Laurie & Joe Brofsky - Hewlett E. Rockaway Jewish Center

Laurie & Joe Brofsky - Hewlett E. Rockaway Jewish Center

Laurie & Joe Brofsky - Hewlett E. Rockaway Jewish Center


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The VOICE of <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre/Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

kuev<br />

May–June 2011 Vol. 61 • No. 5 Niasn/Iyar/Sivan, 5771<br />

We invite you to<br />

bring your smile<br />

AND join in the celebration<br />

as we honor<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> & <strong>Joe</strong> <strong>Brofsky</strong><br />

at our<br />

annual Dinner Dance<br />

Sunday, june 5, 2011<br />

5 o’clock twilight<br />

featuring<br />

singing sensation kim sozzi<br />

and Creations music<br />

Black Tie<br />

may 9<br />

celebrate<br />

yom ha’atzmaut<br />

with UJA & HERJC<br />

as we honor<br />

Philip Engel<br />

see page 7 for details

HERJC 516-599-2634<br />

Rabbi<br />


Ext. 214<br />

rabbiw@herjc.org<br />

Rabbi Emeritus<br />


Hazzan<br />


Ext. 215<br />

cantorsislen@herjc.org<br />

Ritual Director<br />


Ext. 222<br />

nachum@herjc.org<br />

Religious School Director<br />


599-0424 or Ext. 219<br />

rsdir@herjc.org<br />

Nursery School Director<br />


599-1169 or Ext. 237<br />

nurserydir@herjc.org<br />

Youth Director<br />


599-1148 or Ext. 223<br />

youthdir@herjc.org<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

and Amazon<br />

Click on the<br />

Amazon button found<br />

on the left hand side<br />

of the first page of our<br />

website, www.herjc.org,<br />

do your shopping as<br />

usual and HERJC gets<br />

a donation!<br />

Amazingly simple<br />

and wonderful.<br />

This month we offer you some do and don’t to get into the Shabbat spirit.<br />

DO:<br />

Stay near home. Spend quality time with family and real friends.<br />

Celebrate with others: at your table, in synagogue, with your family and friends or<br />

with those with whom you can best share in appreciating God’s world.<br />

Study or read something that will edify, challenge or make you grow.<br />

Spend some time alone. Take some time for yourself. Check in with yourself. Review<br />

your week.<br />

Mark the beginning and end of this sacred day: lighting candles and Kiddush on<br />

Friday night and Havdalah on Saturday night.<br />

DON’T:<br />

Do anything you have to do for your work life. This includes obligatory reading,<br />

homework for kids (even without writing), unwanted social obligations and preparing<br />

for work as well as doing the job itself.<br />

Spend any money. Separate completely from the commercial culture that so much<br />

surrounds us.<br />

Do any business. No calls to the broker; no following up on ads. No paying of bills.<br />

It can all wait.<br />

Travel. Avoid especially commercial places like airports, hotel check-ins and similar<br />

depersonalizing commercial encounters. Stay free of situations in which people are<br />

likely to tell you to “have a nice day!”<br />

Use TV, canned video entertainment or electronic communications including<br />

TV, computers, cell phones, ipads and the like. Stay in situations where you can be<br />

face-to-face with those around you, rather than facing the all-powerful screen.<br />

Yom HaShoah Commemoration<br />

We Remember the Six Million at HERJC<br />

Monday, May 2 at 7:30 PM<br />

Guest Speaker: Marion Lazan<br />

Don’t forget to light your Yellow<br />

candle, Sunday night, May 1<br />

page 2 MAY/JUNE 2011<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


From the Rabbi’s Study<br />


“If we can’t see God, how do we know that there is a God” I am<br />

often asked this question by children but I know it is one that many<br />

of us wonder about. For those who have been privileged to know<br />

God’s presence in their lives, faith may be easy and obvious. The rest<br />

of us find it difficult to believe with total certainty.<br />

One classic <strong>Jewish</strong> response to this situation is to seek God in the<br />

two realms where it is easiest to find traces of the Divine presence:<br />

in the experience of <strong>Jewish</strong> community and the beauty of nature.<br />

Outside of prayer, God’s presence is undoubtedly most accessible<br />

in the natural world. As the Psalmist wrote: “The heavens declare the glory of God and<br />

the earth manifests God’s loving care.” To those who approach it with open eyes,<br />

creation itself testifies to the presence of its Creator.<br />

In this regard, I would like to encourage you to bring your family and participate in<br />

two of HERJC’s new initiatives this spring: our Family Mitzvah Garden and Lag B’omer<br />

Hike and Picnic. Both of these new projects, which are described in this issue of Hakol<br />

offer opportunities for an enjoyable spiritual experience in the presence of community.<br />

The Family Mitzvah Garden (see below) is located adjacent the rear of the synagogue<br />

building and has already been planted with the first round of crops that will be donated<br />

to a local soup kitchen as they are harvested. You can participate in this project<br />

by helping us to keep the garden weeded, by harvesting and delivering the crops and<br />

by helping to replant the garden with the next round of vegetables.<br />

Our Lag B’omer Hike and Picnic (see page 10) will take us into the woods at the<br />

Massapequa Preserve to enjoy the beauty of God’s world on a day when it has been<br />

traditional for Jews to spend time outdoors. I hope you will join us and bring your<br />

friends for what promises to be a wonderful day.<br />

HAKOL is published<br />

by the <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East<br />

<strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre/<br />

Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

295 Main Street,<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518<br />

Telephone: 516-599-2634<br />

Fax: 516-599-2851<br />

E-mail: office@herjc.org<br />

Website: www.herjc.org<br />

President<br />


Vice Presidents<br />






Treasurer<br />


Financial Secretary<br />


Recording and<br />

Corresponding Secretary<br />


Sisterhood President<br />


Men’s Club President<br />


Editor Emeritus<br />


We’ve Broken<br />

Ground on the<br />

HERJC Family<br />

Mitzvah Garden!<br />

We built the wooden beds and put in the soil. Planting is on-going!<br />

All contributions, physical and monetary, will be gratefully accepted.<br />

Come help plant, weed and harvest!<br />

Call the Youth Office at 599-1148 if you’d like to help.<br />

Editorial Assistant<br />


Periodical postage paid at the<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY Post Office<br />

(#233120). Postmaster: Send<br />

address changes to <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East<br />

<strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre, 295<br />

Main St., East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY<br />

11518. Affiliated with: United<br />

Synagogue, National Federation<br />

of <strong>Jewish</strong> Men’s Clubs, National<br />

Women’s League. The views<br />

and opinions expressed herein<br />

do not necessarily reflect the<br />

policies of HERJC or the<br />

Conservative Movement.<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 3

notes from the hazzan<br />


DAILY<br />


Mornings<br />


Monday<br />

and Thursday<br />

6:50 am<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday,<br />

and Friday<br />

7:00 am<br />

Saturday<br />

9:30 am<br />

Sunday &<br />

Legal Holidays<br />

9:00 am<br />

Rosh Chodesh<br />

6:45 am<br />

Evenings<br />

Monday through<br />

Thursday, Sunday<br />

& Legal Holidays<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Fridays<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Saturday varies<br />

with sunset times<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

Please check<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

or see the calendar for<br />

Saturday evening<br />

service times.<br />

Things may slow down during the long, hot summer, but they don’t<br />

stop. HERJC is here every day to provide for the ritual, spiritual, and<br />

social needs of our congregational family. Over the next few months,<br />

it will become crucial to renew your individual commitments to<br />

helping us ensure minyanim at daily services. Day and night, we are<br />

here for our congregants. We have a responsibility to provide regular<br />

services where our community may worship, observe the<br />

yartzheits of loved ones, and, unfortunately, say Kaddish when in<br />

mourning. As the weather gets warmer and many of our minyan regulars<br />

go on vacation, we can’t always guarantee that there will be 10 people here at the<br />

right time. As you make your schedules for the summer and next year, please see if you<br />

can work in some time to help us make a minyan. Many people make the personal commitment<br />

to show up once a week or once a month, on the day with the same date as<br />

their birthday, or at some other interval that allows them to make daily worship a part<br />

of their personal routine. We are very unique in being able to offer Shacharit, Mincha<br />

and Ma’ariv services every day; it breaks my heart when someone shows up in need of<br />

our minyan and there aren’t enough people in the room. Beyond these practical considerations,<br />

however, prayer is a reward in itself. Starting your day by spending a few<br />

minutes in conversation with God gives a wonderful boost to your morning routine.<br />

Ending your day in prayer gives you the sense of peace that you need to conclude the<br />

workday and leave its stress behind. Try it; it’s addictive.<br />

I can hardly believe that July will mark the end of my first year here in New York.<br />

Time has just flown by. I am enormously grateful to all the members and friends of our<br />

wonderful congregation who have welcomed me and my family so warmly. This past<br />

year has been one of the best of my personal and professional life, and I look forward<br />

to being a part of this community for many years to come.<br />

Please be sure to check out my page on our shul’s website: www.herjc.org. There are<br />

now links to various learning and listening resources that will be updated regularly.<br />

Stop by from time to time to see what fun and useful things I’ve found to share.<br />

And remember: please always feel free to contact me to share a favorite melody, to<br />

ask for help in learning an old one, to ask for assistance in mastering any synagogue<br />

skills, or to volunteer to take on a Torah reading or Haftarah. I’m here to help anyone<br />

and everyone grow in terms of their ability to participate, lead, or appreciate the wonderful<br />

things that go on at HERJC, our spiritual home.<br />

Raffle prizes are still being accepted for Dinner Dance.<br />

Ask your favorite place for a gift certificate.<br />

page 4 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL


From the President<br />

In one of my favorite books called As a Man Thinketh, author James<br />

Allen says, “A woman’s/man’s mind may be likened to a garden,<br />

which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but<br />

whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.” With<br />

this in mind, here at HERJC, we have our own garden called the<br />

Mitzvah Garden and it will bring forth! But before it does, there is a<br />

lot of cultivation needed and I am most confident that our growing<br />

list of volunteers will insure an abundant crop (especially if the<br />

weather cooperates). As we till our own East <strong>Rockaway</strong> soil, we do<br />

it to create a community project where children and adults can learn the lesson of creation,<br />

get involved personally and share in the joy of growing and ultimately giving.<br />

The vegetables (spinach, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, etc.) will be donated as<br />

tzedakah to local food banks along with the packaged foods we all give so willingly to<br />

those in need.<br />

As I wrap up my second of three years as HERJC President, I have learned many valuable<br />

lessons. One important one is that while growth of membership numbers is a nice<br />

statistic, what really matters is the growth of our community members which gets<br />

measured in so many other ways. Recently, I attended a Tot Shabbat where we had over<br />

80 people, which included three generations, enjoying each other’s love at our Friday<br />

night service and dinner. Another example was earlier this year when we eclipsed our<br />

Patrons Society goal for the second straight year. It was so meaningful to know that a<br />

growing number of HERJC families are furthering their connection to our synagogue.<br />

When I take a look at our new programs like PJ Library and next year’s Post Bar/Bat<br />

Mitzvah class, I realize the positive effect of our dedicated professionals in combination<br />

with our member volunteers.<br />

And there is a growing sense of anticipation as we head into our Israel Day celebration,<br />

Monday evening May 9th, when, along with UJA, we will honor Philip Engel and<br />

of course our Annual Dinner Dance where we will honor a most deserving couple, Dr.<br />

<strong>Joe</strong> and <strong>Laurie</strong> <strong>Brofsky</strong>. There is so much to look forward to, so just as we will tend to<br />

the Mitzvah Garden, I know together we will tend to the ever growing list of events and<br />

community work that shapes our character and destiny. My prayer is that together we<br />

continue to bloom, allowing HERJC to be the place where we make every person and<br />

every day count!<br />

Congregational Meeting<br />


Agenda: Election of Board of Director Members<br />

and Approval of 2010–11 Budget<br />



<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong><br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> Centre–Congregation<br />

Etz Chaim (HERJC) is a<br />

warm, vibrant, traditionalegalitarian<br />

Conservative congregation.<br />

Our diverse, forward-thinking<br />

community is<br />

one in which learning, prayer<br />

and social action flourish.<br />

Since its founding in<br />

1949, HERJC has been<br />

recognized for creating a<br />

welcoming environment in<br />

which each member—regardless<br />

of age, stage of life or<br />

background—feels a connection<br />

to one another, to<br />

the <strong>Jewish</strong> people, to the<br />

United States, to the land<br />

and State of Israel, to<br />

Judaism and to God.<br />

We are committed to continuing<br />

to provide innovative,<br />

interesting, and thought-provoking<br />

programs that:<br />

Foster lifelong learning<br />

from pre-school through<br />

adulthood<br />

Celebrate our <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

heritage<br />

Deepen the sense of<br />

community among our<br />

Congregational family<br />

Promote religious involvement<br />

of all members,<br />

and enhance their<br />

spiritual experience<br />

Encourage intergenerational<br />

cooperation<br />

Nurture the State of<br />

Israel and our<br />

relationship with it<br />

Serve the needs of<br />

our members, the local<br />

community, the United<br />

States, and K’lal Yisrael,<br />

the <strong>Jewish</strong> people<br />

throughout the world.<br />

Pirkei Avot says the world<br />

rests on Torah, Avodah, and<br />

G’milut Chasadim. So too<br />

does our Congregation.<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE 2011 page 5

What’s<br />

Happening<br />

in Israel<br />

Here are some websites to<br />

help you stay informed:<br />

www.jpost.com<br />

The Jerusalem Post<br />

& Jerusalem Report<br />

www.jnf.org<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> National Fund<br />

www.aipac.org<br />

American Israel Public<br />

Affairs Committee<br />

www.hias.org<br />

Hebrew Immigrant<br />

Aid Society<br />

www.haaretz.com<br />

Haaretz newspaper<br />

in English<br />


Ritual Update<br />

Shalom friends! Another congregational year is almost over. It’s been<br />

an extremely busy and active one. The morning minyan has been<br />

attracting an average of 14-15 people and the camaraderie and coffee<br />

has kept us warm during those cold winter months.<br />

The evening minyan, however, could use an infusion of new people.<br />

If everyone would consider committing to one evening a month,<br />

we would never be short of a minyan. I appeal to those who have a<br />

yahrzeit, please come to honor the memory of YOUR loved one, and<br />

in doing do, you help others honor theirs = DOUBLE MITZVAH!<br />

Although many people leave for vacation during the summer, the synagogue does<br />

not close. We are here for you and hope to see you at services. On Shabbat morning,<br />

you will enjoy our special summer Devri’ Torah on a variety of topics, given by our various<br />

congregants. Join us Saturday evenings for our minyan/seudah shlisheit where you<br />

will enjoy good conversation, good food, and good company.<br />

Have a restful summer!<br />

patrons society<br />

Shaymot<br />

This is the time of year<br />

when Ritual Director<br />

Nachum Plotkin<br />

collects all old taleisim<br />

(tallises), worn and torn<br />

Bibles and prayer books<br />

and arranges for their<br />

burial during the<br />

summer months.<br />

Please bring anything<br />

you would like to<br />

dispose of in the<br />

proper manner to the<br />

synagogue office, marked<br />

“For Nachum” and he<br />

will be happy to take<br />

care of this for you!<br />


As the Patron year winds down, a warm thank you to all of our Patrons who continue to<br />

support HERJC in this special way. Below is a listing of Patron payments made in the last two<br />

months.<br />


($2,500 and up)<br />

Valerie and Abbey Doneger<br />

Lisa and Rabbi Lev Herrnson<br />

Liz and Harold Kislik<br />

Janie and Michael Krasne<br />

Ellen and George Schieren<br />


($1,800)<br />

Philip Engel<br />

Terri and Steven Gold<br />

Aleta and Ariel Grunberg<br />

Loretta and Alan Hagler<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba<br />


Eileen and Peter Davidson<br />

Elaine and Dr. Edward Halbridge<br />

Melissa and Paul Kotcher<br />

Debra and Jeffrey Langendorff<br />

Susan and Jeffrey Levitt<br />

Myra and Dr. Alan Markowitz<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller<br />

Judith and Arthur Mintz<br />

Nancy and Michael Rehns<br />

Arlene and Leonard Russin<br />

Elaine and Sidney Scheinfeld<br />

Alex Scheinfeld<br />

Shari and Brian Silver<br />

Paula and Bruce Trauner<br />

Beth Heit and Rabbi Andrew Warmflash<br />

page 6 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

please join us<br />

Monday<br />

May 9<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Youe are cordially invited to attend the<br />

<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre<br />

Dessert<br />

Reception<br />

on behalf of<br />


celebrating<br />

Yom Ha’atzmaut<br />

.<br />

and honoring<br />

Philip Engel<br />

OUR GUEST SPEAKER, LINDA SCHERZER, is a former Middle East correspondent for CNN and Israel<br />

Tele vision with extensive experience covering the Arab-Israeli conflict. As CNN’s correspondent in Jerusalem from<br />

1988-93, she covered the first Palestinian uprising or Intifada, the Gulf War and the Middle East Peace Process.<br />

During her years with CNN, Linda was probably best known for her interview with former Prime Minister<br />

Benjamin Netanyahu through a gas mask while Israel was undergoing a scud missile attack.<br />

At Israel TV she was Arab Affairs correspondent for Mabat, Israel’s Hebrew Language news program, becoming<br />

the first North American ever to work as an on-air reporter for the Hebrew news. While at Israel Television, Linda<br />

traveled to Damascus there she produced a series of reports on Arab attitudes towards Israel and the Peace Process.<br />

Linda has also produced a one-hour documentary called “Through the Eyes of Enemies: Is the Middle East<br />

Ready for Peace” that travels through Syrian, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt, exploring the Arabs’ readiness to normalize<br />

relations with Israel.<br />

“UJA-Federation is an organization that makes a real difference in the lives of people<br />

in need on Long Island, in the New York metropolitan area, and in <strong>Jewish</strong> communities<br />

around the world. It is a wonderful feeling to be honored by an organization that has<br />

a significant global impact.” —Philip Engel<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE 2011 page 7


the way that I prefer to ride<br />

The American novelist and screenwriter, Niven Busch<br />

in writing about the power of communal prayer said,<br />

“My basic belief is that I don’t like to ride in taxicabs…What<br />

about the subway There at least you’re<br />

not alone. In the subway car there are lots of people, all<br />

kinds. Riding in a taxicab, one lacks of company. The<br />

way I make the trip can be my faith. When I pray, I can<br />

lock the door and pray by myself. That’s like riding in<br />

a cab. Or I can pray in a temple, where people pass in<br />

and out every day. They are all praying too. They are<br />

taking the same ride I am. And in mingling my prayers<br />

with them, I join the fellowship of the<br />

world, in humility before the mysteries<br />

that surround the journey. I think<br />

that is.”<br />

For years I prayed alone. Whether<br />

I was praying at home, or at work, I<br />

prayed alone. Even at the shul I formerly<br />

attended, never being counted<br />

in the minyan nor participating in the<br />

service, did I pray alone. I discovered<br />

that it is entirely possible to be<br />

amongst hundreds of people and yet<br />

be alone. There is ample Biblical evidence<br />

to support the power of individual<br />

prayer. The Bible tells us in<br />

Genesis that Isaac went out into the<br />

field to pray alone. Then there is Hannah in the Book<br />

of Samuel, who prayed in solitude for a son. While the<br />

Bible does acknowledge the power of individual supplication,<br />

it promotes the strength of communal prayer<br />

even more.<br />

Recently I decided to join the morning minyan at<br />

HERJC and I have discovered “that it is not good for<br />

man to be alone.” From the very first day I joined the<br />

minyan I was welcomed whole heartedly and encouraged<br />

to participate and to lead the service as well. I felt<br />

and still feel honored, to be part of a group who attend<br />

minyan faithfully and who count on me to attend as<br />

well. I awaken each day at home and thank God for<br />

reuniting body and soul. At minyan, I thank God for<br />

the blessings of friendship and community. When I<br />

“At minyan, I thank<br />

God for the blessings<br />

of friendship and<br />

community. When<br />

I pray with others,<br />

I am reminded of my<br />

connection to them.<br />

I rejoice in their<br />

happiness and sadly<br />

share in their grief.<br />

”<br />

pray with others, I am reminded of my connection to<br />

them. I rejoice in their happiness and sadly share in<br />

their grief. In our minyan, we are emphatic about congratulating<br />

those who lead the service, or read from the<br />

Torah. All hands are extended and “Yasher Koach’s” are<br />

generously offered. We literally touch each other’s lives<br />

and recognize in those handshakes the power and<br />

strength of our prayer together.<br />

My experience is somewhat unique since I am most<br />

often the only woman in the minyan. It is a fact I take<br />

note of only when a man arrives in the morning and<br />

greets us as “gentlemen and lady.” Mostly we are a<br />

group of people, who choose to meet up each morning,<br />

greet the day together and thank God<br />

for the chance to do so. Yet often I<br />

won der, in a community where wo -<br />

men are welcomed and encouraged to<br />

participate in the service, why more<br />

women don’t attend minyan. Cer tain -<br />

ly I recognize that most are mothers<br />

of young children who are busy with<br />

the morning rush of breakfast, bus<br />

and school. Many also have to head<br />

off to work, or get busy with a myriad<br />

of chores as homemakers. As a<br />

wife and mother I too am conflicted<br />

by the choice I’ve made to at tend<br />

morning minyan. My daughter has<br />

told me more than once, that she<br />

liked to see me in the morning before she left for<br />

school. I imagine my husband, who now gets the kids<br />

up and out, also preferred sharing that task with me.<br />

And yet they have been gracious enough to understand<br />

that I will be a better wife, mother and human being if<br />

I take a few precious moments every morning to thank<br />

God for the very blessings I left at home. In the dizzying<br />

rush of my day, I set aside some time for reflection<br />

and gratitude. Words that I have said for a lifetime have<br />

miraculously taken on a new and deeper meaning when<br />

said together with others. As the Rabbi told me, the<br />

words of the prayers are always there waiting for you. I<br />

have discovered anew, their power to comfort and sustain<br />

me now more so than ever before, because I pray<br />

with a minyan. It is the way that I prefer to take the ride.<br />

page 8 MAY/JUNE 2011<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


A new endeavor of HERJC Cares is participating in<br />

local runs/walks to benefit some<br />

wonderful charities. Here’s our first event!<br />

Join us on May 15 at the<br />

5Towns5K Race*<br />

The race begins at North Woodmere Park at 10 am;<br />

be at the park no later 9:30 am.<br />

We will be distributing a free “HERJC ON THE MOVE” T-shirt to all participants.<br />

Email Tova Markowitz at ts825@mac.com for more information.<br />

*All proceeds benefit Beit Halochem Rehab <strong>Center</strong>s, which work with wounded Israeli veterans.<br />

For more information about the Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans, visit www.fidv.org.<br />

anyone can deliver a D’var torah<br />


Do you like to inspire others Do you have a particular<br />

expertise you enjoy speaking about Or an unusual life<br />

experience you think others would want to hear Do<br />

you work for or support a little known charitable<br />

cause Do you feel strongly about some issue or news<br />

event Have you read a good book lately Did you take<br />

an interesting trip in the past few months Would you<br />

like an opportunity to reflect about what being <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

means to you<br />

If so, we want to hear it! Come and share it with us<br />

on a summer Shabbat morning.<br />

Deliver a D’var Torah!<br />

A D’var Torah is a brief talk in which the speaker<br />

connects one or several elements from the weekly<br />

parsha (torah portion) to an idea—any idea. The term<br />

literally means “a word of Torah,” and Torah means<br />

teaching or instruction.<br />

One does not have to be trained as a rabbi to give a<br />

d’var torah. Any post-bar/bat mitzvah Jew can. Typi -<br />

cally, the speaker selects a theme, sentence, word or<br />

problem in the parsha, then relates it to something that<br />

they find interesting and relevant and that they believe<br />

others could learn from.<br />

It’s been a HERJC tradition that, in the summer,<br />

congregants take turns giving a d’var torah. If you have<br />

not participated yet, why not consider it Your audience<br />

will be most appreciative. Honestly, when was the<br />

last time that genuinely interested listeners gave you<br />

their undivided attention for fifteen minutes without<br />

interrupting<br />

Call Judith at 791-4375 or email her at jnysenho@yahoo.com to pick your date!<br />

For suggestions on how to develop a d’var torah, please read the article “D’var Torah: Seven approaches” by Rabbi Richard<br />

J. Israel at www.myjewishlearning.com/practices/Ritual/Torah_Study/Preparing_a_Dvar_Torah/Seven_Approaches.shtml.<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE 2011 page 9

holidays<br />



We will meet there, take a nice leisurely hike led by Shari Zagorski and then<br />

everyone is welcome to stay and picnic. Please bring your own food!<br />

Massapequa Preserve is 423 undeveloped acres of woodlands, ponds, lakes and freshwater wetlands with hundreds of<br />

species of plants and animals. We will do a hike on the wooded trails. The terrain is very flat, but because of the roots, boots<br />

(or good footwear) are recommended.<br />

Directions to meeting point (Brady Park, Massapequa Park): Approximately 2 miles east of Rte 135; From NY 27 (Sunrise<br />

Hwy), take Park Blvd north under Massapequa Park LIRR station, then immediate left onto Front Street; go 4 blocks west to Lake<br />

Shore Drive, then right on Lake Shore Drive to Brady Park (on left), 1/2 block ahead. Park in lot or on street, and meet at<br />

parking lot next to small building (restrooms available). MAP IT: http://maps.google.com<br />

Questions Email sharimit@yahoo.com or call Shari at 678-7460.<br />

LAG B’OMER<br />

Lag B’Omer is the 33rd day of the Omer (the 49 days counted be tween Pesach and Shavuot), which this year falls on<br />

May 22. Having no calendar, the Jews of ancient times counted the days from the second day of Pesach (the start of the<br />

cereal harvest) until Shavuot, when they would gather the harvest. Lag B’Omer is a solitary joyous day in this solemn<br />

period of the <strong>Jewish</strong> calendar, when so much <strong>Jewish</strong> persecution is remembered. On this day, we remem ber the miraculous<br />

cessation of a terrible plague that raged among Rabbi Akiva’s students.<br />

The yahrzeit of Simeon Bar Yohai, a great <strong>Jewish</strong> scholar who hid<br />

in a cave, living off carob and spring water when the Romans forbade the<br />

study of Torah, is also comme morated. When his students came to visit<br />

him, they disguised themselves as hunters with bows and arrows, hence<br />

the bows and arrows children play with on Lag B’Omer today. We also<br />

remember the amazing determination and bravery of Bar Kochba and his<br />

small, ill-equipped <strong>Jewish</strong> army in withstanding the mighty Roman army<br />

for three long years.<br />

In most countries, Lag B’Omer is celebrated with picnics, field days<br />

and games of skill. In Israel, many Jews visit the grave of Rabbi Simeon<br />

Bar Yohai in Meron. Bonfires are lit and there is singing and dancing<br />

throughout the night because Rabbi Bar Yohai requested that his followers<br />

celebrate, rather than mourn, his death. The bonfires also remind us<br />

that the torch of <strong>Jewish</strong> learning continues to burn, despite cruel persecutions<br />

by tyrants throughout the centuries.<br />

page 10 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

shavuot services<br />



Services & Tikkun . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:05 pm<br />



Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 am<br />

Services and Vav Class<br />

Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm<br />

Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 pm<br />



Services with Yizkor . . . . . . . . . 9:30 am<br />

Evening Minyan . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm<br />

Tikkun Layl Shavuot at HERJC<br />


It is tradition<br />

to study Torah<br />

on the eve of Shavuot.<br />

Please join in our Temple’s annual<br />

Tikkun Layl Shavuot study<br />

and discussion session.<br />

Delicious dairy desserts will be served.<br />


Shavuot means “weeks” and it falls exactly seven weeks after the second day of Pesach, on the 6th and 7th of Sivan.<br />

Shavuot is a three-fold celebra tion which commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, the wheat harvest<br />

and the ripening of the first fruits in Israel. The Rabbis of old declared Sha vuot to be the most pleasant of all <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

holidays. In ancient times, the cereal harvest began on the second day of Pass over with the ripening of barley. On this<br />

day, an omer or measure of grain was brought to the Temple as a thanks giving to God. The 49 days were counted until<br />

Shavuot and this period is still called Sefirat HaOmer or the counting of the Omer. A special prayer was and still is said<br />

at the end of the Evening Service during this period. In a way, it fits in very well with Passover and brings that great<br />

festival to a glorious conclusion. On Pass over the Jews were freed from slavery and on Shavuot the freed slaves were<br />

made into free men by the Ten Com mand ments.<br />

SHAVUOT CUSTOMS: In Israel, children usually march through the streets with baskets of fruit and beautifully decorated<br />

floats, in commemoration of the ancient festival processions carrying thanks giving offerings to the Temple.<br />

Synagogues and homes in countries all over the world are decorated with plants, flowers and greenery.<br />

On the first night of Shavuot, the Evening Service is delayed until abso lute nightfall to be sure the 49 days of counting<br />

are completed. Many observant Jews spend the whole first night studying Torah. During the day, the Scroll of Ruth<br />

is read at Services because this story describes harvesting in Palestine. On the second day, Yizkor is said. It is also<br />

customary to eat dairy foods, symbolizing the fact that the Torah is likened to “milk and honey.”<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 11

social outreach<br />

magen tzedek:<br />

connecting spirit and deed<br />



As you know from reading this column<br />

in Hakol and handouts that<br />

have been available at HERJC, Magen<br />

Tzedek is a symbol that will appear<br />

alongside the symbol of kosher certification<br />

on kosher food products in<br />

the United States beginning this year,<br />

showing that the food meets not only<br />

kosher dietary standards, but that it<br />

is also ethically kosher. The Magen Tzedek project was<br />

launched by the Rabbinical Assembly and the United<br />

Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and is now supported<br />

by a wide variety of organizations, spanning the<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> spectrum. To qualify for Magen Tzedek certification,<br />

companies will be evaluated in five areas: wages &<br />

benefits, health safety and training, corporate honesty<br />

and integrity, environmental impact, and product development<br />

including animal welfare. Concern for animals<br />

and the environment was described in the Jan./Feb.<br />

issue; this issue focuses on labor concerns.<br />

Rabbi Morris Allen is actively involved in immigration<br />

rights issues and with the labor issues addressed by<br />

Magen Tzedek. He explains that the Bible is filled with<br />

images of what it means to be responsible for the<br />

employment of other human beings. In Leviticus, Torah<br />

teaches that “the wages of a laborer shall not remain<br />

with you until morning.” In Deuteronomy it teaches<br />

“you shall not abuse a needy and destitute laborer…<br />

You must pay his wages on the same day, before the sun<br />

sets, for he is needy and his life depends upon it; else he<br />

will cry out to Adonai about you, and you will be<br />

judged to be guilty.”<br />

Rabbi Morris asked workers to describe conditions at<br />

the plants at which they are employed. Axel Funtes, an<br />

immigrant from Guatamala, described the meat production<br />

plant in Milan, Missouri. The plant has grown so<br />

large that there are not enough workers. The speed of<br />

the production line is so fast that workers are not given<br />

permission to go to the bathroom or to medical<br />

appointments. If they miss a day of work, even with a<br />

note from their doctor they are given a negative point.<br />

They are given a half negative point for taking a bathroom<br />

break or leaving early (if they are sick). When<br />

they accumulate six negative points, they are fired.<br />

When a worker requested a harness because he works<br />

on a platform that is fifteen feet high, he was given one<br />

but not provided with a place on which to hook it. If<br />

workers ask for an inspection by OSHA, they are fired.<br />

In order for OSHA to inspect a plant, they need to be<br />

called, and because there are too few inspectors and<br />

none in that area, there are few inspections.<br />

There are many, many horror stories of deplorable<br />

working conditions in Kosher food plants. Americans<br />

are disconnected to the way their food is produced. It is<br />

expected that Magen Tzedek will transform the way we<br />

think about the food we eat. American consumers who<br />

request Magen Tzedek certification will show that they<br />

share a responsibility for the safety, livelihood and dignity<br />

of the workers who prepare the food they eat.<br />

Yasher Koach<br />

on a Great Response!!<br />

Your gifts of Passover food made the holiday a<br />

happy one for so many lives that were touched with<br />

your generosity and caring. Please continue to<br />

think about the less fortunate when you do<br />

your food shopping.<br />

Thank You,<br />

Phyllis Gilbert Nadler, Community Service Chair<br />

page 12 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

events<br />

Spring is in the Air! Let Your Garden Grow!<br />

SUNDAY, MAY 15 FROM 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM <br />

Shop the Sisterhood Plant Sale in the HERJC Parking Lot<br />

Impatients / Flats: $15; Hanging baskets: $20–25<br />

Come and see! Begonias, Geraniums, tomatoes,<br />

cucumbers, herbs and much more! Can pre-order!<br />

Email Anita at anitagfriedman@gmail.com<br />

or call 516 596-4717<br />

An Evening with Author Talia Carner<br />

MONDAY, JUNE 13 <br />

Meet the Author and Special Reading<br />

Sisterhood Book Club<br />

MONDAY, JUNE 6 AT 7:30 PM <br />

Rachel Sult will be reviewing To The Lighthouse by Virginia<br />

Woolf. She describes the book as follows: “A classic work of<br />

fiction, and not a long book either—about 100 pages or so—<br />

about a family that summers on the coast with an incredible<br />

woven fabric of meaning and relating; especially with respect<br />

to men and women and the human soul. Truly a work of art.”<br />

At the home of Sheila Schertzer. Call Louise at 718-327-3536<br />

for details.<br />

We’ll begin with a “Meet the Author” Dinner at 6 pm at the<br />

home of <strong>Laurie</strong> Stone <strong>Brofsky</strong>. $36 prepaid reservations by<br />

June 1 (space is limited). RSVP to Barbara Kaplan at 295-5224<br />

or barbkrd@optonline.net.<br />

The evening continues with a program and book signing at<br />

7:45 pm at HERJC. Talia will discuss her book and “Princess<br />

or Prisoner.” Jerusalem Maiden has been described as The Red Tent meets A Thousand<br />

Splendid Suns. Inspired by her 10-generation family roots in Jerusalem and her grandmother’s<br />

untapped artistic genius, Talia Carner takes the audience on a fascinating<br />

journey into the world of ultra-Orthodox <strong>Jewish</strong> women in the Holy Land toward the<br />

end of the Ottoman rule in the early 1900s. She discusses her research into the littledocumented<br />

lives of twelve-year old girls entrusted with the mission of hastening the<br />

messiah’s arrival (No charge; open to the community).<br />

HERJC<br />

is on<br />

Facebook!<br />

Be a part of the HERJC<br />

online community.<br />

Share your thoughts<br />

and opinions about<br />

what’s going on at<br />

HERJC, in the local<br />

community and the<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> community.<br />

Find out what’s going<br />

on and/or post information<br />

that might<br />

interest other members.<br />

Our page is called<br />

“<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong><br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> Centre (HERJC).”<br />

We invite you to “like” us!<br />

All congregants who “like”<br />

our HERJC Facebook<br />

page by June 1 will be<br />

entered in a drawing<br />

to win a Dinner Dance<br />

raffle ticket, and all<br />

congregants who comment<br />

on a post on our<br />

Facebook page by<br />

June 1 will be entered to<br />

win a second raffle ticket<br />

The drawing will take<br />

place on the night of<br />

Dinner Dance, before<br />

the Dinner Dance prize<br />

drawings. You don’t need<br />

to be present to win, but<br />

we sure do hope to<br />

see you there!<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 13

may calendar<br />

1<br />


27 nisan<br />

2<br />

28 nisan<br />

3<br />

29 nisan<br />


Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Rabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

Nursery Book Fair – 9:00 am<br />

Exodus Class – 11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 pm<br />

Yom Hashoah Program – 7:30 pm<br />

Executive Comm. Meet – 9:00 pm<br />

Nursery Book Fair – 9:00 am<br />

Pizza Plus – 5:30 pm<br />

School & Youth Board Meeting<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Light the Shabbat<br />

Candles and<br />

Recite the<br />

Following Blessing<br />

(Candlelighting times are<br />

listed on the calendar)<br />

8<br />

4 iyar<br />


Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Rabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

9<br />

5 iyar<br />


Exodus Class – 11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 pm<br />

Yom Ha’atzmaut/UJA<br />

Dessert Reception<br />

7:30 pm<br />

10<br />

6 iyar<br />


Pizza Plus – 5:30 pm<br />

Ritual Committee Meeting<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Blessed are You,<br />

Lord our God,<br />

King of the universe,<br />

who has hallowed us<br />

through commandments,<br />

and has commanded us<br />

to kindle the Shabbat Lights.<br />

Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai<br />

E-lohei-nu Me-lech Ha-olam<br />

A-Sher Kee-di-shah-noo<br />

Bi-mitz-vo-tav<br />

Vi-tzee-va-noo Li-had-leek<br />

Ner Shel Sha-bat.<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

15 11 iyar 16 12 iyar 17 13 iyar<br />

Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Sisterhood Plant Sale – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Rabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 am<br />

PJ Library Kick Off Meeting at<br />

Rolling River Day Camp<br />

10:00 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

Exodus Class – 11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 pm<br />

Pizza Plus – 5:30 pm<br />

22 18 iyar 23 19 iyar 24 20 iyar<br />

LAG B’OMER<br />

Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Lag B’Omer Hike & Family Picnic<br />

10:30 am (see page 10)<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

USY Elections – 7:00 pm<br />

Naranon – 7:30 pm<br />

Congregational and Open<br />

Board of Directors Meeting<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Pizza Plus Last Meeting<br />

5:30 pm<br />

Learn the<br />

Blessings at<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

First click on “Cantor”<br />

and then on “Blessings”<br />

29<br />

25 iyar<br />


Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

30<br />

26 iyar<br />






Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

31<br />

27 iyar<br />

Religious School<br />

Last Day of Alef Class<br />

4:00 pm<br />

page 14 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of events<br />

4<br />


30 nisan<br />

Rosh Chodesh Iyar<br />

Nursery Book Fair – 9:00 am<br />

Kadima – 5:30 pm<br />


6:30 PM<br />

5 1 iyar 6 2 iyar<br />

Rosh Chodesh Iyar<br />

Nursery Book Fair – 9:00 am<br />

Israel Action Committee<br />

Meeting – 7:45 pm<br />

NSPA Luncheon and<br />

Special Person’s Day – 10:00 am<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 7:37 pm<br />

7<br />

3 iyar<br />

emor<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Bar Mitzvah:<br />

Douglas Matthew Braun<br />

Junior Congregation – 11:00 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 7:45 pm<br />

11<br />

7 iyar<br />

12 8 iyar 13 9 iyar 14 10 iyar<br />

behar<br />

Kadima – 5:30 pm<br />

Sisterhood Board Meeting<br />

7:45 pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 7:44 pm<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Samantha Sklar<br />

Junior Congregation – 11:00 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 7:45 pm<br />

18<br />

14 iyar<br />

19 15 iyar 20 16 iyar 21 17 iyar<br />

bechukotai<br />

House Committee Meeting<br />

7:45 pm<br />

Family Friday and<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 7:51 pm<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Sophie Kislik<br />

Junior Congregation – 11:00 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 7:45 pm<br />

25<br />

21 iyar<br />

26 22 iyar 27 23 iyar 28 24 iyar<br />

bemidbar<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 7:57 pm<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Sari Partman<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 8:00 pm<br />

Nursery Day Camp Registration . . . Don’t Be Shut Out!<br />

It’s not too late to register for HERJC Nursery School Summer Day Camp.<br />

Call the Nursery School office at 599-1169 and sign your child up for a fun filled summer full of<br />

music, arts and crafts, water play and much more!<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 15

June calendar<br />


Summer Candlelighting Times<br />

July 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:12 pm<br />

July 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:10 pm<br />

July 15 . . . . . . . . . . 8:07 pm<br />

July 22 . . . . . . . . . . 8:02 pm<br />

July 29 . . . . . . . . . . 7:56 pm<br />

August 5 . . . . . . . . . 7:48 pm<br />

August 12 . . . . . . . . 7:40 pm<br />

August 19 . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm<br />

August 26 . . . . . . . . 7:20 pm<br />

September 2 . . . . . . .7:08 pm<br />

1<br />


28 iyar<br />


Religious School<br />

Last Day of Dalet/Hay Class<br />

4:00 pm<br />

5 3 sivan 6 4 sivan 7 5 sivan<br />

Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Israeli Day Parade/NYC<br />

10:00 am<br />

Dinner Dance – 5:00 pm<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

Executive Committee Meeting<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Erev Shavuot<br />

Services and Tikkun Layl Shavuot<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 8:05 pm<br />

8<br />

6 sivan<br />

Shavuot – Day 1<br />




Shavuot Services – 9:30 am<br />

Services, Religious School<br />

Graduation & Awards Ceremony<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 9:00 pm<br />

12 10 sivan 13 11 sivan 14 12 sivan<br />

15<br />

13 sivan<br />

Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

Nursery Four Year Old’s<br />

Moving Up Day/Sanctuary<br />

9:00 am<br />

Sisterhood Meet the Author<br />

and Reading – 7:45 pm<br />

Last Day of Nursery Classes<br />

Ritual Committee Meeting<br />

7:30 pm<br />

School and Youth Board Meeting<br />

8:00 pm<br />

House Committee Meeting<br />

7:45 pm<br />

Sisterhood Installation and<br />

Board Meeting – 7:45 pm<br />

19 17 sivan<br />

18 sivan 21 19 sivan<br />

20<br />

22<br />

20 sivan<br />


Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Meeting – 8:00 pm<br />

26<br />

24 sivan<br />

28 29<br />

27 25 sivan<br />

26 sivan 27 sivan<br />

Morning Minyan – 9:00 am<br />

Breakfast – 9:30 am<br />

Evening Minyan – 7:30 pm<br />

page 16 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of events<br />

2<br />


29 iyar<br />

Religious School<br />

Last Day of Bet/Gimel Class<br />

4:00 pm<br />

3<br />

1 sivan<br />

Rosh Chodesh Sivan<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Services<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 8:02 pm<br />

4<br />

2 sivan<br />

naso<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Shabbat Services Featuring<br />

Moving Up Day for<br />

Building Block Families – 9:30 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 8:00 pm<br />

People are<br />

hungry and you<br />

can help!<br />

Sisterhood collects<br />

Kosher canned and<br />

packaged food<br />

year round.<br />

Please leave your<br />

donations in the<br />

Lucite box<br />

in the Lobby.<br />

9 7 sivan 10 8 sivan 11 9 sivan<br />

Shavuot – Day 2<br />




Shavuot Services & Yizkor<br />

9:30 am<br />

Music with Hazzan Sislen<br />

in Sanctiary – 10:30 am<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Services<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 8:07 pm<br />

beha’alotecha<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Aufruf: Matthew Brotz<br />

& Lauren Stoltz<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 8:00 pm<br />

16 14 sivan 17 15 sivan 18 16 sivan<br />

Nursery Camp Orientation<br />

10:00 am<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Services<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 8:10 pm<br />

shelach<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 8:00 pm<br />

23 21 sivan 24 22 sivan 25 23 sivan<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Services<br />

7:00 pm<br />

Candlelighting – 8:11 pm<br />

korach<br />

Services – 9:30 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv,<br />

Havdalah – 8:00 pm<br />

Been Meaning<br />

to Send<br />

that Card<br />

Just visit www.herjc.org<br />

and click on donations.<br />

We will gladly send<br />

the card for you and<br />

list it in Hakol.<br />

This is the easiest<br />

way to send your love<br />

to your family and<br />

friends and help<br />

your synagogue at<br />

the same time!<br />

30<br />

28 sivan<br />

Support your shul.<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

We’re here<br />

for you all<br />

summer long!<br />

Visit our<br />

website and<br />

click on “Donations”<br />

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MAY/JUNE 2011 page 17

our jewish future<br />

nursery school<br />


The following quote from The Little<br />

Prince has served me well as an educator<br />

and nursery school director:<br />

“That which is essential is invisible<br />

to the eye.” It always reminds me<br />

that the measure of our worth is<br />

inside our heads and hearts and not<br />

in what we possess. It is a message to<br />

all parents and anyone associated<br />

with education that the thoughts and feelings of children<br />

are what truly matter. As we near the end of<br />

school, I am comforted to see our children move forward<br />

with more compassion and a kinder heart, a better<br />

sense of responsibility, and an ever-growing love for<br />

learning.<br />

Children should always be our prime concern. We<br />

need to create peace in the world by first creating peace<br />

in our families and schools. We all must provide the<br />

richest environment possible so that our children grow<br />

up to express their fullest humanity. At HERJC Nursery<br />

School, our teachers and I try to teach children the art<br />

of relating to each other with kind words that express<br />

their feelings. Our number one concern is to make sure<br />

every child is provided with enough decision making<br />

and problem-solving experiences that will one day<br />

serve him or her well as an adult.<br />

It is said that while you grow out of everything else<br />

in life, you never recover from childhood. Adult behavior<br />

indelibly marks the hearts of kids. It is critical we<br />

make time to listen to our children so they will learn<br />

how to do the same for others. We must give our children<br />

the gift of time, which allows them to learn how to<br />

solve a problem on their own. Our teachers spend a<br />

good part of each day, stooping down to listen to the<br />

children.<br />

I would like to thank all the nursery parents who<br />

believe as we do that there is only one rule to follow<br />

each and every day, and that is to BE KIND! Your support<br />

and kindness for my entire professional staff and<br />

me is both inspirational and motivational. We truly feel<br />

your partnership in this incredible journey.<br />

A special thank you goes to the entire HERJC School<br />

Board, the professional staff and my wonderful secretaries<br />

for the outstanding job they do to make this a<br />

“happy home” for both children and parents.<br />

Early childhood educators know that in our work the<br />

rewards aren’t in dollars earned but in knowing that our<br />

love makes a difference in children’s lives and in the<br />

world at large. My deepest thanks to all my teachers<br />

who taught the children to sing, dance, learn, love and<br />

care for one another. Thank you for seeing your work as<br />

a “hug above” other jobs.<br />

Marie Montessori said “The aim of education should<br />

not be to teach how to use human energies to improve<br />

our environment, for we are finally beginning to realize<br />

that the cornerstone of education is the development of<br />

the human personality. In this regard, education is of<br />

the immediate importance for the salvation of<br />

mankind.” Our future rests in the caring and loving<br />

deeds we show our children and the encouraging words<br />

we give them. This will plant the seeds for a rich harvest<br />

for tomorrow’s adults and the world they’ll live in.<br />

Have a wonderful summer!<br />

The Nursery School and Religious School would like to thank TERRI AND STEVEN GOLD<br />

for their generous donation of Gold’s Horseradish for all of our school seders.<br />

No one else could ever make the “bitter” so sweet!<br />

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12t h AnnuAl<br />

nursery school<br />

Art exhibit ion<br />

Join us for the Grand Opening<br />

Wednesday, May 4<br />

6:30–8:30 PM in the gym<br />

Refreshments<br />

What an<br />

amazing<br />

show!<br />

Do the Mitzvah<br />

of Bikur Cholim<br />

(Visiting the Sick)<br />

HERJC Cares is sponsoring<br />

a group of volunteers<br />

who will reach out to<br />

members of the congregation<br />

who are homebound<br />

or chronically ill<br />

through occasional<br />

telephone calls and/<br />

or visits. To learn how<br />

you can be a part of this<br />

important new program,<br />

contact <strong>Joe</strong> Sklar at<br />

887-3907 (home)<br />

or 287-6746 (cell).<br />

PJ Library Pajama Party<br />

For Children up to 6 Years Old<br />

Sunday, May 15<br />

Come join all your friends on Sunday, May 15th at<br />

Rolling River Day Camp from 11 am – 1 pm<br />

for a fun filled day of arts and crafts,<br />

music, reading and outdoor play.<br />

Tickets: $5.00 per child in advance; $10.00 at the door.<br />

For more information call Betsy at 599-1169.<br />

Let Us Know<br />

How We<br />

Can Help<br />

If you would like to<br />

have a member of the<br />

community visit with<br />

you regularly by phone<br />

or in person, or if you<br />

need help getting to<br />

an appointment, please<br />

contact us at the<br />

numbers listed above.<br />

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MAY/JUNE 2011 page 19

Encampment ‘11<br />

at Camp Ramah<br />

in the<br />

Berkshires<br />



Open to all current<br />

5th to 11th graders.<br />

Separate programs for<br />

5th–7th graders (Kadima)<br />

and 8th–11th<br />

graders (USY).<br />


Each teen gets to<br />

choose a variety of<br />

activi ties such as<br />

Drama, Music,<br />

Sports Clinics,<br />

Arts & Crafts,<br />

Teenage Dilemmas,<br />

and much more!<br />



Talent Show and<br />

Maccabia, Campfires<br />

and Hiking, and the<br />

Final Banquet<br />

For an application,<br />

contact the Youth Office<br />

or call 212-533-7800<br />

ext. 2155.<br />

religious school<br />


With Passover behind us, we really are on the “home stretch” of this<br />

school year. We have enjoyed many remarkable successes since last<br />

September. Our Building Block program has been an incredible success,<br />

bringing many new, young families into our congregational<br />

family. Our Zusia program has allowed a small, but important, number<br />

of students to be part of our Religious School family. Our Parent<br />

Association generously subsidized a field trip for our 5th and 6th<br />

graders to the Eldridge Street Synagogue and a walking tour of the<br />

Lower East Side. By all accounts, it was a great trip. The pickles, in<br />

particular, earned high praise!<br />

The Akiva Shabbat. The Building Blocks Shabbat. Kabbalat Hasiddur. Family projects.<br />

The list goes on and on and this is all good.<br />

But we do not like to rest on our laurels. We<br />

are always striving to improve and expand!<br />

“. . . a field trip<br />

for our 5th and 6th<br />

graders to the Eldridge<br />

Street Synagogue and<br />

a walking tour of the<br />

Lower East Side . . . was<br />

a great trip!<br />

”<br />

Hazzan Sislen’s regular participation in the<br />

school program has opened up new areas of<br />

enjoyment and learning and Rabbi Warmflash’s<br />

insights will be put into play as we go forward.<br />

Perhaps no anticipated improvement in our<br />

program is as noteworthy as our new post-<br />

Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. As our first Akiva<br />

cohort enters the 8th grade, we are ready to welcome<br />

them with a great curriculum designed by<br />

Etgar that is powerful, meaningful, content-rich, and fully engaging. I am looking forward<br />

to teaching the class and to finally figuring out the penguin soup riddle with my<br />

students!<br />

So while 2010-11 has been a great year, we look forward to 2011-12 being even better.<br />

Enjoy the warmer weather that has finally arrived. Enjoy the summer. I look forward<br />

to enthusiastically shaloming all of you once again in the fall!<br />

post bar/Bat mitzvah Program<br />


The philosophy behind Etgar curriculums is that every student deserves to be taught<br />

to his or her strength, that we have to begin our teaching “where our students are” and<br />

that every lesson must be engaging and worthwhile.<br />

Our new Post-Bar/Bar Mitzvah program is based on this philosophy and features a<br />

weekly, one-hour session on Thursday evenings from 7–8 pm, topped off by dessert!<br />

The year will be divided into two primary units: the Shoah and Israel. Multimedia, discussion,<br />

and engaging materials will make these important topics come to life for the<br />

students.<br />

Mr. Woolfe will be teaching the class and is hoping that his students feel as he does<br />

—that the “third time’s the charm” and are looking forward to being with him one<br />

more time.<br />

page 20 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

A huge and heartfelt thank you to all my volunteers who worked so hard and succeeded in making this year’s Purim Carnival the<br />

best yet! A special call out to Sandy Feit and James Reynolds and staff—without you guys it just doesn’t happen. —Todd Hausman<br />

Sandy Feit to be Honored on June 2<br />

We are pleased that this year we will honor Sandy Feit at the Conservative Principals<br />

Council Biennial Recognition Dinner on Thursday evening, June 2, at Shelter Rock<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Center</strong>. Sandy has more than fulfilled the requirements for this honor with his<br />

never ending commitment to <strong>Jewish</strong> Education and Youth Programming.<br />

For the last 40 years, Sandy has been devoted to <strong>Jewish</strong> Youth in America and to the<br />

Hebrew education of students. Sandy and his late wife, Tommye, were actively involved<br />

in USY for more than 35 years. Sandy’s role as a leader and as a mentor helped raise the<br />

level of <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre’s USY Program. In 2010, HERJC’s USY<br />

Program received the highest award, winning International Chapter of the Year.<br />

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www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 21

mazal tov to our<br />

may and august b’nai mitzvah<br />


May 7, 2011<br />

Mazal Tov to Vicky and<br />

Andrew Braun on the Bar<br />

Mitzvah of their son, Douglas<br />

Matthew.<br />

Douglas is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. His favorite<br />

subjects are Social Studies and<br />

Spanish. He enjoys drawing, swimming, camp<br />

and spending time with friends.<br />

Doug has a sister, Melissa, 10.<br />


May 21, 2011<br />

Mazal Tov to Liz and Harold<br />

Kislik on the Bat Mitzvah of<br />

their daughter, Sophia Claire.<br />

Sophie is a seventh grade<br />

student at Woodmere Middle<br />

School. Her favorite subjects<br />

are Science and Math. She<br />

enjoys dance, art and basketball.<br />

Sophie has a brother, David, 23.<br />


August 27, 2011<br />

Mazal Tov to Judy Nysenholc<br />

and Ian Herzberg on the Bat<br />

Mitzvah of their daughter, Leah<br />

Ariella.<br />

Leah is a seventh grade student<br />

at Woodmere Middle<br />

School. Her favorite subjects<br />

are English and Math. She<br />

enjoys acting, singing, dancing, reading and<br />

talking.<br />

Leah has a brother, Benjamin, 6.<br />


May 14, 2011<br />

Mazal Tov to Stacey Sklar<br />

and Howard Sklar on the Bat<br />

Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Samantha.<br />

Samantha is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. Her favorite<br />

subjects are Science, Social<br />

Studies and Music. She enjoys singing, computers<br />

and spending time with friends.<br />


May 28, 2011<br />

Mazal Tov to Charlotte and<br />

Brian Partman on the Bat<br />

Mitzvah of their daughter, Sari<br />

Ilana.<br />

Sari is a seventh grade student<br />

at Woodmere Middle<br />

School. Her favorite subjects<br />

are Math and Spanish. She<br />

enjoys tennis, cooking, computer and spending<br />

time with family and friends.<br />

Sari has a sister, Rochelle, 20 and a brother,<br />

Mitchell, 16.<br />

Commemorate a<br />

Happy Event by<br />

Placing a Leaf on the<br />


in our Lobby.<br />

Contact our Office.<br />

page 22 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

personals & donations<br />

Personals<br />

Mazal Tov to:<br />

Vicky and Andy Braun on the<br />

Bar Mitzvah of their son, Douglas<br />

Matthew.<br />

Judy Nysenholc and Ian Herzberg on<br />

the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Leah Ariella.<br />

Lis and Harold Kislik on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Sophie Claire, and to grandparents,<br />

Susan and Stanley Alt.<br />

Charlotte and Brian Partman on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Sari Ilana and to aunt and uncle,<br />

Lois and William Weiner.<br />

Stacey Sklar on the Bat Mitzvah of her<br />

daughter, Samantha.<br />

Jane and Harry Mison on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter,<br />

Reena.<br />

Lauren and Barry Goldstein on the<br />

engagement of their son, Jason,<br />

to Samantha Leavitt.<br />

Lisa and Edmund Cohen on the<br />

marriage of their son, Paul,<br />

to Erika Hernandez.<br />

Lisa and Bennett Futterman on the<br />

marriage of their daughter,<br />

Abby, to Brad Gitlin.<br />

Rhona Newman on the marriage<br />

of her son, Dr. Adam Shestack,<br />

to Briana Yocavone.<br />

Elana and Zinouiy Abelev on the birth<br />

of their son, Michael.<br />

Rebecca and Kenny Osder on the<br />

birth of their daughter, MaKenzie.<br />

Charney and Chuck Greenberg on<br />

the birth of their granddaughter,<br />

Tracy Sarah.<br />

Cheryl and Howard Karp on the birth<br />

of their grandson, Ryan Philip.<br />

Susan and <strong>Joe</strong>l Keilson on the birth of<br />

their granddaughter, Lara Morgan.<br />

Bonnie and Bill Rost on the birth of<br />

their grandson, Benjamin Aaron.<br />

Pam and Dan Gerstman on<br />

celebrating their 25th wedding<br />

anniversary.<br />

Herb Fisher on celebrating a special<br />

birthday.<br />

Dan Gerstman on celebrating a<br />

special birthday.<br />

Jeff Langendorff on celebrating a<br />

special birthday.<br />

Mindy Daum on her son, Adam,<br />

completing his service in the<br />

Israeli Air Force and becoming<br />

an Air Force Meteorologist.<br />

Kerin and Shawn Hausknecht on their<br />

son, Jaren, receiving honorable<br />

mention in the Toshiba/NSTA<br />

ExploraVision Competition.<br />

Jon and Andi Mandell on their son,<br />

Dustin, receiving honorable<br />

mention in the Toshiba/NSTA<br />

ExploraVision Competition.<br />

Harriet and Neil Meixler on their<br />

granddaughter, Anna, being named<br />

a Bronfman Scholar as one of 26<br />

high school juniors from around<br />

the country accepted into the<br />

Bronfman Youth Endowment<br />

Program to spend next summer on<br />

a work/scholar program in Israel.<br />

Cele & Rabbi Platek on the promotion<br />

of their daughter, Deborah<br />

N. Platek, MD to Assistant<br />

Clinical Professor of Obstetrics,<br />

Gynecology, & Reproductive<br />

Biology.<br />

Anita Rosenblum on the purchase<br />

of a new home and good luck<br />

on moving back to Manhattan.<br />

Jerry and Naomi Watman on their<br />

daughter, Olivia, receiving<br />

honorable mention in the<br />

Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision<br />

Competition.<br />

Condolences to<br />

Carole Chasen on the loss of her<br />

husband, our esteemed<br />

member, Barry.<br />

Ralph Goffner on the loss of his wife,<br />

and Gary Goffner on the loss of<br />

his mother, our esteemed<br />

member, Arlene.<br />

Caryn Arons on the loss of her mother,<br />

Estelle Novick.<br />

Iris Jacobs on the loss of her mother,<br />

Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Hannah Plotkin on the loss of her<br />

mother, Mollie Weissbard.<br />

Jerry Watman on the loss of his<br />

father, Harry.<br />

Simcha Leaves<br />

on our Tree of Life<br />

Harold and Liz Kislik in honor of the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Sophie Claire.<br />

Brian and Charlotte Partman in<br />

honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their<br />

daughter, Sari Ilana.<br />

Memorial Plaques<br />

Memorial Plaques were recently<br />

ordered in loving memory of:<br />

Allen I. Cederbaum – by his wife,<br />

Janice and Family.<br />

Tommye Feit, by her husband,<br />

Sandy and Family.<br />

In<br />

Memoriam<br />

We Mourn Our Loss in the<br />

Passing of Our Members<br />



Our Sincere Sympathy<br />

and Condolences to<br />

Their Families<br />

in Their Bereavement<br />

Jerome Judelson, by his son, Richard<br />

and family.<br />

Michael Krull – by his wife, Norma<br />

and Family.<br />

Richard G. Rothstein – by his son<br />

and daughter-in-law, Jonathan<br />

and Diane.<br />

FUNDS<br />

The Congregation gratefully acknowledges<br />

the following contributions:<br />

Bible Fund<br />

Rachelle Cotler in memory of<br />

Shirley Scheinfeld.<br />

Sheila Shenfeld and Family in<br />

memory of Shirley Scheinfeld.<br />

Education Fund<br />

Naomi and Norman Doctor in honor<br />

of the 25th wedding anniversary<br />

of Pam and Dan Gerstman.<br />

Naomi and Norman Doctor in honor<br />

of the Bat Mitzvah of Mackenzie,<br />

daughter of Heidi and<br />

Steven Kreit.<br />

Terri and Steven Gold in honor of the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Mackenzie, daughter<br />

of Heidi and Steven Kreit.<br />

The Langendorff Family with thanks<br />

to Pam and Dan Gerstman for<br />

the lovely Purim basket.<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller in honor of<br />

the engagement of Fara, daughter<br />

of Anita and Richard Freidman,<br />

to Todd Bellows.<br />

Elaine and Sidney Scheinfeld in honor<br />

of the birth of Benjamin Aaron,<br />

grandson of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Ellen and George Schieren in honor<br />

of the birth of Lara Morgan,<br />

granddaughter of Susan and<br />

<strong>Joe</strong>l Keilson.<br />

Ellen and George Schieren in honor<br />

of the marriage of Abby, daughter<br />

to Lisa and Ben Futterman, to<br />

Brad Gitlin.<br />

The Schieren Family in honor of the<br />

marriage of Paul, son of Lisa<br />

and Edmund Cohen, to<br />

Erika Hernandez.<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba in honor of<br />

the marriage of Abby, daughter<br />

to Lisa and Bennett Futterman,<br />

to Brad Gitlin.<br />

In Honor of the Engagement of<br />

Louis, son of Harriet and Neil<br />

Meixler, to Ornit Laska<br />

Terri and Steven Gold<br />

Sharon and Sheldon Gross<br />

Maty and Jeff Olin<br />

Joan and Barret Baron in<br />

memory of Bea Garver and<br />

Robert Gross.<br />

Norman Doctor in memory of his<br />

brother, Joseph.<br />

Naomi Doctor in memory of her<br />

mother, Ruth Stern and aunt,<br />

Leila Berg.<br />

Debbie and Jeff Langendorff in<br />

memory of Jay Harris.<br />

Jon and Andi Mandell in memory<br />

of Ethel Wiederspiel.<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba in memory<br />

of Ethel Wiederspiel.<br />

In Memory of Tommye Feit<br />

Louise and Marty Abrams<br />

Irene, Bruce, Todd and<br />

Harris Drantch<br />

Jon and Andi Mandell<br />

Paula and Bruce Trauner<br />

In Memory of Arlene Goffner<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg<br />

Joy and Larry Kaminsky<br />

Melissa and Paul Kotcher<br />

In Memory of Mollie Weissbard<br />

Dora and Michael Burstein<br />

Elyse and Richard Coleman<br />

Naomi and Norman Doctor<br />

Irene and Bruce Drantch<br />

Nancy and Paul Levitt<br />

Elaine and Sid Scheinfeld<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba<br />

Paula and Bruce Trauner<br />

Elson Memorial<br />

Fund<br />

Rita and Larry Gottlieb in memory<br />

of Mollie Weissbard.<br />

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MAY/JUNE 2011 page 23

Hazzan’s Music Fund<br />

Sheryl and Bob Behar and Shari<br />

and Brian Silver in appreciation<br />

of Hazzan Sislen’s caring and<br />

concern during their recent<br />

bereavement.<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> and <strong>Joe</strong> <strong>Brofsky</strong> in honor of<br />

the 25th wedding anniversary<br />

of Pam and Dan Gerstman.<br />

Charlotte and Brian Partman in<br />

appreciation of Hazzan Sislen’s<br />

help in preparing their daughter,<br />

Sari, for her Bat Mitzvah.<br />

Fran and Michael Frank in memory<br />

of Mollie Weissbard.<br />

Lisa and Ken Kornblau and Family<br />

and Marvin Rubin in memory<br />

of Barry Chasen.<br />

Harriet and Neil Meixler in memory<br />

of Tommye Feit.<br />

Kiddush Fund<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer in honor of<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Itiel, son of Anton<br />

and Larisa Ginzberg.<br />

Robin and Benjamin Mintz in honor<br />

of the birth of Benjamin Aaron,<br />

grandson of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Sheryl and Bob Behar and Shari and<br />

Brian Silver in appreciation<br />

of Ritual Director Nachum Plotkin’s<br />

caring and concern during their<br />

recent bereavement.<br />

Marla and Bruce Golden in memory<br />

of Arlene Goffner.<br />

Gary Kusin and Kusin & Kusin in<br />

memory of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Margery and Robert Loeb in memory<br />

of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller in memory<br />

of Shirley Scheinfeld.<br />

Alex Scheinfeld in memory of<br />

Arlene Goffner.<br />

In Memory of Mollie Weissbard<br />

Charlotte and George Berch<br />

Frances and Buddy Brandt<br />

Terri, Steven, Fara and<br />

Melissa Gold<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg<br />

Lynn and Arnold Gordon<br />

Judy and Steven Herbst<br />

Judith Nysenholc and Ian Herzberg<br />

Harriet and Neil Meixler<br />

Bea and Sam Miller<br />

Denise and Bob Sher<br />

Anita and Sy Zaret<br />

Library Fund<br />

Frances and Buddy Brandt with<br />

thanks to the Trauner and<br />

Gerstman families for the lovely<br />

Shalach Manot basket.<br />

Nursery School Fund<br />

Charlotte and George Berch in<br />

honor of the birth of Ayelet Hadas,<br />

granddaughter of Beth Heit and<br />

Rabbi Andrew Warmflash.<br />

Charlotte and George Berch in honor<br />

of the birth of Jordan Lisbeth,<br />

granddaughter of Betsy and<br />

Elliot Kass.<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg in honor of<br />

the birth of Benjamin Aaron,<br />

grandson of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Charney and Chuck Greenberg in<br />

honor of the birth of their granddaughter,<br />

Tracy Sarah Langer.<br />

In Honor of the Birth of Ryan<br />

Philip, grandson of Cheryl<br />

and Howard Karp<br />

Naomi and Norman Doctor<br />

Terri, Steven, Fara and<br />

Melissa Gold<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg<br />

Madeline and Keith Harrow<br />

Judy and Steven Herbst<br />

Melanie and Stephen Moelis<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg in memory<br />

of Ethel Wiederspiel.<br />

Prayer Book Fund<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honor of<br />

the birth of Ryan Philip, grandson<br />

of Cheryl and Howard Karp.<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honor<br />

of the birth of Benjamin Aaron,<br />

grandson of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honor of<br />

the marriage of Abby, daughter of<br />

Lisa and Bennett Futterman, to<br />

Brad Gitlin.<br />

In Memory of Tommye Feit<br />

The Feit/Cohen/Richardson families want to express their thanks<br />

to the entire staff of HERJC and to its many members who<br />

expressed their support at the time of our loss of our dear wife,<br />

mother and grandmother, Tommye. A donation to the Youth<br />

Scholarship Fund has been made in appreciation of that support.<br />

A Special Thank You From Hannah Plotkin<br />

Thank you for all the love and support shown me<br />

on the recent passing of my dear mother,<br />

Mollie Weissbard, just after her 101st birthday.<br />

It was very much appreciated.<br />

Ellen and George Schieren in honor of<br />

the 25th wedding anniversary of<br />

Pam and Dan Gerstman.<br />

The Schieren family in honor of the<br />

birth of Benjamin Aaron, grandson<br />

of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

The Doneger family in memory of<br />

Harry Watman.<br />

Valerie and Abbey Doneger in memory<br />

of Ronnie Krull’s mother.<br />

Valerie and Abbey Doneger in memory<br />

of Robert Gross.<br />

Valerie and Abbey Doneger in memory<br />

of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Arlene and Jules Kotcher in memory<br />

of Robert Gross.<br />

Asher and <strong>Laurie</strong> Platt and family in<br />

memory of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Nanci-Sue and Eric Rosenthal in<br />

memory of Ethel Wiederspiel.<br />

In Memory of Barry Chasen<br />

Marsha and Jack Becker<br />

Joan and Larry Butwin<br />

Marcia and Jerry Harris<br />

In Memory of Tommye Feit<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen<br />

Valerie and Abbey Doneger<br />

Jane and Harry Mison and<br />

Rebecca and Ivan Wolnek<br />

Ileane and Herbert Tischler<br />

In Memory of Mollie Weissbard<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen<br />

Lisa and Ed Cohen<br />

The Schieren family<br />

Shari and Brian Silver<br />

Rabbi’s<br />

Discretionary Fund<br />

Sheryl and Bob Behar and Shari<br />

and Brian Silver in appreciation<br />

of Rabbi Warmflash’s caring and<br />

concern during their recent<br />

bereavement.<br />

Terri, Steven, Fara and Melissa Gold in<br />

honor of the marriage of Abby,<br />

daughter to Lisa and Bennett<br />

Futterman, to Brad Gitlin.<br />

Samantha, Keith, Jesse and Jolie<br />

Gutstein wishing the <strong>Brofsky</strong> family<br />

a happy Purim.<br />

Rene Ivler in honor of the Bar Mitzvah<br />

of her grandson, Marshall.<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser in honor of the<br />

engagement of Shaun, daughter of<br />

Sindy and Jerry Skolnick, to Sorrel.<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller in honor of<br />

the birth of Ayelet Hadas, granddaughter<br />

to Beth Heit and Rabbi<br />

Andrew Warmflash.<br />

Rita Moelis with thanks for the honor<br />

of chanting a haftorah.<br />

Charlotte and Brian Partman in<br />

appreciation of Rabbi Warmflash’s<br />

guidance in preparing their<br />

daughter, Sari, for her Bat Mitzvah.<br />

Sam Aarons in memory of his father,<br />

Charles Aronowitz.<br />

Allison and Neil Becker in memory<br />

of Barry Chasen.<br />

Samantha, Keith, Jesse and Jolie<br />

Gutstein in memory of Jeffrey<br />

Braverman.<br />

Judy and Steven Herbst in memory<br />

of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

Jack Nodiff in memory of his sister,<br />

Pearl Heyman.<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> and Asher Platt and Family in<br />

memory of Robert Gross.<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba in memory<br />

of Sylvia Wilk.<br />

In Memory of Mollie Weissbard<br />

Nanci Freiman and Charles<br />

Hammerman<br />

Joan and Harry Laufer<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser<br />

Youth & Youth<br />

Scholarship Fund<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> and <strong>Joe</strong> <strong>Brofsky</strong> in honor of the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Mackenzie, daughter<br />

of Steven and Heidi Kreit.<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> and <strong>Joe</strong> <strong>Brofsky</strong> in honor of<br />

the marriage of Abby, daughter<br />

of Lisa and Bennett Futterman,<br />

to Brad Gitlin.<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg in honor of<br />

the Bar Mitzvah of Bryce, grandson<br />

of Ileane and Herb Tischler.<br />

Meryl Berkowitz and Stuart<br />

Kirshenbaum in honor of the<br />

birth of Benjamin Aaron, grandson<br />

of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Meryl Berkowitz and Stuart<br />

Kirshenbaum in memory of<br />

Allen Cederbaum.<br />

Meryl Berkowitz and Stuart<br />

Kirshenbaum in memory of<br />

Mollie Weissbard.<br />

The Feit, Cohen and Richardson<br />

Families in memory of wife,<br />

mother and grandmother, Tommye.<br />

Ruth Schneider in memory of her<br />

husband, Irving.<br />

In Memory of Tommye Feit<br />

The Abitbol Family &<br />

Oceanside Dental<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong>, <strong>Joe</strong>, Emma and<br />

Jenna <strong>Brofsky</strong><br />

Barbara and Paul Cooper<br />

Naomi and Norman Doctor<br />

Hedda and Jeff Feigenblatt<br />

Terri and Steven Gold<br />

Marcy and Marc Goldberg<br />

Judy and Steven Herbst<br />

Meryl Berkowitz and<br />

Stuart Kirshenbaum<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller<br />

Amy and Udi Moritz<br />

Liz, Mitchell, Eliot, Jacob and<br />

Aaron Podgorsky<br />

Stephanie and Jack Seibald<br />

Denise and Bob Sher<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba<br />

Barbara and <strong>Joe</strong> Sklar<br />

Roberta and Stuart Sugarman<br />

General<br />

Synagogue Fund<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer with wishes for<br />

the complete and speedy recovery<br />

of Ferne Skiba.<br />

Myra and Alan Markowitz in honor<br />

of the special birthday of<br />

Stanley Cohen.<br />

Louise and Marty Abrams in memory<br />

of their daughter Ilene Sarah,<br />

Marty’s mother Ruth and Louise’s<br />

father, Irving Chinitz.<br />

page 24 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

join our summer fun<br />

Once again, we are asking Congregants to help us by either chanting a Haftara or delivering a D’var Tora<br />

during the summer months. If you would like to chant a Haftorah, contact Jeffrey Thaler at 917-685-8848 or<br />

email jeffrey12045@aol.com or Hazzan Sislen at 516-599-2635 X215 or cantorsislen@herjc.org. If you would like<br />

to do a D’var Torah, see page 9.<br />

Another HERJC summer tradition is asking Congregants to sponsor a Shabbat kiddush at the cost of $200.<br />

Celebrate a special occasion or commemorate a yahrzeit while helping us to maintain a nice kiddush during the<br />

quiet summer months. We hope to hear from you soon.<br />


FRIDAY EVENINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm<br />

SATURDAY MORNINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 am<br />

SATURDAY EVENINGS . . . . Approximately the<br />

same time as candlelighting the day before.<br />



Mincha followed by Candlelit<br />

Tisha B’Av Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm<br />


Morning Minyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 am<br />

Maariv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm<br />

Sandy Acker in memory of his<br />

mother, Fay.<br />

Bertha Alweis in memory of her father,<br />

Jacob Green and father-in-law,<br />

Jacob.<br />

Jack Becker in memory of his<br />

brother, David.<br />

Sheryl Behar in memory of her father,<br />

Edward Wiederspiel.<br />

Paula Belmont in memory of her husband<br />

and the four Belmont Boys<br />

in memory of their father, Jim.<br />

Yona Beno in memory of his brother,<br />

Sammy.<br />

Ron Berkenblit in memory of his<br />

father, Morris.<br />

Meryl Berkowitz in memory of her<br />

mother, Rochelle.<br />

Morton Berkowitz in memory of his<br />

father, Nat.<br />

Lorraine Berman in memory of her<br />

parents, Helen and Solomon Artzt.<br />

Dora Burstein in memory of her aunt,<br />

Genia Jarczower.<br />

Janice Cederbaum in memory of her<br />

in-laws, Rose and Morris.<br />

Carole Chasen in memory of her<br />

father, George Brodsky.<br />

Harvey Cohen in memory of his<br />

mother, Sadie.<br />

Hope Cohen in memory of her<br />

grandmother, Eleanor Kreig.<br />

Richard Cohen in memory of his<br />

father, Lawrence.<br />

Henrietta Dobin in memory of her<br />

father, Samuel Horne.<br />

Alan Feldman in memory of his<br />

mother, Vita.<br />

Roberta Feldman in memory of her<br />

mother, Hattie Kaplan.<br />

Rose Feldman in memory of her<br />

father, Charles Gibber.<br />

Larry Feffer in memory of his father,<br />

Abraham.<br />

Michael Frank in memory of his<br />

mother, Ray.<br />

Brenda Genn in memory of Fay<br />

Pochter.<br />

Sari Genson in memory of her brother,<br />

Harry Werner.<br />

Norma Gold in memory of her mother,<br />

Sally Sparer and father-in-law,<br />

Hyman.<br />

Jeffrey Goldberg in memory of his<br />

mother, Joan.<br />

Ronne Goldberg in memory of her<br />

father, Louis Isaacson.<br />

Barry Goldstein in memory of his<br />

father, Oscar.<br />

Murray Greenberg in memory of his<br />

father, Theodore.<br />

Gary Grossman in memory of his<br />

father, Sidney.<br />

Ariel Grunberg in memory of his<br />

father, Zvi.<br />

Mark Hoorwitz in memory of his<br />

father, Bernard.<br />

Elaine Judelson in memory of her<br />

father, Jacob Miller and sister-inlaw,<br />

Estelle Tolkin.<br />

Jeffrey Kaplan in memory of his sister,<br />

Marilyn Cohen.<br />

Arnold Katz in memory of his father,<br />

Abraham.<br />

Ira Katz in memory of his mother,<br />

Beatrice.<br />

Fred Knobloch in memory of his<br />

father, Aron.<br />

Rochelle Knobloch in memory of her<br />

father, Sidney Turkel.<br />

Norma Krull in memory of her<br />

husband, Michael.<br />

Melvin Levine in memory of his<br />

father, Morton.<br />

Susan Julien-Levitt in memory of her<br />

mother, Phyllis E. Julien.<br />

Ruth Lippman in memory of her<br />

mother-in-law, Rebecca.<br />

Andrea Joy Marks in memory of<br />

her husband Brian, mother<br />

Rhoda Dick and grandmother<br />

Fannie Dick.<br />

Harriet Meixler in memory of her<br />

mother, Adeline Weiner.<br />

Benjamin Mintz in memory of his<br />

father, Bernard.<br />

William Nicholson in memory of his<br />

mother, Beatrice.<br />

Rhona Newman and Family in<br />

memory of Mildred Steinberg.<br />

Allen Ostroff in memory of his<br />

grandmother, Fanny Cassoff.<br />

Ronnie Pinquist in memory of her<br />

father, Irving Seckler.<br />

<strong>Laurie</strong> Platt in memory of her<br />

grandfather, Joseph Paster.<br />

Joan Rosen in memory of her mother,<br />

Beatrice Rosenblum.<br />

Martin Rosen in memory of his<br />

father, Irving.<br />

David Rothafel in memory of his<br />

father, Arthur.<br />

Judith Rothstein in memory of her<br />

husband, Richard.<br />

Leonard Russin in memory of his<br />

mother, Mollie.<br />

Brian Sandler in memory of his<br />

grandmother, Lillian.<br />

Michael Sedransk in memory of his<br />

father, Stanley.<br />

Emanuel Schaeffer in memory of his<br />

wife, Irene.<br />

Sheila Schertzer in memory of her<br />

husband, Leon and her father,<br />

Charles Rubel.<br />

Marlene and Jerry Schulman in<br />

memory of their son, Steven.<br />

Max Sher in memory of his father,<br />

Simon.<br />

Harriette Shiffman in memory of her<br />

father, Irving Steinman.<br />

Shari Silver in memory of her father,<br />

Edward Wiederspiel.<br />

Esther and Herbert Silverman in<br />

memory of their son, Arthur Brett.<br />

Herbert Silverman in memory of his<br />

father, Max.<br />

Jerry Solomon in memory of his<br />

father, Saul.<br />

Joan Stern in memory of her mother,<br />

Belle Spiro.<br />

Evan Tannor in memory of his mother,<br />

Norma.<br />

Ilene Tannor in memory of her father,<br />

Martin Bernstein.<br />

Roslyn Tobet in memory of Tobet/Katz<br />

families.<br />

Marvin Tolkin in memory of his wife,<br />

Estelle.<br />

Allan Trompeter in memory of his<br />

mother, Frances Helen.<br />

Bertram Weinberg in memory of his<br />

father, Max.<br />

Miriam and Howard Weisbrod in<br />

memory of Tommye Feit.<br />

Jacqueline Welkowitz in memory of<br />

her father, Arnold Miller.<br />

Anita Zaret in memory of her father,<br />

Jacob Levy.<br />

Nancy Zuckerman in memory of her<br />

father, Stanley Rolnick.<br />

In Memory of Mollie Weissbard<br />

Anne and Phil Bernstein<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer<br />

Hedda and Jeff Feigenblatt<br />

John, Gail and Jeffrey Mero<br />

Miriam and Howard Weisbrod<br />

In Memory of Sylvia Wilk<br />

The David P. Engel Family<br />

Lisa, Josh, Lila and Jamison<br />

Hershman<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 25


The Yahrzeit of the<br />

following beloved<br />

relatives of our members<br />

will be observed during<br />

the next few weeks. It<br />

is especially fitting and<br />

proper that the members<br />

of the family be present<br />

at the appropriate Service<br />

to observe this occasion.<br />

Abraham Plotkin<br />

Harry Seltzer<br />

May 1 – Nisan 27<br />

Lawrence Brotz<br />

Harriet Golden<br />

Rose Shenfeld<br />

Lawrence Weinberger<br />

May 2 – Nisan 28<br />

Noel Roberts<br />

Charlotte Rosen<br />

May 3 – Nisan 29<br />

Arnold Garay<br />

Max Marashinsky<br />

Murray Mintz<br />

May 4 – Nisan 30<br />

Sylvia Hellenbrand<br />

Lillian Kalikow Rosenzweig<br />

Jack Russin<br />

May 5 – Iyar 1<br />

Abraham Cohen<br />

Reuben Geller<br />

Jack Katz<br />

Bella Watman<br />

May 6 – Iyar 2<br />

Ruth Markowitz<br />

Jacob Steinberg<br />

May 7 – Iyar 3<br />

RuthB. Moskowitz<br />

May 8 – Iyar 4<br />

Bernard Alt<br />

Charles Retish<br />

Sarah Retish<br />

Louis Zuckerberg<br />

May 9 – Iyar 5<br />

Herbert Brooks<br />

Jeanette Lapides<br />

Alexander Oppenheim<br />

Josephine Trauner<br />

May 10 – Iyar 6<br />

Esther Feldsott<br />

Simon Klein<br />

Beatrice Lipton<br />

May 11 – Iyar 7<br />

Bernard Cramer<br />

Irving Davis<br />

Irving Davis<br />

Rose Keller<br />

David Kislik<br />

May 12 – Iyar 8<br />

Marjorie Engel<br />

Anna Feldman<br />

Morton Irwin Julien<br />

Beatrice Levine<br />

Leanore Levine Pollitt<br />

May 13 – Iyar 9<br />

Sidney Kalikow<br />

Howard Kshonz<br />

Rhoda Nadrich<br />

Alys Platek<br />

Abraham Plotkin<br />

Harry Seltzer<br />

May 14 – Iyar 10<br />

Victoria Fader<br />

Stanley Kevelson<br />

Morris Scher<br />

Josef Seibald<br />

May 15 – Iyar 11<br />

Hannah Isaacson<br />

Arnold Kaplan<br />

Carl Karcinell<br />

Rose Portugal<br />

May 16 – Iyar 12<br />

Goldie Barditch<br />

Max Blaustein<br />

Ruchla Chmielewski<br />

Ethel Herman<br />

Alfred Newman<br />

Shirley Nizewitz<br />

Lillian Raiten<br />

Orrin Skolnick<br />

Hyman Zeitlin<br />

May 17 – Iyar 13<br />

Rafael Chmielewski<br />

Ruth Kaufman<br />

May 18 – Iyar 14<br />

Florence Baker<br />

Kitty Misonznick<br />

Anna Rappaport<br />

May 19 – Iyar 15<br />

Sarah Nodiff<br />

Louis Shiffman<br />

Julius Weinberg<br />

May 20 – Iyar 16<br />

Harry Bondy<br />

Rita Misonznick<br />

David Sacksner<br />

Mae Willbach<br />

May 21 – Iyar 17<br />

Hy Gerstman<br />

Dora Rubenstein<br />

May 22 – Iyar 18<br />

Gustave Feldman<br />

Albert Goldman<br />

Sylvia Herbst<br />

Daniel Laufer<br />

Philip Menchel<br />

Saul Rubinfeld<br />

May 23 – Iyar 19<br />

Linda Cohen<br />

Louis Keller<br />

Sally Wacher<br />

May 24 – Iyar 20<br />

Samuel Cassoff<br />

Lois Grinker<br />

May 25 – Iyar 21<br />

Mildred Frumkes<br />

Sarah Kaminsky<br />

May 26 – Iyar 22<br />

Ethel Buchman<br />

Charles Fine<br />

Jack Kravitz<br />

Riva Skiba<br />

Max Stehr<br />

May 27 – Iyar 23<br />

Susan Backman<br />

May 28 – Iyar 24<br />

Robert Olive<br />

Rose Schneider<br />

May 29 – Iyar 25<br />

Isaac Engel<br />

Rose Kurot<br />

Gladys Schneider<br />

Edward Skiba<br />

Estelle Steinman<br />

May 30 – Iyar 26<br />

Carolyn Joy Altus<br />

Lillian Altus<br />

Isidore Feit<br />

Fredric Suser<br />

Ephraim Weiss<br />

May 31 – Iyar 27<br />

David Ben–Ami<br />

Pearl Donowitz<br />

Joseph Feuerstein<br />

Rebecca Rutskin<br />

Elias Weiner<br />

Sam Wonsever<br />

June 1 – Iyar 28<br />

Howard Cotler<br />

Ella Gross<br />

Isaac Laufer<br />

Miriam Levy<br />

June 2 – Iyar 29<br />

Abraham Reichman<br />

Samuel Seid<br />

June 3 – Sivan 1<br />

Oscar Kaufman<br />

Nathan Lebovitz<br />

Rebecca Misonznick<br />

Peter Nash<br />

June 4 – Sivan 2<br />

Bertha Noble<br />

Harriet Rosen<br />

Benjamin Shankman<br />

Nicholas Sklar<br />

Minnie Thaler<br />

Lawrence Ungarten<br />

June 5 – Sivan 3<br />

Anna Katz<br />

Irving Krasne<br />

Abraham Misonznick<br />

Eleanor Winter<br />

June 6 – Sivan 4<br />

Sophie Grossman<br />

Alfred Stier<br />

Julia Zaretsky<br />

June 7 – Sivan 5<br />

Philip Davidson<br />

Benjamin Fink<br />

Benjamin Geiver<br />

Frederick Rand<br />

Harold Scheier<br />

Louis Siegel<br />

June 8 – Sivan 6<br />

George Arons<br />

Lenore Davidson<br />

Ruben Gross<br />

Abraham Kassel<br />

Leslie Zaransky<br />

June 9 – Sivan 7<br />

Alan Austen<br />

Sidney Donowitz<br />

Laura Fass<br />

Esther Halbridge<br />

Rudolph Stern<br />

Bessie Teitzman<br />

June 10 – Sivan 8<br />

Stella Fuchs<br />

Rose Jaskol<br />

Shirley Lefkowitz<br />

George Levine<br />

June 11 – Sivan 9<br />

Deanna Abrevaya<br />

Michael Cohen<br />

Isidore Goldberg<br />

Shaya Jeros<br />

Frances Schieren<br />

June 12 – Sivan 10<br />

Celia Dobuler<br />

Fima Rudgayzer<br />

Blanche Schwartz<br />

June 13 – Sivan 11<br />

Gil Meyerowitz<br />

Murray Platt<br />

June 14 – Sivan 12<br />

Irving Honig<br />

Allyson Rosenblatt<br />

June 16 – Sivan 14<br />

Rose Schecter<br />

June 17 – Sivan 15<br />

Tuvia Bielsky<br />

Irving Goodman<br />

Irving Goodman<br />

Alfred Itkin<br />

Morton Lesser<br />

June 18 – Sivan 16<br />

Irving Dubrowsky<br />

Abraham Goldberg<br />

Doris Peckerman<br />

June 19 – Sivan 17<br />

Edith Katz<br />

Ruth Roye<br />

Rose Sher<br />

June 20 – Sivan 18<br />

Francine Abrevaya<br />

Mildred Katz<br />

Judy Kelmenson<br />

Mina Portnoy<br />

June 21 – Sivan 19<br />

Harold Gingold<br />

Abraham Malkin<br />

Ida Rubinstein<br />

June 22 – Sivan 20<br />

Jacob Dick<br />

Charles A. Feigenblatt<br />

Max Kaplan<br />

Yevsey Metelista<br />

Charles Silverstein<br />

June 23 – Sivan 21<br />

Nathan Cohen<br />

Max Deutsch<br />

June 24 – Sivan 22<br />

Anne Held<br />

William Levy<br />

Charles Trauner<br />

June 25 – Sivan 23<br />

Dorothy Braverman<br />

Nathan Cassoff<br />

Mera Goorian<br />

Stanley Gus<br />

Sol Matza<br />

Joan Rothstein<br />

Joan Rothstein<br />

June 26 – Sivan 24<br />

Samuel Beldner<br />

Edith Greenstein<br />

Beatrice Gruman<br />

Julius Marashinsky<br />

Abraham Wilk<br />

June 27 – Sivan 25<br />

Max Blankopf<br />

Nathan Breen<br />

Anna Green<br />

Helen Levine<br />

Alex Pinquist<br />

June 28 – Sivan 26<br />

Irwin Cohen<br />

Harry Hollenberg<br />

Anna Kassel<br />

June 29 – Sivan 27<br />

Kate Abrin<br />

Solomon Finerow<br />

Martin Goldstein<br />

June 30 – Sivan 28<br />

Max Akst<br />

Ralph Carron<br />

Abraham Tamaroff<br />

Rose Wallshein<br />

July 1 – Sivan 29<br />

Sophie Gordon<br />

Leonard Harvey<br />

Blanche Isaacson Pullman<br />

Sonja Kahn<br />

Gladys Yarow<br />

July 2 – Sivan 30<br />

Frank Falvo<br />

Claire Lurie<br />

Nechama Shankman<br />

Sadie Strassman<br />

Al Tischler<br />

Rose Zeitlin<br />

July 3 – Tammuz 1<br />

Nat Filler<br />

Rand Skolnick<br />

Irving Nathan Tolkin<br />

July 4 – Tammuz 2<br />

Miriam Baskin<br />

Sophie Mirel Bedar<br />

Jack Horne<br />

Marion Levine<br />

Ida Levine<br />

Irving Lippert<br />

page 26 MAY/JUNE 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

July 5 – Tammuz 3<br />

Harold Kaufman<br />

Rose Poploff<br />

Doris Robinson<br />

Ida Stakoff<br />

July 7 – Tammuz 5<br />

Lawrence Blank<br />

Mary Finkel<br />

Marion Moss<br />

July 8 – Tammuz 6<br />

Michael Cohen<br />

Malwina Gaidukowski<br />

Thomas Grossman<br />

Marcia Kahan<br />

Lenore Krieger<br />

Abe Lurie<br />

Bessie Rosen<br />

July 9 – Tammuz 7<br />

Regina Feit<br />

Herman Gordon<br />

Max Rehns<br />

Jeremy Scheinfeld<br />

July 10 – Tammuz 8<br />

Claire Goldberg<br />

Doris Horowitz<br />

Sol Kessin<br />

Edith Levenson<br />

July 11 – Tammuz 9<br />

Richard Diamond<br />

Daniel Kanfer<br />

Isidore Nodiff<br />

Jack Peerless<br />

Edith Reichman<br />

Seymour Shiffman<br />

Leona Weiner<br />

July 12 – Tammuz 10<br />

Milton Garver<br />

July 13 – Tammuz 11<br />

Bernard Berman<br />

Lisa Beth Gerstman<br />

Sylvia Jacobson<br />

July 14 – Tammuz 12<br />

Evelyn Smith Sall<br />

July 15 – Tammuz 13<br />

Irene Davis<br />

Karen Goffner Gadol<br />

Toby Salpeter<br />

July 16 – Tammuz 14<br />

Rose Brenner<br />

Felix Friedman<br />

Max Noble<br />

July 17 – Tammuz 15<br />

Charles Goldberg<br />

Joseph Keilson<br />

July 18 – Tammuz 16<br />

Fannie Graber<br />

Joseph Levine<br />

Joseph Scheinfeld<br />

July 19 – Tammuz 17<br />

Phyllis M. Lipman<br />

July 20 – Tammuz 18<br />

Ethel Becker<br />

Rebecca Bruh<br />

Milton Noak<br />

Selma Zinn<br />

July 21 – Tammuz 19<br />

Murray Hagler<br />

Bennie Morris<br />

Rubin Schieren<br />

Max Tischler<br />

Jack Trieger<br />

July 23 – Tammuz 21<br />

Dorothy Harrow<br />

Saul Isaacs<br />

Harold Kalikow<br />

Solomon Kislin<br />

Howard Miller<br />

Albert E. Paley<br />

July 24 – Tammuz 22<br />

Joseph Feldman<br />

Nathan Hoffeld<br />

Herman Sckolnick<br />

Richard Stern<br />

July 25 – Tammuz 23<br />

Ida Schmier<br />

July 26 – Tammuz 24<br />

Reggie Camhi<br />

Louis A. Case<br />

Bernard Jablon<br />

Frieda Lustig<br />

Beatrice Sterman<br />

July 27 – Tammuz 25<br />

Daniel Epstein<br />

Herbert Gutenplan<br />

Annie Kalikow<br />

Clara Stehr<br />

July 28 – Tammuz 26<br />

Aaron Fisher<br />

Dorothy Moses<br />

July 29 – Tammuz 27<br />

Cole Genn<br />

Isaac Raffelson<br />

Philip Walfish<br />

Mildred Whitman<br />

Fred Zinn<br />

July 30 – Tammuz 28<br />

Arthur K. Fried<br />

Benjamin Halbridge<br />

July 31 – Tammuz 29<br />

Herman Azia<br />

Anna Doneger<br />

Jack Jacobs<br />

Irving Katz<br />

Jeanette Marcus<br />

Hyman Partman<br />

August 1 – Av 1<br />

Jerry Shifter<br />

August 2 – Av 2<br />

Bernice Fishkind<br />

Harry Neveloff<br />

Rachel Leah Seibald<br />

August 3 – Av 3<br />

Arnold Barash<br />

Jack Glickman<br />

Lila Jacobs<br />

Gerry Roberts<br />

August 4 – Av 4<br />

Lena Cohen<br />

Louis Herman<br />

Alan B. Heyer<br />

Max Ivler<br />

Joseph Nizewitz<br />

August 5 – Av 5<br />

Jean Epstein<br />

Elsie Fischer<br />

Rita Frank<br />

Charlotte Kristeller<br />

Susan Krull<br />

Abraham Rubinfeld<br />

August 6 – Av 6<br />

Harry Louis Birnbaum<br />

Ida Clark<br />

Blanche Lieberman<br />

Marvin Shenfeld<br />

August 7 – Av 7<br />

Claire Gassel<br />

Clara Gordon<br />

Hyman Lasker<br />

Rose Markowitz<br />

August 8 – Av 8<br />

Lena Aronowitz<br />

Selma Slepian<br />

August 9 – Av 9<br />

Blanche Ruth Birnbaum<br />

Sadie Cohen<br />

Rose Fielder Kuntz<br />

Jerome Greenvald<br />

Herbert Polansky<br />

Ida Weiss<br />

August 10 – Av 10<br />

Esther Austin<br />

Marvin Feldman<br />

Nathan Grossman<br />

August 11 – Av 11<br />

Walter Green<br />

Joseph Kirschner<br />

Seymour Miller<br />

Lawrence Sanders<br />

August 12 – Av 12<br />

Elizabeth Bensusan<br />

Roslyn Grobman<br />

Barnet Grossman<br />

Lillian Zeitlin Slan<br />

August 13 – Av 13<br />

Rhoda Anstendig<br />

Michael Kirshner<br />

Moira Lurie<br />

Beatrice Simon<br />

August 14 – Av 14<br />

Irving Berman<br />

Morris Fielder<br />

Lenore Kotcher<br />

Stacy Schlegel<br />

August 15 – Av 15<br />

Leon Abrevaya<br />

Sadie Engel<br />

Bessie Gingold<br />

Barnett Gordon<br />

Pauline Kanfer<br />

Rachael Schwartz<br />

August 17 – Av 17<br />

Jacob Buchman<br />

Nathan Nicholson<br />

Beulah Radburd<br />

Lawrence Wonsever<br />

August 18 – Av 18<br />

Joseph Drillich<br />

Sue Gross<br />

Benjamin Spector<br />

Bernard Stauber<br />

Sidney Teitzman<br />

August 19 – Av 19<br />

Frances Miles<br />

Lyon Sacksner<br />

August 20 – Av 20<br />

Samuel Berchofsky<br />

Millie Carron<br />

Jacob Cohen<br />

Vicki Finkelstein<br />

Jacob Gabel<br />

Louis Moskowitz<br />

Faye Weinstein<br />

August 21 – Av 21<br />

Herbert Ain<br />

Meyer Sugarman<br />

Pearl Weinstein<br />

August 22 – Av 22<br />

Abby Doctor<br />

Gus Doctor<br />

Lillian Pincus<br />

August 23 – Av 23<br />

Lillian Bernstein<br />

Eleanor Silverstein<br />

Sarah Weinberg<br />

August 24 – Av 24<br />

Blanche Rost<br />

August 25 – Av 25<br />

Leonard Alweis<br />

Irving Finkelstein<br />

Ryan Scott Kolnick<br />

Herman Levine<br />

August 26 – Av 26<br />

Joseph Lieberman<br />

Pearl Mandel<br />

Blossom Spiegel<br />

August 27 – Av 27<br />

Rita Brodsky<br />

Walter Holick<br />

August 28 – Av 28<br />

Joseph Held<br />

August 29 – Av 29<br />

Celia Hager<br />

Stephen Moser<br />

Frank Theodore<br />

August 30 – Av 30<br />

Matilda Mendelson<br />

Leo Rosengart<br />

Rea Roth<br />

August 31 – Elul 1<br />

Sadie Gordon<br />

George Whitman<br />

Martha Zuckerman<br />

The Easiest Way to Donate to HERJC!<br />

Did you know that you can donate to your Shul while buying anything at Amazon<br />

Just go to www.herjc.org and click on the Amazon logo on the lower left hand corner.<br />

HERJC will get a percentage of anything you buy. It’s never been easier to donate!<br />

Please tell everyone you know who shops on Amazon to do it via HERJC.ORG!<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE 2011 page 27

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Have You Checked Out the New HERJC Gift Shop<br />

HERJC.judaicabeautiful.com<br />

It's so easy to shop from home!<br />

The website features a great selection of gifts for Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings,<br />

and other occasions plus Ritual, Prayer, Shabbat and Holiday items, as well as jewelry,<br />

books and gift baskets. Take a look!<br />

We’re thrilled to have our own Judaica Shop, coordinated by Sisterhood for HERJC<br />

Searching For Singers<br />

Hazzan Sislen is looking to assemble a group of<br />

4-6 singers who read music and are able to learn<br />

multi-part pieces on their own. In addition to<br />

presenting music periodically for various occasions,<br />

this group will form the core of a re-assembled<br />

choir in the future. If you have the skills and<br />

the time, please contact cantorsislen@herjc.org.<br />

page 28 MAY/JUNE 2011<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


Joseph <strong>Brofsky</strong>, D.M.D.<br />

Pediatric Dentistry<br />

923 Broadway Tel: (516) 295-3733<br />

Woodmere, New York 11598 Fax: (516) 295-3178<br />

RSF Construction Corp.<br />

General Contractors Since 1937<br />

Jeffrey B. Feigenblatt<br />

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jeff@rsfbuild.com<br />

88 Washington Avenue Phone (516)791-0600<br />

Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Fax (516)791-0601<br />



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HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE 2011 page 29



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page 30 MAY/JUNE 2011<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE 2011 page 31

Culinary Concepts<br />

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by Gabey Abikzer<br />

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www.culinaryconceptscustomcaterers.com<br />

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Todd Kshonz, D.D.S., P.C.<br />

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Naomi Chaim Watman, M.D., FAAP<br />

Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine<br />

303 east Park Avenue<br />

long Beach, NY 11561<br />

516-897-4600<br />

Fax 516-897-0769<br />

<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre<br />

Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

295 Main Street<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong> NY 11518<br />

Periodical<br />

Paid at East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, New York<br />

Publication No. 233120

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