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The Japanese studies of Andreas MOller ( 1630-1694)<br />

merely a source of specimens of kana and Chinese characters. It also served as Muller's<br />

main source to establish the sound values of the syllabograms, on the basis of which he<br />

discovered one major problem in Claude Duret's (ca. 1570- 1611) iroha as found in his<br />

posthumously published Thresor de l'histoire des langves de cest vnivers (The treasury<br />

of the history of the languages of this universe; 1613 and 1619; see pp. 913-915 herein): 25<br />

While the original in hiragana follows the usual order of the iroha, the Romanizations<br />

are almost entirely misplaced, reducing its practical value to zero? 6<br />

The following table provides a comparison between Muller's "Roman order", rearranged<br />

into iroha order here, the Romanizations found in the Meakensian manuscripe 7 and those<br />

found in Duret. The latter two are given in two versions: the first (with prefixed "M")<br />

following "SJ" and its table "The Japanese Syllabary" (cf. plate [2]), the second as in the<br />

original manuscripts and in Duret (1613/1619) respectively.<br />

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1 y y y I I 25 I I j I y I I<br />

2 Po Po po I po > ro Bo BO 26 No No no Xo NO<br />

3 Fa Fa fa Fa FA 27 Wo Wo wo u YO<br />

4 Ni Ni ni Ni N1 28 Lu Lu lu 1 leU Qu QV<br />

5 Pho Pho pho I pho > fo Fo FO 29 Ja Ja ja l ya La IA<br />

6 Phe Phe phe I phe > fe Fe F E 30 Ma Ma rna Ma MA<br />

7 To To to Lo LO 31 Ke Qve ke Ke QVE<br />

8 ' tSy •tsy 'tsy Ci CI 32 Fu Fu fU Fu FV<br />

9 Ri Ri n Bi BI 33 Co Co co I ko Co co<br />

moti > nu I<br />

10 Mou Mou<br />

Nu NV 34 E Je e!ye E IE<br />

mou > nu<br />

l1 Pou Pou poti > ru Bu BV 35 Te Le te Te LE<br />

12 0 0 0 Vo vo 36 A A a A A<br />

13 Wa We wa Va VA 37 - Ca sa Sa CA<br />

14 Ka Ka ka Ca CA 38 Ky Qi ky l ki Ky QI<br />

25<br />

Despite numerous claims to the contrary, Duret was not the first to publish this. Instead his materials<br />

on Japanese originate from Blaise de Vigen ere ( 1523-1596) - whose cousin Duret was - and his Traicte des<br />

chiffres (Treatise on ciphers). This work was published in 1586 with the page reserved for the Japanese<br />

script left blank, but it was supplemented with what is later found in Duret's work in the following year.<br />

See especially Maillard (1982) and Fukushima (1983).<br />

26<br />

The syllabary is arranged in six columns consisting of seven syllables and a final ·one of five. These<br />

columns have to be read in the order 3-4-5-6-1-2-7 however to produce the iroha correctly. Kana and<br />

sound values therefore never match apart from the fmal column.<br />

27<br />

Whenever the two manuscripts do not coincide, the Romanizations of both are provided (separated<br />

by a slash, with "Manuel" being given first).<br />

- 91 -

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