Гласник интелектуалне својине 2012/04 - Завод за ...

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Гласник интелектуалне својине <strong>2012</strong>/4<br />

Intellectual Property Gazette <strong>2012</strong>/4<br />

У трећем пропулзивно реактивном систему се одвија<br />

термодинамичко садејство прва два система и тако<br />

добијена пропулзивана енергија гасова се<br />

искоришћава реактивним путем од закола система.<br />

točka (21), pri čemu je raspored lopatica (15) dat duž<br />

obima kola (22) radi pretvaranja kinetičke i opciono<br />

takođe potencijalne energije vodenog toka u rotaciono<br />

kretanje vodeničnog kola, pri čemu se rasporedi lopatica<br />

(15) sastoje od bar dva sečiva lopatice i sečiva lopatice<br />

imaju različitu veličinu, karakterisano time što spoljašnje<br />

sečivo lopatice (13) ima veću dubinu (23) od sledećih<br />

unutrašnjih sečiva lopatice (14, 16, 17) rasporeda<br />

lopatice. Pronalazak se dalje odnosi na hidroelektirčnu<br />

elektranu koja se sastoji od jednog ili više takvih<br />

vodeničnih kola.<br />

A<br />


(57) Invention herewith described refers to the internal<br />

combustion engine designed mainly for use on motor<br />

vehicles as their drive unit which consists of three<br />

thermodynamic and structural systems of the energy of<br />

gases interaction utilization efficiency. The basic<br />

kinematic and designing concepts of the first and the<br />

second system are based on the 3-crown rotary piston<br />

with the planetary motion in the hypocycloid housing.<br />

In the first system, the action-generator system, the<br />

planetary motion of the piston is performed and thus in<br />

conjunction with the planetary geometry of the housing<br />

in 4 chambers with variable capacities 4 strokes of the<br />

OTTO cycle is performed. In the second system, the air<br />

compression system, the air compression is<br />

accomplished. In the third system, the propulsion<br />

reactive system, the thermodynamic interaction of the<br />

first two systems takes place and so obtained propulsive<br />

energy of the gasses is exploited in the reactive way.<br />

(51) F 03 B 7/00 (2006.01) (11) 2011/0370<br />

(13) A1<br />

(21) P-2011/0370 (22) 24.02.2010.<br />

(30) AT 25.02.2009. A 313/2009<br />

(86) WO 24.02.2010. PCT/EP/2010/001130<br />

(87) WO 02.09.2010. WO 2010/0972<strong>04</strong>A2<br />


(71) RIEGERBAUER, Hermann, Untergralla 20,<br />

A-8430 Leibnitz, AT<br />

(72) RIEGERBAUER, Hermann, Untergralla 20,<br />

A-8430 Leibnitz, AT<br />

(74) MIHAILOVIĆ, Vojislav, Vuka Karadžića 7a/IV,<br />

11000 Beograd, RS<br />

(57) Pronalazak se odnosi na vodenično kolo,<br />

pretpostavljeno vodenom točku teranom vodom koja<br />

teče ispod ili ispred njega koje ima horizontalnu glavu<br />

(54) WATER WHEEL<br />

(57) The invention relates to a water wheel, preferably<br />

an undershot or breast-shot water wheel having a<br />

horizontal hub (21), wherein paddle arrangements (15)<br />

are provided along the wheel circumference (22) for<br />

converting the kinetic and optionally also potential<br />

energy of the water stream into a rotational motion of the<br />

water wheel, wherein the paddle arrangements (15)<br />

comprise at least two paddle blades and the paddle<br />

blades have different sizes, characterized in that the<br />

outer paddle blade (13) has a greater depth (23) than the<br />

further inner paddle blades (14, 16, 17) of the paddle<br />

arrangement. The invention further relates to a<br />

hydroelectric power plant comprising one or a plurality<br />

of such water wheels.<br />

(51) F 03 D 3/<strong>04</strong> (2006.01)<br />

F 03 D 3/00 (2006.01)<br />

F 03 B 7/00 (2006.01)<br />

(11) <strong>2012</strong>/0072<br />

(13) A1<br />

(21) P-<strong>2012</strong>/0072 (22) 24.02.<strong>2012</strong>.<br />




(71) ŠINIK, Ratomir, Braće Jerković 183,<br />

11010 Beograd, RS<br />

(72) ŠINIK, Ratomir, Braće Jerković 183,<br />

11010 Beograd, RS<br />

(57) Вертикална вишекрилна турбина са<br />

стабилизованим централним усмеривачем ваздуха<br />

садржи произвољан број симетричних крила (1),<br />

(2),..(6) турбине, у чијем je цeнтру у обртном колу<br />

ЗИС / RS / IPO 1921

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