Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition


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It-3 ta’ Frar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE<br />

1173<br />



Sejħa għall-Uffiċjali fuq id-Dgħajjes b’kuntratt<br />

Il-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali jgħarraf<br />

illi jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal ‘Uffiċjali fuq id-Dgħajjes’<br />

b’kuntratt biex jassigura l-implementazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-pjan għall-<br />

Irkupru tat-Tonn: Regolament <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill 302/2009.<br />

Numru ta’ uffiċjali huma meħtieġa li jkunu abbord parti<br />

mid-dgħajjes <strong>tal</strong>-konz (itwal minn 15-il metru) u abbord ilbastimenti<br />

<strong>tal</strong>-irmonk matul kull sajda tagħhom fl-istaġun<br />

tas-sajd tat-tonn 2012.<br />

L-uffiċjal ikun mitlub jiġbor informazzjoni fuq l-<br />

operazzjoni u jimla l-formoli apposta sabiex jiġu annessi<br />

mad-Dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-ICCAT (Bluefin Tuna Catch Document)<br />

maħruġa mid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Kontroll tas-Sajd.<br />

Id-dmirijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċjal huma li:<br />

a) jissorvelja l-konformità <strong>tal</strong>-bastiment <strong>tal</strong>-qbid skont irrakkomandazzjonijiet<br />

<strong>tal</strong>-ICCAT,<br />

b) jirreġistra u jirrapporta dwar l-attività tas-sajd, li trid<br />

tinkludi fost oħrajn, dawn li ġejjin:<br />

det<strong>tal</strong>ji <strong>tal</strong>-kampjun, abbażi tat-tul u l-piż, u s-sess,<br />

l-ammont <strong>tal</strong>-qabda (inkluż by-catch), li tinkludi wkoll<br />

id-dispożizzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-ispeċi, bħal dawk miżmuma abbord jew<br />

mormija mejtin jew ħajjin,<br />

żona <strong>tal</strong>-qabda bil-latitudni u lonġitudni,<br />

miżura ta’ sforz (eż., numru ta’ settijiet, numru ta’<br />

ganċijiet, eċċ), kif definit fil-Manwal <strong>tal</strong>-ICCAT għal irkapti<br />

differenti.<br />

id-data <strong>tal</strong>-qabda,<br />

ċ) josserva u jistma qabdiet u jivverifika d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji<br />

mniżżla fil-ġurnal ta’ abbord,<br />

d) jinnota u jirreġistra l-bastimenti li jistgħu jkunu qed<br />

jistadu kontra l-miżuri ta’ konservazzjoni ICCAT.<br />

Barra minn hekk, l-osservatur għandu jagħmel xogħol<br />

xjentifiku, bħal ġbir ta’ data dwar Task II, meta meħtieġ mill-<br />

Kummissjoni, ibbażat fuq l-istruzzjonijiet mill-SCRS.<br />

L-informazzjoni kollha miġbura għandha tkun konformi<br />

mal-pjan ta’ rkupru għat-Tonn u regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-UE.<br />

L-uffiċjali ser jitħallsu bir-rata ta’ €100 kull jum<br />

(ekwivalenti għal 24 siegħa), inkluż il-VAT meta fuq il-baħar.<br />

L-uffiċjali jridu jkunu koperti minn polza ta’<br />

assigurazzjoni għall-ħajja li speċifikament tagħraf dan ix-<br />



Call for Observers On-Board on contract<br />

The Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs is receiving<br />

applications for the services of ‘Observers On-Board’ on<br />

contract in order to oversee to the implementation of the<br />

Bluefin Tuna Recovery Plan Measures: Council Regulation<br />

302/2009.<br />

A number of observers will be required to be on board<br />

part of the active Bluefin Tuna Longline Vessels over 15m<br />

and on board Towing Vessels during all their activities<br />

carried out in 2012.<br />

The observer will be required to collect information on<br />

the operation and fill in the appropriate forms to be attached<br />

to the ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Catch Document issued by the<br />

Fisheries Control Directorate.<br />

The observers’ tasks shall be to:<br />

a) monitor a catching vessel in compliance with the<br />

active ICCAT recommendation,<br />

b) record and report upon the fishing activity, which shall<br />

include, amongst others, the following:<br />

details of size sample, on the basis of length and weight,<br />

and sex,<br />

amount of catch (including by-catch), that also includes<br />

species disposition, such as retained on board or discarded<br />

dead or alive,<br />

area of catch by latitude and longitude,<br />

measure of effort (e.g., number of sets, number of hooks,<br />

etc.), as defined in the ICCAT Manual for different gears.<br />

date of catch,<br />

c) observe and estimate catches and verify entries made<br />

in the logbook,<br />

d) sight and record vessels that may be fishing contrary<br />

to ICCAT conservation measures.<br />

In addition, the observer shall carry out scientific<br />

work, such as collecting Task II data, when required by the<br />

Commission, based on the instructions from the SCRS.<br />

All information collected has to be in line with the<br />

Bluefin Tuna recovery plan and EU regulations.<br />

The observers will be paid a daily rate (equivalent to 24<br />

hours) of €100 including VAT when onboard.<br />

The contracted observers have to be personally covered<br />

with a life insurance that specifically takes cognizance of

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