Conjunctive Queries

Conjunctive Queries

Conjunctive Queries


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Evaluating CSP’s having bounded<br />

(gen.) hypertree width<br />

k fixed<br />

Given:<br />

a database db of relations<br />

a CSP Q over db such that hw(Q) k or ghw k<br />

a width k hypertree decomposition of Q<br />

• Deciding whether (Q,db) solvable is in<br />

O(n k+1 log n) and complete for LOGCFL<br />

• Computing Q(db) is feasible in<br />

output-polynomial time<br />

Observation: If H has n vertices, then<br />

HW(H)n/2+1<br />

Does not hold for TW: TW(K n )=n-1<br />

Often HW < TW. H-Decomps are interesting<br />

In case of bounded arity, too.<br />

ComparingDecompositionMethods<br />

We compare these methods according to<br />

their ability in indentifying tractable classes of<br />

CSP instances:<br />

Comparison results<br />

Hypertree Decomposition<br />

• D1 D2 (D2generalizes D1):<br />

0suchthat, k>0,C(D1,k) C(D2,k+)<br />

everyclassofCSPstractableaccordingtoD1istractableaccordingtoD2,<br />

according to is according to D2<br />

with(almost)thesamecost.<br />

• D2<br />

D1 (D2beats D1):thereexistsanintegerksuchthat<br />

exists integer such that<br />

m,C(D2,k) C(D1,m)<br />

thereareclassesofCSPstractableaccordingtoD2butnottractable<br />

accordingtoD1.<br />

• D1

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