br />

the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of<br />

large _ are secretion and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces _<br />

components.<br />

The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the _ and contains the urinary bladder, part<br />

of the large intestine, and internal _ organs. The urinary _ is a hollow muscular container. The<br />

function of _ bladder is to store urine. The reproductive systems are very different in _ and<br />

female.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of inner organs (esophagus, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen,<br />

urinary bladder).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


The trunk contains thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities. The thoracic cavity is<br />

subdivided by the mediastinum. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.<br />

The pelvic cavity is surrounded by the pelvic bones. The trunk cavities are lined by serous<br />

membranes. The parietal portion of a serous membrane lines the walls of the cavity, and the<br />

visceral portion is in contact with internal organs. The serous membranes secrete fluid that fills

the space between the visceral and parietal membranes. The serous membranes protect organs<br />

from friction. The pleural membranes surround the lungs, the pericardial membranes surround<br />

the heart, and the peritoneal membranes line the abdominal and pelvic cavities and surround their<br />

organs. Mesenteries are parts of the peritoneum that hold the abdominal organs in place and<br />

provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves to the organs.<br />

NOTES:<br />

line [laIn] вистилати<br />

visceral ['vIsqr(q)l] вісцеральний,<br />

внутрішній<br />

parietal [pe'raIItl] паріетальний,<br />

пристінковий<br />

peritoneal ["perItqu'nI:ql] очеревинний<br />

Ex. 20. Look throw the table "Direction Terms for Humans" and write down new words<br />

into your vocabulary.<br />


Terms Etymology Definition<br />

Left<br />

Toward the left side<br />

Right<br />

Superior<br />

Inferior<br />

Proximal<br />

Distal<br />

Medial<br />

Lateral<br />

Anterior<br />

Posterior<br />

Superficial<br />

NOTE:<br />

L – Latin<br />

L, higher<br />

L., lower<br />

L. proximus, nearest<br />

L. di- plus sto, to stand<br />

apart or to be distant<br />

L. mediahs, middle<br />

L. latus, side<br />

L., before<br />

L. posterus,<br />

following<br />

L. superftcialis<br />

Toward the right side<br />

A structure higher than another (usually<br />

synonymous with cephalic)<br />

A structure lower than another (usually<br />

synonymous with caudal)<br />

Closer than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Father than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Toward the middle or the midline of<br />

the body<br />

Away from the middle or midline<br />

of the body<br />

The front of the body (synonymous<br />

with ventral)<br />

The back of the body (synonymous<br />

with dorsal)<br />

Toward or on the surface<br />

Ex. 21. Complete the following sentences with expressions given below:<br />

When describing parts of the body, it is often important to refer to their relative positions.<br />

Proximal means _, whereas distal means _. These terms are commonly used in reference to<br />

structure in the limbs; each limb is attached at its proximal end of the body, and the other end,<br />

the distal end (the hand or foot), is some distance away. Proximal and distal may also be used in<br />

reference to tubular systems such as the kidney or the digestive tract. The _ end of the small<br />

intestine is attached to the stomach, and the _ end of the small intestine connects to the large

intestine. Medial means _, and lateral means _. The nose is located in a medial position in the<br />

face, and the eyes are lateral to the nose. The terms superficial and deep refer to the structure _<br />

and _. The skin is superficial to muscle and bone.<br />

away from the midline; proximal; more toward the interior of the body; nearest; to be distant;<br />

close to the surface of the body; distal; toward the midline<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The body is divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs. The head is<br />

divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The upper limb is divided into the arm, forearm,<br />

wrist, and hand. The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from<br />

the elbow to the wrist. The upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder. The lower limb is<br />

divided into the thigh, leg, ankle, and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the<br />

leg extends from the knee to the ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or<br />

pelvic girdle. The trunk is divided into chest, abdomen and pelvis. The principal organs of the<br />

trunk are: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestine, the<br />

kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the body regions.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

thoracic [TO:'rxsIk] грудинний<br />

abdominal [xb'dOmIn(q)l] абдомінальний,<br />

черевний<br />

trachea [trq'kIq; 'treIkIq] трахея<br />

esophagus [I'sOfqgqs] стравохід<br />

rib cage ['rIb 'keIG] грудна клітка<br />

larynx ['lxrINks] глотка, гортань<br />

mediastinum ["mI:dIqs'taInqm] середостіння<br />

respond [rIs'pOnd] реагувати<br />

lobe [lqub] доля<br />


acid ['xsId] кислота<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент, ензим<br />

release [rI'lI:s] звільняти, виділяти<br />

ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути<br />

digestion [dI'GesC(q)n] травлення, травлення<br />

їжи<br />

detect [dI'tekt] виявляти, помічати<br />

blood [blAd] кров<br />

excretory [eks'krI:tqrI] вивідний, видільний,<br />

екскреторний<br />


Letters Sounds Examples Notes<br />

s [s] son<br />

soft<br />

на початку і в кінці слова<br />

після глухих<br />

приголосних<br />

s [z] nose<br />

goes<br />

між голосними і в кінці<br />

слова після дзвінких<br />

приголосних і голосних<br />

x [ks] text у кінці слова и перед

six<br />

x [gz] exact<br />

exam<br />

глухой согласной<br />

якщо перед буквою х є<br />

буква е та за буквою х<br />

йде наголошений<br />

голосний<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Suppose; must; meals; dose; prescription; mustard; several; vitamin; surgeon; pulse; virus; text;<br />

mixture; complex; examiner.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-able, -ible<br />

to break ломати – breakable ламкий<br />

to express виражати – expressible виразний<br />


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Comfortable; honorable; treatable; favorable; valuable; considerable; movable; invulnerable;<br />

responsible; possible; susceptible.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />


Present<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

WORD<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

When<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Whom<br />

VERB<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

they, she, he, it,<br />

you<br />

VERB<br />

V 3<br />

V 3<br />

be + V 3<br />

General Questions<br />

Is the abdomen subdivided superficially into four quadrants. (Present Simple Tense, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

Was the artificial metal joint used in 1678? (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Will the operation be performed on by the surgeon? (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Special Questions<br />

How are the bones classified? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

What is the muscular contraction controlled with? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

BUT: What organs are located in the chest? (A question to the subject)<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Is the trunk divided into three large cavities? 2. Where is the heart located? 3. Is the thoracic<br />

cavity surrounded by the rib cage? 4. What organs are located in the chest? 5. What parts is the<br />

lower limb divided into?<br />

Ex. 6. Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm, and hand. 2. The bones of the skeleton are<br />

connected together by the joints or by the cartilages. 3. The skeleton is composed of bones. 4.<br />

The upper extremity is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle. 5. The lectures in<br />

Physiology are attended by all the students. 6. Your articles are often published. 7. A new<br />

hospital will be built here. 8. Different problems were discussed at the last meeting. 9. These<br />

books were taken from the library yesterday.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following questions into English:<br />

1. Де знаходяться легені? 2. В якому журналі описувались ці нові методи лікування? 3.<br />

Скільки пацієнтів було вчора оглянуто? 4. До якого поясу прикріплюється верхня<br />

кінцівка? 5. На скільки частин поділяється тіло людини?<br />


Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Cag_; tr_nk; rele_se; eso_hagus; pel_ic; he_rt; bl_od; k_dney; bla_der; lar_nx; trach_a;<br />

medi_stinum; d_tect; diges_ion; c_vity; lun_; abdom_nal; a_id; s_leen; pan_reas; thora_ic;<br />

st_mach; l_be; l_ver; urin_ry; inte_tine; in_est; resp_nd.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and sentences into your native language:<br />

1. body; the reaction of the body to the disease; forces of the body; the body of the patient; to<br />

extract a foreign body, the total body weight, human body.<br />

2. digestive; digestive system; the organs of the digestive system; The digestive system consists<br />

of the alimentary canal and accessory organs.<br />

3. blood; blood vessels; blood pressure; blood count; the circulation of the blood; the state of the<br />

blood vessels; the flow of the blood; venous blood flows through the veins; to send the blood for<br />

analysis; There are blood vessels in the connective tissue; Blood vessels supply the muscles.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contain; rib cage; connect; esophagus; lymphatic tissue; pelvic cavity; principal organs; heart;<br />

blood; kidney; bladder; small intestine; larynx; superior; trachea; mediastinum; remove; lung;<br />

abdominal; spleen; waste products; pancreas; thoracic; male; female; stomach; lobe; liver;<br />

urinary; trunk.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following words:<br />

Windpipe; membranous; container; abdominal; heart; stomach; circulation; blood; right;<br />

physical; pancreas; bladder; wall; acid; enzyme; release; entire; approximately; amount; occur;<br />

major; process; nutrient; minor; respond; reproductive; diaphragm; bronchi.<br />

Ex. 12. Read the following text:<br />

TRUNK<br />

The trunk contains three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the<br />

pelvic cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is<br />

surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular<br />

diaphragm.<br />

The trachea, or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue. The<br />

trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube<br />

that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It transports food from the pharynx to the<br />

stomach. The heart is between the lungs in the space within the mediastinum. It is a muscular<br />

organ consisting of four chambers. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. The<br />

lungs are the principal organs of respiration. Each lung is conical in shape. The right lung is<br />

larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left one has two ones.

There is no physical separation between the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. The<br />

abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the stomach, intestines,<br />

liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and<br />

contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left portion of the<br />

abdomen. The stomach wall has many glands from which acid and enzymes are released into the<br />

stomach and are mixed with ingested food. The small intestine consists of three portions. The<br />

entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long. The small intestine is the site where the greatest<br />

amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large intestine are secretion<br />

and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces blood components. The<br />

liver consists of two major and two minor lobes. The spleen detects and responds to the foreign<br />

substances in the blood and acts as a blood reservoir. It is located on the left side in the extreme<br />

superior, posterior corner of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas lies along the small intestine<br />

and the stomach. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs. They remove waste products from the<br />

blood, play a major role in controlling blood concentration, and control the red blood cell<br />

production and vitamin D metabolism. The kidneys are the major excretory organs in the body.<br />

The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular container. The size of bladder is dependent on<br />

the presence or absence of urine. The function of bladder is to store urine. Unlike most organ<br />

system, the reproductive systems are very different in male and female. But the internal<br />

reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and many of the hormones are the same in<br />

the male and female, even though their functions may be quite different.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Реагувати; тулуб; звільняти, виділяти; глотка, гортань; абдомінальний, черевний; фермент,<br />

энзим; грудинний; кислота; серце; ковтати, проковтнути; шлунок; кишечник; таз;<br />

травлення, травлення їжи; селезінка; порожнина; підшлункова залоза; трахея; грудна<br />

клітка; стравохід; виявляти, помічати, знаходити; печінка; легені; середостіння; нирка.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the text "Trunk" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What cavities are located in the trunk? 2. What principal organs are located in the thoracic<br />

cavity? 3. What is trachea? 4. Where is esophagus located? 5. What is the heart responsible for?<br />

6. What are the lungs? 7. What is the difference between the right and the left lungs? 8. What<br />

organs of the abdominal cavity do you know? 9. What is the enlarged segment of the digestive<br />

tract? 10. What is the function of the stomach? 11. What is the small intestine? 12. What is the<br />

function of the liver? 13. What organs are located in the pelvic cavity?<br />

Ex. 16. Name the inner organs and complete the following table:<br />

Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity<br />

lungs<br />

stomach<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

The trunk _ three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the _<br />

cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, _ , _ and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the _ cavity by the muscular diaphragm.<br />

The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the _, intestines,<br />

liver, _ , pancreas, and kidneys. The stomach is an enlarged segment of the _ tract. The small _ is<br />

the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of<br />

large _ are secretion and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces _<br />


The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the _ and contains the urinary bladder, part<br />

of the large intestine, and internal _ organs. The urinary _ is a hollow muscular container. The<br />

function of _ bladder is to store urine. The reproductive systems are very different in _ and<br />

female.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of inner organs (esophagus, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen,<br />

urinary bladder).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


The trunk contains thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities. The thoracic cavity is<br />

subdivided by the mediastinum. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.<br />

The pelvic cavity is surrounded by the pelvic bones. The trunk cavities are lined by serous<br />

membranes. The parietal portion of a serous membrane lines the walls of the cavity, and the<br />

visceral portion is in contact with internal organs. The serous membranes secrete fluid that fills<br />

the space between the visceral and parietal membranes. The serous membranes protect organs<br />

from friction. The pleural membranes surround the lungs, the pericardial membranes surround<br />

the heart, and the peritoneal membranes line the abdominal and pelvic cavities and surround their<br />

organs. Mesenteries are parts of the peritoneum that hold the abdominal organs in place and<br />

provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves to the organs.<br />

NOTES:<br />

line [laIn] вистилати<br />

parietal [pe'raIItl] паріетальний,<br />

visceral ['vIsqr(q)l] вісцеральний,<br />

пристінковий<br />

внутрішній<br />

peritoneal ["perItqu'nI:ql] очеревинний<br />

Ex. 20. Look throw the table "Direction Terms for Humans" and write down new words<br />

into your vocabulary.<br />


Terms Etymology Definition<br />

Left<br />

Toward the left side<br />

Right<br />

Superior<br />

Inferior<br />

Proximal<br />

Distal<br />

Medial<br />

Lateral<br />

Anterior<br />

L, higher<br />

L., lower<br />

L. proximus, nearest<br />

L. di- plus sto, to stand<br />

apart or to be distant<br />

L. mediahs, middle<br />

L. latus, side<br />

L., before<br />

Toward the right side<br />

A structure higher than another (usually<br />

synonymous with cephalic)<br />

A structure lower than another (usually<br />

synonymous with caudal)<br />

Closer than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Father than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Toward the middle or the midline of<br />

the body<br />

Away from the middle or midline<br />

of the body<br />

The front of the body (synonymous

Posterior<br />

Superficial<br />

NOTE:<br />

L – Latin<br />

L. posterus,<br />

following<br />

L. superftcialis<br />

with ventral)<br />

The back of the body (synonymous<br />

with dorsal)<br />

Toward or on the surface<br />

Ex. 21. Complete the following sentences with expressions given below:<br />

When describing parts of the body, it is often important to refer to their relative positions.<br />

Proximal means _, whereas distal means _. These terms are commonly used in reference to<br />

structure in the limbs; each limb is attached at its proximal end of the body, and the other end,<br />

the distal end (the hand or foot), is some distance away. Proximal and distal may also be used in<br />

reference to tubular systems such as the kidney or the digestive tract. The _ end of the small<br />

intestine is attached to the stomach, and the _ end of the small intestine connects to the large<br />

intestine. Medial means _, and lateral means _. The nose is located in a medial position in the<br />

face, and the eyes are lateral to the nose. The terms superficial and deep refer to the structure _<br />

and _. The skin is superficial to muscle and bone.<br />

away from the midline; proximal; more toward the interior of the body; nearest; to be distant;<br />

close to the surface of the body; distal; toward the midline<br />


The trunk consists of the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity. The<br />

thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular diaphragm. The abdominal cavity<br />

is bounded by the abdominal muscles. It contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas,<br />

and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and contains the urinary<br />

bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.


TEST<br />

І. Insert missing words:<br />

1. _ is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left superior portion of the abdomen.<br />

A. stomach<br />

B. esophagus<br />

C. kidney<br />

2. Each person has a particular combination of _ in his/her blood.<br />

A. tissues<br />

B. substances<br />

C. atria<br />

3. Leukemia causes the formation of large amount of _ white blood cells.<br />

A. effective<br />

B. normal<br />

C. abnormal<br />

4. The heart is an inner hollow _ organ placed within the chest.<br />

A. accessory<br />

B. ventricular<br />

C. muscular<br />

5. The bones of the skull consist of _ and facial parts.<br />

A. lumbar<br />

B. thoracic<br />

C. cranial<br />

6. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must _ not less than 7-8 hours.<br />

A. run<br />

B. sleep<br />

C. eat<br />

7. The most important _ of chronic gastritis are alcohol, inadequate food, and a bad diet regimen.<br />

A. manifestations<br />

B. causes<br />

C. symptoms<br />

II. Insert the correct form of the verb:<br />

1. Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they _ to the other parts of the body.<br />

A. are transported<br />

B. is transported<br />

C. transport<br />

2. Erythrocytes _ in the bone marrow and are important in that they transport oxygen from the<br />

lungs.<br />

A. has been made<br />

B. are made<br />

C. is making<br />

3. The muscles _ of the muscular fibers and contain blood vessels and nerves.<br />

A. was consisted<br />

B. consist<br />

C. are consisted<br />

4. The contractions of the heart _ the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.<br />

A. has pumped<br />

B. was pumped<br />

C. pump<br />

5. The heart consists of two separate chambers _ by the septum.<br />

A. are dividing

B. divide<br />

C. divided<br />

6. Tears occur when the covering skin _ beyond the limits of its elasticity.<br />

A. is pulled<br />

B. are pulled<br />

C. have been pulled<br />

III. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The lower limb is very similar to that of the upper limb, except the pelvic girdle.<br />

2. When the pressure in the right atrium has increased the blood passes into the right ventricle.<br />

3. When the patient is hospitalized his/her activities will be limited and carefully monitored by<br />

the hospital staff.<br />

4. In the majority of cases the ulcer develops in particularly nervous persons, often after<br />

emotional stress.<br />

5. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve<br />

the metabolic processes and dilate the vessels.<br />

6. Smooth muscle is in the walls of the hollow organs and tubes, in the internal parts of the eyes,<br />

and in the walls of blood vessels.<br />

7. The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are an increased secretion of mucus and<br />

diminished secretion of acid and pepsin.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />


Because of the constant activity of the heart and blood vessels, there is a wide range of<br />

potential problems and disorders. The two most common disorders are coronary artery disease,<br />

the principal cause of heart attack, and hypertension. Yet there are other kinds of problems that<br />

can affect the health of the valves, the heart muscle, the rhythm of the heart, or the ability of your<br />

blood vessels to circulate the blood to your tissues. Some problems, called congenital, are<br />

present at birth; others occur as the result of infection, hereditary factors, problems with the<br />

action of thyroid hormone on your heart, lung diseases that affect your heart, or trauma.<br />

In the following pages, we will consider individually several dozen heart and blood<br />

vessel disorders, as well as some of the remarkable advances made in recent years in diagnosis<br />

and treatment for heart and circulatory problems. But before considering the problems, it is<br />

important to understand something about the basic interaction between the lives we lead and our<br />

health.<br />

What we eat, our exercise patterns, whether we smoke, and a number of other lifestyle<br />

considerations have an impact on the health of our hearts as well as on other organ systems. So<br />

we will begin with the risk factors for coronary artery disease and what we can do to use that<br />

knowledge for longer, healthier lives.<br />

Your primary care physician may treat some heart and circulatory disorders. However,<br />

your physician may refer you to a cardiologist, a specialist who has had additional training in the<br />

diagnosis and management of heart and blood vessel disorders.<br />

Text B<br />


Healthy arteries are like healthy muscles. They are strong, flexible, and elastic.<br />

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in and under the lining of the<br />

artery walls. The name comes from the Greek word ather, meaning "porridge", because the fatty<br />

deposits are soft and resemble porridge. Blood cells (platelets) often clump at microscopic sites

of injury to the inner wall of the artery. At these sites, fat deposits also collect. Initially, the<br />

deposits are only streaks of fat-containing cells but, as they enlarge, they invade some of the<br />

deeper layers of the arterial walls, causing scarring and calcium deposits. Large accumulations<br />

called atheromas or plaques are the principal characteristic of atherosclerosis. The greatest<br />

danger from these deposits is the narrowing of the channel through which the blood flows. When<br />

this occurs, the tissues that the artery supplies will not receive their full quota of blood. Pieces of<br />

the fatty deposits may be dislodged, travel with the blood flow, and finally obstruct an artery at<br />

some distant point.<br />

Atherosclerosis may be discovered in the course of a routine physical examination.<br />

During examination of patient's neck, abdomen, or other parts of the body, the physician may<br />

hear a blowing sound if a narrowing of the lining of the arteries at one or more these points<br />

causes turbulence of the blood flow. The physician also will estimate the amount of blood flow<br />

by feeling for pulsations in the arteries at the wrists, legs, and feet. A decrease in pulsations is a<br />

reason to suspect partially obstructed blood flow.<br />

More elaborate tests of circulation using sound waves often help in establishing the<br />

presence and degree of decreased blood flow. Ultrasound scan of the abdomen often is used to<br />

identify a suspected aneurysm of the aorta in the abdomen. Another test for locating the sites of<br />

plaques that narrow blood vessels is arteriography. In many cases, the diagnosis is not suspected<br />

until the artery is completely obstructed and the person has experienced a stroke, heart attack, or<br />

arterial thrombosis.<br />

To some extent, the body can protect itself from narrowing of a particular artery by<br />

developing, with time, additional arterial connections that detour blood around the narrowed<br />

point. This is called collateral circulation.<br />

Although atherosclerosis occurs to some extent in all middle-aged and elderly people and<br />

even may occur in certain young people, some people appear more at risk because of high blood<br />

cholesterol levels.<br />

The best prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is certain regimen, sound sleep, rest,<br />

and proper diet. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of this disease. Other drugs<br />

administered in treating atherosclerosis are so-called lipotropic substances, which prevent fat<br />

from accumulating in the organism.<br />

Text C<br />


Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and<br />

lymph system. This cancer causes the formation of large amount of abnormal white blood cells.<br />

These abnormal white blood cells reach high concentrations in the bone marrow, lymph system,<br />

and bloodstream, and their accumulation can interfere with functions of the vital organs.<br />

Eventually, they overwhelm the production of healthy blood cells, including white and red blood<br />

cells and platelets. In addition to the overabundance of abnormal white blood cells, there is an<br />

insufficient number of healthy ones. Therefore, the body’s ability to fight infections is decreased.<br />

The deficiency in red blood cells means that the body’s organs do not receive enough oxygen,<br />

the shortage of platelets makes the blood clotting process less effective, leaving the body more<br />

vulnerable to bleeding and bruising. Because of all these effects, leukemia is fatal without<br />

successful treatment.<br />

The causes of leukemia are not known. Researchers have proposed that certain chemicals<br />

and viruses might play a role. Susceptibility to leukemia may be inherited. The ailment runs in<br />

some families, and people with certain congenital disorders, including Down syndrome, are at<br />

higher risk of developing it.<br />

The most common signs and symptoms of leukemia are fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight<br />

loss, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding, bruising, paleness, and headaches. In many cases they are<br />

absent. These cases are detected when routine blood tests give abnormal results.

Treatment of leukemia generally is simple chemotherapy. High-dose chemotherapy,<br />

along with bone marrow transplantation, sometimes is used. Therapy with antibiotics can help to<br />

prevent or can treat the bacterial infections that are frequent complications. Corticosteroid drugs<br />

also may be used with chemotherapy. The radiation therapy to the central nervous system also<br />

may be recommended. It has been designed to kill the cancer cells that may linger in the<br />

patient’s central nervous system beyond the reach of medications given orally or intravenously.<br />

Text D<br />


The digestive system is a group of organs that work like wrecking equipment to break down the<br />

chemical components of food, through the use of digestive juices, into tiny nutrients, which can<br />

be absorbed to generate energy for the body. This system also builds and replaces cells and<br />

tissues, which are constantly dying. Digestion begins in the mouth with the teeth, which grind<br />

the food into small particles; the tongue, a powerful muscle which detects "good" and "bad"<br />

flavors in food and manipulates the food between the teeth for chewing, and saliva, a watery<br />

fluid which lubricates chewing and swallowing and begins the process of digestion. The<br />

digestive system begins in the mouth, continues in the pharynx (throat) and esophagus and into<br />

the "gut" region: the stomach, small and large intestines, the rectum and the anus. Food is<br />

chewed, pulped and mixed with saliva to become a soft mass, which will easily travel down the<br />

esophagus. The tongue traps the food and forces it into the throat, which is a mass of muscles<br />

and tissues, which transports food into the gut system for final processing and distribution. The<br />

throat closes the top of the breathing pipes, but if the food accidentally enters these pipes, it goes<br />

down the "wrong way" and must be coughed up before the body chokes or asphyxiates. As food<br />

passes through the body, it is mixed with an unbelievable amount of chemicals, which break it<br />

down into small units that can be absorbed into the blood and lymph systems. Some is used for<br />

energy, some as building blocks for tissues and cells, and some is stored for future or emergency<br />

use. The liver and the pancreas also secrete digestive juices that break down food as it passes<br />

through the digestive ducts. Not all that we eat can be digested, so the waste must be disposed of<br />

in an efficient way. It may not be a savory ending for the food or drink we thought was so<br />

delicious in the mouth, but it is just as important for our health.<br />

Text E<br />


Peptic ulcers are holes or breaks in the inner lining of the esophagus, stomach, or<br />

duodenum. It has been determined that peptic ulcer generally occurs in the lower part of the<br />

stomach (gastric ulcer), in the initial portion of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer), and occasionally<br />

in the lower esophagus (esophageal).<br />

The signs and symptoms of the peptic ulcer are the following: burning, aching, or hunger<br />

discomfort in the upper abdomen or lower chest (that is relieved by milk or food); black stools;<br />

bloated feeling after meals; and nausea or vomiting. In emergency cases the person has clammy<br />

skin and fainting.<br />

The cause of ulcers is not fully known. Normally, the linings of the esophagus, stomach,<br />

and duodenum are kept intact by a balance between the acid and stomach juices and the<br />

resistance of these linings to injury. When the balance breaks down, the result may be a peptic<br />

ulcer. Recent research has shown that many ulcers may be secondary to bacteria called<br />

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori).<br />

Peptic ulcers are not uncommon in our society. It has been estimated that the age at<br />

diagnosis peaks between 30 and 50 for duodenal ulcers and between 60 and 70 for gastric ulcers.<br />

Frequently, ulcers recur within 1 year after healing, sometimes without symptoms.<br />

Some people may have an inherited disposition to ulcers. Peptic ulcers are 3 times more<br />

likely to occur in families of patients with duodenal ulcer than in the general population. And<br />

relatives of people with gastric ulcers have the very same kind of ulcer.

The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms, heal the ulcer, prevent relapse, and avoid<br />

complications.<br />

The vast majority of persons with peptic ulcer disease responds well to medication. The<br />

key to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective<br />

lining of the stomach or duodenum. The mainstay of treatment is a class of drugs that decrease<br />

the amount of acid produced in the stomach. These drugs are called H12 blockers. The usual<br />

course of therapy lasts approximately 6 weeks. Many people with ulcers harbor H pylori<br />

bacteria, which can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Twelve months after treatment, most<br />

people show no ulcer recurrence, while recurrence is more common after using standard ulcer<br />

medications.<br />

However, if the person has an ulcer that does not respond to medical treatment or the<br />

person has serious complications such as hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation, he/she may be<br />

a candidate for surgery.<br />

Text F<br />


“Gastritis” is a general term that means inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can<br />

result from a number of causes, each of which may produce somewhat different symptoms, such<br />

as: upper abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.<br />

Gastritis can occur as a result of acid-induced damage to the lining of the stomach when<br />

no ulcer is present. Excessive smoking or alcohol consumption are known to produce mild<br />

gastritis or to aggravate existing gastritis symptoms. Gastritis also can be a side effect of a<br />

number of prescription drugs. Severe stress due to burns, trauma, surgery, or shock may produce<br />

gastritis. Gastritis is also seen in some persons whose stomachs do not produce acid. In these<br />

cases, the lining of the stomach is atrophied. This condition may be associated with vitamin B12<br />

deficiency and occurs in many older people. Even very healthy people may experience gastritis<br />

with some regularity.<br />

In most cases, the symptoms of gastritis are relatively mild and short-lived, pose no real<br />

danger, and have no lasting effect. Occasionally, gastritis may cause bleeding, but it is rarely<br />

severe.<br />

Antacids in liquid or tablet form are a suitable and common treatment of mild gastritis. If<br />

a person is troubled by excessive acid and antacids fail to provide relief, the physician may<br />

prescribe drugs such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or nizatidine, which decrease the amount of acid<br />

produced by the stomach. Medication to protect the lining of the stomach may be used.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. Bones.<br />

2. Skeletal System.<br />

3. Muscular System.<br />

4. Digestive System.<br />

5. Stomach.<br />

6. Liver.<br />

7. Blood.<br />

8. Cardiovascular system.<br />

9. Heart.<br />

10. Vessels.


TEST<br />

І. Insert missing words:<br />

1. _ is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left superior portion of the abdomen.<br />

A. stomach<br />

B. esophagus<br />

C. kidney<br />

2. Each person has a particular combination of _ in his/her blood.<br />

A. tissues<br />

B. substances<br />

C. atria<br />

3. Leukemia causes the formation of large amount of _ white blood cells.<br />

A. effective<br />

B. normal<br />

C. abnormal<br />

4. The heart is an inner hollow _ organ placed within the chest.<br />

A. accessory<br />

B. ventricular<br />

C. muscular<br />

5. The bones of the skull consist of _ and facial parts.<br />

A. lumbar<br />

B. thoracic<br />

C. cranial<br />

6. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must _ not less than 7-8 hours.<br />

A. run<br />

B. sleep<br />

C. eat<br />

7. The most important _ of chronic gastritis are alcohol, inadequate food, and a bad diet regimen.<br />

A. manifestations<br />

B. causes<br />

C. symptoms<br />

II. Insert the correct form of the verb:<br />

1. Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they _ to the other parts of the body.<br />

A. are transported<br />

B. is transported<br />

C. transport<br />

2. Erythrocytes _ in the bone marrow and are important in that they transport oxygen from the<br />

lungs.<br />

A. has been made<br />

B. are made<br />

C. is making<br />

3. The muscles _ of the muscular fibers and contain blood vessels and nerves.<br />

A. was consisted<br />

B. consist<br />

C. are consisted<br />

4. The contractions of the heart _ the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.<br />

A. has pumped<br />

B. was pumped<br />

C. pump<br />

5. The heart consists of two separate chambers _ by the septum.<br />

A. are dividing

B. divide<br />

C. divided<br />

6. Tears occur when the covering skin _ beyond the limits of its elasticity.<br />

A. is pulled<br />

B. are pulled<br />

C. have been pulled<br />

III. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The lower limb is very similar to that of the upper limb, except the pelvic girdle.<br />

2. When the pressure in the right atrium has increased the blood passes into the right ventricle.<br />

3. When the patient is hospitalized his/her activities will be limited and carefully monitored by<br />

the hospital staff.<br />

4. In the majority of cases the ulcer develops in particularly nervous persons, often after<br />

emotional stress.<br />

5. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve<br />

the metabolic processes and dilate the vessels.<br />

6. Smooth muscle is in the walls of the hollow organs and tubes, in the internal parts of the eyes,<br />

and in the walls of blood vessels.<br />

7. The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are an increased secretion of mucus and<br />

diminished secretion of acid and pepsin.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />


Because of the constant activity of the heart and blood vessels, there is a wide range of<br />

potential problems and disorders. The two most common disorders are coronary artery disease,<br />

the principal cause of heart attack, and hypertension. Yet there are other kinds of problems that<br />

can affect the health of the valves, the heart muscle, the rhythm of the heart, or the ability of your<br />

blood vessels to circulate the blood to your tissues. Some problems, called congenital, are<br />

present at birth; others occur as the result of infection, hereditary factors, problems with the<br />

action of thyroid hormone on your heart, lung diseases that affect your heart, or trauma.<br />

In the following pages, we will consider individually several dozen heart and blood<br />

vessel disorders, as well as some of the remarkable advances made in recent years in diagnosis<br />

and treatment for heart and circulatory problems. But before considering the problems, it is<br />

important to understand something about the basic interaction between the lives we lead and our<br />

health.<br />

What we eat, our exercise patterns, whether we smoke, and a number of other lifestyle<br />

considerations have an impact on the health of our hearts as well as on other organ systems. So<br />

we will begin with the risk factors for coronary artery disease and what we can do to use that<br />

knowledge for longer, healthier lives.<br />

Your primary care physician may treat some heart and circulatory disorders. However,<br />

your physician may refer you to a cardiologist, a specialist who has had additional training in the<br />

diagnosis and management of heart and blood vessel disorders.<br />

Text B<br />


Healthy arteries are like healthy muscles. They are strong, flexible, and elastic.<br />

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in and under the lining of the<br />

artery walls. The name comes from the Greek word ather, meaning "porridge", because the fatty<br />

deposits are soft and resemble porridge. Blood cells (platelets) often clump at microscopic sites

of injury to the inner wall of the artery. At these sites, fat deposits also collect. Initially, the<br />

deposits are only streaks of fat-containing cells but, as they enlarge, they invade some of the<br />

deeper layers of the arterial walls, causing scarring and calcium deposits. Large accumulations<br />

called atheromas or plaques are the principal characteristic of atherosclerosis. The greatest<br />

danger from these deposits is the narrowing of the channel through which the blood flows. When<br />

this occurs, the tissues that the artery supplies will not receive their full quota of blood. Pieces of<br />

the fatty deposits may be dislodged, travel with the blood flow, and finally obstruct an artery at<br />

some distant point.<br />

Atherosclerosis may be discovered in the course of a routine physical examination.<br />

During examination of patient's neck, abdomen, or other parts of the body, the physician may<br />

hear a blowing sound if a narrowing of the lining of the arteries at one or more these points<br />

causes turbulence of the blood flow. The physician also will estimate the amount of blood flow<br />

by feeling for pulsations in the arteries at the wrists, legs, and feet. A decrease in pulsations is a<br />

reason to suspect partially obstructed blood flow.<br />

More elaborate tests of circulation using sound waves often help in establishing the<br />

presence and degree of decreased blood flow. Ultrasound scan of the abdomen often is used to<br />

identify a suspected aneurysm of the aorta in the abdomen. Another test for locating the sites of<br />

plaques that narrow blood vessels is arteriography. In many cases, the diagnosis is not suspected<br />

until the artery is completely obstructed and the person has experienced a stroke, heart attack, or<br />

arterial thrombosis.<br />

To some extent, the body can protect itself from narrowing of a particular artery by<br />

developing, with time, additional arterial connections that detour blood around the narrowed<br />

point. This is called collateral circulation.<br />

Although atherosclerosis occurs to some extent in all middle-aged and elderly people and<br />

even may occur in certain young people, some people appear more at risk because of high blood<br />

cholesterol levels.<br />

The best prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is certain regimen, sound sleep, rest,<br />

and proper diet. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of this disease. Other drugs<br />

administered in treating atherosclerosis are so-called lipotropic substances, which prevent fat<br />

from accumulating in the organism.<br />

Text C<br />


Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and<br />

lymph system. This cancer causes the formation of large amount of abnormal white blood cells.<br />

These abnormal white blood cells reach high concentrations in the bone marrow, lymph system,<br />

and bloodstream, and their accumulation can interfere with functions of the vital organs.<br />

Eventually, they overwhelm the production of healthy blood cells, including white and red blood<br />

cells and platelets. In addition to the overabundance of abnormal white blood cells, there is an<br />

insufficient number of healthy ones. Therefore, the body’s ability to fight infections is decreased.<br />

The deficiency in red blood cells means that the body’s organs do not receive enough oxygen,<br />

the shortage of platelets makes the blood clotting process less effective, leaving the body more<br />

vulnerable to bleeding and bruising. Because of all these effects, leukemia is fatal without<br />

successful treatment.<br />

The causes of leukemia are not known. Researchers have proposed that certain chemicals<br />

and viruses might play a role. Susceptibility to leukemia may be inherited. The ailment runs in<br />

some families, and people with certain congenital disorders, including Down syndrome, are at<br />

higher risk of developing it.<br />

The most common signs and symptoms of leukemia are fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight<br />

loss, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding, bruising, paleness, and headaches. In many cases they are<br />

absent. These cases are detected when routine blood tests give abnormal results.

Treatment of leukemia generally is simple chemotherapy. High-dose chemotherapy,<br />

along with bone marrow transplantation, sometimes is used. Therapy with antibiotics can help to<br />

prevent or can treat the bacterial infections that are frequent complications. Corticosteroid drugs<br />

also may be used with chemotherapy. The radiation therapy to the central nervous system also<br />

may be recommended. It has been designed to kill the cancer cells that may linger in the<br />

patient’s central nervous system beyond the reach of medications given orally or intravenously.<br />

Text D<br />


The digestive system is a group of organs that work like wrecking equipment to break down the<br />

chemical components of food, through the use of digestive juices, into tiny nutrients, which can<br />

be absorbed to generate energy for the body. This system also builds and replaces cells and<br />

tissues, which are constantly dying. Digestion begins in the mouth with the teeth, which grind<br />

the food into small particles; the tongue, a powerful muscle which detects "good" and "bad"<br />

flavors in food and manipulates the food between the teeth for chewing, and saliva, a watery<br />

fluid which lubricates chewing and swallowing and begins the process of digestion. The<br />

digestive system begins in the mouth, continues in the pharynx (throat) and esophagus and into<br />

the "gut" region: the stomach, small and large intestines, the rectum and the anus. Food is<br />

chewed, pulped and mixed with saliva to become a soft mass, which will easily travel down the<br />

esophagus. The tongue traps the food and forces it into the throat, which is a mass of muscles<br />

and tissues, which transports food into the gut system for final processing and distribution. The<br />

throat closes the top of the breathing pipes, but if the food accidentally enters these pipes, it goes<br />

down the "wrong way" and must be coughed up before the body chokes or asphyxiates. As food<br />

passes through the body, it is mixed with an unbelievable amount of chemicals, which break it<br />

down into small units that can be absorbed into the blood and lymph systems. Some is used for<br />

energy, some as building blocks for tissues and cells, and some is stored for future or emergency<br />

use. The liver and the pancreas also secrete digestive juices that break down food as it passes<br />

through the digestive ducts. Not all that we eat can be digested, so the waste must be disposed of<br />

in an efficient way. It may not be a savory ending for the food or drink we thought was so<br />

delicious in the mouth, but it is just as important for our health.<br />

Text E<br />


Peptic ulcers are holes or breaks in the inner lining of the esophagus, stomach, or<br />

duodenum. It has been determined that peptic ulcer generally occurs in the lower part of the<br />

stomach (gastric ulcer), in the initial portion of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer), and occasionally<br />

in the lower esophagus (esophageal).<br />

The signs and symptoms of the peptic ulcer are the following: burning, aching, or hunger<br />

discomfort in the upper abdomen or lower chest (that is relieved by milk or food); black stools;<br />

bloated feeling after meals; and nausea or vomiting. In emergency cases the person has clammy<br />

skin and fainting.<br />

The cause of ulcers is not fully known. Normally, the linings of the esophagus, stomach,<br />

and duodenum are kept intact by a balance between the acid and stomach juices and the<br />

resistance of these linings to injury. When the balance breaks down, the result may be a peptic<br />

ulcer. Recent research has shown that many ulcers may be secondary to bacteria called<br />

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori).<br />

Peptic ulcers are not uncommon in our society. It has been estimated that the age at<br />

diagnosis peaks between 30 and 50 for duodenal ulcers and between 60 and 70 for gastric ulcers.<br />

Frequently, ulcers recur within 1 year after healing, sometimes without symptoms.<br />

Some people may have an inherited disposition to ulcers. Peptic ulcers are 3 times more<br />

likely to occur in families of patients with duodenal ulcer than in the general population. And<br />

relatives of people with gastric ulcers have the very same kind of ulcer.

The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms, heal the ulcer, prevent relapse, and avoid<br />

complications.<br />

The vast majority of persons with peptic ulcer disease responds well to medication. The<br />

key to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective<br />

lining of the stomach or duodenum. The mainstay of treatment is a class of drugs that decrease<br />

the amount of acid produced in the stomach. These drugs are called H12 blockers. The usual<br />

course of therapy lasts approximately 6 weeks. Many people with ulcers harbor H pylori<br />

bacteria, which can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Twelve months after treatment, most<br />

people show no ulcer recurrence, while recurrence is more common after using standard ulcer<br />

medications.<br />

However, if the person has an ulcer that does not respond to medical treatment or the<br />

person has serious complications such as hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation, he/she may be<br />

a candidate for surgery.<br />

Text F<br />


“Gastritis” is a general term that means inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can<br />

result from a number of causes, each of which may produce somewhat different symptoms, such<br />

as: upper abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.<br />

Gastritis can occur as a result of acid-induced damage to the lining of the stomach when<br />

no ulcer is present. Excessive smoking or alcohol consumption are known to produce mild<br />

gastritis or to aggravate existing gastritis symptoms. Gastritis also can be a side effect of a<br />

number of prescription drugs. Severe stress due to burns, trauma, surgery, or shock may produce<br />

gastritis. Gastritis is also seen in some persons whose stomachs do not produce acid. In these<br />

cases, the lining of the stomach is atrophied. This condition may be associated with vitamin B12<br />

deficiency and occurs in many older people. Even very healthy people may experience gastritis<br />

with some regularity.<br />

In most cases, the symptoms of gastritis are relatively mild and short-lived, pose no real<br />

danger, and have no lasting effect. Occasionally, gastritis may cause bleeding, but it is rarely<br />

severe.<br />

Antacids in liquid or tablet form are a suitable and common treatment of mild gastritis. If<br />

a person is troubled by excessive acid and antacids fail to provide relief, the physician may<br />

prescribe drugs such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or nizatidine, which decrease the amount of acid<br />

produced by the stomach. Medication to protect the lining of the stomach may be used.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. Bones.<br />

2. Skeletal System.<br />

3. Muscular System.<br />

4. Digestive System.<br />

5. Stomach.<br />

6. Liver.<br />

7. Blood.<br />

8. Cardiovascular system.<br />

9. Heart.<br />

10. Vessels.


TEST<br />

I. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Our _ year _ in September and is over in June.<br />

A. studying; began<br />

B. academic; begins<br />

C. academic; begin<br />

2. Students _ different practical _ in medicine.<br />

A. acquires; knowledge<br />

B. get; skill<br />

C. acquire; skills<br />

3. Doctors _ the diagnosis and _ proper treatment to every patient.<br />

A. does; prescribe<br />

B. makes; write<br />

C. make; prescribe<br />

4. The main _ of medicine is to _ the people’s health.<br />

A. topic; do<br />

B. task; care of<br />

C. reason; make<br />

5. The therapeutist _ to the patient’s heart and lungs, palpates abdominal parts, and measures<br />

blood _.<br />

A. works; analysis<br />

B. listens; pressure<br />

C. listens; cells<br />

II. Finish the following sentences:<br />

1. During the clinical training the students learn _.<br />

2. WHO activities has many forms, some of them are _.<br />

3. In Great Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the _.<br />

4. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from _.<br />

5. Your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils _.<br />

III. Choose the proper term given below to the following definitions:<br />

1. This organization prepares more and better health workers.<br />

2. It is a very important medical establishment where the people order or buy medicines for<br />

their treatment.<br />

3. In this department the patients complain of their cough, high temperature, headache and<br />

others.<br />

a) chemist’s shop; b) nucleaus; c) pulmonological department; d) cell membrane; e)<br />

cardiological department; f) skeletal system; g) gastroenterological department; h) World Health<br />

Organization; i) muscular tissue; j) endocrine system; k) polyclinic.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />

GALEN<br />

(philosopher, physician, discoverer of blood and the cranial nerves)<br />

This Greek's genius is more certain than his dates. He was born about 129 AD and lived<br />

until about 210 AD. During this considerable life span, Galen managed to perform studies that<br />

would long influence medicine. He is still known among other things for his discovery of blood

in human arteries and for his dissection of the human cranial nerves, the nerves that supply key<br />

areas of the head, face, and upper chest. Galen was the son of Nicon, a well-to-do architect and<br />

builder in Pergamum (Asia Minor). He first studied philosophy, one of the traditional fields for a<br />

boy of his background. Nicon then had a dream in which Asclepius, the god of healing, told him<br />

to permit his son to study medicine. Galen began his medical studies in Pergamum at the age of<br />

16-17. In search of medical knowledge, he then roamed about much of the eastern Mediterranean<br />

studying medicine in various cities including Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) and Corinth (Greece).<br />

He completed his studies at the famous medical school in Alexandria (Egypt). Galen returned to<br />

Pergamum and at age 28 was appointed physician to the school of gladiators, a post he occupied<br />

for four years and that some say made him the first sports medicine specialist. After that, a career<br />

in Rome was in the cards. There he went at age 32 and became a famous and influential<br />

physician, taking on cases that no one else could handle. He accompanied the Roman legions of<br />

Marcus Aurelius on their campaigns, and served as the personal physician to several emperors.<br />

Galen described what he saw (not always the practice of the day). He identified the majority<br />

(seven of the twelve) of the cranial nerves.<br />

Galen did experiments such as severing a nerve and observing the effects. He is thus<br />

regarded as the founder of experimental physiology. Galen was the first to determine that arteries<br />

carried blood and not air! (For over 400 years the Alexandrian school of medicine had taught<br />

that arteries are full of air). Galen's theories about the blood circulation, however, were well off<br />

the mark and it was not until the 17th century that the great English physician William Harvey<br />

would challenge Galen's ideas in this regard. With Hippocrates who preceded him by some 500<br />

years, Galen was preeminent among the most distinguished physicians of antiquity. He knew all<br />

of the medical knowledge of his day, gathered it together, and wrote voluminously (and well)<br />

about it. Galen summed up the medicine of antiquity.<br />

The writings of Galen were a blessing to the ancient world. But they became a curse<br />

when, for more than a millennium, they were held to be the unassailable authority on medicine.<br />

This paralyzed the progress of medicine, something Galen would have deplored.<br />

Text B<br />


World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 7, 1948 when twenty-six<br />

United Nations member states, including Ukraine, ratified its Constitution. Now there are 192<br />

member states, including all United Nations Member States except Liechtenstein.<br />

WHO's objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is<br />

defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and<br />

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO activities has many forms, they are:<br />

strengthening national health services; preparing more and better health workers; controlling or<br />

eradicating epidemic diseases; protecting mother and child health; improving sanitation and<br />

water supply; and making all other efforts to raise health level.<br />

One of the main services carried by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main<br />

world epidemics of history as plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, and yellow fever are still a great<br />

danger in our time. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases<br />

as influenza and poliomyelitis.<br />

Besides an epidemic information WHO provides services, which are needed by all the<br />

countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international<br />

standardization of medicines and vaccines, and development of medical research.<br />

The daily work of WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2.400<br />

international officers from different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in<br />

Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.<br />

WHO's work is focused on four interrelated strategic directions. Strategic Direction 1:<br />


excess mortality, morbidity, and disability. Strategic Direction 2: promoting healthy lifestyles<br />

and reducing risk factors to human health. Strategic Direction 3: developing health systems.<br />

Strategic Direction 4: framing an enabling policy and creating an institutional environment for<br />

the health sector.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. I am a Medical Student.<br />

2. Medical University.<br />

3. Public Health Service in Ukraine and Abroad.<br />

4. Hospital.<br />

5. Polyclinic.<br />

6. Medical Examination.<br />

7. My Future Profession.<br />


TEST<br />

I. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Our _ year _ in September and is over in June.<br />

A. studying; began<br />

B. academic; begins<br />

C. academic; begin<br />

2. Students _ different practical _ in medicine.<br />

A. acquires; knowledge<br />

B. get; skill<br />

C. acquire; skills<br />

3. Doctors _ the diagnosis and _ proper treatment to every patient.<br />

A. does; prescribe<br />

B. makes; write<br />

C. make; prescribe<br />

4. The main _ of medicine is to _ the people’s health.<br />

A. topic; do<br />

B. task; care of<br />

C. reason; make<br />

5. The therapeutist _ to the patient’s heart and lungs, palpates abdominal parts, and measures<br />

blood _.<br />

A. works; analysis<br />

B. listens; pressure<br />

C. listens; cells<br />

II. Finish the following sentences:<br />

1. During the clinical training the students learn _.<br />

2. WHO activities has many forms, some of them are _.<br />

3. In Great Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the _.<br />

4. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from _.<br />

5. Your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils _.<br />

III. Choose the proper term given below to the following definitions:<br />

3. This organization prepares more and better health workers.<br />

4. It is a very important medical establishment where the people order or buy medicines for<br />

their treatment.<br />

3. In this department the patients complain of their cough, high temperature, headache and<br />

others.<br />

a) chemist’s shop; b) nucleaus; c) pulmonological department; d) cell membrane; e)<br />

cardiological department; f) skeletal system; g) gastroenterological department; h) World Health<br />

Organization; i) muscular tissue; j) endocrine system; k) polyclinic.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />

GALEN<br />

(philosopher, physician, discoverer of blood and the cranial nerves)<br />

This Greek's genius is more certain than his dates. He was born about 129 AD and lived<br />

until about 210 AD. During this considerable life span, Galen managed to perform studies that<br />

would long influence medicine. He is still known among other things for his discovery of blood<br />

in human arteries and for his dissection of the human cranial nerves, the nerves that supply key<br />

areas of the head, face, and upper chest. Galen was the son of Nicon, a well-to-do architect and<br />

builder in Pergamum (Asia Minor). He first studied philosophy, one of the traditional fields for a<br />

boy of his background. Nicon then had a dream in which Asclepius, the god of healing, told him

to permit his son to study medicine. Galen began his medical studies in Pergamum at the age of<br />

16-17. In search of medical knowledge, he then roamed about much of the eastern Mediterranean<br />

studying medicine in various cities including Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) and Corinth (Greece).<br />

He completed his studies at the famous medical school in Alexandria (Egypt). Galen returned to<br />

Pergamum and at age 28 was appointed physician to the school of gladiators, a post he occupied<br />

for four years and that some say made him the first sports medicine specialist. After that, a career<br />

in Rome was in the cards. There he went at age 32 and became a famous and influential<br />

physician, taking on cases that no one else could handle. He accompanied the Roman legions of<br />

Marcus Aurelius on their campaigns, and served as the personal physician to several emperors.<br />

Galen described what he saw (not always the practice of the day). He identified the majority<br />

(seven of the twelve) of the cranial nerves.<br />

Galen did experiments such as severing a nerve and observing the effects. He is thus<br />

regarded as the founder of experimental physiology. Galen was the first to determine that arteries<br />

carried blood and not air! (For over 400 years the Alexandrian school of medicine had taught<br />

that arteries are full of air). Galen's theories about the blood circulation, however, were well off<br />

the mark and it was not until the 17th century that the great English physician William Harvey<br />

would challenge Galen's ideas in this regard. With Hippocrates who preceded him by some 500<br />

years, Galen was preeminent among the most distinguished physicians of antiquity. He knew all<br />

of the medical knowledge of his day, gathered it together, and wrote voluminously (and well)<br />

about it. Galen summed up the medicine of antiquity.<br />

The writings of Galen were a blessing to the ancient world. But they became a curse<br />

when, for more than a millennium, they were held to be the unassailable authority on medicine.<br />

This paralyzed the progress of medicine, something Galen would have deplored.<br />

Text B<br />


World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 7, 1948 when twenty-six<br />

United Nations member states, including Ukraine, ratified its Constitution. Now there are 192<br />

member states, including all United Nations Member States except Liechtenstein.<br />

WHO's objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is<br />

defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and<br />

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO activities has many forms, they are:<br />

strengthening national health services; preparing more and better health workers; controlling or<br />

eradicating epidemic diseases; protecting mother and child health; improving sanitation and<br />

water supply; and making all other efforts to raise health level.<br />

One of the main services carried by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main<br />

world epidemics of history as plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, and yellow fever are still a great<br />

danger in our time. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases<br />

as influenza and poliomyelitis.<br />

Besides an epidemic information WHO provides services, which are needed by all the<br />

countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international<br />

standardization of medicines and vaccines, and development of medical research.<br />

The daily work of WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2.400<br />

international officers from different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in<br />

Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.<br />

WHO's work is focused on four interrelated strategic directions. Strategic Direction 1:<br />

reducing<br />

excess mortality, morbidity, and disability. Strategic Direction 2: promoting healthy lifestyles<br />

and reducing risk factors to human health. Strategic Direction 3: developing health systems.<br />

Strategic Direction 4: framing an enabling policy and creating an institutional environment for<br />

the health sector.

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

8. I am a Medical Student.<br />

9. Medical University.<br />

10. Public Health Service in Ukraine and Abroad.<br />

11. Hospital.<br />

12. Polyclinic.<br />

13. Medical Examination.<br />

14. My Future Profession.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Медичне обстеження (4 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Медичне обстеження”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом SIMPLE TENSES(Active Voice, InterrogativeForm)<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників ( -algia,-ia, -iasis -ian ).<br />

Граматика: SIMPLE TENSES(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Текст: "At the Therapeutist's"<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

SIMPLE<br />

TENSES (Active<br />

Voice,<br />

Interrogative<br />

Form)<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці SIMPLE<br />

TENSES<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

( -algia,-ia, -iasis -ian ).<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення SIMPLE TENSES<br />

(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

scarlet fever ['ska:lIt 'fIvq] скарлатина<br />

measles ['mI:zlz] кор<br />

quinsy ['kwInzI] ангіна<br />

influenza ["Influ'enzq] грип<br />

pneumonia [nju'mounjq] пневмонія<br />

bronchitis [brON'kaItIs] бронхіт<br />

weakness ['wI:knIs] слабкість<br />

sore throat ['sO: 'Trqut] хворе горло<br />

swallow ['swOlou] ковтати<br />

feel a pain ['fI:l q 'peIn] відчувати біль<br />

complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга<br />

complain of [kqm'pleIn] скаржитись на<br />

trouble [trAbl] турбувати<br />

cough [kOf] кашель<br />

headache ['hedeIk] головний біль<br />

nasal discharge ['nqIz(q)l dIs'CQ:G]<br />

виділення з носа<br />


tongue [tAN] язик<br />

phlegm [flem] мокротиння<br />

tonsil ['tOnsl] мигдальовидна залоза<br />

breathe [brI:D] дихати<br />

take temperature ['temperqCq] міряти<br />

температуру<br />

strip to the waist ['weIst] роздягнутися до пояса<br />

swollen ['swqulqn] запалений; припухлий<br />

murmur ['mq:mq] шуми в серці<br />

be coated ['kqutId] бути обкладеним<br />

dilate ['daIleIt] розширювати<br />

notice ['nqutIs] відзначати, помічати<br />

medicine ['medsIn] ліки<br />

rales [rAlz] хрипи<br />

border ['bO:dq] межа<br />

coach [kquC] кушетка<br />

liver ['lIve] печінка

unny nose ['rAnI 'nquz] нежить<br />


wa [O] was<br />

want<br />

wa + r [O:] warm<br />

wo + r [q:] work<br />

word<br />

igh [aI] high<br />

light<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Water, wash; w arm, ward, warning; w ord-combination, w orld, crossword; f ight, he ight, r ight,<br />

might, tight.<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Noun:<br />

-algia (pain)<br />

-ia, -iasis (condition, process)<br />

-ian (specialist)<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Neuralgia; arthralgia; otalgia.<br />

B. Pneumonia; he rnia; anaesthesia; neuroglia; le ukemia; di phtheria; m alaria; hy perglycemia;<br />

anemia; candidiasis.<br />

C. Physician, pediatrician; obstetrician; technician.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />


(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Ex. 1. Put the questions to the following sentences:<br />

1. I complain of a headache. 2. He had a high temperature. 3. My throat troubles me. 4. I feel<br />

pain on swallowing. 4. Her heart troubles her. 5. I fell ill three days ago. 6. The patient noticed<br />

weakness and headache. 7. I feel a pain in my abdomen.<br />


Ex. 2. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 3. Compose 5-6 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY<br />

Ex. 4. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Swol_en; m u_mur; di l_te; l_ve r; r _les; lun_ ; h_art; te mpera_ure; ton g_e; br e_the; pr es_ure;<br />

scarlet f_ver; t_roat; complai_t; disc_arge; haedac_e; coug_; tr_uble.<br />

Ex. 5. Read the following words:<br />

Cough; di scharge; breathe; thr ough; hi gh; te mperature; else; trouble; s ore; thr oat; s wallowing;<br />

headache; weakness; measles; m outh; t onsil; r ales; c ause; phl egm; dil ate; m urmur; coa ch;<br />

abdomen.<br />

Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:

1. to breathe; to breathe heavily; to breath with difficulty; to breathe deeply; to breathe in; to<br />

breathe in oxygen; to breathe in slowly; to breathe out; to breathe out carbon dioxide; a breath.<br />

2. cough; dry cough; moist cough; a painful cough; to complain of cough; a cough remedy; to<br />

suffer from cough.<br />

Ex. 7. Read the following dialogue:<br />


Doctor: What do you complain of?<br />

Patient: I have a bad cough.<br />

D: Do you have a nasal discharge?<br />

P: Yes, I do.<br />

D: Is it difficult for you to breathe through the nose?<br />

P: Yes, it is.<br />

D: Do you have a high temperature?<br />

P: Yes, I do.<br />

D: Have you had a sudden rise in temperature to 38-39° C?<br />

P: Yes, I have.<br />

D: What else troubles you?<br />

P: I have a sore throat.<br />

D: Do you often have a sore throat?<br />

P: No, I don't.<br />

D: Do you feel pain on swallowing?<br />

P: No, I don't.<br />

D: What about your headache?<br />

P: I have a headache.<br />

D: Does your heart trouble you?<br />

P: Yes, it does.<br />

D: Do you have any other complaints?<br />

P: No, I have not.<br />

D: When did you fall ill?<br />

P: I fell ill three days ago.<br />

D: What first symptoms did you notice?<br />

P: Weakness and headache.<br />

D: Did you take any medicine?<br />

P: No, I did not.<br />

D: What diseases did you have in your childhood?<br />

P: I had scarlet fever and measles.<br />

D.: I'll examine you. First of all take your temperature, please.<br />

P.: All right.<br />

D.: Your temperature is 37,8° C. Open your mouth and say "Ah", please. Your tongue is thickly<br />

coated and your t onsils a re swollen a nd r ed. N ow s trip t o the waist, please. I'll examine your<br />

lungs. B reathe m ore de eply. H old your br eath. T here a re r ales in y our l ungs. Does de ep<br />

breathing cause pain?<br />

P.: Yes, it does.<br />

D.: How long have you been coughing?<br />

P.: About three days.<br />

D.: Do you bring up phlegm? (У Вас є виділення мокротіння?)<br />

P.: No, I don't.<br />

D: Turn round, please. I'll listen to your heart. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is a<br />

murmur in your heart. Do you have pain near your heart?<br />

P: No, I don't

D.: Let me palpate you now. Lie down on the coach. I'll check your liver. Do you feel any pain<br />

in your abdomen?<br />

P: No, I don't.<br />

D: N ow you m ay s tand up. D ress a nd s it do wn. L et m e m easure your bl ood p ressure. I t i s<br />

normal. I'll give you an analysis form for blood count (urinalysis, stool test).<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Скаржитися на; сильний кашель; дихати носом; різке підвищення температури до;<br />

турбувати; при ковтанні; захворіти; слабкість; скарлатина; кір; язик дуже обкладений;<br />

мигдалини запалені; викликати біль; межі серця збільшені; шуми; аналіз крові.<br />

.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 10. Note how the doctor starts the interview:<br />

What's brought you along today?<br />

What seems to be the problem?<br />

What is wrong with you?<br />

What can I do for you?<br />

Ex. 11. Ask the question and answer them using the expressions of the following table:<br />

Do you have<br />

a bad cough?<br />

a sore throat?<br />

a nasal discharge?<br />

a headache?<br />

a high temperature?<br />

a runny nose?<br />

pain on swallowing?<br />

heart troubles?<br />

I have<br />

a bad cough.<br />

a sore throat.<br />

a nasal discharge.<br />

a headache.<br />

a high temperature.<br />

a runny nose.<br />

a pain on swallowing.<br />

heart troubles.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the questions:<br />

1. What _ you c omplain of? 2. W hat else _ you? 3. D o you _ a ny pain in your heart? 4. _ you<br />

have any other complaints? 5. When _ you fall ill? 6. What _ did you take in? 7. What is _ with<br />

you? 8. What first _ did you notice? 9. Do you feel _ on swallowing?<br />

Ex. 13. Translate into English:<br />

1. У Вас висока температура? 2. У Вас є кашель? 3. У Вас часто болить горло? 4. Ви часто<br />

хворієте на ангіни (tonsillitis)? 5. У Вас часта нежить? 6. У Вас болить голова? 7. Ви<br />

відчуваєте біль при ковтанні? 8. Відкрийте рот. 9. Зміряйте температуру. 10. Ваш язик<br />

обкладений. 11. Ваші мигдалини запалені. 12. У легенях прослуховуються хрипи. 13.<br />

Межі серця збільшені.<br />

Ex. 14. Make up a short dialogue using the material of the 8-11 exercises.<br />

Ex. 15. Find the Russian equivalents for the English questions:<br />

Do you feel dryness in the throat?<br />

Ви відчуваєте сухість в горлі?<br />

Do you feel a dry scratchy feeling in the throat? Ви відчуваєте паління в горлі?<br />

Do you feel a burning sensation in the throat? Ви відчуваєте що дере в горлі?<br />

Ex. 16. L ist the signs and symptoms of som e disease. Give this list to your fellow-student.<br />

He/She must make the diagnosis asking questions and using your list.

Ex. 17. Complete the case notes asking the questions:<br />



AGE<br />

SEX<br />





Ex. 18. Compose the affirmative and interrogative sentences:<br />

1. through / to breathe / is / difficult / for / you / the nose / it / ?<br />

2. you / a nasal discharge / do / have?<br />

3. a sudden rise / I / have / in temperature / to 38-39° C / had / ?<br />

4. on swallowing / feel / do / you / pain /?<br />

5. you / do / complain of / what/?<br />

6. troubles / my heart / me / .<br />

7. fall / you / when / did / ill/ ?<br />

8. other / do / complaints / you / have / any/ ?<br />

9. I / a bad / cough / have /.<br />

10. notice / symptoms / what / first / did / you/ ?<br />

11. did / what / childhood / diseases / you / have / in / your / ?<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4.<br />

Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _ . 7. Hold your _ . 8. There are<br />

_ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?<br />

Ex. 20. Insert the missing word-combinations given below:<br />

1. I'll listen to your heart. The _ are dilated and there is _ . Do you have pain near your heart? 2.<br />

Let me palpate you now . _ on t he coach. I'll check _ . D o you _ i n your abdomen? 3. L et me<br />

measure _ . It is normal. I'll give you _ for blood count.<br />

a murmur in your heart; lie down; borders of your heart; your blood pressure; your liver; feel any<br />

pain; an analysis form.<br />

Ex. 21. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" in pairs.<br />

Ex. 22. Practise this dialogue. You can select replies from the list (1-5) below:<br />

Cardiologist: Let me measure your blood pressure.<br />

Mr. Peters: Is it normal?<br />

C.: No, it isn’t. Your blood pressure is quite high (1). Is anyone in your family with high<br />

blood pressure?<br />

P.: My father (2) had it for years. He did have a stoke a few years ago (3). That won’t happen<br />

to me, will it?<br />

C.: No. Let’s finish the rest of the examination. I’ll listen to your heart. Breath in… Breathe<br />

out… Hold it… Breathe away (4). Say ninety-nine.<br />

P.: Ninety-nine.<br />

C.: A couple of times more.<br />

P.: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine, ninety-nine…<br />

C.: Good. We’ll have a look at that blood pressure again.

P.: How is it now?<br />

C.: Still high (5).<br />

P.: What are you going to do for me?<br />

C.: Check your blood and urine. Then we’ll send you up to the hospital for a chest x-ray and<br />

a cardiogram.<br />

(1) normal; low; quite low.<br />

(2) uncle; grandmother; aunt.<br />

(3) five years ago; last year; some years ago.<br />

(4) Now would you turn on your left side, please; Lie right out; Sit up again; Lean forward;<br />

Breath quietly through your moth.<br />

(5) Still low.<br />

Ex. 23. Reproduce the similar dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Where is the pain?<br />

Patient: It is in the abdomen. I can hardly bear the pain.<br />

D.: is it sharp?<br />

P.: Yeas, it’s cutting.<br />

D.: Where does the pain radiate to? To which side, upwards or downwards?<br />

P.: It hurts inside…<br />

D.: Is this first attack of pain?<br />

P.: No? I felt the same pain a few weeks ago, but it stopped quickly. I didn’t send for the<br />

doctor then.<br />

D.: In what body position do you feel pain the most?<br />

P.: When I’m on my back.<br />

D.: All right, you’ll be admitted for the treatment to the municipal hospital. The ambulance<br />

will bring you to the emergency room.<br />

NOTES<br />

hardly ледве<br />

bear виносити<br />

sharp гострий, різкий<br />

cutting ріжучий<br />

upwards вгору<br />

hurt хворіти<br />

municipal міський<br />

ambulance машина швидкої допомоги<br />

bring доставляти<br />


Doctor: What do you complain of?<br />

Patient: I have a bad cough and a runny nose.<br />

D: What about your headache?<br />

P: I have a headache.<br />

D: Does your heart trouble you?<br />

P: Yes, it does.<br />

D: Did you take any medicine?<br />

P: No, I did not.<br />

D: Take your temperature, please. What is your temperature?<br />

P: My temperature is 37,8°.<br />

D: Show me your throat. Your tongue is coated and your tonsils are red. Now strip to the waist,<br />

please. I'll examine your heart and lungs. Breathe deeply. Don't breathe. There are rales in your<br />

lungs. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is murmur in your heart. Let me measure<br />

your blood pressure. It is normal.

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" in pairs.<br />

2. Tell your fellow-student about new methods of treatment.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

What's brought you along today?<br />

What seems to be the problem?<br />

What is wrong with you?<br />

What can I do for you?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4.<br />

Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _ . 7. Hold your _ . 8. There are<br />

_ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Медичне обстеження (4 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Медичне обстеження”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом SIMPLE TENSES(Active Voice, Interrogative<br />

Form) засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

scarlet fever ['ska:lIt 'fIvq] скарлатина<br />

measles ['mI:zlz] кор<br />

quinsy ['kwInzI] ангіна<br />

influenza ["Influ'enzq] грип<br />

pneumonia [nju'mounjq] пневмонія<br />

bronchitis [brON'kaItIs] бронхіт<br />

weakness ['wI:knIs] слабкість<br />

sore throat ['sO: 'Trqut] хворе горло<br />

swallow ['swOlou] ковтати<br />

feel a pain ['fI:l q 'peIn] відчувати біль<br />

complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга<br />

complain of [kqm'pleIn] скаржитись на<br />

trouble [trAbl] турбувати<br />

cough [kOf] кашель<br />

headache ['hedeIk] головний біль<br />

nasal discharge ['nqIz(q)l dIs'CQ:G]<br />

виділення з носа<br />

runny nose ['rAnI 'nquz] нежить<br />

tongue [tAN] язик<br />

phlegm [flem] мокротиння<br />

tonsil ['tOnsl] мигдальовидна залоза<br />

breathe [brI:D] дихати<br />

take temperature ['temperqCq] міряти<br />

температуру<br />

strip to the waist ['weIst] роздягнутися до<br />

пояса<br />

swollen ['swqulqn] запалений; припухлий<br />

murmur ['mq:mq] шуми в серці<br />

be coated ['kqutId] бути обкладеним<br />

dilate ['daIleIt] розширювати<br />

notice ['nqutIs] відзначати, помічати<br />

medicine ['medsIn] ліки<br />

rales [rAlz] хрипи<br />

border ['bO:dq] межа<br />

coach [kquC] кушетка<br />

liver ['lIve] печінка

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is Simple Tenses?<br />

2. What is the interrogative form for sentences in Simple Tenses?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Noun:<br />

-algia (pain)<br />

-ia, -iasis (condition, process)<br />

-ian (specialist)<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Neuralgia; arthralgia; otalgia.<br />

B. Pneumonia; he rnia; anaesthesia; neuroglia; le ukemia; di phtheria; m alaria; hy perglycemia;<br />

anemia; candidiasis.<br />

C. Physician, pediatrician; obstetrician; technician.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />


(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Ex. 1. Put the questions to the following sentences:<br />

1. I complain of a headache. 2. He had a high temperature. 3. My throat troubles me. 4. I feel<br />

pain on swallowing. 4. Her heart troubles her. 5. I fell ill three days ago. 6. The patient noticed<br />

weakness and headache. 7. I feel a pain in my abdomen.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників ( -algia,-ia, -iasis -ian ).<br />

Граматика: SIMPLE TENSES(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Текст: "At the Therapeutist's"<br />


Ex. 2. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 3. Compose 5-6 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY<br />

Ex. 4. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Swol_en; m u_mur; di l_te; l_ve r; r _les; lun_ ; h_art; te mpera_ure; ton g_e; br e_the; pr es_ure;<br />

scarlet f_ver; t_roat; complai_t; disc_arge; haedac_e; coug_; tr_uble.<br />

Ex. 5. Read the following words:<br />

Cough; di scharge; breathe; thr ough; hi gh; te mperature; else; trouble; s ore; thr oat; s wallowing;<br />

headache; weakness; measles; m outh; t onsil; r ales; c ause; phl egm; di late; m urmur; c oach;<br />

abdomen.<br />

Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

1. to breathe; to breathe heavily; to breath with difficulty; to breathe deeply; to breathe in; to<br />

breathe in oxygen; to breathe in slowly; to breathe out; to breathe out carbon dioxide; a breath.

2. cough; dry cough; moist cough; a painful cough; to complain of cough; a cough remedy; to<br />

suffer from cough.<br />

Ex. 7. Read the following dialogue:<br />


Doctor: What do you complain of?<br />

Patient: I have a bad cough.<br />

D: Do you have a nasal discharge?<br />

P: Yes, I do.<br />

D: Is it difficult for you to breathe through the nose?<br />

P: Yes, it is.<br />

D: Do you have a high temperature?<br />

P: Yes, I do.<br />

D: Have you had a sudden rise in temperature to 38-39° C?<br />

P: Yes, I have.<br />

D: What else troubles you?<br />

P: I have a sore throat.<br />

D: Do you often have a sore throat?<br />

P: No, I don't.<br />

D: Do you feel pain on swallowing?<br />

P: No, I don't.<br />

D: What about your headache?<br />

P: I have a headache.<br />

D: Does your heart trouble you?<br />

P: Yes, it does.<br />

D: Do you have any other complaints?<br />

P: No, I have not.<br />

D: When did you fall ill?<br />

P: I fell ill three days ago.<br />

D: What first symptoms did you notice?<br />

P: Weakness and headache.<br />

D: Did you take any medicine?<br />

P: No, I did not.<br />

D: What diseases did you have in your childhood?<br />

P: I had scarlet fever and measles.<br />

D.: I'll examine you. First of all take your temperature, please.<br />

P.: All right.<br />

D.: Your temperature is 37,8° C. Open your mouth and say "Ah", please. Your tongue is thickly<br />

coated and your t onsils a re swollen a nd r ed. N ow s trip t o the w aist, please. I'll e xamine your<br />

lungs. B reathe m ore de eply. H old your br eath. T here a re r ales in y our l ungs. Does de ep<br />

breathing cause pain?<br />

P.: Yes, it does.<br />

D.: How long have you been coughing?<br />

P.: About three days.<br />

D.: Do you bring up phlegm? (У Вас є виділення мокротіння?)<br />

P.: No, I don't.<br />

D: Turn round, please. I'll listen to your heart. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is a<br />

murmur in your heart. Do you have pain near your heart?<br />

P: No, I don't<br />

D.: Let me palpate you now. Lie down on the coach. I'll check your liver. Do you feel any pain<br />

in your abdomen?<br />

P: No, I don't.

D: N ow you m ay s tand up. D ress a nd s it do wn. L et m e m easure your bl ood p ressure. I t i s<br />

normal. I'll give you an analysis form for blood count (urinalysis, stool test).<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Скаржитися на; сильний кашель; дихати носом; різке підвищення температури до;<br />

турбувати; при ковтанні; захворіти; слабкість; скарлатина; кір; язик дуже обкладений;<br />

мигдалини запалені; викликати біль; межі серця збільшені; шуми; аналіз крові.<br />

.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 10. Note how the doctor starts the interview:<br />

What's brought you along today?<br />

What seems to be the problem?<br />

What is wrong with you?<br />

What can I do for you?<br />

Ex. 11. Ask the question and answer them using the expressions of the following table:<br />

Do you have<br />

a bad cough?<br />

a sore throat?<br />

a nasal discharge?<br />

a headache?<br />

a high temperature?<br />

a runny nose?<br />

pain on swallowing?<br />

heart troubles?<br />

I have<br />

a bad cough.<br />

a sore throat.<br />

a nasal discharge.<br />

a headache.<br />

a high temperature.<br />

a runny nose.<br />

a pain on swallowing.<br />

heart troubles.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the questions:<br />

1. What _ you c omplain of? 2. W hat else _ you? 3. D o you _ a ny pain in your heart? 4. _ you<br />

have any other complaints? 5. When _ you fall ill? 6. What _ did you take in? 7. What is _ with<br />

you? 8. What first _ did you notice? 9. Do you feel _ on swallowing?<br />

Ex. 13. Translate into English:<br />

1. У Вас висока температура? 2. У Вас є кашель? 3. У Вас часто болить горло? 4. Ви часто<br />

хворієте на ангіни (tonsillitis)? 5. У Вас часта нежить? 6. У Вас болить голова? 7. Ви<br />

відчуваєте біль при ковтанні? 8. Відкрийте рот. 9. Зміряйте температуру. 10. Ваш язик<br />

обкладений. 11. Ваші мигдалини запалені. 12. У легенях прослуховуються хрипи. 13.<br />

Межі серця збільшені.<br />

Ex. 14. Make up a short dialogue using the material of the 8-11 exercises.<br />

Ex. 15. Find the Russian equivalents for the English questions:<br />

Do you feel dryness in the throat?<br />

Ви відчуваєте сухість в горлі?<br />

Do you feel a dry scratchy feeling in the throat? Ви відчуваєте паління в горлі?<br />

Do you feel a burning sensation in the throat? Ви відчуваєте що дере в горлі?<br />

Ex. 16. L ist the signs and symptoms of som e disease. Give this list to your fellow-student.<br />

He/She must make the diagnosis asking questions and using your list.<br />

Ex. 17. Complete the case notes asking the questions:<br />



AGE<br />

SEX<br />





Ex. 18. Compose the affirmative and interrogative sentences:<br />

1. through / to breathe / is / difficult / for / you / the nose / it / ?<br />

2. you / a nasal discharge / do / have?<br />

3. a sudden rise / I / have / in temperature / to 38-39° C / had / ?<br />

4. on swallowing / feel / do / you / pain /?<br />

5. you / do / complain of / what/?<br />

6. troubles / my heart / me / .<br />

7. fall / you / when / did / ill/ ?<br />

8. other / do / complaints / you / have / any/ ?<br />

9. I / a bad / cough / have /.<br />

10. notice / symptoms / what / first / did / you/ ?<br />

11. did / what / childhood / diseases / you / have / in / your / ?<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4.<br />

Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _ . 7. Hold your _ . 8. There are<br />

_ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?<br />

Ex. 20. Insert the missing word-combinations given below:<br />

1. I'll listen to your heart. The _ are dilated and there is _ . Do you have pain near your heart? 2.<br />

Let me palpate you now . _ on t he coach. I'll check _ . D o you _ i n your abdomen? 3. L et me<br />

measure _ . It is normal. I'll give you _ for blood count.<br />

a murmur in your heart; lie down; borders of your heart; your blood pressure; your liver; feel any<br />

pain; an analysis form.<br />

Ex. 21. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" in pairs.<br />

Ex. 22. Practise this dialogue. You can select replies from the list (1-5) below:<br />

Cardiologist: Let me measure your blood pressure.<br />

Mr. Peters: Is it normal?<br />

C.: No, it isn’t. Your blood pressure is quite high (1). Is anyone in your family with high<br />

blood pressure?<br />

P.: My father (2) had it for years. He did have a stoke a few years ago (3). That won’t happen<br />

to me, will it?<br />

C.: No. Let’s finish the rest of the examination. I’ll listen to your heart. Breath in… Breathe<br />

out… Hold it… Breathe away (4). Say ninety-nine.<br />

P.: Ninety-nine.<br />

C.: A couple of times more.<br />

P.: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine, ninety-nine…<br />

C.: Good. We’ll have a look at that blood pressure again.<br />

P.: How is it now?<br />

C.: Still high (5).<br />

P.: What are you going to do for me?

C.: Check your blood and urine. Then we’ll send you up to the hospital for a chest x-ray and<br />

a cardiogram.<br />

(6) normal; low; quite low.<br />

(7) uncle; grandmother; aunt.<br />

(8) five years ago; last year; some years ago.<br />

(9) Now would you turn on your left side, please; Lie right out; Sit up again; Lean forward;<br />

Breath quietly through your moth.<br />

(10) Still low.<br />

Ex. 23. Reproduce the similar dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Where is the pain?<br />

Patient: It is in the abdomen. I can hardly bear the pain.<br />

D.: is it sharp?<br />

P.: Yeas, it’s cutting.<br />

D.: Where does the pain radiate to? To which side, upwards or downwards?<br />

P.: It hurts inside…<br />

D.: Is this first attack of pain?<br />

P.: No? I felt the same pain a few weeks ago, but it stopped quickly. I didn’t send for the<br />

doctor then.<br />

D.: In what body position do you feel pain the most?<br />

P.: When I’m on my back.<br />

D.: All right, you’ll be admitted for the treatment to the municipal hospital. The ambulance<br />

will bring you to the emergency room.<br />

NOTES<br />

hardly ледве<br />

bear виносити<br />

sharp гострий, різкий<br />

cutting ріжучий<br />

upwards вгору<br />

hurt хворіти<br />

municipal міський<br />

ambulance машина швидкої допомоги<br />

bring доставляти<br />


Doctor: What do you complain of?<br />

Patient: I have a bad cough and a runny nose.<br />

D: What about your headache?<br />

P: I have a headache.<br />

D: Does your heart trouble you?<br />

P: Yes, it does.<br />

D: Did you take any medicine?<br />

P: No, I did not.<br />

D: Take your temperature, please. What is your temperature?<br />

P: My temperature is 37,8°.<br />

D: Show me your throat. Your tongue is coated and your tonsils are red. Now strip to the waist,<br />

please. I'll examine your heart and lungs. Breathe deeply. Don't breathe. There are rales in your<br />

lungs. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is murmur in your heart. Let me measure<br />

your blood pressure. It is normal.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

What's brought you along today?<br />

What seems to be the problem?

What is wrong with you?<br />

What can I do for you?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4.<br />

Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _ . 7. Hold your _ . 8. There are<br />

_ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.<br />

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Стаціонарне лікування (2 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007<br />

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Стаціонарне лікування”

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Open Conditionals засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних ck,ch,sh.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-itis).<br />

Граматика: Open Conditionals.<br />

Текст: “Hospital”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Open<br />

Conditionals<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних ck,ch,sh..; фонетичний<br />

матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-itis).;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Open<br />

Conditionals Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці there be;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

conveniences [kqn'vI:njqnsIz] зручності<br />

ward [wO:d] палата<br />

suffer (from) ['sAfq] хворіти, страждати<br />

cup [kAp] ставити банки<br />

operating theatre (-room) ['TIqtq] операційна<br />

staffed bed [stAft] лікарняне ліжко<br />

blood transfusion ['blAd "trxns'fju:Zn]<br />

перелівання крові<br />

suture ['sju:Cq] шов<br />

dressing ['dresIN] перев'язувальний матеріал<br />

hernia ['hq:njq] грижа<br />

gastric ['gestrIk] шлунковий, належащий до<br />

шлунку<br />

duodenal ["djuo'dI:nql] дуоденальний,<br />

належащий до дванадцятипалої кишки<br />

ulcer ['Alsq] язва<br />

cholecystitis ["kOlIsIs'taItIs] холецистит,<br />

запалення жовчного міхура<br />


cholecystectomy ["kOlIsIs'tektqmI] видалення<br />

жовчного міхура<br />

vagotomy [vq'gOtqmI] перев'язка блукаючого<br />

нерва<br />

laparotomy ["lxpq'rxtqmI] лапаротомія,<br />

череворозтин<br />

wound [wu:nd] рана<br />

heart trouble ['ha:t 'trAbl] біль в серці<br />

breathlessness ['breTlIsnIs] задишка<br />

weakness ['wI:knIs] слабкість<br />

vomiting ['vOmItIN] блювота<br />

nausea ['nOsjq] нудота<br />

injection [In'GekS(q)n] ін'єкція<br />

mustard plasters ['mAstqd 'pla:stqz]<br />

гірчичники<br />

appendectomy [xpqn'dektqmI] апендектомія<br />

apparatuses ["xpq'reItqsIz] апаратура<br />

sterilizing drum ['sterIlaIzIN 'drAm]<br />

стерилізаційний бікс<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Block; chickenpox; sick; neck; thick; lack; attack; ticket; rich; chest; itching; touch; chemist’s<br />

shop; headache; stomach; establishment; shoulder; publish; shape.<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Noun:<br />

-itis (inflammation)<br />

bronchitis – бронхит<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Glossitis, gingivostomatitis, encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis, vi ral ga stroenteritis,<br />

peritonitis, bronchiolitis, dermititis; infectious arthritis.

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:<br />


If is u sed w ithout any s pecial t enses w hen you w ant t o s uggest t hat s omething i s t rue. S ome<br />

people call this the "zero conditional".<br />

If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your general practitioner.<br />

If is also used when we want to suggest that a future situation is likely or possible. In the ifclause<br />

the present tense is generally used to talk about the future. Some people call this the "first<br />

conditional".<br />

If you need medicine, your general practitioner will write a prescription for you.<br />

If you eat well, you'll probably have a longer and healthier life.<br />

Unless is sometimes used to mean if not.<br />

You will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the<br />

groups of people who get their medicine free.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. If a person falls ill, he will call in a doctor. 2. When his/her condition isn’t poor, he/she will go<br />

to t he local polyclinic. 3. I f i t is necessary, a nurse will c ome t o t he pa tient’s house a nd gi ve<br />

administered injections. 4. If the patient has appendicitis or cholecystitis, he/she will be in the<br />

surgical department.<br />

Ex. 6. Match the first half of each sentence on the left with an appropriate ending on the<br />

right:<br />

1. If the weather is fine,<br />

the alarm goes off.<br />

2. If anything moves,<br />

wait outside until I arrive.<br />

3. If you are nervous,<br />

they always have lunch in the garden.<br />

4. If you are early,<br />

you have to practice.<br />

5. If you get hungry,<br />

take some deep breaths to relax yourself.<br />

6. If you want to play well,<br />

there is some cheese in the fridge.<br />

Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:<br />

1. I ( be) ve ry s ad i f I ( not s ee) you ne xt week. 2. U nless t hey ( work) ha rder, t hey (fail) t heir<br />

exams. 3. If you (need) to have medical tests, your doctor (send) you to a hospital.<br />


Ex. 8. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation. Translate these<br />

words into your native language:<br />

Intramuscular ["Intrq'mAskjulq]; int ravenous ["Intrq'vI:nqs]; appendicitis [q'pendIsaItIs];<br />

anaesthesia ["xnIs'Ti:ziq]; ne phrtitis [ne'fraItIs]; m yocarditis ["maIqka'daItIs]; pne umonia<br />

[nju'mounjq]; bronchitis [brON'kaItIs]; asthma ["xsmq]; colitis [kO'laItIs]; compress ['kOmprqs].<br />

Ex. 9. Insert the missing words:<br />

Wa_d; n_usea; we_kness; ul_er; hern_a; su_ure; steril_zing; m_stard plasters; gastri_; v_miting;<br />

breat_lessness.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words:<br />

Regional; s urgical; c ardiological; pul monological; ga stroentorological; w ard; te mperature;<br />

intramuscular; i ntravenous; appl y; m ustard; pl aster; com press; m easure; appe ndicitis; he rnia;<br />

duodenal; ulcer; cholecystitis; appendectomy; vagotomy; stomach; thorax; thoracic; anaesthesia;<br />

anaesthetist; de finite; diet; w ound; inj ection; m yocarditis; pe ricarditis; c ardiosclerosis;

eathlessness; w eakness; pne umonia; b ronchitis; as thma; cough; g astritis; co litis; ul cer;<br />

vomiting; nausea.<br />

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The state has established the wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is the<br />

regional hospital. It is multistoried building with all modern conveniences. There are some<br />

departments in this hospital. One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological,<br />

gastroentorological and other departments.<br />

There are many light and cozy wards in each department. In every ward one can see some<br />

beds, bed-side tables and chairs. The department houses about 50 patients.<br />

The work at the hospital begins early. First of all the nurses take the patient’s temperature<br />

and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular and intravenous injections, cup the<br />

patients, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines.<br />

Every day the doctors make the morning round. They examine the patients, listen to the<br />

heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure blood pressure. They<br />

make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. I should like to note that our<br />

physicians and nurses pay much attention to the treatment of the patients.<br />

A surgical department is on the first floor of the hospital. This department houses 65<br />

staffed beds. There are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre here.<br />

In this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia,<br />

gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others.<br />

The most common operations are appendectomy, vagotomy, stomach resection,<br />

cholecystectomy and operations on the thorax and thoracic organs. The operations are performed<br />

under general or local anaesthesia. The anaesthetist gives the patient anaesthesia and when the<br />

patient fells asleep the surgeon begins to perform the operation. The assistant and surgical nurses<br />

help the surgeon during the operation. They give the necessary surgical instruments and control<br />

the patient’s condition.<br />

After the operation special attention is paid to the postoperative condition of the patient.<br />

The surgeon prescribes a proper treatment and definite diet. Every day the surgeon makes the<br />

morning round, and examines the patients. The nurse takes the patient’s temperature, dresses the<br />

wounds, gives injection, and fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions.<br />

The work in the surgical department is rather difficult but very important.<br />

In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as:<br />

myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles,<br />

breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to<br />

these patients.<br />

In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from<br />

pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough, high<br />

temperature, and headache.<br />

In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases.<br />

They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness, and<br />

sometimes they have vomiting and nausea. The doctors use different methods of treatment of<br />

these patients and pay much attention to them.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Зручності; палата; вміщати, розміщувати; хворіти, страждати; внутрішні органи; ставити<br />

діагноз; ставити банки; операційна; лікарняне ліжко; переливання крові; шов;<br />

перев'язувальний матеріал; грижа; шлунковий; дуоденальний, такий, що відноситься до<br />

дванадцятипалої кишки; виразка; холецистит, запалення жовчного міхура; видалення<br />

жовчного міхура; перев'язка блукаючого нерва; лапаротомія, череворозтин; рана; біль в<br />

серці; перепочинок; слабкість; блювота; нудота; медсестра; внутрішньом'язовий;

внутрішньовенний; ін'єкція; гірчичники; компрес; кров'яний тиск; апендектомія;<br />

апендицит; анестезія; апаратура; бікс стерилізації; нефрит; міокардит; перикардит;<br />

пневмонія; бронхіт; астма; коліт.<br />

Ex. 13. Make up the sentences using the data of the following tables:<br />

The hospital<br />

is<br />

has<br />

well-planned and comfortable.<br />

new and modern.<br />

a multistoried building.<br />

all modern conveniences.<br />

There are some departments in this hospital.<br />

many wards in this department.<br />

One can see 50 staffed beds<br />

some beds in every ward.<br />

therapeutic<br />

there are<br />

the diseases of inner organs.<br />

In<br />

the<br />

surgical<br />

cardiological<br />

department<br />

one can see<br />

one can find<br />

patients<br />

with<br />

abdominal diseases.<br />

surgical diseases.<br />

pulmonological<br />

you can see<br />

heart diseases.<br />

gastroenterological<br />

you can find<br />

lung diseases.<br />

This patient<br />

has<br />

complains of<br />

a high temperature.<br />

a bad cough.<br />

a headache.<br />

a heart trouble.<br />

a breathlessness.<br />

a weakness.<br />

a vomiting.<br />

a nausea.<br />

a sore throat.<br />

They<br />

These patients<br />

are ill<br />

suffer from<br />

have<br />

nephritis.<br />

appendicitis.<br />

hernia.<br />

gastric ulcer.<br />

duodenal ulcer.<br />

cholecystitis.<br />

myocarditis.<br />

pericarditis.<br />

pneumonia.<br />

bronchitis.<br />

asthma.<br />

gastritis.<br />

colitis.<br />

ulcer.<br />

The doctor<br />

makes the morning round.

The therapeutist<br />

The surgeon<br />

The anaesthetist<br />

examines the patients.<br />

listens to the heart.<br />

listens to the lungs.<br />

palpates the abdominal parts.<br />

feels the pulse.<br />

checks blood pressure.<br />

makes the diagnosis.<br />

prescribes the treatment.<br />

performs the operation.<br />

gives anaesthesia.<br />

pays much attention to the treatment of the patients.<br />

The nurse<br />

The assistant<br />

The surgical nurse<br />

takes the patient’s temperature.<br />

fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions.<br />

gives intramuscular injections.<br />

gives intravenous injections.<br />

cups the patients.<br />

makes compresses.<br />

applies mustard plasters.<br />

gives the prescribed medicines.<br />

helps the surgeon during the operation.<br />

gives the necessary surgical instruments.<br />

controls the patient’s condition.<br />

dresses the wounds.<br />

Ex. 14. Close your books and describe the activity of different medical specialists.<br />

Ex. 15. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:<br />

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. T hese hospitals (to be) multistoried buildings. 3. I t<br />

(to have) all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient<br />

(to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill)<br />

with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to<br />

perform) very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease.<br />

11. T hat doc tor ( to f ill) i n c ase histories l ast w eek. 12. T he nur se ( to t ake) t he patients’<br />

temperature, ( to f ulfill) t he doc tor’s pr escriptions, ( to g ive) i ntramuscular a nd intravenous<br />

injections, a nd ( to m ake) c ompresses. 13. H e (to c heck) her bl ood p ressure, ( to look) a t t he<br />

tonsils and (to feel) her pulse.<br />

Ex. 16. Answer the questions:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. Where is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every ward? 6. How many patients does the therapeutic department house? 7. What do the<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do the surgeons do before the operation? 11.<br />

What do the assistants and surgical nurses do during the operation? 12. What diseases do the<br />

patients of the surgical department suffer from? 13. What patients can one see in the<br />

cardiological department? 14. What diseases do they suffer from? 15. What lung diseases do the<br />

patients suffer from? 17. What diseases do the patients of the gastroenterological department<br />

have?<br />

Ex. 17. Translate into English:

1. Цей чоловік хворіє на пневмонію. Він скаржиться на сильний біль у грудях, кашель і<br />

загальну слабкість. 2. У цієї жінки міокардит. У неї болі в ділянці серця. Вона скаржиться<br />

на загальну слабкість і задишку. 3. Ці пацієнти страждають на виразку шлунку. Вони<br />

відчувають біль у шлунку, загальну слабкість. У них буває нудота або блювання. 4. У<br />

цього чоловіка часто буває нудота і він відчуває біль у шлунку після їжі. 5. У хірургічному<br />

відділенні можна бачити хворих, які мають різні хірургічні хвороби. 6. Цей хворий<br />

страждає на грижу. 7. Цей чоловік має виразку дванадцятипалої кишки, а той страждає на<br />

апендицит.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up the information about the regional hospital, keeping the following<br />

consistency:<br />

1. Description of the hospital’s building.<br />

2. The actions of doctors and nurses of the therapeutic department.<br />

3. Description of the surgical department (wards, operating theatre), the patients of the surgical<br />

department, the surgeon’s work, the medical personnel’s activity.<br />

4. The patients of cardiological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

5. The patients of pulmonological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

6. The patients of gastroenterological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and compose the dialogue:<br />


If you must be hospitalized, ask your physician the questions listed here. They will help<br />

communication and enhance your satisfaction with your care.<br />

1. What do my symptoms mean?<br />

2. Do the medications have any side effects?<br />

3. What is this test for?<br />

4. What risk does my treatment involve?<br />

5. Do I have any options other than the treatment you have prescribed?<br />

6. How do the benefits of my treatment compare with the risks?<br />

7. What emotional reactions should I expect from my illness?<br />

8. How long will I stay in the hospital?<br />

9. Do I need to limit my activities at home?<br />

10. What symptoms warrant a call to you once I return home?<br />

Ex. 20. Use this structure to respond to the following questions:<br />

Example:<br />

Prompt:<br />

Response:<br />

What was the patient’s temperature on admission to the hospital?<br />

It was 39°C.<br />

On admission to the hospital the patient’s temperature was 39°C.<br />

1. What colour was the patient’s skin? (pallid) 2. What was the patient’s respiration rate? (25 per<br />

minute) 3.W hat w as the pa tient’s pul se r ate? ( 140 pe r minute) 4. What w as t he pa tient’s<br />

diagnosis? (pericarditis) 5. What was the patient's arterial pressure? (140/90)<br />


One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroentorological and other departments<br />

in the regional hospital. Working at the hospital the nurses take the patient’s temperature<br />

and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular and intravenous injections, apply<br />

mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines. The doctors examine the<br />

patients, listen to the heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure<br />

blood pressure. They make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. There<br />

are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre in a surgical department. In this<br />

department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and<br />

duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others. The most common operations are appendectomy,

vagotomy, stomach resection, cholecystectomy, and operations on the thorax and thoracic<br />

organs. In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as:<br />

myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles,<br />

breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to<br />

these patients. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They<br />

suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough,<br />

high temperature, and headache. In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients<br />

with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in<br />

the stomach, weakness and sometimes they have vomiting and nausea. The doctors use different<br />

methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about medical institutions in Ukraine<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. Where is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every ward? 6. How many patients does the therapeutic department house? 7. What do the<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do the surgeons do before the operation? 11.<br />

What do the assistants and surgical nurses do during the operation? 12. What diseases do the<br />

patients of the surgical department suffer from? 13. What patients can one see in the<br />

cardiological department? 14. What diseases do they suffer from? 15. What lung diseases do the<br />

patients suffer from? 17. What diseases do the patients of the gastroenterological department<br />

have?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:<br />

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. T hese hospitals (to be) multistoried buildings. 3. I t<br />

(to have) all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient<br />

(to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill)<br />

with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to<br />

perform) very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Стаціонарне лікування (2 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Стаціонарне лікування.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Open Conditionals.<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

conveniences [kqn'vI:njqnsIz] зручності cholecystectomy ["kOlIsIs'tektqmI]<br />

ward [wO:d] палата<br />

видалення жовчного міхура<br />

suffer (from) ['sAfq] хворіти, страждати vagotomy [vq'gOtqmI] перев'язка<br />

cup [kAp] ставити банки<br />

блукаючого нерва<br />

operating theatre (-room) ['TIqtq]<br />

laparotomy ["lxpq'rxtqmI] лапаротомія,<br />

операційна<br />

череворозтин<br />

staffed bed [stAft] лікарняне ліжко wound [wu:nd] рана<br />

blood transfusion ['blAd "trxns'fju:Zn] heart trouble ['ha:t 'trAbl] біль в серці<br />

перелівання крові<br />

breathlessness ['breTlIsnIs] задишка<br />

suture ['sju:Cq] шов<br />

weakness ['wI:knIs] слабкість<br />

dressing ['dresIN] перев'язувальний vomiting ['vOmItIN] блювота<br />

матеріал<br />

nausea ['nOsjq] нудота<br />

hernia ['hq:njq] грижа<br />

injection [In'GekS(q)n] ін'єкція<br />

gastric ['gestrIk] шлунковий, належащий до mustard plasters ['mAstqd 'pla:stqz]<br />

шлунку<br />

гірчичники<br />

duodenal ["djuo'dI:nql] дуоденальний, appendectomy [xpqn'dektqmI] апендектомія<br />

належащий до дванадцятипалої кишки apparatuses ["xpq'reItqsIz] апаратура<br />

ulcer ['Alsq] язва<br />

sterilizing drum ['sterIlaIzIN 'drAm]<br />

cholecystitis ["kOlIsIs'taItIs] холецистит, стерилізаційний бікс<br />

запалення жовчного міхура<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:

1. What is Open Conditionals. ?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with the Open Conditionals.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Noun:<br />

-itis (inflammation)<br />

bronchitis – бронхит<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Glossitis, gingivostomatitis, e ncephalitis, m eningitis, p oliomyelitis, viral ga stroenteritis,<br />

peritonitis, bronchiolitis, dermititis; infectious arthritis.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:<br />


If is u sed w ithout any s pecial t enses w hen you w ant t o s uggest t hat s omething i s t rue. S ome<br />

people call this the "zero conditional".<br />

If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your general practitioner.<br />

If is also used when we want to suggest that a future situation is likely or possible. In the ifclause<br />

the present tense is generally used to talk about the future. Some people call this the "first<br />

conditional".<br />

If you need medicine, your general practitioner will write a prescription for you.<br />

If you eat well, you'll probably have a longer and healthier life.<br />

Unless is sometimes used to mean if not.<br />

You will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the<br />

groups of people who get their medicine free.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. If a person falls ill, he will call in a doctor. 2. When his/her condition isn’t poor, he/she will go<br />

to the local polyclinic. 3. If i t is necessary, a n urse will come t o the patient’s house and give<br />

administered injections. 4. If the patient has appendicitis or cholecystitis, he/she will be in the<br />

surgical department.<br />

Ex. 6. Match the first half of each sentence on the left with an appropriate ending on the<br />

right:<br />

1. If the weather is fine,<br />

the alarm goes off.<br />

2. If anything moves,<br />

wait outside until I arrive.<br />

3. If you are nervous,<br />

they always have lunch in the garden.<br />

4. If you are early,<br />

you have to practice.<br />

5. If you get hungry,<br />

take some deep breaths to relax yourself.<br />

6. If you want to play well,<br />

there is some cheese in the fridge.<br />

Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:<br />

1. I ( be) ve ry s ad i f I ( not s ee) you ne xt week. 2. U nless t hey ( work) ha rder, t hey (fail) t heir<br />

exams. 3. If you (need) to have medical tests, your doctor (send) you to a hospital.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних ck,ch,sh.

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-itis).<br />

Граматика: Open Conditionals.<br />

Текст: “Hospital”.<br />


Ex. 8. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation. Translate these<br />

words into your native language:<br />

Intramuscular ["Intrq'mAskjulq]; i ntravenous ["Intrq'vI:nqs]; appendicitis [q'pendIsaItIs];<br />

anaesthesia ["xnIs'Ti:ziq]; ne phrtitis [ne'fraItIs]; m yocarditis ["maIqka'daItIs]; pne umonia<br />

[nju'mounjq]; bronchitis [brON'kaItIs]; asthma ["xsmq]; colitis [kO'laItIs]; compress ['kOmprqs].<br />

Ex. 9. Insert the missing words:<br />

Wa_d; n_usea; we_kness; ul_er; hern_a; su_ure; steril_zing; m_stard plasters; gastri_; v_miting;<br />

breat_lessness.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words:<br />

Regional; s urgical; c ardiological; pul monological; ga stroentorological; w ard; te mperature;<br />

intramuscular; i ntravenous; appl y; m ustard; pl aster; com press; m easure; appe ndicitis; he rnia;<br />

duodenal; ulcer; cholecystitis; appendectomy; vagotomy; stomach; thorax; thoracic; anaesthesia;<br />

anaesthetist; de finite; diet; w ound; inj ection; m yocarditis; pe ricarditis; c ardiosclerosis;<br />

breathlessness; w eakness; pne umonia; b ronchitis; as thma; cough; g astritis; co litis; ul cer;<br />

vomiting; nausea.<br />

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The state has established the wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is the<br />

regional hospital. It is multistoried building with all modern conveniences. There are some<br />

departments in this hospital. One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological,<br />

gastroentorological and other departments.<br />

There are many light and cozy wards in each department. In every ward one can see some<br />

beds, bed-side tables and chairs. The department houses about 50 patients.<br />

The work at the hospital begins early. First of all the nurses take the patient’s temperature<br />

and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular and intravenous injections, cup the<br />

patients, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines.<br />

Every day the doctors make the morning round. They examine the patients, listen to the<br />

heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure blood pressure. They<br />

make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. I should like to note that our<br />

physicians and nurses pay much attention to the treatment of the patients.<br />

A surgical department is on the first floor of the hospital. This department houses 65<br />

staffed beds. There are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre here.<br />

In this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia,<br />

gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others.<br />

The most common operations are appendectomy, vagotomy, stomach resection,<br />

cholecystectomy and operations on the thorax and thoracic organs. The operations are performed<br />

under general or local anaesthesia. The anaesthetist gives the patient anaesthesia and when the<br />

patient fells asleep the surgeon begins to perform the operation. The assistant and surgical nurses<br />

help the surgeon during the operation. They give the necessary surgical instruments and control<br />

the patient’s condition.<br />

After the operation special attention is paid to the postoperative condition of the patient.<br />

The surgeon prescribes a proper treatment and definite diet. Every day the surgeon makes the<br />

morning round, and examines the patients. The nurse takes the patient’s temperature, dresses the<br />

wounds, gives injection, and fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions.

The work in the surgical department is rather difficult but very important.<br />

In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as:<br />

myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles,<br />

breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to<br />

these patients.<br />

In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from<br />

pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough, high<br />

temperature, and headache.<br />

In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases.<br />

They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness, and<br />

sometimes they have vomiting and nausea. The doctors use different methods of treatment of<br />

these patients and pay much attention to them.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Зручності; палата; вміщати, розміщувати; хворіти, страждати; внутрішні органи; ставити<br />

діагноз; ставити банки; операційна; лікарняне ліжко; переливання крові; шов;<br />

перев'язувальний матеріал; грижа; шлунковий; дуоденальний, такий, що відноситься до<br />

дванадцятипалої кишки; виразка; холецистит, запалення жовчного міхура; видалення<br />

жовчного міхура; перев'язка блукаючого нерва; лапаротомія, череворозтин; рана; біль в<br />

серці; перепочинок; слабкість; блювота; нудота; медсестра; внутрішньом'язовий;<br />

внутрішньовенний; ін'єкція; гірчичники; компрес; кров'яний тиск; апендектомія;<br />

апендицит; анестезія; апаратура; бікс стерилізації; нефрит; міокардит; перикардит;<br />

пневмонія; бронхіт; астма; коліт.<br />

Ex. 13. Make up the sentences using the data of the following tables:<br />

The hospital<br />

is<br />

has<br />

well-planned and comfortable.<br />

new and modern.<br />

a multistoried building.<br />

all modern conveniences.<br />

There are some departments in this hospital.<br />

many wards in this department.<br />

One can see 50 staffed beds<br />

some beds in every ward.<br />

therapeutic<br />

there are<br />

the diseases of inner organs.<br />

In<br />

the<br />

surgical<br />

cardiological<br />

department<br />

one can see<br />

one can find<br />

patients<br />

with<br />

abdominal diseases.<br />

surgical diseases.<br />

pulmonological<br />

you can see<br />

heart diseases.<br />

gastroenterological<br />

you can find<br />

lung diseases.<br />

This patient<br />

has<br />

complains of<br />

a high temperature.<br />

a bad cough.<br />

a headache.<br />

a heart trouble.<br />

a breathlessness.<br />

a weakness.

They<br />

These patients<br />

are ill<br />

suffer from<br />

have<br />

a vomiting.<br />

a nausea.<br />

a sore throat.<br />

nephritis.<br />

appendicitis.<br />

hernia.<br />

gastric ulcer.<br />

duodenal ulcer.<br />

cholecystitis.<br />

myocarditis.<br />

pericarditis.<br />

pneumonia.<br />

bronchitis.<br />

asthma.<br />

gastritis.<br />

colitis.<br />

ulcer.<br />

The doctor<br />

The therapeutist<br />

The surgeon<br />

The anaesthetist<br />

makes the morning round.<br />

examines the patients.<br />

listens to the heart.<br />

listens to the lungs.<br />

palpates the abdominal parts.<br />

feels the pulse.<br />

checks blood pressure.<br />

makes the diagnosis.<br />

prescribes the treatment.<br />

performs the operation.<br />

gives anaesthesia.<br />

pays much attention to the treatment of the patients.<br />

The nurse<br />

The assistant<br />

The surgical nurse<br />

takes the patient’s temperature.<br />

fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions.<br />

gives intramuscular injections.<br />

gives intravenous injections.<br />

cups the patients.<br />

makes compresses.<br />

applies mustard plasters.<br />

gives the prescribed medicines.<br />

helps the surgeon during the operation.<br />

gives the necessary surgical instruments.<br />

controls the patient’s condition.<br />

dresses the wounds.<br />

Ex. 14. Close your books and describe the activity of different medical specialists.<br />

Ex. 15. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:<br />

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. T hese hospitals (to be) multistoried buildings. 3. I t<br />

(to have) all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient<br />

(to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill)<br />

with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to

perform) very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease.<br />

11. T hat doc tor ( to f ill) i n c ase histories l ast w eek. 12. T he nur se ( to t ake) t he pa tients’<br />

temperature, ( to f ulfill) t he doc tor’s pr escriptions, ( to g ive) i ntramuscular a nd intravenous<br />

injections, a nd ( to m ake) c ompresses. 13. H e (to c heck) her bl ood p ressure, ( to look) a t t he<br />

tonsils and (to feel) her pulse.<br />

Ex. 16. Answer the questions:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. Where is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every ward? 6. How many patients does the therapeutic department house? 7. What do the<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do the surgeons do before the operation? 11.<br />

What do the assistants and surgical nurses do during the operation? 12. What diseases do the<br />

patients of the surgical department suffer from? 13. What patients can one see in the<br />

cardiological department? 14. What diseases do they suffer from? 15. What lung diseases do the<br />

patients suffer from? 17. What diseases do the patients of the gastroenterological department<br />

have?<br />

Ex. 17. Translate into English:<br />

1. Цей чоловік хворіє на пневмонію. Він скаржиться на сильний біль у грудях, кашель і<br />

загальну слабкість. 2. У цієї жінки міокардит. У неї болі в ділянці серця. Вона скаржиться<br />

на загальну слабкість і задишку. 3. Ці пацієнти страждають на виразку шлунку. Вони<br />

відчувають біль у шлунку, загальну слабкість. У них буває нудота або блювання. 4. У<br />

цього чоловіка часто буває нудота і він відчуває біль у шлунку після їжі. 5. У хірургічному<br />

відділенні можна бачити хворих, які мають різні хірургічні хвороби. 6. Цей хворий<br />

страждає на грижу. 7. Цей чоловік має виразку дванадцятипалої кишки, а той страждає на<br />

апендицит.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up the information about the regional hospital, keeping the following<br />

consistency:<br />

1. Description of the hospital’s building.<br />

2. The actions of doctors and nurses of the therapeutic department.<br />

3. Description of the surgical department (wards, operating theatre), the patients of the surgical<br />

department, the surgeon’s work, the medical personnel’s activity.<br />

4. The patients of cardiological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

5. The patients of pulmonological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

6. The patients of gastroenterological department (patients’ diseases and symptoms).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and compose the dialogue:<br />


If you must be hospitalized, ask your physician the questions listed here. They will help<br />

communication and enhance your satisfaction with your care.<br />

11. What do my symptoms mean?<br />

12. Do the medications have any side effects?<br />

13. What is this test for?<br />

14. What risk does my treatment involve?<br />

15. Do I have any options other than the treatment you have prescribed?<br />

16. How do the benefits of my treatment compare with the risks?<br />

17. What emotional reactions should I expect from my illness?<br />

18. How long will I stay in the hospital?<br />

19. Do I need to limit my activities at home?<br />

20. What symptoms warrant a call to you once I return home?

Ex. 20. Use this structure to respond to the following questions:<br />

Example:<br />

Prompt:<br />

Response:<br />

What was the patient’s temperature on admission to the hospital?<br />

It was 39°C.<br />

On admission to the hospital the patient’s temperature was 39°C.<br />

1. What colour was the patient’s skin? (pallid) 2. What was the patient’s respiration rate? (25 per<br />

minute) 3.W hat w as the pa tient’s pul se r ate? ( 140 pe r minute) 4. What w as t he pa tient’s<br />

diagnosis? (pericarditis) 5. What was the patient's arterial pressure? (140/90)<br />


One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroentorological and other departments<br />

in the regional hospital. Working at the hospital the nurses take the patient’s temperature<br />

and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular and intravenous injections, apply<br />

mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines. The doctors examine the<br />

patients, listen to the heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure<br />

blood pressure. They make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. There<br />

are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre in a surgical department. In this<br />

department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and<br />

duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others. The most common operations are appendectomy,<br />

vagotomy, stomach resection, cholecystectomy, and operations on the thorax and thoracic<br />

organs. In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as:<br />

myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles,<br />

breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to<br />

these patients. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They<br />

suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough,<br />

high temperature, and headache. In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients<br />

with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in<br />

the stomach, weakness and sometimes they have vomiting and nausea. The doctors use different<br />

methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. Where is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every ward? 6. How many patients does the therapeutic department house? 7. What do the<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do the surgeons do before the operation? 11.<br />

What do the assistants and surgical nurses do during the operation? 12. What diseases do the<br />

patients of the surgical department suffer from? 13. What patients can one see in the<br />

cardiological department? 14. What diseases do they suffer from? 15. What lung diseases do the<br />

patients suffer from? 17. What diseases do the patients of the gastroenterological department<br />

have?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:<br />

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. T hese hospitals (to be) multistoried buildings. 3. I t<br />

(to have) all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient<br />

(to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill)<br />

with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to<br />

perform) very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease.

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.<br />

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Стаціонарне лікування (2 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007<br />

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Стаціонарне лікування”

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle II<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних kn,th,tch.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-(i)ty, -ness).<br />

Граматика: Participle II<br />

Текст: “At the Physician’s”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних kn,th,tch.;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-(i)ty, -ness).<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Participle II<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці there be;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

make analyses [q'nxlqsIz] робити аналізи<br />

take electrocardiogram<br />

[I"lektrOu'kQ:dIqgrqm] робить<br />

электрокардіограму<br />

stay in bed [steI] знаходитись у ліжку,<br />

дотримувати постільний режим<br />

drug [drAg] ліки, лікарський препарат<br />




Letters Sounds Examples<br />

kn [n] know<br />

tch [C] catch<br />

th [D] this<br />

th [T] thick<br />

take medicine ['medsIn] приймати ліки<br />

gargle a throat ['ga:gl 'Trqut] полоскати горло<br />

apply [q'plaI] ставити<br />

indicate ['IndIkeIt] вказувати, показувати<br />

fulfil [ful'fIl] виконувати<br />

X-ray ['eks'reI] рентген<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Knee; knowledge; knife; stretch; match; itchy; catch; watch; something; through; think; health;<br />

pathological; therapeutist; that; them; further; without.<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Noun:<br />

-(i)ty (denote condition or phenomena)<br />

abnormality – патологія<br />

-ness (denote condition or phenomena)<br />

correct вірний – correctness вірність<br />

hopeless безнадійний– hopelessness безнадійність<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Ability; activity; reality; humanity; possibility; integrity; majority; severity.<br />

B. Weakness; illness; dryness; breathlessness; thickness; effectiveness; heaviness.<br />


Ex. 4. Read the following grammar material:<br />

PARTICIPLE II (V 3 )<br />

Infinitive<br />

Participle II<br />

deliver<br />

delivered<br />

treat<br />

treated<br />

love<br />

loved<br />

say<br />

said<br />

make<br />

made<br />

take<br />

taken<br />

1. Measured blood pressure was very high.<br />

2. Blood pressure measured was high.<br />

3. B lood pr essure m easured by t he doc tor<br />

was very high.<br />

1. Вимірянний кровяний тиск був дуже<br />

високим.<br />

2. Вимірянний кровяний тиск був високим<br />

3. Кровяний тиск, вимірянний лікарем, був<br />

високим.<br />

Ex. 5. Form Participles II from the following infinitives:<br />

A. locate, call, connect, examine, remember, love, need, graduate, include, obtain;<br />

B. begin, come, give, know, see, feel, give, go, cut, come, do, find, send, sleep, speak, write.<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. P rescribed medicine is us eful f or t his pa tient. 2. T he ope ration p erformed u nder ge neral<br />

anaesthesia was ve ry c omplex. 3. I njured l eg hur ts ve ry ba dly. 4. T he e xamined p atient w as<br />

seriously ill. 5. A ll dr ugs t aken f rom t he c hemist's s hop m ust be r eturned. 6. T he pr oblems<br />

discussed at t he conf erence ar e ve ry important f or car diologists. 7. O ur s cientists know a bout<br />

great successes achieved by them. 8. One of the greatest contributions to the world science made<br />

by V . V orobyov w as " Atlas on H uman A natomy". 9. Y oung s pecialist g raduated f rom t he<br />

medical institute works as intern. 10. The patient directed to make blood analyses had grippe.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences containing Participles II into your native language:<br />

1. O.M. Shumlyansky described the kidney texture. 2. The outstanding Ukrainian anatomist<br />

V.P. Vorobyov born Odessa finished gymnasium. 3. He improved his education in the field of<br />

obstetrics and received his doctor's degree. 4. The Institute of Eye diseases named after V.P.<br />

Filatov in Odesa is one of the largest clinics in Ukraine. 5. A new school built for poor children<br />

was very popular in 19 century. 6. O. Bohomolets graduated from the medical faculty at Odesa<br />

University was a director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following grammar material:<br />


Stand up!<br />

Встаньте!<br />

Don’t be late!<br />

Не запізднюйтесь!<br />

Do write to me.<br />

Будь ласка, пишіть мені!<br />

Let us read this text once more.<br />

Давайте прочитаемо цей текст ще раз.<br />

Let them do it now.<br />

Хай вони зроблять це зараз!<br />

Ex. 9. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. Listen to me attentively. 2. O rder this drug in the pharmacy. 3. T ake it a teaspoonful twice a<br />

day before meals. 4. T ake these tablets one every three hours. 5. A pply mustard plasters every<br />

day before going to bed. 6. Take warm tea with the raspberry jam. 7. Gargle your throat several<br />

times a day. 8. Make the analyses of blood and urine.<br />


Ex. 10. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 11. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the mi ssing letters an d tr anslate th e f ollowing words in to your n ative<br />

language:<br />

Fu_fil; ele_trocardiogram; gar_le; med_cine; thro_t; anal_sis; dru_; indi_ate; ap_ly.<br />

Ex. 13. Read the following words:<br />

Pneumonia; lis ten; te aspoonful; m eals; m ixture; c ough; pr escription; ta blets; he adache; a pply;<br />

mustard; raspberry; gargle; throat; blood; urine; should; X-ray; vitamins.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

1. drug; a drug for a headache; to take the drug three times a day; to order the drug; overdosage<br />

of the drug.<br />

2. to indicate; to indicate the dose on the label; labels indicate the dose to be taken; indication;<br />

the operation was not indicated.<br />

Ex. 15. Read and translate the dialogue:<br />


Doctor: I suppose you have pneumonia.<br />

Patient: What must I do?<br />

D.: Listen to me attentively. Order this drug in the pharmacy. Take it a teaspoonful twice a day<br />

before meals. This mixture is for your cough. The dose to be taken is indicated in the<br />

prescription. These tablets are for your headache. Take these tablets one every three hours. This<br />

preparation is usually well tolerated.<br />

P.: May I stay in my bed?<br />

D.: You have to stay in bed. Apply mustard plasters every day before going to bed. Take warm<br />

tea with the raspberry jam. Gargle your throat several times a day. You must make the analyses<br />

of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides you must have an ECG taken.<br />

P.: Well, doctor. I'll fulfil all your prescriptions.<br />

D.: You will feel better soon. You should not smoke at present. Try to sleep more. Don't walk<br />

much. Eat food rich in vitamins.<br />

Ex. 16. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. First of all I shall prescribe you some drugs. 2. This mixture is for your cough. 3. I'll put you<br />

on a si ck-leave. 4.G argle your t hroat s everal t imes a da y. 5. A pply mustard pl asters on your<br />

back. 6. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Stay in your bed for some days. 7. Gargle your throat. 8.<br />

These tablets are for a headache. 9. This powder is for a pain in your stomach. 10. T hese drops<br />

are for your heart troubles. 11. Take this drug three times a day before (after) meals.<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. I'll _ you t he t reatment. 2. T hese dr ops _ _ ba d c ough. 3. T his mixture _ _ a pain i n your<br />

abdomen. 4. These tablets _ _ a headache.<br />

Ex. 18. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into English:<br />

A. замовляти ліки; приймати ліки по чайній ложці; після їжі; це ліки від кашлю; ці пігулки<br />

від головного болю; ставити гірчичники; полоскати горло; робити аналізи; робити<br />

рентген; робити електрокардіограму серця.

В. 1. Ваше серце і легені треба перевірити. 2. Зробіть електрокардіограму. 3. Зробіть<br />

аналізи крові і сечі. 4. Підійдіть до хірурга і перевірте суглоби.<br />

Ex. 20. Imagine that your patient has pneumonia (bronchitis, virus infection, quinsy).<br />

Prescribe him/her proper treatment.<br />

Ex. 21. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Physician's" in pairs.<br />

Ex. 22. Read the following text. Write all the medical terms out of the text and translate<br />

them into your native language.<br />


In the hospital, skilled teams of physicians, nurses, technicians, therapists, and support staff<br />

work together to provide care for patients in a setting of high-technology medical equipment that<br />

can perform a vast array of medical tests and procedures.<br />

Once the person gets to the hospital, his/her first stop will probably be the admitting office.<br />

The patient will meet with an admitting officer to review the medical history. If a person enters<br />

the hospital as an emergency patient, the entry procedure may be somewhat different.<br />

After the patient is admitted, he/she will be escorted to his/her room. The patient will meet<br />

members of the nursing staff who are responsible for patient’s daily care. We must remember<br />

that e very hos pital or d epartment ha s s pecific routines a nd pol icies r egarding vi siting hour s,<br />

patient meals, services, and other practical aspects of day-to-day life in the hospital. After that<br />

the physician gives necessary medical treatment to his/her patient.<br />

Once t he physician determines t hat the pa tient is w ell enough to leave, t he hos pital w ill<br />

dismiss the patient.<br />

Ex. 23. Write out the key words of the text "Hospital Stay".<br />

Ex. 24. Retell text "Hospital Stay" using key words.<br />

Ex. 25. Read this short dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Well, Mrs Black. What's brought you along today?<br />

Patient: I've got a bad dose of flu. (1)<br />

D.: How long has it been bothering you?<br />

P.: Two or three days. (2)<br />

Ex. 26. P ractice t his d ialogue. Your pa rtner should pl ay the pa rt of t he pa tient. He/She c an<br />

select replies from list (1) and (2) below:<br />

(1) (2)<br />

terrible constipation<br />

since Tuesday<br />

swollen ankles<br />

a fortnight<br />

a pain in my stomach<br />

for almost a month

Ex. 27. Read the following dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Which part of your head (chest, back) is affected?<br />

Patient: Just here.<br />

D.: Can you describe the pain?<br />

P.: It is a dull sort of ache. (1)<br />

Ex. 28. Practice this dialogue. Your partner should play the part of the patient. He/She can<br />

select replies from list below (1):<br />

(1): a feeling of pressure; very sore, like a knife; a burning pain.<br />

Ex. 29. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient is a 26-year-old woman complaining of swelling of the ankles. 2. The patient is a<br />

32-year-old man with headaches, sore throat, and enlarged glands in the neck. 3. The patient is a<br />

42-year-old woman complaining of nausea and episodes of pain in the right part of the chest.<br />

4. Pregnancy test is negative. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulse is normal. The liver is not enlarged.<br />

5. Both ankles, the left elbow and the right wrist are swollen and painful.<br />

Ex. 30. The form below is used to measure mental impairment. Discuss with a partner:<br />

1. in what order you might ask these questions; 2. in what form you might ask them:<br />


Date of test _______<br />

Score 1 for a correct answer, 0 for an error.<br />

SCORE<br />

1. What is the name of this place? ________<br />

2. What day of the week is it today? ________<br />

3. What month is it? ________<br />

4. What year is it? ________<br />

5. What age are you? (allow ± 1 year error) ________<br />

6. In what year were you born? ________<br />

7. In what month is your birthday? ________<br />

8. What time is it? (allow ± 1 hour error) ________<br />

9. How long have you been here? (allow 25% error) ________<br />

Significance of score<br />

8 or 9: No significant impairment<br />

5 to 7: Moderate impairment<br />

1 to 4: Severe impairment<br />

0: Complete failure<br />

Signature of examiner ________<br />

Total score _________<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

I suppose you have pneumonia. Order this drug in the pharmacy. Take it a teaspoonful twice a<br />

day be fore meals. T his m ixture i s for your c ough. T hese tablets are f or your he adache. T ake<br />

these tablets one every three hours. You have to stay in bed. Apply mustard plasters every day

efore goi ng t o be d. G argle your throat several t imes a da y. Y ou m ust m ake t he analyses of<br />

blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides you must have an ECG taken.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about medical institutions in the Ukraine<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. W here is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every w ard? 6. H ow m any pa tients doe s t he t herapeutic de partment hous e? 7 . What do t he<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do t he surgeons do before the operation?<br />

own arrangements for work?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. I'll _ you t he t reatment. 2. T hese dr ops _ _ ba d c ough. 3. T his mixture _ _ a pain i n your<br />

abdomen. 4. These tablets _ _ a headache.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Стаціонарне лікування (2 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Стаціонарне лікування.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом construction Participle II<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

make analyses [q'nxlqsIz] робити аналізи<br />

take electrocardiogram<br />

[I"lektrOu'kQ:dIqgrqm] робить<br />

электрокардіограму<br />

stay in bed [steI] знаходитись у ліжку,<br />

дотримувати постільний режим<br />

drug [drAg] ліки, лікарський препарат<br />

take medicine ['medsIn] приймати ліки<br />

gargle a throat ['ga:gl 'Trqut] полоскати<br />

горло<br />

apply [q'plaI] ставити<br />

indicate ['IndIkeIt] вказувати, показувати<br />

fulfil [ful'fIl] виконувати<br />

X-ray ['eks'reI] рентген<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1.What are the forms of Participle II ?<br />

2.Give your examples of sentences with the Participle II<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />



Letters Sounds Examples<br />

kn [n] know<br />

tch [C] catch<br />

th [D] this<br />

th [T] thick

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Knee; knowledge; knife; stretch; match; itchy; catch; watch; something; through; think; health;<br />

pathological; therapeutist; that; them; further; without.<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Noun:<br />

-(i)ty (denote condition or phenomena)<br />

abnormality – патологія<br />

-ness (denote condition or phenomena)<br />

correct вірний – correctness вірність<br />

hopeless безнадійний– hopelessness безнадійність<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Ability; activity; reality; humanity; possibility; integrity; majority; severity.<br />

B. Weakness; illness; dryness; breathlessness; thickness; effectiveness; heaviness.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Read the following grammar material:<br />

PARTICIPLE II (V 3 )<br />

Infinitive<br />

Participle II<br />

deliver<br />

delivered<br />

treat<br />

treated<br />

love<br />

loved<br />

say<br />

said<br />

make<br />

made<br />

take<br />

taken<br />

1. Measured blood pressure was very high.<br />

2. Blood pressure measured was high.<br />

3. B lood pr essure m easured by t he doc tor<br />

was very high.<br />

1. Вимірянний кровяний тиск був дуже<br />

високим.<br />

2. Вимірянний кровяний тиск був високим<br />

3. Кровяний тиск, вимірянний лікарем, був<br />

високим.<br />

Ex. 5. Form Participles II from the following infinitives:<br />

A. locate, call, connect, examine, remember, love, need, graduate, include, obtain;<br />

B. begin, come, give, know, see, feel, give, go, cut, come, do, find, send, sleep, speak, write.<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. P rescribed medicine is us eful f or t his pa tient. 2. T he ope ration p erformed u nder ge neral<br />

anaesthesia was ve ry c omplex. 3. I njured l eg hur ts ve ry ba dly. 4. T he e xamined p atient w as<br />

seriously ill. 5. A ll dr ugs t aken f rom t he c hemist's s hop m ust be r eturned. 6. T he pr oblems<br />

discussed at t he conf erence ar e ve ry important f or car diologists. 7. O ur s cientists know a bout<br />

great successes achieved by them. 8. One of the greatest contributions to the world science made<br />

by V . V orobyov w as " Atlas on H uman A natomy". 9. Y oung s pecialist g raduated f rom t he<br />

medical institute works as intern. 10. The patient directed to make blood analyses had grippe.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences containing Participles II into your native language:<br />

1. O.M. Shumlyansky described the kidney texture. 2. The outstanding Ukrainian anatomist<br />

V.P. Vorobyov born Odessa finished gymnasium. 3. He improved his education in the field of

obstetrics and received his doctor's degree. 4. The Institute of Eye diseases named after V.P.<br />

Filatov in Odesa is one of the largest clinics in Ukraine. 5. A new school built for poor children<br />

was very popular in 19 century. 6. O. Bohomolets graduated from the medical faculty at Odesa<br />

University was a director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following grammar material:<br />


Stand up!<br />

Встаньте!<br />

Don’t be late!<br />

Не запізднюйтесь!<br />

Do write to me.<br />

Будь ласка, пишіть мені!<br />

Let us read this text once more.<br />

Давайте прочитаемо цей текст ще раз.<br />

Let them do it now.<br />

Хай вони зроблять це зараз!<br />

Ex. 9. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. Listen to me attentively. 2. O rder this drug in the pharmacy. 3. T ake it a teaspoonful twice a<br />

day before meals. 4. T ake these tablets one every three hours. 5. A pply mustard plasters every<br />

day before going to bed. 6. Take warm tea with the raspberry jam. 7. Gargle your throat several<br />

times a day. 8. Make the analyses of blood and urine.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних kn,th,tch.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-(i)ty, -ness).<br />

Граматика: Participle II<br />

Текст: “At the Physician’s”.<br />


Ex. 10. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 11. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert th e mi ssing letters an d tr anslate th e f ollowing words in to your n ative<br />

language:<br />

Fu_fil; ele_trocardiogram; gar_le; med_cine; thro_t; anal_sis; dru_; indi_ate; ap_ly.<br />

Ex. 13. Read the following words:<br />

Pneumonia; lis ten; te aspoonful; m eals; m ixture; c ough; pr escription; ta blets; he adache; a pply;<br />

mustard; raspberry; gargle; throat; blood; urine; should; X-ray; vitamins.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

1. drug; a drug for a headache; to take the drug three times a day; to order the drug; overdosage<br />

of the drug.<br />

2. to indicate; to indicate the dose on the label; labels indicate the dose to be taken; indication;<br />

the operation was not indicated.<br />

Ex. 15. Read and translate the dialogue:<br />


Doctor: I suppose you have pneumonia.<br />

Patient: What must I do?<br />

D.: Listen to me attentively. Order this drug in the pharmacy. Take it a teaspoonful twice a day<br />

before meals. This mixture is for your cough. The dose to be taken is indicated in the

prescription. These tablets are for your headache. Take these tablets one every three hours. This<br />

preparation is usually well tolerated.<br />

P.: May I stay in my bed?<br />

D.: You have to stay in bed. Apply mustard plasters every day before going to bed. Take warm<br />

tea with the raspberry jam. Gargle your throat several times a day. You must make the analyses<br />

of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides you must have an ECG taken.<br />

P.: Well, doctor. I'll fulfil all your prescriptions.<br />

D.: You will feel better soon. You should not smoke at present. Try to sleep more. Don't walk<br />

much. Eat food rich in vitamins.<br />

Ex. 16. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. First of all I shall prescribe you some drugs. 2. This mixture is for your cough. 3. I'll put you<br />

on a si ck-leave. 4.G argle your t hroat s everal t imes a da y. 5. A pply mustard pl asters on your<br />

back. 6. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Stay in your bed for some days. 7. Gargle your throat. 8.<br />

These tablets are for a headache. 9. This powder is for a pain in your stomach. 10. T hese drops<br />

are for your heart troubles. 11. Take this drug three times a day before (after) meals.<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. I'll _ you the treatment. 2. T hese dr ops _ _ ba d c ough. 3. T his mixture _ _ a pain i n your<br />

abdomen. 4. These tablets _ _ a headache.<br />

Ex. 18. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into English:<br />

A. замовляти ліки; приймати ліки по чайній ложці; після їжі; це ліки від кашлю; ці пігулки<br />

від головного болю; ставити гірчичники; полоскати горло; робити аналізи; робити<br />

рентген; робити електрокардіограму серця.<br />

В. 1. Ваше серце і легені треба перевірити. 2. Зробіть електрокардіограму. 3. Зробіть<br />

аналізи крові і сечі. 4. Підійдіть до хірурга і перевірте суглоби.<br />

Ex. 20. Imagine that your patient has pneumonia (bronchitis, virus infection, quinsy).<br />

Prescribe him/her proper treatment.<br />

Ex. 21. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Physician's" in pairs.<br />

Ex. 22. Read the following text. Write all the medical terms out of the text and translate<br />

them into your native language.<br />


In the hos pital, skilled teams of ph ysicians, nurses, technicians, therapists, a nd s upport<br />

staff w ork t ogether t o pr ovide care f or pa tients i n a s etting of hi gh-technology m edical<br />

equipment that can perform a vast array of medical tests and procedures.<br />

Once t he pe rson ge ts to t he hos pital, hi s/her f irst s top w ill pr obably be t he admitting<br />

office. The patient will meet with an admitting officer to review the medical history. If a person<br />

enters t he h ospital a s a n e mergency pa tient, the e ntry pr ocedure m ay be s omewhat di fferent.<br />

After the pa tient is a dmitted, he/she w ill be e scorted to his/her room. The pa tient w ill<br />

meet members of t he nursing staff w ho are responsible for pa tient’s da ily care. We must<br />

remember that every hospital or department has specific routines and policies regarding visiting<br />

hours, patient meals, services, and other practical aspects of day-to-day life in the hospital. After<br />

that the physician gives necessary medical treatment to his/her patient.<br />

Once the physician determines that the patient is well enough to leave, the hospital will<br />

dismiss the patient.<br />

Ex. 23. Write out the key words of the text "Hospital Stay".

Ex. 24. Retell text "Hospital Stay" using key words.<br />

Ex. 25. Read this short dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Well, Mrs Black. What's brought you along today?<br />

Patient: I've got a bad dose of flu. (1)<br />

D.: How long has it been bothering you?<br />

P.: Two or three days. (2)<br />

Ex. 26. Practice this dialogue. Your partner should play the part of the patient. He/She can<br />

select replies from list (1) and (2) below:<br />

(1) (2)<br />

terrible constipation<br />

swollen ankles<br />

a pain in my stomach<br />

since Tuesday<br />

a fortnight<br />

for almost a month<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following dialogue:<br />

Doctor: Which part of your head (chest, back) is affected?<br />

Patient: Just here.<br />

D.: Can you describe the pain?<br />

P.: It is a dull sort of ache. (1)<br />

Ex. 28. Practice this dialogue. Your partner should play the part of the patient. He/She can<br />

select replies from list below (1):<br />

(1): a feeling of pressure; very sore, like a knife; a burning pain.<br />

Ex. 29. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient is a 26-year-old woman complaining of swelling of the ankles. 2. The patient is a<br />

32-year-old man with headaches, sore throat, and enlarged glands in the neck. 3. The patient is a<br />

42-year-old woman complaining of nausea and episodes of pain in the right part of the chest.<br />

4. Pregnancy test is negative. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulse is normal. The liver is not enlarged.<br />

5. Both ankles, the left elbow and the right wrist are swollen and painful.<br />

Ex. 30. The form below is used to measure mental impairment. Discuss with a partner:<br />

1. in what order you might ask these questions; 2. in what form you might ask them:<br />


Date of test _______<br />

Score 1 for a correct answer, 0 for an error.<br />

SCORE<br />

10. What is the name of this place? ________<br />

11. What day of the week is it today? ________<br />

12. What month is it? ________<br />

13. What year is it? ________<br />

14. What age are you? (allow ± 1 year error) ________<br />

15. In what year were you born? ________<br />

16. In what month is your birthday? ________<br />

17. What time is it? (allow ± 1 hour error) ________<br />

18. How long have you been here? (allow 25% error) ________<br />

Total score _________

Significance of score<br />

8 or 9: No significant impairment<br />

5 to 7: Moderate impairment<br />

1 to 4: Severe impairment<br />

0: Complete failure<br />

Signature of examiner ________<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. W here is the<br />

therapeutic department? 4. How many wards can one see in this department? 5. What are there in<br />

every w ard? 6. H ow m any pa tients doe s t he t herapeutic de partment hous e? 7 . What do t he<br />

doctors do every day? 8. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 9. What diseases do the patients<br />

of the therapeutic department suffer from? 10. What do t he surgeons do before the operation?<br />

own arrangements for work?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. I'll _ you the treatment. 2. These drops _ _ bad cough. 3. This mixture _ _ a pain in your<br />

abdomen. 4. These tablets _ _ a headache.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармацевтичне забезпечення в системі охорони<br />

здоров’я (4 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Фармацевтичне забезпечення в системі охорони здоров’я”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Modal Verbs<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних ph,ng.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-less, -able, -ive).<br />

Граматика: Modal Verbs<br />

Текст: “Chemist’s Shop”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Modal Verbs<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці there be;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних ph,ng.;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-less, -able, -ive);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Modal Verbs<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

order ['O:dq] замовляти<br />

cabinet ['kxbInIt] шафа<br />

properly ['prOpelI] відповідним чином,<br />

відповідно<br />

moisture ['mOIsCq] волога<br />

medicine chest ['medsIn 'Cest] аптечка<br />

lozenge ['lOzInG] пігулка<br />

ointment ['OIntmqnt] мазь<br />

drops ['drOps] краплі<br />

syrup ['sIrqp] сироп<br />

suppository [sq'pOzIt(q)rI] супозиторій<br />

powder ['paudq] порошок<br />

topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий (для місцевого<br />

застосування)<br />



ph [f] physics<br />

ng [N] long<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

indication ["IndI'keIS(q)n] показання<br />

contraindication ["kOntrq["IndI'keIS(q)n]<br />

протипоказання<br />

side effect ['saId I'fekt] побічний ефект<br />

expiration date ["ekspaI(q)reIS(q)n 'deIt] дата<br />

використання<br />

to be certain ['sq:tn] бути впевненим<br />

ensure [In'Suq] запевняти, гарантувати<br />

safe [seIf] захищений<br />

pregnancy ['pregnqnsI] вагітність<br />

breast feeding ['brest 'fI:dIN] грудне<br />

годування<br />

counter ['kauntq] прилавок, вітрина<br />

dye [daI] колір, забарвлення

Pharmacology, phys iology, phys ician; pha rmacy; t yphus; l ymph; pha gocyte; pha rynx;<br />

esophagus; lung; young; whooping.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


Present Past Future<br />

can could -<br />

may might -<br />

must - -<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. Taking the wrong medicines or inappropriate combinations of medicines can be dangerous. 2.<br />

All these things and many others you can buy at the chemist's shop. 3. The University has sport<br />

complex, where students can attend sections of tennis, volleyball, etc. 4. Although the health care<br />

system could not function without nurses or other professionals, final responsibility for person<br />

care falls on the physician. 5. I couldn’t come because I fell ill. 6. The patient may be treated in<br />

out-patient department. 7. S oft t issue m ay bl eed he avily. 8. T hese injuries m ight i nvolve<br />

considerable bleeding. 9. T hey may be grouped into three categories. 10. The patient must be<br />

isolated. 11. The patient mustn't go to bed at the beginning of an attack. 12. The individual must<br />

continue this treatment for the rest of his or her life. 13. A person may be a poor writer, he may<br />

be a bad painter or an actor but a person cannot and must not be a bad doctor.<br />

Ex. 4. Put sentences negative as in a model.<br />

MODEL:<br />

You must be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

You needn’t be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

1. I’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I must go and see a doctor. 2. You can borrow may camera<br />

if you want to. 3. He may be here at any moment. 4. You must drive carefully. 5. Look! You can<br />

see the mountains from this window. 6. They must work better to pass their exams. 7. My little<br />

niece Lizzie can already work. 8. He may take any information available to make his report in<br />

time. 9. We can stay a bit longer.<br />

Ex. 5. Make the following sentences interrogative according to the following model:<br />

MODEL:<br />

We must have deep knowledge of Anatomy and P hysiology. Must we have deep knowledge of<br />

Anatomy and Physiology?<br />

1. These students can continue their education. 2. The rest of the students can work as nurses. 3.<br />

Muscle names may also refer to the size of the muscle. 4. Certain factors may be mentioned as<br />

causes for perforation. 5. You must read clearly so that other students may understand you well.<br />

Ex. 6. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />




Present Past Future<br />

can<br />

to be able to<br />

am able to<br />

is able to<br />

was able to<br />

were able to<br />

shall be able to<br />

will be able to<br />

are able to<br />

may<br />

to be allowed to

must<br />

am allowed to<br />

is allowed to<br />

are allowed to<br />

have to<br />

has to<br />

am to<br />

is to<br />

are to<br />

was allowed to<br />

were allowed to<br />

to have to (треба)<br />

had to<br />

to be to (повинен)<br />

was to<br />

were to<br />

shall be allowed to<br />

will be allowed to<br />

shall have to<br />

will have to<br />

shall be to<br />

will be to<br />

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. T he phys ician is a ble t o pe rform a phys ical e xamination. 2. The hospitals w ill be a ble t o<br />

provide services for all medical needs. 3. Certain chemicals and viruses were able to play a great<br />

role. 4. T he person has to avoid lack of sleep or excess alcohol. 5. T he surgeon had to do t his<br />

operation. 6 . T his nur se w as a ble to c are f or the pa tients well. 7. T he surgeon i s a llowed to<br />

complete the operation. 8. The student has to attend all the lectures regularly. 9. You are allowed<br />

to take your temperature. 10. Persons with heart diseases are not to work hard.<br />

Ex. 8. Put t he m odal ve rbs i n t he f irst s entence i nto t he p ast t o complete t he secon d<br />

sentence:<br />

MODEL:<br />

We must stop to get petrol. We had to stop to get petrol an the nearest petrol station because the<br />

petrol tank was almost empty.<br />

1. I must stop smoking. I _ smoking because I became breathless just walking upstairs. 2. My<br />

niece can’t read very well because she’s dyslexic. My niece _ until she was twelve. 3. Some<br />

materials can absorb light quite well. He _ get better results at that time using out-of-date<br />

methods.<br />

Ex. 9. Put sentences negative and interrogative as in a model.<br />

MODEL:<br />

You must be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

Must you be home by 10 o’clock?<br />

You needn’t be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

1. I’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I must go and see a doctor. 2. You can borrow my camera.<br />

3. H e m ay be he re at any m oment. 4. Y ou m ust dr ive c arefully. 5. Look! Y ou c an s ee the<br />

mountains from this window. 6. T hey must work better to pass their exams. 7. M y little niece<br />

Lizzie can already work. 8. H e may take any information available to make his report in time.<br />

9. We can stay a bit longer.<br />

Ex. 10. Complete t he sentences u sing modal ve rbs or t heir eq uivalents i n p roper t ense<br />

forms.<br />

1. They were talking quite loudly. I _ hear everything they said. 2. You’ll _ to go shopping later<br />

today. 4. You _ get a visa to visit the United States. 5. I _ stay in bed yesterday because I wasn’t<br />

very well. 6. Annie will _ do her home work tomorrow. 7. It _ rain later. 8. _ I invite you to the<br />

party? 9. You _ buy this medicine. 10. They will _ to come here later.<br />

Ex. 11. Complete what the doctor says using must and verbs drink, take, stay, and continue.<br />

Use each verb only once.<br />

Mrs Woods isn’t very well. The doctor is speaking to her.

Doctor: Well, Mrs. Woods, your temperature is a little high, so you _ _ in bed for the next<br />

few days. You can eat whatever you like, but you _ _ p lenty of liquids. And I’ll give you some<br />

medicine. You _ _ it three times a day after meals. And you _ _ to take it for the next ten days.<br />

Ex. 1 2. Pick up t he s entences c ontaining modal ve rbs in t he t ext “Chemist’s Shop ” and<br />

translate them into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Match t he English sentences with t heir Ukrainian equivalents. Try to memorize<br />

when would is used as a modal verb:<br />

1. He would do it. 2. He wouldn't say where he had picked up the information. 3. That would be<br />

her car. 4. Would you please help us. 5. He would sooner die than ask their pardon.<br />

1. Чи не могли б ви допомогти нам ? (ввічливе прохання). 2. Він скоріш помре, ніж<br />

попросить у них вибачення (віддавати перевагу чомусь). 3. Це, мабуть, її машина<br />

(ймовірність). 4. Він дійсно хотів зробити це (наполягання). 5. Він нізащо не хотів<br />

говорить, звідки він про це дізнався (бажання).<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. A person who was in contact with cholera should be vaccinated. 2. Would you order some<br />

medicines for me? 3. You should consult a doctor if the drugs caused any unwanted effects. 4.<br />

Now would you like to sit up and I’ll take your blood pressure? 5. The patient should be given an<br />

X-ray. 6. She would do a thing like that. She is always borrowing things without asking.<br />

Ex. 15. Put sentences negative and interrogative as in a model:<br />

MODEL:<br />

You should shake the bottle before use.<br />

You shouldn’t shake the bottle before use.<br />

Should I shake the bottle before use?<br />

1. You should take the drug after meals. 2. You should take the drug on an empty stomach. 3.<br />

You should keep this medicine in the fridge. 4. You should rub this ointment into the skin. 5.<br />

You should eat high-calorie food with limited liquid and salt. 6. You should chew these tablets<br />

before swallowing. 7. You should try to do these exercises three times a day, preferably on an<br />

empty stomach.<br />

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences into English:<br />

1. Містер Паркер – досить відомий фахівець, ви могли чути про нього раніше. 2. Мері<br />

повинна була краще підготуватися до іспиту. 3. Дзвенить дзвінок, ми можемо спізнитися.<br />

4. Вона зможе допомогти вам купити усі необхідні ліки. 5. Ви повинні уважно вислухати<br />

усі скарги пацієнта. 6. Ви можете скористатися нашою базою даних. 7. Ці студенти<br />

зможуть бути присутніми (їм дозволили) на операції. 8. Ти можеш придбати бинт, вату та<br />

йод у будь-якій аптеці. 9. Ці ліки можуть викликати сонливість (drowsiness), нудоту. 11.<br />

Ці заходи зможуть попередити розвиток певних інфекційних захворювань.<br />


Ex. 17. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 18. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Dosage; ov erdosage; t o dose; co rrect dos e; si de ef fect; ha rmful effect; unw anted effect;<br />

healthcare p rofessionals; to indicate; indi cations; c ontraindications; to prescribe; pr escription;<br />

nonprescription medicine; a ction; interaction; br east m ilk; breast f eeding; saf ely; s afety; saf e;<br />

newborn child; unborn child.

Ex. 19. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Properly; bought; capsule, lozenge; syrup; suppository; powder; dosage; expiration; pharmacist;<br />

receive; substance; allergic; unusual; sulfites; pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text:<br />


The chemist's shop is one of the medical institutions. All medicines we need are ordered<br />

or bought at a che mist's shop. The state large chemist's shops as a r ule have two departments.<br />

They are the hand department and prescription one. The medicines are kept in drug cabinets. It is<br />

important to store all medicines properly, because heat or moisture may cause the medicine to<br />

break down. Today's medicine chest does contain tablets, capsules, lozenges, ointments, drops,<br />

syrups, suppositories, powders, topical solutions, creams, gels, and drugs for intramuscular and<br />

intravenous injections.<br />

If you us e an over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine, follow the directions on the<br />

label, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Every medicine has instruction for using where<br />

the indications, contraindications, dosage, side effects, expiration date and others are indicated.<br />

The pharmacist is primarily responsible for accurately filling prescriptions and ensuring<br />

that patients have enough information to effectively use medications. Before a patient leaves the<br />

chemist's sh op with a medicine, the pha rmacist m ust be cer tain that he /she ha s t he r ight<br />

medication, correct dose, and directions for use. The pharmacist also has to provide information<br />

about how the drug work and side effects and ensure that there are no contraindications to the<br />

medicine a nd no pot entially important ha rmful dr ug-drug, dr ug-food, or dr ug-disease<br />

interactions. T he pha rmacist is u sually the last he althcare professional t o have contact w ith<br />

patients before they receive their medicines, they are t he final step in a system of che cks and<br />

balances designed to ensure that medicines are used safely and effectively. So, before you use<br />

any medicine, the pharmacist has to know:<br />

− if you ha ve e ver ha d an a llergic or unus ual reaction t o any m edicine, f ood, or ot her<br />

substance, such as yellow dye or sulfites;<br />

− if you a re on a low-salt, low-sugar, or any other special diet. Most medicines contain more<br />

than their active ingredient, and many liquid medicines contain alcohol;<br />

− if you a re pregnant or if you pl an to become pregnant. Certain medicines may cause birth<br />

defects or other p roblems i n t he unbor n c hild. F or ot her m edicines, s afe us e dur ing<br />

pregnancy h as not be en e stablished. T he us e o f a ny m edicine dur ing pregnancy must be<br />

carefully considered;<br />

− if you are breast feeding. Some medicines may pass into the breast milk and cause unwanted<br />

effects in the baby;<br />

− if you have any medical problems;<br />

− if you are now taking or have taken any medicines in the past few weeks.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate into English:<br />

Зберігати медикаменти відповідним чином; рецептурний відділ; безрецептурний відділ;<br />

спричиняти небажаний ефект; мати алергію до медикаментів; містити активні<br />

інгредієнти; спричиняти вроджені вади; внутрішньовенна ін’єкція; внутрішньом’язова<br />

ін’єкція; ефективне застосування медикаментів; вказувати відповідне дозування; побічний<br />

ефект; медпрацівники; містити алкоголь; розчин для місцевого застосування;<br />

забезпечити відповідною інформацією.<br />

Ex. 22. Arrange the words with opposite meaning into the pairs:<br />

Harmful, indication, artificial feeding, final, correct, born, state-owned, breast feeding, incorrect,<br />

harmless, unborn, contraindication, private, primary.<br />

Ex. 23. Translate the text “Chemist’s Shop” into your native language.

Ex. 24. Complete the following sentences with the given words given:<br />

1. Doctors write a _ for medicine which chemists or dispensers make up.<br />

a) certification; b) prescription; c) receipt; d) recipe<br />

2. A chemist always puts a _ on a bottle of medicine.<br />

a) label; b) receipt; c) program; d) ticket<br />

3. All medicines should be _ out of reach of children.<br />

a) stored; b) taken; c) kept; d) held<br />

4. It’s time to take another _ of medicine.<br />

a) cup; b) dose; c) drink; d) spoon<br />

5. The medicine he takes can only _ the pain.<br />

a) heal; b) remedy; c) relieve; d) solve.<br />

6. The medicine was so _ that he was almost back to normal within a few days.<br />

a) effective; b) efficient; c) influential; d) proficient<br />

Ex. 25. Divide the following forms of drugs into the three groups (1. taken by mouth; 2.<br />

injected into the body; 3. applied to the body surface):<br />

Capsules; cream; jelly; lotion; lozenge; pill; powder; tablet; vaccines; ointment.<br />

Ex. 26. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. H ow many departments ar e t here i n the st ate che mist’s shop? What ar e t hey? 2. Why ar e<br />

medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you<br />

pay a s pecial attention to i f you us e a n over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine? 5. P rove<br />

that t he pha rmacist i s a r ather r esponsible he althcare pr ofessional. 6. Are t here any r elations<br />

between the diet and the uptake of a certain drug? 7. May drugs effect the unborn or breast-fed<br />

babies?<br />

Ex. 27. Fill in blanks with the prepositions:<br />

1. All medicines we need are ordered or bought _ a chemist's shop. 2. Certain medicines may<br />

cause bir th defects or o ther pr oblems _ t he unbor n c hild. 3. I f you use a n ove r-the-counter<br />

(nonprescription) m edicine, follow the di rections _ the la bel. 4. The pha rmacist is pr imarily<br />

responsible _ accurately filling prescriptions. 5. The pharmacist also has to provide information _<br />

how the drug work and side effects.<br />

Ex. 28. Choose the English equivalents to the Russian ones. Make up the dialogue using the<br />

terms and expressions given in the table:<br />

1. pharmacy on duty<br />

2. prescription<br />

1. передозування цих ліків викликає<br />

несприятливий эфект<br />

3. to write out the prescription 2. зберігайте ці ліки в прохолодному місці<br />

4. take this drug three times a day 3. чи ви добре переносите новокаїн?<br />

5. this mixture is for the cough 4. необхідна доза вказана в рецепті<br />

6. these tablets are for the headache<br />

7. don't take drugs without a doctor's advice<br />

5. приймайте ці ліки по чайній (столовій)<br />

ложці до (після) харчування<br />

8. the overdosage of this drug is causing an 6. рецепт<br />

untoward effect<br />

7. ця мікстура від кашлю<br />

9. are you sensitive to novocain? 8. ці пігулки від головного болю<br />

10. this drug reduced blood pressure (relieves<br />

toothache, clears the nose)<br />

9. чергова аптека<br />

10. запивайте ці ліки молоком<br />

11. t he dos e t o be taken i s i ndicated i n t he<br />

prescription<br />

11. виписувати рецепт<br />

12. ці ліки знижують кров’яний тиск<br />

12. keep the drug in a cool place (знімають біль, зменшують нежить)<br />

13. t ake t his d rug a t easpoonful 13. приймайте ці ліки три рази на день

(tablespoonful) before (after) meals<br />

14. take these tablets one every three hours<br />

14.не приймайте ліки без призначення<br />

лікаря<br />

15. take the drug with milk 15. приймайте ці пігулки по одній кожні<br />

три години<br />

Ex. 29. Speak on the pharmaceutical provision and pharmaceutical products, the role of<br />

pharmacists.<br />

Ex. 30. Read the following words and try to memorize them:<br />

Confuse змішувати, переплутати; doubt сумнів, сумніватись; discard позбавлятися чогось,<br />

викидати; i pecac іпекакуана; adh esive липкий; ba ndage бинт; ga uze марля; pa d пакет,<br />

прокладка; rubbing натирання; antacids засіб для зниження кислотності; calamine каламін<br />

(кремниста цинковая руда); sunscreen сонцезахисний крем; flush виливати, позбавлятися;<br />

outdated застарілий; deteriorate псувати(ся).<br />

Ex. 31. Read the following text and comment upon it. Try to retell the text.<br />


Keep medicines i n their or iginal c ontainers, ot herwise you or m embers of your f amily<br />

may get confused. Taking the wrong medicines or inappropriate combinations of medicines can<br />

be dangerous. If the label gets separated from a medicine container and there is any doubt to its<br />

contents, discard the medicine immediately.<br />

A well-equipped medicine chest has the following:<br />

− Pain relievers: aspirin or, for children aspirin substitutes such as acetaminophen;<br />

− Syrup of ipecac: a liquid used to promote vomiting and used in certain kinds of poisoning<br />

emergencies;<br />

− Bandages: adhesive strip bandages, adhesive tape and sterile gauze pads, elastic bandages,<br />

and surgical bandages;<br />

− Tools, including scissors to cut bandages and tweezers to remove splinters;<br />

− A thermometer including a rectal type thermometer if you have an infant;<br />

− Absorbent cotton and rubbing alcohol;<br />

− Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, antacids, cough syrup, calamine or other mild lotion for<br />

itching, a sunscreen to prevent sunburn, and skin creams or lotions to treat sunburn.<br />

All t hese things a nd many ot hers you c an buy a t t he c hemist's s hop. R emember: f lush<br />

unused, outdated prescription drugs down the toilet. Medicine deteriorates over the time.<br />

Ex. 32. Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):<br />

1. Syrup of i pecac is a l iquid us ed t o s top vo miting a nd us ed i n c ertain ki nds of poi soning<br />

emergencies. 2. A spirin is generally regarded as the good pa in reliever. 3. Taking inappropriate<br />

combinations of medicines can not be dangerous. 4. M edicine keeps badly over the time. 5. A<br />

sunscreen is used for treating sunburns.<br />

Ex. 33. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Перш ніж приймати ліки, вам слід було уважно прочитати інструкцію. 2. Ви зможете<br />

отримати ці ліки наступного дня у рецептурному відділі. 3. Ці ліки повинен виписати ваш<br />

дільничний лікар (district doctor). 4. Лише деякі з цих медичних засобів можна буде взяти<br />

у закордонну туристичну подорож (for travelling abroad). 5. Вам слід порадитися з лікарем<br />

щодо вживання цих ліків та вашої дієти. 6. Для вашої аптечки вам доведеться купити<br />

бинт, вату, йод чи інший спиртовий розчин для дезінфекції, знеболююче та деякі інші<br />

ліки. 7. У Великобританії вагітні жінки отримують деякі ліки безкоштовно. 8.<br />

Передозування ліків може спричинити серйозні наслідки або навіть смерть. 9. Уважно<br />

прочитайте інформацію щодо протипоказань.

Ex. 34. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

Doctors use two main types of drugs for the prevention of diseases:<br />

1. Vaccines contain dead or harmless germs. They cause the body to develop substances called<br />

antibodies that act to prevent disease. Doctors administer vaccines before a person has been<br />

exposed to such diseases as poliomyelitis or smallpox. Vaccines are usually injected but<br />

sometimes are given orally. 2. Serum contains antibodies that fight off the germs of certain<br />

diseases, including scarlet fever and lockjaw (правець). These drugs are given after a person has<br />

been exposed to the disease, or after symptoms of the disease have appeared. Serums are<br />

generally administered by injections.<br />

Ex. 35. Read the dialogue and try to act as a pharmacist and a customer:<br />

Pharmacist: Can I help you?<br />

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like to get this prescription filled.<br />

Pharmacist: OK. It’ll be a few minutes.<br />

Customer: Oh, w hile I ’m he re…, m y da ughter w as c oughing qui te a bi t l ast ni ght. C an you<br />

suggest anything?<br />

Pharmacist: How old is your daughter?<br />

Customer: She’s four.<br />

Pharmacist: This is a good children’s cough syrup. Give her two teaspoons before she goes to<br />

bed. If her cough doesn’t clear up in a day or two, you should take her to the doctor.<br />

Customer: I will. Thanks.<br />

Pharmacist: And here’s your prescription.<br />

Customer: Are there any special instructions?<br />

Pharmacist: They ‘re on the bottle. You have to take it on an empty stomach. Than means at<br />

least one hour before meals or two hours after.<br />

Customer: OK. And thanks again.<br />

Ex. 36. Try to make up dialogues using the given model:<br />

– My daughter was coughing quite a bit last What do you r ecommend f or a b ad c ough<br />

night.<br />

(that)?<br />

or<br />

Can you suggest anything?<br />

– This is good children’s cough syrup.<br />

or<br />

Try (giving her) this children’s cough syrup.<br />

Student A: You are a customer asking the pharmacist for advice. Describe you problem,<br />

using the cues given.<br />

Student B: You are the pharmacist. Choose the best advice from the list below<br />

Customer<br />

Pharmacist<br />

played tennis yesterday / have stiff - try these non-drowsy allergy pills<br />

muscles now<br />

2. cold and flu season/ am worried - try using this muscle ointment<br />

about getting sick<br />

3. have had allergies/ allergy polls - take some good vitamin pills<br />

make me sleepy<br />

Ex. 37. Read the following words and memorize them:

Note звертати увагу; stomach шлунок; cap ковпачок, насадка, кришка; e yelid повіки;<br />

pouch мішок; blink кліпати; measure міряти; swallow ковтати; remove видаляти; tilt нахил,<br />

нахиляти; d rop крапля, крапати; contamination забруднення; nostril ніздря; tight щільний;<br />

tip верхівка, кінчик (ножа, олівця); sniff вдихать носом; briskly жваво; rinse полоскати<br />

Ex. 38. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To t ake m edicine; t o t ake or al m edicine; t o take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Ex. 39. Read the following text and entitle it:<br />

Take medicine exactly as directed, at the right time, and for the full length prescribed by<br />

your doctor. To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before<br />

taking, noting especially the expiration date.<br />

For oral medicines:<br />

− In general, it is the best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water. However, follow<br />

your doc tor's or ph armacist's di rections. S ome medicines s hould be taken w ith f ood w hile<br />

others should be taken on an empty stomach;<br />

− If you a re taking liquid medicines, it is best to use a specially marked measuring spoon or<br />

other device to measure each dose accurately;<br />

− Oral medicine may come in a number of different dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and<br />

liquids. If you have trouble swallowing the dosage form prescribed for you, check with your<br />

doctor or pharmacist. There are another form that would be better for you;<br />

− Different medicines should never be mixed in one container. Always keep your medicines<br />

tightly c apped i n i ts or iginal c ontainer, w hen not i n us e. D o not r emove t he l abel s ince<br />

directions for use and other special information appear there.<br />

For ophthalmic drops:<br />

− First, wash hands. Tilt head back and with the index finger, pull lower eyelid away from eye<br />

to form a pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch and gently close eyes. Do not blink. Keep<br />

eyes c losed f or 1 or 2 minutes. I mmediately a fter a pplying t he e ye dr ops, w ash ha nds t o<br />

remove any medicine that may be on them;<br />

− The bottle may not be full, this is to provide proper drop control;<br />

− To prevent contamination of the eye drops, do not touch the applicator tip to any surface and<br />

keep the container tightly closed.<br />

For nasal drops:<br />

− Blow nose gently. Tilt head back while standing or sitting up, or lie down on a bed and hang<br />

head ove r the s ide. P lace t he d rops i nto e ach nostril a nd keep he ad tilted ba ck f ar a f ew<br />

minutes to allow medicine to spread throughout the nose;<br />

− Rinse the dropper with hot water and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use.<br />

To avoid the spread of infection, do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

For nasal spray:<br />

− Blow nos e gently. W ith head upr ight, s pray t he medicine i nto e ach nos tril. S niff br iskly<br />

while a squeezing bottle quickly and firmly. Wait 3 to 5 minutes to allow medicine to work.<br />

Then, blow nose gently and thoroughly and repeat the sprays if need.<br />

− Rinse the tip of the spray bottle with hot water, taking care not to suck water into the bottle,<br />

and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use. To avoid the spread of infection,<br />

do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

Ex. 40. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Слідувати вказівкам лікаря; нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні<br />

повіки; просушити чистою тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний

палець; уникати помилки; приймати ліки під час їжі; зберігати ємність з ліками щільно<br />

закритою; уникати поширення інфекції; швидко вдихнути носом.<br />

Ex. 41. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the … of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one<br />

_ .<br />

Ex. 42. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What medical forms of drugs can you name? 2. Why is it important to take medicines at the<br />

right time, and for the full length prescribed by your doctor? 3. What are the dosage forms for<br />

oral medicines? 4. How to measure each dose of liquid medicine accurately? 5. Is it important to<br />

take medicines tightly capped in its original container, when not in use? Why?<br />

Ex. 43. Read and memorize the following information:<br />


Do store medicines properly. Most require a dry, secure place at room temperature and<br />

out to direct sunlight. Some drugs need refrigeration. A bathroom cabinet is a poor place to store<br />

medications because of temperature and moisture variations.<br />

Do keep drugs out of a child's reach. When visiting people with children, make sure your<br />

purse doesn't contain pills.<br />

Do discard outdated medications – prescription and over-the counter. Old medicine can<br />

lose its potency and sometimes become toxic.<br />

Don't lend or share prescription drugs. What helps you might harm others.<br />

Don't fall into the more-is-better trap. Take the prescribed amount of your medicine.<br />

Taking more, or less, can result in serious problems.<br />

Don't take a medication in the dark. You may take the wrong pill or the wrong amount.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The chemist's shop is one of the medical institutions where the people order or buy medicines for<br />

their t reatment. The st ate l arge che mist's shops as a r ule h ave t wo departments. They are t he<br />

hand de partment a nd pr escription o ne. A t t he ha nd de partment you c an buy s ome medicines<br />

immediately, while many drugs are ordered at the prescription department. A ll medicines are<br />

stored properly to avoid deteriorating. All the drugs have the labels and instructions for using<br />

where t he i ndications, contraindications, dos age, s ide effects, expiration date and othe rs ar e<br />

indicated. The pharmacist is a healthcare professional who provides information about how the<br />

drug work and side effects and ensure that there are no contraindications to the medicine and no<br />

potentially important harmful drug-drug, drug-food, or drug-disease interactions.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.

1. Tell the group about chemist's shop<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. H ow many departments ar e t here i n the st ate che mist’s shop? What ar e t hey? 2. Why ar e<br />

medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you<br />

pay a special attention to i f you us e a n over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine? 5. P rove<br />

that t he pha rmacist i s a r ather r esponsible he althcare pr ofessional. 6. Are t here any r elations<br />

between the diet and the uptake of a certain drug? 7. May drugs effect the unborn or breast-fed<br />

babies?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):<br />

1. Syrup of i pecac is a l iquid us ed t o s top vo miting a nd us ed i n c ertain ki nds of poi soning<br />

emergencies. 2. A spirin is generally regarded as the good pa in reliever. 3. Taking inappropriate<br />

combinations of medicines can not be dangerous. 4. M edicine keeps badly over the time. 5. A<br />

sunscreen is used for treating sunburns.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармацевтичне забезпечення в системі охорони<br />

здоров’я (4 год.)<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Фармацевтичне забезпечення в системі охорони здоров’я.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Modal Verbs засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

order ['O:dq] замовляти<br />

cabinet ['kxbInIt] шафа<br />

properly ['prOpelI] відповідним чином,<br />

відповідно<br />

moisture ['mOIsCq] волога<br />

medicine chest ['medsIn 'Cest] аптечка<br />

lozenge ['lOzInG] пігулка<br />

ointment ['OIntmqnt] мазь<br />

drops ['drOps] краплі<br />

syrup ['sIrqp] сироп<br />

suppository [sq'pOzIt(q)rI] супозиторій<br />

powder ['paudq] порошок<br />

topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий (для місцевого<br />

застосування)<br />

indication ["IndI'keIS(q)n] показання<br />

contraindication ["kOntrq["IndI'keIS(q)n]<br />

протипоказання<br />

side effect ['saId I'fekt] побічний ефект<br />

expiration date ["ekspaI(q)reIS(q)n 'deIt] дата<br />

використання<br />

to be certain ['sq:tn] бути впевненим<br />

ensure [In'Suq] запевняти, гарантувати<br />

safe [seIf] захищений<br />

pregnancy ['pregnqnsI] вагітність<br />

breast feeding ['brest 'fI:dIN] грудне<br />

годування<br />

counter ['kauntq] прилавок, вітрина<br />

dye [daI] колір, забарвлення<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is Modal Verbs?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with the Modal Verbs.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />


ph [f] physics<br />

ng [N] long<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Pharmacology, phys iology, phys ician; ph armacy; t yphus; l ymph; pha gocyte; pha rynx;<br />

esophagus; lung; young; whooping.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


Present Past Future<br />

can could -<br />

may might -<br />

must - -<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. Taking the wrong medicines or inappropriate combinations of medicines can be dangerous. 2.<br />

All these things and many others you can buy at the chemist's shop. 3. The University has sport<br />

complex, where students can attend sections of tennis, volleyball, etc. 4. Although the health care<br />

system could not function without nurses or other professionals, final responsibility for person<br />

care falls on the physician. 5. I couldn’t come because I fell ill. 6. The patient may be treated in<br />

out-patient department. 7. S oft t issue m ay bl eed he avily. 8. T hese injuries m ight i nvolve<br />

considerable bleeding. 9. T hey may be grouped into three categories. 10. The patient must be<br />

isolated. 11. The patient mustn't go to bed at the beginning of an attack. 12. The individual must<br />

continue this treatment for the rest of his or her life. 13. A person may be a poor writer, he may<br />

be a bad painter or an actor but a person cannot and must not be a bad doctor.<br />

Ex. 4. Put sentences negative as in a model.<br />

MODEL:<br />

You must be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

You needn’t be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

1. I’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I must go and see a doctor. 2. You can borrow may camera<br />

if you want to. 3. He may be here at any moment. 4. You must drive carefully. 5. Look! You can<br />

see the mountains from this window. 6. They must work better to pass their exams. 7. My little<br />

niece Lizzie can already work. 8. He may take any information available to make his report in<br />

time. 9. We can stay a bit longer.<br />

Ex. 5. Make the following sentences interrogative according to the following model:<br />

MODEL:<br />

We must have deep knowledge of Anatomy and P hysiology. Must we have deep knowledge of<br />

Anatomy and Physiology?<br />

1. These students can continue their education. 2. The rest of the students can work as nurses. 3.<br />

Muscle names may also refer to the size of the muscle. 4. Certain factors may be mentioned as<br />

causes for perforation. 5. You must read clearly so that other students may understand you well.<br />

Ex. 6. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />




Present Past Future<br />

can<br />

to be able to<br />

am able to was able to shall be able to

may<br />

must<br />

is able to<br />

are able to<br />

am allowed to<br />

is allowed to<br />

are allowed to<br />

have to<br />

has to<br />

am to<br />

is to<br />

are to<br />

were able to<br />

to be allowed to<br />

was allowed to<br />

were allowed to<br />

to have to (треба)<br />

had to<br />

to be to (повинен)<br />

was to<br />

were to<br />

will be able to<br />

shall be allowed to<br />

will be allowed to<br />

shall have to<br />

will have to<br />

shall be to<br />

will be to<br />

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. T he phys ician is a ble t o pe rform a phys ical e xamination. 2. The hospitals w ill be a ble t o<br />

provide services for all medical needs. 3. Certain chemicals and viruses were able to play a great<br />

role. 4. T he person has to avoid lack of sleep or excess alcohol. 5. T he surgeon had to do t his<br />

operation. 6 . T his nur se w as a ble to c are f or the pa tients well. 7. T he s urgeon is allowed t o<br />

complete the operation. 8. The student has to attend all the lectures regularly. 9. You are allowed<br />

to take your temperature. 10. Persons with heart diseases are not to work hard.<br />

Ex. 8. Put t he m odal ve rbs i n t he f irst se ntence i nto t he p ast t o complete t he secon d<br />

sentence:<br />

MODEL:<br />

We must stop to get petrol. We had to stop to get petrol an the nearest petrol station because the<br />

petrol tank was almost empty.<br />

1. I must stop smoking. I _ smoking because I became breathless just walking upstairs. 2. My<br />

niece can’t read very well because she’s dyslexic. My niece _ until she was twelve. 3. Some<br />

materials can absorb light quite well. He _ get better results at that time using out-of-date<br />

methods.<br />

Ex. 9. Put sentences negative and interrogative as in a model.<br />

MODEL:<br />

You must be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

Must you be home by 10 o’clock?<br />

You needn’t be home by 10 o’clock.<br />

1. I’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I must go and see a doctor. 2. You can borrow my camera.<br />

3. H e m ay be he re at any m oment. 4. Y ou m ust dr ive c arefully. 5. Look! Y ou can see the<br />

mountains from this window. 6. T hey must work better to pass their exams. 7. M y little niece<br />

Lizzie can already work. 8. H e may take any information available to make his report in time.<br />

9. We can stay a bit longer.<br />

Ex. 10. Complete th e sentences u sing modal ve rbs or t heir eq uivalents i n p roper t ense<br />

forms.<br />

1. They were talking quite loudly. I _ hear everything they said. 2. You’ll _ to go shopping later<br />

today. 4. You _ get a visa to visit the United States. 5. I _ stay in bed yesterday because I wasn’t<br />

very well. 6. Annie will _ do her home work tomorrow. 7. It _ rain later. 8. _ I invite you to the<br />

party? 9. You _ buy this medicine. 10. They will _ to come here later.<br />

Ex. 11. Complete what the doctor says using must and verbs drink, take, stay, and continue.<br />

Use each verb only once.

Mrs Woods isn’t very well. The doctor is speaking to her.<br />

Doctor: Well, Mrs. Woods, your temperature is a little high, so you _ _ in bed for the next<br />

few days. You can eat whatever you like, but you _ _ plenty of liquids. And I’ll give you some<br />

medicine. You _ _ it three times a day after meals. And you _ _ to take it for the next ten days.<br />

Ex. 1 2. Pick up t he s entences c ontaining modal ve rbs in t he t ext “Chemist’s Shop ” and<br />

translate them into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Match t he English sentences with t heir Ukrainian equivalents. Try to memorize<br />

when would is used as a modal verb:<br />

1. He would do it. 2. He wouldn't say where he had picked up the information. 3. That would be<br />

her car. 4. Would you please help us. 5. He would sooner die than ask their pardon.<br />

1. Чи не могли б ви допомогти нам ? (ввічливе прохання). 2. Він скоріш помре, ніж<br />

попросить у них вибачення (віддавати перевагу чомусь). 3. Це, мабуть, її машина<br />

(ймовірність). 4. Він дійсно хотів зробити це (наполягання). 5. Він нізащо не хотів<br />

говорить, звідки він про це дізнався (бажання).<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. A person who was in contact with cholera should be vaccinated. 2. Would you order some<br />

medicines for me? 3. You should consult a doctor if the drugs caused any unwanted effects. 4.<br />

Now would you like to sit up and I’ll take your blood pressure? 5. The patient should be given an<br />

X-ray. 6. She would do a thing like that. She is always borrowing things without asking.<br />

Ex. 15. Put sentences negative and interrogative as in a model:<br />

MODEL:<br />

You should shake the bottle before use.<br />

You shouldn’t shake the bottle before use.<br />

Should I shake the bottle before use?<br />

1. You should take the drug after meals. 2. You should take the drug on an empty stomach. 3.<br />

You should keep this medicine in the fridge. 4. You should rub this ointment into the skin. 5.<br />

You should eat high-calorie food with limited liquid and salt. 6. You should chew these tablets<br />

before swallowing. 7. You should try to do these exercises three times a day, preferably on an<br />

empty stomach.<br />

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences into English:<br />

1. Містер Паркер – досить відомий фахівець, ви могли чути про нього раніше. 2. Мері<br />

повинна була краще підготуватися до іспиту. 3. Дзвенить дзвінок, ми можемо спізнитися.<br />

4. Вона зможе допомогти вам купити усі необхідні ліки. 5. Ви повинні уважно вислухати<br />

усі скарги пацієнта. 6. Ви можете скористатися нашою базою даних. 7. Ці студенти<br />

зможуть бути присутніми (їм дозволили) на операції. 8. Ти можеш придбати бинт, вату та<br />

йод у будь-якій аптеці. 9. Ці ліки можуть викликати сонливість (drowsiness), нудоту. 11.<br />

Ці заходи зможуть попередити розвиток певних інфекційних захворювань.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних ph,ng.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-less, -able, -ive).<br />

Граматика: Modal Verbs<br />

Текст: “Chemist’s Shop”.<br />


Ex. 17. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 18. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Dosage; ov erdosage; t o dose; co rrect dos e; si de ef fect; ha rmful effect; unw anted effect;<br />

healthcare p rofessionals; to indicate; indi cations; c ontraindications; to prescribe; pr escription;<br />

nonprescription medicine; a ction; interaction; br east m ilk; b reast f eeding; s afely; s afety; s afe;<br />

newborn child; unborn child.<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Properly; bought; capsule, lozenge; syrup; suppository; powder; dosage; expiration; pharmacist;<br />

receive; substance; allergic; unusual; sulfites; pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text:<br />


The chemist's shop is one of the medical institutions. All medicines we need are ordered<br />

or bought at a che mist's shop. The state large chemist's shops as a r ule have two departments.<br />

They are the hand department and prescription one. The medicines are kept in drug cabinets. It is<br />

important to store all medicines properly, because heat or moisture may cause the medicine to<br />

break down. Today's medicine chest does contain tablets, capsules, lozenges, ointments, drops,<br />

syrups, suppositories, powders, topical solutions, creams, gels, and drugs for intramuscular and<br />

intravenous injections.<br />

If you us e an over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine, follow the directions on the<br />

label, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Every medicine has instruction for using where<br />

the indications, contraindications, dosage, side effects, expiration date and others are indicated.<br />

The pharmacist is primarily responsible for accurately filling prescriptions and ensuring<br />

that patients have enough information to effectively use medications. Before a patient leaves the<br />

chemist's sh op with a medicine, the pha rmacist m ust be cer tain that he /she ha s t he r ight<br />

medication, correct dose, and directions for use. The pharmacist also has to provide information<br />

about how the drug work and side effects and ensure that there are no contraindications to the<br />

medicine a nd no pot entially important ha rmful dr ug-drug, dr ug-food, or dr ug-disease<br />

interactions. T he pha rmacist i s u sually the last he althcare professional t o have contact w ith<br />

patients before they receive their medicines, they are t he final step in a system of che cks and<br />

balances designed to ensure that medicines are used safely and effectively. So, before you use<br />

any medicine, the pharmacist has to know:<br />

− if you ha ve e ver ha d an a llergic or unus ual reaction t o any m edicine, f ood, or ot her<br />

substance, such as yellow dye or sulfites;<br />

− if you a re on a low-salt, low-sugar, or any other special diet. Most medicines contain more<br />

than their active ingredient, and many liquid medicines contain alcohol;<br />

− if you a re pregnant or if you pl an to become pregnant. Certain medicines may cause birth<br />

defects or other p roblems i n t he unbor n c hild. F or ot her m edicines, s afe us e dur ing<br />

pregnancy h as not be en e stablished. T he us e o f a ny m edicine dur ing pregnancy must be<br />

carefully considered;<br />

− if you are breast feeding. Some medicines may pass into the breast milk and cause unwanted<br />

effects in the baby;<br />

− if you have any medical problems;<br />

− if you are now taking or have taken any medicines in the past few weeks.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate into English:<br />

Зберігати медикаменти відповідним чином; рецептурний відділ; безрецептурний відділ;<br />

спричиняти небажаний ефект; мати алергію до медикаментів; містити активні<br />

інгредієнти; спричиняти вроджені вади; внутрішньовенна ін’єкція; внутрішньом’язова<br />

ін’єкція; ефективне застосування медикаментів; вказувати відповідне дозування; побічний

ефект; медпрацівники; містити алкоголь; розчин для місцевого застосування;<br />

забезпечити відповідною інформацією.<br />

Ex. 22. Arrange the words with opposite meaning into the pairs:<br />

Harmful, indication, artificial feeding, final, correct, born, state-owned, breast feeding, incorrect,<br />

harmless, unborn, contraindication, private, primary.<br />

Ex. 23. Translate the text “Chemist’s Shop” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 24. Complete the following sentences with the given words given:<br />

1. Doctors write a _ for medicine which chemists or dispensers make up.<br />

b) certification; b) prescription; c) receipt; d) recipe<br />

2. A chemist always puts a _ on a bottle of medicine.<br />

a) label; b) receipt; c) program; d) ticket<br />

3. All medicines should be _ out of reach of children.<br />

b) stored; b) taken; c) kept; d) held<br />

4. It’s time to take another _ of medicine.<br />

a) cup; b) dose; c) drink; d) spoon<br />

5. The medicine he takes can only _ the pain.<br />

a) heal; b) remedy; c) relieve; d) solve.<br />

6. The medicine was so _ that he was almost back to normal within a few days.<br />

a) effective; b) efficient; c) influential; d) proficient<br />

Ex. 2 5. Divide t he f ollowing forms of d rugs i nto the t hree gr oups ( 1. taken by mouth; 2.<br />

injected into the body; 3. applied to the body surface):<br />

Capsules; cream; jelly; lotion; lozenge; pill; powder; tablet; vaccines; ointment.<br />

Ex. 26. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. H ow many departments ar e t here i n the st ate che mist’s shop ? What ar e t hey? 2. Why ar e<br />

medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you<br />

pay a s pecial attention to i f you us e a n over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine? 5. P rove<br />

that the pha rmacist is a ra ther re sponsible he althcare pr ofessional. 6. Are t here any r elations<br />

between the diet and the uptake of a certain drug? 7. May drugs effect the unborn or breast-fed<br />

babies?<br />

Ex. 27. Fill in blanks with the prepositions:<br />

1. All medicines we need are ordered or bought _ a chemist's shop. 2. Certain medicines may<br />

cause bi rth defects or o ther pr oblems _ t he unbor n c hild. 3. I f you use a n ove r-the-counter<br />

(nonprescription) m edicine, follow the di rections _ the la bel. 4. The pha rmacist is pr imarily<br />

responsible _ accurately filling prescriptions. 5. The pharmacist also has to provide information _<br />

how the drug work and side effects.<br />

Ex. 28. Choose the English equivalents to the Russian ones. Make up the dialogue using the<br />

terms and expressions given in the table:<br />

1. pharmacy on duty<br />

1. передозування цих ліків викликає<br />

2. prescription<br />

несприятливий эфект<br />

3. to write out the prescription 2. зберігайте ці ліки в прохолодному місці<br />

4. take this drug three times a day 3. чи ви добре переносите новокаїн?<br />

5. this mixture is for the cough 4. необхідна доза вказана в рецепті<br />

6. these tablets are for the headache 5. приймайте ці ліки по чайній (столовій)<br />

7. don't take drugs without a doctor's advice ложці до (після) харчування<br />

8. the overdosage of this drug is causing an 6. рецепт

untoward effect<br />

7. ця мікстура від кашлю<br />

9. are you sensitive to novocain? 8. ці пігулки від головного болю<br />

10. this drug reduced blood pressure (relieves<br />

toothache, clears the nose)<br />

9. чергова аптека<br />

10. запивайте ці ліки молоком<br />

11. t he dos e t o be taken i s i ndicated i n t he<br />

prescription<br />

11. виписувати рецепт<br />

12. ці ліки знижують кров’яний тиск<br />

12. keep the drug in a cool place (знімають біль, зменшують нежить)<br />

13. t ake t his d rug a t easpoonful 13. приймайте ці ліки три рази на день<br />

(tablespoonful) before (after) meals<br />

14. take these tablets one every three hours<br />

14.не приймайте ліки без призначення<br />

лікаря<br />

15. take the drug with milk 15. приймайте ці пігулки по одній кожні<br />

три години<br />

Ex. 29. Speak on the pharmaceutical provision and pharmaceutical products, the role of<br />

pharmacists.<br />

Ex. 30. Read the following words and try to memorize them:<br />

Confuse змішувати, переплутати; doubt сумнів, сумніватись; discard позбавлятися чогось,<br />

викидати; i pecac іпекакуана; adh esive липкий; ba ndage бинт; ga uze марля; pa d пакет,<br />

прокладка; rubbing натирання; antacids засіб для зниження кислотності; calamine каламін<br />

(кремниста цинковая руда); sunscreen сонцезахисний крем; flush виливати, позбавлятися;<br />

outdated застарілий; deteriorate псувати(ся).<br />

Ex. 31. Read the following text and comment upon it. Try to retell the text.<br />


Keep medicines i n their or iginal c ontainers, ot herwise you or m embers of your f amily<br />

may get confused. Taking the wrong medicines or inappropriate combinations of medicines can<br />

be dangerous. If the label gets separated from a medicine container and there is any doubt to its<br />

contents, discard the medicine immediately.<br />

A well-equipped medicine chest has the following:<br />

− Pain relievers: aspirin or, for children aspirin substitutes such as acetaminophen;<br />

− Syrup of ipecac: a liquid used to promote vomiting and used in certain kinds of poisoning<br />

emergencies;<br />

− Bandages: adhesive strip bandages, adhesive tape and sterile gauze pads, elastic bandages,<br />

and surgical bandages;<br />

− Tools, including scissors to cut bandages and tweezers to remove splinters;<br />

− A thermometer including a rectal type thermometer if you have an infant;<br />

− Absorbent cotton and rubbing alcohol;<br />

− Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, antacids, cough syrup, calamine or other mild lotion for<br />

itching, a sunscreen to prevent sunburn, and skin creams or lotions to treat sunburn.<br />

All t hese things a nd many ot hers you c an buy a t t he c hemist's s hop. R emember: f lush<br />

unused, outdated prescription drugs down the toilet. Medicine deteriorates over the time.<br />

Ex. 32. Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):<br />

1. Syrup of i pecac is a l iquid us ed t o s top vo miting a nd us ed i n c ertain ki nds of poi soning<br />

emergencies. 2. A spirin is generally regarded as the good pa in reliever. 3. Taking inappropriate<br />

combinations of medicines can not be dangerous. 4. M edicine keeps badly over the time. 5. A<br />

sunscreen is used for treating sunburns.<br />

Ex. 33. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Перш ніж приймати ліки, вам слід було уважно прочитати інструкцію. 2. Ви зможете<br />

отримати ці ліки наступного дня у рецептурному відділі. 3. Ці ліки повинен виписати ваш<br />

дільничний лікар (district doctor). 4. Лише деякі з цих медичних засобів можна буде взяти<br />

у закордонну туристичну подорож (for travelling abroad). 5. Вам слід порадитися з лікарем<br />

щодо вживання цих ліків та вашої дієти. 6. Для вашої аптечки вам доведеться купити<br />

бинт, вату, йод чи інший спиртовий розчин для дезінфекції, знеболююче та деякі інші<br />

ліки. 7. У Великобританії вагітні жінки отримують деякі ліки безкоштовно. 8.<br />

Передозування ліків може спричинити серйозні наслідки або навіть смерть. 9. Уважно<br />

прочитайте інформацію щодо протипоказань.<br />

Ex. 34. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

Doctors use two main types of drugs for the prevention of diseases:<br />

1. Vaccines contain dead or harmless germs. They cause the body to develop substances called<br />

antibodies that act to prevent disease. Doctors administer vaccines before a person has been<br />

exposed to such diseases as poliomyelitis or smallpox. Vaccines are usually injected but<br />

sometimes are given orally. 2. Serum contains antibodies that fight off the germs of certain<br />

diseases, including scarlet fever and lockjaw (правець). These drugs are given after a person has<br />

been exposed to the disease, or after symptoms of the disease have appeared. Serums are<br />

generally administered by injections.<br />

Ex. 35. Read the dialogue and try to act as a pharmacist and a customer:<br />

Pharmacist: Can I help you?<br />

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like to get this prescription filled.<br />

Pharmacist: OK. It’ll be a few minutes.<br />

Customer: Oh, w hile I ’m he re…, m y da ughter w as c oughing qui te a bi t l ast ni ght. C an you<br />

suggest anything?<br />

Pharmacist: How old is your daughter?<br />

Customer: She’s four.<br />

Pharmacist: This is a good children’s cough syrup. Give her two teaspoons before she goes to<br />

bed. If her cough doesn’t clear up in a day or two, you should take her to the doctor.<br />

Customer: I will. Thanks.<br />

Pharmacist: And here’s your prescription.<br />

Customer: Are there any special instructions?<br />

Pharmacist: They ‘re on the bottle. You have to take it on an empty stomach. Than means at<br />

least one hour before meals or two hours after.<br />

Customer: OK. And thanks again.<br />

Ex. 36. Try to make up dialogues using the given model:<br />

– My daughter was coughing quite a bit last What do you r ecommend f or a b ad c ough<br />

night.<br />

(that)?<br />

or<br />

Can you suggest anything?<br />

– This is good children’s cough syrup.<br />

or<br />

Try (giving her) this children’s cough syrup.<br />

Student A: You are a customer asking the pharmacist for advice. Describe you problem,<br />

using the cues given.<br />

Student B: You are the pharmacist. Choose the best advice from the list below<br />

Customer<br />


played tennis yesterday / have stiff - try these non-drowsy allergy pills<br />

muscles now<br />

2. cold and flu season/ am worried - try using this muscle ointment<br />

about getting sick<br />

3. have had allergies/ allergy polls - take some good vitamin pills<br />

make me sleepy<br />

Ex. 37. Read the following words and memorize them:<br />

Note звертати увагу; stomach шлунок; cap ковпачок, насадка, кришка; e yelid повіки;<br />

pouch мішок; blink кліпати; measure міряти; swallow ковтати; remove видаляти; tilt нахил,<br />

нахиляти; d rop крапля, крапати; contamination забруднення; nostril ніздря; tight щільний;<br />

tip верхівка, кінчик (ножа, олівця); sniff вдихать носом; briskly жваво; rinse полоскати<br />

Ex. 38. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To t ake m edicine; t o t ake or al m edicine; t o take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Ex. 39. Read the following text and entitle it:<br />

Take medicine exactly as directed, at the right time, and for the full length prescribed by<br />

your doctor. To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before<br />

taking, noting especially the expiration date.<br />

For oral medicines:<br />

− In general, it is the best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water. However, follow<br />

your doc tor's or ph armacist's di rections. S ome medicines s hould be taken w ith f ood while<br />

others should be taken on an empty stomach;<br />

− If you a re taking liquid medicines, it is best to use a specially marked measuring spoon or<br />

other device to measure each dose accurately;<br />

− Oral medicine may come in a number of different dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and<br />

liquids. If you have trouble swallowing the dosage form prescribed for you, check with your<br />

doctor or pharmacist. There are another form that would be better for you;<br />

− Different medicines should never be mixed in one container. Always keep your medicines<br />

tightly c apped i n i ts or iginal c ontainer, w hen not i n us e. D o not r emove t he l abel s ince<br />

directions for use and other special information appear there.<br />

For ophthalmic drops:<br />

− First, wash hands. Tilt head back and with the index finger, pull lower eyelid away from eye<br />

to form a pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch and gently close eyes. Do not blink. Keep<br />

eyes c losed f or 1 or 2 minutes. I mmediately a fter a pplying t he e ye dr ops, w ash ha nds t o<br />

remove any medicine that may be on them;<br />

− The bottle may not be full, this is to provide proper drop control;<br />

− To prevent contamination of the eye drops, do not touch the applicator tip to any surface and<br />

keep the container tightly closed.<br />

For nasal drops:<br />

− Blow nose gently. Tilt head back while standing or sitting up, or lie down on a bed and hang<br />

head ove r the s ide. P lace t he d rops i nto e ach nostril a nd keep he ad tilted ba ck f ar a f ew<br />

minutes to allow medicine to spread throughout the nose;<br />

− Rinse the dropper with hot water and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use.<br />

To avoid the spread of infection, do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

For nasal spray:<br />

− Blow nos e gently. W ith he ad upr ight, s pray t he medicine i nto e ach nos tril. S niff br iskly<br />

while a squeezing bottle quickly and firmly. Wait 3 to 5 minutes to allow medicine to work.<br />

Then, blow nose gently and thoroughly and repeat the sprays if need.

− Rinse the tip of the spray bottle with hot water, taking care not to suck water into the bottle,<br />

and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use. To avoid the spread of infection,<br />

do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

Ex. 40. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Слідувати вказівкам лікаря; нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні<br />

повіки; просушити чистою тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний<br />

палець; уникати помилки; приймати ліки під час їжі; зберігати ємність з ліками щільно<br />

закритою; уникати поширення інфекції; швидко вдихнути носом.<br />

Ex. 41. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the … of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one<br />

_ .<br />

Ex. 42. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What medical forms of drugs can you name? 2. Why is it important to take medicines at the<br />

right time, and for the full length prescribed by your doctor? 3. What are the dosage forms for<br />

oral medicines? 4. How to measure each dose of liquid medicine accurately? 5. Is it important to<br />

take medicines tightly capped in its original container, when not in use? Why?<br />

Ex. 43. Read and memorize the following information:<br />


Do store medicines properly. Most require a dry, secure place at room temperature and<br />

out to direct sunlight. Some drugs need refrigeration. A bathroom cabinet is a poor place to store<br />

medications because of temperature and moisture variations.<br />

Do keep drugs out of a child's reach. When visiting people with children, make sure your<br />

purse doesn't contain pills.<br />

Do discard outdated medications – prescription and over-the counter. Old medicine can<br />

lose its potency and sometimes become toxic.<br />

Don't lend or share prescription drugs. What helps you might harm others.<br />

Don't fall i nto t he m ore-is-better t rap. T ake t he pr escribed a mount of your medicine.<br />

Taking more, or less, can result in serious problems.<br />

Don't take a medication in the dark. You may take the wrong pill or the wrong amount.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. H ow many departments ar e t here i n the st ate che mist’s sh op? What a re t hey? 2. Why a re<br />

medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you<br />

pay a s pecial attention to i f you us e a n over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine? 5. P rove<br />

that the pha rmacist is a ra ther re sponsible he althcare pr ofessional. 6. Are t here any r elations<br />

between the diet and the uptake of a certain drug? 7. May drugs effect the unborn or breast-fed<br />

babies?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):<br />

1. Syrup of i pecac is a l iquid us ed t o s top vo miting a nd us ed i n c ertain ki nds of poi soning<br />

emergencies. 2. A spirin is generally regarded as the good pa in reliever. 3. Taking inappropriate

combinations of medicines can not be dangerous. 4. M edicine keeps badly over the time. 5. A<br />

sunscreen is used for treating sunburns.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Головний мозок<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Головний мозок”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Sequence of Tenses<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-act, -adhere, -ache).<br />

Граматика: Sequence of Tenses<br />

Текст: “Brain”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Sequence of<br />

Tenses<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці<br />

Sequence of<br />

Tenses;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd,<br />

ld.; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-act, -adhere, -<br />

ache).;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння сonstruction<br />

“Sequence of Tenses”.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

brain [breIn] головной мозг<br />

vault [vO:lt] свод<br />

cerebrum ['serIbrqm] большой мозг<br />

thalamus ['Txlqmqs] таламус<br />

midbrain ['mIdbreIn] средний мозг<br />

pons [pOnz] мост<br />

medulla oblongata [me'dAlq "OblON'geItq]<br />

продолговатый мозг<br />

cerebellum ["serI'belqm] мозжечок<br />

bit [bIt] кусочек; частица, небольшое<br />

количество<br />


affect [q'fekt] оказывать влияние<br />

add up ['xd 'Ap] соответствовать<br />

convey [kqn'veI] передавать<br />

brain stem ['breIn 'stem] стволовая часть мозга<br />

hemisphere ['hemIsfIq] полушарие<br />

conscious ['kOnSqs] сознательный<br />

linking ['lINkIN] связь<br />

core [kO:] сердцевина; внутренность; ядро<br />

atop [q'tOp] поверх; над<br />

cortex ['kO:teks] кора головного мозга<br />

relay [rI:'leI] передавать, транслировать<br />


Ex. 1. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Ache; acute ache ; ba d ache ; bone ache ; dul l ache ; f ace-ache; pe rsistent ache ; t oothache;<br />

acheless; aching;<br />

Act; act ion; e mergency action; re flex action; a ctivate; a ctivation; a ctive; ra dioactive im plant;<br />

activity; hyperactivity; inactivate; inactivation;<br />

Adhere; a dherence; a dherent; a dhesion; pr imary a dhesion; a dhesive; bi ological a dhesive;<br />


GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

he examined patients in the morning.<br />

(Past Simple)<br />

оглядає пацієнтів вранці.<br />


He said<br />

(Past Simple)<br />

Він сказав, що<br />

had examined patients.<br />

(Past Perfect)<br />

оглянув пацієнтів.<br />

he would examine patients.<br />

(Future-in-the-Past)<br />

огляне пацієнтів.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. We learned the brain was the part of the central nervous system. 2. She knew the surgeon had<br />

performed operation a day before. 3. They said the flow of stimuli came into the brain from the<br />

eyes, ears, and other sense orga ns. 4. The sci entists de termined t he hypot halamus c ontrolled<br />

blood pressure. 5. It was estimated the patient would restored his health by the end of June.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Врач обнаружил, что у больного высокое кровяное давление. 2. Профессор сказал, что<br />

кровеносные сосуды делятся на артерии, вены и капилляры. 3. Лектор сказал, что<br />

мышечные волокна соединяются соединительной тканью. 4. Мы узнали, что мозг состоит<br />

из 100 миллиардов нейронов.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Mi_brain; med_lla oblongata; co_tex; brain ste_; cereb_um; hemis_here; co_e; t_alamus; p_ns;<br />

cerebell_m.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Affect; he misphere; vault; cortex; c erebrum; r elay; l inking; pons ; convey; cerebellum; bi t;<br />

midbrain; core.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Region; hypothalamus; medulla ablongata; analyze; function; signal; vital; breathing; tongue;<br />

mass; divide; conscious; hemisphere; beneath; area.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


The brain is that part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. The major regions of<br />

the a dult br ain a re t he c erebrum, the t halamus a nd hypot halamus, midbrain, pon s, m edulla<br />

oblongata, and cerebellum. The brain works to analyze bits of information before transmitting<br />

these m essages t hroughout t he bod y. These m essages affect f unctions suc h as co ordination,<br />

learning, memory, emotion, and thought.<br />

The br ain i s c omposed of a pproximately 100 bi llion ne urons, t heir connections, a nd<br />

supporting cells, w hich a dd up t o approximately 3 pounds of t issue. T his de nse ne twork of<br />

interconnected ne urons is or ganized t o convey all t he c ontrol s ignals n ecessary f or i ndividual<br />

activities.<br />

The brain is connected to the spinal cord by the brain stem, which is composed of the<br />

medulla, the pons, and midbrain. The brain stem controls many of the vital functions, such as<br />

breathing and circulation of blood. Cranial nerves exit from the brain stem to control muscles of<br />

the face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat. They also convey sensations from these parts back to the<br />

brain.<br />

The cer ebrum cons ists of t hick masses of ne rve t issue. It i s divide d i nto two sides<br />

(cerebral hemispheres). Conscious functions such as speech, memory, and vision are controlled<br />

in the cerebral hemispheres. Specific areas within theses hemispheres are responsible for certain<br />

functions, such as speech and the control of muscles in particular parts of the body. In general,<br />

control of the muscles of the right side of the body is in the left hemisphere of the brain, and<br />

muscles of t he l eft s ide of t he body a re c ontrolled by the right h emisphere of t he br ain. T he<br />

linking of higher brain functions with cerebral areas is a very active field of research.<br />

The other major portion of the brain, the cerebellum, is located beneath the cerebral<br />

hemispheres. It helps control the coordination. At the core of the brain, atop the brain stem, there<br />

are other key areas, including thalamus and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is an endocrine<br />

regulatory center that affects sleep and appetite. The thalamus is a collection of nerve cells<br />

whose function is the integration and transmission of many of the sensations. In addition, the<br />

centers under the cortex play critical roles in relaying messages between different areas of the<br />

brain.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Полушарие; ядро; соответствовать;<br />

средний мозг; кора головного мозга;<br />

продолговатый мозг; передавать;<br />

стволовая часть мозга;<br />

сознательный; связь; поверх, над;<br />

передавать, транслировать; свод<br />

черепа; мост; небольшое<br />

количество; мозжечок; оказывать<br />

влияние; большой мозг; головной<br />

мозг; центральная нервная система;<br />

главные участки; тонкая сеть;<br />

эмоция и мысль; набор нервных<br />

клеток; передача ощущений; поле<br />

для исследований; нервная ткань.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Brain” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Match the following words with their definitions:<br />

1. Dura mater 1. The outer layer over most of the cerebrum, the<br />

so-called “grey matter” of the brain.<br />

2. Cerebrum 2. T he uppe r, m ain a nd t he l argest pa rt of t he

ain c onsisting of t wo e qual he mispheres a nd<br />

controlling conscious and voluntary processes.<br />

3. Cerebral cortex. 3. T he upp er l ayer, t he out most of t he t hree<br />

membranes, w hich s urrounds the br ain a nd<br />

spinal cord.<br />

4. Cerebellum. 4. A pi ece of c onnecting t issue, t he br idge o f<br />

white matter at the base of the brain, containing<br />

neural c onnections be tween t he c erebrum a nd<br />

cerebellum.<br />

5. Pons. 5. T op of t he s ection of t he br ain be hind a nd<br />

below the c erebrum; it c onsists of tw o lateral<br />

lobes a nd a m iddle l obe a nd f unctions a s t he<br />

coordinating center for muscular movements and<br />

maintains balance.<br />

Ex. 14. Pronounce and memorize the meaning of the following terms:<br />

Diencephalon проміжний, середній мозок; ventricle шлуночок; stimulus (pl. stimuli)<br />

стимул, подразник.<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the prepositions:<br />

Thalamus and hypothalamus are two important parts _ the brain. Thalamus is a mass of<br />

grey matter forming the lateral walls of the diencephalons, which is involved _ the transmission<br />

and integration of some sensations. It monitors the stimuli we receive _ suppressing some and<br />

increasing o thers. H ypothalamus i s t he pa rt of t he br ain t hat f orms t he bot tom _ the thi rd<br />

ventricle a nd r egulates many ba sic body f unctions, s uch a s s leep, a ppetite, t emperature, a nd<br />

some emotions.<br />

When the received stimuli impulses are recognized, summarized and analyzed within the<br />

central pa rt of t he ne rvous s ystem ( brain) t hey a re f inally r elayed a nd s ent out _ a f orm o f<br />

specific orders _ different parts and organs of the human body. The investigations determined<br />

some areas _ the brain, which control vision, hearing, movements, and emotions.<br />

Ex. 16. Write out key words of the text “Brain”.<br />

Ex. 17. Give a summary of the text “Brain”.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue on structure and functions of the brain.<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following abstract and write down all unknown medical terms. Translate<br />

them with the aid of dictionary. Tell about the hypothalamic functions:<br />


The hypothalamus is the most inferior portion of the diencephalons and contains several<br />

small nuclei and nerve tracts. The hypothalamus is very important in a number of functions, all<br />

of which have emotional and mood relationships:<br />

Function<br />

Autonomic<br />

Description<br />

Helps control heart rate, urine release from the bladder, movement of food<br />

through the digestive tract, and blood vessels diameter.<br />

Endocrine<br />

Muscle control<br />

Helps r egulate pi tuitary gl and s ecretions and i nfluences m etabolism, i on<br />

balance, and sexual development.<br />

Controls m uscles involved i n s wallowing a nd s timulates s hivering in<br />

several muscles.

Temperature<br />

regulation<br />

Regulation of food<br />

and water intake<br />

Emotions<br />

Regulation of the<br />

sleep-wake cycle<br />

promotes h eat l oss w hen the hypot halamic t emperature i ncreases by<br />

increasing sweat pr oduction and pr omotes he at production when t he<br />

hypothalamic temperature decreases by promoting shivering.<br />

Hunger c enter pr omotes e ating and satiety center inh ibits e ating; th irst<br />

center promotes water intake.<br />

Large range of emotional influences over body functions; directly involved<br />

in stress-related and psychosomatic illnesses and with feelings of fear and<br />

rage.<br />

Coordinates responses to the sleep-wake cycle with other areas of the brain.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми “Brain”.<br />

The brain is that part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. The major regions of<br />

the brain are the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata,<br />

and cerebellum. The brain is responsible for control of coordination, learning, memory, emotion,<br />

and thought. The br ain i s c omposed of a pproximately 100 bi llion ne urons. T he br ain i s<br />

connected to the spinal cord by the brain stem. Brain stem is composed of the medulla, the pons,<br />

and m idbrain. T he br ain s tem c ontrols b reathing a nd c irculation of b lood. C ranial ne rves e xit<br />

from the brain stem to control muscles of the face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat. Control of the<br />

muscles of the right side of the body is in the left hemisphere of the brain, and muscles of the left<br />

side of the body are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. The linking of higher brain<br />

functions with cerebral areas is a very active field of research.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about Brain.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. Where is the brain located? 2. What are the regions of the brain? 3. What is the function of the<br />

brain? 4. W hat is the brain stem composed of? 5. What parts is the cerebrum divided into? 6.<br />

Where is the cerebellum? Where are thalamus and hypothalamus located?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. The _ is that part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. 2. The major regions of the brain<br />

are the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, _, pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum.<br />

3. The brain is responsible for control of coordination, learning, memory, _, and thought. 4. The<br />

brain is composed of approximately 100 billion _. 5. The brain is connected to the spinal cord by<br />

the brain _. 6. Brain stem is composed of the _, the pons, and midbrain. 7. The brain _ controls<br />

breathing and circulation of blood. 8. Cranial nerves exit from the brain stem to _muscles of the<br />

face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat.

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Головний мозок<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Головний мозок.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом construction to be, nouns<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

brain [breIn] головной мозг<br />

vault [vO:lt] свод<br />

cerebrum ['serIbrqm] большой мозг<br />

thalamus ['Txlqmqs] таламус<br />

midbrain ['mIdbreIn] средний мозг<br />

pons [pOnz] мост<br />

medulla oblongata [me'dAlq "OblON'geItq]<br />

продолговатый мозг<br />

cerebellum ["serI'belqm] мозжечок<br />

bit [bIt] кусочек; частица, небольшое<br />

количество<br />

affect [q'fekt] оказывать влияние<br />

add up ['xd 'Ap] соответствовать<br />

convey [kqn'veI] передавать<br />

brain stem ['breIn 'stem] стволовая часть мозга<br />

hemisphere ['hemIsfIq] полушарие<br />

conscious ['kOnSqs] сознательный<br />

linking ['lINkIN] связь<br />

core [kO:] сердцевина; внутренность; ядро<br />

atop [q'tOp] поверх; над<br />

cortex ['kO:teks] кора головного мозга<br />

relay [rI:'leI] передавать, транслировать<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What are the forms of the Sequence of Tenses?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with Sequence of Tenses construction..<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. We learned the brain was the part of the central nervous system. 2. She knew the surgeon had<br />

performed operation a day before. 3. They said the flow of stimuli came into the brain from the

eyes, e ars, and ot her sense or gans. 4. T he s cientists de termined t he hypot halamus c ontrolled<br />

blood pressure. 5. It was estimated the patient would restored his health by the end of June.<br />

Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Врач обнаружил, что у больного высокое кровяное давление. 2. Профессор сказал,<br />

что кровеносные сосуды делятся на артерии, вены и капилляры. 3. Лектор сказал,<br />

что мышечные волокна соединяются соединительной тканью. 4. Мы узнали, что<br />

мозг состоит из 100 миллиардов нейронов.<br />

Form plural from the following nouns:<br />

A. Subject, remedy, heart, parent, class, disease, chair, physician, skill, scientist, faculty, service,<br />

leaf, syllabus, pass, intern, nurse;<br />

B. sanatorium, woman, child, nucleus, alveolus, vertebra.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld (впр. 6, с. 90), Vocabulary.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-act, -afhere, -ache), впр. 4-5, с. 57<br />

(Юдіна, Потяженко)<br />


Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Mi_brain; med_lla oblongata; co_tex; brain ste_; cereb_um; hemis_here; co_e; t_alamus; p_ns;<br />

cerebell_m.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Affect; he misphere; vault; cortex; c erebrum; r elay; l inking; pons ; convey; cerebellum; bi t;<br />

midbrain; core.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Region; hypothalamus; medulla ablongata; analyze; function; signal; vital; breathing; tongue;<br />

mass; divide; conscious; hemisphere; beneath; area.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />

BRAIN<br />

The brain is that part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. The major regions of<br />

the adult brain are the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla<br />

oblongata, and cerebellum. The brain works to analyze bits of information before transmitting<br />

these messages throughout the body. These messages affect functions such as coordination,<br />

learning, memory, emotion, and thought.<br />

The brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons, their connections, and<br />

supporting cells, which add up to approximately 3 pounds of tissue. This dense network of<br />

interconnected neurons is organized to convey all the control signals necessary for individual<br />

activities.<br />

The brain is connected to the spinal cord by the brain stem, which is composed of the<br />

medulla, the pons, and midbrain. The brain stem controls many of the vital functions, such as<br />

breathing and circulation of blood. Cranial nerves exit from the brain stem to control muscles of<br />

the face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat. They also convey sensations from these parts back to the<br />

brain.<br />

The cerebrum consists of thick masses of nerve tissue. It is divided into two sides<br />

(cerebral hemispheres). Conscious functions such as speech, memory, and vision are controlled

in the cerebral hemispheres. Specific areas within theses hemispheres are responsible for certain<br />

functions, such as speech and the control of muscles in particular parts of the body. In general,<br />

control of the muscles of the right side of the body is in the left hemisphere of the brain, and<br />

muscles of the left side of the body are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. The<br />

linking of higher brain functions with cerebral areas is a very active field of research.<br />

The other major portion of the brain, the cerebellum, is located beneath the cerebral<br />

hemispheres. It helps control the coordination. At the core of the brain, atop the brain stem, there<br />

are other key areas, including thalamus and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is an endocrine<br />

regulatory center that affects sleep and appetite. The thalamus is a collection of nerve cells<br />

whose function is the integration and transmission of many of the sensations. In addition, the<br />

centers under the cortex play critical roles in relaying messages between different areas of the<br />

brain.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Where is the brain located? 2. What are the regions of the brain? 3. What is the function of the<br />

brain? 4. What is the brain stem composed of? 5. What parts is the cerebrum divided into? 6.<br />

Where is the cerebellum? Where are thalamus and hypothalamus located?<br />

Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Головний мозок міститься у порожнині черепа. 2. Середні маса головного мозку<br />

становить 1100-1800 г. 3. Довгастий мозок і мозковий міст частина мозкового<br />

стовбура. 4. У довгастому мозку біла речовина розташована на поверхні, а в<br />

середині міститься сіра речовина. 5. Передня а задня частина мосту утворена сірою<br />

і білою речовинами. 6. Довгастий мозок і міст виконують рефлекторну та провідну<br />

функції. 7. Мозочок розташований позаду від довгастого мозку та місту. Він<br />

складається із сірої та білої речовини. 8. На поверхні мозочка сіра речовина<br />

утворює кору мозочка.<br />

Compose short dialogues using the following model.<br />

MODEL:<br />

Student A: What regions does the brain consist of?<br />

Student B: The brain consists of the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain, pons,<br />

medulla oblongata, and cerebellum.<br />

Student A: What did I ask the student B?<br />

Student C: You asked him/her what regions the brain consisted of.<br />

Student A: What did the student B answer?<br />

Student D: He/She answered the brain consisted of the cerebrum, the thalamus and<br />

hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum.<br />

– What does the brain stem control?<br />

– What do the cranial nerves convey?<br />

Insert the prepositions:<br />

Thalamus and hypothalamus are two important parts _ the brain. Thalamus is a mass of<br />

grey matter forming the lateral walls of the diencephalons, which is involved _ the transmission<br />

and integration of some sensations. It monitors the stimuli we receive _ suppressing some and<br />

increasing o thers. H ypothalamus i s t he pa rt of t he br ain t hat f orms t he bot tom _ the thi rd<br />

ventricle an d r egulates many ba sic body f unctions, s uch a s s leep, a ppetite, t emperature, a nd<br />

some emotions.<br />

When the received stimuli impulses are recognized, summarized and analyzed within the<br />

central pa rt of t he ne rvous s ystem ( brain) t hey a re f inally r elayed a nd sent out _ a f orm o f<br />

specific orders _ different parts and organs of the human body. The investigations determined<br />

some areas _ the brain, which control vision, hearing, movements, and emotions.

Ex. 18. Write out key words of the text “Brain”.<br />

Ex. 19. Give a summary of the text “Brain”.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a dialogue on structure and functions of the brain.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following abstract and write down all unknown medical terms. Translate<br />

them with the aid of dictionary. Tell about the hypothalamic functions:<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Institutes train future doctors and pharmacists? 3.<br />

How long does the doctors' training take? 4. W hat does the training course consist of? 5. What<br />

kind of training do t he students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study<br />

during this period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do<br />

young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Choose the correct form of each verb:<br />


Inside you r head t here is a r emarkable or gan, t he br ain. Y ou us e i t t o unde rstand a nd<br />

remember things that (1) around you. The brain is soft and spongy. It (2) of billions of tiny parts<br />

called cells. Three coats or membranes (3) the brain.<br />

The br ain s ometimes ( 4) t he bus iest c ommunication c enter i n t he w orld. T he br ain ( 5)<br />

your body functions and keeps all parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages<br />

from all parts of the body (6) to and from the brain. Messages (7) to the brain by sensory nerves.<br />

Special places, or centers, on the brain receive sensory messages from all part of the body. When<br />

messages (8) by centers, the brain (9) them.<br />

All day long your muscles and your brain (10). By the end of the day they (11). Then<br />

your brain and your muscles (12) to relax. Before long, you go t o sleep. As you s leep, the big<br />

muscles in your body relax.<br />

(1) are happened; are happening.<br />

(2) is made up; made up.<br />

(3) is covered; cover.<br />

(4) is called; calls.<br />

(5) is controlled; controls.<br />

(6) send; are being sent.<br />

(7) are carried; was carried.<br />

(8) are received; will receive.<br />

(9) is interpreted; interprets.<br />

(10) are worked; are working.<br />

(11) have be tired; are tired.<br />

(12) are started; start.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст.. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Респіраторна система<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Респіраторна система.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом ABSOLUTE PARTICIPLE CONSTRUCTION<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання b, c, e.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповішій суфікс ar<br />


Текст: “Respiratory system”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне опитування:<br />

підготовки.<br />




Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до теми.<br />

Засоби навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />




Form) (І.<br />

Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko “Course

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

b, c, e; фонетичний матеріал з<br />

теми;<br />

65%<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів ar;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння<br />



Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне опитування.<br />

of English for<br />

Medical Student”)<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про<br />

тему наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />


diaphragm<br />

['daIqfrxm]<br />

диафрагма<br />

nares ['neIrI:z]<br />

ноздри<br />

cilia ['sIlIq]<br />

реснички<br />

moisten [mOIsn]<br />

увлажнять<br />

casing ['keIsIN]<br />

оболочка<br />

adenoid ['xdInOIdz]<br />

аденоиды<br />

dense [dens]<br />

плотный; сжатый;<br />

густой<br />

columnar<br />

[kq'lAmnq]<br />

столбчатый<br />

goblet cell ['gOblIt]<br />

бокаловидная<br />

клетка<br />

alveolus (pl. ilveoli)<br />

[xl'vIqlqs] альвеола<br />

exhale [eks'heIl]<br />

выдыхать;<br />

производить выдох<br />

breathe out ['brI:D<br />

"aut] выдыхать<br />

passageway<br />

['pxsIGweI] проход<br />

bronchi (sing.<br />

bronchus) ['brONkaI]<br />

бронхи<br />

bronchiole<br />

['brONkIqul]<br />

бронхиола<br />

sac [sxk] мешочек<br />

capillary [kq'pIlqrI]<br />

капилляр<br />

pleura ['pluqrq]<br />

плевра<br />

expand [Iks'pxnd]<br />


apex ['eIpeks]<br />

верхушка<br />

average ['xvqrIG]<br />

среднее число;<br />

средняя величина;<br />

в среднем<br />

равняться,<br />

составлять<br />

clavicle ['klxvIkl]<br />

ключица<br />

расширять(ся);<br />

увеличивать(ся) в<br />

объеме, в размерах<br />

respiration<br />

['respq'reIS(q)n]<br />

дыхание<br />


Ex. 1. Translate the following words:<br />

Develop, de velopment; a cute, a cuteness; pa in, painless; s udden, s uddenly; c ertain, c ertainly;<br />

hospital; ho spitalize; im portant, importance; vo mit, vomiting; pul se, pulsate, pulsation; bl eed,<br />

bleeding.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



Doctor(s) I Participle I (Active): V+ -ing<br />

(working; writing)<br />

He<br />

Student(s) She Participle I (Passive): being + V 3<br />

(being worked; being written)<br />

It<br />

We Participle II (Passive): V 3<br />

(worked; written)<br />

You<br />

They Perfect Participle (Active): having + V 3<br />

(having worked; having written)<br />

Perfect Participle (Passive): having + been + V 3 (having<br />

been worked; having been written)<br />

В начале предложения The Absolute Participle Construction переводится<br />

придаточным предложением с союзами: «после того, как», «так как», «поскольку»:<br />

The w ork havi ng been don e, t he s tudents went hom e. После того, как работа была<br />

выполнена, студенты пошли домой.<br />

Во второй части предложения The Absolute Participle Construction переводится<br />

простым предложением с союзами: "причем", "а", "и" или без них:<br />

The phys ician e xamined t he pa tient, the s tudents he lping hi m. Врач осмотрел больного, а<br />

студенты помогли ему.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 2. The last patient having been<br />

examined, the doctor went to the laboratory. 3. The patient being very weak, the operation was<br />

postponed. 4. The patient was in a very bad state, his pulse being rapid. 5. My friend suffering<br />

from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. 6. The physician palpated the patient's abdomen, the pain<br />

becoming severe. 7. The operation having been performed, the patient's condition began to

improve. 8. A foreign organism entering the body, it is attacked and destroyed. 9. Research on<br />

treatment being very active, new medications are being tested.<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Diap_ragm; ex_ale; bre_the; na_es; bron_hi; aver_ge; pl_ura; cil_a; ape_; pas_ageway; d_nse;<br />

capil_ary; gob_et cell; alve_lus; bronchiol_; exp_nd.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Ciliated columnar epithelium; larynx; pharynx; include; perform; individual cell; nares; cilia;<br />

pass; separate openings; nasopharynx; oropharynx; laryngopharynx; casing; cartilage; goblet<br />

cells; propel; apex of the lung.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Bronchi; associated; trachea; diaphragm; oxygen; release; atmosphere; moisten; adenoids;<br />

tonsils; unpaired cartilage; pseudostratified; swallow; primary; superiorly; weight.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following text:<br />


The respiratory system<br />

consists of t he na sal cavity,<br />

pharynx, l arynx, t rachea<br />

(windpipe), br onchi, a nd<br />

lungs. T he uppe r respiratory<br />

tract includes the nasal cavity,<br />

pharynx, a nd a ssociated<br />

structures, a nd t he lower one<br />

involves t he l arynx, trachea,<br />

bronchi, a nd l ungs.<br />

Respiratory movements ar e<br />

realized by the diaphragm and<br />

the m uscles of t he t horacic<br />

wall. All cells of the body<br />

perform aerobic metabolism for which oxygen is essential.<br />

The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and<br />

transport it to individual cells. They then transport carbon dioxide from cells and release it from<br />

the body into the air. The respiratory system is also plays an important role in regulating pH of<br />

the body fluids.<br />

Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and<br />

body cells.<br />

Air e nters t he na sal c avity l ocated i nside t he e xternal nos e a nd j oined t he ph arynx<br />

through the external nares. A mucous membrane and cilia warm and moisten the air and filter out<br />

foreign bodies. Then the air passes the pharynx. Pharynx (throat) is the common opening of both<br />

the digestive and respiratory systems. Inferiorly, the pharynx leads to the separate openings of<br />

the respiratory s ystem ( opening into t he larynx) a nd the digestive s ystem ( i.e. t he esophagus).<br />

The pha rynx c an be d ivided into three r egions, t he n asopharynx, t he or opharynx, a nd t he<br />

laryngopharynx. The adenoids and the tonsils are located in the pharynx. Then the air reaches the<br />

larynx (voice box). The larynx consists of an outer casing of nine cartilages that are connected to

each other by muscles and ligaments. Six of t he nin e c artilages ar e pa ired, and three ar e<br />

unpaired. The largest and most superior of the cartilages is unpaired thyroid cartilage, or Adam's<br />

apple. After that the air passes the trachea and bronchi. The trachea is a membranous tube that<br />

consists of dense connective tissue and smooth muscle. The trachea is lined with pseudostratified<br />

ciliated columnar e pithelium t hat c ontains num erous gobl et cells. T he c ilia pr opel mucus a nd<br />

foreign particles toward the larynx where they can enter the esophagus and be swallowed. The<br />

trachea connects the larynx to the primary bronchi. They go to each lung.<br />

The lungs are the principal organs of the respiration and one of the largest organs of the<br />

body. Each lung is conical in shape, its base is on the diaphragm and its apex extends superiorly<br />

to a point approximately 2.5 cm superior to each clavicle. The right lung is larger than the left<br />

and weights an average of 620 g, w hereas the left lung weights 560 g. T he right lung has three<br />

lobes, and the left lung has two. The alveoli located in the lungs allow for the exchange of gases.<br />

The blood absorbs the oxygen from the alveoli and gives carbon dioxide away, which is exhaled<br />

(breathed out).<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Верхушка; выдыхать; состоять из; для которого необходим кислород; проход; капилляр;<br />

среднее число, средняя величина; наружная часть носа; плотный; реснички; диафрагма;<br />

ноздри; увлажнять; хрящ щитовидной железы; аденоиды; альвеола; плевра;<br />

растягивать(ся), расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся).<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Respiratory System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, _, a nd lungs. 2.<br />

The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system transport oxygen to _ cells. 3. Respiration<br />

is the _ of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body cells. 4. Air enters the _<br />

cavity. 5. Then the air passes the _. 6. After that the air passes the trachea and _. 7. The trachea<br />

connects the larynx to the primary _. 8. T he lungs are the principal organs of the _. 9. The right<br />

lung is larger than the _. 10. The right lung has _ lobes, and the left lung has two.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the respiratory system consist of? 2. What part does the respiratory tract divided<br />

into? 3. What is the major function of the respiratory system? 4. Where does air enter? 5. What is<br />

pharynx? 6. What are there in the pharynx? 7. What is trachea? 8. What are the lungs? 9. What is<br />

the difference between right and left lungs?<br />

Ex. 14. Describe the picture above.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following sentence and learn it by heart:<br />

Respiration involves several important processes: 1) ventilation, the movement of air into and<br />

out of the respiratory passages and the lungs; 2) gas exchange between the air in the lungs and<br />

the blood; 3) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood; and 4) gas exchange between<br />

the blood and the tissues.<br />

Ex. 16. Read the following abstract and entitle it:<br />

The l obes a re s eparated by de ep, p rominent f issures on t he s urface of the l ung. T he pr imary<br />

bronchi divide into secondary bronchi. The point of entry for the bronchi, vessels, and nerves in<br />

each lung is called the hilum, or root, of the lung. The secondary bronchi conduct air to each<br />

lobe. T he s econdary br onchi g ive rise t o t ertiary b ronchi, w hich e xtend t o the l obules. T he<br />

bronchial t ree c ontinues t o br anch s everal t imes, f inally gi ving r ise t o bronchioles. T hey a lso<br />

subdivide numerous t imes t o be come t erminal br onchioles, w hich t hen di vide i nto r espiratory

onchioles. Each respiratory bronchiole divides to form alveolar ducts that end as clusters of air<br />

sac called alveoli. The lungs contain over 300 million such alveoli. If they could be stretched out<br />

on a flat surface, they would cover an area approximately the size of tennis court.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the structure of the respiratory system.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following text and get ready to narrate it:<br />


Energy production from aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces carbon dioxide<br />

as a by-product, creating a need for an efficient means of oxygen delivery to cells and excretion<br />

of carbon dioxide from cells. In small organisms, such as single-celled bacteria, this process of<br />

gas exc hange can take place en tirely by simple di ffusion. I n l arger or ganisms, t his i s no t<br />

possible; only a small proportion of cells are close enough to the surface for oxygen from the<br />

atmosphere t o e nter t hem t hrough di ffusion. T wo major adaptations made i t pos sible f or<br />

organisms to attain great multicellularity: an efficient circulatory system that conveyed gases to<br />

and f rom t he de epest tissues i n t he body, a nd a l arge, i nternalised respiratory system that<br />

centralized t he t ask of obtaining o xygen f rom t he a tmosphere a nd b ringing i t i nto the body,<br />

whence it could rapidly be distributed to all the circulatory system.<br />

In air-breathing vertebrates, respiration occurs in a series of steps. Air is brought into the<br />

animal via the ai rways – in reptiles, birds a nd mammals thi s of ten c onsists of th e nose; the<br />

pharynx; the larynx; the trachea (also called the windpipe); the bronchi and bronchioles; and the<br />

terminal br anches of t he respiratory tree. The lungs of m ammals ar e a r ich lattice of alveoli,<br />

which provide an enormous surface area for gas exchange. A network of fine capillaries allows<br />

transport of blood over the surface of alveoli. Oxygen from the air inside the alveoli diffuses into<br />

the b loodstream, a nd c arbon di oxide di ffuses f rom t he bl ood t o the a lveoli, bot h across t hin<br />

alveolar membranes.<br />

The drawing and expulsion of air is driven by muscular action; in early tetrapods, air was<br />

driven into the lungs by the pharyngeal muscles, whereas in reptiles, birds and mammals a more<br />

complicated musculoskeletal system is used. In the mammal, a large muscle, the diaphragm (in<br />

addition to the internal intercostal muscles), drive ventilation by periodically altering the intrathoracic<br />

volume and pressure; by increasing volume and thus decreasing pressure, air flows into<br />

the a irways dow n a pr essure gr adient, a nd by r educing v olume a nd i ncreasing pressure, t he<br />

reverse occurs. During normal breathing, expiration is passive and no muscles are contracted (the<br />

diaphragm relaxes).<br />

Another name for this inspiration and expulsion of air is ventilation. Vital capacity is the<br />

maximum v olume o f a ir t hat a pe rson c an e xhale a fter m aximum i nhalation. A pe rson's vi tal<br />

capacity can be measured by a spirometer (spirometry). In combination with other physiological<br />

measurements, the vital capacity can help make a diagnosis of underlying lung disease.<br />

Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Дихальна система забезпечує насичення організму киснем, виділенні вуглекислого газу<br />

і води. 2. Система органів дихання складається із повітроносних шляхів (порожнини носа,<br />

глотка, гортань, трахея, бронхи) та дихальної частини. 3. Гортань – непарний орган зав<br />

дошки 4 см. 4. Трахея має форму трубки завдовжки 9-15 см. 5. Трахея виконує дихальну<br />

функцію. 6. Бронх має форму трубки. 7. Розгалуження бронха від головного до кінцевої<br />

бронхіоли називається бронхіальним деревом. 8. Легеня – це парний орган, який міститься<br />

в грудній порожнині. 9. У легені розрізняють верхівку, основу й три поверхні. 10. Основна<br />

функція легенів – дихальна (газообмін).<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following words and word-combinations and memorize their meaning:<br />

Branch ветвиться, группироваться; create создавать; adjacent расположенный рядом,<br />

смежный, соседний; inhale вдыхать; push do wn нажимать, надавливать; suck всасывать,

засасывать; similar подобный похожий; file ряд, колонна; merge сливать(ся),<br />

соединять(ся).<br />

Ex. 21. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to remove carbon<br />

dioxide from it. The lungs are within the chest, which is enclosed on all sides by the ribs,<br />

cartilage, and the muscle between them.<br />

To reach the lungs, air enters through the mouth<br />

and nos e a nd t hen t ravels t hrough t he pha rynx,<br />

larynx, and down trachea. As you know the trachea<br />

branches i nto t wo main br onchial t ubes, or a ir<br />

passageways. Each bronchial t ube t hen bran ches<br />

into s maller pa ssageways ( bronchi), w hich di vide<br />

several t imes m ore, f inally f orming much smaller<br />

tubes ( bronchioles). T he br anching c reates t he<br />

appearance of an upside-down t ree. T he s mallest<br />

bronchioles end in tiny closed elastic air sacs called<br />

alveoli. T he bl ood i s c arried t o these a ir s acs by<br />

tiny bl ood vessels. T he ve ssels, c alled pul monary<br />

capillaries, release c arbon di oxide f rom t he bl ood<br />

into a ir s acs a nd a t t he same t ime a bsorb oxyge n<br />

from the air sacs into the blood.<br />

The pleura covers the outside of the lungs and the<br />

adjacent chest wall. This membrane allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity as<br />

the human breathes.<br />

When you i nhale, t he muscles of ribs c ontract, c ausing t he r ibs t o m ove upw ard a nd<br />

outward. At the same time, the diaphragm contracts, pushing down toward the abdomen. These<br />

two actions increase the size of the chest cavity and thus cause the lungs to expand and air to be<br />

sucked into them. The individual alveoli also expand with air.<br />

When you exhale, t he diaphragm and r ib m uscles r elax and r eturn t o t heir or iginal<br />

positions. This decreases the size of the chest cavity, compressing the lungs slightly and forcing<br />

the state air, now carrying carbon dioxide, out of the body. The whole process of breathing in<br />

and out occurs automatically without your thinking about it.<br />

The l ungs a re c onnected t o t he he art by t he pulmonary veins a nd a rteries ( the term<br />

"pulmonary" c omes f rom t he L atin w ord pulmo for " lung"). T he bl ood t ravels throughout t he<br />

body, returns to the heart, and is pumped by the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to<br />

the lungs. The blood then passes through the arteries of the lungs into smaller vessels, similar to<br />

the branching of the bronchi. Finally, it flows into the smallest blood vessels, which are located<br />

in the membranes lining the alveoli. Capillaries are so tiny that often the cells of the blood have<br />

to pass through them single file.<br />

After gases are exchanged in the alveoli, the blood, now carrying oxygen, passes into the<br />

smallest veins. These veins merge to form larger and larger vessels until the pulmonary veins are<br />

formed. T he p ulmonary ve ins c arry oxyge nated blood f rom the l ungs ba ck t o t he he art, f rom<br />

which it is pumped out again to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body a nd to remove carbon<br />

dioxide.<br />

Ex. 22. Write out key sentences of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 23. Make up a plan of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 24. Speak on the ventilation.

Ex. 25. Give a summary of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 26. Make up the dialogue on the normal ventilation.<br />

Ex. 27. Read and determine the main idea of the following text:<br />


The diaphragm is a large dome of skeletal muscles that separate the thoracic cavity from<br />

the abdominal cavity. The muscles originate from the anterior, lateral, and posterior walls of the<br />

entire ci rcumference of t he body cavity a nd i nsert ont o a tendon i n t he c enter of di aphragm<br />

called the central tendon. When the muscles of the diaphragm contract, the dome is flattened,<br />

thus increasing the volume of the thorax and the pleural cavities.<br />

Contraction of the muscles of inspiration results in expansion of the thorax, producing an<br />

increase i n the t horacic c avity vol ume ne cessary f or i nspiration. E xpiration oc curs w hen t he<br />

muscles of inspiration relax and t he el astic properties of t he t horax and lungs cause a p assive<br />

decrease in thoracic volume. During laborated breathing the inspiratory muscles contract more<br />

forcefully, c ausing a g reater i ncrease i n t horacic vol ume. T he m uscles of e xpiration c ontract,<br />

producing a more rapid and greater decrease in the thoracic volume than would be produced by<br />

the passive recoil of the thorax and lungs.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea (windpipe), bronchi,<br />

and lungs. The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and<br />

transport it to individual cells. Air enters the nasal cavity. Then the air passes the pharynx. After<br />

that air reaches the larynx and then trachea and bronchial tree. The lungs are the principal organs<br />

of the respiration. The right lung is larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the<br />

left lung has two. The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to<br />

remove carbon dioxide from it.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the Respiratory system.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What does the respiratory system consist of? 2. What part does the respiratory tract divided<br />

into? 3. What is the major function of the respiratory system? 4. Where does air enter? 5. What is<br />

pharynx? 6. What are there in the pharynx? 7. What is trachea? 8. What are the lungs? 9. What is<br />

the difference between right and left lungs?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

1. Дихальна система забезпечує насичення організму киснем, виділенні вуглекислого газу<br />

і води. 2. Система органів дихання складається із повітроносних шляхів (порожнини носа,<br />

глотка, гортань, трахея, бронхи) та дихальної частини. 3. Гортань – непарний орган зав<br />

дошки 4 см. 4. Трахея має форму трубки завдовжки 9-15 см. 5. Трахея виконує дихальну<br />

функцію. 6. Бронх має форму трубки. 7. Розгалуження бронха від головного до кінцевої<br />

бронхіоли називається бронхіальним деревом. 8. Легеня – це парний орган, який міститься<br />

в грудній порожнині. 9. У легені розрізняють верхівку, основу й три поверхні. 10. Основна<br />

функція легенів – дихальна (газообмін).<br />

7. Рекомендована література.

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст.. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Респіраторна система<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Респіраторна система”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

diaphragm ['daIqfrxm] діафрагма<br />

nares ['neIrI:z] ніздрі<br />

cilia ['sIlIq] війки<br />

moisten [mOIsn] зволожувати<br />

casing ['keIsIN] оболонка<br />

adenoids ['xdInOIdz] аденоїди<br />

dense [dens] щільний; стиснутий; густий<br />

columnar [kq'lAmnq] стовпчиковий,<br />

стовпчикоподібний<br />

apex ['eIpeks] верхівка<br />

average ['xvqrIG] середнє число; в<br />

середньому дорівнювати, складати<br />

clavicle ['klxvIkl] ключиця<br />


alveolus (pl. alveoli) [xl'vIqlqs] альвеола<br />

exhale [eks'heIl] видихати; робити видих<br />

breathe out ['brI:D "aut] видихати<br />

passageway ['pxsIGweI] прохід<br />

bronchi (sing. bronchus) ['brONkaI] бронхи<br />

bronchiole ['brONkIqul] бронхіола<br />

sac [sxk] мішечок<br />

capillary [kq'pIlqrI] капіляр<br />

pleura ['pluqrq] плевра<br />

expand [Iks'pxnd] розтягувати(ся),<br />

розширювати(ся); збільшувати(ся) в об’ємі, в<br />

розмірах<br />

respiration ['respq'reIS(q)n] дихання<br />


Ex. 1. Translate the following words:<br />

Develop, de velopment; a cute, a cuteness; pa in, painless; s udden, s uddenly; c ertain, c ertainly;<br />

hospital; ho spitalize; im portant, importance; vo mit, vomiting; pul se, pulsate, pulsation; bl eed,<br />


GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



Doctor(s) I Participle I (Active): V+ -ing<br />

(working; writing)<br />

He<br />

Student(s) She Participle I (Passive): being + V 3<br />

(being worked; being written)<br />

It<br />

We Participle II (Passive): V 3<br />

(worked; written)<br />

You<br />

They Perfect Participle (Active): having + V 3<br />

(having worked; having written)<br />

Perfect Participle (Passive): having + been + V 3 (having<br />

been worked; having been written)<br />

На початку речення The Absolute Participle Construction перекладається на<br />

українську мову підрядним реченням із сполучниками "після того, як", "коли":<br />

The work having been done, the students went home. Після того, як робота була виконана,<br />

студенти пішли додому.<br />

У другій частині речення The Absolute Participle Construction перекладається<br />

самостійним простим реченням із сполучниками "при цьому", "а", "і" або без них:<br />

The physician examined the patient, the students helping him. Лікар оглянув хворого, а<br />

студенти допомогли йому.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 2. The last patient having been<br />

examined, the doctor went to the laboratory. 3. The patient being very weak, the operation was<br />

postponed. 4. A foreign organism entering the body, it is attacked and destroyed by immune<br />

system. 5. My friend suffering from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. 6. The physician palpated<br />

the patient's abdomen, the pain becoming severe. 7. The operation having been performed, the<br />

patient's condition began to improve. 8. The patient was in a very bad state, his pulse being rapid.<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Diap_ragm; ex_ale; bre_the; na_es; bron_hi; aver_ge; pl_ura; cil_a; ape_; pas_ageway; d_nse;<br />

capil_ary; gob_et cell; alve_lus; bronchiol_; exp_nd.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Ciliated columnar epithelium; larynx; pharynx; include; perform; individual cell; nares; cilia;<br />

pass; separate openings; nasopharynx; oropharynx; laryngopharynx; casing; cartilage; propel;<br />

apex of the lung.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Bronchi; associated; trachea; diaphragm; oxygen; release; atmosphere; moisten; adenoids;<br />

tonsils; unpaired cartilage; pseudostratified; swallow; primary; superiorly; weight.

The respiratory system<br />

consists of t he na sal cavity,<br />

pharynx, l arynx, t rachea<br />

(windpipe), br onchi, a nd<br />

lungs. T he uppe r respiratory<br />

tract includes the nasal cavity,<br />

pharynx, a nd a ssociated<br />

structures, a nd t he lower one<br />

involves t he l arynx, trachea,<br />

bronchi, a nd l ungs.<br />

Respiratory movements a re<br />

realized by the diaphragm and<br />

the m uscles of t he t horacic<br />

wall. All cells of the body<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


perform aerobic metabolism for which oxygen is essential. The respiratory system and the<br />

cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and transport it to individual cells. They then<br />

transport carbon dioxide from cells and release it from the body into the air. The respiratory<br />

system plays an important role in regulating pH of the body fluids.<br />

Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and<br />

body cells.<br />

Air enter s t he na sal ca vity located i nside t he e xternal nos e a nd j oined t he pha rynx<br />

through the external nares. A mucous membrane and cilia warm and moisten the air and filter out<br />

foreign bodies. Then the air passes into the pharynx. Pharynx (throat) is the common opening of<br />

both the digestive and respiratory systems. Inferiorly, the pharynx leads to the separate openings<br />

of the respiratory system (opening into the larynx) and the digestive system (i.e. the esophagus).<br />

The pha rynx c an be d ivided into three r egions, t he n asopharynx, t he oropharynx, a nd t he<br />

laryngopharynx. The adenoids and the tonsils are located in the pharynx. Then the air reaches the<br />

larynx (voice box). The larynx consists of an outer casing of nine cartilages that are connected to<br />

each other by muscles and ligaments. Six of t he nin e c artilages ar e pa ired, and three ar e<br />

unpaired. The largest and most superior cartilage is unpaired thyroid cartilage, or Adam's apple.<br />

After that the air passes through the trachea and bronchi. The trachea is a membranous tube that<br />

consists of de nse c onnective tissue a nd s mooth muscle. T he c ilia pr opel m ucus a nd f oreign<br />

particles toward the larynx where they can enter the esophagus and be swallowed. The trachea<br />

connects the larynx to the primary bronchi. They go to each lung.<br />

The lungs are the principal organs of the respiration and the largest organs of the body.<br />

Each lung is conical in shape, its base is on t he diaphragm and its apex extends superiorly to a<br />

point approximately 2.5 cm superior to each clavicle. The right lung is larger than the left and<br />

weights an average of 620 g, whereas the left lung weights 560 g. The right lung has three lobes,<br />

and the left lung has two. The alveoli located in the lungs allow for the exchange of gases. The<br />

blood a bsorbs t he oxyg en f rom t he a lveoli a nd g ives c arbon di oxide away, w hich i s e xhaled<br />

(breathed out).<br />

NOTES:<br />

nasopharynx носоглотка<br />

oropharynx ротова частина глотки<br />

laryngopharynx гортаноглотка, гортанна частина глотки<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Верхівка; видихати; складатися з; для якого необхідний кисень; прохід; капіляр; середнє<br />

число, середня величина; зовнішня частина носа; щільний; війки; діафрагма; ніздрі;

зволожувати; хрящ щитовидної залози; аденоїди; альвеола; плевра; розтягувати(ся),<br />

розширювати(ся), збільшувати(ся).<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Respiratory System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, _, a nd lungs. 2.<br />

The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system transport oxygen to _ cells. 3. Respiration<br />

is the _ of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body cells. 4. Air enters the _<br />

cavity. 5. Then the air passes into the _. 6. After that the air passes through the trachea and _. 7.<br />

The trachea connects the larynx to the primary _. 8. T he lungs are the principal organs of the _.<br />

9. The right lung is larger than the _. 10. The right lung has _ lobes, and the left lung has two.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the respiratory system consist of? 2. What is the major function of the respiratory<br />

system? 3. What parts is the respiratory tract divided into? 4. Where does air enter? 5. What is<br />

pharynx? 6. What is trachea? 7. What are the lungs? 8. What is the difference between right and<br />

left lungs?<br />

Ex. 14. Describe the picture above.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following sentence and learn it by heart:<br />

Respiration involves several important processes: 1) ventilation, the movement of air into and<br />

out of the respiratory passages and the lungs; 2) gas exchange between the air in the lungs and<br />

the blood; 3) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood; and 4) gas exchange between<br />

the blood and the tissues.<br />

Ex. 16. Read the following abstract and entitle it:<br />

The l obes a re s eparated by de ep, p rominent f issures on t he s urface of the l ung. T he pr imary<br />

bronchi divide into secondary bronchi. The point of entry for the bronchi, vessels, and nerves in<br />

each lung is called the hilum, or root, of the lung. The secondary bronchi conduct air to each<br />

lobe. T he s econdary br onchi g ive rise t o t ertiary b ronchi, w hich e xtend t o the l obules. T he<br />

bronchial t ree c ontinues t o br anch s everal t imes, f inally gi ving r ise t o bronchioles. T hey a lso<br />

subdivide n umerous t imes t o be come t erminal br onchioles, w hich t hen di vide i nto r espiratory<br />

bronchioles. Each respiratory bronchiole divides to form alveolar ducts that end as clusters of air<br />

sac called alveoli. The lungs contain over 300 million such alveoli. If they could be stretched out<br />

on a flat surface, they would cover an area approximately the size of tennis court.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the structure of the respiratory system.<br />

Ex. 18. R ead t he f ollowing words an d w ord-combinations an d tr anslate them in to<br />

Ukrainian:<br />

Fissure; l obule; v isible; pr imary br onchi; secondary br onchi; respective l ung; poi nt of e ntry;<br />

hilum; te rtiary bronchi; terminal br onchioles; du ct; cluster; medial bor der; p arietal pleura; t o<br />

become continuous with; visceral pleura; fluid; lubricant; slide.<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and get ready to narrate it:<br />

LUNGS<br />

The l ungs a re t he pr incipal or gans of r espiration. T hey oc cupy t he m ajor pa rt of t he<br />

cavity on bo th sides of the chest. The two lungs are not equal in size. The right lung is divided<br />

into t hree l obes a nd i s a bi t l arger. T he l eft l ung i s di vided i nto t wo l obes. T he l obes a re<br />

separated b y de ep, pr ominent f issures on t he surface of t he l ung. E ach l obe i s divided i nto

lobules that are separated from each other by connective tissue, but separations are not visible as<br />

surface fissures. There are nine lobules in the left lung and 10 lobules in the right lung.<br />

The primary bronchi divide into secondary bronchi as they enter their respective lungs.<br />

The point of entry for the bronchi, vessels, and nerves in each lung is called the hilum, or root, of<br />

the lung. The secondary bronchi, two in the left lung and three in the right lung, conduct air to<br />

each l obe. The s econdary br onchi, i n t urn, g ive r ise to t ertiary br onchi, w hich extend t o the<br />

lobules. The bronchial tree continues to branch several times, finally giving rise to bronchioles.<br />

The br onchioles a lso s ubdivide nu merous t imes t o be come t erminal br onchioles, w hich t hen<br />

divide i nto respiratory bronchioles. Each r espiratory br onchiole di vides t o form alveolar ducts<br />

that end as clusters of air sacs called alveoli. An alveolar sac is composed of two or more alveoli.<br />

Each l ung is s urrounded by a s eparate pl eural c avity, a ttached onl y along i ts m edial<br />

border at the hi lum. Each pleural c avity is lined with a se rous m embrane ca lled t he pa rietal<br />

pleura. A t the hi lum t he pa rietal p leura be comes cont inuous w ith a ser ous m embrane, the<br />

visceral pleura, which covers the surface of the lung.<br />

The pleural cavity is filled with pleural fluid that is produced by the pleural membranes.<br />

The pleural fluid performs two functions: it acts as a lubricant, allowing the pleural membranes<br />

to slide past each other as the lungs and thorax change shape during respiration; and it helps hold<br />

the pleural membranes together.<br />

Deoxygenated bl ood i s t ransported t o t he l ungs t hrough the pul monary a rteries, a nd<br />

oxygenated blood leaves through the pulmonary veins. Oxygenated blood is mixed with a small<br />

amount of deoxygenated blood returning from the bronchi.<br />

Ex. 20. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What are the lungs? 2. How many lobes do the right and left lungs have? 3. What is each lobe<br />

divided into? 4. Where do the primary bronchi divide into secondary ones? 5. What is hilum of<br />

the lung? 6. How many secondary bronchi are there in the lungs? 7. What does each respiratory<br />

bronchiole form? 8. What is the lung surrounded by? 9. What is the parietal pleura? 10. What is<br />

the visceral pleura? 11. What is the pleural cavity filled with? 12. What are the functions of the<br />

pleural fluid? 13. What are the two major routes of blood flow to and from the lungs?<br />

Ex. 21. Give a summary of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 22. Make up the dialogue on the structure and functions of the lungs.<br />

Ex. 23. Read the following words and word-combinations and memorize their meaning:<br />

Branch розгалужуватися; create створювати; adjacent розташований поряд, суміжний,<br />

сусідній; inhale вдихати; push down натискати, тискнути; suck всмоктувати,<br />

засмоктувати; similar подібний, схожий; file ряд, колона; merge зливати(ся),<br />

сполучати(ся).<br />

Ex. 24. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to remove carbon<br />

dioxide from it. The lungs are within the chest, which is enclosed on all sides by the ribs,<br />

cartilages, and the muscles between them.

To reach the lungs, air enters through the mouth<br />

and nos e a nd t hen t ravels t hrough t he pha rynx,<br />

larynx, and down trachea. As you know the trachea<br />

branches i nto t wo main br onchial t ubes, or a ir<br />

passageways. Each bronchial t ube t hen bran ches<br />

into s maller pa ssageways ( bronchi), w hich di vide<br />

several t imes m ore, finally forming much smaller<br />

tubes ( bronchioles). The br anching c reates t he<br />

appearance of an upside-down t ree. T he s mallest<br />

bronchioles end in tiny closed elastic air sacs called<br />

alveoli. T he bl ood i s c arried t o these a ir s acs by<br />

tiny bl ood vessels. T he ve ssels, c alled pul monary<br />

capillaries, release carbon di oxide f rom t he bl ood<br />

into a ir s acs a nd a t t he same t ime a bsorb oxyge n<br />

from the air sacs into the blood.<br />

The pleura covers the outside of the lungs and the<br />

adjacent chest wall. This membrane allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity as<br />

the human breathes.<br />

When you i nhale, t he muscles of ribs c ontract, c ausing t he r ibs t o m ove upw ard a nd<br />

outward. At the same time, the diaphragm contracts, pushing down toward the abdomen. These<br />

two actions increase the size of the chest cavity and thus cause the lungs to expand and air to be<br />

sucked into them.<br />

When you exhale, t he diaphragm and r ib m uscles r elax and r eturn t o t heir or iginal<br />

positions. This decreases the size of the chest cavity, compressing the lungs slightly and forcing<br />

the state air, now carrying carbon dioxide, out of the body. The whole process of breathing in<br />

and out occurs automatically without your thinking about it.<br />

The l ungs a re c onnected t o t he he art by t he pulmonary veins a nd a rteries ( the term<br />

"pulmonary" c omes f rom t he L atin w ord pulmo for " lung"). T he bl ood t ravels throughout t he<br />

body, returns to the heart, and is pumped by the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to<br />

the lungs. The blood then passes through the arteries of the lungs into smaller vessels, similar to<br />

the branching of the bronchi. Finally, it flows into the smallest blood vessels, which are located<br />

in the membranes lining the alveoli. Capillaries are so tiny that often the cells of the blood have<br />

to pass through them single file.<br />

After gases are exchanged in the alveoli, the blood, now carrying oxygen, passes into the<br />

smallest veins. These veins merge to form larger and larger vessels until the pulmonary veins are<br />

formed. T he pul monary ve ins c arry oxyge nated blood f rom the l ungs ba ck t o t he he art, f rom<br />

which it is pumped out again to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body a nd to remove carbon<br />

dioxide.<br />

Ex. 25. Make up a plan of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 26. Write out key sentences of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 27. Speak on the ventilation.<br />

Ex. 28. Make up the dialogue on the normal ventilation.<br />

Ex. 29. Read and determine the main idea of the following text:<br />


Smoking i s t he pr imary c ause o f c hronic o bstructive p ulmonary di sease s uch a s<br />

emphysema a nd c hronic br onchitis. D eaths cau sed by emphysema and chroni c br onchitis ar e<br />

significantly more frequent than among nonsmokers.

Tobacco s moke c ontains a m ixture of c hemicals, ga ses, a nd t iny dr oplets of t ar.<br />

Thousands of substances have been identified in tobacco smoke. The toxic effects of many of<br />

them r emain unknow n. S ome c omponents a re f iltered of f w hen t he person dr aws t he smoke<br />

through the remaining unburned tobacco. However, as the cigarette burns, these chemicals are<br />

vaporized again and each puff of smoke thus contains more of the components. Most smokers<br />

inhale the cigarette smoke, which makes it even more dangerous.<br />

Cigarette smoke contains 2 t o 6 pe rcent carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic<br />

gas t hat combines w ith he moglobin ( carboxyhemoglobin). When t his oc curs t he hemoglobin<br />

molecule cannot transport oxygen to the tissues. Many smokers have carboxyhemoglobin levels<br />

of 8 to 10 percent in their blood whereas a nonsmoker commonly has only up to 1.5 percent. A<br />

person dying from acute carbon monoxide poisoning has blood carboxyhemoglobin levels of 30<br />

to 40 percent. Thus, the tissues are deprived of needed oxygen.<br />

The t ar f ound in cigarettes con tains subs tances t hat caus e cancer. Irritants i n tobacco<br />

smoke cause the person’s air passages to constrict and bronchial tubes to produce excess mucus,<br />

and they cause the person to cough. These irritants also may impair the function of the immune<br />

system cells in the lungs and upset the normal balance of pulmonary enzymes, which makes the<br />

person more susceptible to respiratory disease. Finally, inhaled tobacco smoke stops the action of<br />

the c ilia in the a irway. Cilia a re t iny hair-like projections in t he t rachea a nd b ronchial t ubes.<br />

They help expel foreign material from the lungs.<br />

Thus, t he m ain he alth r isks i n t obacco pe rtain t o di seases o f car diovascular sys tem, i n<br />

particular m yocardial i nfarction, d iseases of r espiratory s ystem, a nd c ancer, pa rticularly l ung<br />

cancer and cancers of the larynx and tongue. A person’s increased risk of contracting disease is<br />

directly proportional to the length of time that a person continues to smoke as well as the amount<br />

smoked. However, if s omeone st ops sm oking, t hen these cha nces g radually decrease as t he<br />

damage to their body is repaired. A year after quitting, the risk of contracting heart disease is half<br />

that of a continuing smoker.<br />

Ex. 30. Speak on smoking and its fatal consequences.<br />

Ex. 31. Read the following words:<br />

Nicotine [‘nIkqtI:n] нікотин; addictive [q’dIktIv] до якого звикають; target [‘ta:gIt] мати на<br />

увазі; advertising [‘xdvqtaIzIN] реклама; hurt [hq:t] завдавати шкоди; second-hand smoking<br />

пасивне куріння; claim [kleIm] стверджувати; lack відчувати нестачу; self-confidence<br />

[self’kOnfIdqns] самовпевненість; give up кидати (звичку); calm down [ka:m] заспокоювати;<br />

mood настрій; get burned згоріти; обпектися; hopeless невиправний; bury [‘berI] ховати.<br />

Ex. 32. H ow much do you know about cigarettes? Do you know the truth or you playing<br />

with fire? Try this test. Are the statements below true of false? Write “t” for true and “F”<br />

for false:<br />

1. Smokers are more likely to get colds and the flu than non-smokers.<br />

2. Cigarettes aren’t tested on animals.<br />

3. Nicotine is more addictive than most illegal drugs.<br />

4. One in four smokers starts at the age of 12.<br />

5. Cigarette companies specifically target young people in their advertising.<br />

6. Smoking when you’re pregnant doesn’t hurt your baby.<br />

7. Smoking causes heart problems, cancer, and ulcers.<br />

8. Second-hand smoke from other people’s cigarettes is harmless.<br />

9. If you don’t start smoking before age of 20, you probably won’t ever start.<br />

10. More girls smoke than boys.<br />

11. Doctors claim that lots of teenagers smoke because they lack self-confidence.<br />

12. Giving up smoking can make you gain weight.<br />

13. Tobacco kills more persons each year than alcohol, illegal drugs, and AIDS combined.

14. Cigarettes are so addictive because it only takes 7 seconds to feel the effect of nicotine in the<br />

blood.<br />

15. Cigarettes can calm you down or keep you away, depending on your mood.<br />

Add up your score:<br />

Less than 3 wrong: Congratulations. You can definitely wee through the smoke.<br />

4 to 8 wrong: Like most people, there are still a few things you need to know about nicotine.<br />

9 to 11 wrong: You’ve got lots to learn about the dangers of smoking. Be careful, you might get<br />

burned.<br />

More than 12 wrong: Hopeless! Which planet have you be en living on? If you’re not careful,<br />

they’ll bury you ten years before your non-smoking friends.<br />

(Answers: 1-T; 2-F; 3-T; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F; 7-T; 8-F; 9-T; 10-T; 11-T; 12-T; 13-T; 14-T; 15-T)<br />

The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea (windpipe), bronchi,<br />

and lungs. The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and<br />

transport it to individual cells. Air enters the nasal cavity. Then the air passes into the pharynx.<br />

After that air reaches the larynx and then trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs. The lungs are the<br />

principal organs of the respiration. The right lung is larger than the left. The right lung has three<br />

lobes, and the left lung has two. The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the<br />

blood and to remove carbon dioxide from it. Respiration involves several important processes: 1)<br />

ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the respiratory passages and the lungs; 2) gas<br />

exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood; 3) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide<br />

in the blood; and 4) gas exchange between the blood and the tissues.<br />


1. What are the lungs? 2. How many lobes do the right and left lungs have? 3. What is each lobe<br />

divided into? 4. Where do the primary bronchi divide into secondary ones? 5. What is hilum of<br />

the lung? 6. How many secondary bronchi are there in the lungs? 7. What does each respiratory<br />

bronchiole form? 8. What is the lung surrounded by? 9. What is the parietal pleura? 10. What is<br />

the visceral pleura? 11. What is the pleural cavity filled with? 12. What are the functions of the<br />

pleural fluid? 13. What are the two major routes of blood flow to and from the lungs?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

1. Дихальна система забезпечує насичення організму киснем, виділення вуглекислого газу<br />

і води. 2. Система органів дихання складається із повітроносних шляхів (порожнини носа,<br />

глотка, гортань, трахея, бронхи) та дихальної частини. 3. Гортань – непарний орган<br />

завдовжки 4 см. 4. Трахея має форму трубки завдовжки 9-15 см. 5. Трахея виконує<br />

дихальну функцію. 6. Бронх має форму трубки. 7. Розгалудження бронха від головної до<br />

кінцевої бронхіоли називається бронхіальним деревом. 8. Легеня – це парний орган, який<br />

міститься в грудній порожнині. 9. У легені розрізняють верхівку, основу й три поверхні.<br />

10. Основна функція легенів – дихальна (газообмін).<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст.. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання b, c, e.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповішій суфікс ar<br />

Граматика: Participle I<br />

Текст: “Body Regions”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Participle I<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання b, c,<br />

e; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів ar;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Participle I.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Participle I<br />

Form) (І.<br />

Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

thoracic [TO:'rxsIk] грудинний<br />

abdominal [xb'dOmIn(q)l] абдомінальний,<br />

черевний<br />

trachea [trq'kIq; 'treIkIq] трахея<br />

esophagus [I'sOfqgqs] стравохід<br />

rib cage ['rIb 'keIG] грудна клітка<br />

larynx ['lxrINks] глотка, гортань<br />

mediastinum ["mI:dIqs'taInqm] середостіння<br />

respond [rIs'pOnd] реагувати<br />

lobe [lqub] доля<br />


acid ['xsId] кислота<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент, ензим<br />

release [rI'lI:s] звільняти, виділяти<br />

ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути<br />

digestion [dI'GesC(q)n] травлення, травлення<br />

їжи<br />

detect [dI'tekt] виявляти, помічати<br />

blood [blAd] кров<br />

excretory [eks'krI:tqrI] вивідний, видільний,<br />

екскреторний<br />


Letters Sounds Examples Notes<br />

s [s] son<br />

soft<br />

на початку і в кінці слова<br />

після глухих<br />

s [z] nose<br />

goes<br />

x [ks] text<br />

six<br />

x [gz] exact<br />

exam<br />

приголосних<br />

між голосними і в кінці<br />

слова після дзвінких<br />

приголосних і голосних<br />

у кінці слова и перед<br />

глухой согласной<br />

якщо перед буквою х є<br />

буква е та за буквою х<br />

йде наголошений<br />

голосний<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Suppose; must; meals; dose; prescription; mustard; several; vitamin; surgeon; pulse; virus; text;<br />

mixture; complex; examiner.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-able, -ible<br />


to break ломати – breakable ламкий<br />

to express виражати – expressible виразний<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Comfortable; honorable; treatable; favorable; valuable; considerable; movable; invulnerable;<br />

responsible; possible; susceptible.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />


Present<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

WORD<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

When<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Whom<br />

VERB<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

they, she, he, it,<br />

you<br />

VERB<br />

V 3<br />

V 3<br />

be + V 3<br />

General Questions<br />

Is the a bdomen subdivided superficially i nto f our qua drants. ( Present S imple T ense, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

Was the artificial metal joint used in 1678? (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Will the operation be performed on by the surgeon? (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Special Questions<br />

How are the bones classified? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

What is the muscular contraction controlled with? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

BUT: What organs are located in the chest? (A question to the subject)<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Is the trunk divided into three large cavities? 2. Where is the heart located? 3. Is the thoracic<br />

cavity surrounded by the rib cage? 4. What organs are located in the chest? 5. What parts is the<br />

lower limb divided into?<br />

Ex. 6. Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm, and hand. 2. The bones of the skeleton are<br />

connected together by t he joints or by t he cartilages. 3. T he skeleton is composed of bones. 4.<br />

The uppe r extremity i s c onnected with t he trunk by t he s houlder g irdle. 5. T he l ectures in<br />

Physiology are a ttended by a ll t he students. 6. Y our a rticles a re of ten publ ished. 7. A ne w<br />

hospital will be bui lt here. 8. D ifferent pr oblems were di scussed a t t he l ast meeting. 9. T hese<br />

books were taken from the library yesterday.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following questions into English:<br />

1. Де знаходяться легені? 2. В якому журналі описувались ці нові методи лікування? 3.<br />

Скільки пацієнтів було вчора оглянуто? 4. До якого поясу прикріплюється верхня<br />

кінцівка? 5. На скільки частин поділяється тіло людини?<br />


Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Cag_; t r_nk; r ele_se; e so_hagus; pe l_ic; he _rt; bl _od; k_dne y; b la_der; l ar_nx; t rach_a;<br />

medi_stinum; d_t ect; di ges_ion; c_vity; l un_; a bdom_nal; a _id; s _leen; pa n_reas; t hora_ic;<br />

st_mach; l_be; l_ver; urin_ry; inte_tine; in_est; resp_nd.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and sentences into your native language:<br />

1. body; the reaction of the body t o the disease; forces of the body; the body of the patient; to<br />

extract a foreign body, the total body weight, human body.<br />

2. digestive; digestive system; the organs of the digestive system; The digestive system consists<br />

of the alimentary canal and accessory organs.<br />

3. blood; blood vessels; blood pressure; blood count; the circulation of the blood; the state of the<br />

blood vessels; the flow of the blood; venous blood flows through the veins; to send the blood for<br />

analysis; There are blood vessels in the connective tissue; Blood vessels supply the muscles.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contain; rib cage; connect; esophagus; lymphatic tissue; pelvic cavity; principal organs; heart;<br />

blood; k idney; bl adder; s mall i ntestine; l arynx; s uperior; t rachea; m ediastinum; r emove; l ung;<br />

abdominal; spleen; w aste produ cts; pa ncreas; thoracic; m ale; f emale; st omach; l obe; l iver;<br />

urinary; trunk.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following words:<br />

Windpipe; membranous; c ontainer; a bdominal; he art; s tomach; c irculation; bl ood; r ight;<br />

physical; pancreas; bladder; wall; acid; enzyme; release; entire; approximately; amount; occur;<br />

major; process; nutrient; minor; respond; reproductive; diaphragm; bronchi.<br />

Ex. 12. Read the following text:<br />

TRUNK<br />

The trunk contains three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the<br />

pelvic cav ity. The t horacic cav ity cont ains the t rachea, esopha gus, he art and l ungs. I t i s<br />

surrounded by t he r ib cage a nd i s s eparated from t he a bdominal c avity by t he m uscular<br />

diaphragm.<br />

The trachea, or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue. The<br />

trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube<br />

that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It transports food from the pharynx to the<br />

stomach. The heart is between the lungs in the space within the mediastinum. It is a muscular<br />

organ consisting of four chambers. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. The<br />

lungs a re t he pr incipal organs of r espiration. E ach l ung i s conical i n s hape. T he r ight l ung i s<br />

larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left one has two ones.<br />

There i s no phys ical s eparation be tween t he a bdominal c avity a nd pe lvic c avity. The<br />

abdominal c avity i s bounde d by t he a bdominal m uscles a nd c ontains the s tomach, intestines,<br />

liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and<br />

contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left portion of the<br />

abdomen. The stomach wall has many glands from which acid and enzymes are released into the<br />

stomach and are mixed with ingested food. The small intestine consists of three portions. The<br />

entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long. The small intestine is the site where the greatest<br />

amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large intestine are secretion<br />

and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces blood components. The<br />

liver consists of two major and two minor lobes. The spleen detects and responds to the foreign<br />

substances in the blood and acts as a blood reservoir. It is located on the left side in the extreme<br />

superior, posterior corner of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas lies along the small intestine<br />

and the stomach. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs. They remove waste products from the

lood, play a major role in controlling blood concentration, and control the red blood cell<br />

production and vitamin D metabolism. The kidneys are the major excretory organs in the body.<br />

The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular container. The size of bladder is dependent on<br />

the presence or absence of urine. The function of bladder is to store urine. Unlike most organ<br />

system, the reproductive systems are very different in male and female. But the internal<br />

reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and many of the hormones are the same in<br />

the male and female, even though their functions may be quite different.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Реагувати; тулуб; звільняти, виділяти; глотка, гортань; абдомінальний, черевний; фермент,<br />

энзим; грудинний; кислота; серце; ковтати, проковтнути; шлунок; кишечник; таз;<br />

травлення, травлення їжи; селезінка; порожнина; підшлункова залоза; трахея; грудна<br />

клітка; стравохід; виявляти, помічати, знаходити; печінка; легені; середостіння; нирка.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the text "Trunk" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What cavities are located in the trunk? 2. What principal organs are located in the thoracic<br />

cavity? 3. What is trachea? 4. Where is esophagus located? 5. What is the heart responsible for?<br />

6. What are the lungs? 7. What is the difference between the right and the left lungs? 8. What<br />

organs of the abdominal cavity do you know? 9. What is the enlarged segment of the digestive<br />

tract? 10. What is the function of the stomach? 11. What is the small intestine? 12. What is the<br />

function of the liver? 13. What organs are located in the pelvic cavity?<br />

Ex. 16. Name the inner organs and complete the following table:<br />

Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity<br />

lungs<br />

stomach<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

The t runk _ t hree large cavi ties, the t horacic c avity, t he a bdominal c avity, a nd t he _<br />

cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, _ , _ a nd lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the _ cavity by the muscular diaphragm.<br />

The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the _, intestines,<br />

liver, _ , pancreas, and kidneys. The stomach is an enlarged segment of the _ tract. The small _ is<br />

the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of<br />

large _ are secretion an d absorption. The l iver stores and processes nut rients, and produces _<br />

components.<br />

The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the _ and contains the urinary bladder, part<br />

of the large intestine, and internal _ organs. The urinary _ i s a hollow muscular container. The<br />

function of _ bl adder is t o s tore ur ine. T he reproductive s ystems a re v ery d ifferent i n _ a nd<br />

female.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of inner organs (esophagus, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen,<br />

urinary bladder).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


The trunk contains thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities. The thoracic cavity is<br />

subdivided by the mediastinum. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.<br />

The pelvic cavity is surrounded by the pelvic bones. The trunk cavities are lined by serous<br />

membranes. The parietal portion of a serous membrane lines the walls of the cavity, and the<br />

visceral portion is in contact with internal organs. The serous membranes secrete fluid that fills

the space between the visceral and parietal membranes. The serous membranes protect organs<br />

from friction. The pleural membranes surround the lungs, the pericardial membranes surround<br />

the heart, and the peritoneal membranes line the abdominal and pelvic cavities and surround their<br />

organs. Mesenteries are parts of the peritoneum that hold the abdominal organs in place and<br />

provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves to the organs.<br />

NOTES:<br />

line [laIn] вистилати<br />

visceral ['vIsqr(q)l] вісцеральний,<br />

внутрішній<br />

parietal [pe'raIItl] паріетальний,<br />

пристінковий<br />

peritoneal ["perItqu'nI:ql] очеревинний<br />

Ex. 20. L ook throw the table "Direction Terms for Humans" and write down new words<br />

into your vocabulary.<br />


Terms Etymology Definition<br />

Left<br />

Toward the left side<br />

Right<br />

Superior<br />

Inferior<br />

Proximal<br />

Distal<br />

Medial<br />

Lateral<br />

Anterior<br />

Posterior<br />

Superficial<br />

NOTE:<br />

L – Latin<br />

L, higher<br />

L., lower<br />

L. proximus, nearest<br />

L. di- plus sto, to stand<br />

apart or to be distant<br />

L. mediahs, middle<br />

L. latus, side<br />

L., before<br />

L. posterus,<br />

following<br />

L. superftcialis<br />

Toward the right side<br />

A structure higher than another (usually<br />

synonymous with cephalic)<br />

A structure lower than another (usually<br />

synonymous with caudal)<br />

Closer than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Father than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Toward the middle or the midline of<br />

the body<br />

Away from the middle or midline<br />

of the body<br />

The front of the body (synonymous<br />

with ventral)<br />

The back of the body (synonymous<br />

with dorsal)<br />

Toward or on the surface<br />

Ex. 21. Complete the following sentences with expressions given below:<br />

When de scribing pa rts of t he body , i t is of ten i mportant t o r efer to t heir relative pos itions.<br />

Proximal means _, w hereas dis tal means _. T hese t erms ar e com monly used in r eference t o<br />

structure in the limbs; each limb is attached at its proximal end of the body, and the other end,<br />

the distal end (the hand or foot), is some distance away. Proximal and distal may also be used in<br />

reference to t ubular systems suc h as t he kidne y or t he digestive tract. The _ end of t he small<br />

intestine is attached to the stomach, and the _ end of the small intestine connects to the large

intestine. Medial means _, a nd lateral means _. T he nose is located in a medial position in the<br />

face, and the eyes are lateral to the nose. The terms superficial and deep refer to the structure _<br />

and _. The skin is superficial to muscle and bone.<br />

away from the midline; proximal; more toward the interior of the body; nearest; to be distant;<br />

close to the surface of the body; distal; toward the midline<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The body i s di vided i nto s everal r egions. T hey a re t he he ad, t runk, a nd l imbs. The he ad i s<br />

divided into t he c ranial and t he f acial pa rts. T he uppe r l imb i s di vided i nto t he a rm, f orearm,<br />

wrist, and hand. The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from<br />

the elbow to the wrist. The upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder. The lower limb is<br />

divided into the thigh, leg, ankle, and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the<br />

leg extends from the knee to the ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or<br />

pelvic girdle. The trunk is divided into chest, abdomen and pelvis. The principal organs of the<br />

trunk are: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestine, the<br />

kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the body regions.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What regions is human body di vided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What pa rts does the lo wer lim b consist of ? 4. What gi rdle c onnects th e uppe r lim b with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 1<br />

Змістовий модуль № 1<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Будова тіла людини<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Будова тіла людини.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Participle I засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

thoracic [TO:'rxsIk] грудинний<br />

abdominal [xb'dOmIn(q)l] абдомінальний,<br />

черевний<br />

trachea [trq'kIq; 'treIkIq] трахея<br />

esophagus [I'sOfqgqs] стравохід<br />

rib cage ['rIb 'keIG] грудна клітка<br />

larynx ['lxrINks] глотка, гортань<br />

mediastinum ["mI:dIqs'taInqm] середостіння<br />

respond [rIs'pOnd] реагувати<br />

lobe [lqub] доля<br />


acid ['xsId] кислота<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент, ензим<br />

release [rI'lI:s] звільняти, виділяти<br />

ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути<br />

digestion [dI'GesC(q)n] травлення, травлення<br />

їжи<br />

detect [dI'tekt] виявляти, помічати<br />

blood [blAd] кров<br />

excretory [eks'krI:tqrI] вивідний, видільний,<br />

екскреторний<br />


Letters Sounds Examples Notes<br />

s [s] son<br />

soft<br />

на початку і в кінці слова<br />

після глухих<br />

приголосних<br />

s [z] nose<br />

goes<br />

між голосними і в кінці<br />

слова після дзвінких<br />

приголосних і голосних<br />

x [ks] text у кінці слова и перед

six<br />

x [gz] exact<br />

exam<br />

глухой согласной<br />

якщо перед буквою х є<br />

буква е та за буквою х<br />

йде наголошений<br />

голосний<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Suppose; must; meals; dose; prescription; mustard; several; vitamin; surgeon; pulse; virus; text;<br />

mixture; complex; examiner.<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-able, -ible<br />

to break ломати – breakable ламкий<br />

to express виражати – expressible виразний<br />


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Comfortable; honorable; treatable; favorable; valuable; considerable; movable; invulnerable;<br />

responsible; possible; susceptible.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />


Present<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Simple<br />

Tense<br />

WORD<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

When<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Whom<br />

VERB<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

they, you, we<br />

I, we<br />

they, she, he, it,<br />

you<br />

VERB<br />

V 3<br />

V 3<br />

be + V 3<br />

General Questions<br />

Is the a bdomen subdivided superficially into four qua drants. (Present S imple T ense, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

Was the artificial metal joint used in 1678? (Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Will the operation be performed on by the surgeon? (Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

Special Questions<br />

How are the bones classified? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

What is the muscular contraction controlled with? (Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice)<br />

BUT: What organs are located in the chest? (A question to the subject)<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Is the trunk divided into three large cavities? 2. Where is the heart located? 3. Is the thoracic<br />

cavity surrounded by the rib cage? 4. What organs are located in the chest? 5. What parts is the<br />

lower limb divided into?<br />

Ex. 6. Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm, and hand. 2. The bones of the skeleton are<br />

connected together by t he joints or by t he cartilages. 3. T he skeleton is composed of bones. 4.<br />

The uppe r extremity i s c onnected with t he trunk by t he s houlder g irdle. 5. T he l ectures in<br />

Physiology are a ttended by a ll t he students. 6. Y our a rticles a re of ten publ ished. 7. A ne w<br />

hospital will be bui lt here. 8. D ifferent pr oblems were di scussed a t t he l ast meeting. 9. T hese<br />

books were taken from the library yesterday.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following questions into English:<br />

1. Де знаходяться легені? 2. В якому журналі описувались ці нові методи лікування? 3.<br />

Скільки пацієнтів було вчора оглянуто? 4. До якого поясу прикріплюється верхня<br />

кінцівка? 5. На скільки частин поділяється тіло людини?<br />


Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Cag_; t r_nk; r ele_se; e so_hagus; pe l_ic; he _rt; bl _od; k_dne y; b la_der; l ar_nx; t rach_a;<br />

medi_stinum; d_t ect; di ges_ion; c_vity; l un_; a bdom_nal; a _id; s _leen; pa n_reas; t hora_ic;<br />

st_mach; l_be; l_ver; urin_ry; inte_tine; in_est; resp_nd.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and sentences into your native language:<br />

1. body; the reaction of the body t o the disease; forces of the body; the body of the patient; to<br />

extract a foreign body, the total body weight, human body.<br />

2. digestive; digestive system; the organs of the digestive system; The digestive system consists<br />

of the alimentary canal and accessory organs.<br />

3. blood; blood vessels; blood pressure; blood count; the circulation of the blood; the state of the<br />

blood vessels; the flow of the blood; venous blood flows through the veins; to send the blood for<br />

analysis; There are blood vessels in the connective tissue; Blood vessels supply the muscles.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contain; rib cage; connect; esophagus; lymphatic tissue; pelvic cavity; principal organs; heart;<br />

blood; k idney; bl adder; s mall i ntestine; l arynx; s uperior; t rachea; m ediastinum; r emove; l ung;<br />

abdominal; spleen; w aste produ cts; pa ncreas; thoracic; m ale; f emale; st omach; l obe; l iver;<br />

urinary; trunk.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following words:<br />

Windpipe; membranous; c ontainer; a bdominal; he art; s tomach; c irculation; bl ood; r ight;<br />

physical; pancreas; bladder; wall; acid; enzyme; release; entire; approximately; amount; occur;<br />

major; process; nutrient; minor; respond; reproductive; diaphragm; bronchi.<br />

Ex. 12. Read the following text:<br />

TRUNK<br />

The trunk contains three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the<br />

pelvic cav ity. The t horacic cav ity cont ains the t rachea, esopha gus, he art and l ungs. I t i s<br />

surrounded by t he r ib cage a nd i s s eparated from t he a bdominal c avity by t he m uscular<br />

diaphragm.<br />

The trachea, or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue. The<br />

trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube<br />

that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It transports food from the pharynx to the<br />

stomach. The heart is between the lungs in the space within the mediastinum. It is a muscular<br />

organ consisting of four chambers. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. The<br />

lungs a re t he pr incipal organs of r espiration. E ach l ung i s conical i n s hape. T he r ight l ung i s<br />

larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left one has two ones.

There i s no phys ical s eparation be tween t he a bdominal c avity a nd pe lvic c avity. The<br />

abdominal c avity i s bounde d by t he a bdominal m uscles a nd c ontains the s tomach, intestines,<br />

liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and<br />

contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />

The st omach is an enlarged segment of t he digestive tract i n the l eft portion of the<br />

abdomen. The stomach wall has many glands from which acid and enzymes are released into the<br />

stomach and are mixed with ingested food. The small intestine consists of three portions. The<br />

entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long. The small intestine is the site where the greatest<br />

amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large intestine are secretion<br />

and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces blood components. The<br />

liver consists of two major and two minor lobes. The spleen detects and responds to the foreign<br />

substances in the blood and acts as a blood reservoir. It is located on the left side in the extreme<br />

superior, posterior corner of t he abdominal cavity. The pa ncreas lies a long the s mall intestine<br />

and t he s tomach. T he kidneys a re bean-shaped orga ns. They remove w aste produ cts f rom t he<br />

blood, pl ay a m ajor r ole i n c ontrolling bl ood concentration, a nd c ontrol the red blood c ell<br />

production and vitamin D metabolism. The kidneys are the major excretory organs in the body.<br />

The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular container. The size of bladder is dependent on<br />

the presence or absence of urine. The function of bladder is to store urine. Unlike most organ<br />

system, t he r eproductive s ystems a re ve ry different in male a nd female. But the in ternal<br />

reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and many of the hormones are the same in<br />

the male and female, even though their functions may be quite different.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Реагувати; тулуб; звільняти, виділяти; глотка, гортань; абдомінальний, черевний; фермент,<br />

энзим; грудинний; кислота; серце; ковтати, проковтнути; шлунок; кишечник; таз;<br />

травлення, травлення їжи; селезінка; порожнина; підшлункова залоза; трахея; грудна<br />

клітка; стравохід; виявляти, помічати, знаходити; печінка; легені; середостіння; нирка.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the text "Trunk" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What cavities are located in the trunk? 2. What principal organs are located in the thoracic<br />

cavity? 3. What is trachea? 4. Where is esophagus located? 5. What is the heart responsible for?<br />

6. What are the lungs? 7. What is the difference between the right and the left lungs? 8. What<br />

organs of the abdominal cavity do you know? 9. What is the enlarged segment of the digestive<br />

tract? 10. What is the function of the stomach? 11. What is the small intestine? 12. What is the<br />

function of the liver? 13. What organs are located in the pelvic cavity?<br />

Ex. 16. Name the inner organs and complete the following table:<br />

Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity<br />

lungs<br />

stomach<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

The t runk _ t hree large cavi ties, the t horacic c avity, t he a bdominal c avity, a nd t he _<br />

cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, _ , _ a nd lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the _ cavity by the muscular diaphragm.<br />

The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the _, intestines,<br />

liver, _ , pancreas, and kidneys. The stomach is an enlarged segment of the _ tract. The small _ is<br />

the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of<br />

large _ are secretion an d absorption. The l iver stores and processes nut rients, and produces _<br />


The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the _ and contains the urinary bladder, part<br />

of the large intestine, and internal _ organs. The urinary _ i s a hollow muscular container. The<br />

function of _ bl adder is t o s tore ur ine. T he reproductive s ystems a re v ery d ifferent i n _ a nd<br />

female.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of inner organs (esophagus, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen,<br />

urinary bladder).<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


The t runk contains t horacic, abdominal, and pelvic cav ities. The t horacic cav ity is<br />

subdivided by the mediastinum. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.<br />

The pe lvic cavity i s s urrounded by t he pe lvic bones. T he t runk c avities ar e l ined by serous<br />

membranes. T he pa rietal por tion of a s erous m embrane l ines t he w alls of t he c avity, a nd t he<br />

visceral portion is in contact with internal organs. The serous membranes secrete fluid that fills<br />

the space between the visceral and parietal membranes. The serous membranes protect organs<br />

from friction. The pleural membranes surround the lungs, the pericardial membranes surround<br />

the heart, and the peritoneal membranes line the abdominal and pelvic cavities and surround their<br />

organs. M esenteries a re pa rts of t he pe ritoneum t hat hol d t he a bdominal or gans in pl ace a nd<br />

provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves to the organs.<br />

NOTES:<br />

line [laIn] вистилати<br />

parietal [pe'raIItl] паріетальний,<br />

visceral ['vIsqr(q)l] вісцеральний,<br />

пристінковий<br />

внутрішній<br />

peritoneal ["perItqu'nI:ql] очеревинний<br />

Ex. 20. L ook throw the table "Direction Terms for Humans" and write down new words<br />

into your vocabulary.<br />


Terms Etymology Definition<br />

Left<br />

Toward the left side<br />

Right<br />

Superior<br />

Inferior<br />

Proximal<br />

Distal<br />

Medial<br />

Lateral<br />

Anterior<br />

L, higher<br />

L., lower<br />

L. proximus, nearest<br />

L. di- plus sto, to stand<br />

apart or to be distant<br />

L. mediahs, middle<br />

L. latus, side<br />

L., before<br />

Toward the right side<br />

A structure higher than another (usually<br />

synonymous with cephalic)<br />

A structure lower than another (usually<br />

synonymous with caudal)<br />

Closer than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Father than another structure to the point of<br />

attachment to the trunk<br />

Toward the middle or the midline of<br />

the body<br />

Away from the middle or midline<br />

of the body<br />

The front of the body (synonymous

Posterior<br />

Superficial<br />

NOTE:<br />

L – Latin<br />

L. posterus,<br />

following<br />

L. superftcialis<br />

with ventral)<br />

The back of the body (synonymous<br />

with dorsal)<br />

Toward or on the surface<br />

Ex. 21. Complete the following sentences with expressions given below:<br />

When de scribing pa rts of t he body , i t is of ten i mportant t o r efer to t heir relative pos itions.<br />

Proximal means _, w hereas dis tal means _. T hese t erms ar e com monly used in r eference t o<br />

structure in the limbs; each limb is attached at its proximal end of the body, and the other end,<br />

the distal end (the hand or foot), is some distance away. Proximal and distal may also be used in<br />

reference to t ubular systems suc h as t he kidne y or t he digestive tract. The _ end of t he small<br />

intestine is attached to the stomach, and the _ end of the small intestine connects to the large<br />

intestine. Medial means _, a nd lateral means _. T he nose is located in a medial position in the<br />

face, and the eyes are lateral to the nose. The terms superficial and deep refer to the structure _<br />

and _. The skin is superficial to muscle and bone.<br />

away from the midline; proximal; more toward the interior of the body; nearest; to be distant;<br />

close to the surface of the body; distal; toward the midline<br />


The t runk c onsists of t he t horacic c avity, the a bdominal c avity, and t he pe lvic cavity. The<br />

thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage<br />

and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular diaphragm. The a bdominal c avity<br />

is bounded by the abdominal muscles. It contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas,<br />

and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a sm all space enclosed by the pelvis and contains the urinary<br />

bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What regions is human body di vided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3.<br />

What pa rts does the lo wer lim b consist of ? 4. What gi rdle c onnects th e uppe r lim b with the<br />

trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided<br />

into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate into English:<br />

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня<br />

кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка<br />

приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі<br />

стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою<br />

тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.


TEST<br />

І. Insert missing words:<br />

1. _ is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left superior portion of the abdomen.<br />

A. stomach<br />

B. esophagus<br />

C. kidney<br />

2. Each person has a particular combination of _ in his/her blood.<br />

A. tissues<br />

B. substances<br />

C. atria<br />

3. Leukemia causes the formation of large amount of _ white blood cells.<br />

A. effective<br />

B. normal<br />

C. abnormal<br />

4. The heart is an inner hollow _ organ placed within the chest.<br />

A. accessory<br />

B. ventricular<br />

C. muscular<br />

5. The bones of the skull consist of _ and facial parts.<br />

A. lumbar<br />

B. thoracic<br />

C. cranial<br />

6. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must _ not less than 7-8 hours.<br />

A. run<br />

B. sleep<br />

C. eat<br />

7. The most important _ of chronic gastritis are alcohol, inadequate food, and a bad diet regimen.<br />

A. manifestations<br />

B. causes<br />

C. symptoms<br />

II. Insert the correct form of the verb:<br />

1. Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they _ to the other parts of the body.<br />

A. are transported<br />

B. is transported<br />

C. transport<br />

2. Erythrocytes _ in the bone marrow and are important in that they transport oxygen from the<br />

lungs.<br />

A. has been made<br />

B. are made<br />

C. is making<br />

3. The muscles _ of the muscular fibers and contain blood vessels and nerves.<br />

A. was consisted<br />

B. consist<br />

C. are consisted<br />

4. The contractions of the heart _ the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.<br />

A. has pumped<br />

B. was pumped<br />

C. pump<br />

5. The heart consists of two separate chambers _ by the septum.<br />

A. are dividing

B. divide<br />

C. divided<br />

6. Tears occur when the covering skin _ beyond the limits of its elasticity.<br />

A. is pulled<br />

B. are pulled<br />

C. have been pulled<br />

III. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The lower limb is very similar to that of the upper limb, except the pelvic girdle.<br />

2. When the pressure in the right atrium has increased the blood passes into the right ventricle.<br />

3. When the patient is hospitalized his/her activities will be limited and carefully monitored by<br />

the hospital staff.<br />

4. I n the majority of c ases t he ulcer de velops i n p articularly ne rvous pe rsons, of ten a fter<br />

emotional stress.<br />

5. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve<br />

the metabolic processes and dilate the vessels.<br />

6. Smooth muscle is in the walls of the hollow organs and tubes, in the internal parts of the eyes,<br />

and in the walls of blood vessels.<br />

7. The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are an increased secretion of mucus and<br />

diminished secretion of acid and pepsin.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />


Because of the constant activity of the heart and blood vessels, there is a wide range of<br />

potential problems and disorders. The two most common disorders are coronary artery disease,<br />

the principal cause of heart attack, and hypertension. Yet there are other kinds of problems that<br />

can affect the health of the valves, the heart muscle, the rhythm of the heart, or the ability of your<br />

blood ve ssels t o c irculate the b lood t o you r tissues. S ome pr oblems, c alled congenital, a re<br />

present at b irth; ot hers occur a s the re sult of in fection, hereditary factors, problems with the<br />

action of thyroid hormone on your heart, lung diseases that affect your heart, or trauma.<br />

In t he f ollowing pa ges, w e w ill c onsider i ndividually s everal do zen h eart a nd b lood<br />

vessel disorders, as well as some of t he remarkable advances made in recent years in diagnosis<br />

and treatment f or he art and circulatory problems. But be fore c onsidering t he pr oblems, i t i s<br />

important to understand something about the basic interaction between the lives we lead and our<br />

health.<br />

What we eat, our exercise patterns, whether we smoke, and a number of othe r lifestyle<br />

considerations have an impact on the health of our hearts as well as on other organ systems. So<br />

we will begin with the risk factors for coronary artery disease and what we can do to use that<br />

knowledge for longer, healthier lives.<br />

Your pri mary care physician may treat some heart and circulatory disorders. However,<br />

your physician may refer you to a cardiologist, a specialist who has had additional training in the<br />

diagnosis and management of heart and blood vessel disorders.<br />

Text B<br />


Healthy arteries ar e l ike he althy muscles. They a re s trong, f lexible, a nd e lastic.<br />

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in and under the lining of the<br />

artery walls. The name comes from the Greek word ather, meaning "porridge", because the fatty<br />

deposits are soft and resemble porridge. Blood cells (platelets) often clump at microscopic sites

of inj ury to the inner wall of th e artery. At t hese s ites, f at de posits also collect. Ini tially, th e<br />

deposits a re onl y s treaks of f at-containing c ells but , as they e nlarge, they i nvade s ome of t he<br />

deeper layers of the arterial walls, causing scarring and calcium deposits. Large accumulations<br />

called atheromas or plaque s ar e t he pri ncipal cha racteristic of at herosclerosis. The great est<br />

danger from these deposits is the narrowing of the channel through which the blood flows. When<br />

this occurs, the tissues that the artery supplies will not receive their full quota of blood. Pieces of<br />

the fatty deposits may be dislodged, travel with the blood flow, and finally obstruct an artery at<br />

some distant point.<br />

Atherosclerosis may be discovered in the course of a routine physical examination.<br />

During examination of patient's neck, abdomen, or other parts of the body, the physician may<br />

hear a blowing sound if a narrowing of the lining of the arteries at one or more these points<br />

causes turbulence of the blood flow. The physician also will estimate the amount of blood flow<br />

by feeling for pulsations in the arteries at the wrists, legs, and feet. A decrease in pulsations is a<br />

reason to suspect partially obstructed blood flow.<br />

More elaborate tests of circulation using sound waves often help in establishing the<br />

presence and degree of decreased blood flow. Ultrasound scan of the abdomen often is used to<br />

identify a suspected aneurysm of the aorta in the abdomen. Another test for locating the sites of<br />

plaques that narrow blood vessels is arteriography. In many cases, the diagnosis is not suspected<br />

until the artery is completely obstructed and the person has experienced a stroke, heart attack, or<br />

arterial thrombosis.<br />

To s ome e xtent, t he bo dy c an pr otect i tself f rom na rrowing of a pa rticular a rtery by<br />

developing, w ith time, a dditional a rterial c onnections t hat de tour bl ood a round the na rrowed<br />

point. This is called collateral circulation.<br />

Although atherosclerosis occurs to some extent in all middle-aged and elderly people and<br />

even may occur in certain young people, some people appear more at risk because of high blood<br />

cholesterol levels.<br />

The best prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is certain regimen, sound sleep, rest,<br />

and pr oper di et. V itamins a re w idely us ed in t he treatment of t his di sease. Other dr ugs<br />

administered in treating atherosclerosis a re so -called l ipotropic s ubstances, w hich pr event f at<br />

from accumulating in the organism.<br />

Text C<br />


Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and<br />

lymph system. This cancer causes the formation of large amount of abnormal white blood cells.<br />

These abnormal white blood cells reach high concentrations in the bone marrow, lymph system,<br />

and bl oodstream, a nd t heir a ccumulation c an i nterfere with f unctions of t he vi tal or gans.<br />

Eventually, they overwhelm the production of healthy blood cells, including white and red blood<br />

cells and platelets. In addition to the overabundance of abnormal white blood cells, there is an<br />

insufficient number of healthy ones. Therefore, the body’s ability to fight infections is decreased.<br />

The deficiency in red blood cells means that the body’s organs do not receive enough oxygen,<br />

the shortage of platelets makes the blood clotting process less effective, leaving the body more<br />

vulnerable t o bleeding and bruising. Because of al l t hese ef fects, leukemia i s fatal w ithout<br />

successful treatment.<br />

The causes of leukemia are not known. Researchers have proposed that certain chemicals<br />

and viruses might play a role. Susceptibility to leukemia may be inherited. The ailment runs in<br />

some families, and people with certain congenital disorders, including Down syndrome, are at<br />

higher risk of developing it.<br />

The most common signs and symptoms of leukemia are fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight<br />

loss, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding, bruising, paleness, and headaches. In many cases they are<br />

absent. These cases are detected when routine blood tests give abnormal results.

Treatment of l eukemia ge nerally is si mple ch emotherapy. High-dose c hemotherapy,<br />

along with bone marrow transplantation, sometimes is used. Therapy with antibiotics can help to<br />

prevent or can treat the bacterial infections that are frequent complications. Corticosteroid drugs<br />

also may be used with chemotherapy. The radiation therapy to the central nervous system also<br />

may be r ecommended. I t ha s be en de signed to ki ll t he cancer cells t hat m ay l inger i n the<br />

patient’s central nervous system beyond the reach of medications given orally or intravenously.<br />

Text D<br />


The digestive system is a group of organs that work like wrecking equipment to break down the<br />

chemical components of food, through the use of digestive juices, into tiny nutrients, which can<br />

be a bsorbed t o ge nerate e nergy f or t he body. This s ystem a lso bui lds a nd r eplaces c ells a nd<br />

tissues, which are constantly dying. Digestion begins in the mouth with the teeth, which grind<br />

the f ood i nto s mall pa rticles; the tongue, a po werful muscle w hich d etects " good" a nd "bad"<br />

flavors i n f ood a nd m anipulates t he f ood be tween t he teeth f or c hewing, a nd s aliva, a w atery<br />

fluid w hich l ubricates chewing a nd s wallowing a nd be gins t he pr ocess of di gestion. T he<br />

digestive system begins in the mouth, continues in the pharynx (throat) and esophagus and into<br />

the " gut" r egion: t he s tomach, s mall a nd l arge i ntestines, the r ectum and t he a nus. F ood i s<br />

chewed, pulped and mixed with saliva to become a soft mass, which will easily travel down the<br />

esophagus. The tongue traps the food and forces it into the throat, which is a mass of muscles<br />

and tissues, which transports food into the gut system for final processing and distribution. The<br />

throat closes the top of the breathing pipes, but if the food accidentally enters these pipes, it goes<br />

down the "wrong way" and must be coughed up before the body chokes or asphyxiates. As food<br />

passes through the body, it is mixed with an unbelievable amount of chemicals, which break it<br />

down into small units that can be absorbed into the blood and lymph systems. Some is used for<br />

energy, some as building blocks for tissues and cells, and some is stored for future or emergency<br />

use. The liver and the pancreas also secrete digestive juices that break down food as it passes<br />

through the digestive ducts. Not all that we eat can be digested, so the waste must be disposed of<br />

in a n e fficient w ay. I t may not be a s avory e nding f or t he f ood or dr ink w e t hought w as s o<br />

delicious in the mouth, but it is just as important for our health.<br />

Text E<br />


Peptic ul cers a re hol es or br eaks i n t he i nner l ining of t he e sophagus, s tomach, or<br />

duodenum. It ha s be en determined t hat pe ptic ulcer ge nerally oc curs i n t he l ower pa rt of t he<br />

stomach (gastric ulcer), in the initial portion of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer), and occasionally<br />

in the lower esophagus (esophageal).<br />

The signs and symptoms of the peptic ulcer are the following: burning, aching, or hunger<br />

discomfort in the upper abdomen or lower chest (that is relieved by milk or food); black stools;<br />

bloated feeling after meals; and nausea or vomiting. In emergency cases the person has clammy<br />

skin and fainting.<br />

The cause of ulcers is not fully known. Normally, the linings of the esophagus, stomach,<br />

and duode num a re ke pt i ntact by a ba lance b etween t he acid and stomach juices and the<br />

resistance of these linings to injury. When the balance breaks down, the result may be a peptic<br />

ulcer. R ecent r esearch ha s show n t hat m any ulce rs m ay be secon dary to ba cteria ca lled<br />

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori).<br />

Peptic ulcers a re not u ncommon i n our s ociety. I t ha s be en e stimated t hat t he a ge a t<br />

diagnosis peaks between 30 and 50 for duodenal ulcers and between 60 and 70 for gastric ulcers.<br />

Frequently, ulcers recur within 1 year after healing, sometimes without symptoms.<br />

Some people may have an inherited disposition to ulcers. Peptic ulcers are 3 times more<br />

likely to occur in families of patients with duodenal ulcer than in the general population. And<br />

relatives of people with gastric ulcers have the very same kind of ulcer.

The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms, heal the ulcer, prevent relapse, and avoid<br />

complications.<br />

The vast majority of persons with peptic ulcer disease responds well to medication. The<br />

key to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective<br />

lining of the stomach or duodenum. The mainstay of treatment is a class of drugs that decrease<br />

the a mount of a cid pr oduced i n the s tomach. T hese dr ugs a re called H12 blockers. T he us ual<br />

course of t herapy l asts a pproximately 6 w eeks. M any pe ople w ith ul cers ha rbor H py lori<br />

bacteria, which can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Twelve months after treatment, most<br />

people show no ulcer recurrence, while recurrence is more common after using standard ulcer<br />

medications.<br />

However, i f t he pe rson has a n ul cer t hat doe s n ot r espond t o medical t reatment or t he<br />

person has serious complications such as hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation, he/she may be<br />

a candidate for surgery.<br />

Text F<br />


“Gastritis” is a general term that means inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can<br />

result from a number of causes, each of which may produce somewhat different symptoms, such<br />

as: upper abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.<br />

Gastritis can occur as a result of acid-induced damage to the lining of the stomach when<br />

no ul cer is present. E xcessive s moking or a lcohol c onsumption a re known t o p roduce m ild<br />

gastritis or to aggravate exist ing gastritis symptoms. Gastritis al so can be a si de ef fect of a<br />

number of prescription drugs. Severe stress due to burns, trauma, surgery, or shock may produce<br />

gastritis. Gastritis i s also s een in s ome pe rsons whose s tomachs do no t pr oduce a cid. I n t hese<br />

cases, the lining of the stomach is atrophied. This condition may be associated with vitamin B12<br />

deficiency and occurs in many older people. Even very healthy people may experience gastritis<br />

with some regularity.<br />

In most cases, the symptoms of gastritis are relatively mild and short-lived, pose no real<br />

danger, a nd ha ve no l asting effect. O ccasionally, gastritis may cause bleeding, but i t i s rarely<br />

severe.<br />

Antacids in liquid or tablet form are a suitable and common treatment of mild gastritis. If<br />

a pe rson i s troubled by exc essive acid and an tacids f ail t o provide r elief, the ph ysician may<br />

prescribe drugs such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or nizatidine, which decrease the amount of acid<br />

produced by the stomach. Medication to protect the lining of the stomach may be used.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. Bones.<br />

2. Skeletal System.<br />

3. Muscular System.<br />

4. Digestive System.<br />

5. Stomach.<br />

6. Liver.<br />

7. Blood.<br />

8. Cardiovascular system.<br />

9. Heart.<br />

10. Vessels.


TEST<br />

І. Insert missing words:<br />

1. _ is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left superior portion of the abdomen.<br />

A. stomach<br />

B. esophagus<br />

C. kidney<br />

2. Each person has a particular combination of _ in his/her blood.<br />

A. tissues<br />

B. substances<br />

C. atria<br />

3. Leukemia causes the formation of large amount of _ white blood cells.<br />

A. effective<br />

B. normal<br />

C. abnormal<br />

4. The heart is an inner hollow _ organ placed within the chest.<br />

A. accessory<br />

B. ventricular<br />

C. muscular<br />

5. The bones of the skull consist of _ and facial parts.<br />

A. lumbar<br />

B. thoracic<br />

C. cranial<br />

6. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must _ not less than 7-8 hours.<br />

A. run<br />

B. sleep<br />

C. eat<br />

7. The most important _ of chronic gastritis are alcohol, inadequate food, and a bad diet regimen.<br />

A. manifestations<br />

B. causes<br />

C. symptoms<br />

II. Insert the correct form of the verb:<br />

1. Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they _ to the other parts of the body.<br />

A. are transported<br />

B. is transported<br />

C. transport<br />

2. Erythrocytes _ in the bone marrow and are important in that they transport oxygen from the<br />

lungs.<br />

A. has been made<br />

B. are made<br />

C. is making<br />

3. The muscles _ of the muscular fibers and contain blood vessels and nerves.<br />

A. was consisted<br />

B. consist<br />

C. are consisted<br />

4. The contractions of the heart _ the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.<br />

A. has pumped<br />

B. was pumped<br />

C. pump<br />

5. The heart consists of two separate chambers _ by the septum.<br />

A. are dividing

B. divide<br />

C. divided<br />

6. Tears occur when the covering skin _ beyond the limits of its elasticity.<br />

A. is pulled<br />

B. are pulled<br />

C. have been pulled<br />

III. Translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The lower limb is very similar to that of the upper limb, except the pelvic girdle.<br />

2. When the pressure in the right atrium has increased the blood passes into the right ventricle.<br />

3. When the patient is hospitalized his/her activities will be limited and carefully monitored by<br />

the hospital staff.<br />

4. I n the majority of c ases t he ulcer de velops i n p articularly ne rvous pe rsons, of ten a fter<br />

emotional stress.<br />

5. Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve<br />

the metabolic processes and dilate the vessels.<br />

6. Smooth muscle is in the walls of the hollow organs and tubes, in the internal parts of the eyes,<br />

and in the walls of blood vessels.<br />

7. The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are an increased secretion of mucus and<br />

diminished secretion of acid and pepsin.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />


Because of the constant activity of the heart and blood vessels, there is a wide range of<br />

potential problems and disorders. The two most common disorders are coronary artery disease,<br />

the principal cause of heart attack, and hypertension. Yet there are other kinds of problems that<br />

can affect the health of the valves, the heart muscle, the rhythm of the heart, or the ability of your<br />

blood ve ssels t o c irculate the b lood t o you r tissues. S ome pr oblems, c alled congenital, a re<br />

present at b irth; ot hers occur a s the r esult of i nfection, he reditary f actors, pr oblems with t he<br />

action of thyroid hormone on your heart, lung diseases that affect your heart, or trauma.<br />

In t he f ollowing pa ges, w e w ill c onsider i ndividually s everal do zen h eart a nd b lood<br />

vessel disorders, as well as some of t he remarkable advances made in recent years in diagnosis<br />

and treatment f or he art and circulatory p roblems. But be fore c onsidering t he pr oblems, i t i s<br />

important to understand something about the basic interaction between the lives we lead and our<br />

health.<br />

What we eat, our exercise patterns, whether we smoke, and a number of othe r lifestyle<br />

considerations have an impact on the health of our hearts as well as on other organ systems. So<br />

we will begin with the risk factors for coronary artery disease and what we can do to use that<br />

knowledge for longer, healthier lives.<br />

Your pri mary care physician may treat some heart and circulatory disorders. However,<br />

your physician may refer you to a cardiologist, a specialist who has had additional training in the<br />

diagnosis and management of heart and blood vessel disorders.<br />

Text B<br />


Healthy arteries are like he althy muscles. They are s trong, flexible, and elastic.<br />

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in and under the lining of the<br />

artery walls. The name comes from the Greek word ather, meaning "porridge", because the fatty<br />

deposits are soft and resemble porridge. Blood cells (platelets) often clump at microscopic sites

of injury to the inne r w all of th e artery. At t hese s ites, f at de posits also collect. Ini tially, th e<br />

deposits a re onl y s treaks of f at-containing cells but, a s t hey e nlarge, they i nvade s ome of t he<br />

deeper layers of the arterial walls, causing scarring and calcium deposits. Large accumulations<br />

called atheromas or plaque s ar e t he pri ncipal cha racteristic of at herosclerosis. The great est<br />

danger from these deposits is the narrowing of the channel through which the blood flows. When<br />

this occurs, the tissues that the artery supplies will not receive their full quota of blood. Pieces of<br />

the fatty deposits may be dislodged, travel with the blood flow, and finally obstruct an artery at<br />

some distant point.<br />

Atherosclerosis may be discovered in the course of a routine physical examination.<br />

During examination of patient's neck, abdomen, or other parts of the body, the physician may<br />

hear a blowing sound if a narrowing of the lining of the arteries at one or more these points<br />

causes turbulence of the blood flow. The physician also will estimate the amount of blood flow<br />

by feeling for pulsations in the arteries at the wrists, legs, and feet. A decrease in pulsations is a<br />

reason to suspect partially obstructed blood flow.<br />

More elaborate tests of circulation using sound waves often help in establishing the<br />

presence and degree of decreased blood flow. Ultrasound scan of the abdomen often is used to<br />

identify a suspected aneurysm of the aorta in the abdomen. Another test for locating the sites of<br />

plaques that narrow blood vessels is arteriography. In many cases, the diagnosis is not suspected<br />

until the artery is completely obstructed and the person has experienced a stroke, heart attack, or<br />

arterial thrombosis.<br />

To s ome e xtent, t he bo dy c an pr otect i tself f rom na rrowing of a pa rticular a rtery by<br />

developing, with time, a dditional a rterial c onnections t hat de tour bl ood a round the na rrowed<br />

point. This is called collateral circulation.<br />

Although atherosclerosis occurs to some extent in all middle-aged and elderly people and<br />

even may occur in certain young people, some people appear more at risk because of high blood<br />

cholesterol levels.<br />

The best prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is certain regimen, sound sleep, rest,<br />

and pr oper di et. V itamins a re w idely us ed in t he treatment of t his di sease. Other dr ugs<br />

administered in treating atherosclerosis a re so -called l ipotropic s ubstances, w hich pr event f at<br />

from accumulating in the organism.<br />

Text C<br />


Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and<br />

lymph system. This cancer causes the formation of large amount of abnormal white blood cells.<br />

These abnormal white blood cells reach high concentrations in the bone marrow, lymph system,<br />

and bl oodstream, a nd t heir a ccumulation c an i nterfere with f unctions of t he vi tal or gans.<br />

Eventually, they overwhelm the production of healthy blood cells, including white and red blood<br />

cells and platelets. In addition to the overabundance of abnormal white blood cells, there is an<br />

insufficient number of healthy ones. Therefore, the body’s ability to fight infections is decreased.<br />

The deficiency in red blood cells means that the body’s organs do not receive enough oxygen,<br />

the shortage of platelets makes the blood clotting process less effective, leaving the body more<br />

vulnerable t o bl eeding a nd b ruising. Because of al l t hese ef fects, leukemia i s fatal w ithout<br />

successful treatment.<br />

The causes of leukemia are not known. Researchers have proposed that certain chemicals<br />

and viruses might play a role. Susceptibility to leukemia may be inherited. The ailment runs in<br />

some families, and people with certain congenital disorders, including Down syndrome, are at<br />

higher risk of developing it.<br />

The most common signs and symptoms of leukemia are fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight<br />

loss, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding, bruising, paleness, and headaches. In many cases they are<br />

absent. These cases are detected when routine blood tests give abnormal results.

Treatment of l eukemia ge nerally is si mple ch emotherapy. High-dose c hemotherapy,<br />

along with bone marrow transplantation, sometimes is used. Therapy with antibiotics can help to<br />

prevent or can treat the bacterial infections that are frequent complications. Corticosteroid drugs<br />

also may be used with chemotherapy. The radiation therapy to the central nervous system also<br />

may be r ecommended. I t ha s be en de signed to ki ll t he cancer cells t hat m ay l inger i n the<br />

patient’s central nervous system beyond the reach of medications given orally or intravenously.<br />

Text D<br />


The digestive system is a group of organs that work like wrecking equipment to break down the<br />

chemical components of food, through the use of digestive juices, into tiny nutrients, which can<br />

be a bsorbed t o ge nerate e nergy f or t he body. This s ystem a lso bui lds a nd r eplaces c ells a nd<br />

tissues, which are constantly dying. Digestion begins in the mouth with the teeth, which grind<br />

the f ood i nto s mall pa rticles; the tongue, a po werful m uscle w hich d etects " good" a nd "bad"<br />

flavors i n f ood a nd m anipulates t he f ood be tween t he teeth f or c hewing, a nd s aliva, a watery<br />

fluid w hich l ubricates chewing a nd s wallowing a nd be gins t he pr ocess of di gestion. T he<br />

digestive system begins in the mouth, continues in the pharynx (throat) and esophagus and into<br />

the " gut" r egion: t he s tomach, s mall a nd l arge i ntestines, the r ectum and t he a nus. F ood i s<br />

chewed, pulped and mixed with saliva to become a soft mass, which will easily travel down the<br />

esophagus. The tongue traps the food and forces it into the throat, which is a mass of muscles<br />

and tissues, which transports food into the gut system for final processing and distribution. The<br />

throat closes the top of the breathing pipes, but if the food accidentally enters these pipes, it goes<br />

down the "wrong way" and must be coughed up before the body chokes or asphyxiates. As food<br />

passes through the body, it is mixed with an unbelievable amount of chemicals, which break it<br />

down into small units that can be absorbed into the blood and lymph systems. Some is used for<br />

energy, some as building blocks for tissues and cells, and some is stored for future or emergency<br />

use. The liver and the pancreas also secrete digestive juices that break down food as it passes<br />

through the digestive ducts. Not all that we eat can be digested, so the waste must be disposed of<br />

in a n e fficient w ay. I t may not be a savory e nding f or t he f ood or dr ink w e t hought w as s o<br />

delicious in the mouth, but it is just as important for our health.<br />

Text E<br />


Peptic ul cers a re hol es or br eaks i n t he i nner l ining of t he e sophagus, s tomach, or<br />

duodenum. It ha s be en determined t hat pe ptic ulcer ge nerally oc curs i n t he l ower pa rt of t he<br />

stomach (gastric ulcer), in the initial portion of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer), and occasionally<br />

in the lower esophagus (esophageal).<br />

The signs and symptoms of the peptic ulcer are the following: burning, aching, or hunger<br />

discomfort in the upper abdomen or lower chest (that is relieved by milk or food); black stools;<br />

bloated feeling after meals; and nausea or vomiting. In emergency cases the person has clammy<br />

skin and fainting.<br />

The cause of ulcers is not fully known. Normally, the linings of the esophagus, stomach,<br />

and duode num a re ke pt i ntact by a ba lance b etween t he acid a nd s tomach j uices a nd t he<br />

resistance of these linings to injury. When the balance breaks down, the result may be a peptic<br />

ulcer. R ecent r esearch ha s show n t hat m any ulce rs m ay be secon dary to ba cteria ca lled<br />

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori).<br />

Peptic ul cers a re not u ncommon i n our s ociety. I t ha s be en e stimated t hat t he a ge a t<br />

diagnosis peaks between 30 and 50 for duodenal ulcers and between 60 and 70 for gastric ulcers.<br />

Frequently, ulcers recur within 1 year after healing, sometimes without symptoms.<br />

Some people may have an inherited disposition to ulcers. Peptic ulcers are 3 times more<br />

likely to occur in families of patients with duodenal ulcer than in the general population. And<br />

relatives of people with gastric ulcers have the very same kind of ulcer.

The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms, heal the ulcer, prevent relapse, and avoid<br />

complications.<br />

The vast majority of persons with peptic ulcer disease responds well to medication. The<br />

key to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective<br />

lining of the stomach or duodenum. The mainstay of treatment is a class of drugs that decrease<br />

the a mount of a cid pr oduced i n the s tomach. T hese dr ugs a re called H12 blockers. T he us ual<br />

course of t herapy l asts a pproximately 6 w eeks. M any pe ople w ith ul cers ha rbor H py lori<br />

bacteria, which can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Twelve months after treatment, most<br />

people show no ulcer recurrence, while recurrence is more common after using standard ulcer<br />

medications.<br />

However, i f t he pe rson has a n ul cer t hat doe s n ot r espond t o medical t reatment or t he<br />

person has serious complications such as hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation, he/she may be<br />

a candidate for surgery.<br />

Text F<br />


“Gastritis” is a general term that means inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can<br />

result from a number of causes, each of which may produce somewhat different symptoms, such<br />

as: upper abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.<br />

Gastritis can occur as a result of acid-induced damage to the lining of the stomach when<br />

no ul cer is present. E xcessive s moking or a lcohol c onsumption a re known t o p roduce m ild<br />

gastritis or to aggravate exist ing gastritis symptoms. Gastritis al so can be a si de ef fect of a<br />

number of prescription drugs. Severe stress due to burns, trauma, surgery, or shock may produce<br />

gastritis. Gastritis is also seen in some pe rsons whose s tomachs do no t pr oduce a cid. I n t hese<br />

cases, the lining of the stomach is atrophied. This condition may be associated with vitamin B12<br />

deficiency and occurs in many older people. Even very healthy people may experience gastritis<br />

with some regularity.<br />

In most cases, the symptoms of gastritis are relatively mild and short-lived, pose no real<br />

danger, and ha ve no lasting effect. O ccasionally, gastritis may cause bleeding, but i t i s rarely<br />

severe.<br />

Antacids in liquid or tablet form are a suitable and common treatment of mild gastritis. If<br />

a pe rson i s troubled by exc essive acid and an tacids f ail t o provide r elief, the ph ysician may<br />

prescribe drugs such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or nizatidine, which decrease the amount of acid<br />

produced by the stomach. Medication to protect the lining of the stomach may be used.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. Bones.<br />

2. Skeletal System.<br />

3. Muscular System.<br />

4. Digestive System.<br />

5. Stomach.<br />

6. Liver.<br />

7. Blood.<br />

8. Cardiovascular system.<br />

9. Heart.<br />

10. Vessels.


TEST<br />

I. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Our _ year _ in September and is over in June.<br />

A. studying; began<br />

B. academic; begins<br />

C. academic; begin<br />

2. Students _ different practical _ in medicine.<br />

A. acquires; knowledge<br />

B. get; skill<br />

C. acquire; skills<br />

3. Doctors _ the diagnosis and _ proper treatment to every patient.<br />

A. does; prescribe<br />

B. makes; write<br />

C. make; prescribe<br />

4. The main _ of medicine is to _ the people’s health.<br />

A. topic; do<br />

B. task; care of<br />

C. reason; make<br />

5. T he t herapeutist _ t o t he pa tient’s he art and lungs, palpates abdominal pa rts, and measures<br />

blood _.<br />

A. works; analysis<br />

B. listens; pressure<br />

C. listens; cells<br />

II. Finish the following sentences:<br />

1. During the clinical training the students learn _.<br />

2. WHO activities has many forms, some of them are _.<br />

3. In Great Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the _.<br />

4. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from _.<br />

5. Your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils _.<br />

III. Choose the proper term given below to the following definitions:<br />

1. This organization prepares more and better health workers.<br />

2. It is a very important medical establishment where the people order or buy medicines for<br />

their treatment.<br />

3. In this department the patients complain of their cough, high temperature, headache and<br />

others.<br />

a) che mist’s shop; b) nuc leaus; c) pul monological de partment; d) cel l m embrane; e)<br />

cardiological department; f) skeletal system; g) gastroenterological department; h) World Health<br />

Organization; i) muscular tissue; j) endocrine system; k) polyclinic.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />

GALEN<br />

(philosopher, physician, discoverer of blood and the cranial nerves)<br />

This Greek's genius is more certain than his dates. He was born about 129 AD and lived<br />

until about 210 A D. During this considerable life span, Galen managed to perform studies that<br />

would long influence medicine. He is still known among other things for his discovery of blood

in human arteries and for his dissection of the human cranial nerves, the nerves that supply key<br />

areas of the head, face, and upper chest. Galen was the son of Nicon, a well-to-do architect and<br />

builder in Pergamum (Asia Minor). He first studied philosophy, one of the traditional fields for a<br />

boy of his background. Nicon then had a dream in which Asclepius, the god of healing, told him<br />

to permit his son to study medicine. Galen began his medical studies in Pergamum at the age of<br />

16-17. In search of medical knowledge, he then roamed about much of the eastern Mediterranean<br />

studying medicine in various cities including Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) and Corinth (Greece).<br />

He completed his studies at the famous medical school in Alexandria (Egypt). Galen returned to<br />

Pergamum and at age 28 was appointed physician to the school of gladiators, a post he occupied<br />

for four years and that some say made him the first sports medicine specialist. After that, a career<br />

in Rome w as i n t he c ards. There he w ent at age 32 an d became a f amous and influential<br />

physician, taking on cases that no one else could handle. He accompanied the Roman legions of<br />

Marcus Aurelius on t heir campaigns, and served as the personal physician to several emperors.<br />

Galen described what h e saw ( not always t he practice of t he da y). He i dentified the majority<br />

(seven of the twelve) of the cranial nerves.<br />

Galen did experiments suc h as sev ering a n erve and observing the effects. He i s thus<br />

regarded as the founder of experimental physiology. Galen was the first to determine that arteries<br />

carried blood and not air! (For over 400 ye ars the Alexandrian school of medicine had taught<br />

that arteries are full of air). Galen's theories about the blood circulation, however, were well off<br />

the mark and it was not until the 17th century that the great English physician William Harvey<br />

would challenge Galen's ideas in this regard. With Hippocrates who preceded him by some 500<br />

years, Galen was preeminent among the most distinguished physicians of antiquity. He knew all<br />

of the medical knowledge of his day, gathered it together, and wrote voluminously (and well)<br />

about it. Galen summed up the medicine of antiquity.<br />

The w ritings of G alen were a bl essing to the ancient w orld. But t hey be came a curse<br />

when, for more than a millennium, they were held to be the unassailable authority on medicine.<br />

This paralyzed the progress of medicine, something Galen would have deplored.<br />

Text B<br />


World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 7, 1948 when twenty-six<br />

United Nations member states, including Ukraine, ratified its Constitution. Now there are 192<br />

member states, including all United Nations Member States except Liechtenstein.<br />

WHO's objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is<br />

defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and<br />

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO activities has many forms, they are:<br />

strengthening national health services; preparing more and better health workers; controlling or<br />

eradicating epidemic diseases; protecting mother and child health; improving sanitation and<br />

water supply; and making all other efforts to raise health level.<br />

One of the main services carried by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main<br />

world epidemics of history as plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, and yellow fever are still a great<br />

danger in our time. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases<br />

as influenza and poliomyelitis.<br />

Besides an epidemic information WHO provides services, which are needed by all the<br />

countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international<br />

standardization of medicines and vaccines, and development of medical research.<br />

The daily work of WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2.400<br />

international officers from different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in<br />

Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.<br />

WHO's work is focused on four interrelated strategic directions. Strategic Direction 1:<br />


excess mortality, morbidity, and disability. Strategic Direction 2: promoting healthy lifestyles<br />

and reducing risk factors to human health. Strategic Direction 3: developing health systems.<br />

Strategic Direction 4: framing an enabling policy and creating an institutional environment for<br />

the health sector.<br />

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

1. I am a Medical Student.<br />

2. Medical University.<br />

3. Public Health Service in Ukraine and Abroad.<br />

4. Hospital.<br />

5. Polyclinic.<br />

6. Medical Examination.<br />

7. My Future Profession.<br />


TEST<br />

I. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Our _ year _ in September and is over in June.<br />

A. studying; began<br />

B. academic; begins<br />

C. academic; begin<br />

2. Students _ different practical _ in medicine.<br />

A. acquires; knowledge<br />

B. get; skill<br />

C. acquire; skills<br />

3. Doctors _ the diagnosis and _ proper treatment to every patient.<br />

A. does; prescribe<br />

B. makes; write<br />

C. make; prescribe<br />

4. The main _ of medicine is to _ the people’s health.<br />

A. topic; do<br />

B. task; care of<br />

C. reason; make<br />

5. T he t herapeutist _ t o t he pa tient’s he art a nd l ungs, pa lpates a bdominal pa rts, a nd measures<br />

blood _.<br />

A. works; analysis<br />

B. listens; pressure<br />

C. listens; cells<br />

II. Finish the following sentences:<br />

1. During the clinical training the students learn _.<br />

2. WHO activities has many forms, some of them are _.<br />

3. In Great Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the _.<br />

4. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from _.<br />

5. Your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils _.<br />

III. Choose the proper term given below to the following definitions:<br />

3. This organization prepares more and better health workers.<br />

4. It is a very important medical establishment where the people order or buy medicines for<br />

their treatment.<br />

3. In this department the patients complain of their cough, high temperature, headache and<br />

others.<br />

a) che mist’s shop; b) nuc leaus; c) pul monological de partment; d) cel l m embrane; e)<br />

cardiological department; f) skeletal system; g) gastroenterological department; h) World Health<br />

Organization; i) muscular tissue; j) endocrine system; k) polyclinic.<br />

IV. Read and translate one of the following texts:<br />

Text A<br />

GALEN<br />

(philosopher, physician, discoverer of blood and the cranial nerves)<br />

This Greek's genius is more certain than his dates. He was born about 129 AD and lived<br />

until about 210 A D. During this considerable life span, Galen managed to perform studies that<br />

would long influence medicine. He is still known among other things for his discovery of blood<br />

in human arteries and for his dissection of the human cranial nerves, the nerves that supply key<br />

areas of the head, face, and upper chest. Galen was the son of Nicon, a well-to-do architect and<br />

builder in Pergamum (Asia Minor). He first studied philosophy, one of the traditional fields for a<br />

boy of his background. Nicon then had a dream in which Asclepius, the god of healing, told him

to permit his son to study medicine. Galen began his medical studies in Pergamum at the age of<br />

16-17. In search of medical knowledge, he then roamed about much of the eastern Mediterranean<br />

studying medicine in various cities including Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) and Corinth (Greece).<br />

He completed his studies at the famous medical school in Alexandria (Egypt). Galen returned to<br />

Pergamum and at age 28 was appointed physician to the school of gladiators, a post he occupied<br />

for four years and that some say made him the first sports medicine specialist. After that, a career<br />

in R ome w as i n t he c ards. There he w ent at age 32 an d became a f amous and influential<br />

physician, taking on cases that no one else could handle. He accompanied the Roman legions of<br />

Marcus Aurelius on t heir campaigns, and served as the personal physician to several emperors.<br />

Galen described what h e saw ( not always t he practice of t he da y). He i dentified the m ajority<br />

(seven of the twelve) of the cranial nerves.<br />

Galen did experiments suc h as sev ering a n erve and observing the effects. He i s thus<br />

regarded as the founder of experimental physiology. Galen was the first to determine that arteries<br />

carried blood and not air! (For over 400 ye ars the Alexandrian school of medicine had taught<br />

that arteries are full of air). Galen's theories about the blood circulation, however, were well off<br />

the mark and it was not until the 17th century that the great English physician William Harvey<br />

would challenge Galen's ideas in this regard. With Hippocrates who preceded him by some 500<br />

years, Galen was preeminent among the most distinguished physicians of antiquity. He knew all<br />

of the medical knowledge of his day, gathered it together, and wrote voluminously (and well)<br />

about it. Galen summed up the medicine of antiquity.<br />

The w ritings of G alen w ere a bl essing t o the ancient w orld. B ut t hey be came a curse<br />

when, for more than a millennium, they were held to be the unassailable authority on medicine.<br />

This paralyzed the progress of medicine, something Galen would have deplored.<br />

Text B<br />


World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 7, 1948 when twenty-six<br />

United Nations member states, including Ukraine, ratified its Constitution. Now there are 192<br />

member states, including all United Nations Member States except Liechtenstein.<br />

WHO's objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is<br />

defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and<br />

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO activities has many forms, they are:<br />

strengthening national health services; preparing more and better health workers; controlling or<br />

eradicating epidemic diseases; protecting mother and child health; improving sanitation and<br />

water supply; and making all other efforts to raise health level.<br />

One of the main services carried by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main<br />

world epidemics of history as plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, and yellow fever are still a great<br />

danger in our time. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases<br />

as influenza and poliomyelitis.<br />

Besides an epidemic information WHO provides services, which are needed by all the<br />

countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international<br />

standardization of medicines and vaccines, and development of medical research.<br />

The daily work of WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2.400<br />

international officers from different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in<br />

Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.<br />

WHO's work is focused on four interrelated strategic directions. Strategic Direction 1:<br />

reducing<br />

excess mortality, morbidity, and disability. Strategic Direction 2: promoting healthy lifestyles<br />

and reducing risk factors to human health. Strategic Direction 3: developing health systems.<br />

Strategic Direction 4: framing an enabling policy and creating an institutional environment for<br />

the health sector.

V. Speak on the following topics:<br />

8. I am a Medical Student.<br />

9. Medical University.<br />

10. Public Health Service in Ukraine and Abroad.<br />

11. Hospital.<br />

12. Polyclinic.<br />

13. Medical Examination.<br />

14. My Future Profession.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Фізіологія дихання.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Фізіологія дихання” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати тексти,<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з тем та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом The Absolute Participle Construction<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються тем, які<br />

повторюються. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення основних префіксів та суфіксів різних частин мови.<br />

Граматика: The Absolute Participle Construction<br />


4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми<br />

“Фізіологія<br />

дихання”<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал<br />

до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення<br />

основних префіксів та суфіксів<br />

різних частин мови<br />

Граматика: The Absolute<br />

Participle Construction<br />

Читання та говоріння: повторення<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми,<br />

розвиток навичок усного<br />

мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця The<br />

Absolute<br />

Participle<br />

Construction<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми<br />

“Фізіологія<br />

дихання”.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

diaphragm ['daIqfrxm] диафрагма<br />

nares ['neIrI:z] ноздри<br />

cilia ['sIlIq] реснички<br />

moisten [mOIsn] увлажнять<br />

casing ['keIsIN] оболочка<br />

adenoid ['xdInOIdz] аденоиды<br />

dense [dens] плотный; сжатый; густой<br />

columnar [kq'lAmnq] столбчатый<br />

goblet cell ['gOblIt] бокаловидная клетка<br />

apex ['eIpeks] верхушка<br />

average ['xvqrIG] среднее число; средняя<br />

величина; в среднем равняться, составлять<br />

clavicle ['klxvIkl] ключица<br />


alveolus (pl. ilveoli) [xl'vIqlqs] альвеола<br />

exhale [eks'heIl] выдыхать; производить<br />

выдох<br />

breathe out ['brI:D "aut] выдыхать<br />

passageway ['pxsIGweI] проход<br />

bronchi (sing. bronchus) ['brONkaI] бронхи<br />

bronchiole ['brONkIqul] бронхиола<br />

sac [sxk] мешочек<br />

capillary [kq'pIlqrI] капилляр<br />

pleura ['pluqrq] плевра<br />

expand [Iks'pxnd] растягивать(ся),<br />

расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме, в<br />

размерах<br />

respiration ['respq'reIS(q)n] дыхание<br />


Ex. 1. Translate the following words:<br />

Develop, de velopment; a cute, a cuteness; pa in, painless; s udden, s uddenly; c ertain, c ertainly;<br />

hospital; ho spitalize; im portant, importance; vo mit, vomiting; pul se, pulsate, pulsation; bl eed,<br />


GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



Doctor(s) I Participle I (Active): V+ -ing<br />

(working; writing)<br />

He<br />

Student(s) She Participle I (Passive): being + V 3<br />

(being worked; being written)<br />

It<br />

We Participle II (Passive): V 3<br />

(worked; written)<br />

You<br />

They Perfect Participle (Active): having + V 3<br />

(having worked; having written)<br />

Perfect Participle (Passive): having + been + V 3 (having<br />

been worked; having been written)<br />

В начале предложения The Absolute Participle Construction переводится<br />

придаточным предложением с союзами: «после того, как», «так как», «поскольку»:<br />

The w ork havi ng been don e, t he s tudents went hom e. После того, как работа была<br />

выполнена, студенты пошли домой.<br />

Во второй части предложения The Absolute Participle Construction переводится<br />

простым предложением с союзами: "причем", "а", "и" или без них:<br />

The phys ician e xamined t he pa tient, the s tudents he lping hi m. Врач осмотрел больного, а<br />

студенты помогли ему.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 2. The last patient having been<br />

examined, the doctor went to the laboratory. 3. The patient being very weak, the operation was<br />

postponed. 4. The patient was in a very bad state, his pulse being rapid. 5. My friend suffering<br />

from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. 6. The physician palpated the patient's abdomen, the pain<br />

becoming severe. 7. The operation having been performed, the patient's condition began to<br />

improve. 8. A foreign organism entering the body, it is attacked and destroyed. 9. Research on<br />

treatment being very active, new medications are being tested.<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Diap_ragm; ex_ale; bre_the; na_es; bron_hi; aver_ge; pl_ura; cil_a; ape_; pas_ageway; d_nse;<br />

capil_ary; gob_et cell; alve_lus; bronchiol_; exp_nd.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Ciliated columnar epithelium; larynx; pharynx; include; perform; individual cell; nares; cilia;<br />

pass; separate openings; nasopharynx; oropharynx; laryngopharynx; casing; cartilage; goblet<br />

cells; propel; apex of the lung.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Bronchi; associated; trachea; diaphragm; oxygen; release; atmosphere; moisten; adenoids;<br />

tonsils; unpaired cartilage; pseudostratified; swallow; primary; superiorly; weight.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations and memorize their meaning:<br />

Branch ветвиться, группироваться; create создавать; adjacent расположенный рядом,<br />

смежный, соседний; inhale вдыхать; push down нажимать, надавливать; suck<br />

всасывать, засасывать; similar подобный похожий; file ряд, колонна; merge<br />

сливать(ся), соединять(ся).<br />

Ex. 10. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to remove carbon<br />

dioxide from it. The lungs are within the chest, which is enclosed on all sides by the ribs,<br />

cartilage, and the muscle between them.<br />

To r each t he l ungs, a ir enters t hrough t he mouth a nd nos e a nd t hen t ravels through t he<br />

pharynx, larynx, and down trachea. As you know the trachea branches into two main bronchial<br />

tubes, or ai r pa ssageways. Each bronchial t ube t hen branches i nto smaller p assageways<br />

(bronchi), which divide several times more, finally forming much smaller tubes (bronchioles).<br />

The branching creates the appearance of an upside-down tree. The smallest bronchioles end in<br />

tiny closed elastic air sacs called alveoli. The blood is carried to these air sacs by tiny blood<br />

vessels. The vessels, called pulmonary capillaries, release carbon dioxide from the blood into<br />

air sacs and at the same time absorb oxygen from the air sacs into the blood.<br />

The pleura covers the outside of the lungs and the<br />

adjacent chest wall. This membrane allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity as<br />

the human breathes.<br />

When you i nhale, t he muscles of ribs c ontract, c ausing t he r ibs t o m ove upw ard and<br />

outward. At the same time, the diaphragm contracts, pushing down toward the abdomen. These<br />

two actions increase the size of the chest cavity and thus cause the lungs to expand and air to be<br />

sucked into them. The individual alveoli also expand with air.<br />

When you exhale, t he diaphragm and r ib m uscles r elax and r eturn t o t heir or iginal<br />

positions. This decreases the size of the chest cavity, compressing the lungs slightly and forcing<br />

the state air, now carrying carbon dioxide, out of the body. The whole process of breathing in<br />

and out occurs automatically without your thinking about it.<br />

The l ungs a re c onnected t o t he he art by t he pulmonary veins a nd a rteries ( the term<br />

"pulmonary" c omes f rom t he L atin w ord pulmo for " lung"). T he bl ood t ravels throughout t he<br />

body, returns to the heart, and is pumped by the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to<br />

the lungs. The blood then passes through the arteries of the lungs into smaller vessels, similar to<br />

the branching of the bronchi. Finally, it flows into the smallest blood vessels, which are located<br />

in the membranes lining the alveoli. Capillaries are so tiny that often the cells of the blood have<br />

to pass through them single file.<br />

After gases are exchanged in the alveoli, the blood, now carrying oxygen, passes into the<br />

smallest veins. These veins merge to form larger and larger vessels until the pulmonary veins are<br />

formed. T he pul monary ve ins c arry oxyge nated blood f rom the l ungs ba ck t o t he he art, f rom<br />

which it is pumped out again to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body a nd to remove carbon<br />

dioxide.<br />

Ex.11. Write out key sentences of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 12. Make up a plan of the text “Normal Ventilation”.

Ex. 13. Speak on the ventilation.<br />

Ex. 14. Give a summary of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 15. Make up the dialogue on the normal ventilation.<br />

Ex.16. Read and determine the main idea of the following text:<br />


The diaphragm is a large dome of skeletal muscles that separate the thoracic cavity from<br />

the abdominal cavity. The muscles originate from the anterior, lateral, and posterior walls of the<br />

entire c ircumference of t he body c avity a nd i nsert ont o a tendon i n t he c enter of di aphragm<br />

called the central tendon. When the muscles of the diaphragm contract, the dome is flattened,<br />

thus increasing the volume of the thorax and the pleural cavities.<br />

Contraction of the muscles of inspiration results in expansion of the thorax, producing an<br />

increase i n the t horacic c avity vol ume ne cessary f or i nspiration. E xpiration oc curs when t he<br />

muscles of inspiration relax and t he el astic properties of t he t horax and lungs cause a p assive<br />

decrease in thoracic volume. During laborated breathing the inspiratory muscles contract more<br />

forcefully, c ausing a g reater i ncrease i n t horacic vol ume. T he m uscles of e xpiration c ontract,<br />

producing a more rapid and greater decrease in the thoracic volume than would be produced by<br />

the passive recoil of the thorax and lungs.<br />

5.3 Заключний етап<br />

Повідомлення з теми.<br />

The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea (windpipe), bronchi,<br />

and lungs. The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and<br />

transport it to individual cells. Air enters the nasal cavity. Then the air passes the pharynx. After<br />

that air reaches the larynx and then trachea and bronchial tree. The lungs are the principal organs<br />

of the respiration. The right lung is larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the<br />

left lung has two. The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to<br />

remove carbon dioxide from it.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about the structure of respiratory system.<br />

2. Describe the process of ventilation.<br />

3. Speak about the work of the respiratory muscles.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What does the respiratory system consist of? 2. What part does the respiratory tract<br />

divided into? 3. What is the major function of the respiratory system? 4. Where does air<br />

enter? 5. What is pharynx? 6. What are there in the pharynx? 7. What is trachea? 8. What<br />

are the lungs? 9. What is the difference between right and left lungs? 10. What is the<br />

primary function of the lungs ? 11. What is the diaphragm?

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, _, and lungs.<br />

2. The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system transport oxygen to _ cells. 3.<br />

Respiration is the _ of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body cells. 4.<br />

Air enters the _ cavity. 5. Then the air passes the _. 6. After that the air passes the trachea<br />

and _. 7. The trachea connects the larynx to the primary _. 8. The lungs are the principal<br />

organs of the _. 9. The right lung is larger than the _. 10. The right lung has _ lobes, and the<br />

left lung has two.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викл. Демченко Н.М.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Фізіологія дихання.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Фізіологія дихання ” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та<br />

засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на<br />

запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом The Absolute Participle Construction засвоїти<br />

функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у<br />

тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

diaphragm ['daIqfrxm] диафрагма<br />

nares ['neIrI:z] ноздри<br />

cilia ['sIlIq] реснички<br />

moisten [mOIsn] увлажнять<br />

casing ['keIsIN] оболочка<br />

adenoid ['xdInOIdz] аденоиды<br />

dense [dens] плотный; сжатый; густой<br />

columnar [kq'lAmnq] столбчатый<br />

goblet cell ['gOblIt] бокаловидная клетка<br />

apex ['eIpeks] верхушка<br />

average ['xvqrIG] среднее число; средняя<br />

величина; в среднем равняться, составлять<br />

clavicle ['klxvIkl] ключица<br />

alveolus (pl. ilveoli) [xl'vIqlqs] альвеола<br />

exhale [eks'heIl] выдыхать; производить<br />

выдох<br />

breathe out ['brI:D "aut] выдыхать<br />

passageway ['pxsIGweI] проход<br />

bronchi (sing. bronchus) ['brONkaI] бронхи<br />

bronchiole ['brONkIqul] бронхиола<br />

sac [sxk] мешочек<br />

capillary [kq'pIlqrI] капилляр<br />

pleura ['pluqrq] плевра<br />

expand [Iks'pxnd] растягивать(ся),<br />

расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме, в<br />

размерах<br />

respiration ['respq'reIS(q)n] дыхание<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is The Absolute Participle Construction?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 2. The last patient having been<br />

examined, the doctor went to the laboratory. 3. The patient being very weak, the operation was

postponed. 4. The patient was in a very bad state, his pulse being rapid. 5. My friend suffering<br />

from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. 6. The physician palpated the patient's abdomen, the pain<br />

becoming severe. 7. The operation having been performed, the patient's condition began to<br />

improve. 8. A foreign organism entering the body, it is attacked and destroyed. 9. Research on<br />

treatment being very active, new medications are being tested.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Diap_ragm; ex_ale; bre_the; na_es; bron_hi; aver_ge; pl_ura; cil_a; ape_; pas_ageway; d_nse;<br />

capil_ary; gob_et cell; alve_lus; bronchiol_; exp_nd.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Ciliated columnar epithelium; larynx; pharynx; include; perform; individual cell; nares; cilia;<br />

pass; separate openings; nasopharynx; oropharynx; laryngopharynx; casing; cartilage; goblet<br />

cells; propel; apex of the lung.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Bronchi; associated; trachea; diaphragm; oxygen; release; atmosphere; moisten; adenoids;<br />

tonsils; unpaired cartilage; pseudostratified; swallow; primary; superiorly; weight.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations and memorize their meaning:<br />

Branch ветвиться, группироваться; create создавать; adjacent расположенный рядом,<br />

смежный, соседний; inhale вдыхать; push down нажимать, надавливать; suck<br />

всасывать, засасывать; similar подобный похожий; file ряд, колонна; merge<br />

сливать(ся), соединять(ся).<br />

Ex. 10. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to remove carbon<br />

dioxide from it. The lungs are within the chest, which is enclosed on all sides by the ribs,<br />

cartilage, and the muscle between them.<br />

To r each t he l ungs, air e nters through t he mouth a nd nos e a nd t hen t ravels t hrough t he<br />

pharynx, larynx, and down trachea. As you kno w the trachea branches into two main bronchial<br />

tubes, or air passageways. Each bronchial tube then branches into smaller passageways (bronchi),<br />

which divide s everal t imes more, finally forming much s maller tu bes (br onchioles). T he<br />

branching creates the appearance of an upside-down tree. The s mallest bronchioles end in tiny<br />

closed elastic air sacs called alveoli. The blood is carried to these air sacs by tiny blood vessels.<br />

The vessels, called pulmonary capillaries, release carbon dioxide from the blood into air sacs and<br />

at the same time absorb oxygen from the air sacs into the blood.<br />

The pleura covers the outside of the lungs and the<br />

adjacent chest wall. This membrane allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity as<br />

the human breathes.<br />

When you i nhale, t he muscles of ribs c ontract, c ausing t he r ibs t o m ove upw ard a nd<br />

outward. At the same time, the diaphragm contracts, pushing down toward the abdomen. These

two actions increase the size of the chest cavity and thus cause the lungs to expand and air to be<br />

sucked into them. The individual alveoli also expand with air.<br />

When you exhale, t he diaphragm and r ib m uscles r elax and r eturn t o t heir or iginal<br />

positions. This decreases the size of the chest cavity, compressing the lungs slightly and forcing<br />

the state air, now carrying carbon dioxide, out of the body. The whole process of breathing in<br />

and out occurs automatically without your thinking about it.<br />

The l ungs a re c onnected t o t he he art by t he pulmonary veins a nd a rteries ( the term<br />

"pulmonary" c omes f rom t he L atin w ord pulmo for " lung"). T he bl ood t ravels throughout t he<br />

body, returns to the heart, and is pumped by the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to<br />

the lungs. The blood then passes through the arteries of the lungs into smaller vessels, similar to<br />

the branching of the bronchi. Finally, it flows into the smallest blood vessels, which are located<br />

in the membranes lining the alveoli. Capillaries are so tiny that often the cells of the blood have<br />

to pass through them single file.<br />

After gases are exchanged in the alveoli, the blood, now carrying oxygen, passes into the<br />

smallest veins. These veins merge to form larger and larger vessels until the pulmonary veins are<br />

formed. T he pul monary ve ins c arry oxyge nated blood f rom the l ungs ba ck t o t he he art, f rom<br />

which it is pumped out again to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body a nd to remove carbon<br />

dioxide.<br />

Ex. 11. Write out key sentences of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 12. Make up a plan of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 13. Speak on the ventilation.<br />

Ex. 14. Give a summary of the text “Normal Ventilation”.<br />

Ex. 15. Make up the dialogue on the normal ventilation.<br />

Ex. 16. Read and determine the main idea of the following text:<br />


The diaphragm is a large dome of skeletal muscles that separate the thoracic cavity from<br />

the abdominal cavity. The muscles originate from the anterior, lateral, and posterior walls of the<br />

entire c ircumference of t he body c avity a nd i nsert ont o a tendon i n t he c enter of di aphragm<br />

called the central tendon. When the muscles of the diaphragm contract, the dome i s flattened,<br />

thus increasing the volume of the thorax and the pleural cavities.<br />

Contraction of the muscles of inspiration results in expansion of the thorax, producing an<br />

increase i n the t horacic cavit y volume ne cessary f or i nspiration. E xpiration oc curs w hen t he<br />

muscles of inspiration relax and t he el astic properties of t he t horax and lungs cause a p assive<br />

decrease in thoracic volume. During laborated breathing the inspiratory muscles contract more<br />

forcefully, c ausing a g reater i ncrease i n thoracic vol ume. The m uscles of expi ration contract,<br />

producing a more rapid and greater decrease in the thoracic volume than would be produced by<br />

the passive recoil of the thorax and lungs.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What does the respiratory system consist of? 2. What part does the respiratory tract divided<br />

into? 3. What is the major function of the respiratory system? 4. Where does air enter? 5. What is<br />

pharynx? 6. What are there in the pharynx? 7. What is trachea? 8. What are the lungs? 9. What is

the difference between right and left lungs? 10. What is the primary function of the lungs ? 11.<br />

What is the diaphragm?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, _, a nd lungs. 2.<br />

The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system transport oxygen to _ cells. 3. Respiration<br />

is the _ of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body cells. 4. Air enters the _<br />

cavity. 5. Then the air passes the _. 6. After that the air passes the trachea and _. 7. The trachea<br />

connects the larynx to the primary _. 8. T he lungs are the principal organs of the _. 9. The right<br />

lung is larger than the _. 10. The right lung has _ lobes, and the left lung has two.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена викл. Демченко Н.М..

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

Тема заняття Бронхіт<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Бронхіт”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються теми, що<br />

вивчається. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

inflame [In'fleIm] воспаляться<br />

ailment ['eIlmqnt] заболевание,<br />

недомогание<br />

bring up [brIN] выводить<br />

sputum ['spju:tqm] мокрота<br />

soreness ['sO:nIs] боль, болезненность<br />

constriction [kqn'strIkS(q)n] сжатие<br />

chill [CIl] озноб<br />

fever ['fI:vq] жар, лихорадка, повышенная<br />

температура<br />

hasten ['heIsn] ускорять<br />

trace [treIs] следить<br />

occurrence [q'kAr(q)ns] наличие<br />

damp [dxmp] сырость, влажность<br />

community-acquired [q'kwaIqd]<br />

внебольничный<br />

aspiration ["xspq'reIS(q)n] аспирационный<br />

distortion [dIs'tO:S(q)n] отклонение, аномалия<br />

sample [sa:mpl] образец<br />

severity [sI'verItI] тяжесть

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What are the main rules for the summary of the text?<br />

2. What common phrases are used for the summaries?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

1. Виписати незнайомі слова до тексту “Bronchitis”<br />

2. Письмово перекласти текст Bronchitis”<br />

3. Скласти анотацію до тексту Bronchitis”<br />

Зміст теми:<br />


Just when you thought you were finally over a cold, your chest starts to feel sore and you<br />

develop a cough. Later, you might get the chills or a slight fever.<br />

If these signs and symptoms sound familiar, you might have acute bronchitis, a condition<br />

that oc curs w hen the i nner w alls t hat l ine t he m ain air pa ssageways of your l ungs be come<br />

infected and inflamed. Bronchitis often follows a respiratory infection such as a cold. Smoking<br />

and exposure to smoke are also risk factors for bronchitis.<br />

Most cas es of acute bronc hitis d isappear w ithin a f ew da ys w ithout l asting effects,<br />

although coughs may linger for weeks. If you have repeated bouts of bronchitis, see your doctor.<br />

You may have a more serious health problem – such as asthma or chronic bronchitis – that needs<br />

medical attention.<br />

A cough that brings up yellowish-gray or green mucus (sputum) is one of the main signs<br />

of br onchitis. M ucus i tself i sn't a bnormal – your a irways nor mally pr oduce up t o s everal<br />

tablespoons of m ucus secretions e very da y. But t hese s ecretions us ually don' t a ccumulate,<br />

because they're continuously cleared into your throat and swallowed with your saliva.<br />

When the main air passageways in your lungs (bronchial tubes) are inflamed, they often<br />

produce large amounts of discolored mucus that comes up w hen you c ough. If this persists for<br />

more than three months, it is referred to as chronic bronchitis. Mucus that isn't white or clear<br />

usually means there's a secondary infection.<br />

Still, bronchitis symptoms can be deceptive. You don't always produce sputum when you<br />

have br onchitis, a nd c hildren of ten s wallow coughed-up material, s o pa rents m ay not know<br />

there's a secondary infection. Many smokers have to clear their throat every morning when they<br />

get up. While they may think this is normal for everyone, it's not. If it continues for more than<br />

three months, it may be chronic bronchitis.<br />

Acute bronchitis also may be accompanied by common signs and symptoms of an upper<br />

respiratory infection, including: soreness and a feeling of constriction or burning in your chest,<br />

sore t hroat, c hest c ongestion, s inus f ullness, breathlessness, w heezing, slight fever a nd chills,<br />

overall malaise<br />

Antibiotics don't effectively treat most cases of bronchitis because the condition usually<br />

results f rom a vi ral i nfection. Instead, t he f ollowing a re t he c ornerstones of a cute br onchitis<br />

treatment: get plenty of rest, drink extra liquids, take a nonprescription cough medicine.<br />

It's best not to suppress a cough that brings up mucus, however, because coughing helps<br />

remove irritants from your lungs and air passages. If your cough is keeping you awake at night,<br />

use j ust e nough c ough m edicine s o t hat you can r est, but not e nough t o s uppress your c ough<br />

completely. T here a re several ki nds of ove r-the-counter (OTC) c ough m edicines. R ead t heir<br />

labels to figure out which is most likely to relieve the type of cough you have. If your cough is<br />

preventing you from sleeping, your doctor may recommend a prescription cough suppressant.<br />

Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if he or she suspects that you ha ve a bacterial<br />

infection. If you ha ve a chronic lung disorder or if you s moke, your doctor may also prescribe<br />

antibiotics to reduce your risk of a serious, secondary infection.


Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What condition is called acute bronchitis?<br />

2. What are risk factors for bronchitis?<br />

3. What is one of the main signs of bronchitis?<br />

4. What may acute bronchitis also be accompanied by?<br />

5. What medicine may your doctor prescribe you in case of bronchitis?<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена<br />

викл. Демченко Н.М.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль № 6<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Імунна система.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Імунна система” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом<br />

та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати тексти, вміти складати<br />

речення, відповідати на запитання з тем та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Simple tenses (revision) засвоїти функції та<br />

переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються тем, які<br />

повторюються. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення основних префіксів та суфіксів різних частин мови.<br />

Граматика: Simple tenses (revision)<br />

Текст: Immune system<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми “Імунна<br />

система”<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал<br />

до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення<br />

основних префіксів та суфіксів<br />

різних частин мови<br />

Граматика: Simple tenses<br />

(revision)<br />

Читання та говоріння: повторення<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми,<br />

розвиток навичок усного<br />

мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця Simple<br />

tenses (revision)<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми “Імунна<br />

система”.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

past [pAst] мимо; за, по той бік<br />

defense [dI'fens] захист<br />

humoral ['hju:m(q)rql] гуморальний,<br />

опосередкований антитілами<br />

cell-mediated ["sel'medIeItId] клітинноопосередкований<br />

parasite ['pxrqsQIt] паразит<br />

derive [dI'rQIv] виводити; отримувати;<br />

добувати; породжувати<br />

derived [dI'raIvd] похідний, вторинний<br />

thymus gland ['TQImqs 'glxnd] тимус,<br />

вилочкова (зобна) залоза<br />

dissolved [dI'zOlvd] розчинений<br />

transparent [trxns'pFqr(q)nt] прозорий<br />

germ [Gq:m] мікроорганізм<br />



Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

inter- (between)<br />

intra- (within)<br />

macro- (large)<br />

recover [rI'kAvq] відновлювати; видужувати<br />

suppress [sq'pres] припиняти; стримувати<br />

eliminate [I'lImIneIt] знищувати, ліквідувати<br />

in response to [rIs'pOns] у відповідь на<br />

exposure [Iks'pquZq] зараження, контакт з<br />

джерелом зараження; стимуляція;<br />

експозиція<br />

majority [mq'GOrItI] більшість<br />

encounter [In'kQuntq] наштовхнутися<br />

engulf [In'gAlf] поглинати<br />

fungi (sing. fungus) ['fAnGaI] гриби; грибки<br />

protozoa ["prqutqu'zqu] протозоа, прості<br />

одноклітинні тваринні організми<br />

helminth ['helmInT] глист, паразитний глист<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Intercellular, interspersed, interdependence; intercostal; interaction; international; interrelate;<br />

intermediate; interphase.<br />

B. Intracellular, intravenous; intramuscular; intracranial; intracardiac; intrapleural; intrathoracic;<br />

intraspinal.<br />

C. Macrocephalia; macromolecule; macrophage.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


(REVISION)<br />

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice<br />

Present V, V+s am (is, are) + V 3<br />

Past V 2 was (were) + V 3<br />

Future will (shall) + V will (shall) + be + V 3<br />

Ex. 4. Insert the correct forms of the verbs and translate the sentences into your native<br />

language:<br />

1. Immune system (to design) by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from<br />

injuries and illnesses. 2. The lymph (to flow) from the capillaries in all parts of the body into the<br />

lymphatic ve ssels. 3. Although w e ( to i nhale) a nd ( to e at) thousands of ge rms e very da y, t he<br />

immune system (to prevent) the spread of various diseases. 4. We (to bear) with a genetically<br />

based natural defense system. 5. Diabetes (to occur) when the cells in the pancreas are destroyed.<br />

6. Your immune system (to need) help to function at the highest capacity. 7. Sticky mucus in<br />

respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (to trap) many microorganisms.<br />

Ex. 5. Determine the tense-forms of the predicates in the following sentences:<br />

1. F oreign substances enter the b ody a nd c ause t he m anufacture o f a ntibodies. 2. V arious<br />

bacteria l ive i n the nose a nd mouth. 3. A n a naerobe is a microorganism t hat c an l ive w ithout<br />

oxygen, while an aerobe requires oxygen. 4. S ome macrophages are concentrated in the lungs,<br />

liver, lining of the lymph nodes and spleen. 5. B cells are produced in the stem cells of the bone<br />

marrow. 6. Phagocytes dissolve and destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 7. The lymph nodes are<br />

usually distributed in groups.<br />


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Cell-medi_ted; e ng_lf; e nco_nter; e limin_te; pa ra_ite; d efen_e; e _posure; hum _ral; de r_ve;<br />

suppre_s.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Dissolved; thymus gl and; t ransparent; c ell-mediated; f ungi; e ngulf; e ncounter; e liminate;<br />

protozoa; in response to; majority; defense; exposure.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Nature; immune; recovering; positioned; lymphoid; hormone; thymus; transparent fluid; antigen;<br />

chiefly; d efend; c ategory; hum oral a nd c ell-mediated; c ertain; p lasma; c ell; lymphocyte;<br />

phagocyte; engulf; virus; fungi; protozoa; healthy diet.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


The i mmune s ystem i s pr obably t he<br />

most i mportant s ystem i n t he hum an<br />

body. It was designed by nature millions<br />

of years ago to aid the body in recovering<br />

from injuries and illnesses.<br />

The immune system is a complex of<br />

organs, a ll of w hich w ork t ogether t o<br />

clear infection from the body. The organs<br />

of t he i mmune s ystem, pos itioned<br />

throughout the body, are called lymphoid<br />

organs. T he major pa rts of i mmune<br />

system a re t he thymus, s pleen, l ymph<br />

system, bone marrow, white blood cells,<br />

antibodies, a nd hor mones. Lymphatic<br />

vessels and lymph nodes are the parts of<br />

the special circulatory system that carries<br />

lymph, a t ransparent fluid c ontaining<br />

white blood cells, chiefly lymphocytes.<br />

Although w e i nhale a nd e at<br />

thousands of germs every da y, t he<br />

immune s ystem pr events them f rom<br />

causing the diseases.<br />

Human body has many mechanisms<br />

The Work of Immune System<br />

that defend the person against infectious organisms. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the<br />

first lines of defense. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection<br />

called immunity. There are t wo general categories of i mmune mechanisms: hu moral and cellmediated.<br />

Humoral immunity is based on c ertain body pr oteins called antibodies, which are found<br />

dissolved in the blood and other body fluids. The antibodies are made by plasma cells, which are<br />

derived from c ertain white blood c ells c alled B l ymphocytes ( or B c ells). T he a ntibodies a re<br />

produced in response to exposure to a foreign substance. Any foreign substance that enters the<br />

body and causes the manufacture of antibodies is called an antigen.<br />

Cell-mediated i mmunity i s based on t he a ctions of pha gocytes and o ther w hite blood<br />

cells. Phagocytes are cells that can dissolve or engulf and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi, and<br />

cells f oreign t o t he bo dy. White bl ood c ells t hat a re involved i n t his de fense a re a t ype o f<br />

lymphocyte called T cells because they are derived from the thymus gland.<br />

Agents that can invade the human body live everywhere. The majority of these organisms<br />

do not produce disease, but some do. The basic types of organisms that cause infectious disease<br />

are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths.<br />

Possible h elp f or t he i mmune s ystem i s a he althy di et, w ith l ots of na tural s ources of<br />

vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B 6 .<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Протозоа, прості одноклітинні тваринні організми; захист; поглинати; знищувати,<br />

ліквідувати, анулювати; розчинений; стримувати; тимус, вилочкова (зобна) залоза;<br />

клітинно-опосередкована; контакт з джерелом зараження; здібність до опору;<br />

грунтуватися на; вражати організм людини.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Immune System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:

1. The immune system is probably the most important _ in the human body. 2. It is a complex of<br />

organs, all of which work together to clear _ from the body. 3. The organs of the immune system<br />

are called _ organs. 4. The major parts of immune system are the _, spleen, lymph system, bone<br />

marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. 5. Human body has many mechanisms that<br />

_ the person against infectious organisms. 6. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines<br />

of _. 7. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called _ 8.<br />

There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: _ and cell-mediated.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the immune system? 2. What organs does the immune system consist of? 3. What is<br />

the main goal of the immune system? 4. What are the first lines of defense of the person against<br />

infectious o rganisms? 5 . What c ategories of i mmune mechanisms do you know ? 6. W hat i s<br />

humoral immunity based on? 7. What is cell-mediated immunity based on? 8. What are the types<br />

of organisms that cause infectious disease?<br />

Ex. 16. Match the following terms with their definitions:<br />

1. Antibody<br />

2. Antibody-mediated immunity<br />

3. Humoral immunity<br />

4. Immunity<br />

5. Phagocyte<br />

1. C ell pos sessing t he pr operty of i ngesting b acteria,<br />

foreign particles, and other cells.<br />

2. Resistance t o i nfectious dis ease and h armful<br />

substances.<br />

3. Immunity due to antibodies.<br />

4. I mmunity due t o B c ells a nd t he p roduction of<br />

antibodies.<br />

5. P rotein f ound i n the pl asma t hat i s r esponsible f or<br />

humoral immunity; binds specifically to antigen.<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing prepositions (for, into, from, of):<br />

1. The majority _ or ganisms that can invade the human body do not produce disease, but some<br />

do. 2. The ba sic types _ organisms t hat c ause infectious d isease ar e b acteria, viruses, fungi,<br />

protozoa, a nd helminths. 3. P ossible he lp _ t he immune s ystem i s a he althy d iet, with l ots of<br />

natural s ources of vi tamins A, C and E , z inc, i ron, a nd vi tamin B 6 . 4. In active a rtificial<br />

immunity an antigen is introduced _ an individual to stimulate his/her immune system. 5. Active<br />

natural immunity results _ natural exposure to an antigen.<br />

Ex. 18. Write out key sentences of the text “Immune System”.<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on the immune system.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text and compose detailed plan to it:<br />


There are four ways to acquire specific immunity: active natural, active artificial, passive<br />

natural, and pa ssive artificial. Natural and artificial r efer t o the m ethod of expos ure. Natural<br />

exposure implies t hat c ontact w ith a ntigen or a ntibody ( protein f ound i n t he pl asma i s<br />

responsible f or humeral i mmunity) occurrs a s p art of e veryday l iving a nd w as not deliberate.<br />

Artificial exposure, also called immunization, is a deliberate introduction of antigen or antibody<br />

into the body.<br />

"Active" an d "passive" de scribe w hose i mmune sys tem i s r esponding to the an tigen<br />

(antigens a re l arge m olecules that stimulate a specific immune sys tem r esponse). When the<br />

individual is e xposed t o the a ntigen (either na turally or a rtificially), t here can be a s pecific<br />

immune system response, which is called active immunity because the individual's own immune<br />

system is the cause of the immunity. Passive immunity occurs when another person or animal<br />

develops immunity and the immunity is transferred to a nonimmune individual.

Active na tural im munity results f rom na tural e xposure t o an antigen. Because t he<br />

individual is not immune during the first exposure, he/she usually develops the symptoms of the<br />

disease. I nterestingly, exposure t o an a ntigen does not a lways pr oduce s ymptoms. I n a ctive<br />

artificial immunity an antigen is deliberately introduced into an individual to stimulate his/her<br />

immune system. This process is vaccination, and the introduced antigen is vaccine. Injection of<br />

the va ccine i s the us ual m ode of a dministration ( tetanus t oxoid, di phtheria, a nd w hooping<br />

cough), a lthough i ngestion ( Sabin poliomyelitis va ccine) i s s ometimes us ed. P assive na tural<br />

immunity r esults f rom t ransfer of a ntibodies f rom a m other t o he r f etus or ba by. A chieving<br />

passive artificial immunity usually begins with vaccinating an animal such as a horse. After the<br />

animal's immune system responds to the antigen, antibodies are removed from the animal and are<br />

injected into the individual requiring immunity.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

Immunity can be natural or artificial, innate or acquired, and active or passive.<br />

Active na tural (contact w ith i nfection): de velops s lowly, i s l ong t erm, a nd a ntigen<br />

specific.<br />

Active artificial (immunization): develops slowly, lasts for several years, and is specific<br />

to the antigen for which the immunization was given.<br />

Passive na tural ( transplacental = mother to child): de velops im mediately, is te mporary,<br />

and affects all antigens to which the mother has immunity.<br />

Passive artificial (injection of gamma globulin): develops immediately, is temporary, and<br />

affects all antigens to which the donor has immunity.<br />

Ex. 2 2. Read th e fo llowing text, entitle it, and d iscuss ob tained i nformation w ith you r<br />

fellow-student:<br />

Disorders in the immune system can cause various diseases. Immunodeficiency diseases<br />

occur w hen t he immune sys tem i s l ess ac tive t han normal, resulting i n recurring and lifethreatening<br />

infections. Immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease, such as<br />

severe combined immunodeficiency, or be produced by pharmaceuticals or an infection, such as<br />

the acquired i mmune deficiency s yndrome (AIDS) tha t is c aused by the retrovirus HIV. I n<br />

contrast, autoimmune diseases result from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal tissues<br />

as if they were foreign organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis,<br />

diabetes mellitus I, and lupus erythematosus. These critical roles of immunology in human health<br />

and disease are areas of intense scientific study.<br />

Both i mmune c ells a nd f oreign m olecules e nter t he l ymph node s vi a blood ve ssels or<br />

lymphatic v essels. A ll i mmune cel ls exi t the lymphatic sy stem and eventually return to the<br />

bloodstream. O nce i n t he bl oodstream, l ymphocytes are t ransported t o t issues throughout t he<br />

body, where they act as sentries on the lookout for foreign antigens.<br />

We ar e al l born with a ge netically ba sed natural de fense s ystem. The skin is t he m ost<br />

important or gan of our natural de fense s ystem. A n i njury i s a ga teway f or ge rms t o e nter the<br />

body. This, or the presence of a foreign object within the body, causes the immune system to act,<br />

getting rid of the invaders, while the skin takes care of the wound. When this process does not<br />

take place, it results in an infection. Another sign of the functioning of the immune system is<br />

when we get a rash or a bump on the skin after a mosquito bites.<br />

When you have a vaccination, your immune system is given a copy of a specific disease,<br />

so that if the system comes across the disease again, the memory cells in the immune system will<br />

know exactly what action to take, likewise, if you have had a disease before, they know what to<br />

do in the event of reinvasion.<br />

Ex. 23. Make up a dialogue on the immune system.<br />

Ex. 24. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Лімфатичні вузли, селезінка, червоний кістковий мозок і загруднинна залоза<br />

об’єднуються в імунну систему. 2. Імунна система забезпечує захист організму від<br />

генетично чужорідних клітин та речовин. 3. Імунітет – це спосіб захисту організму<br />

від інфекційних і неінфекційних агентів та речовин, які мають ознаки чужорідної<br />

генетичної інформації. 4. Залежно від механізмів, які формують несприйнятливість<br />

організму до патогенних факторів, виділяють такі основні види імунітету:<br />

природний та штучний, активний та пасивний. 5. Імунна система включає всі<br />

органи, в яких відбувається утворення і диференціація клітин, що здійснюють<br />

захисні реакції організму. 6. Найважливіші клітини імунної системи – це<br />

лімфоцити, які поділяються на Т-лімфоцити і В-лімфоцити.<br />

5.3 Заключний етап<br />

Повідомлення з теми.<br />

The immune system is one of the most important systems in the human body. The major parts of<br />

immune s ystem a re t he t hymus, s pleen, lymph s ystem, bone m arrow, w hite blood c ells,<br />

antibodies, and hormones. They work together to clear infection from the body. Human body has<br />

many mechanisms t hat de fend the pe rson a gainst i nfectious o rganisms. The skin and<br />

gastrointestinal tract are the first lines of defense. The human organism has a specific capacity of<br />

resistance against inf ection called immunity. Agents t hat c an i nvade t he hum an body l ive<br />

everywhere. The majority of t hese organisms do not pr oduce di sease, but s ome do. T he ba sic<br />

types of or ganisms t hat c ause i nfectious di sease a re ba cteria, vi ruses, f ungi, pr otozoa, a nd<br />

helminths. Possible help for the immune system is a healthy diet, with lots of natural sources of<br />

vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B 6 .<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about the immune system.<br />

2. Describe two ways of immune mechanism.<br />

3. Speak about the immunity.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is the immune system? 2. What organs does the immune system consist of? 3. What is<br />

the main goal of the immune system? 4. What are the first lines of defense of the person against<br />

infectious o rganisms? 5 . What c ategories of i mmune mechanisms do you know ? 6. W hat i s<br />

humoral immunity based on? 7. What is cell-mediated immunity based on? 8. What are the types<br />

of organisms that cause infectious disease?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The immune system is probably the most important _ in the human body. 2. It is a complex of<br />

organs, all of which work together to clear _ from the body. 3. The organs of the immune system<br />

are called _ organs. 4. The major parts of immune system are the _, spleen, lymph system, bone<br />

marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. 5. Human body has many mechanisms that<br />

_ the person against infectious organisms. 6. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines<br />

of _. 7. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called _ 8.<br />

There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: _ and cell-mediated.

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викл. Демченко Н.М.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 6<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Імунна система.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Імунна система ” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом<br />

та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти<br />

послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з<br />

теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Simple tenses (revision) засвоїти функції та<br />

переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

past [pAst] мимо; за, по той бік<br />

defense [dI'fens] захист<br />

humoral ['hju:m(q)rql] гуморальний,<br />

опосередкований антитілами<br />

cell-mediated ["sel'medIeItId] клітинноопосередкований<br />

parasite ['pxrqsQIt] паразит<br />

derive [dI'rQIv] виводити; отримувати;<br />

добувати; породжувати<br />

derived [dI'raIvd] похідний, вторинний<br />

thymus gland ['TQImqs 'glxnd] тимус,<br />

вилочкова (зобна) залоза<br />

dissolved [dI'zOlvd] розчинений<br />

transparent [trxns'pFqr(q)nt] прозорий<br />

germ [Gq:m] мікроорганізм<br />

recover [rI'kAvq] відновлювати; видужувати<br />

suppress [sq'pres] припиняти; стримувати<br />

eliminate [I'lImIneIt] знищувати, ліквідувати<br />

in response to [rIs'pOns] у відповідь на<br />

exposure [Iks'pquZq] зараження, контакт з<br />

джерелом зараження; стимуляція;<br />

експозиція<br />

majority [mq'GOrItI] більшість<br />

encounter [In'kQuntq] наштовхнутися<br />

engulf [In'gAlf] поглинати<br />

fungi (sing. fungus) ['fAnGaI] гриби; грибки<br />

protozoa ["prqutqu'zqu] протозоа, прості<br />

одноклітинні тваринні організми<br />

helminth ['helmInT] глист, паразитний глист<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. How is the negative form for the Present Simple Tense formed?<br />

2. How is the interrogative form for the Pat Simple Tense formed?

3. What are the main time-markers for The Future Simple Tense?

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Insert the correct forms of the verbs and translate the sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Immune system (to design) by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from<br />

injuries and illnesses. 2. The lymph (to flow) from the capillaries in all parts of the body into the<br />

lymphatic ve ssels. 3. Although w e ( to i nhale) a nd ( to e at) thousands of ge rms e very da y, t he<br />

immune system (to prevent) the spread of various diseases. 4. We (to bear) with a genetically<br />

based natural defense system. 5. Diabetes (to occur) when the cells in the pancreas are destroyed.<br />

6. Your immune system (to need) help to function at the highest capacity. 7. Sticky mucus in<br />

respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (to trap) many microorganisms.<br />

Determine the tense-forms of the predicates in the following sentences:<br />

1. F oreign substances enter the b ody a nd c ause t he m anufacture o f a ntibodies. 2. V arious<br />

bacteria l ive i n the nose a nd mouth. 3. A n anaerobe is a microorganism that c an live without<br />

oxygen, while an aerobe requires oxygen. 4. S ome macrophages are concentrated in the lungs,<br />

liver, lining of the lymph nodes and spleen. 5. B cells are produced in the stem cells of the bone<br />

marrow. 6. Phagocytes dissolve and destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 7. The lymph nodes are<br />

usually distributed in groups.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Cell-medi_ted; e ng_lf; e nco_nter; e limin_te; pa ra_ite; d efen_e; e _posure; hum _ral; de r_ve;<br />

suppre_s.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Dissolved; thymus gl and; t ransparent; c ell-mediated; f ungi; e ngulf; e ncounter; e liminate;<br />

protozoa; in response to; majority; defense; exposure.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Nature; immune; recovering; positioned; lymphoid; hormone; thymus; transparent fluid; antigen;<br />

chiefly; defend; c ategory; hum oral a nd c ell-mediated; c ertain; p lasma; c ell; lymphocyte;<br />

phagocyte; engulf; virus; fungi; protozoa; healthy diet.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


The i mmune s ystem i s pr obably t he<br />

most i mportant s ystem i n t he hum an<br />

body. It was designed by nature millions<br />

of years ago to aid the body in recovering<br />

from injuries and illnesses.<br />

The immune system is a complex of<br />

organs, a ll of w hich w ork t ogether t o<br />

clear infection from the body. The organs<br />

of t he i mmune s ystem, pos itioned<br />

throughout the body, are called lymphoid<br />

organs. T he major pa rts of i mmune<br />

system a re t he thymus, s pleen, l ymph<br />

system, bone marrow, white blood cells,<br />

antibodies, a nd hor mones. Lymphatic<br />

vessels and lymph nodes are the parts of<br />

the special circulatory system that carries<br />

lymph, a t ransparent fluid c ontaining<br />

white blood cells, chiefly lymphocytes.<br />

Although w e i nhale a nd e at<br />

thousands of ge rms every da y, t he<br />

immune s ystem pr events them f rom<br />

causing the diseases.<br />

Human body has many mechanisms<br />

The Work of Immune System<br />

that defend the person against infectious organisms. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the<br />

first lines of defense. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection<br />

called immunity. There are t wo general categories of i mmune mechanisms: hu moral and cellmediated.<br />

Humoral immunity is based on c ertain body pr oteins called antibodies, which are found<br />

dissolved in the blood and other body fluids. The antibodies are made by plasma cells, which are<br />

derived from c ertain white bl ood cells c alled B ly mphocytes (or B c ells). The a ntibodies a re<br />

produced in response to exposure to a foreign substance. Any foreign substance that enters the<br />

body and causes the manufacture of antibodies is called an antigen.<br />

Cell-mediated i mmunity i s ba sed on t he a ctions of pha gocytes and o ther w hite blood<br />

cells. Phagocytes are cells that can dissolve or engulf and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi, and<br />

cells f oreign t o t he bo dy. White bl ood c ells t hat a re involved i n t his de fense a re a t ype o f<br />

lymphocyte called T cells because they are derived from the thymus gland.<br />

Agents that can invade the human body live everywhere. The majority of these organisms<br />

do not produce disease, but some do. The basic types of organisms that cause infectious disease<br />

are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths.<br />

Possible h elp f or t he i mmune s ystem i s a he althy di et, w ith l ots of na tural s ources of<br />

vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B 6 .<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Протозоа, прості одноклітинні тваринні організми; захист; поглинати; знищувати,<br />

ліквідувати, анулювати; розчинений; стримувати; тимус, вилочкова (зобна) залоза;<br />

клітинно-опосередкована; контакт з джерелом зараження; здібність до опору;<br />

грунтуватися на; вражати організм людини.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Immune System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:

1. The immune system is probably the most important _ in the human body. 2. It is a complex of<br />

organs, all of which work together to clear _ from the body. 3. The organs of the immune system<br />

are called _ organs. 4. The major parts of immune system are the _, spleen, lymph system, bone<br />

marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. 5. Human body has many mechanisms that<br />

_ the person against infectious organisms. 6. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines<br />

of _. 7. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called _ 8.<br />

There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: _ and cell-mediated.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the immune system? 2. What organs does the immune system consist of? 3. What is<br />

the main goal of the immune system? 4. What are the first lines of defense of the person against<br />

infectious o rganisms? 5 . What c ategories of i mmune mechanisms do you know ? 6. W hat i s<br />

humoral immunity based on? 7. What is cell-mediated immunity based on? 8. What are the types<br />

of organisms that cause infectious disease?<br />

Ex. 16. Match the following terms with their definitions:<br />

1. Antibody<br />

2. Antibody-mediated immunity<br />

3. Humoral immunity<br />

4. Immunity<br />

5. Phagocyte<br />

1. C ell pos sessing t he pr operty of i ngesting b acteria,<br />

foreign particles, and other cells.<br />

2. Resistance t o i nfectious dis ease and h armful<br />

substances.<br />

3. Immunity due to antibodies.<br />

4. I mmunity due t o B c ells a nd t he p roduction of<br />

antibodies.<br />

5. P rotein f ound i n the pl asma t hat i s r esponsible f or<br />

humoral immunity; binds specifically to antigen.<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing prepositions (for, into, from, of):<br />

1. The majority _ or ganisms that can invade the human body do not produce disease, but some<br />

do. 2. The ba sic types _ organisms t hat c ause infectious d isease ar e b acteria, viruses, fungi,<br />

protozoa, a nd helminths. 3. P ossible he lp _ t he immune s ystem i s a he althy d iet, with l ots of<br />

natural s ources of vi tamins A, C and E , z inc, i ron, a nd vi tamin B 6 . 4. In active a rtificial<br />

immunity an antigen is introduced _ an individual to stimulate his/her immune system. 5. Active<br />

natural immunity results _ natural exposure to an antigen.<br />

Ex. 18. Write out key sentences of the text “Immune System”.<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on the immune system.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text and compose detailed plan to it:<br />


There are four ways to acquire specific immunity: active natural, active artificial, passive<br />

natural, and pa ssive artificial. Natural and artificial r efer t o the m ethod of expos ure. Natural<br />

exposure implies t hat c ontact w ith a ntigen or a ntibody ( protein f ound i n t he pl asma i s<br />

responsible for hu meral im munity) occurrs a s p art of e veryday living a nd w as not deliberate.<br />

Artificial exposure, also called immunization, is a deliberate introduction of antigen or antibody<br />

into the body.<br />

"Active" an d "passive" de scribe w hose i mmune sys tem i s r esponding to the an tigen<br />

(antigens a re l arge m olecules that stimulate a specific immune sys tem r esponse). When the<br />

individual is e xposed t o the a ntigen (either na turally or a rtificially), t here can be a s pecific<br />

immune system response, which is called active immunity because the individual's own immune<br />

system is the cause of the immunity. Passive immunity occurs when another person or animal<br />

develops immunity and the immunity is transferred to a nonimmune individual.

Active na tural i mmunity r esults f rom na tural e xposure t o a n a ntigen. B ecause t he<br />

individual is not immune during the first exposure, he/she usually develops the symptoms of the<br />

disease. I nterestingly, exposure t o an a ntigen does not a lways pr oduce s ymptoms. I n a ctive<br />

artificial immunity an antigen is deliberately introduced into an individual to stimulate his/her<br />

immune system. This process is vaccination, and the introduced antigen is vaccine. Injection of<br />

the va ccine i s the us ual m ode of a dministration ( tetanus t oxoid, di phtheria, a nd w hooping<br />

cough), a lthough i ngestion ( Sabin poliomyelitis va ccine) i s som etimes us ed. Passive na tural<br />

immunity r esults f rom t ransfer of a ntibodies f rom a m other t o he r f etus or ba by. A chieving<br />

passive artificial immunity usually begins with vaccinating an animal such as a horse. After the<br />

animal's immune system responds to the antigen, antibodies are removed from the animal and are<br />

injected into the individual requiring immunity.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

Immunity can be natural or artificial, innate or acquired, and active or passive.<br />

Active na tural (contact w ith i nfection): de velops s lowly, i s l ong t erm, a nd a ntigen<br />

specific.<br />

Active artificial (immunization): develops slowly, lasts for several years, and is specific<br />

to the antigen for which the immunization was given.<br />

Passive natural ( transplacental = mother to child): de velops im mediately, is te mporary,<br />

and affects all antigens to which the mother has immunity.<br />

Passive artificial (injection of gamma globulin): develops immediately, is temporary, and<br />

affects all antigens to which the donor has immunity.<br />

Ex. 2 2. Read th e fo llowing text, entitle it, and d iscuss ob tained i nformation w ith you r<br />

fellow-student:<br />

Disorders in the immune system can cause various diseases. Immunodeficiency diseases<br />

occur w hen t he immune sys tem i s l ess ac tive t han normal, resulting i n recurring and lifethreatening<br />

infections. Immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease, such as<br />

severe combined immunodeficiency, or be produced by pharmaceuticals or an infection, such as<br />

the acquired i mmune deficiency s yndrome (AIDS) tha t is c aused by the retrovirus HIV. I n<br />

contrast, autoimmune diseases result from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal tissues<br />

as if they were foreign organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis,<br />

diabetes mellitus I, and lupus erythematosus. These critical roles of immunology in human health<br />

and disease are areas of intense scientific study.<br />

Both i mmune c ells a nd f oreign m olecules e nter t he l ymph node s vi a blood ve ssels or<br />

lymphatic v essels. A ll i mmune cel ls exi t the lymphatic sy stem and eventually return to the<br />

bloodstream. O nce i n t he bl oodstream, l ymphocytes are t ransported t o t issues throughout t he<br />

body, where they act as sentries on the lookout for foreign antigens.<br />

We ar e al l born with a ge netically ba sed natural de fense s ystem. The skin is t he m ost<br />

important or gan of our natural de fense s ystem. A n i njury i s a ga teway f or ge rms t o e nter the<br />

body. This, or the presence of a foreign object within the body, causes the immune system to act,<br />

getting rid of the invaders, while the skin takes care of the wound. When this process does not<br />

take place, it results in an infection. Another sign of the functioning of the immune system is<br />

when we get a rash or a bump on the skin after a mosquito bites.<br />

When you have a vaccination, your immune system is given a copy of a specific disease,<br />

so that if the system comes across the disease again, the memory cells in the immune system will<br />

know exactly what action to take, likewise, if you have had a disease before, they know what to<br />

do in the event of reinvasion.<br />

Ex. 23. Make up a dialogue on the immune system.<br />

Ex. 24. Translate the following sentences into English:

2. Лімфатичні вузли, селезінка, червоний кістковий мозок і загруднинна залоза<br />

об’єднуються в імунну систему. 2. Імунна система забезпечує захист організму від<br />

генетично чужорідних клітин та речовин. 3. Імунітет – це спосіб захисту організму<br />

від інфекційних і неінфекційних агентів та речовин, які мають ознаки чужорідної<br />

генетичної інформації. 4. Залежно від механізмів, які формують несприйнятливість<br />

організму до патогенних факторів, виділяють такі основні види імунітету:<br />

природний та штучний, активний та пасивний. 5. Імунна система включає всі<br />

органи, в яких відбувається утворення і диференціація клітин, що здійснюють<br />

захисні реакції організму. 6. Найважливіші клітини імунної системи – це<br />

лімфоцити, які поділяються на Т-лімфоцити і В-лімфоцити.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the immune system? 2. What organs does the immune system consist of? 3. What is<br />

the main goal of the immune system? 4. What are the first lines of defense of the person against<br />

infectious o rganisms? 5 . What c ategories of i mmune mechanisms do you know ? 6. W hat i s<br />

humoral immunity based on? 7. What is cell-mediated immunity based on? 8. What are the types<br />

of organisms that cause infectious disease?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The immune system is probably the most important _ in the human body. 2. It is a complex of<br />

organs, all of which work together to clear _ from the body. 3. The organs of the immune system<br />

are called _ organs. 4. The major parts of immune system are the _, spleen, lymph system, bone<br />

marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. 5. Human body has many mechanisms that<br />

_ the person against infectious organisms. 6. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines<br />

of _. 7. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called _ 8.<br />

There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: _ and cell-mediated.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена викл. Демченко Н.М..

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття М’язова система (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “М’язова система”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ful).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses .<br />

Текст: “Muscular System”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Continuous<br />

Tenses .<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

(-ful);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Continuous<br />

Tenses. Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

fiber ['faibq] волокно<br />

contractile [kqn'trxktaIl] сжимающий(ся);<br />

сокращающий(ся)<br />

across [q'krOs] через; по ту сторону<br />

pectoral muscle ['pektqr(q)l] грудная мышца<br />

unlike [An'laIk] в отличие от<br />

мышца<br />

brachial ['breIkIql] брахиальный, плечевой<br />

smooth [smu:D] гладкий<br />

refer [rI'fq:] иметь отношение, относиться<br />

comprise [kqm'praIz] составлять<br />

locomotion ["lqukq'mquS(q)n] движение<br />

gluteal [glu:'tIql] глютеальный, ягодичный<br />

deltoid muscle ['deltOId] дельтовидная<br />

мышца<br />

expression [Iks'preS(q)n] выражение<br />

posture ['pOsCq] осанка<br />


triangular [traI'xNgjulq] треугольный<br />

propel [prq'pel] двигать<br />

orientation ["O:rIen'teIS(q)n] направление<br />

dilate [daI'leIt] расширять(ся)<br />

oblique [q'blIk] косой<br />

constrict [kqn'strIkt] сокращать<br />

pupil ['pjupl] зрачок<br />

longitudinal ['lOnGI'tju:dInl] продольный<br />

biceps ['baIseps] бицепс, двуглавая мышца<br />

force [fO:s] сила, усилие<br />

abductor ['xb'dAktq] отводящая мышца<br />

extend [Iks'tend] простирать(ся),<br />

buttock ['bAtqk] ягодица<br />

тянуть(ся)<br />

cross [krOs] пересекать(ся),<br />

перекрещиваться<br />

move away [mu:v] отводить<br />



p у сполученнях pn, ps, pt pneumonia [nju:'mqunjq]<br />

psychology [saI'kOlqGI]<br />

receipt [rI'I:t]<br />

t у сполученнях stle, sten castle ['ka:sl]<br />

listen [lisn]<br />

w<br />

у сполученні wr, а також у<br />

слові answer ['a:nsq]; у<br />

сполученні wh, якщо<br />

write [raIt]<br />

who [hu:]<br />

наступна літера є о<br />

u у сполученні gu + голосна tongue [tAN]<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Psychology, pneumonua; receipt; wrong; guess; plague.<br />


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Adjectives:<br />

-ful (full of; characterized by; tending to; able to)<br />

use польза – useful полезный<br />

pain боль – painful болезненный<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Careful; powerful; harmful; helpful; painful; useful; awful.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Active Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

(2)<br />

Auxiliary<br />

verb<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I<br />

(3)<br />

Subject<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we,<br />

they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we<br />

they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it,<br />

you, they<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying,<br />

be writing)<br />

Example<br />

What is he<br />

writing now?<br />

What are you<br />

doing ?<br />

Where was a<br />

doctor<br />

performing on<br />

the operation?<br />

What will you<br />

be doing at 3<br />

p.m.?<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:<br />

1. Is he examining a patient? 2. What groups of muscles are they investigating? 3. Where was he<br />

filling in a patient’s card from 10 till 11 yesterday? 4. Is this muscle contracting spontaneously?<br />

5. Is he translating a scientific article on the muscles?<br />

Ex. 6. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:

1. Cardiac muscle is pumping blood through the circulatory system with some intervals. 2. At<br />

present this system is producing body heat. 3. These cells are interacting with the external<br />

environment. 4. During definite period myoblasts were producing skeletal muscle fibers. 5. The<br />

total number of muscle fibers is establishing. 6. He is controlling the bleeding. 7. Look! The<br />

skin is pulling beyond the limits of its elasticity. 8. He is cleaning the area of wound. 9. The<br />

wound is healing by a primary union. 10. Now the clots are replacing by a connective tissue. 11.<br />

Little blood is flowing. 12. Some of the blood cells are ingesting bacteria.<br />


Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Cro_s; abd_ctor; fo_ce; b_ceps; _xtend; longitu_inal; d_late; obli_ue; pro_el; triang_lar;<br />

pos_ure; f_ber; pector_l; contra_ticle; sm_oth; bra_hial; compr_se; expre_sion; refe_; del_oid;<br />

mus_le; brac_ial; b_ttock; locomot_on.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contractile; smooth; associated; to be divided into; comprise; weight; locomotion; posture;<br />

propel blood through vessels; dilate; smooth muscles; trunk; constrict; provide; force;<br />

spontaneously; cross; at least; cause; pectoral muscle; spontaneously; to be attached; extend;<br />

brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps; abductor.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Fiber; characterize; contractile; mass; major; smooth; associated; comprise; weight; locomotion;<br />

posture; propelling; through; stomach; dilate; constrict; provide; force; spontaneously; at least;<br />

cause; pectoral muscle; brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps;<br />

abductor; structure; variety; however.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscles are fibers, characterized by their<br />

contractile abilities. The muscle consists of the muscular fibers connected together by connective<br />

tissue. Blood vessels and nerves are in the muscle. Muscles contraction and relaxation causes<br />

most body movements. The muscles are subdivided into three groups. These groups are the<br />

muscles of the trunk, head, and limbs.<br />

As for the structure the muscles are divided into three major parts: skeletal, cardiac, and<br />

smooth. Skeletal muscle with its associated connective tissue comprises approximately 40% of<br />

the body's weight and is responsible for locomotion, facial expressions, posture, and many other<br />

body movements. Its function is controlled by the nervous system. Smooth muscles are in the<br />

walls of hollow organs and tubes, in the internal portions of the eyes, in walls of blood vessels,<br />

and in other areas. Smooth muscles perform a variety of functions, including propelling urine<br />

through the urinary tract, mixing food in the stomach and intestine, dilating and constricting the<br />

pupil, and the regulation of blood flow through blood vessels. Cardiac muscles are found only in<br />

the heart, and their contractions provide the major force for propelling blood through the<br />

circulatory system. Unlike skeletal muscles, smooth and cardiac muscles contract spontaneously.<br />

As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and wide. The long muscles form<br />

the limbs, the shot ones compose the facial part, and the wide muscles form the walls of the body<br />

cavities.<br />

Muscles are attached to bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles<br />

extend from one bone to another and cross at least one joint. Some muscles of the face, however,

are not attached to bone at both ends but they are attached to the skin, which moves when the<br />

muscles contract.<br />

Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of heads, or function.<br />

Location. Some muscles are named according to their location. For example, a pectoral<br />

(chest) muscle is located in the chest, and a brachial (arm) muscle is located in the arm.<br />

Size. Muscle names may also refer to the size of the muscle. For example, the gluteus<br />

maximus (large) is the largest muscle of the buttock, and the gluteus minimus (small) is the<br />

smallest muscle of the gluteal group.<br />

Shape. Some muscles are named according to their shape: the deltoid (triangular) muscle<br />

is triangular.<br />

Orientation. Muscles are also named according to the structure of their fibers: an oblique<br />

muscle lie oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body.<br />

Number of heads. The number of heads, which a muscle has, may also be used in<br />

naming the muscle. A biceps muscle has two heads.<br />

Function. Muscles are also named according to their function. An abductor moves a<br />

structure away from the midline.<br />

Deep muscles of the chest and front of the arm, with the boundaries of the axilla.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Сокращаться; сокращающая способность; мышечные волокна соединяются вместе;<br />

гладкая мышца; сопутствующая соединительная ткань; движение; выражение лица;<br />

движение мочи по мочевыводящим путям; расширяться; спонтанно сокращаться; в<br />

отличие от скелетных мышц; простираться, тянуться; называться в соответствии с;<br />

грудная мышца; плечевая мышца; глютеальная мышца; дельтовидная мышца; бицепс;<br />

косая мышца; продольная ось; в соответствии с направлением; лежать (находиться) под<br />

наклоном к; отводящая мышца.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text "Muscles" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />

Ex. 15. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The muscles of the human body are characterized by _. 2. The muscles consist of the muscular<br />

fibers and contain _. 3. Skeletal muscles with their associated connective tissue are responsible<br />

for _. 4. Smooth muscles are located in the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs, _ and other<br />

body regions. 5. Smooth muscles propel urine through the urinary tract, mix food in the intestine<br />

and stomach, _ and perform many other functions. 6. The contractions of cardiac muscles<br />

provide the major force for _. 7. Some facial muscles are not attached to bone _. 8. The most<br />

muscles are named according to their _. 9. The largest muscle of the buttock is _. 10. The deltoid<br />

muscle has _. 11. An oblique muscle lie oblique to the _. 12. The long muscles compose _. 13.<br />

The shot muscles form the facial part. 14. Muscles are attached to bones, _ , and blood vessels.<br />

Ex. 16. Compose the sentences using the following words and word-combinations:<br />

1. divided / are / smooth / into / and / cardiac / the muscles / skeletal / muscles. 2. of / the skeletal<br />

/ muscles / functions / are / by / controlled / the nervous system. 3. is / cardiac muscle / in / the<br />

heart. 4. contract / and / cardiac / smooth / muscles / spontaneously. 5. skeletal muscles / from /<br />

extend / bone / one / to another. 6. cause / muscle contractions / body movements / most . 7. of /

some muscles / the face / attached are / to / the skin. 8. a pectoral muscle / located / is / the chest<br />

/ in . 9. the arm / muscle / is / a brachial / found / in . 10. muscles / various / have / of / number /<br />

heads. 11. a biceps / muscle / two / has / heads. 11. skeletal / the trunk / move / the head / and /<br />

muscles / the limbs. 12. propel / through / the cardiac muscles / blood / vessels. 13. through /<br />

smooth / force / food / muscles / the digestive system.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the muscles location, size, shape, orientation, and functions.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following abstract and translate it:<br />

The points of attachment for each muscle are origin and insertion. The origin, also called<br />

the head, is normally that end of the muscle attached to the more stationary of the two bones, and<br />

the insertion is the end of the muscle attached to the bone undergoing the greatest movement.<br />

The largest portion of the muscle, between the origin and the insertion, is the belly. Some<br />

muscles have multiple origins and a common insertion and have multiple heads.<br />

Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the cardiac muscles propel<br />

blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the digestive system and move<br />

glandular secretions through ducts. In addition, metabolism that occurs in the large mass of<br />

muscle tissue in the body produces heat essential to the maintenance of normal body<br />

temperature.<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the missing words given below:<br />

1. Muscle is attached to bone by _ and other tissues. 2. Muscles are made up of millions of tiny<br />

protein filaments, which work together _ motion in the body. 3. Each of more than 600 muscles<br />

is served by nerves, which link the muscle to the brain and _. 4. We _ with three types of<br />

muscles. 5. Cardiac muscles, found only in the heart, power the action that pumps blood _ the<br />

body. 6. Smooth muscles surround or are part of the_ . 7. Both cardiac and _ muscles are called<br />

involuntary muscles, because they cannot be consciously controlled. 8. The third type of muscles<br />

_ skeletal muscles. 9. The _ muscles carry out voluntary movements. 10. Skeletal muscles are the<br />

body's most abundant tissue, comprising about 23% of a woman's body _ and about 40% of a<br />

man's body _.<br />

to produce; are equipped; is called; spinal cord; tendons; internal organs; throughout; smooth;<br />

skeletal; weight.<br />

Ex. 20. Insert the missing prepositions (on, to, in, for, of, over):<br />

1. The muscles form approximately 40% _ the body weight. 2. The long muscles compose the<br />

free limbs, and the wide ones lie _ the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. 3. Muscles<br />

are attached _ the bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. 4. They allow us to make internal or<br />

external movements due _ their contraction and relaxation. 5. As _ the structure of the muscles<br />

there are three types of them: striated (skeletal) muscles, smooth (visceral) muscles, and a<br />

cardiac muscle. 6. The striated muscles move all the bones, face, and eyes _ the human body. 7.<br />

The smooth muscles move the internal organs such as the organs _ the digestive tract, blood<br />

vessels, and secretory ducts. 8. We have no control _ visceral muscles and a cardiac muscle. 9.<br />

There are many nerves and blood vessels _ the muscles.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. В теле человека находится около 650 мышц. 2. Мышца состоит из мышечных клеток. 3.<br />

В каждой мышце находятся кровеносные сосуды и нервы. 4. Мышцы делятся на три<br />

группы: скелетные, гладкие и сердечные мышцы. 5. Скелетные мышцы приводят в<br />

движение туловище, голову и конечности. 6. Сердечная мышца способствует движению<br />

крови по сосудам. 7. Гладкие мышцы продвигают пищу по пищеварительной системе. 8.<br />

Сердечные и гладкие мышцы сокращаются спонтанно. 9. Мышцы крепятся к костям с

помощью сухожилий. 10. Большинство скелетных мышц простираются от одной кости до<br />

другой. 11. Некоторые мышцы лица прикрепляются к коже, которая приходит в движение<br />

тогда, когда сокращаются мышцы. 12. Длинные мышцы находятся в конечностях,<br />

короткие образуют лицевую часть, а широкие мышцы формируют стенки полостей тела.<br />

Ex. 22. Make up a detailed plan of the text "Muscles".<br />

Ex. 23. Speak on the structure, functions, and names of muscles.<br />

Ex. 24. Make up a dialogue on muscles.<br />

Ex. 25. Read the following text and answer the question: What does Achilles heel mean?<br />


The Achilles tendon derives its name from a hero of Greek mythology. As a baby,<br />

Achilles was dipped into magic water, which made him invulnerable to harm everywhere the<br />

water touched his skin. His mother, however, holding him by the hell, failed to submerge this<br />

part of his body under the water. Consequently, his heel was vulnerable and proved to be his<br />

undoing; he was shot in the heel with an arrow at the battle of Troy and died. Thus saying that<br />

someone has an "Achilles heel” means he has a weak spot that can be attacked.<br />


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscle consists of muscle cells, muscular fibers,<br />

connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The muscles are divided into three major parts:<br />

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the<br />

cardiac muscles propel blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the<br />

digestive system. The skeletal muscles are controlled by nervous system. Smooth and cardiac<br />

muscles contract spontaneously. As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and<br />

wide. The long muscles form the limbs, the shot ones compose the facial part, and wide muscles<br />

are on the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. Muscles are attached to bones, internal<br />

organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles extend from one bone to another. Some<br />

muscles of the face are not attached to bone at both ends but attach to the skin, which moves<br />

when the muscles contract. Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of<br />

heads, or function.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about muscles.<br />

2. Describe your anatomy lesson to your new friend.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The muscles of the human body are characterized by _. 2. The muscles consist of the muscular<br />

fibers and contain _. 3. Skeletal muscles with their associated connective tissue are responsible<br />

for _. 4. Smooth muscles are located in the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs, _ and other

ody regions. 5. Smooth muscles propel urine through the urinary tract, mix food in the intestine<br />

and stomach, _ and perform many other functions.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.<br />

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття М’язова система (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007<br />

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “М’язова система.”

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />


fiber ['faibq] волокно<br />

contractile [kqn'trxktaIl] сжимающий(ся);<br />

сокращающий(ся)<br />

across [q'krOs] через; по ту сторону<br />

pectoral muscle ['pektqr(q)l] грудная мышца<br />

unlike [An'laIk] в отличие от<br />

мышца<br />

brachial ['breIkIql] брахиальный, плечевой<br />

smooth [smu:D] гладкий<br />

refer [rI'fq:] иметь отношение, относиться<br />

comprise [kqm'praIz] составлять<br />

locomotion ["lqukq'mquS(q)n] движение<br />

gluteal [glu:'tIql] глютеальный, ягодичный<br />

deltoid muscle ['deltOId] дельтовидная<br />

мышца<br />

expression [Iks'preS(q)n] выражение<br />

posture ['pOsCq] осанка<br />

triangular [traI'xNgjulq] треугольный<br />

propel [prq'pel] двигать<br />

orientation ["O:rIen'teIS(q)n] направление<br />

dilate [daI'leIt] расширять(ся)<br />

oblique [q'blIk] косой<br />

constrict [kqn'strIkt] сокращать<br />

pupil ['pjupl] зрачок<br />

longitudinal ['lOnGI'tju:dInl] продольный<br />

biceps ['baIseps] бицепс, двуглавая мышца<br />

force [fO:s] сила, усилие<br />

abductor ['xb'dAktq] отводящая мышца<br />

extend [Iks'tend] простирать(ся),<br />

buttock ['bAtqk] ягодица<br />

тянуть(ся)<br />

cross [krOs] пересекать(ся),<br />

перекрещиваться<br />

move away [mu:v] отводить<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is Continuos Tenses?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with the Continuos Tenses.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:

1. Is he examining a patient? 2. What groups of muscles are they investigating? 3. Where was he<br />

filling in a patient’s card from 10 till 11 yesterday? 4. Is this muscle contracting spontaneously?<br />

5. Is he translating a scientific article on the muscles?<br />

Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. Cardiac muscle is pumping blood through the circulatory system with some intervals. 2. At<br />

present this system is producing body heat. 3. These cells are interacting with the external<br />

environment. 4. During definite period myoblasts were producing skeletal muscle fibers. 5. The<br />

total number of muscle fibers is establishing. 6. He is controlling the bleeding. 7. Look! The<br />

skin is pulling beyond the limits of its elasticity. 8. He is cleaning the area of wound. 9. The<br />

wound is healing by a primary union. 10. Now the clots are replacing by a connective tissue. 11.<br />

Little blood is flowing. 12. Some of the blood cells are ingesting bacteria.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ful).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses .<br />

Текст: “Muscular System”.<br />


Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Cro_s; abd_ctor; fo_ce; b_ceps; _xtend; longitu_inal; d_late; obli_ue; pro_el; triang_lar;<br />

pos_ure; f_ber; pector_l; contra_ticle; sm_oth; bra_hial; compr_se; expre_sion; refe_; del_oid;<br />

mus_le; brac_ial; b_ttock; locomot_on.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Contractile; smooth; associated; to be divided into; comprise; weight; locomotion; posture;<br />

propel blood through vessels; dilate; smooth muscles; trunk; constrict; provide; force;<br />

spontaneously; cross; at least; cause; pectoral muscle; spontaneously; to be attached; extend;<br />

brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps; abductor.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Fiber; characterize; contractile; mass; major; smooth; associated; comprise; weight; locomotion;<br />

posture; propelling; through; stomach; dilate; constrict; provide; force; spontaneously; at least;<br />

cause; pectoral muscle; brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps;<br />

abductor; structure; variety; however.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscles are fibers, characterized by their<br />

contractile abilities. The muscle consists of the muscular fibers connected together by connective<br />

tissue. Blood vessels and nerves are in the muscle. Muscles contraction and relaxation causes<br />

most body movements. The muscles are subdivided into three groups. These groups are the<br />

muscles of the trunk, head, and limbs.<br />

As for the structure the muscles are divided into three major parts: skeletal, cardiac, and<br />

smooth. Skeletal muscle with its associated connective tissue comprises approximately 40% of<br />

the body's weight and is responsible for locomotion, facial expressions, posture, and many other

ody movements. Its function is controlled by the nervous system. Smooth muscles are in the<br />

walls of hollow organs and tubes, in the internal portions of the eyes, in walls of blood vessels,<br />

and in other areas. Smooth muscles perform a variety of functions, including propelling urine<br />

through the urinary tract, mixing food in the stomach and intestine, dilating and constricting the<br />

pupil, and the regulation of blood flow through blood vessels. Cardiac muscles are found only in<br />

the heart, and their contractions provide the major force for propelling blood through the<br />

circulatory system. Unlike skeletal muscles, smooth and cardiac muscles contract spontaneously.<br />

As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and wide. The long muscles form<br />

the limbs, the shot ones compose the facial part, and the wide muscles form the walls of the body<br />

cavities.<br />

Muscles are attached to bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles<br />

extend from one bone to another and cross at least one joint. Some muscles of the face, however,<br />

are not attached to bone at both ends but they are attached to the skin, which moves when the<br />

muscles contract.<br />

Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of heads, or function.<br />

Location. Some muscles are named according to their location. For example, a pectoral<br />

(chest) muscle is located in the chest, and a brachial (arm) muscle is located in the arm.<br />

Size. Muscle names may also refer to the size of the muscle. For example, the gluteus<br />

maximus (large) is the largest muscle of the buttock, and the gluteus minimus (small) is the<br />

smallest muscle of the gluteal group.<br />

Shape. Some muscles are named according to their shape: the deltoid (triangular) muscle<br />

is triangular.<br />

Orientation. Muscles are also named according to the structure of their fibers: an oblique<br />

muscle lie oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body.<br />

Number of heads. The number of heads, which a muscle has, may also be used in<br />

naming the muscle. A biceps muscle has two heads.<br />

Function. Muscles are also named according to their function. An abductor moves a<br />

structure away from the midline.<br />

Deep muscles of the chest and front of the arm, with the boundaries of the axilla.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Сокращаться; сокращающая способность; мышечные волокна соединяются вместе;<br />

гладкая мышца; сопутствующая соединительная ткань; движение; выражение лица;<br />

движение мочи по мочевыводящим путям; расширяться; спонтанно сокращаться; в<br />

отличие от скелетных мышц; простираться, тянуться; называться в соответствии с;<br />

грудная мышца; плечевая мышца; глютеальная мышца; дельтовидная мышца; бицепс;<br />

косая мышца; продольная ось; в соответствии с направлением; лежать (находиться) под<br />

наклоном к; отводящая мышца.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text "Muscles" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />

Ex. 15. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The muscles of the human body are characterized by _. 2. The muscles consist of the muscular<br />

fibers and contain _. 3. Skeletal muscles with their associated connective tissue are responsible<br />

for _. 4. Smooth muscles are located in the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs, _ and other

ody regions. 5. Smooth muscles propel urine through the urinary tract, mix food in the intestine<br />

and stomach, _ and perform many other functions. 6. The contractions of cardiac muscles<br />

provide the major force for _. 7. Some facial muscles are not attached to bone _. 8. The most<br />

muscles are named according to their _. 9. The largest muscle of the buttock is _. 10. The deltoid<br />

muscle has _. 11. An oblique muscle lie oblique to the _. 12. The long muscles compose _. 13.<br />

The shot muscles form the facial part. 14. Muscles are attached to bones, _ , and blood vessels.<br />

Ex. 16. Compose the sentences using the following words and word-combinations:<br />

1. divided / are / smooth / into / and / cardiac / the muscles / skeletal / muscles. 2. of / the skeletal<br />

/ muscles / functions / are / by / controlled / the nervous system. 3. is / cardiac muscle / in / the<br />

heart. 4. contract / and / cardiac / smooth / muscles / spontaneously. 5. skeletal muscles / from /<br />

extend / bone / one / to another. 6. cause / muscle contractions / body movements / most . 7. of /<br />

some muscles / the face / attached are / to / the skin. 8. a pectoral muscle / located / is / the chest<br />

/ in . 9. the arm / muscle / is / a brachial / found / in . 10. muscles / various / have / of / number /<br />

heads. 11. a biceps / muscle / two / has / heads. 11. skeletal / the trunk / move / the head / and /<br />

muscles / the limbs. 12. propel / through / the cardiac muscles / blood / vessels. 13. through /<br />

smooth / force / food / muscles / the digestive system.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the muscles location, size, shape, orientation, and functions.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the following abstract and translate it:<br />

The points of attachment for each muscle are origin and insertion. The origin, also called<br />

the head, is normally that end of the muscle attached to the more stationary of the two bones, and<br />

the insertion is the end of the muscle attached to the bone undergoing the greatest movement.<br />

The largest portion of the muscle, between the origin and the insertion, is the belly. Some<br />

muscles have multiple origins and a common insertion and have multiple heads.<br />

Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the cardiac muscles propel<br />

blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the digestive system and move<br />

glandular secretions through ducts. In addition, metabolism that occurs in the large mass of<br />

muscle tissue in the body produces heat essential to the maintenance of normal body<br />

temperature.<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the missing words given below:<br />

1. Muscle is attached to bone by _ and other tissues. 2. Muscles are made up of millions of tiny<br />

protein filaments, which work together _ motion in the body. 3. Each of more than 600 muscles<br />

is served by nerves, which link the muscle to the brain and _. 4. We _ with three types of<br />

muscles. 5. Cardiac muscles, found only in the heart, power the action that pumps blood _ the<br />

body. 6. Smooth muscles surround or are part of the_ . 7. Both cardiac and _ muscles are called<br />

involuntary muscles, because they cannot be consciously controlled. 8. The third type of muscles<br />

_ skeletal muscles. 9. The _ muscles carry out voluntary movements. 10. Skeletal muscles are the<br />

body's most abundant tissue, comprising about 23% of a woman's body _ and about 40% of a<br />

man's body _.<br />

to produce; are equipped; is called; spinal cord; tendons; internal organs; throughout; smooth;<br />

skeletal; weight.<br />

Ex. 20. Insert the missing prepositions (on, to, in, for, of, over):<br />

1. The muscles form approximately 40% _ the body weight. 2. The long muscles compose the<br />

free limbs, and the wide ones lie _ the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. 3. Muscles<br />

are attached _ the bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. 4. They allow us to make internal or<br />

external movements due _ their contraction and relaxation. 5. As _ the structure of the muscles<br />

there are three types of them: striated (skeletal) muscles, smooth (visceral) muscles, and a

cardiac muscle. 6. The striated muscles move all the bones, face, and eyes _ the human body. 7.<br />

The smooth muscles move the internal organs such as the organs _ the digestive tract, blood<br />

vessels, and secretory ducts. 8. We have no control _ visceral muscles and a cardiac muscle. 9.<br />

There are many nerves and blood vessels _ the muscles.<br />

Ex. 21. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. В теле человека находится около 650 мышц. 2. Мышца состоит из мышечных клеток. 3.<br />

В каждой мышце находятся кровеносные сосуды и нервы. 4. Мышцы делятся на три<br />

группы: скелетные, гладкие и сердечные мышцы. 5. Скелетные мышцы приводят в<br />

движение туловище, голову и конечности. 6. Сердечная мышца способствует движению<br />

крови по сосудам. 7. Гладкие мышцы продвигают пищу по пищеварительной системе. 8.<br />

Сердечные и гладкие мышцы сокращаются спонтанно. 9. Мышцы крепятся к костям с<br />

помощью сухожилий. 10. Большинство скелетных мышц простираются от одной кости до<br />

другой. 11. Некоторые мышцы лица прикрепляются к коже, которая приходит в движение<br />

тогда, когда сокращаются мышцы. 12. Длинные мышцы находятся в конечностях,<br />

короткие образуют лицевую часть, а широкие мышцы формируют стенки полостей тела.<br />

Ex. 22. Make up a detailed plan of the text "Muscles".<br />

Ex. 23. Speak on the structure, functions, and names of muscles.<br />

Ex. 24. Make up a dialogue on muscles.<br />

Ex. 25. Read the following text and answer the question: What does Achilles heel mean?<br />


The Achilles tendon derives its name from a hero of Greek mythology. As a baby,<br />

Achilles was dipped into magic water, which made him invulnerable to harm everywhere the<br />

water touched his skin. His mother, however, holding him by the hell, failed to submerge this<br />

part of his body under the water. Consequently, his heel was vulnerable and proved to be his<br />

undoing; he was shot in the heel with an arrow at the battle of Troy and died. Thus saying that<br />

someone has an "Achilles heel” means he has a weak spot that can be attacked.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The contractions of cardiac muscles provide the major force for _. 2. Some facial muscles are<br />

not attached to bone _. 3. The most muscles are named according to their _. 4. The largest<br />

muscle of the buttock is _. 5. The deltoid muscle has _. 6. An oblique muscle lie oblique to the _.<br />

7. The long muscles compose _. 8. The shot muscles form the facial part. 9. Muscles are attached<br />

to bones, _ , and blood vessels.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Травна система (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Травна система”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative<br />

form) засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ic,-ive).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative form).<br />

Текст: “Digestive System”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Continuous<br />

Tenses (Passive<br />

Voice,<br />

Affirmative<br />

form)..<br />

Лексико-<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

(-ic,-ive);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Continuous<br />

Tenses (Passive V oice, A ffirmative<br />

form).. Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% фонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

stomach ['stAmqk] желудок<br />

pancreas ['pxnkrIqs] поджелудочная железа<br />

gallbladder ['gO:l"blxdq] жёлчный пузырь<br />

propel [prq'pel] проталкивать; двигать<br />

digestion [dI'GesCqn] пищеварение,<br />

переваривание пищи; усвоение пищи<br />

chew [Cu:] жевать, пережевывать<br />

saliva [sq'laIvq] слюнал юн а л юн а<br />

pharynx ['fxrINks] глотка<br />

esophagus [I:'sOfqgqs] пищевод<br />

accessory [q'ksesqrI] вспомогательный,<br />

добавочный, дополнительный<br />

mucous ['mju:kqs]<br />

слизистыйс л и з и с т ый<br />

mucus ['mju:kqs] слизь<br />

dilate [daI'leIt] расширять<br />


exist [Ig'zIst] существовать, быть<br />

except [Ik'sept] исключая, кроме, за<br />

исключением<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент<br />

caecum (cecum) ['sI:kqm] слепая кишка<br />

colon ['koulqn] ободочная кишка, толстая<br />

кишка<br />

rectum ['rektqm] прямая кишка<br />

indigestive ["IndI'GestIv] непереваренный<br />

feces ['fI:sI:z] кал, стул, фекалии,<br />

экскременты<br />

vermiform ['vq:mIfO:m] чревоподопный<br />

appendix [q'pendIks] отросток, аппендикс<br />

ingest [In'Gest] поглощать, проглатывать,<br />

заглатывать<br />

masticate ['mxstIkeIt] жевать, измельчать

educe [rI'dju:s] превращать, обращать<br />

semi-liquid ['semI'lIkwId] полужидкий<br />

release [rI'lI:s] выделять<br />

duodenum ["dju:ou'dInqm]<br />

двенадцатиперстная кишка<br />

jejunum [GI'Gu:nqm] тощая кишка<br />

ileum ['IlIqm] подвздошная кишка<br />

digest [daI'Gest] переваривать<br />

undigested ['AndI'GestId] непереваренный<br />

matter ['mxtq] вещество<br />

propulsion [pre'pAlS(q)n] продвижение<br />

вперед, движение вперед; поступательное<br />

движение<br />

elaborate [I'lxb(q)rIt] сложный<br />


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-ic (pertaining to)<br />

energy энергия – energetic энергичный<br />

grammar грамматика – grammatic грамматический<br />

-ive<br />

to attract привлекать – attractive привлекательный<br />

to act действовать – active активный<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Economic; chronic; plastic; scientific; public, peptic, embryonic; electronic; allergic; narcotic;<br />

academic; therapeutic; pathologic.<br />

B. Connective; constructive; effective; protective; contractive; active; native; sensitive; adhesive;<br />

objective; respective.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

to be + being + Participle II (V3)<br />

Present Past Future<br />

I am been<br />

I<br />

He<br />

He<br />

She is being She was being<br />

It + V3 It + V3 __<br />

You<br />

You<br />

We are being We were being<br />

They<br />

They<br />

MODEL:<br />

The total number of muscles is being counted by the student.<br />

The exact amount of mucus in the accessory glands was being determined during the experiment.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A favorable effect is being produced on t he patient’s condition by t he administration of this<br />

drug. 2. T he mucus is being secreted by t he major glands. 3. The water was being absorbed by<br />

the digestive system. 4. S ome changes were being observed in the patient’s oral cavity. 5. T he<br />

functions of the stomach are being restored rapidly during the treatment.<br />

Ex. 5. Choose the sentences with the predicates in Continuous Passive and translate them<br />

into your native language:<br />

1. The patient was being questioned by t he gastroenterologist. 2. T he blood was dropping from<br />

the wound very slowly. 3. They were being examined in the gastroenterological department. 4.

They a re no t c arrying o ut a n experiment a t pr esent. 5. T he pr operties of microorganisms a re<br />

being investigated by the laboratory worker.<br />

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the using of the<br />

Active and Passive Continuous Tenses:<br />

1. Сейчас врач лечит больного по поводу воспаления поджелудочной железы. 2. В<br />

настоящее время этот больной лечится в нашем отделении по поводу воспаления тощей<br />

кишки. 3. Медицинская сестра заполняла температурные листы пациентов в 9 часов утра.<br />

4. Температурные листы пациентов заполнялись медицинской сестрой в 8 часов утра.<br />

Ex. 7. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


Pronoun +thing +body +one +where<br />

some<br />

any<br />

no<br />

something<br />

(что-нибудь,<br />

что-то)<br />

anything<br />

(что-нибудь,<br />

что угодно)<br />

nothing<br />

(ничто, ничего)<br />

somebody<br />

(кто-нибудь,<br />

кто-то)<br />

anybody<br />

(кто-нибудь,<br />

кто угодно)<br />

nobody<br />

(никто, никого)<br />

someone<br />

(кто-нибудь)<br />

anyone<br />

(кто-нибудь,<br />

кто угодно)<br />

no one<br />

(никто, никого)<br />

somewhere<br />

(где-нибудь, куданибудь)<br />

anywhere<br />

(где-нибудь, куданибудь,<br />

куда угодно)<br />

nowhere<br />

(нигде, никуда)<br />

every<br />

everything<br />

(всё)<br />

everybody<br />

все, каждый)<br />

everyone<br />

(все, каждый)<br />

everywhere<br />

(везде, всюду)<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. These students have some lectures last week. 2. Do you h ave any drug habits? 3. The doctor<br />

gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and told me to come back in three weeks. 4. The<br />

patient's voi ce, f acial e xpression a nd a ttitude can gi ve i mportant c lues t o di scover not onl y<br />

something a bout t he di sease bu t a lso a bout the pa tient. 5. Strains a re often c aused by l ifting<br />

something too heavy. 6. Thus saying that someone has an "Achilles heel" means he has a weak<br />

spot that can be attacked. 7. Are you a llergic to any drugs? 8. Is anyone in your family serious<br />

ill? 9. H e is ready to go a nywhere. 10. D o you see anything in the ward? 11. I n fact, the NHS<br />

provides free medical care for everyone in Britain from very young t o the very old. 12. W hat<br />

does a local physician write down in every patient’s card? 13. E verything about the patient is<br />

written down in the card. 14. As a baby, Achilles was dipped into magic water, which made him<br />

invulnerable to harm everywhere the water touched his skin.<br />


Ex. 9. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 10. Compose 4-5 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 11. Insert the missing letters:<br />

St_mach; esop_agus; inte_tine; liv_r; pancre_s; gallb_adder; pha_ynx; mu_us; du_denum;<br />

jejun_m; il_um; cae_um; col_n; re_tum.<br />

Ex. 12. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:

Propulsion; except; masticate; undigested matter; digest; digestion; ingest; indigestive; propel;<br />

chew; masticate; reduce; dilate; release.<br />

Ex. 13. Read the following words:<br />

Through; canal; synonym; mouth; tongue; palate; chew; saliva; esophagus; major; pharynx;<br />

abdomen; liquid; segment; anus; useful; substances, appendix; major; pieces; dilate.<br />

Ex. 14. Read the following text:<br />


The digestive system consists of many parts. Among them are the oral cavity, esophagus,<br />

stomach, small and large intestines, the liver, the pancreas, gallbladder and others.<br />

The food we eat is propelled through the digestive tract by muscular contractions. The<br />

digestive tract is also called the alimentary tract or alimentary canal. The term gastrointestinal<br />

tract technically only refers to the stomach and intestines but is often used as a synonym of the<br />

digestive tract.<br />

The first division of the digestive tract is the mouth, or oral cavity. Important structures of<br />

the oral cavity are the teeth, the tongue, the soft and hard palates, and salivary glands. Digestion<br />

begins when the person chews the food. The food is broken into smaller pieces by the teeth and<br />

is mixed with saliva secreted by the salivary glands.<br />

From the mouth food passes through the pharynx to the esophagus. The major accessory<br />

structures of the pharynx and the esophagus are mucous glands.<br />

The esophagus opens into the stomach. It rests in the upper abdomen. It is a dilated portion<br />

of the digestive tract. The stomach receives food from esophagus, and its mixing action reduces<br />

the food to a semi-liquid mixture. The stomach walls contain many glands from which acid and<br />

enzymes are released into the stomach and mixed with ingested food.<br />

The st omach opens i nto the sm all i ntestine. The sm all i ntestine i s a t hin-walled t ube<br />

approximately 6.5 m eters long. It is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal<br />

and pelvic cavities. It is composed of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The first segment of<br />

the sm all i ntestine is t he duode num. The major acce ssory structures i n this seg ment of t he<br />

digestive t ract ar e the l iver, the ga llbladder, and t he pa ncreas. The ne xt segment of the sm all<br />

intestine is the jejunum. Small glands exist along its length, and it is the major site of absorption.<br />

The last segment of the small intestine is the ileum, which is similar to the jejunum except that<br />

fewer digestive enzymes and more mucus are secreted and less absorption occurs in the ileum.<br />

The last section of the digestive tract is the large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon,<br />

and rectum. Its m ajor ac cessory glands sec rete m ucus. I t abs orbs w ater an d salts and<br />

concentrates i ndigested f ood into feces. The first s egment i s t he ce cum, with the at tached<br />

vermiform a ppendix. The c ecum i s followed by c olon a nd r ectum. The r ectum j oints t he a nal<br />

canal, which ends at the anus.<br />

The functions of the digestive system are to ingest food, masticate the food, propel the food<br />

through t he di gestive tract, a dd secretions t o the f ood a nd di gest the f ood; a nd a bsorb w ater,<br />

electrolytes, a nd other nutrients f rom the d igested food. Once t hese us eful subs tances a re<br />

absorbed, they a re t ransported through t he c irculatory s ystem t o c ells w here t hey a re u sed.<br />

Undigested matter i s moved out of t he di gestive t ract a nd e xcreted through t he a nus. T he<br />

processes o f pr opulsion, s ecretion, a nd a bsorption a re r egulated by e laborate nervous a nd<br />

hormonal mechanisms.<br />

Ex. 15. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Глотка; пищевод; желудок; поджелудочная железа; толстый кишечник; желчный пузырь;<br />

слепая кишка; прямая кишка; толстая кишка; тощая кишка; подвздошная кишка;<br />

двенадцатиперстная кишка; зубы; язык; твердое нёбо; слюнные железы; находиться в<br />

нижней части брюшной полости; полужидкая смесь; тонкостенная трубка; проходить по<br />

всей длине; переноситься по кровеносной системе.

Ex. 16. Translate the following sentences and word-combinations into your native<br />

language:<br />

1. mouth. Откройте рот. Во рту 32 зуба. Твердое и мягкое нёбо находится во рту.<br />

2. stomach. Нижняя часть желудка. Желудок – внутренний орган. Желудок состоит из<br />

четырёх оболочек.<br />

3. tongue. Язык – орган вкуса. У больного обложенный язык. Разрешите посмотреть язык.<br />

4. intestine. Толстый кишечник делится на три части. Тонкий и толстый кишечник<br />

находятся в брюшной полости.<br />

5. through. Проходить по сосудам. Кровь проходит по артериям. Пища проходит через<br />

глотку в пищевод.<br />

Ex. 17. Translate the text “Digestive System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the structure of the alimentary canal and related system using the data of<br />

the following table:<br />

Alimentary Canal<br />

Related System<br />

mouth<br />

teeth<br />

pharynx<br />

tongue<br />

esophagus<br />

salivary glands<br />

stomach<br />

hard and soft palates<br />

small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)<br />

liver<br />

large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum)<br />

gallbladder<br />

pancreas<br />

Ex. 19. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive<br />

tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity?<br />

5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function<br />

of the stomach? 8. What parts is small intestine composed of? 9. What are the major accessory<br />

structures in the first segment of the small intestine? 10. What is the functional difference<br />

between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. What are the major<br />

functions of the digestive system?<br />

Ex. 20. Read and translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

The organs of the digestive system are covered with the peritoneum which has two layers.<br />

The glands which secrete juice or secretion into the alimentary canal are the salivary glands, the<br />

gastric glands, the liver, the pancreas, and the gland of the small intestine.<br />

In the mouth the food is chewed between the teeth and mixed with saliva. The muscles<br />

pass it into the stomach. There are many glands in the stomach that produce pepsin and acid.<br />

From the stomach the food is passed into the small intestine. The bile produced in the liver and<br />

the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas help break up fats.<br />

The last step of digestion is completed in the large intestine by the absorption of water.<br />

The undigested parts of the food mixed with useless components of the digesting fluids and other<br />

remains are passed out of the body.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following text and compose 3-4 short dialogues:<br />



The small intestine consists of three portions: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.<br />

The entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long; the duodenum is approximately 25 cm long<br />

(the term duode num means 12, s uggesting that i s 12 i nches l ong); the j ejunum, constituting

approximately two fifths of the total length of the small intestine, is approximately 2.5 m long,<br />

and the ileum, constituting three fifths of the small intestine, is approximately 3.5 m long. Two<br />

major glands, the liver and pancreas, are associated with the duodenum.<br />


The ga llbladder is a s aclike s tructure on the inf erior s urface of the live r th at is<br />

approximately 8 c m l ong a nd 4 c m wide. T hree l ayers f orm t he ga llbladder w all: an i nner<br />

mucosa folded into rugae that allow the gallbladder to expand; a muscularis of smooth muscle<br />

that allows the gallbladder to contract; and outer covering of connective tissue. The gallbladder<br />

is connected to the common bile by the cystic duct.<br />


The pancreas is a complex organ composed of both endocrine and exocrine tissues that<br />

perform several functions. The pancreas consists of a head, a body, and a tail, which extends to<br />

the spleen.<br />

The endocrine portion of the pancreas consists of pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans).<br />

The i slet c ells pr oduce insulin and glucagons, which a re v ery i mportant i n c ontrolling b lood<br />

levels of nutrients such as glucose and amino a cids, and somatostatin, which regulates insulin<br />

secretion.<br />

The exocrine portion of the pancreas consists of acini (grapes), which produce digestive<br />

enzymes. The acini connect to a duct system that eventually forms the pancreatic duct, which<br />

empties into the duodenum.<br />


The large intestine consists of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. The cecum is the<br />

proximal end of the large intestine and is the portion where the large and small intestines meet.<br />

The colon consists of four portions. The mucosal lining of the large intestine consists of simple<br />

columnar epithelium. It has numerous straight tubular glands. The rectum is a straight, muscular<br />

tube. It begins at the termination of the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal canal. The last 2 to 3<br />

cm of the digestive tract is the anal canal. It begins at the inferior end of the rectum and ends at<br />

the anus. The smooth muscle layer of the anal canal is even thicker than that of the rectum and<br />

forms the internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter.<br />

Ex. 22. Insert the missing words given below:<br />


The alimentary tract is a musculomembraneous canal about 8,5 meters in length. It _ from<br />

the oral cavity to the anus. It consists of the mouth, pharynx, _, s tomach, s mall intestine, and<br />

large intestine. The liver with gallbladder and _ are the large glands of the alimentary tract.<br />

The first division of the alimentary tract is formed by the mouth. Important structures of the<br />

mouth are the _ and the tongue, which is the organ of taste. The soft and hard _ and the salivary<br />

glands are also in the oral cavity.<br />

From the mouth food passes through the _ to the esophagus and then to the stomach.<br />

The stomach is a di lated por tion of t he a limentary c anal. I t i s i n t he uppe r pa rt of t he<br />

abdomen under the diaphragm. It measures about 21-25 cm in length. It has a capacity of from<br />

2.14 to 4.28 litres.<br />

The small intestine is a thin-walled muscular tube about 6.5 meters long. It is located in the<br />

lower a nd c entral pa rts of t he _ a nd pe lvic cavities. T he small i ntestine i s com posed of t he<br />

duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The large intestine is about 1.5 meters long. It is divided into<br />

caecum, _ , and rectum.<br />

The liver is the largest _ in the human body. I t is in the right upper part of the abdominal<br />

cavity under the diaphragm. The gallbladder is a hollow _ lying on the lower surface of the liver.<br />

The pancreas is a long thin gland lying under and behind the stomach.<br />

palates; esophagus; gland; pharynx; teeth; colon; pancreas; extends; abdominal; sac.

Ex. 23. Answer the following questions:<br />

What organ is located:<br />

1. in the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm? 2. in the lower and central portions of the<br />

abdominal and pelvic cavities? 3. in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the<br />

diaphragm? 4. in abdominal cavity under and behind the stomach? 5. within the abdominal<br />

cavity on the lower surface of the liver?<br />

Ex. 24. Speak on the structure of the digestive system.<br />

Ex. 25. Read and memorize the following words:<br />

breakdown ['breIkdaun] расщепление metabolism [met'xbqlIzm] метаболизм,<br />

carbohydrate ["kQbqu'haIdreIt] углевод обмен веществ<br />

monosaccharide ["mOno'sxkqraId]<br />

facilitated diffusion [fq'sIlIteIt dI'fju:G(q)n]<br />

моносахарид<br />

облегченная диффузия<br />

acid ['xsid] кислота<br />

glucose ['glu:kqus] глюкоза<br />

glycerol ['glIsqroul] глицерин<br />

monoglyceride ["mOno'glIsqraId]<br />

distribute [dIs'trIbju:t] распределять моноглицерид<br />

water-soluble ['wO:tq'sOljubl]<br />

triglyceride [traI'glIsqraId] триглицерид<br />

водорастворимый<br />

chylomicrons ["kaIlo'maIkrOnz]<br />

hepatic [hI'pxtik]<br />

хиломикроны<br />

печеночныйеченочный<br />

lacteal ['lxktIql] млечный сосуд; хилёзный,<br />

portal system ['pO:tl 'sIstem] портальная млечный<br />

система<br />

villus (pl. villi) ['vIlqs] ворсинка<br />

lipid ['lIpId] липид<br />

Ex. 26. R ead t he f ollowing words an d word-combinations an d t ranslate them i nto you r<br />

native language:<br />

Organic; molecule; transport; vitamin; stomach; occur; pass; ion; energy; protein; polypeptide;<br />

release; monosaccharide; chylomicrons; facilitated diffusion; lacteal.<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following text and narrate it:<br />


Digestion i s t he br eakdown of or ganic molecules into t heir component pa rts:<br />

carbohydrates i nto m onosaccharides, pr oteins into a mino a cids, a nd f ats i nto f atty a cids a nd<br />

glycerol. A bsorption a nd t ransport a re t he m eans by w hich molecules a re m oved out of t he<br />

digestive tract and a re di stributed t hroughout t he body. Not a ll m olecules (e.g., vi tamins,<br />

minerals, and water) are broken down before being absorbed.<br />

Digestion b egins i n the or al c avity a nd c ontinues i n t he s tomach, but most di gestion<br />

occurs in the proximal end of the small intestine, especially in the duodenum.<br />

Absorption begins i n the s tomach w here s ome ve ry s mall m olecules (e.g., a lcohol a nd<br />

aspirin) can pass through the stomach epithelium into the circulation. Most absorption occurs in<br />

the duodenum and jejunum, although some absorption occurs in the ileum.<br />

Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they are transported to the other parts of<br />

the body. Transportation occurs by two different ways. Water, ions, and water-soluble digestion<br />

products enter the hepatic portal system and are transported to the liver. The products of lipid<br />

metabolism are c oated with pr oteins a nd a re t ransported through t he l ymphatic s ystem t o t he<br />

circulatory system.<br />

Carbohydrates are broken down into monosaccharides by a number of different enzymes.<br />

Monosaccharides are taken up the intestinal epithelial cells by active transport or by facilitated<br />

diffusion. T he monosaccharides a re c arried t o t he l iver w here t he nongl ucose s ugars a re<br />

converted to glucose. Glucose is transported to the cells that require energy and enters the cell<br />

through facilitated diffusion.

Pepsin i n t he s tomach br eaks pr oteins into s maller pol ypeptide c hains. P eptides a re<br />

broken down into amino acids. Amino acids are transported to the liver where the amino acids<br />

can be modified or released into the bloodstream.<br />

Fats are broken down into free fatty acids, glycerol, and monoglycerides. Fatty acids are<br />

carried to epithelial cells of the small intestine where they pass into the cells by simple duffusion.<br />

Whithin the e pithelial c ells, f ree f atty acids a re c ombined with glycerol to f orm trigl ycerides.<br />

Proteins coat triglycerides to form chylomicrons. Chylomicrons enter lacteals within intestinal<br />

villi and are carried through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream.<br />

NOTES:<br />

component parts составные части<br />

means средства<br />

Ex. 28. Read the following text and compose detailed plan of it:<br />


The pharynx consists of three parts: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.<br />

Normally, onl y t he or opharynx a nd l aryngopharynx t ransmit f ood. T he or opharynx<br />

communicates with t he na sopharynx s uperiorly, t he l arynx and l aryngopharynx i nferiorly, a nd<br />

mouth a nteriorly. T he laryngopharynx e xtends from t he or opharynx t o t he e sophagus a nd i s<br />

posterior to the larynx. The pos terior walls of the or opharynx a nd laryngopharynxn c onsist of<br />

three m uscles, t he s uperior, m iddle, a nd i nferior pha ryngeal c onstrictions, w hich a re a rranged<br />

like three stacked flower pots, one inside the other. The oropharynx and the laryngopharynx are<br />

lined w ith moist, s tratified s quamous e pithelium, a nd t he na sopharynx i s line with c iliated<br />

pseudostratified epithelium.<br />

The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube that extends between the pharynx and<br />

the s tomach. I t i s a pproximately 2 c m l ong a nd l ies i n t he mediastinum. T he esophagus<br />

transports food from the pharynx to the stomach. It has thick walls consisting of the four tunics<br />

common to the digestive tract: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and adventitia.<br />

NOTES:<br />

nasopharynx носоглотка<br />

oropharynx ротовая часть глотки<br />

laryngopharynx гортаноглотка, гортанная часть глотки<br />


The f unctions of t he dige stive sys tem ar e t o ingest f ood, masticate t he f ood, pr opel t he f ood<br />

through t he di gestive tract, a dd secretions t o the f ood a nd di gest the f ood. O nce t hese us eful<br />

substances are absorbed, they are transported through the circulatory system to cells where they<br />

are used. Undigested matter is moved out of the digestive tract and excreted through the anus.<br />

The dige stive sys tem c onsists of t he al imentary canal an d the r elated organs. The al imentary<br />

canal i ncludes m outh, pha rynx, e sophagus, stomach, s mall i ntestine ( duodenum, j ejunum,<br />

ileum), and large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum). The related organs are teeth, tongue, salivary<br />

glands, hard and soft palates, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The digestive tract extends from<br />

the oral cavity to the anus. From the mouth food passes throught the pharynx to the esophagus<br />

and t hen to t he s tomach. T he s tomach r eceives f ood f rom e sophagus, a nd i ts mixing a ction<br />

reduces the f ood t o a semi-liquid mixture. The s mall int estine is a thin-walled tube. I t i s<br />

composed o f t he duode num, j ejunum, a nd i leum. T he l ast s ection of t he di gestive t ract is t he<br />

large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum. Its major accessory glands secrete<br />

mucus. It absorbs water and salts and concentrates indigested food into feces.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about digestive.<br />

2. Describe alimentary canal to your new friend.

Контрольні питання:<br />

1.What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive<br />

tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity?<br />

5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function<br />

of the stomach? 8. What parts is small intestine composed of? 9. What are the major accessory<br />

structures i n the f irst s egment o f the s mall int estine? 10 . What is t he f unctional di fference<br />

between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. W hat are the major<br />

functions of the digestive system?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

What organ is located:<br />

1. in the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm? 2. in the lower and central portions of the<br />

abdominal and pelvic cavities? 3. in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the<br />

diaphragm? 4. in abdominal cavity under and behind the stomach? 5. within the abdominal<br />

cavity on the lower surface of the liver?<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Травна система (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Травна система.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative<br />

form).засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />


stomach ['stAmqk] желудок<br />

pancreas ['pxnkrIqs] поджелудочная железа<br />

gallbladder ['gO:l"blxdq] жёлчный пузырь<br />

propel [prq'pel] проталкивать; двигать<br />

digestion [dI'GesCqn] пищеварение,<br />

переваривание пищи; усвоение пищи<br />

chew [Cu:] жевать, пережевывать<br />

saliva [sq'laIvq] слюнал юн а л юн а<br />

pharynx ['fxrINks] глотка<br />

esophagus [I:'sOfqgqs] пищевод<br />

accessory [q'ksesqrI] вспомогательный,<br />

добавочный, дополнительный<br />

mucous ['mju:kqs] слизистыйс лизистый<br />

mucus ['mju:kqs] слизь<br />

dilate [daI'leIt] расширять<br />

reduce [rI'dju:s] превращать, обращать<br />

semi-liquid ['semI'lIkwId] полужидкий<br />

release [rI'lI:s] выделять<br />

duodenum ["dju:ou'dInqm]<br />

двенадцатиперстная кишка<br />

jejunum [GI'Gu:nqm] тощая кишка<br />

exist [Ig'zIst] существовать, быть<br />

except [Ik'sept] исключая, кроме, за<br />

исключением<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент<br />

caecum (cecum) ['sI:kqm] слепая кишка<br />

colon ['koulqn] ободочная кишка, толстая<br />

кишка<br />

rectum ['rektqm] прямая кишка<br />

indigestive ["IndI'GestIv] непереваренный<br />

feces ['fI:sI:z] кал, стул, фекалии,<br />

экскременты<br />

vermiform ['vq:mIfO:m] чревоподопный<br />

appendix [q'pendIks] отросток, аппендикс<br />

ingest [In'Gest] поглощать, проглатывать,<br />

заглатывать<br />

masticate ['mxstIkeIt] жевать, измельчать<br />

digest [daI'Gest] переваривать<br />

undigested ['AndI'GestId] непереваренный<br />

matter ['mxtq] вещество<br />

propulsion [pre'pAlS(q)n] продвижение<br />

вперед, движение вперед; поступательное

ileum ['IlIqm] подвздошная кишка<br />

движение<br />

elaborate [I'lxb(q)rIt] сложный<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1.What is Continuos Tenses?<br />

2.Give your examples of sentences with the Continuos Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative<br />

form).<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

to be + being + Participle II (V3)<br />

Present Past Future<br />

I am been<br />

I<br />

He<br />

He<br />

She is being She was being<br />

It + V3 It + V3 __<br />

You<br />

You<br />

We are being We were being<br />

They<br />

They<br />

MODEL:<br />

The total number of muscles is being counted by the student.<br />

The exact amount of mucus in the accessory glands was being determined during the experiment.<br />

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A favorable effect is being produced on t he patient’s condition by t he administration of this<br />

drug. 2. T he mucus is being secreted by t he major glands. 3. The water was being absorbed by<br />

the digestive system. 4. S ome changes were being observed in the patient’s oral cavity. 5. T he<br />

functions of the stomach are being restored rapidly during the treatment.<br />

Ex. 2. Choose the sentences with the predicates in Continuous Passive and translate them<br />

into your native language:<br />

1. The patient was being questioned by t he gastroenterologist. 2. T he blood was dropping from<br />

the wound very slowly. 3. They were being examined in the gastroenterological department. 4.<br />

They a re no t c arrying o ut a n experiment a t pr esent. 5. T he pr operties of microorganisms a re<br />

being investigated by the laboratory worker.<br />

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the using of the<br />

Active and Passive Continuous Tenses:<br />

1. Сейчас врач лечит больного по поводу воспаления поджелудочной железы. 2. В<br />

настоящее время этот больной лечится в нашем отделении по поводу воспаления тощей<br />

кишки. 3. Медицинская сестра заполняла температурные листы пациентов в 9 часов утра.<br />

4. Температурные листы пациентов заполнялись медицинской сестрой в 8 часов утра.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ic,-ive).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative form).<br />

Текст: “Digestive System”.


Ex. 1. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 2. Compose 4-5 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 3. Insert the missing letters:<br />

St_mach; esop_agus; inte_tine; liv_r; pancre_s; gallb_adder; pha_ynx; mu_us; du_denum;<br />

jejun_m; il_um; cae_um; col_n; re_tum.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Propulsion; except; masticate; undigested matter; digest; digestion; ingest; indigestive; propel;<br />

chew; masticate; reduce; dilate; release.<br />

Ex. 5. Read the following words:<br />

Through; canal; synonym; mouth; tongue; palate; chew; saliva; esophagus; major; pharynx;<br />

abdomen; liquid; segment; anus; useful; substances, appendix; major; pieces; dilate.<br />

Ex. 6. Read the following text:<br />


The digestive system consists of many parts. Among them are the oral cavity, esophagus,<br />

stomach, small and large intestines, the liver, the pancreas, gallbladder and others.<br />

The food we eat is propelled through the digestive tract by muscular contractions. The<br />

digestive tract is also called the alimentary tract or alimentary canal. The term gastrointestinal<br />

tract technically only refers to the stomach and intestines but is often used as a synonym of the<br />

digestive tract.<br />

The first division of the digestive tract is the mouth, or oral cavity. Important structures of<br />

the oral cavity are the teeth, the tongue, the soft and hard palates, and salivary glands. Digestion<br />

begins when the person chews the food. The food is broken into smaller pieces by the teeth and<br />

is mixed with saliva secreted by the salivary glands.<br />

From the mouth food passes through the pharynx to the esophagus. The major accessory<br />

structures of the pharynx and the esophagus are mucous glands.<br />

The esophagus opens into the stomach. It rests in the upper abdomen. It is a dilated portion<br />

of the digestive tract. The stomach receives food from esophagus, and its mixing action reduces<br />

the food to a semi-liquid mixture. The stomach walls contain many glands from which acid and<br />

enzymes are released into the stomach and mixed with ingested food.<br />

The st omach opens i nto the sm all i ntestine. The sm all i ntestine i s a t hin-walled t ube<br />

approximately 6.5 m eters long. It is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal<br />

and pelvic cavities. It is composed of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The first segment of<br />

the sm all i ntestine is t he duode num. The major acce ssory structures i n this seg ment of t he<br />

digestive t ract ar e the l iver, the ga llbladder, a nd t he pa ncreas. T he ne xt segment of the s mall<br />

intestine is the jejunum. Small glands exist along its length, and it is the major site of absorption.<br />

The last segment of the small intestine is the ileum, which is similar to the jejunum except that<br />

fewer digestive enzymes and more mucus are secreted and less absorption occurs in the ileum.<br />

The last section of the digestive tract is the large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon,<br />

and rectum. Its m ajor accessory glands sec rete m ucus. It abs orbs w ater an d salts and<br />

concentrates i ndigested f ood into feces. The first s egment i s t he ce cum, with the at tached<br />

vermiform a ppendix. The c ecum i s followed by c olon a nd r ectum. The r ectum j oints t he a nal<br />

canal, which ends at the anus.<br />

The functions of the digestive system are to ingest food, masticate the food, propel the food<br />

through t he di gestive tract, a dd secretions t o the f ood a nd di gest the f ood; a nd a bsorb w ater,<br />

electrolytes, a nd ot her nutrients f rom t he di gested f ood. O nce t hese us eful substances a re

absorbed, they a re t ransported through t he c irculatory s ystem t o c ells w here t hey a re u sed.<br />

Undigested matter i s moved out of t he di gestive t ract a nd e xcreted through t he a nus. T he<br />

processes o f pr opulsion, s ecretion, a nd a bsorption a re r egulated by e laborate nervous a nd<br />

hormonal mechanisms.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Глотка; пищевод; желудок; поджелудочная железа; толстый кишечник; желчный пузырь;<br />

слепая кишка; прямая кишка; толстая кишка; тощая кишка; подвздошная кишка;<br />

двенадцатиперстная кишка; зубы; язык; твердое нёбо; слюнные железы; находиться в<br />

нижней части брюшной полости; полужидкая смесь; тонкостенная трубка; проходить по<br />

всей длине; переноситься по кровеносной системе.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

1. mouth. Откройте рот. Во рту 32 зуба. Твердое и мягкое нёбо находится во рту.<br />

2. stomach. Нижняя часть желудка. Желудок – внутренний орган. Желудок состоит из<br />

четырёх оболочек.<br />

3. tongue. Язык – орган вкуса. У больного обложенный язык. Разрешите посмотреть язык.<br />

4. intestine. Толстый кишечник делится на три части. Тонкий и толстый кишечник<br />

находятся в брюшной полости.<br />

5. through. Проходить по сосудам. Кровь проходит по артериям. Пища проходит через<br />

глотку в пищевод.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the text “Digestive System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 10. Describe the structure of the alimentary canal and related system using the data of<br />

the following table:<br />

Alimentary Canal<br />

Related System<br />

mouth<br />

teeth<br />

pharynx<br />

tongue<br />

esophagus<br />

salivary glands<br />

stomach<br />

hard and soft palates<br />

small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)<br />

liver<br />

large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum)<br />

gallbladder<br />

pancreas<br />

Ex. 11. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive<br />

tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity?<br />

5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function<br />

of the stomach? 8. What parts is small intestine composed of? 9. What are the major accessory<br />

structures in the first segment of the small intestine? 10. What is the functional difference<br />

between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. What are the major<br />

functions of the digestive system?<br />

Ex. 12. Read and translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

The organs of the digestive system are covered with the peritoneum which has two layers.<br />

The glands which secrete juice or secretion into the alimentary canal are the salivary glands, the<br />

gastric glands, the liver, the pancreas, and the gland of the small intestine.<br />

In the mouth the food is chewed between the teeth and mixed with saliva. The muscles<br />

pass it into the stomach. There are many glands in the stomach that produce pepsin and acid.<br />

From the stomach the food is passed into the small intestine. The bile produced in the liver and<br />

the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas help break up fats.

The last step of digestion is completed in the large intestine by the absorption of water.<br />

The undigested parts of the food mixed with useless components of the digesting fluids and other<br />

remains are passed out of the body.<br />

Ex. 13. Read the following text and compose 3-4 short dialogues:<br />



The small intestine consists of three portions: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.<br />

The entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long; the duodenum is approximately 25 cm long<br />

(the term duode num means 12, s uggesting that i s 12 i nches l ong); the j ejunum, constituting<br />

approximately two fifths of the total length of the small intestine, is approximately 2.5 m long,<br />

and the ileum, constituting three fifths of the small intestine, is approximately 3.5 m long. Two<br />

major glands, the liver and pancreas, are associated with the duodenum.<br />


The ga llbladder is a s aclike s tructure on the inf erior s urface of the live r th at is<br />

approximately 8 c m l ong a nd 4 c m wide. T hree l ayers f orm the ga llbladder w all: an inner<br />

mucosa folded into rugae that allow the gallbladder to expand; a muscularis of smooth muscle<br />

that allows the gallbladder to contract; and outer covering of connective tissue. The gallbladder<br />

is connected to the common bile by the cystic duct.<br />


The pancreas is a complex organ composed of both endocrine and exocrine tissues that<br />

perform several functions. The pancreas consists of a head, a body, and a tail, which extends to<br />

the spleen.<br />

The endocrine portion of the pancreas consists of pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans).<br />

The i slet c ells pr oduce insulin and glucagons, which a re v ery i mportant i n c ontrolling b lood<br />

levels of nutrients such as glucose and amino a cids, and somatostatin, which regulates insulin<br />

secretion.<br />

The exocrine portion of the pancreas consists of acini (grapes), which produce digestive<br />

enzymes. The acini connect to a duct system that eventually forms the pancreatic duct, which<br />

empties into the duodenum.<br />


The large intestine consists of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. The cecum is the<br />

proximal end of the large intestine and is the portion where the large and small intestines meet.<br />

The colon consists of four portions. The mucosal lining of the large intestine consists of simple<br />

columnar epithelium. It has numerous straight tubular glands. The rectum is a straight, muscular<br />

tube. It begins at the termination of the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal canal. The last 2 to 3<br />

cm of the digestive tract is the anal canal. It begins at the inferior end of the rectum and ends at<br />

the anus. The smooth muscle layer of the anal canal is even thicker than that of the rectum and<br />

forms the internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter.<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words given below:<br />


The alimentary tract is a musculomembraneous canal about 8,5 meters in length. It _ from<br />

the oral cavity to the anus. It consists of the mouth, pharynx, _, stomach, small intestine, and<br />

large intestine. The liver with gallbladder and _ are the large glands of the alimentary tract.<br />

The first division of the alimentary tract is formed by the mouth. Important structures of the<br />

mouth are the _ and the tongue, which is the organ of taste. The soft and hard _ and the salivary<br />

glands are also in the oral cavity.<br />

From the mouth food passes through the _ to the esophagus and then to the stomach.<br />

The stomach is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the<br />

abdomen under the diaphragm. It measures about 21-25 cm in length. It has a capacity of from<br />

2.14 to 4.28 litres.

The small intestine is a thin-walled muscular tube about 6.5 meters long. It is located in the<br />

lower and central parts of the _ and pelvic cavities. The small intestine is composed of the<br />

duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The large intestine is about 1.5 meters long. It is divided into<br />

caecum, _ , and rectum.<br />

The liver is the largest _ in the human body. It is in the right upper part of the abdominal<br />

cavity under the diaphragm. The gallbladder is a hollow _ lying on the lower surface of the liver.<br />

The pancreas is a long thin gland lying under and behind the stomach.<br />

palates; esophagus; gland; pharynx; teeth; colon; pancreas; extends; abdominal; sac.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

What organ is located:<br />

1. in the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm? 2. in the lower and central portions of the<br />

abdominal and pelvic cavities? 3. in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the<br />

diaphragm? 4. in abdominal cavity under and behind the stomach? 5. within the abdominal<br />

cavity on the lower surface of the liver?<br />

Ex. 16. Speak on the structure of the digestive system.<br />

Ex. 17. Read and memorize the following words:<br />

breakdown ['breIkdaun] расщепление metabolism [met'xbqlIzm] метаболизм,<br />

carbohydrate ["kQbqu'haIdreIt] углевод обмен веществ<br />

monosaccharide ["mOno'sxkqraId]<br />

facilitated diffusion [fq'sIlIteIt dI'fju:G(q)n]<br />

моносахарид<br />

облегченная диффузия<br />

acid ['xsid] кислота<br />

glucose ['glu:kqus] глюкоза<br />

glycerol ['glIsqroul] глицерин<br />

monoglyceride ["mOno'glIsqraId]<br />

distribute [dIs'trIbju:t] распределять моноглицерид<br />

water-soluble ['wO:tq'sOljubl]<br />

triglyceride [traI'glIsqraId] триглицерид<br />

водорастворимый<br />

chylomicrons ["kaIlo'maIkrOnz]<br />

hepatic [hI'pxtik]<br />

хиломикроны<br />

печеночныйеченочный<br />

lacteal ['lxktIql] млечный сосуд; хилёзный,<br />

portal system ['pO:tl 'sIstem] портальная млечный<br />

система<br />

villus (pl. villi) ['vIlqs] ворсинка<br />

lipid ['lIpId] липид<br />

Ex. 18. R ead t he f ollowing words an d word-combinations an d tr anslate them in to your<br />

native language:<br />

Organic; molecule; transport; vitamin; stomach; occur; pass; ion; energy; protein; polypeptide;<br />

release; monosaccharide; chylomicrons; facilitated diffusion; lacteal.<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and narrate it:<br />


Digestion i s t he br eakdown of or ganic molecules into t heir component pa rts:<br />

carbohydrates i nto m onosaccharides, pr oteins into a mino a cids, a nd f ats i nto f atty a cids a nd<br />

glycerol. A bsorption a nd t ransport a re t he m eans by w hich molecules a re m oved out of t he<br />

digestive tract and a re di stributed t hroughout t he body. Not a ll m olecules (e.g., vi tamins,<br />

minerals, and water) are broken down before being absorbed.<br />

Digestion b egins i n the or al c avity a nd c ontinues i n t he s tomach, but most di gestion<br />

occurs in the proximal end of the small intestine, especially in the duodenum.<br />

Absorption begins i n the s tomach w here s ome ve ry s mall m olecules (e.g., a lcohol a nd<br />

aspirin) can pass through the stomach epithelium into the circulation. Most absorption occurs in<br />

the duodenum and jejunum, although some absorption occurs in the ileum.

Once the digestive products have been absorbed, they are transported to the other parts of<br />

the body. Transportation occurs by two different ways. Water, ions, and water-soluble digestion<br />

products enter the hepatic portal system and are transported to the liver. The products of lipid<br />

metabolism are c oated with pr oteins a nd a re t ransported through t he l ymphatic s ystem t o t he<br />

circulatory system.<br />

Carbohydrates are broken down into monosaccharides by a number of different enzymes.<br />

Monosaccharides are taken up the intestinal epithelial cells by active transport or by facilitated<br />

diffusion. T he monosaccharides a re c arried t o t he l iver w here t he nongl ucose s ugars a re<br />

converted to glucose. Glucose is transported to the cells that require energy and enters the cell<br />

through facilitated diffusion.<br />

Pepsin i n t he s tomach br eaks pr oteins into s maller pol ypeptide c hains. P eptides a re<br />

broken down into amino acids. Amino acids are transported to the liver where the amino acids<br />

can be modified or released into the bloodstream.<br />

Fats are broken down into free fatty acids, glycerol, and monoglycerides. Fatty acids are<br />

carried to epithelial cells of the small intestine where they pass into the cells by simple duffusion.<br />

Whithin the e pithelial c ells, f ree f atty acids a re c ombined with glycerol to f orm trigl ycerides.<br />

Proteins coat triglycerides to form chylomicrons. Chylomicrons enter lacteals within intestinal<br />

villi and are carried through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream.<br />

NOTES:<br />

component parts составные части<br />

means средства<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text and compose detailed plan of it:<br />


The pharynx consists of three parts: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.<br />

Normally, onl y t he or opharynx a nd l aryngopharynx t ransmit f ood. T he or opharynx<br />

communicates with t he na sopharynx s uperiorly, t he l arynx and l aryngopharynx i nferiorly, a nd<br />

mouth a nteriorly. T he l aryngopharynx e xtends from t he or opharynx t o t he e sophagus a nd i s<br />

posterior to the larynx. The pos terior walls of the or opharynx a nd laryngopharynxn c onsist of<br />

three m uscles, t he s uperior, m iddle, a nd i nferior pha ryngeal c onstrictions, w hich a re a rranged<br />

like three stacked flower pots, one inside the other. The oropharynx and the laryngopharynx are<br />

lined w ith moist, s tratified s quamous e pithelium, a nd t he na sopharynx i s line with c iliated<br />

pseudostratified epithelium.<br />

The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube that extends between the pharynx and<br />

the s tomach. I t i s a pproximately 2 c m l ong a nd l ies i n t he mediastinum. T he esophagus<br />

transports food from the pharynx to the stomach. It has thick walls consisting of the four tunics<br />

common to the digestive tract: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and adventitia.<br />

NOTES:<br />

nasopharynx носоглотка<br />

oropharynx ротовая часть глотки<br />

laryngopharynx гортаноглотка, гортанная часть глотки<br />

.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

What organ is located:<br />

1. in the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm? 2. in the lower and central portions of the<br />

abdominal and pelvic cavities? 3. in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the<br />

diaphragm? 4. in abdominal cavity under and behind the stomach? 5. within the abdominal<br />

cavity on the lower surface of the liver?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Глотка; пищевод; желудок; поджелудочная железа; толстый кишечник; желчный пузырь;<br />

слепая кишка; прямая кишка; толстая кишка; тощая кишка; подвздошная кишка;<br />

двенадцатиперстная кишка; зубы; язык; твердое нёбо; слюнные железы; находиться в<br />

нижней части брюшной полости; полужидкая смесь; тонкостенная трубка; проходить по<br />

всей длине; переноситься по кровеносной системе.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Шлунок. (2 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Шлунок.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative<br />

Form) засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-y).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form).<br />

Текст: “Stomach”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Continuous<br />

Tenses .<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

(-y);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Continuous<br />

Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative<br />

Form)<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

store [stO:] хранить, сохранять<br />

mix [mIks] смешивать, перемешивать<br />

segment ['segment] участок, сектор<br />

cardiac ['kQ:dIqk] кардиальный,<br />

относящийся к проксимальному отделу<br />

желудка<br />

fundus ['fAndqs] дно<br />

pyloric [paI'lOrIk] пилорический<br />

curvature ['kq:vqCq] выгиб, изгиб,<br />

искривление, кривизна<br />

sphincter ['sfINktq] сфинктер<br />

juice [Gu:s] сок<br />



Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-y<br />

ice лед – icy ледяной<br />

protein ['prqutI:n] белок, протеин<br />

serve [sq:v] служить; выполнять<br />

hydrochloric ['haIdro'klOrIk] соляный,<br />

хлористый, хлористоводородный<br />

create [krI'eIt] производить, создавать<br />

lining ['laInIN] выстилка<br />

push [puS] проталкивать, толкать<br />

solid ['sOlId] твердый<br />

primarily ['praImqrIlI] в основном, главным<br />

образом<br />

processed ['prqusest] обработанный,<br />


luck удача – lucky удачливый<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Salty; healthy; sleepy.<br />

Ex. 3. Form adverbs from the following adjectives and translate them:<br />

MODEL: chief – chiefly головним чином, здебільшого<br />

Particular, initial, deep, final, partial, complete, recent, extreme, wide, quick, local, common.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

TENSE<br />

Present<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />

Past<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />

Future<br />

Continuous<br />

Tense<br />


WORD<br />

What<br />

Where<br />

When<br />

How<br />

Why<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Whom<br />


VERB<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

MODEL:<br />

Where are the preventive measures being conducted?<br />

Why was the work being done?<br />


I<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

he, she, it<br />

we, you, they<br />

VERB<br />

being + V 3<br />

being + V 3<br />

- - -<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following questions:<br />

1. Why are all efforts being directed towards the early diagnosis of gastric disorders? 2. Where<br />

was the solution being injected? 3. Is the child being examined by the surgeon? 4. What part of<br />

digestive system is water being absorbed?<br />

Ex. 6. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The scientific works are being translated into foreign language. 2. Serious investigations were<br />

being done by various scientists to establish functions and anatomical structure of the stomach.<br />

3. A t pr esent t he i ngested f ood i s be ing m ixed. 4. T he f ood i s be ing br oken i nto s maller a nd<br />

smaller pieces by the mechanical activity of these muscles. 5. Now the stomach lining is being<br />

protected by the mucus. 6. Bile was being transported out of the liver. 7. The red bone marrow is<br />

being stimulated in this embryo. 8. T hese drugs are being removed by t he liver. 9. The injured<br />

tissue is be ing replaced i n t his p erson. 10. T he f unctions of t he i njured s ection a re be ing<br />

performed by other cells.<br />


Ex. 7. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert th e m issing letters an d tr anslate th e following words i nto your nat ive<br />

language:<br />

Cardia_; h_ drochloric; c _rvature; s ol_d; f _ndus; c re_te; s p_incter; pr ot_in; py_o ric; s e_ment;<br />

pu_h; st_mach; lini_g; sto_e.

Ex. 9. Read the following word:<br />

Stomach; digestive; superior; antrum; abdomen; esophagus; fundus; curvature; pyloric; receive;<br />

sphincter; mechanical; move; a llow; s ufficiently; pow erful; pi ece; secrete; pe psin; e nzyme;<br />

hydrochloric; liquid; primarily; partially.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

сфинктер; желудок; выстилка желудка; дно; участок, сектор; пилорический; производить,<br />

создавать; изгиб, кривизна; проталкивать, толкать; служить; твердый; обработанный,<br />

переработанный; хранить, сохранять.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


Serious investigations<br />

were being done by various scientists to establish functions and anatomical structure of the<br />

stomach. The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major function of the stomach to<br />

prepare the food chemically and mechanically so it can be received in the small intestine for<br />

further digestion and absorption into the blood. Only small amounts of such food as simple<br />

sugars, alcohol, and some medications are actually absorbed in the stomach.<br />

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract. It is located in the left superior<br />

portion of the abdomen. Its shape and size vary from person to person.<br />

The opening from the<br />

esophagus into the stomach is cardiac sphincter. The region of the stomach around the cardiac<br />

sphincter is the cardiac region. The stomach consists of the fundus (upper part), the body (middle<br />

part), and the antrum (lower distal part). The largest portion of the stomach is the body, which<br />

turns to the right, thus creating a greater curvature and a lesser curvature. The body narrows to<br />

form the pyloric region, which joins the small intestine. The opening between the stomach and<br />

the small intestine is the pyloric opening, which is surrounded by a ring of smooth muscle called<br />

the pyloric sphincter. The cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the<br />

esophagus into the stomach. The pyloric sphincter allows food to leave the stomach when it has<br />

been sufficiently digested.<br />

The walls of the stomach consist of various layers of powerful muscles. The mechanical<br />

activity of these muscles breaks the food into smaller and smaller pieces. The glands of the<br />

stomach secrete gastric juices. This juice contains pepsins (digestive enzymes) and hydrochloric<br />

acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances. Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct<br />

action of pepsin.<br />

Food leaves the stomach in two phases. The upper portion of the stomach contracts first,<br />

pushing the more liquid material into small intestine. The more solid food leaves later, primarily<br />

by the action of the muscles in the lower part of the stomach. The partially processed food then<br />

travels through the pyloric canal into the first portion of small intestine, the duodenum.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Enlarged segment; left superior portion; to vary from person to person; cardiac opening; antrum;<br />

ring of s mooth m uscle; body t urns t o t he r ight; na rrow; s urround; t he s phincter r elaxes a nd<br />

contracts; t he w alls of t he s tomach; pe psin c onverts pr oteins; f ood l eaves t he s tomach i n t wo<br />

phases.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text "Stomach" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. T he s tomach _ a nd m ixes t he ingested f ood. 2. T he stomach i s a di lated po rtion of t he<br />

alimentary _. 3. I t consists of t he _, t he body, a nd t he antrum. 4. T he uppe r op ening of t he<br />

stomach is called the cardiac _ and the lower one is called the _ sphincter. 5. Different gastric _<br />

are in the stomach. 6. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric _. 7. This juice contains pepsins<br />

and _ a cids. 8. P epsin converts proteins into _ s ubstances. 9. Hydrolic acid is necessary for the<br />

correct _ of pepsin.<br />

Ex. 16. Choose the anatomical terms from the box for the following definitions:<br />

1. The organ of chewing and tasting. 2. The upper part of the stomach. 3. The lower distal part of<br />

the stomach. 4. The upper opening of the stomach. 5. A hollow sac-like organ of the alimentary<br />

tract.<br />

mouth; fundus; stomach; cardiac sphincter; entrum.<br />

Ex. 17. Name the major portions of the stomach.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acids.<br />

Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Шлунок – найбільш розширений відділ травного каналу. 2. Він розташован між<br />

стравохідом і дванадцятипалою кишкою, у верхньому відділі черевної порожнини. 3.<br />

Форми та розміри шлунка коливаються у різних людей. 4. Це залежить від його<br />

функціонального стану, від віку та статі. 5. По краях шлунка одна його стінка переходить<br />

в іншуб утворюючи малу кривину шлунка. 6. Стінки шлунка складаються з трьох<br />

оболонок: серозної, м'язової та слизової.<br />

Ex. 20. Write out key words of the text "Stomach" and retell the text.<br />

Ex. 21. Compose the dialogue on the structure of the stomach.<br />

Ex. 22. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

The amount of time food remains in the stomach depends on a number of factors, including the<br />

type and volume of food. Liquids exist the stomach within 1 and ½ hours to 2 and ½ hours after<br />

ingestion. After a t ypical meal t he s tomach i s usually e mpty w ithin 3 to 4 hour s. The pyl oric<br />

sphincter us ually remains pa rtially closed because of mild tonic cont raction. Each peristaltic<br />

contraction is sufficiently strong to force a small amount of chyme through the pyloric opening<br />

and into the duodenum. The peristaltic contractions responsible for movement of chyme through<br />

the partially closed pyloric opening are called the pyloric pump.<br />

Ex. 23. Read and narrate the following text:<br />


The stomach functions primarily as storage and mixing chamber for ingested food. Although<br />

soma digestion and absorption occur in the stomach, they are not its major functions.<br />

Secretions of the stomach. Stomach secretions include mucus, hydrochloric acid, gastrin,<br />

intrinsic factor, and pepsinogen, the inactive form of the protein-digesting enzyme pepsin.<br />

Mucus protects the stomach lining. Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin, which digest proteins.<br />

Hydrochloric acid promotes pepsin activity and kills microorganisms. Intrisnic factor is<br />

necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.

Regulation of stomach secretion. Approximately 2 to 3 L of gastric secretions (gastric juice)<br />

are produced each day. Diet dramatically affects the secretion amount; up to 700 ml are secreted<br />

as a result of a typical meal. Both nervous and hormonal mechanisms regulate gastric secretions.<br />

Regulation of stomach secretion is divided into 3 pha ses: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal. The<br />

cephalic phase is initiated by the sight, smell, taste, or thought of food. Nerve impulses from the<br />

medulla s timulate hydr ochloric a cid, pe psinogen, a nd ga strin s ecretion. The ga stric pha se is<br />

initiated by distention of the s tomach, which stimulates ga strin secretion and activates c entral<br />

nervous sys tem and local r eflexes that prom ote secr etion. The i ntestinal pha se i s initiated by<br />

acidic chime, which enters the duodenum and stimulates neuronal reflexes and the secretion of<br />

hormones that induce and then inhibit gastric secretions.<br />

Mixing of stomach contents. Ingested food is mixed with the secretions of the stomach glands<br />

to form a semi-fluid material called juice (chime). This mixing is accomplished by gentle mixing<br />

waves, which are pe ristaltic-like c ontractions t hat oc cur e very 20 seconds t o mix t he i ngested<br />

material w ith the secr etions of t he st omach. Peristaltic w aves oc cur l ess f requently. They are<br />

more powerful than mixing waves, and force the chime near the periphery of the stomach toward<br />

the pyloric sphincter. Roughly 80% of the contractions are mixing waves, and 20% are peristaltic<br />

waves.<br />

Regulation of stomach emptying. The amount of time food remains in the stomach depends on<br />

the number of factors, including the type and volume of food. After a typical meal the stomach is<br />

usually e mpty within 3 to 4 hours. G astrin and stretching of the s tomach stimulate s tomach<br />

emptying.<br />

Regulation of stomach movements. If the stomach empties too fast, the efficiency of digestion<br />

and absorption is reduced. If the rate of emptying is too slow, the highly acidic contents of the<br />

stomach may damage the stomach wall and reduce the rate at which nutrients are digested and<br />

absorbed. Stomach emptying is regulated to prevent these two extremes. Stomach stretches and<br />

relaxes to increase volume. Conversely, many of the hormonal and neural mechanisms decrease<br />

the rate of the stomach emptying.<br />

Ex. 24. Add the missing part of the clinical terms:<br />

1. Gastro_ is an instrument inserted though the mouth for visually inspecting the inside of the<br />

stomach. 2. Gastro_it is an inflammation of the stomach and the intestine. 3. Gastroentero_ is the<br />

branch of m edicine t hat i s c oncerned w ith di sorders of t he dige stive sys tem. 4. Gastr_ is an<br />

inflammation of the stomach lining. 5. Gastr_ is the surgical removal of all, or especially part of<br />

the stomach.<br />

A. _scope; B. _itis; C.ectomy; D._enter_; E._logy.<br />


The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major function of the stomach is to prepare<br />

the food for further digestion and absorption into the blood. The stomach is a dilated portion of<br />

the alimentary tract. It consists of the fundus, the body, and the antrum. The upper opening of the<br />

stomach is cal led the c ardiac sphi ncter and the l ower one is cal led the pyl oric sphincter. The<br />

cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. The<br />

pyloric s phincter a llows f ood t o l eave t he s tomach when i t ha s be en s ufficiently di gested.<br />

Different gastric glands are in the stomach. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric juices. This<br />

juice contains pepsins and hydrochloric acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances.<br />

Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct action of pepsin.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about stomach.<br />

2. Describe major function of the stomach to your new friend.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?<br />

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Шлунок – найбільш розширений відділ травного каналу. 2. Він розташован між<br />

стравохідом і дванадцятипалою кишкою, у верхньому відділі черевної порожнини. 3.<br />

Форми та розміри шлунка коливаються у різних людей. 4. Це залежить від його<br />

функціонального стану, від віку та статі. 5. По краях шлунка одна його стінка переходить<br />

в іншуб утворюючи малу кривину шлунка. 6. Стінки шлунка складаються з трьох<br />

оболонок: серозної, м'язової та слизової.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Шлунок.(2 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Шлунок.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative<br />

Form) засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />


store [stO:] хранить, сохранять<br />

mix [mIks] смешивать, перемешивать<br />

segment ['segment] участок, сектор<br />

cardiac ['kQ:dIqk] кардиальный,<br />

относящийся к проксимальному отделу<br />

желудка<br />

fundus ['fAndqs] дно<br />

pyloric [paI'lOrIk] пилорический<br />

curvature ['kq:vqCq] выгиб, изгиб,<br />

искривление, кривизна<br />

sphincter ['sfINktq] сфинктер<br />

juice [Gu:s] сок<br />

protein ['prqutI:n] белок, протеин<br />

serve [sq:v] служить; выполнять<br />

hydrochloric ['haIdro'klOrIk] соляный,<br />

хлористый, хлористоводородный<br />

create [krI'eIt] производить, создавать<br />

lining ['laInIN] выстилка<br />

push [puS] проталкивать, толкать<br />

solid ['sOlId] твердый<br />

primarily ['praImqrIlI] в основном, главным<br />

образом<br />

processed ['prqusest] обработанный,<br />

переработанный<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1.What is Continuos Tenses?<br />

2. Give your examples of sentences with the Continuos Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative<br />

Form)<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:

Read and translate the following questions:<br />

1. Why are all efforts being directed towards the early diagnosis of gastric disorders? 2. Where<br />

was the solution being injected? 3. Is the child being examined by the surgeon? 4. What part of<br />

digestive system is water being absorbed?<br />

Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1.The scientific works are being translated into foreign language. 2. Serious investigations were<br />

being done by various scientists to establish functions and anatomical structure of the stomach.<br />

3. At present the ingested food is being mixed. 4. The food is being broken into smaller and<br />

smaller pieces by the mechanical activity of these muscles. 5. Now the stomach lining is being<br />

protected by the mucus. 6. Bile was being transported out of the liver. 7. The red bone marrow is<br />

being stimulated in this embryo. 8. These drugs are being removed by the liver. 9. The injured<br />

tissue is being replaced in this person. 10. The functions of the injured section are being<br />

performed by other cells.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-y).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form).<br />

Текст: “Stomach”.<br />


Ex. 7. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert th e m issing letters an d tr anslate th e following words in to your n ative<br />

language:<br />

Cardia_; h_ drochloric; c _rvature; s ol_d; f _ndus; c re_te; s p_incter; pr ot_in; py_o ric; s e_ment;<br />

pu_h; st_mach; lini_g; sto_e.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following word:<br />

Stomach; digestive; superior; antrum; abdomen; esophagus; fundus; curvature; pyloric; receive;<br />

sphincter; mechanical; move; a llow; s ufficiently; pow erful; pi ece; secrete; pe psin; e nzyme;<br />

hydrochloric; liquid; primarily; partially.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

сфинктер; желудок; выстилка желудка; дно; участок, сектор; пилорический; производить,<br />

создавать; изгиб, кривизна; проталкивать, толкать; служить; твердый; обработанный,<br />

переработанный; хранить, сохранять.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


Serious i nvestigations were be ing done by va rious s cientists t o e stablish f unctions a nd<br />

anatomical structure of the stomach. The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major<br />

function of the stomach to prepare the food chemically and mechanically so it can be received in<br />

the s mall intestine f or f urther di gestion and a bsorption i nto t he bl ood. Only s mall amounts o f<br />

such food as simple sugars, alcohol, and some medications are actually absorbed in the stomach.<br />

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract. It is located in the left superior portion<br />

of the abdomen. Its shape and size vary from person to person.<br />

The opening from the esophagus into the stomach is cardiac sphincter. The region of the stomach<br />

around t he cardiac s phincter i s t he cardiac r egion. T he s tomach c onsists of t he f undus ( upper

part), th e b ody (middle pa rt), and the a ntrum (low er d istal pa rt). T he la rgest por tion of the<br />

stomach i s t he body, which turns t o the r ight, t hus cr eating a grea ter curva ture a nd a l esser<br />

curvature. T he body na rrows t o f orm t he pyl oric r egion, w hich j oins t he s mall i ntestine. T he<br />

opening between the stomach and the small intestine is the pyloric opening, which is surrounded<br />

by a r ing o f s mooth muscle c alled t he pyl oric s phincter. The c ardiac s phincter r elaxes and<br />

contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. The pyloric sphincter allows food<br />

to leave the stomach when it has been sufficiently digested.<br />

The walls of the stomach consist of various layers of powerful muscles. The mechanical<br />

activity of t hese m uscles break s t he f ood into smaller and smaller pie ces. The g lands of t he<br />

stomach secrete gastric juices. This juice contains pepsins (digestive enzymes) and hydrochloric<br />

acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances. Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct<br />

action of pepsin.<br />

Food leaves the stomach in two phases. The upper portion of the stomach contracts first,<br />

pushing the more liquid material into small intestine. The more solid food leaves later, primarily<br />

by the action of the muscles in the lower part of the stomach. The partially processed food then<br />

travels through the pyloric canal into the first portion of small intestine, the duodenum.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Enlarged segment; left superior portion; to vary from person to person; cardiac opening; antrum;<br />

ring of s mooth m uscle; body t urns t o t he r ight; na rrow; s urround; t he sphincter r elaxes a nd<br />

contracts; t he w alls of t he s tomach; pe psin c onverts pr oteins; f ood l eaves t he s tomach i n t wo<br />

phases.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text "Stomach" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?<br />

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. T he s tomach _ a nd m ixes t he ingested f ood. 2. T he stomach i s a dilated po rtion of the<br />

alimentary _. 3. I t consists of t he _, t he body, a nd t he antrum. 4. T he uppe r op ening of t he<br />

stomach is called the cardiac _ and the lower one is called the _ sphincter. 5. Different gastric _<br />

are in the stomach. 6. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric _. 7. This juice contains pepsins<br />

and _ a cids. 8. P epsin converts proteins into _ s ubstances. 9. Hydrolic acid is necessary for the<br />

correct _ of pepsin.<br />

Ex. 16. Choose the anatomical terms from the box for the following definitions:<br />

1. The organ of chewing and tasting. 2. The upper part of the stomach. 3. The lower distal part of<br />

the stomach. 4. The upper opening of the stomach. 5. A hollow sac-like organ of the alimentary<br />

tract.<br />

mouth; fundus; stomach; cardiac sphincter; entrum.<br />

Ex. 17. Name the major portions of the stomach.<br />

Ex. 18. Describe the functions of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acids.<br />

Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Шлунок – найбільш розширений відділ травного каналу. 2. Він розташован між<br />

стравохідом і дванадцятипалою кишкою, у верхньому відділі черевної порожнини. 3.<br />

Форми та розміри шлунка коливаються у різних людей. 4. Це залежить від його<br />

функціонального стану, від віку та статі. 5. По краях шлунка одна його стінка переходить<br />

в іншуб утворюючи малу кривину шлунка. 6. Стінки шлунка складаються з трьох<br />

оболонок: серозної, м'язової та слизової.<br />

Ex. 20. Write out key words of the text "Stomach" and retell the text.<br />

Ex. 21. Compose the dialogue on the structure of the stomach.<br />

Ex. 22. Translate the following abstract without using dictionary:<br />

The amount of time food remains in the stomach depends on a number of factors, including the<br />

type and volume of food. Liquids exist the stomach within 1 and ½ hours to 2 and ½ hours after<br />

ingestion. After a t ypical meal t he s tomach i s usually e mpty w ithin 3 to 4 hour s. The pyl oric<br />

sphincter us ually r emains pa rtially c losed be cause of mild t onic c ontraction. E ach pe ristaltic<br />

contraction is sufficiently strong to force a small amount of chyme through the pyloric opening<br />

and into the duodenum. The peristaltic contractions responsible for movement of chyme through<br />

the partially closed pyloric opening are called the pyloric pump.<br />

Ex. 23. Read and narrate the following text:<br />


The s tomach f unctions primarily a s s torage a nd m ixing c hamber f or i ngested f ood. A lthough<br />

soma digestion and absorption occur in the stomach, they are not its major functions.<br />

Secretions of t he st omach. Stomach s ecretions i nclude mucus, h ydrochloric a cid, ga strin,<br />

intrinsic f actor, a nd pe psinogen, t he i nactive f orm o f t he pr otein-digesting e nzyme pe psin.<br />

Mucus pr otects the s tomach l ining. P epsinogen i s c onverted t o pe psin, w hich di gest pr oteins.<br />

Hydrochloric a cid pr omotes pe psin a ctivity and ki lls m icroorganisms. I ntrisnic f actor i s<br />

necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.<br />

Regulation of stomach secretion. Approximately 2 to 3 L of gastric secretions (gastric juice)<br />

are produced each day. Diet dramatically affects the secretion amount; up to 700 ml are secreted<br />

as a result of a typical meal. Both nervous and hormonal mechanisms regulate gastric secretions.<br />

Regulation of stomach secretion is divided into 3 pha ses: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal. The<br />

cephalic phase is initiated by the sight, smell, taste, or thought of food. Nerve impulses from the<br />

medulla s timulate hydr ochloric a cid, pe psinogen, a nd ga strin s ecretion. T he ga stric pha se is<br />

initiated by di stention o f t he s tomach, w hich s timulates ga strin secretion and activates c entral<br />

nervous sys tem and local r eflexes that prom ote secr etion. The i ntestinal pha se i s initiated by<br />

acidic chime, which enters the duodenum and stimulates neuronal reflexes and the secretion of<br />

hormones that induce and then inhibit gastric secretions.<br />

Mixing of stomach contents. Ingested food is mixed with the secretions of the stomach glands<br />

to form a semi-fluid material called juice (chime). This mixing is accomplished by gentle mixing<br />

waves, which are pe ristaltic-like c ontractions t hat oc cur e very 20 seconds t o mix t he i ngested<br />

material w ith the secr etions of t he st omach. Peristaltic w aves oc cur l ess f requently. They are<br />

more powerful than mixing waves, and force the chime near the periphery of the stomach toward<br />

the pyloric sphincter. Roughly 80% of the contractions are mixing waves, and 20% are peristaltic<br />

waves.<br />

Regulation of stomach emptying. The amount of time food remains in the stomach depends on<br />

the number of factors, including the type and volume of food. After a typical meal the stomach is<br />

usually e mpty within 3 to 4 hours. G astrin and stretching of the s tomach stimulate s tomach<br />

emptying.<br />

Regulation of stomach movements. If the stomach empties too fast, the efficiency of digestion<br />

and absorption is reduced. If the rate of emptying is too slow, the highly acidic contents of the

stomach may damage the stomach wall and reduce the rate at which nutrients are digested and<br />

absorbed. Stomach emptying is regulated to prevent these two extremes. Stomach stretches and<br />

relaxes to increase volume. Conversely, many of the hormonal and neural mechanisms decrease<br />

the rate of the stomach emptying.<br />


The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major function of the stomach is to prepare<br />

the food for further digestion and absorption into the blood. The stomach is a dilated portion of<br />

the alimentary tract. It consists of the fundus, the body, and the antrum. The upper opening of the<br />

stomach is cal led the c ardiac sphi ncter and the l ower one is cal led the pyl oric sphincter. T he<br />

cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. The<br />

pyloric s phincter a llows f ood t o l eave t he s tomach when i t ha s be en s ufficiently di gested.<br />

Different gastric glands are in the stomach. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric juices. This<br />

juice contains pepsins and hydrochloric acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances.<br />

Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct action of pepsin.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?<br />

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Add the missing part of the clinical terms:<br />

1. Gastro_ is an instrument inserted though the mouth for visually inspecting the inside of the<br />

stomach. 2. Gastro_it is an inflammation of the stomach and the intestine. 3. Gastroentero_ is the<br />

branch of m edicine t hat i s c oncerned w ith di sorders of t he di gestive s ystem. 4. Gastr_ i s a n<br />

inflammation of the stomach lining. 5. Gastr_ is the surgical removal of all, or especially part of<br />

the stomach.<br />

A. _scope; B. _itis; C.ectomy; D._enter_; E._logy.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.<br />

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />



“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />

<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Печінка.(2 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007<br />

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Печінка.”

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-less,-ous).<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

Текст: “Liver”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Continuous<br />

Tenses .<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

(-less,-ous);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Perfect Tenses<br />

(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

lobe ['lqub] доля<br />

porta ['pO:tq] ворота органа<br />

duct [dAkt] канал, проток<br />

hepatic [hI'pxtIk] печеночный<br />

portal vein ['pO:tl 'veIn] воротная вена<br />

plexus ['pleksqs] сплетение<br />

bile [baIl] желчь<br />

cystic duct ['sIstIk] пузырный проток<br />

empty ['emptI] опорожнять; выливать;<br />

впадать, входить<br />

pancreatic duct ["pxNkrI'xtIk] вирзунгов<br />

проток, проток поджелудочной железы<br />

bowel ['bauql] кишка<br />

detoxification [dI:"tOksIfI'keISn]<br />

детоксификация<br />

embryo ['embrIqu] зародыш, эмбрион<br />

storage ['stO:riG] накопление;<br />

аккумулирование<br />


copper ['kOpq] медь<br />

harmful ['ha:mful] вредный, опасный<br />

treat [trI:t] обрабатывать, подвергать<br />

действию<br />

excrete [eks'krI:t] выделять<br />

complexity [kqm'pleksItI] сложность<br />

exposure [Iks'pquZq] подвергание какомул.<br />

воздействию<br />

vulnerable ['vAln(q)rqbl] уязвимый<br />

protect [prq'tekt] защищать; предохранять<br />

capable ['keIpqbl] способный;<br />

поддающийся<br />

heal [hI:l] вылечивать, исцелять<br />

repair [rI'pFq] восстановление,<br />

регенерация<br />

injury ['InG(q)rI] травма, повреждение


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffixes of Adjectives:<br />

-less (without)<br />

use польза – useless бесполезный<br />

power сила –powerless бессильный<br />

-ous (pertaining to)<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Harmless; useless; colorless.<br />

B. Infectious; ser ious; i ntravenous; f amous; membranous; ve nous; cutaneous; m ucous;<br />

deciduous; osseous.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />


E<br />

Present<br />

I, they, you, we have been<br />

V 3<br />

he, she, it<br />

PERFECT Past I, he, she, it,<br />

they, you, we<br />

Future I, we<br />

he, she, it, you, they<br />

has been<br />

had been V 3<br />

shall have been<br />

will have been<br />

MODEL:<br />

The cause of the peptic ulcer has been determined.<br />

The article had been published by 2006.<br />

The exact amount of gastric juice will have been estimated before the surgeon comes.<br />

Ex. 4. Red and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A healing process has been noted by roentenologists. 2. The pain has been relieved by eating.<br />

3. High acidity had been found in patient without X-ray. 4. U ncomplicated duodenal ulcer has<br />

been treated largely by medical means. 5. Surgical treatment in peptic ulcer has been reserved for<br />

the complications of this disease. 6. The high mortality has been steadily reduced within the past<br />

decade. 7. Duodenal ulcer has been associated with severe pain. 8. The pyloric sphincter allows<br />

food to leave the stomach when it has been sufficiently digested.<br />

Ex. 5. Read the following phrases which you can use in SUMMARY:<br />

It has been indicated (that) …<br />

Было указано, что …<br />

It has been noted (that) …<br />

Отмечено, что …<br />

It has been determined (that) … Установлено, что …<br />

Basic principles of … have been Были сформулированы основные принципы…<br />

formulated.<br />

The research results of … have been Представлены результаты исследования …<br />

submitted.<br />


Ex. 6. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

V 3

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters, read and translate the ffollowing words:<br />

V_lnerable; b_l e; d_c t; de toxi_ication; pa n_reatic; bo_ el; c omple_ity; l _be; tr_at; pl e_us;<br />

prote_t; e mbr_o; repa_r; po rt_l; e mpt_; c apa_le; h epati_; e xpo_ure; s tora_e; h e_l; c_stic;<br />

ex_rete; ha_mful; po_ta; in_ury.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Weight; upper; abdomen; major; minor; porta; inferior; surface; associated with; artery; nerve;<br />

plexus; unite; cystic; empty; pancreatic duct; cholesterol; duodenum; perform; through; lining;<br />

bowel; gr oup; c ategory; m arrow; f ibrinogen; e mbryo; iron ; he at; remove; e xcrete; f eces a nd<br />

urine; exposure; reasonable; believe; injured tissue.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />

LIVER<br />

The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It weights approximately 1.36 kg. The<br />

liver is in the upper right part of the abdomen. The liver consists of two major lobes, left and<br />

right, and minor lobes.<br />

A porta (gate) is on the inferior surface of the liver where the various vessels, ducts, and<br />

nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic (associated with the liver) portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and<br />

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The gallbladder is a small sac on the inferior<br />

surface of the liver that stores bile. The bile is a fluid containing cholesterol and bile acids. The<br />

bile is emptied into the duodenum, where it performs its major function of assisting in the<br />

absorption of fats through the lining of the small bowel into the bloodstream. The bile acids are<br />

then reabsorbed in the small intestine and cycled into the liver to be used again.<br />

The liver, besides producing bile, has many other important functions. They may be<br />

grouped into three categories: regulation, metabolism, and detoxification. They are: stimulation<br />

of red bone marrow, production of fibrinogen, blood formation in the embryo, storage of iron<br />

and copper, protein metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production and others. The liver removes<br />

drugs, alcohol, and potentially harmful chemicals from the bloodstream and treats them<br />

chemically so they can be excreted in the feces and urine.<br />

Because of the complexity of the liver and its exposure to so many potentially harmful<br />

substances, it would be reasonable to believe that it is especially vulnerable to disease. However,<br />

nature protects the organ in several ways. First, the liver is capable of regeneration: it can heal<br />

itself by repairing or replacing injured tissue. It also is constructed so that many units are<br />

responsible for the same task. Thus, if tissue in one section of the organ is injured, by trauma or<br />

disease, other cells will perform the functions of the injured section.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Печень; состоять из; воротная вена; выделять; жиры и белки; обрабатывать, подвергать<br />

действию; сплетение; доля; проток поджелудочной железы; опорожнять, выливать;<br />

вылечивать, исцелять; пузырный проток; подвергнуть какому-л. воздействию; канал,<br />

проток; ворота органа; защищать; предохранять; печеночный; желчь; накопление,<br />

аккумулирование; восстановление, регенерация; травма, повреждение.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text "Liver" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The liver is the largest internal _ of the body. 2. It is in the upper right part of the _. 3. The<br />

liver consists of two major _ and minor lobes. 4. A _ is the place of the liver where the various

vessels, _, and nerves enter and exit the liver. 5. The hepatic _, the hepatic artery, and a small<br />

hepatic nerve _ enter the liver through the porta. 6. Lymphatic vessels and two hepatic ducts _<br />

the liver at the porta. 7. The hepatic ducts transport _ out of the liver. 8. The right and left hepatic<br />

_ unite to form a single common hepatic duct. 9. The common bile duct is joined by the _ duct<br />

from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct. 10. The functions of the liver are the<br />

following: bile production, stimulation of red _ marrow, _ of iron and copper, protein<br />

metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production, and _.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. What is the bile? 8. What are the functions of the liver? 9. How does nature protect the liver?<br />

Ex. 14. Match the term and its definition:<br />

1. hepatic artery 1. Vein that drains the liver into the inferior vena<br />

cava.<br />

2. hepatic duct 2. S ystem o f por tal ve ins t hat c arry bl ood f rom<br />

the i ntestines, stomach, spleen, and pancreas t o<br />

the liver.<br />

3. hepatic portal system 3. One of two ducts (left and right) that drain bile<br />

from t he l iver a nd join t o f orm the c ommon<br />

hepatic duct.<br />

4. hepatic portal vein 4. Portal vein formed by the superior mesenteric<br />

and splenic veins and entering the liver.<br />

5. hepatic vein 5. Branch of the aorta that delivers blood to the<br />

liver.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out the key words of the text "Liver".<br />

Ex. 16. Speak on the structure of the liver:<br />

LIVER:<br />

(1) righ t lo be, (2) le ft lobe , (3) c audate lobe , (4)<br />

quadrate lobe, (5) hepatic artery and portal vein, (6)<br />

hepatic lymph nodes, (7) gall bladder.<br />

Ex. 17. Translate the following sentences concerning with the liver function:<br />

1. T he l iver pr oduces b ile, w hich c ontains b ile sal ts t hat emulsify fats. 2. The l iver st ores<br />

nutrients, processes them, and produces new molecules. 3. The liver produces blood components.<br />

4. One of the liver functions is the storage of glycogen, a complex carbohydrate that is converted<br />

to sugar f or r elease i nto t he b loodstream w hen t he b lood s ugar l evel f alls. 5. G lycogen is<br />

deposited in the liver when the level of sugar in the blood increases. 6. Many proteins are also<br />

synthesized in the liver. 7. The liver helps determine the amount of nutrients that are sent to the<br />

rest of the body. 8. It also serves as a clearinghouse to eliminate some foods and substances that<br />

have served their purpose but are no longer useful. 9. M any ingested substances are harmful to<br />

the cells of the body. 10. In addition, the body itself produces many by-products of metabolism<br />

that, if accumulated, are toxic. 11. The liver is one line of defense against many of those harmful

substances. 12. T he l iver c an a lso p roduce its o wn uni que new c ompounds. 13. M any of t he<br />

blood proteins are produced by the liver and are released into the circulation.<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the functions of the liver.<br />

Ex. 19. Compose the dialogue on the structure and functions of the liver.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text, entitle it, and compose the plan.<br />

The liver is covered by a connective tissue capsule and visceral peritoneum except for in<br />

a sm all ar ea ( the ba re a rea), on the diaphr agmatic surface. A t t he por ta t he conne ctive tissue<br />

capsule sends a branc hing network of walls (septa) into the substance of the liver to provide its<br />

main support. Vessels, nerves, and ducts follow the connective tissue branches throughout the<br />

liver.<br />

The c onnective t issue s epta di vide t he l iver i nto he xagon-shaped l obules w ith a por tal<br />

triad a t e ach c orner. T he t riads are so named because t hree v essels (the h epatic por tal v ein,<br />

hepatic a rtery, a nd he patic duc t) a re c ommonly l ocated in t hem. Hepatic ne rves and l ymph<br />

vessels are also located in these areas. A central vein is in the center of each lobule. Central veins<br />

unite to form hepatic veins. Hepatic cords radiate out from the central vein of each lobule like<br />

the spokes of a wheel. The hepatic cords are composed of hepatocytes, the functional cells of the<br />

liver. Hepatocytes have four major functions: synthesis of bile; storage; biotransformation; and<br />

synthesis of blood components.<br />

Mixed blood in the hepatic sinusoids flows to the central vein where it exits the lobule<br />

and t hen exits the liver t hrough the he patic ve ins. B ile, pr oduced by t he he patocytes a nd<br />

consisting primarily of m etabolic by -products, f lows t hrough t he bi le c analiculi toward t he<br />

hepatic triad and exits the liver through the hepatic ducts. Therefore blood flows from the triad<br />

toward the center of each lobule, whereas bile flows away from the center of the lobule toward<br />

the triad.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following material:<br />


Резюме представляет собой краткое изложение научной работы, статьи или текста.<br />

В резюме освещаются наиболее конкретные вопросы статьи, работы, текста, такие как:<br />

1. указание проблемы;<br />

2. решение ее на практике;<br />

3. полученные результаты;<br />

4. рекомендации к применению.<br />

Следующие фрагменты предложений являются наиболее характерными при составлении<br />

резюме.<br />

І. Основная тема или проблема:<br />

The present paper describes … Настоящая статья описывает …<br />

This work considers … Эта работа рассматривает ...<br />

This article discusses … В статье обсуждается …<br />

The present article analyzes … В статье анализируется ...<br />

deals with …<br />

рассматривается…<br />

is devoted to the problems Статья посвящен проблемам …<br />

…<br />

This work gives a review of … Эта работа представляет обзор …<br />

ІІ. Цель изучения:<br />

this study is the<br />

изучения является исследование …<br />

investigation of …<br />

The object<br />

investigations is the<br />

improvement of treating … Целью<br />

исследований является улучшение<br />

лечения …

of<br />

experiment is the<br />

investigation of …<br />

эксперимента является исследование<br />

…<br />

this work is the study …<br />

этой работы является изучение …<br />

ІІІ. Указание основных положений:<br />

It has been indicated (that) …<br />

Было указано, что …<br />

It is necessary to say (that) …<br />

Необходимо сказать, что …<br />

This article has clearly shown (that) … Эта статья ясно продемонстрировала, что …<br />

It has been noted (that) …<br />

Отмечено, что …<br />

Much attention is paid to …<br />

Много внимания уделяется …<br />

Great attention is paid to …<br />

Огромное внимание уделяется …<br />

Special attention is paid to …<br />

Особое внимание уделяется …<br />

It should be said (that) …<br />

Необходимо сказать, что …<br />

It was stressed (that) …<br />

Подчеркнуто, что …<br />

It has been determined (that) … Установлено, что …<br />

It should be noted (that) …<br />

Необходимо заметить …<br />

The different points of view concerning Представлены разные взгляды относительно …<br />

… are considered.<br />

Thereby …<br />

Таким образом<br />

Therefore …<br />

Поэтому, следовательно<br />

Further …<br />

Кроме того, более того<br />

Furthermore …<br />

К тому же, кроме того<br />

Thus …<br />

Так, таким образом, поэтому<br />

It was suggested …<br />

The current views of … are considered.<br />

Up-to-date information about … was<br />

Было предложено …<br />

Изучаются современные взгляды на…<br />

Рассмотрена современная информация о …<br />

studied.<br />

Basic principles of … have been Были сформулированы основные принципы…<br />

formulated.<br />

Применение на практике<br />

New method is used …. Новый метод используется …<br />

is experimented …<br />

апробируется …<br />

This treatment is proposed … Данное лечение предлагается …<br />

is suggested …<br />

предлагается …<br />

This problem is investigated … Эта проблема исследуется …<br />

is discussed …<br />

обсуждается …<br />

Выводы и результаты:<br />

It can be concluded from this study (that) … На основе данного исследования<br />

можно сделать вывод, что …<br />

On the basis of the results of this study it was<br />

proved …<br />

На основе результатов данного<br />

исследования было доказано …<br />

On the basis of these observations, an<br />

attempt is made to ..<br />

На основе результатов научных<br />

наблюдений, сделана попытка …<br />

The given results showed (that) …<br />

Данные результаты показали, что …<br />

The achieved data indicated …<br />

Полученные результаты показали…<br />

It has been adequately demonstrated that … Было продемонстрировано, что …<br />

Ex. 22. Give a summary of the text “Liver”.<br />

Ex. 23. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Печінка – найбільша залоза тіла людини. 2. Її маса у дорослих дорівнює в середньому<br />

1500 г. 3. Вона розташована у верхній частині черевної порожнини. 4. З ворот печінки

крім жовчних проток виходять лімфатичні судини. 5. Печінка, як залоза травної системи<br />

виконує екскреторну функцію – виробляє жовч. 6. У дорослої людини протягом доби<br />

печінка вироблює 700-800 см 3 жовчі. 7. Печінці властива також бар’єрна функція. 8.<br />

Печінка бере участь в усіх видах обміну речовин: водному, білковому, вуглеводному та<br />

мінеральному. 9. Печінка виконує також гормональну функцію.<br />


The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It is in the upper right part of the abdomen.<br />

The liver consists of two major lobes and minor lobes. A porta is the place of the liver where the<br />

various vessels, ducts, and nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and<br />

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The functions of the liver are the following: bile<br />

production, stimulation of red bone marrow, storage of iron and copper, protein metabolism, fat<br />

metabolism, heat production, and detoxification.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття,<br />

стандартизований кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і<br />

виставляється у журнал обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about liver<br />

2. Describe major function of the liver to your new friend.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. What is the bile? 8. What are the functions of the liver? 9. How does nature protect the liver?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The liver is the largest internal _ of the body. 2. It is in the upper right part of the _. 3. The<br />

liver consists of two major _ and minor lobes. 4. A _ is the place of the liver where the various<br />

vessels, _, and nerves enter and exit the liver. 5. The hepatic _, the hepatic artery, and a small<br />

hepatic nerve _ enter the liver through the porta. 6. Lymphatic vessels and two hepatic ducts _<br />

the liver at the porta. 7. The hepatic ducts transport _ out of the liver. 8. The right and left hepatic<br />

_ unite to form a single common hepatic duct. 9. The common bile duct is joined by the _ duct<br />

from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct. 10. The functions of the liver are the<br />

following: bile production, stimulation of red _ marrow, _ of iron and copper, protein<br />

metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production, and _.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Печінка (2год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Печінка.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />


lobe ['lqub] доля<br />

porta ['pO:tq] ворота органа<br />

duct [dAkt] канал, проток<br />

hepatic [hI'pxtIk] печеночный<br />

portal vein ['pO:tl 'veIn] воротная вена<br />

plexus ['pleksqs] сплетение<br />

bile [baIl] желчь<br />

cystic duct ['sIstIk] пузырный проток<br />

empty ['emptI] опорожнять; выливать;<br />

впадать, входить<br />

pancreatic duct ["pxNkrI'xtIk] вирзунгов<br />

проток, проток поджелудочной железы<br />

bowel ['bauql] кишка<br />

detoxification [dI:"tOksIfI'keISn]<br />

детоксификация<br />

embryo ['embrIqu] зародыш, эмбрион<br />

storage ['stO:riG] накопление;<br />

аккумулирование<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1.What is Perfect Tenses?<br />

copper ['kOpq] медь<br />

harmful ['ha:mful] вредный, опасный<br />

treat [trI:t] обрабатывать, подвергать<br />

действию<br />

excrete [eks'krI:t] выделять<br />

complexity [kqm'pleksItI] сложность<br />

exposure [Iks'pquZq] подвергание какому-л.<br />

воздействию<br />

vulnerable ['vAln(q)rqbl] уязвимый<br />

protect [prq'tekt] защищать; предохранять<br />

capable ['keIpqbl] способный;<br />

поддающийся<br />

heal [hI:l] вылечивать, исцелять<br />

repair [rI'pFq] восстановление, регенерация<br />

injury ['InG(q)rI] травма, повреждение

2. Give your examples of sentences with the Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />


E<br />

Present<br />

I, they, you, we have been<br />

V 3<br />

he, she, it<br />

PERFECT Past I, he, she, it,<br />

they, you, we<br />

Future I, we<br />

he, she, it, you, they<br />

has been<br />

had been V 3<br />

shall have been<br />

will have been<br />

MODEL:<br />

The cause of the peptic ulcer has been determined.<br />

The article had been published by 2006.<br />

The exact amount of gastric juice will have been estimated before the surgeon comes.<br />

Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A healing process has been noted by roentenologists. 2. The pain has been relieved by eating.<br />

3. High acidity had been found in patient without X-ray. 4. U ncomplicated duodenal ulcer has<br />

been treated largely by medical means. 5. Surgical treatment in peptic ulcer has been reserved for<br />

the complications of this disease. 6. The high mortality has been steadily reduced within the past<br />

decade. 7. Duodenal ulcer has been associated with severe pain. 8. The pyloric sphincter allows<br />

food to leave the stomach when it has been sufficiently digested.<br />

V 3<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-less,-ous).<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Affirmative Form)<br />

Текст: “Liver”.<br />


Ex. 6. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters, read and translate the ffollowing words:<br />

V_lnerable; b_l e; d_c t; de toxi_ication; pa n_reatic; bo_e l; c omple_ity; l _be; tr_at; pl e_us;<br />

prote_t; e mbr_o; repa_r; po rt_l; e mpt_; capa _le; h epati_; expo_ur e; st ora_e; h e_l; c_stic;<br />

ex_rete; ha_mful; po_ta; in_ury.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Weight; upper; abdomen; major; minor; porta; inferior; surface; associated with; artery; nerve;<br />

plexus; unite; cystic; empty; pancreatic duct; cholesterol; duodenum; perform; through; lining;

owel; gr oup; c ategory; m arrow; f ibrinogen; e mbryo; iron ; he at; remove; e xcrete; f eces a nd<br />

urine; exposure; reasonable; believe; injured tissue.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />

LIVER<br />

The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It weights approximately 1.36 kg. The<br />

liver is in the upper right part of the abdomen. The liver consists of two major lobes, left and<br />

right, and minor lobes.<br />

A porta (gate) is on the inferior surface of the liver where the various vessels, ducts, and<br />

nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic (associated with the liver) portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and<br />

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The gallbladder is a small sac on the inferior<br />

surface of the liver that stores bile. The bile is a fluid containing cholesterol and bile acids. The<br />

bile is emptied into the duodenum, where it performs its major function of assisting in the<br />

absorption of fats through the lining of the small bowel into the bloodstream. The bile acids are<br />

then reabsorbed in the small intestine and cycled into the liver to be used again.<br />

The liver, besides producing bile, has many other important functions. They may be<br />

grouped into three categories: regulation, metabolism, and detoxification. They are: stimulation<br />

of red bone marrow, production of fibrinogen, blood formation in the embryo, storage of iron<br />

and copper, protein metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production and others. The liver removes<br />

drugs, alcohol, and potentially harmful chemicals from the bloodstream and treats them<br />

chemically so they can be excreted in the feces and urine.<br />

Because of the complexity of the liver and its exposure to so many potentially harmful<br />

substances, it would be reasonable to believe that it is especially vulnerable to disease. However,<br />

nature protects the organ in several ways. First, the liver is capable of regeneration: it can heal<br />

itself by repairing or replacing injured tissue. It also is constructed so that many units are<br />

responsible for the same task. Thus, if tissue in one section of the organ is injured, by trauma or<br />

disease, other cells will perform the functions of the injured section.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Печень; состоять из; воротная вена; выделять; жиры и белки; обрабатывать, подвергать<br />

действию; сплетение; доля; проток поджелудочной железы; опорожнять, выливать;<br />

вылечивать, исцелять; пузырный проток; подвергнуть какому-л. воздействию; канал,<br />

проток; ворота органа; защищать; предохранять; печеночный; желчь; накопление,<br />

аккумулирование; восстановление, регенерация; травма, повреждение.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text "Liver" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The liver is the largest internal _ of the body. 2. It is in the upper right part of the _. 3. The<br />

liver consists of two major _ and minor lobes. 4. A _ is the place of the liver where the various<br />

vessels, _, and nerves enter and exit the liver. 5. The hepatic _, the hepatic artery, and a small<br />

hepatic nerve _ enter the liver through the porta. 6. Lymphatic vessels and two hepatic ducts _<br />

the liver at the porta. 7. The hepatic ducts transport _ out of the liver. 8. The right and left hepatic<br />

_ unite to form a single common hepatic duct. 9. The common bile duct is joined by the _ duct<br />

from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct. 10. The functions of the liver are the<br />

following: bile production, stimulation of red _ marrow, _ of iron and copper, protein<br />

metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production, and _.

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. What is the bile? 8. What are the functions of the liver? 9. How does nature protect the liver?<br />

Ex. 14. Match the term and its definition:<br />

1. hepatic artery 1. Vein that drains the liver into the inferior vena<br />

cava.<br />

2. hepatic duct 2. S ystem o f por tal ve ins t hat c arry bl ood f rom<br />

the i ntestines, stomach, spleen, and pancreas t o<br />

the liver.<br />

3. hepatic portal system 3. One of two ducts (left and right) that drain bile<br />

from t he l iver a nd join t o f orm the c ommon<br />

hepatic duct.<br />

4. hepatic portal vein 4. Portal vein formed by the superior mesenteric<br />

and splenic veins and entering the liver.<br />

5. hepatic vein 5. Branch of the aorta that delivers blood to the<br />

liver.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out the key words of the text "Liver".<br />

Ex. 16. Speak on the structure of the liver:<br />

LIVER:<br />

(1) righ t lo be, (2) le ft lobe , (3) c audate lobe , (4)<br />

quadrate lobe, (5) hepatic artery and portal vein, (6)<br />

hepatic lymph nodes, (7) gall bladder.<br />

Ex. 17. Translate the following sentences concerning with the liver function:<br />

1. T he l iver pr oduces b ile, w hich c ontains b ile s alts t hat emulsify f ats. 2. T he l iver s tores<br />

nutrients, processes them, and produces new molecules. 3. The liver produces blood components.<br />

4. One of the liver functions is the storage of glycogen, a complex carbohydrate that is converted<br />

to s ugar f or r elease i nto t he b loodstream w hen t he b lood s ugar l evel f alls. 5. G lycogen is<br />

deposited in the liver when the level of sugar in the blood increases. 6. Many proteins are also<br />

synthesized in the liver. 7. The liver helps determine the amount of nutrients that are sent to the<br />

rest of the body. 8. It also serves as a clearinghouse to eliminate some foods and substances that<br />

have served their purpose but are no longer useful. 9. M any ingested substances are harmful to<br />

the cells of the body. 10. In addition, the body itself produces many by-products of metabolism<br />

that, if accumulated, are toxic. 11. The liver is one line of defense against many of those harmful<br />

substances. 12. T he l iver c an a lso p roduce its o wn uni que new c ompounds. 13. M any of t he<br />

blood proteins are produced by the liver and are released into the circulation.<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the functions of the liver.<br />

Ex. 19. Compose the dialogue on the structure and functions of the liver.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text, entitle it, and compose the plan.

The liver is covered by a connective tissue capsule and visceral peritoneum except for in<br />

a sm all ar ea ( the ba re a rea), on the diap hragmatic surface. A t t he por ta t he conne ctive tissue<br />

capsule sends a branching network of walls (septa) into the substance of the liver to provide its<br />

main support. Vessels, nerves, and ducts follow the connective tissue branches throughout the<br />

liver.<br />

The connective t issue s epta di vide t he l iver i nto he xagon-shaped l obules w ith a por tal<br />

triad at ea ch corner. The t riads ar e so named because t hree v essels (the h epatic por tal v ein,<br />

hepatic a rtery, a nd he patic duc t) a re c ommonly l ocated in t hem. Hepatic ne rves and l ymph<br />

vessels are also located in these areas. A central vein is in the center of each lobule. Central veins<br />

unite to form hepatic veins. Hepatic cords radiate out from the central vein of each lobule like<br />

the spokes of a wheel. The hepatic cords are composed of hepatocytes, the functional cells of the<br />

liver. Hepatocytes have four major functions: synthesis of bile; storage; biotransformation; and<br />

synthesis of blood components.<br />

Mixed blood in the hepatic sinusoids flows to the central vein where it exits the lobule<br />

and t hen exits the liver t hrough the he patic ve ins. B ile, pr oduced by t he he patocytes a nd<br />

consisting primarily of m etabolic by -products, f lows t hrough t he bi le c analiculi toward t he<br />

hepatic triad and exits the liver through the hepatic ducts. Therefore blood flows from the triad<br />

toward the center of each lobule, whereas bile flows away from the center of the lobule toward<br />

the triad.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following material:<br />


Резюме представляет собой краткое изложение научной работы, статьи или текста.<br />

В резюме освещаются наиболее конкретные вопросы статьи, работы, текста, такие как:<br />

5. указание проблемы;<br />

6. решение ее на практике;<br />

7. полученные результаты;<br />

8. рекомендации к применению.<br />

Следующие фрагменты предложений являются наиболее характерными при составлении<br />

резюме.<br />

І. Основная тема или проблема:<br />

The present paper describes … Настоящая статья описывает …<br />

This work considers … Эта работа рассматривает ...<br />

This article discusses … В статье обсуждается …<br />

The present article analyzes … В статье анализируется ...<br />

deals with …<br />

рассматривается…<br />

is devoted to the problems Статья посвящен проблемам …<br />

…<br />

This work gives a review of … Эта работа представляет обзор …<br />

ІІ. Цель изучения:<br />

this study is the<br />

изучения является исследование …<br />

investigation of …<br />

The object<br />

investigations is the<br />

improvement of treating … Целью<br />

исследований является улучшение<br />

лечения …<br />

of<br />

experiment is the<br />

investigation of …<br />

эксперимента является исследование<br />

…<br />

this work is the study …<br />

этой работы является изучение …<br />

ІІІ. Указание основных положений:<br />

It has been indicated (that) …<br />

Было указано, что …<br />

It is necessary to say (that) …<br />

Необходимо сказать, что …<br />

This article has clearly shown (that) … Эта статья ясно продемонстрировала, что …

It has been noted (that) …<br />

Отмечено, что …<br />

Much attention is paid to …<br />

Много внимания уделяется …<br />

Great attention is paid to …<br />

Огромное внимание уделяется …<br />

Special attention is paid to …<br />

Особое внимание уделяется …<br />

It should be said (that) …<br />

Необходимо сказать, что …<br />

It was stressed (that) …<br />

Подчеркнуто, что …<br />

It has been determined (that) … Установлено, что …<br />

It should be noted (that) …<br />

Необходимо заметить …<br />

The different points of view concerning Представлены разные взгляды относительно …<br />

… are considered.<br />

Thereby …<br />

Таким образом<br />

Therefore …<br />

Поэтому, следовательно<br />

Further …<br />

Кроме того, более того<br />

Furthermore …<br />

К тому же, кроме того<br />

Thus …<br />

Так, таким образом, поэтому<br />

It was suggested …<br />

The current views of … are considered.<br />

Up-to-date information about … was<br />

Было предложено …<br />

Изучаются современные взгляды на…<br />

Рассмотрена современная информация о …<br />

studied.<br />

Basic principles of … have been Были сформулированы основные принципы…<br />

formulated.<br />

Применение на практике<br />

New method is used …. Новый метод используется …<br />

is experimented …<br />

апробируется …<br />

This treatment is proposed … Данное лечение предлагается …<br />

is suggested …<br />

предлагается …<br />

This problem is investigated … Эта проблема исследуется …<br />

is discussed …<br />

обсуждается …<br />

Выводы и результаты:<br />

It can be concluded from this study (that) … На основе данного исследования<br />

можно сделать вывод, что …<br />

On the basis of the results of this study it was<br />

proved …<br />

На основе результатов данного<br />

исследования было доказано …<br />

On the basis of these observations, an<br />

attempt is made to ..<br />

На основе результатов научных<br />

наблюдений, сделана попытка …<br />

The given results showed (that) …<br />

Данные результаты показали, что …<br />

The achieved data indicated …<br />

Полученные результаты показали…<br />

It has been adequately demonstrated that … Было продемонстрировано, что …<br />

Ex. 23. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Печінка – найбільша залоза тіла людини. 2. Її маса у дорослих дорівнює в середньому<br />

1500 г. 3. Вона розташована у верхній частині черевної порожнини. 4. З ворот печінки<br />

крім жовчних проток виходять лімфатичні судини. 5. Печінка, як залоза травної системи<br />

виконує екскреторну функцію – виробляє жовч. 6. У дорослої людини протягом доби<br />

печінка вироблює 700-800 см 3 жовчі. 7. Печінці властива також бар’єрна функція. 8.<br />

Печінка бере участь в усіх видах обміну речовин: водному, білковому, вуглеводному та<br />

мінеральному. 9. Печінка виконує також гормональну функцію.<br />


The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It is in the upper right part of the abdomen.<br />

The liver consists of two major lobes and minor lobes. A porta is the place of the liver where the<br />

various vessels, ducts, and nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The functions of the liver are the following: bile<br />

production, stimulation of red bone marrow, storage of iron and copper, protein metabolism, fat<br />

metabolism, heat production, and detoxification.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. What is the bile? 8. What are the functions of the liver? 9. How does nature protect the liver?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Give a summary of the text “Liver”.<br />

Read the following phrases which you can use in SUMMARY:<br />

It has been indicated (that) …<br />

Было указано, что …<br />

It has been noted (that) …<br />

Отмечено, что …<br />

It has been determined (that) …<br />

Basic principles of … have been<br />

formulated.<br />

The research results of … have been<br />

submitted.<br />

Установлено, что …<br />

Были сформулированы основные принципы…<br />

Представлены результаты исследования …<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Змістовний модуль№4<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темами “М’язова система”, Травна система”, „Шлунок.Печінка”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses,Perfect Tenses<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ful).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses, Perfect Tenses<br />

Текст: “Muscular System”, “Digestive System”, “Stomach.Liver”<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Continuous<br />

Tenses, Perfect<br />

Tenses<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65% теми.<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Continuous<br />

Tenses, Perfect Tenses. Читання та<br />

говоріння: опрацювання<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми,<br />

читання та переклад тексту,<br />

розвиток навичок усного<br />

мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:<br />

1. Is he examining a patient? 2. What groups of muscles are they investigating? 3. Where was he<br />

filling in a patient’s card from 10 till 11 yesterday? 4. Is this muscle contracting spontaneously?<br />

5. Is he translating a scientific article on the muscles?<br />

Ex. 2. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1.Cardiac muscle is pumping blood through the circulatory system with some intervals. 2. At<br />

present this system is producing body heat. 3. These cells are interacting with the external<br />

environment. 4. During definite period myoblasts were producing skeletal muscle fibers. 5. The<br />

total number of muscle fibers is establishing. 6. He is controlling the bleeding. 7. Look! The<br />

skin is pulling beyond the limits of its elasticity. 8. He is cleaning the area of wound. 9. The<br />

wound is healing by a primary union. 10. Now the clots are replacing by a connective tissue. 11.<br />

Little blood is flowing. 12. Some of the blood cells are ingesting bacteria.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A favorable effect is being produced on t he patient’s condition by t he administration of this<br />

drug. 2. T he mucus is being secreted by t he major glands. 3. The water was being absorbed by

the digestive system. 4. S ome changes were being observed in the patient’s oral cavity. 5. T he<br />

functions of the stomach are being restored rapidly during the treatment.<br />

Ex. 4. Choose the sentences with the predicates in Continuous Passive and translate them<br />

into your native language:<br />

1. The patient was being questioned by t he gastroenterologist. 2. T he blood was dropping from<br />

the wound very slowly. 3. They were being examined in the gastroenterological department. 4.<br />

They a re no t c arrying o ut a n experiment a t pr esent. 5. T he pr operties of microorganisms a re<br />

being investigated by the laboratory worker.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the using of the<br />

Active and Passive Continuous Tenses:<br />

1. Сейчас врач лечит больного по поводу воспаления поджелудочной железы. 2. В<br />

настоящее время этот больной лечится в нашем отделении по поводу воспаления тощей<br />

кишки. 3. Медицинская сестра заполняла температурные листы пациентов в 9 часов утра.<br />

4. Температурные листы пациентов заполнялись медицинской сестрой в 8 часов утра.<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following questions:<br />

1. Why are all efforts being directed towards the early diagnosis of gastric disorders? 2. Where<br />

was the solution being injected? 3. Is the child being examined by the surgeon? 4. What part of<br />

digestive system is water being absorbed?<br />

Ex. 7. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The scientific works are being translated into foreign language. 2. Serious investigations were<br />

being done by various scientists to establish functions and anatomical structure of the stomach.<br />

3. A t pr esent t he i ngested f ood i s be ing m ixed. 4. T he f ood i s be ing br oken i nto s maller a nd<br />

smaller pieces by the mechanical activity of these muscles. 5. Now the stomach lining is being<br />

protected by the mucus. 6. Bile was being transported out of the liver. 7. The red bone marrow is<br />

being stimulated in this embryo. 8. T hese drugs are being removed by t he liver. 9. The injured<br />

tissue is be ing r eplaced i n t his p erson. 10. T he f unctions of t he i njured s ection a re be ing<br />

performed by other cells.<br />

Ex. 8. Red and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A healing process has been noted by roentenologists. 2. The pain has been relieved by eating.<br />

3. High acidity had been found in patient without X-ray. 4. U ncomplicated duodenal ulcer has<br />

been treated largely by medical means. 5. Surgical treatment in peptic ulcer has been reserved for<br />

the complications of this disease. 6. The high mortality has been steadily reduced within the past<br />

decade. 7. Duodenal ulcer has been associated with severe pain. 8. The pyloric sphincter allows<br />

food to leave the stomach when it has been sufficiently digested.<br />


Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Cro_s; abd_ctor; fo_ce; b_ceps; _xtend; longitu_inal; d_late; obli_ue; pro_el; triang_lar;<br />

pos_ure; f_ber; pector_l; contra_ticle; sm_oth; bra_hial; compr_se; expre_sion; refe_; del_oid;<br />

mus_le; brac_ial; b_ttock; locomot_on.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:

Contractile; smooth; associated; to be divided into; comprise; weight; locomotion; posture;<br />

propel blood through vessels; dilate; smooth muscles; trunk; constrict; provide; force;<br />

spontaneously; cross; at least; cause; pectoral muscle; spontaneously; to be attached; extend;<br />

brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps; abductor.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Fiber; characterize; contractile; mass; major; smooth; associated; comprise; weight; locomotion;<br />

posture; propelling; through; stomach; dilate; constrict; provide; force; spontaneously; at least;<br />

cause; pectoral muscle; brachial; refer; buttock; gluteal; triangular; oblique; longitudinal; biceps;<br />

abductor; structure; variety; however.<br />

Read the following text:<br />


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscle consists of muscle cells, muscular fibers,<br />

connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The muscles are divided into three major parts:<br />

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the<br />

cardiac muscles propel blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the<br />

digestive system. The skeletal muscles are controlled by nervous system. Smooth and cardiac<br />

muscles contract spontaneously. As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and<br />

wide. The long muscles form the limbs, the shot ones compose the facial part, and wide muscles<br />

are on the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. Muscles are attached to bones, internal<br />

organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles extend from one bone to another. Some<br />

muscles of the face are not attached to bone at both ends but attach to the skin, which moves<br />

when the muscles contract. Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of<br />

heads, or function.<br />

Read the following text:<br />


The f unctions of t he di gestive s ystem a re t o i ngest f ood, m asticate t he f ood, pr opel t he f ood<br />

through t he di gestive tract, a dd secretions t o the f ood a nd di gest the f ood. Once t hese us eful<br />

substances are absorbed, they are transported through the circulatory system to cells where they<br />

are used. Undigested matter is moved out of the digestive tract and excreted through the anus.<br />

The dige stive sys tem c onsists of t he al imentary canal an d the r elated organs. The al imentary<br />

canal i ncludes m outh, pha rynx, e sophagus, stomach, s mall i ntestine ( duodenum, j ejunum,<br />

ileum), and large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum). The related organs are teeth, tongue, salivary<br />

glands, hard and soft palates, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The digestive tract extends from<br />

the oral cavity to the anus. From the mouth food passes throught the pharynx to the esophagus<br />

and t hen to t he s tomach. T he s tomach r eceives f ood f rom e sophagus, a nd i ts mixing a ction<br />

reduces the f ood t o a semi-liquid mixture. The s mall int estine is a thin-walled tube. I t i s<br />

composed o f t he duode num, j ejunum, a nd i leum. T he l ast s ection of t he di gestive t ract is t he<br />

large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum. Its major accessory glands secrete<br />

mucus. It absorbs water and salts and concentrates indigested food into feces.<br />

Read the following text:<br />


The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major function of the stomach is to prepare<br />

the food for further digestion and absorption into the blood. The stomach is a dilated portion of<br />

the alimentary tract. It consists of the fundus, the body, and the antrum. The upper opening of the<br />

stomach is cal led the c ardiac sphi ncter and the l ower one is cal led the py loric s phincter. The<br />

cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. The

pyloric s phincter a llows f ood t o l eave t he s tomach when i t ha s be en s ufficiently di gested.<br />

Different gastric glands are in the stomach. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric juices. This<br />

juice contains pepsins and hydrochloric acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances.<br />

Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct action of pepsin.<br />

Read the following text:<br />

LIVER<br />

The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It is in the upper right part of the abdomen.<br />

The liver consists of two major lobes and minor lobes. A porta is the place of the liver where the<br />

various vessels, ducts, and nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and<br />

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The functions of the liver are the following: bile<br />

production, stimulation of red bone marrow, storage of iron and copper, protein metabolism, fat<br />

metabolism, heat production, and detoxification.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Speak about muscles.<br />

2. Speak about digestive system.<br />

3. Speak about stomach.<br />

4. Speak about liver.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

MUSCLES:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />


1.What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive<br />

tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity?<br />

5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function<br />

of the stomach? 8. What parts is small intestine composed of? 9. What are the major accessory<br />

structures in the first segment of the small intestine? 10. What is the functional difference<br />

between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. What are the major<br />

functions of the digestive system?<br />


1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

LIVER<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. What is the bile? 8. What are the functions of the liver? 9. How does nature protect the liver?<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 4<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Змістовний модуль№4<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “М’язова система” , „Травна система”, „Шлунок.Печінка”.<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Continuous Tenses; Perfect Tenses<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1.What is Continuos Tenses?<br />

2.What is Perfect Tenses<br />

3.Give your examples of sentences with the Continuos Tenses.<br />

4.Give your examples of sentences with the Perfect Tenses<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:<br />

1. Is he examining a patient? 2. What groups of muscles are they investigating? 3. Where was he<br />

filling in a patient’s card from 10 till 11 yesterday? 4. Is this muscle contracting spontaneously?<br />

5. Is he translating a scientific article on the muscles?<br />

Ex. 2. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1.Cardiac muscle is pumping blood through the circulatory system with some intervals. 2. At<br />

present this system is producing body heat. 3. These cells are interacting with the external<br />

environment. 4. During definite period myoblasts were producing skeletal muscle fibers. 5. The<br />

total number of muscle fibers is establishing. 6. He is controlling the bleeding. 7. Look! The<br />

skin is pulling beyond the limits of its elasticity. 8. He is cleaning the area of wound. 9. The

wound is healing by a primary union. 10. Now the clots are replacing by a connective tissue. 11.<br />

Little blood is flowing. 12. Some of the blood cells are ingesting bacteria.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A favorable effect is being produced on t he patient’s condition by t he administration of this<br />

drug. 2. T he mucus is being secreted by t he major glands. 3. The water was being absorbed by<br />

the digestive system. 4. S ome changes were being observed in the patient’s oral cavity. 5. T he<br />

functions of the stomach are being restored rapidly during the treatment.<br />

Ex. 4. Choose the sentences with the predicates in Continuous Passive and translate them<br />

into your native language:<br />

1. The patient was being questioned by t he gastroenterologist. 2. T he blood was dropping from<br />

the wound very slowly. 3. They were being examined in the gastroenterological department. 4.<br />

They a re no t c arrying o ut a n experiment a t pr esent. 5. T he pr operties of microorganisms a re<br />

being investigated by the laboratory worker.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the using of the<br />

Active and Passive Continuous Tenses:<br />

1. Сейчас врач лечит больного по поводу воспаления поджелудочной железы. 2. В<br />

настоящее время этот больной лечится в нашем отделении по поводу воспаления тощей<br />

кишки. 3. Медицинская сестра заполняла температурные листы пациентов в 9 часов утра.<br />

4. Температурные листы пациентов заполнялись медицинской сестрой в 8 часов утра.<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following questions:<br />

1. Why are all efforts being directed towards the early diagnosis of gastric disorders? 2. Where<br />

was the solution being injected? 3. Is the child being examined by the surgeon? 4. What part of<br />

digestive system is water being absorbed?<br />

Ex. 7. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The scientific works are being translated into foreign language. 2. Serious investigations were<br />

being done by various scientists to establish functions and anatomical structure of the stomach.<br />

3. A t pr esent t he i ngested f ood i s be ing m ixed. 4. T he f ood i s be ing broken i nto s maller a nd<br />

smaller pieces by the mechanical activity of these muscles. 5. Now the stomach lining is being<br />

protected by the mucus. 6. Bile was being transported out of the liver. 7. The red bone marrow is<br />

being stimulated in this embryo. 8. These drugs are being removed by t he liver. 9. The injured<br />

tissue is be ing r eplaced i n t his p erson. 10. T he f unctions of t he i njured s ection a re be ing<br />

performed by other cells.<br />

Ex. 8. Red and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. A healing process has been noted by roentenologists. 2. The pain has been relieved by eating.<br />

3. High acidity had been found in patient without X-ray. 4. U ncomplicated duodenal ulcer has<br />

been treated largely by medical means. 5. Surgical treatment in peptic ulcer has been reserved for<br />

the complications of this disease. 6. The high mortality has been steadily reduced within the past<br />

decade. 7. Duodenal ulcer has been associated with severe pain. 8. The pyloric sphincter allows<br />

food to leave the stomach when it has been sufficiently digested.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ful).<br />

Граматика: Continuous Tenses, Perfect Tenses<br />

Текст: “Muscular System”.


Read the following text:<br />


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscle consists of muscle cells, muscular fibers,<br />

connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The muscles are divided into three major parts:<br />

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the<br />

cardiac muscles propel blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the<br />

digestive system. The skeletal muscles are controlled by nervous system. Smooth and cardiac<br />

muscles contract spontaneously. As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and<br />

wide. The long muscles form the limbs, the shot ones compose the facial part, and wide muscles<br />

are on the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. Muscles are attached to bones, internal<br />

organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles extend from one bone to another. Some<br />

muscles of the face are not attached to bone at both ends but attach to the skin, which moves<br />

when the muscles contract. Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of<br />

heads, or function.<br />

Read the following text:<br />


The f unctions of t he di gestive s ystem a re t o i ngest f ood, m asticate t he f ood, pr opel t he f ood<br />

through t he di gestive tract, a dd secretions t o the f ood and di gest the f ood. O nce t hese us eful<br />

substances are absorbed, they are transported through the circulatory system to cells where they<br />

are used. Undigested matter is moved out of the digestive tract and excreted through the anus.<br />

The dige stive sys tem c onsists of t he al imentary canal an d the r elated organs. The al imentary<br />

canal i ncludes m outh, pha rynx, e sophagus, stomach, s mall i ntestine ( duodenum, j ejunum,<br />

ileum), and large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum). The related organs are teeth, tongue, salivary<br />

glands, hard and soft palates, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The digestive tract extends from<br />

the oral cavity to the anus. From the mouth food passes throught the pharynx to the esophagus<br />

and t hen to t he s tomach. T he s tomach r eceives f ood f rom e sophagus, a nd i ts mixing a ction<br />

reduces the f ood t o a semi-liquid mixture. The s mall int estine is a thin-walled tube. I t i s<br />

composed o f t he duode num, j ejunum, a nd i leum. T he l ast s ection of t he di gestive t ract is t he<br />

large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum. Its major accessory glands secrete<br />

mucus. It absorbs water and salts and concentrates indigested food into feces.<br />

Read the following text:<br />


The stomach stores and mixes the ingested food. The major function of the stomach is to prepare<br />

the food for further digestion and absorption into the blood. The stomach is a dilated portion of<br />

the alimentary tract. It consists of the fundus, the body, and the antrum. The upper opening of the<br />

stomach is cal led the c ardiac sphi ncter and the l ower one is c alled the pyl oric sphincter. T he<br />

cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. The<br />

pyloric s phincter a llows f ood t o l eave t he s tomach when i t ha s be en s ufficiently di gested.<br />

Different gastric glands are in the stomach. The glands of the stomach secrete gastric juices. This<br />

juice contains pepsins and hydrochloric acids. Pepsin converts proteins into smaller substances.<br />

Hydrolic acid is necessary for the correct action of pepsin.<br />

Read the following text:

LIVER<br />

The liver is the largest internal gland of the body. It is in the upper right part of the abdomen.<br />

The liver consists of two major lobes and minor lobes. A porta is the place of the liver where the<br />

various vessels, ducts, and nerves enter and exit the liver. The hepatic portal vein, the hepatic<br />

artery, and a small hepatic nerve plexus enter the liver through the porta. Lymphatic vessels and<br />

two hepatic ducts exit the liver at the porta. The hepatic ducts transport bile out of the liver. The<br />

right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The common bile duct is<br />

joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct, which empties into<br />

the duodenum in union with the pancreatic duct. The functions of the liver are the following: bile<br />

production, stimulation of red bone marrow, storage of iron and copper, protein metabolism, fat<br />

metabolism, heat production, and detoxification.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

MUSCLES:<br />

1. What does a muscle consist of? 2. What major muscle groups do you know? 3. What are<br />

skeletal muscles responsible for? 4. Where are smooth muscles located? 5. What are the<br />

functions of smooth muscles? 6. Where is a cardiac muscle? 7. What is its function? 8. Where<br />

are long and short muscles? 9. Where are wide muscles located? 11. What muscles’ names do<br />

you know?<br />


1.What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive<br />

tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity?<br />

5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function<br />

of the stomach? 8. What parts is small intestine composed of? 9. What are the major accessory<br />

structures in the first segment of the small intestine? 10. What is the functional difference<br />

between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. What are the major<br />

functions of the digestive system?<br />


1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the cardiac sphincter? 3. What does the stomach consist of?<br />

4. What is the largest portion of the stomach? 5. What is pyloric opening? 6. What is the pyloric<br />

sphincter? 7. What do the walls of the stomach consist of? 8. What manufactures gastric juices?<br />

9. What substances does the gastric juice contain? 10. What substances are absorbed in the<br />

stomach? 11. What is the major function of the stomach?<br />

LIVER<br />

1. What is the liver? 2. Where is it located? 3. What is the weight of the liver? 4.What is a porta?<br />

5. What is the function of the hepatic duct? 6. Why do the right and the left hepatic ducts unite?<br />

7. W hat i s t he bi le? 8. What a re t he f unctions of t he l iver? 9. H ow doe s na ture pr otect Б:<br />

B.Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. Speak about muscles.<br />

2. Speak about digestive system.<br />

3. Speak about stomach.<br />

4. Speak about liver.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 5<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Кров (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Кров”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ly).<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Текст: “Blood”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

форми дієслів<br />

Perfect Tenses<br />

(Passive Voice,<br />

Interrogative<br />

Form) Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці to be, to<br />

have;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65% теми.<br />

Фонетика:<br />

Засвоєння<br />

транскрипційних знаків та<br />

читання<br />

приголосних;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Закріплення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів іменників<br />

(-ly);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння та<br />

закріплення дієслів Perfect Tenses<br />

(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

volume ['vOljum] обсяг, об’єм<br />

matrix ['meItrIks] матрикс, міжклітинний<br />

матеріал<br />

average ['xvqrIG] середній; нормальний,<br />

звичайний<br />

approximately [q'prOksImItlI] приблизно<br />

fluid [fluId] рідина<br />

plasma ['plxzmq] плазма<br />

erythrocyte [I'rITrosaIt] еритроцит<br />

corpuscle ['kO:pAsl] часточка, корпускула,<br />

тільце, елемент крові<br />

thrombocyte ['TrOmbousaIt] тромбоцит<br />

platelet ['pleItlqt] тромбоцит, кров’яна<br />

пластинка<br />

leukocyte (leucocyte) ['lju:kqusaIt] лейкоцит<br />


pale [peIl] блідий<br />

protein ['prqutI:n] білок<br />

albumin ['xlbjumIn] альбумін<br />

globulin ['glObjulIn] глобулін<br />

fibrinogen [faI'brInoGqn] фібриноген<br />

clot [klOt] згусток крові, тромб<br />

suspend [sqs'pend] висіти, плавати<br />

remove [rI'mu:v] видаляти<br />

serum ['sIqrqm] сироватка<br />

nutrients ['nju:trIqnts] поживні речовини<br />

waste [weIst] непотрібний, непридатний,<br />

некорисний<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент<br />

maintenance ['meIntqnqns] підтримка,<br />

збереження<br />


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Suffix of Adverbs:<br />

-ly<br />

quick быстрый – quickly быстро<br />

slow медленный –slowly медленно<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Greatly; no rmally; pa rtly; da ily; really; w eekly; p rimarily; us ually; approximately; m ainly;<br />

principally; structurally.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


(Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Tense<br />

Present<br />

Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Past Perfect<br />

Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future<br />

Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Questioni<br />

ng word<br />

What<br />

Why<br />

Where<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

Auxiliary<br />

verb<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

Subject<br />

I, you, we<br />

they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she,<br />

it, you,<br />

we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it,<br />

you, they<br />

Predicate<br />

(Form of the Verb)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied, been<br />

written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied, been<br />

written)<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

(have been studied,<br />

have been written)<br />

Example<br />

Has the text<br />

been<br />

translated<br />

today?<br />

Where had<br />

the patient<br />

been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have<br />

been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:<br />

1. Have the proteins that produce clots have been removed from the plasma? 2. Will the structure<br />

of leukocytes have been described in your article? 3. H ad the number of erythrocytes had been<br />

counted by 3 o’clock? 4. How has the amount of radiation used for routine X-ray examinations<br />

been r educed ove r ye ar? 5. Why h as t he he art t ransplantation be come a r outine pr ocedure i n<br />

many medical centers? 6. Why has the bronchodilator drug been administered to the patient?<br />

Ex. 5. Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1. C ell f ragments ha ve be en gr ouped i nto t hree m ajor c ategories. 2 . T he bl ood ha s be en<br />

distributed to the different organs of the body. 3. Large amounts of blood have been needed for<br />

kidneys a nd br ain. 4. F ood materials w ill h ave be en a bsorbed by t he small i ntestine. 5. T he<br />

nourishment had been received by the duodenal glands by the end of operation. 6. Platelets have<br />

been produced within the marrow.<br />


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Mainten_nce; leu_kocyte; er_throcyte; enz_me; s_rum; plasm_; _lot; ma_or; fibr_nogen;<br />

mi_roorganism; infec_ion.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:

Connective tissue; corpuscle; pale yellow fluid; clot-producing; platelet; fluid matrix; remaining<br />

fluid; a verage a dult; ho wever; w aste pr oducts; maintenance; suspended molecules; t o protect<br />

against; remove; site of infection; slightly more than half; body’s total weight.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words enunciating them clearly:<br />

Total blood volume; approximately; to be classified; corpuscles; platelets; hormones; enzymes;<br />

leukocytes, t hrombocytes, e rythrocyte, e rythrocytes, pl asma; di ssolved c omponents; nut rients;<br />

maintenance; formed elements; major categories.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />

BLOOD<br />

Blood is classified as a connective tissue, consisting of cells and cell fragments<br />

surrounded by a liquid matrix. The total blood volume in the average adult is approximately 4 to<br />

5 L in females and 5 to 6 L in males. Blood makes up approximately 8% of the body's total<br />

weight.<br />

The cells and cell fragments are the formed elements, and the fluid matrix is the plasma.<br />

The formed elements of the blood include several types of highly specialized cells and cell<br />

fragments. They are grouped into three major categories. Approximately 95% of the volume of<br />

the formed elements consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells or corpuscles). The remaining 5%<br />

consists of leukocytes (white blood cells or corpuscles) and platelets (cell fragments), which are<br />

also called thrombocytes.<br />

Plasma is a pale yellow fluid accounting for slightly more than half the total blood<br />

volume and consisting of approximately 92% water and 8% dissolved or suspended molecules.<br />

Plasma contains proteins such as albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen. When the proteins that<br />

produce clots are removed from the plasma, the remaining fluid is called serum. In addition to<br />

the suspended molecules, plasma also contains a number of dissolved components such as salts,<br />

nutrients, gases, waste products, hormones, and enzymes.<br />

The functions of the blood can be placed into the categories of transportation,<br />

maintenance, and protection. Many of the functions, however, could be placed in more than one<br />

category. For example, for blood cells to protect against microorganisms they must be<br />

transported to sites of infection.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Розчинені компоненти; вага тіла людини; загальнй об’єм крові; утворювати згустки;<br />

міжклітинний матеріал; ферменти; сироватка; складатися з; включати кілька типів;<br />

поділятися на; червоні кров’яні тільця; кров’яні пластинки; білі кров’яні тільця; поживні<br />

речовини; бути розташованим; транспортувальна функція; захисна функція; білки;<br />

видаляти.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Blood” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. B lood i s a t ype of _ tissue w hose c ells are suspended in a l iquid intracellular material. 2.<br />

Blood consists of a liquid portion called _ and a solid portion. 3. This portion also named as the<br />

cellular fraction includes _, _, _. 4. _ a re essential for the clotting of blood. 5. _ are the most<br />

numerous blood cells. 6. A majority of _ are concerned with combating infection in the body.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What t ype of t issue i s t he bl ood? 2. W hat i s t he t otal blood vol ume i n a n a verage a dult?<br />

3.What does the blood consist of? 4. What is the plasma? 5. What does the plasma consist of ?<br />

6.What is blood serum? 7. What major categories are the formed elements grouped into? 8. What

lood c ells are c onsidered t o b e t he m ost nu merous? 9.W hat a re the major f unctions of t he<br />

blood?<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following terms and try to match them with the Ukrainian equivalents.<br />

Memorize the meaning of the term-element “h(a)emo-” from Gkreek “blood”.<br />

Hemoglobin, he moconcentration, hemorrhage, he mocyte, he mocytometer, he modiagnosis,<br />

hemogram, hemology, hemomediastinum, hemopathy, hemophobia, hemodynamics.<br />

Крововилив, гематологія, гемодинаміка, гемофобія (патологічна боязнь кровотечі чи виду<br />

крові), захворювання крові, гемоглобін, гемоцитометр, гемодіагностика (діагноз, що<br />

ґрунтується на вивченні крові), гемограма (формула крові), крововилив в средостіння,<br />

гемоконцентрація (згущення крові), формений елемент крові.<br />

Ex. 16. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Biconcave подвійно увігнутий; spherical кулястий, сферичний; stain забарвлювати; release<br />

вивільняти; histamine гістамін; promote сприяти, допомагати, підтримувати; inflammation<br />

запалення; heparin гепарин; prevent попереджувати, запобігати; worm черв; parasite<br />

паразит; debris залишки органічних речовин; plug пробка, тампон<br />

Ex. 17. Read the information the table represents. Having familiarized yourself with the<br />

table, compose the information on the blood, types of blood cells and their functions, using<br />

the given data. Draw up the plan and key words to each its item.<br />



Erythrocytes<br />

Biconcave di sk; no<br />

nucleus; 7 -8 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Transports oxygen and carbon<br />

dioxide<br />

Leukocyte<br />

Neutrophil<br />

Basophil<br />

Spherical cel l;<br />

nucleus w ith t wo t o<br />

four l obes<br />

connected by thin<br />

filaments;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain a light<br />

pink or r eddishpurple;<br />

12-15 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus with two<br />

indistinct lobes;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain bluepurple;<br />

10-12 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Phagocytizes<br />

microorganisms<br />

Releases histamine, which<br />

promotes inflammation, and<br />

heparin, which prevents clot<br />


Eosinophil<br />

Lymphocyte<br />

Monocyte<br />

Platelet<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus often with<br />

two lobes;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain<br />

orange-red or bright<br />

red; 10-12 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell with<br />

round nucleus;<br />

cytoplasm forms a<br />

thin ring around the<br />

nucleus; 6-8 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus round,<br />

kidney, or horseshoe<br />

shaped;<br />

contains more<br />

cytoplasm than does<br />

lymphocyte; 10-15<br />

µm in diameter<br />

Cell fragments<br />

surrounded by a cell<br />

membrane and<br />

containing,<br />

granules; 2-5 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Releases chemicals that reduce<br />

inflammation; attacks<br />

certain worm parasites<br />

Produces antibodies and<br />

other chemicals responsible<br />

for destroying<br />

microorganisms;<br />

responsible for allergic<br />

reactions, graft rejection, tumor<br />

control, and regulation<br />

of the immune system<br />

Phagocytic cell in the<br />

blood; leaves the blood and<br />

becomes a macrophage,<br />

which phagocytizes<br />

bacteria, dead cells, cell<br />

fragments, and debris<br />

within tissues<br />

Forms platelet plugs; releases<br />

chemicals necessary<br />

for blood clotting<br />

Ex. 18. Fill in blanks with corresponding words given in brackets.<br />

1. A de ficiency of r ed bl ood c ells or a (n) _ in t he qua ntity of t he h emoglobin t hey c ontain<br />

results in a condition called anemia. (increase, enlargement, extension, reduction). 2. During the<br />

pregnancy the maternal _ vol ume usually increases about 30 % above normal. (plasma, lymph,<br />

blood, f at). 3. B lood c ell c ount i s sometimes m ade us ing a s pecial glass s lide called a _ .<br />

(thermometer, hemocytometer, tonometer, spectrograph). 4. Red blood cells are quite elastic and<br />

flexible, and they readily change shape as they pass through small blood _ . ( corpuscles, fibers,<br />

vessels, s tream). 5. Absorption of iron from _ occurs mainly in the duodenum of the s mall<br />

intestine. (blood, food, circulation, beverage)<br />

Ex. 19. Choose the proper terms from the box for the definitions:<br />

1. L iquid p ortion of bl ood c ontaining w ater, p roteins, s alts, nut rients, hor mones, vitamins. 2.<br />

Tiny cells; which are necessary for blood clotting. 3. These cells are biconcave disks made in the<br />

bone marrow and that they transport oxygen. 4. P lasma minus the clotting proteins and clotting<br />

cells. 5. “Little body” refers to blood cells. 6. This substance is necessary for the synthesis of<br />

hemoglobin, i s a bsorbed f rom s mall i ntestines; i nsufficiency of t his subs tance m ay result i n<br />

anemia.<br />

thrombocytes, serum, corpuscles, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, plasma, iron, protein.

Ex. 20. Translate the following sentences without using a dictionary:<br />

1. Red blood cells are tiny, biconcave disks that are thin near their centers and thicker around<br />

their rims. 2. This special shape is related to the red cell’s function of transporting gases. 3. Each<br />

red blood cell is about one-third hemoglobin by volume, and this substance is responsible for the<br />

color of the blood. 4. The number of red blood cells varies from time to time even in healthy<br />

individuals, the normal range for adult males is 4.600.000 – 6.200.000 cells per mm 3 , and that<br />

for adult females is 4.200.000 – cells per mm 3 . 5. These normal values may vary slightly with<br />

the hospital, physician, and type of equipment used to make blood cells count. 6. The number of<br />

red blood cells generally increases following exercises, a large meal, a rise in temperature, or an<br />

increase in altitude (висота над рівнем моря). 7. After an infant is born, the red blood cells are<br />

produced almost exclusively by the tissue that lines the spaces within the red bone marrow. 8.<br />

White blood cells function primarily to control various disease conditions. 9. Normally, five<br />

types of white cells can be found in the circulating blood. 10. They are distinguished by their<br />

size, the nature of their cytoplasm, the shape of their nucleus, and their staining characteristics.<br />

11. The procedure used to count white blood cells is similar to that used for counting red cells.<br />

Normally, there are from 5.000 to 10.000 white cells per mm 3 of human blood. 12. Since the<br />

total number of white blood cells may change in response to abnormal conditions, white blood<br />

cells count is of clinical interest.<br />

Ex. 21. Try to choose which of the following sentences are incorrect (true or false choice):<br />

1. Blood can be separated into solid and liquid portions. 2. The solid cellular portion is mostly<br />

white blood cells. 3. Red blood cells function to control disease conditions. 4. Iron is also needed<br />

for he moglobin s ynthesis. 5. T he pl asma pr oteins a re classified into t hree major gr oups:<br />

albumins, globulins, and fibrinogens. 6. T otal blood volume does not vary by t he sex (male or<br />

female).<br />

Ex. 22. Compose the dialogue on the composition and functions of the blood.<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text without using dictionary:<br />


Platelets, or thrombocytes, are minute fragments of cells consisting of a small amount of<br />

cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. They are roughly disk shaped and average<br />

approximately 3 µm in diameter. Even though they are approximately 40 times more common in<br />

the blood than leukocytes (250,000 to 500,000 per cubic millimeter of blood), they often are not<br />

counted in typical blood smears because they tend to form platelet clumps and become difficult<br />

to distinguish.<br />

The life expectancy of platelets is approximately 5 to 9 days. Platelets are produced<br />

within the marrow and are derived from megakaryocytes, which are extremely large cells with<br />

diameters up to 100 µm. Small fragments of these cells break off and enter the circulation as<br />

platelets.<br />

Platelets play an important role in preventing blood loss. This prevention is accomplished<br />

in two ways: the formation of platelet plugs, which seal holes in small vessels; and the formation<br />

of clots, which help seal off larger wounds in the vessels.<br />

Ex. 24. Read and retell the following text:<br />


Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are nucleated blood cells that lack hemoglobin. They<br />

are c lear or w hitish in color and a re l arger t han e rythrocytes, r anging f rom 8 t o 19 µm i n<br />

diameter. In stained preparations leukocytes attract stain, whereas erythrocytes remain relatively<br />


Leukocytes protect the body against invading microorganisms and remove dead cells and<br />

debris from the body. Leukocytes leave the circulation by the process of diapedesis (movement<br />

through vessel walls) and move through the tissues in which they ingest foreign material or dead<br />

cells. At the site of an infection leukocytes accumulate and phagocytize bacteria, dirt, and dead<br />

cells; then they die. This accumulation of dead leukocytes, along with fluid and cell debris, is<br />

called pus.<br />

Leukocytes are named according to their appearance in stained preparations. Leukocytes<br />

containing large cytoplasmic granules are granulocytes, and those with very small granules that<br />

cannot b e seen easily w ith the light m icroscope a re agranulocytes. The three t ypes of<br />

granulocytes are named according to the staining characteristics of their cytoplasm: neutrophils,<br />

eosinophils, and basophils. There are two types of agranulocytes: monocytes and lymphocytes.<br />

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into English.<br />

1. Основними життєво важливими функціями крові є транспортувальна та захисна<br />

функції, а також функція підтримання стабільного клітинного середовища. 2. Кров<br />

переносить поживні речовини з шлунково-кишкового тракту та кисень з дихальних<br />

органів до усіх клітин організму. 3. Продукти розпаду виводяться з кров’ю до дихальних<br />

та видільних органів. 4. Загальний обсяг крові поділяється на циркулюючий (circulating)<br />

обсяг крові та резервний (reserve) обсяг крові. 5. Резервна кров зберігається в певних<br />

органах, наприклад, в печінці. 6. Плазма крові містить амінокислоти, прості цукри,<br />

різноманітні ліпіди. 7. Функції плазми полягають у перенесенні газів, поживних речовин<br />

та вітамінів, у регулюванні рідинного та електролітичного (electrolyte) балансу, у<br />

підтриманні відповідного pH.<br />


Blood is a type of connective tissue whose cells are suspended in a liquid intracellular material.<br />

It plays vital roles in transporting substances between the body cells and the external<br />

environment. It aids in maintaining a stable cellular environment. Whole blood consists of a<br />

cellular fraction and a cell-free fluid portion, which is the plasma. The cellular fraction consists<br />

of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes). They are formed mostly in the<br />

red bone marrow. Some cellular fragments called blood platelets (thrombocytes). The plasma is<br />

composed of water, amino acid, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and hormones. The<br />

main function of red blood cells is to transport gases. White blood cells function primarily to<br />

control various disease conditions, being transported to sites of infections. Blood platelets help<br />

close breaks in blood vessels.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about blood.<br />

2. Describe the functions of the blood to your new friend.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What t ype of tissue i s t he bl ood? 2. W hat i s t he t otal blood vol ume i n a n a verage a dult?<br />

3.What does the blood consist of? 4. What is the plasma? 5. What does the plasma consist of ?<br />

6.What is blood serum? 7. What major categories are the formed elements grouped into? 8. What<br />

blood c ells are c onsidered t o b e t he m ost nu merous? 9.W hat a re the major f unctions of t he<br />

blood?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the following sentences:

1. B lood i s a t ype of _ tissue w hose c ells are suspended in a l iquid intracellular material. 2.<br />

Blood consists of a liquid portion called _ and a solid portion. 3. This portion also named as the<br />

cellular fraction includes _, _, _. 4. _ a re essential for the clotting of blood. 5. _ are the most<br />

numerous blood cells. 6. A majority of _ are concerned with combating infection in the body.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 5<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Кров (4 год.)<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет медичний, педіатричне відділення<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Кров.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />


volume ['vOljum] обсяг, об’єм<br />

matrix ['meItrIks] матрикс, міжклітинний<br />

матеріал<br />

average ['xvqrIG] середній; нормальний,<br />

звичайний<br />

approximately [q'prOksImItlI] приблизно<br />

fluid [fluId] рідина<br />

plasma ['plxzmq] плазма<br />

erythrocyte [I'rITrosaIt] еритроцит<br />

corpuscle ['kO:pAsl] часточка, корпускула,<br />

тільце, елемент крові<br />

thrombocyte ['TrOmbousaIt] тромбоцит<br />

platelet ['pleItlqt] тромбоцит, кров’яна<br />

пластинка<br />

leukocyte ['lju:kqusaIt] лейкоцит<br />

pale [peIl] блідий<br />

protein ['prqutI:n] білок<br />

albumin ['xlbjumIn] альбумін<br />

globulin ['glObjulIn] глобулін<br />

fibrinogen [faI'brInoGqn] фібриноген<br />

clot [klOt] згусток крові, тромб<br />

suspend [sqs'pend] висіти, плавати<br />

remove [rI'mu:v] видаляти<br />

serum ['sIqrqm] сироватка<br />

nutrients ['nju:trIqnts] поживні речовини<br />

waste [weIst] непотрібний, непридатний,<br />

некорисний<br />

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент<br />

maintenance ['meIntqnqns] підтримка,<br />

збереження<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is Perfect Tenses ?<br />

2. Give you r exa mples of sentenc es w ith the Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative<br />


4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the following interrogative sentences:<br />

1. Have the proteins that produce clots have been removed from the plasma? 2. Will the structure<br />

of leukocytes have been described in your article? 3. H ad the number of erythrocytes had been<br />

counted by 3 o’clock? 4. How has the amount of radiation used for routine X-ray examinations<br />

been r educed ove r ye ar? 5. Why h as t he he art t ransplantation be come a r outine pr ocedure i n<br />

many medical centers? 6. Why has the bronchodilator drug been administered to the patient?<br />

Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1.Cell f ragments have be en g rouped i nto t hree m ajor categories. 2. T he bl ood ha s be en<br />

distributed to the different organs of the body. 3. Large amounts of blood have been needed for<br />

kidneys a nd br ain. 4. F ood materials w ill h ave be en a bsorbed by t he small i ntestine. 5. T he<br />

nourishment had been received by the duodenal glands by the end of operation. 6. Platelets have<br />

been produced within the marrow.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання приголосних, транскрипційні знаки.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси іменників (-ly).<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice, Interrogative Form)<br />

Текст: “Blood”.<br />


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Mainten_nce; leu_kocyte; er_throcyte; enz_me; s_rum; plasm_; _lot; ma_or; fibr_nogen;<br />

mi_roorganism; infec_ion.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Connective tissue; corpuscle; pale yellow fluid; clot-producing; platelet; fluid matrix; remaining<br />

fluid; a verage a dult; ho wever; w aste pr oducts; maintenance; suspended molecules; t o protect<br />

against; remove; site of infection; slightly more than half; body’s total weight.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words enunciating them clearly:<br />

Total blood volume; approximately; to be classified; corpuscles; platelets; hormones; enzymes;<br />

leukocytes, t hrombocytes, e rythrocyte, e rythrocytes, pl asma; di ssolved c omponents; nut rients;<br />

maintenance; formed elements; major categories.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />

BLOOD<br />

Blood is classified as a connective tissue, consisting of cells and cell fragments<br />

surrounded by a liquid matrix. The total blood volume in the average adult is approximately 4 to<br />

5 L in females and 5 to 6 L in males. Blood makes up approximately 8% of the body's total<br />

weight.<br />

The cells and cell fragments are the formed elements, and the fluid matrix is the plasma.<br />

The formed elements of the blood include several types of highly specialized cells and cell<br />

fragments. They are grouped into three major categories. Approximately 95% of the volume of<br />

the formed elements consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells or corpuscles). The remaining 5%

consists of leukocytes (white blood cells or corpuscles) and platelets (cell fragments), which are<br />

also called thrombocytes.<br />

Plasma is a pale yellow fluid accounting for slightly more than half the total blood<br />

volume and consisting of approximately 92% water and 8% dissolved or suspended molecules.<br />

Plasma contains proteins such as albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen. When the proteins that<br />

produce clots are removed from the plasma, the remaining fluid is called serum. In addition to<br />

the suspended molecules, plasma also contains a number of dissolved components such as salts,<br />

nutrients, gases, waste products, hormones, and enzymes.<br />

The functions of the blood can be placed into the categories of transportation,<br />

maintenance, and protection. Many of the functions, however, could be placed in more than one<br />

category. For example, for blood cells to protect against microorganisms they must be<br />

transported to sites of infection.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Розчинені компоненти; вага тіла людини; загальнй об’єм крові; утворювати згустки;<br />

міжклітинний матеріал; ферменти; сироватка; складатися з; включати кілька типів;<br />

поділятися на; червоні кров’яні тільця; кров’яні пластинки; білі кров’яні тільця; поживні<br />

речовини; бути розташованим; транспортувальна функція; захисна функція; білки;<br />

видаляти.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Blood” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. B lood i s a t ype of _ tissue w hose c ells are suspended in a l iquid intracellular material. 2.<br />

Blood consists of a liquid portion called _ and a solid portion. 3. This portion also named as the<br />

cellular fraction includes _, _, _. 4. _ a re essential for the clotting of blood. 5. _ are the most<br />

numerous blood cells. 6. A majority of _ are concerned with combating infection in the body.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What t ype of t issue i s t he bl ood? 2. W hat i s t he t otal blood vol ume i n a n a verage a dult?<br />

3.What does the blood consist of? 4. What is the plasma? 5. What does the plasma consist of ?<br />

6.What is blood serum? 7. What major categories are the formed elements grouped into? 8. What<br />

blood c ells are c onsidered t o b e t he m ost nu merous? 9.W hat a re the major f unctions of t he<br />

blood?<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following terms and try to match them with the Ukrainian equivalents.<br />

Memorize the meaning of the term-element “h(a)emo-” from Gkreek “blood”.<br />

Hemoglobin, he moconcentration, hemorrhage, he mocyte, he mocytometer, he modiagnosis,<br />

hemogram, hemology, hemomediastinum, hemopathy, hemophobia, hemodynamics.<br />

Крововилив, гематологія, гемодинаміка, гемофобія (патологічна боязнь кровотечі чи виду<br />

крові), захворювання крові, гемоглобін, гемоцитометр, гемодіагностика (діагноз, що<br />

ґрунтується на вивченні крові), гемограма (формула крові), крововилив в средостіння,<br />

гемоконцентрація (згущення крові), формений елемент крові.<br />

Ex. 16. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Biconcave подвійно увігнутий; spherical кулястий, сферичний; stain забарвлювати; release<br />

вивільняти; histamine гістамін; promote сприяти, допомагати, підтримувати; inflammation<br />

запалення; heparin гепарин; prevent попереджувати, запобігати; worm черв; parasite<br />

паразит; debris залишки органічних речовин; plug пробка, тампон

Ex. 17. Read the information the table represents. Having familiarized yourself with the<br />

table, compose the information on the blood, types of blood cells and their functions, using<br />

the given data. Draw up the plan and key words to each its item.<br />



Erythrocytes<br />

Biconcave di sk; no<br />

nucleus; 7 -8 µm i n<br />

diameter<br />

Transports oxygen and carbon<br />

dioxide<br />

Leukocyte<br />

Neutrophil<br />

Basophil<br />

Eosinophil<br />

Lymphocyte<br />

Spherical cel l;<br />

nucleus w ith t wo t o<br />

four l obes<br />

connected by thin<br />

filaments;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain a light<br />

pink or r eddishpurple;<br />

12-15 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus with two<br />

indistinct lobes;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain bluepurple;<br />

10-12 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus often with<br />

two lobes;<br />

cytoplasmic<br />

granules stain<br />

orange-red or bright<br />

red; 10-12 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Spherical cell with<br />

round nucleus;<br />

cytoplasm forms a<br />

thin ring around the<br />

nucleus; 6-8 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Phagocytizes<br />

microorganisms<br />

Releases histamine, which<br />

promotes inflammation, and<br />

heparin, which prevents clot<br />

formation<br />

Releases chemicals that reduce<br />

inflammation; attacks<br />

certain worm parasites<br />

Produces antibodies and<br />

other chemicals responsible<br />

for destroying<br />

microorganisms;<br />

responsible for allergic<br />

reactions, graft rejection, tumor<br />

control, and regulation<br />

of the immune system

Monocyte<br />

Platelet<br />

Spherical cell;<br />

nucleus round,<br />

kidney, or horseshoe<br />

shaped;<br />

contains more<br />

cytoplasm than does<br />

lymphocyte; 10-15<br />

µm in diameter<br />

Cell fragments<br />

surrounded by a cell<br />

membrane and<br />

containing,<br />

granules; 2-5 µm in<br />

diameter<br />

Phagocytic cell in the<br />

blood; leaves the blood and<br />

becomes a macrophage,<br />

which phagocytizes<br />

bacteria, dead cells, cell<br />

fragments, and debris<br />

within tissues<br />

Forms platelet plugs; releases<br />

chemicals necessary<br />

for blood clotting<br />

Ex. 18. Fill in blanks with corresponding words given in brackets.<br />

1. A de ficiency of r ed bl ood c ells or a (n) _ in t he qua ntity of t he h emoglobin t hey c ontain<br />

results in a condition called anemia. (increase, enlargement, extension, reduction). 2. During the<br />

pregnancy the maternal _ vol ume usually increases about 30 % above normal. (plasma, lymph,<br />

blood, f at). 3. B lood c ell c ount i s sometimes m ade us ing a s pecial glass s lide called a _ .<br />

(thermometer, hemocytometer, tonometer, spectrograph). 4. Red blood cells are quite elastic and<br />

flexible, and they readily change shape as they pass through small blood _ . ( corpuscles, fibers,<br />

vessels, s tream). 5. Absorption of iron from _ occurs mainly in the duodenum of the s mall<br />

intestine. (blood, food, circulation, beverage)<br />

Ex. 19. Choose the proper terms from the box for the definitions:<br />

1. L iquid p ortion of bl ood c ontaining w ater, p roteins, s alts, nut rients, hor mones, vitamins. 2.<br />

Tiny cells; which are necessary for blood clotting. 3. These cells are biconcave disks made in the<br />

bone marrow and that they transport oxygen. 4. P lasma minus the clotting proteins and clotting<br />

cells. 5. “Little body” refers to blood cells. 6. This substance is necessary for the synthesis of<br />

hemoglobin, i s a bsorbed f rom s mall i ntestines; i nsufficiency of t his s ubstance m ay r esult i n<br />

anemia.<br />

thrombocytes, serum, corpuscles, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, plasma, iron, protein.<br />

Ex. 20. Translate the following sentences without using a dictionary:<br />

1. Red blood cells are tiny, biconcave disks that are thin near their centers and thicker around<br />

their rims. 2. This special shape is related to the red cell’s function of transporting gases. 3. Each<br />

red blood cell is about one-third hemoglobin by volume, and this substance is responsible for the<br />

color of the blood. 4. The number of red blood cells varies from time to time even in healthy<br />

individuals, the normal range for adult males is 4.600.000 – 6.200.000 cells per mm 3 , and that<br />

for adult females is 4.200.000 – cells per mm 3 . 5. These normal values may vary slightly with<br />

the hospital, physician, and type of equipment used to make blood cells count. 6. The number of<br />

red blood cells generally increases following exercises, a large meal, a rise in temperature, or an<br />

increase in altitude (висота над рівнем моря). 7. After an infant is born, the red blood cells are<br />

produced almost exclusively by the tissue that lines the spaces within the red bone marrow. 8.<br />

White blood cells function primarily to control various disease conditions. 9. Normally, five<br />

types of white cells can be found in the circulating blood. 10. They are distinguished by their<br />

size, the nature of their cytoplasm, the shape of their nucleus, and their staining characteristics.<br />

11. The procedure used to count white blood cells is similar to that used for counting red cells.<br />

Normally, there are from 5.000 to 10.000 white cells per mm 3 of human blood. 12. Since the

total number of white blood cells may change in response to abnormal conditions, white blood<br />

cells count is of clinical interest.<br />

Ex. 21. Try to choose which of the following sentences are incorrect (true or false choice):<br />

1. Blood can be separated into solid and liquid portions. 2. The solid cellular portion is mostly<br />

white blood cells. 3. Red blood cells function to control disease conditions. 4. Iron is also needed<br />

for he moglobin s ynthesis. 5. T he pl asma pr oteins a re classified into t hree major gr oups:<br />

albumins, globulins, and fibrinogens. 6. T otal blood volume does not vary by the sex (male or<br />

female).<br />

Ex. 22. Compose the dialogue on the composition and functions of the blood.<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text without using dictionary:<br />


Platelets, or thrombocytes, are minute fragments of cells consisting of a small amount of<br />

cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. They are roughly disk shaped and average<br />

approximately 3 µm in diameter. Even though they are approximately 40 times more common in<br />

the blood than leukocytes (250,000 to 500,000 per cubic millimeter of blood), they often are not<br />

counted in typical blood smears because they tend to form platelet clumps and become difficult<br />

to distinguish.<br />

The life expectancy of platelets is approximately 5 to 9 days. Platelets are produced<br />

within the marrow and are derived from megakaryocytes, which are extremely large cells with<br />

diameters up to 100 µm. Small fragments of these cells break off and enter the circulation as<br />

platelets.<br />

Platelets play an important role in preventing blood loss. This prevention is accomplished<br />

in two ways: the formation of platelet plugs, which seal holes in small vessels; and the formation<br />

of clots, which help seal off larger wounds in the vessels.<br />

Ex. 24. Read and retell the following text:<br />


Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are nucleated blood cells that lack hemoglobin. They<br />

are c lear or w hitish in color and a re l arger t han e rythrocytes, r anging f rom 8 t o 19 µm i n<br />

diameter. In stained preparations leukocytes attract stain, whereas erythrocytes remain relatively<br />

unstained.<br />

Leukocytes protect the body against invading microorganisms and remove dead cells and<br />

debris from the body. Leukocytes leave the circulation by the process of diapedesis (movement<br />

through vessel walls) and move through the tissues in which they ingest foreign material or dead<br />

cells. At the site of an infection leukocytes accumulate and phagocytize bacteria, dirt, and dead<br />

cells; then they die. This accumulation of dead leukocytes, along with fluid and cell debris, is<br />

called pus.<br />

Leukocytes are named according to their appearance in stained preparations. Leukocytes<br />

containing large cytoplasmic granules are granulocytes, and those with very small granules that<br />

cannot b e seen easily w ith the light m icroscope a re agranulocytes. The three t ypes of<br />

granulocytes are named according to the staining characteristics of their cytoplasm: neutrophils,<br />

eosinophils, and basophils. There are two types of agranulocytes: monocytes and lymphocytes.<br />

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into English.<br />

1. Основними життєво важливими функціями крові є транспортувальна та захисна<br />

функції, а також функція підтримання стабільного клітинного середовища. 2. Кров<br />

переносить поживні речовини з шлунково-кишкового тракту та кисень з дихальних<br />

органів до усіх клітин організму. 3. Продукти розпаду виводяться з кров’ю до дихальних<br />

та видільних органів. 4. Загальний обсяг крові поділяється на циркулюючий (circulating)

обсяг крові та резервний (reserve) обсяг крові. 5. Резервна кров зберігається в певних<br />

органах, наприклад, в печінці. 6. Плазма крові містить амінокислоти, прості цукри,<br />

різноманітні ліпіди. 7. Функції плазми полягають у перенесенні газів, поживних речовин<br />

та вітамінів, у регулюванні рідинного та електролітичного (electrolyte) балансу, у<br />

підтриманні відповідного pH.<br />


Blood is a type of connective tissue whose cells are suspended in a liquid intracellular material.<br />

It plays vital roles in transporting substances between the body cells and the external<br />

environment. It aids in maintaining a stable cellular environment. Whole blood consists of a<br />

cellular fraction and a cell-free fluid portion, which is the plasma. The cellular fraction consists<br />

of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes). They are formed mostly in the<br />

red bone marrow. Some cellular fragments called blood platelets (thrombocytes). The plasma is<br />

composed of water, amino acid, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and hormones. The<br />

main function of red blood cells is to transport gases. White blood cells function primarily to<br />

control various disease conditions, being transported to sites of infections. Blood platelets help<br />

close breaks in blood vessels.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What t ype of t issue i s t he bl ood? 2. W hat i s t he t otal blood vol ume i n a n a verage a dult?<br />

3.What does the blood consist of? 4. What is the plasma? 5. What does the plasma consist of ?<br />

6.What is blood serum? 7. What major categories are the formed elements grouped into? 8. What<br />

blood c ells are c onsidered t o b e t he m ost nu merous? 9.W hat a re the major f unctions of the<br />

blood?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. B lood i s a t ype of _ tissue w hose c ells are suspended in a l iquid intracellular material. 2.<br />

Blood consists of a liquid portion called _ and a solid portion. 3. This portion also named as the<br />

cellular fraction includes _, _, _. 4. _ a re essential for the clotting of blood. 5. _ are the most<br />

numerous blood cells. 6. A majority of _ are concerned with combating infection in the body.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Пісоцькою О.О.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________200__р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль 9<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Око<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Око”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Adverbs засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу,<br />

що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

sclera ['sklIrq] склера, білкова оболонка<br />

ока<br />

cornea ['kO:nIq] рогівка, рогова<br />

оболонка ока<br />

pupil ['pju:pl] зіниця<br />

iris ['aIqrIs] райдужка<br />

lens [lenz] кришталик ока<br />

fovea ['fouvIq] поглиблення, ямка<br />

choroid ['kO:rOId] судинна оболонка<br />

ока, хоріоід, хоріоідея<br />

retina ['retInq] сітківка, сітчаста<br />

оболонка<br />

conjunctiva ["kOnGANk'taIvq]<br />

кон’юнктива (слизова оболонка ока)<br />

vitreous humor ['vItrqs 'hju:mq]<br />

склоподібне тіло<br />

aqueous humor ['eIkwIqs 'hju:mq]<br />

водяна волога ока<br />

anterior chamber [xn'tIqrIq 'CeImbq]<br />

передня камера (ока)<br />

posterior ch amber [pOs'tIqrIq] задня<br />

камера (ока)<br />

canal of Schlemm [kq'nxl qv 'Slem] шоломів<br />

канал, венозний синус склери<br />

eyelid ['aIlId] віко, повіка<br />

eyeball ['aIbO:l] очне яблуко<br />

tough [tAf] щільний<br />

tear [tFq] сльоза<br />

refract [rI'frxkt] заломлювати<br />

adjust [q'GAst] пристосовуватись<br />

dim [dIm] неяскравий, тьмяний<br />

enclose [In'klquz] містити<br />

suspend [sqs'pend] підвішувати,<br />

схилятисяbulk [bAlk] основна маса, більша<br />

частина чогось.<br />

project [prq'Gekt] проектувати<br />

record [rI'kO:d] реєструвати<br />

perceive [pq'sI:v] сприймати, розуміти<br />

sight [saIt] зір

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is Adverbs<br />

Give your examples<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. The blood was dropping from the wound very slowly. 2. Chronic forms begin more slowly. 3.<br />

Acute l eukemia pr ogresses qui ckly. 4. T he a xon qui ckly d ivides i nto numerous b ranches. 5 .<br />

Injured leg hurts very badly. 6. In two or three weeks the same recovery is always complete. 7. I<br />

usually go t o see my friends in the evening. 8. T hese patients usually have acute problems. 9.<br />

This s pace i s a lways f illed w ith a queous hum or. 10. T he f ace i s us ually a m irror of pe rson's<br />

condition.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тексту.<br />

Словотворення: Suffixes and term-elements: та повторення пройденого матеріалу<br />

(утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: Adverbs<br />

Текст: “Eye”.<br />


Ex. 4. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Insert the missing letters, read the following words and translate them:<br />

C_oroid; ret_na; hum _r; a d_ust; b_ lk; s _lera; f ove_; pr o_ect; tou_h; _ ornea; p_pi l; r e_ord;<br />

en_lose; l_ns; ey_lid; suspe_d; sig_t; i_is; con_unctiva.<br />

Ex. 6. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Unique; re ceive; eye; f ocus; c onjunctiva; re tina; i ris; a queous hum or; c anal o f S chlemm;<br />

vitreous; c horoid; e yelid; nour ish; t ear; po wer; pa ss; a llow; de licate; anterior c hamber;<br />

manufacture; posterior; bloodstream; colorless; capsule; fiber; gelatin-like substance; known as;<br />

equivalent; primarily; multilayered; vision; visually; interpret; perceive.<br />

Ex. 7. Read the following text:<br />

EYE<br />

The eye s are uni que i nstruments, able t o r eceive de finite information about t he w orld<br />

outside our body. Thousands of times a day, the eyes move and focus on images near and far.<br />

The structure of the eye is very complex. The eye consists of conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, lens,<br />

retina, i ris, pupi l, a nterior c hamber ( aqueous hu mor), c anal of S chlemn, pos terior c hamber<br />

(vitreous humor), fovea (focal point), choroids, and optic nerve.<br />

The conjunctiva runs along the inside of the eyelid and the outermost portion of the eye.<br />

It meets the sclera, the tough white layer that covers most of the eyeball. Both contain tiny blood<br />

vessels that nourish the eye.<br />

Inside the conjunctiva at the center of the eye the cornea lies. This layer of clear tissue<br />

with its f ilm of te ars pr ovides a bout tw o-thirds of t he f ocusing pow er of t he e ye. The c ornea<br />

refracts light as it enters the eye.<br />

The pupi l a nd i ris l ie be hind t he c ornea. T he pupi l i s t he opening t hrough w hich l ight<br />

passes to the back of the eye. Muscles controlling the iris (the colored part of the eye) allow it to<br />

change the size of the pupil to adjust to the amount of light. The pupil becomes larger in dim<br />

light and smaller in bright light to protect the delicate retina from excessive light.<br />

Between the corne a an d the i ris t he anter ior chamber l ies. This spa ce i s f illed with<br />

aqueous humor. This fluid is manufactured in the posterior chamber of the eye. The fluid passes<br />

into the anterior chamber through the pupil and then is absorbed into the bloodstream through the<br />

canal of Schlemm in the angle where the iris meets the cornea.<br />

Behind the iris and anterior cha mber t he l ens is. This colorless t issue is enc losed in a<br />

capsule and suspended in the middle of the eye by a net of fibers. The lens can change shape in<br />

order to focus light rays on the retina.<br />

The bul k of t he e yeball, w hich i s be hind t he lens, i s f ormed by t he r ound pos terior<br />

chamber. It is filled with a colorless, gelatin-like substance known as the vitreous humor.<br />

Retina is located behind the vitreous chamber. The retina of the eye is equivalent to the<br />

film of the camera. Composed of 10 layers, the retina processes the light images projected from<br />

the cornea and lens.<br />

The r etina i s nour ished pr imarily by t he c horoids. T his multilayered t issue, w hich l ies<br />

between the retina and the sclera, is composed of veins and arteries.<br />

Fovea located in the center of the retina provides the most acute vision. This section is the<br />

most visually sensitive part of the eye.<br />

The optic nerve takes the electrical impulses recorded by the retina and transmits them to<br />

the brain. The optic nerve interprets these messages into what we perceive as sight.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:

The w orld outside ou r body; t o f ocus on i mages ne ar a nd f ar; i t r uns a long the inside of t he<br />

eyelid; t iny; pr ovide; a mount of light ; di m light ; de licate retina; th e f luid passes through the<br />

pupil; bloodstream; colorless, gelatin-like substance; multilayered tissue; acute vision.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Віко; склера, білкова оболонка ока; кон'юнктива; пристосовуватися; рогівка, рогова<br />

оболонка ока; очне яблуко; зіниця; сльоза; укладати; сітківка, сітчаста оболонка; живити;<br />

райдужка; основна маса; кришталик ока; сприймати, розуміти; поглиблення, ямка; задня<br />

камера (ока); передня камера (ока); судинна оболонка ока; склоподібне тіло; шоломів<br />

канал.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the text "Eye" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 11. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What do es t he eye c onsist of ? 2. Where i s t he c onjunctiva? 3. What ve ssels doe s t he<br />

conjunctiva contain? 4. What is the cornea? 5. What is its function? 6. Where are the pupil and<br />

iris l ocated? 7. W hat i s t he f unction of m uscles c ontrolling t he iris? 8. W hat i s the a nterior<br />

chamber filled with? 9. Where is the lens? 10. What is its function? 11. What is the bulk of the<br />

eyeball f ormed by? 12. H ow many l ayers i s the r etina c omposed by? 13. What i s t he r etina<br />

nourished by? 14. What are the choroids composed of? 15. What is fovea? 16. What is the major<br />

function of the optic nerves?<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The conjunctiva is_. 2. The sclera is _. 3. The cornea is _. 4. The lens is _. 5. The retina is _. 7.<br />

The iris is _ . 8. The pupil is _.<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words given below:<br />

The e ye i s c omposed o f t hree c oats or t unics. The f ibrous t unic i s t he out er _ of t he e ye. I t<br />

consists of the _ and cornea. The sclera is the posterior four fifths of the _. It is white connective<br />

tissue that maintains the _ of t he eye and provides a si te f or muscle at tachment. The _ is t he<br />

anterior four fifths of t he eye. It is transparent and retracts _ that enters the eye. The vascular<br />

tunic of t he e ye is the _ l ayer. T his l ayer contains m ost o f t he bl ood ve ssels of the _. T he<br />

vascular tunic consists of the _, ciliary body, and iris.<br />

sclera; eyeball; eye; layer; light; cornea; shape; choroids; middle.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the first parts of the sentences into English and complete them:<br />

1. Очі – це_. 2. Око складається з _. 3. Кон'юнктива, розташована на зовнішній стороні<br />

ока, складається з _. 4. Функція рогової оболонки ока – це _. 5. Зіниця і райдужка ока<br />

розташовані _. 6. Водяниста волога ока виробляється _. 7. Кришталик ока може _. 8.<br />

Сітчаста оболонка ока є еквівалентом _. 9. Найбільш візуально чутлива частина ока – це _.<br />

Ex. 15. Compose the plan of the text "Eye".<br />

Ex. 16. Speak on the location of different parts of the eye.

Ex. 17. Speak on the functions of parts of the eye.<br />

Ex. 18. Compose the dialogue on the structure and functions of the eye.<br />

Ex. 19. Read and translate the following text. Write out the key words of it:<br />


Accessory structures protect, lubricate, move, and in other ways aid in the function of the<br />

eye. They include eyebrows, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic eye muscles.<br />

The eyebrows prevent perspiration from entering the eyes and help shade of the eye. The<br />

eyelids consist of 5 tissue layers. They protect the eyes from foreign objects and help lubricate<br />

the eyes by spreading tears over their surface. During sleep the eyes are protected from drying<br />

out by b eing c losed. L acrimal gl ands pr oduce t ears that f low a cross the s urface of t he e ye.<br />

Excess t ears enter t he l acrimal cana liculi and reach the na sal cavi ty through the na solacrimal<br />

canal. T ears l ubricate a nd protect the eye . The extr insic e ye m uscles attached to the out side<br />

covering (sclera) of the eye move the eyeball. They act on concert to move both eyes up, down,<br />

around, and from side to side so that our two eyes will center on exactly the same point.<br />

Ex. 20. R ead t he f ollowing t ext a nd write d own 2 -3 questions t hat you would l ike t o be<br />

asked. Begin some of your questions with the following phrases:<br />

Could you tell me …<br />

Is it true that …<br />

I’d like to know …<br />

Would you explain why (how, where, what…) …<br />


Why do w e have two eyes, facing forward and not on the sides so that we can see most<br />

everything around us like other animals? There are advantages and disadvantages to both types<br />

of eye placements. Our two eyes are face forward, what is called stereovision, because they work<br />

together to make sense out of an image and with depth perception (seeing in 3D). Other animals<br />

with eyes on the sides, like fish, cannot see straight ahead as well as we can. Most of the times<br />

they use their peripheral vision to see straight or else they have to turn their heads to the side.<br />

Their depth perception is not as good as ours, but their main purpose for sight is to protect them<br />

from danger all around. Each component that make up the eye work together so that you enjoy a<br />

good s ight. L earn a bout t he m ajor pa rts of t hey e ye by c licking o n a n a rea a bove you a re<br />

interested in.

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

The e ye i s c omposed o f t hree c oats or t unics. The f ibrous t unic i s t he out er _ of t he e ye. I t<br />

consists of the _ and cornea. The sclera is the posterior four fifths of the _. It is white connective<br />

tissue that maintains t he _ of t he eye and provides a si te f or muscle at tachment. The _ is t he<br />

anterior four fifths of t he eye. It is transparent and retracts _ that enters the eye. The vascular<br />

tunic of t he e ye is the _ l ayer. T his l ayer contains m ost o f t he bl ood ve ssels of the _. T he<br />

vascular tunic consists of the _, ciliary body, and iris.<br />

sclera; eyeball; eye; layer; light; cornea; shape; choroids; middle.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

4. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________2000__р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль 9<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Око<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою «Око».<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Adverbs засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу,<br />

що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тесту.<br />

Словотворення: Prefixes and term-elements: та повторення пройденого матеріалу<br />

(утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: Gerund<br />

Текст: “Drugs”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Adverbs<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Adverbs<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />

Student”)<br />

Усне<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння фонетичний<br />

матеріалу з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Prefixes and<br />

suffixes: та повторення<br />

пройденого матеріалу (утворення<br />

медичних термінів);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Adverbs.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на розширення знань студентів з будови ока. Засвоєння<br />

англомовних відповідників назв складових ока. Усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині<br />

анатомії, а також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні<br />

медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />



sclera ['sklIrq] склера, білкова оболонка ока<br />

cornea ['kO:nIq] рогівка, рогова оболонка ока<br />

pupil ['pju:pl] зіниця<br />

iris ['aIqrIs] райдужка<br />

lens [lenz] кришталик ока<br />

fovea ['fouvIq] поглиблення, ямка<br />

choroid ['kO:rOId] судинна оболонка ока,<br />

хоріоід, хоріоідея<br />

retina ['retInq] сітківка, сітчаста оболонка<br />

conjunctiva ["kOnGANk'taIvq] кон’юнктива<br />

(слизова оболонка ока)<br />

vitreous humor ['vItrqs 'hju:mq] склоподібне<br />

тіло<br />

aqueous humor ['eIkwIqs 'hju:mq] водяна волога<br />

ока<br />

anterior chamber [xn'tIqrIq 'CeImbq] передня<br />

камера (ока)<br />

posterior chamber [pOs'tIqrIq] задня камера<br />

(ока)<br />

canal of Schlemm [kq'nxl qv 'Slem] шоломів<br />

канал, венозний синус склери<br />

eyelid ['aIlId] віко, повіка<br />

eyeball ['aIbO:l] очне яблуко<br />

tough [tAf] щільний<br />

tear [tFq] сльоза<br />

refract [rI'frxkt] заломлювати<br />

adjust [q'GAst] пристосовуватись<br />

dim [dIm] неяскравий, тьмяний<br />

enclose [In'klquz] містити<br />

suspend [sqs'pend] підвішувати,<br />

схилятисяbulk [bAlk] основна маса, більша<br />

частина чогось.<br />

project [prq'Gekt] проектувати<br />

record [rI'kO:d] реєструвати<br />

perceive [pq'sI:v] сприймати, розуміти<br />

sight [saIt] зір<br />


‘x. 1. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Heal; healable; healing; health; healthless; healthful; healthy; unhealthy;<br />

grow; growing; growth; ingrowth; regrowth; growth-rate; newgrowth; no-growth; grown;<br />

set; outset; setting; resetting; unset; inset; reset; to inset; to reset; resetting .<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


slowly, quickly, badly, easily They walked quickly.<br />

(з неперехідним дієсловом)<br />

slowly, quickly, badly, easily He wrote case-history quickly.<br />

(з перехідним дієсловом)<br />

always, often, never, usually, sometimes<br />

today, yesterday, tomorrow<br />

He quickly wrote a case-history.<br />

She always receive necessary information.<br />

He is always busy.<br />

She must always be in time.<br />

They will come tomorrow.<br />

Tomorrow they will come.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and analyze the place of the adverbs in the following sentences:<br />

1. The blood was dropping from the wound very slowly. 2. Chronic forms begin more slowly. 3.<br />

Acute l eukemia pr ogresses qui ckly. 4. T he a xon qui ckly d ivides i nto numerous b ranches. 5 .<br />

Injured leg hurts very badly. 6. In two or three weeks the same recovery is always complete. 7. I<br />

usually go t o see my friends in the evening. 8. T hese patients usually have acute problems. 9.<br />

This s pace i s a lways f illed w ith a queous hum or. 10. T he f ace i s us ually a m irror of pe rson's<br />

condition.<br />


Ex. 4. Read the VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Ex. 5. Insert the missing letters, read the following words and translate them:<br />

C_oroid; ret_na; hum _r; a d_ust; b_ lk; s _lera; f ove_; pr o_ect; tou_h; _ ornea; p_pi l; r e_ord;<br />

en_lose; l_ns; ey_lid; suspe_d; sig_t; i_is; con_unctiva.<br />

Ex. 6. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Unique; re ceive; eye; f ocus; c onjunctiva; re tina; i ris; a queous hum or; c anal o f S chlemm;<br />

vitreous; c horoid; e yelid; nour ish; t ear; po wer; pa ss; a llow; de licate; anterior c hamber;<br />

manufacture; posterior; bloodstream; colorless; capsule; fiber; gelatin-like substance; known as;<br />

equivalent; primarily; multilayered; vision; visually; interpret; perceive.<br />

Ex. 7. Read the following text:<br />

EYE<br />

The e yes are uni que i nstruments, a ble t o r eceive de finite information about t he w orld<br />

outside our body. Thousands of times a day, the eyes move and focus on images near and far.<br />

The structure of the eye is very complex. The eye consists of conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, lens,<br />

retina, i ris, pupi l, a nterior c hamber ( aqueous hu mor), c anal of Schlemn, pos terior c hamber<br />

(vitreous humor), fovea (focal point), choroids, and optic nerve.<br />

The conjunctiva runs along the inside of the eyelid and the outermost portion of the eye.<br />

It meets the sclera, the tough white layer that covers most of the eyeball. Both contain tiny blood<br />

vessels that nourish the eye.<br />

Inside the conjunctiva at the center of the eye the cornea lies. This layer of clear tissue<br />

with its f ilm of te ars pr ovides a bout tw o-thirds of t he f ocusing pow er of t he e ye. T he c ornea<br />

refracts light as it enters the eye.<br />

The pupi l a nd i ris l ie be hind t he c ornea. T he pupi l i s t he opening t hrough w hich l ight<br />

passes to the back of the eye. Muscles controlling the iris (the colored part of the eye) allow it to<br />

change the size of the pupil to adjust to the amount of light. The pupil becomes larger in dim<br />

light and smaller in bright light to protect the delicate retina from excessive light.<br />

Between the corne a an d the i ris t he anter ior chamber l ies. This spa ce i s f illed with<br />

aqueous humor. This fluid is manufactured in the posterior chamber of the eye. The fluid passes<br />

into the anterior chamber through the pupil and then is absorbed into the bloodstream through the<br />

canal of Schlemm in the angle where the iris meets the cornea.<br />

Behind the i ris and a nterior cha mber t he l ens is. This colorless t issue is enc losed in a<br />

capsule and suspended in the middle of the eye by a net of fibers. The lens can change shape in<br />

order to focus light rays on the retina.<br />

The bul k of t he e yeball, w hich i s be hind t he lens, i s f ormed by t he r ound pos terior<br />

chamber. It is filled with a colorless, gelatin-like substance known as the vitreous humor.<br />

Retina is located behind the vitreous chamber. The retina of the eye is equivalent to the<br />

film of the camera. Composed of 10 layers, the retina processes the light images projected from<br />

the cornea and lens.<br />

The r etina i s nour ished pr imarily by t he c horoids. T his multilayered t issue, w hich l ies<br />

between the retina and the sclera, is composed of veins and arteries.<br />

Fovea located in the center of the retina provides the most acute vision. This section is the<br />

most visually sensitive part of the eye.<br />

The optic nerve takes the electrical impulses recorded by the retina and transmits them to<br />

the brain. The optic nerve interprets these messages into what we perceive as sight.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:

The w orld outside ou r body; t o f ocus on i mages ne ar a nd f ar; i t r uns a long the inside of t he<br />

eyelid; t iny; pr ovide; a mount of l ight; d im light ; de licate retina; th e f luid passes through the<br />

pupil; bloodstream; colorless, gelatin-like substance; multilayered tissue; acute vision.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Віко; склера, білкова оболонка ока; кон'юнктива; пристосовуватися; рогівка, рогова<br />

оболонка ока; очне яблуко; зіниця; сльоза; укладати; сітківка, сітчаста оболонка; живити;<br />

райдужка; основна маса; кришталик ока; сприймати, розуміти; поглиблення, ямка; задня<br />

камера (ока); передня камера (ока); судинна оболонка ока; склоподібне тіло; шоломів<br />

канал.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the text "Eye" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 11. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What do es t he e ye c onsist of ? 2. Where i s t he conj unctiva? 3. What ve ssels doe s t he<br />

conjunctiva contain? 4. What is the cornea? 5. What is its function? 6. Where are the pupil and<br />

iris loc ated? 7. What is the f unction of m uscles c ontrolling the iris? 8. What is the a nterior<br />

chamber filled with? 9. Where is the lens? 10. What is its function? 11. What is the bulk of the<br />

eyeball f ormed by? 12. H ow many l ayers i s the r etina c omposed by? 13. What i s t he r etina<br />

nourished by? 14. What are the choroids composed of? 15. What is fovea? 16. What is the major<br />

function of the optic nerves?<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The conjunctiva is_. 2. The sclera is _. 3. The cornea is _. 4. The lens is _. 5. The retina is _. 7.<br />

The iris is _ . 8. The pupil is _.<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words given below:<br />

The e ye i s c omposed o f t hree c oats or t unics. The f ibrous t unic i s t he out er _ of t he e ye. I t<br />

consists of the _ and cornea. The sclera is the posterior four fifths of the _. It is white connective<br />

tissue that maintains t he _ of t he eye and provides a si te f or muscle at tachment. The _ is t he<br />

anterior four fifths of t he eye. It is transparent and retracts _ that enters the eye. The vascular<br />

tunic of t he e ye is the _ l ayer. T his l ayer contains m ost o f t he bl ood ve ssels of the _. T he<br />

vascular tunic consists of the _, ciliary body, and iris.<br />

sclera; eyeball; eye; layer; light; cornea; shape; choroids; middle.<br />

Ex. 14. Translate the first parts of the sentences into English and complete them:<br />

1. Очі – це_. 2. Око складається з _. 3. Кон'юнктива, розташована на зовнішній стороні<br />

ока, складається з _. 4. Функція рогової оболонки ока – це _. 5. Зіниця і райдужка ока<br />

розташовані _. 6. Водяниста волога ока виробляється _. 7. Кришталик ока може _. 8.<br />

Сітчаста оболонка ока є еквівалентом _. 9. Найбільш візуально чутлива частина ока – це _.<br />

Ex. 15. Compose the plan of the text "Eye".<br />

Ex. 16. Speak on the location of different parts of the eye.

Ex. 17. Speak on the functions of parts of the eye.<br />

Ex. 18. Compose the dialogue on the structure and functions of the eye.<br />

Ex. 19. Read and translate the following text. Write out the key words of it:<br />


Accessory structures protect, lubricate, move, and in other ways aid in the function of the<br />

eye. They include eyebrows, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic eye muscles.<br />

The eyebrows prevent perspiration from entering the eyes and help shade of the eye. The<br />

eyelids consist of 5 tissue layers. They protect the eyes from foreign objects and help lubricate<br />

the eyes by spreading tears over their surface. During sleep the eyes are protected from drying<br />

out by b eing c losed. L acrimal gl ands pr oduce t ears that f low a cross the s urface of t he e ye.<br />

Excess t ears enter t he l acrimal cana liculi and reach t he na sal c avity t hrough t he na solacrimal<br />

canal. T ears l ubricate a nd protect the eye . The extr insic e ye m uscles attached to the out side<br />

covering (sclera) of the eye move the eyeball. They act on concert to move both eyes up, down,<br />

around, and from side to side so that our two eyes will center on exactly the same point.<br />

Ex. 20. R ead t he f ollowing t ext a nd write d own 2 -3 questions t hat you would l ike t o be<br />

asked. Begin some of your questions with the following phrases:<br />

Could you tell me …<br />

Is it true that …<br />

I’d like to know …<br />

Would you explain why (how, where, what…) …<br />


Why do w e have two eyes, facing forward and not on the sides so that we can see most<br />

everything around us like other animals? There are advantages and disadvantages to both types<br />

of eye placements. Our two eyes are face forward, what is called stereovision, because they work<br />

together to make sense out of an image and with depth perception (seeing in 3D). Other animals<br />

with eyes on the sides, like fish, cannot see straight ahead as well as we can. Most of the times<br />

they use their peripheral vision to see straight or else they have to turn their heads to the side.<br />

Their depth perception is not as good as ours, but their main purpose for sight is to protect them<br />

from danger all around. Each component that make up the eye work together so that you enjoy a<br />

good s ight. L earn a bout t he m ajor pa rts of t hey e ye by c licking o n a n a rea a bove you a re<br />

interested in.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The eyes are unique instruments. Thousands of times a day, the eyes move and focus on images<br />

near a nd f ar. T he e ye c onsists of c onjunctiva, s clera, c ornea, l ens, r etina, i ris, pupi l, a nterior<br />

chamber (aqueous humor), canal of Schlemn, posterior chamber (vitreous humor), fovea (focal<br />

point), choroids, and optic nerve. The conjunctiva runs along the inside of the eyelid. It contains<br />

tiny blood vessels. The cornea refracts light as it enters the eye. The pupil is the opening through<br />

which light passes to the back of the eye. The anterior chamber is filled with aqueous humor.<br />

This f luid i s m anufactured i n the p osterior c hamber of t he e ye. B ehind t he i ris and a nterior<br />

chamber the lens is. The lens can change shape in order to focus light rays on t he retina. The

ulk of t he e yeball i s f ormed by t he pos terior chamber. It i s f illed with a colorl ess subs tance<br />

known as the vitreous humor. The retina is located behind the vitreous chamber. It processes the<br />

light images. The retina is nourished primarily by the choroids. Fovea located in the center of the<br />

retina provides the most acute vision. This section is the most visually sensitive part of the eye.<br />

The optic nerve takes the electrical impulses and transmits them to the brain. The optic nerve<br />

interprets these messages into what we perceive as sight.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the eye.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What do es t he e ye c onsist of ? 2. Where i s t he c onjunctiva? 3. What ve ssels doe s t he<br />

conjunctiva contain? 4. What is the cornea? 5. What is its function? 6. Where are the pupil and<br />

iris l ocated? 7. W hat i s t he f unction of m uscles c ontrolling t he iris? 8. W hat i s the a nterior<br />

chamber filled with? 9. Where is the lens? 10. What is its function? 11. What is the bulk of the<br />

eyeball f ormed by? 12. H ow many l ayers i s the r etina c omposed by? 13. What i s t he r etina<br />

nourished by? 14. What are the choroids composed of? 15. What is fovea? 16. What is the major<br />

function of the optic nerves?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. The conjunctiva is_. 2. The sclera is _. 3. The cornea is _. 4. The lens is _. 5. The retina is<br />

_. 7. The iris is _ . 8. The pupil is _.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 6<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Щитоподібна залоза.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Щитоподібна залоза” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати тексти,<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з тем та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Subjective Infinitive Construction засвоїти функції<br />

та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються тем, які<br />

повторюються. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення основних префіксів та суфіксів різних частин мови.<br />

Граматика: Subjective Infinitive Construction<br />

Тексти: Functions of hormones, Thyroid Gland<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми<br />

“Щитоподібна<br />

залоза”<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал<br />

до теми<br />

Словотворення: повторення<br />

основних префіксів та суфіксів<br />

різних частин мови<br />

Граматика: Subjective Infinitive<br />

Construction<br />

Читання та говоріння: повторення<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми,<br />

розвиток навичок усного<br />

мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Subjective<br />

Infinitive<br />

Construction<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми<br />

“Щитоподібна<br />

залоза”.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

hormone ['hO:mqun] гормон<br />

pancreas ['pxNkrIqs] підшлункова залоза<br />

adrenal gland [qd'rInql] надниркова залоза<br />

pituitary gland [pI'tju(:)It(q)rI] гіпофіз<br />

thyroid (gland) ['TaIrO:Id] щитоподібна залоза<br />

parathyroid (gland) ["pxrq'TaIrO:Id]<br />

прищитоподібна залоза<br />

ovary ['quvqrI] яєчник<br />

testicle ['testIkl] яєчко<br />

markedly ['ma:ktlI] помітно; значно<br />

influence ['Influqns] впливати<br />

gonad ['gOunxd] статева залоза<br />

pineal gland ['pInIql] шишкоподібна залоза<br />

thymus (gland) ['TaImqs] загруднинна залоза,<br />

тимус<br />

in response to [rIs'pOns] у відповідь на<br />

burst [bq:st] вибух, спалах<br />



Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

overoverstrain<br />

перенапруження<br />

para- (near, beside; abnormal)<br />

paracystic приміхуровий, такий, що розміщений біля міхура<br />

parafunction парафункція, порушена або аномальна функция<br />

per- (through)<br />

pernasal черезносовий, такий, що виконується через ніс<br />

poly- (many)<br />

stimuli (sing. stimulus) ['stImjulaI]<br />

подразники, стимули<br />

adrenaline [xd'renqlIn] адреналін,<br />

епінефрин<br />

mammary gland ['mxmqrI] молочна залоза<br />

lacrimal gland ['lxkrImql] сльозна залоза<br />

sweat gland [swet] потова залоза<br />

target ['ta:gIt] мішень<br />

protein ['prqutII:n] білок, протеїн<br />

glycoprotein ["glaIko'prqutII:n] глікопротеїн<br />

polypeptide ["pOlI'peptaId (tId)] поліпептид,<br />

поліпептидний<br />

amino acid ['xmIno 'xsId] амінокислота<br />

lipid ['lIpId ('lIpaId)] ліпід<br />

glandular ['glxndjulq] гландулярний,<br />

залозовий, такий, що стосується залози

polymelia полімерія, потологія розвитку, що характеризується наявністю зайвих кінцівок<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

A. Overweight; ove rgrowth; ove restimate; ove rdose; ove reating; ove ractivity; ove rabundance;<br />

overproduction.<br />

B. Parathyroid; paralysis; paranasal; parafollicular.<br />

C. Percutaneous; peroxide; permeable; perpendicular.<br />

D. Polymorphonuclear; polyneuritis; polypeptide; polyclinic.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following data:<br />


NOUN<br />

(Common Case)<br />

or<br />


(Subjective<br />

Case)<br />


Doctor(s) I Passive Voice Indefinite<br />

(Active)<br />

He to think (думати), Indefinite<br />

to believe (думати), (Passive)<br />

to know (знати),<br />

Dentist(s) She to suppose<br />

(вважати,<br />

допускати),<br />

to consider<br />

(вважати),<br />

It<br />

to see (допускати),<br />

to hear (слухати),<br />

to report<br />

(повідомляти)<br />

to say (говорити)<br />

Continuous<br />

(Active)<br />

Perfect<br />

(Active)<br />

Scientist(s) You Active Voice Perfect<br />

(Passive)<br />

We to seem (здаватися),<br />

to appear<br />

(здаватися),<br />


V<br />

(to write)<br />

to be + V 3<br />

(to be written)<br />

to be + V ing<br />

(to be writing)<br />

to have + V 3<br />

(to have written)<br />

to have been + V 3<br />

(to have been written)<br />

They to happen<br />

(траплятся)<br />

Речення з суб'єктним інфінітивним комплексом на українську мову перекладаються<br />

здебільшого складно-підрядними реченнямиться із сполучником “що”. Переклад слід<br />

починати з присудка, який в українській мові перетворюється на неозначено-особове або<br />

безособове головне речення. Перша частина комплексу (іменник або займенник) стає<br />

підметом підрядного речення, а інфінітив перекладається особовою формою дієслова, що<br />

стає присудком підрядного речення:<br />

These doctors are known to be Відомо, що ці лікарі гарні фахівці.<br />

good specialists.<br />

She is said to treat this disease. Кажуть, що вона лікує це захворювання.<br />

He seems to have passed his Здається, він успішно здав іспити.<br />

examinations well.

У якості присудка також можуть вживатися такі словосполучення: to be sure<br />

напевно, to be certain безумовно, to be likely напевно:<br />

They are likely to return next week. Напевно, вони повернуться на наступному тижні.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. X -ray e xamination i s c onsidered t o be ve ry i mportant i n di agnosis. 2. H e i s s upposed t o<br />

discharge the patient from the hospital 3. T he heart is considered to have been enlarged. 4. T he<br />

patient is said to become well. 5. This drug is known to give a good effect. 6. This disease is said<br />

to have a chronic course. 7. The urgent operation was supposed to have saved the patient’s life.<br />

8. The nurse seems to be very experienced. 9. The pain is considered to be caused by too hot or<br />

too c old f ood. 10. A ll drugs a ppear t o be k ept i n d rug c abinets. 11. Excessive s moking a nd<br />

alcohol c onsumption a re know n t o pr oduce m ild ga stritis or to a ggravate e xisting ga stritis<br />

symptoms. 12. O ne of t he m ajor a ids i n a cute a nd c hronic a nemia a s w ell a s i n s hock,<br />

hemophilia and so on is known to be transfusion of blood. 13. The causes for hypersecretion or<br />

hyposecretion of gr owth hor mone a re know n t o i nvolve t umors i n t he hypot halamus or t he<br />

pituitary gland. 14. T he most common thyroid disorders are considered to be hyperthyroidism<br />

and hypot hyroidism. 15. T he e ndocrine s ystem w as be lieved t o be r elatively i ndependent and<br />

different from the nervous system, but a relationship between these systems is now recognized.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. What endocrine glands do you know?<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

_drenal; p itu_tary; t hyr_id; pa ncre_s; pa rathyr_id; o_a ry; testi_le; p_n eal; t _ymus; m a_mary;<br />

la_rimal; swe_t.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Target orga n; r esponse; st imuli; adr enaline; separate gl ands; ena ble; se crete t he i nsulin; bur st;<br />

lacrimal gland; sweat gland; external body s urface; bloodstream; produce; glandular; pancreas;<br />

adrenal; pituitary; thyroid; parathyroid.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Protein; lipid; amino acid; hormone; glycoprotein; polypeptide; breathe [brID]; usual; although;<br />

either; af fect; m echanism; re lease; a mount o f s ugar; c ertain; p articular hor mone; insulin<br />

['InsjulIn]; to separate; separate glands; via [vaIq].<br />

Ex. 11. Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The<br />

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6. T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal cort ex is de rived from _. 8. Norepinephrine st imulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.

thyroid gland; exocrine; regulates; consists of; thyroid; mesoderm; blood; medulla;<br />

temperature; pituitary gland; kidney; intestine.<br />

Ex. 12. Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):<br />

1. A s a gr oup, e ndocrine gl ands are c oncerned w ith t he regulation o f metabolic processes.<br />

2. E xocrine gl ands s ecrete hor mones. 3. H ormone i s c arried t o i ts t arget c ells by body f luid.<br />

4. Endocrine glands do not secrete hormones that affect target cells possessing specific receptors.<br />

Ex. 13. Pronounce and translate the following terms to the theme studied:<br />

Minute [maI'nju:t] amount; in terstitial ["Intq:'stISql] space; f uel [fjul]; st archy ['sta:CI] food;<br />

potassium [pq'txsIqm]; s odium ['squdjqm]; the ra te of c hemical a ctivity; di stinct [dIs'tINkt]<br />

hormones; prompt [prOmpt]; urine output ['autput].<br />

Ex. 14. Read the following text, make up a plan, and speak on the functions of hormones:<br />


The s ecretory pr oducts of e ndocrine gl ands a re hor mones. T raditionally a ho rmone i s<br />

defined as a substance that is produced in minute amounts by a collection of cells, is secreted<br />

into the interstitial spaces, enters the circulatory system on which it is transported some distance,<br />

and acts on spe cific t issues cal led target t issues at anot her si te in the body t o i nfluence t he<br />

tissues' activity.<br />

The hormones produced by the pancreas enable the body to break down (metabolize) the<br />

food you e at. They regulate the body's use of glucose, a simple form of sugar that is an energy<br />

source for much of the daily activities of all human cells. Three hormones are produced by the<br />

pancreas. The first is insulin, which is produced when the concentration of glucose in the blood<br />

increases. This nor mally occurs shortly after a pe rson eats a m eal. Muscle and fat ce lls ar e<br />

stimulated by i nsulin t o a bsorb t he gl ucose t hey ne ed a s f uel f or t heir a ctivities. T he s econd<br />

pancreatic hormone is glucagon. When needed, it breaks down the glycogen stored as fuel into<br />

the bloodstream. In effect, this raises the concentration of sugar in the blood. The third hormone<br />

produced by the pancreas, somatostatin, is a factor in regulating the production and release of<br />

both insulin and glucagon.<br />

When secreted into the bloodstream adrenal medulla hormones increase cardiac output,<br />

blood flow to skeletal muscles and heart, and release of glucose and fatty acids into blood. The<br />

cortex produces a group of hormones called corticosteroids, of which there are three kinds. One<br />

kind i s the s ex hor mones. T hey a ffect s exual de velopment a nd r eproduction. A nother kind<br />

includes gl ucocorticoids. T hey i nfluence t he c onversion of starchy f oods i nto gl ycogen i n t he<br />

liver. T he t hird ki nd is t he m ineralocortocosteroids. T hey control t he body's us e of minerals,<br />

sodium and potassium. The hormones of the adrenal gland affect virtually every system in the<br />

human body to some degree.<br />

The t hyroid gl and helps s et the r ate at w hich t he bod y f unctions. I t r esponds t o<br />

instructions from the pituitary gland to secreting the hormone thyroxine, whose actions control<br />

the r ate of che mical a ctivity in t he body. S uch a ctivities vary d irectly w ith the quantity of<br />

thyroxine pr esent: t he m ore hor mones c irculating i n t he bl oodstream, t he gr eater t he s peed at<br />

which chemical reactions occur.<br />

As you know the pituitary gland (hypophysis) consists of two parts, the front (anterior)<br />

lobe and the posterior lobe. The anterior lobe produces six distinct hormones, including prolactin<br />

to stimulate the production of breast milk and growth hormone to regulate the body's physical<br />

growth. T he ot her f our hormones i nfluence ot her pa rts of t he e ndocrine s ystem, s timulating<br />

activities in the thyroid gland, ovaries, testicles, and adrenal glands. The posterior lobe produces<br />

two hor mones: oxyt ocin a nd a ntidiuretic hor mone. O xytocin pr ompts c ontractions dur ing<br />

childbirth and stimulates the breast to release milk during breastfeeding. Antidiuretic hormone<br />

acts on the kidneys to control urine output.

Ex. 15. Try to organize obtained information in the form of the following table:<br />

Gland Location Hormones produced by gland Function of the<br />

gland or hormone<br />

Ex. 16 . Speak on t he s ome e ndocrine g lands us ing obtained da ta. You m ay use t he<br />

following expressions:<br />

The endocrine system consists of _. The _ gland is one of the endocrine glands. It is located _.<br />

The _ glands secrete the following hormones _. These hormones play a key part in _.<br />

Ex. 17. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The t hyroid gl and i s o ne of t he e ndocrine<br />

glands, w hich m ake hor mones t o r egulate<br />

physiological f unctions i n t he hum an body. T he<br />

thyroid gl and m anufactures t hyroid hor mone,<br />

which regulates the rate at which the body c arries<br />

on its necessary functions.<br />

The t hyroid gl and i s l ocated in t he middle<br />

of t he l ower ne ck, be low t he l arynx ( voice bo x)<br />

and j ust a bove your c lavicles ( collarbones). I t i s<br />

Thyroid Gland<br />

shaped like a "bow tie," having two halves (lobes):<br />

a right lobe and a left lobe joined by an "isthmus".<br />

The thyroid gland contains numerous follicles, which are small spheres with their walls<br />

composed o f a s ingle l ayer of c uboidal e pithelial c ells. T he c enter, or l umen, of e ach t hyroid<br />

follicle is filled with a protein called thyroglobulin to which thyroid hormones are bound. The<br />

thyroglobulin stores large amounts of thyroid hormone.<br />

Between the f ollicles a de licate ne twork of l oose conne ctive tissue c ontains num erous<br />

capillaries. Scattered parafollicular cells are found between the follicles and among the cells that<br />

comprise the wall of the follicle. Calcitonin is secreted from the parafollicular cells and plays a<br />

role in reducing t he c oncentration of c alcium i n t he body fluids w hen c alcium l evels be come<br />

elevated.<br />

Diseases of the thyroid gland are very common. The most common diseases are caused<br />

by an over- or under-active glands. These conditions are called hyperthyroidism (e.g., Grave's<br />

disease) a nd hypot hyroidism. S ometimes t he t hyroid gl and c an be come e nlarged f rom ove r-<br />

activity (as i n Grave's disease ) or f rom unde r-activity (as in hypothyroidism). A n e nlarged<br />

thyroid gland is often called a "goiter."<br />

Patients m ay de velop " lumps" or " masses" i n t heir t hyroid gl and. T hey m ay a ppear<br />

gradually or very rapidly. Patients who had radiation therapy to the head or neck are more prone<br />

to develop thyroid malignancy.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the definitions and fill in blanks with proper term elements given below:<br />

1. Endo_ is the branch of medicine dealing with endocrine glands and internal secretion of the<br />

body. 2. E ndo_ is abnormal condition when endocrine glands fail to perform their functions. 3.<br />

Endo_ i s a method of t reatment, w hich i ncludes t he us ing of s ome hor mones. 4. E ndo_ i s<br />

inflammation of the endothelial membrane lining the cavities of the heart. 5. Endo_ is the use of<br />

a specific often flexible instruments in medical examination.<br />

A. _scopy; B. _crinology; C. _carditis; D. _crinopathology; E. _crinotherapy.<br />

Ex. 19. Skim through the following text and entitle it:

Although the stated differences between the endocrine and nervous systems are generally<br />

true, e xceptions do e xist ( e.g., s ome e ndocrine r esponses a re m ore r apid t han s ome ne ural<br />

responses, and some endocrine responses have a shorter duration than some neural responses).<br />

The endocrine system was believed to be relatively independent and different from the nervous<br />

system, but a r elationship between these sys tems i s now r ecognized. In f act, the t wo systems<br />

cannot be separated completely either anatomically or functionally. Some neurons secrete into<br />

the ci rculatory system r egulatory che micals c alled ne urohormones, w hich f unction l ike<br />

hormones. Other ne urons di rectly innervate e ndocrine g lands a nd i nfluence t heir s ecretory<br />

activity. Conversely, some hormones secreted by endocrine glands affect the nervous system and<br />

markedly influence its activity.<br />

Several types of chemicals are produced by cells and act as chemical messengers, but not<br />

all of t hem ar e hormones. Intercellular chemical messengers act as s ignals t hat allow one cell<br />

type to communicate with other cell types. The signals coordinate and regulate the activities of<br />

the m any cells t hat comprise t he body. T erms s uch a s hor mones, ne urohormones,<br />

neuromodulators are us ed to classify these su bstances. Although m any i ntercellular c hemical<br />

messengers consistently fit one specific definition, others do not.<br />

Ex. 20. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Залози внутрішньої секреції виділяють гормони. 2. Вони надходять у кров і беруть<br />

участь у гуморальній регуляції функцій різних систем організму людини. 3. Залози,<br />

які мають протоки, називають залозами зовнішньої секреції, або екзокринними<br />

залозами. 4. Залози, які не мають вивідних проток – це залози внутрішньої секреції,<br />

або ендокринні залози. 5. Продукти їхньої діяльності потрапляють у серцевосудинну<br />

або лімфатичну систему. 6. Щитоподібна залоза – непарний орган масою<br />

20-50 г. Залоза розташована в передній ділянці шиї. 7. Прищитоподібні залози<br />

парні. Загальна маса залоз становить у середньому близько 1 г. 8. Надниркова<br />

залоза – парний ендокринний орган. Маса залози 12-13 г, довжина 5 см, ширина 3<br />

см. 9. Кора надниркових залоз (adrenal cortex) виробляє кортикостероїди. Мозкова<br />

речовина надниркової залози (adrenal medulla) виробляє адреналін і норадреналін.<br />

Ці гормони мобілізують захисні сили організму.<br />

5.3 Заключний етап<br />

Повідомлення з теми.<br />

The endoc rine sys tem cons ists of c ells, tissues, and organs t hat produce hor mones or ot her<br />

chemical substances. The organs of endocrine system act together to control body activities and<br />

maintain homeostasis. There are two types of glands. They are endocrine glands and exocrine<br />

glands. Endocrine glands are pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal<br />

glands, gon ads a nd others. T hey s ecrete ho rmones i nto the body f luids. E xocrine gl ands a re<br />

mammary, salivary, lacrimal, and sweat glands . They secrete che mical subs tances i nto ducts,<br />

which lead to external body surfaces. Hormone is organic substance, which acts in the metabolic<br />

processes and has an effect on the functions of another cells. The endocrine system functions as a<br />

control system for the human body.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about the structure of thyroid gland.<br />

2. Describe the location of thyroid gland .<br />

3. Speak about the functions of thyroid gland.<br />

Контрольні питання:

1. What is the thyroid gland? 2. What hormone does the thyroid gland manufacture? 3. Where is<br />

the thyroid gland located? 4. What does the thyroid gland contain? 5. What are the most<br />

common diseases of the thyroid gland? 6. What are they caused by?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The<br />

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6. T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal c ortex i s de rived f rom _. 8. N orepinephrine stimulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.<br />

thyroid gland; exocrine; regulates; consists of; thyroid; mesoderm; blood; medulla;<br />

temperature; pituitary gland; kidney; intestine.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викл. Демченко Н.М.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 6<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Щитоподібна залоза.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Щитоподібна залоза ” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та<br />

засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на<br />

запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Subjunctive Infinitive Construction засвоїти<br />

функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у<br />

тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

hormone ['hO:mqun] гормон<br />

pancreas ['pxNkrIqs] підшлункова залоза<br />

adrenal gland [qd'rInql] надниркова залоза<br />

pituitary gland [pI'tju(:)It(q)rI] гіпофіз<br />

thyroid (gland) ['TaIrO:Id] щитоподібна залоза<br />

parathyroid (gland) ["pxrq'TaIrO:Id]<br />

прищитоподібна залоза<br />

ovary ['quvqrI] яєчник<br />

testicle ['testIkl] яєчко<br />

markedly ['ma:ktlI] помітно; значно<br />

influence ['Influqns] впливати<br />

gonad ['gOunxd] статева залоза<br />

pineal gland ['pInIql] шишкоподібна залоза<br />

thymus (gland) ['TaImqs] загруднинна залоза,<br />

тимус<br />

in response to [rIs'pOns] у відповідь на<br />

burst [bq:st] вибух, спалах<br />

stimuli (sing. stimulus) ['stImjulaI]<br />

подразники, стимули<br />

adrenaline [xd'renqlIn] адреналін,<br />

епінефрин<br />

mammary gland ['mxmqrI] молочна залоза<br />

lacrimal gland ['lxkrImql] сльозна залоза<br />

sweat gland [swet] потова залоза<br />

target ['ta:gIt] мішень<br />

protein ['prqutII:n] білок, протеїн<br />

glycoprotein ["glaIko'prqutII:n] глікопротеїн<br />

polypeptide ["pOlI'peptaId (tId)] поліпептид,<br />

поліпептидний<br />

amino acid ['xmIno 'xsId] амінокислота<br />

lipid ['lIpId ('lIpaId)] ліпід<br />

glandular ['glxndjulq] гландулярний,<br />

залозовий, такий, що стосується залози<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is the Subjunctive Infinitive Construction?

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. X -ray e xamination i s c onsidered t o be ve ry i mportant in di agnosis. 2. H e i s s upposed t o<br />

discharge the patient from the hospital 3. T he heart is considered to have been enlarged. 4. T he<br />

patient is said to become well. 5. This drug is known to give a good effect. 6. This disease is said<br />

to have a chronic course. 7. The urgent operation was supposed to have saved the patient’s life.<br />

8. The nurse seems to be very experienced. 9. The pain is considered to be caused by too hot or<br />

too c old f ood. 10. A ll drugs a ppear t o be k ept i n d rug c abinets. 11. Excessive s moking a nd<br />

alcohol c onsumption a re know n t o pr oduce m ild ga stritis or to a ggravate e xisting ga stritis<br />

symptoms. 12. O ne of t he m ajor a ids i n a cute a nd c hronic a nemia a s w ell a s i n s hock,<br />

hemophilia and so on is known to be transfusion of blood. 13. The causes for hypersecretion or<br />

hyposecretion of gr owth hor mone a re know n t o i nvolve t umors i n t he hypot halamus or t he<br />

pituitary gland. 14. T he most common thyroid disorders are considered to be hyperthyroidism<br />

and hypot hyroidism. 15. T he e ndocrine s ystem w as be lieved t o be r elatively i ndependent and<br />

different from the nervous system, but a relationship between these systems is now recognized.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. What endocrine glands do you know?<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:<br />

_drenal; p itu_tary; t hyr_id; pa ncre_s; pa rathyr_id; o_a ry; testi_le; p_n eal; t _ymus; m a_mary;<br />

la_rimal; swe_t.<br />

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Target orga n; r esponse; st imuli; adr enaline; separate gl ands; ena ble; se crete t he i nsulin; bur st;<br />

lacrimal gland; sweat gland; external body s urface; bloodstream; produce; glandular; pancreas;<br />

adrenal; pituitary; thyroid; parathyroid.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Protein; lipid; amino acid; hormone; glycoprotein; polypeptide; breathe [brID]; usual; although;<br />

either; a ffect; m echanism; re lease; a mount o f s ugar; c ertain; p articular hor mone; insulin<br />

['InsjulIn]; to separate; separate glands; via [vaIq].<br />

Ex. 11. Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The<br />

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6. T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal cort ex is de rived from _. 8. Norepinephrine st imulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.<br />

thyroid gland; exocrine; regulates; consists of; thyroid; mesoderm; blood; medulla;<br />

temperature; pituitary gland; kidney; intestine.<br />

Ex. 12. Pick up correct statements (true or false choice):

1. As a group, endocrine glands are concerned with the regulation of metabolic processes.<br />

2. E xocrine gl ands s ecrete hor mones. 3. H ormone i s c arried t o its target cells by body fluid.<br />

4. Endocrine glands do not secrete hormones that affect target cells possessing specific receptors.<br />

Ex. 13. Pronounce and translate the following terms to the theme studied:<br />

Minute [maI'nju:t] amount; in terstitial ["Intq:'stISql] space; f uel [fjul]; st archy ['sta:CI] food;<br />

potassium [pq'txsIqm]; s odium ['squdjqm]; the ra te of c hemical a ctivity; di stinct [dIs'tINkt]<br />

hormones; prompt [prOmpt]; urine output ['autput].<br />

Ex. 14. Read the following text, make up a plan, and speak on the functions of hormones:<br />


The s ecretory pr oducts of e ndocrine gl ands a re hor mones. T raditionally a ho rmone i s<br />

defined as a substance that is produced in minute amounts by a collection of cells, is secreted<br />

into the interstitial spaces, enters the circulatory system on which it is transported some distance,<br />

and acts on spe cific t issues cal led target t issues at anot her si te in the body to influence t he<br />

tissues' activity.<br />

The hormones produced by the pancreas enable the body to break down (metabolize) the<br />

food you e at. They regulate the body's use of glucose, a simple form of sugar that is an energy<br />

source for much of the daily activities of all human cells. Three hormones are produced by the<br />

pancreas. The first is insulin, which is produced when the concentration of glucose in the blood<br />

increases. This nor mally occurs shortly after a pe rson eats a m eal. Muscle and fat ce lls ar e<br />

stimulated by i nsulin t o a bsorb t he gl ucose t hey ne ed a s f uel f or t heir a ctivities. T he s econd<br />

pancreatic hormone is glucagon. When needed, it breaks down the glycogen stored as fuel into<br />

the bloodstream. In effect, this raises the concentration of sugar in the blood. The third hormone<br />

produced by the pancreas, somatostatin, is a factor in regulating the production and release of<br />

both insulin and glucagon.<br />

When secreted into the bloodstream adrenal medulla hormones increase cardiac output,<br />

blood flow to skeletal muscles and heart, and release of glucose and fatty acids into blood. The<br />

cortex produces a group of hormones called corticosteroids, of which there are three kinds. One<br />

kind i s the s ex hor mones. T hey a ffect s exual de velopment a nd r eproduction. A nother k ind<br />

includes gl ucocorticoids. T hey i nfluence t he c onversion of starchy f oods i nto gl ycogen i n t he<br />

liver. T he t hird ki nd is t he m ineralocortocosteroids. T hey control t he body's us e of minerals,<br />

sodium and potassium. The hormones of the adrenal gland affect virtually every system in the<br />

human body to some degree.<br />

The t hyroid gl and helps set t he r ate at w hich t he bod y f unctions. I t r esponds t o<br />

instructions from the pituitary gland to secreting the hormone thyroxine, whose actions control<br />

the rate of chemical a ctivity in t he body. S uch a ctivities vary d irectly w ith the quantity of<br />

thyroxine pr esent: t he m ore hor mones ci rculating in the blo odstream, the great er t he spe ed at<br />

which chemical reactions occur.<br />

As you know the pituitary gland (hypophysis) consists of two parts, the front (anterior)<br />

lobe and the posterior lobe. The anterior lobe produces six distinct hormones, including prolactin<br />

to stimulate the production of breast milk and growth hormone to regulate the body's physical<br />

growth. T he ot her f our hormones i nfluence ot her pa rts of t he e ndocrine s ystem, s timulating<br />

activities in the thyroid gland, ovaries, testicles, and adrenal glands. The posterior lobe produces<br />

two hor mones: oxyt ocin a nd a ntidiuretic hor mone. O xytocin pr ompts c ontractions dur ing<br />

childbirth and stimulates the breast to release milk during breastfeeding. Antidiuretic hormone<br />

acts on the kidneys to control urine output.<br />

Ex. 15. Try to organize obtained information in the form of the following table:<br />

Gland Location Hormones produced by gland Function of the<br />

gland or hormone

Ex. 16. S peak on t he s ome e ndocrine g lands u sing obtained da ta. You m ay use t he<br />

following expressions:<br />

The endocrine system consists of _. The _ gland is one of the endocrine glands. It is located _.<br />

The _ glands secrete the following hormones _. These hormones play a key part in _.<br />

Ex. 17. Read and translate the following text:<br />


The t hyroid gl and i s o ne of t he e ndocrine<br />

glands, w hich m ake hor mones t o r egulate<br />

physiological f unctions i n the hum an body. T he<br />

thyroid gl and m anufactures t hyroid hor mone,<br />

which regulates the rate at which the body c arries<br />

on its necessary functions.<br />

The t hyroid gl and i s l ocated i n the middle<br />

of t he l ower ne ck, be low t he l arynx ( voice bo x)<br />

and j ust a bove your clavicles ( collarbones). It i s<br />

Thyroid Gland<br />

shaped like a "bow tie," having two halves (lobes):<br />

a right lobe and a left lobe joined by an "isthmus".<br />

The thyroid gland contains numerous follicles, which are small spheres with their walls<br />

composed o f a s ingle l ayer of cuboidal e pithelial c ells. T he c enter, or l umen, of e ach t hyroid<br />

follicle is filled with a protein called thyroglobulin to which thyroid hormones are bound. The<br />

thyroglobulin stores large amounts of thyroid hormone.<br />

Between the f ollicles a de licate ne twork of l oose c onnective tissue c ontains num erous<br />

capillaries. Scattered parafollicular cells are found between the follicles and among the cells that<br />

comprise the wall of the follicle. Calcitonin is secreted from the parafollicular cells and plays a<br />

role in reducing t he c oncentration of c alcium i n t he body fluids w hen c alcium l evels be come<br />

elevated.<br />

Diseases of the thyroid gland are very common. The most common diseases are caused<br />

by an over- or under-active glands. These conditions are called hyperthyroidism (e.g., Grave's<br />

disease) a nd hypot hyroidism. S ometimes t he t hyroid gl and c an be come e nlarged f rom ove r-<br />

activity (as i n Grave's disease ) or f rom unde r-activity ( as i n hypot hyroidism). A n e nlarged<br />

thyroid gland is often called a "goiter."<br />

Patients m ay develop " lumps" or " masses" i n t heir t hyroid gl and. T hey m ay a ppear<br />

gradually or very rapidly. Patients who had radiation therapy to the head or neck are more prone<br />

to develop thyroid malignancy.<br />

Ex. 18. Read the definitions and fill in blanks with proper term elements given below:<br />

1. Endo_ is the branch of medicine dealing with endocrine glands and internal secretion of the<br />

body. 2. E ndo_ is abnormal condition when endocrine glands fail to perform their functions. 3.<br />

Endo_ i s a method of t reatment, w hich i ncludes t he us ing of s ome hor mones. 4. E ndo_ i s<br />

inflammation of the endothelial membrane lining the cavities of the heart. 5. Endo_ is the use of<br />

a specific often flexible instruments in medical examination.<br />

A. _scopy; B. _crinology; C. _carditis; D. _crinopathology; E. _crinotherapy.<br />

Ex. 19. Skim through the following text and entitle it:<br />

Although the stated differences between the endocrine and nervous systems are generally<br />

true, e xceptions do e xist ( e.g., s ome e ndocrine r esponses a re m ore r apid t han s ome ne ural<br />

responses, and some endocrine responses have a shorter duration than some neural responses).<br />

The endocrine system was believed to be relatively independent and different from the nervous

system, but a r elationship between these sys tems i s now r ecognized. In f act, t he t wo s ystems<br />

cannot be separated completely either anatomically or functionally. Some neurons secrete into<br />

the c irculatory s ystem r egulatory c hemicals c alled ne urohormones, w hich f unction l ike<br />

hormones. Other ne urons di rectly innervate e ndocrine g lands a nd i nfluence t heir s ecretory<br />

activity. Conversely, some hormones secreted by endocrine glands affect the nervous system and<br />

markedly influence its activity.<br />

Several types of chemicals are produced by cells and act as chemical messengers, but not<br />

all of t hem ar e hormones. Intercellular chemical messengers act as s ignals t hat allow one cell<br />

type to communicate with other cell types. The signals coordinate and regulate the activities of<br />

the m any cells t hat comprise t he body. T erms s uch a s hormones, ne urohormones,<br />

neuromodulators are us ed to classify these su bstances. Although m any i ntercellular c hemical<br />

messengers consistently fit one specific definition, others do not.<br />

Ex. 20. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

2. Залози внутрішньої секреції виділяють гормони. 2. Вони надходять у кров і беруть<br />

участь у гуморальній регуляції функцій різних систем організму людини. 3. Залози,<br />

які мають протоки, називають залозами зовнішньої секреції, або екзокринними<br />

залозами. 4. Залози, які не мають вивідних проток – це залози внутрішньої секреції,<br />

або ендокринні залози. 5. Продукти їхньої діяльності потрапляють у серцевосудинну<br />

або лімфатичну систему. 6. Щитоподібна залоза – непарний орган масою<br />

20-50 г. Залоза розташована в передній ділянці шиї. 7. Прищитоподібні залози<br />

парні. Загальна маса залоз становить у середньому близько 1 г. 8. Надниркова<br />

залоза – парний ендокринний орган. Маса залози 12-13 г, довжина 5 см, ширина 3<br />

см. 9. Кора надниркових залоз (adrenal cortex) виробляє кортикостероїди. Мозкова<br />

речовина надниркової залози (adrenal medulla) виробляє адреналін і норадреналін.<br />

Ці гормони мобілізують захисні сили організму.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the thyroid gland? 2. What hormone does the thyroid gland manufacture? 3. Where is<br />

the thyroid gland located? 4. What does the thyroid gland contain? 5. What are the most<br />

common diseases of the thyroid gland? 6. What are they caused by?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:

Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The<br />

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6 . T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal cort ex is de rived from _. 8. Norepinephrine st imulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.<br />

thyroid gland; exocrine; regulates; consists of; thyroid; mesoderm; blood; medulla;<br />

temperature; pituitary gland; kidney; intestine.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена викл. Демченко Н.М..

integumentary<br />

integument<br />

to guard<br />

sebaceous<br />

sweat glands<br />

sebum<br />

pore<br />

to evaporate<br />

to relay<br />

thermoregulation<br />

epidermis<br />

corium<br />

subcutaneous<br />

squamous epithelium<br />

strata<br />

stratified<br />

melanocytes<br />

melanin<br />

ultraviolet<br />

lipocytes<br />

predominant<br />

insulator<br />

follicles<br />

elaborate<br />

Skin<br />

покрівний<br />

покрів<br />

оберігати, охороняти<br />

сальний<br />

потові залози<br />

пора<br />

випаровуватися<br />

ретранслювати<br />

терморегуляція<br />

підшкірний<br />

ультрафіолетовий<br />

переважаючий, домінуючий<br />

непровідник<br />

складний<br />


The skin and its accessory organs (hair, nails, and glands) are known as the integumentary system<br />

of the body. Integument means covering, and the skin is the outer covering for the body. It is, however,<br />

more than a simple body covering. The skin, as a complex system of specialized tissues, contains glands<br />

which s ecrete sev eral t ypes o f fluids, n erves which carry i mpulses, a nd bl ood ve ssels w hich a id i n t he<br />

regulation of the body temperature. There are many important functions of the skin.<br />

First, as a protective membrane over the entire body, the skin guards the deeper tissues of the body<br />

against excessive loss of water, salts, and heat and against invasion by pathogens and their toxins.<br />

Second, the skin contains two types of glands which produce important secretions. These glands under<br />

the skin are the sebaceous and sweat glands. The sebaceous glands produce an oily secretion called<br />

sebum while the sweat glands produce a watery secretion called sweat. Sebum and sweat are carried to<br />

the outer edges of the skin by duc ts, and excreted from the skin through openings, or pores. Sebum<br />

helps to lubricate the surface of the skin, and sweat helps to cool the body as it evaporates from<br />

the skin surface.<br />

Third, nerve fibers located under the skin act as receptors for sensations such as pain, temperature,<br />

pressure, and touch. The adjustment of an individual to his or her environment is thus dependent on<br />

the sensory messages relayed to the brain and spinal cord by the sensitive nerve endings in the skin.<br />

Fourth, s everal d ifferent tis sues in th e skin a id i n maintaining th e body t emperature<br />

(thermoregulation). Nerve f ibers c oordinate the rmoregulation by c arrying m essages to the skin f rom<br />

heat centers in the brain which are sensitive to increases and decreases in body temperature. Impulses<br />

from these fibers cause blood vessels to dilate to bring blood to the surface and cause sweat glands to<br />

produce the watery secretion which carries heat away.<br />

Structure of the skin.There are three layers of the skin:<br />

Epidermis — a thin, cellular membrane layer.

Corium or dermis — dense, fibrous,connective tissue layer.<br />

Subcutaneous tissue —thick, fat-containing tissue.<br />

Epidermis. The epidermis is the outermost, totally cellular layer of the skin. It is composed of<br />

squamous epithelium. Epithelium is the covering of both the internal and external surfaces of the<br />

body. Squamous epithelial cells are flat and scalelike. In the outer layer of the skin, these cells are<br />

arranged in several layers (strata) and are, therefore, called stratified squamous epithelium.<br />

The b asal l ayer o f t he ep idermis contains sp ecial cel ls ca lled melanocytes. Melanocytes form a nd<br />

contain a black pigment called melanin. The amount of black pigment accounts for the color differences<br />

among the races of man. Also, the presence of melanin in the epidermis is vital for protection against<br />

the h armful e ffects of u ltraviolet radiation w hich can m anifest t hemselves as sk in can cer.<br />

Corium.The corium la yer, d irectly below t he e pidermis, i s al so cal led t he dermis. In c ontrast t o t he<br />

epidermis, i t i s l iving t issue composed of bl ood and l ymph v essels a nd n erve fibers, as well as t he<br />

accessory o rgans of t he skin, w hich ar e t he h air f ollicles, sw eat g lands, an d seb aceous g lands. To<br />

support the elaborate system of nerves, vessels, and glands, the corium contains cells and fibers.<br />

Subcutaneous L ayer. The subc utaneous l ayer o f t he sk in is ano ther connective tissue l ayer which<br />

specializes i n t he f ormation o f f at. Lipocytes (fat cells) ar e predominant in t he s ubcutaneous layer a nd<br />

they manufacture and store large quantities of fat. Functionally, this layer of the skin is important in<br />

protection of the deeper tissues of the body and as a heat insulator.<br />

Ex 3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-combination<br />

1.допоміжні органи 2. покрівна система 3. тканини 4. регуляція температури тіла 5. захисна<br />

оболонка 6. надмірна втрата вологи 7. зволожувати поверхню шкіри 8. охолоджувати тіло 9. краї<br />

шкіри 10. розширюватися 11. шкідливий вплив 12. безпосередньо під епідермісом<br />

Ex 4. Translate into your native language<br />

Nails, glands, impulses, blood vessels, entire body, watery secretion, oily secretion, ducts, nerve fibers,<br />

nerve endings, maintain, messages, adjustment of an individual, ultraviolet radiation<br />

Ex5. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is khown as the integumentary system?<br />

2. What is the skin?<br />

3. What does the skin contain?<br />

4. What are the most important functions of the skin?<br />

5. What two types of glands does the skin contain?<br />

6. What do several different tissues aid in?<br />

7. What is the structure of the skin?<br />

Ex 6. Find correct English equivalents:<br />

1. покриття a) cover; b) covering; c) integumentary<br />

2. покрівний a) cover; b) integument; c) integumentary<br />

3. протоки a) ducts; b) openings; c) pores<br />

4. спинний мозок a) spine; b) spinal column; c) spinal cord;<br />

5. змащувати a) lubricate; b) evaporate; c) cool<br />

Ex 7. Find correct Ukrainian equivalents:<br />

1. fluid<br />

A. рідина B. флюід C. речовина<br />

2. outer<br />

A. навколишній B. внутрішній C. зовнішній<br />

3. brain<br />

A. спинний мозок B. мозок C. кістковий мозок

4. sweat<br />

A. солодкий B. піт C. солодощі<br />

5. endings<br />

A. закінчення B. кінець C. кінцевий<br />

Ex 8. Insert the missing verbs :<br />

1. The skin and its accessory organs ___ khown as the integumentary system<br />

A. was B. are C. were<br />

2. Skin ___ the outer covering of the body<br />

A. is B. were C. am<br />

3. The skin ____ glands, nerves and blood vessels<br />

A. consist B. contains C. have<br />

4. The sebacous glands ___ an oily secretion called sebum<br />

A. produce B. produces C. are produced<br />

5.Impulses cause blood vessels to ____ to bring blood to the surface<br />

A. contract B. prolong C. dilate<br />

Ex 9. Fill in the blanks:<br />

1. The skin and its accessory organs are khown as the … system<br />

A. skeletal B. muscular C. integumentary D. nervous<br />

2.Sweat helps to … the body<br />

A. cool B. heat C. lubricate D. moisten<br />

3.Several different tissues in the skin aid in maintaining the …<br />

A. thermoregulation B. messages C. nerve endings D. impulses<br />

4. Impulses cause blood vessels to dilate to bring … to the surface<br />

A. salts B. sweat C. urine D. blood

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Сечовидільна система<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Сечовидільна система”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом OBJECTIVE PARTICIPLE CONSTRUCTION<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та англійській<br />

мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни, що стосуються<br />

вивчаємої теми. Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації спілкування<br />

англійською мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси -ance (-ence)<br />


Текст: “ URINARY SYSTEM ”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

1.3 Контроль<br />

підготовки.<br />

початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Forms<br />

of the Verb<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />

Student”)<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних o + n, m, v, u, th;<br />

i + nd, ld; фонетичний матеріал з<br />

теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів -ance (-<br />

ence);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння OBJECTIVE<br />


Читання та говоріння: опрацювання<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми,<br />

читання та переклад тексту,<br />

розвиток навичок усного мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

bladder ['blxdq] мочевой пузырь<br />

ureter [juq'rItq] мочеточник<br />

carry ['kxrI] переносить, нести<br />

urethra [juq'rI:Trq] уретра, мочевыводящий<br />

канал<br />

excretion [eks'krI:S(q)n] выделение<br />

bean [bI:n] боб<br />

fist [fIst] кулак<br />

renal [rI:'n(q)l] почечный<br />



Letters Sounds Examples<br />

o + n, m, v, u, th [A] some<br />

come<br />

i + nd, ld [ai] find<br />

mind<br />

capsule ['kxpsju:l] капсула, оболочка<br />

pad [pxd] прокладка<br />

fascia ['feISq] фасция<br />

cortex ['kO:teks] кора<br />

medulla [me'dAlq] медулла<br />

hilum хилус, ворота органа<br />

calyx (pl. calyces) ['keIlIks] почечная чашка<br />

narrow ['nxrqu] суживаться<br />

urination ["juqrI'neIS(q)n] мочеиспускание<br />

Ex. 1. Read the following words:<br />

Government, cover, found, about, outbreak, mother, mouth, other, kind, child, childhood.<br />


Ex. 1. Form new words adding the term-element “vaso” – судина:<br />

Constriction; depressor; dilatation; thrombin; stimulant; hypertonic; puncture.<br />

Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:<br />


Данный причастный оборот употребляется после группы “подлежащее-сказуемое”,<br />

где сказуемое выражено глаголом умственно-чувсвенного восприятия:<br />

to feel чувствовать to hear слышать<br />

to see видеть to watch наблюдать видеть<br />

to want<br />

хотеть<br />



(Common Case)<br />

(Objective Case)<br />

Doctor(s) me Participle I (Active):

Student(s)<br />

him<br />

her<br />

it<br />

us<br />

you<br />

them<br />

V ing<br />

(working, writing)<br />

Participle I (Passive):<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being worked, being written)<br />

Participle II (Passive):<br />

V 3<br />

(worked, written)<br />

The Objective Participle Construction переводится дополнительным придаточным<br />

предложением с союзом “как”:<br />

I saw them working along the street. Я видел, как они шли по улице.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate into your native language the following sentences:<br />

1. He saw the patient going up the stairs. 2. We saw the patient carried to the operating theatre. 3.<br />

He feels the operation being successful. 3. They watched him approaching the hospital. 4. The<br />

students watched the patients being examined. 5. He heard the air passing the trachea.<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Urin_tion; ex_retion; ur_ter; urethr_; blad_er; caly_; r_nal; me_ulla; fas_ia.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Narrow; c alyce f ascia; fat pa d; u rethra; bl adder; c ortex; c arry; hi lum; c apsule; f ist; m edulla;<br />

ureter.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Kidney; urine; excess; pressure; either; slightly; renal fascia; relatively; nerves; exit;<br />

hilum; sinus; channel; minor; muscular.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


The ur inary s ystem c onsists of t wo ki dneys, ur inary b ladder, t wo u reters, w hich c arry<br />

urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, and urethra, which carries urine from the bladder<br />

to t he out side of t he b ody. S cientists s uppose t he p rimary f unction of t he ur inary system t o<br />

remove the excess fluid and waste material from the blood. In addition, the kidneys function as<br />

glands pr oducing hor mones t hat a re i mportant i n t he pr oduction of r ed bl ood c ells, i n t he<br />

regulation of blood pressure, and in the formation of bone.

Physiologists c onsider t he ki dneys t o be t he m ost<br />

important or gan f or f luid e xcretion. T he ki dneys, a pa ir of<br />

bean-shaped or gans, a re l ocated a gainst the back of t he<br />

abdominal wall on either side of the spine at the level of the<br />

lowest ribs. E ach ki dney i s ge nerally about the s ize of t he<br />

person's fist. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left.<br />

The ki dney is s urrounded by a renal caps ule an d a r enal f at<br />

pad and is held in place by the renal fascia. The two layers of<br />

the kidney are the cortex and the medulla. On the medial side<br />

of each kidney there is a relatively small area called the hilum<br />

where the renal artery and the nerves enter and the renal vein<br />

and ureter exit.<br />

The hilum opens into a cavity called the renal sinus, which is<br />

with fat and connective tissue. In the center of the renal sinus<br />

the ur inary channel is enlarged to f orm the re nal pe lvis. S everal l arge ur inary tubes ( called<br />

calyces) extend to the renal pelvis from the kidney tissue. The calyces that open directly into the<br />

renal pelvis are called major calyces, and the smaller calyces that open into major calyces are<br />

called minor calyces. There are 8 to 20 minor calyces and 2 or 3 major calyces per kidney. At the<br />

hilum the renal pelvis narrows to form the ureter.<br />

Ureters are muscular tubes, one from each kidney, that propel the urine to the bladder.<br />

The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the urine. The urethra is the narrow tube through which<br />

the urine leaves the bladder during urination.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Почечная чашка; переносить, нести; капсула, оболочка; медулла; фасция; выделение;<br />

уретра, мочевыводящий канал; хилус, ворота органа; мочевой пузырь; суживаться;<br />

мочеиспускание; мочеточник; почечный.<br />

Ex. 11. Find in the text “Urinary System” sentences containing Objective Infinitive<br />

Constructions and translate them into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Urinary System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The main function of the _ system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. 2. The urinary system consists of two _, urinary bladder, ureters, and _. 3. The kidneys are<br />

_ against the back of the abdominal wall. 4. Each kidney is generally about the size of the<br />

person's _. 5. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid _. 6. Ureters are _ tubes. 7. They<br />

propel the urine to the _. 8. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the _. 9. The _ is the narrow<br />

tube through which the urine leaves the bladder during urination.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the urinary system consist of? 2. What is the major function of the urinary system?<br />

3. What is the kidney composed of? 4. What is hilum? 5. What are ureters? 6. What are their<br />

functions? 7. What is the function of the urethra?<br />

Ex. 15. Match the following words with their definitions:<br />

1. Kidney 1. Tube conducting urine from the kidney the urinary bladder.

2. Urethra 2. One of the two organs that excrete urine. They are bean-shaped organs<br />

approximately 11 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 3 cm thick.<br />

3. Ureter 3. Urogenital canal; canal leading from the bladder, discharging the urine<br />

externally.<br />

Ex. 16. Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. The urinary system regulates the volume and composition _ the intestinal fluid. 2. The urinary<br />

system consists _ the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. 3. The key elements _ the system are<br />

the ki dneys, a pa ir of p urplish-brown or gans l ocated be low t he r ibs toward t he middle of t he<br />

back. 4. T he kidneys remove excess liquid and wastes _ t he blood in the form of urine, keep a<br />

stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood, and produce a hormone that aids the<br />

formation _ r ed b lood cells. 5. N arrow t ubes called ur eters c arry ur ine _ t he ki dneys t o t he<br />

bladder, a sack-like organ in the lower abdomen. 6. U rine is stored _ t he bladder and emptied<br />

through the urethra.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out key words of the text “Urinary System”.<br />

Ex. 18. Compose detailed plan of the text “Urinary System”<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on:<br />

the structure of the parts of the urinary system;<br />

the location of the parts of the urinary system;<br />

the functions of the parts of the urinary system.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a dialogue on the urinary system.

Ex. 21. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


The urinary system participates with other organs to regulate the volume and composition<br />

of the intestinal fluid within a narrow range of values. Exchange across the walls of capillaries<br />

provides nutrients and removes waste products from the interstitial spaces. Exchange of gas in<br />

the lungs removes carbon dioxide from the blood and provides a supply of oxygen. The digestive<br />

system supplies nutrients to the blood, and the liver removes certain waste products. These organ<br />

systems function together to regulate the level of gases, nutrients, and some waste products in the<br />

blood. The kidneys remove waste products, many of which are toxic, from the blood and play a<br />

major role in controlling blood volume, the concentration of ions in the blood, and the pH of the<br />

blood. The kidneys are also involved in the control of red blood cell production and vitamin D<br />

metabolism. Although the ki dneys are t he major e xcretory or gans i n the body, t he s kin, l iver,<br />

lungs, a nd intestines a lso e liminate w astes. H owever, i f t he ki dneys fail t o f unction, o ther<br />

structures cannot adequately compensate to maintain a normal environment for the body cells.<br />

Ex. 22. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


Blood enters each kidney from its renal artery, a major branch of the aorta, the body's<br />

main artery. Although together the kidneys account for less than 1 percent of the body's weight,<br />

20 percent of the blood pumped from the heart at any given time passes through them.<br />

Once i nside t he k idney, the b lood pa sses through a se t of f iltering systems cal led<br />

nephrons. These are the main functioning units of the kidney. Each kidney contains more than 1<br />

million such units, each consisting of a tuft of small blood vessels, called a glomerulus, and some tubules.<br />

First, the blood passes through the glomerulus. The blood cells, proteins, large particles,<br />

and some of the water remain in the bloodstream. Everything else, including a large volume of<br />

water, filters out and passes into the tubule.<br />

In the tubule, an important process occurs to control what will be excreted in the urine<br />

and what will be reabsorbed into the blood. Waste products (urea, creatinine, and uric acid) and<br />

excess s alts, w ater, and calcium r emain within the t ubule. The othe r su bstances ar e abs orbed.<br />

These a bsorbed s ubstances a re t hen r etuned t o the bl oodstream. Thus, the c omposition of t he<br />

urine is determined by b oth the need to get rid of unwanted substances and the need to retain<br />

other substances.<br />

The urine that has remained in the tubule emerges from its lower end, enters the ureter,<br />

and goes to the bladder, where it is stored. When the nerves of the bladder signal a feeling of<br />

fullness, the urine is avoided through the urethra.<br />

Ex. 23. Find unk nown words f rom t he ab stract “Ur ine Pr oduction” and m emorize t heir<br />

meanings:<br />


Because ne phrons a re the s mallest structural c omponents c apable of producing u rine,<br />

they are called the functional units of the kidney. Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion are three<br />

major processes critical to the formation of urine. Filtration is movement of plasma across the<br />

filtration membrane as a r esult of pressure d ifference. The p ortion of t he plasm a enter ing t he<br />

nephron becomes the filtrate. Reabsorption is the movement of substances from the filtrate back<br />

into the blood. I n general, metabolic waste pr oducts are not reabsorbed, but useful substances<br />

are. Secretion is t he act ive t ransport of subs tances i nto the ne phron. U rine pr oduced by t he<br />

nephrons consists of the constituents that are filtered and secreted into the nephron minus those<br />

substances that are reabsorbed.

Ex. 24. Read the following text and try to comprehend it:<br />


Urethritis is an infection of the urethra, the tube that transports urine from the bladder<br />

during urination. The same organisms that infect the kidney and bladder can infect the urethra. In<br />

addition, because of the female urethra's proximity to the vagina, sexually transmitted infections<br />

such as herpes simplex virus and Chlamydia also are possible. In men, urethritis often the result<br />

of bacteria acquired through sexual contact. The vast majority of such infections are caused by<br />

gonococci and Chlamydia. Reiter's syndrome is a combination of urethritis, arthritis, and an eye<br />

inflammation called conjunctivitis and is usually acquired through sexual contact. Never ignore<br />

urethritis. It is particularly dangerous because the symptoms may disappear without treatment.<br />

When l eft unt reated, c onditions as gonor rhea and C hlamydia i nfection c an ul timately c ause<br />

problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility, arthritis, meningitis, and inflammation of<br />

the heart.<br />

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Органи сечової системи складаються з двох нирок та органів, які служать для<br />

накопичення і виведення сечі (сечоводи, сечовий міхур, сечівник). 2. Нирка – парний,<br />

богоподібної форми орган, масою 120-200 г. 3. Знаходиться нирка в поперековій ділянці, з<br />

боків від хребтового стовпа. 4. Права нирка лежить на 1 –1,5 см нижче від лівої. 5. Сечовід<br />

має форму трубки, завдовжки 30-35 см, діаметром 4-7 см. 6. Функція сечоводу –<br />

проведення сечі. 7. Сечовий міхур – непарний порожнистий орган. 8. Функція сечового<br />

міхура – накопичення та виведення сечі. 9. Сечівник – непарний орган у формі трубки. 10.<br />

Сечівник має два отвори – внутрішній та зовнішній. 11. Функція сечівника – виведення<br />

сечі.<br />

The main function of the urinary system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from<br />

the blood. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra. The<br />

kidneys are located against the back of the abdominal wall. Each kidney is generally about the<br />

size of the person's fist. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid excretion. Ureters are<br />

muscular tubes. They propel the urine to the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores<br />

the ur ine. T he ur ethra i s t he na rrow t ube t hrough w hich t he ur ine leaves t he bl adder dur ing<br />

urination.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The main function of the urinary system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from<br />

the blood. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra. The<br />

kidneys are located against the back of the abdominal wall. Each kidney is generally about the<br />

size of the person's fist. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid excretion. Ureters are<br />

muscular tubes. They propel the urine to the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores<br />

the ur ine. T he ur ethra i s t he na rrow t ube t hrough w hich t he ur ine leaves t he bl adder dur ing<br />

urination<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття,<br />

стандартизований кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і<br />

виставляється у журнал обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about urinary system<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. 1. W hat doe s t he u rinary s ystem c onsist of ? 2. W hat i s t he m ajor function of t he ur inary<br />

system? 3. What is the kidney composed of? 4. What is hilum? 5. What are ureters? 6. What are<br />

their functions? 7. What is the function of the urethra?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. The main function of the _ system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. 2. The urinary system consists of two _, urinary bladder, ureters, and _. 3. The kidneys are<br />

_ against the back of the abdominal wall. 4. Each kidney is generally about the size of the<br />

person's _. 5. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid _. 6. Ureters are _ tubes. 7. They<br />

propel the urine to the _. 8. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the _. 9. The _ is the narrow<br />

tube through which the urine leaves the bladder during urination.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Сечовидільна система<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Сечовидільна система<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом OBJECTIVE PARTICIPLE CONSTRUCTION;<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Порівняти правила читання у латинській та англійській<br />

Анатомія людини, біологія, мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни, що<br />

латинська мова та медична<br />

термінологія.<br />

стосуються вивчаємої теми. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика<br />

внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману інформацію при<br />

подальшому засвоєнні навчального матеріалу з<br />

зазначених предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до<br />

заняття:<br />

bladder ['blxdq] мочевой пузырь<br />

ureter [juq'rItq] мочеточник<br />

carry ['kxrI] переносить, нести<br />

urethra [juq'rI:Trq] уретра, мочевыводящий<br />

канал<br />

excretion [eks'krI:S(q)n] выделение<br />

bean [bI:n] боб<br />

fist [fIst] кулак<br />

renal [rI:'n(q)l] почечный<br />

capsule ['kxpsju:l] капсула, оболочка<br />

pad [pxd] прокладка<br />

fascia ['feISq] фасция<br />

cortex ['kO:teks] кора<br />

medulla [me'dAlq] медулла<br />

hilum хилус, ворота органа<br />

calyx (pl. calyces) ['keIlIks] почечная чашка<br />

narrow ['nxrqu] суживаться<br />

urination ["juqrI'neIS(q)n] мочеиспускание<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />


Give your examples.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Name the four verb-forms:<br />

A. include; inform; provide; reduce; ratify; define; prepare; fill; examine; study; fulfill;<br />

prescribe; protect.<br />

B. take; get; write; go; read; grow; learn; have; make; begin; come; feel; give; hear; keep; put;<br />

spend; think.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, t h; i + nd, ld (впр. 1, с. 29), Vocabulary, c. 29 (І.<br />

Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”).

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси -ance ( -ence), впр. 1, с. 68(. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В.<br />

Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.)<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Urin_tion; ex_retion; ur_ter; urethr_; blad_er; caly_; r_nal; me_ulla; fas_ia.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Narrow; calyce fascia; fat pad; urethra; bladder; cortex; carry; hilum; capsule; fist; medulla;<br />

ureter.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Kidney; urine; excess; pressure; either; slightly; renal fascia; relatively; nerves; exit;<br />

hilum; sinus; channel; minor; muscular.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


The ur inary s ystem c onsists of t wo ki dneys, ur inary b ladder, t wo u reters, w hich c arry<br />

urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, and urethra, which carries urine from the bladder<br />

to t he out side of t he b ody. S cientists s uppose t he p rimary f unction of t he ur inary s ystem t o<br />

remove the excess fluid and waste material from the blood. In addition, the kidneys function as<br />

glands pr oducing ho rmones t hat a re i mportant i n t he pr oduction of r ed bl ood c ells, i n t he<br />

regulation of blood pressure, and in the formation of bone.<br />

Physiologists c onsider t he ki dneys t o be t he m ost<br />

important or gan f or f luid e xcretion. T he ki dneys, a pa ir of<br />

bean-shaped or gans, a re l ocated a gainst the back of t he<br />

abdominal wall on either side of the spine at the level of the<br />

lowest ribs. E ach ki dney i s generally about the s ize of t he<br />

person's fist. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left.<br />

The ki dney is s urrounded by a r enal c apsule a nd a r enal f at<br />

pad and is held in place by the renal fascia. The two layers of<br />

the kidney are the cortex and the medulla. On the medial side<br />

of each kidney there is a relatively small area called the hilum<br />

where the renal artery and the nerves enter and the renal vein<br />

and ureter exit.<br />

The hilum opens into a cavity called the renal sinus, which is<br />

with fat and connective tissue. In the center of the renal sinus<br />

the ur inary channel is enlarged to f orm t he r enal pe lvis. S everal l arge uri nary tubes ( called<br />

calyces) extend to the renal pelvis from the kidney tissue. The calyces that open directly into the<br />

renal pelvis are called major calyces, and the smaller calyces that open into major calyces are<br />

called minor calyces. There are 8 to 20 minor calyces and 2 or 3 major calyces per kidney. At the<br />

hilum the renal pelvis narrows to form the ureter.<br />

Ureters are muscular tubes, one from each kidney, that propel the urine to the bladder.<br />

The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the urine. The urethra is the narrow tube through which<br />

the urine leaves the bladder during urination.

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Почечная чашка; переносить, нести; капсула, оболочка; медулла; фасция; выделение;<br />

уретра, мочевыводящий канал; хилус, ворота органа; мочевой пузырь; суживаться;<br />

мочеиспускание; мочеточник; почечный.<br />

Ex. 11. Find in the text “Urinary System” sentences containing Objective Infinitive<br />

Constructions and translate them into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Urinary System” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The main function of the _ system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. 2. The urinary system consists of two _, urinary bladder, ureters, and _. 3. The kidneys are<br />

_ against the back of the abdominal wall. 4. Each kidney is generally about the size of the<br />

person's _. 5. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid _. 6. Ureters are _ tubes. 7. They<br />

propel the urine to the _. 8. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the _. 9. The _ is the narrow<br />

tube through which the urine leaves the bladder during urination.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What does the urinary system consist of? 2. What is the major function of the urinary system?<br />

3. What is the kidney composed of? 4. What is hilum? 5. What are ureters? 6. What are their<br />

functions? 7. What is the function of the urethra?<br />

Ex. 15. Match the following words with their definitions:<br />

1. Kidney 1. Tube conducting urine from the kidney the urinary bladder.<br />

2. Urethra 2. One of the two organs that excrete urine. They are bean-shaped organs<br />

approximately 11 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 3 cm thick.<br />

3. Ureter 3. Urogenital canal; canal leading from the bladder, discharging the urine<br />

externally.<br />

Ex. 16. Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. The urinary system regulates the volume and composition _ the intestinal fluid. 2. The urinary<br />

system consists _ the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. 3. The key elements _ the system are<br />

the ki dneys, a pa ir of p urplish-brown or gans l ocated be low t he r ibs toward t he middle of t he<br />

back. 4. T he kidneys remove excess liquid and wastes _ t he blood in the form of urine, keep a<br />

stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood, and produce a hormone that aids the<br />

formation _ r ed b lood cells. 5. N arrow t ubes called ur eters c arry ur ine _ t he ki dneys t o t he<br />

bladder, a sack-like organ in the lower abdomen. 6. U rine is stored _ t he bladder and emptied<br />

through the urethra.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out key words of the text “Urinary System”.<br />

Ex. 18. Compose detailed plan of the text “Urinary System”<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on:<br />

the structure of the parts of the urinary system;<br />

the location of the parts of the urinary system;<br />

the functions of the parts of the urinary system.

Ex. 20. Make up a dialogue on the urinary system.

Ex. 21. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


The urinary system participates with other organs to regulate the volume and composition<br />

of the intestinal fluid within a narrow range of values. Exchange across the walls of capillaries<br />

provides nutrients and removes waste products from the interstitial spaces. Exchange of gas in<br />

the lungs removes carbon dioxide from the blood and provides a supply of oxygen. The digestive<br />

system supplies nutrients to the blood, and the liver removes certain waste products. These organ<br />

systems function together to regulate the level of gases, nutrients, and some waste products in the<br />

blood. The kidneys remove waste products, many of which are toxic, from the blood and play a<br />

major role in controlling blood volume, the concentration of ions in the blood, and the pH of the<br />

blood. The kidneys are also involved in the control of red blood cell production and vitamin D<br />

metabolism. Although the ki dneys are t he major e xcretory or gans i n the body, t he s kin, l iver,<br />

lungs, a nd intestines a lso e liminate w astes. H owever, i f t he ki dneys fail t o f unction, o ther<br />

structures cannot adequately compensate to maintain a normal environment for the body cells.<br />

Ex. 22. Read the following text and retell it:<br />


Blood enters each kidney from its renal artery, a major branch of the aorta, the body's<br />

main artery. Although together the kidneys account for less than 1 percent of the body's weight,<br />

20 percent of the blood pumped from the heart at any given time passes through them.<br />

Once i nside t he k idney, the b lood pa sses through a se t of f iltering systems cal led<br />

nephrons. These are the main functioning units of the kidney. Each kidney contains more than 1<br />

million such units, each consisting of a tuft of small blood vessels, called a glomerulus, and some tubules.<br />

First, the blood passes through the glomerulus. The blood cells, proteins, large particles,<br />

and some of the water remain in the bloodstream. Everything else, including a large volume of<br />

water, filters out and passes into the tubule.<br />

In the tubule, an important process occurs to control what will be excreted in the urine<br />

and what will be reabsorbed into the blood. Waste products (urea, creatinine, and uric acid) and<br />

excess s alts, w ater, and calcium r emain within the t ubule. The othe r su bstances ar e abs orbed.<br />

These abs orbed substances ar e t hen r etuned to the blo odstream. Thus, the c omposition of t he<br />

urine is determined by b oth the need to get rid of unwanted substances and the need to retain<br />

other substances.<br />

The urine that has remained in the tubule emerges from its lower end, enters the ureter,<br />

and goes to the bladder, where it is stored. When the nerves of the bladder signal a feeling of<br />

fullness, the urine is avoided through the urethra.<br />

Ex. 23. Find unknown words from the abstract “Urine Production” and memorize their<br />

meanings:<br />


Because ne phrons a re the s mallest structural c omponents c apable of producing u rine,<br />

they are called the functional units of the kidney. Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion are three<br />

major processes critical to the formation of urine. Filtration is movement of plasma across the<br />

filtration membrane as a r esult of pressure d ifference. The p ortion of t he plasm a enter ing the<br />

nephron becomes the filtrate. Reabsorption is the movement of substances from the filtrate back<br />

into the blood. I n general, metabolic waste pr oducts are not reabsorbed, but useful substances<br />

are. S ecretion i s t he a ctive t ransport of s ubstances i nto t he ne phron. U rine pr oduced by t he<br />

nephrons consists of the constituents that are filtered and secreted into the nephron minus those<br />

substances that are reabsorbed.

Ex. 24. Read the following text and try to comprehend it:<br />


Urethritis is an infection of the urethra, the tube that transports urine from the bladder<br />

during urination. The same organisms that infect the kidney and bladder can infect the urethra. In<br />

addition, because of the female urethra's proximity to the vagina, sexually transmitted infections<br />

such as herpes simplex virus and Chlamydia also are possible. In men, urethritis often the result<br />

of bacteria acquired through sexual contact. The vast majority of such infections are caused by<br />

gonococci and Chlamydia. Reiter's syndrome is a combination of urethritis, arthritis, and an eye<br />

inflammation called conjunctivitis and is usually acquired through sexual contact. Never ignore<br />

urethritis. It is particularly dangerous because the symptoms may disappear without treatment.<br />

When l eft unt reated, c onditions as gonor rhea and C hlamydia i nfection c an ul timately c ause<br />

problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility, arthritis, meningitis, and inflammation of<br />

the heart.<br />

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Органи сечової системи складаються з двох нирок та органів, які служать для<br />

накопичення і виведення сечі (сечоводи, сечовий міхур, сечівник). 2. Нирка – парний,<br />

богоподібної форми орган, масою 120-200 г. 3. Знаходиться нирка в поперековій ділянці, з<br />

боків від хребтового стовпа. 4. Права нирка лежить на 1 –1,5 см нижче від лівої. 5. Сечовід<br />

має форму трубки, завдовжки 30-35 см, діаметром 4-7 см. 6. Функція сечоводу –<br />

проведення сечі. 7. Сечовий міхур – непарний порожнистий орган. 8. Функція сечового<br />

міхура – накопичення та виведення сечі. 9. Сечівник – непарний орган у формі трубки. 10.<br />

Сечівник має два отвори – внутрішній та зовнішній. 11. Функція сечівника – виведення<br />

сечі.<br />


The main function of the urinary system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra. The<br />

kidneys are located against the back of the abdominal wall. Each kidney is generally about the<br />

size of the person's fist. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid excretion. Ureters are<br />

muscular tubes. They propel the urine to the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores<br />

the urine. The urethra is the narrow tube through which the urine leaves the bladder during<br />

urination.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What does the urinary system consist of? 2. What is the major function of the urinary system?<br />

3. What is the kidney composed of? 4. W hat is hilum? 5. W hat are ureters? 6. W hat are their<br />

functions? 7. What is the function of the urethra?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words or word-combinations:<br />

1. T he main f unction of t he _ s ystem i s r emoval of e xcess f luid a nd w aste m aterial f rom t he<br />

blood. 2. The urinary system consists of two _, urinary bladder, ureters, and _. 3. The kidneys are<br />

_ a gainst t he ba ck of t he a bdominal w all. 4. Each ki dney i s ge nerally a bout t he s ize of t he<br />

person's _. 5. K idneys are the most important organs for fluid _. 6. U reters are _ tubes. 7. They<br />

propel the urine to the _. 8. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores the _. 9. The _ is the narrow<br />

tube through which the urine leaves the bladder during urination.

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Хвороби нирок<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Хвороби нирок”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти<br />

читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти<br />

складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом FUNCTIONS OF THE VERB “TO HAVE”<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його<br />

у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та англійській<br />

мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни, що<br />

стосуються вивчаємої теми. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: повторення<br />


Текст: “ KIDNEYS DISORDERS ”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних o + n, m, v, u,<br />

th; i + nd, ld; фонетичний матеріал<br />

з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Повторення<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння<br />


HAVE”<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Forms<br />

of the Verb<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а також<br />

на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування<br />

поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

glomerular [glO'merulq] клубочковый,<br />

гломерулярный<br />

glomerulonephritis [glO'merulqnI'fraItIs]<br />

гломерулонефрит<br />

corpuscle ['kO:pAsl] тельце<br />

renal corpuscle ['rI:nql] мальпигиево<br />

тельце, почечное тельце<br />

permeability ["pq:mjq'bIlItI]<br />

проницаемость<br />

filtrate ['fIltrIt] фильтрат; ['fIltreIt]<br />

фильтровать<br />

osmolality ["OzmO'lxlItI] осмотическое<br />

давление<br />

blurred [blq:d] нерезкий<br />

pyelonephritis ["pqIqlqunI'fraItIs]<br />

пиелонефрит<br />


renal pelvis ['pelvIs] почечная лоханка<br />

nephron ['nefrOn] нефрон (структурнофункциональная<br />

единица почки)<br />

flank [flxNk] бок<br />

recur [rI'kq:] рецидивировать<br />

eradicate [I'rxdIkeIt] устранять, искоренять<br />

failure ['feIljq] недостаточность<br />

urea ['juqrIq] мочевина<br />

acidosis ["xsI'dousIs] ацидоз, кислотная<br />

интоксикация<br />

renal tubule ['tju:bju:l] почечный каналец<br />

ischemia [Is'kI:mIq] ишемия<br />

vasoconstriction ["vxsokOns'trIkSn]<br />

ангиоспазм, вазоконстрикция, вазоспазм,<br />

сужение кровеносных сосудов<br />


Ex. 1. Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

Irregular; relaxation; subcutaneous; eyeball; surgical; vomiting; respiration; paralysis; overdosage.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



to have + noun Main Verb The heart has four chambers.<br />

to have + V 3 (Perfect Tenses, Active<br />

Voice)<br />

to have + been + V 3 (Perfect Tenses,<br />

Passive Voice)<br />

Auxiliary Verb<br />

The heart has pumped oxygenated<br />

blood.<br />

to have + V Modal Meaning The doctor has to examine her.

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

1. M any of the f ollowing a bnormalities ha ve no s ymptoms. 2. I nstruments t hat pu lverize ki dney<br />

stones w ith ultrasound have r eplaced m ost t raditional surgical pr ocedures. 3. T hey ha ve a dverse<br />

reactions, including death. 4. As a rule the person has flank pain, high fever, vomiting and burning<br />

sensation during urination. 5. I n pe rsons w ho ha ve ha d c hickenpox, t he vi rus c an cause s hingles<br />

later in life. 6. He has estimated that mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two nuclei. 7. T he<br />

arteries have to be strong as well as flexible. 8. The students of many countries have to pay for their<br />

training.<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Renal tubule; nephritis; urea; corpuscle; failure; nephron; renal pelvis.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Recur; permeability; acidosis; glomerulonephritis; vasoconstriction; filtrate; eradicate; osmolality;<br />

ischemia; renal corpuscle; renal pelvis; increase; tea-colored urine; blurred vision; ache; flank pain.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Abnormality; ini tially; ne phritis; c orpuscle; pe rmeability; os molality; ur ine; ge neralized;<br />

pyelonephritis; medulla; high fever; although; immediate threat; recur; interfere; lead; mercuric ion;<br />

carbon tetrachloride; epithelium.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


There a re m any f orms o f ki dneys diseases. Many of t he f ollowing a bnormalities ha ve no<br />

symptoms and may often go undetected, at least initially, or are detected when tests are done.<br />

Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal<br />

corpuscle. It i s cha racterized by an increased pe rmeability of t he f iltration membrane and the<br />

accumulation of nu merous w hite bl ood c ells i n t he a rea of t he f iltration m embrane. A s a<br />

consequence, a high concentration of plasma proteins enters the urine along with numerous white<br />

blood cells. Plasma proteins in the filtrate increase the osmolality of the filtrate, causing a greaterthan-normal<br />

urine volume. The signs and symptoms are the following: cola- or tea-colored urine,<br />

hypertension, fluid retention, headaches, blurred vision, and generalized aches and pains.<br />

Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis, medulla, and cortex. It often begins as a<br />

bacterial inf ection of th e re nal pe lvis a nd then extends in to the k idney its elf. It c an result f rom<br />

several t ypes of ba cteria. P yelonephritis m ay c ause t he de struction of ne phrons a nd r enal<br />

corpuscles, but because the infection starts in the pelvis of the kidney, it affects the medulla more<br />

than t he c ortex. As a consequence, the a bility of the ki dney to concentrate u rine i s dr amatically<br />

affected. A s a r ule the person ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, v omiting a nd bur ning s ensation dur ing<br />

urination. When pr operly t reated, a cute pye lonephritis r arely pr ogresses t o c hronic r enal di sease,<br />

although it can be an immediate threat to life in an elderly or weakened persons. It can also recur if<br />

the infection is not totally eradicated.<br />

Renal fai lure may r esult f rom a ny c ondition that i nterferes w ith k idney f unction. A cute<br />

renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney is extensive and leads to the accumulation of the<br />

urea in the blood and to acidosis. In complete renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute<br />

renal f ailure m ay result f rom acute glom erulonephritis, or it m ay be caus ed by d amage t o o r<br />

blockage of renal tubules. Some poisons such as mercuric ions or car bon tetrachloride that are the<br />

common to certain industrial p rocesses caus e n ecrosis of t he ne phron epithelium. If t he da mage

does not i nterrupt the b asement membrane s urrounding t he ne phrons, e xtensive r egeneration c an<br />

occur w ithin 2 or 3 weeks. Severe i schemia assoc iated with circulatory shock caused by<br />

sympathetic vasoconstriction of the renal blood vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of<br />

the nephron.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Гломерулонефрит; почечный каналец; устранять, искоренять; мальпигиево тельце, почечное<br />

тельце; ацидоз, кислотная интоксикация; осмотическое давление; почечная лоханка;<br />

мочевина; недостаточность; пиелонефрит; рецидивировать; проницаемость; ангиоспазм,<br />

сужение кровеносных сосудов; вызывать деструкцию; хроническое заболевание; возникать;<br />

окружающий.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Kidneys Disorders” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal _. 2. It<br />

is c haracterized by an increased _ of t he f iltration m embrane. 3. T he s igns a nd symptoms o f<br />

glomerulonephritis a re the f ollowing: t ea-colored ur ine, hypertension, f luid r etention, _, a nd<br />

generalized aches and pains. 4. P yelonephritis is inflammation of the renal _, m edulla, and cortex.<br />

5. I t of ten be gins a s a ba cterial _ of t he r enal pe lvis. 6. T hen i t e xtends i nto the _ i tself. 7.<br />

Pyelonephritis m ay c ause t he de struction of _ a nd r enal c orpuscles. 8. T he pe rson w ith<br />

pyelonephritis has _ p ain, high fever, vomiting, and burning sensation during urination. 9. W hen<br />

properly t reated, a cute _ r arely p rogresses t o c hronic renal di sease. 10 . R enal f ailure m ay result<br />

from any _ that interferes with kidney function. 11. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the<br />

kidney leads to the accumulation of the _ i n the blood. 12. I n renal failure death may _ i n 1 to 2<br />

weeks. 13. Acute r enal f ailure m ay result f rom acute _. 14. In some cases i t m ay be cau sed by<br />

damage to or blockage of renal _. 15. Circulatory shock caused by sympathetic _ of the renal blood<br />

vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What kidneys disorders do you know ? 2. What does glomerulonephritis result from? 3. What is<br />

glomerulonephritis characterized by? 4. What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis? 5. W hat is<br />

pyelonephritis? 6. What can pyelonephritis result from? 7. What are the signs of pyelonephritis? 8.<br />

What is renal failure? 9. What are the causes of renal failure? 10. Is it dangerous disease?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. A cute i nfections pr actically a lways pr ecede t he onset _ a cute ne phritis. 2. A cute gl omerular<br />

nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems _ the body. 3. The<br />

chief c hanges oc curring _ a cute glomerular nephritis are s welling and di sintegration of t he<br />

endothelial cel ls which line the capillaries of the tufts (пучки). 4. T he de gree of i nflammatory<br />

change noted _ t he microscope varies considerably with the intensity of the inflammation. 5. T he<br />

patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis _ a period of from two to eight days. 6.<br />

Disturbances of urination characterized _ a scanty (недостаточный, ограниченный) outflow of<br />

urine or even complete anuria may be present. 7. The severity or mildness of the kidney disease<br />

cannot always be measured _ the examination of the urine or any other tests.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out key words of the text “Kidney Disorders”.<br />

Ex. 16. Make up a plan of the text “Kidney Disorders”.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the kidney disorders

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue on glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, or renal failure.<br />

Ex. 19. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Smooth su rface гладкая, ровная поверхность; stone камень; referred [rI'fq:d] pain<br />

гетеротопическая боль, отражённая боль; groin [grOIn] пах; ulceration изъязвление; obscure<br />

[qb'skjuq] неясный; gout [gaut] подагра; pulverize ['pAlveraIz] дробить, измельчать.<br />

Ex. 20. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Kidney stones are hard objects found in the pelvis of the kidney. They are normally small (2<br />

to 3 mm in diameter) with either a smooth surface. Approximately 1% of all autopsies reveal the<br />

presence of kidney stones, and many of the stones occur without causing symptoms. The symptoms<br />

associated with kidney stones occur when a stone passes into the ureter, resulting in referred pain<br />

down t he b ack, s ide, a nd gr oin area. T he ur eter c ontracts around t he stone, c ausing t he s tone t o<br />

irritate the e pithelium a nd pr oduce bleeding, w hich a ppears a s b lood i n t he u rine. I n a ddition t o<br />

causing intense pain, kidney stones can block the ureter, cause ulceration in the ureter, and increase<br />

the probability of bacterial infections.<br />

Approximately 65% of a ll ki dney s tones a re c omposed of c alcium oxylate m ixed w ith<br />

calcium phosphate, 15% are magnesium ammonium phosphate, and 10% are uric acid or cystine. In<br />

all cases approximately 2.5% of the kidney stone is composed of mucoprotein.<br />

The c ause of ki dney s tones i s us ually o bscure. P redisposing c onditions i nclude a<br />

concentrated urine and an abnormally high calcium concentration in the urine, although the cause of<br />

the high calcium concentration is usually unknown. Magnesium ammonium phosphate stones are<br />

often found in people with recurrent kidney infections, and uric acid stones often occur in people<br />

suffering from gout. Severe kidney stones must be removed surgically. However, instruments that<br />

pulverize kidney stones with ultrasound have replaced most traditional surgical procedures.<br />

Ex. 21. Say to what conclusion you have come after having read the text “Kidney Stones”.<br />

Ex. 22. Match the following words with their definitions:<br />

1. Glomerulonephritis. 1. The inflammation of a kidney pelvis.<br />

2. T he e nlargement a nd s welling of t he ki dney due to b lock of<br />

2. Hypernephroma. urine f low, c aused by r enal c alculi, t umors, or narrowing o f t he<br />

ureters.<br />

3. Hydronephrosis 3. A disease resulting from a disturbance of uric acid metabolism,<br />

characterized by a n excess of uric acid in the blood and deposits<br />

4. Pyelitis.<br />

of uric acid salts in various tissues.<br />

4. T he i nflammation o f t he ki dneys, pr imarily i nvolving t he<br />

5. Polycystic Kidney. glomerula; this d isease c auses d estruction of the gl omerular<br />

capillary walls.<br />

6. Gout.<br />

5. Renal malevolent tumor of the kidneys, which occurs in adults.<br />

It usually metastasizes to the bone, blood and lungs.<br />

6. T he f ormation of num erous f luid-filled s acs upon a nd w ithin<br />

the kidney.<br />

Ex. 23. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Rejection отторжение; compatibility совместимость; cadaver [kq'deIvq] труп; acceptable<br />

приемлемый, удовлетворительный; locate обнаруживать; offer выражать готовность; accept<br />

принимать, воспринимать; hurdle барьер, препятствие, помеха; prone склонный (к чему-л.),<br />

подверженный (чему-л.); follow-up последующее наблюдение, наблюдение, отдалённый

результат; enhance [In'ha:ns] увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать; ensure [In'Suq]<br />

гарантировать, обеспечивать.<br />

Ex. 24. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


Transplantation and di alysis are t he onl y t wo t reatment<br />

options for persons with end-stage kidney disease. Not everyone<br />

with end-stage kidney disease is a suitable candidate for kidney<br />

transplantation. T hose with i nfection, a cute gl omerulonephritis,<br />

unstable co ronary artery disease, or o ther seve re m edical<br />

problems ge nerally are c onsidered not to be in good e nough<br />

condition to undergo a major operation. They are more likely to<br />

have a dverse r eactions, i ncluding death, a fter transplantation<br />

than a re h ealthier individuals. H owever, w hen s uccessful,<br />

transplantation provides a healthier and better-quality life.<br />

The operation itself is not a complicated procedure. What<br />

can be complicated is finding the right donor, which is important<br />

to lessen the chance of rejection of the new kidney.<br />

Compatibility is d etermined by blood tests that provide information a bout bot h t he donor<br />

and the recipient, such as blood type and the nature of the antibodies present in each. A brother or<br />

sister of the recipient generally is the most likely the have compatible tissue. Unfortunately, it is not<br />

always possible.<br />

When a living donor is not available, hospitals and clinics throughout the country are called<br />

on the help locate acceptable donors from among accident victims and others who offered to donate<br />

their kidneys after their death. A kidney from a cadaver must be transplanted within 48 hours after<br />

the de ath o f t he donor . T hus, s ome pe ople ha ve t o unde rgo l ong pe riods on dialysis unt il a<br />

compatible cadaver donor is available.<br />

After t he t ransplantation ope ration, t he pe rson receives i mmonusuppressant dr ugs t o ke ep<br />

his/her body from rejecting the foreign kidney. If the donor is a blood relative of the recipient, the<br />

chances are 85 t o 95 percent t hat by 1 ye ar a fter the transplantation, t he k idney w ill s till be<br />

functioning. With a cadaver donor, the chances are about 80 percent that the kidney will still be<br />

working qui te w ell by 1 ye ar after t he transplant ope ration. I n c ases in w hich the t ransplanted<br />

kidney is rejected, a second or even third transplantation can be done.<br />

Improvements i n pr eparing pa tients f or t ransplantation a nd i n m onitoring t heir recovery<br />

have decreased mortality to as low as 5 percent in some medical centers.<br />

Transplant recipients usually are hospitalized for 5 days to 6 weeks, depending on how well<br />

their body a ccepts the ne w k idney. T he m ajor hur dles are r ejection a nd i nfection.<br />

Immonusuppressant drugs have greatly decreased rejection, but they make it harder for the body’s<br />

immune s ystem t o fight i nfection. For t his r eason, t he phys ician w ill of ten gi ve a ntibiotics to<br />

prevent viral a nd f ungal i nfection for the first few months a fter transplantation. This is the most<br />

likely pe riod i n w hich i nfection may de velop. B ecause t ransplant r ecipients must t ake a n<br />

immonusuppressant medication for the rest of their lives, they are prone to have infections.<br />

Kidney transplant recipients need careful medical follow-up to enhance the success of the<br />

operation and to ensure good general health.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

There are many forms of kidneys diseases. Glomerulonephritis results f rom inf lammation of t he<br />

filtration membrane within the renal corpuscle. It is characterized by an increased permeability of<br />

the f iltration membrane. The s igns a nd symptoms o f gl omerulonephritis a re the following: t eacolored<br />

u rine, hype rtension, f luid r etention, he adaches, and generalized aches and pains.

Pyelonephritis is i nflammation of t he r enal pelvis, m edulla, a nd c ortex. I t of ten be gins a s a<br />

bacterial inf ection of th e re nal pe lvis. Then it extends in to the ki dney its elf. Pyelonephritis m ay<br />

cause the d estruction o f nephrons and r enal c orpuscles. T he a bility o f t he ki dney t o c oncentrate<br />

urine is dramatically affected. As a rule the person has flank pain, high fever, vomiting, and burning<br />

sensation during urination. When properly treated, acute pyelonephritis rarely progresses to chronic<br />

renal di sease. Renal fai lure may r esult f rom a ny c ondition t hat i nterferes w ith ki dney f unction.<br />

Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney leads to the accumulation of the urea in the<br />

blood. In renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute renal failure may result from acute<br />

glomerulonephritis. I n s ome c ases i t m ay be c aused by da mage t o or bl ockage of r enal tubules.<br />

Circulatory shock c aused by s ympathetic va soconstriction of t he r enal bl ood ve ssels c an c ause<br />

necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал обліку<br />

відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about kidneys disoders.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What kidneys disorders do you know ? 2. What does glomerulonephritis result from? 3. What is<br />

glomerulonephritis characterized by? 4. What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis? 5. W hat is<br />

pyelonephritis? 6. What can pyelonephritis result from? 7. What are the signs of pyelonephritis? 8.<br />

What is renal failure? 9. What are the causes of renal failure? 10. Is it dangerous disease?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Acute i nfections pr actically a lways pr ecede t he ons et _ a cute ne phritis. 2. A cute gl omerular<br />

nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems _ the body. 3. The<br />

chief cha nges oc curring _ acute glomerular nephritis are sw elling and di sintegration of t he<br />

endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts (пучки). 4. T he de gree of i nflammatory<br />

change noted _ t he microscope varies considerably with the intensity of the inflammation. 5. T he<br />

patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis _ a period of from two to eight days. 6.<br />

Disturbances of urination characterized _ a scanty (недостаточный, ограниченный) outflow of<br />

urine or even complete anuria may be present. 7. The severity or mildness of the kidney disease<br />

cannot always be measured _ the examination of the urine or any other tests.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.: Высшая<br />

школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000 –<br />

64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Хвороби нирок<br />

Курс<br />

І<br />

Факультет медичний

Полтава – 2007<br />

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Хвороби нирок<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти<br />

читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти<br />

складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом FUNCTIONS OF THE VERB “TO HAVE”;<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його<br />

у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова<br />

та медична термінологія.<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни,<br />

що стосуються вивчаємої теми. Використовувати<br />

раніше отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх<br />

хвороб.<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману інформацію при<br />

подальшому засвоєнні навчального матеріалу з<br />

зазначених предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

glomerular [glO'merulq] клубочковый, renal pelvis ['pelvIs] почечная лоханка<br />

гломерулярный<br />

nephron ['nefrOn] нефрон (структурнофункциональная<br />

единица почки)<br />

glomerulonephritis [glO'merulqnI'fraItIs]<br />

гломерулонефрит<br />

flank [flxNk] бок<br />

corpuscle ['kO:pAsl] тельце<br />

recur [rI'kq:] рецидивировать<br />

renal corpuscle ['rI:nql] мальпигиево eradicate [I'rxdIkeIt] устранять, искоренять<br />

тельце, почечное тельце<br />

failure ['feIljq] недостаточность<br />

permeability ["pq:mjq'bIlItI] проницаемость urea ['juqrIq] мочевина<br />

filtrate ['fIltrIt] фильтрат; ['fIltreIt]<br />

acidosis ["xsI'dousIs] ацидоз, кислотная<br />

фильтровать<br />

интоксикация<br />

osmolality ["OzmO'lxlItI] осмотическое renal tubule ['tju:bju:l] почечный каналец<br />

давление<br />

ischemia [Is'kI:mIq] ишемия<br />

blurred [blq:d] нерезкий<br />

vasoconstriction ["vxsokOns'trIkSn] ангиоспазм,<br />

pyelonephritis ["pqIqlqunI'fraItIs]<br />

вазоконстрикция, вазоспазм, сужение<br />

пиелонефрит<br />

кровеносных сосудов<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What kidneys disorders do you know?<br />

Give your examples.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Name the four verb-forms:

A. include; inform; provide; reduce; ratify; define; prepare; fill; examine; study; fulfill; prescribe;<br />

protect.<br />

B. take; get; write; go; read; grow; learn; have; make; begin; come; feel; give; hear; keep; put;<br />

spend; think.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m , v, u, t h; i + nd, ld (впр. 1, с. 29), Vocabulary, c. 29 (І.<br />

Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”).<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси -ance ( -ence), впр. 1, с. 68(. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В.<br />

Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.)<br />


Ex. 4. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 5. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Renal tubule; nephritis; urea; corpuscle; failure; nephron; renal pelvis.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Recur; permeability; acidosis; glomerulonephritis; vasoconstriction; filtrate; eradicate; osmolality;<br />

ischemia; renal corpuscle; renal pelvis; increase; tea-colored urine; blurred vision; ache; flank pain.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Abnormality; in itially; ne phritis; c orpuscle; pe rmeability; os molality; ur ine; ge neralized;<br />

pyelonephritis; medulla; high fever; although; immediate threat; recur; interfere; lead; mercuric ion;<br />

carbon tetrachloride; epithelium.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


There a re m any f orms o f ki dneys diseases. Many of t he f ollowing a bnormalities ha ve no<br />

symptoms and may often go undetected, at least initially, or are detected when tests are done.<br />

Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal<br />

corpuscle. It i s cha racterized by an increased pe rmeability of t he f iltration membrane and the<br />

accumulation of nu merous w hite bl ood c ells i n t he a rea of t he f iltration m embrane. A s a<br />

consequence, a high concentration of plasma proteins enters the urine along with numerous white<br />

blood cells. Plasma proteins in the filtrate increase the osmolality of the filtrate, causing a greaterthan-normal<br />

urine volume. The signs and symptoms are the following: cola- or tea-colored urine,<br />

hypertension, fluid retention, headaches, blurred vision, and generalized aches and pains.<br />

Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis, medulla, and cortex. It often begins as a<br />

bacterial inf ection of th e re nal pe lvis a nd then extends in to the ki dney its elf. It c an result f rom<br />

several t ypes of ba cteria. P yelonephritis m ay c ause t he de struction of ne phrons a nd r enal<br />

corpuscles, but because the infection starts in the pelvis of the kidney, it affects the medulla more<br />

than the cortex. A s a c onsequence, t he a bility of the ki dney to concentrate u rine i s dr amatically<br />

affected. A s a r ule the person ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, v omiting a nd bur ning s ensation dur ing<br />

urination. When pr operly t reated, a cute pye lonephritis r arely pr ogresses t o c hronic r enal di sease,<br />

although it can be an immediate threat to life in an elderly or weakened persons. It can also recur if<br />

the infection is not totally eradicated.<br />

Renal fai lure may r esult f rom a ny c ondition that i nterferes w ith k idney f unction. A cute<br />

renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney is extensive and leads to the accumulation of the<br />

urea in the blood and to acidosis. In complete renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute

enal f ailure m ay r esult f rom a cute gl omerulonephritis, o r it m ay be caus ed by damage t o or<br />

blockage of renal tubules. Some poisons such as mercuric ions or car bon tetrachloride that are the<br />

common to certain industrial p rocesses caus e n ecrosis of t he ne phron epithelium. If t he da mage<br />

does not i nterrupt the b asement membrane s urrounding t he ne phrons, e xtensive r egeneration c an<br />

occur w ithin 2 or 3 weeks. Severe i schemia assoc iated with circulatory shock caused by<br />

sympathetic vasoconstriction of the renal blood vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of<br />

the nephron.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Гломерулонефрит; почечный каналец; устранять, искоренять; мальпигиево тельце, почечное<br />

тельце; ацидоз, кислотная интоксикация; осмотическое давление; почечная лоханка;<br />

мочевина; недостаточность; пиелонефрит; рецидивировать; проницаемость; ангиоспазм,<br />

сужение кровеносных сосудов; вызывать деструкцию; хроническое заболевание; возникать;<br />

окружающий.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Kidneys Disorders” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal _. 2. It<br />

is c haracterized by an increased _ of t he f iltration m embrane. 3. T he s igns a nd symptoms o f<br />

glomerulonephritis a re the f ollowing: t ea-colored ur ine, hypertension, f luid r etention, _, a nd<br />

generalized aches and pains. 4. P yelonephritis is inflammation of the renal _, m edulla, and cortex.<br />

5. I t of ten be gins a s a ba cterial _ of t he r enal pe lvis. 6. T hen i t e xtends i nto the _ i tself. 7.<br />

Pyelonephritis m ay c ause t he de struction of _ a nd r enal c orpuscles. 8. T he pe rson w ith<br />

pyelonephritis has _ p ain, high fever, vomiting, and burning sensation during urination. 9. W hen<br />

properly t reated, a cute _ r arely p rogresses t o c hronic renal di sease. 10 . R enal f ailure m ay r esult<br />

from any _ that interferes with kidney function. 11. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the<br />

kidney leads to the accumulation of the _ i n the blood. 12. I n renal failure death may _ i n 1 to 2<br />

weeks. 13. Acute r enal f ailure m ay result f rom acute _. 14. In some cases i t m ay be cau sed by<br />

damage to or blockage of renal _. 15. Circulatory shock caused by sympathetic _ of the renal blood<br />

vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What kidneys disorders do you know ? 2. What does glomerulonephritis result from? 3. What is<br />

glomerulonephritis characterized by? 4. What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis? 5. W hat is<br />

pyelonephritis? 6. What can pyelonephritis result from? 7. What are the signs of pyelonephritis? 8.<br />

What is renal failure? 9. What are the causes of renal failure? 10. Is it dangerous disease?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. A cute i nfections pr actically a lways pr ecede t he ons et _ a cute ne phritis. 2. A cute gl omerular<br />

nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems _ the body. 3. The<br />

chief cha nges oc curring _ acute glomerular nephritis are s welling and di sintegration of t he<br />

endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts (пучки). 4. T he de gree of i nflammatory<br />

change noted _ t he microscope varies considerably with the intensity of the inflammation. 5. T he<br />

patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis _ a period of from two to eight days. 6.<br />

Disturbances of urination characterized _ a scanty (недостаточный, ограниченный) outflow of<br />

urine or even complete anuria may be present. 7. The severity or mildness of the kidney disease<br />

cannot always be measured _ the examination of the urine or any other tests.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out key words of the text “Kidney Disorders”.

Ex. 16. Make up a plan of the text “Kidney Disorders”.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the kidney disorders<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue on glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, or renal failure.<br />

Ex. 19. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Smooth su rface гладкая, ровная поверхность; stone камень; referred [rI'fq:d] pain<br />

гетеротопическая боль, отражённая боль; groin [grOIn] пах; ulceration изъязвление; obscure<br />

[qb'skjuq] неясный; gout [gaut] подагра; pulverize ['pAlveraIz] дробить, измельчать.<br />

Ex. 20. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Kidney stones are hard objects found in the pelvis of the kidney. They are normally small (2<br />

to 3 mm in diameter) with either a smooth surface. Approximately 1% of all autopsies reveal the<br />

presence of kidney stones, and many of the stones occur without causing symptoms. The symptoms<br />

associated with kidney stones occur when a stone passes into the ureter, resulting in referred pain<br />

down t he b ack, s ide, a nd gr oin area. T he ur eter c ontracts around t he stone, c ausing t he s tone t o<br />

irritate the e pithelium a nd pr oduce bleeding, w hich a ppears a s b lood i n t he u rine. I n a ddition t o<br />

causing intense pain, kidney stones can block the ureter, cause ulceration in the ureter, and increase<br />

the probability of bacterial infections.<br />

Approximately 65% of a ll ki dney s tones a re c omposed of c alcium oxylate m ixed w ith<br />

calcium phosphate, 15% are magnesium ammonium phosphate, and 10% are uric acid or cystine. In<br />

all cases approximately 2.5% of the kidney stone is composed of mucoprotein.<br />

The c ause of ki dney s tones i s us ually o bscure. P redisposing c onditions i nclude a<br />

concentrated urine and an abnormally high calcium concentration in the urine, although the cause of<br />

the high calcium concentration is usually unknown. Magnesium ammonium phosphate stones are<br />

often found in people with recurrent kidney infections, and uric acid stones often occur in people<br />

suffering from gout. Severe kidney stones must be removed surgically. However, instruments that<br />

pulverize kidney stones with ultrasound have replaced most traditional surgical procedures.<br />

Ex. 21. Say to what conclusion you have come after having read the text “Kidney Stones”.<br />

Ex. 22. Match the following words with their definitions:<br />

7. Glomerulonephritis.<br />

8. Hypernephroma.<br />

9. Hydronephrosis<br />

10. Pyelitis.<br />

11. Polycystic Kidney.<br />

12. Gout.<br />

1. The inflammation of a kidney pelvis.<br />

2. The enlargement and swelling of the kidney due to block of<br />

urine flow, caused by renal calculi, tumors, or narrowing of the<br />

ureters.<br />

3. A disease resulting from a disturbance of uric acid metabolism,<br />

characterized by an excess of uric acid in the blood and deposits<br />

of uric acid salts in various tissues.<br />

4. The inflammation of the kidneys, primarily involving the<br />

glomerula; this disease causes destruction of the glomerular<br />

capillary walls.<br />

5. Renal malevolent tumor of the kidneys, which occurs in adults.<br />

It usually metastasizes to the bone, blood and lungs.<br />

6. The formation of numerous fluid-filled sacs upon and within<br />

the kidney.<br />

Ex. 23. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Rejection отторжение; compatibility совместимость; cadaver [kq'deIvq] труп; acceptable<br />

приемлемый, удовлетворительный; locate обнаруживать; offer выражать готовность; accept<br />

принимать, воспринимать; hurdle барьер, препятствие, помеха; prone склонный (к чему-л.),

подверженный (чему-л.); follow-up последующее наблюдение, наблюдение, отдалённый<br />

результат; enhance [In'ha:ns] увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать; ensure [In'Suq]<br />

гарантировать, обеспечивать.<br />

Ex. 24. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


Transplantation and di alysis are t he onl y t wo t reatment<br />

options for persons with end-stage kidney disease. Not everyone<br />

with end-stage kidney disease is a suitable candidate for kidney<br />

transplantation. T hose with i nfection, acute gl omerulonephritis,<br />

unstable co ronary artery disease, or o ther seve re m edical<br />

problems ge nerally are c onsidered not to be in good e nough<br />

condition to undergo a major operation. They are more likely to<br />

have a dverse r eactions, i ncluding death, a fter t ransplantation<br />

than a re h ealthier individuals. H owever, w hen s uccessful,<br />

transplantation provides a healthier and better-quality life.<br />

The operation itself is not a complicated procedure. What<br />

can be complicated is finding the right donor, which is important<br />

to lessen the chance of rejection of the new kidney.<br />

Compatibility i s d etermined by bl ood t ests that provide information about bot h t he donor<br />

and the recipient, such as blood type and the nature of the antibodies present in each. A brother or<br />

sister of the recipient generally is the most likely the have compatible tissue. Unfortunately, it is not<br />

always possible.<br />

When a living donor is not available, hospitals and clinics throughout the country are called<br />

on the help locate acceptable donors from among accident victims and others who offered to donate<br />

their kidneys after their death. A kidney from a cadaver must be transplanted within 48 hours after<br />

the de ath o f t he donor . T hus, s ome pe ople ha ve t o unde rgo l ong pe riods on dialysis unt il a<br />

compatible cadaver donor is available.<br />

After t he t ransplantation ope ration, t he pe rson receives i mmonusuppressant dr ugs t o ke ep<br />

his/her body from rejecting the foreign kidney. If the donor is a blood relative of the recipient, the<br />

chances are 85 t o 95 percent t hat by 1 ye ar a fter the transplantation, t he k idney w ill s till be<br />

functioning. With a cadaver donor, the chances are about 80 percent that the kidney will still be<br />

working qui te w ell by 1 ye ar after t he transplant ope ration. I n c ases in w hich the t ransplanted<br />

kidney is rejected, a second or even third transplantation can be done.<br />

Improvements i n pr eparing pa tients f or t ransplantation a nd i n m onitoring t heir recovery<br />

have decreased mortality to as low as 5 percent in some medical centers.<br />

Transplant recipients usually are hospitalized for 5 days to 6 weeks, depending on how well<br />

their body a ccepts the ne w k idney. T he m ajor hur dles are r ejection a nd i nfection.<br />

Immonusuppressant drugs have greatly decreased rejection, but they make it harder for the body’s<br />

immune s ystem t o fight i nfection. For t his r eason, t he phys ician w ill of ten gi ve a ntibiotics to<br />

prevent viral a nd f ungal i nfection for the first few months a fter transplantation. This is the most<br />

likely pe riod i n w hich i nfection may de velop. B ecause t ransplant r ecipients must t ake a n<br />

immonusuppressant medication for the rest of their lives, they are prone to have infections.<br />

Kidney transplant recipients need careful medical follow-up to enhance the success of the<br />

operation and to ensure good general health.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What kidneys disorders do you know ? 2. What does glomerulonephritis result from? 3. What is<br />

glomerulonephritis characterized by? 4. What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis? 5. W hat is

pyelonephritis? 6. What can pyelonephritis result from? 7. What are the signs of pyelonephritis? 8.<br />

What is renal failure? 9. What are the causes of renal failure? 10. Is it dangerous disease?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words or word-combinations:<br />

1. A cute i nfections pr actically a lways pr ecede t he ons et _ a cute ne phritis. 2. A cute gl omerular<br />

nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems _ the body. 3. The<br />

chief c hanges oc curring _ a cute glomerular nephritis are s welling and di sintegration of t he<br />

endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts (пучки). 4. T he de gree of i nflammatory<br />

change noted _ t he microscope varies considerably with the intensity of the inflammation. 5. T he<br />

patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis _ a period of from two to eight days. 6.<br />

Disturbances of urination characterized _ a scanty (недостаточный, ограниченный) outflow of<br />

urine or even complete anuria may be present. 7. The severity or mildness of the kidney disease<br />

cannot always be measured _ the examination of the urine or any other tests.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена к. філол. н., ст. викл. Знаменською І.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль №<br />

Змістовий модуль<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Курс<br />

Факультет<br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Вагітність<br />

ІІ<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Вагітність”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом ING- FORM OF THE VERB:<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Словотворення: Medical; de velopment; typi cally; s ubdivide; ou tside; a ddition; noticeable;<br />

eyebrow; deficiency; toxic.<br />


Текст: “PREGNANCY”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Forms<br />

of the Verb<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал з<br />

теми;<br />

65%<br />

Словотворення: Medical;<br />

development; t ypically; s ubdivide;<br />

outside; a ddition; noticeable;<br />

eyebrow; deficiency; toxic.<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння ING-<br />


Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

Student”)<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

pregnancy ['pregnqnsI] беременность<br />

fetus ['fI:tqs] (утробный) плод<br />

female ['fI:meIl] женщина<br />

gravida ['grxvIdq] беременная<br />

embryo ['embrIqu] зародыш, эмбрион<br />

trimester [traI'mestq] триместр,<br />

трехмесячный срок<br />

sensitive ['sensItIv] чувствительный<br />

assault [q'sO:lt] зд. негативное явление<br />

inch [InC] дюйм ( = 2,5 см )<br />

ounce [auns] унция ( = 28,3 г )<br />

fertilization ["fq:tIlaI'zeIS(q)n]<br />

оплодотворение<br />

burrow ['bq:rqu] прятаться, зарываться<br />

placenta [plq'sentq] плацента<br />


rudiment ['rU:dImqnt] закладка, зачаток<br />

evident ['evId(q)nt] явный, очевидный<br />

mammal ['mxm(q)l] млекопитающее<br />

noticeable ['nqutIsqbl] видный, заметный<br />

bud [bAd] почка<br />

gestation [Ges'teIS(q)n] беременность; период<br />

беременности<br />

albeit [O:l'bI:t] хотя (и)<br />

mature [mq'tjuq] созревать, развиваться<br />

kick [kIk] ударять ногой<br />

transparent [trxns'pFqr(q)nt] прозрачный,<br />

просвечивающий<br />

vernix ['vq:nIks] сыровидная смазка,<br />

первородная смазка<br />


Ex. 1. Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

Medical; development; typically; subdivide; outside; addition; noticeable; eyebrow; deficiency;<br />

toxic.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:<br />


The covering coat consists of different types Покрывающая оболочка состоит из разных<br />

of cells.<br />

видов клеток.<br />

The physician examining the patient is a Врач, осматривающий пациента, опытный<br />

skilled specialist.<br />

специалист.<br />

Examining the patient the cardiologist Осматривая больного, кардиолог прослушал<br />

listened to his heart.<br />

его сердце.<br />

The physician was standing near the patient Врач стоял возле пациента, внимательно<br />

examining him attentively.<br />

осматривая его.<br />

Running is useful.<br />

Бег полезен (бегать полезно).<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to -ing forms:<br />

1. H emoglobin c ontaining i ron is an i mportant pr otein in e rythrocytes. 2. P latelets<br />

(thrombocytes) formed in the bone marrow are necessary for blood clotting. 3. The human body<br />

needs e nergy f or i ts f unctioning. 4 . T he uppe r ope ning of the s tomach is c alled the ca rdiac<br />

sphincter. 5. The remaining part of food from the small intestine passes into the large intestine. 6.<br />

Diabetes is connected with t he m alfunctioning of t he s o-called beta-cells of t he pancreas. 7.<br />

Breathing is of vi tal im portance f or t he pr eservation of l ife. 8. T he s ize a nd f orm of ne uron<br />

depends upon t he l ength a nd a nu mber of i ts r eceptive branching f ibers, w hich a re c alled<br />

dendrites. 9. Scientists consider that there are up to 12 billion nerve cells, which are performing<br />

their function of coordination of the human activities all over the body. 10. Good nursing care is<br />

essential. 1 1. T hyroid-stimulating hor mone is a lso p roduced by a denohypophysis. 12 .<br />

Adenohypophysis is responsible for producing adrenocorticotropic hormones. 13. For a women<br />

athlete, taking the anabolic steroids could lead to increased muscle development. 14. Pregnancy<br />

is t he t erm used t o de scribe w hen a w oman h as a gr owing f etus i nside of he r. 1 5. T he t erm<br />

embryo is used to describe the developing human during the initial weeks. 16. A fter burrowing<br />

deep within the uterus, the egg begins to grow, doubling in size every day. 17. T he baby’s face<br />

and features are forming in the eight gestational week. 18. B y the seventh week, the chest and<br />

abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are beginning to develop. 19. The baby is covered with a<br />

thick w hite protective c oating. 2 0. Being a t th e s anatorium th e patient began to f eel much<br />

better.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Отдавая кислород всем тканям организма, красные кровяные клетки питают их. 2.<br />

Частота дыхания может увеличиваться благодаря быстрому бегу. 3. Мы наблюдали, как<br />

хирург оперировал этого больного. 4. Больной страдал от абдоминального кровотечения,<br />

причем оно было сильным. 5. Основным симптомом хронического бронхита является<br />

хронический кашель, продуцирующий большое количество слизи. 6. Курение является<br />

первопричиной хронического заболевания легких. 7. Пальцы на руках и ногах плода<br />

сейчас начинают развиваться. 8. Я пошел поговорить с кардиологом, лечащим моего отца.<br />

9. Фиброзные пучки, образующие мышечную структуру сердца, делятся на две группы.<br />

10. Перенося кровь к и от легких, сосуды малого круга кровообращения расширяются и<br />

сокращаются одновременно с работой сердца. 11. Он работает над определением вида<br />

белых кровяных клеток при этом заболевании. 12. Микроорганизмы, которые попадают в<br />

организм человека, способны к развитию инфекции. 13. Процесс роста происходит в

результате увеличения количества клеток. 14. Уйти из больницы без указания врача –<br />

невозможно. 15. Лечить пациентов с инфарктом необходимо в стационаре.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Ma_ure; _estation; fertili_ation; embr_o; fem_le; fet_s; pregnan_y; p_acenta; sensit_ve.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Pregnancy; a growing fetus; pregnant female; embryo; the embryo is sensitive to assaults;<br />

burrowing; rudiments of a spinal cord; arm and leg buds; gestational week; it can kick; less<br />

transparent; beyond the fingers.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Initial; para; similarly; particularly; doubling; miniature; previous; beyond vertebrae; more<br />

noticeable; trimester; heart.<br />

Embryo at 4 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Fetus at 8 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Fetus at 18 weeks after<br />

fertilization<br />

Fetus at 38 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Ex. 10. Read and memorize the following medical terms and their definitions:<br />

embryo – conceptus between time of fertilization to 10 weeks of gestation<br />

fetus – from 10 weeks of gestation to time of birth<br />

gravidity (G) – number of times the woman has been pregnant<br />

infant – time of birth to 1 year of age<br />

preterm infant – delivered between 24-37 weeks<br />

previable infant – delivered prior to 24 weeks<br />

term infant – delivered between 37-42 weeks<br />

first trimester – up to 14 weeks of gestation<br />

second trimester – 14 to 28 weeks of gestation<br />

third trimester – 28th week to delivery (роды)<br />

full te rm refers t o t he e nd of 36 w eeks ( nine months) f rom t he f irst da y of t he woman's l ast<br />

menstrual period – the end of gestation. If a woman gives birth earlier than this, it is classed as a<br />

premature birth.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her.<br />

Human pregnancy lasts about 40 w eeks, or just more than 9 months. T he medical term for a<br />

pregnant female is gravida, which is a word rarely used in common speech. The term embryo is

used to describe the developing human during the initial weeks, and the term fetus is used from<br />

about t wo m onths of d evelopment unt il bi rth. A w oman who i s pr egnant f or t he f irst t ime i s<br />

known medically as a primigravida or "gravida 1", while a woman who has never been pregnant<br />

is know n as "gr avida 0 ". Similarly, the te rms " para 0 ", " para 1" a nd so on a re us ed f or t he<br />

number of times a woman has given birth.<br />

Pregnancy i s t ypically divided i nto t hree pe riods, or t rimesters. T rimester means a bout<br />

three months.<br />

First Trimester<br />

The first 3 months of fetal development are in many ways the most important. During this<br />

time, all the major organs in the body are formed. The embryo is particularly sensitive to assaults<br />

from the outside. By the end of this period the baby is not more than 3 i nches long and weighs<br />

little more than 1 ounce. The time from fertilization to implantation in the uterus is about 5 to 7<br />

days. After burrowing deep within the uterus, the egg begins to grow, doubling in size every day.<br />

The placenta has begun to form. In another week, the rudiments of a spinal cord are evident and,<br />

within days, five to eight vertebrae are in place. In addition, the eyes and heart have begun to<br />

form. Over the next few weeks the components of a human being develop, although at first the<br />

human baby is similar in appearance to the developing babies of some other mammals. The heart<br />

begins to form, as does the intestinal tract. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more<br />

noticeable, and arm and leg buds begin to appear. By the seventh week, the chest and abdomen<br />

are f ully f ormed a nd t he l ungs a re be ginning t o d evelop. T he ba by’s f ace a nd features a re<br />

forming in the eight gestational week. Fingers and toes are beginning to develop. At the end of<br />

the second month of pregnancy, the baby looks like a human infant, albeit in miniature. By the<br />

tenth week, the baby’s face is well developed. The heart has four chambers and beats 120 to 160<br />

beats per minute. At this point, the embryo is considered a fetus.<br />

Second Trimester.<br />

During the second trimester the fetus grows and the organs formed during the previous<br />

weeks mature. At 13 weeks the fetus can kick and move its toes. The mouth can open and close,<br />

and the fetus is capable of bending its arms and a fist. The fetus’s skin is slightly pink and less<br />

transparent t han i t w as pr eviously. F ine ha ir c overs t he entire body. T he f irst e yelashes and<br />

eyebrows begin to appear. Once month later, the fetus may have hair in its head. It is now 12<br />

inches long and weighs about 1 pound.<br />

Third Trimester.<br />

The fetus takes on most of its weight during its last 13 weeks of development. The baby<br />

is covered with a thick white protective coating called vernix. The infant’s eyes are open, and a<br />

baby born at this time can cry weakly and move its limbs. The infant now weighs 3 pounds 12<br />

ounces. The skin may or may not still be covered with vernix. Most of the body hair is gone,<br />

although the shoulders and arms may still have a light covering. The fingernails and toenails may<br />

extend beyond the fingers and toes.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Прозрачный, просвечивающий; триместр, трехмесячный срок; созревать, развиваться;<br />

плод; беременность; зародыш, эмбрион; сыровидная смазка, первородная смазка;<br />

беременная; видный, заметный; появляться; чувствительный; почка; оплодотворение;<br />

грудная клетка; брюшная полость; делиться, подразделяться; закрывать(ся); покрывать.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Pregnancy” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Human _ lasts about 40 weeks, or just more than 9 months. 2. P regnancy is typically _ i nto<br />

three periods, or _, each of about three months. 3. The first 3 months of _ de velopment are the<br />

most important. 4. D uring this time, all the major organs in the body are _. 5. T he eyes and _<br />

have begun to form. 6. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more _, and arm amd leg

_begin to appear. 7. By the seventh week, the _ and abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are<br />

beginning t o de velop. 8. D uring t he s econd t rimester t he f etus gr ows a nd t he o rgans f ormed<br />

during the previous weeks _. 9. At 13 weeks the fetus can _ a nd move its toes. 10. The mouth<br />

can open and _. 11. T he fetus is capable of bending its _ and a fist. 12. F ine hair _ t he entire<br />

body. 13. T he first eyelashes and eyebrows begin to _. 14. During the third _ t he infant’s eyes<br />

are open.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What doe s a t erm “ pregnancy” mean? 2. H ow many p eriods is pr egnancy di vided i nto? 3 .<br />

When are all the major organs in the body f ormed? 4. What organs and parts of the body a re<br />

formed during the f irst t rimester? 5. How can you characterize t he f etus g rowth dur ing t he<br />

second trimester? 6. What is the weight of infant during the third trimester?<br />

Ex. 16. Write out key words of the text “Pregnancy”.<br />

Ex. 17. Make up a plan of the text “Pregnancy”.<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 19. Make up a dialogue on pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 20. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Contribute [kqn'trIbju:t] содействовать, способствовать; spina bifida расщеплённый<br />

позвоночник, расщелина позвоночника, расщепление позвоночника; abundant<br />

обильный, богатый, имеющийся в изобилии; intolerant [In'tOlqr(q)nt] непереносящий<br />

(что-л.); lactose ['lxktqus] лактоза, молочный сахар; salmon ['sxmqn] лосось; семга;<br />

trout [traut] форель; tuna ['tu:nq] тунец; herring сельдь; mackerel ['mxkr(q)l] скумбрия;<br />

intake ['InteIk] поглощение, потребление; swordfish меч-рыба; mercury ['mq:kjurI]<br />

ртуть.<br />

Ex. 21. R ead the following text and find some facts to explain the importance of rational<br />

feeding for pregnant woman.<br />


It is important f or a pr egnant w oman t o eat a healthy di et. S he ha s t o e at a va riety of<br />

foods, including dairy products and several fruits and vegetables which contribute to a healthy<br />

pregnancy. Some specific nutritional needs for pregnancy include:<br />

Folic acid (also called folate or Vitamin B 9 ) is strongly needed at the start of pregnancy.<br />

Folic acid is needed for the closing of fetus neural tube. It thus helps prevent spina bifida, a very<br />

serious birth defect. Folates (from folia, leaf) are abundant in spinach (fresh, frozen or canned),<br />

and are also found in green vegetables, salads, melon, and eggs. In the United States and Canada,<br />

most wheat products (flour, noodles) are supplemented with folic acid.<br />

Calcium and iron are particularly needed by t he rapidly growing fetus. Pregnant women<br />

should e at enough da iry pr oducts ( for c alcium) a nd red meat (for iron) if they are not lactose<br />

intolerant. Women who do not eat dairy or meat can obtain calcium and iron from soy milk and<br />

juice, soybeans, a nd c ertain l eafy gr eens. C are providers m ay pr escribe i ron pi lls i f pr egnant<br />

women develop iron deficiency anemia. Calcium is effective only if women also obtain enough<br />

Vitamin D. The best way to get vitamin D is to sunbathe each day for 10-15 minutes. Salmon<br />

and fatty fishes are also good sources of vitamin D.<br />

Fluoride helps to build strong teeth by changing the nature of calcium crystals: if water or<br />

salt does not contain fluoride, it is wise to take fluoride mini-pills at the end of pregnancy and

during breast-feeding (but high doses are toxic). Some pregnant women suffer edema, and are<br />

told not to eat (too much) salt.<br />

Fat (from s almon, t rout, t una, herring, sardine, mackerel, and some c hicken eggs) i s<br />

needed t o build ne uron m embranes. T hus f atty f ish intake dur ing p regnancy m ay pr ovide<br />

nutrition for proper brain and retina development of the fetus. However, large fish such as tuna<br />

and swordfish may contain too much toxic mercury. Fish two or three times a week seems to<br />

bring enough good fat, but not too much mercury.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Derive происходить; proceed продолжать; evagination эвагинация, выпячивание;<br />

eventually в конечном счете, в итоге, в конце концов; foregut головная кишка; elongate<br />

пролонгировать, удлинять; conjunction соединение, объединение.<br />

Ex. 23. Read t he f ollowing t ext an d p ut 10 -11 q uestions on i t. G et r eady t o i nform y our<br />

fellow-students what text deals with.<br />


The major organ systems appear and begin to develop during the embryonic period.<br />

Skin<br />

The epidermis of the skin is derived from ectoderm, and the dermis is derived from the<br />

mesoderm. Nails, hair, and glands develop from the epidermis.<br />

Skeletal system<br />

The s keleton de velops by i ntramembranous bone f ormation o r e ndochondrial bone<br />

formation.<br />

Muscular system<br />

Myoblasts are multinucleated cells that produce skeletal muscle fibers. The growth of the<br />

muscle occurs by an increase in the number of muscle fibers. The total number of muscle fibers<br />

is established before bir th. Muscle enlargement af ter birth is due to an i ncrease in t he size of<br />

individual fibers.<br />

Nervous system<br />

The nervous system is derived from the neural tube and neural crest cells. Closure of the<br />

neural tube begins in the upper-cervical region and proceeds into the head and down the spinal<br />

cord. The central cavity of the neural tube becomes the ventricles of the brain and the central<br />

canal of t he spina l cord . The ne rve cel ls t hat f orm t he pe ripheral ne rvous sys tem are l ocated<br />

either within the neural tube or are derived from neural crest cells.<br />

Endocrine system<br />

The thyroid gland originates as an evagination from the floor of the pharynx in the region<br />

of the developing tongue and moves into the lower neck, eventually losing its connection with<br />

the pharynx. The parathyroid glands migrate inferiorly and become associated with the thyroid<br />

gland. The pancreas originates as two evaginations from the duodenum, which come together to<br />

form a single gland. The adrenal medulla arises from neural crest cells, and the adrenal cortex is<br />

derived from mesoderm.<br />

Cardiovascular system<br />

The heart develops from two endothelial tubes, which fuse into a single heart tube. Blood<br />

vessels form from small masses of mesoderm that become blood vessels on the outside and<br />

blood cells on the inside. These masses fuse to form the cardiovascular system.

Respiratory system<br />

The lungs begin to develop as a single evagination from the foregut in the region of the<br />

future esophagus. This evagination branches to form two lung buds. The lung buds elongate and<br />

branch, first forming the bronchi that project to the lobes of the lungs and then the bronchi that<br />

project to the lobules of the lungs. This branching continues until approximately 17 generations<br />

of branching have occurred.<br />

Urinary system<br />

The kidneys develop from mesoderm located between the somites and the lateral portion<br />

of t he e mbryo. T he ur inary s ystem de velops in three s tages f rom t he he ad to the t ail of t he<br />

embryo. The ducts join the digestive tract.<br />

Reproductive systeReproductive system develops in conjunction with the urinary system.<br />

Hormones are very important to sexual development of the human.<br />

Ex. 24. Having read the text “Development of the Organ System”, point out the facts that<br />

turn out to be new for you.<br />

Ex. 25. Read the beginning of the text “Prenatal Care”. Combine remaining corresponding<br />

parts into sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the sentences:<br />


Prenatal ca re is t he c are w oman g ets dur ing a pr egnancy. Getting e arly a nd r egular<br />

prenatal care i s i mportant for t he health of both mother a nd t he developing baby. I n a ddition,<br />

health care pr oviders are now r ecommending a w oman s ee a he alth c are p rovider f or<br />

preconception care, before she is even trying to get pregnant.<br />

Health care pr oviders recommend women t ake t he f ollowing s teps t o ensure the best<br />

health outcome for mother and baby:<br />

Getting at least 400 m icrograms of folic acid every day to help prevent many types of<br />

neural tube defects. Health care providers recommend taking folic acid both before and during<br />

pregnancy.<br />

1. Being properly vaccinated for certain diseases (such as chicken pox and rubella) that<br />

could harm a developing fetus – _. 2. M aintaining a healthy weight and diet and _. 3. _ before,<br />

during, and after pregnancy.<br />

A. getting regular physical activity before, during, and after pregnancy B. it is important<br />

to have the vaccinations before becoming pregnant; C. avoiding smoking, alcohol, or drug use.<br />

Ex. 26. Read the following text and list the signs and symptoms of pregnancy:<br />


Physical symptoms of pr egnancy vary. Of t he symptoms l isted, not a ll w ill oc cur for<br />

every w oman, a nd i ndividuals m ay w ell experience di fferent s ymptoms dur ing di fferent<br />

pregnancies. The following is a list of the most common symptoms.<br />

First trimester<br />

Breasts may feel swollen, sore, or tender.

Pregnancy sickness may cause nausea and vomiting. It is also known as morning sickness,<br />

although it may occur at any time of the day or night.<br />

The sense of smell may be heightened.<br />

Cravings for a nd a versions t o c ertain f oods may be e xperienced. F ood a versions may<br />

exacerbate pregnancy symptoms.<br />

Fatigue is a common symptom in early pregnancy. It results from increased progesterone<br />

and may be compounded by i ncreased blood volume, which can result in lower blood pressure<br />

and lower blood sugar.<br />

Dizziness and fainting may be experienced, particularly after standing up quickly. These<br />

symptoms are caused by lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar.<br />

Frequent mild headaches may occur, caused by increased blood circulation<br />

Constipation is a common symptom caused by increased progesterone, which slows the<br />

activity of the large intestine.<br />

Increased urination is caused by pressure of t he gr owing uterus a gainst t he urinary<br />

bladder.<br />

Emotional l ability, i ncluding dysphoria, c rying s pells, a nd mood s wings, may be<br />

experienced. These mood changes are triggered by the effect of pregnancy hormones on mood<br />

regulation in the brain.<br />

Other symptoms may be experienced specifically during the later stages, such as:<br />

Lower backache. Balance and ease of walking may be affected.<br />

Many women will get flatulent and gassy.<br />

Some may have difficulty in walking and balance.<br />

Some women may experience haemorrhoids and rectal irritation.<br />

Some women report hair loss, others have more body or "facial" hair.<br />

Sensitivity in teeth, higher risk for gum disease may occur.<br />

Contact lens/spectacle prescriptions may be affected.<br />

Some women during pregnancy experience mental disturbances more severe than typical<br />

mood s wings. P sychological stress dur ing p regnancy i s associated with a n i ncrease in ot her<br />

pregnancy symptoms.<br />

Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her.<br />

Human pr egnancy l asts a bout 40 weeks, or just m ore t han 9 m onths. P regnancy i s typically<br />

divided into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months. The first 3 months of fetal<br />

development a re t he m ost i mportant. D uring t his t ime, a ll t he m ajor or gans i n t he body a re<br />

formed. The eyes and heart have begun to form. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes<br />

more not iceable, a nd a rm a nd l eg buds be gin to a ppear. By t he s eventh w eek, t he c hest a nd<br />

abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are beginning to develop. During the second trimester<br />

the fetus grows and the organs formed during the previous weeks mature. At 13 weeks the fetus<br />

can kick and move its toes. The mouth can open and close. The fetus is capable of bending its<br />

arms and a fist. Fine ha ir cove rs t he enti re bod y. The f irst eye lashes a nd eyebrows be gin t o<br />

appear. During the t hird trimester the i nfant’s eyes ar e op en. Most of t he body ha ir i s gone ,<br />

although the shoulders and arms may still have a light covering.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her.<br />

Human pr egnancy l asts a bout 40 weeks, or just m ore t han 9 m onths. P regnancy i s typically<br />

divided into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months. The first 3 months of fetal<br />

development a re t he m ost i mportant. D uring t his t ime, a ll t he m ajor or gans i n t he body a re<br />

formed. The eyes and heart have begun to form. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes

more not iceable, a nd a rm a nd l eg buds be gin to a ppear. By t he s eventh w eek, t he c hest a nd<br />

abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are beginning to develop. During the second trimester<br />

the fetus grows and the organs formed during the previous weeks mature. At 13 weeks the fetus<br />

can kick and move its toes. The mouth can open and close. The fetus is capable of bending its<br />

arms a nd a fist. F ine ha ir c overs t he e ntire bod y. T he f irst e yelashes a nd e yebrows be gin t o<br />

appear. During the t hird trimester the i nfant’s eyes ar e op en. Most of t he body ha ir i s gone ,<br />

although the shoulders and arms may still have a light covering.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about pregnancy<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What does a term “pregnancy” mean? 2. How many periods is pregnancy divided into?<br />

3. When are all the major organs in the body formed? 4. What organs and parts of the body are<br />

formed dur ing t he f irst t rimester? 5. H ow c an you c haracterize t he f etus gr owth dur ing t he<br />

second trimester? 6. What is the weight of infant during the third trimester?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Human _ lasts about 40 weeks, or just more than 9 months. 2. P regnancy is typically _ i nto<br />

three periods, or _, each of about three months. 3. The first 3 months of _ de velopment are the<br />

most important. 4. D uring this time, all the major organs in the body are _. 5. T he eyes and _<br />

have begun to form. 6. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more _, and arm amd leg<br />

_begin to appear. 7. By the seventh week, the _ and abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are<br />

beginning t o de velop. 8. D uring t he s econd t rimester t he f etus gr ows a nd t he o rgans f ormed<br />

during the previous weeks _. 9. At 13 weeks the fetus can _ a nd move its toes. 10. T he mouth<br />

can open and _. 11. T he fetus is capable of bending its _ and a fist. 12. F ine hair _ t he entire<br />

body. 13. T he first eyelashes and eyebrows begin to _. 14. During the third _ t he infant’s eyes<br />

are open.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль №<br />

Змістовий модуль<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Курс<br />

Факультет<br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Вагітність<br />

ІІ<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Вагітність”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом ING- FORM OF THE VERB:<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

pregnancy ['pregnqnsI] беременность rudiment ['rU:dImqnt] закладка, зачаток<br />

fetus ['fI:tqs] (утробный) плод<br />

evident ['evId(q)nt] явный, очевидный<br />

female ['fI:meIl] женщина<br />

mammal ['mxm(q)l] млекопитающее<br />

gravida ['grxvIdq] беременная<br />

noticeable ['nqutIsqbl] видный, заметный<br />

embryo ['embrIqu] зародыш, эмбрион bud [bAd] почка<br />

trimester [traI'mestq] триместр,<br />

gestation [Ges'teIS(q)n] беременность; период<br />

трехмесячный срок<br />

беременности<br />

sensitive ['sensItIv] чувствительный albeit [O:l'bI:t] хотя (и)<br />

assault [q'sO:lt] зд. негативное явление mature [mq'tjuq] созревать, развиваться<br />

inch [InC] дюйм ( = 2,5 см )<br />

kick [kIk] ударять ногой<br />

ounce [auns] унция ( = 28,3 г )<br />

transparent [trxns'pFqr(q)nt] прозрачный,<br />

fertilization ["fq:tIlaI'zeIS(q)n]<br />

просвечивающий<br />

оплодотворение<br />

vernix ['vq:nIks] сыровидная смазка,<br />

burrow ['bq:rqu] прятаться, зарываться первородная смазка<br />

placenta [plq'sentq] плацента<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What ING- FORM OF THE VERB do you know?<br />

Give your examples.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the sentences paying attention to -ing forms:

1. Hemoglobin c ontaining i ron is a n important pr otein i n e rythrocytes. 2. P latelets<br />

(thrombocytes) formed in the bone marrow are necessary for blood clotting. 3. The human body<br />

needs e nergy f or i ts f unctioning. 4 . T he uppe r ope ning of t he s tomach i s c alled the ca rdiac<br />

sphincter. 5. The remaining part of food from the small intestine passes into the large intestine. 6.<br />

Diabetes is connected with t he m alfunctioning of t he s o-called beta-cells of t he pancreas. 7.<br />

Breathing is of vi tal im portance f or the pr eservation of l ife. 8. T he s ize a nd f orm of ne uron<br />

depends upon t he l ength a nd a nu mber of i ts r eceptive branching f ibers, w hich a re c alled<br />

dendrites. 9. Scientists consider that there are up to 12 billion nerve cells, which are performing<br />

their function of coordination of the human activities all over the body. 10. Good nursing care is<br />

essential. 1 1. T hyroid-stimulating hor mone is a lso p roduced by a denohypophysis. 12 .<br />

Adenohypophysis is responsible for producing adrenocorticotropic hormones.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Словотворення: Analyze th e s tructure of th e fol lowing terms an d tr anslate them in to<br />

Ukrainian:<br />

Medical; development; typically; subdivide; outside; addition; noticeable; eyebrow; deficiency;<br />

toxic.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Ma_ure; _estation; fertili_ation; embr_o; fem_le; fet_s; pregnan_y; p_acenta; sensit_ve.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Pregnancy; a growing fetus; pregnant female; embryo; the embryo is sensitive to assaults;<br />

burrowing; rudiments of a spinal cord; arm and leg buds; gestational week; it can kick; less<br />

transparent; beyond the fingers.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Initial; para; similarly; particularly; doubling; miniature; previous; beyond vertebrae; more<br />

noticeable; trimester; heart.<br />

Embryo at 4 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Fetus at 8 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Fetus at 18 weeks after<br />

fertilization<br />

Fetus at 38 weeks<br />

after fertilization<br />

Ex. 10. Read and memorize the following medical terms and their definitions:<br />

embryo – conceptus between time of fertilization to 10 weeks of gestation<br />

fetus – from 10 weeks of gestation to time of birth<br />

gravidity (G) – number of times the woman has been pregnant<br />

infant – time of birth to 1 year of age

preterm infant – delivered between 24-37 weeks<br />

previable infant – delivered prior to 24 weeks<br />

term infant – delivered between 37-42 weeks<br />

first trimester – up to 14 weeks of gestation<br />

second trimester – 14 to 28 weeks of gestation<br />

third trimester – 28th week to delivery (роды)<br />

full te rm refers t o t he e nd of 36 w eeks ( nine months) f rom t he f irst da y of t he woman's l ast<br />

menstrual period – the end of gestation. If a woman gives birth earlier than this, it is classed as a<br />

premature birth.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />


Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her.<br />

Human pregnancy lasts about 40 w eeks, or just more than 9 months. T he medical term for a<br />

pregnant female is gravida, which is a word rarely used in common speech. The term embryo is<br />

used to describe the developing human during the initial weeks, and the term fetus is used from<br />

about t wo m onths of d evelopment unt il bi rth. A w oman who i s pr egnant f or t he f irst tim e is<br />

known medically as a primigravida or "gravida 1", while a woman who has never been pregnant<br />

is know n as "gr avida 0 ". Similarly, the te rms " para 0 ", " para 1" a nd so on a re us ed f or t he<br />

number of times a woman has given birth.<br />

Pregnancy i s t ypically divided i nto t hree pe riods, or t rimesters. T rimester means a bout<br />

three months.<br />

First Trimester<br />

The first 3 months of fetal development are in many ways the most important. During this<br />

time, all the major organs in the body are formed. The embryo is particularly sensitive to assaults<br />

from the outside. By the end of this period the baby is not more than 3 i nches long and weighs<br />

little more than 1 ounce. The time from fertilization to implantation in the uterus is about 5 to 7<br />

days. After burrowing deep within the uterus, the egg begins to grow, doubling in size every day.<br />

The placenta has begun to form. In another week, the rudiments of a spinal cord are evident and,<br />

within days, five to eight vertebrae are in place. In addition, the eyes and heart have begun to<br />

form. Over the next few weeks the components of a human being develop, although at first the<br />

human baby is similar in appearance to the developing babies of some other mammals. The heart<br />

begins to form, as does the intestinal tract. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more<br />

noticeable, and arm and leg buds begin to appear. By the seventh week, the chest and abdomen<br />

are f ully f ormed a nd t he l ungs a re be ginning t o d evelop. T he ba by’s f ace a nd features a re<br />

forming in the eight gestational week. Fingers and toes are beginning to develop. At the end of<br />

the second month of pregnancy, the baby looks like a human infant, albeit in miniature. By the<br />

tenth week, the baby’s face is well developed. The heart has four chambers and beats 120 to 160<br />

beats per minute. At this point, the embryo is considered a fetus.<br />

Second Trimester.<br />

During the second trimester the fetus grows and the organs formed during the previous<br />

weeks mature. At 13 weeks the fetus can kick and move its toes. The mouth can open and close,<br />

and the fetus is capable of bending its arms and a fist. The fetus’s skin is slightly pink and less<br />

transparent t han i t w as pr eviously. F ine ha ir c overs t he entire body. T he f irst e yelashes and<br />

eyebrows begin to appear. Once month later, the fetus may have hair in its head. It is now 12<br />

inches long and weighs about 1 pound.<br />

Third Trimester.<br />

The fetus takes on most of its weight during its last 13 weeks of development. The baby<br />

is covered with a thick white protective coating called vernix. The infant’s eyes are open, and a<br />

baby born at this time can cry weakly and move its limbs. The infant now weighs 3 pounds 12<br />

ounces. The skin may or may not still be covered with vernix. Most of the body hair is gone,

although the shoulders and arms may still have a light covering. The fingernails and toenails may<br />

extend beyond the fingers and toes.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Прозрачный, просвечивающий; триместр, трехмесячный срок; созревать, развиваться;<br />

плод; беременность; зародыш, эмбрион; сыровидная смазка, первородная смазка;<br />

беременная; видный, заметный; появляться; чувствительный; почка; оплодотворение;<br />

грудная клетка; брюшная полость; делиться, подразделяться; закрывать(ся); покрывать.<br />

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Pregnancy” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Human _ lasts about 40 weeks, or just more than 9 months. 2. P regnancy is typically _ i nto<br />

three periods, or _, each of about three months. 3. The first 3 months of _ de velopment are the<br />

most important. 4. D uring this time, all the major organs in the body are _. 5 . The eyes and _<br />

have begun to form. 6. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more _, and arm amd leg<br />

_begin to appear. 7. By the seventh week, the _ and abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are<br />

beginning t o de velop. 8. D uring t he s econd t rimester t he f etus gr ows a nd t he o rgans f ormed<br />

during the previous weeks _. 9. At 13 weeks the fetus can _ a nd move its toes. 10. T he mouth<br />

can open and _. 11. T he fetus is capable of bending its _ and a fist. 12. F ine hair _ t he entire<br />

body. 13. T he first eyelashes and eyebrows begin to _. 14. During the third _ t he infant’s eyes<br />

are open.<br />

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What doe s a t erm “ pregnancy” mean? 2. H ow many p eriods is pr egnancy di vided i nto? 3 .<br />

When are all the major organs in the body f ormed? 4. What organs and parts of the body a re<br />

formed dur ing t he f irst t rimester? 5. H ow c an you c haracterize t he f etus gr owth dur ing t he<br />

second trimester? 6. What is the weight of infant during the third trimester?<br />

Ex. 16. Write out key words of the text “Pregnancy”.<br />

Ex. 17. Make up a plan of the text “Pregnancy”.<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 19. Make up a dialogue on pregnancy.<br />

Ex. 20. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Contribute [kqn'trIbju:t] содействовать, способствовать; spina bifida расщеплённый<br />

позвоночник, расщелина позвоночника, расщепление позвоночника; abundant обильный,<br />

богатый, имеющийся в изобилии; intolerant [In'tOlqr(q)nt] непереносящий (что-л.); lactose<br />

['lxktqus] лактоза, молочный сахар; salmon ['sxmqn] лосось; семга; trout [traut] форель; tuna<br />

['tu:nq] тунец; herring сельдь; mackerel ['mxkr(q)l] скумбрия; intake ['InteIk] поглощение,<br />

потребление; swordfish меч-рыба; mercury ['mq:kjurI] ртуть.<br />

Ex. 21. R ead the following text and find some facts to explain the importance of rational<br />

feeding for pregnant woman.<br />


It is important f or a pr egnant w oman t o eat a healthy di et. S he ha s t o e at a va riety of<br />

foods, including dairy products and several fruits and vegetables which contribute to a healthy<br />

pregnancy. Some specific nutritional needs for pregnancy include:

Folic acid (also called folate or Vitamin B 9 ) is strongly needed at the start of pregnancy.<br />

Folic acid is needed for the closing of fetus neural tube. It thus helps prevent spina bifida, a very<br />

serious birth defect. Folates (from folia, leaf) are abundant in spinach (fresh, frozen or canned),<br />

and are also found in green vegetables, salads, melon, and eggs. In the United States and Canada,<br />

most wheat products (flour, noodles) are supplemented with folic acid.<br />

Calcium and iron are particularly needed by t he rapidly growing fetus. Pregnant women<br />

should e at enough da iry pr oducts ( for c alcium) a nd red meat (for iron) if they are not lactose<br />

intolerant. Women who do not eat dairy or meat can obtain calcium and iron from soy milk and<br />

juice, soybeans, a nd c ertain l eafy gr eens. C are providers m ay pr escribe i ron pi lls i f pr egnant<br />

women develop iron deficiency anemia. Calcium is effective only if women also obtain enough<br />

Vitamin D. The best way to get vitamin D is to sunbathe each day for 10-15 minutes. Salmon<br />

and fatty fishes are also good sources of vitamin D.<br />

Fluoride helps to build strong teeth by changing the nature of calcium crystals: if water or<br />

salt does not contain fluoride, it is wise to take fluoride mini-pills at the end of pregnancy and<br />

during breast-feeding (but high doses are toxic). Some pregnant women suffer edema, and are<br />

told not to eat (too much) salt.<br />

Fat (from s almon, t rout, t una, herring, sardine, mackerel, and some c hicken eggs) i s<br />

needed t o build ne uron m embranes. T hus f atty f ish intake dur ing p regnancy m ay pr ovide<br />

nutrition for proper brain and retina development of the fetus. However, large fish such as tuna<br />

and swordfish may contain too much toxic mercury. Fish two or three times a week seems to<br />

bring enough good fat, but not too much mercury.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Derive происходить; proceed продолжать; evagination эвагинация, выпячивание;<br />

eventually в конечном счете, в итоге, в конце концов; foregut головная кишка; elongate<br />

пролонгировать, удлинять; conjunction соединение, объединение.<br />

Ex. 23. Read t he f ollowing t ext an d p ut 10 -11 q uestions on i t. G et r eady t o i nform y our<br />

fellow-students what text deals with.<br />


The major organ systems appear and begin to develop during the embryonic period.<br />

Skin<br />

The epidermis of the skin is derived from ectoderm, and the dermis is derived from the<br />

mesoderm. Nails, hair, and glands develop from the epidermis.<br />

Skeletal system<br />

The s keleton de velops by i ntramembranous bone f ormation o r e ndochondrial bone<br />

formation.<br />

Muscular system<br />

Myoblasts are multinucleated cells that produce skeletal muscle fibers. The growth of the<br />

muscle occurs by an increase in the number of muscle fibers. The total number of muscle fibers<br />

is established before bir th. Muscle enlargement af ter birth is due to an i ncrease in t he size of<br />

individual fibers.<br />

Nervous system<br />

The nervous system is derived from the neural tube and neural crest cells. Closure of the<br />

neural tube begins in the upper-cervical region and proceeds into the head and down the spinal<br />

cord. The central cavity of the neural tube becomes the ventricles of the brain and the central

canal of t he spina l cord . The ne rve cel ls t hat f orm t he pe ripheral ne rvous sys tem are l ocated<br />

either within the neural tube or are derived from neural crest cells.<br />

Endocrine system<br />

The thyroid gland originates as an evagination from the floor of the pharynx in the region<br />

of the developing tongue and moves into the lower neck, eventually losing its connection with<br />

the pharynx. The parathyroid glands migrate inferiorly and become associated with the thyroid<br />

gland. The pancreas originates as two evaginations from the duodenum, which come together to<br />

form a single gland. The adrenal medulla arises from neural crest cells, and the adrenal cortex is<br />

derived from mesoderm.<br />

Cardiovascular system<br />

The heart develops from two endothelial tubes, which fuse into a single heart tube. Blood<br />

vessels f orm from s mall m asses of mesoderm t hat be come blood vessels on the out side a nd<br />

blood cells on the inside. These masses fuse to form the cardiovascular system.<br />

Respiratory system<br />

The lungs begin to develop as a single evagination from the foregut in the region of the<br />

future esophagus. This evagination branches to form two lung buds. The lung buds elongate and<br />

branch, first forming the bronchi that project to the lobes of the lungs and then the bronchi that<br />

project to the lobules of the lungs. This branching continues until approximately 17 generations<br />

of branching have occurred.<br />

Urinary system<br />

The kidneys develop from mesoderm located between the somites and the lateral portion<br />

of t he e mbryo. T he ur inary s ystem de velops in three s tages f rom t he he ad to the t ail of t he<br />

embryo. The ducts join the digestive tract.<br />

Reproductive system<br />

Reproductive system develops in conjunction with the urinary system. Hormones are<br />

very important to sexual development of the human.<br />

Ex. 24. Having read the text “Development of the Organ System”, point out the facts that<br />

turn out to be new for you.<br />

Ex. 25. Read the beginning of the text “Prenatal Care”. Combine remaining corresponding<br />

parts into sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the sentences:<br />


Prenatal ca re is t he c are w oman g ets dur ing a pr egnancy. Getting e arly a nd r egular<br />

prenatal care i s i mportant for t he health of both mother a nd t he developing ba by. I n a ddition,<br />

health care pr oviders are now r ecommending a w oman s ee a he alth c are p rovider f or<br />

preconception care, before she is even trying to get pregnant.<br />

Health care pr oviders recommend women t ake t he f ollowing s teps t o ensure the best<br />

health outcome for mother and baby:<br />

Getting at least 400 m icrograms of folic acid every day to help prevent many types of<br />

neural tube defects. Health care providers recommend taking folic acid both before and during<br />


1. Being properly vaccinated for certain diseases (such as chicken pox and rubella) that<br />

could harm a developing fetus – _. 2. Maintaining a healthy weight and diet and _. 3. _ be fore,<br />

during, and after pregnancy.<br />

A. getting regular physical activity before, during, and after pregnancy B. it is important to have<br />

the vaccinations before becoming pregnant; C. avoiding smoking, alcohol, or drug use.<br />

Ex. 26. Read the following text and list the signs and symptoms of pregnancy:<br />


Physical symptoms of pregnancy v ary. O f t he s ymptoms l isted, not a ll w ill oc cur for<br />

every w oman, a nd i ndividuals m ay w ell experience di fferent s ymptoms dur ing di fferent<br />

pregnancies. The following is a list of the most common symptoms.<br />

First trimester<br />

Breasts may feel swollen, sore, or tender.<br />

Pregnancy sickness may cause nausea and vomiting. I t is a lso kno wn a s morning<br />

sickness, although it may occur at any time of the day or night.<br />

The sense of smell may be heightened.<br />

Cravings for a nd a versions t o c ertain f oods may be e xperienced. F ood a versions may<br />

exacerbate pregnancy symptoms.<br />

Fatigue is a common symptom in early pregnancy. It results from increased progesterone<br />

and may be compounded by i ncreased blood volume, which can result in lower blood pressure<br />

and lower blood sugar.<br />

Dizziness and fainting may be experienced, particularly after standing up quickly. These<br />

symptoms are caused by lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar.<br />

Frequent mild headaches may occur, caused by increased blood circulation<br />

Constipation is a common symptom caused by increased progesterone, which slows the<br />

activity of the large intestine.<br />

Increased urination is caused by pressure of t he gr owing ut erus a gainst t he urinary<br />

bladder.<br />

Emotional l ability, i ncluding dysphoria, c rying s pells, a nd mood s wings, may be<br />

experienced. These mood changes are triggered by the effect of pregnancy hormones on mood<br />

regulation in the brain.<br />

Other symptoms may be experienced specifically during the later stages, such as:<br />

Lower backache. Balance and ease of walking may be affected.<br />

Many women will get flatulent and gassy.<br />

Some may have difficulty in walking and balance.<br />

Some women may experience haemorrhoids and rectal irritation.<br />

Some women report hair loss, others have more body or "facial" hair.<br />

Sensitivity in teeth, higher risk for gum disease may occur.<br />

Contact lens/spectacle prescriptions may be affected.<br />

Some women during pregnancy experience mental disturbances more severe than typical<br />

mood s wings. P sychological stress dur ing p regnancy i s associated with a n i ncrease in ot her<br />

pregnancy symptoms.<br />


Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her.<br />

Human pr egnancy l asts a bout 40 weeks, or just m ore t han 9 m onths. P regnancy i s typically<br />

divided into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months. The first 3 months of fetal<br />

development a re t he m ost i mportant. D uring t his t ime, a ll t he m ajor or gans i n t he body a re<br />

formed. The eyes and heart have begun to form. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes<br />

more not iceable, a nd a rm a nd l eg buds be gin to a ppear. By t he s eventh w eek, t he c hest a nd

abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are beginning to develop. During the second trimester<br />

the fetus grows and the organs formed during the previous weeks mature. At 13 weeks the fetus<br />

can kick and move its toes. The mouth can open and close. The fetus is capable of bending its<br />

arms a nd a fist. F ine ha ir c overs t he e ntire bod y. T he f irst e yelashes a nd e yebrows be gin t o<br />

appear. During the t hird trimester the i nfant’s eyes ar e op en. Most of t he body ha ir i s gone ,<br />

although the shoulders and arms may still have a light covering.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What d oes a t erm “ pregnancy” mean? 2. H ow many p eriods is pr egnancy di vided i nto? 3 .<br />

When are all the major organs in the body f ormed? 4. What organs and parts of the body a re<br />

formed dur ing t he f irst t rimester? 5. H ow c an you c haracterize t he f etus gr owth dur ing the<br />

second trimester? 6. What is the weight of infant during the third trimester?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words or word-combinations:<br />

1. Human _ lasts about 40 weeks, or just more than 9 months. 2. P regnancy is typically _ i nto<br />

three periods, or _, each of about three months. 3. The first 3 months of _ de velopment are the<br />

most important. 4. D uring this time, all the major organs in the body are _. 5. T he eyes and _<br />

have begun to form. 6. At the end of the sixth week the brain becomes more _, and arm amd leg<br />

_begin to appear. 7. By the seventh week, the _ and abdomen are fully formed and the lungs are<br />

beginning t o de velop. 8. D uring t he s econd t rimester t he f etus gr ows a nd t he o rgans f ormed<br />

during the previous weeks _. 9. At 13 weeks the fetus can _ a nd move its toes. 10. T he mouth<br />

can open and _. 11. T he fetus is capable of bending its _ and a fist. 12. F ine hair _ t he entire<br />

body. 13. T he first eyelashes and eyebrows begin to _. 14. During the third _ t he infant’s eyes<br />

are open.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст. викл. Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль № 11<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Харчування дитини<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Харчування дитини” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та<br />

засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на<br />

запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються теми, що<br />

вивчається. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал до теми<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси різних частин мови<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses<br />

Текст: Newborn’s nutrition<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: засвоєння фонетичного<br />

матеріалу з теми;<br />

Словотворення: повторення<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів різних<br />

частин мови<br />

Граматика: повторення Perfect<br />

Tenses<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

Affirmative and<br />

interrogative<br />

forms (Perfect<br />

Tenses)<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Perfect<br />

Tenses<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

nutrition [nju'trIS(q)n] питание; еда, пища<br />

feeding ['fI:dIN] питание, кормление<br />

goal [gqul] задача, цель<br />

enhance [In'ha:ns] усиливать, улучшать<br />

bottle-feeding ['bOtl"fI:dIN] искусственное<br />

вскармливание<br />

formula ['fO:mjulq] молочная смесь<br />

offer ['Ofq] предлагать<br />

nourishment ['nArISmqnt] кормление,<br />

питание; пища; еда<br />

diet ['daIqt] питание, пища; еда; режим<br />

питания<br />


gain [geIn] рост, увеличение<br />

carbohydrate ["ka:bqu'haIdreIt] углевод<br />

insulation ["Insju'leiS(q)n] изоляция<br />

vehicle ['vI:kl] связующее вещество,<br />

связующий материал<br />

intake ['InteIk] поглощение, потребление<br />

virtually ['vq:tjuqlI] фактически,<br />

практически, в сущности<br />

advantage [qd'va:ntIG] преимущество;<br />

выгода, польза<br />

benefit ['benIfIt] выгода; польза<br />


Ex. 1. Translate the following words paying attention to the parts of speech:<br />

Differ (v), difference (n), different (adj.); treat (v), treatment (n), treatable (adj.); complain (v),<br />

complaint (n); change (v), change (n), changeability (n), changeable (adj.).<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />


(REVISION)<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


to have + Participle II (V 3 )<br />

Present Perfect Tense (Active Voice) have<br />

You have written a book.<br />

+ V 3<br />

has<br />

She has written a book.<br />

Past Perfect Tense (Active Voice) had + V 3 They had written a book.

Future Perfect Tense (Active Voice) shall have<br />

I shall have written a book.<br />

+ V 3<br />

will have<br />

This doctor will have<br />

written a book.<br />

Present Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) have been<br />

The books have been<br />

+ V 3 written.<br />

has been<br />

The book has been written.<br />

Past Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) had been + V 3 The books had been written.<br />

The book had been written.<br />

Future Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) shall have been The book will have been<br />

+ V 3 written.<br />

will have been The books will have been<br />

written.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. G inseng root ( корень женьшеня) ha s be en us ed as an ef fective t onic f or m en a nd w omen<br />

since ancient times. 2. Research work of many scientists has helped to estimate that the rate of<br />

heart beat increases depending on the different emotions. 3. It has been estimated that during the<br />

past 30 years there has been as much progress in clinical medicine as in all the previous history<br />

of medicine combined. 4. Almost everyone has had an X-ray, either to visualize a broken bone or<br />

to c heck f or a c avity i n a t ooth. 5 . A f ew s tudies ha ve s uggested t hat dr ug i s s lightly m ore<br />

effective t han ot her dr ugs i n t he t reatment of kidney di sorders. 6. T he c ardiac di sorders ha ve<br />

produced heart rate problems.<br />

Ex. 4. Put the verbs into correct tense forms:<br />

1. Anatomical imaging (to revolutionize) medical science. 2. Anatomical imaging (to make) a<br />

major c ontribution t o that pr ogress. 3. O nce t he c omputer ( to a nalyze) t he pa ttern of s ounds<br />

waves, the information is transferred to a m otion in which the result is v isualized as a n<br />

ultrasound i mage. 4. E xcellent reviews on a lgorithms f or t he s tandard management of a sthma<br />

and emergency management of asthma (publish). 5. Inhaled corticosteroids (to become) first-line<br />

therapy for the treatment of moderate to severe asthma.<br />

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Ученые определили, что общий вес крови, нагнетаемый сердцем ежедневно, около 10<br />

тонн. 2. Научное исследование дало физиологам возможность установить, что сердечная<br />

мышца сокращается около одной трети жизни человека. 3. Давление в правом предсердии<br />

увеличилось. 4. Он установил, что во время физических упражнений ток крови (blood<br />

flow) по сосудам сильно изменяется. 5. Последние исследования продемонстрировали, что<br />

эти препараты могут сократить количество летальных исходов (deaths) вследствие<br />

заболеваний коронарных сосудов.<br />

Ex. 6. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present<br />

Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />


(2)<br />

Auxiliary<br />

verb<br />

What have I, you, we<br />

they<br />

(3) Subject (4) Predicate Example<br />

V 3<br />

What has he<br />

received this<br />


Past Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Past Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

has he, she, it<br />

Why had I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we,<br />

they<br />

Where<br />

How many<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

have<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it,<br />

you, they<br />

I, you, we<br />

they<br />

has he, she, it<br />

How much had I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we,<br />

they<br />

shall I, we<br />

will<br />

he, she, it,<br />

you, they<br />

V 3<br />

have + V 3<br />

been + V 3<br />

been + V 3<br />

have + been +<br />

V 3<br />

How many<br />

articles had the<br />

student read by 5<br />

o’clock?<br />

What text will<br />

Helen have<br />

translated by 3<br />

o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have<br />

been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. How has the amount of radiation used for routine X-ray examinations been reduced over year?<br />

2. Why ha s t he he art transplantation be come a r outine procedure i n many medical c enters? 3.<br />

What i nventions i n m edicine ha s V.P. F ilatov made? 4. What hos pitals ha ve t he R omans<br />

established? 5. What countries has the child mortality declined during the last decade? 6. W hy<br />

have these methods of treatment used?<br />

Ex. 8. Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1. P hysiologists h ave determined that in t he adult the he art m akes f rom 60 t o 72 be ats pe r<br />

minute. 2. Physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria – the atrial<br />

systole. 3. The oxyge nated bl ood has pa ssed the f our pul monary ve ins. 4. P harmacological<br />

treatment for nocturnal asthma has been directed at the underlying mechanisms for the disease.<br />

5. T he s cientists ha ve discussed the m echanisms a nd phys iological changes oc curring du ring<br />

laparoscopy. 6. T he movement of skeletal muscles and contraction of veins have increased the<br />

venous r eturn t o t he h eart. 7. B ronchodilator drug ha s be en a dministered to p atient to ope n<br />

narrowed passages in the lungs. 8. B y 2020, t he number of people over 60 w ill have grown to<br />

one billion.<br />


Ex. 9. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 10. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 11. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Advant_ge; nutriti_n; in_ulation; no_rishment; bo_tle-feeding; enha_ce; fo_mula; b_by; weigh_.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Vehicle; feeding; virtually; goal; carbohydrate; offer; weight gain; benefit; varied diet ['daIqt];<br />

processed milk; essential; repair of cells; store; fat intake; low-fat diet.

Ex. 13. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Goal; diet ; breast m ilk; ave rage; m ajor; ade quate; m uscle; enz yme ['enzaIm]; sour ce; ve hicle;<br />

absorption; absolutely; require; iron; balance; nowadays; hourly.<br />

Ex. 14. Read the following text:<br />


The goal of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow and to include nutrients that will<br />

enhance the baby’s health.<br />

Unlike t he older ba by, t he ne wborn doe s not ha ve a va ried di et. I f t he m other i s<br />

breastfeeding, t he ba by w ill be nour ished by br east m ilk. I f t he ne wborn ha s bot tle-feeding,<br />

he/she will be given formula, usually a combination of specially processed cow’s milk, vitamins,<br />

and minerals mixed with water.<br />

As a rule, the baby knows how much food is needed. The baby eats as much as is needed,<br />

regardless of how much is left. When it is time to eat again, the baby will usually let the parents<br />

know. If a baby doesn’t get enough to eat, you will soon know it. He or she cries until you offer<br />

more food.<br />

The best indication that the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight gain.<br />

Some babies gain weight slowly, and others gain rapidly. As a rule, the average baby gains 2<br />

pounds a month during the first 3 m onths of life. Regardless of whether the source is mother’s<br />

milk or formula, the following are the components of the basic diet of the newborn:<br />

Protein is essential for growth and for the repair of cells. Most of the major body organs<br />

are composed mainly of protein. If the body d oesn’t receive an adequate amount of protein, it<br />

begins to break down its muscles to supply protein to the brain and to make enzymes.<br />

Carbohydrates supply most of t he body’ s e nergy ne eds. Carbohydrates a re ne cessary<br />

for infant’s health. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles.<br />

Fats are a c oncentrated source of e nergy. T hey he lp pr otect body or gans, ve ssels, and<br />

nerves, provide insulation against changes in temperature, and act as a vehicle for absorption of<br />

some vi tamins. Although it is im portant f or a dults to limit the ir f at in take, infants a nd young<br />

children should not be on a fat-restricted or low-fat diet.<br />

Water is absolutely essential for human life. Water accounts for 70 t o 75 pe rcent of the<br />

newborn’s weight, compared with only 60 t o 65 percent of an adult’s body weight. To remain<br />

healthy, an infant must take in larger amounts of water per unit of the body weight that an adult.<br />

The daily amount of water required is between 10 to 15 percent of the infant’s body weight.<br />

Minerals are important to the structure of virtually every part of the body. For example,<br />

calcium and fluoride are necessary for the formation of strong bones and teeth, copper and iron<br />

are required for the production of red blood cells, and sodium is needed to maintain the water<br />

balance in the body.<br />

Vitamins are substances required by the body in minute amounts. Some of the necessary<br />

vitamins include vitamin A, which is needed for eyes and to keep the linings of the bronchial,<br />

urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones, blood<br />

vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D, which is also needed for the development of bones and<br />

teeth.<br />

Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has<br />

nutritional and immunological advantages and emotional benefits. Many newborns are fed every<br />

4 hours. Most babies need 8 to 10 feedings daily in the first couple of months. Some babies may<br />

want to feed hourly.<br />

Ex. 15. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Искусственное вскармливание; грудное вскармливание; молочная смесь; грудное молоко;<br />

выгода, польза; предлагать; увеличение веса; связующее вещество, связующий материал;<br />

питание, кормление; углевод; задача, цель; усиливать, улучшать; еда, пища; фактически,

практически, в сущности; основное питание; концентрированный источник энергии;<br />

необходимое количество воды; выстилка бронхиального тракта.<br />

Ex. 16. Translate the text “Newborn’s Nutrition” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow. 2. The newborn does not have a varied _.<br />

3. If the mother is _, t he baby will be nourished by br east milk. 4. I f the newborn has bottlefeeding,<br />

he/she will be given _. 5. T he baby _ as much as is needed. 6. The best indication that<br />

the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight _. 7. The basic diet of the newborn and<br />

child must include proteins, _, f ats, water, minerals, and vitamins. 8. P roteins are essential for<br />

growth a nd f or t he _ of c ells. 9. _ s upply m ost of t he b ody’s energy ne eds. 10 . F ats a re a<br />

concentrated _ of e nergy. 11. W ater i s a bsolutely e ssential f or hum an _. 12. M inerals a re<br />

important to the structure of every part of the _. 13. Vitamin A is needed for eyes and to keep the<br />

_ of t he br onchial, ur inary, a nd intestinal t racts he althy. 14. V itamin C i s ne eded f or t he<br />

development of bones, blood _, and other tissues. 15. Vitamin D is needed for the _ of bones and<br />

teeth. 16. Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is _.<br />

Ex. 18. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the goal of the newborn’s feeding? 2. What types of newborn’s feeding are there? 3.<br />

How much and how of ten doe s the ne wborn eat? 4. W hat i s the indication t hat t he ba by i s<br />

receiving the necessary nourishment? 5. What are the components of the basic diet of newborn?<br />

6. Why are proteins essential? 7. What is the role of carbohydrates? 8. What do the fats provide?<br />

9. Why is water essential for newborn? 10. Why are the minerals important? 11. Why are the<br />

vitamins required by the body of newborn?<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the prepositions:<br />


In most cases, breast milk is the most perfect food _ the baby. Breast milk contains easily<br />

digestible proteins, many factors that support new baby's immature immune system, and other<br />

factors that aid _ digestion. Breast fed babies are also less likely to have colic, upper respiratory<br />

infections, e ar infections, c onstipation, a sthma or a llergies. A nd br east f eeding w ill bu rn u p<br />

almost 500 of mom's cal ories each day. Despite al l of t hese adva ntages _ breast feeding, you<br />

should not f eel gui lty i f you de cide t hat you w ould r ather feed your ba by f ormula. T here a re<br />

many formulas available that will provide your baby _ good nutrition to promote his growth and<br />

development.<br />

Ex. 20. Write out key words of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 21. Make up a plan of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 22. Give a summary of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 23. Speak on the newborn’s nutrition.<br />

Ex. 24. Make up a dialogue on newborn’s nutrition.<br />

Ex. 25. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Triple утраивать(ся); stretch период, промежуток времени; reduce [rI'djus] сокращать;<br />

distinct [dIs'tINkt] особый, отличный (от других); rice рис; cereal ['sIqrIql] крупа, крупяной<br />

продукт; solid твердая пища; acquaint [q'kweInt] знакомить; puree ['pjuqreI] суп-пюре,<br />

пюре; ample достаточный; supplement добавлять, дополнять, пополнять.

Ex. 26. Read and translate the following text:<br />


During the infant’s f irst ye ar of li fe, his or h er bi rth-weight may triple. Feeding is<br />

important part of the baby’s day.<br />

In the first few months of life, the baby’s nutrition consists of breast milk or formula. The<br />

frequency of feeding depends on the baby’s needs and the method of feeding. A baby between 1<br />

and 3 months old probably wants between 5 to 6 feedings a day, eventually every 3 hours, except<br />

for a longer stretch at night. As the baby grows, the number of feedings is reduced. Typically, a<br />

5-month-old is down to 4 or 5 feedings, and by 9 months the child has only 3 milk feedings. But<br />

each infant is a distinct individual.<br />

Before 4 t o 6 months, the baby gastrointestinal system may be unable to absorb solids<br />

efficiently. P recooked rice cer eal i s often used as baby’s first soli d food because it is easy to<br />

digest. Initially, babies generally respond better to solids if the solid foods are thin rather than<br />

thick. After the baby is acquainted with cereal, the next step might be a fruit or a vegetable. At 8<br />

months, most i nfants a re r eady to t ry pur eed meats, but br east milk or f ormula continues t o<br />

provide ample amounts of proteins.<br />

By the time the infant is between 6 and 8 months old, he or she should be eating 3 to 4<br />

ounces of s olids a t e ach of t hree meals, or b etween 5 a nd 8 t ablespoons of food pe r meal.<br />

Sometimes a baby’s diet needs to be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Once the child<br />

reaches his or her first birthday, the infant eats table food exclusively.<br />

Ex. 27. Give a summary of the text “Infant’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 28. Read the text in paragraphs. Define the main subject of each paragraph:<br />


Unlike an infant, who triples his/her weight during the first year and eats well, the 1-yearold<br />

child’s rate of growth slows considerably. By the time the child enters the second year of life,<br />

he/she should be eating a variety of foods. It includes milk products, meat, poultry, fish, beans,<br />

eggs, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and fruits and vegetables. A balanced diet may also include<br />

desserts and fats such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and oils. Until age 2, f at should not be<br />

limited in the child’s diet. Dietary fat and cholesterol are important for the infant’s growth.<br />

The following foods should form the foundation of the child’s diet:<br />

Milk products. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, and yogurt are excellent sources of<br />

calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth. Four servings (доза, порция) a<br />

day are recommended. For the 1-year-old child, a serving is ½ cup, and for older preschoolers<br />

the serving size may be as larger as ¾ cup.<br />

Meat and E ggs. T his group i ncludes be ef, p oultry, f ish, por k, l iver, a nd e ggs. These<br />

foods ar e e xcellent sou rces of pro tein, which is ne cessary for t he gro wth and repair of t issue<br />

cells. The preschooler needs three or more servings a day.<br />

Fruits and Vegetables. The child should have at least four servings a day from this food<br />

group. To obtain an adequate amount of vitamin C, one or more servings should be citrus fruit,<br />

berries, tomato, and cabbage. The child needs at least one serving of a green or yellow fruit or<br />

vegetable, which are excellent source of vitamin A.<br />

Grains. T his f ood gr oup i ncludes whole-grain c ereals, br eads, r ice, a nd pa sta. F our or<br />

more daily servings are recommended. The serving for the 1-year-old is one-half slice of bread,<br />

one-half ounce of r eady-to-eat cereal, or one-fourth c up of pa sta. For t he 5 -year0old, one a nd<br />

one-half cup of pasta constitutes a serving.<br />

These are the food groups necessary for a nutritionally balanced diet.<br />

Ex. 29. Make up a dialogue on obtained information.

5.3 Заключний етап<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The goal of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow. The newborn does not have a varied diet.<br />

If t he m other i s b reastfeeding, t he baby w ill b e nour ished by br east milk. I f t he ne wborn ha s<br />

bottle-feeding, he /she w ill be g iven f ormula. T he ba by e ats a s m uch a s i s ne eded. T he be st<br />

indication that the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight gain. The basic diet of<br />

the newborn and child must include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins.<br />

Protein i s e ssential f or gr owth a nd f or t he r epair of c ells. C arbohydrates s upply most of t he<br />

body’s energy needs. Fats are a concentrated source of energy. Water is absolutely essential for<br />

human life. M inerals a re im portant to the s tructure of e very part o f t he body. V itamin A i s<br />

needed for eyes and to keep the linings of the bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy.<br />

Vitamin C is needed for the development of bones, blood vessels, and other tissues. Vitamin D is<br />

needed f or t he de velopment of bo nes and teeth. N owadays i t i s p roved t hat t he ideal f eeding<br />

method is breastfeeding. During the infant’s first year of life, the feeding is important part of the<br />

baby’s day. The frequency of feeding depends on t he baby’s needs and the method of feeding.<br />

Before 4 to 6 months, the baby gastrointestinal system may be unable to absorb solids efficiently.<br />

Precooked rice cereal is often used as baby’s first solid food. At 8 months, most infants are ready<br />

to try pureed meats. By the time the infant is between 6 a nd 8 months old, he or she should be<br />

eating 3 to 4 ounces of solids at each of three meals. By the time the child enters the second year<br />

of life, he/she should be eating a variety of foods. It includes milk products, meat, poultry, fish,<br />

beans, eggs, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and fruits and vegetables. A nutritionally balanced diet<br />

is very important for child.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю.<br />

Ситуаційні завдання:<br />

1. Tell your fellow-student about the newborn’s nutrition<br />

2. Describe the major components of the basic diet of the newborn.<br />

3. Speak about the breast feedinfg<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is the goal of the newborn’s feeding? 2. What types of newborn’s feeding are there? 3.<br />

How much and how of ten doe s the ne wborn eat? 4. W hat i s the indication that t he ba by i s<br />

receiving the necessary nourishment? 5. What are the components of the basic diet of newborn?<br />

6. Why are proteins essential? 7. What is the role of carbohydrates? 8. What do the fats provide?<br />

9. Why is water essential for newborn? 10. Why are the minerals important? 11. Why are the<br />

vitamins required by the body of newborn?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow. 2. The newborn does not have a varied _.<br />

3. If the mother is _, the baby will be nourished by breast milk. 4. If the newborn has bottlefeeding,<br />

he/she will be given _. 5. The baby _ as much as is needed. 6. The best indication that<br />

the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight _. 7. The basic diet of the newborn and<br />

child must include proteins, _, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins. 8. Proteins are essential for<br />

growth and for the _ of cells. 9. _ supply most of the body’s energy needs. 10. Fats are a<br />

concentrated _ of energy. 11. Water is absolutely essential for human _. 12. Minerals are<br />

important to the structure of every part of the _. 13. Vitamin A is needed for eyes and to keep the<br />

_ of the bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy. 14. Vitamin C is needed for the<br />

development of bones, blood _, and other tissues. 15. Vitamin D is needed for the _ of bones and<br />

teeth. 16. Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is _.

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викл. Демченко Н.М.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль № 11<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Харчування дитини<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Харчування дитини” ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним<br />

матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та<br />

засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на<br />

запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та<br />

перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

nutrition [nju'trIS(q)n] питание; еда, пища<br />

feeding ['fI:dIN] питание, кормление<br />

goal [gqul] задача, цель<br />

enhance [In'ha:ns] усиливать, улучшать<br />

bottle-feeding ['bOtl"fI:dIN] искусственное<br />

вскармливание<br />

formula ['fO:mjulq] молочная смесь<br />

offer ['Ofq] предлагать<br />

nourishment ['nArISmqnt] кормление,<br />

питание; пища; еда<br />

diet ['daIqt] питание, пища; еда; режим<br />

питания<br />

gain [geIn] рост, увеличение<br />

carbohydrate ["ka:bqu'haIdreIt] углевод<br />

insulation ["Insju'leiS(q)n] изоляция<br />

vehicle ['vI:kl] связующее вещество,<br />

связующий материал<br />

intake ['InteIk] поглощение, потребление<br />

virtually ['vq:tjuqlI] фактически,<br />

практически, в сущности<br />

advantage [qd'va:ntIG] преимущество;<br />

выгода, польза<br />

benefit ['benIfIt] выгода; польза<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is the auxiliary verb for the Present Perfect Tense?<br />

2. What is the auxiliary verb for the Past Perfect Tense?<br />

3. What is the auxiliary verb for the Future Perfect Tense?<br />

4. What word order is used for the interrogative form of Perfect Tenses?

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. G inseng root ( корень женьшеня) ha s be en us ed as an ef fective t onic f or m en and women<br />

since ancient times. 2. Research work of many scientists has helped to estimate that the rate of<br />

heart beat increases depending on the different emotions. 3. It has been estimated that during the<br />

past 30 years there has been as much progress in clinical medicine as in all the previous history<br />

of medicine combined. 4. Almost everyone has had an X-ray, either to visualize a broken bone or<br />

to c heck f or a c avity i n a t ooth. 5 . A f ew s tudies ha ve s uggested t hat dr ug i s s lightly m ore<br />

effective t han ot her dr ugs i n t he t reatment of kidney di sorders. 6. T he c ardiac di sorders ha ve<br />

produced heart rate problems.<br />

Ex. 2. Put the verbs into correct tense forms:<br />

1. Anatomical imaging (to revolutionize) medical science. 2. Anatomical imaging (to make) a<br />

major c ontribution t o that pr ogress. 3. O nce t he c omputer ( to a nalyze) t he pa ttern of s ounds<br />

waves, the information is transferred to a m otion in which the result is v isualized as a n<br />

ultrasound i mage. 4. E xcellent reviews on a lgorithms f or t he s tandard management of a sthma<br />

and emergency management of asthma (publish). 5. Inhaled corticosteroids (to become) first-line<br />

therapy for the treatment of moderate to severe asthma.<br />

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Ученые определили, что общий вес крови, нагнетаемый сердцем ежедневно, около 10<br />

тонн. 2. Научное исследование дало физиологам возможность установить, что сердечная<br />

мышца сокращается около одной трети жизни человека. 3. Давление в правом предсердии<br />

увеличилось. 4. Он установил, что во время физических упражнений ток крови (blood<br />

flow) по сосудам сильно изменяется. 5. Последние исследования продемонстрировали, что<br />

эти препараты могут сократить количество летальных исходов (deaths) вследствие<br />

заболеваний коронарных сосудов.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate the following interrogative sentences into your native language:<br />

1. How has the amount of radiation used for routine X-ray examinations been reduced over year?<br />

2. Why ha s t he heart transplantation become a r outine procedure i n many medical centers? 3.<br />

What i nventions i n m edicine ha s V.P. F ilatov made? 4. What hos pitals ha ve t he R omans<br />

established? 5. What countries has the child mortality declined during the last decade? 6. W hy<br />

have these methods of treatment used?<br />

Ex. 5. Make the following sentences interrogative:<br />

1. P hysiologists h ave determined that in t he adult the he art m akes f rom 60 t o 72 be ats pe r<br />

minute. 2. Physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria – the atrial<br />

systole. 3. The oxyge nated bl ood has pa ssed the f our pul monary ve ins. 4. P harmacological<br />

treatment for nocturnal asthma has been directed at the underlying mechanisms for the disease.<br />

5. The sci entists ha ve discussed the m echanisms a nd phys iological changes oc curring du ring<br />

laparoscopy. 6. T he movement of skeletal muscles and contraction of veins have increased the<br />

venous r eturn t o t he h eart. 7. B ronchodilator drug ha s be en a dministered to p atient to ope n<br />

narrowed passages in the lungs. 8. B y 2020, t he number of people over 60 w ill have grown to<br />

one billion.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />


Ex. 9. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.

Ex. 10. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 11. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Advant_ge; nutriti_n; in_ulation; no_rishment; bo_tle-feeding; enha_ce; fo_mula; b_by; weigh_.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Vehicle; feeding; virtually; goal; carbohydrate; offer; weight gain; benefit; varied diet ['daIqt];<br />

processed milk; essential; repair of cells; store; fat intake; low-fat diet.<br />

Ex. 13. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Goal; diet ; breast m ilk; ave rage; m ajor; ade quate; m uscle; enz yme ['enzaIm]; sour ce; ve hicle;<br />

absorption; absolutely; require; iron; balance; nowadays; hourly.<br />

Ex. 14. Read the following text:<br />


The goal of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow and to include nutrients that will<br />

enhance the baby’s health.<br />

Unlike t he older ba by, t he ne wborn doe s not ha ve a va ried di et. I f t he m other i s<br />

breastfeeding, t he ba by w ill be nour ished by br east m ilk. I f t he ne wborn ha s bot tle-feeding,<br />

he/she will be given formula, usually a combination of specially processed cow’s milk, vitamins,<br />

and minerals mixed with water.<br />

As a rule, the baby knows how much food is needed. The baby eats as much as is needed,<br />

regardless of how much is left. When it is time to eat again, the baby will usually let the parents<br />

know. If a baby doesn’t get enough to eat, you will soon know it. He or she cries until you offer<br />

more food.<br />

The best indication that the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight gain.<br />

Some babies gain weight slowly, and others gain rapidly. As a rule, the average baby gains 2<br />

pounds a month during the first 3 m onths of life. Regardless of whether the source is mother’s<br />

milk or formula, the following are the components of the basic diet of the newborn:<br />

Protein is essential for growth and for the repair of cells. Most of the major body organs<br />

are composed mainly of protein. If the body d oesn’t receive an adequate amount of protein, it<br />

begins to break down its muscles to supply protein to the brain and to make enzymes.<br />

Carbohydrates supply most of t he body’ s e nergy ne eds. Carbohydrates a re ne cessary<br />

for infant’s health. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles.<br />

Fats are a c oncentrated source of e nergy. T hey he lp pr otect body or gans, vessels, and<br />

nerves, provide insulation against changes in temperature, and act as a vehicle for absorption of<br />

some vi tamins. A lthough i t i s i mportant f or a dults to limit t heir f at i ntake, i nfants a nd young<br />

children should not be on a fat-restricted or low-fat diet.<br />

Water is absolutely essential for human life. Water accounts for 70 t o 75 pe rcent of the<br />

newborn’s weight, compared with only 60 t o 65 percent of an adult’s body weight. To remain<br />

healthy, an infant must take in larger amounts of water per unit of the body weight that an adult.<br />

The daily amount of water required is between 10 to 15 percent of the infant’s body weight.<br />

Minerals are important to the structure of virtually every part of the body. For example,<br />

calcium and fluoride are necessary for the formation of strong bones and teeth, copper and iron<br />

are required for the production of red blood cells, and sodium is needed to maintain the water<br />

balance in the body.<br />

Vitamins are substances required by the body in minute amounts. Some of the necessary<br />

vitamins include vitamin A, which is needed for eyes and to keep the linings of the bronchial,<br />

urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones, blood<br />

vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D, which is also needed for the development of bones and<br />


Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has<br />

nutritional and immunological advantages and emotional benefits. Many newborns are fed every<br />

4 hours. Most babies need 8 to 10 feedings daily in the first couple of months. Some babies may<br />

want to feed hourly.<br />

Ex. 15. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Искусственное вскармливание; грудное вскармливание; молочная смесь; грудное молоко;<br />

выгода, польза; предлагать; увеличение веса; связующее вещество, связующий материал;<br />

питание, кормление; углевод; задача, цель; усиливать, улучшать; еда, пища; фактически,<br />

практически, в сущности; основное питание; концентрированный источник энергии;<br />

необходимое количество воды; выстилка бронхиального тракта.<br />

Ex. 16. Translate the text “Newborn’s Nutrition” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 17. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow. 2. The newborn does not have a varied _.<br />

3. If the mother is _, the baby will be nourished by breast milk. 4. If the newborn has bottlefeeding,<br />

he/she will be given _. 5. The baby _ as much as is needed. 6. The best indication that<br />

the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight _. 7. The basic diet of the newborn and<br />

child must include proteins, _, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins. 8. Proteins are essential for<br />

growth and for the _ of cells. 9. _ supply most of the body’s energy needs. 10. Fats are a<br />

concentrated _ of energy. 11. Water is absolutely essential for human _. 12. Minerals are<br />

important to the structure of every part of the _. 13. Vitamin A is needed for eyes and to keep the<br />

_ of the bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy. 14. Vitamin C is needed for the<br />

development of bones, blood _, and other tissues. 15. Vitamin D is needed for the _ of bones and<br />

teeth. 16. Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is _.<br />

Ex. 18. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is the goal of the newborn’s feeding? 2. What types of newborn’s feeding are there? 3.<br />

How much and how often does the newborn eat? 4. What is the indication that the baby is<br />

receiving the necessary nourishment? 5. What are the components of the basic diet of newborn?<br />

6. Why are proteins essential? 7. What is the role of carbohydrates? 8. What do the fats provide?<br />

9. Why is water essential for newborn? 10. Why are the minerals important? 11. Why are the<br />

vitamins required by the body of newborn?<br />

Ex. 19. Insert the prepositions:<br />


In most cases, breast milk is the most perfect food _ the baby. Breast milk contains easily<br />

digestible proteins, many factors that support new baby's immature immune system, and other<br />

factors that aid _ digestion. Breast fed babies are also less likely to have colic, upper respiratory<br />

infections, e ar infections, c onstipation, a sthma or a llergies. A nd br east f eeding w ill bu rn u p<br />

almost 500 of mom's cal ories each day. Despite al l of t hese a dvantages _ br east f eeding, you<br />

should not f eel gui lty i f you de cide t hat you w ould r ather feed your ba by f ormula. T here a re<br />

many formulas available that will provide your baby _ good nutrition to promote his growth and<br />

development.<br />

Ex. 20. Write out key words of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 21. Make up a plan of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 22. Give a summary of the text “Newborn’s Nutrition”.

Ex. 23. Speak on the newborn’s nutrition.<br />

Ex. 24. Make up a dialogue on newborn’s nutrition.<br />

Ex. 25. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Triple утраивать(ся); stretch период, промежуток времени; reduce [rI'djus] сокращать;<br />

distinct [dIs'tINkt] особый, отличный (от других); rice рис; cereal ['sIqrIql] крупа, крупяной<br />

продукт; solid твердая пища; acquaint [q'kweInt] знакомить; puree ['pjuqreI] суп-пюре,<br />

пюре; ample достаточный; supplement добавлять, дополнять, пополнять.<br />

Ex. 26. Read and translate the following text:<br />


During the infant’s first year of life, his or her birth-weight may triple. Feeding is<br />

important part of the baby’s day.<br />

In the first few months of life, the baby’s nutrition consists of breast milk or formula. The<br />

frequency of feeding depends on the baby’s needs and the method of feeding. A baby between 1<br />

and 3 months old probably wants between 5 to 6 feedings a day, eventually every 3 hours, except<br />

for a longer stretch at night. As the baby grows, the number of feedings is reduced. Typically, a<br />

5-month-old is down to 4 or 5 feedings, and by 9 months the child has only 3 milk feedings. But<br />

each infant is a distinct individual.<br />

Before 4 to 6 months, the baby gastrointestinal system may be unable to absorb solids<br />

efficiently. Precooked rice cereal is often used as baby’s first solid food because it is easy to<br />

digest. Initially, babies generally respond better to solids if the solid foods are thin rather than<br />

thick. After the baby is acquainted with cereal, the next step might be a fruit or a vegetable. At 8<br />

months, most infants are ready to try pureed meats, but breast milk or formula continues to<br />

provide ample amounts of proteins.<br />

By the time the infant is between 6 and 8 months old, he or she should be eating 3 to 4<br />

ounces of solids at each of three meals, or between 5 and 8 tablespoons of food per meal.<br />

Sometimes a baby’s diet needs to be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Once the child<br />

reaches his or her first birthday, the infant eats table food exclusively.<br />

Ex. 27. Give a summary of the text “Infant’s Nutrition”.<br />

Ex. 28. Read the text in paragraphs. Define the main subject of each paragraph:<br />


Unlike an infant, who triples his/her weight during the first year and eats well, the 1-yearold<br />

child’s rate of growth slows considerably. By the time the child enters the second year of life,<br />

he/she should be eating a variety of foods. It includes milk products, meat, poultry, fish, beans,<br />

eggs, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and fruits and vegetables. A balanced diet may also include<br />

desserts and fats such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and oils. Until age 2, fat should not be<br />

limited in the child’s diet. Dietary fat and cholesterol are important for the infant’s growth.<br />

The following foods should form the foundation of the child’s diet:<br />

Milk products. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, and yogurt are excellent sources of<br />

calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth. Four servings (доза, порция) a<br />

day are recommended. For the 1-year-old child, a serving is ½ cup, and for older preschoolers<br />

the serving size may be as larger as ¾ cup.<br />

Meat and Eggs. This group includes beef, poultry, fish, pork, liver, and eggs. These<br />

foods are excellent sources of protein, which is necessary for the growth and repair of tissue<br />

cells. The preschooler needs three or more servings a day.<br />

Fruits and Vegetables. The child should have at least four servings a day from this food<br />

group. To obtain an adequate amount of vitamin C, one or more servings should be citrus fruit,

erries, tomato, and cabbage. The child needs at least one serving of a green or yellow fruit or<br />

vegetable, which are excellent source of vitamin A.<br />

Grains. This food group includes whole-grain cereals, breads, rice, and pasta. Four or<br />

more daily servings are recommended. The serving for the 1-year-old is one-half slice of bread,<br />

one-half ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or one-fourth cup of pasta. For the 5-year0old, one and<br />

one-half cup of pasta constitutes a serving.<br />

These are the food groups necessary for a nutritionally balanced diet.<br />

Ex. 29. Make up a dialogue on obtained information.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is the goal of the newborn’s feeding? 2. What types of newborn’s feeding are there? 3.<br />

How much and how often does the newborn eat? 4. What is the indication that the baby is<br />

receiving the necessary nourishment? 5. What are the components of the basic diet of newborn?<br />

6. Why are proteins essential? 7. What is the role of carbohydrates? 8. What do the fats provide?<br />

9. Why is water essential for newborn? 10. Why are the minerals important? 11. Why are the<br />

vitamins required by the body of newborn?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. The _ of feeding newborn is to help the baby grow. 2. The newborn does not have a varied _.<br />

3. If the mother is _, the baby will be nourished by breast milk. 4. If the newborn has bottlefeeding,<br />

he/she will be given _. 5. The baby _ as much as is needed. 6. The best indication that<br />

the baby is receiving the necessary nourishment is weight _. 7. The basic diet of the newborn and<br />

child must include proteins, _, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins. 8. Proteins are essential for<br />

growth and for the _ of cells. 9. _ supply most of the body’s energy needs. 10. Fats are a<br />

concentrated _ of energy. 11. Water is absolutely essential for human _. 12. Minerals are<br />

important to the structure of every part of the _. 13. Vitamin A is needed for eyes and to keep the<br />

_ of the bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy. 14. Vitamin C is needed for the<br />

development of bones, blood _, and other tissues. 15. Vitamin D is needed for the _ of bones and<br />

teeth. 16. Nowadays it is proved that the ideal feeding method is _.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена викл. Демченко Н.М..

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено” на засіданні<br />

кафедри іноземних мов з<br />

латинською мовою та<br />

медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

№ заняття 9 – 10<br />

Тема заняття Діабет<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Кількість годин 4<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

діабет як одне знайпоширеніших захворювань у світі, у формуванні сприйняття<br />

організму людини як складної системи зі взаємопов’язаними складниками та<br />

функціями, а також в усвідомленні важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у<br />

вивченні медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі: полягають у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською<br />

мовою, які стосуються теми, в усній і письмовій формі. Спілкування повинне<br />

бути адекватне цілям, завданням, умовам спілкування та комунікативному<br />

портрету партнера по комунікації. При роботі над граматичним матеріалом<br />

Subjunctive Infinitive Constructions засвоїти особливості їх утворення, функції та<br />

переклад з метою розпізнання у тексті, правильного перекладу та вживання у<br />

мовленні.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: латинська Порівняти правила читання у<br />

мова та медична термінологія. латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни, що<br />

стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Історія медицини; соціальна<br />

медицина, фізіологія, ендокринологія<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому<br />

засвоєнні навчального матеріалу з<br />

зазначених предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці<br />

до заняття:<br />

Onset – початок захворювання<br />

Outcome – наслідки захворювання<br />

Lack –нестача<br />

Juvenile – ювенільний, молодіжний<br />

Mature - зрілий<br />

Occur – траплятися, виникати<br />

Urine - сеча<br />

Rate –рівень<br />

Diminish – знижуватися, зменшуватись<br />

result from – виникати внаслідок<br />

result from – виникати внаслідок<br />

spill into – виводитись, впадати

dramatically - суттєво<br />

stroke - інсульт<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

І. 1. 1. What does diabetes mellitus result from? 2. How many types of diabetes<br />

mellitus? 3 . W hat a re th ey? 4 . D istinguish between insulin-dependent di abetes<br />

mellitus (IDDM) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). 5. What<br />

symptoms are associated w ith d iabetes m ellitus? 6. W hat are t he a pproaches i n<br />

diabetes mellitus therapy? 7. What may isnsulin be extracted from? 8. W hat may<br />

cause in sulin s hock? 9. Is i t poss ible t o pre vent t he de velopment of di abetes<br />

mellitus? Why? How?<br />

ІІ. 1. What is the Subjunctive Infinitive Constructions usually used for? 2. How to<br />

translate i t c orrectly i nto U krainian? 3. G ive you r e xamples of sentences w ith<br />

Subjunctive Infinitive Constructions.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання:<br />

- виконання фонетичних та лексичних вправ,<br />

- читання та переклад тексту,<br />

- бесіда за темою, складання ситуативних діалогів.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах теми, що вивчється<br />

Бесіда за темою. Ситуативні діалоги, рольові ігри.<br />

Матеріали для самоконтролю:<br />

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

diabetes mellitus, іnsulin-dependent, іnsulin-independent, juvenile-onset diabetes,<br />

adult-onset diabetes, maturity-onset diabetes, diminished insulin secretion,<br />

heredity, viral infection, pancreatic islets, to involve, a lack of insulin, to respond,<br />

increased th irst, i ncreased urination, w eight lo ss, in creased appetite, sk in<br />

infections, bl adder i nfections, m odern m edications, a bnormal metabolism,<br />

malfunction.<br />

Ex. 2. Read, translate and pay much attention to terms lined up. Get ready to<br />

discuss the text:<br />

Diabetes m ellitus, oft en re ferred to s imply a s diabetes (Ancient G reek:<br />

διαβήτης compass, dividers stemming from the verb διαβαίνειν "to pass through",<br />

consisting of the prefix δια dia across, through and the verb βαίνειν bainein to go,<br />

to walk) , is a syndrome of disordered metabolism, usually due to a combination of<br />

hereditary and e nvironmental c auses, re sulting i n a bnormally hi gh blood s ugar<br />

levels ( hyperglycemia). Blood gl ucose l evels are c ontrolled by a c omplex<br />

interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones in the body, including the hormone<br />

insulin made in the beta cells of the pancreas. Diabetes mellitus refers to the group

of diseases that lead to high blood glucose levels due to defects in either insulin<br />

secretion or insulin action in the body.<br />

Diabetes develops due t o a di minished produc tion of insulin (in type 1 ) o r<br />

resistance to its e ffects ( in type 2 and gestational). B oth l ead t o hype rglycemia,<br />

which largely causes the acute signs of diabetes: excessive urine prod uction,<br />

resulting c ompensatory thirst a nd i ncreased fl uid i ntake, bl urred vi sion,<br />

unexplained weight loss, lethargy, and changes in energy metabolism.<br />

All f orms o f di abetes h ave b een t reatable s ince insulin became m edically<br />

available in 1921, but there is no c ure. The injections by a syringe, insulin pump,<br />

or insulin pen deliver insulin, which is a basic treatment of type 1 diabetes. Type 2<br />

is m anaged with a combination of dietary t reatment, exercise, medications and<br />

insulin supplementation.<br />

Diabetes and its tr eatments c an c ause many c omplications. Acute complications<br />

including hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, or nonketotic hype rosmolar com a may<br />

occur if the disease is not adequately controlled. Serious long-term complications<br />

include cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure, retinal dam age, which can<br />

lead t o blindness, s everal t ypes of nerve dam age, a nd m icrovascular damage,<br />

which m ay cau se erectile d ysfunction and po or w ound h ealing. Poo r healing of<br />

wounds, particularly of the feet, can lead to gangrene, and possibly to amputation.<br />

Adequate treatment of diabetes, as well as increased emphasis on blood pressure<br />

control and lifestyle factors such as not smoking and maintaining a healthy body<br />

weight, may improve the risk profile of m ost of t he chronic complications. In the<br />

developed w orld, d iabetes is th e most sig nificant cause o f a dult b lindness in t he<br />

non-elderly a nd t he l eading cause of non -traumatic am putation i n adults, a nd<br />

diabetic ne phropathy is t he m ain illn ess r equiring renal d ialysis in t he U nited<br />

States.<br />

Prevention<br />

Type 1 diabetes risk is known to depend upon a genetic predisposition based on<br />

HLA types (particularly types DR3 and DR4), an unknown environmental trigger<br />

(suspected to be an infection, although none has proven definitive in all cases), and<br />

an uncontrolled autoimmune response that attacks the insulin producing beta cells.<br />

Some re search ha s sugge sted t hat breastfeeding decreased t he ri sk i n l ater l ife;<br />

various other nut ritional ri sk f actors a re be ing st udied, but no fi rm e vidence ha s<br />

been found. Giving children 2000 IU of Vitamin D during their first year of life is<br />

associated with reduced risk of t ype 1 di abetes, though the causal relationship is<br />

obscure.<br />

Children with antibodies to beta cell proteins (ie at early stages of an immune<br />

reaction to them) but no overt diabetes, and treated with vitamin B-3 (niacin), had<br />

less than half the diabetes onset incidence in a 7-year time span as did the general<br />

population, and an even lower incidence relative to those with antibodies as above,<br />

but who received no vitamin B3.<br />

Type 2 diabetes risk can be reduced in many cases by making changes in diet<br />

and i ncreasing p hysical a ctivity. Th e American D iabetes A ssociation (ADA)

ecommends m aintaining a he althy w eight, ge tting a t l east 2½ hours o f e xercise<br />

per w eek (se veral bri sk su stained w alks a ppear s ufficient), ha ving a modest fa t<br />

intake, a nd e ating s ufficient f iber (e g, f rom w hole gra ins). T he A DA doe s not<br />

recommend alcohol consumption as a preventive, but it i s interesting to note that<br />

moderate a lcohol i ntake may re duce t he ri sk (t hough he avy c onsumption<br />

absolutely a nd c learly i ncreases d amage to b odily systems sig nificantly); a<br />

similarly confused c onnection be tween l ow dose a lcohol cons umption a nd he art<br />

disease is termed the French Paradox.<br />

There i s i nadequate evidence t hat ea ting food s of l ow glycemic in dex is<br />

clinically he lpful de spite re commendations a nd s uggested diets e mphasizing t his<br />

approach.<br />

There are numerous studies which suggest connections between some aspects<br />

of T ype I I di abetes w ith i ngestion o f certain foods or w ith som e d rugs. S ome<br />

studies have shown delayed progression to diabetes in predisposed patients through<br />

prophylactic use of metformin, rosiglitazone, o r valsartan. In pa tients on<br />

hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis, incidence of diabetes was reduced by<br />

77% though causal mechanisms are unclear. Breastfeeding may also be associated<br />

with the prevention of t ype 2 of t he disease in mothers. Clear evidence for t hese<br />

and any of many other connections between foods and supplements and diabetes is<br />

sparse to date; none, despite secondary claims for (or a gainst), is sufficiently well<br />

established to justify as a standard clinical approach.<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

Ex. 3. T ell the g roup ab out di abetes m ellitus k eeping the following<br />

consistency:<br />

The fa ctors pre disposing t he de velopment of diabetes m ellitus; onset of the<br />

disease; manifestations of the disease; possible treatment of the disease; outcomes<br />

and complications of the disease; prevention of diabetes mellitus.<br />


All insulin is a dministered by injection. When taken orally, the digestive system<br />

destroys hormone before the body can put it to use. It is important that this simple<br />

procedure be conducted properly:<br />

1) Remove the protective covering from the needle. Draw the plunger back to the<br />

mark on the syringe corresponding to the exact dosage of insulin you require.<br />

1) Hold the bottle of insulin upright in one hand, and push the needle through the<br />

rubber stopper. Push the plunger down to empty the air from it.<br />

1) Turn ov er t he b ottle an d s yringe t ogether. Ch eck t hat tip o f t he need le i s<br />

covered by t he solution, then slowly pull the plunger back, drawing in slightly<br />

more than your prescribed dose.<br />

4. To remove any air bubbles, tap the syringe until the bubbles rise to the needle<br />

end, then push the plunger until they return to the bottle. Adjust the solution in the<br />

syringe to your exact dose, and remove the needle from the bottle.<br />

5. Using an alcohol swab or a cotton ball soaked with alcohol or soap and water,<br />

clean the area of the injection.

6. Hold the syringe as you would a writing utensil. With your other hand, pinch a<br />

1- to 2-inch fold of skin.<br />

7. Quickly insert the entire length of the needle into the fold of the skin.<br />

8. Release the pinched skin and inject the insulin by gently pushing the plunger all<br />

the way down at a steady, moderate rate.<br />

9. After injecting the insulin, cover the area of t he injection with an alcohol swab<br />

or a c otton ba ll da mpened w ith a lcohol. A pply pre ssure t o t he a rea for a few<br />

seconds, but do not rub it because rubbing could cause the insulin to be absorbed<br />

into the bloodstream too quickly.<br />

Pекомендована література.<br />

Основна:<br />

І. Z namenska, O . Pi sotska, V . K ostenko “C ourse of E nglish for M edical<br />

Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of<br />

English for Medical Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем<br />

“Spoken English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською<br />

мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 8<br />

№ заняття 7 – 8<br />

Тема заняття Вухо. Захворювання вуха.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Кількість годин 4<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

будову органів чуття та про їх захворювання, у формуванні сприйняття<br />

організму людини як складної системи зі взаємопов’язаними складниками та<br />

функціями, а також в усвідомленні важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у<br />

вивченні медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі: полягають у засвоєнні правильної вимови та написання<br />

медичних термінів англійською мовою, які стосуються теми, зокрема тих, що<br />

міcтять греко-латинські терміноелементи типу Audi/o, Acou/o, Ot/o, Aur/o,<br />

Aur/i, Tympan/o, -phonia). Уміти виявляти та передавати усно (з опорою на<br />

текст) чи письмово усі значущі моменти з теми чи будувати ситуативні<br />

діалоги (бесіда з ЛОР-лікарем), використовуючи візуальні опори (плани,<br />

ключові слова, схеми тощо). Спілкування повинне бути адекватне цілям,<br />

завданням, умовам спілкування та комунікативному портрету партнера по<br />

комунікації. При роботі над граматичним матеріалом –ed forms, узагальнити,<br />

які граматичні форми мають зазначений суфікс, диференціювати їх у текстах<br />

та правильно перекладати.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни в<br />

межах теми, що вивчається.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Анатомія, фізіологія. Знати будову органу слуху та<br />

механізм сприйняття звукових<br />

сигналів мозком.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці<br />

до заняття:<br />

Auditory<br />


Pinna<br />

Вушна раковина<br />

Auricle<br />

вушна раковина<br />

Meatus<br />

1) отвір, прохід 2) канал<br />

Cerumen<br />

Вушна сіра<br />

Tympanic membrane Барабана перетинка<br />

(cavity)<br />

Eardrum<br />

Барабанна перетинка<br />

Auditory ossicle<br />

Кісточка<br />

malleus Молоточок (вушна<br />

кісточка)<br />

Incus Накувальня (во<br />

внутреннем ухе)<br />

Stapes<br />

Стремен, стременце<br />

Yawn<br />

Позіхання; позіхати;<br />

Eustachian tube<br />

Євстахієва труба<br />

Labyrinth<br />

Лабиринт<br />

Snail<br />

Равлик<br />

Cochlea<br />

Равлик (вуха)<br />

Semicircular canals Полукружні канали<br />

Utricle Перетинчатий мішечок<br />

вушного лабіринта<br />

Saccule<br />

Мішечок<br />

Tympanic membrane Барабанна перетинка<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

І. 1. Describe the structure of external ear. 2. Describe the structure and functions<br />

of middle ear. 3. Explain the functions of auditory tubes. 4. Explain the functions<br />

of t he E ustachian t ubes. 5. D istinguish be tween t he oss eous a nd membranous<br />

labyrinth. 7. Describe the cochlea and its function. 7.What are the major sings of<br />

hearing di sorders? 8. W hat ot her st ructures o f t he h uman body sho uld be<br />

examined in addition, when a patient has complaints referable to the ears? 9. What<br />

methods are very important in the diagnosis of complaints referable to the ears?<br />

ІІ. 1.What ve rbal fo rms a re form ed w ith –ed s uffix? 2. H ow t o di stinguish t hee<br />

forms in the texts? How to translate them correctly into Ukrainian? 3. Give your<br />

examples of sentences with –ed verbal forms.

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

- виконання фонетичних та лексичних вправ,<br />

- читання та переклад тексту,<br />

- бесіда за темою, скдадання ситуативних діалогів.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах теми, що вивчється<br />

Бесіда за темою. Ситуативні діалоги, рольові ігри.<br />

Матеріали для самоконтролю:<br />

Ex.1. Look thr ough the c ombining f orms which he lp you to understand t he<br />

key ter ms. R ead, anal yze the str ucture of the fol lowing te rms a nd tr y to<br />

translate them:<br />

Combining form<br />

Definition<br />

Audi/o<br />

hearing<br />

Acou/o<br />

hearing<br />

Ot/o<br />

ear<br />

Aur/o<br />

ear<br />

Aur/i<br />

ear<br />

Tympan/o<br />

eardrum, middle ear<br />

-phonia<br />

sound<br />

audiometer, a udiogram, ac oustic, ot ology, ot itis, ot oscope, dysp honia,<br />

tympanoplasty, hypersensitivity, sensomotor, aphonic, auricular.<br />

Ex. 2. Read the definitions and fill in blanks with the proper term elements<br />

given below.<br />

1. …mycosis is a disease of the ear produced by the growth of fungi in the external<br />

auditory meatus. 2. Otorhinolaryngo… i s a branc h of medicine dea ling w ith<br />

disorders of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT). 3. …receptor is a receptor for sound<br />

stimuli. 4. …osis is a condition of being deaf. 5. … therapy is the use of sunlight<br />

or of an artificial source of ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation for therapeutic<br />

purposes.<br />

(a – thermo, b – oto, c – phono-, d – helio, e – logist, f – osteo, g – copho, h –<br />

logy).<br />

Ex. 3. Translate into English:<br />

Виявити причину захворювання, скронева кістка, лицьовий параліч, біль<br />

нез’ясованого походження, скарги, що стосуються вуха, спричиняти сильний<br />

біль та подразливість, здуття барабанної перетинки, найпоширеніші причини<br />

захворювання, попередити розвиток ускладнень, видалення мигдаликів.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate into Ukrainian:

Auditory, pi nna, a uricle, meatus, ce rumen, tympanic membrane (c avity),<br />

eardrum, a uditory oss icle, malleus, i ncus, st apes, yaw n, E ustachian t ube,<br />

labyrinth, snail.<br />

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following text:<br />

The Human Ear<br />

Understanding h ow hum ans hear i s a complex s ubject i nvolving t he fi elds of<br />

physiology, psychology and acoustics. In this part of L esson 2, we will focus on<br />

the ac oustics (t he b ranch of physi cs p ertaining t o sound ) of he aring. W e will<br />

attempt t o unde rstand how t he hum an ear se rves a s a n a stounding t ransducer,<br />

converting sou nd e nergy t o mechanical e nergy to a ne rve i mpulse w hich i s<br />

transmitted to the brain. The ear's ability to do this allows us to perceive the pitch<br />

of s ounds by de tection of t he w ave's frequencies, t he l oudness of sound by<br />

detection of t he wave's amplitude and the timbre of the sound by t he detection of<br />

the various frequencies which make up a complex sound wave.<br />

The ear consists of three basic parts - the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner<br />

ear. E ach part o f t he ear s erves a s pecific p urpose i n t he t ask o f detecting an d<br />

interpreting sound. The outer ear serves to collect and channel sound to the middle<br />

ear. The middle ear se rves t o t ransform t he energy o f a soun d w ave i nto t he<br />

internal vibrations of the bone structure of the middle ear and ultimately transform<br />

these vibrations into a compressional wave in the inner ear. The inner ear serves to<br />

transform the energy of a compressional wave within the inner ear fluid into nerve<br />

impulses w hich c an be t ransmitted t o the bra in. T he t hree pa rts of t he e ar are<br />

shown below.<br />

The out er ear consists of a n ear fl ap and an approximately 2 -cm l ong ear canal.<br />

The ear flap provides protection for the middle ear in order to prevent damage to<br />

the eardrum. The outer ear also channels sound waves which reach the ear through<br />

the ear canal t o t he eardrum of t he middle ear. Because of t he l ength of t he ear<br />

canal, it is capable of am plifying sounds with frequencies of a pproximately 3000<br />

Hz. As sound travels t hrough the out er ear, t he sound i s still i n t he form of a<br />

pressure wave, with an alternating pattern of hi gh and low pressure regions. It is<br />

not until the sound reaches the eardrum at the interface of the outer and the middle<br />

ear that the energy of the mechanical wave becomes converted into vibrations of<br />

the inner bone structure of the ear.<br />

The middle ear is an air-filled cavity which consists of an eardrum and three tiny,<br />

interconnected bones - the ham mer, anvil, a nd s tirrup. T he ea rdrum is a ve ry<br />

durable and t ightly s tretched m embrane which v ibrates as t he i ncoming pressure<br />

waves reach it. As shown below, a compression forces the eardrum inward and a<br />

rarefaction forc es t he ea rdrum out ward, t hus vi brating t he e ardrum at t he sa me<br />

frequency of the sound wave.<br />

The inner ear consists of a cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the auditory nerve.<br />

The cochlea and the semicircular canals are filled with a water-like fluid. The fluid

and nerve cells of t he semicircular canals provide no rol l i n t he t ask of hearing;<br />

they m erely s erve as accelerometers for de tecting a ccelerated movements an d<br />

assisting in the task of maintaining balance. The cochlea is a snail-shaped organ<br />

which would stretch to approximately 3 cm. In a ddition to being filled with fluid,<br />

the i nner surface of t he c ochlea i s l ined w ith over 20 0 00 ha ir-like nerve cel ls<br />

which pe rform one of t he m ost c ritical rol es i n o ur a bility to he ar. T hese ne rve<br />

cells have a differ in length by minuscule amounts; they also have different degrees<br />

of resiliency to the fluid which passes over them. As a compressional wave moves<br />

from the interface between the hammer of the middle ear and the oval window of<br />

the inner ear through the cochlea, the small hair-like nerve cells will be set in<br />

motion. Each hair c ell has a natural s ensitivity to a particular fre quency of<br />

vibration. W hen t he fre quency of t he c ompressional w ave matches the na tural<br />

frequency of the nerve cell, that nerve cell will resonate with a larger amplitude of<br />

vibration<br />

Ex. 6. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Describe the structure of external ear. 2. Describe the structure and functions of<br />

middle ear. 3. Explain the functions of auditory tubes. 4. Explain the functions<br />

of the Eustachian tubes. 5. Distinguish between the osseous and membranous<br />

labyrinth. 7. Describe the cochlea and its function. 7.What are the major sings<br />

of hearing disorders? 8. What other structures of the human body should be<br />

examined in addition, when a pa tient has complaints referable t o t he ears? 9.<br />

What methods are very important in the diagnosis of complaints referable to the<br />

ears? 10. When does the earache (otalgia) occur? 11. What are the comonest<br />

causes of otitis media in both children and adults?<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

Role play. Act as an ENT doctor and a patiet complaining of terrible earache.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

TEST<br />

І. True or false choice.<br />

1. The a uricle ha s a s i ts func tions t he re ception, re flection, a nd c ondensation of<br />

the waves of sound.<br />

2. The external ear collects sound waves created by vibrating objects.<br />

3. Waves of changing pre ssures c ause t he e ardrum to r eproduce t he vi brations<br />

coming from the sound wave source.<br />

4. Auditory tubes neither connect the middle ears to the throat nor he lp maintain<br />

equal ai pressure on both sides of eardrum.<br />

5. The organ of Corti excludes the hearing receptors.<br />

II. Match English phrases with proper Ukrainian ones.<br />

1. With which ear do you hear worse?<br />

2. Have you had ear disorders before?<br />

3. Do you have discharge of pus from the ear?

4. Hearing is not changed.<br />

5. The patient has dry perforated eardrum.<br />

6. Say loudly after me the words yоu hear.<br />

a) Голосно повторюйте за мною слова, які ви почули.<br />

b) Чи у вас раніше боліли вуха?<br />

c) Слух не змінений.<br />

d) Чи є гнійні виділення з вуха?<br />

e) У хворого суха перфорація барабанної перетинки.<br />

f) Яким вухом ви чуєте гірше?<br />

III. Choose the correct terms for the following definitions.<br />

1.A pa thological fe ar of s ounds o r of spe aking a loud; 2. Infl ammation o f t he<br />

tympanic membrane; 3. Inst rument t o measure heari ng; 4. Flow of pus from the<br />

ear; 5. Removal of the third bone of middle ear; 6. Surgical repair of the eardrum.<br />

a) ot oscope, b) st apedectomy, c ) ot itis media, d) audi ometer, e ) ot opyorrhea; f )<br />

myringitis, g) Phonophobia, h) tympanoplasty, i) presbycusis.<br />

IV. Translate into Ukrainian.<br />

1. The auricle has as its functions the reception, reflection, and condensation of the<br />

waves of sound. 2. Surgical evacuation of the purulent (pus) material through the<br />

tympanic membrane w ill preve nt he aring l oss a nd m astoiditis. 3. V ertigo i s<br />

dizziness o ften as sociated w ith n ausea, an d i s du e t o a s evere d isturbance o f<br />

equilibrum organs in the labyrinth. 4. Deafness is commonly caused as a result of<br />

an infectious illness such as mumps.<br />

Pекомендована література.<br />

Основна:<br />

І. Z namenska, O . Pi sotska, V . K ostenko “C ourse of E nglish for M edical<br />

Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of<br />

English for Medical Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем<br />

“Spoken English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською<br />

мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

№ заняття 12 – 13<br />

Тема заняття Розвиток дитини<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Кількість годин 4

Полтава – 2008<br />

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

розвиток людського організм, про тератогенні фактори, про особливості<br />

фізичного та розумового розвитку новонароджених, у формуванні сприйняття<br />

організму людини як складної системи зі взаємопов’язаними складниками та<br />

функціями, а також в усвідомленні важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у<br />

вивченні медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою «Розвиток дитини» студенти повинні розуміти та<br />

знати основні терміни з теми (правильна вимова, написання, переклад); уміти<br />

виявляти та передавати усно (з опорою на текст) чи письмово усі значущі<br />

моменти з теми чи будувати ситуативні діалоги, використовуючи візуальні<br />

опори (плани, ключові слова, схеми тощо); засвоїти правильну вимову<br />

медико-біологічних термінів з теми, зокрема тих, що міcтять греко-латинські<br />

терміноелементи.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Infinitive, Forms of Infinitive, -ed<br />

forms, Impersonal sentences, have-forms студенти повинні правильно<br />

інтерпретувати їх у текстах та правильно вживати в мовленні.<br />

1) Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

2. Латинська мова<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни в<br />

межах теми, що вивчається.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Анатомія, фізіологія.<br />

Знати послідовність та терміни<br />

закладки та формування оргвнів а<br />

системи людини, основні єтапи<br />

позвитку дитини.<br />

3. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при<br />

підготовці до заняття:<br />

fetus - плід<br />

embryo -ембріон<br />

neonate -новонароджений<br />

infant - маля<br />

preterm - недоношений<br />

premature -переношений

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

Ex. 1 Read and translate the following texts:<br />


8 weeks: condition at start of fetal stage<br />

The fetal stage begins about eight weeks after fertilization. The fetus is not as<br />

sensitive to damage from environmental exposures a s the embryo was, though<br />

toxic e xposures c an often c ause physi ological a bnormalities or m inor congenital<br />

malformation. [7] Fetal growth can be terminated by various factors, including<br />

miscarriage, feticide committed by a third party, or induced abortion. Throughout<br />

the fetal stage, the fetus continues to be connected to the placenta by the umbilical<br />

cord, w hich su pplies th e f etus w ith oxygenated, nutrient-rich bl ood from t he<br />

placenta, and c onversely returns the deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood to the<br />

placenta. The fe tus i s s urrounded by amniotic f luid, w hich (among o ther t hings)<br />

cushions against blows to the mother's abdomen, allows for easier fetal movement,<br />

promotes muscular/skeletal development, and helps protect the fetus from heat<br />

loss.<br />

The fol lowing tim eline d escribes s ome o f th e s pecific c hanges in fetal<br />

anatomy and physiology by fertilization age (i.e. the time elapsed since<br />

fertilization). Obstetricians often find it convenient to instead measure gestational<br />

age from two w eeks ear lier t han f ertilization, b ut t he t erm “ gestational ag e” i s<br />

often ambiguous, and there is no uniform method for counting it. [8] Embryologists<br />

typically measure age from fe rtilization. [9] For purpo ses o f t his a rticle, age i s<br />

measured from fertilization, except as noted.<br />

16 to 25 weeks after fertilization<br />

Head hair becomes coarse and thicker. Birth is imminent and occurs around the<br />

38th week. The fetus is considered full-term between weeks 35 and 40, [31] which<br />

means that the fetus is considered sufficiently developed for life The lanugo covers<br />

the e ntire body. E yebrows, e yelashes, fi ngernails, and t oenails a ppear. T he fe tus<br />

has i ncreased m uscle de velopment. Alveoli (air s acs) a re f orming i n l ungs. T he<br />

nervous system develops enough to control some body functions. The cochlea are<br />

now de veloped, t hough t he myelin sheaths i n t he ne ural por tion o f t he a uditory<br />

system will continue to develop until 18 months after birth. The respiratory system<br />

has developed to the point where gas exchange is possible. The quickening, which<br />

refers to the first maternally discernible fetal movements, are often felt during this<br />

period, although the fetus has been moving throughout the fetal stage. A woman<br />

pregnant for t he fi rst t ime (i .e. a pri miparous woman) t ypically f eels fe tal<br />

movements at about 18–19 weeks, whereas a woman who has already given birth<br />

at least two times (i.e. a multiparous woman) will typically feel movements around<br />

16 weeks. [30] By the end of the fifth month, the fetus is about 20 cm (8 inches).

26 to 38 weeks after fertilization<br />

Artist's depiction of fetus at 38 weeks after fertilization, about 20 inches (51 cm)<br />

head to toe.<br />

The amount of b ody fat rapidly i ncreases. Lungs are not ful ly mature. Thalamic<br />

brain connections, which mediate sensory input, form. Bones are fully developed,<br />

but are still soft and pliable. Iron, calcium, and phosphorus become more abundant.<br />

Fingernails reach the end of the fingertips. The lanugo begins to disappear, until it<br />

is gone except on t he upper arms and shoulders. Small breast buds are present on<br />

both outside the uterus. [32] It may be 48 to 53 cm (19 to 21 inches) in length, when<br />

born. C ontrol o f m ovement i s l imited a t bi rth, a nd purposeful vol untary<br />

movements develop all the way until puberty. [33][34]<br />


Physical milestones:<br />

• Newborn - 2 months<br />

o The infant can lift and turn the head when lying on its back.<br />

o The neck is unable to support the head when the infant is pulled to a<br />

sitting position.<br />

o The hands are fisted, the arms are flexed.<br />

o Primitive reflexes include:<br />

• Babinski reflex -- toes fan outward when sole of foot is stroked<br />

• Moro reflex (startle reflex) -- extends arms then bends and pulls<br />

them in toward body, accompanied by a brief cry, often triggered by loud<br />

sounds or sudden movements<br />

• Palmar hand grasp -- infant closes hand and "grips" your finger<br />

• Placing -- leg extends when sole of foot is stimulated<br />

• Plantar grasp -- infant flexes the toes and forefoot<br />

• Rooting a nd suc king -- turns he ad i n search of ni pple w hen<br />

cheek is touched and begins to suck when nipple touches lips<br />

• Stepping and walking -- takes brisk steps when both feet placed<br />

on a surface, with body supported<br />

• Tonic ne ck re sponse -- left a rm e xtends w hen i nfant ga zes to<br />

the left, while right arm and leg flex inward, and vice versa

• 3 - 4 months<br />

o<br />

Enhanced eye-muscle control allows the infant to track objects.<br />

o Hand and feet actions begin to come under willed control, but are not<br />

fine-tuned. T he i nfant m ay begi n t o us e bot h ha nds, w orking t ogether, t o<br />

accomplish desired effects. The infant is still unable to coordinate the grasp,<br />

but swipes at objects to bring them closer.<br />

o Increased vi sion a llows t he i nfant t o di stinguish objects from<br />

backgrounds with minimal contrast (such as a button on a blouse of the same<br />

color).<br />

o Infant ra ises up (u pper t orso, shoul ders, a nd he ad) w ith a rms when<br />

lying face down (on his tummy).<br />

o Neck muscles are d eveloped enough t o a llow t he i nfant t o s it, w ith<br />

support, and keep head up.<br />

o Primitive re flexes ha ve e ither a lready di sappeared, or a re i n t he<br />

process of doing so.<br />

• 5 - 6 months<br />

o Able to sit alone, without support, for only moments at first, and then<br />

for up to 30 seconds or more<br />

o Infant begins to g rasp blocks or c ubes using the ulnar-palmar gra sp<br />

technique (pre ssing t he bl ock i nto pa lm of ha nd w hile fl exing or be nding<br />

wrist in). Does not yet use thumb opposition.<br />

o Infant rol ls from bac k t o st omach. W hen on t ummy, t he i nfant c an<br />

push up with arms to raise the shoulders and head above surface and look<br />

around or reach for objects.<br />

• 6 - 9 months<br />

o Infant can walk while holding an adult's hand<br />

o Infant is able to sit steadily, without support, for long periods of time<br />

o Infant learns to sit down from a standing position<br />

o Infant may pul l into and maintain a st anding position while holding<br />

onto furniture<br />

• 9 - 12 months<br />

o Infant begins to balance while standing alone<br />

o Infant takes steps and begins to walk alone<br />


• Hearing -- begins b efore bi rth, a nd i s mature a t birth. T he i nfant p refers<br />

frequencies of the human voice.

• Touch, taste, smell -- mature at birth; prefers sweet taste.<br />

• Vestibular (inner ear) senses -- the infant responds to rocking and changes of<br />

position.<br />

• Vision -- the newborn infant can see within a range of 8 - 12 inches. Color<br />

vision develops between 4 - 6 months. By 2 m onths, can track moving objects<br />

up to 180 degrees, and prefers faces.<br />


Crying is a v itally important means of c ommunication. By the t hird day of life,<br />

mothers ca n t ell t heir ba by's c ry from ot hers. B y t he fi rst month of life, most<br />

parents can tell if their baby's cry means hunger, pain, or anger. Crying also causes<br />

a nursing mother's milk letdown. The inherent biological response in most humans<br />

to crying insures the infant's survival.<br />

The amount of c rying in the first 3 m onths varies in a healthy infant, from 1 - 3<br />

hours a day. Infants who cry more than 3 hours a day are often described as having<br />

colic. Colic in infants is rarely due to a problem with the body.<br />

Excessive crying can be associated with child abuse. Regardless of the cause, it is a<br />

complex problem that deserves a medical evaluation.<br />


The behavior of the newborn is characterized by six states of consciousness:<br />

• Active crying<br />

• Active sleep<br />

• Drowsy waking<br />

• Fussing<br />

• Quiet alert<br />

• Quiet sleep<br />

The ability to move smoothly from one state to another is one of the most reliable<br />

signs o f n ervous s ystem maturity a nd he alth. Heart r ate, breathing, m uscle t one,<br />

and body movements vary with each state.<br />

Many bodily functions are not stable in the first months after birth. This variability<br />

is normal and differs from infant to infant. Stress and stimulation can affect:<br />

• Bowel movements<br />

• Gagging<br />

• Hiccupping<br />

• Skin color

• Temperature control<br />

• Vomiting<br />

• Yawning<br />

Periodic breathing, in which breathing starts and stops again, is normal and is not a<br />

sign of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Some infants will vomit after each<br />

feeding, but ha ve not hing ph ysically wrong w ith t hem. T hey c ontinue t o ga in<br />

weight and develop normally.<br />

Other infants grunt and groan distressfully while making a bowel movement but<br />

produce soft, blood-free stools, and their growth and feeding remain good. This is<br />

due t o immature a bdominal m uscles use d for pu shing a nd doe s n ot require a ny<br />

intervention.<br />

Sleep/wake cycles vary and do not stabilize until a baby is 3 m onths old. These<br />

cycles occur in random intervals of 30 - 50 minutes at birth and gradually increase<br />

as the infant matures. By age 4 months, most infants will have one 5-hour period of<br />

uninterrupted sleep.<br />

Breast-fed i nfants w ill fe ed a bout e very 2 h ours. F ormula-fed infants shoul d be<br />

able t o go 3 hours between fe edings. D uring pe riods of r apid growth, they may<br />

feed more often.<br />

Giving t he c hild w ater i s not ne cessary. A n i nfant w ho i s d rinking e nough w ill<br />

produce 6 - 8 w et d iapers i n a 2 4-hour pe riod. Teaching t he i nfant t o s uck a<br />

pacifier or his or her own thumb provides comfort between feedings.<br />

I.1. W hat pa rameters a re newborns classified a s pr emature, t erm, or pos tmature<br />

by?<br />

1. What newborns are classified as premature? Term?<br />

2. What possible complications may preterm infants have?<br />

3. What disorders and disturbances are postmature infants prone to?<br />

4. What is the best feeding for neonates?<br />

5. What should diet of toddlers contain?<br />

6. What are the physical, mental and emotional characteristics of one year<br />

children?<br />

Of 4 years children? Of teens?<br />

II. 1. What verbal forms are formed with –ed suffix? 2. How to distinguish thee<br />

forms in the texts? How to translate them correctly into Ukrainian? 3. Give your<br />

examples of sentences with –ed verbal forms. 4.What verbal forms are formed with<br />

axillary verb have? 5. How to distinguish these forms in the texts? How to translate<br />

them correctly into Ukrainian? 6. Give your examples of sentences with have.

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

- виконання фонетичних та лексичних вправ,<br />

- читання та переклад тексту,<br />

- бесіда за темою, складання ситуативних діалогів.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах теми, що вивчється<br />

Бесіда за темою. Ситуативні діалоги, рольові ігри.<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Speak about the development of embryo and fetus.<br />

2. Speak about the factors may cause the defects of fetus.<br />

3. Speak about the physical and mental characteristics of neonates.<br />

4. Speak about the nutrition of neonates.<br />

5. Speak about the development of a children in early childhood.<br />

Pекомендована література.<br />

Основна:<br />

1.І. Z namenska, O . Pi sotska, V . K ostenko “C ourse of E nglish fo r M edical<br />

Student”.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем<br />

“Spoken English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською<br />

мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

№ заняття 20<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий модульний контроль модулю №4.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Кількість годин 2<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

нервову систему, про будову органів сприйняття та про їх захворювання, у<br />

формуванні сприйняття організму людини як складної системи зі<br />

взаємопов’язаними складниками та функціями, а також в усвідомленні<br />

важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування поваги до<br />

майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі: При роботі над темами «Нервова система», «Мозок»,<br />

«Органи сприйняття», «Око. Захворювання ока», «Вухо. Захворювання<br />

вуха», «Шкіра. Захворювання шкіри» студенти повинні розуміти та знати<br />

основні терміни з теми (правильна вимова, написання, переклад); уміти<br />

виявляти та передавати усно (з опорою на текст) чи письмово усі значущі<br />

моменти з теми чи будувати ситуативні діалоги (наприклад, бесіда з ЛОРлікарем,окулістом<br />

тощо), використовуючи візуальні опори (плани, ключові<br />

слова, схеми тощо); засвоїти правильну вимову медико-біологічних термінів<br />

з теми, зокрема тих, що міcтять греко-латинські терміноелементи.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Infinitive, Forms of Infinitive, -ed<br />

forms, Impersonal sentences, have-forms студенти повинні правильно<br />

інтерпретувати їх у текстах та правильно вживати в мовленні.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

4. Латинська мова<br />

Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни в<br />

межах теми, що вивчається.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Анатомія, фізіологія.<br />

Знати будову мозку, органів<br />

сприйняття та механізм сприйняття<br />

різних сигналів мозком.<br />

5. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних структурних компонентів англійський термінів,<br />

які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

Audi/o, A cou/o, O t/o, A ur/o, Aur/i, T ympan/o, -phonia, O phthalm/o-, Oc ul/o-<br />

Cor/o-, Pupill/o-, Scler/o-, Ir/o-, Irid/o-, Retin/o-, myelo-, neuro-, cerebro-, sebo-<br />

, dermo-.<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />


1. W hat i s t he ne rvous syst em of t he human? 2. W hat i s t he major uni t of t his<br />

system? 3. What does a neuron consist of? 4. How is neuron connected to other

neurons? 5. W hat i s t he f unction of a neuron? 6 . W hat po rtions i s t he ne rvous<br />

system divided into? 7. What does the CNS consist of? 8. Where are the brain and<br />

spinal cord located? 9. What are the layers of meninges? 10. What is cerebrospinal<br />

fluid? 11. What parts is the PNS composed of? 12. What neurons does the PNS<br />

consist of? 13. What is the function of PNS? 14. What is the function of the spinal<br />

cord? 15. What is the major function of the ANS?<br />


1. What causes strokes? 2. What diseases concerning degeneration of ne rve cells<br />

do you know? 3. What are the causes of m eningitis and encephalitis? 4. What is<br />

poliomyelitis? 5. W hat a re c ognitive di sorders? 6 . W hat i s ne uralgia? 7 . W hat<br />

cases the persom can lo se so me a bility to f unction in ? 8 . What is Alzheimer's<br />

disease? 9. What are the causes of Alzheimer's disease? 10. What symptoms of this<br />

disease do you know? 11. What is the goal of medications in Alzheimer's disease?<br />

12. When was Parkinson's disease described?<br />

EYE. VISION.<br />

1. Is the most of information about the environment provided by the eyes?<br />

2. Does t he c orrect func tioning of human vi sual s ystem d epend on t he<br />

physiologic parameters?<br />

3. Describe the location of eyeballs.<br />

4. List the visual accessory organs, and describe the functions of each.<br />

5. What layers do the walls of the eye consist of ?<br />

6. Describe how accomodation is accomplished.<br />

7. Explain who light waves are focused on the retina.<br />


1. Describe the structure of external ear.<br />

2. Describe the structure and functions of middle ear.<br />

3. Explain the functions of auditory tubes.<br />

4. Explain the functions of the Eustachian tubes.<br />

5. Distinguish between the osseous and membranous labyrinth.<br />

6. Describe the cochlea and its function.<br />


1. How many cells does 2,5 cm of skin contain? 2. What else are there in the skin?<br />

3. What is the finction of the skin? 4. What is the mechanism reducing the heat<br />

loss? 5. What signal do sensory nerves send to the brain? 6. What are the layers of<br />

the skin? 7. What substances compose the epidermis? 8. What is the structure of<br />

the de rmis? 9. W hat i s t he func tion of dermis? 1 0. W here is t he sub cutaneous<br />

tissue? 11. What does it consist of?

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

- читання та переклад тексту (1.500 друкованих знаків),<br />

- бесіда за однією з тем, що вивчалися, скдадання ситуативних діалогів.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах тем, що вивалися.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />


Tumors of the brain develop from neuroglial cells. Symptoms vary widely,<br />

depending on the l ocation of the t umor, but m ay include he adaches, ne uralgia,<br />

paralysis, seizures, coma, and death.<br />

Stroke is the term meaning a blow or sudden attack, suggesting the speed<br />

with w hich t his t ype of de fect ca n occ ur. It a lso re ferred t o a s a poplexy o r,<br />

clinically, as a cerebrovascular accident and is caused by hemorrhage, thrombosis,<br />

embolism, or va sospasm of t he cerebral blood vessels. These causes result in an<br />

infarct, a l ocal ar ea o f cel l deat h cau sed b y a l ack o f b lood s upply. Symptoms<br />

depend on the location but include anesthesia or p aralysis on the side of the body<br />

opposite the cerebral infarct.<br />

Headaches have a variety o f cau ses t hat c an be grou ped i nto t wo basic<br />

classes: e xtracranial an d i ntracranial. E xtracranial h eadaches can b e cau sed b y<br />

inflammation of t he s inuses, de ntal i rritations, ophthalmological di sorders, o r<br />

tension in t he m uscles m oving t he head a nd neck. Int racranial he adaches m ay<br />

result from inflammation of the brain or meninges, vascular problems, mechanical<br />

damage, or tumors.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />

Hearing l oss, t innitus, ve rtigo, e arache, and ot orrhea a re t he pri ncipal<br />

symptoms of e ar problems. When a patient has complaints referable to the ears, a<br />

thorough hi story sh ould be t aken, a nd a phys ical e xamination pe rformed with<br />

emphasis on t he e ars, nose , n asopharynx, a nd pa ranasal s inuses. In a ddition, t he<br />

teeth, t ongue, t onsils, h ypopharynx, l arynx, s alivary gl ands, a nd<br />

temporomandibular joint should be examined because pain and discomfort may be<br />

referred from t hem to t he e ars. X ra ys or C T o f t he t emporal bon es i s oft en<br />

indicated for trauma to the ear, possible basal skull fracture, perforation of the<br />

tympanic membrane, hearing loss, vertigo, facial paralysis, and otalgia of o bscure<br />

origin. Measurements of auditory and vestibular functions are very important in the<br />

diagnosis of complaints referable to the ears.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />

If some nerve cells die or malfunction, the person will notice any change in<br />

the health state. The person can gradually lose some ability to function. This loss<br />

can i nvolve m ental a bility, muscular m ovement, m uscular c ontrol, or i mpaired<br />

coordination. T here a re many de generative di sorders, s ome of them a re<br />

Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple sclerosis.

Alzheimer's di sease i s due t o a de generation of bra in c ells. A mong t he<br />

possible causes are genetic factors, toxic exposures, abnormal protein production,<br />

viruses, a nd ne urochemical abnorm alities. The symptoms o f Alzheimer's di sease<br />

are gra dual l oss of memory, i nability t o l earn ne w i nformation, i ncreasing<br />

irritability, a nd de pression. No e ffective t reatment e xists. Som e m edications<br />

modify the symptoms of the disease.<br />

Parkinson's disease is progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the part of<br />

the brain that controls muscle movements. The signs and symptoms of Parkinson's<br />

disease are shaking at rest, rigidity of limbs, slow, monotone voice, and difficulty<br />

in maintaining balance.<br />

The ca use of this disease remains unknown. The main goa l of treatment is to<br />

reverse the problems with walking, movement, and tremors.<br />

Multiple sclerosis is characterized by w eakness, or pa ralysis in one or more<br />

limbs, impaired vision, tremor, and lack of coordination. Its cause is unknown. The<br />

presence of a vi rus, i n e ither i mmune cells or s heath-producing c ells, i s o ne<br />

suspected c ause. M edications va ry de pending on t he s ymptoms. D rugs m ay b e<br />

prescribed to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />

The ear is an organ for hearing and balance. It consists of three parts: the outer ear,<br />

the m iddle e ar, and t he i nner e ar. The outer a nd middle ear m ostly collect a nd<br />

transmit sound. T he i nner e ar e xamines t he sou nd w aves a nd a lso m aintains t he<br />

body's balance. The outer ear is the part which is visible and is made of fol ds of<br />

skin and cartilage.<br />

How do we hear?<br />

Your ears pick up and send information about sounds to your brain in the form of<br />

nerve impulses.Sounds are collected in the outer ear and are sent into the ear canal<br />

to the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin tissue which separates the outer ear from the<br />

middle ear. Three small bones in the middle ear makes sounds louder. In the inner<br />

ear there are spaces that are filled with liquid. One of t he liquid-hearing receptor<br />

cells inside are like tiny hairs. Sounds from the middle ear cause liquid inside the<br />

cochlea to move around. The receptor cells send vibrations to the auditory nerve<br />

which goes to the brain. The brain receives the vibrations from the auditory nerve<br />

and makes the sound.<br />

How do we smell?<br />

Take a deep breath through your nose! When you do t he air goes into your<br />

nasal cavity which is mucus-covered. Air and scent particles take the rollercoaster<br />

ride through your nasal passages. "It is not your nose but rather your brain that tells<br />

the s cents a part. The ai r co ntains ch emicals called s cent particles. When y ou<br />

breathe s cent pa rticles i nto your n ose, t hey re ach you r o lfactory ne rves. T hese<br />

nerves se nd m essages t o your brain." D oes i t sm ell ba d or g ood? N ow t hat a ll<br />

depends on you and your sense of smell.<br />

Read and translate the following text:


If the incoming light from a far away object focuses before it gets to the back of<br />

the e ye, t hat e ye’s re fractive error i s ca lled “ myopia” (ne arsightedness). If<br />

incoming light from something far away has not focused by the time it reaches the<br />

back of the eye, that eye’s refractive error is “hyperopia” (farsightedness).<br />

In the case of “astigmatism,” one or more surfaces of the cornea or lens (the eye<br />

structures which focus incoming light) are not spherical (shaped like the side of a<br />

basketball) but , instead, are cyl indrical or toric (s haped more l ike t he side of a<br />

football). As a result, there is no distinct point of focus inside the eye but, rather, a<br />

smeared or spread-out focus. Astigmatism is the most common refractive error.<br />

After a ge 40, a nd m ost not iceably a fter a ge 45, t he hum an e ye i s affe cted by<br />

presbyopia which results in greater difficulty maintaining a clear focus at a ne ar<br />

distance with an eye which sees clearly at a far away distance (the latter being with<br />

or without the aid of glasses or contact lenses or following a LASIK procedure).<br />

This is d ue to a le ssening o f flexibility o f t he c rystalline l ens, a s w ell a s to a<br />

weakening of t he ciliary muscles which control lens focusing, both attributable to<br />

the aging process.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />


The ski n of your fa ce is ge nerraly t he be st gui de in c lassifying sk in type.<br />

Examine your skin closely, especially the pores.<br />

Oily Skin. Oily skin is caused by overactivity of the sebaceous glands. Oily<br />

skin is thick and has large pores. Oily skin has a greater tendency to develop acne<br />

(прыщи) but not wrinkles. Most people with oily skin also have oily hair.<br />

Dry Skin. Dry skin can be caused by underactivity of the sebaceous glands,<br />

environmental conditions, or normal aging. Dry skin is usually thinner and most<br />

easily irritated. It often is associated with dry hair and small pores. There is a<br />

greater tendency to develop wrinkles but not acne. Your skin tends to become drier<br />

as you age.<br />

Balanced Skin. Balanced skin is neither oily nor dry. It is smooth and has a<br />

fine t exture a nd fe w prob lems. H owever, i t ha s a t endency t o be come dry a s a<br />

result of environmental factors and aging.<br />

Сombination Skin. Combination skin consists of oily regions (often on the<br />

forehead and around the nose) and regions that are balanced or dry.<br />

Бесіда за темою. Ситуативні діалоги, рольові ігри.<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Speak about the structure and functions of nervous system.<br />

2. Speak about the structure of the brain.

6. Speak about the vision and its organ. Vision disorders.<br />

7. Speak about the speak about the hearing and its organs. Hearing<br />

disorders.<br />

8. Speak about the structure and functions of the skin.<br />

9. Imagine that you are the children's doctor and have to tell them about<br />

sesnses.<br />

Pекомендована література.<br />

Основна:<br />

І. Z namenska, O . Pi sotska, V . K ostenko “C ourse of E nglish for M edical<br />

Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of<br />

English for Medical Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем<br />

“Spoken English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською<br />

мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

№ заняття 19<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий контроль змістового модулю №9.<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Кількість годин 2

Полтава – 2008<br />

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

нервову систему, про будову органів сприйняття та про їх захворювання, у<br />

формуванні сприйняття організму людини як складної системи зі<br />

взаємопов’язаними складниками та функціями, а також в усвідомленні<br />

важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування поваги до<br />

майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі: При роботі над темами «Нервова система», «Мозок»,<br />

«Органи сприйняття», «Око. Захворювання ока», «Вухо. Захворювання<br />

вуха», «Шкіра. Захворювання шкіри» студенти повинні розуміти та знати<br />

основні терміни з теми (правильна вимова, написання, переклад); уміти<br />

виявляти та передавати усно (з опорою на текст) чи письмово усі значущі<br />

моменти з теми чи будувати ситуативні діалоги (наприклад, бесіда з ЛОРлікарем,окулістом<br />

тощо), використовуючи візуальні опори (плани, ключові<br />

слова, схеми тощо); засвоїти правильну вимову медико-біологічних термінів<br />

з теми, зокрема тих, що міcтять греко-латинські терміноелементи.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Infinitive, Forms of Infinitive, -ed<br />

forms, Impersonal sentences, have-forms студенти повинні правильно<br />

інтерпретувати їх у текстах та правильно вживати в мовленні.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

10. Латинська мова<br />

Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни в<br />

межах теми, що вивчається.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Анатомія, фізіологія.<br />

Знати будову мозку, органів<br />

сприйняття та механізм сприйняття<br />

різних сигналів мозком.<br />

11. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при<br />

підготовці до заняття:<br />

Audi/o, A cou/o, O t/o, A ur/o, Aur/i, T ympan/o, -phonia, O phthalm/o-, Oc ul/o-<br />

Cor/o-, Pupill/o-, Scler/o-, Ir/o-, Irid/o-, Retin/o-, myelo-, neuro-, cerebro-, sebo-<br />

, dermo-.<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />


1. What is th e major unit of CNS? 3. What does a ne uron consist of? 4. How is<br />

neuron connected to other neurons? 5. What is the function of a neuron? 6. What<br />

portions is the nervous system divided into? 7. What does the CNS consist of? 8.<br />

Where are the brain and spinal cord located? 9. What are the layers of meninges?<br />

10. What is cerebrospinal fluid? 11. What parts is the PNS composed of? 12. What<br />

neurons does the PNS consist of? 13. What is the function of PNS? 14. What is the<br />

function of the spinal cord? 15. What is the major function of the ANS?<br />


1. What causes strokes? 2. What diseases concerning degeneration of ne rve cells<br />

do you know? 3. What are the causes of m eningitis and encephalitis? 4. What is<br />

poliomyelitis? 5. W hat a re c ognitive di sorders? 6. W hat i s n euralgia? 7 . W hat<br />

cases the persom can lo se so me a bility to f unction in ? 8 . What is Alzheimer's<br />

disease? 9. What are the causes of Alzheimer's disease? 10. What symptoms of this<br />

disease do you know? 11. What is the goal of medications in Alzheimer's disease?<br />

12. When was Parkinson's disease described?<br />

EYE. VISION.<br />

Is the most of information about the environment provided by the eyes?<br />

Does the correct functioning of human visual system depend on the physiologic<br />

parameters?<br />

Describe the location of eyeballs.<br />

List the visual accessory organs, and describe the functions of each.<br />

What layers do the walls of the eye consist of ?<br />

Describe how accomodation is accomplished.<br />

Explain who light waves are focused on the retina.<br />


Describe the structure of external ear.<br />

Describe the structure and functions of middle ear.<br />

Explain the functions of auditory tubes.<br />

Explain the functions of the Eustachian tubes.<br />

Distinguish between the osseous and membranous labyrinth.<br />

Describe the cochlea and its function.<br />


1. How many cells does 2,5 cm of skin contain? 2. What else are there in the skin?<br />

3. What is the finction of the skin? 4. What is the mechanism reducing the heat<br />

loss? 5. What signal do sensory nerves send to the brain? 6. What are the layers of<br />

the skin? 7. What substances compose the epidermis? 8. What is the structure of<br />

the de rmis? 9. W hat i s t he func tion of dermis? 1 0. W here is t he sub cutaneous<br />

tissue? 11. What does it consist of?

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

- читання та переклад тексту (1.500 друкованих знаків),<br />

- бесіда за однією з тем, що вивчалися, скдадання ситуативних діалогів.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Втконання лексико-граматичних вправ.<br />

Ex. 1. Insert the missing letters:<br />

s_napses, s _stem, per_phe ral nervous system, spinal _ord, m _ninges, _ra in, pi_<br />

mater, a f_erent ne urons, rel_y, _ut onomic nervous s ystem, opht_almic ne rve,<br />

oculist, o_ular, p_pillary, _eratitis, _coustic, o_ology, ot_tis, otos_ope, d_sphonia,<br />

t_mpanoplasty, hyper_ensitivity, senso_otor, a_honic, _uricular.<br />

Ex. 2. Read the following words:<br />

vulnerable; s upply; degeneration; m eningitis; e ncephalitis; p oliomyelitis; v iral;<br />

variety; n euralgia; s eizure; p artial; c onsciousness; im pair; a mount; e xcitation;<br />

disrupt; r igidity; c onvulsion; c hemical; i dentify; he morrhage; ne vertheless;<br />

adequate.<br />

Ex.3. Translate into English:<br />

Взаємосполучені камери, вести усередину, передавати (транслювати)<br />

звукові хвилі, чутливий рецептор, коливатися, стороннє тіло,<br />

воронкоподібна структура, направляти, урегульовувати нервові імпульси,<br />

відповідати за рівновагу, передня стінка ока, захищати та змащувати око,<br />

світлові хвилі, захищати від ударів та інших ушкоджень, внутрішня нервова<br />

оболонка, надзвичайно чутливий, сила рефракції, відповідно сфокусоване<br />

зображення, прозора волокниста мембрана, предавати імпульси,<br />

подразнювати, зовнішні рецептори, півкулі мозку.<br />

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with the words given below:<br />

1. Connections between autonomic and other brain functions occur at the … and<br />

hypothalamus. 2. T he a rterial bl ood s upply, c arrying ox ygen a nd n utrients, i s<br />

critical to the functioning of the …. 3. Despite its small size and weight, the brain<br />

uses 20 p ercent of t he he art's out put o f bl ood a nd 20 pe rcent of the oxyge n<br />

consumed by t he a t re st. 4. Conjunctiva i s t he mucous m embrane of t he e yelids<br />

that covers the front part of the … . 5. … are the movable folds of flesh that cover<br />

and uncover the front of the eyeball. 6. Choroid is the vascular membrane between<br />

the … and the retina. 7. The … has as its functions the reception, reflection, and<br />

condensation of the waves of s ound. 8. Surgical evacuation of t he purulent (pus)<br />

material through the … membrane will prevent hearing loss and mastoiditis.<br />

Auricle, snail, eyelid, brain stem, tympanic, body, brain, eye ball, sclera, iris.<br />

Revision of previous grammar:<br />

Ex.1. Put the verbs in brackets in correct tense form:<br />

Sound w aves ( to r eceive) by t he outer e ar, c onducted t o special rec eptor<br />

cells, within the ear, and transmitted by those cells to nerve fibers which (to lead)<br />

to the auditory region of the brain in the cerebral cortex.

The external ear (to consist) of two parts: an outer, funnel-like structure called the<br />

auricle (pinna), and an S-shaped tube, the external auditory meatus (external<br />

auditory canal) that (to lead) inward for a bout 2.5 cm. The external auditory<br />

canal (to line) with numerous ceruminous glands which secrete a yellowish brown,<br />

waxy substance called cerumen. It lubricates as well as (to help) keep relatively<br />

large foreign objects such as insects, from entering the ear.<br />

Ex. 2. Translate into Ukrainian:<br />

1. Существует огромное количество заболеваний центральной нервной<br />

системы. 2. Причинами заболеваний могут быть дегенерация нервных<br />

клеток, вирусная инфекция, метаболическое нарушение функций почек,<br />

заболевание печени, травма или опухоль мозга. 3. Эпилепсия является<br />

результатом повышенной активизации или чрезмерного подавления работы<br />

мозга. 4. Если клетки головного мозга или периферической нервной системы<br />

отмирают, то человек может отмечать некоторые изменения в своем<br />

состоянии. 5. По сравнению с другими заболеваниями, дегенеративные<br />

заболевания менее изучены. 6. При заболевании Альцгеймера возникает<br />

дегенерация клеток мозга.<br />

Ex.3. Insert prepositions where necessary:<br />

The general senses can be classified as somatic, those providing general sensory<br />

information … the body a nd t he e nvironment, or vi sceral, t hose provi ding<br />

information … various i nternal orga ns. T he s pecial se nses a re t hose … highly<br />

localized receptors providing specific information … the environment. Modalities<br />

… sensation refer … the form … the sensation. … example, s omatic modalities<br />

include touch, pressure, temperature, proprioception, and pain. Visceral modalities<br />

consist primarily … pain and pressure. S pecial modalities are sm ell, t aste, s ight,<br />

sound, and balance.<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах тем, що вивалися.<br />

Read and translate the following text:<br />

Hearing l oss, t innitus, ve rtigo, e arache, and ot orrhea a re t he p rincipal<br />

symptoms of e ar problems. When a patient has complaints referable to the ears, a<br />

thorough hi story sh ould be t aken, a nd a phys ical e xamination pe rformed with<br />

emphasis on t he e ars, nose , n asopharynx, a nd pa ranasal s inuses. In a ddition, t he<br />

teeth, to ngue, t onsils, h ypopharynx, l arynx, sa livary gl ands, a nd<br />

temporomandibular joint should be examined because pain and discomfort may be<br />

referred from t hem to t he e ars. X ra ys or C T o f t he t emporal bon es i s oft en<br />

indicated for trauma to the ear, possible basal skull fracture, perforation of the<br />

tympanic membrane, hearing loss, vertigo, facial paralysis, and otalgia of o bscure<br />

origin. Measurements of auditory and vestibular functions are very important in the<br />

diagnosis of complaints referable to the ears.<br />

Read and translate the following text:

If some nerve cells die or malfunction, the person will notice any change in<br />

the health state. The person can gradually lose some ability to function. This loss<br />

can i nvolve m ental a bility, muscular m ovement, m uscular c ontrol, or impaired<br />

coordination. T here a re many de generative di sorders, s ome of them a re<br />

Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple sclerosis.<br />

Alzheimer's di sease i s due t o a de generation of bra in c ells. A mong t he<br />

possible causes are genetic factors, toxic exposures, abnormal protein production,<br />

viruses, a nd ne urochemical abnorm alities. The symptoms o f Alzheimer's di sease<br />

are gra dual l oss of memory, i nability t o l earn ne w i nformation, i ncreasing<br />

irritability, a nd de pression. No e ffective t reatment e xists. S ome m edications<br />

modify the symptoms of the disease.<br />

Parkinson's disease is progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the part of<br />

the brain that controls muscle movements. The signs and symptoms of Parkinson's<br />

disease are shaking at rest, rigidity of limbs, slow, monotone voice, and difficulty<br />

in maintaining balance.<br />

The ca use of this disease remains unknown. The main goa l of treatment is to<br />

reverse the problems with walking, movement, and tremors.<br />

Multiple sclerosis is c haracterized by weakness, or pa ralysis in one or more<br />

limbs, impaired vision, tremor, and lack of coordination. Its cause is unknown. The<br />

presence of a vi rus, i n e ither i mmune cells or s heath-producing c ells, i s o ne<br />

suspected c ause. M edications va ry de pending on t he s ymptoms. Drugs m ay b e<br />

prescribed to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Speak about the structure and functions of nervous system.<br />

2. Speak about the structure of the brain.<br />

12. Speak about the vision and its organ. Vision disorders.<br />

13. Speak about the speak about the hearing and its organs. Hearing<br />

disorders.<br />

14. Speak about the structure and functions of the skin.<br />

15. Imagine that you are the children's doctor and have to tell them about<br />

sesnses.<br />

Pекомендована література.<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем<br />

“Spoken English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Вітаміни<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Вітаміни”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти<br />

читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти<br />

складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом FORMS OF GERUND засвоїти функції та переклад<br />

матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та англійській<br />

мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни, що стосуються<br />

теми, яка вивчається. Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації спілкування<br />

англійською мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші превікси -sub<br />

Граматика: Forms of the Gerund.<br />

Текст: “Vitamins”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i<br />

+ nd, ld; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення:<br />

засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших суфіксів -ance (-ence);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Forms o f the<br />

Gerund.<br />

Читання та говоріння: опрацювання<br />

лексичного матеріалу з теми, читання<br />

та переклад тексту, розвиток навичок<br />

усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня підготовки.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Forms<br />

of the Verb<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної діяльності<br />

студента.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а також<br />

на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування<br />

поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

vitamin ['vItqmIn;<br />

'vaItqmIn] витамин<br />

essential [I'senS(q)l]<br />

существенный,<br />

основной<br />

diet [daIqt] питание,<br />

пища<br />

amount [q'maunt]<br />

количество<br />

contribute<br />

[kqn'trIbju:t]<br />

способствовать<br />

minute [maI'nju:t]<br />

несущественный,<br />

незначительный;<br />

мелкий<br />

deficiency<br />

[dI'fIS(q)nsI]<br />

нехватка, дефицит<br />

food item ['aItqm]<br />

компонент пищи;<br />

пищевой объект<br />

clotting ['klOtIN]<br />

свертывание<br />

pantothenic acid<br />

["pxntq'TenIk]<br />

пантотеновая<br />

кислота<br />

folic acid ['foulIk]<br />

фолиевая кислота<br />

assemble [q'sembl]<br />

собирать<br />

soluble ['sOljubl]<br />

растворимый<br />

store [stO:]<br />

хранить,<br />

сохранять<br />


vitamin ['vItqmIn;<br />

'vaItqmIn] витамин<br />

essential [I'senS(q)l]<br />

существенный,<br />

основной<br />

diet [daIqt] питание,<br />

пища<br />

amount [q'maunt]<br />

количество<br />

contribute [kqn'trIbju:t]<br />

способствовать<br />

minute [maI'nju:t]<br />

несущественный,<br />

незначительный;<br />

мелкий<br />

deficiency<br />

[dI'fIS(q)nsI]<br />

нехватка, дефицит<br />

food item ['aItqm]<br />

компонент пищи;<br />

пищевой объект<br />

clotting ['klOtIN]<br />

свертывание<br />

pantothenic acid<br />

["pxntq'TenIk]<br />

пантотеновая<br />

кислота<br />

folic acid ['foulIk]<br />

фолиевая кислота<br />

assemble [q'sembl]<br />

собирать<br />

soluble ['sOljubl]<br />

растворимый<br />

store [stO:] хранить,<br />

сохранять<br />


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

sub- (under; partial)<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Subcellular, subunit; subcostal; subdivision; substitute; subset; subtype; subcutaneous; subdivide.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />


Form Active Passive

Indefinite<br />

Ving<br />

(working, writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being worked, being written)<br />

Perfect having + V 3<br />

(having worked, having written)<br />

having + been + V 3<br />

(having been worked, having been written)<br />

Her ba d c ondition p revented he r f rom attending the l ecture in P harmacology. Ее плохое<br />

состояние помешало ей посетить лекцию по фармакологии. On having examined the patient<br />

the physician made the diagnosis of pneumonia. После того, как врач обследовал больного, он<br />

поставил диагноз – пневмония. He wants being treated at this hospital. Он хочет, чтобы его<br />

лечили в этой больнице.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms of gerunds:<br />

1. T hey r emember having be en ope rated on a t t his c linic. 2. By ha ving c arried out a nu mber of<br />

investigations the sci entists de termined the m echanisms of m etabolism. 3. Before performing on<br />

surgical i ntervention t he pa tient m ust be e xamined. 4. Treating patients w ith some disorde rs of<br />

cardiovascular sys tem i s ne cessary at the in-patient de partment. 5. He r emembers having been<br />

treated with t he a id of antibiotics. 6. T he main f unction of t he vi tamins i s improving patient’s<br />

general condition. 7. No therapeutist can make the diagnosis without having examined the patient.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Sto_e; assem_le; vitam_n; contrib._te; di_t; p_otein; ve_sel; inte_tine; destr_y.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Amount; pantothenic acid; clotting; deficiency; soluble; essential; minute; food item; exist; to be<br />

produced; lining of the bronchial tract; need; slightly modified form; remain.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Diet ['daIqt]; nut rient; v ariety; deficiency; substance; car otene ['kxrqtI:n]; s lightly; modified; h eat;<br />

soluble ['sO:ljubl]; accumulate; overdose; hypervitaminosis; toxicity.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Vitamins are substances that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human<br />

body and need to be present in the diet only in very small amounts. They help the body process<br />

proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Certain vitamins also contribute to the production of blood cells,<br />

hormones, genetic material, and chemicals of the nervous system.<br />

Vitamins exist in minute quantities in food. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the diet. Since no single food item or nutrient class provides all the<br />

essential vitamins, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods. For example, vitamin A is needed for the<br />

eyes a nd to ke ep t he l inings of t he br onchial, urinary, a nd i ntestinal tracts h ealthy; vi tamin C i s<br />

needed for the development of bones, teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; vitamin K is necessary<br />

for blood clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth.<br />

The principal vitamins are: vitamin A, vitamin B 1 , vitamin B 2 , pantothenic acid (part of the<br />

B 2 complex), vi tamin B 3 , vi tamin B 6 , f olic a cid, vi tamin B 12 , vi tamin C , vi tamin D , vi tamin E ,<br />

vitamin H (often considered part of the B-vitamin group), and vitamin K.<br />

Some vi tamins ( e.g., vi tamin K ) a re pr oduced by i ntestinal ba cteria, a nd a f ew can be<br />

formed by the body from substances called provitamins (portions of vitamins that can be assembled

or modified by the body into functional vitamins). Carotene is an example of a provitamin that can<br />

be modified by t he body t o f orm v itamin A . V itamins are used by t he body i n t heir or iginal or<br />

slightly m odified f orms. O nce t he c hemical s tructure of a vi tamin i s de stroyed, its f unction i s<br />

usually l ost. T he c hemical s tructure of m any v itamins i s d estroyed by he at ( e.g., when f ood i s<br />

overcooked).<br />

There are two major classes of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins<br />

such as vitamins A, D, E, and K are absorbed from the intestine along with lipids, and some of them<br />

can be stored in the body for a long period of time. Because they can be stored, it is possible to<br />

accumulate an overdose of these vitamins in the body ( hypervitaminosis) to the point of toxicity.<br />

Water-soluble vitamins such as the B complex and C are absorbed with water from the intestinal<br />

tract and remain in the body only a short time before excreted.<br />

The absence of a specific vitamin in the diet can result in a specific deficiency disease.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Хранить, сохранять; способствовать; питание, пища; пантотеновая кислота; собирать;<br />

количество; несущественный, незначительный; нехватка, дефицит; компонент пищи;<br />

фолиевая кислота; свертывание; растворимый.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Vitamins” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Vitamins are _ that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body. 2. They<br />

help the body process _, carbohydrates, and fats. 3. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the _. 4. V itamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the _ of the<br />

bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones,<br />

teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of _ and<br />

teeth. 5. Some vitamins are produced by intestinal bacteria, and a few can be formed by the _ from<br />

substances called provitamins. 6. Once t he c hemical st ructure of a v itamin is _, i ts f unction is<br />

usually lost. 7. There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: _ -soluble a nd _ -soluble. 8. _ -soluble<br />

vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. 9. _-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What are vitamins? 2. What is the function of vitamins? 3. What principal vitamins do you<br />

know? 4. How are some vitamins produced by the body? 5. In what form are vitamins used by the<br />

body? 6. What classes are the vitamins divided into?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. Vitamins A and D are stored _ the liver. 2. Reserves of vitamins A and D may be sufficient _ 6<br />

months. 3. Vitamins A and D can produce toxic effects when taken _ excessive amounts. 4.<br />

Although it is popularly believed that the water-soluble vitamins are harmless when taken _ large<br />

amounts, this is not always true. 5. Some of the water-soluble vitamins may have strong medicinal<br />

effects – good and bad – when taken _ large amounts. 6. _ large doses, a B vitamin can cause nerve<br />

damage.<br />

Ex. 16. Write out key sentences of the text “Vitamins”.<br />

Ex. 17. Make up a plan of the text “Vitamins”.<br />

Ex. 18. Give a summary of the text “Vitamins”.<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on the vitamins.

Ex. 20. Read the following text and entitle it:<br />

Vitamins are compounds that you must have to growth and health. They are needed in small<br />

amounts only and are usually available in the foods that you eat. Vitamin A is necessary for normal<br />

growth and health and for healthy eyes and skin. Lack of vitamin A may lead to a rare condition<br />

called ni ght bl indness ( problems s eeing i n the dark), a s w ell a s dr y e yes, e ye i nfections, s kin<br />

problems, and slowed growth. Your physician may treat these problems by pr escribing vitamin A<br />

for you. V itamin A is found in various foods including yellow-orange fruits and vegetables; dark<br />

green, leafy vegetables; whole milk; and margarine. Vitamin A comes in different forms. The form<br />

of vitamin A found in plants is called beta-carotene. It is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Food<br />

processing may de stroy s ome of t he vi tamins. F or e xample f reezing may r educe t he a mount of<br />

vitamin A in foods. Vitamin A is stored in the body and taking too much over a period of time can<br />

cause poisoning.<br />

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is necessary for normal metabolism. Lack of vitamin B 2 may lead to<br />

itching and burning eyes, sensitivity of eyes to light, sore tongue, itching skin on the nose, and sores<br />

in the mouth. Vitamin B 2 is found in various foods, including milk and dairy products, fish, meats,<br />

green leafy vegetables, and whole grain and enriched cereals and bread.<br />

Vitamin B 12 is ne cessary f or he althy bl ood. C yanocobalamin a nd hydr oxocobalamin are<br />

man-made forms of vitamin B 12 . Lack of vitamin B 12 may lead to anemia, stomach problems, and<br />

nerve damage. Vitamin B 12 is found in various foods, including fish, egg yolk, milk, and fermented<br />

cheeses. It is not found in any vegetables.<br />

Vitamin E preve nts a chemical r eaction ca lled oxidation, w hich can sometimes r esult i n<br />

harmful effects in the human body. Lack of vitamin E is extremely rare, except in people who have<br />

a disease in which it is not absorbed into the body. Vitamin E is found in various foods including<br />

vegetable oils (corn, soybean), wheat germ, whole-grain cereals, and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin<br />

E is stored in the body and taking too much over a period of time may cause harmful effects.<br />

Vitamin K is necessary for normal clotting of the blood. Vitamin K is found in various foods<br />

including green l eafy vegetables, meat, a nd dairy pr oducts. I f you e at a ba lanced diet c ontaining<br />

these foods, you s hould be getting all the vitamin K you need. Little vitamin K is lost from foods<br />

with ordinary cooking. Lack of vitamin K is rare but may lead to problems with blood clotting and<br />

increased bleeding. Vitamin K is routinely given to newborn infants to prevent bleeding problems.<br />

It is found in spinach, vegetable oils, and cabbage.<br />

Vitamin D is n ecessary f or s trong bone s a nd t eeth. L ack of vi tamin D may l ead t o a<br />

condition called rickets, especially in children, in which bones and teeth are weak. In adults it may<br />

cause a con dition called os teomalacia, in which cal cium i s l ost f rom b ones so that t hey become<br />

weak. Vitamin D is sometimes used to treat other diseases in which calcium is not used properly by<br />

the body. Vitamin D is found naturally only in fish and fish-liver oils. However, it is also found in<br />

other foods such as milk and bread to which it has been added. Cooking does not affect the vitamin<br />

D in foods. Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” since it is made in the skin when<br />

the human is exposed to sunlight. If you e at a balanced diet and get outside in the sunshine, you<br />

should be getting all the vitamin D you need.<br />

Ex. 21. Give a summary of the text (ex. 20).<br />

Ex. 22. Try to organize obtained information in the form of the following table:<br />

Name of vitamin Conditions c aused<br />

by lack of vitamin<br />

Vitamin A<br />

Vitamin B 2<br />

Vitamin B 12<br />

Vitamin E<br />

Products c ontaining<br />

vitamin<br />

Functions of vitamin

Vitamin K<br />

Vitamin D<br />

Ex. 23. Make up the dialogue using the obtained information (ex. 22).<br />

Ex. 24. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Enhance; ultimately; herring; mackerel; salmon; cereals; interfere; supplement; seizure.<br />

Ex. 25. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Calcium is essential for strong bones, but to enhance the amount of calcium that ultimately<br />

reaches your bones you also need vitamin D.<br />

Your body makes vitamin D from two sources – sunlight and food. Most of the vitamin D<br />

the body makes starts with the sun. When you are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light rays, a chemical<br />

in the skin is changed into an inactive form of vitamin D.<br />

Butter, eggs, and fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon naturally contain vitamin<br />

D. O ther f ood s ources are f oods f ortified w ith vi tamin D s uch a s milk, margarine, a nd s ome<br />

breakfast cereals.<br />

The l iver a nd ki dneys w ork t o c hange vi tamin D into t he a ctive f orm t he body c an us e.<br />

Despite the a vailability of the s un a nd vitamin D-rich foods, several f actors can i nterfere w ith<br />

obtaining enough of this essential nutrient:<br />

Age. As you get older, your body turns UV rays into vitamin D less efficiently. If you spend<br />

limited time outdoors exposed to the sun and don’t drink 2 or more cups of milk a day, you m ay<br />

want t o c onsider a supplement. D on’t t ake m ore t han 400 IU ( units) o f vi tamin D a da y unl ess<br />

prescribed by your physician.<br />

Illness. Kidney or liver disease reduces the ability to change vitamin D into its usable form.<br />

Medications suc h as p henytoin, prescribed for se izure di sorders, can al so l ead to vitamin D<br />

deficiency.<br />

Vitamin D is like no other nutrient in that one of the best ways to obtain it has nothing to do<br />

with food. Although excessive sun exposure isn’t healthful for your skin, a little bit of sun good for<br />

your bones.<br />

Ex. 26. Speak on the importance of vitamin D.<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following abstract and memorize it:<br />

Myth: Vitamins provide energy.<br />

Fact: Calories from fat, carbohydrate, and protein provide energy. Vitamins don’t have calories, so<br />

they can’t give energy. The myth likely stems from the action of B vitamins. They don’t actually<br />

provide energy. Yet each of the eight B vitamins plays a critical role in the chemical reactions that<br />

release energy from foods.<br />

Ex. 28. Make up short dialogues using the data of the following table:<br />


SOURCE<br />

OR<br />

WATER (W)<br />


vitamin A F From provitamin carotene found in yellow and green<br />

vegetables; preformed in liver, egg yolk, butter, and milk.<br />

vitamin B 1 W Yeast, grains, and milk.

vitamin B 2 W Green vegetables, liver, wheat germ, milk, and eggs.<br />

pantothenic acid W Liver, yeast, green vegetables, grains, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

vitamin B 3 W Fish, liver, red meat, yeast, grains, beans, and nuts.<br />

vitamin B 6 W Fish, liver, yeast, tomatoes, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

folic acid W Liver, green leafy vegetables, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

vitamin B 12 W Liver, red meat, milk, and eggs.<br />

vitamin C W Citrus fruit, tomatoes, and green vegetables.<br />

vitamin D F Fish liver oil, enriched milk and eggs.<br />

vitamin E F Wheat germs, rice oil, grain, and liver.<br />

vitamin K F Liver, spinach, vegetable oils, cabbage, and intestinal bacteria.<br />


Vitamins are substances that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body.<br />

They help the body process proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Most vitamins cannot be produced by<br />

the body a nd must be obtained through the diet. Vitamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the<br />

linings of t he br onchial, ur inary, and i ntestinal t racts he althy; vi tamin C i s ne eded f or t he<br />

development of bone s, teeth, b lood ve ssels, a nd ot her tissues; vi tamin K i s ne cessary f or bl ood<br />

clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth. Some vitamins are<br />

produced b y i ntestinal ba cteria, a nd a f ew c an be f ormed by t he body f rom s ubstances c alled<br />

provitamins. O nce t he c hemical s tructure of a v itamin i s de stroyed, its function i s us ually l ost.<br />

There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: f at solubl e and water so luble. Fat-soluble vi tamins ar e<br />

vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

Vitamins are substances t hat are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human<br />

body. T hey he lp t he body pr ocess pr oteins, c arbohydrates, a nd f ats. M ost vi tamins c annot be<br />

produced by the body and must be obtained through the diet. Vitamin A is needed for the eyes and<br />

to keep the linings of the bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for<br />

the development of bones, teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; vitamin K is necessary for blood<br />

clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth. Some vitamins are<br />

produced b y i ntestinal ba cteria, a nd a f ew c an be f ormed by t he body f rom s ubstances c alled<br />

provitamins. O nce t he c hemical s tructure of a v itamin i s de stroyed, its function i s usually lost.<br />

There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: f at solubl e and water so luble. Fat-soluble vi tamins ar e<br />

vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал обліку<br />

відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about your future profession.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. W hat a re vi tamins? 2. W hat i s t he f unction of vi tamins? 3. W hat pr incipal v itamins do you<br />

know? 4. How are some vitamins produced by the body? 5. In what form are vitamins used by the<br />

body? 6. What classes are the vitamins divided into?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Vitamins are _ that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body. 2. They<br />

help the body process _, carbohydrates, and fats. 3. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the _. 4. V itamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the _ of the<br />

bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones,<br />

teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of _ and<br />

teeth. 5. Some vitamins are produced by intestinal bacteria, and a few can be formed by the _ from<br />

substances called provitamins. 6. Once t he c hemical st ructure of a vitamin is _, its f unction is<br />

usually lost. 7. There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: _ -soluble a nd _ -soluble. 8. _ -soluble<br />

vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. 9. _-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.: Высшая<br />

школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000 –<br />

64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Романко І.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 1<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Вітаміни<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Професія, яку я обираю.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми, вміти<br />

читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти<br />

складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Forms of the Verb;<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його<br />

у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Порівняти правила читання у латинській та англійській<br />

Анатомія людини, біологія, мовах. Знати основні поняття та терміни, що стосуються<br />

латинська мова та медична<br />

термінологія.<br />

теми яка вивчається. Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації спілкування<br />

англійською мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика<br />

внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману інформацію при<br />

подальшому засвоєнні навчального матеріалу з<br />

зазначених предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

vitamin ['vItqmIn; food item ['aItqm] vitamin ['vItqmIn; food item ['aItqm]<br />

'vaItqmIn] витамин компонент пищи;<br />

компонент пищи;<br />

'vaItqmIn] витамин<br />

essential [I'senS(q)l] пищевой объект<br />

пищевой объект<br />

существенный, clotting ['klOtIN]<br />

clotting ['klOtIN]<br />

основной<br />

свертывание essential [I'senS(q)l] свертывание<br />

diet [daIqt] питание, pantothenic acid существенный, pantothenic acid<br />

пища<br />

["pxntq'TenIk]<br />

["pxntq'TenIk]<br />

amount [q'maunt] пантотеновая основной<br />

пантотеновая<br />

количество кислота<br />

кислота<br />

contribute<br />

folic acid ['foulIk] diet [daIqt] питание, folic acid ['foulIk]<br />

[kqn'trIbju:t]<br />

фолиевая<br />

пища<br />

фолиевая кислота<br />

способствовать кислота<br />

amount [q'maunt] assemble [q'sembl]<br />

minute [maI'nju:t] assemble [q'sembl] количество<br />

собирать<br />

несущественный, собирать<br />

contribute [kqn'trIbju:t] soluble ['sOljubl]<br />

незначительный; soluble ['sOljubl] способствовать растворимый<br />

мелкий<br />

растворимый<br />

store [stO:]<br />

deficiency<br />

store [stO:]<br />

хранить, сохранять<br />

minute [maI'nju:t]<br />

[dI'fIS(q)nsI]<br />

хранить,<br />

нехватка, дефицит сохранять<br />

несщественный,<br />

незначительный;<br />

мелкий<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

deficiency [dI'fIS(q)nsI]<br />

нехватка, дефицит

What classes are the vitamins divided into?<br />

Give your examples.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Name the four verb-forms:<br />

A. include; inform; provide; reduce; ratify; define; prepare; fill; examine; study; fulfill; prescribe;<br />

protect.<br />

B. take; get; write; go; read; grow; learn; have; make; begin; come; feel; give; hear; keep; put;<br />

spend; think.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, t h; i + nd, ld (впр. , с. 267), Vocabulary, c. 266 (І.<br />

Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”).<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси -ance ( -ence), впр. 1, с. 68(. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В.<br />

Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.)<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Sto_e; assem_le; vitam_n; contrib._te; di_t; p_otein; ve_sel; inte_tine; destr_y.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Amount; pantothenic acid; clotting; deficiency; soluble; essential; minute; food item; exist; to be<br />

produced; lining of the bronchial tract; need; slightly modified form; remain.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Diet ['daIqt]; nut rient; v ariety; deficiency; substance; car otene ['kxrqtI:n]; s lightly; modified; h eat;<br />

soluble ['sO:ljubl]; accumulate; overdose; hypervitaminosis; toxicity.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Vitamins are substances that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human<br />

body and need to be present in the diet only in very small amounts. They help the body process<br />

proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Certain vitamins also contribute to the production of blood cells,<br />

hormones, genetic material, and chemicals of the nervous system.<br />

Vitamins exist in minute quantities in food. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the diet. Since no single food item or nutrient class provides all the<br />

essential vitamins, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods. For example, vitamin A is needed for the<br />

eyes a nd to ke ep t he l inings of t he br onchial, urinary, a nd i ntestinal tracts h ealthy; vi tamin C i s<br />

needed for the development of bones, teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; vitamin K is necessary<br />

for blood clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth.<br />

The principal vitamins are: vitamin A, vitamin B 1 , vitamin B 2 , pantothenic acid (part of the<br />

B 2 complex), vi tamin B 3 , vi tamin B 6 , f olic a cid, vi tamin B 12 , vi tamin C , vi tamin D , vi tamin E ,<br />

vitamin H (often considered part of the B-vitamin group), and vitamin K.

Some vi tamins ( e.g., vi tamin K ) a re pr oduced by i ntestinal ba cteria, a nd a f ew can be<br />

formed by the body from substances called provitamins (portions of vitamins that can be assembled<br />

or modified by the body into functional vitamins). Carotene is an example of a provitamin that can<br />

be modified by t he body t o f orm v itamin A . V itamins are used by t he body i n t heir or iginal or<br />

slightly m odified f orms. O nce t he c hemical s tructure of a vi tamin i s de stroyed, its f unction i s<br />

usually l ost. T he c hemical s tructure of m any v itamins i s d estroyed by he at ( e.g., when f ood i s<br />

overcooked).<br />

There are two major classes of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins<br />

such as vitamins A, D, E, and K are absorbed from the intestine along with lipids, and some of them<br />

can be stored in the body for a long period of time. Because they can be stored, it is possible to<br />

accumulate an overdose of these vitamins in the body ( hypervitaminosis) to the point of toxicity.<br />

Water-soluble vitamins such as the B complex and C are absorbed with water from the intestinal<br />

tract and remain in the body only a short time before excreted.<br />

The absence of a specific vitamin in the diet can result in a specific deficiency disease.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Хранить, сохранять; способствовать; питание, пища; пантотеновая кислота; собирать;<br />

количество; несущественный, незначительный; нехватка, дефицит; компонент пищи;<br />

фолиевая кислота; свертывание; растворимый.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text “Vitamins” into your native language:<br />

Ex. 13. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Vitamins are _ that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body. 2. They<br />

help the body process _, carbohydrates, and fats. 3. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the _. 4. V itamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the _ of the<br />

bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones,<br />

teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of _ and<br />

teeth. 5. Some vitamins are produced by intestinal bacteria, and a few can be formed by the _ from<br />

substances called provitamins. 6. Once t he c hemical st ructure of a v itamin is _, i ts f unction is<br />

usually lost. 7. There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: _ -soluble a nd _ -soluble. 8. _ -soluble<br />

vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. 9. _-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What are vitamins? 2. What is the function of vitamins? 3. What principal vitamins do you<br />

know? 4. How are some vitamins produced by the body? 5. In what form are vitamins used by the<br />

body? 6. What classes are the vitamins divided into?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. Vitamins A and D are stored _ the liver. 2. Reserves of vitamins A and D may be sufficient _ 6<br />

months. 3. Vitamins A and D can produce toxic effects when taken _ excessive amounts. 4.<br />

Although it is popularly believed that the water-soluble vitamins are harmless when taken _ large<br />

amounts, this is not always true. 5. Some of the water-soluble vitamins may have strong medicinal<br />

effects – good and bad – when taken _ large amounts. 6. _ large doses, a B vitamin can cause nerve<br />

damage.<br />

Ex. 16. Write out key sentences of the text “Vitamins”.<br />

Ex. 17. Make up a plan of the text “Vitamins”.<br />

Ex. 18. Give a summary of the text “Vitamins”.

Ex. 19. Speak on the vitamins.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the following text and entitle it:<br />

Vitamins are compounds that you must have to growth and health. They are needed in small<br />

amounts only and are usually available in the foods that you eat. Vitamin A is necessary for normal<br />

growth and health and for healthy eyes and skin. Lack of vitamin A may lead to a rare condition<br />

called ni ght bl indness ( problems s eeing i n the dark), a s w ell a s dr y e yes, e ye i nfections, s kin<br />

problems, and slowed growth. Your physician may treat these problems by pr escribing vitamin A<br />

for you. V itamin A is found in various foods including yellow-orange fruits and vegetables; dark<br />

green, leafy vegetables; whole milk; and margarine. Vitamin A comes in different forms. The form<br />

of vitamin A found in plants is called beta-carotene. It is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Food<br />

processing may de stroy s ome of t he vi tamins. F or e xample f reezing may r educe t he a mount of<br />

vitamin A in foods. Vitamin A is stored in the body and taking too much over a period of time can<br />

cause poisoning.<br />

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is necessary for normal metabolism. Lack of vitamin B 2 may lead to<br />

itching and burning eyes, sensitivity of eyes to light, sore tongue, itching skin on the nose, and sores<br />

in the mouth. Vitamin B 2 is found in various foods, including milk and dairy products, fish, meats,<br />

green leafy vegetables, and whole grain and enriched cereals and bread.<br />

Vitamin B 12 is ne cessary f or he althy bl ood. C yanocobalamin a nd hydr oxocobalamin are<br />

man-made forms of vitamin B 12 . Lack of vitamin B 12 may lead to anemia, stomach problems, and<br />

nerve damage. Vitamin B 12 is found in various foods, including fish, egg yolk, milk, and fermented<br />

cheeses. It is not found in any vegetables.<br />

Vitamin E prevents a chemical r eaction ca lled oxidation, w hich can sometimes r esult i n<br />

harmful effects in the human body. Lack of vitamin E is extremely rare, except in people who have<br />

a disease in which it is not absorbed into the body. Vitamin E is found in various foods including<br />

vegetable o ils (corn, s oybean), w heat ge rm, w hole-grain cer eals, an d green l eafy vegetables.<br />

Vitamin E i s s tored i n the body a nd t aking t oo much ove r a pe riod of t ime may cause ha rmful<br />

effects.<br />

Vitamin K is necessary for normal clotting of the blood. Vitamin K is found in various foods<br />

including green l eafy vegetables, meat, a nd dairy pr oducts. I f you e at a ba lanced diet c ontaining<br />

these foods, you s hould be getting all the vitamin K you need. Little vitamin K is lost from foods<br />

with ordinary cooking. Lack of vitamin K is rare but may lead to problems with blood clotting and<br />

increased bleeding. Vitamin K is routinely given to newborn infants to prevent bleeding problems.<br />

It is found in spinach, vegetable oils, and cabbage.<br />

Vitamin D is ne cessary f or s trong bone s a nd t eeth. L ack of vi tamin D may l ead t o a<br />

condition called rickets, especially in children, in which bones and teeth are weak. In adults it may<br />

cause a con dition called os teomalacia, in which cal cium i s l ost f rom b ones so that t hey be come<br />

weak. Vitamin D is sometimes used to treat other diseases in which calcium is not used properly by<br />

the body. Vitamin D is found naturally only in fish and fish-liver oils. However, it is also found in<br />

other foods such as milk and bread to which it has been added. Cooking does not affect the vitamin<br />

D in foods. Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” since it is made in the skin when<br />

the human is exposed to sunlight. If you e at a balanced diet and get outside in the sunshine, you<br />

should be getting all the vitamin D you need.<br />

Ex. 21. Give a summary of the text (ex. 20).<br />

Ex. 22. Try to organize obtained information in the form of the following table:<br />

Name of vitamin Conditions c aused<br />

by lack of vitamin<br />

Vitamin A<br />

Vitamin B 2<br />

Products c ontaining<br />

vitamin<br />

Functions of vitamin

Vitamin B 12<br />

Vitamin E<br />

Vitamin K<br />

Vitamin D<br />

Ex. 23. Make up the dialogue using the obtained information (ex. 22).<br />

Ex. 24. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Enhance; ultimately; herring; mackerel; salmon; cereals; interfere; supplement; seizure.<br />

Ex. 25. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Calcium is essential for strong bones, but to enhance the amount of calcium that ultimately<br />

reaches your bones you also need vitamin D.<br />

Your body makes vitamin D from two sources – sunlight and food. Most of the vitamin D<br />

the body makes starts with the sun. When you are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light rays, a chemical<br />

in the skin is changed into an inactive form of vitamin D.<br />

Butter, eggs, and fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon naturally contain vitamin<br />

D. O ther f ood s ources are f oods f ortified w ith vi tamin D s uch a s milk, margarine, a nd s ome<br />

breakfast cereals.<br />

The l iver a nd ki dneys w ork t o c hange vi tamin D i nto t he a ctive f orm t he body c an us e.<br />

Despite the a vailability of the s un a nd vitamin D-rich foods, several f actors can i nterfere w ith<br />

obtaining enough of this essential nutrient:<br />

Age. As you get older, your body turns UV rays into vitamin D less efficiently. If you spend<br />

limited time outdoors exposed to the sun and don’t drink 2 or more cups of milk a day, you m ay<br />

want t o c onsider a supplement. D on’t t ake m ore t han 400 IU ( units) o f vi tamin D a da y unl ess<br />

prescribed by your physician.<br />

Illness. Kidney or liver disease reduces the ability to change vitamin D into its usable form.<br />

Medications suc h as p henytoin, prescribed for se izure di sorders, can al so l ead to vitamin D<br />

deficiency.<br />

Vitamin D is like no other nutrient in that one of the best ways to obtain it has nothing to do<br />

with food. Although excessive sun exposure isn’t healthful for your skin, a little bit of sun good for<br />

your bones.<br />

Ex. 26. Speak on the importance of vitamin D.<br />

Ex. 27. Read the following abstract and memorize it:<br />

Myth: Vitamins provide energy.<br />

Fact: Calories from fat, carbohydrate, and protein provide energy. Vitamins don’t have calories, so<br />

they can’t give energy. The myth likely stems from the action of B vitamins. They don’t actually<br />

provide energy. Yet each of the eight B vitamins plays a critical role in the chemical reactions that<br />

release energy from foods.<br />

Ex. 28. Make up short dialogues using the data of the following table:<br />


SOURCE<br />

OR<br />

WATER (W)<br />


vitamin A F From provitamin carotene found in yellow and green<br />

vegetables; preformed in liver, egg yolk, butter, and milk.

vitamin B 1 W Yeast, grains, and milk.<br />

vitamin B 2 W Green vegetables, liver, wheat germ, milk, and eggs.<br />

pantothenic acid W Liver, yeast, green vegetables, grains, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

vitamin B 3 W Fish, liver, red meat, yeast, grains, beans, and nuts.<br />

vitamin B 6 W Fish, liver, yeast, tomatoes, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

folic acid W Liver, green leafy vegetables, and intestinal bacteria.<br />

vitamin B 12 W Liver, red meat, milk, and eggs.<br />

vitamin C W Citrus fruit, tomatoes, and green vegetables.<br />

vitamin D F Fish liver oil, enriched milk and eggs.<br />

vitamin E F Wheat germs, rice oil, grain, and liver.<br />

vitamin K F Liver, spinach, vegetable oils, cabbage, and intestinal bacteria.<br />


Vitamins are substances that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body.<br />

They help the body process proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Most vitamins cannot be produced by<br />

the body a nd must be obtained through the diet. Vitamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the<br />

linings of t he br onchial, ur inary, and i ntestinal t racts he althy; vi tamin C i s ne eded f or t he<br />

development of bone s, teeth, b lood ve ssels, a nd ot her tissues; vi tamin K i s ne cessary f or bl ood<br />

clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth. Some vitamins are<br />

produced b y i ntestinal ba cteria, a nd a f ew c an be f ormed by t he body f rom s ubstances c alled<br />

provitamins. Once the c hemical s tructure of a v itamin is de stroyed, its function is usually l ost.<br />

There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: f at solubl e and water so luble. Fat-soluble vi tamins ar e<br />

vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What are vitamins? 2. What is the function of vitamins? 3. What principal vitamins do you<br />

know? 4. How are some vitamins produced by the body? 5. In what form are vitamins used by the<br />

body? 6. What classes are the vitamins divided into?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Vitamins are _ that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body. 2. They<br />

help the body process _, carbohydrates, and fats. 3. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body<br />

and must be obtained through the _. 4. V itamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep the _ of the<br />

bronchial, urinary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vitamin C is needed for the development of bones,<br />

teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of _ and<br />

teeth. 5. Some vitamins are produced by intestinal bacteria, and a few can be formed by the _ from<br />

substances called provitamins. 6. Once t he c hemical st ructure of a v itamin is _, i ts f unction is<br />

usually lost. 7. There ar e t wo major cl asses of vit amins: _ -soluble a nd _ -soluble. 8. _ -soluble<br />

vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. 9. _-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст. викл. Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________200__р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Антибіотики<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Антибіотики.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Co-ordinate conjunctions засвоїти функції та<br />

переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

antibiotic ["xntIbaI'OtIk] антибіотик streptococcus (pl. streptococci)<br />

inhibit [In'hIbIt] пригнічувати, ["streptqu'kOkqs] стрептококк<br />

стримувати<br />

bactericidal [bxk'tIqrI"saIdl] бактеріцидний<br />

protozoan ["prqutq'zqun] найпростіші bacteriostatic<br />

[bxk"tIqrIo'stxtIk]<br />

тварини (простейшее животное)<br />

potent ['pqut(q)nt] сильнодіючий; міцний<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява; пліснявий грибок<br />

own to [qun] визнавати<br />

бактеріостатичний<br />

topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий, топический<br />

range [reInG] вагатися<br />

adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is Co-ordinate conjunctions?<br />

Give your examples<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Balanced s kin is ne ither o ily no r dr y. 2. T he ne rve c ells t hat f orm t he pe ripheral ne rvous<br />

system are located either within the neural tube or are derived from neural crest cells. 3. The key<br />

to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective lining<br />

of the stomach or duodenum. 4. A number of smaller veins empty into either the cardiac veins,<br />

the coronary sinus, or directly into the right atrium. 5. All arteries of the systemic circulation are<br />

derived either directly or indirectly from the aorta.

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тексту.<br />

Словотворення: Conversion та повторення пройденого матеріалу (утворення медичних<br />

термінів)<br />

Граматика: Co-ordinate conjunctions<br />

Текст: “Antibiotics”.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words and word-combinations<br />

into your native language:<br />

Topi_al; protozo_n; ran_e; in_ibit; bacteri_idal; bacteriostati_; m_ld; adve_se; p_tent.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Antibiotic; substance; microorganism; bacteria; fungi; refer; microbe; excrete; although; isolate;<br />

ancient; C hinese; E gyptian; m ould; p lant; pe nicillin; m ultiply; s ynthesize; pne umonia;<br />

tuberculosis; endocarditis.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


Antibiotic is a chemical substance that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms, such<br />

as ba cteria, f ungi, or protozoans. T he t erm or iginally r eferred t o a ny a gent w ith bi ological<br />

activity against living organisms. Now this term is used to refer to substances with anti-bacterial,<br />

anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. The effectiveness of antibiotics varies with the location of<br />

the i nfection, t he a bility of t he a ntibiotic t o r each t he s ite of i nfection, a nd t he a bility of t he<br />

microbe to inactivate or excrete the antibiotic.<br />

Although pot ent a ntibiotic c ompounds f or t reatment of hu man diseases caus ed by<br />

bacteria w ere not i solated a nd i dentified unt il t he t wentieth c entury, the f irst kn own us e o f<br />

antibiotics was by the ancient C hinese over 2,500 years a go. M any ot her a ncient c ultures,<br />

including t he ancient E gyptians and ancient G reeks already used molds and plants t o treat<br />

infections. At t hat t ime, how ever, t he c ompounds ha ving a ntibiotic a ctivity a nd pr esent in<br />

moulds or plants were unknown.<br />

The a ntibiotic p roperties of Penicillium were f irst de scribed in France by Ernest<br />

Duchesne in 1897. H owever, hi s w ork w ent by w ithout much not ice f rom t he s cientific<br />

community until Alexander Fleming's discovery of Penicillin.<br />

Antibiotics can be divided into two groups: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Bactericidal<br />

antibiotics destroy bacteria, and bacteriostatic an tibiotics pr event ba cteria f rom m ultiplying.<br />

Antibiotics have be en s ynthesized i n t he l aboratory. T hey are us ed t o t reat s erious ba cterial<br />

infections such a s pne umonia, t uberculosis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis and many ot hers. Each<br />

antibiotic is effective only against certain bacteria. Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by<br />

viruses, such as colds flu, bronchitis, and sore throat, unless caused by streptococci.<br />

Usually, antibiotics are given by m outh, while intravenous antibiotics are used in more<br />

serious cases, such as deep-seated systemic infections. If the person has no other conditions that<br />

need treatment in the h ospital and is f eeling relatively w ell, intravenous ant ibiotics m ay be<br />

administered a t hom e. Antibiotics may also sometimes be administered topically, a s w ith eye<br />

drops or ointments.<br />

Possible side ef fects ar e va ried and can range f rom f ever and nausea to m ajor al lergic<br />

reactions. One of the more common side effects is diarrhea. Some side effects may disrupt the

function of the k idneys, l iver, bon e m arrow, or ot her or gans. B lood t ests a re us ed to m onitor<br />

such adverse reactions.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Коливатися; пліснява, пліснявий грибок; місцевий, топический; визнавати; сильнодіючий;<br />

бактеріостатичний; бактерицидний; пригнічувати, стримувати; несприятливий; побічний<br />

ефект; відноситися до; руйнувати; глибокорозташований; включати, укладати.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Antibiotics” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Antibiotic is a chemical substance that _ the growth of other microorganisms. 2. The term is<br />

used to _ to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. 3. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: _ and bacteriostatic. 4. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy bacteria,<br />

and bacteriostatic a ntibiotics p revent _ from multiplying. 5. Antibiotics a re us ed to _ serious<br />

bacterial infections. 6. Each antibiotic is _ onl y against certain bacteria. 7. U sually, antibiotics<br />

are given by mouth, while _ antibiotics are used in more serious cases. 8. Antibiotics may also<br />

sometimes be administered _, as with eye drops or ointments. 9. One of the more common side _<br />

is diarrhea. 10. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, _, or ot her<br />

organs.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is antibiotic? 2. What cases are antibiotics prescribed in? 3. How long are antibiotics<br />

used? 4. What groups are antibiotics divided into? 5. What are bactericidal antibiotics? 6. What<br />

are b acteriostatic antibiotics? 6. What si de effect can antibiotic h ave? 7. W hat routs o f<br />

antibiotics' administration are there?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions:<br />

Since the first pioneering efforts of Florey and Chain _ 1939, the importance of antibiotics to<br />

medicine has l ed to much r esearch i nto di scovering a nd pr oducing t hem. T he pr ocess of<br />

production usually involves s creening _ w ide r anges of microorganisms, t esting a nd<br />

modification. P roduction i s c arried out us ing fermentation; a pr ocess tha t is important _<br />

anaerobic conditions when there is no oxi dative phosphorylation to maintain the production of<br />

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) _ glycolysis.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out key words of the text “Antibiotics”.<br />

Ex. 16. Make up a plan of the text “Antibiotics”.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the using of antibiotics.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue on antibiotics.<br />

Ex. 19. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


Penicillin is used in the treatment of bacterial infections. It works by killing bacteria or<br />

preventing t heir gr owth. T here a re s everal di fferent ki nds o f pe nicillins. E ach i s us ed t o t reat<br />

different kinds of bacterial infections. One kind of penicillin usually may not be used in place of<br />

another. Penicillins are used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. They<br />

are s ometimes gi ven with other antibacterial medicines. C arbenicillin is us ed only to treat<br />

bacterial infections of the urinary tract and prostate gland. Penicillin G and penicillin V are also

used to prevent “st rep” i nfections i n patients w ith a hi story of r heumatic he art di sease.<br />

Piperacillin is given by injection to prevent bacterial infections before, during, and after surgery<br />

also. S ome pe nicillins may a lso be us ed f or other pr oblems. H owever, none of t he pe nicillins<br />

will work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Penicillins (except some of them) are best taken<br />

with a f ull glass of w ater on an e mpty s tomach ( either 1 h our be fore or 2 hour s after m eals)<br />

unless otherwise directed by t he doctor. To help clear up the infection completely, keep taking<br />

penicillin for the full time of treatment, even if you be gin to feel better after a few days. If the<br />

patient has a “strep” infection, he/she should keep taking this medicine for at least 10 days. This<br />

is especially i mportant in “strep” infections. Serious heart problems could develop later if the<br />

infection i s not c leared up c ompletely. A lso, i f a pe rson s tops t aking t his m edicine t oo s oon,<br />

his/her sym ptoms may r eturn. Along with its ne eded effects, a medicine m ay cause some<br />

unwanted e ffects, t hey are di fficulty i n br eathing, s kin r ash or i tching, abdominal or s tomach<br />

pain, blood in urine, diarrhea, and joint pain.<br />

Ex. 20. Read and translate one of the following abstracts:<br />


Indications: urinary-tract infections, otitis media, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and gonorrhea.<br />

Cautions: history of allergy; renal impairment; chronic lymphatic leukemia; and possibly HIV<br />

infection.<br />

Contra-indications: penicillin hypersensitivity.<br />

Side-effects: nausea, diarrhea; rashes (discontinue treatment); rarely, antibiotic-associated colitis.<br />

Dose: by mouth, 0.25-1 g every 6 hours, at least 30 minutes before food.<br />

Gonorrhea, 2-3.5 g as a single dose with probenecid 1 g.<br />

Urinary-tract infections, 500 mg every 8 hours<br />

By intramuscular injection or intravenous injection or infusion, 500 mg every 4-6 hours; higher<br />

doses in meningitis.<br />

Child under 10 years, any route, half adult dose.<br />


Indications: exacerbations ( обострения) of chronic br onchitis; pl eural e ffusions due t o<br />

malignancy or cirrhosis.<br />

Precautions: hepatic impairment; renal impairment; rarely causes photosensitivity.<br />

Contra-indications: pregnancy a nd br east-feeding, c hildren unde r 12 ye ars of a ge, s ystemic<br />

lupus erythematosus.<br />

Adversable reaction: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache; hepatoxicity.<br />

Dose: by mouth, 250 mg every 6 hours, increased in severe infections to 500 mg every 6-8 hours.<br />

Non-gonococcal urethritis, 500 mg every 6 hours for 7-14 days.<br />

By intravenous infusion, 500 mg every 12 hours; max. 2 g daily.<br />


Indications: alternative t o pe nicillin i n hype rsensitive pa tients, pne umonia, s yphilis, c hronic<br />

prostatitis; diphtheria and whooping cough prophylaxis.<br />

Cautions: hepatic impairment; renal impairment; pregnancy and breast-feeding.<br />

Contra-indications: estolate contra-indicated in liver disease.<br />

Side-effects: nausea, vo miting, a bdominal di scomfort, di arrhea; r ashes a nd ot her a llergic<br />

reactions.<br />

Dose: by mouth, Adult and child over 8 ye ars, 250-500 mg every 6 hour s or 0.5-1 g e very 12<br />

hours; up to 4 g da ily in severe infections; Child up to 2 years 125 mg every 6 hours, 2-8 years<br />

250 mg every 6 hours, doses doubled for severe infections.<br />

By i ntravenous i nfusion, Adult and C hild severe i nfections, 50 mg/kg da ily by c ontinuous<br />

infusion or in divided doses every 6 hours; mild infections, 25 mg/kg daily.


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is antibiotic? 2. What cases are antibiotics prescribed in? 3. How long are antibiotics<br />

used? 4. What groups are antibiotics divided into? 5. What are bactericidal antibiotics? 6. What<br />

are b acteriostatic antibiotics? 6. What s ide effect c an antibiotic h ave? 7. W hat routs o f<br />

antibiotics' administration are there?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Antibiotic is a chemical substance that _ the growth of other microorganisms. 2. The term is<br />

used to _ to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. 3. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: _ and bacteriostatic. 4. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy bacteria,<br />

and bacteriostatic an tibiotics p revent _ f rom multiplying. 5 . A ntibiotics a re us ed t o _ s erious<br />

bacterial infections. 6. Each antibiotic is _ onl y against certain bacteria. 7. U sually, antibiotics<br />

are given by mouth, while _ antibiotics are used in more serious cases. 8. Antibiotics may also<br />

sometimes be administered _, as with eye drops or ointments. 9. One of the more common side _<br />

is diarrhea. 10. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, _, or ot her<br />

organs.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

4. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________2000__р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Антибіотики<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Антибіотики.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Co-ordinate conjunctions засвоїти функції та<br />

переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тесту.<br />

Словотворення: Conversion. Повторення пройденого матеріалу (утворення медичних<br />

термінів).<br />

Граматика: Co-ordinate Conjunctions<br />

Текст: “Antibiotics”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Co-ordinate<br />

conjunctions<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця Coordinate<br />

conjunctions<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />

Student”)<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння фонетичний<br />

матеріалу з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Conversion<br />

(повторення пройденого<br />

матеріалу (утворення медичних<br />

термінів);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Co-ordinate<br />

conjunctions.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на розширення знань студентів з історії виникнення та етапів<br />

розвитку антибіотиків. Засвоєння англомовних відповідників назв антибіотиків.<br />

Усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а також на усвідомлення<br />

важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування<br />

майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

поваги до<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />


antibiotic ["xntIbaI'OtIk] антибіотик<br />

inhibit [In'hIbIt] пригнічувати, стримувати<br />

protozoan ["prqutq'zqun] найпростіші<br />

тварини (простейшее животное)<br />

potent ['pqut(q)nt] сильнодіючий; міцний<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява; пліснявий грибок<br />

own to [qun] визнавати<br />

streptococcus (pl. streptococci) ["streptqu'kOkqs]<br />

стрептококк<br />

bactericidal [bxk'tIqrI"saIdl] бактеріцидний<br />

bacteriostatic [bxk"tIqrIo'stxtIk]<br />

бактеріостатичний<br />

topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий, топический<br />

range [reInG] вагатися<br />

adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий<br />



Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

to help допомогати– a help допомога<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

To work – a work; to act – an act; to group – a group; to form – a form; to plan – a plan; to head<br />

– a head, to exercise – an exercise.

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences with their translations:<br />


The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks Стародавні єгиптяне та греки лікували<br />

treated different diseases.<br />

різноманітні захворювання.<br />

The work is rather difficult but very Робота достатньо складна, але важлива.<br />

important.<br />

Take this medicine two or three days. Приймайте ці лікі 2 або 3 дні.<br />

Fractures are defined as either closed or Переломи визначаются або як закриті, або як<br />

open.<br />

Type AB blood has neither A nor B<br />

antigens.<br />

відкриті.<br />

Четверта група крові не має ні А, ні В<br />

антігенов.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. Balanced s kin is ne ither o ily no r dr y. 2. T he ne rve c ells t hat f orm t he pe ripheral ne rvous<br />

system are located either within the neural tube or are derived from neural crest cells. 3. The key<br />

to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective lining<br />

of the stomach or duodenum. 4. A number of smaller veins empty into either the cardiac veins,<br />

the coronary sinus, or directly into the right atrium. 5. All arteries of the systemic circulation are<br />

derived either directly or indirectly from the aorta.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words and word-combinations<br />

into your native language:<br />

Topi_al; protozo_n; ran_e; in_ibit; bacteri_idal; bacteriostati_; m_ld; adve_se; p_tent.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Antibiotic; substance; microorganism; bacteria; fungi; refer; microbe; excrete; although; isolate;<br />

ancient; C hinese; E gyptian; m ould; p lant; pe nicillin; m ultiply; s ynthesize; pne umonia;<br />

tuberculosis; endocarditis.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following text:<br />


Antibiotic is a chemical substance that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms, such<br />

as ba cteria, f ungi, or protozoans. T he t erm or iginally r eferred t o a ny a gent w ith bi ological<br />

activity against living organisms. Now this term is used to refer to substances with anti-bacterial,<br />

anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. The effectiveness of antibiotics varies with the location of<br />

the i nfection, t he a bility of t he a ntibiotic t o r each t he s ite of i nfection, a nd t he a bility of t he<br />

microbe to inactivate or excrete the antibiotic.<br />

Although pot ent a ntibiotic c ompounds f or t reatment of hu man diseases caus ed by<br />

bacteria w ere not i solated a nd i dentified unt il t he t wentieth c entury, the f irst kn own us e o f<br />

antibiotics was by the ancient C hinese over 2,500 ye ars a go. M any ot her a ncient c ultures,<br />

including t he ancient E gyptians and ancient G reeks already used molds and plants t o treat<br />

infections. At t hat t ime, how ever, t he c ompounds ha ving a ntibiotic a ctivity and present i n<br />

moulds or plants were unknown.

The a ntibiotic p roperties of Penicillium were f irst de scribed in France by Ernest<br />

Duchesne in 1897. H owever, hi s w ork w ent by w ithout much not ice f rom t he s cientific<br />

community until Alexander Fleming's discovery of Penicillin.<br />

Antibiotics can be divided into two groups: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Bactericidal<br />

antibiotics destroy bacteria, and bacteriostatic a ntibiotics pr event ba cteria f rom m ultiplying.<br />

Antibiotics have be en s ynthesized i n t he l aboratory. T hey are us ed t o t reat s erious ba cterial<br />

infections such a s pne umonia, t uberculosis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis and many ot hers. Each<br />

antibiotic is effective only against certain bacteria. Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by<br />

viruses, such as colds flu, bronchitis, and sore throat, unless caused by streptococci.<br />

Usually, antibiotics are given by m outh, while intravenous antibiotics are used in more<br />

serious cases, such as deep-seated systemic infections. If the person has no other conditions that<br />

need treatment in the h ospital and is f eeling relatively w ell, intravenous ant ibiotics m ay be<br />

administered a t hom e. Antibiotics may also sometimes be administered topically, a s w ith eye<br />

drops or ointments.<br />

Possible side ef fects ar e va ried and can range f rom f ever and nausea to m ajor al lergic<br />

reactions. One of the more common side effects is diarrhea. Some side effects may disrupt the<br />

function of the k idneys, l iver, bon e m arrow, or ot her or gans. B lood t ests a re us ed to m onitor<br />

such adverse reactions.<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Коливатися; пліснява, пліснявий грибок; місцевий, топічний; визнавати; сильнодіючий;<br />

бактеріостатичний; бактерицидний; пригнічувати, стримувати; несприятливий; побічний<br />

ефект; відноситися до; руйнувати; глибоко розташований; включати, укладати.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Antibiotics” into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Antibiotic is a chemical substance that _ the growth of other microorganisms. 2. The term is<br />

used to _ to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. 3. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: _ and bacteriostatic. 4. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy bacteria,<br />

and bacteriostatic a ntibiotics p revent _ from multiplying. 5 . A ntibiotics a re us ed t o _ s erious<br />

bacterial infections. 6. Each antibiotic is _ onl y against certain bacteria. 7. U sually, antibiotics<br />

are given by mouth, while _ antibiotics are used in more serious cases. 8. Antibiotics may also<br />

sometimes be administered _, as with eye drops or ointments. 9. One of the more common side _<br />

is diarrhea. 10. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, _, or ot her<br />

organs.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is antibiotic? 2. What cases are antibiotics prescribed in? 3. How long are antibiotics<br />

used? 4. What groups are antibiotics divided into? 5. What are bactericidal antibiotics? 6. What<br />

are b acteriostatic antibiotics? 6. What si de effect can antibiotic h ave? 7. W hat routs o f<br />

antibiotics' administration are there?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions:<br />

Since the first pioneering efforts of Florey and Chain _ 1939, the importance of antibiotics to<br />

medicine has l ed to much r esearch i nto di scovering a nd pr oducing t hem. T he pr ocess of<br />

production usually involves s creening _ w ide r anges of microorganisms, t esting a nd<br />

modification. P roduction i s c arried out us ing fermentation; a pr ocess that is i mportant _<br />

anaerobic conditions when there is no oxi dative phosphorylation to maintain the production of<br />

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) _ glycolysis.<br />

Ex. 15. Write out key words of the text “Antibiotics”.

Ex. 16. Make up a plan of the text “Antibiotics”.<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the using of antibiotics.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue on antibiotics.<br />

Ex. 19. Give a summary of the following text:<br />


Penicillin is used in the treatment of bacterial infections. It works by killing bacteria or preventing their<br />

growth. There are several different kinds of penicillins. Each is used to treat different kinds of bacterial<br />

infections. One kind of penicillin usually may not be used in place of another. Penicillins are used to treat<br />

bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. They are sometimes given with other antibacterial<br />

medicines. Carbenicillin is used only to treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract and prostate gland.<br />

Penicillin G and p enicillin V ar e also u sed t o p revent “st rep” infections i n p atients wi th a h istory o f<br />

rheumatic heart disease. Piperacillin is given by injection to prevent bacterial infections before, during,<br />

and a fter s urgery a lso. S ome pe nicillins may a lso be us ed f or ot her pr oblems. H owever, none of t he<br />

penicillins will work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Penicillins (except some of them) are best<br />

taken with a full glass of water on an empty stomach (either 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals) unless<br />

otherwise directed by the doctor. To help clear up the infection completely, keep taking penicillin for the<br />

full tim e o f t reatment, e ven if y ou b egin t o f eel b etter af ter a f ew d ays. I f t he p atient h as a “ strep”<br />

infection, he/she should keep t aking this medicine for at least 10 days. This is especially important i n<br />

“strep” i nfections. S erious he art pr oblems could develop l ater i f t he i nfection i s n ot cl eared u p<br />

completely. Also, if a person stops taking this medicine too soon, his/her symptoms may return. Along<br />

with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects, they are difficulty in breathing,skin<br />

rash or itching, abdominal or stomach pain, blood in urine, diarrhea, and joint pain.<br />

Ex. 20. Read and translate one of the following abstracts:<br />


Indications: urinary-tract infections, otitis media, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and gonorrhea.<br />

Cautions: history of allergy; renal impairment; chronic lymphatic leukemia; and possibly HIV infection.<br />

Contra-indications: penicillin hypersensitivity.<br />

Side-effects: nausea, diarrhea; rashes (discontinue treatment); rarely, antibiotic-associated colitis.<br />

Dose: by mouth, 0.25-1 g every 6 hours, at least 30 minutes before food.<br />

Gonorrhea, 2-3.5 g as a single dose with probenecid 1 g.<br />

Urinary-tract infections, 500 mg every 8 hours<br />

By intramuscular injection or intravenous injection or infusion, 500 mg every 4-6 hours; higher doses in<br />


Child under 10 years, any route, half adult dose.<br />


Indications: exacerbations ( обострения) of chronic br onchitis; pl eural e ffusions due t o<br />

malignancy or cirrhosis.<br />

Precautions: hepatic impairment; renal impairment; rarely causes photosensitivity.<br />

Contra-indications: pregnancy a nd br east-feeding, c hildren unde r 12 ye ars of a ge, s ystemic<br />

lupus erythematosus.<br />

Adversable reaction: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache; hepatoxicity.<br />

Dose: by mouth, 250 mg every 6 hours, increased in severe infections to 500 mg every 6-8 hours.<br />

Non-gonococcal urethritis, 500 mg every 6 hours for 7-14 days.<br />

By intravenous infusion, 500 mg every 12 hours; max. 2 g daily.<br />


Indications: alternative t o pe nicillin i n hype rsensitive pa tients, pne umonia, syphilis, c hronic<br />

prostatitis; diphtheria and whooping cough prophylaxis.<br />

Cautions: hepatic impairment; renal impairment; pregnancy and breast-feeding.<br />

Contra-indications: estolate contra-indicated in liver disease.<br />

Side-effects: nausea, vo miting, a bdominal di scomfort, diarrhea; ra shes a nd other a llergic<br />

reactions.<br />

Dose: by mouth, Adult and child over 8 ye ars, 250-500 mg every 6 hour s or 0.5-1 g e very 12<br />

hours; up to 4 g da ily in severe infections; Child up to 2 years 125 mg every 6 hours, 2-8 years<br />

250 mg every 6 hours, doses doubled for severe infections.<br />

By i ntravenous i nfusion, Adult and C hild severe i nfections, 50 mg/kg da ily by c ontinuous<br />

infusion or in divided doses every 6 hours; mild infections, 25 mg/kg daily.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

Antibiotic is a chemical substance that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms. The term is<br />

used to refer to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy<br />

bacteria, and bacteriostatic antibiotics prevent bacteria from multiplying. Antibiotics are used to<br />

treat s erious ba cterial infections. Each antibiotic is ef fective on ly against cer tain bacteria.<br />

Usually, antibiotics are given by m outh, while intravenous antibiotics are used in more serious<br />

cases. Antibiotics may also sometimes be administered topically. One of the more common side<br />

effects i s diarrhea. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, bon e<br />

marrow, or other organs.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the antibiotics.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is antibiotic? 2. What cases are antibiotics prescribed in? 3. How long are antibiotics<br />

used? 4. What groups are antibiotics divided into? 5. What are bactericidal antibiotics? 6. What

are bacteriostatic antibiotics? 6. What si de effect can antibiotic h ave? 7. W hat routs o f<br />

antibiotics' administration are there?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Antibiotic is a chemical substance that _ the growth of other microorganisms. 2. The term is<br />

used to _ to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. 3. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: _ and bacteriostatic. 4. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy bacteria,<br />

and bacteriostatic an tibiotics p revent _ f rom multiplying. 5 . A ntibiotics a re us ed t o _ s erious<br />

bacterial infections. 6. Each antibiotic is _ onl y against certain bacteria. 7. U sually, antibiotics<br />

are given by mouth, while _ antibiotics are used in more serious cases. 8. Antibiotics may also<br />

sometimes be administered _, as with eye drops or ointments. 9. One of the more common side _<br />

is diarrhea. 10. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, _, or ot her<br />

organs.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною ермінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Лікарські рослини<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Лікарські рослини” закріпити лексико-фонетичний та<br />

словотворчий матеріалом з тем, вміти читати тексти в межах теми з повним їх<br />

розумінням, аналізувати їх, робити висновки, простими реченнями передавати<br />

зміст прочитаного; студент повинен уміти зв’язно висловлюватися відповідно<br />

до навчальної ситуації, робити повідомлення з теми, підтримувати бесіду,<br />

ставити запитання та відповідати на них.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Gerund construction засвоїти їхні<br />

особливості утворення, функції та переклад з метою розпізнання їх у тексті,<br />

правильного перекладу та вживання у мовленні.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни в<br />

межах тем, що вивчалися.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Словотворення: віддієслівні іменники.<br />

Граматика: Gerund construction<br />

Текст: Medicinal Herbs, Treating by medicinal herbs.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№ Етапи заняття Розподіл Види контролю Засоби навчання<br />

Часу<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання<br />

1.2 Формування мотвації<br />

Граматичні<br />

15%<br />

таблиці Gerund<br />

Construction<br />

1.3 Контроль пошукового<br />

рівня<br />

Усне фронтальне<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Словотворення:<br />

Закріплення найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів, утворених<br />

від дієслів .<br />

Граматика: тренування<br />

вживання Gerund<br />

construction.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з тем,<br />

читання та переклад<br />

тексту, виконання<br />

вправ, розвиток<br />

навичок усного<br />

мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

Словниковий<br />

диктант для<br />

перевірки<br />

лексико-фонетичного<br />

матеріалу з<br />

тем.<br />

Усне опитування<br />

граматичного<br />

матеріалу,<br />

переклад речень<br />

на закріплення<br />

відповідних<br />

структур з<br />

української на<br />

англійську і<br />

навпаки (усно/<br />

письмово).<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого<br />

рівня підготовки<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка<br />

навчальної діяльності<br />

студента<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />


3.3 Інформування<br />

студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних<br />

наук, а також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні<br />

медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття,<br />

стандартизований кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз студентів і<br />

виставляється у журнал обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

Speak on traditions of using medicinal herbs in other countries.<br />

Spaek on the efficiency of medicinal herbs as home remedies<br />

Контрольні запитання:<br />

1. How l ong ha ve medicinal herbs been used? 2. W hat herbs are c onsidered to be<br />

medicinal? 3. What parts of the plants are used for medicine? 4. What are the ways in<br />

which medicinal herbs can be prepared? 5. Have you ever used any medicinal herbs<br />

to cure or to treat any illness? Share your experience with your groupmaters.<br />

7. Pекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. -<br />

М.: Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом<br />

вузе. - М.: Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків,<br />

ХДМУ, 2000 – 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004.<br />

– 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s i lusrated m edical di ctionary. – W.B. Sa unders Company, 199 4. –<br />

1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у поглибленні знань майбутніх лікарів про<br />

традиції та можливості використання рослин з лікувальною метою; способи<br />

застосування лікарської сировини; використання лікарських рослин при<br />

найпоширеніших захворюваннях.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі: полягають у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою,<br />

які стосуються способів застосування лікарської сировини; використання<br />

лікарських рослин при найпоширеніших захворюваннях; вмінні надавати<br />

інформацію з тем, що вивчалися, в усній і письмовій формі. Спілкування<br />

повинне бути адекватне цілям, завданням, умовам спілкування та<br />

комунікативному портрету партнера по комунікації. Студенти повинні вміти<br />

заповняти анкету чи формуляр з основними відомостями про себе; робити<br />

короткі усні повідомлення /записи стосовно прочитаного чи прослуханого,<br />

висловлювати своє переконання, думку, згоду або незгоду у відповідь на<br />

отриману інформацію; уміти запитати / надати загальну інформацію стосовно<br />

можливості застосування найпоширеніших у його країні рослин з лікувальною<br />

метою.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: латинська<br />

мова та медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Фармакологія<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у<br />

латинській та англійській мовах.<br />

Знати основні поняття та терміни, що<br />

стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому<br />

засвоєнні навчального матеріалу з<br />

зазначених предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до<br />


4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What is the grammar phenomenon of Gerund?<br />

2. What syntactical functions are performed by Gerund construction?<br />

3. What are the common features of Gerunds and Noun?<br />

4. What are the common features of Gerund and Participle?<br />

5. How to translate Gerund into Ukrainian?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

• Усна бесіда за темою;<br />

• Присьмовий переклад українською речень, що містять Gerund construction.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Читання та переклад тексту в межах проблематики, що вивчалється<br />

Бесіда за темою.<br />

Матеріали для самоконтролю:<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

І. Z namenska, O . Pisotska, V . K ostenko “C ourse of E nglish fo r Medical<br />

Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. –<br />

Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С.<br />

“Essential Course of English for Medical Students”, –<br />

Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П.<br />

Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken English”, – Полтава,<br />

2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка укладена доц. Костенко В.Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль № 9<br />

Тема заняття Кашлюк<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Кашлюк”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються теми, що<br />

вивчається. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

inflame [In'fleIm] воспаляться<br />

ailment ['eIlmqnt] заболевание,<br />

недомогание<br />

bring up [brIN] выводить<br />

sputum ['spju:tqm] мокрота<br />

soreness ['sO:nIs] боль, болезненность<br />

constriction [kqn'strIkS(q)n] сжатие<br />

chill [CIl] озноб<br />

fever ['fI:vq] жар, лихорадка, повышенная<br />

температура<br />

hasten ['heIsn] ускорять<br />

trace [treIs] следить<br />

occurrence [q'kAr(q)ns] наличие<br />

damp [dxmp] сырость, влажность<br />

community-acquired [q'kwaIqd]<br />

внебольничный<br />

aspiration ["xspq'reIS(q)n] аспирационный<br />

distortion [dIs'tO:S(q)n] отклонение, аномалия<br />

sample [sa:mpl] образец<br />

severity [sI'verItI] тяжесть

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What are the main rules for the summary of the text?<br />

2. What common phrases are used for the summaries?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

1. Виписати незнайомі слова до тексту “Whooping cough”<br />

2. Письмово перекласти текст “Whooping cough”<br />

3. Скласти анотацію до тексту “Whooping cough”<br />

Зміст теми:<br />


Whooping cough – known medically as pertussis – is a highly contagious respiratory tract<br />

infection. Although it initially resembles an ordinary cold, whooping cough may eventually turn<br />

more serious, particularly in infants. In the more advanced stages, it's marked by t he symptom<br />

that gives the di sease its na me: a s evere, hacking c ough f ollowed by a hi gh-pitched i ntake of<br />

breath that sounds like "whoop."<br />

Whooping cough is more serious in children, especially infants younger than 6 months of<br />

age.<br />

Once you become infected with the bacterium that causes whooping cough, it takes a few<br />

days to a few weeks for signs and symptoms to appear. When they do, t hey're usually mild at<br />

first and resemble those of a common cold, such as: a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing,<br />

red, watery eyes, a mild fever, dry cough, general feeling of being unwell and loss of appetite,<br />

after a week or two, signs and symptoms become worse and usually include: severe coughing<br />

attacks that bring up thick phlegm.<br />

Coughing attacks that end with a high-pitched whoop sound as you ga sp for air. These<br />

may be so severe that your child vomits or turns red or blue from the effort.<br />

Fatigue from coughing so much. In adults, signs and symptoms of whooping cough may<br />

resemble those of bronchitis, a respiratory infection that causes a nagging cough – you may have<br />

heard it referred to as the "100-day cough." Babies and infants with whooping cough may not<br />

whoop at all, or at least not as loudly as older children do. Some children with whooping cough<br />

may expe rience choki ng spe lls and turn blue in t he f ace as t hey struggle t o breathe af ter a<br />

coughing fit.<br />

Severe coughing can result in tiny red spots caused by r uptures in blood vessels at the<br />

skin's surface (petechiae) in your upper body, as well as small areas of bleeding in the whites of<br />

your eyes. You may even bruise or break a rib if your coughing episodes are severe. Coughing<br />

may be worse at night.<br />

Even after treatment to destroy the bacteria, your body continues to repair the damage to<br />

the lining of your trachea. As a result, the cough often lingers after the initial illness. With time,<br />

coughing us ually l essens but c an pe rsist f or s ix w eeks or l onger. Some pe ople may e ven<br />

experience recurring e pisodes of c oughing ove r t he course of a ye ar, especially w hen they<br />

contract a cold or other respiratory infection.<br />


Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What condition is called whooping cough?<br />

2. What are risk factors for whooping cough?<br />

3. What is one of the main signs of whooping cough?<br />

4. What may whooping cough also be accompanied by?<br />

5. What medicine may your doctor prescribe you in case of whooping cough?

6. What is the cause of whooping cough?<br />

7. What is the treatment for whooping cough?<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена<br />

викл. Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________200__р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармакологічні групи і форми ліків<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Фармакологічні групи і форми ліків”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Gerund засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу,<br />

що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

digitalis [dIGI'teIlz] наперстянка<br />

foxglove ['fOksglAv] наперстянка<br />

completeness<br />

завершеність<br />

[kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] супозиторій<br />

route [ru:t] шлях, напрям<br />

intravenous ["<br />

I:ntrq'vI:nqs]<br />

nonproprietary [nOnprq'praIqt(q)rI]<br />

такий, що не випливає з права<br />

власності<br />

generic [GI'nerIk] непатентований<br />

coin [kOIn] створювати<br />

promotion [<br />

рекламування<br />

prq'mquS(q)n]<br />

внутрішньовенний<br />

intrathecal ["<br />

внутрішньооболонковий<br />

intracavitary<br />

внутрішньопорожнинний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон<br />

I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is Gerund?<br />

Give your examples<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. I n making examination s pecial a ttention i s pa id t o the pa tient's c omplaints. 2. T he<br />

physiologists continued investigating the e mbryo growth. 3. The scientists work on increasing<br />

people's longevity. 4. After performing on the operation the surgeon left the operating theatre. 5.<br />

This s cientist w orked out t he m ethod of producing the hormones i n t he l aboratory. 6. T he

surgeon be gan preparing patient f or s urgical i ntervention. 7. T hey c ontinued listening to t he<br />

lungs a ttentively. 8. S he s at i n the w ard w ithout turning her he ad. 9. F ollicle-stimulating<br />

hormone is primary responsible for initiating the development of the primary follicles. 10. Other<br />

drugs administered i n treating atherosclerosis ar e so -called l ipotropic s ubstances. 11. N ew<br />

techniques and medications f or de tecting and treating glaucoma and cataract ha ve made t hese<br />

two leading causes of blindness (амавроз, сліпота) very treatable. 12. Drug errors ( e.g.,<br />

prescribing an appropriate drug, misreading a prescription, administering a drug incorrectly) can<br />

lead to serious complications. 13. Vitamins are the substances, which are necessary for normal<br />

body functioning.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тексту.<br />

Словотворення: Prefixes and term-elements: та повторення пройденого матеріалу<br />

(утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: Gerund<br />

Текст: “Drugs”.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Lo_ion; r_ute; intrav_nous; suppos_tory; m_ld; a_rosol; intra_hecal; intra_avitary.<br />

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Completeness; pr omotion; di gitalis; nonpr oprietary; c oin; ge neric; pl ant; c hemical s ubstance;<br />

vitamin; m anufacturer; br and name; pa rticular; rout e; dur ation; b uccal ['bAkql]; m outh;<br />

sublingual; tongue; vaginal [vq'GaIn(q)l]; subcutaneous ['sAbkju'teInjqs]; intradermal.<br />

Ex. 9. Read and comprehend the text:<br />


Everyone knows that medicines, or drugs are chemical substances used to make you feel<br />

better w hen you are si ck. These ch emical sub stances c an come from many different sour ces.<br />

Drugs are obtained from various parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves, and fruit. Examples of<br />

such dr ugs a re di gitalis ( from t he f oxglove pl ant), and a ntibiotics s uch a s penicillin a nd<br />

streptomycin (from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals; for example,<br />

hormones ar e se cretions f rom t he glands of a nimals. D rugs can be made f rom the che mical<br />

substances which are synthesized i n the laboratory. S ome drugs ar e con tained in food<br />

substances; these drugs are called vitamins.<br />

Every drug must have a nonproprietary name, that is, a name that is available for each<br />

manufacturer of i t to use. These na mes ar e com monly called “generic na mes”. Manufacturers<br />

often coin brand names to use in promotion of their particular product. In general, brand names<br />

are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic name.<br />

The r oute of a dministration of a dr ug ( how i t i s i ntroduced i nto t he body) i s ve ry<br />

important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and<br />

speed a nd duration of t he dr ug’s a ction i n t he body. T here a re m any r outes of dr ug<br />

administration. T hey a re or al a dministration ( by mouth); b uccal a dministration ( a medicine i s<br />

placed in the cheek pocket and slowly absorbed); sublingual administration (for general effects<br />

throughout the body, w hen a medicine is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed); rectal<br />

administration (for l ocal and in some cases sys temic ef fects, when it is us ed in the r ectum);<br />

vaginal administration (for local and in some cases sys temic effects when used in the vagina);<br />

parenteral a dministration (in the f orm o f inj ection); inhalation (for loc al, and in some c ases

systemic effects, when inhaled into the lungs); and topical application (for local effects, when it<br />

is applied directly to the skin).<br />

The dosage forms are the following: tablets, solutions, capsules (for oral administration);<br />

suppositories (for rectal administration); subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous,<br />

intrathecal, and intracavitary injections (for parenteral administration); aerosols (for inhalation);<br />

lotions, creams, and ointments (for topical application).<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; супозиторій; лосьйон; шлях, напрям; внутрішньовенний;<br />

створювати; повнота, завершеність; аерозоль; розчин; мазь; дія медичного препарату;<br />

призначення.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms” into your native<br />

language.<br />

Ex. 12. Speak on the routes of drug administration using the following table:<br />

Routes of Drug Administration<br />

Oral Sublingual Rectal Parenteral Vaginal Inhalation Topical<br />

Tablets<br />

Capsules<br />

Solutions<br />

Tablets<br />

Suppositories Injections:<br />

Subcutaneous<br />

Intradermal<br />

Intramuscular<br />

Intravenous<br />

Intrathecal<br />

Intracavitary<br />

Suppositories Aerosols<br />

Lotions<br />

Creams<br />

Ointments<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is a drug? 2. W hat are drugs obtained from? 3. W hat dosage forms do you know ? 4.<br />

What routes of drug administration are there? 5. What types of injections do you know?<br />

Ex. 14. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий, побічний; refer [rI'fq:] стосуватися, мати відношення до<br />

чогось; upset [Ap'set] порушення, розлад; benefit ['benefit] перевага; outweigh [out'weI] бути<br />

більш впливовим, поважним; approve схвалювати, стверджувати; evaluate оцінювати;<br />

trial ['traI(q)l] випробування, дослід.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following text and answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is adverse drug reaction? 2. How to evaluate the safety of a drug? 3. How to avoid any<br />

risks of adverse drug reaction or drug poisoning?<br />


Adverse dr ug reaction ( ADR, or adve rse dr ug effect) is a b road term r eferring to<br />

unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very<br />

serious, like an upset stomach. Others, like liver damage, are more serious. When a medicine's<br />

benefits outweigh its known risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers it<br />

safe e nough t o a pprove. B oth pr escription a nd ove r-the-counter m edicines ( non-proscription)<br />

must be approved before they can be sold in the U.S. The FDA evaluates the safety of a drug by<br />

looking at side effects, how it's manufactured, results of animal testing and clinical trials, and<br />

more. The FDA also monitors a drug's safety after approval. To reduce the risk of a problem,<br />

follow the directions carefully when taking medicines. Make sure that your health care provider<br />

knows all of the medicines and supplements you are using. Also, make sure to mention if you are<br />

pregnant or nursing. Some medicines c an hur t your ba by. M ake s ure that you unde rstand a nd<br />

follow the instructions on taking the drug.

Ex. 16. F ind in the text “Adverse Drug Reaction” the equivalents for the following words<br />

and word-combinations:<br />

Контролювати безпечність ліків; оцінювати безпечність ліків; клінічні дослідження<br />

(випробовування); перевага; схвалювати; розлад шлунку; небезпечний вплив; зменшити<br />

(скоротити) ризик.<br />

Ex. 17. Match the definition with the proper terms:<br />

1. A l iquid s uspension or di spersion f or e xternal<br />

application to the body.<br />

2. A s emisolid p reparation f or e xternal a pplication t o<br />

the body, a nd us ually containing a m edicinal<br />

substance.<br />

3. A m edicated solution t o be dropped i nto t he<br />

conjunctival sac.<br />

4. A solution of a drug which can be atomized into a<br />

fine mist for inhalation therapy.<br />

5. A medicated mass adapted for introduction into the<br />

rectal, va ginal, or ur ethral or ifices of t he body; i ts<br />

bases are solid at r oom t emperature but melt or<br />

dissolve at body temperature.<br />

6. A s oft, s oluble container f or e nclosing a d ose of<br />

medicine.<br />

7. A substance made up of an aggregation (маса) of<br />

small pa rticles, as th at obt ained by the g rinding or<br />

trituration (подрібнення, перетирання) of a solid<br />

drug.<br />

a) tablet<br />

b) capsule<br />

c) ear drop<br />

d) ointment<br />

e) suppository<br />

f) powder<br />

g) lotion<br />

h) aerosol<br />

i) eye drop<br />

Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:<br />

1. Please read this leaflet before you start _ HYTRIN (HI-TRIN). 2. Also read it each time you<br />

get a ne w _ . 3. H YTRIN i s us ed t o _ hype rtension a nd _ pr ostatic hype rplasia in men. 4.<br />

HYTRIN works by _ bl ood ve ssels s o that t he bl ood pa sses t hrough t hem more e asily. 5 .<br />

HYTRIN can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure after the first _ . 6. _ H YTRIN and all<br />

medicines out of the reach of children.<br />

a) t reat; b ) contracting, c ) k eep, d) r elieve, e ) dose, f ) t aking, g) r elaxing, h) prescription, i)<br />

benign.<br />

Ex. 19. Put the verbs into correct tense forms and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. (to take) two of these capsules three times a day after meals. 2. Barbiturates are drugs, which<br />

(to use) often in the treatment of emotional disorders. 3. Many herbs (to know) for their healing<br />

properties. 4. The medicine (to be) so effective that he was almost back to normal within a few<br />

days. 5. A cetaminophen (to come) as a t ablet, chewable tablet, capsule, suspension or soluti on<br />

(liquid). 6. Acetaminophen may also (to use) in combination with aspirin and caffeine to relieve<br />

the pain associated with migraine headache.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a plan to the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms”.<br />

Ex. 21. Speak on the main characteristics and forms of drugs.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and translate the words and word-combinations to the theme studied:

Neuropharmacological; neoplastic drugs; blood clotting; to relieve uncomfortable<br />

symptoms; antihistamine; analgesic (analgetic) ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгетик, аналгезуючий засіб;<br />

indigestion ["IndI'GesC(q)n] порушення травлення; unwanted variation in heart rhythm<br />

["vFqrI'eIS(q)n; rIDm]; anticoagulant ['xntIkqu'xgjulqnt] антикоагулянт; речовина, що затримує<br />

згортання крові; mood-lifting drug; antifungal антигрибковий, протигрибковий;<br />

antipyretic ['xntIpaI'retIk] жарознижувальний засіб; антипіретик; antiviral ['xntI'vaIrql]<br />

противірусний; bronchodilator; asthma ['xsmq]; suppress [sq'pres] пригнічувати; hypnotic<br />

[hIp'nOtIk] снодійне (засіб); laxative ['lxksqtIv] проносне (засіб); constipation закреп; nitrate<br />

['naItreIt]; angina [xn'GaInq] стенокардія; vasodilator авзодилатор, судинорозширювальне<br />

(засіб).<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text:<br />


All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on<br />

the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there is a wide variety of cardiovascular<br />

drugs, ga strointestinal dr ugs, ne uropharmacological dr ugs, a ntibiotics, ne oplastic dr ugs,<br />

hormones, and others.<br />

Cardiovascular d rugs may be di vided i nto t hree gr oups; drugs t hat affect t he he art;<br />

drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent blood clotting.<br />

There is a wide variety of gastrointestinal drugs. They have different pharmacological<br />

activities a nd a re us ed mainly t o r elieve unc omfortable a nd pot entially da ngerous s ymptoms,<br />

rather that as cures for diseases.<br />

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms. Antibiotics have been<br />

synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat serious bacterial infections.<br />

Neuropharmacological drugs act on the nervous system. There are two major types of<br />

neuropharmacological drugs: autonomic and central nervous system drugs.<br />

Antihistamines are drugs, which block the action of chemicals called histamines, which<br />

are f ound i n t he body. H istamine is pr oduced by m ost c ells and e specially by sensitive c ells<br />

under the skin and in the respiratory system. Antihistamines can relieve the allergic symptoms,<br />

which histamine produces.<br />

Vitamins are necessary for normal body functioning. They play an important role in the<br />

metabolic processes of the body.<br />

The ot her categories i nto w hich most of t he c ommonly pr escribed m edications a re<br />

divided are the following:<br />

Analgesics: pain-relieving drugs;<br />

Antacids ( Antiacids): dr ugs us ed f or re lief of s ymptoms of indi gestion or d isorders<br />

caused by excess acid. These medications work to neutralizing stomach acids;<br />

Antiarrhythmics: medications used to control unwanted variations in heart rhythms;<br />

Anticoagulants: drugs prescribed to prevent blood from clotting;<br />

Antidepressants: mood-lifting drugs;<br />

Antidiabetic age nts: d rugs us ed in the t reatment o f diabe tes. Antidiabetics d rugs ar e<br />

used to restore the body’s ability to use sugar normally;<br />

Antifungals: drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi;<br />

Antihypertensives: medications prescribed to reduce high blood pressure;<br />

Anti-inflammatory agents: drugs used to reduce inflammation;<br />

Antipyretics: f ever-reducing dr ugs. T hese dr ugs di rectly a ffect t he t emperatureregulating<br />

centre in the brain and the hypothalamus;<br />

Antivirals: drugs used to treat viral infections;<br />

Bronchodilators: drugs that open (dilate) the main airways (bronchi) in the lungs. They<br />

are primarily used to treat asthma;<br />

Corticosteroids are used principally as anti-inflammatory drugs;<br />

Cough suppressants: they are used to suppress cough;

Diuretics: these drugs increase the volume of urine and salt released by the kidneys;<br />

Hypnotics: sleeping medications;<br />

Laxatives: constipation drugs;<br />

Nitrates: heart drugs. They may increase blood flow through the coronary arteries and<br />

often are used in patients with angina;<br />

Vasodilators: he art dru gs. These m edications stimulate t he a rteries of the he art to<br />

enlarge. They are used to treat angina pectoris or lower blood pressure.<br />

Ex. 24. Give proper terms for the definitions:<br />

1. These drugs , in moderate dos e, can suppress t he cen tral<br />

nervous system and relieve pain but in excessive doses produce<br />

unconsciousness, stupor, coma, and possibly death.<br />

2. These drugs relax the muscles of vessel walls, thus increasing<br />

the size of blood vessels. They are used in treating blood vessels<br />

diseases, heart conditions, and high blood pressure.<br />

3. These drugs neutralise acid in the stomach, they are often used<br />

for peptic ulcer symptoms.<br />

4. T hey t reat di arrhea and de crease r apid movement of bo wels<br />

(spasms).<br />

5. These su bstances ar e able to kill m icroorganisms suc h as<br />

bacteria.<br />

6. A substance secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland that<br />

stimulates the heart, increased muscular strength and endurance,<br />

it is extracted from animal adrenals or prepared synthetically for<br />

therapeutic use.<br />

a) vasoconstrictors<br />

b) epinephrine<br />

c) antacids<br />

d) antibiotics<br />

e) narcotics<br />

f) vasodilators<br />

g) antidiarrheals<br />

Ex. 25. Speak on the main classes of drugs and their forms.<br />

Ex. 26. Read the following words and memorize them:<br />

Cap ковпачок, насадка, кришка; eyelid повіки; pouch мішок; blink кліпати; measure<br />

міряти; swallow ковтати; remove видаляти; tilt нахил; нахиляти; drop крапля; крапати;<br />

contamination забруднення; nostril ніздря; tight щільний; tip верхівка, кінчик.<br />

Ex. 27. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Take m edicine e xactly as di rected, a t the r ight tim e, and for the f ull le ngth of time<br />

prescribed by the doctor. If you a re using over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine, follow<br />

the directions on the label, unless otherwise directed by the doctor. If you feel that the medicine<br />

is not working for you, check with the doctor. To avoid mistakes, do no t take medicine in the<br />

dark. Always read the label before taking, noting especially the expiration date of the contents.<br />

Oral Medicines. In general, it is the best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water.<br />

However, follow your doctor's or pharmacist's directions. Some medicines should be taken with<br />

food while others should be taken on an empty stomach. If you are taking liquid medicines, it is<br />

best to use a specially marked measuring spoon or other device to measure each dose accurately.<br />

The average household teaspoon may not hold the right amount of liquid. Oral medicine may<br />

come in a number of different dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. If you ha ve<br />

trouble swallowing the dosage form prescribed for you, c heck with your doctor. There may be<br />

another form that would be better for you. If you are taking a long-acting form of medicine, each<br />

dose s hould be s wallowed w hole. D o not br eak, c rush, or c hew be fore s wallowing. D ifferent<br />

medicines should never be mixed in one container. Always keep the medicines tightly capped in<br />

its original container, when not in use.

Ophthalmic (Eye) Drops. How to apply: First, wash hands. Tilt head back and with the<br />

index finger, pull lower eyelid away from eye to form a pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch<br />

and ge ntly close e yes. Do not bl ink. K eep e yes c losed f or 1 or 2 m inutes. I mmediately a fter<br />

applying the eye drops, wash hands to remove any medicine that may be on t hem. To prevent<br />

contamination of the eye drops, do not touch the applicator tip to any surface (including the eye)<br />

and keep the container tightly closed.<br />

Nasal Drops. How to use: Blow nose gently. Tilt head back while standing or sitting up,<br />

or lie down on a bed and hang head over the side. Place the drops into each nostril and keep head<br />

tilted back for a few minutes to allow medicine to spread throughout the nose. Rinse the dropper<br />

with hot water and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use. To avoid the spread of<br />

infection, do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

Otic (Ear) Drops. How to apply: First, wash hands. Lie down or tilt the head so that the<br />

ear into which the medicine is to be placed faces up. For adults, gently pull the ear lobe up and<br />

back t o s traighten e ar c anal ( for c hildren, g ently pul l t he e ar l obe dow n a nd ba ck). D rop<br />

medicine into the ear canal. Keep ear facing up for several minutes to allow medicine to run to<br />

the bottom of the ear canal. A sterile cotton plug may be gently inserted into the ear opening to<br />

prevent the medicine from leaking out. To prevent contamination of the ear drops, do not touch<br />

the applicator tip to any surface (including the ear). Do not rinse dropper after use. Wipe the tip<br />

of the dropper with a clean tissue and keep the container tightly closed.<br />

Ex. 28. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To take m edicine; to take or al m edicine; to take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Ex. 29. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні повіки; просушити чистою<br />

тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний палець; уникати поширення<br />

інфекції.<br />

Ex. 30. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the _ of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one<br />

_ .<br />

Ex. 31. Compose short dialogues on proper use of medicines using the obtained information.<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the _ of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one<br />

_ .<br />


Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

4. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________2000__р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармакологічні групи і форми ліків<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою «Фармакологічні групи і форми ліків».<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Gerund засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу,<br />

що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тесту.<br />

Словотворення: Prefixes and term-elements: та повторення пройденого матеріалу<br />

(утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: Gerund<br />

Текст: “Drugs”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Gerund<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця Gerund<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />

Student”)<br />

Усне<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння фонетичний<br />

матеріалу з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Prefixes and termelements:<br />

та повторення<br />

пройденого матеріалу (утворення<br />

медичних термінів);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Gerund.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

65%<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на розширення знань студентів з історії виникнення ліків та<br />

етапів їх розвитку. Засвоєння англомовних відповідників назв ліків. Усвідомлення себе як<br />

фахівця у царині природних наук, а також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного<br />

підґрунтя у вивченні медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />


digitalis [dIGI'teIlz] наперстянка<br />

foxglove ['fOksglAv] наперстянка<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява<br />

route [ru:t] шлях, напрям<br />

nonproprietary [nOnprq'praIqt(q)rI] такий,<br />

що не випливає з права власності<br />

generic [GI'nerIk] непатентований<br />

coin [kOIn] створювати<br />

promotion [prq'mquS(q)n] рекламування<br />



Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

re- (back; again)<br />

to write писати – to rewrite переписувати<br />

to build будувати – to rebuild збудувати заново; перебудувати<br />

completeness [kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

завершеність<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] супозиторій<br />

intravenous ["I:ntrq'vI:nqs] внутрішньовенний<br />

intrathecal ["I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

внутрішньооболонковий<br />

intracavitary ["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

внутрішньопорожнинний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Reoperate; regroup; remake; rebuild; recover; remove; recurring; return; reinvasion; reaction.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

GERUND<br />

Examining is necessary.<br />

Огляд обов’язковий.<br />

He likes her correct diagnosing. Йому подобається, що вона правильно<br />

встановлює діагноз.<br />

The ne cessary part of t he exa mination is<br />

listening the heart.<br />

Необхідна частина огляду – це прослуховування<br />

серця.<br />

They s upport he r i dea of observing the Вони підтримують її ідею щодо обстеження<br />

stomach.<br />

After giving injection the nu rse le ft the<br />

ward.<br />

It is impossible to make a diagnosis without<br />

palpating the abdominal parts.<br />

шлунку.<br />

Зробивши ін’єкцію, медсестра вийшла з палати<br />

(Після того як ін’єкція була зроблена, медсестра<br />

вийшла з палати).<br />

Неможливо встановити діагноз без пальпації (не<br />

пропальпувавши) органи черевної порожнини.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to gerunds:<br />

1. I n making examination s pecial a ttention i s pa id t o the pa tient's c omplaints. 2. T he<br />

physiologists continued investigating the e mbryo growth. 3. The scientists work on increasing<br />

people's longevity. 4. After performing on the operation the surgeon left the operating theatre. 5.<br />

This s cientist w orked out t he m ethod of producing the hormones i n t he l aboratory. 6. T he<br />

surgeon be gan preparing patient f or s urgical i ntervention. 7. T hey c ontinued listening to t he<br />

lungs a ttentively. 8. S he s at i n the w ard w ithout turning her he ad. 9. F ollicle-stimulating<br />

hormone is primary responsible for initiating the development of the primary follicles. 10. Other<br />

drugs administered i n treating atherosclerosis ar e so -called l ipotropic s ubstances. 11. N ew<br />

techniques a nd medications f or de tecting and treating glaucoma and cataract ha ve made t hese<br />

two leading caus es of bli ndness (амавроз, сліпота) very treatable. 12. Drug errors (e.g.,<br />

prescribing an appropriate drug, misreading a prescription, administering a drug incorrectly) can<br />

lead to serious complications. 13. Vitamins are the substances, which are necessary for normal<br />

body functioning.


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Lo_ion; r_ute; intrav_nous; suppos_tory; m_ld; a_rosol; intra_hecal; intra_avitary.<br />

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Completeness; pr omotion; di gitalis; nonpr oprietary; c oin; ge neric; pl ant; c hemical s ubstance;<br />

vitamin; m anufacturer; br and na me; pa rticular; rout e; dur ation; b uccal ['bAkql]; m outh;<br />

sublingual; tongue; vaginal [vq'GaIn(q)l]; subcutaneous ['sAbkju'teInjqs]; intradermal.<br />

Ex. 9. Read and comprehend the text:<br />


Everyone knows that medicines, or drugs are chemical substances used to make you feel<br />

better w hen you are si ck. These ch emical subs tances c an come from many different sour ces.<br />

Drugs are obtained from various parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves, and fruit. Examples of<br />

such dr ugs a re di gitalis ( from t he f oxglove pl ant), and a ntibiotics s uch a s penicillin a nd<br />

streptomycin (from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals; for example,<br />

hormones a re s ecretions f rom t he gl ands of a nimals. D rugs c an be made f rom the chemical<br />

substances which are synthesized i n the laboratory. S ome drugs ar e con tained in food<br />

substances; these drugs are called vitamins.<br />

Every drug must have a nonproprietary name, that is, a name that is available for each<br />

manufacturer of it to use. These na mes ar e com monly called “generic na mes”. Manufacturers<br />

often coin brand names to use in promotion of their particular product. In general, brand names<br />

are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic name.<br />

The rout e of a dministration of a dr ug ( how i t i s i ntroduced i nto t he body) i s ve ry<br />

important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and<br />

speed a nd duration of t he dr ug’s a ction i n t he body. T here a re m any r outes of dr ug<br />

administration. T hey a re or al a dministration (by mouth); b uccal a dministration (a medicine is<br />

placed in the cheek pocket and slowly absorbed); sublingual administration (for general effects<br />

throughout the body, w hen a medicine is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed); rectal<br />

administration (for l ocal and in some cases sys temic ef fects, when it is us ed in the r ectum);<br />

vaginal administration (for local and in some cases sys temic effects when used in the vagina);<br />

parenteral a dministration (in the f orm o f inj ection); inhalation ( for l ocal, a nd i n s ome c ases<br />

systemic effects, when inhaled into the lungs); and topical application (for local effects, when it<br />

is applied directly to the skin).<br />

The dosage forms are the following: tablets, solutions, capsules (for oral administration);<br />

suppositories (for rectal administration); subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous,<br />

intrathecal, and intracavitary injections (for parenteral administration); aerosols (for inhalation);<br />

lotions, creams, and ointments (for topical application).<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; супозиторій; лосьйон; шлях, напрям; внутрішньовенний;<br />

створювати; повнота, завершеність; аерозоль; розчин; мазь; дія медичного препарату;<br />


Ex. 11. Translate the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms” into your native<br />

language.<br />

Ex. 12. Speak on the routes of drug administration using the following table:<br />

Routes of Drug Administration<br />

Oral Sublingual Rectal Parenteral Vaginal Inhalation Topical<br />

Tablets<br />

Capsules<br />

Solutions<br />

Tablets<br />

Suppositories Injections:<br />

Subcutaneous<br />

Intradermal<br />

Intramuscular<br />

Intravenous<br />

Intrathecal<br />

Intracavitary<br />

Suppositories Aerosols<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is a drug? 2. What are drugs obtained from? 3. W hat dosage forms do you know ? 4.<br />

What routes of drug administration are there? 5. What types of injections do you know?<br />

Lotions<br />

Creams<br />

Ointments<br />

Ex. 14. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий, побічний; refer [rI'fq:] стосуватися, мати відношення до<br />

чогось; upset [Ap'set] порушення, розлад; benefit ['benefit] перевага; outweigh [out'weI] бути<br />

більш впливовим, поважним; approve схвалювати, стверджувати; evaluate оцінювати;<br />

trial ['traI(q)l] випробування, дослід.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following text and answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is adverse drug reaction? 2. How to evaluate the safety of a drug? 3. How to avoid any<br />

risks of adverse drug reaction or drug poisoning?<br />


Adverse dr ug reaction ( ADR, or adve rse dr ug effect) is a b road term r eferring to<br />

unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very<br />

serious, like an upset stomach. Others, like liver damage, are more serious. When a medicine's<br />

benefits outweigh its known risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers it<br />

safe e nough t o a pprove. B oth pr escription a nd ove r-the-counter m edicines ( non-proscription)<br />

must be approved before they can be sold in the U.S. The FDA evaluates the safety of a drug by<br />

looking at side effects, how it's manufactured, results of animal testing and clinical trials, and<br />

more. The FDA also monitors a drug's safety after approval. To reduce the risk of a problem,<br />

follow the directions carefully when taking medicines. Make sure that your health care provider<br />

knows all of the medicines and supplements you are using. Also, make sure to mention if you are<br />

pregnant or nursing. Some medicines c an hur t your ba by. M ake s ure that you unde rstand a nd<br />

follow the instructions on taking the drug.<br />

Ex. 16. F ind in the text “Adverse Drug Reaction” the equivalents for the following words<br />

and word-combinations:<br />

Контролювати безпечність ліків; оцінювати безпечність ліків; клінічні дослідження<br />

(випробовування); перевага; схвалювати; розлад шлунку; небезпечний вплив; зменшити<br />

(скоротити) ризик.<br />

Ex. 17. Match the definition with the proper terms:<br />

1. A l iquid s uspension or di spersion f or e xternal<br />

application to the body.<br />

2. A s emisolid p reparation f or e xternal a pplication t o<br />

the body, a nd us ually containing a m edicinal<br />

a) tablet<br />

b) capsule<br />

c) ear drop

substance.<br />

3. A m edicated solution t o be dropped i nto t he<br />

conjunctival sac.<br />

4. A solution of a drug which can be atomized into a<br />

fine mist for inhalation therapy.<br />

5. A medicated mass adapted for introduction into the<br />

rectal, va ginal, or ur ethral or ifices of t he body; i ts<br />

bases are solid at r oom t emperature but melt or<br />

dissolve at body temperature.<br />

6. A s oft, s oluble container f or e nclosing a d ose of<br />

medicine.<br />

7. A s ubstance made u p of a n a ggregation (маса) of<br />

small pa rticles, as th at obt ained by the g rinding or<br />

trituration (подрібнення, перетирання) of a solid<br />

drug.<br />

d) ointment<br />

e) suppository<br />

f) powder<br />

g) lotion<br />

h) aerosol<br />

i) eye drop<br />

Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:<br />

1. Please read this leaflet before you start _ HYTRIN (HI-TRIN). 2. Also read it each time you<br />

get a ne w _ . 3. H YTRIN i s us ed t o _ hype rtension a nd _ pr ostatic hype rplasia in men. 4.<br />

HYTRIN works by _ bl ood vessels s o that t he bl ood pa sses t hrough t hem more e asily. 5 .<br />

HYTRIN can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure after the first _ . 6. _ H YTRIN and all<br />

medicines out of the reach of children.<br />

a) t reat; b ) contracting, c) k eep, d) r elieve, e) dose, f) taking, g) r elaxing, h) prescription, i)<br />

benign.<br />

Ex. 19. Put the verbs into correct tense forms and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. (to take) two of these capsules three times a day after meals. 2. Barbiturates are drugs, which<br />

(to use) often in the treatment of emotional disorders. 3. Many herbs (to know) for their healing<br />

properties. 4. The medicine (to be) so effective that he was almost back to normal within a few<br />

days. 5. A cetaminophen (to come) as a t ablet, chewable tablet, capsule, suspension or solution<br />

(liquid). 6. Acetaminophen may also (to use) in combination with aspirin and caffeine to relieve<br />

the pain associated with migraine headache.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a plan to the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms”.<br />

Ex. 21. Speak on the main characteristics and forms of drugs.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and translate the words and word-combinations to the theme studied:<br />

Neuropharmacological; neoplastic drugs; blood clotting; to relieve uncomfortable<br />

symptoms; antihistamine; analgesic (analgetic) ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгетик, аналгезуючий засіб;<br />

indigestion ["IndI'GesC(q)n] порушення травлення; unwanted variation in heart rhythm<br />

["vFqrI'eIS(q)n; rIDm]; anticoagulant ['xntIkqu'xgjulqnt] антикоагулянт; речовина, що затримує<br />

згортання крові; mood-lifting drug; antifungal антигрибковий, протигрибковий;<br />

antipyretic ['xntIpaI'retIk] жарознижувальний засіб; антипіретик; antiviral ['xntI'vaIrql]<br />

противірусний; bronchodilator; asthma ['xsmq]; suppress [sq'pres] пригнічувати; hypnotic<br />

[hIp'nOtIk] снодійне (засіб); laxative ['lxksqtIv] проносне (засіб); constipation закреп; nitrate<br />

['naItreIt]; angina [xn'GaInq] стенокардія; vasodilator авзодилатор, судинорозширювальне<br />

(засіб).<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text:<br />


All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on<br />

the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there is a wide variety of cardiovascular<br />

drugs, ga strointestinal dr ugs, ne uropharmacological dr ugs, a ntibiotics, ne oplastic dr ugs,<br />

hormones, and others.<br />

Cardiovascular d rugs may be di vided i nto t hree gr oups; drugs t hat affect t he he art;<br />

drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent blood clotting.<br />

There is a wide variety of gastrointestinal drugs. They have different pharmacological<br />

activities a nd a re us ed mainly t o r elieve unc omfortable a nd pot entially da ngerous s ymptoms,<br />

rather that as cures for diseases.<br />

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms. Antibiotics have been<br />

synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat serious bacterial infections.<br />

Neuropharmacological drugs act on the nervous system. There are two major types of<br />

neuropharmacological drugs: autonomic and central nervous system drugs.<br />

Antihistamines are drugs, which block the action of chemicals called histamines, which<br />

are f ound i n t he body. H istamine is pr oduced by m ost c ells and e specially by sensitive c ells<br />

under the skin and in the respiratory system. Antihistamines can relieve the allergic symptoms,<br />

which histamine produces.<br />

Vitamins are necessary for normal body functioning. They play an important role in the<br />

metabolic processes of the body.<br />

The ot her categories i nto w hich most of t he c ommonly pr escribed m edications a re<br />

divided are the following:<br />

Analgesics: pain-relieving drugs;<br />

Antacids ( Antiacids): dr ugs us ed f or re lief of s ymptoms of indi gestion or d isorders<br />

caused by excess acid. These medications work to neutralizing stomach acids;<br />

Antiarrhythmics: medications used to control unwanted variations in heart rhythms;<br />

Anticoagulants: drugs prescribed to prevent blood from clotting;<br />

Antidepressants: mood-lifting drugs;<br />

Antidiabetic age nts: d rugs us ed in the t reatment o f diabe tes. Antidiabetics d rugs ar e<br />

used to restore the body’s ability to use sugar normally;<br />

Antifungals: drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi;<br />

Antihypertensives: medications prescribed to reduce high blood pressure;<br />

Anti-inflammatory agents: drugs used to reduce inflammation;<br />

Antipyretics: f ever-reducing dr ugs. T hese dr ugs di rectly a ffect t he t emperatureregulating<br />

centre in the brain and the hypothalamus;<br />

Antivirals: drugs used to treat viral infections;<br />

Bronchodilators: drugs that open (dilate) the main airways (bronchi) in the lungs. They<br />

are primarily used to treat asthma;<br />

Corticosteroids are used principally as anti-inflammatory drugs;<br />

Cough suppressants: they are used to suppress cough;<br />

Diuretics: these drugs increase the volume of urine and salt released by the kidneys;<br />

Hypnotics: sleeping medications;<br />

Laxatives: constipation drugs;<br />

Nitrates: heart drugs. They may increase blood flow through the coronary arteries and<br />

often are used in patients with angina;<br />

Vasodilators: he art dru gs. These m edications st imulate t he ar teries of t he he art t o<br />

enlarge. They are used to treat angina pectoris or lower blood pressure.<br />

Ex. 24. Give proper terms for the definitions:<br />

1. These drugs , in moderate dos e, can suppress t he cen tral<br />

nervous system and relieve pain but in excessive doses produce<br />

unconsciousness, stupor, coma, and possibly death.<br />

2. These drugs relax the muscles of vessel walls, thus increasing<br />

h) vasoconstrictors<br />

i) epinephrine<br />

j) antacids

the size of blood vessels. They are used in treating blood vessels<br />

diseases, heart conditions, and high blood pressure.<br />

3. These drugs neutralise acid in the stomach, they are often used<br />

for peptic ulcer symptoms.<br />

4. T hey t reat di arrhea and de crease r apid movement of bo wels<br />

(spasms).<br />

5. These su bstances ar e able to kill m icroorganisms suc h as<br />

bacteria.<br />

6. A substance secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland that<br />

stimulates the heart, increased muscular strength and endurance,<br />

it is extracted from animal adrenals or prepared synthetically for<br />

therapeutic use.<br />

k) antibiotics<br />

l) narcotics<br />

m) vasodilators<br />

n) antidiarrheals<br />

Ex. 25. Speak on the main classes of drugs and their forms.<br />

Ex. 26. Read the following words and memorize them:<br />

Cap ковпачок, насадка, кришка; eyelid повіки; pouch мішок; blink кліпати; measure<br />

міряти; swallow ковтати; remove видаляти; tilt нахил; нахиляти; drop крапля; крапати;<br />

contamination забруднення; nostril ніздря; tight щільний; tip верхівка, кінчик.<br />

Ex. 27. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Take m edicine e xactly as di rected, a t the r ight tim e, and for the f ull le ngth of time<br />

prescribed by the doctor. If you a re using over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine, follow<br />

the directions on the label, unless otherwise directed by the doctor. If you feel that the medicine<br />

is not working for you, check with the doctor. To avoid mistakes, do no t take medicine in the<br />

dark. Always read the label before taking, noting especially the expiration date of the contents.<br />

Oral Medicines. In general, it is the best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water.<br />

However, follow your doctor's or pharmacist's directions. Some medicines should be taken with<br />

food while others should be taken on an empty stomach. If you are taking liquid medicines, it is<br />

best to use a specially marked measuring spoon or other device to measure each dose accurately.<br />

The average household teaspoon may not hold the right amount of liquid. Oral medicine may<br />

come in a number of different dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. If you ha ve<br />

trouble swallowing the dosage form prescribed for you, c heck with your doctor. There may be<br />

another form that would be better for you. If you are taking a long-acting form of medicine, each<br />

dose s hould be s wallowed w hole. D o not br eak, c rush, or c hew be fore s wallowing. D ifferent<br />

medicines should never be mixed in one container. Always keep the medicines tightly capped in<br />

its original container, when not in use.<br />

Ophthalmic (Eye) Drops. How to apply: First, wash hands. Tilt head back and with the<br />

index finger, pull lower eyelid away from eye to form a pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch<br />

and ge ntly close e yes. Do not bl ink. Keep eyes cl osed for 1 or 2 minutes. Immediately after<br />

applying the eye drops, wash hands to remove any medicine that may be on t hem. To prevent<br />

contamination of the eye drops, do not touch the applicator tip to any surface (including the eye)<br />

and keep the container tightly closed.<br />

Nasal Drops. How to use: Blow nose gently. Tilt head back while standing or sitting up,<br />

or lie down on a bed and hang head over the side. Place the drops into each nostril and keep head<br />

tilted back for a few minutes to allow medicine to spread throughout the nose. Rinse the dropper<br />

with hot water and dry with a clean tissue. Replace the cap right after use. To avoid the spread of<br />

infection, do not use the container for more than one person.<br />

Otic (Ear) Drops. How to apply: First, wash hands. Lie down or tilt the head so that the<br />

ear into which the medicine is to be placed faces up. For adults, gently pull the ear lobe up and<br />

back t o s traighten e ar c anal ( for c hildren, g ently pul l t he e ar l obe dow n a nd ba ck). D rop

medicine into the ear canal. Keep ear facing up for several minutes to allow medicine to run to<br />

the bottom of the ear canal. A sterile cotton plug may be gently inserted into the ear opening to<br />

prevent the medicine from leaking out. To prevent contamination of the ear drops, do not touch<br />

the applicator tip to any surface (including the ear). Do not rinse dropper after use. Wipe the tip<br />

of the dropper with a clean tissue and keep the container tightly closed.<br />

Ex. 28. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To t ake m edicine; t o t ake or al m edicine; t o take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Ex. 29. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні повіки; просушити чистою<br />

тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний палець; уникати поширення<br />

інфекції.<br />

Ex. 30. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the _ of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on taking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one<br />

_ .<br />

Ex. 31. Compose s hort di alogues on pr oper us e of m edicines us ing the ob tained<br />

information.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

Drugs ar e c hemical subs tances u sed to make you feel be tter w hen you are si ck. T hey are<br />

obtained f rom va rious pa rts of pl ants, a nimals, or s ynthesized artificially. S ome dr ugs a re<br />

contained i n f ood s ubstances. T he r outes of dr ug a dministration a re t he f ollowing: or al<br />

administration; buc cal administration; s ublingual a dministration; rectal administration; va ginal<br />

administration; parenteral administration; inhalation; and topical application. The dosage forms<br />

of dr ugs are: t ablets, s olutions, c apsules; s uppositories; s ubcutaneous, intradermal,<br />

intramuscular, intravenous, intrathecal, and intracavitary injections; a erosols; lot ions, creams,<br />

and oi ntments. A dverse dr ug r eaction i s a t erm r eferring t o unw anted, unc omfortable, or<br />

dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very serious, others are more serious.<br />

All dr ugs a re gr ouped i nto s everal classes de pending on their pha rmacological e ffects on the<br />

body, t arget or gans or s ystems, e tc. F or e xample, t here a re a w ide va riety of c ardiovascular<br />

drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, neuropharmacologic drugs, antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones,<br />

and others.

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the drugs.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What is a drug? 2. W hat are drugs obtained from? 3. W hat dosage forms do you know ? 4.<br />

What routes of drug administration are there? 5. What types of injections do you know?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Please read this leaflet before you start _ HYTRIN (HI-TRIN). 2. Also read it each time<br />

you get a new _. 3. H YTRIN is used to _ hype rtension and _ pr ostatic hyperplasia in men. 4.<br />

HYTRIN works by _ bl ood ve ssels s o that t he bl ood pa sses t hrough t hem more e asily. 5 .<br />

HYTRIN can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure after the first _ . 6. _ H YTRIN and all<br />

medicines out of the reach of children.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармокологічні групи і форми ліків<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Фармакологічні групи і форми ліків”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Simple Tenses, Perfect Tenses.<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: Повторення фонетики вивченої теми<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-less, -able, -ive).<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses.<br />

Текст: Drugs.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

Часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Perfect Tenses.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до тем.<br />

Усне<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця Perfect<br />

Tenses.<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />

англійської<br />

мови. – Київ,

2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних oo, ee;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-less, -able, -ive);<br />

Граматика: Perfect Tenses.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

digitalis [dIGI'teIlz] наперстянка<br />

foxglove ['fOksglAv] наперстянка<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява<br />

route [ru:t] шлях, напрям<br />

nonproprietary [nOnprq'praIqt(q)rI] такий,<br />

що не випливає з права власності<br />

generic [GI'nerIk] непатентований<br />

coin [kOIn] створювати<br />

promotion [prq'mquS(q)n] рекламування<br />


completeness [kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

завершеність<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] свічка,<br />

супозиторій<br />

intravenous ["I:ntrq'vI:nqs]<br />

внутрішньовенний<br />

intrathecal ["I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

внутрішньошкірний<br />

intracavitary ["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

інтратекальний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон, бальзам<br />


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

re- (back; again)<br />

to write писати – to rewrite переписувати<br />

to build будувати – to rebuild збудувати заново; перебудувати

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Reoperate; regroup; remake; rebuild; recover; remove; recurring; return; reinvasion; reaction.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

GERUND<br />

Examining is necessary.<br />

Огляд обов’язковий.<br />

He likes her correct diagnosing.<br />

Йому подобається її правільне встановлення<br />

діагнозу.<br />

The ne cessary part of t he exa mination is Необхідна частина огляду – це прослуховування<br />

listening the heart.<br />

серця.<br />

They s upport he r i dea of observing the Вони підтримують її ідею щодо обстеження<br />

stomach.<br />

After gi ving injection the nur se left the<br />

ward.<br />

It is impossible to make a diagnosis without<br />

palpating the abdominal parts.<br />

шлунку.<br />

Зробивши ін’єкцію, медсестра вийшла з палати<br />

(Після того як ін’єкція була зроблена, медсестра<br />

вийшла з палати).<br />

Неможливо поставити діагноз без пальпації (не<br />

пропальпувавши) органи черевної порожнини.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to gerunds:<br />

1. In making examination special at tention is pa id t o the p atient's c omplaints. 2. T he<br />

physiologists continued investigating the e mbryo growth. 3. The scientists work on increasing<br />

people's longevity. 4. After performing on the operation the surgeon left the operating theatre. 5.<br />

This sci entist worked out t he m ethod of producing the hormones i n t he l aboratory. 6. T he<br />

surgeon be gan preparing patient f or s urgical i ntervention. 7. T hey c ontinued listening to the<br />

lungs a ttentively. 8. S he s at i n the w ard w ithout turning her he ad. 9. F ollicle-stimulating<br />

hormone is primary responsible for initiating the development of the primary follicles. 10. Other<br />

drugs administered i n treating atherosclerosis ar e so -called lipotropic subs tances. 11. New<br />

techniques and medications f or de tecting and treating glaucoma and cataract ha ve made t hese<br />

two leading causes of blindness (амавроз, сліпота) very treatable. 12. D rug errors ( e.g.,<br />

prescribing an appropriate drug, misreading a prescription, administering a drug incorrectly) can<br />

lead to serious complications. 13. Vitamins are the substances which are necessary for normal<br />

body functioning.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Lo_ion; r_ute; intrav_nous; suppose_tory; m_ld; a_rosol; intra_hecal; intra_avitary.<br />

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Completeness; pr omotion; digitalis; nonpr oprietary; c oin; ge neric; pl ant; c hemical s ubstance;<br />

vitamin; m anufacturer; br and name; pa rticular; rout e; dur ation; b uccal ['bAkql]; m outh;<br />

sublingual; tongue; vaginal [vq'GaIn(q)l]; subcutaneous ['sAbkju'teInjqs]; intradermal.<br />

Ex. 9. Read and comprehend the text:<br />


Everyone knows what medicines, or drugs are chemical substances used to make you feel<br />

better w hen you are si ck. These ch emical subs tances c an come from many different sour ces.

Drugs are obtained from various parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves, and fruit. Examples of<br />

such dr ugs a re di gitalis ( from t he f oxglove pl ant), and a ntibiotics s uch a s penicillin a nd<br />

streptomycin (from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals; for example,<br />

hormones ar e se cretions f rom t he glands of a nimals. D rugs can be made f rom the che mical<br />

substances w hich are synthesized in t he l aboratory. S ome dr ugs are c ontained i n f ood<br />

substances; these drugs are called vitamins.<br />

Every drug must have a nonproprietary name, that is, a name that is available for each<br />

manufacturer of i t to use. These na mes ar e com monly called “generic na mes”. Manufacturers<br />

often coin brand names to use in promotion of their particular product. In general, brand names<br />

are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic name.<br />

The r oute of a dministration of a dr ug ( how i t i s i ntroduced i nto t he body) i s ve ry<br />

important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and<br />

speed and duration of the drug’s action in the body. There are many routs of drug administration.<br />

They are o ral a dministration (by mouth); buc cal a dministration (a m edicine is p laced in th e<br />

cheek pocket and slowly absorbed); sublingual administration (for general effects throughout the<br />

body, when a medicine is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed); rectal administration<br />

(for l ocal a nd in some cases sys temic ef fects, when it i s us ed in t he rectum); va ginal<br />

administration (for local and in some cases systemic effects when used in the vagina); parenteral<br />

administration (in the form of inj ection); inhalation (for loc al, and in some c ases s ystemic<br />

effects, when inhaled into the lungs); and topical application (for local effects, when it is applied<br />

directly to the skin).<br />

The dosage forms are the following: tablets, solutions, capsules (for oral administration);<br />

suppositories (for rectal administration); subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous,<br />

intrathecal, and intracavitary injections (for parenteral administration); aerosols (for inhalation);<br />

lotions, creams, and ointments (for topical application).<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; свічка, супозиторій; лосьйон, бальзам; шлях, напрям;<br />

внутрішньовенний; створювати; повнота, завершеність; інтратекальний; аерозоль; розчин;<br />

мазь; дія медичного препарату; призначення.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms” into your native<br />

language.<br />

Ex. 12. Speak on the routs of drug administration using the following table:<br />

Routs of Drug Administration<br />

Oral Sublingual Rectal Parenteral Vaginal Inhalation Topical<br />

Tablets Tablets Suppositories Injections:<br />

Subcutaneous<br />

Intradermal<br />

Intramuscular<br />

Intravenous<br />

Intrathecal<br />

Intracavitary<br />

Suppositories Aerosols Lotions<br />

Creams<br />

Ointments<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is a drug? 2. W hat are drugs obtained from? 3. W hat dosage forms do you know ? 4.<br />

What routs of drug administration are there? 5. What types of injections do you know?<br />

Ex. 14. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий, побічний; refer [rI'fq:] стосуватися, мати відношення до<br />

чогось; upset [Ap'set] порушення, розлад; benefit ['benefit] перевага; outweigh [out'weI] бути

більш впливовим, поважним; approve схвалювати, стверджувати; evaluate оцінювати;<br />

trial ['traI(q)l] випробування, дослід.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following text and answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is adverse drug reaction? 2. How to evaluate the safety of a drug? 3. How to avoid any<br />

risks of adverse drug reaction or drug poisoning?<br />


Adverse dr ug r eaction (ADR, or adve rse dr ug effect) is a b road term r eferring to<br />

unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very<br />

serious, like an upset stomach. Others, like liver damage, are more serious. When a medicine's<br />

benefits outweigh its known risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers it<br />

safe e nough t o a pprove. B oth pr escription a nd over-the-counter m edicines ( non-proscription)<br />

must be approved before they can be sold in the U.S. The FDA evaluates the safety of a drug by<br />

looking at side effects, how it's manufactured, results of animal testing and clinical trials, and<br />

more. The FDA also monitors a drug's safety after approval. To reduce the risk of a problem,<br />

follow the directions carefully when taking medicines. Make sure that your health care provider<br />

knows all of the medicines and supplements you are using. Also, make sure to mention if you are<br />

pregnant or nursing. Some medicines c an hur t your ba by. M ake s ure that you unde rstand a nd<br />

follow the instructions on taking the drug.<br />

Ex. 16. F ind in the text “Adverse Drug Reaction” the equivalents for the following words<br />

and word-combinations:<br />

Контролювати безпечність ліків; оцінювати безпечність ліків; клінічні дослідження<br />

(випробовування); перевага; схвалювати; розлад шлунку; небезпечний вплив; зменшити<br />

(скоротити) ризик.<br />

Ex. 17. Match the definition with the proper terms:<br />

1. A l iquid s uspension or di spersion f or e xternal<br />

application to the body.<br />

2. A s emisolid p reparation f or e xternal a pplication t o<br />

the body, a nd us ually containing a m edicinal<br />

substance.<br />

3. A m edicated solution t o be dropped i nto t he<br />

conjunctival sac.<br />

4. A solution of a drug which can be atomized into a<br />

fine mist for inhalation therapy.<br />

5. A medicated mass adapted for introduction into the<br />

rectal, va ginal, or ur ethral or ifices of t he body; i ts<br />

bases are solid at r oom t emperature but melt or<br />

dissolve at body temperature.<br />

6. A s oft, s oluble container f or e nclosing a d ose of<br />

medicine.<br />

7. A substance made up of an aggregation (маса) of<br />

small pa rticles, as th at obt ained by the g rinding or<br />

trituration (подрібнення, перетирання) of a solid<br />

drug.<br />

a) tablet<br />

b) capsule<br />

c) ear drop<br />

d) ointment<br />

e) suppository<br />

f) powder<br />

g) lotion<br />

h) aerosol<br />

i) eye drop<br />

Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:<br />

1. Please read this leaflet before you start _ HYTRIN (HI-TRIN). 2. Also read it each time you<br />

get a ne w _ . 3. H YTRIN i s us ed t o _ hype rtension a nd _ pr ostatic hype rplasia in men. 4.<br />

HYTRIN works by _ bl ood ve ssels s o that t he bl ood pa sses t hrough t hem more e asily. 5 .

HYTRIN can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure after the first _ . 6. _ H YTRIN and all<br />

medicines out of the reach of children.<br />

a) t reat; b ) contracting, c ) k eep, d) r elieve, e ) dose, f ) t aking, g) r elaxing, h) prescription, i)<br />

benign.<br />

Ex. 19. Put the verbs into correct tense forms and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. (to take) two of these capsules three times a day after meals. 2. Barbiturates are drugs, which<br />

(to use) often in the treatment of emotional disorders. 3. Many herbs (to know) for their healing<br />

properties. 4. The medicine (to be) so effective that he was almost back to normal within a few<br />

days. 5. A cetaminophen (to come) as a t ablet, chewable tablet, capsule, suspension or soluti on<br />

(liquid). 6. Acetaminophen may also (to use) in combination with aspirin and caffeine to relieve<br />

the pain associated with migraine headache.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a plan to the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms”.<br />

Ex. 21. Speak on the main characteristics and forms of drugs.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and translate the words and word-combinations to the theme studied:<br />

Neuropharmacologic; neoplastic drugs; blood clotting; relieve uncomfortable symptoms;<br />

antihistamine; analgesic (analgetic) ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгетик, аналгезуючий засіб; indigestion<br />

["IndI'GesC(q)n] порушення травлення; unwanted variation in heart rhythm ["vFqrI'eIS(q)n;<br />

rIDm]; anticoagulant ['xntIkqu'xgjulqnt] антикоагулянт; речовина, що затримує згортання<br />

крові; mood-lifting drug; antifungal антигрибковий, протигрибковий; antipyretic<br />

['xntIpaI'retIk] жарознижуючий засіб; antiviral ['xntI'vaIrql] противірусний; bronchodilator;<br />

asthma ['xsmq]; suppress [sq'pres] пригнічувати; hypnotic [hIp'nOtIk] снодійне (засіб);<br />

laxative ['lxksqtIv] проносне (засіб); constipation запор; nitrate ['naItreIt]; angina [xn'GaInq]<br />

стенокардія; vasodilator судинорозширювальне (засіб).<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text:<br />


All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on<br />

the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there is a wide variety of cardiovascular<br />

drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, neuropharmacologic drugs, antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones,<br />

and others.<br />

Cardiovascular d rugs may be di vided i nto t hree gr oups; drugs t hat affect t he he art;<br />

drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent blood clotting.<br />

There are a wide variety of gastrointestinal drugs. They have different pharmacological<br />

activities a nd a re us ed mainly t o r elieve unc omfortable a nd pot entially da ngerous s ymptoms,<br />

rather that as cures for diseases.<br />

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms. Antibiotics have been<br />

synthesized in the laboratory and are used to teat serious bacterial infections.<br />

Neuropharmacological drugs act on the nervous system. There are two major types of<br />

neuropharmacological drugs: autonomic and central nervous system drugs.<br />

Antihistamines are drugs, which block the action of chemicals called histamines, which<br />

are f ound i n t he body. H istamine is pr oduced by m ost c ells and e specially by sensitive c ells<br />

under the skin and in the respiratory system. Antihistamines can relieve the allergic symptoms,<br />

which histamine produces.<br />

Vitamins are necessary for normal body functioning. They play an important role in the<br />

metabolic processes of the body.<br />

The ot her categories i nto w hich most of t he c ommonly pr escribed m edications ar e<br />

divided are the following:

Analgesics: pain-relieving drugs;<br />

Antacids (Antiacids): dr ugs us ed f or re lief of s ymptoms of indi gestion or d isorders<br />

caused by excess acid. These medications work to neutralizing stomach acids;<br />

Antiarrhythmics: medications used to control unwanted variations in heart rhythms;<br />

Anticoagulants: drugs prescribed to prevent blood from clotting;<br />

Antidepressants: mood-lifting drugs;<br />

Antidiabetic age nts: d rugs us ed in the t reatment o f diabe tes. Antidiabetics d rugs ar e<br />

used to restore the body’s ability to use sugar normally;<br />

Antifungals: drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi;<br />

Antihypertensives: medications prescribed to reduce high blood pressure;<br />

Anti-inflammatory agents: drugs used to reduce inflammation;<br />

Antipyretics: fevr-reducing drugs. These drugs directly affect the temperature-regulating<br />

centre in the brain and the hypothalamus;<br />

Antivirals: drugs used to treat viral infections;<br />

Bronchodilators: drugs that open (dilate) the main airways (bronchi) in the lungs. They<br />

are primarily used to treat asthma;<br />

Corticosteroids are used principally as anti-inflammatory drugs;<br />

Cough suppressants: they are used to suppress cough;<br />

Diuretics; these drugs increase the volume of urine and salt released by the kidneys;<br />

Hypnotics: sleeping medications;<br />

Laxatives: constipation drugs;<br />

Nitrates: heart drugs. They may increase blood flow through the coronary arteries and<br />

often are used in patients with angina;<br />

Vasodilators: he art dru gs. These m edications st imulate t he ar teries of t he he art to<br />

enlarge. They are used to treat angina pectoris or lower blood pressure.<br />

Ex. 24. Give proper terms for the definitions:<br />

1. These drugs , in moderate dos e, can suppress t he cen tral<br />

nervous system and relieve pain but in excessive doses produce<br />

unconsciousness, stupor, coma, and possibly death.<br />

2. These drugs relax the muscles of vessel walls, thus increasing<br />

the size of blood vessels. They are used in treating blood vessels<br />

diseases, heart conditions, and high blood pressure.<br />

3. These drugs neutralise acid in the stomach, they are often used<br />

for peptic ulcer symptoms.<br />

4. T hey t reat di arrhea and de crease r apid movement of bo wels<br />

(spasms).<br />

5. These su bstances ar e able to kill m icroorganisms suc h as<br />

bacteria.<br />

6. A substance secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland that<br />

stimulates the heart, increased muscular strength and endurance,<br />

it is extracted from animal adrenals or prepared synthetically for<br />

therapeutic use.<br />

a) vasoconstrictors<br />

b) epinephrine<br />

c) antacids<br />

d) antibiotics<br />

e) narcotics<br />

f) vasodilators<br />

g) antidiarrheals<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми: Drugs.

Drugs ar e c hemical subs tances u sed to make you feel be tter w hen you are si ck. T hey are<br />

obtained f rom va rious pa rts of pl ants, a nimals, or s ynthesized artificially. S ome dr ugs a re<br />

contained i n food s ubstances. T he r outs of dr ug a dministration are t he f ollowing: or al<br />

administration; buc cal administration; s ublingual a dministration; rectal a dministration; va ginal<br />

administration; parenteral administration; inhalation; and topical application. The dosage forms<br />

of dr ugs are: t ablets, s olutions, c apsules; s uppositories; s ubcutaneous, intradermal,<br />

intramuscular, i ntravenous, i ntrathecal, a nd i ntracavitary i njections; a erosols; l otions, c reams,<br />

and ointments. Adverse dr ug reaction is a te rm re ferring to unwanted, unc omfortable, or<br />

dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very serious, others are more serious.<br />

All dr ugs a re gr ouped i nto s everal classes de pending on t heir pha rmacological e ffects on t he<br />

body, t arget or gans or s ystems, e tc. For exa mple, there ar e a w ide va riety of car diovascular<br />

drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, neuropharmacologic drugs, antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones,<br />

and others.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To t ake m edicine; t o t ake or al m edicine; t o take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні повіки; просушити чистою<br />

тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний палець; уникати поширення<br />

інфекції.<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the _ of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена доц. Потяженко Л.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Фармокологічні групи і форми ліків<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темами:Drugs.<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Perfect Tenses.<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

digitalis [dIGI'teIlz] наперстянка<br />

foxglove ['fOksglAv] наперстянка<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява<br />

route [ru:t] шлях, напрям<br />

nonproprietary [nOnprq'praIqt(q)rI] такий,<br />

що не випливає з права власності<br />

generic [GI'nerIk] непатентований<br />

coin [kOIn] створювати<br />

promotion [prq'mquS(q)n] рекламування<br />


completeness [kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

завершеність<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] свічка,<br />

супозиторій<br />

intravenous ["I:ntrq'vI:nqs]<br />

внутрішньовенний<br />

intrathecal ["I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

внутрішньошкірний<br />

intracavitary ["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

інтратекальний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон, бальзам<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. Give your examples of sentences with Perfect Tenses.


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:<br />

Prefixes and term-elements:<br />

re- (back; again)<br />

to write писати – to rewrite переписувати<br />

to build будувати – to rebuild збудувати заново; перебудувати<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:<br />

Reoperate; regroup; remake; rebuild; recover; remove; recurring; return; reinvasion; reaction.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

GERUND<br />

Examining is necessary.<br />

Огляд обов’язковий.<br />

He likes her correct diagnosing.<br />

Йому подобається її правільне встановлення<br />

діагнозу.<br />

The ne cessary part of t he exa mination is Необхідна частина огляду – це прослуховування<br />

listening the heart.<br />

серця.<br />

They s upport he r i dea of observing the Вони підтримують її ідею щодо обстеження<br />

stomach.<br />

After gi ving injection the nur se left the<br />

ward.<br />

It is impossible to make a diagnosis without<br />

palpating the abdominal parts.<br />

шлунку.<br />

Зробивши ін’єкцію, медсестра вийшла з палати<br />

(Після того як ін’єкція була зроблена, медсестра<br />

вийшла з палати).<br />

Неможливо поставити діагноз без пальпації (не<br />

пропальпувавши) органи черевної порожнини.<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to gerunds:<br />

1. I n making examination special at tention is pa id t o the p atient's c omplaints. 2. T he<br />

physiologists continued investigating the e mbryo growth. 3. The scientists work on increasing<br />

people's longevity. 4. After performing on the operation the surgeon left the operating theatre. 5.<br />

This sci entist worked out t he m ethod of producing the hormones i n t he l aboratory. 6. T he<br />

surgeon be gan preparing patient f or s urgical i ntervention. 7. T hey c ontinued listening to the<br />

lungs a ttentively. 8. S he s at i n the w ard w ithout turning her he ad. 9. F ollicle-stimulating<br />

hormone is primary responsible for initiating the development of the primary follicles. 10. Other<br />

drugs administered i n treating atherosclerosis ar e so -called l ipotropic s ubstances. 1 1. New<br />

techniques and medications f or de tecting and treating glaucoma and cataract ha ve made t hese<br />

two leading caus es of bli ndness (амавроз, сліпота) very treatable. 12. D rug errors ( e.g.,<br />

prescribing an appropriate drug, misreading a prescription, administering a drug incorrectly) can<br />

lead to serious complications. 13. Vitamins are the substances which are necessary for normal<br />

body functioning.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Lo_ion; r_ute; intrav_nous; suppose_tory; m_ld; a_rosol; intra_hecal; intra_avitary.

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Completeness; pr omotion; di gitalis; nonpr oprietary; c oin; ge neric; pl ant; c hemical s ubstance;<br />

vitamin; m anufacturer; br and na me; pa rticular; rout e; dur ation; b uccal ['bAkql]; m outh;<br />

sublingual; tongue; vaginal [vq'GaIn(q)l]; subcutaneous ['sAbkju'teInjqs]; intradermal.<br />

Ex. 9. Read and comprehend the text:<br />


Everyone knows what medicines, or drugs are chemical substances used to make you feel<br />

better w hen you are si ck. These ch emical subs tances c an come from many different sour ces.<br />

Drugs are obtained from various parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves, and fruit. Examples of<br />

such dr ugs are di gitalis ( from t he f oxglove pl ant), and a ntibiotics s uch a s penicillin a nd<br />

streptomycin (from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals; for example,<br />

hormones a re s ecretions f rom t he gl ands of a nimals. D rugs c an be made f rom the chemical<br />

substances w hich are synthesized in t he l aboratory. S ome dr ugs are c ontained i n f ood<br />

substances; these drugs are called vitamins.<br />

Every drug must have a nonproprietary name, that is, a name that is available for each<br />

manufacturer of i t to us e. These na mes ar e com monly called “generic na mes”. Manufacturers<br />

often coin brand names to use in promotion of their particular product. In general, brand names<br />

are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic name.<br />

The r oute of a dministration of a dr ug ( how i t i s i ntroduced i nto t he body) i s ve ry<br />

important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and<br />

speed and duration of the drug’s action in the body. There are many routs of drug administration.<br />

They are oral a dministration (by mouth); buc cal a dministration (a m edicine is p laced in th e<br />

cheek pocket and slowly absorbed); sublingual administration (for general effects throughout the<br />

body, when a medicine is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed); rectal administration<br />

(for l ocal a nd in some cases sys temic ef fects, when it i s us ed in t he rectum); va ginal<br />

administration (for local and in some cases systemic effects when used in the vagina); parenteral<br />

administration (in the f orm of injection); inh alation (for l ocal, and in some cases sys temic<br />

effects, when inhaled into the lungs); and topical application (for local effects, when it is applied<br />

directly to the skin).<br />

The dosage forms are the following: tablets, solutions, capsules (for oral administration);<br />

suppositories (for rectal administration); subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous,<br />

intrathecal, and intracavitary injections (for parenteral administration); aerosols (for inhalation);<br />

lotions, creams, and ointments (for topical application).<br />

Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; свічка, супозиторій; лосьйон, бальзам; шлях, напрям;<br />

внутрішньовенний; створювати; повнота, завершеність; інтратекальний; аерозоль; розчин;<br />

мазь; дія медичного препарату; призначення.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms” into your native<br />

language.<br />

Ex. 12. Speak on the routs of drug administration using the following table:<br />

Routs of Drug Administration<br />

Oral Sublingual Rectal Parenteral Vaginal Inhalation Topical<br />

Tablets Tablets Suppositories Injections:<br />

Subcutaneous<br />

Intradermal<br />

Intramuscular<br />

Intravenous<br />

Intrathecal<br />

Suppositories Aerosols Lotions<br />

Creams<br />


Intracavitary<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is a drug? 2. W hat are drugs obtained from? 3. W hat dosage forms do you know ? 4.<br />

What routs of drug administration are there? 5. What types of injections do you know?<br />

Ex. 14. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий, побічний; refer [rI'fq:] стосуватися, мати відношення до<br />

чогось; upset [Ap'set] порушення, розлад; benefit ['benefit] перевага; outweigh [out'weI] бути<br />

більш впливовим, поважним; approve схвалювати, стверджувати; evaluate оцінювати;<br />

trial ['traI(q)l] випробування, дослід.<br />

Ex. 15. Read the following text and answer the following questions:<br />

1. What is adverse drug reaction? 2. How to evaluate the safety of a drug? 3. How to avoid any<br />

risks of adverse drug reaction or drug poisoning?<br />


Adverse dr ug r eaction (ADR, or adve rse dr ug effect) is a b road term r eferring to<br />

unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very<br />

serious, like an upset stomach. Others, like liver damage, are more serious. When a medicine's<br />

benefits outweigh its known risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers it<br />

safe e nough t o a pprove. B oth pr escription a nd ove r-the-counter m edicines ( non-proscription)<br />

must be approved before they can be sold in the U.S. The FDA evaluates the safety of a drug by<br />

looking at side effects, how it's manufactured, results of animal testing and clinical trials, and<br />

more. The FDA also monitors a drug's safety after approval. To reduce the risk of a problem,<br />

follow the directions carefully when taking medicines. Make sure that your health care provider<br />

knows all of the medicines and supplements you are using. Also, make sure to mention if you are<br />

pregnant or nursing. Some medicines c an hur t your ba by. M ake s ure that you unde rstand and<br />

follow the instructions on taking the drug.<br />

Ex. 16. F ind in the text “Adverse Drug Reaction” the equivalents for the following words<br />

and word-combinations:<br />

Контролювати безпечність ліків; оцінювати безпечність ліків; клінічні дослідження<br />

(випробовування); перевага; схвалювати; розлад шлунку; небезпечний вплив; зменшити<br />

(скоротити) ризик.<br />

Ex. 17. Match the definition with the proper terms:<br />

1. A l iquid s uspension or di spersion f or e xternal<br />

application to the body.<br />

2. A s emisolid p reparation f or external a pplication t o<br />

the body, a nd us ually containing a m edicinal<br />

substance.<br />

3. A m edicated solution t o be dropped i nto t he<br />

conjunctival sac.<br />

4. A solution of a drug which can be atomized into a<br />

fine mist for inhalation therapy.<br />

5. A medicated mass adapted for introduction into the<br />

rectal, va ginal, or ur ethral or ifices of t he body; i ts<br />

bases are solid at r oom t emperature but melt or<br />

dissolve at body temperature.<br />

6. A s oft, s oluble container f or e nclosing a d ose of<br />

medicine.<br />

7. A subs tance made u p of an aggregation (маса) of<br />

a) tablet<br />

b) capsule<br />

c) ear drop<br />

d) ointment<br />

e) suppository<br />

f) powder<br />

g) lotion<br />

h) aerosol<br />

i) eye drop

small pa rticles, as th at obt ained by the g rinding or<br />

trituration (подрібнення, перетирання) of a solid<br />

drug.<br />

Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:<br />

1. Please read this leaflet before you start _ HYTRIN (HI-TRIN). 2. Also read it each time you<br />

get a ne w _ . 3. H YTRIN i s us ed t o _ hype rtension a nd _ pr ostatic hype rplasia in men. 4.<br />

HYTRIN works by _ bl ood ve ssels s o that t he bl ood pa sses t hrough t hem more e asily. 5 .<br />

HYTRIN can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure after the first _ . 6. _ H YTRIN and all<br />

medicines out of the reach of children.<br />

a) t reat; b ) contracting, c ) k eep, d) re lieve, e ) dose, f ) t aking, g) r elaxing, h) prescription, i)<br />

benign.<br />

Ex. 19. Put the verbs into correct tense forms and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. (to take) two of these capsules three times a day after meals. 2. Barbiturates are drugs, which<br />

(to use) often in the treatment of emotional disorders. 3. Many herbs (to know) for their healing<br />

properties. 4. The medicine (to be) so effective that he was almost back to normal within a few<br />

days. 5. A cetaminophen (to come) as a t ablet, chewable tablet, capsule, suspension or solution<br />

(liquid). 6. Acetaminophen may also (to use) in combination with aspirin and caffeine to relieve<br />

the pain associated with migraine headache.<br />

Ex. 20. Make up a plan to the text “Drugs: Their Main Characteristics and Forms”.<br />

Ex. 21. Speak on the main characteristics and forms of drugs.<br />

Ex. 22. Pronounce and translate the words and word-combinations to the theme studied:<br />

Neuropharmacologic; neoplastic drugs; blood clotting; relieve uncomfortable symptoms;<br />

antihistamine; analgesic (analgetic) ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгетик, аналгезуючий засіб; indigestion<br />

["IndI'GesC(q)n] порушення травлення; unwanted variation in heart rhythm ["vFqrI'eIS(q)n;<br />

rIDm]; anticoagulant ['xntIkqu'xgjulqnt] антикоагулянт; речовина, що затримує згортання<br />

крові; mood-lifting drug; antifungal антигрибковий, протигрибковий; antipyretic<br />

['xntIpaI'retIk] жарознижуючий засіб; antiviral ['xntI'vaIrql] противірусний; bronchodilator;<br />

asthma ['xsmq]; suppress [sq'pres] пригнічувати; hypnotic [hIp'nOtIk] снодійне (засіб);<br />

laxative ['lxksqtIv] проносне (засіб); constipation запор; nitrate ['naItreIt]; angina [xn'GaInq]<br />

стенокардія; vasodilator судинорозширювальне (засіб).<br />

Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text:<br />


All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on<br />

the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there is a wide variety of cardiovascular<br />

drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, neuropharmacologic drugs, antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones,<br />

and others.<br />

Cardiovascular d rugs may be di vided i nto t hree gr oups; drugs t hat affect t he he art;<br />

drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent blood clotting.<br />

There are a wide variety of gastrointestinal drugs. They have different pharmacological<br />

activities a nd a re us ed mainly t o r elieve unc omfortable a nd pot entially da ngerous s ymptoms,<br />

rather that as cures for diseases.<br />

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms. Antibiotics have been<br />

synthesized in the laboratory and are used to teat serious bacterial infections.<br />

Neuropharmacological drugs act on the nervous system. There are two major types of<br />

neuropharmacological drugs: autonomic and central nervous system drugs.

Antihistamines are drugs, which block the action of chemicals called histamines, which<br />

are f ound i n t he body. H istamine is pr oduced by m ost c ells and e specially by sensitive c ells<br />

under the skin and in the respiratory system. Antihistamines can relieve the allergic symptoms,<br />

which histamine produces.<br />

Vitamins are necessary for normal body functioning. They play an important role in the<br />

metabolic processes of the body.<br />

The ot her categories i nto w hich most of t he c ommonly pr escribed m edications a re<br />

divided are the following:<br />

Analgesics: pain-relieving drugs;<br />

Antacids (Antiacids): dr ugs us ed f or re lief of s ymptoms of indi gestion or d isorders<br />

caused by excess acid. These medications work to neutralizing stomach acids;<br />

Antiarrhythmics: medications used to control unwanted variations in heart rhythms;<br />

Anticoagulants: drugs prescribed to prevent blood from clotting;<br />

Antidepressants: mood-lifting drugs;<br />

Antidiabetic age nts: d rugs us ed in the t reatment o f diabe tes. Antidiabetics d rugs ar e<br />

used to restore the body’s ability to use sugar normally;<br />

Antifungals: drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi;<br />

Antihypertensives: medications prescribed to reduce high blood pressure;<br />

Anti-inflammatory agents: drugs used to reduce inflammation;<br />

Antipyretics: fevr-reducing drugs. These drugs directly affect the temperature-regulating<br />

centre in the brain and the hypothalamus;<br />

Antivirals: drugs used to treat viral infections;<br />

Bronchodilators: drugs that open (dilate) the main airways (bronchi) in the lungs. They<br />

are primarily used to treat asthma;<br />

Corticosteroids are used principally as anti-inflammatory drugs;<br />

Cough suppressants: they are used to suppress cough;<br />

Diuretics; these drugs increase the volume of urine and salt released by the kidneys;<br />

Hypnotics: sleeping medications;<br />

Laxatives: constipation drugs;<br />

Nitrates: heart drugs. They may increase blood flow through the coronary arteries and<br />

often are used in patients with angina;<br />

Vasodilators: he art dru gs. These m edications st imulate t he ar teries of t he he art t o<br />

enlarge. They are used to treat angina pectoris or lower blood pressure.<br />

Ex. 24. Give proper terms for the definitions:<br />

1. These drugs , in moderate dos e, can suppress t he cen tral<br />

nervous system and relieve pain but in excessive doses produce<br />

unconsciousness, stupor, coma, and possibly death.<br />

2. These drugs relax the muscles of vessel walls, thus increasing<br />

the size of blood vessels. They are used in treating blood vessels<br />

diseases, heart conditions, and high blood pressure.<br />

3. These drugs neutralise acid in the stomach, they are often used<br />

for peptic ulcer symptoms.<br />

4. T hey t reat di arrhea and de crease r apid movement of bo wels<br />

(spasms).<br />

5. These su bstances ar e able to kill m icroorganisms suc h as<br />

bacteria.<br />

6. A substance secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland that<br />

stimulates the heart, increased muscular strength and endurance,<br />

it is extracted from animal adrenals or prepared synthetically for<br />

therapeutic use.<br />

h) vasoconstrictors<br />

i) epinephrine<br />

j) antacids<br />

k) antibiotics<br />

l) narcotics<br />

m) vasodilators<br />

n) antidiarrheals


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

To t ake m edicine; t o t ake or al m edicine; t o take m edicine on a n e mpty s tomach; t o not e<br />

expiration date; to measure a dose of liquid medicine; measuring spoon; a tightly capped bottle;<br />

to remove the label; eye drops; nasal drops; to take care.<br />

Translate the following words and word combinations into English:<br />

Нахилити голову назад; попередити забруднення; нижні повіки; просушити чистою<br />

тканиною; залишатися з заплющеними очима; вказівний палець; уникати поширення<br />

інфекції.<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Note the _ date before buying any medicines. 2. Blow _ gently before spray the medicine into<br />

each nostril. 3. Rinse the _ of the spray bottle with hot water. 4. Do not use the _ for more than<br />

one person. 5. Before placing drops into each nostril _ head back while standing or sitting up. 6.<br />

Go on t aking the same drug for the full _ pr escribed by your doctor. 7. The dose to be taken is<br />

indicated in the _ . 8. To avoid overdosage it is important to _ each dose accurately. 9. Drop the<br />

medicine into the _ and gently close eyes. 10. Different medicines should never be mixed in one.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І.В. Знаменська, О.О. Пісоцька, В.Г. Костенко. Course of English for medical students.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена доц. Потяженко Л.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

не засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль № 7<br />

Тема заняття Антибіотики<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються життя майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми, використовуючи<br />

граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Антибіотики”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються теми, що<br />

вивчається. Використовувати раніше<br />

отриману інформацію в контексті певної<br />

ситуації спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. What are the main rules for the summary of the text?<br />

2. What common phrases are used for the summaries?<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

1. Виписати незнайомі слова до тексту “Minerals”<br />

2. Письмово перекласти текст “Minerals”<br />

3. Скласти анотацію до тексту “Minerals”<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Minerals<br />

Minerals Did you ever notice how TV commercials for breakfast cereal always<br />

mention vitamins and minerals? But when you think of minerals, food isn't<br />

the first thing that comes to mind. Aren't minerals something you find in<br />

the earth, like iron and quartz?<br />

Well, yes, but small amounts of some minerals are also in foods — for<br />

instance, red meat, such as beef, is a good source of iron.<br />

Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay<br />

healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions — from<br />

building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Some minerals are<br />

even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.<br />

Macro and Trace<br />

The two kinds of minerals are: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macro

means "large" in Greek (and your body needs larger amounts of<br />

macrominerals than trace minerals). The macromineral group is made up of<br />

calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur.<br />

A trace of something means that there is only a little of it. So even<br />

though your body needs trace minerals, it needs just a tiny bit of each<br />

one. Scientists aren't even sure how much of these minerals you need each<br />

day. Trace minerals includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc,<br />

cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.<br />

Let's take a closer look at some of the minerals you get from food.<br />

Calcium<br />

Calcium is the top macromineral when it comes to your bones. This mineral<br />

helps build strong bones, so you can do everything from standing up<br />

straight to scoring that winning goal. It also helps build strong, healthy<br />

teeth, for chomping on tasty food.<br />

Which foods are rich in calcium?<br />

dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt<br />

canned salmon and sardines with bones<br />

leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli<br />

calcium-fortified foods — from orange juice to cereals and crackers<br />

Iron<br />

The body needs iron to transport oxygen from your lungs to the rest of<br />

your body. Your entire body needs oxygen to stay healthy and alive. Iron<br />

helps because it's important in the formation of hemoglobin (say:<br />

hee-muh-glo-bun), which is the part of your red blood cells that carries<br />

oxygen throughout the body.<br />

Which foods are rich in iron?<br />

meat, especially red meat, such as beef<br />

tuna and salmon<br />

eggs<br />

beans<br />

baked potato with skins<br />

dried fruits, like raisins<br />

leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli<br />

whole and enriched grains, like wheat or oats<br />

Potassium<br />

Potassium (say: puh-tah-see-um) keeps your muscles and nervous system<br />

working properly. Did you know your blood and body tissues, such as<br />

muscles, contain water? They do, and potassium helps make sure the amount<br />

of water is just right.<br />

Which foods are rich in potassium?<br />

bananas<br />

broccoli<br />

tomatoes<br />

potatoes with skins<br />

leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli<br />

citrus fruits, like oranges<br />

dried fruits<br />

legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts<br />

Zinc<br />

Zinc helps your immune system, which is your body's system for fighting<br />

off illnesses and infections. It also helps with cell growth and helps<br />

heal wounds, such as cuts.

Which foods are rich in zinc?<br />

beef<br />

pork<br />

lamb<br />

legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts<br />

When people don't get enough of these important minerals, they can have<br />

health problems. For instance, too little calcium — especially when you're<br />

a kid can lead to weaker bones. Some kids may take mineral supplements,<br />

but most kids don't need them if they eat a nutritious diet. So eat those<br />

minerals and stay healthy!<br />


Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What is minerals?<br />

2. What cases are minerals prescribed in?<br />

3. How long are minerals used?<br />

4. What groups are minerals divided into? ?<br />

5. What side effect can minerals have?<br />

6. What routs of minerals' administration are there?<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена<br />

викл. Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________200__р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль 9<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Грип<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Грип”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Construction “it is (was, will be ) … that (who,<br />

whom)” засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

virus ['vaIrqs] вірус, збудник<br />

захворювання<br />

marked by depression [dIp'reSn] тут: що<br />

характеризується пригніченим<br />

психічним станом<br />

distressing fever ['fI:vq] температура, що<br />

виснажує<br />

bronchi (sing. bronchus) [' brONkaI]<br />

бронхи<br />

neuralgic [njuq'rxlGIk] невралгічний<br />

nervous disturbance ['nq:vqs dIs'tq:bqns]<br />

тут: ураження нервової системи<br />

draught [dra:ft] протяг<br />

catarrhal [kq'ta:rql] катаральний,<br />

застудний<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What is construction “It is (was, will be ) … that (who, whom)<br />

Give your examples<br />

persist [pq'sIst] утримуватись, зберігатися<br />

outbreak [‘autbreIk] спалах; раптова поява,<br />

початок<br />

droplet ['drOplIt] краплина<br />

to be liable to ['laIqbl] бути схильним<br />

chill [CIl] озноб, гарячка, пропасниця;<br />

застуда<br />

convulsions [kqn'vAlSnz] конвульсії<br />

to be up [Ap] встати (з ліжка)<br />

approval [q'pru:vql] тут: дозвіл<br />

convalescent ["kOnvq'lesnt] одужуючий<br />

strain [streIn] штам<br />

fairly [feqlI] достатньо<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into your native language:

1. It is in the evening that the patient develops a splitting headache. 2. It was after vomiting that<br />

patient Popov complained of severe pains in the back. 3. It was the patient of the third ward who<br />

asked some medicine f or a ba d headache. 4. It w as seve re pa ins i n his l egs and feet t hat he<br />

complained of. 5. It was about one of the new methods of testing that our professor spoke at the<br />

scientific conference.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тексту.<br />

Словотворення: Forming of new words by adding the prefixes та повторення пройденого<br />

матеріалу (утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: construction “It is (was, will be ) … that (who, whom)<br />

Текст: “Grippe”.<br />


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Compose 3-5 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Vir_s; nerv_us; f_ver, distres_ing; bro_chi; neural_ic; c_ills; ap_roval; conv_lescent; respirat_ry;<br />

dr_plet.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations and translate them:<br />

Infectious; caused by a vi rus; c atarrhal; la rynx; br onchi; m uscular pa ins; ga strointestinal;<br />

disturbances; f requent; spread; e specially; oc cur; w idespread; m ild; a che; l imbs; br onchitis;<br />

convulsions; fever; pneumonia; pulmonary; approval; therefore; draught; cough.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />

GRIPPE<br />

Grippe i s a n acute i nfectious epi demic disease ca used by a vi rus a nd marked by<br />

depression, di stressing f ever, a cute c atarrhal i nflammation of t he nos e, l arynx, a nd br onchi,<br />

neuralgic and muscular pains, gastrointestinal disorders, weakness and nervous disturbances. All<br />

ages are liable to this disease. It is in severe cases that vomiting is frequent in babies and young<br />

children as well.<br />

Like the common cold, grippe is primarily spread between people indoors, especially at<br />

schools, nur sing hous es, a nd ot her places w here l arge nu mbers of pe ople ga ther. O utbreaks<br />

usually occur in the winter and early spring.<br />

There are three types of grippe viruses. All of them are spread from person to person by<br />

inhalation of infected droplets from the air. Type A usually is responsible for the large grippe<br />

epidemics. This type is constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. This results in<br />

a new epidemic every few years. Types B and C are not as widespread: type B causes smaller,<br />

more l ocalized outbreaks, and type C i s l ess com mon and usually causes onl y a m ild illness.<br />

These types are fairly stable viruses.<br />

It is the typical form of grippe that onset is sudden, beginning with chills, muscular pains<br />

and aches in the back and limbs, and bronchitis. Nervous symptoms, e.g., headache and in severe<br />

cases convulsions in babies are usually present.<br />

There are mild cases of the disease. The duration of the disease in a mild case is usually<br />

three to four days and the temperature is not very high.

It is in severe cases that patient's temperature is very high. Distressing fever a nd other<br />

symptoms, e.g., acute catarrhal inflammation of the bronchi, muscular pains persist for several<br />

days. Sometimes pneumonia develops and even death may occur in two or three days. Therefore<br />

it is in very young children or when there are pulmonary complications that grippe is especially<br />

serious.<br />

In order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe and to protect the patient from<br />

secondary infection, the patient must go t o bed at the beginning of an attack and not to be up<br />

again without the approval of his/her physician.<br />

The e ffects of gr ippe m ay pe rsist f or a long p eriod of t ime, t herefore a c onvalescent<br />

becomes sensitive to heat, cold, draughts, and so on, he /she easily gets colds, coughs and other<br />

respiratory diseases.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Біль у попереку; катаральне запалення бронхів; озноб; такий, що видужує; температура,<br />

що виснажує; легеневі ускладнення після грипу; штам; утримуватися, зберігатися; спалах<br />

хвороби.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text "Grippe".<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the questions:<br />

1. What kind of disease is grippe? 2. What cases is vomiting frequent in? 3. What are symptoms<br />

of gr ippe? 4. What t ypes of gr ippe vi ruses a re t here? 5. What ne rvous s ymptoms a re us ually<br />

present in severe cases? 6. What are the characteristic features of a mild case of grippe? 7. What<br />

are t he cha racteristic f eatures of a seve re on e? 8. What di sorders m ay develop sometimes? 9.<br />

What must you do i n order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe? 10. How long may<br />

the effects of the grippe persist? 11. What does a convalescent become sensitive to?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Grippe is a n _ di sease. 2. I t i s marked by _ fever, _ i nflammation of t he nos e, larynx, a nd<br />

bronchi, _ p ains, _ di sorder, and _ d isturbances. 3. It is in _ c ases there are _ s ymptoms. 4. _<br />

pains of ten persist f or several da ys. 5. I n or der t o p rotect the pa tient f rom _ i nfection, he /she<br />

must be put to bed at the very beginning of an attack.<br />

Ex. 15. Translate into English:<br />

1. Грип – це одне з серйозних інфекційних захворювань. 2. Він спричиняється вірусами,<br />

які передаються від однієї людини до іншої. 3. Існує три типи вірусів: А, В і С. Тип А<br />

зазвичай викликає серйозні епідемії грипу. 4. Типи В і С не досить поширені. 5.<br />

Захворювання починається з ознобу, болю в м'язах, в спині та кінцівках, й головного<br />

болю. 6. Температура при грипі не дуже висока. 7. Грип може тривати протягом значного<br />

періоду часу.<br />

Ex. 16. Choose the correct variant: A: I totally agree. B: I don't really think so:<br />

1. There are five types of grippe viruses and all of them are spread from person to person by<br />

inhalation o f i nfected dr oplets f rom t he a ir. 2. Types B a nd C a re not a s w idespread: t ype B<br />

causes smaller, more localized outbreaks, and type C is less common and usually causes only a<br />

mild illness. T hese type s a re f airly stable vi ruses. 3. In order to minimize the s everity of the<br />

attack in grippe and to protect the patient from secondary infection, the patient mustn't go to bed<br />

at the beginning of an attack and not to be up again without the approval of his/her teacher.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out key words of the text “Grippe”.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a detailed plan of the text.

Ex. 19. Speak on the causes, signs, and treatment of grippe.<br />

Ex. 20. Give a summary of the text “Grippe”.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following text and compose your own dialogue:<br />


The pr imary w ay t o pr event gr ippe is by us e of gr ippe v accine e ach f all. A mantadine<br />

hydrochloride decreases the risk of infection. However, if used for prevention, it must be started<br />

before or immediately after exposure to the grippe A virus. Note that amantadine protects against<br />

only grippe A, but the vaccine protects against both the A and B grippe strains. Neither prevents<br />

other types of viral diseases.<br />

Immunization is recommended for people with impaired immune system or with serious<br />

illness such as chronic heart or kidney disease, lung disease or impaired ability to breathe, cystic<br />

fibrosis, chronic anemia, or severe diabetes. Elderly people, especially those older than 65, also<br />

should be vaccinated. Health care workers, police officers and fire fighters, and others on whom<br />

public safety depends should receive immunization.<br />

The va ccine i s gi ven a s one i njection into the uppe r a rm i n early fall, jus t be fore the<br />

grippe season begins. Children may sometimes receive the vaccine in two separate injections, 1<br />

to 2 weeks apart.<br />

Ex. 22. Complete the following sentences using the necessary word-combinations from the<br />

box:<br />

1. This disease is characterized in the typical form of sudden onset, fever of one to seven day’s<br />

duration, accompanied by pa ins in the back and limbs,_ . 2. I t is now recognized that there are<br />

several t ypes of _. 3. I ncubation period i s s hort, usually _ . 4. Natural r esistance or relative<br />

immunity protects from one-quarters of persons intimately exposed to the disease even during _.<br />

5. During epidemics efforts should be made to reduce opportunities for _. 6. T o minimize the<br />

severity of the disease, and to protect the patient from secondary infections, patients should go to<br />

bed at the beginning of an attack and not return to work _.<br />

1. widespread epidemics; 2. without the approval of their physicians; 3. influenza’s viruses; 4.<br />

headache, and sore throat; 5. direct contact infection; 6. 24 to 72 hours.<br />

Ex. 23. Read the following dialogue:<br />

Medical Student: Two hours ago we admitted two patients to our hospital. The first patient’s<br />

temperature is very high and he has a bad cough. The second patient’s temperature is also rather<br />

high but he has no symptoms of chill.<br />

Doctor: Have you any additional information about the first patient?<br />

M.S.: Yes, I have. He has a bad cold: a catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,<br />

with profuse discharge from the mucous membrane of the nose, due to a virus or bacteria.<br />

D.: What is your diagnosis?<br />

M.S.: My impression is that he has influenza.<br />

D.: What kind of disease is influenza?<br />

M.S.: It is an infectious, epidemic disease. The symptoms of influenza are a high fever, acute<br />

catarrhal inflammation of the nose, larynx and bronchi, and muscular pains.<br />

D.: What can you say about our patient’s lungs?<br />

M.S.: He has no symptoms of any acute inflammatory condition of the lungs.<br />

D.: Have you any impression of a peculiar of bronchopneumonia?<br />

M.S.: No, I have not.<br />

D.: And what can you say about the other patient?<br />

M.S.: This patient’s blood pressure is very high.

D.: Is there anything in his past medical history that explains the present illness?<br />

M.S.: No, there is absolutely nothing there.<br />

D.: Is there anything in the laboratory reports?<br />

M.S.: Usual laboratory reports have nothing significant.<br />

Ex. 24. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What are the two patients’ symptoms? 2. What is the medical student’s diagnosis? 3. What is<br />

influenza? 4. What can you say about the patient’s lungs? 5. What can you say about the second<br />

patient’s condition? 6. Is a patient’s past history significant for the diagnosis? 7. What are the<br />

laboratory reports?<br />

Ex. 25. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Influenza is an _ disease. 2. My impression is that the patient has an acute _ of the _. 3. T he<br />

recently admitted girl has a high _. 4. T he patient’s blood _ is normal. 5. Is there anything _? 6.<br />

Laboratory reports are _ for the diagnosis.<br />

Ex. 26. Reproduce the similar dialogue.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. What kind of disease is grippe? 2. What cases is vomiting frequent in? 3. What are symptoms<br />

of gr ippe? 4. What t ypes of gr ippe vi ruses a re t here? 5. What ne rvous s ymptoms a re us ually<br />

present in severe cases? 6. What are the characteristic features of a mild case of grippe? 7. What<br />

are t he cha racteristic f eatures of a seve re on e? 8. What di sorders m ay develop sometimes? 9.<br />

What must you do i n order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe? 10. How long may<br />

the effects of the grippe persist? 11. What does a convalescent become sensitive to?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Grippe is a n _ di sease. 2. I t i s marked by _ fever, _ i nflammation of t he nos e, larynx, a nd<br />

bronchi, _ p ains, _ di sorder, and _ d isturbances. 3. It is in _ c ases there are _ s ymptoms. 4. _<br />

pains of ten persist f or several da ys. 5. I n or der t o p rotect the pa tient f rom _ i nfection, he /she<br />

must be put to bed at the very beginning of an attack.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

4. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________2000__р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 4<br />

Змістовий модуль 9<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Грип<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Грип”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Construction “it is (was, will be ) … that (who,<br />

whom)” засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою<br />

розпізнання його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання медичних термінів до тесту.<br />

Словотворення: Forming of new words by adding the prefixes та повторення пройденого<br />

матеріалу (утворення медичних термінів)<br />

Граматика: Construction “it is (was, will be ) … that (who, whom)”<br />

Текст: “Grippe”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Construction “it<br />

is (was, will be )<br />

… that (who,<br />

whom)”<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця Coordinate<br />

conjunctions<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння фонетичний<br />

матеріалу з теми;<br />

Словотворення: Forming of new<br />

65%<br />

words by adding the prefixes та<br />

повторення пройденого матеріалу<br />

(утворення медичних термінів);<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння Construction<br />

“it is (was, will be ) … that (who,<br />

whom)”.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на розширення знань з хвороб,а саме з грипу. Засвоєння<br />

англомовних відповідників назв симптомів хвороби. Усвідомлення себе як фахівця у<br />

царині природних наук, а також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у<br />

вивченні медицини, формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної<br />

відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />


virus ['vaIrqs] вірус, збудник<br />

захворювання<br />

marked by depression [dIp'reSn] тут: що<br />

характеризується пригніченим<br />

психічним станом<br />

distressing fever ['fI:vq] температура, що<br />

виснажує<br />

bronchi (sing. bronchus) [' brONkaI]<br />

бронхи<br />

neuralgic [njuq'rxlGIk] невралгічний<br />

nervous disturbance ['nq:vqs dIs'tq:bqns]<br />

тут: ураження нервової системи<br />

draught [dra:ft] протяг<br />

catarrhal [kq'ta:rql] катаральний,<br />

застудний<br />

persist [pq'sIst] утримуватись, зберігатися<br />

outbreak [‘autbreIk] спалах; раптова поява,<br />

початок<br />

droplet ['drOplIt] краплина<br />

to be liable to ['laIqbl] бути схильним<br />

chill [CIl] озноб, гарячка, пропасниця;<br />

застуда<br />

convulsions [kqn'vAlSnz] конвульсії<br />

to be up [Ap] встати (з ліжка)<br />

approval [q'pru:vql] тут: дозвіл<br />

convalescent ["kOnvq'lesnt] одужуючий<br />

strain [streIn] штам<br />

fairly [feqlI] достатньо


Ex. 1. Form n ew words b y adding the p refixes. Define t he p art o f sp eech an d t ranslate<br />

them:<br />

A. dis-: continue; like; appear.<br />

B. un-: natural; cured; cooled; treated.<br />

C. over-: use; work; eating; dosage.<br />

D. intra-: venous; muscular; cellular; vascular.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Read the data of the following table:<br />


It was I who saw nurse in the hospital. Саме я бачив медсестру у лікарні.<br />

It was in the hospital that I saw the nurse. Саме у лікарні я бачив медсестру.<br />

It was the nurse whom I saw in the hospital. Саме медсестру я бачив у лікарні.<br />

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into your native language:<br />

1. It is in the evening that the patient develops a splitting headache. 2. It was after vomiting that<br />

patient Popov complained of severe pains in the back. 3. It was the patient of the third ward who<br />

asked some medicine f or a ba d headache. 4. It w as seve re pa ins i n his l egs and feet t hat he<br />

complained of. 5. It was about one of the new methods of testing that our professor spoke at the<br />

scientific conference.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate into English:<br />

1. Саме у дітей молодшого віку грип небезпечний. 2. Саме при тяжких випадках грипу у<br />

дітей часто виникає блювота. 3. Саме при типовій формі грипу початок захворювання<br />

буває раптовим та починається з ознобу.<br />

Ex. 5. Find in the text “Grippe” the same constructions and translate them into your native<br />

language.<br />


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 7. Compose 3-5 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Vir_s; nerv_us; f_ver, distres_ing; bro_chi; neural_ic; c_ills; ap_roval; conv_lescent; respirat_ry;<br />

dr_plet.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations and translate them:<br />

Infectious; caus ed by a virus; c atarrhal; la rynx; br onchi; m uscular pa ins; ga strointestinal;<br />

disturbances; f requent; spread; e specially; oc cur; w idespread; m ild; a che; l imbs; br onchitis;<br />

convulsions; fever; pneumonia; pulmonary; approval; therefore; draught; cough.

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />

GRIPPE<br />

Grippe i s a n acute i nfectious epi demic disease caus ed by a vir us and marked by<br />

depression, di stressing f ever, a cute c atarrhal i nflammation of t he nos e, l arynx, a nd br onchi,<br />

neuralgic and muscular pains, gastrointestinal disorders, weakness and nervous disturbances. All<br />

ages are liable to this disease. It is in severe cases that vomiting is frequent in babies and young<br />

children as well.<br />

Like the common cold, grippe is primarily spread between people indoors, especially at<br />

schools, nur sing hous es, a nd ot her places w here l arge nu mbers of pe ople ga ther. O utbreaks<br />

usually occur in the winter and early spring.<br />

There are three types of grippe viruses. All of them are spread from person to person by<br />

inhalation of infected droplets from the air. Type A usually is responsible for the large grippe<br />

epidemics. This type is constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. This results in<br />

a new epidemic every few years. Types B and C are not as widespread: type B causes smaller,<br />

more l ocalized outbreaks, and type C i s l ess com mon and usually causes onl y a m ild illness.<br />

These types are fairly stable viruses.<br />

It is the typical form of grippe that onset is sudden, beginning with chills, muscular pains<br />

and aches in the back and limbs, and bronchitis. Nervous symptoms, e.g., headache and in severe<br />

cases convulsions in babies are usually present.<br />

There are mild cases of the disease. The duration of the disease in a mild case is usually<br />

three to four days and the temperature is not very high.<br />

It is in severe cases that patient's temperature is very high. Distressing fever and other<br />

symptoms, e.g., acute catarrhal inflammation of the bronchi, muscular pains persist for several<br />

days. Sometimes pneumonia develops and even death may occur in two or three days. Therefore<br />

it is in very young children or when there are pulmonary complications that grippe is especially<br />

serious.<br />

In order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe and to protect the patient from<br />

secondary infection, the patient must go t o bed at the beginning of an attack and not to be up<br />

again without the approval of his/her physician.<br />

The e ffects of gr ippe m ay pe rsist f or a long p eriod of t ime, t herefore a c onvalescent<br />

becomes sensitive to heat, cold, draughts, and so on, he /she easily gets colds, coughs and other<br />

respiratory diseases.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:<br />

Біль у попереку; катаральне запалення бронхів; озноб; такий, що видужує; температура,<br />

що виснажує; легеневі ускладнення після грипу; штам; утримуватися, зберігатися; спалах<br />

хвороби.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text "Grippe".<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the questions:<br />

1. What kind of disease is grippe? 2. What cases is vomiting frequent in? 3. What are symptoms<br />

of gr ippe? 4. What t ypes of gr ippe vi ruses a re t here? 5. What ne rvous s ymptoms a re us ually<br />

present in severe cases? 6. What are the characteristic features of a mild case of grippe? 7. What<br />

are t he cha racteristic f eatures of a severe on e? 8. What di sorders m ay develop sometimes? 9.<br />

What must you do i n order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe? 10. How long may<br />

the effects of the grippe persist? 11. What does a convalescent become sensitive to?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Grippe is a n _ di sease. 2. I t i s marked by _ fever, _ i nflammation of t he nos e, larynx, a nd<br />

bronchi, _ p ains, _ di sorder, and _ d isturbances. 3. It is in _ c ases there are _ s ymptoms. 4. _

pains of ten persist f or several da ys. 5. I n or der to p rotect the pa tient f rom _ i nfection, he /she<br />

must be put to bed at the very beginning of an attack.<br />

Ex. 15. Translate into English:<br />

1. Грип – це одне з серйозних інфекційних захворювань. 2. Він спричиняється вірусами,<br />

які передаються від однієї людини до іншої. 3. Існує три типи вірусів: А, В і С. Тип А<br />

зазвичай викликає серйозні епідемії грипу. 4. Типи В і С не досить поширені. 5.<br />

Захворювання починається з ознобу, болю в м'язах, в спині та кінцівках, й головного<br />

болю. 6. Температура при грипі не дуже висока. 7. Грип може тривати протягом значного<br />

періоду часу.<br />

Ex. 16. Choose the correct variant: A: I totally agree. B: I don't really think so:<br />

1. There are five types of grippe viruses and all of them are spread from person to person by<br />

inhalation o f i nfected dr oplets f rom t he a ir. 2. Types B a nd C a re not a s w idespread: t ype B<br />

causes smaller, more localized outbreaks, and type C is less common and usually causes only a<br />

mild illness. T hese t ypes ar e f airly stable vi ruses. 3. I n or der t o m inimize t he s everity of t he<br />

attack in grippe and to protect the patient from secondary infection, the patient mustn't go to bed<br />

at the beginning of an attack and not to be up again without the approval of his/her teacher.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out key words of the text “Grippe”.<br />

Ex. 18. Make up a detailed plan of the text.<br />

Ex. 19. Speak on the causes, signs, and treatment of grippe.<br />

Ex. 20. Give a summary of the text “Grippe”.<br />

Ex. 21. Read the following text and compose your own dialogue:<br />


The pr imary w ay t o pr event gr ippe is by us e of gr ippe v accine e ach f all. A mantadine<br />

hydrochloride decreases the risk of infection. However, if used for prevention, it must be started<br />

before or immediately after exposure to the grippe A virus. Note that amantadine protects against<br />

only grippe A, but the vaccine protects against both the A and B grippe strains. Neither prevents<br />

other types of viral diseases.<br />

Immunization is recommended for people with impaired immune system or with serious<br />

illness such as chronic heart or kidney disease, lung disease or impaired ability to breathe, cystic<br />

fibrosis, chronic anemia, or severe diabetes. Elderly people, especially those older than 65, also<br />

should be vaccinated. Health care workers, police officers and fire fighters, and others on whom<br />

public safety depends should receive immunization.<br />

The va ccine i s gi ven a s one i njection i nto t he uppe r a rm i n e arly f all, j ust be fore t he<br />

grippe season begins. Children may sometimes receive the vaccine in two separate injections, 1<br />

to 2 weeks apart.<br />

Ex. 22. Complete the following sentences using the necessary word-combinations from the<br />

box:<br />

1. This disease is characterized in the typical form of sudden onset, fever of one to seven day’s<br />

duration, accompanied by pa ins in the back and limbs,_ . 2. I t is now recognized that there are<br />

several types of _. 3. Incubation p eriod is short, us ually _. 4. N atural r esistance or relative<br />

immunity protects from one-quarters of persons intimately exposed to the disease even during _.<br />

5. During epidemics efforts should be made to reduce opportunities for _. 6. T o minimize the<br />

severity of the disease, and to protect the patient from secondary infections, patients should go to<br />

bed at the beginning of an attack and not return to work _.

1. widespread epidemics; 2. without the approval of their physicians; 3. influenza’s viruses; 4.<br />

headache, and sore throat; 5. direct contact infection; 6. 24 to 72 hours.<br />

Ex. 23. Read the following dialogue:<br />

Medical Student: Two hours ago we admitted two patients to our hospital. The first patient’s<br />

temperature is very high and he has a bad cough. The second patient’s temperature is also rather<br />

high but he has no symptoms of chill.<br />

Doctor: Have you any additional information about the first patient?<br />

M.S.: Yes, I have. He has a bad cold: a catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,<br />

with profuse discharge from the mucous membrane of the nose, due to a virus or bacteria.<br />

D.: What is your diagnosis?<br />

M.S.: My impression is that he has influenza.<br />

D.: What kind of disease is influenza?<br />

M.S.: It is an infectious, epidemic disease. The symptoms of influenza are a high fever, acute<br />

catarrhal inflammation of the nose, larynx and bronchi, and muscular pains.<br />

D.: What can you say about our patient’s lungs?<br />

M.S.: He has no symptoms of any acute inflammatory condition of the lungs.<br />

D.: Have you any impression of a peculiar of bronchopneumonia?<br />

M.S.: No, I have not.<br />

D.: And what can you say about the other patient?<br />

M.S.: This patient’s blood pressure is very high.<br />

D.: Is there anything in his past medical history that explains the present illness?<br />

M.S.: No, there is absolutely nothing there.<br />

D.: Is there anything in the laboratory reports?<br />

M.S.: Usual laboratory reports have nothing significant.<br />

Ex. 24. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. What are the two patients’ symptoms? 2. What is the medical student’s diagnosis? 3. What is<br />

influenza? 4. What can you say about the patient’s lungs? 5. What can you say about the second<br />

patient’s condition? 6. Is a patient’s past history significant for the diagnosis? 7. What are the<br />

laboratory reports?<br />

Ex. 25. Insert the missing words:<br />

1. Influenza is an _ disease. 2. My impression is that the patient has an acute _ of the _. 3. T he<br />

recently admitted girl has a high _. 4. T he patient’s blood _ is normal. 5. Is there anything _? 6.<br />

Laboratory reports are _ for the diagnosis.<br />

Ex. 26. Reproduce the similar dialogue.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

Grippe is an acute infectious epidemic disease. It is caused by viruses. The signs of grippe are<br />

depression, fever, inflammation of the nose, larynx, and bronchi, muscular pains, gastrointestinal<br />

disorders, and weakness. Grippe is spread from person to person. There are three types of grippe<br />

viruses. T ype A usually is r esponsible f or t he l arge g rippe epide mics. Type B caus es m ore<br />

localized ou tbreaks, a nd t ype C us ually c auses only a mild i llness. O nset be gins with c hills,<br />

muscular pains and aches in the back and limbs, and bronchitis. The duration of the disease in a<br />

mild case is usually three to four days and the temperature is not very high. In severe cases t he<br />

patient's temperature is very high. Distressing fever, acute catarrhal inflammation of the bronchi,

muscular pains, and so on last for several days. The patient must go to bed at the beginning of an<br />

attack and not to be up again without the approval of his/her physician.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about the Grippe.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. What kind of disease is grippe? 2. What cases is vomiting frequent in? 3. What are symptoms<br />

of gr ippe? 4. What t ypes of gr ippe vi ruses a re t here? 5. What ne rvous s ymptoms a re us ually<br />

present in severe cases? 6. What are the characteristic features of a mild case of grippe? 7. What<br />

are t he cha racteristic f eatures of a s evere on e? 8. What di sorders m ay de velop s ometimes? 9.<br />

What must you do i n order to minimize the severity of the attack in grippe? 10. How long may<br />

the effects of the grippe persist? 11. What does a convalescent become sensitive to?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Grippe is a n _ di sease. 2. I t i s marked by _ fever, _ i nflammation of t he nos e, larynx, a nd<br />

bronchi, _ p ains, _ di sorder, and _ d isturbances. 3. It is in _ c ases there are _ s ymptoms. 4. _<br />

pains often pe rsist for several days. 5. I n or der t o p rotect the pa tient f rom _ i nfection, he /she<br />

must be put to bed at the very beginning of an attack.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4. Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5. Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6. Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Типи пухлин<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Типи пухлин”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом INTERROGATIVE FORM<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: читання голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd, ld.<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-act, -adhere, -ache).<br />


Текст: “STOMACH TUMOR”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Sequence of<br />

Tenses<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці<br />

Sequence of<br />

Tenses;<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних o + n, m, v, u, th; i + nd,<br />

ld.; фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-act, -adhere, -<br />

ache).;<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння сonstruction<br />


Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

immediate [I'mIdjqt] близький (про родичів)<br />

bloat [blqut] роздувати(ся), надувати (ся)<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] обмежувати<br />

offer ['Ofq] пропонувати<br />

likelihood ['laIklIhud] вірогідність<br />

alleviate [q'lI:vIeIt] полегшувати<br />

5.2. Основний етап. VOCABULARY<br />

exclusively [Iks'klu:sIvlI] винятково, виключно<br />

recovery [rI'kAvqri] видужання, одужання;<br />

виліковування<br />

choose [Cu:z] обирати<br />

analgesic ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгезуючий,<br />

анальгетичний, болезаспокійливий<br />


Ex. 1. Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

Histopathological; cytoplastic; neoplastic; hydrocarbon; laryngectomy; cytoplasm.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense,<br />

What<br />

Active Voice<br />

(Revision)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Auxiliary Subject<br />

verb<br />

do<br />

I, you, we they<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />


Example<br />

V<br />

Do you study?<br />

(study, write) Where does he<br />

does he, she, it<br />

study?<br />

Past Simple Tense, Where did I, he, she, it, V When did you go to

Active Voice you, we, they (study, write) the Academy?<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

When shall<br />

will<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

Where will they go<br />

tomorrow?<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Why<br />

am<br />

is<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Where is this<br />

hospital built?<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

be + V 3<br />

(be studied, be<br />

written)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying, be<br />

writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

What medicine was<br />

your doctor<br />

prescribed?<br />

Were the patients<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

polyclinic be<br />

closed?<br />

What is he writing<br />

now?<br />

What are you doing<br />

?<br />

Where was a doctor<br />

performing on the<br />

operation?<br />

What will you be<br />

doing at 3 p.m.?<br />

What hospital is<br />

your friend being<br />

operated on?<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

have + V 3<br />

(have studied,<br />

have written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

(have been<br />

studied, have been<br />

written)<br />

When was the work<br />

being fulfilled?<br />

What has he<br />

received this week?<br />

How many articles<br />

had the student read<br />

by 5 o’clock?<br />

What text will Helen<br />

have translated by<br />

3 o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 3. Ask 5-6 questions concerning the theme “Cancer”.

Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The pancreas functions as both exocrine and endocrine organ. 2. These gases are removed<br />

from the body by exhalation through the lungs. 3. Each renal artery branches into many small<br />

arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of<br />

fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant<br />

gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than<br />

20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The<br />

lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Rec_very; allev_ate; confi_e; choo_e; of_er; blo_t; tumo_; stoma_h; can_er; chemot_erapy.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

A. Alleviate; gastric tumor; immediate; benign; choose; malignant; suggest; confine; bleeding;<br />

influence; vomiting of blood; recovery; exclusively; spread; offer; bloat; likelihood; however;<br />

catch; relieve; analgesic.<br />

B. Tumors affect twice as many women as men; the most common early symptom; they are 2 to<br />

4 times more common; there is no one symptom; weight loss; bloated feeling after meals;<br />

surgical removal offers the only chance to cure; the likelihood of success depends on; in addition<br />

to surgery.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Одужання, виліковування; болезаспокійливий; пропонувати; обирати, вибирати;<br />

роздувати, надувати; обмежувати; вірогідність; бути причиною, спричиняти; рак;<br />

злоякісна пухлина шлунку; після їжі; видалити всі уражені ділянки.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Tumor; approximately; benign; microscopic; peptic ulcer; region of the abdomen; cure; offer;<br />

chance; exclusively; metastasize; the cancer is caught; recovery; relieve; advanced.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Most gastric tumors are malignant. They affect twice as many women as men, usually<br />

between the ages of 50 and 70. Approximately 1 of 10 stomach tumors is benign. Like the<br />

malignant tumors, the most common early symptom of a benign tumor may be microscopic<br />

bleeding that can be detected only by laboratory examination of the stool.<br />

The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some<br />

influence. They are 2 to 4 times more common in members of the immediate family of people<br />

with the disease.<br />

There is no one symptom that will suggest that the person has a malignant gastric tumor.<br />

One of every four persons with a malignant tumor has the same symptoms as someone with a<br />

peptic ulcer. They are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the abdomen, black stools, and<br />

vomiting after meals. But other symptoms are more serious: vomiting of blood, weight loss,<br />

anemia, and bloated feeling after meals.<br />

Malignant tumor is difficult to treat. If the cancer is confined to the stomach, the chance<br />

of cure is good. However, the disease often has spread, and the chance of cure is then<br />

significantly decreased.

If the tumor is malignant, surgical removal offers the only chance to cure. The likelihood<br />

of success depends almost exclusively on whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other<br />

areas of the body. If the cancer is caught early and it is determined that surgery can remove all of<br />

the affected areas, full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to<br />

alleviate pain, bleeding, or obstruction.<br />

In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, the physician may choose chemotherapy as<br />

an additional treatment, using a number of anticancer medications. Radiation is sometimes used,<br />

but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer.<br />

If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs<br />

may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text "Stomach Tumor" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The most common early symptom of a benign tumor is _. 2. Some persons with a malignant<br />

tumor may have the same symptoms as persons with _. 3. The most serious symptoms of a<br />

malignant tumor are _. 4. Surgical removal offers the only chance to cure in patients with _. 5.<br />

Full recovery is possible if the cancer is caught _.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing prepositions:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of lymphoma<br />

are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion develops _ the first time in<br />

the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and nausea, the physician may want to<br />

obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination. 4. In most cases, these procedures will<br />

determine whether the symptoms are due _ a malignant tumor or to some other abnormalities.<br />

Ex. 15. S kim through the text "Stomach Tumor", divide it into logical parts, and entitle<br />

them.<br />

Ex. 16. Write out the key sentences of the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the stomach tumor.<br />

Ex. 18. Give a summary of the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and discuss it with your fellow-student:<br />


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. More than 20 types of malignant and<br />

benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. A benign tumor is a mass of<br />

abnormal tissue that does not spread and can be completely removed surgically. It is not lifethreatening<br />

and is not likely to recur. A malignant tumor, however, is an abnormal growth of<br />

cells that can invade and destroy nearby tissue or organs and can spread to other parts of the<br />

body.<br />

Cigarette smoking accounts for 85 percent of all lung cancers. Other risk factors for lung<br />

cancer include exposure to asbestos and other industrial carcinogens, second-hand smoke, and<br />

high concentrations of radon. Primary lung cancer is uncommon in nonsmokers, but cancer of

the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, bone, or other organs may spread to the lungs. The<br />

symptoms of lung cancer are cough that produce sputum, containing pus and sometimes blood,<br />

shortness of breath, fever, chest pain, hoarness, loss of appetite and weight.<br />

Lung cancer is a very serious disease and has a very poor outlook. However, the outcome<br />

depends on the extent of the disease when it is covered, the general health and age, the cell type<br />

of cancer, how rapidly it growths, and what type of therapy is given. Only 20 to 25 percent of all<br />

lung cancers can be removed surgically at the time of initial diagnosis. Once symptoms of lung<br />

cancer appear, the disease may be fairly well advanced and not treatable by operation.<br />

Basically, there are three treatment options for lung cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, and<br />

radiation therapy. Laser surgery can be used to restore breathing when tumors obstruct central air<br />

passageways. Usually, this is done only when surgical removal of cancer is not possible.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the text in paragraphs. Define the main subject of each paragraph:<br />


Tumors of the small intestine are relatively uncommon. They represent only 3 to 6<br />

percent of all abnormal growths in the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal tumors can be benign or<br />

malignant.<br />

Most tumors of the small bowel are benign and usually are discovered between ages 40<br />

and 60. The most frequent symptoms are pain, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding. There are<br />

several types of benign tumors, including lipomas, leiomyomas, angiomas, and adenomas. These<br />

tumors do not spread. They often are an incidental finding on an X-ray made because of another<br />

problem, although some benign tumors can cause bleeding.<br />

A small percentage of tumors of the small intestine are malignant. The most common<br />

malignant types are adenocarcinoma, leiomyocarcoma, carcinoid tumor, and lymphoma.<br />

Bleeding, perforation, and obstruction are common manifestations of a leiomyocarcoma,<br />

whereas a carcinoid tumor may cause no symptoms before it spreads.<br />

The diagnosis of a tumor in the small intestine is often made with a barium X-ray.<br />

Benign tumors are not life-threatening, but they can cause dangerous symptoms such as<br />

bleeding and obstruction. Like any malignancy, cancer of the small intestine is dangerous and<br />

life- threatening illness and requires prompt treatment.<br />

Surgery is usually recommended for all benign tumors that cause symptoms and for<br />

malignancies that have not become too widespread for surgical treatment. At times, the X-ray<br />

examination of the intestine cannot distinguish a benign from a malignant tumor, and surgical<br />

exploration of the abdomen and removal of the tumor are necessary before the diagnosis can be<br />

made. When a tumor has metastasized to such an extent that surgery will not be effective, steroid<br />

medications, chemotherapy, and radiation may be used.<br />

Ex. 21. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Hereditary спадковий; von Hippel-Lindau di sease ангіофакоматоз; outcome наслідок;<br />

advocate рекомендувати; infancy рання стадія розвитку.<br />

Ex. 22. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Renal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer of the kidneys. It also is called renal<br />

adenocarcinoma. It begins in one of the cells that form the lining of a renal tubule. Renal cell<br />

carcinoma occurs twice as often in men as in women. The most common age at diagnosis is<br />

between 55 and 60. Smokers, particularly those who smoke pipes or cigars, are at greater risk of<br />

renal cell carcinoma than are nonsmokers. In some instances, the disease appears to be<br />

hereditary. A large number of persons with von Hippel-Lindau disease, an inherited condition<br />

affecting the capillaries of a part of the brain, also have renal cell carcinoma.<br />

The outcome with renal cell carcinoma depends on the extent to which the tumor has<br />

spread. If the tumor is in its earliest stage, 60 to 75 percent of affected people will survive for at

least 5 years. If the lymph nodes around the kidney have been infiltrated, the 5-year survival rate<br />

drops to 5 to 15 percent. When the cancer has spread to other organs, fewer than 5 percent<br />

survive for 5 years.<br />

When it appears that a renal cell carcinoma has not spread beyond the kidney, the best<br />

treatment is removal of the entire kidney. Some surgeons advocate also removing the<br />

surrounding lymph nodes. Sometimes, radiation therapy may be used to prevent spread of the<br />

cancer. If the disease has spread, there is no universally agreed on method of treatment.<br />

Ex. 23. Ask 5-7 questions on the text “Cancer of Kidney” and be ready to answer them.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about types of tumour.<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of<br />

lymphoma are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion<br />

develops _ the first time in the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and<br />

nausea, the physician may want to obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination.<br />

4. In most cases, these procedures will determine whether the symptoms are due _ a<br />

malignant tumor or to some other abnormalities.<br />

Усне повідомлення з теми.<br />

The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some influence. The<br />

signs and symptoms of gastric tumor are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the<br />

abdomen, black stools, vomiting after meals, vomiting of blood, weight loss, and anemia. If the<br />

tumor is malignant, surgical removal is the only chance to cure. If the cancer is diagnosed early<br />

full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to alleviate pain, bleeding, or<br />

obstruction. In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, chemotherapy is used as an additional<br />

treatment. Radiation is sometimes used, but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve<br />

the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer. If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or<br />

surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs may be used to reduce pain.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>дисципліна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль №<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Типи пухлин<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “Типи пухлин.”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом construction to be, nouns<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

immediate [I'mIdjqt] близький (про родичів)<br />

bloat [blqut] роздувати(ся), надувати (ся)<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] обмежувати<br />

offer ['Ofq] пропонувати<br />

likelihood ['laIklIhud] вірогідність<br />

alleviate [q'lI:vIeIt] полегшувати<br />

exclusively [Iks'klu:sIvlI] винятково, виключно<br />

recovery [rI'kAvqri] видужання, одужання;<br />

виліковування<br />

choose [Cu:z] обирати<br />

analgesic ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгезуючий,<br />

анальгетичний, болезаспокійливий<br />


Ex. 1. Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

Histopathological; cytoplastic; neoplastic; hydrocarbon; laryngectomy; cytoplasm.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense,<br />

What<br />

Active Voice<br />

(Revision)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Auxiliary Subject<br />

verb<br />

do<br />

I, you, we they<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />


Example<br />

V<br />

Do you study?<br />

(study, write) Where does he<br />

does he, she, it<br />

study?<br />

Past Simple Tense, Where did I, he, she, it, V When did you go to

Active Voice you, we, they (study, write) the Academy?<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

When shall<br />

will<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

Where will they go<br />

tomorrow?<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Why<br />

am<br />

is<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Where is this<br />

hospital built?<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

be + V 3<br />

(be studied, be<br />

written)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying, be<br />

writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

What medicine was<br />

your doctor<br />

prescribed?<br />

Were the patients<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

polyclinic be<br />

closed?<br />

What is he writing<br />

now?<br />

What are you doing<br />

?<br />

Where was a doctor<br />

performing on the<br />

operation?<br />

What will you be<br />

doing at 3 p.m.?<br />

What hospital is<br />

your friend being<br />

operated on?<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

have + V 3<br />

(have studied,<br />

have written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

(have been<br />

studied, have been<br />

written)<br />

When was the work<br />

being fulfilled?<br />

What has he<br />

received this week?<br />

How many articles<br />

had the student read<br />

by 5 o’clock?<br />

What text will Helen<br />

have translated by<br />

3 o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 3. Ask 5-6 questions concerning the theme “Cancer”.

Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The pancreas functions as both exocrine and endocrine organ. 2. These gases are removed<br />

from the body by exhalation through the lungs. 3. Each renal artery branches into many small<br />

arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of<br />

fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant<br />

gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than<br />

20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The<br />

lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Rec_very; allev_ate; confi_e; choo_e; of_er; blo_t; tumo_; stoma_h; can_er; chemot_erapy.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

A. Alleviate; gastric tumor; immediate; benign; choose; malignant; suggest; confine; bleeding;<br />

influence; vomiting of blood; recovery; exclusively; spread; offer; bloat; likelihood; however;<br />

catch; relieve; analgesic.<br />

B. Tumors affect twice as many women as men; the most common early symptom; they are 2 to<br />

4 times more common; there is no one symptom; weight loss; bloated feeling after meals;<br />

surgical removal offers the only chance to cure; the likelihood of success depends on; in addition<br />

to surgery.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Одужання, виліковування; болезаспокійливий; пропонувати; обирати, вибирати;<br />

роздувати, надувати; обмежувати; вірогідність; бути причиною, спричиняти; рак;<br />

злоякісна пухлина шлунку; після їжі; видалити всі уражені ділянки.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Tumor; approximately; benign; microscopic; peptic ulcer; region of the abdomen; cure; offer;<br />

chance; exclusively; metastasize; the cancer is caught; recovery; relieve; advanced.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Most gastric tumors are malignant. They affect twice as many women as men, usually<br />

between the ages of 50 and 70. Approximately 1 of 10 stomach tumors is benign. Like the<br />

malignant tumors, the most common early symptom of a benign tumor may be microscopic<br />

bleeding that can be detected only by laboratory examination of the stool.<br />

The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some<br />

influence. They are 2 to 4 times more common in members of the immediate family of people<br />

with the disease.<br />

There is no one symptom that will suggest that the person has a malignant gastric tumor.<br />

One of every four persons with a malignant tumor has the same symptoms as someone with a<br />

peptic ulcer. They are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the abdomen, black stools, and<br />

vomiting after meals. But other symptoms are more serious: vomiting of blood, weight loss,<br />

anemia, and bloated feeling after meals.<br />

Malignant tumor is difficult to treat. If the cancer is confined to the stomach, the chance<br />

of cure is good. However, the disease often has spread, and the chance of cure is then<br />

significantly decreased.

If the tumor is malignant, surgical removal offers the only chance to cure. The likelihood<br />

of success depends almost exclusively on whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other<br />

areas of the body. If the cancer is caught early and it is determined that surgery can remove all of<br />

the affected areas, full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to<br />

alleviate pain, bleeding, or obstruction.<br />

In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, the physician may choose chemotherapy as<br />

an additional treatment, using a number of anticancer medications. Radiation is sometimes used,<br />

but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer.<br />

If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs<br />

may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the text "Stomach Tumor" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 12. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The most common early symptom of a benign tumor is _. 2. Some persons with a malignant<br />

tumor may have the same symptoms as persons with _. 3. The most serious symptoms of a<br />

malignant tumor are _. 4. Surgical removal offers the only chance to cure in patients with _. 5.<br />

Full recovery is possible if the cancer is caught _.<br />

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Ex. 14. Insert the missing prepositions:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of lymphoma<br />

are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion develops _ the first time in<br />

the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and nausea, the physician may want to<br />

obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination. 4. In most cases, these procedures will<br />

determine whether the symptoms are due _ a malignant tumor or to some other abnormalities.<br />

Ex. 15. S kim through the text "Stomach Tumor", divide it into logical parts, and entitle<br />

them.<br />

Ex. 16. Write out the key sentences of the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 17. Speak on the stomach tumor.<br />

Ex. 18. Give a summary of the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 19. Read the following text and discuss it with your fellow-student:<br />


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. More than 20 types of malignant and<br />

benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. A benign tumor is a mass of<br />

abnormal tissue that does not spread and can be completely removed surgically. It is not lifethreatening<br />

and is not likely to recur. A malignant tumor, however, is an abnormal growth of<br />

cells that can invade and destroy nearby tissue or organs and can spread to other parts of the<br />

body.<br />

Cigarette smoking accounts for 85 percent of all lung cancers. Other risk factors for lung<br />

cancer include exposure to asbestos and other industrial carcinogens, second-hand smoke, and<br />

high concentrations of radon. Primary lung cancer is uncommon in nonsmokers, but cancer of

the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, bone, or other organs may spread to the lungs. The<br />

symptoms of lung cancer are cough that produce sputum, containing pus and sometimes blood,<br />

shortness of breath, fever, chest pain, hoarness, loss of appetite and weight.<br />

Lung cancer is a very serious disease and has a very poor outlook. However, the outcome<br />

depends on the extent of the disease when it is covered, the general health and age, the cell type<br />

of cancer, how rapidly it growths, and what type of therapy is given. Only 20 to 25 percent of all<br />

lung cancers can be removed surgically at the time of initial diagnosis. Once symptoms of lung<br />

cancer appear, the disease may be fairly well advanced and not treatable by operation.<br />

Basically, there are three treatment options for lung cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, and<br />

radiation therapy. Laser surgery can be used to restore breathing when tumors obstruct central air<br />

passageways. Usually, this is done only when surgical removal of cancer is not possible.<br />

Ex. 20. Read the text in paragraphs. Define the main subject of each paragraph:<br />


Tumors of the small intestine are relatively uncommon. They represent only 3 to 6<br />

percent of all abnormal growths in the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal tumors can be benign or<br />

malignant.<br />

Most tumors of the small bowel are benign and usually are discovered between ages 40<br />

and 60. The most frequent symptoms are pain, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding. There are<br />

several types of benign tumors, including lipomas, leiomyomas, angiomas, and adenomas. These<br />

tumors do not spread. They often are an incidental finding on an X-ray made because of another<br />

problem, although some benign tumors can cause bleeding.<br />

A small percentage of tumors of the small intestine are malignant. The most common<br />

malignant types are adenocarcinoma, leiomyocarcoma, carcinoid tumor, and lymphoma.<br />

Bleeding, perforation, and obstruction are common manifestations of a leiomyocarcoma,<br />

whereas a carcinoid tumor may cause no symptoms before it spreads.<br />

The diagnosis of a tumor in the small intestine is often made with a barium X-ray.<br />

Benign tumors are not life-threatening, but they can cause dangerous symptoms such as<br />

bleeding and obstruction. Like any malignancy, cancer of the small intestine is dangerous and<br />

life- threatening illness and requires prompt treatment.<br />

Surgery is usually recommended for all benign tumors that cause symptoms and for<br />

malignancies that have not become too widespread for surgical treatment. At times, the X-ray<br />

examination of the intestine cannot distinguish a benign from a malignant tumor, and surgical<br />

exploration of the abdomen and removal of the tumor are necessary before the diagnosis can be<br />

made. When a tumor has metastasized to such an extent that surgery will not be effective, steroid<br />

medications, chemotherapy, and radiation may be used.<br />

Ex. 21. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:<br />

Hereditary спадковий; von Hippel-Lindau di sease ангіофакоматоз; outcome наслідок;<br />

advocate рекомендувати; infancy рання стадія розвитку.<br />

Ex. 22. Read and translate the following text:<br />


Renal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer of the kidneys. It also is called renal<br />

adenocarcinoma. It begins in one of the cells that form the lining of a renal tubule. Renal cell<br />

carcinoma occurs twice as often in men as in women. The most common age at diagnosis is<br />

between 55 and 60. Smokers, particularly those who smoke pipes or cigars, are at greater risk of<br />

renal cell carcinoma than are nonsmokers. In some instances, the disease appears to be<br />

hereditary. A large number of persons with von Hippel-Lindau disease, an inherited condition<br />

affecting the capillaries of a part of the brain, also have renal cell carcinoma.<br />

The outcome with renal cell carcinoma depends on the extent to which the tumor has<br />

spread. If the tumor is in its earliest stage, 60 to 75 percent of affected people will survive for at

least 5 years. If the lymph nodes around the kidney have been infiltrated, the 5-year survival rate<br />

drops to 5 to 15 percent. When the cancer has spread to other organs, fewer than 5 percent<br />

survive for 5 years.<br />

When it appears that a renal cell carcinoma has not spread beyond the kidney, the best<br />

treatment is removal of the entire kidney. Some surgeons advocate also removing the<br />

surrounding lymph nodes. Sometimes, radiation therapy may be used to prevent spread of the<br />

cancer. If the disease has spread, there is no universally agreed on method of treatment.<br />

Ex. 23. Ask 5-7 questions on the text “Cancer of Kidney” and be ready to answer them.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст.. викладачем Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль №<br />

Змістовий модуль<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Курс<br />

Факультет<br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Рак шлунку<br />

ІІ<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Рак шлунку”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом INTERROGATIVE FORM:<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману інформацію в<br />

контексті певної ситуації спілкування англійською<br />

мовою за зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Словотворення: Medical; de velopment; typi cally; s ubdivide; ou tside; a ddition; noticeable;<br />

eyebrow; deficiency; toxic.<br />

Граматика: INTERROGATIVE FORM.<br />

Текст: “ STOMACH TUMOR”.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

construction<br />

there be.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Forms<br />

of the Verb<br />

(І. Znamenska,<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: фонетичний матеріал з<br />

теми;<br />

65%<br />

Словотворення: Medical;<br />

development; t ypically; s ubdivide;<br />

outside; a ddition; noticeable;<br />

eyebrow; deficiency; toxic.<br />

Граматика: Засвоєння<br />


Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

Student”)<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

immediate [I'mIdjqt] ближайший (о<br />

родственниках)<br />

bloat [blqut] раздувать(ся), надувать (ся)<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] ограничивать<br />

offer ['Ofq] предлагать<br />

likelihood ['laIklIhud] вероятность<br />

alleviate [q'lI:vIeIt] облегчать<br />

5.2. Основний етап. VOCABULARY<br />

exclusively [Iks'klu:sIvlI] единственно,<br />

исключительно<br />

recovery [rI'kAvqri] выздоровление,<br />

излечение<br />

choose [Cu:z] выбирать, избирать<br />

analgesic ["xnxl'GesIk] аналгезирующий,<br />

анальгетический, болеутоляющий<br />


Ex. 1. Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

Histopathological; cytoplastic; neoplastic; hydrocarbon; laryngectomy; cytoplasm.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:<br />


(Revision)<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

(2)<br />

Auxiliary<br />

verb<br />

(3)<br />

Subject<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />

Example<br />

Present Simple<br />

do<br />

I, you, we they V<br />

Do you study?<br />

Tense,<br />

What<br />

(study, write) Where does he<br />

Active Voice<br />

does he, she, it<br />

study?<br />

Past Simple Tense, Where did I, he, she, it, V When did you go to

Active Voice you, we, they (study, write) the Academy?<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

When shall<br />

will<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

be + V<br />

( be study, be<br />

write)<br />

Where will they go<br />

tomorrow?<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Why<br />

am<br />

is<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Where is this<br />

hospital built?<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

be + V 3<br />

(be studied, be<br />

written)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying, be<br />

writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Future Perfect<br />

shall I, we<br />

have + V 3<br />

Tense, Active<br />

(have studied,<br />

Voice<br />

will he, she, it, you,<br />

have written)<br />

they<br />

Present Perfect<br />

have I, you, we they been + V 3<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

(been studied,<br />

Voice<br />

has he, she, it<br />

been written)<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

had I, he, she, it, been + V 3<br />

Passive Voice<br />

you, we, they<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

Future Perfect<br />

shall I, we<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

(have been<br />

Voice<br />

will he, she, it, you,<br />

studied, have been<br />

they<br />

written)<br />

Ex. 3. Ask 5-6 questions concerning the theme “Cancer”.<br />

What medicine was<br />

your doctor<br />

prescribed?<br />

Were the patients<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

polyclinic be<br />

closed?<br />

What is he writing<br />

now?<br />

What are you doing<br />

?<br />

Where was a doctor<br />

performing on the<br />

operation?<br />

What will you be<br />

doing at 3 p.m.?<br />

What hospital is<br />

your friend being<br />

operated on?<br />

When was the work<br />

being fulfilled?<br />

What has he<br />

received this week?<br />

How many articles<br />

had the student read<br />

by 5 o’clock?<br />

What text will Helen<br />

have translated by<br />

3 o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have been<br />


Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. The pancreas functions as both exocrine and endocrine organ. 2. These gases are removed<br />

from the body by exhalation through the lungs. 3. Each renal artery branches into many small<br />

arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of<br />

fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant<br />

gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than<br />

20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The<br />

lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Rec_very; allev_ate; confi_e; choo_e; of_er; blo_t; tumo_; stoma_h; can_er; _hemotherapy.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Alleviate; g astric tum or; im mediate; be nign; choose; m alignant; s uggest; c onfine; bl eeding;<br />

influence; v omiting of blood; recovery; exclusively; s pread; of fer; b loat; lik elihood; ho wever;<br />

catch; relieve; analgesic.<br />

Ex. 8. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Выздоровление, излечение; болеутоляющий; предлагать; избирать, выбирать; раздувать,<br />

надувать; ограничивать; вероятность; являться причиной, причинять; рак;<br />

злокачественная опухоль желудка; после еды; удалить все пораженные участки.<br />

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Tumor; a pproximately; benign; m icroscopic; p eptic ul cer; r egion of t he a bdomen; c ure; of fer;<br />

chance; exclusively; metastasize; the cancer is caught; recovery; relieve; advanced.<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Most gastric t umors ar e malignant. They affect t wice as many women as men, usually<br />

between the a ges of 50 a nd 70. A pproximately 1 of 10 s tomach t umors i s be nign. L ike t he<br />

malignant t umors, t he m ost c ommon e arly s ymptom o f a be nign t umor may b e microscopic<br />

bleeding that can be detected only by laboratory examination of the stool.<br />

The c ause of malignant ga stric t umor i s unk nown. G enetic f actors may ha ve s ome<br />

influence. They are 2 to 4 t imes more common in members of the immediate family of people<br />

with the disease.<br />

There is no one symptom that will suggest that the person has a malignant gastric tumor.<br />

One of every four persons with a malignant tumor has the same symptoms as som eone with a<br />

peptic ulcer. They are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the abdomen, black stools, and<br />

vomiting a fter m eals. B ut ot her s ymptoms a re m ore s erious: vom iting of bl ood, w eight l oss,<br />

anemia, and bloated feeling after meals.

Malignant tumor is difficult to treat. If the cancer is confined to the stomach, the chance<br />

of cure i s good. However, the d isease of ten ha s sp read, and the c hance of c ure i s t hen<br />

significantly decreased.<br />

If the tumor is malignant, surgical removal offers the only chance to cure. The likelihood<br />

of success depends almost exclusively on whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other<br />

areas of the body. If the cancer is caught early and it is determined that surgery can remove all of<br />

the af fected ar eas, full r ecovery i s pos sible. Sometimes surgery m ay be r ecommended t o<br />

alleviate pain, bleeding, or obstruction.<br />

In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, the physician may choose chemotherapy as<br />

an additional treatment, using a number of anticancer medications. Radiation is sometimes used,<br />

but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer.<br />

If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs<br />

may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Tumors affect twice as many women as men; the most common early symptom; they are 2 to 4<br />

times more common; there is no one symptom; weight loss; bloated feeling after meals; surgical<br />

removal of fers t he onl y c hance t o cure; t he l ikelihood of s uccess de pends on; i n a ddition to<br />

surgery.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text "Stomach Tumor" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The most common early symptom of a benign tumor is _. 2. S ome persons with a malignant<br />

tumor may have t he s ame s ymptoms a s pe rsons w ith _. 3. T he m ost s erious s ymptoms of a<br />

malignant tumor are _. 4 . Surgical removal offers the only chance to cure in patients with _. 5.<br />

Full recovery is possible if the cancer is caught _.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing prepositions:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of lymphoma<br />

are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion develops _ the first time in<br />

the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and nausea, the physician may want to<br />

obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination. 4. In most cases, these procedures will<br />

determine whether the symptoms are due _ a malignant tumor or to some other abnormality.<br />

Ex. 16. S kim through the text "Stomach Tumor", divide it into logical parts, and entitle<br />

them.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out the key sentences f the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the stomach tumor.<br />

Ex. 19. Give a summary of the text "Stomach Tumor".

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з теми<br />

The c ause of malignant ga stric tumor i s un known. G enetic f actors m ay ha ve s ome<br />

influence. The signs and symptoms of gastric tumor are discomfort in the upper or middle region<br />

of the abdomen, black stools, and vomiting after meals. But other symptoms are more serious:<br />

vomiting of bl ood, w eight l oss, a nemia, a nd bl oated f eeling after meals. I f t he t umor i s<br />

malignant, s urgical r emoval of fers the onl y chance t o cure. I f t he c ancer i s c aught e arly f ull<br />

recovery is pos sible. S ometimes s urgery m ay be r ecommended t o a lleviate pa in, b leeding, o r<br />

obstruction. I n a ddition t o s urgery f or malignant t umors, t he phys ician m ay c hoose<br />

chemotherapy as an additional treatment, using a number of anticancer medications. Radiation is<br />

sometimes used, but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do<br />

not cure the cancer. If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective,<br />

analgesic drugs may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття,<br />

стандартизований кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і<br />

виставляється у журнал обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Ситуаційні завдання.<br />

1. Tell the group about STOMACH CANCER<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

1. 1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor?<br />

3. What are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. I n what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. I n<br />

what cases does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood<br />

of s uccess depend on ? 7. W hen may t he phys ician c hoose c hemotherapy a s a n a dditional<br />

treatment?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Complete the text with the words:<br />

1. T he most c ommon e arly s ymptom of a be nign t umor i s _. 2. S ome pe rsons w ith a<br />

malignant tumor may have the same symptoms as persons with _. 3. The most serious symptoms<br />

of a malignant tumor are _. 4. Surgical removal offers the only chance to cure in patients with _.<br />

5. Full recovery is possible if the cancer is caught _.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.: Высшая<br />

школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с.<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000 – 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена ст. викл. Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong><br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль №<br />

Змістовий модуль<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття<br />

Курс<br />

Факультет<br />

<strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

Рак шлунку<br />

ІІ<br />

медичний<br />

Полтава – 2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою “ Рак шлунку”<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом FUNCTIONS OF THE VERB “TO BE”<br />

:засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

cancer ['kxnsq] рак<br />

restraint [rIs'treInt] ограничение<br />

excretion [eks'krI:S(q)n] выведение compete [kqm'pI:t] конкурировать<br />

(вещества из организма), экскреция tumor ['tjumq] неоплазма, новообразование;<br />

differentiation ["dIfqrenSI'eIS(q)n]<br />

опухоль<br />

модификация, приспособленность, nearby ['nIqbaI] близлежащий, соседний<br />

видоизменение<br />

via [vaIq] посредством чего-л., с помощью<br />

pattern ['pxtqn] образец, модель<br />

чего-л.<br />

orderly ['O:dqlI] систематический, benign [bI'naIn] доброкачественный<br />

упорядоченный, организованный; attempt [q'tempt] пытаться, стремиться<br />

правильный<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] ограничивать<br />

lack [lxk] не иметь; испытывать<br />

malignant [mq'lIgnqnt] злокачественный<br />

недостаток, нуждаться<br />

accomplish [q'kOmplIS] достигать<br />

crowd out [kraud] вытеснять, замещать, adjacent [q'GeIs(q)nt] расположенный рядом,<br />

заменять<br />

смежный, соседний<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What FUNCTIONS OF THE VERB “TO BE”do you know?<br />

Give your examples.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Read and translate the sentences paying attention to FUNCTIONS OF THE VERB “TO BE”:

1. Cancer is characterized by abnormal growth of cells. 2. The human body is a living, growing<br />

system that contains billions of individual cells. 3. New cells are created through the process of<br />

cell division. 4. C ancer therapy is concentrated primarily on trying to confine and then kill the<br />

malignant cells. 5. This goal is accomplished by killing the tissue with X-rays. 6. It is important<br />

to remember that cancer is very serious disease. 6. Why cancer develops in some people is not<br />

fully know n. 7. C hemotherapy is the us e of m edications to t reat c ancer. 8. T he i llnesses are<br />

associated with a cancer. 8. The major groups of malignant tumors are carcinomas, sarcomas,<br />

and m ixed-tissue t umors. 9. T hey a re c arrying out ve ry i mportant e xperiment. 10. Was he<br />

preparing Anatomy at 5 o’clock yesterday? 10. The oncologist is to examine this female.<br />

Зміст теми:<br />

Словотворення: Analyze th e s tructure of th e fol lowing terms an d tr anslate them in to<br />

Ukrainian:<br />

Medical; development; typically; subdivide; outside; addition; noticeable; eyebrow; deficiency;<br />

toxic.<br />


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.<br />

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:<br />

Ac_omplish; confi_e; beni_n; ne_rby; compet_, restra_nt; mali_nant; tum_r; cro_d out; pat_ern;<br />

la_k; differen_iation; _ancer.<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words into English:<br />

Опухоль; рак; доброкачественный; злокачественный; ограничение; близлежащий,<br />

соседний; пытаться, стремиться; замещать, заменять; организованный, упорядоченный;<br />

модель, образец; экскреция; развиваться; расти; вторгаться; уничтожать; ткань;<br />

определять; костный мозг.<br />

Ex. 8. Read the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Characterize; ge neralize; c ause; e xcretion; a ccompanying process; a cquire; pa ttern; or derly;<br />

divide; neighboring; nutrient; tumor; metastasis; via the blood system; benign tumor; procedure<br />

available today; identify; primarily; remove; adjacent; nausea.<br />

Ex. 11. Read the following text:<br />

Ex. 10. Read the following text:<br />


Most gastric tumors are malignant. They affect twice as many women as men, usually<br />

between the ages of 50 and 70. Approximately 1 of 10 stomach tumors is benign. Like the<br />

malignant tumors, the most common early symptom of a benign tumor may be microscopic<br />

bleeding that can be detected only by laboratory examination of the stool.<br />

The c ause of malignant ga stric t umor i s unk nown. G enetic f actors may ha ve s ome<br />

influence. They are 2 to 4 t imes more common in members of the immediate family of people<br />

with the disease.<br />

There is no one symptom that will suggest that the person has a malignant gastric tumor.<br />

One of every four persons with a malignant tumor has the same symptoms as som eone with a

peptic ulcer. They are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the abdomen, black stools, and<br />

vomiting a fter m eals. B ut ot her s ymptoms a re m ore s erious: vom iting of bl ood, w eight l oss,<br />

anemia, and bloated feeling after meals.<br />

Malignant tumor is difficult to treat. If the cancer is confined to the stomach, the chance<br />

of c ure i s good. H owever, the d isease often ha s sp read, and the c hance of c ure i s t hen<br />

significantly decreased.<br />

If the tumor is malignant, surgical removal offers the only chance to cure. The likelihood<br />

of success depends almost exclusively on whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other<br />

areas of the body. If the cancer is caught early and it is determined that surgery can remove all of<br />

the af fected ar eas, full r ecovery is pos sible. Sometimes surgery may be r ecommended to<br />

alleviate pain, bleeding, or obstruction.<br />

In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, the physician may choose chemotherapy as<br />

an additional treatment, using a number of anticancer medications. Radiation is sometimes used,<br />

but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer.<br />

If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs<br />

may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Ex. 11. Translate the following word-combinations into your native language:<br />

Tumors affect twice as many women as men; the most common early symptom; they are 2 to 4<br />

times more common; there is no one symptom; weight loss; bloated feeling after meals; surgical<br />

removal of fers t he onl y c hance t o cure; t he l ikelihood of s uccess de pends on; i n a ddition to<br />

surgery.<br />

Ex. 12. Translate the text "Stomach Tumor" into your native language.<br />

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. The most common early symptom of a benign tumor is _. 2. S ome persons with a malignant<br />

tumor may have t he s ame s ymptoms a s pe rsons w ith _. 3. T he m ost s erious s ymptoms of a<br />

malignant tumor are _. 4 . Surgical removal offers the only chance to cure in patients with _. 5.<br />

Full recovery is possible if the cancer is caught _.<br />

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Ex. 15. Insert the missing prepositions:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of lymphoma<br />

are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion develops _ the first time in<br />

the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and nausea, the physician may want to<br />

obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination. 4. In most cases, these procedures will<br />

determine whether the symptoms are due _ a malignant tumor or to some other abnormality.<br />

Ex. 16. S kim through the text "Stomach Tumor", divide it into logical parts, and entitle<br />

them.<br />

Ex. 17. Write out the key sentences f the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />

Ex. 18. Speak on the stomach tumor.

Ex. 19. Give a summary of the text "Stomach Tumor".<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. Are the most gastric tumors benign? 2. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor? 3. What<br />

are the symptoms of gastric tumor? 4. In what cases is the chance of cure good? 5. In what cases<br />

does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure? 6. What does the likelihood of success<br />

depend on? 7. When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words or word-combinations:<br />

1. Approximately 5 percent _ stomach cancers are lymphomas. 2. The symptoms of lymphoma<br />

are very similar _ those of stomach cancer. 3. If persistent indigestion develops _ the first time in<br />

the persons' life along with unexplained weight loss and nausea, the physician may want to<br />

obtain a barium X-ray or an endoscopic examination. 4. In most cases, these procedures will<br />

determine whether the symptoms are due _ a malignant tumor or to some other abnormality.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична вказівка складена ст. викл. Романко І. Г.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий контроль засвоєння модуля №3<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темою Immune System, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus, Drugs,<br />

Vitamins, Medicinal Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />

Знати лексико-фонетичний матеріал та словотворчий матеріал з теми, вміти читати та<br />

перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати<br />

речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При контролі граматичного матеріалу Simple Tenses, Perfect Tenses.<br />

Знати функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його<br />

у тексті, при читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Фонетика: Повторення фонетики вивчених тем модуля №3<br />

Словотворення: найтиповіші суфікси прикметників (-less, -able, -ive).<br />

Граматика: Simple Tenses, Perfect Tenses.<br />

Тексти: Immune S ystem, Endocrine S ystem, Diabetes M ellitus, Drugs, Vitamins, Medicinal<br />

Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

Часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Simple Tenses,<br />

Perfect Tenses.<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до тем.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Фонетична<br />

таблиця,<br />

Граматичні<br />

таблиці Simple<br />

Tenses, Perfect<br />

Tenses.<br />

Є.Є. Юдіна,<br />

Л.В.<br />

Потяженко.<br />

Підручник<br />


2. Основний етап.<br />

Фонетика: Засвоєння читання<br />

голосних голосних oo, ee;<br />

фонетичний матеріал з теми;<br />

Словотворення: засвоєння<br />

найтиповіших<br />

суфіксів<br />

прикметників (-less, -able, -ive);<br />

Граматика: Simple Tenses, Perfect<br />

Tenses.<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

65% Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

тем.<br />

мови. – Київ,<br />

1994.<br />

І. Znamenska, O.<br />

Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical Student”<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

["xntIbaI'OtIk] антибіотик<br />

inhibit [In'hIbIt] пригнічувати, стримувати<br />

protozoan ["prqutq'zqun] протозоон<br />

potent ['pqut(q)nt] сильнодіючий; міцний<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява; пліснявий грибок<br />

own to [qun] визнавати<br />

bactericidal [bxk'tIqrI"saIdl] бактерицидний<br />

completeness [kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

завершеність<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] свічка,<br />

супозиторій<br />

intravenous ["I:ntrq'vI:nqs]<br />

внутрішньовенний<br />


vitamin ['vItqmIn; 'vaItqmIn] вітамін<br />

essential [I'senS(q)l] істотний<br />

diet [daIqt] харчування, їжа<br />

amount [q'maunt] кількість<br />

contribute [kqn'trIbju:t] сприяти<br />

minute [maI'nju:t] неістотний, незначний;<br />

дрібний<br />

deficiency [dI'fIS(q)nsI] брак, дефіцит<br />

intrathecal ["I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

внутрішньошкірний<br />

intracavitary ["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

інтратекальний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон, бальзам<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Ex. 1. Insert the correct forms of the verbs and translate the sentences into your native<br />


1. Immune system (to design) by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from<br />

injuries and illnesses. 2. The lymph (to flow) from the capillaries in all parts of the body into the<br />

lymphatic ve ssels. 3. Although w e ( to i nhale) a nd ( to e at) thousands of ge rms e very da y, t he<br />

immune system (to prevent) the spread of various diseases. 4. We (to bear) with a genetically<br />

based natural defense system. 5. Diabetes (to occur) when the cells in the pancreas are destroyed.<br />

6. Your immune system (to need) help to function at the highest capacity. 7. Sticky mucus in<br />

respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (to trap) many microorganisms.<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. It was very hard to pass entrance exams. 2. Cells are grouped into tissues, and each tissue type<br />

is specialized to perform specific functions. 3. Serious investigations were being done by various<br />

scientists t o est ablish functions and anatomical st ructure of t he st omach. 4. The bil e acids are<br />

then r eabsorbed i n t he s mall i ntestine and c ycled into the l iver to be us ed again. 5. T he<br />

contraction of the muscle causes blood to be pumped. 6. To reach the lungs, air enters through<br />

the mouth and nose and then travels through the pharynx, larynx, and down trachea. 7. U nlike<br />

other organs and body parts that enable to move, breathe, eat, or sense the world around us, the<br />

endocrine system influences the body's processes. 8. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin,<br />

which e nables t he body t o r egulate t he a mount of s ugar i n t he bl oodstream. 9. The hor mones<br />

produced by the pancreas enable the body t o break down the food you e at. 10. Muscle and fat<br />

cells are stimulated by insulin to absorb the glucose they need as fuel for their activities. 11. The<br />

anterior l obe pr oduces six hor mones, i ncluding pr olactin t o s timulate t he pr oduction of br east<br />

milk and growth hormone to regulate the body's physical growth. 12. Antidiuretic hormone acts<br />

on the kidneys to control urine output.<br />


Ex. 3. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 4. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Notif_; ste_p; gri_d; oi_tment; evap_rate; es_ential oil; de_oction; cr_de drug; he_b.<br />

Ex. 5. R ead an d t ranslate i nto you r n ative l anguage t he f ollowing w ords and wordcombinations:<br />

Simmer; oi ntment; pur ge; c rude drug; di stil; ut ilize; s eed; re tard; bark; de coction; g rind;<br />

evaporate; steep; currently; tincture; powdered; soak; salve<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Diabetes m ellitus; i nadequate; gluc ose ['glu:kqus]; pa ncreatic islets; juvenile; vi ral; int estine;<br />

synthesize; secrete; source; neuron ['njuqrOn]; convulsion; injection; currently; associate; fatigue<br />

[fe'tI:g]; sinse [sIns].<br />

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; свічка, супозиторій; лосьйон, бальзам; шлях, напрям;<br />

внутрішньовенний; створювати; повнота, завершеність; інтратекальний; аерозоль; розчин;<br />

мазь; дія медичного препарату; призначення.<br />

Коливатися; пліснява, пліснявий грибок; місцевий, топічний; визнавати; сильнодіючий;<br />

бактеріостатичний; бактерицидний; пригнічувати, стримувати; несприятливий; побічний<br />

ефект; належати до; руйнувати; глибоко розташований; включати.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6. T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal c ortex i s de rived f rom _. 8. Norepinephrine st imulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.<br />

Ex.9. Write out key words of the texts: Immune System, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus,<br />

Drugs, Vitamins, Medicinal Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />

5.3. Заключний етап.<br />

Повідомлення з тем: Immune System, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus, Drugs, Vitamins,<br />

Medicinal Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />


1. Immune System<br />

The immune system is one of the most important systems in the human body. The major parts of<br />

immune s ystem a re t he t hymus, s pleen, lymph s ystem, bone m arrow, w hite blood c ells,<br />

antibodies, and hormones. They work together to clear infection from the body. Human body has<br />

many mechanisms t hat de fend the pe rson a gainst i nfectious o rganisms. The skin a nd<br />

gastrointestinal tract are the first lines of defense. The human organism has a specific capacity of<br />

resistance a gainst infection c alled immunity. A gents t hat c an i nvade t he hum an body l ive<br />

everywhere. The majority of t hese organisms do not pr oduce disease, but some do. The basic<br />

types of or ganisms t hat c ause i nfectious di sease a re ba cteria, vi ruses, f ungi, pr otozoa, a nd<br />

helminths. Possible help for the immune system is a healthy diet, with lots of natural sources of<br />

vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B 6 .<br />

2. Endocrine S ystemThe e ndocrine s ystem c onsists of c ells, t issues, a nd or gans t hat pr oduce<br />

hormones or other chemical substances. The organs of endocrine system act together to control<br />

body a ctivities a nd m aintain hom eostasis. T here a re two t ypes of gl ands. T hey a re e ndocrine<br />

glands a nd exocrine gl ands. E ndocrine gl ands are pi tuitary gl and, t hyroid gl and, parathyroid<br />

glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads and others. They secrete hormones into the body fluids.<br />

Exocrine g lands ar e m ammary, salivary, lacrimal, and sweat glands . They secrete ch emical<br />

substances i nto duc ts, which l ead to e xternal body s urfaces. H ormone i s o rganic s ubstance,<br />

which acts in the metabolic processes and has an effect on the functions of another cells. The<br />

endocrine system functions as a control system for the human body.<br />

3.Diabetes MellitusDiabetes mellitus occurs as a result of inadequate secretion of insulin. There<br />

are tw o types of di abetes m ellitus: ins ulin-dependent di abetes mellitus a nd non-insulindependent<br />

d iabetes m ellitus. Insulin-dependent diabetes m ellitus i s al so know n as t ype I ; and<br />

non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is known as type II. V iral infection and heredity play<br />

definite role in diabetes onset. The symptoms of diabetes mellitus are increased thirst, increased<br />

urination, weight l oss, f atigue, n ausea, vom iting, s kin infections, and bl adder i nfections.<br />

Diabetes m ellitus of ten is t reated by administration of in sulin by injection. In some c ases<br />

diabetes mellitus can be treated by administering drugs that stimulate beta cells to secrete more<br />

insulin.<br />

4.Drugs<br />

Drugs ar e c hemical subs tances u sed to make you feel be tter w hen you are si ck. T hey are<br />

obtained f rom va rious pa rts of pl ants, a nimals, or s ynthesized artificially. S ome dr ugs a re

contained i n f ood s ubstances. T he r outs of dr ug a dministration are t he f ollowing: or al<br />

administration; buc cal administration; s ublingual a dministration; rectal a dministration; va ginal<br />

administration; parenteral administration; inhalation; and topical application. The dosage forms<br />

of dr ugs are: t ablets, s olutions, c apsules; s uppositories; s ubcutaneous, intradermal,<br />

intramuscular, i ntravenous, i ntrathecal, a nd i ntracavitary i njections; a erosols; l otions, c reams,<br />

and ointments. Adverse dr ug reaction is a te rm re ferring t o unw anted, unc omfortable, or<br />

dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very serious, others are more serious.<br />

All dr ugs a re gr ouped i nto s everal classes de pending on t heir pha rmacological e ffects on t he<br />

body, t arget or gans or s ystems, etc. For exa mple, there ar e a w ide va riety of car diovascular<br />

drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, neuropharmacologic drugs, antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones,<br />

and others.<br />

5.Vitamins<br />

Vitamins are substances that are essential in certain chemical transformations in the human body.<br />

They help the body process proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Most vitamins cannot be produced<br />

by the body and must be obtained through the diet. Vitamin A is needed for the eyes and to keep<br />

the l inings of t he br onchial, ur inary, and intestinal tracts healthy; vi tamin C is ne eded for the<br />

development of bones, teeth, blood vessels, and other tissues; vitamin K is necessary for blood<br />

clotting; and vitamin D is also needed for the development of bones and teeth. Some vitamins are<br />

produced by i ntestinal b acteria, and a f ew can be f ormed by the body from subs tances c alled<br />

provitamins. Once the chemical structure of a vitamin is destroyed, its function is usually lost.<br />

There are two major classes of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are<br />

vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins are the B complex and C.<br />

6.Medicinal herbs<br />

Medicinal h erbs have b een used for centu ries to treat dif ferent di seases. Herbs ha ve be en t he<br />

principal m edicines us ed i n many c ountries. The pa rts of t he pl ants us ed for m edicine a re t heir<br />

leaves, flowers, roots, seeds or ba rk. Herbs are the source of pharmacologically active substances<br />

that effect the living organism. Medicinal herbs are used in the form of compress, decoction,<br />

essential o il, e xtract, oi ntment, pow der, s yrup, t incture, a nd t ea. M edicinal he rbs a re us ed a s<br />

medicine t o treat i nfluenza, colds, uppe r r espiratory tract i nfections ( Echinacea); bronc hial<br />

infections, i nfected w ounds, i nflammations of t he t hroat, g ums, a nd m outh (Myrrh); m orning<br />

sickness, nausea, intestinal colic, gastritis (Peppermint); inflammation of the mouth and pharynx<br />

(Camomile) and many others.<br />

7.Antibiotic<br />

Antibiotic is a chemical substance that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms. The term is<br />

used to refer to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-parasitical activity. Antibiotics<br />

can be divided into two groups: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Bactericidal antibiotics destroy<br />

bacteria, and bacteriostatic antibiotics prevent bacteria from multiplying. Antibiotics are used to<br />

treat s erious ba cterial infections. Each antibiotic is ef fective on ly against cer tain bacteria.<br />

Usually, antibiotics are given by m outh, while intravenous antibiotics are used in more serious<br />

cases. Antibiotics may also sometimes be administered topically. One of the more common side<br />

effects i s diarrhea. Some s ide e ffects m ay di srupt t he f unction of t he ki dneys, l iver, bon e<br />

marrow, or other organs.<br />

6. Додатки. Засоби для контролю:<br />

Контрольні питання:<br />

Answer the following questions:<br />

1. W hat hor mones of t he pi tuitary gland do yo u know ? 2. What i s the m ajor f unction of the<br />

pituitary gland? 3. Where is the pituitary gland located? 4. What is the thyroid gland composed<br />

of? 5. What is a drug? 6. What are drugs obtained from? 7. What dosage forms do you know? 8.<br />

What routs of drug administration are there? 9. What types of injections do you know?

10. What does the endocrine system consist of? 11. What is the function of endocrine system?<br />

12. What glands of external secretion do you kn ow? 13. What glands are the glands of internal<br />

secretion? 14. What is a hormone? 15. Where do the hormones circulate?<br />

Практичні завдання:<br />

Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. Most persons _ NIDDM are overweight or obese [qu'bI:s]. 2. Excess weight worsens the state<br />

_ the diabetes, and weight reduction has a f avorable effect. 3. In some cases, insulin injections<br />

will be required to keep blood glucose concentrations _ satisfactory limits. 4. Medicines taken _<br />

mouth, called oral hypoglycemic agents, often are helpful in NIDDM. 5. A weight-loss program<br />

often decreases the need _ insulin or an oral hypoglycemic medication. 6. Diabetes mellitus often<br />

is treated _ administration of insulin by i njection. 7. I nsulin is a drug used _ I DDM. 8. M any<br />

people _ IDDM can undertake a regimen called intensive insulin therapy. 10. People _ diabetes<br />

must carefully regulate their consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.<br />

7. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена доц. Потяженко Л.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

“<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол. н. І.М. Сологор<br />

______________<br />

“_______” ______________ 200__ р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 3<br />

Змістовий модуль 7<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий контроль засвоєння модуля №3<br />

Курс 2<br />

Факультет Медичний<br />

Полтава – 2008

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у контролі медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темами:Immune System, Endocrine S ystem, D iabetes Mellitus, Drugs,<br />

Vitamins, Medicinal Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />

ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з теми,<br />

вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб<br />

вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Simple Tenses, Perfect Tenses.<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання<br />

його у тексті при читанні та перекладі.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

["xntIbaI'OtIk] антибіотик<br />

inhibit [In'hIbIt] пригнічувати, стримувати<br />

protozoan ["prqutq'zqun] протозоон<br />

potent ['pqut(q)nt] сильнодіючий; міцний<br />

mold [mquld] пліснява; пліснявий грибок<br />

own to [qun] визнавати<br />

bactericidal [bxk'tIqrI"saIdl] бактерицидний<br />

completeness [kqm'plI:tnIs] повнота,<br />

завершеність<br />

suppository [sq'pOzItqrI] свічка,<br />

супозиторій<br />

intravenous ["I:ntrq'vI:nqs]<br />

внутрішньовенний<br />


vitamin ['vItqmIn; 'vaItqmIn] вітамін<br />

essential [I'senS(q)l] істотний<br />

diet [daIqt] харчування, їжа<br />

amount [q'maunt] кількість<br />

contribute [kqn'trIbju:t] сприяти<br />

minute [maI'nju:t] неістотний, незначний;<br />

дрібний<br />

deficiency [dI'fIS(q)nsI] брак, дефіцит<br />

intrathecal ["I:ntrq'Tqkql]<br />

внутрішньошкірний<br />

intracavitary ["I:ntrq'kxvItqrI]<br />

інтратекальний<br />

aerosol ['FqrqusOl] аерозоль<br />

lotion ['lquS(q)n] лосьйон, бальзам

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

1. Give your examples of sentences with Simple Tenses, Perfect Tenses.<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

Ex. 1. Insert the correct forms of the verbs and translate the sentences into your native<br />

language:<br />

1. Immune system (to design) by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from<br />

injuries and illnesses. 2. The lymph (to flow) from the capillaries in all parts of the body into the<br />

lymphatic ve ssels. 3. Although w e ( to i nhale) a nd ( to e at) thousands of ge rms e very da y, t he<br />

immune system (to prevent) the spread of various diseases. 4. We (to bear) with a genetically<br />

based natural defense system. 5. Diabetes (to occur) when the cells in the pancreas are destroyed.<br />

6. Your immune system (to need) help to function at the highest capacity. 7. Sticky mucus in<br />

respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (to trap) many microorganisms.<br />

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences:<br />

1. It was very hard to pass entrance exams. 2. Cells are grouped into tissues, and each tissue type<br />

is specialized to perform specific functions. 3. Serious investigations were being done by various<br />

scientists t o est ablish functions and anatomical st ructure of t he st omach. 4. The bil e acids are<br />

then reabsorbed in the s mall int estine a nd cycled i nto t he liver t o be used again. 5. T he<br />

contraction of the muscle causes blood to be pumped. 6. To reach the lungs, air enters through<br />

the mouth and nose and then travels through the pharynx, larynx, and down trachea. 7. U nlike<br />

other organs and body parts that enable to move, breathe, eat, or sense the world around us, the<br />

endocrine system influences the body's processes. 8. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin,<br />

which e nables t he body t o r egulate t he a mount of s ugar i n t he bl oodstream. 9. The hor mones<br />

produced by the pancreas enable the body t o break down the food you e at. 10. Muscle and fat<br />

cells are stimulated by insulin to absorb the glucose they need as fuel for their activities. 11. The<br />

anterior l obe pr oduces six hor mones, i ncluding p rolactin t o s timulate t he pr oduction of br east<br />

milk and growth hormone to regulate the body's physical growth. 12. Antidiuretic hormone acts<br />

on the kidneys to control urine output.<br />


Ex. 3. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.<br />

Ex. 4. Insert the missing letters:<br />

Notif_; ste_p; gri_d; oi_tment; evap_rate; es_ential oil; de_oction; cr_de drug; he_b.<br />

Ex. 5. R ead an d t ranslate i nto you r n ative l anguage t he f ollowing w ords and wordcombinations:<br />

Simmer; oi ntment; pur ge; c rude drug; di stil; ut ilize; s eed; re tard; bark; de coction; g rind;<br />

evaporate; steep; currently; tincture; powdered; soak; salve<br />

Ex. 6. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Diabetes m ellitus; ina dequate; gl ucose ['glu:kqus]; pa ncreatic i slets; juvenile; vi ral; int estine;<br />

synthesize; secrete; source; neuron ['njuqrOn]; convulsion; injection; currently; associate; fatigue<br />

[fe'tI:g]; sinse [sIns].

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations:<br />

Внутрішньошкірний; свічка, супозиторій; лосьйон, бальзам; шлях, напрям;<br />

внутрішньовенний; створювати; повнота, завершеність; інтратекальний; аерозоль; розчин;<br />

мазь; дія медичного препарату; призначення.<br />

Коливатися; пліснява, пліснявий грибок; місцевий, топічний; визнавати; сильнодіючий;<br />

бактеріостатичний; бактерицидний; пригнічувати, стримувати; несприятливий; побічний<br />

ефект; належати до; руйнувати; глибоко розташований; включати.<br />

Ex. 8. Insert the missing words from the box:<br />

1. T he _ s ecretes a t l east n ine ho rmones t hat r egulate n umerous bo dy f unctions a nd o ther<br />

endocrine glands. 2. The hypothalamus _ pituitary gland activity through neurohormones. 3. The<br />

_ is just inferior to the larynx. 4. Thyroid hormones increase the rate of glucose, fat, and protein<br />

metabolism i n m any t issues, t hus increasing b ody _. 5. Normal gr owth of many t issues is<br />

dependent o n _ hor mones. 6. T he a drenal gl ands a re ne ar the s uperior pol e of e ach_. 7. T he<br />

adrenal co rtex is de rived from _. 8. Norepinephrine st imulates car diac m uscle and causes<br />

constriction of most pe ripheral _ vessels. 9. The a drenal _ hor mones pr epare the body f or<br />

physical activity. 10. The pancreas is located along the small _ and the stomach. 11. It is both an<br />

_ and endocrine gland. 12. The endocrine portion of pancreas _ the pancreatic islets.<br />

Ex.9. Write out key words of the texts: Immune System, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus,<br />

Drugs, Vitamins, Medicinal Herbs, Antibiotics.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

1. W hat hor mones of t he pi tuitary gland do yo u know ? 2. What i s the m ajor f unction of the<br />

pituitary gland? 3. Where is the pituitary gland located? 4. What is the thyroid gland composed<br />

of? 5. What is a drug? 6. What are drugs obtained from? 7. What dosage forms do you know? 8.<br />

What routs of drug administration are there? 9. What types of injections do you know?<br />

10. What does the endocrine system consist of? 11. What is the function of endocrine system?<br />

12. What glands of external secretion do you kn ow? 13. What glands are the glands of internal<br />

secretion? 14. What is a hormone? 15. Where do the hormones circulate?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the prepositions:<br />

1. Most persons _ NIDDM are overweight or obese [qu'bI:s]. 2. Excess weight worsens the state<br />

_ the diabetes, and weight reduction has a f avorable effect. 3. In some cases, insulin injections<br />

will be required to keep blood glucose concentrations _ satisfactory limits. 4. Medicines taken _<br />

mouth, called oral hypoglycemic agents, often are helpful in NIDDM. 5. A weight-loss program<br />

often decreases the need _ insulin or an oral hypoglycemic medication. 6. Diabetes mellitus often<br />

is treated _ administration of insulin by i njection. 7. I nsulin is a drug used _ I DDM. 8. M any<br />

people _ IDDM can undertake a regimen called intensive insulin therapy. 10. People _ diabetes<br />

must carefully regulate their consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І.В. Знаменська, О.О. Пісоцька, В.Г. Костенко. Course of English for medical students.<br />

2. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

2. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

3. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена доц. Потяженко Л.В.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________200__р.<br />




<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 10<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий контроль змістового модуля 10<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Актуальність теми: полягає у засвоєнні медичних термінів англійською мовою, які<br />

стосуються навчання майбутнього лікаря, вмінні надавати інформацію з теми,<br />

використовуючи граматичні та лексичні аспекти даної тематики.<br />

2. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темами: “ Urinary system “, “ Kidneys disorders “, Cancer“, “ Cancerous<br />

diseases“ повторити лексико-фонетичний матеріал з тем, вміти читати та перекладати<br />

тексти, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим, щоб вміти складати речення,<br />

відповідати на запитання з тем та робити усне повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом : Objective participle construction; Functions of the<br />

verb “to have”; “Functions of the verb “to be”; Interrogative Form (Revision).<br />

засвоїти функції та переклад матеріалу, що вивчався з метою розпізнавання його у текстах<br />

та при побудові речень під час викладу розмовних тем.<br />

3. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для вивчення теми<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

1. Попередні дисципліни: Анатомія<br />

людини, біологія, латинська мова та<br />

медична термінологія.<br />

2. Наступні дисципліни:<br />

Терапія, анатомія, пропедевтика внутрішніх<br />

хвороб.<br />

Отримані навики<br />

Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію при подальшому засвоєнні<br />

навчального матеріалу з зазначених<br />

предметів.<br />

4. Завдання для самостійної роботи під час підготовки до заняття.<br />

4.1. Перелік основних термінів, які повинен засвоїти студент при підготовці до заняття:<br />

bladder ['blxdq] сечовий міхур<br />

ureter [juq'rItq] сечовід<br />

carry ['kxrI] переносити, нести<br />

urethra [juq'rI:Trq] уретра, сечівник<br />

excretion [eks'krI:S(q)n] виділення<br />

bean [bI:n] біб<br />

fist [fIst] кулак<br />

renal [‘rI:n(q)l] нирковий<br />

urine [‘juqrIn] сеча<br />

glomerular [glO'merulq] клубочковий,<br />

гломерулярний<br />

glomerulonephritis [glO'merulqnI'fraItIs]<br />

гломерулонефрит<br />

corpuscle ['kO:pAsl] тільце<br />

renal corpuscle ['rI:nql] мальпігієве тільце,<br />

ниркове тільце<br />

permeability ["pq:mjq'bIlItI] проникність<br />

filtrate ['fIltrIt] фільтрат; ['fIltreIt]<br />

фільтрувати<br />

osmolality ["OzmO'lxlItI] осмотичний тиск<br />

capsule ['kxpsju:l] капсула, оболонка<br />

fat pad [pxd] жирове тіло<br />

fascia ['feISq] фасція<br />

cortex ['kO:teks] кора<br />

medulla [me'dAlq] медула<br />

hilum [‘haIlqm], hilus хілус, ворота<br />

calyx (pl. calyces) ['keIlIks] ниркова чашка<br />

narrow ['nxrqu] звужуватись<br />

urination ["juqrI'neIS(q)n] сечовипускання<br />

nephron ['nefrOn] нефрон (структурнофункціональна<br />

одиниця нирки)<br />

flank [flxNk] бік<br />

recur [rI'kq:] рецидивувати<br />

eradicate [I'rxdIkeIt] усувати, звільняти<br />

failure ['feIljq] недостатність<br />

urea ['juqrIq] сечовина<br />

acidosis ["xsI'dousIs] ацидоз, кислотна<br />

інтоксикація<br />

renal tubule ['tju:bju:l] нирковий каналець<br />

ischemia [Is'kI:mIq] ішемія

lurred [blq:d] нерізкий<br />

pyelonephritis ["pqIqlqunI'fraItIs]<br />

пієлонефрит<br />

renal pelvis ['pelvIs] ниркова лоханка<br />

cancer ['kxnsq] рак<br />

excretion [eks'krI:S(q)n] виведення<br />

(речовини з організму), екскреція<br />

differentiation ["dIfqrenSI'eIS(q)n]<br />

модифікація, пристосування,<br />

видозмінення<br />

pattern ['pxtqn] зразок, модель<br />

orderly ['O:dqlI] систематичний,<br />

упорядкований, організований;<br />

правильний<br />

lack [lxk] не мати; відчувати нестачу,<br />

потребувати, мати потребу<br />

crowd out [kraud] витискати; замінювати;<br />

скупчуватися<br />

immediate [I'mIdjqt] близький (про родичів)<br />

bloat [blqut] роздувати(ся), надувати (ся)<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] обмежувати<br />

offer ['Ofq] пропонувати<br />

likelihood ['laIklIhud] вірогідність<br />

alleviate [q'lI:vIeIt] полегшувати<br />

vasoconstriction ["vxsokOns'trIkSn] ангіоспазм,<br />

вазоконстрикція, вазоспазм, звуженння<br />

кровоносних судин<br />

restraint [rIs'treInt] обмеження<br />

compete [kqm'pI:t] конкурувати<br />

tumor ['tjumq] неоплазма, новоутворення;<br />

пухлина<br />

nearby ['nIqbaI] близький, суміжний<br />

via [vaIq] за допомогою чого-небудь.<br />

benign [bI'naIn] доброякісний<br />

attempt [q'tempt] намагатись, прагнути<br />

confine [kqn'faIn] обмежувати<br />

malignant [mq'lIgnqnt] злоякісний<br />

accomplish [q'kOmplIS] досягати<br />

adjacent [q'GeIs(q)nt] розташований поряд;<br />

близький, суміжний<br />

exclusively [Iks'klu:sIvlI] винятково, виключно<br />

recovery [rI'kAvqri] видужання, одужання;<br />

виліковування<br />

choose [Cu:z] обирати<br />

analgesic ["xnxl'GesIk] анальгезуючий,<br />

анальгетичний, болезаспокійливий<br />

4.2. Теоретичні питання до заняття:<br />

What do you know about: : Objective participle construction; Functions of the verb “to have”;<br />

“Functions of the verb “to be”; Interrogative Form (Revision).<br />

Give your examples<br />

4.3. Практичні завдання, які виконуються на занятті:<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Objective participle construction<br />


Цей дієприкметниковий комплекс вживається після групи “підмет-присудок”, де<br />

присудок виражений дієсловом, що означає сприймання за допомогою органів чуттів: to<br />

feel – відчувати; to hear – слухати; to see – бачити; to watch – спостерігати, бачити; to want<br />

– хотіти:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



(Common Case)<br />

(Objective Case)<br />

Doctor(s) me Participle I (Active):<br />

Student(s)<br />

him<br />

her<br />

it<br />

us<br />

you<br />

them<br />

V ing<br />

(working, writing)<br />

Participle I (Passive):<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being worked, being written)<br />

Participle II (Passive):<br />

V 3

(worked, written)<br />

The O bjective P articiple C onstruction перекладається підрядним реченням зі сполучником<br />

“як”: I saw them walking along the street. Я бачив, як вони йшли по вулиці.<br />

Ex. 3. Read and translate into your native language the following sentences:<br />

1. He saw the patient going up the stairs. 2. We saw the patient carried to the operating theatre. 3.<br />

He feels the operation being successful. 3. T hey watched him approaching the hospital. 4. T he<br />

students watched the patients being examined. 5. He heard the air passing the trachea.<br />

Functions of the verb “to have”;<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



to have + noun Main Verb The heart has four chambers.<br />

to have + V 3 (Perfect Tenses, Active<br />

Voice)<br />

to have + been + V 3 (Perfect Tenses,<br />

Passive Voice)<br />

Auxiliary Verb<br />

The heart has pumped oxygenated<br />

blood.<br />

to have + V (with particle “to”) Modal Meaning The doctor has to examine her.<br />

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

1. M any of t he a bnormalities ha ve no s ymptoms. 2. I nstruments t hat pul verize k idney s tones<br />

with ul trasound ha ve r eplaced m ost t raditional s urgical p rocedures. 3. T hey ha ve a dverse<br />

reactions, including d eath. 4. A s a r ule t he pe rson ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, vom iting, a nd<br />

burning sensation during urination. 5. In persons who have had chickenpox, the virus can cause<br />

shingles later i n life. 6. He ha s est imated that m itosis i s t he di vision of t he nuc leus i nto t wo<br />

nuclei. 7. The arteries have to be strong as well as f lexible. 8. The students of many countries<br />

have to pay for their training.<br />

“Functions of the verb “to be<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



to be + noun (with a preposition) Main Verb The heart is in the chest.<br />

to be + noun (without preposition) Link-Verb The heart is a muscular organ.<br />

to be + V ing (Continuous Tenses,<br />

Active Voice)<br />

to be + being + V 3 (Continuous<br />

Tenses, Passive Voice)<br />

to be + V 3 (Simple Tenses, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

to have + been + V 3 (Perfect Tenses,<br />

Passive voice)<br />

Auxiliary Verb<br />

The heart is making 120 beats per<br />

minute.<br />

He was being examined by the<br />

surgeon.<br />

The heart is located in the chest.<br />

A case-history has been filled in.

to be + V (with particle “to”) Modal Meaning The heart is to pump blood<br />

throughout the vessels.<br />

It + to be<br />

Impersonal<br />

Sentences<br />

It is hot.<br />

It was painful.<br />

It is + V 3 (Passive Voice)<br />

Indefinite<br />

Personal<br />

Sentences<br />

It is known that she works here.<br />

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

1. C ancer i s c haracterized b y ab normal gr owth of c ells. 2. T he h uman b ody i s a l iving,<br />

growing system that contains billions of individual cells. 3. New cells are created through the<br />

process of cell division. 4. Cancer therapy is concentrated primarily on trying to confine and then<br />

kill the malignant cells. 5. This goal is accomplished by ki lling the tissue with X-rays. 6. I t is<br />

important t o r emember t hat canc er is ve ry serious dise ase. 7. Why cancer d evelops i n some<br />

people i s no t f ully know n. 8. C hemotherapy i s t he us e of medications t o t reat c ancer. 9. T he<br />

illnesses are associated with a cancer. 10. The major groups of malignant tumors are carcinomas,<br />

sarcomas, and mixed-tissue tumors. 11. Students are carrying out very important experiment. 12.<br />

Was he preparing Anatomy at 5 o’clock yesterday? 13. The oncologist is to examine this female.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Кров'яний тиск цього пацієнта був визначений вчора. 2. На яких конгресах були<br />

прийняті всі анатомічні терміни? 3. Напрям м'язового скорочення буде встановлений<br />

експериментально. 4. Його здоров'я було відновлене після належного лікування. 5.<br />

Вважається, що глибокий сон необхідний, щоб відновити функцію нервової системи. 6.<br />

Відомо, що гістологічна будова тканини легень і печінки різна. 7. Без даних аналізів буває<br />

складно встановити правильний діагноз. 8. Вважають, що хворий повністю відновить своє<br />

здоров'я до кінця лікування. 9. Хворому необхідно визначити групу крові до операції. 10.<br />

Вважали, що йому необхідна операція на нирках.<br />

Interrogative Form (Revision).<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense,<br />

What<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />


(Revision)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Auxiliary Subject<br />

verb<br />

do<br />

I, you, we they<br />

does he, she, it<br />

Where did I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

When shall I, we<br />

Why<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Example<br />

Do you study?<br />

Where does he<br />

study?<br />

When did you go to<br />

the Academy?<br />

Where will they go<br />

tomorrow?<br />

Where is this<br />

hospital built?

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

How<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

be + V 3<br />

(be studied, be<br />

written)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying, be<br />

writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

have + V 3<br />

(have studied,<br />

have written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

(have been<br />

studied, have been<br />

written)<br />

What medicine was<br />

your doctor<br />

prescribed?<br />

Were the patients<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

polyclinic be<br />

closed?<br />

What is he writing<br />

now?<br />

What are you doing<br />

?<br />

Where was a doctor<br />

performing on the<br />

operation?<br />

What will you be<br />

doing at 3 p.m.?<br />

What hospital is<br />

your friend being<br />

operated on?<br />

When was the work<br />

being fulfilled?<br />

What has he<br />

received this week?<br />

How many articles<br />

had the student read<br />

by 5 o’clock?<br />

What text will Helen<br />

have translated by<br />

3 o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. T he pa ncreas f unctions a s bot h e xocrine a nd e ndocrine organ. 2. T hese ga ses are r emoved<br />

from the body by e xhalation through the lungs. 3. E ach renal artery branches into many small

arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of<br />

fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant<br />

gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than<br />

20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The<br />

lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.<br />

Urinary system<br />


The main function of the urinary system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. T he urinary s ystem c onsists of t wo ki dneys, ur inary bl adder, u reters, a nd urethra. T he<br />

kidneys are located against the back of the abdominal wall. Each kidney is generally about the<br />

size of the person's fist. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid excretion. Ureters are<br />

muscular tubes. They propel the urine to the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores<br />

the ur ine. T he ur ethra i s t he na rrow t ube t hrough w hich t he ur ine leaves t he bl adder dur ing<br />

urination.<br />

Kidneys disorders<br />


There are many forms of kidneys diseases. Glomerulonephritis results f rom inf lammation of<br />

the f iltration membrane w ithin the re nal c orpuscle. It is c haracterized by an inc reased<br />

permeability of the filtration membrane. The signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis are the<br />

following: tea-colored urine, hypertension, fluid retention, headaches, and generalized aches and<br />

pains. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis, medulla, and cortex. It often begins as<br />

a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis. Then it extends into the kidney itself. Pyelonephritis may<br />

cause the destruction of nephrons and renal corpuscles. The ability of the kidney to concentrate<br />

urine is d ramatically affected. As a r ule t he pe rson ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, vo miting, a nd<br />

burning sensation during urination. When properly treated, acute pyelonephritis rarely progresses<br />

to chronic renal disease. Renal failure may result from any condition that interferes with kidney<br />

function. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney leads to the accumulation of the<br />

urea in the blood. In renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute renal failure may result<br />

from acute glomerulonephritis. In some cases it m ay be ca used by da mage t o or bl ockage of<br />

renal t ubules. C irculatory s hock c aused by s ympathetic v asoconstriction of t he r enal bl ood<br />

vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.<br />

Cancer<br />


Cancer is c haracterized by abnormal g rowth of cel ls, w hich f orm t umors. I t c an de velop i n<br />

various tissues and organs of the human body. Cancer cells divide without restraint. They crowd<br />

normal c ells out a nd a ffect their nor mal f unction a nd gr owth. C ancer c ells can s pread vi a the<br />

blood or lymph system to other parts of the body. Tumors are masses or growths, which arise<br />

from surrounding normal tissue. They may be either malignant or benign. Cells of benign tumors<br />

do not i nvade or de stroy s urrounding t issues. But t he m echanism of c ancer de veloping i s no t<br />

fully known. It is very dangerous disease. The best diagnosis of cancer is an early diagnosis. It<br />

identifies the type and location of the cancer. Cancer can be treated before it spreads to other<br />

organs or tissues. Cancer therapy confines and kills the malignant cells. This therapy includes<br />

using X-rays, surgical treatment, and chemotherapy.<br />

Cancerous diseases


The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some influence. The<br />

signs a nd s ymptoms of ga stric t umor a re di scomfort i n t he uppe r o r m iddle r egion of t he<br />

abdomen, black stools, vomiting after meals, vomiting of blood, weight loss, and anemia. If the<br />

tumor is malignant, surgical removal is the only chance to cure. If the cancer is diagnosed early<br />

full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to alleviate pain, bleeding, or<br />

obstruction. In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, chemotherapy is used as an additional<br />

treatment. Radiation is sometimes used, but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve<br />

the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer. If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or<br />

surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs may be used to reduce pain.<br />


А: Питання для самоконтролю:<br />

What does the urinary system consist of?<br />

What is the major function of the urinary system?<br />

What is the kidney composed of?<br />

What is hilum?<br />

What are ureters?<br />

What are their functions?<br />

What is the function of the urethra?<br />

What kidneys disorders do you know?<br />

What does glomerulonephritis result from?<br />

What is glomerulonephritis characterized by?<br />

What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis?<br />

What is pyelonephritis?<br />

What can pyelonephritis result from?

What are the signs of pyelonephritis?<br />

What is renal failure?<br />

What are the causes of renal failure?<br />

Is it dangerous disease?<br />

What is cancer characterized by?<br />

Where can cancer develop?<br />

. What do the cancer cells lack?<br />

What is a tumor?<br />

What is the difference between the cells of benign and malignant tumors?<br />

What is the best diagnosis of cancer?<br />

What is the goal of this diagnosis?<br />

What does each type of cancer have?<br />

What is the goal of cancer therapy?<br />

Are the most gastric tumors benign?<br />

. What is the cause of malignant gastric tumor?<br />

. What are the symptoms of gastric tumor?<br />

In what cases is the chance of cure good?<br />

In what cases does the surgical removal offer the only chance to cure?<br />

What does the likelihood of success depend on?<br />

When may the physician choose chemotherapy as an additional treatment?<br />

Б: Завдання для самоконтролю:<br />

Insert the missing words or word-combinations:<br />

Ex. 12, p.284; Ex. 12. p. 289; Ex. 13, p. 295; Ex. 12, p. 302.<br />

Література:<br />

Основна:<br />

1. І. Znamenska, O. Pisotska, V. Kostenko “Course of English for Medical Student”<br />

Додаткова:<br />

1. Є.Є. Юдіна, Л.В. Потяженко. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ, 1994.<br />

2. Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. – Moscow, 1981.<br />

3. Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С. “Essential Course of English for Medical<br />

Students”, – Москва, 1983 г. – 352 с.<br />

4. Потяженко Л.В., Юдіна Є.Є., Скрипнікова Т.П. Посібник з розмовних тем “Spoken<br />

English”, – Полтава, 2001 р. – 191 c.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викладачем Золотарьовою Р.Л.

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України<br />

Вищий державний навчальний заклад України<br />

„<strong>Українська</strong> медична стоматологічна академія”<br />

“Затверджено”<br />

на засіданні кафедри<br />

іноземних мов з латинською мовою<br />

та медичною термінологією<br />

Завідувач кафедри<br />

к.філол.н., доцент І.М.Сологор<br />

__________________<br />

„____________”_______________2000__р.<br />



<strong>Навчальна</strong> <strong>Іноземна</strong> (<strong>англійська</strong>) мова<br />

<strong>дисципліна</strong><br />

Модуль № 5<br />

Змістовий модуль 10<br />

№<br />

Тема заняття Підсумковий контроль змістового модуля 10<br />

Курс<br />

ІІ<br />

Факультет медичний<br />

Полтава -2007

1. Конкретні цілі:<br />

При роботі над темами<br />

При роботі над темами: “ Urinary system “, “ Kidneys disorders “, Cancer“, “ Cancerous<br />

diseases“ознайомитись з лексико-фонетичним матеріалом та словотворчим матеріалом з<br />

теми, вміти читати та перекладати текст, та засвоїти послідовність її викладання з тим,<br />

щоб вміти складати речення, відповідати на запитання з теми та робити усне<br />

повідомлення.<br />

При роботі над граматичним матеріалом Objective participle construction; Functions of the<br />

verb “to have”; “Functions of the verb “to be”; Interrogative Form (Revision) засвоїти функції<br />

та переклад матеріалу, що вивчається, у реченнях з метою розпізнання його у тексті, при<br />

читанні та перекладі.<br />

2. Базовий рівень підготовки.<br />

Назви попередніх дисциплін<br />

Отримані навики<br />

1. Латинська мова Порівняти правила читання у латинській та<br />

англійській мовах. Знати основні поняття та<br />

терміни, що стосуються вивчаємої теми.<br />

Використовувати раніше отриману<br />

інформацію в контексті певної ситуації<br />

спілкування англійською мовою за<br />

зазначеною темою.<br />

3. Організація змісту навчального матеріалу:<br />

Граматика: Objective participle construction; Functions of the verb “to have”; “Functions of<br />

the verb “to be”; Interrogative Form (Revision).<br />

Тексти: “ Urinary system “, “ Kidneys disorders “, Cancer“, “ Cancerous diseases“.<br />

4. План і організаційна структура навчального заняття з дисципліни.<br />

№<br />

з/п<br />

Етапи заняття<br />

Розподіл<br />

часу<br />

Види контролю<br />

1.1 Організаційні питання.<br />

1.2 Формування мотивації.<br />

1.3 Контроль початкового рівня<br />

Усне<br />

підготовки.<br />

опитування:<br />

Лексикофонетичний<br />

та<br />

словотворчий<br />

матеріал до<br />

теми.<br />

Усне<br />

опитування.<br />

Засоби<br />

навчання<br />

Граматична<br />

таблиця<br />

Objective<br />

participle<br />

construction;<br />

Functions o f t he<br />

verb “to have”;<br />

“Functions of the<br />

verb “to be ”;<br />

Interrogative<br />

Form (Revision).<br />

(І. Znamenska,

2. Основний етап.<br />

65%<br />

Граматика: Objective pa rticiple<br />

construction; F unctions of t he ve rb<br />

“to have”; “Functions of the verb “to<br />

be”; Interrogative Form (Revision). .<br />

Читання та говоріння:<br />

опрацювання лексичного<br />

матеріалу з теми, читання та<br />

переклад тексту, розвиток<br />

навичок усного мовлення.<br />

3. Заключний етап 20%<br />

3.1 Контроль кінцевого рівня<br />

підготовки.<br />

3.2 Загальна оцінка навчальної<br />

діяльності студента.<br />

Усне<br />

повідомлення з<br />

теми.<br />

O. Pisotska, V.<br />

Kostenko<br />

“Course of<br />

English for<br />

Medical<br />

Student”)<br />

3.3 Інформування студентів про тему<br />

наступного заняття.<br />

5. Методика організації навчального процесу на практичному занятті.<br />

5.1. Підготовчий етап.<br />

Тема заняття спрямована на усвідомлення себе як фахівця у царині природних наук, а<br />

також на усвідомлення важливості теоретичного підґрунтя у вивченні медицини,<br />

формування поваги до майбутньої професії, професійної відповідальності.<br />

Ознайомлення студента з конкретними цілями та планом заняття.<br />

5.2. Основний етап.<br />

GRAMMAR:<br />

Objective participle construction<br />


Цей дієприкметниковий комплекс вживається після групи “підмет-присудок”, де<br />

присудок виражений дієсловом, що означає сприймання за допомогою органів чуттів: to<br />

feel – відчувати; to hear – слухати; to see – бачити; to watch – спостерігати, бачити; to want<br />

– хотіти:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



(Common Case)<br />

(Objective Case)<br />

Doctor(s) me Participle I (Active):<br />

Student(s)<br />

him<br />

her<br />

it<br />

us<br />

you<br />

them<br />

V ing<br />

(working, writing)<br />

Participle I (Passive):<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being worked, being written)<br />

Participle II (Passive):<br />

V 3<br />

(worked, written)<br />

The O bjective P articiple C onstruction перекладається підрядним реченням зі сполучником<br />

“як”: I saw them walking along the street. Я бачив, як вони йшли по вулиці.

Ex. 3. Read and translate into your native language the following sentences:<br />

1. He saw the patient going up the stairs. 2. We saw the patient carried to the operating theatre. 3.<br />

He feels the operation being successful. 3. T hey watched him approaching the hospital. 4. T he<br />

students watched the patients being examined. 5. He heard the air passing the trachea.<br />

Functions of the verb “to have”;<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



to have + noun Main Verb The heart has four chambers.<br />

to have + V 3 (Perfect Tenses, Active<br />

Voice)<br />

to have + been + V 3 (Perfect Tenses,<br />

Passive Voice)<br />

Auxiliary Verb<br />

The heart has pumped oxygenated<br />

blood.<br />

to have + V (with particle “to”) Modal Meaning The doctor has to examine her.<br />

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

1. M any of t he a bnormalities ha ve no s ymptoms. 2. I nstruments t hat pul verize k idney s tones<br />

with ul trasound ha ve r eplaced m ost t raditional s urgical p rocedures. 3. T hey ha ve a dverse<br />

reactions, including d eath. 4. A s a r ule t he pe rson ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, vom iting, a nd<br />

burning sensation during urination. 5. In persons who have had chickenpox, the virus can cause<br />

shingles later i n l ife. 6. H e ha s e stimated t hat m itosis i s t he di vision of t he nuc leus i nto t wo<br />

nuclei. 7. The arteries have to be strong as well as f lexible. 8. The students of many countries<br />

have to pay for their training.<br />

“Functions of the verb “to be<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />



to be + noun (with a preposition) Main Verb The heart is in the chest.<br />

to be + noun (without preposition) Link-Verb The heart is a muscular organ.<br />

to be + V ing (Continuous Tenses,<br />

Active Voice)<br />

to be + being + V 3 (Continuous<br />

Tenses, Passive Voice)<br />

to be + V 3 (Simple Tenses, Passive<br />

Voice)<br />

to have + been + V 3 (Perfect Tenses,<br />

Passive voice)<br />

Auxiliary Verb<br />

The heart is making 120 beats per<br />

minute.<br />

He was being examined by the<br />

surgeon.<br />

The heart is located in the chest.<br />

A case-history has been filled in.<br />

to be + V (with particle “to”) Modal Meaning The heart is to pump blood<br />

throughout the vessels.<br />

It + to be<br />

Impersonal<br />

Sentences<br />

It is hot.<br />

It was painful.

It is + V 3 (Passive Voice)<br />

Indefinite<br />

Personal<br />

Sentences<br />

It is known that she works here.<br />

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:<br />

1. C ancer i s c haracterized b y ab normal gr owth of c ells. 2. T he h uman b ody i s a l iving,<br />

growing system that contains billions of individual cells. 3. New cells are created through the<br />

process of cell division. 4. Cancer therapy is concentrated primarily on trying to confine and then<br />

kill the malignant cells. 5. This goal is accomplished by ki lling the tissue with X-rays. 6. I t is<br />

important t o r emember t hat canc er is ve ry serious dise ase. 7. Why cancer d evelops i n some<br />

people i s no t f ully known. 8. C hemotherapy i s t he us e of medications t o t reat c ancer. 9. T he<br />

illnesses are associated with a cancer. 10. The major groups of malignant tumors are carcinomas,<br />

sarcomas, and mixed-tissue tumors. 11. Students are carrying out very important experiment. 12.<br />

Was he preparing Anatomy at 5 o’clock yesterday? 13. The oncologist is to examine this female.<br />

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English:<br />

1. Кров'яний тиск цього пацієнта був визначений вчора. 2. На яких конгресах були<br />

прийняті всі анатомічні терміни? 3. Напрям м'язового скорочення буде встановлений<br />

експериментально. 4. Його здоров'я було відновлене після належного лікування. 5.<br />

Вважається, що глибокий сон необхідний, щоб відновити функцію нервової системи. 6.<br />

Відомо, що гістологічна будова тканини легень і печінки різна. 7. Без даних аналізів буває<br />

складно встановити правильний діагноз. 8. Вважають, що хворий повністю відновить своє<br />

здоров'я до кінця лікування. 9. Хворому необхідно визначити групу крові до операції. 10.<br />

Вважали, що йому необхідна операція на нирках.<br />

Interrogative Form (Revision).<br />

Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:<br />

Tense (1)<br />

Questioning<br />

word<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense,<br />

What<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Simple<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Past Simple Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />


(Revision)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Auxiliary Subject<br />

verb<br />

do<br />

I, you, we they<br />

does he, she, it<br />

Where did I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

When shall I, we<br />

Why<br />

How<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

(4)<br />

Predicate<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V<br />

(study, write)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

Example<br />

Do you study?<br />

Where does he<br />

study?<br />

When did you go to<br />

the Academy?<br />

Where will they go<br />

tomorrow?<br />

Where is this<br />

hospital built?<br />

What medicine was<br />

your doctor<br />

prescribed?<br />

Were the patients<br />


Future Simple<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Future Continuous<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present<br />

Continuous Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Past Continuous<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Active Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Active<br />

Voice<br />

Present Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

Past Perfect Tense,<br />

Passive Voice<br />

Future Perfect<br />

Tense, Passive<br />

Voice<br />

How many<br />

How much<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

am<br />

is<br />

are<br />

was<br />

were<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

have<br />

has<br />

had<br />

shall<br />

will<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I<br />

he, she, it<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, he, she, it<br />

you, we they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

I, you, we they<br />

he, she, it<br />

I, he, she, it,<br />

you, we, they<br />

I, we<br />

he, she, it, you,<br />

they<br />

be + V 3<br />

(be studied, be<br />

written)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

V ing<br />

(studying,<br />

writing)<br />

be + V ing<br />

(be studying, be<br />

writing)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

being + V 3<br />

(being studied,<br />

being written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

V 3<br />

(studied, written)<br />

have + V 3<br />

(have studied,<br />

have written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

been + V 3<br />

(been studied,<br />

been written)<br />

have + been + V 3<br />

(have been<br />

studied, have been<br />

written)<br />

When will the<br />

polyclinic be<br />

closed?<br />

What is he writing<br />

now?<br />

What are you doing<br />

?<br />

Where was a doctor<br />

performing on the<br />

operation?<br />

What will you be<br />

doing at 3 p.m.?<br />

What hospital is<br />

your friend being<br />

operated on?<br />

When was the work<br />

being fulfilled?<br />

What has he<br />

received this week?<br />

How many articles<br />

had the student read<br />

by 5 o’clock?<br />

What text will Helen<br />

have translated by<br />

3 o’clock?<br />

Has the text been<br />

translated today?<br />

Where had the<br />

patient been<br />

examined?<br />

When will the<br />

hospital have been<br />

modernized?<br />

Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:<br />

1. T he pa ncreas f unctions a s bot h e xocrine a nd e ndocrine organ. 2. T hese ga ses are r emoved<br />

from the body by e xhalation through the lungs. 3. E ach renal artery branches into many small<br />

arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of<br />

fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant<br />

gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than

20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The<br />

lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.<br />

Urinary system<br />


The main function of the urinary system is removal of excess fluid and waste material from the<br />

blood. T he urinary s ystem c onsists of t wo ki dneys, ur inary bl adder, u reters, a nd urethra. T he<br />

kidneys are located against the back of the abdominal wall. Each kidney is generally about the<br />

size of the person's fist. Kidneys are the most important organs for fluid excretion. Ureters are<br />

muscular tubes. They propel the urine to the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that stores<br />

the ur ine. T he ur ethra i s t he na rrow t ube t hrough w hich t he ur ine l eaves t he bl adder dur ing<br />

urination.<br />

Kidneys disorders<br />


There are many forms of kidneys diseases. Glomerulonephritis results f rom inf lammation of<br />

the f iltration membrane w ithin the re nal c orpuscle. It is c haracterized by an inc reased<br />

permeability of the filtration membrane. The signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis are the<br />

following: tea-colored urine, hypertension, fluid retention, headaches, and generalized aches and<br />

pains. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis, medulla, and cortex. It often begins as<br />

a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis. Then it extends into the kidney itself. Pyelonephritis may<br />

cause the destruction of nephrons and renal corpuscles. The ability of the kidney to concentrate<br />

urine is d ramatically a ffected. A s a r ule t he pe rson ha s f lank pa in, h igh f ever, vo miting, a nd<br />

burning sensation during urination. When properly treated, acute pyelonephritis rarely progresses<br />

to chronic renal disease. Renal failure may result from any condition that interferes with kidney<br />

function. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney leads to the accumulation of the<br />

urea in the blood. In renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute renal failure may result<br />

from a cute glomerulonephritis. In s ome c ases it m ay be c aused by da mage t o or bl ockage of<br />

renal t ubules. C irculatory s hock c aused by s ympathetic v asoconstriction of t he r enal bl ood<br />

vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.<br />

Cancer<br />


Cancer is c haracterized by a bnormal g rowth o f c ells, w hich f orm t umors. I t c an de velop i n<br />

various tissues and organs of the human body. Cancer cells divide without restraint. They crowd<br />

normal c ells out a nd a ffect their nor mal f unction a nd gr owth. C ancer c ells can s pread vi a the<br />

blood or lymph system to other parts of the body. Tumors are masses or growths, which arise<br />

from surrounding normal tissue. They may be either malignant or benign. Cells of benign tumors<br />

do not i nvade or de stroy s urrounding t issues. But t he m echanism of c ancer de veloping i s no t<br />

fully known. It is very dangerous disease. The best diagnosis of cancer is an early diagnosis. It<br />

identifies the type and location of the cancer. Cancer can be treated before it spreads to other<br />

organs or tissues. Cancer therapy confines and kills the malignant cells. This therapy includes<br />

using X-rays, surgical treatment, and chemotherapy.<br />

Cancerous diseases<br />


The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some influence. The<br />

signs a nd s ymptoms of ga stric t umor a re di scomfort i n t he uppe r o r m iddle r egion of t he

abdomen, black stools, vomiting after meals, vomiting of blood, weight loss, and anemia. If the<br />

tumor is malignant, surgical removal is the only chance to cure. If the cancer is diagnosed early<br />

full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to alleviate pain, bleeding, or<br />

obstruction. In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, chemotherapy is used as an additional<br />

treatment. Radiation is sometimes used, but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve<br />

the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer. If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or<br />

surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs may be used to reduce pain.<br />

Заключний етап :<br />

Оцінювання поточної діяльності кожного студента упродовж заняття, стандартизований<br />

кінцевий контроль, проводиться аналіз успішності студента і виставляється у журнал<br />

обліку відвідувань і успішності студентів.<br />

6. Рекомендована література.<br />

1. Бердический А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1989. - 101 с.<br />

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.:<br />

Высшая школа. – 1987. - 206 с..<br />

3. Єнікеєва А.Б., Корнейко І.В. – Англійська мова для медиків. – Харків, ХДМУ, 2000<br />

– 64 с.<br />

4.Ogarkova A. Modern Medical Potential. – Київ: КНУ ім. Т.Шевченка. – 2004. – 111 с.<br />

5.Ritchel В. Tests in English. – WsiP, 2002. – 345 p.<br />

6.Dorland’s ilusrated medical dictionary. – W.B. Saunders Company, 1994. – 1338 p.<br />

Методична рекомендація складена викл. Золотарьовою Р.Л.

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