Biophysical studies of membrane proteins/peptides. Interaction with ...

Biophysical studies of membrane proteins/peptides. Interaction with ...

Biophysical studies of membrane proteins/peptides. Interaction with ...


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Fábio Monteiro Fernandes<br />

(Licenciado)<br />

Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química<br />

Orientador:<br />

Co-orientador:<br />

Doutor Manuel José Estevez Prieto<br />

Doutor Luís Miguel Santos Loura<br />

Presidente:<br />

Vogais:<br />

Júri<br />

Reitor da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa<br />

Doutor Horst Vogel<br />

Doutor José Manuel Gaspar Martinho<br />

Doutor Miguel Augusto Rico Botas Castanho<br />

Doutor Manuel José Estevez Prieto<br />

Doutor Mário Nuno de Matos Sequeira Berberan e Santos<br />

Doutora Maria Raquel Murias dos Santos Aires de Barros<br />

Doutor Luís Miguel Santos Loura<br />

3 de Setembro de 2007



Biomembranas são estruturas de complexa composição química. As diversas classes<br />

de moléculas presentes, em especial lípidos e proteínas, apresentam propriedades e<br />

afinidades muito diferenciadas. Esta diferenciação resulta na ocorrência de<br />

heterogeneidades na distribuição lateral dos componentes na membrana. De facto, crêse<br />

que a célula controla certas actividades celulares operadas em biomembranas, através<br />

da mediação da distribuição destes componentes. Um maior conhecimento acerca das<br />

interacções estabelecidas entre os componentes de membranas biológicas é portanto de<br />

importância crucial para a compreensão das funções celulares baseadas nestas<br />

estruturas. Por outro lado as drogas são frequentemente dirigidas à interacção com<br />

proteínas inseridas em biomembranas. Assim, a caracterização das interacções destas<br />

moléculas com a bicamada lipídica e com os seus alvos proteicos é de grande relevância<br />

no processo de desenvolvimento de fármacos.<br />

Os estudos que compõem esta tese resultaram da aplicação de técnicas físicas,<br />

nomeadamente metodologias de fluorescência, à caracterização de interacções entre<br />

diversos componentes de membranas biológicas e de interacções proteína-fármacos.<br />

Sistemas modelo mimetizadores de membranas biológicas (lipossomas) foram<br />

utilizados de forma a trabalhar sobre uma base de estudo simplificada, mantendo ainda<br />

as propriedades fundamentais das biomembranas.<br />

Esta tese foi objecto dos seguintes artigos já publicados ou submetidos para<br />

publicação:<br />

Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Prieto, M., Koehorst, R., Spruijt, R., and Hemminga, M. (2003).<br />

Dependence <strong>of</strong> M13 major coat protein oligomerization and lateral segregation on bilayer<br />

composition. Biophys. J. 85: 2430-2431.<br />

Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Koehorst, R., Spruijt, R., Hemminga, M., Fedorov, A., and<br />

Prieto, M. (2004). Quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity using FRET. Application to the<br />

M13 major coat protein. Biophys. J. 87: 344-352.<br />

Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Koehorst, R., Dixon, N., Kee, T. P., Hemminga, M., and Prieto,<br />

M. (2006). <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>of</strong> the indole class <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase inhibitors <strong>with</strong> lipid bilayers.<br />

Biochemistry 45: 5271-5279.<br />

Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Koehorst, R., Dixon, N., Kee, T. P., Prieto, M., and Hemminga,<br />

M. (2006). Binding assays <strong>of</strong> inhibitors towards selected V-ATPase domains. Biochim Biophys<br />

Acta. 1758: 1777-1786.<br />


Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Fedorov, A., and Prieto, M. (2006). Absence <strong>of</strong> clustering <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate in fluid phosphatidylcholine. J. Lipid Res. 47: 1521-<br />

1525.<br />

Fernandes, F., Neves, P., Gameiro, P., Loura, L. M. S., and Prieto, M. Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin<br />

<strong>Interaction</strong>s With Bacterial Protein OmpF: Modelling <strong>of</strong> FRET from a Multi-Tryptophan<br />

Protein Trimer (aceite para publicação).<br />

Fernandes, F., Loura, L. M. S., Matos, A. P., Fedorov, A., and Prieto, M. Role <strong>of</strong> Helix-0 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

N-BAR domain in <strong>membrane</strong> curvature generation. (submetido).<br />

Uma vez que a maior parte do trabalho já foi aceite para publicação em revistas<br />

internacionais, optou-se pela sua apresentação na forma de artigo científico e pela<br />

redacção desta tese em língua inglesa.<br />

Este manuscrito está dividido em nove partes. No primeiro Capítulo é feita uma<br />

introdução às biomembranas e às interacções proteína-lípido. Na segunda parte, os<br />

trabalhos respeitantes ao estudo da interacção da proteína principal da cápside do<br />

baacteriófago M13 são apresentados. O Capítulo III é dedicado aos estudos de<br />

interacção do potencial fármaco SB242784 com sistemas modelo de membranas e da<br />

ligação de inibidores da V-ATPase a um péptido contendo um putativo local de ligação<br />

para estes inibidores. No Capítulo IV é apresentado o trabalho respeitante aos estudos<br />

de ligação do antibiótico cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacina à proteína membranar OmpF. Seguidamente, no<br />

Capítulo V, os estudos da interacção do péptido N-terminal do domínio N-BAR com<br />

sistemas modelo de membranas são introduzidos e o Capítulo VI é dedicado aos estudos<br />

de caracterização da distribuição lateral de fosfoinositol-(4,5)-bisfosfato em liposomas<br />

de fosfocolinas. Os Capítulos II a VI, são sempre iniciados com uma breve introdução<br />

aos sistemas estudados.<br />

No Capítulo VII são apresentadas as conclusões globais referentes aos estudos de<br />

cada um dos sistemas investigados. Finalmente, o Capítulo VIII é dedicado à<br />

apresentação de considerações finais e perspectivas futuras e o Capítulo IX compreende<br />

a bibliografia.<br />

Gostaria ainda de finalizar agradecendo sinceramente a todos que de uma maneira<br />

ou outra contribuiram para a realização dos trabalhos aqui descritos:<br />

Agradeço ao Centro de Química-Física Molecular, na pessoa do Pr<strong>of</strong>essor José<br />

Manuel Gaspar Martinho, pelas facilidades concedidas para a realização deste trabalho.


Aos Pr<strong>of</strong>essores Manuel Prieto e Luís Loura, meus orientadores dos trabalhos de<br />

doutoramento, pela dedicação, apoio incansável, pela oportunidade de partilhar da sua<br />

paixão pela ciência, pelo muito que me ensinaram, mas principalmente pela amizade.<br />

À Pr<strong>of</strong>essora Ana Coutinho pelas muito úteis discussões científicas, pela<br />

disponibilidade constante e pela amizade.<br />

Aos meus colegas do grupo de Bi<strong>of</strong>ísica Molecular: Liana Silva (companheira de<br />

doutoramento), Rodrigo de Almeida, Bruno Castro e Sandra Pinto pela amizade,<br />

ambiente de camaradagem e apoio no dia-a-dia do laboratório.<br />

Aos antigos membros do grupo de Bi<strong>of</strong>ísica Molecular (Miguel Castanho, Sílvia<br />

Lopes, Ana Silva e Renske Hesselink) pela sua amizade. A Sílvia Lopes merece um<br />

agradecimento especial e com muito carinho, pela paciência, ajuda inestimável na<br />

realização de medidas de dicroísmo linear, mas principalmente pela amizade e pelo<br />

prazer da sua companhia! Um agradecimento especial também ao Pr<strong>of</strong>. Miguel<br />

Castanho pelo encorajamento e disponibilidade que sempre demonstrou.<br />

Aos restantes membros do Laboratório de Bi<strong>of</strong>ísica Molecular da Faculdade de<br />

Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa pela amizade e pelos momentos de diversão.<br />

Ao Doutor Alexander Fedorov, pela contribuição essencial para este trabalho<br />

através da realização das medidas de fluorescência resolvidas no tempo.<br />

À todos os colegas do Centro de Química-Física Molecular pelo companheirismo.<br />

Ao Pr<strong>of</strong>. Marcus Hemminga, Doutor Ruud Sprüijt e Rob Koehorst por todo o apoio<br />

concedido durante as minhas visitas ao seu laboratório. Um agradecimento especial ao<br />

Rob Koehorst pela sua amizade, pela preocupação e pelo seu entusiasmo contagiante<br />

pela ciência.<br />

Ao Doutor António Pedro Matos pela realização das medidas de microscopia<br />

electrónica de transmissão.<br />

Ao Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Benedito Cabral pela realização dos cálculos sobre o momento de<br />

transição do fármaco SB24784.<br />

Ao Pr<strong>of</strong>essor João Pessoa por me ter facultado a utilização do aparelho de dicroísmo<br />

circular.<br />

À Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, pelo apoio financeiro concedido (bolsa<br />

SFRH/BD/14282/2003 e vários projectos no âmbito do POCTI e POCI).<br />

À Comissão Europeia pelo apoio concedido através do contracto número QLG-CT-<br />

2000-01801 (MIVASE consortium).<br />


Ao Pedro e Hugo, amigos de longa data, por me conseguirem arrancar de casa e<br />

sempre ajudarem a manter a vida em perspectiva.<br />

E finalmente gostava de agradecer aos meus irmãos e meus pais, pelo exemplo,<br />

encorajamento e amor, sem os quais esta tese não seria certamente produzida.



Prefácio<br />

Contents<br />

Abbreviations and Symbol List<br />

Resumo<br />

Palavras-Chave<br />

Abstract<br />

Keywords<br />

Sinopse<br />

Outline<br />


I<br />

V<br />

IX<br />

XI<br />

XI<br />

XIII<br />

XIII<br />

XV<br />

XXI<br />

1<br />

1.- Bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

1.1. – Function and architecture <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

1.2. – Molecular composition <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

1.2.1. – Lipid composition<br /> – Glycerolipids<br /> – Sphingolipids<br /> – Glycolipids<br /> – Sterols<br />

1.3. – Lipid asymmetry across the bilayer<br />

1.4. – Lipid structure and curvature<br />

1.5. – Lamellar phase transitions in lipid bilayers<br />

1.6. – Membrane thickness<br />

1.7. – Lateral heterogeneity in lipid bilayer<br />

1.8. – Membrane <strong>proteins</strong><br />

1.9. – Lateral dynamics in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

1.10. – Membrane model systems<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

12<br />

14<br />

17<br />

20<br />

21<br />

2. – Lipid-Protein <strong>Interaction</strong>s<br />

2.1. – Membrane protein reconstitution<br />

23<br />

23<br />


2.2. – Peptides as models<br />

2.3. – Amphipatic helix<br />

2.4. – Peptide partitioning to the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

2.5. – Anchoring <strong>of</strong> trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains<br />

2.6. – Lipid-protein hydrophobic mismatch<br />

2.7. – Trans<strong>membrane</strong> protein-lipid interface<br />

2.8. – Lipid selectivity at protein interfaces<br />

2.9. – Lipid phase preferential partition <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong><br />

2.10. – Lipid sorting by <strong>proteins</strong> and formation <strong>of</strong> lipid domains<br />

2.11. – Lipid-mediation <strong>of</strong> protein-protein interactions<br />

25<br />

26<br />

28<br />

30<br />

31<br />

35<br />

37<br />

41<br />

43<br />

44<br />



1. – Introduction<br />

2. – Dependence <strong>of</strong> M13 Major Coat Protein Oligomerization and Lateral<br />

Segregation on Bilayer Composition<br />

3. – Quantification <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity Using FRET: Application to<br />

the M13 MCP<br />

47<br />

47<br />

53<br />

67<br />


DOMAIN OF V-ATPase<br />

1. – Introduction<br />

2. – <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Indole Class <strong>of</strong> Vacuolar H + -ATPase Inhibitors <strong>with</strong><br />

Lipid Bilayers<br />

3. – Binding Assays <strong>of</strong> Inhibitors Towards Selected V-ATPase Domains<br />

79<br />

79<br />

83<br />

95<br />


PORIN OmpF<br />

1. – Introduction<br />

2. – Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin <strong>Interaction</strong>s With Bacterial Protein OmpF: Modelling <strong>of</strong><br />

FRET From a Multi-Tryptophan Protein Trimer<br />

107<br />

107<br />





1. – Introduction<br />

2. – Role <strong>of</strong> Helix-0 <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR Domain in Membrane Curvature<br />

Generation<br />

137<br />

137<br />

141<br />


1. – Introduction<br />

2. – Absence <strong>of</strong> Clustering <strong>of</strong> Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate in<br />

Fluid Phosphatidylcholine<br />

169<br />

169<br />

173<br />


181<br />


189<br />


191<br />




C<br />

cmc<br />

C p<br />

D<br />

DLPC<br />

DMPC<br />

DMPE<br />

DMPA<br />

DOPC<br />

DOPG<br />

DPPC<br />

DSC<br />

DSPC<br />

∆G 0<br />

ESR<br />

F<br />

GUV<br />

H0-NBAR<br />

H I<br />

H II<br />

k<br />

K p<br />

K b<br />

L<br />

L i<br />

L α<br />

L β<br />

L β’<br />

L c<br />

Specific heat<br />

Critical micelle concentration<br />

Heat capacity at constant pressure<br />

Lateral diffusion coefficient<br />

1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine<br />

1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine<br />

1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine<br />

1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidic acid<br />

1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine<br />

1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol<br />

1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine<br />

Differential scanning calorimetry<br />

1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphatidylcholine<br />

Free energy <strong>of</strong> binding<br />

Electron spin resonance<br />

Lipid perturbation energy<br />

Giant unilamellar vesicle<br />

N-terminal amphipatic helix <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domain<br />

Hexagonal type I phase<br />

Hexagonal type II (or inverted) phase<br />

Boltzmann constant<br />

Partition coefficient<br />

Binding constant<br />

Lipid phase<br />

Lipid species i<br />

Fluid liquid-disordered phase<br />

Gel solid-ordered phase<br />

Tilted gel phase<br />

Crystalline phase<br />


L o<br />

L/P<br />

LUV<br />

MARCKS<br />

mcp<br />

MLV<br />

n S,i<br />

PI(4)P<br />

PI(5)P<br />

PI(4,5)P<br />

2<br />

PI(3,4,5)P<br />

3<br />

PL i<br />

P β’<br />

PA<br />

PC<br />

PE<br />

PG<br />

PI<br />

PS<br />

R<br />

SDS<br />

sn<br />

s o<br />

SUV<br />

V i<br />

T<br />

TFE<br />

T m<br />

TM<br />

T p<br />

W<br />

Liquid-ordered phase<br />

Lipid to protein/peptide ratio<br />

Large unilamellar vesicle<br />

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate<br />

Major coat protein<br />

Multilamellar vesicle<br />

Moles <strong>of</strong> solute in phase i<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(4)-phosphate<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(5)-phosphate<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate<br />

Complex <strong>of</strong> protein and lipid species i<br />

Rippled Gel or Periodic Gel Phase<br />

Phosphatidic acid<br />

Phosphatidylcholine<br />

Phosphatidylethanolamine<br />

Phosphatidylglycerol<br />

Phosphatidylinositol<br />

Phosphatidylserine<br />

Ideal gas constant<br />

Sodium dodecyl sulfate<br />

Stereospecific number<br />

Gel or solid-ordered phase<br />

Small unilamellar vesicle<br />

Volume <strong>of</strong> phase i<br />

Temperature<br />

Trifluoroethanol<br />

Main transition temperature<br />

Trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

Pre-transition temperature<br />

Aqueous phase

RESUMO<br />

RESUMO<br />

As biomembranas são responsáveis pela operação de diversas funções celulares e a<br />

multiplicidade destas interacções requer uma composição química complexa. Apesar da<br />

estrutura básica das biomembranas ser a bicamada lipídica, outros componentes estão<br />

presentes, em particular proteínas de membrana. Estes diferentes componentes<br />

apresentam energias de interacção distintas, induzindo frequentemente heterogenidades<br />

na distribuição lateral de biomembranas.<br />

Neste trabalho foram estudadas as interacções entre componentes de biomembranas<br />

em diferentes sistemas. É demonstrado que a distribuição lateral da proteína principal da<br />

cápside do bacteriófago M13 (mcp) é dependente da composição lipídica da membrana.<br />

Uma nova metodologia para quantificação de selectividades proteína-lípido foi<br />

desenvolvida e aplicada com sucesso à mcp.<br />

Estudos de ligação entre drogas e proteínas de membrana foram conduzidos<br />

seguindo diferentes aproximações. No estudo da ligação de inibidores de V-ATPase a<br />

um domínio transmembranar do enzima, uma aproximação reducionista foi escolhida,<br />

enquanto que no estudo da ligação do cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin para a OmpF, a proteína foi<br />

utilizada na forma intacta.<br />

A interacção entre um segmento N-terminal anfipático de um domínio BAR com<br />

membranas foi investigada e conclusões foram obtidas relativamente ao papel deste<br />

segmento na remodelação de membranas por domínios BAR.<br />

Finalmente, a hipótese de agregação espontânea de fosfoinositol-(4,5)-bisfosfato foi<br />

testada e excluída.<br />


Interacções Proteína‐Lípido<br />

Proteína Principal da Cápside do M13<br />

Inibição do V‐ATPase<br />

PI(4,5)P 2<br />

Domínios BAR<br />

FRET<br />




Bio<strong>membrane</strong>s are responsible for the performance <strong>of</strong> multiple cellular functions<br />

and the multiplicity <strong>of</strong> these tasks requires a complex chemical composition. While the<br />

structural framework <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is the lipid bilayer, other components, notably<br />

<strong>proteins</strong>, are present. These distinct components present different energies <strong>of</strong><br />

interaction, leading to heterogeneous lateral distribution in the <strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

In this work, the interactions between the components <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s in several<br />

different systems were studied. The lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> major coat protein (mcp) <strong>of</strong><br />

the M13 bacteriophage was shown to be highly dependent on the lipid composition <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>membrane</strong>. A new methodology for quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity was<br />

also developed and applied <strong>with</strong> success to the mcp.<br />

Protein-drug binding <strong>studies</strong> were performed following different approaches. To the<br />

study <strong>of</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> a V-ATPase inhibitor to a selected trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain <strong>of</strong> the<br />

enzyme, a reductionist approach was considered, while in the case <strong>of</strong> binding <strong>of</strong><br />

cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin to OmpF, the intact protein was used.<br />

The interaction <strong>of</strong> an N-terminal amphipatic segment <strong>of</strong> a BAR domain <strong>with</strong><br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s was also investigated and insight was achieved on the possible role <strong>of</strong> this<br />

segment in <strong>membrane</strong> remodelling.<br />

Finally, the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> spontaneous clustering <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-<br />

bisphophate was tested and ruled out.<br />


Protein‐Lipid <strong>Interaction</strong>s<br />

M13 Major Coat Protein<br />

V‐ATPase Inhibition<br />

PI(4,5)P 2<br />

BAR domains<br />

FRET<br />




Nas últimas duas décadas, um esforço colectivo massivo permitiu um conhecimento<br />

mais detalhado acerca da natureza das interacções entre os componentes de<br />

biomembranas e as importantes consequências biológicas dessas mesmas interacções. O<br />

modelo do mosaico fluído de Singer-Nicolson para biomembranas (1972) descrevia um<br />

sistema em que os lípidos se apresentavam como pouco mais do que uma matriz onde<br />

proteínas se insiriam. A visão actualmente aceite é muito mais complexa. Não só as<br />

interacções proteína-proteína podem ser responsáveis pela mediação de funções<br />

celulares, como as interacções proteína-lípido são consideradas muito mais complexas e<br />

relevantes do que anteriormente. Estudos bi<strong>of</strong>ísicos detalhados como os aqui descritos,<br />

permitem a recolha de informação valiosa relativamente às características destas<br />

interacções.<br />

As biomembranas traçam os limites para a vida celular. Elas permitem a<br />

diferenciação de ambientes moleculares através do controle da permeabilidade, criando<br />

as condições para a especialização no interior da célula. Esta tarefa requer o consumo de<br />

quantidades de energia massivas, enfatizando a importância dramática destas estruturas.<br />

A base estrutural das biomembranas é a bicamada lipídica. No entanto, os lípidos<br />

estão longe de corresponder a uma classe homogénea de moléculas. Quando as energias<br />

de interacção entre moléculas lipídicas são significativamente diferentes, separação de<br />

fases em grande escala pode ocorrer e mesmo para pequenas diferenças entre energias<br />

de interacção lípido-lípido, heterogenidades em pequena escala são expectáveis. Assim,<br />

a distribuição lateral de uma bicamada lipídica é frequentemente heterogénea.<br />

Esta representação das biomembranas torna-se ainda mais complexa tendo em conta<br />

que os lípidos não são os únicos componentes presentes. De facto,as biomembranas são<br />

uma mistura de diferentes classes de moléculas com diferentes funções. Além dos<br />

lípidos, os componentes mais importantes são as proteínas, que se encontram altamente<br />

concentradas nas biomembranas e são largamente responsáveis pelas funções celulares<br />

operadas nestas estruturas.<br />

As interacções entre estas diversas espécies moleculares são bastante complexas.<br />

Ligações de hidrogénio, interacções electrostáticas, e de van der Waals, operam<br />

simultaneamente na ordenação do empacotamento de equilíbrio de proteínas e lípidos.<br />

Proteínas e lípidos organizam-se de forma a proteger os seus domínios hidrófobos do<br />


ambiente aquoso e assim prevenir as perdas entrópicas resultantes da interacção com as<br />

moléculas de água. Como consequência, proteínas de membrana e lípidos interactuam<br />

de forma diferenciada, dependendo da distribuição dos resíduos polares e hidrófobos na<br />

proteína e do comprimento do domínio hidrófobo no lípido.<br />

Estas alterações nas selectividades de associação podem levar a alterações na<br />

distribuição lateral dos componentes de membrana, de uma forma similar à observada<br />

para misturas lipídicas. Desta forma, a distribuição heterógenea de lípidos pode induzir<br />

uma distribuição heterogénea de proteínas e vice-versa. De facto, é conhecida<br />

actualmente a tendência de proteínas e lípidos para se distribuir de forma heterogénea<br />

em biomembranas e este fenómeno é essencial para garantir o carácter localizado de<br />

determinados eventos celulares.<br />

As drogas são agentes que frequentemente também demonstram afinidade por<br />

membranas lipídicas. Os alvos de diversas drogas são proteínas de membrana e a sua<br />

acção é frequentemente realizada no ambiente membranar. Assim, as interacções de<br />

drogas com componentes das biomembranas são de grande relevância biológica. Da<br />

mesma forma, para drogas dirigidas a proteínas no interior da célula, a partição para a<br />

membrana plasmática é o primeiro passo no processo de entrada no ambiente celular e<br />

os seus coeficientes de partição água/lípido são deste modo parâmetros biologicamente<br />

relevantes.<br />

As interacções entre os componentes das biomembranas são utilizadas pelas células<br />

para mediar e localizar diversas funções nas membranas. Uma melhor compreensão<br />

destes mecanismos é o primeiro passo na compreensão das biomembranas e das suas<br />

funções. No entanto, as membranas celulares são muitas vezes sistemas demasiado<br />

complexos para estudar em detalhe as características das interacções estabelecidas pelos<br />

seus componentes. Uma alternativa viável é o estudo destas interacções em sistemas<br />

modelo de membranas. No presente trabalho, a maioria dos estudos foram efectuados<br />

em vesículas unilamelares com diâmetro aproximado de 100 nm. Este sistema modelo<br />

permite uma base de estudo simplificada e a manutenção das propriedades fundamentais<br />

das biomembranas.<br />

As técnicas de fluorescência são ferramentas ideais no estudo da distribuição lateral<br />

em membranas. Através da escolha de um aminoácido fluorescente intrínseco (Trp ou<br />

Tyr), ou através da marcação de proteínas e/ou lípidos, é possível monitorar as<br />

alterações de fluorescência (intensidade, tempos de vida e anisotropia) resultantes da<br />

interacção com outros componentes membranares. Estudos de extinção de fluorescência


podem fornecer informação acerca das eficiências de colisão, e esta informação pode<br />

dar indicações sobre: i) a localização do grupo fluorescente; ii) a concentração do<br />

agente responsável pela extinção de fluorescência; iii) as propriedades difusivas do<br />

agente responsável pela extinção de fluorescência e da molécula fluorescente. Uma<br />

técnica que é particularmente útil na avaliação das distribuições laterais na membrana é<br />

a transferência de energia electrónica por ressonância (FRET). A eficicência de FRET<br />

para um único par dador-aceitante depende fortemente da distância entre eles. No caso<br />

de membranas lipídicas com uma distribuição de dadores e aceitantes, FRET é sensível<br />

às alterações na distribuição de aceitantes próximos ao dador, numa escala espacial<br />

comparável à distância de Förster (até 10 nm dependendo do par dador-aceitante).<br />

Vários sistemas foram aqui alvo de estudo. No Capítulo II, uma proteína integral<br />

também pertencente à cápside do bacteriófago M13 (mcp), foi estudada em sistemas<br />

modelo de membranas. O estado de oligomerização da proteína s<strong>of</strong>re alterações<br />

repetidas durante o ciclo reproductivo do bacteriófago M13. No entanto, crê-se que o<br />

estado da proteína quando incorporada na membrana do hospedeiro é essencialmente<br />

monomérico, pois tal é necessário para a correcta incorporação da proteína numa<br />

partícula de bacteriófago em formação. Ainda assim, esta questão é alvo de debate,<br />

uma vez que estados oligomerizados da proteína foram observados em certas condições.<br />

Aqui é demonstrado que mcp é um monómero quando incorporado em membranas<br />

compostas por lípidos com espessura hidrófoba idêntica à da proteína (cadeias<br />

monoinsaturadas com 18 carbonos – conformidade hidrófoba). Por outro lado, quando<br />

foram utilizadas bicamadas apresentando uma espessura hidrófoba maior que a da<br />

proteína (cadeias monoinsaturadas com 22 carbonos), foi detectada agregação. Quando<br />

foram utilizadas misturas de lípidos com espessuras hidrófobas em conformidade e<br />

descomformidade com a espessura hidrófoba da proteína, foi observada uma<br />

segregação de mcp para domínios enriquecidos em lípidos com conformidade<br />

hidrófoba. A mcp nestes domínios manteve um estado monomérico. Um aumento de 4<br />

carbonos nas cadeias acilo da matriz lipídica pode induzir agregação proteica, e no caso<br />

da presença de uma fracção significativa de lípido em conformidade hidrófoba,<br />

segregação lípido-lípido pode ser induzida pela presença da proteína. Este resultado é<br />

demonstrativo da enorme relevância da conformidade hidrófoba para a organização de<br />

proteínas e lípidos.<br />

Uma metodologia de FRET foi desenvolvida com o intuito de quantificar o grau de<br />

selectividade exibida pela mcp relativamente a diferentes lípidos. Os resultados obtidos<br />


para diferentes grupos polares de lípidos, são practicamente idênticos aos obtidos com<br />

espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrónica (ESR) para a mesma proteína,<br />

ainda que num estado agregado. Esta concordância estabelece esta metodologia para<br />

quantificação da selectividade de proteínas para lípidos como uma alternativa ao uso de<br />

ESR. Esta metodologia de FRET foi também aplicada ao estudo da selectividade da<br />

mcp para diferentes comprimentos de cadeias acilo. Surpreendentemente, os resultados<br />

revelaram constantes de selectividade baixas para um lípido de conformidade hidrófoba,<br />

em bicamadas mais finas e mais espessas que o domínio hidrófobo da proteína.<br />

Duas estratégias diferentes foram utilizadas no estudo da ligação de drogas a<br />

proteínas de membrana. No Capítulo III, uma aproximação reducionista foi escolhida.<br />

Um péptido correspondente ao quarto domínio transmembranar da subunidade c do V-<br />

ATPase foi utilizado em estudos de ligação aos inibidores do V-ATPase, bafilomicina e<br />

SB242784. Era esperado que este domínio transmembranar compreendesse o local de<br />

ligação a estes inibidores. SB242784 foi desenvolvido para utilização terapêutica em<br />

pacientes com osteoporose. Este inibidor apresenta grande selectividade para a forma<br />

osteoclática do V-ATPase que é parcialmente responsável pela degradação óssea. A<br />

bafilomicina apresenta níveis de toxicidade muito elevados devido à ausência de<br />

selectividade para uma forma particular do enzima. FRET foi novamente utilizada para<br />

determinar ligação entre inibidor e péptido (a tirosina do péptido foi o dador e os<br />

inibidores os aceitantes) e os resultados indiciam uma interacção de baixa afinidade<br />

entre a bafilomicina e o péptido. Já a ligação de SB242784 ao péptido não foi detectada.<br />

Globalmente, os resultados indicam que os requesitos moleculares para ligação aos<br />

inibidores na subunidade c incluem provavelmente contribuições dos restantes domínios<br />

transmembranares, reflectindo uma visão mais complexa do mecanismo de inibição do<br />

V-ATPase do que inicialmente considerado.<br />

No Capítulo IV, descreve-se um estudo de ligação entre o antibiótico cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin<br />

(CP) e um trímero purificado de uma porina da <strong>membrane</strong> externa, OmpF. O<br />

mecanismo de entrada do CP na célula, requer a interacção do CP com a OmpF. Neste<br />

caso, a estratégia escolhida envolveu o uso da estrutura nativa da proteína. FRET foi<br />

novamente aplicada, desta vez fazendo uso da presença de dois tipos de Trp no<br />

monómero de OmpF (como dadores) e das propriedades de absorção no ultravioleta do<br />

CP (como aceitante). A análise da extinção de fluorescência de aminoácidos intrínsecos<br />

de proteínas de grandes dimensões por FRET pode revelar-se difícil, uma vez que cada<br />

uma das populações de dadores pode estar sujeita a diferentes distribuições de


aceitantes. Dadores mais próximos da periferia da proteína podem estar mais próximos<br />

de aceitantes do que dadores no centro da proteína. Tendo em conta esta preocupação,<br />

um modelo de FRET foi desenvolvido para aplicação em sistemas contendo proteínas<br />

com múltiplos resíduos de Trp, considerando as restrições geométricas da OmpF. Esta<br />

metodologia permitiu a recuperação de um intervalo possível para a constante de<br />

ligação entre a OmpF e o CP. Em virtude das grandes dimensões do trímero de OmpF,<br />

dependendo do local de ligação ao antibiótico assumido no modelo utilizado na análise<br />

dos dados de FRET, a eficiência de ligação pode ser diferente. Dois locais de ligação ao<br />

CP correspondendo a situações limite (ligação no centro do trímero e ligação à periferia<br />

do trímero) foram considerados. Comparando os resultados obtidos segundo estes<br />

modelos e os resultados obtidos através de um método independente, foi possível<br />

concluir que o local de ligação do CP à OmpF está provavelmente distante do centro do<br />

trímero e mais próximo da periferia.<br />

No Capítulo V, a interacção de um péptido anfipático N-terminal de um domínio N-<br />

BAR com sistemas modelo de membranas foi estudada. Diversos autores consideraram<br />

a hipótese de que este segmento contribui para as propriedades remodeladoras de<br />

membranas do domínio N-BAR (tubulação de liposomas esféricos), através da inserção<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>unda no interior da bicamada. Isto teria como consequência a indução de assimetria<br />

entre as monocamadas dos lipossomas, que por fim levaria à alterações da curvatura na<br />

membrana. Esta hipótese foi aqui testada através do estudo das interacções de um<br />

péptido correspondendo a este segmento com sistemas modelo de membranas.<br />

Novamente, metodologias de fluorescência foram utilizadas e complementadas com<br />

microscopia electrónica. Conclui-se que a ligação do péptido às membranas é<br />

essencialmente electrostática, afastando a hipótese frequentemente levantada de este<br />

segmento dos domínios N-BAR agir através da estabilização da conformação do<br />

domínio associado com membranas, mediante fortes interacções hidrófobas com o<br />

interior da bicamada lipídica. De qualquer forma, os resultados de um estudo de FRET<br />

apontam para um papel alternativo do segmento N-terminal do domínio N-BAR. Os<br />

resultados demonstram claramente que o péptido se encontra na forma dimerizada<br />

depois da ligação à membrana. Estes resultados estão em concordância com uma<br />

proposta recente de que o segmento anfipático N-terminal dos domínios N-BAR poderia<br />

agir através da mediação da associação entre dímeros de domínios BAR. A microscopia<br />

electrónica não permitiu identificar alterações morfológicas significativas dos<br />

lipossomas após interacção com o péptido.<br />


Finalmente, a agregação de fosfoinositol-4,5-bisfosfato (PI(4,5)P 2 ) em bicamadas de<br />

fosfocolinas foi estudada (Capítulo VI), de forma a testar a hipótese de agregação<br />

espontânea deste lípido numa matriz de fosfocolinas. Os resultados de extinção de<br />

fluorescência colisional obtidos com um derivado de PI(4,5)P 2 marcado com uma sonda<br />

fluorescente e de um estudo de FRET utilizando este lípido derivatizado como dador<br />

para uma sonda distribuida homogeneamente na membrana, são inequívocos na<br />

confirmação de uma distribuição homogénea de PI(4,5)P 2 na bicamada lipídica. No<br />

mesmo estudo, é demonstrado que a diferentes estados de protonação de PI(4,5)P 2<br />

correspondem diferentes eficiências de partição para o ambiente lipídico, um fenómeno<br />

que pode apresentar relevância biológica significativa.



The last two decades, through a massive collective effort, allowed some insight into<br />

the nature <strong>of</strong> the interactions between the components <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s and also the<br />

highly relevant biological consequences <strong>of</strong> these interactions. The Singer-Nicolson fluid<br />

mosaic model for bio<strong>membrane</strong>s (1972), described a system where lipids were little else<br />

than a matrix where <strong>proteins</strong> were dispersed. The picture currently accepted is much<br />

more complex. Not only protein-protein interactions can be responsible for mediation <strong>of</strong><br />

cellular functions, but also protein-lipid interactions are much more complex and<br />

important than originally thought. Detailed biophysical <strong>studies</strong> such as the ones<br />

described here, allow gathering <strong>of</strong> valuable information regarding the character <strong>of</strong> such<br />

interactions.<br />

Bio<strong>membrane</strong>s delineate the boundaries <strong>of</strong> cellular life. They allow the<br />

differentiation <strong>of</strong> molecular environments through the control <strong>of</strong> permeability, creating<br />

the conditions for specialization <strong>with</strong>in the cell. This task demands the expenditure <strong>of</strong> a<br />

massive amount <strong>of</strong> energy, emphasizing the dramatic importance <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

The foremost structural framework <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is the lipid bilayer, but lipids<br />

are far from being a homogeneous class <strong>of</strong> molecules. When the energies <strong>of</strong> interaction<br />

between lipid molecules are significantly different, large scale phase separation <strong>of</strong> lipid<br />

molecules in the <strong>membrane</strong> can occur, and even for small differences in lipid-lipid<br />

interaction energies, short-range heterogeneities are expected. Therefore, the lateral<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> a multicomponent lipid bilayer is <strong>of</strong>ten heterogeneous.<br />

This portrait <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is made even more complex by the notion that lipids<br />

are not the only components found there. In fact, bio<strong>membrane</strong>s are a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

different classes <strong>of</strong> molecules <strong>with</strong> different functions. Apart from lipids, the most<br />

notable component are <strong>proteins</strong>, which are highly concentrated in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s and<br />

are largely responsible for the cellular functions operated there.<br />

<strong>Interaction</strong>s between these quite different molecular species are very complex.<br />

Hydrogen bonds, electrostatic, and van der Waals forces, all operate simultaneously in<br />

dictating the equilibrium packing <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and lipids in bilayers. Notably, <strong>proteins</strong><br />

and lipids will arrange in such a manner that their hydrophobic domains are shielded<br />

from the aqueous environment in order to prevent the entropy loss resulting from<br />

interaction <strong>with</strong> water molecules. As a consequence, <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and lipids will<br />


interact differentially, depending on the distribution <strong>of</strong> polar and hydrophobic residues<br />

on the protein and on the size <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic lipid domain.<br />

These changes in selectivities <strong>of</strong> association can lead to changes in the lateral<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> components in a similar manner as observed for lipid<br />

mixtures. In this way, a heterogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong> lipids can drive <strong>membrane</strong> protein<br />

heterogeneity and vice-versa. In fact, it is known that <strong>proteins</strong> and lipids are <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

distributed in a heterogeneous manner in the <strong>membrane</strong>, and this is essential in ensuring<br />

the localized character <strong>of</strong> some events in cellular <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

Drugs are another type <strong>of</strong> agents which <strong>of</strong>ten display affinity for lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

The targets <strong>of</strong> several drugs are <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, and their action is frequently<br />

expected to be exerted in the <strong>membrane</strong> environment. Therefore, interaction <strong>of</strong> drugs<br />

<strong>with</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong> components is <strong>of</strong> great biological relevance. In addition, for drugs<br />

targeting <strong>proteins</strong> inside the cell, partition to the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> is the first step to<br />

cell entry, and water/lipid partition coefficients are in this way, relevant parameters in<br />

drug research.<br />

It is clear that interactions between bio<strong>membrane</strong> components are used by cells to<br />

mediate and localize diverse functions in the cell <strong>membrane</strong>. A better understanding <strong>of</strong><br />

these mechanisms is the first step in rationalizing bio<strong>membrane</strong>s and their functions.<br />

However, cellular <strong>membrane</strong>s are <strong>of</strong>ten too intricate for the properties <strong>of</strong> some<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> component interactions to be resolved, and a valuable alternative is the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> model systems. Here, the majority <strong>of</strong> the <strong>studies</strong> were carried out in large<br />

unilamellar vesicles, <strong>with</strong> a diameter around 100 nm. This model system granted us a<br />

simplified basis for the study <strong>of</strong> the interactions between <strong>membrane</strong> components, at the<br />

same time maintaining all the fundamental properties <strong>of</strong> the bio<strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

Fluorescence techniques are ideal tools to study lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

By choosing an intrinsic fluorescent amino acid (Trp or Tyr), or fluorescent labelling <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> and lipids, we can monitor fluorescence changes (intensity, lifetime,<br />

anisotropy) upon interaction <strong>with</strong> other <strong>membrane</strong> components. Fluorescence quenching<br />

<strong>studies</strong> can give information on the collision efficiency, and this can give us indications<br />

on: i) the location <strong>of</strong> the fluorescent group; ii) on the concentration <strong>of</strong> quencher; and iii)<br />

on the diffusion properties <strong>of</strong> both quencher and fluorescent molecule. One technique<br />

that was particularly useful in evaluating lateral distributions in the <strong>membrane</strong> was<br />

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). FRET efficiency for a single donor-acceptor<br />

pair is strongly dependent on the distance between the two. In the case <strong>of</strong> lipid


<strong>membrane</strong>s <strong>with</strong> a distribution <strong>of</strong> donors and acceptors, FRET will be sensitive to<br />

changes in the distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors around the donor population in the space range<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Förster radius (up to ~10 nm depending on the donor-acceptor pair).<br />

Several different systems were investigated. In Chapter II, an integral protein from<br />

the coat <strong>of</strong> the bacteriophage M13 (mcp) was studied in model <strong>membrane</strong>s. The<br />

oligomerization state <strong>of</strong> the protein changes repeatedly during the reproductive cycle <strong>of</strong><br />

bacteriophage M13, but the state <strong>of</strong> the protein in the <strong>membrane</strong> was thought to be<br />

monomeric as this is apparently required for correct insertion in nascent bacteriophages.<br />

However, this was still matter <strong>of</strong> debate, as in the past, oligomeric mcp was shown to<br />

exist in some conditions. Here, it is shown that mcp is a monomer when incorporated in<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s composed by lipids <strong>with</strong> hydrophobic thickness that matched the<br />

hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the protein (monounsatured chains C 18 chains). On the other<br />

hand, when bilayers <strong>with</strong> thicker hydrophobic thickness (monounsatured chains C 22<br />

chains) were used, aggregation was observed. Surprisingly, when mixtures <strong>of</strong> both<br />

matching and mismatching lipids were used, segregation <strong>of</strong> mcp to domains enriched in<br />

matching lipid was apparently induced, and while in these domains, mcp remained<br />

monomeric. This result is a dramatic demonstration <strong>of</strong> the relevance <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

matching for protein-lipid organization. Only a small increase <strong>of</strong> 4 carbons in the acylchain<br />

<strong>of</strong> the matrix lipid can drive protein aggregation, and in case that a significant<br />

fraction <strong>of</strong> matching lipid is present, lipid-lipid segregation can be induced by the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> the protein.<br />

A FRET methodology was developed to quantify the degree <strong>of</strong> selectivity exhibited<br />

by mcp to different lipids. The results obtained for lipids <strong>with</strong> different headgroups are<br />

almost perfectly matched to previous results obtained <strong>with</strong> electron spin resonance<br />

(ESR) for the same protein, even though in an aggregated state. This agreement<br />

establishes the FRET methodology for quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity<br />

described here as an alternative to the use <strong>of</strong> ESR. This FRET methodology was also<br />

applied to the study <strong>of</strong> selectivity for acyl-chain length, which is as already mentioned,<br />

essential in dictating the lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> the protein in liposomes. Also<br />

surprisingly, the results revealed weak selectivity constants for a hydrophobically<br />

matching lipid, both in thinner as in thicker bilayers.<br />

Drug binding to <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> was studied following two different strategies.<br />

In chapter III, a reductionist approach was used. A peptide expected to correspond to the<br />

putative 4 th trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> bound c-subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase,<br />


was used in binding <strong>studies</strong> for the V-ATPase inhibitors bafilomycin and SB242784.<br />

This trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain is expected to comprise the binding site for the studied<br />

inhibitors. SB242784 was developed to be used as a potential drug for treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

osteoporosis. This inhibitor presents selectivity for the osteoclastic form <strong>of</strong> the enzyme,<br />

while bafilomycin is extremely toxic due to its lack <strong>of</strong> selectivity. FRET was again used<br />

(a tyrosine residue <strong>of</strong> the peptide was used as a donor and the inhibitors as acceptors) to<br />

determine binding, and the results indicate a weak binding <strong>of</strong> the chosen peptide <strong>with</strong><br />

bafilomycin whereas binding <strong>of</strong> the peptide to SB242784 was not detected. Overall, the<br />

results indicate that the V-ATPase inhibitor binding site is likely not formed only by the<br />

4 th trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase, but is the result <strong>of</strong><br />

contributions from other trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains, reflecting a more complex view <strong>of</strong><br />

the inhibitory mechanism <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase than originally proposed.<br />

In Chapter IV, a binding study was conducted between cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin (CP), a<br />

quinolone antibiotic, and a purified trimer <strong>of</strong> the outer <strong>membrane</strong> porin, OmpF. CP<br />

requires interactions <strong>with</strong> OmpF for efficient entry into the cell. In this case, the native<br />

protein structure was used instead <strong>of</strong> the minimalist approach described in Chapter III.<br />

FRET was again applied, this time making use <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> two types <strong>of</strong><br />

tryptophans <strong>of</strong> OmpF (as donors) and the UV absorbing properties <strong>of</strong> CP (acceptor).<br />

Fluorescence from intrinsic amino acids <strong>of</strong> large <strong>proteins</strong> in FRET can be difficult to<br />

analyze, since each donor (fluorescent amino acid) population is expected to sense a<br />

different population <strong>of</strong> acceptors. Donors closer to the protein periphery, can e.g., be in<br />

closer proximity to acceptors than donors in the core <strong>of</strong> the protein. With this in mind, a<br />

FRET methodology suitable for application to FRET <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> multi-donor <strong>proteins</strong><br />

was developed according to the geometric restrictions <strong>of</strong> the OmpF system. This model<br />

allowed the recovery <strong>of</strong> a range for the binding constants <strong>of</strong> the OmpF-CP association<br />

process. Due to the large dimensions <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer, depending on the site <strong>of</strong><br />

inhibitor binding assumed in the model for FRET data analysis, the retrieved binding<br />

efficiency can be different. Two limiting binding sites were considered, and comparing<br />

the results from our analysis <strong>with</strong> the results obtained <strong>with</strong> an independent method, it<br />

was possible to conclude that the binding site for CP in OmpF is likely to be displaced<br />

from the center <strong>of</strong> the trimer and closer to the periphery.<br />

In Chapter V, the interaction <strong>of</strong> the N-terminal amphipatic peptide <strong>of</strong> a N-BAR<br />

domain <strong>with</strong> model <strong>membrane</strong>s was studied. Several authors hypothesized that this<br />

segment <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domain contributed to the <strong>membrane</strong> remodelling properties <strong>of</strong> N-


BAR domains (tubulation <strong>of</strong> spherical liposomes) by inserting deeply into the bilayer<br />

core, driving monolayer asymmetry and thereby forcing a change in the normal<br />

curvature <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. We tested this hypothesis by following the interaction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

corresponding peptide <strong>with</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> model systems. Again, fluorescence<br />

spectroscopy methodologies were used and complemented <strong>with</strong> the application <strong>of</strong><br />

electron microscopy to investigate changes in liposome morphology upon binding <strong>of</strong> the<br />

peptide. It is concluded that binding to liposomes is essentially electrostatic, ruling out<br />

the frequently hypothesized role <strong>of</strong> this protein segment to operate through the<br />

stabilization <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> bound conformation <strong>of</strong> BAR domains via hydrophobic<br />

short-range interactions <strong>with</strong> the bilayer core. Nevertheless, the results <strong>of</strong> a FRET study<br />

clearly indicate the tendency <strong>of</strong> the peptide to oligomerize in the lipid <strong>membrane</strong><br />

environment, supporting a recently proposed function <strong>of</strong> this segment as a mediator <strong>of</strong><br />

aggregation between BAR domain dimers. Electron microscopy measurements were not<br />

able to detect significant morphology changes in the liposomes upon addition <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>peptides</strong>.<br />

Finally, clustering behaviour <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphophate (PI(4,5)P 2 ) in<br />

phosphatidylcholine bilayers was studied (Chapter VI) in order to test the hypothesis <strong>of</strong><br />

spontaneous aggregation <strong>of</strong> this lipid in a PC matrix. Both fluorescence self-quenching<br />

data obtained <strong>with</strong> a fluorescently labelled PI(4,5)P 2 , and a FRET study using this lipid<br />

as a donor to a homogeneously distributed <strong>membrane</strong> probe, unequivocally confirmed a<br />

homogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 in the lipid bilayer. In the same study, it is<br />

demonstrated that different protonation states <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 correspond to different<br />

water/lipid partition coefficients, a phenomenon that can be <strong>of</strong> significant biological<br />

relevance.<br />



I<br />



1.1. Function and architecture <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

Bio<strong>membrane</strong>s delineate the boundaries <strong>of</strong> cells as plasma <strong>membrane</strong>s, and in the<br />

eukaryotic cell, enclose organelles in the form <strong>of</strong> intracellular <strong>membrane</strong>s, allowing the<br />

subdivision <strong>of</strong> cellular activities and the more diverse and specialized functions found in<br />

eukaryotes. The bio<strong>membrane</strong> is the passive permeability barrier that allows the<br />

maintenance <strong>of</strong> different molecular environments in the inside and outside <strong>of</strong> the cell or<br />

organelle. The importance <strong>of</strong> this task is emphasized by the fact that a significant<br />

fraction <strong>of</strong> the energy required for life is expended in the preservation <strong>of</strong> the differences<br />

in molecular environments across bio<strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

The foremost structural framework <strong>of</strong> the bio<strong>membrane</strong> is the lipid bilayer. The<br />

lipid bilayer is formed by spontaneous self-assembly <strong>of</strong> lipid molecules. During this<br />

process, the decrease in entropy resulting from hydrocarbon-water interaction, which is<br />

also called the hydrophobic effect (Tanford, 1980), acts to organize lipid molecules so<br />

that acyl-chains are screened from the water environment. This can also lead to the<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> micelles or other types <strong>of</strong> organization depending on the structure <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lipid, as will be discussed in chapter 1.4.<br />

Due to the amphipatic nature <strong>of</strong> most lipids, the lipid bilayer presents a hydrocarbon<br />

environment in the interior core screened from water molecules by the polar groups <strong>of</strong><br />

lipids (see Fig. I.1). The hydrophobic acyl-chains are in a fluid state whereas the polar<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> the lipids are assembled in an orderly array as in a liquid crystal. This<br />

hydrophobic core <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer is the most important structural feature in the role<br />

<strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s as barriers to passive molecular diffusion. It allows the passage <strong>of</strong><br />

water and other small uncharged molecules but presents great impediment to passive<br />


ion diffusion, as the energy required to move a hydrated ion through it, is extremely<br />

high (for a monovalent ion <strong>with</strong> 2 Å radius, it takes about 40 Kcal/mol to transfer it into<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> core – Gennis, 1989).<br />

Figure I.1 – a) Electron micrograph <strong>of</strong> a section from the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> a erythrocyte <strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

b) Schematic depiction <strong>of</strong> a lamellar arrangement <strong>of</strong> a lipid bilayer. Polar headgroups face outwards and<br />

shield the interior hydrophobic tails (from Lodish et al., 2000).<br />

The bilayer can be regarded as a two-dimensional solvent that provides the<br />

hydrophobic anchor to <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s. This two-dimensional<br />

fluid character <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer is central to lipid-lipid, lipid-protein and proteinprotein<br />

interactions. It is responsible for an increase <strong>of</strong> the efficiency <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong>bound<br />

enzymes whose substrates are located in the plane <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. The average<br />

time for a reactant to reach a target site depends drastically on the dimensionality.<br />

Reactions that require collisions <strong>of</strong> three bodies are very rare in three dimensions, but<br />

can be very effective in two dimensions (Hardt, 1979; Sackmann, 1995).<br />

The bio<strong>membrane</strong> is not only a physical barrier between the inside and outside <strong>of</strong><br />

the cell or between intracellular compartments and the cytosol. As the cell needs to get<br />

nutrients in and out, the <strong>membrane</strong> must accommodate this. Some <strong>membrane</strong>-bound<br />



<strong>proteins</strong> are responsible by the regulation <strong>of</strong> the transport <strong>of</strong> ions and molecules across<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong>. Thus, the bio<strong>membrane</strong> is actually a selective barrier. To this effect, the<br />

distributions <strong>of</strong> both lipids and <strong>proteins</strong> exhibit asymmetry in each side <strong>of</strong> the bilayer.<br />

Another consequence <strong>of</strong> the fluid character <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer is its high flexibility<br />

that allows for an easy adaptation to exterior perturbations. In bio<strong>membrane</strong>s, the lipid<br />

bilayer also interacts <strong>with</strong> the cytoskeleton. This interaction is responsible for the<br />

mechanical stability <strong>of</strong> cells that combined <strong>with</strong> the flexibility <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer<br />

confers the bio<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>with</strong> unique mechanical properties.<br />

1.2. Molecular composition <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

1.2.1. Lipid composition<br />

Bio<strong>membrane</strong>s are typically composed by four classes <strong>of</strong> lipids: glycerolipids,<br />

sphingolipids, glycolipids and sterols. Their common characteristic is the amphipatic<br />

character which determines the lipid bilayer structure.<br /> Glycerolipids<br />

The hydrophobic section <strong>of</strong> glycerolipids is composed <strong>of</strong> linear hydrocarbon chains<br />

esterified to sn-1 and sn-2 (stereospecific numbers) positions <strong>of</strong> a glycerol moiety.<br />

These hydrocarbon chains exhibit great diversity <strong>of</strong> length (commonly from 14 to 24<br />

carbon atoms) and unsaturation (from 0 to 4) in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s. A list <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most common acyl-chains and their nomenclature is shown in Table I.1. A short<br />

notation normally used for describing them is based on the number <strong>of</strong> carbons and<br />

double bonds. Thus 18:1 stands for an acyl-chain <strong>with</strong> 18 carbons in the hydrocarbon<br />

chain and one double bond. In nature, virtually all double bonds in fatty-acids present a<br />

cis configuration and generally the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the more double<br />

bounds are present. The cis configuration has drastic consequences in the packing <strong>of</strong><br />

lipids (Berg et al., 2002) as will be discussed later. The number <strong>of</strong> carbons in the<br />

hydrophobic chain is nearly always even. In bio<strong>membrane</strong>s, lipids generally contain two<br />

different acyl-chains and frequently one <strong>of</strong> them is unsaturated (Mouritsen, 2005).<br />

The predominant class <strong>of</strong> lipids in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s are the phosphoglycerolipids.<br />

These molecules are glycerolipids in which the sn-3 position is esterified to phosphoric<br />


acid. If no more groups are linked to the molecule, the resulting compound is<br />

phospatidic acid (PA), the simplest phosphoglycerolipid. In general, the phosphate<br />

group is linked to an alcohol, and together, the phosphate group and the bound alcohol<br />

shape the polar headgroup section <strong>of</strong> the molecule. Phosphoglycerolipids are classified<br />

according to the nature <strong>of</strong> the alcohol moiety in the headgroup. The most common<br />

alcohols found in phospholipids are serine, ethanolamine, choline, glycerol, and inositol<br />

(Figure I.2). The corresponding phosphoglycerolipids are named phosphatidylserine<br />

(PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylglycerol<br />

(PG), and phosphatidylinositol (PI). The latter can also be phosphorylated at three<br />

different positions in the inositol ring resulting in seven different combinations that<br />

correspond to seven different species as will be discussed in chapter VI.<br />

Table I.1 - Nomenclature <strong>of</strong> relevant acyl-chains<br />

Short notation<br />

Name<br />

14:0 Myristoyl<br />

14:1 (9-cis) Myristoleoyl<br />

16:0 Palmitoyl<br />

16:1 (9-cis) Palmitoleoyl<br />

18:0 Stearoyl<br />

18:1 (9-cis) Oleoyl<br />

18:2 (9,12 cis) Linoleoyl<br />

18:3 (6,9,12–cis) γ-Linolenoyl<br />

18:3 (9,12,15–cis) α-Linolenoyl<br />

20:0 Arachidoyl<br />

20:4 (5,8,11,14–cis) Arachidonoyl<br />

22:0 Behenoyl<br />

22:1 (13-cis) Erucoyl<br />

The phosphate group in phosphoglycerolipids is always negatively charged, and the<br />

net charge <strong>of</strong> the molecule is dictated by the charge <strong>of</strong> the alcohol moiety. Thus PA, PG,<br />

PS, PI, and phosphorylated PI are negatively charged, while PC and PE present a net<br />

neutral charge due to the positively charged amine in choline and ethanolamine. PC is<br />

the most abundant phosphoglycerolipid in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>, whereas PE is in<br />

general the major component in bacterial <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />



Figure I.2 – a) Schematic representation <strong>of</strong> the phosphoglycerolipid structure. b) Most common alcohols<br />

found in the headgroups <strong>of</strong> phosphoglycerolipids. From Berg et al., 2002). c) Structure <strong>of</strong> a<br />

phosphatidylcholine - 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC).<br />

The acyl-chains found in each class <strong>of</strong> phosphoglycerolipids is also different.<br />

PC’s are mainly composed <strong>of</strong> short saturated chains (16 to 18 carbons) or 18:1 and 18:2<br />

unsaturated chains. PE’s have a large fraction <strong>of</strong> polyunsaturated chains, in particular<br />

20:4 (arachidonoyl). Charged phosphoglycerolipids also present a significant content <strong>of</strong><br />

unsaturated acyl-chains (Sackmann, 1995).<br />

Other types <strong>of</strong> glycerolipids are found in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s, namely the<br />

plasmalogens, in which one <strong>of</strong> the acyl-chains is bound to glycerol by a vinyl ether<br />

linkage. Plasmalogens constitute about 20 % <strong>of</strong> the total content <strong>of</strong> phosphoglycerides<br />

in humans, although their abundance varies dramatically among tissues and species.<br />

Human brain and heart tissues are particularly enriched in this class <strong>of</strong> lipids (Lodish et<br />

al., 2000). Cardiolipin is a dimer lipid since it contains four acyl chains. It constitutes<br />

about 20 % <strong>of</strong> the inner mitochondrial <strong>membrane</strong> and is also found in the <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

plant chloroplasts and <strong>of</strong> certain bacterias.<br /> Sphingolipids<br />

Sphingolipids are based on sphingosine instead <strong>of</strong> glycerol. Sphingosine is an<br />

aminoalcohol <strong>with</strong> a long unsaturated hydrocarbon chain. A long fatty-acid is attached<br />

to sphingosine by an amide bound. This basic structure is a ceramide, which is involved<br />

in cell death and is an essential component <strong>of</strong> skin (Mouritsen, 2005). The linkage <strong>of</strong> a<br />

choline to the terminal hydroxyl group <strong>of</strong> sphingosine in ceramide leads to<br />


sphingomyelin, the most abundant sphingolipid, which is a significant component <strong>of</strong><br />

animal plasma <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br /> Glycolipids<br />

Both glycerolipids and sphingolipids can be linked to a carbohydrate in their<br />

headgroups, giving rise to a glycolipid. Glycolipids play important roles in the<br />

interactions <strong>of</strong> the cell <strong>with</strong> its surroundings. Glycoglycerolipids are very abundant in<br />

chloroplast <strong>membrane</strong>s, as well as in blue algae and bacteria. They are however rarely<br />

found in animals (Gennis, 1989). In glycosphingolipids, one or more carbohydrates are<br />

linked to the terminal hydroxyl group <strong>of</strong> the sphingosine backbone. The simplest form<br />

<strong>of</strong> glycosphingolipid is a cerebroside that contains a single carbohydrate residue, either<br />

glucose or galactose. Complex glycosphingolipids called gangliosides present one or<br />

two branched carbohydrate chains containing sialic acid groups. Glycosphingolipids are<br />

as a rule located in the outer surface <strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>with</strong> varying<br />

concentrations (2-10 %), and are particularly abundant in the nervous system.<br /> Sterols<br />

The basic structure <strong>of</strong> sterols is a four ring hydrocarbon. This structure confers<br />

the molecule much more rigidity than other lipids. The most important sterol in animal<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s is cholesterol (Fig. I.3). In cholesterol, a hydrocarbon chain is linked to one<br />

end <strong>of</strong> the ring system and a hydroxyl group is attached to the other end <strong>of</strong> the structure,<br />

this being the polar headgroup <strong>of</strong> the molecule. In the lipid bilayer the molecule is<br />

oriented parallel to the fatty-acid chains <strong>of</strong> other lipids while the hydroxyl group<br />

interacts <strong>with</strong> nearby headgroups. Cholesterol is only found in eukaryotes, particularly<br />

in animal plasma <strong>membrane</strong>s, lysosomes, endosomes and Golgi apparatus. The<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> cholesterol is especially high in the animal plasma <strong>membrane</strong> (20 - 30<br />

%). In plants cholesterol exists in low amounts, and other sterols are present, namely<br />

sitoesterol and stigmasterol. Ergosterol is found in yeast and other eukaryotic<br />

microorganisms.<br />



Figure 1.3 – Structure <strong>of</strong> cholesterol (From Berg et al., 2002).<br />

1.3. Lipid asymmetry across the bilayer<br />

Lipid composition in the cytoplasmatic and exoplasmatic leaflets <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is<br />

asymmetric. In plasma <strong>membrane</strong>s, the cytoplasmatic leaflet is enriched in PE, PS, and<br />

PI, while in the exoplasmatic leaflet lipids like PC, glycolipids, sphingomyelin and<br />

cholesterol exist in higher concentrations.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the factors contributing to this lipid asymmetry is the site <strong>of</strong> synthesis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lipids in the <strong>membrane</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, as it dictates the<br />

plasma <strong>membrane</strong> leaflet where the lipid is to be inserted. In this way, addition <strong>of</strong><br />

carbohydrates to glycolipids is done through the luminal side <strong>of</strong> the Golgi apparatus that<br />

is topologically equivalent to the exterior <strong>of</strong> the cell. This however does not account for<br />

all asymmetry observed and the action <strong>of</strong> ATP-powered transport <strong>proteins</strong> called<br />

translocases is essential (Lodish et al., 2000).<br />

However, asymmetry would be lost if lipids easily crossed from one leaflet to the<br />

other. In fact, in protein free liposomes, the kinetics <strong>of</strong> this process is extremely slow,<br />

on the order <strong>of</strong> hours/days. This is due to the extremely energetically unfavourable<br />

process <strong>of</strong> inserting the polar headgroup <strong>of</strong> a lipid in the hydrophobic <strong>membrane</strong><br />

interior.<br />

Lipid asymmetry is <strong>of</strong> functional importance, and many cytosolic <strong>proteins</strong> bind to<br />

specific lipid headgroups (like PS or PI) in the cytosolic leaflet <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. Animals<br />

also use phospholipid asymmetry in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> cells as a control to<br />

distinguish between dead and healthy cells, as when animal cells undergo programmed<br />

cell death, or apoptosis. In this case, PS lipids that are normally found enriched in the<br />

cytosolic leaflet, distribute between both leaflets <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. This functions as a<br />


signal for neighbouring cells to phagocytose the dead cell and digest it (Alberts et al.,<br />

2002).<br />

1.4. Lipid structure and curvature<br />

Lipids in hydrated conditions exhibit polymorphic behaviour as they can assemble<br />

in different structures. The structure adopted by a lipid aggregate can be influenced by<br />

the molecular structure <strong>of</strong> the lipid itself and a myriad <strong>of</strong> environmental conditions,<br />

such as water content, pH, ionic strength, temperature and pressure. Lipid molecules can<br />

assemble in an aqueous environment either in a lamellar structure (as in a lipid bilayer)<br />

or in non-lamellar phases (micelle, hexagonal, inverted hexagonal phases, and the cubic<br />

phase (see Fig. I.4)). Because phase transitions between these different aggregates can<br />

be activated by changes in water content, these phases are called lyotropic.<br />

The different possibilities for organizations <strong>of</strong> lipids are the result <strong>of</strong> the intrinsic<br />

shape <strong>of</strong> the lipid molecule. When the headgroup <strong>of</strong> a lipid occupies the same area than<br />

the area occupied by its hydrophobic section, the leaflets or monolayers formed by<br />

association <strong>of</strong> molecules <strong>of</strong> this lipid will present zero spontaneous curvature, forming a<br />

planar <strong>membrane</strong> for which both leaflets (or monolayers) present null curvature. A lipid<br />

bilayer composed <strong>of</strong> this lipid <strong>with</strong> the same number <strong>of</strong> molecules in each monolayer<br />

should be flat. However, in order to eliminate the aqueous exposure <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic<br />

edges <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, the bilayer can unite the edges and form a curved vesicle. In this<br />

aggregate the exterior monolayer must present a concave (or positive) curvature and the<br />

interior monolayer must present a curvature <strong>with</strong> opposite direction. In this way,<br />

spontaneous curvature <strong>of</strong> a lipid monolayer refers to the curvature observed in the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> edge conditions (Zimmerberg, 2000).<br />

For monolayers composed <strong>of</strong> lipids presenting headgroups <strong>with</strong> a cross-section<br />

different to that <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic tails, a spontaneous curvature will be present, and<br />

the packing <strong>of</strong> these lipids in a lipid bilayer <strong>with</strong> a lamellar structure will result in<br />

curvature stress, that can be supported by the lamellar structure only up to a certain<br />

extent. In case the lipid bilayer cannot sustain this curvature stress, the lamellar<br />

structure (L) will be broken and non-lamellar phases will arise. The basic structural<br />

phase <strong>of</strong> biological <strong>membrane</strong>s is nevertheless a lamellar phospholipid bilayer matrix,<br />

and deviations from a lamellar arrangement are generally not desirable in the plasma<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>. The inclusion <strong>of</strong> lipids <strong>with</strong> propensity to non-lamellar structure leads to a<br />



curvature stress in the <strong>membrane</strong>, and local modulation <strong>of</strong> this stress can be achieved<br />

either by enzymatic action in the lipids, as removal <strong>of</strong> headgroups (Nieva et al., 1993) or<br />

a acyl-chain, or by protein binding, allowing local formation <strong>of</strong> non-lamellar phases.<br />

Micellar<br />

phase<br />

Hexagonal<br />

phase<br />

Lamellar<br />

phase<br />

Cubic<br />

phase<br />

Inverted<br />

hexagonal<br />

phase<br />

Figure I.4 - Representation <strong>of</strong> the most important forms <strong>of</strong> organization <strong>of</strong> lipid aggregates in an aqueous<br />

environment. Different lipid structures correspond to different lipid curvatures and are arranged in<br />

accordance to the value <strong>of</strong> the packing parameter P. Adapted from (Mouritsen, 2005) and (Seddon and<br />

Templer, 1995).<br />

The ability <strong>of</strong> a lipid to fit into a particular type <strong>of</strong> aggregate can be described by a<br />

packing parameter P, which is defined in Figure I.4. A deviation <strong>of</strong> P from 1, either<br />

positive or negative, corresponds to a deviation <strong>of</strong> the lipid shape when in the lipid<br />

aggregate from a cylindrical shape, which is the shape that fits a planar bilayer structure.<br />

Negative deviations (P < 1) correspond to hexagonal (H I ) structures and in the limit P <<br />

1/3 to micelles. Highly phosphorylated PI can induce micelles as will be discussed in<br />

chapter IV. Positive deviations (P > 1) correspond to cubic and inverted hexagonal (H II )<br />

aggregates. These two structures are <strong>of</strong> significant biological relevance, playing a<br />


functional role in process such as endo- and exocytosis, <strong>membrane</strong> recycling, protein<br />

trafficking, fat digestion, <strong>membrane</strong> budding and fusion. PE lipids show propensity to<br />

arrange into this structures (Mouritsen, 2005). The cubic phase, which consists <strong>of</strong> short<br />

tubes connected in a hexagonal array, is sometimes found on mixtures <strong>of</strong> lipids that are<br />

in transition from a lamellar phase to an inverted hexagonal phase. The inverted<br />

hexagonal phase consists <strong>of</strong> hexagonally packed water cylinders <strong>with</strong> an outer lining <strong>of</strong><br />

lipid molecules oriented <strong>with</strong> their acyl-chains away from the aqueous cylinders<br />

(Yeagle, 1993).<br />

1.5. Lamellar phase transitions in lipid bilayers<br />

Apart from transitions between different lipid morphologies, lipids also experience<br />

phase transitions <strong>with</strong>out drastic changes in morphology. In a lamellar symmetry, lipids<br />

can experience several packing conditions that correspond to different lipid phases.<br />

These different structures are classified as distinct phases because upon crossing the<br />

transition temperature (or other thermodynamic variable), several physical properties <strong>of</strong><br />

the lipid bilayer change abruptly, including the heat capacity, lateral diffusion,<br />

permeability, thickness, area, vesicle shape, etc.<br />

In Figure I.5, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> three<br />

phospholipids are presented. In these, the specific heat <strong>of</strong> the phospholipids is shown as<br />

a function <strong>of</strong> temperature. For dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC)<br />

two peaks are clearly visible, and each peak corresponds to a phase transition. From<br />

this, it is clear that DMPC can exist as three different phases between 10 and 30 ºC. All<br />

other PC lipids present identical behaviour. For the PE and PA lipids the first transition<br />

is absent, the main transition (T m ) is however generally common to all phospholipids.<br />

This transition is considered to have first order characteristics (Gennis, 1989).<br />

Below the main transition, lipids are tightly packed, the acyl chains are ordered and<br />

extended in an all-trans chain configuration, while the molecules are arranged in a<br />

regular lattice as in a crystalline solid (Figure I.5). This phase is for that reason called<br />

solid-ordered or gel phase (s 0 ). In the gel phase, individual molecules diffuse slowly in<br />

the plane <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong>, and the lateral diffusion coefficient (D) <strong>of</strong> a phospholipid<br />

molecule is on the order <strong>of</strong> 10 -10 cm 2 s -1 . Lipids <strong>with</strong> large headgroups as PC must also<br />

tilt in the plane <strong>of</strong> the bilayer while in the gel state (Figure I.5). The cross-sectional area<br />

<strong>of</strong> the headgroup <strong>of</strong> these lipids is larger than the cross-sectional area <strong>of</strong> the acyl-chains,<br />



and the only way to achieve effective packing is through a tilt <strong>of</strong> the hydrocarbon<br />

chains.<br />

Above the T m <strong>of</strong> the lipid, the acyl chain ordering characteristic <strong>of</strong> the gel phase is<br />

lost (gauche conformations are favoured), and in this new phase, the lateral diffusion <strong>of</strong><br />

the lipid molecules is substantially higher (D is on the order <strong>of</strong> 10 -8 cm 2 s -1 ). This phase<br />

is called fluid or liquid-crystalline phase (L α ). As a result <strong>of</strong> the smaller number <strong>of</strong> trans<br />

conformations in the acyl-chains, bilayers in the fluid phase are considerably thinner<br />

than in the gel phase (up to 6 Å in dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine-DPPC<br />

bilayers), but the cross-sectional area increases dramatically (from 52 Å to 71 Å in<br />

DPPC individual molecules) (Nagle and Tristram-Nagle, 2000). This increase in area is<br />

a consequence <strong>of</strong> the weaker van der Waals attractive interactions between acyl-chains<br />

in the fluid phase (Gennis, 1989). As a rule, a strong coupling exists between the lipid<br />

phases in each monolayer (Bagatolli and Gratton, 2000), exceptions however have<br />

already been observed (Devaux and Morris, 2004).<br />

The acyl-chains <strong>of</strong> a phospholipid dictate to a large extent the stability <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

gel and fluid phases, and as a result they define the T m <strong>of</strong> the lipid. This is due to the<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> the van der Waals interactions in stabilizing the gel phase. Long acylchains<br />

permit stronger van der Waals attractive forces, stabilizing the gel phase and<br />

increasing the lipid T m . Unsaturated chains prevent effective ordered packing into the<br />

gel state, inducing a decrease in lipid T m . As most lipids in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s present<br />

unsaturations, lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s are highly fluid. Headgroup structure can also influence<br />

the transition temperature <strong>of</strong> the lipid. PE lipids present higher T m than PC due to<br />

stabilizing hydrogen bonding in the gel phase. pH, ionic strength and pressure can also<br />

influence T m .<br />

PC lipids, as seen in Figure I.5, experience an additional phase transition. This<br />

transition is called pretransition and occurs between two different gel states, L β’ , and a<br />

ripple or periodic gel phase (P β’ ), at a characteristic temperature (T P ). Due to the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> the planar ring structure, cholesterol disrupts the packing <strong>of</strong> lipids when<br />

mixed <strong>with</strong> lipids in the gel phase. For lipids in the fluid phase, cholesterol has an<br />

ordering influence (Ipsen et al., 1987). The mixture <strong>of</strong> cholesterol and saturated<br />

phospholipids can give rise to an additional phase called liquid ordered phase (L o ). In<br />

the L o phase, the acyl-chains present a higher degree <strong>of</strong> ordering as compared to the one<br />


in the L α phase, while lateral diffusion in the plane <strong>of</strong> the bilayer and freedom <strong>of</strong><br />

rotation remains high.<br />

Figure I.5 – A – Differential scanning calorimetry pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> DMPC, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-<br />

phosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidic acid (DMPA). B –<br />

Depiction <strong>of</strong> most common lamellar lipid phases: the fluid L α phase, the gel L β and the ripple P β’ phase<br />

(taken from Gennis, 1989).<br />

1.6. Membrane thickness<br />

Due to the complex chemical structure <strong>of</strong> lipids, the chemical environment along the<br />

normal axis <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is highly stratified. In hydrated bilayers, fluctuations add<br />

increased complexity to the task <strong>of</strong> the structural description <strong>of</strong> the lipid <strong>membrane</strong>. A<br />

description for the position <strong>of</strong> the atoms inside the bilayer using a broad statistical<br />

distribution function can be used. Figure I.6 is a representation <strong>of</strong> the liquidcrystallographic<br />

structure <strong>of</strong> L α -phase dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine<br />

(DOPC) bilayers along the axis <strong>of</strong> the bilayer normal.<br />

In the presence <strong>of</strong> this dynamical concept for the lipid bilayer structure it becomes<br />

difficult to define certain bilayer properties such as <strong>membrane</strong> thickness. It is reasonable<br />

nevertheless to assume the bilayer thickness as equal to the distance between the peaks<br />



<strong>of</strong> the distribution functions <strong>of</strong> phosphate groups in each monolayer. In this way, the<br />

bilayer thickness <strong>of</strong> fluid DOPC is 37 Å. Another important concept is the hydrophobic<br />

thickness <strong>of</strong> a bilayer, i.e. the length across the bilayer normal which is occupied by the<br />

hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> lipids. Wiener and White (1992) showed that the transbilayer<br />

carbonyl-to-carbonyl distance accurately reported the thickness <strong>of</strong> the hydrocarbon core.<br />

For fluid DOPC, this value is <strong>of</strong> 27-28 Å (Lewis and Engelman, 1983; Nagle and<br />

Tristram-Nagle, 2000). Interestingly, the presence <strong>of</strong> the double bond in DOPC, which<br />

carries 18 carbons in the acyl-chains, decreases the hydrophobic thickness up to almost<br />

the same value <strong>of</strong> DMPC, which carries only 14 carbons but presents no unsaturation.<br />

As a general rule, the hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> a phospholipid bilayer increases 1,75 Å<br />

per additional carbon in the phospholipid acyl-chain (Lewis and Engelman, 1983).<br />

Figure 1.6 - Crystallographic structure <strong>of</strong> fluid DOPC bilayers along the bilayer normal axis (Wiener and<br />

White, 1992).<br />

Apart from the phospholipid structure, other factors can influence significantly the<br />

thickness <strong>of</strong> a bilayer. Increases in temperature and hydration lead to decreases in the<br />

thickness <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. Cholesterol also has an important impact as it acts by<br />

thickening the <strong>membrane</strong> (Mouritsen, 2005).<br />


1.7. Lateral heterogeneity in lipid bilayer<br />

As already pointed out, the lipid composition <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is highly complex.<br />

In the case <strong>of</strong> multicomponent lipid bilayers, no longer a single T m applies to the whole<br />

population <strong>of</strong> lipid molecules. Now the transition takes place over a range <strong>of</strong><br />

temperatures (between the T m <strong>of</strong> the lipid <strong>with</strong> the lower transition temperature and the<br />

T m <strong>of</strong> the lipid <strong>with</strong> the higher transition temperature), in which the lipids phase separate<br />

in gel and fluid phases (Mouritsen, 2005). This phase separation is a direct consequence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the highly cooperative character <strong>of</strong> lipid phase. Immiscibility between lipids can<br />

result from differences in acyl-chain length, unsaturation or headgroup composition<br />

(Shimshick and McConnell,1973; Arnold et al., 1981; Lentz et al., 1976).<br />

Phase diagrams provide an efficient tool for the description <strong>of</strong> phase behaviour <strong>of</strong><br />

multicomponent lipid mixtures. In the phase diagrams, the lines correspond to the<br />

temperatures at which a transition starts or is finished. Three phase diagrams for three<br />

different binary lipid mixtures are presented in Figure I.7. It is clear from Figure I.7 that<br />

as the divergence in acyl-chain length increases, the size <strong>of</strong> the region <strong>of</strong> gel-fluid phase<br />

coexistence also increases due to a more accentuated immiscibility between the two<br />

lipids.<br />

Figure I.7 – Phase diagrams <strong>of</strong> three different binary mixtures <strong>of</strong> saturated PC lipids presenting different<br />

acyl-chain lengths – dilauroyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphatidylcholine-DLPC (12 carbons); DMPC (14<br />

carbons); DPPC (16 carbons) and distearoyl-sn-glycerol-3- phosphatidylcholine -DSPC (18 carbons). The<br />

fluid phase is represented by an f and the gel phase by g (taken from Mouritsen, 2005).<br />



Lipid immiscibility gives rise to lateral structuring <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer and the<br />

resulting lateral organizations are called domains. Lipid domains are not static<br />

structures. They exhibit dynamics both in space and time, as they can exist as short<br />

(fluctuations) or long-lived structures in the lipid bilayer. Large size domains (in the<br />

order <strong>of</strong> micrometers) have already been detected through imaging techniques (Korlach<br />

et al., 1999; Bagatolli and Gratton, 2000). These techniques make use <strong>of</strong> fluorescent<br />

probes that show preferential partition in one <strong>of</strong> the lipid phases or differential<br />

fluorescent properties in each phase (Klausner and Wolf, 1980; Bagatolli and Gratton,<br />

2000). They are however restricted by the diffraction limit to detect domains larger than<br />

~ 200 nm. An example is shown in Figure I.8.<br />

Figure I.8 - Gel-Fluid coexistence in a giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV) (see 1.10) detected by<br />

confocal microscopy. The system is a DLPC/DSPC (0.4/0.6 mol/mol) mixture. Red areas correspond to<br />

the fluorescence arising from a probe <strong>with</strong> preferential partition to the gel phase (enriched in DSPC) and<br />

green areas correspond to the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> a probe <strong>with</strong> preferential partition to the fluid phase<br />

(enriched in DLPC) (taken from Korlach et al., 1999).<br />

For a situation <strong>of</strong> thermodynamical equilibrium, one should expect complete phase<br />

separation, i.e., only two very large domains inside the vesicle, one in the gel phase, and<br />

the other in the fluid phase. This is due to the interfacial tension between lipid domains.<br />

In the interface, the phases show differences in hydrophobic thickness, and the<br />

consequent exposure <strong>of</strong> the hydrocarbon chains to water molecules create a packing<br />

stress in the interface <strong>of</strong> domains. This tension is the driving force for the fusion <strong>of</strong><br />

small domains into larger lateral structures after phase separation, as larger domains<br />

correspond to a smaller interface area. At infinite time, the complete macroscopic phase<br />

separation should be achieved. However, several domains <strong>of</strong> limited size are observed<br />

(Figure I.8). This is possibly due to the coupling <strong>of</strong> phase separation to the curvature <strong>of</strong><br />


the vesicle through bilayer deformation in the interface and to the insertion <strong>of</strong><br />

phospholipids in the interface region <strong>with</strong> intermediate conformations (between gel and<br />

fluid like conformations) in order to substantially decrease the interface stress between<br />

lipid domains (Jorgensen and Mouritsen, 1995). Another possibility is that the finite<br />

size domains correspond to non-equilibrium structures, detected due to the very long<br />

lifetime <strong>of</strong> the process <strong>of</strong> phase separation (de Almeida et al., 2002).<br />

Even when at the same lamellar phase, lipids do not mix ideally. This is particularly<br />

true for the gel phase, as the strict packing restrictions force dissimilar lipids to<br />

immiscibility. As a result, clustering or domain formation is observed and the bilayer<br />

gains lateral heterogeneity. This type <strong>of</strong> behaviour is observed e.g. for the highly<br />

nonideal mixture DLPC-DSPC (Fig. I.7), as two different gel phases (each enriched in<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the lipids) are present below the phase coexistence region.<br />

Deviations from ideal lipid mixing and domain formation also occur in the fluid<br />

phase, and PC lipids <strong>with</strong> a significantly different thickness were already shown to<br />

segregate into domains due to hydrophobic mismatch stress. Also for this situation, the<br />

discrepancy <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the two PC lipids can create a packing stress in<br />

the bilayer due to exposure <strong>of</strong> hydrocarbons to water, and stimulate lipid segregation<br />

(Lehtonen et al., 1996). The lateral structures created by this type <strong>of</strong> phase separation<br />

are expected to be on the nanometer scale in opposition to gel-fluid phase separation<br />

which can be detected in the micrometer scale. Therefore, these domains are elusive to<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the imaging techniques, and other spectroscopic techniques must be applied,<br />

namely macroscopic fluorescence methodologies.<br />

The ideality degree <strong>of</strong> a lipid mixture dictates not only the phase separation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

mixture but also the size and shape <strong>of</strong> the phase-separated domains. Apart from<br />

temperature, other factors influencing the lateral structuring <strong>of</strong> a multicomponent lipid<br />

bilayer are dehydration and the presence <strong>of</strong> divalent ions. Dehydration can cause<br />

lamellar to inverted hexagonal phase transition and induce phase separation (Webb et<br />

al., 1993). Mixtures containing an anionic phospholipid can experience severe phase<br />

separation in the presence <strong>of</strong> divalent ions like Ca 2+ . Calcium ions induce clustering and<br />

phase separation <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids due to intermolecular cross bridges (Silvius,<br />

1990).<br />

A phase coexistence <strong>of</strong> particular biological relevance is that <strong>of</strong> L α and L o phases. In<br />

1997 Simons and Ikonen proposed that small lipid domains in the L o phase (lipid rafts)<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> saturated lipids and cholesterol coexisted <strong>with</strong> a matrix <strong>of</strong> lipids in the<br />



fluid phase. Since then, several cellular mechanisms have been associated <strong>with</strong> domains<br />

<strong>of</strong> cholesterol and saturated lipids, and several evidences for the existence <strong>of</strong> these<br />

structures have been gathered. There is indication that rafts are involved in cell surface<br />

signalling, intracellular trafficking and sorting <strong>of</strong> lipids and <strong>proteins</strong> (Mouritsen, 2005)<br />

Lateral structuring <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer, either through L α -L β , L α -L o or fluid-fluid<br />

domains, implies that <strong>membrane</strong> functions do not require the dependence on random<br />

collisions for interactions between reagents (Mouritsen, 2005). It provides a structuring<br />

principle for lipid bilayer organization, that can permit not only a higher efficiency <strong>of</strong><br />

several <strong>membrane</strong> processes by compartmentalization, but also a mechanism <strong>of</strong><br />

modulating these processes through control <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> lateral structure.<br />

1.8. Membrane <strong>proteins</strong><br />

The lipid bilayer provides the basic architecture <strong>of</strong> the bio<strong>membrane</strong>s. However,<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> are responsible for the majority <strong>of</strong> cell functions taking place in the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>. The distinctive properties and functions <strong>of</strong> different lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s inside<br />

the cell are mainly dictated by their protein content. The concentration <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> inside<br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is drastically different among the several cellular <strong>membrane</strong>s. In the<br />

mitochondrial <strong>membrane</strong> the protein content reaches about 76% (w/w), while in the<br />

myelin <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> are only 18% <strong>of</strong> total <strong>membrane</strong> content. The mapping <strong>of</strong><br />

the yeast genome showed that most <strong>of</strong> the genome code is expected to code for<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, in demonstration <strong>of</strong> their key role for life (Mouritsen, 2005).<br />

Membrane <strong>proteins</strong> are defined by their degree <strong>of</strong> insertion in the lipid bilayer<br />

(Figure I.9). Thus, <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> deeply buried in the lipid bilayer are called<br />

integral, frequently spanning the <strong>membrane</strong> one or several times, whereas <strong>proteins</strong><br />

bound to the exoplasmic or cytoplasmic periphery <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer are entitled<br />

peripheral. Peripheral <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> are bound to lipid bilayers by interaction<br />

either <strong>with</strong> lipid headgroups or <strong>with</strong> other <strong>membrane</strong> bound <strong>proteins</strong>. Another class <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> are bound to the <strong>membrane</strong> through covalent linkage to a lipid molecule. These<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> are classified as lipid-anchored.<br />


Figure I.9 – Depiction <strong>of</strong> the several possibilities for association <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s. Protein<br />

domains in the exoplasmic side <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> are frequently glycosilated and can interact <strong>with</strong> the<br />

extracellular matrix. Protein domains on the cytoplasmic side on the other hand are responsible for the<br />

coupling <strong>of</strong> the cytoskeleton network <strong>with</strong> the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> (From Lodish et al., 2000).<br />

Membrane <strong>proteins</strong> on the extracellular side <strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> generally bind<br />

other molecules, including external signalling <strong>proteins</strong>, ions, small metabolites, and<br />

adhesion molecules in other cells. Protein domains <strong>with</strong>in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>, mainly<br />

those that are part <strong>of</strong> channels and pores, are generally responsible for transport <strong>of</strong><br />

molecules across the bilayer, while peripheral protein <strong>membrane</strong>s in the cytosolic side<br />

<strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> are responsible for many different functions (Lodish et al.,<br />

2000).<br />

The possibilities <strong>of</strong> secondary structure available for <strong>membrane</strong> spanning protein<br />

domains are very limited. Only two structures are available, the alpha-helix and the<br />

beta-barrel (Figure I.10). These structures have a common characteristic. In both, the<br />

peptide bonds <strong>of</strong> the aminoacids are hydrogen bonded. In fact, if this were not the case,<br />

insertion in the highly apolar environment would be energetically unfavourable, even<br />

for the most hydrophobic amino acids. The energetic cost <strong>of</strong> partitioning a peptide bond<br />

into a highly apolar phase, is significantly larger than the free energy reduction<br />

associated <strong>with</strong> insertion <strong>of</strong> the Trp side chain in the same environment (White and<br />

Wimley, 1999). Therefore, only a polypeptide segment <strong>with</strong> complete backbonebackbone<br />

hydrogen bonding can insert in the highly hydrophobic core <strong>of</strong> the bilayer,<br />

and the alpha-helix and the beta-barrel are the two structures that satisfy this condition.<br />



A<br />

B<br />

Figure I.10 – Two secondary structures available for <strong>membrane</strong> spanning protein domains, the alphahelix<br />

(A) and the beta-barrel (B).<br />

The amino acids in an alpha-helix are arranged in a right-handed helical structure.<br />

The dimensions <strong>of</strong> the alpha helix are 5,4 Å wide (if accounting for aminoacid side<br />

chains the alpha helix is about 10 Å wide). Each aminoacid correspond to a 100º turn,<br />

and consequently for each turn, 3.6 aminoacids are required. Each aminoacid also<br />

corresponds to a translation across the helical axis <strong>of</strong> 1,5 Å, and each amine group <strong>of</strong> the<br />

peptide bound forms a hydrogen bond <strong>with</strong> the carbonyl group <strong>of</strong> the pepide bound four<br />

aminoacids earlier. Beta barrels are large beta sheet structures for which the last strand<br />

is hydrogen bonded <strong>with</strong> the first, creating in this way a closed structure. These<br />

structures are commonly found in porins (see chapter IV). The beta-sheet structure is<br />

based on the side-by-side hydrogen bonded arrangement <strong>of</strong> stretchs <strong>of</strong> amino acids<br />

linearly extended.<br />

Hydrogen bonding between peptide bonds is essential for formation <strong>of</strong> TM protein<br />

segments, however it is not sufficient. The sum <strong>of</strong> the free energy reduction from<br />

insertion <strong>of</strong> the side chains <strong>of</strong> the polypeptide must surpass the energetic cost <strong>of</strong> burying<br />

the hydrogen bonded peptide bonds. This is only possible in the presence <strong>of</strong> highly<br />

hydrophobic aminoacids, and in the absence <strong>of</strong> to many hydrophilic ones, particularly<br />

charged residues. Octanol is frequently regarded as a suitable model for studying the<br />

insertion <strong>of</strong> molecules in a hydrophobic medium such as the hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer. Figure I.11 reproduces the results obtained for the free energy <strong>of</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong><br />

whole aminoacids (including the peptide bond), from water to the octanol phase, and to<br />

the interface region (polar environment) <strong>of</strong> POPC bilayers.<br />


Figure I.11 – Experimentally obtained hydrophobicity scales for whole residues (including the peptide<br />

bond). Results obtained for the transfer from water to the polar interface <strong>of</strong> POPC bilayers and from water<br />

to octanol are presented (Wimley and White, 1996; Wimley et al., 1996).<br />

It is clear from Figure 1.11 that residues like Trp (W), Phe (F), Tyr (Y), Leu (L), Ile<br />

(I), Met (M) or Val (V) favour incorporation in hydrocarbon environments, while<br />

charged residues are particularly averse to this. From this information and from the<br />

primary sequence <strong>of</strong> a protein it is possible to make previsions for possible alpha helical<br />

TM segments inside the protein sequence. A calculation is made through summation <strong>of</strong><br />

the free energy required to insert (from water into the bilayer hydrocarbon core)<br />

successive segments <strong>of</strong> the polypeptide chain. Segments tested have a finite size, around<br />

20 aminoacids, as this is just about sufficient to spam the hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> a typical<br />

bilayer (this aminoacid length corresponds to 30 Å if the helix is oriented along the<br />

bilayer normal). This procedure allows the creation <strong>of</strong> hydropathy plots that signal the<br />

polypeptide segments which are the most likely candidates for a TM configuration<br />

inside the protein.<br />

Aminoacids also exhibit preferential localization in certain positions along the<br />

bilayer normal. This fact is <strong>of</strong> utmost importance to the final position <strong>of</strong> an alpha-helix<br />

in <strong>membrane</strong>s and will be discussed in more detail in section 2 <strong>of</strong> this chapter.<br />

1.9. Lateral dynamics in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

The Singer-Nicolson fluid mosaic model for bio<strong>membrane</strong>s (1972) (Figure I.12)<br />

described the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> as a two dimensional liquid where both lipids and<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> moved freely. In fact, in pure lipid bilayers in the fluid phase, lipids<br />

experience fast lateral diffusion, as well as rotational diffusion, wobbling, and<br />

movements in the axis <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. Crossing from one monolayer to the other is<br />



however much more restricted as discussed in 1.3. Lateral dynamics in the gel phase is<br />

approximately 100 times slower (Mouritsen, 2005). The speed <strong>of</strong> integral <strong>membrane</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> is typically 100 times smaller than the speed <strong>of</strong> lipid molecules.<br />

Figure I.12 – The Singer-Nicolson model <strong>of</strong> fluid mosaic (Taken from Singer and Nicolson, 1972)<br />

However, in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s, diffusion <strong>of</strong> lipids and <strong>proteins</strong> is hindered by the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> compartmentalisations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> in the form <strong>of</strong> domains.<br />

Additionally a fraction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> is completely immobile due to<br />

interaction <strong>with</strong> the cytoskeleton network. Generally the average diffusion coefficient <strong>of</strong><br />

a protein in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> intact cells is about 10-30 times smaller than the<br />

one observed in pure lipid liposomes (Mouritsen, 2005). The Singer-Nicolson model is<br />

therefore a simplistic description <strong>of</strong> the complex interactions and dynamics existent in<br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

1.10. Membrane Model Systems<br />

Cellular <strong>membrane</strong>s are <strong>of</strong>ten too intricate for their properties to be fully resolved as<br />

too many variables are present. A valuable alternative is the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> model<br />

systems. Model systems grant us a simplified basis for the study <strong>of</strong> bilayer structure and<br />

properties, while at the same time maintaining all the fundamental properties <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

Liposomes are the most popular <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> model systems. Preparation is<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten very simple, requiring solubilization <strong>of</strong> lipids in organic solvents, followed by<br />


drying into a film and ressuspension in an aqueous environment. Suspensions <strong>of</strong><br />

liposomes prepared in this manner are composed by concentric bilayers or multilamellar<br />

vesicles (MLV’s). Due to this arrangement <strong>of</strong> the lipid vesicles, most <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer<br />

surface is buried inside the liposome, as only about 10 % is found in the outside surface<br />

(Yeagle, 1993). The application <strong>of</strong> MLV´s in photophysical <strong>studies</strong> can result in several<br />

difficulties. Due to the size <strong>of</strong> the MLV’s particles, scattering is very significant and for<br />

these reason, MLV´s are seldom used.<br />

There are different strategies for obtaining unilamellar liposomes. By applying<br />

ultrasonic power to suspensions <strong>of</strong> liposomes, unilamellar vesicles <strong>of</strong> small diameter<br />

(~30 Å), also called small unilamellar vesicle (SUV) are obtained. Due to the smaller<br />

size <strong>of</strong> the particles, scattering in suspensions <strong>of</strong> SUV’s is drastically reduced, however<br />

the curvature <strong>of</strong> SUV’s is much higher than the curvature <strong>of</strong> cell <strong>membrane</strong>s, resulting<br />

in poor mimics <strong>of</strong> the properties <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

Larger unilamellar vesicles (LUV’s) can be produced either by dialysis <strong>of</strong><br />

detergents, reverse phase evaporation, or fast extrusion through polycarbonate filters.<br />

The latter method is particularly useful due to the shorter times required when compared<br />

to the other ones, e.g., dialysis <strong>of</strong> detergents can take several days for efficient removal<br />

<strong>of</strong> detergent from liposomes (for a review, see Gennis, 1989).<br />

Much larger unilamellar vesicles (up to 300 µm) can also be prepared by gentle<br />

hydration and electr<strong>of</strong>ormation (Rodriguez et al., 2005). These vesicles are also known<br />

as giant unilamellar vesicles or GUV’s and are particularly suitable for microscopy<br />

applications as their size enables visualization and micromanipulation.<br />

Still, other types <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> model systems exist. Lipid monolayers in water-air<br />

interface allow the study <strong>of</strong> the effect <strong>of</strong> the lateral surface pressure on <strong>membrane</strong><br />

components and on the interactions between them. Black Lipid Membranes have also<br />

proven valuable in the study <strong>of</strong> electrical properties (Yeagle, 1993).<br />




2.1. Membrane protein reconstitution<br />

Even for the simplest organisms, <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in protein-lipid extracts are<br />

present in a very complex and heterogeneous environment, which can impair the<br />

possibility <strong>of</strong> conducting biophysical <strong>studies</strong> that require a simpler matrix for the<br />

protein (<strong>with</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> possible contaminants), and more controlled conditions.<br />

However, integral <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> generally cannot be studied in homogeneous<br />

systems such as aqueous or organic solutions due to the complex solubility problems<br />

derived from their bitopic nature. In addition, the study <strong>of</strong> their properties in a isotropic<br />

medium, would not be biologically relevant. Systems are required that satisfy both the<br />

hydrophobicity <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> embedded sections <strong>of</strong> the protein as well as their<br />

hydrophilic domains. Liposomes are frequently used for such <strong>studies</strong>, since, as<br />

discussed in the previous section, they present good mimetic conditions <strong>of</strong><br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>s. Liposomes containing reconstituted <strong>proteins</strong> are called proteoliposomes.<br />

In order to reconstitute <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in liposomes it is first necessary to purify<br />

and solubilize them. Neither <strong>of</strong> these procedures is trivial and detergents have proven<br />

invaluable tools in both. They meet the requirements <strong>of</strong> amphipatic structure necessary<br />

to solubilize the two different environments present in <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and these are<br />

frequently soluble in micellar structures. Detergents are classified according to the<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> the headgroup as ionic (cationic or anionic), non-ionic or zwitterionic.<br />

Examples <strong>of</strong> ionic detergents <strong>of</strong>ten used in <strong>membrane</strong> solubilization are sodium<br />

dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and bile acid salts. SDS is a linear chain detergent and a<br />

extremely powerful solubilizing agent for <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, however, it is also<br />

frequently denaturing. Protein renaturation is eventually possible under certain<br />

conditions after transfer to other medium (Dong et al., 1997). Bile acid salts are ionic<br />

detergents <strong>with</strong> steroidal groups for backbones. Due to the planar characteristics <strong>of</strong> the<br />

steroidal structure, instead <strong>of</strong> a proper headgroup they present a polar and an apolar<br />

face. These detergents are much weaker than SDS and more efficient in maintaining<br />

protein activity. Examples <strong>of</strong> bile acid salts are sodium cholate and sodium<br />

deoxycholate. Non-ionic detergents are also mild and relatively non-denaturating/non-<br />


deactivating agents. Zwitterionic detergents combine the properties <strong>of</strong> ionic and nonionic<br />

detergents (Seddon et al., 2004).<br />

Several methods exist for insertion <strong>of</strong> integral <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in liposomes. The<br />

most popular makes use <strong>of</strong> mediation by detergents. The choice <strong>of</strong> the best detergent<br />

varies greatly between <strong>proteins</strong>, confirming the complexity <strong>of</strong> the interactions involved<br />

in the reconstitution process. The simplest <strong>of</strong> the detergent-mediated reconstitution<br />

method is a dilution approach. Liposomes are added to detergent micelles <strong>with</strong> protein<br />

and the detergent is removed. Removal <strong>of</strong> detergent evolves until the concentration <strong>of</strong><br />

the detergent is below the critical micelle concentration (cmc) and micelles become<br />

unstable inducing transfer <strong>of</strong> the protein to the liposomes. Removal <strong>of</strong> detergent can be<br />

achieved by: i) dialysis, making use <strong>of</strong> a <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>with</strong> a pore size smaller than the<br />

size <strong>of</strong> the proteoliposomes; ii) column chromatography; iii) incubation <strong>with</strong> detergent<br />

adsorbing beads. However, pure liposomes are frequently impermeable to <strong>proteins</strong> and<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten a destabilization <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is required for correct insertion <strong>of</strong> the protein<br />

(Rigaud et al., 1995). Destabilization <strong>of</strong> the bilayer can be achieved by using mixtures<br />

<strong>of</strong> lipids and detergents instead <strong>of</strong> pure liposomes. The resulting structures are more<br />

receptive to protein insertion, and after this step the detergent can be removed by one <strong>of</strong><br />

the methods described above.<br />

The required degree <strong>of</strong> detergent-destabilization <strong>of</strong> the liposomes depends on the<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the detergents. Several <strong>proteins</strong> were reconstituted through mediation <strong>of</strong> nonionic<br />

detergents by destabilization <strong>of</strong> liposomes <strong>with</strong> the concentration <strong>of</strong> the detergent<br />

set at saturation levels for the liposomes. This method frequently leads to asymmetrical<br />

orientation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>proteins</strong> in the liposomes (a large fraction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>proteins</strong> face the<br />

same direction after reconstitution) (Knol et al, 1998). On the other hand, reconstitution<br />

<strong>of</strong> some <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> sodium cholate required a concentration <strong>of</strong> detergent above the<br />

saturation point for liposomes, i.e <strong>proteins</strong> in detergent micelles had to be mixed to<br />

detergent micelles containing lipids (Seddon et al., 2004). This latter method usually<br />

results in symmetrical orientations for the protein inside the proteoliposomes (Yeagle,<br />

1993). In the case <strong>of</strong> bile acid salts, dialysis is a good detergent removal procedure.<br />

These detergents present high cmc (high solubility as monomers) so dialysis can be<br />

efficient at reasonable time scales.<br />

Other reconstitution strategies include protein/peptide solubilization in organic<br />

solvents. This procedure must be applied <strong>with</strong> caution as it <strong>of</strong>ten results in aggregation<br />

and denaturation. Some protocols for <strong>proteins</strong> have been developed that make use <strong>of</strong> the<br />



ability <strong>of</strong> some organic solvents to stimulate hydrogen bonding and alpha-helical<br />

structure (Killian et al., 1994). This is particularly important when working <strong>with</strong> TM<br />

alpha-helical <strong>peptides</strong>, since this treatment can prevent aggregation and/or transition to<br />

different secondary structures that can be irreversible in some cases. Examples <strong>of</strong> such<br />

solvents are trifluoroethanol (TFE) and hexafluoroisopropanol.<br />

Sonication <strong>of</strong> mixed solutions <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in buffer and lipids can also affect the<br />

transfer <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> to liposomes. The downfall <strong>of</strong> this technique is that it requires<br />

solubility <strong>of</strong> the protein in water, it can induce protein denaturation and always results<br />

in SUV’s, which can be problematic since some <strong>proteins</strong> reconstituted in high curvature<br />

liposomes have been shown to underwent changes in their activities. Freeze-thawing <strong>of</strong><br />

mixtures <strong>of</strong> sonicated liposomes and <strong>proteins</strong> has also been used in cases where the<br />

protein was sensitive to both detergents and sonication (Seddon et al., 2004).<br />

For a protein to be considered as correctly reconstituted, some requirements must be<br />

fulfilled. The characteristic function or activity <strong>of</strong> the protein in vivo must be regained<br />

(at least partially) after reconstitution. Ideally the process should result in a defined lipid<br />

environment for the protein <strong>with</strong> an also defined lipid to protein ratio (Yeagle, 1993).<br />

2.2. Peptides as models<br />

Membrane <strong>proteins</strong> are extremely complex entities. In addition to protein-lipid<br />

interactions, protein-protein interactions are crucial in dictating final properties as<br />

protein domains interact between themselves in the final structure. In order to study<br />

protein-lipid interactions an alternative is the use <strong>of</strong> peptide models, either TM or<br />

peripherically associated <strong>with</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong>. An additional advantage <strong>of</strong> this<br />

minimalist approach is that synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> can be obtained in large quantities, which<br />

is not feasible for many <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>. The possibility <strong>of</strong> synthesis also allows an<br />

easy control over the primary sequence and wide mutation possibilities, and this is<br />

essential in understating the role <strong>of</strong> particular amino acids (Wimley and White, 1996)<br />

and peptide segments on the interactions <strong>with</strong> the lipid environment, and on the function<br />

<strong>of</strong> the protein itself. For large <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> the range <strong>of</strong> possible mutations is<br />

quite limited due to problems related to cell viability <strong>of</strong> mutants.<br />

Putative TM alpha-helices can be estimated from hydropathy plots as described in<br />

Section 1.8, and hydrophobic moment estimations can assist on the search for<br />


amphipatic helices (see Section 2.3). Predictions derived from these methods allow the<br />

design <strong>of</strong> synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> for detailed biophysical <strong>studies</strong>.<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> experiments showed that synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> corresponding to the<br />

alpha-helical TM segments <strong>of</strong> some <strong>proteins</strong> can assemble and substitute the native<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> as well as their functions after independent folding, validating the approach <strong>of</strong><br />

studying isolated peptide segments (Marsh, 1996). Popot and Engelman (1990; 1993)<br />

rationalized these results <strong>with</strong> the proposal <strong>of</strong> a two-stage model for <strong>membrane</strong> insertion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the TM segments from a intrinsic <strong>membrane</strong> protein. In the first stage, alpha-helices<br />

are independently folded and inserted in the lipid bilayer, while in the second stage,<br />

alpha-helices interact and assemble in the final protein structure.<br />

2.3. Amphipatic helix<br />

Amphipatic helices are protein alpha-helices for which one face along the helical<br />

axis is hydrophilic whereas the opposite face is hydrophobic. The amphipatic helix is a<br />

common feature <strong>of</strong> biologically active poly<strong>peptides</strong> and <strong>proteins</strong>, such as hormones,<br />

antibiotics, and venoms. In this way, this structure can play a large number <strong>of</strong> roles. A<br />

function <strong>of</strong> great structural importance is the shielding <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic interior <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> exposed to aqueous environments, while for <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> the roles<br />

played by amphipatic helices are diverse. In the case <strong>of</strong> peripheric <strong>proteins</strong> they can act<br />

as anchors to the <strong>membrane</strong> by tight binding to the hydrocarbon/water interface <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer as the structure <strong>of</strong> this boundary is highly complementary to the amphipatic<br />

helix. The amphipatic structure is also able to promote protein-protein interactions<br />

between hydrophobic segments <strong>of</strong> helices. In some cases this allows amphipatic<br />

<strong>peptides</strong> to create channels and pores in the <strong>membrane</strong> via aggregation into oligomeric<br />

bundles for which the hydrophobic side faces the hydrocarbon chains <strong>of</strong> the lipids and<br />

the hydrophilic faces <strong>of</strong> the helices are exposed to the inside. Thus delineating a pore in<br />

the bilayer (Epand, 1993). Recent <strong>studies</strong> also suggest a role <strong>of</strong> amphipatic helices in<br />

the modulation <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> curvature (see chapter V).<br />

Overall, the amphiphilic character is a much more important dictator <strong>of</strong> peptide<br />

conformation than the specific characteristic <strong>of</strong> its constituent amino acids (Taylor,<br />

1990). Parameters like the ratio <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic to hydrophilic amino acids as well as<br />



the angle <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic face are crucially important in dictating the location <strong>of</strong> the<br />

peptide in the <strong>membrane</strong> and the type <strong>of</strong> lipid interactions established (Kitamura et al.,<br />

1999; Brasseur, 1991).<br />

Methods exist to predict possible amphipatic helices from primary sequences <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong>. From the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the periodicity <strong>of</strong> alpha-helices, Shiffer-Edmundson’s<br />

(1967) helical wheels and helical net representations (Dunnil, 1968) can be drawn like<br />

the ones in Figure I.13. In Shiffer-Edmundson’s representation, residues are sketched<br />

around a circle <strong>with</strong> each residue being placed 100º from the preceding one. If the<br />

segment corresponds to an amphipatic helix, then one face <strong>of</strong> the circle should be<br />

enriched in hydrophilic residues while the opposite face should present clustering <strong>of</strong><br />

hydrophobic amino acids. The net helical representation illustrates a hollow cylinder cut<br />

open along a parallel line to its axis and laid flat. The residues are placed in such a way<br />

so that if the cylinder would be closed, the amino acids are positioned as in a alphahelix<br />

(Auger, 1993). These methods are very easy to apply and provide great tools to<br />

visualize the disposition <strong>of</strong> the amino acids in a putative amphipatic helix but are not<br />

quantitative, i.e. they do not provide a quantification <strong>of</strong> the amphipatic character <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein domain being evaluated.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure I.13 - A- Shiffer-Edmundson’s helical wheel representation for amphipatic domains. B-<br />

Helical net representation for amphipatic domains (Taken from Anantharamaiah et al., 1993).<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the available quantitative methods work by comparing a sequence <strong>of</strong><br />

hydrophobicities (<strong>of</strong> each amino acid) <strong>with</strong> a sinusoid, reporting the evolution <strong>of</strong> the<br />

amino acid positions in the alpha-helical polypeptide chain (in the axis perpendicular to<br />

the helical axis). The most common quantitative description <strong>of</strong> the amphipatic degree <strong>of</strong><br />

a protein domain is given by the hydrophobic moment (Eisenberg et al., 1982). In this<br />

analysis, the hydrophobic moment <strong>of</strong> a helix is equal to the summation <strong>of</strong> the vectors <strong>of</strong><br />


size corresponding to the hydrophobicity <strong>of</strong> each amino acid drawn from the centre <strong>of</strong><br />

the putative helix. Through calculation <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic moment <strong>of</strong> an appropriate<br />

residue window (typically 11 – three turns in the alpha-helix) for each position in the<br />

protein sequence, it is possible to draw an “amphipatic pr<strong>of</strong>ile” <strong>of</strong> the protein (Fig.<br />

I.14), and by comparison <strong>with</strong> values obtained from known amphipatic helices it is<br />

possible to predict which protein domains are likely to correspond to amphipatic helices<br />

(Auger, 1993).<br />

Figure I.14 – Amphipatic pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> gp41 from envelope protein <strong>of</strong> HIV variant bh10 (taken from<br />

Auger, 1993).<br />

2.4. Peptide partitioning to the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

Several approaches have been used to study peptide binding to lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

The most important are fluorescence spectroscopy (Santos et al., 2003), circular<br />

dichroism, surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding<br />

<strong>of</strong> a peptide to the lipid bilayer is not a conventional reaction <strong>with</strong> a defined<br />

stoichiometry. In reality, the process is better described as a water/bilayer partition<br />

problem. Although stable complex formation between <strong>proteins</strong> and specific lipids have<br />

been proved and bound lipid molecules have been observed in the crystal structures <strong>of</strong><br />

some <strong>proteins</strong> (see Section 2.8) (Lee, 2003), this type <strong>of</strong> interaction is not generally<br />

found for most <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>.<br />



Partitioning <strong>of</strong> TM <strong>peptides</strong> to lipid bilayers is <strong>of</strong>ten a very difficult problem to<br />

study. A TM configuration for a peptide implies a large number <strong>of</strong> strongly<br />

hydrophobic residues in the sequence, as the size <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic segment must be<br />

large enough to span the hydrocarbon (apolar) region <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (see Section 2.8). As<br />

a result their solubilities in water are frequently very low or null, and the partition<br />

equilibrium <strong>of</strong> these <strong>peptides</strong> is completely shifted to the lipid phase <strong>with</strong> almost no<br />

monomeric peptide in the aqueous environment (the available strategy to shield<br />

hydrophobic residues is non-specific aggregation). For these reasons the study <strong>of</strong><br />

lipid/water partition <strong>of</strong> TM <strong>peptides</strong> is frequently inaccessible apart from the<br />

considerations in Section 1.8. As for peripheral <strong>peptides</strong>, i.e. <strong>peptides</strong> that bind to the<br />

surface <strong>of</strong> lipid bilayers, the hydrophobicity requirements are not so severe and<br />

solubility in aqueous environments is <strong>of</strong>ten observed.<br />

The interaction <strong>of</strong> the peptide <strong>with</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> is mainly dictated by the<br />

following effects:<br />

1) Electrostatic contributions are <strong>of</strong> key importance when basic residues are present in<br />

the peptide and the lipid surface is rich in negatively charged lipids. However, if the<br />

lipids are zwitterionic, the electrostatic influence can be negligible, and if both lipids<br />

and <strong>peptides</strong> present negative charges, the electrostatic contribution becomes negative<br />

(repulsion). In case <strong>of</strong> effective partition due to electrostatic attraction, this contribution<br />

is no longer independent <strong>of</strong> peptide concentration at very small lipid to peptide ratios<br />

(L/P). In this range <strong>of</strong> concentrations, the potential <strong>of</strong> the bilayer surface becomes<br />

dependent on the peptide concentration as a consequence <strong>of</strong> screening <strong>of</strong> lipid negative<br />

charges by the peptide (Seelig, 2004).<br />

2) Classical hydrophobic contributions are entropically driven, and result from the<br />

energetic requirements for insertion <strong>of</strong> apolar residues in the aqueous environment<br />

(rotational restriction <strong>of</strong> water molecules in the hydration shell). They are also<br />

dependent on the final positioning <strong>of</strong> the peptide in the lipid bilayer (bilayer surface or<br />

core).<br />

3) Perturbation <strong>of</strong> the lipid structure and packing.<br />

4) Hydrophobic matching <strong>of</strong> TM <strong>peptides</strong> (see Section 2.6).<br />

5) Hydrogen bonding properties <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer interface are highly complex, since<br />

both hydrogen bond donors and acceptors are present. As an example, PC bilayers<br />

establish stronger hydrogen bonds <strong>with</strong> phenolic compounds than PE bilayers due to the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> the choline group. Additionally, the dielectric constant <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer<br />


changes abruptly in the interfacial region, varying from the value in water (ε = 78) to<br />

the value in the hydrocarbon core (ε = 2) (McIntosh, 2002).<br />

5) After adsorption <strong>of</strong> the peptide to the bilayer surface, conformational changes<br />

generally take place that entail changes in the thermodynamic properties <strong>of</strong> the binding<br />

process. One common scenario is that <strong>peptides</strong> are unstructured (random coil) while in<br />

the aqueous environment and after binding to the bilayer take on an amphipatic<br />

structure. The bound structure can also be dependent on the L/P in the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

(transition from an alpha-helical to beta-sheet structure). The change to an amphipatic<br />

structure leads to multiple intermolecular hydrogen bonds and results in a largely<br />

favourable contribution to partition. Isothermal titration calorimetry <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> some<br />

amphipatic <strong>peptides</strong> revealed that the favourable enthalpic contributions for peptide<br />

binding arising from alpha-helix formation amounted to half <strong>of</strong> the free energy <strong>of</strong><br />

binding (McIntosh, 2002).<br />

The thermodynamic parameter that relates directly to the partition <strong>of</strong> the peptide<br />

between the lipid and water phases is the partition coefficient (K p ):<br />

K =<br />

p<br />

n<br />

n<br />

S,L<br />

S,W<br />

/ V<br />

/ V<br />

L<br />

W<br />

2.1<br />

where V i are the volumes <strong>of</strong> the phases, and n S,i are the moles <strong>of</strong> solute in each phase (i<br />

=W, aqueous phase; i=L, lipid phase) (Mateo et al., 2006). The partition coefficient is<br />

converted in free energy <strong>of</strong> binding to the <strong>membrane</strong> (∆G 0 ) by:<br />

o<br />

∆G = -RT ln<br />

( Kp)<br />

2.2<br />

After binding, amphipatic <strong>peptides</strong> are expect to reside in the lipid/water interface <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>membrane</strong>. The exact position is nevertheless dependent on both the <strong>membrane</strong> and<br />

the peptide sequence. From X-ray diffraction measurements on DOPC bilayers, the axis<br />

<strong>of</strong> an ideally amphipatic peptide was located between the mean positions <strong>of</strong> the glycerol<br />

and carbonyl groups (Fig. I.6), exactly at the interface between the polar headgroups<br />

and the hydrocarbon core (Mishra et al., 1994).<br />



2.5. Anchoring <strong>of</strong> trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains<br />

TM <strong>proteins</strong> are enriched in hydrophobic amino acids such as Leu, Ile, Val, Trp,<br />

Tyr, and Phe. However, the occurrence <strong>of</strong> the aromatic amino acids Trp and Tyr are<br />

strongly dependent on the position inside the TM segment. These aromatic amino acids<br />

are particularly enriched at the end <strong>of</strong> TM sequences, close to the headgroup region <strong>of</strong><br />

the lipid bilayer (Wallin et al., 1997). Apparently, these aromatic residues exhibit strong<br />

preferential interactions for the complex electrostatic carbonyl-glycerol environment <strong>of</strong><br />

the bilayer (see Fig. I.6). In this region the aromatic rings are stabilized, and,<br />

simultaneously, penetration in the hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is somewhat<br />

unfavourable due to exclusion <strong>of</strong> the flat aromatic rings (Yau et al., 1988, Braun and<br />

von Heijne, 1999). Interestingly, another aromatic residue, Phe, does not exhibit<br />

significant preferential localization in the <strong>membrane</strong> environment (Braun and von<br />

Heijne, 1999).<br />

Another important characteristic <strong>of</strong> TM domains is that they are generally flanked<br />

by polar regions, rich in charged residues. Positively charged amino acids are found<br />

close to the hydrophobic domain <strong>of</strong> the protein and in some cases they can even be<br />

deeply inserted in this region (Caputo and London, 2003). The energetic cost <strong>of</strong> burying<br />

<strong>of</strong> a charge in the hydrophobic environment <strong>of</strong> the lipid bilayer is very large, and in that<br />

situation the long charged side chains <strong>of</strong> these residues protrude towards the headgroup<br />

region in a phenomenon called “snorkling”. For acidic residues (Asp and Glu), the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> long side chains present a greater barrier for insertion in the hydrophobic<br />

core <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. This is however observed for TM sequences <strong>with</strong> uninterrupted<br />

hydrophobic domains <strong>of</strong> at least 12 residues (Caputo and London, 2004), and in these<br />

conditions it was already proposed that the buried acidic residues can become<br />

protonated (Monné et al., 1998).<br />

2.6. Lipid-protein hydrophobic matching<br />

Hydrophobic matching is not solely relevant for lipid-lipid interactions (Section<br />

1.7), and the problem exists also for protein-lipid interactions. In this case, the<br />

hydrophobic length <strong>of</strong> the TM domain <strong>of</strong> the protein should match to the hydrophobic<br />


thickness <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (Section 1.8). This principle was first introduced by Bloom and<br />

Mouritsen in 1984.<br />

Lipid-protein hydrophobic mismatching can have two origins (Figure I.15). For<br />

positive hydrophobic mismatch, the protein hydrophobic thickness (d P ) is longer than<br />

the hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> adjacent lipid molecules (d L ) and exposure <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

residues <strong>of</strong> the protein to the aqueous environment results in an energetically<br />

unfavourable term to the protein-lipid interaction. In the case <strong>of</strong> opposite situation, i.e.<br />

negative mismatch, when lipid chains are longer than the hydrophobic domain <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein, the energetically unfavourable term to protein-lipid interaction originates from<br />

the exposure <strong>of</strong> the hydrocarbon chains to water.<br />

Both situations <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch create an energetic stress in the proteinlipid<br />

interface that must elicit a response from the system. Most models for protein-lipid<br />

mismatch assume a response in the form <strong>of</strong> stretching or compression <strong>of</strong> lipid acylchains<br />

(Mall et al., 2002).<br />

Figure I.15 – Schematic representation <strong>of</strong> positive and negative hydrophobic mismatch in proteinlipid<br />

interfaces (From Dumas et al. 1999).<br />

Several theoretical models have been developed to estimate the energetic penalties<br />

in protein-lipid hydrophobic mismatch. Fattal and Ben-Shaul (1993) considered that the<br />

total free energy <strong>of</strong> the protein-lipid interaction was a summation <strong>of</strong> the contributions<br />

from the chain and headgroup terms. The presence <strong>of</strong> a rigid protein body (as it was<br />

assumed in the model) in contact <strong>with</strong> lipid acyl-chains, implied an energetic penalty for<br />

the interaction. The stretching or compression <strong>of</strong> lipid-chains to fit the hydrophobic<br />

thickness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> protein also translated into a positive contribution to the<br />

free-energy <strong>of</strong> interaction. The contributions from interactions in the headgroup region<br />

included an attractive term related to the exposure <strong>of</strong> the hydrocarbon core to the<br />

aqueous environment as well as a repulsive term resulting from electrostatic and<br />



excluded-volume interactions between headgroups. The resulting free-energy pr<strong>of</strong>ile for<br />

lipid-protein mismatch was nearly symmetrical about the point <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

matching, and the lipid perturbation energy F (in units <strong>of</strong> kT per Å 2 <strong>of</strong> protein<br />

circumference) is described by (Ben-Shaul, 1995):<br />

F<br />

( ) 2<br />

= 0,37<br />

+ 0,005 ⋅ d P<br />

− d L<br />

2.3<br />

This model assumed concentration <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic mismatch perturbation on the<br />

first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around the protein (see 2.7). For a hydrophobic mismatch <strong>of</strong> 7 Å and<br />

assuming that each lipid adjacent to the protein should occupy at least 4 Å 2 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein perimeter, the free-energy for lipid-protein interaction would increase by 3.6 kJ<br />

mol -1 . This change in lipid-protein interaction energy corresponds to a decrease factor in<br />

lipid-protein binding constant <strong>of</strong> 4.3. If propagation <strong>of</strong> perturbation spreaded to the<br />

more external shells, the effects <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch on the adjacent lipid<br />

molecules would be decreased. For example, if effects were averaged over three shells<br />

<strong>of</strong> lipids, the change in binding constant would decrease by a factor <strong>of</strong> 1.6 (Mall et al.,<br />

2002). Alternative models for treating hydrophobic mismatch came to very similar<br />

conclusions regarding interaction energies (Nielsen et al., 1998; Mouritsen and Bloom,<br />

1993).<br />

Energies <strong>of</strong> this magnitude are sufficient to induce changes not only in the<br />

interacting lipid molecules but in the protein itself. Experimental <strong>studies</strong> allowed to<br />

conclude that β-barrel <strong>proteins</strong> are not easily susceptible to structural/conformational<br />

changes due to hydrophobic mismatch and the energetic penalty for protein-lipid<br />

interaction was only affecting lipid structure (O´Keeffe et al, 2000). However, in the<br />

cases <strong>of</strong> alpha-helical TM <strong>proteins</strong> such as the potassium channel KcsA, and the<br />

mechanosensitive channel MscL, the experimentally obtained dependence <strong>of</strong> binding<br />

constants on the extent <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch was smaller than expected<br />

(Williamson et al., 2002; Powl et al., 2003). This was rationalized as due to the smaller<br />

rigidity <strong>of</strong> the α-helical <strong>proteins</strong> that makes them susceptible to distortion when<br />

hydrophobic mismatch was present and therefore create an additional degree <strong>of</strong> freedom<br />

for relaxation <strong>of</strong> lipid-protein hydrophobic mismatch. Distortion <strong>of</strong> α-helical <strong>membrane</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> by hydrophobic mismatch is supported by the observation that the activities <strong>of</strong><br />


some α-helical <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> are dependent on the <strong>membrane</strong> thickness (East and<br />

Lee, 1982).<br />

Most likely, the most common distortion available for α-helical <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong><br />

as a response to positive hydrophobic mismatch is a change <strong>of</strong> tilt <strong>of</strong> the TM helices<br />

relative to the bilayer normal. This mechanism allows for an easy modulation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

length along the bilayer normal occupied by the hydrophobic domains <strong>of</strong> the protein.<br />

Indeed, tilting has been observed and measured for various TM <strong>proteins</strong> (Harzer and<br />

Bechinger, 2000).<br />

Rotation <strong>of</strong> amino acid residues at the end <strong>of</strong> TM α-helices was also proposed as<br />

another distortion mechanism available for <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> as this results in changes<br />

in the effective hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the protein (Lee, 2003).<br />

However, the ability <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and lipids to adapt to situations <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

mismatch is limited, and drastic changes in the <strong>membrane</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> these elements<br />

is possible. In cases <strong>of</strong> severe hydrophobic mismatch, the TM orientation <strong>of</strong> TM helices<br />

might not be maintained anymore and transitions to non-TM orientations are possible<br />

(Ren et al., 1997; Ren et al., 1999) as well as decrease <strong>of</strong> partition to bilayers (Figure<br />

I.16). Aggregation <strong>of</strong> TM domains is another possibility in hydrophobic mismatch as<br />

this reduces the lipid-protein interface, minimizing stress. Protein aggregation will be<br />

discussed in greater detail in section 2.11.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure I.16 – Possible adaptations to hydrophobic mismatch between a TM peptide and the lipid bilayer.<br />

A – Response to positive hydrophobic mismatch (a): acyl-chain ordering (b), peptide backbone<br />

deformation (c), peptide oligomerization (d), peptide tilt (e), non-TM orientation or absence <strong>of</strong> binding to<br />

the bilayer (f). B – Response to negative hydrophobic mismatch (a): acyl-chain disordering (b), peptide<br />

backbone deformation (c), peptide oligomerization (d), non-lamellar phase formation (e), non-TM<br />

orientation or absence <strong>of</strong> binding to the bilayer (f). (Adapted from de Planque and Killian, 2003).<br />



In the presence <strong>of</strong> lipids <strong>with</strong> tendency to establish nonlamellar structures, cubic and<br />

nonlamellar lipid phases can be formed in the interface <strong>with</strong> the protein as a response to<br />

hydrophobic mismatch. Nonlamellar arrangements <strong>of</strong> lipids change the curvature <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the protein and allow for a better fitting <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic<br />

sections <strong>of</strong> both <strong>proteins</strong> and lipids (Killian, 2003).<br />

Peptide backbone deformation, such as transition from α-helix to π-helix (helices<br />

<strong>with</strong> a wider helical pitch), could be a possible mechanism for adjustment to situations<br />

<strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch. However, several <strong>studies</strong> have confirmed that the α-helical<br />

structure is insensitive to hydrophobic mismatch and this strategy to minimize<br />

hydrophobic mismatch is unlikely (de Planque and Killian, 2003). Nevertheless a recent<br />

study suggests that TM α-helices may flex in the lipid bilayer in order to submerge most<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic domain inside the bilayer core (Yeagle et al., 2007).<br />

The hydrophobic matching principle might be a mechanism by which the activity <strong>of</strong><br />

some <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> can be modulated. Thickness variations induced either<br />

internally or externally can trigger some <strong>proteins</strong> in or out <strong>of</strong> an active status. This has<br />

already been observed for some ion pumps such as Ca 2+ -ATPase and Na + ,K + -ATPase<br />

that exhibit maximum activity in bilayers <strong>with</strong> a specific number <strong>of</strong> carbon atoms (Lee,<br />

2003).<br />

2.7. Trans<strong>membrane</strong> protein-lipid interface<br />

As already stated, the lipids on the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the protein can either stretch or<br />

compress their acyl-chains in response to hydrophobic mismatch. In pure lipids this<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten results in the observation <strong>of</strong> two different lipid populations in protein-lipid<br />

systems. One <strong>of</strong> these is very similar to the lipid in the absence <strong>of</strong> the protein (but not<br />

necessarily identical), and its contribution to the total lipid population is inversely<br />

dependent on protein concentration. The other population is more significant at higher<br />

protein/peptide concentrations, frequently presenting a different gel-fluid phase<br />

transition temperature (smaller T m for bilayers thinner than the protein and higher T m for<br />

thicker bilayers) as well as a smaller cooperativity for this transition (Liu et al., 2002;<br />

Morein et al., 2002). These two components are expected to correspond to free and<br />

protein-associated lipids, respectively.<br />


The formation <strong>of</strong> a lipid population associated <strong>with</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> or <strong>peptides</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

properties different from the bulk or free lipid was predicted from results <strong>of</strong> different<br />

techniques, namely differential scanning calorimetry and electron spin resonance (ESR).<br />

From ESR experiments, a fraction <strong>of</strong> the spin labelled lipids was found to be<br />

dynamically restricted by interaction <strong>with</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> or <strong>peptides</strong>. From the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> lipid molecules affected by the presence <strong>of</strong> a single TM domain it was<br />

possible to retrieve the stoichiometry for the interaction <strong>of</strong> lipids and TM <strong>peptides</strong>. The<br />

value recovered was 12, meaning that only the first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around the TM<br />

domain is significantly affected by its presence (a hexagonal-type arrangement <strong>of</strong> lipids<br />

around a TM peptide is expected, six in each monolayer – see Figure I.17) (Marsh et al.,<br />

2002). This shell around the TM domain is entitled the annulus and the lipids <strong>with</strong>in are<br />

called annular lipids.<br />

Figure I.17 – Hexagonal lipid packing <strong>of</strong> annular lipids around a TM protein domain. Annular lipids<br />

are shown in dark grey and bulk lipids are depicted in light grey.<br />

The fact that only the first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around the TM domain is significantly<br />

affected explains why single TM <strong>peptides</strong> are generally not able to induce considerable<br />

physical changes in the bulk <strong>membrane</strong> (except when the lipid/peptide ratio is large<br />

enough so that a significant fraction <strong>of</strong> the lipids are annular lipids). However, multipass<br />

TM <strong>proteins</strong> (containing multiple TM domains) were already shown to be able to affect<br />

the bulk lipids and change the hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (Harroun et al.,<br />

1999). These results seem to indicate that the packing <strong>of</strong> lipid chains around a single α-<br />

helix (which has a diameter ~ 10 Å, comparable to a lipid molecule) is significantly<br />

different from the way lipids pack against a large protein surface (Weiss et al., 2003).<br />

Still, when multipass TM <strong>proteins</strong> were studied by ESR <strong>with</strong> spin labelled-lipids, the<br />

ratio <strong>of</strong> immobilized lipids/TM domains is <strong>of</strong>ten no longer 12 but smaller. This is<br />

obviously due to interactions and contacts between the TM domains that decrease the<br />

area available for contact <strong>with</strong> lipids (Marsh et al., 2002). However, if lipids outside the<br />



annulus were considerably restricted by the presence <strong>of</strong> protein, the immobilized<br />

lipids/TM domains ratio should come larger that for a single α-helix. Likely, the<br />

influence <strong>of</strong> the TM <strong>proteins</strong> on the annular lipids is much stronger than on lipids on the<br />

exterior shells, and the effects on the latter are not detectable by ESR.<br />

The lipid exchange rate at the interface <strong>of</strong> the protein body was determined to be in<br />

the region <strong>of</strong> 10 7 s -1 , which is on the same order but significantly lower than the value<br />

obtained for lipid diffusion in the absence <strong>of</strong> protein (Marsh, 1990). This means that<br />

although temporarily restricted to the protein surface, the lipid molecules interacting<br />

<strong>with</strong> the protein body are not immobile and are still in exchange <strong>with</strong> other lipids.<br />

Of relevance is the fact that lipids display different properties when at the surface <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong>. This indicates that optimal hydrophobic matching might not necessarily occur<br />

when the hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the protein matches the hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the<br />

unperturbed bilayer (Dumas et al., 1999).<br />

2.8. Lipid selectivity at protein interfaces<br />

For <strong>membrane</strong>s containing multiple lipid species, the hydrophobic matching<br />

principle can result in even more complex behaviour at the lipid-protein interface.<br />

Different lipid species are expected to present different free energies for interaction <strong>with</strong><br />

the presented TM domain and as a result, the lipid composition around the protein can<br />

be different from the bulk lipid composition (Figure I.18).<br />

Selectivity <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> for lipids in specific phases was observed in<br />

various cases. In the presence <strong>of</strong> a mixture <strong>of</strong> DLPC and DSPC, a combination <strong>of</strong><br />

experimental and theoretical approaches indicated that bacteriorhodopsin exhibited<br />

preferential interaction <strong>with</strong> DLPC at low temperatures, when both lipids where in the<br />

gel phase, and at the fluid phase, bacteriorhodopsin had a preference for long chain<br />

DSPC (Dumas et al., 1997). DLPC and DSPC present a very large difference in<br />

hydrophobic length <strong>of</strong> acyl-chains and strongly nonideal mixing. Consequently, it is not<br />

surprising that the affinity <strong>of</strong> the protein for the lipids differs drastically, and that the<br />

protein is preferentially solvated by the lipids that are the best hydrophobic match in<br />

each phase. Still, selectivity <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> for lipids in binary mixtures <strong>with</strong> a much more<br />

ideal mixing is also experimentally verified (Lee, 2003). Nevertheless, deviation <strong>of</strong> a<br />


homogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong> lipids in the <strong>membrane</strong> does have an energetic entropic<br />

cost and the degree <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity is a balance between the need to satisfy<br />

hydrophobic matching conditions in the protein-lipid interface and the intrinsic<br />

tendency <strong>of</strong> the system for mixing.<br />

Figure I.18 – Illustration <strong>of</strong> a lipid bilayer <strong>with</strong> an embedded protein and two different lipid species.<br />

The hydrophobic matching principle implies an accumulation <strong>of</strong> the lipid species that is hydrophobically<br />

best matched to the protein (taken from Jensen and Mouritsen, 2004).<br />

The hydrophobic surface <strong>of</strong> a <strong>membrane</strong> protein is not smooth. The interface<br />

between the protein and the lipids surrounding it is likely to be heterogeneous, and the<br />

interactions taking place there complex (Lee, 2003). Still the results described above,<br />

concerning the presence <strong>of</strong> a fixed stoichiometry for annular lipids, denote some degree<br />

<strong>of</strong> ordering in the TM alpha helix-lipid interface and in this way, processes <strong>of</strong> lipid<br />

binding to simpler systems such as single TM domains are suitable to be described in<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> a uniform surface for which several (12) identical binding sites are available<br />

(Marsh et al., 2002). With total coverage <strong>of</strong> the protein surface by lipids, one lipid<br />

molecule must leave the surface before another can enter. In this sense, the process can<br />

be depicted as competitive binding <strong>of</strong> lipids at the binding sites on the protein surface<br />

(Lee, 2003) (Figure I.19). This method <strong>of</strong> analysis has been applied <strong>with</strong> success to<br />

even more complex <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> (O’ Keefe et al., 2000; Williamson et al., 2002;<br />

Powl et al., 2003).<br />



Figure I.19 – View from above <strong>of</strong> lipid binding sites on a TM domain surface. Two lipid species (L 1<br />

and L 2 ) are shown exchanging at one site.<br />

At each site an equilibrium exists:<br />

PL 1 + L 2 PL 2 + L 1<br />

where PL 1 and PL 2 are the protein-lipid complexes <strong>with</strong> lipid species 1 and 2. This<br />

equilibrium can be described by a binding constant (K b ):<br />

b<br />

[ PL<br />

2<br />

] ⋅[ L1]<br />

[ PL ] ⋅[ L ]<br />

K =<br />

2.4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

If L 2 is present at small amounts in the system (L 2 > [PL 2 ], then the probability (µ) <strong>of</strong> a lipid<br />

annular site to be occupied by L 2 is:<br />

[ PL<br />

2<br />

]<br />

[ PL ] + [ PL ]<br />

2<br />

1<br />

[ PL<br />

2<br />

]<br />

[ PL ]<br />

1<br />

b<br />

[ L<br />

2<br />

]<br />

[ L ]<br />

µ = = = K ⋅<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

Through knowledge <strong>of</strong> [PL 2 ] ([PL 1 ]=[P]-[PL 2 ]), and the concentration <strong>of</strong> the lipid<br />

species 1 and 2 it is then possible to recover a binding constant for protein-lipid<br />

selectivity.<br />

The most popular methodologies for quantifying protein-lipid selectivity have been<br />

the already described ESR measurements <strong>with</strong> spin labelled lipids, and measurements <strong>of</strong><br />

protein fluorescence quenching by brominated lipids (East and Lee, 1982; O’ Keeffe et<br />

al., 2000; Williamson et al., 2002; Powl et al., 2003). From these <strong>studies</strong>, binding<br />

constants were retrieved as function <strong>of</strong> fatty-acid chain for a series <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> (Fig.<br />

I.20).<br />


Figure I.20 – Relative binding constants for OmpF (ο), KscA (∆) and Ca 2+ -ATPase (□) for<br />

monounsaturated phosphatidylcholines <strong>with</strong> different acyl-chains relative to that for DOPC (Taken from<br />

Lee, 2003).<br />

As already discussed, the amplitude <strong>of</strong> changes in the relative binding constants <strong>of</strong><br />

the α-helical <strong>proteins</strong>, KscA and Ca 2+ -ATPase are not as high as one should expect<br />

from equation 2.3 due to adaptation <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> to more hydrophobically matching<br />

configurations, likely by tilting and changes in the packing <strong>of</strong> α-helices (<strong>proteins</strong> are not<br />

rigid bodies) whereas KscA exhibits preference for lipids <strong>with</strong> 22 carbons in the acylchain,<br />

lipid binding constants for Ca 2+ -ATPase are hardly dependent on acyl-chain, and<br />

OmpF is preferentially bound to shorter lipids (14 carbons).<br />

Membrane <strong>proteins</strong> also exhibit selectivity for lipid headgroups. Strong interactions<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten found between positively charged TM domains (rich in Lys and Arg) and<br />

negatively charged phospholipids. These selectivities can be the result <strong>of</strong> charge<br />

interactions, and in these cases, after binding <strong>of</strong> the anionic lipid to the surface <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein, the positive potential in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the protein would be slightly reduced. If<br />

enough anionic lipid molecules bind to the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the protein, the positive potential<br />

will be neutralized and remaining interactions <strong>with</strong> anionic phospholipids will be<br />

nonspecifical. However, <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten present different selectivities for<br />

different anionic phospholipids. This is likely to result from different balances in<br />

charges inside each class <strong>of</strong> phospholipids. In this way, PS lipids due to the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

the positively charged ammonium group as well as the negatively charged carboxyl<br />

group in the headgroup region may present reduced affinity to basic protein domains<br />

when compared to phosphatidic acid. Also, PG, <strong>with</strong> a single charge in the phosphate<br />



group interacts differently <strong>with</strong> charged <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, and <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten present<br />

smaller affinities for PG than for PS and PA (Mall et al., 2002).<br />

The complexity to the protein-charged lipid interaction problem is raised by the<br />

position <strong>of</strong> amino acid residues in the protein surface. Basic helices <strong>with</strong> different<br />

hydrophobic thickness were shown to present different selectivities to negatively<br />

charged lipids. This was rationalized as the result <strong>of</strong> tilting <strong>of</strong> helices in the <strong>membrane</strong>,<br />

that located basic residues away from the headgroup region where strong interactions<br />

between <strong>proteins</strong> and lipid headgroups are more likely (Mall et al., 2002). Additionally,<br />

experiments <strong>with</strong> model <strong>peptides</strong> showed that insertion <strong>of</strong> Tyr decreased binding<br />

affinities to anionic phospholipids, suggesting that the presence <strong>of</strong> Tyr residues<br />

prevented close association <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids and cationic residues (Mall et al.,<br />

2000).<br />

These results suggest that the effects <strong>of</strong> charge on the interactions between lipids<br />

and <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, though important are not determinant, and will be strongly<br />

dependent on the detailed structure <strong>of</strong> the peptide and its orientation in the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

(Mall et al., 2002). Binding affinities <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> for lipids are generally presented<br />

relative to the binding affinity <strong>of</strong> PC lipids. PC and PE lipids frequently present the<br />

lowest affinities for <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>.<br />

Binding sites for hydrophobic molecules have been shown to exist for several<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> distinct from the sites for interaction <strong>with</strong> annular lipids. These are called nonannular<br />

sites. They are generally located between TM α-helices or at protein-protein<br />

interfaces. For some cases, these sites are available for interaction <strong>with</strong> some lipids but<br />

not for others (Lee, 2003). Some lipid molecules were shown in crystal structures <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> to be bound to such sites. These observations suggest that the binding affinities<br />

for these sites are much higher than the ones observed for annular lipids (Lee et al.,<br />

2003).<br />

Notably, several protein domains bind specifically to one or more forms <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphorylated PIP molecules through interactions that are very specific. Such domains<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten found on <strong>proteins</strong> involved in signal transduction. Other <strong>proteins</strong> bind<br />

specifically to some components <strong>of</strong> raft domains, establishing a mechanism for<br />

targeting the protein to specific structures in the <strong>membrane</strong> (Epand, 2005; Pérez-Gil et<br />

al., 2005).<br />


2.9. Lipid phase preferential partition <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong><br />

Many <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and <strong>peptides</strong> show a preference for bilayers in the fluid<br />

phase over the gel phase. This results in a difference in partition between domains when<br />

both phases coexist (Dumas et al., 1997). With even greater biological relevance,<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> exhibit also differential partition between liquid ordered and liquid disordered<br />

phases. In this way, the lateral structure <strong>of</strong> the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> is able to impose major<br />

restrictions to the lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>. Preferential partition <strong>of</strong> a<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> protein to a given region or phase <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> is likely to define<br />

important structural features, such as protein densities or the probability <strong>of</strong> protein<br />

encountering homologous or heterologous counterparts (see Section 2.11) (Pérez-Gil et<br />

al., 2005).<br />

Acylated <strong>proteins</strong> or lipid-anchored <strong>proteins</strong> will also preferentially partition to<br />

certain domains. Acylation <strong>with</strong> palmitic acid or myristic acid promotes preferential<br />

partition to more ordered domains such as <strong>membrane</strong> rafts. On the other hand,<br />

prenylated <strong>proteins</strong> are commonly excluded from liquid ordered domains (Epand,<br />

2005).<br />

Changes <strong>of</strong> the lateral lipid <strong>membrane</strong> structure would thus have the ability to<br />

induce pr<strong>of</strong>ound rearrangements <strong>of</strong> the protein lateral distribution. This would have<br />

major implications on the establishment <strong>of</strong> specific protein-protein interaction networks.<br />

In fact, it has been proposed that the natural <strong>membrane</strong> composition is optimized to<br />

maintain <strong>membrane</strong>s on the threshold <strong>of</strong> a phase transition. Membranes in this situation<br />

would present a highly dynamical behaviour able to respond through redistribution <strong>of</strong><br />

the protein network to environmental stimulus (Pérez-Gil et al., 2005).<br />

Hydrophobic matching might also be the mechanism by which <strong>proteins</strong> are targeted<br />

to their final destinations in the <strong>membrane</strong>. Sorting <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> along the secretory<br />

pathway might be performed by means <strong>of</strong> a gradient <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic thickness <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> systems that the <strong>proteins</strong> have to pass on their way to their target. The<br />

concentrations <strong>of</strong> cholesterol and sphingomyelin, which have a thickening effect on the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>, increase going from the endoplasmic reticulum, via the Golgi to the plasma<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>. Also, the hydrophobic domains <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> that reside in the Golgi are<br />

shorter by about 5 amino acids when compared to those <strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>.<br />



However, this proposed mechanism for sorting <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> is still<br />

controversial (Mouritsen, 2005).<br />

Concerning <strong>membrane</strong> protein partition to specific regions <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, <strong>of</strong><br />

particular interest is the possibility that certain <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> prefer insertion in the<br />

boundaries between lipid phases in the <strong>membrane</strong>s. These boundaries present a higher<br />

probability <strong>of</strong> lipid packing defects that can be used by certain <strong>proteins</strong> to access deeper<br />

regions in the <strong>membrane</strong> (Pérez-Gil et al., 2005).<br />

2.10. Lipid sorting by <strong>proteins</strong> and formation <strong>of</strong><br />

lipid domains<br />

The presence <strong>of</strong> very stable lipid domains in the <strong>membrane</strong> is only expected if the<br />

free energies for interaction between phase separated lipids is very high. In<br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>s this is rarely the case, and therefore lateral structures that arise must have<br />

a reasonably dynamical nature. In model <strong>membrane</strong>s, the differences in free-energies<br />

for lipid-lipid interactions are typically on the order <strong>of</strong> a few calories per mole. In<br />

contrast, the free-energies involved in protein-lipid interactions are much larger<br />

(Hinderliter et al., 2001). Therefore <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> when incorporated in lipid<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s can contribute decisively to the final lipid phase equilibria.<br />

In the presence <strong>of</strong> a multicomponent lipid mixture in the fluid phase, insertion <strong>of</strong> a<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> protein can lead, as already described, to enrichment <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the lipid<br />

species around the protein due to more efficient packing in the protein-lipid interface.<br />

This preferential association can stabilize a lipid phase around the protein, even under<br />

conditions where it is metastable in the protein-free system. This preferred phase is said<br />

to wet the protein (Gil et al., 1998). The wetting layer <strong>of</strong> lipids only extends over a<br />

finite (nonmacroscopic) distance. Theoretical <strong>studies</strong> have predicted that effects on<br />

lipids by inclusion <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> may extend up to 20 lipid shells around the protein (Fattal<br />

and Ben-Shaul, 1993; Sperotto and Mouritsen, 1991), and results from some<br />

experimental <strong>studies</strong> were rationalized on the basis <strong>of</strong> wetting <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> lipid phases induced by protein-lipid interactions (Lehtonen and Kinnunen,<br />

1997; Dumas et al., 1997; Hinderliter et al, 2004).<br />


In Figure I.21, theoretical simulations are shown that predict the wetting<br />

phenomenon. For Figure I.21c), sharing <strong>of</strong> a wetting layer by two or more <strong>proteins</strong> can<br />

give rise to colocalization and aggregation phenomena as described in detail on Section<br />

2.11.<br />

A B B<br />

Figure I.21 – Computer simulation snapshots <strong>of</strong> a large protein embedded in a binary lipid matrix in<br />

which one <strong>of</strong> the lipids is preferentially bound to the protein. (a) – Selective binding <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the lipid<br />

species at the protein-lipid interface. (b) – Wetting <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the lipids around the protein. (c) – Wetting<br />

and formation <strong>of</strong> a capillary condensate between two adjacent <strong>proteins</strong> (taken from Gil et al., 1998).<br />

These types <strong>of</strong> lateral structures initiated by <strong>proteins</strong> can function in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

as the signal for recruitment <strong>of</strong> other molecules to those domains. This has been<br />

proposed as the molecular mechanism behind some signalling platforms (Pérez-Gil et<br />

al., 2005).<br />

2.11. Lipid-mediation <strong>of</strong> protein-protein<br />

interactions<br />

The principle <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic matching, and the possibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> to<br />

change the lipid environment around them, <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>membrane</strong>s a mechanism for lipidmediation<br />

<strong>of</strong> protein-protein interactions.<br />

When <strong>proteins</strong> change the order parameter <strong>of</strong> lipids around them, overlap <strong>of</strong><br />

disturbed lipids can again lead to colocalization <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> in the same area <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> or aggregation (Gil et al., 1998) (Figure I.22). The system, when moving to<br />

equilibrium, will have the tendency to decrease the extent <strong>of</strong> presented interface, and<br />

this is achievable by clustering <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and ultimately by protein aggregation. Of<br />

course, protein aggregation can have its energetic costs that may rise from helix-dipole<br />

moment and charge repulsion or entropic factors.<br />



Figure I.22 - Schematic representation <strong>of</strong> protein-protein interactions mediated by hydrophobic<br />

mismatch. (a) – Hydrophobically matched <strong>membrane</strong>. (b, c) - Lipid-mediated protein-protein attraction by<br />

same type <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch. (d) - Lipid-mediated protein-protein repulsion by opposite type <strong>of</strong><br />

hydrophobic mismatch (Taken from Gil et al., 1998).<br />

When more than one lipid species is present, wetting <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> also<br />

implies formation <strong>of</strong> an interface between lipids in the wetting phase and lipids in the<br />

protein-poor phase. Again the tendency to minimize the interface between these two<br />

phases can lead to coalescence or capillary condensation <strong>of</strong> wetting domains and<br />

stimulation <strong>of</strong> protein-protein interactions (Fig. I.21.c)). In this way, wetting occurs in<br />

addition to direct protein-protein (Van der Waals and electrostatic) and the above<br />

described lipid-mediated interactions, by selecting the environment in which they take<br />

place, i.e., wetting provides the mechanism for modulation <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> protein<br />

organization (clustering and aggregation) on larger length scales (Gil et al., 1998).<br />



OF M13 MCP<br />

II<br />

1. Introduction<br />





The M(unich)13 bacteriophage was discovered in 1963 by P. H. H<strong>of</strong>schneider in an<br />

incubation <strong>of</strong> waste water samples <strong>with</strong> Escherichia coli bacteria. It belongs to the large<br />

family <strong>of</strong> filamentous phages (Inoviridae), which comprise some <strong>of</strong> the smallest<br />

bacteriophages known (Spruijt et al., 1999).<br />

These viruses are able to infect bacteria <strong>with</strong>out great disturbance <strong>of</strong> the host cells.<br />

In this way, reproduction <strong>of</strong> the virus inside the host goes on as cells continue to grow<br />

and divide even if at a reduced rate. For efficient infection, filamentous phages require<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> pili on the surface <strong>of</strong> the host bacteria. The pili acts as a receptor site, and<br />

depending on the specificity for pili interaction, filamentous bacteriophages are divided<br />

in different classes. The M13 bacteriophage belongs to the Ff group, which is only able<br />

to infect E. coli cells carrying sex pili (Spruijt et al., 1999). Genetic manipulation <strong>of</strong><br />

plasmids derived from the M13 bacteriophage proved to be relatively easy, and this<br />

allowed the M13 genome to be widely used as a cloning vector (Spruijt et al., 1999).<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the factors that contributed to the enormous popularity <strong>of</strong> the M13<br />

bacteriophage in biotechnology was its relatively simple architecture. The phage<br />


particle is 900 nm in length and 6.5 nm wide. It is formed by a single strand <strong>of</strong> DNA,<br />

about 6400 nucleotides long, encapsulated by a cylindrical protein coat. The protein<br />

coat presents about 3000 copies <strong>of</strong> the major coat protein (mcp or gp8), the product <strong>of</strong><br />

gene VIII. In addition to mcp, four other coat <strong>proteins</strong> are present in few copies, capping<br />

the ends <strong>of</strong> the bacteriophage.<br />

During the infection process, parental coat <strong>proteins</strong> are embedded in the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

while the viral DNA is released in the cytoplasm (see Figure II-1). New copies <strong>of</strong> mcp<br />

are synthesized in the host and inserted in the <strong>membrane</strong>, where they are processed by a<br />

leader peptidase (Kuhn et al., 1986). After peptidase action, the C-terminus <strong>of</strong> mcp is<br />

oriented to the cytoplasm and the N-terminus is located in the periplasm. In the mature<br />

form, mcp is a polypeptide chain 50 aminoacids long and presents a single<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain. During the reproductive cycle <strong>of</strong> the bacteriophage, coat<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> are stored at very high local levels and finally assembled around viral DNA<br />

into new phage particles (Hemminga et al., 1992).<br />

Figure II-1: Representation <strong>of</strong> the reproductive cycle <strong>of</strong> bacteriophage M13 (taken from Spruijt et<br />

al., 1999).<br />

mcp presents three distinct domains which are expected to be related to the distinct<br />

type <strong>of</strong> interactions that this protein is involved in during the reproductive cycle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bacteriophage. In this way, the negatively charged region in the N-terminal domain <strong>of</strong><br />

the protein (residues 1-20), rich in glutamate and aspartate, forms the outer hydrophilic<br />

surface <strong>of</strong> the virus particle. The hydrophobic central domain (residues 21-39) is<br />

responsible for the tight <strong>membrane</strong> interaction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> form <strong>of</strong> mcp and for the<br />



OF M13 MCP<br />

protein-protein interactions between mcp units inside the phage coat, which are essential<br />

in providing stability to the particle. Finally, the C-terminus <strong>of</strong> mcp (residues 40-50) is<br />

enriched in positively charged lysines. This domain lines the inside <strong>of</strong> the phage particle<br />

and is responsible by non-specific interactions <strong>with</strong> DNA. The amino acid sequence <strong>of</strong><br />

mcp and the structure <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> bound form is shown in Figure II-2.<br />

The N-terminus <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> bound form <strong>of</strong> mcp is a flexible α-helix <strong>with</strong><br />

amphipatic character. A loop connects this amphipatic domain <strong>with</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

helix (Figure II-2). The trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain <strong>of</strong> mcp is tilted by 20 ± 10º <strong>with</strong> respect<br />

to the lipid bilayer normal (Glaubitz et al., 2000; Koehorst et al., 2004). ESR and<br />

fluorescence <strong>studies</strong> making use <strong>of</strong> site-directed labelling <strong>of</strong> mcp (Spruijt et al., 1996;<br />

Stopar et al., 1997a) allowed to conclude that Thr 36 is located in the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer<br />

in DOPC and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG) bilayers, while<br />

aminoacids 25 and 46 delineate the edges <strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain <strong>of</strong> mcp. DOPC<br />

is expected to present ideal hydrophobic matching conditions to mcp.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure II-2: A - Amino acid sequence <strong>of</strong> mcp (taken from Hemminga et al., 1992). B – Structure <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> bound form <strong>of</strong> mcp (taken from Stopar et al., 2003).<br />

mcp was also found to be strongly anchored to the lipid bilayer through its C-<br />

terminus, namely by the two phenylalanines found there and by three lysine residues.<br />

When mcp was incorporated in bilayers <strong>with</strong> slightly thinner or thicker hydrophobic<br />


thickness than mcp, the N-terminus <strong>of</strong> the protein shifted its position in order to<br />

accommodate the differences in hydrophobic lengths <strong>of</strong> protein and lipid, but the C-<br />

terminus remains at approximately the same position in the bilayer interface due to<br />

strong anchoring (Meijer et al., 2001). Another adaptation <strong>of</strong> mcp to hydrophobic<br />

mismatch is changing the tilt angle <strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain, as well as the rotation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the helix at its long axis so as to optimize the hydrophobic and electrostatic<br />

interactions at the C-terminus (Koehorst et al., 2004).<br />

Several questions concerning lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions <strong>of</strong> mcp<br />

are still subject <strong>of</strong> debate. During the life-cycle <strong>of</strong> bacteriophage M13, the aggregation<br />

state <strong>of</strong> mcp changes repeatedly. In the phage particle it is aggregated in the coat, and in<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> it is believed to be monomeric (Russel, 1991; Spruijt and Hemminga,<br />

1991), although a structural dimer might be formed as an intermediate species during<br />

phage disruption (Henry and Sykes, 1992; Stopar et al., 1997b; Stopar et al., 1998). The<br />

mcp structure is predominantly α-helical when inserted in the <strong>membrane</strong>, but depending<br />

on the protein purification and <strong>membrane</strong> reconstitution procedure a irreversibly<br />

aggregated β-sheet conformation <strong>of</strong> the protein appeared (Hemminga et al., 1992). Also,<br />

factors such as L/P ratio, phospholipid headgroup type, length and degree <strong>of</strong><br />

unsaturation <strong>of</strong> the acyl-chains <strong>of</strong> lipids used, and the ionic strength <strong>of</strong> the buffer were<br />

shown to be able to influence the α-helical to β-sheet transition. It is found that saturated<br />

lipid chains and very high protein concentration resulted inevitably in high levels <strong>of</strong><br />

irreversible β-sheet aggregation (Spruijt and Hemminga, 1991). Nevertheless, the<br />

irreversible β-sheet conformation <strong>of</strong> mcp is expected to be an artefact resulting from<br />

inappropriate conditions <strong>of</strong> protein purification and reconstitution, as α-helical structure<br />

is necessary for insertion in the phage particle (Hemminga et al., 1992).<br />

The lipid composition <strong>of</strong> the inner <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> non infected E. coli is about 70% <strong>of</strong><br />

PE, 25% <strong>of</strong> PG and 5% cardiolipin. During the infection <strong>of</strong> E. coli by the M13<br />

bacteriophage, the levels <strong>of</strong> anionic lipids in the cell <strong>membrane</strong> are slightly increased<br />

and blocking <strong>of</strong> phage assembly resulted in significant increases in anionic lipid content<br />

in the inner <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> bacteria (Pluschke et al., 1978). This phenomenon might<br />

indicate that anionic lipids are required to maintain a functional state <strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong>bound<br />

form <strong>of</strong> the protein (Hemminga et al., 1992).<br />

The in situ aggregational state <strong>of</strong> α-helical mcp is however still a matter <strong>of</strong><br />

discussion, as reversible oligomeric alpha-helical mcp was shown to exist in some<br />

conditions (Hemminga et al., 1992). In vitro, aggregation behaviour is even more likely<br />



OF M13 MCP<br />

than in vivo, as the reconstitution procedures normally result in randomized orientations<br />

for mcp instead <strong>of</strong> the single orientation observed in vivo. mcp in the <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

identical orientations are expected to present smaller protein-protein electrostatic<br />

attractive forces due to the stronger repulsion between the heavily charged C-terminus,<br />

and consequently a higher free energy is expected for the oligomeric condition. In order<br />

to achieve high local concentrations <strong>of</strong> mcp in the host <strong>membrane</strong> prior to phage<br />

assembly, a dynamic protein-lipid network should be present, characterized by absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> preferential association between coat <strong>proteins</strong> and/or lipids (Hemminga et al., 1992).<br />

Concerning the protein-lipid interactions established by mcp, it is interesting to note<br />

that the monomeric form <strong>of</strong> mcp was not able to induce sufficient immobilization <strong>of</strong> a<br />

fraction <strong>of</strong> lipid molecules so that it could be detected by ESR <strong>with</strong> spin labelled lipids<br />

(Sanders et al., 1992). On the other hand, oligomeric mcp immobilized a population <strong>of</strong><br />

lipids, especially at very high protein concentrations (Peelen et al., 1992). Thus, it can<br />

be concluded that monomeric M13 mcp is not able to induce a long living lipid<br />

boundary shell around it. Possible explanations are that the hydrophobic surface <strong>of</strong> mcp<br />

exposed to the lipids is too small or that the diffusion rate <strong>of</strong> the protein is not<br />

sufficiently lower than that <strong>of</strong> the lipids.<br />








2430 <strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal Volume 85 October 2003 2430–2441<br />

Dependence <strong>of</strong> M13 Major Coat Protein Oligomerization and Lateral<br />

Segregation on Bilayer Composition<br />

Fábio Fernandes,* Luís M.S.Loura,* y Manuel Prieto,* Rob Koehorst, z<br />

Ruud B. Spruijt, z and Marcus A. Hemminga z<br />

*Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal; y Departamento de Química, Universidade de Évora,<br />

Évora, Portugal; and z Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Biophysics, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands<br />

ABSTRACT M13 major coat protein was derivatized <strong>with</strong> BODIPY (n-(4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-sindacene-3-yl)methyl<br />

iodoacetamide), and its aggregation was studied in 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)<br />

and DOPC/1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (DOPG) or 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine<br />

(DOPE)/DOPG (model systems <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong>s <strong>with</strong> hydrophobic thickness matching that <strong>of</strong> the protein) using photophysical<br />

methodologies (time-resolved and steady-state self-quenching, absorption, and emission spectra). It was concluded that the<br />

protein is essentially monomeric, even in the absence <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids. The protein was also incorporated in pure<br />

bilayers <strong>of</strong> lipids <strong>with</strong> a strong mismatch <strong>with</strong> the protein trans<strong>membrane</strong> length, 1,2-dierucoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DEuPC, longer lipid) and 1,2-dimyristoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMoPC, shorter lipid), and in lipidic mixtures<br />

containing DOPC and one <strong>of</strong> these lipids. The protein was aggregated in the pure vesicles <strong>of</strong> mismatching lipid but remained<br />

essentially monomeric in the mixtures as detected from BODIPY fluorescence emission self-quenching. From fluorescence<br />

resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements (donor-n-(iodoacetyl)aminoethyl-1-sulfonaphthylamine (IAEDANS)-labeled<br />

protein; acceptor-BODIPY labeled protein), it was concluded that in the DEuPC/DOPC and DMoPC/DOPC lipid mixtures,<br />

domains enriched in the protein and the matching lipid (DOPC) are formed.<br />


M13 coat protein has been shown to exist in many aggregation<br />

states, depending on factors like isolation, reconstitution<br />

procedure, pH, ionic strength, and amphiphile composition<br />

(Hemminga et al., 1993; Stopar et al., 1997). The mechanism<br />

<strong>of</strong> phage assembly in the Escherichia coli <strong>membrane</strong> is not<br />

yet completely understood, but the assembly site has been<br />

proposed to be composed <strong>of</strong> a dynamic protein-lipid network,<br />

characterized by absence <strong>of</strong> preferential association between<br />

M13 coat protein and/or lipids (Hemminga et al., 1993),<br />

which allows storage <strong>of</strong> monomeric coat protein at very high<br />

local concentrations, as the insertion <strong>of</strong> the protein in the<br />

assembling phage particle is only possible on the monomeric<br />

form (Russel, 1991). The type <strong>of</strong> interactions between lipids<br />

and coat protein which allows for formation <strong>of</strong> this structure is<br />

largely unknown and in this study it is intended to obtain<br />

information on the influence <strong>of</strong> lipid bilayer composition on<br />

the lateral distribution and oligomerization properties <strong>of</strong> M13<br />

coat protein in <strong>membrane</strong> model systems, to better understand<br />

the phage particle assembly mechanism.<br />

It has been proposed that self-association behavior <strong>of</strong><br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> while incorporated in lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

is influenced by hydrophobic matching conditions on<br />

the protein-lipid interface (Mouritsen and Bloom, 1984;<br />

Submitted January 21, 2003, and accepted for publication June 24, 2003.<br />

Address reprint requests to Manuel Prieto, Centro de Química-Física<br />

Molecular, Complexo I, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais,<br />

1049-001 Portugal. Tel.: 35-121-841-9219; Fax: 35-121-846-4455; E-mail:<br />

prieto@alfa.ist.utl.pt.<br />

Ó 2003 by the <strong>Biophysical</strong> Society<br />

0006-3495/03/10/2430/12 $2.00<br />

Killian, 1998). The monomeric protein is expected to be<br />

stable under perfect matching conditions <strong>with</strong> the phospholipids<br />

surrounding it. In case <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch at the<br />

protein-lipid interface, it is possible that the boundary lipids<br />

reorganize themselves, to lower the tension created by exposure<br />

<strong>of</strong> hydrophobic acyl chains or amino-acid residues,<br />

which can be achieved by ordering/disordering <strong>of</strong> the phospholipids<br />

(Nezil and Bloom, 1992). Moreover, if the hydrophobic<br />

mismatch is too high for correction <strong>with</strong> small<br />

adjustments <strong>of</strong> bilayer hydrophobic thickness, this might<br />

result in protein aggregation to obtain minimization <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein-lipid contacts (Ren et al., 1999; Lewis and Engelman,<br />

1983, Mobashery et al., 1997; Mall et al., 2001). Other<br />

responses to hydrophobic mismatch might be trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

helix tilt (for long trans<strong>membrane</strong> hydrophobic protein<br />

domains), change in conformation or decrease <strong>of</strong> bilayer<br />

partitioning <strong>of</strong> the protein, transition <strong>of</strong> phospholipids to<br />

nonlamellar phases, and molecular sorting <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> and<br />

lipids in the presence <strong>of</strong> a binary lipid system (for reviews<br />

see Killian, 1998; Dumas et al., 1999).<br />

Some <strong>studies</strong> have already related the oligomerization<br />

state <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> to the hydrophobic mismatch extent in the<br />

bilayer. Aggregation was shown to depend on hydrophobic<br />

mismatch for bacteriorhodopsin at extreme hydrophobic<br />

mismatch conditions (Lewis and Engelman, 1983) and<br />

gramicidin (Mobashery et al., 1997). Mall and co-workers<br />

(Mall et al., 2001) concluded that, for a synthetic peptide, the<br />

free energy <strong>of</strong> dimerization increased linearly <strong>with</strong> each<br />

additional carbon <strong>of</strong> the phospholipid fatty acyl chain, <strong>with</strong><br />

a slope <strong>of</strong> 0.5 kJ mol ÿ1 . Apparently, this effect is much more<br />

significant upon negative hydrophobic thickness (thicker<br />

hydrophobic section for the bilayer than for the protein; Ren

M13 Coat Protein Lateral Distribution 2431<br />

et al., 1999; Lewis and Engelman, 1983; Mall et al., 2001).<br />

Meijer et al. (2001) found by electron spin resonance that the<br />

M13 major coat protein incorporated in di(22:1)PC (1,2-<br />

dierucoylphosphatidylcholine) aggregated or existed in several<br />

orientations/conformations, whereas in di(14:1)PC (1,2-<br />

dimyristoleoylphosphatidylcholine) no indication was found<br />

toward aggregation.<br />

In addition, for <strong>proteins</strong> incorporated in binary phospholipid<br />

mixtures, strong selectivity to one lipid component, and<br />

phase separation or lipid sorting effects (depending on their<br />

miscibility), was predicted to occur as a result <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

mismatch (Sperotto and Mouritsen, 1993). This phenomenon<br />

has also been observed experimentally in a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

di(12:0)PC (dilauroylphosphatidylcholine)/di(18:0)PC(distearoylphosphatidylcholine),<br />

in which bacteriorhodopsin was<br />

shown to preferentially associate <strong>with</strong> the short chain lipid in<br />

the gel-gel and gel-fluid coexistence regions (Dumas et al.,<br />

1997). Although the preferential association <strong>of</strong> bacteriorhodopsin<br />

<strong>with</strong> short chain lipid in the gel-fluid coexistence<br />

region could be understood by an eventual preference for the<br />

disordered phase, these results were rationalized as being a<br />

consequence <strong>of</strong> lipid-protein hydrophobic matching interactions.<br />

A similar effect was observed for E. coli lactose<br />

permease (Lehtonen and Kinnunen, 1997), and for gramicidin<br />

(Fahsel et al., 2002). In the case <strong>of</strong> bacteriorhodopsin, Dumas<br />

and co-workers (Dumas et al., 1997), using a theoretical<br />

model, concluded that the protein was preferentially associated<br />

<strong>with</strong> the longer chain lipid on the mixed fluid lipid phase.<br />

In this mixture no macroscopic phase separation was occurring,<br />

but only preference <strong>of</strong> protein association <strong>with</strong> the phospholipid<br />

which allowed for more favorable energetic<br />

interactions, resulting in bacteriorhodopsin being surrounded<br />

by di(18:0)PC. This phenomenon is also denominated by<br />

wetting, and may extend to multiple layers <strong>of</strong> phospholipids<br />

(Gil et al., 1998). The interfacial stress, which is likely to<br />

occur between the wetting phase and the lipid matrix, can<br />

lead to sharing <strong>of</strong> these microdomains by many <strong>proteins</strong>,<br />

to minimize the interface area. As a result, formation <strong>of</strong> protein-enriched<br />

domains would occur in the bilayer. This<br />

process has been proposed as a mechanism for protein<br />

aggregation inducement (Gil et al., 1998).<br />

Some <strong>studies</strong> have also dealt <strong>with</strong> trans<strong>membrane</strong> protein/<br />

peptide interaction selectivity toward anionic phospholipids,<br />

based on electrostatic interactions <strong>of</strong> the lipid headgroup and<br />

basic residues on the protein (Horvàth et al., 1995a,b). A<br />

glucosyltransferase from Acholeplasma laidlawii was found<br />

to exhibit preference for localization on PG domains formed<br />

in a PC matrix (Karlsson et al., 1996).<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this work is to study the influence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer composition on the aggregation state <strong>of</strong> the M13 coat<br />

protein. In addition, the protein was also incorporated in<br />

binary lipidic systems, where there is strong hydrophobic<br />

mismatch <strong>of</strong> the protein <strong>with</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the components. The<br />

possibility <strong>of</strong> protein segregation to lipidic domains in this<br />

situation was also investigated.<br />

For these purposes, several fluorescence methodologies<br />

(fluorescence self-quenching, absorption and emission spectra,<br />

and energy transfer) were applied, using the protein<br />

derivatized <strong>with</strong> n-(4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4adiaza-s-indacene-3-yl)methyl<br />

iodoacetamide (BODIPY FL<br />

C 1 -IA) or n-(iodoacetyl)aminoethyl-1-sulfonaphthylamine<br />

(IAEDANS), as described in more detail below.<br />

Through the use <strong>of</strong> the self-quenching <strong>of</strong> the BODIPY<br />

fluorescence, it is expected to obtain information about the<br />

aggregation/oligomerization state <strong>of</strong> protein. With the same<br />

objective, the presence <strong>of</strong> BODIPY ground-state dimers is<br />

investigated. These techniques allow us to check for molecular<br />

contacts between BODIPY groups labeled on the trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

section <strong>of</strong> the mutant protein.<br />

To solve the question <strong>of</strong> whether the presence <strong>of</strong> M13<br />

major coat protein is capable <strong>of</strong> inducing lipid domain<br />

formation through electrostatic interactions or hydrophobic<br />

mismatch, FRET measurements are carried out on different<br />

lipid mixtures <strong>with</strong> M13 major coat protein incorporated. As<br />

the C-terminal <strong>of</strong> the M13 major coat protein is heavily<br />

basic, it is intended to know if the presence <strong>of</strong> protein would<br />

lead to formation <strong>of</strong> domains enriched in anionic phospholipids<br />

and protein. Additionally, by using mixtures <strong>of</strong><br />

phospholipids <strong>with</strong> different acyl-chain lengths, formation<br />

<strong>of</strong> protein-enriched domains due to preferential binding to<br />

hydrophobically matching lipids is checked.<br />

In reconstituted systems we can have two different<br />

orientations for the M13 coat protein in the bilayer (<strong>with</strong><br />

the N-terminus sticking to the inside or the outside <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lipid vesicle), and in this way, interactions between <strong>proteins</strong><br />

might involve parallel or antiparallel protein orientations.<br />

For this reason, the mutants chosen for the present work were<br />

T36C and A35C, because for the coat protein in vesicles <strong>of</strong><br />

DOPC, the Thr36 and Ala35 residues are located near the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, as was shown by AEDANS wavelength<br />

<strong>of</strong> maximum emission (Spruijt et al., 2000). This increases<br />

the possibility <strong>of</strong> self-quenching due to the formation <strong>of</strong><br />

complexes or from collisions between fluorophores, and<br />

allowed us to ignore situations <strong>with</strong> complex oligomers<br />

containing <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> parallel and antiparallel orientations<br />

as well as to simplify the energy transfer analysis to the twodimensional<br />

case, as, for both orientations, both residues<br />

should be located at approximately the same position.<br />


1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)]<br />

(DOPG), 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine<br />

(DOPE), 1,2-dierucoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DEuPC) and 1,2-dimyristoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMoPC),<br />

were obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL). N-(iodoacetyl)aminoethyl-1-sulfonaphthylamine<br />

(1,5-IAEDANS) and N-(4,4-difluoro-<br />

5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-3-yl)methyl) iodoacetamide<br />

(BODIPY FL C 1 -IA) were obtained from Molecular Probes (Eugene,<br />

OR). Fine chemicals were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). All<br />

materials were used <strong>with</strong>out further purification.<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

2432 Fernandes et al.<br />

Coat protein isolation and labeling<br />

The wild-type M13 major coat protein and the T36C mutant were grown,<br />

purified from the phage (Spruijt et al., 1996) and the A35C mutant was<br />

obtained from transformed cells <strong>of</strong> E. coli B21 (DE3) (Spruijt et al., 2000).<br />

Both mutants were labeled <strong>with</strong> BODIPY and IAEDANS as described<br />

previously (Spruijt et al., 1996). The remaining impurities were extracted<br />

using size exclusion chromatography and the protein was eluted <strong>with</strong> 50 mM<br />

sodium cholate, 150 mM NaCl, and 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.<br />

Coat protein reconstitution in lipid vesicles<br />

The labeled protein mutant was reconstituted in the DOPC/DOPG (80/20<br />

mol/mol), DOPC, DOPE/DOPG (70/30 mol/mol), DMoPC/DOPC (60/40<br />

mol/mol), DEuPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol), DMoPC, and DEuPC vesicles<br />

using the cholate-dialysis method (Spruijt et al., 1989). The phospholipid<br />

vesicles were produced as follows: the chlor<strong>of</strong>orm from solutions containing<br />

the desired phospholipid amount was evaporated under a stream <strong>of</strong> dry N 2<br />

and last traces removed by a further evaporation under vacuum. The lipids<br />

were then solubilized in 50 mM sodium cholate buffer (150 mM NaCl, 10<br />

mM Tris-HCl, and 1 mM EDTA) at pH 8 by brief sonication (Branson 250<br />

cell disruptor) until a clear opalescent solution was obtained, and then mixed<br />

<strong>with</strong> the wild-type and labeled protein. Samples had a phospholipid<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> 1 mM and the lipid-to-protein ratio (L/P) was always kept at<br />

50, <strong>with</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> wild-type protein when necessary, except for the <strong>studies</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> pure DMoPC and DEuPC bilayers in which the L/P was always \50<br />

(due to a smaller labeling efficiency obtained in the preparation <strong>of</strong> A35C<br />

mutant) and no wild-type protein was added. Dialysis was carried at room<br />

temperature and in the dark (to prevent IAEDANS degradation), <strong>with</strong> a 100-<br />

fold excess buffer containing 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, and 1 mM<br />

EDTA at pH 8. The buffer was replaced 53 every 12 h.<br />

Fluorescence spectroscopy<br />

Absorption spectroscopy was carried out <strong>with</strong> a Jasco V-560 spectrophotometer<br />

(Tokyo, Japan). The absorption <strong>of</strong> the samples was kept \0.1 at the<br />

wavelength used for excitation.<br />

CD spectroscopy was performed on a Jasco J-720 spectropolarimeter<br />

<strong>with</strong> a 450 W Xe lamp (Easton, MD).<br />

Steady-state fluorescence measurements were carried out <strong>with</strong> an SLM-<br />

Aminco 8100 Series 2 spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter (Rochester, NY; <strong>with</strong> double<br />

excitation and emission monochromators, MC400) in a right-angle<br />

geometry. The light source was a 450-W Xe arc lamp and for reference<br />

a Rhodamine B quantum counter solution was used. Correction <strong>of</strong> emission<br />

spectra was performed using the correction s<strong>of</strong>tware <strong>of</strong> the apparatus. 5 3 5<br />

mm quartz cuvettes were used. All measurements were performed at room<br />

temperature.<br />

In the fluorescence quenching measurements, the BODIPY emission<br />

spectra were recorded <strong>with</strong> an excitation wavelength <strong>of</strong> 460 nm and<br />

a bandwidth <strong>of</strong> 4 nm for both excitation and emission.<br />

AEDANS-labeled protein quantum yield was determined using quinine<br />

sulfate (f ¼ 0.55) (Eaton, 1988) as reference.<br />

The excitation wavelength for the energy transfer measurements was 340<br />

nm and the emission spectra were recorded <strong>with</strong> an excitation and emission<br />

bandwidth <strong>of</strong> 4 nm.<br />

Fluorescence decay measurements <strong>of</strong> IAEDANS were carried out <strong>with</strong><br />

a time-correlated single-photon counting system, which is described elsewhere<br />

(Loura et al., 2000). Measurements were performed at room<br />

temperature. Excitation and emission wavelengths were 340 and 440 nm,<br />

respectively. The timescales used were between 12 and 67 ps/ch, depending<br />

on the amount <strong>of</strong> BODIPY-labeled protein present in the sample. Data<br />

analysis was carried out using a nonlinear, least-squares iterative convolution<br />

method based on the Marquardt algorithm (Marquardt, 1963). The goodness<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fit was judged from the experimental x 2 -value, weighted residuals, and<br />

autocorrelation plot.<br />

In all cases, the probes florescence decay were complex and described by<br />

a sum <strong>of</strong> exponentials,<br />

where a i are the normalized amplitudes.<br />

The average lifetimes are defined by<br />

IðtÞ ¼+ a i expðÿt=t i Þ; (1)<br />

i<br />

hti ¼<br />

+ a i t 2 i<br />

i<br />

+<br />

i<br />

a i t i<br />

; (2)<br />

and the amplitude average or lifetime-weighted quantum yield (Lakowicz,<br />

1999), is obtained as<br />

t ¼ + a i t i : (3)<br />

i<br />


Fluorescence self-quenching<br />

Collisional quenching is responsible for a decrease in both<br />

the quantum yield and lifetime <strong>of</strong> a fluorophore, whereas<br />

static quenching only affects the fluorescence intensity due to<br />

the dark (‘‘nonfluorescent’’) character <strong>of</strong> the self-quenching<br />

complex. The effects <strong>of</strong> the collisional contribution <strong>of</strong> selfquenching<br />

on the fluorescence lifetime are described by the<br />

Stern-Volmer equation,<br />

t 0 =t ¼ 1 1 k q 3 t 0 3 ½FŠ; (4)<br />

where t 0 is the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore in the absence <strong>of</strong><br />

quenching, t is the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore in presence <strong>of</strong><br />

quenching, k q is the bimolecular diffusion rate constant, and<br />

[F] is the concentration <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore.<br />

The diffusion coefficient <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore (D) can be<br />

calculated from k q using the Smoluchowski equation<br />

(Lakowicz, 1999), taking into account transient effects<br />

(Umberger and Lamer, 1945),<br />

k q ¼ 4 3 p 3 N a 3 ð2 3 R c Þ 3 ð2 3 DÞ<br />

3 ½1 1 2 3 R c =ð2 3 t 0 3 DÞ 1=2 Š; (5)<br />

where N a is the Avogadro number and R c is the collisional<br />

radius. Diffusion in <strong>membrane</strong>s is here considered to take<br />

place in an isotropic three-dimensional medium. If the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> were strictly bidimensional, different boundary<br />

conditions for the Smoluchowski formalism should be<br />

applied (Razi-Naqvi, 1974). The best approach to the<br />

specific situation <strong>of</strong> probe diffusion in a <strong>membrane</strong> is the<br />

one used by Owen (1975), in which the finite bilayer width is<br />

considered (cylindrical geometry). Owen introduced the<br />

parameter t s , which defines the crossover from the spherical<br />

(three-dimensional) to the cylindrical geometry, its value<br />

being t s ffi 42 ns when considering the bilayer and the<br />

peptide. This value is much longer than the longest<br />

fluorescence lifetime <strong>of</strong> the probes in the peptide (6.1 ns),<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

M13 Coat Protein Lateral Distribution 2433<br />

and longer than the experimental time-window (28 ns ¼ 28<br />

ps/channel 3 1000 channels) so the three-dimensional<br />

framework approximation is essentially correct. Almgren<br />

(1991), in a comparative study <strong>of</strong> quenching in restricted<br />

dimensionality, also states that deviations from the threedimensional<br />

occur only for very long fluorescence lifetimes.<br />

The static quenching component can be described through<br />

a sphere <strong>of</strong> action, which accounts for statistical contact pairs<br />

formed at the moment <strong>of</strong> excitation. These contact pairs are<br />

nonfluorescent, although they do not form a complex, i.e.,<br />

the interaction energy is \k 3 T. The combined contributions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the collisional and the sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action effects on the<br />

fluorescence intensity are given by Loura et al. (2000) as<br />

I F ¼<br />

C 3 ½FŠ 3 expðÿV<br />

1<br />

s 3 N A 3 ½FŠÞ: (6)<br />

1 k q 3 ½FŠ<br />

t 0<br />

Here, I F is the fluorescence intensity, C is a constant, and V s<br />

is the sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action volume. The sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radius<br />

is obtained by<br />

<br />

R s ¼ V s = 4 1=3<br />

3 3 p ; (7)<br />

and for a collisional quenching mechanism it should be close<br />

to the sum <strong>of</strong> the Van der Waals radii.<br />

In case that a complex is formed, the model to describe<br />

static quenching effects should take into account its equilibrium<br />

constant. For a monomer/dimer equilibrium <strong>of</strong> only<br />

one molecular species, the fluorescence intensity is given by<br />

I F ¼<br />

C 3 ½FŠ<br />

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

ÿ1 1 1 1 8 3 K a 3 ½FŠ<br />

3 ; (8)<br />

1<br />

4 3 K<br />

1 k q 3 ½FŠ<br />

a<br />

t 0<br />

where K a is the oligomerization constant.<br />

However, for our system, in which there are two different<br />

protein species (labeled and unlabeled, where the unlabeled<br />

class includes both nonlabeled mutant and wild-type protein),<br />

there will be several combinations <strong>of</strong> protein species<br />

<strong>with</strong>in an aggregate. For a dimer, there will be three different<br />

combinations available—labeled protein/labeled protein,<br />

labeled protein/unlabeled protein, and unlabeled protein/unlabeled<br />

protein—but only formation <strong>of</strong> the first one induces<br />

self-quenching <strong>of</strong> BODIPY. A complexation model describing<br />

fluorescence static quenching in our system will have to<br />

account for this fact. From the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the concentration<br />

<strong>of</strong> each species, the fraction <strong>of</strong> labeled protein participating<br />

in oligomers (dimers/trimers) containing more than<br />

one BODIPY labeled protein (and as a result nonfluorescent),<br />

can be obtained for a given K a . The resulting set <strong>of</strong><br />

nonlinear equations was solved (for a given total protein<br />

concentration, labeling efficiency, labeled protein concentration,<br />

aggregation number, and K a ) using Maple V (Waterloo,<br />

Ontario).<br />

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer<br />

The energy transfer between fluorophores can be used to<br />

characterize the lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> labeled coat protein<br />

mutant in the bilayer. The degree <strong>of</strong> fluorescence emission<br />

quenching <strong>of</strong> the donor caused by the presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors<br />

is used to calculate the experimental energy transfer efficiency<br />

(E):<br />

E ¼ 1 ÿ I DA =I D : (9)<br />

Here, I DA is the donor fluorescence emission intensity in the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> acceptor, and I D is the donor fluorescence<br />

emission intensity in the absence <strong>of</strong> acceptor.<br />

Wolber and Hudson (1979) obtained the analytical solution<br />

for energy transfer efficiencies in a random distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors in a bidimensional space,<br />

<br />

<br />

‘<br />

E ¼ 1 ÿ + ÿp 3 G 2 j G j <br />

3 R 2 0<br />

j¼0 3<br />

3 n 3 1 1<br />

2 3 ;<br />

j!<br />

(10)<br />

where R 0 is the Förster radius, G is the complete gamma<br />

function, and n 2 is the acceptor numerical density (number <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors per unit area).<br />

The Förster radius is given by<br />

R 0 ¼ 0:2108 3 ðJ 3 k 2 3 n ÿ4 3 f D Þ 1=6 ; (11)<br />

where J is the spectral overlap integral, k 2 is the orientation<br />

factor, n is the refractive index <strong>of</strong> the medium, and f D is the<br />

donor quantum yield. J is calculated from<br />

ð<br />

J ¼ f ðlÞ 3 eðlÞ 3 l 4 3 dl; (12)<br />

where f(l) is the normalized emission spectra <strong>of</strong> the donor<br />

and e(l) is the absorption spectra <strong>of</strong> the acceptor. If the<br />

l-units in Eq. 12 are nm, the calculated R 0 in Eq. 11 has<br />

Å-units (Berberan-Santos and Prieto, 1987).<br />


The M13 coat protein is known to form large irreversible<br />

aggregates under specific conditions. These aggregates are<br />

not found in vivo, and therefore are regarded as an artifact<br />

(Hemminga et al., 1993). Due to their large percentage <strong>of</strong><br />

b-sheet conformation, they can be detected by CD spectroscopy.<br />

Both the wild-type and labeled mutant protein<br />

conformation were checked by CD spectroscopy in all lipid<br />

systems used, and all spectra obtained were typical for<br />

a-helices (data not shown), indicating the absence <strong>of</strong> significant<br />

b-sheet protein conformation.<br />

The fluorescence decay <strong>of</strong> BODIPY in the labeled mutant<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> incorporated in DOPC, DMoPC/DOPC, DEuPC/<br />

DOPC, DMoPC, and DEuPC bilayers was described by two<br />

components t 1 ¼ 6.23 ns (a 1 ¼ 0.9) and t 2 ¼ 3.27 ns, which<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

2434 Fernandes et al.<br />

leads to an average lifetime <strong>of</strong> ht 0 i¼6.1 ns (Eq. 2), as measured<br />

in samples <strong>with</strong> [BD-M13 coat protein] eff \10 ÿ3 M<br />

(BODIPY-labeled protein effective <strong>membrane</strong> concentration).<br />

For the determination <strong>of</strong> protein effective concentration<br />

in the <strong>membrane</strong>s, the lipid molar volumes were calculated<br />

from the reported lipid areas (72 Å 2 ) and <strong>membrane</strong> thicknesses<br />

(Tristam-Nagle et al., 1998; Lewis and Engelman,<br />

1983).<br />

Considering a random protein distribution in the bilayers,<br />

and fitting Eq. 4 to the experimental average lifetimes, linear<br />

Stern-Volmer plots are obtained (Fig. 1) and k q values are<br />

recovered (Table 1).<br />

The fluorescence steady-state quenching pr<strong>of</strong>iles for BD-<br />

M13 coat protein in DOPC, DMoPC/DOPC, DEuPC/DOPC,<br />

DMoPC, and DEuPC are presented in Fig. 2. This data can<br />

be fitted to Eq. 6 using the already-obtained k q -values to<br />

retrieve the fluorescence quenching contribution <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action effect (Table 1).<br />

Many <strong>studies</strong> on protein and peptide aggregation make<br />

use <strong>of</strong> fluorophore spectral changes induced by ground or<br />

excited state dimer formation (Otoda et al., 1993; Liu et al.,<br />

1998; Melnyk et al., 2002; Shigematsu et al., 2002). Recently,<br />

under restricted geometry, BODIPY was shown to<br />

form ground-state dimers in two different conformations (D j<br />

and D k ), <strong>with</strong> distinct spectroscopic properties from the<br />

monomer. The D j BODIPY dimer (parallel transition dipoles)<br />

is characterized by a strong excitation peak at 477 nm<br />

and a null quantum yield. The D k dimer (planar transition<br />

dipoles) exhibits an absorption peak at 570 nm and a broad<br />

fluorescence emission band centered at 630 nm (Bergström<br />

et al., 2001). In our BODIPY-derivatized protein none <strong>of</strong> the<br />

spectral properties assigned to the D j and D k dimers are<br />

observed, and both the excitation and fluorescence emission<br />

spectra obtained for the samples <strong>with</strong> higher concentration <strong>of</strong><br />

TABLE 1<br />

Systems k q /(10 9 M ÿ1 s ÿ1 ) D/(10 ÿ7 cm 2 s ÿ1 ) R s (Å)<br />

T36C in DOPC 2.3 0.7 14<br />

A35C in DOPC 1.7 0.4 14<br />

A35C in DMoPC 2.6 0.8 23<br />

A35C in DEuPC 5.0 2.6 27<br />

T36C in DMoPC/DOPC 6.6 4.2 14<br />

T36C in DEuPC/DOPC 20 22 14<br />

Bimolecular diffusion rate constants (k q ), diffusion coefficients (D), and<br />

apparent sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radii (R s ) recovered from BODIPY fluorescence<br />

emission self-quenching from BODIPY-labeled T36C and A35C mutants.<br />

Values <strong>of</strong> R s [ 14 Å are evidence <strong>of</strong> molecular aggregation (see text for<br />

details).<br />

BODIPY-labeled protein were that expected for BODIPY<br />

monomers and identical in all lipid systems (Fig. 3).<br />

The donor-acceptor pair chosen for the energy transfer<br />

study shows a wide overlap <strong>of</strong> donor (AEDANS) fluorescence<br />

emission and acceptor (BODIPY) absorption (Fig. 3).<br />

Energy transfer <strong>studies</strong> were performed for the labeled<br />

protein incorporated in DOPC, DOPC/DOPG (80/20 mol/<br />

mol), DOPE/DOPG (70/30 mol/mol), DEuPC/DOPC (60/40<br />

mol/mol), and DMoPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol). It was intended<br />

to study the influence <strong>of</strong> electrostatic interactions,<br />

hydrophobic mismatch, and the presence <strong>of</strong> nonlamellar<br />

lipids in the aggregational and compartmentalization properties<br />

<strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein. Due to the nonlamellar<br />

character <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylethanolamines, it was necessary to<br />

include a fraction <strong>of</strong> lamellar lipids (PG) in the lipid mixture<br />

for bilayer stabilization.<br />

The fluorescence emission spectra <strong>of</strong> the T36C mutant<br />

labeled <strong>with</strong> IAEDANS and reconstituted in these lipid<br />

systems were identical in the DOPC, DOPC/DOPG, DOPE/<br />

DOPG, DEuPC/DOPC, and DMoPC/DOPC lipid systems<br />

FIGURE 1 Transient state Stern-Volmer plots, describing BODIPY fluorescence self-quenching at different labeled protein concentrations. The lines are fits<br />

<strong>of</strong> Eq. 4 to the data. (A) Labeled protein incorporated in DOPC (m); DMoPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) (); and DEuPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) (d). (B) Labeled<br />

protein incorporated in DMoPC (n); DEuPC (n); and Stern-Volmer fit to DOPC data (see A) (- - -). The BODIPY-labeled mutant used in the DMoPC and<br />

DEuPC lipid systems was A35C, and for the other three lipid compositions the mutant used was T36C.<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

M13 Coat Protein Lateral Distribution 2435<br />

FIGURE 2 Fluorescence steady-state data for BODIPY fluorescence self-quenching at different labeled protein concentrations. (A) Protein incorporated in<br />

DOPC (m); DMoPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) (); and DEuPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) (d). Eq. 6 is fitted to the data on the basis <strong>of</strong> dynamical quenching and<br />

a sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action quenching model (14.4 Å <strong>of</strong> radius) (—) for the protein in all lipid systems. (B) Protein incorporated in DOPC (m); DMoPC (); and DEuPC<br />

(). Eq. 6 fit <strong>of</strong> data from DOPC bilayers using a sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radii <strong>of</strong> 14 Å (–), from DEuPC bilayers <strong>with</strong> a sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radii <strong>of</strong> 27 Å (- - -), and from<br />

DMoPC bilayers using a sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action <strong>of</strong> 23 Å (–). These higher values are evidence <strong>of</strong> aggregation. See text for details.<br />

(results not shown), their wavelength <strong>of</strong> maximum fluorescence<br />

emission (477 nm) being characteristic <strong>of</strong> a very apolar<br />

environment (Hudson and Weber, 1973) and very similar to<br />

the one obtained by Spruijt and co-workers for the same<br />

mutant (478 nm; Spruijt et al., 2000). The wavelengths <strong>of</strong><br />

maximum emission for the IAEDANS-labeled protein in<br />

DMoPC and DEuPC were slightly different, 478 nm and 475<br />

nm, respectively.<br />

Donor fluorescence intensities (I D and I DA in Eq. 9)<br />

obtained by steady-state measurements and by integrated<br />

donor decays were identical. The IAEDANS-labeled protein<br />

quantum yield determined by us was f ¼ 0.64. Using Eqs.<br />

11 and 12, assuming k 2 ¼ 2/3 (the isotropic dynamic limit)<br />

and n ¼ 1.4 (Davenport et al., 1985), we obtain R 0 ¼ 48.8 Å<br />

FIGURE 3 Corrected excitation spectra <strong>of</strong> IAEDANS-labeled protein<br />

(—), and <strong>of</strong> BD-M13 coat protein (- - -). Corrected emission spectra <strong>of</strong><br />

IAEDANS-labeled protein (–), and <strong>of</strong> BD-M13 coat protein (- --).<br />

for this FRET pair. The value k 2 ¼ 2/3 was considered<br />

because for fluorophores in the center <strong>of</strong> a fluid bilayer, the<br />

rotational freedom should be sufficiently high to randomize<br />

orientations. This is supported by the reasonably low steadystate<br />

anisotropy values obtained for the IAEDANS and<br />

BODIPY probes labeled on the T36C M13 coat protein<br />

mutant (hri AEDANS ¼ 0.14, hri BODIPY ¼ 0.23; for a detailed<br />

discussion, see Loura et al., 1996).<br />

The results for BD-M13 coat protein in DOPC, DOPC/<br />


bilayers are presented in Fig. 4.<br />


For <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> incorporated in lipid bilayers, the<br />

net tendency for protein aggregation should be weaker<br />

under good lipid-protein hydrophobic matching conditions<br />

(Mouritsen and Bloom, 1984). As the hydrophobic a-helix<br />

<strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein is composed by 20 amino-acid<br />

residues, its length is ;30 Å. The lipids used in this work,<br />

<strong>with</strong> the exception <strong>of</strong> DMoPC (21 Å) and DEuPC (35 Å),<br />

form bilayers <strong>with</strong> almost the same hydrophobic thickness<br />

(28 Å) (Lewis and Engelman, 1983). Therefore, the oligomerization<br />

properties <strong>of</strong> the M13 major coat protein in<br />

DMoPC and DEuPC should differ from those in the hydrophobically<br />

matching phospholipid DOPC.<br />

The conditions <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatch considered in<br />

this study do not seem to be able to induce any protein<br />

conformational change, as checked by CD spectroscopy in<br />

both lipid systems (no spectral change found). The absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> b-sheet conformation for the M13 coat protein implies no<br />

irreversible aggregation in the bilayer, and consequently any<br />

self-association observed should be due to reversible interactions<br />

between the a-helices.<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

2436 Fernandes et al.<br />

FIGURE 4 (A) Donor (AEDANS) fluorescence quenching by energy transfer acceptor (BODIPY). Experimental data for DOPC (m); DOPC/DOPG (80/20<br />

mol/mol) (d); and DOPE/DOPG bilayers (70/30 mol/mol) (). Theoretical expectation (Eq. 10) for energy transfer in a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (—).<br />

Energy transfer simulation for a total co-localization <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein in 20% (- - -), and 30% (— - —) <strong>of</strong> the surface area available. (B) Donor (AEDANS)<br />

fluorescence quenching by energy transfer acceptor (BODIPY). Theoretical expectation for energy transfer in a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (—). Energy<br />

transfer simulation for a segregation <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein (mcp) to 60% <strong>of</strong> the surface area available (- - -). Experimental data for DEuPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/<br />

mol) (d); experimental data for DMoPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) (). I DA and I D were obtained by integration <strong>of</strong> donor decays.<br />

The monitoring <strong>of</strong> IAEDANS maximum fluorescence<br />

emission (l max ) <strong>of</strong> the labeled mutant also rules out any<br />

change in conformation or exclusion from the bilayer <strong>of</strong> the<br />

M13 coat protein when incorporated in hydrophobically<br />

mismatching phospholipid, for the IAEDANS l max in these<br />

samples (475–478 nm) are almost identical to that observed<br />

<strong>with</strong> DOPC and the other hydrophobic matching phospholipids,<br />

and are typical for the fluorophore located near the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (Spruijt et al., 2000).<br />

Although BODIPY fluorescence decay is essentially<br />

monoexponential, the complex decay we obtained (dominated<br />

by a component <strong>of</strong> 6.3 ns) is also reported for derivatized<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> (Karolin et al., 1994).<br />

The BODIPY fluorescence emission self-quenching<br />

<strong>studies</strong> were performed <strong>with</strong> two different mutants. For the<br />

lipid mixtures T36C was used, and the A35C mutant was<br />

employed in the <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> pure mismatching lipid. As a<br />

control, the experiments were performed for both mutants in<br />

pure DOPC bilayers and the results were identical (Table 1).<br />

The bimolecular quenching constants calculated from the<br />

self-quenching results for BD-M13 coat protein incorporated<br />

in DOPC, DMoPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) DEuPC/DOPC<br />

(60/40 mol/mol), DEuPC, and DMoPC allow the estimation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the labeled protein molecular diffusion coefficient through<br />

Eq. 5. Considering for BODIPY a collisional radius <strong>of</strong> 6 Å,<br />

we obtain for D BD-M13 coat protein in DOPC bilayers a value <strong>of</strong><br />

7.0 3 10 ÿ8 cm 2 s ÿ1 , which is the same order <strong>of</strong> magnitude <strong>of</strong><br />

the values <strong>of</strong> D for the M13 coat protein incorporated in fluid<br />

bilayers reported in the literature (Smith et al., 1979, 1980).<br />

However, for the lipid mixtures in which the predominant<br />

lipid does not hydrophobically match <strong>with</strong> the hydrophobic<br />

core <strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein, the values obtained for D are<br />

unreasonably high. For the DMoPC/DOPC bilayers, a value<br />

<strong>of</strong> 4.2 3 10 ÿ7 cm 2 s ÿ1 is obtained, whereas in DEuPC/<br />

DOPC it is even higher (2.2 3 10 ÿ6 cm 2 s ÿ1 ). If D BD-M13 coat<br />

protein in pure vesicles <strong>of</strong> DOPC is considered to report a<br />

random distribution in the bilayer, the values in these mixtures<br />

are likely to be reporting protein segregation effects in<br />

the bilayer. We believe that this is caused by the hydrophobic<br />

mismatch constraints the protein finds when incorporated in<br />

bilayers that have too-long, or too-short phospholipids in<br />

their composition, probably leading to formation <strong>of</strong> localized<br />

areas <strong>with</strong> increased content <strong>of</strong> DOPC and protein. In this<br />

way, the effective apparent concentration in Eq. 4, should be<br />

higher than the one assumed on the basis <strong>of</strong> a random distribution,<br />

leading to an overestimation <strong>of</strong> k q , and so <strong>of</strong> D.<br />

However, the increase in local protein concentration arising<br />

from this effect would still be insufficient to explain the one<br />

order-<strong>of</strong>-magnitude increase <strong>of</strong> D from pure DOPC bilayers<br />

to the studied DEuPC/DOPC mixture (see below for further<br />

discussion).<br />

This rationalization is supported by D values obtained<br />

from BODIPY labeled protein in the pure mismatching lipid<br />

DMoPC and DEuPC (Table 1). These values are smaller than<br />

the ones obtained from the mixtures, and the diffusion<br />

coefficient in pure DMoPC is almost identical to the value in<br />

pure DOPC. For pure vesicles <strong>of</strong> DEuPC, D BD-M13 coat protein<br />

is larger than in DOPC, but it is still much smaller than the<br />

value obtained from the DEuPC/DOPC mixture. The results<br />

from dynamical self-quenching indicate therefore that although<br />

in pure vesicles <strong>of</strong> DEuPC there are already more<br />

collisions between BODIPY groups than what could be<br />

expected from a random distribution <strong>of</strong> labeled protein in the<br />

bilayer (probably due to aggregation), when DOPC is added<br />

the probability <strong>of</strong> collision greatly increases, and this can in<br />

part be explained in terms <strong>of</strong> protein segregation to DOPC-<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

M13 Coat Protein Lateral Distribution 2437<br />

FIGURE 5 Fluorescence steady-state data for BODIPY fluorescence selfquenching<br />

at different labeled protein concentrations. (A) Protein incorporated<br />

in DOPC (m) and simulations considering protein oligomerization<br />

including static quenching: due to trimerization <strong>of</strong> the protein <strong>with</strong> a K a<br />

¼ 1000 ( 10% total mcp oligomerization) (—); due to dimerization <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein <strong>with</strong> a K a ¼ 10 ( 25% total mcp oligomerization) (- - -). (B) Protein<br />

incorporated in DMoPC () and simulations for dimerization <strong>of</strong> protein <strong>with</strong><br />

a K a ¼ 20 ( 13% total mcp oligomerization for the most concentrated data<br />

point) (- - -) and trimerization <strong>of</strong> the protein <strong>with</strong> a K a ¼ 1300 ( 13% total<br />

mcp oligomerization for the most concentrated data point) (—). (C) Protein<br />

incorporated in DEuPC (d) and simulations for dimerization <strong>of</strong> protein <strong>with</strong><br />

a K a ¼ 30 ( 17% total mcp oligomerization for the most concentrated data<br />

enriched microdomains. In DMoPC/DOPC the effect is<br />

similar, but the bimolecular quenching constant is smaller<br />

than in DEuPC/DOPC.<br />

In Fig. 2, the obtained steady-state quenching pr<strong>of</strong>iles are<br />

presented together <strong>with</strong> the theoretical expectation for a<br />

sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action quenching model (Eq. 6). For the BODIPYlabeled<br />

protein in the DOPC-containing lipid systems<br />

(DOPC, DMoPC/DOPC, and DEuPC/DOPC) the results<br />

are well described using a sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radius <strong>of</strong> 14 Å.<br />

For the pure mismatching lipids it is necessary to use larger<br />

radii to describe the results using Eq. 6.<br />

In Fig. 5, a simulation was included for a small degree <strong>of</strong><br />

protein aggregation in DOPC, DMoPC, and DEuPC<br />

bilayers. In these simulations it was considered that, due to<br />

the small degree <strong>of</strong> self-association considered, there was no<br />

change in M13 coat protein distribution and dynamics, and<br />

that in an oligomer, the fluorescence intensity <strong>of</strong> a BODIPY<br />

group is reduced to zero by the presence <strong>of</strong> another BODIPY<br />

group in the same aggregate. For DOPC bilayers, the<br />

prediction using a low fraction <strong>of</strong> aggregation (25% for<br />

dimerization and 10% for trimerization) clearly overestimates<br />

the extent <strong>of</strong> aggregation at the high labeled protein<br />

concentration, the range where this methodology is more<br />

sensitive. In agreement, from Fig. 2, it is clear that the data<br />

for the three DOPC-containing lipid systems are rationalized<br />

on the basis <strong>of</strong> dynamic quenching and a sphere <strong>of</strong> action,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out need for assumption <strong>of</strong> aggregation. The recovered<br />

radius (R s ¼ 14 Å) is close to the sum <strong>of</strong> the Van der Waals<br />

radii. These results indicate that BD-M13 coat protein in the<br />

studied DOPC-containing bilayers does not oligomerize.<br />

This conclusion is further supported by the absence <strong>of</strong><br />

BODIPY dimers in our samples, which would be revealed in<br />

the absorption/emission spectra.<br />

It could be possible that in a labeled protein oligomer,<br />

there is no contact between the BODIPY groups, and<br />

therefore the formation <strong>of</strong> oligomers would not necessarily<br />

induce fluorescence self-quenching. Some mutational <strong>studies</strong><br />

actually include the Thr36 residue in a lipid-interactive<br />

face <strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein.<br />

The M13 coat protein amino acids in this lipid-interactive<br />

face would only have contact <strong>with</strong> the phospholipid acyl<br />

chains inside the bilayer, and would be excluded from the<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain face involved in protein-protein interactions,<br />

where the amino acids responsible for the affinity<br />

<strong>of</strong> identical trans<strong>membrane</strong> segments are located (Deber<br />

et al., 1993; Webster and Haigh, 1998). That positioning <strong>of</strong><br />

the mutated Cys36 residue would make the contact between<br />

BODIPY groups from labeled <strong>proteins</strong> participating in an<br />

oligomer unlikely, and therefore exclude the formation <strong>of</strong><br />

‘‘dark’’ (nonfluorescent) dimers. Localization <strong>of</strong> the BOD-<br />

IPY group on the lipid-interactive face <strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

point) (- - -) and trimerization <strong>of</strong> the protein <strong>with</strong> a K a ¼ 7500 ( 25% total<br />

mcp oligomerization for the most concentrated data point) (—). See text for<br />

details on the simulations.<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

2438 Fernandes et al.<br />

section <strong>of</strong> the protein can be seen as an advantage, inasmuch<br />

as the mutation <strong>of</strong> an amino-acid residue to cysteine after the<br />

labeling <strong>with</strong> fluorophore, at the protein-protein interactive<br />

face, could cause dramatic changes in the oligomerization<br />

behavior <strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein. The T36C mutant labeled<br />

<strong>with</strong> BODIPY could be seen, for that reason, as a more ideal<br />

model for wild-type protein aggregation <strong>studies</strong> than the<br />

M13 coat protein mutant A35C, in which the mutated aminoacid<br />

residue is located in the protein-interactive face <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hydrophobic core domain. However, as can be concluded<br />

from the results obtained for both mutants labeled <strong>with</strong><br />

BODIPY in DOPC (Table 1), the positioning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

BODIPY group is not critical. Probably the fluorophore<br />

has sufficient mobility to extend from the surface <strong>of</strong> the<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> helix and probe a large extent <strong>of</strong> the area<br />

surrounding the protein.<br />

The BODIPY self-quenching results obtained in the present<br />

study clearly indicate that there is no protein aggregation<br />

in presence <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic matching phospholipids for all<br />

hydrophobic headgroup compositions used, and points to<br />

a large monomer stability under those conditions, which had<br />

already been suggested in other <strong>studies</strong> (Stopar et al., 1997;<br />

Spruijt et al., 1989; Sanders et al., 1991).<br />

Still, the results from self-quenching on pure bilayers<br />

<strong>of</strong> hydrophobic mismatching lipids (DEuPC and DMoPC)<br />

point to some aggregation, as the sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radii<br />

recovered from the data fit to Eq. 6 were very unrealistic<br />

(27 and 23 Å for DEuPC and DMoPC, respectively).<br />

Simulations for BODIPY emission self-quenching due to<br />

aggregation are compared <strong>with</strong> the experimental data in these<br />

lipid systems in Fig. 5. DMoPC data could be reasonably<br />

described using a K a ¼ 20 for dimerization and a K a ¼ 1300<br />

for trimerization (13% <strong>of</strong> aggregated protein at the protein<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> the most concentrated data point in both<br />

simulations).<br />

For the data obtained in DEuPC, the degree <strong>of</strong> aggregation<br />

is higher than in DMoPC (recovered sphere-<strong>of</strong>-action radius<br />

on fit to Eq. 6 was larger), and the fitting <strong>of</strong> the aggregation<br />

models to the data points proved more difficult. Probably the<br />

M13 major coat protein in DEuPC bilayers forms somewhat<br />

larger aggregates than in DMoPC and that could be an explanation<br />

for the increased BODIPY dynamical self-quenching<br />

observed in the longer lipid. This result is in agreement<br />

<strong>with</strong> the observations <strong>of</strong> Meijer et al. (2001), who, from electron<br />

spin resonance <strong>studies</strong>, reported that the protein appeared<br />

to exist in several orientations/conformations or in an aggregated<br />

form while incorporated in DEuPC bilayers. The larger<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> coat protein aggregation observed in the longer<br />

lipid bilayers can be explained by the fact that negative hydrophobic<br />

mismatch is considered to be energetically less<br />

favorable than positive mismatch (Killian, 1998; Mall et al.,<br />

2001).<br />

As mentioned above, for the DEuPC/DOPC and DMoPC/<br />

DOPC lipid mixtures used in the present study, no change in<br />

conformation or orientation was found (CD spectroscopy/<br />

AEDANS fluorescence emission spectra), and even for the<br />

protein in DEuPC/DOPC (60/40 mol/mol) no aggregation<br />

was detected (BODIPY self-quenching). These results point<br />

to stabilization <strong>of</strong> the protein by the hydrophobic matching<br />

phospholipid (DOPC), which was probably achieved by<br />

protein segregation to domains enriched in that phospholipid,<br />

partly explaining the high M13 coat protein apparent<br />

molecular diffusion coefficients obtained for the protein<br />

incorporated in DEuPC/DOPC and DMoPC/DOPC bilayers.<br />

Although an increase in BODIPY emission dynamical selfquenching<br />

was already visible for pure DEuPC bilayers<br />

(probably due to the large dimensions <strong>of</strong> the aggregates,<br />

which will have a similar effect as the segregation <strong>of</strong> protein<br />

to microdomains on inducing co-localization <strong>of</strong> protein in<br />

the bilayer), the bimolecular diffusion rate constant value in<br />

DEuPC/DOPC bilayers is much higher, and still, this can<br />

only be explained by segregation to DOPC-enriched microdomains.<br />

Being that M13 coat protein preferably locates in DOPCenriched<br />

domains, an interesting question is whether these<br />

domains are induced by the protein or exist even in the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> protein (and the latter merely distributes differently<br />

among the pre-existing DOPC-rich and DOPC-poor<br />

regions). In this regard we obtained preliminary results <strong>of</strong><br />

1,6-diphenylhexatriene fluorescence anisotropy upon varying<br />

compositions for both DMoPC/DOPC and DEuPC/<br />

DOPC mixtures in the absence <strong>of</strong> protein (data not shown),<br />

pointing to the existence <strong>of</strong> ‘‘phase coexistence regions’’<br />

containing the compositions studied in this work. This<br />

experiment is not informative regarding the extent <strong>of</strong> phase<br />

separation, but it is compatible <strong>with</strong> the existence <strong>of</strong> small<br />

lipid clusters enriched in one <strong>of</strong> the components, because<br />

fluorescence anisotropy only senses the immediate vicinity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fluorophore. Regarding the DEuPC/DOPC mixtures,<br />

these measurements imply that for 60:40 (mol/mol) DEuPC/<br />

DOPC, DEuPC-rich domains should coexist <strong>with</strong> DOPCrich<br />

domains, and the latter should account for approximately<br />

one-third <strong>of</strong> the mixture (not shown). From this<br />

result, we could expect at most a threefold increase in protein<br />

local concentration for this mixture, and an identical factor<br />

for the increase <strong>of</strong> the recovered k q value relative to that in<br />

DOPC. As seen in Table 1, this factor is significantly higher.<br />

This suggests that whereas protein segregation into DOPCrich<br />

domains should be occurring, it is not the sole cause for<br />

the increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient in 60:40<br />

(mol/mol) DEuPC/DOPC. In this regard the other contributing<br />

factors are not clear. It should be pointed out, however,<br />

that the estimate presented above for the fraction <strong>of</strong> DOPCrich<br />

domains was made from experiments performed in<br />

the absence <strong>of</strong> protein, whereas the quenching results refer to<br />

L/P ¼ 50.<br />

The centered position <strong>of</strong> BODIPY in the bilayer allows for<br />

a simplification <strong>of</strong> the energy transfer analysis for a twodimensional<br />

situation, as described by Eq. 10, i.e., there is no<br />

need to consider bilayer FRET geometry (Loura et al., 2001).<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

M13 Coat Protein Lateral Distribution 2439<br />

Simulations <strong>of</strong> energy transfer for random distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors using Eq. 10 can therefore be compared <strong>with</strong> our<br />

experimental results (Fig. 4). The energy transfer efficiencies<br />

obtained for BD-M13 coat protein in the DMoPC/DOPC and<br />

DEuPC/DOPC bilayers support the other results discussed<br />

above for these mixtures, as they can only be explained by<br />

protein segregation in the bilayer or severe aggregation (Fig.<br />

4 B). However, as discussed above, the data obtained by<br />

fluorescence emission self-quenching indicate that segregation<br />

into DOPC-enriched domains (rather than aggregation)<br />

is the major phenomenon in these lipid mixtures.<br />

Although the results can be reasonably explained on the<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> protein segregation to 60% <strong>of</strong> the total bilayer area<br />

(Fig. 5 B), this rationalization should be considered an oversimplification,<br />

and is presented as an illustration. Indeed, the<br />

measured efficiencies are only reporting the average BD-<br />

M13 coat protein surface density that each IAEDANSlabeled<br />

protein is sensing. Probably there will be M13 coat<br />

protein interacting <strong>with</strong> the hydrophobically mismatching<br />

phospholipids, but the majority <strong>of</strong> the <strong>proteins</strong> will be<br />

preferentially surrounded by DOPC, and microdomains<br />

enriched in DOPC and M13 coat protein should be formed.<br />

The lipid mixtures used in this work for hydrophobic<br />

matching <strong>studies</strong> (DMoPC/DOPC and DEuPC/DOPC) are<br />

thought to be considerably closer to ideality than the ones<br />

used in the <strong>studies</strong> <strong>of</strong> Dumas and co-workers (gel/fluid<br />

coexistence; Dumas et al., 1997) and Lehtonen and Kinunnen<br />

(natural and pyrene-derivatized lipids; Lehtonen and<br />

Kununnen, 1997). However, protein segregation was observed<br />

in our study for both DMoPC/DOPC and DEuPC/<br />

DOPC, whereas in DOPC random distribution <strong>of</strong> protein<br />

in the bilayer was confirmed. Also interestingly, the degree<br />

<strong>of</strong> segregation appears to be similar for both mixtures (Fig.<br />

5 B), which was not expected due to the observed larger<br />

aggregation degree <strong>of</strong> coat protein in DEuPC, and therefore<br />

to an apparent larger packing difficulty <strong>with</strong> the longer<br />

lipid.<br />

The formation <strong>of</strong> local structure <strong>with</strong>in the thermodynamic<br />

fluid phase for a mixture <strong>of</strong> two PCs <strong>with</strong> a 4-carbon<br />

difference in acyl-chain lengths (DMPC/DSPC) was theoretically<br />

predicted by Mouritsen and Jørgensen (1994). The<br />

microdomains size in the Monte Carlo configurations<br />

obtained by these authors appears to be very small (10–20<br />

molecules at most). However, significant alterations in FRET<br />

efficiency as measured by Lehtonen et al. (1996) in mixtures<br />

<strong>of</strong> unsaturated PCs, and indeed our study <strong>of</strong> FRET between<br />

IAEDANS-labeled protein and BODIPY-labeled protein,<br />

require that the domain size should be <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong> magnitude<br />

<strong>of</strong> R 0 , that is ffi5 nm. In our system, this large domain<br />

size might be a consequence <strong>of</strong> protein-induced phase separation.<br />

In this work we also studied whether similar heterogeneities<br />

could be induced by the presence <strong>of</strong> positively<br />

charged M13 coat protein in bilayers composed <strong>of</strong> mixtures<br />

<strong>of</strong> anionic and neutral phospholipids. Due to the basic character<br />

<strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein C-terminal, it is reasonable to<br />

consider the possibility <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipid-enriched<br />

domain induction by M13 coat protein incorporation in the<br />

bilayer. The formation <strong>of</strong> these domains could actually help<br />

explain some <strong>of</strong> the mechanisms involved in the creation <strong>of</strong><br />

the phage assembly site.<br />

Assuming that the hypothetical domains were composed<br />

by all the protein and DOPG content in the sample, and<br />

that the protein would be randomly distributed inside them,<br />

we can, using Eq. 10, obtain theoretical curves describing<br />

the energy transfer <strong>with</strong>in these domains. These plots are<br />

compared <strong>with</strong> the experimental data points for M13 coat<br />

protein incorporated in DOPC/DOPG (80/20 mol/mol) and<br />

DOPE/DOPG (70:30 mol/mol) in Fig. 5 A.<br />

It is concluded that the segregation <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein to<br />

a PG-rich phase in the mixed systems, induced by electrostatic<br />

interactions between the positively charged protein and<br />

the negatively charged phospholipid, is ruled out on the basis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the obtained data, for this process would lead locally to<br />

greater surface densities <strong>of</strong> acceptor, and therefore, a very<br />

significant increase <strong>of</strong> energy transfer efficiencies should be<br />

expected in these conditions.<br />

In addition to being the predominant phospholipids <strong>of</strong> the<br />

E. coli inner <strong>membrane</strong> (Woolford et al., 1974; Burnell et al.,<br />

1980), nonlamellar phospholipids (such as DOPE) are<br />

known to interact distinctly from lamellar lipids <strong>with</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>,<br />

and in some cases to influence their conformation and<br />

activity (Hunter et al., 1999; Ahn and Kim, 1998). Our<br />

results suggest that these phospholipids have apparently no<br />

effect on the lateral distribution (Fig. 4 A) <strong>of</strong> the protein,<br />

which is kept random at the total protein concentration used.<br />

Higher protein concentrations than L/P 50 were not tested<br />

due to the risk <strong>of</strong> inducing nonlamellar phases, but it is likely<br />

that at smaller L/P ratios than those used in this work<br />

attractive interactions between monomers <strong>of</strong> M13 coat<br />

protein could take place, especially as we have two protein<br />

orientations in these reconstituted systems (parallel/antiparallel),<br />

and the repulsive electrostatic forces between the<br />

heavily basic C-terminal <strong>of</strong> the protein would be eliminated.<br />

In vivo, as there is only one orientation, the achievement <strong>of</strong><br />

high protein concentrations in the monomeric state at the<br />

assembly site would be more favorable (Hemminga et al.,<br />

1993). The presence <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids, as shown, is<br />

not essential for monomer stabilization, and the increase<br />

in phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin production during<br />

virus infection (Chamberlain et al., 1978) should only play<br />

a stabilizing role at the very high M13 coat protein concentrations<br />

that are expected to exist at the phage assembly site.<br />


From this study, it is concluded that the M13 coat protein<br />

monomeric state is highly stable when incorporated in<br />

bilayers containing hydrophobic matching phospholipids.<br />

The lack <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids has no effect on the pro-<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441

2440 Fernandes et al.<br />

tein oligomerization properties at the protein concentrations<br />

used in this study. When the protein is incorporated in pure<br />

vesicles <strong>of</strong> mismatching lipid there is evidence for protein<br />

aggregation but for mixtures <strong>of</strong> lipids containing<br />

both hydrophobically matching (DOPC) and mismatching<br />

(DEuPC or DMoPC) phospholipids, the protein probably<br />

segregates to domains enriched in DOPC, which can explain<br />

the stability <strong>of</strong> the monomeric species <strong>of</strong> the protein in these<br />

lipid systems. This segregation effect is only observed when<br />

hydrophobic mismatching phospholipids are present, suggesting<br />

that the hydrophobic matching conditions on the<br />

protein-lipid interface are more important than electrostatic<br />

interactions between the M13 coat protein and the<br />

phospholipids, for the protein lateral distribution on the<br />

bilayer.<br />

The authors thank Dr. A. Fedorov for assistance in the time-resolved<br />

measurements.<br />

F.F. acknowledges financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia (FCT), project POCTI/36458/QUI/2000 and COST Action<br />

D:22; L.M.S.L. and M.P. acknowledge financial support from FCT,<br />

projects POCTI/36458/QUI/2000 and POCTI/36389/FCB/2000.<br />


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<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 85(4) 2430–2441







344 <strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal Volume 87 July 2004 344–352<br />

Quantification <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity using FRET: Application<br />

to the M13 Major Coat Protein<br />

Fábio Fernandes,* Luís M.S.Loura,* y Rob Koehorst, z Ruud B. Spruijt, z Marcus A. Hemminga, z<br />

Alexander Fedorov,* and Manuel Prieto*<br />

*Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; y Departamento de Química,<br />

Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal; and z Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Biophysics, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands<br />

ABSTRACT Quantification <strong>of</strong> lipid selectivity by <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> has been previously addressed mainly from electron spin<br />

resonance <strong>studies</strong>. We present here a new methodology for quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity based on fluorescence<br />

resonance energy transfer. A mutant <strong>of</strong> M13 major coat protein was labeled <strong>with</strong> 7-diethylamino-3((4#iodoacetyl)amino)phenyl-<br />

4-methylcoumarin to be used as the donor in energy transfer <strong>studies</strong>. Phospholipids labeled <strong>with</strong> N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-<br />

benzoxadiazol-4-yl) were selected as the acceptors. The dependence <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity on both hydrophobic mismatch<br />

and headgroup family was determined. M13 major coat protein exhibited larger selectivity toward phospholipids which allow for<br />

a better hydrophobic matching. Increased selectivity was also observed for anionic phospholipids and the relative association<br />

constants agreed <strong>with</strong> the ones already presented in the literature and obtained through electron spin resonance <strong>studies</strong>. This<br />

result led us to conclude that fluorescence resonance energy transfer is a promising methodology in protein-lipid selectivity<br />

<strong>studies</strong>.<br />


For integral <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>, the interaction <strong>with</strong> lipids is<br />

dependent, among other factors, on the hydrophobic segments<br />

and interface properties <strong>of</strong> both lipids and protein.<br />

Minimal bilayer perturbation is achieved when the hydrophobic<br />

length <strong>of</strong> the protein matches that <strong>of</strong> the surrounding<br />

lipid (Mouritsen and Bloom, 1984). Deviations from perfect<br />

hydrophobic matching at the protein-lipid interface create<br />

a tension arising from the exposure <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic residues<br />

or acyl-chains to the hydrophilic medium. It is considered<br />

that the protein-lipid system adapts to hydrophobic mismatch<br />

conditions through several alternative and nonexclusive<br />

strategies such as ordering or disordering <strong>of</strong> perturbed<br />

phospholipids (change in bilayer thickness), lipid phase<br />

transition to nonlamellar phases, protein oligomerization/<br />

aggregation (minimization <strong>of</strong> interface area), helices tilting<br />

or side-chain rotation <strong>of</strong> a helical terminal residue (reduction<br />

in effective hydrophobic length), change in protein orientation,<br />

and decrease in the bilayer partitioning <strong>of</strong> the protein<br />

(for reviews see Killian, 1998; Dumas et al., 1999).<br />

In the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> incorporated in lipid systems<br />

containing lipids <strong>with</strong> different electrostatic properties or<br />

hydrophobic lengths, selectivity to one lipid component at<br />

the protein-lipid interface or preferential phase partitioning<br />

(depending on the lipid miscibility) may occur (Dumas et al.,<br />

1997, Lehtonen and Kinnunen, 1997; Fahsel et al., 2002).<br />

In this study, we focused on the process <strong>of</strong> lipid selectivity<br />

at the protein-lipid interface. The problem <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid<br />

selectivity quantification has been addressed mainly from<br />

electron spin resonance (ESR) <strong>studies</strong> (see Marsh and<br />

Horváth, 1998, for a review) or other techniques which focus<br />

only on the protein-lipid interface, like tryptophan fluorescence<br />

quenching by brominated phospholipids (Everett et al.,<br />

1986; Williamson et al., 2002; O’Keeffe et al., 2000). The<br />

results obtained from ESR <strong>studies</strong> agree well <strong>with</strong> an annular<br />

model for protein-lipid selectivity, in which only the first<br />

shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around the integral protein, and in direct<br />

contact <strong>with</strong> it, is significantly disturbed by the protein<br />

incorporation in the bilayer (Lee, 2003; Marsh and Horváth,<br />

1998).<br />

ESR results report the fraction <strong>of</strong> motionally restricted<br />

lipids, whereas fluorescence collisional quenching depends<br />

on molecular contact. On the other hand, fluorescence<br />

resonance energy transfer (FRET) only depends on donoracceptor<br />

distances and is an alternative technique to quantify<br />

lipid selectivity. Gutierrez-Merino derived approximate<br />

analytical expressions for the average rate <strong>of</strong> FRET (hk T i)<br />

in <strong>membrane</strong>s undergoing phase separation or protein<br />

aggregation (Gutierrez-Merino, 1981a,b) and extended this<br />

formalism to the study <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity (Gutierrez-<br />

Merino et al., 1987). His model has proved to be useful to the<br />

study <strong>of</strong> the lipid annulus around the oligomeric acetylcholine<br />

receptor (Bonini et al., 2002; Antollini et al., 1996).<br />

However, there are some limitations to the model, namely,<br />

the simplification that underlies the formalism, which<br />

consists <strong>of</strong> considering resonance energy transfer (RET)<br />

only to neighboring acceptor molecules. On the other hand,<br />

<strong>with</strong> the experimental observable being the average RET<br />

efficiency given by<br />

Submitted January 21, 2004, and accepted for publication March 5, 2004.<br />

Address reprint requests to Luís M.S. Loura, Centro de Química-Física<br />

Molecular, Complexo I, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais,<br />

1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel.: 35-121-841-9219; Fax: 35-121-846-4455;<br />

E-mail: pclloura@alfa.ist.utl.pt.<br />

Ó 2004 by the <strong>Biophysical</strong> Society<br />

0006-3495/04/07/344/09 $2.00 doi: 10.1529/biophysj.104.040337

FRET Study <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity 345<br />

<br />

k T<br />

hEi ¼ ; (1)<br />

k T 1 k D<br />

where k D is the donor intrinsic decay rate coefficient, the<br />

relation <strong>with</strong> hk T i is not straightforward. It is proposed that if<br />

the setting <strong>of</strong> experimental conditions is such that hEi is low<br />

(namely, hk T i is much smaller than k D ), then hEi ffihk T i/k D<br />

(Gutierrez-Merino, 1981a). However, accurate low RET<br />

efficiencies are difficult to measure experimentally.<br />

In the present work a new FRET formalism for an annular<br />

model <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity is proposed, and used in the<br />

quantification <strong>of</strong> M13 major coat protein selectivity toward<br />

different phospholipids. M13 major coat protein is the main<br />

protein component <strong>of</strong> the filamentous bacteriophage M13<br />

<strong>with</strong> ;2800 copies. It contains a single hydrophobic trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segment <strong>of</strong> ;20 amino-acid residues, apart from<br />

an amphipathic N-terminal arm and a heavily basic<br />

C-terminus <strong>with</strong> a high density <strong>of</strong> lysines (for reviews see<br />

Stopar et al., 2003; Hemminga et al., 1993).<br />

The present study is separated in two sections. The first<br />

section focuses on the effect <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic length, and<br />

the selectivity <strong>of</strong> M13 toward 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-<br />

phosphoethanolamine-N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)<br />

((18:1) 2 -PE-NBD) was determined in unsaturated phosphatidylcholine<br />

bilayers <strong>of</strong> different acyl chain lengths (14:1,<br />

18:1, and 22:1). Whereas for 18:1 chains the chain length<br />

matches the hydrophobic length <strong>of</strong> the protein, there is<br />

significant hydrophobic mismatch for the other lipids used.<br />

The second part deals <strong>with</strong> specificity <strong>of</strong> M13 major coat<br />

protein to different phospholipid headgroups, some zwitterionic<br />

and other negatively charged. The results are compared<br />

to the results from the other methodologies for quantification<br />

<strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity. Conclusions on the validity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

annular model for the M13 coat protein interaction <strong>with</strong><br />

lipids are obtained.<br />


1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC; (18:1) 2 -PC), 1,2-dierucoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DEuPC; (22:1) 2 -PC), 1,2-dimyristoleoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DMoPC; (14:1) 2 -PC), 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-<br />

3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl) ((18:1) 2 -PE-<br />

NBD), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-Glycero-Phosphocholine<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PC), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-<br />

nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-Glycero-Phosphoethanolamine<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PE), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-Glycero-Phosphoserine<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-<br />

PS) (Sodium salt), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-Glycero-Phosphate<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PA) (Monosodium<br />

salt), and 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)]<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PG) (Sodium<br />

salt), were obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL).<br />

7-diethylamino-3((4#iodoacetyl)amino)phenyl-4-methylcoumarin (DCIA)<br />

was from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). Fine chemicals were obtained<br />

from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). All materials were used <strong>with</strong>out further<br />

purification.<br />

Coat protein isolation and labeling<br />

The T36C mutant <strong>of</strong> the M13 major coat protein was grown, purified from<br />

the phage and labeled <strong>with</strong> DCIA as described previously (Spruijt et al.,<br />

1996). For the removal <strong>of</strong> free label, DNA and other coat <strong>proteins</strong>, the<br />

mixture was applied to a Superdex 75 prep-grade HR 16/50 column<br />

(Pharmacia, Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ) and eluted <strong>with</strong> 50<br />

mM sodium cholate, 150 mM NaCl, and 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8. Fractions<br />

<strong>with</strong> an A 280 /A 260 absorption ratio .1.5 were collected and concentrated by<br />

Amicon filtration (Amicon, Millipore, Bedford, MA).<br />

Coat protein reconstitution in lipid vesicles<br />

The labeled protein mutant was reconstituted in DOPC ((18:1) 2 -PC),<br />

DMoPC ((14:1) 2 -PC), and DEuPC ((22:1) 2 -PC) vesicles using the cholatedialysis<br />

method (Spruijt et al., 1989). The phospholipid vesicles were<br />

produced as follows: the chlor<strong>of</strong>orm from solutions containing the desired<br />

NBD labeled and unlabeled phospholipid amount was evaporated under<br />

a stream <strong>of</strong> dry N 2 and last traces were removed by further evaporation under<br />

vacuum. The lipids were then solubilized in 50 mM sodium cholate buffer<br />

(150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA) at pH 8 by brief sonication<br />

(Branson 250 cell disruptor, Branson Ultrasonics, Danbury, CT) until a clear<br />

opalescent solution was obtained, and then mixed <strong>with</strong> the wild-type and<br />

labeled protein. Samples had a phospholipid concentration between 0.5 and<br />

1 mM (phospholipid concentration was determined through the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

inorganic phosphate according to McClare, 1971) and the lipid to protein<br />

ratio (L/P) was always kept at 700. Dialysis was carried out at room<br />

temperature and in the dark, <strong>with</strong> a 100-fold excess buffer containing<br />

150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA at pH 8. The buffer was<br />

replaced five times every 12 h.<br />

Fluorescence spectroscopy<br />

Absorption spectroscopy was carried out <strong>with</strong> a Jasco V-560 spectrophotometer<br />

(Tokyo, Japan). The absorption <strong>of</strong> the samples was kept ,0.1 at the<br />

wavelength used for excitation.<br />

Steady-state fluorescence measurements were obtained <strong>with</strong> an SLM-<br />

Aminco 8100 Series 2 spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter (Rochester, NY; <strong>with</strong> double<br />

excitation and emission monochromators, MC400) in a right-angle<br />

geometry. The light source was a 450-W Xe arc lamp and for reference<br />

a Rhodamine B quantum counter solution was used. 5 3 5 mm quartz<br />

cuvettes were used. All measurements were performed at room temperature.<br />

The quantum yield <strong>of</strong> DCIA-labeled protein was determined using<br />

quinine bisulfate dissolved in 1 N H 2 SO 4 (f ¼ 0.55; Eaton, 1988) as<br />

a reference.<br />

Fluorescence decay measurements <strong>of</strong> DCIA were carried out <strong>with</strong> a timecorrelated<br />

single-photon timing system, which is described elsewhere<br />

(Loura et al., 2000). Measurements were performed at room temperature.<br />

Excitation and emission wavelengths were 340 and 450 nm, respectively.<br />

The timescales used were between 3 and 12 ps/ch, depending on the amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> NBD-labeled phospholipid present in the sample. Data analysis was<br />

carried out using a nonlinear, least-squares iterative convolution method<br />

based on the Marquardt algorithm (Marquardt, 1963). The goodness <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fit was judged from the experimental x 2 value, weighted residuals, and<br />

autocorrelation plot.<br />

In all cases, the probe florescence decay was complex and described by<br />

a sum <strong>of</strong> exponentials,<br />

IðtÞ ¼+ a i expðÿt=t i Þ; (2)<br />

i<br />

where a i are the normalized amplitudes and t i are the fluorescence lifetimes.<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

346 Fernandes et al.<br />


Fluorescence resonance energy transfer<br />

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used<br />

to characterize the lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> labeled coat protein<br />

mutants in the bilayer. In the case <strong>of</strong> energy heterotransfer,<br />

the degree <strong>of</strong> fluorescence emission quenching <strong>of</strong> the donor<br />

caused by the presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors is used to calculate the<br />

experimental energy transfer efficiency (E):<br />

E ¼ 1 ÿ t DA =t D : (3)<br />

Here t DA is the donor lifetime-weighted quantum yield in the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> acceptor and t D is the donor lifetime-weighted<br />

quantum yield in the absence <strong>of</strong> acceptor. In turn, lifetimeweighted<br />

quantum yields are defined by Lakowicz (1999) as<br />

The Förster radius is given by<br />

t ¼ + a i t i : (4)<br />

i<br />

R 0 ¼ 0:2108ðJk 2 n ÿ4 f D Þ 1=6 ; (5)<br />

where J is the spectral overlap integral, k 2 is the orientation<br />

factor, n is the refractive index <strong>of</strong> the medium, and f D is the<br />

donor quantum yield. J is calculated as<br />

Z<br />

J ¼ f ðlÞeðlÞl 4 dl; (6)<br />

where f(l) is the normalized emission spectrum <strong>of</strong> the donor<br />

and e(l) is the absorption spectrum <strong>of</strong> the acceptor. If the<br />

l-units in Eq. 6 are nm, the calculated R 0 in Eq. 5 has Å units<br />

(Berberan-Santos and Prieto, 1987).<br />

The acceptors in the annular shell (Fig. 1) are at a constant<br />

distance (d) to the coumarin fluorophore located in the center<br />

<strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain, and therefore we can assume<br />

that the energy transfer to each <strong>of</strong> these acceptors is described<br />

by the rate constant<br />

k r ¼ 1 6<br />

R 0<br />

; (8)<br />

t D d<br />

where t D is the donor lifetime (in the absence <strong>of</strong> acceptor).<br />

The NBD fluorophores in the acceptor probes used in this<br />

study (phospholipids labeled <strong>with</strong> NBD in the headgroup or<br />

in the acyl-chain) are assumed to be located in the bilayer<br />

surface. For the chain-labeled lipids, this is justified because<br />

the NBD group ‘‘loops up’’ to the surface when attached to<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> the phospholipids acyl-chain (Chattopadhyay,<br />

1990). The donor fluorophore is labeled in the M13 major<br />

coat protein 36th residue, located near the center <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer (Spruijt et al., 1996). Therefore, to calculate d it is<br />

necessary to estimate the average distance (l) between the<br />

donor plane (center <strong>of</strong> bilayer) and the acceptors planes (both<br />

leaflets), as well as the lateral separation between both probes<br />

inside the trans<strong>membrane</strong> protein-annular shell lipids<br />

complex. For DOPC bilayers the position <strong>of</strong> the NBD<br />

fluorophore (l) in the derivatized phospholipids has been<br />

calculated through the parallax method (Abrams and<br />

London, 1993), and it was 18.9 and 19.8 Å from the bilayer<br />

center for the phospholipids labeled at the headgroup and at<br />

the acyl-chain, respectively. These values agree <strong>with</strong> other<br />

<strong>studies</strong> which employed different techniques to obtain the<br />

fluorophore position (Wolf et al., 1992; Màzeres et al.,<br />

1996). The reason for a position <strong>of</strong> NBD closer to the surface<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> while labeled at the acyl-chain is probably<br />

the increase in flexibility that the C12 chain allows. The<br />

Annular model for M13 coat protein selectivity<br />

toward phospholipids<br />

To analyze the FRET results, a model for trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

protein selectivity toward phospholipids was derived. The<br />

model assumes two populations <strong>of</strong> energy transfer acceptors,<br />

one located in the annular shell around the protein and the<br />

other outside it. The donor fluorescence decay curve will<br />

have energy transfer contributions from both populations,<br />

i DA ðtÞ ¼i D ðtÞr annular ðtÞr random ðtÞ: (7)<br />

Here i D and i DA are the donor fluorescence decay in the<br />

absence and presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively, and r annular<br />

and r random are the FRET contributions arising from energy<br />

transfer to annular labeled lipids and to randomly distributed<br />

labeled lipids outside the annular shell, respectively.<br />

FIGURE 1 Molecular model for the FRET analysis ((A) side view; (B) top<br />

view). Protein-lipid organization presents a hexagonal geometry. Donor<br />

fluorophore from the mutant protein is located in the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer,<br />

whereas the acceptors are distributed in the bilayer surface. Two different<br />

environments are available for the labeled lipids (acceptors), the annular<br />

shell surrounding the protein and the bulk lipid. Energy transfer to acceptors<br />

in direct contact <strong>with</strong> the protein has a rate coefficient dependent on the<br />

distance between donor and annular acceptor (Eq. 8). Energy transfer toward<br />

acceptors in the bulk lipid is given by Eq. 11 (see text for details).<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

FRET Study <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity 347<br />

lateral separation between the probes was assumed to be 8 Å.<br />

The estimated d was then 20.5 and 21.4 Å for NBD<br />

derivatized in the headgroup and acyl-chain, respectively.<br />

For the DMoPC and DEuPC bilayers the values used for l<br />

were 15.4 and 22.4 Å, respectively, as for each additional<br />

carbon in the phospholipid chain in the liquid crystalline<br />

phase the bilayer thickness increases 1.75 Å (Lewis and<br />

Engelman, 1983).<br />

Considering a hexagonal-type geometry for the proteinlipid<br />

arrangement (Fig. 1 b), each protein will be surrounded<br />

by 12 annular lipids. In bilayers composed by both labeled<br />

and unlabeled phospholipids, these 12 sites will be available<br />

for both <strong>of</strong> them. The probability (m) <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> these sites to<br />

be occupied by labeled phospholipid is given by<br />

m ¼ K S<br />

n NBD<br />

n NBD 1 n lipid<br />

: (9)<br />

Here, n NBD is the concentration <strong>of</strong> labeled lipid, and n lipid is<br />

the concentration <strong>of</strong> unlabeled lipid. K S is the relative<br />

association constant, which reports the relative affinity <strong>of</strong><br />

the labeled and unlabeled phospholipid. Using a binomial<br />

distribution we can calculate the probability <strong>of</strong> each occupation<br />

number (0–12 sites occupied simultaneously by<br />

labeled lipid), and finally the FRET contribution arising from<br />

energy transfer to annular lipids,<br />

<br />

n¼12<br />

r annular ðtÞ ¼ + e ÿnk Tt 12<br />

m n ð1 ÿ mÞ 12ÿn : (10)<br />

n¼0<br />

n<br />

The FRET contribution from energy transfer to acceptors<br />

randomly distributed outside the annular region in two<br />

different planes at the same distance to the donor plane (from<br />

the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer to both leaflets) is given by<br />

Davenport et al. (1985) as<br />


M13 coat protein selectivity toward phospholipids<br />

<strong>with</strong> different hydrophobic thickness<br />

The DCIA-labeled protein quantum yield was determined<br />

(f ¼ 0.41). Using Eqs. 5 and 6, and assuming k 2 ¼ 2/3<br />

(the isotropic dynamic limit) and n ¼ 1.4 (Davenport et al.,<br />

1985), R 0 ¼ 39.3 Å is obtained for the DCIA-NBD FRET<br />

pair (Fig. 2). The value k 2 ¼ 2/3 was used, because for<br />

fluorophores in the center <strong>of</strong> a liquid crystalline bilayer, the<br />

rotational freedom should be sufficiently high to randomize<br />

orientations (for a detailed discussion see Loura et al., 1996).<br />

FRET selectivity <strong>studies</strong> were performed in bilayers <strong>of</strong><br />

one lipid component (DOPC, DMoPC, or DEuPC) using<br />

T36C M13 major coat protein mutant labeled <strong>with</strong> DCIA as<br />

the donor and (18:1) 2 -PE-NBD (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-<br />

3-phosphoethanolamine derivatized <strong>with</strong> NBD at the headgroup)<br />

as the acceptor.<br />

The donor fluorescence intensities ratio (t DA =t D ), which<br />

is related to the energy transfer efficiency, decreases upon<br />

increasing the acceptor (Eq. 3). The results are presented in<br />

Fig. 3. The results <strong>of</strong> fitting the derived formalism to the data<br />

are also shown in this figure, and the corresponding K S<br />

values are summarized in Table 1.<br />

M13 coat protein selectivity toward phospholipids<br />

<strong>with</strong> different headgroups<br />

Energy transfer <strong>studies</strong> were also performed to determine the<br />

selectivity properties <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein toward phospholipids<br />

<strong>with</strong> different headgroups. Again, the donor was T36C<br />

coat protein mutant labeled <strong>with</strong> coumarin (DCIA), but<br />

various probes were used as acceptors, all <strong>studies</strong> being<br />

made in DOPC vesicles. The probes used as acceptors were<br />

r random<br />

( Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

)<br />

l<br />

¼ exp ÿ4n 2 pl 2 l 2 1 R 2 1 ÿ expðÿtb 3 a 6 Þ<br />

e<br />

a 3 da ;<br />

0<br />

(11)<br />

where b ¼ðR 2 0 =lÞ2 t ÿ1=3<br />

D ; n 2 is the acceptor density in each<br />

leaflet, l is the distance between the plane <strong>of</strong> the donors and<br />

the planes <strong>of</strong> acceptors, and R e is the distance between the<br />

protein axis and the second lipid shell (exclusion distance for<br />

bulk-located acceptors). In the present system, l is the<br />

unlabeled lipid bilayer thickness, and the exclusion distance<br />

is 16 Å assuming a radii <strong>of</strong> 5 Å and 4.5 Å for the protein and<br />

the phospholipid, respectively; see Fig. 1 b). The value n 2<br />

must be corrected for the presence <strong>of</strong> labeled lipid in the<br />

annular region, which therefore is not part <strong>of</strong> the randomly<br />

distributed acceptors pool.<br />

FIGURE 2 Corrected emission spectrum <strong>of</strong> DCIA-labeled M13 major<br />

coat protein (—), and corrected excitation spectrum <strong>of</strong> NBD-derivatized<br />

phospholipid (---).<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

348 Fernandes et al.<br />

FIGURE 3 Donor (DCIA-labeled protein) fluorescence quenching by energy transfer acceptor ((18:1) 2 -PE-NBD) in pure phosphatidylcholine bilayers <strong>with</strong><br />

different hydrophobic thickness. (d), Experimental energy transfer efficiencies; (—), theoretical simulations obtained from the annular model for protein-lipid<br />

interaction using the fitted K S ; and (---), simulations for random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (K S ¼ 1.0). (A) Labeled protein incorporated in DOPC (fitted K S ¼<br />

1.4); (B) labeled protein incorporated in DMoPC (fitted K S ¼ 2.9); and (C) labeled protein incorporated in DEuPC (fitted K S ¼ 2.1).<br />

phospholipids <strong>of</strong> identical acyl-chains (18:1 and 12:0) and<br />

different headgroups (PC, PE, PS, PG, and PA) classes,<br />

derivatized <strong>with</strong> NBD at the 12:0 chain. The results are<br />

shown in Fig. 4, together <strong>with</strong> the model fits. Table 1<br />

summarizes the recovered K S values.<br />

M13 coat protein could be submitted to irreversible<br />

aggregation. This hypothesis has been ruled out for both<br />

lipids in recent <strong>studies</strong> (Meijer et al., 2001; Fernandes et al.,<br />

2003). Nevertheless, M13 major coat protein was shown<br />

recently by us to aggregate reversibly while in these con-<br />


M13 coat protein selectivity toward phospholipids<br />

<strong>with</strong> different hydrophobic thickness<br />

The M13 coat protein is known to form large irreversible<br />

aggregates under specific conditions. These aggregates are<br />

not found in vivo, and therefore are regarded as an artifact<br />

(Hemminga et al., 1993). Due to their b-sheet conformation,<br />

they are detected by CD spectroscopy, and because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hydrophobic mismatch between the protein and DEuPC<br />

(longer) or DMoPC (shorter) lipids, it was possible that<br />

while incorporated in pure bilayers <strong>of</strong> these components, the<br />

TABLE 1 Labeled phospholipids’ relative association<br />

constants toward M13 major coat protein<br />

Labeled phospholipid Bilayer composition K S K S /K S (PC)*<br />

((18:1) 2 -PE-NBD) DOPC (18:1) 2 PC 1.4 —<br />

((18:1) 2 -PE-NBD) DEuPC (22:1) 2 PC 2.1 —<br />

((18:1) 2 -PE-NBD) DMoPC (14:1) 2 PC 2.9 —<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PE) DOPC 2.0 1.0<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PC) DOPC 2.0 1.0<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PG) DOPC 2.3 1.1<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PS) DOPC 2.7 1.3<br />

(18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PA) DOPC 3.0 1.5<br />

*K S (PC) is the relative association constant <strong>of</strong> (18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PC).<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

FRET Study <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity 349<br />

FIGURE 4 Donor (DCIA-labeled protein) fluorescence quenching by energy transfer acceptor (18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PX), where X stands for the different<br />

headgroup structures, in pure bilayers <strong>of</strong> DOPC. (d), Experimental energy transfer efficiencies; (—), theoretical simulations obtained from the annular model<br />

for protein-lipid interaction using the fitted K S ; and (---), simulations for random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (K S ¼ 1.0). (A) PC-labeled phospholipid (fitted K S ¼<br />

2.0); (B) PE-labeled phospholipid (fitted K S ¼ 2.0); (C) PG-labeled phospholipid (fitted K S ¼ 2.3); (D) PS-labeled phospholipid (fitted K S ¼ 2.7); and (E) PAlabeled<br />

phospholipid (fitted K S ¼ 3).<br />

ditions from a study <strong>of</strong> BODIPY labeled protein steady-state<br />

fluorescence emission (Fernandes et al., 2003). However, in<br />

that study much higher concentrations <strong>of</strong> protein were used<br />

when compared <strong>with</strong> the present one, and assuming the aggregation<br />

constants obtained in that work, only up to 5% at<br />

the very most <strong>of</strong> protein could be aggregated at the protein<br />

concentration used throughout this study. Therefore we can<br />

consider that our results report the phospholipid selectivity<br />

properties <strong>of</strong> the monomeric M13 major coat protein.<br />

The fitting <strong>of</strong> the annular model for protein-lipid<br />

interactions to the FRET data (Figs. 3 and 4), converged<br />

always to K S values above 1 (Table 1), as the energy transfer<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

350 Fernandes et al.<br />

efficiencies (1 ÿ t DA =t D ) are above the expected value for<br />

random distribution <strong>of</strong> the labeled phospholipids. As our<br />

annular model assumes a random distribution outside the<br />

protein-lipid interface (which should be true for onecomponent<br />

bilayers in the liquid crystalline phase; Loura<br />

et al., 1996), this result is rationalized as an increase in local<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> probe in the lipid annular shell around the<br />

protein. For (18:1) 2 -PE-NBD probe in DOPC ((18:1) 2 -PC)<br />

bilayers (Fig. 3 A), the value <strong>of</strong> K S was 1.4, pointing to<br />

almost complete randomization <strong>of</strong> the probe distribution in<br />

the bilayer, and therefore identical selectivity to the DOPC<br />

lipid. This was expected, because the probe acyl-chains are<br />

identical to the unlabeled lipid and allow a perfect hydrophobic<br />

matching <strong>of</strong> the protein.<br />

The results from Fig. 3, A–C, all report energy transfer<br />

efficiencies to the (18:1) 2 -PE-NBD probe, but in different<br />

bilayers <strong>of</strong> one lipid component. In DOPC bilayers the value<br />

<strong>of</strong> K S was 1.4 as discussed above, but in DMoPC ((14:1) 2 -<br />

PC) and DEuPC ((22:1) 2 -PC) bilayers the relative association<br />

constant values were 2.9 and 2.1, respectively,<br />

confirming a greater selectivity toward the hydrophobic<br />

matching unlabeled phospholipid (DOPC).<br />

M13 coat protein selectivity toward phospholipids<br />

<strong>with</strong> different headgroups<br />

Results from analysis <strong>of</strong> the data on M13 coat protein<br />

selectivity toward phospholipids headgroups are presented in<br />

Fig. 4. Clearly the anionic-labeled phospholipids exhibit<br />

larger selectivity to the lipid annular region around the<br />

protein, especially the 18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PA and 18:1-(12:<br />

0-NBD)-PS probes (K S ¼ 3.0 and 2.7, respectively). The<br />

18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PG probe presents an intermediate selectivity<br />

(K S ¼ 2.3), whereas 18:1-(12:0-NBD)-PC and 18:<br />

1-(12:0-NBD)-PE have identical relative association constants<br />

(K S ¼ 2.0). The selectivity for anionic phospholipids<br />

must be a consequence <strong>of</strong> electrostatic interaction <strong>of</strong> these<br />

<strong>with</strong> the highly basic C-terminal domain <strong>of</strong> the protein,<br />

which contains four lysines.<br />

Overall the selectivity <strong>of</strong> annular lipid-M13 coat protein is<br />

not large, which is common for intrinsic <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong><br />

(Lee, 2003). Additionally, it has been shown that selectivity<br />

<strong>of</strong> some <strong>proteins</strong> toward anionic lipids is significantly decreased<br />

in the presence <strong>of</strong> increasing ionic strength (Marsh<br />

and Horváth, 1998). In our case the ionic strength was kept<br />

high, because it is necessary to keep the protein in the<br />

monomeric state (Spruijt and Hemminga, 1991), and this<br />

further explains our results.<br />

Phospholipid selectivity ESR <strong>studies</strong> have already been<br />

performed <strong>with</strong> aggregated forms <strong>of</strong> M13 major coat protein<br />

(Peelen et al., 1992; Wolfs et al., 1989, Datema et al., 1987),<br />

resulting in similar selectivity patterns <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein<br />

to phospholipid headgroups. Peelen et al. (1992), using<br />

a identical buffer type, ionic strength, and pH to that used in<br />

the present study, obtained the following relative association<br />

constants ratios (K S (PX)/K S (PC)) <strong>of</strong> M13 coat protein incorporated<br />

in 1,2-dimiristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DMPC): K S (PA)/K S (PC) ¼ 1.6, K S (PS)/K S (PC) ¼ 1.2,<br />

K S (PG)/K S (PC) ¼ 1.1, and K S (PE)/K S (PC) ¼ 1. Overall the<br />

selectivity pattern is the same, and the relative association<br />

constants ratios are almost identical. The M13 coat protein<br />

was aggregated in that study, and according to the authors<br />

the number <strong>of</strong> first shell sites was five, that is, for each<br />

protein only a maximum <strong>of</strong> five lipids could be motionally<br />

restricted due to contact <strong>with</strong> the protein surface. For<br />

a monomeric helix, however, a value <strong>of</strong> 12 should be<br />

expected (Marsh and Horváth, 1998), and that was the<br />

number used in our model for the data analysis. Therefore it<br />

is particularly interesting that the ratios <strong>of</strong> the relative<br />

association constants remain almost identical. Apparently<br />

protein aggregation lowers the selectivity degree <strong>of</strong> each<br />

protein for phospholipids only through a decrease <strong>of</strong><br />

available area for protein-lipid contacts but the relative<br />

association ratio <strong>with</strong> phospholipids <strong>of</strong> different headgroups<br />

remains the same. Even though the protein presents higher<br />

selectivity for the NBD-labeled phospholipids than for<br />

DOPC (K S (PC) ¼ 2.0) (possibly due to electrostatic<br />

interactions <strong>with</strong> the NBD at the bilayer interface), the result<br />

presented above clearly shows that the presence <strong>of</strong> NBD at<br />

the bilayer interface does not change significantly the relative<br />

association ratios <strong>of</strong> the phospholipids.<br />

Sanders et al. (1992) were not able to determine the<br />

selectivity <strong>of</strong> the M13 coat protein monomeric species<br />

toward phospholipids using ESR, because the monomer was<br />

not able to produce a sufficiently long-living boundary shell<br />

<strong>of</strong> lipids that could be detected by ESR spectroscopy. The<br />

fact that it was possible to clearly quantify relative association<br />

constants using FRET in the present study presents<br />

this technique as an alternative to ESR in protein-lipid<br />

<strong>studies</strong>.<br />

One important difference between the ESR and FRET<br />

techniques is that the latter is not restricted to the lipids<br />

adjacent to a given protein molecule. Not only labeled lipids<br />

in the first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids will be potential acceptors to<br />

a donor-labeled integral protein, but also the acceptors in the<br />

other lipid shells surrounding the protein will contribute to<br />

the final result. For that reason, this study also seems to<br />

confirm the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> selectivity to anionic phospholipids<br />

by the protein to largely confine itself to an annular shell<br />

<strong>of</strong> lipids in direct contact <strong>with</strong> the protein, in the case <strong>of</strong> the<br />

M13 major coat protein.<br />

In case that the annular region would extend beyond this<br />

first shell, our FRET analysis methodology (based in transfer<br />

to a single annular shell and also to the bulk) would recover<br />

substantially larger values for the relative association<br />

constants. Moreover, as commented above, our recovered<br />

K S /K S (PC) match those obtained from ESR measurements,<br />

which only detects immobilization <strong>of</strong> annular lipids upon<br />

incorporation <strong>of</strong> protein. The existence <strong>of</strong> a single annular<br />

<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352

FRET Study <strong>of</strong> Protein-Lipid Selectivity 351<br />

lipid layer for this protein might be related to the fact that it<br />

has a sole trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment.<br />

The FRET methodology has three interesting features.<br />

First, by choosing donor-acceptor pairs <strong>with</strong> different Förster<br />

radii it is possible to specifically study mainly the first-shell<br />

<strong>of</strong> lipids or also the outside shells, as was the case in the<br />

present study. The joint analysis <strong>of</strong> results coming from these<br />

different donor-acceptor pairs could allow for an even more<br />

detailed description <strong>of</strong> the protein-lipid arrangement in more<br />

complex systems. In our study, the relatively large R 0 value<br />

for the used donor-acceptor pair meant that the experimental<br />

quenching curves shown in both Figs. 3 and 4 look similar at<br />

first sight. Nevertheless it is impressive that the analysis<br />

methodology is able to retrieve significant K s values. Of<br />

course, this methodology could still be improved by the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> a donor-acceptor pair <strong>with</strong> a smaller R 0 value, closer to the<br />

distances under measurement. Second, the more economic<br />

character <strong>of</strong> fluorescence <strong>studies</strong>, which requires much<br />

smaller amounts <strong>of</strong> material than ESR, should be stressed.<br />

And third, although this model leads to a somewhat complex<br />

decay law (Eqs. 7, 10, and 11), it is actually not necessary to<br />

analyze the decay curves <strong>with</strong> this law to recover the relevant<br />

parameters, unlike in other FRET <strong>studies</strong> (e.g., <strong>of</strong> lipid phase<br />

separation; see Loura et al., 2001). The theoretical curves are<br />

conveniently simulated and integrated in a worksheet to<br />

calculate the theoretical FRET efficiencies. These can be<br />

matched to experimental values by varying the K S value (the<br />

sole unknown parameter). The experimental FRET efficiencies<br />

could also be obtained from steady-state data. In our<br />

case, we obtained them from integration <strong>of</strong> donor decay<br />

curves because these are less prone to artifacts (e.g., light<br />

scattering, inner filter effects, measurement <strong>of</strong> absolute<br />

intensities), which in any case, could in principle be corrected<br />

for in a steady-state experiment.<br />


In the present study FRET has been applied <strong>with</strong> success in the<br />

characterization <strong>of</strong> the M13 major coat protein selectivity<br />

toward phospholipids. As expected, the protein has no<br />

significant selectivity for the lipid probe containing two<br />

oleoyl acyl-chains while in DOPC bilayers, but exhibits larger<br />

selectivity for the same probe while in bilayers <strong>with</strong> different<br />

hydrophobic thickness due to hydrophobic mismatch stress.<br />

The protein also presents larger selectivity for anionic lipids,<br />

particularly for phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine<br />

phospholipids. FRET was shown here to be a promising<br />

methodology in protein-lipid selectivity <strong>studies</strong>.<br />

F.F. acknowledges financial support from Fundacxão para a Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia (FCT), project POCTI/36458/QUI/2000, and COST-European<br />

Cooperation in the Field <strong>of</strong> Scientific and Technical Research Action D:22.<br />

L.M.S.L. and M.P. acknowledge financial support from FCT, projects<br />

POCTI/36458/QUI/2000, and POCTI/36389/FCB/2000. A.F. acknowledges<br />

a research grant (BPD/11488/2002) from Programa Operacional<br />

‘‘Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovacxão’’ (POCTI)/FCT.<br />


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<strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal 87(1) 344–352


DOMAIN OF V-ATPase<br />

III<br />



OF V-ATPase<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Osteoporosis, a disease endemic in Western society, is characterized by a net loss <strong>of</strong><br />

bone mass which results from an imbalance <strong>of</strong> the bone-remodelling process, <strong>with</strong> bone<br />

resorption exceeding bone formation. Bone demineralization involves acidification <strong>of</strong><br />

the isolated extracellular microenvironment. The lowering <strong>of</strong> pH is necessary both to<br />

dissolve the bone material and to provide the acidic environment required by the<br />

collagenases to degrade the bone matrix (Teitelbaum, 2000). The acidification is due to<br />

proton translocation by the vacuolar-type H + -ATPases (V-ATPases) that are present in<br />

large numbers on the ruffled border <strong>of</strong> the osteoclast while the counterions diffuse<br />

passively through a chloride channel (Fig. III-1). Although there are a number <strong>of</strong> drugs<br />

directed to osteoporosis treatment through indirect inhibition <strong>of</strong> osteoclasts (Lark and<br />

James, 2002; Rodan and Martin, 2000), they allow only for a limited therapy as bone<br />

loss is only temporarily reduced due to weak inhibition <strong>of</strong> these cells. The osteoclast V-<br />

ATPase is, therefore, an attractive alternative target for the development <strong>of</strong> better<br />

therapeutic agents that effectively and safely reduce osteoclast activity.<br />

V-ATPases are large, multisubunit complexes organized in two domains (Fig. III.2)<br />

(Nishi and Forgac, 2002; Kawasaki-Nishi et al., 2003). The V 1 domain, which is<br />

responsible for ATP hydrolysis, comprises eight different subunits (A-H) that can be<br />

removed from the <strong>membrane</strong> in soluble form. The V o domain, which is tightly<br />

associated <strong>with</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> and composed <strong>of</strong> five different subunits (a, c, c’, c’’, and<br />

d), is responsible for proton translocation. The enzyme functions as a rotary motor<br />

(Yokoyama et al., 2003; Harrison et al., 1997). By analogy <strong>with</strong> the mechanism<br />

proposed for the F-ATPase, ATP hydrolysis at the catalytic sites drives rotation <strong>of</strong> the<br />


central D-subunit, which in turn drives rotation <strong>of</strong> the hexameric ring <strong>of</strong> c subunits<br />

immersed in the <strong>membrane</strong>. Subunit a is held fix relative to the A3B3 hexamer by the<br />

peripherical stalk, which functions as a stator. Proton transport is hypothesized to occur<br />

at the interface between the subunit a and the subunits c, c’ and c’’: rotation <strong>of</strong> the ring<br />

<strong>of</strong> c subunits relative to subunit a, brings the buried acidic residues into sequential<br />

contact <strong>with</strong> two hemichannels in subunit a, that provide access to each side <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>, driving unidirectional proton transport (Fig. III-2) (Grabe et al., 2000).<br />

Figure III-1: Representation <strong>of</strong> the resorbing osteoclast and acidification <strong>of</strong> the resorption lacunae<br />

(taken from Väänanen, 2005).<br />

Figure III-2: Structural Model <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase and proposed rotary mechanism <strong>of</strong> ATP-driven proton<br />

translocation. The most important amino acid residues for proton translocation are marked (adapted from<br />

Nishi and Forgac, 2002)<br />



DOMAIN OF V-ATPase<br />

In eukaryotic cells, V-ATPase, apart from being present in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

osteoclasts and kidney acid secreting cells, is also found in many organelles such as<br />

vacuoles, lysossomes, coated vesicles, Golgi, and secretory vesicles. Numerous<br />

physiological processes depend on the activity <strong>of</strong> V-ATPases, including intracellular<br />

targeting, protein processing, transport <strong>of</strong> metabolites, receptor-mediated endocytosis,<br />

neurotransmitter uptake, and apoptosis (Finbow and Harrison, 1997; Nishi and Forgac,<br />

2002).<br />

The macrolide antibiotics bafilomycins and concanamycins are specific, highly<br />

potent inhibitors <strong>of</strong> all eukaryotic V-ATPases in vitro and in vivo (Fig. III-3). However,<br />

their unselective action towards V-ATPases turns them to be extremely toxic agents and<br />

unsuitable for therapeutical use in osteoporosis treatment (Dröse and Altendorf, 1997).<br />

Recently, novel and selective inhibitors <strong>of</strong> osteoclasts V-ATPase have been synthesized<br />

according to structure-function relationships <strong>of</strong> bafilomycins derivatives (Gagliardi et<br />

al., 1998a; Gagliardi et al. 1998b), suggesting that selective modulation <strong>of</strong> different V-<br />

ATPases might be possible by this new indole class <strong>of</strong> inhibitors, namely by its most<br />

promising representative SB 242784 (INH-3) (see Fig. III.3) (Nadler et al., 1998). SB<br />

242784 <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> animal models <strong>of</strong> bone resorption showed a remarkable efficiency<br />

in the prevention <strong>of</strong> ovariectomy-induced bone loss on rats, and no adverse effects <strong>of</strong> its<br />

administration on the animals was observed. In situ <strong>studies</strong> revealed that SB 242784<br />

inhibited osteoclastic V-ATPase activity at 1000 times smaller concentrations than<br />

enzymes from any other tissue evaluated (Visentin et al., 2000).<br />

Figure III-3: V-ATPase inhibitors.<br />


Our understanding <strong>of</strong> the mechanism <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase inhibition is rudimentary.<br />

Nevertheless, site-directed mutagenic <strong>studies</strong> strongly supported the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

location <strong>of</strong> the bafilomycin A 1 binding site in the c-subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase (Bowman and<br />

Bowman, 2002; Bowman et al., 2004). These <strong>studies</strong> indicated several amino acid<br />

residues in the c-subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase for which mutations induced resistance to<br />

bafilomycin A 1 . The majority <strong>of</strong> these residues were located at the 4 th putative TM<br />

helix, and four <strong>of</strong> them (L132, F136, L140, and Y143) are positioned in the same helix<br />

side, which is expected to be exposed to the lipid environment (Harrison et al., 2000).<br />

Some residues found in other domains <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit are apparently also relevant for<br />

bafilomycin binding. However, it is not clear, if they are part <strong>of</strong> the bafilomycin binding<br />

site, as a structure formed by these residues would imply a helix organization for the c-<br />

subunit which is in disagreement <strong>with</strong> the one suggested by cysteine cross-linking<br />

experiments (Harrison et al., 1999). Another study detected immobilization <strong>of</strong> spinlabeled<br />

residues <strong>of</strong> c-subunit in the presence <strong>of</strong> concanamycin A, in agreement <strong>with</strong> a<br />

binding site location on this region <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase (Páli et al., 2004).<br />

Whyteside et al. (2005) found that SB242784 bound competitively <strong>with</strong><br />

concanamycin to the c-subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase. However, a mutation on Y143 from the c-<br />

subunit <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase on yeast conferred different degrees <strong>of</strong> resistance for<br />

concanamycin and SB242784, suggesting that the binding sites for these inhibitors are<br />

overlapping but not identical (Páli et al., 2004).<br />

Subunit c and c´ present very similar sequences. However, mutations in subunit c´<br />

homologous to the ones in subunit c that conferred resistance to bafilomycin have no<br />

effect (Bowman et al., 2004). This fact, led to the proposal that either subunit c´ does<br />

not present bafilomycin binding sites or that the affinity <strong>of</strong> the macrolide antibiotic<br />

binding site was much smaller in subunit c´.<br />

One strategy to resolve the problem <strong>of</strong> the binding site location for the above<br />

mentioned inhibitors is the use <strong>of</strong> a reductionist approach. Reductionist approaches to<br />

protein-ligand problems through use <strong>of</strong> <strong>peptides</strong> have been used in the past <strong>with</strong> success<br />

and <strong>peptides</strong> comprising entire binding sites were already shown to present ligand<br />

binding affinities identical to the ones observed <strong>with</strong> the intact protein (Lentz et al.,<br />

1998; Wilson et al., 1985; Neumann et al., 1986; Taylor et al., 1995; Ried et al., 1996;<br />

Scatigno et al., 2004).<br />








Biochemistry 2006, 45, 5271-5279<br />

5271<br />

<strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Indole Class <strong>of</strong> Vacuolar H + -ATPase Inhibitors <strong>with</strong> Lipid<br />

Bilayers †<br />

F. Fernandes, ‡ L. Loura, ‡,§ R. B. M. Koehorst, | N. Dixon, ⊥ T. P. Kee, ⊥ M. A. Hemminga, | and M. Prieto* ,‡<br />

Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, Departamento de Química, UniVersidade de<br />

EÄVora, EÄVora, Portugal, Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Biophysics, Wageningen UniVersity, Wageningen, The Netherlands, and<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, UniVersity <strong>of</strong> Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom<br />

ReceiVed NoVember 7, 2005; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed March 8, 2006<br />

ABSTRACT: The selective inhibitor <strong>of</strong> osteoclastic V-ATPase (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-indolyl)-2-methoxy-<br />

N-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl)-2,4-pentadienamide (SB 242784), member <strong>of</strong> the indole class <strong>of</strong><br />

V-ATPase inhibitors, is expected to target the <strong>membrane</strong>-bound domain <strong>of</strong> the enzyme. A structural study<br />

<strong>of</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> this inhibitor <strong>with</strong> the lipidic environment is an essential step in the understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> the mechanism <strong>of</strong> inhibition. In this work, a comprehensive study <strong>of</strong> the relevant features <strong>of</strong> this<br />

interaction was performed. Inhibitor partition coefficients to lipid vesicles as well as its transverse location,<br />

orientation (order parameters), and dynamics while bound to bilayers were determined through<br />

photophysical techniques, taking advantage <strong>of</strong> the intrinsic fluorescence <strong>of</strong> the molecule. To better evaluate<br />

the functionally relevant features <strong>of</strong> SB 242784, a second inhibitor, INH-1, from the same class and<br />

having a reduced activity was also examined. It is shown that regarding <strong>membrane</strong> interaction their<br />

properties remain very similar for both molecules, suggesting that the differences in inhibition efficiencies<br />

are solely a consequence <strong>of</strong> the molecular recognition processes <strong>with</strong>in the inhibition site in the V-ATPase.<br />

Bone degradation requires a lowering <strong>of</strong> pH in the<br />

resorption lacuna (extracellular space between the osteoclast<br />

cell and bone surface) (1). This is achieved through pumping<br />

<strong>of</strong> protons by V-ATPases 1 located in the ruffled border <strong>of</strong><br />

osteoclasts (2). Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> osteoclast V-ATPase activity<br />

could therefore be used in new therapeutics for treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

bone diseases related to excess bone resorption, namely,<br />

osteoporosis.<br />

The macrolide antibiotic bafilomycin is a powerful inhibitor<br />

<strong>of</strong> V-ATPases (3) and was shown to prevent bone<br />

resorption (4). Nevertheless, due to the lack <strong>of</strong> specificity<br />

<strong>of</strong> bafilomycin toward osteoclastic V-ATPase, several other<br />

important V-ATPases are inhibited, and this is responsible<br />

for the extremely high toxicity and, consequently, for the<br />

clinical inadequacy <strong>of</strong> this compound. Recently, some<br />

†<br />

This work was supported by Contract QLG-CT-2000-01801 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

European Commission (MIVase Consortium) and by FCT (Portugal)<br />

under the Program POCTI. M.A.H. and M.P. are members <strong>of</strong> the COST<br />

D22 Action <strong>of</strong> the European Union. F.F. acknowledges Grant SFRH/<br />

BD/14282/2003 from FCT (Portugal).<br />

* Corresponding author. E-mail: prieto@alfa.ist.utl.pt. Telephone:<br />

(+351) 218413248. Fax: (+351) 218464455.<br />

‡<br />

Instituto Superior Técnico.<br />

§<br />

Universidade de EÄ vora.<br />

|<br />

Wageningen University.<br />

⊥<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Leeds.<br />

1<br />

Abbreviations: V-ATPase, vacuolar H + -ATPase; DOPC, 1,2-<br />

dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; DOPG, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-<br />

3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)]; DMPC, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-<br />

phosphocholine; 5-DOX-PC, 1-palmitoyl-2-stearoyl(5-DOXYL)-snglycero-3-phosphocholine;<br />

12-DOX-PC, 1-palmitoyl-2-stearoyl(12-<br />

DOXYL)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; SB 242784, (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-<br />

dichloro-2-indolyl)-2-methoxy-N-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl)-<br />

2,4-pentadienamide, INH-1, methyl (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-indolyl)-<br />

2-methoxy-2,4-pentadienoate.<br />

FIGURE 1: Chemical structures <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 and INH-1.<br />

derivatives <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin have been synthesized which<br />

maintained high inhibitory activity toward V-ATPases and<br />

exhibited high selectivity for the osteoclast form <strong>of</strong> the<br />

enzyme (5, 6). The most promising <strong>of</strong> these compounds,<br />

(2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-indolyl)-2-methoxy-N-(1,2,2,6,6-<br />

pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl)-2,4-pentadienamide (SB 242784)<br />

(Figure 1), was shown to have more than 1000-fold selectivity<br />

for the osteoclast V-ATPase compared <strong>with</strong> the enzyme<br />

measured in kidney, liver, spleen, stomach, brain, or endothelial<br />

cells and to have no effect on other cellular ATPases.<br />

SB 242784 was also extremely effective in preventing bone<br />

loss in ovariectomized rats (7). This inhibitor is therefore a<br />

promising candidate for osteoporosis treatment.<br />

The site <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin in the enzyme was shown<br />

to be located in the <strong>membrane</strong>-bound domain (8-11).<br />

Therefore, the type and extent <strong>of</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bafilomycin derivative SB 242784 <strong>with</strong> the lipid environment<br />

and the properties <strong>of</strong> the inhibitor molecule while in this<br />

medium are relevant, since it is expected that the first step<br />

prior to the interaction <strong>with</strong> the enzyme is the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

10.1021/bi0522753 CCC: $33.50 © 2006 American Chemical Society<br />

Published on Web 04/05/2006

5272 Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 Fernandes et al.<br />

incorporation <strong>of</strong> the inhibitor <strong>with</strong> the concomitant increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> its effective concentration.<br />

Recently, spin-labeled derivatives <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 have been<br />

studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) (12). It was then<br />

possible to acquire information regarding the location in<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> the piperidine ring where the nitroxide label<br />

was inserted. However, a photophysical approach would<br />

enable a report on the whole molecule, since the indole<br />

ring is conjugated <strong>with</strong> the double bond system, and this is<br />

largely expected to dictate the inhibitor properties in the lipid<br />

phase.<br />

In this work we report a thorough study on the interaction<br />

<strong>of</strong> SB 242784 <strong>with</strong> lipid vesicles together <strong>with</strong> a detailed<br />

study <strong>of</strong> the compound behavior in aqueous solution, using<br />

for this effect its intrinsic photophysical properties (absorption,<br />

fluorescence, fluorescence anisotropy, linear dichroism),<br />

thus avoiding the derivatization <strong>of</strong> the molecule. The waterlipid<br />

partition coefficient <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 was determined, and<br />

its aggregation was studied. The position and orientation <strong>of</strong><br />

the molecule when interacting <strong>with</strong> lipid bilayers were also<br />

obtained. The same <strong>studies</strong> were performed <strong>with</strong> another less<br />

powerful inhibitor <strong>of</strong> the same class (INH-1) to compare the<br />

results and retrieve information on the relevance <strong>of</strong> specific<br />

structural features <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 on these properties.<br />


DOPC, DOPG, and DMPC were obtained from Avanti<br />

Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL). 5-DOX-PC and 12-DOX-<br />

PC were from Avanti Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL). Fine<br />

chemicals were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).<br />

All materials were used <strong>with</strong>out further purification.<br />

SB 242784 and INH-1 were synthesized according to<br />

Nadler et al. (6) and Gagliardi et al. (5).<br />

Inhibitor Incorporation in Lipid Vesicles. The V-ATPase<br />

inhibitors were incorporated in lipid vesicles by two different<br />

methods: In the cosolubilization method the phospholipid<br />

and inhibitor solutions were mixed in chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and dried<br />

under a flow <strong>of</strong> dry N 2 . The last traces <strong>of</strong> solvent were<br />

removed under vacuum. Multilamellar vesicles were then<br />

obtained through solubilization in Tris buffer, and large<br />

unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) were produced by extrusion<br />

through polycarbonate filters <strong>with</strong> a pore size <strong>of</strong> 100 nm<br />

(13). In an alternative method <strong>of</strong> incorporation, a very small<br />

volume (

V-ATPase Indole Inhibitor <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>with</strong> Bilayers Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 5273<br />

The order parameters (〈P 2 〉 and 〈P 4 〉) are obtained from<br />

the equations:<br />

sin(ω)A ω<br />

Α ω)(π/2)<br />

) 1 +<br />

3〈P 2 〉<br />

(1 - 〈P 2 〉)n 2 cos2 ω (3)<br />

I VH /I VV ) a sin 2 R+b (4)<br />

A ω is the absorbance at angle ω, n is the refraction index [n<br />

) 1.5 (21)], R is the angle at which the fluorescence is<br />

measured, and the a and b parameters depend on both 〈P 2 〉<br />

and 〈P 4 〉. Complete formalisms and further details are<br />

described in Lopes et al. (22).<br />

Dichroic ratios were determined using Glan-Thompson<br />

polarizers. In fluorescence emission measurements for determination<br />

<strong>of</strong> 〈P 4 〉, excitation and emission wavelengths were<br />

kept the same as in the remaining steady-state measurements.<br />

From the knowledge <strong>of</strong> 〈P 2 〉 and 〈P 4 〉, a combination <strong>of</strong><br />

the maximum entropy method together <strong>with</strong> the formalism<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Lagrange multipliers is used to describe the single<br />

particle distribution function f(Ψ), where Ψ is the angle<br />

between the transition moment <strong>of</strong> the molecule and the<br />

director <strong>of</strong> the system (normal to the bilayer plane). This<br />

distribution is the broadest one that is compatible <strong>with</strong> the<br />

experimental order parameters, and to obtain the population<br />

density probability function, which is the probability <strong>of</strong><br />

finding the transition moment between Ψ and Ψ + dΨ, it<br />

should be multiplied by sin Ψ (22).<br />

The determination <strong>of</strong> the transition moment <strong>of</strong> SB 242784<br />

was performed for an optimized geometry <strong>of</strong> the molecule<br />

based on the density functional theory (DFT) (23), which<br />

recovered the 2Z,4E isomer that is the preponderant species<br />

(6). The theoretical level applied to the calculations was<br />

Becke3LYP/6-31G(d) (24-26).<br />


Indole Inhibitor BehaVior in Aqueous EnVironment. Since<br />

the interaction <strong>with</strong> the <strong>membrane</strong> proceeds from the<br />

inhibitors in aqueous solution, their characterization in an<br />

aqueous environment was first carried out. Preliminary results<br />

showed both SB 242784 and INH-1 (Figure 1) to be unstable<br />

under aqueous condition (27). The fluorescence quantum<br />

yield <strong>of</strong> the two molecules in aqueous buffer was extremely<br />

low (0.01 and 0.004 for SB 242784 and INH-1, respectively)<br />

when compared <strong>with</strong> the quantum yield observed in other<br />

environments (e.g., 0.06 and 0.05 for SB 242784 and INH-1<br />

in ethanol, respectively). The large decrease in fluorescence<br />

intensity <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors is the result <strong>of</strong> formation <strong>of</strong><br />

nonfluorescent or “dark” aggregates, as the quantum yield<br />

values determined from transient state fluorescence measurements<br />

were larger than the ones obtained from steady-state<br />

data. This aggregation is due to the hydrophobic character<br />

<strong>of</strong> the inhibitors, and the fluorescence quenching effect is<br />

enhanced by the presence <strong>of</strong> chlorine atoms in the molecule.<br />

In the present work we measured the extent and kinetics <strong>of</strong><br />

aggregation <strong>of</strong> both inhibitors in an aqueous environment.<br />

For this purpose, fluorescence intensity measurements were<br />

started immediately after addition <strong>of</strong> 10 µL <strong>of</strong> a ethanol stock<br />

solution to a cuvette containing 3 mL <strong>of</strong> buffer under<br />

permanent stirring, and the final concentration <strong>of</strong> inhibitor<br />

in buffer was 4 µM. The buffer used was 10 mM Tris and<br />

FIGURE 2: SB 242784 fluorescence emission self-quenching<br />

induced by aggregation in an aqueous environment. The buffer used<br />

was 10 mM Tris and 150 mM NaCl, pH ) 7.4.<br />

150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. The result for SB 242784 is presented<br />

in Figure 2. The kinetics for the aggregation in water <strong>of</strong><br />

INH-1 was very fast, and the phenomenon could not be<br />

resolved as well as it was for SB 242784. In addition, the<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> aggregation, as taken from the remaining fluorescence<br />

intensity after the process reaches equilibrium, was<br />

larger for INH-1 than for SB 242784. For both inhibitors<br />

the fluorescence intensity increased dramatically upon addition<br />

<strong>of</strong> sodium dodecyl sulfate to the samples (results not<br />

shown), this suggesting disruption <strong>of</strong> aggregates and emission<br />

<strong>of</strong> monomeric inhibitors dispersed in the micellar medium<br />

and ruling out a significant contribution <strong>of</strong> photobleaching.<br />

The anisotropies <strong>of</strong> INH-1 and SB 242784 in water were<br />

0.20 and 0.22, respectively, and did not change during the<br />

process <strong>of</strong> aggregation. This indicates that the aggregates<br />

being formed are nonfluorescent, and the residual emission<br />

<strong>of</strong> monomeric species is the one contributing to anisotropy.<br />

In an attempt to determine the existence <strong>of</strong> a critical<br />

micellar concentration (cmc) for the inhibitors in an aqueous<br />

environment, we measured fluorescence emission intensities<br />

for inhibitor solutions <strong>with</strong> concentrations up to 4 µM. A<br />

cmc should appear as a change in linearity <strong>of</strong> fluorescence<br />

intensity vs inhibitor concentration. However, a completely<br />

linear plot was obtained up to 10 nM, the limit <strong>of</strong> detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fluorometer (results not shown). Therefore, the<br />

aggregation <strong>of</strong>fset, if existing at all, should occur for both<br />

inhibitors in water at concentrations below 10 nM, and<br />

therefore no evidence was obtained for micellar-type aggregates<br />

<strong>of</strong> these inhibitors.<br />

Inhibitor Partition to Lipid Vesicles. The fluorescence<br />

emission spectra <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 and INH-1 in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> DOPC vesicles are presented in Figure 3. DOPC and<br />

DOPG lipids were chosen for the reconstitution <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inhibitors because SB242784 was used by us in binding<br />

assays to selected trans<strong>membrane</strong> peptide fragments <strong>of</strong><br />

V-ATPase that required DOPC (and in some cases a small<br />

fraction <strong>of</strong> DOPG) for correct peptide conformation while<br />

inserted in liposomes (unpublished experiments). Using the<br />

cosolubilization method for incorporation <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors<br />

(see Materials and Methods section), the fluorescence<br />

emission maximum for SB 242784 is 436 nm whereas for<br />

INH-1 it is 461 nm. On the other hand, in DOPC-DOPG<br />

(80:20 mol/mol) bilayers, the SB 242784 fluorescence

5274 Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 Fernandes et al.<br />

FIGURE 3: Absorption and fluorescence emission spectra <strong>of</strong> the<br />

indole class <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase inhibitors. Fluorescence emission spectra<br />

were obtained using excitation wavelengths corresponding to the<br />

maxima <strong>of</strong> each inhibitor: (thin dashed line) absorption spectrum<br />

<strong>of</strong> INH-1; (thin solid line) absorption spectrum <strong>of</strong> SB 242784; (thick<br />

dashed line) fluorescence spectrum <strong>of</strong> INH-1; (thick solid line)<br />

fluorescence spectrum <strong>of</strong> SB 242784.<br />

emission maximum was 432 nm. For the alternative incorporation<br />

method <strong>of</strong> adding the inhibitor to the preformed<br />

vesicles, the fluorescence emission maxima were slightly blue<br />

shifted (≈3 nm) when comparing <strong>with</strong> the previous values,<br />

but after a small period <strong>of</strong> time (≈5 min) they became<br />

identical to the ones obtained through the cosolubilization<br />

method, thus suggesting that the initially formed aggregates<br />

are disrupted upon <strong>membrane</strong> interaction. The quantum<br />

yields <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 and INH-1 determined in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2 mM DOPC LUVs were 0.15 and 0.10, respectively.<br />

These values are not biased by the fraction <strong>of</strong> inhibitors in<br />

the aqueous phase, because at this lipidic concentration it<br />

can be concluded from the determined partition coefficients<br />

(see below) that the inhibitors are almost completely<br />

incorporated in the <strong>membrane</strong> (>95%), and in addition, the<br />

quantum yield in water is negligible.<br />

Although an extremely large blue shift in the inhibitor<br />

fluorescence is observed upon incorporation in lipid vesicles<br />

(e.g., the maximum emission wavelength <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 in<br />

water is 505 nm), this is not per se evidence for a large extent<br />

<strong>of</strong> partitioning <strong>of</strong> the two molecules to the lipid environment,<br />

because, as mentioned above, the quantum yield in the<br />

aqueous medium is very low due to aggregation. To obtain<br />

a quantitative description, both the extent and kinetics <strong>of</strong><br />

the partition <strong>of</strong> both inhibitors to DOPC vesicles were<br />

studied. Partition coefficients were determined through<br />

monitoring <strong>of</strong> the change in fluorescence emission intensity<br />

(I) vs lipid concentration [L] (Figure 4) and applying the<br />

equation (28):<br />

I ) I w + K p γ L [L]I L<br />

1 + K p γ L [L]<br />

(5)<br />

where I w is the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore in water,<br />

I L is the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore incorporated in the<br />

lipid vesicles, K p is the partition coefficient defined in terms<br />

<strong>of</strong> solute concentrations in each phase, and γ L is the lipid<br />

molar volume [0.78 dm -3 mol -1 for DOPC (29)]. The results<br />

FIGURE 4: Increase in steady-state fluorescence emission intensity<br />

<strong>of</strong> indole V-ATPase inhibitors <strong>with</strong> lipid concentration: (b) SB<br />

242784 incorporated in DOPC vesicles by the cosolubilization<br />

method; (O) INH-1 incorporated in DOPC vesicles by the method<br />

<strong>of</strong> addition after lipid solubilization. The buffer used was 10 mM<br />

Tris and 150 mM NaCl, pH ) 7.4. The lines represent the fits <strong>of</strong><br />

eq 5 to the data, and the partition coefficients are shown in Table<br />

1.<br />

Table 1: V-ATPase Inhibitor Partition Coefficients to Lipid<br />

Vesicles<br />

system<br />

inhibitor<br />

cosolubilization<br />

<strong>with</strong> DOPC<br />

cosolubilization<br />

<strong>with</strong> DOPC-DOPG<br />

addition to<br />

liposomes<br />

<strong>with</strong> DOPC<br />

SB 242784 (1.20 ( 0.08) × 10 4 (6.64 ( 1.76) × 10 3 (1.29 ( 0.23) × 10 4<br />

INH-1 (1.49 ( 0.26) × 10 4 (2.84 ( 0.99) × 10 4<br />

from a nonlinear fitting <strong>of</strong> eq 5 to the experimental data are<br />

shown in Table 1.<br />

For SB 242784, the anisotropy obtained while adding the<br />

inhibitor to preformed vesicles was 〈r〉 ) 0.33, the same<br />

value being obtained through the cosolubilization method.<br />

In vesicles composed <strong>of</strong> DOPC-DOPG (4:1 mol/mol), SB<br />

242784 anisotropy was virtually identical (〈r〉 ) 0.32). The<br />

INH-1 anisotropy in samples <strong>with</strong> preformed vesicles (〈r〉<br />

) 0.24) was lower than observed for the same molecule<br />

incorporated by cosolubilization (〈r〉 ) 0.31). Again, these<br />

experiments were carried out at a lipidic concentration for<br />

which the fraction <strong>of</strong> light emitted from inhibitor molecules<br />

in water is negligible.<br />

Inhibitor TransVerse Location in Lipid Vesicles. The<br />

effects on the inhibitors’ fluorescence emission spectral shape<br />

and intensity caused by the presence <strong>of</strong> nitroxide-labeled lipid<br />

in DOPC vesicles were investigated. A 10% ratio <strong>of</strong> labeled<br />

(5- or 12-DOX-PC) to nonlabeled lipids was used. For SB<br />

242784, there was a very slight shift on the fluorescence<br />

emission maximum, depending on the nitroxide-labeled lipid<br />

present. In the absence <strong>of</strong> quenchers the fluorescence<br />

emission maximum was at 436 nm, whereas in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> 5-DOX-PC this wavelength was 435 nm. Using 12-DOX-<br />

PC a red shift was obtained, the maximum being now 438<br />

nm (Figure 5A). For INH-1, there was no difference in the<br />

shape <strong>of</strong> the emission spectrum in the presence <strong>of</strong> 12-DOX-<br />

PC (maxima were at 461 nm), but using 5-DOX-PC a very<br />

small blue shift (2 nm) was obtained (Figure 5B). These shifts<br />

are evidence that the two nitroxide labels, which are localized<br />

at different depths in the <strong>membrane</strong>, are selectively quenching<br />

inhibitor populations which lie at different transverse<br />


V-ATPase Indole Inhibitor <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>with</strong> Bilayers Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 5275<br />

FIGURE 6: Orientation <strong>of</strong> the transition moment <strong>of</strong> SB 242784,<br />

obtained from TD-DFT calculations (see text for details).<br />

Table 2: Order Parameters and Lagrange Coefficients <strong>of</strong> the Two<br />

Inhibitors in DOPC Multilayers Obtained from Linear Dichroism<br />

Studies a 〈P 2〉 〈P 4〉 λ 2 λ 4<br />

SB 242784 0.15 -0.21 0.99 -2.31<br />

INH-1 0.18 -0.31 1.27 -4.67<br />

a<br />

See text for details.<br />

FIGURE 5: Fluorescence emission spectra <strong>of</strong> indole V-ATPase<br />

inhibitors in the absence (s) and presence <strong>of</strong> different nitroxidelabeled<br />

lipids: (- - -) 5-DOX-PC and (‚‚‚) 12-DOX-PC). (A) SB<br />

242784. (B) INH-1.<br />

Quantitative information on the inhibitor location in the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> can be obtained via the so-called parallax method<br />

(30) using the equation:<br />

z cf ) L cl + (-ln(F 1 /F 2 )/πC - L 21 2 )/2L 21 (6)<br />

where z cf is the distance <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore from the center<br />

<strong>of</strong> the bilayer, F 1 is the fluorescence intensity in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the surface-located quencher (5-DOX-PC), F 2 is the<br />

fluorescence intensity in the presence <strong>of</strong> the quencher located<br />

deeper in the <strong>membrane</strong> (12-DOX-PC), L c1 is the distance<br />

<strong>of</strong> the shallow quencher from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, L c2<br />

is the distance <strong>of</strong> the deep quencher from the center <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer, L 21 is the distance between the shallow and deep<br />

quenchers (L c1 - L c2 ), and C is the concentration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

quencher in molecules/Å 2 . Using the distances <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nitroxide quenchers from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer given by<br />

Abrams and London (31), the obtained position for INH-1<br />

was <strong>of</strong> 11.9 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, whereas for<br />

SB 242784 this value was 12.8 Å.<br />

To gain further information regarding the inhibitors’<br />

location in the <strong>membrane</strong>, acrylamide quenching assays were<br />

also performed. Acrylamide is a hydrophilic quencher, and<br />

therefore differences in the extent <strong>of</strong> quenching by acrylamide<br />

allow a direct comparison <strong>of</strong> the bilayer penetration<br />

by the fluorophores. Acrylamide quenched both inhibitors<br />

<strong>with</strong> very similar efficiencies (results not shown), and a very<br />

slightly increased quenching observed for INH-1 is due to<br />

the also slight difference in average lifetimes (16) for the<br />

two inhibitors while incorporated in DOPC vesicles (〈τ〉 INH-1<br />

) 0.60 ns and 〈τ〉 SB 242784 ) 0.55 ns), because the Stern-<br />

Volmer rate constant is the product between the effective<br />

bimolecular rate constant (which can be decreased due to<br />

fluorophore shielding from the quencher) and the intrinsic<br />

lifetime <strong>of</strong> the fluorophore.<br />

Inhibitor Orientation in Lipid Vesicles. From the linear<br />

dichroism methodology, information regarding the orientation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the transition moment is obtained. In this way, to obtain<br />

information about the orientation <strong>of</strong> the molecule regarding<br />

the director <strong>of</strong> the system (normal to the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

interface), it is necessary to know the orientation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

transition moment relative to the molecular axes. To this<br />

effect, a quantum chemical calculation was carried out.<br />

Applying time-dependent density functional theory (TD-<br />

DFT) to an energy-optimized geometry <strong>of</strong> SB 242784, the<br />

orientation <strong>of</strong> the transition dipole moment relative to the<br />

molecule structure was obtained. As shown in Figure 6, the<br />

transition dipole moment is almost parallel to the molecular<br />

axis defined by the double bond conjugated system, and an<br />

approximately identical transition dipole moment orientation<br />

can be considered for INH-1, as both molecules have very<br />

similar fluorophores and the molecular differences are not<br />

expected to largely influence this property.<br />

The orientation parameters 〈P 2 〉 and 〈P 4 〉 and Lagrange<br />

coefficients obtained for INH-1 and SB 242784 from the<br />

linear dichroism measurements are presented in Table 2. The<br />

corresponding orientational density probability functions are<br />

shown in Figure 7.<br />


Inhibitor Aggregation and Partition to Lipid Vesicles. It<br />

is surprising that INH-1 appears to aggregate in aqueous<br />

solution more readily and to a larger extent than SB 242784.<br />

The presence <strong>of</strong> the piperidine ring in the latter was expected

5276 Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 Fernandes et al.<br />

FIGURE 7: Orientation distribution function in DMPC <strong>of</strong> SB 242784<br />

(- - -) and INH-1 (s).<br />

FIGURE 8: Proposed topography and orientation <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 in<br />

a DOPC bilayer. The molecule is depicted from the estimated most<br />

probable angle and depth (see Discussion).<br />

to result in a smaller hydrophilicity, but this does not seem<br />

to be the case. Regarding the extent <strong>of</strong> aggregation, one<br />

possibility is that the piperidine ring induces a different type<br />

<strong>of</strong> packing in SB 242784 aggregates which quenches the<br />

molecule fluorescence less efficiently than in INH-1 aggregates,<br />

resulting in partially fluorescent aggregates. For<br />

INH-1 aggregates it is reasonable to assume that these would<br />

consist <strong>of</strong> stacked molecules <strong>with</strong> π-π interactions, but for<br />

SB 242784, this type <strong>of</strong> π-π stacking would not be able to<br />

exclude the piperidine ring from the aqueous environment<br />

and another aggregation geometry would have to come into<br />

play. The larger self-quenching <strong>of</strong> INH-1 in water would<br />

then not be solely dictated by the extent <strong>of</strong> aggregation but<br />

also related to a more effective geometry <strong>of</strong> packing<br />

regarding the quenching <strong>of</strong> fluorescence. The absence <strong>of</strong> a<br />

micellar type <strong>of</strong> aggregate for these inhibitors is most<br />

probably related to the absence <strong>of</strong> significative amphiphilic<br />

character.<br />

Both inhibitors partition <strong>with</strong> a high efficiency to lipid<br />

vesicles, and for SB 242784 the partition coefficient is<br />

independent <strong>of</strong> the method <strong>of</strong> incorporation (Table 1).<br />

Nevertheless, the partition to the lipid phase is only complete<br />

at moderately high lipid concentrations (for a K p ≈ 12000,<br />

95% <strong>of</strong> the total inhibitor population is incorporated only at<br />

a lipid concentration <strong>of</strong> 2 mM).<br />

For INH-1, the molecule partitions slightly more effectively<br />

when added to the preformed liposomes, but the<br />

differences in the partition coefficients are close to the<br />

uncertainty <strong>of</strong> the measurements. On thermodynamic grounds<br />

the two partition coefficients should in fact be identical upon<br />

reaching equilibrium. However, in most situations, the one<br />

from cosolubilization is higher than adding the solute from<br />

the aqueous solution, this being the case among other<br />

situations when stable aggregates (e.g., micelles) are formed<br />

in water. The identical values observed for the two methodologies<br />

<strong>of</strong> incorporation are consistent <strong>with</strong> the absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> a cmc previously described. The lower value for the<br />

partition coefficient <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 in DOPC-DOPG bilayers<br />

indicates a decreased partition to the bilayer upon the change<br />

in headgroup composition. This effect will be addressed in<br />

detail below when the fluorescence emission shifts <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inhibitors are discussed.<br />

INH-1 anisotropy was smaller when it was added to<br />

preformed vesicles (〈r〉 ) 0.24) when compared <strong>with</strong> the<br />

one observed for the same molecule incorporated via<br />

cosolubilization (〈r〉 )0.31), and this is likely to be related<br />

to energy migration inside aggregates in the <strong>membrane</strong>. As<br />

there is an overlap between the absorption and fluorescence<br />

emission spectra <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors (Figure 3), energy migration<br />

(energy homotransfer) is operative for two molecules<br />

<strong>of</strong> inhibitor lying in close proximity as in the case <strong>of</strong> an<br />

aggregate. The INH-1 Förster radius (R 0 )(16) for energy<br />

migration while in lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s is 11 Å (result not<br />

shown), and therefore for INH-1 in close proximity fluorescence<br />

depolarization is expected. The effects <strong>of</strong> energy<br />

migration can only be observed via the fluorescence anisotropy<br />

which is expected to decrease, since the fluorescence<br />

lifetime remains constant in this type <strong>of</strong> photophysical<br />

interaction. At variance <strong>with</strong> the aggregates in water, these<br />

aggregates must be fluorescent; i.e., there is no selfquenching,<br />

as in order to change the steady-state anisotropy<br />

they have to contribute to a significant fraction <strong>of</strong> the total<br />

fluorescence. This feature is probably related to the specific<br />

geometry <strong>of</strong> the aggregate in the <strong>membrane</strong>. In addition, in<br />

the case that quantitative dimer formation is invoked, the<br />

intermolecular distance would be 12.7 Å as concluded from<br />

the theoretical formalism (32); this is slightly larger than the<br />

distance for a collisional complex, so this would mean that<br />

no contact (static) fluorescence quenching would happen.<br />

Possibly, INH-1, when added to preformed vesicles, either<br />

(i) segregates to a <strong>membrane</strong>-perturbed region, and what is<br />

being observed is not strictly aggregate formation but<br />

increased probability <strong>of</strong> insertion in a <strong>membrane</strong>-perturbed<br />

area, leading to a higher local monomer concentration, such<br />

as observed for micelles (33) and <strong>membrane</strong>s (34), or (ii) is<br />

only partially aggregated (<strong>with</strong> intermolecular distance

V-ATPase Indole Inhibitor <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>with</strong> Bilayers Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 5277<br />

structural differences <strong>of</strong> the two molecules (presence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

piperididine ring in SB 242784).<br />

Inhibitor TransVerse Location and Orientation in Lipid<br />

Vesicles. The large blue shifts observed upon the incorporation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the inhibitors in lipid vesicles are an indication that<br />

the inhibitors are not adsorbed to the surface <strong>of</strong> the bilayer<br />

but are somehow buried, having some contact <strong>with</strong> the acyl<br />

chain region. The wavelengths <strong>of</strong> maximum fluorescence<br />

emission for both inhibitors (436 and 461 nm) are almost<br />

the same as the ones observed for the same molecules in<br />

acetone (27). Taking as a reference the dielectric constant<br />

<strong>of</strong> acetone (ɛ ) 20.7), the corresponding region <strong>of</strong> PC<br />

bilayers <strong>with</strong> the same polarity properties lies in the<br />

headgroup region, outside the hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> the bilayer<br />

(35, 36), which for DOPC can be roughly located at >14 Å<br />

from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (29). On the other hand, SB<br />

242784 in solution only exhibited such a blue-shifted<br />

emission when solubilized in nonprotic solvents, and as such<br />

this inhibitor is likely not to be in contact <strong>with</strong> a high density<br />

<strong>of</strong> water molecules when in lipid bilayers, excluding the<br />

possibility <strong>of</strong> a strictly superficial position, and therefore a<br />

positioning in the polar/apolar interface <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is more<br />

likely. Although other factors such as hydrogen bonding<br />

might affect the emission properties <strong>of</strong> the fluorophores, it<br />

is worthwhile noting that in addition to both inhibitors having<br />

fluorescence properties almost identical to those observed<br />

in acetone, they are located almost at the same distance to<br />

the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, as observed by acrylamide quenching<br />

and the parallax method, the latter positioning SB 242784<br />

and INH-1 at 12.8 and 11.9 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer<br />

(corresponding approximately to the position <strong>of</strong> the fourth<br />

to third carbon <strong>of</strong> the DOPC acyl chain in the fluid state),<br />

respectively. The difference in the position between the two<br />

inhibitors is

5278 Biochemistry, Vol. 45, No. 16, 2006 Fernandes et al.<br />

wavelengths. At variance, the fraction <strong>of</strong> molecules deeper<br />

inside the <strong>membrane</strong> is emitting more in the blue. This would<br />

explain the observed shifts in fluorescence emission maximum<br />

in the presence <strong>of</strong> quenchers at different depths in the<br />

bilayer for SB 242784. The tilted configuration <strong>of</strong> SB<br />

242784, and the resulting poor packing <strong>with</strong> the bilayer<br />

lipids, can be the explanation for the perturbations on lipid<br />

mobility induced by the presence <strong>of</strong> this V-ATPase inhibitor<br />

in the bilayer as detected by ESR (40).<br />

The orientational probability density function (Figure 7)<br />

<strong>of</strong> SB 242784 has a small contribution near 90°. This<br />

contribution is very likely to be spurious and probably results<br />

from the data analysis method (15), as it seems unlikely that<br />

a population <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors lies parallel to the bilayer<br />

surface in view <strong>of</strong> the other results presented in this study,<br />

and bilayer defects that could induce a closer to random<br />

orientation <strong>of</strong> the molecule were absent in the INH-1 samples<br />

in the same lipid system. On the other hand, the contribution<br />

to the orientational probability density function <strong>of</strong> SB 242784<br />

for smaller angles relative to the bilayer normal could<br />

originate from a fraction <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 presenting orientations<br />

closer to the bilayer normal, due to the presence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

piperidine ring, which, as already mentioned, is expected to<br />

prefer the hydrocarbon core <strong>of</strong> the bilayer and therefore to<br />

dislocate the inhibitor toward the bilayer center.<br />


Summarizing our results, both inhibitors readily aggregate<br />

in an aqueous environment and present relatively large<br />

partition coefficients to lipid bilayers. It is reasonable to place<br />

the fluorophore section <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors close to the polar/<br />

apolar interface <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, in contact <strong>with</strong> the headgroup<br />

region but still protected from the aqueous environment. The<br />

conjugated double bonds are likely to be in contact <strong>with</strong> the<br />

first carbons <strong>of</strong> the lipid acyl chains, and for the SB 242784<br />

V-ATPase inhibitor the piperidine ring should insert deeper<br />

among the acyl chains. The localization <strong>of</strong> the molecules in<br />

bilayers seems to be almost completely dictated by the<br />

fluorophore moiety, shared to a large extent by the two<br />

molecules. In this way, and assuming that the first step is<br />

the inhibitor incorporation in the <strong>membrane</strong> followed by<br />

diffusion to the protein, it would be likely that the site for<br />

interaction in the protein would be at a similar position inside<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> to maximize the diffusional encounters.<br />

The two inhibitors studied here are samples <strong>of</strong> the entire<br />

indole class <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase inhibitors. SB 242784 exhibits very<br />

high inhibitory activities against osteoclastic V-ATPase, <strong>with</strong><br />

efficient inhibition in nanomolar concentrations, whereas<br />

INH-1 is capable <strong>of</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> the enzyme only in<br />

micromolar concentrations (5-7). According to our results,<br />

it can be inferred that this high difference in inhibitory<br />

efficiency inside the class <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase indole inhibitors is<br />

essentially due to specific molecular recognition processes<br />

<strong>with</strong> the enzyme inhibition site. The behavior in <strong>membrane</strong>s<br />

<strong>of</strong> the two molecules is very similar, namely, its effective<br />

concentration in the <strong>membrane</strong>, since the partition coefficients<br />

do not vary significantly. This strong discrimination<br />

by the enzyme reflected on their IC 50 values (30 µM and 26<br />

nM for INH-1 and SB 242784, respectively) is interesting,<br />

considering the close similarity <strong>of</strong> the two molecules.<br />

Experiments are under way to study the interactions <strong>of</strong><br />

V-ATPase inhibitors <strong>with</strong> selected trans<strong>membrane</strong> segments<br />

<strong>of</strong> the enzyme to gain further insight into the proteininhibitor<br />

recognition process.<br />


We thank Benedito Cabral for the TD-DFT calculations<br />

<strong>with</strong> SB 242784.<br />


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V-ATPase DOMAINS<br />




Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

www.elsevier.com/locate/bbamem<br />

Binding assays <strong>of</strong> inhibitors towards selected V-ATPase domains<br />

F. Fernandes a , L.M.S. Loura a,b, ⁎ , A. Fedorov a , N. Dixon c , T.P. Kee c ,<br />

M. Prieto a , M.A. Hemminga d<br />

a Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal<br />

b Departamento de Química, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal<br />

c Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, University <strong>of</strong> Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK<br />

d Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Biophysics, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands<br />

Received 14 March 2006; received in revised form 4 May 2006; accepted 13 July 2006<br />

Available online 21 July 2006<br />

Abstract<br />

The macrolide antibiotic bafilomycin and the related synthetic compound SB 242784 are potent inhibitors <strong>of</strong> the vacuolar H + -ATPases (V-<br />

ATPase). It is currently believed that the site <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> these inhibitors is located on the <strong>membrane</strong> bound c-subunits <strong>of</strong> V-ATPases. To address<br />

the identification <strong>of</strong> the critical inhibitors binding domain, their specific binding to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the putative 4th<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit was investigated using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and for this purpose a specific<br />

formalism was derived. Another peptide <strong>of</strong> the corresponding domain <strong>of</strong> the c′ is<strong>of</strong>orm, was checked for binding <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin, since it is not<br />

clear if V-ATPase inhibition can also be achieved by interaction <strong>of</strong> the inhibitor <strong>with</strong> the c′-subunit. It was concluded that bafilomycin binds to the<br />

selected <strong>peptides</strong>, whereas SB 242784 was unable to interact, and in addition for bafilomycin, its interaction <strong>with</strong> the <strong>peptides</strong> either corresponding<br />

to the c- or the c′-subunit is<strong>of</strong>orms is identical. Since the observed interactions are however much weaker as compared to the very efficient binding<br />

<strong>of</strong> both bafilomycin and SB 242784 to the whole protein, it can be concluded that assembly <strong>of</strong> all V-ATPase trans<strong>membrane</strong> segments is required<br />

for an efficient interaction.<br />

© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.<br />

Keywords: V-ATPase; Bafilomycin A 1 ; Fluorescence; FRET<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Vacuolar ATPases (V-ATPases) are responsible for proton<br />

pumping in acidic organelles and plasma <strong>membrane</strong>s <strong>of</strong><br />

eukaryotic cells and their activity is essential in a large variety<br />

<strong>of</strong> cellular processes [1,2]. V-ATPases are composed <strong>of</strong> two<br />

domains (Fig. 1A), a soluble domain (V 1 ), where the catalytic<br />

center for ATP hydrolysis is located, and a <strong>membrane</strong> bound<br />

domain (V 0 ), responsible for proton pumping. V 0 contains<br />

multiple subunits including the 16-kDa proteolipids (subunits c)<br />

(4–5 copies) and their is<strong>of</strong>orms c′ and c″ (one copy each) [3],<br />

expected to play a major role in proton translocation. The<br />

⁎ Corresponding author. Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Complexo I,<br />

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.<br />

E-mail address: pclloura@alfa.ist.utl.pt (L.M.S. Loura).<br />

c-subunit contains 4 putative trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains, and an<br />

essential glutamate residue located in the 4th putative<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> sequence is expected to be the carrier <strong>of</strong><br />

protons across the <strong>membrane</strong> through protonation/deprotonation<br />

events [4].<br />

Through site-directed mutagenic <strong>studies</strong> it was reported that<br />

mutations in three residues <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit <strong>of</strong> the V-ATPase<br />

from Neurospora crassa conferred resistance to bafilomycin A 1<br />

(Fig. 1B) [5], a macrolide antibiotic inhibitor <strong>of</strong> V-ATPases<br />

produced by Streptomyces griseus [6]. Two <strong>of</strong> these residues<br />

reside in the same side <strong>of</strong> the putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong> helix<br />

(F136 and Y143), and this helix side is exposed to the lipid<br />

environment [7]. Immobilization <strong>of</strong> spin-labeled residues <strong>of</strong> c-<br />

subunit by concanamycin A, a macrolide antibiotic very similar<br />

in structure to bafilomycin A 1 , has also been observed [8]. Also<br />

recently, six other sites where mutations induced resistance to<br />

bafilomycin A 1 were reported, and three <strong>of</strong> these are located in<br />

0005-2736/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.<br />


1778 F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

Fig. 1. (A) V-ATPase structure (adapted from [2]). (B) V-ATPase inhibitors SB 242784 and bafilomycin A 1 .<br />

the putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> c-subunit [9]. Of the<br />

latter, two residues are located in the same helix side as F136<br />

and Y143, pointing to the existence <strong>of</strong> an inhibitor binding site<br />

on this protein surface. It is not clear yet if residues from other<br />

helices (1 and 2) could also be part <strong>of</strong> this binding site and form<br />

a binding pocket [9], as this structure would imply a different<br />

helix organization than the one suggested from cysteine crosslinking<br />

experiments [10].<br />

The exact location and structure <strong>of</strong> the inhibitor binding site<br />

remains a matter <strong>of</strong> discussion, and in the present study we aim<br />

to detect the molecular requirements for bafilomycin A 1 binding<br />

through the use <strong>of</strong> a reductionist approach, using a simpler<br />

model system, a synthetic c-subunit derived peptide expected to<br />

mimic the putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> the V-<br />

ATPase c-subunit (Fig. 2). Synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> have proven to be<br />

useful tools in the characterization <strong>of</strong> ligand binding-sites on<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> and in some cases these isolated <strong>peptides</strong> were capable<br />

<strong>of</strong> ligand binding efficiencies identical to the intact protein [11–<br />

16]. Additionally, peptide fragments corresponding to trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

sequences in intact <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> were shown<br />

to specifically disrupt the intact protein activity (likely by<br />

competing <strong>with</strong> native trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains) [17], and<br />

functional <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> have already been reformed from<br />

reconstituted isolated trans<strong>membrane</strong> segments [18–20], proving<br />

that isolated <strong>peptides</strong> corresponding to trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

fragments are able to maintain specific information even when<br />

incorporated in the absence <strong>of</strong> its neighboring trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

Fig. 2. Primary sequence <strong>of</strong> the model <strong>peptides</strong>. The sequences correspond to the<br />

putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> the V-ATPase c-(H4) and c′-(H4 c′ )<br />

subunit from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Peptide H4 A ← E corresponds to a<br />

modification <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 in which the glutamate residue was replaced by an<br />

alanine. This mutation is underlined. The <strong>peptides</strong> were flanked by lysines to<br />

increase the <strong>membrane</strong> anchoring.<br />

segments. Similar to a previous study on synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> that<br />

mimic the 7th putative helix <strong>of</strong> the Vph1p subunit <strong>of</strong> yeast V-<br />

ATPase [21], flanking lysines were included in the design <strong>of</strong> the<br />

model <strong>peptides</strong> used in the present study to stabilize the<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> orientation due to the anchoring effect <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lysine residue.<br />

Another V-ATPase inhibitor, (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-<br />

indolyl)-2-methoxy-N-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl)-<br />

2,4-pentadienamide (SB 242784) (Fig. 1B), a synthetic<br />

molecule developed by Farina and coworkers [22] which is<br />

based on the presumptive pharmacophore <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin A 1<br />

[23], and whose mechanism <strong>of</strong> inhibition is therefore expected<br />

to be similar, was proposed as an agent for a new therapeutical<br />

strategy in osteoporosis disease due to its specificity for the<br />

osteoclastic form <strong>of</strong> the enzyme [22,24]. Bafilomycines are<br />

powerful toxins, since they do not present specificity for any<br />

particular type <strong>of</strong> V-ATPases, inhibiting indiscriminately all<br />

enzymes, and thus preventing their therapeutical use. The<br />

reason for the difference in selectivity between the two<br />

inhibitors is still unclear, especially when noting that the<br />

inhibitor acts on the c-subunit that is extremely conserved<br />

between c-subunits from enzymes <strong>of</strong> different origins. A<br />

possible explanation would be the participation <strong>of</strong> the a-subunit<br />

(part <strong>of</strong> the enzyme <strong>membrane</strong> bound domain—V 0 )(Fig. 1A) in<br />

the inhibitory mechanism, since the is<strong>of</strong>orm a3 is expressed<br />

primarily in osteoclasts [25], and recent mutational <strong>studies</strong><br />

support this hypothesis [26]. However, in a recent study using<br />

fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), it was reported<br />

that SB 242784 and concanamycin bound competitively to<br />

isolated c-subunits, and SB 242784 was shown to bind to these<br />

as strongly as to the entire V 0 domain, apparently excluding a<br />

contribution <strong>of</strong> the a-subunit to the inhibitor binding mechanism<br />

[27]. The same authors also detected binding efficiencies <strong>of</strong> c-<br />

subunit for SB 242784 consistent <strong>with</strong> the inhibitor′s IC 50<br />

values, whereas for concanamycin these were slightly lower<br />

than expected [27]. Mutation <strong>of</strong> the tyrosine residue (Y143)<br />

from the 4th putative trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment had different<br />

effects on the conferred degree <strong>of</strong> resistance <strong>of</strong> yeast to<br />

concanamycin and to SB 242784, even though both were

F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

1779<br />

increased [8]. The binding sites for both inhibitors seem, for this<br />

reason, to be overlapping but not identical.<br />

Subunits c and c′ present a very large degree <strong>of</strong> sequence<br />

similarity, but mutations in subunit c′ homologous to those in<br />

subunit c producing bafilomycin A 1 insensitive strains have no<br />

effect in bafilomycin resistance [9]. On the basis <strong>of</strong> these results,<br />

Bowman and coworkers suggested that if c-subunit is<strong>of</strong>orms<br />

possess bafilomycin-binding sites, then these should have lower<br />

inhibitor affinities than in the c-subunit.<br />

Using the UV absorption properties <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin A 1<br />

(acceptor), we applied FRET in an assay (Tyr is the donor) to<br />

check for the existence <strong>of</strong> binding between the inhibitor and<br />

synthetic <strong>peptides</strong> corresponding to the putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segment <strong>of</strong> the c and c′-subunits from the V-<br />

ATPase <strong>of</strong> Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a lipidic environment.<br />

The same methodology was applied in binding assays <strong>with</strong><br />

SB 242784. We detected binding <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin A 1 to the<br />

selected <strong>peptides</strong>, while for SB 242784 no interaction took<br />

place.<br />

2. Materials<br />

1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(7-<br />

nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl) (NBD-DOPE), 1,2-Dioleoylsn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DOPC), 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)]<br />

(DOPG), 1,2-Dierucoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DEuPC), 2-Lauroyl-sn-glycero-3-<br />

phosphocholine (DLPC) and 1,2-Miristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine<br />

(DMPC) were obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids<br />

(Birmingham, AL). (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-indolyl)-2-methoxy-N-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl)-2,4-pentadienamide<br />

(SB 242784) was synthesized as described elsewhere [22].<br />

Bafilomycin A 1 was obtained from LC Laboratories (Woburn,<br />

MA). Peptides H4, H4 A ← E , and H4c′ (see Fig. 2) were<br />

synthesized by Pepceuticals (Nottingham, UK). Trifluoroacetic<br />

acid (TFA), 16-DOXYL-stearic acid (2-(14-Carboxytetradecyl)-2-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxazolidinyloxy)<br />

and 5-DOXYLstearic<br />

acid (2-(3-Carboxypropyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-tridecyl-3-<br />

oxazolidinyloxy) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St.<br />

Louis, USA). Trifluoroethanol (TFE) was obtained from<br />

Acrōs Organics (Geel, Belgium). Other fine chemicals were<br />

obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).<br />

3. Experimental procedures<br />

3.1. Sample preparation<br />

The <strong>peptides</strong> (Fig. 2) were solubilized in 100 μl <strong>of</strong> TFA and immediately<br />

dried under a N 2(g) flow. Following that, the peptide was suspended in TFE.<br />

When the TFA solubilization step was not introduced, the solubility in TFE was<br />

greatly reduced, and the peptide aggregation levels after reconstitution in lipid<br />

bilayers were enhanced.<br />

For peptide reconstitution in lipid bilayers, the desired amount <strong>of</strong><br />

phospholipids and solubilized peptide (and <strong>of</strong> the inhibitors in the inhibitor<br />

binding <strong>studies</strong>) were mixed in chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and dried under a N 2(g) flow. The<br />

sample was then kept in vacuum overnight. Liposomes were prepared <strong>with</strong><br />

buffer Tris 10 mM pH 7.4. The hydration step was performed <strong>with</strong> gentle<br />

addition <strong>of</strong> buffer at a temperature above the phospholipid main transition<br />

temperature.<br />

For the fluorescence quenching experiments <strong>with</strong> the N-DOXYL-stearic<br />

acids, the nitroxide labeled fatty acids were 10% <strong>of</strong> the total lipid (molar<br />

fraction).<br />

3.2. CD measurements<br />

CD spectroscopy was performed on a Jasco J-720 spectropolarimeter <strong>with</strong> a<br />

450 W Xe lamp. Samples for CD spectroscopy were extruded 8 times on a<br />

homemade extruder using polycarbonate filters <strong>of</strong> 0.1 μm. Peptide concentration<br />

was always 40 μM.<br />

3.3. Fluorescence spectroscopy<br />

Steady-state fluorescence measurements were carried out <strong>with</strong> an SLM-<br />

Aminco 8100 Series 2 spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter (<strong>with</strong> double excitation and emission<br />

monochromators, MC400) in a right angle geometry. The light source was a<br />

450 W Xe arc lamp and for reference a Rhodamine B quantum counter solution<br />

was used. Correction <strong>of</strong> emission spectra was performed using the correction<br />

s<strong>of</strong>tware <strong>of</strong> the apparatus. 5 ×5 mm quartz cuvettes were used. All<br />

measurements were performed at room temperature.<br />

The emission spectrum from the tyrosine <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 was recorded<br />

using an excitation wavelength <strong>of</strong> 270 nm. The tyrosine quantum yield <strong>of</strong><br />

peptide H4 in lipid bilayers was determined using quinine sulfate (ϕ=0.55)<br />

as a reference [28].<br />

4. Results<br />

4.1. Characterization <strong>of</strong> reconstituted <strong>peptides</strong><br />

When using a peptide as a model for a protein section, it is important that it retains the structural properties <strong>of</strong> the latter [21].<br />

Therefore, it was important for the present study to accurately know the behavior <strong>of</strong> the <strong>peptides</strong> when incorporated in lipid<br />

bilayers. The characterization focused on secondary structure, aggregation and position in the bilayer. The 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segment from which the peptide is derived is expected to assume a α-helical structure inside the V-ATPase subunit c, and<br />

therefore conditions that favor this type <strong>of</strong> structure should be determined and used throughout the study.<br />

CD spectra <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 incorporated in DOPC at a lipid to protein ratio (L/P-molar ratio) <strong>of</strong> 50 revealed the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

different types <strong>of</strong> secondary structures (Fig. 3). Deconvolution <strong>of</strong> the spectrum <strong>with</strong> the CDNN CD Spectra Deconvolution v.<br />

2.1 s<strong>of</strong>tware recovered a fraction <strong>of</strong> about 40% <strong>of</strong> α-helical structure, 29% was reported to be random coil, while the<br />

remaining was divided between the different types <strong>of</strong> β-sheet structure. When a L/P ratio <strong>of</strong> 25 was used, the fraction <strong>of</strong> α-<br />

helical structure present decreased to 30.5%. The presence <strong>of</strong> increasing amounts <strong>of</strong> β-sheet structure at lower L/P ratios is an<br />

indication <strong>of</strong> peptide aggregation [29]. It was not possible to obtain a reasonable quality CD spectrum <strong>with</strong> samples <strong>of</strong> larger<br />

L/P ratios as those used in the inhibitor binding <strong>studies</strong>, as the lipid concentration became too high and large light scattering<br />

problems arose.

1780 F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

Fig. 3. CD spectrum <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 incorporated in DOPC at an L/P <strong>of</strong> 50.<br />

Another method to study aggregation <strong>of</strong> <strong>peptides</strong> is to follow the quantum yield changes <strong>of</strong> the aromatic residues present.<br />

Fluorescence from tyrosine residues is known to be quenched by several mechanisms besides FRET, namely interactions <strong>with</strong> other<br />

residues side chains such as glutamate and aspartate, and uncharged forms <strong>of</strong> basic residues such as arginine, lysine and histidine, as<br />

well as electron transfer to peptide α-carbonyl groups [30,31]. Considering this, it can be expected that <strong>peptides</strong> forming aggregates<br />

will have a lower quantum yield than their monomeric counterparts. The quantum yield dependence <strong>of</strong> Tyr15 (corresponding to<br />

Tyr142 in the native protein [32]) from reconstituted <strong>peptides</strong> on the lipid composition is shown in Fig. 4. The presence <strong>of</strong> anionic<br />

phospholipids clearly increases the quantum yield <strong>of</strong> peptide H4. In liposome <strong>of</strong> pure zwitterionic phospholipids, the Tyr15 quantum<br />

yield trend is: DEuPC< DOPC

F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

1781<br />

Fig. 5. (A): Model used for FRET simulations. The donor (Tyr15) is located 6 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer while the acceptors can be located at different planes,<br />

assuming a superficial location such as for NBD-DOPE (A 1 ) or more buried positions such as for the V-ATPase inhibitors (A 2 ). In case <strong>of</strong> aggregation the number <strong>of</strong><br />

protein–protein contacts increases while protein–lipid contacts decrease, as a result, R e (exclusion distance) increases. (B) H4 fluorescence quenching <strong>of</strong> Tyr15 <strong>of</strong><br />

peptide H4 due to FRET to NBD-DOPE in DOPC bilayers using a lipid to protein ratio <strong>of</strong> 50 (●) and 100 (○). Curve corresponds to an exclusion radius fit to the energy<br />

transfer data using equations 1–5 (—). A value <strong>of</strong> 9 Å was recovered for R e .(–––) FRET simulation for a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors around a donor <strong>with</strong> an<br />

exclusion radius <strong>of</strong> 20 Å. n 2 is the superficial concentration <strong>of</strong> labeled phospholipids (molecules per Å 2 ). The range <strong>of</strong> NBD labeled phospholipid to total phospholipid<br />

ratios in this experiment was 0.4% to 2%. Inset: Overlap between tyrosine fluorescence emission ( ) and DOPE-NBD absorption spectrum (––), R 0 (Tyr-NBD) =22Å.<br />

On the basis <strong>of</strong> these results, the lipid composition chosen for the inhibitor-peptide binding <strong>studies</strong> by FRET measurements was<br />

100% DOPC at an L/P <strong>of</strong> 100, as this lipid is able to favor the trans<strong>membrane</strong> orientation for peptide H4. The problem <strong>of</strong> lateral<br />

aggregation in the <strong>membrane</strong> nevertheless potentially remained, as in DOPC the tyrosine quantum yield was significantly lower<br />

than in liposomes containing anionic phospholipids. The possibility <strong>of</strong> aggregation could however also be assessed, as described<br />

below.<br />

A FRET experiment was performed in order to determine the size <strong>of</strong> the possible aggregates. Using the Tyr15 as a donor and<br />

NBD labeled DOPE as acceptors (NBD-DOPE), FRET efficiencies were obtained (Fig. 5B). Fitting the available theoretical models<br />

for energy transfer between donor and acceptors in different planes [34] to our experimental data, we can recover an averaged<br />

exclusion radius (R e ) <strong>of</strong> the donor, defined as the minimum distance between the Tyr15 and the NBD labeled phospholipids (Fig.<br />

5A). For a monomeric peptide this value should be around 10 Å as this is approximately the sum <strong>of</strong> the radius <strong>of</strong> a α-helix backbone<br />

and that <strong>of</strong> a phospholipid molecule. Any significant increase from this value is likely to be reporting an extensive aggregation<br />

phenomenon.<br />

FRET efficiencies (E) are calculated from the degree <strong>of</strong> fluorescence emission quenching <strong>of</strong> the donor caused by the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors.<br />

E ¼ 1<br />

I DA<br />

I D<br />

¼ 1<br />

Z l<br />

0<br />

Z l<br />

i DA ðÞdt= t i<br />

0 D ðÞdt t<br />

ð1Þ<br />

i DA ðtÞ ¼i D ðtÞ:q interplanar ðtÞ<br />

ð2Þ<br />

where I DA and I D are the steady-state fluorescence intensities <strong>of</strong> the donor in the presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively.<br />

i DA and i D are the donor decays in the presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors. ρ interplanar is the FRET contribution arising from<br />

energy transfer to randomly distributed acceptors in two different planes from the donors (two monolayer leaflets) [34].<br />

( Z l<br />

p<br />

) ( ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1<br />

q interplanar ¼ exp 2n 2 pl1<br />

2 l<br />

1 2 1 expð tb 3 Z l þR2 e<br />

1 a6 Þ<br />

p<br />

)<br />

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2<br />

a 3 da exp 2n 2 pl2<br />

2 l<br />

2 2 1 expð tb 3 þR2 e<br />

2 a6 Þ<br />

a 3 da<br />

0<br />

0<br />


1782 F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

where b i =(R 0 2 /l i ) 2 τ D −1/3 , R 0 is the Förster radius, n 2 is the acceptor density in each leaflet, and l 1 and l 2 are the distance between<br />

the plane <strong>of</strong> the donors and the two planes <strong>of</strong> acceptors. Using Eqs. (1)–(3), theoretical expectations for FRET efficiency in a<br />

random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors can be calculated and converted to I DA /I D ratios. The Förster radius is given by:<br />

R 0 ¼ 0:2108ðJj 2 n 4 / D Þ 1=6<br />

ð4Þ<br />

where J is the spectral overlap integral, κ 2 is the orientation factor, n is the refractive index <strong>of</strong> the medium, and ϕ D is the donor<br />

quantum yield. J is calculated as:<br />

Z<br />

J ¼ f ðkÞeðkÞk 4 dk<br />

ð5Þ<br />

where f(λ) is the normalized emission spectra <strong>of</strong> the donor and ε(λ) is the absorption spectra <strong>of</strong> the acceptor. The numeric factor<br />

in Eq. (4) assumes nm units for the wavelength λ and Å units for R 0 .<br />

Assuming the already determined value for Tyr15 position in the bilayer (6 Å from the center) and the distance from the center <strong>of</strong><br />

the bilayer <strong>of</strong> the NBD moiety in NBD labeled phospholipids (19 Å) [35], l 1 and l 2 were determined to be 13 and 25 Å, respectively.<br />

Using Eqs. (4) and (5) the Förster radius <strong>of</strong> the Tyr-NBD donor–acceptor pair was determined to be R 0 =22 Å. In the fitting<br />

procedure, these values are kept fixed and the only parameter being fitted is R e. The results from the experiment along <strong>with</strong> the curve<br />

fitted from the theoretical model, are presented in Fig. 5B. Both sets <strong>of</strong> data (L/P=50 and 100) were fitted <strong>with</strong> a value <strong>of</strong> R e =9 Å,<br />

matching the expectation for a monomeric peptide. In case there were aggregates at the protein concentrations used these must be<br />

small enough so that the distances between Tyr15 and the surrounding phospholipids are not affected. From Eqs. (1)–(3) and using<br />

the same parameter values described above as well as R e =20 Å (large aggregates), a FRET simulation was performed for the same<br />

system and the obtained donor quenching curve is compared to our experimental values in Fig. 5B.<br />

4.2. Peptide inhibitor binding <strong>studies</strong><br />

Both bafilomycin A 1 and SB 242784 absorb in the UV region and can act as acceptors for tyrosine in energy transfer experiments<br />

(spectra are shown in Fig. 6 and 7). The Förster radius for the Tyr-bafilomycin A 1 donor–acceptor pair is 20 Å, whereas for the Tyr-<br />

SB 242784 pair it is 24 Å (Eq. (4)). A 3 mM concentration <strong>of</strong> lipid was used to ensure an almost complete incorporation <strong>of</strong> inhibitors<br />

in the bilayer. SB 242784 partition coefficient to DOPC bilayers is 1.20×10 4 [36], and at the lipid concentration used 97% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inhibitor molecules are incorporated in the bilayer. The fraction <strong>of</strong> inhibitors not incorporated in the vesicles was taken into account<br />

on the acceptor concentrations plot in Fig. 7, which depicts the Tyr15 quenching via energy transfer to SB 242784.<br />

In contrast to SB 242784, bafilomycin A 1 is not a fluorescent molecule and partition coefficients could not be determined using<br />

photophysical techniques. Overestimation <strong>of</strong> its partition coefficient could lead to an underestimation <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin-peptide binding<br />

constants. However, it was recently showed by EPR <strong>of</strong> spin-labeled lipids that the macrolide molecule concanamycin A, another<br />

powerful V-ATPase inhibitor <strong>with</strong> very similar structure to bafilomycin A 1 , readily incorporates in lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s [37]. Thus, it is<br />

to be expected from this result and from the high hydrophobic character <strong>of</strong> the molecule that the incorporation <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin A 1 at<br />

the lipid concentrations used is close to 100%.<br />

On the inhibitor-peptide binding assays, the L/P was kept at 100 in order to ensure minimum levels <strong>of</strong> aggregation. Experimental<br />

FRET efficiencies obtained <strong>with</strong> both peptide H4/SB 242784 and peptide H4/bafilomycin A 1 donor/acceptor pairs (Eq. (1)), are<br />

compared to theoretical expectations for a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (the scenario in which there is an absence <strong>of</strong> binding)<br />

obtained from Eqs. (1) and (2) (see Figs. 6 and 7). The position <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 in DOPC bilayers was already determined from<br />

selective quenching methodology (parallax method) to be 12.8 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer [36], but the position <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bafilomycin A 1 chromophore was impossible to determine by the same methodology since this molecule is not fluorescent. In Fig.<br />

6A, the simulations corresponding to different positions <strong>of</strong> the bafilomycin A 1 chromophore inside the bilayer are shown, together<br />

<strong>with</strong> the experimental data. It is clear that even when assuming that the Tyr15 is located on the same bilayer plane as the bafilomycin<br />

A 1 chromophore (6 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer), in a situation <strong>of</strong> maximal energy transfer efficiency, the experimental energy<br />

transfer efficiencies cannot be solely explained by the unbound population <strong>of</strong> inhibitor molecules (i.e. random distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors) and a fraction <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 must be binding bafilomycin A 1 . It is difficult to precisely quantify the binding constant (K b )<br />

for this process due to the uncertainty relative to the bafilomycin A 1 chromophore position in the bilayer, but a lower and a higher<br />

limit can be determined assuming the closest and furthest position possible for bafilomycin A 1 and Tyr15 (corresponding<br />

respectively to a position in the center and in the surface <strong>of</strong> the bilayer for bafilomycin A 1 ), and also that peptide H4/bafilomycin A 1<br />

complexes are completely non-fluorescent (Eqs. (6) and (7)). This last assumption is valid, since for a contact interaction either by<br />

Förster type or other transfer (exchange) mechanism, the efficiency <strong>of</strong> transfer would be 100%. The equations valid for the FRET<br />

efficiency in a scenario <strong>of</strong> peptide H4-bafilomycin A 1 1:1 complex formation are given below:<br />

E EXP ¼ E random þ H4 Baf ð1 E random Þ ð6Þ<br />

½H4Š T

F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

1783<br />

qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

½H4 Baf Š<br />

¼ 1 K bð½Baf Š T<br />

þ½H4Š T<br />

Þþ ð1 þ K b ð½Baf Š T<br />

þ½H4Š T<br />

ÞÞ 2 4ðKb 2½Baf Š T ½H4Š T Þ<br />

ð7Þ<br />

½H4Š T<br />

ð 2K b Þ½H4Š T<br />

where [H4-Baf] is the effective concentration (molecules per lipid volume as the binding is confined to the lipid phase) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

peptide–bafilomycin A 1 complex, and, [H4] T and [Baf] T are respectively, the effective analytical concentrations <strong>of</strong> the peptide and <strong>of</strong><br />

bafilomycin A 1 . E EXP is the energy transfer efficiencies obtained experimentally and E random is the theoretical energy transfer<br />

efficiency assuming a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors (Eqs. (1)–(3)). In case binding is detected, the use <strong>of</strong> effective bafilomycin A 1<br />

concentrations will result in lower binding constants as compared to the ones <strong>of</strong> bulk concentrations, but the binding constants<br />

obtained in this way have a larger physical meaning as they will not change <strong>with</strong> lipid concentration. Anyway they can be easily<br />

interconverted.<br />

Assuming a position for bafilomycin A 1 in the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, the fitting procedure (Fig. 6A) recovered K b =10.5±1.32 M − 1<br />

(mol per volume <strong>of</strong> lipid). When the bafilomycin A 1 position was fixed to 20 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer (i.e. at the surface), the<br />

value recovered was K b =36.2±2.8 M − 1 . Therefore, the binding constant upper and lower bounds for the peptide H4–bafilomycin<br />

A 1 complex are 10.5±1.32 13.72±3.05 M − 1 .<br />

Fig. 6. (A) Fluorescence emission quenching <strong>of</strong> Tyr15 <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 by FRET to bafilomycin A 1 (●). Theoretical expectations (Eqs. (1–3)) for FRET in the absence <strong>of</strong><br />

inhibitorbindingtopeptideH4assumingpositionsforbafilomycinA 1 <strong>of</strong>12.5Å(⋯),8.5Å(–––),and4.5Å(—) fromthecenter<strong>of</strong>thebilayer.( )Fitting<strong>of</strong>equations6 and<br />

7 to FRET data assuming a bafilomycin A 1 position <strong>of</strong> 4.5 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. The interval 10.5±1.34

1784 F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

Fig. 7. Fluorescence emission quenching <strong>of</strong> Tyr15 <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 by FRET to SB 242784 (●). Curve corresponds to the theoretical expectation for FRET in the absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> inhibitor binding to peptide H4 (see text). The range <strong>of</strong> SB 242784 to total phospholipid ratios in these experiments was 0.18% to 1.8%. Inset: overlap between<br />

tyrosine fluorescence emission ( ) and SB242784 absorption spectrum (–––), R 0 (Tyr-SB 242784)=24 Å.<br />

When the FRET binding assay was applied to the peptide H4/SB 242784 system, the results were substantially different (Fig.<br />

7). With this inhibitor, the obtained FRET efficiencies matched the theoretical expectations for a random distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors,<br />

suggesting absence <strong>of</strong> binding between SB 242784 and the peptide. No uncertainty exists regarding this result as the position <strong>of</strong><br />

the inhibitor inside the bilayer is accurately know from parallax fluorescence quenching techniques (12.8 Å from the center <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer — [36]).<br />

5. Discussion<br />

5.1. Use <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 as a model peptide for the 4th<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> segment <strong>of</strong> subunit c<br />

Aggregation <strong>of</strong> trans<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>peptides</strong> containing a hydrophobic<br />

sequence and flanked by basic residues has already been<br />

reported [38–40], thus detection <strong>of</strong> aggregates <strong>of</strong> peptide H4 at<br />

low L/P ratios (

F. Fernandes et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1758 (2006) 1777–1786<br />

1785<br />

[26]. In the same way, c-subunit residues shown to be important<br />

for bafilomycin A 1 inhibitory activity through mutational<br />

<strong>studies</strong> [9] could not be directly involved in the binding <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inhibitor, but still play a role in the inhibition mechanism. Here,<br />

we proposed to further define the structural requirements for<br />

bafilomycin A 1 and SB 242784 binding to the V-ATPase, by<br />

focusing on the protein domain expected to be the primary<br />

contributor to the inhibitor binding site, the putative 4th<br />

trans<strong>membrane</strong> domain <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit. The extent <strong>of</strong> binding<br />

efficiencies achieved using only <strong>peptides</strong> corresponding to this<br />

section <strong>of</strong> the protein is an indicator <strong>of</strong> the relevance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

remaining protein domains to the binding <strong>of</strong> inhibitor, the first<br />

step in the inhibitory mechanism.<br />

No evidence was found supporting SB 242784 association<br />

<strong>with</strong> the peptide H4. On the other hand, bafilomycin A 1 was<br />

shown to possess only moderate affinity for the trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

<strong>peptides</strong>. Due to uncertainties in bafilomycin A 1 position in<br />

bilayers it was impossible to rigorously quantify a binding<br />

constant for the process, but a reliable range for this parameter<br />

could be presented. The differences in bafilomycin A 1 binding<br />

efficiencies for the peptide H4, H4c′ and H4 A ← E are not<br />

significant as they fall <strong>with</strong>in, or close to the error <strong>of</strong> the fits. For<br />

H4c′ this result is somewhat surprising. Mutations on conserved<br />

residues <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit known to confer resistance to<br />

bafilomycin A 1 and concanamycin were shown to be ineffective<br />

in the c′ and c′ is<strong>of</strong>orms [9]. It was proposed that if a<br />

bafilomycin A 1 binding site was present on these is<strong>of</strong>orms, then<br />

it must possess lower affinity than in the c is<strong>of</strong>orm [9]. If this is<br />

the case, then the differences in binding efficiencies between the<br />

two is<strong>of</strong>orms must be explained by discrepancies in the<br />

interaction <strong>of</strong> the inhibitor <strong>with</strong> parts <strong>of</strong> the protein other than<br />

the highly conserved putative 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong> helix.<br />

Although the contribution from the 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segment (TM4) to the binding site affinity for bafilomycin A 1 is<br />

not negligible, it is absolutely unable to explain the extremely<br />

low IC 50 <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin A 1 (0.1 nM). The binding efficiencies<br />

observed for concanamycin (IC 50 close to bafilomycin A 1 ) and<br />

the intact isolated c-subunit [27] were more than 1000 times<br />

larger than the ones recovered in the present study. Therefore, it<br />

is clear that either: (i) the other trans<strong>membrane</strong> segments from<br />

the c-subunit, namely TM1 and TM2, are essential in the<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> an efficient inhibitor binding site, or that (ii)<br />

interactions <strong>of</strong> TM4 <strong>with</strong> other protein segments are required for<br />

this protein section to assume the appropriate folding which<br />

enables the establishment <strong>of</strong> the necessary interactions for an<br />

efficient binding between the residues <strong>of</strong> the 4th trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segment <strong>of</strong> the c-subunit and the inhibitors. Absence <strong>of</strong> SB<br />

242784 binding to the peptide H4 could be explained by the<br />

much lower IC 50 <strong>of</strong> this inhibitor (26 nM in chicken osteoclasts<br />

[22]) that reflects a much lower binding site affinity for this<br />

inhibitor, and the absence <strong>of</strong> remaining c-subunit trans<strong>membrane</strong><br />

segments potentiates this effect.<br />

In this work, in addition to the detailed comparison <strong>of</strong> the<br />

different inhibitors and <strong>peptides</strong>, it was concluded that in<br />

contrast to some reported cases [11–16], there is a very<br />

significant difference in binding when comparing the binding to<br />

selected protein segments or to the whole protein. Although<br />

<strong>studies</strong> using <strong>peptides</strong> are very relevant, clearly in the case <strong>of</strong><br />

the interaction between the bafilomycin A 1 or SB 242784 <strong>with</strong><br />

the c-subunit from V-ATPase, the whole protein architecture<br />

and the environment that it provides, are key factors for an<br />

efficient binding.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This work was supported by contract no. QLG-CT-2000-<br />

01801 <strong>of</strong> the European Commission (MIVase consortium).<br />

M. H. and M. P. are members <strong>of</strong> the COST D22 Action <strong>of</strong><br />

the European Union. F. F. acknowledges grant SFRH/BD/<br />

14282/2003 from FCT (Portugal). This work was partially<br />

funded by FCT (Portugal) under the program POCTI.<br />

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PORIN OmpF<br />

IV<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) have been shown to present broad-spectrum<br />

antimicrobial activity and are currently one <strong>of</strong> the most successful classes <strong>of</strong> drugs.<br />

They are reported as relatively well tolerated drugs <strong>with</strong> reasonably few undesirable<br />

effects (Albini and Monti, 2003; Stahlmann and Lode, 1999), and as a consequence<br />

their therapeutic application is increasing. The antibiotic activity <strong>of</strong> quinolones is the<br />

outcome <strong>of</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> important enzymes for chromosome function and<br />

topology (homologous type II topoisomerases, DNA gyrase, and DNA topoisomerase<br />

IV) (Pestova et al., 2000).<br />

First generation quinolones (nalidixic acid) were used in the treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. More recently, new derivatives were<br />

developed <strong>with</strong> enhanced antibiotic activity against Gram-positive bacteria, namely<br />

Streptococus pneumoniae, responsible for infections in the respiratory system and other<br />

pathologies (Quiniliani et al., 1999). Some <strong>of</strong> the new generation quinolones are also<br />

apparently effective against multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis and were<br />

shown to be useful in the treatment <strong>of</strong> AIDS patients infected <strong>with</strong> this pathogen<br />

(Houston and Farming, 1994; Hooper and Wolfson, 1995). These bacteria are resistant<br />

to a wide range <strong>of</strong> aggressive agents (acid/alcohol) due to the presence <strong>of</strong> a complex<br />

permeability barrier (Nikaido et al., 1993).<br />

The possible strategies for quinolones entry through the outer and inner<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s <strong>of</strong> bacteria are via porin channels (Dechené et al., 1990; Chevalier et al.,<br />

2000), or hydrophobic diffusion through the lipid bilayer. The porin pathway is<br />


apparently the most significant as the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the quinolones is not directly related<br />

to the water/lipid partition coefficient <strong>of</strong> the molecules (Vazquez et al., 2001). Indeed,<br />

by either not expressing or expressing structurally changed outer <strong>membrane</strong> porins,<br />

entrance <strong>of</strong> quinolones in bacteria is severely impaired (Mascaretti, 2003; Chevalier et<br />

al., 2000).<br />

OmpF is one <strong>of</strong> the porins involved in the permeation process <strong>of</strong> quinolones<br />

across the outer <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> bacteria (Chapman and Georgopapadakou, 1988). It was<br />

the first <strong>membrane</strong> protein to yield crystals <strong>of</strong> size and order allowing to be analyzed by<br />

X-ray crystallography (Garavito and Rosenbusch, 1980). This porin forms a homotrimer<br />

in the outer <strong>membrane</strong> and each monomer presents β-barrel structure in which one <strong>of</strong><br />

the loops folds back to the barrel, forming a constriction zone at half the height <strong>of</strong> the<br />

channel (Figure 1 in section 2 <strong>of</strong> this Chapter). This loop is expected to contribute<br />

significantly to the control <strong>of</strong> the permeability <strong>of</strong> OmpF.<br />

It is not yet know whether OmpF operates as a channel or as an enabler <strong>of</strong><br />

quinolones diffusion across the lipid-OmpF interface. Therefore, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

exact type <strong>of</strong> interaction established by OmpF and quinolones is <strong>of</strong> great biological<br />

relevance, and could be potentially useful in the development <strong>of</strong> more effective drugs in<br />

the future. In this chapter, the interaction <strong>of</strong> OmpF and a second generation quinolone,<br />

cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin (CP), was studied. CP is a 6-fluoroquinolone which structure is shown in<br />

Figure IV-1. Recent <strong>studies</strong> suggested a 1:1 stoichiometry for OmpF-CP interaction<br />

(Neves et al., 2005).<br />

Figure IV-1: Chemical structure <strong>of</strong> CP.<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />






The outer <strong>membrane</strong> protein F (OmpF) is known to play an important role in the uptake <strong>of</strong><br />

fluoroquinolone antibiotics by bacteria. In this study, the degree <strong>of</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> the fluoroquinolone<br />

antibiotic cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin to OmpF in a lipid <strong>membrane</strong> environment is quantified using a methodology<br />

based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Analysis <strong>of</strong> the fluorescence quenching <strong>of</strong> OmpF is<br />

complex as each OmpF monomer presents two tryptophans at different positions, thus sensing two<br />

different distributions <strong>of</strong> acceptors in the bilayer plane. Specific FRET formalisms were derived<br />

accounting for the different energy transfer contributions to quenching <strong>of</strong> each type <strong>of</strong> tryptophan <strong>of</strong><br />

OmpF, allowing the recovery <strong>of</strong> upper and lower boundaries for the cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin-OmpF binding constant<br />

(K B ). log (K B ) was found to lie in the range 3.15-3.62 or 3.58-4.00 depending on the location for the<br />

cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin binding site assumed in the FRET modelling, closer to the centre or to the periphery <strong>of</strong> the<br />

OmpF trimer, respectively. This methodology is suitable for the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data obtained <strong>with</strong><br />

similar protein systems and can be readily adapted to different geometries.<br />




PORIN OmpF<br />




Fábio Fernandes a , Patrícia Neves b , Paula Gameiro b , Luís M. S. Loura c , Manuel Prieto a, *<br />

a - Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.<br />

b - Requimte, Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Ciências, Porto, Portugal.<br />

c - Centro de Química and Departamento de Química, Universidade de Évora, Évora,<br />

Portugal.<br />


The outer <strong>membrane</strong> protein F (OmpF) is known to play an important role in the uptake<br />

<strong>of</strong> fluoroquinolone antibiotics by bacteria. In this study, the degree <strong>of</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fluoroquinolone antibiotic cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin to OmpF in a lipid <strong>membrane</strong> environment is<br />

quantified using a methodology based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET).<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> the fluorescence quenching <strong>of</strong> OmpF is complex as each OmpF monomer<br />

presents two tryptophans at different positions, thus sensing two different distributions<br />

<strong>of</strong> acceptors in the bilayer plane. Specific FRET formalisms were derived accounting<br />

for the different energy transfer contributions to quenching <strong>of</strong> each type <strong>of</strong> tryptophan<br />

<strong>of</strong> OmpF, allowing the recovery <strong>of</strong> upper and lower boundaries for the cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin-<br />

OmpF binding constant (K B ). log (K B ) was found to lie in the range 3.15-3.62 or 3.58-<br />

4.00 depending on the location for the cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin binding site assumed in the FRET<br />

modelling, closer to the centre or to the periphery <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer, respectively.<br />

This methodology is suitable for the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data obtained <strong>with</strong> similar<br />

protein systems and can be readily adapted to different geometries.<br />

Abbreviations<br />

CP-Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin; FRET- Förster resonance energy transfer; oPOE- n-<br />

octylpolyoxyethylene; OmpF- Outer Membrane protein F; DMPC-Dimyristoyl-L-αphosphatidylcholine;<br />

Trp- tryptophan; CMC- critical micellar concentration.<br />


Introduction<br />

Quinolones are broad-spectrum antibacterial agents which mechanism <strong>of</strong> action is the<br />

inhibition <strong>of</strong> DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV enzymes that control DNA<br />

topology and are vital for bacterial replication [1-3]. Access to the target site is a major<br />

determinant <strong>of</strong> antibacterial activity, <strong>with</strong> the outer <strong>membrane</strong> being the major<br />

permeability barrier in Gram negative bacteria [1]. In fact, one <strong>of</strong> the mechanisms <strong>of</strong><br />

resistance developed by the bacterial cell is the process <strong>of</strong> making more difficult the<br />

access <strong>of</strong> quinolones to their target <strong>of</strong> action, by either not expressing or expressing<br />

structurally changed outer <strong>membrane</strong> porins [3,4]. One <strong>of</strong> those porins, which<br />

microbiology <strong>studies</strong> related to the permeation <strong>of</strong> some quinolones through the outer<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>, is OmpF [1, 3-6]. Indeed, porin-deficient mutants <strong>of</strong> E. coli are resistant to<br />

fluoroquinolones, although the role <strong>of</strong> OmpF, either as a channel or as an enabler <strong>of</strong><br />

quinolone diffusion at the OmpF/ lipid interface, has not yet been elucidated. The<br />

relative importance and the different areas <strong>of</strong> contact <strong>of</strong> each quinolone <strong>with</strong> OmpF, is a<br />

subject <strong>of</strong> great importance in the context <strong>of</strong> developing new molecules <strong>with</strong> less<br />

resistance problems.<br />

OmpF is a trimer <strong>with</strong>in the <strong>membrane</strong> and it contains just two tryptophan residues per<br />

monomer (Fig.1), Trp 214 at the lipid protein interface and Trp 61 at the trimer interface<br />

[7]. The protein shows a maximum <strong>of</strong> emission at relatively low wavelengths, which<br />

suggests that both tryptophans are in hydrophobic environments. This is confirmed by<br />

experiments involving OmpF mutants [7], which lack one or both Trp’s.<br />

Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin (CP) (Fig. 2) is a 6-fluoroquinolone antibiotic currently under clinical use<br />

for which many resistances have been reported in a large number <strong>of</strong> microbial species.<br />

The aim <strong>of</strong> the present study was to investigate the role <strong>of</strong> OmpF as a major pathway for<br />

CP entry through the outer <strong>membrane</strong> into the bacterial cell by analysing the alteration<br />

<strong>of</strong> OmpF fluorescence in presence <strong>of</strong> increasing concentration <strong>of</strong> CP.<br />

In this way, the extent <strong>of</strong> Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between OmpF and<br />

CP was measured, which associated <strong>with</strong> a rational modelling <strong>of</strong> the distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

donor and acceptors in the bilayer allowed us to quantify the extent <strong>of</strong> binding between<br />

the protein and the antibiotic. The FRET modelling presented here is also suitable for<br />

application to systems <strong>with</strong> different geometries, and the new FRET formalisms derived<br />

can be readily adapted to the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data obtained <strong>with</strong> other large <strong>membrane</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> presenting donor fluorophores in the protein-lipid interface.<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

Our study assumes significance in the overall context <strong>of</strong> the increasing problem <strong>of</strong><br />

bacterial resistance to the antibiotics currently in use, and the consequent need <strong>of</strong><br />

understanding the processes involved, in order to create new molecules <strong>with</strong> increased<br />

antibacterial activity and less resistance problems.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin (CP) was a gift from Bayer (Leverkusen, Germany). N-(2-hydroxyethyl)<br />

piperazine-N’-ethanesulfonic acid (Hepes) was from Sigma (Sigma, St. Louis, MO).<br />

Octylpolyoxyethylene (oPOE) was from Bachem (Bubendorf, Switzerland) and all<br />

other chemicals were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). All solutions were prepared<br />

<strong>with</strong> 10 mM Hepes buffer (0.1 M NaCl; pH 7.4). OmpF was purified from E. coli, strain<br />

BL21 (DE3) Omp8, following published procedures (8). OmpF concentration was<br />

estimated using the bicinchoninic acid protein assay against bovine serum albumin as<br />

standard.<br />

All the absorption measurements were carried out <strong>with</strong> a UNICAM UV-300<br />

spectrophotometer equipped <strong>with</strong> a constant-temperature cell holder. Spectra were<br />

recorded at 37ºC in 1 cm quartz cuvettes in the range 230 to 350 nm. Fluorescence<br />

measurements were performed in a Varian spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter, model Cary Eclipse,<br />

equipped <strong>with</strong> a constant-temperature cell holder (Peltier single cell holder). All the<br />

spectra were recorded at 37ºC, under constant stirring, <strong>with</strong> slit widths <strong>of</strong> excitation and<br />

emission <strong>of</strong> 10 nm.<br />

Solutions<br />

All the antibiotic solutions and proteoliposomes suspensions were prepared in 10 mM<br />

Hepes buffer (pH 7.4, 0.1 M NaCl).<br />

Reconstitution <strong>of</strong> OmpF in DMPC liposomes<br />

As the final purpose for the proteoliposomes was the study <strong>of</strong> the quinolones interaction<br />

<strong>with</strong> OmpF in a structural perspective, correct orientation <strong>of</strong> protein insertion was<br />

important and best achieved by direct incorporation <strong>of</strong> OmpF into preformed liposomes<br />


[9-12]. Having this into consideration, OmpF proteoliposomes were prepared by direct<br />

incorporation into preformed DMPC liposomes, by a well established methodology [10,<br />

13-15]. Briefly, an adequate volume (~ 2.6 ml) <strong>of</strong> DMPC liposome suspension (~ 2.0<br />

mM) in Hepes buffer, prepared according usual procedures [16], is added to OmpF<br />

(0.45 mg) in a Hepes buffer solution <strong>with</strong> 0.4% <strong>of</strong> oPOE. The lipid/protein mole ratio is<br />

always near 1000 and the total volume <strong>of</strong> the mixture assures a final concentration <strong>of</strong><br />

oPOE lower than the value <strong>of</strong> its CMC (0.23%). After an efficient homogenization by<br />

gentle stirring, the mixture is incubated 15 min at room temperature followed by 1 h on<br />

ice. The detergent is then adsorbed onto SM2 Bio-Beads ® from Bio-Rad (Hercules, CA)<br />

at a concentration <strong>of</strong> 0.2 g <strong>of</strong> Bio-Beads/ml, by gently shaking <strong>of</strong> the suspension during<br />

a period <strong>of</strong> 3 h. After this time, a second portion <strong>of</strong> the same amount <strong>of</strong> Bio-Beads is<br />

added and the suspension is again shaken for another 3 h. In the end <strong>of</strong> this period,<br />

proteoliposomes are gently removed by decanting the Bio-Beads. The orientation <strong>of</strong><br />

OmpF by this reconstitution procedure is considered similar to that observed in the<br />

bacterial <strong>membrane</strong>s, based in experimental and molecular dynamics <strong>studies</strong> [17,18].<br />

As the study to be performed is based on the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> OmpF, the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

protein not inserted in the <strong>membrane</strong> would lead to errors in the final results. The<br />

suspension <strong>of</strong> proteoliposomes was therefore submitted to an ultracentrifugation (80000<br />

g, 4 ºC, 2 h) in order to remove any traces <strong>of</strong> protein not incorporated. After this<br />

procedure the supernatant was rejected and the pellet suspended in Hepes buffer.<br />

Protein was quantified in the liposomes and in the supernatant. The percentage <strong>of</strong><br />

incorporation by this methodology was always higher than 76%. In the final step <strong>of</strong> the<br />

procedure the proteoliposomes are sequentially extruded through 200 and 100 nm<br />

polycarbonate <strong>membrane</strong>s from Nucleopore (Kent, WA).<br />

Quenching <strong>of</strong> OmpF fluorescence by CP<br />

The fluorescence quenching <strong>studies</strong> were achieved by successive additions <strong>of</strong> a constant<br />

volume (10 µl) <strong>of</strong> CP solution (~ 296 µM) to the cuvette (final concentration range: 0-<br />

38µM) containing a constant amount <strong>of</strong> OmpF (~ 0.45 µM) incorporated in the<br />

liposomes.<br />

Fluorescence spectra were measured <strong>with</strong> an excitation wavelength <strong>of</strong> 290 nm. Inner<br />

filter effects and dilution <strong>of</strong> the solution were taken into account.<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

Theoretical Modelling<br />

CP quenches OmpF fluorescence through a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)<br />

mechanism. FRET efficiencies (E) are calculated from the extent <strong>of</strong> fluorescence<br />

emission quenching <strong>of</strong> the donor induced by the presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors,<br />

IDA<br />

E = 1− = 1−<br />

I<br />

D<br />

∞<br />

∫<br />

DA<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

0<br />

i<br />

∫<br />

i<br />

D<br />

() t dt<br />

() t dt<br />

where I DA and I D are the steady-state fluorescence intensities <strong>of</strong> the donor in the<br />

presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively. i DA (t) and i D (t) are the donor<br />

fluorescence decays in the presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively. Although<br />

there is a contribution <strong>of</strong> static quenching to FRET in OmpF-CP complexes, Eq.(1) still<br />

holds since this is taken into account as described below (Eqs. 8-12).<br />

As seen in Fig.3, CP absorbance overlaps <strong>with</strong> the OmpF’s fluorescence emission<br />

spectrum (from both tryptophans 214 and 61), and the overlap integral (J) is calculated<br />

as:<br />

(1)<br />

∫<br />

( )<br />

4<br />

J = f λ ⋅ε(λ) ⋅λ ⋅dλ<br />

(2)<br />

where f(λ) is the normalized emission spectrum <strong>of</strong> the donor and ε(λ) is the absorption<br />

spectrum <strong>of</strong> the acceptor.<br />

The Förster radius (R 0 ) is given by:<br />

R<br />

2 −4<br />

1/ 6<br />

0<br />

= 0.2108<br />

⋅ ( J ⋅ κ ⋅ n ⋅ φ<br />

D<br />

)<br />

(3)<br />

where the orientational factor is assumed in the dynamic isotropic regime (κ 2 = 2/3), the<br />

refractive index <strong>of</strong> the medium is n = 1.44, and φ D is the donor quantum yield. The<br />

numeric factor in Eq.(3) assumes nm units for the wavelength λ and Å units for R 0 .<br />

The Förster radius (R 0 ) <strong>of</strong> the Tryptophan(OmpF)-Cipr<strong>of</strong>laxacin donor-acceptor pair<br />

was determined to be 23.3 Å. This is an average value since each <strong>of</strong> the tryptophans has<br />

distinct fluorescence properties and therefore is expected to present different (but, in<br />


any case, very similar, probably <strong>with</strong>in 1-2 Å <strong>of</strong> each other) Förster radii for energy<br />

transfer to CP.<br />

Through an analysis <strong>of</strong> the extent <strong>of</strong> fluorescence quenching <strong>of</strong> a donor by the acceptor<br />

in a FRET experiment it is possible to calculate a binding constant (K B ) between these<br />

two molecules. However, care must be taken when working in solutions where<br />

acceptors are highly concentrated, as it is <strong>of</strong>ten the case in experiments performed on<br />

liposomes. In these cases, when both donors and acceptors partition to the lipid bilayer<br />

and interact there, the concentration <strong>of</strong> acceptors around the donors increases<br />

dramatically relatively to a situation where they are both free in solution. FRET can be<br />

efficient at distances up to 100 Å depending on the Förster radius <strong>of</strong> the donor-acceptor<br />

pair [19] and therefore, donors in a medium highly concentrated in acceptors, besides<br />

being susceptible to fluorescence quenching due to formation <strong>of</strong> specific donor-acceptor<br />

complexes, are also quenched by non-bound, nearby acceptors. Only the first<br />

contribution is relevant for the determination <strong>of</strong> the binding affinity <strong>of</strong> the donoracceptor<br />

complex, and as the two contributions are not additive (Eq. 4), formalisms that<br />

accurately account for the contribution <strong>of</strong> non-bound acceptors for the experimentally<br />

measured energy transfer efficiencies must be derived, considering the geometrical<br />

peculiarities <strong>of</strong> the studied system. The donor fluorescence decay in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors (i DA (t)) is described as:<br />

i () t = γ ⋅i () t ⋅ρ () t ⋅ρ () t<br />

DA D bound nonbound<br />

( γ )<br />

+ 1- ⋅i ( t) ⋅ρ<br />

() t<br />

D<br />

nonbound<br />

(4)<br />

where γ is the fraction <strong>of</strong> OmpF bound to CP, ρ bound is the FRET contribution from<br />

energy transfer to acceptors bound to Ompf, and ρ nonbound is the FRET contribution<br />

arising from energy transfer to non-bound acceptors, randomly distributed in different<br />

planes (i) from the donors.<br />

Contribution to FRET <strong>of</strong> non-bound acceptors.<br />

ρ nonbound for a cylindrically symmetric donor geometry is given by [20]:<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

⎡<br />

wi<br />

⎛<br />

⎞⎤<br />

2 2<br />

⎢<br />

wi<br />

+ R<br />

⎜<br />

e 6<br />

2 1−exp( −t⋅b<br />

(5)<br />

i<br />

⋅α ) ⎟⎥<br />

ρnonbound = ∏ ⎢exp⎜−2⋅n2 ⋅π⋅wi<br />

⋅<br />

dα⎟⎥<br />

3<br />

i ⎢<br />

∫<br />

α<br />

0<br />

⎥<br />

⎢ ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎣ ⎝<br />

⎠⎦<br />

⎥<br />

where b i =(R 2 0 /w i ) 2 τ −1/3 D , n 2 is the acceptor density in each bilayer leaflet (number <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors per unit area), w i is the distance between the plane <strong>of</strong> the donors and the i-th<br />

plane <strong>of</strong> acceptors and R e is the donor exclusion radius (which defines the area around<br />

the donor from where the acceptors are excluded). In protein-ligand FRET <strong>studies</strong> the<br />

exclusion radius is particularly important if the size <strong>of</strong> the protein is comparable to the<br />

Förster radius <strong>of</strong> the donor-acceptor pair.<br />

In order to calculate ρ nonbound , a model must be used to describe the positions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

donors and acceptors in the bilayer. OmpF has two clear belts <strong>of</strong> aromatic residues at<br />

the lipid/water interface separated by 25 Å [21]. Both Trp’s (61 and 214) are located in<br />

the same aromatic belt and are assumed to be in the same plane, at 12.5 Å from the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. When incorporated in liposomes, CP is located in the headgroup<br />

region <strong>of</strong> the bilayer [22] and according to Nagle and Tristan-Nagle [23] for DMPC the<br />

headgroups average position is 18 Å away from the centre <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. In the FRET<br />

simulations this is considered to be the position <strong>of</strong> the plane <strong>of</strong> acceptors and w 1 and w 2<br />

are assumed to be 5.5 Å and 30.5 Å (Fig. 4A). In our formalism we consider that there<br />

is no partition <strong>of</strong> non-bound CP in the bilayer area occupied by the OmpF trimer apart<br />

from the specifically bound population <strong>of</strong> antibiotic molecules.<br />

Trp 61 is located at the trimer interface (Fig. 4B) and the exclusion area for non-bound<br />

CP will be significant. R e (Eq. 5) <strong>of</strong> Trp 61 is assumed to be 30 Å which is the<br />

approximate diameter <strong>of</strong> an OmpF monomer in the bilayer plane [24] (Fig. 4B).<br />

On the other hand, Trp 214 is located in the periphery <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer and the<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> non-bound CP around it will be cylindrically asymmetric. This difference<br />

in the distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors sensed by the two donors (Trp 214 and Trp 61 ) can only be<br />

accounted through the use in the FRET simulations <strong>of</strong> two different ρ nonbound<br />

contributions.<br />

For Trp 61 the FRET contribution is simply given by Eq.5 and setting i = 2, w 1 = 5.5 Å,<br />

w 2 = 30.5 Å and R e = 30 Å. In the case <strong>of</strong> Trp 214 a large section <strong>of</strong> the bilayer is also<br />

occupied by the protein trimer itself and inaccessible to acceptors. However, this<br />


placement <strong>of</strong> the protein around the tryptophan is no longer symmetrical as for Trp 61 ,<br />

and energy transfer must be accounted differently:<br />

2 2<br />

⎡ ⎧ ⎡ wi / wi + Rp<br />

6<br />

⎪ 2 ⎪<br />

⎧ ⎡⎛ t ⎞⎛ R ⎞ ⎤<br />

0 6 ⎪<br />

⎫<br />

ρ<br />

nonbound '() t =<br />

⎢<br />

∏ exp −2π n2w ⎢<br />

i<br />

1−exp ⎢ − α ⎥ f( α)<br />

dα<br />

−<br />

⎢ ⎨ ⎨ ⎬<br />

i<br />

⎢ ∫<br />

⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟<br />

τ<br />

2 '2 ⎢<br />

wi / w D<br />

w<br />

i ⎥<br />

⎢ ⎪<br />

i + R ⎪ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎪<br />

d<br />

⎣ ⎩ ⎣ ⎩ ⎣<br />

⎦ ⎭<br />

⎡<br />

⎤ ⎤⎫⎤<br />

⎛ ⎞ ⎪⎥<br />

⎜ ⎟ ⎥<br />

⎣ ⎦ ⎦⎭⎦⎥<br />

1<br />

6<br />

t ⎛ R ⎞<br />

0 6 −3<br />

exp α f( α)<br />

α dα⎥<br />

∫ ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥<br />

⎬<br />

τ<br />

2 2 ⎢<br />

wi / w D<br />

wi<br />

⎥ ⎥<br />

i + R ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎪<br />

p<br />

(6)<br />

ρ nonbound’ is therefore the FRET contribution to the decay <strong>of</strong> a donor located in the<br />

surface <strong>of</strong> a protein <strong>of</strong> radius R P due to the presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors randomly distributed in<br />

i different planes (for details on the derivation <strong>of</strong> this component and on function f(α)<br />

see Appendix).<br />

Using eqs. (1) and (4)–(6), theoretical expectations for FRET efficiencies for a random<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors can be estimated.<br />

In the simulations and data analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET efficiencies it was considered that Trp 61<br />

and Trp 214 contributed equally to the fluorescence intensity <strong>of</strong> the protein. Also, energy<br />

migration among the Trp 61 does not affect the geometry <strong>of</strong> the problem, and energy<br />

migration between Trp 61 and Trp 214 is a very inefficient process due to the distance (30<br />

Å) between the two residues.<br />

Contribution to FRET <strong>of</strong> specifically bound acceptors.<br />

To quantify the contribution <strong>of</strong> specifically bound CP to FRET, it is first necessary to<br />

relate the binding constant <strong>of</strong> this antibiotic and OmpF (K B ) to the factor γ (fraction <strong>of</strong><br />

OmpF bound to CP) in Eq. 4:<br />

( 1 [ OmpF] KB<br />

[ CP]<br />

KB)<br />

⎡ + ⋅ + ⋅ +<br />

⎤<br />

γ = ⎢<br />

⎥ 2⋅K<br />

2<br />

B<br />

⋅ OmpF<br />

⎢<br />

2<br />

( 1+ [ OmpF] ⋅ KB + [ CP]<br />

⋅KB) −4⋅KB<br />

⋅[ OmpF] ⋅[ CP<br />

⎥<br />

⎣<br />

]<br />

⎦<br />

[ ]<br />

Total<br />

(7)<br />

where [OmpF] Total and [OmpF] are the total and unbound concentrations <strong>of</strong> OmpF, and<br />

[CP] is the concentration <strong>of</strong> unbound CP. It is assumed that only 1:1 complexes can be<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

formed between OmpF and CP. The 1:1 complex model is supported by data from a<br />

previous study [25].<br />

In the event <strong>of</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> CP to Ompf, the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> the several Trp’s present in<br />

one trimer will be quenched differently, as the distances between them and the antibiotic<br />

will be also different. Therefore, also for ρ bound , two different contributions for Trp 214<br />

and Trp 61 must be considered.<br />

ρ = ρ + ρ<br />

bound bound (Trp 214) bound (Trp61)<br />

(8)<br />

Assuming that at least one <strong>of</strong> the tryptophans <strong>of</strong> OmpF is part <strong>of</strong> a hypothetical CP<br />

binding site and subsequently completely quenched, and that no more than one<br />

antibiotic molecule can be specifically bound to a OmpF trimer at a given time, two<br />

models were devised: i) the CP binding site is close to the center <strong>of</strong> the trimer and<br />

binding <strong>of</strong> antibiotic leads to complete quenching <strong>of</strong> the three Trp 61 (distance <strong>of</strong> Trp 61 to<br />


⎛<br />

II t ⎛ R ⎞<br />

0<br />

ρ () t = exp<br />

−<br />

bound(Trp 214)<br />

⎜<br />

⋅⎜ ⎟<br />

τ<br />

D<br />

d<br />

⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

6<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

(12)<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

Successive additions <strong>of</strong> small volumes <strong>of</strong> a CP solution to OmpF proteoliposomes<br />

resulted as expected in a decrease <strong>of</strong> fluorescence from OmpF (Fig.6). Using Eqs 4-6 it<br />

is possible to compare the theoretical expectation for the efficiencies <strong>of</strong> energy transfer<br />

from the tryptophans <strong>of</strong> OmpF to unbound CP (randomly distributed) <strong>with</strong> the data<br />

obtained experimentally. Clearly the extent <strong>of</strong> quenching <strong>of</strong> the tryptophans cannot be<br />

exclusively explained on the basis <strong>of</strong> energy transfer to unbound CP, and a FRET<br />

contribution to specifically associated antibiotic must be considered.<br />

The binding constants that allow for better fits to the data points are different depending<br />

on the model for binding that is considered (I or II). In the case <strong>of</strong> model I, that assumes<br />

binding <strong>of</strong> CP close to the centre <strong>of</strong> the trimer, quenching is much more effective as the<br />

binding site is in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> three tryptophans (Trp 61 ), while for model II only one<br />

tryptophan is located near the bound antibiotic. This results in the recovery <strong>of</strong> larger K B<br />

values for model II than for model I. Upper and lower limits for K B (that allow<br />

respectively for better fits to the data points corresponding to the lower and higher CP<br />

concentration ranges) were determined for each model, and are shown in Table I.<br />

In a previous study, changes in CP absorption spectra were used to estimate a OmpF-CP<br />

binding constant and values <strong>of</strong> log(K B ) = 3.85 ± 0.34 or 4.17 ± 0.03 were obtained<br />

depending on the method chosen to analyze the absorption spectra changes after<br />

addition <strong>of</strong> OmpF in a micellar environment [25]. These values fall <strong>with</strong>in or close to<br />

the range <strong>of</strong> K B obtained by us from the energy transfer data assuming binding <strong>of</strong> CP to<br />

the periphery <strong>of</strong> OmpF (3.58 < K B < 4.00). This agreement <strong>with</strong> an alternative method<br />

can be seen as an indication that the antibiotic binding site is likely to be located away<br />

from the centre <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer where FRET would be more efficient and imply a<br />

smaller K B .<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

Conclusions<br />

In the present study, the CP fluoroquinolone is shown to associate <strong>with</strong> OmpF using<br />

FRET methodologies. The high symmetry <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer allowed the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

FRET data <strong>with</strong> formalisms that accounted for the different distributions <strong>of</strong> acceptors<br />

around the two types <strong>of</strong> tryptophans present in the protein. This methodology is suitable<br />

for application in the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data obtained <strong>with</strong> similar protein systems and<br />

can be adapted to different geometries. The new FRET formalisms presented here for a<br />

donor in the surface <strong>of</strong> a cylinder <strong>of</strong> large radius (<strong>with</strong> radius comparable to the Förster<br />

radius) are expected to be <strong>of</strong> great assistance in the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data obtained <strong>with</strong><br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> presenting donor fluorophores in the protein-lipid interface.<br />

The equilibrium constant retrieved for the association event between OmpF and CP<br />

assuming binding <strong>of</strong> the antibiotic in the periphery <strong>of</strong> the porin is in agreement <strong>with</strong> a<br />

value determined previously by an independent method (in a micellar environment),<br />

indicating that the binding site <strong>of</strong> the antibiotic is likely to be located away from the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> OmpF. Also, the FRET methodology can be applied in cases where there are<br />

no spectral shifts, and its sensitivity is higher as compared to absorption methodologies.<br />


APPENDIX – Derivation <strong>of</strong> the FRET rate between a donor at the outer radius <strong>of</strong> a<br />

cylindrical trans<strong>membrane</strong> protein to a plane <strong>of</strong> acceptors distributed around the latter<br />

Fig. A1 shows the geometry relevant to this problem. Our derivation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

FRET rate law begins <strong>with</strong> the general expression for the average decay for a donor<br />

located in the centre <strong>of</strong> a finite disk <strong>with</strong> radius R d , N , taking into account all<br />

statistical arrangements <strong>of</strong> the N acceptor molecules located inside the disk (26):<br />

2 2<br />

N<br />

w + R<br />

6<br />

d ⎡ t ⎛ R<br />

0<br />

⎞ ⎤<br />

< ρ(t)<br />

><br />

N<br />

= exp( − t / τ) ⋅∏<br />

∫ exp⎢−<br />

⎜ ⎥W(R<br />

i<br />

)dR<br />

i<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

R<br />

⎟<br />

(A1)<br />

w ⎢ τ<br />

⎣ ⎝ i ⎠ ⎥⎦<br />

where W(R i )dR i is the probability <strong>of</strong> finding acceptor molecule A i in the ring <strong>of</strong> inner<br />

radius R i and outer radius R i +dR i . The acceptor distribution function is normalized, in<br />

the sense that<br />

∫<br />

w<br />

2 2<br />

w + R d<br />

W (R<br />

i<br />

)dR<br />

i<br />

= 1<br />

(A2)<br />

We now proceed as previously done by Davenport et al. (20) and Capeta et al.<br />

(27) for similar (albeit simpler) geometries. Because all acceptors have the same<br />

distribution function, W(R i )dR i = W(R j )dR j = simply W(R)dR, all integrals in Eq. (A1)<br />

are identical, and denoting them by J(t), we can write<br />

⎛ t ⎞<br />

< ρ( t ) ><br />

[ ] N<br />

N<br />

= exp<br />

⎜−<br />

⎟ ⋅ J ( t)<br />

(A3)<br />

⎝ τ<br />

D ⎠<br />

As pointed out by Davenport et al. [20], the probability <strong>of</strong> finding an acceptor at<br />

a distance between R and R + dR to the donor in question, given by W(R)dR, is equal to<br />

that <strong>of</strong> finding an acceptor in the ring between R’ and R’ + dR’ in the acceptors plane,<br />

given by W(R’)dR’. The acceptor distribution function, in terms <strong>of</strong> R’ = Rsinθ (see Fig.<br />

A1A), is given by<br />


[ 1+<br />

(2 / π)arcsin(<br />

R'<br />

/ 2R<br />

)]<br />


PORIN OmpF<br />

⎧<br />

p<br />

R'<br />

⎪<br />

0 < R'<br />

< 2R<br />

'2 2<br />

p<br />

⎪<br />

Rd<br />

− Rp<br />

W ( R'<br />

) = ⎨<br />

(A4)<br />

⎪ 2R'<br />

⎪<br />

'2 2<br />

2Rp<br />

< R'<br />

< R'<br />

d<br />

⎪⎩<br />

Rd<br />

− Rp<br />

Note that, whereas for R’ > 2R p (where R p is the cylindrical protein radius)<br />

W(R’) is as expected for a uniform distribution <strong>of</strong> acceptors in a planar disk (only<br />

corrected in the denominator for the excluded area resulting from the existence <strong>of</strong> a<br />

protein molecule inside R d ), for R’ < 2R p the more complex expression denotes that only<br />

a fraction <strong>of</strong> the region between R’ and R’ + dR is available to acceptors (the shaded<br />

area in Fig. A1B). Insertion <strong>of</strong> this distribution function in the definition <strong>of</strong> J(t) (the<br />

integral in Eq. A1), together <strong>with</strong> the substitution α = cosθ = w/R, leads to<br />

⎡<br />

2 1<br />

6<br />

2w<br />

⎛ t ⎞⎛<br />

R0<br />

⎞ 6<br />

−3<br />

J ( t)<br />

= ∫ exp⎢<br />

⎜−<br />

⎟⎜<br />

⎟ α ⎥ f ( α)<br />

α dα<br />

(A5)<br />

'2 2<br />

Rd<br />

− R<br />

p + ⎢⎣<br />

⎝ τ<br />

2 ' 2 ⎠⎝<br />

⎠<br />

w / w R D<br />

w<br />

d<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎤<br />

where<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

w<br />

w<br />

⎪<br />

1<br />

< α <<br />

2 '2<br />

2 2<br />

w + Rd<br />

w + 4Rp<br />

⎪<br />

f ( α)<br />

= ⎨<br />

(A6)<br />

⎪<br />

w<br />

⎪ ⎛<br />

2<br />

1 1<br />

⎞<br />

< α <<br />

⎪<br />

⎜ w 1− α<br />

1<br />

+ arcsin ⎟<br />

2 2<br />

+<br />

π ⎜ ⎟<br />

w 4Rp<br />

2<br />

⎩ ⎝<br />

2αRp<br />

⎠<br />

We now rearrange Eq. A5 into<br />


2<br />

2w<br />

J ( t)<br />

=<br />

'2<br />

R − R<br />

+<br />

w /<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

d<br />

2 2<br />

w + Rp<br />

2<br />

p<br />

⎛<br />

⎜<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

w /<br />

w /<br />

⎡⎛<br />

t<br />

exp⎢<br />

⎜−<br />

⎢⎣<br />

⎝ τ<br />

D<br />

2 2<br />

w + Rp<br />

−3<br />

∫<br />

α<br />

2 ' 2<br />

w + Rd<br />

⎞⎛<br />

R0<br />

⎟⎜<br />

⎠⎝<br />

w<br />

dα −<br />

6<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

w /<br />

w /<br />

2 2<br />

w + Rp<br />

∫<br />

2 ' 2<br />

w + Rd<br />

⎤<br />

6<br />

α ⎥ f ( α)<br />

α<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎪⎧<br />

⎡⎛<br />

t<br />

⎨1<br />

− exp⎢<br />

⎜−<br />

⎪⎩ ⎢⎣<br />

⎝ τ<br />

−3<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

dα⎟<br />

⎠<br />

D<br />

⎞⎛<br />

R0<br />

⎟⎜<br />

⎠⎝<br />

w<br />

6<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

⎤ ⎪⎫<br />

6<br />

α ⎥ f ( α)<br />

⎬dα +<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎪⎭<br />

(A7)<br />

and denote the integrals on the right hand side <strong>of</strong> Eq. A7 by J 1 , J 2 (t) and J 3 (t), according<br />

to the order in which they appear in this equation. J 1 is easily calculated, leading to<br />

2<br />

2w<br />

J ( t)<br />

= 1−<br />

[ J<br />

2<br />

( t)<br />

− J<br />

3(<br />

t)<br />

]<br />

(A8)<br />

'2 2<br />

R − R<br />

d<br />

p<br />

Being the average concentration <strong>of</strong> acceptors in the bilayer given by,<br />

n<br />

2<br />

= N<br />

'2 2<br />

π(<br />

R d<br />

− R p<br />

)<br />

(A9)<br />

it follows that<br />

2<br />

2πn2w<br />

J ( t)<br />

= 1−<br />

[ J<br />

2<br />

( t)<br />

− J<br />

3(<br />

t)<br />

]<br />

(A10)<br />

N<br />

Inserting this expression for J(t) in Eq. A1, and taking the limit (N → ∞, R’ d →<br />

∞), one obtains the macroscopic decay law. The result is,<br />

2<br />

{ − 2πn<br />

w [ J ( t)<br />

− J ( )]}<br />

ρ ( t)<br />

= exp<br />

2 2 3<br />

t<br />

(A11)<br />

which is equivalent to each <strong>of</strong> the i items in the product <strong>of</strong> the right hand side <strong>of</strong> Eq. 6.<br />

Acknowledgements:<br />

Financial support for this work was provided by “Fundação para a Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia” (FCT, Lisboa) through projects POCI/SAU-FCF/56003/2004 and<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

POCI/QUIM/57114/2004. P. N. thanks FCT for a fellowship (SFRH/ BD/ 6369/ 2001).<br />

F. F. acknowledges grant SFRH/BD/14282/2003 from FCT (Portugal).<br />

P.N. thanks Luminita Damian for the help <strong>with</strong> the extraction and purification <strong>of</strong> OmpF.<br />

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PORIN OmpF<br />

Figure Legends:<br />

Figure 1: The structure <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer. The positions <strong>of</strong> the two Trp residues<br />

(Trp 214 and Trp 61 ) in each monomer are shown. Views <strong>of</strong> OmpF organization: top (A)<br />

(8) (Reproduced by permission <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biophysical</strong> Journal) and perpendicular to <strong>membrane</strong><br />

axis (B). Trimer interface in (B) is assigned by T. The image was draw <strong>with</strong> PYMOL<br />

(DeLano Scientific, San Carlos, CA, http://pymol.sourceforge.net) using PDB<br />

coordinates 1OMF1 (22).<br />

Figure 2: Chemical structure <strong>of</strong> cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin.<br />

Figure 3: Normalized fluorescence emission spectra <strong>of</strong> OmpF (---) and absorption<br />

spectra <strong>of</strong> cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin (▬).<br />

Figure 4: A: Positions <strong>of</strong> donors (Trp 61 and Trp 214 ) and acceptors (cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin) in the<br />

DMPC bilayer. In the simulations, the OmpF monomer is approximated to a cylinder <strong>of</strong><br />

radius 30 Å (see text). B: Representation <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer as assumed in the FRET<br />

simulations. Trp 61 is located in the trimer interface whereas Trp 214 is located in the<br />

periphery <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer.<br />

Figure 5: Representations <strong>of</strong> the OmpF trimer <strong>with</strong> possible cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin binding sites<br />

specified (diagonal filling) for each <strong>of</strong> chosen binding models. A: Model I) binding site<br />

for cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin is located near the trimer interface. Quenching <strong>of</strong> Trp 61 is complete<br />

after antibiotic binding, while the three Trp 214 are at a distance <strong>of</strong> 30 Å from<br />

cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin. B: Model II) binding site for cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin is located in the trimer<br />

periphery near one <strong>of</strong> the Trp 214 which is completely quenched after binding. The other<br />

Trp 214 are at a distance <strong>of</strong> 52 Å from the binding site, whereas the three Trp 61 are at a<br />

distance <strong>of</strong> 30 Å.<br />

Figure 6: Extent <strong>of</strong> energy transfer (Eq.1) for the OmpF tryptophan-Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin,<br />

donor acceptor FRET pair. Simulation for absence <strong>of</strong> binding (random distribution <strong>of</strong><br />


acceptors) (Eqs. 4-6) (⋅-⋅-⋅). A: A model assuming binding <strong>of</strong> cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin near the<br />

trimer interface (Model I) was fitted to the experimental data (Eqs. 4-12). The interval<br />

<strong>of</strong> 3.15 < log(K B ) < 3.62 was recovered for the binding constant (grey area). B: A model<br />

assuming binding <strong>of</strong> cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin to the OmpF periphery (Model II) was fitted to the<br />

experimental data. The interval <strong>of</strong> 3.58 < log(K B ) < 4.00 was recovered for the binding<br />

constant (grey area). The simulations for the upper and lower bounds <strong>of</strong> K B are<br />

represented in both figures by a solid line (⎯) and by a dotted line (⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅), respectively.<br />

Figure A1 – Schematic side (A) and top (B) views <strong>of</strong> a lipid bilayer containing a<br />

cylindrical <strong>membrane</strong> protein labelled <strong>with</strong> a donor fluorophore (D) at its outer radius,<br />

capable <strong>of</strong> FRET to acceptors (A) located in the lipid bilayer, on a plane parallel to the<br />

bilayer plane. See text for details.<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />


FIGURE 1A<br />

FIGURE 1B<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

FIGURE 2<br />

FIGURE 3<br />


FIGURE 4A<br />

FIGURE 4B<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

FIGURE 5A<br />

FIGURE 5B<br />


FIGURE 6A<br />

FIGURE 6B<br />



PORIN OmpF<br />

FIGURE A1<br />





V<br />




1. Introduction<br />

Endocytosis is a crucial phenomenon in several cellular processes, such as<br />

receptor recycling and degradation, delivery <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong>-bound and soluble cargo to<br />

intracellular organelles, and nutrient uptake. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is likely to<br />

be the best characterized <strong>of</strong> all endocytic pathways, and is responsible for recycling <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>proteins</strong> from the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>. It is also important in the recycling <strong>of</strong> synaptic<br />

vesicles. A complex assemble <strong>of</strong> clathrin and several other <strong>proteins</strong> drives invagination<br />

<strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> and ultimately fission (Dawson et al., 2006). Therefore,<br />

clathrin mediated endocytosis can be separated in two steps. In the first step, the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> must bend inwards to create a vesicular structure. Following this, the vesicle<br />

is actively pinched <strong>of</strong>f from the <strong>membrane</strong>. The last step is known to be carried out by a<br />

protein called dynamin that polymerizes upon <strong>membrane</strong> binding and arranges into<br />

coiled coats around the neck <strong>of</strong> the nascent vesicles, twisting (through an unknown<br />

mechanism) in response to GTP hydrolysis, leading to fission <strong>of</strong> the vesicle (McMahon<br />

and Gallop, 2005).<br />

In recent years, <strong>studies</strong> have been unravelling the complex network <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong><br />

involved in clathrin mediated endocytosis. In the end <strong>of</strong> the last decade, De Camilli and<br />

co-workers (Takei et al, 1998; Takei et al, 1999) observed that a protein called<br />

amphiphysin, known to interact <strong>with</strong> dynamin during endocytosis, bounds to spherical<br />

liposomes and induces formation <strong>of</strong> tubules both in the presence and absence <strong>of</strong><br />


dynamin. Soon after, the same group observed a similar behaviour <strong>with</strong> another protein,<br />

endophilin, that was also know to bind dynamin (Farsad et al., 2001).<br />

Amphiphysin and endophilin both share a homologous N-terminal amino acid<br />

stretch which was shown to be crucial for liposome tubulation activity (Farsad et al.,<br />

2001). This domain is highly conserved in both <strong>proteins</strong> and is found in the N-terminal<br />

<strong>of</strong> other <strong>proteins</strong>. Due to its presence in the bin, amphiphysin and Rvs161/167 <strong>proteins</strong><br />

(all amphiphysin family members), it was called BAR domain (Ge and Prendergast,<br />

2000). BAR domains are responsible for the dimerization <strong>of</strong> amphiphysin in lipid<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s and are able to induce tubulation <strong>of</strong> liposomes isolated from the rest <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein (Farsad et al., 2001). The structure <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain <strong>of</strong> amphiphysin was<br />

solved by McMahon and co-workers (Peter et al., 2004). It is a crescent-shaped dimer,<br />

and each monomer has three kinked α-helices (Figure V-1).<br />

Figure V-1: Crystal structure <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain <strong>of</strong> amphiphysin from Drosophila (taken from<br />

Peter et al., 2004).<br />

McMahon and co-workers also observed increased amphiphysin binding<br />

efficiency to liposomes <strong>of</strong> higher curvature, and suggested that this was due to a better<br />

fitting <strong>of</strong> the concave surface <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain dimer to the liposome surface. When<br />

a short N-terminal stretch predicted to be an amphipatic helix (Helix-0 or H0) was<br />

removed, liposome binding efficiencies decreased. Tubulation, however, was still<br />

detected, albeit much less efficient. This N-terminal stretch is not present in all BAR<br />

domains, and BAR domains containing it are called N-BAR domains (Peter et al., 2004;<br />

Gallop and McMahon, 2005). The authors also suggested that the function <strong>of</strong> this N-<br />

terminal segment was to insert into the bilayer as an amphipatic helix. This insertion<br />

would lead to an asymmetry between the inner and outer leaflet causing an increase <strong>of</strong><br />

positive curvature, whereas the concave surface <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain acts as a scaffold to<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong> curvature (Gallop et al., 2006; Zimmerberg and Kozlov, 2006). In fact,<br />

the rigidity <strong>of</strong> the crescent dimer shape is crucial for liposome tubulation (Masuda et al.,<br />




2006). The N-terminal amphipatic segments were also proposed to act as mediators <strong>of</strong><br />

oligomerization between BAR domain dimers, increasing the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tubulation process (Richnau et al., 2004; Gallop and McMahon, 2005)<br />

A model for the function <strong>of</strong> amphiphysin and other BAR <strong>proteins</strong> involved in<br />

clathrin mediated endocytosis is represented in Figure V-2. Amphiphysin can act in<br />

clathrin mediated endocytosis by binding to the nascent vesicle on the early stages <strong>of</strong><br />

invagination, either through the BAR domain itself or through interaction <strong>with</strong> other<br />

<strong>proteins</strong>. Following this, the BAR domain can contribute to the generation <strong>of</strong> the bud<br />

neck <strong>with</strong> the required dimensions, and as the pit matures, more amphiphysin is<br />

recruited to the vesicle neck due to its curvature sensing properties. Dynamin is<br />

assembled together <strong>with</strong> amphiphysin and GTP hydrolysis leads to vesicle fission<br />

(Yoshida et al., 2004).<br />

Figure V-2: Possible mechanism <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> amphiphysin in clathrin mediated endocytosis.<br />

Coat components (clathrin) were omitted (taken from Yoshida et al., 2004).<br />









Abstract<br />

A group <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> cell <strong>membrane</strong> remodeling properties are also able to change<br />

dramatically the morphology <strong>of</strong> liposomes in vitro, frequently inducing tubulation. For a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> these <strong>proteins</strong>, the mechanism by which this effect is exerted has been proposed to<br />

be the embedding <strong>of</strong> amphipathic helices into the lipid bilayer. For <strong>proteins</strong> presenting BAR<br />

domains, removal <strong>of</strong> a N-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix (H0-NBAR) results in much lower<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> tubulation efficiency, pointing to a fundamental role <strong>of</strong> this protein segment. Here,<br />

we studied the interaction <strong>of</strong> a peptide corresponding to H0-NBAR <strong>with</strong> model lipid<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s. H0-NBAR bound avidly to anionic liposomes but partitionate weakly to<br />

zwitterionic bilayers, suggesting an essentially electrostatic interaction <strong>with</strong> the lipid bilayer.<br />

Interestingly, it is shown that after <strong>membrane</strong> incorporation, the peptide oligomerizes as an<br />

antiparallel dimer, suggesting a potential role <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in the mediation <strong>of</strong> BAR domain<br />

oligomerization. Through monitoring the effect <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR on liposome shape by electron<br />

microscopy it is clear that <strong>membrane</strong> morphology is not radically changed. We conclude that<br />

H0-NBAR alone is not able to induce vesicle curvature, and its function must be related to the<br />

promotion <strong>of</strong> the scaffold effect provided by the concave surface <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain.<br />

Keywords: BAR <strong>proteins</strong>, <strong>membrane</strong> tubulation; amphipatic peptide; FRET; fluorescence<br />


Introduction<br />

Control <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> remodeling is essential in clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME)<br />

as different types and levels <strong>of</strong> curvature are required at each stage <strong>of</strong> the budding <strong>of</strong> clathrincoated<br />

vesicles [1,2]. Several <strong>of</strong> the <strong>proteins</strong> thought to play relevant roles in CME (dynamin,<br />

amphiphysin, endophilin and epsin) were recently shown to induce tubulation in protein-free<br />

spherical liposomes, indicating a potential role as mediators in the <strong>membrane</strong> remodeling<br />

observed during CME (3, 4, 5 6).<br />

The BAR (Bin, amphiphysin, Rvs) domain, found in amphiphysin, endophilins, and a<br />

wide variety <strong>of</strong> other <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> or <strong>with</strong>out known function in CME (7), is able to bind lipid<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>s, generate tubulation (both in vivo and in vitro) and to sense bilayer curvature (5, 8).<br />

This versatile domain has a banana shape and dimerizes in <strong>membrane</strong>s, giving rise to a<br />

positively charged concave surface that binds to lipid bilayers. This concave surface is likely to<br />

be the reason why the domain presents higher affinities for high curvature liposomes in vitro.<br />

Several BAR domains also present an N-terminal sequence that forms an amphipathic<br />

helix upon <strong>membrane</strong> binding (9). This sequence is here referred to as helix 0 (H0-NBAR).<br />

BAR domains presenting this sequence are called N-BAR and are able to bind to liposomes<br />

and induce tubulation <strong>with</strong> much higher efficiency, even tough sensitivity for curvature is lost<br />

(8). After a point mutation in H0-NBAR <strong>of</strong> a conserved hydrophobic residue (F) to an acidic<br />

residue (E), lipid binding and tubulation were abolished for endophilin (5), and reduced for the<br />

corresponding mutation in amphiphysin1 (8). Conservative mutations <strong>of</strong> the same residue (F to<br />

W) had no effect (5). These results point to an important role <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in <strong>membrane</strong><br />

remodeling by N-BAR domains, and this role is likely to be dependent on <strong>membrane</strong><br />

embedding <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR. The exact function <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in <strong>membrane</strong> tubulation is however<br />

still elusive.<br />

The H0 fragment from BRAP (breast-cancer-associated protein)/Bin2, one <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

BAR domain containing <strong>proteins</strong> to be identified (10, 11), presents great homology to other N-<br />

terminal amphipathic fragments <strong>of</strong> BAR domain-containing <strong>proteins</strong> (Fig.1). The N-BAR<br />

domain <strong>of</strong> BRAP was already shown to tubulate liposomes in an identical fashion to other N-<br />

BAR domains. The mutations performed on the N-BAR domain from BRAP had also<br />

analogous effects in lipid tubulation as the corresponding mutants <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR domain <strong>of</strong><br />

amphiphysin, corroborating that the same liposome tubulation mechanism was shared by the<br />

two <strong>proteins</strong>. Here we investigated the interaction <strong>of</strong> a peptide comprising the H0-NBAR<br />

fragment <strong>of</strong> BRAP <strong>with</strong> model lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s. We performed a thorough study <strong>of</strong> the effects<br />

<strong>of</strong> partition <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR N-terminal domain to lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s on both structure and<br />

dynamics <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR itself and the interacting lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s. We show that the N-<br />

terminal fragment <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR domain assumes in effect an alpha-helical structure upon<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> binding and that <strong>membrane</strong> binding is dependent on the presence <strong>of</strong> anionic<br />

phospholipids but virtually insensitive to both anionic lipid structure and liposome curvature.<br />

Through FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer) it is demonstrated that H0-NBAR dimerizes<br />

after incorporation in lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s, providing a possible mechanism for generation <strong>of</strong> highorder<br />

oligomers <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domains. Monitoring the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> different <strong>membrane</strong><br />

probes, <strong>membrane</strong> insertion <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR is show to increase the packing <strong>of</strong> lipids both in the<br />

hydrophobic and headgroup regions <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. Finally, we also find that H0-NBAR is<br />

effective in inducing liposome fusion but has no liposome tubulation activity. Our results rule<br />

out the insertion <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in the exposed outer <strong>membrane</strong> leaflet as the mechanism <strong>of</strong><br />

tubulation induced by N-BAR domains and point to a likely interplay between the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

binding <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR and the scaffold provided by the concave surface <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain.<br />


Methods<br />

Materials<br />

Peptides H0-NBAR, H0-NBAR-EDANS(5-((2-aminoethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-<br />

sulfonic acid), H0-NBAR-FITC(fluorescein isothiocyanate), and H0-ENTH(Epsin N-terminal<br />

homology domain) were synthesized by Genemed Synthesis (San Francisco, CA). Labeling<br />

was achieved by conjugation on N-terminal end <strong>of</strong> the peptide. The purity was always higher<br />

than 95%.<br />

1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-phosphocholine (POPC), 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-<br />

[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (POPG), 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-(phospho-l-serine)<br />

(POPS), 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-<br />

yl) (NBD-DOPE), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-snglycero-phosphocholine<br />

(PC-NBD), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-<br />

yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (PG-NBD), 1-Oleoyl-2-[12-<br />

[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-glycero-phosphoserine (PS-NBD),<br />

1-Oleoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-glycero-phosphate<br />

(PA-NBD), 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(Lissamine Rhodamine B<br />

Sulfonyl) (Rho-DOPE) were from Avanti Polar-Lipids (Alabaster, AL).<br />

1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and 5,6-carboxyfluorescein (5,6-CF) were from<br />

Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). Brain extract from bovine brain (Folch fraction I) was from<br />

Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).<br />

Fine chemicals were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). All materials were used<br />

<strong>with</strong>out further purification.<br />

Liposomes preparation<br />

The desired amount <strong>of</strong> phospholipids were mixed in chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and dried under a N 2(g)<br />

flow. The sample was then kept in vacuum overnight. Liposomes were prepared <strong>with</strong> buffer<br />

Hepes 20 mM, NaCl 150mM pH 7.4. The hydration step was performed <strong>with</strong> gentle addition<br />

<strong>of</strong> buffer followed by freeze-thaw cycles. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) were produced by<br />

extrusion through polycarbonate filters (12) in a Avestin extruder. Liposomes <strong>with</strong> 5,6-CF<br />

encapsulated were prepared by hydration <strong>with</strong> buffer Hepes 20 mM, NaCl 150mM pH 8.4 <strong>with</strong><br />

5mM 5,6-CF. After extrusion the suspension was passed through a 10ml Econo-Pac 10DG<br />

column Bio-Gel P-6DG gel <strong>with</strong> 6 kDa molecular weight exclusion) and eluted <strong>with</strong> buffer<br />

Hepes 20 mM, NaCl 150mM pH 8.4.<br />

CD spectroscopy<br />

CD spectroscopy was performed on a Jasco J-720 spectropolarimeter <strong>with</strong> a 450 W Xe<br />

lamp. Lipid suspensions were extruded using polycarbonate filters <strong>of</strong> 0.1 μm. Peptide<br />

concentration was 40 μM.<br />

Fluorescence Spectroscopy<br />


Steady-state fluorescence measurements were carried out <strong>with</strong> an SLM-Aminco 8100<br />

Series 2 spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter described in detail elsewhere (13).<br />

Fluorescence anisotropies were determined as described in (14). Time-resolved<br />

fluorescence measurements <strong>of</strong> H0-BAR-EDANS were carried out <strong>with</strong> a time-correlated<br />

single-photon timing system, which is also described elsewhere (13). For steady-state<br />

fluorescence anisotropies and time resolved fluorescence measurements <strong>with</strong> H0-NBAR-<br />

EDANS, the excitation and emission wavelengths were 340 and 460 nm, respectively. For<br />

time-resolved fluorescence measurements <strong>with</strong> H0-NBAR-FITC, the excitation and emission<br />

wavelengths were 470 and 525 nm, respectively. Analysis <strong>of</strong> fluorescence intensity and<br />

anisotropy decays were carried out as previously described (15,16). All measurements were<br />

performed at room temperature.<br />

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)<br />

TEM was carried out using a Jeol (Tokyo, Japan) Electron Microscope 100SX,<br />

operated at 60kV. Samples were placed over copper grids covered <strong>with</strong> carbon <strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

Negative staining was performed <strong>with</strong> uranyl acetate 1% in water. Total lipid concentration <strong>of</strong><br />

the mixtures was varied (ranging from 0.05 mM to 0.5 mM).<br />

Results<br />

The N-terminal segment <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR domain is 100% alpha-helical in anionic<br />

liposomes.<br />

CD measurements were performed on the unlabeled H0-NBAR peptide while in the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> liposomes, in the presence <strong>of</strong> zwitterionic liposomes (POPC) and anionic liposomes<br />

(POPG) (Fig.2). CD measurements <strong>of</strong> the labeled H0-NBAR <strong>peptides</strong> (both H0-NBAR-<br />

EDANS and H0-NBAR-FITC) produced the same results, confirming that labeling did not<br />

change the structure <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR (results not shown). Deconvolution <strong>of</strong> the obtained spectrum<br />

<strong>with</strong> the CDNN CD Spectra Deconvolution v. 2.1 s<strong>of</strong>tware revealed a predominantly<br />

unstructured peptide in the absence <strong>of</strong> lipids and in the presence <strong>of</strong> 1mM <strong>of</strong> POPC. After<br />

addition <strong>of</strong> 1mM <strong>of</strong> POPG the peptide presented more than 80 % alpha-helical structure,<br />

compatible <strong>with</strong> the expected amphipathic nature <strong>of</strong> the N-terminal segment <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR<br />

domain while interacting <strong>with</strong> lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

<strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR <strong>with</strong> lipid bilayers is only dependent on lipid charge.<br />

The fluorescence emission spectrum from H0-NBAR-EDANS is practically unaffected<br />

upon interaction <strong>with</strong> lipid bilayers, as the wavelength <strong>of</strong> maximum emission intensity remains<br />

the same and only a small broadening in the lower wavelength range <strong>of</strong> the spectrum is visible<br />

(results not shown). EDANS emission spectrum is extremely sensitive to the environment (17)<br />

and this result is an indication that the EDANS fluorophore is located in the hydrophilic face <strong>of</strong><br />

the amphipathic helix and that it remains fully exposed to the aqueous environment. There was<br />

however a subtle difference in quantum yields (20% higher in the presence <strong>of</strong> anionic<br />

phospholipids) and a significant change in fluorescence anisotropy, from = 0.022 in buffer<br />

to > 0.06 in the presence <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids. This change in fluorescence anisotropy<br />


is the result <strong>of</strong> the immobilization <strong>of</strong> the peptide in the lipid bilayer and can be used to quantify<br />

the partition <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR to bilayers from equation 1 (18),<br />

where W is the fluorescence anisotropy in water, L is the fluorescence anisotropy in the<br />

bilayer, φ W is the fluorescence quantum yield in water, φ L is the fluorescence quantum yield in<br />

the <strong>membrane</strong>, γ L is the molar volume <strong>of</strong> the lipid, [L] is the lipid concentration and K p is the<br />

lipid/water partition coefficient.<br />

Figure 3A shows the dependence <strong>of</strong> on the lipid concentration for different<br />

phospholipids. It is clear that partition to POPC liposomes is extremely low when compared to<br />

the partition observed for both anionic phospholipids POPS and POPG.<br />

The results <strong>of</strong> fitting Equation 1 to the data in Figure 3 are presented in Table I. Partition <strong>of</strong><br />

H0-NBAR to POPS and POPG liposomes is identical suggesting that the nature <strong>of</strong> the anionic<br />

phospholipid is irrelevant for H0-NBAR interaction <strong>with</strong> liposomes. Further evidence for the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> a specific interaction <strong>with</strong> a class <strong>of</strong> lipids, can be obtained from a FRET assay,<br />

where lipids (e.g. PS, PA, and PG) are derivatized <strong>with</strong> an acceptor (NBD) for Förster<br />

resonance energy transfer (FRET) from EDANS, and dispersed (2% mol/mol concentration) in<br />

a POPG matrix.<br />

FRET efficiencies (E) are obtained from the extent <strong>of</strong> fluorescence emission quenching<br />

<strong>of</strong> the donor induced by the presence <strong>of</strong> acceptors,<br />

[ ]<br />

[ L]<br />

φw⋅ < r > + K ⋅γ<br />

⋅ L ⋅φ<br />

⋅< r ><br />

< r >=<br />

1+ K ⋅γ<br />

⋅<br />

w P L L L<br />

P<br />

L<br />

(1)<br />

IDA<br />

E = 1− = 1−<br />

I<br />

D<br />

∞<br />

∫<br />

DA<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

0<br />

i<br />

∫<br />

i<br />

D<br />

() t<br />

() t<br />

(2)<br />

where I DA and I D are the the steady-state fluorescence intensities <strong>of</strong> the donor in the presence<br />

and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively, and i DA (t) and i D (t) are the donor fluorescence decays in<br />

the presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors respectively.<br />

In case there was a specific interaction between H0-NBAR-EDANS and the NBDlabeled<br />

phospholipid, the peptide would be incorporated in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> that lipid and FRET<br />

would increase. Since there is also liposome fusion induced by H0-NBAR-EDANS (see later),<br />

the available two dimensional FRET formalisms may not be applicable for retrieving<br />

quantitative information about H0-NBAR-EDANS selectivity for a specific phospholipid (19),<br />

and a more qualitative approach was used. The results are shown in the inset <strong>of</strong> Fig. 3A. It is<br />

clear that no significant difference exists between E obtained <strong>with</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the anionic<br />

phospholipids. The small differences in FRET efficiencies are a result <strong>of</strong> the lack <strong>of</strong> selectivity<br />

<strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-EDANS for specific phospholipids.<br />

Partition <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-EDANS to lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s is also insensitive to the<br />

dimensions <strong>of</strong> the liposomes and hence insensitive to the degree <strong>of</strong> curvature <strong>of</strong> the bilayer in<br />

this range <strong>of</strong> liposome size (Fig. 3B). Even though the values <strong>of</strong> K p recovered for larger<br />

liposomes are slightly higher (as seen in Table I), the differences are <strong>with</strong>in the errors <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fits and thus non significant.<br />

Residual partition to POPC liposomes was detected. After long incubation times<br />

(overnight), an increase <strong>of</strong> fusion <strong>of</strong> POPC liposomes loaded <strong>with</strong> H0-NBAR was evident<br />

relative to blank POPC vesicles. This was clear from a FRET experiment carried out <strong>with</strong> a<br />

mixture <strong>of</strong> liposomes loaded <strong>with</strong> 2% NBD-DOPE (donor) and liposomes loaded <strong>with</strong> 2%<br />


Rho-DOPE (acceptor). The increase <strong>of</strong> FRET efficiencies after the mixture reports fusion <strong>of</strong><br />

the liposomes. H0-NBAR stimulated fusion for both POPG (considerably) and POPC<br />

liposomes (slightly) (Fig. 4) and was more effective in doing so than a control peptide (H0-<br />

ENTH), corresponding to the helix 0 <strong>of</strong> the epsin N-terminal homology domain that is also<br />

related to <strong>membrane</strong> curvature induction (albeit in the case <strong>of</strong> epsin the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate PIP(4,5) 2 is required for <strong>membrane</strong> remodeling) [20].<br />

It was checked that under these conditions H0-ENTH is completely bound to liposomes<br />

(results not shown).<br />

H0-NBAR is an antiparallel dimer in the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

The function <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in liposome tubulation mediated by the BAR domain was<br />

recently proposed to be related to BAR domain oligomerization (7).<br />

With the intent to verify if H0-NBAR oligomerizes in the <strong>membrane</strong>, FRET<br />

measurements were performed using H0-NBAR-EDANS as a donor and H0-NBAR-FITC as<br />

an acceptor (emission and absorption spectra in Supplementary Data).<br />

For this system, the high Förster radius (R 0 ) <strong>of</strong> the EDANS-FITC donor-acceptor pair<br />

(R 0 (EDANS-FITC) = 40 Å) entails a small contribution <strong>of</strong> energy transfer between nonoligomerized<br />

H0-NBAR and this was taken into account in our analysis (see FRET simulation<br />

for the monomeric hypothesis in Fig.5A). The donor fluorescence decay in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors is described as,<br />

n−1<br />

nk -<br />

i () t =<br />

⎡<br />

f ( k)ρ () t<br />

⎤<br />

()ρ<br />

DA<br />

⎢∑<br />

⋅ ⋅i t ⋅<br />

Dq nonbound<br />

() t +<br />

bound D<br />

⎣<br />

⎥<br />

k=<br />

1<br />

⎦<br />

n−1<br />

⎛<br />

1 f ( k) ⎞<br />

⎜ −∑<br />

i ( t) ρ t<br />

Dq ⎟⋅ ⋅<br />

D nonbound<br />

⎝ k=<br />

1 ⎠<br />

()<br />

[3]<br />

where ρ bound is the FRET contribution from energy transfer to each acceptor in the oligomer<br />

containing the donor, ρ nonbound is the FRET contribution arising from energy transfer to<br />

acceptors that are not integrated in the same oligomer as the donor, and f Dq (k) is the fraction <strong>of</strong><br />

donors bound to k acceptors,<br />

Here n is the number <strong>of</strong> units in the oligomer, k counts the number <strong>of</strong> donors, P D is the<br />

mole ratio <strong>of</strong> donors and P A is the mole ratio <strong>of</strong> acceptors.<br />

Through measurement <strong>of</strong> the dependence <strong>of</strong> FRET efficiencies on the acceptor/donor<br />

ratio it is possible to conclude about the presence <strong>of</strong> oligomerization and to gather information<br />

on the type <strong>of</strong> oligomerization found (21). The contribution for FRET from each acceptor in<br />

the same oligomer as the donor is given by,<br />

ρ<br />

n<br />

( k ) D<br />

( ) k n k<br />

fDq k = k⋅ ⋅P<br />

P<br />

⎛<br />

6<br />

1 ⎛ R ⎞<br />

0<br />

bound<br />

= exp<br />

−<br />

⎜<br />

⋅⎜ ⎟<br />

τ0 rD-A<br />

⎝<br />

−<br />

A<br />

⎝<br />

⎞<br />

⎠ ⎟<br />

⎠<br />

[4]<br />

[5]<br />


where τ 0 is the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the donor in the absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors, and r D-A is the distance<br />

between the donor and the acceptor inside the oligomer.<br />

Equation 6 gives ρ nonbound for a two dimensional system (15).<br />

nonbound 2<br />

[<br />

ρ = exp −n<br />

⋅π<br />

⋅Γ(2 / 3) ⋅<br />

R<br />

2<br />

0<br />

⎛ t ⎞<br />

⋅⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝τ<br />

0 ⎠<br />

1<br />

3<br />

]<br />

[6]<br />

where n 2 is the acceptor density in each bilayer leaflet, and Γ is the gamma function.<br />

From Eqs. 2-6, simulations for FRET efficiencies are obtained (Fig. 5A). In the FRET<br />

analysis, the different oligomerization models were fitted to two series <strong>of</strong> data simultaneously.<br />

In the first series the lipid to protein ratio (L/P) equals 1000 while in the second the protein was<br />

diluted two fold (L/P = 2000). With this methodology, uncertainty resulting from erroneous<br />

quantification <strong>of</strong> the two FRET contributions (to acceptors <strong>with</strong>in the same oligomers and to<br />

unbound acceptors) is eliminated. The oligomerization model that provided the best fit to the<br />

two data series was one that considered dimerization <strong>of</strong> the peptide and a distance <strong>of</strong> 43 Å<br />

between donor and acceptor inside the dimer. This distance is in good agreement <strong>with</strong> an<br />

antiparallel dimer as the size <strong>of</strong> a rigid and fully alpha-helical H0-NBAR is expected to be<br />

around 49.5 Å (1.5 Å per residue). The sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the methodology chosen is clear from the<br />

comparison <strong>with</strong> the simulations for FRET efficiencies arising from a parallel dimer (r D-A < 20<br />

Å) and other oligomerization numbers (see Fig. 5A).<br />

The oligomerization <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR is dependent on <strong>membrane</strong> binding, as the peptide<br />

exists as a monomer while in buffer. This was concluded from anisotropy decays <strong>of</strong> H0-<br />

NBAR-FITC (Supplementary Data). The anisotropy decays were well described by two<br />

rotational correlation times, φ 1 and φ 2 .<br />

rt ()<br />

⎡ ⎛−t<br />

⎞<br />

r ⋅ ⎢ β ⋅ exp⎜ ⎟+<br />

⎣<br />

0 1<br />

= ⎝ φ1<br />

⎠<br />

⎛−t<br />

⎞⎤<br />

β2<br />

⋅exp⎜<br />

⎟⎥<br />

⎝φ2<br />

⎠⎦<br />

[7]<br />

Here r 0 is the fundamental anisotropy, β 1 and β 2 are the component amplitudes. The<br />

methodology for analysis <strong>of</strong> time-resolved anisotropy decays is described in detail elsewhere<br />

(16).<br />

φ 1 was typically smaller than 250 ps and is expected to be related to independent and<br />

fast movement <strong>of</strong> the FITC fluorophore. The recovered φ 2 values were between 1,45 and 1,69<br />

ns (Fig. 5B) and are expected to correspond to the motion <strong>of</strong> the entire peptide. The rotational<br />

correlation time can be estimated from the following equation (strictly valid for spherical<br />

molecules),<br />

η ⋅V<br />

φ=<br />

R ⋅T<br />

[8]<br />


where η is the viscosity <strong>of</strong> the medium, V is the molar volume <strong>of</strong> the molecule, R is the ideal<br />

gas constant and T is the temperature. From Equation 8 and taking into consideration the<br />

hydration volume for a protein (22) the expected φ 2 <strong>of</strong> monomeric H0-NBAR is 1.54 ns (Fig.<br />

5B). Hence, H0-NBAR dynamics in solution is as expected for a monomer and is independent<br />

<strong>of</strong> concentration up to 20 μM <strong>of</strong> peptide.<br />

H0-NBAR does not translocate efficiently across the bilayer<br />

When bound to the full N-BAR domain, H0-NBAR is expected to interact <strong>with</strong> only<br />

one monolayer. The structural changes induced in the exposed monolayer and the resulting<br />

monolayer asymmetry could be responsible for <strong>membrane</strong> bending mediated by N-BAR, in a<br />

similar mechanism as the one observed for the ENTH domain <strong>of</strong> epsin after PIP(4,5) 2 binding<br />

(23). In order to study if the H0-NBAR is able to induce by itself the sort <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> bending<br />

observed <strong>with</strong> full N-BAR domains it is necessary to determine if the peptide, after interaction<br />

<strong>with</strong> anionic liposomes, remains bound to the outer monolayer, or if it exhibits fast<br />

translocation across the bilayer. If H0-NBAR translocated efficiently across the bilayer, effects<br />

on both monolayers would limit monolayer asymmetry and consequently H0-NBAR would not<br />

behave in a comparable manner as the helix 0 in the N-terminal segment <strong>of</strong> N-BAR.<br />

To evaluate this, the following methodology was applied. The iodide ion exhibits low<br />

permeability across lipid bilayers (Fig. 6- Inset), and by measuring the degree <strong>of</strong> fluorescence<br />

quenching induced by I - on H0-NBAR-EDANS it is possible to estimate the fraction <strong>of</strong> H0-<br />

NBAR-EDANS that translocated across the bilayer. Two sets <strong>of</strong> samples were measured. In the<br />

first, 1mM POPG liposomes were incubated <strong>with</strong> 2μM <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-EDANS for only 3<br />

minutes, as this amount <strong>of</strong> time guarantees almost complete binding <strong>of</strong> the peptide to the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> (results not shown). In the second set <strong>of</strong> samples, the same concentrations <strong>of</strong> POPG<br />

liposomes and H0-NBAR-EDANS were incubated for 40 min. The fluorescence intensities<br />

were measured immediately before and after addition <strong>of</strong> KI and the Stern-Volmer plots for<br />

fluorescence quenching were obtained (Fig. 6). It is clear that the difference between the<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> exposure <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR to KI is minimal between the two data sets. Assuming that<br />

H0-NBAR-EDANS in the inside <strong>of</strong> vesicles was 100% inaccessible to KI, after 40 minutes <strong>of</strong><br />

incubation, there was only a maximum <strong>of</strong> 4 % translocated H0-NBAR.<br />

H0-NBAR increases packing <strong>of</strong> anionic phospholipids at a higher degree than a control<br />

peptide<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> unlabeled H0-NBAR in the packing and dynamics <strong>of</strong> phospholipids was<br />

measured through the fluorescence anisotropy <strong>of</strong> two lipid <strong>membrane</strong> probes, NBD-DOPE and<br />

DPH. The first is a good probe for the headgroup region <strong>of</strong> the bilayer while the second is a<br />

well known probe <strong>of</strong> acyl chain packing. The effects <strong>of</strong> adding increasing amounts <strong>of</strong> H0-<br />

NBAR to POPG liposomes loaded <strong>with</strong> 1 % (mol/mol) <strong>of</strong> fluorescent probe are shown in<br />

Figure 7. The results obtained <strong>with</strong> H0-ENTH are also shown for comparison. ENTH is<br />

thought to be able to tubulate liposomes in the presence <strong>of</strong> PIP(4,5) 2 through insertion <strong>of</strong> H0-<br />

ENTH in the acyl-chain. In the absence <strong>of</strong> this lipid, H0-ENTH is unable to penetrate the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> (6). It should be stressed that the induced probe anisotropy increase is not related to<br />

a decrease <strong>of</strong> its lifetime (Perrin equation, [14]), since the probe fluorescence intensity is<br />

invariant (there is no fluorescence quenching), upon peptide addition (results not shown).<br />

H0-NBAR clearly rigidifies both the acyl-chains and the headgroup region <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bilayer. H0-ENTH has only minor effects on the fluorescence anisotropy <strong>of</strong> both probes even<br />


at very high concentrations, confirming that H0-NBAR is particularly rigidifying for<br />

phospholipid packing.<br />

H0-NBAR is not able to tubulate lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s in the absence <strong>of</strong> the scaffold domain<br />

<strong>of</strong> N-BAR.<br />

TEM was used to monitor the effects <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR on liposome morphology (Fig. 8).<br />

H0-NBAR is clearly not able to induce tubulation <strong>of</strong> liposomes composed <strong>of</strong> pure synthetic<br />

phospholipids (POPG) (Fig. 8) or <strong>of</strong> lipid brain extracts (results not shown). The only<br />

noticeable effect <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR was the fusion <strong>of</strong> the liposomes, <strong>with</strong>out a significant change in<br />

their morphology or size. Different P/L ratios produced similar results.<br />

Discussion<br />

Proteins are believed to be able to induce <strong>membrane</strong> bending by means <strong>of</strong> three<br />

mechanisms, namely the scaffold, local spontaneous curvature and the bilayer-couple<br />

mechanism (24). In the scaffold mechanism, <strong>proteins</strong> present and force their intrinsic curvature<br />

to the lipid <strong>membrane</strong>. This intrinsic curvature can be the result <strong>of</strong> tertiary structure or <strong>of</strong> the<br />

surface from a protein network. In the local spontaneous curvature hypothesis, a shallow<br />

insertion in the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong> an amphipathic moiety from a protein induces local<br />

perturbation <strong>of</strong> the packing <strong>of</strong> lipid headgroups resulting in higher local curvature. Finally in<br />

the bilayer-couple mechanism, the insertion <strong>of</strong> an amphipathic helix in the lipid bilayer could<br />

result in an increase <strong>of</strong> the area <strong>of</strong> the monolayer where the protein is inserted that is<br />

compensated by an increase <strong>of</strong> bilayer curvature.<br />

The presence <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR greatly enhances the liposome tubulation activity <strong>of</strong> BAR<br />

domains. Several theories have been recently presented to explain the relevance <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR<br />

in this phenomenon. It is feasible that the sole function <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR is the increase in<br />

residence time <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain in the <strong>membrane</strong> by tight binding to the hydrophobic<br />

interior <strong>of</strong> the bilayer, but it is also possible that this segment is important in the<br />

oligomerization <strong>of</strong> BAR domains in the <strong>membrane</strong>, since cross-linking experiments suggest<br />

that BAR domains exist in <strong>membrane</strong>s as high-order oligomers [5, 25].<br />

Therefore, N-BAR domains could induce remodeling <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong>s by the scaffold, the<br />

local spontaneous curvature and the bilayer-couple mechanisms or by a combination <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

The concave shape <strong>of</strong> the BAR dimer can act as a scaffold, forcing the <strong>membrane</strong> curvature to<br />

adapt to its own curvature. Insertion <strong>of</strong> the amphipathic helix could also act through either the<br />

bilayer-couple or the local spontaneous curvature mechanism.<br />

Here we showed that insertion <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR in the lipid bilayer is unable to induce<br />

significant changes in lipid <strong>membrane</strong> morphology. Recently, some authors reported that<br />

highly amphipathic <strong>peptides</strong> induced liposomes or supported lipid bilayers to adopt tubular<br />

structures when present at very high concentrations (L/P

ound conformation <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain through strong hydrophobic interactions <strong>with</strong> the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong>. Although partition <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR to anionic liposomes is very efficient, it is<br />

unlikely to be higher than the partition <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain itself, as the concave surface <strong>of</strong> the<br />

BAR domain dimer is already strongly positively charged. Partition <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR to anionic<br />

bilayers disturbs both the headgroup as the acyl-chain regions <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. H0-NBAR is<br />

more disturbing to the bilayer than H0-ENTH, and this can be the result <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR<br />

dimerization in the <strong>membrane</strong> environment, as dimerization <strong>of</strong> amphipathic <strong>peptides</strong> was<br />

previously shown to be particularly disturbing to bilayer structure (28). The dimerization <strong>of</strong><br />

H0-NBAR explains the detection <strong>of</strong> high-order oligomers <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domains (5,25), and if<br />

effective in the full BAR domain, can be the mechanism by which H0-NBAR provides a more<br />

favorable framework for tubulation mediated by N-BAR (7).<br />

A recent molecular dynamics study (29) showed binding <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domains to a lipid<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> resulting in generation <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> curvature through the scaffold mechanism.<br />

Results suggested that the main role <strong>of</strong> the N-terminal amphipathic helix <strong>of</strong> N-BAR was to<br />

favor the orientation <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR domain that allowed direct interaction between the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> and the protein concave face. In effect, from our result, it is clear that the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

bending activity <strong>of</strong> the N-BAR domain must be achieved through the scaffold mechanism in<br />

which the BAR domain presents its concave surface to the <strong>membrane</strong>, and forces the<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> to adopt the same curvature, while H0-NBAR only plays a promoting role in this<br />

process, either by: i) enhancing the <strong>membrane</strong> affinity <strong>of</strong> the full N-BAR domain; ii) mediating<br />

N-BAR high order oligomerization and stimulating the increase <strong>of</strong> local concentrations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

protein; iii)increasing lipid packing and facilitating curvature generation; iv) forcing the protein<br />

to present its concave face to the <strong>membrane</strong> or by a combination <strong>of</strong> these mechanisms.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

F. F. acknowledges grant SFRH/BD/14282/2003 from FCT (Portugal). A.F. acknowledges<br />

grant SFRH/BPD/26150/2005 from FCT (Portugal) This work was funded by FCT<br />

(Portugal) under the program POCI.<br />


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TABLE I<br />

Membrane/Water partition coefficients (K p ) for H0-NBAR-EDANS determined from<br />

fluorescence anisotropies (Figure 3)<br />

Vesicles<br />

K p<br />

POPC * (5.6 ± 2.7) ×10 1<br />

POPS (4.2 ± 1.0) ×10 4<br />

POPG (diameter 30 nm) (3.2 ± 1.1) ×10 4<br />

POPG (diameter 100 nm) (4.4 ± 0.9) ×10 4<br />

POPG (diameter 400 nm) (5.5 ± 1.5) ×10 4<br />

* This K p value is a lower bound assuming that the anisotropy <strong>of</strong> the peptide population in<br />

interaction <strong>with</strong> POPC is identical as the one obtained <strong>with</strong> anionic phospholipids ( ~ 0.06).<br />


Figure Legends<br />

Fig.1: N-terminal amphipatic helix <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain <strong>of</strong> BRAP. A – Alignments <strong>of</strong> N-<br />

terminal sequences (H0) <strong>of</strong> BRAP/Bin2 and several amphiphysins (Amph) show great degree <strong>of</strong><br />

homology (h-Human, d-Drosophila, r-Rat). B – Helical wheel representation <strong>of</strong> H0 from BRAP.<br />

Numbers indicate position <strong>of</strong> the aminoacid. Hydrophobic residues are show in grey.<br />

Fig. 2: The N-terminal sequence <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain is alpha-helical in anionic liposomes. CD<br />

spectrum <strong>of</strong> H0 in buffer (---), in the presence <strong>of</strong> POPC (●) and POPG liposomes (―). Lipid<br />

concentration was 1mM.<br />

Fig. 3: Partition <strong>of</strong> H0 to bilayers is only sensitive to charge. A - Increase <strong>of</strong> fluorescence<br />

emission anisotropy <strong>of</strong> H0-EDANS <strong>with</strong> lipid concentration. H0-EDANS in the presence <strong>of</strong> POPC<br />

(▲), POPG (○) and POPS (■) liposomes <strong>of</strong> 100 nm diameter. INSET: Efficiencies <strong>of</strong> energy<br />

transfer from H0-NBAR-EDANS to NBD-labeled phospholipids (PX-NBD) in POPG liposomes.<br />

Bars show the difference in FRET efficiency (E) relative to the value obtained for PG-NBD (E PG-<br />

NBD = 0.38). Concentration <strong>of</strong> PX-NBD in POPG bilayers was 2% (mol/mol). B - Increase <strong>of</strong><br />

fluorescence emission anisotropy <strong>of</strong> H0-EDANS <strong>with</strong> POPG concentration for different liposome<br />

sizes. H0-EDANS in the presence <strong>of</strong> POPG liposomes <strong>with</strong> 30 (∆), 100 (○) and 400 (■) nm radius.<br />

Fluorescence emission anisotropies were measured <strong>with</strong> excitation wavelength <strong>of</strong> 340 nm and<br />

emission wavelength <strong>of</strong> 460 nm. In both panels, the lines are the fits <strong>of</strong> Equation 1 to the data, as<br />

described in the text.<br />

Fig. 4: H0-NBAR promotes liposome fusion in both POPC and POPG. Decrease in<br />

fluorescence emission intensities <strong>of</strong> NBD-DOPE 15 min. after mixing <strong>of</strong> liposomes <strong>with</strong> 2% NBD-<br />

DOPE and liposomes <strong>with</strong> 2% Rho-DOPE in the presence and in the absence <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR.<br />

Results obtained <strong>with</strong> H0-ENTH are shown for comparison. Fluorescence intensity in the absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> acceptor was measured and no significant donor fluorescence bleaching was detected.<br />

Fluorescence intensities were obtained <strong>with</strong> excitation and emission wavelengths set to 460 and<br />

510 nm respectively.<br />

Fig. 5: H0 forms an antiparallel dimer in POPG bilayers. A- FRET efficiencies determined<br />

from the integration <strong>of</strong> H0-EDANS fluorescence decays in the presence <strong>of</strong> increasing fraction <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors (H0-FITC) (■) at a L/P = 1000 and 2000. Simulations for FRET between monomers (···),<br />

parallel dimers (---) or trimers (-⋅-) do not describe the data accurately. The simulation which<br />

provided a more accurate description <strong>of</strong> the data was obtained for an antiparallel dimer (⎯) in<br />

which EDANS and FITC are separated by 43 Å (the estimated size <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR is 49.5 Å).<br />

Insensitivity to L/P ratios further supports the derived formalisms. B – Dependence <strong>of</strong> the longer<br />

rotational correlation time (φ 2 ) <strong>of</strong> the fluorescence anisotropy decay <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-FITC on the<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> peptide in buffer. The dotted line is the expected φ 2 for a H0-NBAR monomer.<br />

The dynamics <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-FITC is virtually unaffected by the increase in concentration and the<br />

recovered longer correlation time is in agreement <strong>with</strong> the rotation <strong>of</strong> a H0 monomer (see text). All<br />

samples contained the same concentration <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-FITC, and different concentrations <strong>of</strong> H0-<br />

NBAR were obtained through addition <strong>of</strong> unlabelled peptide.<br />

Fig. 6: Translocation <strong>of</strong> H0-BAR in POPG liposomes is very slow. Stern-Volmer plots for<br />

fluorescence emission quenching <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-EDANS by iodide. H0-EDANS in buffer (○), in<br />

the presence <strong>of</strong> POPG liposomes <strong>with</strong> a 3 min. (●) and 40 min. (▲) incubation time prior to<br />

addition <strong>of</strong> iodide quencher. Permeation <strong>of</strong> iodide across the bilayer is slow (see Inset) and after 40<br />

min. the amount <strong>of</strong> H0-NBAR-EDANS that translocated through the bilayer is estimated to be a<br />

maximum <strong>of</strong> 4%. INSET: Permeation <strong>of</strong> I - across POPG liposomes as measured by fluorescence<br />

quenching <strong>of</strong> encapsulated 5,6-CF.<br />


Fig. 7: H0-NBAR increases phospholipid packing. A – Effect <strong>of</strong> unlabeled H0-NBAR on the<br />

fluorescence emission anisotropy <strong>of</strong> NBD-DOPE (•). NBD-DOPE fluorescence is sensitive to<br />

changes in the headgroup region <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. B - Effect <strong>of</strong> unlabelled H0-NBAR on the<br />

fluorescence emission anisotropy <strong>of</strong> DPH (•). DPH fluorescence is sensitive to changes in the acylchain<br />

region <strong>of</strong> the bilayer. For comparison, the effect on both probes <strong>of</strong> an amphipathic peptide<br />

which is not expected to insert in the bilayer (H0-ENTH) is also presented (○). Lines are mere<br />

guides to the eye.<br />

Fig. 8: H0-NBAR promotes liposome fusion but does not alter liposome morphology. A –<br />

TEM micrograph <strong>of</strong> POPG liposomes. B – TEM micrograph <strong>of</strong> POPG liposomes after incubation<br />

<strong>with</strong> H0-NBAR (L/P = 10).<br />


FIG. 1A<br />

FIG.1B<br />


FIG. 2<br />


FIG. 3A<br />

FIG. 3B<br />


FIG.4<br />


FIG.5A<br />


Fig. 5B<br />


FIG 6.<br />


FIG.7A<br />

FIG. 7B<br />


FIG. 8<br />

A<br />

B<br />



VI<br />



1. Introduction<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P ) (Figure VI-1) is the most<br />

2<br />

abundant polyphosphatidylinositide in mammalian cells. It is however only a minor<br />

component <strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>. In human erythrocytes PI(4,5)P comprises about<br />

2<br />

1% <strong>of</strong> the total lipid content <strong>of</strong> the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> (McLaughlin et al., 2002),<br />

nevertheless it is responsible for the regulation <strong>of</strong> many essential cellular functions. Its<br />

role as a precursor <strong>of</strong> two second messengers, diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-<br />

trisphosphate is well established (van Rheenen et al., 2005), and it is now recognized to<br />

act as signal for channel gating and for establishing sites for vesicular trafficking,<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> remodelling and movement, and actin cytoskeletal assembly (Martin, 2001).<br />

PI(4,5)P is also expected to act merely as a protein anchor to the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> in<br />

2<br />

some cases (McLaughlin, 2002).<br />

Figure VI-1: Structure <strong>of</strong> 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate.<br />


The signalling functions <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P<br />

2<br />

are performed via interactions <strong>with</strong> signalling<br />

<strong>proteins</strong>. Several <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> known actin regulatory properties have been shown to<br />

interact <strong>with</strong> PI(4,5)P . N-WASP, a protein responsible for the stimulation <strong>of</strong> actin<br />

2<br />

nucleation is activated by binding to PI(4,5)P<br />

2<br />

through a short polybasic domain<br />

(Papayannopoulos et al., 2005). Overall, it seems that free (non protein-bound)<br />

PI(4,5)P in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> acts as a signal for anchoring <strong>of</strong> actin to the<br />

2<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> (McLaughlin et al., 2002). Several <strong>proteins</strong> related to the exocytosis and<br />

clathrin mediated endocytosis mechanisms have already been shown to specifically bind<br />

PI(4,5)P , most notably epsin, a protein <strong>with</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> remodelling properties that was<br />

2<br />

shown to bind lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s through interaction <strong>with</strong> PI(4,5)P (Ford et al., 2002).<br />

2<br />

The question <strong>of</strong> how can a single lipid species regulate so many different functions<br />

in the cell <strong>with</strong> an apparent spatial resolution is still open. It has been hypothesized that<br />

the distribution <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> is non-uniform and that pools <strong>of</strong><br />

2<br />

spatially confined PI(4,5)P must exist (Martin, 2001). Several authors detected<br />

2<br />

evidence <strong>of</strong> cholesterol dependent localization <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P<br />

2<br />

<strong>with</strong>in domains in the<br />

plasma <strong>membrane</strong> (Pike and Miller, 1998; Liu et al., 1998; Laux et al., 2000; Botelho et<br />

al., 2000; Kwik et al., 2003; Epand et al., 2004; Epand et al., 2005; Gokhale et al.,<br />

2005). These observations led to the conclusion that PI(4,5)P were preferentially bound<br />

2<br />

to raft domains. However, some authors still disagree <strong>with</strong> the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P<br />

2<br />

enrichment in rafts (van Rheenen et al., 2005).<br />

Spontaneous partition <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P to lipid rafts is highly unlikely, as this lipid<br />

2<br />

almost always presents polyunsaturated acyl-chains which are not expected to favour<br />

incorporation in the more rigid environment found in rafts (McLaughlin et al., 2002).<br />

One possible explanation for the detection <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P in these structures would be its<br />

2<br />

local synthesis. However, this cannot account for the levels detected, as diffusion is<br />

expected to occur at faster rates than synthesis (Ghambir et al., 2004). The most likely<br />

mechanism for PI(4,5)P concentration in lateral domains is that some <strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

2<br />

favoured partition to rafts can act as buffers, binding and passively concentrating these<br />

lipids. A family <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> (GMC <strong>proteins</strong>) have been identified that are likely to play<br />

this role. GAP43, myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), CAP23,<br />



are substrates <strong>of</strong> protein kinase C that bind strongly to PI(4,5)P (Laux et al., 2000;<br />

2<br />

Wang et al., 2001). Although these <strong>proteins</strong> present saturated acyl-chains, this alone is<br />

not expected to result in accumulation in rafts. It is possible that the <strong>proteins</strong> are crosslinked<br />

via actin and this would increase significantly the preference for the cholesterol<br />

enriched phase (McLaughlin et al., 2002). In model lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s, the basic domain<br />

<strong>of</strong> MARCKS responsible for binding to PI(4,5)P was able to sequester this<br />

2<br />

phospholipid into clusters through electrostatic interactions (Denisov et al., 1998; Rauch<br />

et al., 2002; Gambhir et al., 2004).<br />

Recently, Redfern and Gericke (2004,2005) suggested an alternative method for<br />

PI(4,5)P clustering. According to these authors, phosphatidylinositol lipids<br />

2<br />

spontaneously clustered at and above physiological pH, and both in the gel and fluid<br />

phases, when incorporated in zwitterionic bilayers. The mechanism proposed to achieve<br />

non-uniform distribution <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P in the bilayer, was the establishment <strong>of</strong> hydrogen<br />

2<br />

bonds between phosphatidylinositol headgroups, and no external agent (cholesterol or<br />

<strong>proteins</strong>) was required. According to the authors, the same type <strong>of</strong> clustering behaviour<br />

was observed for phosphatidylinositol monophosphates and polyphosphates. This latter<br />

proposal is very controversial, as the presence <strong>of</strong> large charges in the headgroups <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphatidylinositol phosphates must result in strong repulsion between the molecules<br />

(Pap et al., 1995), and consequently a clustering phenomena is expected to be unlikely.<br />




2. Absence <strong>of</strong> clustering <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate in<br />

fluid phosphatidylcholine<br />



Absence <strong>of</strong> clustering <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-<br />

bisphosphate in fluid phosphatidylcholine<br />

Fábio Fernandes, 1, * Luís M. S. Loura,* ,† Alexander Fedorov,* and Manuel Prieto*<br />

Centro de Química-Física Molecular,* Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; and Centro de<br />

Química e Departamento de Química, † Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal<br />

Abstract Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)<br />

P 2 ] plays a key role in the modulation <strong>of</strong> actin polymerization<br />

and vesicle trafficking. These processes seem to depend<br />

on the enrichment <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 in plasma <strong>membrane</strong><br />

domains. Here, we show that PI(4,5)P 2 does not form domains<br />

when in a fluid phosphatidylcholine matrix in the pH<br />

range <strong>of</strong> 4.8–8.4. This finding is at variance <strong>with</strong> the spontaneous<br />

segregation <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 to domains as a mechanism<br />

for the compartmentalization <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 in the<br />

plasma <strong>membrane</strong>. Water/bilayer partition <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2<br />

is also shown to be dependent on the protonation state <strong>of</strong><br />

the lipid.—Fernandes, F., L. M. S. Loura, A. Fedorov, and M.<br />

Prieto. Absence <strong>of</strong> clustering <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-<br />

bisphosphate in fluid phosphatidylcholine. J. Lipid Res.<br />

2006. 47: 1521–1525.<br />

Supplementary key words PIP2 . lipid domains . fluorescence .<br />

fluorescence resonance energy transfer<br />

Manuscript received 13 March 2006 and in revised form 18 April 2006.<br />

Published, JLR Papers in Press, April 21, 2006.<br />

DOI 10.1194/jlr.M600121-JLR200<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P 2 ] is<br />

found mainly in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong>, where it is a critical<br />

regulator <strong>of</strong> several cellular functions. It plays a fundamental<br />

role, particularly in actin polymerization and vesicle<br />

trafficking (1, 2). These processes seem to depend on<br />

large transient and spatially localized increases <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2<br />

concentration, as this phospholipid constitutes only z1%<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lipids in the plasma <strong>membrane</strong> (3).<br />

Significant evidence indicates that the <strong>membrane</strong><br />

patches where localized enrichment in PI(4,5)P 2 is observed<br />

are cholesterol-rich rafts (4–6), but partition <strong>of</strong><br />

these phospholipids to liquid-ordered domains is difficult<br />

to explain, as the sn-2 acyl chain <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 is mainly<br />

arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated acyl chain that is not<br />

expected to favor partition into rafts. Local enrichment in<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 was shown to overlap <strong>with</strong> enrichment <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-4-monophosphate<br />

kinases in the same<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> patches, possibly leading to localized synthesis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the inositol (7). However, as argued previously, this effect<br />

alone cannot explain the degree <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 compartmentalization<br />

observed, as diffusion away from the site <strong>of</strong> synthesis<br />

is faster than the synthesis itself (8). However, several<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> [myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate<br />

(MARCKS), growth associated protein 43 (GAP43), cytoskeleton-associated<br />

protein 23 (CAP23), and neuronal<br />

axonal <strong>membrane</strong> protein (NAP22)] have been shown to<br />

be responsible for the lateral sequestration <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 to<br />

specific domains in the <strong>membrane</strong> in a process that for some<br />

cases was dependent on cholesterol (9–11). This phenomenon,<br />

together <strong>with</strong> localized synthesis, provides a<br />

plausible mechanism for PI(4,5)P 2 compartmentalization,<br />

as large concentrations <strong>of</strong> these <strong>proteins</strong> could prevent free<br />

diffusion <strong>of</strong> the phospholipid.<br />

In a recent study, it was proposed that PI(4,5)P 2 compartmentalization<br />

can be achieved simply through hydrogen<br />

bonding between PI(4,5)P 2 head groups at or slightly<br />

above physiological pH (corresponding to partial or complete<br />

deprotonation <strong>of</strong> the phosphomonoester group)<br />

(12), <strong>with</strong>out the contribution <strong>of</strong> any external agent (cholesterol<br />

or <strong>proteins</strong>). Through fluorescence resonance<br />

energy transfer (FRET) experiments in a phosphatidylcholine<br />

(PC) matrix in the fluid state, the authors claimed<br />

to have detected PI(4,5)P 2 domain formation, and similar<br />

behaviors were observed for PI(3,4)P 2 and PI(3,4,5)P 3 as<br />

well as for phosphatidylinositol monophosphates in<br />

another study (13). Because <strong>of</strong> the large biological relevance<br />

<strong>of</strong> the problem and the controversy <strong>of</strong> these conclusions,<br />

we propose in this work to investigate this issue<br />

using a detailed experimental approach. Our results show<br />

clearly that PI(4,5)P 2 does not form domains when in a PC<br />

matrix in the pH range <strong>of</strong> 4.8–8.4 and that partition <strong>of</strong><br />

PI(4,5)P 2 to PC bilayers is largely dependent on the pH.<br />


POPC, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG), 1,2-<br />

dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine (DPPC), and 7-nitro-2-1,3-ben-<br />

Abbreviations: DPH, diphenylhexatriene; DPPC, 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine;<br />

FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer;<br />

NBD, 7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PI(4,5)P 2 ,<br />

phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate; POPG, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol.<br />

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.<br />

e-mail: fernandesf@ist.utl.pt<br />

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Copyright D 2006 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.<br />

This article is available online at http://www.jlr.org Journal <strong>of</strong> Lipid Research Volume 47, 2006 1521

zoxadiazol (NBD)-PC were obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids<br />

(Birmingham, AL). NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 was from Echelon Biosciences<br />

(Salt Lake City, UT). Diphenylhexatriene (DPH) was obtained<br />

from Molecular Probes (Leiden, The Netherlands). Other<br />

fine chemicals were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).<br />

Liposome reconstitution procedure<br />

The desired amounts <strong>of</strong> phospholipids were mixed in chlor<strong>of</strong>orm-methanol<br />

(1:2) and dried under an N 2(g) flow. The sample<br />

was then kept in a vacuum overnight. Liposomes were prepared<br />

<strong>with</strong> 20 mM HEPES, 100 mM NaCl buffer at pH 8.4 and 7.1 and<br />

<strong>with</strong> 20 mM sodium citrate, 100 mM NaCl buffer at pH 4.8. The<br />

hydration step was performed <strong>with</strong> the addition <strong>of</strong> buffer followed<br />

by freeze-thaw cycles. Anisotropy measurements were performed<br />

<strong>with</strong> large unilamellar vesicles produced by extrusion<br />

through polycarbonate filters <strong>with</strong> a pore size <strong>of</strong> 100 nm (14).<br />

to quantify the effective fraction <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 incorporated<br />

in liposomes. NBD quantum yield decreases <strong>with</strong><br />

hydration, and clustering <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 leads to NBD selfquenching<br />

(20). Consequently, it was not surprising that<br />

NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in buffer (micellar state) exhibited quantum<br />

yields z100 times smaller than when incorporated in PC<br />

liposomes (lamellar state) (Fig. 1). This difference allowed<br />

us to use fluorescence intensity as a tool to estimate the extent<br />

<strong>of</strong> water/bilayer partition for NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 . From<br />

equation 3 (21), the extent <strong>of</strong> partition can be quantified<br />

into partition coefficients (K p )<br />

I 5 I w 1 K P 3 g L 3 [L] 3 I L<br />

1 1 K P 3 g L 3 [L]<br />

(Eq: 3)<br />

Fluorescence measurements<br />

Steady-state fluorescence measurements were carried out <strong>with</strong><br />

an SLM-Aminco 8100 Series 2 spectr<strong>of</strong>luorimeter described in<br />

detail elsewhere (15). Steady-state anisotropies were determined<br />

according to Lakowicz (16). NBD-PC and NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 anisotropies<br />

were recorded <strong>with</strong> excitation and emission wavelengths<br />

<strong>of</strong> 460 and 540 nm, respectively, <strong>with</strong> spectral bandwidths<br />

<strong>of</strong> 4 nm. All measurements were performed at room temperature.<br />

Fluorescence decay measurements <strong>of</strong> DPH (donor) were carried<br />

out <strong>with</strong> a time-correlated single-photon timing system, which is<br />

described elsewhere (15). All measurements were performed at<br />

room temperature. Excitation and emission wavelengths were 340<br />

and 430 nm, respectively.<br />

In the FRET experiments, the donor decays in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors [i DA (t)] can be described as<br />

i DA (t) 5 i D (t) 3r interplanar (t) (Eq: 1)<br />

where i DA (t) and i D (t) are the fluorescence decays <strong>of</strong> the donor in<br />

the presence and absence <strong>of</strong> acceptors, respectively. r interplanar is<br />

the FRET contribution arising from energy transfer to randomly<br />

distributed acceptors in two different planes from the donors<br />

(two monolayer leaflets) (17)<br />

8<br />

l<br />

9<br />

qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

l 2 1 R ><<br />

2 e<br />

r interplanar 5 exp 24 n 2 3p3l 2 1 2 exp(2t 3 b<br />

#<br />

3 3a 6 )<br />

>=<br />

a 3 da<br />

>:<br />

0<br />

>;<br />

Downloaded from www.jlr.org by on September 3, 2007<br />

(Eq: 2)<br />

where b 5 (R 0 2 /l) 2 H D 21/3 ,R 0 is the Förster radius, n 2 is the<br />

acceptor density in each leaflet, and l is the distance between the<br />

plane <strong>of</strong> the donor and the two planes <strong>of</strong> acceptors. The Förster<br />

radius was calculated as described elsewhere (18).<br />


NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 partition to lipid bilayers<br />

When using a labeled phospholipid as the acceptor in a<br />

FRET study, the energy transfer efficiency will depend<br />

strongly on its concentration inside these vesicles. As<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 is known to generally form micelles in the aqueous<br />

medium (19), it is essential in the type <strong>of</strong> measurements<br />

mentioned above to determine whetherallNBD-PI(4,5)P 2<br />

incorporates in the liposomes and, if that is not the case,<br />

Fig. 1. Fluorescence intensity (I F ) <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-<br />

bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P 2 ] as a function <strong>of</strong> POPC (A) and 1-palmitoyl-<br />

2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) (B) concentration. Closed<br />

circles, pH 8.4; open circles, pH 7.1; closed squares, pH 4.8. The<br />

curves are fits <strong>of</strong> equation 3 to the experimental data, allowing the<br />

determination <strong>of</strong> water/bilayer partition coefficients (K p ). 7-Nitro-<br />

2-1,3-benzoxadiazol (NBD)-PI(4,5)P 2 concentration 5 1 mM. a.u.,<br />

arbitrary units.<br />

1522 Journal <strong>of</strong> Lipid Research Volume 47, 2006

where I is the fluorescence intensity, I W and I l are the fluorescence<br />

intensities in buffer and in liposomes, respectively,<br />

g l is the lipid molar volume, and [l] is the lipid concentration.<br />

The curves obtained when the NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 fluorescence<br />

intensities were plotted versus the lipid concentrations<br />

are shown in Fig. 1. Three different pH values<br />

(8.4, 7.1, and 4.8) corresponding to three different<br />

protonation states <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 (for the micellar state<br />

Pk a2 5 6.7 for the 49 position and 7.6 for the 59 position)<br />

were studied. The results for the different pH values were<br />

clearly different when using POPC bilayers: a larger extent<br />

<strong>of</strong> partition was observed when pH 8.4 was used (corresponding<br />

to a total charge <strong>of</strong> 25), whereas partition for<br />

pH 7.1 (24) was almost identical to that for pH 4.8 (23).<br />

For POPG, the partition was much less dependent on pH.<br />

The K p values obtained at pH 8.4, 7.1, and 4.8 for water/<br />

POPC partition were (5.38 6 0.60) 3 10 4 , (1.84 6 0.14) 3<br />

10 4 , and (2.18 6 0.18) 3 10 4 , respectively, whereas for<br />

micelle/POPG partition, these were (1.84 6 0.33) 3 10 4 ,<br />

(2.29 6 0.38) 3 10 4 , and (1.47 6 0.18) 3 10 3 , respectively.<br />

Clustering <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in POPC<br />

Clustering <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 inside the POPC matrix<br />

would result in a decrease <strong>of</strong> fluorescence intensity attributable<br />

to self-quenching <strong>of</strong> NBD and in a decrease in<br />

fluorescence anisotropy attributable to energy migration<br />

(energy homotransfer) inside the clusters (20). The two<br />

parameters were studied for increasing NBD-PI(4,5)P 2<br />

concentrations inside a POPC matrix, as shown in Fig. 2.<br />

NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 concentrations were corrected for the partition<br />

coefficients determined above. As a control, the<br />

fluorescence intensity and anisotropies <strong>of</strong> NBD-PC in<br />

POPC and <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in DPPC were compared <strong>with</strong><br />

the data for NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in POPC. NBD-PC in POPC<br />

is homogeneously distributed, whereas in DPPC, clustering<br />

is expected for NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 as a result <strong>of</strong> gel-fluid<br />

phase separation.<br />

It is clear that NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 and NBD-PC have identical<br />

clustering behavior in POPC. The degree <strong>of</strong> selfquenching<br />

and energy migration <strong>of</strong> both lipids is almost<br />

identical and much smaller than for NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in<br />

DPPC at room temperature, at which clustering is observed<br />

as a result <strong>of</strong> packing restraints in the DPPC gel<br />

matrix (22).<br />

We also performed a FRET experiment, using for this<br />

purpose the fluorescence decay <strong>of</strong> the donor. The reason<br />

for a time-dependent approach instead <strong>of</strong> a steady-state<br />

approach is that the kinetics <strong>of</strong> the donor decay gives<br />

information on both the distribution (homogeneity/heterogeneity)<br />

and concentration <strong>of</strong> acceptors (15), whereas<br />

the steady-state approach is unable to distinguish between<br />

the two. Again, we chose POPC as the matrix lipid, the<br />

donor was DPH, which is known to have no preference<br />

between lipid phases (23), and the acceptor was NBD-<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 . In this system, in the case <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2<br />

clustering, two populations <strong>of</strong> DPH would be detectable,<br />

one residing in a NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 -rich site and the other<br />

in a NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 -poor area <strong>of</strong> the bilayer.<br />

We globally fitted the FRET model for a single discrete<br />

concentration <strong>of</strong> acceptors (homogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptors) (equations 2, 3) to the data in Fig. 3, and for all<br />

pH values used (only results for pH 8.4 are shown), good<br />

quality fits were obtained (global Chi-square , 1.5). The<br />

acceptor concentrations were the only free parameter<br />

during these fits, and the recovered values matched closely<br />

(610%) the bilayer concentrations expected from the<br />

partition coefficients determined above, again confirming<br />

the absence <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 clustering.<br />


Compartmentalization <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 has been reported<br />

several times, but its origin had always been attributed to<br />

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Fig. 2. Fluorescence intensity (I F ) <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in<br />

POPC (closed circles), POPG (open circles), and 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine<br />

(DPPC; closed diamonds)<br />

bilayers and <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylcholine NBD-PC in POPC<br />

(closed squares). Inset: Fluorescence anisotropy (,r.) <strong>of</strong><br />

NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in POPC (closed circles) and DPPC (open<br />

diamonds) bilayers and <strong>of</strong> NBD-PC in POPC (closed<br />

squares). Error bars represent SD. All measurements were<br />

performed at pH 8.4. Total lipid concentration 5 0.2 mM.<br />

a.u., absorbance units.<br />

Absence <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 clustering in fluid PC 1523

Fig. 3. Fluorescence decays <strong>of</strong> diphenylhexatriene in the absence and presence <strong>of</strong> increasing concentrations<br />

<strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 in POPC bilayers at pH 8.4 (thin lines). Global analysis <strong>of</strong> the data according to<br />

the model for homogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong> NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 (equation 3) resulted in the fitted curves (thick<br />

lines). The concentration <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 was kept constant (5%) by the addition <strong>of</strong> unlabeled PI(4,5)P 2 . Total<br />

lipid concentration 5 0.2 mM. t, time.<br />

the interaction <strong>with</strong> the cytoskeleton and/or <strong>with</strong> specific<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> exhibiting preferences for particular phases<br />

inside the <strong>membrane</strong>. The recent proposal for a spontaneous<br />

demixing <strong>of</strong> completely deprotonated PI(4,5)P 2<br />

when in a PC matrix even at very low concentrations as a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> intermolecular hydrogen bonding (12) suggested<br />

an additional mechanism for localized enrichments <strong>of</strong> this<br />

phospholipid. In this work, we tested this hypothesis<br />

through a carefully designed approach that considered<br />

and tested the existence <strong>of</strong> possible artifacts that could go<br />

undetected in a phenomenological approach (mere observation<br />

<strong>of</strong> increases or decreases in energy transfer as a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> pH variations).<br />

Redfern and Gericke (12) showed by differential scanning<br />

calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy<br />

that demixing occurred for mixtures <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2<br />

and PC lipids in the gel phase. Nevertheless, in vivo,<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 contains polyunsaturated acyl chains, and a gel<br />

state is highly unlikely for this lipid. With this in mind,<br />

these authors used FRET as a tool to detect the immiscibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 and PC in the fluid state at low<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 concentrations. They used POPC as the lipid<br />

matrix and a NBD-labeled PC as the FRET donor to a<br />

short-chain (C6) Dipyrrometheneboron difluoride labeled<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 . In this system, they observed variations<br />

<strong>of</strong> energy transfer efficiency as the pH was scanned. The<br />

authors interpreted the decrease <strong>of</strong> energy transfer efficiencies<br />

at high pH [.Pk a2 <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 ] as a demixing<br />

between PI(4,5)P 2 and POPC. However, the use <strong>of</strong> a very<br />

short-chain PI(4,5)P 2 as the acceptor in this FRET experiment<br />

is likely to have resulted in a significant fraction<br />

<strong>of</strong> acceptors not being incorporated in the <strong>membrane</strong>.<br />

The lipid/water partition coefficients <strong>of</strong> this short-chainlabeled<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 is expected to be significantly smaller<br />

than those determined here for NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 , because<br />

K p varies dramatically <strong>with</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> carbons in the<br />

acyl chains <strong>of</strong> a phospholipid (24). In this case, energy<br />

transfer efficiencies would decrease not because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 clusters but as a result <strong>of</strong> changes<br />

in the lipid/water partition coefficient <strong>of</strong> the probe, as the<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 group becomes fully deprotonated. Redfern<br />

and Gericke (12) acknowledge that the extent <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong><br />

incorporation changed considerably for different<br />

labeled phosphatidylinositides.<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> the kinetics <strong>of</strong> donor decay in a FRET experiment<br />

was the method chosen by us to probe the<br />

eventual clustering <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 in a zwitterionic bilayer,<br />

because it is capable <strong>of</strong> retrieving information on the<br />

homogeneity <strong>of</strong> the fluorescently labeled PI(4,5)P 2 independently<br />

<strong>of</strong> any quantitative knowledge <strong>of</strong> the probe’s<br />

bilayer concentration. The good agreement between the<br />

model considering a homogeneous distribution <strong>of</strong> NBD-<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 and the data is solid pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong><br />

PI(4,5)P 2 clustering at low PI(4,5)P 2 concentrations<br />

(,5%) even in a completely deprotonated state. The result<br />

<strong>of</strong> this experiment alone cannot exclude the formation<br />

<strong>of</strong> very small PI(4,5)P 2 clusters (zR 0 for this Förster<br />

pair 5 40 Å), but, together <strong>with</strong> the NBD energy migration<br />

and self-quenching <strong>studies</strong>, it is clear that PI(4,5)P 2<br />

has no lateral organization in a fluid POPC matrix. It is<br />

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1524 Journal <strong>of</strong> Lipid Research Volume 47, 2006

certainly feasible that PI(4,5)P 2 /PC demixing exists in the<br />

gel phase, as packing restraints are severely increased (22).<br />

The difference in the lipid/water partition coefficients <strong>of</strong><br />

the NBD-PI(4,5)P 2 fully and partially deprotonated states<br />

is interesting, and the same trend is expected for nonlabeled<br />

PI(4,5)P 2 . This difference might be the result <strong>of</strong><br />

destabilization <strong>of</strong> the fully deprotonated PI(4,5)P 2 micellar<br />

structure. However, it is very likely that the labeling<br />

<strong>with</strong> NBD decreases the extent <strong>of</strong> partition to some extent,<br />

and further <strong>studies</strong> will be necessary to determine whether<br />

this phenomenon has physiological relevance.<br />

F.F. acknowledges Grant SFRH/BD/14282/2003 from Fundação<br />

para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal). A.F. acknowledges<br />

Grant SFRH/BPD/26150/2005 from FCT (Portugal).<br />

This work was funded by FCT (Portugal) under the program<br />

Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação (POCI).<br />


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Absence <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 clustering in fluid PC 1525


VII<br />


Chapter II ‐ Protein‐Protein and Protein‐Lipid <strong>Interaction</strong>s<br />

<strong>of</strong> M13 Major Coat.<br />

In this chapter an extensive study <strong>of</strong> the protein-protein and protein-lipid<br />

interactions <strong>of</strong> M13 mcp was conducted. The fluorescence self-quenching data obtained<br />

from the study <strong>with</strong> a BODIPY labelled mcp allowed us to conclude that mcp is in fact<br />

monomeric in DOPC bilayers at the conditions used for protein purification and protein<br />

reconstitution. The use <strong>of</strong> two different sites for labelling, resulted in identical results<br />

excluding any possible influence <strong>of</strong> labelling on the oligomerization efficiency <strong>of</strong> mcp.<br />

Nevertheless, as the <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> lipid bilayers presenting a different hydrophobic<br />

thickness than mcp shows, mcp can aggregate is certain conditions. In this way, it is<br />

possible that at much higher protein concentrations than the one used here (L/P < 50),<br />

some aggregation takes place, although in vivo the presence <strong>of</strong> only one orientation <strong>of</strong><br />

mcp should contribute to keep it monomeric. This could explain the increase in the<br />

levels <strong>of</strong> anionic lipids (cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol) in the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

E. coli during the process <strong>of</strong> infection by the bacteriophage M13. Therefore, although<br />

anionic lipids are not required to keep mcp monomeric in normal conditions, at the very<br />

high mcp concentrations found in the sites <strong>of</strong> phage assembly in the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

the host, they might contribute to stabilize the monomeric state <strong>of</strong> the protein, which is<br />

required for correct assembly.<br />

Fluorescence self-quenching <strong>of</strong> BODIPY labelled mcp is more efficient when mcp<br />

is incorporated in bilayers <strong>with</strong> a thinner (positive hydrophobic mismatch) or thicker<br />

(negative hydrophobic mismatch) hydrophobic length, than the hydrophobic domain <strong>of</strong><br />

mcp. This is likely to result from aggregation <strong>of</strong> mcp, and in this case aggregation in<br />

thicker bilayers is significantly more effective than in thinner bilayers. This discrepancy<br />

can be the result <strong>of</strong> the availability <strong>of</strong> alternative methods for protein adaptation in<br />

positive hydrophobic mismatch conditions. In this case, the protein is able to increase<br />


the tilt angle, and maintain a larger section <strong>of</strong> the hydrophobic domain inside the bilayer<br />

(Figure I.16). When the bilayer thickness is larger than the protein hydrophobic domain,<br />

the TM protein might find that compensation by change <strong>of</strong> tilt angle is not possible or it<br />

is insufficient, and the only route available to decrease exposure <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic<br />

aminoacid side-chains is aggregation. Recently, mcp was shown to change its tilt angle<br />

when incorporated in bilayers <strong>with</strong> different hydrophobic thickness (Koehorst et al.,<br />

2004).<br />

Results obtained for fluorescence self-quenching <strong>of</strong> BODIPY labelled mcp<br />

incorporated in binary lipid mixtures composed by lipids <strong>with</strong> different acyl-chain<br />

lengths are dramatically different from the results obtained <strong>with</strong> pure lipids. The<br />

apparent diffusion coefficients retrieved from the analysis <strong>of</strong> this data are clearly not<br />

justified on the basis <strong>of</strong> normal diffusion <strong>of</strong> monomeric species (as it was for mcp in<br />

DOPC), or on the basis <strong>of</strong> protein oligomerization/aggregation (as it as for mcp in<br />

DMoPC and in DEuPC). In this case, only segregation <strong>of</strong> mcp into domains enriched in<br />

the hydrophobically matching lipid can provide rationalization <strong>of</strong> the data. This<br />

hypothesis is confirmed by FRET <strong>studies</strong> that are also consistent <strong>with</strong> mcp segregation<br />

in the presence <strong>of</strong> binary mixtures <strong>of</strong> lipids <strong>with</strong> different acyl-chains. Importantly, the<br />

lipid components used in the binary mixtures are not dramatically different, the only<br />

difference being the presence <strong>of</strong> 4 additional carbons in the acyl-chain <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lipids. This difference is not expected to result in large scale phase separation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lipid components such as it was detected in the FRET <strong>studies</strong> (domain size larger than<br />

or comparable to the Förster radius <strong>of</strong> AEDANS-BODIPY, 48.8 Å). In this way,<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> large domains enriched in the hydrophobically matching lipid must be a<br />

consequence <strong>of</strong> incorporation <strong>of</strong> mcp. Nevertheless, experiments making use <strong>of</strong> the<br />

properties <strong>of</strong> 1,6-diphenylhexatriene, indicate that even in the absence <strong>of</strong> protein, short<br />

scale clustering <strong>of</strong> the lipids in the binary mixtures is expected to occur.<br />

The same type <strong>of</strong> segregation <strong>of</strong> mcp was not detected when the acyl-chains’ lengths<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lipid components in the binary mixtures were identical and the only difference<br />

resides in the headgroups, confirming the crucial relevance <strong>of</strong> hydrophobic matching for<br />

protein organization.<br />

Concerning the quantification <strong>of</strong> the lipid selectivity <strong>of</strong> mcp, FRET proved to be a<br />

valuable tool, and an important alternative to ESR in these type <strong>of</strong> <strong>studies</strong>. FRET was<br />

able to detect lipid enrichment around monomeric mcp in a binary lipid mixture, while<br />

ESR was unable to resolve this problem (Sanders et al., 1992). Relative association<br />



constants recovered by FRET were almost identical to the ones recovered for an<br />

aggregated form <strong>of</strong> mcp, confirming the reliability and sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the technique. mcp<br />

showed affinity for lipids <strong>with</strong> acyl chain lengths that matched the hydrophobic length<br />

<strong>of</strong> its TM domain, and for anionic lipids, particularly PA and PS.<br />

Only the lipids in the immediate vicinity <strong>of</strong> the protein are sufficiently immobilized<br />

to be detected by ESR, and as a consequence the binding affinity determined by ESR<br />

only refers to this shell <strong>of</strong> lipids. On the other hand, FRET is not limited to this, and for<br />

high Förster radii such as the one for the donor-acceptor pair used in this study, the<br />

efficiency <strong>of</strong> FRET from the protein to an acceptor in the second shell <strong>of</strong> lipids is<br />

similar to the efficiency <strong>of</strong> FRET to an acceptor in the first shell around the protein. In<br />

this way, the compatibility <strong>of</strong> the results from FRET and ESR points clearly to the<br />

validity <strong>of</strong> the annular model for protein-lipid interaction (single TM protein only<br />

induces changes in lipid distribution on the first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around it).<br />

This FRET methodology for the quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity also <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

the possibility <strong>of</strong> probing different shells <strong>of</strong> lipids around the protein by choosing<br />

donor-acceptor pairs <strong>with</strong> different Förster radii. To increase the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

method to selectivity in the first shell <strong>of</strong> lipids around the protein, a small Förster radius<br />

would be advisable, that allowed to concentrate the majority <strong>of</strong> the contributions to<br />

donor quenching on the acceptors located there.<br />


Chapter III ‐ Binding <strong>of</strong> Inhibitors to a Putative Binding<br />

Domain <strong>of</strong> V‐ATPase.<br />

The <strong>studies</strong> conducted allowed us to know in detail the properties <strong>of</strong> the indole type<br />

<strong>of</strong> inhibitors in lipid <strong>membrane</strong>s. The molecules studied, which correspond to the initial<br />

(low efficiency) and final stage (high efficiency) in the development <strong>of</strong> these inhibitors<br />

as potential drugs in osteoporosis treatment, present almost identical properties in the<br />

liposomes environment. The preference <strong>of</strong> the lipid phase over the aqueous phase, the<br />

position in the bilayer and the orientation <strong>of</strong> the molecules were all almost identical for<br />

both molecules studied.<br />

According to the results <strong>of</strong> Gagliardi et al. (1998a), the change in inhibition<br />

efficiency <strong>of</strong> the V-ATPase inhibitors <strong>with</strong>in the indole class presented some extent <strong>of</strong><br />

correlation to the hydrophobicity <strong>of</strong> the molecules, i.e. the more hydrophobic indole<br />

inhibitor molecules had also a tendency to be more efficient inhibitors <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase. It<br />

was possible that the interaction <strong>of</strong> the molecules <strong>with</strong> the lipid milieu was significantly<br />

different <strong>with</strong>in this class <strong>of</strong> inhibitors, and this could correspond to dramatically<br />

different efficiencies <strong>of</strong> inhibition, explaining the 10 3 difference in IC 50 values <strong>of</strong> INH-1<br />

and SB242784. In this way, the process <strong>of</strong> inhibitor binding to the lipid bilayer would<br />

be crucial to the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the inhibition event. However, the results obtained point<br />

to a non-determinant role <strong>of</strong> inhibitor interaction <strong>with</strong> the lipid bilayer, and the specific<br />

molecular recognition processes <strong>with</strong> the enzyme’s inhibition site are very likely to be<br />

responsible for dictating the large differences <strong>of</strong> inhibition efficiencies <strong>with</strong>in the V-<br />

ATPase indole inhibitors class.<br />

The binding <strong>studies</strong> <strong>of</strong> bafilomycin and SB242784 to the peptide corresponding to<br />

the 4 th TM helix <strong>of</strong> subunit c <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase revealed no affinity at all for SB242784 and<br />

very low affinities for bafilomycin. These results can be seen as an indicator that the<br />

binding pocket for the inhibitors is not solely composed <strong>of</strong> the lipid exposed face <strong>of</strong> the<br />

4 th TM helix <strong>of</strong> subunit c, but also involves contributions <strong>of</strong> amino acids from other<br />

domains <strong>of</strong> the protein. This proposal is in agreement <strong>with</strong> the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inhibitors operating as a stone in a gear, blocking movements <strong>of</strong> the TM domains <strong>of</strong><br />

subunit c and interrupting proton transport.<br />



Chapter IV ‐ Binding <strong>of</strong> a Quinolone Antibiotic to Bacterial<br />

Porin OmpF.<br />

In this case, the FRET analysis allowed us to conclude on a likely location for the<br />

binding site <strong>of</strong> CP in OmpF. Two limiting positions for the binding site were<br />

considered: i) in the trimer interface, leading to a maximum efficiency <strong>of</strong> donor<br />

quenching; ii) in the periphery <strong>of</strong> the trimer, causing minimum quenching <strong>of</strong> donor<br />

fluorescence due to FRET. For each <strong>of</strong> these two limiting conditions, intervals for<br />

binding constants were retrieved. By comparison <strong>of</strong> the binding constants retrieved <strong>with</strong><br />

the results <strong>of</strong> an independent method that made use <strong>of</strong> changes in the absorption spectra<br />

<strong>of</strong> CP upon binding to OmpF (Neves et al., 2005), it is concluded that the binding site<br />

for CP is likely to be located away from the trimer interface and close to the periphery<br />

<strong>of</strong> OmpF.<br />

The FRET methodology developed for the analysis <strong>of</strong> the interactions between<br />

OmpF and CP is suitable to be used in the analysis <strong>of</strong> FRET data for similar systems,<br />

containing two populations <strong>of</strong> donors (or acceptors) separated by a distance larger or<br />

comparable to the Förster distance <strong>of</strong> the donor-acceptor pair used, so that the analysis<br />

is sensitive enough to be able to distinguish the contributions from these two<br />

populations.<br />


Chapter V – <strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>of</strong> Helix‐0 <strong>of</strong> the N‐BAR Domain<br />

With Lipid Membranes<br />

The <strong>membrane</strong> modelling properties <strong>of</strong> N-BAR domains are generally attributed to<br />

two structural features <strong>of</strong> the BAR domain containing <strong>proteins</strong>: the concave surface <strong>of</strong><br />

the crescent shaped dimer, that is expected to act as a scaffold for curvature and an N-<br />

terminal amphipatic helix or H0, that is expected to be deeply buried <strong>with</strong>in the lipid<br />

bilayer, driving monolayer asymmetry and finally curvature. This latter strategy for<br />

curvature generation should be effective in the absence <strong>of</strong> the rest <strong>of</strong> the protein, and a<br />

peptide comprising this amphipatic helix would be expected to produce the same<br />

results. The results reproduced here clearly demonstrate that this is not the case. H0 is<br />

unable to drive significant changes in liposome morphology. Therefore we can conclude<br />

that N-BAR domains do not use their N-terminal amphipatic helices to produce bilayer<br />

curvature in the manner <strong>of</strong>ten proposed (Gallop and McMahon, 2005; Gallop et al.,<br />

2006; Masuda et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the results point to different roles <strong>of</strong> Helix-0<br />

on <strong>membrane</strong> remodelling by N-BAR domains. The high water/lipid partition<br />

coefficients determined for H0 are expected to have a dramatic effect in the partition<br />

properties <strong>of</strong> the entire protein, and this alone could explain the great decreases in<br />

liposome tubulation efficiency <strong>of</strong> BAR domains <strong>with</strong>out H0. A role as a mediator <strong>of</strong><br />

interactions between dimers <strong>of</strong> BAR domains was also proposed for H0 (Gallop and<br />

McMahon, 2005), and here it is shown that H0 does indeed oligomerize into dimers in<br />

the lipid environment. Oligomerization <strong>of</strong> H0 might provide BAR domain-containing<br />

<strong>proteins</strong> <strong>with</strong> a more efficient mechanism to colocalize, and <strong>membrane</strong> curvature<br />

induction by scaffolding by <strong>proteins</strong> is only expected to be efficient at high local<br />

concentrations <strong>of</strong> scaffold <strong>proteins</strong>.<br />



Chapter VI – Clustering <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P2 in Fluid PC Bilayers.<br />

Domain enrichment <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 is expected to occur in vivo. Nevertheless the<br />

process must require strong binding to agents (<strong>proteins</strong>) that present a strong affinity for<br />

incorporation in cholesterol enriched domains. Clustering <strong>of</strong> charged phospholipids in<br />

the gel state is certainly possible as energetic requirements resulting from packing<br />

restrictions in this state can surpass the energetic penalty resulting from electrostatic<br />

repulsion between the clustered lipids. However, the same type <strong>of</strong> phenomena is<br />

expected to be highly unlikely in fluid bilayers, where packing restrictions are not so<br />

severe.<br />

The results from this study allowed us to conclude that PI(4,5)P 2 is homogeneously<br />

distributed in fluid PC bilayers. FRET <strong>studies</strong> ruled out the existence <strong>of</strong> any large scale<br />

domain (dimensions larger than 40 Å) enriched in PI(4,5)P 2 , while energy migration<br />

and fluorescence self-quenching <strong>studies</strong> <strong>of</strong> a fluorescently labelled PI(4,5)P 2 clearly<br />

indicate absence <strong>of</strong> strong short-range clustering <strong>of</strong> the lipid.<br />

Another important result from this study are the differences in water/bilayer<br />

partition efficiencies obtained for different protonation states <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 . One possible<br />

explanation for this observation is that the micellar structure <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 is destabilized<br />

at the completely deprotonated state (at low lamellar lipid concentrations, a micellar<br />

population <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 is expected to be in equilibrium <strong>with</strong> a bilayer inserted<br />

population). These differences in partition behaviour can result in erroneous<br />

rationalization <strong>of</strong> fluorescent data, specially taking into account that the most popular<br />

fluorescently labelled PI(4,5)P 2 in the market presents very short acyl-chains, and will<br />

present even smaller partition efficiencies that the ones determined here for a long chain<br />

fluorescently labelled PI(4,5)P 2 .<br />




VIII<br />



<strong>Biophysical</strong> <strong>studies</strong> are likely the only possibility <strong>of</strong> direct structural and dynamic<br />

characterization <strong>of</strong> the type <strong>of</strong> interactions addressed in this work. The recurrent<br />

difficulties in <strong>membrane</strong> protein expression and purification were responsible for the<br />

popularity <strong>of</strong> the application <strong>of</strong> highly sensitive fluorescence techniques in <strong>studies</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>membrane</strong> <strong>proteins</strong>. The presence <strong>of</strong> aromatic amino acids in <strong>proteins</strong> allows the<br />

application <strong>of</strong> fluorescence techniques <strong>with</strong>out requirement for labelling <strong>with</strong> a extrinsic<br />

fluorophore. Still, when necessary, the developments in synthesis <strong>of</strong> fluorophores and<br />

labelling techniques, provide the researcher <strong>with</strong> great flexibility in the process <strong>of</strong><br />

choosing the best conditions for fluorescence methodologies. Overall, the <strong>studies</strong><br />

presented here are a demonstration <strong>of</strong> the potential <strong>of</strong> biophysical <strong>studies</strong>, particularly<br />

fluorescence spectroscopy <strong>studies</strong>, in the characterization <strong>of</strong> interactions between<br />

components <strong>of</strong> bio<strong>membrane</strong>s.<br />

In this work, the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>membrane</strong> model systems, allowed for the simplification <strong>of</strong><br />

the number <strong>of</strong> variables in the experiments. This is essential in <strong>studies</strong> that focus on the<br />

characterization <strong>of</strong> very specific interactions. Apart from the technical difficulties<br />

inherent to in vivo <strong>studies</strong> (huge heterogeneity <strong>of</strong> samples, background fluorescence,<br />

light scattering, low fluorescence intensity, etc.), the presence <strong>of</strong> a large number <strong>of</strong><br />

uncontrolled (and sometimes unknown) variables is highly likely to hinder the<br />

possibility <strong>of</strong> data rationalization. The information recovered from <strong>studies</strong> <strong>with</strong> less<br />

complex model systems can then be used for a more clear rationalization <strong>of</strong> data<br />

gathered from in vivo <strong>studies</strong>.<br />

The new FRET methodologies developed here, notably the methodology for<br />

quantification <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid selectivity, are expected to be <strong>of</strong> great use in the future as<br />

they are readily applicable to different systems. The FRET methodologies for<br />

quantification <strong>of</strong> drug-protein binding will require only some straightforward<br />

adaptations to the geometric constraints <strong>of</strong> the systems to be studied.<br />


Some <strong>of</strong> the biological questions debated here are still open. Recently, a model for<br />

the binding site <strong>of</strong> V-ATPase inhibitors in the c-subunit was proposed (Bowman et al.,<br />

2006), confirming that residues in at least three different trans<strong>membrane</strong> domains were<br />

required for effective bafilomycin inhibition. However the picture was not completely<br />

clear, as residues in opposite sides <strong>of</strong> the same helix were found to be relevant for<br />

bafilomycin binding pointing to indirect effects <strong>of</strong> some residues in the interaction <strong>with</strong><br />

the inhibitor. Although, clinical trials <strong>with</strong> SB242784 were not started due to possible<br />

adverse effects (Nikura et al., 2005), a derivative <strong>of</strong> this molecule was shown recently to<br />

potentiate the effect <strong>of</strong> an cytotoxic/anti-tumor drug likely due to inhibition <strong>of</strong> V-<br />

ATPases in tumor cells (Petrangoline et al., 2006).<br />

The study <strong>of</strong> the mechanisms behind clustering <strong>of</strong> PI(4,5)P 2 into cholesterol<br />

dependent domains in bio<strong>membrane</strong>s is a very promising field. It is clear that PI(4,5)P 2<br />

should not spontaneously cluster or partitionate to liquid ordered domains, and this<br />

behaviour must be connected to specific protein-lipid interactions. In this way, the study<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lipid <strong>membrane</strong> partition properties <strong>of</strong> <strong>proteins</strong> known to bind PI(4,5)P 2 might<br />

give us some insight into these mechanisms. The relevance <strong>of</strong> acylation characteristics<br />

(number and length <strong>of</strong> acyl-chains in the protein), for <strong>membrane</strong> protein organization in<br />

bio<strong>membrane</strong>s, is a problem <strong>of</strong> great biological relevance.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> fluorescence imaging techniques in the study <strong>of</strong> protein-lipid interactions<br />

can add additional layers <strong>of</strong> information to the results <strong>of</strong> non-space resolution<br />

biophysical <strong>studies</strong>. The biophysical <strong>studies</strong> presented here relied mostly on<br />

macroscopic observables, and although this type <strong>of</strong> data is, as demonstrated, highly<br />

enriched in information, some <strong>of</strong> it is lost by averaging <strong>of</strong> fluorophore populations,<br />

while imaging techniques allow for resolution <strong>of</strong> different populations <strong>of</strong> fluorophores.<br />

Therefore, the application <strong>of</strong> the methodologies derived and described here to<br />

fluorescence imaging data could help identify features <strong>of</strong> interactions between<br />

<strong>membrane</strong> components which go undetected in the macroscopic data. In the limit,<br />

single-molecule techniques could also be used. Imaging techniques are obviously very<br />

useful in the observation <strong>of</strong> large scale changes (µm scale) in the lateral distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>membrane</strong> components and are a useful complement to FRET methodologies, which are<br />

able to probe deviations to homogeneity in the nanometer scale. Additionally, FRET<br />

<strong>studies</strong> under the microscope are also carried out, allowing the direct comparison<br />

between macroscopic and microscopic data.<br />



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