PG Syllabus

PG Syllabus

PG Syllabus


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M. Sc. Final<br />

Paper V(C) : Electro Chemistry (Passed in the BOS Meeting held on 14-09-09)<br />

1. Conductance in non–aqueous media :<br />

Ion association, its effect on conductance, diffusion of electrolytes, measurements of diffusion<br />

coefficient, diffusion in relation to conductance.<br />

2. Concentration Cells :<br />

Cells with and without transference, concentration cells involving mixture of electrolyte, Amalgam<br />

cells, Centrifugal cell, Liquid junction Potential, Membrane Potential, T. M. S. Theory<br />

3. Photo electro chemical cells<br />

4. Electro Kinetic Phenomena :<br />

Quantitative treatment of electro–osmosis, electro phoresis and streaming potential, electrical double<br />

layer theories<br />

5. Electrodics :<br />

The equilibrium exchange current density, Butler–Volmer Equation Tafel plot, over potential and<br />

activation energy.<br />

6. Electroanalytical Techniques :<br />

7. Corrosion :<br />

Basic principles, techniques and applications of Polarography, Cyclicvoltametry, Coulometry,<br />

Chronopotentiometry and impedance measurements.<br />

Electrochemical corrosion theory, estimation of corrosion rates, principles of electrochemical<br />

deposition and electropolymerization processes.<br />

Books Recommended<br />

1. S. Glasston : Electro Chemistry<br />

2. Robinson & Stokes : Electrolytic Solutions<br />

3. Bockris and Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry Vol I and II<br />

4. Ilna Fried, The Chemistry of Electrode Processes, Academic Press, London.<br />

5. Gouglas, A Skoog and Donald M West, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Saunder’s College,<br />

Philadelphia, 1980.<br />

6. Donald T Sawyer and Julien Roberts, Jr., Experimental Electrochemistry for Chemists, John Wiley<br />

and sons, New York, 1974.<br />

7. N.J. Selly, Experimental Approach to electrochemistry, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., London,<br />


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