MOVE! : ArtNetLab 2008

MOVE! : ArtNetLab 2008

MOVE! : ArtNetLab 2008


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Ana Dumbović: Prilagoditev/Adaptacija/Adaptation<br />

videoinstalacija/video installation<br />

Gosto spletena oblika se zaradi prozornosti in gibljivosti prilagaja<br />

zunanjim vplivom, kot so prostor, svetloba, barva. V različnih<br />

danostih okolice uporablja mimikrijo, tako se identificira in najde<br />

vsakokratno identiteto. Konkretni medij (skulpture) tokrat stopa v<br />

interakcijo z digitalnim, virtualnim medijem (video).<br />

The densely woven transparent and flexible form adapts to the<br />

influences of the environment, such as space, light, colour. In<br />

different circumstances it employs mimicry to identify itself and to<br />

find its ad hoc identity. The concrete medium (sculpture) is brought<br />

in interaction with the digital, the virtual one (video).<br />

Vana Gačina: TV-Nasilje/TV-Violence Interaktivna instalacija/Interactive installation<br />

Nasilje medijskih podob se stopnjuje, ko gledalec vstopi v instalacijo.<br />

The violence of the media images is accelerated, when a visitor enters the installation space.<br />

Vanja Tataj: Red garaže, Red mas, Red tapet/The Order of Garage, The Order of Masses, The Order of Wallpaper<br />

Programiranje/Coding: Rok Koren, Peter Frelih. Interaktivna instalacija/Interactive installation<br />

»Red garaže« se v tem primeru nanaša na človeško težnjo za redom, potrošnjo in kaosom, ki vodi v hedonizem, ki vodi v »red mas«; ta se<br />

nanaša na masovni turizem. Zadnji »red tapet« je pravzaprav preplet vseh redov in vkalupljenost v vse kar imamo radi in česar nimamo.<br />

“The order of garage” points in this case to the human urge for order, consumerism and commotion that leads to hedonism that<br />

in turn leads to “the order of Masses” – the mass tourism. The last “order of wallpaper” is the intertwining of all orders and the<br />

state of being moulded in everything that we love and what we hate.<br />

Hana Repše: Ženska zgodba/Women's Story<br />

Programiranje/Coding: Petra Vovk, Valter Delgiusto, Aleš Brulc. Spletna instalacija/Net installation<br />

http://www.rupnik.net/hana/woman/<br />

Gre za interaktivni projekt, kjer gledalec vstopa v prostore stanovanja povprečne ženske<br />

in s kliki na aktivna mesta ustvarja oz. vstopa v njena vsakdanja opravila, lahko pa tudi<br />

vpisuje svoja mnenja, odnos do nje in njenih različnih vlog, želje, izjave, ki se mu v tem<br />

trenutku utrinjajo… Zgodba o ženski je na nek način hommage Cindy Sherman, namen<br />

projekta pa je opozoriti na vrsto različnih vlog, ki jih sodobno življenje od posameznika<br />

zahteva. Na fotografiji je predstavljen razširjen prostor stanovanja in zajema štiri sobe:<br />

kuhinjo, hodnik, spalnico in kopalnico. Aktivne točke, gumbi, so v posameznem<br />

prostoru postavljeni na različna mesta, s klikom na njih pa vstopamo v različne poglede<br />

in opravila ženske. Gledalec v posebni vrstici vpisuje komentarje in jih virtualno pošilja,<br />

tej pa se zapišejo na sliko in tako pustijo v njenem življenju svoj pečat.<br />

Women's story is an interactive net project, where visitor can enter in different rooms of<br />

a woman’s apartment and by clicking on active points he/she can enter in her daily<br />

rituals. Visitor can also write his/her ideas, comments, describe relation to her and her<br />

life roles, whishes etc. Women’s story is homage to Cindy Sherman and project’s purpose<br />

in to shed light on different roles, which contemporary human has to enact. On the<br />

photograph we can see the expanded space of apartment, which consists of four rooms:<br />

kitchen, corridor, bedroom and bathroom. Active points, buttons, are in different rooms<br />

in different places and by pressing on them visitors can find different actions of the<br />

protagonist. In an input field the viewers can write their comments and send them to<br />

her in a virtual way – the comments will appear on the walls of her apartment.

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