Too hot to handle? Paper cup innovations for hot drinks and food...

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<strong>Too</strong> <strong>hot</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>h<strong>and</strong>le</strong>?<br />

<strong>Paper</strong> <strong>cup</strong> <strong>innovations</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>hot</strong> <strong>drinks</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>food</strong>...

<strong>Paper</strong> <strong>cup</strong> <strong>innovations</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>hot</strong> <strong>drinks</strong>, soup <strong>and</strong> more...<br />

We like it <strong>hot</strong>...<br />

You like it <strong>hot</strong>, but above all your cus<strong>to</strong>mers<br />

like it <strong>hot</strong>. Always <strong>and</strong> everywhere.<br />

Independent <strong>and</strong> flexible. Pure pleasure.<br />

To prolong this pleasure or even <strong>to</strong> increase<br />

it, only an insulated paper <strong>cup</strong> can<br />

do the job. With our technology you are<br />

able <strong>to</strong> offer this significant advantage <strong>to</strong><br />

your cus<strong>to</strong>mers. The material paper is ideal<br />

<strong>to</strong> meet your cus<strong>to</strong>mers needs. A highclass,<br />

natural raw material, which conveys<br />

premium quality <strong>to</strong> the cus<strong>to</strong>mer along<br />

with environmental consciousness. The<br />

natural feeling of paper combined with<br />

a nice print brings this impression <strong>to</strong> perfection.<br />

All of this produces more than a<br />

insulated packaging. The <strong>cup</strong> is becoming<br />

a statement of the values of the firm. A<br />

figurehead. We are offering a broad<br />

spectrum of potentials, <strong>to</strong> satisfy your cus<strong>to</strong>mers<br />

perceptions. The complete range<br />

of insulated paper <strong>cup</strong>s, as well as a great<br />

variety <strong>for</strong> coffee, tea, <strong>and</strong> <strong>food</strong>, which<br />

will convince you. Herein we are leading.

We have<br />

know-how !<br />

+ Longer <strong>hot</strong> or cold<br />

+ Great convenience<br />

+ High-class appearance<br />

The air-insulated<br />

double-wall paper <strong>cup</strong>...<br />

Insulating with air is one of the most effective<br />

ways of keeping beverages <strong>hot</strong>.<br />

The HÖRAUF double-wall <strong>cup</strong> uses this<br />

principle. The <strong>cup</strong> is made out of an inner<br />

paper <strong>cup</strong> encased by an outer paper<br />

shell. In between these layers is an air<br />

barrier.<br />

This makes the Hörauf air-insulated double-wall<br />

<strong>cup</strong> one of the best thermo insulting<br />

<strong>cup</strong>s.<br />

- Very good insulation<br />

- High-class appearance<br />

- Perfectly printable<br />

- Pleasurable natural feeling,<br />

especially with <strong>hot</strong><br />


We have<br />

solutions!<br />

The structure insulated<br />

double-wall paper <strong>cup</strong><br />

This <strong>cup</strong> consists of an inner paper <strong>cup</strong> encased by an<br />

outer paper layer. The outer paper layer is embossed or<br />

corrugated. Different embossing patterns are possible.<br />

Structure paper<br />

> Good insulating attributes<br />

> Printable<br />

> Different embossing structures (Cus<strong>to</strong>mer´s logo etc.)<br />

The heavy duty<br />

insulated paper <strong>cup</strong><br />

For this <strong>cup</strong>, a paper board with a higher grammage is<br />

used. Due <strong>to</strong> this, a good insulating effect is achieved,<br />

combined with the positive image of paper.<br />

180 g<br />

260 g<br />

> Good insulating attributes > Perfectly printable<br />

> Low stack height > Quality appearance<br />

> Good cost / per<strong>for</strong>mance ratio<br />

The foamed<br />

insulated paper <strong>cup</strong><br />

This technology is based on a special kind of paper. A<br />

paper which is coated with an exp<strong>and</strong>able layer. After<br />

the <strong>cup</strong> is produced the foam is exp<strong>and</strong>ed by means of<br />

heat. The foam could be on the outside or on the inside<br />

of the <strong>cup</strong>.<br />

<strong>Paper</strong><br />

Foam<br />

> Good insulating attributes > <strong>Paper</strong> appearance<br />

> Perfectly printable<br />

The <strong>h<strong>and</strong>le</strong> paper <strong>cup</strong><br />

The cost effective way <strong>for</strong> small <strong>to</strong> medium sized <strong>cup</strong>s.<br />

These <strong>cup</strong>s are not preserving the heat, but the consumer<br />

can perfectly <strong>h<strong>and</strong>le</strong> the <strong>hot</strong> content. The <strong>h<strong>and</strong>le</strong> is<br />

unfolded shortly be<strong>for</strong>e usage. So the pile height is almost<br />

the same, compared <strong>to</strong> an ordinary cold drink <strong>cup</strong> pile.<br />

H<strong>and</strong>le<br />

> Low pile height > Ideal <strong>for</strong> espresso, etc.<br />

> Perfectly printable<br />

The EPS- <strong>cup</strong><br />

This <strong>cup</strong> combines the advantages of styrofoam <strong>and</strong> paper.<br />

The very good heat insulation of styrofoam <strong>and</strong> the<br />

perfect printability of paper. A thin paper label is applied<br />

<strong>to</strong> a pre-made EPS-Cup.<br />

EPS<br />

<strong>Paper</strong><br />

sleeve<br />

> Very good heat insulation > Perfectly printable<br />

> Good cost / per<strong>for</strong>mance ratio

We offer<br />

opportunities!<br />

HÖRAUF offers a wide range of solutions <strong>for</strong><br />

various thermo-insulated <strong>cup</strong>s. HÖRAUF has<br />

the world-wide leading cutting edge technology<br />

on machines <strong>for</strong> the production of<br />

thermo-insulated <strong>cup</strong>s <strong>for</strong> all kinds of applications.<br />

You decide what you want.<br />

Choose your<br />

business model:<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard...<br />

You select a solution from the broad assortment of<br />

insulation <strong>cup</strong>s.<br />

- Well introduced <strong>cup</strong>s in the market<br />

Special...<br />

Go new ways with us. You have the idea <strong>for</strong> a new<br />

type of <strong>cup</strong>? We will support you in all phases of<br />

the developing process. Use our broad experience,<br />

established in years of business practice.<br />

- All new product, perfect differentiation<br />

Complete...<br />

We provide you full service. You choose from<br />

patented insulating <strong>cup</strong> solutions.<br />

- The safe <strong>and</strong> sure package

E-04/08-600<br />

We have<br />

technology!<br />

The HÖRAUF<br />

machines...<br />

The HÖRAUF BMP machine series<br />

<strong>for</strong> production of beverage <strong>and</strong> packaging<br />

<strong>cup</strong>s enjoy the best reputation<br />

world-wide.<br />

Constant improvements, new ideas<br />

<strong>and</strong> the most modern materials st<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong> new, innovative solutions.<br />

The HÖRAUF CUP is world-wide synonym<br />

<strong>for</strong> outst<strong>and</strong>ing quality.<br />

Michael Hörauf Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Mozartstraße 39 - 41 · D - 73072 Donzdorf - Germany<br />

Phone: +49(0) 7162 / 942-0 e-mail: sales@hoerauf.com<br />

Fax: +49(0) 7162 / 942-510 www.hoerauf.com

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