May 2013 - Battlefield High School

May 2013 - Battlefield High School

May 2013 - Battlefield High School


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Counseling Center (cont.)<br />

Community service logs will be distributed in <strong>May</strong> to all seniors who met the initial eligibility requirements of<br />

completing US/VA History with a “B” or better and having a “B” or better in US/VA Government as of the end<br />

of first semester. Completed community service logs must be submitted to the Counseling Center by Friday,<br />

<strong>May</strong> 3, <strong>2013</strong>. Final determination regarding the Excellence in Civics Education seal will be made in June after<br />

attendance, discipline, community service logs, and final US/VA Government grades have been reviewed.<br />


AP Exams will be administered Monday, <strong>May</strong> 6 th through Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17 th . Dates and times are preset by The<br />

College Board and must be adhered to. Parents/Guardians and students should review the following<br />

information from College Board and the AP Coordinator.<br />

In April, AP teachers distributed the “2012-<strong>2013</strong> Bulletin for AP Students & Parents” to AP students.<br />

This bulletin should be read closely by both students and parents/guardians. The bulletin and exam<br />

dates may also be accessed online at: www.collegeboard.com/apstudents<br />

Morning exams: students should report directly to their exam location by 7:30 am (including on<br />

Wednesday before Read To Succeed). During the week before exams, students will be informed by<br />

their AP Teacher where to report for their exams.<br />

Bring several #2 pencils and traditional blue or black ink pens. We will only have a limited number<br />

available for emergency situations.<br />

BE ON TIME! Students cannot be admitted after exams begin. If a student is absent because he/she is<br />

ill, the student must submit a doctor or pharmacy note to Mrs. Kaufman in the Counseling Center within<br />

24 hours of the missed AP exam.<br />

“No cell phones, BlackBerry, Smartphone, Bluetooth-enabled device, pagers, MP3 players, PDAs,<br />

digital cameras, email/messaging device, or any other electronic or communication device is<br />

allowed in the exam room or during a break. Use of any of this equipment can cause the student’s<br />

score or scores for the entire group to be cancelled and the school can be prohibited from serving<br />

as an AP Exam site in the future.” Anyone caught using any of the above devices will have the device<br />

and exam confiscated and the student will be dismissed from the exam room.<br />

Watches that beep are not allowed.<br />

No eating or drinking is allowed.<br />

If students are taking an exam that allows calculator use, fresh batteries are recommended. If students<br />

are allowed calculators, ruler or straightedge they should have these items with them when they report to<br />

their exams. We will not have any available for students to borrow.<br />

Students who will be taking two AP Exams on the same day are strongly encouraged to bring their lunch<br />

because there will not be time to purchase school lunch between the exams.<br />

Students taking the following exams should arrange for rides home since these exams will end past the<br />

regular school day:<br />

AP French Language (estimated dismissal time: 3:30 pm)<br />

AP Physics B: (estimated dismissal time: 3:20 pm)<br />

AP Physics C: Mechanics (estimated dismissal time: 2:00 pm)<br />

AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism (estimated dismissal time: 3:50 pm)<br />

AP Psychology (estimated dismissal time: 2:30 pm)<br />

AP Statistics (estimated dismissal time: 4:00 pm)<br />

AP Microeconomics (estimated dismissal time: 2:40)<br />

AP Chinese Language & Culture (estimated dismissal time: 2:30 pm)<br />


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