VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club

VGC News/Newsletters - Lakes Gliding Club


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Book Review<br />

Exploril/g the MOl/ster, Mountain Lee Waves: the Aerial<br />

Elevator by Robert F Whelall. ISBN 1-89118-32-3<br />

A Book Review, by Raul Blacksten, VSA Archivist & Bungee<br />

Cord Editor<br />

Every once in a while, a book comes along that I can really be<br />

enthusiastic about. This is certainly one of them!!<br />

This story about the Sierra Wave/Jet Stream Project of<br />

1951-2 is truly a remarkable one. Over the years, I have read<br />

the stuff in Soaring magazine, talked with Vic Saudek, and<br />

heard Larry Edgar tell his tale. I thought I knew most of the<br />

story, but I was wrong. Whelan here has presented us with a<br />

virtual word picture of a group of intrepid glider pilots who<br />

challenged the forces of both nature and man.<br />

In the beginning was an idea in the head of Victor Mead<br />

Saudek. a chance for him to make a little extra cash. In the<br />

end, there were world record setting flights (one stili sllands<br />

today), and an understanding of a meteorological phenomenon<br />

tlrJat had been largely ignored.<br />

Inspired by the post-war Bishop, California flights of glider<br />

pilots Johnny Robinson, Paul MacCready, Bill Ivans, and Bob<br />

Symons (who soared a P-38 Lightning), Sauder< oonceived of<br />

the idea to .explore the wave. What he found was that no one,<br />

not even the world's top meteorologists, knew what in the<br />

heck he was talking about. In fact the scientific commllnity<br />

thought Saudek and his friends were lying.<br />

Enlisting t,he aid of his fellow Southern California Soaring<br />

Association (SCSA) members, Saudek first tried to interest the<br />

US Navy and finally found back,ing from the US Air Force and<br />

the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). What<br />

resulted in the two years of the project was ground breaking<br />

atmospheric research that aslli:mnded the experts.<br />

It also nearly killed Edgar and Dr. Joachim Kuettner. In one<br />

flight, the two experienced a 7000 foot per minute (over 30<br />

m/s) drop in less than 10 seconds! Later, Edgar had one of the<br />

war surplus Pratt-Read gliders used in the project break apal1<br />

around him at 40,300 feet, under an estimated +12Gs and over<br />

10,000 pounds of force.<br />

The whole story, as put forth by Whelan, is nearly as<br />

engrossing ancl thrilling as an action/adventure novel without<br />

the love interest-although there was Betsy Woodward.<br />

One thing I particularly liked was the way Whelan would<br />

profile certain individual:s at the beg 1inl1ing of some chapters.<br />

In this way, we get to meet Or. Joachim Kuettner, Harland<br />

Ross, John Robinson. Larry Edgar, Bob Symons, Vie Saudek,<br />

Dr. Paul MacCready, Brll lvans, Betsy Woodward, and others,<br />

explaining what each bmught to the· projec't. He continues on<br />

tQ explain the invaluable contribution each made to the project<br />

itself. Very well done.<br />

I highly recommend this well written and easy to read<br />

paper bound book. 'Exploring the Monster' should easily find<br />

a place in any g'licler pilot's librar>,. Whelan has certainly d(me<br />

his homework and gives us what is a long overdue account of<br />

the pioneering research into understanding the mountain<br />

(Moazagotl) wave and jet stream phenomena.<br />

This book is available from the publisher at: Wind Canyon<br />

Books, PO Box 1445, Niceville, FL 32588. Phone: 800-952-<br />

7007, Fax: 850-729-1112, email books@windcanyon.com<br />

"Take Up Slack" A history of the London <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

1930 to 2000 by Edward Hull.<br />

This 120 page softback is a gem. Ted has hit on a way of<br />

describing the history of the Dunstable club from its official<br />

inauguration in February 1930 mainly by means of a large<br />

number of short, one paragraph stories relevant to the period<br />

being discussed. This makes the whole book an enjoyable<br />

wallow in nostalgia, starting with the wonderful cover picture<br />

by Tony Hutching of Robin May formating his ASH 25 on<br />

Geoff Moore's SG38 Primary.<br />

So many ~Iccounts of club life concentrate on the prime<br />

movers in the club, usually the Chairman or Secretary, but in<br />

this book Ted gives very many stories illustrating the well<br />

known fact which is often ignored, that a great deal of the<br />

work neccesary to run a club is often done by unsung heros. A<br />

lot of the "characters" in gliding clubs do not often get their<br />

names into print but they do here.<br />

It might be thought that the London <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, with all<br />

that association with the capital means, would be one where<br />

paid emp'loyees do all the work. 1t is true that the LGC has<br />

employed people since the appointmentil1 1935 of world war<br />

one pilot Tim Hervey as CFl/Manager but an astonishing<br />

amount of work has been done by the members themselves<br />

including tree planting around the entrance area, building a<br />

workshop/garage and, of course, the award winning combined<br />

clubhouse and hangar was designed by Kit Nicholson. Before<br />

the advent of professionally built winches the club, like most,<br />

had to build their own and a series of ever better winches<br />

resulted. There are chapters 011 ghosts, field developments, the<br />

Test Group, aerobatic competitions, problems caused by the<br />

Airways, and even on the Vintage Glider <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

The club fleet and most of the privately owned gliders are<br />

listed together with the Presidents, Chairmen and all the<br />

CB's, Staff Instructors and Tug Pilots, Managers, and Gazette<br />

Editors. Oh, t nearly forgot, there are also 120 photographs<br />

and drawings.<br />

All in all this is a very comprehensive view of the LGC and<br />

Ted is to be congratulated on the two years of research and<br />


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