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ine, and show itself in action (1 John<br />

3:16-18).<br />

“No sooner is one converted than<br />

there is born within him a desire to<br />

make known to others what a precious<br />

friend he has found in Jesus. The saving<br />

and sanctifying truth cannot be<br />

shut up in his heart.”—The Desire of<br />

Ages, p. 141<br />

“Christ came to the earth and stood<br />

before the children of men with the<br />

hoarded love of eternity, and this is the<br />

treasure that, through our connection<br />

with Him, we are to receive, to reveal,<br />

and to impart.” —The Ministry of Healing,<br />

p. 37<br />

Factor 4: Witnessing brings joy<br />

to the heart of God.<br />

The well-known parables in Luke<br />

15 about the lost sheep, the lost coin<br />

and the lost son tell us that whenever<br />

the lost is found there is joy in heaven.<br />

“I tell you that in the same way there<br />

will be more rejoicing in heaven over<br />

one sinner who repents than over<br />

ninety-nine righteous persons who do<br />

not need to repent” (Luke 15:7).<br />

“In the same way, I tell you, there is<br />

rejoicing in the presence of the angels<br />

of God over one sinner who repents”<br />

(Luke 15:10).<br />

“But we had to celebrate and be glad<br />

because this brother of yours was dead<br />

and is alive again. He was lost and is<br />

found” (Luke 15:32).<br />

If there is joy in heaven when the<br />

lost is found, we will experience this<br />

same joy in doing our work for souls.<br />

What we do also gives joy to God’s heart<br />

and demonstrates that the sacrifice of<br />

Jesus was not in vain.<br />

Factor 5: Witnessing contributes<br />

to spiritual life. There is a relationship<br />

between witnessing and character<br />

development.<br />

“God could have reached His object<br />

in saving sinners without our aid; but<br />

in order for us to develop a character<br />

like Christ’s, we must share in His work.<br />

In order to enter into His joy, the joy of<br />

seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice,<br />

we must participate in His labors for<br />

their redemption.”—The Desire of Ages,<br />

p. 142<br />

The Lord could plan a special program<br />

or send a special dream so everyone<br />

would know about the second coming<br />

of Christ within one night. He<br />

doesn’t do that for two important reasons:<br />

The Lord wants us to develop<br />

a character like Christ’s.<br />

He wants us to experience<br />

the joy of seeing souls redeemed<br />

by His sacrifice.<br />

A Christlike character is the only<br />

thing that we will bring to heaven. And<br />

it is possible to be developed if we are<br />

working together with Him. Those who<br />

are involved will have stronger power<br />

to resist evil. It is important to involve<br />

as many people as possible in witnessing<br />

activities.<br />

“Strength to resist evil is best gained<br />

by aggressive service.”—The Acts of the<br />

Apostles, p. 105<br />

Personal Ministries Handbook, page 22

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