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Special Attacks<br />

Thunder's Call (ex): Dorji can set off a<br />

deafening howl once a day. Anyone within fifty<br />

feet of the howl must make a Fortitude save (DC<br />

15). Success means taking 1d6 damage. Failure<br />

means temporarily deafness for an hour,<br />

suffering a -3 reaction penalty.<br />

Lightning's Will (su): Dorji can release<br />

ball lightning a foot in diameter from each of his<br />

fingertips. These spheres of pure electrical<br />

energy act like delayed-blast lightning bolts,<br />

following a designated target until exploding<br />

within a foot of him or her. The target must<br />

make a Reflex save (DC 14) to avoid the blast or<br />

take 2d6 electrical damage.<br />

Special Qualities<br />

Ride the Lightning (ex): Dorji can take<br />

the form of massive lightning forking overhead<br />

during a thunderstorm. He cannot harm anyone<br />

on the ground in this form, but flying beings he<br />

targets must make a Reflex save (DC 14) to<br />

avoid Dorji or take 2d6 electrical damage.<br />

Energy Form (ex): If Dorji is<br />

somehow reduced to 0 hit points, he becomes a<br />

formless mass of sparkling energy that rises to<br />

the highest rooms of the Palace. Dorji reforms to<br />

his original form within 1d4 days.<br />

Electric Aura (ex): A ten-foot sphere<br />

of bluish-white electrical energy surrounds Dorji.<br />

Anybody trying to penetrate this sphere is<br />

instantly electrocuted, taking 2d6 electrical<br />

damage (no save).<br />

Electricity Subtype (ex): Dorji is<br />

immune to electrical damage, but takes double<br />

damage from cold attacks if he fails a save.<br />

Perfect Self: This is similar to the class<br />

feature present within monks of 20 th -level or<br />

higher.<br />

Closing the Borders<br />

When Dorji wants to seal off his plateau<br />

realm, a great curtain of blue lightning 100 feet<br />

high surrounds the domain. Anyone trying to<br />

penetrate the wall suffers 4d6 electrical damage<br />

each round (no save).<br />

There is however a secret escape route<br />

through which one can pass freely when the<br />

domain is sealed. The Jampal Rinpoche's Palace<br />

in Gzigkhai has a small underground tunnel<br />

wherein small groups of people can pass through<br />

safely across the lightning barrier without being<br />

electrocuted.<br />

The Lair<br />

Dorji Kerima considers the City of the<br />

Shattered Bolt his abode, with the crumbling<br />

Sgrol-Ma Palace as its epicenter. The desecration<br />

and blasphemy wrought on the Palace make it a<br />

rank 2 sinkhole of evil.<br />

Weaknesses of a False God<br />

No amount of offense can truly destroy<br />

the Terrible Lightning. Only a person who has<br />

trained in the ways of the Dorjilokans, the way<br />

of passive resistance, can confront and defeat<br />

Dorji. This requires the character to have a good<br />

alignment, have a Wisdom score of 16 and at<br />

least have 18 skill ranks in Knowledge: Spiritual<br />

Interconnection. He or she must then, without<br />

bowing in supplication, submit to Dorji in<br />

selfless sacrifice. When faced with such a<br />

person, Dorji will immediately attack him or her<br />

with the full brunt of his powers, but will feel<br />

them weaken as time passes.<br />


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