1986 - The Exon Library

1986 - The Exon Library

1986 - The Exon Library


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DPC Vote Database<br />

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Vote No. 17 S 1429 02/19/86 CQ Admin:<br />

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Terrorist Prosecution (S. 1429)<br />

Passage.<br />

Bill Passed<br />

(92-0)<br />

Yeas (92)<br />

Democrats (42 or 100%)<br />

Baucus, Bentsen, Biden, Bingaman, Boren, Bradley, Bumpers,<br />

Burdick, Byrd, Chiles, Cranston, DeConcini, Dixon, Dodd,<br />

Eagleton, Ford, Gore, Harkin, Hart, Heflin, Hollings,<br />

Johnston, Kennedy, Kerry, Lautenberg, Leahy, Levin, Long,<br />

Matsunaga, Melcher, Metzenbaum, Moynihan, Nunn, Pell,<br />

Proxmire, Pryor, Riegle, Rockefeller, Sarbanes, Sasser,<br />

Simon, Zorinsky<br />

Republicans (50 or 100%)<br />

Abdnor, Andrews, Armstrong, Boschwitz, Chafee, Cochran,<br />

Cohen, D'Amato, Danforth, Denton, Dole, Domenici, East,<br />

Evans, Garn, Gorton, Gramm, Grassley, Hatch, Hatfield,<br />

Hawkins, Hecht, Heinz, Helms, Humphrey, Kassebaum, Kasten,<br />

Laxalt, Lugar, Mattingly, McClure, McConnell, Murkowski,<br />

Nickles, Packwood, Pressler, Quayle, Roth, Rudman, Simpson,<br />

Specter, Stafford, Stevens, Symms, Thurmond, Trible,<br />

Wallop, Warner, Weicker, Wilson<br />

Nays (0)<br />

Not Voting (8)<br />

Democrats (5)<br />

<strong>Exon</strong>-3, Glenn-2, Inouye-4, Mitchell-2AY, Stennis-2<br />

Republicans (3)<br />

Durenberger-2AY, Goldwater-2, Mathias-1<br />

Office Note<br />

(no text)<br />

Description<br />

<strong>The</strong>se provisions were included in H.R. 4151, the Diplomatic<br />

Security and Antiterrorism bill which became Public Law<br />

99-399, approved August 27, <strong>1986</strong>.

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