Chsmistry And Petrography Of The Sillai Patti Corbonate Complex ...

Chsmistry And Petrography Of The Sillai Patti Corbonate Complex ...

Chsmistry And Petrography Of The Sillai Patti Corbonate Complex ...


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sillai</strong> <strong>Patti</strong> carbonatite shows abundant evidcnce of granulation in calcite and the<br />

development of metamorphic minerals such as epidotc. This would suggest that these rocks<br />

have suffered some post-consolidation metamorphism. Thc nature of metamorphic effects has<br />

not been the main purpose of this study. However, mctitmorphosed nature of this carbonatite is<br />

mply indicated (John Gittins, written communication). If such is the casc, the K-Ar data,<br />

reported by Le Bas et al. (1987) may require some rcinlerpretation.<br />

Le Bas et al. (1987) rcported a Carboniferous age for ijolite from Koga area. Panjal<br />

volcanics of Pcrmo-Carboniferous age from Kashmir in North Pakistan have been interpreted<br />

by Butt et al. (1985) to represent basaltic rocks associated with an incipient ocean possibly<br />

related to rifting of the Indian continent. Carwford (1974) considered the Panjall traps in Kashmir,<br />

Rajmahal traps of West Bengal and Bihar, and Sylhct traps of Bangladesh to<br />

ated with rifting of Gondwanaland. Thcse tensional cvcnts favourably coincide with a Carboniferous-Permian<br />

carbonatitic and alkaline magmatism near Koga. In view of the above, and the<br />

metamorphosed nature of <strong>Sillai</strong> <strong>Patti</strong> complex, it is possiblc that the alkaline and carbonatitic<br />

magmatism belongs to a tensional event during the brcakup of Gondwanaland. Further gsochronological<br />

data is rcquircd to substantiate this intcrprctation.<br />

Acknowledgements: Critical reading of the manuscript by Dr. Ihsanullah Mian and Dr. M.<br />

Qasim Jan helped improve the manuscript. M. Barkatullilh of NCE in Geology, University of<br />

Peshawar, is thanked Tor the microprobe analysis of thc amphibole.<br />

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