Issue No. 26 - September 23, 2011 - Whitefriars

Issue No. 26 - September 23, 2011 - Whitefriars

Issue No. 26 - September 23, 2011 - Whitefriars


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Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

In Fide<br />

Inside this issue:<br />

From the Captains<br />

Haemoglobin Heroes<br />

The White Mantle<br />

College Expectations<br />

Unit 4 Practice Exams<br />

Effective Speaking<br />

Creative Writing<br />

WFC Charity Raffle results<br />

Library News<br />

LOTE<br />

Performing Arts<br />

P.A.L.M.<br />

Environment News<br />

ACC Football Report<br />

Indoor Hockey<br />

Sport<br />

Report<br />

Good Sport <strong>No</strong>minations<br />

Next Term<br />

ACC Results<br />

College Services<br />

Canteen Roster<br />

College Services Roster<br />

Parents’ Association<br />

Uniform Shop<br />

College Calendar<br />

Community <strong>No</strong>tices<br />

Page:<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

In your love,<br />

O Lord,<br />

you have<br />

gathered us as<br />

your people.<br />

We praise you for<br />

the wonderful<br />

gift of your love<br />

From the Principal<br />

Fr Paul Cahill, O.Carm.<br />

Over the last two Wednesdays we have celebrated the Feastdays of two of our House Patrons – Blessed Elizabeth of<br />

the Trinity and Saint Therese of Lisieux. In many ways, they are very similar – but in other ways, they are quite<br />

different. Both Elizabeth and Therese were French women who lived at the end of the nineteenth century. Both grew<br />

up in fairly well-to-do middle class families. Both lost a parent when they were very young (Elizabeth’s father died<br />

when she was seven; Therese’s mother when she was four). Both became Carmelite nuns. Both died young of terrible<br />

diseases (Elizabeth of Addison’s disease at age 24; Therese of tuberculosis at age <strong>26</strong>). Both lived quiet, contemplative,<br />

withdrawn lives in Carmelite Convents but both became very well known and popular after their deaths – Therese<br />

because of her own biography, The Story of a Soul, and Elizabeth because of the account of her life written by her<br />

Prioress (the Leader of her convent).<br />

Both Elizabeth and Therese had very different personalities, however. Elizabeth was a strong-willed, somewhat badtempered,<br />

outspoken child who, nonetheless, developed as a teenager into an extremely attractive, beautifully dressed<br />

young woman, keen on fashion, who loved dancing and music and was an outstanding pianist. She was the older of<br />

just two sisters and entered the Carmelite Convent at age 21, having resisted her mother’s opposition and turned<br />

down an offer of marriage.<br />

By contrast, Therese was the youngest of nine children and grew up in a very devout family in which she led a very<br />

sheltered life. She was a sickly child and, with her father’s strong encouragement, she got special permission from the<br />

Pope to enter the Carmelite convent, following in the footsteps of several older sisters, at age 15.<br />

In spite of their very different personalities and paths to adulthood, however, both came to develop a very keen sense<br />

of God’s love for them, which had a transforming effect on their lives. They both had a profound effect on those with<br />

whom they lived because of the peace and calm and the deep love that pervaded their lives and that they radiated in<br />

their interactions with others. This effect on others has spread much more widely since their deaths because of either<br />

their own writings and/or the witness of others who knew them and were deeply loved by them.<br />

I think their stories tell us that no matter what our background or personality or life experiences, we are each called to<br />

appreciate God’s love for us, to appreciate that God loves all of us and that we are called to reach out in that same love<br />

to others. We are called to do this in the ordinary, everyday circumstances of life – following the “little way” which<br />

Therese made so popular and becoming “utterly forgetful of myself”, which Elizabeth wrote in her prayer to the Trinity.<br />

May Elizabeth of the Trinity and Therese of Lisieux continue to inspire us to lead meaningful, loving lives, to follow our<br />

dreams, to develop our talents to the full and to reach out to others in the love with which God reaches out to us.<br />

………………………………….<br />

As we come to the end of term, I wish everyone a safe and refreshing break. I hope that whilst our Year 12 students<br />

will maintain – and even build - the momentum of preparation for their final exams, that they also ensure they get<br />

appropriate rest and relaxation. It is important that they get “the balance” right between study, rest, relaxation,<br />

exercise and other responsibilities.<br />

Following the very high standard Voice Recital Concert last Thursday, we had the Jazz Soiree this Wednesday. Again<br />

the quality was outstanding and a very enjoyable night was had by all who attended. Congratulations to all<br />

concerned.<br />

Congratulations, too, to the Environment Committee who, under the leadership of Dominic Jones (Environment<br />

Captain) and with the special support of Mr Scott Firmin (Grounds Curator) and Ms Joanne Menzies (Laboratory<br />

Technician), conducted a very successful Environment Week this past week. Many fun, educational activities were<br />

enjoyed by students and staff alike.<br />

As I prepare this column on Thursday, we have a small team of Years 7–9 students participating in the ‘Stuart Appleby<br />

Team Golf Tournament’. We trust they have a great day.<br />

Congratulations to the Parents’ Association on running a very successful and enjoyable Trivia Night last Saturday – and<br />

thanks to all those who supported it.<br />

Finally, I commend to your thoughts and prayers the grandmother of Patrick Campbell (8S6) who died last week.<br />

May she rest in peace and may her grieving family and friends be supported by faith, friendship and prayer.<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

WHITEFRIARS COLLEGE INC. ABN 35 808 045 134 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia<br />

Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 Email principal@whitefriars.vic.edu.au www.whitefriars.vic.edu.au

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

From the Captains<br />

Super Really Cool Week is behind us and Environment week is upon us! SRC Week was a huge success, with many<br />

students willfully participating, and the same has happened for Environment Week. All in all, SRC Week was a great<br />

week and to be followed up by another week full of fun and excitement, the end of term is peaking for the boys.<br />

A word from our environment captain Dominic Jones:<br />

<strong>2011</strong> College Captains<br />

L-R: Paul Harrington (Vice Captain),<br />

Jackson Cairnduff (Junior Captain),<br />

Patrick Wain (College Captain) and<br />

John Tonti– Filippini (Vice Captain)<br />

Quote of the week …<br />

When I am sad, I stop being sad, and be<br />

awesome instead” – Barney Stinson<br />

“This past week has been Environment Week, where the <strong>Whitefriars</strong> Environment Group (WEG) has organised a number<br />

of activities throughout the week. It started last Friday, with the Green Light Cinema, where we watched “Back to the<br />

Future”, with the energy required to screen it being regenerated this week. The winner of the photography competition,<br />

“Wildlife at <strong>Whitefriars</strong>”, was also announced. Congratulations to Julian Virgona for taking out the prize! This week<br />

started off with a representative from Wildlife Victoria speaking to a group of students in the library, helping to raise<br />

awareness about the effects that we all have on the environment and especially the harm we cause to our native<br />

wildlife. On Tuesday the Future Sparks trailer was parked outside the F Block, and throughout the day classes came and<br />

competed to try and cycle the energy from the movie night into the grid, which culminated in the Staff vs. Students race<br />

at lunchtime; taken out by the students!<br />

Finally, the week came to an end on Friday, with the Wheelie Bin Relay Challenge between the eight Houses, a barbeque<br />

and music at lunchtime, with all the students wearing free dress, and GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY. I would like to give a<br />

big thank you to everyone involved and please remember to keep in mind the effect your actions will have on our<br />

beautiful environment.”<br />

With the term coming to an end, we chose the new Captains for next year; the Year 11s and 12s were reminded to<br />

study hard over the break so they can make the most of the exam period. It has been a great term and we’ve all had<br />

lots of fun and learnt heaps.<br />

Jackson Cairnduff<br />

Junior Captain<br />

Wildlife Victoria representative speaking to<br />

students about the work they do<br />

Haemoglobin Heroes this week...<br />

Contributing to our 105 donors so far this year were our latest Haemoglobin Heroes:<br />

Harley Irwin Hayden Gridley Andy Hamblin<br />

Matthew Cayless<br />

Byron Bushby<br />

and Mr Murray Pryer, Head of the House of Mantua<br />

These donors have been needed as blood stocks have been low of late, down to 60%. The Australian Red Cross Blood<br />

Service collects about 1.4 million donations each year. Contrary to popular belief, a large percentage of the blood<br />

collected is used to treat people with conditions that require blood or blood products on a regular basis; it is not only<br />

used in cases of major trauma.<br />

However, close to home is a staff member who gave birth recently and needed two litres of blood in the process;<br />

she would have died without it.<br />

Around 470ml of whole blood is taken during a regular donation, the type our Heroes make, and this accounts for<br />

around 8% of the average blood volume of the donor. The body replaces the blood volume within twenty-four to<br />

forty-eight hours (which is why donors should drink water before and after donation), and replenishes the red blood<br />

cells in about eight to ten weeks (which is why donations of whole blood cannot be made any sooner than twelve<br />

weeks after the previous donation). The actual donation takes about eight to ten minutes, but the whole process<br />

takes about an hour as there is a form to be filled out, the initial health check and personal interview and afterwards<br />

the refreshment and recovery time (which is where the muffins, Mars Bars, Big Ms and so on come in!).<br />

Our final donation dates for the year are;<br />

Tuesday 11 October<br />

Wednesday 19 October<br />

Tuesday 25 October – last Year 12 date<br />

Wednesday 2 <strong>No</strong>vember – last Year 11 date<br />

Tuesday 8 <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

Wednesday 16 <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

Please email Mrs Crossman to book your place for one of these dates. Remember that all are for period 4, and you can<br />

be dismissed from the Blood Bank Centre in Ringwood or be brought back to school, usually in time for the buses.<br />

Give blood – it’s a good feeling!<br />

Page 2 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

The White Mantle<br />

Religious Education Corner<br />

Mr John Abrahams<br />

Assistant Principal (Identity and Mission)<br />

God saw that it was good<br />

A few weeks ago I highlighted an excellent website (Centre for Action and Contemplation, www.cacradicalgrace.org)<br />

that produces daily meditations and reflections from renowned Franciscan and Spiritual Director, Fr Richard Rohr, O.F.M.<br />

An article Fr Richard wrote a couple of years ago, titled: “We Need To Take Better Care Of Sister Earth” is a timely piece to<br />

read, as we conclude ‘Environment Awareness Week,’ here at <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College. The article is included below,<br />

followed by a small reflection. Please take a moment to reflect upon the message Fr Richard is trying to make and also<br />

the sentiments of the prayer. Please excuse the ‘American flavour’ of the article, but it certainly highlights the universal<br />

problems and issues we are all facing.<br />

The name “<strong>Whitefriars</strong>”<br />

refers to the mantle<br />

worn over the habit of<br />

the Carmelite priests<br />

and brothers.<br />

The Carmelites are<br />

known as “White Friars”<br />

because of their dress –<br />

a white mantle worn<br />

over a brown habit.<br />

The white mantle is<br />

linked with the Prophet<br />

Elijah who wore a<br />

similar garb, probably<br />

of sheepskin.<br />

The early hermits of<br />

Mount Carmel adopted<br />

this white mantle as a<br />

symbol of their<br />

devotion to Mary, the<br />

mother of our Lord.<br />

We Need To Take Better Care Of Sister Earth<br />

By Richard Rohr, O.F.M.<br />

As a priest of the Franciscan Order, the very first European “invaders” in the States of New Mexico, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and<br />

California, I think we have been around long enough to see both the good and the bad that we brought with us. We usually<br />

found it congenial to live among the Native peoples of the new world, because they already shared our vision of both a simple<br />

and a communal life. In fact, they often taught us how to live it! <strong>No</strong>w we see that these ancient values of living close to the<br />

earth, and in union with natural creation, are no longer highly prized values in our world or in our country. In fact, we<br />

Christians, Catholics, and Franciscans have given little moral leadership to any alternative vision. Strange, considering<br />

St. Francis’ daring and clear commitment to nature, simplicity, and non- violence. Strange, considering God’s covenant with<br />

<strong>No</strong>ah, the animals, and “all of creation”. Strange, considering Jesus’ loving observation and praise for the sparrows, the lilies,<br />

“living waters” and “rich soil”.<br />

If the nations that built on the Judeo-Christian heritage do not soon see the work of earth care and climate change as a moral<br />

and spiritual imperative, one wonders how we will have any moral authority left? As St. Thomas Aquinas said, “Nature is the<br />

primary and most perfect revelation of the Divine”. This “Bible” of creation existed for billions of years, and sustained us long<br />

enough so we could write the next Bible. For St. Francis, the natural world was not an object to be objectified but a fellow<br />

subject that he reverently addressed as “Sister” and “Brother.”<br />

It is sad that we Christians have become so individualistic in our notions of what God is saving that we gradually whittled it<br />

down to tiny human groups who always happened to be just like ourselves. Our God became very small in the process, we<br />

smaller yet, and the physical world the least of all. There was little room or appreciation for the wonderful “new earth” that the<br />

Bible sees as the very ending (Revelation 21:1) of salvation history.<br />

Jesus told his followers that we would be judged on how we treated “the least” of the brothers and sisters. It seems the very<br />

things we all, without exception, share in common - the one earth on which we walk, “Sister Water” who sustains us all,<br />

“Brother Sun” who gives life to absolutely everything, have themselves become the very least sisters and brothers of all. It’s<br />

rather unbelievable. Would it be strange, or would it be totally predicted, that these literal “fundamentals” would be the very<br />

issues that could bring us all down, bring us all together, or bring us to a universal and all inclusive holiness?<br />

Let Us Pray…<br />

Loving Creator, hear our prayer for:<br />

The vision to recognise the beauty and goodness of<br />

creation.<br />

The courage to participate in protecting creation.<br />

The wisdom to celebrate the wonders of creation.<br />

Blessed are you, O God, Creator of the universe, who has<br />

made all things good and given the earth for us to care<br />

for.<br />

Grant that we may always use created things gratefully<br />

and share your gifts with those in need.<br />

We ask this in the name of Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />

Creation of the sun and moon by Michelangelo, 1508-1512,<br />

Sistine Chapel, Vatican City.<br />

Page 3 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

College Blazer<br />

to be worn until<br />

mid-term<br />

Term 4<br />

College Expectations<br />

Mr Neal Crossan<br />

Deputy Principal<br />

(Students)<br />

A reminder that until mid-term in Term 4, students have to wear their blazer to and from the College each day, unless<br />

it is their designated Sport day, when they must wear their full tracksuit. The boys have been reminded that blazers are<br />

compulsory until mid-term, and also that whilst they may wear their College jumper to and from the College each day<br />

in cooler weather, the blazer, not the jumper, must be the outer garment. Similarly, the tracksuit top, not the<br />

windcheater, must be the outer garment on their designated Sport day.<br />

The boys have also been reminded that until mid-term in Term 4, students are not permitted to wear the open-neck<br />

summer shirt but have to wear a plain white shirt with a collar and tie.<br />

Unit 4 Practice Exams<br />

Mr Brad Bird<br />

VCE Co-ordinator<br />

Our Unit 4 practice exam period kicks off on Thursday 6 October. These practice exams are an essential part of<br />

the preparation for the end of year exams as they provide invaluable experience of exam conditions and will allow<br />

subject teachers to provide important feedback. These exams are compulsory for all of our students who are<br />

undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 sequence at <strong>Whitefriars</strong> this year.<br />

The full timetable is below and this has already been sent to Year 11 and 12 students.<br />

Uniform – as the first two days of the exams are during the holiday break, school uniform is not required for<br />

exams on Thursday 6 October and Friday 7 October – however Year 11s and 12s will need to wear uniform<br />

for any exams in the first three days of Term 4.<br />

Year 12s - only need to attend for scheduled exams (normal classes resume for Year 12s on Thursday 13 October)<br />

Year 11s –need to attend their usual scheduled classes – Year 11s should only miss a class at the time of their<br />

Unit 4 practice exam<br />

Students will not be permitted to leave early during any exam – this will be the same in the actual exam period<br />

at the end of the year<br />

<strong>No</strong>te that the afternoon sessions on Monday and Tuesday extend beyond the normal school day so students<br />

involved at these times will need to make alternative travel arrangements as they will finish after the buses<br />

have left the College.<br />

There are a small number of students who have clashes and arrangements have been made for these boys. If there are<br />

any other issues relating to attendance at the practice exams then contact needs to be made with me as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

Page 4 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Effective Speaking Finals<br />

Ms Catherine Wells<br />

Faculty Head - English<br />

On Friday 16 <strong>September</strong>, the finals for the Year 9 and 10 Effective Speaking competitions were held in the<br />

theatre. The standard of all of the finalists was very high. Congratulations to the following place getters.<br />

Year 9 Place-getters (left to right)<br />

Matthew Coghlan, Blaine Healy,<br />

Luke O’Loughlin<br />

Year 9 (Turning Points)<br />

First Luke O’Loughlin – World War 2<br />

Second Blaine Healy – The four coloured pen<br />

Third<br />

Matthew Coghlan – Pearl Harbour<br />

Year 10 (Romeo and Juliet)<br />

First<br />

Joshua Bell - The Nurse speech<br />

Second Travaughn Lawson and Ben Tatterson - Modern Day Romeo and Juliet in the ghetto<br />

Third<br />

Hayden Gridley - Queen Mab speech<br />

Year 10 Place-getters (left to right)<br />

Joshua Bell, Hayden Gridley,<br />

Travaughn Lawson, Ben Tatterson<br />

Creative Writing Competition<br />

Ms Catherine Wells<br />

Faculty Head - English<br />

During Term Three, the annual <strong>Whitefriars</strong> Creative Writing Competition was held for students in Years 7-10. Each year<br />

level was assigned a different task.<br />

Year 7 students wrote a mystery story with many of them setting their pieces in an ancient civilization to correlate with<br />

their History Studies. Year 8 students were able to respond to a series of creative statements to craft their action or<br />

adventure stories. Year 9 students responded to the statement ‘It came out of the blue…’ While Year 10 students who<br />

had studied the novel To Kill a Mockingbird during the term, were given a series of prompts to which they were able to<br />

respond.<br />

Congratulations to the following place-getters:<br />

Year 7 Year 8<br />

First - Jarrod Sacco<br />

First - Joshu Faye-Chauhan<br />

Second - Ben Roberts<br />

Second - Nick Bredhauer<br />

Third - Thomas Bailey<br />

Third - Andrew Matthews<br />

Year 9 Year 10<br />

First -Tim Xie<br />

First- James Hall<br />

Second - Luke O’Hara<br />

Second - Joshua Bell<br />

Third - Wyatt Rooney<br />

Third - James Santamaria<br />

And the<br />

winners<br />

are……..<br />

<strong>Whitefriars</strong> College House Charity Raffle Draw<br />

Last Friday the <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College House Charity Raffle was drawn during lunchtime by former Old Collegian and AFL<br />

Hawthorn footballer Stephen Gilham. The fundraiser has been a fantastic success with thousands of dollars raised, all<br />

of which will be directed to our various House charities and our College Mission in East Timor. Our big thanks is<br />

extended to all of those staff and students who helped to raise money through the sale of the tickets over the past<br />

three weeks. Congratulations are extend to the following major prize winners:<br />

First Prize Grand Final Tickets and Grand Final Breakfast for Two – Maria Warwick.<br />

Second Prize Melbourne City Dawn Hot Air Balloon Ride and Breakfast Package for Two - Wendy Davis, East Doncaster.<br />

Third Prize Balgownie Estate Spa Accommodation and Dinner Package - Ben Tran.<br />

Fourth Prize Crown Towers Deluxe Accommodation Package – Lachlan Turnbull.<br />

Fifth Prize V8 Driving Experience at Calder Raceway - Francoise Borg, Narre Warren.<br />

Congratulations and well done to all.<br />

Page 5 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Library News<br />

Ms Simone Pollock<br />

Library Teacher<br />

As mentioned last week an afternoon tea and presentation for all our Book Week winners and their parents will<br />

take place in the library on Wednesday 19 October at 3.30pm. Invitations will be sent out shortly. Also at this time we<br />

will celebrate the achievements of our Premiers’ Reading Challenge winners. A total of 512 books were read by all<br />

participants of the Challenge which was a fantastic effort!<br />

Some of the favourite books in our school are:<br />

‘Leviathan’ Scott Westerfield<br />

‘Triple Zero’ Karen Travis<br />

‘Rodrick Rules’ Jeff Kinney<br />

Congratulations to the following students who have completed the Challenge by reading at least fifteen books:<br />

Jake Beltrami L2 Ryan Brigham L3 Max Brogno A2 Charles Dalziel A1<br />

Joseph Fletcher L7 Matthew Hodges A2 Harrison Knight A6 Joshua Kral C3<br />

Tim Mason M5 Andrew Ney L5 Matthew Owens L2 Alex Rae M6<br />

Nic Rae M6 Jarrod Sacco L6 Robert Suller L4 Anthony Tarabay M4<br />

Mark Usatov C5 Avyav Vatsa A3<br />

Their names will be published in an honour roll in the 17 <strong>No</strong>vember Sunday Age.<br />

Congratulations to the following students who completed the <strong>Whitefriars</strong> Challenge by reading ten books:<br />

Matthew La Rosa M5 Calum Marshall A5 Benjamin Rolfs A7 Nathan Santamaria M6<br />

LOTE - Chinese News<br />

Ms Wei Hong Luo<br />

Chinese Teacher<br />

Book Week Winners’<br />

Morning Tea<br />

To be held<br />

19 October 3.30pm<br />

The following Year 8 and Year 9 students have submitted an entry as part of the Asian Essay Competition<br />

which organised by The Asian Education Foundation (AEF):<br />

Andrew Bonella, Calvin Fletcher, Chris Tam, James Reidy, Jack Currie, James Tomazos, Joshu Faye-Chauhan, Jayden<br />

Van Zwienen, Jonathan Chan, Jordan Watkins, Lloyd Taylor, Matthew Hennessy, Matthew Steel, Mukul Pendyala,<br />

Michael Murphy, Mitchell Clarke, Raymond Lai, Ryan Young, Wyatt Rooney, Tyson Fiedler.<br />

On Tuesday 20 <strong>September</strong>, they were invited to attend Opening a Door into Asia – a special celebration held at the<br />

University of Melbourne at which participants were inspired to enhance their Asia skills through an exploration of Asian<br />

art, culture and language.<br />

Students participated in an array of activities and workshops, heard guest speakers, and were introduced to aspects of<br />

Asian culture. They participated in an art workshop and experienced first-hand the intricacies of Western and Asian<br />

arts, by drawing some themselves. The students also had small group sessions with speakers who shared their<br />

personal experiences, whether they be business or personal.<br />

Students have walked away from the day with a deeper understanding of Asian cultures and society today. They will<br />

have also been exposed to the vast variety of paths that Asian languages can offer, thus opening a door of opportunity<br />

our students. They said “it was a fun and worthwhile excursion and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I learned how Chinese can<br />

be fun, useful and important.”<br />

By Calvin Fletcher and Lloyd Taylor<br />

Year 9 LOTE - Chinese<br />

Open Day<br />

<strong>23</strong> October<br />

Registrations: 10am 11.45am 1.30pm<br />

Introductions: 10.15am 12.00pm 1.45pm<br />

Tours: 10.45am 12.30pm 2.15pm<br />

Call 9872 8213 to register your attendance<br />

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Page 6 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Performing Arts News<br />

Ms Rachel Valentine<br />

Head of Performing Arts<br />

All Year 7 Avila, Brandsma, Stein and<br />

Lisieux students may enrol for private<br />

half hour lessons on any Woodwind,<br />

Brass or Percussion instrument for the<br />

special introductory rate of<br />

$20 per lesson for Semester 2<br />

this year.<br />

See flyer or staff for details.<br />

Year 7 Special Offer reminder<br />

A reminder that all Year 7 Avila, Brandsma, Stein and Lisieux students may enrol for private half hour lessons on any<br />

Woodwind, Brass or Percussion instrument for the special introductory rate of $20 per lesson for Semester 2 this year.<br />

Contact Sandra Kennedy for details.<br />

Spring Jazz Soiree<br />

On Wednesday evening the College Undercroft resounded to the clink of wine glasses and the mellow undertones of<br />

the performing Jazz musicians at our annual Spring Soiree. As always, the night was a great success and we would like<br />

to congratulate and thank the following groups:<br />

Jazz Combo - leader Mitchell Cross, Global Rhythm Ensemble - leader Edward York, Stage Band - leader Stuart Collidge,<br />

The Testostertones - leader Mr Andrew Broadbent, Senior Guitar Ensemble - leader Simon Rowley, Intermediate Guitar<br />

Ensemble - leader Nico di Stefano, the Year 9 Trio, VCE Soloists and Music Captain Kristian Bressanutti.<br />

I would also like to thank Performing Arts staff and the Technical crew for their hard work in organising the event.<br />

A special thank you to all the parents who assisted on the night as well.<br />

ACC Rock Workshop<br />

Last Monday, <strong>Whitefriars</strong> hosted the ACC Rock Workshop with seven other schools attending it was busy, noisy and<br />

creative. There were sessions on Song-writing, Careers in the Music Industry as well as master classes where bands<br />

could perform and be critiqued. Des Nazareth and Neville De Luca both sessional studio rock musicians were there to<br />

give advice at the master classes and be judges at the Battle of The Bands.<br />

Above: ACC Rock Workshop<br />

Below: Winners <strong>Whitefriars</strong>’ “Cruel To Be Kind”<br />

Each school presented a band to represent them in the competition. It was compulsory to perform an original song<br />

and the standard was impressive and the styles quite varied.<br />

Congratulations to <strong>Whitefriars</strong> band ‘Cruel To Be Kind’ that won the ACC Battle of the Bands competition over<br />

St. Joseph’s Geelong in second place and equal third place getters Mazenod and St Bernards. Well done to Michael<br />

Romeo, Joey Cirillo, Nick Sayers and Tim Kemm.<br />

Thank you to the Performing Arts staff for the work they collectively shared to make the event such a success.<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

Workshop for VCE Unit 4 Music students –<br />

Deb Smith four day intensive – <strong>26</strong> – 29 <strong>September</strong> – Melbourne University<br />

Adam Yee Listening Analysis – <strong>26</strong> <strong>September</strong> 1.30 – 4pm.<br />

VCE Performing Arts Concert – 11 October – Drama Studio<br />

Jazz Soiree performers (L-R):<br />

Benjamin Graham, Ben<br />

Coghlan, Lewis Tanner and<br />

Teacher Mitchell Cross<br />

P.A.L.M.<br />

Mrs Elske Tecklenburg<br />

Learning Support<br />

Coordinator<br />

Parents As Learning Mentors<br />

Thank you to the new six PALM tutors Melissa, Rebecca, Catriona, Bec, Rachel and Kate. We are always looking for new<br />

members to join out ‘team’ so if you want to be part of an exciting volunteer program in Semester 2, <strong>2011</strong> and you can spare<br />

seventy-five minutes a week to work one on one with students in Years 7, 8 or 9, then please contact me.<br />

Elske Tecklenburg, Learning Support Coordinator on 98728376 or via email etecklenburg@whitefriars.com.au<br />

Click Here for the further information regarding the program and expressions of interest.<br />

Page 7 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Environment News<br />

Ms Jo Anne Menzies<br />

WEG Coordinator<br />

(L-R): Patrick Campbell, Dillan Mayer and<br />

Matthew Cayless<br />

Lead 2 Sustain Workshop<br />

Mr Peter Sorockj, Dillan Mayer, Patrick Campbell and Matthew Cayless represented the College last Friday<br />

16 <strong>September</strong> at the the Manningham City Council’s “Lead 2 Sustain” workshop. The students taught and led sessions<br />

with Primary aged students on the importance of solar energy and showed them how to build and race, solar<br />

powered cars. The students all agreed the day was a huge success and I have heard they did the College proud with<br />

their behavior and knowledge on the day. Well done! Dillan Mayer wrote:<br />

“We kicked off into the day with our first group of students. Our aim was to explain and show to them, how solar<br />

energy worked. We did this by building solar powered cars. Once we built them, we raced them. This made our teaching a bit<br />

more fun. It showed the Primary school kids that other energy can be used in other circumstance to help the environment.<br />

My group decorated their cars with environmental symbols like trees, animals and number plate “Go Green”. Hopefully, the<br />

day has given the young ones a bit more knowledge on sustaining alternative energy, like solar power.”<br />

Future Sparkes<br />

Tuesday’s cold and rainy weather did not dampen the efforts of the Year 8s Future Sparks Incursion. Future Sparks<br />

visited the school to show the students how bikes attached to a washing machine can generate electricity. The Year 8<br />

classes were challenged to make electricity for five minutes, shown how much electricity it takes to operate lights, TV,<br />

microwave and a hair dryer. Barry from Future Sparks was very knowledgeable in all things electrical and reminded the<br />

students about conserving energy by simple things like turning lights off. Congratulations to 8.3 for generating the<br />

most electricity! The total electricity made for the day was 1,038.9 W/H.<br />

On Wednesday, the College was invited to view all the entries in the Environment Group photography<br />

competition. Kudos to all the students who entered, and congratulations are in order to winners Julian Virgonia, Tom<br />

Carson and Dillon Ranjit. Julian won the top prize of a $50 voucher kindly Donated By Croydon Camera House. Both<br />

Tom and Dillon won a canteen voucher each.<br />

Above: Wheelie Bin Challenge<br />

Finally, the week ended with the "Dress in Green for Sustainability" fundraising day, and everyone in casual<br />

dress donated $2. The day also included events like the Recycling Challenge Relay, where House teams competed in a<br />

series of recycling themed challenges, and a Sausage sizzle with music provided by one of our College Bands.<br />

The funds raised will be donated to Wildlife Victoria, and also used to support Future Environment group Projects.<br />

Wildlife Victoria is a not for profit, volunteer based organisation that has been at the forefront of wildlife rescue and<br />

rehabilitation in Victoria. Thanks to everyone involved who helped make this week such a success.<br />

Above: Wheelie Bin Challenge Winners from Trinity<br />

We received great news this week that <strong>Whitefriars</strong> has progressed to the next stage in the Schools Gardens Awards,<br />

winning the award for our region we will next be visited by the judges via helicopter possibly in October, more news<br />

to follow.<br />

Above: Hungry hoards eagerly line up for the<br />

sausage sizzle on Dress In Green day.<br />

Right: Bands entertained the crowds<br />

Page 8 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

ACC Football Report<br />

Mr Kristan Height<br />

Football Coach<br />

At <strong>Whitefriars</strong> we take our Aussie Rules quite seriously. Over the last few years we have had many players drafted and<br />

have won many ACC titles at different age levels. We are forming the reputation of being the ‘Best Football School in<br />

the ACC’ and I would like to commend the efforts, competitiveness, respect and commitment shown from all players<br />

that represented our College in Term 2.<br />

Special Mention should go to the following sides, who won their respective ACC competitions,<br />

Year 8 Division 1 and Year 8 Division 2<br />

I would also like to congratulate the following students, who successfully made the Senior ACC Football<br />

Team of the Year (team of the year awards are only awarded at Senior level),<br />

Samuel Collins – Centre Half Back<br />

Nick Murphy – Centre Half Forward<br />

Nicholas Garratt - Centre<br />

Ryan Turner - Rover<br />

Award winners and Pennants to the winning ACC teams will be presented to the students at the start of Term 4.<br />

Local Football Report<br />

As well as being superstars for <strong>Whitefriars</strong> we have numerous amounts of students that represent themselves in the<br />

<strong>Whitefriars</strong> spirit at their home football clubs as well. It is great to see so many students at our College participate in<br />

the greatest game in the world outside of school.<br />

Bailey Hotker and James El Moussalli<br />

There have been some fantastic individual performances at Club level from several of our students this season. I have<br />

heard, read or seen many <strong>Whitefriars</strong> students wining Grand Finals or Club Best and Fairest. This is a great<br />

achievement, so well done to all the students who have achieved these feats.<br />

I would particularly like to congratulate the following students who have demonstrated supreme performances,<br />

fairness and consistency by winning league Best and Fairest counts or very close to.<br />

James Harkins and Benjamin Roughsedge<br />

Bailey Hotker- Eastern Football League Under 14s League Best and Fairest<br />

James El Moussalli - <strong>No</strong>rthern Football League Under 14s League Best and Fairest<br />

James Harkins - Eastern Football League Under 16s League Best and Fairest Runner up<br />

Benjamin Roughsedge - Yarra Junior Football League Under 13s League Best and Fairest Runner up<br />

Indoor Hockey hits <strong>Whitefriars</strong><br />

Throughout Term 3, a number of our Year 7 PE classes have been involved in a fantastic program run by specialist<br />

coaches of the Doncaster Hockey Club and ably supported by some of their current International Players. When asked<br />

what he thought about the program, Chris Romanin of Year 7 said;<br />

“This was such an exciting new sport for me and great to play as a group. The expert coaches and players from Doncaster<br />

made it an awesome experience. We had great fun!”<br />

Indoor Hockey is a fast and much tighter version of the outdoor field based game of hockey with the emphasis upon<br />

ball and stick control, passing skills, change of direction and fast decision making. Students worked to develop their<br />

skills in these areas and were given opportunities to develop their understanding of tactics and positional play. The<br />

rate of development in all students was outstanding. As a spin-off from this program which we aim to continue in the<br />

future, we believe that we will become an even more dominant force in our ACC Hockey competitions.<br />

There are many options available to interested Hockey players through the College and through the Doncaster Hockey<br />

Club over the next few months. Doncaster Hockey Club offers a Summer Hockey program for those who are fairly new<br />

to the game which runs on a Wednesday night at the club on the corner of Springvale and Reynolds Rds. There will<br />

also be evening Indoor Hockey competitions using <strong>Whitefriars</strong> gym as a venue, starting late October for both the U/13<br />

and U/15 age groups. Feel free to contact Peter Rennie at the College ( prennie@whitefriars.vic.edu.au) for further<br />

details.<br />

Page 9 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

Sport Report<br />

Mr Gavin Kellar<br />

Head of Sport<br />

As there was no ACC sport competition this week coaches were finalising their teams for Term 4 Cricket, Tennis and Volleyball<br />

sides. These squads have trained extremely well this term and consequently coaches have had a very hard job in trying to get<br />

their teams finalized.<br />

On another note, a big congratulations needs to go to our Senior sporting teams for <strong>2011</strong>, for winning the overall ACC Senior<br />

Sport Aggregate. This is a fantastic achievement and it is the first time that we have achieved this honour as a College in the<br />

twelve years that we have participated in the ACC competition. This achievement is a testament to the commitment from<br />

Senior players and coaches and from my behalf I would like to thank all staff and students involved in senior sport this year for<br />

their efforts.<br />

Finally, I would also like to thank our <strong>2011</strong> Sport Captains for their efforts in assisting their teams to not only be so successful,<br />

but to compete in the spirited and dedicated manner that our sides did this year. These boys put in a power of work and they<br />

are to be commended.<br />

For any information regarding the ACC including Results and Ladders and Updated Fixtures/Venues go to<br />

www.accmelb.com.au<br />

Good Sport <strong>No</strong>minations<br />

Each week we have many students who excel in Sport, whether it be in ACC Sport or <strong>No</strong>n-ACC Sport. Each week staff<br />

members are asked to nominate students who have demonstrated excellence via their performances, participation,<br />

sportsmanship, cooperation and teamwork.<br />

The following students have been nominated as Good Sports for this week:<br />

Year 10 Jarred Paola Joseph Issamael Adnan Rahman<br />

Patrick Bogler Corey Dineen Dimitri Yannios<br />

Hayden Rayner<br />

Year 11 Ben Mossuto Brendan Doyle Jake Toohey<br />

James Murphy Stephen Gale Brenton Watson<br />

Jye Cuff<br />

Dean Mendes<br />

Year 12 Michael Sanderson Nick Murphy Michael Tricarico<br />

Mitchell Keogh<br />

Week 1 Term 4<br />

Tuesday 11 October:<br />

Year 9 Volleyball – v. De La Salle <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College McPhee Gym<br />

Year 9 Tennis – v. De La Salle Currawong Tennis Club, 34 G7 (ERT 3.45pm)<br />

Year 9 (1) Cricket– v. De La Salle at Donvale Reserve, 48 E3 (ERT – 5.45pm)<br />

Year 9 (2) Cricket– v. St. Bernards at St. Bernards College synthetic, 27 J3 (ERT – 6.30pm)<br />

Venues and the Estimated Return Time (ERT) for ACC Fixtures<br />

to assist <strong>Whitefriars</strong>’ parents collecting students<br />

Year 10 Volleyball –v. Bye<br />

Year 10 Tennis –v. Bye<br />

Year 10 Cricket –v. St. Joseph’s Geelong <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College Bottom Oval<br />

Year 9 and 10 Sport<br />

Thursday 13 October:<br />

Year 7 (1) Volleyball – v. De La Salle Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre, 60 E10 (ERT –<br />

4.30pm)<br />

Year 7 (2) Volleyball –v. Bye<br />

Year 7 (1) Tennis– v. De La Salle at St. Andrews Gardner Tennis Club, 59 H7 (ERT – 4.30pm)<br />

Year 7 (2) Tennis –v. Bye<br />

Year 7 (1) Cricket– v. De La Salle Darling Park, 60 A11 (ERT 4.45pm)<br />

Year 7 (2) Cricket –v. Bye<br />

Year 7 and 8 Sport<br />

Year 8 (1) Cricket – v. CBC St. Kilda at <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College Bottom Oval<br />

Year 8 (1) Tennis – v. CBC St. Kilda at Currawong Tennis Club, 34 G7 (ERT 3.45pm)<br />

Year 8 (2) Tennis –v Bye<br />

Year 8 (1) Volleyball –v. CBC St.Kilda at <strong>Whitefriars</strong> College, McPhee Gym<br />

Year 8 (2) Volleyball – v. Bye<br />

Page 10 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

ACC Cross Country Championships<br />

Bundoora Park <strong>2011</strong><br />

Last Wednesday 14 <strong>September</strong>, the <strong>Whitefriars</strong> Cross Country team competed in their final carnival for the season.<br />

Most age groups ran up to their best and we finished only 10 points behind fourth position.<br />

There were some great individual performances on the day headed by Kirk Thomson (Senior), Brendan Doyle (U/17),<br />

James Battista and Pierce Connor (U/15), Daniel Harkin (U/14) and Fergus Ward, Robert Suller and Pat Wallis (U/13).<br />

Some of these boys finished in the top ten runners in the ACC which was a great result. They were well supported by<br />

other runners in their age group as can be seen in the results linked to this article.<br />

Our aim was to finish in the top three places but just fell short of this. However, the nucleus and depth of the team has<br />

steadily improved over recent years. We will continue to build on this for next year as we have a strong group of<br />

runners coming in to the school at Year 7. Congratulations must go to all those runners who improved over the<br />

season through training and competing in a number of carnivals at State level.<br />

I would like to thank the following staff - Mr Legge, Mr Payne, Mr Stafford, Ms Bates, Mr Box, Mr Bell, Mr Collins and Mr<br />

Kellar for all their support and efforts to get their age groups organised and for giving up their Saturdays to help in the<br />

carnivals. If it wasn’t for their generosity, the team wouldn’t thrive. I would also like to thank Pat Dineen (Captain) and<br />

Kirk Thomson (Vice Captain) for their leadership at training, helping the Juniors and supporting me. Well done!<br />

Tom Kelly (Coach) has once again worked well with the team and trained the boys as best as he could for each<br />

carnival. He has a wealth of knowledge and we are lucky to have him as coach. Students who want to keep up their<br />

running over the summer break are always welcome to train with him down at Doncaster Athletics Track most<br />

afternoons.<br />

Finally, thank you to all the parents who transported their sons to training and weekend carnivals. The staff really<br />

appreciate this and looks forward to your support once again next year.<br />

All results and photos from the day can be found on the Sport website for the College and then go to photo gallery.<br />

I have included the link as well:<br />

http://intranet.whitefriars.vic.edu.au/students/sport/Sports%20Images/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%<br />

2Fstudents%2Fsport%2FSports%20Images%2FCross%20Country%2FACC%<br />

20Championships&FolderCTID=0x01200043A6A44CA643BE4FAF3B15B7F9347DA3&View={8C9556FC-C52D-41A6-<br />

908B-FEE0A0979994}<br />

Click Here for results list<br />

This was my final carnival as Manager of the Cross Country team as it is time for me to step aside and let someone else<br />

organise the season. I hope everyone gives the new manager their full support.<br />

The challenge is there for next year to improve and rise up the rankings. I would hope that all the team train during<br />

the Athletic season in Term 1 to get a good fitness base and be ready to launch into a new season.<br />

Thank you for your efforts this year.<br />

Mr Shane Cotter<br />

(Cross Country Manager)<br />

Senior Age Group<br />

Start of the Under 15 race<br />

Page 11 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

College Services<br />

Mrs Marie Cameron<br />

College Services Coordinator<br />

Congratulations to the Parents Association for arranging a wonderful Trivia Night last Saturday. It was a great success and all who attended had a fantastic<br />

night. Well done to all the committee, they worked very hard to make the night such a success. We exceeded $2000 in profit. A special thanks to Kristian<br />

Bressanutti who entertained us and Dominic Chambers for being the MC for the evening. I must also extend a special thank you to all who donated for the Silent<br />

Auction and the Raffle. You all contributed to a tremendous night. I'm sure you are looking forward to the next one.<br />

Its hard to believe that the holidays are here already. A big thank you to all who have assisted in the Canteen, Uniform Exchange and the College Services.<br />

This has been an extremely busy term and your assistance has been so very much appreciated.<br />

Congratulations to <strong>No</strong>la, Sandra and Di for all their hard work and incredible planning for all the different menus that have been available over the last few weeks.<br />

Just a couple of reminders;<br />

Year 12 Parents and students are reminded to get their RSVPs in by Tuesday 11 October for the Thanksgiving Mass and Valedictory Dinner<br />

Mothers Christmas Mass and Supper will be held on Wednesday 7 December <strong>2011</strong>. More details next term.<br />

Canteen Roster<br />

Parents’ Association<br />

Monday 10 October<br />

Liz O’Connell<br />

Leeann Healy<br />

Karen Hill<br />

Eleonaora Italiano<br />

Sharada Rumi<br />

Tuesday 11 October<br />

Karen Zammit<br />

Stephanie Blyth<br />

Jana Aleardi<br />

Robyn Mason<br />

Wednesday 12 October<br />

Brenda Kallady<br />

Joanne Rio<br />

Anne Netherway<br />

Marita Hayes<br />

Thursday 13 October<br />

Kathy Coghlan<br />

Liesl Karanicolos<br />

Birgit Taverna<br />

Anne Maree Hayes<br />

Friday 14 October<br />

Bernice Webb<br />

Christine Coutts<br />

Stephanie Reid<br />

Elizabeth Cronin<br />

Siew Cheng Ney<br />

Theresa Emett<br />

Melissa Larman<br />

Rosa Rocigliano<br />

Renee Fiedler<br />

Louise Ewen<br />

Josie Toce<br />

Gillian Wright<br />

Jutta Byrne<br />

Rosemary Baldi<br />

Elizabeth McEvey<br />

Rosanne Virgona<br />

Lucia Day<br />

Liz Arter<br />

Anita Cassai<br />

Tracey Cuff<br />

Silvia Carta<br />

Mirella Drago<br />

Margaret Gilbert<br />

Jacinta Sheather<br />

Anna Pavlidis<br />

Vicki Compassi<br />

Parents Association<br />

Annual<br />

Meeting will be held in<br />

the Boardroom<br />

on Monday 7 <strong>No</strong>vember <strong>2011</strong><br />

at 7.30pm<br />

Uniform Exchange<br />

Open Tuesday: 12.45-2.00pm<br />

Bob Stewart Shop<br />

Tuesday and Thursday:<br />

1.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

College Services Roster<br />

Monday 10 October<br />

Susan Hee<br />

Tuesday 11 October<br />

Effy Varrasso<br />

Dinah Ward<br />

Wednesday 12 October<br />

Jenny McMahon<br />

Abigail Wansleeben<br />

Liesl Van der Leest<br />

Jay Black<br />

Anna Latino<br />

Jacqui Marks<br />

Thursday 13 October<br />

Maria Russo<br />

Friday 14 October<br />

Mandi Tanner<br />

Carmen Taylor<br />

Patricia Keley<br />

Jacinta Greenough<br />

Page 12 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Belong. Believe. Become.<br />

College Calendar <strong>September</strong> - October <strong>2011</strong><br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

<strong>26</strong><br />

School Holidays<br />

27<br />

School Holidays<br />

28<br />

School Holidays<br />

29<br />

School Holidays<br />

30<br />

School Holidays<br />

1 2<br />

3<br />

School Holidays<br />

4<br />

School Holidays<br />

5<br />

School Holidays<br />

6<br />

School Holidays<br />

7<br />

School Holidays<br />

8 9<br />

Unit 4 Practice exams<br />

Unit 4 Practice exams<br />

10<br />

First day of Term 4<br />

Unit 4 Practice exams<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

Senior/Intermediate<br />

VCAL Hospitality<br />

Course<br />

Year 10 ODE (C)<br />

Excursion - Canoeing<br />

1.30 - 5pm<br />

11<br />

Unit 4 Practice exams<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

VCE Performing Arts<br />

Concert<br />

Senior/Intermediate<br />

VCAL Hospitality<br />

Course<br />

12<br />

Unit 4 Practice exams<br />

Performance/LOTE Oral<br />

exams<br />

13<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

Senior/Intermediate<br />

VCAL Hospitality<br />

Course<br />

14<br />

Performance/LOTE Oral<br />

exams<br />

Senior/Intermediate VCAL<br />

Hospitality Course<br />

Digital Photography<br />

Excursion Melbourne<br />

Zoo/Queen Victoria<br />

Market - 10.6 MADVPS2B<br />

15 16<br />

17<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

18<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

19<br />

Performance/LOTE Oral<br />

exams<br />

20<br />

Performance/LOTE<br />

Oral exams<br />

21<br />

Performance/LOTE Oral<br />

exams<br />

22 <strong>23</strong><br />

<strong>Whitefriars</strong> College<br />

Open Day 10am-3pm<br />

Year 8 Geography<br />

Excursion - Haining<br />

Farm/Warburton<br />

8GEOGS21 and<br />

8GEOGS22<br />

Year 9 Social<br />

St. Johns Parish Hall<br />

Mitcham<br />

7 - 10pm<br />

VCE Arts Exhibition<br />

Opening<br />

Registrations:<br />

10.00am 11.45am 1.30pm<br />

Introductions:<br />

10.15am 12.00pm 1.45pm<br />

Tours:<br />

10.45am 12.30pm 2.15pm<br />

Community <strong>No</strong>tices<br />

Melbourne Playgrounds is a free<br />

on-line guide to thousands of Melbourne<br />

activities for the entire family!<br />

Melbourne Playgrounds is unique in that it<br />

provides reviews, ratings and photos of<br />

activities.<br />

There is also an extensive list of family<br />

activities outside Melbourne covering all of<br />

Victoria which is useful when planning a<br />

day trip or longer holidays within the State.<br />

The website is:<br />

www.MelbournePlaygrounds.com.au<br />

The Carmelite<br />

Centre<br />

Melbourne<br />

October<br />

Programs <strong>2011</strong><br />

Click Here for full details<br />

“Growing Good Men”<br />

This is a program that invites fathers<br />

and their teenage sons to work<br />

through important issues<br />

together. The retreat is being held in<br />

Gembrook, Melbourne between 14th<br />

and 16th October <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Enquiries call Michael Bohan on<br />

0439 172 465. Register now as<br />

numbers are strictly limited!!<br />

Click Here for more details<br />

Parent Seminar<br />

Series <strong>2011</strong><br />

A program for parents, carers, guardians<br />

and grandparents of students in Catholic<br />

primary and secondary Schools in<br />

Catholic primary and secondary Schools<br />

Whats on in October…<br />

Click Here for more information<br />

Page 13 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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