Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.1

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.1

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.1


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Description: Returns information about the <strong>CMIS</strong> repository, the optional capabilities it supports and its<br />

access control information if applicable.<br /> Inputs<br />

Required:<br />

• Id repositoryId: The identifier for the repository.<br /> Outputs<br />

• Id repositoryId: The identifier for the repository.<br />

Note: This MUST be the same identifier as the input to the method.<br />

• String repositoryName: A display name for the repository.<br />

• String repositoryDescription: A display description for the repository.<br />

• String vendorName: A display name for the vendor of the repository's underlying application.<br />

• String productName: A display name for the repository's underlying application.<br />

• String product<strong>Version</strong>:<br />

application.<br />

A display name for the version number of the repository's underlying<br />

• Id rootFolderId: The id of the root folder object for the repository.<br />

• List capabilities: The set of values for the repository-optional capabilities specified<br />

in section 2.<strong>1.1</strong>.1 Optional Capabilities.<br />

• String latestChangeLogToken: The change log token corresponding to the most recent change<br />

event for any object in the repository. See section 2.<strong>1.1</strong>5 Change Log.<br />

• String cmis<strong>Version</strong>Supported: A Decimal as String that indicates what version of the <strong>CMIS</strong><br />

specification this repository supports as specified in section 2.<strong>1.1</strong>.2 Implementation Information. This<br />

value MUST be "<strong>1.1</strong>".<br />

• URI thinClientURI: A optional repository-specific URI pointing to the repository's web interface.<br />

MAY be not set.<br />

• Boolean changesIncomplete: Indicates whether or not the repository's change log can return all<br />

changes ever made to any object in the repository or only changes made after a particular point in<br />

time. Applicable when the repository's optional capability capabilityChanges is not none.<br />

– If FALSE, then the change log can return all changes ever made to every object.<br />

– If TRUE, then the change log includes all changes made since a particular point in time, but not<br />

all changes ever made.<br />

• Enum changesOnType: Indicates whether changes are available for base types in the<br />

repository. Valid values are from enumBaseObjectTypeIds. See section 2.<strong>1.1</strong>5 Change Log.<br />

– cmis:document<br />

– cmis:folder<br />

– cmis:policy<br />

– cmis:relationship<br />

– cmis:item<br />

Note: The base type cmis:secondary MUST NOT be used here. Only primary base types can be<br />

in this list.<br />

• Enum supportedPermissions: Specifies which types of permissions are supported.<br />

<strong>CMIS</strong>-v<strong>1.1</strong>-csprd01<br />

Standards Track Work Product<br />

Copyright © OASIS Open 2012. All Rights Reserved.<br />

18 August 2012<br />

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