Revision - Macmillan

Revision - Macmillan

Revision - Macmillan


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Includes<br />

Multi-level worksheets<br />

Pairwork<br />

Translation & Dictation<br />

Culture worksheets<br />

Across the curriculum worksheets<br />

English sketches<br />

Teacher’s Resource File<br />


Contents<br />

Multi-level worksheets<br />

Pairwork<br />

Translation & Dictation<br />

Culture & Across the curriculum<br />

worksheets<br />

English sketches<br />


Multi-level<br />

worksheets<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 1.................. 1<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 1......................... 3<br />

Extension Unit 1................................. 5<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 2.................. 6<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 2......................... 8<br />

Extension Unit 2...............................10<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 3................11<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 3.......................13<br />

Extension Unit 3...............................15<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 4................16<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 4.......................18<br />

Extension Unit 4...............................20<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 5................21<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 5.......................23<br />

Extension Unit 5...............................25<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 6................26<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 6.......................28<br />

Extension Unit 6...............................30<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 7................31<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 7.......................33<br />

Extension Unit 7...............................35<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 8................36<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 8.......................38<br />

Extension Unit 8...............................40<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 9................41<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 9.......................43<br />

Extension Unit 9...............................45<br />

Answer Key .......................................46<br />


Multi-level<br />


<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 5<br />

Vocabulary<br />

Natural phenomena<br />

1 Look at the pictures and complete the words.<br />

a<br />

e<br />

ts u n a m i<br />

th nd r nd<br />

l ghtn ng<br />

Adverbs<br />

b<br />

f<br />

fl<br />

rthq<br />

d<br />

k<br />

c<br />

g<br />

v l nch<br />

t rn d<br />

2 Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the words in brackets.<br />

a She plays the piano beautifully . (beautiful)<br />

b Please speak<br />

c Always leave the classroom<br />

d Read the instructions<br />

e Joe always eats his lunch<br />

f She did her homework very<br />

g The two friends were chatting<br />

h The car was travelling too<br />

. I can’t understand you. (slow)<br />

. (careful)<br />

. (calm)<br />

. (quick)<br />

. (good)<br />

. (fast)<br />

. (happy)<br />

d<br />

h<br />

h rr c n<br />

w ldf r<br />


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21<br />


<strong>Revision</strong> Standard Unit 5<br />

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22<br />

Grammar<br />

Past continuous: affirmative and negative<br />

3 Look at the picture of last Christmas at a ski resort. Are the sentences true or false<br />

a Four people were snowboarding. T / F b Some people were sitting in the café. T / F<br />

c A boy was eating a hamburger. T / F d A man was reading a newspaper. T / F<br />

e Two girls were drinking cola. T / F f Two people were skiing. T / F<br />

g A boy wasn’t taking a photo. T / F h Two women weren’t chatting, T / F<br />

they were reading books.<br />

4 Correct the false sentences in exercise 3.<br />

1 Two people were snowboarding.<br />

2<br />

3 4<br />

Past continuous: questions and short answers<br />

5 Circle the correct form of the verb in the questions.<br />

a Was / Were the girl drinking cola<br />

c What was / were the man reading<br />

e What was / were the man and the women<br />

doing<br />

b Was / Were the boy eating a salad<br />

d Was / Were people sleeping in the café<br />

f What was / were the boy doing with his<br />

camera<br />

6 Look at the picture again. Match the answers with the correct questions in exercise 5.<br />

e<br />

1 They were reading.<br />

2 He was reading a newspaper.<br />

3 Yes, she was. 4 No, they weren’t.<br />

5 He was taking a photo. 6 No, he wasn’t.<br />

Past simple and past continuous<br />

7 Circle the correct form of the verb in the sentences.<br />

a We went / were going to Italy on holiday last year.<br />

b They had / were having fish for lunch yesterday.<br />

c I had / was having lunch when Tina called.<br />

d I was walking home when it started / was starting to rain.<br />

e People slept / were sleeping when the earthquake happened.<br />


<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 5<br />

Vocabulary<br />

Natural phenomena<br />

1 Look at the pictures and complete the words.<br />

a<br />

e<br />

t<br />

t<br />

Adverbs<br />

ornado<br />

b<br />

f<br />

w<br />

e<br />

2 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in the box.<br />

calm good noisy slow careful bad easy quick<br />

a Come on! Do it quickly . We’re late!<br />

b Please speak<br />

c He plays the piano very<br />

d Read the instructions<br />

c<br />

g<br />

f<br />

a<br />

. I can’t understand when you speak quickly.<br />

. He started when he was six.<br />

before you begin the exercise.<br />

e In an emergency, leave the classroom .<br />

f She’s good at maths and she passed the test very .<br />

g You can do things well or you can do them<br />

h The children are playing<br />

in the garden.<br />

d<br />

h<br />

h<br />

. It’s up to you!<br />

t and<br />

l<br />


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<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 5<br />

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24<br />

Grammar<br />

Past continuous: affirmative and negative<br />

3 Make sentences in the past continuous.<br />

a I / watch / my favourite TV programme.<br />

b It / rain / all day.<br />

c He / not do / his homework.<br />

d They / listen to / the news on the radio.<br />

e We / not wait / for them after school.<br />

Past continuous: questions and short answers<br />

I was watching my favourite TV programme.<br />

4 Look at the picture of last summer at the beach. Complete the questions with the past continuous<br />

of the verb in brackets. Then aswer the questions with short answers.<br />

a Was the little boy eating (eat) an ice cream Yes, he was.<br />

b some friends (play) beach football<br />

c the little girl in the water (swim)<br />

d the woman (read) a book<br />

e the boys (windsurf) in the sea<br />

f the man in the sea (wear) sunglasses<br />

Past simple and past continuous<br />

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.<br />

a When the boss arrived, Andy was listening to (listen to) the radio.<br />

b They were dancing when the music suddenly<br />

c Charlie broke his leg while he<br />

d We were sleeping when the earthquake<br />

(play) football.<br />

(stop).<br />

(happen).<br />

e She<br />

(have) an accident while she (drive) home.<br />

f We<br />

(do) our homework when the storm (come).<br />

g I<br />

(swim) in the sea when I (hear) someone shouting.<br />


Extension Unit 5<br />

Reading<br />

1 Read the text and circle the correct alternatives.<br />

The Day after Tomorrow (2004) (a) was / were an American film directed by Roland Emmerich.<br />

The story (b) was / were about a climatologist, Dr Hall, played by Dennis Quaid.<br />

Dr Hall (c) found / was finding evidence of a new Ice Age and he (d) presented / was presenting<br />

his evidence to a conference on global warming. He said a new Ice Age could happen again<br />

in 100 to 1,000 years from now. At the conference he (e) met / was meeting a Scottish<br />

professor who (f) tells / told him the temperature of the world’s oceans (g) fell / was falling<br />

rapidly. Then the world’s climate (h) changed / was changing suddenly! The new Ice Age (i)<br />

begin / was beginning much sooner than everyone thought. Dr Hall ( j) met / was meeting<br />

the President of the United States. He told him that everyone must go south to Mexico<br />

immediately. There (k) was / were only a few days to save the world! Then he (l) received /<br />

was receiving a telephone call from his son, Jack. Jack (m) is / was in New York where the<br />

weather (n) got / was getting very bad ...<br />

2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write full answers.<br />

a Who directed the film<br />

b When was it released<br />

c Who played the part of the main character<br />

d What suddenly happened for the new Ice Age to begin sooner than Dr Hall thought<br />

e How much time was there to save the world<br />

Writing<br />

3 Think about a film you saw recently and answer the questions. Use short answers.<br />

a What was the film called<br />

b Who was the director and when was it released<br />

c Who were the main actors<br />

d What happened in the film<br />

e Did you like it Why / Why not<br />

4 Write about the film in exercise 3 using full sentences. Use the text in exercise 1 as a model.<br />


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Answer Key<br />

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3 Students’ own answers<br />

4 Students’ own answers<br />

Unit 5 <strong>Revision</strong><br />

Standard<br />

1 a tsunami<br />

b earthquake<br />

c avalanche<br />

d hurricane<br />

e thunder and lightning<br />

f flood<br />

g tornado<br />

h wildfire<br />

2 a beautifully<br />

b slowly<br />

c calmly<br />

d carefully<br />

e quickly<br />

f well<br />

g happily<br />

h fast<br />

3 a F<br />

b T<br />

c T<br />

d T<br />

e F<br />

f F<br />

g F<br />

h T<br />

4 1 Two people were<br />

snowboarding.<br />

2 One girl was drinking<br />

cola.<br />

3 Four people were skiing.<br />

4 A boy was taking a photo.<br />

5 a Was<br />

b Was<br />

c was<br />

d Were<br />

e were<br />

f was<br />

6 1 e<br />

2 c<br />

3 a<br />

4 d<br />

5 f<br />

6 b<br />

7 a went<br />

b had<br />

c was having<br />

d started<br />

e were sleeping<br />

Unit 5 <strong>Revision</strong><br />

Extra<br />

1 a tornado<br />

b wildfire<br />

c flood<br />

d hurricane<br />

e tsunami<br />

f earthquake<br />

g avalanche<br />

h thunder and lightning<br />

2 a quickly<br />

b slowly<br />

c well<br />

d carefully<br />

e calmly<br />

f easily<br />

g badly<br />

h noisily<br />

3 a I was watching my<br />

favourite TV programme.<br />

b It was raining all day.<br />

c He wasn’t doing his<br />

homework.<br />

d They were listening to the<br />

news on the radio.<br />

e We weren’t waiting for<br />

them after school.<br />

4 a Was, eating<br />

Yes, he was.<br />

b Were, playing<br />

No, they weren’t.<br />

c Was, swimming<br />

Yes, she was.<br />

d Was, reading<br />

No, she wasn’t.<br />

e Were, windsurfing<br />

Yes, they were.<br />

f Was, wearing<br />

Yes, he was.<br />

5 a was listening to<br />

b stopped<br />

c was playing<br />

d happened<br />

e had, was driving<br />

f were doing, came<br />

g was swimming, heard<br />

Unit 5 Extension<br />

1 a was<br />

b was<br />

c found<br />

d presented<br />

e met<br />

f told<br />

g was falling<br />

h changed<br />

i was beginning<br />

j met<br />

k were<br />

l received<br />

m was<br />

n was getting<br />

2 a Roland Emmerich directed<br />

the film.<br />

b It was released in 2004.<br />

c Dennis Quaid played the<br />

part of the main character.<br />

d The world’s climate<br />

changed suddenly.<br />

e There were only a few<br />

days to save the world.<br />

3 Students’ own answers<br />

4 Students’ own answers<br />


Pairwork<br />

Worksheet 1A............................................... 1<br />

Worksheet 1B............................................... 2<br />

Worksheet 2A............................................... 3<br />

Worksheet 2B............................................... 4<br />

Worksheet 3A............................................... 5<br />

Worksheet 3B............................................... 6<br />

Worksheet 4A............................................... 7<br />

Worksheet 4B............................................... 8<br />

Worksheet 5A............................................... 9<br />

Worksheet 5B.............................................10<br />

Worksheet 6A.............................................11<br />

Worksheet 6B.............................................12<br />

Worksheet 7A.............................................13<br />

Worksheet 7B.............................................14<br />

Worksheet 8A.............................................15<br />

Worksheet 8B.............................................16<br />

Worksheet 9A.............................................17<br />

Worksheet 9B.............................................18<br />

Worksheets 1A & 1B Teacher’s Notes ....19<br />

Worksheets 2A & 2B Teacher’s Notes ....20<br />

Worksheets 3A & 3B Teacher’s Notes ....21<br />

Worksheets 4A & 4B Teacher’s Notes ....22<br />

Worksheets 5A & 5B Teacher’s Notes ....23<br />

Worksheets 6A & 6B Teacher’s Notes ....24<br />

Worksheets 7A & 7B Teacher’s Notes ....25<br />

Worksheets 8A & 8B Teacher’s Notes ....26<br />

Worksheets 9A & 9B Teacher’s Notes ....27<br />



Pairwork<br />

Student A<br />

1 Look at the picture. Imagine that you saw all these events yesterday. Then prepare to describe it to<br />

a partner, using past tenses. For example, There was a tornado. There were two cats in a tree.<br />

2 Student B is going to draw your picture. Describe it and answer your partner’s questions, giving as<br />

much detail as possible.<br />

3 Listen to your partner’s description and draw the picture. When Student B finishes, ask questions<br />

to help make your picture perfect.<br />

4 Compare your picture with your partner’s worksheet.<br />

Worksheet 5A<br />


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Pairwork<br />

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Student B<br />

Worksheet 5B<br />

1 Look at the picture. Imagine that you saw all these events yesterday. Then prepare to describe it<br />

to a partner, using past tenses. For example, There were two children. They were telling people<br />

about the tsunami.<br />

2 Listen to your partner’s description and draw the picture. When Student A finishes, ask questions<br />

to help make your picture perfect.<br />

3 Compare your picture with your partner’s worksheet.<br />

4 Student A is going to draw your picture. Describe it and answer your partner’s questions, giving as<br />

much detail as possible.<br />


Pairwork 5A & 5B<br />

Language<br />

there was / there were<br />

Prepositions of place<br />

Past continuous<br />

Student’s Book reference<br />

Pages 60–71<br />

Instructions<br />

1 Divide the class in half and give one half worksheet 5A and one half worksheet 5B.<br />

2 Ask students to look at their picture carefully, and write notes about what they can see.<br />

3 Put students in pairs so that one student has worksheet 5A and the other has worksheet 5B. Tell<br />

students they are going to describe their picture so that their partner can draw it. Ask Student<br />

A to begin describing and Student B to draw. Tell them to imagine they saw the scene and ask<br />

them to use the past continuous and there was / there were appropriately.<br />

4 When Student A finishes describing, encourage Student B to ask questions for more information<br />

e.g. Were there any animals Where was the old man; on the left or on the right<br />

5 Students reverse roles so that Student B describes and Student A draws.<br />

6 Ask students to compare their drawings with the original.<br />

Answers<br />

See pictures<br />

Optional activities<br />

1 Use the pictures as a memory game. Ask students to look at and memorize their partner’s picture<br />

for one minute. Then one student looks at the picture and asks questions, e.g. How many trees<br />

were there and their partner answers from memory. Then students change roles and use the<br />

other picture.<br />

2 Ask students to write a description of their partner’s picture from memory.<br />

Teacher’s Notes<br />


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23<br />


Translation<br />

& Dictation<br />

Translation<br />

Worksheet 1.................................1<br />

Worksheet 2...........................2<br />

Worksheet 3...........................3<br />

Worksheet 4...........................4<br />

Worksheet 5...........................5<br />

Worksheet 6...........................6<br />

Worksheet 7...........................7<br />

Worksheet 8...........................8<br />

Worksheet 9...........................9<br />

Dictation<br />

Worksheet 1.........................10<br />

Worksheet 2.........................11<br />

Worksheet 3.........................12<br />

Worksheet 4.........................13<br />

Worksheet 5.........................14<br />

Worksheet 6.........................15<br />

Worksheet 7.........................16<br />

Worksheet 8.............................. 17<br />

Worksheet 9.............................. 18<br />


Translation<br />

& Dictation

Translation Worksheet 5<br />

1 Past continuous: affirmative and negative<br />

a It was raining hard, but the wind wasn’t blowing.<br />

b I was waiting for a train at midnight yesterday.<br />

c We weren’t laughing at you, I promise!<br />

d He wasn’t expecting their visit.<br />

e The people were running away from the flood.<br />

f The helicopter was searching for the swimmers.<br />

2 Past continuous: questions and short answers<br />

a Was your sister working last night Yes, she was.<br />

b Who was eating noisily<br />

c Why were you taking a photo of the tornado<br />

d Were they having lunch at that time No, they weren’t.<br />

e What was he thinking about<br />

f Was I talking in my sleep Yes, you were!<br />

3 Past simple and past continuous<br />

a What were you listening to when I arrived<br />

b I was skiing when the avalanche started.<br />

c They weren’t feeling very well when I saw them.<br />

d They were shouting angrily when he walked in.<br />

e She fell asleep while she was driving.<br />

f The storm started while they were fishing at the lake.<br />

g He wasn’t listening when his teacher told them what to do for homework.<br />

4 <strong>Revision</strong><br />

When I was little I hated thunder and lightning. One day I was at home with my mother and my<br />

sister, and a storm started. My mother decided to make a cake and we forgot about the weather.<br />

While we were helping my mother in the kitchen, lightning struck the house and the lights went<br />

off. We sat on the kitchen floor and my mother sang to us. When my father came home, we were<br />

sitting on the floor, singing Beatles’ songs and eating cake. Now, I love storms and I often go for<br />

walks in the rain.<br />


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Dictation Worksheet 5<br />

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1 21 Past continuous: affirmative<br />

a I was running in the park yesterday morning.<br />

b Our team was playing a match at ten o’clock.<br />

c They were talking noisily!<br />

d They were studying the tsunami in geography last week.<br />

e It was snowing here last week!<br />

2 22 Past continuous: negative<br />

a I wasn’t carrying an umbrella.<br />

b They weren’t playing football.<br />

c They weren’t waiting for you.<br />

d You weren’t looking!<br />

e He wasn’t helping us.<br />

3 23 Past continuous: questions and short answers<br />

a ‘Were you listening’ ‘No, I wasn’t. Sorry.’<br />

b What was he writing about<br />

c ‘Was she wearing her new uniform’ ‘Yes, she was.’<br />

d ‘Were you driving fast’ ‘No, we weren’t. We were driving carefully.’<br />

e What were you doing before the earthquake<br />

4 24 Past simple and past continuous<br />

a We were walking near the river when lightning struck.<br />

b While they were performing the guitarist fell over.<br />

c I was eating my breakfast when I saw the news.<br />

d The volcano erupted while he was visiting the island.<br />

e While I was watching a horror film on TV, I heard a noise upstairs.<br />

5 25 <strong>Revision</strong><br />

We were sleeping when the earthquake happened. It was a small earthquake and my parents and I<br />

didn’t wake up, but my brother was awake. He was going to the bathroom for some water when he<br />

fell. He hit his head on the door. He thought he was dreaming and he went back to bed. The next<br />

morning, we didn’t believe his story, but then we saw the news on the television while we were<br />

having breakfast.<br />


Culture &<br />

Across the<br />

curriculum<br />

worksheets<br />

Culture<br />

Worksheet 1................................... 1<br />

Teacher’s Notes 1............................ 2<br />

Worksheet 2................................... 3<br />

Teacher’s Notes 2............................ 4<br />

Worksheet 3................................... 5<br />

Teacher’s Notes 3............................ 6<br />

Worksheet 4................................... 7<br />

Teacher’s Notes 4............................ 8<br />

Worksheet 5................................... 9<br />

Teacher’s Notes 5.......................... 10<br />

Worksheet 6................................. 11<br />

Teacher’s Notes 6.......................... 12<br />

Worksheet 7................................. 13<br />

Teacher’s Notes 7.......................... 14<br />

Worksheet 8................................. 15<br />

Teacher’s Notes 8.......................... 16<br />

Worksheet 9................................. 17<br />

Teacher’s Notes 9.......................... 18<br />

Across the curriculum<br />

Music, Worksheet 1....................... 19<br />

Music, Teacher’s Notes 1................ 20<br />

History, Worksheet 2..................... 21<br />

History, Teacher’s Notes 2.............. 22<br />

History, Worksheet 3..................... 23<br />

History, Teacher’s Notes 3.............. 24<br />

Literature, Worksheet 4................. 25<br />

Literature, Teacher’s Notes 4.......... 26<br />

Geography, Worksheet 5................ 27<br />

Geography, Teacher’s Notes 5......... 28<br />

ICT, Worksheet 6........................... 29<br />

ICT, Teacher’s Notes 6.................... 30<br />

Science, Worksheet 7..................... 31<br />

Science, Teacher’s Notes 7............. 32<br />

Science, Worksheet 8..................... 33<br />

Science, Teacher’s Notes 8............. 34<br />

Literature, Worksheet 9................. 35<br />

Literature, Teacher’s Notes 9.......... 36<br />


Culture & Across<br />

the curriculum

Culture The USA Worksheet 5<br />

1 Find these things on the USA culture page.<br />

a five types of building<br />

b five cities<br />

c five fruits or vegetables<br />

d four verbs related to cooking<br />

2 Find these events and put them in the correct chronological order.<br />

a The first subway system started.<br />

b Coca-Cola® first appeared in shops.<br />

c The first students went to Harvard.<br />

d The first bank in the USA opened.<br />

e Chicago’s first skyscraper was built.<br />

f Americans could buy their first stamps.<br />

3 Match the words to make phrases and then find them on the USA culture page.<br />

a pork<br />

b bread<br />

c deep-dish<br />

d pizza<br />

e cream<br />

1 pizza<br />

2 cheese<br />

3 toppings<br />

4 rolls<br />

5 ribs<br />

4 Read the text about Food in the USA. Are the sentences true or false<br />

a Chicago is famous for a type of hot dog.<br />

b Food in Chicago often has ketchup on it.<br />

c Bagels are originally from the USA.<br />

d Bagels are made from flour and sugar.<br />

e Meat is cooked slowly at a Kansas barbecue.<br />

f Green chiles are often used in New Mexico.<br />

5 Find words on the page for each of these definitions.<br />

a the opposite of thin .<br />

b ingredients you put on a pizza .<br />

c very important .<br />

d bread before you cook it .<br />

e a large variety .<br />


T / F<br />

T / F<br />

T / F<br />

T / F<br />

T / F<br />

T / F<br />

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Culture The USA Teacher’s Notes 5<br />

Aim To learn about aspects of American culture, focusing on the food. Students use Workbook<br />

page 129 followed by worksheet 5.<br />

Warm up<br />

• In pairs, give students two minutes to write down as many types of food and drink associated<br />

with the USA as they can think of.<br />

• Check their ideas. Ask them to look at page 129 and tell you if any of their ideas are there.<br />

Workbook<br />

1 Ask students to read the Check it out! box and the Facts & Figures. Ask what information about<br />

the USA is new for them.<br />

2 Ask students to read all the texts on the page and answer the Test your memory! questions.<br />

Test your memory! answers: 1782; Europe; very slowly, partly smoking it<br />

3 Hand out copies of worksheet 5. Ask students to complete exercises 1 to 3 from memory,<br />

without looking at the page.<br />

4 In pairs, ask students to compare their answers then allow them to read the page again to check<br />

answers.<br />

5 Exercises 4 and 5 could be done in class if there is time or set for homework. Fast finishers can be<br />

asked to add two to four definitions to exercise 5 for a partner to solve.<br />

6 Check the answers with the class.<br />

Web quest<br />

Ask students if they know the answer to the question in the Web quest box. If the students have<br />

computer access to the internet, ask them to follow the web link and find out about the languages<br />

given.<br />

Web quest answer: English 210 million, Spanish 22.4 million, French 1 million, Russian 334,615,<br />

German 90,000<br />

Worksheet Answer Key<br />

1 a bank, college, skyscraper, shops,<br />

restaurants<br />

b Chicago, Boston, New York City, Kansas<br />

City, Albuquerque<br />

c onions, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, green<br />

chiles<br />

d boil, bake, cook, smoke<br />

2 c – d – f – e – b – a<br />

3 a 5 b 4 c 1 d 3 e 2<br />

4 a True b False (Chicago food never has<br />

ketchup) c False (bagels are from Europe)<br />

d False (bagels are made from flour, water<br />

and salt) e True f True<br />

5 a thick b toppings c essential d dough<br />

e a wide range<br />


Across the curriculum Geography Worksheet 5<br />


1 Which words describe earthquakes and which words describe tsunamis Write the words in the<br />

box in the correct column.<br />

crust coastline epicentre faultline ocean inner core sea floor mantle outer core<br />

harbour tidal wave tectonic plate seismic wave<br />

the Earth and earthquakes<br />

the sea and tsunamis<br />

2 Can you find all the words from exercise 1 on Workbook pages 142 and 143 Which word isn’t<br />

there<br />

3 Complete the sentences with words from the texts on Workbook pages 142 and 143.<br />

a The<br />

b When<br />

c In Japanese, tsunami means<br />

d Tsunamis usually happen on the<br />

Scale measures the size of an earthquake.<br />

boundaries move they start an earthquake.<br />

wave.<br />

coastline.<br />

4 Find out about the Earth and complete the table. Use this information to write your text.<br />

What makes the tectonic plates of<br />

the Earth’s crust move<br />

Is the Earth solid or liquid<br />

How hot is the centre of the Earth<br />

Have you experienced an earthquake<br />

What earthquakes do you know about<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />

27<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />


28<br />

Across the curriculum Geography Teacher’s Notes 5<br />

Aim To learn about aspects of geography, focusing on earthquakes and tsunamis. Students<br />

use Workbook pages 142–143 followed by worksheet 5.<br />

Warm up<br />

Play hangman with the words EARTHQUAKE, TSUNAMI and TIDAL WAVE. Ask students which two<br />

of the words mean something similar.<br />

Answers: tsunami and tidal wave<br />

Workbook<br />

1 Ask students to do exercises 1 and 2.<br />

2 In pairs, ask students to compare their answers. Check answers with the class.<br />

3 Ask students if there are ever earthquakes in their country, and if so, if they have felt one.<br />

Exercise 1 answers: a faultline b epicentre c focus d crust e outer core f mantle<br />

g inner core h tectonic plates i plate boundaries<br />

Exercise 2 answers: 1 focus 2 crust 3 edges 4 seismometer 5 energy is released<br />

4 Ask students to do exercise 3.<br />

5 In pairs, ask students to compare their answers. Check answers with the class.<br />

Exercise 3 answers: 1 False (a tsunami is a series of waves) 2 True 3 True 4 True<br />

5 False (they can travel up rivers) 6 True<br />

6 Ask fast finishers to correct the false statements in exercise 3.<br />


Hand out copies of worksheet 5 and ask students to complete exercises 1–4. Ask them to prepare<br />

their texts and poster using the information and notes on their worksheet. Tell them they may<br />

choose which aspects to include by either using their answers to the first three questions in the<br />

table or the last two. Encourage students to find or draw illustrations and design a poster to display<br />

the information. Use the posters as a wall display and ask the class to vote for the most informative<br />

and the most attractive.<br />

Worksheet Answer Key<br />

1 earth and earthquakes: crust, epicentre, faultline, inner core, mantle, outer core, tectonic<br />

plate, seismic wave; sea and tsunamis: coastline, ocean, sea floor, harbour, tidal wave<br />

2 ocean isn’t there<br />

3 a Richter b plate c harbour d Pacific<br />


English<br />

sketches<br />

Character profiles.............................1<br />

Sketch Units 1-3 Script.....................2<br />

Sketch Units 4-6 Script.....................3<br />

Sketch Units 7-9 Script.....................4<br />

Sketch Units 1-3 Teacher’s Notes.......5<br />

Sketch Units 4-6 Teacher’s Notes.......6<br />

Sketch Units 7-9 Teacher’s Notes.......7<br />


English sketches

English sketches Units 1–9<br />

Character profiles<br />

1 Think about your main character<br />

and complete the profile with<br />

your ideas.<br />

2 Find out about the different<br />

characters in your group.<br />

Character 1<br />

Name: _______________________ Age: ______<br />

Brothers and sisters: ______________________<br />

Favourite sport: __________________________<br />

Favourite music: _________________________<br />

Favourite clothes: ________________________<br />

Favourite colour: _________________________<br />

Hobbies: _________________________________<br />

Personality: ______________________________<br />

Character 3<br />

Character 2<br />

Name: _______________________ Age: ______<br />

Brothers and sisters: ______________________<br />

Favourite sport: __________________________<br />

Favourite music: _________________________<br />

Favourite clothes: ________________________<br />

Favourite colour: _________________________<br />

Hobbies: ________________________________<br />

Personality: _____________________________<br />

Name: _______________________ Age: ______<br />

Brothers and sisters: ______________________<br />

Favourite sport: __________________________<br />

Favourite music: _________________________<br />

Favourite clothes: ________________________<br />

Favourite colour: _________________________<br />

Hobbies: ________________________________<br />

Personality: _____________________________<br />

Character 4<br />

Name: _______________________ Age: ______<br />

Brothers and sisters: ______________________<br />

Favourite sport: __________________________<br />

Favourite music: _________________________<br />

Favourite clothes: ________________________<br />

Favourite colour: _________________________<br />

Hobbies: ________________________________<br />

Personality: ______________________________<br />

Character 5<br />

Name: _______________________ Age: ______<br />

Brothers and sisters: ______________________<br />

Favourite sport: __________________________<br />

Favourite music: _________________________<br />

Favourite clothes: ________________________<br />

Favourite colour: _________________________<br />

Hobbies: _________________________________<br />

Personality: _____________________________<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />

1<br />


English sketches Units 4–6<br />

Script<br />

Characters<br />

Girls Annie, Meg Boys Pete, Joe Man Neil<br />

In the mountains<br />

Annie<br />

Meg<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

At the house<br />

Pete<br />

Joe<br />

Annie<br />

Meg<br />

Pete<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

Meg<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

Meg<br />

I love skiing, but this is crazy. It was sunny<br />

an hour ago, but now ...!<br />

This storm is getting worse and the sky’s<br />

getting darker. It’s getting colder too.<br />

Yes. It’s more difficult to ski now.<br />

I don’t like this. It’s very snowy and windy.<br />

There could be an avalanche soon. Let’s<br />

find somewhere to rest. We should wait for<br />

the storm to pass.<br />

I saw a small house down to the left a few<br />

minutes ago. We should try and find that.<br />

There was a light at the window.<br />

OK. Come on then. Let’s go.<br />

We’re here. That was hard work!<br />

Hello! Hello-o!<br />

A light’s on in the window, but the house is<br />

empty.<br />

What should we do It’s dark now.<br />

I know. We can’t ski down.<br />

Look! The door’s open. We should go in<br />

– the storm is getting stronger!<br />

It’s strange. The door’s open but there<br />

aren’t any people inside.<br />

There’s food on the table.<br />

Yes. And the television is on. They were<br />

watching a music programme.<br />

They left quickly … why<br />

I don’t like it. There should be somebody<br />

here.<br />

There’s some bread and milk.<br />

We shouldn’t touch it. This isn’t our house!<br />

But I’m hungry … and cold!<br />

There was some wood outside. We should<br />

make a fire. Come on, Pete.<br />

Back at the house (two minutes later)<br />

Meg<br />

Annie<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

Joe<br />

Meg<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Quick! Close the door! There was a strange<br />

animal out there.<br />

A strange animal<br />

Yes. We saw it for a moment. It had four<br />

legs and four arms!<br />

Was it a monster<br />

Or a dream Monsters don’t exist.<br />

It had strange hair and it was walking<br />

slowly towards the house.<br />

It was probably …<br />

Listen! I heard a noise. Something was<br />

banging on the door a moment ago!<br />

Meg<br />

Annie<br />

Meg<br />

Joe<br />

Annie<br />

Pete<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Meg<br />

Annie<br />

Pete<br />

Joe<br />

Pete<br />

Annie<br />

Neil<br />

Meg<br />

Neil<br />

Annie<br />

Neil<br />

Meg<br />

Neil<br />

Joe<br />

I’m scared. Turn the lights off. And the<br />

television. Quickly!<br />

Oh no! I saw it! It was at the window!<br />

There was a face there at the window.<br />

And it had four arms, like Pete said. It was<br />

waving two of its arms!<br />

I saw it too. It was shouting. I couldn’t hear<br />

it because of the storm, but it was moving<br />

its mouth angrily.<br />

What should we do I’m really scared now.<br />

Are all the doors and windows closed<br />

Call the police! Where’s my mobile<br />

I don’t know!<br />

Oh no! I left it at the hotel.<br />

What can the police do in this storm<br />

Listen! The thing is here in the house! It<br />

broke a window! It’s in the kitchen!<br />

We should do something! We need … the<br />

milk!<br />

The milk<br />

Yes. Open the door and throw the milk at<br />

the monster! It’s cold. Ready<br />

One, two, three, ... NOW!<br />

YEUCH! Couldn’t you hear me I was trying<br />

to get you to open the door!<br />

Who are you<br />

Who am I This is my house! Who are you<br />

Oh. Oh no. Oh dear. Sorry. Do you need a<br />

towel We were in the storm and we saw<br />

the house and … oh dear.<br />

I only went outside for a minute! I left my<br />

keys and skis in the car and I went to get<br />

them! Why did you close the doors<br />

[laughing] You were carrying skis Ah, four<br />

arms. It wasn’t a monster or a ghost. It was<br />

you!<br />

And why did you throw the milk at me I’m<br />

freezing!<br />

We’re so sorry. What’s your name We can<br />

make a fire, and I can explain.<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />

3<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />


6<br />

English sketches<br />

Units 4-6<br />

1 Put students in groups of four or five.<br />

Note: Neil should be played by the student who plays Pete.<br />

2 Give each group a copy of the character profiles on page 1. Then give each student a copy of the<br />

script on page 3.<br />

3 Ask students to listen to the sketch and read the script and then, as a group, decide which<br />

pictures illustrate the characters. On the board, write: Where are the friends at the beginning<br />

Where do they go What happens at the end Elicit answers. Play the audio clip again, if<br />

necessary.<br />

4 Ask students to decide which character they want to be. They listen to the sketch and read<br />

the script again. They should then complete their character profile with their own ideas, bearing<br />

in mind their character’s personality. Once they have done this, they complete profiles for other<br />

characters.<br />

5 Students discuss and justify their ideas within their groups, referring to the completed profiles.<br />

6 Sitting in a circle, students read through the entire script in their groups. They should focus<br />

on pronunciation and being their character. Play the audio clip again, if necessary.<br />

7 Students repeat step 6, but standing up. They then do it again, but this time placing their hand<br />

on the shoulder of the character they are speaking to. As they repeat the sketch, they will<br />

memorize at least part of it.<br />

8 Allocate each group an area of the classroom to rehearse their sketches, using props and moving<br />

around, until they are ready to perform.<br />

Optional activities<br />

Teacher’s Notes<br />

This sketch can be recorded as a radio play, and uploaded onto a class website as a podcast.<br />

Alternatively, it can be videoed for students to watch.<br />

Stronger groups can write a continuation to the sketch, when the friends are explaining what<br />

happened to Neil, and making plans for how to spend the night. Ask students to discuss what they<br />

are going to talk about, and brainstorm ideas onto the board. Groups then write their ending,<br />

practise it and perform the scene for their classmates.<br />

Weaker groups can re-write the final section of the sketch, substituting Neil’s reaction when he sees<br />

the people in his house. Remind them that the alternative reaction must be convincing! The weaker<br />

groups then practise and perform the final section of the sketch to their classmates.<br />

Audio clips with recordings of the English sketches are available on the Dictations CD.<br />


1<br />

tor<br />

M has specially designed software so that unique tests can be<br />

use as: Unit Progress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Tests.<br />

files for Listening tasks can be listened to on a CD player.<br />

ROM<br />

M contains:<br />

Word files and ready-to-print Pdf files of all photocopiable<br />

igned for classroom use. (These include: Diagnostic Test,<br />

gress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Test.)<br />

of two complete exam-like tests (przykładowe zestawy<br />

acyjne) at the basic level.<br />

es for the Listening tasks.<br />

files can be listened to on a CD player.<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-035-3<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

CD<br />

contains all the Dictations and English Sketches files from the<br />

ource File.<br />

tor<br />

Limited 2009<br />

acmillan Polska 2011<br />

cmillan Publishers Ltd / ImageSource,<br />

td / Pixtal, <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd /<br />

illan.pl<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-035-3<br />

dition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

er.<br />

sts Multi-ROM<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-035-3<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

ted 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

-3<br />

t and<br />

llegal.<br />

9 788376 210353<br />

Workbook CD<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

Interactive Classroom<br />

Multi-level worksheets<br />

Pairwork<br />

Translation & Dictation<br />

Grammar bank<br />

Zaimki osobowe W rozmowie używamy często skróconych<br />

form.<br />

Singular<br />

plural<br />

Inna jest kolejność wyrazów w zdaniach<br />

twierdzących i pytających.<br />

W języku angielskim podmiot lub zaimek<br />

Zaimki pytające<br />

osobowy w funkcji podmiotu są w zdaniu<br />

niezbędne.<br />

6<br />

You odnosi się zarówno do liczby<br />

pojedynczej, jak i mnogiej.<br />

He odnosi się do mężczyzny/chłopca, she Vocabulary −<br />

bank<br />

do kobiety/dziewczyny, a it − do przedmiotu<br />

lub zwierzęcia.<br />

affirmative<br />

Zaimki<br />

dzierżawcze<br />

negative<br />

Singular<br />

plural<br />

Culture: Ireland<br />

Your odnosi się zarówno do liczby<br />

pojedynczej, jak i mnogiej.<br />

His odnosi się do mężczyzny/chłopca, her −<br />

queStionS<br />

do kobiety/dziewczyny.<br />

Facts & Figures Ireland Scotland<br />

Population<br />

Population<br />

Its stosujemy w kontekście przedmiotów<br />

i zwierząt.<br />

Capital<br />

Capital<br />

Official languages<br />

Official languages<br />

Short anSwerS<br />

Dopełniacz saksoński<br />

Currency<br />

Currency<br />

Vocabulary plus<br />

Internet domain<br />

Internet domain<br />

‘s używamy po rzeczowniku/imieniu w liczbie<br />

pojedynczej<br />

1<br />

‘s używamy po rzeczowniku/imieniu w liczbie<br />

Across the curriculum<br />

pojedynczej kończącym się na s.<br />

Czasownika be używamy do mówienia o<br />

czyimś wieku, narodowości, itp.<br />

s’ używamy po rzeczowniku/imieniu w liczbie<br />

mnogiej.<br />

Techniques<br />

1<br />

2<br />

98<br />

Workbook CD<br />

Australia<br />

128<br />

Test your memory!<br />

Worksheet 5<br />


Family portraits<br />

2<br />

121<br />

Web quest<br />

www.gaa.ie/about-the-gea-/our-games/hurling<br />

136<br />

Workbook Extra contents<br />

Worksheet 7<br />

snow leopard<br />

Worksheet 5A<br />



Culture worksheets<br />

Across the curriculum<br />

worksheets<br />

English sketches<br />

well<br />

Extra Unit 5<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-040-7<br />

9 788376 210407<br />

safe<br />

dangerous<br />


© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009<br />

First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011<br />

Images from Corbis, <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd / ImageSource,<br />

<strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd / Pixtal, <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd /<br />

<strong>Macmillan</strong> Australia<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-035-3<br />

9 788376 210353<br />

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych<br />

1 Przeczytaj<br />

w parach<br />

odpowiedzi<br />

z treścią<br />

zawierające<br />

Finland<br />

but only 5 million people live there. The first<br />

impression you get looking out of an airplane<br />

window is that there are a lot of trees and lakes<br />

with a few small towns. However, Helsinki,<br />

Tampere and Turku are modern high-tech cities.<br />

In Lapland, in the north, you can visit Santa Claus<br />

and meet thousands of reindeer. Here you can<br />

also experience white nights in summer, when<br />

days are 24 hours long. There are plenty of things<br />

you can do in Finland, eg you can go cycling, 2<br />

sailing, horse riding or fishing. You can do winter<br />

sports from November till May because there is<br />

a lot of snow and when you get cold, you can<br />

relax in a sauna.<br />

1 What is Finland like<br />

Finland hasn’t got any cities, only a few small<br />

towns and many forests and lakes.<br />

2 Why are summer nights in Lapland unusual<br />

Summer nights are 24 hours long.<br />

3 How long is Finnish winter<br />

Winter in Finland is about 4 months long.<br />

3<br />

2 Przeczytaj<br />

zakryj<br />

informacje,<br />

Porównaj<br />

3 Zdecyduj,<br />

pytanie<br />

B lub<br />

The best title for the text is:<br />

A Lapland – the place you must visit<br />

B Finland has a lot to offer<br />

C Active holidays in Finland<br />

Znajomość funkcji językowych / Znajomość środków językowych<br />

1<br />

C Yes, you helped me a lot.<br />

2 –___<br />

– Try talking to your parents about it.<br />

A What are you going to do<br />

B What are you thinking about<br />

C What’s your advice<br />

3 – What does your star sign say about you<br />

–___<br />

A I don’t know. I don’t read horoscopes.<br />

B I was born on April 25th so I’m Taurus.<br />

C An Aries is stubborn and an Aquarius is<br />

sensitive.<br />

Zanim przeczytasz możliwe opcje,<br />

zastanów się, jak zareagowałbyś/<br />

zareagowałabyś w danej sytuacji.<br />

tIp<br />

w parach.<br />

Przeczytajcie tekst<br />

i zastanówcie się, jakie słowa<br />

każdej z luk 1–3.<br />

It’s hard to believe but Gok Wan,<br />

a British fashion stylist and TV<br />

presenter, hasn’t always been so<br />

slim. In fact, he was an extremely<br />

fat teenager. He (1)_ very<br />

unhappy because lots of kids at<br />

school bullied him. Nowadays Gok<br />

people look attractive and accept their<br />

bodies. For many years he (3)_ involved in<br />

supporting an anti-bullying charity Kidscape.<br />

przeczytaj tekst i w każdym<br />

podpunkcie a–c zakreśl odpowiednie słowo<br />

do danej luki.<br />

b) helps / helping c) was / has been<br />

w tekście wyrazy/zwroty, które<br />

zdecydować, jakie słowo będzie<br />

do każdej z luk.<br />

tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych<br />

wybierz właściwe, poprawne pod<br />

gramatycznym i leksykalnym<br />

luk 1–3. Zakreśl literę a, B lub C.<br />

Lucy has always been my best friend. I (1)_<br />

her for a long time. When we were kids we<br />

together all the time. Now we go to<br />

the same school and we always meet each other after<br />

lessons. Next Saturday, we (3)_ to Portugal<br />

together. I hope we’ll like it there.<br />

1 A will know B have known C knew<br />

2 A played B playing C have played<br />

3 A ‘re flying B fly C flying<br />

Przeczytaj tekst bez patrzenia na odpowiedzi.<br />

Spróbuj domyślić się, jakie słowo pasuje do<br />

każdej luki, a następnie sprawdź, czy twoje<br />

przypuszczenia się potwierdziły.<br />

Windows: This is an autorun<br />

CD. If the application<br />

does not start automatically,<br />

navigate to your CD-<br />

ROM drive (usually D:) and<br />

open the file macmi lan.htm<br />

in a web browser.<br />

Macintosh/Linux: Mount the<br />

CD (if necessary) and open the file<br />

macmi lan.htm<br />

in a web browser.<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

Windows: This is an auto-<br />

run CD. If the application<br />

does not start automatically,<br />

navigate to your CD-<br />

ROM drive (usually D:) and<br />

open the file<br />

macmi lan.htm<br />

in a web browser.<br />

Macintosh/Linux: Mount the<br />

CD (if necessary) and open the file<br />

macmi lan.htm in a web browser.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

li<br />

l<br />

tIp<br />

7 Pracujcie w parach. Podkreślcie wszystkie<br />

czasowniki w tekście zadania egzaminacyjnego.<br />

Zastanówcie się, jakich czasów użyto i dlaczego<br />

właśnie tych.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009<br />

First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011<br />

Images from Corbis, <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd / ImageSource,<br />

<strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd / Pixtal, <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Ltd /<br />

<strong>Macmillan</strong> Australia<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

Firs<br />

r<br />

li<br />

t Poli<br />

This recording is copyright and<br />

unauthorized copying is illegal.<br />

© <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2009. First Polish Edition © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Polska 2011.<br />

past simple He read my He didn’t read<br />

affirmative<br />

horoscope. the TV guide.<br />

I/You’ve (have) run a marathon.<br />

past<br />

It was getting It wasn’t<br />

He/She/It’s (has) won the<br />

continuous better. getting worse.<br />

We/You/They’ve<br />

Championship.<br />

present<br />

I’ve had a<br />

I haven’t had<br />

(have)<br />

climbed the mountain.<br />

perfect hard time at an easy time.<br />

school.<br />

Czasu present perfect używamy do mówienia<br />

o przeszłych doświadczeniach, gdy nie<br />

Czasu past simple używamy do mówienia<br />

wspominamy kiedy dokładnie miały miejsce.<br />

o wydarzeniach, które miały miejsce w przeszłości.<br />

Konstrukcja zdania dla wszystkich osób jest taka<br />

spelling rules for past participles<br />

sama. Czasowniki regularne przyjmują końcówkę<br />

-ed. Wykaz czasowników nieregularnych<br />

Most regular verbs: add ed. . play<br />

(irregular verbs) znajduje się na stronie 96.<br />

Czasu past continuous używamy do<br />

Regular verbs ending in e: : add d. receive<br />

mówienia o czynnościach, które trwały przez<br />

board games<br />

jakiś czas w przeszłości. Często występuje<br />

chess<br />

Regular verbs ending in consonant<br />

on w tym samym zdaniu razem z czasem<br />

console<br />

+ y: change y<br />

to<br />

i<br />

and add<br />

ed.<br />

past simple i zaimkami<br />

controller<br />

simple) i while (przed past continuous) i służy<br />

Regular verbs ending in consonant dice<br />

wówczas do opisu czynności, która była tłem<br />

+ vowel + consonant: double the draughts<br />

dla innych, krótko trwających czynności.<br />

final consonant and add ed.<br />

memory card<br />

pack of cards future<br />

Niektóre formy imiesłowowe czasowników software<br />

affirmative<br />

nieregularnych stosowane w czasie present<br />

stylus<br />

will<br />

perfect są takie same jak te używane w czasie<br />

past simple.<br />

had – had put – put<br />

be going to<br />

Others are different from the past simple of<br />

I’m looking for a …<br />

irregular verbs:<br />

I’m thinking of buying …<br />

saw – seen<br />

swam – swum<br />

I don’t think you should give him/her …<br />

Wykaz czasowników nieregularnych (irregular present<br />

verbs) znajduje się na stronie 96.<br />

continuous<br />

for future<br />

past<br />

affirmative<br />

negative<br />

Gustav Theodore Holst, born in<br />

present<br />

Will/won’t używamy do mówienia<br />

1874, is one of Britain’s most famous<br />

o wydarzeniach w przyszłości, co do których nie<br />

affirmative<br />

negative<br />

composers. He started composing when<br />

jesteśmy pewni, wiec są to tylko przypuszczenia.<br />

1 Sprawdź znaczenie podanych wyrazów. Jakie lubisz rodzaje gier komputerowych<br />

he was just 12 years old. As a child, he<br />

present They live in They don’t<br />

Be going to używamy do mówienia o planach<br />

simple Belfast. live in<br />

i zamierzeniach na przyszłośd.<br />

adventure strategy action role-play flight simulation<br />

London.<br />

racing<br />

Czasu sports<br />

present war<br />

continuous karaoke<br />

używamy life simulation<br />

również<br />

do mówienia o konkretnych, ustalonych<br />

present<br />

I’m doing my I’m not<br />

wcześniej planach na przyszłośd. Stosujemy<br />

continuous homework. doing the 2 Jakie rodzaje wówczas gier komputerowych dodatkowo okoliczniki przedstawiają czasu<br />

rysunki<br />

washing up.<br />

odnoszące się do przyszłości.<br />

1<br />

Czasu present simple używamy do mówienia<br />

The composer Andrew Lloyd Webber was born in<br />

o nawykach i zwyczajach.<br />

London in 1948. He started composing at the age<br />

Czasu present continuous używamy do<br />

present past future<br />

of six and published his first work when he was<br />

mówienia o czynnościach, które mają miejsce<br />

w momencie mówienia o nich.<br />

only nine years old. Some of Lloyd 1 Połącz słowa z ich definicjami.<br />

Webber’s musicals have run for<br />

1 a bracelet<br />

a) containers, often used for food<br />

more than ten years in the West<br />

2 drains<br />

b) a piece of jewellery that goes around your wrist<br />

End of London or on Broadway in<br />

3 an artefact<br />

c) a place where people live together<br />

New York. Some of his most famous<br />

4 mud<br />

d) a deep hole dug in the ground to provide water<br />

musicals are The Phantom of the<br />

5 a settlement<br />

e) the system of passages for water and waste in a town or city<br />

Opera, Cats, Evita and Jesus Christ<br />

3<br />

6 a well<br />

f) a man-made object<br />

Superstar.<br />

7 a brick<br />

g) a mixture of water and earth<br />

8 pots<br />

h) a block for building houses<br />

1 Find these things on the Canada culture page.<br />

a five mammals<br />

b four Canadian cities<br />

c four adjectives for origins or nationalities<br />

d three sports<br />

2 Find these dates and numbers. What do they refer to<br />

a 1974<br />

c 7,821<br />

e second<br />

1 there is<br />

/<br />

are with a /an, some<br />

and<br />

a There’s a very old cooker in this house.<br />

Yesterday<br />

song in the world.<br />

Which is the most recorded song in the world<br />

Can you name one of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s<br />

musicals<br />

When did the tradition of choral singing start<br />

in Britain<br />

3 Read the Check it out!<br />

b There’s an office on the second floor.<br />

a The longest national highway in the c There world isn’t the<br />

a telephone here, but there’s one on the corner.<br />

d Is there a free chair Yes, there is. This one is free.<br />

b The largest city in Canada has over 5 million people. It is called<br />

e There’s some chocolate here if you’d like some.<br />

c The Great Slave Lake is the<br />

f<br />

There isn’t any hot water, but there are four bedrooms!<br />

d 5.5 million people in Canada are<br />

g Are there any good songs on your 1 Read computer the information Yes, there about are. Listen six teenage to this one.<br />

boys.<br />

e The sport<br />

Carl<br />

4 Read the text about The traditional lifestyle h There of are the some Inuit<br />

police officers near the hospital. How strange!<br />

I’m friendly and cheerful,<br />

a The Inuit people always lived in Canada.<br />

but sometimes stubborn. I<br />

i<br />

Are there any supermarkets in your village No, there<br />

love aren’t,<br />

travelling but there’s<br />

and extreme<br />

a small shop.<br />

b The Inuit people have never been farmers.<br />

sports. I’ve been to 25<br />

different countries! I’m<br />

c The Inuit people are traditionally hunters, but they don’t fish.<br />

j<br />

There isn’t a den in my garden, but there’s an old swimming going to pool. study geography at<br />

d The Inuit people traditionally ate caribou and foxes.<br />

university.<br />

Types of transport<br />

e They used animal skins to make tools.<br />

2 much, many<br />

and<br />

1 Look at the pictures and label the types of transport.<br />

5 Read the texts about<br />

correct city after each fact.<br />

a There isn’t much food in the fridge.<br />

tram the underground motorbike ferry moped barge<br />

Kyle<br />

b How much snow is there here in winter<br />

a French is the only official language.<br />

I’m funny and friendly, a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

c There’s a lot of water on the bathroom floor. but sometimes jealous and<br />

b It is in the east of the country.<br />

moody. I like music, football<br />

d How many friends of yours are there at the party<br />

c You can go skiing and sailing on the same day.<br />

and going out with my<br />

e There aren’t many comfortable chairs here. friends. I’ve been to a lot of<br />

d It is more than four hundred years old.<br />

f<br />

There aren’t many good films on at the cinema.<br />

football matches. I want to<br />

e The quality of life is good.<br />

study engineering.<br />

g There’s a lot of traffic in this town.<br />

h There isn’t much noise here. It’s nice.<br />

6 Find words on the page for each of these definitions.<br />

motorbike<br />

i<br />

Is there much pollution where you live No, there isn’t.<br />

a go around<br />

j<br />

There are a lot of people at the leisure centre. Josh<br />

b important road<br />

I’m stubborn, loyal dand<br />

c principal<br />

3 <strong>Revision</strong><br />

sometimes selfish. I don’t<br />

d where ships come in to land<br />

I love Paris. There’s a lot of traffic and there are often a<br />

like lot<br />

parties of tourists,<br />

or the but<br />

beach,<br />

there are also a lot of<br />

beautiful places. It’s fantastic in spring because there are<br />

but a<br />

I lot<br />

like of<br />

shopping gardens and<br />

and<br />

parks, and I love<br />

e the opposite of shallow<br />

walking there. There are lots and lots of flowers and it’s<br />

computer very romantic.<br />

games. Near<br />

I’ve the<br />

never<br />

river, there are<br />

some cafés with tables and chairs on the street. There aren’t<br />

been to many<br />

another cars in<br />

country<br />

that area, so I love having<br />

f<br />

parts of a skeleton<br />

croissants for breakfast there. I’m going with my parents<br />

and this<br />

I don’t April.<br />

want Lucky<br />

to!<br />

me.<br />

any<br />

2 You are going to ask your partner about six teenage girls called Julie, Shelley, Imogen, Molly,<br />

Rachel and Nicole. Prepare questions<br />

Health to ask,<br />

problems using these<br />

and prompts.<br />

first aid<br />

a What / like<br />

2 Complete the sentences with a correct word in the box.<br />

b What / enjoy doing<br />

headache sunburn insect bite stomach ache temperature<br />

c What / hate doing<br />

sore throat cut antiseptic cream medicine broken leg<br />

d What / done<br />

e Where / been<br />

a She’s got a blocked nose and a sore throat . She’s got a cold.<br />

f<br />

What / going to study<br />

The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro<br />

The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro existed more than 4,000 years ago<br />

in the Indus Valley in South Asia. People from the Indus Valley<br />

Choirs are very civilization popular in lived there between 2600 and 1900 BC<br />

Britain. The tradition Daro means of choral Mound of the Dead. Nobody lives there today, but<br />

singing began in archaeologists the 15th and think that more than 35,000 people lived there in the<br />

16th centuries when past. the The first city is about 1.5 square kilometres in size. The ruins of the<br />

choirs started in city, King’s in Pakistan, College, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.<br />

Cambridge and Christ Church<br />

Cathedral, Oxford. Now choirs are<br />

more popular than ever.<br />

c I’ve got a terrible<br />

. It feels like my head is going to explode!<br />

3 Work in pairs. Answer questions about your people. Then match the boys and girls to make six<br />

couples.<br />

d A mosquito bit me and now I’ve got an .<br />

e He spent too long in the sun yesterday and now he’s got .<br />

4 Change partners and tell your new partner which people you think make good couples and why.<br />

f I’m taking cough for this terrible cough I’ve got.<br />

38<br />

First Street<br />

2 Przeczytaj teksty i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.<br />

a) … Mound of Indus. b) … Mountain of Death.<br />

b) 15<br />

c) 5.1<br />

3 Many house walls in First Street …<br />

a) … aren’t there any more. b) … are still there.<br />

c) … are underground.<br />

b Peter’s got a fever. He has a high<br />

e<br />

Houses<br />

Indus Valley<br />

Civilization<br />

4 Archaeologists found a system of ... in the houses.<br />

a) towns<br />

b) drains<br />

c) roads<br />

5 They made … from mud.<br />

a) walls<br />

b) wells<br />

c) bricks<br />

of forty degrees.<br />

g My dad won’t walk properly for a few weeks because of his .<br />

h My mum injured her hand with a knife when she was chopping vegetables for dinner.<br />

Now she has to wear a bandage because she’s got a very bad<br />

.<br />

i<br />

Emily ate some bad food at the restaurant and now she’s got a<br />

.<br />

j<br />

If you have a bite from an insect, you should put some<br />

on it.<br />

f<br />

Workbook<br />

Tests Multi-Pack 1<br />

Interactive<br />

Classroom<br />

Teacher’s Resource File<br />

Vocabulary bank<br />

Student’s Book<br />

Voices 1 Teacher’s Book Fiona Mauchline<br />

Voices 2<br />

Test Generator<br />

Teacher’s Book<br />

Class CDs<br />

Katherine &<br />

Steve Bilsborough<br />

Class CDs<br />

This Multi-ROM has specially designed software so that unique tests can be<br />

generated for use as: Unit Progress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Tests.<br />

All the audio files for Listening tasks should be listened to on a CD player.<br />

Tests Multi-ROM<br />

This Multi-ROM contains:<br />

• Editable Word files and ready-to-print Pdf files of all photocopiable<br />

tests designed for classroom use. (These include: Diagnostic Test,<br />

Unit Progress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Test.)<br />

• Pdf files of two complete exam-like tests (przykładowe zestawy<br />

egzaminacyjne) at the basic level.<br />

• Audio files for the Listening tasks.<br />

All the audio files should be listened to on a CD player.<br />

Dictations CD<br />

This audio CD contains all the Dictations and English Sketches files from the<br />

Teacher’s Resource File.<br />

www.macmillan.pl<br />

Student’s CD<br />

Fiona Mauchline<br />

Exam Builder<br />

Student’s CD<br />

Voices 2<br />

Tests Multi-Pack<br />

Includes<br />

Test Generator<br />

Tests Multi-ROM<br />

Dictations CD<br />

Zadanieegzaminacyjne<br />

Zadanieegzaminacyjne1<br />

Exam Builder pages<br />

Tests Multi-Pack<br />

This is a Multi-ROM. You<br />

should listen to the audio<br />

on a normal CD player.<br />

<strong>Macmillan</strong> Publi<br />

©<br />

Dictations CD<br />

www.macmillan.pl<br />

This audio CD contains all the Dictations and English Sketches files from the<br />

Teacher’s Resource File.<br />

Test Generator<br />

This is a Multi-ROM. You<br />

should listen to the audio<br />

on a normal CD player.<br />

Tests Multi-Pack<br />

Test Generator<br />

Tests Multi-Rom<br />

Dictations CD<br />

8<br />

Zadanieegzaminacyjne2<br />

109<br />

9<br />

121<br />

Voices 1<br />

Test Generator<br />

This Multi-ROM has specially designed software so that unique tests can be<br />

generated for use as: Unit Progress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Tests.<br />

All the audio files for Listening tasks can be listened to on a CD player.<br />

Tests Multi-ROM<br />

This Multi-ROM contains:<br />

• Editable Word files and ready-to-print Pdf files of all photocopiable<br />

tests designed for classroom use. (These include: Diagnostic Test,<br />

Unit Progress Tests, <strong>Revision</strong> Tests and End-of-Year Test.)<br />

• Pdf files of two complete exam-like tests (przykładowe zestawy<br />

egzaminacyjne) at the basic level.<br />

• Audio files for the Listening tasks.<br />

All the audio files can be listened to on a CD player.<br />

Dictations CD<br />

www.macmillan.pl<br />

Tests Multi-ROM<br />

l sh Ed<br />

Workbook<br />

Tests Multi-Pack 1<br />

Student’s CD<br />

Interactive Classroom<br />

Interactive<br />

Classroom<br />

Teacher’s Resource File<br />

Multi-level worksheets<br />

Pairwork<br />

Grammar bank<br />

Present perfect: affirmative<br />

Present perfect: zdania twierdzące<br />

Tense review Powtórka czasów<br />

Vocabulary plus<br />

Workbook CD<br />

Translation & Dictation<br />

114<br />

Vocabulary bank<br />

Games<br />

Useful expressions<br />

Computer games<br />

Check it out!<br />

The longest-running musical in London’s West End<br />

is Les Misérables. It opened in 1985!<br />

The Beatles’ song Yesterday is the most recorded<br />

There are about 67 symphony orchestras in Britain<br />

(60 in England, 5 in Scotland and 2 in Wales).<br />

Andrew Lloyd Webber and<br />

West End musicals<br />

Test your memory!<br />

Culture Canada Worksheet 3<br />

Translation Worksheet 3<br />

Pairwork<br />

Student A<br />

Choirs<br />

138<br />

Culture worksheets<br />

Across the curriculum<br />

worksheets<br />

English sketches<br />

6<br />

Lost cities<br />

121<br />

Holst and<br />

The Planets<br />

ales)<br />

Across the curriculum<br />

First Street is the most famous street in Mohenjo-Daro;<br />

ISBN 978-83-7621-041-4<br />

9 788376 210414<br />

125<br />

Worksheet 9A<br />

The houses had<br />

rooms with windows<br />

and doors and some<br />

possibly had rooms for<br />

bathing. Most houses<br />

had drains to take<br />

away the dirty water<br />

and some had wells to<br />

provide fresh water.<br />

Workbook Extra contents<br />

<strong>Revision</strong> Extra Unit 8<br />


Voices 2 © <strong>Macmillan</strong> Publishers Limited 2011<br />



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