Form 6-K - Dr. Reddy's

Form 6-K - Dr. Reddy's

Form 6-K - Dr. Reddy's


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(in thousands, except share and per share data)<br />

3. Significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

f. Leases (continued)<br />

g. Inventories<br />

subsequent to initial recognition, the asset is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy applicable to that asset.<br />

Minimum lease payments made under finance leases are apportioned between the finance expense and the reduction of the<br />

outstanding liability. The finance expense is allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of<br />

interest on the remaining balance of the liability.<br />

Operating leases<br />

Other leases are operating leases and the leased assets are not recognized on the Company’s balance sheet. Payments made under<br />

operating leases are recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.<br />

h. Impairment<br />

Inventories consist of raw materials, stores and spares, work in progress and finished goods and are measured at the lower of cost and<br />

net realizable value. The cost of all categories of inventories, except stores and spares, is based on the first-in first-out principle.<br />

Stores and spares is comprised of packing materials, engineering spares (such as machinery spare parts) and consumables (such as<br />

lubricants, cotton waste and oils), which are used in operating machines or consumed as indirect materials in the manufacturing<br />

process, where cost is based on a weighted average method. Cost includes expenditures incurred in acquiring the inventories,<br />

production or conversion costs and other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location and condition. In the case of<br />

finished goods and work in progress, cost includes an appropriate share of overheads based on normal operating capacity. Net<br />

realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling<br />

expenses.<br />

Financial assets<br />

A financial asset is assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any objective evidence that it is impaired. A<br />

financial asset is considered to be impaired if objective evidence indicates that one or more events have had a negative effect on the<br />

estimated future cash flows of that asset.<br />

An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortized cost is calculated as the difference between its carrying<br />

amount, and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate. An impairment loss<br />

in respect of an available-for-sale financial asset is calculated by reference to its fair value.<br />

Individually significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an individual basis. The remaining financial assets are assessed<br />

collectively in groups that share similar credit risk characteristics.<br />

All impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss. Any cumulative loss in respect of an available-for-sale financial asset<br />

recognized previously in equity is transferred to profit or loss. An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be related<br />

objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized. For financial assets measured at amortized cost and<br />

available-for-sale financial assets that are debt securities, the reversal is recognized in profit or loss. For available-for-sale financial<br />

assets that are equity securities, the reversal is recognized directly in equity.<br />

Non-financial assets<br />

The carrying amounts of the Company’s non-financial assets, other than inventories and deferred tax assets are reviewed at each<br />

reporting date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable<br />

amount is estimated. For goodwill and intangible assets that have indefinite lives or that are not yet available for use, the recoverable<br />

amount is estimated each year at the same time.<br />

The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is the greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs to sell. In<br />

assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects<br />

current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the<br />


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