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firm. As they all returned to Tragos, the<br />

mysterious figure simply nodded in contentment.<br />

The newly transformed individuals<br />

relished in their new forms. They have never felt<br />

so accepted, so welcomed, in a society of<br />

beautiful and gorgeous people.<br />

Three months later, however, they all<br />

woke up one morning, gazed into the mirror--and<br />

found themselves as ugly as the day before the<br />

transformation. Most returned back to their<br />

measly outcast lives, except for Kalliope and<br />

Nikolai, who wanted--who needed-- their beauty<br />

back and more.<br />

They returned to the hooded figure<br />

outside the city, demanding that their<br />

attractiveness be returned. Reluctantly, the entity<br />

gave them a condition: they can be beautiful,<br />

even the most beautiful, in the land, provided<br />

they can find the human essences needed for the<br />

transformation. Without a doubt both agreed.<br />

At the end of four months, Kalliope and<br />

Nikolai used their beauty to lure seven outcasts<br />

to the Pinnacle, which was then the Temple of<br />

Dionysius, the god of revelry. Following the<br />

directions given to them by the figure, they<br />

recited the chant and watched as the seven were<br />

drained of their essences and transferred into<br />

their own. A thick fog surrounded Tragos and<br />

the surrounding islands, and another realm had<br />

been taken in for the Demiplane.<br />

Kalliope and Nikolai in the years that<br />

followed, drained countless people's life essences<br />

to perpetuate their own beauty. They always<br />

picked those deemed unattractive by society, so<br />

as not to arouse suspicion.<br />

At first, they took only the outcasts of<br />

Tragos. They led the elderly, the disabled, the<br />

unwashed and the sick up the Temple of<br />

Dionysius with false hopes of a night of revelry<br />

with the most beautiful persons in the land.<br />

Those people were never seen again.<br />

Eventually, the people of Tragos<br />

became terrified of the disappearances and the<br />

dried-up corpses that have appeared in the city<br />

streets. Worse, horrific ghosts of those missing<br />

started to haunt the city. Nobody ever put the<br />

blame on the beautiful people, seen as too<br />

attractive to do anything so cruel. Gradually, the<br />

city was abandoned, and the Temple of<br />

Dionysius was renamed the Pinnacle.<br />

Current Sketch<br />

The two lords may look beautiful to the<br />

rest, but they will always look ugly to each other.<br />

They do not work as a couple; on the contrary<br />

they frequently squabble. They only help each<br />

other claim more life essences to perpetuate their<br />

beauty. When out mingling in public, they take<br />

on different aliases and different forms.<br />

Kalliope and Nikolai are beyond any<br />

compassionate emotion: all this vain duo cares<br />

about is their beauty, their maintenance of it, and<br />

the earthly, hedonistic pleasures derived from<br />

such.<br />

Closing the Borders<br />

When either lord wants to seal off<br />

Tragathos, those fleeing automatically go blind<br />

and deaf. They remain as such until they<br />

somehow turn around back into Tragathos.<br />

The Lair<br />

The abandoned city of Tragos is home<br />

only to ghosts and the occasional non-attractive<br />

person left alone to fend for him or herself. It<br />

also serves as an "amusement ground" for<br />

Kalliope and Nikolai. Therefore, Tragos is a rank<br />

2 sinkhole of evil.<br />

The desecrated Temple of Dionysus,<br />

atop the Pinnacle, is the lords' home and site of<br />

the almost tri-monthly essence draining of<br />

victims. Such horrible acts in the name of beauty<br />

have given the Pinnacle a rank 4.<br />

Down with the Beautiful<br />

Kalliope and Nikolai are vulnerable to<br />

attacks only in the Pinnacle. When either lord is<br />

somehow reduced to 0 hit points, their life<br />

essence travels down from the desecrated<br />

acropolis into the next most beautiful person in<br />

Tragathos. Within three days, the person takes on<br />

the traits of the slain lord.<br />

The only way to break the cycle of<br />

death and beauty in Tragathos is to fool one of<br />

the lords into draining the life essence of the<br />

other. When this happens, the other lord becomes<br />

an ordinary fighter or sorceress, whichever the<br />

case may be.<br />


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