US History & Government: Vocabulary List

US History & Government: Vocabulary List

US History & Government: Vocabulary List


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<strong>US</strong> <strong>History</strong> & <strong>Government</strong>: <strong>Vocabulary</strong> <strong>List</strong><br />

1. Proclamation of 1763<br />

Line created by British that colonists could not cross.<br />

Created to prevent conflicts between colonists and Native Americans.<br />

2. French & Indian War<br />

Colonists fought with Britain against France and its Indian allies<br />

Britain took control of Ohio River Valley<br />

3. Mercantilism<br />

Colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country<br />

Colonies provide natural resources<br />

Britain did not want colonies manufacturing their own goods<br />

Salutary neglect<br />

4. New England Colonies<br />

Trading and fishing<br />

Rocky soil – no plantations or slaves<br />

5. Southern Colonies<br />

Plantations & slaves<br />

6. Common Sense<br />

Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine<br />

Kings are bad – colonies need independence<br />

7. Natural Rights<br />

Rights that all people are born with (John Locke’s Enlightenment Idea)<br />

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness<br />

Included in the Declaration of Independence<br />

8. Self <strong>Government</strong><br />

Mayflower Compact<br />

Virginia House of Burgesses<br />

Early forms of democracy or republics<br />

9. Declaration of Independence<br />

Written by Thomas Jefferson<br />

Declared colonies’ independence from Britain<br />

Included colonial grievances and natural rights<br />

10. Revolutionary War<br />

War between Britain and the colonists – Taxation without Representation<br />

America won its Independence from Britain

11. Articles of Confederation<br />

First plan for government – (Shay’s Rebellion) failed and replaced by Constitution<br />

National government too weak & State governments too powerful<br />

National government couldn’t collect taxes<br />

Only 1 branch of government – Legislative (Congress)<br />

No President or Supreme Court<br />

1 success was government had a way to allow new states to bet admitted<br />

12. Land Ordinances<br />

Land Ordinance of 1785 & Northwest Ordinance<br />

Set a pattern of development of new territories<br />

Provided guidelines for new states to be admitted<br />

13. Constitution<br />

A written plan for government<br />

Replaced the Articles of Confederation<br />

Gave more power to the national government<br />

14. Ratify<br />

To approve<br />

Constitution had to be ratified (approved) before it could be used<br />

15. Federalist/Antifederalist<br />

First political parties<br />

Federalists – favored a strong national (federal) government<br />

*Supported the Constitution<br />

*Wrote the Federalist Papers to gain support for the Constitution<br />

*Led by Hamilton<br />

Antifederalists – favored strong state governments<br />

*Wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution<br />

*Led by Jefferson<br />

16. Alexander Hamilton<br />

Wanted a National Bank<br />

Had a plan to get rid of the National Debt<br />

Wanted to strengthen America’s economy<br />

17. Cabinet<br />

President’s advisors<br />

Chosen by the President<br />

Example of Unwritten Constitution<br />

Head of national departments (Ex. Secretary of State)

18. Federalism<br />

Power is shared between the states and the national government<br />

Reserved Powers = State Powers<br />

Delegated Powers = National powers<br />

Concurrent Powers = Shared powers<br />

19. Checks & Balances<br />

Ways that each branch of government can control (check) the other 2 branches.<br />

Examples: veto, impeach, appoint justices, approve appointments, approve treaties, laws ruled<br />

unconstitutional<br />

20. Separation of Powers<br />

National government power separated into 3 branches<br />

o Legislative Branch – Congress<br />

o Executive Branch – President – Commander & Chief<br />

o Judicial Branch – Supreme Court<br />

21. Great Compromise<br />

Compromise between New Jersey and Virginia Plans<br />

Created a bicameral (2 house) legislative branch (Congress)<br />

o Senate – 2 for each state<br />

o House of Representatives – based on a state’s population<br />

22. Unwritten Constitution<br />

Parts of our government that are needed but not actually found in the Constitution<br />

Examples: President’s Cabinet, Political Parties, Judicial Review<br />

23. Amendment<br />

An addition or change to the Constitution<br />

“Flexibility”<br />

24. Elastic Clause<br />

Part of the Constitution that allowed for change – synonym of amendment<br />

Allows government to make laws to fit a changing society – Necessary & Proper Clause<br />

Implied Powers<br />

Examples: Louisiana Purchase, FCC, minimum wage, ect.<br />

25. Electoral College<br />

Each state gets electoral votes, same as number of total representatives<br />

Popular vote in each state determines the electoral votes<br />

Criticized because electoral vote doesn’t always reflect popular vote

26. Bill of Rights<br />

1 st 10 amendments<br />

Antifederalists wanted it added<br />

Protects our rights from the government<br />

Examples: Freedom of speech, religion, due process – fair trial<br />

27. Washington’s Farewell<br />

Washington wanted the country to stay neutral<br />

Proclamation of neutrality<br />

<strong>US</strong> was not strong enough to get involved with other countries, might lose new independence<br />

28. Laissez Faire<br />

<strong>Government</strong> should leave businesses alone, keep their nose out of businesses<br />

29. Lobbying<br />

Special interest groups that influence legislatures to get laws passed<br />

Example of unwritten constitution<br />

Lobbyists are criticized for having too much influence on legislatures<br />

30. John Marshall Court<br />

Supreme Court Justice, all decisions led to the power of the national government increasing<br />

31. Marbury v. Madison<br />

Supreme Court case that established judicial review<br />

32. Judicial Review<br />

Power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional<br />

Established by Marbury v. Madison<br />

Example of unwritten constitution<br />

33. Louisiana Purchase<br />

Doubled the size of the <strong>US</strong><br />

Bought by Jefferson<br />

<strong>US</strong> farmers gained control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans<br />

34. Embargo Act<br />

Jefferson passed a law that banned trade with all other countries<br />

Helped keep the <strong>US</strong> neutral<br />

Hurt the <strong>US</strong>, was intended to hurt Britain and France<br />

35. War of 1812<br />

War between Britain and the <strong>US</strong><br />

Britain was impressing <strong>US</strong> sailors and arming Native Americans<br />

Francis Scott Key wrote “Star Spangled Banner” about battle of Fort Mchenry

36. Monroe Doctrine<br />

<strong>US</strong> foreign policy that warned Europe to leave Latin America alone<br />

Made the <strong>US</strong> in control of the Western Hemisphere<br />

37. Andrew Jackson<br />

Used the spoils system – gave government jobs to political supporters<br />

Passed Indian Removal Act – Trail of Tears<br />

Nicknamed “King Andrew” (remember the cartoon) *powerful President<br />

38. Manifest Destiny<br />

Americans had the right to settle westward all the way to the Pacific Ocean<br />

39. Abolitionist Movement<br />

Goal was to end slavery<br />

Organized the Underground Railroad (Harriet Tubman)<br />

Frederick Douglas (North Star Newspaper)<br />

William Lloyd Garrison (Liberator Newspaper)<br />

40. Women’s Rights Movement (Women’s Suffrage)<br />

Goal was to get equal rights and suffrage for women<br />

Organized the Seneca Falls Convention and wrote Declaration of Sentiments<br />

Leaders were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott<br />

41. Uncle Tom’s Cabin<br />

A book written to show how evil slavery was<br />

Used to spread the Abolitionist Movement<br />

Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe<br />

42. Missouri Compromise<br />

Settled a conflict over new states – kept balance between number of free and slave states<br />

Missouri entered the Union as a slave state<br />

Maine entered as a free state<br />

43. Compromise of 1850<br />

Settled a conflict over new states – kept balance between number of free and slave states<br />

Created the Fugitive Slave Law<br />

44. Fugitive Slave Law<br />

Law that allowed slave owners to catch slaves that escaped to the North<br />

Forced slaves to head to Canada for freedom<br />

Angered Northerners who were now forced to be a part of slavery<br />

45. Kansas-Nebraska Act<br />

Allowed new states to use popular sovereignty to decide slavery issue<br />

Bleeding Kansas (John Brown)

46. Popular Sovereignty<br />

New states could vote to decide whether or not they would be a free or a slave state<br />

47. Sectionalism<br />

Loyalty to a part of the country rather than the country as a whole<br />

North vs. South vs. West<br />

Slavery issue increased sectionalism<br />

48. Causes of Civil War<br />

Lincoln was elected – South knew he was against slavery<br />

Sectionalism – North and South were very different places<br />

State’s Rights – Southern states wanted states’ rights (Nullification)<br />

Secession – Lincoln and the North was fighting to preserve the Union<br />

49. The North’s Strengths During the Civil War<br />

More railroads than the South<br />

More factories than the South<br />

Factory production increased<br />

50. Dred Scott v. Sanford<br />

Slaves are property not citizens<br />

Missouri Compromise voided – government can’t prohibit slavery in territories<br />

51. Emancipation Proclamation<br />

Lincoln freed slaves in the Confederacy<br />

Civil War became a fight over ending slavery<br />

52. Reconstruction<br />

Plan to “fix” south after the Civil War<br />

Lincoln’s plan was too lenient on the South<br />

13 th , 14 th , & 15 th Amendments passed<br />

Freedmen’s Bureau helped former slaves<br />

53. Black Codes<br />

Southern laws to limit rights of African Americans<br />

Poll taxes, grandfather clause, literacy tests (prevent African Americans from voting)<br />

54. Jim Crow Laws<br />

Segregation laws in the South<br />

Limited rights of African Americans<br />

55. Plessy v. Ferguson<br />

Supreme court ruled that segregation was legal<br />

Public facilities had to be separate but equal.

56. Gilded Age<br />

Name created by Mark Twain for the end of the 19 th Century<br />

Large gaps between the rich and poor<br />

57. Transcontinental Railroad<br />

Federal government gave railroad companies land to build it<br />

Helped in the settlement of the west<br />

Made transportation cheaper and faster<br />

Led to the downfall of the buffalo and the Plains Indians<br />

58. Monopoly/Trust/Pool<br />

A company that controls or dominates an industry<br />

Worked to eliminate competition to increase profits<br />

59. Social Darwinism<br />

The belief that stronger businesses should be allowed to eliminate weaker businesses<br />

Supporters of social Darwinism also believed in laissez faire and the formation of monopolies<br />

60. Robber Barons<br />

Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Vanderbilt<br />

Used ruthless business tactics to eliminate competitors and form monopolies<br />

Philanthropists – donated money<br />

61. Sherman Antitrust Act/Interstate Commerce Act<br />

Laws passed to eliminate trusts/monopolies<br />

Laws showed that the government could regulate/control businesses<br />

Promoted competition in business<br />

62. Labor Union<br />

American Federation of Labor – Samuel Gompers<br />

Organized workers to improve working conditions and increase wages<br />

Easier for skilled workers to unionize<br />

<strong>Government</strong> used force to stop early unions (Pullman Strike & Haymarket Riot)<br />

63. Dawe’s Act<br />

<strong>Government</strong> program to force Native Americans to assimilate<br />

Helped settle the West and achieve manifest destiny<br />

64. Homestead Act<br />

<strong>Government</strong> program that gave land to white settlers<br />

Helped settle the Great Plains<br />

65. Granger Movement<br />

Organization of farmers to help fight against high railroad costs

66. Populist Party<br />

Political party made up of farmers and factory workers<br />

Hoped to achieve an 8 hour work day<br />

Were responsible for direct election of senators and graduated income taxes<br />

Wanted to reform our currency and use a silver standard<br />

67. Pendleton Civil Service Act<br />

This law ended the spoils system<br />

People have to take a civil service test to get government jobs<br />

68. Old Immigrants<br />

Came to America for economic reasons and settled in northern cities<br />

Immigrants from Ireland and Germany<br />

Irish immigrants discriminated against because they were Catholics<br />

69. New Immigrants<br />

Came to America for economic reasons and settled in northern cities<br />

Immigrants from Russia, China, and Japan<br />

Chinese immigrants discriminated against more than other groups<br />

70. Melting Pot Theory<br />

The belief that immigrant cultures blend together to make a new American culture<br />

Immigrants assimilate into American culture<br />

71. Nativists<br />

People that did not want immigrants in America<br />

Formed the Know-Nothing Party to stop immigration<br />

Chinese Exclusion Act and Gentlemen’s Agreement are nativist laws<br />

72. Muckrakers<br />

Journalists that used the press to expose the problems in American society.<br />

Jacob Riis –How the Other Half Lives (Photos of tenements)<br />

Upton Sinclair- The Jungle (Meat Packing Plants)<br />

Ida Tarbell – The <strong>History</strong> of the Standard Oil Company (Corrupt Monopolies)<br />

73. Imperialism<br />

When one country takes over another country<br />

Examples: Spanish American War, Buying Alaska, Taking over Hawaii, Panama Canal<br />

74. Imperialism Policies<br />

Monroe Doctrine – <strong>US</strong> protects Latin America<br />

Roosevelt Corollary – <strong>US</strong> is the Police of Latin America<br />

Big Stick Policy – Speak softly and carry a big stick<br />

Dollar Diplomacy – Use money to control Latin America

75. Spanish American War<br />

Caused by yellow journalism and sinking of the Maine<br />

<strong>US</strong> helped Cuba gain independence from Spain<br />

<strong>US</strong> won Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines<br />

76. Yellow Journalism<br />

When journalists exaggerate stories to influence readers’ opinions<br />

Was used to make Americans want war with Spain after the sinking of the Maine<br />

77. Theodore Roosevelt<br />

President that built the Panama Canal and the national parks<br />

Passed Meat Inspection Law<br />

Nicknamed the Trust Buster – ended bad trusts/kept good trusts (Bear Cartoon)<br />

A Progressive that ran for President for the Bull Moose Party<br />

78. Panama Canal<br />

Built by President Roosevelt<br />

Connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to speed up trade<br />

Example of imperialism<br />

79. Progressive Era<br />

Reform period where laws were passed to give people more control of government<br />

Social welfare programs were passed<br />

Examples: Meat Inspection Law, Direct Election of Senators, Referendum.<br />

80. Federal Reserve<br />

A national bank in charge of controlling the supply of money<br />

It also controls the interest rates<br />

81. 19 th Amendment<br />

Law that gave women the right to vote (Women’s Suffrage)<br />

Started with the Seneca Falls Convention<br />

Movement started by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton<br />

82. World War I<br />

The first modern war (The Great War)<br />

Fought in Europe, started by MAIN causes<br />

Militarism<br />

Alliances<br />

Imperialism<br />

Nationalism<br />

83. <strong>US</strong> Joins World War I<br />

Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats<br />

Zimmerman Telegram from Germany asking Mexico to fight the <strong>US</strong>

84. Sedition Act<br />

Law passed during WWI that took away Constitutional rights<br />

Made it illegal to say or print anything negative about the government<br />

85. Wilson’s 14 Points<br />

President Wilson’s plan to prevent further wars in Europe<br />

One of the 14 points was to end the alliance systems<br />

86. League of Nations<br />

President Wilson’s idea for a national peacekeeping organization<br />

Failed because the <strong>US</strong> refused to join<br />

87. Treaty of Versailles<br />

Treaty that ended WWI and led to the start of WWII<br />

Blamed Germany for the war and made the pay war reparations<br />

88. Roaring 20s<br />

<strong>US</strong> economy was great in the 1920s<br />

People can afford to buy more but are saving less than they were before<br />

Flappers, Harlem Renaissance, Red Scare<br />

89. Open Door Policy<br />

Policy that allowed equal trade with China<br />

<strong>US</strong> was afraid that Europe would have an unfair trade advantage with China<br />

90. Great Migration<br />

African Americans migrated to northern cities<br />

Competition for jobs created racial tension and sometimes race riots<br />

91. Teapot Dome Scandal<br />

President Harding’s administration was very corrupt<br />

Oil officials gave bribes to use government land for oil (Teapot Dome, Wyoming)<br />

92. Scopes Trial<br />

A trial against a science teacher that broke a Tennessee law by teaching evolution<br />

It was a conflict between traditional and modern values<br />

93. Red Scare<br />

<strong>US</strong> fear of communism<br />

Led to the violation of Constitutional rights<br />

94. Sacco and Vanzetti Trial<br />

2 immigrants wrongly accused and executed for murder<br />

Convicted because of racists and nativists

95. Temperance Movement<br />

Reform movement to make alcohol illegal<br />

Blamed alcohol for many problems in America<br />

Led to the passage of the 18 th Amendment and prohibition<br />

96. 18 th Amendment (Prohibition)<br />

Made alcohol illegal in the <strong>US</strong><br />

Created organized crime<br />

Bootleggers – made and sold illegal alcohol<br />

Speakeasy – secret illegal bars<br />

97. 21 st Amendment<br />

Made alcohol legal again<br />

Repealed the 18 th Amendment<br />

98. Flappers<br />

Women of the 1920s who wanted to be independent and outgoing<br />

Had short bobbed hair, drank alcohol, and smoked<br />

99. Harlem Renaissance<br />

African Americans artists in Harlem that influenced American culture<br />

Langston Hughes- Poetry<br />

Duke Ellington – Jazz Music<br />

100. Ford’s Assembly Line<br />

Henry ford produced cars faster and cheaper using an assembly line<br />

Allowed the mass production of products<br />

Soon almost all produced were made using an assembly line<br />

101. Schenck v. United States<br />

Supreme Court ruled Espionage Act constitutional<br />

“Clear and present danger” doctrine<br />

Civil rights can be limited for reasons of national security<br />

102. The Great Depression<br />

The day the stock market crashed was called Black Tuesday<br />

Caused by speculation and buying stocks on margin/credit<br />

Caused by overproduction and underconsumption<br />

103. The Dust Bowl<br />

Giant dust storms in the Great Plains area<br />

Caused by poor farming techniques and drought<br />

Farmers moved west to escape the Dust Bowl

104. President Hoover<br />

He was blamed for the Great Depression<br />

Hoovervilles and Hoover Blankets are proof he was blamed<br />

He believed in trickledown economics and giving businesses money<br />

He did not believe in directly helping the people<br />

105. FDR<br />

Created the New Deal to help end the Great Depression<br />

Believed in directly helping the people<br />

106. The New Deal<br />

Programs are alphabet soup (TVA, FDIC, CCC, PWA)<br />

<strong>Government</strong> gained more power and debt increased<br />

Helped unions – passed Wagner Act<br />

<strong>Government</strong> created jobs and controlled businesses<br />

107. Good Neighbor Policy<br />

FDR passed this law to improve relations with Latin America<br />

<strong>US</strong> would no longer intervene in Latin American affairs<br />

108. WWII<br />

Ended the Great Depression<br />

<strong>US</strong> joined after attack on Pearl Harbor<br />

The country mobilized for war<br />

Citizens bought war bonds and planted victory gardens<br />

109. Lend Lease Act<br />

FDR promised to give money to European countries fighting against Germany in WWII<br />

<strong>US</strong> helped the Allies without joining the war<br />

110. Pearl Harbor<br />

Japan secretly attacked <strong>US</strong> navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii<br />

Caused the <strong>US</strong> to join WWII<br />

111. Japanese Internment<br />

Japanese Americans were held out of fear after Pearl Harbor<br />

They lost their homes and jobs<br />

Violated the rights of citizens to protect national security<br />

112. Korematsu v. United States<br />

Court ruled that Japanese Internment was constitutional<br />

Civil liberties may be limited to protect national security<br />

113. Rosie the Riveter<br />

Women that worked in factories during WWII

114. Nuremberg Trials<br />

Nazi leaders were put on trial for war crimes during the Holocaust<br />

It showed that leaders could be held accountable for their actions<br />

115. The Manhattan Project<br />

The secret development of the atomic bomb<br />

President Truman decided to bomb Japan to end WWII<br />

<strong>US</strong> dropped bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki<br />

116. Baby Boom<br />

Large increase in births after the end of WWII<br />

Baby boomers will put strain on the social security system as they retire<br />

117. Suburbs & Interstate Highways<br />

The automobile allowed Americans to live in suburbs<br />

The Interstate Highway Act built better roads and allowed more suburbanization<br />

118. Fair Deal<br />

Truman’s plan to continue FDR’s reforms of the New Deal<br />

Programs that increased government commitment to helping the people<br />

119. The Cold War<br />

The competition and tension between the <strong>US</strong> (Democracy) and the Soviet Union (Communism)<br />

Led to a nuclear arms race and the space race<br />

Korean War and Vietnam War are part of the Cold War<br />

Cold War ends with the fall of the Berlin Wall<br />

120. Containment<br />

<strong>US</strong> policy to stop the spread of communism<br />

Korean War and Vietnam War are fought to contain communism<br />

121. Domino Theory<br />

The belief that if one country falls to communism others will follow<br />

The reason the <strong>US</strong> fought the Vietnam War was to stop the domino theory from happening<br />

122. Truman Doctrine<br />

<strong>US</strong> policy to limit the spread of communism and the Soviet Union<br />

<strong>US</strong> would support countries in need against the spread of communism (containment)<br />

123. Marshall Plan<br />

<strong>US</strong> policy to limit the spread of communism and the Soviet Union<br />

<strong>US</strong> would help the economies of Europe recover after WWII<br />

124. Berlin Airlift<br />

The <strong>US</strong> flew supplies into East Berlin<br />

Helped stop the spread of communism and Soviet expansion

125. NATO<br />

An alliance between the <strong>US</strong> and other countries to stop Soviet expansion<br />

Provided collective security against the Soviet Union<br />

126. Korean War<br />

Fought to protect South Korea from communist North Korea<br />

Fought because of containment<br />

Korea remained divided (38 th parallel) at the end of the war<br />

127. McCarthyism<br />

The witch hunt created by Senator McCarthy for the search of communists in the <strong>US</strong><br />

Trials ruined the reputations of many innocent Americans<br />

Encouraged nativism and violated the rights of citizens because of a fear of communism<br />

128. Rosenberg Case<br />

Couple convicted and executed for being communists and Soviet spies<br />

Showed nativist fears of foreigners<br />

129. Civil Rights Movement<br />

African Americans working to end segregation and get equal rights<br />

Led by Martin Luther King Jr. (“I have a dream” speech)<br />

Rosa Parks treatment led to the Montgomery bus boycott<br />

130. Brown v. Board of Education<br />

Supreme court’s ruling ended segregation in public schools<br />

Reversed the earlier court decision in Plessy v Ferguson<br />

Showed that the national government could overrule state laws<br />

Little Rock 9 were escorted to school by the military<br />

131. Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

Leader of the Civil Rights Movement<br />

Used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience<br />

Led Montgomery bus boycott and march on Washington<br />

Gave famous “I have a dream” speech and was assassinated<br />

132. Communism in Cuba<br />

Led by the dictator Fidel Castro<br />

Cuban Missile Crisis because of Soviets putting missiles in Cuba<br />

Bay of Pigs invasion was Kennedy’s FAILED secret plan to remove Castro<br />

133. Vietnam<br />

Many Americans protested and called it an unjust war<br />

<strong>US</strong> starts war after they are attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin<br />

Fought because of containment to stop the spread of communism

134. Great Society<br />

President Johnson’s programs to help people and end poverty<br />

Programs to improve the general welfare (Medicare & Medicaid)<br />

Programs were abandoned because of the Vietnam War<br />

135. President Nixon<br />

Created the policy of détente to ease tensions with the Soviets<br />

Resigned as President because of the Watergate Affair<br />

New President Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes<br />

136. Miranda v. Arizona<br />

Supreme Court case that protected the rights of the accused<br />

“You have the right to remain silent”<br />

137. Roe v. Wade<br />

Supreme Court case that made abortion legal<br />

Protected women’s right to privacy<br />

Controversial case that has been challenged many times<br />

138. President Carter<br />

Major achievement was the Camp David peace accords<br />

Tried to bring peace to the Middle East<br />

Iranian hostage situation made people believe Carter was weak<br />

139. President Clinton<br />

Economy prospered during his presidency giving him high approval ratings<br />

Helped prevent human rights violations in Bosnia<br />

Was impeached for perjury but remained in office<br />

140. President Bush<br />

Defining moment of his presidency was the attack on September 11th<br />

Department of Homeland Security was created because of terrorist attacks<br />

War in Afghanistan against the Taliban started during Bush’s presidency<br />

War in Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power

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