Environmental Statement 2008.FH10

Environmental Statement 2008.FH10

Environmental Statement 2008.FH10


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Shell Exploration &<br />

Production Europe<br />

2007 Annual <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

for U.K. Activities



2. WHAT WE DO<br />

2.1 Our Exploration & Production Activities and Operations<br />

2.2 Map of our UK locations<br />


3.1 Our <strong>Environmental</strong> Management System (EMS)<br />

3.2 Royal Dutch/Shell Commitment and Policy on HSE<br />

3.3 The <strong>Environmental</strong> Aspects of our Operations<br />


4.1 Our <strong>Environmental</strong> Goals, Objectives and Targets<br />

4.2 Reducing Emissions and Discharges<br />

4.3 Use of Energy, Resources & Waste Management<br />

4.4 Biodiversity and Vulnerable Areas<br />

4.5 Monitoring Seabed Impacts<br />

4.6 Lateral Learning and Cooperation<br />

5 CONTACTS<br />

APPENDIX 1<br />



APPENDIX 2<br />


APPENDIX 3<br />


APPENDIX 4<br />



By John Gallagher, Vice President Technical – Europe, Shell Exploration & Production Europe<br />

I am pleased to introduce this <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Statement</strong>,<br />

covering Shell U.K. Limited’s Exploration and Production<br />

(EP) activities during 2007.<br />

The purpose of this report is to explain our environmental<br />

performance and work programmes in 2007 in the UK, and<br />

to update our plans for improvement in 2008/9. The report<br />

is updated annually.<br />

In Section 2 you can see a map of our activities. In the UK<br />

sector of the North Sea we operate 35 platforms, 3 Floating<br />

Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) vessels, and 18<br />

subsea installations; in total we have interests in 61 fields (52<br />

operated) and three onshore gas plants. Our European EP<br />

operations, and in turn the UK assets, are an important part<br />

of our global portfolio, and will remain so for years to come.<br />

We operate more production in Europe than any other<br />

International Oil Company (more than twice the second largest<br />

IOC). We are also one of the largest investors, averaging over<br />

$5 billion per year in Europe in the last five years and for the<br />

next five years and we have been and we will continue to be<br />

an industry leader in frontier technology developments.<br />

We are particularly pleased that, at the end of 2007, our<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management System (EMS) was certified to<br />

ISO14001. This demonstrates that we have a systematic<br />

approach to managing our environmental risks that meets<br />

international standards. In 2008 we are continuing to work<br />

on improving our EMS.<br />

Our environmental objectives reflect our key challenges – to<br />

work with others and to provide our own contribution towards<br />

addressing climate change, to continue to reduce emissions,<br />

discharges and wastes from our locations and to ensure our<br />

operations in sensitive areas take account of the expectations<br />

of all stakeholders.<br />

Our performance shows that this is being achieved in some<br />

areas. There are also areas for improvement that we will act<br />

upon.<br />

Looking to the future, our business will continue to change.<br />

We will move forward with adjustments to our asset portfolio<br />

and address new challenges such as decommissioning. Our<br />

main target areas for performance improvement are currently<br />

in the areas of greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy management,<br />

continuing to reduce the risk from oil and chemical discharges<br />

and improving our environmental impact assessment processes.<br />

These will be delivered by focusing on legal requirements and<br />

Shell Group standards and through enhancements to our EMS.<br />

I hope you will agree our commitment to improving<br />

environmental performance is demonstrated throughout this<br />


2. WHAT WE DO<br />


Our <strong>Environmental</strong> Management System covers all of our<br />

UK activities and locations that are used in the exploration,<br />

production and processing of hydrocarbons.<br />

Our business is divided up into organisational units called<br />

Assets and Functions. Assets are typically groupings of four<br />

to six locations supported by onshore teams, and cover all<br />

our physical facilities including offshore fields, installations<br />

and associated wells, the onshore gas plants, and all associated<br />

pipelines. All our UK facilities can be viewed on the UK<br />

Map in Section 2.2. Functions typically manage the support<br />

Click Here to find out about Shell’s EP activities in the U.K.<br />

Figure 1 - Map of UK locations<br />

activities required by the Assets such as engineering and<br />

maintenance services, development planning, project planning<br />

and execution, survey work, organizing support vessels and<br />

helicopters, laboratory services, drilling wells and the<br />

management of our offices.<br />

Detailed descriptions of EP activities and operations are<br />

provided on the shell.com website.<br />

2.2 MAP OF U.K. LOCATIONS Click Here to view map of U.K. Locations




Figure 2 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Management System<br />

Shell Exploration & Production Europe’s Corporate<br />

Management System (CMS) documents the way in which the<br />

company conducts its business. The <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Management System (EMS) is an integral part of the CMS.<br />

It consists of the elements shown in Figure 2 above.<br />

‘Policy and Strategic Objectives’ contains our HSE Policy<br />

and the Strategic <strong>Environmental</strong> Objectives. The HSE Policy<br />

(see Section 3.2) contains a commitment to protect the<br />

environment and states that we have a systematic approach<br />

to HSE management designed to ensure compliance with the<br />

law and to achieve continuous performance improvement.<br />

‘Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Competency’<br />

describes the organisational structure and the roles and<br />

responsibilities that deliver environmental management. The<br />

competency of personnel carrying out roles within the EMS<br />

are addressed and the resources necessary to ensure that the<br />

EMS is in place and maintained. Communication processes<br />

around environmental issues both within and outside of Shell<br />

are detailed.<br />

‘Risk Management’ covers the identification of environmental<br />

aspects and legal and other requirements that relate to our<br />

environmental aspects. It also contains the operational<br />

framework for managing significant environmental aspects.<br />

‘<strong>Environmental</strong> aspects’ are those elements of our activities<br />

that can interact with the environment (see Section 3.3).<br />

Leadership and Commitment<br />

Policy and Strategic Objectives<br />

Organisation, Responsibilities,<br />

Resources, Competency<br />

Risk Management<br />

Processes, Assets and Standards<br />

Planning<br />

Implementation<br />

(Reporting & Monitoring)<br />

Assurance<br />

(Including Management Review)<br />

Corrective Action<br />

‘Processes, Assets and Standards’ describes the processes<br />

that are undertaken to support our assets and the relevant<br />

standards. Processes and standards contain environmental<br />

information to ensure that the EMS is effectively implemented<br />

in the assets.<br />

‘Planning’ contains our Health, Safety and <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

(HSE) Plans, which contain objectives, targets and improvement<br />

programmes. In preparing our HSE Plans, we take into account<br />

our environmental aspects and legal and other requirements.<br />

This enables us to implement our HSE Policy commitments<br />

to achieve continuous performance improvement and ensure<br />

compliance with the law.<br />

‘Implementation (reporting and monitoring)’ covers the<br />

monitoring of activities that can have a significant environmental<br />

impact and monitoring of environmental performance. This<br />

section also covers the periodic evaluation of compliance with<br />

legal and other requirements.<br />

‘Assurance’ covers the internal audit process by which we<br />

check that the EMS continues to be effectively implemented.<br />

Management reviews are also conducted annually to ensure<br />

the EMS is effective and delivering improvements.

3.2 HSE Commitment and Policy<br />

Graphics, Media & Publication Services EPE : EPT-IT-EI Ref. No. 020037<br />

We care...<br />

Royal Dutch/Shell Group Commitment to Health, Safety and Environment<br />

In the Group we are all committed to:<br />

• pursue the goal of no harm to people;<br />

• protect the environment;<br />

• use material and energy efficiently to provide our products and services;<br />

• develop energy resources, products and services consistent with these aims;<br />

• publicly report on our performance;<br />

• play a leading role on promoting best practice in our industries;<br />

• manage HSE matters as any other critical business activity;<br />

• promote a culture in which all Shell employees share this committment.<br />

In this way we aim to have an HSE performance we can be proud of, to earn the confidence<br />

of customers, shareholders and society at large, to be a good neighbour and to contribute to<br />

sustainable development.<br />

Royal Dutch/Shell Group Health, Safety and Environment Policy<br />

Every Shell company:<br />

• has a systematic approach to HSE management designed to ensure<br />

compiance with the law and to achieve continuous performance improvement;<br />

• sets targets for improvement and measures, appraises and reports<br />

performance;<br />

• requires contractors to manage HSE in line with this policy;<br />

• requires joint ventures under its operational control to apply this policy and<br />

uses influence to promote it in other ventures;<br />

• includes HSE performance in the appraisal of all staff and rewards accordingly.<br />

Endorsed by the Committee of Managing Directors, March 1997 Reviewed 2000<br />

... all of us have a role to play<br />

“Each of us has a right and duty to intervene with unsafe acts and conditions or<br />

when activities are not in compliance with this HSE policy and Commitment”.<br />

June 2004<br />

Malcolm Brinded Thomas M. Botts<br />

Executive Director of Exploration & Production Executive Vice President EP Europe<br />

James M. Smith<br />

UK Country Chairman

3.3 The <strong>Environmental</strong> Aspects of our Operations<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> aspects are elements of our activities, products<br />

or services that can interact with the environment. Figure<br />

3 illustrates the main environmental aspects we have identified<br />

for our offshore locations. We have grouped our significant<br />

environmental aspects into four areas:<br />

• Atmospheric emissions<br />

• Energy use<br />

• Discharges to water including spills<br />

• Waste<br />

3.3.1 Atmospheric Emissions<br />

We burn natural gas and sometimes diesel as fuel on our<br />

facilities to generate the power that is required to run our<br />

operations. In addition, our facilities are designed to ‘flare’<br />

(burn) and ‘vent’ (release unignited) a certain amount of<br />

hydrocarbon gas for safety reasons. Most locations have a<br />

continuous stream of gas to flare or vent designed to stop<br />

the ingress of air into the facilities that could cause explosive<br />

mixtures in the process. Additional amounts are also released<br />

through this route during installation shutdown, when all<br />

hydrocarbon gas systems are depressurised and when certain<br />

equipment items are out of service (either planned or<br />

unplanned).<br />

The majority of our emissions to air are the products of<br />

these combustion processes. The emissions include carbondioxide,<br />

nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,<br />

unburnt hydrocarbons and particulates. These atmospheric<br />

pollutants have global (climate change), regional (acidification)<br />

and local (air quality) effects.<br />

3.3.2 Energy Use<br />

In addition to atmospheric emissions, consumption of diesel<br />

and gas to provide energy is an important issue from the<br />

point of view of depletion of natural resources. We are<br />

currently developing GHG and Energy Management Plans<br />

for each of our major installations.<br />

3.3.3 Discharges to water<br />

Most of our discharges to water consist of surplus water<br />

from our oil and gas wells. This "produced water" is a mixture<br />

of naturally occurring water in the reservoir, and seawater<br />

that has been injected into the reservoir to support the<br />

pressure and sweep oil towards the production wells. We<br />

separate the produced water from the oil and gas, and discharge<br />

most of it into the sea. The separated water contains a small<br />

amount of residual oil as well as chemicals both naturally<br />

occurring such as salts, and others such as corrosion inhibitors<br />

and de-oilers.<br />

As well as produced water, many of our wells produce sand<br />

and scale which accumulates in pipework and vessels and<br />

needs to be cleaned out from time to time. When pipework<br />

and vessels are cleaned, the sand and scale is also cleaned to<br />

remove as much oil as possible before it is discharged.<br />

Produced sand contains similar materials to produced water<br />

and may also contain small amounts of Naturally Occurring<br />

Radioactive Material (NORM) which may occur naturally in<br />

an oil or gas reservoir. All discharges are monitored and<br />

recorded.<br />

We also use seawater for cleaning purposes. After use any<br />

‘wash water’ is cleaned before being discharged back into the<br />

sea via specially designed drains. Legally permitted levels of<br />

cleaning chemicals and some oil may remain in the water<br />

when it is discharged. Other drains on our installations<br />

discharge surface water, such as accumulated rainwater or<br />

seawater, which do not normally contain any oil or chemicals,<br />

as well as emergency fire-fighting water and foam, directly<br />

into the sea.<br />

Finally the smallest contribution to our discharges to the sea<br />

comes from leaks and spills from our wells and equipment.<br />

Such spills may consist of oil, gas, chemicals, or a mixture of<br />

the three. Continuous monitoring, adherence to procedures<br />

and rehearsal of emergency response keeps these unintended<br />

discharges to a minimum.<br />

3.3.4 Waste<br />

A variety of solid and liquid wastes are produced from both<br />

our on and offshore operations including drilling waste such<br />

as cuttings and spent muds; wastes such as oily rags, fluorescent<br />

tubes and batteries, and also office and packaging wastes such<br />

as paper, card and wood.<br />

Some wastes can be treated and re-injected into reservoirs<br />

e.g. drill cuttings under the appropriate legal licences. However<br />

the majority of wastes are shipped to shore for onshore<br />

disposal. All waste, irrespective of where it is produced, is<br />

transferred to licensed facilities for either treatment and<br />

disposal; or sorting and bulking prior to transportation for<br />

final disposal.<br />

All waste is transported and disposed of in accordance with<br />

our European waste management policy, in particular through<br />

application of the waste hierarchy to prevent and reduce<br />

waste as far as possible and minimise the volume of waste<br />

to landfill.

RAW AND<br />



ENERGY<br />


WATER<br />

REUSE<br />











WASTE<br />

LIQUID<br />

FLOWS<br />

TO WATER<br />



Figure 3 - Summary of <strong>Environmental</strong> Aspects


4.1 Our <strong>Environmental</strong> Goals, Objectives and Targets<br />

Shell Exploration and Production in Europe maintains<br />

environmental management systems that are certified to<br />

the ISO14001 standard and we strive for continuous<br />

environmental improvement through the following strategic<br />

objectives, covering our significant environmental aspects<br />

(Section 3.3):<br />

• Reduce discharges to sea and emissions to air through<br />

continuous improvement, operational excellence<br />

and deployment of technological step changes.<br />

• Manage use of energy and resources and minimize<br />

the generation of waste.<br />

• Work with others to maintain ecosystems and<br />

minimise interference with biodiversity and<br />

vulnerable areas.<br />

• Optimise the potential for lateral learning from cooperation<br />

with external environmental stakeholders<br />

Improvement programmes to deliver the above cover legal<br />

compliance and the fourteen elements of the Shell Group<br />

Global <strong>Environmental</strong> Standards (GES).<br />

Each objective is translated into key targets (where relevant)<br />

and improvement programmes year on year to drive<br />

continuous improvement across our UK operations. The<br />

current targets, performance and improvement plans for<br />

each objective are summarised in the sections below. More<br />

environmental data for 2004-2007 are provided in<br />

Appendix 1.

4.2 Reduce Emissions and Discharges<br />

Our first objective drives our requirement to improve the<br />

way we conduct our activities by focusing on reducing key<br />

emissions and discharges.<br />

4.2.1 Greenhouse Gas Management<br />

Burning fuel gas and diesel, flaring and venting are our main<br />

sources of GHG emissions, although there are also<br />

contributions from transportation and office energy use.<br />

We support the Shell Group’s publicly committed voluntary<br />

target to have CO2 emissions in 2010 5% below the 1990<br />

level. Annual GHG targets are established for our European<br />

activities and these are translated into targets for each of<br />

our assets.<br />

Figure 4 shows the mass of GHG emitted from each of the<br />

main sources on each of our major platforms and onshore<br />

plants during 2007. In 2007 we emitted 3.51 million tonnes<br />

of GHG from our UK operations and activities.<br />

Approximately 78% of the GHG emissions came from<br />

combustion and 22% from flaring and venting. After taking<br />

into account the effect of portfolio changes (we sold Auk<br />

and Fulmar fields in November 2006), GHG emissions were<br />

2.1% lower than in 2006.<br />

In 2007, we flared 230,000 tonnes of hydrocarbon gas. This<br />

is significantly lower than the 272,000 tonnes flared in 2006<br />

GHG Breakdown tonnes<br />

350,000<br />

300,000<br />

250,000<br />

200,000<br />

150,000<br />

100,000<br />

50,000<br />

0<br />

(2006 figures corrected for portfolio changes). Reductions<br />

were seen on most installations, Cormorant Alpha being the<br />

only installation flaring significantly more than in 2006. This<br />

rise was due to a failure of the main compressor bundle<br />

which resulted in flaring of associated gas for several weeks<br />

During 2007 we operated under Phase 1 of the mandatory<br />

EU Emissions Trading Scheme for CO2 (EU ETS). It<br />

should be noted that in 2008 the EU ETS will be expanded<br />

to Phase 2 which will include CO2 from flaring. Work is in<br />

progress to upgrade flare monitoring and reporting to achieve<br />

the higher accuracies needed for EU ETS.<br />

There are programmes underway in the business aimed at<br />

future reductions in GHG from our facilities, including:<br />

• Increased focus on operational flaring. Following our<br />

adoption of the new Shell Global <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Standards, we have enhanced our controls on operational<br />

flaring.<br />

• Implementation of recommendations made by energy<br />

efficiency assessments made as part of PPC permit<br />

applications. In 2008, we plan to implement 16 different<br />

projects.<br />

Fuel Gas<br />

Diesel<br />

Flare and Vent<br />

Other<br />

Anasuria<br />

Brent Alpha<br />

Brent Bravo<br />

Brent Charlie<br />

Brent Delta<br />

Cormorant Alpha<br />

Curlew<br />

Dunlin<br />

Eider<br />

Gannet<br />

Leman<br />

Nelson<br />

North Cormorant<br />

Pierce<br />

Sean<br />

Shearwater<br />

Solepit Clipper<br />

Tern<br />

Mobile Rigs<br />

Bacton<br />

Fife<br />

St Fergus<br />

Figure 4 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions

4.2.2 Oil in Produced Water<br />

An annual oil in produced water target is established for our<br />

European activities and is translated into targets for each of<br />

our assets. These discharges are subject to the<br />

recommendations under the OSPAR Convention implemented<br />

in the UK through The Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil<br />

Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2006 and also<br />

our own Shell Group <strong>Environmental</strong> Standards. In 2001<br />

OSPAR set a goal to ensure that the total quantity of oil in<br />

produced water discharged into the sea in the year 2006 from<br />

all offshore installations within the jurisdiction of each OSPAR<br />

member country should be reduced by a minimum of 15%<br />

compared to the equivalent discharge in the year 2000. In<br />

2007 our installations discharged 868 tonnes of oil in produced<br />

water to sea compared with 1,800 tonnes in 2000, a reduction<br />

Oil to Sea (tonnes)<br />

200<br />

180 Actual Oil to Sea (tonnes)<br />

160<br />

2007 Target (tonnes)<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Anasuria<br />

Brent Bravo<br />

Brent Charlie<br />

Brent Delta<br />

Cormorant Alpha<br />

Curlew<br />

Dunlin (Incl. Osprey Merlin)<br />

Eider<br />

Gannet<br />

Leman<br />

Nelson<br />

North Cormorant<br />

Pierce<br />

Sean<br />

Shearwater<br />

Solepit Clipper<br />

Tern (Incl. Hudson)<br />

Figure 5 - Oil Discharged to Sea<br />

of more than 50% (although we have divested some assets<br />

* in the period).<br />

The chart below shows the actual amount of oil discharged<br />

to sea by each of our installations compared to our targets.<br />

Most of our installations discharged below our targets and<br />

the total oil to sea was well within our overall company target<br />

for 2007. However, the Dunlin platform went over target<br />

owing to less than expected performance of the chemical deoiler<br />

and low production volumes passing through the separate<br />

Osprey/Merlin process which reduces separation of oil.<br />

Nelson missed its target because the Produced Water Re-<br />

Injection (PWRI) system was not working to its full capacity.<br />

* Kittiwake field divested November 2003, Ketch & Schooner fields divested March 2005,<br />

Auk and Fulmar fields divested November 2006

Figure 6 shows the actual volume of produced water discharged<br />

to sea by each of our installations and the average measured<br />

concentration of oil dispersed within it. On three installations;<br />

Sean, Shearwater and Solepit Clipper, although the volume<br />

of discharge is small, the concentration of oil in produced<br />

water is well above 30 mg/l.<br />

The Sean field is a swing gas producer and started-up<br />

production for only two months at the end of 2007, the<br />

average OIW concentration was 159 mg/l.<br />

On Shearwater there has been a decrease in OIPW overboard<br />

Water Discharged 000’s m3<br />

9,000<br />

8,000<br />

7,000<br />

6,000<br />

5,000<br />

4,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,000<br />

1,000<br />

0<br />

Anasuria<br />

Brent Bravo<br />

quality in 2007 due to excess sand production and bringing<br />

on line production from satellite fields which cools down the<br />

production process and hence impairs the oil water separation<br />

process. In 2008, we will continue to search for a solution.<br />

On Solepit Clipper, despite installing two centrifuges in 2005<br />

at a cost of some £1.9 million, the problem persists particularly<br />

during periods of less water throughput. Therefore we are<br />

now planning to install PWRI surface facilities in 2008 and<br />

then prepare a well and commence produced water re-injection<br />

into a subsurface reservoir in 2009.<br />

Brent Charlie<br />

Brent Delta<br />

Cormorant Alpha<br />

Curlew<br />

Dunlin (inc Osprey Merlin)<br />

Eider<br />

Gannet<br />

Leman<br />

Nelson<br />

North Cormorant<br />

Pierce<br />

Sean<br />

Shearwater<br />

Solepit Clipper<br />

Tern (inc Hudson)<br />

Figure 6 - Produced Water Discharged to Sea<br />

4.2.3 Accidental spills<br />

All loss of containment (whether it reaches the sea or is<br />

contained and recovered on the location) is reported through<br />

our incident reporting system and subject to assessment and<br />

incident investigation depending on the risk posed to the<br />

environment. See Appendix 2 for more details of reportable<br />

spills.<br />

Analysis of our spills shows an increase from an average of<br />

around 10 significant spills (oil, gas & chemicals > 100 kg)<br />

over recent years to 20 in 2007. The causes of these spills<br />

Water Discharged 000’s m3<br />

OIW Concentration mg/l<br />

fall into three main categories: equipment failure, human<br />

error and corrosion. We have instigated a programme to<br />

review these spills in order to understand the root causes<br />

better.<br />

For 2008 onwards, an annual target for significant oil spills<br />

(>100 kg) of 24 tonnes has been established for our European<br />

activities. Because of their variable nature, this is not translated<br />

into targets for each of our assets.<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />


4.2.4 Chemical Management<br />

Our use and discharge of chemicals in production and drilling<br />

operations is subject to The Offshore Chemicals Regulations<br />

2002 (OCR) and our own Shell Group Standards. The historic<br />

trend in production chemical discharge is relatively stable.<br />

This is the result of two counteracting trends where our<br />

efforts to switch to better chemicals and reduce treatment<br />

concentrations are balanced by greater consumption due to<br />

increasing water production.<br />

Chemicals Discharged tonnes<br />

2,000<br />

1,800<br />

1,600<br />

1,400<br />

1,200<br />

1,000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Production chemical use and discharge varies amongst our<br />

installations. Those in the Southern North Sea (Clipper,<br />

Leman, Sean) use relatively little because they are predominantly<br />

gas processing facilities; whereas our Northern North Sea<br />

installations use more owing to factors like reservoir chemistry,<br />

water cut and high produced and injected water volumes. As<br />

can be seen from the chart, we predominantly use low<br />

risk/hazard products, but some platforms use a higher level<br />

of SUBs mainly corrosion inhibitors that are highly effective<br />

but carry substitution warnings. We are committed to phasing<br />

out these chemicals. Our substitution programme is delivering<br />

an overall decline in the use of SUBs, but the numbers fluctuate<br />

as a result of the re-classifying of products when new rules<br />

are applied to the screening process by CEFAS, or when new<br />

data is submitted to CEFAS by the chemical vendors.<br />

E/D/Gold Discharged Others Discharged SUB Discharged<br />

Figure 7 shows the total weight of chemicals discharged to<br />

sea by each of our installations. Discharges have been grouped<br />

into two categories, with the green colour representing the<br />

'low risk/hazard' groups and the red depicting the 'more<br />

hazardous/higher risk' groups. Overlying this is a line that<br />

represents ‘SUB’s – chemicals which have been flagged with<br />

a Substitution Warning by the Centre for Environment,<br />

Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS).<br />

Anasuria<br />

Brent Alpha<br />

Brent Bravo<br />

Brent Charlie<br />

Brent Delta<br />

Clipper<br />

Cormorant Alpha<br />

Curlew<br />

Dunlin<br />

Eider<br />

Gannet<br />

Goldeneye<br />

Leman<br />

Nelson<br />

North Cormorant<br />

Pierce<br />

Sean<br />

Shearwater<br />

Tern<br />

Figure 7 - Production Chemicals Disharged<br />

Offshore Chemical Notification<br />

Scheme (OCNS)<br />

CHARM Model Hazard Quotient<br />

Highest Risk<br />

Lowest Risk<br />

Non-CHARM Model Letter Grouping<br />

Highest hazard<br />

Poses Little<br />

or No Risk<br />

Purple<br />

Orange<br />

Blue<br />

White<br />

Silver<br />

Gold<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />


4.3 Use of Energy, Resource and Waste Minimisation<br />

4.3.1 Energy Use and Resource Management<br />

The efficient use of energy and the minimisation of upset<br />

flaring is an integral part of our operational excellence<br />

philosophy to minimise the waste from our operations and<br />

conserve valuable natural resource. They also represent the<br />

main areas of improvement with regard to reducing our<br />

emissions of GHG as described in Section 4.2.1 above.<br />

Energy use is mainly from power generation on our locations<br />

where we burn fuel gas or diesel to run pumps, compressors,<br />

engines, heaters and general platform services. We also report<br />

on electrical energy purchased onto sites and offices. A<br />

certain amount of flaring is a design feature at most of our<br />

locations for safety reasons during steady operations, but<br />

additional amounts of ‘process upset’ flaring occurs when<br />

equipment fails or during planned shutdown of facilities for<br />

maintenance work.<br />

Although energy use has reduced, production rates have<br />

dropped at a faster rate leading to an increase in energy<br />

intensity over the last two years. Increasing energy intensity<br />

is characteristic of maturing fields in the North Sea and is<br />

caused by such factors as reducing reservoir pressures and<br />

increasing water cuts of the wells. Improvement programmes<br />

have already been described under 4.2.1 GHG Management.<br />

MOST<br />


OPTION<br />

LEAST<br />


OPTION<br />

Figure 8 - The Waste Hierarchy<br />

4.3.2 Waste Minimisation<br />

In order to move waste disposal up the waste hierarchy, we<br />

work closely with our contractors to reduce the volume of<br />

waste going to landfill. While our overall tonnage of waste<br />

production increased by 10% from 2006 to 2007, the<br />

proportion sent to landfill was reduced by 30%. This can be<br />

attributed mainly to the success of a mud treatment process<br />

developed by our waste contractors. Prior to this development,<br />

waste drilling fluids were mixed with solids and land-filled,<br />

thereby actually increasing the volume of waste to landfill.<br />

The new process reduces the requirement for landfill to less<br />

than 30% of the original volume.<br />

During 2007, our assets were encouraged to segregate their<br />

waste effectively, thereby ensuring legal compliance and<br />

maximising recycling opportunities. A series of skip<br />

segregation exercises were held throughout the year and the<br />

results fed back to the assets to demonstrate areas for<br />

improvement. Proven to be a very useful tool for raising<br />

awareness, the number of these audits has been doubled in<br />

2008.<br />

Other smaller changes to reduce waste in the offices have<br />

been introduced and similar initiatives are being developed<br />

in 2008 which will encourage our staff awareness on waste<br />

management and give further success in years to come.<br />



REUSE<br />




tonnes<br />

1,200<br />

1,000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Figure 9 shows the weight of waste produced on each<br />

of our production installations grouped into hazardous<br />

and non-hazardous categories. On Brent Delta the high<br />

level of hazardous waste was mostly drilling fluids from<br />

increased well engineering activities, namely one well on<br />


41%<br />

Hazardous Waste tonnes<br />

Non-Hazardous Waste tonnes<br />

Anasuria<br />

Brent Alpha<br />

Brent Bravo<br />

Brent Charlie<br />

Brent Delta<br />

Cormorant Alpha<br />

Curlew<br />

Dunlin<br />

Eider<br />

Gannet<br />

Leman<br />

Nelson<br />

North Cormorant<br />

Pierce<br />

Sean<br />

Shearwater<br />

Solepit Clipper<br />

Tern<br />

Figure 9 - Waste Production<br />


10%<br />

a satellite field (Barnacle) developed by a third party<br />

(Energy Development Partners) responsible for its own<br />

permits. On Cormorant Alpha, the peak was from around<br />

300 tonnes of steel tubulars and 300 tonnes of nonhazardous<br />

chemicals.<br />

REUSE<br />

6%<br />


16%<br />


20%<br />

This chart shows how we managed our waste in 2007 by showing the proportion going to<br />

each disposal route.<br />

Figure 10 - Summary of Waste Fates<br />

WASTE<br />


7%<br />



4.4 BIodiversity and Vulnerable Areas<br />

The Shell Group Biodiversity Policy and Commitment states<br />

our commitment to work with others to maintain ecosystems<br />

and respect protected areas through the application of<br />

environmental impact assessment and development of<br />

biodiversity action plans for operations in the areas of high<br />

biodiversity value.<br />

Two of our onshore facilities (Braefoot Bay Terminal and<br />

Bacton Gas Plant) operate in close proximity to (though not<br />

actually in) environmentally sensitive areas. In addition, several<br />

of our offshore installations and pipelines are located in the<br />

areas of potentially sensitive marine habitats. These sensitive<br />

sites and locations are recognised internally as “High<br />

Biodiversity Value Areas” according to the Shell Group<br />

Standards. We support these areas through membership of<br />

local forums and consultation with relevant national agencies.<br />

Using the <strong>Environmental</strong> Impact Assessment process, we<br />

apply appropriate controls for plants and installations and<br />

projects that have the potential to impact on these areas.<br />

4.5 Monitoring Seabed Impacts<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> seabed surveys are one way to monitor the<br />

impacts of our activities. Contaminants enter the marine<br />

environment through discharge of cuttings, muds, produced<br />

water, and even deposition from the atmosphere. Seabed<br />

sediments provide a sink for these contaminants. Sediment<br />

quality and diversity of seabed plants and creatures are good<br />

indicators of impacts and recovery. It is important for us<br />

to have scientific evidence to evaluate our impacts, especially<br />

around older installations and those in proposed conservation<br />

areas. In 2007 we developed a long term seabed monitoring<br />

programme. Using a risk-based approach, several sites were<br />

selected for three and six year monitoring. The programme<br />

was reviewed and supported by BERR and JNCC. We started<br />

in 2007 with surveys around Brent and Gannet fields. Leman<br />

and Clipper fields are scheduled for surveying in 2008.<br />

4.6 Lateral Learning and Cooperation<br />

We believe in being involved in the environmental agenda in<br />

the local areas where we operate and in addressing wider<br />

regional and global concerns where we have a role to play.<br />

To this end, we participate in various stakeholder, government<br />

and industry fora and provide resources and expertise in key<br />

areas to help define our role in environmental protection.<br />

In addition, we jointly fund research and technology<br />

Paguridae (hermit crab) at Gannet D<br />

Anemones at Indefatigable J<br />

programmes in areas where more information or design work<br />

is required to enable us to decide the best way forward. For<br />

example, in 2007 we sponsored a Joint Industry study to<br />

investigate a metric for the assessment of the behavioural<br />

and audiological effects on underwater animals of man-made<br />

underwater noise.

5. Contacts<br />

This report aims to summarise the environmental controls, performance and programmes of Shell Exploration & Production<br />

Europe, as applicable to our UK operations and activities. This report will be updated and published annually on our external<br />

website.<br />

Our preferred route of publication is electronic although hard copies can be printed off as required by individuals accessing<br />

our external website.<br />

Further information can be obtained by contacting:<br />

EPE <strong>Environmental</strong> Discipline Lead – Ross Clephan<br />

HSE Department<br />

Shell U.K. Limited<br />

1 Altens Farm Road<br />

Aberdeen AB12 3FY<br />

Or calling (UK) 01224 882000 and asking for Ross Clephan or Alistair Cameron



GHG (tonnes CO2 equivalent)<br />

Total Gas to Flare - incl. CO2 etc. (tonnes)<br />

Total Fuel Gas Used (tonnes)<br />

Total Diesel Used (tonnes)<br />

Energy Efficiency (GJ/tonne HC Equivalent)<br />

OIPW Oil to Sea (tonnes)<br />

Hazardous Waste (tonnes)<br />

Non-Hazardous Waste (tonnes)<br />

Production Chemical Use (tonnes)<br />

% Discharge<br />

Wells Chemical Use (tonnes)<br />

% Discharge<br />

Fines<br />

2004<br />

4,480,172<br />

326,582<br />

1,117,155<br />

73,171<br />

1.44<br />

1,274<br />

26,572<br />

14,560<br />

14,297<br />

60%<br />

46,481<br />

20%<br />

£7,000<br />

2005<br />

4,261,907<br />

358,112<br />

1,084,724<br />

70,098<br />

tonnes<br />

Scope: The figures shown above relate to all Shell operated offshore installations and 3rd Party fields that produce to them<br />

plus onshore plants and mobile rigs in the UK – all as reported to EEMS. Some changes are due to asset divestment.<br />

Global Warming Potential: The 2007 figure is lower than trend owing to divestments and several prolonged shutdowns.<br />

In 2008, the figures will be affected by:<br />

• Norwegian gas being piped to St Fergus<br />

• Nelson PWRI load and improved reliability<br />

• Further divestments<br />

Production Chemicals: 2007 chemical use was relatively high due to a single once-off activity on the Dunlin platform where<br />

15,000 tonnes of a foaming chemical was used to displace 'attic' oil from the seabed storage cells. In Figure 3 these are<br />

coloured orange at the base of the platform. The cells are now decommissioned and filled with water. Before decommissioning,<br />

the foaming chemical was used to displace oil downwards to the level of the withdrawal pipe within the cells. This single<br />

activity accounts for the higher use and the drop in percentage discharge. Without it chemical use and discharge would be<br />

very similar to 2006.<br />

1.68<br />

1,215<br />

10,760<br />

8,752<br />

12,079<br />

75%<br />

19,770<br />

22%<br />

£3,000<br />

2006<br />

4,066,604<br />

318,428<br />

1,046,907<br />

74,297<br />

1.95<br />

1,067<br />

33,094<br />

10,678<br />

11,853<br />

75%<br />

48,003<br />

6%<br />

£0<br />

2007<br />

3,510,783<br />

300,875<br />

906,955<br />

66,558<br />

2.03<br />

868<br />

36,177<br />

11,390<br />

26,908<br />

29%<br />

35,106<br />

11%<br />



Notifiable (PON 1) Oil and Chemical Spills Number<br />

Notifiable (PON 1) Oil and Chemical Spills Total Mass (tonnes)<br />

Spill of Sodium Bicarbonate solution due to a loading hose failure on Dunlin when pumping from a supply<br />

vessel.<br />

Subsea leak of crude oil from Gannet C due to a weld failure while carrying out pigging operations.<br />

Subsea leak of hydraulic fluid from Gannet D.<br />

Subsea leak of hydraulic fluid from Pierce.<br />

Spill of Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) on Goldeneye due to a pipe failure.<br />

Failure of bellows on cooling medium system on Shearwater resulted in the cooling system leaking onto the<br />

platform deck and then into the open drains system.<br />

While filling the Caravel Monotower, there was a leak of bentonite (natural clay) gel from a bellows installed<br />

around the gas export riser at the point where it exits the monotower a little above the seabed.<br />

PON 1 = Petroleum Operations Notice No.1<br />

We are required to notify the relevant authorities of all accidental/unplanned discharges or spills of oil or chemicals to sea,<br />

regardless of volume, using a PON1 to:<br />

• nearest Coastguard Station<br />

• Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform;<br />

• Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)<br />

• any relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Agency<br />

The list of spills above shows only those greater than 2 tonnes.<br />

79<br />

319<br />

Brief Descriptions – Oil and Chemical Spills > 2 tonnes tonnes<br />

157<br />

3.2<br />

8.2<br />

41.8<br />

26.0<br />

39.5<br />



Well Start Date Rig Well Name<br />

19/05/06<br />

05/09/06<br />

05/09/06<br />

02/10/06<br />

16/10/06<br />

22/10/06<br />

15/11/06<br />

15/12/06<br />

19/12/06<br />

20/12/06<br />

21/12/06<br />

27/12/06<br />

29/01/07<br />

08/02/07<br />

13/02/07<br />

21/02/07<br />

10/03/07<br />

22/03/07<br />

25/03/07<br />

26/03/07<br />

02/05/07<br />

04/05/07<br />

06/05/07<br />

06/05/07<br />

11/05/07<br />

JW McLean<br />

GSF Magellan<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

Cormorant A<br />

JW McLean<br />

GSF Arctic 3<br />

Nelson<br />

TO 711<br />

GSF Britannia<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

Ocean Guardian<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Magellan<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

GSF Magellan<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

JW McLean<br />

Merganser A01 (ME)<br />

Shearwater A5s1<br />

Galleon PG10/05<br />

Cormorant A35s4 + s5<br />

Teal P2 + s1<br />

Gannet D A05s2 + s3<br />

Nelson N26W / X / Y<br />

Pierce 23/22a-LA3<br />

Carrack QA-06<br />

Corm AU-W4s1<br />

Penguin D3<br />

Corm AU-P7s1<br />

Corm AU-P2s5<br />

Corm AU-P4s3<br />

Shearwater A8s1<br />

Galleon PG07/04<br />

Inde L1225<br />

Inde L1215<br />

Inde L1210<br />

Inde L1200<br />

Shearwater A4<br />

Inde L1220<br />

Gannet C A101s2<br />

Gannet C A103<br />

Starling 29/3-PW<br />

Well Start Date Rig Well Name<br />

17/05/07<br />

20/05/07<br />

22/05/07<br />

26/05/07<br />

01/06/07<br />

11/06/07<br />

18/06/07<br />

21/06/07<br />

09/07/07<br />

22/07/07<br />

24/07/07<br />

31/07/07<br />

10/08/07<br />

12/08/07<br />

18/08/07<br />

19/08/07<br />

29/08/07<br />

31/08/07<br />

02/09/07<br />

17/09/07<br />

22/09/07<br />

09/10/07<br />

29/10/07<br />

23/11/07<br />

07/12/07<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Arctic 4<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Monarch<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

JW McLean<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

JW McLean<br />

Tern Alpha<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Britannia<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Britannia<br />

JW McLean<br />

GSF Magellan<br />

JW McLean<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

GSF Magellan<br />

MSV Seawell<br />

Gannet C A102<br />

Curlew D-P4 + P4A<br />

Gannet C A202<br />

Inde L1205<br />

Kingfisher BP1.1<br />

Osprey U-P1s2<br />

Osprey U-W4s1<br />

Starling 29/3-PE<br />

Merlin P11<br />

Pierce A2Y<br />

Pierce A5<br />

Pierce A4<br />

Pierce B2<br />

Corm AU-P8s1<br />

Tern A09s1<br />

Pelican U-P12s1<br />

Caravel AB QR02/02<br />

Pelican U-P11<br />

Caravel AH QR01/04<br />

Corm AU-W3s1<br />

Shearwater A9<br />

Corm AU-W2<br />

Bittern A3<br />

Shearwater A9<br />

Gannet B A01s1


Asset Use internally in Shell to describe a collection of locations, typically four to six offshore platforms and<br />

supporting services, but also includes onshore plants and interconnecting pipelines.<br />

Associated Gas Gas liberated from oil as the pressure is reduced from subsurface conditions to the surface separation<br />

facilities.<br />

Benthos Flora (plants) and fauna (animals) found at the bottom of ocean, sea or lake.<br />

Bentonite Natural clay used to thicken/gel well engineering and completion fluids.<br />

BERR Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (formerly Department of Trade and Industry<br />

DTI).<br />

CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science<br />

CMS Corporate Management System<br />

De-oiler Chemical used in the production process to promote separation of oil from produced water<br />

EEMS <strong>Environmental</strong> Emissions Monitoring System (Oil & Gas UK)<br />

EU ETS Council Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading<br />

with the community<br />

EMS <strong>Environmental</strong> Management System<br />

EP Exploration and Production<br />

FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel<br />

GES Shell Group Global <strong>Environmental</strong> Standards<br />

GHG Greenhouse Gases (mainly carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFC’s and HCFC’s)<br />

ISO14001 International Standard Specification for <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems.<br />

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee<br />

MEG Monoethylene Glycol<br />

NUI Normally Unmanned Installation<br />

OCNS Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme<br />

OIPN Oil In Produced Water<br />

OPPC Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2005<br />

OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic. In 1998 this<br />

replaced the Oslo Convention (for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and<br />

Aircraft) and the Paris Convention (for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources).<br />

PPC Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 and Offshore Combustion Installations (Prevention and<br />

Control of Pollution) Regulations 2001<br />

PWRI Produced Water Re-Injection<br />

TEG Triethylene Glycol (antifreeze)<br />

UMC Underwater Manifold Centre (Subsea production)

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