DSS Apr Newsletter

DSS Apr Newsletter

DSS Apr Newsletter


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4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Delta Secondary School <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 14, 2009 Volume V<br />

Principal’s Message<br />

The end of the school year presents many challenges. It’s easy to lose sight of long term goals and get<br />

caught up in the excitement of the present. Work to retain some balance in your life. Enjoy the celebrations<br />

but build in time to finish the year off well in your classes and in your final exams. The road ahead will offer<br />

many opportunities. Focus on your goals, and find joy in the journey.<br />

Third term is underway and many of our thoughts and<br />

actions are directed toward the end of this school year<br />

and the beginning of the 2009-2010 year. For grade 12<br />

students, graduation activities and plans for next year are<br />

coming on fast. For all students, the excitement of this<br />

time of year is very evident.<br />

That said, there is still much to do. Students who are<br />

doing well need to continue to practice their good work<br />

habits. Students who have been less diligent still have<br />

time to improve their grades before the end of the year.<br />

Speaking of good work habits, Delta Secondary students<br />

are proving to be responsible learners. A scan of the<br />

report cards indicates that more than 600 students<br />

achieved “good” work habits in a minimum of seven<br />

classes during the second term. There is a clear<br />

correlation between work habits and success in school.<br />

Delta Secondary has developed a rubric that describes<br />

the performance standards for work habit marks on<br />

report cards. You may find it helpful to review this rubric<br />

with your student. You can find a copy on page 14 of the<br />

student agenda book.<br />

Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find a record of<br />

some of the exciting things that are happening at your<br />

neighbourhood secondary school, including our honor<br />

roll and principal’s list students for the second term.<br />

Congratulations to all of these students on their<br />

outstanding achievement!<br />

1<br />

Grad Activities<br />

The graduation season is quickly upon us. The Grad<br />

Banquet and Dance will be held on Friday, May 8th, at<br />

the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. That same evening, a team<br />

of hard-working parents have organized the Dry Grad<br />

celebrations. On Thursday, June 25th, the valedictory<br />

ceremony will be held at the South Delta Baptist Church.<br />

These are opportunities for our students to shine!<br />

Students and parents need to know that all of these<br />

events are drug and alcohol-free. Any student who<br />

chooses to use or be under the influence of drugs or<br />

alcohol will be sent home. Let’s work together to ensure a<br />

safe and enjoyable graduation season.<br />

I would like to thank the many staff and parents who have<br />

devoted so much time to grad preparations. These<br />

include: Ms. H. Bowling, Mrs. A. Goel-Stevens, Mr. F.<br />

Sawatsky, Mr. G. Harkley, Mrs. V. Botkin, Mrs. K.<br />

Cuthbert, Mrs. P. Stewart, Mrs. K. Lerner, Mrs. C. Tudge,<br />

and Ms. D. Johnston.<br />

Best wishes to all for a successful spring term. If you have<br />

any comments or questions, please contact me at the<br />

school or by email, tainge@deltasd.bc.ca

4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Learning Community<br />

Parent Connect<br />

Parent Connect is a tool that helps parents communicate with their child’s teachers, review courses, marks, attendance and<br />

to select courses. Information on how to use Parent Connect is available on the school website and from the school office.<br />

The following are important links that you might want to bookmark:<br />

<strong>DSS</strong> School Web Site: www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Parent Connect : https://cimsweb.deltasd.bc.ca<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 9 School <strong>Newsletter</strong> Distributed<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 10 Good Friday<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 13 Easter Monday<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 15 Parent Advisory Council, Library, 7:00 p.m.<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 23 Artstravaganza, 7:00 p.m.<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 24 Non-Instructional Day (District Wide)<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 24 Interim Reports Mailed<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 27 – May 1 Theatre Production, Genesis Theatre<br />

May 8 Grad Dinner and Dance<br />

May 8 Non-Instructional Day<br />

May 13 Gauss (8) Math Contest Exam<br />

May 18 Victoria Day<br />

May 20 Parent Advisory Council, Library, 7:00 p.m.<br />

May 27 Spring Concert, Genesis Theatre, 7:00 p.m.<br />

June 2 Day Awards Assemblies, Genesis<br />

June 4 Awards Night, Genesis Theatre, 7:00 p.m<br />

June 5 School <strong>Newsletter</strong> Distributed<br />

June 10 - 16 School Exams and Tutorials<br />

June 17 - 25 Provincial Exams<br />

June 25 Final Report Cards and Yearbooks Distributed<br />

June 25 Commencement, South Delta Baptist Church, 7:00 p.m.<br />

June 26 Schools Close<br />

Ministry of Education<br />

Satisfaction Survey for Parents<br />

Information on completing the satisfaction surveys was sent<br />

home with the Term Two Report Cards. All parents received a<br />

login to complete the survey online. If you haven't already done<br />

so, please take the time to complete the short survey. Your<br />

feedback will help to guide school planning. The survey will be<br />

open until Friday, <strong>Apr</strong>il 24th.<br />

Grade 12, Tineke Cuthbert, is awarded a $1000 Scholarship from<br />

Wendy’s Canada, in recognition of her outstanding achievements<br />

and community service. Tineke is pictured here with <strong>DSS</strong> teacher,<br />

Ms. Dana Huff, counsellor, Mr. Frank Sawatsky, and Wendy’s<br />

District Manager, Mrs. Parjeet Sanghera.<br />


Pacer Athletic Report<br />

The signs of spring are undeniable:<br />

the grass is growing, flowers are<br />

blooming and birds are returning to<br />

the gymnasium. Meanwhile, muddy,<br />

disheveled lumps are slumped in the<br />

corner of the changing room trying<br />

to remove their soiled boots before<br />

oozing into the showers for their<br />

restorative ablutions. Yes, it’s rugby<br />

and badminton time again – and<br />

more. The spring season is the<br />

Athletic Department’s busiest with 3<br />

girls’ soccer teams, 2 golf teams, and<br />

2 tennis teams joining the 3<br />

badminton teams and the grade 8<br />

rugby boys in action. Leagues are just<br />

beginning and hopes are high as we<br />

look forward to our teams garnering<br />

more Delta, Fraser Valley, and<br />

Provincial championships.<br />

Our spring sports hope to<br />

repeat the success of our basketball<br />

teams who had another very strong<br />

year. As the Winter <strong>Newsletter</strong> went<br />

to print several of our teams were still<br />

in the playoff hunt and, although<br />

none of our teams qualified for<br />

provincials, a few came very close.<br />

Perhaps the most heartbreaking nearmiss<br />

belonged to the senior boys who<br />

lost a close game to a Seaquam team<br />

they had defeated twice earlier in the<br />

season. Had they won that game they<br />

would have been the first Pacer<br />

senior boy’s team to qualify for the<br />

provincials since 1993. Similarly, the<br />

4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

senior and the junior girl’s teams<br />

played very well but fell just short of<br />

qualifying for provincials. Ms.<br />

Lopez’s Grade 9 girls finished a very<br />

impressive fourth in the province and<br />

look ready to move up to even<br />

tougher competition next year.<br />

The Pacer tennis programme,<br />

under the direction of Ms. Rogers<br />

and Mr. Vuorela is looking very<br />

promising despite having to travel far<br />

and wide to find competition. Our<br />

road warriors are ranked very highly<br />

and we fully expect them to qualify<br />

for their respective provincial and<br />

Fraser Valley championships.<br />

Ms Huff’s senior badminton<br />

team is just completing a very<br />

successful league season and is<br />

preparing for a long playoff<br />

experience. Ms. Chan and Ms. Yao<br />

are guiding our junior badminton<br />

team and Ms. Morrison is head coach<br />

of our Grade 8s. Both teams are just<br />

beginning their seasons and are<br />

benefiting from the able assistance of<br />

senior students Katie Hikida, Ryan<br />

Cheong and Rob Anderson.<br />

Mr. Adamson’s Grade 8 rugby<br />

warriors are winning games and<br />

breaking bones (unfortunately their<br />

own) and gaining great experience<br />

which, we hope, will allow us to<br />

enlarge the programme.<br />

The junior golfers under Mr.<br />

Bazilewich, and the seniors, under<br />

Mr. Thompson, are getting in practice<br />

rounds and watching Tiger to prepare<br />

themselves for a repeat of last year’s<br />

great success which saw the seniors<br />

advance to the B.C.’s in Nelson.<br />

Finally, on the soccer pitch,<br />

Ladner’s future Christine Sinclairs<br />

and Julie Armstrongs are heading<br />

3<br />

into battle at Holly Park. Mr. Fenn<br />

and Mr. Smillie’s Grade 8s look very<br />

strong and will hold their own in the<br />

junior league where they will<br />

encounter Ms. Bennett’s and Ms.<br />

McCabe’s junior girls among the<br />

other older opposition. At the senior<br />

level, Mr. Novix, Mr. King and Mr.<br />

Ellis are impressed with their girls’<br />

very positive early results and believe<br />

they will qualify for the Fraser Valleys<br />

this year despite having to play<br />

against provincial champions and<br />

arch-rivals South Delta.<br />

The Athletic Department is<br />

very proud of the terrific number of<br />

student athletes who make the<br />

commitment to represent our school<br />

and who do so with skill, enthusiasm<br />

and dedication. These athletes and<br />

their coaches put a great deal of<br />

energy, hard work and time into their<br />

endeavors and we encourage our<br />

school community to support them.<br />

Pacer midfielder, Quinn Ellis, battles for<br />

possession in senior girls soccer action<br />

vs. North Delta.

4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

<strong>DSS</strong> Theatre<br />

The <strong>DSS</strong> Theatre Department will be presenting LEFT OF CENTRE, its annual One-Act Play Festival, running five<br />

evenings from <strong>Apr</strong>il 27 - May 1, Genesis Theatre, curtain at 7:00. This year the festival will feature 13 plays, all comedies.<br />

They range from a dark comedy entitled "Smile" which deals with murder and cover up; to "The Bingo Affair", a farce<br />

about old ladies in a bingo tournament; to "Sittin", a gentle comedy about a boy who, for the girl he loves, sits 65 days in a<br />

tree trying to break the Guinness Record for "tree-dwelling". 48 grade 11 and 12 actors will be involved in the festival.<br />

All the plays are student directed, and in the <strong>DSS</strong> theatre tradition, they will leave the audience laughing.<br />

Tickets are $5 but a Festival Pass is available for $15 allowing the pass holder to attend all five nights at a bargain price.<br />

There will be no reserved seating and the box office will only be open lunch time, after school for a half hour, and five<br />

evenings of the run. Again, no reserved seats - cash and carry only.<br />

Music Department: Noteworthy News<br />

The Pacer Tour Band enjoyed a wonderful cultural<br />

experience over March break, as they performed at high<br />

schools and elementary schools across Japan. Homestay<br />

families gave students amazing memories incredible food<br />

and family experiences. These photos are from the high<br />

school that we visited - note their cheerleading club in the<br />

background! Chelsea Hastings enjoyed a lesson from one<br />

Japanese drumming club member. Ms McKay would like to<br />

thank Mr. Dobrovolny, Mr. Boldt, and Ms. Ste Croix for their<br />

hard work during the tour. Without wonderful chaperones like<br />

them, students could not enjoy such an adventure.<br />

Congratulations Tour Band. You were wonderful ambassadors<br />

for our community!<br />

YPI Finals<br />

The finals for the 2009 YPI (Youth Philanthropy Initiative) will be held Thursday <strong>Apr</strong>il 16th at 3:00pm in the Library.<br />

YPI requires participants to choose one charity within the social service sector, thoroughly research their charity and<br />

complete a site visit. Planning 10 students participated in this years initiative where students presented on a variety of<br />

local grassroots charities. The winning group will be given a $5000 grant from the Toskan Casale Foundation to donate<br />

to their charity. Parents and community members are invited to attend the competition.<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Career Prep - Work Experience<br />

What an exciting time to be thinking about starting work. Even with the<br />

current down turn in the economy, there are many interesting jobs out in the<br />

current labour market. Capable people can basically write their own ticket<br />

into the working world. All this optimism sure helps but for young people to<br />

really get ahead they still need some experience in their area of interest. It’s a<br />

good thing that <strong>DSS</strong> has such a great work experience program in place.<br />

Students just need to fill in a one page green sign-up sheet to become a part<br />

of the program and they will instantly have upwards of seven teachers to<br />

work with. These teachers will open their extensive work experience options<br />

up to the student who can then try out any number of different careers.<br />

Every student should take advantage of this? Two excellent examples are<br />

Rachel and Ashley, pictured left. These two enthusiastic, out going, young<br />

ladies are spear heading the volunteer drive for the Children’s Festival. They have spent hours recruiting volunteers who<br />

will help out at the Children’s Festival this year in May. Both Rachel and Ashley have further developed their<br />

organizational, promotional and public speaking skills during this project. These are skills they can take with them into<br />

their future career and do well because of it.<br />

It isn’t too late to sign up. Any student currently in grade10 or 11 can go and see Mr. Harkley in Room 2706 or one of the<br />

counsellors to get the form. In order for students to get four credits for this program they need to complete 90 hours of<br />

work experience.<br />

There is also the great apprenticeship option. If a student is really interested in getting a jump on a career they can sign up<br />

to start an apprenticeship. There are many trade options available and all the details can be found at: http://<br />

www.itabc.ca/Youth-SSA.php<br />

Student Success Day - Playland<br />

Any student who is eligible for Student Success Day (had 6 “Gs”<br />

and no “Ns” or was on the Honour Roll) for Term Two may sign<br />

up for the Playland trip which will be on June 24. The cost is $27<br />

per student, which includes an all-day ride pass and transportation<br />

to and from Playland by school bus. Information/sign-up sheets<br />

will be made available in the school office; space on the school bus<br />

is limited so sign up as soon as possible. Please contact Ms. Huff<br />

for more information.<br />

Skills Canada BC<br />

For the past 15 years, Skills Canada BC has organized annual provincial<br />

skills competitions for youth. This competition is a showcase of trades<br />

and technology occupations in demand in today's workforce. Over 500<br />

youth will demonstrate their skills in contest areas including Carpentry,<br />

Culinary Arts, Graphic Design, Hairdressing, Robotics, Welding.<br />

Library Challenge<br />

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday since early<br />

February 4-person teams have been competing at<br />

lunchtime in their Grade Library Challenge. Each<br />

team plays 2 games of 51 general knowledge<br />

questions, before the semi and final games. Winners<br />

for Grade 10 were the Power Rangers: Tanner<br />

Nelson, Elsa Langill, Amy Zell and Alexa Borje.<br />

Grade 11 winners were 4 Boys with Big Hearts: C.J.<br />

Pentland, Dylan Trent, Ian Duck, Sam Buchanan.<br />

The Grade 9 winners were Team Obama: Ben Laird,<br />

Duncan Ramage, Thomas Buchanan, Jonathan<br />

Chapple. The Grade 12 Library Challenge has just<br />

begun and should end in early May when the<br />

winning team takes on the strong Teacher Team.<br />

In addition to the contest, the "Pathways to Career Showcase" provides<br />

students an opportunity to meet representatives from various career<br />

and educational organizations.<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

PRINCIPAL’S LIST (G.P.A. 3.85 – 4.0)<br />

Term 2, March 2009<br />

Grade 8<br />

Andersen, Patricia<br />

Athwal, Prabhroop<br />

Atwal, Kalvin<br />

Baerg, Joshua<br />

Beaton, Kiana<br />

Britz, Kennedy<br />

Chahal, Brittany<br />

Dreisinger, Amanda<br />

Eng, Lillian<br />

Esau, Ryan<br />

Gill, Kelsey<br />

Gillespie, Tannar<br />

Goldman, Ashleigh<br />

Grierson, Philip<br />

Gulick, Amelia<br />

Harper, Jessie<br />

Jackson, Jennie<br />

Jang, Presley<br />

Koot, Julia<br />

Low, Jennifer<br />

MacKenzie, Erika<br />

Martin, Kathleen<br />

Mesich, Christie<br />

Plett, Callie<br />

Pogue, Rory<br />

Ring, Kean<br />

Smith, Connor<br />

Srimokla, Sorana<br />

Stevens, Nicole<br />

Strukoff, Mikayla<br />

Tsui, Antony<br />

Vincent, Tessa<br />

Walton, Tamara<br />

Zell, Katelyn<br />

Grade 9<br />

Azizi, Tara<br />

Bourgeois, Lauren<br />

Cameron, Mackenzie<br />

Corbett, Rebecca<br />

Dhaliwal, Arjan<br />

Dhaliwal, Naveen<br />

Esau, Nathan<br />

Fung, Alison<br />

Harris, Miranda<br />

Haskins, Blair<br />

Jang, Connor<br />

Kuang, Emily<br />

Le Noury, Michelle<br />

Lockhart, Sarah<br />

McCallum, Quinn<br />

McNair, Olivia<br />

Nederend, Monica<br />

Nikelski, Ellen<br />

Pope, Emery<br />

Preston, Claire<br />

Rai, Harkiret<br />

Richardson, Robin<br />

Srimokla, Ornicha<br />

Taipalus, Madison<br />

Tilby, Matt<br />

Tyc, Andrea<br />

Von Ende, Alyssa<br />

Winslow-Hansen, Hayley<br />

Xu, Ming<br />

Yao, Anna<br />

Grade 10<br />

Block, Nicole<br />

Botkin, Mary<br />

Bourgeois, Stephanie<br />

Chatha, Gursimar<br />

Clancy, Alexandra<br />

Cuthbert, Kajsa<br />

Donaldson, Mike<br />

Dow, Amanda<br />

Dutka, Gordie<br />

Dyson, Devy<br />

Enns, Joanna<br />

Fernandes, Christian<br />

Franco, Alex<br />

Garcha, Kelvin<br />

Griffing, Rebecca<br />

Humphry, Whitney<br />

Hwu, Hilary<br />

Kim, Lydia<br />

Laird, Isabella<br />

Langill, Elsa<br />

Lee, Brandon<br />

Lessingham, Nyssa<br />

Lin, Louis<br />

MacLaren, Scott<br />

Mooney, Jessica<br />

Nelson, Alexa<br />

Nickel, Sarah<br />

Parker, Haylee<br />

Passmore, Kiana<br />

Pridmore, Jessica<br />

Riley, Katie<br />

Russell, Christopher<br />

Sair, Matthew<br />

Stevens, Michelle<br />

Stewart, Caelie<br />

Strukoff, Emily<br />

Taffinder, Shayna<br />

Thompson, Paul<br />

Tramontin, Angela<br />

Williamson, Jessica<br />

Zell, Amy<br />

Grade 11<br />

Britz, Evan<br />

Buchanan, Samuel<br />

Cooper, Jordan<br />

Frewer, Francesca<br />

Gal, Kayla<br />

Grierson, Charlotte<br />

Harbott, Michelle<br />

Hodgins, Trevor<br />

Jack, Justin<br />

Kirkegaard, Nathaniel<br />

Koulas, Avyi<br />

Lucertini, Sunita<br />

MacCulloch, Jason<br />

Motzek, Deanna<br />

Omand, Conor<br />

Pope, Tessa<br />

Rempel, Ashley<br />

Russell, Andreas<br />

Sandhu, Jessica<br />

Sartori, Riana<br />

Sheehan, Erica<br />

Sibbald, Shannon<br />

Speidel, Jason<br />

Stewart, Vincent<br />

Stillwell, Karly<br />

Uppal, Alexandra<br />

Van Ommen, Clara<br />

Wang, Catherine<br />

Wilson, Kassandra<br />

Zhou, Wendy<br />

Grade 12<br />

Andres, Clayton<br />

Bandiera, David<br />

Bartz, Tamara<br />

Chan, Jason<br />

Cuthbert, Tineke<br />

Davis, Laura<br />

Day, Christina<br />

Dreisinger, Olivia<br />

Ellis, Ashton<br />

Enns, Katherine<br />

Feng, Ao Ao<br />

Fung, Jonathan<br />

Harraway, Victoria<br />

Hwu, Margaret<br />

Klein, Melanie<br />

Kroeker, Peter<br />

Lang, Emilie<br />

Lanier, Deanna<br />

Locke, Conrad<br />

Low, Timothy<br />

MacCulloch, Christopher<br />

Mack, Kendra<br />

McKeown, Kelsey<br />

Munro, Jonathan<br />

Nielsen, Blair<br />

Redekop, Mikaela<br />

Van Der Zwan, Timo<br />

Wong, Timothy<br />

Young, Jane<br />

Zhou, Shuyi<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

HONOUR ROLL (G.P.A. 3.25 – 4.0)<br />

Term 2, March 2009<br />

GRADES 8 – 10<br />

Grade 8<br />

Andersen, Patricia<br />

Athwal, Prabhroop<br />

Atwal, Kalvin<br />

Baerg, Joshua<br />

Bains, Arjun<br />

Beaton, Kiana<br />

Begg, Alexis<br />

Blachford, Tianna<br />

Britz, Kennedy<br />

Brunton, James<br />

Cervi, Tavia<br />

Chahal, Brittany<br />

Chand, Shania<br />

Coates, Dani-Rose<br />

Diomis, Zoe<br />

Doolan, <strong>Apr</strong>il<br />

Doolan, Cassidy<br />

Dreisinger, Amanda<br />

Ducasse, Gabriel<br />

Dyer, Jessica<br />

Eng, Lillian<br />

Esau, Ryan<br />

Evans, James<br />

Fenn, Megan<br />

Francis, Meredith<br />

Gaytmenn, Mackenzie<br />

Geekie, Claire<br />

Gill, Kelsey<br />

Gillespie, Tannar<br />

Goldman, Ashleigh<br />

Grierson, Philip<br />

Griffing, Reece<br />

Gulick, Amelia<br />

Harper, Jessie<br />

Hughes, Zachary<br />

Jackson, Jennie<br />

Jang, Presley<br />

Keen, Daniel<br />

Keith, Matthew<br />

Keogh, Taryn<br />

Kinnarny, Laura<br />

Klatt, Randy<br />

Koot, Julia<br />

Kuang, Dominic<br />

Langford, Morgan<br />

Lister, Evan<br />

Little, Sophie<br />

Locke, Thomas<br />

Longpre, Sydney<br />

Low, Jennifer<br />

Lu, Lucia<br />

MacKenzie, Erika<br />

Mageau, Brittany<br />

Marra, Melaina<br />

Martin, Kathleen<br />

Mattu, Dylan<br />

McFadyen, Hannah<br />

Mesich, Christie<br />

Monger, Susan<br />

Morrison, Chalane<br />

Nelson, Christopher<br />

Nelson, Michelle<br />

Ottens, Michelle<br />

Paje, Herschel<br />

Pimentel, Devon<br />

Plett, Callie<br />

Pogue, Rory<br />

Remenda, Richard<br />

Ring, Kean<br />

Salas, Jordie<br />

Shaar, Summer<br />

Smith, Connor<br />

Srimokla, Sorana<br />

Stevens, Nicole<br />

Strukoff, Cameron<br />

Strukoff, Mikayla<br />

Strukoff, Sarah<br />

Sweeney, Natalie<br />

Thompson, Amanda<br />

Thomsen, Nikolas<br />

Thrasher, Kurtis<br />

Tsui, Antony<br />

Uppal, Ellery<br />

Vincent, Tessa<br />

Wallis, Grant<br />

Walton, Tamara<br />

Warn, Michael<br />

Wlasichuk, Philip<br />

Wong, Rodin<br />

Yurkoski, Jena<br />

Zell, Katelyn<br />

Zhao, Jasmine<br />

Grade 9<br />

Alfano, Rheanne<br />

Askin, Katie<br />

Azizi, Tara<br />

Badesha, Joyti<br />

Bains, Sabreen<br />

Bains, Shianne<br />

Bandiera, Peter<br />

Bassi, Veena<br />

Beeksma, Marisa<br />

Bourgeois, Lauren<br />

Briseno, Andrea<br />

Buchanan, Thomas<br />

Cameron, Mackenzie<br />

Chapple, Jonathan<br />

Cochlan, Delaney<br />

Copeland, Candice<br />

Corbett, Rebecca<br />

Currie, Nicole<br />

Dasler, Alexandra<br />

De Lotbiniere-<br />

Basset, Francine<br />

Dhaliwal, Arjan<br />

Dhaliwal, Naveen<br />

Dhillon, Balkirat<br />

Donaldson, Ian<br />

Du Hamel, Alec<br />

Duke, Shane<br />

Dutton-Jones, Samantha<br />

Ellis, Cassidy<br />

Enns, Camilla<br />

Esau, Nathan<br />

Eyolfson, Kirstin<br />

Ferguson, Emily<br />

Fung, Alison<br />

Gaio, Alexander<br />

Gao, Nina<br />

Gatfield, Lauren<br />

Gerrard, Sarah<br />

Grey, Jeremy<br />

Grunlund, Chelsea-Rose<br />

Gulbrandsen, Halle<br />

Hanuse, Desiree<br />

Harris, Miranda<br />

Haskins, Blair<br />

Holowaty, Jesse<br />

Hunchak, Alyssia<br />

Hwu, Henry<br />

Jang, Connor<br />

Jang, Riley<br />

Johnston, Matthew<br />

Kirkegaard, Kristin<br />

Kirkwood, Elizabeth<br />

Knoepfel, Mitchell<br />

Kuang, Emily<br />

Lavery, Jodie<br />

Le Noury, Michelle<br />

Lockhart, Sarah<br />

Lou, Tracy<br />

MacDonald, Taylor<br />

McCabe, Emily<br />

McCallum, Quinn<br />

McLean, Liam<br />

McNair, Olivia<br />

Meier, Aaron<br />

Merritt, Josh<br />

Nederend, Monica<br />

Nielsen, Kelsey<br />

Nikelski, Ellen<br />

Ortiz, Fabian<br />

Osborne, Jake<br />

Panesar, Jeri<br />

Pettypiece, Tanner<br />

Pope, Emery<br />

Porteous, Tess<br />

Preston, Claire<br />

Priestlay, Jess<br />

Rai, Harkiret<br />

Rempel, Connor<br />

Richardson, Robin<br />

Robertson, Courtney<br />

Sandelands, Mika<br />

Schwuchow, Larissa<br />

Serrano, Gabriela Nicole<br />

Shannon, Jackson<br />

Sherman, Kyle<br />

Shih, Kelly<br />

Sibbald, Ryan<br />

Son, Steve<br />

Srimokla, Ornicha<br />

Stebeck, Hayden<br />

Swenson, Cassidy<br />

Taipalus, Madison<br />

Tang, Meng<br />

Teschner, Austin<br />

Tilby, Matt<br />

Trotman, Megan<br />

Tyc, Andrea<br />

Valle, Alona<br />

Veperts, Madison<br />

Vistan, Christian<br />

Von Ende, Alyssa<br />

Voros, Tegan<br />

Walton, Lauren<br />

Williams, Kourtneay<br />

Winslow-Hansen, Hayley<br />

Xu, Ming<br />

Yao, Anna<br />

Grade 10<br />

Athaide, Olivia<br />

Bears, Amy<br />

Beutel, Anthony<br />

Block, Nicole<br />

Botkin, Mary<br />

Bourgeois, Stephanie<br />

Brooks, Tyson<br />

Chatha, Gursimar<br />

Clancy, Alexandra<br />

Copland, Alexa-Rae<br />

Corea, Brittany<br />

Crema, Andrea<br />

Cummings, Taylor<br />

Cuthbert, Kajsa<br />

Davis, Jordan<br />

Derksen, Bria<br />

Dhillon, Prabkirat<br />

Donaldson, Mike<br />

Dow, Amanda<br />

Dutka, Gordie<br />

Dyson, Devy<br />

Emery, Elizabeth<br />

Enns, Adam<br />

Enns, Joanna<br />

Euerby, Zachary<br />

Eyerund, Julia<br />

Fernandes, Christian<br />

Forsyth, Michaela<br />

Franco, Alex<br />

Garcha, Kelvin<br />

Gee, Nathaniel<br />

Gill, Brittney<br />

Gomez, Victoria<br />

Griffing, Rebecca<br />

Harms, Katelyn<br />

Humphry, Whitney<br />

Hundal, Jasleen<br />

Hwu, Hilary<br />

Kim, Lydia<br />

Kuckein, Hailey<br />

Kular, Amy<br />

Laird, Isabella<br />

Langill, Elsa<br />

Langill, Tori<br />

Lee, Brandon<br />

Lee, Hannah<br />

Lessingham, Nyssa<br />

Letendre, Paige<br />

Lewis, Breanne<br />

Lin, Louis<br />

Louis, Rachel<br />

MacLaren, Alyson<br />

MacLaren, Scott<br />

Marshall, Lauren<br />

Martin, Rachel<br />

Matas, Klaudia<br />

Matas, Monika<br />

Mitchell, Roseanne<br />

Mooney, Jessica<br />

Munro, Sarah<br />

Nelson, Alexa<br />

Nelson, Tanner<br />

Nickel, Sarah<br />

Parker, Haylee<br />

Passmore, Kiana<br />

Pentland, Tyler<br />

Pineda, Jenine<br />

Poon, Brendan<br />

Poulin, Emily<br />

Premji, Soraya<br />

Pridmore, Jessica<br />

Ravena, Karen<br />

Razavi, Ryan<br />

Riley, Katie<br />

Russell, Christopher<br />

Sair, Matthew<br />

Selman, Coulten<br />

Sharpe, Barrett<br />

Skopelitis, Joshua<br />

Soares, Spencer<br />

Soukoreff, Richelle<br />

Steinwand, Maddy<br />

Stevens, Michelle<br />

Stewart, Caelie<br />

Strukoff, Emily<br />

Swenson, Alyssa<br />

Taffinder, Shayna<br />

Teja, Alysha<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

HONOUR ROLL (G.P.A. 3.25 – 4.0)<br />

Term 2, March 2009<br />

GRADES 10 - 12<br />

Grade 10<br />

Thompson, Paul<br />

Thornton, Leah<br />

Toor, Nicky<br />

Tramontin, Angela<br />

Vanwoerkom, Curtis<br />

Veerman, Michael<br />

Voute, Piet<br />

Welch, Aryana<br />

Wickett, Tyler<br />

Wilkins, Rebecca<br />

Williamson, Jessica<br />

Yamasaki, Jeffrey<br />

Zell, Amy<br />

Zonneveld, Jaime<br />

Grade 11<br />

Arathoon, Anaheit<br />

Azizi, Roya<br />

Bains, Shaanjeet<br />

Baird, Caitlin<br />

Bartz, Jessica<br />

Berg, Nickolaj<br />

Bock, Rachel<br />

Borje, Samantha<br />

Bowers, Ryan<br />

Britz, Evan<br />

Bryan, Sarah<br />

Buchanan, Samuel<br />

Bufton, Brandon<br />

Centola, Nina<br />

Clark, Darcy<br />

Coffey, Sean<br />

Cooper, Jordan<br />

Craig, Laura<br />

Cumberworth, Sarah<br />

Day, Jaycee-Ann<br />

Donaldson, Jessie<br />

Dowling, Shelby<br />

Du Hamel, Livia<br />

Egan, Vanessa<br />

Esau, Jessica<br />

Everell, Brandon<br />

Evickson, Ashley<br />

Fonseca, Andrea<br />

Forsyth, Katie<br />

Frewer, Francesca<br />

Gal, Kayla<br />

Gooch, Jackson<br />

Goodwin, Katie<br />

Gorman, Joseph<br />

Gough, Shaunna<br />

Grierson, Charlotte<br />

Guichon, Jenelle<br />

Harbott, Michelle<br />

Harms, Joshua<br />

Hastings, Chelsea<br />

Hatlelid, Cleve<br />

Heald, Kayla<br />

Hodgins, Trevor<br />

Hundal, Amaneet<br />

Jack, Justin<br />

Kensley, Caitlin<br />

King, Natasha<br />

Kirkegaard,<br />

Nathaniel<br />

Koulas, Avyi<br />

Li, Qing Zi<br />

Lin, David<br />

Littler, Rachel<br />

Lucertini, Sunita<br />

MacCulloch, Jason<br />

McMartin-Goodwin,<br />

Daemion<br />

Milholm, Melissa<br />

Mills, Sarah<br />

Motzek, Deanna<br />

Mulder, Rebecca<br />

Munn, Adam<br />

Nelson, Brandon<br />

Nielsen, Reid<br />

Nikelski, Brian<br />

Omand, Conor<br />

Osterreicher, Carly<br />

Pentland, C.J.<br />

Pope, Tessa<br />

Powroznik, Emily<br />

Rempel, Ashley<br />

Robertson, Sarah<br />

Russell, Andreas<br />

Sandhar, Sukie<br />

Sandhu, Jessica<br />

Sartori, Riana<br />

Sawatzky, Melissa<br />

Selinger, Colin<br />

Sheehan, Erica<br />

Sibbald, Shannon<br />

Speidel, Jason<br />

Staples, Richard<br />

Stewart, Vincent<br />

Stillwell, Karly<br />

Strathdee, Cameron<br />

Terpenning, Meghan<br />

Tompkins, Matthew<br />

Uppal, Alexandra<br />

Van Ommen, Clara<br />

Van Ryk, Cory<br />

Victorino, Jonathan<br />

Wang, Catherine<br />

Wanhella, Stephen<br />

Wilson, Kassandra<br />

Yao, Victor<br />

Zhou, Wendy<br />

Grade 12<br />

Aamir, Urooj<br />

Ahnert, Aly<br />

Andres, Clayton<br />

Athwal, Amandeep<br />

Baerg, Courtney<br />

Bandiera, David<br />

Bartz, Tamara<br />

Bears, Jessie<br />

Brown, Taylor<br />

Bruneau, Myles<br />

Chaisson, Steven<br />

Chan, Jason<br />

Cheema, Sonia<br />

Cheong, Ryan<br />

Chow, Emily<br />

Clarke, Devyn<br />

Coghill, Kelly<br />

Corbett, Nicholas<br />

Currie, Carleen<br />

Cuthbert, Tineke<br />

Davis, Laura<br />

Dawson, Ryan<br />

Day, Christina<br />

Dreisinger, Olivia<br />

Eccles, Celene<br />

Ellis, Ashton<br />

Enns, Katherine<br />

Enns, Kyle<br />

Feng, Ao Ao<br />

Flockhart, Amy<br />

Fung, Jonathan<br />

Furlong, Lian<br />

Graham, Jenna<br />

Grann, Deanne<br />

Grant, Kristie<br />

Guo, Hannah<br />

Gurniak, Biannca<br />

Harraway, Victoria<br />

Harris, Kolby<br />

Hikida, Katie<br />

Husband, Andrea<br />

Hwu, Margaret<br />

Jang, Brittany<br />

Kaiser, Carly<br />

Kinnarny, Meghan<br />

Klassen, Kevin<br />

Klein, Melanie<br />

Klootwyk, Jenny<br />

Koning, Ronny<br />

Kroeker, Peter<br />

La Chimea, Nancy<br />

Lang, Emilie<br />

Lanier, Deanna<br />

Lee, Elliott<br />

Locke, Conrad<br />

Lockhart, Adam<br />

Low, Timothy<br />

MacCulloch, Christopher<br />

Mack, Kendra<br />

Marentette, Colton<br />

Marshall, Kayla<br />

Mattu, Asia<br />

McCartney, Carli<br />

McKenzie, John<br />

McKeown, Kelsey<br />

McRurie, Scott<br />

Millman, Kelsey<br />

Mills, Samantha<br />

Munro, Jonathan<br />

Murdock, Kathleen<br />

Myles, Ashleigh<br />

Nielsen, Blair<br />

Oakley, Chris<br />

Palmer, Jess<br />

Parkinson, Jeanie<br />

Parrett, Samantha<br />

Passmore, Teila<br />

Peters, Mack<br />

Pugh, Mitch<br />

Qi, Lu<br />

Redekop, Mikaela<br />

Seney, Alyssa<br />

Shih, Daisy<br />

Sieben, Perry<br />

Skands, Jenine<br />

Smith, Jason<br />

Smith, Kyla<br />

Smith, Kyle<br />

Stewart, Michael<br />

Tan, Brendan<br />

Thauli, Kimberly<br />

Thornton, Larissa<br />

Valeri, Christa<br />

Van Der Zwan, Timo<br />

Veerman, Charlotte<br />

Waddell, Lucas<br />

Wallis, Derek<br />

Warwick, Sean<br />

Whittaker, Bryan<br />

Wlasichuk, Amy<br />

Wong, Timothy<br />

Wright, Geoffrey<br />

Young, Jane<br />

Zhou, Shuyi<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Delta Secondary School Parent Advisory Council<br />

the parent page<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 2009<br />

Message from the Chair<br />

One of the things we have been pretty happy about at the <strong>DSS</strong> Parent Advisory Council is the fact that we do not<br />

participate in fundraising activities beyond applying for our annual gaming license. Recently, however, the financial<br />

situation at our high school has changed. There has been a significant drop in revenue to the school as vending<br />

machine income has declined due to the new ‘Healthy Schools’ initiative. Soft drink machine revenue has also<br />

dropped dramatically, affecting the resources of our athletics department and there have also been significant<br />

decreases in provincial dollars for that department’s travel expenses. Added to this is the legal action made in recent<br />

years which has meant that student fees have been significantly reduced or eliminated for many programs.<br />

As a PAC, we understand these changes: we support healthy lifestyles and wish for equitable education opportunities<br />

for all. We do recognize, however, that there has been an impact at our school because of these changes. That<br />

impact will only become more significant over time, and we are quite restricted in the types of purchases on which we<br />

can spend our gaming dollars. The question we are asking ourselves is this: do we want to see an erosion in the<br />

quality of the program materials, equipment and supports our children benefit from at <strong>DSS</strong>?<br />

So the PAC has decided to begin asking parents if they wish to make a one-time annual donation to the school. We<br />

stress that this donation will be entirely voluntary, and donations over $20 will be eligible for tax receipts. Current<br />

needs at the school include computers, projectors, guitars, employment support materials for students with special<br />

needs, upgraded technological supplies and software. None of these items can be purchased using our gaming<br />

dollars. These types of needs arise every year and affect many of our programs, and we want to ensure that your<br />

child is not negatively affected by our changing economic environment.<br />

As parents, we all care about the same thing. Our children may take different paths as they move through high<br />

school, but our hope is that whatever your child needs is available when he or she needs it, so that all of our children<br />

have an opportunity to find success on their own terms.<br />

Thanks to everyone who gives of themselves for our children and their school,<br />

Marcia McCafferty, <strong>DSS</strong> PAC Chair<br />

Upcoming events:<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 16th - DPAC's Spring Parent Education Event - Partnering with CUPE and DTA. All candidates meeting for<br />

candidates running for MLA positions in Delta ridings. Location: <strong>DSS</strong> Library at 7:00 p.m. EDUCATION FOCUS<br />

PAC Meetings. If you have a child attending <strong>DSS</strong> you are a member of the PAC – everyone is invited!<br />

Wednesday, <strong>Apr</strong>il 15th, we will meet at the Library as usual. Trustee, Brenda Schnieder, will be in attendance.<br />

On the agenda: brainstorming regarding the beginning of the year package parents receive: bring your great ideas. If<br />

you have a good fundraising idea, please come and share it, or e-mail the PAC at dsspac@deltasd.bc.ca<br />

Wednesday, May 20 th , we hold our annual AGM. Anyone interested in being on the executive in 2009/10 will want<br />

to attend.<br />

Snacks for our meetings will be prepared by Culinary Arts teacher Lori Pilling.<br />


4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Please, if you have a question or comment, contact the PAC at<br />

dsspac@deltasd.bc.ca<br />

EXECUTIVE 2008/2009<br />

School Planning Council members:<br />

Chair<br />

Vice-Chair<br />

Secretary<br />

Co-Treasurer<br />

Co-Treasurer<br />

DPAC Rep.<br />

Communications<br />

Past Chair<br />

At-Large:<br />

Ladner Partners<br />

Dry Grad<br />

Emergency Prep<br />

Marcia McCafferty<br />

vacant<br />

Debbie Carlton<br />

Jennifer Grady<br />

Earl Rempel<br />

Shirley-Ann Reid<br />

vacant<br />

vacant<br />

Selinda Lee-Tan<br />

vacant<br />

Dan Heaman<br />

Principal<br />

Teacher<br />

Parent<br />

Parent<br />

Parent<br />

Student Rep<br />

Terry Ainge<br />

Todd Allan<br />

Selinda Lee-Tan<br />

Barbara Norell<br />

Karen Russell<br />

Ashley Rempel<br />

Sukie Sandhar<br />


http://web.deltasd.bc.ca/<br />

School District/Parent Centre<br />

www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Delta Secondary School<br />

www.bced.gov.bc.ca<br />

Ministry of Education<br />

www.bccpac.bc.ca<br />

B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils<br />

www.fraserhealth.ca<br />

Quick Links/School Health Resources<br />

www.pep.bc.ca<br />

Emergency Preparedness<br />

www.teendrivers.ca<br />

www.icbc.com/youth/youth_new_parents.asp<br />

Traffic Safety For Teen Drivers<br />

http://web.deltasd.bc.ca/programs/curricular/<br />

mathematics<br />

Links to several math websites<br />

www.reachdevelopment.org<br />

Reach Child and Youth Development Society<br />

Contact Si Stainton at sistainton@dccnet.com for<br />

the Reach Society parent network<br />

Missed a meeting? Parents are busy, but you can catch up on a<br />

missed PAC meeting minutes on the <strong>DSS</strong> website:<br />

http://www.deltasd.bc.ca/de/PAC/minutes.htm<br />

Parent Advocacy: if you have a concern about one of your<br />

children, it is important to first talk to their teacher. If further<br />

assistance is needed talk to the school principal, and if the issue<br />

still remains unresolved contact the Superintendent. Please note<br />

that Delta no longer has its own advocacy workers. Parents<br />

wishing to receive support in resolving school-based issues may<br />

contact the BCCPAC's provincial advocates’ toll free message<br />

line: 1-888-351-9834. The toll free line is checked daily Monday<br />

to Friday. A helpful resource book, Speaking Up (handbook) is<br />

available from BCCPAC or a copy is available through our PAC.<br />

See the BCCPAC Newsbytes magazine at<br />

http://www.bccpac.bc.ca/resources/whatsnew/<br />

newsbytes0809.aspx<br />

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4615 51st Street, Delta, B.C. V4K 2V8 Tel: 604-946-4194 Fax: 604-946-5162 www.deltasd.bc.ca/de<br />

Summer Volleyball Camps<br />



Girls Entering Grades 4 - 7<br />

Junior Varsity Camp will teach the game of volleyball in a both a fun and competitive atmosphere. Campers will learn<br />

the correct techniques for serving, setting, spiking, blocking, forearm pass and basic team offensive / defensive<br />

coverage. All skills will be taught in stations in order to keep a low instructor: student ratio. Core training, dynamic<br />

stretching and athletic endurance will also be part of the daily routine. Get off to a great start for your school’s<br />

volleyball team and register for this one! The Seaquam coaching staff and some former Seaquam players will be<br />

teaching the fundamental skills of the game.<br />

ID 7976 July 20 – 24 2:00 – 4:00 Fee: $100<br />

How to register:<br />

http://connectandlearn.deltasd.bc.ca<br />

604 940 5550<br />



Girls Entering Grades 7 - 10<br />

Varsity camp is designed for female athletes<br />

wanting to further enhance their individual and<br />

team play competitive skills. Our focus is on developing skills for girls presently playing (or wishing to begin) on club/<br />

high school teams throughout the Lower Mainland.. All skills will be taught in stations in order to keep a low<br />

instructor: student ratio. Core training, dynamic stretching and athletic endurance will also be part of the daily routine.<br />

This will be a high performance camp offering all girls a very competitive atmosphere allowing each to quickly advance<br />

their athletic and volleyball skills. Girls will be organized into pods with athletes of similar age, ability and experience.<br />

The camp staff and guest coaches have included Issaac Payne (speed and conditioning); provincial team coaches Sharon<br />

Carter and Chris McIver; university/college coaches Ryan Hofer and Ryan Adams from Trinity Western, and Ryan<br />

Vjandre from Douglas College; high school varsity volleyball coaches Mark Cassels (Semiahmoo), Todd Clarke and<br />

Bill Tereposky (Seaquam), and Gord Houtchen (Elgin Park).<br />

ID 7987 Seaquam July 6 - 10 2:00 – 4:00 Fee: $150<br />


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