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APRIL 30, 1979<br />




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A man dreams of winning.<br />

A woman dreams of loving.<br />

A dreamer dreams of both.<br />

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Produced by MICHAHL LOBHLL<br />

• D,rect«i by NOLL NOSSLCK<br />



1979<br />



. . and<br />

Warner Isl Quarter<br />

Income Sets Records<br />

NEW YORK.—Warner Communications<br />

Inc. reported first quarter results that set<br />

records for any quartei in revenues, net income<br />

and earnings per share.<br />

Fully diluted earnings per share from continuing<br />

operations of $1.54 were 54 percent<br />

above the $1 reported last year, adjusted to<br />

reflect the recent four-for-three stock split.<br />

Income from continuing operations of $30,-<br />

818,000 for the first quarter rose 60 percent<br />

from $19,242,000 in 1978's first period.<br />

Revenues of $453,795,000 were 45 percent<br />

higher than the $312,497,000 in 1978.<br />

Commenting on these results, chairman<br />

the board Steven J. Ross stated, "Ex<br />

of<br />

;ly strong results trom Filmed Entertainment,<br />

as well as higher operatmg mcome<br />

from Publishing and Cable Communications,<br />

accounted for these record results.<br />

"Filmed Entertainment had by far the<br />

highest revenues and operating income for<br />

any quarter in the division's history. Theatrical<br />

results reflected the boxoffice successes<br />

of 'Superman' and 'Every Which<br />

Way But Loose." Revenues from television<br />

seiies were also sharply higher, with the<br />

network showing of 'Roots: The Next Generations'<br />

a primary factor. Theatrical films<br />

in television were below the record level<br />

of last year's first quarter.<br />

"The publishing division had record first<br />

quarter revenues and profits, with its royalty<br />

from the film 'Superman' responsible for<br />

these gains. Cable Communications showed<br />

higher revenues and improved operating income<br />

over last year, due to continuing gains<br />

in regular cable operations and lower losses<br />

from Qube."<br />

Tennessee, Washington<br />

Pass Blind Bid Ruling<br />

Tennessee and Washington became<br />

the eleventh and 12th states to pass<br />

anti-blind bid legislation.<br />

Gov. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee<br />

allowed the bill to become law without<br />

his signature, saying, "First, I am<br />

afraid it interferes too much in the private<br />

marketplace. Second, Tennessee<br />

moviegoers may find the best films will<br />

not be shown in our state as rapidly as<br />

they are in other places."<br />

The Washington measure, signed by<br />

Gov. Dixy Ray, takes effect 90 days<br />

after the legislature adjourns.<br />

In Indiana, the state legislature adjourned<br />

without taking any final action<br />

on proposed anti-blind bidding bill. The<br />

measure passed the House early in<br />

March.<br />

The Denver Senate has tabled its<br />

blind bidding bill, calling it "special<br />

interest legislation which does not affect<br />

the general public."<br />

Published weekly, eicept one Issue at ycai-end. by<br />

Vance Publishing Corp., 825 Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas<br />

City, Missouri 64124. Subscription rates: Sectional<br />

Edition, JIS.OO per year, foreign, $25.00. National<br />

Executive Edition: $25.00, foreign, $30.00. Single<br />

copy, T5c. Second class postage paid at Kanaas Oty.<br />

Mo. BOXOFinCB Publication No. (USPS 062-260).<br />

BOXOFFICE ;: April 30, 1979<br />

'Entertainer of the Century Nod<br />

To Burns tiighlights Show-A-Rama<br />


Associate EdUoi<br />

KANSAS CITY—The annual Show-A-<br />

Rama conclave got under way here this<br />

week and 1,700 exhibitors registered<br />

George Burns—entertainer of the century<br />

for the four-day gathering. Starting off the<br />

proceedings Monday morning at the Crown<br />

Center Hotel were product reel presentations<br />

which featured Wayne Rogers and Tanya<br />

Crevier. Rogers discussed his new Atlantic<br />

Releasing Co. film, "Once in Paris," while<br />

Crevier, co-star of Intermedia Artists Film<br />

Corp.'s "Dribble" spoke of her role in the<br />

picture. Th's was followed by a seminar<br />

which Elmer Bills Jr. moderated, discussing<br />

the plight of small town theatres.<br />

Fonda at Screening<br />

Immediately proceeding this seminar, the<br />

United Motion Picture Assn. annual meeting<br />

was held with NATO President A. Alan<br />

Friedberg persent. Later in the evening<br />

came the first screening of the convention,<br />

at the Midland Theatre. After a welcome<br />

address from Joel Resnick, and the introduction<br />

of Peter Fonda, delegates viewed<br />

United Artists' "Wanda Nevada." Fonda<br />

stars in "Nevada" with 13-year-old Brooke<br />

Fonda and Robert Rcdli>rd; aiul the opening<br />

sequence of "Just You and Me, Kid,"<br />

starring George Burns and Brooke Shields.<br />

The Columbia-sponsored breakfast was interrupted<br />

with a "surprise" visit fiom an<br />

"electric horseman." as a real horse and rider,<br />

complete with "electricity," galloped<br />

through the ballroom.<br />

Topping off the breakfast was the appearance<br />

of George Burns, as he was<br />

awarded with the convention's "Entertainer<br />

of the Century" citation. Burns, accompanied<br />

by his famous cigar, thanked the assemblage<br />

for the award and added, "If you<br />

think 1 made it in this century, wait till you<br />

catch me in the next one, I'm already booked."<br />

The Burns Approach<br />

Burns went on to tell of his beginnings<br />

in show business, and especially his stand at<br />

a vaudeville house in Philadelphia. At this<br />

house was a waitress, Trixie, who Burns<br />

stated "would bring coffee up to your room<br />

if you asked for it." Burns went on<br />

to tell of how he "had coffee with Trixie"<br />

and then tossed her into his friend's room<br />

next door when the owner knocked. After<br />

his friend "had coffee," he threw Trixie<br />

back into Burns' room. "But by that time<br />

my coffee had gotten cold," Burns quipped.<br />

During the presentation of the award to<br />

Burns, a telegram from Bob Hope was read<br />

out loud, in which Hope complimented<br />

Burns for being "a comedian who has been<br />

born again .<br />

again , . . and again." As<br />

a surprise gift to the honoree, a giant cigar<br />

was eiven to Burns, carried into the room<br />

by the rest of the present— a bevy of 100<br />

bathing-suit clad models from a local modeling<br />

agency. Burns kept smiling as the girls<br />

paraded out one by one. His closing re--<br />

mark, "I'll see you in 42 more years,"<br />

was met by a standing ovation.<br />

Two seminars followed the Burns breakfast,<br />

one titled "Learning to Motivate<br />

Yourself," by Rick Chafen, and a theatre<br />

equipment seminar featuring Phil Batton as<br />

moderator with Chris Clark from Eastman<br />

Kodak and Al Boudouris from EPRAD as<br />

speakers. The discussion was met by an enthusiastic<br />

audience which had plenty of<br />

questions for the panelists.<br />

The Tuesday luncheon, hosted by Universal,<br />

featured Candy Clark, star of the company's<br />

upcoming "More American Graffiti."<br />

Also shown were trailers from "Dracula,<br />

targeted for a July 13 release, and the soon-<br />

Shields. To conclude the Monday activities,<br />

'79,"<br />

a "fun and games" party was held, countrywestern<br />

style.<br />

Various Universal VIPs were also introducto-be-released<br />

"Concorde—Airport<br />

The Tuesday agenda included a full mix ed to the delegates, including Universal<br />

of stars, luncheons and seminars. The morning<br />

began with a breakfast sponsored by Following the trade show, which began<br />

president Ned Tanen.<br />

Columbia Pictures. During this time, Columbia<br />

representatives previewed rough ed with a feature screening of "Breaking<br />

that afternoon, the Tuesday events conclud-<br />

footage of upcoming product, "Kramer vs. Away" at the Midland Theatre and a dinner<br />

Kramer," with Dustin Hoffman and Meryl and product screening, hosted by 20th Century-Fox<br />

at the Crown Center<br />

Streep: "The Electric Horseman." with Jane<br />



Published In Five Sectional Editions<br />


Publlslier<br />


Assoc. Publisher/National Sales Manager<br />


Editor<br />

BEN SHLYEN Executive Editor<br />

MORRIS SCHLOZMAN Business Manajer<br />

HARVEY SHARP Circulation Director<br />

GARY BURCH Equipment Editor<br />

JONNA JEFFERIS Associate Editor<br />

STUART A. GOLDSTEIN Associate Editor<br />

RON SCHAUMBURG Associate Editor<br />

JIMMY SUMMERS Associate Editor<br />

KEVIN KIOUS Associate Editor<br />

RALPH KAMINSKY West Coast Editor<br />

JOHN COCCHI East Coast Editor<br />


HERBERT A. VANCE Chairman<br />

B. JOHN ONEIL President<br />

JAMES J. STAUDT Vice-President<br />

Executive<br />

C. WILLIAM VANCE Vice-President<br />

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TUB MOUEUN THE.\TltE Section is Included in<br />

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OBI.<br />

APRIL<br />

Vol. 115<br />

i:B.~m<br />

979<br />

No. 4<br />

WBal^Me efi^ M^^iefv 'Rc^^SnJ^^<br />



doubt are quite pleased by the<br />

double promotional victory afforded<br />

"The Deer Hunter" as a result of the recent<br />

Oscar presentations.<br />

While demonstrators outside the<br />

awards ceremonies marched with signs<br />

and placards and shouted protests accusing<br />

those connected with making "The<br />

Deer Hunter" of racist exploitation and<br />

taking a "Pentagon line," the Academy<br />

was busy inside honoring the film with<br />

Oscars for best sound, editing, best supporting<br />

actor, best director and, finally<br />

after nearly 3 hours and 20 minutes—its<br />

most coveted prize, best picture of 1978.<br />

"The Deer Hunter" has been the object<br />

of a steady stream of criticism before,<br />

during and since Oscar night.<br />

Though all of the controversy surrounding<br />

"The Deer Hunter" was not a<br />

part of the initial marketing plan for the<br />

picture, Universal execs hasten to point<br />

out the obvious advantages that can be<br />

gained from such a position.<br />

Universal apparently recognized early<br />

on the marketing obstacles that confronted<br />

the film's release and subsequent<br />

acceptance level by the public. It is still<br />

not certain whether "The Deer Hunter"<br />

will be more than relatively successful at<br />

the boxoffice because of inherent problems<br />

with informing the moviegoing public<br />

what the picture is actually about.<br />

According to Universal officials, "The<br />

Deer Hunter" was ready for release last<br />

October but was held back to concentrate<br />

on drawing the attention of Academy<br />

members (3,600 strong)—a deliberate<br />

strategy but not a totally uncommon<br />

practice among the major studios. The<br />

film was shown in Los Angeles and New<br />

York for the required one week in December<br />

in order to qualify for Academy<br />

Award consideration. Up until awards<br />

night, the picture had not shown in more<br />

than 80 theatres nationwide.<br />

It has been estimated that Universal<br />

spent between $250,000-$300,000 on trade<br />

advertising and promotion to bring<br />

Academy members to "Deer Hunter"<br />

screenings. According to a published<br />

story in a recent issue of Advertising Age,<br />

the studio reportedly managed to draw<br />

more than 90 percent of the voting members<br />

in the Los Angeles area to its screenings,<br />

which is believed to constitute a record<br />

in itself. "Yes, it was that important,"<br />

Universal senior ad vice-president<br />

Charles Powell was quoted in the article.<br />

"You can count on at least $2 million<br />

extra in boxoffice with the best picture<br />

award. Last year. United Artists' 'Annie<br />

Hair is estimated to have added some $10<br />

million with the award."<br />

We find Mr. Powell's recent commei;<br />

quite interesting in view of an address (<br />

made on the same subject earlier in 1(<br />

year before the Avertising Club of 1:<br />

Angeles. On that occasion, Powell, w(<br />

is also a vice-president of the Acadeif<br />

estimated that the six major studu<br />

would spend close to $1.8 million in Os.:<br />

ad spending this year, "an all-time hi<br />

because of lots of competition and no (.i<br />

film leading the pack," he said.<br />

As an Academy officer, howeii<br />

Powell said in his address that he did )<br />

see the annual studio campaigns in ii<br />

tradepress, some major newspapers n<br />

through direct mail as having an efl;<br />

on the outcome of the awards. "Sometv<br />

all of the advertising money spent to ;<br />

and buy an Oscar does not get the )t<br />

done," he said.<br />

"You can't buy an Oscar," Powell tit<br />

members of the ad club. "But whaty'i<br />

hope to accomplish with our advertL'i'<br />

is to create an atmosphere in which i<br />

Academy membership will want to e^<br />

the particular film and also be awano<br />

the public and critical acclaim . . . ber<br />

getting down to the serious busines;o<br />

marking their ballots."<br />

Through mid-April, "The Deer HunT<br />

had grossed $20.5 million in first-run n<br />

gagements at 500 theatres.<br />

It doesn't take the powers of a cl,ii<br />

voyant to recognize the value a best-ic<br />

ture Oscar—or, for that matter, any o;<br />

Oscar—holds for a studio or distribio<br />

in the form of added revenue throgi<br />

additional theatre bookings. Once-skt ti<br />

cal exhibitors are willing to pay high t<br />

tals and the theatres that have alrtd<br />

played the picture want to rebook it.<br />

All of the major studios, including ni<br />

versal, without question recognize h<br />

considerable profit potential attache t<br />

the Oscar in addition to the prestigtas<br />

sociated with winning, which is h;<br />

great sums of advertising dollars ir<br />

spent expressly for this purpose.<br />

The fact that Universal was abl t<br />

sucessfully best the other studios in lei<br />

concerted efforts to garner the ;o<br />

Oscars for their respective pictures iin<br />

dication enough, we believe, that a h- c<br />

time, effort and, yes, money, rm^tl<br />

through advertising and promotina<br />

dollars, was spent to influence the n'rr<br />

bers of the Academy on the merits, £ti£<br />

tic and otherwise, 6i "The Deer Hun;r.<br />

We concede that you cannot litetli<br />

buy an Oscar. But we would sure lil' t<br />

know how to properly classify all tos<br />

ad and PR dollars that are budgetedini<br />

allegedly spent for same.

Skye Seis $15 Million<br />

Budget for 4 Projects<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Veteran motion picliuo<br />

consultants Max E. Youngstein and Robert<br />

T. Skodis have formed Skye Productions as<br />

a new film production company with $15.-<br />

000.000 already budgeted for four movie<br />

projects.<br />

Youngstein will serve as president of the<br />

new company and Skodis will be executive<br />

vice-president in charge of production. Under<br />

their arrangement each will be able to<br />

continue operating their own individual consultant<br />

firms, Youngstein with Max E.<br />

Youngstein Enterprises, and Skodis his Cine<br />

Enterprises.<br />

Youngstein's life-long experience in the<br />

motion picture industry includes key execute<br />

positions with major film companies as<br />

well as his individual work in film production,<br />

distribution and marketing.<br />

Skodis was executive vice-president and<br />

general manager of Cinemobile Systems, the<br />

company that pioneered a vast technical<br />

revolution in location filming. From there<br />

he formed International Producing Associates,<br />

an international consulting and management<br />

company that was involved with<br />

2S films in less than five years, including<br />

"The Long Goodbye," "A Fistful of Dollars."<br />

"Swashbuckler" and "The Domino<br />

Principal."<br />

The first project to begin filming for Skye<br />

Productions will be "Macho." a drama<br />

about illegal aliens in the Chicano communit\<br />

of Los Angeles. The film will star Lorenzo<br />

Lamas and will be directed by his<br />

father Fernando Lamas who wrote the original<br />

screenplay with Jerold Boyd.<br />

The others will be "The Bribe." an adventure<br />

drama dealing with events in the<br />

a true story about a boy who murdered his<br />

mother and is freed on a legal technicality<br />

and goes to live with his father.<br />

WB Pays $5,000 Reward<br />

To Film Piracy Spotter<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Warner Bros, meant<br />

what it said when it offered a $5,000 reward<br />

to any employee who helps get a<br />

conviction in a film piracy case.<br />

The studio has paid out the award to<br />

Jan Bagge, a salesman in its Stockholm,<br />

Sweden, office.<br />

Bagge discovered a video cassette of<br />

"Dirty Harry" playing without authorization<br />

in a youth center in Stockholm. He<br />

traced the tape to a customer who rented<br />

films from Warners and other U.S. distributors.<br />

The suspect was convicted of film<br />

piracy Dec. 22, 1978.<br />

Warners made its standing $5,000 offer<br />

m December, 1976, after Jack Valenti,<br />

MPAA president, called attention to the<br />

piracy<br />

problem.<br />

AA Bankruptcy Would Be a 'Stigma<br />

On Film Industry, Says Creditor<br />

By JOHN C()C( HI<br />

East Coast Editor<br />

NEW YORK—Driving Allied Artists out<br />

of the film business would be a stigma on<br />

the industry, in the opinion of Samuel M.<br />

Sherman, a creditor and the president of<br />

Independent-International Pictures of East<br />

Brunswick, New Jersey.<br />

While not personally attacking president<br />

Emanuel L. Wolf, Sherman feels that management<br />

(of the company) as a whole leaves<br />

something to be desired. There are complex<br />

problems with no simple answers possible,<br />

he feels.<br />

On Friday, March 23, a creditors' meeting<br />

was held at the Holiday Inn at 440<br />

West 57th St. here. Allied Artists Pictures'<br />

senior officers, its independent accountants<br />

and outside attornies met with the major<br />

creditors and asked them to cooperate with<br />

the company or it would be forced into a<br />

Chapter XI situation.<br />

Orderly Payment Plan<br />

A committee representing some 200 creditors<br />

was formed by majority vote to work<br />

out an orderly payment plan.<br />

At first. Herb Hauser of Diener/Hauser/<br />

Bates advertising agency, was named as head<br />

of the creditors' group. Described as a major<br />

creditor, he relinquished his position<br />

with the group when the company actually<br />

did go into Chapter XL<br />

Hauser formed a splinter group, while<br />

attorney Harris Levin of Levin and Weintraub<br />

assumed the titular position of creditors'<br />

representative.<br />

During the meeting, AA's vice-president<br />

Mid-East, ba.sed on a novel by David Tallman<br />

in charge of finance, Julio Proietto. had<br />

and set for production in the fall; made a proposal that a plan could be for-<br />

"Cabero," a love story and action adventure<br />

mulated to satisfy the creditors.<br />

yarn, with Howard Rayfiel's screenplay When such a plan was not forthcoming.<br />

based on the novel "Lie Down in Me" bv<br />

Andrew Jolly; and "Cold Fury," based on<br />

BOXOFHCE April 30, 1979<br />

AA wcnl into Chapter XI to avoid any<br />

lawsuits. According to Sherman, the company's<br />

problems are so overwhelming that<br />

even this may not help.<br />

Restructuring Is Best<br />

If the company were to be liquidated and<br />

the film assets sold off, creditors may only<br />

realize ten cents on the dollar. However, a<br />

restructuring could result in a return of most<br />

or all of the outstanding debts.<br />

In Sherman's opinion, the only AA executive<br />

with a solid film background is Andrew<br />

P. Jaeger of Allied Artists TV Corp. This is<br />

evidenced by the fact that the television<br />

subsidiary was constantly solvent until<br />

theatre<br />

losses put even this division in financial<br />

difficulty.<br />

"Creditors are trying to force the liquidation<br />

of the company to get its assets. I am<br />

totally against this," asserts Sherman.<br />

Economical measures and a new approach<br />

to production and distribution can make<br />

AA healthy again, he believes. Further, he<br />

will fight anyone who is trying to put the<br />

company out of business. That, he reasons,<br />

will put a stigma on film investments in the<br />

future and will surely hurt the independent<br />

companies.<br />

Sherman states that he is owed at least<br />

$300,000 by AA due to the television sale<br />

of a number of films. He points out that the<br />

largest single creditor would have to be the<br />

Walter Heller Co. of Chicago, to which<br />

is due more than $2 million.<br />

The films in the 1-1/ AA deal are "The<br />

Gun Riders" (released theatrically as "Five<br />

Bloody Graves"), "The Fakers" ("Hell's<br />

Bloody Devils"). "Vampire Men of the Lost<br />

Planet" ("Horror of the Blood Monsters").<br />

"Man With the Synthetic Brain" ("Blood of<br />

Ghastly Horror") and others.<br />


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Backstage at the Academy Awards<br />


V/est Coast Editor<br />

LOS ANGELES—As usual, the attentiongetters<br />

when<br />

Hunter"'<br />

"It<br />

told<br />

is<br />

wasn't<br />

the<br />

a political<br />

intended<br />

pickets charged<br />

film.<br />

as a political<br />

"The<br />

film.<br />

Deer<br />

It's<br />

at the 51st Oscar presentations had an anti-war film," he asserted.<br />

Voight revealed that he absorbed much of<br />

their moments: Actor Bud Cort. for instance,<br />

showed up in a formal tuxedo—but<br />

wearing bright green sandals.<br />

In the press room, where the exultant<br />

winners faced the media, the fireworks centered<br />

around best director Michael Cimino<br />

and Christopher Walken, best supporting<br />

actor in "The Deer Hunter,'" Jon Voight<br />

and Jane Fonda, award winners for best<br />

actor and actress, respectively, who were<br />

naturally high on "Coming Home" as a<br />

"better picture."<br />

"I liked "Coming Home" but I"m glad I<br />

beat him,"" Walken said, responding to a<br />

question about his feelings on winning his<br />

Oscar over Bruce Dern.<br />

Fonda Was Frank<br />

Fonda"s frankness went even further. She<br />

declared fervently: "I wanted to win. I really<br />

wanted to win."" She said she had been "living<br />

with this picture for eight years. The<br />

film needed to be done. What the people are<br />

getting out of it is what 1 want them to get.<br />

The young are saying they are beginning to<br />

understand about Vietnam.""<br />

While Cimino and Walken expressed surprise<br />

at the protest picketing outside the<br />

Music Center, Fonda declared, "I know<br />

some of the people out there. They fee!<br />

"The Deer Hunter' portrays a racist view.<br />

They"re protesting because we haven"t learned<br />

the lessons from the war. 'The Deer<br />

Hunter' didn't help us learn the lessons of<br />

the war," she asserted, adding that she believed<br />

the film expressed a "Pentagon point<br />

of view."<br />

"Pickets I was really unaware of them,"<br />

Cimino said. "Tm puzzled,"" he responded<br />



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his understanding of his character and of the<br />

Vietnam war from his close association with<br />

Fonda and her husband, social activist Tom<br />

Hayden, at whose home he spent much time<br />

in discussions and analysis of the script.<br />

But all was not war and debate.<br />

Case of Deja Vu<br />

Maggie Smith, winner of the best supporting<br />

actress Oscar for her role in "California<br />

Suite" confessed that the entire evening was<br />

a severe case of deja vu.<br />

Her role in the movie is that of an actress<br />

arriving from England, checking in at the<br />

Beverly Hills Hotel to prepare for an Academy<br />

Awards ceremony at which she was one<br />

of the nominees for best actress honors.<br />

Parts of the movie were actually filmed at<br />

last year's Oscar ceremonies.<br />

In real life she found that she was repeating,<br />

step by step, everything she did in<br />

the movie, she said. "It was such a strong<br />

feeling coming here tonight," she observed.<br />

Among other reactions:<br />

'Still in Shock'<br />

Paul Jabara, best original song for "Last<br />

Dance" in Thank God It's Friday": "I'm so<br />

excited I'm still a little in shock ... It took<br />

two months to write it ... I locked Donna<br />

Summer in the bothroom and played the<br />

cassette ten times—and she said she loved<br />

it."<br />

Giorgio Morodor, best original score: "I<br />

waited ten years for someone to give me a<br />

chance to write a score."<br />

Oliver Stone, best screenplay adapted<br />

from another medium: "It started as a very<br />

small project. I didn't expect it to win<br />

awards ... I felt the book was eventful material,<br />

so I altered it radically."<br />

'Intergalactic' Is Planned<br />

For Summertime Release<br />

NEW YORK—SF Film Productions' first<br />

release will be "Starlog's Intergalactic Picture<br />

Show.'" No distribution commitments<br />

have been set at this date, however.<br />

"This being SF's first film, we are aware<br />

that our track record in movies is not likely<br />

to encourage the kind of distribution deal<br />

that we know the movie is worth," said<br />

publisher/producer Kerry O'Quinn. When it<br />

is finished, we will hold highly restricted<br />

screenings and let the product sell itself.""<br />

Wade Williams, one of the producers, will<br />

handle distribution deals. Don Dohler and<br />

Dave Ellis are heading the finishing production<br />

activities.<br />


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Court Consolidates<br />

Nine Antitrust Suits<br />

.SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ.—Dan Harkins,<br />

president of Harkins Amusement Enterprises,<br />

has announced that his and eight<br />

other antitrust suits have consolidated and<br />

will be tried together in Texas.<br />

Harkins, an exhibitor in Phoenix and<br />

Scottsdale, said that the suit, in which he is<br />

a plaintiff, will be combined with similar<br />

cases in Arizona, Florida, Texas, California,<br />

Georgia and Utah in the Southern District<br />

of Texas for pretrial proceedings.<br />

The transfer order was filed April 3 by a<br />

judicial panel in Washington, D.C.<br />

The antitrust complaints deal with artificially<br />

high rental ceilings and reduced competition<br />

for films by major distributors.<br />

Specifically, the complaints allege such<br />

illegal<br />

acts as blind bidding, moveover, preferential<br />

treatment to large theatre circuits,<br />

bid rigging, sham bidding, price fixing, splitting,<br />

block booking and unreasonable clearances.<br />

A Timesaving Effort<br />

Harkins said the court moved for a consolidation<br />

of pretrial proceedings to prevent<br />

inconsistent rulings, duplicate evidence and<br />

to save everyone"s time.<br />

Major distributors argued that consolidation<br />

should not be allowed because of the<br />

different markets involved in each case and<br />

because of inconvenience to<br />

parties and witnesses.<br />

The court found that each case shared<br />

certain common facts,<br />

particularly regarding<br />

the manner in which the film distribution<br />

decisions are made in the industry.<br />

Lear, Univ Sign Pact;<br />

:<br />

'Religion' Is First<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Universal Pictures has<br />

|<br />

signed a<br />

multi-picture deal with TAT Communications<br />

Co. for Norman Lear to write,<br />

i<br />

produce and direct original motion pictures<br />

j<br />

under a non-exclusive arrangement.<br />

Lear"s first project will be a comedy.<br />

,<br />

"Religion,"" starring Martin Mull and Fred<br />

Willaid, stars of TATs TV series, "Fernwood<br />

2Night/ America 2Night." The script<br />

will be written by Lear and Alan Thicke,<br />

who was producer and head writer on<br />

"2Night.""<br />

For Thicke, the assignment will be his<br />

first venture into motion pictures. For Lear,<br />

the Universal deal marks a return to motion<br />

pictures after an eight-year absence.<br />

Among his films he adapted and produced<br />

Neil Simon"s "Come Blow Your Horn,"<br />

produced "Never Too Late""; produced and<br />

wrote "Divorce: American Style"'; produced<br />

and co-wrote "The Night They Raided Minsky's,"<br />

and produced, wrote and directed<br />

"Cold Turkey," his debut as a theatrical film<br />

director.<br />

"Religion" will be the second TAT film<br />

production, following "Blue Collar." which<br />

also was a Universal release.<br />

April .^0. 1979

Two Aussie Releases<br />

To Circulate in U.S.<br />

BEVERLY HILLS. CALIF—As a direct<br />

of their exposure in the Austrahan<br />

result<br />

Film Festival in New York last November,<br />

two Australian pictures have been placed<br />

with American distribution companies and<br />

will be released this it spring, was announced<br />

today by Sam Gelfman. president ol<br />

the<br />

Australian Films Office here.<br />

•The Night the Prowler." directed by<br />

Jim Sharman from a screenplay by Nobel<br />

Prize-winner Patrick White, has been acquired<br />

by International Harmony Inc.<br />

Stuart Shapiro, who heads up International<br />

Harmony, has devised a special release<br />

pattern for "The Night the Prowler," similar<br />

to the one used for "The Rocky Horror<br />

Picture Show" which also was directed by<br />

Sharman.<br />

"Newsfront," which won eight of a possible<br />

13 Australian Film Institute Awards<br />

and was the first Australian film ever invited<br />

to the New York Film Festival, has<br />

been acquired for American distribution by<br />

New Yorker Films.<br />

The company plans a Memorial Day release<br />

in New York. Boston and Washington.<br />

Pioneer Dinner Honoring<br />

Plitt Set for Los Angeles<br />

NEW YORK—The annual Pioneer of the<br />

Year dinner will be held on Monday. Oct.<br />

29 in Los Angeles, it was announced by<br />

B.V. Sturdivant. president of the Foundation<br />

of the Motion Picture Pioneers.<br />

The dinner-dance, attracting the top executives<br />

in the motion picture industry, returns<br />

to the Los Angeles Ballroom of the<br />

Century Plaza Hotel after a most successful<br />

affair in New York last October when Dr.<br />

Jules Stein, founder of MCA Inc.. was feted.<br />

This year's affair honors Henry G. Plitl.<br />

president and chief executive officer of the<br />

Plitt Theatre Circuit. Plitt joins other past<br />

honorees such as Adolph Zukor. Jack L.<br />

Warner, Darryl F. Zanuck. Ted Ashley,<br />

Leonard Goldenson, Cecil B. DeMille. Wil-<br />

Iiam R. Forman. H.H. "Hi" Martin. Nate<br />

J. Blumberg, Samuel Z. Arkoff, James Nicholson,<br />

Barney Balaban, Harold R. Mirisch.<br />

Spvros Skouras, E. Cardon Walker and<br />

Sherrill C. Corwin.<br />




The following feature-length motion pictures<br />

have been reviewed and rated by the<br />

Code and Rating Administration pursuant<br />

to the Motion Picture Code and Rating<br />

Program.<br />

The American Gang (World Northal)<br />

Thj Apple Dumpling Gang Rides<br />

Again (BV)<br />

Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (WB)<br />

C.H.O.M.P.S. (AI)<br />

Game of Death (Col)<br />

Th; In-Laws (WB)<br />

A Little Romance (Orion)<br />

Love on the Run (New World)<br />

Manhattan (UA)<br />

(Note: The R rating was sustained after<br />

an appeal by Woody Allen)<br />

Nocturna (Compass)<br />

Racquet (Cal-Am)<br />

Running (Univ)<br />

Something Shoit of Paradise (AI)<br />

Winter Kills (Avco)<br />

The Yank (Univ)<br />

'Dreamer' Debul Aids<br />

Ailing Young Bowler<br />

HOLLYWOOD—-Dreamer." 2()th Cenlury-Fox<br />

feature about the dreams of a<br />

young man seeking to win the national pro-<br />

Icssional bowling championship, had its premiere<br />

at Newhall, Calif., the hometown of<br />

a young bowler whose life is closely paralleled<br />

in<br />

the movie.<br />

The piemiere April 26 sought to raise<br />

funds to help finance a serious eye operation<br />

for 19-year-old Tim Roderick, who recently<br />

bowled a perfect 300 game but who<br />

faces possible blindness.<br />

Almost A Pro<br />

Roderick has been close to a professional<br />

bowling career despite a series of physical<br />

setbacks. At an early age he underwent<br />

surgery to remove one of his kidneys. Several<br />

years ago both his kneecaps were injured<br />

in an auto accident. In .lecent months<br />

his eyesight has deteriorated to the point<br />

where blindness is threatened.<br />

Fox officials decided to premiere the<br />

film at the Newhall Plaza Theatre in the<br />

historic community near Los Angeles' northern<br />

border when Mrs. Lee Turner, operator<br />

of the Newhall Bowling Center, contacted<br />

the studio and suggested the benefit screening.<br />

"Dreamer" opened April 27 in flagship<br />

theatres throughout the Los Angeles area.<br />

COMING<br />

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COMING SOON...<br />

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BOXOFFICE ;: April 30, 1979

. . . Got<br />

. . The<br />

. . The<br />

. .<br />

Sally Field Leads Blue Ribbon Pack;<br />

'Murder and 'Fast Break' Hit Bottom<br />


Callj Field came on strong for the March<br />

Blue Ribbon award, riveting her way to<br />

the number one slot, and trampling over<br />

such names as Fonda, Alda and Redgrave<br />

in the process. Practically all of the comments<br />

received this time around credited<br />

Sally Field as the primary reason for "Norma<br />

Rae"s success. The big majority of NSC<br />

voters rated her performance in this effort<br />

at nothing less than terrific.<br />

Second place honors went to Buena Vista's<br />

"North Avenue Irregulars." This pictiire<br />

is pleasing a lot of people and members indicated<br />

that this is a true "family film"<br />

one that kids will enjoy and adults won't<br />

have to be bored with, either. With third<br />

place "honorable mention" was Universal's<br />

"Same Time, Next Year," which apparently<br />

did an honorable job of bringing tears,<br />

laughter and sentiment to the screen.<br />

Now for the not-so-big ones. Warner's<br />

"Agatha" came in ne.xt with generally good<br />

comments, but few votes from the National<br />

Screen Council. "Murder by Decree" came<br />

up with just a few paltry nods and even<br />

less commentary. In last place was Gabe<br />

Kaplan with his "Fast Break" all but forgotten<br />

by members.<br />

NORMA RAE (20TH-FOX)<br />

The best, and not to mention, the most<br />

honest and believable, film about a contemporary<br />

woman released in years. Let's<br />

hope Academy voters treat Sally Field with<br />

respect. If talent emergen the past should<br />

be forgotten. Oscar-caliber performance.<br />

William D. Kerns. Lubbock Avalanche<br />

Journal. Lubbock. Tex. . . . The best and<br />

most committed. David Sterritt, The Christian<br />

Science Monitor, New York . . . Field's<br />

performance is warmly fiery and immensely<br />

likeable.' Nevart Apikian, The Post-Standard.<br />

Syracuse, NY.<br />

An inspiration. Field and Liebman are<br />

superb. James L. Limbacher, Dearborn,<br />

Mich. ... A human, unsentimentalized<br />

Philip Wuntch, Dallas Morning News<br />

film.<br />

—Don Leigh McCulty. Clarksburg, W. Va.<br />

... A triumph for Saliy Field. Bob Pate,<br />

Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal . . . Sally Field<br />

. . . First-rate drama. Field is a revelation.<br />

automatically becomes the frontnmner for<br />

next year's Best Actress Oscar. Joe Leydon.<br />

Shreveport (La.) Times.<br />

KWAX-IM. Eugene. Ore. ... A true story<br />

full of chuckles.— P«i// Gebhart, Cleveland.<br />

Puts slapstick back in style. A nifty afternoon<br />

for both young and old.—Doug Smith,<br />

Courier-Express, Buffalo. N.Y. . . .<br />

Good<br />

cast and a true story. Best Disney since<br />

"Freaky Friday." James K. Loutzenhiser,<br />

Kansas City Film Critics Circle ... I can't<br />

believe I'm actually voting for a Disney<br />

film. This has to be the first time since<br />

"Mary Poppins" that I haven't been insulted<br />

by the gross simplicity and sugar of<br />

Disney films. But this one is just plain fun.<br />

— Terry Flynn, Mann Theatres, Amarillo,<br />

Tex.<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars<br />

"Puts .slapstick back in style"<br />

Hooray— another film I<br />

can take my kids<br />

to without worrying about language and sex.<br />

—Tony De Haro, KMBC-TV. Kansas City<br />

... A happy surprise for children, and<br />

adults, too. Joan E. Vadeboncoeur. Herald-American.<br />

Fun for all!<br />

Syracuse . . Mike Bernard, Northeast Theatres, Presque<br />

Isle, Maine ... If you really want entertainment,<br />

you will enjoy "North Avenue<br />

Irregulars." Ralph L. Smith. Examiner-<br />

Enterprise. BartlesviUc. Okla.<br />


by Mathis and OViver.—Wendeslaus Schulz,<br />

Star Theatre, New Orleans . . . Being a<br />

romantic at heart, I loved the nostalgia of<br />

two former lovers having a clandestine<br />

meeting each year. Aileen J. Kandyba,<br />

Legion of Mary. Kansas City, Kan. .<br />

No contest! Jim Schrader, Amherst Bee.<br />

Buffalo, N.Y.<br />

Great pacing, great fun, great movie.—<br />

Tom Leathers, The Squire, Kansas City . . .<br />

Man Alda's screen presence is sensitive,<br />

compelling and powerful. A touching, wonderful<br />

movie. Martin Meredith. Dallas<br />

. . . Strong writing and the Alda-Burstyn<br />

charm give "Same Time" a narrow edge<br />

over some remarkably strong competition.—<br />

Don Braunagel. Detroit Area Film Teachers<br />

choked up and teary. Shouldn't be<br />

missed by those who appreciate a really superior<br />

Holywood product. George H. Bell,<br />

Salem, Ore.<br />

AGATHA (WB)<br />

Redgrave and Hoffman turned in classic<br />

performances. Captured the spirit, if not the<br />

complexity, of a Christie whodunit. Steve<br />

Dawson. KCMO-TV, Kansas City ... Excellent<br />

cinematography added to the appeal<br />

ot this film. Paul Hatch, Hatch Theatres.<br />

Wolleboro. N.H. clever use of<br />

lighting keeps the viewer feeling like a<br />

peeping tom" and enjoying every minute<br />

ot ,t. Mary Pat Conway, Downtown, Inc.,<br />

Kansas City.<br />

The plot of "Agatha" may be sloppier<br />

than Christie would have allowed in her<br />

own mysteries, but the film more than compensates<br />

for this with stunning performances<br />

b\ Redgrave and Hoffman. Hauntingly accurate<br />

evocations of the 1920s.^ Richard<br />

Fieedman, Newhouse Newspapers. New<br />

Yoik . end of the dream should be<br />

the public understanding and accepting<br />

"Agatha" as a stylish piece of cinema. But<br />

it seems as though this most deserving film<br />

will not be much laureled. Perhaps its title,<br />

like "Norma Rae's" is a turn off—^/ Shea,<br />

WaSO Radio. New Orleans.<br />



Hilarious!—M>77/(' Parker. WOMPl,<br />

Charlotte, N.C. ... A fun picture that had<br />

us all laughing right from the opening gun.<br />

— W.E. Fletcher, Liberty Theatre, Seward,<br />

Alaska . . . When a film is so funny that the<br />

laughter brings tears to my eyes, then it's<br />

truly a funny film. Mike Moskoviiz.<br />

Warm, witty and painfully honest. A rare<br />

case of accurate stage-to-screen translation.<br />

— Walter Beamon, Evening Independent.<br />

St. Petersburg. Fla. . . . Good fun with a<br />

fine cast.—yo/i/i P. Recher. NATO, Baltimore,<br />

Md. . . . Good grief! For the first<br />

time, I recommend every film on your list.<br />

"Same Time" is best of a very good lot.<br />

Ed Blank. Pittsburgh Pre.ss.<br />

Good acting by Burstyn and Alda overcomes<br />

this stagy production. Good title song<br />

Agatha<br />

"Complexity of a Christie whodunit"<br />

April 30, 1979

IJ<br />

; March<br />

!<br />

Hollywood<br />

>V ^J^oituwood r\eport m<br />

f<br />



The Last Resort. Filming began<br />

March 5 in Key West, Fia., on this adaptation<br />

of Darwin Porter's novel, "Butterflies<br />

Heat." Story concerns a young hustler.<br />

a murder suspect on the run who finds refuge<br />

with a wealthy once-famous fashion designer.<br />

Cash Baxter is directing a cast that<br />

indudes Matt Collins, Eartha Kitt, Tom<br />

Ewcll, Barbara Baxley and Don Porter. The<br />

screenplay was written by George Edwards<br />

and Tony Crechales. Jerry B. Wheeler is<br />

producer.<br />



Omar Muktar— Lion of the Desert.<br />

Anthony Quinn stars as the great Bedouin<br />

hero who, at the age of 70, almost singlehandedly<br />

fought the mechanized Italian invaders<br />

in the Middle East. Filming began<br />

March 3 in Libya. Other lensing locations<br />

will include Rome and London. Moustapha<br />

Akkad is producing and directing. Also topping<br />

the cast are Oliver Reed, Irene Papas<br />

and Raf Vallone. The screenplay was written<br />

by H.A.L. Craig.<br />


The Baltimore Bullet. Shooting began<br />

March 1 in Los Angeles on this action<br />

comedy involving two pool hustlers on the<br />

road. Filming is also scheduled for New<br />

Orleans. Starring are James Coburn, Omar<br />

Sharif, Ronee Bfakley and Bruce Boxleitner.<br />

Others in the cast are Jack O'Halloran, Calvin<br />

Lockhart, Michael Lerner, Robert<br />

Hewes, Marco Rodriguez and Jon Ian Jacobs.<br />

Robert Ellis Miller is directing.<br />

Screenplay is by John Brascia and Robert<br />

Vincent O'Neill. Brascia is producing and<br />

William D. Jekel and Norman G. Rudman<br />

arc executive producers.<br />


Klondike Fever. Filming began March<br />

^26 in British Columbia on this feature starring<br />

Rod Steiger, Angle Dickinson and<br />

iLorne Green. Peter Carter is directing from<br />

\a screenply written by Charles Israel and<br />

iMartin Lager. Gilbert Taylor is producing.<br />

^Harry Allan Towers is executive producer.<br />

!Others in the cast are Jeff East, Barry<br />

'Morse, Robin Gammell, Lisa Langolis,<br />

Sherry Lewis, D.D. Winters, Michael Hogan<br />

and Gordon Pinsent.<br />


The Woman Inside. Gloria Manon plays<br />

jthe male and female roles in this story about<br />

fi Vietnam veteran who undergoes a sex operation<br />

to become woman. Filming began<br />

5, with lensing also scheduled for<br />

and San Francisco. Also in the<br />

::ast are Joan Blondell, Dane Clark, Luce<br />

i Morgan, Marlene Tracy and Joe E. Ross.<br />

Joseph Van Winkle is directing from his<br />

own screenplay. Sidney H. Levine is producing<br />

and Thomas L. Marshall is executive<br />

prodLiccr.<br />


Captain Avenger. Filming began March<br />

26 in New York on this story starring John<br />

Ritter and Anne Archer. Ritter plays a<br />

struggling New York actor and Archer is the<br />

career girl who falls in love with him. Rod<br />

Rasse plays the title role, portraying a fictional<br />

hero who is seen only on a television<br />

set as part of the commercial that advertises<br />

the movie-within-a-movie. Also in the cast<br />

are Bert Convy, Jane Halleran, Rick Podell<br />

and Anita Dedgler. Martin Davidson is directing<br />

from an original screenplay by A.J.<br />

Carothers. The Stephen Friedman/ Kings<br />

Row production is being produced by Friedman.<br />


Little Darlings. Tatum O'Neal and<br />

Kristy McNichol are the little darlings of<br />

the title, two young ladies facing the problems<br />

of growing up. The Kings Row production<br />

began shooting March 26 in Madison,<br />

Ga. Ron Maxwell is directing from the<br />

screenplay by Kimi Peck and Dalene<br />

Young. Stephen Friedman is the producer.<br />


Illusions. Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell<br />

and Harvey Keitel head the cast of this<br />

feature which began principal photography<br />

March 19. Lensing is taking place in Vienna<br />

with filming also set for London, Morocco<br />

and New York. Nicholas Roeg is directing<br />

from the screenplay by Yale Udoff. Jeremy<br />

Thomas is the producer.<br />


The Hard Way. Patrick McGoohan and<br />

Lee Van Cleef have the lead roles in this<br />

contemporary thriller set in Ireland. Shooting<br />

began March 5 in and near Dublin and<br />

at the National Film Studios of Ireland.<br />

McGoohan plays a mercenary contract-killer<br />

who tries to retire in his native Ireland. His<br />

former employer, played by Van Cleef, insists<br />

that he do one more job. Michael Dryhurst<br />

is producing and directing from a<br />

screenplay by Richard F. Tombleson. John<br />

Boorman is executive producer.<br />


The Empire Strikes Back. Mark Hamill,<br />

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and others<br />

"<br />

from the original "Star Wars cast went to<br />

work March 5 on this continuation of the<br />

science fiction hit. Shooting on the Lucasfilm<br />

feature is taking place in London. Others<br />

in the cast are Anthony Daniels, Kenny<br />

Baker, Dave Prowse, Pater Mayhew and<br />

Billy Dee Williams. Irv Kershner is directing<br />

the screenplay written by Leigh Bracken<br />

and Larry Kasdan. George Lucas is executive<br />

producer, Gary Kurtz is producing.<br />


A Small Circle of Friends. Brad<br />

Davis, Karen Allen and Jameson Parker arc<br />

starring in this feature on which shooting<br />

began March 26 in Boston, on location at<br />

Harvard University. Also in the cast are<br />

John Friedrich, Shelly Long, Doug Llewelyn,<br />

Gary Springer, Nan Martin and Harry<br />

Caesar. Rob Cohen is directing from a script<br />

by Ezra Sachs. Tim Zinnemann is the producer.<br />


Coal Miner's Daughter. Shcxiting has<br />

been underway since March 3 on location<br />

in Kentucky and Tennessee on this biography<br />

of country-western singer Loretta Lynn.<br />

Sissy Spacek stars in the title role about the<br />

girl who rose from abject poverty in Appalachia<br />

to become the most honored star of<br />

the country music world. Also in the cast<br />

are Tommy Lee Jones. Beverly D'Angelo,<br />

Levon Helm, Gary Prahi Parker and David<br />

Gray. Michael Apted is directing from<br />

Thomas Rickman's screenplay. Bernard<br />

Schwartz is producing.<br />

The Jerk. Comedian Steve Martin stars<br />

in the title role as the jerk who gives from<br />

rags to riches in this comedy being directed<br />

by Carl Reiner. Script is by Martin, Reiner,<br />

Carl Gottieb and Michael Elias. Filming<br />

began March 19 in Los Angeles on this<br />

Aspen Film Society production. Also in the<br />

cast are Bernadette Peters, Catlin Adams,<br />

Jackie Mason, Maurice Evans, Mabel King,<br />

Richard Ward, M. Emmet Walsh, Carl<br />

Reiner, Dick O'Neil, Frances E. Williams,<br />

Bill Macy, Ren Wood and Hamilton Camp.<br />

David V. Picker and William McEuen are<br />

producing.<br />

Little Miss Marker. Producer Jennings<br />

Lang began filming March 23 in Los Angeles<br />

on this remake of the classic story<br />

about a little girl who is left with a crusty<br />

bookie as a "marker" for her father's gambling<br />

debt. Walter Matthau stars as Sorrowful<br />

Jones, the bookie. Julie Andrews portrays<br />

an heiress who fronts a gambling operation<br />

to regain the estate her father lost.<br />

Starring as Miss Marker is Sara Stimson.<br />

Also heading the cast are Tony Curtis, Lee<br />

Grant and Bob Newhart. Walter Bernstein<br />

is directing from his own screenplay.<br />


Altered States. Filming began March<br />

23 in New York, with locations also set for<br />

Boston, Los Angeles and Mexico on the<br />

film version of the book by Paddy Chayefsky.<br />

Story deals with a scientist who enters<br />

an incredible world when he experiments<br />

with mind-altering drugs—and a love that<br />

becomes a lifetime to a man teetering on<br />

the edge of an uncharted experience. William<br />

Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban and<br />

Charlie Haid top the cast. Ken Russell is<br />

directing from Chayefsky's script. Howard<br />

Gottfried is producer. Daniel Melnick is<br />

executive producer.<br />

jBOXOFTICE :: April 30, 1979



This chart records the performance of current attractions in the opening week of their first runs in<br />

the 20 key cities checked. Pictures with fewer than five engagements are not listed. As new runs<br />

are reported, ratings are added and averages revised. Computation is in terms of percentage in<br />

relation to overage grosses as determined by the theatre managers. With 100 per cent as average,<br />

the figures show the gross ratings above or below that mark. {Asterisk * denotes combination bills.)<br />

^<br />

hb^—<br />


csr HOUSE Utim .<br />




APRIL ll-TO-17<br />

mi Am<br />



($2100 TOTAL ADVERTISING) ScL'^tu-<br />

»^.5!JiU^<br />

^_--, HER TH<br />





CORALL D.I.<br />

ROSE D.I.<br />

TOTAL:<br />


GROSS |S YET<br />

8,103 TO<br />

M04C0ME!<br />

5,123<br />

7,288<br />

10,102<br />

$36,620<br />




2/7-13 3,439<br />

2/14-20 3,818<br />

2/21-27 2,000<br />

2/28-3/6 2,355<br />

3/7-13 2,395<br />

TOTAL: $14,007<br />


USr HOUSE in LEFT<br />





NEW RADIO T.V. — AND —<br />

—<br />



A.I.P.<br />



BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979 E-1

New York<br />

mm^r-^^^r:^^!'mwmwK''j<br />


All About Gloria Leonard (Evart),<br />

World (9.000). 14th wk «.170<br />

Fedora (UA). Cinema Studio I<br />

(5.000). 1st wk 22.750<br />

The French Detective (Quartet). 58th<br />

Street Playhouse (5.000). 6th<br />

wk 10-525<br />

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (New<br />

Line). Paris (9.000). 18th wk. .<br />

15.000<br />

. .<br />

The Innocent (Analysis)<br />

Plaza (8.400). 10th wk 15.615<br />

Cinema III (5.000). 7th wk 9.345<br />

Just Like at Home (New Yorker).<br />

Cinema Studio II (4.000).<br />

1st wk 8,500<br />

Love on the Run (New World).<br />

Coronet (9.650). 2nd wk 25,075<br />

Old Boyfriends (Avco). Sutton<br />

(9.300), 4th wk 14,520<br />

Picnic at Hanging Rock (Atlantic).<br />

Little Carnegie (7.500). 8th wk, 7.000<br />

.<br />

The Promise (Univ), Music Hall<br />

(156,000), 7th wk 410,000<br />

Real Life (Para), Cinema II. (6,000),<br />

7th wk 9.950<br />

Hartford<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(Univ), 3 theatres, 3rd wk 250<br />

The Champ (MGM-UA), Showcase III,<br />

2nd wk 150<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), 3 theatres,<br />

5th wk 250<br />

Days of Heaven (Para), Cinema City<br />

I, 8th wk 50<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Showcase<br />

V, 6th wk 300<br />

Halloween (Compass Int'l), Showcase<br />

VI, 5th wk 200<br />

Hair (UA). Showcase I, 3rd wk 450<br />

Hurricane (Para), Showcase II,<br />

1st wk 400<br />

Little Blue Box (SR), Art Cinema.<br />

1st wk 225<br />

Love at First Bite (AIP). Showcase<br />

IV, 1st wk 200<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox), Cinema City<br />

II, Elm II, 4th wk 175<br />

Picnic at Hanging Rock (Atlantic<br />

Releasing), Atheneum Cinema,<br />

2nd wk<br />

The Psychic (Group I), 3 theatres,<br />

115<br />

1st wk. 250<br />

Cleveland<br />

Ashanti (WB), 2 theatres. 1st wk 160<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(Univ). 5 theatres. 2nd wk 260<br />

The Champ (UA). 5 theatres. 1st wk. .<br />

.280<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), 6 theatres,<br />

4th wk 290<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), 5 theatres,<br />

7th wk 435<br />

Every Which Way But Ix)ose (WB).<br />

1 theatre, 16th wk 165<br />

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (SR).<br />

Cedar Lee, 4th wk 85<br />

E-2<br />

Fa.st Break (tol). d ihcatics. Vd wk.<br />

Hair (UA), 6 theatres, 2nd wk<br />

Halloween (SR). 7 theatres. 5th wk. .<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox). 3 theatres.<br />

4th wk<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV),<br />

2 theatres, 8th wk<br />

Superman (WB), 4 theatres, 1 7th wk.<br />

Buffalo<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(Univ). 2 theatres, 2nd wk<br />

,180<br />

The Champ (UA), 3 theatres,<br />

200<br />

1st wk<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), 3 theatres,<br />

4th wk 200<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), 1 theatre.<br />

7th wk 300<br />

Fast Break (Col), 5 theatres. 3rd wk. .<br />

100<br />

.<br />

Hair (UA), 3 theatres, 3rd wk 100<br />

Halk>ween (SR), 1 theatre, 3rd wk. ... 200<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox), 2 theatres.<br />

4th wk<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV).<br />

2 theatres. 9th wk.<br />

Richard Pryor—Live in Concert (SEE),<br />

.175<br />

100<br />

1 theatre, 6th wk 100<br />

Superman (WB), 2 theatres, 17th wk. . .100<br />

The Warriors (Para). 1 theatre,<br />

9th wk 85<br />

Baltimore<br />

The Champ (UA). Cinema II,<br />

3rdwk 100<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), Glen Burnie<br />

Mall, Westview, 6th wk 55<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Patterson II.<br />

Towson. 9th wk. '70<br />

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (SR).<br />

Playhouse. 5th wk 150<br />

Hair (UA), Cinema I, 4th wk 100<br />

Hurricane (Para), Westview I. 2nd wk. 30<br />

Murder by Decree (Avco). Liberty I.<br />

4th wk 30<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox). Westview III<br />

5th wk. 70<br />

New Haven<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(Univ), Cinemart I, Milford II,<br />

3rd wk 225<br />

The Champ (MGM-UA), Showcase I,<br />

2nd wk 165<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), Cinemart<br />

II, Milford 1, 5th wk 225<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ). Showcase<br />

IV. 6th wk 275<br />

Hair (UA). Showcase III, 3rd wk. ,. 400<br />

Halloween (Compass Int'l), Showcase<br />

V, 5thwk 200<br />

Hurricane (Para), Showcase II,<br />

1st wk 350<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox), York Square<br />

Cinema, 1 st wk 250<br />

A Perfect Couple (20th-Fox), Whitney,<br />

2nd wk. 100<br />

Blind Bidding Battles<br />

Begin in New England<br />


BOSTON—Battles in the exhibition war<br />

against blind bidding in the New England<br />

area are shaping in the states' legislatures.<br />

And what looks like a win for the exhibs is<br />

in Maine, where the bill passed the house<br />

124-10 and passed the senate unanimously<br />

on voice vote. At press time it was awaiting<br />

the governor's signature<br />

In Massachusetts a hearing was held April<br />

18 at the state house with A. Alan Friedberg,<br />

president of NATO, TONE and Sack<br />

Theatres, squaring off against Jack Valenti,<br />

president of MPAA, before the legislature's<br />

committee on commerce and labor.<br />

Valenti said that 52 percent of the major<br />

studio films shown in Massachusetts last<br />

year were blind bid. Without blind bidding,<br />

he claimed, there would be higher production<br />

costs, fewer films produced and possibly<br />

higher ticket prices.<br />

Friedberg said he would reduce ticket<br />

prices at Sack Theatres 10 percent if blind<br />

bidding is ended, and that he would expect<br />

other exhibs to follow suit. Friedberg cited<br />

"Slapshot" as an example of blind bidding<br />

problems. The film, he said, turned out to<br />

be unpopular and unprofitable partly because<br />

of obscene language.<br />

"A theatre owner," he said, "had no idea<br />

prior to the viewing that it contained language<br />

that would be considered offensive<br />

to most communities. The distributor describes<br />

his product in the most favorable<br />

terms. Every picture is an epic. In cases<br />

of films containing violence and graphic<br />

sex. prior screening would allow an informed<br />

decision to show or not to show, based<br />

on community tastes,"<br />

Friedberg asked the committee, "Have<br />

you heard of any other business that requires<br />

the businessman to buy a product<br />

without seeing it first"<br />

In an editorial published the following day<br />

in the Boston Herald American, the newspaper<br />

called on majors and exhibs to "end<br />

the war." The editorial said in part: "Jack<br />

Valenti, front man for the film industry,<br />

might be correct in calling the current brawl<br />

between movie distributors and theatre<br />

owners in this state a 'war' and a "vile,<br />

squalid quarrel about profits, about money.'<br />

"But he's dead wrong in claiming that the<br />

moviegoing public has no interest in the<br />

issue, because the money he's talking about<br />

is theirs. For that reason, if no other, Massachusetts<br />

ought to decree an end to it.<br />

either by legislative action or a court injunction."<br />

ITOA Seminar Cancelled<br />

NEW YORK—The Independent Theatre<br />

Owners of America .seminar scheduled for<br />

April 30-May 2 has been cancelled.<br />

A source close to the organization indicated<br />

the cancellation was due to "a lack<br />

of cooperation by the distributors."<br />

No word has been given on whether the<br />

seminar will be rescheduled.<br />

BOXOFHCE :: April 30, 1979

NEW<br />

YORK<br />

HRCHER WINSTEN. New York Post<br />

film critic, was the guest at the Academy<br />

Awards Luncheon of the Motion Picture<br />

Bookers Club of New York April 24<br />

at Rosoffs. He analyzed this year's award<br />

ceremonies, as have such critics as Andrew<br />

Sards, Judith Crist and Kathleen Carroll in<br />

past years. Peter Bogdanovich and Ben<br />

Gazzara made surprise appearances.<br />

•<br />

The Eastern Tennis Assn. and Paramount<br />

Pictures hosted a reception and press conference<br />

at the Paramount offices here April<br />

18 in connection with the new film "Players."<br />

Arthur Ashe. Bill Talberl and Barbara<br />

S. Williams presided at the reception and<br />

scenes from the film, which stars Ali Mac-<br />

Graw. Dean-Paul Martin and some of the<br />

f;rcatest tennis players in the world, were<br />

.screened. Wine and cheese were served.<br />

•<br />

Home office employees of Columbia Pictures<br />

and guests attended two special screenings<br />

of "The China Syndrome" over the<br />

weekend April 28-29 at Loews State IL The<br />

screenings stem from a desire to increase<br />

employee participation in the company's<br />

activities and successes.<br />

•<br />

The Japan Society opened its Japan Today<br />

film series, "Three Decades: Postwar<br />

Japanese Society Through Film." April 27<br />

at Japan House. An address by Donald<br />

a leading authority on the Japanese<br />

Richie,<br />

cinema, was followed by a screening of<br />

Akira Kurosawa's "No Regrets for Our<br />

Youth" (1946). A reception in Richie's<br />

honor capped the evening.<br />

•<br />

The Brazilian "Colonel Delmiro Gouveia,"<br />

produced and directed by Geraldo<br />

Sarno, has been substituted for "A Breach<br />

in the Wall" in the Museum of Modern<br />

Art's New Directors/New Films Series.<br />

Rubens De Faico stars in the title role as<br />

one of the first South Americans to rebel<br />

against imperialist Europe in this century.<br />

It is being shown at the Museum on April<br />

30 at 8:30 p.m. and May 1 at 6 p.m.<br />

•<br />

No particular observance was planned for<br />

the closing of the Easter show at Radio City<br />

Music Hall, featuring Universal's "The<br />

Promise," on April 25, although it is the<br />

last presentation of its kind at the famed<br />

Show place of the Nation. According to director<br />

of publicity Patricia Robert, it was<br />

decided that a repeat of last year's "farewell"<br />

would not be in order.<br />


^odemCinema 35 release. "Listen to<br />

This," a short subject on the development<br />

of talking pictures, is available upon<br />

request, on free loan, through the Bell System<br />

and Modem Talking Picture Service,<br />

New Hyde Park, New York 11042. As a<br />

period touch, the Larry Keating production<br />

is being projected in the original 1;33 to 1<br />

aspect ratio and includes scenes featuring<br />

stars of the '20s.<br />

Charles T. Jordan, Warner Bros, branch<br />

chief, invited e.vhibitois to a tradcscrcening<br />

of Irwin Allen's "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure,"<br />

at the Motion Picture Assn. of<br />

America screening room. April 24.<br />

Marty Zeldman, Columbia branch manager,<br />

screened for exhibitors and special<br />

guests "The Fifth Musketeer," at MPAA<br />

April 26.<br />


Qeorge Ball, a veteran of 52 years in the<br />

industry, is retiring from 20th-Fox here<br />

after 50 years. After working for Harris<br />

Amusements as an office boy, and the Educational<br />

Film Exchange as assistant shipper,<br />

he joined Fox Film Corp. and served in<br />

shipping, posters, booking and sales. For<br />

many years he has been the branch sales<br />

manager here, having declined the branch<br />

manager's post many times.<br />

Twentieth-Fox is withdrawing branch<br />

operations heie as have most film distributors<br />

in the past decade. Pittsburgh now becomes<br />

a sub-branch area with Philadelphia<br />

headquarters under Lou Korte, former local<br />

20th-Fox branch manager. UA and Paramount<br />

still have small offices in Ernest<br />

Stern's Robert Fulton building, and how<br />

long they will continue in sub-branch operation<br />

is a topic of discussion by exhibitors in<br />

the tristate ai^ea.<br />

Avenue Theatre, DuBois, a leading stage<br />

and movie house for more than 50 years<br />

under Albert P. Way, will come under the<br />

wrecker's ball this summer.<br />

Arthur M. Stern, 51. of the Associated-<br />

Cinemette family, died April 16. Interment<br />

was made here April 20 in Beth Shalom<br />

Cemetery. A son of Gizella and the late<br />

Norbcrt Stern, who pioneered drive-in theatres,<br />

he is survived by wife Betty, son<br />

Mark, brother Ernest and Mrs. David Barkan.<br />

Regarding George Romero's "Dawn of<br />

the Dead." which was produced here. Donald<br />

Miller of the Post-Gazette said. "It is<br />

too long, simple, boring ... the real point<br />

in the picture seems to be to see how far<br />

its makers went to make a low-grade horror<br />

flick<br />

horrible."<br />


CHOICE<br />

1st<br />

WITH<br />



Music Hall Is Reborn;<br />

Extravaganza Planned<br />

NEW YORK— America's most famous<br />

show palace has a new name to go with its<br />

new old look.<br />

Now known as the Radio City Music Hall<br />

Entertainment Center, the huge theatre is<br />

currently undergoing a 30-day facelift which<br />

will restore the Art Deco splendor it displayed<br />

on its opening night over 46 years<br />

ago.<br />

The original companies arc at work replicating<br />

original carpet and wall designs.<br />

Many of the original Art Deco furnishings<br />

and other artifacts will also be restored.<br />

A live extravaganza, described as "the<br />

most elaborate stage production ever presented<br />

in New York." will open May 31.<br />

The production will feature 100 performers.<br />

1,000 costumes and original music.<br />

The Rockettes, restored to a force of<br />

36, will be featured.<br />

The spectacular, named "A New York<br />

Summer—a Magical Celebration," will play<br />

through Sept. 5 and is designed for family<br />

entertainment.<br />

Top musical performers and attractions<br />

be featured Thursday evenings.<br />

will<br />

The Galactic Laser Experience will be<br />

presented Fridays and Saturdays at 1<br />

p.m., beginning June 1.<br />

A live musical production of "Snow<br />

White and the Seven Dwarfs" will be presented<br />

for a month beginning Oct. 18, followed<br />

by a Christmas stage show running<br />

from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.<br />

Motion pictures will be presented "from<br />

time to time," according to Robert F. Jani,<br />

president of Radio City Music Hall Productions.<br />

Musical classics will be presented Monday<br />

through Friday mornings, and a children's<br />

program of films will be offered beginning<br />

in the fall.<br />

The Wurlitzer organ will be restored for<br />

use by concert choirs and performers.<br />

An exhibit displaying 47 years of Music<br />

Hall history will be set up in the Grand<br />

Lounge.<br />

Jani indicated the hall would also be<br />

available for companies and organizations<br />

for meetings.<br />










>0605 312-427-3:<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979

Spotlight on New England \<br />

I<br />


The downtown Paramount, long the flagship<br />

of the sizable Western Massachusetts<br />

Theatres Inc. circuit, is suddenly in the<br />

news as focus of several ambitious projects.<br />

The long-shuttered cinema (its 2.600-plus<br />

seats make the theatre still one of the largest<br />

single-standing film outlets in the New<br />

England states) may be "home" for a nonprofit<br />

corporation-sponsored series of live<br />

cultural attractions, backed by the Springfield<br />

Civic Center Commission. WMT<br />

spokesman Ronald Goldstein has indicated<br />

that he hopes to reopen the Paramount with<br />

selective film programs. The Paramount,<br />

lamentably enough, is sole remaining downtown<br />

theatre; everything else gave way to<br />

urban renewal, attrition and conversion to<br />

other commercial purposes.<br />

Retired educator. Mrs. Muriel E. Anderson.<br />

68, died. She was long active with the<br />

Springfield Motion Picture Council and was<br />

a member of the Springfield Committee for<br />

Improvement of Mass Media and the Human<br />

Relations Commission.<br />


The Perakos Plainville and Southington<br />

drive-ins, major central Connecticut<br />

underskyers, opened for the 1979 season.<br />


\X7ami weather has finally returned,<br />

No<br />

less than three underskyers are offering<br />

Sunday "flea markets": the Clinton,<br />

Danbury and Milford Twin. The region's<br />

going price structure carries a charge of<br />

$8-per-space for vendors (or dealers), 99<br />

cents per carload (regardless of number of<br />

passengers) and 50 cents, walk-in admission.<br />

The snack bar is open all day.<br />


Independent exhibitor Leonard Paul and<br />

associates resumed film programs at<br />

the Central Theatre, West Hartford, after<br />

a several-week lapse. Admission has been<br />

boosted from the previous 99 cents to $1.50.<br />

The Central's disco operations—a first for<br />

Connecticut exhibition—are scheduled on<br />

E-4<br />

HADDEN r^<br />


DRIVE IN<br />


Kentucky's only dealer<br />

hos the BEST service<br />

and engineering<br />

(502) 896-9578<br />

3709 HUGHES ROAD, LOUISVILLE, KY. 40207<br />

weekends only (matinees and evenings after<br />

regular film showings). The theatre, for<br />

many years the sole cinema outlet in West<br />

Hartford, was previously under other circuit<br />

banners, including then-Warner Bros.<br />

Theatres, Hartford Theatre Circuit, and<br />

ABC Theatres.<br />


applications were being accepted through<br />

May 7 for the 16th annual Rhode<br />

Island Community Film & Video Competition,<br />

to be held the last week in May. Any<br />

film or tape produced in Rhode Island or<br />

by Plantation State residents is eligible. The<br />

competition office can be contacted at 277-<br />

2877, Providence.<br />


J^oboken, which has not had a motion picture<br />

theatre for many years, will have<br />

two very shortly, according to Victor Orjelick.<br />

who plans to open the Hoboken Cinemas<br />

1 and 2 on the first floor of Bernard<br />

Kenny's office building at First and Hudson<br />

streets. Construction on the Twin Cinemas<br />

has already been completed, and installation<br />

of projection equipment and seating is presently<br />

taking place. The opening will follow<br />

immediately thereafter. According to Orjelick.<br />

the two theatres together will seat a<br />

total of 500 patrons.<br />

The Sanford in Irvington, closed for the<br />

past two months, was recently reopened.<br />

Operated by Fred Fleischer, who acquired<br />

the 1235-seat house last November from<br />

Paul Peterson, the theatre reportedly has<br />

been closed due to a lack of film product.<br />

Fleischer reopened with a double-bill of<br />

"Same Time. Next Year." plus "House<br />

Calls." With the reopening of the Sanford.<br />

and the recent reopening of the Chancellor<br />

Theatre as an X-rated film house. Irvington<br />

now has three motion picture theatres in<br />

operation, including the Castle, which is<br />

operated by Ed Steinberg.<br />

The FrankUn in Nutley, operated by Jack<br />

Infald for the past 14 years, remains closed,<br />

as it has been for more than a month. The<br />

50-year-old house, which seats about 1,000.<br />

is expected to reopen soon, however, under<br />

new management.<br />

UA's Colony in Livingston, normally<br />

operated as a subsequent-run, neighborhood<br />

house, has begun a first-run film policy.<br />

The new policy began with a two-week<br />

run of "Same Time, Next Year," which was<br />

followed by the "The Deer Hunter," now in<br />

its fourth week.<br />

(General Cinema recently reopened their<br />

Palace in Orange after that theatre had<br />

been closed for over a month. The Palace<br />

had been closed twice last year for a total<br />

of about three months.<br />

The Livingston Drive-ln in Livingston<br />

and the Route 3 Drive-In in Rutherford<br />

have been reopened by General Cinema for<br />

the new season. Also reopened is the Morris<br />

Plains Drive-ln in Morris Plains, now operated<br />

by Cinema Management. The Morris<br />

Plains ozoner had undergone several ownership<br />

changes in<br />

recent years.<br />

Tom River, located along the South Jersey<br />

shore, has a new film theatre, the Cinema<br />

Alley Twin, recently opened by Earl<br />

Wilford. Total seating capacity of the new<br />

twins is 650. Prior to opening his own theatre,<br />

Wilford had been associated with several<br />

independent exhibitors in the North<br />

Jersey<br />

area.<br />

Industry veteran Bill Waldron Sr. recently<br />

celebrated his 92nd birthday, making him<br />

one of the oldest, active members of the<br />

in theatre industry North Jersey. Bill, who<br />

resides in Montclair, managed numerous<br />

theatres in the 1930s and '40s in the Essex<br />

County area, and at one time was city<br />

manager of Montclair. For the past several<br />

years, he has been serving as a cashier at<br />

Paul Peterson's Clairidge in Montclair. He<br />

has been continuously active in the industry<br />

for the past 73 years.<br />


Cam Geffen, who has dedicated 40 years of<br />

his life to helping handicapped children,<br />

was honored as Man of the Year by Variety<br />

Club of Buffalo, Tent 7, on April 28 at a<br />

dinner in the clubroom.<br />

Bill Hebert of Frontier Amusement<br />

Corp., a film buying and booking firm, has<br />

been given the Award of Merit, the highest<br />

award that can be bestowed on a district<br />

committeeman, "for outstanding service to<br />

youth of this community." The award, in<br />

the form of a bronze engraved plaque, was<br />

presented at a dinner at the First Presbyterian<br />

Church March 24.<br />

A Hollywood production company is<br />

looking for a few bit players and screamers<br />

to be used in a full-length, low-budget horror<br />

movie to be filmed in Rochester in<br />

August. Frank LaLoggia and his company<br />

will shoot the film, tentatively titled, "The<br />

Anti-Christ."<br />


about a dozen demonstrators marched into<br />

the offices of Universal Film Exchanges<br />

last week to protest the distribution<br />

of the Academy Award-winning "The Deer<br />

Hunter." The group's leader said they objected<br />

to the movie because "it presents an<br />

inaccurate, racist version of the war."<br />

Chuck Markus, manager of the LaSallc<br />

Theatre, was honored April 18 as "Mr-<br />

185th Street" at the annual awards banquet<br />

of the East 185th Street Businessmen's Assn.<br />

at the Lithuanian Community Center. Markus<br />

was also presented with a proclamation<br />

in recognition of his long<br />

community.<br />

to<br />

the<br />

BOXOFFICE April 30, 1979

|<br />

UCT HOUSE JiitLEn .<br />




APRIL lMO-17<br />

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heJfhPJvORS<br />





CORALL D.I.<br />

ROSE D.I.<br />

TOTAL:<br />


^"^^^^ IS YET<br />

8,103 TO<br />

M04C0ME!<br />

5,123<br />

7,288<br />

10,102<br />

$36,620<br />





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2/14-20 3,818<br />

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3/7-13 2,395<br />

TOTAL: $14,007<br />


WARNING! noT REcommEnDEo for persohs ouer sdi<br />






NEW RADIO — T.V.<br />



• BOSTON, MASS. • 617-542-0744<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979<br />


No One But Cameramen See Unveiling<br />

Of Robeson's Star on Hollywood Blvd.<br />

By<br />


West Coast Editor<br />

HOLLYWOOD—The public never had a<br />

chance.<br />

ing from the store fronts to the street.<br />

But few if any of them ever got a glimpse<br />

of the celebrities that showed up for what<br />

must have been the largest-ever gathering of<br />

Hollywood notables for a star planting. Sidney<br />

Poitier, Jackie Cooper, Marsha Hunt,<br />

Brock Peters, Henry Wilcoxon, Paul Robeson<br />

Jr.. Mayor Tom Bradley, State Senator<br />

Diane Watson, City Councilwoman Peggy<br />

Stevenson plus a handful of television performers<br />

were all on hand.<br />

Reverse Thinking<br />

But reverse thinking on somebody's part<br />

had all the celebrities delivering their<br />

speeches to the bald store fronts and to the<br />

commemorative star. With their backs to the<br />

fuming fans, the speakers extolled the memory<br />

of the great actor, singer, lawyer, athlete,<br />

author and humanitarian.<br />

Getting the full impact of their remarks<br />

were the mass of television cameramen and<br />

news photographers who jammed around the<br />

speakers' platform, completely cutting off<br />

the view of the few spectators who could<br />

see the stand. The vast majority of fans<br />

could only shout "Louder!" in frustration.<br />

because loud-speakers were aimed at the<br />

buildings and not the crowd.<br />

A Crowded Shambles<br />

The actual unveiling of the star turned<br />

into a crowded shambles as the photographers<br />

elbowed everyone out of the way to get<br />

a closeup of Robeson's name.<br />

Marsha Hunt, who recalled her friendship<br />

with the singer, expre.ssed pleasure that his<br />

star was placed next to the one honoring<br />

her. "I'm proud he is a next-door neighbor,"<br />

she said. But the jam of photographers<br />

pushed her away and she never saw her<br />

"neighbor" in the light of day.<br />

Wilcoxon. elbowed away by the camera<br />

bearers, stood disconsolately on the platform<br />

from which hardly anyone had heard him<br />

speak. He finally worked his way through<br />

the crowd to the unveiling site, but too late<br />

to see the star emerge from its covering.<br />

Jackie Cooper, who had protested an<br />

earlier decision not to<br />

grant Robeson a star,<br />

declared that "Today is a great day for<br />

actors and a great day for all Americans."<br />

Mayor Bradley congratulated the many at<br />

the ceremony who had "fought to have his<br />

W-2<br />

star placed in the Walk of Fame," and lauded<br />

Robeson as "a great humanitarian, a<br />

fighter for human justice and a fighter for<br />

peace."<br />

Hollywood<br />

Happenings<br />

JJANSON & SCHWAM has been signed<br />

by producers Blake Edwards and Tony<br />

Adams as international publicity, promotion<br />

and advertising consultants on Edwards'<br />

new picture<br />

"10" for Orion Pictures.<br />

*<br />

Joan Tewkesbury and producer<br />

Director<br />

Michele Rappaport are on an eight-city tour<br />

ballyhooing Avco Embassy's "Old Boyfriend."<br />

Their tour will take them to Washington.<br />

D.C., Baltimore, Boston, Detroit,<br />

Chicago, St.<br />

Louis. Seattle and San Francis-<br />

Phyllis Stewart and Phyllis Quinn were<br />

talent bookers for the sixth annual "Spring<br />

Spectacular" telethon of Variety Club Tent<br />

25 hosted by Monty Hall and telecast from<br />

the ABC Entertainment Center beginning<br />

at 10 p.m. April 28.<br />

•<br />

Writer M'ichael Blankfort moderated a<br />

panel consisting of screenwriters Fay Kanin,<br />

Wendell Mays^and Oliver Stone in an informal<br />

discussion with screenwriter Richard<br />

Brooks when he was the featured speaker<br />

at the fourth annual Marvin Borowsky Memorial<br />

Lecture in Writing for the Screen<br />

April 23 at the Academy of Motion Pictrre<br />

Arts and Sciences.<br />

•<br />

Producer-director Lawrence Foldes has<br />

been named acting chairman of the membership<br />

committee of the Academy of Science<br />

Fiction. Fantasy and Horror Films.<br />

*<br />

Edward Shaw Productions has completed<br />

post-production on "Blood and Guns," starring<br />

Orson Welles and Thomas Milian in a<br />

turn-of-the-century action-adventure feature<br />

dealing with the Mexican revolution. The<br />

film was made in Spain and Italy. Movie<br />

Time Films will distribute the feature.<br />

George Hamilton won the 1979 Mrs. Ann<br />

Radcliffe Cinema Award of the Count Dracula<br />

Society for his appearance in American<br />

International's "Love at First Bite." Christopher<br />

Lee won a special cinema award lor<br />

his lifetime career.<br />


a bill to outlaw blind bidding has been<br />

passed by Oregon's House of Representatives<br />

and comes to a Senate vote this<br />

month. Ted Mahar, film critic for the Oreeonian,<br />

devoted his April 15 column to the<br />

problems faced by Portland's two major<br />

first-run theatre companies. Luxury The-<br />

Hundreds of fans showed up for the dedication<br />

Senator Watson delivered a state senate<br />

owned by Tom Moyer, and Favorite<br />

atres,<br />

of a star to the late, great Paul Robe-<br />

resolution marking the occasion and an-<br />

Theatres, owned by Larry Moyer, Tom's<br />

son on Hollywood Boulevard's Walk of nounced that the senate had proclaimed the<br />

brother.<br />

Fame, but the only ones able to see the day as Paul Robeson Day in California.<br />

Mahar suggests that the elimination of<br />

ceremony and hear the speeches were the Councilwoman Stevenson also presented a<br />

blind bidding will bring about "the removal<br />

photographers and TV cameramen.<br />

city council resolution, and Sidney Poitier<br />

an of onerous element of gambling." He<br />

knew<br />

that a faster turnover of films will<br />

hundreds of spectators crowding into the him. I loved him and I miss him all the days<br />

occur "if a theatre doesn't have to play a<br />

The ceremony took place April 9 with<br />

writes told the few who could hear that "I<br />

area. Police roped off two lanes of the street of my life."<br />

loser for 12 weeks to fulfill a contract." If<br />

the bill .passes, Oregon will be one of a<br />

accommodate the people who made a<br />

to<br />

huge U-shaped mass of spectators, extend-<br />

dozen states to forbid blind bidding.<br />

Portland's Third International Film Festival<br />

ended in early April with the Movie<br />

House, a co-sponsor of the Festival, "just<br />

about breaking even," according to manager<br />

Robert Bogue. About half of the films<br />

were shown at the Movie House and half<br />

at the Northwest Film Study Center. "We're<br />

very happy with it, but next year I think<br />

we'll have more comedy and lighter films,"<br />

said Bogue. "We had a few many serious<br />

films this year."<br />

Portland has a new neighborhood newspaper,<br />

published by the people who run<br />

the Clinton Street Theatre, where re-runs<br />

are played at the lowest cost in Portland<br />

(recently raised to $1.50), and where no<br />

one expects to make a profit. The paper,<br />

titled The Clinton St. Quarterly, is free.<br />

Much of its first issue, spring 1979, is devoted<br />

to praising small neighborhood enterprises<br />

and condemming industrial and<br />

real estate development that is harmful to<br />

neighborhoods.<br />

The sixth issue of Luxury Theatre's newsletter<br />

"Showbiz" came out as a special,<br />

news-filled Easter issue. News tidbits include:<br />

Dave Wood, manager of the Eastgate<br />

Tri-Plex, won the concession contest and<br />

a trip to Hawaii, with Martin Jones, South<br />

Salem Drive-In manager, winning second,<br />

and a tie between Gayla Prout, Gresham<br />

Quad, and Bud McKay, of the Coeur<br />

D'Alene, Idaho Tri-Plex, for third place.<br />

Jerry Lewis, former Foster Road Drive-In<br />

manager, has been transferred to the main<br />

office as building superintendent; Don Farrar,<br />

from Commonwealth Theatres in the<br />

Midwest, has joined Luxury Theatres as<br />

film booker for Idaho and Washington. The<br />

Everett is now tri-plex and the Crossroads<br />

in Bellcviie is a quad; new managers include<br />

Lowell Wheller at the Hazel Dell, Walt<br />

Reed at the Everett, Steve Guffey at the<br />

Foster Road Drive-In, Vince Redman at the<br />

Village, Carol Bettin at the Irvington, Claus<br />

Kryck at the Town, Virgil Tolcr at the<br />

North End Eugene and Lynn Moore at the<br />

Motor Vue.<br />

Alan Arkin heads the cast of "Simon," a<br />

Think Tank Productions comedy about life<br />

in relation to computers.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30. 1979

;<br />

Napa<br />

1 virtually<br />

i<br />

Niro,<br />

'<br />

j<br />

John<br />

Olds and John Coombs were hon-<br />

by a jam-packed roomful of friends<br />

at farewell party at Orontes April 19. Both<br />

have taken new jobs in the Los Angeles<br />

j<br />

ored<br />

DENVER<br />

T arry and Laiiie Allen together with Boyd<br />

Scott of Allen Theatres in Farmington,<br />

N.W., were in town to visit with distributors<br />

and to confer with Sam Duncvitz of Exhibitors<br />

Booking Service, who handles the<br />

buying and booking foi the account.<br />

forthcoming releases. Guest speaker for the<br />

day was Bill O'Reilly, who is the film critic<br />

for Channel 7. John Roberts has been elected<br />

president of the association and will be<br />

taking over the reins effective July 1.<br />

James Whiteside, assistant general sales<br />

manager of American Internation, and Tom<br />

Philibin, district manager, were in town to<br />

cunfer with Lew Kolocheski and to call on<br />

iliL- circuit accounts.<br />

Stan Dewsnup has taken over the operation<br />

of the Century Theatre and Arrow<br />

Driven-In, Lamar. Colo., from former owner<br />

Dan Wolfenbarger. Bob Spahn of United<br />

Enterprises will handle the buying and booking<br />

for the new acquisitions. Dewsnup also<br />

operates theatres in Delta, Montrose and<br />

Craig, Colo., and also in Price. Utah.<br />

Columbia division manager Sheila De-<br />

Loach was in town conferring with branch<br />

manager Ken Newbert and branch personnel.<br />

Columbia screened the action-packed<br />

Bruce Lee picture "Game of Death" at the<br />

Century screening room.<br />

Patty Marks, branch manager for Mid<br />

America Releasing, has prepared a new release<br />

schedule listing all of the product<br />

available from her organization and is soliciting<br />

the outlying accounts through the<br />

mail<br />

service.<br />

weekend was a boxoffice dud. So was the<br />

opening week of "Hurricane."<br />

Bob Vallone has accepted the position of<br />

assistant to the general manager at UATC.<br />

Jim Gallagher Jr. takes his place as district<br />

manager of Monterey-Santa Cruz theatres.<br />

All UATC district managers for the Western<br />

states attended a meeting at the chain's<br />

Golden Gate Avenue headquarters April<br />

24-25.<br />

The regular monthly luncheon of the<br />

Rocky Mountain Motion Picture Assn. was<br />

held the Broker Restaurant. It was designated<br />

The Warfield Theatre was closed temporarily<br />

April 19 for renovations to stage<br />

its<br />

as United Artists day at<br />

and John facilities. The theatre reopens May 4 with<br />

Dobson and Ronnie Giseburt of United the showing of United Film Distributor's<br />

Artists showed trailers and discussed their "Dawn of the Dead."<br />


^he social event of the season was Francis<br />

\\<br />

Coppola's 40th birthday celebration in<br />

Valley. Among the 1,500 guests were<br />

a Who's Who of various aspects<br />

of the film industry including Robert De<br />

George Lucas, Alan Ladd Jr. (distri-<br />

bution) and Gary Meyer (exhibition).<br />

area.<br />

Art Silver has been named vice president<br />

for domestic operations, publicity and public<br />

relations for Dennis Davidson and Associates.<br />

The international firm has recently<br />

expanded its operations to the United States<br />

opening offices in Beverly Hills. Presently<br />

Silver will be handling "All Quiet on the<br />

Western Front," the new Nicholas Roeg<br />

film "Illusions" with Art Garfunkle and<br />

all activities of The Who including "The<br />

Kids Are Alright," which New World will<br />

distribute.<br />

Kortozion Urges Support<br />

Of Youth Work Programs<br />

SAN FRANCISCO — Theatre operators<br />

in the state are being urged to get behind<br />

student work experience programs, not only<br />

to maintain but also to expand the opportunities<br />

for youths to enter the job market<br />

in their first work experience opportunities.<br />

Hiring of students<br />

was urged by William<br />

F. Kartozian, chairman of the board of the<br />

Theatre Assn. of California. In a letter to<br />

all association members, Kartozian pointed<br />

out that the theatie industry relies extensively<br />

on the work experience programs conducted<br />

by school districts with the aid of<br />

the California State Department of Education.<br />

Kartozian pointed out that such programs<br />

"have proven to be of great benefit<br />

to employers and students." He expressed<br />

concern over "the growing number of problems<br />

in maintaining these programs at sufficient<br />

strength to satisfy the needs of all<br />

students who wish to<br />

participate."<br />


REPORT<br />

San<br />

Francisco<br />

(Average weekly grosses follow theatre)<br />

The Bell Jar (Avco), Surf (3,300).<br />

3rd wk $ 4,029<br />

Boulevard Nights (WB), Geneva (5,400),<br />

4th wk 3,193<br />

Brutal Justice (Aquarius), St. Francis I<br />

(5,200), 1st wk 2,507<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Univ),<br />

3rd wk.<br />

Coliseum (7,400) 4,408<br />

UA Stonestown 1 (4,040) 6,606<br />

St. Francis 2 (5,200) 6.585<br />

Geneva 2 (5,400) 1.481<br />

The Champ (MGM-UA), Metro 1<br />

(10.200). 2nd wk 6.838<br />

The China Syndrome (Col) Coronet<br />

(14.900). 5th wk 31.645<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Alexandria 1<br />

(10,800), 8th wk 26,485<br />

Despair (New Line), Lumiere (3,850).<br />

4th wk 5.283<br />

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs<br />

(New Line). Clay (4.100).<br />

10th wk 7.589<br />

Hair (UA), Regency I (9,600),<br />

3rd wk 15,208<br />

Hurricane (Para), Royal (9,960)<br />

1st wk 16.608<br />

The Last Wave (World Northal). Bridge<br />

(4,200), 4th wk 8,014<br />

Love at First Bite (AIP), 2nd wk.<br />

Alexandria 3 (4,500) 7,987<br />

Metro 2 (2,700) 3.313<br />

Geneva 3 (5,400) 3,437<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox), Plaza 1 (6,200),<br />

6th wk 3,810<br />

Phantasm (Avco), 3rd wk.<br />

Balboa 1 (4,200) 2,624<br />

Warfield (13,500) 9,286<br />

The Promise (Univ), UA Stonestown II<br />

(4,050), 2nd wk 4,812<br />

Real Life (Para), Ghirardelli (6,000),<br />

3rd wk 3,498<br />

Same Time. Next Year (Univ),<br />

Cinema 21 (8,600), 10th wk. ... 5,824<br />

Wifemistress (Quartet), Stage Door<br />

(4,600), 4th wk 6,958<br />

Bill Lanese Advertising celebrated its first<br />

anniversary April 27 with cocktails and<br />

open house at its offices at 605 Market St.<br />

A saturation booking of Paramounfs 'Up<br />

in Smoke" for midnight showings Easter<br />

BOXOmCE :: April 30, 1979<br />


iHlllilHMI<br />

TUCSON<br />

Tucson Film Commission is conducting a<br />

Film Location Scouts contest in whicli<br />

Tucson citizenry will submit their favorite<br />

shooting locations for $150 first, $100 second<br />

and $50 third prizes. Contest concludes<br />

May 1; awards by May 15.<br />

Projectionists at Syufy's Tucson 5 Drivein<br />

are engaged in a struggle with Syufy Enterprises<br />

of San Francisco, theatre owner,<br />

over automation. Modern equipment is the<br />

reason, says Syufy, for cutting down projectionists'<br />

hours and hiring of non-union<br />

employees for less than prevailing wage<br />

rate. Projectionist Local 415, affiliated with<br />

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage<br />

Employees, fears a similar situation for its<br />

63 members if Syufy wins the struggle.<br />

Syufy claims that only a few minutes are<br />

now needed for a projectionist to rethread,<br />

and denies charge it is profiting from the<br />

saving. Projectionists (two at Tucson 5 involved)<br />

also allege that show quality suffers<br />

from inexperienced employees.<br />

Films for teens were included at Columbia<br />

branch in Tuson Public Library's programs<br />

during April and the first part of<br />

May.<br />



SUPPLY<br />

455 Bearcat Drive<br />

Times Square Pork<br />

Salt Lake City, Utah 84115<br />

801-466-7642<br />

nual fund-raising "Day at the Races" April<br />

22 at Hollywood Park, with a special race<br />

named after the organization. The group<br />

held its regular monthly meeting April 17<br />

at the Smoke House in Toluca Lake with<br />

self-hypnosis expert Nancy Spicer as the<br />

guest speaker.<br />

Billy Wilder's "Fedora," a United Artists<br />

release, opened in Los Angeles at Mann's<br />

Westwood Theatre April 20. The film stars<br />

William Holden, Marthe Keller and Jose<br />

Ferrer.<br />


Qal Elertson, manager of the Center Iheatre,<br />

has begun a policy of providing<br />

live entertainment from area high schools<br />

Saturday evenings before the film begins.<br />

Stage performances last approximately 30<br />

to 45 minutes before the 8 p.m. showtime.<br />

The Hyatt Hotel has contracted with<br />

United Artists for a sixplex theatre to be<br />

constructed as part of a $39-million building<br />

in downtown Salt Lake.<br />

Talking Pictures has just completed postproduotion<br />

on its feature "Savage Water."<br />

Western; Cine Laboratories in Denver will<br />

process the 35mm prints.<br />

Debut of 'Shroud' Aids<br />

Orthodox Church Fund<br />

Don Dodds (left), manager of the<br />

Cine Capri Theatre, talks with Socrates<br />

Ballis, producer of Andros Films'<br />

"Mystery of the Sacred Shroud."<br />

PHOENIX—About 600 guests gathered<br />

at Plitt's Cini Capri Theatre in Phoenix for<br />

a recent benefit filming of "Mystery of the<br />

Sacred Shroud" for Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox<br />

Church, with a champagne reception<br />

following.<br />

The Shroud, the controversial burial cloth<br />

of Jesus Christ, was recently exhibited in<br />

Turin, Italy, and for the first time the Roman<br />

Catholic Church permitted a production<br />

Talking Pictures has just purchased Western<br />

International Pictures to handle domes-<br />

Termed "Christeindom's most holy relic"<br />

company to film the holy relic.<br />


tic and foreign distribution of its product. by the late Pope Paul VI. the sacred shroud<br />

"^he Sweet Creek County War" has been<br />

All past and future projects will be released has been accorded approval by many worldwide<br />

theologians and scientists who believe<br />

under Western's bainoier.<br />

named one of the three finalists in the<br />

its images to be unmistakably those of<br />

Western Writers of American Golden Spur<br />

E. W. "Bud" Willoughby, Salt Lake police<br />

chief, says filmmaking downtown costs correspond directly to the scriptures in sup-<br />

Christ. Currently collected data appear to<br />

awards competition. J. Frank James, author<br />

of the screenplay, will be honored with the<br />

the city "nothing," since film crews must port of its authenticity.<br />

other two finalists at the Hilton Hotel in<br />

provide<br />

THEATRE—<br />

their own police officers. "Whatever "Mystery of the Sacred Shroud" is an<br />

Boulder, Colo., June 26.<br />

costs are incurred, the producers have to Andros Films production narrated by Richard<br />

Burton. The film is the recipient of the<br />

Mel Brooks' 'Blazing Saddles," now in cover," he says. "That includes the loss of<br />

rerelease by Warner Bros., opened in a revenue to parking meters which are Film Advisory Board's "Award of Excellence."<br />

multiple Los Angeles run at 51 theatres including<br />

Mann's Westwood and the Pix in<br />

blocked off."<br />

Hollywood.<br />

Girls Friday of Showbusiness held its an-<br />


I WINDOW CARDS /calendars/programs<br />

^f^P^Padvertising CO.<br />

BOX 626, OMAHA, NE. 68101 402 453-6160<br />

Salt Lake • Boston • Oolloj • N«w York<br />


- HOME OFFICE -<br />

264 Eoit 1st South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111<br />

W-4<br />

April 30, 1979

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t uer HOUSE IS im .<br />

is forever:<br />



APRIL 11-T0-17<br />








CORALL D.I.<br />

ROSE D.I.<br />

TOTAL:<br />



nnAni<br />

JJ|ff^PJ^J^gT<br />

GROSS ,s YET<br />

8,103 TO<br />

6,004 COME<br />

5,123<br />

7,288<br />

10,102<br />

$36,620<br />




2/7-13 3,439<br />

2/14-20 3,818<br />

2/21-27 2,000<br />

2/28-3/6 2,355<br />

3/7-13 2,395<br />

TOTAL: $14,007<br />

TO AVOID<br />




[..ONLY A MOVIE<br />

I ..ONLY A MOVIE<br />


\ ..ONLY A MOVIE<br />

..ONLY<br />

A MOVIE<br />


WARNING!<br />

noT REcommEnDED roR persohs ouer 3D!<br />






NEW RADIO — T.V.<br />



• BOSTON, MASS. • 617-542-0744<br />

^<br />

BOXOFTICE :: April 30, 1979

. . . "Coming<br />

, . . "The<br />

. . . "The<br />

. . "The<br />

. . Toco<br />

. . "The<br />

. . "Hair."<br />

MIAMI<br />

Hunter Todd, former Atlanta filmmaker<br />

J<br />

who directed the first Greater Miami<br />

International Film Festival in November,<br />

resigned recently as the festival's executive<br />

director. Todd said he planned to resume<br />

a career of motion picture production, distribution<br />

and marketing. The announcement<br />

came after weeks of speculation that festival<br />

directors—dismayed by a $150,000 debt resulting<br />

from the first festival—would fire<br />

him. Stephen Quade, chairman of the festival<br />

board, said that the festival's backers<br />

"truly regret the loss of Mr. Todd's experience<br />

and expertise." Quade said there would<br />

be a festival this year directed by John<br />

Baratte. No budget or date has been set.<br />

EMC Film Corp.. a Miami-based independent<br />

national distributor, has joined with<br />

the producers of the "The Silent Partner"<br />

for its release in the United States. M.A.<br />

Ripps, president of EMC, said that "the<br />

joint venture will allow the producer of the<br />

film to walk away with all the profits out<br />

of the distribution of the film which are<br />

ordinarily eaten up by major companies'<br />

overhead." "Silent Partner" is an independently<br />

produced film that won six Canadian<br />

Film Awards this year, including<br />

Best Feature Film.<br />

Charles Rogers, manager of the Miracle<br />

Theatre in Coral Gables, has been cited for<br />

performing "miracles." He has sold ten<br />

weeks of Merchants Shows featuring free<br />

first-run films. The campaign is designed to<br />

increase sales in the Coral Gables area.<br />

A different merchant sponsors the showing<br />

each week.<br />

Filmmaker Jerry Lewis completed the<br />

shooting of his film "Hardly Working"<br />

throughout the greater Miami area and has<br />

announced he will shoot two more films in<br />

the area. Shooting will begin in July on<br />

"That's Life," described as a senior citizens'<br />

"Animal House." The other film is to be<br />

a sequel to "Hardly Working."<br />

"Hurricane." a film that was four years<br />

in the making, opened April 12 in south<br />

Florida theatres.<br />

New Wave Productions, a film collective,<br />

came to Miami recently to film scenes in<br />

the Art Deco district. The group is nonprofit<br />

plans to use the and Deco footage<br />

to obtain more funding grants. The film will<br />

be called "The Art Deco District" and will<br />

help them promote the arts.<br />


Employees at 20th Century-Fox gave<br />

branch manager Dan Coursey a retirement<br />

party at the Century Center Hotel<br />

which was attended by friends and associates.<br />

Kip Smiley, an official of the Georgia<br />

Theatre Co. and longtime friend, also gave<br />

a goodbye party for Coursey. Patrick L.<br />

Pade, who was assistant to Coursey for<br />

about a year, was his successor. Pade resigned<br />

from the company at the end of<br />

March and moved to Los Angeles, where<br />

he went to work for Far West Pictures.<br />

Pade's successor, Luis Benavides, the St.<br />

Louis branch manager, took over the Atlanta<br />

branch in<br />

early April.<br />

The WOMPI chapter lecently held a<br />

Tupperware party at the Georgia Theatre<br />

Co.'s conference room. The members also<br />

assisted the Atlanta Variety Club in raising<br />

more than $100,000 for the club's charities.<br />

The annual Meet and Greet Party was held<br />

at Films Incorporated Screening and the<br />

IL=KII, Inc.<br />

"Everything for your theatre—except film"<br />

Lambert Drive N.E.<br />

Atlanta, Ga. 30324<br />

876-0347<br />

_<br />

®<br />

800 S. Grahoi<br />

Chorlotte, N.C. 28202<br />

(704) 334-3616<br />

(404)<br />

^<br />

704 • 333-9651<br />

CfS<br />

S-2<br />



OUR 39th YEAR<br />

2124 lacltaon Parkway, N.W. 713 Sudekum Bldg^<br />

Atlanta, Georgia 30318<br />

(M4) 792-8424<br />

Chariotte Uheatre J^uppl^<br />

Full Line Theatre Supply House<br />

©^<br />

^e^©.<br />

•<br />

229 S. Church Street P. O. Box 1973<br />

• Charlotte, N.C. 28201<br />

members signed up quite a few new members.<br />

.<br />

. . .<br />

Marquee changes: "California Dreaming."<br />

Mableton Triple, Town & Country<br />

Twin, Westgate Triple and North 85 Twin<br />

Drive-In. South Expressway D-I and South<br />

Expressway Drive-In Akers<br />

Mill and Loew's Tara "Blazing Saddles,"<br />

started recently at multiple theatres<br />

Home," AMC Tower Place<br />

6, North DeKalb Twin, and Greenbriar<br />

Mall Twin . Hill, (99 cents), "Moment<br />

by Moment" . . . Rialto, "The Watts<br />

Monster" . . . Phipps Plaza, "The Exorcist"<br />

Champ," Cobb Center Four. Lenox<br />

Square, National Four and Perimeter<br />

Mall .<br />

Passage," Cobb Cinema,<br />

Loew's 12 Oaks Twin and South DeKalb<br />

Mall Quad Psychic," South De-<br />

.<br />

Kalb Mall Quad, Suburban Plaza Twin,<br />

Parkaire Mall Twin and Westgate Triple<br />

Bell Jar." Cinema 75. North<br />

DeKalb Twin and Rhodes.<br />

Wometco Isl Quarter<br />

Earnings Up 40 Cents<br />

NEW YORK—Wometco Enterprises<br />

Inc. has estimated that first-quarter primary<br />

per share earnings should reach approximately<br />

40 cents, a 21 percent increase over<br />

the record 33 cents earned in the comparable<br />

period of 1978.<br />

Addressing a financial meeting in New<br />

York City. Wometco executive vice-president<br />

Richard F. Wolfson said net income<br />

will be about $3.4 million, compared to<br />

$2.8 million last year. This includes an after-tax<br />

gain of $130,000, or 1.5 cents per<br />

share, from the sale during the quarter of<br />

Wometco's wax museum operation in<br />

France.<br />

Revenues in the quarter will reach approximately<br />

$64 million, a 14 percent increate<br />

from the $56.1 million in the firstquarter<br />

of 1978.<br />

Wometco also announced that it has sold<br />

a drive-in theatre in Puerto Rico that will<br />

add 4 cents a share to company earnings<br />

in the second quarter. This is in addition<br />

to the 7 cents a share in the second quarter<br />

from the sale of Wometco's minority interest<br />

in the Norfolk Coca-Cola Bottling<br />

Co., previously announced.<br />

Additionally, Wometco reported it has<br />

sold its domestic bottled water division,<br />

whose plants in Miami and West Palm<br />

Beach produce Aquaroyal water. The selling<br />

price was not announced; however, the<br />

company noted that the sale price was approximately<br />

at the carrying price of the<br />

business.<br />

Sale of the drive-in theatre and water<br />

business follows Wometco's intention of divesting<br />

of those businesses that do not meet<br />

the company's growth policy.<br />

Miami-based Wometco Enterprises has<br />

primary leisure-time business interest in<br />

television broadcasting, subscription TV/<br />

CATV. Coca-Cola bottling, automatic vending<br />

and entertainment. Company shares are<br />

traded on the New York Stock Exchange<br />

(symbol WOM).<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979

,<br />

year<br />

1<br />

showing<br />

:<br />

makes<br />

'<br />

tiis<br />

; interest<br />


Ctan Waterman, prize-winning underwater<br />

photographer, presented a free lecture<br />

and film at the University of Houston at<br />

Clear Lake City recently. Waterman directed<br />

the underwater photography for the<br />

movie "The Deep." has won the Jacques<br />

Cousteau Award as diver of the year and<br />

was named underwater photographer of the<br />

at the International Underwater Film<br />

Festival.<br />

Brooke Shields was in Houston for the<br />

of "Tilt" recently. She will also be<br />

seen in two films yet to be released: "Wanda<br />

Nevada" and "Just You and Me, Kid."<br />

"Tilt" is her second film since making her<br />

debut in "Pretty Baby."<br />

;<br />

Dayton Ka'ne, the young Hawaiian who<br />

his acting debut in "Hurricane" currently<br />

at the Meyerland 3, Guifgate 2,<br />

Northline 2, Greenspoint 5, Baybrook Mall<br />

4, Loews Saks 2 and Loews Town & Country<br />

3, was in town to promote the film. His<br />

next role will be in another Dino De Laurenfilm,<br />

"Shark Boy of Bora Bora."<br />

the Museum of Fine Arts ... At the Rice<br />

Media Center films booked included "Last<br />

Year at Matienbad," "Gizimo," Disney's<br />

"Light in the Forest," "On the Waterfront,"<br />

"L'Aventura," "Blue Collar," "The Point,"<br />

"Little<br />

Big Man" and "In Cold Blood."<br />


gen Perso, manager of the Central Fox 3,<br />

operated by Santikos Theatres Inc., reports<br />

that the marquee of the theatre fell<br />

when a support cable snapped. The mishap<br />

caused about $25,(K)0 damage to the sign.<br />

No one was injured, although two ushers<br />

attempting to chawge the sign had the daylights<br />

scared out of them.<br />

Auditions are to be held in San Antonio,<br />

as well as in other Texas cities for two films.<br />

One is for a youngster to play Michael<br />

Caine's son in "The Island," an adventure<br />

film to be shot this summer. The Universal<br />

Pictures film will be directed by Michael<br />

Ritchie and based on the soon-to-bc-published<br />

novel by Peter Benchley. And a girl,<br />

ten to 12 years of age, is being sought for<br />

the starring role in "The White Lions," a<br />

G-rated movie starring Michael York which<br />

will be filmed in Dallas.<br />

"<br />

Marquee changes: "The Champ at Century<br />

South and Plitt Southern Wonder;<br />

"Firepower"; "The Promise," and the X-<br />

rated, controversial film "Debbie Docs Dallas"<br />

at the Fredericksburg Road and Lackland<br />

Drive-In theatres.<br />

Specially Designed for Drive-In Theatres<br />

Eric Gerber in his review of "A Perfect<br />

Couple," said that it was a "kind of etude for<br />

Robert Altman— a slight piece to practice<br />

his ability to tell a simple lighthearted story<br />

after his recent devotion to profundity<br />

(Quintet, Three Women) and social sprawl<br />

(Nashville, A Wedding). Those who complain<br />

about Altman's esoteric and eccentric<br />

approach to moviemaking should find this<br />

romantic comedy about a mismatched<br />

couple much more accessible—which is not<br />

to say this is a good film." Gerber said that<br />

the rock group seen in the film produced<br />

music that wasn't anything special and that<br />

the film suffered accordingly. Gerber also<br />

said that "Tilt" was "Rudy Durand's first<br />

time to direct and that it showed. This story<br />

of a girl pinball whiz is an ungainly and<br />

awkwardly staged film with dark, brooding<br />

photography and long melodramatic takes<br />

that, on the whole, are embarrassingly inappropriate<br />

for the casual nature of such<br />

material. About the only thing of possible<br />

is Charles Durning's scenery-chewing<br />

portrayal of 'Whale,' an obese bar<br />

owner. Durand used a sound track of original<br />

rock tunes and slapped it onto the film<br />

rather helter-skelter. More often than not,<br />

the music is not in tune with the dramatic<br />

thrus' of the scene and comes across as a<br />

radio somebody is playing too loudly and<br />

at the wrong time."<br />

Local marquee changes: "Glove," "Great<br />

American Cha.se," "Hurricane," "Servant<br />

and Mistress," "Tilt," "Love at First Bite,"<br />

"Hometown, U.S.A.," "Once in Paris," "A<br />

Star Is Born" with Judy Garland plus<br />

"Auntie Mame," "Median" with Maria Callas,<br />

the double bill of "Cat and Mouse" and<br />

"Dear Inspector," "Watership Down," "Animal<br />

Farm," "Never on Sunday" and "Mustang."<br />

Special film showings included "Winifred<br />

Wagner" and "Jonathan," a 1970 vampire<br />

tale from Germany in Brown Auditorium of<br />




1. Lowest cost—Highest profit maTgin.<br />

2. Only one with Aluminum Coil Holder.<br />

NOW WITH<br />

BIG NEW<br />


3. Only one with separated, individual coils. This means no customer<br />

breakage.<br />

4. Small size available at a price so inexpensive that it can be used as<br />

a give away.<br />

5. Free Freight on orders over $200.<br />



MABEN, INC.<br />

1980 N.W. 139th St.. Opa Locka, Fla. 33054<br />

Phone: (305) 681-2021<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979<br />


pmnHMMM<br />

r<br />


^he Florida Times Union, Jacksonville<br />

Journal and Jacksonville theatres held<br />

their annual Academy Awards contest with<br />

five first prize winners to receive an annual<br />

guest pass for two to one of the Jacksonville<br />

theatre circuits. Five second prize winners<br />

will win six-month passes and five third<br />

prize winners will receive three-month<br />

passes. Winners will be announced later.<br />

Recent tradescreenings held in the AMC<br />

screening room have been "Walk Proud."<br />

"Boulevard Nights," "The Senator," "Acting<br />

Out," "Game of Death" and a slide<br />

presentation on "The Alien."<br />

New films opening around the area are<br />

"The Bell Jar," "The Champ," "A Perfect<br />

Couple," "The Promise," "Malibu High"<br />

and dauhic "Bedknobs and Broomsticks."<br />

Joe Kennedy, Southern division manager<br />

for United Artists, Walter Johnson, UA<br />

branch manager, and Larry Terrell. UA<br />

PICS<br />

Mosquito Repellent Coils<br />

I mosqurtoes. sand flies, and gnats<br />

away — Houis o1 protection<br />

Safe/Eflectve<br />

Don't mis* out on this (antastic Bonus Oflerl<br />

salesman, attended a UA sales meeting in<br />

Ft. Lauderdale March 19-23. It was reportedly<br />

a very upbeat meeting, with Eastern<br />

division and home office officials in attendance.<br />

United Artists" latest product reel<br />

was screened and enthusiastically received.<br />

Charles Jones, Southern division manager<br />

for 20th Century-Fox, attended a sales<br />

meeting in St. Louis April 5-7 where a<br />

screening of "Alien" was presented. The<br />

screening was met with great anticipation<br />

among those attending.<br />


^Turder by Decree," Avco Embassy, showing<br />

locally at Cross County 8, was reviewed<br />

by Bob Michals of the Palm Beach<br />

Post. According to Michals, "John Hopkin's<br />

screenplay offers a refreshing mew slant to<br />

the famed detective and his noble companion<br />

Watson, which more than compensates<br />

for any over-fictionalization of the Ripper<br />

legend. Christopher Plummer, the 27th in<br />

an incredibly distinguished line of actors to<br />

attempt the part, is by far the most appealing."<br />

George Peppard, currently being seen in<br />

his film "Five Days From Home," was here<br />

at the Breakers Hotel discussing his plans<br />

for two new pictures he will produce, "Gambler's<br />

Luck" and "White Tiger." Peppard<br />

recently completed work on "From Hell to<br />

Victory."<br />

Cross County 8, American Multi Cinema's<br />

first eightplex, is still awaiting the<br />

opening of the marny stores in the new Cross<br />

County Mall. Located on the corner of Military<br />

Trail and Okeechobee Blvd., the theatre<br />

houses a total of 2.128 seats, boasts one of<br />

the largest concession stands in the state of<br />

Florida and the latest in Christie equipment.<br />

The eight screens are also equipped to be<br />

operated from four booths. Attending the<br />

recent opening of the theatre were Tom<br />

Velde and Jay Shapiro of Kansas City;<br />

Wayne Clark, manager of Century Advertising<br />

in St. Petersburg; Don Knight, Southeast<br />

division operations manager, and his<br />

assistant, Noel Kendall, both of St. Petersburg;<br />

and Ron Eiben, south Florida district<br />

manager. Ft. Lauderdale. Dick Westerling<br />

is the manager of the Cross County 8.<br />

Sally Field, star of "Norma Rae," which<br />

is currently being seen at Century Cinema,<br />

Twin City Cinema and Delray Square and,<br />

according to the theatres' managers, is more<br />

than holding its own. has been performing<br />

in "The Rainmaker" in the area for several<br />

weeks. Ralph Bluemke. entertainment editor,<br />

wrote of "Norma Rae." "A great deal<br />

deserves to be said for Sally Field, the moppet-faced<br />

actress who comes into full bloom<br />

in the title role in this film. 'Norma Rae'<br />

is a most welcome movie about the triumph<br />

of the human spirit amidst intolerable injustice.<br />

(Director Martin Ritt) has an ear and<br />

eye for atmospheric detail concerning life in<br />

the South."<br />

Four More Screens in Texas<br />

ARLINGTON, TEX.—A movie<br />

theatre<br />

will be developed on a two-and-a-half-aore<br />

site adjoining the Forum 303 Shopping Mall<br />

here by Alpert Corp., developer of Forum<br />

Mall, and American Multi Cinema, the<br />

Kansas City-based multi-cinema operations.<br />

Stan Durwood, president of American<br />

Multi Cinema, said the new movie theatre<br />

will contain six movie screens with the ability<br />

to accommodate 1,800 moviegoers. According<br />

to Durwood, construction of the<br />

theatre, which is estimated to cost approximately<br />

$1 million, should begin during the<br />

summer with planned opening in the summer<br />

of 1980.<br />

Alpert will lease the land and building to<br />

American Multi-Cinema, with Alpert Corp.<br />

acting as developer of the project. The new<br />

cinema is a part of a 120-acre planned development<br />

surrounding the Forum Shopping<br />

Center.<br />

2200 YOUNG STREET • DALLAS, TEXAS, 75201 • TELEPHONE 747-3191<br />

BOXOFFICE ;: April 30, 1979

(Average Is lOU)<br />

Chicago<br />

Agatha (WB). Water Tower, 7th wk.<br />

The Bell Jar (AE), Water Tower.<br />

Bruce Lee Fights Back From the<br />

Grave, 3 theatres, 1st wk<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Univ)<br />

14 theatres. 3rd wk<br />

The Champ (UA). 8 theatres,<br />

2nd wk<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), 1<br />

theatres, 5th wk<br />

Circle of Iron (AE), 7 theatres,<br />

2nd wk<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Esquire,<br />

6th wk<br />

Hair (UA), 10 theatres, 4th wk<br />

Hurricane (Para), 10 theatres,<br />

1st wk<br />

The Innocent (AN), Cinema,<br />

2nd wk<br />

Love at First Bite (AIP), 10 theatres,<br />

2nd wk<br />

Love on the Run (SR), Carnegie,<br />

1st wk<br />

A Perfect Couple (20th-Fox), 3 theatres.<br />

2nd wk<br />

The Real Bruce Lee (SR), 6 theatres . . .<br />

Superman (WB). 5 theatres. 17th wk. . .<br />

The Warriors (Para), 2 theatres,<br />

10th wk<br />

Wifemistress (SR), Carnegie,<br />

1st wk<br />

Kansas Cify<br />

Ashanti (WB), 3 theatres, 2nd wk 130<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(Univ), 6 theatres, 3rd wk 220<br />

The Champ (UA), 3 theatres.<br />

2nd wk 190<br />

The China Syndrome (Col). 3 theatres,<br />

5th wk 225<br />

Days of Heaven (Para), Fine Arts,<br />

8th wk 155<br />

Every Which Way But Loose (WB),<br />

Metro North, Ranchmart, 17th<br />

wk 155<br />

Fast Break (Col), Brywood, 7th wk. ... 70<br />

Firepower (Associated Film), 3<br />

theatres, 2nd wk 95<br />

Hair (UA), Midland, Oak Park.<br />

3rd wk 110<br />

Hurricane (Para). 6 theatres, 1st wk. ... 100<br />

Love at First Bite (AI), 6 theatres,<br />

1st wk 355<br />

Murder by Decree (Avco), Embassy,<br />

4th wk 110<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fox), 3 theatres,<br />

5th wk 90<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV).<br />

Blue Ridge, Ranchmart, 9th wk 135<br />

The Promise (Univ), 4 theatres,<br />

2nd wk 195<br />

Same Time, Next Year (Univ),<br />

Glenwood, 8th wk 130<br />

The Warriors (Para), Empire,<br />

10th wk. 65<br />


Minneapolis<br />

Agatha (WB), Park, 7th wk 80<br />

The Bell Jar (Avco), Skyway III,<br />

3rd wk 70<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />


gud LeMaster, formerly assistant advertising<br />

coordinator with the Swope Advertising<br />

Agency, has joined the Midwest division<br />

of American Multi Cinema's advertising<br />

department. And the new receptionist<br />

at AMC is Donna Palatas. who is also<br />

new to Filmrow.<br />

Kim Stephan of Los Angeles recently<br />

joined the staff at the local Warner Bros,<br />

office as a clerk.<br />

'Phantasm" (A\ Embassy) opened<br />

April 20 at a number of theatres and is<br />

reported to be a super spooky movie.<br />

The WOMPIs held their April 17 meeting<br />

at Sue Hawiey's house. The business meeting<br />

followed entertainment. Mary Jane Silver<br />

announced the slate of the nominating<br />

committee. Their choices of officers for the<br />

new year are: president, Patty Poessiger;<br />

vice-president. Marge Herr; recording secretary,<br />

Maricllc Calon; corresponding secretary,<br />

Evelyn McCutcheon, and treasurer,<br />

Nancy Krandal. Installation of the new<br />


1st CHOICE<br />

WITH<br />



(Univ). 4 theatres. 3rd wk 135<br />

The Champ (MGM). 3<br />

officers will take place in June.<br />

theatres,<br />

2nd wk 215 The Variety Club Women Tent 8 held a<br />

The China Syndrome (Col), Cooper,<br />

Southdale, 5th wk 290<br />

luncheon meeting April 18 at the Women's<br />

City Club. A nominating committee for selection<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ). Mann,<br />

of officers was chosen for the new<br />

8th wk 210 year. The committee is composed of Mary<br />

Every Which Way But Loose (WB),<br />

Lightner, Bernice Powell. Kathy Joehnck,<br />

Northtown, Southdale, 17th wk 85 Ruby Meyers. Ruth Klein and Marielle<br />

The Great American Chase (WB),<br />

Calon. The installation luncheon will be held<br />

June 27 at the Alameda Plaza.<br />

3 theatres, 1st wk 90<br />

Hair (UA), Skyway II, 3rd wk 270<br />

Halloween (Compass), Brookdale East,<br />

Edina II, 11th wk 110<br />

Hurricane (Para), 3 theatres, 1st wk. ... . 120<br />

Murder by Decree (Avco), Apache,<br />

Hopkins, 7th wk 60<br />

Norma Rae (20th-Fo.\), Edina I.<br />

'Syndrome' Wriier Noi<br />

Surprised by Accident<br />

CHICAGO— "Everyone seemed astonished<br />

at the coincidence that the accident at<br />

5th wk 225<br />

The Perfect Couple (20th-Fox),<br />

Three Mile Island happened eleven days<br />

Hopkins, Yorktown, 2nd wk 30<br />

after the movie was released. But we were<br />

not."<br />

The Promise (Univ), Cooper Cameo,<br />

Movies at Burnsville, 2nd wk 125<br />

So declared Michael Grey, who wrote the<br />

Richard Pryor—Live in Concert<br />

screenplay for "The China Syndrome."<br />

(Bill<br />

Sargent), Skyway I, 2nd wk 380 Grey spoke to a group at the Oak Park-<br />

Superman (WB), Brookdale, Southtown,<br />

River Forest High School. Grey told his<br />

audience. "We knew the accident was going<br />

18th wk 245<br />

to happen. We knew it because of the meticulous<br />

research we had done over the<br />

years."<br />

Grey explained that he had gone to Three<br />

Mile Island on assignment for Rolling<br />

Stone magazine. He reported: "What we<br />

found when we got there was a confirmation<br />

of our worst fears. These plants are<br />

the products of some of our most brilliant<br />

engineers. The problem is. the whole thing<br />

is just too big. Knowing what we know<br />

about human beings, we know that it's just<br />

impossible not to have something that big<br />

without a mistake happening somewhere.<br />

"If an engineer makes a mistake on a<br />

new airplane, all you're going to do is kill<br />

the test pilot. But with nuclear plants, we're<br />

all test pilotsl"<br />











.<br />


L & M Amusement Co. is adding a second<br />

screen to the Starlite Drive-In in the<br />

Kankakee. III. area. This will give the circuit<br />

eleven drive-in screens and eight indoor<br />

screens.<br />

Following "Love on the Run," the current<br />

feature at the Biograph Theatre, there will<br />

be another exclusive first run presentation:<br />

"Thief of Bagdad" and "Four Feathers."<br />

This Korda Films reissue is handled<br />

through Kina International.<br />

Virgil Jones, head of International Picture<br />

Show Co. operations in this area, met up<br />

with two other company managers who were<br />

formerly in Chicago—Fred Bunkleman and<br />

John Pilmaier. International Pictures is arranging<br />

to bring two of its newest films to<br />

Chicagoland theatres—"The Visitor" and<br />

"Soldier of Orange." The latter named<br />

movie has. according to boxoffice figures,<br />

been playing to maximum business since its<br />

opening Jan. 5 at the Egyptian Theatre in<br />

Seattle. Wash.<br />

In announcing that a third screen will add<br />

to the Bel-Air activity June 8, Louis Marks<br />

of M & R Amusement Co. said. "With the<br />

good product coming along for the summer,<br />

there should be enough to support three<br />

screens in each of our properties." M & R<br />

had some months ago had third screens<br />

added to the Twin and Double outdoor<br />

theatres. Marks said when they started<br />

booking first runs two years ago. they discovered<br />

that business was doing equally<br />

well in drive-ins and indoor theatres. He<br />

added that this proved to be true despite<br />

the two- to three-mile distance between an<br />

outdoor and indoor theatre.<br />

Marks said. "Each theatre has a different<br />

type audience, but we have found that they<br />

all seem to appreciate the same kind of<br />

movie." The M & R measuring stick for<br />

determining what draws audience appeal:<br />

results in 12 drive-ins and ten indoor theatres.<br />

Marks advised that to date M & R<br />

has set up bookings for such films as United<br />

Artists' "Moonraker," Paramounl's "Escape<br />

From Alcatraz" and Columbia's "Nightswing."<br />

Rick Rice, head of Mid-America Releas-<br />

HADDENZ^<br />


DRIVE IN<br />






(502) 896-9578<br />

3709 HUGHES ROAD, LOUISVILLE, KY. 40207<br />

ing Co.. said $60,000 has been put into the<br />

launching of "Silent Partner" via newspaper,<br />

radio and TV advertising. The film is<br />

opening here May 4.<br />

Even though Pat Riccardi is still in the<br />

midst of recovering from a recent heart attack,<br />

he continues to make certain that his<br />

Admiral Theatre is in tip-top condition. He<br />

has just had the lobby and lounges completely<br />

renovated.<br />

There appears to be a difference in<br />

opinion<br />

as to how a film should be advertised,<br />

according to the amusement pages in the<br />

Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-<br />

Times. While the Tribune accepted Oscar<br />

Brotman's ad for "Wifemistress," new film<br />

at the Near North Carnegie, it was stipulated<br />

that the listing could not include the<br />

full title; it had to be either "Wife ." . or<br />

". . . Mistress" so as not to offend those<br />

with delicate senses. The Sun-Times, however,<br />

carried the ad in full title, and it was<br />

apparently assumed that most grownups<br />

reading the complete title could handle the<br />

connotations—if any.<br />

The S. B. Greiver booking organization<br />

will on May I move from 32 W. Randolph<br />

St. to 203 No. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. 111.<br />

60601. The telephone number will remain<br />

the same: (312)236-2090.<br />

When Avco Embassy's "Phantasm" arrives<br />

in the Chicagoland area in May. it is<br />

hoped grosses will at least approximate the<br />

figures reported by Milwaukee area theatres.<br />

This first break showed $100,000 for<br />

the first week.<br />

Wm. Lange & Associates will be handling<br />

openings of "Nothing but the Night" for<br />

Alligator Films. Christopher Lee and Peter<br />

Cushing are the stars. Lange has arranged<br />

for a May 4 opening of "Dawn of the<br />

Dead," a United Film release which is a<br />

sequel to "Night of he Living Dead." With<br />

cult activities entering greater prominence<br />

these days. "Dawn" should provide some<br />

information for pondering. The film, also by<br />

George Romero, has been a winner in its<br />

first showings in Pittsburgh theatres.<br />

The Lange organization has placed "The<br />

Class of Miss McMichael" into 15 Chicago<br />

area theatres starting May 11. Included in<br />

the booking is the brand new Woodfield 3.<br />

American International has been working<br />

with Casablanca Records for the May 1<br />

opening of "California Dreaming." In a joint<br />

effort, the promotion gives listeners a record<br />

album featuring the film's music. AI<br />

staffers are rejoicing over boxoffice figures<br />

for "Love at First Bite," starring George<br />

Hamilton. Critics were far from generous<br />

in talking about this film and stars were<br />

minimal. But patron response, which puts<br />

money in the boxoffice coffers, has been<br />

big.<br />

Blanche Weiner has joined the growing<br />

office of Associated Film Distribution Corp.<br />

as secretary to Elliott Slutzky.<br />

Fihnmakers within the State of Illinois<br />

have until May 1 to submit the results of<br />

their efforts in the areas of animation,<br />

drama, documentary and experimental film<br />

production. A jury will make selections for<br />

prizes. On the basis of jury opinion, two<br />

top awards of $500 each will be made in<br />

the film competition.<br />

The Gateway Theatre, long operated by<br />

Plitt Theatres, Inc.. will close under current<br />

ownership. But it will continue to serve the<br />

neighborhood as a movie house. It has been<br />

purchased by the Polish National Alliance,<br />

and the Gateway will be operated as a Polish-language<br />

theatre.<br />

It was admitted, with regret, that business<br />

for "A Perfect Couple" did not make a<br />

splash in its introductory showing. But what<br />

promises to be effective promotion could<br />

brighten the film's prospects considerably.<br />

A contest with 12 trips to the Bahamas<br />

as prizes represents cooperative publicity<br />

action between Plitt Theatres, the Bahamas<br />

Tourist Bureau. A & P Tours of Skokie and<br />

the Osco Co. on behalf of "A Perfect<br />

Couple" exploitation.<br />

Jerry Bulger, Plitt advertising/ promotion<br />

manager, said the project provides some of<br />

the most extensive free advertising ever accorded<br />

in relation to a new film arrival.<br />

The contest is featured in 97 Osco stores.<br />

Osco has spent a minimum of $12,000 in<br />

point-of-purchase material, and. in addition<br />

to the no-cost advertising in food sections<br />

of the stores, there are cross plugging ads,<br />

also free, in the Chicago Tribune and the<br />

Chicago Sun-Times. A basic purpose of the<br />

contest is to find six of Chicagoland's "perfect<br />

couples."<br />

Jack Clark, acting on behalf of the newly<br />

organized Theatre Owners of Illinois, reminds<br />

exhibitors that a new Illinois blind<br />

bidding bill is being discussed by many of<br />

the<br />

leading circuit operators throughout the<br />

state. He expresses the opinion that a successful<br />

attempt in Illinois to pass legislation<br />

similar to Ohio's could probably do it for<br />

the country. He said. "It has been two years<br />

iince we passed the House and were dumped<br />

in a Senate committee."<br />


"Everythinf; for ihe Theatre"<br />


MW-2 BOXOFRCE :: April 30. 1979

iASr HOUSE at LEn .<br />



[<br />

I<br />

M I N N E A P O L I S<br />

Qon't tell me those Oscars don't make a<br />

difference!" It was Walt Badger. United<br />

Artists branch manager, talking. And he had<br />

just scanned the grosses posted by "Coming<br />

Home" in the wake of best-performer<br />

Academy Awards for the picture's co-stars,<br />

Jon Voight and Jane Fonda. Ticket action<br />

in both Minneapolis and St. Paul for "Coming<br />

Home" found it topping most of the<br />

first-run product—and Badger also pointed<br />

to Fargo. N.D., where grosses ballooned.<br />

"A month ago. it frankly would have been<br />

different to get a date for the picture."<br />

Badger said. "Now. I can hardly keep up<br />

with the calls!"<br />

Meanwhile, Universal branch manager<br />

Frank Zanotti echoed Badger's words regarding<br />

the awards. "The Deer Hunter"<br />

boxoffice action either held rock-firm or<br />

(in its augmented run) pushed upward.<br />

"There's simply no question about the impact<br />

of the awards on the moviegoing public."<br />

said Zanotti. "The ticket-buyers definitely<br />

respond to Oscar winners—and as best<br />

picture plus its other honors. 'Deer Hunter'<br />

is reaping that reward."<br />

Henry G. Plitt, president and chief executive<br />

officer of the Plitt theatre circuit, has<br />

been chosen Motion Picture Pioneer of the<br />

Year by the board of directors of the Foundation<br />

of the Motion Pictuie Pioneers.<br />

Foundation president B.V. Sturdivant announced<br />

that Plitt is to receive the award<br />

at the 41st Annual Motion Picture Pioneers<br />

Dinner to be held this fall. Plitt heads a<br />

circuit of more than 400 screens, is a muchdecorated<br />

veteran of World War II, is an<br />

enormously civic-minded individual and is<br />

active in many facets of the film industry.<br />

Earlier winners of the honor include Cecil<br />

B. DeMille. Adolph Zukor, Dairyl F.<br />

Zanuck, Jules Stein and many others.<br />

The Easter vacation period coincided this<br />

year with the Academy Awards, and that<br />

was a double plus for the prime winners<br />

"Coming Home" and "The Deer Hunter."<br />

Warner Bros.' "The Great American<br />

Chase," a collection of cartoons, was slotted<br />

for the school's-out period—and it performed<br />

very well at two outlying situations but<br />

came up short in its lone downtown date,<br />

the Academy Theatre. There's a growing<br />

feeling along Filmrow that downtown Minneapolis<br />

increasingly is unable to support<br />

most pictures on an exclusive basis. The<br />

exceptions seem to be action pictures and<br />

such items as the current smash, "Richard<br />

Pryor—Live in Concert."<br />

Pictures that jumped during the Easter<br />


^railercttes-lJai^;r^<br />



To" ox 54T^DES MdlNES, IOWA • 50302<br />

PHONE (515) 288-1122<br />

vacation period: "The Champ," "Hair" and<br />

"Superman."<br />

Warner Bros, branch boss Dick Malek set<br />

tv/o saturation campaigns. "Blazing Saddles"<br />

was slotted for an April 27 opening with<br />

15 screens in the Twin Cities—and 75 prints<br />

working across the entire territory. And<br />

"The Exorcist" is set for a May 25 spread<br />

with some 60 prints territorywide.<br />

"Hurricane" bowed in Minneapolis-St.<br />

Paul on Thursday, Apiil 12, because—it was<br />

reported—Producer Dino De Laurentiis is<br />

superstitious and didn't want his $22-million<br />

picture to open on a Friday the 13th. But it<br />

seems a black cat was already in waiting:<br />

"Hurricane" grosses were anything but<br />

lusty-gusty. Apparently the Paramount studio<br />

itself isn't superstitious: On its release sheet<br />

is "Meatballs"—done by the producers of<br />

•Animal House"—and it's set for a Friday,<br />

July<br />

13 break.<br />

The Paramount branch store here is now<br />

equipped with a computer terminal system<br />

and a New York team of equipment instructors<br />

came in April 26. All branch records<br />

will be stored in a computer data bank, and<br />

they can be called up via the local keyboard.<br />

They'd better be careful with the "erase"<br />

button!<br />

Filmrow visitors: Jeff Logan, Roxy Theatre,<br />

Mitchell, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence<br />

Schnabel. Ashley, Ashley. S.D. Tentilino<br />

Enterprises, Alexandria, Minn., purchased<br />

the Fergus Theatre and the Fergus drive-in<br />

theatres from veteran circuit owner Ben<br />

Berger.<br />


premiere benefit performance of United<br />

J^<br />

Artists' "The Champ" at the Centre<br />

Cinema Twins was held April 5. The RSVP<br />

event which began with cocktails and dinner<br />

at the Marc Plaza Hotel, raised more<br />

than $20,000 ($100 per couple and $500<br />

per table of ten) for two charities, the City<br />

of Hope, which supports research for numerous<br />

childhood diseases, and the Milwaukee<br />

Athletes Against Childhood Cancer,<br />

which supports pediatric cancer research at<br />

the Milwaukee Children's Hospital.<br />

Ben and Steve Marcus donated the proceeds<br />

of the dinner to the City of Hope,<br />

and Richard Kite of the Marcus Theatres<br />

Corp. also announced the Centre Theatre<br />

expenses were being absorbed by the corporation<br />

with all proceeds from ticket sales<br />

going to the charities.<br />

"The Champ" is currently in its second<br />

week at Movies Northridge, Spring Mall<br />

Triplex, Capitol Court Twins and Scotsland<br />

Cinemas.<br />

Owners of vidcocassette machines will<br />

now be able to see "Citizen Kane," "The<br />

French Connection," "The Sound of Music"<br />

and other films by borrowing them from the<br />

Milwaukee County Federated Library System.<br />

This service, supported by a Federal<br />

!<br />

Libraries Services and Construction Acts<br />

grant, will provide about 60 individual programs<br />

and several series on various subjects<br />

for which two interchange^tble video-cassette<br />

formats will be available, the BETA-2 ;<br />

the VHS-2.<br />

The appointment of Truman Schroeder<br />

and Michael Ogrodowski as assistant vicepresidents—film<br />

division, Marcus Theatres<br />

!<br />

Corp., has been announced by Richard L.<br />

Kite, corporation president.<br />

Schroeder joined the Marcus chain in<br />

1945 when it was in its infancy, and in<br />

addition to managing many theatres, was<br />

director of advertising. He is now responsible<br />

for scheduling films in Appleton,<br />

Green Bay, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Neenah,<br />

Oshkosh, La Crosse, Chippewa Falls,<br />

Menomonee and Ripon.<br />

Ogrodowski has been with the Marcus<br />

Theatre Corp. for eight years, beginning in<br />

the operations divisions as a theatre manager<br />

upon graduation from the UW-Milwaukee.<br />

He was transferred to the film<br />

division assisting in the acquisition of films<br />

when there were just 30 theatres rather than<br />

the current 80 theatres that are all in Wisconsin.<br />

He will now schedule films at the<br />

company's Milwaukee, Madison and Racine<br />

theatres.<br />

In the summer of 1976, the Milwaukee<br />

Public Museum conducted scientific investigations<br />

on Ellsmere Island, 750 miles from<br />

the North Pole. A film of the expedition<br />

has been awarded an honorable mention<br />

in the 21st American Film Festival, to be<br />

held May 28 through June 2 in New York<br />

City.<br />

Walt Blaney, manager of the Cinema<br />

Twins in Menomonee Falls, reports continuation<br />

of its long-running "Showtime for the<br />

Senior Citizen," with attendance "holding<br />

at the 400 mark." Says Walt: "Doughnuts,<br />

coffee and a good show makes for an en<br />

joyable day for the senior citizen."<br />

Walt tells <strong>Boxoffice</strong> about the extra<br />

promotional deals that have kept his theatre<br />

busy: special show for the Catholic Knights<br />

Insurance Co., "Three Stooges Follies"'<br />

special show for a new merchant in town.<br />

Union Prescription Co.; a benefit show for<br />

the "Lighting Aires," a drum and bugle<br />

corps, with the feature film "Yours, Mine<br />

and Ours," and a special screening of a film<br />

made in Menomonee Falls back in 1939<br />

called "Menomonee Falls on Parade."<br />

Rivoli Theatre in Cedarburg was again;<br />

for the fourth consecutive year, used by th«<br />

Knights of Columbus Cedarburg Counci<br />

4520 for its fourth annual Cedarburg-Graf'5<br />

ton Easter show. No tickets were required.<br />

Children were given free candy after attending<br />

either of the two matinee showings, 1<br />

and 3 p.m. Film fare was "Charlotte's<br />

Web." A large display ad in the local weekly<br />

listed over 40 "merchants who have helped<br />

to make this show possible."<br />

First run films coming to Milwaukee:<br />

"Battlestar Galactica," on May 18 to Spring<br />

Mall, Skyway, Northridge and 24 Drivein;<br />

"Voices," on May 25, to Souihtown, and<br />

Northridge.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979!

'<br />

LilSF HOUSE iStLEn .<br />




APRIL ll-TO-17<br />

njiAni<br />







FLYING CLOUD D.I. 5,123<br />

CORALL D.I. 7,288<br />

ROSE D.I. 10,102<br />

TOTAL: $36,620<br />

GROSS |s YET<br />

8,103 TO<br />

6,004 COME!]<br />


TO AVOID<br />




( ..ONLY A MOVIE<br />

1 ..ONLY A MOVIE<br />

i| ..OKIY A MOVIE<br />

"\ ..

amsmi<br />

Calgary<br />

Abba the Movie (WB). Market Mall 5,<br />

1st wk Excellent<br />

Agatha (WB). Calgary Place 1<br />

5th wk Fair<br />

The China Syndrome (Astral). North<br />

Hill. Westbrook, 1st wk Excellent<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Towne Red.<br />

2nd wk Excellent<br />

Fast Break (Astral). Grand 2, Marlboro<br />

Square 1. 2nd wk Excellent<br />

CJood Guys Wear Blacli (Can-film),<br />

Marlboro Square 2, Odeon I,<br />

1st wk Excellent<br />

The Great Train Robbery (UA).<br />

Chinook, 6th wk Excellent<br />

Hardcore (Astral), Grand 1.<br />

4th wk Very Good<br />

Midnight Express (Astral).<br />

Westbrook 1, 22nd wk Good<br />

Murder by Decree (AFD). Palliser<br />

Square 1. 7th wk Very Good<br />

Norma Rae (BV). Uptown 1.<br />

Westbrook 2. 2nd wk Excellent<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars<br />

(BV), Palace. 3rd wk Excellent<br />

Same Time, Next Year (Univ).<br />

Odeon 2, Uptown. 7th wk Good<br />

Superman (WB), Calgary Place 2.<br />

1 5th wk Excellent<br />

The Warriors (Para). Palliser Square 2.<br />

7th wk Excellent<br />

Watership Down (New World Mutual).<br />

Brentwood. 8th wk Good<br />

Winnipeg<br />

Bnck Rogers in the 25th Century (Univ),<br />

Kings, Park, 1st wk Very Good<br />

The Champ (MGM-UA). Metropolitan,<br />

1 St wk Excellent<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ). Garrick I.<br />

4th wk<br />

Excellent<br />

Every Which Way But Loose (WB),<br />

Northstar [, 16th wk Very Good<br />

Fast Break (Col), Convention Centre,<br />

4th wk Very Good<br />

Hair (UA), Colony, 1st wk Very Good<br />

Halloween (Astral), 7th wk., Odeon,<br />

7st wk Good<br />

Hardcore (Astral). Garrick II, 5th wk. Good<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV).<br />

Garden City. 4th wk<br />

Very Good<br />

Murder by Decree (AFD), Northstar II.<br />

9th wk Good<br />

Same Time, Next Year (Univ),<br />

Grant Partk, 8th wk<br />

Good<br />

Wifemistress (PR), Festival,<br />

I st wk Average<br />

Toronto<br />

Agatha (WB), Eglinton. Towne.<br />

6th wk<br />

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Univ),<br />

Fair<br />

8 theatres, Isl wk Excellent<br />

The China Syndrome (.Astral), 6 theatres,<br />

.3rd wk Excellent<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Varsity.<br />

7th wk<br />

Excellent<br />

Every Which Way But Loose (WB),<br />

Imperial, 15th wk Good<br />

Fast Break (Astral), 3 theatres,<br />

4th wk<br />

Good<br />

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (Saguenay),<br />

International. 7th wk Good<br />

Hair (UA). University. 1st wk. . . .Excellent<br />

Norma Rae (BVFD), Hollywood,<br />

4th wk<br />

Very Good<br />

The Passage (UA), Imperial. 2nd wk. Good<br />

A Perfect Couple (BVFD), Uptown,<br />

1st wk Fair<br />

Richard Pryor—Live in Concert (IFD).<br />

Elgin. 2nd wk Good<br />

Superman (WB). Hollywood. Imperial,<br />

16th wk<br />

Fair<br />

Voices (UA). Uptown<br />

Good<br />

The Warriors (Para). Imperial.<br />

8th wk<br />

Good<br />

Edmonton<br />

Agatha (WB). Westmount B, 4th wk. Good<br />

Autumn Sonata (New World).<br />

Varscona. 2nd wk Fair<br />

The China Syndrome (Astral),<br />

Mcadowlark, Rialto 1, 1st wk. Excellent<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ), Towne<br />

Cinema, 2nd wk Excellent<br />

Fast Break (Astral), Odeon 1, Plaza 2,<br />

1st wk Excellen-t<br />

The Great Train Robbery (UA), Capital<br />

Square 3, 6th wk Excellent<br />

Fast Break (Astral). Odeon 1. Plaza 2,<br />

1 st wk Excellent<br />

Hardcore (Astral). Capilano, Rialto 2,<br />

4th wk Excellent<br />

Murder By Decree (AFD), Garneau,<br />

7th wk Good<br />

National Lampoon's Animal House<br />

(Univ). Jasper Blue. 34th wk Good<br />

Norma Rae (BVFD). Odeon 2. Plaza 1.<br />

2nd wk<br />

Excellent<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV).<br />

Londonderry A. 1st wk Excellent<br />

Superman (WB). Paramoimt.<br />

15th wk Excellent<br />

Montreal<br />

Agatha (WB). Avenue. 6th wk<br />

The Champ (UA). Loews 1.<br />

Good<br />

1st wk Excellent<br />

The China Syndrome (Astral). Atwatcr.<br />

3nd wk Excellent<br />

The Deer Hunter (Univ).<br />

Place du Canada, 4th wk Excellent<br />

Hair (UA), York, 1st wk Excellent<br />

Halloween (Astral), Cinema dc Paris,<br />

8th wk Very Good<br />

Love in Concert (Int). Palace. 3rd wk. Good<br />

Murder by Decree (AFD), Claremont,<br />

5th wk<br />

Good<br />

Norma Rae (BVFD). The Cinema.<br />

3rd wk<br />

Very Good<br />

The North Avenue Irregulars (BV).<br />

Van Home. 6th wk Good<br />

The Promise (Univ). Bonaventurc,<br />

1st wk Good<br />

The Silent Partner (LRB). Lows 5,<br />

11th wk<br />

Good<br />

Superman (WB), Loews 3,<br />

1 6th wk VeryGood<br />

The Warriors (Para), Loews 2,<br />

8th wk Very Good<br />

French Language Films<br />

Au-Dela du Bien et du Mai (Carim),<br />

Le Dauphin. 4th wk<br />

Good<br />

La Cage aux Folles (UA). Parisien 1.<br />

2nd wk<br />

Excellent<br />

LTnvasion des Profanateurs (UA).<br />

Berri, 3rd wk. Fair<br />

Moaurs Cachees de la Bourgeoisie (Para),<br />

Parisien 2. 1st wk Very Good<br />

Mort sur le Nil (Para). Parisien. 2.<br />

1 6th wk Very Good<br />

Pain et Chocoiat (Univ). Carrefour.<br />

1 st wk Very Good<br />

La Proie de PAutostop (Carim).<br />

Parisien 5. 3rd wk Good<br />


Quadrant Film.s' next project is to be<br />

"Nothing Personal." a feature film<br />

about the annual seal hunt. This film is to<br />

have a budget in the $3.5 to $4 million<br />

range, and heading the cast will be Suzanne<br />

Sommers, star of the "Three's Company"<br />

TV series. The co-star is expected to be<br />

Donald Sutherland.<br />

The format for the annual Canadian Film<br />

Awards may be changed. Its organizers are<br />

now attempting to form an Academy of<br />

Canadian Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.<br />

Responsibility for the awards has passed<br />

from organization to organization for several<br />

years, and last year they were held as<br />

part of the Festival of Festivals in this city.<br />

Under the proposed new set-up. however,<br />

actors, directors, producers, writers, cameramen<br />

and others would pay individual<br />

memberships, and each would have a vote<br />

for most of the awards which would be<br />

presented in February.<br />

Actress Brooke Shields, star of "Pretty<br />

Baby," is coming to this country to head<br />

the cast of "Sweet Justice," a $4-million<br />

outdoor adventure which is due to be lensed<br />

in Alberta or British Columbia this July.<br />

This film is the first of three productions<br />

to be undertaken by Toronto accountant<br />

Richard Norton. It will be recalled that<br />

Shields" "Pretty Baby" was denied screen^<br />

ings in this province by the Ontario Censor<br />

Board.<br />

Canada's National Film Board has won<br />

its third Oscar in two years. "Special Delivery."<br />

made by board animators Eunice<br />

Macauley and John Weldon. was named<br />

Best Animated Short Subject. The short is<br />

all a series of lines that continually reform<br />

to make chairs, tables, people, houses, cars<br />

and so on.<br />

The Canadian As.sn. of Motion Picture<br />

Producers (CAMPP). a voluntary association<br />

of feature film producers, have named<br />

their officers and directors for 1979. With<br />

William Marshall as president, Halmers<br />

Adams will serve as treasurer and Samuel<br />

K-2 BOXOFFICE April 30. 1979

I<br />

Marquis<br />

I<br />

1<br />

I James<br />

Jcphcott as secretary. David Pcrlnuittcr,<br />

Ronald Cohen, Claude Heroux and Victor<br />

Solnicki will serve as vice-president.<br />

The following members have agreed to<br />

specific responsibilities by accepting chairmanship<br />

of the following CAMPP committees:<br />

Canadian distribution, Ronald Cohen;<br />

certification and APFQ liaison, Joseph<br />

Beaubien; Canadian Broadcasting Corp.,<br />

Michael Peacock; Canadian film awards,<br />

Jon Slan; copyright, taxation, dues and<br />

levies, Chalmers Adams: film festivals and<br />

foreign marketing. Robert Lantos; international<br />

co-productions and securities commissions,<br />

David Perlmutter; immigration,<br />

Samuel Jcphcott; liaison with the Union of<br />

Film Craftsmen, David Main; membership,<br />

Victor Solnicki, and Ontario government,<br />

William Marshall.<br />

The annual general meeting was March<br />

16 in Toronto. The directors' meeting was<br />

April 2. The association has approximately<br />

80 members across Canada who are responsible<br />

for about 90 percent of the independent<br />

feature film production. This year,<br />

CAMPP members expect to exceed $100<br />

million in production budgets on Canadian<br />

feature films.<br />

''Murder By Decree," the Anglo-Canadian<br />

Sherlock Holmes mystery, has grossed<br />

$1.5 million at Canadian boxoffices in ten<br />

weeks, and of this amount $500,000 comes<br />

from its run in this city. As well, the film<br />

has earned $4 million in its<br />

U.S. run.<br />

novel by W. A. Canaway.<br />

"Sweet Justice" is to be directed by Richard<br />

Marquand, whose latest effort, "The<br />

Legacy," is currently a boxoffice hit in<br />

Europe. It is to be released on this continent<br />

by Universal Films, and will open this fall<br />

in<br />

1,100 theatres on the East Coast.<br />

Films have two further produci<br />

tions set for the year. One of these will be<br />

"The Yermak of Transfer," a $6.6 million<br />

action-adventure which will have a major<br />

international cast and director, to be announced<br />

this summer. This will also be an<br />

Anglo-Canadian co-production, to be produced<br />

by Antony Rufus Isaacs and John<br />

Trent. Richard Norton will be executive<br />

producer. Details concerning the third coproduction,<br />

to be filmed later in the fall<br />

with a $3 million budget, will be released<br />

later.<br />

de B. Domville. government film<br />

commissioner, has announced the appointment<br />

of Francois N. Macerola as deputy<br />

government/ Film commissioner effective<br />

April 2. Macerola joined the National Film<br />

Board in 1971 and, in 1976. became director<br />

of French production. Prior to that appointment,<br />

he headed the NFB's commercial<br />

section of the distribution branch for<br />

two years.<br />

Toronto's<br />

18-Theatre Cineplex Goes<br />

After Diverse Fragmented' Audience<br />

AGNEW<br />

By J.W.<br />

Toronto Correspondent<br />

TORONTO—Cineplex, the worlds largest<br />

collection of cinemas under a single<br />

roof, officially opened in this city April 19.<br />

Termed a "jewel box," the bold new concept<br />

in motion picture theatres could well<br />

set a pattern far into the next century, and<br />

could revolutionize the business itself.<br />

Located in Eaton Centre, the seating in<br />

the various cinemas ranges from 60 to 1 30,<br />

for a total of 1,600 seats. Canadian motion<br />

picture magnate Nat Taylor and lawyer and<br />

producer Garth Drabinsky—two of the<br />

principle partners in this project—displayed<br />

proudly a model of their brainchild in a<br />

restaurant meeting prior to the opening.<br />

Most Ingenious<br />

"Nobody really has an idea of what we're<br />

going to do," stated Taylor. "It's the most<br />

Ingenious thing I've ever done and when I<br />

tell you that the movies are 75 years old<br />

and that I've been in this business for 60<br />

years, you know I mean what I say.<br />

"There are pockets of moviegoing interests<br />

not being catered to, say 20,000 to 30,-<br />

000 people pockets, and we're going after<br />

them," added Drabinsky. "We can do that<br />

much better than a big movie theatre which<br />

has a substantial overhead and a less flexible<br />

Richard Norton, president of Marquis policy."<br />

Films, has confirmed a July start date Taylor is a pioneer in the field of twin<br />

for "Sweet Justice," an Anglo-Canadian coproduction.<br />

Brooke<br />

cinemas, and his Elgin in Ottawa has been<br />

Taylor promised<br />

International film star operating as such since 1942.<br />

Shields to headline the cast. The budget<br />

that when things really get rolling,<br />

is<br />

there will be "something for everyone" at<br />

for this film is $4 miUion, and it is based<br />

upon "Declaration of Independence." a Cineplex.<br />

its Basically, policy will be to attract audiences<br />

interested in first-class foreign-language<br />

films not usually available locally,<br />

and" good Hollywood films that, for one<br />

reason or another, are not successful at the<br />

boxoffice the first time around, but nevertheless<br />

are worth seeing.<br />

Opening attractions will<br />

include "Tree of<br />

the Wooden Clogs." the Cannes prize-winner<br />

from Italy; "The Shout" from Britain;<br />

"Newsfront" from Australia; "Queen of the<br />

Gypsies" from Russia; "Rain and Shine"<br />

from Hungary and "Purple Taxi," an Italian-French-Irish<br />

co-production. All will be<br />

dubbed in English, as will 80 percent of the<br />

films that will be shown at Cineplex.<br />

Booked Yiddish Films<br />

Taylor has also booked four Yiddish<br />

films, some of them made 40 years ago; also<br />

some Canadian films now on their second<br />

round, and first-nms for such films as "The<br />

Rubber Gun," made in Montreal, and films<br />

made under the auspices of the American<br />

Film Institute.<br />

"If we have an important and popular<br />

film." Taylor told Sid Adilman of the Star,<br />

"we can screen it in. say. three of our theatres<br />

on the weekends and then pull it out<br />

of two of them Monday to Thursday and<br />

repeat the triple theatre showings on weekends.<br />

If you've got 100 seats and you get 1,-<br />

000 people a week, you can make money.<br />

If you've got 500 seats and get 1,000 people,<br />

you'd go broke."<br />

Central Computerized <strong>Boxoffice</strong><br />

Cineplex will have staggered starting<br />

times from noon until 10 p.m., on a reserved<br />

performance basis. Ticket sales will<br />

be by a central computerized boxoffice, but<br />

tickets are only available on the day of performance.<br />

"You have to leave after the show because<br />

we need to have time to clean the<br />

theatre for the next audience." Taylor said.<br />

Instead of the total 1.600 seats, Taylor<br />

commented, "we could have put m 2,000,<br />

but, instead of having seating wall to wall,<br />

separated by an aisle, we have all the seats<br />

in the centre where no one will feel crowded<br />

near the walls. People prefer to go into<br />

a smaller room. We didn't<br />

we built jewel boxes."<br />

build shoe boxes;<br />

Cineplex will have a total staff of 58,<br />

spread over three shifts. Soon after its opening,<br />

a quadraphonic sound system will be<br />

installed in some of the cinemas. All of the<br />

cinemas will operate with rearscreen and<br />

with 16mm prints.<br />

"This is not a new idea," Taylor admitted,<br />

"but certainly cheaper, and with no<br />

loss of picture to<br />

the customer."<br />

Ticket prices were originally expected to<br />

be pegged at $3 per person, but this may<br />

not hold true. "It all depends on what we're<br />

presenting." Taylor stated. "For a threehour<br />

movie such as 'Tree of the Wooden<br />

Clogs' we could go higher. All I'm saying<br />

is that our prices will be competitive."<br />

Nat Taylor pointed out that the theatres<br />

with the highest occupancy-per-seat rate<br />

locally were his Uptown Backstage twin<br />

cinemas, seating 184 and 144 each.<br />

Market for Any Picure<br />

"There's a market for any picture." Taylor<br />

stated. "It doesn't matter that audiences<br />

aren't big; they're fragmented. That's it!<br />

We're going to cater to fragmented audiences."<br />

At the present time, between 300.000 and<br />

400,000 people go through the Eaton Centre<br />

each day. "But," commented Garth Drabinsky,<br />

"with 750.000 people a day expected<br />

to go through Eaton Centre when the<br />

addition is completed, we aim to draw much<br />

of our audience right there. In a 70-seat<br />

theatre, if we have 40 people for a matinee,<br />

we're doing 70 percent capacity.<br />

"We're going to make mistakes, be sure<br />

of that," added Taylor, "but it certainly<br />

sounds exciting, eh"<br />

Michael Lembeck. Phillip Casnoff. Dennis<br />

Quaid. Richard Beauchamp and Glenn<br />

Super star in<br />

"Gorp."<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979<br />


wmmm<br />

Creators Feared Oscar Would Bypass<br />

Their 'Small Potatoes Animated Film<br />

MONTREAL—National Film Board animators<br />

John Weldon and Eunice Macaulay<br />

were thrilled to be flying off to the Acadeiny<br />

Awards in Hollywood, where their<br />

seven-minute film "Special Delivery" won<br />

an Oscar for Best Short Animated Film.<br />

But, being animators, they doubted the<br />

Academy Awards would hold a candle to<br />

Zagreb.<br />

Every second year about 400 of the<br />

world's most gifted practitioners trek off<br />

to Yugoslavia's beloved Zagreb International<br />

Animation Film Festival.<br />

And Zagreb is a city so in love with the<br />

world's animators that even the mayor<br />

this greets serio-comic crew with adulatory<br />

speeches in the town square. At last year's<br />

festival, the NFB's "Special Delivery," subtitled<br />

in Serbo-Croation, walked away with<br />

first prize.<br />

Black-Humor Piece<br />

The black-humor piece was the only Canadian<br />

film nominated in any category this<br />

year. But its creators didn't expect to be<br />

noticed at the high-stakes Oscar event.<br />

"Oh we're very small potatoes," says Mrs.<br />

Macaulay, diving into her purse for a cigarette,<br />

only to remember she's recently renounced<br />

the weed.<br />

A shy, gray-haired, Lancashire-born woman,<br />

she has worked in film animation in<br />

England and Canada on and off for the last<br />

30 years while raising a family. In 197.^<br />

she joined the NFB as animation supervisor.<br />

The job entails working on every production<br />

coming out of the film board's esteemed<br />

animation department—from supervising<br />

painters and tracers to doing backgrounds,<br />

then carefully checking every frame of each<br />

film.<br />

The job has also meant that until "Special<br />

Delivery," Mrs. Macaulay never got an<br />

up-front credit on a film.<br />

"You see, I've always been pulled in four<br />

or five directions at once." she explains.<br />

Notion Led to Film<br />

The film came about when fellow animator<br />

Weldon, a bearded, gnome-like young<br />

man with a manic laugh, told her about a<br />

crazy notion that came to him on the way<br />

to work one winter morning.<br />

What if. he wondered, you forgot to<br />

shovel the front walk and the postman<br />

tripped and broke his neck What do you<br />

do with the body<br />

It was one of Eunice's rare slack periods<br />

at the film board, so together they wrote<br />

the story and created the unusual animation<br />

involving a background that is redrawn for<br />

each frame.<br />

It was the first time the two had worked<br />

so closely together, and the result is seven<br />

minutes of Thurberesquc domestic paranoia,<br />

starring henpecked husband Ralph<br />

Phelps.<br />

It seems to have struck a universal chord.<br />

The film has already been translated into<br />

six languages and is currently getting wide<br />

play in North American and European<br />

movie theatres. It's particularly popular in<br />

the Scandinavian countries and Germany.<br />

Eunice recalls that when Weldon went on<br />

stage in Zagreb to accept the award, the<br />

audience of Yugoslavians called out: "Oh<br />

it's look, the mailman."<br />

Short-Legged Characters<br />

"My characters have short legs like me,"<br />

says Weldon, displaying the animator's honest<br />

mirth about the peculiarities of the human<br />

body.<br />

A winner of the Canadian Mathematical<br />

Congress Prize during his high school and<br />

university days, Weldon started his working<br />

life as an actuarial trainee in a Montreal insurance<br />

company.<br />

He quit to write and draw a comic book<br />

called Pipkin Papeis. It lasted all of one<br />

issue, but it was enoirgh to get Weldon a<br />

foot in the door at the NFB in 1970.<br />


TJeviewer Martin Knelman questioned the<br />

"justification of making 'Hair' now, as<br />

it seems to be a very distant curiosity" and<br />

"a trident dirge to the innocent sacrificed in<br />

Vietnam." Opening week was above average<br />

but unsatisfactory.<br />

Morly Walker of the Tribune described<br />

"The Champ" as a "tearjerker in the classic<br />

Hollywood tradition" but said that "the plot<br />

buckles under any rational scrutiny." He<br />

questions director Zeffirelli's involvement in<br />

"such a mawkish project." Opening week<br />

was excellent.<br />

Walker criticized the censored print of<br />

"Wifemistress," cut as shipped from the<br />

Ontario censor board. Manitoba Film Classification<br />

has been removed, to the movie's<br />

detriment, but it still is "good fun in a pedestrian<br />

style."<br />

"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" is a<br />

"low-budget loser" with "plastic sets, borrowed<br />

costumes and dialogue full of dreadful<br />

one-liners and embarassing double cntredres."<br />

Business was strong in two suburban<br />

houses.<br />


T^ulti-talented Michael Show was in Edmonton<br />

recently to present some of<br />

his works of art including a night of films<br />

at the National Film Board Theatre. Included<br />

in the movies being presented was<br />

"Wavelength," winner of the grand prize al<br />

the 1967 Brussels International Experimental<br />

Film Festival. Filmmaking is only one<br />

of Snow's achievements; he also is a pamter,<br />

sculptor, photographer and musician. Born<br />

in Toronto, he moved to New York in 1963<br />

with his wife Joyce Weiland, who directed<br />

"A Far Shore," a story of the life and death<br />

of another Canadian artist, Tom Thomson.<br />

Presently some of his works, including<br />

films, are on tour of Europe.<br />

Alberta's Motion Picture Censor Board<br />

screened a total of 36 feature films in the<br />

month of March. There were 17 foreign<br />

films (films made in the U.S. are not considered<br />

foreign films in Canada) of which<br />

12 were in the Chinese language. All had<br />

English subtitles.<br />

One feature, "Disco Summer," has an<br />

alternate title— "Summer Night Fever." Of<br />

the 36 pictures, nine were placed in the<br />

Family group, five in the Adult category<br />

and ten in the Adult Not Suitable for Children<br />

classification. The remaining 12 were<br />

classed as Restricted Adult.<br />

On April 4 Calgarians were treated to a<br />

selection of films about writers in a program<br />

co-sponsored by the National Film<br />

Board and Calgary booksellers. This National<br />

Book Festival helped promote Book<br />

Week in Calgary.<br />

The Calgary Film Society gave two programs<br />

to its members. On April the International<br />

Series presented "The Wedding" in<br />

the Jubilee Auditorium. This is a Polish<br />

picture, produced in 1972 under the<br />

direction of Andrzej Wajda. April 8 saw<br />

the final screening in the Specialist Films<br />

surrealist films at the Boris Roubakine Theatre<br />

on the University of Calgary Campus.<br />

The film was "If," directed by Lindsay Anderson<br />

and produced in 1969 in Great Britain.<br />

The Department of Alberta Culture carried<br />

on with its free films in the Provincial<br />

Museum with the first offering in a Film<br />

Biographies series on the screen April 4.<br />

This was Larry Parks powerful "The Al<br />

Jolson Story" made in 1946. On April 8<br />

the Epic Film Series continued with "Cleopatra,"<br />

the 1963 version directed by Joseph<br />

Mankiewicz and starring Richard Burton,<br />

Elizabeth Taylor and Rex Harrison.<br />

Children Get Their Chance<br />

To Handle a Movie Camera<br />

MONTREAL—Children watch movies,<br />

talk about movies and pretend they're acting<br />

in<br />

movies. But rarely do they have a chance<br />

to stand behind a camera and make their<br />

own.<br />

Enfilm '79, North America's first<br />

international<br />

film festival of Super-8 films produced<br />

by and for children, promises to give<br />

more than 1,000 .schoolchildren their first<br />

experience at doing just that.<br />

"This won't be a festival for big-shot<br />

filmmakers or critics," Andre Lafrance. director<br />

of the festival, said in a recent interview.<br />

"It's mainly for the kids, and<br />

increase the public's interest of what film<br />

is all about."<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30. 1979



Bookinguide Editor<br />

An interpretive analysis of lay and trodepress reviews. Running time is in parentheses. The plus and<br />

minus signs indicate degree ol merit. Listings cover current reviews regularly. Symbol tj denotes<br />

BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Award. All films are in color except those indicated by (bSw) for black &<br />

white or (© and biw) for color end black 6 white. Motion Picture Ass'n (MPAA) ratings: [G]— general<br />

audiences; PG— all ages admitted (parental guidance suggested); [ft]— restricted, with persons under<br />

17 not admitted unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian; !X— persons under 17 not admitted.<br />

Reviews assigned "N" page numbers will be found in the National (front) section of BOXOFFICE.<br />



ii Very Good; + Good; — Foil Poor; = Vei7 Poor. roted 2 pluses, — as 2 minuses.<br />

Across the Great Divide (103)<br />

OD-Ad PIE 2- 5-79 El<br />

Aoatha (104) D WB 2-19-79 PG<br />

Ashaiiti (117) Ac-Ad WB 4-23-79 H<br />

Attacic of the<br />

Killer Tomatoes (86) Ho-C<br />

M ..Four Square Productions 11- 6-76 PG<br />

Autumn Sonata<br />

(97) D New World 10- 9-78 PG<br />

Avalanche (91)<br />

Ac-Sus New World 9-11-78 PG<br />

3+1-<br />

6+4-<br />

1+2-<br />

5080 Battlestar Gallactica (125)<br />

SF-Ac Univ 12-11-78 PG<br />

Bell Jar, ....Avco 4- 2-79 E]<br />

5101 The (112) D<br />

5099 Bermuda Triangle, The<br />

(93) Doc Sunn Classic 3-19-79 El<br />

Beyond and Back (91)<br />

5057<br />

Doc Sunn Classic 9-11-78 g]<br />

5068 Big Fix. The<br />

(113) MyC-D Univ 10-23-78 PG<br />

Black Pearl, The<br />

5067<br />

(96) Ad-D Diamond 10-23-78 PG<br />

Blackout (90)<br />

5058<br />

Ac-Sus New World 9-11-78 H<br />

5063 Born Again<br />

(110) B-D Avco 10- 2-78 PG<br />

Bottom Line, The 5085 (93)<br />

C Silverstein 1- 8-79 H<br />

5103 Boulevard Nights (102)<br />

Ac-D WB 4- 9-79 H<br />

5061 Boys From Brazil, The<br />

(124) SF-Sus-D ..20th-Fox 9-25-78 H<br />

5087 Brass Target (Ul)<br />

Sus-D MGM-UA 1-15-79 PG<br />

5084 Brink's Job, The (IIS)<br />

Cr-C Univ 1- 1-79 PG<br />

5105 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century<br />

(88) Ad-F Univ 4-16-79 PG<br />

+<br />

1+<br />

1+<br />

1 + 2-<br />

4+5-<br />

1+2-<br />

2+4-<br />

7+1-<br />

1+2-<br />

3+2-<br />

4+3-<br />

4+4-<br />

3+4-<br />

Caddie (107)<br />

D ....Australian Film Office 1-8-79<br />

5107 California Dreaming<br />

(92) C-D Al 4-23-79 H<br />

5086 California Suite (103) C ... Col 1- 8-79 PG<br />

5074 Caravans (123) Ad-D Univ 11-13-78 PG<br />

5108 Champ, The (121) D MGM-UA 4-23-79 PG<br />

5088 Children of Sanchez, Tlie (115)<br />

Lone Star 1-15-79 H<br />

5100 China Syndrome, The<br />

(122) Sus-D Col 318-79 PG<br />

5092 Circle of Iron<br />

(102) F-Ac-Ad Avco 2- 5-79<br />

5093 Class of Miss MacMichael, The<br />

(92) C Brut 2-12-79 B]<br />

5070 Comes a Horseman<br />

(118) W-D UA 10-30-78 PG<br />

5069 Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride<br />

(87) Ho Dynamite 10-30-78 Bl<br />

+<br />

+±<br />

5097 Dark, The<br />

—D—<br />

(92) SF Film Ventures 3- 5-79 E<br />

5058 Days of Heaven<br />

(95) D Para 9-11-78 PG<br />

5061 ^Death on the Nile<br />

(140) My Para 9-25-78 PG<br />

5080 Deer Hunter, The (183) D . Univ 12-11-78 H<br />

BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: April 30,

wm<br />

i<br />


AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX ++ Very Good, H Good; ± Fair; - Poor; = Very Poor.<br />

1 il i<br />

the summary H is<br />

I .11 <<br />

oted 2 pluses.<br />

5085^1" Castles (113)<br />

.Col S-79 PG<br />

5091 If It Fits (60)<br />

Doc Marshall/Erder 2- 5-79<br />

In 5091 Praise of Older Women<br />

(108) D Avco 2- 5-79 H<br />

5090 Innocent, The<br />

(119) D Analysis 1-29-79 El<br />

Invasion of the Snatchers<br />

5083 Body<br />

(114) SF-Sus UA 1- 1-79 PG<br />

5079 It's Not the Size That Counts<br />

(86) Sex C Brenner 12-11-78 (B<br />

74 2-<br />

1+1-<br />

4+4-<br />

2+<br />

6+1-<br />

1+3-<br />

Rain and Shine (98)<br />

C New Yorker 12-18-78<br />

5100 Real Life (99) C Para 3-19-79 PG<br />

5104 Remember My Name (94)<br />

D Lagoon 4- 9-79 H<br />

5096 Richard Pryor—Live in Concert<br />

(77) C-Doc SEE 2-26-79<br />

5106 Robin (100) Mclo ...Starbeam 4-16-79<br />

5089 Run After Me—Until I Catch You!<br />

(91) C Silverstein 1-29-79<br />

5081 King of the Gypsies (U2)<br />

.Para 12-18-78 H

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'<br />

.<br />

'<br />

•<br />

•<br />



Max Havelaar (155) ..Hi-D.<br />

La Jument Vapeur<br />

Picnic at Manning Rock<br />

(110) My-D.<br />

'<br />

j<br />

.<br />

Date<br />

Dale Rel.<br />


ANALYSIS FILM RELEASING The Little Mermaid (71) An<br />

Northwest<br />

Jan in<br />

Peppermint Soda<br />

Leoend of the<br />

Newsfront (110) Hi-<br />

(R3) An.. Apr 79<br />

Dunderklumpen (96) ..An.. June 79<br />

The Tree of Wc<br />

(175) .<br />

Woyzeck . .<br />



Lust Flight 2000<br />

(78) Sex CD.<br />


Just Crazy About Horses<br />

(93) Doc. .Dec 78<br />

The Black Goddess Jan 79<br />


Carnal's Duties<br />

(76) Sex C. .Apr 79<br />

rat Manning. Janet Sands,<br />

Frisco King. William Margold<br />

Curves Ahead!<br />

(78) Sex C. .June 79<br />

The Udy Wants a<br />

Tramo Sex C. July 79<br />

Dirty Deadlines<br />

(74) Sex C. Oct 79<br />


Vampire Hookers<br />

(83) Sex C-0. Ju<br />

Jnhn rnrrndlne. Rrnre Falrhain<br />


Gail Palmer's Candy Goes to<br />

Hollywood Sex C. .(<br />

rami C.nrH.rs. Ji.hu Leslie<br />


Come Under My Spell<br />

(54) Sex D.. Dec 78<br />

Lusty Princess (82) .Sex C. Jan 79<br />

The New Erotic Adventures of<br />

Casanova Part 2 ..Sex D 79<br />

.<br />

I'm Always Ready ... Sex C. Mar 79<br />


When the Screaming Stops<br />

(94)<br />

Ho-F.<br />

The Black Six (90) .Ac-D.<br />

Me.^n" Joe Greene. Carl B<br />


Shame of the Jungle „ - . <br />

(S9)<br />

An-C..Sept78<br />

Vuices: John Belushl. Johnny<br />

Weissmiillcr jr.<br />

The Night, the Prowler . „ „<br />

(90) C-D..M<br />

Kerry Walker. Rnth Cracknel<br />

-J" Men Forever (90) ..CM<br />

Rust Never SI<br />

(100) ...<br />

Nell Youne<br />


The Billion Dollar Hobo<br />

(96) C. Sept 78<br />

Land of No Return<br />

(85) Ad . . Sept 78<br />

Mel Torme, William Shatner<br />

Where Time Began<br />

(90)<br />

Sept 78<br />

Kenneth More<br />

They Went That-a-Way and ThaVl-<br />

a-Way (100) C 0ct78<br />

Tim Comvay. Chuck McCann<br />

The Magic of Lassie<br />

(100) C-DM..0ct78<br />

James Stewart. Mickey Rooney.<br />

Pernell Roberts, Stephanie Zlmballst<br />

CINEMA S<br />

Viva Italia! (87) C. .July 78<br />

Vl'Inrlo Cassman. ('ko Togna:!Zl JAGUAR-BEEHIVE<br />

Disco Dolls in Hot S<br />

(95)<br />

Sex C. Sept 78<br />

Serena. Leslie Bovei<br />


Jacob Two-Two Meets the<br />

Hooded Fang<br />

(80) F-C-D..Scpt7S<br />

Alex Karr;is. Stephen Rosenberg KEY INT'L FILM<br />

Sweet Creek County War<br />

Point the Finger of<br />

(98) W-C.F<br />

Rl.'hard Bgan. Albert Salmi<br />

Shaolin Death Squad<br />

hree Way Weekend , .<br />

Fists of Bruce Lee<br />

„ ,.<br />

(85) Sex C. Mar 79<br />

(99)<br />

Don nieeo, Jody Olhava<br />


loe Panther (93) Ad.. Sept 78<br />

hrlan Keith, Itlcard" Montalban<br />

Legend of Sea Wolf<br />

(90) Ad.. Sept 78<br />

Chuck Connors, Barbara Bach<br />

Astral Factor (93) ....Sus..Ni<br />

Elke Sommrr. Robert Foxworth<br />

Poopsie (95) C..Det78<br />

Sophia l/iren. Marcello MastmlannI<br />


Stevie (102) B-p..Sept78<br />

(TItnda Jackson, M<br />


Dracula Sucks<br />

(108) Sex-Ho-CD.<br />


The Adventures of Pinocthio<br />

(90) An .Oct 78<br />


Carnal Encounters of the Barest<br />

Kind (88) Sex-SF..Apr79<br />


Coming Attractions C. Sept 78<br />

mil Murray, Buddy Hackett,<br />

Misty Kowe, Howard Hesseman<br />

NEW LINE<br />

Gizmo! (79)<br />

Bronson Lee Champion (86)<br />

Despair (120)<br />

(90) C-l<br />

liemadettc Ufont<br />

live (81)<br />

Dcjwney<br />

Autumn in Germany (116)<br />

Revcnne of the Streetfijhter<br />

(90)<br />

Sept 78<br />

Sept 78<br />

. . Oct 78<br />

Orchestra Rehe;<br />

(70) ...<br />

Against the Gr<br />

Don Giovanni<br />


The Carhops (88) •<br />

i"" '*<br />

e New Adventures of Snow While<br />

(76)<br />

J'rt»78<br />


Wolfman (101) .<br />

The Devil's Clone<br />

(96)<br />

(3UARTET FILMS _ , ,„<br />

Wifemistress (101) D. Jan 79<br />

JIarcello Mastroiaiml. Laura<br />

AntonclU<br />

The French Detective<br />

(93) Ac-D Apr 79<br />

Dewa<br />

and<br />

(i|)lier<br />

Son<br />

Heed<br />


Fiona (82) C-D..July 78<br />

Fiona Richmond, Inthony Steele,<br />

Victor Splnettl<br />

Rock Fever (98)<br />

Thirsty Dead (96) Sept 78<br />

*Pf "<br />

Wade Nichols, Jeanle Sanders<br />

Dr. Jeckyll's Dungeon of Death<br />

(91) .,„ A'^^g<br />

Saint ... a Woman A ...<br />

a Devil (90) Apr 79<br />

The Driller Killer (90) ....Apr 79<br />


The Great Balloon Adventure<br />

(89) C-Ad..Feb79<br />

Katharine Hepburn<br />

The Glacier Fox<br />

(90)<br />

Ooc-D..Feb79<br />

Winds of Change<br />

(87)<br />

i.M-F..July79<br />

Nutcracker (100)<br />


Computer Game .<br />

Bar Maid<br />

June 78<br />

My Swedish Cousins .. .Sex. .June /5<br />

Lip Service Sex.. June 78<br />

Love Thy Neighbor . . . Sex. June 78<br />

Pleasure Cruise Sex.. June 78<br />

Girls Prison Sex. .June 78<br />

The Pro Shop Sex.. June 78<br />

Wall Street Walker ... Sex. .July 78<br />

Turned-On Girl Sex..Juy7S<br />

Sweet Taste of Joy ... Sex. .July TZ<br />

Secretaries Spread ... .Sex. .July 78<br />

Sex Freedom in<br />

, , .<br />

Marriane Sex.. July 78<br />


The Alpha Incident (85) ....Ma<br />

Ralph Meeker, Stafford Morgan,<br />

.lohn Ooff, Buck Flowers<br />

(95) M'» '9<br />

Richard Kennedy, Katherlne Hopkins.<br />

Stafford Morgan, John Goff<br />

The Maggots Aug 79<br />

Otis Young. .lohn Goff.<br />

Katherlne Hnnklns<br />

The Obsessed One July 78<br />

Ir I'lindav. Trary Parrlsb<br />

The Tormented Aug 78<br />

Stella rartmclna. fhrls Avram<br />

Apr 79 Snuff Box Connection ..Ac. Sept 78<br />

Kung Fu Ac. Sept 78<br />



Jan-Michael Vincrnt. Jusepli<br />

Camp.'Uiella, Art farney, Ther'<br />

Saldana<br />

C.H.O.M.P.S<br />

••<br />

Valerie Bertinelli. Wesley Eu<br />

The Humanoid<br />

Kk-hard Kiel. Barbara l!.icb<br />

The Amityville Horror<br />

.lames Rrolln. MarsM Kiddfi,<br />

The Visitor<br />

John Huston, Slielle;<br />

Glenn Ford<br />


A Man, a Woman and a Bank .<br />

Iionald Sutherland, Brooke Ad<br />

Goldengirl<br />

James Cobiirn, Susan Anton,<br />

Leslie Caron. Robert Culp<br />

The Fog<br />

Hal Holbrinik, Adrieimc B.arbe:<br />

Janet Leigh, Jamie Lee Cintis<br />


The Apple Dumpli Gang Ri(<br />

Again (100) i-m<br />

Tim Conwav, Don Knotts<br />

The Black Hole Dec 79<br />

MaNlmllian Schell. Anthony<br />

Perkuis, Robert Forster<br />

Unidentified Flying Oddball<br />

llcnnis Ducan, Jim Dale.<br />

Kennclh More. Ron Moody<br />


Kramer vs. Kramer<br />

Diistin Hoffman, Meryl Strccp<br />

... And Justice tor All C.<br />

All That Jazz .<br />

Freestyle<br />

Susan Clark<br />

Just You and Me, Kid .<br />

George Burns. Brooke Slui<br />

Nightwing<br />

Stephen Maclit. Nick Mam<br />

The Thief of Bagdad<br />

Terenee Stamp. Peter Usti<br />

The Electric Horseman .<br />

R.ihert Redford. J.ine For<br />

Willie Nelson. Nicholas C<br />

Hot Stuff ..<br />

Hum DeLulse. Suzanne PI<br />

Jeriy<br />

Reed<br />


Double Negative ..<br />

Geraldlne Fltzseralil. Michael<br />

Sarrazin. Susan (lirk, Anthony<br />

Perkins<br />


Bill Adler. Cynthit<br />

Coach. Part II<br />

The Malorettes .<br />


Disco High<br />

Car Wars<br />

The Lady in Red<br />

Battle Beyond the Stars .<br />

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round<br />

the Old Oak Tree<br />

ilriek<br />

MeGoohan<br />

Rough Cut .••"„.•:"<br />

Burt Reynolds, Jacqueline Bissct<br />

North Dallas Forty<br />

Nick Nolte, Mac Davis,<br />

Bo Svenson, Charles Durntng<br />

Full Moon in August<br />

Joseph Bottoms<br />

American Gigolo •••••••<br />

Lauren Button, Richard Gere<br />

Prophecy<br />

Talia Sblre, Robert Foxworth<br />

•<br />

Starting Over<br />

Burt Reynolds, JUl Clasburgh,<br />

randice Bergen, Charles Durning<br />

Sunburn Vi.' '.' ' '<br />

Farrali Fawcett-Majors, Charles<br />

GrodUi<br />

20TH-FOX<br />

Dreamer<br />

W,',",''<br />

Tim Matbeson. Susan Blakely<br />

Butch and Sundance: the Early<br />

Qays W. .June 79<br />

om Bcrenger. William Katt<br />

Nosferatu<br />

SF-Ho..0ct79<br />

Isabelle Adjanl, Klaus kinski,<br />

Nine to Five C<br />

Jane Fonda<br />

St. Petersburg Cannes Express ...<br />

Julie Christie. Donald Sutherland<br />

The Rose "M<br />

Belte Midler. .Man Bates<br />

Robert Redford, Yaphet Kottn<br />

Breaking Away •<br />

Dennis Christopher, Dennis Qj<br />


Hide in Plain Sight (MGM) June 79<br />

James Caan. Jill Elkeiiberry<br />

Apocalypse Now War D. .Da79<br />

. . .<br />

Marlon Brando. Robert Duvall,<br />

Martin Sheen, Dennis Hopper<br />

James and Jane ••••<br />

James Caan. Geneiieve Bujold<br />

Wanda Nevada ••.,.,• •'-'*°-<br />

Peter Fonda, Brooke Shields<br />

Moonrakcr<br />

Roger Moore. Lois Chiles.<br />

Michel Lonsdale. Richard Kiel<br />

Rocky II •,:•„",.•<br />

Sylvester Stallone. Talia Shire,<br />

Buit Young. Burgess Meredith<br />

The Johnson County War<br />

Kristofferson<br />


Walk Proud ,•,•,'<br />

Robbv Benson, Sarali Holcomb<br />

The Lonely Lady "<br />

Susan Blakely<br />

The Senator<br />

Alan Alda. Melvyn Douglas,<br />

Barbara Harris<br />

Little Miss Marker . . . . .<br />

. -^<br />

Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews,<br />

Sara Stimson,<br />

Bob Newhart<br />

Katharine' Ross, Sam Elliott,<br />

Roger Daltrey<br />

• •<br />

Resurrection<br />

Fllen Burstyn, Sam Shepard<br />

Coal Miner's Daughter •°-D<br />

Si«v Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones<br />

The Concorde—Airport '79<br />

liohert Wagner, Alain Delon,<br />

"<br />

s.Kan Blakely, George Kennedy<br />

1941<br />

Hamilton<br />


An Arabian Adventure June 79<br />

riirlsloiiher<br />

Lee<br />

'Td"en!ur'e''°"''°" Ad.. July 79<br />

Mi,hael ralue. Sally Field.<br />

Tellv Savalas. Peter Boyle<br />

ff^i„ Event C. Aug 79<br />

liarhra Streisand. Ryan O'Neal.<br />

ThT'lna^ws<br />

Ac-C..Aug79<br />

Peter Fnlk. .Man Arkln. Nancy<br />

Dussault. Arlene Oolonka<br />

The Squeeze Sus-L.<br />

StJicv Keach, Lino Ventura<br />

First Blood<br />

Al Pncino<br />

Heart Beat<br />

SIssv Spacek. Nick No t^e<br />

Just Tell Me What You Want C<br />

.<br />

All MacGraw. Alan King<br />

BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: April 30. 1979

i<br />

•<br />

Opinions on Current Productions ^EATUkE REVIEWS<br />

od hero are in color, unless otherwise speciiied <<br />

/). For story synopBis on each picture<br />


^""'''^<br />

Warner Bros. (79801) 108 Minutes Rel. May '79 „<br />

First of the Orion Pictui-es releases througli Warner ''y K<br />

Bros, is an extremely charming little picture about two "<br />

yomigsters, about 13, who fall in love and go to great<br />

lengths to express it. Everything is kept within PG<br />

bounds, so the whole family can enjoy the film, although<br />

parents may have to explain a few things to impressionable<br />

children about life and love. Laurence Olivier, continuing<br />

his recent dialect parts, is a French pickpocket<br />

who befriends the children in the Fi-ench and Italian<br />

settings. The young leads are Diane Lane and Thelonious<br />

Bernard, both bright and resoui-ceful. Although they appear<br />

at first to be overly intellectual, they prove to be<br />

very winning in their mutual affection. Sally Kellerman<br />

and Arthur- Hill are good as the girl's parents and Ashby<br />

Semple is fine as Diane's enthusiastic friend. Broderick<br />

Ci-awford portrays himself in what may be the funniest<br />

and most revealing manner that any actor has ever allowed<br />

himself to be used. George Roy Hill directed the<br />

Pan Arts production on location. Allan Burns adapted<br />

the script from Patrick Cauvin's novel, "E=MC2, Mon<br />

Amoui-," and Yves Rousset-Rouard and Robert L. Crawford<br />

produced. Georges Deleioie's score is just right. Panaflex<br />

lenses and Technicolor printing were used.—John<br />

Laurence Olivier, Sally Kellerman, Thelonious Bernard.<br />

Diane Lane, Arthur Hill, Broderick Crawford.

FEATURE REVIEWS Story Synopsis; Exploitips; Adiines for Newspapers and Programs<br />

THE STORY: "Hurricane" (Para)<br />

In the 1920s, Navy captain Jason Robards is governor<br />

of the Samoan island of Pago Pago. Long separated from .<br />

his wife, he welcomes the arrival of his daughter Mia ""'''<br />

Farrow from Boston. She romances ensign Timothy<br />

Bottoms, but is attracted to Dayton Ka'ne, a clerk for<br />

Robards until the native's father dies and he becomes<br />

chief of his tribe. Prejudice against the islanders is evident<br />

at the ceremony in which Ka'ne becomes chief. Farrow<br />

stays on his island of Alava and visits with doctor<br />

Max von Sydow and priest Ti-evor Howard while having<br />

an affair with Ka'ne. Because PaiTow won't marry him,<br />

Ka'ne decides to go thi-ough with his arranged marriage<br />

to Ariirau Tekurarere. However, Tekm-arere commits suicide<br />

on a coral reef rather than submit to a ceremony to<br />

determine her virginity. Robards tries Ka'ne for this<br />

pagan ritual and sentences him to four- years. Ka'ne<br />

escapes from sadistic sergeant James Keach, is recaptured<br />

and then aided by Farrow. Keach drowns as a result.<br />

Ehiring a hurricane. Farrow and Ka'ne head for his<br />

island. Robards and his crew follow them. All drown except<br />

for the lovers.<br />


Elektra Records has the soundtrack album and Bantam<br />

Books is publishing the paperback edition.<br />


There Is Only One Safe Place—in Each Other's Amis.<br />


:<br />

write:<br />

mmmmmmmm^mm<br />

andling replies. Display ClassUied, $38.00 per Column Inch. No<br />

Hi londay noon preceding publication date. Send copy and answert<br />

^aa Brunt Blvd., Kansas Citv, Mo. 64124. NOTE: Bulky resumes,<br />

arworded unless accompanied by auiiicient postage.<br />



3eded by Luxury Theatres, Ponlond<br />

Oregon. Salary commensurate with exlerience.<br />

No hmit to opportunity lor adancement.<br />

Send resume and references<br />

3 Luxury Theatres, 919 S.W. Taylo.<br />

Ilreet, Portland, Oregon 97205.<br />

ind<br />


or assistants and manager-trainees, Norti<br />

Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia<br />

One ol nation's leading theatre circuits<br />

Competitive salaries oUered, excellent<br />

ringe benefits. Written resumes only. Di-<br />

'ision Office, General Cinema Theatres,<br />

'967 Cobb Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339.<br />

T<br />

MANAGER FOR TRIPLEX in beautiful<br />

St suburb. $13,500 starting salary<br />

:-. -rienced person. No booking or<br />

'.^T Replies held in confidence.<br />

-<br />


•<br />

Coordinate advertising proi:'';;n<br />

publicity and art department.<br />

.T';-:rtrt^ experience preferred. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>,<br />

Call coUe<br />

,612) 544-0163.<br />

THEATRE MANAGER wonted for twin<br />

t:inema in Denver metropolitan area with<br />

!3eneral Cinema Corp. Salary, concession<br />

Irommission, theatre rental commission<br />

Imd many cTword programs including<br />

xjnus Need manager immediately due to<br />

:)romotions. For interviews call Dennis<br />

vfohaney at (303) 343-4200.<br />

ROAD SHOWMEN to sell this year's<br />

jreat attraction. 11 you are well regarded,<br />

Veil established with cm impecable repuwont<br />

you and you need this.<br />

3oxofiK 4254.<br />

IMMEDIATE OPENING for experienced<br />

heatre manager or will train qualified<br />

ripplicont. Excellent Secrltle location. Salary<br />

commensurate with experience. Send<br />

esume to Theatre Manager, 2319 2nd Avelue,<br />

Seattle 98121.<br />



Ihmker with the ability to get results. 15<br />

years experience with top movie circuits.<br />

;Call: Peter Daniels at (201) 429-9815 or<br />

231 Montgomery Street, Bloomfield,<br />

'NI 07003.<br />


CASH for one-sheets, posters, lobby card<br />

sets, stills, pressbooks, trade magazines,<br />

coming attraction slides, annuals, trailers,<br />

etc., etc. (any quantity—older the better!)<br />

Martinez, 7057 Lexington Ave., Los Angeles,<br />

CA 90038.<br />

CASH PAID for one sheets, 22c each;<br />

lobbies, 35c per set; stills, 7c each. Poster<br />

Studio oi Nyack, Box 838, 1 Terrace Drive,<br />

Nyack, NY 10960. (914) 358-5406.<br />

TOP DOLLAR PAID for stills, posters<br />

lobbies, etc., from silent to present. Eddie<br />

Brandt's Saturday Matinee, Box 3232,<br />

North Hollywood, Calif. 91609; Phone (213)<br />


pressbooks,<br />


poste<br />


$1.10 per yd., flame retardant. Quantity<br />

discounts. Nurse & Co., Millbury Rd., Oxford,<br />

Mass. 01540. Tel (617) 832-4295.<br />

35/70 CENTURY IJ heads, soundheads,<br />

tc. Altec A-4 and A-7 speakers. TECO,<br />

-ox 706, Matthews, NC. (704) 847-4455.<br />

TICKET MACHINES repaired. Fast service,<br />

reasonable rates. Your old ticket<br />

machine worth money. We trade, buy and<br />

first. sell ticket machines. Try us Ask<br />

about our rebuilts. Save money. J.E.D<br />

Service Co., 10 Woodside Dr., Gralton,<br />

Massachusetts. (617) 839-4058.<br />


$1,995 00. Availabfe' from m^a'nul^ictut^r<br />

Call for further information. In Florida,<br />

(813) 748-1717; out of state, (800) 237-9457.<br />

ENTIRE CONTENTS oi former Jerry Lew<br />

is. Curtains, chairs. Simplex booth, con.<br />

cession. $30K. Negotiable. (203) 423-1274.<br />

SIMPLEX SUPERS and E7's, rebuilt, $750;<br />

RCA and Simplex soundheads, $300; Norelco<br />

and Cinemecconica 35/70 machines.<br />

Xenons, carbons, lamphouses, lenses,<br />

bases, parts you won't find elsewhere.<br />

One year warranty. International Cinema<br />

Equipment Co., 6750 N.E. 4th Ct Miami.<br />

FL 33138 (305) 756-0699.<br />

35MM IPORTABLE SALE — Norelco FP3<br />

$1,995; DeVry XD, $1,695; Holmes type 8<br />

MORE MONEY Sell screen ads $995; Tokiwa T-60, $2,150, All in stock now<br />

local banker, auto dealer, etc. International Cinema, (305) 756-0699.<br />

inimum $200.00 each sale. We'll<br />

'U how<br />

16MM MINI<br />

and handle all details (ad<br />


ebuilt JAN projectors with separate<br />

., film, billing, etc.). Write P. O.<br />

am<br />

lifier, speaker,<br />

Solrasota, Tla. 33578. 30 years<br />

changeovers, lenses, ca<br />

in<br />

'les, built for performance, $1,095. Inter<br />

ational Cinema, (305) 756-0699.<br />

XENON BONANZA—Strong Lumex 2000<br />

watt factory rebuilt, like new, $2,995;<br />

Strong 900 watt, 1600 watt, 2500 watt. XeiTon<br />

900 watt, 1600 watt and 2000 watt<br />

ORC 1000 watt and 1600 watt Many others<br />

to choose from at tremendous savings<br />

Call International Cinema, (305) 756-0699<br />

CENTURY BOOTH—Model C projectors.<br />

Century soundheads and bases, $2,995,00<br />

RCA booth, Brenkert BX-lOO projectors,<br />

RCA soundheads, bases and Brenkert<br />

lamps with 6-tube rectifiers. Scope and<br />

regular lenses. $1,99500. Cretors sladiumtype<br />

popper. Citation model, good condition,<br />

$695.00, (817) 939-1918 or (817) 778-<br />

2935.<br />

MANIEY AHISTOCRAT popcorn machine;<br />

BX-60 projectors; SH-1000 soundheads plus<br />

bases, rectifiers and Enarc lamps. Ben<br />

Johnson, Lakeview Drive-In, Bumside, KY.<br />

42519, (606) 561-4544.<br />

SUPER SIMPLEX heads, extra Super<br />

parts- One pair Mirrophonic soundheads<br />

complete with motors. Model 7400 (ideal<br />

tor stereo optical sound). Altec power<br />

amplifiers, 60 and 120 watt, brand new,<br />

$295.00. 21/2 hr. attachment capacity lor<br />

16mm projectors. Send 50c for photo. J.<br />

Dolan Projection Units, 13605 Valeric St.,<br />

Van Nuys, CA 91405.<br />

SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR, 1/4 HP, 230V,<br />

3-phase, 50/60 Hz, $200. MBC, Box 425,<br />

Bayside, NY 13361.<br />


WE PAY good money for used equip<br />

lent. Texas Theatre Supply, 915 S. Ala<br />

10, San Antonio, Texas 78205.<br />

PROJECTORS, soundheads, lamphous<br />

lenses. Cinerama, Vistavision, parts, si<br />

plies, what have you. International Cii<br />

ma Equipment Co,, 6750 NE 4th Ct., 1<br />

ami, FL 33138, (305) 756-0699<br />



Day Screen Installation, (817) 642-3591.<br />

Drawer Roger Texas P. s, 76569.<br />

THEATRE SCREENS painted<br />

CLEflfiinG HOUSt<br />



JOE JOSEPH, Box 31406, Dallas 75231. (214<br />

363-2724.<br />


tre, 900 seats, 3 store rooms with 2nd floo<br />

ollice space All tented, (/17) 248-7193. 543<br />

Lindbergh Way, Lew istown , Pa. 17044,<br />

300 SEAT DUDOOH; Deluxe 3-bedi<br />

B, Virginia, IL 62691. (217) 452-7531<br />

300 SPEAKER dnve-in theatre in beai<br />

ful beaches of Moorhead City, NC Terir<br />

available (919) 346-4855 after 6,<br />

IOWA THEATRE, Sheldon, Iowa. 700<br />

seats, two good shop Box rentals. 151<br />

Wayne, Nebr 68787. (402) 375-1280, or<br />

Box 1026, Le Mars, Iowa 51031. (712) 546<br />

5240.<br />


1050 CAR DRIVE-IN in Evansville, In<br />

diana. Must be an experienced operatoi<br />

and financially able. Contact Joe Nicko<br />

lick, P.O. Box 5365, Evansville, Indianc<br />

47715, (812) 422-8526.<br />


MODERN THEATRE 1720 seat capacity<br />

Available for Film or live entertainment.<br />

Interested parlies apply to: PO Box 152<br />

Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18703.<br />

IOWA, one indoor 350 seats;<br />

in 15 acres. Sell or lease. Sw<br />

545-7015.<br />

INDOOR THEATRE for sale or lease.<br />

Will redecorate and equip for responsible<br />

buyer or lessee. Marvin Morgan, 1016 Maple<br />

St., Duncan, OK 73533. (405) 255-5136.<br />


or drive-ins wanted<br />

to lease or buy in up-state New York<br />

Please send information to: Edwin Coffin,<br />

Jr., 47 Alexander St., Utile Falls, New<br />

York 13365.<br />

CHAIN IS SEEKING motion picture theatres<br />

for sale, lease or rent in major cities.<br />

Please send informcrtion to <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 4208.<br />


by principal, buy or lease. Florida, Texas.<br />

F. Pavick, 4450 Fortieth Ave., N., Apt.<br />

D-5, St. Petersburg, FL 33714. (813) 527-<br />


BUILD ATTENDANCE with real Hawaim<br />

orchids. Few cents each. Write Flowrs<br />

of Hawaii, 570 S. Lafayette Place, Los<br />


schedules, passes, labels, etc. Write for<br />

samples, prices. Dixie Lltho, Box 882, Atlanta,<br />

GA 30301.<br />



TOPS IN THEATRE SEATING upholstering<br />

anywheie— seat covers made to order<br />

and sell theatre chairs. Chicago Usea<br />

Chair Marl, 2616 W. Grand Ave., Chicago,<br />

111- 60612 (312) 235-1111.<br />


New and rebuilt theatre chairs lor sale.<br />

We buy and sell old chairs. Travel from<br />

coast to coast. Seating Corporation<br />

New York, 247 Water Street, Brooklyn,<br />

of<br />

N. Y, 11201. Tel. (212) 375-5433 (revefse<br />

charges).<br />

SlOO REWARD! Need 200 to 2,000 theatre<br />

chairs, any condition but rebuildable.<br />

Know of a theatre closed We need phone<br />

number or owner's name. Will remove oil<br />

floor and transport. At present we have<br />

250 American Bodilorms completely rebuilt.<br />

Red metal, red upholstery. (816) 523-2904,<br />

496-55UV. Mission Seating, 8320 Word P = :kwoyPloza,<br />

Kansas City, MO 64114.<br />

HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD, 600 extra wide<br />

thickly padded self-risers, good condition,<br />

off floor in northern Wisconsin, $15.00<br />

each. (715) 339-2196.<br />

RECONDITIONED used chairs. On-location<br />

refurbishing, installation and staggering.<br />

Sewn seat covers, all makes. We<br />

buy used sealing. Frost Seating, 80 Copeland<br />

St., Quincy, Mass. 02170. Tel. (617)<br />

298-7070.<br />


ASCO Auditorium Services Companv<br />

Theatre refurbishing—designing—acoustical<br />

wall covering—seal refurbishing—custom<br />

seat covers— screeiis, frames, main act<br />

curtains, black masking conversion systems.<br />

Materials and labor supplied. Call<br />

(617) 769-6680. Endicott St., Bldg 25, Norwood,<br />

Mass. 02062.<br />

BOOKS<br />


Manual. $10.50 prepaid, check or<br />

money order. Wesley Trout, E(<br />

575, Enid<br />


I6MM XXX FILMS lor any area in the<br />

world. Our trailers and posters are Iree.<br />

'Our service made us the best." Call<br />

(216) 779-7136.<br />


35mm FILMS—outright sale. Titles from<br />

1933-1956, many In the Public Domain.<br />

Classics, Westerns, comedies. Prints In<br />

excellent condition. List Iree. W.M.P., Box<br />

7195, Kansas City, Mo. 64113.<br />

Inleraalional Blockbusters: SALAHEDDIN<br />


Worldwide rights: Rinafilm, Box 116031,<br />

Beirut, Lebanon.<br />

BINGO CARDS DIE CUT: 1-75, 1500 combinations<br />

in color. PREMIUM PRODUCTS,<br />

New<br />

16MM CLASSICS. Illustrated catalog<br />

339 West 44th St., York, N.Y. 10036, 50c Manbeck Pictures, 3621-B Wakonda<br />

(212) 246-4972.<br />

Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50321.<br />

INDOOR THEATRE MUSIC programming<br />

for today's audiences, today's movies and<br />

today's theatres. CSC Music Service<br />

(815) 397-9295.<br />


WANTED 35mm entertainment feature<br />

ms for Canadian market. Rights purchased<br />

or will distribute on percentage<br />

a<br />

5. Send particulars to <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 4139.<br />

WE PURCHASE Mexican distribution<br />

ights to American-made motion pictures.<br />

^lease send pressbooks and asking prices<br />

o Bill Starr, American and Mexican Proiuctions.<br />

Inc., 1925 Martha, Harlingen,<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 30, 1979

LEARN<br />





BUILD<br />



IN<br />


In All Ways FIRST with the MOST of the BEST

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