Rose 2005 Pragmatics Synthesis.pdf - Oncourse

Rose 2005 Pragmatics Synthesis.pdf - Oncourse

Rose 2005 Pragmatics Synthesis.pdf - Oncourse


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392 K.R. <strong>Rose</strong> / System 33 (<strong>2005</strong>) 385–399<br />

Overall, however, the research provides ample evidence demonstrating the teachability<br />

of pragmatic features. But is instruction more effective than simple exposure<br />

4.2. Instruction versus exposure<br />

Instruction versus exposure studies address the issue of whether pedagogical intervention<br />

in pragmatics leads to more effective learning than no instruction, or put another<br />

way, whether instruction is better than simple exposure. These studies provide<br />

a direct means of testing SchmidtÕs (1993) noticing hypothesis: the extent to which<br />

instruction which serves to draw learnersÕ attention to the targeted features proves<br />

to be more beneficial than simple exposure to the target language is the degree to<br />

which the noticing hypothesis is supported. As with the previous group of studies,<br />

instruction in each of the studies in this group could be characterized as explicit.<br />

A wide range of learning targets is represented in this group. BillmyerÕs (1990a,b)<br />

study on the effects of instruction on compliments and compliment responses was<br />

among the earliest interventional studies. Bouton (1994a) selected the understanding<br />

of implicature as his learning target, while Lyster (1994) examined the use of French<br />

tu/vous in informal and formal contexts. Wishnoff (2000) investigated the effects of<br />

instruction in the use of hedging devices (e.g., verb choice, quantifiers, modifiers,<br />

and conditional statements) in both formal and informal texts, and YoshimiÕs<br />

(2001) study focused on the Japanese interactional markers (n desu, n desu kedo, n<br />

desu ne) which feature prominently in the production of oral narratives. The range<br />

of instructional periods is also rather wide, with WishnoffÕs two class sessions (a total<br />

of one-and-a-half hours) on one end, and YoshimiÕs 24 h of instruction spread over<br />

an entire semester at the other. Assessment procedures included multiple choice tests<br />

(Bouton, 1994a; Lyster, 1994), and production tasks that were oral (Lyster, 1994)<br />

and written (Lyster, 1994; Wishnoff, 2000; Yoshimi, 2001). Only Billmyer<br />

(1990a,b) used as a measure of instructional effects learner production in actual<br />

face-to-face interaction. It is also worth noting that only Lyster (1994) employed<br />

more than one outcome measure.<br />

Without exception, learners receiving instruction in pragmatics outperformed those<br />

who did not. BillmyerÕs (1990a,b) instructed group outperformed the controls for frequency<br />

of compliments, norm-appropriate use, spontaneity, and adjectival repertoire,<br />

and favored the response strategy of deflection as they were taught, while the control<br />

group favored acceptance. In BoutonÕs (1994a) study, the experimental group achieved<br />

results as high as those observed with previous immersion students who had spent four<br />

years living in the US, but there was no such improvement for the control group.<br />

LysterÕs (1994) experimental participants outperformed uninstructed learners on all<br />

tasks except informal oral production, for which all learners used tu appropriately.<br />

These differences remained at the time of the delayed posttest. In the case of Wishnoff<br />

(2000), while use of hedges increased for both groups, the treatment groupÕs hedging<br />

devices increased more than 5-fold – a statistically significant difference across groups.<br />

And YoshimiÕs (2001) instructed learners showed a dramatic increase in frequency of<br />

interactional markers, but no similar increase in their use by the control group was observed.<br />

Although in these studies instruction proved superior to exposure, exposure

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