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emoved- frOM effien-766mnethis <strong>for</strong>ber SIR) prMtbotors. , chief among than .<br />

O.GeAMT IV D2, who was pdstied into iaCtion and thus possible<br />

fa4dation...in :eSIP0- .<br />

In Einsatziammande (8Z2O Field Unit) in Yugoslavia early<br />

1945..': •<br />

, .<br />

Organisation Of ho IITMVUR Machine.<br />

Under direct command of HIMALER, aside from<br />

the Ministry of the interiort are SS, Waffen SS (except <strong>for</strong>mations or units<br />

attached to the Germany krmy), SIFO, SCHUTO with Gendarmerie, Fire Police,<br />

,rmgulardand auxiliary fire:fighting services, and SS and Police Loaders,<br />

'UPC and SCHUPO Inspectors..:.<br />

• SS (Se=tz Staffel)<br />

.• SS Hauotamt LITZ can•give few detAls as he had little -<br />

or no direct contact with thin organisation. -Chef des SS Hauptamte% .<br />

•SS ObergruppenfUhrer . (mCelonel-Gonerol), probably HEISSMEYER.<br />

2414 , - SS and Pollee Courts. 'Attached administratively to SS Hauptamt.<br />

Originally intended only <strong>for</strong> disciplinary action inside SS and Police<br />

(SCHUR) and SIP0). Since the incorporation of fire brigades and auxiliary<br />

-serVices in SCHUPO, a,/arge proportion of the adult population, through<br />

rmmbership in ARP, is now , subject to disciplinary action of these courts.<br />

If now members of almost the entire civil administration may be judged by<br />

.1:;:thoSe courts, their influence will vastly increa&e. SS and Police, Courts<br />

ero,independentef civil courts and no appeal is possible from their judgment<br />

.1nd verdict. (Note: This feature appeals least of all to NEM, who-has been<br />

,told that e. severe sentence by these courts seems inevitable.) SS and Police<br />

Courts function also in* occupied territory under German civil administration,<br />

in CRACOW. (See - SIV2 Report No.5, Chapter,p, p.1, 11 and 12 June 1943.<br />

Fel.' SS'and SIE0 court read Police Court in Report NO: 5)-.<br />

142. Ohara SS Und Polizeifahrer (Senior SS and Police Leaders). Generally<br />

i'l..bold.the . .zunk of SS.,Gruppenfdhrer. In the Reich there is one <strong>for</strong> every . - -<br />

..politicolGau..41dministratively these high-ranking . officers ate Possibly<br />

." rAtttiched-to SS Hauptamt; though MESS is not colartain. In reality they arc<br />

:eppointed directlYibyHMEER from among his own trusted S8 officials and<br />

report to him .direbtlY,On any of the organisations in the machine.: Thus a<br />

Aunl.contro 4.4.1i4orce.in SO and SCHUPO, the chief SS and Police Loader<br />

;aCting as 4.40,4iervice. In the Reich this control is exercised<br />

by him t ii'tubOrdinato6,-imeccuPied:lerritory'he is the direct<br />

'T,S/IOhlarmeric, local or native police <strong>for</strong>ces, C.I.D.,<br />

1tire fig . all**nqrvices, as well. is Of :SS and Waffen SS, of the<br />

lattor only , h0are not attached to an army .,as fighting <strong>for</strong>mations.<br />

The SIPO:chief'Ofan:OCCupied territory (Befehlshaber der SIFO) reports to him<br />

and alserto :4MTITD. There is one senior 35 and Police Leader in every -<br />

'..-'.occupied territory Or country which has a German civil administration; there<br />

;,..innene in "enemy" .countries under German milita administration.<br />

•:<br />

Names Of Senior 'SS and Police Leaders Known to MERZ:<br />

:SS GrupPorifilhrer KNIT, 1-18herer SS und Polizeifiihrer in the Waxthegau<br />

(POSUI or POZNAN).<br />

Chief SS and Police Leader in Austria until his<br />

• , appointment, aS Chief of SIPO.' •<br />

-<br />

SS .<br />

tank. of SS Brigadqpihrer. the Reich their function is . Chiefly the<br />

und: Polizeielhrer (SS and Police Leaders). • Generally hcia the<br />

reot supervision of and Waffen SS •(with tc latter only the personnel<br />

:416t... attached:to a Aird.Y on active front service). They do not generally .<br />

..nuperviSO S110 or saipp activities. SS and Police Leaders are under the<br />

.;dirvet . COntrol ef,thetenior Leader in . theirGau.: Theoretically, there is one<br />

.•.Leader <strong>for</strong> "each Regierungsbozirk WministrativoEistrict corresponding to<br />

1ho nuObetof S.D. • Stellen District 'offices), or 2/3 to a Gan.: Many<br />

OtthciTosts*em,net : tO have been filled, probably owing to a dearth 'of<br />

'::SS Units in the Rogicrungsbezirk. In occupied territory SS and Police

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